HomeMy WebLinkAboutBethel Grant Ap to AEA 9.9.10ALA3KA Renewable Energy Fund Round IV Grant Applimbon Application Forma and Insbuctiorm The following forms and instructions are proveled to assist you in preparing your application for a Rerrewabe Energy Fund Gram. An academic version of the Request for Applications (RFA) and Me forms are available mime at: Itto:Iraww.akenemvamhortly orgi FundIV fora! Wad Application GramAp da: Applialion same in PAS wad Mat actual an outline Farm of information required! b submit a mmpkle applka5on. Applicants shack use the form to assure all information is praime! and aftam additional information as accused. Algk®tian cmt Cmhant&r 14 don Summary of cost bdormalcn Mat should be WMalwet addressed by hams in preparing ther application. Great Budget Farm GramBudgeN.tlo; A lab led grant budget Nat in tudea a breakdown of mint: by milestone and a summary of funds available and requested fo complete Me want for which funds are Wing requesseal. Grant Budget Farm GaMBudgetlncamete sup pff Instructions her emulating dw above gain budget Instructions farm • If you are applying for graft for mare than one project, parade separete application farms for each project. • Multiple phases for Me same projed may nd submitted as one application. • If you are applying for gram funding for more Man one phase of a project, provide milestones and gem budgetfor completion of each phase. • If sane work has already been completed on your project and you are relueaMg heading for an ativancad phase, submit information sufficient to demonstrate Mad the preceding Phases are satisfied and funding for an advanoad phase as wanarred. • If you have additional information or reports you would like has Authority to consider in reviewing your application, either pounce an electronic version of the doamem wind your submission or reference a web link where it can be dovmloaded or harried, REMINDER: • Alaska Energy Authorty is subject M Me Public Remrtic Ad AS Q 25, and materials submitted he Me AuMoray may be subject to disclosure requirements under Me ad if no Notably assumptions apply. • All applications received will bel posted an the Authority web site after final recommentlations are made to the legislature. • In aamNance wind 3 MC 1076M (b) Applicank may request trade sedeta or prometery company data be kept confidential subject to mvlew and approval by Me AU ority. Ifyou want informal is to be kept confidential Me applicant must: o Re ntandthe information be kept mnMlential. o Clearly identify the information that is Me trade secret or progietary in their application o Receive concurrence from Me AWwnfy, that Me information will be kept mnfiden6aL If this Authority determines it is net mrrfitle ssal it will be treated as a A 11-005 AppfraM1on Page 1 of 16 7421rz010 A ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Round ry Wbiic record in a000danoe with AS 4 .25 or reNmetl to the applicant upon request SECTION 1—APPl1CANi IN11u M N)N rums (Name ormly IPP wpmvnmmtwMya�Muldg pmyu2% Nx pomr Inc Type N FMry- Wnry Address Rrystal Adams Paul wgae, Grams Manager eg11g6 Street, SuNa M. Anchorage, Alaska e300 g Sternal, Suite the Anchorage, Aladi MN1 Talm"', Fu goal MX2pTa MZra9]3 coon 1.1 APPLICANTPOINTOPCON11 CTIGIFAMILI NAGER uaw. Paul wl6e Tina Grant POC "nm Ad6ess 414100 9Ste Suite IIp Anchorage, Alaska alleged Twgea: amn: prrieselfjldupoweragm Mraelwe ea Z11,2a3] 12 APPI ICANT MINIMUM REOUIREME Pkvse Mock as appmpnate. Hyou do not fo meet flue nurunum appGrant requnmrert; yorw 3MPG, -Atior( vligbe ra%ecfeC 1.2.1 As an Applicant, we are: (puf an Xur fire appropriate box) An electik utility hMi(g a ca(Nfirale of public convenience and necessity under AS 42 G5. ar It An independent yoear producer in accortlaae whh 3 AAC W695 (a) (1), or A local government, or A governmental entity (whits indudes tribal counals and housiou eNhodties): Yes 1.22. Attached to this application is formal approval and endorsement for its project by its toad a directors, emvdve management, or other governing outhmgy. N the applicant is a mllaboretive gmupirg, a fomlal approval hour each paNcpi nls governing authonty is newasery. (Indicate Yes or No in the box) Yes 1.23. As an aWlicaud, we have administrative and financed management systems and fellow prewremeM standards that comply with the staMards sat forth in the granit agreement. you 1.2A. If awarded the grant. we ®n comply with all terms and mndMons of fie allached grant forms. (Any exceptions should be dearly noted artl suhmiged with the application.) Yes 1.25 We intend to own and operate any Molact that nosy be combWetl who( cart AFA1tLU5 Grzm Pygwticn Page 2 or 16 721MOD /w'_ ALASKA Renal Energy Fund Grant Application Round IV ful forthe bel of the general public. SECTION 2— he 0.I! T SUMYIIRT Thu 6 inkerxleotrobe ra more man a 1-zpage orervicw Wyovrpge t 2l ProjectTitle—(Pr a41o5woNUB yourprojecl) Tyre in roar anroer here rand follmf same former for rest offhe application. Berke) Renewable Ell Project 2.2 Projectlocakon— InduOethepal carnofyourpryect shot passes) dtice cdlnmrWy dreammunNea mat and bere(R harp yoarouyal Bethel Alas.Fa 23 PROJECTTTPE aaxmboxes asappmpriah 23.1 Renewable Resource Type X Wind Biomass an Biofuels Hydro, including run of river Transmission of Reressil Energy Gldherroal, inducing Heat Pumps Small IN Gas Heat Recovery from existing sources Hycmkinadc I Solar Stange of Renewable Other(Descnbe) 23.2 Proposed Grand Funded PM1ase(s) for Utis Request(Clral aN that all Reconnaissil III Design and Permitting II Feasibility N Constmdlon and Commissioning Cncepual Design 2.4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PmvNe a novel paragraph perception of yourPrpP+seCprived Phase II includes a site survey: *no resource monitoring installation, data gathering and reporting on 10 months data in conjunction with exist ng wind data and will real in completion of feasibility aM conceptual design within two quarters ofmind data compilation. The poject will include the feasibility of building new wind energy capadty and leveraging in other send projects being planned by the Cry of Bethel and the Housing Auth inty. TDX Power is a seasoned rural enemy operator arch extensive wind turbine experience. TDX Power yell complete a Phase III final design by the end of the second year m the project Phase N construction will commence in the first quarter of year 3 and will be completed by the end of year 4 arch an operating 1 kPN mated Bond Where produulg 3.050.000 kWh and leveraging a potential aedil l wind farm rapacity