HomeMy WebLinkAboutSlimHoleDrillingProjectDescriptionORMAT NEVADA INC. DRILLING PROGRAM PROJECT DESCRIPTION NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. Introduction and Location Ormat Nevada Inc. (Ormat) proposes to conduct a slim well drilling program, on lands leased in the Mt. Spurr prospect, Alaska. The specific project area will be determined after conducting exploration surveys. The purpose of this proposed drilling program is to locate, test, and produce geothermal resources at this site. For the well, Ormat proposes to do the following: (1) construct drill pad; (2) drill a new slim well to a total depth of approximately 3500 true vertical depth (TVD) feet (ft) or until the geothermal resource is encountered; (3) test the well to determine reservoir characteristics; (4) measure the well's temperature profile; and (5) monitor reservoir pressure. If a well is unsuccessful, it will be either redrilled or abandoned. Ormat anticipates drilling to commence in Summer 2011. Figure 1 depicts the proposed design for the new slim well. B. Proposed Well Site and Access Road The proposed well site is located on land leased by Ormat on the Mt. Spurr. The actual location will be surveyed after the conductor has been installed. The well site has been selected to minimize surface disturbance and make the best use of existing site access. The proposed well site is believed located such that optimum quality resource data can be obtained with a minimum amount of surface disturbance. 1. Clearing: The selected site measuring 65 ft by 100 ft will be cleared of organic material, brush, and top soil. All of this material will be stockpiled separately for reclamation of the pad at conclusion of drilling, testing, and measuring activities. 2. Earthwork: Cut and fill slopes have been minimized in the site location process. DRILLING PROGRAM PROPOSED SLIM HOLE Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska page 2 3. Drainage: The site will be graded to direct runoff from the pad into the cellar. Therefore, incidental or accidental uncontrolled spills of oil, fuel, and drilling fluids will be prevented from leaving the site. 4. Containment Basin: A containment basin, ±20 ft x ±100 ft x ±5 ft deep will be constructed on each pad. During drilling, the basin will be fenced on the three sides away from the drilling rig. At the conclusion of drilling, the liquid portion of the reserve pit contents will be allowed to evaporate. The remaining solids (non -toxic drilling fluids and cuttings) will be mixed with soil and reburied by back -filling the basin. The stockpiled topsoil will be smoothed over the back - filled basin. 5. Well Site Access: Helicopters will be used. 6. Water: Water will be used for site construction, dust control and drilling. Water will be obtained from a local creek or river. C. Drilling Process The hole will be drilled with a core drilling rig such as those previously used at Unalaska. The rig will be equipped with diesel engines, storage tanks, mud pumps, and other typical auxiliary equipment. The top of the derrick is approximately 75 ft above ground. The drilling program involves drilling a 12-1/4-in. hole to approximately 40 ft below ground level and cementing a 10- in. conductor in place. The rig will then drill a 8-1/2-in. hole to approximately 300 ft. Casing (7-in.) will be cemented in place and blowout prevention equipment (BOPE) installed. After testing the BOPS, a 6-1/8-in. hole will be drilled to approximately 1000 ft. Then 4-1/2-in. casing will be ran and cemented. After BOPE is installed and tested, a HQ hole will be cored to 3500 ft. A 2-3/8-in. slotted liner will be hung from ±940 ft to total depth (TD). At the conclusion of drilling, a test facility will be installed and a flow test conducted to define resource characteristics. Both reservoir temperature and pressure Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM PROPOSED SLIM HOLE Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska page 3 will be measured during and after this test. The holes will be drilled using a clay -water or clay - polymer -water drilling fluid to circulate the rock cuttings to the surface where they are removed. The mud will then be recirculated. See Appendix A for details of the proposed drilling program. D. Blowout Prevention Equipment (BOPE) An API CSO blind ram, pipe rams, and an annular preventer will be used below ±300 ft to TD. A rotating head may be used depending on drilling conditions. BOPE testing will be witnessed by the State of Alaska's Oil & Gas Conservation Commission (AOGCC) or their designated agent. E. Personnel Requirements Approximately 9 to 14 workers will be on location at any given time. At the discretion of the contractor, drilling crews may live on site. F. Abandonment Program If necessary, the hole will be abandoned per requirements. II. PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT All Ormat and drilling contractor personnel will be informed of Ormat's policy regarding undue degradation of the environment. These measures are intended to prevent all unacceptable impacts from occurring as a result of these drilling operations. A. Fire Prevention The hole sites and access roads will be cleared of all vegetation. The cleared areas will be maintained during drilling operations. Fire extinguishers will be available on the site and around the drilling rig, water that is used for drilling will also be available for fire fighting. Personnel will be allowed to smoke only in designated areas. Any special permits required for fires, welding, and etc., will be obtained. Ormat Nevada Inc. — Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM PROPOSED SLIM HOLE Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska page 4 B. Prevention of Soil Erosion Minimal soil erosion problems are anticipated from this project because cut and fill slopes have been minimized throughout the location of the well and access roads. In addition, runoff will be channeled to energy dissipaters to minimize erosion. C. Surface and Ground Water Quality Protection Estimated ground water zone is between 10 ft below grade to 1,600 ft below grade. The location of the operation has been selected to minimize the potential for surface water pollution from runoff during construction, drilling, and measuring. Surface water and ground water pollution from drilling and testing will be prevented by steel casing cemented to below these zones. Only non -toxic, non -hazardous drilling mud constituents will be utilized during drilling operations. Waste drilling mud, drill cuttings, and any runoff from the well site will be discharged into the containment basin to prevent ground water quality degradation. The wells will be cased and cemented to prevent interzonal migrations of fluids and reduce the possibility of blowouts. Based on the water levels observed at the Mt. Spurr, no over -pressured or gas -rich zones are expected to be encountered. D. Air Quality Protection Fugitive dust generation during construction and use of access roads and well sites will be minimized by watering as