HomeMy WebLinkAbout3 - Resolution & Board MinutesCOPPER VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. RESOLUTION 09-12 RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION FOR A PRELIMINARY PERMIT FROM THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION FOR THE PROPOSED SILVER LAKE PROJECT WHEREAS, Copper Valley Electric Association is a rural electric cooperative organized under Alaska Statute 10.25; and WHEREAS, CVEA provides central station electric service to the Copper River Basin and Valdez regions of Alaska; and WHEREAS, CVEA has a strong desire to reduce its dependence on fossil fuel for the production of electricity; and WHEREAS, CVEA maintains an interest in developing renewable energy to better serve its membership; and WHEREAS, CVEA has recently initiated study of a proposed Silver Lake Hydroelectric Project near Valdez, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, the CVEA Board of Directors approves the application to FERC for a preliminary permit to study the hydropower potential of a Silver Lake Hydroelectric Project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the CVEA Board of Directors authorizes the CEO to apply for program funds to carry out the requirements of the preliminary permit. Approved and signed this 15th day of October 2009, in Glennallen, Alaska. Secretary (attest) (seal) Lyle Von Bargen, President Directors Present Carl Crosman Joe Freitag Jim Manning Travis Million Jeff Saxe Lyle Von Bargen Fred Williams A. C E. REGULAR MEETING CVEA BOARD OF DIRECTORS July 16, 2009 Directors Absent John Bradshaw Others Present Robert Wilkinson — CVEA Aaron Remer — CVEA Jaime Matthews — CVEA Chris Botulinski — CVEA Sharon Crisp — CVEA Nancy Heidelberg — CVEA James Linxwiler — Guess & Rudd Dick Griffith — Hatch Acres CALL TO ORDER President Von Bargen called the regular meeting of the Copper Valley Electric Association Board of Directors to order at 2:08 p.m. via videoconference between the Glennallen and Valdez offices. PROOF OF QUORUM Secretary Crosman reported a quorum was established with Director Freitag participating via teleconference and Director Bradshaw absent. RECOGNITION OF GUESTS CEO Wilkinson welcomed Mr. James Linxwiler, general counsel, Mr. Dick Griffith, Hatch Acres, and Mr. Chris Botulinski, CVEA Manager of Engineering, to the meeting. MEMBERS' COMMENTS There were no members present. CONSENT AGENDA President Von Bargen asked if any member wished to remove any item from the Consent Agenda; hearing no request President Von Bargen declared the Consent Agenda approved as presented by general consent. The items in the Consent Agenda are as follows: 1. Changes to Consent Agenda 2. Minutes of Board Meeting — June 18, 2009 3. Staff Monthly Reports 4. Safety and Loss Control Report F. APPROVAL OF AGENDA CEO Wilkinson requested the addition of Agenda Item G6, Allison Lake Site Visit. Regular Meeting July 16, 2009 Page 2 MOTION Secretary Crosman moved to approve the agenda as amended. Director Saxe seconded. Following a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously. G. REPORTS CEO Report CEO Wilkinson referred to his written report included in the board packet. He reviewed ongoing efforts to fill positions vacated by Mr. Steve Bushong's retirement, Mr. Bill Caynor's resignation, and the impending retirements of Glennallen Diesel Plant Operators. CEO Wilkinson responded to a Director inquiry regarding an apprenticeship program for the operators and lineman positions. CEO Wilkinson reported on a visit to the CVEA Valdez facilities by Mr. Sheldon Petersen, Governor of the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation, and Mrs. Linda Lewis, CFC Regional Vice President. He said Mrs. Matthews and he had the opportunity to provide a tour of the facilities and utilized the visit for positive networking for possible future project financing at CVEA. CEO Wilkinson provided an update on the Native allotment issues. He said that efforts had been put forth on CVEA's behalf but at this time no meeting had been scheduled with the BIA. CEO Wilkinson said Mr. Linxwiler and he had discussed the need for outside assistance to advance the project. He said he recently met with a local Copper Basin individual who could possibly work with CVEA to assist with the project. CEO Wilkinson said he had been informed that an order from the Regulatory Commission of Alaska would be issued that the Copper Valley Telephone Cooperative's local regulation campaign was successful. Regarding state legislative matters, CEO Wilkinson said the Legislature has called a special session for August 10, 2009, to vote on an appointment for Lieutenant Governor and an expected override vote to Governor Palin's rejection of federal stimulus money for the state. CEO Wilkinson reported that it appears a majority of the concerns identified in the Solomon Gulch Potential Failure Mode Analysis, during the FERC Part 12 inspection, would be disposed of with the one major remaining issue being installation of a low lake level outlet at the dam. 2. Management Reports Mr. Remer referred to his written report included in board packet for questions. He