HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Bethel Pt. 2Wind Resource Assessment for Bethel, Alaska /mc) ALASKA 401= ENERGY AUTHORITY Wind Resource Assessment for BETHEL, ALASKA Date last modified: 2/21/2006 Compiled by: Mia Devine SITE SUMMARY Site #: 5334 Latitude (NAD27): 60° 47' 8" N N 60.7856 Longitude (NAD27): 161' 53' 6" W W 161.885 Magnetic Declination: 14' 59' East Tower Type: 50-meter NRG Tall Tower Sensor Heights: 30m, 40m, 50m Elevation: 42.3 meters (128 ft) Monitor Start: 12/9/2004 18:00 Monitor End: 2/12/2006 11:00 In December 2004, a 50-meter meteorological tower was installed on high ground west of the Bethel airport. The purpose of this monitoring effort is to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing utility -scale wind energy in the community. The measured wind speed and direction data at the site was compared to long-term trends in the area and estimates were calculated for the potential energy production from various types of wind turbines. WIND RESOURCE SUMMARY Annual Average Wind Speed (50m height): 7.3 m/s (16.3 mph) Annual Average Wind Speed (30m height): 6.7 m/s (15.0 mph) Average Wind Power Density (50m height): 440 W/mz Average Wind Power Density (30m height): 345 W/m2 Wind Power Class (range = 1 to 7): Class 4 Rating (Poor, Marginal, Fair, Good, Excellent, Outstanding): Good Prevailing Wind Direction: Northeast 14 R uv4m DistMxRion flrlction 6 M. 0 5 15 Longterm 60m w- Actual data — Best-ft V*bLA L k t0 25 30 We) Q an pt=2.31, c-a27 M 10 SeasonA Wind Sped Profile :�111 P"� 1 11����11111 11111111111 111�111111 tinge Strait A L A S K A 'Fr_ 0 AIICDfap� .1c` . > Bering Sea Guf oMaAa g4 E M3tJ A1epPoht N NW NE w a %, sW 16 % SE 24 % s ! t a 12 18 2, Hoar a Dar — 50m Height — 30m Height www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.html Page 1 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment INTRODUCTION Previous wind monitoring efforts have been conducted in the Bethel area with less than favorable results. The equipment used in those studies was mounted on 20-meter towers and were located adjacent to the buildings that would be served by a wind turbine. The Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) felt that the close proximity to buildings and the low elevation of the sites resulted in a wind resource that was not representative of the area and that winds suitable for a utility -scale wind project could be found a short distance outside of town. In December 2004, AEA, V3Energy, and local residents installed a 50-meter meteorological tower (leased from Chugach Electric) on private land west of town. This location is more likely to be representative of Bethel's best wind resource area and was recommended by wind siting meteorologist John Wade. The purpose of this monitoring effort is to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing utility -scale wind energy in the community. This report summarizes the wind resource data collected and the long-term energy production potential of the site. SITE DESCRIPTION Bethel is located near the mouth of the Kuskokwim River, about 40 miles inland from the Bering Sea and 400 air miles west of Anchorage. Figure 1 shows the location of the met tower relative to the surrounding terrain. The met tower is located on a ridge at slightly higher elevation than the town site. 1 E1, jl $ME 163360 / i IMaIx MR7 i NAI Md0 /I• isaF hm rm lK O]WOUR IWERMR. 50 FEET cum YR6 ROR60R Abt1Al1 GON'WN) JI orJW9 MwpuwR IR>~ AuuR.In//, m1 iO1E TALE BY O.l.OLOLOGICAt EttRYEt FAIPOANRl. ALASKA W01. 0EMIK COEORADO 14M.OR REMN. VWCIMA 221M / IMtltR 99fL"R4 10RORRA/"K WR + 0 RvMKXS a ♦YAWRIE 0/ MWM Figure 1. Topographic Map of Met Tower Site and Surrounding Area www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.htmi Page 2 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment The photos below illustrate the surrounding ground cover and any major obstructions, which could affect how the wind flows over the terrain from a particular direction. As shown, the landscape surrounding the met tower site is free of obstructions and relatively flat. NW North NE East SE South SW West Figure 2. Views Taken from Met Tower Base Table 1 lists the types of sensors that were used, the channel of the data logger that each sensor was wired into, and where each sensor was mounted on the tower. Table 1. Summary of Sensors Installed on the Met Tower Ch # Sensor Type Height Offset Boom Orientation 1 #40 Anemometer 50 m NRG Standard 20° True 2 #40 Anemometer 50 m NRG Standard 290° True 3 #40 Anemometer 40 m NRG Standard 110' True 4 #40 Anemometer 30 m NRG Standard 280' True 7 #200P Wind Vane 50 m 290° True 110' True 8 #200P Wind Vane 40 m 110* True 290° True 9 #110S Temperature 4 m NRG Standard - N ■ CH1, 50m anem NW-------- NE ®CH2, 50m anem ■ CH3, 40m anem W ; E p Tower CH4, 30m anem svv",____ SE CHT 50m vane S 13 CH8, 40m vane Aerial view of equipment on tower www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.htmi Page 3 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment DATA PROCESSING PROCEDURES AND DEFINITIONS The following information summarizes the data processing procedures that were performed on the raw measured data in order to create an annual dataset of "typical' wind speeds, which could then be used to calculate potential power production from wind turbines. There are various methods and reasons for adjusting the raw data, so the purpose of these notes is to document what was done in this situation. The raw data set is available on the Alaska Energy Authority website (www.akenergyauthority.org) so one could perform their own data processing procedures. The processed data set is also available. Units — Since most wind turbine specifications are provided in metric units, those units are used in this report. 1 meter/second = 2.24 mph = 1.95 knots 1 meter = 3.28 feet 1 °C = 5/9 (°F — 32) Tower Shadow — The tower itself can affect readings from the anemometer at times when the anemometer is located downwind of the tower. To avoid this effect, two anemometers were placed at the top level so that neither would be in the wake of the tower at the same time. One data set is compiled from the 2 anemometers depending on the direction of the wind at any given time. Icing — Anomalies in the data can suggest when the sensors were not recording accurately due to icing events. Since wind vanes tend to freeze before the anemometers, icing events are typically identified whenever the 10- minute standard deviation of the wind vane is zero (the wind vane is not moving) and the temperature is at or below freezing. Some additional time before and after the icing event are removed to account for the slow build up and shedding of ice on the sensors. Filling Gaps — Whenever measured met tower data is available, it is used. Two different methods are used to fill in the remaining portion of the year. First, if nearby airport data is available, a linear correlation equation is defined between the airport and met tower site, and airport data is adjusted to fill the gap. If neither met tower nor airport data is available for a given timestep, the software program Windographer (www.mistaya.ca) is used. Windographer uses statistical methods based on patterns in the data surrounding the gap, and is good for filling short gaps in data. Long-term Estimates — The year of data collected at the met tower site can be adjusted to account for inter -annual fluctuations in the wind resource. To do this, a nearby weather station with a consistent historical record of wind data and with a strong correlation to the met tower location is needed. If a suitable station is not available, there is a higher level of uncertainty in the wind speed that is measured being representative of a typical year. Turbulence Intensity — Turbulence intensity is the most basic measure of the turbulence of the wind. Turbulence intensity is calculated at each 10-minute timestep by dividing the standard deviation of the wind speed during that timestep by the average wind speed over that timestep. It is calculated only when the mean wind speed is at least 4 m/s. Typically, a turbulence intensity of 0.10 or less is desired for minimal wear on wind turbine components. Wind Shear — Typically, wind speeds increase with height above ground level. This vertical variation in wind speed is called wind shear and is influenced by surface roughness, surrounding terrain, and atmospheric stability. The met tower is equipped with anemometers at different heights so that the wind shear exponent, a, can be calculated according to the power law formula: (_,.l a = H' where H1 and HZ are the heights and v, and vZ are the measured wind speeds. HZ v2 Wind shear is calculated only with wind speed data above 4 m/s. Values can range from 0.05 to 0.25, with a typical value of 0.14. www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.htm] Page 4 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment Scaling to Hub Height - If the wind turbine hub height is different from the height at which the wind resource is measured, the wind resource can be adjusted using the power law formula described above and using the wind shear data calculated at the site. Air Density Adjustment - The power that can be extracted from the wind is directly related to the density of the air. Air density, p, is a function of temperature and pressure and is calculated for each 10-minute timestep according to the following equation (units for air density are kg/m3): _ P P RxT Where P is pressure (kPa), R is the gas constant for air (287.1 J/kgK), and T is temperature in Kelvin. Since air pressure is not measured at the met tower site, the site elevation is used to calculate an annual average air pressure value according to the following equation: P = 1.225 - (1.194 x 10-4) x elevation Since wind turbine power curves are based on a standard air density of 1.225 kg/m3, the wind speeds measured at the met tower site are adjusted to create standard wind speed values that can be compared to the standard power curves. The adjustment is made according to the following formula: i 3 _ Vs tan Bard - Vmeasured x Pmeasured Ps tan dard Wind Power Density - Wind power density provides a more accurate representation of a site's wind energy potential than the annual average wind speed because it includes how wind speeds are distributed around the average as well as the local air density. Units of wind power density are watts per square meter and represent the power produced per square meter of area that the blades sweep. Wind Power Class - A seven level classification system based on wind power density is used to simplify the comparison of potential wind sites. Areas of Class 4 and higher are considered suitable for utility -scale wind power development. Classes of Wind Power Density mSpeed Class Rating (W ) WPD /m^2 (m/s) yWpp A30m (W/m 2) Speed (m/s) WPD (1N/m 2) '2) Speed (m/s) 1 <100 <4.4 <160 <5.1 <200 <5.6 Poor 2 100 - 150 4.4 - 5.1 160 - 240 5.1 - 5.8 200 - 300 5.6 - 6.4 Marginal 3 150 - 200 5.1 - 5.6 240 - 320 5.8 - 6.5 300 - 400 6.4 - 7.0 Fair 200 - 250 5.6 - 6.0 320 - 400 6.5 - 7.0 400 - 500 7.0 - 7.5 Good 250 - 300 6.0 - 6.4 400 - 480 7.0 - 7.4 500 - 600 7.5 - 8.0 Excellent 300 - 400 6.4 - 7.0 480 - 640 7.4 - 8.2 600 - 800 8.0 - 8.8 Outstanding >400 >7.0 >640 >8.2 >800 >8.8 Weibull Distribution - The Weibull distribution is commonly used to approximate the wind speed frequency distribution. The Weibull is defined as follows: k_v1k P(v) c (CV)k-' exp( c Where P(v) is the probability of wind speed v occurring, c is the scale factor which is related to the average wind speed, and k is the shape factor which describes the distribution of the wind speeds. Typical k values range from 1.5 to 3.0, with lower k values resulting in higher average wind power densities. www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.html Page 5 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment LONG-TERM REFERENCE STATION Wind data from the Bethel airport weather station, located 2.5 miles east of the met tower site, serves as a long-term reference for the wind resource in the area. Data is measured at a height of 10 meters above ground level and an elevation of 37.5 meters. The National Weather Service upgraded the meteorological monitoring equipment at the Bethel airport to an Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) on November 1, 1998. This new equipment, although more accurate, represents a discontinuity in the long-term wind speed record. Therefore, this report is based on measurements beginning January 1, 1999. 