of 1 kfy0 to provide a total of 6.100,000 kWh from the combinetl 21aiW of rents le energy to the Bethel utility god. FEAT 1-0 Grant Pool Page 3 of 16 MIMIC &, ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Round IV 25 PROJECTBENEFIT Brzfly discuss Me financial seal Note banerils Nat will issue hom Mis nindeari lawrotas maker Me cads. kmeremrgymsfs, eR) Currently the community of Bethel is totally reliant on diesel fuel for electricity and for heal. Although the price of diesel has recently deomed, it is pending antl it is likely only a matter of lime beforethe pica goal backup_ The recent high cost of diesel has wnwnced TOX Power and the community that developing renewable emlgy mrsource(s) is economically Material for Me future. Displacing diesel makes economic sense for the community and for Alaskan public. Subsidaring the high pms of diesel powered heat and pox2r for remote locations when there are ample local renewable resources available is not in the best interest of the local population orthe Alaskan public. Bethel has a class IV wind resource: a wim"nagel integrated system could result in great energy savings and a buffer to future fluctuations in fuel forms, reduce COa emissions and dependence upon fossil fuels. The project will displace 225.000 gallons of fuel %ith the 1 MlN %irel project and 4W,000 gallons of fuel for a 211IM✓J. At the current cost of Mel this is equivakrd to fuel cost of $935.000 for 1 MSN and$1.870,000for2" The 450,000 gallons represents a 10 to 12% reduction in yearly Mel The project will also result in the long term local economic benefits of 2loce1 jobs for wind technicians. The Alaska public will benefit from a lower environmental footprint and less dependence of midorted fossil fuel. 2.$ PROJECTBUDGETOVERVIEW &rant draws Me arrcunt dNrlds mMeC the an assigred sources of Nods and Me nature and murtx of qma. mnbnwmons ro are plaart Phase II Feasibility is to be fully grant Funded! at $251,400, Phase III Final design is to be fully granthmded at $433,300. Phase N Construction Is to be fully grant funded at 53.976,MO or approximately $3.9 million for the total capital of the 1 MW wind fame system and approximately 6G] million for the development costs. It is angclpaled that leveraging in the additional 1 MW regional capacity into the Bethel Utility gnd in combinabon cant the new 11lMW wind farm to IR constructed in this grand will create an annual OW cost for Malinke maintenance of roughly S5o 000 for the 2 MlN total mount 21 COST RND BENEFR SUMRRY rntlpde a ammery, orpant requeN ant ynurprya.Ys fatal mars ad manager burns. Grant Costs (Summary ofNrMs raVuasfadl 2.7.1 Gnat Funds Requested in this application. 271 Glher Funds b be Preened JPmjM ranch) $$99.11250 2.7.3 TOYI Great Cosh lwm 02.]] and 27.4 1$4,SW70.W AEA11L05 Gran A[pl�kwn Page 4 a 16 7RIM10 ALASKA Renewable EmMy Furst ONE uqmz`� Grant Appllraton Rauh W Project Crete 6 Sat MRte (Sumrr2rYdtIXalpyM m55 irMUOmg ewkb tlaN uniform cost uM1maler to pet at a duty cwmalry al protect) 27A Total Pruned Cret (gummary threat Cast lemonade y4,660,76) Including estimate through construction) 27S Estimated Intend Financial Beaty l immu5) V= 27.6Met Public Benefit tB you can calculate the Isenberg in MD fares of dollars planes provide that number here and explain how you calculated me number in your applications (section S) Currently Bethel uses diesel feel to gestate elecniopy and hear homes. The Bethel utility current has 6 diesel reach with a rated rapacity of EMO 22 later. fire diesel plant a aged with the aye2ge age of the 6exrstiMunitsof15-20y moldwahapeakeBi "of33%. Forthecurremcommunhyanewwind farm will sgnirintly reduce the amount of diesel coed Onxt online, we consent the integrated constructed and leveraged wind systems will provide efficient, bsv priced and dependable energy for homes and businesses on the Bethel Why it SE N3—PROJECT MANIIGEYENT PLAN OesrnLe who w if be responside Alrmwraguell 0m instead andproviCe a can for aacSeasM1fpy, mmpYNggepltyectwdhm Nee ,,5chodukaMbudgetpmposudm Meappica . 3.1 Project Manager Tell us who will he manag ate; the project for the Grantee and include contact information. a resume and refelerwes for the manager(s). If flee applicant does not have a pro ijxT manager be cete how you intend to aolicit punned management support If the applicant expects plgec[ management assistance Been AEA ee another gosvunnhard enfity, slate that in this sectim. Martin Miller will be the Project Manager. OjM line) Coleman, Senior Manager TO%Renewables, will be the Deputy Project Manager. Mr. Warner's and Mr. Millers resumes are enriched to this applicants. 32 project Schedule Include a schedule for tfe proposed work that will be funded by the glaaL (You may iratllde a acted or bade attaWmehd with a summary d dates below) The project can start immediately upon notification a award and ouggr¢ali rn amldpaled to occur at the latest Judy 1, 2011. The project volt be completed In 4 "am. Awork plan by chart by Teak detail by phase by term is agadhetl. Phase 11 Feas thdry Tmeline Year 1 Year 2 Y1O1 Y1G2 I Y1O3 I Y1O4 =1 1 staging and coneador sdioTagm X I X X 2 Detakd strongly resource ana X I X X AEAIILUSGAm ApplBbn Page 5 a 16 72112010 M ALAS!w Renewable Enmity Fund GmM Fppfnabon Round Iv 3 Identlimbon of laM add regulatory issues X 4 PennniMing and environmental analysis X 60etated analysis of existing ant falum ena costs antl markets X 6 Assessment of Altematives X X y Conceptual design analysis and cast estimate X 8 0aailed emncmic antl finanual an X 9 Conceptual business ant operaborns Plans; X 10. Final raport ant recemmeMationa X Phase III Final Design Year 2 Y201 Y202 1 Y203 I Y204 1. Project scopirg and contractor solicitation mm X 2 Petmil adiolicartions completed! X 3. Final environmental Assessment ant mitigation Plead completed! X 4. Resolution of land use, ngM at wway issues X S. admitting,- hlsM-wa , site cermol win~ X 6. final system tl - ied X y. Final Cost estimate campleted X 8. Updated economic add financial analyses cam X 9.Pwrer Orbeats � meMain ace X We n 10. Final tlneca end cam X See detailed task activity pan by quarter in One budget docunnei 3.3 Project Milesbnea FEA11 ]5Gmm Pp;dxxwon Gqe 6ol16 7almia AALASKA Renewable Energy Fund Insi Grant Application Round W Define key tasks and decision paints in your project and a schedule for achieving them. The Milestones must also nd included on your budget maintained to demonstrate him you propose to manage the project chain flow. (See Section 2 of the RFA or the Budget Form.) See the above response wddch indniduWly I.st` each milestone in relation to each phase tier irre. See further the budget document associates each task and timeline with costs estimates a theJ OCCM I)miled chart of the acn.itim and tasks are included in the budge document. 