HomeMy WebLinkAboutArchangel Creek Hydro App Prepared by: POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. 1503 West 33rd Avenue, #310 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Tel: (907) 258-2420 Fax: (907) 258-2419 ARCHANGEL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT AEA-09-004 - RENEWABLE ENERGY GRANT APPLICATION FY 2010 NOVEMBER 10, 2008 RFA#: AEA-09-004 ARCHANGEL GREEN POWER, LLC RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT APPLICATION ARCHANGEL CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SEPTEMBER 27, 2023 PAGE i Table of Contents SECTION 1. - APPLICANT INFORMATION ............................................................................. 1 1.1. Applicant point of contact .................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Applicant minimum requirements ....................................................................................... 1 SECTION 2. - PROJECT SUMMARY .......................................................................................... 2 2.1. Project Type ......................................................................................................................... 2 2.2. Project Description............................................................................................................... 2 2.3. Project Budget Overview ..................................................................................................... 2 2.4. Project Benefit ..................................................................................................................... 2 2.5. Project Cost and Benefit Summary ...................................................................................... 3 SECTION 3. - PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN ...................................................................... 3 3.1. Project Manager ................................................................................................................... 3 3.2. Project Schedule................................................................................................................... 3 3.3. Project Milestones ................................................................................................................ 4 3.4. Project Resources ................................................................................................................. 4 3.5. Project Communications ...................................................................................................... 4 3.6. Project Risk .......................................................................................................................... 4 SECTION 4. - PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND TASKS ............................................................. 4 4.1. Proposed Energy Resource .................................................................................................. 4 4.2. Existing Energy System ....................................................................................................... 5 4.2.1. Basic Configuration of Existing Energy System .......................................................... 5 4.2.2. Existing Energy Resources Used .................................................................................. 5 4.2.3. Existing Energy Market ................................................................................................ 6 4.3. Proposed System .................................................................................................................. 6 4.3.1. System Design .............................................................................................................. 6 4.3.2. Land Ownership ............................................................................................................ 6 4.3.3. Permits .......................................................................................................................... 6 4.3.4. Environmental ............................................................................................................... 6 4.4. Proposed New System Costs (Total Estimated Costs and proposed Revenues) ................. 7 4.4.1. Project Development Cost ........................................................................................... 7 4.4.2. Project Operating and Maintenance Costs .................................................................... 7 4.4.3. Power Purchase/Sale ..................................................................................................... 7 4.4.4. Cost Worksheet ............................................................................................................. 8 4.4.5. Business Plan ................................................................................................................ 8 4.4.6. Analysis and Recommendations ................................................................................... 