HomeMy WebLinkAboutMcKinley Village Denali Education Center Solar Water Heating App/�.1 ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund 4MC)ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application Application Forms and Instructions The following forms and instructions are provided for preparing your application for a Renewable Energy Fund Grant. An electronic version of the Request for Applications (RFA) and the forms are available online at htto://www.akenergyauthoriiy.org/REFund.html The following application forms are required to be submitted for a grant recommendation: Grant Application GrantApp.doc Application form in MS Word that includes an outline of Form information required to submit a complete application. Applicants should use the form to assure all information is provided and attach additional information as required. - Application Cost Costworksheet.doc Summary of Cost information that should be addressed Worksheet by applicants in preparing their application. Grant Budget GrantBudget.xls A detailed grant budget that includes a breakdown of Form costs by task and a summary of funds available and requested to complete the work for which funds are being requested. Grant Budget GrantBudgetlnstr.pdf Instructions for completing the above grant budget form. Form Instructions + If you are applying for grants for more than one project, provide separate application forms for each project. • Multiple phases for the same project may be submitted as one application. • If you are applying for grant funding for more than one phase of a project, provide a plan and grant budget for completion of each phase. + If some work has already been completed on your project and you are requesting funding for an advanced phase, submit information sufficient to demonstrate that the preceding phases are satisfied and funding for an advanced phase is warranted. • If you have additional information or reports you would like the Authority to consider in reviewing your application, either provide an electronic version of the document with your submission or reference a web link where it can be downloaded or reviewed. REMINDER: • Alaska Energy Authority is subject to the Public Records Act, AS 40.25 and materials submitted to the Authority may be subject to disclosure requirements under the act if no statutory exemptions apply. • All applications received will be posted on the Authority web site after final recommendations are made to the legislature. AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 1 of 13 9/2/2008 ANED ALAS�KA Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application SE-CTIO v I — APPLICANT INFOsmATION Name (Name of utility, 1PP, or government entity submitting proposal) Golden Valley Electric Association Type of Entity: An electric cooperative utility holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity Mailing Address Physical Address 758 Illinois Street, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Telephone Fax Email 907 452 1151 1.1 APPLICANT POINT OF CONTACT Name Title Todd Hoener Energy Efficiency Specialist Mailing Address PO Box 71249, Fairbanks, AK 99707-1249 Telephone Fax Email 907 451 5607 907 458 6365 tmh@gvea.com 1.2 APPLICANT MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Piease check as appropriate. If you do not to meet the minimum applreani requirements, your .�ppljoatron will be rejected, 1,2'.1 As -an Applicant, we -are: (prat an X in the appropriate box) X r40electric utilFty holdiiin9 a certificate of public wnvenience and necessity under A 4 ,05, or An independeil pewe'rprodu�er, qr A iocal govitm rent, or n cvernrnentaI entity (which includes'tribal councils and housing. ut rari#aes ; Yes i .L Attached to this application is fo.rnial Approval and endorsement for its project by its board of directors, executive management, or .other governing 6uthority. If a collaborative 'grouping, a formal approval from each pgrticipent'; . governing authority is neoessar , {Indicate *des or No in the box ) Yes I,�. ,- As an applicant, we have adminisli'alive and 1=inanc€,�l management systems and follow procurement standards that comply with the- sta odards set forth 1n-the grad# agreement, Yes 2.4. it awarded the grani, we can comply with all terms and conditions of the attached giant form. (Any excOptions should be clearly noted 'and Submitted with the AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 2 of 13 9/3/2008 rj:�ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application t&h&i 2 - 1PFiojecT SUMMARY Provide q Brief I-;? pace 6Vefvie, w ot-your profq t. 12.1 PROJE T T PE Describ.e Me fy�?& of 0,'oje l You si4e prop sing. {Reconnajs&anc€, Res orro Asso6smerrV F=am ibiirly Arra1y-*WC n,,:ap1val Dasrgrr, final Deslgn and Permifling, arjdlor as mM as the kind c}f .�a{�c svabl cr�dr y Lou inE27G' Jo rise- Flefer to aotru» 1,5 cf RFA. I Construction. Construction of a solar water heating system, which includes solar collectors, well -insulated storage tanks and delivery infrastructure (e.g., insulated pipe, valves, plumbing, etc.). This will be an active solar water heating systems, which will have circulating pumps and controls. 12.