HomeMy WebLinkAboutTanana Alternative Energy Assessment App Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 1 of 14 9/2/2008 Application Forms and Instructions The following forms and instructions are provided for preparing your application for a Renewable Energy Fund Grant. An electronic version of the Request for Applications (RFA) and the forms are available online at http://www.akenergyauthority.org/RE_Fund.html The following application forms are required to be submitted for a grant recommendation: Grant Application Form GrantApp.doc Application form in MS Word that includes an outline of information required to submit a complete application. Applicants should use the form to assure all information is provided and attach additional information as required. Application Cost Worksheet Costworksheet.doc Summary of Cost information that should be addressed by applicants in preparing their application. Grant Budget Form GrantBudget.xls A detailed grant budget that includes a breakdown of costs by task and a summary of funds available and requested to complete the work for which funds are being requested. Grant Budget Form Instructions GrantBudgetInstr.pdf Instructions for completing the above grant budget form. • If you are applying for grants for more than one project, provide separate application forms for each project. • Multiple phases for the same project may be submitted as one application. • If you are applying for grant funding for more than one phase of a project, provide a plan and grant budget for completion of each phase. • If some work has already been completed on your project and you are requesting funding for an advanced phase, submit information sufficient to demonstrate that the preceding phases are satisfied and funding for an advanced phase is warranted. • If you have additional information or reports you would like the Authority to consider in reviewing your application, either provide an electronic version of the document with your submission or reference a web link where it can be downloaded or reviewed. REMINDER: • Alaska Energy Authority is subject to the Public Records Act, AS 40.25 and materials submitted to the Authority may be subject to disclosure requirements under the act if no statutory exemptions apply. • All applications received will be posted on the Authority web site after final recommendations are made to the legislature. Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 2 of 14 9/3/2008 SECTION 1 – APPLICANT INFORMATION Name (Name of utility, IPP, or government entity submitting proposal) Tanana Power Co., Inc Type of Entity: Corporation Mailing Address 6270 E Beechcraft Rd Wasilla, AK 99654 Physical Address 6270 E Beechcraft Rd Wasilla, AK 99654 Telephone 907-745-5363 Fax 907-745-5362 Email katy@yukontel.com 1.1 APPLICANT POINT OF CONTACT Name Don Eller Title President Mailing Address 6270 E Beechcraft Rd Wasilla, AK 99654 Telephone 907-745-5363 Fax 907-745-5362 Email nalaska@yukontel.com 1.2 APPLICANT MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Please check as appropriate. If you do not to meet the minimum applicant requirements, your application will be rejected. 1.2.1 As an Applicant, we are: (put an X in the appropriate box) X An electric utility holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity under AS 42.05, or An independent power producer, or A local government, or A governmental entity (which includes tribal councils and housing authorities); Yes 1.2.2. Attached to this application is formal approval and endorsement for its project by its board of directors, executive management, or other governing authority. If a collaborative grouping, a formal approval from each participant’s governing authority is necessary. (Indicate Yes or No in the box ) Yes 1.2.3. As an applicant, we have administrative and financial management systems and follow procurement standards that comply with the standards set forth in the grant agreement. Yes 1.2.4. If awarded the grant, we can comply with all terms and conditions of the attached grant form. (Any exceptions should be clearly noted and submitted with the application.) Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 3 of 14 9/3/2008 SECTION 2 – PROJECT SUMMARY Provide a brief 1-2 page overview of your project. 2.1 PROJECT TYPE Describe the type of project you are proposing, (Reconnaissance; Resource Assessment/ Feasibility Analysis/Conceptual Design; Final Design and Permitting; and/or Construction) as well as the kind of renewable energy you intend to use. Refer to Section 1.5 of RFA. This project is a feasibility analysis of the numerous alternative energy resources in and around Tanana, Alaska including Wind, Geothermal, Kinetic Hydro and Traditional Hydro. The results of the feasibility analysis will be used to determine which alternative energy resource or combination of resources would be the most cost effective to serve the community of Tanana, Alaska. 2.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Provide a one paragraph description of your project. At a minimum include the project location, communities to be served, and who will be involved in the grant project. The Tanana area is blessed with a multitude of possible alternative energy resources including: 1) Wind Energy at is T. 5 N., R. 21 W. Sec. 10 located approximately 10 miles from downtown Tanana proper. 2) Wind Energy at T. 4 N., R 20 W. This resource was eliminated as a possible because of transmission line costs from the site to Tanana. The transmission line would have to cross the Yukon River. 3) Wind and Kinetic Hydro at T. 6 N., R 17 W. commonly referred to as “The Rapids”. This has both wind and water energy available however transmission line costs from The Rapids to Tanana, given the terrain, would be very costly. 4) Geothermal at Little Melozitna Hot Springs (65.459, 153.312). There has been cursory analysis done on this resource using chalcedony geo-thermometer methods by Kolker. These results are encouraging. However, the magnitude of the resource needs to be defined better to determine if it would be economically prudent to develop. 5) Traditional Hydro at Jackson Creek located at T. 5 N., R. 21 W. and T. 6 N., R 21 W. The project has been studied before by the APA in the 1980s. Information regarding the study can be found in “Reconnaissance Study of Energy Requirements and Alternatives for Tanana” Report Summary. 6) Kinetic Hydro Energy production using the Yukon River at Tanana using drag turbines. Grant funds would be used to do engineering assessments of resources 4 and 5 with the contributed funds and in kind resources of Tanana Power and the community of Tanana devoted to quantifying the resources 1 and 6. The ultimate goal being to determine “the best” resource to develop of the community to meet the community of Tanana’s long term energy needs most cost effectively. Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 4 of 14 9/3/2008 2.3 PROJECT BUDGET OVERVIEW Briefly discuss the amount of funds needed, the anticipated sources of funds, and the nature and source of other contributions to the project. Include a project cost summary that includes an estimated total cost through construction. The search for possible alternative energy resources to provide sustainable low cost electricity to Tanana started long before the State of Alaska made grant money available for projects. Tanana Power has invested a tremendous amount of sweat equity and finances to develop a kinetic hydro conversion system which is appropriate for village application along the Yukon River. Pictures are included as Attachment 2.3.1 to show the progress on this front. The Tanana Tribal Council has generously supplied a NRG 30 M metrological tower for studying the wind at T. 5 N., R. 21 W. Sec. 10 which Tanana Power has installed and fitted with wind monitoring sensors. Tanana Power will be working with V3 Energy to the data processing from the wind monitoring system. This project will examine four different possible alternative resources around Tanana to determine the “best” project to pursue for providing lower cost sustainable electricity to the consumers of Tanana Power. 2.4 PROJECT BENEFIT Briefly discuss the financial benefits that will result from this project, including an estimate of economic benefits (such as reduced fuel costs) and a description of other benefits to the Alaskan public. The purpose of this project is to acquire knowledge regarding alternative energy projects in and around Tanana. The project will quantify the magnitude and engineering viability of alternative energy development of four different resources in the Tanana area: Wind, Kinetic Hydro, Traditional Hydro and Geothermal. As a result of the acquired knowledge the best alternative energy solution using current technology for Tanana will be known. This Knowledge will then be used to pursue a sustainable cost effective energy for Tanana. As an additional benefit the wind and kinetic hydro data and information collected will become part of the public domain for all to use. 2.5 PROJECT COST AND BENEFIT SUMARY Include a summary of your project’s total costs and benefits below. 2.5.1 Total Project Cost (Including estimates through construction.) $ 393298.50 2.5.2 Grant Funds Requested in this application. $ 303060.00 2.5.3 Other Funds to be provided (Project match) $ 90238.50 2.5.4 Total Grant Costs (sum of 2.5.2 and 2.5.3) $ 393298.50 2.5.5 Estimated Benefit (Savings) $ N/A 2.5.6 Public Benefit (If you can calculate the benefit in terms of dollars please provide that number here and explain how you calculated that number in your application.) $ N/A Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 5 of 14 9/3/2008 SECTION 3 – PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN Describe who will be responsible for managing the project and provide a plan for successfully completing the project within the scope, schedule and budget proposed in the application. 3.1 Project Manager Tell us who will be managing the project for the Grantee and include a resume and references for the manager(s). If the applicant does not have a project manager indicate how you intend to solicit project management Support. If the applicant expects project management assistance from AEA or another government entity, state that in this section. This project will be operated by 3 key personnel members; Donald Eller, Ralph Eller, and Kelly Carlisle. Ralph Eller, Plant Manager and Vice President, will be directly involved and doing most of the labor himself. Kelly Carlisle, Field Tech., will assist with some of the labor and technical design of the project. Don Eller, President, will oversee the project and assist with the technical design and financial management. Mark Foster, a vendor, will assist Tanana Power by doing a peer review of the completed project. Enclosed as Attachment 3.1.1, 3.1.2 and 3.1.3, are resumes for the key personnel responsible for all grant work. Also enclosed as Attachment 3.1.4 is a resume for vendor Mark Foster, and as Attachment 3.1.5 is the Organization/Personnel structure for Tanana Power for those involved in the grant process. 3.2 Project Schedule Include a schedule for the proposed work that will be funded by this grant. (You may include a chart or table attachment with a summary of dates below.) The object of this project is to determine which alternative energy resource in or around Tanana would make the most economic sense to develop, ultimately lowering the cost of power to the consumer. Given the nature of Alaska the ever changing Seasons and the weather should be the drivers for tasks and decision points rather than arbitrary dates. Enclosed as Attachment 3.2.1 is a timeline based on Alaskan seasons and while these are broad in nature and subject to change based on the year every effort will be made to keep the time table, remaining accountable to the State of Alaska for funds provided. 3.3 Project Milestones Define key tasks and decision points in your project and a schedule for achieving them. The goal of this project to determine the “best” or most cost effective alternative energy resource from the community of Tanana with the ultimate goal of lowering the consumer cost of electricity through the development of the “best” alternative resource. Therefore it will be necessary to have enough information to determine the “best” alternative before November of 2009 to maximize funding chances. The wind component of the project is well on its way. The critical wind item will be to have the data correlated and a report as to its potential and costs before November 2009. The kinetic hydro energy component of this project has to critical Milestones, the first being the integration of the turbine with the gearing and generation system. The logistic and for this are taking place right now. The second milestone will be generating the first KWH of energy which goes into the grid and is used by customers. The second milestone will be driven by when the river is free of ice and drift. The traditional hydro component of this project has two significant milestones: 1) getting the stream Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 6 of 14 9/3/2008 measuring in place. 2) Generation of the interim report allowing comparison against other alternatives. The geothermal component of this project has one milestone which is the generation of the interim report allowing comparison against other alternatives. 