HomeMy WebLinkAboutKobuk AEA Grant ApplicationCity of Kobuk Image from Alaska Division of Community & Regional Affairs, AK Community Database Information Summaries Application for Renewable Energy Fund Grant Alaska Energy Authority Round V Kobuk Biomass Design & Construction August 2011 Contents Application Authorized Signers & Resolution . Letters of Support Inc Supplemental Documents -Feasibility Study Renewable Energy Fund Round 5 �46F__�) A L A S K A c ENERGY AUTHORITY City of Kobuk Grant Application SECTION 1 — APPLICANT INFORMATION Name (Name of utility, IPP, or government entity submitting proposal) City of Kobuk Type of Entity: 2"d Class City Government Fiscal Year End December 31 Tax ID 92-0049264 Tax Status: For -profit or _non-profit ( check one) Mailing Address Physical Address City of Kobuk City of Kobuk P.O. Box 51020 Kobuk, AK 99751 Kobuk, AK 99751 Telephone Fax Email 907-948-2251 907-948-2228 kobukcity@yahoo.com 1.1 APPLICANT POINT OF CONTACT / GRANTS MANAGER Name Title Elmer Ward Mayor Mailing Address P.O. Box 51020 Kobuk, AK 99751 Telephone Fax Email 907-948-2251 907-948-2228 kobukcity@yahoo.com 1.2 APPLICANT MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Please check as appropriate. If you do not to meet the minimum applicant requirements, your application will be rejected. 1.2.1 As an Applicant, we are: (put an X in the appropriate box) An electric utility holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity under AS 42.05, or An independent power producer in accordance with 3 AAC 107.695 (a) (1), or X A local government, or A governmental entity (which includes tribal councils and housing authorities); Yes 1.2.2. Attached to this application is formal approval and endorsement for its project by its board of directors, executive management, or other governing authority. If the applicant is a collaborative grouping, a formal approval from each participant's governing authority is necessary. (Indicate Yes or No in the box ) Yes 1.2.3. As an applicant, we have administrative and financial management systems and follow procurement standards that comply with the standards set forth in the grant agreement. Yes 1.2.4. If awarded the grant, we can comply with all terms and conditions of the attached grant form. (Any exceptions should be clearly noted and submitted with the application.) Yes 1.2.5 We intend to own and operate any project that may be constructed with grant funds for the benefit of the general public. AEA 12-001 Application Page 1 7/1/2011 filn"F-7'ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund ; ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application Round 5 SECTION 2 — PROJECT SUMMARY This is intended to be no more than a 1-2 page overview of your project. 2.1 Project Title — (Provide a 4 to 5 word title for your project) Kobuk Biomass Design & Construction Project 2.2 Project Location — Include the physical location of your project and name(s) of the community or communities that will benefit from your project. City of Kobuk (population 151) is located on the right bank of the Kobuk River, about 7 miles northeast of Shungnak and 128 air miles northeast of Kotzebue. It is the smallest village in the Northwest Arctic Borough. The community lies at approximately 66.908570' North Latitude and -156.881020' West Longitude. (Sec. 03, T017N, R009E, Kateel River Meridian.) Kobuk is located in the Kotzebue Recording District. 2.3 PROJECT TYPE Put X in boxes as appropriate 2.3.1 Renewable Resource Type Wind X Biomass or Biofuels Hydro, including run of river Transmission of Renewable Energy Geothermal, including Heat Pumps Small Natural Gas Heat Recovery from existing sources Hydrokinetic Solar X Storage of Renewable Other (Describe) 2.3.2 Proposed Grant Funded Phase(s) for this Request (Check all that apply) Reconnaissance X Design and Permitting Feasibility X Construction and Commissioning Conceptual Design 2.4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Provide a brief one paragraph description of your proposed project. The City of Kobuk seeks to incorporate a biomass boiler system in their water treatment plant facility. This project will provide design and construction for a wood burning boiler system in Kobuk, Alaska. The intent for this project is to increase the use of locally available, biomass energy for thermal heating. This project will include: • System Design • Right of way and Survey requirements • Construction Permitting • Installation of a wood burning boiler system (Garr unit proposed) • Construction of a covered wood splitting and storage shed • Gravel Pad/Foundation AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 7/1H2011 ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund / ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application Round 5 • Perimeter fencing • Hydronic piping and other mechanical components • Electrical Controls • Harvesting and Processing Equipment (Saws, wood splitters, etc • Freight and travel costs 2.5 PROJECT BENEFIT Briefly discuss the financial and public benefits that will result from this project, (such as reduced fuel costs, lower energy costs, etc.) Water systems and wastewater systems in arctic and subarctic villages are the single largest energy consumer, often using up to 30% of all the energy, i.e., electricity and heating oil, used in a village. The primary financial benefit of this project is to decrease the expenditures related to heating the water treatment facilities with diesel fueled boilers. The goal of the proposed biomass energy project is to reduce and stabilize heating costs related the water treatment facilities. In August 2010, Kobuk's fuel costs were over $8.50/gallon, whereas a cord of wood was sold for $250-$300. Due to current diesel fuel prices the cost for heating wood is equivalent to diesel fuel sold for $2.50-$3.50 per gallon. A wood -burning boiler at an estimated 92% burn efficiency will meet almost all of the heating load requirements for the Kobuk water treatment plant. The City of Kobuk has expressed great interest in this project, given the fact that a successful wood energy program can also reduce wildfire risk through forest thinning, enhance wildlife habitat, and create jobs which stimulate the local economy. 2.6 PROJECT BUDGET OVERVIEW Briefly discuss the amount of funds needed, the anticipated sources of funds, and the nature and source of other contributions to the project. This project is estimated to cost $401,872. If funded, the Alaska Rural Utility Cooperative (ARUC) in conjunction with the City has committed to contributing $4,000 worth of in -kind resources to this project. The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) has committed to providing $41,449 of in -kind labor to this project to fund project management requirements. The remaining budget of $356,424 is requested from the AEA Renewable Energy Fund. 2.7 COST AND BENEFIT SUMARY Include a summary of grant request and your project's total costs and benefits below. Grant Costs (Summary of funds requested) 2.7.1 Grant Funds Requested in this application. $ 356 424 2.7.2 Other Funds to be provided (Project match) $45 449 2.7.3 Total Grant Costs (sum of 2.7.1 and 2.7.2) $401 873 Project Costs & Benefits (Summary of total project costs including work to date and future cost estimates to get to a fully operational project) 2.7.4 Total Project Cost (Summary from Cost Worksheet $401,873 including estimates through construction) 2.7.5 Estimated Direct Financial Benefit (Savings) $ 26,619 / yr AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 3 7/1//2011 /ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund �) ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application Round 5 2.7.6 Other Public Benefit (if you can calculate the benefit in Local jobs to harvest terms of dollars please provide that number here and wood, more affordable explain how you calculated that number in your application basic sanitation services, (Section 5.) forest fire risk mitigation, reduced dependence on oil, change to a local sustainable energy resource SECTION 3 — PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN Describe who will be responsible for managing the project and provide a plan for successfully completing the project within the scope, schedule and budget proposed in the application. 3.1 Project Manager Tell us who will be managing the project for the Grantee and include contact information, a resume and references for the manager(s). If the applicant does not have a project manager indicate how you intend to solicit project management support. If the applicant expects project management assistance from AEA or another government entity, state that in this section. The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) will assume responsibility for project management, technical aspects and financial tracking for the proposed project. Eric Hanssen, P.E is the ANTHC project manager assigned to Kobuk. Mr. Hanssen's resume is attached along with skill summaries for key project personnel. Eric C. Hanssen, P.E, LEED AP Division of Environmental Health and Engineering 1901 Bragaw Street, Suite 200 Anchorage, AK 99508 Phone: (907) 729-3620 Fax: (907) 729-4048 Email: echanssen&anthc.org 3.2 Project Schedule Include a schedule for the proposed work that will be funded by this grant. (You may include a chart or table attachment with a summary of dates below.) The Project Schedule is outlined below: • Anticipated Award Announcement: August 2012 • Planning and scoping: September 2012 • Design Start: September 2012 • Design Complete: June 2013 • Construction Start: July 2013 • Construction Complete: September 2013 • Final Inspection: October 2013 • Warranty Inspection: September 2014 • Project Closeout: September 2014 AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 4 7/1H2011 / ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application Round 5 3.3 Project Milestones Define key tasks and decision points in your project and a schedule for achieving them. The Milestones must also be included on your budget worksheet to demonstrate how you propose to manage the project cash flow. (See Section 2 of the RFA or the Budget Form.) The following Project Milestones will be accomplished in accordance with the Project Schedule. Design and Permitting: • Execute Cooperative Project Agreement: September 2012 • Field Work: September 2012 • Permit Applications: October 2012 • 35% Plans: December 2013 • 65% Plans and Specifications: March 2013 • 65% Engineers Cost Estimate: March 2013 • Permit Approval: April 2013 • 95% Plans and Specifications: May 2013 • Final Engineers Cost Estimate: May 2013 • 100% Plans and Specifications: June 2013 • Negotiated power sales agreements: June 2013 • Final Business Plan: June 2013 Construction: • Notice to Proceed - July 2013 • Pre Construction Meeting with Community: July 2013 • Construction Start: July 2013 • Construction Completion: September 2013 • Facilities commissioning: October 2013 • Final Inspection: October 2013 • One Year Warranty Inspection: September 2014 • Project Closeout — September 2014 During the design phase of the project, key decision points are at the, 35%, 65%, and 95% design completion stages. Technical and cost factors will be evaluated at each of these points by a multidisciplinary team of engineers, construction staff, and operations staff along with community members and leaders. Decisions will be geared towards maximizing the efficiency of the construction process. The project will transition from design to construction with a Notice to Proceed (NTP) Meeting that is held in-house with the project manager, construction manager, and design engineers. During the NTP meeting, key decision points for the project will be based on practical construction factors, such as weather, shipping constraints and barge schedules, labor availability, and secondary impacts on facilities involved in the construction. Additionally, a Pre - Construction Meeting will be held in the community prior to construction start up in order to establish roles and responsibilities as well as appropriate lines of communication between the City and ANTHC. Additional, detailed project milestones are included on the attached Budget Form. Where appropriate, AEA -required milestones are included. AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 5 7/1//2011 ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund /IN-_' ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application Round 5 3.4 Project Resources Describe the personnel, contractors, equipment, and services you will use to accomplish the project. Include any partnerships or commitments with other entities you have or anticipate will be needed to complete your project. Describe any existing contracts and the selection process you may use for major equipment purchases or contracts. Include brief resumes and references for known, key personnel, contractors, and suppliers as an attachment to your application. The City will partner with ANTHC for the design and construction of the proposed biomass heating system by entering into a Cooperative Project Agreement (CPA). ANTHC functions as a city engineer for rural communities in Alaska and offers guidance for public works projects. ANTHC provides design and force account construction services for the community by completing public works facility designs and supplying supervisory construction personnel to oversee the construction of these projects with local labor. DEHE purchases goods and services in compliance with all applicable federal or state procurement regulations through a well qualified staff of contracting and procurement specialists. DEHE also has established relationships with term contractors for specialized technical services such as cost estimating or geotechnical investigation. In addition to construction, ANTHC also provides technical support to water, wastewater, and solid waste system operators and managers. ARUC handles billing and collections as well as manages the daily operations of Kobuk's water and sewer system. Another ARUC program, the Alaska Utility Supply Center can expedite parts and supplies at a reduced rate and ship them to the rural communities. The Public Works Jobs Training program coordinates training for utility operators, managers, and local residents, including WTP operations and construction trades. 3.5 Project Communications Discuss how you plan to monitor the project and keep the Authority informed of the status. For this project, DEHE will use project management software to schedule and plan project activities and promptly account for project expenditures for time, labor, direct costs, and indirect costs through the SpectrumTM financial system. DEHE will assign staff accountants to generate reports on project finances, and project managers will report on AEA deliverables according to specific project requirements. 3.6 Project Risk Discuss potential problems and how you would address them. Listed are the potential risks that may arise during the design and construction of this project. Potential Problem Source Associated Risk Mitigation Stockpiling cord wood It may not happen early Active, early ARUC enough to allow wood to management to contract for cord season in time for the next wood annually year Wood harvest Unauthorized or unplanned Harvest plan in conjunction with harvests may occur in recommendations provided in AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 6 7/1H2011 ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Round 5 inappropriate places AEA Upper Kobuk River Biomass Study (See attachment) Quality of biomass and Poor biomass may be used or Advance and ongoing training operating practices systems may be operated inappropriately Manual maintenance Operators may set oil -fired Education showing that biomass requirements boilers and not operate or is "toward traditional maintain the biomass boilers subsistence values" and helps keep money in the local economy. SECTION 4 — PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND TASKS • Tell us what the project is and how you will meet the requirements outlined in Section 2 of the RFA. • The level of information will vary according to phase(s) of the project you propose to undertake with grant funds. • If you are applying for grant funding for more than one phase of a project provide a plan and grant budget form for completion of each phase. • If some work has already been completed on your project and you are requesting funding for an advanced phase, submit information sufficient to demonstrate that the preceding phases are satisfied and funding for an advanced phase is warranted. 4.1 Proposed Energy Resource Describe the potential extent/amount of the energy resource that is available. Discuss the pros and cons of your proposed energy resource vs. other alternatives that may be available for the market to be served by vour oroiect. According to the Kobuk Biomass Study completed in September 2010, three species of hardwood and two species of conifer are indigenous to the region, and are available for use as wood biomass fuel for electrical power generation and heating. The implementation of wood biomass power projects in this area must be 1) accomplished at an appropriate scale, 2) subject to detailed management and accountability from the first step of harvest planning through the process of managing and maintaining the electrical generation and heating facilities. The road system in and around Kobuk provides good access to areas with spruce, and trails east and west of Dahl Creek can be utilized to access aspen, birch and cottonwood. East and west of Dahl Creek the topography rises gently, with drier ground and trees, which will be suitable for construction of gravel roads directly through timbered areas. Pros of the proposed project based from experiences in similar communities with biomass heating: • Excellent project payback • Biomass O&M costs are minimal • Reduced dependence on diesel fuel and potential for fuel spills • Reduced emissions and air pollution • Produce jobs and help provide a sustainable economy for local people and businesses • Enabling a pathway for green energy in rural Alaska Cons of Project: • Wood harvest is dependent on consistent local labor AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 7 7/1//2011 /4' NEED' A L A S M Renewable Energy Fund GE-__? ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application Round 5 4.2 Existing Energy System 4.2.1 Basic configuration of Existing Energy System Briefly discuss the basic configuration of the existing energy system. Include information about the number, size, age, efficiency, and type of generation. Kobuk's water treatment plant is heated by fuel oil burning boilers and requires no assistance from the power plant. The proposed wood burning boiler system will be used to offset the heating energy costs related to the existing boilers. Kobuk Valley Electric Co-op purchases power from AVEC over the Kobuk-Shungnak intertie. Electricity is provided by Kobuk Valley Electric Cooperative (from Shungnak AVEC). This project will not impact the existing electrical grid for Kobuk or Shungnak. 4.2.2 Existing Energy Resources Used Briefly discuss your understanding of the existing energy resources. Include a brief discussion of any impact the project may have on existing energy infrastructure and resources. Kobuk uses heating oil as the primary heating energy resource. The diesel consumption in Kobuk would be decreased, thereby decreasing oil -fire boiler operations and maintenance costs and enabling existing boilers to last longer and require fewer overhauls. The cost savings would be directly incorporated into the community's utility bills providing residents basic water and sewer sanitation services at a lower cost. 4.2.3 Existing Energy Market Discuss existing energy use and its market. Discuss impacts your project may have on energy customers. Many residents in Kobuk depend on both fuel oil and wood to heat their homes during cold months. Wood has traditionally been used as a fuel for wood stoves. According to the 2010 Upper Kobuk Valley Wood Biomass Study, "it was reported that in the winter individuals harvest firewood in the form of logs and haul them to the village on a sled pulled by a snow machine, either for personal use or for sale." There is no anticipated negative impact expected from this project on residents who harvest local wood for heating. This is because of the relatively small amount of wood required to support a biomass boiler at the water treatment plant (35 cords/yr), in comparison to the local availability of wood resources. The chart below from the 2010 Biomass Study depicts a summary of wood biomass required to support a larger multi -building biomass heating system in Kobuk at 183 cords per year. Annual Vol. Wood Biomass (Green Tons) Est. Ave. Wood Biomass Green Tons per acre Est. Acres Per Year Total Acres to be Managed Over 40 Years 350 16 22 875 The 2010 study also indicates that the area surrounding Kobuk contains more than adequate wood resources to sustain this larger multi -building biomass system in a sustainable manner. With the proposed water treatment plant biomass boiler requiring only 35 cords per year, competition for local heating wood between the water treatment plant and local residents is not anticipated to be an issue. AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 8 7/1//2011 AALASKA Renewable Energy Fund �,_? ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application Round 5 4.3 Proposed System Include information necessary to describe the system you are intending to develop and address potential system design, land ownership, permits, and environmental issues. 4.3.1 System Design Provide the following information for the proposed renewable energy system: • A description of renewable energy technology specific to project location • Optimum installed capacity • Anticipated capacity factor • Anticipated annual generation • Anticipated barriers • Basic integration concept • Delivery methods The proposed biomass boiler system, as described in the Kobuk Feasibility Study, will consist of a Garn 2000 cordwood -fired boiler to support the heating requirements of the Kobuk water treatment plant. This system will tie in to the existing water treatment hydronic heating system via insulated glycol lines, a circulation pump, and a plate heat exchanger. Additionally, electrical controls and automated valves will be installed to allow the capability of providing heat from the existing oil -fired boilers. This control configuration will ensure heating system redundancy and ensure both the oil and wood fired boilers can operate in tandem. In addition, an unheated, covered metal building with gravel pad floor, will be constructed for 2- years worth of wood storage and provide an area for splitting wood. See attached Biomass Feasibility Study for additional details on the proposed system. 4.3.2 Land Ownership Identify potential land ownership issues, including whether site owners have agreed to the project or how you intend to approach land ownership and access issues. Issues surrounding land ownership are not anticipated with the project design and construction. All proposed construction work will be conducted in existing right-of-ways deeded to the City of Kobuk. If any unexpected issues are encountered the respective property owners will be contacted and an easement requested. All wood will be harvested on NANA Regional Corporation owned land. Per the attached letter of support, NANA fully supports the proposed biomass project. AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 7/1H2011 ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund /C? ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application Round 5 4.3.3 Permits Provide the following information as it may relate to permitting and how you intend to address outstanding permit issues. • List of applicable permits • Anticipated permitting timeline • Identify and discussion of potential barriers Anticipated permits include the following: Activity Potential Agency Permit Environmental Impact Wood harvesting Wildlife habitat US Fish and Wildlife Section 7 consultation Service (USFWS) Wood harvesting Historic preservation State Historic SHPO concurrence Preservation Office (SHPO) Wood harvesting Wetlands US Army Corps of Nationwide permit Engineers (USACE) Wood harvesting Erosion AK Department of Notice of Intent/Storm Environmental Water Pollution Conservation (DEC) Prevention Plan Wood harvesting Forestry US Forest Service Consultation (USFS) Boiler Air pollution AK Department of Consultation Environmental Conservation (DEC) 4.3.4 Environmental Address whether the following environmental and land use issues apply, and if so how they will be addressed: • Threatened or Endangered species • Habitat issues • Wetlands and other protected areas • Archaeological and historical resources • Land development constraints • Telecommunications interference • Aviation considerations • Visual, aesthetics impacts • Identify and discuss other potential barriers ANTHC considers all potential environmental concerns associated with each project. ANTHC has extensive experience using the comprehensive Indian Health Service (IHS) environmental review procedures for conducting environmental analyses of all health and sanitation facilities projects in all stages of development, as outlined in the IHS Environmental Review Manual issued in January 2007. During the design stage, consultations will be conducted with applicable federal and state agencies. Environmental agency and tribal consultations and the analyses of potential AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 10 7/1//2011 /dwEF__'_ ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund AW—L—' ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application Round 5 environmental impacts and benefits will be compiled and documented in the environmental reviews and permit applications as the projects progress into design and towards construction. All federal and state approvals and applicable permits must be obtained prior to the initiation of construction activities. 4.4 Proposed New System Costs and Projected Revenues (Total Estimated Costs and Projected Revenues) The level of cost information provided will vary according to the phase of funding requested and any previous work the applicant may have done on the project. Applicants must reference the source of their cost data. For example: Applicants Records or Analysis, Industry Standards, Consultant or Manufacturer's estimates. 4.4.1 Project Development Cost Provide detailed project cost information based on your current knowledge and understanding of the project. Cost information should include the following: • Total anticipated project cost, and cost for this phase • Requested grant funding • Applicant matching funds — loans, capital contributions, in -kind • Identification of other funding sources • Projected capital cost of proposed renewable energy system • Projected development cost of proposed renewable energy system Based on the initial cost estimate, the estimated cost to deploy this project is $401,873. $356,424 of the project budget is requested from the AEA Renewable Energy Fund. The remaining $45,449 will be provided as in -kind matching funds from the Community, ANTHC, and ARUC. 4.4.2 Project Operating and Maintenance Costs Include anticipated O&M costs for new facilities constructed and how these would be funded by the applicant. (Note: Operational costs are not eligible for grant funds however grantees are required to meet ongoing reporting requirements for the purpose of reporting impacts of projects on the communities they serve.) The proposed biomass system is estimated to have an annual operation and maintenance cost of $9081. This cost, which was estimated in the AEA biomass study for Kobuk, is based on a fuel requirement of 35 cords per year and an assumed cordwood purchase price of $259.50 per cord. The proposed biomass boiler will be operated daily by the local water treatment plant operator. No additional operational labor costs are anticipated to run the biomass boiler, as these costs will fall within ARUC's existing operating budget. The water treatment plant operator is an ARUC employee and all operational and maintenance duties required to run the proposed system be their responsibility. AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 11 7/1//2011 ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund /411--; ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application Round 5 4.4.3 Power Purchase/Sale The power purchase/sale information should include the following: • Identification of potential power buyer(s)/customer(s) • Potential power purchase/sales price - at a minimum indicate a price range • Proposed rate of return from grant -funded project All heat generated by the proposed biomass system will be used for heating the water treatment facilities. In turn, no heat will be sold back to the community for further use. 4.4.4 Project Cost Worksheet Complete the cost worksheet form which provides summary information that will be considered in evaluating the project. See attached project cost/benefit worksheet. SECTION 5— PROJECT BENEFIT Explain the economic and public benefits of your project. Include direct cost savings, and how the people of Alaska will benefit from the project. The benefits information should include the following: • Potential annual fuel displacement (gal and $) over the lifetime of the evaluated renewable energy project • Anticipated annual revenue (based on i.e. a Proposed Power Purchase Agreement price, RCA tariff, or cost based rate) • Potential additional annual incentives (i.e. tax credits) • Potential additional annual revenue streams (i.e. green tag sales or other renewable energy subsidies or programs that might be available) • Discuss the non -economic public benefits to Alaskans over the lifetime of the project The benefits for the proposed biomass program are included below: • Fuel Displacement: The annual projected fuel displacement in Kobuk is approximately 4,200 gallons annually. This fuel displacement will save the community $35,700 annually, based on an August 2011 local fuel oil price of $8.50 per gallon. • Non -Economics Benefits: The proposed project will create local wood harvesting jobs within the community, create more affordable basic sanitation services based on reduced heating costs, enable forest fire risk mitigation, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and allow Kobuk greater reliance on a local, sustainable energy resource. AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 12 7/1H2011 /1-7—` ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund :? ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application Round 5 SECTION 6— SUSTAINABILITY Discuss your plan for operating the completed project so that it will be sustainable. Include at a minimum: • Proposed business structure(s) and concepts that may be considered. • How you propose to finance the maintenance and operations for the life of the project • Identification of operational issues that could arise. • A description of operational costs including on -going support for any back-up or existing systems that may be require to continue operation • Commitment to reporting the savings and benefits In order to achieve a sustainable supply of wood biomass in Kobuk, it will be necessary manage the regrowth. This is a long range process, due to the low growth rates it make take 35 to 40 years, but completely attainable for the large forests in the' Kobuk area, according to findings in the Feasibility Study. Operational issues that could arise include maintenance of new heat exchangers, circulation pump, and makeup glycol components. Reduced maintenance of the WTP boiler is also anticipated with this as boiler run times will decrease when the heat recovery system is online. The heating system at the WTP must remain operational in order for the heat recovery system to be effective. SECTION 7 — READINESS & COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER GRANTS Discuss what you have done to prepare for this award and how quickly you intend to proceed with work once your grant is approved. Tell us what you may have already accomplished on the project to date and identify other grants that may have been previously awarded for this project and the degree you have been able to meet the requirements of previous grants. The City of Kobuk is working collaboratively with the ANTHC to prepare this grant application. The City plans to enter into a cooperative project agreement with ANTHC to commence plans for design and construction soon as funding is available. ANTHC has consulted with the City of Kobuk to refine the project elements and identify the initial steps needed to move project development forward. ANTHC engineers have toured the water treatment plant and utility system and reviewed the initial data provided by the Kobuk Feasibility Study in an effort to determine the initial feasibility of the project. SECTION 8— LOCAL SUPORT Discuss what local support or possible opposition there may be regarding your project. Include letters of support from the community that would benefit from this project. This project is supported by NANA Regional Corporation, the Northwest Inupiat Housing Authority (NIHA), ANTHC, ARUC, the Maniilaq Health Corporation, and various other agencies. ANTHC has also coordinated with the Kobuk Traditional Council, who fully supports the proposed project. The community of Kobuk is eager to develop an available energy resource that will reduce dependency on diesel fuel, and help reduce and stabilize long term heating costs. Refer to attached letters of support. AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 13 7/1//2011 � yORITY , ALASENERGYHKA Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Round 5 SECTION 9 — GRANT BUDGET Tell us how much you want in grant funds Include any investments to date and funding sources, how much is being requested in grant funds, and additional investments you will make as an applicant. Include an estimate of budget costs by milestones using the form — GrantBudget5.doc The City of Kobuk is requesting grant funds in the amount of $356,424 to design and construct proposed biomass heating system for the community water treatment plant. Outside of the completed Upper Kobuk Biomass Feasibility Study, no other grant funds or investments have been sought or allocated to this project. The budget developed for this project assumes the following: • The scope of the project involves the installation of one Garn 2000 gallon cordwood - fired hydronic heater that is shippable by truck, barge and plane, with insulated heat piping that distributes the heat to the Kobuk Water Treatment Plant (WTP). The WTP and community circulating water distribution system is currently heated with a hydronic heating system, and will be connected to Garn boiler with a heat exchanger. It is assumed that the WTP will require some upgrades to the existing hydronic heating system to ensure efficiency and functionality. A cordwood storage building is included in this cost estimate. • The costs for this project were based upon the assumption of construction in Kobuk, Alaska. All materials will need to be air freighted from Anchorage and/or Fairbanks, as barge service to the Upper Kobuk River communities is not reliably available. • Preliminary engineering includes a 3 to 4 day trip, including travel time, to the site to gather data and to perform any survey activities necessary for developing a site plan with topographical data included. • Engineering design will involve site improvements, gravel pads for the Garn unit and wood storage facility, layout for distribution piping, design of interfaces for the Garn unit and the WTP, internal heating equipment, plumbing, and wiring, as required, as well as an electrical service to the Garn unit. It does not include design of the Garn heat module. Construction of the project will be performed by ANTHC management of force account labor, with ANTHC supplying the site superintendent, key trades people, and the community supplying the necessary construction equipment on a rental basis. It is assumed that the equipment is in reasonable condition, and will not require major overhauls during the project. Refer to Grant Budget worksheet in Appendix C for additional detailed budget information. AEA12-001 Grant Application Page 14 711H2011 08/15/2011 18:32 FAX City 01 Kobuk WJUUU4iuuo4 From: 08/ 12120 T 12 a I k lids p. 8®4/006 ,am ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund 4END ENERGYAUTHORITY Grant Application Round 5 A. Contact information, resumes of Applicant's Project Manager, key staff, partners, consultants, and suppliers per application fon-n Section 3.1 and 3.4. Applicants are asked to separate resumes submitted with applications, if the individuals do not want their resumes posted. B. Cost Worksheet per application form Section 4.4.4. C. Grant Budget Form per application form Section 9. D. Letters demonstrating local support per application form Section 8. E. An electronic version of the entire application on CD per RFA Section 1.7. F. Authorized Signers Form. G. Governing Body Resolution or other formal action taken by the applicant's governing body or management per RFA Section 1.4 that: Commits the organization to provide the matching resources for project at the match amounts indicated in the application. Authorizes the Individual who signs the application has the authority to commit the organization to the obligations under the grant. Provides as point of contact to represent the applicant for purposes of this application. Certifies the applicant is in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local, laws including existing credit and federal tax obligations. H. CERTIFICATION .The undersigned certifies that this application for a renewable energy grant is truthful and correct, and that the applicant Is in compliance with, and will continue to comply with, all federal and state laws Including existing credit and federal tax obligations and that they can Indeed commit the entity to these obligations. {Wzi"sal%S' a L,`3t..... X AEA12-001 Grant Applicatl®n Page 14 of 14 T/1//2011 Authorized Signers & Resoiution 08/15/2011 18:32 FAX City of Kobuk Q 0002/0004 From: 08/12/2011 13:39 #714 P.003/004 Grant Documents Authorized Signers Please clearly print or type all sections of this form. Community/Grantee Name: n / Regular Ele tl is he d: ( y=, Date: - � 13 ?.011 .Authorized Grant Rinnnrhml- Printed Name Title Term Signature f0.S/ l%e.e✓t .20 1 authorize the above person(s) to sign Grant Documents: (Highest ranking organization/community/municipal official) Printed Name Title . Term Signature ffA &Ot AC:M�w Aki Grantee Contact information: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: Fiscal Year End: Entity Type For -profit or non-profit status): if Federal Tax ID #: — Please submit an updated form whenever there -is a change to the above information. Please return the original completed form to: Alaska Energy Authority 813 W. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99503 Attn: Butch White, Grants Administrator ENERGY AUTHORITY CADocuments and 5ettingsWelsberg\Appliaation Data\OpenText\DM\Temp\DEHE-#165607-v1- AEA 2011_Grant_Documents_Authorized Signers.doc 08/15/2011 18:32 FAX City of Kobuk .Z 0003/0004 From: 08/1212011 13:38 #714 P.002/004 Council Resolution for Alaska Energy Authority Funding Renewable Energy City of Kobuk OZ-?o t i RESOLUTION A Resolution requesting Funding from the Alaska Energy Authority, Alaska Renewable Energy Fund and commitment by the City of Kobuk WHEREAS: The City of Kobuk, hereinafter called the Council, is a governing body in the City of Kobuk, Alaska, and WHEREAS: The Alaska Energy Authority, hereinafter called AEA, may provide assistance necessary to help address the energy needs of our community WHEREAS: The Council desires to seek and utilize renewable sources of energy in order to lower costs for residents while making our community more economically viable and sustainable into the future in order to guarantee our way of life for current and future generations WHEREAS: The Council authorizes the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium to work with The City of Kobuk to develop, implement and manage the project for which we are seeking funding from AEA BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Council grants authority to the individual signing this resolution to commit The City of Kobuk to obligations under the grant BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; The City of Kobuk is in compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws including existing credit and federal tax obligation BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that ANTHC is hereby authorized through a Cooperative Project Agreement to negotiate, execute, and administer any and all documents, contracts, expenditures and agreements as required for the City of Kobuk and managing funds on behalf of this entity, including any subsequent amendments to said agreements. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Council hereby authorizes ANTHC or its representatives to enter upon or cross community land for the purposes of assisting the Council in carrying out this project. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the Council is composed of _members of who , constituting a QUORUM were present and that the foregoing resolution was PASSED AND APPROVED by the Council this / 5— day of , 2011. Vote: Yeas Nays Signed _Z-AVZ4 President ATTEST: Council Member �_ 1 ` A � „ Budget Y O Y E m LJ O d O � Qoc O 00 C'I 1.00� � O O Tt O (D rn O O m Izil N o (100 N o rn 1- 4j)' 1`Vo t/} tJ} to th to tn- tn• M d} ~ ff} Q3} N E)- fA r I N � L ar L tL _0 _0 = LL w "6 -a "0 "O _0 "0 _0 "6 "O -0 c -p mQ C C C C C C C C C C C C r c w In Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y CD U) CD 3 t� O 0) C v O O O fl_ CD 00 O O - O O O O ti LO 00 O O O g c 0') co N c'M f� O Ln d 00 O O m ti CO 00 � C'M N NV} OGq N ' Efl d� ffl Ef} 6c} Efl VD- FF} Ef} ff} m /L^ V H O oM L° O (D rn 0) 00 LO C) O 0? o O o iy LL ti LO CO N ~ 1- O N LU c cl 69- L) d f� O N 00 0 69' r Cl) CM 00 N r y N co co Cl) co Cl) m 0 O N co Cl) O N O N O N N O O N c R O L N O O L N L N L 4) L N L L N v d E E E E E E C. N 7 � 0 N a) 0.2 O N ".' .� y-- .0 CL 0- U U) U) U) co U) U) J >� N 0) O > L a c0 (6 L r 0 U) �, co '� a o) � a� 0) m r O C (0 O O C v� U c9 2i ++ C C n O pO OC Uo C co pO O) ) O ,O O� N a) N � aN ° CU ) UU) C ° o v cn ; oc o U a)V _ LO>, O O U C O Co O U O 0 C U)O 7 Y =O n —O O co — L D C O a) Cl) = U _ L C U C (n 5 O t C) o Cn L O O co O U O CD 'E p .C> U CEUL U E H (_ aCn =3 n C c C O U]YF �L 'Eo> O O L O - l6 Q _ w -c _0 -0 � E (0 r N M Ln O ti 00 O Q) U � > L 0" OO M3 W LU G AlJ o O o O O) N O it O C7 ti C � � M UD- 69 0) Iq et 64 L(f �h tf} O O O LO O N O C) O Cl rl: fl_ N Ch T 69- Eg C'M C9} 69 � CV U U CV Cl) J (n C Q O � O U 0) 0 0 U 0 O Y LL d T A O M C LL m Q) M N O O OOO It O 00 O �p Q 00 CV r O co d O 6s � 00 r+ m 00 6a 6S. 0 c � 3 L LL d � 6 �d(1) m Y r_t0 �:2Oy c O i C 41 N i UO O O C L w � N ,g O O O O O O O O O O O O O G LL (f} (f} ff} 6s fs 69 6s Ef-} (;a Cf} Efl &3} 64 64 L- c 'L^ V N ON O O O O O O co m 00 00 Ln LL LL 00 N T- T- CO CO CY O et O d' W e LC) 6} 00 60. CO G} 0 69. � GF> C 6c3 � 609 61 M N m � r j 00 m G1 N NCD N N N _ CD CN N R C CL 0 L N L O N O N O N O N O N 0 N i .Q 0. ¢ O C) Q co f6 co 0 m O � U) cn J _ N Q "— 0 O ocu .a c g c H cm U) :3 (U U Fu -0 N co E a)O C O G� U O_ •� W cu - co O cu > � — m m c c ai cn D � c U N - O U U- vi N a V O C U 0 -0(n > C N C OU OU O L -0 N a d Z) Q — N tOn U M d U V -0 0 J 06 U N C6 00 U > (0 �L C 0) L m U m 0 § k PI!, < 7 t o/CD 6 � j)f of«� a m ■§7§ \fie $ 7 $2 $ $ 7 60, m A -0 ] / o ƒ 2 e 7 k Lb \ ® G ® 2 2 2 7� ^ §/ / \ 2 e > { s </ (D / ) Cl) � Q � O F- 2 ■ \ F $ \ : § k o O E k § 2 - 5 O k ) = \ ¥ \ j — City of Kobu ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund Round_ F_ _' ENERGY AUTHORITY Project Cost/Benefit Worksheet 11. Renewable Energy Source Annual average resource availability. Biomass fuel (35 cords of wood per year) Unit depends on project type (e.g. wind speed, hydropower output, biomass fuel) 2. Existing Energy Generation and Usage a) Basic configuration (if system is part of the Railbelt' grid, leave this section blank) i. Number of generators/boilers/other 4 generators, 2 boilers ii. Rated capacity of generators/boilers/other iii. Generator/boilers/other type iv. Age of generators/boilers/other v. Efficiency of generators/boilers/other -John Deere: 115kW, John Deere: 115kW, John Deere: 180kW, John Deere: 200kW -2 Cast Iron Boilers: Weil Mclain 120V, 60 Hz b) Annual O&M cost (if system is part of the Railbelt grid, leave this section blank) i. Annual O&M cost for labor $0 (O&M will be provided by the ARUC water treatment plant operator under the existing operating budget) ii. Annual O&M cost for non- $9081 (assumed purchase price of cord wood from AEA labor biomass study for Kobuk) c) Annual electricity production and fuel usage for the water treatment plant (fill in as applicable) i. Electricity [kWh] N/A (heating only project) ii. Fuel usage Diesel [gal] Other iii. Peak Load iv. Average Load v. Minimum Load vi. Efficiency vii. Future trends d) Annual heating fuel usage (fill in as applicable) i. Diesel [gal or MMBtu] 4,200 gallons (existing) ii. Electricity [kWh] iii. Propane [gal or MMBtu] iv. Coal [tons or MMBtu] v. Wood [cords, green tons, dry 1 The Railbelt grid connects all customers of Chugach Electric Association, Homer Electric Association, Golden Valley Electric Association, the City of Seward Electric Department, Matanuska Electric Association and Anchorage Municipal Light and Power. RFA AEA12-001 Application Cost Worksheet Page 1 7-1-11 c ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund Round 5 — City of Kobuk ENERGY AUTHORITY Project Cost/Benefit Worksheet tons] vi. Other a) Proposed renewable capacity Biomass cordwood -fired boiler (Wind, Hydro, Biomass, other) [kW or MMBtu/hr] b) Proposed annual electricity or heat production (fill in as applicable) i. Electricity [kWh] ii. Heat [MMBtu] 524.6 c) Proposed annual fuel usage (fill in as applicable) i. Propane [gal or MMBtu] ii. Coal [tons or MMBtu] iii. Wood [cords, green tons, dry 35 cords of wood/year tons] iv. Other a) Total capital cost.of new system $363,404 (construction) b) Development cost (design) $38,469 c) Annual O&M cost of new system $0 (O&M will be provided by ARUC water treatment plant operator under existing operating budget) d) Annual fuel cost $9081 (estimated annual cost of cordwood based on $259.50 per cord provided in feasibility study) 5. Project Benefits a) Amount of fuel displaced for i. Electricity ii. Heat 4,200 gal/year iii. Transportation b) Current price of displaced fuel $35,700 (annual fuel savings at August 2011 local fuel price of $8.50/gal)) c) Other economic benefits Local jobs to stimulate economic development d) Alaska public benefits More affordable basic sanitation services for local residents, forest fire risk mitigation through managed wood harvest, reduced dependence on oil, move to local sustainable resource RFA AEA12-001 Application Cost Worksheet Page 2 7-1-11 /- ALAS Renewable Energy Fund Round 5 — City of Kobuk OIFL:IENERGY AUTHORITY Project Cost/Benefit Worksheet 6. Power Purchase/Sales Price a) Price for power purchase/sale N/A 7. Project Analysis a) Basic Economic Analysis Project benefit/cost ratio [($35,700 annual fuel savings - $9081 annual wood cost) X 25 year system design life] / $401,873 total project cost = 1.66 Based on AEA Renewable Energy Economic Analysis B/C is 1.17 Payback (years) $401,873 total project cost / ($35,700 annual fuel savings - $9081 annual wood cost) = 15.1 years RFA AEA12-001 Application Cost Worksheet Page 3 7-1-11 63)�Mlo) o f' Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Division of Environmental Health and Engineering 1901 Bragaw Street • Suite 200 • Anchorage, AK 99508-3440 • Phone: (907) 729-3600 • Fax: (907) 729-4090 • www.anthc.org August 16, 2011 The Honorable Elmer Ward Mayor, City of Kobuk P.O. Box 51020 Kobuk, Alaska, 99571 Dear Mayor Ward: Re: Letter of Commitment for matching funds to a proposal for Alaska Energy Authority, Renewable Energy Funds Round V. It is with pleasure that the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC), Division of Environmental Health and Engineering (DEHE) is partnering with the City of Kobuk in your proposed project to the Renewable Energy Fund of the Alaska Energy Authority. Kobuk's proposal for a Biomass Design and Construction project is one of exceptional importance to the future energy needs of your community and one that ANTHC DEHE fully supports. In support of your project, ANTHC DEHE will commit $41,449 as an in -kind match in the form of project management services. The matching funds will be tracked and reported to you, as required for purposes of quarterly reporting to the Alaska Energy Authority, in the event that they award you the project. We wish you every success on your proposal and look forward to working with you on this important project. Sincerely, 5M LAC (W 1_ Steven M. Weaver, P.E. Senior Director August 22, 2011 To whom it may concern: The NANA Regional Corporation (NRC) endorses the Renewable Energy grant application being submitted to the Alaska Energy Authority by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) for a Phase IV Construction project in the community of Kobulc. NRC has partnered with the Northwest Inupiat Housing Authority (NIHA) on the Upper Kobulc Biomass Feasibility Study, and is committed to helping NIHA to develop a design and equipment specifications for a biomass energy system for the Upper Kobulc Region. NRC has committed to supporting this project by providing my services, and those of NRC Lands Director Abraham Snyder and Assistant Director Jeff Nelson. This project also has the support of senior management, the President's office and Vice President of Resources Lance Miller. As the primary landowner of much of the forest resources in the Upper Kobulc Region, NRC will work with ANTHC, NIHA, WHPacific, and Dr. Bill Wall on the biomass energy program. NRC will also provide access to its land for biomass study activities. NANA Regional Corporation is committed to supporting our communities and partners in their efforts at decreasing the cost of energy for our shareholders. If you have any questions, please call myself at 907-265-4185. Sincerely, Sonny Adams Projects Manager NANA Regional Corp. NANA Regional Corporation, Inc. • P.O. Box 49, Kotzebue, Alaska, 99752 • T. (907) 442-3301, (800) 478-3301, (907) 442-4161 • NANA.com City of Kobuk P.O. Box 51020 Kobuk, Alaska 99751 Phone 907-948-2217 Fax 907-948-2228 To: Mayor Elmer Ward Native Village of Kobuk Kobuk Traditional Council P.O. Box 51039 Kobuk, AK 99751 Ph: (907) 948-2203 Fax: (907) 948-2123 August 8, 2011 The Native Village of Kobuk is pleased to support the City of Kobuk in this proposal for Renewable Energy Fund Round 5 grant funding. Currently, our community's water treatment facilities require a significant amount of fuel each year for heating. The proposed biomass wood burning boiler project being applied for will pave the way for design and construction of a biomass system. Given the extremely high cost of fuel in rural Alaska, this project is one of Kobuk's top priorities. A future biomass system will dramatically reduce heating costs related to our community's water and sewer system. In addition, the anticipated operational savings will allow for lower utility fees and a reduced cost of living for Kobuk's residents. For these reasons, we fully support this grant application. �. ex SheldoI sn Sr./Pres Kobuk Traditional Council Native Village of Kobuk Alaska Rural Utility Collaborative Division of Environmental Health & Engineering 1901 Bragaw Street, Suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99508 Telephone: 1-800-560-8637 ext.5692 Direct Line: 1-907-729-5692 Facsimile: (907) 729-4506 July 27, 2011 The Honorable Elmer Ward Mayor, City of Kobuk PO Box 51020 Kobuk, Alaska 99571 Dear Mayor Ward: Re: Support Letter for the Kobuk biomass boiler grant The Alaska Rural Utility Collaborative (ARUC) has partnered with Kobuk to provide water/sewer system operation and maintenance for the community. ARUC fully supports the City of Kobuk's Alaska Energy Authority grant application for a biomass boiler project to provide heat to the water and sewer utilities. Kobuk should be a good location for this technology, as evidenced by the number of local residents that heat with wood. Other more conventional technologies such as recovered heat from power plants are not available, as the power plant is located miles away in Shungnak. The cost of diesel fuel is also extremely high in Kobuk, as fuel must be flown in most years due to low water levels in the Kobuk River. We've seen similar projects lead to reduced heating costs in other rural water/sewer facilities such as Tanana. This translates directly into lower monthly water bills for local residents, schools, and businesses and more money kept in the local economy by purchasing firewood from local residents. We see this as a way to make communities more self-sufficient, and of reducing the burning of very expensive heating fuel. With the high cost of energy and living in this rural community, anything that can be done to reduce energy usage and utility costs to local residents is critical. In summary, we fully support this grant application. Sincerel , John Nichols ARUC Manager 08/17/2011 02:49 19079482123 PAGE 02/02 Native f Village o Kobuk . ' Kobuk Traditional Council P.O. Box 51039 Kobuk, AK 99751 Ph: (907) 948-2203 Fax: (907) 949-2123 City of Kobuk August 8, 2011 P.O. Box 51020 Kobuk, Alaska 99751 Phone 907-948-2217 Fax 907-948-2228 To: Mayor Ebner Ward The Native Village of Kobuk is pleased to support the City of Kobuk in this proposal -for Renewable Eoergy Fund Round 5 grant funding. Currently, our community's water treatment -facilities roquire a significant amount of fuel each year for heating. The proposed biomass wood burning boiler project being applied for will pave the way for desigir,avd"'C­onstfijction of a biomass system. Given the extremely -high Go-"t of -fuel. in rural AIuSka,.,this­prqJ. 'i�,one of Kobuks top dramatically reduce heating costs related to our, cPmx w s water and sewer system. In addition, the anticipated operntio 2i] 's Witi allow for lower utiftfecs ail& - reduced cost of living for Kobuk.°s residents. For these.Teasons, w .. a fatly sup , this-g i on. port. pe r -81 h. Ie4 /ij �.n ent Kobuk Traditional Council Native Village of Kobuk Alaska Rural Utility Collaborative Division of Environmental Health & Engineering 1901 Bragaw Street, Suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99508 Telephone: 1-800-560-8637 ext.5692 Direct Line: 1-907-729-5692 Facsimile: (907) 729-4506 July 27, 2011 The Honorable Elmer Ward Mayor, City of Kobuk PO Box 51020 Kobuk, Alaska 99571 Dear Mayor Ward: Re: Support Letter for the Kobuk biomass boiler grant The Alaska Rural Utility Collaborative (ARUC) has partnered with Kobuk to provide water/sewer system operation and maintenance for the community. ARUC fully supports the City of Kobuk's Alaska Energy Authority grant application for a biomass boiler project to provide heat to the water and sewer utilities. Kobuk should be a good location for this technology, as evidenced by the number of local residents that heat with wood. Other more conventional technologies such as recovered heat from power plants are not available, as the power plant is located miles away in Shungnak. The cost of diesel fuel is also extremely high in Kobuk, as fuel must be flown in most years due to low water levels in the Kobuk River. We've seen similar projects lead to reduced heating costs in other rural water/sewer facilities such as Tanana. This translates directly into lower monthly water bills for local residents, schools, and businesses and more money kept in the local economy by purchasing firewood from local residents. We see this as a way to make communities more self-sufficient, and of reducing the burning of very expensive heating fuel. With the high cost of energy and living in this rural community, anything that can be done to reduce energy usage and utility costs to local residents is critical. In summary, we fully support this grant application. Si er y, ,l John Nichols ARUC Manager NORTHWEST INUPIA.T HOUSING AUTHORITY_ P.O. Box 331 • KOTZEBUE, ALASKA 99752 • (907) 442-3450 • FAx (907) 442-3486 August 22, 2011 To Whom It May Concern, The Northwest Inupiat Housing Authority (NIHA) fully supports the Renewable Energy grant application being submitted by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) for a construction project in the village of Kobuk. This letter is to act as NIHA's fonnal approval and endorsement for this project. This work will focus on the community of Kobuk and biomass boiler(s) will be implemented while upgrades are made to the existing water treatment plant. We plan to support this project by providing ANTHC copies of the tecluiical reports that were produced as a part of the NIHA Renewable Energy Grant project, the Upper Kobuk River Malley Woody Biomass Feasibility Sludy. We believe that by working together with ANTHC and our other partners we can develop a long tern sustainable energy project that will meet the regions' energy vision and reduce the negative economic impacts currently being experienced in the communities due to the high fuel costs. Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to further discussions regarding this project. Sincerely, L Guy Adams Executive Director I ��; �► ��� -���� 1 =I Sustainability, Inc. Chipper Submitted to: wllpIacific Wood Harvest Systems Upper Kobuk Biomass Program Alaska Wood Energy Associates Table of Contents Executive Summary - Key Findings...............................................................................4 Keyfindings.................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Introduction.................................................................................................................5 Purpose...........................................................................................................................................................................5 FieldReview.................................................................................................................................................................5 RegionalOverview.....................................................................................................................................................6 Review of Biomass Heat Systems and Links to Harvest Systems.........................................................6 Stick -Fired Boilers..................................................................................................................................................... 7 Chip -Fired Boilers...................................................................................................................................................... 8 AmblerHeating Systems......................................................................................................................................... 8 Shungnak Heating Systems................................................................................................................................... 9 KobukHeating Systems.........................................................................................................................................10 Effects of moisture content on biomass utilization...................................................................................11 SustainableForest Management......................................................................................................................13 NativeAllotments....................................................................................................................................................13 Review of Harvest Equipment Types..........................................................................13 TimberHarvest Overview...................................................................................................................................13 WoodFuel Management......................................................................................................................................14 Harvesting System Component Activities....................................................................................................15 Chip fired boiler wood requirements and harvest scenarios................................................................15 Stick fired boiler wood requirements and harvest scenarios...............................................................16 TimberHarvest - Tree Felling...........................................................................................................................17 Timber Harvest - Skidding, Decking, Loading and Transport.............................................................18 Woodtransport - alternative............................................................................................................................21 WoodChip Production..........................................................................................................................................22 Wholetree hauling..................................................................................................................................................22 Chipping.......................................................................................................................................................................23 Cord Wood & Fire Wood Production..............................................................................................................24 CordWood Processing...........................................................................................................................................24 Firewoodproduction..............................................................................................................................................24 Harvest Equipment Recommendations by Village......................................................25 Ambler......................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Chip system harvest requirements...................................................................................................................25 Cordwood system harvest requirements.......................................................................................................26 Ambler - Recommended Harvest System.................................................................................................... 27 Shungnak.................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Chip harvestsystem requirements...................................................................................................................28 Cord wood harvest system requirements......................................................................................................28 Kobuk........................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Chip system harvest requirements...................................................................................................................29 Cord wood harvest system requirements......................................................................................................29 Shungnak and Kobuk Recommended Harvest System...........................................................................30 Wood Harvest Systems Upper Kobuk Biomass Program Alaska Wood Energy Associates Appendix— ............................. .............. ...... ..................................... .................. ... 