HomeMy WebLinkAboutIM 10-065, Res 10-049, Appropriate Funds PIA, 7-13-10 Page 1 of 2 IM 10-065 CITY OF PALMER INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 10-065 SUBJECT: Resolution No 10-049: Re-appropriating the Original Budgeted Insurance Costs in the Amount of $167,058 from the General Fund (Fund 01) to the Capital Project Fund (Fund 08) for the Purpose of Upgrading the Palmer Ice Arena AGENDA OF: July 13, 2010 Council action: Approved for presentation by B.B. Allen, City Manager ____ __________________ Route To: Department/Individual: Initials/Date: Remarks: X Originator – City Manager 6/28/10 X City Clerk 7/7/10 X City Attorney 7/7/10 Director of Administration Director of Community Development Director of Community Services Director of Public Safety Director of Public Works Attachment(s): Resolution Number 10-049 Certification of Funds: No fiscal impact. X Funds are budgeted from this account number: various insurance line items $167,058 Funds are not budgeted. Budget modification is required. Affected account number: Director of Administration Signature: _____ Summary statement: Resolution no. 10-049 re-appropriates $167,058 originally included in the general fund to cover insurance costs, to the capital projects fund to help cover costs to upgrade the Palmer Arena. Background: As part of the federal government’s America Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) program, funds were passed to State governments to assist in the distribution of Community Economic Stimulus Program grant funds. In Alaska, the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (DCCED) was responsible for disbursing the funds. The Page 2 of 2 IM 10-065 funds were allocated on a per capita basis, based on the 2008 population figures. The City of Palmer was eligible for, and received $167,058.55 to help offset insurance costs. The 2010 budget appropriated expenditures for insurance costs with Resolution No. 10-001. Resolution No. 10-036 accepted and appropriated a Community Economic Stimulus Program Grant of $167,058 to cover a portion of the City’s insurance costs. This legislation, if approved, will re-appropriate the original budgeted insurance costs to the capital project fund (Fund 08) for the purpose of upgrading the arena. Administration recommendation: Approve resolution no. 10-049. _______________________________________________________________________________________ City of Palmer, Alaska Resolution No. 10-049 Page 1 of 1 Introduced by: City Manager Allen Date: July 13, 2010 Action: Adopted Vote: Unanimous Yes: No: Erbey Brown Hanson Best CITY OF PALMER, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 10-049 A RESOLUTION OF THE PALMER CITY COUNCIL RE-APPROPRIATING THE ORIGINAL BUDGETED INSURANCE COSTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $167,058 FROM THE GENERAL FUND (FUND 01) TO THE CAPITAL PROJECT FUND (FUND 08) FOR THE PURPOSE OF UPGRADING THE PALMER ARENA WHEREAS, the United States Federal Government passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA); and WHEREAS, part of the ARRA was the Community Economic Stimulus Program which were run by each individual state; and WHEREAS, in Alaska, it was the responsibility of the Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development to disburse the State of Alaska funds on a per capita basis; and WHEREAS, the City of Palmer received $167,058 to cover insurance costs; and WHEREAS, those insurance costs were identified in the budget resolution 10- 001; and WHEREAS, the City desires to make improvements to the Palmer Arena. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Palmer City Council to re- appropriate $167,058 from the General Fund (Fund 01) to the Capital Project Fund (Fund 08) for the purpose of upgrading the Palmer Arena. Passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Palmer, Alaska this thirteenth day of July, 2010. Richard W. Best, Mayor Pro-Tempore _____ Janette M. Bower, MMC, City Clerk Page 1 of 2 IM 10-051 CITY OF PALMER INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NO. 10-051 SUBJECT: Resolution No 10-036: Accepting and Appropriating the Community Economic Stimulus Program Grant in the Amount of $167,058.55 to Reimburse the City of Palmer for Insurance Costs AGENDA OF: May 25, 2010 Council action: Approved for presentation by B.B. Allen, City Manager ______________________ Route To: Department/Individual: Initials/Date: Remarks: X Originator – City Manager 5/5/10 X City Clerk 5/17/10 X City Attorney 5/17/10 Director of Administration Director of Community Development Director of Community Services Director of Public Safety Director of Public Works Attachment(s): Resolution 10-036 Grant Agreement 800229 Certification of Funds: No fiscal impact. Funds are budgeted from this account number: X Funds are not budgeted. Budget modification is required. Affected account number: 01-00-00-3353 $167,058.55 Director of Administration Signature: _____ Summary statement: The City of Palmer applied for a Community Economic Stimulus Program Grant under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) to offset insurance costs. Background: The federal government has passed ARRA funds to the States to assist in the distribution of