HomeMy WebLinkAboutNoatak Biomass_Native Village of Noatak App# 2 / 1 S /'vow` ALASKA B46RGYAUTHORM Renewable Energy Fund IMPORTANTNOT ICE Requests for Grant Applications (RFA) AEA-09-004 for Renewable Energy Grant Program RFA ISSUE DATE: September 3, 201 Interested applicants that want to be notified of updates or changes to the Renewable Energy Grant Request for Applications MUST fill out the following information and reply via email or fax; otherwise we will be unable to notify the applicant of possible addenda to this RFA. i i I I I i � 1 11 IMMERSIONS IN 11 1 1 1 3.01 111 CompanyName Native viiiage-of Noatak----- ContactName lyin kshbv---Sr. CompanyAddress R.Q Box 89 -NoataLk. 4K 99761 Telephone Number (9071 485-2173 Fax Number (907) 48i-2137 E-mail Address tribeadmin@na Public Records Notice to Applicants: Alaska Energy Authority is subject to the Public Records Act, AS 40.25 and materials submitted To the Authority may be subject to disclosure requirements under the act if no statutory exemptions apply. All applications received will be posted on the Authority web site after final recommendations are made to the Legislature. MTTAMILTAM! Alaska Energy Authority 1414 Anchorage, AK 99503 FAX: (907) 771-3942 Phone., (907) 771-:3048 E-mail: re-fund@aidea.org Requasts for Grant Applivationa AEA49-04 Page 1 of 25 9113/08 so lmi'D ALAS K A 41LD ENERGY AUTHORITY Zme "A .1q Rrpl ren jirpd to he su a n* Grant Application' GrantApp.doc Form Application Cost Costworksh� Worksheet Grant Budget GrantBudget.xis A detailed grant budget that includes a breakdown of or costs by task and a summary of funds available and requested to complete the work for which funds are being __qsted. rpgu Gran' Budget 11 GrantBudgetlnstr.5df Form"Instructions • If you are applying for grants for more than one project, provide separate application forms for each project. • Multiple phases for the same project may be submitted as one application. • If you are applying for grant funding for more than one phase of a project, provide a plan and grant budget for completon of each phase. • If some work has already been completed on your project and you are requesting fundinq for an advanced phase, submit information sufficient to demonstrate that the preceding phases are satisfied and funding for an advanced phase Is warranted. • If you have additional information or reports you would like the Authority to consider 'in reviewing your application, either provide an electronic version of the document with your submission or reference a web link where it can be downloaded or reviewed. • Alaska Energy Authority is -subject to the Public Records Act, AS 40.25 and materials submitted to the Authority may be subject to disclosure requirements under the act if no statutory exemptions apply. • All applications received will be posted on the Authority web site after final recommendations are made to the legislature. AEA 09-004 Grant Applicaton Page 1 of 10 91212008 '1-10-08;08:1'01PM; 1w-j ALASKA ENERGY AUTKORMY # A/ 12 Q M4T N. A -LICANTINFOR I, Name (Narne Of udlily, Ipp, or govemment entity submitting propo-sal) Native Village of Noatak Typo of Entity, Tribal government (local government) Telephono ax 907-465-2173 907485-2137 trlbeadmln@nautaaq-org 1A APPLICANT POINT OF CONTACT Name 'Title Alvin Ashby Sr. Administrator Maillng Address PO Box 89 Noatak, AK 99761 Telephone 907-486-2M Fax 907-485-2137 Email tribeadmin(Inauteaq.Org My- 1 U 01MUT 49A AEA 0904 Grant Application Page 2 of 10 91312008 11-10-08;0,8:13pm; /Z 1 6 ALASKA ENVRC;Y AUftiORIre # S/ 13 gene Dee energy 1-una Grant Application SF NI"PROjECTSUMMARY: VO Pr6Wde a br 442 Pe go Qverwewo, y0or projec�t:,�, 1.1 ROPF Y (Ce 4�e bAssess Orit/ & f6dt��kpb, are Pin�j� �Reconha�ssance, R&$Oiq:, 0 6f Ord Prpos .FjoasIbIlity Andiy$isIC-:6�c6pt6�i,"6.