HomeMy WebLinkAboutADF&G-ConnellyJnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20021126-0061 Received by FERC OSEC 11/25/2002 in Docket#: P-12336-000 DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER TONY'KNOWLES, GOVERNOR ORIGINAL P.O. BOX 25S2e JUNEAU, ALASKA I)9802-5526 PHONE: (9O~ ,~o4~00 FACSIMILE: (9O7) 4tt5-2332 November 15, 2002 Honorable Magaiie R. Salas Office of the Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20426 ¢D..< Dear Secretary Sales: Re: MOTION TO INTERVENE Cormelly Lake Hydroeleetric Project, FERC No. 12336-000 and 12338-000 Pursuant to 18 CFR §385.210, 385.211, and 385.214, enclosed are the original and eight copies of the Alaska Department ofFish and Game's (ADF&G) MOTION TO INTERVENE on the proposed Connelly Lake Hydroelectric Project. Clayton Hawkes, in our Douglas regional office, will serve as the primary depar~ent liaison and contact for this licensing review. Mr. Hawkes will coordinate with other deparUnental staff, including Carl Schrader of the Douglas regional office of ADF&G. Mr. Schrader is our lead representative for departmental fish habitat permits that will be required for this project. Sincerely, Frank Rue Commissioner CA3: Kelly Hepler, ADF&G Robert Mecum, ADF&G Ellen Fritts, ADF&G Randolph Erieksen, ADF&G Blaine Hollis, Alaska AG Office Linch Shaw, NMFS Wayne Regelin, ADF&G Mary Pete, ADF&G Neil Barren, ADF&G Jim Powell, ADEC James Balsiger, NMFS Richard Enriquez, USFWS 11-K2LH Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20021126-0061 Received by FERC OSEC 11/25/2002 in Docket#: P-12336-000 BEFORE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION In the matter of: Connelly Lake Hydroelectric Project "Power" Creek and Chilkoot River Haines, Alaska Projects No. 12336-000 and 12338-000 ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME'S MOTION TO INTERVENE Pursuant to 18 CFR § 385.713, enclosed are the original and eight copies of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game's (ADF&G) motion to intervene on competing pre "hminary permit applications for the proposed Connelly Lake Hydroelectric Project. I. INTERESTS The Petitioner, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), is the State of Alaska's principal manager of fish and wildlife resources and their habitats. ADF&G is mandated under state law to "manage, protect, maintain, improve, and extend the fish, game, and aquatic plant resources of the state in the interest of the economy and general well-being of the state..." (AS 16.05.020). Among ADF&G's various powers and duties are "to assist the United States Fish and Wildlife Service in the eufo~ent of federal laws and regulations pertaining to fish and game..." (AS 16.05.050), and protect fish habitat (AS 16.05.840 and AS 16.05.870). Managing Alaska's fish and wildlife resources and protecting the habitat that sustains them are integral to the health of the state's economy. Collectively, comm~cial, sport, and subsistence Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20021126-0061 Received by FERC OSEC 11/25/2002 in Docket#: P-12336-000 Secretary Magalie R. Salas Connelly Lake Hydroelectric Project Re: MOTION TO INTERVENE November 15, 2002 FERC No. 12336-000 FERC No. 12338-000 fisheries generate over a billion dollars annually to the state's economy. Following the oil Industry and government sectors, these fisheries represent the third largest source of income to the state's economy. Tourism is the fourth largest industry In Alaska. Tourism depends, in part, on maintaining water-related recreational opportunities such as fishing, hunting, and sightseeing. Accordingly, balancing development with maintaining the quality and quantity of aquatic and terrestrial habitats are high priorities in Alaska. Alaska Power and Telephone Company (AP&T, FERC No. 12336-000) and Pacific Energy (FERC No. 12338-000), filed competing applications for the Connelly Lake project on August 14 and 16, 2002, respectively. These proposals for Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC/Commission) licensed projects appear to be basically the same as AP&T's earlier proposals for preliminary FERC permits: Connelly Lake Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 11715 and Upper Chilkoot Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 11319). On January 9, 1993 t and April 29, 1996, the Commission issued