Community Economic Stimulus Program grant funds. In Alaska, the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (DCCED) is responsible for disbursing Page 2 of 2 IM 10-051 the funds. The funds will be allocated on a per capita basis, based on the 2008 population figures. The City of Palmer is eligible for $167,058.55. The funds may be used for a variety of operating costs and are on a cost reimbursable basis. The ARRA reporting requirements are quite stringent, so DCCED has suggested the funds be used for large ticket items such as bulk fuel, bulk electrical, or insurance. The City pays well over $167,000 for liability and vehicle insurance each year and these grant funds will help underwrite the cost in 2010. The insurance expenses were budgeted, but the grant income was not, providing an additional $167,000 to general fund. Administration recommendation: Adopt resolution no. 10-036. _______________________________________________________________________________________ City of Palmer, Alaska Resolution No. 10-036 Page 1 of 2 Introduced by: City Manager Allen Date: May 25, 2010 Action: Adopted Vote: Unanimous Yes: No: Chmielewski Best Brown Combs Hanson Erbey CITY OF PALMER, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 10-036 A RESOLUTION OF THE PALMER CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING AND APPROPRIATING THE COMMUNITY ECONOMIC STIMULUS PROGRAM GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $167,058.55 TO THE GENERAL FUND (01) TO REIMBURSE THE CITY OF PALMER FOR INSURANCE COSTS WHEREAS, the United States Government has allocated 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds to the State of Alaska for the Community Economic Stimulus Program; and WHEREAS, the State of Alaska Department of Commerce Community and Economic Development is responsible for administering the grant funds to municipalities around the state; and WHEREAS, the City of Palmer is eligible for $167,058.55 based upon per capita basis based on 2008 population figures; and WHEREAS, the funding may be used for operating expenses; and WHEREAS, the State of Alaska suggests the funds be used for the purchase of bulk fuel, electrical power or insurance; and WHEREAS, the City of Palmer spends well over $167,000 for annual insurance coverage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Palmer City Council to accept and appropriate $167,058.55 from the Community Economic Stimulus Program to the General Fund (01) and to authorize the City Manager to use the funds to reimburse the City for insurance costs. SCOPE OF WORK Use the grant funds to cover insurance costs up to $167,058.55 BUDGET _______________________________________________________________________________________ City of Palmer, Alaska Resolution No. 10-036 Page 2 of 2 $167,058.55 from Federal ARRA Grant pass through State of Alaska DCCED Passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Palmer, Alaska this twenty-fifth day of May, 2010. John C. Combs, Mayor _____ Janette M. Bower, MMC, City Clerk April 29, 2010 Bill Allen, City Manager City of Palmer STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Division of Community and Regional Affairs Grants Section S"OI1 Pame/I, GOIll1TIlOr Emil Nolli, CO!lJ!I1i.rsioner Tara Jolh'c, Director 231 W. Evergreen Avenue Palmer, AK 99645-6952 RE: FY-2010 Community Economic Stimulus Grant -ARRA Grant Number 800229 The City Manager Bill Allen: Enclosed you will find one copy of the original FY-2010 Community Economic Stimulus Grant (CESP) -ARRA grant agreement between the City of Palmer and the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development. Please approve the grant by signing the cover page, make a copy for your file and mail the original to our office. Please note there are several changes in this agreement compared to our regular legislative grant agreement. Many changes are in bold text to be easily identifiable, However, not all changes are highlighted, Four of the additions to the grant agreement are: L The Federal Award Number is S397A090002, The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number is 84,397, The amount of funds allocated under this grant from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is $167,058,55, This information must be included on any request for reimbursement. Grantees must also provide similar identification in their SEFA and SF-SAC reports, (This requirement is explained further on page 3 of the agreement.) This information must also be in any subcontracts paid with CESP -ARRA funds, 2. A new report ronn is included in the grant agreement and attached to this letter. Please note the new information about the Federal Award Number, CFDA, and amount of ARRA funds on the form, This information must be included on any Request for Reimbursement. Please advise your accounting department of the need for this additional information so requests are not delayed, 3, Please note the additional information under Appendix B, Information concerning the OMB Circular A- 133 Compliance Supplement Addendum #1 concerning ARRA funds has been added, 4, Appendix E, found at the back of the agreement and flagged with a red tab, is the State of Alaska, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) standard terms and conditions for financial assistance awards (grants, cooperative agreements, and loans) under ARRA. These tenns and conditions must be signed as part of the grant agreement, Return the original and keep a copy of Appendix E, I will not be able to process the grant agreements without your signature here and on the front page of each grant agreement. Please return the original grant agreement cover page and the original Appendix E to our office at your earliest convenience. Please retain all of the grant agreement attachments and appendices for your records. I will return a fully executed grant agreement cover page for your files, Please reference the grant number (800229) in future correspondence concerning this grant. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions on this agreement. We wish you every success as you proceed with these important activities. Sincerely, Enclosures P,O, Box 110809, Juneau, :\laska 99801-0809 Phone: (907) 465-2023 Fax: (907) 465-5867 Text Telephone: (907) 465-5437 Email: june.kugelmann@alaska.gov \Vebsite: http://www.commerce.state.ak.us/dca/ STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL AFFAIRS Community Economic Stimulus Program American Recovery and Reinvesbnent Act (ARRA) ue Grant Administrator StreetJPO Box P.O. Box I I Director of Administration AK 9981J-0809 Phone 745-3271 745-0930 465-2023 465-5867 AGREEMENT The Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, Division of Community and Regional Affairs (hereinafter 'Departrnent') and the City of Palmer (hereinafter 'Grantee') agree as set forth herein. Section I. The Department shall pay the Grantee for the perfonnance of the project work under the terms outlined in this agreement. The amount of the payment is based upon project expenses incurred, which are authorized under this Agreement. ]n no event shall the payment exceed $167,058.55. Section II. The Grantee shall perform all of the work required by this Agreement. Section III. The work to be performed under this agreement begins 06/01/2009 and shall be completed no later than 09/3012011. Section IV. The agreement consists ofthis page and the following: ATTACHMENTS Attachment A: Scope of Work ] . Proj eet Description and documentation 2. Project Budget 3. Project Management/Reporting 4. ARRA Fonns Packet Attachment B: Payment Method Attachment C: Standard Provisions AMENDMENTS: Any fully executed amendments to this Agreement Signature Printed Name Bill Date Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix B2: Appendix C: Appendix D: Appendix E: Date Federal Award NumberS397A090002. CFDA 84.397 APPENDICES Audit Regulations Audit Compliance Supplement plus corrections from Addendum # I Jnsurance State La\vs and Regulations Special Requirements and Assurances for Federally Funded Projects Standard Terms and Conditions for Financial Assistance Awards under ARRA Administrator III Reviewed By: -pi? y= 4... v..... ATTACHMENT A -SCOPE OF WORK Standard Terms and Conditions for Financial Assistance Awards (grants, cooperative agreements, and loans) under ARRA 1. Project Description The Grantee will CaJTY out the graJlt in accordaJ1ce with the provisions of the Connnunity Economic Stimulus PrograJ1l, as amended the American Recovery aJ1d Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5; including all approved amendments or revisions; OMB M-09-10, Initial Implementing GuidaJ1ce for the AmericaJ1 Recovery aJ1d Reinvestment Act of 2009; aJ1d OMB M-09-21, Implementing GuidaJ1ce for the Reports on Use of Funds PurSUaJ1t to the AmericaJ1 Recovery aJ1d Reinvestment Act of 2009. As new infoTInation is received aJ1d new implementation issues emerge program guidance will continue to be clarified aJ1d must be followed. Palmer is located in the center of the lush faJ'llllaJ1ds of the MataJ1uska Valley, 42 miles northeast of Anchorage on the Glenn Highway. The current population is 5,559 people. Two groups of Athabascan people --the Ahtna people aJ1d Dena'ina people --have lived in this region for centuries. George Palmer is said to have an'ived in 1875. He was a trader in Knik, aJ1d aroLmd 1890, established a trading post on the Matanuska River. A railway siding was constructed in Palmer in 1916. In 1935, Palmer beCaJ1le the site of one of the most unusual experiments in AnlericaJl history: the MataJ1llska Valley Colony. The Federal Emergency Relief Administration, one of the maJ1Y New Deal relief agencies created by President Roosevelt, planned aJl agricultural colony in Alaska. 