HomeMy WebLinkAboutAmbler HR ApplicationI -t) ALASKA .) ENERGY AUTHORITY Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Name (Name of utility, IPP, or government entity submitting proposal) of Ambler Type of Entity: 2"d Class Government Mailing Address City of Ambler P.O. Box 9 Ambler, AK 99786 Telephone Fax 907-445-2122 907-445-2181 1.1 APPLICANT POINT OF CONTACT Name (primary) Carolyn Ballot, Ambler City Admin istrator (same as above)) Mailing Address Same as above Telephone Fax 907-445-2205 (same as above) Physical Address City of Ambler Ambler, AK 99786 Email Title (backup) com Morgan Johnson, Mayor City of Ambler Email 1.2 APPLICANT MINIMUM REQliiREME~lS ··' . ..~ . ~ ~ - Please check as appropriate. If you do· not to meet the.1mijnimn• application will be rejected. · " requirements, your 1.2.1 As an Applicant, we are: (put an X in X Yes Yes Yes ience and necessity under AS I and endorsement for its project by ........ ~,.. ......... .,..... or other governing au thority. If a If awarded the grant, we can comply grant form. (Any exceptions •should application.) from each participant's governing the box) -~II terms and conditions of th e attached ,clearly noted and submitted with the AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 2 of 10 9/3/2008 SECTION 2-PROJECT SUMMARY Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Describe the type of project -you are proposing, (Reconnaiss~nce; Resource Assessment/ Feasibility Analysis/Conceptual Design; Final Design and Permitting; and/or Construction) as well a$ the kind of renewable ene ; 'Ou intend to use.· Refer to Section 1.5 of RFA. Construction of a waste heat recovery (WHR) system 2.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project will construct buried piping, pumps, heat exchangers, and other system components required to recover waste heat from the existing AVEC power plant and confer this energy to the new City water plant and washeteria in Ambler. This project will involve coordination between the City of Ambler, Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. (AVEC), The Northwest Arctic Borough, and the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC). 2.3 PROJECT BUDGET OVERVIEW . ~"'· ' " w:· Briefly discuss the amount of funds needed, the anticipated sources of funds, and the nature and source of other contributions to {he project lncttfcle a project cost siVn.mary that includes an estimated total cost through construction. ' t ! The cost estimate for design and construction of this WHR recovery system is $500,000. Approximately $65,000 in design effort will be funded as part of existing water treatment plant and washeteria projects being conducted by ANTHC. Required construction funding estimated at $435,000 is being applied for through this Renewable Energy Fund program. 2.4 PROJECT BENEFr)" · · r , . Briefly discuss the fin'ancial benefits that will result from thi¥ project, .including an estimate of economic benefits (such as reduced fuel costs and a descri tion of otfi,e} benefits to the Alaskan ublic. By harnessing waste heat energy and purchasing it from AVEC at a significantly discounted rate, the City of Ambler will be able to reduce it's consumption of diesel fuel, cut the community's overall expenses and pass the savings on to Ambler residents through reduced public utility charges. 2.5 PROJECT·COST AND BENEFiT'StJMARY -i.r .t? • lncl~de a suinmary-of your project's total costs cind be~fit.s bel qw. 2.5.1 Total Project Cost ' j'1 $ 500,000 lncludin estimates throu h construction. 2.5.3 Other Funds to be provided (Project match) 2.5.4 Total Grant Costs (sum of 2.5.2and 2.5:3) 2.5.5 Estimated Benefit (Savings) ~.5:6 Public Benef'lt' (~you. can calculate the 'l:Ktt:tefit in ~~..,of · dollars please·provide that·"'IJ.mber he-. an.d exptll!n .how ou calculated that number in our a licaUon:\tl IJ AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 3 of 10 $435,000 $ 65,000 $500,000 $ 1,400,000 over 25-year 1 design life of system 9/3/2008 SECTION !3 ._ PROJECT,MAN~GEMENJ' ~LANf L / Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Describe who will be responsible (or managing the pi:Qject and provide a plan for successfully completing the project within the scope, schedule anq budget proposed in the application. 3.1 Project Manager . : ~ ; Tell us who will be managing the proj~ct .for . .'th~e .. Grantee· and include a resume and references for the manager(s). If the applicant d.oes '1,0t have.·a project manager indicate how you intend to solicit project management Support. If ttie applicant expects project management assistance from AEA of anothergovEmimeot entity, state.. that in this section. Eric Hanssen, P .E. Project Manager, Division of Environmental Health and Engineering Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Anchorage, AK 99508 907-729-3620 echanssen@anthc.org 3.2 Project Schedule l · . I Include a schedule for the proposed work that will be funded by this grant. (You may include a chart or table attachment with a summa of dates belo '. Project Activity Design Waste Heat Recovery System Construct Waste Heat Recovery System 3.3 Project Milestones Define ke tasks and decision See Section 3.2 of this application. Start Finish May 2009 August 2009 August April 201 0 2009 them. 3.4 Project Resources · . . Describe the personnel: contractor~. equipmenti ang ~~rvices you will use to accomplish the project. Include any partnerships or cOmmitments wit~ dth~r entities you have or anticipate will . ' " be needed to complete your project. Describe any existing contracts and the selection process you may use for major equipment purchase~~~.r.,~ontra ~~·. ln,pJude . brief resumes a~d r~ferences for known, ke ersonnel, contractors; and slli~hers as,a.n attachment to our a hcat1on. WHR system will be designed by an ANTHC term contract AlE firm. Contractual relationships are already established and design for new facilities to receive recovered waste heat (washeteria and water treatment plant) are already complete and will be adjusted to receive new WHR equipment. WHR system will be constructed in conjunction with water treatment plant project by ANTHC management of force account labor or ANTHC management of contract labor. Therefore, resources for labor, logistics and management are already in the process of being established. 