HomeMy WebLinkAboutDPAC Life Cycle Cost Analysis - Final Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis Final Report June 17, 2008 Dimond Park Aquatic Center Juneau, Alaska Prepared for: Jensen Yorba Lott, Inc. and City & Borough of Juneau Prepared by: Alaska Energy Engineering LLC 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: (907) 789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 alaskaenergy@earthlink.net Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Dimond Park Aquatic Center 1 Life Cycle Analysis Section 1 Introduction This report presents an energy and life cycle cost analysis for the Dimond Park Aquatic Center. The intent of the analysis is to evaluate energy conservation measures and optimize the building energy systems over a 25-year period. The energy and life cycle cost analysis is performed by Jim Rehfeldt, P.E. of Alaska Energy Engineering LLC as a subconsultant to the prime architectural firm of Jensen Yorba Lott, Inc. METHODOLOGY Life Cycle Cost Analysis Optimization of the building energy systems uses a methodology based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 135 – Life Cycle Cost Analysis. Handbook 135 establishes methodology and criteria for evaluating energy projects in federal facilities. This method determines the total cost of an energy conservation measure over the life of the building. Total cost includes construction, replacement, maintenance and repair, and energy costs that are discounted over time to account for inflation and the time value of money. Economic Factors Economic factors are critical to the findings of the life cycle cost analysis. There are numerous sources for these factors and differences of opinion abound. For this reason, the factors should be closely scrutinized. • Nominal Interest Rate: This is the nominal rate of return on an investment without regard to inflation. The analysis uses a rate of 5.0% which is a conservative estimate of the interest rate on bonds that will be sold to finance the project. • Inflation Rate: This is the average inflationary change in prices over time. The analysis uses an inflation rate of 3.0% which is the consumer price index average of the past 25-years. • Real Discount Rate: This is the actual rate of return when the inflation rate is considered. The analysis uses a real discount rate of 2.43% which is a calculated value derived from the nominal interest rate and the inflation rate. • Economic Period: This is the period of time in which costs are considered. The analysis is based on a 25-year economic period with construction beginning in 2009. Energy Sources and Costs Fuel Oil Fuel oil currently costs the CBJ $3.89 per gallon for a seasonally adjusted blend of #1 and #2 fuel oil. On average, fuel oil prices have risen 31% per year for the past 2-years, 16% per year over the past 5- years, and 6.3% per year for the last 15-years. The analysis assumes fuel oil inflation will inflate at 6% per year for the next 25 years. The cost of fuel oil is predicted to be today’s cost of $3.89 per gallon inflated at 6% to $4.12 per gallon in 2009. Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Dimond Park Aquatic Center 2 Life Cycle Analysis Electricity Electricity is supplied by Alaska Electric Light & Power Company (AEL&P). AEL&P is a privately owned utility regulated by the Regulatory Commission of Alaska. Power generation facilities utilized by AEL&P include both hydroelectric and diesel plants. Currently, the hydroelectric plants generate most of the electricity and the diesel plants provide backup. The Aquatic Center will be billed for electricity use under AEL&P’s Rate 34, Large Government which charges for both electrical consumption (kWh) and peak electric demand (kW). Electrical consumption is the amount of energy consumed and electric demand is the rate of consumption. AEL&P determines the electric demand by averaging demand over a continuously sliding fifteen minute window. The highest fifteen minute average during the billing period determines the peak demand. The following table lists the current electric charges: AEL&P Large Government Rate Charge 1 On-peak (Nov-May) Off-peak (June-Oct) Energy Charge per kWh 4.93¢ 4.62¢ Demand Charge per kW $11.53 $7.35 Service Charge per month $99.24 $99.24 Over recent history, electricity inflation has been less than 1% per year, which has lagged general inflation. However, the winter of 2007/2008 is the first extended period where AEL&P had to supplement with diesel generation. This caused a rate increase of 1.4¢ per kWh. The rising cost of fuel oil will increase electric heating loads, placing more demand on the electric generation system. AEL&P is developing the Lake Dorothy Hydroelectric Facility Phase 1 to increase their hydroelectric capacity. The power from Lake Dorothy will be more expensive than power from the existing hydroelectric facilities. It is assumed that the community will consume most of the Lake Dorothy Phase 1 power in the early years of the Aquatic Center’s life and that the blended generation cost will raise electric rates 1.5¢ per kWh. As fuel oil prices increase due to inflation, more heating loads will convert from fuel oil to electricity. This will place additional demands on the electrical generation and distribution system, causing increases in the cost of supplying electricity. If heating loads grow to the point where diesel generation is needed, electricity