HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit D400112th Avenue NE, Bellevue. WA 98004, (206) 451-4500 June 21, 1983 6793-EA-202 CAle 04E Mr. John Longacre Alaska Power Authority 334 West Fifth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 f • i Dear Mr. Longacre: SUBJECT: TERROR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EVALUATION OF THIRD UNIT INSTALLATION s The enclosed is our report on the evaluation of the third unit installation of the subject project. ' i Our study on KEA power system requirements, generation capability of Terror Lake power plant and cost of third unit concludes with the following recommendation: I The third unit should be installed in the powerhouse in the future depending on the development of KEA power system requirements as it was foreseen in the present FERC license. Two reasons for this recommendation are: lj KEA power system will not need the additional power and generation of the Terror Lake third unit until 1995 or after, based on review of the load forecast available and actual demand in the last three years. 2) Although it will be cost effective to install the third unit during the present stage of the construction, the cost differential of installing it now and in the future, in 1995, is not estimated to be large enough to warrant raking the relevant investment at this time. _ June 21, 1983 Mr. John Longacre -2 6793-EA-202 TERROR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC NROJECTTIaN EVALUATION OF THIRD UNIT I APA to if our above recommendation is accepted it will not be necessary forpurchase r ise the options in the Owner -Furnished Equipment Contracts to exe c the third unit components. Please e let me know if you require further explanation on this subject. Very truly yours, EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED 7-77� Erik Bodholt Project Manager I EB:KD:lP t Attachments t cc: D. Lodmell ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY TERROR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC PROJECT 2743 AN EVALUATION OF INSTALLATION OF THE THIRD UNIT EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED JUNE 1983 TERROR Ulo-,M PROJECT EVALUATION OF THL THIRD W'�HT FUMST ELATION (TLHEPI &o cAnv aaed to be developed ,b) a co t a "Ud-ULi p o s s i D T� T' t'y c')'V' 1 F�jg i""he C a Pa bi � I 'Ly 0 po�,,jar pi a s the demand �or el ec tri ci ty w1cn,,y a n crea se i n the Kodi cnL M The first � �L ectric Assogiation (KEM Po�3GP System ovep the years stage of the level opment 'N order canstt�zuctiufl at presem'; has tugo anme-pl ate capacaty g Ng un ts, n the powerhouse wi th a -c" ga"t lov, installation. 61-C- GI `U V(D, P @, 10 MW capaci ty t[j,"d 'i�. p d i -Pii F� omp Wmer-Furni shed equips GblL'� cun6 acts, Al asks �AVA) has �,',he optloH, �o purch,jsa 'ghe components @q the Unjpd Peady qjow"�L_ ed. The (i,-onstructfin a �i��M,- UH",� �,,,,goth ffi(,�1, prices Emd tenao a' pjotyew,house has project sate. APA stag � can 0 componentro and! exercise its purchosse 06�@jt'�@Hr) tHLOd the present Gey-LiGv-,al Cwst-pucec,`�co)U� by a change order 'Us install the tdNwco1 la ",LhG [p)uuuc-w,�,,�ouse GOLg onw1l"'ri-6 `Gm othev 't"L'Mg uu' 6 - L_ G In thi s bri of study 9 a aGpca t� u-n� andl pea Cz von requi remeat's of KEA Power System were reviewed on the basis of several pact �oad forecasts made by otheps) by 'gekeing �ntn consideration actual load available for 1980, 19M � 1982, anal 'b983 an KEA records. R o;, c o u� st r u c t i o n o V to t r a n s v, � i s s i 0 h 'u I Fa a 3 ( V G) U7 � tf h � �G` Lq TLHIEP svjitchyard to KEA Airpopt substation in Kodiak and anoMep one `il < 4/24. 