3.5 Project Communications . Discuss how ou lan to monitor the_ ro'ect and kee the Authorit informed of the status. Project will be reported on through established ANTHC quarterly project reporting procedures. Additional progress reports will be available from Project Manager upon request. AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 4 of 10 9/3/2008 / &:j , ALASKA ~; ENERGY AUTHORITY Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application 3.6 Project Risk . .., Discuss otential roblems and how. · ou ,Would . address them. Primary project risk revolves around uncertain impacts of weather on project schedule. Project will start as scheduled, and will maintain flexibility to ensure the ability to adapt to weather or any other extenuating circumstances that are encountered. SECTION 4-PROJEC_T DESCRIPtiON AND TASKS. --- • 'Tell us what the ptoject.is and now you, wiil meet the __ requirements outlined in Section 2 of the RFA. The level of information 'wilt vacy accorC:tirlg ,to phase of the project you propose to undertake with grant funds. 1 • If you are applying for grant funding fofo more than 'ore phase of a project provide a plan and grant budget for completion of each pha_se.. , [ • If some work has already been completed on 'you~ project and you are requesting funding for an advanced phase, submit information ·~ufficient 'to demonstrat~ that the preceding phases are satisfied and funding for an advanced•phas.t:J is warranted. · 4.1 Proposed Energy Resourc~ -~. h · , . ~ • f r Describe the potential extent/amount of the energy· re~~ee that is available. Discuss the pros and cons of your proposed energy re source vs. other alternatives that may be available for the market to be served by your project. 1 · -·~ f.~ o( ... .. According to a heat recovery analysis conducted for Ambler in December 2005 (See Attached), energy equivalent to 8,864 gallons of fuel are available annually for recovery from the AVEC power plant for utilization by the Ambler washeteria and water treatment plant. This equates to over half of the energy required to operate both of these facilities. The alternative of not utilizing waste heat will result in the City of Ambler's consumption of an additional 8,864 gallons of fuel and an estimated $28,000 in additional operating costs per year. ' . 4.2.1 Basic ,~onfiguration of ExisttnifEnergy ~.yste1 ~ , '. · Briefly discuss the basic configuration of the existing el!'l~rgy~ system. Include information about the number, size, a e, efficienc , and t e of eneratiort . Local energy is currently provided by a power plant of three diesel generators as follows: 314 kW, installed 1998 271 kW, installed 1993 397 kW, installed 1990 4.2.2 Existing Energy Resources Used · ! • ~ .. ' 1 . ~ ~~ ...... Bri~fly discuss your understanding of the existing energ y resources. Include a brief discussion of an· im act the ro·ect rna have on existin ener infr~~tructure and resources. No impact to existing energy infrastructure and/or resources are anticipated as a result of this project. AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 5 of 10 9/3/2008 I .. ALASKA ' ENERGY AUTHORITY Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application 4.2.3 Existing Energy Market Discuss existing energy use and its market Discuss im~cts your project may have o n energy customers. In Ambler, electricity is currently provided by the AVEC diesel generator plant and heating is provided by oil-fired boilers/heaters . By receiving waste heat energy from AVEC at a substantially discou nted rate, the City of Ambler will be able to lower the cost of operating the community washeteria and water treatment plant, and in turn, lower its resident customers' utility bills. In addition, AVEC will apply any savings it receives to reduce the fuel cost charge applied to Ambler, lowering electricity costs for the com munity as a whole. 4.3 Proposed System . Include information necessary to · describe t he system you· are intending to develop and address potential system ·design, I~ rid ownership,_ pemi its, and en~ironmental issues. < . t 4.3.1 System Design . \ · · Provide the following information for the proposed reneJ able energy system: • A description of renewable energy technology sJiecific to project location • Optimum installed capacity • Anticipated capacity factor • Anticipated annual generation . • Anticipated barriers ' · • • Basic integration concept • Delive methods This WHR system will provide energy equivalent to 8,864 gallons of fuel per year through the use of glycol heat transfer loops between the AVEC power plant and the City's washeteria and future water treatment plant. This system is specified in greater detail, with accompanying site plan and schematic graphics, in the attached "Ambler Heat Recovery Analysis." (See Attached). 4.3.2 La nd Ownership .. f·~ Identify Potential land ownership issues, including w~:ether site owners have agreed to the .project or how you intend to approach land ownership aad access issues. No land ownership issues are anticipated. System infrastructure will be constructed within City and AVEC owned property and/or established utility easements. ~3~~~ 1 Provide the following information as it may relate to pe"ri.tting ,a(ld how you intend to address outstanding permit issues. · • • List of applicable permits • Anticipated permitting timeline • ldentif and discussion of , otential barriers · , All permits required for construction of this system will be applied for simultaneous to the permitting process for construction of the water treatment plant. The permitting process will commence approximately four months prior to construction start. AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 6 of 10 9/3/2008 4.3.4 Environmental . ~ - Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Address whether the following envirdh mental ~na fana ·t&1e issues apply, and if so how they will be addressed: t • Threatened or Endangered Sf?ecies . }\ Habitat issues , Wetlands and other protectea a.:ea'S'r Archaeological and historical resources Land development constr:iints Telecommunications interference • Aviation considerations Visual, aesthetics impacts • ldentif and discuss other otential barriers The project will undergo environmental review by ANTHC to include establishment of concurrency by the Stat Historic Preservation Officer, to ensure that no archeological significant resources will be impacted. No environmental or land use issues are anticipated for this project. 