HomeMy WebLinkAboutAA Development PlanARC1L\]\:UEL GRH:~ POWER. LLC A1l.Cll:\]\:(jLL CREEr.: HnmoF.l ,F.CTRIC PROJEC1 DLYr.::LOI'~IU";TPU...·" ARCHANGEL CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PLAN The proposed project is a run-of-river hydroelectric plant located on Archangel Creek: with an installed capacity of approximately 1.2 MW and gt:'nt:'rating 5.7 GWh of electricity per year. The intake is located at an elevation of about 2)00 feet and the powerhouse is located at an elevation of about 1,850 feet. The project will utilize up to 50 cubic feet per second (cfs) of water, Legal Description: The project and all appurtenances will be located within T20N, R I E, Seward Meridian, section 24 S 1/2, section 25, and section 26; and T19N, RIE Seward Meridian, section I NW% of NWV4, section 2, section II WV2, and section 14 NWY4. The following are geographic coordinates for the intake and powerhouse: Location Latitude Longitude Elevation Intake 61848"2"N 148811'54"W 2300 Powerhouse 61846'58"N 149l' 11'26"W 1850 Ground Cover: Existing ground eover is generally nativt:' vegetation. Native vegetation generally consists of grassy alpine tundra and willow thickets in the upper elevations and mixed alder thicket, cottonwood ... willow and grasslands in the lower elevations. After construction ... disturbed areas may have trails suitable for pedestrian use or infrequent vehicular use. be revegelated, or will be occupied by project structures. Project Access: Existing access to the projt:'ct is via Willow·Fishhook Road, then via the Fern Mine Road (to the intake) or the Lonesome Mine Road (to the powerhouse) then over native terrain several hundred feet to [he intake or powerhouse sites A new... unpaved access will be constructed to reach both the powerhouse and intake sites. The penstock will be accessed by a construction trail via either the intake or powerhouse. The power line will be accessed from Willow-Fishhook Road and the Lonesome Mine Road. A construction trail may parallel the power line. Wheeled vehicles will be able to access the intake and powerhouse. Tracked vehicles will be needed to access the power line and penstock Publie access to all project roads and trails will be restricted to non-motorized uses. Structures: Intake: The project intake will consist of a low height diversion structure across Archangel Creek Project water will be diverted from the creek channel into a desanding box or similar structure that will filter the water EO remove silt. sand, gravel, and/or organic materials. The desanding box will be designed to handle approximately 50 cfs of water. and will be mostly below grade. JUNE 6. 2006 PAUE 1 01' 3 A'RCHA_\JOEL GREE>,j POWER. LLC ARCHA.\JriEL CREE'" HYDROLLECTIUC PROJECT DnTI DP\IF.'iT Pl. "'~ Project Penstock: The penstock will consist of approximately 30" diameter high density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic pipe and steel pipe. Conduit....-ill be buried with the penstock to provide power and communications to the intake. Project Powerhouse and Tailrace: The powerhouse will be located above (west side) Lonesome ~1ine Road near Archangel Creek. The powerhouse will house the turbine, generator, switch gear, and controls. The building will be approximately 30' x 30' and 15' high. It will likely be a wood or metal building stmcture. A transformer wiJl sit on a pad just outside the powerhouse. The tailrace will be constructed of native materials and will return project water to Archangel Creek Transmission Line: The project transmission line will tie into Matanuska Electric Association's (I\1EA) existing 7,200 volt 3 phase line. The line will generally parallel Lonesome Mine Road and then Willow-Fishhook Road from the powerhouse towards Palmer