1 I , 3, Figure 3. ASOS Equipment in Bethel Hourly wind speed measurements from the Bethel airport weather station that are concurrent with recordings from the met tower site were purchased from the National Climatic Data Center. The correlation coefficient between these sites is 0.87 (a value of 1 is perfect). This suggests that, although the actual wind speed values at the two sites are different, the pattern of wind speed fluctuations is similar between the sites. Any historical patterns in the airport station data can also be applied to the met tower site with a high degree of certainty. As shown in Table 2 and Figure 4, the area has a strong seasonal pattern, with greater wind speeds in the winter months than the summer months. The long-term annual average wind speed at the Bethel airport site is 5.2 m/s, which is fairly consistent, fluctuating up to 3% from year to year. Table 2. Monthly Average Wind Speeds at Bethel Airport, 10-meter height (m/s) Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ave % of Long - Term Ave 1999 7.0 4.5 5.8 5.6 4.7 4.0 4.9 4.3 4.7 4.4 5.5 5.7 5.1 99% 2000 6.6 5.0 5.3 5.0 4.3 4.0 4.4 5.2 4.6 4.7 6.2 6.4 5.2 100% 2001 5.4 5.8 6.2 5.9 5.2 4.7 4.5 4.6 4.3 5.0 5.0 5.2 5.2 100% 2002 6.5 6.1 5.2 6.5 4.8 4.2 4.0 4.3 5.3 5.6 5.3 4.7 5.2 101 % 2003 6.3 5.5 7.0 5.5 4.5 4.5 4.9 4.1 4.4 4.8 5.3 4.9 5.2 100% 2004 6.3 6.2 5.2 4.6 4.7 4.3 3.8 4.2 4.2 5.6 6.2 5.8 5.1 98% 2005 7.4 5.2 5.7 5.0 4.6 4.1 4.3 4.8 5.9 4.5 6.3 6.0 5.3 103% Ave 1 6.5 5.5 5.8 5.5 4.7 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.8 5.0 5.7 5.5 5.2 100% 1999 26" 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 ,sss z000 2= zooz 2oa3 zoo, Zoos Figure 4. Monthly and Annual Average Wind Speeds at Bethel Airport, 10-meter height www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.htmi Page 6 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment According to the ASOS data, the average 12 wind speed in the year 2005 was 3% greater than the long-term average. 10 Therefore, the wind speed data recorded `. 8 at the met tower site during the year 2005 was adjusted downwards by 3% to more 6 accurately reflect what would be expected over the long term. Both measured and 4 long-term data sets at the airport and met E tower sites are shown in Figure 5. 2 Measured Met Tower Data (50m height) �-Longterm Met Tower Estimate Measured Airport Data (10m height) Extreme wind speeds recorded at the 0 -m-Longterm Airport Data 0.0 Bethel ASOS are summarized in Table 3. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec The fastest mile is defined as the speed of one mile of wind that passes the weather Figure 5. Measured Versus Long -Term Wind Speeds in Bethel station and can be considered as the maximum sustained wind speed. The fastest mile recorded over a 41-year period was 27.7 m/s in February 1951. The peak gust over a 16-year period was 34.4 m/s in October 1992. ?2 22.4 17.9 E 13.4 d n. Cn 8.9 Table 3. Extreme Wind Speeds in Bethel, 10m height (source: Western Regional Climate Center) Airport Fastest Mile (1957-1998 Month m/s mph ;_ Year Jan 24.1 54 1979 Feb 27.7 62 1951 Mar 21.9 ( 49 ( 1977 19.7 I 44 1979 _ May_ 18.3 41 1960 Jun 19.2 ( 43 ( 1978 Jul 17.9 40 1974 Aug 20.6 46 1978 Sep_24.6 ( 55 1960 Oct 23.2 52 1992 Nov 26.8 60 1958 _ Dec _ 25.9 58 ( 1977 Airport Peak Gust (1982-1998 m/s mph Year 27.3 61 1993 26.4 59 1988 25.0 56 1991 22.8 51 1995 23.7 53 1985 _ 26.4 59 1980 20.6 46 1982 25.0 56 1994 30.8 69 1982 34.4 77 1992 29.5 66 1990 29.9 67 ( 1982 4.5 �: The air temperature can affect wind power production in two primary ways: 1) colder temperatures lead to higher air densities and therefore more power production, and 2) some wind turbines shut down in very cold situations (usually around-250C). The monthly average temperatures for Bethel are shown below. Typically, the temperature drops below -25°C during 2% of the year, or 185 hours per year. Measured (met tower) - - Long -Term (airport) 20 v 15T a) 10 E- -15 (0 N M Q 75 0) 0 U o N v_ 2 Q Q cn O Z o Month Measured (°C) ; Long -Term (°C) Jan -12.4 -12.7 Feb -10.4 -8.0 Mar -8.2 -8.8 -7.0 -2.2 _-Apr May 7.3 5.3 Jun 13.3 12.6 Jul 13.8 13.1 Aug 12.7 12.3 Sep 8.1 7.0 Oct -1.2 -0.5 Nov -14.6 -7.5 Dec -10.8 -12.6 Ave -0.8 -0.2 www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.htmI Page 7 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment WIND DATA RESULTS FOR BETHEL MET TOWER SITE Table 4 summarizes the amount of data that was successfully retrieved from the data logger at the met tower site. There was significant data loss during the winter months due to icing of the sensors, particularly in November, December and February. The airport ASOS data was used to fill these gaps where possible. The remaining gaps were filled with Windographer. Table 4. Data Recovery Rate for Met Tower Anemometers Month Data Recovery Rate Data Loss Due to Icing January2005 100% 11% February 2005 100% 34% March 2005 100% 8% April 2005 100% 6% May 2005 100% 2% June 2005 100% 0% July 2005 100% 0% August 2005 100% 0% September 2005 100% 0% October 2005 100% 16% November 2005 100% 31 % December 2005 100% 54% Annual Average 100% 13% Wind Speed Measurements The wind resource was measured at various heights on the tower. Results from the 50-meter and 30-meter heights are summarized below. More details of the 50-meter level are shown in Table 6. Table 5. Measured and Lona-Term Average Monthly Wind Sneeds at Met Tower Site Wind Speeds (m/s) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ave 50m Height, Measured 10.7 7.9 8.5 7.0 5.9 5.3 5.5 6.6 8.3 6.9 8.8 9.1 7.5 50m Height, Long-term 9.4 8.3 8.7 7.6 6.0 5.5 5.6 6.2 6.7 7.6 7.9 8.4 7.3 30m Height, Measured 10.0 7.0 7.7 6.2 5.4 4.9 5.1 6.1 7.5 6.1 7.8 8.3 6.9 30m Height, Long-term 8.8 7.4 7.8 6.8 5.5 5.1 5.2 5.7 6.1 6.8 7.0 7.6 6.7 The seasonal wind speed profile shows that the highest wind month is January and the lowest wind month is June. The daily wind speed profile shows that wind speeds are typically greater in the afternoon and evening hours and calmer in the morning. t N 2 A Q 8. Daily Wind Profile - T 4 2 n - 12 J F M A M J J A S O N D� 0 Hour o1 Day1S 24 Figure 6. Seasonal and Diurnal Wind Speed Profile for Met Tower Site, Long-term Estimate - Longterm 50m Height Longterm 30m Height www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.htm] Page 8 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment Table 6. Estimated Long -Term Wind Speeds at Met Tower Site, 50m Hei ht (m/s) Hour Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul AugSep Oct Nov Dec Avg 0 9.6 8.5 8.8 8.1 6.4 6.0 6.8 6.4 6.8 7.8 8.1 8.4 7.6 1 9.4 8.5 8.7 8.0 6.3 6.0 6.4 6.2 6.5 7.8 7.9 8.3 7.5 2 9.5 8.4 8.6 8.0 6.0 5.9 5.9 6.0 6.4 7.8 7.7 8.8 7.4 3 9.5 8.2 8.4 8.0 6.0 5.8 5.8 5.9 6.5 7.8 7.8 8.7 7.4 4 9.5 8.5 8.7 7.9 6.0 5.6 5.6 5.8 6.5 7.5 7.8 8.5 7.3 5 9.3 8.4 8.8 8.1 5.9 5.4 5.3 6.0 6.5 7.4 7.7 8.3 7.3 6 9.1 8.2 8.7 7.9 5.7 5.0 5.2 5.8 6.4 7.4 7.9 8.3 7.1 7 9.3 8.0 8.7 7.9 5.2 4.7 4.8 5.6 6.3 7.6 7.9 8.3 7.0 8 9.3 8.2 8.6 7.5 5.0 4.7 4.8 5.6 6.3 7.9 7.9 8.5 7.0 9 9.2 8.5 8.7 7.1 5.1 4.8 5.1 5.8 6.3 7.7 8.1 8.4 7.1 10 9.3 8.1 8.9 6.7 5.6 5.0 5.0 6.1 6.7 7.4 8.3 8.2 7.1 11 9.4 8.1 8.8 6.5 5.8 5.2 5.1 6.4 6.9 7.4 8.3 8.1 7.2 12 9.3 8.2 8.8 6.7 5.9 5.3 5.3 6.4 6.9 7.6 8.1 8.2 7.2 13 9.3 8.4 8.6 7.0 6.0 5.3 5.2 6.6 7.2 7.4 7.8 8.2 7.3 14 9.3 8.4 8.4 7.1 6.1 5.3 5.3 6.7 7.3 7.5 7.7 8.7 7.3 15 9.6 8.3 8.7 7.3 6.1 5.4 5.7 6.7 7.0 7.6 7.7 8.3 7.4 16 9.6 8.2 8.7 7.3 6.4 5.6 6.0 6.6 7.0 7.3 7.8 8.3 7.4 17 9.7 8.3 8.6 7.6 6.7 5.7 5.8 6.6 6.9 7.3 7.8 8.3 7.4 18 9.5 8.3 8.3 7.7 6.5 6.0 6.0 6.6 6.8 7.5 8.0 8.7 7.5 19 9.5 8.4 8.5 7.9 6.2 6.0 6.1 6.3 6.7 7.6 8.1 8.7 7.5 20 9.3 8.1 8.8 8.0 6.3 6.0 5.7 5.9 6.7 7.7 7.9 8.4 7.4 21 9.3 8.0 8.8 8.2 6.6 5.9 5.7 6.1 6.7 7.9 7.9 8.3 7.4 22 9.6 8.1 8.8 8.1 6.6 6.0 6.0 6.4 6.8 8.2 7.9 8.7 7.6 23 9.4 8.2 8.6 8.2 6.4 6.2 6.4 6.3 7.0 8.0 8.1 8.6 7.6 Avg 9.4 8.3 8.7 7.6 6.0 5.5 5.6 6.2 6.7 7.6 7.9 8.4 1 7.3 The estimated long-term average wind speed is 7.3 m/s at a height of 50 meters above ground level. Wind Frequency Distribution A common method of displaying a year of wind data is a wind frequency distribution, which shows the percent of time that each wind speed occurs. Figure 7 shows the measured wind frequency distribution as well as the best matched Weibull distribution. \1 0 Probabilitv Distibution Function 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Longterm 50m Height (m/s) Actual data - Best -fit Weibull distribution (k=2.31, c=8.27 m(s) Figure 7. Wind Speed Frequency Distribution of Met Tower Data, 50-meter height Bin m/s Hrs/yr 0 60 1 151 2 396 3 722 4 880 5 989 6 1,086 7 1,073 8 942 9 772 10 572 11 365 12 262 13 170 14 103 Bin m/s Hrs/yr 15 78 16 58 17 27 18 15 19 9 20 8 21 8 22 4 23 3 24 3 25 2 26 2 27 1 28 1 29 0 iotar u,fbu The cut -in wind speed of many wind turbines is 4 m/s and the cut-out wind speed is usually 25 m/s. The frequency distribution shows that a large percentage of the wind in Bethel is within this operational zone. www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.html Page 9 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment Wind Direction Wind power roses show the percent of total power that is available in the wind by direction. The annual wind power rose for the met tower site is compared to the airport site in Figure 8. The met tower site is based on one year of data, while the airport site is based on seven years of data. The correlation coefficient between the sites is 0.97. The predominant wind direction at both locations is northeast. Met Tower Site (2005) Airport Site (1999-2005) N N. NW," NE NW NE W = W 8% SW 16:/ SE 10.% SW,, SE 24 % 15 % S S Figure 8. Annual Wind Power Roses for Met Tower Site and Airport Site Monthly wind power roses for the met tower site are shown below. The strong winter winds come from the northeast, while the lighter summer winds tend to come from the south. Jan Feb Mar Apr _ N _ __ N -5i- -5-...