4.4 Proposed New ·system Costs (Total Estimated c:fc;sts and proposed Revenues) The level of cost information provideq will vary accordi 1g to the phase of funding requested and any previous work the applicant may have done on the· project. Applicants must reference the source of their cost data. For exim1ple: Applicants ·Records or Analysis, Industry Standards, Consultant or Manufacturer's estimates. "' 4.4.1 Projec~ Develop?'ent C,o~t ': .' . ~ ~ ~ ., Provide detailed project cost· info~ation oased on -~nc~rrent knowledge ar:~d understanding of the project. Cost information should iliplude the follow inb {~ • Total anticipated project cost, and cost for this p'~se • Requested grant funding · . , • Applicant matching funds -loans , capital contribJJtions, in-J<ind • Identification of other funding sources .. · , :: · • Projected .capital cost of proposed renewable energy system • Pro'ected develo ment cost of rQ sed rel'ilewable ene s stem See Grant Budget Spreadsheet and Section 6 of this application 4.4.2 Project Operating and Main!en~nce Costs . t Include anticipated O&M costs for new facilities con str~dted and how these would be funded by the applicant. • . . · ~ ": . • ~ : • Total anticipated project cost for tt;lis phase , • Re uested rant fundin Annual O&M costs for this new system are estimated at $2,000 after completion of construction. The City of Ambler will manage O&M costs by incorporating them into their City operating budget. 4.4.3 P~wer Purchase/Sale . 1 ~ The power purchase/sale information should inclyde th~Jollowing: • Identification of potential pow~r ouyer\S)(customer(s) • Potential ·power purchase/sales grice -at a .minimum. indicate a price range • Pro osed rate of return from r~nt-funded · ro'ect Heat sales agreement will be between City of Ambler and AVEC. Initial discussions with AVEC indicate a maximum sales price for recovered waste heat energy at 50% of equivalent fuel cost, or $3.16 at 2008 prices. Final agreed upon pricing may be lower with completion of Ambler-AVEC heat sales agreement. AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 7 of 10 9/3/2008 4.4.4 Cost Worksheet I Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Complete the cost worksheet fonn which pr:oviaes su~acy)nformation that will be considered in evaluatin the ro·ect. "'1 · · See attached form. 4.4.5 Business Plan Discuss your plan for o~rating the· completed project so that it will be sustainable. Include at a minimum ro osed business structur,e s and conce ts flat rna be considered. The City of Ambler will operate and maintain the proposed waste heat recovery system as infrastructure tied to the City's washeteria and water treatment plant. The system's estimated annual O&M costs of $2,000 will be incorporated into the City operating budget. Required system O&M will be carried out by local water & wastewater system operators, with the option of outsourcing to private contract labor if necessary. 4.4.6 An~lysis and Recommendation·$ • Provide information about the economic analysis a11a , the proposed project. Discuss your recommendation for additional ro·ect develo ment work. See section 2.4 & 2.5 for economic analysis. No additional project development requirements are identified at this time. SECTION 5-PROJECT BENEFIT , ;- Explain the economic and public .benefits of your P._r.ojt;ct Include direct cost savings, and how the people of Alaska will betJefit from ~e l?roiect . ... l .· ,. ,.. ; I The benefits information should inchJde the following: I • Potential annual fuel displacement (gal and $) oVer the lifetime of the evaluated renewable energy project I • Anticipated annual revenue (based c;>n i.e. a Pr.o ~oseCt Power Purchase Agreement price, RCA tariff, or avoided cost 9f ownerstlip) · ,· • Potential additional annual incentives (i.e. tax credits) . • P~tential additional annual ~evenue streams (i.e ~ gr~en _tag 'sales or other renewable energy subsidies or programs that might be available) · I • Discuss the non-economic ublic benefits to Ala$kans over the lifetime of the ro·ect • 8,864 gal diesel fuel displaced through waste heat recovery • $56,020 in fuel costs displaced annually (Based on 2008 average delivered diesel cost) • $1.4 Million in reduced fuel usage over 25-year design life of system • Over $700,000 in reduced water/sanitation service fees estimated for Ambler residents, based on 50% discount power sale price (Sale price may be lower upon final Ambler-AVEC heat sales agreement • With revenues from recovered waste heat sales, AVEC will also reduce Ambler's fuel cost charge • Non-monetary benefits include the ability to provide affordable clean water and sanitation services to community residents, a decreased reliance on fuel for heating, and a decreased community diesel combustion emissions AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 8 of 10 9/3/2008 1-.v\ ALASKA ; ENERGY AUTHORITY SECTION 6-GRANT BUDGET _ i Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application Tell us how much your total project costs. Include any lnve~tments to date and funding sources, how much is requested in grant 'funds, . a~;~d additional investments you will make as an ... applicant. An estimated $65,000 in design and pre-construction development costs will be provided through funding managed by ANTHC in conjunction with existing washeteria and water treatment plant construction projects. Project construction funding requirements of $435,000 are being applied for under this grant request. Annual O&M costs estimated at $2,000 will be funded by the City of Ambler as part of their community operating budget. See Grant Budget spreadsheet for additional detail. AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 9 of 10 9/3/2008 JAN-05-2005 WED 03:43AM AMAJDP FAX NO. 9074452174 P. 03/03 /&_)A~~§H~ Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application SECTION 7 -ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION AND CERTIFICATION ' ' ' SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICATION: o I •' : '•' ' o A. Resumes of Applicant's Project Manager, key staff, partners, consultants, and suppliers per application form Section 3.1 and 3.4 B. Coat Worksheet per application form Section 4.4.4 C. Grant Budget Form per application form Section 8. D. An electronic version of the entire application per RFA Section 1.8 E. Governing Body Resolution per RFA Section 1.4 Enclose a copy of the resolution or other formal action taken by the applicant's governing body or management that: -authorizes thla application for project funding at the match amounts Indicated In the application -authorizea the Individual named aa point of contact to represent the applicant for purposes of thla application · states the applicant Ia In compliance with all federal atate, and local, laws including existing credit and federal tax obllgatlona. F. CERTIFICATION The undersigned certiflea that thie application fora renewable energy grant Ia truthful and correct, and that the applicant Ia In compliance with, and will continua to comply with, all federal and state lawe Including existing credit and federal tex obllgatlona. :~~~t~~<' Carolyn Ballot I : • '•f • :· '•• ' ;o , {!A,H'f2A.