32 Transportation System Analysis......................................................................................................................32 Background................................................................................................................................................................32 LogRafting in spring and summer..................................................................................................................32 Winter Hauling and Transport on Ice............................................................................................................33 NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE ICE....................................................................................................................34 Howthick is the ice?...............................................................................................................................................34 How thick does the ice need to be?...................................................................................................................34 Minimum ice thickness required to support a load..................................................................................34 Basic Procedures of Safety on Ice.....................................................................................................................35 SAFE OPERATIONS ON THE ICE COVER.......................................................................................................36 Equipment and Loading/ Unloading Point Considerations..................................................................36 3 Wood Harvest Systems Upper Kobuk Biomass Program Alaska Wood Energy Associates The purpose of this report is to integrate the various key components of a biomass system to a review of various types of harvest equipment that could be used to support the harvesting component. This should be considered as a starting point for equipment selection. Local input has not been gained in the development of this document. In addition, other villages will have similar equipment tested prior to implementation in the Upper Kobuk and could influence future thoughts on equipment configuration. Type of harvest equipment is directly linked to the type (stick fired or Chip fired boiler) of boilers installed and the scale of the installation or amount of wood required to operate the system. The stick -fired boiler requires round wood that must be fed into the boiler by hand and a chip -fired system requires chips of set specifications that will be fed automatically into the boiler. Harvest system requirements are discussed for each. In addition, size and amount of equipment required are determined by the size of the project and wood required to run the system for a year. Key findings 1. There should be two sets of harvest equipment for the Upper Kobuk: one for Ambler and one for Shungnak and Kobuk to share; 2. All pieces of equipment should be able to multi -task and there should be some redundancy in the equipment for working in remote conditions; 3. A team of two can utilize the equipment components suggested to produce the entire amount of wood needed for Ambler and a team of three would be required for Kobuk/Shungnak; 4. Harvesting may occur in both summer and winter; however most wood will be moved during the winter when the ground is frozen; 5. A system of harvesting based on time of year and summer vs winter harvesting sites should be developed through a five year harvest plan; 6. Modeled costs of wood production for either chip or cordwood production is much lower than costs used in the feasibility studies. This creates a very robust conservative model for development of a harvest system, with plenty of room for learning how best to produce wood locally; 7. A very robust harvest system for Amber will cost just under $500,000 and for Kobuk/Shungnak $700,000. This is based on an all -new maximum productivity system linked with the largest chip system. If cordwood boilers are selected, there is not a need for a chipper and can reduce both costs by $70,000. 4 i f i UPPER KOBUK VALLEY WOOD BIOMASS STUDY Prepared foi°o Alaska Wood Energy Associates by Forest & Land Management, Inc. P.O. Box 110149 Anchorage, Alaska 99511-0149 September 2010 Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................ 2 SETTING........................................................................................................................................ 3 PURPOSE....................................................................................................................................... 3 METHODOLOGY......................................................................................................................... 3 DISCUSSION AND RESULTS..................................................................................................... 4 Trees, Volumes, and Suitability for Biomass............................................................................. 4 Forest Succession and implications for future management....................................................... 5 Potential Wood Supply Characteristics of Ambler, Shungnak, and Kobuk ............................. 10 Ambler: ................................................................................................................................. 10 Shungnak:............................................................................................................................. 12 Kobuk: ................................................................................................................................... 12 Considerations for harvesting................................................................................................... 14 Planning Harvest Areas and Managing For Regeneration: ................................................... 14 Ownership Of Trees and Logs: ............................................................................................. 14 Log delivery, handling, and storage: ..................................................................................... 14 Forest Practices Regulations: ................................................................................................ 15 Harvesting and Transport Equipment: .................................................................................. 15 Personnel: .............................................................................................................................. 15 FEASIBILITY ASSUMPTIONS: ................................................................................................ 16 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................. 16 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................. 17 ACKNOWLEGEMENTS............................................................................................................. 17 1 Upper Kobuk VaRley Wood Biomass Study EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The remote location of Ambler, Shungnak, and Kobuk results in a high cost for diesel oil and gasoline, which must often be flown in by air tanker. These communities rely on diesel oil for electrical power generation and heating of community buildings. Firewood is used in many homes to supplement diesel oil for heating. The extreme climatic conditions dictate the need for { reliable electric power and heat. Three species of hardwood (balsam poplar, aspen, and birch) and two species of conifer (white I and black spruce) are indigenous to the region, and are available for use as wood biomass fuel for electrical power generation and heating. The implementation of wood biomass power init projects in this area must be: 1) accomplished at an appropriate scale, preferably with an ial spruce of protect, �an subject to detaileU management and accountability from the first step oil Uarvest plan ng through the process of managing and maintaining the electrical generation and eating facilities. 2 b: 416 qft No- n aw OR lowilk► J I %J, lot INI ►o NI 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . -Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....■.,..CD■,.... o ................ .�,. , .. :a::) : : :cn: m: .° :° : :(D :(D 1 :5 (C) co: co: cj: :5 :(d :> u):° : :5 :° : : : :° :a:a:a: :° : :a:a: :a•:o.:@:°:(D: :U) E""t „ ............... :) : < (D co: :°:Q: : :W: : :Q: :°:a #-- :(D :(D 1 :0 : :cD ;I - Feasibility Study A Comparison of Automated and Hand -fed Boiler Systems For Upper Kobuk Valley Villages Prepared by Alaska Wood Energy Associates E4 Engineering For WHPacIfic'- BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Level 2 Study Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Table of Contents EXECUTIVESUMMARY..................................................................................................................................................................4 MajorFindings.........................................................................................................................................................4 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Goalsand Objectives..............................................................................................................................................5 ProjectScale..............................................................................................................................................................5 ResourceAssumptions..........................................................................................................................................8 LEVEL 2 SUMMARY - DESCRIPTION OF OUTPUTS............................................................................................11 StickBoiler Modeling.........................................................................................................................................11 AmblerModel Outputs.......................................................................................................................................11 KobukModel Outputs.........................................................................................................................................13 ShungnakModel Outputs.................................................................................................................................14 OtherConsiderations..........................................................................................................................................15 SECTION 2: HEAT, DISTRIBUTION, AND INTEGRATION............................................................................................16 General......................................................................................................................................................................16 Recovered Heat (Ambler and Shungnak only).......................................................................................16 WoodHeat (all villages)...................................................................................................................................17 SupplementalHeat..............................................................................................................................................20 HEATDISTRIBUTION............................................................................................................................................23 Piping......................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Pumping................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Integration of Recovered Heat (DH plants only)...................................................................................26 Building Integration (chip or stick -fired, DH plant or single building applications) ........... 26 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE USE OF CHIP -FIRED AND STICK FIRED BOILERS...............................29 Stickred Boilers.................................................................................................................................................29 Sizing, Boiler Control, and Utilization Rate.............................................................................................29 End -user Issues...................................................................................................................................................... 31 MaterialHandling...............................................................................................................................................33 Emissions Controls/Efficiency........................................................................................................................34 Maintenance........................................................................................................................................................... 34 SitingIssues............................................................................................................................................................35 CHIP -FIRED BOILERS............................................................................................................................................35 Sizing, Boiler Control, and Utilization Rate.............................................................................................36 End -user Issues...................................................................................................................................................... 39 MaterialHandling...............................................................................................................................................39 EmissionsControls/Efficiency........................................................................................................................40 Maintenance........................................................................................................................................................... 41 SitingIssues............................................................................................................................................................42 SECTION3: SYSTEM ANALYSIS............................................................................................................................................. 42 Limits......................................................................................................................................................................... 42 METHODOLOGY......................................................................................................................................................4 3 EnergySavings...................................................................................................................................................... 43 RecoveredHeat.....................................................................................................................................................46 CostEstimates....................................................................................................................................................... 47 Results....................................................................................................................................................................... 47 SECTION 4: FINANCIAL METRICS........................................................................................................................................ 47 Alaska Wood Energy Associates 2 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska FinancialMetrics.................................................................. APPENDICES................................................................................ Level 2 Study IYA .............................................................................. 49 APPENDIXA: AMBLER MODEL OUTPUT............................................................................................................................ 49 Ambler Inputs, DH Summary, Chip Summary, and Stick Wood Summary................................49 Amber District Heat Layout: Conceptual.................................................................................................. 50 Scenario1................................................................................................................................................................51 Scenario2................................................................................................................................................................ 52 Scenario3................................................................................................................................................................ 53 Individual Building Chip and Stick -fired Boiler Summaries............................................................54 APPENDIX B: KOBUK MODEL OUTPUT............................................................................................................................... 55 Kobuk Inputs, DH Summary, Chip Summary, and Stick Wood Summary .................................. 55 Kobuk District Heat Layout: Conceptual.................................................................................................. 56 Scenario1...........................................................................................................................................................—.57 Scenario2................................................................................................................................................................ 58 Scenario3................................................................................................................................................................ 59 Scenario4................................................................................................................................................................ 60 Individual Building Chip and Stick -fired Boiler Summaries............................................................ 61 APPENDIX C SHUNGNAK MODEL OUTPUT....................................................................................................................... 62 Shungnak Inputs, DH Summary, Chip Summary, and Stick Wood Summary .......................... 62 Shungnak District Heat Layout. Conceptual........................................................................................... 63 Scenario1................................................................................................................................................................ 64 Scenario2................................................................................................................................................................ 65 Scenario4................................................................................................................................................................ 67 Individual Building Chip and Stick fired Boiler Summaries............................................................68 APPENDIX D District Heating Plant/Recovered Heat Integration: Sample Sequence of Operations...... 69 APPENDIXE.................................................................................................................................................................................... 70 SampleCalculations........................................................................................................................................... 70 Alaska Wood Energy Associates 3 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Executive Summary Level 2 Study Alaska Wood Energy Associates has developed and applied a unique modeling approach for project feasibility in each village. The model simultaneously tests individual commercial buildings, selected neighborhoods and various district heating systems for both stick -fired boilers and automated chip -fired boilers. Multiple scenarios for district heating systems have been displayed from the modeling process for this report based on key assumptions and financial feasibility. The feasibility modeling process is dynamic and with additional information, or with additional questions, new solutions can be produced. Major Findings /11�1. Model results demonstrated that using wood energy, as a substitute for fuel oil, is ecologically sustainable for wood production and economically feasible for each of the villages. Either cord wood systems or chip systems can be utilized. Pros and cons of each are discussed. �2. If the project goal is to displace a maximum amount of fuel oil in each of the villages and to create a sustainable heat utility, then a chip -fired automated system is the most effective approach. However, many of the scenarios for stick -fired systems are economically feasible if smaller scale approaches are preferred. 3. Only residences that are somewhat close together are economically feasible to connect with a district heating system; thus, Shungnak has 43 houses connected, Ambler has 10 houses and Kobuk has 9 houses. Connecting additional houses to the primary district heating system is not considered financially feasible at this time, primarily due to piping costs and heat loss. However, additional small stick -fired systems may be feasible, once the larger systems are installed, through economies of scale for wood supply and operations. 4. Key metrics for the largest modeled chip systems in each of the villages are as follows: Village Cost Millions NSP Years NVP Millions Gallons Displaced Tons of Biomass Ambler $2.6 11.1 $4.04 67,616 773 Shungnak $3.4 12.5 $4.8 77,833 885 Kobuk $2.2 14.1 $2.7 44,441 630 Ambler and Shungnak assume that waste heat from the generators will be utilized and increases t o mancia s over o uk—fhahrarmorwas e hea o utilize. r Alaska Wood Energy Associates 4 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Level 2 Study Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Introduction Goals and Objectives The objective of this Level 2 Cost and Feasibility Study report is to document the progress and findings at the feasibility stage of the project. The scope of the project is to provide enough analysis to allow the villages and potential funders involved to determine if the project or projects included should proceed to investment grade studies, design, and eventual implementation. The Level 2 Study looks at both small district heating (DH) plants as well as individual building -level biomass boiler applications. It compares the costs and net simple paybacks of both stick -fired boilers and automated chip -fired systems. Some of the examples are taken from a similar analysis performed for Fort Yukon, which is currently 90 percent completed, with an investment grade study, and more than 35 percent complete with design. A team of professionals, Alaska Wood Energy Associates, is doing the work on this project. This team consists of people from a number of different companies, representing various skill and knowledge sets. Greg Koontz of efour, PLLC, Seattle, WA, is performing the boiler modeling and feasibility study. Greg Koontz will also provide design services specific to the boilers and any DH plant. A primary concern for any biomass -fired plant is availability of the wood resources. Assessing availability is the responsibility of Bill Wall, PhD of Sustainability, Inc. The means and methods of procuring the wood and processing it will be documented elsewhere. For that reason, this report does not address supply, only (to a small degree) storage and material handling. The objective for the team and the villages is to use the study to choose a path forward into final design and construction, or, failing that, to determine under what conditions the projects would move forward. This report documents the financial feasibility study. Project Scale In order to be successful, a DH plant must achieve a certain economy of scale. The capital costs involved are quite large, so the savings to the village must be on the same scale in order to make economic sense. In the villages of Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, the number and size of (relatively) adjacent public buildings are towards the lower end of the range of economic feasibility for a DH plant; nevertheless, in each of the villages, at least one variation Alaska Wood Energy Associates 5 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Level 2 Study Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska of a DH plant may be feasible, depending on the resource assumptions made and the village's financial targets (see Section 1.4 below). DH plants can be defined in this report as being any "large" plant connected by distributed piping to two or more buildings and utilizing a chip -fired boiler. At the same time, each building in each village was analyzed to determine the feasibility of a dedicated boiler, both a chip -fired and stick wood -fired boiler. Finally, the study looks at smaller groups of buildings (usually no more than three, generally very close together) that may be served by a dedicated boiler (either chip or stick wood, in this case). These could technically be called district heating plant, but are so small that they are basically considered a "large building" that happens to need more piping and more building connections than a one boiler/one building application would. Each DH plant is labeled in the model and in the tables as a "Scenario", which is often abbreviated as "Sc" - Sc 1 indicates Scenario 1, for instance. Dedicated building boilers or small boilers serving two to three buildings are simply labeled by the name(s) of the building(s) served. Compared to Kobuk, Ambler and Shungnak have the potential advantage of having a village power plant. Ideally, any DH plant would be co -located with the power plant and would utilize the "waste" heat from the generators as the "first stage" of DH heat. The models assume that the DH plants in Ambler and Shungnak are utilizing this recovered heat. It is recognized that AVEC owns the power plants and an agreement will be required with them to capture the heat, and a price agreed upon to do so. In Ambler, three variations of a DH plant were studied, shown in Figure 1.1 below. The largest is Scenario 3 that includes the subdivision of nine houses and the city hall and city building. The smallest, Scenario 1, excludes the subdivision and the city buildings. Although feasible to heat, these are the least efficient extensions on this particular loop. BUILDING SELECTION by SCENARIO Res ID No. ? Sc 1 Sc 2 Sc 3 Sc 4 max load to space kBTU/h Base oil gallons 1 2 1 school complex 1 1 1 602.0 27,000 3 1 water treatment 1 1 1 42.3 3,500 4 1 city building 1 18.3 750 5 1 city hall 1 18.3 750 6 1 health clinic 1 1 1 36.6 1,642 7 1 tribal office 1 1 1 21.4 880 S 1 NANA office 1 1 1 313.8 13,000 9 1 sewer line trace 1 1 1 151.1 12,500 10 10 N subdiv, single 1 1 1 19.4 8,000 11 Figure 1.1, Ambler DH Plant Buildings included in study Alaska Wood Energy Associates 6 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Level 2 Study Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska In Kobuk, the smaller buildings and lack of recovered heat adversely affects the economics of a DH plant; nevertheless, four Scenarios were developed for Kobuk. However, this is slightly misleading. It was indicated that the school might be expanded in Kobuk. Until it is constructed it is best to look at the proposed DH both ways - with the existing school, and with the proposed "future" school (with correspondingly higher oil consumption). In the table below Sc 1 is the same as Sc 2, except the "school" is selected in Sc 1, while the "future school" is selected for Sc 2. Likewise, Sc 3 and Sc 4, which include the residential buildings, are the same, except for differences in which "school" is selected. So, in essence, only two groups of buildings are being evaluated. The column labeled "No." shows how many buildings there are. The column labeled "Res ?" simply indicates that a building is either a residence (blue 1), or not (blank); this is used only for cost estimating. BUILDING SELECTION by SCENARIO max ID No. Res ? Sc 1 Sc 2 Sc 3 Sc 4 load to space kBTU/h Base oil gallons 1 1 school 1 1 209.5 9,000 2 1 clinic 1 1 1 1 33.9 1,455 1 city office 1 1 1 1 43.9 1,800 4 1 water treatment 1 1 1 1 72.0 4,200 6 1 NANA office 1 1 1 1 309.4 13,000 6 9 9 house subdiv 1 1 1 175.4 7,200 8 1 teacher housing 1 1 1 1 36.6 1,500 9 1 future school 1 1 372.4 16,000 '10 Figure 1.Z Kobuk Buildings included in study The four streets listed in the table are meant to include all the houses that could be reached by a pipe running down each respective street for a total of 43 residences. The more buildings included in a DH plant, the more likely it is to be economically feasible; the exception to this is when the cost of the additional distance of piping needed to connect a building, and the additional heat loss and pumping energy associated with that pipe exceed the value of displacing the oil associated with the building. In Shungnak, four DH plants were evaluated. Alaska Wood Energy Associates BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska BUILDING SELECTION by SCENARIO max Level 2 Study ID No. Res ? Sc 1 Sc 2 Sc 3 Sc 4 load to space kBTU/h Base oil gallons 1 1 school 1 1 1 1 535.3 23,000 1 clinic 1 1 1 1 62.7 2,692 3 1 water treatment 1 1 1 1 60.0 3,500 4 1 city office 1 1 1 1 24.4 1,000 5 1 NANA 1 1 1 1 309.4 13,000 6 4 Back street 1 1 1 1 78.0 3,200 7 11 Andy Lane 1 1 1 214.5 8,800 8 14 Alley 1 1 1 273.0 11,200 9 14 Jim street 1 1 300.3 12,320 10 Figure 1.3, Shungnak DH Plant Buildings included in study Resource Assumptions In order to compare all the DH plants and individual boilers on an equal basis, some base level assumptions about these costs had to be made and used in the performance financial model. The assumptions shown in Figure 1.4 are based on current estimates of recent fuel costs in the villages, plus projections of the cost of obtaining wood chips and stick wood. The primary resources of concern in this study are the various energy sources, current and proposed. Because the systems involved are closed piping loops, water and sewer use is almost zero on an annual cost basis. Aside from filling and/or flushing the system, there is no water use, and thus no sewer use. The fuels of concern are No. 1 oil and electrical energy (current costs), and wood chips or stick wood (proposed costs). As will be seen in the following sections, even if this project is implemented, oil and electrical energy will still be required for the new plant as well as the parts of the village unaffected by the proposed plant. One of the key assumptions that will govern the economics of these projects is the cost of "bulk oil" in the villages. Based on recent data, the reported cost of oil in each of the three villages appeared to be about $8.50 per gallon. However, in each case the information provided indicated that the power plant (where applicable) and the school received "bulk oil" at the rate of $3.75 per gallon. If this is correct, and the bulk rate remains at this level, it will seriously affect the economics of many of the proposed projects. The school is generally the first or second largest user of oil in any village, so if it receives inexpensive oil it becomes more difficult to justify switching to another fuel. Alaska Wood Energy Associates BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Oil / Elec Data Level 2 Study Ambler Kobuk Shungnak heating oil heat content 134.0 134.0 134.0 kBTIJ gal heating oil density 7.1 7.1 7.1 lb/gal sulfur content 500.0 500.0 500.0 pprn sulfur emissions 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010 lh/gal CO2 emissions 22.013 22.013 22.013 Ib/gal low cost (school, etc) $3.750 $3.750 $3.750 per qal unit cost to power plant $3.500 $3.750 $3.500 per gal high cost (to village) $8.500 $8.500 $8.500 per gal oil to H plant $8.500 $8.500 $8.500 per gal unit cost of recovered heat $0.016 $0.016 per kBTU electrical energy $0.550 $0.550 $0.550 per kWh NOx and CO emissions are a function of the boiler Figure 1.4, Base Level Oil / Electrical Assumptions, each village Figure 1.4 lists four oil prices. This model is used in a number of villages, and needs to be flexible. The "low cost" is used when some buildings in the village get better prices than others (such as the schools). The "high cost" is what everyone else pays. The other two are the cost of oil to the DH plant (in case it is different still), and the cost to the power plant (in case they also get a different price). In this modeling exercise only two values are used, $3.75/gal and $8.50/gal. The corresponding values for biomass are shown in Figure 1.5 and are the same for all three villages. These numbers are based partially on current price in the villages and a very conservative modeled cost of producing chips with proposed equipment. Cost of Fuel wood chips $175 per green ton pellets $300 per ton stick wood $250 per cord wood chips $14.97 per mmBTU stick wood $13.49 per mmBTU recovered heat $15.86 per mrnBTU low oil $27.99 per mmBTU high oil $63.43 per mmBTLI Figure 1.5, Base Level Wood Assumptions, all villages Note that in Ambler and Shungnak, the cost of recovered heat is greater than the gross cost of chips or stick wood. This price is a key variable for the villages. Currently, the price for recovered heat appears to be about