3.4 Project Resources Describe the personnel, contractors, equipment, and services you will use to accomplish the project. Include any partnerships or commitments with other entities you have or anticipate will be needed to complete your project. Describe any existing contracts and the selection process you may use for major equipment purchases or contracts. Include brief resumes and references for known, key personnel, contractors, and suppliers as an attachment to your application. Tanana Power is unique among many rural electrical utilities. Tanana Power is privately owned and has been since it was started. The community of Tanana has had commercial electricity available since the late sixties. As a result of being in business over 40 years TPC has refined its operation to a science. Because Tanana Power has been in business so long it also has a tremendous amount or resources available. Heavy equipment on site includes 3 yard font end loader, dump trucks, bull dozers, ladder truck, light crane, track auger and semi tractors to high light a few items. Access and use of these items will be supplied at no cost to the grant for use in this project. While Tanana Power has numerous equipment resources available on sight, the resources of greatest value are the relationships with vendors, suppliers and quality people both within and outside its organization. Since PolarConsult and V3 Energy are new contractors numerous phone calls were made to known contacts within the power industry that had either worked directly with the contractor or had firsthand knowledge of their work. After an intensive vetting process PolarConsult and V3 Energy were chosen. The proposal from PolarConsult is attached. The work to be done by V3 Energy will be the data processing of the wind monitoring information and report generation from this information. The value of Tanana Power employees and employees of associated companies cannot be overstated. While none of are experts in any one field our abilities acquired from a lifetime of doing make up for any lack of formal academic training. Simply stated, we get it done and we get it done right, on time and on budget. Tanana Power is working with Jim Norman of ABS Alaska to take the energy generated by the drag turbine it has developed and converting the energy to electricity so that it can be integrated with the existing distribution system. The components required are a gearing mechanism to take the energy generated by the paddle wheel so that it will power a generator. The En Current generation system which takes the energy from the water then converts the energy to wild AC and then use electronics to filter and clean up the AC power so that it can be supplied to the community grid. 3.5 Project Communications Discuss how you plan to monitor the project and keep the Authority informed of the status. All formal communications regarding the project will be sent from Tanana Power’s administrative office. At a minimum quarterly progress and financial reports will be submitted to AEA for review. If issues arise that significantly impact the working being done under this grant, AEA will be notified as soon a possible. If at any time AEA wanted to make an onsite visit to see what was actually happening on the ground Tanana Power would happily accommodate them. Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 7 of 14 9/3/2008 3.6 Project Risk Discuss potential problems and how you would address them. What is the risk of gaining knowledge? That the knowledge gained will not be applied or used. That will not be the case in this study since the results of study are to be used to select the best alternative to provide the lowest cost energy to Tanana Power’s customers. There is always a chance that a land holder might have a change of heart. Take for example the wind monitoring, Doyon has issued TPC a land use permit with the understanding that the long term goal is to develop the wind resource at the site should it be economic. It is possible that Doyon could have a change of heart but I believe the chances of this are small. In all the work I have done with Doyon their motto has been, “if the local population desires the project then it has the support of Doyon.” TPC has tried to keep the community of Tanana informed and involved in resource selection process, this is one of the reasons why development of wind energy on Mission Hill is not on the short list, and it is culturally unacceptable to the community of Tanana. Risks for this project as a whole are small. We are trying to find good information to chart the future energy course for the community of Tanana. The permitting process with regard to both Jackson Creek Hydro and Melozi Hot Springs would be of immediate concerns to most, when looking at project development. Land ownership directly impacts the permitting process, if the project is on or crosses Federal land the Federal process must be used. Fortunately the Jackson Creek Hydro does not involve any Federal land so would not involve the FERC permitting process but would fall under the much less arduous State permitting process. Penstock icing issues are of concern as well. Attached is a good report on Frazil ice concerns. Icing is of concern but can be dealt with by proper design. In talking with two different entities about icing, one an Alaskan company with numerous hydro plants operating in Alaska and the other in Canada responsible for operations of numerous dam that must remain operation at – 40 C, both indicated that while icing is a concern, the concern can be addressed by proper design and operational practices. It should be noted that no administrative charges have been added to grant costs. Tanana Power does not view the grants as a revenue stream to be used to offset administrative costs. All grant administrative costs are absorbed by Tanana Power internally. Labor costs of Tanana Power included in the grant are at a loaded labor rate; IE the labor costs are inclusive of benefits, taxes and other costs associated directly with the hourly costs of the employee. Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 8 of 14 9/3/2008 SECTION 4 – PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND TASKS • Tell us what the project is and how you will meet the requirements outlined in Section 2 of the RFA. The level of information will vary according to phase of the project you propose to undertake with grant funds. • If you are applying for grant funding for more than one phase of a project provide a plan and grant budget for completion of each phase. • If some work has already been completed on your project and you are requesting funding for an advanced phase, submit information sufficient to demonstrate that the preceding phases are satisfied and funding for an advanced phase is warranted. 4.1 Proposed Energy Resource Describe the potential extent/amount of the energy resource that is available. Discuss the pros and cons of your proposed energy resource vs. other alternatives that may be available for the market to be served by your project. Four different types of alternative energies are to be studied. Geothermal and traditional hydro resource both has the capability of generating all the electrical needs for the community of Tanana year round. The kinetic hydro and wind resources are unknown with regard to magnitude. However the “best” choice will be determined by which alternative will generate the lowest cost of power for the consumer. 4.2 Existing Energy System 4.2.1 Basic configuration of Existing Energy System Briefly discuss the basic configuration of the existing energy system. Include information about the number, size, age, efficiency, and type of generation. Since 1991, Tanana Power Co., has used economic dispatch as the method to control its engines. The wide range in demand makes economic dispatch a very good method of economizing on fuel. In 2005 peak load ranged from 280 kW during the winter months to 90 kW during off peak hours in the summer. Since demand has a direct relationship to weather it is important to prepare for loads higher than 280 kW. When running a comparison of the last 5 years, the summer loads range between 90 kW and 180 kW while winter loads are between 150 kW and 300 kW. Engines are dispatched based on their efficiency. Every engine has a load range were kwh/gal is the highest for the given range. The demand dispatch software is then programmed to operate the engine with the best fuel economy for the given load range. Engine parameters are also integrated in the demand dispatch software so that the engines are not overloaded. 4.2.2 Existing Energy Resources Used Briefly discuss your understanding of the existing energy resources. Include a brief discussion of any impact the project may have on existing energy infrastructure and resources. Tanana’s electrical needs and a portion of its heating needs are supplied by diesel internal combustion engines controlled by a demand dispatch PLC control system. This automation process has significantly lowered fuel usage by matching the most efficient generator to the load. Based on fuel efficiency information TPC has introduced the Detroit Diesel Series engine into its generation system with positive results for fuel efficiency. It should also be noted that Tanana Power typically only runs standard #2 diesel during the summer and fall months and then #2 -15 diesel throughout the winter. To use #2 -15 during the winter no heating of the fuel is required just proper design and operation of the day tank filling system. The use of #2 fuels year round significantly increases fuel efficiency. The control system will work well with any developed alternative energy resource and the existing generation system would work well as a standby. The extensive transmission network significantly Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 9 of 14 9/3/2008 reduce the length of transmission lines required to bring an developed alternative energy resource to market. 4.2.3 Existing Energy Market Discuss existing energy use and its market. Discuss impacts your project may have on energy customers. The electrical energy demand in Tanana is roughly 60% commercial and 40% residential for the approximate 1.25 Mwh consumed annually. While electric energy cost in Tanana are significantly less than surrounding villages, electric energy costs are of significant concern to the residents. Electrical energy costs affect all aspects of life from prices paid at the store and Laundromat for goods and services, to the school budget. Given the public policy decision to promote alternative energy development and the significant and uncertain costs associated with diesel electric power generation it is Tanana Power’s desire to follow the state’s public policy decision while providing stable low cost electricity. Enclosed as Attachment 4.2.3 - Tanana Power Revenue Breakdown 2006-2008. 4.3 Proposed System Include information necessary to describe the system you are intending to develop and address potential system design, land ownership, permits, and environmental issues. 4.3.1 System Design Provide the following information for the proposed renewable energy system: • A description of renewable energy technology specific to project location • Optimum installed capacity • Anticipated capacity factor • Anticipated annual generation • Anticipated barriers • Basic integration concept • Delivery methods Upon completion of the feasibility study enough data will have been collected to determine the best source of alternative generation. Using the data collected a system design will be created to maximize the resources potential. By November of 2009 Tanana Power expects to have collected enough data to determine the best alternative energy source and begin the development phase of an alternative energy project. 4.3.2 Land Ownership Identify potential land ownership issues, including whether site owners have agreed to the project or how you intend to approach land ownership and access issues. There are no potential land ownership issues. Tanana power has worked closely with the community to gain their approval for the feasibility studies. There will be a land lease entered into with the state of Alaska for possible geothermal testing near the Little Melozitna Hot Springs. The state will issue a land lease on a yearly basis until the project is completed and possibly a permanent lease if geothermal will be a viable and cost effective form of generation for Tanana, AK. Federal land surrounds the hot springs themselves. However through contact with the BLM and FERC it Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 10 of 14 9/3/2008 has been determined that no Federal Permitting or land use contracts will be required at a federal level and that small alternative power projects are only licensed by the state. 4.3.3 Permits Provide the following information as it may relate to permitting and how you intend to address outstanding permit issues. • List of applicable permits • Anticipated permitting timeline • Identify and discussion of potential barriers There will be no new permits needed to establish the feasibility studies. 4.3.4 Environmental Address whether the following environmental and land use issues apply, and if so how they will be addressed: • Threatened or Endangered species • Habitat issues • Wetlands and other protected areas • Archaeological and historical resources • Land development constraints • Telecommunications interference • Aviation considerations • Visual, aesthetics impacts • Identify and discuss other potential barriers There are no foreseen environmental or land use issues. 4.4 Proposed New System Costs (Total Estimated Costs and proposed Revenues) The level of cost information provided will vary according to the phase of funding requested and any previous work the applicant may have done on the project. Applicants must reference the source of their cost data. For example: Applicants Records or Analysis, Industry Standards, Consultant or Manufacturer’s estimates. 4.4.1 Project Development Cost Provide detailed project cost information based on your current knowledge and understanding of the project. Cost information should include the following: • Total anticipated project cost, and cost for this phase • Requested grant funding • Applicant matching funds – loans, capital contributions, in-kind • Identification of other funding sources • Projected capital cost of proposed renewable energy system • Projected development cost of proposed renewable energy system Upon completion of the feasibility studies Tanana Power intends to develop the most cost effective resource. At that time detailed information on projected cost and return will be available based on the method of generation chosen. See the enclosed Grant Budget. Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 11 of 14 9/3/2008 4.4.2 Project Operating and Maintenance Costs Include anticipated O&M costs for new facilities constructed and how these would be funded by the applicant. • Total anticipated project cost for this phase • Requested grant funding During this phase of the project there will be minimal operating and maintenance costs. See the enclosed Detailed Budget for specific costs associated with the feasibility study. 4.4.3 Power Purchase/Sale The power purchase/sale information should include the following: • Identification of potential power buyer(s)/customer(s) • Potential power purchase/sales price - at a minimum indicate a price range • Proposed rate of return from grant-funded project Tanana Power Co., Inc. already generates and distributes power to Tanana AK. The purpose of this Feasibility study will be to determine the best method of generation to provide the most cost effective power to its residents. Projected rate of return and generation costs will be determined based on the most cost effective form of generation concluded with the feasibility study. 4.4.4 Cost Worksheet Complete the cost worksheet form which provides summary information that will be considered in evaluating the project. The cost worksheet is enclosed. 4.4.5 Business Plan Discuss your plan for operating the completed project so that it will be sustainable. Include at a minimum proposed business structure(s) and concepts that may be considered. The results of the feasibility analysis will be used to determine which alternative energy resource or  combination of resources would be the most cost effective to serve the community of Tanana Alaska.   Once the best resource has been determined Tanana Power will go ahead with developing the resource  and projected cost and savings will be done at that time.  The new operations will be conducted in the  same manner as existing operations using Ralph Eller as the plant manager, with another full time tech.  to assist in the maintenance of the operations. 4.4.6 Analysis and Recommendations Provide information about the economic analysis and the proposed project. Discuss your recommendation for additional project development work. An intensive vetting process was gone through before arriving at the short list of possible alternative energy projects for Tanana. The vetting process included high level economic and cost analysis, land ownership review, local and cultural concerns and review of resource potential verses demand based on existing information. There is large variation in cost data. For example costs for transmission line construction range from $100,000 to $500,000 per mile so a figure of $250,000 was used in the high level economic analysis. There are no projects included in this feasibility study that cannot pass the “common sense” test ( is this project actually feasible based on all available information) and does the project pass the economic test being able to produce electricity for the community of Tanana at or below $0.30 per kwh. Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 12 of 14 9/3/2008 The object of this grant is to arrive at recommendations for development. The information generated in depth study of the resource and the cost it will take to develop. A peer review will then occur of the information with economic analysis to determine which resources it would be prudent to develop. SECTION 5– PROJECT BENEFIT Explain the economic and public benefits of your project. Include direct cost savings, and how the people of Alaska will benefit from the project. The benefits information should include the following: • Potential annual fuel displacement (gal and $) over the lifetime of the evaluated renewable energy project • Anticipated annual revenue (based on i.e. a Proposed Power Purchase Agreement price, RCA tariff, or avoided cost of ownership) • Potential additional annual incentives (i.e. tax credits) • Potential additional annual revenue streams (i.e. green tag sales or other renewable energy subsidies or programs that might be available) • Discuss the non-economic public benefits to Alaskans over the lifetime of the project Currently Tanana Power burns roughly 100,000 gallons of fuel annually to meet the community of Tanana’s electrical needs. The current generation efficiency is roughly 13.5 kwh/gallon. This compares with utilities 3 to 5 times the size of Tanana Power. So this year, fuel was $4.06 gal, in fuel costs alone $0.30 out of every kwh sold go to pay for the fuel to produce it. The fuel cost per KWH varies with the price of fuel. At Tanana Powers efficiency with fuel at $3 per gallon the fuel cost per KWH would be $0.22. It is desired based on the results of this study to create an alternative energy project that would generate electricity at or below the fuel costs per KWH. A lofty goal, but very obtainable. This project will identify the alternative energy project costs and engineering challenges in much greater detail than a reconnaissance study allowing resources to be directed at the “best” course of action in the future for the community of Tanana. Being hands on and liking to get things done, it goes against my nature to request funds for yet another study. However, given the capital required to develop an alternative energy project it is also the most prudent course of action at this time, removing uncertain as to engineering difficulties, resources potential and developing detailed costs to avoid many of the issues which arise which cause budget over runs and even project failure. Tanana Power did not wait for the State of Alaska to make grant funds available to start pursuing alternative energy projects, the pictures supplied within this grant application demonstrate Tanana Power’s commitment to pursuing low cost energy alternatives long before the possibility of grant money became available. Enclosed as Attachment 4.2.1 are the Fuel Statistics from 2006-2008 SECTION 6 – GRANT BUDGET Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 13 of 14 9/3/2008 Tell us how much your total project costs. Include any investments to date and funding sources, how much is requested in grant funds, and additional investments you will make as an applicant. Include an estimate of budget costs by tasks using the form - GrantBudget.xls Tanana Power has already invested many man hours and funds into the exploration of alternative power. With the construction of a Paddle Wheel and exploration into Wind Generation we have already begun collecting data to determine the best possible source of alternative generation. With the approval and full support of the community Tanana Power is dedicated to reducing the cost of consumer power to the residents, an essential effort to keep the village way of life sustainable for its inhabitants. The total cost of the feasibility study is expected to be $393298.50. We are requesting $303060.00 of grant funding to continue our research. Enclosed is a detailed budget of the projected Project Costs and Monies already dedicated to the project. Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 14 of 14 9/3/2008 SECTION 7 – ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION AND CERTIFICATION SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICATION: A. Resumes of Applicant’s Project Manager, key staff, partners, consultants, and suppliers per application form Section 3.1 and 3.4 B. Cost Worksheet per application form Section 4.4.4 C. Grant Budget Form per application form Section 6. D. An electronic version of the entire application per RFA Section 1.6 E. Governing Body Resolution per RFA Section 1.4 Enclose a copy of the resolution or other formal action taken by the applicant’s governing body or management that: - authorizes this application for project funding at the match amounts indicated in the application - authorizes the individual named as point of contact to represent the applicant for purposes of this application - states the applicant is in compliance with all federal state, and local, laws including existing credit and federal tax obligations. F. CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifies that this application for a renewable energy grant is truthful and correct, and that the applicant is in compliance with, and will continue to comply with, all federal and state laws including existing credit and federal tax obligations. Print Name Signature Title Date                       Alaska Energy Authority ‐ Renewable Energy FundBUDGET INFORMATIONBUDGET SUMMARY: Tanana Power Co., Inc.Milestone or Task Federal Funds State FundsLocal Match Funds (Cash)Local Match Funds (In‐Kind)Other FundsTOTALS1 Wind $7,500.00 $22,203.40 $29,703.402 Kinetic Hydro $30,000.00 $43,035.10 $73,035.103 Traditional Hydro $215,360.00$215,360.004 Geothermal $45,200.00$45,200.005 Info Processing /Peer Review$5,000.00$5,000.006 Overall Project Management $25,000.00 $25,000.00Milestone # or Task #BUDGET CATAGORIES:1 Wind 2 Kinetic Hydro 3 Traditional Hydro 4 Geothermal5 Info Processing /Peer Review6 Overall Project Management TOTALSDirect Labor and Benefits $9,838.40 $26,906.73 $59,560.00 $3,200.00 $25,000.00 $124,505.13Travel, Meals, or Per Diem $60,000.00 $60,000.00Equipment $9,165.00 $25,328.37 $42,000.00 $76,493.37Supplies $1,000.00 $20,000.00$21,000.00Contractual Services $7,500.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $5,000.00 $92,500.00Construction Services$0.00Other Direct Costs $2,200.00$800.00$13,800.00$2,000.00$18,800.00TOTAL DIRECT CHARGES$29,703.40 $73,035.10 $215,360.00 $45,200.00 $5,000.00 $25,000.00RFA AEA09‐004 Budget Form Detailed Budget  Wind 2 Snow Machines Wet for 5 days @ $100/day 1,000.00$             1 Snow Machines/ATV Wet for 12 days @ $100/day 1,200.00$             Data processing and report generation by V3 Energy, LLC 7,500.00$             Tanana Tribal Council NRG Systems 30M Tower approximate current value. 6,000.00$             Total Wind Project Feasiliblity Costs 29,703.40$           Community Contributed Funds 22,203.40$           Requested funds to be supplied by grant 7,500.00$             Kinetic Hydro Tanana Power Contribution Material and supplies for Water Wheel construction 12,128.37$           Loaded Labor Costs for construction 16,906.73$           Gear system to take torque of wheel into high RPM (Est) 10,000.00$           TotalKinetic Hydro Fesability $         98,035.10  Community Contributed Funds 43,035.10$           Requested funds to be supplied by grant 30,000.00$           Boat for moving platform to production site and removal  $200/day wet (Insallation 1 day removal 1 day for 2 years) $               800.00  Generator and control electronics (Est) Vendor En  Current/ABS Alaska  $         20,000.00  Estimated labor required to be set up for turn key power  production  $         10,000.00  Monthly data acquisition and tower saftey check 12 man days  @ loaded Labor rate of 55.90/hr  $            5,366.40  Initial research for tower location including talking to locals  about the possible wind resources and coordination with land  holders Equipment required for putting in and removing drag turbine  from river to storage 8 hours @ $200/hr for 966 Loader, Semi  truck and Line truck (2X for two years) $            3,200.00  Tanana Power  Contributions Symphonie Logger and Sensors 3,165.00$             10 man days for Tower install and logistics Loaded labor rate  55.90/hour  $            4,472.00  Miscellaneous Supplies‐ Anchoring system, Ground wire, tools  $            1,000.00  Traditional Hydro 2 Snow Machines Wet for 14 days @ $100/day 2,800.00$             Gage Installation Transporation 55,000.00$           Equipment 40,000.00$           Labor 45,000.00$           Other Expenses 10,000.00$           Gage Removal Transporation 5,000.00$             Equipment 2,000.00$             Labor 12,000.00$           Other Expenses 1,000.00$             Preliminary Design 10,000.00$           Cost Estimate 15,000.00$           Report 15,000.00$           Total Traditional Hydro Feasiblity Costs 215,360.00$        Community Contributed Funds ‐$                       Requested funds to be supplied by grant 215,360.00$        Geothermal Cost Estimate 20,000.00$           Feasibility 20,000.00$           Trail Clearing and providing access 3,200.00$             20/hr including own chainsaw 20 man days 2 Snow Machines Wet for 10 days @ $100/day 2,000.00$             Total Traditional Hydro Feasiblity Costs 45,200.00$           Community Contributed Funds ‐$                       Requested funds to be supplied by grant 45,200.00$           Overall Project Total Project Total Project Costs 393,298.50$        Grant funds requested in this application 298,060.00$        Other Funds to be provided 95,238.50$           Total Grant Costs 393,298.50$         $         25,000.00  Project coordination and Management Tanana Power (in kind  contribution) Trail Clearing and providing access 20/hr including own  chainsaw 16 man days  $            2,560.00  Data and information processing and peer review with  economic modeling MAFA (Mark Foster) $            5,000.00   Renewable Energy Fund   RFA AEA 09-004 Application Cost Worksheet revised 9/26/08 Page 1 Application Cost Worksheet Please note that some fields might not be applicable for all technologies or all project phases. Level of information detail varies according to phase requirements. 1. Renewable Energy Source The Applicant should demonstrate that the renewable energy resource is available on a sustainable basis. Annual average resource availability. Unit depends on project type (e.g. windspeed, hydropower output, biomasss fuel) 2. Existing Energy Generation a) Basic configuration (if system is part of the Railbelt1 grid, leave this section blank) i. Number of generators/boilers/other 4 ii. Rated capacity of generators/boilers/other 1.3MW iii. Generator/boilers/other type Detroit Diesel and Caterpillar iv. Age of generators/boilers/other 2yrs/3yrs/+15yrs/+15yrs v. Efficiency of generators/boilers/other 13.5 KW/Gal b) Annual O&M cost (if system is part of the Railbelt grid, leave this section blank) i. Annual O&M cost for labor $2236.00 ii. Annual O&M cost for non-labor $1700.00 c) Annual electricity production and fuel usage (fill in as applicable) (if system is part of the Railbelt grid, leave this section blank) i. Electricity [kWh] 1250000 (Approx) ii. Fuel usage Diesel [gal] 92000 (Approx) Other ---- iii. Peak Load 275 KW iv. Average Load 135.5 KW v. Minimum Load 179 KW vi. Efficiency 13.5 KW/Gal vii. Future trends d) Annual heating fuel usage (fill in as applicable) i. Diesel [gal or MMBtu] ii. Electricity [kWh]                                                              1 The Railbelt grid connects all customers of Chugach Electric Association, Homer Electric Association, Golden  Valley Electric Association, the City of Seward Electric Department, Matanuska Electric Association and Anchorage  Municipal Light and Power.   