-71 -ba1fof-:·~~·~~·;: " 'V'IfT( ". •,' v ::·:i;.;~r.:i .:,,.n~~·: Administrator, City of Ambler ;~'\g;~;f~-\~:~~~ f{oVt!fltber-~ SOD~ r AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 10 of 10 9/3/2008 I -ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Renewable Energy Fund Application Cost Worksheet Please note that some fields might not be applicable for all technologies or all project phases. Level of information detail varies according to phase requirements. ,1. Renewable Energy Source The Applicant should demonstrate that the renewable energy resource is available on a sustainable basis. Annual average resource availability. 270 MBH recoverable waste heat energy 8,864 gal fuel annual equivalent savings Unit depends on project type (e.g. windspeed, hydropower output, biomasss fuel) ,2. Existing Energy Generation a) Basic configuration (if system is part of the Railbelt1 grid, leave this section blank) i. Number of generators/boilers/other 3 .------------------------------------ii. Rated capacity of generators/boilers/oth~r -314 kW, 271 kW, 397 kW iii. Generator/boilers/other type iv. Age of generators/boilers/other:· v. Efficiency of generators/boilers/other r,;:,. 1998, 1993, 1990 respectively 14.05 kWh/gal b) Annual O&M cost (if system is part of the Railbelt grid, leave this section blank) i. Annual O&M cost for labor $1,000 (estimated) ii. Annual O&M cost for non-labor $1,000 (estimated) ~~--~----~----------------------------- c) Annual electricity production and fuel usage (fill in as applicable) (if system is part of the Rail belt grid, leave this section b' ank) · i. Electricity [kWh] __:1,_37_4....:..,2_8_5_k_W_H_--::-=:-:---..,---=---=:--::--:-:--:::-::----------- ii. Fuel usage • '(', •• 1: ~. . . : Diesel [gal] 97,830 Other iii. Peak Load 296kW iv. Average Load 157 kW v. Minimum Load vi. Efficiency 14.05 kWh/gal vii. Future trends d) Annual heating fuel usage (fill in as applicable) t' i. Diesel [gal or MMBtu] ii. Electricity [kWh] 15,300 gallons (Water Treatment Plant & Washeteria) 1 The Rail belt grid connects all customers of Chugach Electric Association, Homer Electric Association. Golden Valley Electric Association, the City of Seward Electric Department. Matanuska Electric Association and Anchorage Municipal Light and Power. RFA AEA 09-004 Application Cost Worksheet revised 9/26108 Page 1 .,, /~,ALASKA ' ENERGY AUTHORITY Renewable Energy Fund iii. Propane [gal or MMBtu] iv. Coal [tons or MMBtu] v. Wood [cords, green tons, dry tons] vi. Other Ia. Proposed System Design I., a) Installed capacity -270 MBH wa~te heat recovered annually b) Annual renewable electricity generation i. Diesel [gal or MMBtu] ii. Electricity [kWh] iii. Propane [gal or MMBtu] iv. Coal [tons or MMBtu] v. Wood [cords, green tons, dry tons} vi. Other 14. Project Cost a) Total capital cost of new system b) Development cost c) Annual O&M cost of new system d) Annual fuel cost is. Project Benefits a) Amount of fuel displaced for i. Electricity .. ,. 'i> ii. Heat 8,864 gal iii. Transportation b) Price of displaced fuel c) Other economic benefits d) Amount of Alaska public benefits RFA AEA 09-004 Application Cost Worksheet 8,864 gal (equivalent waste heat recovered) $435,000 $ 65,000 $ 2,000 n/a $6.32 x 8,864 gal = $56.020 annually (Based on 2008 average delivered diesel cost) $1.4 Million in reduced fuel usage over 25-year design life of system, plus non-monetary benefits Over $700,000 in reduced water/sanitation service charges for Ambler residents Improved air quality due to fewer air emissions from less fuel usage revised 9126108 · Page 2 I 1-ALASKA • ENERGY AUTHORITY Js. Power Purchase/Sales Price a) Price for power purchase/sale 17. Project Analysis a) Basic Economic Ana1ysis ~· Project benefit/cost ratio 2.8 Renewable Energy Fund $3.16 per gal of fuel equivalent (based on 50% discount power sale price; Sale price may be lower upon final Ambler-AVEC heat sales agreement) . ' Payback 7.7 years RFA AEA 09-004 Application Cost Worksheet revised 9126108 Page 3 BUDGET SUMMARY: Milestone or Task 1. Design of WHR System 2. Construction of WHR System BUDGET CATAGORIES: Direct Labor and Benefits Travel, Meals, or Per Diem Equipment Supplies Contractual Services Construction Services Other Direct Costs TOTAL DIRECT CHARGES Alaska Energy Authority-Renewable Energy Fund BUDGET INFORMATION Ambler Waste Heat Recovery System Proposal Due: November 10, 2008 Local Match Federal Funds State Funds Funds (Cash) $48,750.00 $16,250.00 Milestone# or Task# 1 2 $261 ,000.00 $21,750.00 $43,500.00 $21,750.00 $65,000.00 $43,500.00 $43,500.00 $65,000.00 $435,000.00 3 $0.00 Local Match Funds (In-Kind) Other Funds $435,000.00 4 5 $0.00 $0.00 RFA AEA09-004 Budget Form TOTALS $65,000.00 $435,000.00 $0.00 6 TOTALS $0.00 . $261,000.00 $21,750.00 $43,500.00 $21,750.00 $43,500.00 $43,500.00 $0.00 JAN-05-2005 WED 03:42 AH AHAJDP FAX NO. 9074452174 Cfty or Ana bier P.O. Box 09 Ambler, AK 99786 Phone: (901) 445-2122 .a Fax: (907) 445-2174 E-MaU: cityofamblerak@yahoo.com Re1olution ~ 4~ A RESOLUTION OF THE AMBLER CITY COUNCIL TO FORM ALL 'V APPROVE APPLICATION TO THE ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (AEA) AND FOR 435,000 IN FUNDING FOR A WASTE HEAT RECOVERY PROJECT AND FOR RELATED PURPOSES. P. 02/03 WHEREAS: tbe City of Ambler baa a USDA Rural Development Program f\lnded projeet for a new water treatment plant, and WHEREAS: a waste heat recovery system would greatly reduce the operation cost of the new water treatment plant and washeteria and help ensure they are sustainable; and