one-fourth the cost of the same amount of oil heat based on cost projections from proposed heat sales agreements. For comparison, if the cost of wood is considered, recovered heat should not be utilized. However the recovered heat is displacing oil, not wood. This is because chip -fired biomass boilers have a minimum "turndown"; a level below which they cannot operate, which is usually about 30 percent of maximum capacity. Alaska Wood Energy Associates 9 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study Until the load rises to this level, a DH plant either has to use oil, or recovered heat. In the Ambler and Shungnak models, it is assumed recovered heat is used. In Kobuk, this low load period must be served with oil; as a result, the Kobuk DH plant paybacks are longer than in the other two villages. Even in Ambler and Shungnak, the recovered heat has less value to a DH plant than it does to an individual building that must otherwise utilize oil heat. Normally, when recovered heat is available, it is always used to the fullest extent, until load exceeds the available heat. Finally, Figures 1.6 and 1.7 show the properties of the chip and stick wood that were used in the model. These tables show the mix of species to be harvested in the area and the expected moisture contents; this input is used to calculate the composite wood properties. There is one table for chips, and one for stick -wood and they are essentially the same for all three villages as the forests are very similar and the project management strategies for the forest are similar. moisture content at: % by INPUTS, chips burn store cut weight 1 : Cottonwood, logs 0.25 0.35 0.50 0.100 2 : Birch, logs 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.200 3 : Aspen, logs 0.25 0.30 0.50 0.200 4 : B Spruce, logs 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.300 5 : W Spruce, logs 0.25 0.30 0.50 0.200 r,hecksum 1.o00 other variables avg fuel storage temp 46.0 deg F avg absolute humidity 36.0 gr/Ib avg excess 02 0.10 avg air specific volume 12.9 cf/lb avg stack temp 320 deg F Composite Chip Properties net useable heat 5,845 BTU/Ib at burn MC weight at storage MC 1.044 Ib/lb at burn MC weight at cut MC 1.500 Ib/lb at burn IVIC density as stacked logs 21.866 Ib/cf at storage NIC density as chips 21.787 Ib/cf at storage MC combustion air req 5.246 Ib/wet Ib at burn MC combustion air req 67.669 cf/wet Ib at burn RAC CO2 formed 1.425 Ih/wet Ib at burn IVIC SOx formed 0.000 Ib/wet Ib at burn IVIC ash 0.017 Ib/wet Ib at burn IVIC ash specific volume 0.003 cf/wet Ib at burn PAC available harvest rate 17.300 tons/acre wet note: NOx. GO, VOC:. and PM emissions are a function of the boiler Figure 1.6, Chip wood assumptions, all villages moisture content at: % by INPUTS, chips burn store cut weight 1 : Cottonwood, logs 0.25 0.35 0.50 0.100 2 : Birch, logs 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.200 3 : Aspen, logs 0.25 0.30 0.50 0.200 4 : B Spruce, logs 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.300 5 : W Spruce, logs 0.25 0.30 0.50 0.200 checksum 1.o00 other variables avg fuel storage temp 46.0 deg F avg absolute humidity 36.0 gr/Ib avg excess 02 0.10 avg air specific volume 12.9 d/Ib avg stack temp 320 deg F Composite Chip Properties net useable heat 5,845 BTU/Ib at burn MC weight at storage MC 1.044 Ib/lb at burn IVIC weight at cut MC 1.500 Ib/Ib at burn IVIC density as stacked logs 21.866 Ib/cf at storage MC density as chips 21.787 Ib/cf at storage IVIC combustion air req 5.246 Ib/wet Ib at burn MC combustion air req 67.669 cf/wet Ib at burn NIC CO2 formed 1.425 Ih/wet Ib at burn K'IC SOx formed 0.000 Ib/wet Ib at burn MC ash 0.017 Ih/wet Ib at burn RAC ash specific volume 0.003 cfhvet Ib at burn NIC available harvest rate 17.300 tons/acre wet note: NOx. c VOC and PM emissions are a function of the boiler Figure 1.7, Stick -wood assumptions, all villages Alaska Wood Energy Associates 10 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Summary — Description of outputs Level 2 Study Three mathematical models were constructed to model the performance of the various DH plants and individual boilers in the three villages, and to compare their financial performance. These models are discussed in detail in Section 3, and a sample of the calculations is shown in Appendix E. To date it is not known how this project would be financed, so the financial model does not include the cost, but makes the assumption that the projects will be funded through grants. Stick Boiler Modeling There is a disparity in the capacities of the stick -fired and chip boilers used as the basis of design in this study. The smallest Garn (stick) is much smaller than the smallest Wiessmann (chip), and conversely, the largest Wiessmann is much larger than the largest Garn. Many of the building loads are so small that even the smallest Garn is too large - when this happens the net simple payback (NSP) gets very large. Stick -fired boilers are also cheaper to install and operate than chip -fired boilers. For that reason, in most cases, the stick -fired boiler has better economics than the chip - fired boiler at the building scale. The model is flexible enough to compare building - by -building installations, however in these three villages the only individual building installations worth reviewing are with stick -fired boilers. The only time the chip -fired boiler scores better is when the load is large as in a district heating system. The largest Wiessmann boiler has more capacity than three of the largest Garn boilers (actually equals about five of the large Garn). Installing three Garn boilers, even if they are less expensive individually, results in a more expensive installation than a single Wiessmann boiler. Note that for many buildings, the chip -fired NSP is blank - in this case, the load was so small that it is below the minimum firing rate of the smallest Wiessman. Theoretically, if one were willing to put in enough stick -fired boilers, and feed them nearly continuously, one could make do with fewer of them. Practically speaking, this would be an incredible amount of labor. For this study, we limit the number of stick -fired boilers per installation to three, and the number of firings per day to four. At this point the key financial metric is net simple payback (NSP) at current costs. Figures 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10 show abbreviated summaries of the results of the model using the Base Level resource assumptions for each of the three villages (Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak), respectively. The complete overall Summary sheets and cost estimates can be found in Appendices A, B and C for Ambler, Kobuk and Shungnak. Ambler Model Outputs All of the Chip -fired districts heating system Scenarios 1-3 are fully financially feasible and range in payback from 10.5 -11.1 years at current oil prices. The Scenarios range in fuel displacement from 58,000-67,000 gallons of fuel annually at Alaska Wood Energy Associates 11 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study 99% displacement. This will require from 47 - 61 acres to be harvested annually. Although the stick -fired scenario on a smaller scale described above has a quicker payback, the overall benefits to the community in heat cost stabilization is much less. Chip -fired systems are larger and present complexities for management; however, the benefits of job development and development of management capacities far exceeds the smaller systems. This is the crux of the decision process that must be made by each of the villages and their regional support organizations and is described in greater detail in the harvest assessment report. The combined "small plants" studied in Ambler are: Sc 1) City Bldg + City Hall, Sc 2) School + water treatment, and Sc 3) School + water treatment + sewer heating. Small plants two and three are quite feasible and if the goal is to have a smaller system that is not automated, then these certainly are worth considering with project paybacks of 7.7 and 4.3 years sequentially. Economy of scale is also what can make DH plants attractive. In Ambler, the data shows that combining the same six buildings into a single DH plant (Sc 1, Ambler) results in essentially the same payback as the six individual boilers combined. This is about the minimum size required to gain the economy of scale needed for a chip - fired plant. Note that with higher bulk oil prices, the chip -fired plant becomes more economical than six individual boilers. If the bulk oil discount disappeared in Ambler (i.e. everyone paid the same price) the DH plant payback would drop to 6.2 years, while the combined payback of the six individual boilers would drop only to 7 years. In such a case, the economy of scale of using a single boiler with distributed piping overcomes the added cost of the distribution piping and the added heat and pumping losses associated with the DH plant. DH Plant Project Cost / Financials / Summary Ambler Sc 1 Sc 2 Sc 3 Sc 4 project cost $2,052,839 $2,459,244 $2,584,145 savings $195,541 $228,108 $232,224 NSP 10.5 yrs 10.8 yrs 11.1 yrs NPV (20 yr) $3,376,002 $3,963,102 $4,040,569 oil displaced, gal 58,127 66,346 67,616 oil displaced 99.33% 99.74% 99.40% harvest req, acre/yr 47.0 59.4 61.6 biomass boiler model 390 390 390 oil boiler model 80-380 80-480 80-480 Nc,tt: Nornas< b,_Jler mfa Is l'Vie�zsm=um. oil boiler info is Weil McLain Alaska Wood Energy Associates 12 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Level 2 Study Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Individual Building Boiler Summary Stick Wood base oil oil fuel project NSP oil fuel project NSP bldg Building gal/yr displaced cost cost yrs displaced cost cost yrs school complex 27,000 0.864 $60,159 $346,904 8.4 0.974 $55,245 $417,111 9.1 water treatment 3,500 1.000 $7,748 $244,971 11.1 4 city building 750 1.000 $2,512 $244,971 63.4 city hall 750 1.000 $2,512 $244,971 63.4 c health clinic 1,642 1.000 $4,210 $244,971 25.1 tribal office 880 1.000 $2,760 $244,971 51.9 NANA office 13,000 0.943 $31,852 $262,793 3.3 9 sewer line trace 12,500 1.000 $24,519 $244,971 3.0 10 N subdiv, single 800 1.000 $2,607 $244,971 58.4 11 N subdiv plant 8,000 1.000 $16,594 $535,411 10.4 1 $32,445 $364,180 $9,070 $364,180 $9,070 $364,180 $16,652 $364,180 $10,175 $364,180 0.946 $32,490 $364,180 4.7 1.000 $25,998 $364,180 4.5 $9,495 $364,180 0.636 $12,181 $631,574 11.3 12 city bldg+ city hall 1,500 1.000 $3,940 $244,971 27.8 $15,445 $364,180 14 school+water treat 30,500 0.993 $62,236 $528,398 7.7 0.951 $70,274 $447,402 7.4 11- school/treat/sewer 43,000 0.926 $106,061 $559,390 4.3 0.994 $87,364 $542,178 3.6 16 Figure 1.8, Abbreviated Financial Summaries, Ambler Kobuk Model Outputs All of the Chip -fired districts, Scenarios 2-4, are marginally feasible and range in payback from 15.9-14.1 years. The first scenario is not feasible as it has a 20+years payback. The Scenarios range in fuel displacement from 35,000-44,500 gallons of fuel annually 94-98% displacement of fuel oil use. This will require from 35-50 acres to be harvested annually. This lower payback is due to economies of scale and the fact that there is no heat recovery from diesel engines. In the Kobuk building -by -building model there are a number of combined small plants. Because of space in the spreadsheet, a number of abbreviations had to be used. These plants are in numeric order (using the numbers from the "bldg" column in Figure 1.9): 11) School, Teacher Housing, City Office, and water treatment; 12) Same as 11, except the "future school" is used; 13) School, Teacher Housing, City Office, water treatment, and the proposed new NANA offices; 14) School, Teacher Housing, City Office, water treatment, the proposed new NANA offices, and the clinic; 15) same as 13, except with the "future school"; and 16) same as 14 except with the future school. All six of the small plant scenarios are financially viable and are in ascending order as to size. In this case it makes sense to take a close look at the business model of sharing harvest equipment between Kobuk and Shungnak, and whether stick -fired boilers make more sense. It could be decided that if Shungnak went with chips then so should Kobuk, even though the payback is lower. Management of the two processes in the two communities will ultimately be the deciding factor in selection of boiler types. Alaska Wood Energy Associates 13 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Project Cost / Financials / Summary Kobuk Sc 1 Sc 2 Sc 3 Sc 4 project cost $1,777,539 $1,780,383 $2,151,461 $2,149,367 savings $85,591 $111,640 $140,723 $152,640 NSP 20.8 yrs 15.9 yrs 15.3 yrs 14.1 yrs NPV (20 yr) $1,525,316 $1,989,047 $2,482,034 $2,708,361 oil displaced, gal 26,048 35,835 37,101 44,441 oil displaced 84.15% 94.41% 97.24% 98.42% harvest req, acre/yr 29.4 38.2 43.5 50.2 biomass boiler model 390 390 390 390 oil boiler model 80-480 80-480 80-480 80-380 Nnte: biomass_ hailer mfg is Wie: smann. nil boiler rrifg is Weil McLain Individual Building Boiler Summary Level 2 Study bldg Building base oil gal/yr Stick Wood oil fuel displaced cost project cost NSP yrs Chips oil displaced fuel cost project cost NSP yrs 1 school 9,000 0.968 $18,751 $246,796 16.5 0.701 $24,547 $366,004 39.8 clinic 1,455 1.000 $3,854 $246,796 29.0 $15,062 $366,004 3 4 5 city office water treatment NANA office 1,800 4,200 13,000 1.000 1.000 0.951 $4,511 $9,081 $30,275 $246,796 $246,796 $264,617 22.9 9.3 3.3 0.901 $17,995 $38,395 $35,494 $366,004 $366,004 $366,004 4.9 C 9 house subdiv 7,200 1.000 $15,070 $512,557 11.1 0.530 $38,575 $609,301 26.9 a teacher housing future school 1,500 16,000 1.000 0.999 $3,940 $32,481 $246,796 $348,728 28.0 12.7 0.977 $15,445 $33,211 $366,004 $366,004 13.7 10 11 sch, TH, off, WT 16,500 1.000 $33,441 $441,706 6.9 0.982 $35,411 $457,240 7.4 12 13 fut sch, TH, off, WT opt 11, NANA 23,500 29,500 0.930 0.814 $57,572 $94,404 $441,706 $472,699 6.7 4.2 0.986 0.948 $49,545 $68,832 $511,913 $542,906 6.9 3.9 14 opt 11, NANA, clinic 30,955 0.789 $104,027 $503,691 4.3 0.931 $75,386 $573,898 4.0 15 opt 12, NANA 36,500 0.937 $87,513 $621,375 4.2 0.829 $120,303 $917,914 8.1 16 opt 12, NANA, clinic 37,955 0.922 $94,679 $652,368 4.3 0.849 $119,530 $950,648 7.5 Figure 1.9, Abbreviated Financial Summaries, Kobuk Shungnak Model Outputs All of the chip -fired districts, Scenarios 1-4, are fully feasible and range in payback from 12.5-14.4 years. The Scenarios range in fuel displacement from 42,000-77,000 gallons of fuel annually at 98-99% displacement. This will require from 23 - 70 acres to be harvested annually. Although several of the stick -fired scenarios on a smaller scale described above have a quicker payback, the overall benefits to the community in heat cost stabilization are much less. The results of this modeling process demonstrates that the best fit for Shungnak is a chip -fired district heating system, especially since there are 43 residences to be served in the largest district heating system. Alaska Wood Energy Associates 14 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Project Cost / Financials / Summary Sc 1 Sc 2 Sc 3 Shungnak Sc 4 project cost $1,844,767 $1,980,869 $2,764,297 $3,440,215 savings $128,522 $145,487 $235,729 $274,786 NSP 14.4 yrs 13.6 yrs 11.7 yrs 12.5 yrs NPV (20 yr) $2,178,798 $2,464,510 $4,032,822 $4,768,198 oil displaced, gal 42,887 46,266 65,945 77,833 oil displaced 99.29% 99.73% 99.33% 98.88% harvest req, acre/yr 23.5 26.2 49.8 70.5 biomass boiler model 390 390 390 530 oil boiler model 80-380 80-380 80-580 80-380 Note: biornass boiler mfg is VViessmann. oil boiler mfg is Weil McLain Individual Building Boiler Summary Level 2 Study bldg Building base oil gal/yr Stick Wood oil fuel displaced cost project cost NSP yrs Chips oil displaced fuel cost project cost NSP yrs 1 school 23,000 0.926 $48,883 $348,728 9.3 0.882 $50,704 $366,004 10.3 2 3 clinic water treatment 2,692 3,500 1.000 1.000 $6,210 $7,748 $246,796 $246,796 14.8 11.2 $25,577 $32,445 $366,004 $366,004 4 city office 1,000 1.000 $2,988 $246,796 44.8 $11,195 $366,004 NANA 13,000 0.951 $30,275 $264,617 3.3 0.901 $35,494 $366,004 4.9 6 Back street 3,200 1.000 $7,177 $339,773 17.0 $29,895 $457,240 - Andy Lane 8,800 1.000 $18,116 $574,542 10.1 0.704 $36,365 $670,125 17.4 8 Alley 11,200 1.000 $23,310 $751,631 10.5 0.826 $36,481 $761,361 13.0 9 Jim street 12,320 1.000 $25,443 $751,631 9.5 0.866 $36,596 $761,361 11.2 10 11 Back street, clinic 5,892 1.000 $12,303 $370,766 9.8 0.222 $44,101 $487,652 81.5 12 Andy L, water tr 12,300 0.978 $26,546 $605,535 7.8 0.916 $32,458 $700,537 9.7 13 14 1 16 Figure 1.9, Abbreviated Financial Summaries, Shungnak Other Considerations One conclusion is that each village biomass project is extremely sensitive to the cost of oil displaced, and less so to the cost of wood and electrical energy. As mentioned before, a key issue is whether the schools can continue to get oil at the bulk rate in the future. Economy of scale is important to make these projects feasible, so if the largest end -user is getting inexpensive oil, it reduces the economics of using biomass within the whole village. Alaska Wood Energy Associates 15 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Level 2 Study Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Section 2: Heat, Distribution, and Integration General There are two general configurations of boiler plants examined in this study, 1) single building applications or very small groups of adjacent buildings and, 2) district heating (DH) plants. Likewise, two wood burning technologies are included; stick -fired and chip -fired. The characteristics of these boiler types are described in detail below. In general, stick -fired boiler systems are smaller, less automated, require less associated equipment, and their lower heat output range makes them appropriate for smaller scale installations (single building or small group applications). They are simple and robust but their simplicity means that they are more labor-intensive to operate than chip -fired boilers. Chip -fired boilers require significantly more support equipment, and as such, they require a greater scope of project to justify the higher up -front costs. Once installed, they are highly automated and require almost no labor input. They are also robust, but their larger capacity ranges mean that they are economical in a single -building applications for only the largest village buildings and they are most cost effective in multi -building DH applications. This study includes the larger public buildings in each of the three villages; Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak. Each building is evaluated for a stand-alone application biomass boiler, and where the proximity of the buildings allows, adjacent buildings are grouped into DH plants for evaluation as well. The selected buildings in each village are indicated in Section 1, and detailed summaries of the results are to be found in the Appendices. The study considers three sources of heat: 1) heat recovered from village power generators, 2) heat from wood, and 3) heat from oil. Recovered Heat (Ambler and Shungnak only) Heat recovered from an engine generator and used in a boiler system or DH Plant is "free" in the sense that there is no marginal cost increase to reject that heat to a heating loop compared to rejecting it to the atmosphere. The heat comes primarily from the cooling jacket of the engine and must be carried away from the unit to prevent it from overheating. In the absence of a co -located heating plant the heat is normally carried to a radiator, which cools the jacket water by rejecting the heat to the atmosphere (a fan blows air over a radiator coil). Engine generators producing prime power are an ideal source of heat for any heating plant. They run continuously, and the quality (temperature) of the heat Alaska Wood Energy Associates 16 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study rejected is almost identical to the heat required by the boiler or plant. Generally, recovered heat is the lowest cost form of input energy to the heating system, thus it is normally selected first and used to the fullest. However, since AVEC owns the generators in Ambler and Shungnak the "waste" heat is "free" for them to provide, but not free to the end -user. Recovered heat costs have been modeled at 25 percent of the avoided costs of heat generated by oil boilers. As Section 1 notes, even at 25 percent this cost is currently slightly more expensive than the gross energy from wood. It may be that these rates can be renegotiated as a part of this process. As the individual village designs progress the proposed operations will be continually examined to see if more recovered heat can be used in place of wood or oil heat. The below section on recovered heat describes how it will be integrated into the DH Plant; Appendix D provides a general one -line diagram detail drawing and sequence of operations for an integrated heat recovery / biomass boiler plant. Wood Heat (all villages) When available, recovered heat is considered the primary heat source because it is generally used first to meet the needs of the DH Plant. Wood heat is thus considered the secondary heat source. As with recovered heat, wood heat will always be used to the extent possible before using the tertiary heat source (oil, in this case). The villages own significant amounts of wood resources in the surrounding lands, and the team believes it can be produced in a usable form (wood chips and/or stock wood) at a price significantly below that of oil, on a BTU basis. Wood fuel boilers require more infrastructure than oil -fired boilers. They require space for wood storage and processing. Chip -fired systems require mechanical material handling equipment to get the chips into the boiler. Stick -fired boilers require space to cut to length and split wood to meet the boiler specifications. Given the remoteness of the upper Kobuk Valley any equipment installed must be reliable and well tested. It is also desirable that any boilers used be standard units, or "off the shelf' so to speak. The use of proprietary or customized equipment increases the chance that if equipment failure occurs, it will be expensive and/or time consuming to get it fixed. For applications where chip -fired boilers make sense, the team proposes to use a German line of boilers and material handling equipment. Wiessmann (formerly Kob) equipment has been deployed in hundreds of installations all over Europe, and now is starting to be used in the US. The North American headquarters of Wiessmann is in Vancouver, BC. The units have been modified to meet UL and ASME standards, and can thus be approved by local authorities for use in the US. They also enjoy a blanket exemption to the Buy America Act. The Wiessmann Alaska Wood Energy Associates 17 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study boilers are standard products, which come in set sizes, and offer a range of options specifically designed for each boiler in the range. The model range proposed for the upper Kobuk is the Pyrtec line. Figure 2.1 below shows a Pyrtec boiler. . M KOB �z� r . r Figure 2.1, Pyrtec Boiler The Pyrtec range has a relatively wide range of capacities, from 1.3 mmBTU/h to 4.3 mmBTU/h. The boiler can be equipped with automatic start, automatic de-ashing, a cyclone to remove particulate, and soot blowers to keep the tubes clean, as well as a number of other options. All of this equipment is purpose-built for the boiler, and is off -the -shelf equipment. Figure 2.2 below shows the range of Pyrtec boilers available. output capacity Pyrotec model kBTU/h Wiessmann model 390 1,331 Wiessmann model 530 1,808 Wiessmann model 720 2,457 Wiessmann model 950 3,241 Wiessmann model 1250 4,265 Figure 2.1, Output Range of Wiessmann Boilers Wiessmann also offers a smaller range of boilers, the Pyrot line. Because they have lower capacities these smaller boilers would expand the number of applications in which chips could be used. However, the maximum moisture content (MC) of the chips that can be used in a Pyrot is much lower than that of the Pyrtec (35% v 50%, respectively). The 35 percent MC limit would probably not be a limitation much of Alaska Wood Energy Associates 18 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Level 2 Study Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska the time, depending on harvest methodology. However, in the event that the chip storage was depleted and a village needed to cut, chip, and burn wood in a very short period the resulting green chips would have moisture content far in excess of 35 percent. Air -drying the chips to 35 percent MC could take three months or more - an unacceptable limitation on the DH plant. Thus, the team is not proposing to use the Pyrot line of boilers in the interior of Alaska at this time. Wiessmann also offers a variety of material handling equipment to get the chips into the boiler. When actual plant and wood yard sites are chosen in the three villages, the details of the material handling will be finalized. For stick -fired boilers, the team proposes the use of Garn boilers. Dectra Corporation, located in St Anthony, owns Garn Minnesota. A number of Garn Boilers are already installed in Alaska. Figure 2.3 is an example of a Garn boilers. Figure 2.3, Garn Boiler Note that a Garn boiler can also burn clean construction waste, slab wood, and densified wood products (briquettes, etc). However, neither construction waste nor slab wood was considered to be a reliable resource at the sites considered. Densified wood products are not available in the interior; in fact, one of the primary reasons to consider a stick -fired boiler is to minimize the processing required for the fuel. As Figure 2.3 shows, the Garn boiler consists of a burn chamber (the chamber hatch - style door can be seen in 2.3) surrounded by a hot water storage tank. For that reason the Garn boilers are much larger than the Wiessmann boilers for a given output. It also means that Garn boilers have two output ratings: 1) burn rate, and 2) storage capacity. The burn rate is the rate at which heat is released when the chamber is loaded with stick wood per directions and fired. The storage capacity is how much heat the tank can hold. Alaska Wood Energy Associates 19 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study In order for the storage capacity to have any meaning, the maximum and minimum storage temperatures must be specified. For the Garn, the tank is fully charged when the tank water is 200 deg F. It is depleted when the tank temperature is 120 deg F. Heating a building is a continuous process so heat is continually withdrawn from the tank by a pump and transferred to a building. Heating the storage tank is a batch process. A discrete amount of wood is burned in each "batch". No more fuel is added until the previous burn is complete. The storage tank allows the Garn to bridge the gap between the batch process of burning a load of wood and the continuous process of heating a building. Below is a detailed comparison of the implications of using both stick -fired and chip -fired boilers. Figure 2.4 below shows the ratings of the Garn boilers available. Garn model output storage kBTU/h kBTU WHS 1500 350.0 920.0 WHS 2000 425.0 1,272.0 WHS 3200 950.0 2,064.0 Figure 2.4, Garn Boiler Characteristics The material handling associated with stick -fired boilers is much simpler than that associated with chip -fired boilers. In essence, the wood should be cut to length, and should fall within an acceptable range of diameters. Larger diameter lengths may have to be split. Ash must be removed from the burn chamber manually, and tube cleaning is manual as well. The boilers must be fed manually regardless of how the wood is processed, but the actual processing is a trade-off between simplicity and availability of equipment (and thus more manual labor) versus less manual labor (and thus more expensive, specialized equipment). If chainsaws and splitters are the primary material handling equipment then a great deal of manual labor is required to process the wood and feed the boilers. The up -side is that this equipment is cheap, easy to fix, and abundant in the villages. If specialized harvesters and/or cutters are used much of the manual labor is removed. However, this equipment is expensive, cannot easily be replaced and there is likely only one of each per village - so a failure means the operation is down until it is repaired. Each village in which a Garn is installed will need to consider the associated material handling carefully in cooperation with the team to determine the best solution for the village. Supplemental Heat There are two conditions under which the combination of recovered heat and wood heat might not be able to meet the DH plant load. Chip -fired biomass boilers cannot Alaska Wood Energy Associates 20 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study turn down much below 30 - 35 percent of their full load capacity (the study assumed 35 percent). This "middle" range of temperature conditions is fairly narrow, but it does exist. The second condition is if the sum of the biomass boiler output and the recovered heat is too low to meet the total load on extremely cold days. For both of these situations, any DH Plant would be equipped with a small oil- fired boiler. The study assumes an oil -fired supplemental boiler for each DH plant, but not for individual chip or stick -fired boilers serving a single building. This is because each building already has oil -fired heat that can serve as a back up for a single building. Either one of these "oil" ranges can be eliminated through boiler sizing, but generally not both because one occurs at minimum boiler load and the other at maximum. Making the biomass boiler bigger eliminates the use of oil at the high end of the load, but widens the gap between the recovered heat and the minimum boiler load. Choosing a smaller boiler can eliminate this "middle" gap, but at the expense of more oil required in very cold conditions. The goal is to choose the boiler that has the highest utilization rate, and thus displaces the most oil. Figure 2.13 below shows graphically the effect of boiler sizing on boiler utilization rate. As a result, choosing the biomass boiler is a balancing act. Using the model, one can immediately see the effect of boiler size on heat source. Choosing a bigger boiler reduces or eliminates oil consumption in the cold months, while increasing it in the shoulder months. A smaller boiler has the opposite effects. Using two boilers can eliminate or nearly eliminate oil use altogether; however, it adds significant initial capital costs. None of the application studied in the upper Kobuk Valley were large enough to justify two chip -fired boilers It could be argued that no oil boiler need be included in the biomass fired DH plant (with or without recovered heat). The means in which the DH plant connects to the buildings allows the end -user to extract all the available heat possible from the DH loop and still use their existing oil boilers to top up the heat if need be. This could be a viable proposition; the DH plant could simply notify all the customers to enable their existing heating equipment when the temperature dropped below a given level. However, this relies on every end user to keep their oil tank full and their equipment in operating condition; once end users get used to district heat, they are less likely to keep their equipment in full operating condition. This study assumes a supplemental boiler for all chip -fired DH plants. Even if the building boilers were assumed to cover the peak loads during very cold conditions, it would not be nearly as convenient to cover the "middle" gap in heating that occurs when the load exceeds the recovered heat, but is too small to allow a biomass boiler to be fired. As noted in Section 3 the model predicts electrical demand (and thus available recovered heat) on an average basis. These profile curves predict monthly consumption accurately using average demand data, but Alaska Wood Energy Associates 21 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study have little or nothing to say about the demand (and thus heat) at a given time on a given day. Thus the DH plant would always be in danger not meeting load in parts of the shoulder season, and further, could not accurately predict when it might happen. If the DH plant operator cannot predict these events, they cannot warn their end - users to have their equipment available and ready. The potential for the DH