prices could increase substantially. In essence, Juneau’s future electricity prices are tied to fuel oil inflation. Because Juneau will have a base of inexpensive hydropower from existing facilities, the electricity inflation rate is assumed to be 5%, which is slightly lower than fuel oil inflation. Summary of Economic and Energy Factors Factor Rate or Cost Factor Rate or Cost Nominal Discount Rate 5.5% Electricity Current rate + 1.5¢/kWh General Inflation Rate 3.0% Electricity Inflation 5.0% Real Discount Rate 2.4% Fuel Oil Cost (2009) $4.12/gal Fuel Oil Inflation 6.0% Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Dimond Park Aquatic Center 3 Life Cycle Analysis Section 2 Heating System Optimization HEATING SYSTEM SCHEMES The analysis compares an electric boiler hydronic heating scheme, a fuel oil boiler hydronic heating scheme, a ground source heat pump scheme (GSHP), and a hybrid GSHP scheme where the GSHP system is downsized and is supplemented by an electric boiler and electric domestic hot water heater. The GSHP schemes consist of water-to-water heat pumps supplying hydronic heat for most of the building and water-to-air heat pumps supplying heated air in the smaller support spaces. All the heating schemes are analyzed with the same ventilation scheme which consists of two air handling units; one for the natatorium and the second for the remaining spaces. Each system is a mixed air system with a heat recovery core and heating coil. A GSHP system suing water-to-air heat pumps throughout the building was also considered. Such a system would require three heat pumps for the natatorium and one for the rest of the building. This scheme was not pursued because the heat pumps are not manufactured with integral heat recovery cores. The building will have a continuous ventilation rate of 13,000 cfm. The energy penalty associated with exhausting this large quantity of air without heat recovery makes it highly unlikely this system will have the lowest life cycle cost. Electric Boiler Scheme This scheme consists of two electric boilers and a variable speed primary/secondary hydronic heating system. The system supplies hydronic heating water for air-heating of the natatorium, in-floor radiant heating of the locker rooms, and air or water heating of the remaining spaces. The pools are heated by the hydronic heating system using separate heat exchangers for each pool. Domestic hot water is produced by two indirect hot water tanks heated by the hydronic heating system. Fuel Oil Boiler Scheme This scheme is similar to the electric boiler scheme except three fuel oil boilers are used instead of the electric boilers. Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) Scheme This scheme consists of a ground source heat pump system that extracts heat from the ground to heat the building. The GSHP scheme has an array of closed-loop vertical wells connected to water-to- water heat pumps that generate hydronic heat and domestic hot water and water-to-air heat pumps for conditioning smaller support spaces. The vertical well field will require 135 wells, each 250’ deep. The wells will be spaced 10’ apart and each will contain a 1” HDPE pipe loop. The well field was sized based on 200 feet of well per ton of heating load, which is less than established “rules of thumb”. The results of a soil thermal conductivity test—currently in progress for the Juneau Airport Terminal—is likely to support this reduction in the size of the well field. Water circulating through the well field gains heat from the ground. The heat pumps remove this heat from the water and use a compressor/condenser cycle to generate heated water. Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Dimond Park Aquatic Center 4 Life Cycle Analysis The heating system will use two commercial-grade heat pumps with reciprocating compressors and shell and tube heat exchangers (see attachment). The heated water is stored in a heating storage tank. The heated water supplies the same hydronic heating system as the two previous systems. However, the heating supply temperature is 110°F rather than 190°F for boilers, so heating coils and pool heat exchangers will need to be larger to transfer the same amount of heat. Domestic hot water is generated by a two domestic hot water heat pumps (DHWHP) that are also coupled to the ground loop. The DHWHPs will produce hot water that is stored in an two electric hot water heaters that provide backup if a heat pump fails. Hybrid Scheme This scheme reduces the construction costs of the GSHP scheme by reducing the capacity of the water-to-water heat pumps and adding an electric boiler to supply supplemental heat. Compared to the GSHP scheme, the hybrid scheme: • reduces the capacity of the well field and the heating heat pumps by 44%. • adds an electric boiler to supply supplemental heat when the heating load exceeds the capacity of the heat pumps. ENERGY ANALYSIS The following table provides an annual energy cost comparison of the schemes. Annual HVAC Energy Cost Comparison Component Electric Boiler Fuel Oil Boilers GSHP Hybrid Heating $143,000 $183,000 $35,000 $40,000 Domestic Hot Water 68,000 77,000 22,000 28,000 Fans 30,000 25,000 29,000 30,000 Pumps 4,000 3,000 10,000 8,000 Total Cost $245,000 $287,000 $96,000 $106,000 Heating and domestic hot water costs vary significantly between the boiler and GSHP schemes. The following factors contribute the most to the findings: • The GSHP scheme is most efficient at converting purchased energy into heat. 1. The heating heat pumps are 350% efficient at converting electricity to heat. This means that for each purchased BTU, the system extracts 2.5 BTUs from the ground and delivers 3.5 BTUs to the building. 