3.4 Pmjeeb Resources Describe the gersonrel, contractors. equipment, and seances you win use to accomplish the project. Induce any partnerships a commitments with other entities you have or arNapate will be needed W complete your project. Describe any existing comment and the selection process you may use for major equipment purchases; or wntracts. Induce brief resumes and references fmlowest. key personnel, wntmdos. and suppliers as an assessment m your application. Name Status: Role love¢ Martin MJler ProjectMa/6m Projec[Maager Project Mgr Point of Contact Auffinormed signer Clue (Jito)Colema Lead Consultant Deputy Project Manager Swim ManageriDX Pend Wilte Power Point ofComact Grant Manager MX CFO SabrinaHargmse Assimnat foatmllm Fiscal CompliancHPmj Mgr TDX Paster will primarily use internal personnel W manage and carry, out the prapwed 3 phae project scope. Specialists will be wntractetl as needed Resumes of key personnel are attached to Mt aWliraton. Clint (Air) Coleman Is a thing time, full time consullaritto TDX Pownerstha has designed and managed the TDX Pawner Renawable energy projects. 3.5 Projeet Communieathome Diswss haw you plan to monitor the project and keep the Auft onty i fficum ed of the status. TDX Power will maintain full time employees engaged in the project as identified in Me detailed budget documents that separately identify employee and contractor amvmes and vests. TDX Power will provide regular detailed reports to the AlA on the progress of this project in quarterly repents as required. 3.5 Project Risk Diuuss potential problems and how you sai address them. AEAI1N Gnnt Applpbw Page 7 of 16 7411W10 ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund �c Grzm Application Round IV The number one problem this project will face is wes[em Alaska maritime weather and its remote locahon. TDX Powers roots in the Almdan and Priblof Islands prepare Mein well for dealing wind both Mende undies unlike most mral Alaskan communities Bethel has jet service, which helps somewhat with getting a crew and supplies to the lower Kuskokwim. Once adequate site antl system configuration knowledge has been obtained. the risk to Me project will be well undenitood. Since the project Involves engineering, construction and financial disciplines for which TDX Power is a well qualified as both a utility operator and project management authority. Task us what the passed is and how you will meet the mquiremems outlined in Section 2 a the RFA, The level of information will vary, accordrrrg to phases) of the project you propose to untlertake with grant funds. g you are applying for gent handing far mom tlmn one phase of a project provide a plan and grant budget form for completion of each phase. If some work has already been completed on your oval add you are requesting funding for an advanced phase, submit nomadism sul llienf tc demonstrate that the precel phases 4.1 Proposed Energy Resource Describe the potential edentlamount of Me energy resource must is available. Discuss Ue pros and cons of your proposed energy resource vs. oMer alternatives Mat may be available Por me market to be served by your project_ An abundance of reliable anecdotal informa0l add previous wind studies cordial an adequate wind resource in the BeMel area. The Wind Resource Map of Alaska identifies Bethel as a Class 4 resource. There have been a number of wind projects proposed fro Bendel in Me past and currently, and Me wind resource has been well studied Win"iesel hybrid power systems are mature technology that is growing rapidly in rural Alaska. There is a Funded project already in Me Bendel region that can be leveraged by this grant. This proposal includes the necessary powerhouse upgrades and control modfication to allow mind projects to be fully integrated into Me Bethel Wilily grid. There are no other known renewable energy sources readily available in the Bethel area. 4.2 Existing Energy Systm 4.2.1 Basic wrtfiguration of Edadng Energy System Briny dew55 the basic configuration of Me causing energy system_ Include information stool Me numbersure, age, etfidenry, and type of generator. There are fi aged 1520 year old EMD 2 2 MV! diesel generators that operate with an overall 12.8 k4V ntgallon effidenry. 12.2 Extr ing Energy Resources Used AEOU I{ Giant Iuaun I' 8of 16 1rz12n10 ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund Grant Applisetan Round IV Brle y dle m your uMemWMim dthe eAsti emMy resources. Induce a brief cisoussion of any impadtlhe project may have on Dusting energy irdranriu m antl mmurces. Currently Bethel uses diesel fuel to generate electiicty and heat homes. Implementation of wind energy will significantly reduce the amount of diesel fuel comedy required to keep the Igints on in Bethel. The automation and unance of the Bethel povrerhouse could allow for even more wind energy in the systembut that is outside the scope of this project L23 Effitng EmM Market Discuss existing energy use aM its market Discuss imparts your project may have on ismargy QNamES. TDX estimates that a completed mmmemlal wind profed can provide energy at costs between W.17 kWh and $0.24 kWh. It is safe W assume that this project will have a positive effect on customers who are currently paying the high cost of eledncity produced from diesel fuel. The people of Bethel are Ioolung forward to affordablereliable power and a utility with the mien and commitment to integrate a reneaable resource. No one :an predtd what the once of desel will Ire over the nest 20 years. We recently saw oil at neatly 3150Oaml. Now a is dawn W SIrManal. How long will this Tull in the energy crisis last? That is fngMening in teed —not knowing vi end of the pnw spectrum you'll face from year to year Most recently the Bethel utility paid So 15521 gallon delivered. Stabilaing and/or lowenng the cost a electrifying and hearing the community will have a positive effect Residents deserve, and sustunahle economic development requires reliable reasonable and stable energy :moss. Indude information rrecessary to describe the system you are interacting to develop and address potential sprain design, land ownership, pemits, and emironmenlal issues. 