necessary. E. Prevention of Noise To abate noise pollution, mufflers will be utilized on engine -driven equipment. F. Protection of Public Health and Safety In addition to the emergency contingency plans (See Appendix Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM PROPOSED SLIM HOLE Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska pale 5 B), public health and safety will be protected through instructions to work crews and contractors regarding compliance with regulations. G. Protection of Fish, Wildlife, and Botanical Resources Direct impacts to fish and wildlife habitat and botanical resources will be minimized by clearing only the small area required for each pad and access roads construction. H. Protection of Cultural Resources Cultural resources field inventories were performed, resources identified and project activity located to avoid impact. I. Waste Disposal A containment basin is located on each drilling pad and all drilling fluids not contained in the steel mud tanks will be contained in this pit. After drilling operations are complete, the liquid from the reserve pit will be allowed to evaporate. The solids remaining in the reserve pit (non -toxic drilling solids and drill cuttings, will be buried in the basin and, after it has been compacted and stabilized, the pit area will be reclaimed. Solid waste materials (trash) will be deposited at an authorized dump. Portable chemical sanitary facilities will be used by all personnel. J. Environmental Monitoring Regular, routine visual inspections of the drill sites and access roads will be conducted by the on -site operational personnel to quickly detect and correct any operational problems that could lead to environmental problems. The drilling fluid and cuttings will be monitored by visual inspection and chemical analyses by the drilling personnel, the well -site geologist, and the contract mud engineer to detect any problems which may be occurring downhole. Environmental specialists will monitor and inspect the operations, if necessary, during the course of the project. Ormat Nevada Inc. — Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM PROPOSED SLIM WELL Mt Spurr Prospect Alaska page 6 K. Well Testing After the reservoir has been encountered in each well, a short flow test will be conducted and Temperature/Pressure Spinner logs will be run. All fluids produced during this test will be contained in the reserve pit. Ormat Nevada Inc. — Gcothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM PROPOSED SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect. Alaska page 7 APPENDIX A DRILLING PROGRAM PROPOSED NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska ORMAT NEVADA INC. November 2009 Ormat Nevada Inc. — Gcothennal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska ORMAT NEVADA INC. DRILLING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska (All depths referenced to KB unless specified) Location: TBD Ground Elevation: TBD page 8 KB: 15 ft Above Ground Objective: Drill a new geothermal slim well in the Mt. Spurr Prospect Status: New Well Regulatory Agency: State of AOGCC 1. Construct a drilling pad measuring ±65 by ±100 ft accordance with regulatory requirements. The pad area will include a reserve basin measuring ±20 by ±100 by ±3 ft deep. The pad and pit must be constructed to standard industry specifications that include soil compaction suitable to support the rig gross dead-weight plus 150,000 pounds live loads, capable of supporting heavy and frequent traffic. The pad must be contoured to drain into the cellar from the area around the rig. Stockpile topsoil for reclamation at the conclusion of drilling activities. Fence basin on three sides away from rig with barrier fencing. 2. Move in and rig up (RU) core drilling equipment and associated equipment. Post well sign, all applicable permits and emergency telephone numbers at the rig. 3. Move in and RU mud logging unit that includes a two -sensor hydrogen sulfide alarm system. Hydrogen sulfide sensors will be placed on rig floor and at the mud return pit. 4. Construct 100 bbl emergency water storage system connected to mud circulating system. Ormat Nevada Inc. — Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska page 9 5. Hold safety meeting regarding equipment, procedures for well control, hydrogen sulfide, general safety, and environmental protection. At meeting, discuss drilling program and emergency procedures including telephone numbers. Conduct safety inspection of rig. Rig will not be allowed to spud until both Tool Pusher and Drilling Supervisor have signed inspection form (Appendix E). 6. Notify AOGCC (907/793-1221), 48 hours before drilling commences. 7. Drill a 12-1/4-in. hole to 40 ft below ground. Pull out of hole (POH). Run 40 ft of 10-in. 0.375-in. wall Grade B PEBFW line -pipe for conductor (Figure 2). Center conductor. Cement conductor with 15 cu ft of ready -mix. Two percent calcium chloride (CaC12) may be utilized depending on air and ground temperature. If used, CaC12 must be added at site to prevent solidification during transport. 8. Make up (MU) 8-1/2-in. drilling assembly. Run into hole (RIH) and drill 8-1/2-in. hole with gel -based mud (see Mud Program) to ±300 ft. Collect, wash, and bag three sets of rock cuttings every 10 ft. Take directional surveys every 90 ft and keep well deviation within 2° total and dogleg severity within 1/2° per 100 ft. Final casing point will be determined by well site geologist. If significant lost circulation occurs, cure with premium -seal or cement plugs. 8. Condition mud and hole for casing. POH. 9. Drift test casing and visually inspect threads. Run ±300 ft of 7-in. 23 lb/ft J755 or K-55 BT&C casing with float collar and float shoe. Tack weld bottom three joints of casing. Centralize casing at shoe and every third joint to 50 ft below top of casing. Do not exceed running speed of one joint per 30 seconds. 10. RU cementing unit. RIH and stab -into float collar. Pump 20 bbls of water and 75 cu ft of preflush. Pump 74 cu ft (100% excess) of Premium cement with 30% silica flour, 10% Mirco-lite, 10 #/sacks Spherelite, and normal additives, and CaC12, if necessary (see cementing program in Appendix C). Pump 20 cu ft (100% Excess) of Premium cement with 30% silica flour, 10% Mirco-lite and normal additives. Pump Ormat Nevada Inc. — Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska page 10 displacement. POH. Keep water out of 7-in. x 10-in. annulus. Record start of pumping time and cement return time. RD cementing unit. 11. Wait on cement (WOC) for at least cement in annulus after six hours. run 1-in. pipe into annular space job utilizing Premium cement with CaC12, if necessary. Wait six hours necessary. 12 hours. Tag top of If cement has fallen, and perform top cement 35% silica flour and 2% and repeat top job if 12. Notify AOGCC, 24 hours before blowout prevention equipment (BOPS) test. 13. Cut off 7-in. casing. Weld on 7-1/16 3m by 7-in. SOW casing head with two 3-1/8-in. 2M flanged side outlets. Nipple up (NU) 7-1/16-in. 3M BPOE with kill line and choke manifold in accordance with Figure 2. Pressure test BOPE and casing to 150 psig or as required by regulatory agency. Report test on tower sheet. 