- 1....E NW'. �` +i i•NE w-'+" E _ 4-n* r-�•, �, -•- E E E � If �t SW _ /$E SW. ' \, _SE Sw ( y $E S f t SE S S S S May JuNn Jut Aug ry1Kak- t (`CIE ��` ;5 eft"'NEE /NUf i ���j`� tf ��NE y�E E ylY� E `` ISE E 511f'' 1+ �"- .trs SE 8 S Sep Oct Nov Dec �4\f NE Mj/� ,,r''� R�E �y�`�, '[ PIE MISG^>l "-� -`IE W f Y E E E iE 1 Y- � _ •� Ir- - i t k ? 4 ` rz E ��y t'�i'$E S Y �jE'C ! t SE ` i S _ -- S Figure 9. Monthly Wind Power Roses for Met Tower Site www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.html Page 10 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment Turbulence Intensity Various turbulence intensity characteristics are shown in Figure 10. The turbulence intensity from all directions and for all months is low and unlikely to contribute to excessive wear of wind turbines. Month Turbulence Intensity Jan 0.06 Feb 0.06 Mar 0.06 Apr 0.07 May 0.12 Jun 0.14 Jul 0.13 Aug 0.11 Sep 0.10 Oct 0.08 Nov 0.06 Dec 0.06 Ave 0.09 Tubuhwwa IntwoRy By Direction >,0 I1!0 60 a �0 0 6 10 16 20 26 30 Wuxi Speed (m/s) —Data — IEA CategoryA IEA Category B Figure 10. Turbulence Intensity Characteristics of Met Tower Site Figure 10 plots the average turbulence intensity versus wind speed for the met tower site as well as for Category A and B turbulence sites as defined by the International Electrotechnical Commission Standard 61400-1, 2"d Edition. Category A represents a higher turbulence model than Category B. In this case, the met tower data is less turbulent than both categories across the whole range of wind speeds. Wind Shear Wind shear was calculated between the 50-meter anemometer and the 30-meter anemometer, and results are summarized in Figure 11. Month 30m to 50m Wind Shear Jan 0.11 Feb 0.26 Mar 0.23 Apr 0.23 May 0.18 Jun 0.17 Jul 0.16 Aug 0.19 Sep 0.18 Oct 0.23 Nov 0.18 Dec 0.23 Ave 0.19 Average of 30-50m Shear Figure 11. Wind Shear Characteristics of Met Tower Site Hour The average wind shear for the site is 0.19. As shown, the wind shear varies by month, direction of the wind, and time of day. These wind shear values can be used to adjust the wind resource data to heights other than those that were measured and reported here, as described previously in the Data Processing Procedures and Definitions section. www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.htmI Page 11 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment Various wind turbines, listed in Table 7, were used to calculate the potential energy production at the met tower site based on the long-term wind resource data set. Although different wind turbines are offered with different tower heights, to be consistent it is assumed that any wind turbine rated at 100 kW or less would be mounted on a 30- meter tall tower, while anything larger would be mounted on a 50-meter tower. The wind resource was adjusted to these heights based on the measured wind shear at the site. The wind resource was also adjusted to standard air density. Results are shown in Table 7. Among the results is the gross capacity factor, which is defined as the actual amount of energy produced divided by the maximum amount of energy that could be produced if the wind turbine were to operate at rated power for the entire year. Inefficiencies such as transformer/line losses, turbine downtime, soiling of the blades, yaw losses, array losses, and extreme weather conditions can further reduce turbine output. The gross capacity factor is multiplied by 0.90 to account for these factors, resulting in the net capacity factor listed. CONCLUSION This report provides a summary of wind resource data collected from December 2004 through January 2006 in Bethel, Alaska. The data was compared to long-term trends in the area and, based on correlations with the Bethel airport weather station, estimates were made to create a long-term dataset for the Bethel met tower site. This information was used to make predictions as to the potential energy production from wind turbines at the site. It is estimated that the long-term annual average wind speed at the site is 7.3 m/s at a height of 50 meters above ground level and 6.7 m/s at a height of 30 meters. Taking the local air density and wind speed distribution into account, the average wind power density for the site is 440 W/mz. This information means that Bethel has a Class 4 wind resource, which is "good" for wind power development. The net capacity factor for large scale wind turbines would range from 21 — 36%. www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.htmi Page 12 of 13 February 2006 C El i i LO O (9 * I` -Y Q Cl) L O M m 00 O LO m r (0 It CO 1- O C' 00 N I' O M w 1� O O I� M �! O) N O (0 N OCD Cl N aJ "t O C 0> Co N E LO co z m M I- (o co O 00 N't N m d Co M (o ti r M N N 1� N M r N r m O r M r M r O N M N (0 N C, i LO r N .. _ U) ( 0 N O ti M M qqrM i,- r LO LO O r N 1� M M N M C0 M CO ,tea. o 0 Y N N � M Q O O CO O M M d M r O) M r CO d r. M O O N ti Z � M 1l O N Ln 1� r_ '�' 1' (o LO Cl) c'M > N O LO LO m (0 1- U') M N N M qT Ln co ti Co L ) p C Lo .j (U N N N d Y C � N M 0 00 N V N 00 m I� 00 O m r N 00 M t 00 r I-- m M O N O r CO O Lo � O (O N o \ o 0 \ 0 .0 LL LO E oo p r0 d1 If' O Lfl 00 0 0 M M N r - M M N C0 C) r C0 00 CO M N M d V C0 1- 00 LL CC(p L a) 0 CD O L N E O Y LO It LLB [1' 00 O N M ,V- t,- r r O N Co .1 r p O E 't 000 (o C'l O r m CO O � co r m NO " O O m o0 r r- I� o (0 o d" N p z CD 00 N O i� cl) r N (o N 00 r Ci r ti O) N r LO r 00 r .4 N (0 N N N N r v LO t` N jz L 'O O N N N E tm Y ti (o (o (O LO O (o O m It Cl CO O m LO M C p (6 +-� O M r m M m 00 O I,- N M N r N M (o It M N 'ct' '%T CI N o 0 �- LL 00 M Ld N N r r N CO N M CA N N T CO r N N Lp a) 0 Se � O N I � M N CMo_ V N j ti 000 Cl r 'd � I' � Lo E ti N (M (o r r0 ((0 L( r d' C0 N N N C0 r c} N N (O � LO f` CA W M * N M M O N M_ h N O N r 04 Cl) Q N � 52 z O ti z z rn LC) O O(D N 4 h N M r- j CD O T N LA M d CO 00 r co N N co L N (p O w L N N E O d r. O LLB CO 1- LO LLB N r O M U-) M M CC) Mo I� O M Ln 0 L LL M �It O M 00 1 Or m � O Ln -M C M d Co Lfj Oo CO O OO Lo O O LO (o M CM Co LL O M (0 O L �C O U co U- N ?� N �' N E Q C "' 1� LO O g O N O r 00 N (o O 'd' O m N (o O Co LO CO +� o 0 Y Lf) Z O r Co Cl) CO 00 O~ CC) ti O �- Lp O M r (j m C'M N r N m M co M 0 M r (y r r- r r N N N Q ( o c N C p O Co N O 0 L m `- LL a CO (d = Q O ca c C (Lp Q C >+ 0) N V Q N LL U f Q j O Q N N LLJ � LL Q � Q co U O> z U C 0 N �0 N C 2 U (n Q c U z 0 (I) (a C Q co O O N O +� O y LL. C N N Q. Q (6 0 co O O (0-0 o cm LA ccs -0 C N O aL- O cQ _ OL w C > O m L O O (0 N in C 7 7 (6 N V) 7 N U 0S 3 � O co N O O E O O N 3 ca m C Il N � uJ (6 (6 N > E M L ` O O O C N O N L 0-0 C C ca C C N O cn N N c0 O L Q (p U) O co E o 0 Co N a) T a) C C LU Y (0 O Z Bethel City Shop Wind Energy Project The Installation and Operation of a NorthWind 100: A Feasibility Study keILKtrk Power SystemsC onsultingg Engineers Bethel City Shop Wind Energy Project The Installation and Operation of a NorthWind 100 A I- H reasiblilLy study February 10, 2008 Daniel C. Rogers, P.E. Ryota Abe Bethel City Shop Wind Energy Project NW100 Feasibility Study Table of Contents 1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................1 1.1 History........................................................................................................................1 1.2 Project Description....................................................................................................1 2 Project Technology and Methodology.............................................................................2 2.1 Turbine/Generator.....................................................................................................2 2.2 Operation and Maintenance......................................................................................2 3 Financial............................................................................................................................3 3.1 Assumptions and Sources of Data...........................................................................3 3.2 Financial Summary....................................................................................................5 4 Conclusions......................................................................................................................5 5 Appendix A — Area Map....................................................................................................6 6 Appendix B — AEA Wind Resource Assessment............................................................7 7 Appendix C — Economic Assessment Supporting Data/Correspondence ....................8 City of Bethel Wind Energy Project NW100 Feasibility Study Introduction In order to provide lower cost alternatives for power consumers in Bethel, the City of Bethel ("COB") has been investigating the feasibility of becoming an independent power producer and sending electricity generated from wind into the Bethel utility grid. The City invited the local utility, Bethel Utilities Corporation, ("BUC"), to participate in its endeavor by attending monthly alternative energy committee meetings, providing information to energy consultants, and endorsing a small wind turbine project in Bethel. 1.1 History Bethel, like other rural Alaska hub communities, has relied solely on diesel generation for the generation of electrical energy. With the increases in cost, both in the base price of fuel and in the costs of transportation to rural Alaska, communities such as Bethel have seen costs of electricity escalate. In order to actively pursue alternatives to diesel generation, the COB hired Electric Power Systems, Inc. ("EPS") to assist them in analyzing the viability and financial return for various wind systems. Additionally, the COB, with assistance from the Alaska Energy Authority ("AEA"), installed a met station in Bethel and logged wind data for the community. According to the report from AEA, the wind regime was favorable at the met site for wind generation. In subsequent e-mails, AEA reported that the wind regime captured at the "Rodgers" site could be generalized to the Bethel area, and in particular, to the City Shop area near the Bethel landfill and sewer lagoons.' The COB is continuing to investigate low, medium, and high penetration wind systems, but the non -firm nature of the higher penetration systems is cause for concern with BUC. While still considering options for higher penetration systems, the City of Bethel has directed EPS to pursue a low penetration system option at the City Shop area. 1.2 Project Description The Bethel City Shop Wind Energy Project calls for the purchase of one 100 kilowatt wind turbine and tubular tower and installing the tower near the City Shop. The wind turbine and tower pieces would be manufactured and barged to Bethel from either Seattle or Anchorage. The Port of Bethel and City's Public Works Department would assist in the transportation of the turbine and tower pieces to the site, if needed. The City Shop location was chosen as a site for a 100 kW wind turbine for the following reasons: 1. Ideal location north of town, away from homes, business buildings, and infrastructure that could cause distortion in the wind patterns. See the maps attached in Appendix A. 2. Few residents live within 600 feet of the proposed installation site. The occupants of six houses will be contacted for their comments on the installation of a wind turbine tower near their homes. 