HomeMy WebLinkAboutMSBSD_letterofsupport69/64/2616 16:11 9677614676 SUPERINTENDENT MSBSD MATANUSK/\-SlJSITNA BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICE OF nm SCHOOL BOARD 501 N. GUL)(A:'IIA :P ALMER, ALASKA 996t5 _____ (90Zl.~6-9272 Fax (907) 761-4076 September 2, 20' I) Mat-Su Borough Public Works Del;lartment Shaune O'Neil, C'irector 350 E . Dahlia A-"",lue Palmer, AK 9964,; Dear Ms . O'Neil : At the Septembel' 1, 2010 School BO <l rd meeting the Board unan imously voted to sE ~nl~ a letter of support .,rcourclging the Mat··Su Borough to apply for a renewable energy g ra nt for the Su Valley JrlSr High Sch oo l woo d fired boiler. We f urther request the Boro ugh ~'et aside an adequat'l timlx)r base in the Natural Resource Managernent Unit to help ens ure an adequate wood supply for the boiler. We are excited al ;.out the opportunity t o wo rk with the Borough to investigate the opportunities for lJ~iing a renewable enerHY source to heat Su Valley JrlSr Higl, School. We look forward to wl;,,1<ing with the 60fO Llgh on th is project. Since2t4, I~~ Colleen Vague Mat-Su SChool BCI!lrd President cc: Mat-Su 80rO\I; h Planning Department Mat-Su Boroll~lh Assembly