14. MU 6-1/8-in. slick drilling assembly. RIH and drill out cement to 1 ft below shoe. If "bad" cement is encountered at shoe, conduct leak -off test to a 0.6 psi/ft gradient at shoe. If test fails, squeeze cement and rerun leak -off test until successful. 15. Drill 6-1/8-in. hole with gel -based mud to ±1000 ft as determined by wellsite geologist. Keep well deviation within 3° total and dogleg severity within 10 per 100 ft. 16. Condition hole for casing. POH. 17. Drift test casing and visually inspect threads. Run ±1000 ft of 4-1/2-in. 10.5 lb/ft K-55 BT&C R-2 casing with float collar and float shoe. Tack weld bottom three joints of casing. Centralize casing at shoe and every third joint to 50 ft below top of casing. Do not exceed running speed of one joint per 30 seconds. 18. RU cementing unit. RIH and stab -into float collar. Pump 20 bbls of water and 75 cu ft of preflush. Pump 177 cu ft (100% excess) of Premium cement with 30% silica flour, 10% Mirco-lite, 10 #/sacks Spherelite, and normal additives, and CaCl2, if necessary (see cementing program in Appendix C). Pump 25 cu ft (100% Excess) of Premium cement with 30% Ormat Nevada Inc. — Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska page 11 silica flour, 10% Mirco-lite and normal additives. Pump displacement. POH. Keep water out of 4-1/2-in. x 7-in. annulus. Record start of pumping time and cement return time. RD cementing unit. 19. Wait on cement (WOC) for at least cement in annulus after six hours. run 1-in. pipe into annular space job utilizing Premium cement with CaC12, if necessary. Wait six hours necessary. 12 hours. Tag top of If cement has fallen, and perform top cement 35% silica flour and 2% and repeat top job if 20. Notify AOGCC, 24 hours before blowout prevention equipment (BOPE) test. 21. Cut off 4-1/2-in. casing. Weld on 7-1/16 3M by 4-1/2-in. SOW casing head with two 3-1/8-in. 2M flanged side outlets. Nipple up (NU) 7-1/16-in. 3M BPOE with kill line and choke manifold in accordance with Figure 3. Pressure test BOPE and casing to 500 psig or as required by regulatory agency. Report test on tower sheet. 22. MU HQ (3.85-in.) corring assembly. RIH and drill out cement to 1 ft below shoe. If "bad" cement is encountered at shoe, conduct leak -off test to a 0.6 psi/ft gradient at shoe. If test fails, squeeze cement and rerun leak -off test until successful. 23. Core HQ hole with polymer -based mud to ±35000 ft as determined by wellsite geologist. Keep well deviation within 80 total and dogleg severity within 1° per 100 ft. 24. Circulate and condition hole for tubing. POH. 25. Drift test tubing and visually inspect threads. Run ±2560 ft of 2-3/8-in. 4.6 lb/ft J-55 Non -Upset casing with guide shoe. Tack weld bottom three joints of tubing. Do not exceed running speed of one joint per 30 seconds. Hung tubing at ±940 ft. Tubing will be made up of blank and slotted joints. Slotted (0.25-in. by 2.5-in. 12/ft with 3 ft on each end left blank) joints will be placed from ±3000 ft to TD. 26. RIH. Displace hole with clean water. POH. 27. RU test unit and production logging unit. Conduct clean - out well test. Run temperature and production logs. Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect. Alaska page 12 28. With production logging tools at depth determined by test engineer, shut in well. Collect pressure buildup data. RD production logging unit. 29. POH laying down drillpipe. ND BOPS. 30. RD test unit. RD mud logging unit. RD and release drilling equipment. Fence containment basin. Ship two sets of cutting to NBMG. 31. Chain and lock wellhead valve. 32. Measure temperature profiles at times specified by reservoir engineer. Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska page 13 MUD PROGRAM NEW SLIM HOLE Mt. Spurr, Alaska Use gel -based mud and water system with additives as necessary for system control. The following parameters should be maintained: 0-±1000 ft Mud Weight: <9.2 pounds per gallon unless it is necessary to weight up to control artesian flow. Viscosity: 38 to 45 API FL: 8 to 12 PV: 8 to 12 YP: 8 to 12 Initial Gel: 3 to 10 pH: 8 to 9.3 Mud Cleaning Equipment: Continuously use mud cleaning equipment to remove solids. The loss of circulation zone is anticipated to occur in the slim reservoir as the range -front fault is intersected. If severe lost circulation occurs, aerated water may be utilized 1000-±3500 ft Same as above but use polymer instead of gel. IF LOST CIRCULATION OCCURS USE AREATED WATER DRILLING WITH WATER AND SOAP Utilize air drilling equipment and soap -based water. Maintain enough barite of site to kill well. Keep H2S control chemicals on site. Ormat Nevada Inc. — Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska APPENDIX S EMERGENCY PLANS NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska ORMAT NEVADA INC. November 2009 ORMAT NEVADA INC. Ormat Nevada Inc. — Geothermal Resources Office page 14 DRILLING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska page 15 EMERGENCY PLANS 1. Injury Contingency Plan In the event injuries occur in connection with an Ormat Nevada (Ormat) operation, specific and immediate attention will be given to proper transportation to a medical facility. Ambulance 2. Blowout Contingency Plan (Also see Blowout Action Plan) Blowout prevention equipment will be kept in operating condition and tested in compliance with State of California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) regulations and industry standards. In addition, cold water and barite will be stored at the wellsite for use in killing the well in case of an emergency. In the event of an emergency, such as a blowout, immediate efforts will be taken to shut surface valves and blowout preventer system. If the means to shut-in or control the flow from the well is lost, the Drilling Supervisor is to: 1. Initiate appropriate control procedures. 1. Arrange for any injured persons to be taken by the fastest transportation available to the nearest medical facility, as shown in the Injury Contingency Plan. 2. If there is a threat to any local residents, the sheriff will be notified as soon as possible. 2. Secure and maintain control of access roads to the area to eliminate entry of unauthorized personnel. Ormat Nevada Inc. — Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska page 16 3. Contact the Project Manager and advise of the situation. The Drilling Supervisor will follow the same procedures stated in the Spill or Discharge Plan. 4. Initiate any further or supplemental steps that may be necessary or advisable, based on consultation with the Project Manager. 5. Be certain that all safety practices and procedures are being followed and that all members of the drilling crew are performing their assigned duties correctly. 6. Attempt to control the well at the rig site with rig personnel and supervisors. 7. If fluid flow is of an uncontained nature, attempt containment with required equipment by constructing sumps and/or dikes as rapidly as possible and as needed. 