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION � i Provide a -one w�graph arc ojr of l of) of your prpftj ct. At a minimum 04-,1wJ0 i`he project WatiGfl, coirmtrf)ities to be_� ,fi , ', arid who will b4e in valved iri' the rgrar q {,yqj� . I Golden Valley Eiectric Association, Ni FjNUses tl.e =v, -rStrtl%tion of a solar heating system to be used by the Denali Education Center (DEC). This proposed solar water heating system would be used to displace fossil fuel energy (specifically, electricity) that is currently used to heat water and space for these end -users. DEC is located just south of the 64th northern latitude, about eight miles south of the Denali National Park entrance at mile post 231.1 on the east side of the Parks Highway bridge that crosses over the Nenana River. It is a non- profit research, education and communication organization with cooperative interaction to Denali National Park and all its summer -time visitors. The DEC's campus serves people who visit and stay their during the summer tourist season. There are 13 cabins on the campus, a campus center and other outbuildings. Currently, the peak number who lodge and work at the Center during the summer is about 75 people, with an anticipated near -future growth up to 100 people. GVEA also plans to work ABS Alaskan and Jim Norman, principal and owner. l `.3 PROJE T BUDGET 0VIERVIEW I� Drrofty disccus the -arnoanf cf fjF?dR-needad, the amht ip,�fed sources of fands,.and tl�e nature -and source l oWAhr&; corrtrrbutiunq to the profact incJude a profact cost surnmary than includes an estimated total cast :trr4ggh corkstructton. All anticipated funds, except GVEA time on project management and additional labor and services provided by Denali Education Center, will to come from Renewable Energy Fund. Denali Education Foundation contributions include lodging of employees and contributed labor from DEC staff. Cost summary: Solar Water Heating System (material & labor): $120,000 Tower mounting structures. $20,000 Heating loop system (material and labor): $50,000 Total _ $190,000 2..4 lr SECT BENEFIT Briefi,'v discuss the financial benefits that will resat from this project, including an 'estimate of ecorroratc yenelits es5ggh as reduced Loel casts and_a dascrrptiori .of other .borne its to the A faskarr public. Solar water heating systems use the sun's energy to provide hot water and space heating in this project. The significant public benefit of this project is the following: Non-profit education foundation offsets conservatively approximately $9,000 in operating costs per year. (See attachm n # 1) Alaska's hospitality tourism industry is competitive and reducing energy is good for business. Alaska's hospitality tourism industry, contrary to most of the state, is energy intensive in the summer, not the winter. This project will also increase the demand for solar AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 3 of 13 9/3/2008 /I&D ALASHKA Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application water heating in the summer -season hospitality tourism industry and result in increased employment and training opportunities to develop the capacity for installing such systems. This system is custom-made for the hospitality industry but has broad economical appeal and application for all Alaskans. Solar water heating is environmentally clean and does not contribute to greenhouse gases or other pollutants. In this particular case, the reduction of electricity demand will not only reduce operating costs and improve DEC's financial balance sheet and affordability, it will also drop the demand, or load, on the organization's facilities and actually lower the rate on the DEC account, dropping an expensive demand charge on its bill. This is an excellent example of load management and a direct financial benefit for other businesses. The public is keenly aware of global warming and the environment. Organizations that endorse sustainability demonstrate they are taking proactive steps towards environmental preservation and are serious about renewable energy and steps toward energy independence. in the hospitality industry, customers are more likely to spend their money with a businesses that are eco-friendly, knowing that they share the same values when it comes to the environment. With GVEA, the cooperative's membership that sees practical steps toward diversifying energy resources, addressing environmental concerns and reducing fossil fuel dependency will view this project as their public benefit. 1 2.5 PHOJECT COST AND BENEFIT SUMARY - — hw—Vude a -summary of your project's total costs and benefits belo w- i 2.5.1 Total Project Cost #nclu€fin estimate§-thfoti h construotianr 2.6.2 Grant Funds Regties£ed in this appfloattbn. I 2.5.3 Other Funds -to be Provided (Project mn itch) i 2.5.4 Total Grant Costs (sun3 of 2.5:3 and 2,5.3) r� 2.6.5 ``sgfim 'ted Benefit ( evir+gs) 2..6 Public Benefit (if you can calculate the benefit in terms of doIlars, ptease provide that number here and explain how you calculated thM nuinher ire your anvlication. I $190,000 $ 3,600 $193,600 $1931fi00 ** $ 9,400 Estimated value of lodging that DEC will provide for workers during construction. * Estimated benefit calculated over 20-year life of system at current electric rate (estimate calculated without inevitable electric rate increases, which could be 2 — 5 percent increase annually). ** Calculated avoided cost of emitting 470 metric tons of emissions at $20 a metric ton over 20-year life of system (estimated). Additional public benefit due to education benefit, and subsequence economic benefit resulting, was not calculated. AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 4 of 13 9/3/2008 /4%� ALASHKA Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application SE &10N 3 - PF110dE T MANAGEME NT PLAN , �:r:+:lb tvho wr'!l ! r spor'rs�bl for' rpana ipg the project and p;'Ovlda a plan far successtulfv compl fin the pr'o�a iVidlin Fhc s pe..8chedufe arrd bvc of pWOS'ed ir? the ,cplicaffora. 