2. The domestic hot water heater heat pump is 270% efficient. 3. The combined efficiency of 320% • The hybrid scheme is slightly less efficient due to electric boiler supplementation of the heating load and electric hot water heater supplementation of the domestic hot water load. 1. The heating heat pump and boiler have a seasonal efficiency of 310%. 2. The domestic hot water heat pump and hot water heater is 210% efficient. 3. The combined efficiency of 270% Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Dimond Park Aquatic Center 5 Life Cycle Analysis • The electric boiler scheme has lower energy costs than the fuel oil boiler scheme because electricity is a lower cost energy source. Fuel oil at $4.21 per gallon and a conversion efficiency of 77% results in 13.8¢ per kWh of delivered heat. This is much higher than the current cost of electricity. Electric Costs: Demand charges can be a significant component of an electric bill. An electric heating system is highly dynamic and likely to have proportionally higher demand charges than a fuel oil heating system. The analysis determined that the fuel oil system has an effective rate of 8.5¢ per kWh. To account for higher demand charges, the electric rate for the GSHP scheme is set at 9.5¢ per kWh and 9.7¢ per kWh for the hybrid scheme. The electric boiler scheme has greater demand than the GSHP scheme, so it will have the highest demand charges at 10.5¢ per kWh. Fan Energy: While the ventilation systems are the same for each scheme, the energy costs vary. The electric boiler, GSHP, and hybrid schemes have higher fan energy costs because electricity is more expensive (see preceding paragraph). The GSHP and hybrid schemes also have higher fan energy costs because the heating coils have more rows and a higher pressure drop to deliver heat with cooler heating water. Pumping Energy: The GSHP and hybrid schemes have higher pumping costs associated with water flow through the well field. This cost partially offsets the energy cost savings. The fuel oil scheme is estimated to consume 63,200 gallons of fuel oil per year. For comparison, fuel oil consumption at Augustus Brown Pool averages 40,000 gallons per year. The Dimond Park Center has more than double the pool and building area but is predicted to consume only 58% more fuel. This is likely due to a more efficient envelope, better control of outside air, and a more efficient heating plant. LIFE CYCLE COST ANALYSIS The life cycle cost analysis determined that the hybrid scheme has the lowest life cycle cost. The following table shows the life cycle cost comparison. Life Cycle Cost Comparison, $K Cost Electric Boilers Fuel Oil Boilers GSHP Hybrid Construction $1,900K $1,800K $3,800K $3,100K Maintenance 45K 120K 110K 100K Energy 6,200K 8,100K 3,400K 3,800 Total Cost $ 8,100K $ 10,000K $ 7,300K $ 7,000 The hybrid scheme has the lowest life cycle cost of $7.0M, which is 14% lower than the electric boiler scheme. It will return an initial investment at 5% plus an additional $1.1M over the 25-year economic period. The GSHP scheme has the second lowest life cycle cost and the lowest energy costs. The fuel oil boiler scheme has the highest life cycle cost, primarily due to higher energy costs. The project cost estimate includes $1,900K for the cost of the electric boiler scheme. The hybrid scheme will require an additional investment of $1.2M ($3,100K for hybrid minus $1,900K for the electric boiler scheme). Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Dimond Park Aquatic Center 6 Life Cycle Analysis Construction Costs • In comparing the GSHP and hybrid schemes, the hybrid scheme has a lower installed cost, but requires supplemental electric heat whenever heating and domestic hot water loads exceed the capacity of the ground source heat pump system. • The cost of coupling to the ground is highly dependent upon an experienced contractor willing to come to Juneau and install the well field. The cost estimate was derived from a quote from a Seattle-based contractor. • Three separate ground loops are included in the heat pump schemes for redundancy. • A cooling well was drilled at the adjacent New High School site which indicates that the site is highly suited for a vertical well field. Initial findings indicate that the site has a high water table and soils suitable for a high rate of thermal conductivity. • If the GSHP or hybrid schemes are selected, a test well is recommended to provide a well log for bidding purposes. Maintenance Costs • The fuel oil boiler scheme has the highest maintenance costs due to the effort required to clean and tune the boilers. • The GSHP and hybrid schemes also have high maintenance costs because the heat pumps are specialized equipment that will likely require a repair technician. The NOAA facility will also install the same type of heat pump, so local expertise may be available. • The electric boiler scheme has the lowest maintenance costs because the boilers require little maintenance. Energy Costs • The lower energy costs of the GSHP scheme are due to high system efficiency (320%) and the lower cost of electric energy. • The slightly higher energy costs of the hybrid scheme are because supplemental electric heat reduces the system efficiency to 270%. Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Dimond Park Aquatic Center 7 Life Cycle Analysis Section 3 Energy Conservation Measures INTRODUCTION An energy and life cycle cost analysis is provided to optimize the energy systems of the Aquatic Center. The analysis focuses on the building envelope and pool covers using heating costs based on a hybrid GSHP system. The construction, maintenance and energy costs of each ECM are summarized at the end of this section. In addition, life cycle cost spreadsheets are appended to the end of this report. BUILDING ENVELOPE OPTIMIZATION Walls The proposed wall assembly, from inside to outside, is 5/8” gypsum board, 8” metal studs bonded to 4-3/8” of EPS insulation, exterior sheathing, and metal siding. This assembly has an R-17 rating. An optimization analysis determined that exterior insulation will increase the life cycle cost of the wall system. However, adding exterior insulation to the wall system may be beneficial to reducing thermal bridging and preclude condensation within the wall system. The analysis did not determine the thickness of insulation required to preclude condensation within the wall system. Wall Insulation Optimization $0 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 R-5 R-10 R-15Life Cycle Cost Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Dimond Park Aquatic Center 8 Life Cycle Analysis Roof The roof assembly, from outside to inside, consists of metal decking, gypsum substrate board, polyisocyanurate insulation, gypsum cover board, and a PVC membrane. An optimization analysis of the thickness of the polyisocyanurate insulation determined that a 6” thickness is optimal. This results in an R-39 assembly. Roof Insulation Optimization Translucent Wall Panels The natatorium will have translucent wall panels to provide day lighting. The manufacturer, Kalwall, makes panels with R-10 and R-20 insulating values. The analysis determined that the R-10 panel has the lowest life cycle cost. The analysis did not evaluate whether the R-10 panel will cause water to condense on the inside during cold weather. Translucent Wall Panels $0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 R-27 R-39 R-52Life Cycle Savings$0 $40,000 $80,000 $120,000 $160,000 $200,000 R-10 R-20Life Cycle Cost Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Dimond Park Aquatic Center 9 Life Cycle Analysis Floor Perimeter Insulation The building will be constructed with 8” concrete stem walls. An optimization analysis determined that a 2” thickness of extruded polystyrene insulation (R-10) is optimal. Floor Perimeter Insulation Floor Slab Insulation (No In-floor Heat) The floor of the Aquatic Center will be mostly a slab on grade. Historically, slab on grade floors are not insulated. The site has a high water table which increases heat loss to the ground, possibly offering economic incentive to insulate the floor. An optimization analysis determined that a 2” thickness of extruded polystyrene insulation (R-10) is optimal. Floor Slab Insulation (No In-floor Heat) $0 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 R-5 R-10 R-15Life Cycle Savings$0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 R-5 R-10 R-15Life Cycle Savings Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Dimond Park Aquatic Center 10 Life Cycle Analysis Locker Room Floor Slab Insulation (In-floor Heat) The floor of the Locker Room will be slab on grade with in-floor heat. An optimization analysis determined that a 3” thickness of extruded polystyrene insulation (R-15) is optimal. Locker Room Floor Slab Insulation (In-floor Heat) Competitive Pool Basin Insulation The competitive pool will have a concrete basin with an average depth of 7’. An optimization analysis determined that a 4” thickness of extruded polystyrene insulation (R-20) is optimal. Competitive Pool Basin Insulation $0 $1,500 $3,000 $4,500 $6,000 R-10 R-15 R-20Life Cycle Savings$27,000 $28,000 $29,000 $30,000 $31,000 R-10 R-20 R-30Life Cycle Savings Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Dimond Park Aquatic Center 11 Life Cycle Analysis Recreation Pool Basin Insulation The recreation pool will have a concrete basin with an average depth of 3’. An optimization analysis determined that a 4” thickness of extruded polystyrene insulation (R-20) is optimal. This is the same thickness as the competitive pool, but the result is due to two offsetting factors. The recreation pool is warmer, which increases heat loss, but it is also shallower and has more ground to insulate it from the ground water, which reduces heat loss. Competitive Pool Basin Insulation POOL HEAT LOSS OPTIMIZATION Covering the pools during night and holiday hours when they are not in use will reduce evaporative heat loss. The analysis assumes the covers will be used regularly from 10:00 pm to 5:00 am and will reduce evaporation by 50% (highly conservative). The optimization analysis determined that pool covers with mechanical operators and a wall mounted storage system will provide a life cycle savings of $117,000. $14,000 $16,000 $18,000 $20,000 $22,000 R-10 R-20 R-30Life Cycle Savings Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Dimond Park Aquatic Center 12 Life Cycle Analysis Section 4 Summary The following table summarizes the construction, maintenance, and energy