8. Attempt to construct and/or fabricate and install any wellhead facilities require to contain fluid flow at the well or casing head. 9. Maintain a continuing inspection of the pad area immediately around the well site subject to erosion that may cause failure to the drilling rig structure. Take necessary steps to avert areas of possible erosion by excavation and rebuilding of the area as necessary. 10. Following complete containment of the well, initiate steps to return the area to its normal state prior to the blowout or fluid flow, such as reseeding with similar and approved vegetation. C. Fire Contingency Plan 1. Any small fires which occur around the well pad during drilling and/or testing operations should be able to be controlled by rig personnel utilizing on -site fire fighting equipment. Ormat Nevada Inc. — Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska page 17 2. The Fire Department will be notified of any fire, even if the available personnel can handle the situation or the fire poses no threat to the surrounding area. 3. A roster of emergency phone numbers will be available on - site so that the appropriate fire fighting agency can be contacted in case of a fire. D. Spill or Discharge Contingency Plan 1. Potential Sources of Accidental Spills or Discharges a. Geothermal Fluid Accidental geothermal fluid spills or discharges are very unlikely because the hole will be cased and blowout prevention equipment will be utilized. However, accidental discharges or spills could result from any of the following: (1) Loss of well control (blowout) 2. Drilling Muds Muds are a mixture of water, non -toxic chemicals and solid particles used in the drilling operations to lubricate and cool the bit in the hole, to carry cuttings out of the hole, to maintain the hole condition and to control formation pressure. Drilling muds are prepared and stored in metal tanks at the drilling site. waste drilling mud and cuttings are discharged into the reserve pit, which is open and is adequately sized to hold the volume necessary for the operation. Accidental discharges of drilling mud are unlikely, but could occur by: (1) overflow of the reserve pit. (2) reserve pit wall seepage or wall failure. (3) discharge from equipment failure on location. (4) shallow lost circulation channeling to the surface. Ormat Nevada Inc. — Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska page 18 3. Lubricating or Fuel Oils and Petroleum Products A discharge of this type would probably be very small and be from equipment used in the field. Potential locations for accidental spills are: (1) drilling equipment and machinery at and around the drilling location. (2) other miscellaneous equipment and machinery at well site and roads. 4. Construction/Maintenance Debris Typically a minor consideration, one which is usually able to be cleaned up on the job. Potential locations are the same as for lubricating or oils listed in Item 3, above. 2. Plan for Cleanup and Abatement In the event of discharge of formation fluids, drilling muds, petroleum products or construction debris, the person responsible for the operation will make an immediate investigation, then contact the Drilling Supervisor and advise him of the spill. The Drilling Supervisor will in turn call out equipment, regulate field operations, or do other work as applicable for control and clean up of the spill, as follows: 1. Action - Small, Containable Spill If the spill is small (i.e., less than 250 gallons) and easily containable without endangering the watershed, the Drilling Supervisor will direct and supervise complete cleanup and return to normal operations. 2. Action - Large or Uncontainable Spill If the spill is larger than 250 gallons, or is not easily contained, or endangers, or has entered the watershed, the Drilling Supervisor will proceed to take necessary action to curtail, contain and cleanup Ormat Nevada Inc. — Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska page 19 the spill, as above, and notify personnel as listed below. 3. Notification (1) The Drilling Supervisor will, as quickly as practicable: • Call out contractor(s), as required. • Notify the Ormat Project Manager. • Notify the local law enforcement agencies if the public safety is threatened. (2) The Ormat Project Manager will notify the following as soon as practical and work closely with them in all phases of the curtailment, containment and cleanup operations: The Drilling Supervisor will also advise local population and affected property owners if spill affects residents or property. 1. Specific Procedures (1) For geothermal fluid spills: • Contain spillage with dikes if possible and haul to disposal site by vacuum or water trucks or dispose of in a manner acceptable to the proper agency. (2) For drilling mud: • Repair sump or contain with dikes. Haul liquid to another sump, available tanks or approved disposal site. (3) For petroleum products: • Contain spill with available manpower. use absorbents and dispose of same in approved disposal area. Ormat Nevada Inc. — Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska page 20 For (1) through (3) above, Ormat will have the source of spill repaired at the earliest practical time, and continue working crews and equipment on cleanup until all concerned agencies are satisfied. 5. Confirm telephone notification to agencies and regulatory bodies. Telephone notification shall be confirmed by the Ormat Project Manager in writing within two weeks of telephone notification. Written confirmation will contain: Reason for the discharge or spillage. Duration and volume of discharge or spillage. Steps taken to correct problem. Steps taken to prevent recurrence of problem. E. Hazardous Gas Contingency Plan 1. There is a very limited possibility of encountering hazardous non -condensable gases while drilling and testing. Although noxious or dangerous amounts of gases have not been associated with other geothermal wells drilled in the area, it is prudent to be prepared. The three main gases expected in this area are steam, hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and carbon dioxide (CO2). At Heber, the 112S concentration in the brine is 1.3 ppm. 3. The effectiveness of this plan is dependent upon the cooperation and effort of each person who enters the site during drilling or testing operations. Each person must know their responsibilities under stressful emergency operating conditions. All personnel must see that their safety equipment is stored and functional in addition to the location and operation of safety equipment. 4. All personnel will be trained in warning signs, signals, first aid, and responsibilities in case of hazard gases. The site will have two briefing areas so that one is upwind from the well and containment basin at all times. Before drilling or testing commences, all personnel will be advised of escape routes. Weekly drills will be conducted. Ormat Nevada Inc. — Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska page 21 5. All vehicles will be parked with the front towards the exit road. A normal size first aid kit, stokes litter, wind direction apparatus, portable hand-held H2S and CO2 detectors will be available on the location. There will also be H2S scavenger chemicals on the location for treating the mud. Warning signs will be posted on the access road to the location. 