HomeMy WebLinkAboutTogiak AEA Grant ApplicationCity of Togiak IV Image from Alaska Division of Community & Regional Affairs, AK Community Database Information Summaries Application for renewable Energy Fund Grant Alaska Energy Authority Round V August 2011 Contents . Application . Authorized Signers & Resolution . Budget . Letters of Support . Resumes . Supplemental Documents -Feasibility Study Renewable Energy Fond Round 5 � ALASKA K- City of Togiak 4K--j ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application SECTION 1 —APPLICANT INFORMATION Name (Name of utility, IPP, or government entity submitting proposal) City of Togiak Type of Entity: 2"d Class City Fiscal Year End: December 31 Tax ID 92-0047402 Tax Status: For -profit or tenon -profit ( check one) Mailing Address Physical Address P.O. Box 190 Same Togiak, AK 99678 Telephone Fax Email (907) 493-5065 (907) 493-5932 togiakcity@yahoo.com 1.1 APPLICANT POINT OF CONTACT I GRANTS MANAGER Name Title Darryl Thompson Togiak City Administrator Mailing Address P.O. Box 190 Togiak, AK 99678 Telephone Fax Email (907) 493-5065 (907) 493-5932 togwater@unicom-alaska.com 1.2 APPLICANT MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Please check as appropriate. If you do not to meet the minimum applicant requirements, your application will be rejected. 1.2.1 As an Applicant, we are: (put an X in the appropriate box) An electric utility holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity under AS 42.05, or An independent power producer in accordance with 3 AAC 107.695 (a) (1), or X A local government, or A governmental entity (which includes tribal councils and housing authorities); Yes 1.2.2. Attached to this application is formal approval and endorsement for its project by its board of directors, executive management, or other governing authority. If the applicant is a collaborative grouping, a formal approval from each participant's governing authority is necessary. (Indicate Yes or No in the box ) Yes 1.2.3. As an applicant, we have administrative and financial management systems and follow procurement standards that comply with the standards set forth in the grant agreement. Yes 1.2.4. If awarded the grant, we can comply with all terms and conditions of the attached grant form. (Any exceptions should be clearly noted and submitted with the application.) Yes 1.2.5 We intend to own and operate any project that may be constructed with grant funds for the benefit of the general public. AEA 12-001 Application Page 1 7/1/2011 /ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund �i ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application Round 5 SECTION 2 — PROJECT SUMMARY This is intended to be no more than a 1-2 page overview of your project. 2.1 Project Title — (Provide a 4 to 5 word title for your project) Togiak Waste Heat Recovery Project 2.2 Project Location — Include the physical location of your project and name(s) of the community or communities that will benefit from your project. Togiak is located at the head of Togiak Bay, 67 miles west of Dillingham. It lies at approximately 59.061940 North Latitude and-160.376390 West Longitude. (Sec. 12, T013S, R067W, Seward Meridian.) Togiak is located in the Bristol Bay Recording District. 2.3 PROJECT TYPE Put X in boxes as appropriate 2.3.1 Renewable Resource Type Wind Biomass or Biofuels Hydro, including run of river Transmission of Renewable Energy Geothermal, including Heat Pumps Small Natural Gas X Heat Recovery from existing sources Hydrokinetic Solar X Storage of Renewable Other (Describe) 2.3.2 Proposed Grant Funded Phase(s) for this Request (Check all that apply) Reconnaissance X Design and Permitting Feasibility X Construction and Commissioning Conceptual Design 2.4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Provide a brief one paragraph description of your proposed project. This project will provide a heat recovery system to support the heating requirements of five City - operated and owned buildings in Togiak. The objective of this project is to reduce the consumption of expensive heating fuel by utilizing available recovered heat. There are several community buildings within a 500 foot radius of the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) power plant, offering an excellent opportunity to capture a maximum amount of waste heat from the plant for hydronic heating. A detailed Heat Recovery Analysis was completed for the City of Togiak and Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) in June 2010 by Alaska Energy and Engineering, Inc. (Report Attached). The findings and preferred alternatives developed by this analysis will be used as the basis for the project proposed in this application. The proposed project will design and construct a heat recovery system between the AVEC power plant and the following end -user community buildings: 1) Water treatment Plant, 2) Clinic, 3) Police Station, 4) City Office, and 5) "Old School" Community Activity Building. The new system will capture jacket water heat generated by the AVEC plant that is currently wasted to the AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 2 7/1H2011 /44KEDD ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Round 5 atmosphere by power plant radiators. The recovered heat will be transferred by insulated glycol piping to the end -users. The new system will tie into the end -users' heating systems using heat exchangers, control mechanisms and any required upgrades to the existing building hydronic systems. 2.5 PROJECT BENEFIT Briefly discuss the financial and public benefits that will result from this project, (such as reduced fuel costs, lower energy costs, etc.) From the 2010 Heat Recovery Analysis, the total estimated fuel savings realized by implementing the proposed heat recovery system is 13,700 gallons per year. With a 2011 local heating oil price of $6.18 per gallon, the estimated savings in terms of heating costs to end -users is $84,666 per year. The following is a summary of annual fuel use and estimated and estimated heat utilization in equivalent gallons of fuel for each building: Facility Estimated Annual Estimated Heat A' Fuel Use Gallons Delivered Gallt�ns -Water Plant 2500 2050 Clinic 2000 1650 Police Station 1200 1000 City Office 1000 800 Old School 10000 8200 Total 16700 13700 Does not account for peak DHW loads This project will significantly lower the operating cost of the five City -operated facilities listed above, and save many thousands of gallons of fuel oil during its design life. In addition, the expectation of escalating fuel oil costs will almost certainly increase savings over time. Reducing O&M costs directly benefits the sustainability of these facility and the important public services they provide to Togiak residents. 2.6 PROJECT BUDGET OVERVIEW Briefly discuss the amount of funds needed, the anticipated sources of funds, and the nature and source of other contributions to the project. Design and construction of the proposed heat recovery project is estimated at $486,180, which includes $36,000 for design services and $450,180 for construction activities. The total amount of funding requested from AEA to support this project is $443,030. To support this project $43,150 will be provided as in -kind contributions from the City of Togiak and the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. The City of Togiak has pledged to provide $25,000 as an in -kind equipment rental contribution, as well as $6,000 in local administration and management services during the course of the project. ANTHC will provide contract administration and project management services for the project at an estimated value of 2.5% of the overall project cost, or $12,150. AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 3 7/1H2011 /441V?