3. Two large City sewer lagoons are due north of the proposed wind tower site, making for a flat surface over which wind can travel on its way to the turbine. The City's strongest winds come from the northeast in the winter time. See Wind Resource Assessment attached in Appendix B. ' Email from Martina Dabo, AEA Wind Energy Manager. February 10, 2008 Page 1 Pk* Power S ts� CLS C--Mv angft— " City of Bethel Wind Energy Project NW100 Feasibility Study 4. Proximity of the sewer lagoons and landfill farther north make it unlikely that residents of Bethel will build homes or businesses close to the site. 5. The City Shop houses the City's property maintenance crew, their tools, and equipment. The crew will be responsible for operating and maintaining the wind turbine. 6. The City Shop contains heavy equipment (e.g., dump trucks, front-end loaders, grader) that can be used in the construction of the project and to help maintain the integrity of the sand pad, foundation, and cable trench. 2 Project Technology and Methodology 2.1 Turbine/Generator Several wind turbine manufacturers make 100 kW wind turbines or wind turbines in a size range of 90 kW -120 kW. A wind turbine at or near 100 kW in size is acceptable to the COB and will accomplish the goal of this project. For the purposes of this analysis, the Northwind 100 ("NW100") wind turbine generator was used as the model machine. Figures and calculations contained in this application are based on the purchase, shipping, installation, and operation of the NW100, manufactured by Distributed Energy Systems (DES). A quote to purchase and install a Northwind 100 wind turbine and tower was provided by Distributed Energy Systems and construction company STG. The actual purchase and installation cost may vary, especially if the bidding process is used. The STG design/supply/construct quote is included in Appendix C. The City intends to purchase and install a single 100 kW wind turbine with all associated hardware and software. The turbine nacelle includes the hub, generator, mainframe, nacelle cover, and power conversion equipment. The City intends to purchase one 37 meter tubular tower and associated apparatus to allow for its permanent installation. The wind turbine will have a 21 meter rotor. There will be a power converter and electrical/control interface at the base of the tower. The SmartView Monitoring System, a web -based remote monitoring system, comes with the purchase. A tubular steel monopole tower will be used to support the wind turbine. The NW100 installation will be separately metered, and will provide power directly to the BUC grid. Variations in output power of the single NW100 will have negligible effects on the regulation of the BUC system. 2.2 Operation and Maintenance The City of Bethel plans to have all four of its Property Maintenance personnel trained to operate and maintain the wind turbine. The City may train other Public Works Department employees who work in the City Shop in order to have knowledgeable people on staff in case of absences and attrition. A goal of this project is for City personnel to be sufficiently trained such that the City personnel will not only be able to support the operations and maintenance of the Bethel units, but also be available as a regional resource for the other units installed in the Yukon -Lower Kuskokwim region. Wayne Ogle, COB Public Works Director, will be responsible for insuring that one or more of his subordinates in the Public Works Department are performing the necessary operations and monitoring tasks during daily turbine operation. The Public Works Department is open six days t?� SYS76M5 City of Bethel Wind Energy Project NW100 Feasibility Study a week, Monday through Saturday, 7 am to 5 pm. On Sunday, the turbine's operation will be monitored using the Smart View Monitoring System. This system will allow a Public Works employee to monitor the operation of the system from his or her home computer with internet access. Mr. Ogle will also be responsible for the proper corrective and preventative maintenance necessary for the Bethel Wind system. 3 Financial 3. 1 Assumptions and Sources of Data The following general financial parameters are assumed for this analysis: Internal Economic Factors Project ROI 3.0% Project Life 30 Table 1 — Internal Economic Factors Table 2 is the result of developing a spreadsheet to calculate the economic viability of the COB wind project. The assumptions for figures used in Table 2 are enumerated below. Backup material for these assumptions is contained in Appendix C. • Installed "turnkey" Price — $799,554, per STG quote. Received from COB/John Sargent on 2/8/08 via email. • Annual Energy Production — 260,000 kWh annually, per email Message from DES/Brett Pringree to COB/John Sargent. Received from COB 2/9/08. • Price per kWh (paid by BUC) - $0.3253 per kWh, per BUC quarterly filing with the Regulatory Commission of Alaska. Note that the 2004 filing is also included, in order to get a sense of the increase seen by Bethel consumers in recent history. • Insurance - $31,982 annually, per Brown quote to COB, received from John Sargent on 2/8/08 via e-mail. • Annual Maintenance - $6,700 annually, per a 2006 DES bid to COB.2 • Annual Insurance Deductible Account — $2500. A holding account to anticipate catastrophic damage to the unit. Costs have been included in the estimate for an insurance policy with a $25K deductible. A ten year event recurrence has been assumed, and this account would be utilized to cover the deductible should an insurable event occur. 2 No inflation of this figure was included in the analysis, as it is assumed that any increase in maintenance due to inflation will be offset by increased income due to an increased avoided cost of power, which is ultimately due to an increase in fuel prices. Historical increases in avoided cost (income to COB) for the period from 2005 — 2007 averaged 14%, based on BUC's filings with the RCA (included in Appendix C). February 10, 2008 Page 3 Pkctrk Power S �SCwuuR4p EnQLa[rs U AD 0- cm U) m >, W c co o LL a� O O m� 0z a W, d' � O O O cM 00 N O O 1 N 00 � ti LO 00 Lo O O LO I- 00 00 o0 O c0 O + CO LO N O N VI 0) ti LO a.. 0) O O coO ( r(O N Vo N C= O a) CO M CV) N a � �69 � 64 W c + = o o m U OCQ U= 'C 't I` O O co 00 N O O N O 1� ti IL LO I` 6) O Ln I- 00 O O co O M O d' � L) 6) f OLn N Ln 0) O� O C) M d' r- (fl N 1 cl ` O O O 0)N N E�} 00 CM y� Nt N N Q 'N 64 64 61> 64 69 0 W E .mac + o m O U m U N c O m m O co 00 CV O O N on I- �- = LO LO 00 O O LO I� 00 O O coO O CDXT LO LO O N LI7 O P, LSD (C CAI L(7 Q O c- O O O M 'IT CD N N �- E 0) 0) It N H? O M (f} (A It 449 N O 64 64 64 64 U O Ef} ({} c O W U 0 0�� `= m o v O CO E�� O Y Y 0� otS O 2 0> O v U a N (s c L c O c V Q� = n Cc Cc O w,U t] O N C ¢ w N C� N o m a C_ f° 06 N K N LLJ m Q L) ,� N Q � ma) a M a� o :3 � d W � w d I1 cu 0(�mCi� a) is IL W W c 0 O Q� 00 cU 0.c a� �>, e o •° o -0-0 O .E m m a' Q °' 0= 11 +° N W. c W a) d cm o �a M c o •�a Q U O'C c c :� v C n3 Q � o m CL c m` 4-o O'D O O ¢ Q 0 d � E 0 v O o Q Z -0 o w W Ta U) - d O O = C I .• qJ c 0 N m 2.1 C CV CN Q O co as a LL j )m CD G T3 IZ Z I ti N LO m r- 0) F- 0) LO 6 CO (D a) U) a� m CU m 0 a) co o CV U U O cu LM i� LL City of Bethel Wind Energy Project NW100 Feasibility Study 3.2 Financial Summary The financial analysis shown in Table 2 above illustrates the relative, as well as absolute, costs and benefits of the NW 100, or similar, wind system in Bethel. Note that the analysis is based on COB's perspective, relative to the amount of investment that is required by the COB. The financial analysis for all of the cases are run and analyzed based on an annual return. Initial capital costs are converted to an annual sum of payments, based on the project life (30 years) and the Project ROI (3%). This cost (Annualized Debt Service), in addition to the annually recurring O&M cost of the project (Subtotal - Annual recurring Project Expenses (O&M)) are compared to the income generated from the project by sales to the local utility at their avoided fuel cost (Subtotal - Annual Income from Energy Production). In all three cases examined, the project shows a positive rate of return, and a benefit to cost ratio ("BCR") in excess of 1.0, indicating a beneficial project. In the "COB Only" case, it is assumed that 100% of investment dollars for the project are provided by the COB. In this case, and given the assumptions discussed above, the project generates revenue annually in excess of the cost of debt service plus O&M of approximately $2600. For the two cases where the COB has subsidized participation by AEA/Denali or AEA/Denali and USDA, the positive annual economic value to the COB increases, as does the project BCR. 4 Conclusions The installation of a wind turbine system similar to the NW100 by the City of Bethel, given the parameters and assumptions outlined in this document provides a positive benefit to the City of Bethel. The project reduces the number of gallons of diesel burned to generate power in the community, will not negatively impact the operation of the BUC system, and utilizes technology that is becoming relatively common in rural Alaska. The annual number of gallons of diesel fuel expected to be displaced by the implementation of the Bethel City Shop Wind Energy Project is 21,541. Over the life of the wind turbine and tower, 646,230 gallons of diesel fuel will be displaced. The City of Bethel is committed to undertaking the installation of a small wind turbine in the community, with a vision of adding additional wind energy production as the viability of the technology, and assumptions regarding the financial performance of that technology, is proven. Additionally, it is the COB's vision to act as a regional hub of rural wind power expertise, so as to promulgate the technology regionally throughout the Lower Yukon-Kuskokwim region, similar to the role that Kotzebue Electric is performing in Northwest Alaska. As discussed above, given the high price of electricity in rural Alaska, the project is economically justified, even given 100% COB participation. Given the likelihood that fuel prices will continue to rise in rural Alaska, the return on investment could ultimately outperform the analysis above. Based on the assumptions provided and discussed above, the project appears to be both technically and financially feasible for the COB, along with their funding partners in which to invest. February 10, 2008 Page 5 tmktric Aw S sv tems City of Bethel Wind Energy Project NW100 Feasibility Study 5 Appendix A— Area Map c��4 SYSTEMS i Bethel City Shop Wind Energy Project ,A N Sewer lagoons � W E v - — - -- 320 ACRES - — ------ '` Q) PLAT 9132 �� HA SMA F-161618 City Shop City -owned Lagoon Parcel (contains 320 acres) I 1 ACT 5 4 TRACTE r 03 DEVELOPMENT T - A 1 - 1 . ..TMCTF PMCELA / 7 l` nHNKA�DRE� + J� GEC EST DRIVE 60 - K-NC4 RAC \ _ TRACT \ / 22A SURVEY N0. 