6. Steam is hot water in the gas form. It causes burns to the skin. It is possible that steam temperatures may exceed 300°F during flow tests. All personnel must stay away and down wind from venting steam. Note water as hot as 220'F may be present in the testing tanks. If a person is burnt, remove them from the site and cool the burnt area. Transport to the hospital. 7. H2S is a colorless gas with a rotten egg odor in concentrations under 100 ppm. Above a concentration of 100 ppm, H2S will cause health problems including death (Table 1). Above a H2S concentration of 1000 ppm, death is instantaneous. H2S is heavier than air and will accumulate in low spots. At high concentrations, H2S is combustible. Automatic H2S detectors are stationed around the rig. At a 5 ppm concentration, a red light will flash. At this concentration, workers can continue their jobs for 8 hours. At a concentration above 10 ppm, a red light will flash and a warning horn sound. All personnel will immediately assemble at the upwind briefing area except for the driller who will shut the well in. He will then travel to the briefing area. Remember at concentrations above 100 ppm, personnel can not smell H2S. Hand held detectors will be utilized to determine the H2S concentration. Depending on the measured concentration, the Company Drilling Supervisor will assign duties. 8. CO2 is a colorless odorless gas. At concentrations above 50000 ppm personnel risk affliction. At concentrations above 5%, CO2 is combustible. The same procedure should be utilized as the H2S procedure. 9. If a person becomes unconsciousness due to a hazardous gas, do not attempt to remove him without proper protective equipment. You May Also Become A Victim. Do not attempt a rescue without proper protective equipment. If the proper protective equipment, move the victim to a safe area. If the victim has been affected by H2S or CO2, apply artificial respiration until the paramedics arrive. Even if the symptoms pass, transport the victim to a hospital and place him under the care of a doctor. Ormat Nevada Inc. — Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska page 22 10. After a hazardous gas has been detected, operations will proceed as follows: A. Condition - POTENTIAL DANGER H2S concentration <10 ppm CO2 concentration <5000 ppm STEAM >150°F All personnel will be immediately notified of the potential danger. Routine checking of the drilling fluid and monitoring equipment will alert mud loggers of possible danger. The mud loggers will immediately notify the Company Drilling Supervisor, Tool Pusher, Driller, Test Supervisor, and Mud Engineer. These personnel will immediately notify their crew members. All safety equipment, monitors, and alarms will be checked for correct operating conditions. A review of the emergency program and drills will be conducted before drilling continues. B . Condition - MODERATE DANGER H2S concentration 10 ppm TO 20 ppm CO2 concentration 5000 ppm TO 50000 ppm STEAM >190°F All personnel will be immediately notified of the danger. The mud loggers will immediately notify the Company Drilling Supervisor, Tool Pusher, Driller, Test Supervisor, and Mud Engineer. These personnel will immediately notify their crew members. The Driller will shut in the well if H2S concentration exceeds 10 ppm. All personnel will meet at the briefing site. Selected personnel will take steps to locate the source of the hazardous gas. Drilling will not proceed until the gas is controlled. All nonessential personnel will be sent upwind and out of the potential danger zone. Gas concentrations around the well will be verified with hand held gas detectors. Access to the site will be limited to authorize personnel only. Warning signs will be posted. Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska C . Condition - EXTREME DANGER page 23 H2S concentration >20 ppm CO2 concentration >50000 ppm STEAM >200*F All personnel will be immediately notified of the extreme danger by a honking horn. All personnel will immediately put on their protective gear. The mud loggers will immediately notify the Company Drilling Supervisor, Tool Pusher, Driller, Test Supervisor, and Mud Engineer. These personnel will immediately notify their crew members. The Driller will shut in the well. All personnel will meet at the upwind briefing site for evacuation. The Drilling Supervisor will assess the situation, outline a control program, and assign duties to control the situation. The proper agencies will be notified. Drilling will not proceed until the gas is controlled. All nonessential personnel will be sent upwind and out of the potential danger zone. Access to the site will be limited to authorized personnel wearing protective equipment. Warning signs will be posted to limit access to the site. If the gas can not be controlled, the Emergency Plan will be initialized. PHYSICAL EFFECTS OF HYDROGEN SULFIDE CONCENTRATION 0-2 MINUTES 15-30 MINUTES 30-60 MINUTES (ppm) Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska page 24 10-20 Rotten egg smell Detectable Maximum 8-hour exposure with protective mask 100 Coughing Loss of Eye pain Throat and eye smell Sleepiness irritation 450 Eye irritation Respiration Serious respiratory difficult disturbance 1000 Unconsciousness Death Death Onnat Nevada Inc. — Geothermal Resources Office DRILLING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska page 25 5. Emergency Personnel and Telephone Numbers Fire Law Enforcement Hospital Agency Representatives Company Representative Ormat Nevada (Sparks) Scott Kessler Ormat Project Managers Bob verity Skip Matlick Terry Crowson James Tennison Ormat Nevada Inc. — Geothermal Rcsources Office (775) 356-9029 (office) (775) 848-0497 (cell) (714) 738-8224 (office) (714) 3231-3037 (cell) (714) 738-0754 (home) (714) 738-8224 (office) (562) 693-3966 (home) (562) 544-5141 (cell) (775) 720-1801 (cell) (775) 841-7836 (home) (760) 562-4000 (cell) Ormat Nevada EMERGENCY PLANS BLOWOUT ACTION PLAN WAIT AND WEIGHT METHOD To Be Posted In Doghouse 1. The hole is to be kept full of drilling or completion fluids at all times unless this becomes impossible due to lost circulation. 2. Before starting out of hole with drillpipe or tubing, circulate off bottom until mud is properly conditioned. 3. Close and open pipe rams once per day and log on tour sheet. Pressure test BOPE prior to drilling out of casing shoes and coincident with casing test. Log results on blowout preventer check list. 4. Close blind rams when out of hole and log on tour sheet. 5. Fill hole at five (5) stand intervals or less while pulling drillpipe out of hole. Count pump strokes or use chart attached to the pit volume indicator to determine the volume required to fill the hole. 6. watch pit flow or pit level indicator when running in the hole to insure that the volume of mud displaced by the drillpipe is not exceeded. 