HomeMy WebLinkAboutgreenhousegases77MARCH / APRIL 2003
Climate Change Research
his article updates a previous
Bloomfield and Moore (1999) esti-
mate of the quantity of carbon diox-
ide (CO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), meth-
ane (CH4) and ammonia (NH3) emitted dur-
ing geothermal power generation. Since
that estimate in 1999, more geothermal
power generation capacity has been added
in the United States, primarily in the Impe-
rial Valley of southern California. Formal
reporting required for fossil-fuel power pro-
duction provide updated estimates of emis-
sions from generation by those sources.
Greenhouse Gas
Emissions and Climate Impacts
For the last century, human activities
have been altering the global climate. Ob-
servations show that the Earth’s surface has
warmed by approximately 0.6 oC (1.1 oF)
during the 20th century (CCSP, 2003). At-
mospheric abundances of the major, hu-
man-generated greenhouse gases, i.e. CO2,
CH4, and nitrous oxides (NOx), reached their
highest recorded levels in modern history
CO2 Emissions from Geothermal Energy Facilities are
Insignificant Compared to Power Plants Burning Fossil Fuels
By K. Kit Bloomfield (INEEL), Joseph N. Moore (EGI), and Robert M. Neilson, Jr. (INEEL)
by the year 2000 and are continuing to rise.
About 37 percent of incremental atmo-
spheric CO2 accumulation is caused by
electric power generation, mainly from the
burning of fossil fuels (EIA, 2000).
To counteract these climatic effects,
delegations from more than 150 countries
met in Kyoto, Japan in December of 1997
to complete negotiations on a United Na-
tions treaty to reduce their emissions of
certain greenhouse gases. That agree-
ment—the Kyoto Protocol—calls on devel-
oped nations to reduce their use of carbon-
emitting fossil fuels. In the United States,
CO2 emissions account for roughly 85 per-
cent of the total for the world. If the Kyoto
Protocol is ratified by the U.S. Senate, the
United States will have to limit emissions
of CO2 and five other gases by 2008-2012
to 93 percent of 1990 emissions.
This target appears to be fairly mod-
est, at least until U.S. Department of En-
ergy (DOE) projections of energy use and
emissions for 2010—based on normal busi-
ness-as-usual energy and economic growth
expectations—are considered. Under this
scenario, the United States will have to re-
duce emissions by nearly one-third of pro-
jected emissions to reach the target values
(EIA, 2000).
The emissions reduction target is very
ambitious, and will require unprecedented
action for the United States to get the job
done in such a short period of time. It means
Americans will have to slash their energy
use or select green energy sources quickly
and comprehensively (or that production
and process efficiencies will have to in-
crease dramatically). The use of geother-
mal energy can be a significant contributor
to reducing energy related CO2 emissions.
Government Activities
Former U.S. President Clinton issued
a directive on April 15, 1999, requiring an
annual report summarizing CO2 emissions
produced during electric power generation
by both utilities and non-utilities in the
United States. In response, DOE and the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
jointly submitted the first report on Octo-
ber 15, 1999 (DOE/EPA, 2000). With two
major policy actions, President Bush has
also emphasized the importance of tech-
nology in stabilizing greenhouse gas con-
centrations in the atmosphere. The Na-
tional Climate Change Technology Initia-
tive (NCCTI) announcement on June 11,
2001 included tax incentives for energy
efficiency improvements and renewable
technologies for buildings, light-duty ve-
hicles and electric generation. To improve
research support for decision making and
to increase accountability, President Bush
Table 1. Comparison of Geothermal and Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions.
Geothermal Coal Petroleum Natural Gas
Emissions 0.20 2.095 1.969 1.321
(lbs. CO2/kW-hr)
Table 2. Geothermal “Greenhouse Gas” Emissions
Emissions 0.20 1.87E-04 1.66E-03 1.39E-04
Climate Change Research
announced on Feb. 4, 2002, the establish-
ment of a new, high-level structure for
coordinating federal climate change sci-
ence and technology development.
Geothermal CO2 Sequestration
and Government Activities
The federal government has funded a
number of activities to investigate seques-
tration of CO2 created by electric power
generation. The Integrated Sequestration
and Hydrogen Research Initiative is a $1
billion government/industry partnership to
design, build and operate a nearly emission-
free coal-fired electric and hydrogen pro-
duction plant. The 275-megawatt (MW)
prototype plant will serve as a large-scale
engineering laboratory for testing new clean
power, carbon capture and coal-to-hydro-
gen technologies.