�) AENELASKA Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Round 5 2.7 COST AND BENEFIT SUMARY Include a summary of grant request and your project's total costs and benefits below. Grant Costs (Summary of funds requested) 2.7.1 Grant Funds Requested in this application. $443,030 2.7.2 Other Funds to be provided (Project match) $43,150 2.7.3 Total Grant Costs (sum of 2.7.1 and 2.7.2) $486 180 Project Costs & Benefits (Summary of total project costs including work to date and future cost estimates to get to a fully operational project) 2.7.4 Total Project Cost (Summary from Cost Worksheet $486,180 including estimates through construction) 2.7.5 Estimated Direct Financial Benefit (Savings) $84,6661 Yr 2.7.6 Other Public Benefit (If you can calculate the benefit in $ 2.54 Million terms of dollars please provide that number here and Fuel reduction savings explain how you calculated that number in your application over 30-year design life of (Section 5.) the system SECTION 3 — PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN Describe who will be responsible for managing the project and provide a plan for successfully completing the project within the scope, schedule and budget proposed in the application. 3.1 Project Manager Tell us who will be managing the project for the Grantee and include contact information, a resume and references for the manager(s). If the applicant does not have a project manager indicate how you intend to solicit project management support. If the applicant expects project management assistance from AEA or another government entity, state that in this section. This project will be managed by the ANTHC Department of Environmental Health and Engineering (DEHE). The assigned project manager is: Eric Hanssen, P.E., LEED AP Engineering Project Manager 1901 Bragaw Street, Suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99508 Phone: (907) 729-3620 E-mail: echanssenganthc.org 3.2 Project Schedule Include a schedule for the proposed work that will be funded by this grant. (You may include a chart or table attachment with a summary of dates below.) If award of this grant request is successful, the project will proceed according to the following schedule: • November 2012 Establish Design Contract • December 2012 Start Design • April 2013 Completion of design AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 4 7/1H2011 ALASM Renewable Energy Fund /i ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application Round 5 • May 2013 Establish Construction Contract • June 2013 Procurement of Construction Materials • July 2013 Start Construction • October 2013 Completion of Construction, Commissioning of Heat Recovery System • March 2014 Completion of Final Report and Project Close Out 3.3 Project Milestones Define key tasks and decision points in your project and a schedule for achieving them. The Milestones must also be included on your budget worksheet to demonstrate how you propose to manage the project cash flow. (See Section 2 of the RFA or the Budget Form.) Adhering to the schedule listed in 3.2 is the timeline and major milestones. Reporting required by term design and construction contractors will track on -going completion of design and construction. A schedule of values will be provided with this project which documents expenditures and completion of milestones as well as project percent completion. 3.4 Project Resources Describe the personnel, contractors, equipment, and services you will use to accomplish the project. Include any partnerships or commitments with other entities you have or anticipate will be needed to complete your project. Describe any existing contracts and the selection process you may use for major equipment purchases or contracts. Include brief resumes and references for known, key personnel, contractors, and suppliers as an attachment to your application. The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) supports Togiak's efforts to implement a renewable energy project to improve community sustainability. ANTHC's Division of Environmental Health and Engineering (DEHE) has extensive resources to directly support this grant application and implement AEA -awarded grant projects. ANTHC/DEHE offers a complete range of in-house engineering and project management services for project planning, contract administration, project commissioning, and technical support. Design for this project will be completed by the Regional Corporation's professional engineering services firm, Bristol Engineering Services Corporation. Mechanical and electrical components of design will be completed by appropriately qualified subcontractors. Bristol has an established term contract for engineering services with both ANTHC and the City of Togiak, which meets compliance with applicable federal and state procurement regulations and allows for a streamlined contract award process. In addition, Togiak has worked extensively with Bristol to complete design of multiple sanitation facility projects over the past several years. The most recent design effort for Togiak—Water Treatment Plant Renovations —was recently completed by Bristol and is planned for construction in 2012. Bristol has coordinated closely with Togiak concerning their plan to complete a heat recovery system, and has included provisions for heat recovery components in the new Water Treatment Plant design. Construction for this project will be completed via procurement of contracted construction management (CM) services. Summit Consulting Services, Inc. is established as a term contractor with ANTHC and the City of Togiak and is available to provide CM services for the proposed heat recovery project. Summit has a well established relationship with Togiak as they have completed construction projects for Togiak in the past and are currently under contract to complete construction of the Water Treatment Plant renovation project in 2012. For the proposed heat recovery project, Summit will provide a qualified superintendent, specialty trades AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 7/1H2011 /44F�) ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund i ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application Round 5 personnel (i.e., electricians, plumbers, and mechanics) and will hire local labors to complete construction. ANTHC supports projects after construction through dedicated Federally funded programs to provide technical assistance and support for operations of constructed facilities such as water plants, clinics, community -wide water and sewer systems, etc. ANTHC support personnel skillfully troubleshoot issues and assist local operators and owners to ensure long-term system sustainability. 3.5 Project Communications Discuss how you plan to monitor the project and keep the Authority informed of the status. Darryl Thompson, City Administrator for Togiak, will act as the primary point of contact for the City of Togiak and will oversee design and construction contracts jointly with ANTHC. Eric Hanssen, P.E. will be the point of contact from ANTHC for establishing and managing design and construction contacts. Requests for reimbursement will include detailed financial reports, project narrative updates, and when appropriate photos of construction progress. Reimbursement requests and project narratives updates will be provided on a monthly basis with allowance for construction shut down during breaks in the construction season. 