8 SECTION 5. - PROJECT BENEFIT .............................................................................................. 8 5.1. Estimated Fuel Displacement .............................................................................................. 8 5.2. Estimated Annual Revenue .................................................................................................. 8 5.3. Other Annual Revenue Streams ........................................................................................... 9 5.4. Project Benefit from Direct Cost Savings ............................................................................ 9 5.5. Indirect Project Benefits .................................................................................................... 10 SECTION 6. - GRANT BUDGET ............................................................................................... 11 SECTION 7. - ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION AND CERTIFICATION ........................ 12 ARCHANGEL GREEN POWER, LLC RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT APPLICATION ARCHANGEL CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OCTOBER 8, 2008 PAGE 1 OF 19 SECTION 1. - APPLICANT INFORMATION Name Archangel Green Power, LLC Type of Entity: Independent Power Producer 1 Mailing/Physical Address C/o Jill Reese P.O. Box 91187 Anchorage, AK 99509-1187 Telephone 232-9648 Fax none Email jillreese@gmail.com 1.1. Applicant point of contact Name Jill Reese Title: Project Manager Mailing Address C/o Jill Reese P.O. Box 91187 Anchorage, AK 99509-1187 Telephone 232-9648 Fax none Email jillreese@gmail.com 1.2. Applicant minimum requirements As an Applicant, we are: (put an X in the appropriate box) X1 An electric utility holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity under AS 42.05, or X1 An independent power producer, or A local government, or A governmental entity (which includes tribal councils and housing authorities); Endorsements Yes Attached to this application is formal approval and endorsement for its project by its board of directors, executive management, or other governing authority. If a collaborative grouping, a formal approval from each participant’s governing authority is necessary. (Indicate Yes or No in the box ) Yes As an applicant, we have administrative and financial management systems and follow procurement standards that comply with the standards set forth in the grant agreement. Yes If awarded the grant, we can comply with all terms and conditions of the attached grant form. (Any exceptions should be clearly noted and submitted with the application.) 1 Under State Law (AS42.05.221), IPPs selling wholesale energy to a public utility are subject to RCA jurisdiction. If the project is feasible, AGP would submit an application to the RCA to become a certificated utility. ARCHANGEL GREEN POWER, LLC RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT APPLICATION ARCHANGEL CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OCTOBER 8, 2008 PAGE 2 OF 19 SECTION 2. - PROJECT SUMMARY 2.1. Project Type The proposed project is for feasibility study and conceptual design of a run-of-river hydroelectric project located on Archangel Creek in Hatcher Pass, Alaska. Reconnaissance studies in 2006 identified a potentially viable hydroelectric resource on Archangel Creek. 2.2. Project Description The Archangel Creek hydroelectric project is a low-impact run-of-river project located in Hatcher Pass, Alaska. The project will be located on state land in the Archangel Valley. Energy from the project would be provided into the Matanuska Electric Association (MEA) grid. Archangel Green Power, LLC (AGP) is the project proponent, and would contribute funding, own, and operate the project. AGP has already completed reconnaissance studies of the Archangel Creek resource, and finds that the project warrants further study. Construction would be completed by qualified contractors and subcontractors selected through a competitive bidding process. 2.3. Project Budget Overview AGP has been investigating this project since 2006. AGP requests FY10 grant funds to contribute to the feasibility and conceptual design phases of the project. AGP has contributed both capital and in-kind services to the project. A project cost summary is provided below. 2.4. Project Benefit The direct financial benefits from the proposed project are summarized below. Assumptions used to estimate these benefits are discussed in Section 5 of this application. 1. The project will be eligible for Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), which would be transferred to MEA as part of the public benefit from a grant. 2. The capacity of the project will be made available to the local utility at no cost. This is a direct benefit to the owners of the local utility, which are the MEA ratepayers. 