HomeMy WebLinkAboutPackersCreekHydro-GrantAppRd4Appendix Renewable Energy Fund Round IV Grant Application Packers Creek Hydroelectric Project – Construction AEA 11-005 Application ATTACHMENTS 7/21/2010 ATTACHMENT A – CONTACT INFORMATION AND RESUMES REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS - HYDROELECTRIC 1 RECENT POLARCONSULT PROJECTS & PROJECT REFERENCES Polarconsult has extensive experience working on all aspects of hydroelectric development. From reconnaissance, feasibility, permitting, design, construction, inspection, operation, maintenance, monitoring, and retrofitting, Polarconsult’s professional staff understands all aspects of hydroelectric projects. Engineering budgets for past and current projects range from tens of thousands to over a million dollars. Polarconsult principals designed, built, own and operate the McRobert’s Creek Hydro, located near Palmer, Alaska. The many lessons learned from owning and operating our own hydroelectric project translates into valuable experience that pays off immensely for other projects. One of the biggest obstacles to proper operation of a hydroelectric facility is intake design. After numerous refinements, Polarconsult has designed and constructed an intake for the McRobert’s project that operates automatically and virtually maintenance free even when subjected to the onslaught of debris brought about by floods and seasonal changes. Another successful project, located in Pelican, Alaska, involved designing a steel support system for an aging timber crib dam. Limited by helicopter access and narrow construction windows, the location required a design that not only withstood the large forces of floods but needed to be light enough and simple enough to be airlifted and quickly put into permanent place. Accurate surveying, 3-D design, and close coordination with the project owner all resulted in a unique and successful solution without an extravagant budget. The experience and knowledge that Polarconsult’s professionals bring to a project are exemplified by our work on the Kasidaya Creek hydroelectric project. Brought in by Alaska Power and Telephone due to excessive costs on a tunnel and intake for a project that was in the midst of construction, Polarconsult spent half a day in the field at the project site and provided valuable insight and advice that changed the course of the construction to reduce project costs and maintenance. Polarconsult’s recommendations to provide an access route up the creek to the intake site were ultimately adopted into the now completed project. All of Polarconsult’s core professionals have been involved in the numerous engineering challenges surrounding hydroelectric projects for many years. Any one of our professional engineers is more than capable of successfully identifying all the issues in a hydroelectric project and using our comprehensive background and knowledge to forge solutions that aren’t narrowly focused or short sighted. SELECTED PROJECT PROFILES Project: Pelican Dam Reinforcement and Penstock Design Client: Pelican Seafoods Reference Contact: Tom Whitmarsh, Pelican Seafoods, 907-735-2204 Engineering Budget: $175,000 Description The Pelican Hydroelectric Power Plant was first constructed around 1946 to supply water and power to the Pelican Seafoods Cannery constructed around the same time. A Dam Safety Review determined that there was potential for failure of the existing timber crib dam during flood stages. A field investigation was conducted to prepare an as-built of the existing timber crib dam, intake structure, timber flume, wood stave penstock, and power plant. A unique design was arrived at to shore up the existing dam to be stable under flood stages, and upgrade the existing intake to cut down head losses. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS - HYDROELECTRIC 2 Additionally, Polarconsult recently completed a design for replacement of the original flume, surge tank, and elevated penstock. The design includes a new surge tank, new penstock, and modifications to the intake and dam wing walls. Project: Chignik Relicense Client: Trident Seafoods Reference Contact: Mike Duckworth, Trident Seafoods, 206-617-6612 Engineering Budget: $150,000 Description Included in a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) License are significant efforts and coordination relating to the development of the Environmental Assessment. Activities include: · National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) scoping meetings · Stream Gauging · Fish Surveys · Geomorphological surveys of Indian River including fish habitat analysis · Dissemination of all data and correspondence through the development of a Project web page and through traditional hard copy to over 50 particpants The entire relicensing process was completed under the “applicant prepared EA” process in less than 2 years (typically licensing