3.6 Project Risk Discuss potential problems and how you would address them. Recovered heat projects are low risk, the technology and implementation are well proven in rural Alaska. Excavation work involved in installation of buried heat recovery pipe has associated risk based on unknown soil conditions. Potential problematic subsurface conditions could include archaeological findings, contaminated soils or permafrost conditions. There is some risk associated with this design/construction effort until additional information on soil conditions is known. There is some risk the actual cost of the project may exceed the current estimate depending on the results of the field work and design effort. If this should this occur, the design can be value - engineered to ensure construction of a beneficial project that remains within budget. SECTION 4 — PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND TASKS • Tell us what the project is and how you will meet the requirements outlined in Section 2 of the RFA. • The level of information will vary according to phase(s) of the project you propose to undertake with grant funds. • If you are applying for grant funding for more than one phase of a project provide a plan and grant budget form for completion of each phase. • If some work has already been completed on your project and you are requesting funding for an advanced phase, submit information sufficient to demonstrate that the preceding phases are satisfied and funding for an advanced phase is warranted. AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 6 7/1//2011 A L A S K A Renewable Energy Fund /41F--) ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application Round 5 4.1 Proposed Energy Resource Describe the potential extent/amount of the energy resource that is available. Discuss the pros and cons of your proposed energy resource vs. other alternatives that may be available for the market to be served by your project. The proposed energy resource information is identified in the June 2010 Togiak Heat Recovery Study by Alaska Energy and Engineering, Inc. (Attached). According to the study, the proposed heat recovery system will displace an estimated 13,700 gallons of heating fuel, which represents 82% of the fuel required to heat five City -owned buildings. 4.2 Existing Energy System 4.2.1 Basic configuration of Existing Energy System Briefly discuss the basic configuration of the existing energy system. Include information about the number, size, age, efficiency, and type of generation. The five buildings to be served by the proposed heat recovery system are hydronically heated by fuel oil fired boilers. Recovered waste heat will be supplied by the existing diesel engine driven electrical generator plant operated by AVEC. The AVEC power plant includes the following diesel generators: Engine Make Engine Model KW Rating Total Engine Hours CMS QSX15 G9 499 21,225 CAT 34121200 350 65,183 CMS K38G21800 824 33,530 Please see the attached Heat Recovery Study for additional system details. 4.2.2 Existing Energy Resources Used Briefly discuss your understanding of the existing energy resources. Include a brief discussion of any impact the project may have on existing energy infrastructure and resources. The five existing City facilities use a total of 16,700 gallons of diesel fuel per year for heating (See breakdown by building in Section 2.5). This project will reduce the fuel usage by 13,700 gallons per year. The current fuel cost of $6.18/gal will likely increase over time. No negative impacts to existing infrastructure are expected as a result of this project. 4.3.2 Land Ownership Identify potential land ownership issues, including whether site owners have agreed to the project or how you intend to approach land ownership and access issues. No land ownership issues are anticipated with this project. Affected property is held by the City of Togiak for each of the five facilities to be served under this project and by AVEC for the Power Plant property. Existing rights of way are recorded for the property affected by this proj ect. AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 7 7/1//2011 /441F)�, ALASHKA Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Round 5 4.3.3 Permits Provide the following information as it may relate to permitting and how you intend to address outstanding permit issues. • List of applicable permits • Anticipated permitting timeline • Identify and discussion of potential barriers The permits required for this effort will be determined during the design phase of the project. Permits that are typical for heat recovery construction include: Potential Activity Environmental Agency Permit Timeline Impact Construction of Historic State Historic SHPO April 2013 heat recovery preservation Preservation Office concurrence transmission line (SHPO) Construction of Wetlands US Army Corps of Nationwide April 2013 heat recovery Engineers (USACE) permit transmission line 4.3.4 Environmental Address whether the following environmental and land use issues apply, and if so how they will be addressed: • Threatened or Endangered species • Habitat issues • Wetlands and other protected areas • Archaeological and historical resources • Land development constraints • Telecommunications interference • Aviation considerations • Visual, aesthetics impacts • Identify and discuss other potential barriers ANTHC will consider all potential environmental concerns associated with this project. ANTHC has extensive experience using the comprehensive Indian Health Service (IHS) environmental review procedures for conducting environmental analyses of all health and sanitation facilities projects in all stages of development, as outlined in the IHS Environmental Review Manual issued in January 2007. During the design stage, consultations will be conducted with applicable federal and state agencies. Environmental agency and tribal consultations and the analyses of potential environmental impacts and benefits will be compiled and documented in the environmental reviews and permit applications as the projects progress into design and towards construction. All federal and state approvals and applicable permits must be obtained prior to the initiation of construction activities. AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 8 7/1//2011 /�G` ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund 4�) ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application Round 5 4.4 Proposed New System Costs and Projected Revenues (Total Estimated Costs and Projected Revenues) The level of cost information provided will vary according to the phase of funding requested and any previous work the applicant may have done on the project. Applicants must reference the source of their cost data. For example: Applicants Records or Analysis, Industry Standards, Consultant or Manufacturer's estimates. 4.4.1 Project Development Cost Provide detailed project cost information based on your current knowledge and understanding of the project. Cost information should include the following: • Total anticipated project cost, and cost for this phase • Requested grant funding • Applicant matching funds — loans, capital contributions, in -kind • Identification of other funding sources • Projected capital cost of proposed renewable energy system • Projected development cost of proposed renewable energy system • Total anticipated project cost, and cost for this phase: $486,180 • Requested grant funding: $443,030 • Applicant matching funds — loans, capital contributions, in -kind: $43,150 • Identification of other funding sources: City of Togiak Equipment Rental Contribution @ $25,000 + City of Togiak Admin Services Contribution @ $6,000 + ANTHC Project Management Contribution @ $12,150 = $43,150 • Projected capital cost of proposed renewable energy ystem (Construction): $450,180 • Projected development cost of proposed system (Design): $36,000 4.4.2 Project Operating and Maintenance Costs Include anticipated O&M costs for new facilities constructed and how these would be funded by the applicant. (Note: Operational costs are not eligible for grant funds however grantees are required to meet ongoing reporting requirements for the purpose of reporting impacts of projects on the communities they serve.) Annual O&M costs of the new heat recovery system are estimated at $1,500. This cost will be funded by the City of Togiak as part of their community operating budget. Required system O&M will be carried out by trained local operators, with the option of outsourcing to private contract labor if necessary. 