3. The project will decrease the amount of energy being transmitted from the CEA system to the Fishhook area. This will reduce line losses over that transmission line, increasing overall efficiency of both the MEA and CEA transmission and distribution systems. Project Phase Requested Grant Funds Local Match (Capital and In- Kind) Total Funding RECONNAISSANCE (COMPLETED) $0 $60,000 $60,000 FEASIBILITY & CONCEPTUAL DESIGN (FY 2010) $100,000 $0 $100,000 CONSTRUCTION (FY 2011) $0 $6,260,000 $6,260,000 TOTAL CAPITAL COST $100,000 $6,320,000 $6,420,000 ARCHANGEL GREEN POWER, LLC RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT APPLICATION ARCHANGEL CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OCTOBER 8, 2008 PAGE 3 OF 19 4. The project will pay property taxes to the Matanuska–Susitna Borough, increasing the local tax base. The project is also expected to have the following indirect benefits to the public: 1. Increased reliability and stability of the local power grid. Also, increased diversity of fuel sources for the railbelt grid. 2. Reduced demand for Cook Inlet natural gas. This project will offset natural-gas fired power generation, reducing natural gas consumption and incrementally extending the life of the existing Cook Inlet fields, to the benefit of the public that relies upon these fields for electricity and space heating needs. 3. A significant portion of the project funding will go towards hiring local construction firms to perform the work, thus boosting the local economy. 4. Local firms are performing the design and development. This benefits Alaska by promoting local experience and can be used to develop additional future projects thus providing even more economic development and jobs for Alaskans. 2.5. Project Cost and Benefit Summary 2.1 PROJECT COST AND BENEFIT SUMMARY Include a summary of your project’s total costs and benefits below. Total 2.5.1 Total Project Cost (Including estimates through construction.) $6,420,000 2.5.2 Grant Funds Requested in this application. $100,000 2.5.3 Other Funds to be provided (Project match) $60,000 2.5.4 Total Grant Costs (sum of 2.5.2 and 2.5.3) $160,000 2.5.5 Estimated Benefit (Savings) $0 2.5.6 Public Benefit (See section 5 for discussion) $6,837,061 SECTION 3. - PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN 3.1. Project Manager The Project Manager is Jill Reese. Ms. Reese's qualifications and resume are included in Attachment A. No project management assistance from AEA or other government entities is expected for this project. 3.2. Project Schedule The project would begin with award of grand funding. With subsequent funding and successful findings in the feasibility study, construction would be completed within 36 months. More detailed schedule information is provided in the AEA Statement of Interest in Attachment A. ARCHANGEL GREEN POWER, LLC RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT APPLICATION ARCHANGEL CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OCTOBER 8, 2008 PAGE 4 OF 19 3.3. Project Milestones Reconnaissance studies are complete. Feasibility and conceptual design of the system are the next milestones for the project and will take approximately 12 months to complete. Final design, power sales contracting, project financing, bidding, and construction are the remaining milestones for the project. 3.4. Project Resources Jill Reese is an experienced entrepreneur and business professional with the qualifications necessary to make the Archangel project a success. AGP will retain Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. to provide design and other engineering services for this project. Polarconsult has extensive experience in the design, construction, and operation of small hydroelectric projects such as the Archangel project. In the construction phase of the project, AGP will retain bids from multiple vendors/contractors for construction and major equipment supply. AGP will select vendors/contractors based upon the best interests of the project. 3.5. Project Communications AGP will keep AEA apprised of project status by issuing monthly project status reports. The reports will include a brief (1 page) report including a narrative of current project status, activities in the current month, problems encountered, and anticipated activities in the following month. The report will also include a budget status summary. As warranted, AGP may also advise the AEA grant manager of upcoming events such as field visits on an as-needed basis. 3.6. Project Risk AGP's reconnaissance efforts on the project have identified the following project risks:  Regulatory risk. The optimal project configuration would partially dewater some salmon habitat. The regulatory feasibility of this configuration and other configurations will be addressed in the feasibility study.  