plant under -supplying heat is significant. Again, one could argue that selecting smaller biomass boilers for the DH plant could mitigate this. However, that in essence shifts a significant (and unpredictable) amount of the annual cost of heating back onto the end -user. In essence, this implies building a plant that cannot meet the known loads, knowing that it will shift the burden of heating in very cold weather to the end -user - again, not a very viable proposition. Because this would occur only in very cold periods, the consequences of a failed "handover" (from the DH heat to the end user's heat) would be significant. This, plus the unpredictability inherent in such an operating scheme (operationally and financially) has led the team to recommend that the DH plant be able to deliver heat throughout the entire range of expected load; in order to do this smoothly, a supplemental oil -fired boiler is required. Because an oil -fired boiler can start and stop very quickly, without human intervention and with high reliability, it is ideal for the supplemental heat needed. Oil heat will always be added last, only when the other two sources cannot be used to maintain Load. See Appendix D for details of how the proposed oil -fired boiler fits into the operating sequence. NOTE: This section applies primarily to chip -fired boilers. The reason supplemental heat is not usually included in stick -fired applications is the storage tank that is integral to the stick -fired boiler. As long as the tank heat is replenished by periodic "burns", any amount of heat can be extracted from the tank, from 1 BTU/h up to the rated capacity of the burn chamber. Thus there are no "gaps" in output, whether the Garn is used by itself, or in conjunction with recovered heat. There is a practical limit to the output, however. In Figure 2.4 above, the rated burn capacity of the Garn model 3200 is listed as 905 KBTU/h (905,000 BTU/h). The only way it could maintain 905 kBTU/h, however, would be for an operator to continually refill and fire the boiler the minute each successive burn was complete - not a practical mode of operation. The point of the storage tank (other than to decouple a batch process from a continuous process) is to store enough heat to prolong the time between burns. In this study, the team assumed no more than four burns per day (i.e., six hours between burns). If a Alaska Wood Energy Associates 22 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study building or DH plant required more than four burns per day to keep the tank(s) charged the model adds a second (or third) Garn boiler to the plant. In only a few cases was a supplemental boiler assumed when using stick -fired boilers. In some instances, a single Garn may be adequate on all but the coldest days. In such a case, a small oil fired boiler would be much cheaper than adding another Garn (and less labor to operate). Having a back-up oil boiler could also relieve the operator from having to manually feed and de -ash the boiler(s) in -50 deg F weather - in such conditions, a full-sized back up boiler could operate. This can be seen in the Summary sheets when the fraction of oil displaced by a stick -fired boiler is less than 1.000. There are many variations in plant configuration, and this will need to be determined for each village as the studies get more detailed and the full design begins. Heat Distribution Piping The heat generated at the DH plant must be distributed to the various end -users. This is accomplished by pumping hot water through distribution pipes to each building. Traditionally the piping used in this part of Alaska is a rigid system of pre - insulated piping. A carrier pipe carries the fluid; this is standard steel piping. Rigid foam insulation surrounds the carrier, and an outer spiral -wound metal jacket in turn protects insulation. See Figure 2.5 below Figure 2.5, traditional "arctic pipe This system provides superior heat loss characteristics (i.e. very low losses), but it is expensive, and installation must be very well planned. It is expensive primarily because the whole piping system is rigid. It must therefore be installed below the permafrost or frost heave will snap the pipe. In many areas of interior Alaska this means burying the pipe 18 to 20 feet deep. The required trenching is expensive, requires large equipment, and takes time. Alaska Wood Energy Associates 23 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study Installation must be well planned out because it is difficult to modify in the field. Cutting a piece to length means cutting through all three layers; it is difficult to get a clean cut and subsequent clean connection to the next piece. For that reason the system is typically laid out in great detail in the plans, and each piece and fitting made for a specific spot in the system. Thus any mistakes in fabrication or any damage to a piece in the field can take a long time to repair. If the boiler installations and plants proposed herein had to rely on this traditional piping system, the payback would be significantly extended. Instead the basis of design is a flexible, pre -insulated system that uses a plastic carrier pipe. The carrier piping is constructed of cross -linked polyester, or PEX. The piping comes on rolls that are dozens or hundreds of feet long. Standard easy to install fittings are used anywhere in the piping to connect end -to -end, tee, or elbow as required. The piping can be obtained as a single pipe within a pipe (outer layer), or even supply and return in one common outer layer pipe. Figure 2.6 shows an example of PEX. Figure 2.6, Pex piping Because the system is flexible it can be installed in the active layer of the soil. For example, in the heat capture plant installed in McGrath pipe was placed at 48 to 60 inches deep. Further investigation will be needed to determine the appropriate depth in Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak. Pipe connections are simple so the layout does not need to be planned in great detail. Because it comes in rolls, hundred of feet of piping can be laid out in very little time. Trenches are shallow and simpler to construct, generally using equipment that may already exist in the villages. The most significant negative aspect of the PEX system as opposed to the traditional system is that the insulation is not as effective. Heat losses are greater with the PEX system, and piping losses can have a significant effect on ongoing operating costs. However, the heat losses are built into the feasibility models used in this report. Piping heat loss is a variable that limits the length of any specific district heating system. PEX piping systems are being used more and more in rural Alaska; thousands of feet of this type of piping were recently installed in McGrath in less than one week. Alaska Wood Energy Associates 24 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study Pumping Individual boiler applications can use the existing building boiler pumps for the biomass boiler; no additional pumps need to be added. The remainder of this section references only DH plant applications. Proposed DH plants include a primary and a secondary pumping system. This means that within the DH plant is a small piping loop that includes all of the heat sources, as well as some thermal storage. The secondary loop is the distribution loop that includes all the buried piping, and the connections to the end -user buildings. The primary loop piping is shown in detail in Appendix D, and a sample sequence of operations for the Plant is also contained in Appendix D. The heat sources are connected to the primary loop in the order the heat is preferentially taken - the heat exchanger from the engine cooling loop is first, the biomass boiler(s) second, and the oil -fired boiler last. Thus the biomass boiler adds heat only when the recovered heat cannot maintain set point, and the oil boiler in turn adds heat only if either/both of the other two sources cannot maintain set point. The thermal storage is added to primary loop because the volume of water in the loop is quite small. Thus it reacts to added heat very quickly. A biomass boiler does not react to temperature changes quickly, the way a gas or oil fired boiler can. Thus the thermal storage slows down the response time of the primary loop, allowing the biomass boiler to operate more smoothly. Three sensors in the tank at different elevations give an advance notice of the trend that the temperature loop is taking. The primary loop contains two small pumps, each constant volume and each sized for 100 percent of the pumping load. The secondary loop contains two much larger pumps, each variable speed (to save energy) and each sized for 100 percent of the pumping load. These pumps must pump all the way out to the farthest building and back. This system volume is quite large, and has no heat sources connected, so no thermal storage is used. A heat exchanger is placed between the primary and secondary loops and transfers heat between the loops, but keeps them physically separate. At the building connection(s), two way control valves are used to control the transfer of heat to the end -users. As the loads decrease, the valves close. This raises the differential pressure between the supply and return piping in the distribution loop. As this happens, the control system reduces the speed of the secondary pumps (using the associated variable frequency drives), driving the system differential back down to its set point. An increase in load likewise results in the pumps speeding up. Varying the speed of these large pumps in response to load creates significant energy savings compared to constant speed pumps. In order to cover Alaska Wood Energy Associates 25 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study such large piping systems, three differential pressure sensors are used at different locations - the system uses the lowest of the three signals to modulate the pump speed, ensuring that all parts of the system get adequate flow. Integration of Recovered Heat (DH plants only) Diagrammatically, the integration of recovered heat into a DH Plant is covered in detail in Appendix D. The concept is very simple. Water in the cooling loop from the operating engine(s) producing power in the power plant is routed first to the DH Plant. In the DH Plant, the heated cooling water flows through a heat exchanger. A three- way control valve on the cooling loop side of the exchanger controls how much heat is rejected to the primary DH loop. If the valve is wide open, all the flow goes through the heat exchanger. A temperature sensor in the primary loop compares the supply temperature to the set point. If the supply temperature is below set point, the three-way valve will be wide open, extracting as much heat as possible from the cooling loop. If this is not enough heat to meet the load, additional wood or oil heat will be added to the primary loop as required. If the load is less than the available recovered heat, the three-way valve will modulate as required to maintain the heating loop at set point. On the generator cooling loop side, the water leaving the DH plant, having flowed either through the heat exchanger or through the valve bypass, will return to the power plant cooler than it left. It will then flow to the engine radiators. If it is already cooler than the radiator set point temperature, then the radiator fans will not come on - the water continues back to the engine jacket to start the cycle over. If the water from the DH Plant is warmer than the radiator set point, the fans will come on as needed to cool the water, and send it back to the jacket. Building Integration (chip or stick -fired, DH plant or single building applications) Once in the building mechanical room, the new hot water distribution piping will be tied into the existing hot water supply and return lines that feed the existing boilers. Typically, four 2-position, 2-way automatic isolation valves will be installed in the piping, as shown in Figures 2.7, 2.8, and 2.9 below. The position of these valves will determine whether the heat comes from the building oil -fired boiler, the DH plant or building biomass boiler, or both. The existing building pumps will continue to serve the building -heating load. The valves that control the origin of the heat will be controlled by the existing building controls where they exist, or by a small -dedicated control panel if needed. If this proves too costly for very small installations, the switchover can always be done with manual valves, but this relies on an operator. Alaska Wood Energy Associates 26 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Level 2 Study Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Figure 2.7 shows a typical installation for two oil -fired boilers. In this scenario, each boiler is sized for 100 percent of the load; the boilers are manually alternated so that they get roughly equal run time. In all cases (figures 2.7, 2.8, and 2.9), light solid lines indicate existing equipment and piping, dark solid lines depict new equipment and piping, and light dashed lines show the water flow through the system. For convenience, it is assumed in all cases that Oil Fired Boiler - 1 is the active boiler, and boiler 2 would be isolated using the associated manual isolation valve. HWS is hot water supply to the building; HWR is hot water return from the building. D d HWR � D I 3: I = a t 3 ISO VALVE (TYP) o I Uj o Uj �w �w i� om om Figure 2.7, oil -fired heating plant Figure 2.8 shows the initial configuration of the combined oil and biomass heat, with the biomass (plant or individual boiler) providing all the heat. In Figures 2.8 and 2.9, the "wood -fired boiler" represents hot water heat from a single boiler or DH plant. Closed "auto" valves are solid, open valves are not "blacked in". Alaska Wood Energy Associates 27 Level 2 Study BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska _J HWR AUTO wl VALVE (TYP) (n T CL Cn M 1 � M T n Figure 2.8, combined oil and biomass heat, all heat from Biomass In the event that the biomass heat cannot meet the building set point for any reason, the two systems can operate in series. The lack of adequate heat from the biomass boiler or DH plant could range from small to total (a plant failure), but the operation would remain the same - the oil -fired boiler would simply add enough heat to maintain set point, whether this is 1 percent or 100 percent of Load. This is shown in Figure 2.9. _J HWR AUTO W VALVE (TYP) U) a I a V = a 3 0 w XX v_ w J Om Fr - HWR -------- - rJ M CD i i ISO VALVE o (TYP) w Om I Figure 2.9, combined oil and biomass heat, boiler heat in series with biomass heat Alaska Wood Energy Associates 28 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Level 2 Study Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Design Considerations for the use of Chip fired and Stick fired Boilers Some of the material below has also been presented above. The intent is for this section to be a stand-alone comparison of the two system types without reference to the remainder of the report. Stick -fired -Boilers As the name implies, stick -fired boilers burn round or split wood in relatively straight pieces. The wood is minimally processed, being selected for a range of diameters and trimmed only for length. If the diameter of the wood is too large, the wood may be split. Although the processing is minimal (compared to chipping), it is generally all done manually (some splitting may be done with a machine). Nevertheless, at the assumed unit costs, stick -wood is the cheapest energy source available to the villages for generating thermal energy. However, utilizing stick -wood means that much of the available biomass cannot be used. Wood that is too large or too small, smaller tops and limbs that are bent and/or tangled, or tops that contain leaves, cones, or needles are generally too difficult to handle in a stick -fired boiler. The burn chamber of the boilers (see figure 2.11 below) is designed for straight stick -wood of a given length. The wood used is generally air-dried, not mechanically dried; mechanical drying would be very expensive on such small scales. The stick -fired boilers used as the basis of evaluation for this study are the following models manufactured by Garn. Dectra Corporation, located in St Anthony, Minnesota owns Garn. A number of Garn Boilers are already installed in Alaska. Figure 2.10 is summary of the models that were included in this study. Garn model output storage kBTUih kBTU WHS 1500 350.0 920.0 WHS 2000 425.0 1,272.0 WHS 3200 950.0 2,064.0 Figure 2.10, Garn Boiler characteristics Sizing, Boiler Control, and Utilization Rate A primary feature of the Garn boiler is the built-in thermal storage. Physically, this is a large hot water tank that surrounds the combustion chamber. Functionally, the tank "decouples" the burn rate of the boiler from the actual heat load requirements. In essence, the process of combustion heats the tank and the tank serves the load (through pumps and a piping system), but not at the same rate. This is illustrated in figure 2.10 above. In the WHS 3200, for instance, the process of combustion Alaska Wood Energy Associates 29 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study generates up to 950 KBTU/h. The storage tank can hold 2,064 KBTU. So, if the "burn" lasts a little over two hours, it will completely charge the tank. If the heating load is 500 KBTU/h, however, it will take a little over four hours to deplete the tank - thus the rate of combustion is decoupled from the heat load by the storage tank. Heating a building is a continuous process, heating the tank in a Garn is a "batch" process. The thermal storage tank bridges the gap between the continuous process of heating and the batch process of burning. A batch process is one in which an event takes place at intervals - for instance, every eight hours, one fills the Garn with a "batch" of wood, and burns it. This decoupling effect eliminates the need for sophisticated combustion controls that would allow the boiler to track the load; that is, to match the burn rate to the load. The boiler is manually fed, and manual started. This results in a very simple boiler, which holds down first cost. The primary control function of the Garn is combustion control - simply ensuring that the combustion air is controlled such that the wood burns hot and clean. The decoupling effect also means that sizing is less of an issue than it is with a chip - fired boiler. If more capacity is needed to meet load, the operator can simply conduct more "burns" per day. When less capacity is needed, fewer burns are performed. There are limits to this, of course. An operator would not want to have to feed the boiler once every three hours round the clock, especially in the -50 deg F temperatures that can occur in the interior of Alaska. In this study, the assumption was that if more than four burns per day were required to meet peak heating load, another boiler would be added to the installation. Four burns per day imply a minimum of six hours between burns. Adding another boiler increases the time between burns, but it adds significant cost as well. In addition, the number of stick -fired boilers per installation was limited to three. Beyond this limit, it was felt, the installations got too large and too expensive. Because of the thermal storage, the boilers are quite large, and they require at a minimum a covered roof and flat slab floor; ideally they would be completely enclosed. Equally important, the utilization rate of the equipment drops as the number of boilers increases. If one boiler is adequate in "warm" weather, two required for "cool" weather, and all three for "cold" weather, then the overall utilization rate of the plant is probably no more than about one half (50 percent). Installing equipment in the interior of Alaska is expensive; the higher the utilization rate, the more cost-effective the installation. In the summer, heat loss from the tank may become a significant factor. The seasonal range of heating loads in the interior of Alaska is the highest in the country. Alaska Wood Energy Associates 30 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study The heat load at -60 deg F is 20 times higher (or more) than the load at 80 deg F (when the load is probably only domestic hot water). So a burn that only lasts six hours at peak theoretically lasts 120 hours in the summer. Obviously, in 120 hours, more heat is going to be lost through the tank insulation than is going to be actually used. It might therefore be more practical to run the existing oil -fired boilers when the load drops too low. However, for the purposes of this study, although insulation losses were accounted for, it was assumed that the Garn boilers met 100 percent of the load - no oil was used, even in summer. End -user Issues All of the facilities included in this study already exist, thus any installation of a wood -fired boiler would by necessity be a retrofit to an existing heating system. The intent is that the boilers be installed in such a way as to be transparent to the end -user. That is, the occupants cannot tell whether the heat is coming from the existing oil -fired equipment or from the proposed wood -fired equipment. Moreover, the mechanical heating system must operate the same way regardless of heat source; manually switching from one source to the other must be as simple as opening and closing valves. Finally, the systems will be installed in such a way that a failure of a wood -fired boiler automatically starts the oil -fired back-up, and ideally, notifies the operator of the failure. The Garn boilers do have one major limitation in terms of end -user transparency; they cannot control the hot water supply throughout the burn cycle. When a burn finishes, the storage tank is at design temperature (200 deg F is the design temperature for Garn). However, as the hot water is pumped through the heating system, it gives up heat to the space. As a result, when it gets back to the tank it is colder than when it left - the difference between supply and return temperature, called the delta T (or change in T) depends on the type of heating equipment (air handling unit, baseboard heat, radiator, etc) and the heating load. The cooler return water immediately begins to dilute the 200 deg F water, cooling it. Once the burn is done, no more heat is being added to the tank, but heat is continuously being removed to heat the space - thus the tank temperature falls throughout the tank's "draw -down" cycle. Garn considers the tank to be "depleted" when it reaches 120 deg F. The basis of the heat storage capacities listed in figure 2.10 is the assumption that the tank is heated to 200 deg F, and then heat is extracted until it reaches 120 deg F, at which time, another burn is initiated. However, in a retrofit situation, 120 deg F hot water may not be suitable. Many hot water heating systems are designed to use hot water at 180 deg F or more when at peak load. For instance, the heating coil in an air handling unit may have been sized to provide the required peak heating output using 180 deg F supply water (180 deg F is a very common coil temperature). In such a case, with the heating load at or near peak, the Garn boiler will be able to meet load as long as the storage tank Alaska Wood Energy Associates 31 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study temperature equals or exceeds 180 deg F, but as it falls below that value, the air handling unit may no longer be able to meet the load. By the time the supply temperature falls to 120 deg F, the air -handling unit will be operating significantly below design capacity. As a specific example, assume an air handling unit that requires 180 deg F supply water at peak load (i.e., there was no spare capacity in the coil at peak load), then in effect the storage capacity of the Garn boiler would be reduced by 3/4: 1 - [(200 - 180) / (200 - 120)] = 0.75. The WHS 3200 that has been used as an example above would have a storage capacity of only 516 kBTU, rather than 2,064 kBTU. At the same time, the time between burns would also be cut to 1/4 of the calculated time, although each "burn" would be much shorter, since the burn only had to raise the temperature of the tank by 20 deg F. In load conditions less than peak, air handling units can try to compensate for dropping supply temperatures by increasing the hot water flow rate through the coil. However, some heating systems do not have such automatic compensation. For these types of systems, the varying supply temperature may also present problems for the end -user. For example, some hot water radiators or baseboard heating units are locally controlled - the user manually opens and closes a valve at the unit to control space temperature. Obviously, a supply temperature that varies from 200 deg F to 120 deg F several times a day presents a challenge to anyone trying to control space temperature manually. Below about 140 deg F, a true radiator (which is different than a baseboard heater, although they look superficially the same) will not even work - there is not enough difference between the room temperature and the radiator surface temperature for the radiant effect to work efficiently. The point is that in a retrofit situation, the effective storage capacity may be less than the specified capacity, and thus the time between burns may be shorter than desired. Practically speaking, most heating systems use hot water in the 140 deg F - 200 deg F range. Only radiant floor systems typically use hot water as low as 120 deg F. Thus, in almost all cases, the storage capacity of the Garn units may have to be Be- rated if the systems were not over -sized. This study did not de -rate capacity of the Garn for three reasons: 1) there was not sufficient time to survey all the existing equipment, and related drawings and specs, to determine the design supply temperatures, and 2) In all cases, at load conditions not at or close to peak, 120 deg F water may suffice - thus the number of hours per year when the de -rate would be applied may be quite small (however, this is when the weather is coldest, and the most labor is required to maintain the fuel supply and burn rate), and 3) direct observations of system in Alaska have shown that many are so over -sized that they operate even with low hot water supply temperatures. It was therefore assumed Alaska Wood Energy Associates 32 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study that the specified storage capacity could be used in full; before any installation design is finalized, however, this assumption should be confirmed. Material Handling As noted above, the Garn boilers are manually fed. For each burn, the operator must load the combustion chamber with new stick -wood and manually start the fire. Ash is cleaned out by hand as well, but this occurs after several burns and not at each firing. Once the fire is lit, the chamber door is shut, and the fire burns until all the fuel is consumed. However, as noted above, it would take a little over two hours of burn to fully heat the storage tank (using the WS 3200 as an example again). A single load of wood will not burn for two hours, meaning that each burn must consist of more than one load of wood. In addition, during that time that the burn is taking place, heat is being extracted from tank to meet the heating load. So although a "burn" is treated as a single event in this study, it is important to note that at or near peak load, a burn could take as long as three hours to complete, and require two to three "reloads" of the combustion chamber. (A complete burn is defined herein as burning enough fuel to raise the storage tank from 120 deg F to 200 deg F, even as heat is being extracted from the tank for ongoing heating.) Thus although the number of burns is limited (in this study) to no more than four a day, this could still imply roughly 9 - 10 hours a day of loading and cleaning the combustion chamber. As with any stick -fired appliance, the fuel should be kept dry, and should be located close to the point of use. Therefore, any building or structure constructed to house the boiler should have sufficient space to stack cord wood. The amount of wood to be stored within the building (as opposed to in a wood yard) depends on the site conditions. In harsh conditions, it may be desirable to store several days' worth of cordwood (at peak load consumption rate) in the boiler building, in case weather keeps the operator from being able to re -stock the building from the wood yard. On the other hand, in all cases the existing oil -fired system is assumed to be left in place as back up, so this may limit how much wood the operator chooses to store in the boiler building. Regardless of how much wood is stored in the boiler building, considerable manual labor would be required to get the sticks from the wood yard to the building; labor to load, unload, and stack the wood. Because no equipment is required once the stick -wood reaches the yard, the material handling, though labor intensive, is not subject to equipment breakdowns. There are a number of options for discarding the ash. It is likely the ash would be collected in a small bin or dumpster, and emptied only as this gets full. Alaska Wood Energy Associates 33 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study Emissions Controls/Efficiency Garn boilers have no active emissions controls. The boiler uses an induced draft (ID) fan to ensure that enough air is present to provide complete combustion. This alone helps eliminate or mitigate many emissions. It helps prevents the formation of carbon monoxide (CO), which forms as a result of incomplete combustion. It minimizes smoke and particulates (but cannot extract any particulate formed and emitted), by burning clean and hot thus leaving very little behind but incombustible ash. Using more air than is strictly necessary simplifies the control, and makes for a clean burn, but it also reduces efficiency. Excess air-cools the boiler down as it enters and brings additional moisture with it, both of which require excess heat to bring them up to combustion temperature. The Garn does provide good transfer from the stack gas to the hot water storage tank. The stack gas essentially passes through the tank five times (a five -pass heat exchanger). There are four horizontal passes and one vertical pass. Overall, the efficiency of the Garn is quite good - the study assumed about 78 percent of the useable heat content of the wood was transferred into the tank. Maintenance There is very little maintenance required on a Garn boiler, and in fact, there is not much that an operator could do. Figure 2.11 below shows a cross section of a Garn boiler. The wood is burned in the primary combustion chamber, "E". In the secondary combustion chamber, " P, only gases are burned. As long is the ash is removed from "E" as needed, there is not much to maintain. The ID fan ("H") must be repaired or replaced if it fails. Figure 2.2 also shows the "tubes" that transfer heat to the storage tank. The tubes (from the end of "F" through the end of "I"), must be cleaned; if not, then any scaling or fouling of the tubes is not removed, and these will gradually erode the efficiency of the boiler (or even cause the tubes to fail). Running a wire brush through them can generally clean the tubes. The frequency of cleaning depends in part on how clean the wood is; clean forest wood should have no inclusions, while scrap and construction debris often do. If these inclusions (adhesives, preservatives, etc) do not burn completely, they often plate out on the tubes, degrading performance. Between cleanings, efficiency will slowly degrade as deposits accumulate, until the next cleaning. Figure 2.11 also shows that the boiler has two vertical tubes sections - these are more difficult to clean. All feeding, de-ashing, and cleaning is manual. The timing of the feeding is manual, although that could be automated (i.e., a control system could alert the operator when the tank is nearly depleted). Alaska Wood Energy Associates 34 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Figure 2.11, cross section through a Garn boiler Siting Issues Level 2 Study As noted above, the Garn boilers are quite large as a consequence of the storage tank. The WHS 3200, the largest Garn boiler considered in this study, is 14' - 3" long, 7' -2" wide, and 7' - 9" high. Each unit (full of water) weighs 34,500 lb. The largest Garn plant considered in this study