9 kV from the TLWE'b'P sw!'a'�'Xtvcnpd to Port Lions) ape C EA 1;ji11 have an power network. At prase a` the alb, -so WL-R "C-hS c'Cocnst Gounpd! I s"at!on to re Probab it i tsu''ne fu11 `erg • �.. also exfsi.s ice by generating cnera ti �`g P1 that ��A w • ° �h r s °ge7c add . � e in the C, , an �• Thus � ? 1 �'Pera to � � n t �g4� � t r an to Ter � tJ ©f ka d i t ��A wi 11 ha � the U. S. Coast oo the i is ir-� fer�,4 roe Lake° ak, a three die st 0nar+d�s RrteC �Q@ �0�^t (� �•of7S Set fed System• � the e1 ec ter. ' and U.S. Coo Aolrer Plants To fareed s t Ca 1 energy re s t 0ua rd ? r, System d c the ener9 a qurr�'�nts of a"i1 abl omAarj Son wa nd �°Wer re ui l 983 a and Ltie s made betty 4 re'�en is o f a Attdchmen actual record Ben three Pre the future k find QXA1 a r'ns t 1 j l l us tr s Of '(EA for �f pus forec �� Power Three. the � °ad ror a tes this Coax the .Years 1 asts acas t devej o Aari son, At �BQ, T �,gj ! a Po11 Pad for the tachfient 2 s and Following is a eYaluatfon haws System, incl u ' Bu ry o� °f Un7 t regjri,.ejnen , dj ng grad ter he assumed 1 od is • kOdiak port d farecas ' t L i ons t far the k and U. S. Cod Eq power kEA pp s t �a I'dfI ��R sYsr�y � NCtU01NG sY S Tyr � °Ss�s Ye- ar z. 19 tnergy kwh 1990'-_ Peak 1995 97' 11 i, 000 kmCoad Zapp 1,� 5' �U$s 44U 1 T The power 15 8' rQgf 000 21 26 generation enerd t i on 6, Q03, 000 251, Q2 reel" Vo i r oiler 8q a t i on s '�aAab i 1 i ti es 30, �i 4 The tud?es wi th °� TCNL�P Was r reservoir ope Berta ? I new d ecal cul a ted b analyses for ration and ata, y Ap pl ? ca t�' p tha peF? n i to Poorer studies e inflow n by in tern prof ec t Re s were based for records were a t f oval En i Repo and the F on the °Aar the $ tidy. reviewed Qvr'wed ,� nee n9 Cam ��C C i tense a t?ans the Terror• C f n addition �� f °lied to he app dd �ta�,+ RI vQr� a �...; a e °utl AM an ' ba sod on t apprQprTa 978- the ��' �'eSPond�•n ci the gage r~ he � ow records to dnd ode u 9 record urther ids at Q d to of 1'equ; red downs,r,eam o the gage nea r releases from n the rerwor 2 the � `rror C dke I w e r e ba, S c-� Fd a, v A a p ra d. Th w rl o v-,, ?eoM remenll's requi red under the FERC Me Cense 1 Ssued V@V the PPQ Oct and as SUGN ttv4ave dffferent thnn the glsla, used tiR The project r n c-a. t"on was eval ucn.tad based oil hydrol 09ir, recopd-,-, T developed, NK,11udlng reGPWP -uRRovjs and Instream flots v,eleases- h G� 0 P CJ" u �-d C-Essumed was El 1250 Ms� El Based on the overW an ov eva, Y� generation efl`�' CIGM GcY 0, c, e f V ee, u, e q e p, I -,e to energy available for spoRd the -Om -' but does, Via,' side tPuRfr1 lei' the VgN UcA�"VT -N �Oude any transm'6'ssi�n �azses. HeEC,11 Ilosses were based on [,j�pevioust y developed tunn(:A �oss nd(dil-'Mon to (0) Q� 0 C, cc, �hta penstock. In order to accurately azSGSs the project operation) n review and t evaluation were made ©f the -ufv,boines and generatop charactG)A-2, ics. The a 5 2 RK d cha T c e 01 in previous studies- were based on a 20 PAN W1 as w e-LA &',W capaci ty (i, Hd `dgland to be c:on-sn! derabi y di f f erent than the 6" �-he &�rlpfi�L;)Foen be 'ortstnfl'��od in "Clhe b powerhouse based cyu bid documenU),, 7G,rd 0 LAM,"b- be End L,2 te 20 MW figure was previously used c��-,,s c�H (0) [PeTn-M OR C the actua�I'dwdt which will be in excess oW '26 WN ?