WHEREAS: a feasibility study c:oadueted in 2005 strongly supports the cost benefit of a waste heat recovery system, especially with risin1 fuel costs or price spikes ia the coat; WHEREAS; the City of Ambler will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of this system. NOW THEREFORE BE JT RESOLVED that: tbe Ambler City ofCoudcil formally approves application for f\andhaa for a waste heat recovery project tbrou1h the Alaaka Energy Authority (AEA) and for 435,000 la fuading for a waste heat recovery project and for related purposes. Be It Further Resolved That the Mayor of the City of Ambler is Hereby authorized to negotiate and execute any and all documents required for the said reallocations of project fund. PASSED ("\ND APPR_9VED By the City Council of Ambler on this 7-th.J-.11 of [\lo\&V\00'"' ~~ :w-r-., Signed:~­M~or) Updated Cost/Savings Estimate to Accompany December 2005 ""Ambler Heat Recovery Analysis by Alaska Energy and Engineering Facility Served 1est . t-uel :sav1ngs lt:St. 1 est. l,;onstructlon I :Simple Savings, Gal Value,$ Construction Cost, 2009 Payback, Water Plant Only 7,671 $48,481 $244,318 $346 924 7.2 Waseteria/City Office C 5,689 $35,954 $243,743 $346108 9.6 Both Facilities 8,864 $56,020 $305,248 $433,443 7.7 Ambler Heat Recovery Analysis 1.0 INTRODUCTION December 31, 2005 Alaska Energy and Engineering Alaska Energy and Engineering, Inc. was retained by Rural Energy Programs/AEA to review the feasibility of providing available recovered heat from the existing AVEC power plant to the proposed new cio/ water plant and washeteria in Ambler, and provide a budgetary project cost est1mate based on Force Account Construction, including Design Engineering and Construction Oversight. There is an existing heat recovery system in Ambler that used to provide recovered heat to the existing water plant and the school Teachers Quarters (old school). It is reported that the heat recovery system has been out of service for many years, due in part to failed heat exchangers and possibly failed arctic piping. For purposes of this report, it has been assumed that the existing heat recovery module at the power plant will be reused with minor modifications, including refurbishing or replacing the existing heat exchanger and installing new circulating pumps. Additional assumptions have been made in the development of this report including but not limited to the proposed arctic piping route, building heating loads, and flow rates and pressure drops of the existing power plant cooling system and heat exchanger. It is anticipated that refinements in arctic pipe size and routing, pump and heat exchanger sizing, and other design elements will be required if the project progresses to final design. However, unless significant changes are required, the project cost is not expected to exceed the estimate contained herein. Available as-built information was obtained from the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) regarding the existing generators cooling system and heat loads of the AVEC power plant. Available heat load and design information were obtained from Larsen Consulting Group for the proposed water plant and washeteria. No site visits were made to confirm accuracy of information obtained. 2.0 OVERVIEW ANTHC is currently developing a new water plant and washeteria in Ambler. The purpose of this study is to provide an estimate of the heat that can be recovered from the jacket water of the AVEC power plant diesel engines and used to offset heating oil consumption at nearby public buildings. Useable recovered heat is quantified in gallons of heating fuel saved using a heating valwe of 134,000 BTU per gallon of #1 arctic diesel fuel and an overall boiler efficiency of 73%. This analysis only considers the potential to provide recovered heat to the new water plant and washeteria. The straight-line distance from the AVEC plant to the new water plant (adjacent to the existing water plant) is approximately 570-feet. The new washeteria will be located in a new addition to the existing City Office and is approximately 550-feet from the AVEC plant. Based on a Business Plan prepared by CRW Engineering Group, the estimated water plant and washeteria average annual heating fuel consumption is approximately 9,600-gallons and 3,700-gallons, respectively. It is estimated the existing City Office uses about 2,000-gallons of heating fuel, annually (fuel records were not provided). The combined annual fuel use of the washeteria/City Office is estimated at 5,700- galons/year, of which 2,800-gallons is for space heating and 2,900 gallons is for non- seasonal loads (showers, washing machines, and dryer make-up air hydronic heat). A spreadsheet has been developed to estimate the recoverable heat based on monthly total electric power production, engine heat rates, building heating demand, heating degree days, and passive losses for plant heat and piping. The spreadsheet utilizes assumed time-of-day variations for electric power production and heat demand. Power Cost Equalization data for fiscal year 2005 was used in the 1 Ambler Heat Recovery Analysis December 31, 2005 Alaska Energy and Engineering spreadsheet. The estimated heat rejection rate for a Detroit Diesel DDEC3 Series 60 was used for loads from OkW to 200kW, and a Cummins KTA19 at 1800 rpm was used for loads over 200kW. Heating degree-days for Kobuk were utilized for this site. All arctic piping is assumed to be routed below grade. All hydronic piping between modules is assumed to be 3" pipe with 2" of fiberglass insulation and installed above grade. Information provided by AVEC was used to estimate the heating load for the power plant, which includes two off-line generation modules, one control module, one wood-frame insulated crew quarters, and one wood-frame uninsulated storage shed. The uninsulated storage shed consumes excessive heat. In order to improve available recovered heat, for· this study it has been assumed the existing uninsulated shed will be replaced with an insulated connex brought in as part of the water ~lant I washeteria project. The insulated connex heat load is estimated to be about 1/5 the heat load of the existing shed. 3.0 OPTIONS FOR FACILTIES TO RECEIVE RECOVERED HEAT The spreadsheet uses monthly heating degree-days to distribute annual fuel consumption by month. The monthly heat load is then broken down by hour