distributed a Glennallen Diesel Plant Upgrade Project information packet and reviewed progress on the project. Mr. Remer responded to questions from Directors. Regular Meeting July 16, 2009 Page 3 Mrs. Matthews reported that she was working on the transfer of CVEA's casualty program from the ARECA Insurance Exchange to MARSH to be effective August 1, 2009. She said she continued to review grant opportunities to determine applicability to CVEA. Mrs. Matthews said a site inspection was scheduled for July 22 by a representative from the Department of Energy for verification of compliance with the grant received for the GDP Upgrade Project. Mrs. Matthews responded to questions from Director Crosman on the Form 7 included in the Financial Statements. Ms. Crisp apologized for not submitting a written report for the board packet. She said she had attended the Idaho Youth Rally as a chaperone and reported on numerous positive comments from personnel at the Rally on the conduct and character of Alaska students. She said that CVEA's Youth Rally Scholarship recipients were great representatives for the Cooperative and the state of Alaska. Mr. Keaton Shepherd of Kenny Lake was awarded a $600 scholarship, was selected as Alaska's representative on the Youth Leadership Council, and was chosen by the youth rally students to return in 2010 as a Youth Rally camp director, and Mr. Quinn Verfaillie of Valdez was awarded a $500 scholarship. Ms. Crisp thanked the Board and CEO Wilkinson for the opportunity to attend the youth rally and said having experienced the event in person would allow her to be more effective when promoting the opportunity to high school students. Ms. Crisp reported on fundraising efforts for the CVEA Community Foundation. 3. Financial Statements There was no discussion. 4. Member/Media Communications There was no discussion. 5. Work Session — Director Training CEO Wilkinson said Director Duties and Responsibilities training was provided by Mr. Linxwiler in a work session held prior to the board meeting. Recess at 3:03 p.m. Back in session at 4:15 p.m. 6. Allison Lake Site Visit MOTION Secretary Crosman moved to proceed with a prefeasibility study for the Silver Lake Hydroelectric Project not to exceed $250,000. Director Saxe seconded. Following a roll call vote, the motion passed. Regular Meeting July 16, 2009 Page 4 H. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Director Travel It was necessary to appoint voting delegates for the upcoming APA Annual Meeting. MOTION Director Saxe moved to appoint Director Manning as the voting delegate and Treasurer Williams as the alternate voting delegate for the NRECA Director election at the 2009 APA Annual Meeting. Secretary Crosman seconded. Following a roll call vote, the motion passed Secretary Crosman initiated discussion regarding whether the Directors who participated in the Allison Lake tour should receive the $125 director fee. After a Director poll it was the consensus of the Board that each participating Director could make a personal choice to accept the fee or not. Mr. Linxwiler reminded the Board that any travel, particularly in any dangerous situation as flying in a helicopter, should be considered as official cooperative business. DIRECTOR/CEO COMMENTS Vice President Million said the idea of looking at Silver Lake is good, especially if opportunity is available this summer to do some of the field work as it could be a good backup if the Allison Lake project turns out not to be feasible. Director Manning thanked the Staff for all the work they had done in the past month in putting together the arrangements for the tour. He said that it was unfortunate that CEO Wilkinson did not have the opportunity to see Silver Lake and encouraged him to find an opportunity to do so. He thanked the Directors for their attendance at the board meeting. Secretary Crosman said it had been a great couple of days and that he had been hesitate on support of Silver Lake but now thinks it would be a good move to take care of the initial study of it, even if Allison Lake moves along, power from Silver Lake can be used. Director Freitag expressed some reservations about moving forward to study the Silver Lake Project without economic participation by major stakeholders and landowners. President Von Bargen thanked the Staff for all the work they do. He said he does not know how they get it all done but it is appreciated. CEO Wilkinson stated the Silver Lake Project is of interest to many CVEA members, including the city of Valdez. While the project has some different challenges than Allison Lake, the time appears appropriate to better understand its hydropower potential. Regular Meeting July 16, 2009 Page 5 J. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOTION Secretary Crosman moved to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel issues Director Saxe seconded. Following a roll call vote, the motion passed. Recess taken at 4:30 p.m. Back in session at 4:35 p.m. Into executive session at 4:35 p.m. Out of executive session at 4:59 p.m. K. ADJOURNMENT President Von Bargen adjourned the meeting at 5 p.m. co� I Secretary (seal)