365! _ F PE MARTIN 21 50,04)129 78A EANDE TRACT 2 20 I� 1954 1EAND 1 i5B _ iliA B .1 GEDRE6T DRIVE 4 K-NO NU E 19E 2 � � � _ _ L E \ .16A 68 2 O ST f0 _ y _-SEVENTH_-STREET.____ - _. __..- _ _. _. �- ,. 8 SBL �� 14 ' ��� 6 " 14 16A -N 12 d 0 2 1- 11 � � BLK-NOy lacI 24 iI`:\ IIt f3 16 13I 16 I 1] �S19 20 21 22 - A 4 '/f9 �U/.r 0. 2306 B -N0 /3 16 City of Bethel Wind Energy Project NW100 Feasibility Study 6 Appendix B — AEA Wind Resource Assessment February 10, : Page 8 � �4 SY57HM5 %� ENERGY AUTHORITY ALASKA Wind Resource Assessment for BETHEL, ALASKA Date last modified: 2/21/2006 Compiled by: Mia Devine SITE SUMMARY Site #: 5334 4 b� Latitude (NAD27): 60' 47' 8" N A L . 5 X A N 60.7856 ; Longitude (NAD27): 161 ` 53' 6" W W 161.885 Magnetic Declination: 14' 59' East 8eiing Sea _ GuI d Alashe Tower Type: 50-meter NRG Tall Tower M8NMenPomc Sensor Heights: 30m, 40m, 50m - - - Elevation: 42.3 meters (128 ft) , Monitor Start: 12/9/2004 18:00 Monitor End: 2/12/2006 11:00 In December 2004, a 50-meter meteorological tower was installed on high ground west of the Bethel airport. The purpose of this monitoring effort is to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing utility -scale wind energy in the community. The measured "°�' �,'t>,, wind speed and direction data at the site was compared to long-term trends in the area and estimates were calculated for the potential energy production from various types of wind turbines. WIND RESOURCE SUMMARY N Annual Average Wind Speed (50m height): 7.3 m/s (16.3 mph) NW NE Annual Average Wind Speed (30m height): 6.7 m/s (15.0 mph) Average Wind Power Density (50m height): 440 W/m2 Average Wind Power Density (30m height): 345 W/m2 W' Wind Power Class (range = 1 to 7): Class 4 6 Rating (Poor, Marginal, Fair, Good, Excellent, Outstanding): Good sw 16 % SE Prevailing Wind Direction: Northeast s 24 i 14 Probal Distibntion Ftniction 12 10 6 _ r. 4 *' # 2 �... UO S Longterm 6#m Height (mis) d ..A.. Aduei dote — Best-ft Webi cidrb Am (k-2 31, c-827 mis) 8�a MEN MEN RE,,,,,"NEW MENNEN ^+8 6aNyWkxl Speed Profile E g4 ; r 12 4 0=' 6 12 18 2, Hour d Day 50m Height — 30m Height www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.html Page 1 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment INTRODUCTION Previous wind monitoring efforts have been conducted in the Bethel area with less than favorable results. The equipment used in those studies was mounted on 20-meter towers and were located adjacent to the buildings that would be served by a wind turbine. The Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) felt that the close proximity to buildings and the low elevation of the sites resulted in a wind resource that was not representative of the area and that winds suitable for a utility -scale wind project could be found a short distance outside of town. In December 2004, AEA, V3Energy, and local residents installed a 50-meter meteorological tower (leased from Chugach Electric) on private land west of town. This location is more likely to be representative of Bethel's best wind resource area and was recommended by wind siting meteorologist John Wade. The purpose of this monitoring effort is to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing utility -scale wind energy in the community. This report summarizes the wind resource data collected and the long-term energy production potential of the site. SITE DESCRIPTION Bethel is located near the mouth of the Kuskokwim River, about 40 miles inland from the Bering Sea and 400 air miles west of Anchorage. Figure 1 shows the location of the met tower relative to the surrounding terrain. The met tower is located on a ridge at slightly higher elevation than the town site. ' Bet6e1 70 '> SCALE 1633W f>r pm __5 lEel MY MOA 1aee _ nom rw l e 1 � �SnVe+pk COWGUR IR1ERAL 50 FE[: canID URf amd n.w aim At+MiSA w.twwanmoSReramrxnnx� c1 L5i! raeai sa.M inewf MA rnum.rc va v mrr. i,n Mna rrtww+wcwfeL�r»•, rem a mRi� Mai FOR SALE BY il. S. GEOLOGICAL SURvlt FAIRMANMS. ALAERA N701.OENVE4.00t0RA00 60225.OR RESiOM.VdlaftA 2tM M MW "W"1 G 10090-MAC -n Aw 5YM501.5 d AYAMAELE OM NO" Figure 1. Topographic Map of Met Tower Site and Surrounding Area www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.htmi Page 2 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment The photos below illustrate the surrounding ground cover and any major obstructions, which could affect how the wind flows over the terrain from a particular direction. As shown, the landscape surrounding the met tower site is free of obstructions and relatively flat. NW North NE East t SE South SW West Figure 2. Views Taken from Met Tower Base Table 1 lists the types of sensors that were used, the channel of the data logger that each sensor was wired into, and where each sensor was mounted on the tower. Table 1. Summary of Sensors Installed on the Met Tower Ch # Sensor Type Height Offset Boom Orientation 1 #40 Anemometer 50 m NRG Standard 20' True 2 #40 Anemometer 50 m NRG Standard 290° True 3 #40 Anemometer 40 m NRG Standard 110* True 4 #40 Anemometer 30 m NRG Standard 280` True 7 #200P Wind Vane 50 m 290' True 110' True 8 #200P Wind Vane 40 m 110' True 290° True 9 #110S Temperature 4 m NRG Standard - N ■CH1, 50m anem NW------', NE ■CH2, 50m anem ■ CH3, 40m anem W ; E p Tower CH4, 30m anem CH7, 50m vane S 13 CH8, 40m vane Aerial view of equipment on tower www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.htmi Page 3 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment DATA PROCESSING PROCEDURES AND DEFINITIONS The following information summarizes the data processing procedures that were performed on the raw measured data in order to create an annual dataset of "typical' wind speeds, which could then be used to calculate potential power production from wind turbines. There are various methods and reasons for adjusting the raw data, so the purpose of these notes is to document what was done in this situation. The raw data set is available on the Alaska Energy Authority website (www.akenergyauthority.org) so one could perform their own data processing procedures. The processed data set is also available. Units — Since most wind turbine specifications are provided in metric units, those units are used in this report. 1 meter/second = 2.24 mph = 1.95 knots 1 meter = 3.28 feet 1 °C = 5/9 ff — 32) Tower Shadow — The tower itself can affect readings from the anemometer at times when the anemometer is located downwind of the tower. To avoid this effect, two anemometers were placed at the top level so that neither would be in the wake of the tower at the same time. One data set is compiled from the 2 anemometers depending on the direction of the wind at any given time. Icing — Anomalies in the data can suggest when the sensors were not recording accurately due to icing events. Since wind vanes tend to freeze before the anemometers, icing events are typically identified whenever the 10- minute standard deviation of the wind vane is zero (the wind vane is not moving) and the temperature is at or below freezing. Some additional time before and after the icing event are removed to account for the slow build up and shedding of ice on the sensors. Filling Gaps — Whenever measured met tower data is available, it is used. Two different methods are used to fill in the remaining portion of the year. First, if nearby airport data is available, a linear correlation equation is defined between the airport and met tower site, and airport data is adjusted to fill the gap. If neither met tower nor airport data is available for a given timestep, the software program Windographer (www.mistava.ca) is used. Windographer uses statistical methods based on patterns in the data surrounding the gap, and is good for filling short gaps in data. Long-term Estimates — The year of data collected at the met tower site can be adjusted to account for inter -annual fluctuations in the wind resource. To do this, a nearby weather station with a consistent historical record of wind data and with a strong correlation to the met tower location is needed. If a suitable station is not available, there is a higher level of uncertainty in the wind speed that is measured being representative of a typical year. Turbulence Intensity — Turbulence intensity is the most basic measure of the turbulence of the wind. Turbulence intensity is calculated at each 10-minute timestep by dividing the standard deviation of the wind speed during that timestep by the average wind speed over that timestep. It is calculated only when the mean wind speed is at least 4 m/s. Typically, a turbulence intensity of 0.10 or less is desired for minimal wear on wind turbine components. Wind Shear — Typically, wind speeds increase with height above ground level. This vertical variation in wind speed is called wind shear and is influenced by surface roughness, surrounding terrain, and atmospheric stability. The met tower is equipped with anemometers at different heights so that the wind shear exponent, a, can be calculated according to the power law formula: Hv2 H2 a = 2 where H, and H2 are the heights and v, and v2 are the measured wind speeds. Wind shear is calculated only with wind speed data above 4 m/s. Values can range from 0.05 to 0.25, with a typical value of 0.14. www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.html Page 4 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment Scaling to Hub Height - If the wind turbine hub height is different from the height at which the wind resource is measured, the wind resource can be adjusted using the power law formula described above and using the wind shear data calculated at the site. Air Density Adjustment - The power that can be extracted from the wind is directly related to the density of the air. Air density, p, is a function of temperature and pressure and is calculated for each 10-minute timestep according to the following equation (units for air density are kg/m3): _ P P RxT Where P is pressure (kPa), R is the gas constant for air (287.1 J/kgK), and T is temperature in Kelvin. Since air pressure is not measured at the met tower site, the site elevation is used to calculate an annual average air pressure value according to the following equation: P = 1.225 - (1.194 x 10-4) x elevation Since wind turbine power curves are based on a standard air density of 1.225 kg/m3, the wind speeds measured at the met tower site are adjusted to create standard wind speed values that can be compared to the standard power curves. The adjustment is made according to the following formula: i _ Pmeasured 3 Vs tan dard Vmeosured x Ps tan dard Wind Power Density - Wind power density provides a more accurate representation of a site's wind energy potential than the annual average wind speed because it includes how wind speeds are distributed around the average as well as the local air density. Units of wind power density are watts per square meter and represent the power produced per square meter of area that the blades sweep. Wind Power Class - A seven level classification system based on wind power density is used to simplify the comparison of potential wind sites. Areas