preliminary permits to Haines Light and Power Company (HL&P) to study the technical, environmental, and economic feasibility of developing the proposed projecL In 1996, AP&T purchased HL&P, thereby acquiring the prior existing preliminary permit for the Upper Chilkoot project. Preliminary permit (FERC No. 11715) was issued on August 27, 1999, for the same project with a different name - Connelly Lake. Therefore, if our interpretation is accurate, the present applications are the fourth and fifth preliminary permits issued to study the feasibility of developing hydroelectric power at this site. z Preliminary Permit for FERC Project 11319 expired on December 31, 1995. Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20021126-0061 Received by FERC OSEC 11/25/2002 in Docket#: P-12336-000 Secretary Magalie R. Salas Connelly Lake Hydroelectric Project Re: MOTION TO INTERVENE November 15, 2002 FERC No. 12336-000 FERC No. 12338-000 The two applications do not specifically state where the powerhouse and tailrace would be located in the Chilkoot River watershed. Based upon the fact that the two proposed projects have identical penstock lengths and similar hydraulic head as the previous applications, these proposals likely have similar site configurations as HL&P's original proposed project, which discharged to an anadromous fish stream containing about 0.25 miles of anadromous habitat, designated by HL&P as "Power" Creek. Power Creek is catalogued for AS 16.05 (Title 16) permit protection and is identified as ADF&G # 115-33-10200-2016 in the Catalog of Wa!er~ important for Spawnlng- Re~ing or Migration of (Catalog). 2 This clesr-water U'ibutary to the Cliilkoot River provides rearing habitat for Dolly Varden char and coho salmon. Projects within or affecting anadromous fish water bodies are jurisdictional under AS 16.05.870 and require a Title 16 Fish Habitat Permit from ADF&G. Projects that have the potential to impact fish passage (applies to all fish species in all fish-bearing waters) are subject to AS 16.05.840 and also require a Title 16 Permit. The proposed project transmission lines and access roads would traverse the Chilknot Valley. Pacific Energy's proposed transmission line, if above ground, would have the potential to electrocute eagles that use power poles to roost. This important wildlife habitat area is part of the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve (Preserve), established in June 1982 under AS 41.21.610 - 41.21.630 to protect and perpetuate the world's largest concentration ofbald eagles and their 2 The CAtalog of Waters ~t for SDawninm Rearino or Mim-ation of Anadromous Fishes and Atlas to the Catalog are included in the Commission's April 2002 revised list of comprehonsive plans. Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20021126-0061 Received by FERC OSEC 11/25/2002 in Docket#: P-12336-000 Secretary Magalie R. Salas Connelly Lake Hydroelectric Project Re: MOTION TO INTERVENE 4 November 15, 2002 FERC No. 12336-000 FERC No. 12338-000 critical habitat. The proposed project area also provides important habitat for brown and black bears, moose, mountain goats, fiubearers, and other wildlife. The project has the potential to adversely affect the migrations of some of these species. Article VIII, Section 4, of the Constitution of the State of Alaska states that fish and wildlife and all replenishable resources belong to the state and shall be utilized, developed, and maintained on the sustained yield principle. Pursuant to AS 16.05.020, ADF&G manages game species for conservation and development through harvest regulations promulgated by the Alaska Board of Game in accordance with AS 16.05.255. Responding to AP&T's application in a July 18, 2002, letter, Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation (ADNR-DPOR) notified the Commission that numerous concenls and issues remain that were expressed in ADNR-DPOR's original December 29, 1994, comment letter to HL&P and that many of the studies conducted by HL&P are out of date and "should not be relied upon as either factual or representative of existing conditions." ADNR-DPOR also questioned whether AP&T could conduct studies within the PreserTe that will cause "only minor alterations or disturbances of lands and waters." From November to February, bald eagles heavily use the Chilkoot Lake/River Unit and human impacts during this period should be resUicted. About 100-300 eagles feed here throughout the fall and winter. Most of the proposed project works, including the dam and penstock, would be within an identified mountain goat winter concentration area (ADNR-DOPR 2002). 