@P the two uvr� Y h 1�6 s ore"no0ou-0, load c-apaboflAy a [o) (0) V powerhoused i ncl odes the 15% core e al rwte-&4.oad,) Cop,espondinq maximum fl Ows for generation were det v� PUG 6� P. H J to be about 276 cft, foy, n 2 ugflt powerhouse and PAO,,, C,,,fs for 03L c' po,nqerhouse. These figgpes n! re approximate and t,,ePe used in the pe2epunir opepnt'�'6n 8,[,,�dd average annual geneyL,-6,�ua the project n Sri al and erro'd-- hIGUM)d MS used �n eva�ua�ting '��Nn period Pecord qpuowi `d (j'eFoIc,�ind was ass"med, V@V tj tcn, 19, 7,17. A 1,6 c:-,�nscA @f generation Gq d each wuO,-h trr"�h the resultina maximum drawdown hLmincl detemined Var thc,--z 0 -131 SME,11 differences !a, c- c 9 Pe,�I@Culj C-v?, a, m,c-,-, ci�) I the relatit,,,,c (01'amand"D lt aiss�qp&pdo ttiat each month hndc, �,�c same tit Of generation evc2 reiffe riUt,, j-, L _nQ buous bas it 5 00 N Wv P La V' fiR U vi t h U U C T Idl 1250 m5l I -j goi t. The corresponding flr)t exceedi ng the "K - n U 0 U S P Ow- G P IFS H "CP Ut 38,000 Mulfm Cov, n a e q'i U LI o P A ?, energy �2 dependl rog on water t po, (- , I V, �,r -, U, w ��, N M (gy, 1, 5,750 NH. E�, nt c- � cj; P the 2 unit POWGV-hc`,Url�`C�� Ns for the 3 Mability,,, It '�z h cs TM� avepmgG­� annual energy for the 2 ffdt PM7GPhOuse LayVq; pj@�,,jerhous was found to be 460900 PUJN Lnd about 151 .800 M -u VOP - E u n it povierhousL The energy UORO pci,�,Aon increase of abo, 3& t® the capability of At powerhousen to �`cilize some additional the 2 tgfsp boe,. sp-Med. Wt "Ch -) l Y @ �FfICPOL5,0� e rindicatedbc)bTy found that ov fl"a Q - . _� , 3 plant, and would be occasi a v S L.- (s 0 P_ Ln n -1y -LhPoAP,� September. availn-boIc-) during the moa of June Attn the computer print-outs Of resepvo i r operatio d C ufjy�,,;� n,,ndw three units installed. ns: r 0 0 fig TLHEP 6q M tll AL GENERATING CAPAILITY r Lake HEP KWH Genepation per ear Teppo F "d, HT] Power Plant 130820®®�Q Mth two units 1461915s000 138a�Q�� fl c7 �� �� three. iini t c'D 151 28593,000 g study,, the f 1 A a c t r t c g e a a Kati 0 5, cal Cul atecol n tM capaMl� nV TLHFF' �,AW units is HOW tha, R UQ C'E_A [PG()�cjc�p 3� am B u V6, �) P r, 'Maref ore, d' t C1, a R Lnlo C�C) nc-� Udefil" 'that `u On P a'd d(qH tc� coaa� gee -�evat (D� a Unt'l T the "616niv-di HMN',' 'V� e, nee&6 [2 -?ts Of the e Uri] oad carry aeu Cc-,trpa- q fit" I za C o I Y ul as follows: 4 TAEP POWER PLANT CAPAB-I-L-YTY Maxi mV ly--1 Dependable urhl -pV;S 269000 222000 IHIN u'-h URI 'IL;S 39,000 30SO00 's The maximum capacity represents the Dotal maximum O)9'6PjU'6 00�' the-, Mqwd' i" M Hdep de T, Red cicj)[(�dn'j riches- 'L' n r,he specti ve speci f i c'n b'd 0) FUS' `Vh he do p e U d n [A e c a pa c i (j ��-U e '6"O'k 0 0) Fil LY 168) Y" LP n i t S 0 0 (z P Lr� w '� LV� m uF� o N a a d d tj r i n g a n & js s U me 0) ',1 Ow '� ai;--� o)%-J P � V-3 �" u"'dj a It C"L-bl DoG tihL;,'6 T LMUE-fit, �i'� � he capabl e of sustai ni ng above the depends 16A e, douping the KEA system peak load period evou The mLost paceat papApto "D'IadcHak Island Borough MactrIfication keviet� March 1983 �'--fwefpa-w( d '&m' A as"a-: Power AWthopl'�y by Northern Toch,4:d'm�nl Services, icad ccntes thnt' dcHesel -� I �' q e n 9 ra t i n 9 u ni co)�"' EX A "� a D�'@ cl � a k a n d Port Li o R s Ei Ed d H - Sf C 0a GM E, I wfl� be retained for back'up aftep TLHEP goes into opera U'o, V� �' e basis of this planning the following is a of units uofll be avai� a, bol e 'd'n the KEA s)ystern to meet the peak T oads, lnc"u6NNO "ChGz- Coast Guard Statioa.