HomeMy WebLinkAboutConnelly Lake Hydro Letters of Support (2)MUNICIPALI'IJ' O F SKAGWAY GATEVVAY'TO TTIE GOLD RUSLI O}: "98" POST OFFICE l]OX 415 SKAGVVAY, ALT\S KA 99S4tI (907) 983-72e7 (PHONE) (90?) 983-215i 0-'A,\) I 3 .lune 2008 Steven I-i. Haagenson Alaslia Energy A utlrori t.v 813 West Nor-tliem Lights Boulevald Anchorage. Alaslca 9950-l Subjcct: Munic:ipal supl)oi't of (lonnelly l.iii';r': I-lyclrol)o\\/cl Pr-oict't Dear Mr. Haagenson, The lVlunicipality of Slcagway suppor-ts Alasl<a Power'&'I'elepht.rrrc Conrpany's (r\l'&f) clesir.' to leusr' or purchase land from the State o1'41aslca to develop a new hych-oelectt-ic gcneration pro.ject rrt Connelly Lake.'l'his project is located in the Haines l3orough at a site founcl above Chill<oot l.,rl<c at the lread of Lutal< Inlet. As a Iicensed pLrblic Lltility in thc State o1'r\laska, AP&'l' provirics llower to the comnrunities in the Upper Lynn Ca-nal thror-rgh an existing distlibution systum fed b-y hydr-oelcctlic ancl clir::sc) geirci'lrtiot.r syslems. AP&'f has lead u successfirl effort in the lasl J3 years tr) r'ccluce tltc rcgiorr's titrpcndt'rtt on diesel generated power. vvith sonrc 70% of power being ltroviderl to cltstonrcrs thloLrglr it-s hydroel ectric lacil ities. Development of the Connelly Lalce Hydropower Project rvould l'itt'ther reduce lJpper l.ynn (-;irnl's dependence on fossil fuels forpowergeneration ancl ensure sr,r['{lcicnt enclg-y is availirirltr ii.rr'lrrtut'c econonric growth within tlre regiou, AP&l is well lsrorvn in thc inclitstry lirr its innt,r'.rt.ir-tn irr develcipmenl t-rl' small scule hydlopf)wer projt-cis. Sincerely, .-,\ ,-(tmau1!&L** Thomas Cochr-an - Mayor' Senatol Al berl I(ookesh Representative lJill fhomas..tr. HAINES BOROUGH RESOLUTION NO. 09-01-149 A resolution of the Haines Borough Assembly recognizing the need for a new, cost-effective, environmentally appropriate, reliable, and renewable source of electric power for citizens of the Haines Borough, and supporting the efforts of Alaska Power & Telephone, Inc. (AP&T) to develop a project to address this need. WHEREAS, the Haines Borough is committed to replacing fossil fuel-based energy production wherever and whenever possible with energy produced reliably, efficiently and at a reasonable cost from renewable sources, and WHEREAS, at a January 20, 2009 meeting, the Haines Borough Energy Sustainability Commission recommended that the Assembly support efforts by AP&T to secure funding to do additional design and data gathering for hydro electric sources including but not limited to Connelly Lake and Schubee Lake to help inform the public process prior to permitting, and WHEREAS, electricity has the potential to replace petroleum products as the energy resource used for home heating and transportation, and WHEREAS, current hydro-electric power production infrastructure is inadequate to provide for present demand for power, and therefore cannot meet potential increased demand for low cost electric power to support new or expanded uses such as heat, transportation, and industrial/commercial growth, and WHEREAS, the demand for electric power in the Upper Lynn Canal has periodically exhausted the installed capacity of the existing hydroelectric generating system during the fall, winter, and spring months, forcing the utility to generate power with diesel generation equipment, resulting in higher rates for customers, and WHEREAS, AP&T proposes to investigate, permit, design, and construct a hydroelectric facility in the most viable and appropriate site in Upper Lynn Canal area, to address the energy needs of the area, and WHEREAS, the Haines Borough Assembly acknowledges there are risks to any ecosystem in the vicinity of planned projects for developing new energy resources, and WHEREAS, AP&T has a long history of constructing hydroelectric plants in Southeast Alaska while simultaneously providing for the protection of the ecosystem within which the hydroelectric plant is located; Adopted Resolution 09-01-149 Page Two THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Haines Borough Assembly recognizes the need for increased electric power generation from a renewable