3 3 Ch/Ikat Bald Eagle Preserve Management Plan (Public Review Dra~). April 2002. Alaska ~t of Natural Resources; Division of Mining, Land and Water, Resom~e Assessment and Development Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20021126-0061 Received by FERC OSEC 11/25/2002 in Docket#: P-12336-000 • Secretary Magalie R. Salas Connelly Lake Hydroelectric Project Re: MOTION TO INTERVENE November 15, 2002 FERC No. 12336-000 FERC No. 12338-000 AP&T's appfication for this new preliminary permit (page 10) indicates that the "previous" applicant conducted "baseline" fish, wildlife, and botanical resource studies. We are not aware of any baseline wildlife studies that were completed by HL&P or AP&T under the preliminary permits for FERC No. 11319 and 11715. ADF&G only provided HL&P with records of hunter success for mountain goat and brown bears. In 1995, HL&.P contracted with ADF&G to conduct a preliminary fisheries survey of the project area, including the existing "Glory Hole" Road corridor. Our 1995 report to HL&P on the fish survey (Ericksen et al. 1995) 4 documented juvenile coho salmon and Dolly Varden char in Power Creek and sampled seven slxeams along the proposed access road that support spawning and/or roaring fish. However, this earlier study was insufficient to characterize fisheries habitat or to establish population estimates, stating that because of recent low salmon escapements 5, the season of the survey, and the limited methods employed, fish species/life stages in many of the study sites may not have been adequately represented. 6 It also stated that the introduction of glacial water from the lake would likely be detrimental to Power Creek. Introduction of glacial water that is much colder and rich in Sect/on, and the D/vision of Parks and Outdoor Recreation. http://www.dnr.state.al~ us/mlw/planning/cbep/ 4 Ericksen, R., Gaede, M. and E. Holle. 1995. Fish and fish habitat surveys conducted in the Upper Ch/lkoot Valley near Haines, Alasim, during 1995. s The Lynn Canal commercial fisheries target salmon returning mainly to the Chilkat and Chilkoot rivers. Catch and river escapement of ~t Lake sockeye salmon were well below average since 1993. (Bachman, IL, A. McGregor ~ M.S. Kelley. 1999. Fishery Managenm~t Plan for the Lynn Canal ldisW/ct 15) Drift O'~, Fis.bery, .1999. ADF&G Regional Information Report IJ99-18) To determine protection, nutlgation, and enhancement measures, ADF&G generally requ/res sampling adequate to determine fish species composition, distribution, relative abundance, periodicity of occurrence by life phases (m/gration, spawning, incubation and rearing), and adult anadromous fish escapement numbers. Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20021126-0061 Received by FERC OSEC 11/25/2002 in Docket#: P-12336-000 • Secretary Magalie IL Salas Connelly Lake Hydroelectric Project Re: MOTION TO INTERVENE 6 November 15, 2002 FERC No. 12336000 FERC No. 12338-000 sediment could adversely affect all fish life stages through alteration of Power Creek's thermal regime and increasing sedimentation, respectively. ADF&G's 1995 report also reiterated the need for new bridges and necessary repairs and improvements if the Glory Hole Road is re-opened. AP&T's application asserts that no new roads would be required to perform project studies. However, the Glory Hole Road trespasses through a Native allotment (no public right-of-way is provided) and is in very poor condition, with several collapsed log stringer bridges and inadequately sized or inoperable culverts that may be impeding fish passage. Many of the stream crossings were further destroyed by a flood event on October 19-20, 1998. The degraded road crosses several anadromous tributaries and threatens a major spring-fed spawning area known as the "Glory Hole" with sedimentation. The Chilkoot River (ADF&G Anadromous Waters Catalog # 115-33-10200) provides important habitat for several anadromous and resident salmonid species that conlribute to important recreational, coramezcial, and subsistence fisherizs. The Upper Chilkoot River provides spawning and rearing