HomeMy WebLinkAboutCastel d'Aiano plant pubblication THE ECOLOGICAL PLANT IN CASTEL D’AIANO The CHP system of Castel d'Aiano school campus: wood chips gasification and Stirling engine Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 2 INDEX 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 3  2 The facilities served by the CHP plant .......................................................... 4  3 The plant configuration .................................................................................. 6  3.1 The gasifier .......................................................................................9  3.2 The combustion chamber ............................................................... 10  3.3 The Stirling engine .......................................................................... 11  3.4 The accumulator tanks ................................................................... 14  3.5 The wood chips storage .................................................................. 14  4 System dimensioning and main technical parameters ............................. 16  5 The syngas .................................................................................................... 18  6 Wood chips demand ..................................................................................... 19  7 Production of heat and power ..................................................................... 20  8 Environmental parameters ........................................................................... 22  9 The ash disposal ........................................................................................... 23  10 Main parameters ........................................................................................... 24  11 The work group ............................................................................................. 27  Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 3 1 INTRODUCTION The cogeneration system based on the gasification of wood biomass and a Stirling engine for the combined production of heat and power (CHP), has been realized by CISA1 in collaboration with COSEA, the local energy utility company, in the territory of the Municipality of Castel D’Aiano, in the Italian Central Apennines. The combined generation of heat and power in small size plants using renewable primary energy sources such as wood chips is still not very widespread in Europe. Furthermore the plant in Castel D’Aiano is doubtlessly an innovative pilot plant and one of the first example of this kind in Europe. A small size CHP plant offers a number of advantages both in terms of environment and sustainability: installing a centralized thermal plant for the electricity and the heat demand of small settlements, school campuses, sport or recreational facilities, promotes the diffusion of the technology with consequent benefits on the local economy, the valorization of local mountain resources, the distributed generation of energy and the creation of a short agro-wood biomass supply chain. 1 CISA stays for Centro per l’Innovazione e la Sostenibilità Ambientale in Appennino, that is “Innovation Centre for the Environmental Sustainability in the Apennines” Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 4 2 THE FACILITIES SERVED BY THE CHP PLANT The main buildings served by the plant are part of a quite large school campus including primary and secondary school. Before the installation of the plant the campus was heated by an old generation, low efficiency, natural gas boiler; the action on the plant, beside having turned the system into a renewable energy based one, also has brought overall remarkable energy savings; furthermore in general, it offers a new modern way of looking to the energy supply. The campus includes areas dedicated to sport activities, didactics, recreational activities and the lunchroom. Close to the campus there is the municipal outdoor swimming pool. In summer the air temperature is warm; nonetheless the users of the swimming pool complain for the low temperature of the water, as usually happens at this altitude. Therefore, the thermal energy produced in summer is directed to increase the water temperature of few degrees centigrade, with an increase of the satisfaction of the swimming pool users. The cogeneration plant will also heat the locker rooms of the sports ground. In order to reach the above mentioned buildings and premises a small district heating network was realized in subsequent steps: at the beginning the main buildings were connected, such as school building and the gym; subsequently the locker room and the swimming pool have been connected. A table with the main figures related to the heat demand of the campus before the installation of the CHP system is shown below. The year consumption of methane gas was estimated through the analysis of historical data. Gym Yearly average