7. The drillpipe will be run in the hole to the shoe of the casing and a TIW valve installed to perform any of the following operations: a. Slip or cut drilling line. b. Repair equipment (if possible). c. Any foreseen delay. 8. Record reduced circulating pressure at 30 strokes per minute (SPM) or other suitable kick control SPM daily and after each bit change. 9. An approved inside blowout preventer and full opening safety valve with wrench must be immediately available on the rig floor. Ormat Nevada Inc. - 6eothermal Resources Office page 26 10. A blowout prevention drill will be conducted by the rig tool pusher under the supervision of the Drilling Supervisor for each drilling crew to ensure that each person is properly trained to carry out emergency procedures. Assign kick control duties in advance: i.e. mud mixing assigned to floorman, operating pumps assigned to derrickman, etc. 11. At first indication of gain in pit level (or other sign of possible blowout), the driller will immediately do what is necessary to control the well. In most cases this action should be: While Drilling: a. Pull kelly up out of rotary table and stop pumps. b. Open valve(s) on choke line. c.Close the blowout preventer and gradually reclose choke line. d. Record shut-in drillpipe (Pdp) and casing (Pcg) pressure. Maximum allowable casing pressure to be dependent on casing depth and burst rating. Allowable pressure for each string to be posted and noted in driller's instructions and on well control data sheet. Inform the Drilling Supervisor and/or proceed with appropriate kick control measures as follows in Step 12. While Tripping: a. Install full opening safety valve. b. Open valve on choke(s) line. C. Close safety valve. d. Close blowout preventer and gradually reclose choke valve (s) . e. Record shut-in drillpipe and casing pressure. Maximum allowable casing pressure to be dependent on casing depth, mud weight and burst rating. f. Inform the Drilling Supervisor. Run drillstring in hole as far as practical after first installing inside BOP and reopening safety valve, and/or proceed with appropriate kick control measures as follows in Step 12. Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office page 27 12. Calculate and mix mud of weight necessary to keep well under control using the well control worksheet and attached monograph. Mud weight increase in lb/gallon = Pdp + 0.4 lb/gallon Drillstring depth in feet x 0.052 Where Pdp = shut-in drillpipe pressure in psig. 13. when sufficient volume of proper weight mud has been prepared, start pumping increased weight mud down drillpipe at constant kick control SPM which will reduce circulating pressure downward gradually from Pi (initial drillpipe circulating pressure) as calculated on the well control worksheet to Pf (final drillpipe circulating pressure) when drillpipe is filled with weighted mud. Therefore hold drillpipe pressure constant at Pf by adjusting choke until proper weight mud returns to surface. 14. When proper weight mud returns to surface, stop pumps, release any remaining pressure on casing, and check for additional kick before returning to normal operations. 15. Drill new directional hole as a last resort to kill well. Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office page 28 Ormat Nevada EMERGENCY PLANS BLOWOUT ACTION PLAN DRILLERS METHOD To Be Posted In Doghouse 1) The hole is to be kept full of drilling or completion fluids at all times unless this becomes impossible due to lost circulation. 2) Before starting out of hole with drill pipe or tubing, circulate off bottom until mud is properly conditioned. 3) Close and open pipe rams once per day and log on tour sheet. Pressure test BOPE prior to drilling out of casing shoes and coincident with casing test. Log results on tour sheet. 4) Close blind rams when out of hole and log on tour sheet. 5) Fill hole at five (5) stand intervals or less while pulling drill pipe out of hole. Count pump strokes or use chart attached to the pit volume indicator to determine the volume required to fill the hole. 6) Watch pit flow or pit level indicator when running in the hole to insure that the volume of mud displaced by the drill string is not exceeded. 7) The drill pipe will be run in the hole to the shoe of the casing and a full opening safety valve installed to perform any of the following operations: a) Slip or cut drilling line. b) Repair equipment (if possible). c) Any foreseen delay. 8) Record on the tour sheet the reduced circulating pressure at 30 strokes per minute (SPM) or other suitable kick control pump rate daily and after each bit change. 9) An approved inside blowout preventer and full opening safety valve with wrench must be immediately available on the rig floor. Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office page 29 10) A blowout prevention drill will be conducted by the rig tool pusher and observed by the Drilling Supervisor for each drilling crew to ensure that each person is properly trained to carry out emergency procedures. Assign kick control duties in advance: i.e. mud mixing assigned to floorman, operating pumps assigned to derrickman, etc. 11) At first indication of gain in pit level (or other sign of possible blowout), the driller will immediately do what is necessary to control the well. In most cases this action should be: Shut -In Procedure While Drilling: 12) Pull ke11y above the rotary table and stop pumps. 13) Check the well for flow. 14) Close the blowout preventer and shut the well in completely. 15) Record pit level, shut-in drill pipe (Psiap) and shut-in casing pressure (Psicg) . 16) Inform the Drilling Supervisor and/or proceed with appropriate kick control measures as follows. Shut-in Procedure While Tripping: 17) Set slips with tool joint in rotary table. 18) Install full opening safety valve. 19) Close safety valve. 20) Close blowout preventer. 21) Install the kelly. 22) Record shut-in drill pipe and casing pressure. 23) Inform the Drilling Supervisor. Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office page 30 24) Run drill string in hole as far as practical after first installing inside BOP and reopening safety valve, and/or proceed with appropriate kick control measures as follows. Kick Control Measures for Driller's Method First Circulation 25) Select a pump speed for the kill operation. This will usually be the previously recorded slow pump rate. It is important to maintain a constant speed throughout the kill operation. 26) Start the pump and open the choke to maintain the casing pressure (Pcg) constant as the pump is brought up to the desired kill speed. Once the kill speed is reached, observe the new drill pipe pressure (Pdp). Record the drill pipe pressure. 27) Pump one full circulating volume at constant pump speed while operating the choke to maintain the drill pipe pressure constant. 