time is 3 to 5 years). Project: Larsen Bay Hydroelectric Client: CRW Engineering Group, LLC Reference Contact: Lenny Landis, AEA, 440-9320 Engineering Budget: $16,000 Description Performed original design of 475 kW project with a gross head of 665 feet and a flow of 11 cfs. Subsequent work included site inspection and analysis of existing hydroelectric system with recommendations for upgrades to existing intake and penstock, addition of drainage diversion to increase water flow to plant for increased power production, and consulting on controls upgrades to interconnect hydro plant to community diesel generation plant. The work activities also included the following: · Analysis of hydrologic data to determine maximum potential power output on a monthly basis · Development of a parts list and the performance of ultrasonic thickness testing of the penstock in the powerhouse · Inspection of cracked turbine blades for hydroelectric plant · Recommendations for repair of turbine as appropriate to the City and AEA Project: Atka Hydro Client: Alaska Energy Authority and CRW Engineering Group, LLC. Reference Contact: Julie Dirks, City of Atka, 907-581-6226 Engineering Budget: $200,000 Description Designed the 270 kW hydroelectric facility in Atka that is currently under construction. Activities include the following: · Topographic surveying to layout project features and tie into known monuments · Development of legal descriptions based on survey data and final design for necessary easements REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS - HYDROELECTRIC 3 · Investigation and description of anadromous fish affected by and in the project area (including fish habitat assessments and setting of fish traps to capture and identify species) · Design of 1,060 feet of 30-inch diameter High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) penstock · Design of a cable stayed bridge spanning 100 feet · Design of the 7.2/12.4 kV electrical cable connecting to the existing system · Design of the powerhouse · Specification of the turbine and generator · Design of the 13-foot-high impoundment dam Project: Fishhook Hydroelectric Project Client: Fishhook Renewable Energy, LLC Engineering Budget: $125,000 Description Currently in the permitting phase, this project includes completion of a feasibility study, permitting, and design of 2.0 MW run-of-river hydroelectric plant located on Fishhook Creek in Hatcher Pass, Alaska. Performed surveying utilizing RTK GPS equipment and developed cost estimates and a feasibility study by the fall of 2006. Project: Kasidaya (Otter) Creek Intake Client: Alaska Power & Telephone Company Reference Contact: Vern Neitzer, AP&T, 907-983-2202 Engineering Budget: $15,000 Description Site Inspection and project review. Provided a brief letter report to assist AP&T in seeking a lower cost alternative for the intake and penstock tunnel that were in the original design. Project was well into construction at the time. Made recommendations on an alternative for a dam, intake configurations, access routes, and permitting actions. AP&T ultimately reconfigured the original design based on our recommendations. Project: Lace Hydro Client: Lace River Hydro Reference Contact: Bob Grimm, AP&T, 360-531-0320 Engineering Budget: $800,000 Description Currently in the FERC licensing phase, this project involves feasibility investigation, FERC permitting, and design of a 5 MW hydroplant in southeast Alaska. The Project intake is located at an unnamed lake that would be used for storage. The lake has a surface area of approximately 384 acres. The dam intake is located at an elevation of 3,180 feet. From the intake, there would be 7,600 feet of 21-inch diameter steel pipe leading to the powerhouse. The net hydraulic head is 3,000 feet. The project flow is estimated to be approximately 27 cfs. The total estimated energy production of this project is 34,164,000 Kilowatt hours. Power transmission would consist of 5 miles of 14.4/24.9 kV buried cable and 7.1 miles of overhead transmission lines. Project: McRobert's Creek Hydroelectric Project Client: Earle Ausman, Enerdyne Engineering Budget: $60,000 Description REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS - HYDROELECTRIC 4 McRobert's Creek Hydroelectric Plant is an excellent example of how cost effective a small hydroelectric plant in Alaska can be. McRobert's Creek is located three miles to the east of Palmer and is fed by the rock glaciers that lay below Matanuska Peak. The mountainous and rugged terrain required PCA to use non-conventional construction techniques to complete the project. Due to the terrain it was not feasible or environmentally desirable to build a road to the power plant. The project was completed in an environmentally sound and aesthetically pleasing manner. Hikers and horseback riders now use the trail for access to Matanuska Peak. The "run of the