Renewable Energy Fund   RFA AEA 09-004 Application Cost Worksheet revised 9/26/08 Page 2 iii. Propane [gal or MMBtu] iv. Coal [tons or MMBtu] v. Wood [cords, green tons, dry tons] vi. Other   3. Proposed System Design a) Installed capacity ---------------- b) Annual renewable electricity generation i. Diesel [gal or MMBtu] ------------------- ii. Electricity [kWh] ------------------- iii. Propane [gal or MMBtu] --------------------- iv. Coal [tons or MMBtu] -------------------- v. Wood [cords, green tons, dry tons] ---------------------- vi. Other --------------------- 4. Project Cost a) Total capital cost of new system ------------------------ b) Development cost ------------------------ c) Annual O&M cost of new system ------------------------ d) Annual fuel cost ------------------------- 5. Project Benefits a) Amount of fuel displaced for i. Electricity ------------------------------- ii. Heat ------------------------------- iii. Transportation ------------------------------- b) Price of displaced fuel --------------------------- c) Other economic benefits -------------------------- d) Amount of Alaska public benefits --------------------------- 6. Power Purchase/Sales Price a) Price for power purchase/sale ----------------------------  Renewable Energy Fund   RFA AEA 09-004 Application Cost Worksheet revised 9/26/08 Page 3 7. Project Analysis a) Basic Economic Analysis Project benefit/cost ratio ----------------------------------- Payback ------------------------------------                       ATTACHMENT 2.3.1 Paddle Wheel Construction                          ATTACHMENT 2.3.1 CONT. Water Paddle Construction                          ATTACHMENT 2.3.1 CONT. Paddle Wheel                    ATTACHMENT 2.3.1 CONT. Paddle Wheel Construction                          ATTACHMENT 2.3.2 Summer Site for the Wind Generation Project                         ATTACHMENT 2.3.2 CONT. Wind Generation                    ATTACHMENT 2.3.2 CONT. Wind Generation                      ATTACHMENT 3.1.1 Manager-Don Eller, Tanana Power Co. Inc Donald B. Eller was brought up in the public utility industry and since 1979, Don Eller has assisted in the installation of aerial and buried cable as well as many other functions associated with a telephone and electric company. He is familiar with most aspects of both cable and telephone outside plant, the Redcom MDX Switch, has been involved in the installation and upgrading of two complete Redcom systems, designed, built and maintains the three broadband systems/ISPs currently in operation. In 1985, Don Eller received a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (emphasis on finite element analysis of structures) from the University of Colorado, in Boulder. In the years following, he served in the Peace Corps as a water resource engineer in Thailand where he had the responsibility of working with Thai Nationals to determine and resolve water related problems. Through this experience Don was able to see firsthand the complicated issues involved in rural development. After returning from Thailand, Don Eller obtained his MBA from Alaska Pacific University in 1991, while working for YTC. He served as the graduate member of the Alaska Pacific University student government and as a member of the Alaska Commission on Post Secondary Education. Don Eller spear headed the generator automation system for Tanana Power Co. Inc. Tanana Power Co. Inc. generates and distributes power to 180 customers. The switch gear automation project consisted of automating the starting and stopping and phasing in large diesel electric generators based on community demand for electricity. Included in this project was automation of valves, control of generators, automated fueling and video surveillance. This project has lead to an increase of 13% in efficiency for electricity production in Tanana as well as removed the necessity for having an employee on site full time. At the core of the system lies a managed high speed network passing information in real time between program logic controllers, sensors, actuators, and computers. The network of this system must work flawlessly and be very secure. This project was completed and has remained operational since 1997. We currently can log in from anywhere in the world and perform maintenance and monitoring as necessary. Don Eller has spoken numerous times nationally regarding VoIP and Broadband networks. He has spoken numerous times within the state on automated control systems. While it may seem that Broadband network and automated control systems are different, in reality they are very similar. Mr. Eller's vast experience in the field of networks allow him to work on an automated control system such as Tanana Power's and then work on the broad band network which connects the automated control system to the rest of the world. Mr. Eller has installed wireless, cable and DSL broadband systems. Mr. Eller's back ground in project management as well as his long term experience in getting projects done, on time and on budget in rural Alaska make him a strategist member of the Tanana Power team involved in this project. ATTACHMENT 3.1.2 Plant Manager-Ralph Eller, Tanana Power Company Inc. Growing up the son of small business owners in bush Alaska, Ralph was exposed to the operations of Tanana Power Co. at an early age. Cliff Eller (his father), had a very young lineman’s helper while extending the village’s power lines to serve more customers, and Ralph worked for the company ever since. His bachelor of science degree from Northern Michigan University in Electronics Technology (with a minor in Business) has served him well when installing and programming the PLC- controlled automated fueling, cooling, and generator control systems that Tanana Power currently uses to provide the best fuel efficiency to its customers. Most of his education though, has been through hands-on experience gained in his 16 years working at the plant in Tanana. In the position of Plant Manager, he is responsible for what happens with the electricity in Tanana. In his tenure at TPC, he has replaced seven generators; this entailed welding cooling and exhausts systems, plumbing in fuel lines, and wiring the generators as well as the electrical controls to the engines. He has overhauled four diesel generators that were used for power production. He designed and built a new cooling system in the plant which cut down the cooling- related problems and reduced the electrical consumption of the fan motors. He has designed and built underground and aerial distribution systems to upgrade the facilities that were in place. He is also in charge of the operation of the Bulk Fuel Storage Plant, which was constructed in 2002. He is in charge of placing all of the fuel orders, take delivery of, and distributed the majority of diesel that comes to Tanana. ATTACHMENT 3.1.3 Kelly Carlisle-Operations Tech Kelly Carlisle, like most of those involved with Tanana Power has a very diverse background and skill set. Kelly attended Alaska Methodist University for years studying History. He worked in the escrow department of First National Bank of Anchorage and was directory of the Anchorage Recycling Center until running his own fishing business for 18 years. While working for with Tanana Power, Kelly has been involved in the Water Wheel and Wind Generation projects. He is also a technician for Tanana Powers affiliate companies Yukon Telephone and Supervision Inc. where he is included in all phases of both cable and telephone outside plant installation and maintenance. Kelly’s ability to acquire information and calmly process it has made him into a first –rate central office and head-end tech. ATTACHMENT 3.1.5 Don Eller Chelle Sommerville Ralph Eller Kelly Carlisle Operations Accounting Don Eller Ralph Eller Management/Ownership Operations/Accounting Current Status Spring 2009 (ending April 30, 2009) Summer 2009 (ending July 31, 2009) Fall 2009 (ending October 30, 2009) Winter 2010 (Ending January 31, 2010)Wind Permission to use land Monthly collection of dataReport on wind resource with Demob of tower and clean upTower In Place Collecting Data Monthly collection of data Economic analysis for development potentialKinetic Hydro Floating platform constructed Integration of turbine with Deployment of turbine generating Report on viablity of resource withTested and refined for one season generation system electricity and putting the electricty Economic analysis for development potentialcommunity grid.Traditional Hydro All previous work reviewed Installation of stream Interm Report on viablity of resource with Full Report on viablity of resource withProposal from PolarConsult gauging system Engineering field work Economic analysis for development potential Economic analysis for development potentialGeothermal All previous work reviewedInterm Report on viablity of resource with Full Report on viablity of resource withProposal from PolarConsult Start feasiblity report Economic analysis for development potential Economic analysis for development potentialOverallSelection most attactive cost effectiveAlternative and apply to fully fund designand construction.ATTACHMENT 3.2.1 TANANA POWER COMPANY, INC,KWH GENERATED - ATTACHMENT CFUEL & KWH STATISTICSGALLONS VALUE OF GAL CURRENT TOTAL KWH KWH GENMONTH YEAR CONSUMED CONSUMED FUEL COST GENERATED PER GAL.JANUARY 2006 10,136.0 24,721.70 2.4390 143,000 14.108129FEBRUARY 2006 8,401.0 20,490.04 2.4390 117,250 13.956672MARCH 2006 9,087.0 22,163.19 2.4390 127,200 13.998019APRIL 2006 7,925.0 19,329.08 2.4390 105,375 13.296530MAY 2006 7,099.0 17,314.46 2.4390 92,825 13.075785JUNE 2006 6,909.0 20,653.07 2.9893 91,610 13.259517JULY 2006 6,835.0 20,431.87 2.9893 90,255 13.204828AUGUST 2006 7,820.0 24,140.34 3.0870 94,928 12.139130SEPTEMBER 2006 7,279.0 22,470.27 3.0870 96,705 13.285479OCTOBER 2006 8,764.0 27,054.47 3.0870 122,035 13.924578NOVEMBER 2006 10,762.0 33,222.29 3.0870 151,740 14.099610DECEMBER 2006 10,546.0 32,555.50 3.0870 146,245 13.867343TOTALS101,563.0 284,546.29 1,379,168 13.579433 13.517968ATTACHMENT 4.2.1 TANANA POWER COMPANY, INC,KWH GENERATED - ATTACHMENT CFUEL & KWH STATISTICSGALLONS VALUE OF GAL CURRENT TOTAL KWH KWH GENMONTH YEAR CONSUMED CONSUMED FUEL COST GENERATED PER GAL.JANUARY 2007 10,096.0 31,166.35 3.0870 150,700 14.926704FEBRUARY 2007 9,272.0 28,622.66 3.0870 128,070 13.812554MARCH 2007 10,774.0 33,259.34 3.0870 146,100 13.560423APRIL 2007 8,577.0 26,477.20 3.0870 116,200 13.547861MAY 2007 7,446.0 22,985.80 3.0870 97,340 13.072791JUNE 2007 5,852.0 18,065.12 3.0870 81,860 13.988380JULY 2007 5,648.0 17,435.38 3.0870 80,220 14.203258AUGUST 2007 5,617.0 15,545.05 2.7675 78,650 14.002136SEPTEMBER 2007 6,859.0 18,982.28 2.7675 97,480 14.211984OCTOBER 2007 8,840.0 24,464.70 2.7675 117,370 13.277149NOVEMBER 2007 8,330.0 23,053.28 2.7675 116,240 13.954382DECEMBER 2007 10,037.0 27,777.40 2.7675 140,080 13.956361TOTALS97,348.0 287,834.56 1,350,310 13.870958 13.876165ATTACHMENT 4.2.1 CONT. TANANA POWER COMPANY, INC.KWH GENERATED - ATTACHMENT CFUEL & KWH STATISTICSGALLONS VALUE OF GAL CURRENT TOTAL KWH KWH GENMONTH YEAR CONSUMED CONSUMED FUEL COST GENERATED PER GAL.JANUARY 2008 9,964.0 27,575.37 2.7675 136,760 13.725411FEBRUARY 2008 9,465.0 26,194.39 2.7675 122,008 12.890438MARCH 2008 9,501.0 26,294.02 2.7675 114,277 12.027892APRIL 2008 7,883.0 21,816.20 2.7675 98,675 12.517443MAY 2008 6,685.0 18,500.74 2.7675 86,980 13.011219JUNE 2008 5,269.0 14,581.96 2.7675 75,585 14.345227JULY 2008 5,775.0 15,982.31 2.7675 79,437 13.755325AUGUST 2008 5,707.0 23,141.89 4.0550 80,238 14.059576SEPTEMBER 2008 6,141.0 24,901.76 4.0550 86,125 14.024589OCTOBER 2008 7,897.0 32,022.34 4.0550 106,250 13.454476NOVEMBER 2007 8,330.0 23,053.28 2.7675 116,240 13.954382DECEMBER 2007 10,037.0 27,777.40 2.7675 140,080 13.956361TOTALS92,654.0 281,841.63 1,242,655 13.411779 13.476862ATTACHMENT 4.2.1 CONT. TANANA POWER CO., INC.2006 REVENUE BREAKDOWNTOTAL % OF COMM % OF RES % OF ST. LITE % OF COMM COMM RES RES ST. LITE ST. LITE R CMONTH KWH TOTAL KWH TOTAL KWH TOTAL KWH TOTAL TOTAL ENERGY SURCHRGE ENERGY SURCHRGE ENERGY SURCHG KWHPEAK DEMANDJANUARY 132458 100% 81,463 61.50% 49,523 37.39% 1472 1.11%MONTH ADJUST ADJUST ADJUST ADJUST ADJUST ADJUST ADJUST ADJUST MONTH KWHFEBRUARY 107765 100% 69,179 64.19% 37,114 34.44% 1472 1.37% JANUARY $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 JAN = 259.0MARCH 116698 100% 72,859 62.43% 42,367 36.30% 1472 1.26% FEBRUARY $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 FEB = 260.10APRIL 97242 100% 61,646 63.39% 34,124 35.09% 1472 1.51% MARCH $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MAR = 236.30MAY 85385 100% 53,532 62.69% 30,381 35.58% 1472 1.72% APRIL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 APR = 187.30JUNE 84713 100% 50,772 59.93% 32,469 38.33% 1472 1.74% MAY $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MAY = 204.30JULY 83184 100% 47077 56.59% 34635 41.64% 1472 1.77% JUNE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 JUN = 217.00AUGUST 76950 100% 41,315 53.69% 34,163 44.40% 1472 1.91% JULY -$341.86 -$302.28 -$39.58 $0.00 $0.00 -540 JUL = 199.00SEPTEMBER 84043 100% 47,398 56.40% 35,173 41.85% 1472 1.75% AUGUST -$1,778.32 -$928.34 -$316.23 -$442.06 -$91.69 $0.00 $0.00 -467 -2,200 AUG = 202.00OCTOBER 112062 100% 67,818 60.52% 42,772 38.17% 1472 1.31% SEPTEMBER $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SEPT = 215.00NOVEMBER 140729 100% 88,557 62.93% 50,636 35.98% 1536 1.09% OCTOBER -$1,348.01 -$1,035.63 -$312.38 $0.00 $0.00 -553 -3,090 OCT = 245.00DECEMBER 134972 100% 85,079 63.03% 48,421 35.87% 1472 1.09% NOVEMBER -$223.23 -$189.07 -$34.16 $0.00 $0.00 -405 NOV = 300.00ADJUSTMENTS -7255 100% -5,695 78.50% -1,560 21.50% 0.00% DECEMBER -$34.16 -$34.16 $0.00 $0.00 DEC = 297.00TOTAL 1248946 100% 761000 60.93% 470218 37.65% 17728 1.42% TOTAL -$3,725.58 -$2,153.04 -$316.23 -$1,125.04 -$131.27 $0.00 $0.00 -1,560 -5,695 (LESS SURCHARGE BILLED &ADJUSTMENTS) TOTAL # COMM RES ST LITETOTAL % OF COMM % OF RES % OF ST. LITE % OF TOTAL COMM RES ST. LITE MONTH CUST. CUST. CUST. CUST.MONTH $$$ TOTAL $$$ TOTAL $$$ TOTAL $$$ TOTAL MONTH $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$JANUARY 177 20 156 1JANUARY 66,233.25$ 100.00% 37,892.20$ 57.21% 27,505.81$ 41.53% 835.24$ 1.26% JANUARY $84,818.29 $49,322.18 $34,454.34 $1,041.77 FEBRUARY 173 20 152 1FEBRUARY 54,213.98$ 100.00% 32,320.89$ 59.62% 21,057.85$ 38.84% 835.24$ 1.54% FEBRUARY $65,832.02 $39,779.03 $25,059.06 $993.93 MARCH 174 20 153 1 MARCH 58,551.34$ 100.00% 33,985.31$ 58.04% 23,730.79$ 40.53% 835.24$ 1.43% MARCH $71,132.42 $41,840.19 $28,298.30 $993.93 APRIL 173 20 152 1APRIL 49,378.81$ 100.00% 29,002.09$ 58.73% 19,541.48$ 39.57% 835.24$ 1.69% APRIL $59,862.39 $35,648.07 $23,220.39 $993.93 MAY 177 20 156 1MAY 43,688.51$ 100.00% 25,329.93$ 57.98% 17,523.34$ 40.11% 835.24$ 1.91% MAY $49,948.04 $29,254.31 $19,750.58 $943.15 JUNE 180 20 159 1JUNE 43,584.98$ 100.00% 24,154.63$ 55.42% 18,595.11$ 42.66% 835.24$ 1.92% JUNE $49,795.21 $27,876.67 $20,975.39 $943.15 JULY 181 20 160 1JULY 43,171.98$ 100.00% 22,386.90$ 51.86% 19,949.84$ 46.21% 835.24$ 1.93% JULY $47,710.13 $24,593.49 $22,173.49 $943.15 AUGUST 187 21 165 1AUGUST 41,626.54$ 100.00% 20,934.49$ 50.29% 19,856.81$ 47.70% 835.24$ 2.01% AUGUST $53,819.57 $27,907.73 $24,842.69 $1,069.15 SEPTEMBER 183 20 162 1SEPTEMBER 43,549.40$ 100.00% 22,575.16$ 51.84% 20,139.00$ 46.24% 835.24$ 1.92% SEPTEMBER $55,863.90 $29,071.53 $25,723.22 $1,069.15 OCTOBER 188 21 166 1OCTOBER 56,639.48$ 100.00% 31,739.84$ 56.04% 24,064.40$ 42.49% 835.24$ 1.47% OCTOBER $72,519.43 $41,036.16 $30,414.12 $1,069.15 NOVEMBER 180 20 159 1 NOVEMBER 67,670.82$ 100.00% 39,587.01$ 58.50% 27,248.57$ 40.27% 835.24$ 1.23% NOVEMBER $90,849.85 $54,047.74 $35,703.59 $1,098.52 DECEMBER 176 20 155 1DECEMBER 65,402.87$ 100.00% 38,306.82$ 58.57% 26,260.81$ 40.15% 835.24$ 1.28% DECEMBER $87,791.92 $52,367.32 $34,337.05 $1,087.55 TOTAL 2149 242 1895 12TOTAL 633,711.96$ 100.00% 358,215.27$ 56.53% 265,473.81$ 41.89% 10,022.88$ 1.58% TOTAL $789,943.17 $452,744.42 $324,952.22 $12,246.53 TOTAL % OF COMM % OF RES % OF ST. LITE % OF TOTAL TPC WSTEHT CONTROL FANS/ FUELMONTH SURCHGE TOTAL SURCHGE TOTAL SURCHGE TOTAL SURCHGE TOTAL MONTH CO KWH KWH KWH MODULE WELDER SHEDJANUARY 18,585.04$ 100.00% 11,429.98$ 61.50% 6,948.53$ 37.39% 206.53$ 1.11% JANUARY 0FEBRUARY 11,618.04$ 100.00% 7,458.14$ 64.19% 4,001.21$ 34.44% 158.69$ 1.37% FEBRUARY 0MARCH 12,581.08$ 100.00% 7,854.88$ 62.43% 4,567.51$ 36.30% 158.69$ 1.26% MARCH 0APRIL 10,483.58$ 100.00% 6,645.98$ 63.39% 3,678.91$ 35.09% 158.69$ 1.51% APRIL 0MAY 6,259.53$ 100.00% 3,924.38$ 62.69% 2,227.24$ 35.58% 107.91$ 1.72% MAY 0JUNE 6,210.23$ 100.00% 3,722.04$ 59.93% 2,380.28$ 38.33% 107.91$ 1.74% JUNE 0JULY 6,124.58$ 100.00% 3,451.16$ 56.35% 2,565.51$ 41.89% 107.91$ 1.76% JULY 0AUGUST 12,726.78$ 100.00% 6,973.24$ 54.79% 5,519.63$ 43.37% 233.91$ 1.84% AUGUST 0SEPTEMBER 13,350.13$ 100.00% 7,532.00$ 56.42% 5,584.22$ 41.83% 233.91$ 1.75% SEPTEMBER 2,822 2,220 80 252 120 150OCTOBER 17,227.96$ 100.00% 10,331.95$ 59.97% 6,662.10$ 38.67% 233.91$ 1.36% OCTOBER 3,648 2,800 295 260 173 120NOVEMBER 23,402.26$ 100.00% 14,649.80$ 62.60% 8,489.18$ 36.28% 263.28$ 1.13% NOVEMBER 4,200 3,090 616 250 154 90DECEMBER 22,423.21$ 100.00% 14,060.50$ 62.71% 8,110.40$ 36.17% 252.31$ 1.13% DECEMBER 4,155 3,050 641 260 154 50TOTAL 160,992.42$ 100.00% 98,034.05$ 60.89% 60,734.72$ 37.73% 2,223.65$ 1.38% TOTAL 14,825 11,160 1,632 1,022 601 410 ATTACHMENT 4.2.3 TANANA POWER CO., INC.2007 REVENUE BREAKDOWNTOTAL % OF COMM % OF RES % OF ST. LITE % OF COMM COMM RES RES ST. LITE ST. LITE R CMONTH KWH TOTAL KWH TOTAL KWH TOTAL KWH TOTAL TOTAL ENERGY SURCHRGE ENERGY SURCHRGE ENERGY SURCHG KWHPEAK DEMANDJANUARY 138473 100% 88,437 63.87% 48,500 35.02% 1536 1.11%MONTH ADJUST ADJUST ADJUST ADJUST ADJUST ADJUST ADJUST ADJUST MONTH KWHFEBRUARY 118195 100% 78,806 66.67% 37,853 32.03% 1536 1.30% JANUARY $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 JAN = 259.0MARCH 136168 100% 89,122 65.45% 45,510 33.42% 1536 1.13% FEBRUARY $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 FEB = 483.00APRIL 106831 100% 66,661 62.40% 38,634 36.16% 1536 1.44% MARCH $34.16 $34.16 $0.00 $0.00 1 MAR = 238.00MAY 89451 100% 55,451 61.99% 32,464 36.29% 1536 1.72% APRIL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 APR = 238.00JUNE 74872 100% 43,375 57.93% 29,961 40.02% 1536 2.05% MAY $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MAY = 234.00JULY 73499 100% 38744 52.71% 33,219 45.20% 1536 2.09% JUNE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 JUN = 178.00AUGUST 71095 100% 39,448 55.49% 29,983 42.17% 1664 2.34% JULY $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 JUL = 164.00SEPTEMBER 87881 100% 51,823 58.97% 34,394 39.14% 1664 1.89% AUGUST $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 AUG = 174.00OCTOBER 107106 100% 65,170 60.85% 40,272 37.60% 1664 1.55% SEPTEMBER $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SEPT = 232.00NOVEMBER 106410 100% 69,221 65.05% 35,525 33.39% 1664 1.56% OCTOBER $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 OCT = 276.00DECEMBER 127192 100% 79,777 62.72% 45,751 35.97% 1664 1.31% NOVEMBER -$34.16 -$34.16 $0.00 $0.00 0 NOV = 250.00ADJUSTMENTS 1 100% 0 0.00% 1 100.00% 0.00% DECEMBER $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 DEC = 273.00TOTAL 1237174 100% 766035 61.92% 452067 36.54% 19072 1.54% TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1 0 (LESS SURCHARGE BILLED &ADJUSTMENTS) TOTAL # COMM RES ST LITETOTAL % OF COMM % OF RES % OF ST. LITE % OF TOTAL COMM RES ST. LITE MONTH CUST. CUST. CUST. CUST.MONTH $$$ TOTAL $$$ TOTAL $$$ TOTAL $$$ TOTAL MONTH $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$JANUARY 167 19 147 1JANUARY 66,570.40$ 100.00% 39,463.80$ 59.28% 26,271.36$ 39.46% 835.24$ 1.25% JANUARY $89,460.21 $53,967.92 $34,393.77 $1,098.52 FEBRUARY 171 20 150 1FEBRUARY 56,931.53$ 100.00% 35,210.78$ 61.85% 20,885.51$ 36.69% 835.24$ 1.47% FEBRUARY $76,422.56 $48,113.78 $27,210.26 $1,098.52 MARCH 171 20 150 1 MARCH 65,092.38$ 100.00% 39,559.44$ 60.77% 24,697.70$ 37.94% 835.24$ 1.28% MARCH $83,447.88 $51,459.06 $30,938.53 $1,050.29 APRIL 170 18 151 1APRIL 51,137.43$ 100.00% 29,319.54$ 57.33% 20,982.65$ 41.03% 835.24$ 1.63% APRIL $65,389.98 $38,116.44 $26,223.25 $1,050.29 MAY 177 19 157 1MAY 43,370.09$ 100.00% 24,510.06$ 56.51% 18,024.79$ 41.56% 835.24$ 1.93% MAY $54,227.30 $31,156.58 $22,038.40 $1,032.32 JUNE 180 19 160 1JUNE 37,227.08$ 100.00% 19,328.06$ 51.92% 17,063.78$ 45.84% 835.24$ 2.24% JUNE $46,372.16 $24,526.50 $20,813.34 $1,032.32 JULY 179 18 160 1JULY 36,600.01$ 100.00% 17,090.79$ 46.70% 18,673.98$ 51.02% 835.24$ 2.28% JULY $45,529.26 $21,665.51 $22,831.43 $1,032.32 AUGUST 182 18 163 1AUGUST 35,743.76$ 100.00% 17,850.18$ 49.94% 17,058.34$ 47.72% 835.24$ 2.34% AUGUST $47,639.65 $24,359.95 $22,153.41 $1,126.29 SEPTEMBER 172 16 155 1SEPTEMBER 42,940.95$ 100.00% 23,019.35$ 53.61% 19,086.36$ 44.45% 835.24$ 1.95% SEPTEMBER $57,618.96 $31,583.42 $24,909.25 $1,126.29 OCTOBER 180 17 162 1OCTOBER 51,662.20$ 100.00% 28,660.09$ 55.48% 22,166.87$ 42.91% 835.24$ 1.62% OCTOBER $69,548.70 $39,387.25 $29,035.16 $1,126.29 NOVEMBER 177 17 159 1 NOVEMBER 51,214.66$ 100.00% 30,604.55$ 59.76% 19,774.87$ 38.61% 835.24$ 1.63% NOVEMBER $68,966.15 $42,071.76 $25,768.10 $1,126.29 DECEMBER 176 17 158 1DECEMBER 60,838.33$ 100.00% 35,077.78$ 57.66% 24,925.31$ 40.97% 835.24$ 1.37% DECEMBER $73,604.02 $43,000.92 $29,592.63 $1,010.47 TOTAL 2102 218 1872 12TOTAL 599,328.82$ 100.00% 339,694.42$ 56.68% 249,611.52$ 41.65% 10,022.88$ 1.67% TOTAL $778,226.83 $449,409.09 $315,907.53 $12,910.21 TOTAL % OF COMM % OF RES % OF ST. LITE % OF TOTAL TPC WSTEHT CONTROL FANS/ FUELMONTH SURCHGE TOTAL SURCHGE TOTAL SURCHGE TOTAL SURCHGE TOTAL MONTH CO KWH KWH KWH MODULE WELDER SHEDJANUARY 22,889.81$ 100.00% 14,504.12$ 63.36% 8,122.41$ 35.48% 263.28$ 1.15% JANUARY 4,934 3,820 629 263 162 60FEBRUARY 19,491.03$ 100.00% 12,903.00$ 66.20% 6,324.75$ 32.45% 263.28$ 1.35% FEBRUARY 4,484 3,530 514 237 133 70MARCH 18,321.34$ 100.00% 11,899.62$ 64.95% 6,206.67$ 33.88% 215.05$ 1.17% MARCH 5,158 4,130 523 260 175 70APRIL 14,252.55$ 100.00% 8,796.90$ 61.72% 5,240.60$ 36.77% 215.05$ 1.51% APRIL 5,032 3,830 744 250 158 50MAY 10,857.21$ 100.00% 6,646.52$ 61.22% 4,013.61$ 36.97% 197.08$ 1.82% MAY 4,833 3,650 548 260 155 220JUNE 9,145.08$ 100.00% 5,198.44$ 56.84% 3,749.56$ 41.00% 197.08$ 2.16% JUNE 3,598 2,860 10 250 128 350JULY 8,929.25$ 100.00% 4,574.72$ 51.23% 4,157.45$ 46.56% 197.08$ 2.21% JULY 3,907 3,090 11 274 142 390AUGUST 11,895.89$ 100.00% 6,509.77$ 54.72% 5,095.07$ 42.83% 291.05$ 2.45% AUGUST 3,083 2,230 14 350 139 350SEPTEMBER 14,678.01$ 100.00% 8,564.07$ 58.35% 5,822.89$ 39.67% 291.05$ 1.98% SEPTEMBER 3,963 2,860 241 359 153 350OCTOBER 17,886.50$ 100.00% 10,727.16$ 59.97% 6,868.29$ 38.40% 291.05$ 1.63% OCTOBER 4,844 3,840 349 354 201 100NOVEMBER 17,785.65$ 100.00% 11,467.21$ 64.47% 6,027.39$ 33.89% 291.05$ 1.64% NOVEMBER 4,725 3,660 475 330 150 110DECEMBER 12,765.69$ 100.00% 7,923.14$ 62.07% 4,667.32$ 36.56% 175.23$ 1.37% DECEMBER 5,971 4,540 426 363 182 460TOTAL 178,898.01$ 100.00% 109,714.67$ 61.33% 66,296.01$ 37.06% 2,887.33$ 1.61% TOTAL 54,532 42,040 4,484 3,550 1,878 2580 ATTACHMENT 4.2.3 CONT. TANANA POWER CO., INC.2008 REVENUE BREAKDOWNTOTAL % OF COMM % OF RES % OF ST. LITE % OFCOMM COMM RES RES ST. LIGHT ST. LIGHT R CMONTH KWH TOTAL KWH TOTAL KWH TOTAL KWH TOTAL TOTAL ENERGY SURCHRGE ENERGY SURCHRGE ENERGY SURCHG KWHPEAK DEMANDJANUARY 124517 100% 78,683 63.19% 44,170 35.47% 1664 1.34%MONTH ADJUST ADJUST ADJUST ADJUST ADJUST ADJUST ADJUST ADJUST MONTH KWHFEBRUARY 111647 100% 72,187 64.66% 37,796 33.85% 1664 1.49%JANUARY $0.00$0.00 $0.00 JAN = 259.0MARCH 104294 100% 36,629 35.12% 66,001 63.28% 1664 1.60% FEBRUARY $0.00$0.00 $0.00 FEB = 275.00APRIL 89316 100% 56,118 62.83% 31,534 35.31% 1664 1.86% MARCH $34.16$34.16 $0.00 $0.00 1 MAR = 236.00MAY 78725 100% 48,606 61.74% 28,455 36.14% 1664 2.11% APRIL $0.00$0.00 $0.00 APR = 231.00JUNE 68008 100% 38,616 56.78% 27,728 40.77% 1664 2.45% MAY $0.00$0.00 $0.00 MAY = 202.00JULY 71916 100% 40,735 56.64% 29,517 41.04% 1664 2.31% JUNE $0.00$0.00 $0.00 JUN = 179.00AUGUST 73148 100% 42,605 58.24% 28,879 39.48% 1664 2.27% JULY $1,090.34$884.53 $205.81$0.00 $0.00 1,900 JUL = 208.00SEPTEMBER 76855 100% 46,036 59.90% 29,155 37.94% 1664 2.17%AUGUST $0.00$0.00 $0.00 AUG = 180.00OCTOBER 96148 100% 57,464 59.77% 37,020 38.50% 1664 1.73% SEPTEMBER $0.00$0.00 $0.00 SEPT = 221.00NOVEMBER 0 #DIV/0! 0 #DIV/0! 0 #DIV/0! 0 #DIV/0! OCTOBER $0.00$0.00 $0.00 OCT = 238.00DECEMBER 0 #DIV/0! 0 #DIV/0! 0 #DIV/0! 0 #DIV/0! NOVEMBER $0.00$0.00 $0.00 NOV = 0.00ADJUSTMENTS #DIV/0! 1,900 #DIV/0! 1 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! DECEMBER $0.00$0.00 $0.00 DEC = 0.00TOTAL 894574 100% 519579 58.08% 360256 40.27% 16640 1.86% TOTAL $1,124.50 $884.53 $205.81 $34.16 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1 1,900 (LESS SURCHARGE BILLED &ADJUSTMENTS)TOTAL # COMM RES ST LITETOTAL % OF COMM % OF RES % OF ST. LITE % OF TOTAL COMM RES ST. LITE MONTH CUST. CUST. CUST. CUST.MONTH $$$ TOTAL $$$ TOTAL $$$ TOTAL $$$ TOTAL MONTH $$$ $$$ $$$$$$JANUARY 176 17 158 1JANUARY 59,361.83$ 100.00% 34,698.61$ 58.45% 23,827.98$ 40.14% 835.24$ 1.41% JANUARY $71,815.58 $42,546.55 $28,258.56 $1,010.47 FEBRUARY 170 17 152 1FEBRUARY 53,260.87$ 100.00% 31,830.60$ 59.76% 20,595.03$ 38.67% 835.24$ 1.57% FEBRUARY $64,425.41 $39,039.73 $24,375.21 $1,010.47 MARCH 169 35 133 1 MARCH 50,138.39$ 100.00% 16,221.46$ 32.35% 33,081.69$ 65.98% 835.24$ 1.67% MARCH $60,626.36 $19,737.62 $39,878.27 $1,010.47 APRIL 171 17 153 1APRIL 43,295.76$ 100.00% 24,820.78$ 57.33% 17,639.74$ 40.74% 835.24$ 1.93% APRIL $52,188.17 $30,365.08 $20,812.62 $1,010.47 MAY 175 17 157 1MAY 38,205.04$ 100.00% 21,335.99$ 55.85% 16,033.81$ 41.97% 835.24$ 2.19% MAY $45,956.62 $26,077.61 $18,868.54 $1,010.47 JUNE 179 19 159 1JUNE 34,029.28$ 100.00% 17,467.67$ 51.33% 15,726.37$ 46.21% 835.24$ 2.45% JUNE $41,880.54 $22,345.54 $18,524.53 $1,010.47 JULY 172 18 153 1JULY 35,539.42$ 100.00% 18,068.98$ 50.84% 16,635.20$ 46.81% 835.24$ 2.35% JULY $42,691.78 $22,032.29 $19,649.02 $1,010.47 AUGUST 174 18 155 1AUGUST 36,365.32$ 100.00% 19,209.56$ 52.82% 16,320.52$ 44.88% 835.24$ 2.30% AUGUST $46,869.17 $25,256.24 $20,527.24 $1,085.69 SEPTEMBER 161 16 144 1SEPTEMBER 37,789.09$ 100.00% 20,598.78$ 54.51% 16,355.07$ 43.28% 835.24$ 2.21% SEPTEMBER $48,834.84 $27,145.36 $20,603.79$1,085.69 OCTOBER 171 17 153 1OCTOBER 46,729.22$ 100.00% 25,403.67$ 54.36% 20,490.31$ 43.85% 835.24$ 1.79% OCTOBER $60,574.15 $33,584.44 $25,904.02 $1,085.69 NOVEMBER 0 0 0 0 NOVEMBER -$ #DIV/0! -$ #DIV/0! -$ #DIV/0! -$ #DIV/0! NOVEMBER $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 DECEMBER 0 0 0 0DECEMBER -$ #DIV/0! -$ #DIV/0! -$ #DIV/0! -$ #DIV/0! DECEMBER $12,453.75 $7,847.94 $4,430.58 $175.23 TOTAL 1718 191 1517 10TOTAL 434,714.22$ 100.00% 229,656.10$ 52.83% 196,705.72$ 45.25% 8,352.40$ 1.92% TOTAL $548,316.37 $295,978.40 $241,832.38 $10,505.59 TOTAL % OF COMM % OF RES % OF ST. LITE % OF TOTAL TPC WSTEHTCONTROL FANS/ FUELMONTH SURCHGE TOTAL SURCHGE TOTAL SURCHGE TOTAL SURCHGE TOTAL MONTH CO KWH KWH KWH MODULE WELDER SHEDJANUARY 12,453.75$ 100.00% 7,847.94$ 63.02% 4,430.58$ 35.58% 175.23$ 1.41% JANUARY 6,258 4,160 474 350 174 1,100FEBRUARY 11,164.54$ 100.00% 7,209.13$ 64.57% 3,780.18$ 33.86% 175.23$ 1.57% FEBRUARY 5,630 3,730 203 330 267 1,100MARCH 10,453.81$ 100.00% 3,516.16$ 33.64% 6,762.42$ 64.69% 175.23$ 1.68% MARCH 5,025 3,240 140 356 279 1,010APRIL 8,892.41$ 100.00% 5,544.30$ 62.35% 3,172.88$ 35.68% 175.23$ 1.97% APRIL 4,874 3,470 242 343 189 630MAY 7,751.58$ 100.00% 4,741.62$ 61.17% 2,834.73$ 36.57% 175.23$ 2.26% MAY 5,117 3,580 277 353 167 740JUNE 6,760.92$ 100.00% 