Cost risk. The penstock crosses significant areas of wetlands, requiring special att ention to construction techniques to control costs and minimize the disturbed area. This will be addressed in the feasibility study. SECTION 4. - PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND TASKS 4.1. Proposed Energy Resource AGP has conducted a hydrology study for Archangel Creek quantifying the quantity and duration of flows in Archangel Creek. This study is based upon a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) gauge on the Little Susitna River several miles below Archangel Creek that provides over 50 years of hydrology data for the project basin. Additional hydrology data is necessary to fully characterize the water resource for the project. Based on this hydrology, the project would have an installed capacity of 1.75 MW, and an average annual energy generation of 7,700 MWh. ARCHANGEL GREEN POWER, LLC RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT APPLICATION ARCHANGEL CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OCTOBER 8, 2008 PAGE 5 OF 19 Alternative energy resources available to this market include all alternatives available to the railbelt energy grid, which principally include: natural gas, diesel/oil, coal, storage hydro, run-of- river hydro, hydrokinetic, wind, geothermal, and tidal. These various alternatives are discussed briefly below.  Natural gas and diesel have high fuel costs, and some exposure to any future carbon taxes.  Coal has a relatively high capital cost. The fuel is relatively inexpensive, however it has significant exposure to any future carbon taxes. In some areas of the state, including the Mat-Su Borough, coal has received significant opposition from the public.  Storage hydro, wind, and geothermal have high capital costs.  Wind has a low capacity factor (typically 25-35%, and varying from 0-100% output at any time), and must be backed by firm stand-by generation.  Tidal and hydrokinetic systems also have high capital costs, and many tidal / hydrokinetic technologies are not yet mature.  Other run-of-river hydroelectric projects may be competitive with this project on a cost basis, however this project has very favorable economics on a capital cost per installed kW or kWh basis. Overall, this project is competitive with other renewable and nonrenewable generation options available to the railbelt. 4.2. Existing Energy System 4.2.1. Basic Configuration of Existing Energy System The project would be connected to the MEA grid, which is interconnected with the railbelt energy grid. An upgrade of the existing MEA distribution line into Hatcher Pass would be necessary for the Archangel Project. 4.2.2. Existing Energy Resources Used MEA purchases wholesale power from Chugach Electric Association (CEA), Alaska Energy Authority (AEA, Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Plant), and Enerdyne (McRoberts Creek Hydroelectric Plant). MEA also owns a share of Eklutna Hydroelectric Project. The project would not significantly impact existing energy infrastructure. The project would interconnect with the MEA grid at a point where that system is capable of receiving the full project output. In fact, this project would improve voltage and frequency stability on the MEA system. Under normal operating conditions, this project would offset natural gas-fired generation in the Cook Inlet basin. This would incrementally reduce the demand for Cook Inlet natural gas, extending the life of the Cook Inlet gas fields. This would directly benefit the residents of the railbelt, which rely on that gas supply for affordable electricity and space heating. The volume of natural gas offset by this project is modest compared to overall consumption, but is a significant benefit to the public. ARCHANGEL GREEN POWER, LLC RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT APPLICATION ARCHANGEL CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OCTOBER 8, 2008 PAGE 6 OF 19 4.2.3. Existing Energy Market The existing energy market is the six railbelt utilities, Matanuska Electric Association (MEA), Chugach Electric Association (CEA), Seward Electric System, Homer Electric Association, Municipal Light & Power, and Golden Valley Electric Association. MEA is the logical market for energy from this project, as the project is located within MEA service territory. Sales to other utilities are possible, although the wheeling costs and complexity in negotiating wheeling agreements could adversely affect the project’s economic feasibility. AGP has not started contract negotiations for the sale of energy from the project to MEA. AGP's power sales contract would likely be similar to contracts currently under negotiation between MEA and Fishhook Renewable Energy, LLC and South Fork Hydro, LLC, two IPPs on the MEA system. These IPPs have proposed hydroelectric projects very similar to the Archangel project. 4.3. Proposed System 4.3.1. System Design The Archangel Project is described in the documentation provided in Attachment F. 4.3.2. Land Ownership The project is located on state land. The powerhouse could be located on land owned by the Motherlode Lodge or on adjacent state land, or on state land at a different site, if a different site is recommended by the feasibility study. 