includes three WHS 3200 units. Not including interior wood storage (but including clearance around each unit), this would require a minimum of 678 square feet (20' - 3" long by 33' - 6" wide) with an average floor loading of 153 lb/sf. This floor loading will likely require a relatively thick reinforced concrete slab to prevent differential settlement. Assuming that the storage tank is not de -rated, and the minimum time between burns is 6 hours, such a plant could produce 1,032,000 BTU/h. Chip fired Boilers These boilers burn chipped wood, which can come from virtually any size of tree, or any part of the tree, although there are sometimes limits on the amount of needles and leaves. The fuel is more highly processed than stick -wood in order to achieve uniform chip size, and thus more slightly expensive on a unit basis. Generally it is only cost effective to dry the chips if they need to be transported significant distances - drying reduces weight as the water is driven off. The flip side of the higher cost of processing is that a much higher fraction of the available biomass (tops and limbs) can generally be used in a chip -fired boiler; this is important in an area where biomass yields are low. The basis of calculations for the chip -fired boilers evaluated is the Pyrtec boiler line, manufactured by Kob (now Wiessmann) of Austria. The North American office of Wiessmann is located in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Wiessmann was chosen for this study because: A) it comes in a wide range of sizes (see figure 2.12, below), 2) Alaska Wood Energy Associates 35 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Level 2 Study Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska because the line has many useful features and has proven to be very reliable, 3) because they have recently gotten the required ASME and UL certification for these boilers, which means they can now be installed in the US, and 4) they have a blanket exemption to the "Buy America" act. Figure 2.12 below shows the characteristics of the boilers line included in the study. output capacity Pyrotec model kBTU/h Wiessmann model 390 1,331 Wiessmann model 530 1,808 Wiessmann model 720 2,457 Wiessmann model 950 3,241 Wiessmann model 1250 4,265 Figure 2.12, Wiessmann Boiler characteristics Note that the largest Wiessmann, the model 1250, can output over four times as much heat as a "three-Garn" plant. Sizing, Boiler Control, and Utilization Rate Chip -fired boilers are fed mechanically; as long as the fuel bin is kept loaded, and the feed mechanism maintained, a boiler will continue to operate until an operator shuts it down. The firing rate can be matched to the load, within limits. The Wiessmann boilers can generally turn down about 3:1- that is, the minimum firing rate is 1/3 of the maximum rate. With biomass boilers, thermal storage is often useful; it serves at least three purposes. First, it helps even out the boiler operation when the load is very close to the minimum boiler load. Second, it helps maintain smooth temperature control. A series of temperature sensors at different elevations in a tank gives a boiler advance warning that load is increasing and smoothes out fluctuations in supply temperatures. Third, when the boiler shuts down, the capacity of the tank is enough to absorb the heat of the fuel in the boiler - once fuel enters a solid fuel boiler and is ignited, it cannot be "turned off'; it will eventually burn and a properly sized storage tank can absorb this residual heat. While thermal storage is often used with a chip -fired boiler, it is not integral to the boiler. In this study, a separate thermal storage tank was assumed. This slightly decouples the load from the firing rate (as with the Garn), but because the storage is so small, this is mainly an advantage at very low loads. Over most of the firing range, the firing rate of the boiler is not decoupled from the load, and must modulate (within the 3:1 range) output to meet load. When it cannot meet load on the low end (and the storage cannot carry over the low load), it must shut down; on the high end, it needs supplemental heat from a back-up source. Alaska Wood Energy Associates 36 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study As noted above, a high utilization rate is critical to creating a cost-effective installation. At the same time, the firing range of the boiler is limited by the 3:1 turndown ratio. For these reasons, sizing a chip -fired boiler is critical. Space heating loads peak in the winter, and tail off to little or nothing in the summer (if domestic hot water is generated using the boilers, the summer load increases slightly); thus the boiler sizing is a compromise. The intent is to keep the boiler on as many hours as possible per year, thus displacing the maximum amount of oil. For that reason, the boiler is generally sized below the peak -heating load. Even so, the summer load is generally too small to fit within the 3:1 turndown. For that reason, supplemental heat from existing oil -fired boilers is generally needed in winter (to meet peak loads) and in summer (to meet the very small loads). A good measure of the effectiveness of the boiler sizing is what fraction of the annual oil use it would displace. Figure 2.13 below shows some examples of the effect of boiler sizing on utilization rate. Load v Outside Air Temp Pyrtec 540 Load v Outside Air Temp Pyrtec 720 Load v Outside Air Temp Pyrtec 950 kBTU/h fraction of oil displaced 0.855 kBTU/h fraction of oil displaced 0.907 kBTU/h fraction of oil displaced 0.866 4,000 red = load. blue = caEsiciiy 3,000 — 2,000 1,000 0 deg F (60) (25) 10 45 80 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 — 0 deg F (60) (25) 10 45 80 Figure 2.13, effects of boiler sizing on utilization rate 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 deg F (60) (25) 10 45 80 Three boiler sizes are shown; the middle graph shows the model best suited for the application (in this case, the village school in Fort Yukon). In this example, the Pyrtec 720 can displace 90.7 percent of the oil currently required on an annual basis. There are a minimal number of hours at peak load and at summer load when the heating load falls outside the range of the 720. A selection is always checked by trying one smaller and one larger model. The graph on the left is the next smaller model, the Pyrtec 530. The smaller boiler can operate at higher outside air temperatures (i.e., lower loads) than the 720, but this gain is offset by the loss of capacity on the top end. The top end is when the existing system is using oil the fastest, so displacing an hour of load at -55 deg F is worth much more than displacing an hour of load at 55 deg F. Still, the 540 displace 85.5 percent of the annual oil consumption, not a bad utilization rate. On the right is the next larger model, the Pyrtec 950. In this case, the boiler capacity is actually larger than the peak load - so the existing oil -fired boiler would not have to run at all in the winter. However, this also means that there is some capacity that is never used at all. Sometimes this works out as the best solution, but in this case, the 950 displaces Alaska Wood Energy Associates 37 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study 86.6 percent of the annual oil, confirming the 720 as the best selection for a single - boiler application. In order to displace a larger fraction of the required oil, a second chip -fired boiler can sometimes be added. In these cases, the second boiler is generally smaller than the first, or main boiler. This allows it to add heat in winter to help manage the peaks, and extend the amount of time the plant can run in summer before the load falls below the 3:1 limit. A well designed boiler plant with two boilers can often displace nearly all of the oil an existing oil -fired plant uses in a year. However, some combinations of boilers and loads do not allow much further optimization. If the top -end capacity of the small boiler and the low -end capacity of the large boiler do not overlap, then an oil -fired boiler is required to cover the capacity gap. In this case, a single well -selected boiler is often the most cost effective solution. In terms of control, the combustion and firing rate controls of the Wiessmann boilers are much more sophisticated than those of stick -fired boilers. Primarily, this is because the heat output must be matched to the load. This requires that the boiler be able to control the rate at which fuel is added, as well as the rate at which combustion air is added. Controlling the speed of feed system, based on load, controls the fuel rate. The control of the combustion air is based on monitoring the amount of oxygen left in the stack gas - ambient air is about 21 percent 02 by volume (23.2 percent by weight). Ideally, the amount of air added would be exactly that needed to completely combust all the fuel; in such a case, the amount of excess 02 would be 0.0 percent. In practice, trying to achieve 0.0 percent excess 02 is dangerous; if there is too little air, the result is incomplete combustion, which generates carbon monoxide (CO), and may even cause explosions when sufficient air eventually reaches the fuel. So the combustion controls build in a certain amount of excess air - often a function of the moisture content. The usual range for chip -fired boilers with good control is 8 - 10 percent excess 02. Combustion air must be heated to the stack temperature, and it brings water vapor into the boiler (which must also be heated), both of which detract from the fuel's net useable heat. Thus, minimizing the amount of excess air (measured by excess 02) ensures that efficiency is kept as high as possible. The Wiessmann boilers combine an auto -start feature with the controls noted above; this means that the boiler plant can be started remotely (by a signal from a control system, for instance), and will then continue to run and meet load until 1) the fuel runs out, or 2) the load falls below the minimum turndown of the boiler. Alaska Wood Energy Associates 38 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Level 2 Study Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska End -user Issues As with the stick -fired boilers, the chip -fired boilers must be installed in such a way as to be transparent to the end -user and the mechanical system. In addition to starting the oil -fired back-up in the event of a boiler failure, the chip -fired boiler must also be able to start the oil -fired back-up when: A) load exceeds the maximum capacity of the chip -fired boiler, or 13) load falls below the minimum output of the chip -fired boiler. With regard to the end -user heating systems in the buildings, the Wiessmann boilers are completely transparent; they can produce hot water at any constant temperature up to 210 deg F. Further, they can automatically reset the supply temperature as load decreases. An air -handling unit that requires 200 deg F water in winter may be able to meet load with 140 deg F water in spring and fall. Using the boiler controls, the hot water supply temperature can be reset based on outside air temperature, or any other parameter that can be measured. This is important because the lower the supply temperature, the more efficient the boiler. Material Handling A boiler that is intended to run for long periods with no supervision is dependent on its material handling systems. Fuel must be introduced into the boiler automatically, and the ash removed. Wiessmann can provide the systems needed to fuel and de -ash the boilers, but the trade-off for this automation is additional maintenance, and more potential failure points. In order to make chip -fired boilers feasible in the interior of Alaska, it will be important to minimize the length of the material handling "chain", as well as the number of moving parts. Ideally, a single auger would pull fuel out of a fuel bin, which would be manually filled periodically (manual here implies a person running a front loader or similar machine). The chips would slide by gravity to the auger inlet, minimizing failure points. In practice, the feed process can be fully automated, but this is not feasible on the scale of boiler plants considered in this study, and it presents too many potential points of failure. This section of the study also does not deal with the chipping equipment itself. The design of the material handling systems will be key to successful implementation of chip -fired boilers. Figure 2.14 below shows some of the material handling elements integral to the boiler. On the right of the picture is the fuel inlet - the chips must be augured to this point; from here the boiler modulates the flow into the boiler. On the left is the de-ashing auger. This automatically removes ashes from the boiler and deposits them in the bin shown. The Wiessman Pyrot boiler line (shown) is not currently being considered for interior of Alaska, because it requires chips with a moisture content of less than 35 percent; however, this picture shows Alaska Wood Energy Associates 39 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study the boiler -mounted elements of the material handling system common to all Wiessmann boilers. Figure 2.14, Wiessmann Pyrot boiler Emissions Controls/Efficiency As noted above, the Wiessmann boiler controls the combustion airflow to minimize excess air. As with the Garn, this provides complete combustion, which helps to minimize both CO and particulate. In addition, however, the Wiessmann can be installed with flue gas recirculation (FGR). By injecting a fraction of the flue gas back into the combustion chamber, the combustion temperature is lowered, reducing the formation of oxides of nitrogen. Commonly labeled as NOx, these oxides are major air pollutant, and they contribute to acid rain. Finally, a cyclone (supplied by Wiessmann) can be installed to mitigate particulates. A cyclone, as the name implies, causes the stack gas to spin as it enters the unit. This throws the solids (the particulates) to the sides of the unit, where they fall to the bottom of the unit. The gas exits up the center of the unit and out the flue to the atmosphere. Combustion efficiency is a function of the difference between the temperature of combustion air entering the boiler and the stack gas leaving the boiler - the cooler the stack gas is, the more efficient the boiler. This difference in temperature is itself a function of how hot the hot water return temperature is (the cooler the better, as noted above), and the efficiency of the heat transfer from stack gas to hot water (how clean the tubes are). The Wiessmann boiler addresses both of these issues. Using the boiler controls intelligently, the hot water supply temperature can be automatically reset down as load decreases. In addition, the Wiessmann can be equipped with soot -blowers. These are nozzles that direct high-pressure compressed air onto the tubes at regular intervals to keep them clean. The material blown off the tubes is removed by the de- ashing system. Using soot blowers does require a small air compressor, but it more Alaska Wood Energy Associates 40 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study than pays for itself by keeping boiler efficiency high. Figure 2.15 below shows the soot -blower array on a Wiessmann Pyrtec boiler. Figure 2.15, Wiessmann Pyrtec boiler showing soot blowers The soot blowers are the twelve black nozzles on the front of the boiler. On the left is the fuel in -feed system. Note that in the Wiessmann boilers, the tubes are all straight - they run from front to back. This makes them easier to manually clean than the bent tubes in the Garn. However, with the soot blowers in place, the tubes would only need to be manually brushed out every three months or so. As result of good design, good control, and automatic tube cleaning, the efficiency of the Wiessmann boilers approaches 84 percent (83 percent was used in the model). Maintenance There are obviously quite a few more moving parts on the Wiessmann boilers. However, these boilers have been in service for many years in Europe. They are designed to start up at the end of summer, and to run continuously until the next summer. Most maintenance is performed once a year, generally during the summer downtime. The only cleaning that is expected to occur more often that once a year is the brushing out of the tubes. One of the first Wiessmann boilers currently installed in the US is in Oregon; it has been running for almost three years at the time of this report. The operator reports that he looks in at the boiler once a day, and that he brushes out the tubes every two to three months. Alaska Wood Energy Associates 41 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study A key will be minimizing the complexity of the material (fuel) handling systems; these typically require more maintenance than the boilers. This material handling will be evaluated on a site -to -site basis for the best solution. Siting Issues Because the chip -fired boilers do not incorporate an integral storage tank, they are much smaller than the stick -fired units. The Pyrtec series boilers are too tall for a standard shipping container, but there may be options for pre-packaging these boilers. Being able to in essence build the boiler plant in a fabrication shop rather than in the field in the interior of Alaska will lower costs, reduce construction time, and result in a better quality product. In addition to the advantage of being able to pre-package chip -fired boilers, they have a much higher energy density than the stick -fired boilers. Above, it was noted that it required a 678 sq.ft. building to house a stick -fired plant that could produce just over 1 million BTU/h in heat output. The largest Wiessmann boiler, the Pyrtec 1250, produces 4.3 million BTU/h. The boiler itself is 14' - 4' long and 5' - 3" wide. The building required to enclose the boiler and its support equipment would be about 20' - 0" long by 15' - 0" wide (300 sq.ft.); that is over four times the BTU output in less than half the space required for the stick -fired boiler plant. In both cases, however, the fuel storage is an issue. It should be covered, and in the case of wood chips, it would be ideal if a truck could dump into a covered bin with a floor that sloped to the auger inlet. This will require more extensive construction than a flat covered space suitable for stacking cordwood. For either type of boiler, fuel storage will require considerable thought, and will need to be adapted to the specific site conditions. Section 3: System Analysis Limits As with any performance evaluations, the quality and validity of the outputs and subsequent conclusions depends on the quality of the inputs and the methodology. Methodology is discussed in Section 3.2 below. The input data gathered for used in the analyses performed as a part of this study include: ➢ Building specific data ➢ Historical village PCE (electrical consumption) data ➢ Proposed DH Plant equipment data ➢ Annual oil consumption, by building ➢ Annualized weather data (bin data) from the Ambler airport ➢ Village maps and plans Alaska Wood Energy Associates 42 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study ➢ Interviews with Civil Engineers, contractors, and consultants with significant experience in the interior of Alaska ➢ Pricing data from boiler manufacturers, piping suppliers and other AK vendors ➢ Performance data from Wiessmann and Garn ➢ Input from other Alaska Wood Energy Associate team members What was not performed a part of this analysis was detailed measurements of building heat loads and existing equipment performance. A building heating load profile is central to predicting annual fuel consumption. Ideally, this would be generated by directly measuring heating load throughout the year. At the same time, the actual operating efficiency of the existing boilers and distribution system would be measured. This would provide a highly detailed profile of heating load and the energy required to meet that load, for any condition throughout the year. In practical terms, however, the required measurements are difficult to perform, and not cost-effective. The equipment needed to make these measurements is not present at any of the installations in the villages, and would have to be flown in and installed. The measurements would need to continue from winter to summer, to generate a complete load profile. The resulting incremental increase in the accuracy of the load profile cannot justify that level of cost. Even without the measurements, the data that were collected limit the load profiles to within a narrow range of values. Also missing from this analysis is a detailed analysis of electrical load profiles (and thus available recovered heat). The only data available was monthly. Ideally, at least some hourly or daily data will be included in any Level 3 analysis. Methodology Energy Savings The performance of the existing and proposed heating systems was modeled using spreadsheets; the type of model used is known as a "bin model". The bins are ranges of outside air temperatures (OATs). Temperature bins are used because heating load is very closely correlated to OAT. Each "bin" of OAT is 2 deg F wide - for instance, 40 - 42 deg F is a bin, with the midpoint temperature of 41 deg F. For each OAT bin, the heating load profile assigns a heating load to that temperature bin. The actual "bin data" is the number of hours per year that the outside air temperature falls into each specific bin. Bin weather data is published for numerous sites, including many in Alaska. However, none of the villages in this study have published bin data. Therefore, actual hourly temperature data from the Ambler airport was used to construct a bin table for all sites. The weather data came from calendar years 2008 and 2009. The Alaska Wood Energy Associates 43 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study data were combined to come up the average number of hours per year that the OAT in the upper Kobuk Valley falls into each bin. This was done a on a monthly basis - for instance, the data in Figure 3.1 show the spread of temperatures in three different bins; 80 to 82 deg F, 40 to 42 deg F, and -20 to -22 deg F. hours per bin, Ambler Airport, 2008 - 2009 average mid pt hours per bin deg F jan feb mar apr may Jun jul aug sep Oct nov dec 81 13.8 41 7.2 43.3 7.2 4.3 18.8 34.0 6.2 (21) 25.2 12.8 4.8 5.7 25.5 Figure 3.1, Ambler Airport bin data In the calculations performed within the model, individual calculations are completed in a series of tables that have the same format at the original bin temperature data (see Appendix E for sample calculations). Figure 3.2 below shows a portion of a calculation used in this study (in this case, the calculations involved with the School in Shungnak). OAT mid pt 85 17.20 School output : kBTU/h 61.1 3,200 2,064 950 80 HWS deg F 120.0 model kBTU kBTU/h deg F de -rated capacity 1.0000 Garn store bum dT (store) storage (each) kBTU 2,064 6.0 3 0.005 1,032 ? No. 1 1 max burn intervals max units losses max cap, KBTU/h total losses load kBTU/h kBTU/h 10.3 71.5 2,064 3 324 Garn oil cords/h gph 0.006 83 61.1 120.0 1.0000 2,064 1 1 10.3 71.5 0.006 81 61.1 120.0 1.0000 2,064 1 1 10.3 71.5 0.006 79 61.1 120.0 1.0000 2,064 1 1 10.3 71.5 0.006 77 61.1 120.0 1.0000 2,064 1 1 10.3 71.5 0.006 75 61.1 120.0 1.0000 2,064 1 1 10.3 71.5 0.006 73 61.1 120.0 1.0000 2,064 1 1 10.3 71.5 0.006 71 61.1 120.0 1.0000 2,064 1 1 10.3 71.5 0.006 69 61.1 120.0 1.0000 2,064 1 1 10.3 71.5 0.006 67 191.7 120.0 1.0000 2,064 1 1 10.3 202.1 0.016 65 203.7 120.0 1.0000 2,064 1 1 10.3 214.1 0.017 Figure 3.2 Example calculations - partial bin model Subsequent calculations are done to determine how much oil/wood/recovered heat is required to meet that load - one table for each energy source (complex rules determine which source is the primary, secondary, or tertiary source in each load condition). Once the required oil (for instance) is calculated for each spot in the table, the SUMPRODUCT function sums up all the oil required for each month. This is the basic format of the calculations. Alaska Wood Energy Associates 44 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study The basis of all calculations is the heating load profiles for each building included in the study. These load profiles reflect all the information available about the building, such as heating equipment capacity, operating data, historical oil consumption data, size and type of building, etc. As noted above, it is difficult to measure heat load directly, but simple to measure oil consumption. So the first profiles generated are oil consumption profiles. These profiles assign a specific oil consumption rate to each OAT bin. Using the calculation format above, the model calculates the amount of oil required to heat each building, and then compares that to known consumption - obviously, the model must be able to back -predict known consumption if it is to be used to predict future consumption. Once the oil consumption profiles are verified, the oil consumption profile is converted to a space heating load profile by multiplying BTU of input heat (oil) times the efficiency of the boiler/furnace to arrive at the actual heat to the space. Once these space load profiles are generated, they are fixed. An example of oil consumption versus OAT load profile is shown in Figure 3.3 below. Ft Yukon School Oil Consumption Load Profile (gal/hr vs OAT in deg F) gaUhr 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 (60) (40) (20) 0 20 40 60 80 Figure 3.3, Example of Oil Consumption versus OAT for Fort Yukon School No matter what heat source is used or how great any parasitic or piping losses are, any proposed DH plant or biomass boiler must deliver that same amount of BTUs to the space as the current oil -fired appliances do. Once the space load profiles are established, the spreadsheet models the various DH plants and boilers to determine how much energy they would consume to provide this required space heat. As noted above, in addition to producing a set amount of BTU for space heat, a DH plant must produce enough BTUs to heat the plant itself (parasitic loss) and to overcome the heat lost from the distribution piping into the ground (piping losses). Finally, the model must calculate how much pumping (electrical) energy must be used to get the heat to the buildings. Once inside the buildings, the electrical energy used for pumping is the same for the existing systems as it would be with a DH Plant in place, so this energy is not calculated or accounted for in the model. Alaska Wood Energy Associates 45 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study Additional key load profile assumptions: ➢ Space heating load varies linearly with OAT (a 10 deg F drop in OAT results in twice the increase in load that a 5 deg F drop causes) ➢ There is an OAT at which space heating stops - the OAT combined with the internal loads in the building (people, lights, equipment) are such that no additional heat is required; beyond this temperature, the only load is DHW. This value can be set individually for each building. ➢ However, there is heating required above 60 deg F, for heating domestic hot water in some of the buildings. This DHW heating value can also be set individually for each building. Recovered Heat A "recovered heat" profile is generated similar to heating loads. This profile assigns a specific village power requirement to each temperature bin. This is less straightforward than assigning heat loads versus OAT, because the correlation between village power and OAT is not as strong - there is also a time -of -day component to power output. Bin models predicts long-term average performance not hour -by -hour performance. A bin model that predicts consumption accurately on a monthly basis is generally as specific as is required - most utilities bill and/or report consumption on a monthly basis For each village (except Kobuk, which does not generate its own power) a temperature versus power curve was developed which accurately predicts monthly consumption. The following is the list of other calculations made in order to predict performance. Other than the calculations relating to the DH plant piping (flow rates, distance, pipe size, etc), all of these calculation took the form of bin tables as described above (again, sample calculations can be found in Appendix E): ➢ Proposed routing of DH pipe and associated lengths ➢ Peak flow rate required by each building ➢ Size of piping run -out to each building ➢ Size of each segment of the piping mains (any pipe that serves more than one building) ➢ Minimum and maximum heat loss in each segment and run -out and bin profile ➢ DH Plant parasitic heating load profile ➢ DH Plant heating load (building profile plus parasitic profile plus piping loss profile) ➢ Useable recovered heat profile and bin calculation (month by month) ➢ Wood energy input profile and bin calculation (month by month) ➢ Oil energy input profile and bin calculation (month by month) ➢ Pumping energy input profile and bin calculation (month by month) Alaska Wood Energy Associates 46 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Level 2 Study Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Cost Estimates The other component required to calculate the payback of any given scenario is the project cost. One estimate was prepared for each proposed DH plant and individual boiler installation (see Appendices A, B, and C for a copy of the cost estimates). The current cost estimates contains the best knowledge of the team members regarding construction in rural Alaska. As the study level proceeds, these costs estimates will be constantly updated to reflect the current design. Ultimately, actual vendor quotes and contractor's estimates or bids will be used for the final cost estimates. Results Financial results are provided in Appendices A, B and C for Ambler, Kobuk and Shungnak respectively. They are summarized in Section 1 of this report with recommendations. Section 4: Financial Metrics Financial Metrics There are any numbers of financial metrics that can be employed to evaluate a project. Many of these require that the source and means of financing the project be known. Many require knowing the expected interest rate that money could be borrowed at, and even the rate of return the client would expect to achieve if they invested the capital elsewhere (not in the project). In the case of projects in the villages of Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, much of this information is not known at this time. The exact funding mechanisms are not known. The in -kind participation of the village, if any, is not defined, and therefore the value of it cannot yet be determined. Finally, forward -looking interest rates are not very predictable at this point in time. At the same time, this study is a feasibility study. As such, it does not seem justified to make assumptions about all of the relevant financial variables. For all these reasons, this study has used a single financial metric to evaluate each potential heating plant - both as a stand-alone investment and as a way to compare different technologies and combinations of buildings. Net simple payback (NSP) as used herein is defined simply as the implementation cost of the project divided by the annual year energy savings. Year one savings are specified; it is assumed that resource rates will change year to year (or faster). All financial summaries used in this study use NSP as the sole financial metric for evaluating each option. There are a number of factors that do not factor into the Alaska Wood Energy Associates 47 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study NSP as defined herein; perhaps the two most relevant here are the labor cost and the maintenance cost. It is not known how the plants would be manned. The chip -fired boilers require very little labor. The fuel bin must be filled, the ashbin emptied, and in the event a failure, the material handling elements must be fixed. In a district -heating scenario, two to four people could operate a plant that supplied 10 buildings or more (plant only - does not count wood harvesting and processing). The stick -fired boilers, on the other hand, require up to 12 loads of wood per day, manually fed, at peak load. However, in such cold weather, the operator(s) may choose to simply feed the boiler during the day, and let the oil -fired boilers take over at night. This kind of variation in amount of labor that would