costs of the ECMs. The costs are based on quantities taken from the schematic design documents, which may vary as design progresses. Energy Conservation Measure Summary (Savings in parenthesis) Energy Conservation Measure Construction Maintenance Energy Total Hybrid GSHP System 9 $1,200,000 $56,000 ($2,300,000) ($1,100,000) Envelope Walls: 2” exterior XPS 1 $19,300 $0 ($19,100) $ 200 Roof: 6” XPS 2 $102,000 $0 ($158,000) ($56,000) Translucent Wall Panels: R-10 3 $115,000 $0 $23,000 $138,000 Perimeter Insulation: R-10 4 $2,900 $0 ($6,100) ($3,200) Floor Slab Insulation (w/o in-floor heat): R-10 5 $33,000 $0 ($39,000) ($6,000) Locker Floor Insulation (w/ in-floor heat): R-15 6 $5,600 $0 ($11,000) ($5,400) Competition Pool Insulation: R-20 7 $16,000 $0 ($46,000) ($30,000) Recreation Pool Insulation: R-20 7 $18,000 $0 ($39,000) ($21,000) Pool Covers 8 $39,000 $0 ($156,000) ($117,000) 1. Based on adding 2” XPS to baseline R-17 wall assembly. 2. Based on adding 6” XPS to uninsulated roof. 3. Based on adding R-10 translucent wall panels to an R-27 wall assembly (assumes 2” XPS exterior insulation will be added to the walls to preclude condensation in the wall cavity). 4. Based on adding 2” XPS to uninsulated footings 5. Based on adding 2” XPS to uninsulated floor slab. 6. Based on adding 3” XPS to uninsulated floor slab. 7. Based on adding 4” XPS to uninsulated concrete pool basin. 8. Based on placing covers on pools during night and holiday periods. 9. Based on replacing an electric boiler heating scheme with a hybrid ground source heat pump scheme. Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 alaskaenergy@earthlink.net Dimond Park Aquatic Center Basis 25 Study Period (years) 1.9% Real Discount Rate 6.0% Fuel oil inflation 5.0% Nominal Discount Rate 3.0% General Inflation 5.0% Electricity Inflation Walls Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost R-22 Construction cost 13,580 sqft 0.94 12,765 Electricity cost 1 - 25 -4,907 kWh 0.097 -11,902 Life Cycle Cost $860 R-27 Construction cost 13,580 sqft 1.42 19,284 Electricity cost 1 - 25 -7,861 kWh 0.097 -19,067 Life Cycle Cost $220 R-32 Construction cost 13,580 sqft 2.30 31,234 Electricity cost 1 - 25 -10,208 kWh 0.097 -24,760 Life Cycle Cost $6,470 June 17, 2008 Year 0 0 0 Roof Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost R-27 Construction cost 29,329 sqft 2.17 63,644 4" polyiso Electricity cost 1 - 25 -49,062 kWh 0.097 -119,002 Life Cycle Cost -$55,360 R-39 Construction cost 29,329 sqft 3.48 102,065 6" polyiso Electricity cost 1 - 25 -65,062 kWh 0.097 -157,811 Life Cycle Cost -$55,750 R-52 Construction cost 29,329 sqft 5.20 152,511 8" polyiso Electricity cost 1 - 25 -72,292 kWh 0.097 -175,347 Life Cycle Cost -$23,000 Windows Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost R-10 Construction cost 3,500 sqft 32.83 114,905 Electricity cost 1 - 25 9,302 kWh 0.097 22,562 Life Cycle Cost $137,470 R-20 Construction cost 3,500 sqft 51.94 181,790 Electricity cost 1 - 25 1,725 kWh 0.097 4,184 Life Cycle Cost $185,970 Year 0 0 Year 0 0 0 Page 1 Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 alaskaenergy@earthlink.net Dimond Park Aquatic Center Basis 25 Study Period (years) 1.9% Real Discount Rate 6.0% Fuel oil inflation 5.0% Nominal Discount Rate 3.0% General Inflation 5.0% Electricity Inflation June 17, 2008 Wall Perimeter Insulation Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost R-5 Construction cost 1,935 sqft 1.22 2,361 Electricity cost 1 - 25 -1,800 kWh 0.097 -4,366 Life Cycle Cost -$2,010 R-10 Construction cost 1,935 sqft 1.48 2,864 Electricity cost 1 - 25 -2,512 kWh 0.097 -6,093 Life Cycle Cost -$3,230 R-15 Construction cost 1,935 sqft 2.57 4,973 Electricity cost 1 - 25 -2,875 kWh 0.097 -6,973 Life Cycle Cost -$2,000 Year 0 0 0 Floor Insulation (No In-floor Heat)Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost R-5 Construction cost 23,094 sqft 0.94 21,708 Electricity cost 1 - 25 -10,631 kWh 0.097 -25,786 Life Cycle Cost -$4,080 R-10 Construction cost 23,094 sqft 1.42 32,793 Electricity cost 1 - 25 -16,244 kWh 0.097 -39,400 Life Cycle Cost -$6,610 R-15 Construction cost 23,094 sqft 1.98 45,726 Electricity cost 1 - 25 -19,904 kWh 0.097 -48,278 Life Cycle Cost -$3,000 Locker Room Floor Insulation (In-floor Heat)Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost R-10 Construction cost 2,820 sqft 1.42 4,004 Electricity cost 1 - 25 -3,596 kWh 0.097 -8,722 Life Cycle Cost -$4,720 R-15 Construction cost 2,820 sqft 1.98 5,584 Electricity cost 1 - 25 -4,531 kWh 0.097 -10,990 Life Cycle Cost -$5,410 R-20 Construction cost 2,820 sqft 3.17 8,939 Electricity cost 1 - 25 -5,122 kWh 0.097 -12,424 Life Cycle Cost -$3,000 0 0 0 Year 0 0 0 Year Page 2 Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 alaskaenergy@earthlink.net Dimond Park Aquatic Center Basis 25 Study Period (years) 1.9% Real Discount Rate 6.0% Fuel oil inflation 5.0% Nominal Discount Rate 3.0% General Inflation 5.0% Electricity Inflation June 17, 2008 Competition Pool Insulation Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost R-10 Construction cost 5,055 sqft 1.48 7,481 Electricity cost 1 - 25 -14,860 kWh 0.097 -36,044 Life Cycle Cost -$28,560 R-20 Construction cost 5,055 sqft 3.20 16,176 Electricity cost 1 - 25 -19,079 kWh 0.097 -46,277 Life Cycle Cost -$30,100 R-30 Construction cost 5,055 sqft 4.55 23,000 Electricity cost 1 - 25 -21,027 kWh 0.097 -51,002 Life Cycle Cost -$28,000 0 0 