river" facility consists of a rock gabion diversion to funnel the water into a 4,200-foot, twelve-inch-diameter polyethylene pipeline. A 7,000-gallon storage tank is used to regulate the system so that a large dam and associated reservoir are not necessary. Other physical features include 8,800 feet of phone line, 4,600 feet of 7,200 kVA power cable, 8,600 feet of access trail, and a 12-foot by 12-foot concrete block powerhouse. The plant operates at 445 feet of gross head and runs year round delivering 100 kW to the Matanuska Electric Authority grid. The plant was designed and built by Polarconsult at a cost of $2,000 per kW. Polarconsult President Earle Ausman is the owner of the facility. Project: Southfork Hydro Plant Client: South Fork Construction Reference Contact: Phyllis Janke, South Fork Construction, 694-4351 Engineering Budget: $80,000 Description Currently under construction and permitting, this project involves feasibility, design, and permitting of a 1.2 MW hydroplant on the south fork of Eagle River. The South Fork Hydro project is a run-of-river plant with a capacity of 1,200 kW. Scheduled to be completed in 2009, the project will use water from the South Fork of Eagle River which drains a 26-square-mile area. The project will divert 53 cfs from the South Fork. The elevation of the intake pool is 1,180 feet and the elevation of the draft tube pool where the turbines discharge is 803 feet for a gross head of 377 feet. The pipe will be 32-inch, SDR 32.5 high density polyethylene pipe (HDPE). About 3,175 feet from the intake, the pipe will change to SDR 26. This HDPE pipe continues for the next 175 feet where it transitions to 300 feet of 30-inch steel pipe. There will be four 300 kW turbine-generator sets. One turbine will be a Pelton wheel with 4 jets which will turn at 1200 rpm. The turbine will drive a 300 kW induction generator. This unit will be used to operate at all of the intermediate flows as it is an excellent partial load device. The other 3 units will be pump-turbines which are centrifugal pumps run as turbines. They will be vertical assemblies and will turn at 1800 rpm. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS - HYDROELECTRIC 5 SELECTED PROJECT LIST In addition to the projects listed under Selected Project Profiles, Polarconsult has performed numerous feasibility studies and designs as the following list indicates. Job Name Client Year Knutson Creek Hydro Feasibility Study Pedro Bay Tribal Council 2009-10 Packer’s Creek Hydro Design and Permitting Chignik Lagoon Power Utility 2009-10 Burro Creek Hydro Study Burro Creek Holdings, LLC 2009-10 Old Harbor FERC Licensing Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2009-10 Indian River Hydro Feasibility Study, Conceptual Design and Permitting City of Tenakee Springs 2009-10 Elfin Cove Reconnaissance and Feasibility Study Community of Elfin Cove 2009-10 Pedro Bay Reconnaissance Study Pedro Bay Tribal Council 2009 Pelican Hydroelectric Upgrade Design Alaska Energy & Engineering, Inc. 2008-10 Fourth of July Creek Reconnaissance Study Independence Power, LLC 2008 Glacier Fork Hydro Reconnaissance Study Glacier Fork Hydro, LLC 2008 Pelican Hydroelectric Retrofit Alaska Energy Authority 2007 Archangel Creek Hydro Jill Reese Investments & Brokerage 2007 O'Brien Creek Reconnaissance Survey Alaska Energy Authority 2007 Fishhook Hydroelectric Project Fishhook Renewable Energy, LLC 2007 Allison Lake Hydro Project Green Power Development, LLC 2007 Atka Hydro Cost Estimate Alaska Energy Authority 2007 Chitina Conceptual Design Alaska Energy Authority 2006 Kasidaya (Otter) Creek Intake Alaska Power & Telephone Company 2006 Larsen Bay Alaska Energy Authority 2006 Chuniisax Hydro Phase 3 Alaska Energy Authority 2006 Chignik Bay Scoping Field Trip Alaska Energy Authority 2005 Atka Hydro Design Changes and Inspection Alaska Energy Authority 2005 Larsen Bay Turbine Repair City of Larsen Bay 2005 Old Harbor Archiving Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2005 Chignik Dam Inspection Norquest Seafoods Inc 2004 Larsen Bay Hydroelectric Upgrade Alaska Energy Authority 2004 Chignik Stream Gauge Installation Alaska Energy Authority 2004 Atka Revisions Alaska Energy Authority 2004 Chignik Relicense Trident Seafoods 2003 Atka Hydro Design City of Atka 2003 Old Harbor Project Review Alaska Energy Authority 2002 Atka Hydro F&G City of Atka 2002 Scammon Stream Gauging Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2002 Old Harbor - Alternate Powerhouse Location Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2002 Old Harbor Project Comparison Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2001 Pelican Penstock Design Pelican Seafoods 2001 Old Harbor Hydro Project - Design Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2000 Old Harbor Hydro Project - FERC Licensing Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 1999 Chignik Dam Survey