4.4.3 Power Purchase/Sale The power purchase/sale information should include the following: • Identification of potential power buyer(s)/customer(s) • Potential power purchase/sales price - at a minimum indicate a price range • Proposed rate of return from grant -funded project A Heat Sales Agreement will be required between AVEC and the City of Togiak to define the parties' responsibilities, the cost of recovered heat, and to authorize the renovation of the power plant heat recovery equipment. Based on existing Heat Sales Agreements in other AVEC communities, this price can range from zero to 50% of the going local fuel price. Actual pricing will be determined when a Heat Sales Agreement is established. AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 9 7/1//2011 ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund /41C_; ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application Round 5 4.4.4 Project Cost Worksheet Complete the cost worksheet form which provides summary information that will be considered in evaluating the project. See attached. SECTION 5— PROJECT BENEFIT Explain the economic and public benefits of your project. Include direct cost savings, and how the people of Alaska will benefit from the project. The benefits information should include the following: • Potential annual fuel displacement (gal and $) over the lifetime of the evaluated renewable energy project • Anticipated annual revenue (based on i.e. a Proposed Power Purchase Agreement price, RCA tariff, or cost based rate) • Potential additional annual incentives (i.e. tax credits) • Potential additional annual revenue streams (i.e. green tag sales or other renewable energy subsidies or programs that might be available) • Discuss the non -economic public benefits to Alaskans over the lifetime of the project • 13,700 gal diesel fuel displaced by proposed heat recovery system • $84,666 in fuel costs displaced annually (Based on August 2011 local diesel pricing) • 411,000 gallons and $2.54 Million in reduced fuel usage over 30-year design life of the system • $12,700 annual reduction in water/sewer service costs estimated for Togiak residents, which will translate to lower sanitation service fees for local customers • Any revenues from recovered heat sales will enable AVEC to reduce Togiak's fuel cost charge • Non -monetary benefits include: o the ability to provide affordable clean water and sanitation services to community residents o a decreased reliance on fuel for heating o a decreased community diesel combustion emissions SECTION 6— SUSTAINABILITY Discuss your plan for operating the completed project so that it will be sustainable. Include at a minimum: • Proposed business structure(s) and concepts that may be considered. • How you propose to finance the maintenance and operations for the life of the project • Identification of operational issues that could arise. • A description of operational costs including on -going support for any back-up or existing systems that may be require to continue operation • Commitment to reporting the savings and benefits The AVEC power plant will continue to be operated as it is with no measurable increase in cost or effort. The community owned buildings tied to the heat recovery system will continue to operate AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 10 7/1//2011 �; ALASHKA Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Round 5 in the current condition. The cost for fuel will be reduced by an estimated $13,700 per year. There is very low costs of maintenance required for the proposed waste heat recovery system and the minimal maintenance will be offset by major maintenance savings in operation of the five City buildings. The City of Togiak has a long track record of conducting high -quality operations and maintenance (O&M), as well as business administration for existing City facilities. Required system O&M will be carried out by trained local operators, with the option of outsourcing to private contract labor if necessary. O&M costs will be funded by the City of Togiak as part of their community operating budget. In addition, the Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation (BBAHC) Rural Maintenance Worker (RMW) program will continue to provide technical assistance to the local water treatment plant operator including a commitment to monitoring and reporting the savings and benefit offered by this project. SECTION 7 — READINESS & COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER GRANTS Discuss what you have done to prepare for this award and how quickly you intend to proceed with work once your grant is approved. Tell us what you may have already accomplished on the project to date and identify other grants that may have been previously awarded for this project and the degree you have been able to meet the requirements of previous grants. As described in Section 3.4 of this application, term contracts for both design and construction are established for projects in Togiak, enabling quick execution of the proposed heat recovery project. In addition, a construction crew will be mobilized in Togiak during summer 2012 to conduct work on a water treatment plant renovation project. This same crew can complete the proposed heat recovery project, greatly reducing mobilization and construction management costs through economies of scale. Projected design and construction schedules are included in Section 3.2 of this application. Design for the water treatment plant renovations currently includes details for heat recovery components in the new Water Treatment Plant. SECTION 8— LOCAL SUPORT Discuss what local support or possible opposition there may be regarding your project. Include letters of support from the community that would benefit from this project. This heat recovery project is actively promoted by Traditional Village of Togiak and the Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation (BBAHC), as evidenced by the attached letters of support to this application. There is no known opposition to this project. AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 11 7/1H2011 �ME-, AENELASHORITY KA Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Round 5 SECTION 9 — GRANT BUDGET Tell us how much you want in grant funds Include any investments to date and funding sources, how much is being requested in grant funds, and additional investments you will make as an applicant. Include an estimate of budget costs by milestones using the form — GrantBudget5.doc The total design and construction budget for the proposed project is $486,180, of which $443,030 is requested as grant funding and $43,150 is to be provided as contributions from the City of Togiak and ANTHC. See Attached Grant Budget Form for a detailed list of budget line items. AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 12 7/1//2011 ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund Round 5 ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application SECTION 10 — ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION AND CERTIFICATION SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICATION: A. Contact information, resumes of Applicant's Project Manager, key staff, partners, consultants, and suppliers per application form Section 3.1 and 3.4. Applicants are asked to separate resumes submitted with applications, if the individuals do not want their resumes posted. B. Cost Worksheet per application form Section 4.4.4. C. Grant Budget Form per application form Section 9. D. Letters demonstrating local support per application form Section 8. E. An electronic version of the entire application on CD per RFA Section 1.7. F. Authorized Signers Form. G. Governing Body Resolution or other formal action taken by the applicant's governing body or management per RFA Section 1.4 that: - Commits the organization to provide the matching resources for project at the match amounts indicated in the application. - Authorizes the individual who signs the application has the authority to commit the organization to the obligations under the grant. - Provides as point of contact to represent the applicant for purposes of this application. - Certifies the applicant is in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local, laws including existing credit and federal tax obligations. H. CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifies that this application for a renewable energy grant is truthful and correct, and that the applicant is in compliance with, and will continue to comply with, all federal and state laws including existing credit and federal tax obligations and that they can indeed commit the entity to these obligations. Print Name Signature Title C7, , Date 11 AEA 12-001 Application Page 1 of 1 7/1/2011 Resolution Grant Documents Authorized Signers Please clearly print or type all sections of this form. Community/Grantee Name: C Regular Election is held- Date: Authorized Grant Signer(s): Printed Name Title Term Signature _ ` I authorize the above person(s) to sign Grant Documents: (Highest ranking organization/community/municipal official) Printed Name Title Term Signature Grantee Contact Information: 0 Mailing Address ?, c. BoAc lqo Phone Number: 10-1 _ I c LSV Fax Number: C10-4113_T q,. E-mail Address: Fiscal Year End: n ___)612 Entity Type (For -profit or non-profit status): v .