4.3.1 System Design Provide the fallowing information for the WoposM renewable energy system_ A description of renewable energy technology specific to project location • Optimum installed capacity • Anbopated capacity factor • A tiopated annual geneamon AMdpamd banners Basic integrahon concept The envisioned new power system for Bethel would be a hybnd windAmsel mnfgurahon with new diesel control equipment rehofited into the existing paverplant Upgrading the current cogen power mmmunity heat loads and adding dispatchable electnmlty powered thermal nodes are part of the proud plan. The hearing fadfiries will improve overall efficiency and offer reasonably pnce heat to a number of mmmunty facilities. AEA11-m5 GAM Appicaron Pare 9or 16 7R14K)10 c ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund! Grant Applaimon Round N Given the cu ect vend resource development occumng in Bendel. TDX anticipates Ihat111e wind fame developed in tM1ts pmjem can be leveraged to integrate an additional wind projects. Curently between the CM and lbe Housing AuthaMy Ihey have plans far an additional 1 IAVY of sand turbine rapadty. Assuming the full 2 MVJ of vend are added to the gad the mM turbines will provide roughly 10% of the annual electrical energy counaGng at about a My, capacity factor. Annual wind energy generation for 2 MVV entrust be 3 milimin I0VMWyr. At the current time, the community of Bethel is very positive about the potential for wind energy. Iherefom no tammunity" banners are envisioned Typical enind Gmjed issues like avian etudiee. FAA restrictions, local land issues haimership, onimances, dames. mmmnmental concern inc) are envisioned but no serous banners are anticipated The automation or the Bethel powe house will be consistent with medium penetration winddiesel system requirements although at 2 MW this may still be com idere l a lover penetration system. The difference is cost isn't significant enough at this stage. 0 ottrer vend resources come on line in the Mum Iban coranderafion for more dispatchable electric heating systems would need to be added, but the basic powerhouse system controls would be in place. 4.3.2 Larch Ownership Identgy potential land owrership issues radiating ve ether she Owners have agreed to the project or him you intend m approach land wmership and access issues. At this stage there have been identified a number of Wormy sees that would be appropnate for the wind turbines. The issues of ownership and related access and use have yet to be defined. 0.3.3 Permhs provide the following information as it may relate to permitting and him you intent to atldrees outstanding permd issues. • List N applicable permits • A entfy etl permitting timeline • I - and tliscossion N nDal bnriers The following agencies will be contacted for preliminary approval Prior to final site selection antl met tower installation. Pernik yell be requestetl immetliately as appropriate upon final¢ed transfer of one utility, to TDX Power, Including: FAA SHPO USMS Other. TBD Ind Emirsnmental AUdless wfether the following environmental and lard use issues apply, and ff so him they will be addressed_ • Thmatened or Ends erect speeders AFA11L Grant Application Page land 16 9121acio ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund Gant Apples xin Round N • Habitat issues • Wetlands and other pmtecled areas • Archaeological and historical resources land development coest aims • Telecemmunksgoons iMedererxP • Aviation considerations • Visual, aesthetics impacts I&nbfy and discos other palermal homers Not applicable at this bme. Met tower locations will provide further irrfortnafion as part of the grant process. TDX Power does not foresee any problems wfh the listed environmental cancems, but will address all issues in ourfeasibildy sandy. (Total Estimated Costs and Projected Revenues) The level m mat iMmmabon provided will vary acmNing to Me phase of funding requested and any previous work the appli rift may have done on the project Applicants must reference the scamis of their cost data. For example- Applicants Records or Analysis, Industry Standards, Consultant or Manufacturers estimates. 4.4.1 Project Development Coat Provide detailed project unit arformaton basetl on your current kncMetlge and understanding of the project. Cost information should include Me fdlowing: • Total anfiupatetl pro ect cast, and ccrift for this phase • Requested grand fulling • Applicant dreaming funds — lours, capital cenNbNioos, imitind • Identrficalaw of other funding sources Projected capital cost of proposed renewable energy system If monitoring proves the grind resource favorable for development TDX has a budgeted proled cost of $4.660.750 for the powemouse automation and a 1 MAI wind faun, to occur in the following phases: Phase ll $251. 0 Phase 111 M33300 Phase IV $3,976roM TOX is requesting gam funding toward these cosb5 in the amount of $ %1.637.50 in has gam i porgabon. Revenues estimates are not applicable at Nis tame, and cannot be determined at Nis fare and significantly depend on the project leveraging. 4.4.2 Project OperaEngi and Maintenance Costa Induce andiapated O&M costs for near legalities winamided and how these woud be funded by Me appliram. Node: Opieffifternal cards are not el Ale for grant hunts M1owaver, fignothms am mignamof to moving AEA1IM Gem Alag,coon Page 11 of main o ALASKA Reneardble Energy Fund Grant Application RwM N orgarg reporlmg minummerRs her Me purpose of mile bnpads of projects ou Me cammunius May serve. O&M costs for Me utility will be reduced with the installation of automic a[ion equipment and Me latest control hardware (SCADA. HMI and web access). The additional O&M associated with the wind farm is emima[ed at W,000 per year. plus labor support d approximately $125AW. No funs are requestetl at this fime. 4.4.3 Power Pumhase5ak The poser purchase/sale information should indude Me Following. • IdentRwtion of potential power buyer(s)im omer(s) • Ferm ial poser purchaselsales price -at a minimum indicate a price range • Pro sectrateeMumfrom mMiurded -act BUC currently has a rate approved by the RCA based upon an avoided fuel cost of $0314MM and an approved PCE rate of W 2412 MAT. This project is anticipated to produce 3.050p00 k4M from the 1 MW vend /arm censtruded unerthis grant project, an woud increase to 6,100,000 kWh tithe Protect result in kvemging the Project into a 2 MYV wind farm. The aliosed win energy cost will depending on the tuning for the wind capacity added to the system, whether that sill be regulated by the RCA, a full accourth'g for Me funds deployed and the ownership of the nature assets (utility, private. public, or pdvateyptiblie