3.1 Project -Manager Tell us who 11k be nlanagin -the'Prdj: ct for the- Grantee and include.a r'esu�7�e and a iriten to tor- the manageV(s). If tha aPP lck.nI toes not have a rrojact manager indicate how you irkterrd to ii("11 Pro}oct managorneait Support, If the applicant OxPeots project Management assistance fro i AEA or anoth r government Ent , eNkje that in this section, Todd Hoener, GVEIVS erieryy efficiency specialist, will manage the project construction for GVEA. Jim Norman of ABS Alaskan is the primary sub -contractor contact for construction. For full public benefit and project success, GVEA anticipates project management assistance from Alaska E:.e!- Authorit _ 3.2 Project Sdhedluie 1,-,dude a schedule for the proposers work that will be funded by tini -grant. (You r-nay include a 1 car or table attach�nernt wilth a surnmar of dates bela ,) See attachment A 2 1...3 Project Milestones - �- ine ke ty asks and dacisfr�ripoints ill our ro e:ct and a chedu€ for acriiev+n tY�on�. I Project is of small enough scale that schedule for proposed work and defining key task and decision points are essentially parallel in scope. Detailed system design review and assessment Order system materials Installation logistics and manpower allocation On -site preparation Stage materials & mobilization Start construction Complete construction Commission and test system DerliUu�itc-�io� 3.4 project ReSOUrGes i- Descrbe the personnel, contractors, equipment, dnd serviced you will use to arocomplish the ,nrojg0 Incluije any partnerships or corn miIments with other en'titiss you have or anticipate will be needed to complete your project. Describe any existing contracts and the. sclection process you MRy uSe for major equiprnerrt purchases car contracts, Include brie# resumes. anti references nor tc�rown, Ivey personrl 1, ntractors, grids Tiers as a, attachment to your qn ip ication. Todd Hoener, energy efficiency specialist, GVEA. Profile attached Jim Norman, president, ABS Alaskan. Profile attached. Jim Kloss, solar water heating system specialist, ABS Alaskan. Profile attached. Partnerships include Denali Education Center, ABS Alaskan is the primary sub -contractor and will use its trained workforce and equipment. Other contractors for additional equipment (ditch work, excavation, cranes, etc.) will be contracted within the Healy area. &5. P.roject Communicaiions Discui s hove you plan to monitor the project and keep the Authority inforrTied of tho status _; Once project funds are released, and before delivery of materials on site to begin construction, GVEA, ABS Alaskan and the Denali Education Center (either face-to-face or by teleconference) will have regular bimonthly meetings to update progress on design criteria, siting of collectors, any alterations to exiting buildings for hot water storage capacity, material order and delivery schedules, hiring qualified skilled labor and additional sub- contractors necessary and when needed on -site lodging, on -site conditions re - AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 5 of 13 9/3/2008 /&� ALASM Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application construction action plan and installation of any measurement and verification resources. In addition, we will discuss health and safety issues. At all meetings, minutes will take place and AEA will be invited to attend. Once on site, GVEA will make weekly on -site visits and report weekly progress to AEA. AEA will be copied on the most relevant email correspondence. A more formal monthly report will be issued to AEA and copied to GVEA board members. GVEA's intention is for a successful, transparent and cooperating project. We expect to sell this concept to our members, we want the State of Alaska - through AEA -- to see the benefits and sell this renewable energy concept to the rest of the state. It is in GVEA's interest to maximize the success of the project and demonstrate the benefits. Communications with all parties involved will be most important. _ 13.6 Project Fisk I Luis uss. poternti2l problems and how y2u would address thern-m. Disruption of ordered supply materials. Planning to have a substantial lead time in order. Late breakup or inclement weather. Roof work and interior work will begin first, if weather is an issue. Safety issues of employees and guests with overhead work at roof heights. Employees will be trained and certified in tower safety and rescue. Areas will be restricted access and barriers will be erected. First aid certified worker will be on site and a safety and rescue plan will be in place before work begins. Leaks in system. System has propylene glycol, which is non -toxic and biodegradable so if leak occurred it would not affect environment significantly. Overheating system and early spring stagnation on system. Cover up collectors. 1 IE TIO!i 4 - PWOJE T DESCRIPTION AND TASKSi 4 T011 us What MO project is and how you will meet the MqU rements outlined in Section 2 Of the. RFA. The laver of information WN vary according to phase of the project YOU propose to updortake with grant funds. 1 O 1t yov are applying for grant funding for &;6re than ape phase of a project, pr'owr' e a plea and grant budget for completibo of each prase. !f sorrrp work has airpady beery completed On your project a4ndyou are requesting funding for In advanced phase sir Ptit rrtf0r1)r4)tiOn stdficienf ter darnonsfrafe Brat the pr'oc ding phases are safisfiod and funpr ng for'an advanced phase 1s warranted. 