- V"IEA XMYERCONNECTED POWER SYSM �19W CaDcacl��""v 'N (,'PV De X H S 165111 Lill 2C-51 L V E'A" E M 077, P@�,-t U'nns Pouqsr PI ant 2/ 75U o U. s C' o) � 2) t RA r d P n ti e r PI a Rt. 3/ 2 S n brL r2) t n' D'U 8 CS t- F-) 22nOOO 2 6 0 0 o 5.LN00 add"6anv�l �'h thd U (c, 5 -I Ref. KodW1,1 zMn Borough El ectri f! ca ti on PI a nni nq As sesmiiep,'- Reyiet.� Draf"[,-, - Wqai,�thern 2/ — DependaNc-capacity Is an One. 350 "'aMfumn�(-, `6 rof Seryft-G. Ref. Alaska Electric Power Statist-les, 1960-1981D Dependable capacity excl udes steam -generating unli;s P01 ups GHQ diesel unit. tie; andlable capacity of power plants available In KEA pot�,*-,r oysto-m ccmn he wlth est'I'mated system peak loadis, follows ffM-Tr cYlth c""xj MAO C�E-A RFC TERCONNNECTED POWER SMOM System S S Y 2 Peak Dapendabl cz, S p & Load Capacit VI a FO 7 U1 0726 470610 161� 1211 G. 384 471610 4 % DGcn, Hoc-, 0,) 'U H8 `� `,. e d time for this study no investigat' ®n was made cOo dG12)'maM �Ai'ch of the diesel generators vw�@y be ro-tired in have u G-, G en MVO I is i n cl u d e d in depsndrI)Ie capacl"(,�-,Y t!jfll peb�, aged mntil the completion of MHEP,, C-jlhen TLHEF �R, operation, the use of diesel units will fie, minimal. This shou'l c eliminate the probabilk�/,- of retirement of any diesel generar',',-Iflcj "M't 'dN,,,)i, 'Foreseeable futupe. {ACC bl, Rv) U�a- PM ntcivel y high rat i o of sqD) are plan "LI,2 ma rgl vis %P W101(d up to 1910,571) it is concluded that the third UVA't '�H TLNEF pou'Gphw)R1s� tqH � not be needed to meet the peak load demand of KEA of n, R, n- Cjo) G.0 C'11 a P A d C�j U C U, GH e i,,- 'H I Pd u nNI s; a [0) nee de� 9 (D) H t eD E [p Ou �j a s C-)) P e C a S t C 0 n, C e 1 V a (61, � 6 40 = A�Li t "CL, e F) t H ,d G, 0 dliUCijl I'mot 1�,x),jftatLz a t." C- TO, 0 at rM,-h-N) o.taqo, further work was carlrl 0ou'Li-, tu, i n V 0 0 tm e ph % c, 0 S t s 0 f i t -s I R S t al L a, t i on f o P tt!-P, ci, E,, t. e. v, PL, VP c� c P-, s G- s n, 2 e x pl a i n e d b (,,:)I Al terna ti ve x7PF-C the options N the Gtynar-Fm Pn 'shed equipmen,lb contracts and using the services n? Kiewitj('-'.�roues, by a cMnge 6),,-dep, to install the i Pd, 'n the powerhouse r-,�onq tfrg't�-L� cno'-rhe�,, �mvo!,` Alternatlkve� aot ekerclm'rug she options In the equipmen,�,, arbicj,,I --LIVNIq tf--he, vnstaHntlqn 0,u -he m,Llot �,O dc'o. Because of Cqmmzm pi(n, cM,,' the c,•lemote ocation Cc? -�IMEP tj!,MmE)m�-, access road to 6m of or Port Uansq the- ceSt @Y `6he Huai instal MA'm mn� onbulausly be Pc-,-Aatulvely Go,, her at any year I the future th6m In "GINe, Fn,Ps,(,mtr construction stage, W 7soil itate the of the cost, differential the Costs Of thG t(:,)rnatives CjGpe G2,�Ava.Aed on U"I-oc-i boo,2"Is @1 H)OS c Y O)MjIH,I0)H9 oms a first step and then th@ effect o"' Mrm-) @H gomL, �M� bmught Mpgg the study to Liprive at ci ceniOms"KHAll k�ttachment 4 gives the colota, U s ' es �,-bhmted cas m", t,-Gary �,mo) CA nv�d ez,vVfl a Em) ,he basi s for the fl cj m Pe s,, F c o H6 )C,-], P 00 " t'do Ve s 9 - fu a � t � n, y of costs of i n s W 11 ua g! Go mvn[,,�, at 2N(:,) pupamu,v,, c2nqe and IN the future (afl cost fl cgmpc�-s (n, P G Lu) E,) P (98, p) P,� ce- c VGA s (mac, c opb 61 1 on s P1 cm, Red ab@ue� D as ex 16 C, 7 ea z' 1. Equipment 2. Installation o ng nearing and .'