3,787.53$ 56.02% 2,798.16$ 41.39% 175.23$ 2.59% JUNE 3,814 2,650 12 347 155 650JULY 7,152.36$ 100.00% 3,963.31$ 55.41% 3,013.82$ 42.14% 175.23$ 2.45% JULY 3,998 3,100 11 305 162 420AUGUST 10,503.85$ 100.00% 6,046.68$ 57.57% 4,206.72$ 40.05% 250.45$ 2.38% AUGUST 3,359 2,430 11 408 140 370SEPTEMBER 11,045.75$ 100.00% 6,546.58$ 59.27% 4,248.72$ 38.46% 250.45$ 2.27% SEPTEMBER 3,466 2,540 170 347 149 260OCTOBER 13,844.93$ 100.00% 8,180.77$ 59.09% 5,413.71$ 39.10% 250.45$ 1.81% OCTOBER 4,161 3,110 385 341 195 130NOVEMBER -$ #DIV/0! -$ #DIV/0! -$ #DIV/0! -$ #DIV/0! NOVEMBER 0 0 0 0 0 0DECEMBER 12,453.75$ 100.00% 7,847.94$ 63.02% 4,430.58$ 35.58% 175.23$ 1.41% DECEMBER 0 0 0 0 0 0TOTAL 112,477.65$ 100.00% 65,231.96$ 58.00% 45,092.50$ 40.09% 2,153.19$ 1.91% TOTAL 45,702 32,010 1,925 3,480 1,877 6410 ATTACHMENT 4.2.3 CONT. ICE-THERMAL RESERVOIR REGIMEN DURING FIRST YEARS OF OPERATION OF THE KRASNOYARSK HYDROELECTRIC PLANT Yu. A. Grigor'ev and N. M. Sokol'nikov UDC 627.81:556.535.4/5 Filling of the reservoir at the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric plant began in 1967. According to the original predic- tions of the hydrometeorological service, 1967 was to be a very dry year with early passage of the floods. For this reason it was decided to fill the reservoir by using the spring-summer floods. Filling started on April 18. The rise of the water level in the reservoir reached 0.5-1.0 m/day. During the period between April 18 and July 1 the water level rose 51.5 m (Fig. 1). At the end of June. the hydrologic situation had changed in the Enisei River. In July, the flows increased sharply as a result of heavy rains. Further rise of the water level in the reservoir was impossible because of insuf- ficient dam height. At the end of June the eight low-level outlets, which measured 5x 5 m each, were opened and discharged a total of 6100 mS/sec. Filling of the reservoir was slowed down. With decrease of the inflow, some of the low-level outlets were closed at the beginning of September. On November 4, 1967, the water in the reservoir reached its maximum level at El. 114.65 m, capacity, 30.2 km 3. In connection with putting into operation two units and reduction of the inflow, water was withdrawn for the first time from the reservoir, By January 1, 1968, the level had dropped to El. 112.6 m, that is, by 2 m. In 1967, the runoff in the Enisei River was 96 km s, the volume in May-June being 36 km s and in July-September, 40 km 3. Thus, the reservoir was filled with flood waters having a comparatively high temperature (Table 1). During the summer period, heat reserves exceeding the usual for deep reservoirs were accumulated in the Krasnoyarsk reservoir. These conditions affected to a significant extent the temperature regimen of the water at the upstream and down- stream sides of the Krasnoyarsk plant during the first year of operation, A result of the greater heat reserves in the reservoir was the slow drop in the mean water temperature during the fall period at a site close to the dam. Thus, not until the end of December did the water temperature at the 12.0 m 110 r 8o 80 / / [ ! 1 70 ~/msAe~~ ,2 80 - eooo~ ~' -" r " 0 -- ' i;"'-"- Fig. 1. Reservoir water levels (1) and overflows (2) during 1967. surface upstream from the dam drop to zero and the sur- rounding portion freeze. According to data from the thermal sections, during the same period the water temperature in the bottom layers was over 3~ At the end of 1967, the reservoir was frozen over between the vanishing point of the backwater curve and the dam. An ice cover was observed on December 2 at the Novoselovo and Primorsk settlements, on December 14 at a distance of 35 km from the dam, on December IS at a distance of 26 km from the dam, on December 21 at the mouth of the Biryns River, and on December 26 at the dam. The same characteristics and similar periods were observed in the following years. Freezing-over of the reservoir started with the devel- opment of ice strips at the banks and freezing of thinbroken ice into a thin ice crust. The surface of the ice cover was continuous and smooth. An unfrozen patch of water measuring 50 • 100 m remained in front of the intake openings for the plant operating units. The large heat reserves in the reservoir caused a freezing lag of over one Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. I0, pp. 30-32, October, 1973. 960 CGU HS Committee on River Ice Processes and the Environment 14th Workshop on the Hydraulics of Ice Covered Rivers Quebec City, June 19 - 22, 2007 FRAZIL ICE CONCERNS FOR CHANNELS, PUMP-LINES, PENSTOCKS, SIPHONS, AND TUNNELS IN MOUNTAINOUS REGIONS Robert Ettema and Gokhan Kirkil Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, and IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA 52242 robert-ettema@uiowa.edu, gokhan-kirkil@uiowa.edu This paper discusses frazil ice concerns associated with water-conveyance systems located in mountainous regions. Such systems commonly comprise open-water channels (or reservoirs) linked to pressurized conduits (pump-lines, penstocks, siphons, and tunnels) that pass water down, up, over, or through steep terrain. The discussion addresses fundamental aspects of frazil formation and behavior in flows undergoing substantial pressure changes. An important consideration for such flows is that increased pressure depresses the freezing temperature of water. As flow pressure subsequently decreases (e.g., on passing through a turbine, or rising up a pump-line), water may become super-cooled and prone to form frazil. The melting of ice entering a pressurized conduit (e.g., a penstock) can cool water flowing through the conduit. Such cooling may occur even when there is no heat loss through the conduits wall. It is well known that water-conveyance systems in cold regions are prone to significant frazil-blockage problems at entrance trash-racks. Less well known, however, are that some pressurized conduits also are at risk of accumulating frazil within themselves, and others may disgorge bolus accumulations of frazil, possibly mixed with other ice, that then create blockage problems at a downstream section. Several case-studies are used to illustrate situations where frazil has posed problems for penstocks, siphons, and tunnels in mountainous regions. 1. Introduction A noteworthy feature of water conveyance systems located in steep mountainous regions is the combined use of open-channel and pressurized conduits. The combinations occur in the form of reservoirs and channels linked to one or more of the following conveyance-structure components: i. hydropower penstocks and turbines; ii. pump-lines; iii. siphons (inverted and regular); and, iv. water-diversion tunnels. Such conveyance components commonly comprise critical parts of water-conveyance systems that divert water from streams, and reservoirs in mountainous terrain. Figure 1 illustrates, for instance, a small canal conveying water to a tunnel at a water-diversion project in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California. Siphons and tunnels enable water to be conveyed across, or through, steep terrain. Penstocks precipitously drop water down to hydropower turbines set a lower elevation. Pumps enable water to be lifted to higher elevations. Though these conveyance components are fairly common, there is little information about their performance in mountainous terrain subject to frigid-weather conditions and, thereby, to ice. Figure 1. A small canal conveying water to a tunnel in mountainous terrain Of particular concern are problems attributable to frazil. It can form in several situations. The lower air temperatures and higher wind in mountainous regions may cause water in mountain streams and reservoirs to cool more quickly than at lower elevations, thereby creating conditions hastening ice formation. Consequently, pump intakes, penstocks, siphons, and tunnels linked to mountain streams and reservoirs frequently convey frigid water during winter; the severity of conditions requires that some systems be drained during such winter. The concern for frazil formation is aggravated by the swift and turbulent flow conditions prevailing in many mountain streams and rivers. Further, flow pressures in water-conveyance conduits flowing full can vary over several orders of magnitude, and thereby alter the freezing temperature of water. Together, these aspects of water flow produce situations where frazil may form in sufficient concentrations as to pose difficulties for water-conveyance systems in mountainous terrain. This paper outlines and discusses the difficulties posed by frazil and other ice forms, including snow; mountainous regions often experience relatively large amounts of snow, as well as colder air. There is scant literature on water-conveyance systems in frigid mountainous regions. Though Gemperline (1990) and Billfalk (1992) usefully summarizes ice considerations in the design and operation of water intakes for hydropower facilities, and Daly (1991) does the same for water intakes generally, none of these papers tackles the ice issues complicating the overall performance of conveyance systems subject to substantial pressure variations. Gilpin’s comprehensive work on freezing of water flow in pipes flows (e.g., Gilpin 1981) gives useful insights, but only for small-bore pipes and modest pressure variation. Several anecdotal accounts, and sundry ad-hoc reports, however, indicate that larger-scale conveyance components in mountainous regions can encounter significant problems attributable to frazil ice and snow (e.g., Ettema 2005). 2. Variation of Freezing Temperature with Pressure Blockage of water intake trash-racks by frazil and other ice forms is a well-known problem (e.g., Gemperline 1990, Daly 1991). Frazil accumulation can block the trash rack at the entrance to a penstock, pump-intake, siphon, and tunnel, as well as within them. Also, blockages may lead to overflow and further jamming of approach channels or pipes. Less well known are the ice problems attributable the changes in freezing temperature associated with the substantial pressure changes that water flows in pressurized conduits may undergo. The principal factor to be considered in this regard is the depression of freezing temperature as water pressure increases. This trend is illustrated in the phase diagram of water (Figure 2). Figure 2. A portion of the phase diagram of water (T.P. is the triple point for water) Pressure variation may delay or hasten freezing, and it may reconstitute ice pieces passing with water through pressurized conduits. The variation of melting/freezing temperature with gage pressure can be expressed, from the Clapyeron equation for ice-water, F F F dH dVTdP dT = [1] in which TF is freezing temperature, P is pressure, V is volume of water freezing, and HF is latent heat of water fusion. For water, with TF in degrees Kelvin and P in MPa, the trend expressed by Eq. (1) can be illustrated graphically using a curve such as in Figure 3. The curve itself can be expressed as 9/1 2.395116.273     −=PTF [2] Here, temperature, TF, is in degrees Kelvin, and gage pressure, P, is in MPa. Eq. (2) indicates that an increase of approximately 1MPa pressure decreases the freezing temperature of water by about 0.074oK (or 0.074oC); i.e., the freezing temperature of water becomes -0.074oC. The average depression of freezing temperature for ice commonly found in nature (ice type 1h, Hobbs 1974) is 0.10oC/MPa, over the pressure range associated with ice 1h, 0 < P < 209MPa. Pressure changes of the order of 0 to 2MPa magnitude are common in closed-conduit flows associated with hydropower penstocks, pumps, siphons, though perhaps less so in tunnels. An elevation difference of 100m produces a pressure difference of about 1MPa. Figure 3. A portion of the relationship between freezing-point depression, ∆TF and absolute pressure for water; common pressure range for hydraulic structures is indicated The following two practical questions arise regarding the depression of water’s freezing temperature for water flowing through hydropower penstocks, pump pipelines, and siphons: i. Why should the depression of water’s freezing temperature be of concern to the operation of these conduits? ii. How can water in these conduits attain the depressed freezing temperature? The depression of freezing temperature can result in super-cooling of water and frazil formation, with all its attendant problems of flow blockage. Accordingly, care is needed to minimize frazil formation in such conduits. To do this requires preventing water flow from actually dropping to its depressed freezing temperature, or below. Water flowing down a conduit may cool owing to heat loss through the walls of the conduit, and through the melting of ice transported with flow into the conduits. As the freezing temperature decreases, the surface of ice melts, drawing heat from the water, thereby cooling it. The water cools to the extent that sufficient ice melts to cool the water to its freezing temperature. The amount of ice particles needed to cool frigid water from its initial freezing temperature to its adjusted freezing temperature can be calculated from the heat-balance relationship )T(C)C(Fpwatericeice∆=∆ρλρ [3] where iceρ is ice density, λ is latent heat of melting ice, Cice is frazil ice concentration, Cp is specific heat of water and TF is freezing temperature of water, and ∆TF = TF2 – TF1; here, TF1 is the freezing temperature at the higher elevation, TF2 is the freezing temperature at the lower elevation, and TF3 is the freezing temperature at the conduit’s outlet. A freezing temperature drop ∆TF,water=0.1oK requires an ice-concentration reduction of iceC∆=1.03x10-3. Assuming an initial freezing temperature, TF1 = 0oC, Eqs. 2 and 3 lead to a relationship between ∆Cice and net head-drop through the conveyance structure. Figure 4 shows the relationship. For instance, the change of ice concentration given in the above example (iceC∆=1.03x10-3) corresponds approximately to a 100m head-drop. Estimates of frazil concentrations in streams and reservoirs are in the order of 106 particles/m3 (Daly, 1991). If frazil particles in flowing water are taken to be discoids, 2mm in diameter and 0.1mm thick (e.g., Chen et al., 2004), a nominal volumetric frazil concentration is about 1.6x10-3, which means that typically there is enough frazil ice to super-cool water in the conveyance structures diverting water from the mountain streams and reservoirs. Pressure-related super-cooling of water occasionally occurs in the natural environments. Alley et al. (1998), for example, describe how water flowing through or beneath a deep glacier can super-cool when eventually ascending a steep slope at the end of a glacier. The ascending super- cooled water may freeze to the glacier’s floating base, as well as to other boundaries. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 0.00E+00 5.00E-04 1.00E-03 1.50E-03 2.00E-03 2.50E-03 ∆Cice, volumetric concentration of frazil needed to reach TF2 ∆Η, pressure head increase along a flowconduit (m)TF1=0.00 oC Figure 4. Variation of frazil concentration needed to reach final freezing temperature (TF2) as a function of pressure-head increase (or elevation drop) along a conveyance structure; initial freezing temperature is TF1 3. Frazil Formation in Hydropower Turbines and Draft-tubes A penstock delivers water under pressure to a hydropower turbine, which then extracts much of the power associated with the water’s flow rate and net head. For low and medium-head turbines, the water power is converted into mechanical power by means of flow momentum exchange; the flowing water remaining fully enclosed by the turbine and its draft tube, but at drastically reduced pressure. However, for high-head turbines, water surrounded by air at atmospheric pressure impacts the turbine runner, and is then discharged directly into a tailrace. Figure 5 shows that water pressure in a penstock increases as flow moves down the penstock. A corresponding decrease in freezing temperature accompanies the pressure increase. As the water emerges from the penstock and passes through the turbine, its pressure decreases abruptly, with the consequent increase in freezing temperature, and the flow of super-cooled water out of the turbine. Super-cooled water is in an unstable state, and eventually (through nucleation by ice fragments in the flow) will adjust itself so as to be in a stable state. When that occurs, water releases its latent heat of fusion, and there occurs a rapid growth of frazil, which initially is in an active state. Frazil may be swept out into the tailwater channel. If the concentration of frazil is large, and the tailwater quite small, the frazil can congest the tailwater, eventually accumulating back up into the turbine, possibly eventually choking flow through the turbine. Few studies have been conducted of turbine operation when water flow is at the freezing temperature and frazil is at the verge of forming, or actually forming. Figure 5. Frazil formation and accumulation within a turbine and its outlet; freezing temperatures TF1 = TF3 = 0.00oC; TF2< 0.00oC The length, or inclination, of a penstock plays a role with respect to cooling of flow through a penstock in frigid winter conditions. For a given drop in elevation, penstock length directly influences flow duration through a penstock. Greater flow duration provides more time for water to cool, by means of ice melting or heat-loss through the penstock. Accordingly, all else being equal, a longer penstock produces more frazil. 4. Frazil Formation in Pump Lines When passing through a pump, water pressure suddenly rises to head Hp, as indicated in Figure 6, and then reduces along the pump-line to about the equivalent of the flow depth at the flow outlet. The freezing temperature drops correspondingly as the hydraulic grade line rises above the pipe, causing the water potentially to be super-cool and the ice to melt. Actual super-cooling depends on there being sufficient time for water to cool. The freezing temperature rises as the hydraulic grade line drops and approaches the water surface at the outlet. Flow along the declining grade line is prone to form frazil. The volume of frazil formed approximately equals the volume of ice melted, and depends on additional heat loss through the conduit’s walls. The frazil in super-cooled water is initially in an active state whereby it can adhere to the remaining ice pieces conveyed with the flow, and agglomerating as a bolus, of ice pieces or slush that may disgorge at the outlet of the pump line. The increased flow resistance produced by the agglomerating slush may, with time, increase the flow resistance encountered by the pump. Information on ice agglomerates or boluses, discharging from a pump line is not available presently. There evidently are no document reports of their occurrence. Figure 6. Frazil formation in a pump-line pipe: TF1 = TF3 = 0.00oC; TF2< 0.00oC 5. Frazil Formation in Siphons The changes in pressure and, thereby, of freezing temperature in siphons combine the changes occurring for flow in pump discharge lines. The formation of frazil and ice agglomerates essentially is the same as for a long pump line. As described above for pump lines, and penstocks, the freezing temperature declines as pressure increases (on the siphon’s downward arm), and increases as pressure decreases (on the upward arm). Provided that the water attains the reduced freezing temperature, the flow in the upward flow is super-cooled. Inverted siphons are not uncommon for mountainous terrain; the siphon has an overall U-shape form, as indicated in Figure 7. Ice entering the siphon may largely pass through the siphon, though some ice may accumulate in the bottom, especially at locations where flow separation occurs, notably at the first bottom bend where ice in the separation region may rest against the upper side of the siphon pipe (Figure 8). As water descends an inverted siphon, water pressure increases and the freezing temperature of water is depressed. Water has to cool before attains its freezing temperature. In this regard, frazil and ice pieces (as well as snow) entering the siphon may partially (or entirely) melt, the heat need to melt ice being drawn from the flowing water and cooling the water. An argument can be made that the more ice entering each siphon, the greater the internal heat sink provided for the flow to super-cool. The dropping water then cools, even when there is no heat transfer to the pipe and air around the pipe. The heat generated by flow friction would be negligible compared to the heat consumed in melting ice as water drops in the siphon and flows within the siphon. A longer siphon (all other factors equal) provides more time for water to cool more, and thereby for more frazil to be generated. The relatively long bottom section of the siphon enables considerable melting of ice entering the siphon, thereby enabling the water to attain its new freezing temperature. A longer bottom section can enable more ice to rise and accumulate along the conduit, as sketched in Figure 8. Greater accumulation of ice would increase flow resistance, and decrease flow rate, through the siphon, thereby compounding the frazil concern. The location where frazil first forms in each siphon depends on the air temperature and rate of heat loss from each siphon, as well as on water flow rate, and the amount of ice entering the siphon. For example, under milder weather conditions and less ice entering the siphon, frazil will form closer to the end of the siphon, and will emerge as a rather thin slush. But under more frigid weather conditions, and more ice entering the siphon, ice forms more quickly along the siphon, and would emerge from the siphon as a more agglomerated, clumpy bolus of ice. Figure 7. Frazil formation in an inverted siphon; TF1 = TF3 = 0.00oC; TF2< 0.00oC Figure 8. Flow separation at the base of an inverted siphon, and flow along the base may increase ice accumulation 6. Frazil and Other Ice in Diversion Tunnels Flow in most tunnels flowing full usually do not experience the great pressure fluctuations experienced by flow in penstocks, pump-lines, and siphons. For most tunnels, the elevation drop is relatively modest (typically much less than 100m), unless the tunnel includes a vertical drop. Also, tunnel-wall temperature (in tunnels flowing full) is above the freezing temperature, and warms frigid-water flows. Wall temperatures typically are between the water temperature (about 0oC for frigid water) and the temperature of the rock at some distance from the crown of the tunnel. Rock temperatures often are estimated to be at about the yearly average air temperature of the region in which the rock is located. Nevertheless, tunnels still can be prone to ice problems, notably – i. ice blockage of tunnel-entrance racks; ii. accumulation of ice pieces drifting into a tunnel; iii. accumulation of frazil formed by flow turbulence within the intake entrance; and, iv. aufeis formed by freezing of water seeping into a tunnel drained during winter. The problem of entrance-rack blockage is essentially the same as that for water intakes generally, and is well documented (e.g., Billfalk 1992, Daly 1991, Gemperline 1990). However, a complication for tunnel entrances in steep mountainous regions, especially in remote regions, is that the usual methods for controlling frazil blockage of intakes along rivers and lakes are infeasible or much more difficult to implement. The usual methods (e.g., Daly 1991) include facilitating the formation of an intact ice cover on the approach channel immediately upstream of the entrance, the use of warm water to heat the entrance rack, and back-flushing of flow through the entrance rack. The more practical option presently is to mechanically break-up ice accumulating at a rack, and sluice it sideways out of the approach channel. There are few reports (or studies) documenting concerns caused by ice accumulation within water-diversion tunnels, though such problems are known to occur. An operational difficulty is that access difficulties hinder the viewing of ice accumulations in tunnels. Ettema (2005), though, describes one instance where ice, largely frazil, accumulated in a tunnel. This instance is briefly elaborated below as a case-study example. Lia and Carstens (1998) describe the problems caused by aufeis formation in water diversion tunnels for several Norwegian hydropower plants. The problem can be substantial for unlined tunnels in rock whose water-table lies above the tunnel. Frigid air passing through such tunnels freezes water seeping from fissures in the rock. A related further problem is snow-drift accumulation at the entrance and outlet of tunnels. Lia and Carstens 1998) describe large accumulations that practically dammed tunnels at Norwegian hydropower plants. Heavy snow falls and substantial winds can result in the formation of snow drifts. For tunnels in mountainous regions with perennial snow, the drifts can exist for several winters and consolidate. 7. Case-Study Examples Briefly described here are three case-study examples of frazil concerns encountered by a penstock, a siphon, and a tunnel in mountainous regions. Each example illustrates the difficulties that frazil may pose for these conveyance structures. Usefully documented examples are quite rare, and the full circumstances associated with them usually unclear. Also, several scale considerations hamper laboratory simulation of the case-study examples, or similar situations. The difficulties include the physical chemistry of water, along with the flow lengths and large pressures involved. These factors are almost prohibitively challenging to reproduce in the usual hydraulics laboratory. Frazil in a Turbine and Tailrace. A case-study example illustrating frazil formation and accumulation at the end of a penstock is that of a micro-hydro plant at King Cove, Alaska. The plant draws water from a glacier-fed stream, and has a gross head of 90m, and a net head of 74m (giving ∆TF ≈ -0.06oC). Early during its operation, a large quantity of frazil formed in the turbine and in the plant’s outflow channel. Figure 9 shows frazil being excavated from the outflow channel. (a) (b) Figure 9. King Cove micro-hydro plant, Alaska (a); excavation of frazil from the plant’s small tailrace channel (b) (Photos courtesy of King Cove Hydro) Frazil in an Inverted Siphon. The difficulties of siphon operation in frigid winter conditions are illustrated by a siphon conveying water across an approximately 100m-deep ravine in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California. Figure 10 shows the layout of the siphon. The siphon’s operators observing flow discharging from the siphon describe how it intermittently ejects a large bolus of ice slush that adversely affects the capacity of the outlet channel to convey water. Though the literature lacks information about the formation of an ice “bolus,” the size, shape, and intermittent features of a representative bolus suggests that it forms initially in flow- separation zones within the siphon; e.g., at the downstream side of the bends at the bottom of the siphon, as indicated in Figure 8. The ice boluses tumble, consolidate, and grow within the flow separation region until reaching a size large enough to be caught by the flow and swept along the siphon, eventually emerging (whale like, as the observers report) at the siphon’s outlet channel. It is possible that several smaller boluses may merge as a single glob, and that the they collect further slush as they rise relatively rapidly up the rising arm of the siphon. Bolus buoyancy, added to flow drag, propel the bolus (“like a breaching whale,” as one operator characterized it) out of the siphon’s outlet. There are no direct observations of how an ice bolus forms. There are reports (from the siphon’s operators) of rumblings in the siphon’s bottom section at times when the siphon is passing ice. These noises suggest, as indicated in Figure 8, that the initial ice accumulation forms along the tunnel’s crown and in the flow-separation regions. Flow then drags the accumulating bolus of ice along the siphon. (a) (b) Figure 10. A siphon for a water-conveyance system in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California (a); ice boluses disgorged