4.1 Proposed Energy 130 vurcc -- bescribe the potential extent/amount of'the onergy resource that is available.. Discus , s the pros and corns of your proposed energy i'esourbe Vs. other altarnativea'that may be VRilable for the market to be served by your project, A table of solar resources derived from the Hel'lodyne's Polysun software program is attached. (See attachment # 3) Tankless hot water heaters with propane or electricity are an alternative. However, alternatives are still costly and are subject to escalating fuel costs and emissions. An alternative might be solar electric (PV), though its efficiency would be much lower in terms of both absolute efficiency and the cost per watt. Wood fired or coal fired (from Healy) could be used but emission, transportation, supply, on- going operation and maintenance issues must be considered. Somebody must physically fire that boiler very day. Solar thermal operates with minimal amount of human intervention and no fuel supply issues. AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 6 of 13 9/3/2008 ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application ,c -Xis' inn E-ilergy Systet 4..1 Basic oon3#cguration of Ex€siincg Energy Systefn i Briefly discuss'the basis' c«r�fi Ura#inrr of thO eXc Sfing ever Y SVI" rl, irirlucie information about E fiherurr�brr, ie.,c , e�f.ioie��cy, a��d #�qje ofer�eratio��. Refer to DEC"s `-%aT,-,Nus Energy Audit, 09 August 2008" and spreadsheet "Energy electric consumption" (See atta hments # 4a & 4b The DEC was established in 1989. The existing end -use energy system begins on this date. Attached is the end -use electric energy profile of DEC showing the peaks and valleys of energy use over the past two years. (See attachments # 1A 5a 5b & 5c) - 4.2.2 Existing Energy nesources Used Briefly discuss yolAr understandingof the existing 0rtergy resources- Include a brie" OSQUssiol7 ofi �. any ian a-p # tt r projecf ma have on existing energ y infra #rucfure ar�ci resources. e o; rind ;f e)ur proposed proiect will dr-astically reduce the need for the existing infrastructure. The broad swings in electricity and propane use that currently energize the existing infrastructure will be eliminated, though some electricity will be needed for backup of the proposed new system. Revere to consumption levels and related charts attached. See aL:t c#ern sr # 53 b & 5c F 4,2.3 Existing Energy Market Discuss. eci tirrg enY uss. rtc its mai'k� t. Dilscui sq-- q vets your protect may have on energy customers. The hos;pitaiity tourism industry is the target market, one of the most important industries in the State of Alaska. The potential impact on the hospitality tourism industry is to reduce summer electricity peak load. In addition, water heating is something everyone uses year round and is therefore a secondary target market to demonstrate the practical and economical application of solar water heating systems. The bottom line is that this project will have a reduced load on GVEA's generation and demonstrate a lower energy use and cost on its member. As a cooperative electric utility, it is not simply a purpose of the electric company to sell electricity; it is a responsibility of the cooperative electric utility to serve its membership in the best and better use of electricity. This project is an example of the responsibility that a cooperative member -owned electric utility has to its membership. AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 7 of 13 9/3/2008 /�ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application =.:3 Proposed System Include -Intorra~ation necessary to d sorib tiie system you are int6nding to develop and address POW IIfial system dgig n, I A n d *ner N0, pei'rriits.�A 0:environrrieFnta,i Issues.. 4.3.1 System Design Provide the f0l10wing infro-nation for the proposed renewable energy yste;xj; i a A description of renewable energy t chnol.ogy specific to project location a Op:lmum lm,ctalled capacity 4 Anticipated capacity factor i o Anticipated arrnual generation Anticipated b, rYders Basic irrtegration-concept r Delivery methods Supply and install solar thermal water heating system and interior space heating to displace electricity (and some propane) currently used for these purposes. The system would consist of a 2,000-foot insulated hot water loop between the laundry building on the south side of the site, to the Riverside complex on the north side of the site and to the Sheldon Center to the west. Primary heat generation would come from solar flat -plate collectors roof mounted at these three locations. Additional heat will be provided by six (6) individual 40-square foot collectors mounted on 30-foot towers positioned strategically next to cabins along the loop. The towers will prevent minimal disturbance to the habitat. The Heliodyne flat panel thermal collector, Gobi 410, will be used as the water -heating component of the system. A total of 1,274 square feet of collections area is calculated. A description of the Heliodyne flat panel thermal collector is attached. (See attachments # 6a. 6b & 6c) The anticipated annual generation is expected to offset approximately between 32,000 & 36,000 kilowatt-hours of energy or between 109 and 124 million BTUs annually. Anticipated barriers: Bad water, potential shading (has been addressed) Education and operating and maintaining. Overheating of system. Set schedule where collectors were shaded during the winter. Supply and delivery shortfalls. Delivery methods: insulated water pipe loop, storage tanks, space water heating, and circulating water pumps. _ 4.32 Land Ow�ier�hip — Identily pQtonlial land ownership issues, includin whether site owners have 'agreed to the ct ar hove u irttsnd to appraacf� land ownership anCi access issues, Land is owned by the Denali Education Center. 4.3.3 Permits Provide the following information as it may relate to permitting and how you intend' to address j.oLrtstanding permit Issues. List of applicable perrads ep An*ic paten perrinitfihg tlmelinfa f a Identify and discussion of Potent iai barriers There are no applicable permits or any anticipated Permitting issues. 