Norquest Seafoods Inc 1999 Southfork Hydro Plant South Fork Construction 1998 REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS - HYDROELECTRIC 6 Job Name Client Year Lace Hydro Lace River Hydro, LLC 1997 Atka Hydro Investigation City of Atka 1996 Chignik Lagoon Hydro Study Chignik Lagoon 1995 Old Harbor Hydropower Feasibility Study Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 1995 Terror Lake desander Tango Construction Co 1994 Tenakee Springs/Indian River Hydro City of Tenakee Springs 1993 Pelican Seafoods Hydroelectric Renovation Pelican Seafoods 1993 Angoon Hydroelectric Investigation Alaska Energy Authority 1992 Humpback Creek Hydroelectric Cordova Electric 1992 Snyder Falls Hydroelectric Study Earl Ellis & Associates 1990 McRobert’s Creek Hydroelectric Project Earle Ausman 1990 Larsen Bay Hydroelectric Plant City of Larsen Bay 1990 Snettisham Hydroelectric Project US Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District 1989 Chitina Micro Hydro Project Chitina Village Council 1989 Burnett Inlet Hydroelectric Plant Design Alaska Aquaculture 1988 Ouzinkie Hydroelectric Plant City of Ouzinkie 1986 In addition, Polarconsult’s project team has extensive experience with design and force account construction of many types of rural projects in addition to hydro. These include utility design and construction management of water, sewer, and electrical projects. Much of this work was performed for the City of St. Paul, and our experience extends to many other communities throughout Alaska as well. It is important to emphasize that most of the work is performed by force account using local labor and other resources. Polarconsult believes it is important to have people build their own projects so they can operate and repair them. It is also important to make them economical and keep the maximum amount of money in the community. KEY HYDROELECTRIC PERSONNEL 1 KEY POLARCONSULT PERSONNEL The proposed project staff is presented below. Each member of the project staff has the capability of working on all phases of the project including pre-design, design, and construction. In addition, each the project staff has hands-on construction experience that is valuable during the design and construction phases of a hydroelectric facility. Each of the project staff holds professional licenses in Alaska and reside in Anchorage. Michael Dahl, P.E., Civil Engineer, CE-8480. Mr. Dahl will act as the project manager and primary point of contact for this project. The responsibilities for this position include having a broad understanding of all activities conducted under this contract; coordinating the project and reporting activities directly with the client; assigning team members to complete the work items; managing the project budget and accounting; and working directly on all phases required to complete the project. Mr. Dahl will also manage any subcontractors associated with this contract.. Mr. Dahl has over 25 years of design and construction experience on a wide variety of projects in Alaska and has been licensed in the State of Alaska as a professional engineer for the past 17 years. Mr. Dahl has worked at Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. since 1986. He has a diverse and comprehensive engineering background with technical and practical experience in hydroelectric power plant design, civil site design, subdivision development, water and sewer utility design, building and foundation design, surveying, electric distribution and building construction, facility operations, and project management. His recent relevant experience includes: · Packers Creek Hydro, Chignik Lagoon: Project Design and Permitting. · Chuniisax Creek Hydroelectric, Atka: Project Design, Geotech Investigations, Site Control Surveys. · Pelican Hydroelectric Upgrade: Pelican: Project Design and Construction Support. · National Cemetery, Fort Richardson Alaska: Design Engineer and Construction Inspection for design build 39 Acre expansion and irrigation system. · APICDA Fish Plant, Saint George: Project Manager and construction inspection. · Kasidia Creek Hydro, Skagway: Intake and penstock realignment assessmenet for AP&T. · Fishhook Creek Hydro, Palmer: Scoping, reconnaissance, feasibility, cost estimating, local and state permitting. · Lake 3160, Juneau: Scoping, FERC licensing. Mr. Dahl also has experience in Structural and Civil design of commercial projects; design, construciton and management of water, sewer and power utlities. References: Linda Snow, City Manager, City of Saint Paul, 907-546-3113. Darlene Dorough, President, Yellowknife Construction, 677-7944 Everette Anderson, APICDA, (206) 369-5952 Earle V. Ausman, P.E., R.L.S., Civil Engineer, CE-1393 & LS-3320. Mr. Ausman will act as a senior technical advisor and design engineer on this contract. Mr. Ausman was the project manager for Polarconsult’s 1993 study of this hydro