. 0 Adm i n i s t ra Cd 0 R 0 U, 00, ((0 LAKE Estimated Costs AlternVative (a) 1 n s ta I I Th '9 rd —Unit Vm-j V,626,)7125 C' nsses2 aconomic n."K,ePuntives APA. used. S�ncp the pmrp@Se , �c U � 1� ,j� S S t Ud' y � S t 0" d) e e, 1,z ffI e 'd� e. t'imlno of the third ua'v�'V '6G @�vaAated cost 0�-V-arentlal the� C,eY - ), r. 1� Even If it is AstaTlod at this stage, th�B ��@jocjl, bw�,� 6,@ Ing sCMT�' � U71 90S'�� lixz�cause KEA pnou�-ior Bys"L,-low C-Yom'k6l RP�I`U- G 'JESVO L-IM, the benefit would be Timited to snv,T ng @T t[1j[.0 o'C'6pa' hencVft' ft�om the sale of GM?U'VV @C;_ thG LRR)1'�(' � E jq b,"e- _GPO' HFO�-"011 0-tov APA Analysis Parameters sa(ges'Q'I, for inflation rate. would be finance6o t�v'-,h OZ yearly cost. ®n the c,'QIhar Nand the L, I � �VT lncrea�� T.0% per year 'Aflation d,"WTerence IR P'M-rins is the eva � Ma `Q"?d o edo 0'_' � C E'] Z' 6' LF�)G Sn'Vedn' brjLptr a, R'( C upi'6hout ally 0, cri p' nre the increases of the cos= on the hLss OC- Q-,'bwVPa rates COSTS he Cost of Debt InflatiGH Nate lmoz per Year at 7.0"ij pGr YS@P 2002c,g092 399799200 Ogg 4g2579746 10, 0� T Q �, I 4v5559786 166 100 v 139 498749691 1987 6019115 1988 5 9153 9 24(0 5068190S� 1989 5 D 7 71 9 VM 5197`GDT06 1990 694muom" 6938"DW5 IOM 70239n944 69WM6 1992 61100c,737 7,3159596 1993 910819785 708279688 PIIMI, 1091710599 893750626 195 0 0 9 6) 1 0 q�, R 0) Cost BHT-M�,,Gvv,�,Aal W TD,(,)Gj Tho ((-@st 0 AT"�"(�wnative 1 (,uM �-, h:� , � Th@V0?9 PG It FNn hGC@R-ded "nolgc"n P61q n � t Mr ,�h I s -gage wl V ccoz, ap p po)�"—i PA'm -'CGI y 2' 8 ml� em U60" 10 Ps flb 0) P(I than installing i"' �jq 1995. yeav, ��s �q 90a If SEA pwwo r 5W, Md Gcoju,11 oconnmtc consecoluences em `6-he bonMs @T- W No -a Qu�' a COS t Of dlj@ 6) differential up,1'0'111 he IDS0 )c R �M 6,� u Z-i m, -ireseeable Thg break even cost differential between the two altev-'nat'ov- has' ; @� 5S rate difference bet%,,ic��Gn UU, a 4 -o @1 1 n f I a cc)PL - qo, RAW C (0) t" � t-1 ! uff 2 D) R KEA system of -Uaq TLHEP �1"70t Med addItju-,�3,,jT, and Repepa— Or. b-C--,fore jqjcS dj Bevel Op j n this stu e, T 0, a 6 tidy. 0 Although the jntic� estimated to co C7 t t t- di f ferential s stage �,NL�R not large e I,,, "Ic the enough to COVGP the () S Can 0There QUaes the reemmendatiOR 9T C� U) te e e TLHEP devcq Opo PC2 pem p f 'n"S" 17-A Power systea� e RbOVe recOmMendatiop C� "M t componpa Qeed not to �e eN, G" pc-u Se a, T® CE-}P., CD ED �5 ta w ra a 44 Jd Ch ev to rh W CA 0 Ln U = Opp cl a ED N N ® 0 %a M ISfej OU ?mom 4p.b o cu i�;�u C. .1 C-�" 0 a 4j 0A L L. po C EN a CL 4J 0 0 M tj q- 0 t. C3 Cy CD O a C; t Q CD 0 F- rn -L- eD Co 0 C-1 CE-D efi CI 040 =4.2 L12 0 CO cl�l C3 Q C::� 6A aj a L% m u L-9 0 cc (zn, C" C,� C-M Z-- go* is 2 24 La �.Q t— I ca �� C-M C- UP u 0 G-L) m 4c 20 ov F- * 0 Lai ;3 a ci w cc 0 C3 r---) G`- UA 41 E 2ff 0 6-0 CD L6 C�D (5D CD) C� C-,j r- c 0 �,o�,00 C9 PmCL 'D LLI LA Cyb C�3 C, 3� at u d? I ou w W V= a IVW* in 41 Club L. 44 IV &4 ra 4-1 a 4 40 c IC a C2 F- eL:Go 5 .3 0 404-1 0 L. 0 M 96 C6 c 0 0 qj 4-A LU to GCQD LA. < ® w C--� u�I-- cf C-- .2 5 :3 0 0 0 0 0 u M-1 Am0 CD 4-9 N�) 4w ta. cc CD W &,u V 0 40 L c a 2; Ljo C5 -� 12 9L C) C a in In co 2- Q0 5 ILI Ef- C19 4A W r- Clac Im 4ft U CS 0 0 Ll D 1 CD im s- +P *Am c NS. M- tam L6 M Qj u C� 0% Q qp. cri C-11 I* La cv) 0 V CD a a 41 a r- 0 40 W m CM C-3 OE C--!) C3- of C-f OE 4J 0 cv CY 1-3 CD ou CL u vi W 0 ED 93 qp- c 4. *P 460 C3. 