��5ign; !Final D&4n and. Pkrvitting,- and1br,'C6nstructi6n) os wo as me:'ghd, , 6iiehewable' 1,41q n,e- ion llis S6cfiqn 1.:5 di,,RFA. jLin dto''! e. Reteri6 Resource Assessment: To create a Energy Department within the operations of the lVative Village offoatak, Renewable energy we have in Noatak is biomass - wood. (5 ee, a-tMCktd b-c,c�.,Ile OMA yyo-aAfi ve--,) ,NEFIT; 4F ,OROJ ECT &cludinj 6t&'Of q&OnOMIC fin 16" th proje6�, 1; i6iutt �hl Noatak members (population 4M) will beneJitfrom this as we do not have tnepersonat in our community to assist people on a daily basis with applicationsfor weatherization and heating assistance programs that are currently available. This department will seek energy grants and help Moatak look into getting someone certified as a energy rater, which is neededfo?, the energy rebateprogram that is now available. This department will look at long term goalsfor alternative energy as we have biomass (wood) in Noatak and other alternative energyprograms and will work with A VEC - our utility company, Teckominco- a company that may help with ---- ---- --- FUMME AEA 09-004 Grant Application page 3 of 10 913/2008 *]WAN 6tate1hbt*1h.this�.secvdh. P'rq!j0ct!'Sc­fie'duWe`, lncldd�!!4�tdh,bdddifbr the b,&Jdh'd6d by th!�:�rant.'!::(-Y�u may include a pr000sed`�V&k tha.t.will chart 6ritablei6ttacbment. with: a sumn�a -ofd6t6sbII See attached neig ev n Si ,a schedUle for ach!" 1' q decision poin silh.yqqL�,(qjectand them, in place already with A VEC, we will work with TeckCominco, a mining company to see what we g4aLiffAlFifi� 11I i a 1111 a fly 19IFEffA �F� MMI Our Administrator will be the keypersonal until we recruit andselect a Energy Coordinator for this department NUMISIM 21214s I dmigLytratorl. Council and to the funding atencv- J� �AI addrbs� them, AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 4 of 10 9/312008 1-10-081;08:13PM; /` ALASKA VAWD EN18ROY AUTHORITY # 7 2, Kenewante Energy t-una Grant Application ----------- 6fith6i ��t Ooi6ritl-�1�6�tent(6hidunt resobrCe ih2it (s,�vail9ble.,; i., ObIlabib forthe'�! d b Pe t. ,rn�rketttdb.q0erve y rolpip :J We have an undetermined amount of biomass/wood that would need to be looked into/assessed, such as who owns the wood, how much wood we have, how many people need wood stoves to use the available wood we have. 4 1E t nq •Ehi v�terri i�i i, �A#idconfir iuration of Existing* Energy SyS460 disdu§s`th�it bdt1c..confi6Uniii66:Df ffid,!,ekisting� 1;6'hqrgy.s�stern. lheude�.; j!hf6rM'6'ti0n:abo oftbherbtibn. 4pe ie'fficienq�,: ind the hdm--gr a 4"1 Only n existing energy resource we have in Noatnk is the State's heatig assistance program, this department will assist individuals with applications, Other resources are the RuralCap's weatherkLation and rebate programs, we will assist individuals as well on these matters. There will be no significant impact to those programs mentioned above. A In Vawr�F 1AMtTM1 ,FMy energy marKet froin their own allotment and/or drift wood. No significant impacts to the above. AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 5 of 10 913/2008 Kenewable Lnergy 1-und ALASKA Grant Application GREO ENERGY AUMORM 43 dpn:6: 'sr6ma b t,Y ne ioonS neeMc esSarVo.de."s.cldbethO. z'y.steM.'you4 intending ::# Vd!ppad address PoteI.isyst0`m-design, lend wners,es,andi6rivironrnental issues 4.3.1 Sys 1610aDesign ProVIddIh'qJbII6Wihg'JI)f M'atioh for!'ihe: p reriewa e roposed vol� no-ItOy Sys qM­ desert tl Olog 'effil ca(lon r6ndwlbl energylechh �: c to projectlbI. bf Y., 004mut Installedca Peclty �ntidipate'dedity;fdtot An'Op a'. of B cAn pItegra ioniconcet p I I., , 6 Ir. y 1:' M`nth t h 6 d To make people aware of the wood we have out there we would ftee;tto wur.��W-t Regional Corporation, the major land owners out there where wood is available for either taking of wood or access to get to available wood. --77 inti6rid1b addfess, ayiirelate to:O, rm ing,,an qW you ntiall. "arne s- IV ArIA 09-004 Grant Application Page 6 of io 91312008 11-10-08,;08:13PM; # /4"W"'D ALA6KA Renewabie Energy Fund 41E-LENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application q a WostAnformatidmt buldindu&ih fpllowing'-;, nfic' 1p at"ted`!l'pr6jeqt:� cost, and:cost flor this Oh4se ­�tbd igedn'tJondlog 'nt Mi6t6hing fi �6ds­t lwr`�, capita,l'tontributions, in -kind ica of 6,th6r,fdnding sources Icapi ror)os6d ren Ifalip6s(of eWab e en y system erg men id6�el6p t,qq#_of,:6r6poed'rqnewa le energy system co ,p&,atj'h'0 and'Ma ntenandw sts IncI6 d! e''.ild'cipated.. O&M costs f6r.l�h�ew facilities c6h'&ucted,ah'd'.hb.W these: wou'ld be fuh4edby th6,appicant. Total 66st'for this: phase r Re#u ptqc(g'� tfiLinding On IM h i§6/Sale 4.4.3.. Power,F,, F Tfie!p`d�i&-'O=Iia'61s616 informat!6h;!