-_P , V Federal Tax ID #: Please submit an updated form whenever there is a change to the above information. Please return the original completed form to: Alaska Energy Authority 813 W. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99503 Attn: Butch White, Grants Administrator "- 9= ENERGY AUTHORITY CAUsersDarryi 574-16-1050\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.) E5\6108ECE3\Togiak_Heat_Recovery_AEA_Grant_Documents_Signers_Sheet.doc Council Resolution for Alaska Energy Authority Funding Renewable Energy City of Togiak RESOLUTION I I - ®g A Resolution requesting Funding from the Alaska Energy Authority, Alaska Renewable Energy Fund and commitment by the City of Togiak WHEREAS: The City of Togiak, hereinafter called the Council, is a governing body in the City of Togiak, Alaska, and WHEREAS: The Alaska Energy Authority, hereinafter called AEA, may provide assistance necessary to help address the energy needs of our community WHEREAS: The Council desires to seek and utilize renewable sources of energy in order to lower costs for residents while making our community more economically viable and sustainable into the future in order to guarantee our way of life for current and future generations WHEREAS: The Council authorizes the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium to work with The City of Togiak to develop, implement and manage the project for which we are seeking funding from AEA BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Council grants authority to the individual signing this resolution to commit The City of Togiak to obligations under the grant BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; The City of Togiak is in compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws including existing credit and federal tax obligation BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that ANTHC is hereby authorized through a Cooperative Project Agreement to negotiate, execute, and administer any and all documents, contracts, expenditures and agreements as required for the City of Togiak and managing funds on behalf of this entity, including any subsequent amendments to said agreements. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Council hereby authorizes ANTHC or its representatives to enter upon or cross community land for the purposes of assisting the Council in carrying out this project. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the Council is composed of % members of who '7 , constituting a QUORUM were present and that the foregoing resolution was PASSED AND APPROVED by the Council this day of 6j41 , 2011. Vote: I Yeas 0 Nays Signed AI Aw President 7- ATTEST: Council Member Budget J CD 0 CD t0 00 O O O a0o O Ln C6 O �- 0 co 't o co co co N C4 r It ER Ef} ER rba EFJ Ga EF? V> ff? Ci} ER L C E , N M {6 C C ccL dN 0 E m 0:8 CD Q Q LU Q Q M- C O *, U)Y O M .b +0 m Y cB Y m m •6) Y .2 Y m U. C y i6 O O O 0� U ~ U ~U ~ Um N 2 1 02 2 02 ,0 0 ,O 02 ,O 0 2 !0 Z Z Z Z >'~ ~ U Q UQ Q UQ UUQ UQ UQ LT c t t6 y CD 3 d U. 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Z z Z N� �.:� W 0 W uU uU LU � W W (� v� U �1 v W L) a u zi V U U V O O O 00 O O O O O N O O N O L O Cfl co g co io 00) d' cf? ffl e6l 64 6% e4 fA 64 O O CD 0 CD CD to O O O r cfl O L Ui vj Oo O O CD CD �0." d O O O O C CO O O O m cl sf fA 64 69 69 � 64 to z 0 .L O V m ) N � o J 0 pT 06 5 Q .� w cn N 06 L c0 2 W U m 3 U O U U CD U O 7 L O U L i 6 J a h 0 c O C) U L �L+ cn C O U C (6 C C L Q) n 0) co U C CCf N U a) L O 4- O N L O O O ca L Q a) -o a) _0 1: cn U (0 C O _L O =5 C O Q to (Q �c O O U Q Q MOO w /ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund Round 5 - Togiak GIL--) ENERGY AUTHORITY Project Cost/Benefit Worksheet Please note that some fields might not be applicable for all technologies or all project phases. The level of information detail varies according to phase requirements. 1. Renewable Energy Source The Applicant should demonstrate that the renewable energy resource is available on a sustainable basis. Annual average resource availability The June 2010 Heat Recovery Study includes a "Heat Recovery Utilization Analysis," which shows that the equivalent of 13,700 gallons in heating oil from power plant waste heat will be available annually. This resource will be available as long as electrical power is locally produced by engine driven generators at the power plant. Unit depends on project type (e.g. windspeed, hydropower output, biomasss fuel) 2. Existing Energy Generation and Usage a) Basic configuration (if system is part of the Railbelt' grid, leave this section blank) i. Number of generators/boilers/other 3 Generators ii. Rated capacity of generators/boilers/other iii. Generator/boilers/other type iv. Age of generators/boilers/other v. Efficiency of generators/boilers/other 499 KW, 350KW, and 824 KW Diesel Engine Driven Generators 21,225, 65,183, and 33,530 Total Engine Hours Estimated 940 Btu/kW-h in waste heat produced by generators; Estimated 75% efficiency used for existing boilers. b) Annual O&M cost (if system is part of the Railbelt grid, leave this section blank) i. Annual O&M cost for labor Information not available from AVEC ii. Annual O&M cost for non -labor Information not available from AVEC c) Annual electricity production and fuel usage (fill in as applicable) (if system is part of the Railbelt grid, leave this section blank) i. Electricity [kWh] 2,667,102 kW-h (source: AVEC) ii. Fuel usage Diesel [gal] 188,198 gal/yr (source: AVEC) Other iii. Peak Load 590 KWh (source: AVEC) iv. Average Load 332 KWh (source: AVEC) v. Minimum Load 286 KWh (source: AVEC) vi. Efficiency 30% (assumed) vii. Future trends Upward trend in electricity usage d) Annual heating fuel usage (fill in as applicable) i. Diesel [gal or MMBtu] 16,700 gal/yr for 5 buildings 1 The Railbelt grid connects all customers of Chugach Electric Association, Homer Electric Association, Golden Valley Electric Association, the City of Seward Electric Department, Matanuska Electric Association and Anchorage Municipal Light and Power. RFA AEA12-001 Application Cost Worksheet Page 1 7-1-11 ��. ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund Round 5 - Togiak ENERGY AUTHORITY Project Cost/Benefit Worksheet ii. Electricity [kWh] iii. Propane [gal or MMBtu] iv. Coal [tons or MMBtu] v. Wood [cords, green tons, dry tons] vi. Other a) Proposed renewable capacity 183.88 MMBtu in available waste heat (equivalent to 13,700 (Wind, Hydro, Biomass, other) in heating fuel) [kW or MMBtu/hr] b) Proposed annual electricity or heat production (fill in as applicable) i. Electricity [kWh] ii. Heat [MMBtu] 183.88 MMBtu (equivalent to 13,700 in heating fuel) c) Proposed annual fuel usage (fill in as applicable) i. Propane [gal or MMBtu] ii. Coal [tons or MMBtu] iii. Wood [cords, green tons, dry tons] iv. Other 3000 gal/yr of Heating Oil (down from 16,700 gal/yr before heat recovery) a) Total capital cost of new system $450,180 b) Development cost $36,000 c) Annual O&M cost of new system $1,500 d) Annual fuel cost N/A 5. Project Benefits a) Amount of fuel displaced for i. Electricity ii. Heat 13,700 gal/yr iii. Transportation b) Current price of displaced fuel $6.18/gal (August 2011 local heating oil price) c) Other economic benefits 411,000 gallons and $2.54 Million (2011 dollars) in reduced fuel usage over 30-year design life of system. Also, $12,700 annual reduction in water/sewer service costs estimated for Togiak residents, which will translate to lower sanitation service fees for local customers d) Alaska public benefits Non -monetary benefits include the ability to provide affordable clean water and sanitation services to RFA AEA12-001 Application Cost Worksheet Page 2 7-1-11 /dwE2. ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund Round 5 - Togiak MR--D ENERGY AUTHORITY Project Cost/Benefit Worksheet community residents, a decreased reliance on fuel for heating, and a decreased community diesel combustion emissions 6. Power Purchase/Sales Price a) Price for power purchase/sale Actual pricing will be determined when a formal Heat Sales Agreement is established between AVEC and the City of Togiak. Based on existing Heat Sales Agreements for other AVEC communities, this price can range from zero to 50% of the going fuel price. 7. Project Analysis a) Basic Economic Analysis Project benefit/cost ratio Payback (years) 3.06 based on AEA Economic Analysis Spreadsheet ($486,180 total project cost) / ($84,666 annual fuel savings - $1500 O&M cost) = 5.85 year payback RFA AEA12-001 Application Cost Worksheet Page 3 7-1-11 8 Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Division of Environmental Health and Engineering 1901 Bragaw Street • Suite 200 • Anchorage, AK 99508-3440 • Phone: (907) 729-3600 • Fax: (907) 729-4090 • www.anthc.org August 19, 2011 The Honorable James Forbes Mayor, City of Togiak P.O. Box 190 Togiak, AK 99678 Dear Mayor Forbes: Re: Letter of Commitment for matching funds to a proposal for Alaska Energy Authority, Renewable Energy Funds Round V. It is with pleasure that the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC), Division of Environmental Health and Engineering (DEHE) is partnering with the City of Togiak in your proposed project to the Renewable Energy Fund of the Alaska Energy Authority. Togiak's proposal for a Heat Recovery Design and Construction project is one of exceptional importance to the future energy needs of your community and one that ANTHC DEHE fully supports. In support of your, project ANTHC DEHE will commit $12,150 as an in -kind match in the form of project management services. The matching funds will be tracked and reported to you, as required for purposes of quarterly reporting to the Alaska Energy Authority, in the event that they award you the project. We wish you every success on your proposal and look forward to working with you on this important project. Sincerely, ��Umtnk_ Steven M. Weaver, P.E. Senior Director Traditional Village of Togiak P.O. Box 310 Togiak, AK 99678-0310 Phone: 909-493-5003 Fax: 907-493-5005 E-mail: tuyurak@starband.net Web: http://www.bbna.com James Forbes, Mayor City of Togiak P.O. Box 190 Togiak, AK 99678 Dear Mayor Forbes: Re: Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), Renewable Energy Grant Prograin The Traditional Village of Togiak is pleased to support the City of Togiak in this proposal for the AEA, Renewable Energy Grant Program for a heat recovery system. Currently, our community's water treatment and distribution system requires a significant amount of fuel each year for operation. The proposed renewable energy grant that you are applying for will pave the way for design and construction of a heat recovery system that will bring significant benefits to our community. Given the extremely high cost of fuel in rural Alaska, this project is one of Togiak's top priorities. A future heat recovery system will dramatically reduce energy costs related to our community's water system based on the reduced dependence on fuel oil for heating. In addition, the anticipated operational savings will allow for lower utility fees and a reduced cost of living for Togiak's residents. For these reasons, we fully support the City's efforts in pursuing this funding opportunity. Moses Kritz, President Traditional Village of Togiak Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation 6000 Kanakanak Road P.O. Box 130 The Honorable James Forbes Dillingham, AK 99576 (907) 842-5201 Mayor, City Of Togiak 800-478-5201 pQ Box 190 FAX (907) 842-9354 B• t 1. A Togiak, Alaska 99678 ns o ay rea Health Corporation is a tribal organization representing 34 Dear Mayor Forbes: villages in Southwest Alaska: Aleknagik Re: Togiak Heat Recovery Alternative Energy Project August 18, 2011 Chignik Bay Chignik Lagoon I want to offer my full support of your effort to develop power plant waste heat recovery in Chignik Lake the community of Togiak under the Alaska Energy Authority Renewable Energy Fund Clark's Point program. In particular, I would like emphasize the importance of your endeavor to focus Dillingham new renewable energy on the delivery of basic water and sewer services. EEkukc Togiak's water and sewer system is critical to disease prevention and to maintaining an Ekwok acceptable quality of life for community residents. The cost of providing clean community - drinking water and adequate sanit Goodnews Bay q ary sewer service has been increasing exponentially across rural Alaska during the past several years as a result of increasing fiiel prices. Without the Igi�g;g development of renewable energy by these basic sanitation services may become economically Iliamna unaffordable to Togiak residents in the near future. Ivanof Bay Kanatak Development of renewable energy sources, such as recovered heat, will act to directly offset King Salmon rising fuel prices and will go a long way to ensuring that Togiak's operating costs are Knugank sustainable into the future. In addition, directing newly harnessed energy toward the delivery Kokhanok of basic sanitary services is an effective way of ensuring that critical health benefits are not Koliganek foregone should fuel prices escalate in the future. Levelock Manokotak Please let me know how I can be of further assistance as you woric to develop renewable Naknek energy in the name of providing affordable water and sewer services to your community, New Stuyahok Feel free to contact me at (907) 842-3396. Newhalen Nondalton Pedro Bay Perryville Sincerely, Pilot Point Platinum (' Port Heiden Portage Creek Jr nnifer Skarada South Naknek Environmental Health Specialist Togiak Bristol Bay Area Health Corp Twin Hills Ugashik To promote health with competence, a Caring attitude & cultural sensitivity AVEC'�� August 23, 2011 James M. Forbes City of Togiak P.O. Box 190 Togiak, AK 99678 Regarding: Letter of Support for the Waste Heat Partial Design and Construction Project in Togiak Honorable Mayor Forbes; Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. (AVEC) understands the City of Togiak and the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) are working to prepare a grant application to help provide funding for design and construction of a waste heat project. We understand this project will help to improve the quality of life for our residents and commercial customers. We support the investigation of this project and will work with the City of Togiak to help move this endeavor forward. AVEC will also work with ANTHC to ensure any future construction project would be able to connect and operate in conjunction to the existing power generation system in Togiak. AVEC supports this development and is pleased to provide this letter in support of this grant application. Sincerely, Meera Kohler President and CEO 4831 EAGLE STREET * ANCHORAGE, ALASKA * PHONE (907) 561-1818 * FAX (907) 562-4086 Resumes IN5 TOGIAK, ALASKA HEAT RECOVERY STUDY PREPARED FOR: ALASKA NATIVE TRIBAL HEALTH CONSORTIUM Project ANTHC-09-P52187 PREPARED BY: Alaska Energy and Engineeringg, Inc. Mailing Address - P.O. Box 111405 Anchorage, AK 99511-1405 (907) 349-0100, 349-8001 FAX June 20, 2010 ANTHC-Togiak Heat Recovery Analysis June 20, 2010 Alaska Energy and Engineering EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Five community facilities in Togiak were evaluated for heat recovery potential. Total estimated annual heating fuel use of these facilities is approximately 16,700-gallons. Estimated fuel savings realized by implementing a heat recovery system is 13,700- gallons. The estimated cost for the heat recovery project is $486,180. The simple payback based on a fuel cost of $5.00/gallon is 7.1-years. Alaska Energy and