for about 3.4-miles. If possible, the power line will terminate a[ the Fishhook Hydroelectric Project about 2.7 or 3.2 miles from the powerhouse. Waste Generation and Management: During constmction, waste generation will mainly consist of excess and remnant constmction materials such as plastics, wood, metal, concrete, and similar materials. Depending on the nature of the waste, it will either be collected in containers and hauled to an approved disposal facility, burned onsite, or buried onsite in an approved monofIlL During project operations, waste generation will be negligible, and will be limited to worn out parts, discarded personal items, and similar matter, Such waste will be hauled to an approved disposal facility, Large waste items may be generated infrequently that could be burned or buried onsite, Hazardons Substances: No hazardous substances are known to exist in the project footprint. During construction, an estimated 6,000 gallons of diesel and lesser amounts of gasoline will be consumed on the project. During operation, approximately five gallons of hydraulic oil and one gallon of lube grease may bc located at the powerhousc along with minimal amounts of gasoline for hand tools. Water Supply: No domestic water supply or wastewater disposal is proposed, Parking and Storage Areas: During construction, vehicles, equipmenr, and materials will be stored near the footprint of the powerhouse and intake, along the powerhouse access road, along the intake access trail, along the pipeline route, and in existing public parking areas located along Willow­ Fishhook Road, During construction, items stored will include construction equipment and construction materials, such as pipe, lumber, concrete, and similar materials. J(~E 6. 2006 P",m2orJ ARClIANGELGREFKP()\liER. LLC ARCH.-\!'i(iF.l, CrUXI' H'IOK(ltLL(' fRIC PROJECT DEH,IOPMEKT PI.1J\ During normal operation, maintenance vehicles will park at either the intake or powerhouse site. No outdoor storage or offsite parking will be required unless a major repair or modification utilizing construction equipment is required Number of People Using the Site: During construction, the number of people using the site will vary, but will generally not exceed ten persons. During operation, the site will be unstaffed, but will be supervised by an off-site caretaker performing periodic inspections and maintenance. Maintenance and Operations: Long term maintenance and operations will consist of on-going monitoring of the project from an off-site location via remote Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. A caretaker would periodically visit [he project to inspect equipment and perform routine maintenance and repairs, Jl:'>JE 6.2006 PAGE)or3 r ~ ... m T20N ," " " PROJECT ACCESS ROAD " PROJECT INTAKE '.' SH~CI C-1 APPROXIMATE PENSTOCK AUGNMENT MOTHERLOOE LODGE " APPROXIMATE POWERHOUSE LOCATION NEW noov 30 DISTRIBUTION LINE 2.7 MI. TO FISHHOOK POWERHOUSE OPT. 1 3.2 t~1. TO FISHHOOK POWERHOUSE OPT, 2 1 3.4 MI TO EXISTING MEA DISTRIBUTION. uss 3105 " " "Q I/O'" ,,~ // !r" ~ II <t II ~ " " ";; " " 2 35 0.5 26 RUN Of RIVER ~50 CFS -8.150', ~-~O"~ HOPE -J 4 '-II. or 30 7.£W ,,_~,Ancho..... g .. ."~. lIou.lon• -'--­ 0.25 THIS PRj)JECT .~ SCALE IN MILES ."."',," LOCATION MAP o E3 ,....'", ARCHANGfl HYDROELECTRIC PRQ JEeT l.lAP DATU~ NAO 27 (ALASKA), UTI'! ZON( 6. us FOOT. TRA~S,"ISSION LINE. OPERATION "COE, PROJECT DESIGN I'LOW PENSTOCK: PROJECT IS lOCATEQ WITHIN rOLLOWING LANDS SEWARD MERIDIAN, T20N, RIE -SECTION 24, ~: 25, AND 26, SEWPRQ ,"ERIOIAN, T I 9"1, R I E -SECTION I, NWj or NW~: 2: 11" wj: AND 14, NWj l.lAP BASED ON \JSGS QUADS: ANCHQRAGE c-6 ANCHORAGE C-7 AW:HORAGE 0-6 ANCHORAGE 0-7 ,~.n., -;--, ~--~ -~" ,'.(_''=;::/r' _j----­ , oldotno ;a25 .... m