HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit FT E R RrU R L A K E U N, T Tri Z- , H Y D R � -F E; L E VIC j JUTI C M E C T f CC .Acct No. D ESCRIP110N -- - ---- - ----- -- - ------------ --- 1330 LAND & LAND RIGHTS 1331 I ZUCTURES IMPRO & VE-1MIUR314T -POWER PLANT STD 1332 RESERVOIRS, DAMS & WATERWAYS 219540 33ELS , TURBINES & GENERAT 03RIS -3 WATER WIFTLI o it Turbines, Govemen(,;, & Aux 21850,000 Excitation !.2 Generators, Aux, & C 2JAI-9000 .3 Turbine & Generator Testing 100,000 333 WATER�IHEELS, TURBINES & GENERATORS - SUE TGT/-'�L -------- -- --- ------- S" 77-gulmT 3 31 ACCESSORY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT .I Connections, S-upp oits & Structuras 266,840 Switchgear & Control Equip I 490,000 72%1,840 334 ACCESSORY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - SUB TOT L IT 335 MISCELLANEOUS POWER PLANT EQL 250,000 336 ACCESS ROADS 352 SUBSTATION & SWITCHING STATPION STRUCTURES & 114PROVEYMNTS 11353 SUBSTATION & SWITCHING STATION EQUIPMENT U 1354 STI 354 STEEL TOWERS & FIXTURES - SUB TOTAL 356 OV-* 356 OVERHEAD CONDOCTORS & DEVICES - SUB TOTAL 357 UN. ## UNDERGROUND coN-Dur SUB TOTAL 1 358 UNI *1 ## UNDERGROUND CONDUCTORS & DEVICES - SUB T0TA0,r, C0 i i 1390 GE1 390 GENERAL PLANT - SUB TOTAL 61 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES MOB/DEMOE 10 rfl. 0 U 6, ?2 SUPPORT CONS L 'IRUCTION EQUIPMENT 0: ------------ ------ — ----- PROJE CT SUBTOTAL (Rounded to nearest $1,000) Including Con'tractor's Overhead fk-'-Profit) Contingency @ 20% 1 1.39000 SUBTOTAL DIRECT COSTS (Rounded Cra --------- 04ner's Overhead @25% 2,419 �000 SUBTOTAL DI R 74 C 7- c7,,t (0)�IVNER'S OVE ,L LD Emiterest Dining Construction @ 5% of Subtotal Direct Costs 1—�2133-7 �1) 101)'21 A,, L PR 0, Tj �M 41 CU C OL), Q3 T11 7 in o u n d e d to ra e a r e s t $. 12, 0 0 0) BE EA-11"D DC54TERION F1111 E UIVII NARY UON GUS I E'S I 11MIA L (20U7$)_ Includes Direct & lndirec�t (Gontractoes FERC I i9loof OH 8z P) Cost -_ I I it -_ ]Un No-. I DESCRIPTIO nit Quant AMOUNT 331 LANI &LAND V, _NUT POWER PLANT STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS U -0 - - - - -------- - --- based upon Idaho estimate escalated to 2007$ and Increased 331. awer Ouse u s r_Uadre 31,141 1 Concrete Stage I ase -1 «ra 33 .1411 31 331.1412 ' .14112 ff I 11 Reinforcing Steel W alls, (E. o OrK ace _0 3311.14122 Reinforcing Steel LBS 2.51 0__ *331 ".TW;ff --- — Mass ­ - 0 ---PFa-ce 0 MT. 413 Reinforcing Steel 2.5 33 .142 - Tf­ T. Con( )011 -Mass 331 T42ff Form & Place 108 1400- 1512200 gb 3 3 .14212 .143concrete Reinfo a! Fast Wing W611 LBSI 1,620 I 2.5 4j050 gb M -1 431 rm & Place Gy -1-- 1900 M1.1432 Hein orcrng [eel LBS 2.5 0 33 .144 -[--Superstructure '13-a-M , Common Local at Cy L 1 Ta 0 -931.151 1 Concrete - Stage I -C—ast 3 .1511 Columns & Walls -331 -MReint -CY-. ------ �dng Steel LB 0 WT.1512 Qast Floor iore-a orm &-Place LLBS .15122 Re-ilifitorcing Steel 2.5 0' .1513 Root e Rern forcrng teel Concrete - stqqe 11 SMAMFFlassM __ ..._._.._ _ ._ _. _ ._ _ ... _ _ _ -_ __ __ _ .... _.... _ __ ......." _ _ .._..._.__ _.. _...._._ _ __. _._. .'15211 Form & Place CY 140U 0 .:331.1521-2-- Reinfflrcrn teel h ­r­ ­­­ 2.5 0 . ............ Mi.15221 Form a Place Gy 1— 360U 0 331..152-22 _9_31 Reinforcing Steel ncr-eFe rfi_61a­enfaT§__* LB5 2 0 .... . . 0�7 Roof 331.15a3- Steeccess Hatches EgElpment Hatches L13. 1 '9 T b Uenerator Access Hatch 13.3 0 3 Interior Partitions, Floors, etc 33 Mason W all-, ry info-rced 0 M T M-7- Metal Stud, Gyp wall SF 26.2: 0 3 1 MetairsL & Urating, Galvaniz LBS 13.3 M _59i Tf 55-- -.f 65T - Doors & W inclows r as and --RWd 19- - - ------- 3Plumbing 331 . Womlet e �Iging it--f S 977NO1 00 740 cm cm 33 F33-1 -.f 7 Miscelaneous Architectural ion-'Y'ard"s �^ RdF­ — -------------- - - ­ Prep yard areaTor D3 G-STJ-&-ffr-e-w6r-'rEs�-' T_ install & commission new GSUTBr—et, -& -Columns 1 0 cm 111.171 .171 1 .1, Demo & Remove Slab Power housi-7-S7UT3fieff T6-t_a1__­__­'--'­-'-' CY 7-0 0 198 33�1PDWER PLANT STRUCTURES & ITEM TOTAL 1 SU44-28?_U F_KVQIR5, DAMS & W - ERWAYS Penstdc-Ng­ .8 f Penstocks - Sub -Rem Total 47 21 9 **1332 RESERVOIRSDA S&WATERWAY M TOTAL 21 54U -3m -GBqER w�TW WHEELS, BINES- & Unit 3 Cost Estimate Draft Submifted.xis, Details Devine Terbell Associates Page I oll 3 ........ . ........... ... ............................... ... ..... 7 E R 0 F,� 0_1 i E C 7 PFIEUVAINAKY TURSNIME ADOOTECIN J69 LS I MA I L_(2UU7$) Includes Direct & Indireet (Contractor's OH & P) Cost FERC nit AWL No I DESCRIPTION Quant Price AMOUNT 33 .1 1 urbines, Governers.. AUX TUrn urb ,Gov S C� Sao-a(F..6r 3331 33,'� .12 .13 Turbine & Gov E rection enor_Sup—ewi,; Gen urbine & Gov Installation ur in_es.,_G*6v_eFn6rs, ux __SU_y-Ft,e- L_ 1500001 4000 150,000 0 0-1000 br br 000 30 3331.2 Generators, Aux, & Excitattion urns Generator [FOr,fils xcitation _p-aC-Ra—p---- . ....... LS IES 4000 I —1-OW ­2-WOU 1 114009OOiT cm CM M3.21 Mg *.23 Vendor reCtion Supennsion LS 1 1 130000 130.1000 cm 3 .24 G enerator.Commissioning Fiff e upression LS 1 4000 40,000 cm cm E - 0000 3 33 .25 -7.2- Tn—stallation enerator L 1 300 030 0 30 C111 nerstors, Aux, & Excitation - SUb-Item- otal 2sl 409000 Tu- .............. Bine r .;jeneFa-16rT6§fin9 _WT BF - - - ----------- 1 .31 Turbine & Generator 1-6§ts- SUb-nem I otal- 1001* 3330 I I---- WATER WHEEL-9-JURBINES & GEW.-- ITE OTAL__ . . AS _33-4--A YE ENT— M4-.T-- Connections, Supports & - tructures 4 .11 _L'q_on�uctors Ga Stl T cm ,4 334-1.21 a insulators 3' 15 KV Bus Duct to Ird Material _Y, 3 q. 3 121 ConFa—ctor Ins-t-allation 0, 341.122 P6w--er and Control Cables Cable 334 1 15 I(V Ge mein 800 10 a -low cm 334 1 15kV Terminations A 60 519 31 914U CM • 334.122-1-- 600. V Power CtUes 0 1 noo 757,000 cm ontrol Mbles 1 30000 MOW Cm M.1223 -.-1-25-- —'Groundi e Terminations 1 - - - X 30,000 cm 33-4 MWT-3- 1�.2 ­­­Ge& "uh uct an 'n LS Ru-1 1 25000 1 __M61TWU 25,000 7­--­­-T Cm cm I connections', _Supports & StFuctures - au - ern I ota 289=5 U3 Sta gv-c- SwItchgear & Control E-q-Glip- M-4 .22 Transformers MT22 I stn Trans, 225 kVA 13.87. I LS 1 1750 175,000 cm __( AuAllary Transformer Substa-tion) 48U V Distribution Incl 0 CM Pdw--er Source Transformer) -I 4. -334 -2Tf Lienerator' Aux rans 0 Generor Breaker incl cm 394 Protection, Scheme U e n inc CM cm •s urgeProt, Cubical inc l 0 cm Cm 33 12 Neutral Ornd CuRcal w h boards-& Inc 0 . ...... n (Panel, bench, etc.) Gontrol/Prot Panelg I'll".. _( _C puter) .2511 75'18W- ­.79740" 0252 Auyjliary Panels.& btarter Panels 1 77900 -77,900 cm Auxiliary Power Lquip pu Panel) ­ m -Ar ry acks-_­­ ibp &R 20,7ffg 20,000 cm __ ___..... __ _ ______._ 33 .262 1 OOA gattery.(;harger -934- ..- 24-V 1 50 AMP Hnfir R lack E 3 at fe: �r_y_"G ffo r 9 e r -wte-rn 0 331.;271 UPS 33 �4[28 —'Miscellaneous 200A. Alt Sol irce Switch 0 33 .29T_ I Welding Outlets I I of Kace Level Sensor 0 4 3 -.M Warnii Boxes 4 Other 67100 671.1 0 cm 21 witchgear& Control ub-Itern Total 4. 4 IA. ESSORY ELECTRTO-AE EQUIP. - ITEM TOTAL IOU M F-T GELLANEOUS POWER PLANT EQUIPMLN I Unit 3 Cost Estimate Draft Submifted.x1s, Details Devine Tarbell Associates Page 2 of 3 ZZ 11"M R LLJ_'_`A0KE UHPT 3 HYDROELEC" fflC PIRLOJECT UHN 3 TUUII�R5180h,, E P DON101,M], PKE-LOMMIARY D1=61UN GUITS I KU( ,(JVA_ L-- (ZUU7$) Includes Direct H.. Indirecl (Contractor's OH P) Cost F FERC R X Unit Acet No -DE RIPTION Quant rice unitj uxillary �nt Sta io-n-1E ffibfig­ ��e-n_1574-001W_ 6 A 0 UNT :o: 33 335.1 33 k335 -- ---- Icy 3 .1 .19- 1 Compressed Air System Fire protection nt rane Uther-Pi0ing ystems ....... I I Not required Not required required- F4 Not required .1 Auxiliary Equipment - Sub -item Total. 33 _G -efieFEiI9fia-fi 6 ff *Eq- u'p—menF­­­-­­­-- .21 1 General Station Equipment - u-rtertrtTotal t5aq.15 ��--J:g commun Iste qui ment I - ]Uo—mmunid sMm qu PM�inf -item ro—ta-l", __.._ .._. _ »_ �- _------_._.»..._...__ _._._ __....._»...-..___.»..__... »»..» _ 1**1335 MISC. POWER PLANT EOUIPME—N T_- REM TOTAL 2busuuu M—AGGESS ROADS 1336-- _AMESS7R AY 9_-_fTEM*_T0_rAT___' NGUANDWRIGHT . . . ....... 351 CLEARING [AND & RIGHTS -OF AY - ITEM TO AL M2___SUBST SWITCHING STATfMSTRUCTURFS & IMP :Nib 352--SUBST ION&SW -CHI -8 ION_-_1TEM_ TAL U S RUCTURES & IMPROVEMENT S -9'68--ITAnON-&--S WIT'CF4rgG-STAT[OT4-E a 1 ...... 353 SUBSTATION & SWITCHI STATION ITEM TOTAE_ U -YrEEE-r E K & F IX% rURES w- wgi VV U DLVI(;F_S 356 OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS M TOTAL U EVICES ---ITEM MMr L8—UNDERGROUND i357 [UNDERGROUND COND_WT L CONDUCTORS ULVICLS -41 U-N. RGIJN=ND AL -- DEVICES ADS & TRAILS ITEM TML-1 U -AL PLAN I 390 GENERAL PLANT - IT-ENFT-0-TAL -9-f —z-PORARY CONSTRUCTION ILITIES-MOB/ B -;� f» : f -_ . . . . ' r� or "Hifirdr-s-&-off ice . . . . . . . �- --- fff —W-61-T .2 Heavy E pip Mob/Demob 1960:_ 0 61 0-AAR-YU-0 q8 IOUT] _ r . ............... ... 4_R1J_CTKJWEQUFPTV[ENr- �00' 6 U ON EQUIP---TTEM TOTAL' -------------- - ------ - U nearest 13 1 1 00-- .......... . L I_C'o_n1[rFd-e_nc,_y . . ......... ... . I ITOTAL DIRECT CONST COST IRounde. Unit 3 Cost Estimate Draft Submitted.xis, Details Devine Tarbell Associates Page 3 of 3 A 0 SDP - Terror Lake UMt 3 Att,_6m .Emptions Assumq@jeLoris G� ElKnownuge0 Switclaiyard / 1,4ce-tv GSCE Reference: Drawing — "Terror Lake Switchyo.rd Cwf,-La)eral Arrangement Plan", Dwg No. 77L-57-021 (Rev 4: 12-6-85 As Inxillt Revisions-). Tk`ns drawing indica:LF(!ms space has been aJ,Jocated for the addition of a (Unit 3) 1 5MVA Generator Step Up (GSU) tral"Isfor--ainier ancl dio­cmimect switches to be located_ JIU-L, fla�,n corner of iflaie switchyard, next to the service road, adjacent to the access gate. In addition, tyre drawing indicates "Note 3-typical" an adequl.aft length of the 3" AL tube main bus onl t-hic., South side has been provided for -fcntuire, B uas A Frame,�, CoLninections. No ?_,,ddjAJonq0 TD-,,us heis bee-,n) provi'ldced. No indication as to ithie s dtaiedule or rating of the 3" AL tube bus has been provided on the above drawing. It is as si,�i_�nni Pad-) the _3" refers to the nominal pipe size. ERectrical properties of 3" nominal ASA Schedule 40 Aluminum Pipe CondTactors (6061-T6-40% 1ACS ,typical) is �lt 60 cycles. Ca.-ao6lla,tors located outdoors with a 24V/sec cross, fiad. D\'T e r ran I), Iu, 01 X I d_1Rk;'_,J1,5d suurfmu�, (e = 0.55`) C_i)) - 1Phe rating of the Y"AL tubing therefore exceeds F',-uufl by +120OAmps. The drawing indicates no provisions havebeenprovided for oil containment for the existing Units '_�i cand^,.), GSUs. 1.,oriovided for the -future Unit 3. (2) options exist wi-�rh the addition of Unit 3. Option -�l is to feed the "Future 13 8kV" Ilk EM11-21 as indicated on tflde above or Option 2 to increase fine oT6 ui,_t to t�ae 138kV Airport Substation 'Line . It is assiwrao!�,dl- addition of Unit 3 is toy m.crease the output to the 138kV ARIport 3)- H"I ilce,. 11 The existing OCB fe,_.�,,dkng fhe 1381cV nc;t� to the Airpmrl `3ubstaidoni is assumed to have R 1 CS U. The existing combined amperage of Uni lite, 11. dae capacky for the addition, of the 3" _T d and 2 'kc�, 125.5 Amps. The addidoyL,! of the 15MVA- Uy_rAiit 3 GSU delivens, additionpdi 62.8Amps for a total of 188.3Anips at 138kV. Typically these breakers_`I'aave a frame (sL'Ze of sufficient capacity. a a Nu--, on /drihpi a Mxe SysW.--Lais exists l'u, Switchyard. Mon -iip-)Crovision-ts, or L a Swi o Switchyard Fire Systeria. N,o provisiioi-as or consi1deration 's, extended-1 beyond- the terminals of the existing OCB feeding tihic.,- 1,38kV to the Aii-pouil- ,3,ubstatio.Fa. Reference: Technical! Data- A Reference for the Electrical over Industry, Square D Company, 1964, Table 53, page 52. FF)P - Uailt 3 Addition Ass in7u, a j; �t► in, ss. doe 11"Fqi,,c_ '1 Terror Lal!ce Mnit 3 Copt Assu-napytions stea-ion., Service: Reference -Drawing "_Powerhouse Con-dtdt Details & Pane'l Schedules", Dwg No. APA- 67692 MT-514-2 dated 2-/28/83. Frona notes tuqal'-en du C, ring, fhe SRC" visit the existing Station Service Switch ge,�ar is (1) item. It is a double ended substation that feeds the general station loads and both units I & 2 serviep, Roads from Sub Panels PDPA and PDPB. il-71irorn this the general loads such as station ligglating. HHVAC, crane, powerhouse drainage pu-nnps, battery chargers, exciters, co-Lia-u-nunications a-nd then the individual machine loads Hkt,, air corm governor 61, puunrli-ps, water pun-fiqps, etcaeur�, fed. -u A. f--` D11PA currently shows from the above drawing: 500A of identified nameplate 3 Polebzeaker load 60A, 3 pole breaker as fature Unit 3 (+) 130A 3 pole breaker ]Load- -11rde-zabJf-ked as spares. The totallh,�,t�Rhrig 690A. 1?ane! -T,'-�'DPA is fed via (3) 1 -i 21/c 350YICM. 11 Is not indicated Cae feeders are copper (CU). Liti- -is assun.-ed the feeders are CU which are hrat(5d for 350A at 90'C*2-. 3,1{ rPDPE- cuiTevt .y shofi yzonr-Li- flae above di-zawing: 740A of identified nameplate 3 of e load (-nr) Z-1 0A 3 pole brctalter load uYied as spares. The total being .l 220,&. is fed. Wa (3) 1/c 350MCM. It is not indicated that the feeders are c(o,ppear (CTJ), R- is asts.-ulned are CU which are rated for 350A atgo'C*2. The total available is 902A off the 750kVA Station Service transformeT,-. Olbv'o)�uWy study was. coi n-pleted at some time otherwise these panels would be puR, Li ing about 3 over what t1iae statio) service trainsfor-m-ner is capable of producing and feede-ir Cables would be undersized. The id.c-,--nlified "Future Unit 3" loads and spares ii-,-adflcav ahem; R'S room for dte new U3 loads however not being aware of the load demand- of t1mz exlstiug hl caLr-p� not be sure and, ca--n not re-;conimend just adding breakers to take the new -Uu-iculili 3 loaois, TlAe origiYhie--,),,J load. ad s� bady foar tLl, �ice, installs-tico n, shoi Lull d bm�, obtained and rev 11 IF -oar capacity 11-3 add Unit 3. The existing statimm service Ls located on Stm, 'turbine filo, qmr- A new station service for T-�Inft 3 is provided as a sil--a)gle siabstation. 1i -s propos-,ed tth)ie location be near U P- T*! il'l- 3 L �i the turbAliie� flu-)a.r. Reference: *2 NEC� 202, ArticRe 3 211 C), T"'a' E c Station utter Reference DLra,.v\j-1H-L-,g "Powerhouse Conduikr Details & Panel Schedui"es", Dwg No. APA- 67692 14-514-2 datUA 2/22.8)/83. Sub Panel! 125V DC DISC" PIN L shows from the above drawing equal circuits for Units 11, 2 and Future 3 with the exception of (1) Z2 --a je exciter controls of Future There are (4) 2 pole spaces c-lh, edez -ib- hr'--7DP - Unit 3 IWdition Estimate Assumptions.doc Page 2 1 / -1.-' 1 /2007 Mr, I ake ;' Lk Unit 3 Cost Assrun-j ROM available. 1200A of identffled 2 Pole narneplate breaker load (+) 40A 2 Pole identified as sloanems. The tot?d beln.g 12400-lis.. M. the Panel Futur e Urn t 3 breake-rs h.ave a nan-leplate rating of 29,31A.L. '171 here is no indica.-do � vvhat cable size pa-nel 125V DC Dist P-14L is fed by. Notes frorn time site visit i nadlicalle t1hite, 125VDC panel is a douubRe (side by side) loceatred! Gaa., the t-urbine floor and is 44 civc-uit. Le. 44 - 2 Pole breakers with no extra spaces. The above drawing however indicates- 44 — 2 PoRe breakers with 4 — 2 Pole spaces. The nai-nieplate on the existing badica-tes 125VDC, HI OOA. 2 Wi-re. rating. The A 200A of identified breaker nameplattp,, Yating rair exceed the raing of the panel IOOA rating. T-''--Iie origua�,--,-J DC hload 1prelfille st-um"di), fol-Ti, h-hi shou---IZ,,'-J bi(,�,, obuta�in,��,--d andrevl(,�Yved f-or the capac�'It-y wa,(cj'Idt �uhnia"L'- 3. A nee;v' DC Paaraip,,'11 -111s) UZU"- 73, — 1125)VDC, 200A., 2VAre to be general viwli'.-�L'] iY af. zdaji 6� 'sting pane'.11.. 111. 25 V DC Dist P14-L. Station Batt2,-�rj\,7 L La E iill - Notes from the site visit indicatte zhi-(5 existing 125VDC battery bank consists of 92 cells. The existing battery chargers have ain ontj�uft of -TI, 20-25VDC. For a 125VDC system with limits of 105 — 140V DIC eqund assuming the batUrezies being Nicke,I-Cadmium (Ni d) ,-ind 2"aa assumed value of rn-Li-Lurniman voltage per cell of L 11, zI1U-VJDC, 92 cells is ap�gprqj!?riate*3. It needs to be confirmed theJERFAeries ar(c-,, HiCei-L r". W i)i1sn-liffrIcient data AurjniLyp)erd-hours (Ah) can not be calculated co) c jL Reverence: *3 ' Handbook of Electric Power Calculations, H. Wayne Beaty, Sectiono 18, Page 18.20. Ewer R e n c Y Gen , o- ic nq, to rf 1.1 Reference Draw'irLp-gr "ER-nergency Diesel Load She&H.ng", Dvfg 149,. APA-61"793 B- 504, sheet R61 dated 5/ 1 8,Y04. The exisij!'ng 3Ij'-!arIerge-n,,c.y Gewarator has a- RmLaiaqplete rating of 1 50kW, 187k"VA, ,S")pt 'if his provirdIts 225A @ 48OV. ' be above dr,,-),-, vvving the vent and ,cater loads are shutdown on energization. Reference Notes I & 2 ouL the above ch-awing. Sheets 1.35 aud'IL36 could not be located L"-O) verify their purpose referpnced on this drawing. Brea-1ctcis 52A and B in the Seirvice is not v,,dju'ch of the Station Switchgear are also monitored. It - TI-Iq FDP - Unit 3 Addlolwlh Pave 11IR --IL/2007 t�l Terror Lal,�:e Unit 3 Cost Assuirnpfimiuc; -lie orig*'nad Load Shcd study should be service loads are shed and/or I 'n wl --iW L sequence. T reviewed. HARZA had suggested upig-rcad haig the e gen-set- t® 40011OVI from the existing 150k,'V,,V- there now. The upgrade was never undertaken. Due to incomplete data, (the load shed study) I can not confirnn cr��Mla-er is adequate however the 400OW, generator would provide 48 1A vs/ the 225A availabric,) novvv- The original. load shea*stutdysbuiaudd be reviewed. "- 0 Based on the unluiowirts iff RE ihe genset be upgraded to 400k-W. Ground S ta The grimjin&ng study and nn--�)at 0-fir g--r--L:1 is -�aa pLier'-ce was fini-ic fl-o�r the installation in. 1983. It shou-Rcll cchecked to, ensurr,:� naVftiing him changed prior tio, !) --n-stallation of Unit 3. No consideration at this timieo - giro-u-nd st-ualy aalibr 1--nodifications to c1he grounding mat. Station Li. la . The Lighting load change (addit° of -a s) would br,7-,- -vhluimfirrai�,--fll and no consideration is given at - this Plant HVAC: The Plant HVAC load change (add-.ifion,�,7,) wo-Lufld be ininimal and no consideration is given, al this time. upn'lt 31) 171'zlcultal',Fion schejlnlcs-o Protection for U�ailt 3,i��uffll requdre a joroteciion study to determine the reiay- settings. The Settings on Unit I 8-L 2 were &Aermined and set most likely from the original study. The 11 original study incoi�poratfl fng CrF any changes ma -de to Units I & 2 should be reviewed. No consideration is given at dink', 611ne for os,- tion relay estudy. UnIi- 3 Feeder Cables /13.810/ Duct Bank: Drawings 'Toweftaouse Conduit & Tray Details", Dwg No. APA-6793 M-514- I dated 3131/82. and 6'PowerhouselS, L 107.5 Conduit & Tray", Dwg No. APA-6793 M- 51.2 Dated ' 2/28/83. The sequence of connection is as follows: the generator feeder cables exit the generator terminal box and are fed to the generator breaker. From there they run the length of the pow(t5r house to the 113.8kV Duct Batik located in Terminal Compartment FDP - Unit 3 Addition Estimate Assumptions.doc Page 4 ILI / 111/2007 `error error 1,.alce Unit 3 Cost Assunariji-)tions wailt., E-Prorn Conwartmeent MIB th'e c.- go into M I B located on tie -North Powerh aWes nt p the switchyard to Compare ntient M2B. API-i-6793 ;/ii 2 indlicates space has bee ra allocated for the new 13. G1kV Unut 3 generator sables fi-ii the powerhouse bluid does not qua-lify if ffictine, is ado -equate ft-ay and conduit provided to carry this new cable as ii-,-,ii o. size or tyke is i nncUcaled. Additionally A PA, -6793 M-51.4-1 indicates in the 13.8k-V T(,�.xniinal Compartment Mil tha-L (3) sets of (2) con -du -its -"For a total of (6) are there. It is assumed that (2) of the (6) shown are for the future U3 cables to the switchya-rd even though they are not marked as flift",re The distance from M I B to M2B or from the po �verhouse to thf., sv,,f, I tctriyard Terriu,'nal box is unknown and fibutta5r ft'- is unknown if access to the 13.8kV dl-ac;t is available or I ar' R xr. ei ,!1fj ng /dig ging A �s, i red for a cable p n 111 Due to the unknowns, drica, I 3.8kV cable from E,,�awoidaouse Compait-ment MR aR to the switchyard Compartment M2 is not cony i cu'lrzare, olt a tdniil � t� raao, I,'-7-,DP - Ualii- 3 A, ddli-ion Estimate I" -a gc,,�, 5, 11 R R / 2 0 0 7