habitat for coho and sockeye salmon and Dolly Varden char. The Chilkoot River near the Power Creek confluence provides very important salmon spawning habitat. On December 12, 1994, ADF&G staff observed approximately 1,800 five and 300 dead adult coho salmon near the mouth of Power Creek. Lower Chilkoot River is catalogued for pink, chum, coho, and sockeye salmon, Dolly Varden char, and cutthroat trout. The proposed project would affect upstream and downstream fish passage, spawning, incubation, and rearing habitat. Protection, improvement, and maintenance of fish habitat and production in these systems are Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20021126-0061 Received by FERC OSEC 11/25/2002 in Docket#: P-12336-000 Secretary Magalie 1L Salas Counelly Lake Hydroelectric Project Re: MOTION TO INTERVENE November 15, 2002 FERC No. 12336-000 FERC No. 12338-000 essential to fishery production in the Chi]koot River watershed. These fish are a significant food source for the eagle population and other wildlife. Neither application provides any information about the statutory purposes of the Preserve. The Preserve is a major eagle nesting, feeding, and rearing area and is most heavily used by eagles from November to February. The Chilkoot River portion of the Preserve is a narrow band along the Chilkoot River that is managed primarily for recreation, fish and wildlife, water quality and other natural features, including a major spring-fed salmon spawning area known as the "Glory Hole," which is critical as a food source for eagles. Pursuant to AS 41.21.610 "The primary purpose for establishing the Alaska Ch/Ikat Bald Eagle Preserve is to protect and perpctoat¢ the Chilkat bald eagles and their essential habitats within the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve in recognition of their statewide, nationally, and internationally significant values in perpetuity." The Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve was also ~abHsh~l to: 1) protect and sustain the natural salmon spawning and rearing areas of the Chilkat River and Chilkoot River systems within the preserve in perpetuity; 2) provide continued opportunities for research, study and enjoyment of bald eagles and other wildlife; 3) ensure to the maximum extent practicable water quality and necessary water quantity under applicable laws; Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20021126-0061 Received by FERC OSEC 11/25/2002 in Docket#: P-12336-000 • Secretary Magalie R. Salas Connelly Lake Hydroelectric Project Re: MOTION TO INTERVENE November 15, 2002 FERC No. 12336-000 FERC No. 12338-000 4) provide for other public uses consistent with the primary purpose for which the Preserve was established; and 5) provide an opportunity for the continued traditional and natural resource based lifestyle of the people living in the Preserve area, consistent with the Preserve's primary purpose. Pursuant to AS 41.21.618, continued opportunities for traditional uses of the Preserve at levels and by methods and means that are compatible with the protection of the bald eagle population are guaranteed. These historically compatible uses include but are not limited to hunting, trapping, fishing, berry picking, other subsistence and recreational uses, operation of motorized vehicles, and the harvesting of personal-use firewood. The April 2002 Public Review DraR of the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve Management Plan states that redevelopment of the Glory Hole Road is "not considered consistent with the management objectives of the Chilkoot River area." If rebuilt to access in-holdings, the road should not be built to design standards that have the effect of greatly increasing current recreation use levels or access levels or access the Haines State Forest, except incidentally. ~ Realignments and upgrades of this road must be approved by ADNR-DPOR. If upgraded, the road should be re-routed to avoid the Glory Hole. However, ADNR-DPOR's draft Management Plan guidelines for the Chilkoot River/Lake Management Unit requires that all upland areas within the Preserve be retained in their natural condition. The Management Plan's SIzucturc and The proposed project area is adjacent to the very popular Clxilkoot Lake State Recreation Site. Therefore, opening the road to the public would dramatically increase v~sitshon in the Upper Chilkoot valley and risks to aquatic habitat. Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20021126-0061 Received by FERC OSEC 11/25/2002 in Docket#: P-12336-000 Secretary Magalie IL Salas Connelly Lake Hydroelectric Project Re: MOTION TO INTERVENE 9 November 15, 2002 FERC No. 12336-000 FERC No. 12338-000 Use Permit Conditions state: "Other than those activities that are traditionally allowed within the Preserve, all other commercial and industrial activities shall be conducted on private uplands, not within the Preserve." H. PROJECT DESCRIPTION It is our interpretation that the currently proposed AP&T and Pacific Energy projects are essentially the same projects that have been under preliminary permits since 1993 (FERC No. 11319 and 11715). The project proposed by AP&T would be operated as a storage project and would consist oi~ (1) a proposed 48-foot-high, 575-foot-long rocktill dam at the Lake outlet, (2) Conneliy Lake, which would have a minimum water surface elevation of 2,280 feet, its current level, and a maximum water surface elevation of 2,312 feet, (3) a screened intake slructure at elevation 2,270 feet, (4) a 6,188-foot-long penstock, 48-inch-diameter to a valve house with an auxiliary release adjacent to the darn, then 30-inch-diameter, (5) a powerhouse containing one generating unit with an installed capacity of 6.2 megawatts, (6) a 14-mile-long, 34.5-kilovolt underground transmission line connecting to an existing power line, and (7) appurtenant facilities. The Pacific Energy project would be operated in a run-of-river mode and would consist of." (I) a 50-foot-high 575-foot-long rockfiil dam at the Lake outlet, (2) Connelly Lake, which has a surface area of 150 acres at normal water surface elevation of 2,280 feet, (3) a 6,200-foot-long, 30-inch-diameter penstock, (4) a powerhouse containing one generating unit with an installed Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20021126-0061 Received by FERC OSEC 11/25/2002 in Docket#: P-12336-000-- Secretary Magalie R. Salas Connelly Lake HydroelecU'ic Project Re: MOTION TO INTERVENE 10 November 15, 2002 FERC No. 12336-000 FERC No. 12338-000 capacity of 6.0 megawatts, (5) a 15-mile-long, 34.5-kilovolt transmission line connecting to an existing power line, and (6) appurtenant facilities. The AP&T application indicates that portions of the project are within the Preserve. The Pacific Energy application only states that project lands are owned by the State of Alaska. However, both projects would be mainly within the Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve and Haines State Forest. Roads necessary for project access and transmission line corridors may also cross one or more Native allotments, and other private land. !il. BASIS FOR MOTION Preliminary studies of the proposed project raised serious concerns regarding anadromous fish habitat and management of the Preserve. ADF&G does not believe either project as proposed could be developed in a manner that will not degrade terrestrial and aquatic habitat in the Chilkoot Valley, be consistent with the mandates of the Preserve, and not have the potential to adversely affect fish and wildlife populations that are, in part, of economic and social importance to the Haines region. As an affected interest and stakeholder, ADF&G respectfully moves for intervention in this proceeding. Intervener status (in combination with ADF&G's other functions under the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act and other federal and state laws) will enable ADF&G to fully participate in this proceeding and to recommend appropriate license stipulations for the protection of fish and wildlife resources affected by the proposed project and related facilities. Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20021126-0061 Received by FERC OSEC 11/25/2002 in Docket#: P-12336-000 Secretary Magalie R. Salas Connelly Lake Hydroelectric Project Re: MOTION TO INTERVENE 11 November 15, 2002 FERC No. 12336-000 FERC No. 12338-000 IV. CONCLUSION Based on the above rationale, the ADF&G respectfully requests the Commission to grant this motion for intervention. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, Frank Rue Commissioner Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20021126-0061 Received by FERC OSEC 11/25/2002 in Docket#: P-12336-000 Secretary Magaiie R. Salas Connelly Lake Hydroelectric Project Re: MOTION TO INTERVENE 12 November 15, 2002 FERC No. 12336-000 FERC No. 12338-000 DECLARATION OF SERVICE In the matter of: Connelly Lake Hydroelectric Project (Project No. 12336-000 and 12338-000) The attached Alaska Department ofFish and Game Motion To Intervene has been serviced to each person below by ftrst-class mail. ADF&G requests that subsequent filings, actions, and decisions in this proceeding be served on the following representatives: Honorable Magaiie R. Salas Office of the Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, NE Washington, D.C. 20426 Glen D. Martin Alaska Power & Telephone Company P.O. Box 3222 191 Otto Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Brent L. Smith, President Northwest Power Services, Inc. P.O. Box 535 Rigby, Idaho 83442 Chip Dennerlein, Director Alaska Department ofFish and Game Habitat and Restoration Division P.O. Box 25526 Juneau, Alaska 99802-5526 Frank Rue, Commissioner Alaska Department ofFish and Game P.O. Box 25526 Juneau, Alaska 99802-5526 Bill Hanson, Regional Supervisor Alaska Department offish and Game Habitat and Restoration Division P.O. Box 240020 Douglas, Alaska 99824-0020 Clayton Hawkes, Hydro-Project Review Coordinator Alaska Department ofFish and Game Habitat and Restoration Division P.O. Box 240020 Douglas, Alaska 99824-0020 Carl Schrader, Habitat Biologist Alaska Department offish and Game Habitat and Restoration Division P.O. Box 240020 Douglas, Alaska 99824-0020 Christopher Estes, Chief Statewide Aquatic Resom'c~ Coordination Unit Alaska Department offish and Game Division of Sport Fish/RTS Statewide Aquatic Resources Coordination Unit 333 Raspberry Rd. Anchorage, Alaska 99518-1599 Kevin Brownlec, Southeast Alaska Instteam Flow Coordinator Alaska Department ofFish and Game Division of Sport Fish/RTS Statewide Aquatic Resources Coordination Unit P.O. Box 240020 Douglas, Alaska 99824-0020 Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20021126-0061 Received by FERC OSEC 11/25/2002 in Docket#: P-12336-000 Secretary Magalie R. Salas Connelly Lake Hydroelectric Project Re: MOTION TO INTERVENE 13 November 15, 2002 FERC No. 12336-000 FERC No. 12338-000 Joe Klein, Hydrologist Alaska Department ofFish and Game Division of Sport Fish/RTS Statcwide Aquatic Resources Coordination Unit 333 Raspberry Rd. Anchorage, Alaska 99518-1599 Ken Lord, Attorney Deputy Regional Solicitor Office of the Regional Solicitor, Alaska Region 4320 University Drive Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99508 Ted Mcyers, Director National Marine Fisheries Service Alaska Regional Office Habitat Conservation P.O. Box 21668 Juneau, AK 99802 Mr. Thomas Meyer, NOAA Attorney Office of General Council, Alaska Region National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration P.O. Box 21109 Juneau, Alaska 99802 John Dunker Alaska Department of Natural Reso~ Division of Minin& Land, and Water 400 Willoughby Avenue, 4 ~ Hoor Juneau, Alaska 99801-1796 Chilkat Indian Village Ms. Lani S. Hotch, Secretary 37 Chilkat Ave P.O. Box 210 Klukwan, Alaska 99827 David B. Allen, Director USDI, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Division of Habitat Conservation 1011 E. Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503-6119 Steve Brookmann U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Ecological Services 3000 Vintage Blvd., Suite 201 Juneau, Alaska 99801-7100 Douglas Mutter, Regional Environmental Officer USDI, Office of the Secretary Office of Envir. Policy and Compfiance 1689 C. Street, Room 119 Anchorage, Alaska 99501-5126 Bill Garry Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation 400 Willoughby Avenue, 4 ~ Floor Juneau, Alaska 99801-1796 Eric Holle, President Lynn Canal Conmwation P.O. Box 964 Haines, Alaska 99827-0564 Chilkoot Indian Association Lee E. Clayton, Preaident P.O. Box 490 Haines, Alaska 99827 Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20021126-0061 Received by FERC OSEC 11/25/2002 in Docket#: P-12336-000-- " Secretary Magalie R. Salas 14 Connelly Lake Hydroelectric Project Re: MOTION TO INTERVENE Novemb~ 15, 2002 FERC No. 12336-000 FERC No. 12338-000 Jan Konigsberg Director, Alaska Salmonid Biodivcrsity Program Trout Unlimited 1399 West 34th Avenue, Suite 205 Anchorage, Alaska 99503-3655 Matthew Davidson SE Alaska Conservation Council 419 Sixth St. Suite 200 Juneau, Alaska 99801