4.3.4 EnvironMental I Address whether the following environmemg] :arid land use issues apply, and if sty how they. will be addressed-. * Threatened or Endangered species F a Habitat issues * Wetlands and other protected areas a Archaeological and Ili torical resources Land development coi)sttaints a Telecommunications.interference AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 8 of 13 9/3/2008 r401E):�ALASM Renewable Energy Fund ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application f � Aviaticrri �rnidt�i`�#i,orrs l Visual, aesthetics irnpaet�_ 8 Identity and discuss dthef p06ri#itli bnffi6m I • Threatened or Endangered species: No issue • Habitat issues: No issue. Private property, working with property owner, DEC, whose mission is to benefit the Denali National Park bioregion and State of Alaska. • Wetlands and other protected areas: No issue • Archaeological and historical resources: No issue • Land development constraints: No issue • Telecommunications interference: No foreseen issue • Aviation considerations: No issue • Visual, aesthetics impacts: this issue is being addressed by reducing the number of trees that might affect the collectors and putting some collectors on towers. • Identify and discuss other potential barriers: None. All barriers have been previously discussed. 4.41 Proposed Now System Casts (Tothl Est ini tee Costs and proposed Revenues) Tha level of cost information provided will vary according to the phase of fUndin g requested and any previous work the applicant may have done on thin project, Applicants must reference. the source of befr cost data. For example: Applicants E9 cords or AnWy is, Industry Standard , onsultant or Manotacturer°s estimx tes. 4.4.1 Project Developme€it Cost Provide detailed project cost inf o rm. ation based on your current kriowled e and understanding of the project. Coat inforr ; tfion should incluOe they following: I • T Wml arrticipal6d project cost, and cost fOr kris phas� a Requested grant funding Applicant matchingg funds -- loans, capital contributions, in -kind i Identification of other funding sources 43 Projected capital cost of proposed renewable energy system * Projected development cost of proposed renewable energy system • Total anticipated project cost, and cost for this phase: This project is anticipated to take approximately six months in preparation, construction and completion. The project cost is estimated to be $193,600 • Requested grant funding: $190,000 • Applicant matching funds - in -kind: at least $3,600. DEC and GVEA will be requesting additional funds from the other foundations (e.g., Rasmussen Foundation) for expansion of this system. • Identification of other funding sources: See above • Projected capital cost of proposed renewable energy system: $190,000 • Projected development cost of proposed renewable energy system: $64,000 (feasibility grant obtained earlier through Alaska Energy Authority and Denali Commission. 4.4.2=iolect Operating and Mai ntena nee Costs lnck�;de anticipated OMM casts for new facilities constructed.and tiowv these would be funded by Me applicant. * Total Ahbclpat d-project cast for this phase Requested grant funding DEC will contribute operating and maintenance costs and in -kind service to this new facility. GVEA will monitor this contribution to assure maintenance is satisfactory for the long -life of the system. ABS Alaskan does not anticipate a large operating and maintenance cost to this system and notified GVEA that most operating and maintenance after the system was complete was visual (sensory) and physical attention to the system (turning on or off valves, removing or replacing protective shield covers on the collectors was done at the beginning of the heating season and the end of the heating season. AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 9 of 13 9/3/2008 /W� ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application 4.43 Power Purchase/Sale _ E i�� p wor 1)uI'Ohase{sale Informatipn ShOuId iraclUda the #oilawing: .- lderttificakirr, of Potential power buyerk's}Icutlom r(s) o Potential power - pu rc h aselsaleprice - at.a MirtiIIILI r7 indieatp a price.range Psd rato of ielErrr7 frrant. ,lLd aipct This is a close system. The purpose is to offset electricity usage and cost. There are no Power purchase agreements. MA Cost Worksheet 00mDiete the cost worksheet fame which provides sunirnafiy information that will b� considered i evaluating the proiect. Cost Worksheet Attached. AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 10 of 13 9/3/2008 /=� ALASM Renewable Energy Fund 401L7 ENERGY AUTHORITY Grant Application 4.4.5 Business Plan — Di' c u" your plan for operating the completed project so that it will br�.4 sustairiable. int hi(ie at a alinimurn business S !' ." ,Lli'e $f_%. ' ! ,. ., � # cl {3"l f Ike Q�1�Sfd d. ABS Alaskan will be responsible for the successful commissioning of the system after the construction is complete. DEC will be provided a schedule and personnel training for any maintenance from ABS Alaskan. DEC will eventually take control over maintenance and operation. GVEA will assure that DEC is in compliance to ABS Alaskans O&M plan and schedule and will visit the site regularly after commissioning and throughout the years to assure quality control, monitor the success of the project and report to appropriate -governing boards and agencies. 