The experience of geothermal plant
operators with non-condensable gas injec-
tion into their reservoirs is relevant to CO2
sequestration research and development
(R&D). Coso Operating Co. (China Lake,
CA) has experimented with injecting or
sequestering non-condensable gases mixed
with spent geothermal fluids. Operationally,
the injection of non-condensable gases met
with partial success. The gases communi-
cated very rapidly with some production
wells, but not at all with others. Also, cor-
rosion of injection well tubulars increased
with the water/gas mixture.
Although there are no engineering bar-
riers to injection of CO2 into geothermal
reservoirs, careful placement of CO2 injec-
tors that will not communicate with geo-
thermal fluid production wells is essential.
Water injection is critical to reservoir man-
agement to sustain fluid production. It is
apparent that CO2 and water cannot be in-
jected into the same well. Therefore, a com-
pression and transport system is needed to
move CO2 to non-communicating wells,
and premium construction materials may
be needed due to corrosion considerations..
U. S. Geothermal
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The most commonly cited reference
on gaseous emissions from U.S. geother-
mal power plants was written by Goddard
and Goddard (1990), which determined
emissions based on data from utility
power producers. This data was mainly
gathered at The Geysers in northern Cali-
fornia, because Pacific Gas & Electric
owned the power plants at the time. How-
ever, in estimating geothermal emissions
it is important to consider both utility and
non-utility power operations, and the mix
of dry steam, flashed steam, and binary
technology facilities.
More importantly, improved and in-
creased injection to sustain reservoir re-
sources has diminished the CO2 released
from geothermal power plants. Benoit and
Hirtz (1994) reported that CO2 emissions
from the Dixie Valley geothermal plant in
northern Nevada had decreased from 0.152
pounds of CO2 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of
electricity produced in 1988 to 0.093
lbmCO2/kWh in 1992.
Steam that feeds dry-steam and
flash-steam plants can contain several
weight-percent of non-condensable
gases. In these plants, gases contained in
reservoir fluids pass through turbines
with the steam—but unlike the steam, the
gases do not condense at the turbine ex-
haust outlet. These non-condensable
gases are either exhausted to the atmo-
sphere or to a primary abatement system
where H2S is removed. The quantity of
gases present in the geothermal fluid and
subsequently emitted depends on several
factors, including the characteristics of
the resource (dry steam or liquid, reser-
voir fluid composition, temperature), the
method of electrical generation (flash, bi-
nary, or combined cycle), and plant char-
acteristics (efficiency and H2S abatement
equipment). Binary power plants release
no non-condensable gases because their
geothermal fluids are not exposed to the
atmosphere (Blaydes, 1994).
There are no federal emission limits
for CO2 Under the Clean Air Act of 1990.
Consequently, formal reporting of CO2
emissions is not required by regulatory
agencies, denying such data for geothermal
power plants to the public domain. Regu-
latory agencies commonly require an emis-
sion source compliance test for other gases,
however, including H2S, NH3 and CH4.
Data on CO2, CH4, NH3 and H2S emissions
presented here were obtained from geother-
mal power plant operators, utilities, and
state air-quality control boards. The pri-
mary sources of electrical production and
CO2 emissions data for this article were
operators of geothermal dry steam and flash
Measurement of non-condensable
gases in geothermal fluids is critical dur-
ing initial well testing for power plant
design and regulatory concerns. Non-
condensable gas content is a major fac-
tor in designing condensers, non-con-
densable gas ejector systems, and H2S
abatement systems for geothermal power
plants. Non-condensable gases can be a
major regulatory and permitting concern
that may result in large capital and op-
erational costs.
Although there is no legal require-
ment for the collection of CO2 emission
data, it is collected during required com-
pliance tests for regulated emissions.
Since production of non-condensable
gases is often used as a reservoir moni-
toring tool and an indicator of power
plant energy conversion efficiency, CO2
data may also be collected during opera-
tions. Data supplied by power plant op-
erators included total steam flow to the
plant in mass per hour; the mass ratio of
steam to total non-condensable gas; net
Figure 1. CO2 emissions (lbs. CO2/kW-hr).
79MARCH / APRIL 2003
capacity of the plant in MW; and con-
centrations of gaseous components.