4.3.3. Permits The following major permits will be required for this project. Some of these permits have already been applied for and are pending.  Water Use Permit / Water Rights (ADNR)  Land Lease/easement (ADNR)  Fish Habitat Permit (ADFG)  Nationwide Permit 17 for Hydropower Projects – for incidental wetlands fill and similar matters (Army Corps of Engineers)  Utility certification or exemption (RCA)  Finding of non-jurisdiction (FERC)  Archeological consultation (SHPO)  Mat-Su Borough Building Permits 4.3.4. Environmental Compatibility of the project with environmental considerations has been reviewed as part of the permitting process. Key initial findings are summarized below, and discussed in greater detail in Attachment F.  Fish Habitat. Compatibility with fish habitat would be addressed in the feasibility study.  Threatened or Endangered Species. No critical habitat is designated in the project area. ARCHANGEL GREEN POWER, LLC RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT APPLICATION ARCHANGEL CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OCTOBER 8, 2008 PAGE 7 OF 19  Aesthetics. The project will have negligible if any aesthetic impact. Most of the project footprint is not readily visible from existing roads or other high traffic areas in Hatcher Pass.  The penstock would cross several wetlands areas. The penstock would be buried in these areas, and anchored to prevent flotation. The penstock footprint would be allowed to revegetate, leaving no permanent change to these wetlands areas. The project is not expected to fill a significant area of wetlands. Any required wetlands fill is expected to be permitted under a Corps of Engineers nationwide permit.  No archeological or cultural resources are known to be in the project vicinity. SHPO will be consulted during the course of the project.  The project is located within DNR's Hatcher Pass Management Plan (HPMP). Which governs land use and development in the area. The project is consistent with the HPMP's designated development and usage objectives.  Telecommunications Interference. None.  Aviation Considerations. None. 4.4. Proposed New System Costs (Total Estimated Costs and proposed Revenues) 4.4.1. Project Development Cost AGP anticipated that the project would cost approximately $6,420,000. This estimate would be refined as part of the feasibility study. 4.4.2. Project Operating and Maintenance Costs Project operation and maintenance costs are projected to be $115,000 annually. AGP would establish an operating fund at project startup to fund annual O&M expenses. This fund would likely be capitalized as part of AGP’s project financing and then replenished on a perpetual basis from operating revenues. The fund would also cover seasonal cash flow fluctuations, such as reduced power sales revenue during the winter months, when the flow in Archangel Creek is reduced. This fund would also be used to manage longer-term cash flow issues, such as weathering drought years and some major maintenance / repair activities. No grant funding is requested for operations and maintenance costs. 4.4.3. Power Purchase/Sale The energy from the project would be sold to one of the six railbelt utilities. The most likely purchaser would be the local utility, MEA. Current projections are for the avoided cost of energy to MEA to run in the range of 5 to 13 cents/kWh for the life of the contract. ARCHANGEL GREEN POWER, LLC RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT APPLICATION ARCHANGEL CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OCTOBER 8, 2008 PAGE 8 OF 19 Based upon existing estimates and available information, the estimated rate of return for the project would be in the range of 2 to 15% annually. 4.4.4. Cost Worksheet Assumptions used in completing the attached AEA cost worksheet are summarized below.  4. – Project Costs. This cost is the engineer's cost estimate for the project. Bids will be obtained before construction begins.  5. – Project Benefits. Displaced fuel is based upon assumed reliance on natural gas and an assumed heat rate for future gas-fired generation. See section 5 for more details on these assumptions.  