actually be applied to each plant makes estimating labor costs difficult at best. In addition, there is the question of what the labor would cost. An organization might simply assign someone already employed in the building to load the boiler(s) and count the cost as zero. They might equally well hire an outside contractor. If a District Heating plant were installed, that would in likelihood imply the existence of a company specially formed to implement and operate the plant. Similarly, judging the maintenance costs of the boiler plants in the harsh climate of the interior of Alaska presents an issue. The Garn boilers are very simple, with not much to break. The Wiessmann boilers, originally built in Austria (now Germany), are deployed throughout Europe, including Scandinavia - an area with harsh winter climates as well. Nevertheless, they have more moving parts to maintain, and possibly fail. Labor and maintenance costs are annual, and thus deduct directly from the energy savings (lengthening the NSP). The point being made above is simply that the range of possible values for annual labor and maintenance costs is so wide that they should not be used to make financial decisions as a part of this study. Instead, as the project is developed in each village, the decisions on boiler technology and plant size should go hand -in -hand with discussions of how the boilers will be operated and maintained so that the true cost can be determined prior to making the investment. Alaska Wood Energy Associates 48 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Level 2 Study Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Appendices Appendix A: Ambler Model Output Ambler Inputs, DH Summary, Chip Summary, and Stick Wood Summary INPUTS, chips moisture content at: % by bum store cut weight 1 : Cottonwood, logs 0.25 0.35 0.50 0.100 2 : Birch, logs 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.200 3 : Aspen, logs 0.25 0.30 0.50 0.200 4 : B Spruce, logs 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.300 5 : W Spruce, logs 0.25 0.30 0.50 0.200 other variables checksum 1.000 avg fuel storage temp 46.0 deg F avg absolute humidity 36.0 cir/lb avg excess 02 0.10 avg air specific volume 12.9 cf/lb avg stack temp 320 deg F INPUTS, stick wood moisture content at: % by bum store cut weight 1 : Cottonwood, logs 0.35 0.35 0.50 0.500 2 : Birch, logs 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.500 other variables check -urn 1.000 avg fuel storage temp 46.0 deg F avg absolute humidity 36.0 gr/lb avg excess 02 0.20 avg air specific volume 12.9 cf/lb avg stack temp 375 deq F Oil Data Composite Chip Properties net useable heat 5,845 B-fl_I!Ib at burn LIC weight at storage MC 1.044 Ih'Ih at burn MC weight at cut MC 1.500 Ib/II; at burn MG density as stacked logs 21.866 Ib/cf at storage MC density as chips 21.787 Ib/cf at storage MC combustion air req 5.246 Ib/v✓et lb at bum MC combustion air req 67.669 cf/v✓et lb at bum I'dC CO2 formed 1.425 Ib/wet Ib at burn MC SOx formed 0.000 lb/wet lb at burn MC ash 0.017 It,/hvet lb at burn hd1C ash specific volume 0.003 cf/wet lb at burn MC available harvest rate 17.300 tons/acre wet note: NC-x.. CO. VOC, and PM emissions are a function of the boiler Composite Stick Wood Properties net useable heat 5,103 BTU/lb at burn MC net useable heat 18,533 kBTU/cord weight at storage MC 1.000 lb/lb at burn MC weight at cut MC 1.400 lb/lb at burn MC density as stacked logs 24.319 Ib/cf at storage MC density as cord wood 28.372 Ib/cf at storage MC combustion air req 5.146 lb/wet lb at burn tv1C combustion air req 66.379 cf/wet lb at burn N1C CO2 formed 1.313 lb/wet lb at burn 1✓10 SOx formed 0.000 lb/wet lb at burn MC ash 0.005 lb/wet lb at burn MC ash specific volume 0.001 cf/wet lb at burn MG available harvest rate 15.500 tons/acre wet note: NCix, CO. VOC, and FM emissions are a function of the boilei heating oil heat content 134.0 kBTU/gal heating oil density 7.1 lb/gal sulfur content 500.0 ppm sulfur emissions 0.0010 lb/gal CO2 emissions 22.013 lb/gal low cost (school, etc) $3.750 per gal unit cost to power plant $3.500 per gal high cost (to village) $8.500 per gal oil to H plant $8.500 per gal unit cost of recovered heat $0.016 per kBTU NOx and CO emissions are a function of the boiler Cost of Fuel wood chips $175 per green ton pellets $300 per ton stick wood $250 per cord Alaska Wood Energy Associates 49 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Amber District Heat Layout: Conceptual District Plant location is rectangle with rectangle inside. Level 2 Study Alaska Wood Energy Associates 50 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska MTTTT-�-� Village Buildings incl No. 1 school complex 1 1 2 3 water treatment 1 1 4 city building 1 5 city hall 1 6 health clinic 1 1 7 tribal office 1 1 8 NANA office 1 1 9 sewer line trace 1 1 10 N subdiv, single 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Boilers / Buildings plant fuel process (1 thru 3: wood, 4: oil) 280 sf 148 sf 1,200 sf ID make model min max 7 Wiessmann 390 334.4 1330.7 4 Weil McLain 80-380 278.0 Level 2 Study Case Flow, 1,000s Project Cost / Financials yr Base Sc savings debt net $369.2 $173.6 $195.5 $195.5 est construction $1,702,051 2 $380.3 $176.8 $203.5 $203.5 3 $391.7 $180.0 $211.7 $211.7 final design/study $110,633 4 $403.4 $183.3 $220.1 $220.1 bid assistance $8,510 5 $415.5 $186.7 $228.9 $228.9 Cons Admin $129,621 6 $428.0 $190.1 $237.9 $237.9 Cx/start up $17,021 7 $440.8 $193.7 $247.2 $247.2 contingency $85,103 8 $454.1 $197.3 $256.8 $256.8 soft costs $350,787 9 $467.7 $201.0 $266.7 $266.7 tax 10 $481.7 $204.8 $276.9 $276.9 11 $496.2 $208.7 $287.5 $287.5 project cost $2,052,839 12 $511.0 $212.6 $298.4 $298.4 NSP 10.5 yrs 13 $526.4 $216.7 $309.7 $309.7 14 $542.2 $220.9 $321.3 $321.3 grants/rebates $2,052,839 15 $558.4 $225.2 $333.3 $333.3 donated 16 $575.2 $229.5 $345.6 $345.6 amount financed 17 $592.4 $234.0 $358.4 $358.4 interest 5.000% 18 $610.2 $238.6 $371.6 $371.6 term 15.0 yrs 19 $628.5 $243.3 $385.2 $385.2 payments/yr 1 20 $647.4 $248.2 $399.2 $399.2 discount rate 5.000 % pay at begin 1 sum of debt Sc Source/Sink Emissions metric ratio source %from Base Sc delta NPV $3,376,002 rec ht 0.2517 CO2 644.1 845.3 201.1 escalation, rec ht 3.000% wood 0.7427 CO 971.6 2,617.6 1,646.0 escalation, oil 3.000% oil 0.0056 SOx 58.6 534.5 475.9 escalation, wood 1.000% total 1.0000 NOx 666.6 756.8 90.2 escalation, elec 3.000% sink %to end -use 0.7913 PM 513.5 oil displaced, gal 58,127 piping 0.1395 VOC 80.2 oil displaced 99.33% plant 0.0692 ash 19,970 utilize rec heat 1 total 1.0000 include wood in CO2 1 bias to wood 1 CO2 in tons/yr, all else in Ib/yr Inputs and Costs (B = Baseline, Sc = This Scenario, all Tables) plant op % 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec B oil, gal 6,493 5,700 5,917 5,105 4,240 3,283 3,097 3,722 4,038 5,204 5,845 5,878 58,522 B cost 39,850 35,077 36,636 31,990 27,282 21.825 20,908 24,390 26,035 32,658 36,118 36,419 $369,187 Sc rec heat, mmBTU 208.9 182.3 186.6 157.6 135.2 150.5 157.2 146.4 133.2 158.9 185.2 185.1 1,987 Sc biomass, tons 70.0 61.2 63.0 53.4 41.9 26.4 22.5 33.0 39.3 54.4 62.4 62.5 590 Sc oil, gal 14 107 197 57 19 395 Sc added elec, kWh 6,199 5,517 5,909 5,480 5.292 4,492 4,230 5,043 5,094 5,626 5,774 5,898 64,553 Sc rec heat, cost 3,313 2,892 2,959 2,499 2,144 2,387 2,492 2,322 2,113 2.520 2,937 2,935 $31,514 Sc biomass, cost 12,246 10,714 11,032 9,349 7,329 4,623 3,944 5,773 6,882 9,525 10,917 10,940 $103,274 Sc oil, cost 121 911 1,671 486 166 $3,354 Sc added elec, cost 3,409 3,034 3,250 3,014 2,911 2,471 2,326 2,774 2,801 3,094 3,176 3,244 $35,504 cost of inputs 18,969 16,640 17,241 14,862 12,504 10,392 10,434 11,355 11,962 15,139 17,030 17,119 $173,646 savings 20,881 18,437 19,395 17,128 14,778 11,433 10,474 13,035 14,073 17,519 19,088 19,300 $195,541 Required Harvest, acres Wet Storage Area Required 413 sf Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Auo Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 Cottonwood, logs 0.42 0.37 0.38 0.32 0.25 0.16 0.14 0.20 0.24 0.33 0.37 0.38 3.54 2 Birch, logs 1.17 1.02 1.05 0.89 0.70 0.44 0.38 0.55 0.66 0.91 1.04 1.04 9.84 3 Aspen, logs 0.84 0.73 0.76 0.64 0.50 0.32 0.27 0.40 0.47 0.65 0.75 0.75 7.08 4 B Spruce, logs 2.10 1.84 1.89 1.60 1.26 0.79 0.68 0.99 1.18 1.63 1.87 1.88 17.70 5 W Spruce, logs 1.05 0.92 0.95 0.80 0.63 0.40 0.34 0.49_._ _ 0.59 0.82 0.94 _0.94 8.85 totals 5.57 4.88 5.02 4.26 3.34 2.10 1.80 2.63 3.13 4.34 4.97 4.98 47.01 Alaska Wool Energy Assooaates 51 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Scenario 2 Village Buildings incl No. school complex 1 1 2 3 water treatment 1 1 4 city building 1 5 city hall 1 6 health clinic 1 1 7 tribal office 1 1 8 NANA office 1 1 9 sewer line trace 1 1 10 N subdiv, single 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Boilers / Buildings plant (1 thru 3: wood, 4: oil) 280 sf ID make model fuel 148 sf min process 1,200 sf max 7 Wiessmann 390 334.4 1330.7 5 Weil McLain 80-480 396.0 Level 2 Study Case Flow, 1,000s Project Cost / Financials yr Base Sc savings debt net 1 $437.2 $209.1 $228.1 $228.1 est construction $2,051,968 2 $450.3 $212.7 $237.6 $237.6 3 $463.8 $216.5 $247.3 $247.3 final design/study $133,378 4 $477.7 $220.3 $257.4 $257.4 bid assistance $10,260 5 $492.1 $224.2 $267.8 $267.8 Cons Admin $140,520 6 $506.8 $228.2 $278.6 $278.6 Cx/start up $20,520 7 $522.0 $232.3 $289.7 $289.7 contingency $102,598 8 $537.7 $236.5 $301.1 $301.1 soft costs $407,276 9 $553.8 $240.8 $313.0 $313.0 AK state tax 10 $570.4 $245.2 $325.2 $325.2 11 $587.5 $249.7 $337.8 $337.8 project cost $2,459,244 12 $605.2 $254.3 $350.8 $350.8 NSP 10.8 yrs 13 $623.3 $259.1 $364.3 $364.3 14 $642.0 $263.9 $378.1 $378.1 grants/rebates $2,459,244 15 $661.3 $268.8 $392.4 $392.4 donated 16 $681.1 $273.9 $407.2 $407.2 amount financed 17 $701.6 $279.1 $422.5 $422.5 interest 5.000% 18 $722.6 $284.4 $438.2 $438.2 term 15.0 yrs 19 $744.3 $289.8 $454.4 $454.4 payments/yr 1 20 $766.6 $295.4 $471.2 $471.2 discount rate 5.000 % pay at begin 1 sum of debt Sc Source/Sink Emissions metric ratio source %from Base Sc delta NPV $3,963,102 rec ht 0.2038 CO2 732.2 1,065.0 332.9 escalation, rec ht 3.000% wood 0.7941 CO 1,127.0 3,307.7 2,180.7 escalation, oil 3.000% oil 0.0021 SOx 66.6 675.4 608.8 escalation, wood 1.000% total 1.0000 NOx 768.4 954.6 186.2 escalation, elec 3.000% sink % to end -use 0.7598 PM 649.2 oil displaced, gal 66,346 piping 0.1716 VOC 101.4 oil displaced 99.74% plant 0.0686 ash 25,247 utilize rec heat 1 total 1.0000 include wood in CO2 1 bias to wood 1 CO2 in tons/yr, all else in Ib/yr Inputs and Costs (B = Baseline, Sc = This Scenario. all Tables) plant op % 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1,000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct - Nov Dec B oil, gal 7,497 6,571 6,795 5,819 4,755 3,626 3,404 4,137 4,523 5,926 6,721 6,748 66,522 B cost 48,390 42,483 44,101 38,055 31,657 24,745 23,513 27,916 30,162 38,793 43,563 43,811 $437,187 Sc rec heal, mmBTll 208.9 182.3 186.6 157.6 132.5 124.2 116.2 136.2 129.4 158.9 185.2 185.1 1,903 Sc biomass, tons 86.2 76.0 78.6 66.2 51.8 37.2 35.4 42.6 49.0 67.4 77.8 77.9 746 Sc oil, gal 124 46 3 3 176 Sc added elec, kWh 8,821 7,739 8,010 7,057 6.341 5,855 6,037 6,102 6,117 7,201 7,907 7,979 85,165 Sc rec heat, cost 3,313 2,892 2.959 2,499 2,102 1,969 1,843 2,160 2,053 2,520 2,937 2,935 $30,182 Sc biomass, cost 15.084 13,306 13,760 11,584 9,069 6,508 6,187 7,461 8,567 11,787 13,620 13,630 $130,562 Sc oil, cost 1,056 388 28 22 $1,494 Sc added elec, cost 4,852 4,256 4.405 3,881 3,488 3,220 3,321 3,356 3,364 3,961 4,349 4,388 $46,841 cost of inputs 24,305 20,841 21,124 17,964 14,659 11,697 11,350 12,977 13,984 18,268 20,934 20,976 $209,079 savings 24,085 21,641 22,976 20,091 16,998 13,047 12,163 14,938 16,178 20,525 22,630 22,835 $228,108 Required Harvest, acres Wet Storage Area Required 413 sf Jan Feb Mar - Apr Mav Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 Cottonwood, logs 0.52 0.46 0.47 0.40 0.31 0.22 0.21 0.26 0.29 0.40 0.47 0.47 4.48 2 Birch, logs 1.44 1.27 1.31 1.10 0.86 0.62 0.59 0.71 0.82 1.12 1.30 1.30 12.43 3 Aspen, logs 1.03 0.91 0.94 0.79 0.62 0.45 0.42 0.51 0.59 0.81 0.93 0.93 8.95 4 B Spruce, logs 2.59 2.28 2.36 1.99 1.55 1.12 1.06 1.28 1.47 2.02 2.33 2.34 22.38 5 W Spruce, logs 1.29 1.14 1.18 0.99 0.78 0.56 0.53 0.64 0.73 1.01 1.17 1.17 11.19 totals 6.87 6.06 6.26 5.27 4.13 2.96 2.82 3.40 3.90 5.37 6.20 6.20 59.44 Alaska Wood Energy Associates 52 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Scenario 3 Village Buildings incl No. school complex 1 1 water treatment 1 1 4 city building 1 1 5 city hall 1 1 6 health clinic 1 1 7 tribal office 1 1 8 NANA office 1 1 9 sewer line trace 1 1 10 N subdiv, single 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Boilers / Buildings plant (1 thru 3: wood, 4: oil) 280 sf ID make model fuel process 148 sf 1,200 sf min max 7 Wiessmann 390 334.4 1330.7 5 Weil McLain 80-480 396.0 Level 2 Study Case Flow, 1,000s yr Base Sc savings debt net Project Cost / Financials I $449.9 $217.7 $232.2 $232.2 est construction $2,161,530 2 $463.4 $221.5 $241.9 $241.9 3 $477.3 $225.4 $251.9 $251.9 final design/study $140,499 4 $491.7 $229.5 $262.2 $262.2 bid assistance $10,808 5 $506.4 $233.5 $272.9 $272.9 Cons Admin $141,615 6 $521.6 $237.7 $283.9 $283.9 Cx/start up $21,615 7 $537.2 $242.0 $295.2 $295.2 contingency $108,077 8 $553.4 $246.4 $307.0 $307.0 soft costs $422,614 9 $570.0 $250.9 $319.1 $319.1 AK state tax 10 $587.1 $255.5 $331.6 $331.6 11 $604.7 $260.2 $344.5 $344.5 project cost $2,584,145 12 $622.8 $265.0 $357.8 $357.8 NSP 11.1 yrs 13 $641.5 $269.9 $371.6 $371.6 14 $660.7 $275.0 $385.8 $385.8 grants/rebates $2,584,145 15 $680.6 $280.2 $400.4 $400.4 donated 16 $701.0 $285.5 $415.5 $415.5 amount financed 17 $722.0 $290.9 $431.1 $431.1 interest 5.000% 18 $743.7 $296.4 $447.2 $447.2 term 15.0 yrs 19 $766.0 $302.1 $463.9 $463.9 payments/yr 1 20 $789.0 $307.9 $481.0 $481.0 discount rate 5.000% Sc Source/Sink source %from rec hl 0.1980 Emissions Base CO2 748.7 metric Sc 1,106.5 delta 357.8 pay at begin sum of debt ratio NPV escalation, rec ht 1 $4,040,569 3.000% wood 0.7974 CO 1,156.2 3,429.8 2,273.6 escalation, oil 3.000% oil 0.0047 SOx 68.1 700.4 632.2 escalation, wood 1.000% total 1.0000 NOx 787.5 991.0 203.5 escalation, elec 3.000% sink %to end -use 0.7525 PM 673.0 oil displaced, gal 67,616 piping 0.1790 VOC 105.1 oil displaced 99.40% plant total 0.0685 1.0000 ash 26,171 include wood in CO2 CO2 in tons/yr, all else in Ib/yr 1 utilize rec heat bias to wood 1 1 Inputs and Costs (B = Baseline, Sc = This Scenario, all Tables) plant op % 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec B oil, gal 7,687 6,736 6,961 5,953 4,852 3,688 3.457 4,213 4,615 6,062 6,886 6,912 68,022 B cost 50,001 43,881 45,510 39,201 32,479 25,272 23,967 28,563 30,936 39,952 44,969 45,206 $449,937 Sc rec heat, mmBTU 208.9 182.3 186.6 157.6 132.7 125.6 118.5 136.9 129.7 158.9 185.2 185.1 1,908 Sc biomass, tons 88.7 78.4 81.9 68.9 53.8 38.5 36.5 44.3 50.8 70.1 80.7 80.9 773 Sc Oil, gal 230 119 1 38 18 406 Sc added elec, kWh 9,328 8,167 8,410 7,350 6,508 5,943 6,116 6,214 6,273 7,493 8,315 8,374 88,490 Sc rec heat, cost 3,313 2,892 2,959 2,499 2,104 1,992 1,879 2,171 2,056 2,520 2,937 2,935 $30,258 Sc biomass, cost 15,515 13,719 14,327 12,053 9,419 6,738 6,384 7,744 8,897 12,261 14,117 14,163 $135,339 Sc oil, cost 1,958 1,014 7 319 149 $3,447 Sc added elec, cost 5,130 4,492 4,625 4,042 3,579 3,268 3,364 3,418 3,450 4.121 4,573 4,606 $48,669 cost of inputs 25,917 22,116 21,919 18,594 15,103 11,999 11,628 13,332 14,404 18,903 21,946 21,853 $217,713 savings 24,084 21,765 23,591 20,606 17,377 13,273 12,339 15,231 16,533 21,049 23,023 23,353 $232,224 Required Harvest, acres Wet Storage Area Required 413 sf Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 Cottonwood, logs 0.53 0.47 0.49 0.41 0.32 0.23 0.22 0.27 0.31 0.42 0.48 0.49 4.64 2 Birch, logs 1.48 1.31 1.36 1.15 0.90 0.64 0.61 0.74 0.85 1.17 1.34 1.35 12.89 3 Aspen, logs 1.06 0.94 0.98 0.83 0.65 0.46 0.44 0.53 0.61 0.84 0.97 0.97 9.28 4 B Spruce, logs 2.66 2.35 2.46 2.07 1.61 1.16 1.09 1.33 1.53 2.10 2.42 2.43 23.20 5 W Spruce, logs 1.33 1.18 1.23 1.03 0.81 0.58 0.55 0.66 0.76 1.05 1.21 1.21 11.60 totals 7.06 6.25 6.52 5.49 4.29 3.07 2.91 3.53 4.05 5.58 6.43 6.45 61.61 Alaska Wood Energy Associates 53 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Level 2 Study Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Individual Building Chip and Stick -fired Boiler Summaries Individual Building Boiler Summary Stick Wood Chips base oil oil fuel project NSP oil fuel project NSP bldg Building gal/yr displaced cost cost yrs displaced cost cost yrs school complex 27,000 0.864 $60,159 $346,904 8.4 0.974 $55,245 $417,111 9.1 2 3 water treatment 3,500 1.000 $7,748 $244,971 11.1 4 city building 750 1.000 $2,512 $244,971 63.4 5 city hall 750 1.000 $2,512 $244,971 63.4 6 health clinic 1,642 7 tribal office 8 NANA office 9 sewer line trace 10 N subdiv, single 11 N subdiv plant 12 13 city bldg+ city hall 14 school+water treat 15 school/treat/sewer 16 880 13,000 12,500 800 8,000 1.000 $4,210 $244,971 25.1 1.000 $2,760 $244,971 51.9 0.943 $31,852 $262,793 3.3 1.000 $24,519 $244,971 3.0 1.000 $2,607 $244,971 58.4 1.000 $16,594 $535,411 10.4 $32,445 $364,180 $9,070 $364,180 $9,070 $364,180 $16,652 $364,180 $10,175 $364,180 0.946 $32,490 $364,180 4.7 1,000 $25,998 $364,180 4.5 $9,495 $364,180 0.636 $12,181 $631,574 11.3 1,500 1.000 $3,940 $244,971 27.8 $15,445 $364,180 30,500 0.993 $62,236 $528,398 7.7 0.951 $70,274 $447,402 7.4 43,000 0.926 $106,061 $559,390 4.3 0.994 $87,364 $542,178 3.6 Alaska Wood Energy Associates 54 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Appendix B; Kobuk Model Output Level 2 Study Kobuk Inputs, DH Summary, Chip Summary, and Stick Wood Summary moisture content at: % by INPUTS, chips bum store cut weight 1 : Cottonwood, logs 0.25 0.35 0.50 0.100 2 : Birch, logs 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.200 3 : Aspen, logs 0.25 0.30 0.50 0.200 4 : B Spruce, logs 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.300 5 : W Spruce, logs 0.25 0.30 0.50 0.200 other variables checksum 1.000 avg fuel storage temp 46.0 deg F avg absolute humidity 36.0 gr/lb avg excess 02 0.10 avg air specific volume 12.9 cf/lb avg stack temp 320 deg F moisture content at: % by INPUTS, stick wood bum store cut weight 1 : Cottonwood, logs 0.35 0.35 0.50 0.500 2 : Birch, logs 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.500 checksum 1.000 other variables avg fuel storage temp 46.0 deg F avg absolute humidity 36.0 gr/lb avg excess 02 0.20 avg air specific volume 12.9 cf/lb avg stack temp 375 deg F Composite Chip Properties net useable heat 5,845 BTU/Ib at burn NIC weight at storage MC 1.044 lb/lb at burn F:1C weight at cut MC 1.500 lb/lb at burn MC density as stacked logs 21.866 Ib/cf at storage MC density as chips 21.787 Ib/cf at storage MC combustion air req 5.246 lb/wet lb at burn MC combustion air req 67.669 cf/wet lb at burn MC CO2 formed 1.425 lb/wet lb at burn MC SOx formed 0.000 lb/wet lb at burn MC ash 0.017 lb/wet lb at burn MC ash specific volume 0.003 cf/wet lb at burn MC available harvest rate 17.300 tons/acre wet note: NOx, CO, VOC, and PM emissions are a function of the boiler Composite Stick Wood Properties net useable heat 5,103 BTU/Ib at burn MC net useable heat 18,533 kBTU/curd weight at storage MC 1.000 lb/lb at burn MC weight at cut MC 1.400 lb/lb at burn MC density as stacked logs 24.319 Ib/cf at storage MC density as cord wood 28.372 Ib/cf at storage MC combustion air req 5.146 Iblvet lb at burn MC combustion air req 66.379 cf/wet lb at burn MC CO2 formed 1.313 lb/wet lb at burn MC SOx formed 0.000 lb/wet lb at burn MC ash 0.005 lb/wet lb at burn MC ash specific volume 0.001 cf/wet lb at burn MC available harvest rate 15.500 tons/acre wet note: NOx. CO, VOC, and PM emissions are a function of the boiler Oil Data heating oil heat content 134.0 kBTU/gal heating oil density 7.1 lb/gal sulfur content 500.0 ppm sulfur emissions 0.0010 lb/gal CO2 emissions 22.013 lb/gal low cost (school, etc) $3.750 per gal unit cost to power plant $3.500 per gal high cost (to village) $8.500 per gal oil to H plant $8.500 per gal unit cost of recovered heat $0.016 per kBTU NOx and CO emissions are a function of the boiler Cost of Fuel wood chips $175 per green ton pellets $300 per ton stick wood $250 per cord Alaska blood Energy Assocoates 55 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Kobuk District Heat Layout: Conceptual Level 2 Study The red rectangle within the rectangle is the general location of the boiler plant. Alaska Wood Energy Associates 56 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Scenario 1 Village Buildings ihcl No. school 1 1 2 clinic 1 1 3 city office 1 1 4 water treatment 1 1 5 NANA office 1 1 6 9 house subdiv 9 7 8 teacher housing 1 1 9 future school 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Boilers I Buildings plant (1 thru 3: wood, 4: oil) 280 sf ID make model fuel 148 sf min process 1,200 sf max 7 Wiessmann 390 334.4 1330.7 5 Well McLain 80-480 396.0 Level 2 Study Case Flow, 1,000s Project Cost / Financials yr Base Sc savings debt net 1 $220.4 $134.8 $85.6 $85.6 est construction $1.480,297 2 $227.0 $137.5 $89.4 $89.4 3 $233.8 $140.4 $93.4 $93.4 final design/study $96.219 4 $240.8 $143.2 $97.6 $97.6 bid assistance $7.401 5 $248.0 $146.2 $101.8 $101.8 Cons Admin $104,803 6 $255.5 $149.3 $106.2 $106.2 Cx/start up $14.803 7 $263.1 $152.4 $110.8 $110.8 contingency $74.015 8 $271.0 $155.6 $115.4 $115.4 soft costs $297,242 9 $279.2 $158.9 $120.3 $120.3 tax 10 $287.5 $162.2 $125.3 $125.3 1t $296.2 $165.7 $130.5 $130.5 project cost $1,777,539 12 $305.0 $169.2 $135.8 $135.8 NSP 20.8 yrs 13 $314.2 $172.9 $141.3 $141.3 14 $323.6 $176.6 $147.0 $147.0 grants /rebates $1,777,539 15 $333.3 $180.4 $152.9 $152.9 donated 16 $343.3 $184.4 $159.0 $159.0 amount financed 17 $353.6 $188.4 $165.2 $165.2 interest 5.000 % 18 $364.2 $192.5 $171.7 $171.7 term 15.0 yrs 19 $375.2 $196.8 $178.4 $178.4 payments/yr 1 20 $386.4 $201.1 $185.3 $185.3 discount rate 5.000% pay at begin 1 sum of debt Sc Source/Sink Emissions metric ratio source %from Base Sc delta NPV $1,525,316 rec ht CO2 340.7 579.5 238.8 escalation, rec ht 3.000 % wood 0.8704 CO 601.5 1,658.2 1,056.8 escalation, oil 3.000 % all 0.1296 SOx 31.0 338.7 307.7 escalation, wood 1.000% total 1.0000 NOx 394.1 502.9 108.8 escalation, elec 3.000% sink % to end -use 0.7783 PM 320.9 oil displaced, gal 26,048 piping 0.1439 VOC 50.1 oil displaced 84.15% plant 0.0778 ash 12,479 utilize rec heat total 1.0000 include wood in CO2 1 bias to wood 1 702 in tons/yr, all else in Ib/yr Inputs and Costs (B = Baseline, Sc = This Scenario, all Tables) plant op % 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec B oil, gal 3,746 3,262 3.319 2,751 2,080 1,443 1,300 1,710 1,966 2,790 3,300 3,290 30,955 B cost 26,598 23,163 23,582 19,570 14,840 10,346 9,336 12,231 14,033 19,849 23,443 23,378 $220,368 Sc rec heat, mmBTIJ Sc biomass, tons 52.2 45.3 45.8 37.0 23.3 4.2 2.4 9.3 20.6 37.9 45.6 45.3 369 Sc oil, gal 41 392 1,370 1,382 1,214 507 4,907 Sc added elec, kWh 5,548 4,967 5,390 5,042 4,426 2,023 1,820 2,744 4,021 5,266 5,245 5,386 51,879 Sc rec heat, cost Sc biomass, cost 9,135 7,929 8,007 6,473 4,085 733 422 1,620 3,599 6,629 7,976 7,928 $64,536 Sc oil, cost 344 3,335 11,647 11,751 10,319 4,311 $41,707 Sc added elec, cost 3,052 2,732 2,964 2,773 2,434 1,113 1,001 1,509 2,211 2,896 2,885 2,962 $28,533 cost of inputs 12,186 10,661 10,972 9,590 9,854 13,493 13,174 13,448 10,121 9,526 10,861 10,891 $134,776 savings 14,411 12,502 12,610 9,980 4,986 (3,147) (3,838) (1,217) 3,911 10,323 12,583 12,487 $85,591 Required Harvest, acres Wet Storage Area Required 413 sf Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 Cottonwood, logs 0.31 0.27 0.27 0.22 0.14 0.03 0.01 0.06 0.12 0.23 0.27 0.27 2.21 2 Birch, logs 0.87 0.76 0.76 0.62 0.39 0.07 0.04 0.15 0.34 0.63 0.76 0.76 6.15 3 Aspen, logs 0.63 0.54 0.55 0.44 0.28 0.05 0.03 0.11 0.25 0.45 0.55 0.54 4.43 4 B Spruce, logs 1.57 1.36 1.37 1.11 0.70 0.13 0.07 0.28 0.62 1.14 1.37 1.36 11.06 5 W Spruce, logs 0.78 0.68 0.69 0.55 0.35 0.06 0.04, 0.14 0.31 0.57 0.68 0.68 5.53 totals 4.16 3.61 3.65 2.95 1.86 0.33 0.19 0.74 1.64 3.02 3.63 3.61 29.38 Alaska Wood Energy Associates 57 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Scenario 2 Village Buildings Intl No. 1 school 1 2 clinic 1 1 3 city office 1 1 4 water treatment 1 1 5 NANA office 1 1 6 9 house subdiv 9 7 8 teacher housing 1 1 9 future school 1 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Boilers / Buildings plant fuel process (1 lhni 3: wood, 4: oil) 280 sf 148 sf 1,200 sf ID make model min max 7 Wiessmann 390 334.4 1330.7 5 Weil McLain 80-480 396.0 Level 2 Study Case Flow, 1,000s Project Cost / Financials yr Base Sc savings debt net i $246.6 $135.0 $111.6 $111.6 est construction $1,482,792 2 $254.0 $137.3 $116.7 $116.7 3 $261.6 $139.8 $121.9 $121.9 final design/study $96,381 4 $269.5 $142.3 $127.2 $127.2 bid assistance $7,414 5 $277.6 $144.8 $132.8 $132.8 Cons Admin $104,828 6 $285.9 $147.4 $138.5 $138.5 Cx/start up $14,828 7 $294.5 $150.0 $144.4 $144.4 contingency $74,140 8 $303.3 $152.8 $150.6 $150.6 soft costs $297,591 9 $312.4 $155.5 $156.9 $156.9 AK state tax 10 $321.8 $158.4 $163.4 $163.4 11 $331.4 $161.3 $170.1 $170.1 project cost $1,780,383 12 $341.4 $164.3 $177.1 $177.1 NSP 15.9 yrs 13 $351.6 $167.3 $184.3 $184.3 14 $362.2 $170.5 $191.7 $191.7 grants/rebates $1,780,383 15 $373.0 $173.7 $199.4 $199.4 donated 16 $384.2 $176.9 $207.3 $207.3 amount financed 17 $395.7 $180.3 $215.4 $215.4 interest 5.000 % 18 $407.6 $183.7 $223.9 $223.9 term 15.0 yrs 19 $419.8 $187.3 $232.6 $232.6 payments/yr 1 20 $432.4 $190.9 $241.6 $241.6 discount rate 5.000% pay at begin 1 sum of debt Sc Source/Sink Emissions metric ratio source %from Base Sc delta NPV $1,989,047 rec ht CO2 417.7 707.2 289.4 escalation, rec ht 3.000% wood 0.9529 CO 737.5 2,137.4 1,399.9 escalation, all 3.000% oil 0.0471 SOx 38.0 436.5 398.5 escalation, wood 1.000 % total 1.0000 NOx 483.2 627.0 143.8 escalation, elec 3.000% sink % to end -use 0.8028 PM 417.6 oil displaced, gal 35,835 piping 0.1211 VOC 65.2 oil displaced 94.41 % plant 0.0761 ash 16,240 utilize rec heat total 1.0000 include wood in CO2 1 bias to wood 1 702 in tons/yr, all else in Ib/yr Inputs and Costs (B = Baseline, Sc = This Scenario, all Tables) plant op % 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec B oil, gal 4,605 4,008 4,076 3,375 2,544 1,758 1,580 2,087 2,405 3,422 4,054 4,041 37,955 B cost 29,818 25,964 26,423 21,911 16,582 11,527 10,386 13,645 15,677 22,221 26,271 26,193 $246,618 sc rec heat, mmB I u Sc biomass, tons 62.4 54.1 54.5 44.5 31.9 16.5 10.9 22.3 29.3 45.1 54.4 54.0 480 Sc oil, gal 4 82 572 890 412 159 2,120 Sc added elec, kWh 5,997 5,340 5,725 5,326 5,071 3,644 2,981 4.331 4,749 5,479 5,593 5,719 59,955 Sc rec heat, cost Sc biomass, cost 10,914 9,467 9,544 7,787 5,586 2,891 1,914 3,907 5,123 7,885 9,513 9,452 $83,983 Sc oil, cost 38 698 4,866 7,564 3,499 1,354 $18,019 Sc added elec,cost 3,299 2,937 3,149 2,929 2,789 2,004 1,639 2,382 2,612 3,014 3,076 3,145 $32,975 cost of inputs 14,213 12,405 12,693 10,754 9,073 9,761 11,118 9,788 9,089 10,899 12,589 12,597 $134,978 savings 15,605 13,559 13,730 11,157 7,509 1,766 (732) 3,857 6,588 11,322 13,683 13,596 $111,640 Required Harvest, acres - Wet Storage Area Required 413 sf Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 Cottonwood, logs 0.37 0.32 0.33 0.27 0.19 0.10 0.07 0.13 0.18 0.27 0.33 0.32 2.88 2 Birch, logs 1.04 0.90 0.91 0.74 0.53 0.28 0.18 0.37 0.49 0.75 0.91 0.90 8.00 3 Aspen, logs 0.75 0.65 0.65 0.53 0.38 0.20 0.13 0.27 0.35 0.54 0.65 0.65 5.76 4 B Spruce, logs 1.87 1.62 1.64 1.33 0.96 0.50 0.33 0.67 0.88 1.35 1.63 1.62 14.40 5 W Spruce, logs 0.94 0.81 0.82 0.67 0.48 0.25 0.16 0.33 0.44 0.68 0.82 0.81 7.20 totals 4.97 4.31 4.34 3.54 2.54 1.32 0.87 1.78 2.33 3.59 4.33 4.30 38.23 Alaska Wood) Energy Associates 58 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Scenario 3 Village Buildings incl No. school 1 1 2 clinic 1 1 3 city office 1 1 4 water treatment 1 1 5 NANA office 1 1 6 9 house subdiv 1 9 7 8 leacher housing 1 1 9 future school 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Boilers / Buildings plant (1 thru 3: wood, 4: oil) 280 sf ID make model fuel 148 sf min process 1,200 sf max 7 Wiessmann 390 334.4 1330.7 5 Weil McLain 80-480 396.0 Level 2 Study Case Flow, 1,000s Project Cost I Financials yr Base Sc savings debt net 1 $281.6 $140.8 $140.7 $140.7 est construction $1,801,720 2 $290.0 $143.2 $146.9 $146.9 3 $298.7 $145.5 $153.2 $153.2 final design/study $117,112 4 $307.7 $147.9 $159.7 $159.7 bid assistance $9,009 5 $316.9 $150.4 $166.5 $166.5 Cons Admin $115,517 6 $326.4 $152.9 $173.5 $173.5 Cx/start up $18,017 7 $336.2 $155.5 $180.7 $180.7 contingency $90,086 2 $346.3 $158.1 $188.2 $188.2 soft costs $349,741 $356.7 $160.8 $195.9 $195.9 AK state tax 10 $367.4 $163.6 $203.8 $203.8 11 $378.4 $166.4 $212.0 $212.0 project cost $2,151,461 12 $389.8 $169.3 $220.5 $220.5 NSP 15.3 yrs 13 $401.4 $172.2 $229.2 $229.2 14 $413.5 $175.2 $238.3 $238.3 grants/rebates $2,151,461 15 $425.9 $178.3 $247.6 $247.6 donated 16 $438.7 $181.5 $257.2 $257.2 amount financed 17 $451.8 $184.7 $267.1 $267.1 interest 5.000% 18 $465.4 $188.0 $277.4 $277.4 term 15.0 yrs 19 $479.3 $191.4 $288.0 $288.0 payments/yr 1 20 $493.7 $194.8 $298.9 $298.9 discount rate 5.000% pay at begin 1 sum of debt Sc Source/Sink Emissions metric ratio source % from Base Sc delta NPV $2,482,034 rec ht CO2 419.9 790.3 370.4 escalation, rec ht 3.000% wood 0.9789 CO 741.4 2,427.3 1,685.9 escalation, oil 3.000% oil 0.0211 SOx 38.2 495.7 457.4 escalation, wood 1.000% total 1.0000 NOx 485.7 705.2 219.5 escalation, elec; 3.000% sink % to end -use 0.7281 PM 475.5 oil displaced, gal 37,101 piping 0.1972 VOC 74.3 oil displaced 97.24% plant 0.0748 ash 18,493 utilize rec heat total 1.0000 Include wood in CO2 1 bias to wood 1 CO2 in tons/yr, all else in Ib/yr Inputs and Costs (B = Baseline, Sc = This Scenario, all Tables) plant op % 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec B oil, gal 4,655 4,050 4,113 3,396 2,543 1,745 1,563 2,076 2,402 3,442 4,092 4,076 38,155 B cost 34,322 29,863 30,334 25,057 18,780 12,907 11,576 15,346 17,742 25,398 30,178 30,064 $281,568 Sc rec heat, mmBTU Sc biomass, tons 68.5 59.5 60.2 49.3 36.2 22.6 18.4 28.3 33.9 49.9 60.0 59.6 546 Sc oil, gal 36 300 484 168 65 1,054 Sc added elec, kWh 6,599 5,845 6,190 5,661 5,322 4,310 3,941 4,913 5,080 5,803 6,069 6,178 65,911 5c rec heat, cost Sc biomass, cost 11,993 10,417 10,541 8,632 6,333 3,947 3,223 4,958 5,933 8,734 10,491 10,432 $95,634 Sc oil, cost 310 2,549 4,116 1,428 556 $8,960 Sc added elec, cost 3,629 3,215 3,405 3,113 2,927 2,371 2,168 2.702 2,794 3,192 3,338 3,398 $36,251 cost of inputs 15,622 13,632 13.946 11,745 9,569 8,867 9,507 9,089 9,284 11,926 13,829 13,830 $140,845 savings 18,700 16,231 16,388 13,311 9,210 4,041 2,069 6,258 8,458 13,473 16,349 16,234 $140,723 Required Harvest, acres Wet Storage Area Required 413 sf Jan Feb Mar Apr Mav Jun Jul Aup Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 Cottonwood, logs 0.41 0.36 0.36 0.30 0.22 0.14 0.11 0.17 0.20 0.30 0.36 0.36 3.28 2 Birch, logs 1.14 0.99 1.00 0.82 0.60 0.38 0.31 0.47 0.57 0.83 1.00 0.99 9.11 3 Aspen, logs 0.82 0.71 0.72 0.59 0.43 0.27 0.22 0.34 0.41 0.60 0.72 0.72 6.56 4 B Spruce, logs 2.06 1.79 1.81 1.48 1.09 0.68 0.55 0.85 1.02 1.50 1.80 1.79 16.39 5 W Spruce, logs 1.03 0.89 0.90 0.74 0.54 0.34 0.28 0.42 0.51 0.75 0.90 0.89 8.20 totals 5.46 4.74 4.80 3.93 2.88 1.80 1.47 2.26 2.70 3.98 4.78 4.75 43.54 Alaska Wood Energy Associates 59 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Scenario 4 Village Buildings incl No. school 1 clinic 1 1 3 city office 1 1 4 water treatment 1 1 5 NANA office 1 1 6 9 house subdiv 1 9 7 8 teacher housing 1 1 9 future school 1 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Boilers / Buildings plant fuel process (1 thru 3: wood, 4: oil) 280 sf 148 sf 1,200 sf ID make model min max 7 Wiessmann 390 334.4 1330.7 4 Weil McLain 80-380 278.0 Level 2 Study Case Flow, 1,000s Project Cost / Financials yr Base Sc savings debt net 1 $307.8 $155.2 $152.6 $152.6 est construction $1,799,884 2 $317.1 $157.6 $159.4 $159.4 3 $326.6 $160.1 $166.4 $166.4 final design/study $116,992 4 $336.4 $162.7 $173.7 $173.7 bid assistance $8,999 5 $346.5 $165.3 $181.2 $181.2 Cons Admin $115,499 6 $356.8 $168.0 $188.9 $188.9 Cx/start up $17.999 7 $367.6 $170.7 $196.9 $196.9 contingency $89.994 8 $378.6 $173.5 $205.1 $205.1 soft costs $349,484 9 $389.9 $176.3 $213.6 $213.6 AK