Engineering, Inc. was retained by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) to review the feasibility of providing available recovered heat from the existing AVEC power plant to the existing water plant and adjacent community buildings in Togiak, and provide a budgetary project cost estimate based on Force Account Construction, including Design Engineering and Construction Administration. There is an existing heat recovery system in Togiak that used to provide recovered heat to the old Togiak school (old school). The heat recovery system has been out of service for several years, since a new school was constructed at a remote location and the existing school facilities were abandoned and partially demolished. The City has taken over the remaining school facilities and is in the process of renovating them for community use. For purposes of this report, it has been assumed that the existing heat recovery equipment at the power plant will be modified including refurbishing or replacing the existing heat exchanger and installing new circulating pumps. Additional assumptions have been made in the development of this report including but not limited to the proposed arctic piping route, building heating loads, and flow rates and pressure drops of the existing power plant cooling system and heat exchanger. It is anticipated that refinements in arctic pipe size and routing, pump and heat exchanger sizing, and other design elements will be required as the project progresses to final design. Available as -built information was obtained from the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) regarding the existing generation equipment and power plant heat loads. End -user annual fuel use was obtained from a variety of sources, including the City and engineering estimates. No site visits were made to confirm accuracy of information obtained. f+ [�Gly/ 4AN 1 The purpose of this study is to provide an estimate of the heat that can be recovered from the jacket water of the AVEC power plant diesel engines and used to offset heating oil consumption at the nearby public buildings. Useable recovered heat is quantified in gallons of heating fuel saved using a gross heating value of 134,000 BTU per gallon of #1 arctic diesel fuel and an overall boiler efficiency of 75% for a net heating value of 100,000 BTU per gallon. There are several community buildings within a 500-foot radius of the AVEC power plant. This analysis evaluates the potential to provide recovered heat to the Clinic, Police Station, City Office, Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and old school. The estimated average annual heating fuel consumption for the five end -user's is as follows: Clinic is 2000-gallons, Police Station is 1200-gallons, City Office is 1000- gallons, Water Treatment Plant (WTP) is 2500-gallons, and the old school is 10000- gallons. The combined estimated annual fuel use of the five facilities is 16,700-gallons. ANTHC-Togiak Heat Recovery Analysis June 20, 2010 Alaska Energy and Engineering A heat recovery utilization spreadsheet has been developed to estimate the recoverable heat based on monthly total electric power production, engine heat rates, building heating demand, heating degree days, passive losses for power plant heat and piping, and arctic piping losses. The spreadsheet utilizes assumed time -of -day variations for electric power production and heat demand. Power Cost Equalization data for fiscal year 2008 was used in the spreadsheet. The estimated heat rejection rate for the lead power plant genset, a Cummins QSX15 G9, is used to estimate available recovered heat. Heating degree-days for Dillingham were utilized for this site. All arctic piping is assumed to be routed below grade. All exterior power plant hydronic piping is assumed to be 3" pipe with 1" of fiberglass insulation and installed above grade. Information provided by AVEC was used to estimate the heating load for the power plant, which includes two insulated 20-foot Connex storage units. The spreadsheet uses monthly heating degree-days to distribute annual fuel consumption by month. The monthly heat load is then allocated by hour of day using an estimated daily temperature variation (diurnal cycle). The end -user hourly heat load is compared to the hourly available heat from the power plant, less power plant heating loads and parasitic piping losses, and the net delivered heat to the end -user is determined. Following is a summary of annual fuel use and estimated heat utilization in equivalent gallons of fuel for each building: Facility Estimated Annual Estimated Heat Fuel Use (Gallons) Delivered (Gallons) Water Plant 2500 2050 Clinic 2000 1650 Police Station 1200 1000 City Office 1000 800 Old School 10000 8200 Total 16700 13700 " Does not account for peak DHW loads 4.0 HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION: The heat recovery system captures jacket water heat generated by the AVEC power plant that is currently rejected to the atmosphere by the radiators. The recovered heat will be transferred via below grade arctic piping to the end -users. The objective is to reduce the consumption of expensive heating fuel by utilizing available recovered heat. Although heat recovery is an excellent method of reducing heating fuel costs, recovered heat is a supplementary heat source and it is imperative that the end - user facility heating systems are operational at all times. Hot engine coolant is piped through a plate heat exchanger located at the power plant. Heat is transferred from the engine coolant to the recovered heat loop without mixing the fluids. The recovered heat fluid is pumped through arctic pipe to the end -user facilities, and is typically tied into the end -user heating system using either a plate heat exchanger or cabinet unit heater. 2 ANTHC-Togiak Heat Recovery Analysis June 20, 2010 Alaska Energy and Engineering AVEC PLANT TIE-IN: No modifications to the AVEC power plant cooling system are included, except those required to replace the existing power plant heat exchanger, provide new circulating pumps, and install new instrumentation. All piping will be insulated with a minimum of 1" insulation and have an aluminum jacket where exposed to the weather. All valves will be either bronze ball valves, or lug style butterfly valves with seals compatible with 50/50 glycol/water mixtures at 200F. Air vents, thermometers, pressure gauges, drain valves and pressure relief valves will also be provided. ARCTIC PIPING (Recovered Heat Loop The proposed arctic piping is a pre -insulated buried piping system. The piping will be routed from the AVEC plant within existing rights -of -way to the end -user buildings. The arctic piping system is a pre -insulated, bonded PEX piping system. The pipes consist of Cross -Linked Polyethylene carrier pipe and LDPE outer jacket bonded to polyurethane foam insulation. The carrier piping uses hydraulically pressed bronze or steel couplings, similar to those used in high-pressure hydraulic hoses. The system comes complete with all fittings, tools and accessories required for assembly. The recovered heat fluid will be a 50/50 Propylene Glycol/Water solution to provide freeze protection to the piping. END -USER BUILDING TIE-INS: End -user building tie-ins typically consist of either brazed plate heat exchangers or cabinet unit heaters. Plate heat exchangers located in the end -user mechanical rooms will be tied into the boiler return piping to pre -heat the boiler water prior to entering the boiler. Where Toyo-style heaters are used, cabinet unit heaters will be located in the occupied space. The maximum anticipated delivered recovered heat supply temperature is about 180F. When there is insufficient recovered heat to meet the building heating load, the building heating system (boiler or heater) will fire and add heat. Typical piping will be type L copper tube with solder joints. Isolation valves will be solder end bronze ball valves or flanged butterfly valves. All piping will be insulated with a minimum of 1" insulation with an all -service jacket. Flexibility will be provided where required for thermal expansion and differential movement. Air vents, thermometers, pressure gauges, drain valves and pressure relief valves will also be provided. 