6. – Power Purchase Price. Based on contract negotiations for similar projects, power purchase price will be MEA's avoided cost of energy. This is assumed to be $0.05/kWh. 4.4.5. Business Plan 4.4.6. Analysis and Recommendations The Archangel Project is a favorable renewable energy project that warrants further study. SECTION 5. - PROJECT BENEFIT 5.1. Estimated Fuel Displacement The project would primarily displace Cook Inlet natural gas burned by Chugach Electric for power generation. Estimated fuel displacement and assumptions used to generate the estimates are summarized below: Fuel Type Natural Gas Annual Displaced Energy 7,700,000 kWh Displacement 100% Efficiency of Displaced Generation (Heat Rate) 9,800 btu/kWh Average Annual Displaced Fuel 75.5 MMCF Displaced Fuel over 30 Years 2,264 MMCF Average Market Value of Displaced Fuel (assumed) $7.00/MCF Annual Value of Displaced Fuel $528,220 Inflation Rate 2% Discount Rate 5% Present Value of Displaced Fuel over 30 years $10,353,345 5.2. Estimated Annual Revenue Estimated annual revenue from power sales and assumptions used to generate the estimates are summarized below: Contract Item Proposed Terms Contract price structure Avoided Cost ARCHANGEL GREEN POWER, LLC RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT APPLICATION ARCHANGEL CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OCTOBER 8, 2008 PAGE 9 OF 19 Average avoided cost over 30 years (Power Sales Rate) $0.065/kWh Average Annual Energy Sales 7,700,000 kWh Average Annual Gross Revenue From Power Sales $500,500 Average Annual Operating Expenses $115,000 Average Annual Net Revenue (before taxes, depreciation, etc.) $385,500 5.3. Other Annual Revenue Streams AGP anticipates that the project would qualify for low-impact certification under the national standards established by Green-e2, and likely other certification entities. This would make energy from the project eligible for green tags/renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs currently market in Alaska for $0.02/kWh (Denali Green Tags). State or federal tax credits may be available to the project over its life. Currently avail able federal tax credits for renewable energy have very limited eligibility criteria for hydroelectricity, and this project would likely not qualify. Generally, the volatility in tax credit rules and eligibility precludes forecasting any benefit from them over the project’s life. 5.4. Project Benefit from Direct Cost Savings AGP has identified the following direct cost savings resulting from this project.  Green Tag / Renewable Energy Credits (RECs): AGP will transfer title and rights to all RECs the project may qualify for to MEA. The project meets the certification criteria established by Green-e for low-impact hydropower. RECs currently market in Alaska for $0.02/kWh (Denali Green Tags).  Capacity and Energy Rate Reduction: While the Archangel project provides capacity to the railbelt grid, to expedite contract negotiations, AGP will pursue a non-firm avoided cost of energy price structure for this project. The lowest avoided cost of energy available to MEA is likely to be at or equal to CEA's avoided cost for the foreseeable future, and this is the avoided cost upon which a contract would likely be based. This price structure offers the project's capacity as a direct benefit to MEA at no cost.  Line Efficiency: The line losses from the project to MEA are less than the line losses from CEA generation to MEA. The project will increase the efficiency of the MEA and CEA systems, reducing costs for both utilities.  Annual Property Tax Revenue: The Mat-Su Borough will likely levy property taxes on the project over the life of the project. These annual property tax payments will contribute to the tax base and economic activity in the Borough. These annual public benefits are summarized, and their present value is estimated in the following table. Assumptions used to generate the estimates are also stated. 2 Green-e National Standard, version 1.5. www.green-e.org. ARCHANGEL GREEN POWER, LLC RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT APPLICATION ARCHANGEL CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OCTOBER 8, 2008 PAGE 10 OF 19 DIRECT ECONOMIC BENEFITS FROM PROJECT Green Tags / RECs Average annual generation: 7,429,000 kWh (assumed) Market Value: 0.02 $/kWh Annual Value: $148,580 Term: 30 years Inflation Rate: 2% Discount Rate: 5% Present Value: $2,912,234 Increased Available Capacity Installed Fishhook capacity 2,000 kW Capacity Factor 0.44 Capacity Value $153.24 $/kW CEA-MEA Contract Annual value of capacity $134,851 Term: 30 years Present Value: $2,643,143 Line Efficiency Line losses from CEA G&T to MEA 2.809% (CEA Tariff) Line losses on MEA System: 2.0% (assumed) Line losses from Fishhook to load center: 1.0% (assumed) Power throughput avoided by project: 7,429,000 kWh (assumed) Avoided energy losses (CEA): 208,681 kWh Avoided energy losses (MEA): 74,290 kWh Nominal value of energy: 0.065 $/kWh (projected over life) Average annual savings from reduced energy losses: $18,393 Term: 30 years Present Value: $360,513 Property Tax Revenue to Mat-Su Borough Estimated annual tax obligation: $36,794 Term: 30 years Present Value: $721,171 Clarification of Permitting and Regulatory Processes for IPPs Estimated AGP costs in non-recurring permitting and regulatory efforts that are applicable to successor IPP and run-of-river projects $200,000 Present Value: $200,000 TOTAL DIRECT ECONOMIC BENEFITS FROM PROJECT $6,837,061 5.5. Indirect Project Benefits AGP has identified