resource in the Upper Lynn Canal, and it endorses the concept of creating new hydro-electric capacity in the region; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Haines Borough Assembly supports the investigation, study, conceptual design, and initial permitting of any potential projects by AP&T or others which can be shown to provide reliable, cost effective, renewable energy in a manner which does not adversely impact local rate payers, the local economy, the watershed ecosystems, or the traditional uses of the area; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Haines Borough Assembly has an interest in participating as a partner in any power generation project that would promote and ensure the lowest possible rates for its citizens, provide for the greatest reliability and future growth, and create potential for the Borough to realize revenue from the sale of excess power to commercial users. ADOPTED BY A DULY CONSTITUTED QUORUM OF THE BOROUGH ASSEMBLY OF THE HAINES BOROUGH, ALASKA, THIS 27th DAY OF JANUARY, 2009. ____________________________ Jerry LAPP, Deputy Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ Julie Cozzi, Borough Clerk Memo To: Tom Bolen, Haines Borough Manager From: Stephanie Scott, Energy & Sustainability Coordinator Cc: Commissioners, Energy & Sustainability Commission Date: January 21, 2009 Re : Recommendation to the Borough Assembly regarding the Connelly Lake Hydro Electric Project proposal from Alaska Power & Telephone (APT) before the Committee of the Whole, January 21, 2009 The Energy & Sustainability Commission crafted the following recommendation to the Assembly during its January 20, 2009 Commission meeting. The Energy & Sustainability Commission recommends that the Assembly support efforts by APT to secure funding to do additional design and data gathering for hydro electric sources including but not limited to Connelly Lake and Schubee Lake to help inform the public process prior to permitting. During debate following the making and seconding of the motion, “support” was defined as “support for the grant and the uses of the grant.” The motion carried 7 to 1. Commissioner Wackerman was absent, Commissioner Holmes voted in the negative, and Commissioner Gonce accepted the Chairʼs ruling that he had a conflict of interest and did not vote. From: "Ady Milos" <a1milos@yahoo.com> Date: January 29, 2009 3:23:10 PM AKST To: <sscott@aptalaska.net> Subject: Alaska Power & Telephone's Connelly Lake hydroelectric project Dear Ms. Scott, I am writing this to support Alaska Power & Telephone’s Connelly Lake hydroelectric project. AP&T has presented a plan they feel is feasible, environmentally sound, and will provide Haines with more than three times the power it presently consumes during peak times in winter. According to AP&T’s presentation to the Haines Energy Commission on November 25th, 2008 the Connelly Lake site was chosen for its capacity, proximity to Haines, and because it does not require an undersea cable – a link that, if broken, could put Haines in the dark for several months. The project size is important so that AP&T can sell excess power in other markets (i.e. Skagway, Canada, and cruise ships when docked,) and therefore keep our power rates low. You have already received some letters in opposition to this project. This vociferous handful of opponents is ignoring a basic rule of economics – that every resource is limited and has alternative uses. We can always wish for more wilderness, but by developing this one low-impact hydroelectric project at Connelly Lake we can cut hydrocarbon use in the Haines area by 30 to 50 percent. That’s less pollution in town, less CO2 into the atmosphere, less oil burned, and therefore reduced chance of an oil spill as less oil is transported in our marine environment. By constructing three miles of road, one 6300-foot penstock and a powerhouse we will realize an environmental net gain for the Haines area. And when Haines grows, or finds a new industry ( or port facility?) at its doorstep, the existence of this ample source of power means cleaner, more energy-efficient growth. The Chilkoot River Corridor is a beautiful