at the siphon’s outlet, and blocking the siphon’s outlet channel (b) Flow through the siphon is driven by the difference in water surface elevation between the siphon’s inlet and the outlet. As this elevation difference decreases, such as when ice severely reduces flow through the channel, flow passes more slowly through the siphon. It is possible therefore that ice difficulties in the channel become aggravated as they progress, because flow slows through the siphon, ice in the siphon forms larger boluses, which in turn have greater difficulty in passing through the channel. Frazil Accumulation in a Diversion Tunnel. As is likely with frazil accumulation in most tunnels, the general circumstances associated with frazil passage into the tunnel described here are known in only approximate terms. The tunnel’s entrance is shown in Figure 1. Direct observations of the processes resulting in the accumulation are incomplete, for various reasons including a lack of observations about ice conditions along the canal conveying water to the tunnel. The manner whereby ice passage and accumulation in the tunnel, nonetheless, can be inferred from the data obtained from several sources, and from what is known in the literature about the formation of similar accumulations in rivers and streams. The frazil accumulation was akin to a hanging frazil “dam,” such as described in Ashton (1986) or Beltaos (1995). A couple of differences from hanging frazil dams being that – i. The accumulated frazil rested against the tunnel’s rock crown; and, ii. As the frazil accumulation thickened, the constrained flow path narrowed and velocities increased. A construction problem had resulted in the tunnel not following a steady downward invert grade that would have facilitated the free-surface flow of water along its entire length. The tunnel’s initial gradient was over-steep, and an alignment correction was needed. Accordingly, the tunnel had a mild kink at about its mid-point, where the tunnel’s grade became mildly upward so that the tunnel would reach the required exit at an outlet channel location. Frazil entering the tunnel, and possibly forming in an initial portion of tunnel, accumulated near the location where the tunnel’s slope begins to arc gently upwards towards its outlet. In this region, the free-surface flow of water along the downward reach of the tunnel gradually occupies practically the full flow cross section of the tunnel. The approximate extent of the accumulation is indicated approximately in Figure 11. The accumulation profile is based on observations reported by an inspection crew who entered the tunnel drained for a scheduled inspection. The frazil accumulation did not block flow, which continued to pass through the tunnel. Considerations related to critical velocity for erosion of accumulated frazil slush infer that the tunnel likely would not block owing to frazil accumulation. (a) (b) Figure 11. Frazil accumulation in a water-diversion tunnel: (a) approximate profile of frazil accumulation in the tunnel; (b) a view of frazil deposited on the invert of the drained tunnel 8. Conclusions Frazil ice often is an under-appreciated concern for many water-conveyance systems, but none more so than systems in mountainous terrain. Mountainous terrain is more likely to have colder weather, swift-flowing streams, and to have limited accessibility. The combined considerations of temperature and flow speed increase the likelihood of frazil formation. Limited accessibility aggravates the concern. Also, because water-conveyance systems in mountainous terrain often entail the combined use of open-channel and pressurized conduits, a further mechanism compounds frazil difficulties in mountainous terrain. The mechanism arises when frigid water flowing in a conduit undergoes major pressure increase, and then reduction. Increased pressure depresses water’s freezing temperature, and thereby results in the super-cooling of water that subsequently flows with decreasing pressure. If the water cools to the depressed freezing temperature, frazil quickly forms when water flows at reduced pressure. Flows through a penstock and hydropower turbine, a pump line, or a siphon, produce cycles of increased then decreased pressure, thereby exposing these flow components to frazil. Water flowing at increased pressure may cool as ice transported in the water melts, and also by heat loss through the conduit walls. A longer conduit (all else equal) provides more time for water to cool to its depressed freezing temperature. Also, more ice entering a pressurizing flow enables water to cool more quickly to the depressed freezing temperature. The practical consequence is that frazil can readily pose substantial difficulties for hydropower and water-supply facilities in mountainous terrain. Frazil accumulations and blockages potentially can occur in the approach channels, as well as block trash racks at entrances to flow components like and penstocks, pumped water lines, siphons, and tunnels. Extensive amounts of frazil may form at the outlet of turbines. Moreover, frazil and other ice may accumulate within the flow components themselves. Agglomerations of ice may form in a pump line or an inverted siphon, hampering flow passage, and be disgorged as a bolus of ice that may block flow downstream of a pump or siphon outlet. Acknowledgments The writers thank Steve Daly for his suggestions made at the outset of writing this paper. References Alley, R.B., Lawson, D.E., Evenson, E.B., Strasser, J.C. and Larson, G., 1998. Glaciohydraulic supercooling: a freeze-on mechanism to create stratified, debris-rich basal ice: II. Theory. Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 44, No. 148, 563-569. Ashton, G. D., 1986. River and lake ice hydraulics, Water Resource Publications, Littleton, CO, USA. Beltaos, S., 1995, River ice jams, Water Resource Publications, Littleton, CO, USA. Billfalk, L., 1992. Ice effects and control for hydropower production. Procs 11th Symposium on Ice. IAHR’92. Banff, 671-682. Chen, Z., Ettema, R., and Lai, Y., 2004. Laboratory and numerical experiments of frazil ingestion by submerged intakes. ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 3, 101-111. Daly, S.F., 1991. Frazil ice blockage of intake trash racks. Cold Regions Technical Digest No. 91-1, US Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, NH 03755. Ettema, R., 2005. Ice concerns associated with the Mill-Bull Tunnel in the El Dorado Canal system. Limited distribution report, Ettema Consulting, Iowa City, IA 52245. Gemperline, E., 1990. Considerations in the design and operation of hydro power intakes. In Cold Regions Hydrology and Hydraulics, Ed. by W.L. Ryan and R.D. Crissman, ASCE, New York, 517-556. Gilpin R.R., 1981. Modes of ice formation and flow blockage that occur while filling a cold pipe. Cold Regions Science & Technology Vol. 5, 163–171. Hobbs, P.V., 1974. Ice physics. Clarendon Press, Oxford, Britain. Lia, L. and Carstens, T., 1998. Snow and ice blocking of tunnels. Proc. Ice in Surface Waters, Ed. by Shen, H. T., Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 85-91. polarconsult alask a, inc. ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 1503 WEST 33RD AVENUE • SUITE 310 • ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE (907) 258 -2420 • FAX (907) 258 -2419 • HOMEPAGE www.polarconsult.net November 6, 2008 DON ELLER YUKON TECH. INC. 6270 BEECHCRAFT RD. WASILLA , ALASKA 99654 Subject: Proposal for Feasibility Study of Jackson Creek, Tanana, Alaska Dear Mr. Eller: Polarconsult is pleased to submit our proposal for a Feasibility Study of the hydroelectric potential of Jackson Creek in Tanana, Alaska. Our proposal is to review existing data, perform necessary data gathering, and provide a feasibility report based on a cost estimate for the project in conjunction with an economic analysis. We propose to integrate the available data on the Little Melotzina Hot Spring geothermal development into our report and analyze the feasibility of this resource as well. Qualifications Polarconsult’s design team has more small hydro experience than any other engineering consulting firm in Alaska. Our engineers are multi-faceted and offer experience in every aspect of hydro development and operation. This experience covers initial project scoping, resource evaluation, permitting, design, and construction oversight. As a result of this experience, the Polarconsult design team is uniquely qualified to complete all aspects of studying and developing Tanana's hydroelectric potential. Relevant Experience Polarconsult has worked on all aspects of small hydropower projects throughout Alaska. Polarconsult's design professionals have been involved in hydropower projects for the following Alaskan communities: SOUTHWEST ALASKA SOUTHEAST ALASKA OTHER ALASKAN COMMUNITIES Atka Angoon (Thayer Lake) Chitna Akutan Hoonah Cordova Chignik Bay Hydaburg Eagle River Chignik Lagoon Juneau (Snettisham) Palmer (McRoberts Creek) Larsen Bay Pelican Scammon Bay Old Harbor Sitka Valdez (Allison Lake) Unalaska Tenakee Springs Our design team knows through experience how to design and build small hydro projects in remote locations such as Tanana for constructability and ease of operation and maintenance. For the past 17 years, the principle engineers at Polarconsult have owned and operated the grid -tied 100-kW McRobert’s Creek Hydro Plant located in the mountains near Palmer. Polarconsult’s design team has also recently designed, permitted, and is currently preparing to construct two independently owned hydroplants (2,000 kW Fishhook and 1,200 kW South Fork Projects) in southcentral Alaska. These projects are larger than would be built in Tanana, but many of the components and design considerations are similar to what would be needed in Tanana. POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. PROPOSAL FOR HYDROPOWER RECONNAISSANCE STUDY TANANA, ALASKA NOVEMBER 6, 2008 PAGE 2 OF 3 Polarconsult has also recently completed the majority of the design work fo r the 650-kW Pelican Hydro Project in southeast Alaska. Extensive dam planning and design was required for this project. Similar work is also being performed for the Chignik Bay water line and hydroplant. The Chignik Bay project has required dam safety inspections, recommendations for repair, and periodic inspections over many years. PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK Feasibility Study Polarconsult will perform the necessary field investigations to complete a feasibility study for hydroelectric project on Jackson Creek. This will include elevation measurements along the length of the creek, installation of stream gages and taking flow measurements, prepare preliminary designs, and provide a cost estimate for the construction of the recommended project. The stream gaging will require access up the river by boat, ATV, or snow machine to identify a suitable gaging site. Our assumption for the proposal is that multiple velocity and depth measuring recorders will be installed along with either a flume or weir. We're also assuming a helicopter will be required to transport materials and equipment to the gage site. This work would be done in the summer or fall of 2009. During the spring of 2010, another trip will be required to download and remove the gaging equipment. This can be done using snow machines traveling up the river corridor. Following the retrieval of the stream gaging data we will prepare preliminary designs for the project, a cost estimate, and a feasibility report. The report will also compare the proposed hydroelectric resource to a geothermal project located at Little Melotzina Hot Springs. The analysis of the feasibility of the hot springs will be performed using existing data. The existing data indicates that the resource has the potential to fully meet Tanana's power needs. Therefore, for the purposes of the analysis, it will be assumed that the resource could provide the maximum benefit which would be meeting all of Tanana's electrical needs. The feasibility then will require a cost estimate for the project along with an economic analysis taking into consideration the benefit, capital cost, and operations and maintenance costs. Both reports will be completed by the end of 2010. Proposed Fee The fees charged for this work will be on a time and material basis with a total cost not to exceed $250,000. The following table summarizes the cost estimate for this work. Item Cost Gage Installation Transporation $ 55,000 Equipment $ 40,000 Labor $ 45,000 Other Expenses $ 10,000 Gage Removal Transporation $ 5,000 Equipment $ 2,000 Labor $ 12,000 Other Expenses $ 1,000 Preliminary Design $ 10,000 Cost Estimate $ 15,000 Report $ 15,000 Geothermal Cost Estimate $ 20,000 Feasibility $ 20,000 Total $ 250,000 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. PROPOSAL FOR HYDROPOWER RECONNAISSANCE STUDY TANANA, ALASKA NOVEMBER 6, 2008 PAGE 3 OF 3 General Terms and Conditions This proposal is contingent on the following: 1. No work other than what is typical of the respective professions stated above is included. 2. Except where otherwise noted, construction engineering and inspection services are not included in this proposal. 3. Project timelines are from time of notice to proceed, or receipt of review comments from previous work item. 4. Should additional work beyond the scope of this proposal be required, Polarconsult will submit, in writing, an estimate for extra work items and will not proceed on those items without written authorization. 5. Additional field time due to weather delays or other events beyond Polarconsult's control will be billed at a standard 8-hour delay plus per diem. 6. Equipment, consumables, airfare, shipping, lodging and other travel-related costs to be reimbursed on a time -and-materials basis at direct cost plus 15%. 7. This proposal is valid for 60 days. 8. Permit fees are not included with this proposal. Thank you for the opportunity to propose on this project. If you have any questions, please contact me at 258-2420 or by e-mail at dan@polarconsult.net. Sincerely, Daniel Hertrich, PE Attachments: Fee Schedule Polarconsult Statement of Qualifications