consumption of natural gas 22,879 m 3 kWh/year for space heating 211,402 kWh/year Peak monthly consumption 4030 m3 37,237 kWh Peak daily consumption 134 m3 1,213 kWh School Yearly average 29,082 m3 kWh/year for space heating 268,713 kWh/year Peak monthly consumption 5,809 m3 53,675 kWh Peak daily consumption 194 m3 1,749 kWh Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 5 School Swimming pool Sport centre Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 6 3 THE PLANT CONFIGURATION The CHP system can be described as based on two different stages connected by the mass flow; each stage is linked to the next as it provides the input material for the subsequent one, in a close chain of reactions. One of the main characteristic of the plant is in fact the continuity of the operation and the necessity to keep a certain set of parameters constant, whatever the condition; in particular it is necessary to keep the electricity generation – which, being fed into the grid is not influenced by intensity fluctuations - independent from the heat generation – which, on the contrary, is influenced by the little changes of a small district heating, trying to dissipate as less heat as possible. Most components of woods may be gasified, this process is called gasification because it transforms the solid fuel in gas fuel with a low calorific power. The process is based on the partial combustion of wood, by filtering through the wood chips a hot blend of flue gas coming from the combustion process and fresh air; the air enriches the blend with oxygen in low percentage. The flue gas acts as inert carrier or gasification agent while the oxygen acts as the comburent of the partial combustion. The combustion can be kept under control by controlling the amount of oxygen in the mixture. The gas obtained is commonly known as syngas. The plant of Castel D’Aiano relies on an up-draft gasifier; the syngas is directly burned into a combustion chamber and consequentially is allowed to avoid the complex purification process of the syngas, which has a content of particles and tars; moreover another advantages of this kind of gasifire is that it can be fed with wood chips with a quite high percentage of moist. The gas obtained at the end of the first stage is then mixed with pre-heated air at high temperature, and burns in the combustion chamber. The high temperature gases produced are fluxed through the heat exchanger of the Stirling engine, which accomplishes its thermodynamic cycle producing mechanical energy which, on its turn, is transferred to a shaft and providing the thermal energy to heat up the water for the district heating demand. The kinetic energy is converted into electricity by an asynchronous generator. The exhaust gases are then partly directed to the gasifyer (as mentioned before) which will use them to complete its thermodynamic needs, closing in this way the cycle, partly are directed through an economizer to cool them down before discharging through the chimney; the recovered heat is also sent to the district heating. During the combustion the flame temperature can reach extremely high values Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 7 such as about 1,250 °C while the heat exchanger temperature of the Stirling engine can reach about 700 °C. Such elevated temperature allows the complete oxidation of the gasification residues, leading to extremely clean exhaust gases, with very low content of dust and negligible uncombusted residues. Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 8 Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 9 3.1 The gasifier This element consists of an outer steel chamber, lined with insulating material. The wood chips are fed to the top of the updraft gasifier with a screw conveyor. The gasifier is heated by the heat recovered from the combustion chamber up to 800 °C or more; air is supplied as to reach about the 10% of oxygen in the blend and the biomass gasification process starts. This produces syngas which is extracted from the top of the gasifier and carried to the combustion chamber. The syngas, drafted from the top, is obliged to pass through the wood chips, extracting the wood moisture and at the same time cooling down itself; this is one of the reason why this kind of plant can be fed with wood chips with a high value of moisture. Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 10 3.2 The combustion chamber The combustion chamber is a highly technological steel cylinder, which is lined by an inert and insulating material, resistant up to really high temperatures. The combustion chamber is directly in contact with the Stirling engine. A flow of syngas and preheated air passes through a special burner; the combustion process is optimized by controlling the mixture components’ percentage. The air is pre-heated passing through an heat exchanger placed inside the combustion chamber. In the chamber the temperature can reach values up to 1,250 °C. Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 11 3.3 The Stirling engine The Stirling engine works with external combustion. It is a four-cylinder engine and has an electric power output of 35 kW; each piston in the cylinders occupies ¼ of a complete cycle of the engine shaft (90° phase shift). Therefore, with 4 pistons, each will work as hot piston in the upper part of its cycle and as cold piston in the lower part (“double acting cylinder”); the upper part of the cylinder will be the expansion zone while the lower part will be the compression zone. In this way the connection duct is totally inside the combustion chamber, receiving the radiation from the combustion and works as heat exchanger. Stirling heat exchanger seen through the combustion chamber The head of the Stirling engine being placed inside the combustion chamber Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 12 The Stirling engine at the Technical University of Denmark in Lyngby Pistons Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 13 Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 14 3.4 The accumulator tanks Like any biomass plant also in this case the system needs to be backed up with big thermal storage, in this case two 3,000 l water tanks. This allows to store the hot water produced and to use it when needed introducing it in the district heating network. The tanks are connected in sequence to each other in order to optimize the internal stratification. 3.5 The wood chips storage The wood chips storage room is nearby the thermal plant, separated by a wall of bricks and armed concrete so complying with the REI 120 standard. The storage volume is 100 m3 (25m2 floor surface by 4m height). The maximum stored weight is then 30.7 t of wood chips and the stored potential energy is 81,430 kWh. The wood chips are carried directly to the gasifier moved by a screw conveyors system which is powered by two electrical gear motors. Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 15 Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 16 4 SYSTEM DIMENSIONING AND MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERS The plant is placed in an isolated area, far from the school premises, in a green area behind the school building. It’s been installed in a wooded area without altering the environmental characteristics, in order to demonstrate how this kind of plants can be placed in a green area safely and with very low impact. A totally independent access to the thermal plant has been realized in order to avoid any inconvenience to the school activities during wood chip loading operations. The plant has been dimensioned so that the largest part part of the heat produced is dedicated to room heating, minimizing the heat loss during the winter. Considering the natural gas average consumption, the need for a thermal capacity of 140kW was estimated; then, as a function of this capacity the volume of the heat storage has been calculated in order to guarantee the energy need of the heated buildings. The following graph shows the hourly thermal need when the natural gas plant was working; with the new system in operation the heat production will be regulated in a different way in order to meet the CHP plant requirements. Nevertheless the old thermal plant will not be dismantled as it could be exploited to cover peak of heat demand in case of a particularly cold season or when maintenance operations will be carried out. Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 17 The optimal dimension of the plant is 200kWth gasifire with two 3,000 l tanks; these will store the heat in form of hot water at 75 °C and provide the heat for the early morning peak demand. The system, designed as described above, can satisfy the whole heat demand of the buildings, providing heat at low temperature to the school during the night in order to increase the thermal inertia of the structure, cutting in this way the usual morning peak of heat demand. In order to do so, the pumps of the district heating area, have to work for a quite high number of hours; the pumps are electronically controlled and the buried pipes of the system have been engineered as to minimize the electrical needs for the hot water recirculation. In these operational conditions the net electric power that the plant directly feeds into the low tension grid (subtracting the power absorbed for the plant needs) - is 35kW; so we can consider this power the actual power directly sent into the grid. The plant works continuously, without need for staff presence on site; maintenance is planned every 4,000 working hours. The ashes are taken out from the gasifier through a screw conveyor; this limits the presence of staff to 1 hour/ week for a general check of all devices and to empty the ash box. Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 18 5 THE SYNGAS The term stays for the gas produced in the up-draft gasifier, obtained from wood chips biomass. It has a low calorific power and contains mainly carbon dioxide and nitrogen. The table below shows the main components responsible for the combustion energy potential and the expected share of each, when the system runs steadily. Syngas characteristics Component Type of gas Expec ted share Density (g/l) 0°C,1atm Relative density (adimensional, air density = 1) 0°C,1atm NCV (net calorific value) kWh/Nm3 Fuel gas flow rate Nm3/h Inert gas flow rate Nm3/h CO Fuel 20% 1.25 0.967 3.27 31.77 H2 Fuel 4% 0.089 0.069 2.997 6.35 CH4 Fuel 5% 0.716 0.554 9.7 7.94 CO2 Inert 16% 1.976 1.523 0 25.42 N2 Inert 55% 0 82.61 Other inert gases 3% 0 4.77 Total 1.26 46.07 112.80 Total NCV = 1.26 kWh/Nm3 Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 19 6 WOOD CHIPS DEMAND The quality of the biomass used in the plant is certified by the providers, the local forest owners of the nearby territory, and by the supervision of the Municipality of Castel d’Aiano, which supports the birth of the forest biomass local supply chain. The wood type provided to the plant are expected to be chestnut, fir tree, beach tree and to a lesser extent downy oak, for an overall calorific power ranging from 2.5 to 3.4 kWh/kg. The moisture content may be different, depending on the season, from 30% to 45%; lower content is not likely to occur. In fact in order to dry the wood below 30% of moisture content it should be dried in an oven; this would be complex and expensive. The wood consumption, considering 30% of moisture content and a low content of small branches and bark, is estimated as 60 kg/h. If we consider to provide wood with a lower quality, i.e. with more branches and bark and 50-60% of moisture content, the hourly consumption could increase up to 95 kg/h. In the designing phase an average situation has been taken into account, fixing the consumption to 75kg/h. Initially the number of working hours of the plant has been considered 6000 hours which would bring to an average yearly consumption of 450 t of wood chips. Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 20 7 PRODUCTION OF HEAT AND POWER According to the operational conditions mentioned above, the electricity fed into the grid is estimated in 210 MWh/year, while the heat, in form of hot water at 65°C, is 480 MWh/year. The thermal energy is provided to the nearby public buildings, or stored in the two 3,000l tanks. The heat recovered from the cooling down of the Stirling engine and from the exhaust is carried to the building through a couple of buried tubes, one for carrying the water onwards, the other to bring it back, at the maximum temperature of 75°C. The heat will be provided to the buildings through a plate heat exchanger, which absorbs heat from the pipes of the district heating simply having the water of the pre-existing thermal plant flowing through the heat Main plant data 35 kWel 140 kWth 25 kW losseshel = 17,5 % hth = 70 %htotal = 87,5 % Around 75 kg of wood chips (W=40%) Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 21 exchanger; in so doing the water of the heating system of the buildings is kept separated from that of the cogeneration plant. This choice also allows to start the old thermal plant whenever it is necessary, e.g., for an accidental interruption or for planned maintenance. The district heating tubes laid underground are in PEX, a flexible plastic material supplied in rolls, thermally insulated and with a protective lining; this avoids having junctions between the tubes, guaranteeing a longer life. As for the production of electricity, it has to be considered that the plant is expected to work continuously – as the table below shows – and this is perfectly compatible with the thermal users connected to the district heating: in fact the plant will be in condition to supply for a long and continuous time all the produced heat, therefore avoiding the necessity to decrease the load as a consequence of a decrease in the heat demand. A capacity loss is nonetheless expected only at the beginning and at the end of the cold season. In synthesis the electrical energy produced can be estimated as 210 MWh/year. Electrical characteristic of the plant Type of plant Renewable energy CHP plant Fuel Wood biomass from short supply chain Nominal capacity 35kW Phases 3 Volts 400V Frequency 50Hz Current intensity 69 Ampere Power factor 0.95-1 Maximum current intensity needed at start of operation for about 3 seconds 125 A Grid protection Thytronic SVF5940 combined with a bobbin, opening with a minimum tension Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 22 8 ENVIRONMENTAL PARAMETERS One of the main objectives of the realization of this plant is to demonstrate a sensible and positive improvement of the environmental conditions and, in particular, a reduction of the