3 ANTHC-Togiak Heat Recovery Analysis June 20, 2010 Alaska Energy and Engineering RIGHTS -OF -WAY ISSUES: There does not appear to be any conflicts with rights -of -ways for the arctic piping between the power plant and the end -user buildings, as the route is entirely within existing road rights -of -ways, and on City and AVEC property. A Heat Sales / Right -of -Entry Agreement will be required between AVEC and the City to define the parties' responsibilities, the cost of recovered heat, and to authorize the renovation of the power plant heat recovery equipment. 5.0 PRELIMINARY EQUIPMENT SELECTIONS The following initial equipment selections are sized and selected based on preliminary data and will require minor modifications to reflect final design. 5.1 Heat Exchangers Based on initial selected flow rates, brazed plate heat exchangers appear to be adequate for all locations. Initial heat exchanger selections are as follows. HX-1: (Power Plant). 500 MBH capacity. Primary: 100 GPM 190F EWT (50% ethylene glycol), 2.0 PSI max WPD Secondary: 77 GPM 180F LWT (50% propylene glycol) 1.5 PSI max WPD HX-2: (Clinic). 63 MBH capacity. Primary: 9 GPM 180F EWT (50% propylene glycol), 1.0 PSI max WPD Secondary: 15 GPM 175F LWT (50% propylene glycol) 1.5 PSI max WPD HX-3: (Police Station). 38 MBH capacity. Primary: 6 GPM 180F EWT (50% propylene glycol), 1.0 PSI max WPD Secondary: 10 GPM 175F LWT (50% propylene glycol) 1.5 PSI max WPD HX-4: (Water Treatment Plant). 78 MBH capacity. Primary: 12 GPM 180F EWT (50% propylene glycol), 1.0 PSI max WPD Secondary: 15 GPM 175F LWT (50% propylene glycol) 1.5 PSI max WPD HX-5: (City Office). 31 MBH capacity. Primary: 5 GPM 180F EWT (50% propylene glycol), 1.0 PSI max WPD Secondary: 8 GPM 175F LWT (50% propylene glycol) 1.5 PSI max WPD HX-6: (Old School). 313 MBH capacity. Primary: 46 GPM 180F EWT (50% propylene glycol), 1.0 PSI max WPD Secondary: 60 GPM 175F LWT (50% propylene glycol) 1.5 PSI max WPD 5.2 Arctic Piping The length of heat recovery loop piping between the power plant and old school (furthest building) is approximately 1200'-feet, round trip. The arctic pipe is sized to minimize pressure drop and reduce pumping energy. Each branch of the arctic pipe is sized for the specific flowrate for that branch. The arctic piping sizes include 90mm, 75mm, 1.25" and 1" PEX piping. 4 ANTHC-Togiak Heat Recovery Analysis June 20, 2010 Alaska Energy and Engineering 5.3 Circulating Pumps P-HR1: Heat recovery loop to end -user buildings Flow = 77 GPM, Head = 34' Initial Selection: Grundfos UPS 50-160F, 77 GPM at 34' TDH, 1-1/2 HP 5.4 Expansion Tank Total heat recovery loop volume is approximately 400-gallons. Pressure relief at the power plant heat exchanger will be 50 PSIG and the maximum normal operating pressure will be 90% of maximum (45 PSIG). ET-1: System requirements: 46 gallon tank and 28.2 gallon acceptance Select: Extrol AX-120V, 66 gallon tank and 34 gallon acceptance Estimated construction costs were determined based on prior recent heat recovery project experience, and include materials, equipment, freight, labor, design, construction management, and startup and testing. All work at the power plant and water treatment plant, and design and construction management/administration for the complete project, is included in the Base Project cost. Incremental costs for arctic pipe, end -user building renovations, and overhead and freight, are estimated individually for each of the other end -user buildings (refer to attached cost estimate). The estimated project cost for all five end -users is $486,180. Estimated fuel savings are about 13,700-gallons. Using an assumed fuel price of $5.00/gallon results in estimated savings of $67,500 for a simple payback of 7.1-years. 5 'pmrmrmmmmmm N N M N M N N N N N N O= O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ca M O N cM i. rn y C •� 7 c m U f6 U C U C co C Q � Nc W 0 N rn M _m 7 m O O O ('M M. r a_ Q x III d 0 0 0 rn+ c + 0_ N aEi 0 U) O O� C + o E U � c � M o as N O 3 n O + a E M E LL O O O O O X O O � n =° n Q N L L L L mmmm 00010 a0 l0 O M N 47000 r cc07 ccw 0 .7� c .N N O `m w L_ y 3 U N N n x o c M U m o o m O N W -0 w O Ip m y c E M — N CO N W LL LL LL x x x L L L mmm N T 4') Q H Q 01 y Q n0 O U Qy y •n A n Q Lll 0 m o N W 6--aN F- Vl U ,p O L m cnuCLmC7H >wn.� X CY N C j 0 w � Vl C m 9 0ia v � N • - m a c m ma r'm CD a� > Lo O - U W N UmU) m C .a O II N O C cD m E o co m o U O o N ❑.:o`c0 c 55 m orY O LL O w m C � O O .. morn ❑E �m oA =� E.2 N (� X � 2— C_ =nm Q. 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BOX 111405 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99511-1405 SCHEMATIC, DETAIL AND LOCATION MAP TOGIAIC.DWG ISHI 2 PHONE (907) 349-0100 % w z Ld G STREET z m \ O 0 E I ri II X x ri Ln I Lq X m X-X o I� x OO x II O O II I 0 0 I E 0 II 0 0 II 000 �' w CD m O X �_- — — x i 000 0 IICD Q I I II ❑ X X FHn n I—X—X - \\ F STREET — — — — N \\ x w J m U_ Z J U n PROJECT. ANTHC RECOVERED HEAT STUDY TMF- TOGIAK RECOVERED HEAT SITE PLAN BY. SJS VALE. 1 "=70' n ErY: SJS DATE. 6/20/10 IAK.DWG IS H 2 2 ALASKA ENERGY & ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. BOX 111405 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99511-1405 PHONE (907) 349-0100 W Company name: - t*-4- Created by:ItPhone: ��UN13P4D Fax: - Date: - Product name: UPS 50-160 F Product N_o.: 96411613 _._._._. _._ __.... __-__......__....._.._.---.._..._._...._.. EAN: _.._._....--.........__. 5700390518332 Technical: _......_. _.... ... _..... .... ........ __..._ Speed Number: ..____... __.._ .. __..... .---.-_....-- 3 Actual calculated flow: 75.8 - gpm Resuh ng head of the pump_ 34.1 ft......_ _..._-- Head max: --...._. 52.5 ft Approvals pan CUL Model-._.........— C._...— ....._.._...—....._._.......__.._� ............._._......_......... _.—_.._------ ----- _----- - ----- ....._...... ---_ Materials: .__....__.-_-_....... _._._._._....... Pump housing—....— -....-......... -_....._Cast iron._......-_.......... EN-JL1040 ASTM 35 B - 40 B _....--_.._..........._.._—..__.._.. Impeller: _..... Stainless steel _._._—............_.._...... DIN W: Nr.1.4301 —_...........---------.�........_... A1SI 304 _._ ....---.—.....----......_..._._._......... _... ._.... .__.....__...._ ...... __..__ —.._ Liquid: Pumped.tiquid: — __ __ - _ Heating water __,_ L�uid temperature range__ __ _ 14 .. 248 °F Liquidtey!p_._...--.—.....--- _....._180'F...... _._. _....--....... Den—sityi.............._..._. .. .__ __...__......._..__ 60.55lb/113 Electrical data: Power input in speed 1: 1050 W Power input in speed 2_ 1100 W _ Max. power input: 1250 W Main frequency:_ 60 Hz_ _ Rated voltage: _ _ 1 x 230 V Current in speed 1: 4.85 A Current in speed.2: 5.2 A Current in speed"3_ 5.8 A _ Cos phi in speed 1: 0,94 `-- Cos phi in speed 2: .. _. _............ __.. _ ._ ...... __..."0,92 CPA .phi: - - .._.._...._ -- •_-._-- -_ ........ 30 pF/400 V - Enclosure class (IEC345) 44 Insulation class _.....___....___....._H Motorprotection . -.,,• CONTACT Thermal r�otec_— - internal R a: ._........_..__ _ _ 6.8 - B.95 ohm R s1: ... 2.02 -2.65 ohm R s2: 3.7 - 4.85 ohm • Controls: Relay. . .. ___......__.___ _._. _.. Pos term box: 1.30H Printed from Grundfos CAPS H (ft) 40 30 20 10 —-� ---E"— i UPS 50-160 F E i ` 3 I Q = 75.7 US gpm H = 34.1 ft .. _...._... _ Pumped liquid = Heating water Liquid temperature =180 °F Density = 60.551bW Eff pump & mtr = 44.5 % ! —....... i i 00 P1 (M) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.8 20 40 60 80 100 120 Q(US qpm) t�l• C.__ GRUNnFOS- % 4n 0 0 N H U w O of a tr w O U w a w 2 Y Q O O U 2 I- z a 0 z w w z CD z w 05 0 Of w z w g a lY a U) w I - a U w F- co O U z O U D tY I- U) z O U N (9 z J m N w N M z w w LL H U w w a J O 0 to M to 6Ck 0 O I- MI�i El} 0 LO CO b4 0 w it 00 6S 0 I- O N 64 0 O T- O MM O O O O K)- O O O O 4A O O r O � O m O r 69 O w r O t Z U) Q p Z J w Z U) 0 W EL wp a O U U O m z Q p V) Ua- U) z�oNV Q I- p pop V W Q V U Z Y p Z v=i O a w a Q p� If vIf w? 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