project, and his experience and familiarity with the community and hydro site will be valuable on this project. The responsibilities of Mr. Ausman’s advisory position include the initial project scoping, pre-design planning, economic analysis, evaluation of the technical and regulatory approach, and recommendations KEY HYDROELECTRIC PERSONNEL 2 regarding operational considerations. Mr. Ausman’s design responsibilities include assistance with a wide variety of technical design issues with which he is familiar. Mr. Ausman has studied, worked on and investigated more Alaskan hydroplants than any other engineer in Alaska. Mr. Ausman has worked on and designed large and small pipelines for water, oil and gas. He has also designed canals, tunnels, lake taps, dams and intakes, and large and small hydroplants. He has visited over 50 small hydroelectric plants and a number of very large ones, including the world’s largest. In addition to being a civil engineer, he has also worked as an electrical engineer both for interior, NEC, and transmission systems. This has included both AC and DC systems, and conductors that are elevated, buried and submarine. He will use this knowledge to determine the most favorable means and configurations for the those projects to be designed and constructed under this term contract. He also has operational experience and has acquired knowledge over the decades about unique Alaskan conditions and hydro operations. Mr. Ausman’s experience in visiting and talking to operators of many different hydroelectric plants has provided him a great insight into what is possible and practical. This is especially important for plants of the size that AEA will be interested in. Mr. Ausman has observed that large hydro thinking and experience applied to small hydro results in overly costly systems. He has observed closely the reasons why BC Hydro and the Corps of Engineers no longer design and build small plants as the result of the large project methods being far too costly. Mr. Ausman keeps his skill current by regularly attending international hydroelectric conferences and reading trade publications. References: Lenny Landis, Ex Project Manager Alaska Energy Authority, 269-4684 Bob Grimm, Alaska Power and Telephone, 800-982-0136 Brent Petrie, Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative, 561-1818 Joel D. Groves, P.E., Civil Engineer, CE-10944. Mr. Groves will act as technical support for this project. The responsibilities for this position include providing backup for project management duties and secondary point of contract for the project when Mr. Dahl is not available. Mr. Groves has 10 years of experience in civil engineering, and has worked as a civil engineer for Polarconsult for over 7 years. Raised in Anchorage, Mr. Groves started with Polarconsult as an engineering technician in 1995. Mr. Groves has worked on a variety of civil projects in rural Alaska, including scoping, permitting, design and construction engineering for a variety of stormwater, wastewater, water supply, hydroelectric, and other civil infrastructure projects. He is familiar with the logistics and unique considerations of construction projects in rural Alaska. Mr. Groves has experience on the following hydroelectric projects in Alaska: · Indian River Hydro, Tenakee Springs: Feasibility Study, Conceptual Design, and Permitting. · Roy’s Creek, Crooked Creek, and Jim’s Lake, Elfin Cove: Reconnaissance and Feasibility Studies. · Knutson Creek, Pedro Bay: Reconnaissance and Feasibility Studies. · Burro Creek, Skagway: Feasibility Study. · Indian Creek Hydro, Chignik: FERC licensing, inspections, and stream gauging. · Pelican Hydro, Pelican: Inspection, design. KEY HYDROELECTRIC PERSONNEL 3 · McRoberts Creek Hydro, Palmer: Inspection, design, maintenance and operations. · O'Brien Creek Hydro, Chitina: Feasibility. · Allison Lake Hydro, Valdez: Scoping, reconnaissance, feasibility, FERC licensing, state and federal agency coordination. · Fishhook Creek Hydro, Palmer: Scoping, reconnaissance, feasibility, cost estimating, local and state permitting. · Lake 3160, Juneau: Scoping, FERC licensing. Mr. Groves also has experience in commercial and residential design and construction, including structural, mechanical systems, and energy efficiency analysis. Mr. Groves has a master's degree in engineering from Harvey Mudd College. References: Myron Melovidov, Mayor & Director of Public Works, City of St. Paul (907) 546-3170 John R. Merculief, Ports Director/Former City Manager, City of St. Paul (907) 546-3110 Mike Wilson, Director of Projects, Coastal Villages Region Fund, Inc. (907) 278-5151 David Ausman, P.E., Civil Engineer, CE-8843. Mr. Ausman has been working with Polarconsult for 20 years and has a broad range of experience in the construction, environmental, and project management fields of engineering. For the past several years, Mr. Ausman has