of Class 4 and higher are considered suitable for utility -scale wind power development. Classes of Wind Power Density m Class Rating WPD /m^2 Speed m/s WPD W/m^2 Speed m/s WPD W/m^2) Speed (m/s) 1 <100 <4.4 <160 <5.1 <200 <5.6 Poor 2 100 - 150 4.4 - 5.1 160 - 240 5.1 - 5.8 200 - 300 5.6 - 6.4 Marginal 3 150 - 200 5.1 - 5.6 240 - 320 5.8 - 6.5 300 - 400 6.4 - 7.0 Fair 200 - 250 5.6 - 6.0 320 - 400 6.5 - 7.0 400 - 500 7.0 - 7.5 Good 250 - 300 6.0 - 6.4 400 - 480 7.0 - 7.4 500 - 600 7.5 - 8.0 Excellent 300 - 400 6.4 - 7.0 480 - 640 7.4 - 8.2 600 - 800 8.0 - 8.8 Outstanding >400 >7.0 >640 >8.2 >800 >8.8 Weibull Distribution - The Weibull distribution is commonly used to approximate the wind speed frequency distribution. The Weibull is defined as follows: k V1k-1 (_V)k P(v) c ( c expl c Where P(v) is the probability of wind speed v occurring, c is the scale factor which is related to the average wind speed, and k is the shape factor which describes the distribution of the wind speeds. Typical k values range from 1.5 to 3.0, with lower k values resulting in higher average wind power densities. www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.html Page 5 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK LONG-TERM REFERENCE STATION Wind data from the Bethel airport weather station, located 2.5 miles east of the met tower site, serves as a long-term reference for the wind resource in the area. Data is measured at a height of 10 meters above ground level and an elevation of 37.5 meters. The National Weather Service upgraded the meteorological monitoring equipment at the Bethel airport to an Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) on November 1, 1998. This new equipment, although more accurate, represents a discontinuity in the long-term wind speed record. Therefore, this report is based on measurements beginning January 1, 1999. Wind Resource Assessment t 3 Figure 3. ASOS Equipment in Bethel Hourly wind speed measurements from the Bethel airport weather station that are concurrent with recordings from the met tower site were purchased from the National Climatic Data Center. The correlation coefficient between these sites is 0.87 (a value of 1 is perfect). This suggests that, although the actual wind speed values at the two sites are different, the pattern of wind speed fluctuations is similar between the sites. Any historical patterns in the airport station data can also be applied to the met tower site with a high degree of certainty. As shown in Table 2 and Figure 4, the area has a strong seasonal pattern, with greater wind speeds in the winter months than the summer months. The long-term annual average wind speed at the Bethel airport site is 5.2 m/s, which is fairly consistent, fluctuating up to 3% from year to year. Table 2. Monthly Average Wind Speeds at Bethel Airport, 10-meter height (m/s) Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ave % of Long - Term Ave 1999 7.0 4.5 5.8 5.6 4.7 4.0 4.9 4.3 4.7 4.4 5.5 5.7 5.1 99% 2000 6.6 5.0 5.3 5.0 4.3 4.0 4.4 5.2 4.6 4.7 6.2 6.4 5.2 100% 2001 5.4 5.8 6.2 5.9 5.2 4.7 4.5 4.6 4.3 5.0 5.0 5.2 5.2 100% 2002 6.5 6.1 5.2 6.5 4.8 4.2 4.0 4.3 5.3 5.6 5.3 4.7 5.2 101 % 2003 6.3 5.5 7.0 5.5 4.5 4.5 4.9 4.1 4.4 4.8 5.3 4.9 5.2 100% 2004 6.3 6.2 5.2 4.6 4.7 4.3 3.8 4.2 4.2 5.6 6.2 5.8 5.1 98% 2005 7.4 5.2 5.7 5.0 4.6 4.1 4.3 4.8 5.9 4.5 6.3 6.0 5.3 103% Ave 1 6.5 5.5 5.8 5.5 4.7 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.8 5.0 5.7 5.5 5.2 100% 1 wi`J JUJU Lwl Lwl LUUJ 2UU4 AM Figure 4. Monthly and Annual Average Wind Speeds at Bethel Airport, 10-meter height www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.html Page 6 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment According to the ASOS data, the average wind speed in the year 2005 was 3% greater than the long-term average. Therefore, the wind speed data recorded at the met tower site during the year 2005 was adjusted downwards by 3% to more accurately reflect what would be expected over the long term. Both measured and long-term data sets at the airport and met tower sites are shown in Figure 5. 12 10 r r .� 10 Measured Met Tower Data (50m height) - =-Longterm Met Tower Estimate - - Measured Airport Data (10m height) Extreme wind speeds recorded at the 0 'Longterm Airport Data 0 1�0 Bethel ASOS are summarized in Table 3. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec The fastest mile is defined as the speed of one mile of wind that passes the weather Figure 5. Measured Versus Long -Term Wind Speeds in Bethel station and can be considered as the maximum sustained wind speed. The fastest mile recorded over a 41-year period was 27.7 m/s in February 1951. The peak gust over a 16-year period was 34.4 m/s in October 1992. 26.8 22.4 E 8 Q 6 d n a 4 c 2 Table 3. Extreme Wind Speeds in Bethel, 10m height (source: Western Regional Climate Center) Air ort Fastest Mile (1957-1998 m/s mph Year _Month Jan 24.1 54 1979 Feb 27.7 62 _ 1951 21.9 49 1977 __Mar Apr 19.7 44 _ 1979 May 18.3 41 1960 Jun 43 1978 'Jul _19.2 17.9 40 1974 Auq 20.6 46 1978 Sep 24.6 55 1960 Oct 23 2 52 1992 Nov 26.8 60 1958 _ Dec 25.9 58 1977 Airport Peak Gust 1982-1998 m/s mph I Year 27.3 61 1993 26.4 59 1988 25.0 56 1991 22.8 51 1995 23.7 53 1985 26.4 59 1980 20.6 46 1982 25.0 56 1994 _ 30.8 69 1982_ 34.4 77 1992 29.5v 66 1990 29.9 ( 67 1982 CL 17.9 E 13.4 a Cn 8.9 4.5 The air temperature can affect wind power production in two primary ways: 1) colder temperatures lead to higher air densities and therefore more power production, and 2) some wind turbines shut down in very cold situations (usually around-250C). The monthly average temperatures for Bethel are shown below. Typically, the temperature drops below -250C during 2% of the year, or 185 hours per year. Measured (met tower) - - Long -Term (airport) 20 v 15 10 5 0 L a -5 m -10 H -15 N Q (II j U op u- � Q -' Q CA 0 Z Month ! Measured (°C) ; Long -Term (°C) Jan -12.4 -12.7 Feb -10.4 -8.0 Mar -8.2 -8.8 Apr -7.0 -2.2 May 7.3 5.3 Jun 13.3 12.6 Jul 13.8 13.1 Aug 12.7 ( 12.3 Sep 8.1 7.0 Oct -1.2 -0.5 Nov ( -14.6 -7.5 Dec -10.8 -12.6 Ave j -0.8 -0.2 www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.htmi Page 7 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment WIND DATA RESULTS FOR BETHEL MET TOWER SITE Table 4 summarizes the amount of data that was successfully retrieved from the data logger at the met tower site. There was significant data loss during the winter months due to icing of the sensors, particularly in November, December and February. The airport ASOS data was used to fill these gaps where possible. The remaining gaps were filled with Windographer. Table 4. Data Recovery Rate for Met Tower Anemometers Month Data Recovery Rate Data Loss Due to Icing January 2005 100% 11 % February 2005 100% 34% March 2005 100% 8% April 2005 100% 6% May 2005 100% 2% June 2005 100% 0% July 2005 100% 0% August 2005 100% 0% September 2005 100% 0% October 2005 100% 16% November 2005 100% 31% December 2005 100% 54% Annual Average 100% 13% Wind Speed Measurements The wind resource was measured at various heights on the tower. Results from the 50-meter and 30-meter heights are summarized below. More details of the 50-meter level are shown in Table 6. Table 5. Measured and Long -Term Average Monthly Wind Speeds at Met Tower Site Wind Speeds (m/s) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ave 50m Height, Measured 10.7 7.9 8.5 7.0 5.9 5.3 5.5 6.6 8.3 6.9 8.8 9.1 7.5 50m Height, Long-term 9.4 8.3 8.7 7.6 6.0 5.5 5.6 6.2 6.7 7.6 7.9 8.4 7.3 30m Height, Measured 10.0 7.0 7.7 6.2 5.4 4.9 5.1 6.1 7.5 6.1 7.8 8.3 6.9 30m Height, Long-term 8.8 7.4 7.8 6.8 5.5 5.1 5.2 5.7 6.1 6.8 7.0 7.6 6.7 The seasonal wind speed profile shows that the highest wind month is January and the lowest wind month is June. The daily wind speed profile shows that wind speeds are typically greater in the afternoon and evening hours and calmer in the morning. h1 E A Q a �w easonai ind 31 8 Dail Wind Speed Profile u1 -,. ,, � Longterm 50m Height _ - Longterm 30m Height 0. �5 Co 724 92 00 a 12 18 24 ` J F M A M J J A S O N D Hour of Day Figure 6. Seasonal and Diurnal Wind Speed Profile for Met Tower Site, Long-term Estimate www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.html Page 8 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment Table 6. Estimated Long -Term Wind Speeds at Met Tower Site, 50m Hei ht (m/s) Hour Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul AugSep Oct Nov Dec Avg 0 9.6 8.5 8.8 8.1 6.4 6.0 6.8 6.4 6.8 7.8 8.1 8.4 7.6 1 9.4 8.5 8.7 8.0 6.3 6.0 6.4 6.2 6.5 7.8 7.9 8.3 7.5 2 9.5 8.4 8.6 8.0 6.0 5.9 5.9 6.0 6.4 7.8 7.7 8.8 7.4 3 9.5 8.2 8.4 8.0 6.0 5.8 5.8 5.9 6.5 7.8 7.8 8.7 7.4 4 9.5 8.5 8.7 7.9 6.0 5.6 5.6 5.8 6.5 7.5 7.8 8.5 7.3 5 9.3 8.4 8.8 8.1 5.9 5.4 5.3 6.0 6.5 7.4 7.7 8.3 7.3 6 9.1 8.2 8.7 7.9 5.7 5.0 5.2 5.8 6.4 7.4 7.9 8.3 7.1 7 9.3 8.0 8.7 7.9 5.2 4.7 4.8 5.6 6.3 7.6 7.9 8.3 7.0 8 9.3 8.2 8.6 7.5 5.0 4.7 4.8 5.6 6.3 7.9 7.9 8.5 7.0 9 9.2 8.5 8.7 7.1 5.1 4.8 5.1 5.8 6.3 7.7 8.1 8.4 7.1 10 9.3 8.1 8.9 6.7 5.6 5.0 5.0 6.1 6.7 7.4 8.3 8.2 7.1 11 9.4 8.1 8.8 6.5 5.8 5.2 5.1 6.4 6.9 7.4 8.3 8.1 7.2 12 9.3 8.2 8.8 6.7 5.9 5.3 5.3 6.4 6.9 7.6 8.1 8.2 7.2 13 9.3 8.4 8.6 7.0 6.0 5.3 5.2 6.6 7.2 7.4 7.8 8.2 7.3 14 9.3 8.4 8.4 7.1 6.1 5.3 5.3 6.7 7.3 7.5 7.7 8.7 7.3 15 9.6 8.3 8.7 7.3 6.1 5.4 5.7 6.7 7.0 7.6 7.7 8.3 7.4 16 9.6 8.2 8.7 7.3 6.4 5.6 6.0 6.6 7.0 7.3 7.8 8.3 7.4 17 9.7 8.3 8.6 7.6 6.7 5.7 5.8 6.6 6.9 7.3 7.8 8.3 7.4 18 9.5 8.3 8.3 7.7 6.5 6.0 6.0 6.6 6.8 7.5 8.0 8.7 7.5 19 9.5 8.4 8.5 7.9 6.2 6.0 6.1 6.3 6.7 7.6 8.1 8.7 7.5 20 9.3 8.1 8.8 8.0 6.3 6.0 5.7 5.9 6.7 7.7 7.9 8.4 7.4 21 9.3 8.0 8.8 8.2 6.6 5.9 5.7 6.1 6.7 7.9 7.9 8.3 7.4 22 9.6 8.1 8.8 8.1 6.6 6.0 6.0 6.4 6.8 8.2 7.9 8.7 7.6 23 9.4 8.2 8.6 8.2 6.4 6.2 6.4 6.3 7.0 8.0 8.1 8.6 7.6 Avg 9.4 8.3 8.7 7.6 6.0 5.5 5.6 6.2 6.7 7.6 7.9 8.4 1 7.3 The estimated long-term average wind speed is 7.3 m/s at a height of 50 meters above ground level. Wind Frequency Distribution A common method of displaying a year of wind data is a wind frequency distribution, which shows the percent of time that each wind speed occurs. Figure 7 shows the measured wind frequency distribution as well as the best matched Weibull distribution. 1� 1' c m Cr 2 LL ?