of the day using an estimated daily temperature variation. This results in a "peak" load for each month, which occurs in the middle of the night. This "peak" represents a daily maximum of the average load for that month, not the absolute peak load. Since a heat recovery system cannot necessarily meet the actual design peak heat load of a facility, the average is a good load to design to. To maximize utilization of available heat, the demand for heat should exceed the available heat. With arctic pipe to both facilities the "peak" heat available for delivery to the buildings is about 270 MBH. At this load a flow rate of approximately 50 GPM is required to limit the temperature drop in the piping loop to approximately 12F. Following is a summary of the heat demands, percentage of the total heat demand, and preliminary recommended flow rates for each facility: Facility Water Plant Wash/City Off. Total Building %of Total %of Heat Flow Demand Demand Available Avail. 346 MBH 69% 129% 35 GPM 157 MBH 31% 59% 15 GPM 503 MBH 100% 188% 50 GPM Heat Avail 189 MBH 81 MBH 270 MBH Based on this it appears there are three combinations of load that would work effectively to utilize most of the heat available: 1) the water plant only, 2) the washeteria/city office, and 3) water plant and washeteria/city office. Following is a summary of estimated heat utilization in equivalent gallons of fuel and the percentage of heat available for each combination of buildings: Est'd Annual Est'd Heat %of Annual Facili~ Fuel Use Delivered Fuel Use Water Plant Only 9,600 Gal 7,671 Gal 80% Washeteria/City Office 5,700 Gal 5,689 Gal* 97% Both Buildings 15,300 Gal 8,864 Gal 58% * Does not account for peak DHW loads 2 Ambler Heat Recovery Analysis December 31, 2005 Alaska Energy and Engineering 4.0 HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION: The heat recovery system will capture heat generated by the AVEC power plant that is currently rejected to the atmosphere by the radiators. The recovered heat will be transferred via below grade arctic piping to the end-users. The objective is to reduce the consumption of expensive heating fuel by utilizing available recovered heat. Although heat recovery is a viable method of reducing heating fuel costs, a recovered heat system is a passive heat source and it is imperative that the end- user facility heating systems are operational at all times. Hot engine coolant is piped to a plate and frame heat exchanger located in the heat recovery module (HRM). Heat is transferred frorn the engine coolant to the recovered heat loop without mixing the fluids. The recovered heat fluid is pumped through arctic pipe to the end-user facilities, and is tied into the end-user heating systems using plate heat exchangers. AVEC PLANT TIE-IN: The existing AVEC cooling system is mostly 3" Victaulic piping and uses a Grundfos booster pump to circulate the engine coolant to the Heat Recovery Module and radiators. It is reported the existing radiator fan motors are single speed motors with on/off control provided by aquastats in the engine coolant return piping. No modifications to the AVEC cooling system are included, except modifications required in the Heat Recovery Module to connect the new heat exchanger to the cooling system using a pumped secondary loop. HEAT RECOVERY MODULE: The existing HRM is located adjacent to the Butler Building. It is a 9' x 15' insulated panel structure set on an 1-beam/treated heavy timber foundation. The HRM will be equipped with a plate heat exchanger, heat recovery loop circulating pumps, and arctic piping loop expansion tank. A new electric service entrance with meter is required to provide power to the ventilation system, circulating pumps, and module lighting. Stainless steel flex hoses are used at the piping connections to the recovered heat module to provide flexibility for differential movement between the HRM and AVEC power plant. It is also assumed that some minor improvements/repairs will be required to the HRM exterior. The piping inside the HRM and between the Butler Building and the HRM is Schedule 40 steel pipe. All piping will be insulated with a minimum of 1" insulation and have an aluminum jacket where exposed to the weather. All valves are lug style butterfly valves with seals that are compatible with 50150 glycol/water mixtures at 200F. Flexibility is provided where required for thermal expansion and differential movement. Air vents, thermometers, pressure gauges, drain valves and pressure relief valves are also provided. 3 Ambler Heat Recovery Analysis ARCTIC PIPING (Recovered Heat Loop): December 31, 2005 Alaska Energy and Engineering The proposed arctic piping is a pre-insulated buried piping system. The piping will be routed from the AVEC plant, southeast in the existing rights-of-way to the intersection of Dahl Avenue and Redstone Avenue, then southwest down Redstone Avenue to the new water plant. Enroute to the water plant, the arctic piping will branch off and continue southeast on Redstone Avenue Extension to the washeteria/City Office. The arctic piping system is a pre-insulated, bonded piping system. The pipes consist of Schedule 40 steel carrier pipe and HOPE outer jacket bonded to polyurethane foam insulation. The carrier piping will have all welded joints. The system comes complete with all fittings, tools and accessories required for assembly. The recovered heat fluid will be a 50/50 Propylene Glycol/Water solution to provide freeze protection to the piping. WATER PLANT and WASHETERIA/CITY OFFICE TIE-IN: Plate heat exchangers will be located in the water plant and washeteria/city office mechanical rooms, and tied into the boiler return piping to pre-heat the boiler water prior to entering the boiler. The maximum anticipated delivered recovered heat supply temperature is about 180F. If there is not sufficient recovered heat to meet the heating load, the boilers will fire and add heat. Piping will be type L copper pipe and supported as required . Isolation valves will be sweat style bronze ball valves or flanged butterfly valves . All piping will be insulated with a minimum of 1" insulation with an all-service jacket. Flexibility will be provided where required for thermal expansion and differential movement. Air vents, thermometers, pressure gauges, drain valves and pressure relief valves will also be provided. RIGHTS-OF-WAY ISSUES: There does not appear to be a conflict with right of ways for the arctic piping between the power plant and the end-user buildings, as the route is entirely within existing road rights-of-ways, and on City and AVEC property . A Heat Sales Agreement and Right-of-Entry Agreement will be required from AVEC for the City to renovate the recovered heat module and to route the arctic piping on AVEC property. 