managed energy projects associated with the AIDEA /AEA term contracts with CRW and LCMF. His relevant hydroelectric experience includes scoping of numerous projects throughout Alaska, design of structures and control systems, construction management, environmental permitting, agency coordination, power plant operation, and regulatory compliance. For the past 15 years, Mr. Ausman has operated and maintained the McRoberts Creek Hydroelectric Plant. As a result, he is familiar with the design considerations required for successful long-term operation of these facilities. Mr. Ausman performed as construction manager on this project. Other projects that Mr. Ausman has been involved with include O’Brien Creek, Snyder Falls, Allison Creek, Lake 3160, Archangel Creek, Fishhook Creek, Old Harbor, Larson Bay, Chuniisax Creek, Ouzinkie, Pelican, Kasidaya Creek, and Akutan. Mr. Ausman also holds an API 653 Certification for inspection of large fuel systems. References: Bret Coburn, CEO, R&M Consultants, 907- 522-1707 Kendall Gee, PE, Project Manager, DOWL Engineers, 907- 522-3403 James Smith, PE, Project Manager, Clarus Technologies, 907- 529-6703 Proposed Subcontractors and subcontractor’s staff KEY HYDROELECTRIC PERSONNEL 4 Polarconsult has established long-term relationships with the following subcontractors and has worked with them many times in the past. Each of the subcontractors holds licenses in Alaska and resides in Anchorage. Mark Davis, Registered Land Surveyor, S-7338, Slana Surveyors. Mr. Davis will act as the registered project land surveyor. Mr. Davis’s responsibilities include cadastral land surveys; specialized cadastral survey techniques and technology; construction surveying and stakeout; site control; and other survey activities. Mr. Davis has over 20 years of experience surveying in rural Alaska. Mr. Davis has extensive experience with cadastral land surveys and specialized cadastral survey techniques and technology. He also has extensive experience with construction surveying, including subdivisions, building and utility stakeout, site control, and other survey activities. Jim Munter, Certified Ground-Water Professional 252, JA Munter Consulting, Inc. Mr. Munter will act as the project hydrologist and advisor. Mr. Munter’s responsibilities include review of the hydrological findings of the team; assistance with the regulatory entities; and coordination with the environmental permitting processes related to hydrology. Mr. Munter has over 25 years of experience with hydrogeological investigations and reconnaissance throughout the state of Alaska. Mr. Munter has worked on reconnaissance studies and field evaluations for water supply systems, wastewater and stormwater disposal systems, environmental remediation projects, construction groundwater investigations and dewatering systems, and other activities relating to groundwater management issues associated with utility, residential, commercial, and industrial developments. Mr. Munter has extensive experience with regulatory entities and project environmental permitting processes. Stan Hintze, PE, Electrical Engineer, EE-5269, Independent Consultant. Mr. Hintze will act as the senior electrical engineer. Mr. Hintze’s responsibilities will include primary distribution, building electrical, and power plant electrical design. Mr. Hintze has over 40 years experience in the electrical design of primary distribution, building electrical, and power plant electrical design throughout Alaska, Washington and Idaho. He has become an expert in remote electrical building and distribution systems. Robert Jernstrom, PE, Mechanical Engineer, ME-6731, Jernstrom Engineering. Mr. Jernstrom will act as the senior mechanical engineer. Mr. Jernstrom has over twenty-one years of consulting experience, ranging from large commercial / industrial / institutional projects to specialized laboratory applications. He is skilled in state-of-the-art design practices, producing bid documents, writing specifications, contracts, and is an experienced construction manager. Kyle Brennan, PE, Geologist , CE-11122, Shannon & Wilson Inc. Mr. Brennan will act as the project geological engineer. Mr. Brennan holds a masters in geological engineering and has had eight years experience performing geological and geotechnical engineering related work. Mr. Brennan joined Shannon & Wilson Inc. in May 2000 as a Geotechnical Engineer. Since joining Shannon & Wilson, his responsibilities have included technical writing, and engineering support and project management for geotechnical jobs including shallow and deep foundation design applied to a KEY HYDROELECTRIC PERSONNEL 5 variety of both on and off-shore facilities and roadway/railway construction and rehabilitation. William Thompson, PE, Control Design Expert. Thomson Turbine Governors Ltd. Mr. Thompson will act as the control engineer. Mr. Thompson has designed Controls and Governors at hundreds of sites all over the world. Many of these projects are in Alaska and Canada. He understands all aspects of control design and construction. Mr. Thompson designed the schematics for a multi-role process controller, supervised the physical implementation, and printed circuit board development. He also provided the utility engineering required for a 170 kilovolt, 80 megawatt transmission and sub- transmission system. Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Round IV Packers Creek Hydroelectric Project – Construction AEA11-005 Grant Application ATTACHMENTS 7/21/2010 ATTACHMENT B – COST WORKSHEET Renewable Energy Fund Round 4 Project Cost/Benefit Worksheet RFA AEA11-005 Application Cost Worksheet Page 1 7-21-10 Please note that some fields might not be applicable for all technologies or all project phases. The level of information detail varies according to phase requirements. 1. Renewable Energy Source The Applicant should demonstrate that the renewable energy resource is available on a sustainable basis. Annual average resource availability. 527,400 kWh (average water year) Unit depends on project type (e.g. windspeed, hydropower output, biomasss fuel) 2. Existing Energy Generation and Usage a) Basic configuration (if system is part of the Railbelt1 grid, leave this section blank) i. Number of generators/boilers/other 2 ii. Rated capacity of generators/boilers/other 150, 160W (peak rating) iii. Generator/boilers/other type Diesel generators iv. Age of generators/boilers/other Both are 8 and 9 years old v. Efficiency of generators/boilers/other Combined efficiency is 12 kWh/gal b) Annual O&M cost (if system is part of the Railbelt grid, leave this section blank) i. Annual O&M cost for labor $35,000 (Half of 09 PCE Non Fuel costs) ii. Annual O&M cost for non-labor $35,000 (Half of 09 PCE Non Fuel costs) c) Annual electricity production and fuel usage (fill in as applicable) (if system is part of the Railbelt grid, leave this section blank) i. Electricity [kWh] 534,829 kWh (per 2009 PCE) ii. Fuel usage Diesel [gal] 44,736 gal (per 2009 PCE) Other None iii. Peak Load 116 kW iv. Average Load 61 kW v. Minimum Load 50 kW (estimated) vi. Efficiency 12 kWh per gallon (per 2009 PCE)) vii. Future trends Future load growth without hydro is flat or declining. With hydro, will likely increase. d) Annual heating fuel usage (fill in as applicable) i. Diesel [gal or MMBtu] 50,000 (estimate) ii. Electricity [kWh] Unknown (any usage is include in # at c.i) iii. Propane [gal or MMBtu] Zero iv. Coal [tons or MMBtu] Zero v. Wood [cords, green tons, dry tons] Zero vi. Other Unknown 3. Proposed System Design Capacity and Fuel Usage 1 The Railbelt grid connects all customers of Chugach Electric Association, Homer Electric Association, Golden Valley Electric Association, the City of Seward Electric Department, Matanuska Electric Association and Anchorage Municipal Light and Power. Renewable Energy Fund Round 4 Project Cost/Benefit Worksheet RFA AEA11-005 Application Cost Worksheet Page 2 7-21-10 (Include any projections for continued use of non-renewable fuels) a) Proposed renewable capacity (Wind, Hydro, Biomass, other) [kW or MMBtu/hr] 170 kW installed capacity – run-of-river hydro 88% capacity factor b) Proposed annual electricity or heat production (fill in as applicable) i. Electricity [kWh] 520,300 kWh ii. Heat [MMBtu] 2,895 MMBtu c) Proposed annual fuel usage (fill in as applicable) i. Propane [gal or MMBtu] 0 ii. Coal [tons or MMBtu] 0 iii. Wood [cords, green tons, dry tons] 0 iv. Other 0 4. Project Cost a) Total capital cost of new system $2,500,000 b) Development cost $300,000 (includes $200,000 already committed) c) Annual O&M cost of new system $25,000 d) Annual fuel cost Zero 5. Project Benefits a) Amount of fuel displaced for i. Electricity 43,358 gal ii. Heat 13,000 gal iii. Transportation N/A b) Current price of displaced fuel $4.26 per gal $4.69 per gal (2010 AEA model price for heating fuel – used for benefits calculations) c) Other economic benefits Future fuel savings with price escallation. d) Alaska public benefits Significant future community development benefits. 6. Power Purchase/Sales Price a) Price for power purchase/sale Est. retail utility rate with the project is $0.22 to 0.24 per kWh. This includes revenue requirements for all utility costs. 