�j�ouldi:inclUde�ith6�foll,dwing-. s) cuMorr 4 o: :,,:Pdteh0aj pow6r pqrqh�gel les pri66,� at a: minimum li.nd,ic"a:te�.:s,pnce range, rate :.Proposed of re urh!fr6m� rant. f6hded�ptojbct -- - ------- M dhe 4.44"! 06st Work, 6 f6fmation, that �e pons.[dered C' 'I 6t 'h'eet;f6 W ich:'�ides: 6t , he cost works r :h .,rov, summary in ini l6ail Afie prbidot.1 Download the form, complete it, and submit it as an attachment. Document any conditions or sources your numbers are based on here. AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 7 of 10 9/312008 ENERGY AUTHORITY "MMM. TIMM-W-7 FAWT-91 Grant Application 7 i i TFSV—e.F,-Mu secure cift rk-mrl ==rg to sustain this department after the first year. EMMEMam Provide a narrative summary regarding funding sources and your financial commitment to the project. AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 8 of 10 9/3/2008 le'll"',---�,".1 ALASKA �L -". ENERGY AUTHORITY AEA OQ-0O4Grant Application Page Qof\O 9/3/2008 ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application A. Resumes of Applicant's Project Manager, key staff, partners, consultants, and suppliers per application for Section 3.1 and 3.4 B. Cost or sheet pera lication for Section C. Grant Budget or pera lication form Section 6. D. An electronic version of the entire application per RFA Section 1.6 E. Governing Body Resolution per RFA Section 1.4 Enclose a copy of the resolution or other formal action taken by the applicant's governing body or management that: - authorizes this application for project funding at the match amounts indicated in the application - authorizes the individual named as point of contact to represent the applicant for purposes of this application - states the applicant is in compliance with all federal state, and local, laws including existing credit and federal tax obligations. F. CERTIFICATION AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 10 of 10 9/3/2008 J NJCn w I -1 €St Cn(D CD N, IQ iCD cn I o€n —* 0 mCn 0 o rI cn O criI N CDV tocIus 0 M 0 .� 0 CD M e lfm , o' (o o . (5) l ,_ CD t� en l 7, l -s CD (Di uo - CD CD CD s1 40 CD -0 I (D 93fm (D Im 2) C= CD CD C C CD 0 CD C. � 0 m k Cr CD rn CD Pn CD CD CED M c CD CD CL�I�;��� C - 0-1 CD CD 0. 0- 0- CD � I0 0 0 t7 « O r, jO Q I C) O Ci 0 Ci 0 �CD ��Q�Q i� I iS 0I C� C� CD =" o C} 0 0 CD cc I (I � cn ��� :3 0 al :3 O w LtD C® UD 0 (SD Q �, O O CD j - cn O N Cit l {p co P A tnD N CD,�Lll�� o�n o �� i o o o oNoc 000l�Cn cltom0. 'o0, o CD 0 C4 iX C CD CD 'CD 0 w CD 0� CD O ,o i0 ,000l000®;oo® O,O O'o O o C3iCD CD M M a I.Co t4 �< CD< � CD C) CD CD ���� Mcn �. 3 3 CD CD CD - O (D �CL o n I0 (D � i .� c M (6 C CD CD o_ CD 4D aD CDW�� Q m �I x ICD E to 3 cD 3 C C 'oom- p LSD CD O O X f.J c/ X on w IX X oI CD N 3 O N 3 0 �,i� o CD G I Cfl CD � z f!1 �r t"il I� i sT � i cn j o '��.' N CD LSD i C'D CD 1 X CD x i � I i i N i i I i I iAF li.-10-08;08:13PM; * 1 /1 1 -14 Native rillage of Noatak, P.O. Box 89 Noatak,Alaska 99761 Phone.(907) 485-217,712173 Fax.-(907) 485-2137 '6 Lkh rom. ��r( vies F SEEM= a »<:� I ve 11-10-08;08:13pm; Native Village of Noatak, P.O. Box 89 Noatak,Alaska 99761 Phone.(907) 485-217212173 Fav(90-1) 485-27137 Noril"J"TWIMM Comments: n -i- a ri n i o vi I Butch White From: Butch White Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 11:52 AM To: Shauna Howell; Marge Cabanski Cc: Peter Crimp Subject: FW- Inbound Fax from Cisco OnRamp Fax Service Attachments: Cisco—fax.tif This application is in the form of a fax. I believe it would be easier to just print it out, scan it, and make the electronic copy. Unless you can get it to the database directly... Steve accepted this application too. ';rom: [mailto:Fax@Aidea.org] -4"osted At: Monday, November 10, 2008 4:18 PM Posted To: Re —Fund Conversation: Inbound Fax from Cisco OnRamp Fax Service q.ubject: Inbound Fax from Cisco OnRamp Fax Service