and productive place, but not as untouched as some folks would like to believe. Local loggers Don Turner and Duck Hess can both testify that they helped log some large tracts of land at the upper end of the lake about 40 years ago, taking the logs out via a logging road along the north side of the lake – the same roadbed that AP&T proposes repairing. That some folks are unaware of this is a testament to the resiliency of the watershed. During their presentation, AP&T explained how they met several environmental challenges during construction of other projects in the Skagway area and on Prince of Wales Island. It appears they are also ready to take every environmental precaution to complete the Connelly Lake Project with a minimal impact. When completed it is likely that none of the power project will be visible from the present DNR campground at the lower end of Chilkoot Lake. Therefore, I have no reservations about supporting AP&T as they work toward plentiful, sustainable hydropower for Haines. And I’m convinced that after it is done, the Chilkoot watershed will remain a beautiful and productive place. Nearly everyone I speak with in Haines feels the same way. Sincerely, Stan & Ady Milos Haines, Alaska.   From: "Marie DisBrow" <marie@wildernesswritings.com> Date: January 31, 2009 12:03:05 PM AKST To: <sscott@aptalaska.net> Subject: re: Connelly Lake Project Stephanie Scott, ESC Coordinator Haines Borough 103 Third Avenue S. P.O. Box1209 Haines, AK 99827 re: Connelly Lake Hydroelectric Project Dear Ms Scott: As a resident of Lutak, I am writing to encourage you to support Alaska Power & Telephone’s Connelly Lake hydroelectric project. AP&T’s environmentally sound plan will provide Haines with over three times the power presently consumed during winter peak times. According to AP&T’s presentation to the Haines Energy Commission on November 25th, 2008, the Connelly Lake site was chosen for its capacity, proximity to Haines, and because it does not require an undersea cable. Just yesterday, both Skagway and Haines lost power when heavy snow caused trees to contact the transmission line along the Klondike Highway. In spite of the Haines diesel- fired generator, we were without electricity for several hours. If it becomes necessary to use the diesel power plant for a long period of time, the rate could go from $0.07 per kilowatt hour to over $0.23 per kilowatt hour—over three times the cost of hydroelectric power, because of the high cost of fuel. The project size is important so that AP&T can sell excess power in other markets (i.e. Skagway, Canada, and cruise ships when docked) and therefore keep our power rates low. It appears that AP&T is ready to take every environmental precaution to complete the Connelly Lake Project with a minimal impact. Sincerely, Marie E. DisBrow From: "Dave DisBrow" <dave@davedisbrow.com> Date: February 2, 2009 12:30:37 AM AKST To: <sscott@aptalaska.net> Subject: Connelly Lake Hydroelectric Project Stephanie Scott, ESC Coordinator Haines Borough 103 Third Avenue S. P.O. Box1209 Haines, AK 99827 re: Connelly Lake Hydroelectric Project Dear Ms Scott: I feel it is time to step to the plate and support Alaska Power & Telephone’s Connelly Lake hydroelectric project. Being a resident of Lutak and doing without electric and or phone service until last year, I don't see why anyone would want to go back to the dark side of living. Our present hydro power from AP&T's undersea (Umbilical) cable from Skagway has a limited lifetime and regression is not a viable nor logical option. We now have a potential future for Haines, may I mention our deep harbor possibilities? Without a quality and quantity source of clean electricity for the docks we would stand to lose this resource. Governor Palin has set a goal..."This guide will help us move to a future where, ideally, 50 percent of Alaska's electricity is generated from renewable resources by 2025,". This is twice the goal President Barack Obama has called for by 2025. Alaska can set the pace for renewal resources for our nation! ...and Haines could be leading the way. Lets not show them how stubborn we can be on this issue. Win Win Dave DisBrow