7. Project Analysis a) Basic Economic Analysis Project benefit/cost ratio With 50=year life, $4,993,600 / $2,450,500 = 2.04 Payback (years) $2.5M / $187,300 = 13.3 years Applicant B/C Model Project Description Community Nearest Fuel Community Region RE Technology Project ID Applicant Name Project Title Category Results NPV Benefits $6,700,584 NPV Capital Costs $2,391,837 B/C Ratio 2.80 NPV Net Benefit $4,511,714 Performance Unit Value Displaced Electricity kWh per year 527,400 Displaced Electricity total lifetime kWh 26,370,000 Displaced Petroleum Fuel gallons per year 57,097 Displaced Petroleum Fuel total lifetime gallons 2,854,849 Displaced Natural Gas mmBtu per year - Displaced Natural Gas total lifetime mmBtu - Avoided CO2 tonnes per year 580 Avoided CO2 total lifetime tonnes 28,986 Proposed System Unit Value Capital Costs $2,500,000$ Project Start year 2013 Project Life years 50 Displaced Electric kWh per year 527,400 Displaced Heat gallons displaced per year 13,000 Displaced Transportation gallons displaced per year - Renewable Generation O&M $ per kWh 0.03 Electric Capacity kW 145 Electric Capacity Factor % 95 Heating Capacity Btu/hr Heating Capacity Factor % Base System Unit Value Diesel Generator O&M $ per kWh 0.020$ Diesel Generation Efficiency kWh per gallon 11.96 Parameters Unit Value Heating Fuel Premium $ per gallon 0.50$ Transportation Fuel Premium $ per gallon 1.00$ Discount Rate % per year 3% Crude Oil $ per barrel EIA Mid Natural Gas $ per mmBtu EIA Natural Gas Mid Chignik Lagoon Power Utility Packers Creek Hydro Chignik Lagoon Chignik Lagoon Rural Hydro Construction Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Round IV Packers Creek Hydroelectric Project – Construction AEA11-005 Grant Application ATTACHMENTS 7/21/2010 ATTACHMENT C – GRANT BUDGET FORM Renewable Energy Fund Grant Round IV Grant Budget Form 9/3/2010 Packers Creek Hydroelectric Project - Construction Chignik Lagoon, Alaska RE- Fund Grantee Matching Source of Matching Funds: Grant Funds Funds Cash/In-kind/Federal Grants/Other State Grants/Other3. Construction $2,495,000 3.2 Secure Project Mgr, Completion of Bid Documents 1/30/2011 $5,000 $5,000 Cash and In-Kind Services $10,000 3.3 Contractor Selection and Award 3/30/2011 $5,000 $5,000 Cash and In-Kind Services $10,000 3.4.1 Material Supply and Mobilization 5/30/2011 $1,152,000 $0 Cash and In-Kind Services $1,152,000 3.4.2 Construct Access Road and Powerline 6/30/2011 $460,000 $20,000 Cash and In-Kind Services $480,000 3.4.3 Construct Powerhouse 7/30/2011 $139,000 $5,000 Cash and In-Kind Services $144,000 3.4.4 Construct Access Trail, Intake and Penstocks 9/30/2011 $366,000 $20,000 Cash and In-Kind Services $386,000 3.4.5 Turbine/Switchgear/Controls 11/30/2011 $120,000 $0 Cash and In-Kind Services $120,000 3.4.6 Project Startup/Demob 12/30/2011 $193,000 $0 Cash and In-Kind Services $193,000 3.0 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT 1/30/2012 $0 $5,000 Cash and In-Kind Services $5,000 $5,000 TOTALS $2,440,000 $60,000 $2,500,000 Direct Labor & Benefits $0 $60,000 Cash and In-Kind Services $60,000 Travel & Per Diem $0 $0 $0 Equipment $0 $0 $0 Materials & Supplies $0 $0 $0 Contractual Services $0 $0 $0 Construction Services $2,350,000 $0 $2,350,000 Other $0 $0 $0 TOTALS $2,350,000 $60,000 $2,410,000 TASK TOTALS Budget Categories: Sub-Task TotalsMilestone or Task Anticipated Completion Date Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Round IV Packers Creek Hydroelectric Project – Construction AEA11-005 Grant Application ATTACHMENTS 7/21/2010 ATTACHMENT D – LOCAL SUPPORT Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Round IV Packers Creek Hydroelectric Project – Construction AEA11-005 Grant Application ATTACHMENTS 7/21/2010 ATTACHMENT E – ELECTRONIC COPY OF APPLICATION Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Round IV Packers Creek Hydroelectric Project – Construction AEA11-005 Grant Application ATTACHMENTS 7/21/2010 ATTACHMENT F – AUTHORIZED SIGNERS FORM Grant Documents Authorized Signers Please clearly print or type all sections of this form. Community/Grantee Name: Chignik Lagoon Power Utility Date: q -$-roicRegular Election is held: brant Vvc,terftlrchtlle [ ' Nnrte.rrrn I authorize the above person(s) to sign Grant Documents: (H ig hest ranking organ ization/com m un ity/m u n icipal official) Printed Name Title Term Signature CL€AA 6Qrrnx4{ i Pru'de nt F*tlNutF--Y0,,^d"^A$ Grantee Contact lnformation: Mailing Address:P.O. Box 31 Chignik Lagoon, AK 99565 Phone Number:(907) 840-2277 Fax Number:(e07) 840-2217 E-mailAddress:d ianaloumoore@gmai l. com Federal Tax lD #:c) ?.O lc v, rr tl Please submit an updated form whenever there is a change to the above information. Please return the original completed form to: Alaska Energy Authority 813 W. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99503 Attn: Butch White, Grants Administrator ALASI(A ENERCY AUTHORITY CCC E:\waccache\LocalCacheStoreWT AUTHORITY-NETWORK SenVtCe\4285e2cO-7b75-435a-b218- 4059b1caed72\output.doc Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Round IV Packers Creek Hydroelectric Project – Construction AEA11-005 Grant Application ATTACHMENTS 7/21/2010 ATTACHMENT G – GOVERNING BODY RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Round IV Packers Creek Hydroelectric Project – Construction AEA11-005 Grant Application ATTACHMENTS 7/21/2010 ATTACHMENT I – MAPS AND SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION