HomeMy WebLinkAboutTerrasondSOW Page 1 of 13 November 07, 2008 Monty Worthington Project Manager Ocean Renewable Power Company (ORPC) 911 West 8th Ave. Suite 205 Anchorage, AK 99501 Subject: Current Vector Reconnaissance and Geophysical Site Assessment for the FERC Pilot Project License for tidal power generation in Upper Cook Inlet, vicinity of Anchorage Mr. Worthington: TerraSond Ltd. is pleased to submit the following proposal for the acquisition and processing of oceanographic and geophysical data for the purpose of determining and quantifying the variables necessary to obtaining a FERC Pilot Project License for tidal power generation at your prospect near Anchorage in Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska. We support your immediate project, your ethical approach, and the general vision which ORPC has demonstrated regarding this emerging industry. Our goal is to facilitate your efforts regarding long term, environmentally benign, and carbon-free renewable power generation for the predominant population center within the State of Alaska. TerraSond is dedicated to accomplishing the highest quality of service for each of the projects that we participate in. Each survey will conform to accepted industry standards and practices relative to their perspective instrumentation. The acquisition, processing, and interpretation of all products will be supervised and approved by our geophysical staff and a Registered Alaska State Professional Land Surveyor. Proposed Methodology for Site Selection The goal for this effort will be to provide the data required to obtain a FERC Pilot Project License for tidal power generation within the prospect area described under the current permit held by ORPC. A detailed study for a pilot project site selection needs to be undertaken in order to accomplish this task. Although, ultimately, many data will be considered during this effort, the preliminary data necessary for this site selection is dependant upon obtaining reconnaissance-quality bathymetry and current data. This data will be incorporated into both of the two current models proposed for this prospect. TerraSond has been in communication with the two modelers involved in this project, both Devine Tarbell & Associates (DTA) and the University of Alaska at Anchorage (UAA), in order to understand how to best obtain the bathymetric and the current information needed for their respective task. The first model utilizing this data will be accomplished by DTA and is expected to be an empirical-based 3D interpolated current-flow throughout the prospect. TerraSond understands this presentation to be of a contiguous static graphic, allowing for synthetic transects to be analyzed in areas, and perhaps during tidal events, not covered by TerraSond during our acquisition efforts. The data for this model will be biased to the events of acquisition and may not be representative of power events over extended time. This model will be useful for the near future decision making. The second model utilizing this data will be accomplished by UAA and is expected to be a dynamic 4D current-flow model. Although based upon empirical data from TerraSond, this model is more adaptive and may be continuously calibrated as additional current data is introduced from variety of sources. This Corporate Office Branch Offices Palmer, AK y 907.745.7215 Houston, TX y 713.690.4900 www.terrasond.com Corpus Christi, TX y 361.884.1780 Seattle, WA y 206.420.8304 Page 2 of 13 model will be used to forecast the inlet behavior as it is updated with this additional data. This model is expected to highlight significant spatial and temporal trends for each area and seasonal operation when correlated with power production. It is expected to be a crucial contribution for the assessment of sediment transport. It is hoped to be a predictive tool for vetting effects upon the water-body as turbines are introduced into the dynamic system of Cook Inlet. TerraSond, with permission and cooperation of it’s previous clients has already provided the bathymetric data for most of the prospect area. This data set has been determined to be of sufficient quality to accomplish the preliminary modeling needs of ORPC, DTA, and UAA. A temporal and spatial reconnaissance of the tides and currents within the prospect area is needed in order to complete the current vector data needs for ORPC and the models mentioned above. TerraSond will accomplish a current vector study over a thirty (30) day period, or one complete tidal cycle, within the prospect area. Simultaneously, this tide-generated current study will deploy, two (2) static upward-looking Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling (ADCP) instruments housed within two (2) mooring systems designed for the Cook Inlet environment on the seafloor. The vessel, during the roving operations described below, will communicate with the moorings at regular intervals throughout the project operations to insure stability, data integrity, and the general health of the instrumentation. Please reference Figure 1. Figure 1. Proposed locations for static seafloor moored ADCP systems. Page 3 of 13 TerraSond will commit a roving survey vessel equipped with a downward-facing ADCP instrument and acquire ~23 transects across the entirety of the prospect at ~1km intervals oriented predominantly perpendicular to current flow. Roving data will only be acquired during the period of time that the mooring system is in place on the seafloor. Geodetic positioning will be corrected with U.S. Coast Guard Differential GPS broadcast from Kenai, AK (310kHz) during deployment to insure horizontal precision. To avoid the introduce of artifact bias from the flowing sediment across the seabed a dual-antenna GPS, or equivalent system, will be used to insure correct heading while acquisition is in progress. The vessel will be piloted using a navigation suite to insure correct placement of the current profiling equipment during the acquisition. TerraSond will acquire these transects during the peak current events associated with both the ebbing and the flooding tidal cycle each day. Please reference Figure 2. Figure 2. Proposed area to survey with vessel mounted roving ADCP. Weather, equipment failure, and available daylight may limit production. In addition, due to the nature of Cook Inlet and the docking opportunities, tide cycle may also limit the theoretical acquisition goals. Each of the issues which may interfere with production will be assessed on a daily basis. The processing, filtering, and the reporting of the static and roving current vector data will be the responsibility of TerraSond. Two products are expected from this effort, the raw acquisition products will be distributed to ORPC as well as a data set normalized to a common tidal event or current stage datum. TerraSond will make considerable effort to distribute the data in the format desired by each party, however, at this time, we can only commit to the products resulting from Teledyne RD Instruments software. The current vector data along with the existing bathymetry will facilitate the efforts of ORPC in selecting the two best candidate Tidal Power Generation Sites under investigation for the pilot turbine build out. If the inlet flow models are still in a state of development when this decision needs to be worked through, TerraSond is be prepared present the efforts of this project in Fledermaus visualization software to assist with spatial investigation and to enhance discussion (currently not included in this price structure). TerraSond looks forward to helping with this decision through consultation and will remain available to ORPC for any needs or questions they may have through this process. Page 4 of 13 Proposed Methodology for Geophysical Site Assessment Once the two best candidate sites have been selected TerraSond will plan for the mobilization of our survey vessel to accomplish the Geophysical Site Assessment. During the acquisition of all geophysical data this survey vessel will be equipped with a dual antenna GPS and inertial motion unit navigation system corrected with U.S. Coast Guard Differential GPS broadcast from Kenai, AK (310kHz). The vessel will be piloted using a navigation/data acquisition suite to insure correct placement of the geophysical equipment signal and accounting for lever arms to appropriately position the signal footprint on the seafloor. The Multibeam Echosounder (MBES) and Side-Scan (SSS) data will later be reprocessed to kinematic GPS precision at the TerraSond Processing Center in Palmer, AK using POSPac GPS trajectory processing suite. The goal of the Geophysical Site Assessment will be to provide data and imagery which will allow for the characterization of the selected candidate sites for the purpose of construction. All data will be acquired to support five specific evaluations: • Dangers to navigation (DtoN) • Hazards to construction (HtoC) • Infrastructure opportunities for mooring systems • Habitat characterization • Baseline of environment prior to build-out TerraSond will mobilize and deploy five (5) geophysical tools to support this assessment: • Multi-beam Echo-Sounder (MBES) • Side-Scan Sonar (SSS) • Sub-Bottom Profiler (SBP) • Magnetometer • Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Processing and Products The MBES data will be processed and edited at the TerraSond Data Processing Facility in Palmer, Alaska. The product will be a digital bathymetric gridded surface of the seafloor for each candidate site. The data will illuminate geomorphology such as the bathymetry, geologic features, slope of seafloor, and will be when assessing seafloor friction (resistance to current flow) as needed for the UAA dynamic model. The spatial position for all feature identified will be referenced back against this data set. This data set will also be the dominant vertical measurement for all contacts and targets identified as DtoN or HtoC. Please reference Figure 3. Figure 3. Depth color-scaled multibeam image clearly demonstrates geologic morphology Page 5 of 13 and man-made infrastructure as pipelines. The Side-Scan Sonar will be processed and interpreted for the criteria listed in the goals for the geophysical site assessment listed above. The products for this data set will include a SSS composite mosaic, a target/contact plot for DtoN and HtoC imaged in the data all presented in a plat map for each candidate site. Please reference Figure 4. Figure 4. Example of sunken vessel as imaged at nadir with side-scan sonar. The Sub-Bottom data will be processed and interpreted for significant changes in the elastic properties of the geology. The main focus for this interpretation will be to identify HtoC. In particular, subsurface boulders, near surface gas accumulation, and expressions of near surface faulting. General geologic sedimentation trends will be identified and referenced against the side-scan imagery. TerraSond will generate isopach contour maps if the data warrants, and if it is helpful in communicating opportunities for anchoring systems. All interpretation will be qualitative and any recommendations resulting from this interpretation will be intended to initiate the gathering of additional information (either remotely sensed, when additional techniques are applicable, or in terms of recommendations for physical investigation) as determined by the geophysical staff. Please reference Figure 5. Figure 5. Example of sand-cobble transition in lower Cook Inlet. Page 6 of 13 The magnetometer data will be processed, charted, and interpreted for significant signature events. The contact chart will be compared with each of the geophysical products and used to confirm DtoN or HtoC targets as ferrous targets. This survey is important for contact identification and potentially assessing archeological significance in sub-marine environments. Please reference Figure 6. Figure 6. Example of linear magnetic anomaly perceived with a perpendicular orientation. Other collaborative products will include a general interpretation of the surficial geology. The primary intention for this effort will be to produce the foundation for habitat characterization for each of the candidate power production sites. Descriptions are expected to reference relative albedo (SSS), texture (MBES & SBP), boulder probably (MBES, SBP, & SSS), etc. The product from this analysis will be a plat map presentation of the interpretation and a digital polygon file. TerraSond will accomplish a fine resolution acquisition of ADCP transects at the candidates sites selected at a resolution of 33m interval. TerraSond has estimated for the purposes of this project six (6) hrs of operation during three (3) dedicated daylight tide cycles. A sparse, but representative, bottom sediment sampling program will be executed to support the interpretation process and referenced against each of the geophysical remotely sensed data sets. This processes is currently planned for the slack events during the fine resolution ADCP effort. TerraSond understands that extensive or contracted lab work is not necessary for this effort. The general expectation for descriptive language will be sand, mud, cobble, or no sample achieved. Our proposal includes the following equipment: Deployment/recovery of static ADCP mooring systems - Sea Ducer, our 32’ aluminum custom built survey vessel One (1) Trimble GPS One (1) CSI MBX-3 DGPS beacon receiver Two (2) Teledyne RDI workhorse sentinel ADCP Two (2) LinkQuest acoustic modems with communication cables and one (2) battery pack Two (2) mooring systems custom built for Upper Cook Inlet environment Roving ADCP acquisition equipment - Jella Sea, our 26’ aluminum custom built survey vessel One (1) dual antenna differential GPS antenna One (1) CSI MBX-3 DGPS beacon receiver One (1) Teledyne RDI Monitor ADCP One (1) data acquisition computer Roving ADCP acquisition software - RDI acquisition and QC software suite Navigation software (yet to be determined) Page 7 of 13 Roving ADCP processing/production software - RDI acquisition and QC software suite MATLAB Computational Software AutoCAD Software Geophysical acquisition - Jella Sea, our 26’ aluminum custom built survey vessel with A-Frame and hydraulic winch system One (1) Applanix POS MV inertial motion system One (1) CSI MBX-3 DGPS beacon receiver One (1) Edgetech 4200 Dual Freq, multi-ping Side-scan sonar One (1) RESON 8101 MBES system One (1) Sub-Bottom Profiler (yet to be determined) One (1) Marine Magnetics SeaSPY Magnetometer One (1) data acquisition computer One (1) Teledyne RDI Monitor ADCP Geophysical acquisition software - QPS QINsy navigation/acquisition software Edgetech Discover Software Marine Magnetics’ SeaLINK data acquisition software Sub-Bottom profiler acquisition software (yet to be determined) RDI acquisition and QC software suite Geophysical processing/production software – POSPac GPS Processing Suite (for post-processed kinematic trajectory production) Caris HIPS & SIPS Sub-Bottom seismic processing and interpretation software (yet to be determined) AutoCAD Software MATLAB Computational Software Also included is a four-wheel drive vehicle for crew transportation during field operations, and expendables such as fuel, and digital media. TerraSond, Ltd. maintains a marine mapping staff in palmer, Alaska that is prepared to provide quick turn around of the field data for final reporting. Some data reduction and quality control software will be available onboard the survey vessel. Report to include: Summary of all field operations Technical description of equipment/instrumentation Description of horizontal and vertical geodetics Technical description of the processing procedure Evaluation of observed flow rates Appendix of normalized transects Products to include: One (1) Project Report Six (6) DVD distributions of RAW, processed, and normalized data. Four (4) Plat map of prospect bathymetry with current vector information overlay at four (4) predetermined events. Once ORPC has established two best candidate sites, it will be at the discretion of TerraSond to mobilize for the acquisition of the geophysical site assessment within four (4) weeks of notification. Data reduction Page 8 of 13 and development of the deliverable will be complete within three (4) weeks of the completion of the field survey. Report to include: Summary of all field operations Technical description of equipment/instrumentation Description of horizontal and vertical geodetics Technical description of the processing procedure Various appendices for imagery and interpretations Products to include: One (1) Project Report Six (6) DVD distributions of RAW, processed, and interpreted data. Two (2) Hazard Maps Invoicing: TerraSond will invoice 50% upon the completion of each of the two field acquisition efforts and the remainder upon delivery of the final products. Payment is expected net Thirty (30) days from the invoice. Project charges and budgeting can be found below. Weather days and equipment failures are charged in ½ day increments. These situations will incur full cost for personnel and rented equipment, however, non-rented equipment will be charged at a reduced cost of 50% of the normal daily rate. Day rate for personnel for travel, mobilization, operational survey and standby will be billed at 100% from the date of departure to the date of return home. Page 9 of 13 Cost for Mooring ADCP Effort $65,937 Thirty days of acquisition PERSONEL Quantity Time Rate Cost Pre Contract efforts Accounted for through Cost Sharing Research and preparation 1 2 1352 2704 Party Chief 1 4 1352 5408 Vessel Pilot 1 4 1144 4576 Survey Tech 1 4 780 3120 Data Processor & Reporting 1 10 824 8240 $24,048 GEAR Sea Ducer Vessel 1 4 2580 10320 LinkQuest Acoustic Modems 2 30 200 12000 600kHz ADCP 2 35 120 8400 Mooring system 2 30 65 3900 Differential GPS 1 4 80 320 Ground transportation 1 4 131 524 Acoustic Release 2 1 940 1880 EdgeTech AMD200R 1 35 44 1540 RENTAL EQUIP and SHIPPING 1 1 1355 1355 $40,239 Expendables Vessel Fuel 1 4 300 1200 Lodging 0 0 0 0 Per diem 0 0 0 0 Miscellaneous expendables & media 1 1 450 450 $1,650 Page 10 of 13 Cost for each additional ADCP Mooring placements $45,334 Thirty days of acquisition PERSONEL Quantity Time Rate Cost Pre Contract efforts Accounted for through Cost Sharing Party Chief 1 2 $1,352 $2,704 Vessel Pilot 1 2 $1,144 $2,288 Survey Tech 1 2 $780 $1,560 Data Processor & Reporting 1 5 $824 $4,120 $10,672 GEAR Sea Ducer Vessel 1 2 $2,580 $5,160 LinkQuest Acoustic Modems 2 30 $200 $12,000 600kHz ADCP 2 35 $120 $8,400 Mooring system 2 30 $65 $3,900 Differential GPS 1 4 $80 $320 Ground transportation 1 2 $131 $262 Acoustic Release 2 1 $940 $1,880 EdgeTech AMD200R 1 35 $44 $1,540 Expendables $33,462 Vessel Fuel 1 4 $300 $1,200 Lodging 0 0 $0 $0 Per diem 0 0 $0 $0 $1,200 Page 11 of 13 Cost for Roving ADCP Effort $154,048 Twenty days of acquisition PERSONEL Quantity Time Rate Cost Pre Contract efforts (8hr-day)(travel) Accounted for through Cost Sharing Research and preparation 1 7 824 5768 Party Chief 1 20 1352 27040 Vessel Pilot 1 20 1144 22880 Survey Tech 1 20 780 15600 Data Processor 1 15 1352 20280 Draft Person 1 2 780 1560 $93,128 GEAR Jella Sea Vessel 1 20 1548 30960 Differential GPS (Horizon and Trimble) 2 20 160 6400 600kHz ADCP 1 25 120 3000 Navigation Computer 1 20 262 5240 Ground Transportation w/ fuel 1 20 131 2620 RENTAL EQUIP and SHIPPING 1 1 350 350 $48,570 EXPENDABLES Vessel Fuel 1 20 250 5000 Lodging 3 10 150 4500 Per Diem 3 10 80 2400 Miscellaneous expendables & media 1 1 450 450 $12,350 Page 12 of 13 Cost of Geophysical Effort $153,212 PERSONEL Quantity Time Rate Cost Pre Contract efforts (8hr-day) Accounted for through Cost Sharing Research and preparation 1 2 1352 2704 Party Chief 1 16 1352 21632 Vessel Pilot 1 16 1144 18304 Survey Tech 1 16 780 12480 Data Processor 1 15 1352 20280 Draft Person 1 2 780 1560 $76,960 GEAR Jella Sea Vessel 1 16 1548 24768 Inertial Navigation System 2 10 723 14460 Edgetech High Speed SSS 1 4 1033 4132 Hydraulic Winch and cable 1 4 126 504 Sub-Bottom Profiler 1 2 826 1652 Reson 8101 MBES 1 6 1549 9294 Sound Velocity Probe 1 10 86 860 SeaSPY Magnetometer 1 10 240 2400 Acquisition Computer 1 16 262 4192 Ground Transportation w/ fuel 1 10 131 1310 600kHz ADCP 1 18 120 2160 Differential GPS (Horizon and Trimble) 2 6 160 1920 RENTAL EQUIP and SHIPPING 1 1 700 700 $68,352 EXPENDABLES Vessel Fuel 1 16 250 4000 lodging 3 5 150 2250 per diem 3 5 80 1200 Miscellaneous expendables & media 1 1 450 450 $7,900 Page 13 of 13 It is understood that this survey is intended for the early 2009 season. Safety for over-the-side operations and towed instrumentation will need to be evaluated as the season matures. Once ORPC has established a target date, it will be at the discretion of TerraSond to deploy the ADCP mooring system and to begin the roving current vector reconnaissance within four (4) weeks of notification. Data reduction and development of the deliverables will be complete within four (4) weeks of the completion of the mooring recovery and/or the roving current vector survey. By nature, the Cook Inlet is a highly dynamic environment, the information gathered for this survey is only valid during the event of its acquisition, any spatial/temporal interpretations or extrapolations can not be considered reliable. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the project scope or costing for this project. I wish you and your project great success, Monty. Best Regards, David Oliver Geophysicist TerraSond Ltd Terrestrial and Seafloor Mapping 1617 South Industrial Way Suite 3, Palmer, Alaska 99645 (907) 745-7215 x114 Office (907) 715-8144 Mobile www.terrasond.com cc: Brian Busey, General Manager Raj Bhangu, Director of Operations Karl Woods, Chief of Surveys