HomeMy WebLinkAboutAssembly minutes August 17 2010Assembly Minutes August 17, 2010 1 of 5 pages LAKE AND PENINSULA BOROUGH WORKSHOP MINUTES Monday, August 16, 2010 6:15 p.m. Assembly: Mayor Glen Alsworth Sue Anelon Randy Alvarez Lynn Carlson Ronald Lind, absent, excused Myra Olsen David Wilder Staff: Kate Conley, Borough Clerk Lamar Cotten, Borough Manager Jordan Keeler, Community Development Coordinator Richard Wallace, Finance Officer Guests: Jane Angvik, Information Insight Bob Loeffler, Jade North Jeff Moore, Chignik Lagoon Erin Peters, Naknek AK The workshop was called to order at 6:15 pm (the meeting was delayed by flight schedules) and began with Mr. Cotten introducing Erin Peters and Jane Angvik. Ms. Angvik gave a brief summary of her background including serving on the Anchorage Assembly and working for non -profits. She is currently working with Information Insights on a Regional Visioning project. The project is to capture the hopes and goals of the area communities over the next twenty (20) years. In the next few months there will be twenty eight (28) meetings throughout the Bristol Bay villages and cities. Ms. Angvik then introduced Erin Peters, who is a member of the Bristol Bay Regional Vision Commission. Ms. Peters explained that the commission is seven members and they have the final say on the visioning plan. There has been one meeting thus far. Assembly member Alvarez asked what happens after the visit and information gathering. Ms. Peters explained that each village will be visited twice. The first time the visioning commission will gather in formation. The second visit will in the spring will be to present a plan and invite the community’s input to make changes to make it their own. The Assembly voice concern regarding the control of the Bristol Bay Native Association (BBNA) and Bristol Bay Native Corporation (BBNC) over the outcome. Both guests assured the Assembly that the Bristol Bay Regional Vision Commission would have sole responsibility for the final report. It was confirmed that the report would then be given to BBNC and BBNA, BBHA and BBEDC to do with as they see fit. The workshop was recessed at 6:45pm The workshop was reconvened at 7:00 pm There was a discussion about the 20 year plan being for future generations, yet the commission is made up of members over forty (40) years old. Several names were suggested for younger leaders in the communities. There was concern that the meetings would only be successful if the commission seeks truth and is open-minded. The Assembly then reviewed the agenda for the upcoming meeting. The workshop was adjourned at 9:40 pm Assembly Minutes August 17, 2010 2 of 5 pages Assembly Minutes August 17, 2010 3 of 5 pages LAKE AND PENINSULA BOROUGH REGULAR ASSEMBLY MEETING Tuesday August 17, 2010 9:00 a.m. Assembly: Mayor Glen Alsworth Sue Anelon Randy Alvarez Lynn Carlson Ronald Lind, absent, excused Myra Olsen David Wilder Staff: Kate Conley, Borough Clerk Lamar Cotten, Borough Manager Jordan Keeler, Community Development Coordinator Richard Wallace, Finance Officer Guests: Bob Loeffler, Jade North Sandy Alvarez, Igiugig A. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Lake and Peninsula Borough Assembly was called to order by Mayor Glen R. Alsworth, Sr. on Tuesday, August 17, 2010 at 9;00 a.m. in the meeting room of the Lake and Peninsula Borough School District, King Salmon, Alaska. B. ROLL CALL A quorum was established with Mayor Glen R. Alsworth, Sr. and Assembly members Randy Alvarez, Sue Anelon, Lynn Carlson, Myra Olsen and David Wilder present. Assembly member Ron Lind was absent, excused. Borough staff participating in all or part of the meeting included: Lamar Cotten, Borough Manager, Kate Conley, Borough Clerk, Jordan Keeler, Community Development Coordinator, Richard Wallace, Finance Officer and Bob Loeffler, Consultant to the Borough, Jade North. Guests for all or part of the meeting were Sandy Alvarez, Igiugig AK. C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA - A motion was made by Assembly member Myra Olsen and seconded by Assembly member Sue Anelon to approve the agenda for the August 17, 2010 regular meeting. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote. A. D. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – April 20, 2010 D. Motion was made by Assembly member Randy Alvarez to approve the minutes of the Assembly Meeting on April 20, 2010. Motion was seconded by Assembly member Myra Olsen. No corrections were noted. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote. E. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR - none F. Assembly Minutes August 17, 2010 4 of 5 pages MANAGER’S & STAFF REPORTS  Introduction of Guests – The Mayor invited Sandy Alvarez to speak to the assembly. Ms. Alvarez reported that Igiugig has been very busy with construction projects including a lodge support building, a wind turbine for the greenhouse and a road.  Manager’s Report – Mr. Cotten told the Assembly that he he did not have any changes to the report. He reported that he travelled a lot over the summer. There was a discussion of the King Salmon Visitor’s Center. The Assembly directed the staff to research and prepare a report for the next budget cycle and have the Visitor’s Center on the agenda in the spring. Consensus of the assembly was to not increase the payment to the Visitor’s Center this year.  Consultant’s Report -    Mr. Bob Loeffler discussed the fall mine tour. He explained the options. The Assembly asked Mr. Loeffler to arrange a tour of Pogo and Fort Knox for early October. There was a discussion of the Assembly members who could not tour Chile last trip, to go this coming spring and to include a trip to Bolivia.  Community Development Director’s Report – Mr. Keeler told the Assembly that the Division of Ocean and Coastal Management (DCOM) had sent a notice to the Borough regarding Pebble replacing a dock on Big Wiggle Lake. The dock is to transfer fuel. The Borough will submit comments that the improvement is consistent with Borough standards. There was a discussion on the Williamsport/Pile Bay Road and of upcoming plats in the Borough.  Planning Commission Minutes – no minutes/no meeting.  Fisheries Report – Mr. Cotten explained that there is a processor in Egegik that has refused to pay taxes and will be pursued legally. Mr. McCallum is working with the Chignik area to get representatives to the Board of Fish. There was a discussion of the poor fishing in Egegik. Assembly member Alvarez said the biologist from Egegik said that he believes something happened in the Lake. Alvarez recommended putting the smolt program back in Egegik.    Finance Report – Mr. Wallace reported that since he began working for the Borough he has implemented standardized reporting to give a better picture of finances. He has also changed the ordinances to standardize the taxing.  Lobbyist Report – Mr. Cotten said the Assembly will need to provide the top priorities for the Legislature within the next couple months. Assembly member Wilder said the Williamsport/Pile Bay Road looks good.  Clerk’s Report – Ms. Conley noted the election deadlines in her report. She added that her vacation to Costa Rica was terrific. Assembly Minutes August 17, 2010 5 of 5 pages  Superintendent’s School District Report – Mr. Mase was not in town. The Assembly meeting was recessed at 10:10 am. The meeting was reconvened at 10:20 am. G. PUBLIC HEARINGS - none 1. H. NEW BUSINESS 1. –Ordinance 10-07 – Re: Residency Requirements for Election – Motion was made by Assembly member Olsen to introduce Ordinance 10-07 and hold a public hearing for the Ordinance on September 21, 2010. Motion was seconded by Assembly member Carlson. There was no discussion. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 2. Ordinance 10-08 – Re: 25 year lease to King – Motion was made by Assembly member Olsen to introduce Ordinance 10-08 and to hold a public hearing for the Ordinance on September 21, 2010. Motion was seconded by Assembly member Alvarez. Mr. Keeler passed out the lease agreement and explained that the lease was not part of the ordinance. There were no questions. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote. I. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Borough Capital Project Updates – Mr. Cotten gave the Assembly updates on the following:  Kokhanok Wind Project – This should be completed this fall.  Chignik Lake Wind/Hydro Studies – The Borough is awaiting the final wind data. The financial status of the community needs to be discussed with the school and leadership. Assembly Minutes August 17, 2010 6 of 5 pages  Select Communities Wood Heat Feasibility Study – There was a discussion of efficiency and clean emissions.  Select Communities Wind Studies – The materials are in place for Chignik Lagoon and Port Alsworth, but the towers are not in place. The Data for Port Heiden reveals this is a good option for the community.  Iliamna Lake Barge Landings – Mr. Cotten said the Denali Commission was encouraging about possible funding for two landings: Igiugig and Kokhanok.  Perryville Boat Launch & Haul Out Facility – Mr. Cotten explained that the Army Corps of Engineers is in charge of this project.  Chignik Boat Harbor – The City of Chignik woes the Corps of Engineers for this project, but the first phase is complete. The Borough was awarded funds for the floats and that phase should be installed next summer.  Williamsport/Pile Bay Road – There was a discussion of annexation of the Kenai portion of the road. Mr. Cotten reported that the trip on the road with the Department of Transportation was good. There is money to do the survey and that will occur next summer.  Iliamna/Nondalton Road – Construction work is underway. The engineering is nearly done and crews will start drilling for the pilings this week and will be done by October. Mr. Cotten and Mr. Hickey will meet this month with the Department of Transportation. There was a discussion of the fiber optics installation in the Lake area. 2. Capital Project Financing – Mr. Cotten recommended that the Assembly authorize staff to apply for grants from AEA & USDA for a Wind Turbine at Port Heiden and wood boilers in various communities. This would require a $550,000 investment by the Borough ($425K for the wind turbine and $125K for the wood stoves). There was a discussion of the philosophy to spend money on infrastructure. The Assembly requested the Finance Department prepare a report with the amount of surplus funds and to propose a policy for investing and spending the surplus. Motion was made by Assembly member Olsen to authorize the administration to apply for grants with AEA & USDA for a wind turbine in Port Heiden and wood gasification systems in Lake and Peninsula Borough communities as recommended by staff. Motion was seconded by Assembly member Carlson. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote. The meeting was recessed at 11:40 am. The meeting was reconvened at 12:40 pm. All were present except Assembly members Sue Anelon and Myra Olsen. 3. Municipal Land Entitlement – Mr. Keeler told the Assembly that the borough has already selected all of the lands they are allotted, plus an additional 71,000 acres. Mr. Keeler apologized for erroneous information at past Assembly meetings. He added Formatted Assembly Minutes August 17, 2010 7 of 5 pages that in discussions with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) the borough is required to stay with the selections. Mr. Cotten and Mr. Loeffler met with DNR and if the Borough wants to select property for the community benefit, they would reconsider trading previous selections. Mr. Keeler said the next step is to contact DNR to get a ruling on the appeal of certain selection so the Borough can evaluate what lands are selected. There was no action taken by the Assembly. Myra Olsen joined the meeting at 12:45 pm. E. TIME AND PLACE OF NEXT MEETING 1. Regular Meeting – September 21, 2010 – There was a discussion of the location of the next meeting. The Assembly requested staff attempt to have the next meeting at Igiugig. F. CITIZEN’S COMMENTS Sandy Alvarez, Igiugig AK, told the Assembly she was glad to attend. G. ASSEMBLY COMMENTS - none H. MAYOR’S COMMENTS – The Mayor reported that the Army Corps of Engineers surveyed Nondalton for a boat launch/landing. I. J. K. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Assembly Member Wilder and seconded by Assembly Member Olsen to adjourn the meeting of August 18, 2010 at 12:50 pm. The meeting was adjourned by unanimous consent. L. INFORMATION  NOAA Community Profiles – no discussion Assembly Minutes August 17, 2010 8 of 5 pages _____________________________________________ Glen Alsworth, Sr., Mayor _____________________________________________ Kate Conley, Borough Clerk ________________________ Date