28) Stop the pump and shut the choke. At this point the new shut-in casing pressure and the shut-in drill pipe pressure should be equal. Record these pressures. If a drill pipe float is making it difficult to obtain drill pipe pressure readings, the new shut in casing pressure may be used in the calculation below. Second Circulation 29) Calculate the kill -weight mud density. New Mud Weight = Current Mud Weight + Drill Pipe Pressure 0.052 * TVD A trip margin may be added if desired, but management approval is required for a trip margin in excess of 0.2 ppg• 30) Start the pump, bringing it up to the kill speed, and operate the choke as necessary to maintain the casing pressure constant. Continue operating the choke to keep the casing pressure constant until one drill string volume of kill weight mud has been pumped. Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office page 31 31) After pumping one drill string volume of the kill weight mud, maintain the pump speed constant and record the circulating drill pipe pressure. 32) Maintain the pump speed constant and operate the choke so as to maintain the drill pipe pressure constant until kill weight mud returns are measured at the surface. 33) Stop the pump and check for flow. Ormat Nevada Inc. - 6eothermal Resources Office page 32 APPENDIX C ENGINERING DATA NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska ORMAT NEVADA INC. November 2009 CASING SAFETY FACTORS Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office page 33 NEW SLIM WELL Mt. SPURR PROSPECT, ALASKA CASING - 7-in. 23# J-55 or K-55 BT&C R-2 WITH SHOE @ 300 FT BURST AT 7-in. SHOE DURING CEMENTING Assumes 16 lb/gal cement slurry inside & water outside. Inside pressure = 16 ppg * .052 psi/ft * 300 ft = 250 psi Outside pressure = 8.33 ppg * .052 psi/ft * 300 ft = 130 psi Calculated burst pressure = 120 psi Burst rating at specified minimum yield = 4360 psi Safety Factor = 3533% BURST AT 7-in. SHOE DURING CASING TEST Assumes 8.6 lb/gal mud inside, water outside, and 500 psig test pressure. Inside pressure = (8.6 ppg * .052 psi/ft * 300 ft) + 500 = 634 psi outside pressure = 8.33 ppg * .052 psi/ft * 300 ft = 130 psi Calculated burst pressure = 504 psi Burst rating at specified minimum yield = 4360 psi Safety Factor = 764% Page 2 of 4 Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office page 34 CASING SAFETY FACTORS COLLAPSE AT 7-in. SHOE DURING CEMENTING Assumes 8.33 lb/gal water inside and 16 lb/gal cement outside. Inside pressure = 8.33 ppg * .052 psi/ft * 300 ft = 130 psi outside pressure = (16 ppg * .052 psi/ft * 300) 250 psi Calculated collapse pressure = 120 psi Collapse rating = 3270 psi Safety Factor = 2625% 7-in. CASING TENSILE YIELD AS RUN Assumes 300 ft of casing hung in air. Calculated tensile yield = 300 ft * 23 lb/ft = 6900 lb Tensile rating at specified minimum yield = 366,000 lb Safety Factor = 5204% Ormat Nevada Inc, - Geothermal Resources Office page 35 Page 3 of 4 CASING SAFETY FACTORS CASING - 4-1/2-in. 10.5# K-55 BT&C R-2 Cemented from 0-1000 ft BURST AT 4-1/2-in. SHOE DURING CEMENTING Assumes 16 lb/gal cement slurry inside & water outside with 500 psig pumping pressure. Inside pressure = (16 ppg * .052 psi/ft * 1000 ft) + 500 = 1332 psi outside pressure = 8.33 ppg * .052 psi/ft * 1000 ft = 433 psi Calculated burst pressure = 899 psi Burst rating at specified minimum yield = 4790 psi Safety Factor = 433% COLLAPSE AT 4-1/2-in. SHOE DURING CEMENTING Assumes 8.33 lb/gal water inside and 16 lb/gal cement outside. Inside pressure = 8.33 ppg * .052 psi/ft * 1000 ft = 433 psi Outside pressure = 16 ppg * .052 psi/ft * 1000 ft 832 psi Calculated collapse pressure = 399 psi Collapse rating = 4010 psi Safety Factor = 905% Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office page 36 Page 4 of 4 CASING SAFETY FACTORS 4-1/2-in. CASING TENSILE YIELD AS RUN Assumes 1000 ft of casing hung in air. Calculated tensile yield = 1000 ft * 10.5 lb/ft = 10,500 lb Tensile rating at specified minimum yield = 165,000 lb Safety Factor = 1471% Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office page 37 LINER - 2-3/8-in. 4.6# J-55 Non -Upset Hung from 940-3500 ft 2-3/8-in. LINER TENSILE YIELD AS RUN Assumes 2560 ft of casing hung in air. Calculated tensile yield = 2560 ft * 4.6 lb/ft = 11,776 lb Tensile rating at specified minimum yield = 44,505 lb Safety Factor = 278% Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office page 38 Page 1 of 2 CEMENTING PROGRAM CEMENTING PROGRAM NEW SLIM WELLS MT. SPURR PROSPECT, ALASKA CASING - 7-in. 23# J-55 BT&C DEPTH - 0-300 ft HOLE SIZE - 8-1/2-in. EXISTING CASING - 10-in. Conductor 0-55 ft CALCULATED ANNULAR VOLUME - 47 ft3 PROPOSED CEMENT VOLUME - 95 ft 3 (100% Excess) CEMENT PARAMETERS LEAD CEMENT (75 cu ft) Premium Cement 10% Silica Light 30% Silica Flour Mixed with Fresh Water 10 lb/sk Spherelite 0.3% Fluid Loss 2% CaC12 TAIL CEMENT (20 cu ft) Premium Cement 10% Silica Light 30% Silica Flour Mixed With Fresh Water 0.65% Fluid Loss 2% CaC12 Slurry Weight - 13.5 lb/gal Slurry Yield - 2.11 ft3/sk Water Requirement - 7.66 gal/sk Total Mixing water - 6.5 bbls Slurry Volume - 13.4 bbls Cement Required - 35.5 sks Slurry Weight - 15 lb/gal Slurry Yield - 1.77 f t3 /sk water Requirement - 7.79 gal/sk Total Mixing Water - 2.1 bbls Slurry Volume - 3.6 bbls Cement Required - 11.3 sks Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office page 39 page 2 of 2 CEMENTING PROGRAM CASING - 4-1/2-in. 10.5# K-55 BT&C DEPTH - 0-1900 ft HOLE SIZE - 6-1/8-in. EXISTING CASING - 7-in. 0-300 ft CALCULATED ANNULAR VOLUME - 101 ft3 PROPOSED CEMENT VOLUME - 202 ft3 (100% Excess) LEAD CEMENT (177 cu ft) Premium Cement 10% Silica Light 30% Silica Flour Mixed With Fresh Water 10 lb/sk Spherelite 0.3% Fluid Loss TAIL CEMENT (25 cu ft) Premium Cement 10% Silica Light 30% Silica Flour Mixed With Fresh Water 0.65% Fluid Loss Slurry Weight - 13.5 lb/gal Slurry Yield - 2.08 ft3/sk Water Requirement - 7.57 gal/sk Total Mixing Water - 15.3 bbls Slurry Volume - 31.5 bbls Cement Required - 85.1 sks Slurry Weight - 15.0 lb/gal Slurry Yield - 1.77 ft3/sk Water Requirement - 7.74 gal/sk Total Mixing Water - 2.6 bbls Slurry Volume - 4.5 bbls Cement Required - 14.1 sks Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office page 40 APPENDIX D WELDING PROCEEDURE NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska Ormat Nevada November 2009 Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office page 41 WELDING PROCEDURE FOR 4-1/2-in. CASING HEAD This welding procedure uses the API recommendations for field welding a SOW casing head. 1. Cut off existing casing at depth specified by Drilling Supervisor. 2. Grind and clean the area to be welded in the casing and in the interior of the SOW portion of the casing head. 3. Open the test ports on the new casing head. Position and level up casing head on top of casing. 4. Allow 1.5 mm of space between the slip-on portion of the casing head and the top of the casing, to allow for expansion. 5. Pre -heat casing and casing head to 350°F. Use a pre -heating torch from a distance of approximately 5 to 7.5 cm on either side of the weld location. Use heat -sensitive crayons to test the temperature both inside and outside of the casing and casing head. Special attention must be given to the pre- heating operation of the thick body of the casing head., to ensure proper heating and expansion with respect to the thinner casing. 