green house gases emissions, as a consequence of the use of a renewable energy source. As briefly mentioned above, the design of the plant and of its processes are such that it cannot have any negative impact on the air quality. Previously, a fossil fuel, i.e. natural gas, was used to heat up the buildings while the CHP plant burns a similar gas, but produced from local biomass, thus making the mountain territory independent from fossil fuel; furthermore the overall efficiency increases as a consequence of the combined production of electricity and heat. Below the main environmental indicators: Fossil fuels saved 91.3 toe/year CO2 emission saved 200 t/year Wood chip consumption 450 t/year Ash production 6 m3/year Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 23 9 THE ASH DISPOSAL The Italian law classifies the ash produced from the combustion of virgin wood as non hazardous waste, therefore it must be disposed in a landfill. The chemical characteristics of the ash are such that it may be used in agriculture as fertilizer, as it is commonly done in Switzerland and Austria. The ash in fact is the organic waste of the combustion and contains Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Sodium, and its spreading on the soil brings positive effects as fertilizer or conditioner; the function of fertilizer is played by the ash as it brings to the soil relevant quantity of nutritional elements, of which it is deprived by the growing of the vegetation. The function of conditioner is intended for acid soils, the ash contains alkaline- earth elements (Ca, Mg) and alkaline metals (Na, K), which increase the soil pH factor. In Italy the spreading of the ash coming from wood combustion on farming or wood land is forbidden by the decree 22/97 therefore it must be disposed in landfill as non dangerous waste. Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 24 10 MAIN PARAMETERS Synthesis of main technical and working parameters of the plant 1. Total installed capacity 200kW 2. Thermal efficiency 70% equals to 140 kWth 3. Electric efficiency 17,5% equals to 35kWel 4. Loss 12,5% 5. Overall efficiency 87,5% 6. Wood chip consumption (40% moist) 75 kg/hour 7. Planned working hour 6,000 hours /year 8. Thermal energy produced (140 kW x 6,000hour/year) = 840 MWhth/year 9. Electrical energy produced (35kW x 6,000 hour/year) = 210 MWhel/year 10. Wood chip consumption (75kg/hour x 6,000 hour/year) = 450 t/year Synthesis of the plant cost Building works 70,000 € District heating: pipes and connections 50,000 € Energy production technology 205,000 € Piping, electrical connections and devices 90,000 € Other technical services (engineering, grid connection, permission costs and other technical costs) 45,000 € Total costs 460,000 € Cost compared with the thermal power kWth (usable) 3,285 €/kWth Costs compared with the electrical power kWel (usable) 13,142 €/kWel Technology costs compared with the electrical power kWel (usable) 5,857 €/kW Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 25 Considering a 15 years long working life of the plant: Total thermal energy usable 140kW x 6,000h/y x 15y = 12,600 MWhth Electrical energy usable 35kW x 6,000h/y x 15y = 3,150 MWhel Synthesis of the economical operation data Biomass costs (wood chips) 60 €/Ton = 27,000 €/y Income from heat supply, based on the district heating demand during winter, excluding the swimming pool 75 €/Ton = 36,000 € Income from electrical power sent to the local grid, (actual price for biomass fuelled plants) 0.28 €/kWh = 58,800 €/y Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 26 Compared with other renewable energy sources (concerning only the electrical power) 210.000 kWh electricity produced 180 kW photovoltaic 1.500 m2 of panels 140 kW wind power 7 wind generators 20 kW each one Time working 6000 h/y Specific data Time working 6000 h/y 210 MWh electricity produced 480 MWh total heat allocated 1.200 MWh wood energy consumption 450 t/year W=40 % 20 families needs 68 families needs = = = Wood chips CHP plant for a school campus in Castel D’Aiano, Italian Central Appenines, based on Stirling engine technology 27 11 THE WORK GROUP The plant has been done thanks to the hard work of a group of people, that believes in new technology and renewable energy, as a way for building a new future. All the technology equipment is supplied from Stirling Danmark The plant is realized from a joint venture between three public organizations, the Co.Se.A. Consortium, the Municipality of Castel d’Aiano and CISA The local project is made by two engineers that followed also the erection works Ing. Filippo Marini: plant project Ing. Sergio Palmieri: civil project This report is realized by the work of: Filippo Marini, technical support and documentation Riccardo Giacobazzi, text support and photography Arianna Cecchi, ASTER, English translation (within the activities of the FP6 project ASTECH)