Year 0 Recreation Pool Insulation Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost R-10 Construction cost 5,724 sqft 1.48 8,472 Electricity cost 1 - 25 -11,786 kWh 0.097 -28,587 Life Cycle Cost -$20,120 R-20 Construction cost 5,724 sqft 3.20 18,317 Electricity cost 1 - 25 -15,889 kWh 0.097 -38,539 Life Cycle Cost -$20,220 R-30 Construction cost 5,724 sqft 4.55 26,044 Electricity cost 1 - 25 -17,952 kWh 0.097 -43,543 Life Cycle Cost -$17,000 Pool Covers Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Add Covers Construction cost 1,935 sqft 20.15 38,990 Electricity cost 1 - 25 -64,332 kWh 0.097 -156,040 Life Cycle Cost -$117,050 Year 0 0 Year 0 0 Page 3 Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 alaskaenergy@earthlink.net Dimond Park Aqautic Center Electric Boiler Heating Scheme Basis 25 Study Period (years) 3.0% General Inflation 5.0% Nominal Discount Rate 6.0% Fuel Inflation 1.9% Real Discount Rate 5.0% Electricity Inflation Construction Costs Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Hydronic Heating System Heating Plant Primary Loop Electric boilers 2 ea 64,250.00 128,500 Boiler control panel 1 ea 3,220.00 3,220 Primary piping, pumps, and appurtenances 2 ea 7,700.00 15,400 Secondary loop Secondary pumps 2 ea 4,050.00 8,100 Secondary piping and appurtenances (boiler room) 1 lot 20,000.00 20,000 Pool shell and tube heat exchanger 2 ea 8,850.00 17,700 L l t i i 600 kW 1 75 000 00 75 000 June 17, 2008 Year 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Larger electric service, 600 kW 1 ea 75,000.00 75,000 Building Loop Hydronic piping loop 1 lot 76,000.00 76,000 Cabinet unit heaters 2 ea 1,970.00 3,940 Unit heaters 4 ea 1,095.00 4,380 Radiant heat zone valves and manafolds 2 ea 1,150.00 2,300 Radiant slab piping 14,380 lnft 2.85 40,983 Domestic Hot Water System 300 gallon indirect HW heater, hw pump, piping, etc. 2 ea 5,125.00 10,250 Ventilation System AHU-1: 36,400 cfm w/ RF and heat recovery 36,400 cfm 4.00 145,600 AHU-2: 9,900 cfm w/ RF and heat recovery 9,900 cfm 4.75 47,025 Exhaust fans, 250 cfm 4 ea 770.00 3,080 Ductwork, Natatorium 7,000 lbs 10.05 70,350 Ductwork, Ancilliary spaces 11,500 lbs 7.15 82,225 Ductwork, flexible 150 lnft 9.05 1,358 Diffusers and grilles 1 lot 8,600.00 8,600 Motor operated dampers 1 lot 6,000.00 6,000 Volume dampers 40 ea 75.00 3,000 2" rigid insulation 1,300 sqft 3.95 5,135 2" duct lining 1,000 sqft 3.35 3,350 Controls Microprocessor and programing 1 lot 42,500.00 42,500 DDC system 33,556 sqft 7.10 238,248 Thermostats 12 ea 127.00 1,524 Thermostats w/ guard 4 ea 148.00 592 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 4 Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 alaskaenergy@earthlink.net Dimond Park Aqautic Center Electric Boiler Heating Scheme June 17, 2008 Construction Costs Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Miscellaneous Test and balance 200 hrs 150.00 30,000 Commission HVAC systems 1 lot 25,000.00 25,000 Premium time 840 hrs 70.00 58,800 CONTINGENCIES Subcontractors OH&P 15% 176,724 General Contractor OH&P 30% 406,465 Estimating contingency 10% 176,135 Total Construction Costs $1,937,000 Annual Costs Qty Unit Base Cost Present Value Replacement Costs Pipe mounted pumps: one $1600 pump every 8 years 1 - 25 2 ea 200.00 7,755 Indirect HW heaters 12 -12 2 ea 5,125.00 8,025 Year 0 0 0 0 0 Years 0 0 Indirect HW heaters 12 12 2 ea 5,125.00 8,025 Maintenance Costs Boiler maintenance: 2 @ 4 hrs/ea 1 - 25 8 hrs 50.00 7,755 Pump maintenance: 2 @ 4 hrs/ea 1 - 25 8 hrs 50.00 7,755 Hot water tank maintenance: 2 @ 2 hrs ea 1 - 25 4 hrs 50.00 3,877 Miscellaneous parts 1 - 25 1 lot 500.00 9,693 Total Annual Costs $45,000 Energy Costs Qty Unit Base Cost Present Value Fuel Oil 1 - 25 0 gals 4.12 0 Electricity 1 - 25 2,331,000 kWh 0.1050 6,151,571 Total Energy Costs $6,152,000 $8,134,000 Years Present Worth Page 5 Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 alaskaenergy@earthlink.net Dimond Park Aqautic Center Fuel Oil Boiler Heating Scheme Basis 25 Study Period (years) 3.0% General Inflation 5.0% Nominal Discount Rate 6.0% Fuel Inflation 1.9% Real Discount Rate 5.0% Electricity Inflation Construction Costs Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Hydronic Heating System Heating Plant Fuel Oil System 3,000 gallon buried tank 1 ea 20,000.00 20,000 Containment piping 20 lnft 41.00 820 Connections 4 ea 87.00 348 Trenching 20 cuyd 13.00 260 Primary Loop Fuel oil boilers 3 ea 21,200.00 63,600 Boiler stacks 3 ea 3,200.00 9,600 Bil t l l 1 3 220 00 3 220 0 0 0 0 0 June 17, 2008 Year 0 0 0 Boiler control panel 1 ea 3,220.00 3,220 Primary piping, pumps, and appurtenances 3 ea 7,700.00 23,100 Secondary loop Secondary pumps 2 ea 4,050.00 8,100 Secondary piping and appurtenances (boiler room) 1 lot 20,000.00 20,000 Pool shell and tube heat exchanger 2 ea 8,850.00 17,700 Building Loop Hydronic piping loop 1 lot 76,000.00 76,000 Cabinet unit heaters 2 ea 1,970.00 3,940 Unit heaters 4 ea 1,095.00 4,380 Radiant heat zone valves and manafolds 2 ea 1,150.00 2,300 Radiant slab piping 14,380 lnft 2.85 40,983 Domestic Hot Water System 300 gallon indirect HW heater, hw pump, piping, etc. 2 ea 5,125.00 10,250 Ventilation System AHU-1: 36,400 cfm w/ RF and heat recovery 36,400 cfm 4.00 145,600 AHU-2: 9,900 cfm w/ RF and heat recovery 9,900 cfm 4.75 47,025 Exhaust fans, 250 cfm 4 ea 770.00 3,080 Ductwork, Natatorium 7,000 lbs 10.05 70,350 Ductwork, Ancilliary