several indirect public benefits that may result from the project. These are summarized and briefly discussed below. ARCHANGEL GREEN POWER, LLC RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT APPLICATION ARCHANGEL CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OCTOBER 8, 2008 PAGE 11 OF 19 1. The project will be connected to the railbelt electrical grid. This provides desirable operational enhancements to this transmission and distribution system. There is an increase in stability, reliability, and redundancy. These gains can only be obtained by providing multiple, distributed generation sources which is generally not feasible with typical large utility generation facilities. This new generation asset also improves the diversity of fuel sources powering the grid through the addition of renewable energy. 2. This new generation asset will offset generation from existing natural gas -burning facilities in Southcentral Alaska. This will reduce consumption of Cook Inlet basin natural gas. Cook Inlet gas production from existing developed fields is declining, and shortages are already occurring during periods of peak gas demand. By offsetting natural gas demand for electricity generation, this project will be extending the useful life of the Cook Inlet gas fields to the benefit of the public. 3. A significant portion of the project funding will go towards hiring local construction firms to perform the work, thus providing local jobs and experience in building a hydroelectric project. Current unemployment in the area is at 7.0% compared with a state average of 6.0%3. 4. A local firm is performing the design and development. This benefits Alaska by promoting local experience and can be used to develop additional future projects thus providing even more economic development and jobs for Alaskans. SECTION 6. - GRANT BUDGET The total estimated cost for project development through to commissioning is $6,420,000. AGP has expended approximately $60,000 in capital and in-kind services on the Archangel Project to date. 3 August 2008, State of Alaska, Department of Labor and Workforce Development, http://www.labor.state.ak.us/research/monthlyunemprate/sep08map.pdf ARCHANGEL GREEN POWER, LLC RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT APPLICATION ARCHANGEL CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OCTOBER 8, 2008 PAGE 12 OF 19 AGP will contribute capital and in-kind services to the project from its private resources to finish the pre-construction phases of the project. AGP's share of construction funds would be in the form of loans, from commercial lenders and government lenders, such as AIDEA's Power Project Fund. AGP is requesting a grant totaling $100,000 for the feasibility and conceptual design phase of this project. The grant budget is summarized on the attached Grant Budget Form. SECTION 7. - ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION AND CERTIFICATION A. Resumes of Applicant’s Project Manager, key staff, partners, consultants, and suppliers per application form Section 3.1 and 3.4 B. Cost Worksheet per application form Section 4.4.4 C. Grant Budget Form per application form Section 6. D. An electronic version of the entire application per RFA Section 1.6 E. Governing Body Resolution per RFA Section 1.4 F. Fishhook Design, Hydrology, and Permitting Information G. CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifies that this application for a renewable energy grant is truthful and correct, and that the applicant is in compliance with, and will continue to comply with, all federal and state laws including existing credit and federal tax obligations. Print Name Jill Reese Signature Title Project Manager Date November 10, 2008 ARCHANGEL GREEN POWER, LLC RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT APPLICATION ARCHANGEL CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OCTOBER 8, 2008 A. RESUMES OF APPLICANT’S PROJECT MANAGER, KEY STAFF, PARTNERS, CONSULTANTS, AND SUPPLIERS PER APPLICATION FORM SECTION 3.1 AND 3.4 ARCHANGEL GREEN POWER, LLC RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT APPLICATION ARCHANGEL CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OCTOBER 8, 2008 B. COST WORKSHEET PER APPLICATION FORM SECTION 4.4.4 ARCHANGEL GREEN POWER, LLC RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT APPLICATION ARCHANGEL CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OCTOBER 8, 2008 C. GRANT BUDGET FORM PER APPLICATION FORM SECTION 6. ARCHANGEL GREEN POWER, LLC RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT APPLICATION ARCHANGEL CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OCTOBER 8, 2008 D. AN ELECTRONIC VERSION OF THE ENTIRE APPLICATION PER RFA SECTION 1.6 ARCHANGEL GREEN POWER, LLC RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT APPLICATION ARCHANGEL CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OCTOBER 8, 2008 E. GOVERNING BODY RESOLUTION PER RFA SECTION 1.4