Several assumptions were made in
performing emission calculations. It was
assumed that CH4, H2S, NH3, and CO2 are
quantitatively ejected to the atmosphere,
i.e., there is no partitioning between the
atmosphere and the condensate. Because
some solution of these gases will occur
in cooling tower condensate, the calcu-
lations slightly overestimate the quanti-
ties of gases emitted from plants where
condensate is injected. In contrast, data
on the CO2 contents of injected fluids at
The Geysers was provided, and the ef-
fect of this injection was considered when
CO2 emissions from that geothermal field
were calculated. This correction was not
made for emissions from flashed-steam
Emissions reported in Tables 1 and 2
are weighted average values for all geo-
thermal capacity, including binary power
plants that do not emit CO2. Data cannot
be reported by power plant type because
some of it is proprietary nature, but binary
plants represented only 14 percent of ca-
pacity in the weighted average. Table 1
compares CO2 emissions from geothermal
power plants to those from fossil-fuel
plants. CO2 emission values for coal, pe-
troleum and natural gas plants are calcu-
lated using data from DOE’s Energy In-
formation Administration (EIA, 2002).
Ta ble 2 shows emissions of greenhouse
gases from geothermal plants per unit of
geothermal electricity produced.
Recently, International Geothermal
Association (IGA - Pisa, Italy) Executive
Director Ruggero Bertani reported on emis-
sions from 85 geothermal power plants cur-
rently operating in 11 countries (Bertani,
2002). His findings, with a weighted aver-
age CO2 emission of 122 g/kWh (0.29 lbs/
kWh), were similar to the rate calculated
for this article. In 2001, EIA reported that
coal, natural gas and oil provided 72 per-
cent of electric power generation. Based on
Ta ble 1, these sources had a weighted av-
erage CO2 emissions rate of 1.926 lbs/kWh.
Note also that SOx and NOx emissions are
not considered for fossil-fuel electric power
production, nor are other life-cycle costs
such as emissions incurred during transpor-
tation of coal to power plants.
Our results reveal that geothermal
power production has a significant en-
vironmental advantage over burning fos-
sil fuels for electrical power production.
Electrical production from geothermal
fluids results in an order of magnitude
less CO2 per kilowatt-hour of electricity
produced compared to burning fossil fu-
els. Thus, the data clearly demonstrate
that increased geothermal utilization can
help the United States reduce green-
house gas emissions, assisting National
Climate Change Technology Initiative
goals while helping to meet increasing
power demands.
This manuscript was authored by a
contractor of the U.S. Government under
DOE Contract DE-AC07-99ID13727. Ac-
cordingly, the U.S. Government retains a
nonexclusive, royalty-free license to pub-
lish or reproduce the published form of this
contribution, or allow others to do so, for
U.S. Government purposes.
Benoit, D., and P. Hirtz, 1994. “Non-Condensable Gas Trends
and Emissions at DixieValley,” Geothermal Resources
Council Transactions, v. 18, pp. 113-117.
Bertani, R., 2002. “Geothermal Power Generating Plant CO2
Emission Survey, International Geothermal Association
IGA News, n. 49.
Blaydes, P.E., 1994. “Environmental Advantages of Binary
Power Plants Can Enhance Development Opportunities,”
Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 18, pp.
Bloomfield, K.K., and J.N. Moore, 1999. “Production of
Greenhouse Gases from Geothermal Power Plants,”
Geothermal Resource Council Transactions, v. 23, pp.
Our Changing Planet. Climate Change Science Program and
the Subcommittee on Global Change Research, 2003,
132 p.
DOE/EPA, 2000. Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the
Generation of Electric Power in the United States, 21 p.
EIA, 2001. Electric Power Annual 2000, v. I, DOE/EIA-
0348(2001)/1, 66 p.
EIA, 2001. Electric Power Annual 2000, v. II, DOE/EIA-
0348(2002)/2, 136 p.
Goddard, W.B., and C.B. Goddard, 1990. “Energy Fuel
Sources and Their Contributions to Recent Global Air
Pollution Trends,” Geothermal Resources Council
Transactions, v. 14, pp. 643-649.
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Geothermal Resources Council
P.O. Box 1350
Davis, CA 95617-1350 USA
Telephone: (530) 758-2360
Fax: (530) 758-2839
E-mail: tclutter@geothermal.org
Web site: www.geothermal.org
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