4.4.6' An.aIysi.s and Recom ine n dati ons -- E Provide information about the econornia analysis and the prbposod prof ct. I_}isc:oss your, _ecorrirriendatr6b �fo_additionai pr ct development work; Alaska's hospitality tourism industry is competitive and reducing energy and energy costs is good economics for business. Alaska's hospitality industry, contrary to most of the state, is energy intensive in the summer, not the winter. Summer is when this industry's' energy needs are at a peak, contrary to the rest of the state. Because solar water heating is environmentally clean and does not contribute to greenhouse gases or other pollutants, this visible water heating system will also increase the awareness of tourists and other travelers about the importance that Alaska places on renewable energy. In addition, besides increasing the demand for solar water heating in the summer -season hospitality industry and this project will help increase employment and training opportunities to develop the capacity for installing such systems within the renewable energy field here in Alaska. This system is custom-made for the hospitality industry but has broad economical appeal and application for all Alaskans. In this particular case, the reduction of electricity demand will not only reduce operating costs and improve DEC's financial balance sheet and affordability; it will also drop the demand, or load, on the organization's facilities and actually lower the rate on the DEC account, dropping an expensive demand charge on its bill. This is an excellent example of load management and a direct financial benefit for other businesses. The public is keenly aware of global warming and the environment. Organizations that endorse sustainability demonstrate they are taking proactive steps towards environmental preservation and are serious about renewable energy and steps toward energy independence. In the hospitality industry, customers are more likely to spend their money with a businesses that are eco-friendly, knowing that they share the same values when it comes to the environment. With GVEA, the cooperative's membership that sees practical steps toward diversifying energy resources, addressing environmental concerns and reducing fossil fuel de endency will view this project as their public benefit. l~ EOTIO.N 5— PROJECT BENS' 11T Explain the economic and public benefits of your proiecl. Include direct cost savings, and how the people of Alaska w ll benefit from the project. Tile benefits irrforrhation should include the folio ing. * Potential annual fuel displacement (gal and $) over the lifetime of the .evaluated renewable energy project Anticipated annual revenue (based on €.e. a Proposed Power Purchase-Agrseirnq rnt prk;e, RCA tariff; or avoided cost of ownership) Pot.QnWil additional annual incentives (Le, tax credits) .+ PI te: i,'al additionaI ar�nA revenue streams (i.a. green tag sales or other ren�wat)le energy su.osidies.0r programs that might be available) Discus the non -economic public benefits to Alaskans over the lifetime of the project • Potential annual fuel displacement (gal. and $) over the lifetime of the evaluated renewable energy project: Annual kWh displacement of this project is estimated AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 11 of 13 9/3/2008 /&� ALASKA Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application (conservatively) at about 36,000 kWh with a current cost value of about $9,600, Over a 20-year period, this would amount to 727,000 kWh and $193,000. (See attachment # 1) • Anticipated annual revenue (based on i.e. a Proposed Power Purchase Agreement price, RCA tariff, or avoided cost of ownership). Savings to cooperative member (DEC) • Potential additional annual incentives (Le. tax credits): None • Potential additional annual revenue streams (i.e. green tag sales or other renewable energy subsidies or programs that might be available): None • Discuss the non -economic public benefits to Alaskans over the lifetime of the project: This depends on what one defines as "non -economic public benefit." Everything has an economic benefit, whether in funds saved, energy saved, clean air, displaced fossil fuels, attracting tourists, encouraging societal changes, displaying leadership, demonstrating guidance, encouraging positive change, etc. r SECTION 6 -- GRANT BUDGET Tell us how much your rotal pig6ct costs. hoW MUCK is reqUastad irr 91ant fUnd r applicant. lrauludO any inMiMenfs to date and funding sp4irces, and additional hlvestm6nts you Vvill rusks as an l Incrude an estimate of oudget posts b masks rising the farm - Grantiguda t.xls It is estimated that this project will cost $190,000. The biggest additional expense, the expenses that drives this project cost higher than normal solar water heating systems that are single source and replace traditional single source systems, is the heating loop that will serve to circulate the solar -heated water. DEC is a non-profit organization that is very excited to commit what resources it can to the project, specifically, housing for construction workers and volunteer labor when necessary. We also expect to get support for statewide foundations, such as the Rasmuson Foundation, to expand the system. This project will be used as a model demonstration for the appropriate use of solar water heating systems through out Alaska and particularly with the hospitality tourism industry. It also shows GVEA's commitment to its membership and its own "Green Power Pledge." AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 12 of 13 9/3/2008 /&� ALASM Renewable Energy Fund Grant Application SECTION 7 — ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION AND CERTIFICATION SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICATION-. A. Resumes of Applicant's Project Manager, key staff, partners, consultants, and suppliers per application form Section 3.1 and 3.4 B. Cost Worksheet per application form Section 4.4.4 C. Grant Budget Form per application form Section 6. D. An electronic version