partnership) 4A4 Project Cost Worirsheel Complete Me cost worksheet farm which provides summary infomlaM1on Man will be consitleretl In evaluating Me project. Does Wood theJarm. complete it and sumul it as an merchants. Oacumem now cordirions or sourcio; )our numbers are based on here. Sce anautred TDX Power basetl Me most worlamel numbers on cash it has have experienced from annular projects In miss regions. SECTION l PROJECT BENEFIT Erphl f e ecdnmmfd and public benefits of yow project. Include drect post savings, and bow Me people of Alaska will beneft hum Me project The benefits information should include Me following: • Potential annual fuel displacement (gal an $) over Me lifsdme of the evaluated renewable energy project • Anticipated annual revenue (based on i.e. a Proposed Poser Purchase Agreement price, RCA tarit or cast based rate) • Potential additional annual incentives (i.e. tax credits) • Potential additional annual revenue streams (i.e. green tag sales or other renewaNe energy subsidies or programs Mat might be available) AFA114)e6 Grant A pplenon Page 12 of 16 7M1 010 rnj ALASKA Renessble Energy Fund Grant AppligWn Rmnd N Bethel a Class IV Resource could displace 225.000 gallons of Mosel over a yearforithe constructed! 1 MW wind farm, or450,000 gallons for a 2 MW leveragetl wind farm. Over 20 year Igespan this is a savings of d 5 million gallons of Nei for 1 M. Sgnficantly higher energy production and savings could be rea!¢atl time 2 MW system is integrated into the Project, as anticlpated. resulting In saving 9 million gallons of Nei over the 20 year Idespan of the windfaml. SECTION 6-SUSTAINABILfIY Discuss your plan for opera" the competed project so that C will be sustainable_ Include M a minimum: • Proposed business structures) and concepts that may be considered. Have you propose to finance the maintenance and operations for vie life of the Project • Identification of operational issues Me could arse. • A description of opermonal costs including ongoing support for any backup or eestirU systems that may be require to continue operation • Commitrcenl to reporting the savings and beneflto Behel is locatetl on the lower K skokwim and serves as a hub for the Collins region. Its population is fluctuating from urban olfinigretian and village in migration . The business climate is stable, and! Bethel is a government center for regional operations- Power usage is egleded to be flat TDX Power Wit bond! O&M for new facilities with operating revenue. No funds are requested! for O&M at this time. SECTION T-READINESS S C011111PLIANCE yyffH OTHER GRANTS Discuss what you have clone ba prepare for this award and how quicldy you marred to proceed wNf work once your grant is approved. Tell us what you may have already accomplished on the project ba date and identify other grants Nan may haw: been previously awarded bar this pojed and the degree, you have been able W meat the nequiremeds of previous grans. TDX will have the final bred! operating agreement with the utility in pace prior to award. We will start this project immedately upon the receipt of Nnis. Wmtl data seats for the community_ We Wit site met lowers once we have confirmed and approvetl site locations. Within 6 months of sufficlen met tower data, the feasibility phase will be completed and the final resign will commence, whicln in turn wil be completed within 12 months and construction commenced Detailed time lines by specific activity, costs and Widget lines are induced! in Me budget document. SECTION 8- LOCAL SUPPORT Discuss what local support or possible opposition Crete may, be regarding your project Include letters of support from the community Cat would berfeftfi'am this project. TDX Power Is In finalization of the transfer of me BUG to TDX Power operation. TDX Pourer has approachetl two entities with windfaml developments in ere region to leverage into the Bethel unity gnd. We can safely assume Nan this pri will have a positive effect on Customers who PEAL 1-0 Great P{plo4on Page 13 N 16 TQ15mo ISSWALASKA Renewable Energy Fund aka. Grant Appliallon Round IV re used to high fuel mats. The people of Bernal are looking forward to reliable power and a utility with the vision to integrate a renewable resource and reduce dead consumption. letters of support are attached separately. SECTION 9—GRAM BUDGET TeH us how much you want in grant funds Incha a any Investments Its data add Turpvlg sources. haw mum is bung requested 0 grant funds, anal erogenous mvesfinenfs jmu wM make as an appicant heleda an effirrrata of budget mats by mAestmas using The fam—Gragh9usc f3.doc Prortde a narrurne mlmman regarding runding som-mr and �mv finamial mmmlresenr to the Pruners The overall probed budget Is estimated to cost S4.800,750.00. TDX Power is requesting grant funds from me AF in the amount of 53,96163] 50. Future M&O costs will he funded from operations revenue. SECTION 9—ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION AND CERTIFICATION SUBMIT THE FOLLO9yING I UMENlfii HYOUR APIT ATRIN- A. Contact information, resumes of Applicant's Project Manager, key staff, partners, consultants, and suppliers per application form Section 3.1 and 3.4. B. Cost Worksheet per application fame Section 4A.4, C. Grant Budget Form per application form Section S. D. LeHera demonstrating local support per application form Sachem 8. E. An electronic version of the entire application on CD per RFA Section 1.6. F. Authorized Signers Form. G. Governing Body Resolution or other forms action taken by the applicants governing body or management per RFA Section 1.4 Nat-. - Commits the organization to provide Me matching resources for project at Me match amounts indicated in Me application. - Authorizes Me individual who signs Me application has Me authority to commit Me organization to Me obligations under the grant - Provides as point of contact N represent the applicant for purposes of Nis application. AEl 1 L5 Grad Applewon Page 14 of 16 7212n1n Newaele Energy Fund i'.A� oeGrant Aporcabon Round IV Certifies Me applicant is in compliance wgh applicable federal, state, and local, laws including existing credit and federal tax obligations. H. CERTIFICATION TM undemigne l cartifies that this application for a renewable energy grant is trulllful and correct, and that Me applicant is in compliance wah, and will continue to comply with, all federal and stale have; including exleting credit and federal but obligations. wan xare Ran Philemonog Tills PwM of mMacbHoaM Member desgnMt aoMo sgnMM Date September6,2010 AFA11 Ea5 G2MA{rPimlm