6. Use a 3 mm (1/8-in.) E-6010, 5P or 701OG electrode for the root pass. Weld an approximately 10 cm long bread, and then go diametrically to the opposite side and repeat. Move 900 and weld another portion and again move diametrically opposite. Repeat until all the first pass has been completed. 7. Clean out the weld slag before welding the second pass. 8. The second pass and the succeeding passes should be made with a 3 mm (1/8-in.) minimum, 4 mm (5/32-in.) maximum 7018B21 electrode. The pass shall be continuous, leaving stringer beads with good penetration. Low hydrogen electrodes must not be exposed to the atmosphere until ready to be used. If accidentally exposed, they must be dried for 1 to 2 hours at 480 to 5750F before use. Open cans must be stored inside a rod oven. Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office page 42 9. During welding, check casing and casing head temperatures. Re -heat and maintain temperature to specified range of 248 to 302°F. Do not allow temperature to raise above 5720F during inter -pass welding. Use heat -sensitive crayons to check temperature of the metal elements. 10. Balance welding groove with several (at least three) continuous passes (without back -stepping or lacing), using a low -hydrogen electrode not thicker than 5 mm (3/16-in.). All new passes must be cleaned out of slag before applying the next pass. Inter -pass temperature must be kept below 572°F. 11. Cure must be taken that the welding cable is properly grounded to the casing or casing head. The ground wire must be firmly clamped to the casing or casing head. Avoid sparking from bad contact. This could result in hard spots, beneath which incipient cracks could later develop. 12. Re -heat the casing and casing head to 445°F. 13. Repeat the procedure, steps 4 to 7 for welding of the inside portion. Balance the welding groove with one pass of continuously welding, using a thick 5 mm (3/16-in.) low - hydrogen electrode. 14. Wrap elements in an insulating blanket. Stress -relieve casing head following a controlled post -weld heat treatment: Heat casing head and the attached casing to 11120F to 1202°F. Hold up this temperature for a minimum of one hour per inch of thickness (casing head slip-on portion plus casing) if total thickness is up to 5 cm. For thickness above 5 cm (2- in.), hold temperature for a minimum of 2 hours plus 15 minutes for each additional 25 mm inch in excess of 5 cros. The cool -down period shall not exceed the rate of 5720F per hour, divided by 'h of the maximum thickness, without exceeding the maximum rate of 5720F per hour. Remove insulting blankets only when the temperature has reached 347°F. 15. Pressure test the welding through the casing head testing ports. Ormat Nevada inc. - 6eothermai Resources Office page 43 16. Test at 1000 psig for 15 minutes. 17. Any defects coming from cracks or holes must be removed to sound white metal by grinding. A new weld bead must be deposited and if allowed, a new pass made above it. 18. Clean up gasket grooves and rings with solvent and install on casing head. Do not grease groove or rings. Nipple BQPE. Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office page 44 APPENDIX E RIG SAFETY INSPECTION FORM NEW SLIM WELL Mt. Spurr Prospect, Alaska Ormat Nevada November 2009 Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office page 45 IAOC DRILLING RIG SAFETY INSPKTiON Cmz=V ay *a-ba 1 l UOK 1.1 /ICAO 1 Z 1 Oca mom R oa•Ood RalarUQ•0•i4b� tax . a'Jotle.7�.arra, tv.rr• • raC sa'ftat•aCs7•o••a•o a m�t79: pm\\u.o a.WON �. aII tiGt�vp , Orm.o trar.fm. seta a trsr♦. ♦ Ia•er�ym.l:o.tt ms. • t•Irn.a.s oreru•.w. a totsa.tta=r a IkjsYSt HU7 f10. r1a.• mm..•N l {NJs0-4o —bwe• . fra•.••a.errrrrr�• • m.ab••XM&. t7 s r.ts,icaB oorgaoq.ov.+ a�•a.r••.•wc..•m...lrlt t•a•ga•tar►.7•a�.t • rmr.T, . Yrpsammfatovaro.arstl•.a • ttaw...•uq owrow�l..ra••.a. • O•.v1./�aO r [4fyL•.t.rr..•.ebl • [atrsws...ust • .oaaa..s+.r.c. �1 fm�••s.o.A.�I•rr. , c�•.casnaum..m �• .p eTq rage. .caesaeurt c* _ a �:sx�acsGirafa.emsta • kpapl __ ► •satamWfat•r•..o••aW . b.rr ebpr•..... vw.r a T+I�14nc•a�am. • talaratlam� . ora•�.er.slp ra00sa•fa • ort•Arw a •a•Oaada�•1•a.•1s •e./.s• / ayrq • r0��14.11•t•abH...• •moa. 1 1•.a:m•ta•ra .o ♦ f1..rr ..w • [.•.tL�oC•W / b•olar Wam—a..a1.1 rr•tYt.t•P•t••r! ftf# . dgala••..a•.a. • wyaa.q rav • yf�/t1mer ti•r • fY1a••.•..fO. Atp la.y bas a fa.eml a ia•etan.fOff\4M}ftlm • a.r/rga•fyI♦ma am.". . ftawstaw►.b..a . Im•w • aa•brr • wr.r o�.•.falo•u..r�sre. Rw.Atl•slaty mb.lsO.e • Maga•mraram O�a.•rla..I• ►� •uao as f" f:e—a • .altrs..sarsa� • 0.••.l ru.•.4ae•. a!a•..snr•.aapR,I a fsl�wi.f*ora. [ �a•ao no • u—M oIft 1 ummor H• tac. gi•Rsnb�a • 4•.rrar�.••� •----cresasulara • I.Ra••�IOslcb. y_.pplLtip t/l¢ysipq 1�-11 • ane oaOtoaro• `� • •+waambl.•rafa '{j��-71' a aro ta•twOrs�r • uygp a+tamar♦r+t+pt awQ+rt • btilf!•w af]b 1 tiw•Wt10..Gs.rRE'•Pt••.t.l- l� 1 esteb raWaO.r [�^-111 •m...tyrayop.l.r•iar.pp _ • any � 1 ♦.4�Ij•>.11.0. Wa=a1QOtn •� t.c.irspas!•.s].Ia34baaya. vl.r.r•..gat�eralaw • IY mp/R •�19 av 0.]eW k',"'a mm• • cv ot••.aa yr • �r.e.rpsa..a a�a...d f .pw••rao • �OII•atM ♦ lssmra•ra•o../ 1 t. aa.r,fb.aa•! • r•V b/ORa4:I 1 tai4m.t. qrp. 1 b�•a•.l..•e..rlrt.rr•••.r ♦ i..s.•tl.oaV •l.• • oso•eR-aaalcaAan • o..uw..ar.ms►-sm®opt • ms•ss..s.a•.or....•1•.s 1 O.m rtpuvarr.a70•falAarf• • .bt•�.r.r.r.pprrta•p/.•ra1 • filpgSlp•q, R. gaa•a a�•Ofitmf7 1 Ia••i •.Ap R•...Cp 1 Y>:•t vsaritscvarnsaw tav • cs.00s�ausen•a+r® 1 v.o•aI.•a■•/acalrw b �ta7A0uefo • ar..tota«•eq•Y�It.r.a•.a.ap ■¢•aa �lc9 _ • au�ro.stiay • [tmftb./l{sw•.tlla.a.mra rn • or..ar¢.ma•.a.•u0od 1.I\s•rO .{•f�•Ir1 HYYr•'.. Ra.r..�. • It.arl •s1 • a..parnaba..arr a Ifyw•IAM • •a..t•aTa"—am Ia•r1a•s.• • ar.re..avem•a • wl.�w.•crrrta••�o • [mr.afa.ara�/ • trartaeaoots7 rsurara a .•w�r+ar•s.I. • mvv.•aleeassatioaars • raatagiDa�•saaa �MOaroaaea • p�raoav►•.a. • ^.Ias..r.•#►awarar•n•ao • •b.rll... raw..b... _ • 6iaaYmaniOen�,.oy a frpe•uu.asssuro • •.s..a••. s..ver.at 1 4p.arsrasapap 1 0•oatero� • •aa�a..rewe • tli1.R•4.'a••n•mrs�a a ra.lawr..ev+•r+�sc.azs a Orrrat.n aq r crsab•aut.uum�•• • .me.•t.I.rrV•�a • M•vmm�.vv. a w.r..au.a•br•rar a . tqo s'9g4TRrA=06 m / •a:a.a•reipWi/s9. ..r•t•r..at�rc•. IL ftsmw—qw-m� • c•rar—..ca•.a.ab. • ,taa�fa��tat-aaa••at 1 �aIILItaOra •3.� • at.it•w•a.eu ss.• • t1l7f:1 b.tat•aM l �OtlO•.s�rep 1 Crt••..•Irrlt•.v 1 a•alPr••I..1•M.• �.. Wa Y.iR�lrt•.Im.. I "ftm . go.0— • w•Ia • Hvmaratasbnaaboa� sdaa[yalq t•W . iralp Yaia►.a\/ • I.arRa.•sa�atata�.. • /{\Otrtlb• a ara:ta•an..vaatt. • ocroncow.vt • w•.rr.a.m..•.r�r a 0•A.t�sR•.4si+�ao.s r a Os�•.m.laaacsaa • Or..ar•�•t•.• �raralotacslwl • .aY.ba•.m'Oroomebaa�.• as -vow$ Wdmt." u► w..1...•wdam.." •.ala�A...tatla. a aQ9a mtkm•a./.r.eo • r.Ir.ab.Uf N.•o<• • ral.wa••rs.rlt. • �IaVe.4fi4aFl a Nal oRaa fto.srf•fw."— • OI.sluarewatra0an • tolmt�•aav►am.ae...to • mrl+e�wresw+ua • ra.laaalMRwa.. r/wr.l.r• • t>aGoay.esatm a tsle.a•-�so+ Ormat Nevada Inc. - Geothermal Resources Office page 47