of the entire application per RFA Section 1.6 E. Governing Body Resolution per RFA Section 1.4 Enclose a copy of the resolution or other formal action taken by the applicant's governing body or management that: - authorizes this application for project funding at the match amounts indicated in the application - authorizes the individual named as point of contact to represent the applicant for purposes of this application - states the applicant is in compliance with all federal state, and local, laws including existing credit and federal tax obligations. F. CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifies that this application for a renewable energy grant is truthful and correct, and that the applicant is in compliance with, and will continue to comply with, all federal and state laws including existing credit and federal tax obligations. Prink Name -Giv Ncki-aNam'_ signature lc,/'Fj' — Title 6N6,,e6ly OFF/C�g,V� no I pg ©GT 08 5PFC14u S 7- AEA 09-004 Grant Application Page 13 of 13 9/3/2008 Regulatory Commission of Alaska - Certificate: 13 Page 1 of 1 Aoo Protecting consumer interests. Promoting economic c ' Iv ofirlilF'atw. f3i CPCN 13., Gol.den Valtey El d ssoc-fation, Inc,.. Summary Certlflcakr Tariff Matters Special Other Matters Financial C r na}c jN Contracts Filings SUMMARY View.addlvonol Informational ut. GOLDtN VALt Y MENM ASSMATION, !N1 Certificate Type CPCN Utility Type Electric Regulatory Code Economically Regulated, no exemption (42.05 & 42.06) Statutory Provision 42.05.990(4)(A) Certificate Document Current Tariff CPCN z:i zsarp:�i {fr' POWER COST EQUALIZATION PP.0,GRAM Enrolled in PCE Program? No Status in PCE Program Date of Last Surcharge Filing Date Next Surcharge Filing Due 701 West Eighth Avenue, Sulte 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3469 Phone:(907) 276-6222 Fax:(907) 276-0160 7TY:(907) 276-453c Toll Free: (1-800) 390-2792 (outslde Anchorage, within Alaska) Webmaster; wok': Rr,;r.aa s,¢sa+�ern.a�w�w https:llrca.alaska. gov/RCAWebICertificate/CertificateDetails.aspx?id-6a9O7960-cadb-4d8... 1 /31/2008 7.A.(H) GVEA's History Incorporated in 1946 in Fairbanks, Alaska, Golden Valley Electric Association took shape when a small group of people became interested in bringing electric service to rural areas and furthering the agricultural industry in Interior Alaska. These pioneers applied to the Rural Electrification Administration, which granted a loan to form a not -for -profit rural electric cooperative. Last year, GVEA celebrated 60 years of service to nearly 90,000 Interior residents in the Fairbanks, Delta Junction, Nenana, Healy and Cantwell areas to over 42,000 service locations. The 9.500Kw Fairbanks Exploration Co. (F.E.) power plant was built in 1927 to serve the gold dredges operating in the Tanana Valley. GVEA purchased power from the F.E. Company until 1952, when they purchased the plant. It was retired in March 1972. • Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project • Energy$ense conservation programs • Small scale renewable power *Wind *Green power partnerships GVEA operates and maintains 2,995 miles of transmission and distribution lines and 35 substations. Our system is interconnected with Fort Wainwright, Eielson AFB, Fort Greely, the University of Alaska -Fairbanks and all electric utilities in the Alaska Railbelt which extends from Homer, Alaska to Fairbanks. Peak system demand increased during the past year, from 194.7 MW in 2005 to 207.1 MW in 2006. Golden Valley maintains a diverse fuel mix to help stabilize costs. The new North Pole Expansion Plant adds Naphtha, an extremely clean burning fuel, to our mix. If natural gas comes to the Interior, the new plant will have the ability to burn gas. In 2005, GVEA's Board of Directors adopted a green power pledge. The pledge calls for 10 percent of GVEA's peak load to come from renewable energy sources by the end of 2007. With an anticipated peak load of 230 MW in 2007, Golden Valley plans to meet these goals through a variety of programs and initiatives including: GVEA energized the Northern Intertie in October 2003. This 97-mile, 230-kilovolt line is one of GVEA's initiatives to improve system reliability. GVEA is the northern control point for the Fairbanks/Anchorage Intertie, which serves most Railbelt communities. Both interties allow GVEA to augment our 296 MW generation capacity with an additional 70 MW from the Anchorage area. Golden Valley's Battery Energy Storage System project came online in November 2003. The BESS can provide 27 megawatts for 15 minutes or up to 40 MW for less time if necessary. Being able to produce 40 MW makes the BESS the most powerful battery energy storage system in the world in terms of MW output. In 2006, the BESS responded to 82 events which prevented 311,000 member outages. GVEA's generating capability of 296 MW is supplied by six generating facilities. The Healy Power Plant provides 28 MW, is coal-fired and is located at the back door of the Usibelli Coal Mine. Our 120 MW North Pale Power Plant is oil -fired and built next to Flint Hills refinery. The oil -fired Zehnder Power Plant in Fairbanks can provide 41 MW, The Delta Power Plant, formerly the Chena 6 Power Plant on First Avenue in Fairbanks, can produce 27 MW. In 1991, GVEA added Bradley Lake's hydroelectric power to its sources of energy. Bradley Lake is located near Homer, and GVEA's 17 percent share of the energy (20 MW) is transmitted via the Intertie. Mealy power plant Construction of the North Pole Expansion Plant was completed in 2006. Fired up for the first time in November, it is now operating commercially. The plant uses combined -cycle technology to add 60 MW of generation at the existing North Pole