Pegel5afle 7214010 ALASKA Rmeuabk EMyy Fund GmAApplippcn RWM N September 1, 2010 TO: Neal® Energy Aulbordy REGovemiig Roily Authorization This letter is formal TDX Power boaN of Directors alMoroation to parbapate in the Round N grarit application as required by Me RFA This letter is formal ceNfcation Mat Me applicant TDX Power is in compliance wM applicable federal, state, and local laws inducing existing ciedR and federal tax obligations. The oganumbon commits to Me prowling Me stated resources for Me renewable energy project at the amounts indicated in the application. The individuals on Me application have been mvewad and are aulhor¢ed to sgn and commit Me oganirstion fo Me obligations under the grant. Further Me following persons have auttromation for grand signing, program reporting, and fiscal compliance. Paul Wines, Sabana Ragrave, and Martin Witter. Martin Miller will serve as Point of Cmrtact W this grand on my behalf. Mahn Miller. Point of Contact for TDX Prover Chairman 4" R. Street, Suite 3gg, Anchorzge, mantra gg , TgPy.2782312, F. W7.278.2318 E: mmdler®tAorel.cam Ron Philempnpg Chairman. TDX Power AFA11-0 GrantWicabon Pa0e lsofls 7Rt/N10 Grant Documents Authorized Signers Please clearly print or type all sections of this form Community/Grantee Name: TD%Power Regular Election is held: cur art annually Date: ?N9I yD Gram Sianedsl: Printed Name Title Term Sig star Martin Miller Pmg Mgr c4nTAi Sabrina Hargrave Assisbm Controller Paul Witless Controller (Grant POC) I authorize the above person(s) to sign Grant Documents: (Highest ranking organizetioNmmmunity/muniapat ofrioal) Printed Name I Tile Tom SignaWra Ron Philemonoff Chairman current '/ Grantee Conhuk Information: Mailing Address: 4300 B. Street, Suite 300 Ark:hwaire. Alaska 995035946 Phone Number. 91)7-276.29i2ri, Fax Number 907-278-235e a 33a Email Address: rd ..�.w.- Federal Tax ID fi 192 0167220 Plww sub Ran updated form whenever Mem o a change m Me above infommtion. Please return the original compleletl form b: � • , • �.1' Alaska Energy Authority I� /(1� I'�/Q,J\''[�//�]l 613 W.Northern 9503 Blvd. AnMomge, AK 99503 401-D ENERGY AUTHORffY AM: Butch White, Graft Administrator Cukers4our�muamw kVrindows\Tempo2ry Internet Fles\Conten[Outlook\KniQlAGmnt &Aborimtl ogners6 anal do: ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund Round 4 Project CostlBenefit Worksheet Please note that some fields might not be applicable for all technologies or all project phases. The level of intimidation detail varies according to phase requirements. t. Renewable Energy Source The Applicant should demonstrate that the renewable erLLYgy, resdume is available on a sustainable basis. Annual average resource availability. 7.3 m/s at 50 meter Unit depends on protect type fill windspeed, hydrapaxer output, broma des fue ) 2. Existing Energy Generated and Usage a) Basic configuration (if system is part of the Railbeh' and, leave this section blank) i. Numb¢r of gen¢2rorsrboileNother 6 li. Raf¢e �paclty of 9eneraloNNileNaMer EMO22MW iii. Generab/bo'r'aslatler type Diesel Gense6 w. Age mgereralasmailelvamv 15 to 2g years old v. ERlaemy, of gene2baNLoikNONer Peak effidency 33% b) Annual O&M coat fl system is part allhe Whose gold, leave this section blank) L Annual DBMlmlfmlater 545000(2local wind hol plus support Wood) ii. Annua1O6Mmsthernorl $60000 c) intrust eledrility produ lion and fuel usage (fill in as applicable) it system is part of the Radii grid. leave may section dank) i. Elstnaity [kV dt 42,D00,000 kwll/year ft Fuel usage Dal hint 3200.000 Other 0 it, Peak Loatl 6MW In. Average Load Story v. Minimum Load 3.5 MN no Efndency vii. Forte bends No predkSd gmMh d) Annual heating had loops (fill in as applicable) i. Dimel hill or Mil N/A ii. Ekrniary, tkWh] N/A in prepare [Dal orM ll N/A rv. Coal Bons or MMBW] N/A v. Wood [cords, green Ions. dry tans] N/A A other WA .M NII4h pal eon Corti Electric sear I, Hamer ElMR 4sw.4noq Galtlen Valley Ekmk Nsrcalthe he a Ynarddmnd nerymmem. Matanuetr Eldi Auoeiatinn and AncdmaM Munbp l LpM and Power. IaFAAEA11D15ApIKakrnC�WdkN Pagel 731-10 ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund Round 4 Project Cost/Benefit Worksheet 3. Proposed System Design capacity and Fuel Usage (Include any projections Ar continued use of rm mrmaable (nets) a) Proposed mne sable capacity 1 MW Wind Farm and allowance bar 1 MW Of *no farm (Wind. Hydro, Biomass, other) owrretl by Cry of Bethel and Housing AuOurity (kW or MMBWnrI b) Proposed annual elechiaty or heat production (fill in as applicable) i. Electricity lkWrJ 3 050 000 IsM W l MW and farm 6.100.000 kWb from 2 MW wirM fans fl Heat jMMBluj 0 c) Proposed annual fuel usage (fill in as applicable) i. Pmpam(galorMMBM) 0 n. Cwl(Innsorl,ilj 0 u, wood[cons. green lays. dry tavl 0 v. 0lber 0 4. Project cost a) Total capital coat 0 new system R3.9 million far 1 Mw wind farm b) Development cost W 7 million c) Annual D&M cost of near system S50 000 turbine maintenance for 2 MW protect d) Annual fuel cast 0 S. Project Benefits a) Amount of fuel displaced for i. Elio" 225 000 for 1 MW and 45a.000 proms ror 2 Mw wine fame i. IMat 0 in Tmnspartabon 0 b) current price of displaced fuel s935000 for 1 Mw and s1 e70W0 for z Mw c) otMr economic benefits Local labs for 2 wind lechs J) Alaska public benefits Loaer mvimnmenlal footprint S. Power Purchase/Sales Price a) Pam for power Purchase/sak $0-17 W W 24 per Irah K Wral fans privately owned 7. Project Analysis a) Basic Economic Analysis Project benerrorost reeo RFA AFAI 1-0005 FpYloIKn G9 WMmeet Paget 7-21-10 ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund Round 4 Project Cost/Benefit Worksheet paYbaik tyeM) 63 Years her 1 MN (See Note) Notes: a) Payba& peeled is calculated by taking the cast of this project and the energy savie for just 1 MW wind farm proposed under this solicitation. However, the proposal slices the second MW of WM him to be connected to the utility, and which has been paid forMmugh other slate Nnds. SothispmjMeRectivelyleveragesthoseotherfunds. RFAP 11 4U5 Apui rn CMW hau Page 1-31-10 c r' s� S Ym Fc g p [LL $ 6 F "s »axaxxa s a » » n �o q d a F cc o u• - E _ - - E e , !l..l..! cc ........... ........ \[!]§!§!!(! /j\\)}\\}\u6 m\}i§\\0 III ;-t` S �Qe 3 F �d Fc �i O QO 8 a Y p r a z a o U w. E _ i`^ - Niz,.