HomeMy WebLinkAboutMICResolutionRound3COUNCIL ANNETTE ISLANDS RESERVE METIAKAIIA INDIAN COMMUNITY Kw. S.G K.M, oOR DwuA M. YLnaEMI, SECREFMY -uXowI owcaarxg xs NA9R4rvW Eotect r, TawsuaER EtTMUSHN I887 AI! 'EryOns%4391- FAX pErinsc799r RESOLUTION #09-53 BY THE COUNCIL ANNETTE ISLANDS RESERVE METI.AKAIIA INDIAN COMMUNITY SUPPORTING AND ENDORSING THE ALASKA ENERGYA UTHORITY RENEWABLE ENERGY GRANT APPL ICATION WHEREAS, the Mordakmla Indian Community Council is the governing body of the Metlakatla Indian Community, Armette Islands Reserve, Alaska by the authority of the Constitution and By-laws of the Metlakatia Indian Community as approved on August 23, 19 i by the Secretary of the Interior; and WHEREAS, the Metlakttla Indian Community is an Indian Tribe organized under the provisions of Section 16 of the Indian Reorganization Ad. 25, U.S.C. Section 496; and WHEREAS, the MetlAatla Indian Community Council is applying to the Alaska Energy Authority Renewable Energy Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the Metlakatla Indian Community fully supports and endorses the application to the Alaska Energy Authority Renewable Energy Gant PY 2010; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, in the event that a Alaska Enerar Authority Renewable Enerev, Grant is awarded in State Fiscal Year 2010, the Medakatla Indian Community hereby waives its sovereign immunity and consents to suit in Alaska State Courts or in a state administrative agency proceeding for any cause of action (including any allowable interest, costs and attorneys fees) or claim filed by the state arising out of or related to the grant only, to enforcement of any court or agency order entered in such action or agency proceeding and m levy and execution of any judgment entered in any such lawsuit or agency proceeding against all property and funds of the Metlakatla Indian Community however held and wherever located. Merlakatla Indian Communiry Resolution 909-53 Pane 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, Karl S. Cook Mayor is hereby authorized to negotiate, esupute, and administer any and all mount agreements, documents, and contracts required for granting funds to the Metlakatla Indian CommoaiN, and anaging funds and administering projects on behalf of this entity, including any subsequent amendments to said amecmevt. DATED this 40 day ofNovcrn a 2W9 at Medakmla, Alaska ATTEST: METLAKATLA I iDIrW COMMUNITY 1Natm M. Yliniemi, :remy Louie Wagner Jr, Acting Mayor CERTIFICATION Uisn to certify thm Ne foregoing rewlnion w adopud az a meNmg of Me Community Counci,Tw tivea held on doe day of No�ber 2C09 et wbkh a quorum was p eent, by a vote of 3 for and -0agamsS die Mayor leing nuNorisl to sign ne recohoion. i 111. Diw M. Yllnleml, 9are