5.0 SYSTEM CAPACITY A heat recovery simulation spreadsheet is used to estimate the potential recoverable heat based on monthly total electric power production, engine heat rates , building heating demand, heating degree days, and passive losses for plant heat and piping . The spreadsheet utilizes assumed time-of-day variations for electric power production and heat demand . All estimates are averages based on monthly totals and do not reflect peak heat available or utilized. 4 Ambler Heat Recovery Analysis 5.1 Heat Demand December 31, 2005 Alaska Energy and Engineering The heat demand for the water plant and washeteria was estimated based on data provided in the Ambler Business Plan prepared by CRW Engineering Group. The combined annual heating fuel consumption for the new water plant and new washeteria/city office is 15,300 gallons (water plant is 9,600 gallons and washeteria/city office is 5,700 gallons). Approximately 2,800 gallons is estimated to be non-seasonal (hot water for showers, washing machines and dryer preheat coils) and 12,500 gallons is seasonal. From the spreadsheet, the highest average heat 'demand is 343 MBH (Water Plant = 236 MBH, washeteria/office= 107 MBH) in February. This is based on heating degree days (-10F average ambient temperature). For 1% design day (-45F ambient temperature) the combined maximum heat load is estimated to be 503 MBH (Water Plant = 346 MBH, washeteria/office = 157 MBH), not including peak domestic hot water load. 5.2 Heat Available The AVEC power plant has two primary units - a Detroit Diesel Series 60 DDEC3 rated 314 kW at 1800 rpm and a Cummins KTA19 rated 397 kW at 1800 rpm. The Series 60 ran 6585 hours and the KTA19 ran 21 '97 hour in 2004. It is assumed the Series 60 runs when loads are below about 200kW, and the KTA19 runs when loads are greater than 200kW. The Series 60 has an air-cooled aftercooler, and the jacket water heat rate is approximately 1,360 BTUH per kW electric load. The KTA19 has a jacketwater aftercooler, which results in a heat rate of about 2,255 BTUH per kW electric load. From the spreadsheet, the highest average delivered heat is 268 MBH -based on average power production. The peak electric load in FY2005 was 302 kW, occurring in January 2005. Winter daily peak loads are estimated to be approximately 280 kW. The heat output from the KTA19 at 280 kW is approximately 630 MBH. Fixed losses for arctic piping and plant piping are estimated at 68 MBH and variable losses for plant heat and exterior piping are estimated at 142 MBH on a peak design day. Net peak heat available is approximately 420 MBH. Since the peak heat demand exceeds the heat available, the heat recovery system should be designed based on heat available. 5.3 Flow Rates As indicated in Section 2.0, an arctic pipe flow rate of 50 GPM was selected so the heat recovery loop temperature differential would not exceed about 12F at average winter heat output. However, since the KTA19 . operates much of the cold winter months, the heat recovery system should be designed to utilize the higher available heat from the KTA19. For 420 MBH at 50 GPM, the delta-Twill be 19F-which is a reasonable temperature drop for a boiler heating system. It is expected that the washeteria heat demand will be greater during "daytime" hours -due to the high domestic hot water heat load, whereas the water plant heat load will be greatest late at night. In order to regulate the heat recovery loop flow rate to each end-user, it is proposed to utilize a thermostatically operated regulating (throttling) valve in the heat recovery loop at each end-user heat exchanger. These valves will throttle the recovered heat flow through the end-user heat exchanger based on the building return temperature. As the return temperature from the building to the heat exchanger increases, the recovered heat flow from the power plant will be reduced. In this way, when one end-user heat load is low, more of the available heat (flow) will go to the other end-user. Additionally, a variable speed drive will be used to control the heat recovery loop flow rate in order 5 Ambler Heat Recovery Analysis December 31 , 2005 Alaska Energy and Engineering to maximize the heat delivered when the KTA19 is online and to help prevent overcooling the engine cooling system when the Series 60 is online. The Series 60 coolant flow is about 80 GPM, and the KTA19 coolant flow is about 145 GPM at rated load. To avoid additional external head on the generator cooling system pumps, a secondary pumped loop will be used off of the jacket water cooling loop to the radiators. The secondary pumped flow needs to be less than 80 GPM to avoid dilution of hot coolant when the Series 60 is on-line so will set the secondary loop flow equal to arctic pipe flow rate of 50 GPM. 5.0 EQUIPMENT SELECTIONS 5.1 Heat Exchangers Based on initial selected flow rates, brazed plate heat exchangers will be adequate for all locations. The total end-user heat exchanger capacity is greater than the power plant heat exchanger capacity, to benefit from the increased flow resulting from use of the thermostatically operated regulating valves. Initial heat exchanger selections are as follows. HX-1: (Power Plant) Ameridex SL 140TL-LL-80 or equal. 400 MBH capacity. Primary: 50 GPM 190F EWT (50% ethylene glycol), 1.0 PSI max WPD Secondary: 50 GPM 180F LWT (50% propylene glycol) 1.0 PSI max WPD HX-2: (Water Plant) Ameridex SL 140TL-LL-80 or equal. 350 MBH capacity. Primary: 50 GPM 180F EWT (50% propylene glycol), 1.0 PSI max WPD Secondary: 50 GPM 175F LWT (50% propylene glycol) 1.0 PSI max WPD HX-3: (Washeteria/City Office) Ameridex SL 140TL-LL-80 or equal. 