�iae m - E \\/ G\b\|/{j/\}/ \ Renewable Energy Fund Grant Round IV Grunt Budget Form AEA BETHEL RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECT BUDGET BUDGETSUMMARY Phase year Year2 Year3 Yeara zad Il. Feasibility 191,200 u 0 3251,100 IlL Real Oetign o 0 0 W3,300 W. Combuctian 0 d�3� 2X7,900 1,M,150 s3,W6,050Todd 3191,200 52,21117,900 SL0R8,150 ",660,750 BUOGETCIIMORIESBYIR E Pinter ll maelll Pbase lV Total Direct Labor &BemR[s 93,300 226,1W 192,M SB62,2W Travel&Perchem 15,60() 19200 0 53118W Equipment 0 0 0 0 Materials& Supplies 20,000 0 2.M.003 Q.145,0W Wnlnaual Senators ll2,500 13R,Wo 1,192,= S1A52,500 Construction Services 0 0 0 0 olner 0 0 161,250 $161,2%) Total vsL400 f03313110 $3,926, ",(44,7M RarlawffiN EmW Fund Grard Round M Game Bndgat Furor Table di Task6 by Time CMegory Year YBr2 Total nat n0a no nQ0 ran Spmje acopingand cantmdorsal4Ration W.0 3.0 4.6 0 0 17.6 20etai1M 24.5 SLS 8.2 0 0 442 31dentl0onon Orland and regulatory issues me US 4 permit0ng and emimnnrtntal analYs6 162 161 SNAailed analysis ofea¢Hrg and fNme energy costs and marinas 72 7.8 6Auessmentof RbemaBves nA 28A )Conceptual dean analysis and cost es0mrte 652 0.2 80atailed aconamic and financial ana 2" 24A 9 Cnmxpmal busines and opentinns plans 18.4 M4 10. Fnal report and r rnrnendatimrs 17A 17A ms 143 Us MA 60.2 253A Table 112 Budget by Time Cafnory Yearl I Year) Total nal nag Ylm naa I Y2g1 Mr. Lawn 3.1 18.2 933 Trd 2A 0 15.6 Eqip 0 0 Material 00 20.0Cmimaa 9.o W.54� 41s 122s Conm m 0 0 0 Omer 0 0 0 SuM 30.5 A E02 253A Renewable Energy Fund Grant Round IV Grant Budget Form Table 113 budget Detail by Time and Task ®mww®®® Renewable Energy Fund Grant Round W Gram guiltiest Form Table 11.4. Employee Budge[DemB Stalf Hame I Martin Steve Ham gob Supa Sabana Total Rare S75/lu SWIfir S90/In S50/br S50/br Sg0/Hr 1pmjectscupingand 0 0 0 a 0 (40n) mntaaorsoliciaoan atr 113 320E 321E 2 Detailed energy resource gIi (2Ebra) (ali (40brs) 0 0 13,400 anthem atrl Oat Otr2/3 M2/3 Otr W 18G0 369D 2" Chi 6000 3 Identification of land and 0 0 0 0 0 (Ohm) 6,400 regulatory owes Oa6 6,430 4permitdng and 0 0 0 0 a (40brs) 31M enWmnmemal aml"s Mrs 3 00 Scetaaed analysis of ousting 0 0 0 0 0 (Ohm) 48DD and ramie energy cum and Otr4 markets 4800 6 Assessment of AttPmaCrves (901m; (gTrs) 0 0 0 (406R) 15400 O[K Cars Qh4 600E 1 2,20E j i 32W J Conceptual design analysis HKars) Hli (40brs) 01 (REbrs) 222W and cost estimate M:4 Ga4 am aV4 CHN 6000 Rfa 360'J 400E 6lCO a Deviled amnomic and 0 0 0 0 a (Mrs) 6400 financial analysts ab5 Eaton 9 Conceptual business and 0 0 0 0 0 (Who) RACE opeatomplans @6 6400 10. Final reportand 20hm) (20brs) 0 0 120brs) (20brs) 59W recommendations atr5 QvS Oa5 CUTS l!M 1800 1= I Totals 19,500 18,000 22W 2" WW 416W 93,300 Table 11.5 Travel Derail by Task by traveler and time Tavelby Task Descriptions ao- $226Per N Cmt All detonations. Retool 04 sops $924 FT Air 1 Project sniping and Staff(Sabrim) 1 1,2W 1 1,2W contractor whoiatian consultant 1 1,20E 1 1,2W 2 Detailed energy resource Sreff(Maron) 2 1,20E 1 1,ID0 Renewable Energy Fund Grant Round IV Grand Budget Form analysis SMfl)Aeve) 2 1,2W 1 1,200 Staff)Hansl 3 1,201) 1 I,201) $U (Rob) 3 1,200 1 1,200 3ldenti cation of land and regulatory issues Staff(Sabana all a U00 2 2400 Conceptual design analysis andmrtestimate Staff(Support al)♦ I 1200 2 2000 Conmltanta3 6 II00 3 3fi00 Total is'" Table I1.6 Consultant Detail ily Tasty consultant and time Consultant Wire I Prog ME EE Find into TOW Mger Rate s150m, s135/Tr 51IImr s150/ar I s125mr lnuleasrnvne and (mars( uom aonmawradiwnon now ws Wv3 zRW 2detaided energy re:wrae lama( pp sp anallemmyaa tm1.z tm2 Wv3 oop petition lioMnuf land and 3.W] reqularwy'uwes Care tore pap aPa mmelanalenula (aut v.app nronmenol analyvs Cars Cars 60 Note IXO soeOneeanalrid OfasWg 3.e0 ane ws out meretsreeio�gymsfs manor amp s nssessmemarawnaua (mars( 12.000 u0ac m aepmadagauMs (a; (mars( ( 34m and caaamam Cap; ova I u,am 1000) Ipmp e cebaeacalysis and (aosn) (tapirs)taaoo financial anaMis WICK) WICK) 9[nnmlbusiness antl MU.0] um o overaaon:plan: mrs CE15 u.11ao Ip Nnalrevoaane N0ars1 Imarsl v.spp wm ommancm WICs Evs Epps W 600 sum 3ppp 2sm Total: 25.1100 Ia.mo Ipmo sslaa azsm Iss,sm Renewable Energy Fund Grant Round IV Grant Budget Form PHASE III FINAL DESIGN Table 81.1. Task Cost by time Category 2M Otr n rWn 41M1atr n Total 1. project sapid and mnnactorsolkmation completed 142M 142M 2. Permit applications completed! 26,101) 26,1m 3. Final enwinummeni ikusasment and mingaCwn plans completed 45,300 45,3m 4. Resolution of land use,'In of my miusesi 23,3010 23,3m 5. Permittin& rgbtsof-way, one control completed 18,m0 18,8m 6. final system deskn completed 26%= 201 T.Flml Con estimate completed! 52,m0 Q,6m B. Update!ew num ic a financial mwloes wmpkted 4,7g0 4,200 9. Poni or beat sale areemems in plans 20,2m 20,700 ID. Rnal business and operatloml plan wmpletN 19,6m 19,6m rural 433,3m as,6m 3oz,9m 4s,bbb Table 1112 Budget cost by time Task bV Quarter 2M atrn 3 qmn 4M gmtt labor 42,1m 2mp0o ]5.600 226,100 Travel 6,0m 10,800 2,IOU 19,2m Cnnsuh 32,50(1 1 831500 17AM 136,Cm Total I 85,fim Imm 45,000 433,300 Renewable Energy Fund Grant Round IV Grant Budget Form Table ID.3 Budget Detail by budge4 Task and time Ramawable ErMray Fund Grant Rpund N Grant Budget Farm Table ❑64. Employee Budget Detail In-Imuse labor Sr. Mgmt EW PM Aaa Total Rate Time $130/hr $Ind/hr $100/hr $lll/hr 1. Pmjea swping and w (4 M) D (a M) 0 8,m0 wmrxrorsof imtion QIr2 4800 4000 completed 2. Permit applications w 1201rs) (40hrs) (8abrs1 (lOhrs) I$,lnd m lew Q[Y2 2400 said 8W0 210 3. Final emlmnmemal w 14oM1rs) (Minrs) (801m) (110M1rs) 18,200 ficaessment and indention QM 4&p 4" Sol 1400 plansmmpleted 4. Rnolutiun of land use, right Y2 (4 M) 0 plums) (20185) lm of"issues Q 3 4800 4000 1400 $. PermilOne. Hefei vney. w (20M1rs) 0 (4Mars) (20fxs) 28nd site mining completed Q13-3 2400 all 1400 6. Pohl system design w (80M1rs) 19601mrs) (2 M) (16aM1rs) 140,RB completed Qb3 91100 SNOOD 24000 It= T Final Cost estimate w (2)M1rs) (240M1rs) (IMIrs) (angles) All completed Qn-3 2400 244100 120110 11200 8. updated economic and Y2 (SOhrs) 0 (20ms) 0 32M financial analyses complete! Qm4 12nd 2" 9. Power or heat sale U (401 0 (4ams) 0 8gW agreementsinplace Qn4 4nd0 4000 W. Final business and Y2 (441m) 0 (6 M) 140brs) "'Sao operational plan completes! Qua 41100 fi000 2800 42000 INNOW 76000 34aw 226,Sm Table 1115. Tmvel detail by task by traveler and time Trawlby Task (All desfinations Rethel FIT Our Y2/Q $226PeNa $924 RT Rir Jr Tnps (sort L Project awning and contractor mImm mmpnd Her Ylica 1m00 1 2400 NMgt Y2/Q2 Lifter 1 3. Final emiwnmental Assessment and mdigatern plans completed Eng CsINt Y2/Q2 MOO 1 3E00 PM Y2/Q2 1,200 1 Staff Eng Y2/Q2 1,2CQ 1 4. Rewlution of land use, right Mway issues $rMgt Y2/Q3 1,2110 1 Mind PM Y2/Q3 1,200 1 Stag YI/43 1,200 1 6.firel system design mmpkfed PM Y2/Q3 2400 2 7j00 Staff Eng Y2/Q3 2400 2 E Csh Y2/Q3 1,2nd 1 Ito Y2/Q3 1,200 1 9. Power or rest sale agreements inplace PM Y2/Q4 1,200 1 2,4W Sr. Mgr Y2/Q4 1,2M I 9aw Renewable Eneryy Fund award Round N Grand Budget Farm Table ll/. 