spaces 11,500 lbs 7.15 82,225 Ductwork, flexible 150 lnft 9.05 1,358 Diffusers and grilles 1 lot 8,600.00 8,600 Motor operated dampers 1 lot 6,000.00 6,000 Volume dampers 40 ea 75.00 3,000 2" rigid insulation 1,300 sqft 3.95 5,135 2" duct lining 1,000 sqft 3.35 3,350 Controls Microprocessor and programing 1 lot 42,500.00 42,500 DDC system 33,556 sqft 7.10 238,248 Thermostats 12 ea 127.00 1,524 Thermostats w/ guard 4 ea 148.00 592 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 6 Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 alaskaenergy@earthlink.net Dimond Park Aqautic Center Fuel Oil Boiler Heating Scheme June 17, 2008 Construction Costs Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Miscellaneous Test and balance 200 hrs 150.00 30,000 Commission HVAC systems 1 lot 25,000.00 25,000 Premium time 840 hrs 70.00 58,800 CONTINGENCIES Subcontractors OH&P 15% 161,548 General Contractor OH&P 30% 371,561 Estimating contingency 10% 161,010 Total Construction Costs $1,771,000 Annual Costs Qty Unit Base Cost Present Value Replacement Costs Pipe mounted pumps: one $1600 pump every eight years 1 - 25 3 ea 200.00 11,632 Indirect HW heaters 12 -12 2 ea 5,125.00 8,025 0 0 0 0 Year Years 0 0 0 Indirect HW heaters 12 12 2 ea 5,125.00 8,025 Maintenance Costs Boiler maintenance: 3 @ 20 hrs/ea 1 - 25 60 hrs 50.00 58,159 Pump maintenance: 3 @ 4 hrs/ea 1 - 25 12 hrs 50.00 11,632 Hot water tank maintenance: 2 @ 2 hrs ea 1 - 25 4 hrs 50.00 3,877 Miscellaneous parts 1 - 25 1 lot 1,000.00 19,386 Fuel monitoring calibration 1 - 25 4 hrs 100.00 7,755 Total Annual Costs $120,000 Energy Costs Qty Unit Base Cost Present Value Fuel Oil 1 - 25 63,200 gals 4.12 7,421,399 Electricity 1 - 25 323,000 kWh 0.0850 690,043 Total Energy Costs $8,111,000 $10,002,000Present Worth Years Page 7 Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 alaskaenergy@earthlink.net Dimond Park Aqautic Center Ground Source Heat Pump Heating Scheme Basis 25 Study Period (years) 3.0% General Inflation 5.0% Nominal Discount Rate 6.0% Fuel Inflation 1.9% Real Discount Rate 5.0% Electricity Inflation Construction Costs Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost SITE WORK Closed loop vertical well field Vertical ground exchange wells Mob/Demob to/from barge lines 2 rt 4,000.00 8,000 Shipping 1 lot 10,000.00 10,000 Drill rig transportation and down time 10 days 5,000.00 50,000 Per Diem; 3 people, 70 days 180 days 175.00 31,500 Drill cased hole, install 1" HDPE loop, remove casing, backfill 33,333 lnft 20.00 666,660 Grout plug at surface 135 holes 100.00 13,500 Exterior piping June 17, 2008 0 0 0 0 0 0 Year pp g Excavate and backfill trench and wells 870 cuyd 11.00 9,570 Install 4" HDPE, SDR 11 mains in trench 2,520 lnft 15.00 37,800 Install 2-1/2" HDPE, SDR 11 in trench 360 lnft 12.00 4,320 Install 2" HDPE, SDR 11 in trench 720 lnft 10.00 7,200 Install 1-1/2" HDPE, SDR 11 in trench 720 lnft 7.60 5,472 Install 1" HDPE, SDR 11 in trench 4,500 lnft 6.10 27,450 Connect supply and return to well 135 ea 125.00 16,875 POOL BUILDING Hydronic Ground Source System Source manifold 6" HDPE SDR 11 manifold 40 lnft 55.70 2,228 4" HDPE SDR 11 ground loop piping 50 lnft 37.20 1,860 Manifold valves, gauges, appurtenances 1 ea 3,500.00 3,500 Source pumps, 250 gpm @ 114' head, 15 HP, VFD 3 ea 6,000.00 18,000 Expansion tank, separator, glycol mixing tank 1 job 6,000.00 6,000 Insulated hydronic HDPE piping, supports, seismic 150 lnft 35.00 5,250 Hydronic Heating System 1,080 MBH water-to-water heat pump 2 ea 170,000.00 340,000 Load pumps, 260 gpm @ 48' head, 7.5 HP, VFD 2 ea 5,500.00 11,000 Heating storage tank, 500 gallons 1 ea 4,000.00 4,000 Pool plate and frame heat exchanger 2 ea 20,000.00 40,000 Larger electric service, 425 kW 1 ea 40,000.00 40,000 Building Loop Hydronic piping loop 1 lot 56,000.00 56,000 Cabinet unit heaters 2 ea 1,970.00 3,940 Unit heaters 4 ea 1,095.00 4,380 Radiant heat zone valves and manafolds 2 ea 1,150.00 2,300 Radiant slab piping 14,380 lnft 2.85 40,983 Domestic Hot Water System 204 MBH water-to-water heat pump 2 ea 25,000.00 50,000 3" HDPE WWHP piping 90 lnft 37.20 3,348 Manifold piping, valves and gauges, HW pumps 2 ea 4,000.00 8,000 300 gallon electric HW tank 2 lot 7,500.00 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 8 Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 alaskaenergy@earthlink.net Dimond Park Aqautic Center Ground Source Heat Pump Heating Scheme June 17, 2008 Construction Costs Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Ventilation System AHU-1: 36,400 cfm w/ RF and heat recovery 36,400 cfm 4.10 149,240 AHU-2: 9,900 cfm w/ RF and heat recovery 9,900 cfm 5.00 49,500 Exhaust fans, 250 cfm 4 ea 770.00 3,080 Ductwork, Natatorium 7,000 lbs 10.05 70,350 Ductwork, Ancilliary spaces 11,500 lbs 7.15 82,225 Ductwork, flexible 150 lnft 9.05 1,358 Diffusers and grilles 1 lot 8,600.00 8,600 Motor operated dampers 1 lot 6,000.00 6,000 Volume dampers 40 ea 75.00 3,000 2" rigid insulation 1,300 sqft 3.95 5,135 2" duct lining 1,000 sqft 3.35 3,350 Controls Microprocessor and programing 1 lot 42,500.00 42,500 DDC system 33,556 sqft 7.25 243,281 0 0 0 0 0 Year 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Csyse ,556 sq 5 ,8 Thermostats 12 ea 127.00 1,524 Thermostats w/ guard 4 ea 148.00 592 Miscellaneous Test and balance 216 hrs 150.00 32,400 Commission HVAC systems 1 lot 2,750.00 2,750 Premium time 840 hrs 70.00 58,800 CONTINGENCIES Subcontractors OH&P 15% 346,173 General Contractor OH&P 30% 796,198 Estimating contingency 10% 345,019 Total Construction Costs $3,795,000 Annual Costs Qty Unit Base Cost Present Value Replacement Costs DHWHP 15 - 15 1 ea 25,000.00 18,499 Ground loop and load pumps 12 - 12 4 ea 6,500.00 20,357 Maintenance and Repair Costs Water-to-water heat pumps (4 @ 8 hrs ea) 1 - 25 32 hrs 55.00 34,120 Hot water tank maintenance: 2 @ 2 hrs ea 1 - 25 4 hrs 50.00 3,877 Miscellaneous parts 1 - 25 1 lot 1,500.00 29,079 Total Annual Costs $106,000 Energy Costs Qty Unit Base Cost Present Value Fuel Oil 1 - 25 0 gal 4.12 0 Electricity 1 - 25 1,405,000 kWh 0.095 3,354,706 Total Energy Costs $3,355,000 $7,256,000Present Worth 0 0 0 Years Years 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 9 Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 alaskaenergy@earthlink.net Dimond Park Aqautic Center Hybrid Ground Source Heat Pump Heating Scheme Basis 25 Study Period (years) 3.0% General Inflation 5.0% Nominal Discount Rate 6.0% Fuel Inflation 1.9% Real Discount Rate 5.0% Electricity Inflation Construction Costs Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost SITE WORK Closed loop vertical well field Vertical ground exchange wells Mob/Demob to/from barge lines 2 rt 4,000.00 8,000 Shipping 1 lot 10,000.00 10,000 Drill rig transportation and down time 10 days 5,000.00 50,000 Per Diem; 3 people, 30 days 150 days 175.00 26,250 Drill cased hole, install 1" HDPE loop, remove casing, backfill 18,800 lnft 20.00 376,000 Grout plug at surface 78 holes 100.00 7,800 Exterior piping 0 0 0 0 0 June 17, 2008 Year 0 pp g Excavate and backfill trench and wells 750 cuyd 11.00 8,250 Install 2-1/2" HDPE, SDR 11 in trench 1,900 lnft 12.00 22,800 Install 2" HDPE, SDR 11 in trench 720 lnft 10.00 7,200 Install 1-1/2" HDPE, SDR 11 in trench 720 lnft 7.60 5,472 Install 1" HDPE, SDR 11 in trench 1,500 lnft 6.10 9,150 Connect supply and return to well 78 ea 125.00 9,750 POOL BUILDING Hydronic Ground Source System Source manifold 4" HDPE SDR 11 ground loop piping 90 lnft 37.20 3,348 Manifold valves, gauges, appurtenances 1 ea 3,500.00 3,500 Source pumps, 250 gpm @ 114' head, 15 HP, VFD 2 ea 6,500.00 13,000 Expansion tank, separator, glycol mixing tank 1 job 6,000.00 6,000 Insulated hydronic HDPE piping, supports, seismic 150 lnft 35.00 5,250 Hydronic Heating System 1,080 MBH water-to-water heat pump 1 ea 195,000.00 195,000 Electric boiler 1 ea 64,250.00 64,250 Load pumps, 260 gpm @ 52' head, 7.5 HP, VFD 2 ea 6,500.00 13,000 Heating storage tank, 300 gallons 1 ea 3,200.00 3,200 Pool plate and frame heat exchanger 2 ea 20,000.00 40,000 Larger electric service, 600 kW 1 ea 55,000.00 55,000 Building Loop Hydronic piping loop 1 lot 56,000.00 56,000 Cabinet unit heaters 2 ea 1,970.00 3,940 Unit heaters 4 ea 1,095.00 4,380 Radiant heat zone valves and manafolds 2 ea 1,150.00 2,300 Radiant slab piping 14,380 lnft 2.85 40,983 Domestic Hot Water System 204 MBH water-to-water heat pump 2 ea 25,000.00 50,000 3" HDPE WWHP piping 90 lnft 37.20 3,348 Manifold piping, valves and gauges, HW pumps 2 ea 4,000.00 8,000 300 gallon HW tank 2 lot 7,500.00 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 10 Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 alaskaenergy@earthlink.net Dimond Park Aqautic Center Hybrid Ground Source Heat Pump Heating Scheme June 17, 2008 Construction Costs Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Ventilation System AHU-1: 36,400 cfm w/ RF and heat recovery 36,400 cfm 4.10 149,240 AHU-2: 9,900 cfm w/ RF and heat recovery 9,900 cfm 5.00 49,500 Exhaust fans, 250 cfm 4 ea 770.00 3,080 Ductwork, Natatorium 7,000 lbs 10.05 70,350 Ductwork, Ancilliary spaces 11,500 lbs 7.15 82,225 Ductwork, flexible 150 lnft 9.05 1,358 Diffusers and grilles 1 lot 8,600.00 8,600 Motor operated dampers 1 lot 6,000.00 6,000 Volume dampers 40 ea 75.00 3,000 2" rigid insulation 1,300 sqft 3.95 5,135 2" duct lining 1,000 sqft 3.35 3,350 Controls Microprocessor and programing 1 lot 42,500.00 42,500 DDC system 33,556 sqft 7.35 246,637 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Year 0 0 Csyse ,556 sq 5 6,6 Thermostats 12 ea 127.00 1,524 Thermostats w/ guard 4 ea 148.00 592 Miscellaneous Test and balance 216 hrs 150.00 32,400 Commission HVAC systems 1 lot 2,750.00 2,750 Premium time 840 hrs 70.00 58,800 CONTINGENCIES Subcontractors OH&P 15% 283,982 General Contractor OH&P 30% 653,158 Estimating contingency 10% 283,035 Total Construction Costs $3,113,000 Annual Costs Qty Unit Base Cost Present Value Replacement Costs DHWHP 15 - 15 1 ea 25,000.00 18,499 Ground loop and load pumps 12 - 12 4 ea 6,500.00 20,357 Maintenance and Repair Costs Boiler maintenance: 1 @ 4 hrs/ea 1 - 25 4 hrs 50.00 3,877 Water-to-water heat pumps (3 @ 8 hrs ea) 1 - 25 24 hrs 55.00 25,590 Hot water tank maintenance: 2 @ 2 hrs ea 1 - 25 4 hrs 50.00 3,877 Miscellaneous parts 1 - 25 1 lot 1,500.00 29,079 Total Annual Costs $101,000 Energy Costs Qty Unit Base Cost Present Value Fuel Oil 1 - 25 0 gal 4.12 0 Electricity 1 - 25 1,573,000 kWh 0.097 3,834,908 Total Energy Costs $3,835,000 $7,049,000 0 0 Years Years Present Worth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 11 Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual IOMM THR Group: Chiller Part Number: 350243601 Effective: March 2002 Supercedes: New THR Reciprocating Templifiers THR 040E to THR 210E, Packaged Water Heater 500 to 3000 MBH R-22, R134a 50/60 Hz