�robability&[Stlbution Function 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Longterm 50m Height (m/s) - Actual data - Best -fit Weibull distribution (k=2.31, c=8.27 nYs) Figure 7. Wind Speed Frequency Distribution of Met Tower Data, 50-meter height Bin m/s Hrs/yr 0 60 1 151 2 396 3 722 4 880 5 989 6 1,086 7 1,073 8 942 9 772 10 572 11 365 12 262 13 14 170 103 Bin m/s Hrs/yr 15 78 16 58 17 27 18 15 19 9 20 8 21 8 22 4 23 3 24 3 25 2 26 2 27 1 28 1 29 0 iotar ts,lbu The cut -in wind speed of many wind turbines is 4 m/s and the cut-out wind speed is usually 25 m/s. The frequency distribution shows that a large percentage of the wind in Bethel is within this operational zone. www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.htmi Page 9 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL.AK Wind Resource Assessment Wind Direction Wind power roses show the percent oftotal power that isavailable inthe wind bydirection. The annual wind power rose for the met tower site iocompared hothe airport site inFigure 8. The met tower site isbased onone year cf data, while the airport site iebased onseven years ofdata. The correlation coefficient between the sites ia0.Q7. The predominant wind direction atboth locations ianortheast. Met Tower Site (2OO5) _ Airport Site (1QQQ-2DOS) w w wvy ` { ` Ns w= ` `. ' Ns ' ' w '�7 ' w ' � ��� vm Q� ` ��nm ��- x `iom ` mw16% � ! ss mw SE 24% ' o o mm Figure 8.Annual Wind Power Roses for Met Tower Site and Airport Site Monthly wind power roses for the met tower site are shown below. The strong winter winds come from the northeast, while the lighter summer winds tend bxcome from the south. Figure 9. Monthly Wind Power Roses for Met Tower Site vmmw.okenergyauthority.org/programwind.htm| Page 1Uof13 Febmary2OOO Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment Turbulence Intensity Various turbulence intensity characteristics are shown in Figure 10. The turbulence intensity from all directions and for all months is low and unlikely to contribute to excessive wear of wind turbines. Month Turbulence Intensity Jan 0.06 Feb 0.06 Mar 0.06 Apr 0.07 May 0.12 Jun 0.14 Jul 0.13 Aug 0.11 Sep 0.10 Oct 0.08 Nov 0.06 Dec 0.06 Ave 0.09 o a 0 5 10 16 20 23 30 Wind Speed (m/s) Data — IEA CategoryA IEA Category B Figure 10. Turbulence Intensity Characteristics of Met Tower Site Figure 10 plots the average turbulence intensity versus wind speed for the met tower site as well as for Category A and B turbulence sites as defined by the International Electrotechnical Commission Standard 61400-1, 2"d Edition. Category A represents a higher turbulence model than Category B. In this case, the met tower data is less turbulent than both categories across the whole range of wind speeds. Wind Shear Wind shear was calculated between the 50-meter anemometer and the 30-meter anemometer, and results are summarized in Figure 11. Month 30m to 50m Wind Shear Jan 0.11 Feb 0.26 Mar 0.23 Apr 0.23 May 0.18 Jun 0.17 Jul 0.16 Aug 0.19 Sep 0.18 Oct 0.23 Nov 0.18 Dec 0.23 Ave 0.19 Average of 30-50m Shear Figure 11. Wind Shear Characteristics of Met Tower Site Hair The average wind shear for the site is 0.19. As shown, the wind shear varies by month, direction of the wind, and time of day. These wind shear values can be used to adjust the wind resource data to heights other than those that were measured and reported here, as described previously in the Data Processing Procedures and Definitions section. www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.htmI Page 11 of 13 February 2006 Alaska Energy Authority BETHEL, AK Wind Resource Assessment POTENTIAL POWER PRODUCTION FROM WIND TURBINES Various wind turbines, listed in Table 7, were used to calculate the potential energy production at the met tower site based on the long-term wind resource data set. Although different wind turbines are offered with different tower heights, to be consistent it is assumed that any wind turbine rated at 100 kW or less would be mounted on a 30- meter tall tower, while anything larger would be mounted on a 50-meter tower. The wind resource was adjusted to these heights based on the measured wind shear at the site. The wind resource was also adjusted to standard air density. Results are shown in Table 7. Among the results is the gross capacity factor, which is defined as the actual amount of energy produced divided by the maximum amount of energy that could be produced if the wind turbine were to operate at rated power for the entire year. Inefficiencies such as transformer/line losses, turbine downtime, soiling of the blades, yaw losses, array losses, and extreme weather conditions can further reduce turbine output. The gross capacity factor is multiplied by 0.90 to account for these factors, resulting in the net capacity factor listed. CONCLUSION This report provides a summary of wind resource data collected from December 2004 through January 2006 in Bethel, Alaska. The data was compared to long-term trends in the area and, based on correlations with the Bethel airport weather station, estimates were made to create a long-term dataset for the Bethel met tower site. This information was used to make predictions as to the potential energy production from wind turbines at the site. It is estimated that the long-term annual average wind speed at the site is 7.3 m/s at a height of 50 meters above ground level and 6.7 m/s at a height of 30 meters. Taking the local air density and wind speed distribution into account, the average wind power density for the site is 440 W/mz. This information means that Bethel has a Class 4 wind resource, which is "good" for wind power development. The net capacity factor for large scale wind turbines would range from 21 — 36%. www.akenergyauthority.org/programwind.html Page 12 of 13 February 2006 C a) U) U) a) U) Q a) L 7 O U1 a) .O C i Y Q J W Z W m zo I f I u) N �( N ) N M M I m (0 I` V M O 00 N N LO I� Y cu a) Q LO M( m O m r IT CO CDM Ncc) CD M h�� O W CD CO (0 W (p o o 0 0 a)' O' (!) I E M Z (A ! r! M N r I` I� O (O N O I O I CO M N (O d' O N co O (O Cl) Cl)CO { >> CO I I CD r M i N N r I I r (A r I r r N N N N IN U) I (�6 Y I N Q C, I- I-- 'I M d• Il- r I LO (D LO O r N I� M M 00 N LO CO CM M Lo r o \\ 0 U) N N > N M Z O O ( CO ti O COI M'I N LO M I` r ti O V r I� M CO d LLj 00 M co O co N I O LOEn LO m (O Il- m i M N N m It LO (0 I` CO I ` ! a) -0 C) C LO .y ! (6 (V a) `' E C) I O( N (M m M N d_ N M m ti M CO tI1 r N C 0 M NT 00 r I� lO O O N O r CO O LO O M r ~ N \' O O II LL m( E M O CA CI' O LO 00 O I O 00 M N r co C`') co I CD CD Cl r I coao (.0 co N co 'IT V CO I� 00 LLN � LO I I I I aO� O C L N E O Y LO (� M 6) m LO t O) 00 O N (O 'd• I— r LO r N m Ora) Y N r CO V O r O 'd• O C� C() O ti CO E O E d• OMO r (O 00 ( C) I` p N LO M d• (O O N N r - Z� C) N M N N r I r r r r N N IZ i� I 4 I I I I � L a) "6 p3:( I� Q) `� E I` i I (O O m I LO C)m m LO 'T CD O C C:)Y rI E CO M r O ( M M CO C)I I` N ! M N r N, M O , (O N V' C)LO CI d N N 6) CD Il rf 00 M LO 'CI' LO N N( N C) r( LO 0) M O N r co co N , r O M N N CO N l r r r' r r N N CO LL LO I c) ! m [ I O Lo N � E I` CA co N co (O M d! I M r 0p CO d' N N (LO co I� 00 O (7) d' cY � o 0 N C r (O E r N 04 cli (0-! � (O c) L,) CA V CO C) d N N -i L11 i M N i r U1 CU * a) N ¢ ce) M M CO C M IO CDM (D N I I� ti N N C:)r N�~ co Z inr� I )> LO E r r— Z N! N M r l NId r IT LO M g,) N N i (O CDr N I r r r Lo co �f- (O o0 r r r r co "0 C) ! E (0 ff f '[f' N O L() I M ih LO Lo N O O Ln M d' Lo CO O m CD o 0 (B O_ i h m O O r M (fl w O m (A O m U') (O co Cl) M L LL M O � �. � O � � LO M -, LO CO M O LL M a) � O U ! I N U) a) N E Q �L C d I� LO C) d C) N C)ti r- N CO m �t O m N (O C) CO LO CO a) LL o 0 a) C) E LO Z � r 00 cM (O O 00 I` 00 f LO O M r V c M N r N m r C) co CO r N r r r r N N N cl ^0 LL U a) L C a) C _ C (6 O O N LL U) O 2 .� _ N ¢ O CO ` O U >O Q C i F a C O Q a) a) W (6 -i a) LL Q � Q U) O Z a) 0 C N O N C O M c o o Q c (D Z ~ cu v 0 !1 Q (0 O O N a) 7 > a) a) G a) a) (6 Q' U O U) N •D � C O (6 � U) > C E a) O 4z .-- E N a) (II p) > O Lo � O a) 'O � a) C En a) a) F Z3 L U �O M � r Ca a) E E o a) co r a) ca p a) � N � Q) � U) (II a5 () (6 E co a) a) p O C U) O a) o-0 C� E (D _0 a) - C_ N O O a) C U) (6 O m - 7 .r U) m O tA O U) a) >+ a) > Co E o E O a w ) m N cm a) C C F— W Y O Z City of Bethel Wind Energy Project NW100 Feasibility Study 7 Appendix C — Economic Assessment Supporting Data/Correspondence February 10, 2008 Page 22 electric Phu S CouuhLpi}pineen Email from Martina Dabo, AEA Wind Program Manager Allowing Use of Wind Data Collected Northwest of Town to be Used for City Shop in Northeast Section Dear Mr. Abe, Please feel free to use the Bethel Met -tower data for your purposes. If you need the data in a different format or additional information on this met -tower site, please contact Mr. James Jensen (jjensen(caidea. org, 771-3043). Thank you. Best regards, Martina Dabo Wild Program Manager Alaska Energy Authority 813 West Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99503 Phone: (907) 771-3027 Fax : (907) 771-3044 E-Mail: mdabo@aidea.org www.akeiiergyauthority.org NorthMndO 1 OU Wind I urtme i-roposat For The City of Bethel Prepared for: John Sargent Grant Development Manager City of Bethel, AK Submitted by. STG, Inc. 11820 S Gambell Streeet Anchorage, AK 99515 David E. Myers 907-522-9018 .7r;' 05 do". lbol Oo- TW. ot di 0-od coVwf e It e.stcmw ."j x a no 1;e d W cvlav, used, i. award 1litn oflc " a mautt of - r * rann N or. Wilh - 1110 atlbmi-10o f thi. d -W - -We—et tn-ll havo the riQpm M dup5teia' —, t'f tiiscbto gle olin -,v kh vxierj pre�.i6ed ,;i tne tc-l!sep mr.1;ato', Thia recur sir,:; '1-s opl ru.4 the no"l, 1. "s, k' tio. 0Me a d is *bW!'.od 1"o, anathvv rourv wiil-,tui rotitlien —he ae-a tobjov, ko I'lit ttlritiin' are tenWoed m Tmq- I -8p Proposat To (Company] YR Wi 00 trod Turbines Pricing and Payment Terms Northern Power The installed costs for this project are in line with the costs incurred with the two previous installations ,(Toksook and. K.asigluk), which weperformedin remote Alaska. As with Kasigluk, the foundations require piles that are au-ured in like screws. Concrete also needs to be used to stMen the base. "T`hernnalsyphons are used to keep the permafrost froin melting in the summer. Barging in the crane. the concrete equipment, the drill and the aggregate and concrete adds significant costs to this single turbine pr(ject_ In conclusion, we will continue to work at finding cost savings with the other pnu,ce that we will he conducting in Chevak, Hooper Bay, Sa ,voonaa, and Mokoi)'uk in the summer of 300& To help illustrate the high costs of construction projects in remote . laska., especially for dif`ficuh sites, the product (turbine, controls, and integration) is S 1 % of the total, while. the construct and instaH piece (including geotec:h survcys and foundation desicm) are 491% of the total, n line item breakdown of these: costs can be provided if requested. Table S. Construct and Install Wind Turbine Line Item (All labor, services, materials and work relative to and Line Item Cost incidental to the items listed) 1. Construction of civil drawings, pile testing and structural foundation design, and Electrical Design $58,500 2. Construction and installation of the wind turbine. All transportation of equipment, foundation materials, disposal, and clean up of the project. includes all as-builts and warrantees. $389, 454 3. NW100 turbine and tower with necessary controls to connect with the grid. $304,450 4. Installation and commissioning support, remote monitoring�`� software. project management and training for site personnel, $47,150 Total for Turnkey Project $799 554 Use or- disrlrjsure ofdata contained cn t}tis sI>Zet is subiect to the restriction on tlae title p; toe of the proposal Page 13 of -50 110 S. Willow, #106 (907) 283-7834 ®4 Kenai, AK 99611 1-800-478-7834 AGE CY j FAX (907) 283-6179 February 15, 2006 John Sargent City of Bethel PO Box 1388 Bethel, AK 99559 RE: City of Bethel Insurance Dear John, Per our recent telephone conversation: The City of Bethel has sufficient liability coverage in its existing insurance policy to cover the purchase, installation, and operation of a small