state tax 10 $401.6 $179.2 $222.4 $222.4 11 $413.7 $182.2 $231.5 $231.5 project cost $2,149,367 12 $426.1 $185.2 $240.9 $240.9 NSP 14.1 yrs 13 $438.9 $188.3 $250.6 $250.6 14 $452.0 $191.4 $260.6 $260.6 grants/rebates $2,149,367 15 $465.6 $194.7 $270.9 $270.9 donated 16 $479.6 $198.0 $281.6 $281.6 amount financed 17 $494.0 $201.4 $292.6 $292.6 interest 5.000% 18 $508.8 $204.8 $304.0 $304.0 term 15.0 yrs 19 $524.0 $208.3 $315.7 $315.7 payments/yr 1 20 $539.8 $212.0 $327.8 $327.8 discount rate 5.000% pay at begin 1 sum of debt Sc Source/Sink Emissions metric ratio source %from Base Sc delta NPV $2,708,361 rec ht CO2 497.0 905.9 408.9 - escalation, rec ht 3.000 % wood 0.9875 CO 877.4 2,796.9 1,919.5 escalation, oil 3.000% oil 0.0125 SOx 45.2 571.1 525.9 escalation, wood 1.000% total 1.0000 NOx 574.8 810.1 235.2 escalation, elec 3.000 % sink %to end -use 0.7537 PM 548.4 oil displaced, gal 44.441 piping 0.1725 VOC 85.7 oil displaced 98.42% plant 0.0738 ash 21,327 utilize rec heat total 1.0000 include wood in CO2 1 bias to wood 1 CO2 in tons/yr. all else in Iblyr Inputs and Costs (B = Baseline, Sc = This Scenario, all Tables) plant op % 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aua Sep Oct Nov Dec B oil, gal 5,514 4,797 4,871 4,021 3,008 2,060 1,843 2,453 2,841 4,075 4,846 4,827 45,155 B cost 37,543 32,663 33,175 27,397 20,522 14,088 12,626 16,760 19,387 27,770 33,006 32,880 $307,818 Sc rec heat, mmBTU Sc biomass, tons 78.5 68.3 69.0 56.4 41.4 27.0 23.1 33.3 39.1 57.1 68.7 68.3 630 Sc oil, gal 16 1 24 207 338 94 34 714 Sc added elec, kWh 7,406 6,507 6,757 6,018 5,445 4,455 4,181 5,044 5.221 6,150 6,663 6,739 70.586 Sc rec heat, cost Sc biomass, cost 13,741 11,954 12,078 91875 7,251 4,723 4,036 5,819 6,839 9,990 12,028 11,956 $110,289 Sc oil, cost 137 8 203 1,762 2,874 797 285 $6,066 Sc added elec, cost 4,073 3,579 3,716 3,310 2,995 2,450 2,300 2,774 2,872 3,382 3,665 3,706 $38,822 cost of inputs savings 17,951 19,592 15,540 17,123 15,795 17,380 13,185 14,212 10,448 10,073 8,936 5,152 9,210 3,416 9,390 7,370 9,995 9,392 13,372 14,398 15,693 17,313 15,662 17,218 $155,178 $152,640 Required Harvest, acres Jan Feb Mar Apr Mav Jun Jul Aua Sep Wet Storage Area Required Oct Nov Dec 413 sf 1 Cottonwood, logs 0.47 0.41 0.41 0.34 0.25 0.16 0.14 0.20 0.23 0.34 0.41 0.41 3.78 2 Birch, logs 1.31 1.14 1.15 0.94 0.69 0.45 0.38 0.55 0.65 0.95 1.15 1.14 10.50 3 Aspen, logs 0.94 0.82 0.83 0.68 0.50 0.32 0.28 0.40 0.47 0.69 0.82 0.82 7.56 4 B Spruce, logs 2.36 2.05 2.07 1.69 1.24 0.81 0.69 1.00 1.17 1.71 2.06 2.05 18.91 5 _ _W_ _Spruce, logs 1.18 1.02 1.04 0.85 0.62 0.40 0.35 0.50 0.59 0.86 1.03 1.02 9.45 totals 6.26 5.44 5.50 4.50 3.30 2.15 1.84 2.65 3.11 4.55 5.48 5.44 50.21 Alaska Wood Energy Associates 60 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Level 2 Study Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Ondividual Building Chip and SUck-fired Boiler Summaries Individual Building Boiler Summary Stick Wood Chips base oil oil fuel project NSP oil fuel project NSP bldg Building gal/yr displaced cost cost yrs displaced cost cost yrs 1 school 9,000 0.968 $18,751 $246,796 16.5 0.701 $24,547 $366,004 39.8 2 clinic 1,455 1.000 $3,854 $246,796 29.0 $15,062 $366,004 city office 1,800 1.000 $4,511 $246,796 22.9 $17,995 $366,004 4 water treatment 4,200 1.000 $9,081 $246,796 9.3 $38,395 $366,004 5 NANA office 13,000 0.951 $30,275 $264,617 3.3 0.901 $35,494 $366,004 4.9 6 9 house subdiv 7,200 1.000 $15,070 $512,557 11.1 0.530 $38,575 $609,301 26.9 8 teacher housing 1,500 1.000 $3,940 $246,796 28.0 $15,445 $366,004 9 future school 16,000 0.999 $32,481 $348,728 12.7 0.977 $33,211 $366,004 13.7 10 11 sch, TH, off, WT 16,500 1.000 $33,441 $441,706 6.9 0.982 $35,411 $457,240 7.4 12 fut sch, TH, off, WT 23,500 0.930 $57,572 $441,706 6.7 0.986 $49,545 $511,913 6.9 13 opt 11, NANA 29,500 0.814 $94,404 $472,699 4.2 0.948 $68,832 $542,906 3.9 14 opt 11, NANA, clinic 30,955 0.789 $104,027 $503,691 4.3 0.931 $75,386 $573,898 4.0 15 opt 12, NANA 36,500 0.937 $87,513 $621,375 4.2 0.829 $120,303 $917,914 8.1 16 opt 12, NANA, clinic 37,955 0.922 $94,679 $652,368 4.3 0.849 $119,530 $950,648 7.5 Alaska Wood Energy Associates 61 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Level 2 Study Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Appendix C Shungnok Model Output Shungnak Inputs, DH Summary, Chip Summary, and Stick Wood Summary INPUTS, chips moisture content at: bum store cut % by weight 1 : Cottonwood, logs 0.25 0.35 0.50 0.100 2 : Birch, logs 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.200 3 : Aspen, logs 0.25 0.30 0.50 0.200 4 : B Spruce, logs 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.300 5 : W Spruce, logs 0.25 0.30 0.50 0.200 other variables checksum 1.000 avg fuel storage temp 46.0 deg F avg absolute humidity 36.0 gr/lb avg excess 02 0.10 avg air specific volume 12.9 cf/lb avg stack temp 320 deg F moisture content at: % by INPUTS, stick wood bum store cut weight 1 : Cottonwood, logs 0.35 0.35 0.50 0.500 2 : Birch, logs 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.500 checksum 1.000 other variables avg fuel storage temp 46.0 deg F avg absolute humidity 36.0 gr/lb avg excess 02 0.20 avg air specific volume 12.9 cf/Ib avg stack temp 375 deg F Oil Data Composite Chip Properties net useable heat 5,845 BTU/Ib at burn MC weight at storage MC 1.044 lb/lb at burn MC weight at cut MC 1.500 lb/lb at burn MC density as stacked logs 21.866 Ib/cf at storage MC density as chips 21.787 Ib/cf at storage MC combustion air req 5.246 Ib/1111et lb at burn MC combustion air req 67.669 cf/wet lb at burn MC CO2 formed 1.425 lb/wet lb at burn MC SOx formed 0.000 lb/wet Ib at burn MC ash 0.017 lb/wet lb at burn MC ash specific volume 0.003 cf/wet lb at burn MC available harvest rate 17.300 tons/acre wet note: NOx, CO, VOC, and PM emissions are a function of the boiler Composite Stick Wood Properties net useable heat 5,103 BTU/Ib at burn MC net useable heat 18,533 kBTU/cord weight at storage MC 1.000 lb/lb at burn MC weight at cut MC 1.400 lb/lb at burn MC density as stacked logs 24.319 Ib/cf at storage MC density as cord wood 28.372 Ib/cf at storage MC combustion air req 5.146 lb/wet lb at burn MC combustion air req 66.379 cf/wet lb at burn MC CO2 formed 1.313 lb/wet lb at burn MC SOx formed 0.000 lb/wet lb at burn MC ash 0.005 lb/wet lb at burn MC ash specific volume 0.001 cf/wet lb at burn MC available harvest rate 15.500 tons/acre wet note: NOx, CO, VOC, and PM emissions are a function of the boiler heating oil heat content 134.0 kBTU/gal heating oil density 7.1 lb/gal sulfur content 500.0 ppm sulfur emissions 0.0010 Ib/qal CO2 emissions 22.013 Ib/aal low cost (school, etc) $3.750 per gal unit cost to power plant $3.500 per gal high cost (to village) $8.500 per gal oil to H plant $8.500 per gal unit cost of recovered heat $0.016 per kBTU NOx and CO emissions are a function of the boiler Cost of Fuel wood chips $175 per green ton pellets $300 per ton stick wood $250 per cord Alaska Flood Energy Associates 62 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Shungnak District Heat Layout: Conceptual Level 2 Study Alaska Wood Energy Associates 63 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Scenario 1 Village Buildings incl No. 1 school 1 1 2 clinic 1 1 3 water treatment 1 1 4 city office 1 1 5 NANA 1 1 6 Back street 4 7 Andy Lane 11 8 Alley 14 9 Jim street 14 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Boilers / Buildings (1 thru 3: woad, 4: oil) ID make plant 280 sf model fuel 148 sf min process 1,200 sf max 7 Wiessmann 390 334.4 1330.7 4 Weil McLain 80-380 278.0 Level 2 Study Case Flow, 1,000s Project Cost / Financials yr Base Sc savings debt net $257.9 $129.4 $128.5 $128.5 est construction $1,519,533 2 $265.6 $132.2 $133.4 $133.4 3 $273.6 $135.1 $138.5 $138.5 final design/study $98,770 4 $281.8 $138.1 $143.7 $143.7 bid assistance $7,598 5 $290.2 $141.2 $149.0 $149.0 Cans Admin $127,695 6 $299.0 $144.4 $154.6 $154.6 Cx/start up $15,195 7 $307.9 $147.6 $160.3 $160.3 contingency $75,977 8 $317.2 $151.0 $166.2 $166.2 soft costs $325,235 9 $326.7 $154.4 $172.3 $172.3 tax 10 $336.5 $157.9 $178.6 $178.6 11 $346.6 $161.5 $185.1 $185.1 project cost $1,844,767 12 $357.0 $165.2 $191.8 $191.8 NSP 14.4 yrs 13 $367.7 $169.0 $198.7 $198.7 14 $378.7 $172.9 $205.8 $205.8 grants/rebates $1,844,767 15 $390.1 $176.9 $213.1 $213.1 donated 16 $401.8 $181.1 $220.7 $220.7 amount financed 17 $413.8 $185.3 $228.5 $228.5 interest 5.000% 18 $426.2 $189.6 $236.6 $236.6 term 15.0 yrs 19 $439.0 $194.1 $244.9 $244.9 payments/yr 1 20 $452.2 $198.7 $253.5 $253.5 discount rate 5.000% pay at begin 1 sum of debt Sc Source/Sink Emissions metric ratio source %from Base Sc delta NPV $2,178,798 rec ht 0.4729 CO2 475.4 423.4 (52.0) escalation, rec ht 3.000% wood 0.5211 CO 839.2 1,307.9 468.7 escalation, all 3.000% oil 0.0060 SOx 43.3 267.1 223.8 escalation, wood 1.000% total 1.0000 NOx 549.8 378.7 (171.2) escalation, elec 3.000% sink % to end -use 0.8135 PM 256.5 oil displaced, gal 42.887 piping 0.1114 VOC 40.1 oil displaced 99.29% plant 0.0751 ash 9,974 utilize rec heat 1 total 1.0000 include wood in CO2 1 bias to wood 1 732 in tons/yr, all else in Ib/yr Inputs and Costs (B = Baseline, Sc = This Scenario, all Tables) plant op % 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec B oil, gal 5,253 4,572 4.647 3,843 2,889 1,988 1,782 2,364 2,730 3,896 4,622 4,606 43,192 B cost 31,250 27,205 27.673 22,925 17,305 11,984 10,777 14,210 16,357 23,246 27,519 27,431 $257,882 Sc rec heat, mmBTU 391.6 337.3 347.5 246.1 117.0 62.1 60.5 73.6 106.3 237.4 347.5 331.1 2,658 Sc biomass, tons 30.9 27.0 26.4 25.3 24.9 18.4 15.5 22.1 23.8 26.7 26.2 27.5 295 Sc oil, gal 10 80 141 53 22 305 Sc added elec, kWh 5.700 5,082 5,462 5,140 5,083 4,153 3,779 4,741 4,851 5,286 5,330 5,458 60,063 Sc rec heat, cost 6,210 5,349 5,511 3,903 1,855 984 959 1,167 1,686 3,765 5,511 5,251 $42,152 Sc biomass, cost 5,402 4,724 4,621 4,427 4,358 3,219 2.720 3,865 4,171 4,679 4,588 4,806 $51,580 Sc oil, cost 82 679 1,197 448 187 $2,594 Sc added elec, cost 3,135 2,795 3,004 2,827 2,796 2,284 2,078 2,608 2,668 2,907 2,931 3,002 $33,035 cost of inputs 14,747 12,868 13,135 11,157 9,091 7,167 6,955 8,087 8,712 11,351 13,030 13,058 $129,360 savings 16,503 14,337 14,538 11,768 8,213 4,817 3,822 6,123 7,645 11,895 14,488 14,373 $128,522 Required Harvest, acres Wet Storage Area Required 413 sf Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 Cottonwood, logs 0.19 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.11 0.09 0.13 0.14 0.16 0.16 0.16 1.77 2 Birch, logs 0.51 0.45 0.44 0.42 0.42 0.31 0.26 0.37 0.40 0.45 0.44 0.46 4.91 3 Aspen, logs 0.37 0.32 0.32 0.30 0.30 0.22 0.19 0.27 0.29 0.32 0.31 0.33 3.54 4 B Spruce, logs 0.93 0.81 0.79 0.76 0.75 0.55 0.47 0.66 0.71 0.80 0.79 0.82 8.84 5 W Spruce, logs 0.46 0.40 0.40 0.38 0.37 0.28 0.23 0.33 0.36 0.40 0.39 0.41 4.42 totals 2.46 2.15 2.10 2.02 1.98 1.47 1.24 1.76 1.90 2.13 2.09 2.19 23.48 Alaska Wood Energy Associates 64 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Scenario 2 Village Buildings Intl No. school 1 1 clinic 1 1 water treatment 1 1 city office 1 1 NANA 1 1 Back street 1 4 7 Andy Lane 11 8 Alley 14 9 Jim street 14 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Boilers / Buildings plant fuel process (1 thru 3: wood, 4: oil) 280 sf 148 sf 1,200 sf ID make model min max 7 Wiessmann 390 334.4 1330.7 4 Weil McLain 80-380 278.0 Level 2 Study Case Flow, 1,000s Project Cost I Financials yr Base Sc savings debt net $285.1 $139.6 $145.5 $145.5 est construction $1,638,920 2 $293.6 $142.6 $151.0 $151.0 3 $302.4 $145.7 $156.7 $156.7 final design/study $106,530 a $311.5 $148.9 $162.6 $162.6 bid assistance $8,195 5 $320.9 $152.2 $168.6 $168.6 Cons Admin $128,889 6 $330.5 $155.6 $174.9 $174.9 Cx/start up $16,389 7 $340.4 $159.0 $181.4 $181.4 contingency $81,946 8 $350.6 $162.6 $188.0 $188.0 soft costs $341,949 9 $361.1 $166.2 $194.9 $194.9 AK state tax 10 $372.0 $170.0 $202.0 $202.0 11 $383.1 $173.8 $209.3 $209.3 project cost $1,980,869 12 $394.6 $177.8 $216.9 $216.9 NSP 13.6 yrs 13 $406.5 $181.8 $224.7 $224.7 14 $418.7 $186.0 $232.7 $232.7 grants/rebates $1,980,869 15 $431.2 $190.2 $241.0 $241.0 donated 16 $444.1 $194.6 $249.5 $249.5 amount financed 17 $457.5 $199.1 $258.4 $258.4 interest 5.000% 18 $471.2 $203.7 $267.5 $267.5 term 15.0 yrs 19 $485.3 $208.5 $276.9 $276.9 payments/yr 1 20 $499.9 $213.4 $286.5 $286.5 discount rate 5.000% pay at begin 1 sum of debt Sc Source/Sink Emissions metric ratio source %from Base Sc delta NPV $2,464,510 rec ht 0.4663 CO2 510.6 470.6 (40.0) escalation, rec ht 3.000% wood 0.5314 CO 901.4 1,460.0 558.6 escalation, oil 3.000% oil 0.0023 SOx 46.5 298.1 251.7 escalation, wood 1.000% total 1.0000 NOx 590.6 421.6 (168.9) escalation, elec 3.000% sink %to end -use 0.7977 PM 286.5 oil displaced, gal 46,266 piping 0.1280 VOC 44.8 oil displaced 99.73% plant 0.0743 ash 11,142 utilize rec heat 1 total 1.0000 Include wood in CO2 1 bias to wood 1 CO2 in tons/yr, all else in Ib/yr Inputs and Costs (B = Baseline, Sc = This Scenario, all Tables) plant op % 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec B oil, gal 5,658 4,923 5,001 4,131 3,095 2,120 1,896 2,527 2,924 4,187 4,975 4,956 46,392 B cost 34,688 30,187 30,679 25,369 19,060 13,108 11,745 15,592 18,009 25,718 30,517 30,408 $285,082 Sc rec heat, mmBTU 402.5 348.8 369.6 268.3 130.9 78.5 70.8 93.6 121.2 255.3 375.0 356.2 2,871 Sc biomass, tons 36.4 31.6 30.0 27.8 27.1 19.7 17.6 23.4 25.9 29.8 29.3 30.7 329 Sc oil, gal 3 35 70 13 5 126 Sc added elec, kWh 6,259 5,548 5,883 5,427 5,253 4,471 4,208 5,020 5,055 5,561 5,765 5,874 64,324 Sc rec heat, cost 6,383 5,532 5,862 4,254 2,076 1,245 1,123 1,484 1,922 4,049 5,946 5,649 $45,526 Sc biomass, cost 6,372 5.531 5,254 4,872 4,741 3,450 3,072 4,096 4,525 5,209 5,122 5,375 $57,620 Sc oil, cost 29 295 594 112 40 $1,071 Sc added elec, cost 3,443 3,051 3,236 2,985 2,889 2,459 2,314 2,761 2,780 3,059 3,171 3,231 $35,378 cost of inputs 16,197 14,114 14,351 12,112 9,735 7,449 7,104 8,453 9,268 12,317 14,240 14,255 $139,595 savings 18,491 16,074 16,328 13,257 9,325 5,659 4,641 7,139 8,741 13,401 16,278 16,154 $145,487 Required Harvest, acres Wet Storage Area Required 413 sf Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Auq Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 Cottonwood, logs 0.22 0.19 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.12 0.11 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.18 0.18 1.98 2 Birch, logs 0.61 0.53 0.50 0.46 0.45 0.33 0.29 0.39 0.43 0.50 0.49 0.51 5.49 3 Aspen, logs 0.44 0.38 0.36 0.33 0.33 0.24 0.21 0.28 0.31 0.36 0.35 0.37 3.95 4 B Spruce, logs 1.09 0.95 0.90 0.84 0.81 0.59 0.53 0.70 0.78 0.89 0.88 0.92 9.88 5 W Spruce, logs 0.55 0.47 0.45 0.42 0.41 0.30 0.26 0.35 0.39 0.45 0.44 0.46 4.94 totals 2.90 2.52 2.39 2.22 2.16 1.57 1.40 1.86 2.06 2.37 2.33 2.45 26.23 Alaska Wood Energy Associates 65 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Scenario 3 Village Buildings incl No. 1 school 1 1 2 clinic 1 1 3 water treatment 1 1 4 city office 1 1 5 NANA 1 1 6 Back street 1 4 7 Andy Lane 1 11 8 Alley 1 14 9 Jim street 14 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Boilers / Buildings (1 lh;u 3: wood, 4: oil) ID make plant 280 sf model fuel 148sf min process 1,200 sf max 7 Wiessmann 390 334.4 1330.7 6 Weil McLain 80-580 515.0 Level 2 Study Case Flow, 1,000s Project Cost / Financials yr Base Sc savings debt net 1 $455.1 $219.4 $235.7 $235.7 est construction $2,319,558 2 $468.7 $223.7 $245.0 $245.0 3 $482.8 $228.2 $254.6 $254.6 final design/study $150,771 4 $497.3 $232.9 $264.4 $264.4 bid assistance $11,598 5 $512.2 $237.6 $274.6 $274.6 Cons Admin $143,196 6 $527.6 $242.4 $285.1 $285.1 Cx/startup $23,196 7 $543.4 $247.4 $296.0 $296.0 contingency $115,978 6 $559.7 $252.5 $307.2 $307.2 soft costs $444,738 9 $576.5 $257.7 $318.7 $318.7 AK state tax 10 $593.8 $263.1 $330.7 $330.7 11 $611.6 $268.6 $343.0 $343.0 project cost $2,764,297 12 $629.9 $274.2 $355.7 $355.7 NSP 11.7 yrs 13 $648.8 $280.0 $368.8 $368.8 14 $668.3 $286.0 $382.3 $382.3 grants/rebates $2,764,297 15 $688.4 $292.0 $396.3 $396.3 donated 16 $709.0 $298.3 $410.7 $410.7 amount financed 17 $730.3 $304.7 $425.6 $425.6 interest 5.000 % 18 $752.2 $311.3 $440.9 $440.9 term 15.0 yrs 19 $774.7 $318.0 $456.7 $456.7 payments/yr 1 20 $798.0 $324.9 $473.1 $473.1 discount rate 5.000% pay at begin 1 sum of debt Sc Source/Sink Emissions metric ratio source %from Base Sc delta NPV $4,032,822 rec ht 0.3258 CO2 730.7 896.2 165.5 escalation, rec ht 3.000% wood 0.6689 CO 1,290.0 2,774.6 1,484.6 escalation, oil 3.000% oil 0.0053 SOx 66.5 566.6 500.1 escalation, wood 1.000% total 1.0000 NOx 845.2 802.3 (42.9) escalation, elec 3.000% sink % to end -use 0.7563 PM 544.3 oil displaced, gal 65,945 piping 0.1721 VOC 85.0 oil displaced 99.33% plant 0.0716 ash 21,167 utilize rec heat 1 total 1.0000 include wood in CO2 1 bias to wood 1 CO2 in tonstyr, all else in Ib/yr Inputs and Costs (B = Baseline. Sc = This Scenario. all Tables) plant op % 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec B oil, gal 8,186 7,115 7,211 5,928 4,386 2,947 2,607 3,543 4,138 6,005 7,180 7.145 66,392 B cost 56,176 48,826 49,469 40,645 30,031 20,134 17,793 24,230 28,333 41,170 49,258 49,016 $455,082 Sc rec heat, mmBTU 405.0 354.0 376.9 277.7 139.3 107.8 103.6 119.7 132.8 261.9 383.7 365.0 3,027 Sc biomass, tans 75.2 65.1 63.7 54.9 46.6 29.9 25.4 37.0 43.9 57.4 62.6 63.8 625 Sc oil, gal 13 0 14 126 219 55 20 447 Sc added also, kWh 12,810 11,026 10,871 8,973 7,116 5,595 5,302 6,331 6,806 9,068 10,892 10,820 105,610 Sc rec heat, cost 6,423 5,613 5,977 4,404 2,209 1,710 1,644 1,898 2,106 4,153 6,084 5,788 $48,009 Sc biomass, cost 13,160 11,394 11,145 9.606 8,152 5,228 4,450 6,472 7,674 10,048 10,961 11,172 $109,461 Sc oil, cost 114 4 119 1,072 1,858 465 166 $3,798 Sc added elec, cost 7,046 6,064 5,979 4,935 3.914 3,077 2,916 3,482 3,743 4,987 5,991 5,951 $58,085 cost of inputs 26,743 23,075 23,101 18,945 14,394 11,087 10,867 12,316 13,690 19,188 23,036 22,911 $219,353 savings 29,433 25,751 26,369 21,700 15,637 9,047 6,926 11,914 14,643 21,982 26,222 26,105 $236,729 Required Harvest, acres Wet Storage Area Required 413 sf Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 Cottonwood, logs 0.45 0.39 0.38 0.33 0.28 0.18 0.15 0.22 0.26 0.34 0.38 0.38 3.75 2 Birch, logs 1.25 1.09 1.06 0.91 0.78 0.50 0.42 0.62 0.73 0.96 1.04 1.06 10.42 3 Aspen, logs 0.90 0.78 0.76 0.66 0.56 0.36 0.31 0.44 0.53 0.69 0.75 0.77 7.51 4 B Spruce, logs 2.26 1.95 1.91 1.65 1.40 0.90 0.76 1.11 1.32 1.72 1.88 1.92 18.76 5 W Spruce, logs 1.13 0.98 0.96 0.82 0.70 0.45 0.38 0.55 0.66 0.86 0.94 0.96 9.38 totals 5.99 5.19 5.07 4.37 3.71 2.38 2.03 2.95 3.49 4.57 4.99 5.09 49.83 Alaska blood Energy Associates 66 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Scenario 4 Village Buildings Intl No. school 1 1 2 clinic 1 1 3 water treatment 1 1 4 city office 1 1 5 NANA 1 1 6 Back street 1 4 7 Andy Lane 1 11 8 Alley 1 14 9 Jim street 1 14 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Boilers / Buildings plant fuel process (1 thru 3: wood, 4: oil) 308 sf 201 sf 1,200 sf ID make model min max 8 Wiessmann 530 450.4 1808.4 4 Weil McLain 80-380 278.0 Level 2 Study Case Flow, 1,000s Project Cost / Financials yr Base - Sc savings debt net 11 $559.8 $285.0 $274.8 $274.8 est construction $2,912,470 2 $576.6 $290.5 $286.1 $286.1 3 $593.9 $296.1 $297.8 $297.8 final design/study $189,311 4 $611.7 $301.8 $309.9 $309.9 bid assistance $14,562 5 $630.1 $307.6 $322.4 $322.4 Cons Admin $149,125 6 $649.0 $313.6 $335.3 $335.3 Cx/startup $29,125 7 $668.4 $319.8 $348.6 $348.6 contingency $145,623 8 $688.5 $326.1 $362.4 $362.4 soft casts $527,746 9 $709.1 $332.6 $376.6 $376.6 AK state tax 10 $730.4 $339.2 $391.2 $391.2 11 $752.3 $346.0 $406.4 $406.4 project cost $3,440,215 12 $774.9 $352.9 $422.0 $422.0 NSP 12.5 yrs 13 $798.1 $360.1 $438.1 $438.1 14 $822.1 $367.4 $454.7 $454.7 grants/rebates $3,440,215 15 $846.8 $374.9 $471.9 $471.9 donated 16 $872.2 $382.6 $489.6 $489.6 amount financed 17 $898.3 $390.4 $507.9 $507.9 Interest 5.000 % 18 $925.3 $398.5 $526.8 $526.8 term 15.0 yrs 19 $953.0 $406.8 $546.2 $546.2 payments/yr 1 20 $981.6 $415.3 $566.3 $566.3 discount rate 5.000% pay at begin 1 sum of debt Sc Source/Sink Emissions metric ratio source %from Base Sc delta NPV $4,768,198 rec ht 0.2540 CO2 866.3 1,270.9 404.6 escalation, rec ht 3.000% wood 0.7378 CO 1,529.4 3,927.4 2,398.0 escalation, oil 3.000% oil 0.0082 SOx 78.9 802.0 723.1 escalation, wood 1.000% total 1.0000 NOx 1,002.0 1,136.9 134.9 escalation, elec 3.000% sink %to end -use 0.6990 PM 770.2 oil displaced, gal 77,833 piping 0.2303 VOC 120.3 oil displaced 98.88% plant 0.0707 ash 29,952 utilize rec heat 1 total 1.0000 include wood in CO2 1 bias to wood 1 CO2 in tons/yr, all else in Ib/yr Inputs and Costs (B = Baseline, Sc = This Scenario, all Tables) plant op % 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec B oil, gal 9,743 8,466 8,573 7,035 5,181 3,456 3,046 4,169 4,887 7,125 8,538 8,494 78,712 B cost 69,412 60,307 61,044 50,055 36,790 24,462 21.519 29,551 34,692 50,688 60,802 60,478 $559,802 Sc rec heat, mmBTU 405.0 354.0 376.9 277.7 139.3 107.8 103.6 119.7 132.8 261.9 383.7 365.0 3,027 Sc biomass, tons 106.5 92.7 92.0 78.2 64.0 41.4 35.3 51.2 60.3 81.0 90.7 91.8 885 Sc oil, gal 46 5 28 244 409 108 39 0 879 Sc added elec, kWh 16,709 14,380 14,174 11,633 9,078 6,841 6.295 7,915 8,655 11,747 14,199 14,091 135,718 Sc rec heat, cost 6,423 5,613 5,977 4,404 2,209 1,710 1,644 1,898 2,106 4.153 6,084 5,788 $48,009 Sc biomass, cost 18.637 16,217 16,094 13,688 11,208 7,250 6,183 8,952 10,559 14,183 15,864 16,059 $154,893 Sc 011, cost 391 45 234 2.070 3,481 919 329 1 $7,469 Sc added elec, cost 9,190 7,909 7,796 6,398 4,993 3,762 3,462 4.353 4,760 6,461 7.810 7,750 $74,645 cost of inputs 34,641 29,785 29,866 24.491 18,644 14,792 14,770 16,122 17,754 24.796 29,759 29,597 $285,016 savings 34,772 30,522 31,178 25,565 18,145 9,670 6,750 13,429 16,938 25,892 31,043 30,881 $274,786 Required Harvest, acres Wet Storage Area Required 561 sf Jan Feb Mar Apr Mav Jun Jul Auc Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 Cottonwood, logs 0.64 0.56 0.55 0.47 0.38 0.25 0.21 0.31 0.36 0.49 0.54 0.55 5.31 2 Birch, logs 1.77 1.54 1.53 1.30 1.07 0.69 0.59 0.85 1.01 1.35 1.51 1.53 14.75 3 Aspen, logs 1.28 1.11 1.10 0.94 0.77 0.50 0.42 0.61 0.72 0.97 1.09 1.10 10.62 4 B Spruce, logs 3.19 2.78 2.76 2.35 1.92 1.24 1.06 1.53 1.81 2.43 2.72 2.75 26.55 5 W Spruce, logs 1.60 1.39 1.38 1.17 0.96 0.62 0.53 0.77 0.91 1.22 1.36 1.38 13.28 totals 8.48 7.38 7.33 6.23 5.10 3.30 2.81 4.08 4.81 6.46 7.22 7.31 70.51 Alaska Wood Energy Associates 67 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Level 2 Study Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Individual Building Chip and Stick -fired Boiler Summaries Individual Building Boiler Summary bldg Building base oil gal/yr Stick Wood oil fuel displaced cost project cost NSP yrs Chips oil displaced fuel cost project cost NSP yrs 1 school 23,000 0.926 $48,883 $348,728 9.3 0.882 $50,704 $366,004 10.3 clinic 2,692 1.000 $6,210 $246,796 14.8 $25,577 $366,004 water treatment 3,500 1.000 $7,748 $246,796 11.2 $32,445 $366,004 city office 1,000 1.000 $2,988 $246,796 44.8 $11,195 $366,004 NANA 13,000 0.951 $30,275 $264,617 3.3 0.901 $35,494 $366,004 4.9 6 Back street 3,200 1.000 $7,177 $339,773 17.0 $29,895 $457,240 - Andy Lane 8,800 1.000 $18,116 $574,542 10.1 0.704 $36,365 $670,125 17.4 E Alley 11,200 1.000 $23,310 $751,631 10.5 0.826 $36,481 $761,361 13.0 Jim street 12,320 1.000 $25,443 $751,631 9.5 0.866 $36,596 $761,361 11.2 10 11 Back street, clinic 5,892 1.000 $12,303 $370,766 9.8 0.222 $44,101 $487,652 81.5 '12 Andy L, water tr 12,300 0.978 $26,546 $605,535 7.8 0.916 $32,458 $700,537 9.7 13 14 15 16 Alaska Wood Energy Associates BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Level 2 Study Appendix District Heating plant/Recovered Heat Integration: Sample Sequence of Operations [CV.dP.1]_ [dPT.PL.I BYPASS -i OIL- FIRED BOILER i v THERMAL STORAGE TANK ] dPT IF PLANT HAS (2) BIOMASS BOILERS TO/FROPO M PLANTR I I77. NAU c / All, !I JjII r'n• L Um IBIOMASSBIOMASS BOILER i BOILERJ4 �I GENE ATOR Ci L _� _F— [TT.PS.1 ] ii----------------- , i L PRIMARY —---------- [CV.PL.1] PUMPS CONTROL [CV.SL1] EXP TANK VALVE (TYP), ACTUATORS VARY AIR SEPARATOR PHWR GCL: I PRIMARY FLOW METER TEMP TRANSMITTER (TYP) GENERATOR IPHSHWR- ECONDA Y (TYP) TO/FROM LOOP COOLING IX TT DH LOOP HWS: N SHWR HOT WATER SUPPLY _ i EXP TANK [FM.SL1] SHWS SHWS I u [TT.SS.1] -- — --- HOT WATER RETURN SECONDARY [dPT.SL1] DISTRIBUTION) [dPT.SL2] HX: ' UMPS [dPT.SL3] HEAT EXCHANGER r- uFD r SHOWS CONTROL dPT r dPT r dPT P: %J r- VFD -' RELATIONSHIPS (TYP)7 ' PRIMARY 1 L----------------------- L --'i------ L----1 ---- J 5: SECONDARY AH,EAT RECOVERY l DH PLANT INTERFACE Alaska Wood Energy Associates BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Level 2 Study Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska Appendix E Sample Calculations 0.2 min oil, act 23,000 1 boiler 61 ! B2 / B3 3 1 boilers 4.7 max oil, pied 23,000 307 max cap storage 2,064 4 max burns/day (0.03) a oil boiler 2 102 min cap eff 0.750 6 burn period 3.1 li eff 0.790 0.850 losses 0.005 1.000 dente OAT : school mid oil, gph 1 load chips / oil 216 2,721 stick status losses total % _pt heat DHW total kBTU/h Ib/hr gph tons gal derate store ? 1 2 3 kBTU/h kBTU/h load 85 0.4 0.4 37.3 0.4 1 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 47.7 0.14 83 0.4 0.4 37.3 0.4 1 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 47.7 0.14 81 0.4 0.4 37.3 0.4 5 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 47.7 0.14 79 0.4 0.4 37.3 0.4 6 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 47.7 0.14 77 0.4 0.4 37.3 0.4 3 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 47.7 0.14 75 0.4 0.4 37.3 0.4 11 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 47.7 0.14 73 0.4 0.4 37.3 0.4 10 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 47.7 0.14 71 0.4 0.4 37.3 0.4 12 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 47.7 0.14 69 0.4 0.4-: 37.3 0.4 32 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 47.7 0.14 67 0.4 0.4_: 37.3 0.4 34 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 47.7 0.14 65 0.4 0.4-: 37.3 0.4 48 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 47.7 0.14 63 1.0 0.4 1.3-: 141.1 28 2 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 151.4 0.44 61 1.0 0.4 1.4 148.3 30 2 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 158.6 0.46 59 1.1 0.4 1.5 155.4 31 1 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 165.7 0.48 57 1.2 0.4 1.5 162.6 33 3 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 172.9 0.50 55 1.3 0.4 1.6 169.8 34 4 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 180.1 0.52 53 1.3 0.4 1.7 176.9 36 4 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 187.2 0.54 51 1.4 0.4 1.7-: 184.1 37 7 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 194.4 0.57 49 1.5 0.4 1.8 191.3 38 5 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 201.6 0.59 47 1.5 0.4 1.9 198.4 40 5 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 208.7 0.61 45 1.6 0.4 1.9-: 205.6 41 5 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 215.9 0.63 43 1.7 0.4 2.0 212.8 43 5 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 223.1 0.65 41 1.7 0.4 2.1 219.9 44 3 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 230.2 0.67 39 1.8 0.4 2.1 227.1 46 5 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 237.4 0.69 37 1.9 0.4 2.2 : 234.3 47 5 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 244.6 0.71 35 1.9 0.4 2.3-: 241.4 49 5 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 251.7 0.73 33 2.0 0.4 2.3-: 248.6 50 7 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 258.9 0.75 31 2.1 0.4 2.4 255.8 51 3 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 266.1 0.77 29 2.1 0.4 2.5 262.9 53 3 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 273.2 0.79 27 : 2.2 0.4 2.6 270.1 54 4 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 280.4 0.82 25 2.3 0.4 2.6 277.3 56 5 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 287.6 0.84 23 2.3 0.4 2.7 : 284.4 57 3 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 294.7 0.86 21 2.4 0.4 2.8-: 291.6 59 5 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 301.9 0.88 19 2.5 0.4 2.8 : 298.8 60 6 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 309.1 0.90 17 2.5 0.4 2.9-: 305.9 62 6 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 316.3 0.92 15 2.6 0.4 3.0 313.1 62 0.1 9 16 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 323.4 0.94 13 2.7 0.4 3.0 320.3 62 0.1 6 23 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 330.6 0.96 11 2.7 0.4 3.1 327.4 62 0.2 8 48 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 337.8 0.98 9 2.8 0.4 3.2 334.6 62 0.3 7 59 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 344.9 1.00 7 2.9 0.4 3.2 341.8 62 0.3 8 82 1.000 2,064 1 1 10.3 352.1 1.00 5 2.9 0.4 3.3-: 348.9 62 0.4 4 46 1.000 2,064 1 10.3 359.3 1.00 3 3.0 0.4 3.4-: 356.1 62 0.5 7 106 1.000 2,064 1 10.3 366.4 1.00 1 3.1 0.4 3.4 363.3 62 0.5 7 121 1.000 2,064 1 10.3 373.6 1.00 (1) 3.1 0.4 3.5 370A 62 0.6 7 132 1.000 2,064 1 10.3 380.8 1.00 (3) 3.2 0.4 3.6-: 377.6 62 0.7 5 117 1.000 2,064 1 10.3 387.9 1.00 (5) 3.3 0.4 3.6-: 384.8 62 0.7 7 168 1.000 2,064 1 10.3 395.1 1.00 (7) 3.3 0.4 3.7 : 391.9 62 0.8 3 88 1.000 2,064 1 10.3 402.3 1.00 (9) 3.4 0.4 3.8-: 399.1 62 0.9 4 101 1.000 2,064 1 10.3 409.4 1.00 (11) 3.5 0.4 3.8-: 406.3 62 0.9 4 113 1.000 2,064 1 10.3 416.6 1.00 (13) 3.6 0.4 3.9 413.4 62 1.0 2 53 1.000 2,064 1 10.3 423.8 1.00 (15) 3.6 0.4 4.0 420.6 62 1.1 3 102 1.000 2,064 1 10.3 430.9 1.00 (17) 3.7 0.4 4.0 427.8 62 1.1 2 88 1.000 2,064 1 10.3 438.1 1.00 (19) 3.8 0.4 4.1 434.9 62 1.2 3 103 1.000 2,064 1 10.3 445.3 1.00 (21) : 3.8 0.4 4.2 442.1 62 1.3 2 94 1.000 2,064 1 10.3 452.4 1.00 (23) : 3.9 0.4 4.2 : 449.3 62 1.3 4 161 1.000 2,064 1 10.3 459.6 1.00 Alaska Wood Energy Associates 70 BIOMASS HEATING FEASIBILITY Level 2 Study Upper Kobuk Valley Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak, Alaska OAT mid 0.561 0.557 0.570 0.495 0.320 total mmBTU 391.6 337.3 347.5 246.1 117.0 Load picked up by Engine Heat Recovery, kBTU/h 0.245 62.1 0.262 60.5 0.246 73.6 0.308 106.3 0.472 237.4 0.572 347.5 0.548 331.1 p 85 jan feb mar apr may jun jul 75 aug sep Oct nov dec 83 80 81 85 79 90 77 95 95 75 100 100 73 105 105 71 110 110 69 115 115 115 115 115 67 120 120 120 120 120 65 125 125 125 125 125 63 131 131 131 131 131 61 3 3 3 3 3 59 18 18 18 18 18 18 57 34 34 34 34 34 34 55 49 49 49 49 49 49 53 65 65 65 65 65 65 51 81 81 81 81 81 81 49 97 97 97 97 97 97 47 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 45 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 43 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 41 : 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 39 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 37 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 35 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 33 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 31 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 29 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 27 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 25 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 23 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 21 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 19 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 17 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 15 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 13 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 11 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 9 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 7 453 453 453 453 453 453 453 5 471 471 471 471 471 471 471 3 489 489 489 489 489 489 489 1 507 507 507 507 507 507 507 (1) : 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 (3) : 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 (5) : 551 551 551 551 551 551 551 (7) : 557 557 557 557 557 557 557 (9) : 562 562 562 562 562 562 562 (11) : 568 568 568 568 568 568 568 (13) : 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 (15) : 579 579 579 579 579 579 579 (17) : 584 584 584 584 584 584 (19) : 590 590 590 590 590 (21) : 596 596 596 596 596 (23) : 601 601 601 601 601 (25) : 607 607 607 607 607 (27) : 613 613 613 613 (29) : 619 619 619 619 (31) : 625 625 625 625 (33): 631 631 631 631 (35) : 638 638 638 (37) : 644 6" 644 (39) : 650 650 (41) : 657 657 (43) : 664 664 (45) : 671 (47) : 678 Alaska Wood Enei-gy Associates 71