9 0 441 tw- to 5 Ln CID Ch f- (n C9 4 C; C6 ft C-- C�) 4j, a 4%j rj A Q C) (29 L7--, C- L a 46. = rj C- co Qj V p- 40 L :2 0 = 4; e � C2 _A 4-0 FA E Lp Q w C3 0 ft- L. ra u cia V Qj Ll j CP C- C-il cl ms *0 40 CO U- C. D t—l- C- C7- cm CIO C-" L�, L 0 ad C L. ch $40 4A qo go c 0 ca Q G� CD c-, � C- �6 C 3 Q�� C) ; C ul- G-- C- GO CD M P r�- % M Gm�� M Ob 40 C%d Ch ek w® 0 'm CJ 9 , �� n-- r- r,- C-- C,-- C-- C-- C-- W a & =Gwa�mw mcm"mm C- F- P- r- V- co m RP C� to v 4�r MID w r- 7- t) w to m 0 cri E.-w cpk qr fl-. P-0 Cu to G+- C3 CV) W LO M "t Ot 4cr N C5 Ul a U� a8 C& cm tn to �a F%. C* csi CY " cm cm cc cl Q �D cm cm C-T C-� rn- CNJ m clip th Ln en C" m fn el C=) 0-9 t- IC2r (5 cn CU qw to M CV) r". 94 Co W44K&CD PM 19L LU to co a5 CAA V %a 00 fn �a Is m m CQ 16 0 L'T L--, CO co tj 40 41 L. 4J 4-a in 4) call, Kj Le) CD Pl% Cc e�fCh Oks W 0 t92 cc CQ Ln 40 a% rn cz M M M C.c Cn Ln CT 9*-. 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A► Co a� O •Q� 4 q Q „ Q 000'rn3z a ooQQQAnd i ��4 i o "aao a �' f Q0b . oQ oQ a aM -• o NoZ, Q"o•.r �toN^�Q �•• aooQ� oQoaQ u� W _ o a !tom! ,0'� a pry r Oa cy 'on�atio ri c f% r r� o� dQQoo [u Qa aQ OOO�1% t'aC) .• a� •. i ~1~CyC4 nfty oqm.. a o QN -•cv•a.��f� vc p .J W0,�A to r p m h N a ry � �o Q frj M ry r•. N..� a Jy � :m�hoao6 , ap_ pi)�nN�� o� t~•'~•' ,r •co *ra�94 nattiNP4 maAU o ~�~�~�NryooNo ev �a o 01 • • p j.. f ►Yo1�� Oi IL a fi�P^ oti ~~"��P •. ^ airs flI N �Ob0�0. NIV4 oft w Qp qua tiri0 �oq, %ice; oaoQla PM10CV ok o aaa0, ~-•��Pv'�ry @A °nn �nbo atoms AA@ 4130, 0O 0' ~ p CP0a � ." 'p �t ey CFtty, ► ry ~ �At7N•NN����NA •` '• A n Q c� F o a^~•` 0 0) Q N 0' 47 a jor' r tvbp'fi ph . ti �4a�'n N^NNE t10 03 O d oa a o fvCV 4 n° � ., naNry-oft ooft a 3� , �oor�aaoQ oc� 04 IQ 1gh04Q4©oq 4 oft agora ev ~ ~QA7 Q si ~~~"� .r:y�ncoOOOogQ�a ~ti ""��'��i'•nhnn oOO �aOnnoo ao � � 12 � � • Ci a • ~ ~ ~ � � �h Q Q o c a), I • JR y �• - S Z R .J w •• a 76 ~ ,% S.f • • gzsv lima 0 ' ` LT C s g' t a N to 0 4 CD 1 h 1 O v N TERROR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EVALUATKOM OF 7NE THIRD UNIT INSTALLATION Cost Estimate "-h"�rd � u�������c�°� � � c Costs ca Following is vmn owner—VuPIM'Mhedl alternative cn-S&52,G� (0--� -.% ! ° �; 1 I + U l , cJ Va �,'U o- b)9 n q p M e n t C®0 Wb" change order, to the third unit in the powerhouse along two other uM, � , cgc� exe-pc1sing the options Wo the owner-furu"uSh equipment 9@RtM-cIts Installation of the third unit to Ll future date. The cost estimate ?gu?qs �,jse developed on the bas"'s assumntinw� as eKRWRGd boolow: 1. Alternative (a� c@,M� figures are mainly dodugGd vp@w the h"M prices CMI '�e , 'ii R -�Iho exi fig shod Equipment contracts and ' � tG�cj Genera Guy with Kiewit-Groves. Special situations are further urp'Wffi9d 10 0) 0 (L6� c" 6 6 n15 nalj C' C I V completed and all _he present thc) I--- U V, t-,,io matter what yBar. A which I eci)o -hc- present worth would be the same G;5 `�'R assuming the same design, specifications and contracts would appliedOro Alternative represent the cost Of R third unit in 1983 as If the POWGPNUse two units. S. As thO M2 nstimntes C,-@P both alternatives are on the bas' o IgG3 pr,,ce jovg�so Luc �;Rgrease provisiofi &�-z'zts W the -igures. Estimated Costs (Please see notes) Alternative (a) Alternative Install Third instal Third Unit Now Unit in F0WO o EQUIPMENT (Delivery to Seattle) 638 2901/ 434,0005 Turbine 569:200?./ 6559000 21,, Generator 172v5OO 150,2751/ Main Transformer 01/ 000 200 O'� Auxiliary Electrical LOW FlOpment subtotal -J 1,557,765 197970500 L' I �, -v the third turbine and governor are Nissho-Iwo '� "cdl gi $527,160 and Mitsubishi bid prices fog "-h'Vd � equlqpw $5690200. 3/ D�J E bid price for the third transformer i 2 I Estimated cost of third unit related auxiliary electrical equipment. There is no option in the, present contract vji*&h RUMS011 Electric Company for these items. Approximately 37% of RVPL'Snq bid price of $534,022 for two "nits was assumed for the auxiliary equipment needed for the third unit. The assumption was made that in casG of new v. bidding for the 'hird unit, the prices would average 15% higher (for additional engineering and administration) than those in the present contracts. The average cost of the third unit in the three low [t-7 bids for the present contracts was1 729313c o Hkv)"19ES OW �HSTALLATTOH SUPERVISORY 2.1 Turbine�,- 36g5OO 23,0500 46*000 2.2 Generator 2.5 Main Transformer MOO 0 ®R 69,000 0 'urnished equipment contracts have provisions �Ov' Dpov,�qing "OMs,'011ation supervisor to Kiewit-Groves for two units. ? Figures for AltevnL-,t (a) are based on bid prices. The 1. supopvis@P rime was 'increased approximately 25% for the third 0�;. F@p auxiliary electrical eq0pMani no supervisor services were foreseen. In the case of a third unit installed �Oone the cost of sarv�ces of installation supervisor c-jns Increased 1005 to Cevor W;va costs. o SHUNENT FROM SEATTLE TO P 1ECY SITE RO,, _300L000 300j000 Co INSTALLATION 250tOOO o Turbine 05"000 85,000 ALO Generator 1249000 124t000 4.4 Main Transfonimp 42,500 42t500 4.5 Auxiliary Elec"6ric,--0 Ecquilpl- 80,1000 80,000 S�qbtotal 4 5811500 1-1//' This expense occur in cast of Alternative (b). The bstallation tools and certain equipment of KEA would be available. Therefore iN figure, rept"Oslentiong "M 0"T U mobil i %W,iogu nnd c�oC�i1°�Eati®n bid price o,)"- t 3 2/ Relevant W Items of u �S u i io dev( 0,,) �-Strives con"Cract ��ia-,,D U �, A-133,7 these figures as A-119, A--t,27D A-128, z-- A-1299 I 9 A-137. The cost Was aSSUPIG d foa the same for iWh s� CONCRETE Second Stage Concrete for the unit three and other materials and equipment 300,,00,10- 300 000 11 This cost includes 150 cy concrete at $1200 PeL� CY plus Z120,000 9@r reinforcing steel and other embedded materials. provisiono 6. ENGINEERIOR 100 0001 200 O0O-U :L1, Estip�tated cost of 250 workdays for addltionGl eug"MoMng for tNcD third uMt- It was assumed that the engineer Ong wu)�uLid take 500 workdays for thG th"Pd unit alone U the same desiuh Lnd specifications e-3epa u�Gd- S Biototal - P@U@h 0) b 2,658,265 31,3169000 ftv-, �Cn�o ROK"') �-@p �bo 265oW TOTAL ESY0AVE0 C0,57 OF 9WRY W0,, n� $24924-A-Z92 �3 �=79 2 �, _�Q 0 the GSUm@tGd canto Alterna,�eve (a) Alternat"o've ("M Knstall Vhird Rnstc7T,� 'fh,6,Pd Unit Now Unit jGJ.- �P�% EQUIPMERT (00"v&PV to SeattM `A95579765 07�� 2, SERVICES OF INSTALLATION 1379000 SUPERVISOR 690000 9, SHIPMENT FROM SEATTLE Y0 3009000 3000000 PROJECT SITE �00 INSTALLATION 3�1Q5®0 581V500 5,, SECOND STAGE CONCRETE 3009000 3009000 G. ENGINEERING 1000000 2009000 rnMTTM9FNP V 11cc 0 0 ! � G �c� env c� � l� Easy OF Tan nn _200 1ost TERROR LAKE HEP EVALUATION OF Twf RD UNIT ADDITION Studies g information Releva;nt to Evaluation Inform, -,A," -"on Obtained C. Establish Technical /Economic Criteria for Evaluation Electric Load Growth Forecast Idater S"pply/Hydrologic Considerations ®ate `� G�� Lqrt'�i - t, pc q Lj y � pa,- cj� nct'4�cj 'rechnical/Comercial Aspects pr Construction Contractor) Eq�racb U qul p, no as �- Construction P,, Enginee.Hn g-� Coo pop-f @vdig Economic Evaluation - Evaluated Cost/BerneM 0 - n Purchase & instal 1 with curre�M-, Project,, ov- a a t, cd by purchase & instal] a Riport Preparation ♦ Conclusions Recommendations TIRROR LA E HEP �UXL K IVALUAT10h, OF T U � V Ao Obtjl&� t` Ex's"rug Studies Eq �Ftlnformation C' ly, Eva U'a t ion 8• Review Studies. lnfnMatlon Obtained Establish Techn! cal/Economic Criteria f�qr Cvaluati®n Load GrOwth Forecast UPP I Y1HYd ro 10 9 1 C Considerations T Unit D, DoteMine Technicalgi T ommerc �a I Aspects "quiPment + Cons,�pu2(p ra C to r) Schedula'r Eff, Equipment + Construction tz S Uga tes/Summa rl es zu CJI G* E"4C H P 0�) PL d 1 on T' @ 0 (' - iCOSt/Benefit jnsialn c b De�kf Purchase Project, or Report prepa�,,c� 0�,q date C. Conclusions ji Recommen ('J'm') C' zz"' � a u CC C=- C-9 C, CIO Pl co cn C O O v e n cU c�0 �. L t i N TERROR LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EVALUATION UE THIRD UNIT ADDITION SCOPE OF WOD SCHEDULE Enclosed, please find two (2) copies of the following documents for the subject evaluation: a) Scope of Work b) Manday Estimate c) Schedule These documents have been prepared at your request. The object of the evaluation is to determine the cost-effectiveness of a near term installation of the third turbine - generator unit at Terror Lake, as part of the present project effort. Vie propose to determine the technical, economic and schedular aspects of including the installation of the third unit with the present project effort, and to evaluate the same aspects for a separate, later installation in time to support future electric load growth. The scope of work document outlines the elements to be performed to develop the required conclusions and recommendations. Our manday estimate is based on the scope of work outlined and on the availa- bility and applicability of data (hydrologic, electric demand forecast) from the project feasibility study. Our schedule is for a two month duration from the receipt of existing base data to the issuance of our report to APA. It is anticipated that such will permit a timely decision to be reached on this matter. Please contact us should you have any items which you wish to discuss. We will await your response before taking any action. TERRDR.:LAKE lM ' • I5 IS THIRD UNIT ADDITION STUDY �,ig v t W A. Gather 'Existing Studies &Information R, Review Existing Studies & Information Establish Techni cal JEconomi c Criteria for Evaluation C. Es - Generation - Requirements t - Electric � � �_ • - stater Supp1,Y AVAILA 64- r-�- jt,=� t .. Delayed Installation Date s . - Financial Criteria ¢rr� APA p , Pete rmi ne ' Technical/Commercial Aspects (Equipment + Construction Contractor) i •t E. Determine Schedular Effects y (Equipment + Construction + Engineering) t i F. Cost Estimates/Summaries Equipment & Construction & Engineering I 10 ' G. Perform Economic Evaluation •Evaluated Cost/ enefit � I ; To; aj Purchase &install with current project, or purchase & install ; • � b j De 1 ay p ll at a later date � H. Conclusions i Report l 1. Recommendations Ta-r&_ 6� 55 w