commercial wind turbine on a 100 ft. lattice tower near the Public Works building. The wind turbine will provide electricity to the Public Works building and be connected to Bethel Utilities Corporation's grid. The increased insurance cost expected per year to cover the loss or damage of the property (wind turbine, tower, foundation, and electrical equipment necessary for connection, protection, and operation of turbine) is expected to be 4% of the value (cost to purchase, install, and commission). Please advise if you have any questions. Thank you, Doug Brown second Revised 1 APUC No. 43 Sheet Na Cancelling RECEIVED First Revised _ Sheet No. _ AUG 989 Q} �1 1BETHEL UTI-LITIESCORPORATION Pubnc Utilities Cammission TARIFF NUMBER 1 RULES, REGULATIONS AND RATES OF BETHEL UTILITIES CORPORATION 3380 C Street, Suite 210 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 C. APUC No. 43 86'h Revised Sheet No. 30.3 RECEIVED Canceling 85"..Revised Sheet No. 30.3 OCT 2 3 2007 STATE OF ALAStUA fi:EG6'LATi2-P7 OF ALASKA I RATE FOR PURCHASE OF NON -FIRM POWER FROM QUALIFYING FACILITIES With variable operating and maintenance expenses set to zero, the rate at which non -firm power will be purchased from qualifying facilities will include only the avoided fuel cost of power which is calculated on Sheet No. 30.5 (D) (5). I Avoided fuel cost of power I This filing pursuant* to order No. 5 of Docket U-81-3 5. $ 0.3253/KWH Pursuant to: U-07-112(3) ,7- -ff Issued by: Bethel Utilities _.rporation By: Title: Controller Thomas S. Sterrett, L '�r Email from Brett Pingree, Wind Business Manager With Distributed Energy Systems, Manufacturer of the NW 100 Hi John, 1 just wanted to let you know that things were progressing well with your proposal. One change I wanted to tell you about is that STG, Inc will submit the turnkey proposal to you and we will subcontract to them. We decided this was a much better approach for you and for us. STG has an office, vehicles and staff in Bethel and in addition to being an Alaskan based construction company they are much better positioned to be your lead on this project. We have submitted our proposal to STG and we are going over the final details tomorrow. It is for one turbine, installed. STG will delivery the complete and final proposal to you on Monday. Dave Myers is the STG lead on this project. We did not touch the grant proposal as it is my understanding that you already submitted this and received the award. I will note, to the project and the City of Bethel's benefit, that with this proposal we are now using a 21 m rotor and a 37 m tower. That will improve the energy production of one NorthWind100 turbine from 220,000 kWhours to 260,000 kWhours per year! You will want to update your financial analysis to reflect that. Call me anytime throughout this process. Brett Pingree Wind Business Manager Distributed Energy Systems 29 Pitman Road Barre, VT 05641 Direct: +01.802.461.2942 Main: +01.802.461.2955 Fax: +01.802.461.2998 IMPORTANT: The information contained in this communication is confidential and/or proprietary business or technical data. It is intended for receipt only by the individual or entity to which it is addressed. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, copying or distribution of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify us by telephone 203-678-2000 or electronically by return message, and delete or destroy all copies of this communication. FUEL COST RATE ADJUSTMENT A. APPLICABILITY RECEIVED SEP 1 7 1991 State of Alaska Public Utilities ComMISSIOIj All tariff rate schedules shall be subject to the applicable fuel cost rate adjustment (FGRA) as set forth in (D) below. B. COST 'OF POWER ADJUSTMENT The base cost of fuel is S 0.0966/kilowatt hour. Billings to customers will be increased or decreased to reflect the COPA surcharge calculated to reconcile the Company's allowable fuel and purchased power expenses with revenues designed to cover those expenses. C. BALANCING ACCOUNT The Company will maintain a balancing account beginning September 1, 1991, with balances thereafter reflecting the sum of monthly debit and credit entries described as follows: 1. A debit entry for the amount spent for fuel. 2. A debit entry for the amount spent to purchase power. 3. A credit entry for the amount of kilowatt hours sold times the base fuel cost of power. 4.-A credit entry for the amount of kilowatt hours sold times the CCPA actually assessed. 5. Other entries as directed by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission. Pursuant to Order No. 2 in Docket U-91-10 Tariff Advice Na 93 Effective: 10/1/91 tss Is - BETHEL UTILITIES CORPORATION BY." S__S TZZT, Title, CONTROLLER THOMAS S. STERRETTA. APUC No. 43 650'Revised Sheet No. 30.5 Canceling 64'h Revised Sheet No. 30.5 BETIML-UTILITI=ES'CORP•ORATIO.N . D. DETERMINATION OF COST OF POWER AJDUSTMENT 1. Estimated costs for three months beginning October 1, 2007 RECDVED OCT 2 3 zoo? STATE OF ALASKA RE"u• JtATEi C[F".'.i6i7 Gtt. a OF AtrSttAA Estimated Estimated Source Ouanti Unit Cost Total Diesel Fuel 820,261 gal. $3.906 $3,203,939 Purchased Power 0 KWH 0.0000 0 Total $3,203,939 2. Balance in COPA balancing account as of October 1, 2007 $ 18,806 3. Total of (1) and (2) $3,222,745 4. Estimated KWH's for the period 9,907,574 5. Projected cost of power (3) / (4) $0.3253/KWH I 6. Base cost of power $0.1461/KWH 7. Cost of power adjustment (5) less (6) $0.1792/KWH I E. REVISION OF FUEL COST RATE ADJUSTMENT 1. Every three months, the Company will submit a filing to the Alaska Public Utilities Commission and present the revised COPA. 2. The information to be contained in a filing to revise the COPA will include the following: a. A tariff advice letter. b. All necessary tariff sheets. c. A schedule showing the number of gallons and amount spent for fuel in the past 12 months. Note: Previous surcharge calculation is shown on 651h Revised Sheet No. 3 0. 1 Pursuant to: f U-07-112(3) _ Effective:.11 /01/07 Issued BY: Bethel Coro�ora_tion By: Thomas S. Sterrett, Jr. Title: Controller E. REVISION OF COST OF POVFP ADJUSTMENT (continued) 2. d) A schedule showing the number of kilowatt hours and amount spent to purchase power in the past 12 months. e) Copies of fuel invoices not previously submitted that support fuel purchases. f) A schedule of monthly kilowatt hour sales for the past 12 months. g) A calculation of the monthly balancing account used to determine the revised CODA. Pursuant to Order No. 2 in Docket U-91-10 Tariff Advice Na 93 Effective: 10 J 1 /91 Issued by. BETH L UTIIJTIES CORPORATION By. Titie_ CONTROLLER THOMAS S. STERRETT, J . City of Bethel Land Ownership "> �` . ' '3-�'��1—'r IN,.�._s e ..e:-V- '-w ^' � �' ��u'•'�`ir .2"?�'.#'ae`�r.�,L '�, �• 'i4:. t r- ,. i S m' OT��^Y v r 's-a�-as ,4r S - ��...� ^4+'�T��5�14.^.-'1-'���-'"t� z •5x' £S c r ;n fn rl W Y - i- Z � r aQgs \ ofl o S` 0 � a 1 ✓ m m G V m B tl m J U Ln W � J Ow tD W Wp 2 � 1 0 '�•C-'-�, W W 0 U IV in p z UUW \ D! m m0 m m L O C O ,( � \ oyylb \ -. u O N 6 _ D cD • ZZ .u.LimW m C So CD/ 0_> m q m to \ T t1•) Qi� q (YO.O N n m .: m¢ u o m L L G L O S C Z -%- T -I m to c u m .- s H 1 1 4 fI m m N O m 7 m a cv I n n ✓a G-' __... _.._ 1 C ^ L •• U u U -Y- { O L O > > J - ti O {• L J F Z C L v ' -' QI ❑^ i C L .. to N 0 10 r T -• 1 1 liJ Ix M D m 0 O \ d ^! r cv u a-. O N m S1 '{ p N D++� D I L n O IL N ON LU ❑ m r® I Z DN t J W W t> .� m L 7 .Li •^' O ou u a' m Nr 7 -I • Wf-1-a2...m� 3 r c to m p- _ ❑ In ti_m I _I_tJ tt m F Z C� In `�• _Tl Q En k rT-1 + -j Y 66`O c t L J z Ff Fr- 1 1 j l 7 .{. O) 1 W COm 4i�pf T-i m oo m N `� °o} 'Jg f+ \I • ti r I 11 I m I R ^t���y ��°� � 4 s.im I t 00 44• ^t A "'t -_JL_J too -axe >aumM • �� r pp 00. OLL C BTp q m I O it .Y6, �• --,L _ OE•095T A .91'.90.0 N iplt aeoznzcensNn Ax LEGEND CON' T . t ) Record Data Dill Township Survey. j } Macord Data Par Plat a2-4. C JAccord Data Per Plot 84-19. I it SPALE ;.. o coo eoo 1YOJ 1. .tic Declination 19 Eest ' Itese Du.d aethOI (D-S) Pound llll Dr.- Cap eention Corner Monument. t1(((.. fewfd B.M Sreas C09 !/4 Sept ton Corner W..u�:.... found 94 was. Cap Monucant Par Plot 92-22 - famtl i i!a' Alu•1nSUe Cop Monument Per Plat a2-4. Tama V Iron pips MM+ument Per Plot 87-a. 2-1!R' X 32' Aluatniva Monument This Survey. rL_ 4 (L -, L--L^ r � IFuul w'f rt� 'rT�i • � c r,. �•' imtc •ee.e a• of•, tr..• as Mwa. MortA l p. tt p••t I CSpwkaa ivf tf on �t Lo 1O n t�, m yl 1 B➢ 83 M ' M k.: K yti0 93-3a- J4LtB a�:l iE..C'J�RDED �nm, 4:2fy_ _ ilw RAVEYORS CERTIFICATE I. Daniel A. Wahl haraby certify that 1 ea a duly 1fuMea Lend 9arvyor in the state of Alasken. in[rhea sccoeo "I'd Plat i. e tru. and correct pr.:.nt•tion of •urvsy aarfor-a by me or under m' tlI.•et up.rvision and that Stl u y •a don• caw... .v{^a, fro- - Oant. end land marks found se shown. ' %.T + ' 49T"� :9++ �y �tr�yy CL..........%wai D Daniel A. Mehl L.9. 67f8 Data aL-Anii ,•'r#f v i a• ne a a x as t>Sr a� rM �� .Th lab 9u ey 9 a fe� 1t - fa T -� p w p re to to fa I U O L Qp v 1• la ap -zf— as U. S. HAP BETHEL (0-B). ALASKA ,;',Srs B.. 'ICINITY MAP 1' - 1 MILE CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP I. the-d—ipnad. hereby cartify that I ea the President of the Bethel Native Corporation .nd that the Bethel Matt- Corporation is the owner of those lantls, other than Ouitclaie Traote A. B. C.D and Tract E Plat a2-4, m ehowl and described hereon. This survey acpurat•ly deacribee the lands Ihtsndad to be conveyed pursuant to the requlrementa of ANC9A 14(c) (3) and op requested by Bethel City Council Resolution Aoraement hap. 717. Bete (4- �S(j{' nt. Dach61 Motive Corporecfor �DY`!, [7gfC5, S✓7ER1M MHNRfiF�t NOTARY'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT suimmman AND stiom TO BEFam ME mis /6 DAY OFF^ • 19 q' _ G / Y OR THEE STATE OF A9KA NY 1OMX 99IDN :'M7 ;• to Y` CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP O Y)n'T I. the undersigned. hereby certify that I am the Mayor t ;ns•, y Dath.l and that the City of Bethel Is the owner of O.Itt=q TNpt A. B. C,0 and Tract E Plat 82-4 an shown and described n• o T15ia"IlGrvay epcurat•ly d-11... the land Intended to b. conveyetl purduppnnt to the requirement. of ANCSA 141., (3) -1 a requested by Bathal City Council Rana lutSon Ag—sent No. 717. Date. lo'Z7•ii H.YbQ CS f aith.l NOTARY'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT /,. SUBSCRIBED AM SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS Z 7 DC U'AY OF -3 NOTA NOR THE STATE Of ALASKA MY CO WIS'Siram Lg PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL { This Plat 12 found to cosoly with the etenderdeiga the City of Bethel. Alaska end it -00—d by the Plennina Comei.aloh'thia /:i -A Coy of c ' . • r 1993. J I TAX STAT1H T The lend. contained and d... 11betl hereon or. hot subject to tametion at in, ties of I... .Inc. PLAT DF LAGOON PARCEL BETHEL NATIVE CORPORATION ANCSA 14(C) SURVEY SITUATED IN SECTIONS 4 6 5,TOWNSHIP 8 NORTH, RANGE 71 WEST, SEWARD MERIDIAN, .ALASKA CONTAINS aeo.o ACRES MORE OR LESS PREPARED BY ALASKAN CONSULTING SURVEYORS,INC 601 West 41st Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (907) 562-7950 SCALE 1'-400' DATE 4/27/93 FILE 93-09 FB NO.92-04 DRAWN D.W. CHKD. L.R. I SHT. 1 of 1