6. Cansulmntdemi/bytally mnsalmnt and time Comullont Name AN, Miler Ere Legal Toni Condtnt Pemftg Rate $15"r $M/hr $]ID/M1r L Project scvping and contactor MU (lours) 0 0 3m0 s01iuWM1on completed! 3MV 1. Permit applications completed MU (lObrs) 0 (agnrs) MIX0 3" final 3. Final environmental Assessment and 02 Y1 )latirs) 1100brs) (a0brs) 23500 mitigation plans completed 3" 12,5CU RNO a. Resolution of land area, night of very Caw (Sobrs) 0 (aansl $San 500 fi0N S. Permitting, nghrc f-way, sa comm! a3w (lobrs) 0 (<obrs) 11AW completed 3000 ROm g. final syMem design compined Gan llmbrs) (zaonrs) 0 W)M AM 30.M ]. Final Cuss elemete completed con )lONrs) 0 0 3000 Mot) & Updated economic and financial analyses asW (30M1rs)tL 15m completed 1500 s. Power or M1eat sale agreements in place GO Yt lines)95m 1500 M. Feel business and opeational plan ad (bNrs)E000 completedfi000total 55,Sm13g,000 Rellewffile Erlergy Fund Grad Bound lV Gold Budget Foml PHASE IV CONSTRUCTION Table lV.1 Task cast by Time Year Yel 1. Bid O Comp a590O 0 35,6c0 2 Vendor Selected & Awarded ma6.n�.alswdeawo¢au 19.mo a 39, 3. Conrtmttion UniOue to Each wry lion Testing .vmc mem,rl i763.300 vE3 3. Ae^ tegr & B.Integrafion &Testing O 111.® vo.® S. Oecummieft Ole system complet 0 tweezed 6. Final Acceptance, Commeing and! start-up 0 64d00 "JIM T Operations Reporting 0 45.400 45,400 TOPI 2001,900 %cwt p 3, .o5 TableM..laAdditional Quarterly Task Detail Catawl nor 1Y®f016LOW) TMaI Out Oo-z al cam mr1 a0t On3 are xt® L do Oao and 4516 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 ok 2.VCMw SNMN MA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 }rgmnuNnn 1, 6 WM 8 M 861E 0 0 0 O. Integration& Testing 0 0 0 0 21,650 V165 27b 5 ar.6S 006 iR Old wem amdcte 0 0 0 0 0 0 o M 6. real out�p MA fas 1.Operatiom Reaxora afia as.< 1,a]8.6 86135 66335 MA n.65 21.6 5 Me 5 3926.a5 rod 2A819 [ is TableIV.2 Budget by Time CatgmyF Word 1 YBr1 Total 1'ab as 3 M 0 M 1`m atr Cor I 12a [ffiw ao SL60o 51,600 2a900 20,9W i—"wrraUVeteGontrad250 53L25a 531,25pCnnlnttors Z�W� ,500 290,SW 6, j 6.r50 6.r50 17 11,00DOm[ Lv1.m6150 m n ouw 3X6,0real,350 g6/350 JO5900 23E0 2l$50 331/5a 3,9r6.a50 real 29n90O LOBB.350 Renewable Energy Fund Grant Round N Grand Budget Form Table IV.3 Budget Deal/by Task and Time �M a_vs�����a• �a•a_a_a_a_a•a_� ��vv�a_avl �a•a_a_a_a_a_a_[� va_a_a_a_a_a_a_a• �a•a_�a_�a_a_ O��En'f_�t_t_t•�0 Da•�a_a_a_a_a_� ©�a•�a_a_a_a_a_� Renewable Energy Fund Grant Round IV Grant Budget Form Table IV.4 Task Break out by Employee and time Constiucton Sched Sr. Mgr PM Eno- Stag Co total Phase by Task Time Tech Rae 5320/he $1001hr $I00/hr $TaM $g0/hr L Rid Dors Compl twits (60hrs) (120hrs) (120hrs) (UMrs) 0 39,600 $7,200 $12,000 $12,000 $8,400 2. Vendor Selected 6wks (Mlles) (160hrs) (240hm) (200hrs) (80hm) $20,000 &Awarded $9600 $16000 $24000 $14000 $6400 w.ea� s�mms 3. Conrtmction emus (1fi0hm) (640hm) (400hrs) (400hrs) (690hm) $206p0 Unique Each $19,M) S"," $40,000 $28,000 $55,200 0 stwmtua n suwp 4. Inteeration& 2mos (Ohm) (320hrs) (320bm) (120 m) (80hrs) Mii00 Testing 4800 32" 32" 8, W 6,400 S. Demmmifing Omar DM system complet &Final Imun (40hm) (1fAhrs) (320hrs) (40hrs) (40hrs) 58,800 A eFtance, 4800 16,000 32,000 32W Commeing and start-up 2. Operations 32Mw (40hrs) (110h¢) (120hrs) (Mrs) 0 34,400 Reporting 4,8t10 12,DD0 12,000 5,600 Employee Total 50,4U0 152,000 152000 62,21p 21,M) 49ZOW Renewable Energy Fund Grant Round IV Grant Budget Form Table iV.5 Task Breakout by Contractar and time Cm MmPbme StlN 1Ro En8 Ener CON @N oNr EVER byt Time MMp CYMec EleNltlan Rate $l , $MAr Sll r Turbine pax Irt WAXert 1. GaOm Cana swim (Cebrs) 0 0 yam auto 2venaor Xiened 6wim (mbrsl 0 0 Stood aawaaee Rude wnrwroine diesel c mmis smem Centers Teremalwp ly Remote Elm Roikrs s Construction pros IlmMsl "m) IRubrs) 800000 I Ogl ISdaJI 133e,000 Unique to E80 $38.I00 SAM $10,000 Wlndurbine lumoo cools Symem Contorts lOCemm Supply Remote att enders a.Integration 6 znm (eans) Imb01 n,de0 l3.tlp loam 5,000 S.LW I Derr ing sd ode 0 0 t t old Won Won complet 6 final 1 Hal¢I 0 0 EOm K¢pEnr4 Accep men Rude Cemmti.aann srp l<auil 0 Iit"n Rommig M Ode 5MM SOde Total5),m made 120000 100.001) ISp,IpO 350p00 L14l,00 Table MIS Material Budget Narrative Marvels errs nvton Cea wMTuromes 2-500 W $11m000 aselEmOws 5WMs sm.(100 $yarem Controls Iunit M,LW Thermal sup N turn Ide.ILO Remote EleconceoiMs muklple 3301100 mutual I W5,mo Mapping M= b l QMo00 Alaska Energy Authority ALASKA Grant Agreement I �IaERGrArniomw Grant Agreement Number Anoelq Funds: Bu-fiom Ventla-No.I S3 M,5375 Project Cod Ws) FnGnnburte Numlon4M PeriotlgPMomarr�: [Shoncut [No ) From Jury 1, 2011 To June 30, 2015 Dlmensan 2 Coce Pro ect Tme several Renewable Emm PrLi ect GraIIMe Gremew TDX Power Alaska Energy Authody Sbegmo Bp. sinew Bier a300 B Street Sure 300 813 W Northern Liddir BW Cily/SlmM,Z]p Gryip mioximpe, Alaska B9503 Andmnage.AKMM C0gecl Person COndN Pant Pal Worse Butrti Mine Gran Ma Phone Fai E-nui PMrre Fatc Entat SO]-Zlb pa+lae>gN�PaarcIXn - nfJOY MtikBaY¢.W wS B515 2?4 TcnloLa Fmgy AUNnnly fAW u n) 4q Tp%Power(Gnnlee) anvem mlhob Iner in. Sieben L TMAUIMrily dish 9,em4eJb pYfweWvnemnal W tle Grenbe under Me In aq miSlbns olmis Lgramsfp, bn en argon hob mosei f 3.951.6(]91. inlnitlepmlardnb if srerW.Nee pwNM ne Sentimll.iM GnMeedid ;py16egrand fuM 10 Me Pmfclaq perMni aO olBreawk aN ollerdfgatims repuuM by NK G9rewrienl. $a[4pr III. PeRwrr®rya urger MiagameM be9Ln (OMe eapeMAurs vi Lufi ageMll be Cpr{Ae@n rq liner MenJerre L.21115 SaL4M1rN Tle egrwnanloneNUlaR and Rfdbwrq_ APPIMineiiift a e"Wired) HSVA Geval Prcntims xmenf 1: fini ReporUReuentW APee9Reumburen1 Fairri ApperMa Cgrantee Propouof Work / ent 2Progressreportam Appenbn OProject Marvgement& ReporOrg Afinenl3:Otlrer Footlng Sources Rauiremens Agnmorenl(at Apogwor E: Project ButlgMBReimWrsmnenl A Ment q_Nor;tiWP je,ACIal Completlon Pror'rsror¢ kllechnn l5: NCUa q PmjM ign Im N AMENDMENTS Airy nerd by enMbMb reuirec) lB: Wairerof Sovereign lmmunllY (h A9RaMq must tie Jrrnd by aMarsetl raluilel) pepreserrta5ues q GrarReand Ne ANboNv GreNre AUNary Prgta Manger Exxutive director or Sgmmine SigreMre SgnaWre �Ll Fronted Name and Tme BNMMM Sbve Haagenson, AFA Paul Whit,C ruler I Execunne tleector Dot I Gale Dale