203 families, mostly from MichigaJ1, Wisconsin aJld Minnesota, were invited to join the Colony. They aJTived in Palmer in the early summer of 1935. Although the failure rate was high, maJ1Y of their descendaJ1ts still live in the Mat-Su Valley today. The City of Palmer was formed in 1951. Construction of the statewide road system, aJ1d the rapid development of Anchorage, has fueled growth in the Mat-Su valley. The valley is renowned for the annual Alaska State Fair, where local farmers produce award-winning vegetables. Popular recreation sites include Hatcher Pass, Crevasse-Moraine Trails, Kepler Lake, Bonnie Lake, Finger Lal(e aJ1d Long Lal(e. MaJ1Y residents commute to Anchorage for employment. Palmer's economy is based on a diversity of retail aJ1d other services, City, Borough, State aJ1d federal govenmlent. Some light maJ1llfacturing occurs. Palmer is home to 200 musk ox whose lmderwool (qiviut) is knitted into garments by Alaska Native women from several rural villages. Between 2,500 and 3,500 gaJments are created each year by these women, and sold by aJ1 Anchorage cooperative. The 75-acre musk ox farm is also a tourist attraction. The University has aJ1 Agricultural aJld Forestry Experiment Station Office aJ1d a district Cooperative Extension Service office here. The University's MataJ1uska Research Farm is also located in Palmer. As mentioned earlier, Palmer lies on the Gleim Highway. Commercial airlines serve the Anchorage International Airport, but the Palmer Municipal Airport supports private aJ1d chartered services with two paved airstrips, one at 6,009' long by 60' wide and the other at 3,617' long by 75' wide. There are seven additional privately-owned airstrips in the vicinity. Float plaJles may laJ1d at nearby Finger Lake or Wolf Lake. The Alaska Railroad connects Palmer to Whittier, Seward or Anchorage for ocean freight delivery. Federal Award NUlllberS397A090002. CFDA 8-1.397 Water is provided by three deep wells, is treated and stored in a million-gallon reservoir. Sewage is collected by pipe and treated in an aerated lagoon facility. All homes are completely plnmbed. Matanuslca Electric Association, Inc. (MEA) provides electric utility service to the entire city of Palmer. MEA purchases virtually all of the electricity it distributes from Chugach Electric Association, Inc. pursuant to a contract expiring January 1,2015. Piped natural gas, provided by Enstar, is used to heat homes. The Mat-Su Borough operates the landfill outside the City limits of Palmer. A sludge disposal site is also available. (a) This award is federal financial assistance under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). This Act malces supplemental appropriations for job preservation and creation, infrastructure, investments, energy efficiency and science, assistance to the lmemployed, and state and local fiscal stabilization, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2011. (b) The Federal Award Number is S397 A090002. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number is 84.397. The amount of funds allocated under this grant from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of2009 (ARRA) is $167,058.55. This information must be included on any request for reimbursement. This infonTIation must also be in any subcontracts paid with STATE FISCAL STABILIZATION FUND -EDUCATION GRANTS, RECOVERY FUNDS -ARRA funds. (c) The following projects and/or activities are being funded by this award: Purchase Insurance COl'el'oge 2. Project Budget Cost Category ARRA Grant Funds Total Cost Purchase Insurance Coverage $167,058.55 $167,058.55 Purchase Bulk Fuel Purchase Electrical Services TOTAL: $167,058.55 $167,058.55 3. Project ManagementlReporting (a) This project will be managed by the City, with signatory authority for execution of the grant agreement granted to the Mayor. The Mayor may delegate signatory authority for executing the grant agreement to others within the City government via the Signatory Authority Form. The Mayor may also designate financial and progress reporting, via the Signatory Authority Form. Such delegation is limited to others within the City government unless otherwise approved. (b) The Grantee must establish and maintain separate accounting for the use of ARRA grant funds. The use of ARRA grant funds in any malIDer contrary to the terms and conditions of this Grant Agreement may result in the subsequent revocation of the grant and any balance of funds under the grallt. It may also result in the Grantee being required to return such amounts to the State. (c) The Grantee shall submit the required ARRA Financial/Progress Report and Reimbursement Form (see attached exanlples) each month during the life of the Grant Agreement. The ARRA Financial/Progress Report FonTI is due ten (10) calendar days after the end of each calendar month, Federal Award NIIII/ber S397A09000], CFDA 8-1.397 whether or not any money was expended. The reporting period is the first day of the month through the last day of the month. (d) RepOl-ting and information as required under ARRA and as required in Appendix E or as modified by the federal govemment is requir-ed_ All requests for funds under this grant will include the Federal Award Number, the CFDA, and the amount of ARRA funds_ (e) The Grantee will report the vendor nanle and zip code and a description of what was obtained in exchange for payment on each ARRA Financial/Progress Report and Reimbursement Form. (f) The Grantee will report the number of jobs retained as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). The Grantee will also report the number of new jobs created as a result of ARRA to their community. 4. ARRA Forms PacI{et The following page shows the ARRA FinanciallProgress Report and Reimbursement FOlID which is to be used by the Grantee for monthly reporting. Additional copies of this form are available from the Department. Federal Award Number S397A09(}(}(}]. CFDA 8./.397