200 MBH cap. Primary: 22 GPM 180F EWT (50% propylene glycol), 1.0 PSI max WPD Secondary: 20 GPM 175F LWT (50% propylene glycol) 1.0 PSI max WPD 5.2 Arctic Pipe Sizing The length of heat recovery loop piping between the power plant and water plant is approximately 1500'. The arctic pipe is sized so the pressure drop is less than 1' head per 100' to limit pumping energy. Using 3" piping, the unit pressure drop is approximately 0.67' per 1 00' at 50 GPM. 5.3 Circulating Pumps P-HR1: HX-1 Primary circuit off engine coolant loop Flow= 50 GPM, Head= 2' (HX) + 4' (piping)= 6' Select: Grundfos UPS 40-40, 50 GPM at 6' TDH, 1/3 HP, Speed 3 P-HR2: Heat recovery loop to water plant Flow= 50 GPM, Head= 2' (HX-1) +2' (HX-2) + 20' (piping)= 24' Select: Grundfos TP40-80/2, 50 GPM at 24' TDH, 3/4 HP, variable speed motor 5.4 Expansion Tank See spreadsheet for expansion calculations. Total heat recovery loop volume is estimated at 950 gallons. Pressure relief at the power plant heat exchanger will be 50 PSIG, so will size tank to limit operating pressure to 90% of maximum (45 PSIG). High point of system approximately 16' above base of expansion tank so 7 PSIG minimum is pressure required at the expansion tank to keep heat loop system 6 Ambler Heat Recovery Analysis December 31, 2005 Alaska Energy and Engineering pressure positive. Will set tank pre-charge to 10 PSIG to provide 3 PSIG positive pressure at high point. 12.1 PSIG fill pressure required at 40F to maintain 10 PSIG at OF. Will fill system cold to 12 PSIG to provide minimum 2 PSIG pressure above expansion tank pre-charge and 8 gallons of glycol in the tank at 40F, so the tank will not go dry at OF. ET-1: Minimum requirements 97.5 gallon tank and 67.0 gallon acceptance Select: Amtrol L300, 105 gallon tank and 9~.5 gallon acceptance 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The project has a relatively high construction cost due to the distance between the power plant and end-user building(s). However, based on a cost of fuel of $4.15/gallon (from the Business Plan), the simple payback for all three options are about 10 years, or less. · Estimated Project Cost And Savings: Facility Served Water Plant Only Washeteria/City Office Both Buildings Est'd Fuel Savings 7,671 Gal 5,689 Gal* 8.864 Gal 7 Value at $4.15/gal $31,835 $23,610 $36,786 Est'd Const Simple Cost Payback $244,318 7.8 yrs $243,743 10.3 yrs $305.248 8.3 yrs c:J ooo nnn ----- \ DRAWN B'f: SJS SC.U: 1"=80' stat~of Alaako AEA RECOVERED HEAT STUDY o. rbJI• nt ot eo d Ec 1-=:::---:-:-:-:-:-==-:-=-=-::-:-::=:=-:---:-:::-:-=--:-:-:--:-------Fn:=DESICNEll~;:.B'f:...:::: SJ::.::_S -1f..;"";:;;=ro~12/~30:!:/;:05~ * * **po w• mAIDEAi AEAconomlc Oemopment 111\..E: AMBLER RECOVERED HEAT SYSTEM ru: NAME SHEET or Rural Energy Group ~ALASKA S H 1 113 w .. t NorlNm Ughtl B"'d. , -ENEROY AUTHORrtY SITE PLAN c!c DETAILS AMBLER.DWG 2 '* -09·· ........ HSOJ PROJECT: i~l ., "' 2 g ,., ::0 ::a )lo ,., ~ 0 0 < ::0 ,., ,., ::a 0 ,., ·0 0 < ,., ::t: ::0 ,., ,., !; 0 :I: U) ,., iii !; -4 ,., U) !: -4 c: U) 0 0 -< :I: ,., !: )lo -4 0 i ~II r;; l l¥ ?J lJ 0 ~ ~ ::E VI VI C) Uhl5! ~ za ~ ~; N ~~ ~Ill N !i!!'g ~ ,.. ,.. •J,"" i ,.. ., *I !l. ~~ ~ Id~>3~ "li8 ~ Jfts.g-~~~~p l l iii" ~:t> I !i ~ ~~ - ~~ WATER PLANT / WASHETERIA & OFFICE, TYP POWER PLANT ,-------------------l I I I END-USER I I HYDRONIC SYSTEM ~ I ,--------------------, POWER PLANT STORAGE I CONT~NERS & CREW QUARTERS I : ~m~rn : I I ! --I I HEAT EXCHANGER ' I I I I I I ) rr--I I ) r 17 I "") >-N.C. 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Armstrong Limited !3 Bertrand Avenue · )carborough, Ontario ~anada, M 1 L 2P3 ret: (41-6) 755-2291 =ax: (416) 759-9101 'ORM NO.: 6713·b Armstrong Pumps Limited Peartree Road, Stanway Colchester, Essex United Kingdom, C03 5JX Tel: 0206-579491 Fax: 0206-760532 Connection Size 112 1/2 1/2 1f2 1/z 112 1/2 112 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11/z 1112 1112 Wz 1112 1112 1112 1112 11.-lz 11/z 1112 tA- 'I' ......, Series AX-V B j .f ·:1 ·,• I ~ -: ·.' Vt Tank Acceptance Weight Volume Volume Volume (lbs) (liters) (Gallons) (Gallons) 46 29 7.8 2.5 59 41 10.9 2.5 114 82 21.7 5.0 -- 139 127 33.6 11.1 145 127 33.6 11.1 196 168 44.4 22.2 201 168 44.4 22.2 231 211 55.7 22.2 2:rl 211 55.7 22.2 266 257 68.0 34.0 285 257 68.0 34.0 233 291 77.0 34.0 299 291 77.0 34.0 286 341 90.0 34.0 305 341 90.0 34.0 326 416 110.0 34.0 335 416 110.0 34.0 397 498 131.7 44.4 401 498 131.7 44.4 204 200 53 47.7 250 300 79 71.1·· 295 400 105 94.5 340 500 132 118.8 555 600 158 142.2 680 800 211 189.9 760 1000 246 221.4 864 1200 317 285.3 968 1400 :riO 333.0 1580 1600 422 379.8 1810 2000 528 475.2 Series AX ~--------8--------~ Armstrong Pumps Inc. 93 East Avenue North Tonawanda, New Yor1c U.S.A. 14120-6594 Tel: (716) 693-8813 Fax: (716) 693-8970 1-800-FLDW-845 Armstrong Darling Inc. 2200 Place Transcanadienne Dorval, Quebec Canada, H9P 2X5 Tel: (514) 421-2424 Fax: (514) 421-2436 PAGE 4 OF 4 PriniAri in r."n"ti" Ambler Exp Tank Sizing.xls Glycol TypeG[1= Dowtherm SR-1 50/50; 2 = Dowfrost 50/50] System Volume: 950 gallons From Design Cales Glycol Expansion: 0.0705 Total Antifreeze Expansion (OF to 200F) from Table BELOW B = Fill Pressure at Exp Tank C =Max Operating Pressure at Exp Tank D = Exp Tank Precharge Pressure IPrecharge Pressure I Initial Fill Press at 40F Option A Option 8 Option C I 51 81 10! 6.61 9.91 12.11 2/26/2006 P1V1=P2V2: . P2={(Precharge+14.7)*(Exp Tank Voi)/(Exp Tank Val-Initial Fill Vol)]-14.7 ~-P2 ,.;~lnit. Ell'Aressu~ta~. :·r=aYi'de!4Jf8!~;1-iaJYet.rYtmmatOi} .. ·t 'tEx 7f.S'ii~~~~rfiliitenf ' ·r··· ·· :·: \.'. : 'u• : " .~.· ~ · ~~~-•"->. ~ •. ~9. ~,..'-.J-.r".W'~i;P, L~A'-.'f ... ~,·~-:·o•' \~ _...;:.,......,n ,~-li"fl'."·~-~·· ~ U! P; ;,.~,~~~~.1-",..,!"'"~"; "' p --• Initial Fill Volume in Exp Tank is required to keep system pressure positive at OF % Volume Expansion Antifreeze OF-40F 40F-200F OF-200F -20Fto40F 50/50 Dowtherm SR-1/H20 0.0064 0.05 0.0564 0.0085 50/50 Dowfrost Prop/H20 0.0085 0.062 0.0705 0.0119 2003 6364 2003 6724 2003 7624 Ambler 4 2003 7855 Ambler 5 2003 7652 Ambler 6 2003 8274 Ambler 7 2003 8094 Ambler 8 2003 7316 Ambler 9 2003 8146 Ambler 10 2003 7122 Ambler 11 2003 7073 Ambler 12 2003 6645 88889 Ambler 1 2004 6421 Ambler 2 2004 7121 Ambler 3 2004 7668 Ambler 4 2004 8778 Amble r 5 2004 10257 Ambler 6 2004 10727 Ambler 7 2004 10924 Ambler 8 2004 10531 Ambler 9 2004 10454 Ambler 10 2004 8084 Ambler 11 2004 7831 Ambler 12 2004 6600 106396 Ambler 1 2005 6708 Ambler 2 2005 7594 Ambler 3 2005 7714 Ambler 4 2005 8178 Ambler 5 2005 8826 Ambler 6 2005 9266 Ambler 7 2005 9411 Ambler 8 2005 8144 Ambler 9 2005 8242 Ambler 10 2005 8553 Ambler 11 2005 7232 Ambler 12 2005 5932 95800 L-· /. 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