Power Plant site. The project entails a 47- MW combustion turbine with a steam turbine that allows us to generate an additional 13 MW. As demand G-VEA rs ; X 7.9 -o : 712A9, T'.: � PO 1-Uz - ' 37) 1,1.J7 RESOLUTION NO. 117-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SUPPORTING THE REQUEST FOR STATE FUNDING FOR THE McKINLEY VILLAGE SOLAR THERMAL WATER HEATING PROJECT THROUGH THE ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (AEA) RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND WHEREAS, Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) supports diversification of energy sources through the use of alternative energy to reduce electric costs to its members and customers; and WHEREAS, GVEA has invested in studies of alternative energy sources to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors introduced the Sustainable Natural Alternative Power (SNAP) program in 2005 and as such was the first utility in the state to do so to demonstrate its commitment to alternative energy; and WHEREAS, GVEA met the 2007 goals of its own voluntary Green Power Pledge to supply its peak system load with 10 percent renewable sources utilizing a combination of conservation, hydro -electric power and power contributed by SNAP producers; and WHEREAS, this project will help GVEA meet its own voluntary Green Power Pledge of 20% by 2014; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors since 2006 has supported research of solar water heating systems at the Cold Climate Housing Research Center in Fairbanks, including the installation of solar water heating systems; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has previously supported earlier this year a preconstruction proposal to the Denali Commission and AEA that yielded to GVEA a $64,000 grant to fund a feasibility study for a solar thermal water heating system demonstration project in the McKinley Village area; and WHEREAS, the intent of this proposed funding is to incorporate that feasibility study into the construction phase of a solar thermal water heating system; and WHEREAS, by developing and monitoring this solar water heating system GVEA may be able to apply the lessons and knowledge of this project in the future to help reduce and offset the summer peak loads for many companies in the hospitality industry that depend on tourism and desire a steady and reliable economic climate to thrive and that, in turn, helps the Fairbanks economy; and WHEREAS, the GVEA Board of Directors authorizes the application to AEA for project funding and authorizes and names GVEA Vice President Dave Gardner as the project manager and point of contact to represent the applicant for purposes of this application; and WHEREAS, Brian Newton, President & CEO, shall be authorized to execute all agreements on behalf of the Association. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of Golden Valley Electric Association hereby endorses GVEA's request for funding through the State of Alaska's Renewable Energy Fund for purposes of constructing a solar water heating system at McKinley Village and affirms GVEA is in compliance with all federal, state, and local laws, including existing credit and federal tax obligations. CERTIFICATION I, William D. Digan, do hereby certify that I am the Secretary of Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc., an electric not -for -profit cooperative membership corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Alaska; that the foregoing is a complete and correct copy of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of this corporation, duly and properly called and held on the 29th day of September, 2006; that a quorum was present at the meeting; that the resolution is set forth in the minutes of the meeting and has not been rescinded or modified. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the corporation this 29th day of September, 2008. ��. .sr :✓..s ,. � �._,�..�t/s��.'„�,.lav,.r as a.�'' -� a.:�✓ �iLvi _-t.:s ,�, .� ..y. ,G .. , i �,. ,. ,ss. ... �_ �i .'i Alaska Energy Authority 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, AK 99503 September 25, 2008 To Whom It May Concern: The Denali Education Center's board and staff are very encouraged about the opportunity to work with Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) on a proposal to the Alaska Energy Authority for the construction of a solar energy system. We approve of the proposal and believe the system will not only provide tremendous financial energy relief, but will be an outstanding educational opportunity for our nonprofit to incorporate into our curriculum as a unique teaching tool for our guests. In addition, this project is in alignment with our desire to fully renovate our campus and make it a model for sustainable building techniques in the subarctic The solar energy improvements created by the system will be utilized in every aspect of our operations from staff living quarters to guest cabins and all kitchen and laundry facilities. We are fully committed that should this multi -faceted system come to fruition, we will proudly help facilitate the successful construction, use and care of the equipment. We look forward to partnering with GVEA and working with them to the best of our ability and knowledge. Thank you for your time in considering GVEA's proposal for a solar energy system for the Denali Education Center. We look forward to using the many resources at our _disposal to ensure a successful project and have no doubt it will become a model for similar projects throughout Alaska. k k 5 With appreciation, 5 Willie Karidls Executive Director UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA GEOGRAPHY PROGRAM Dr. Michael Sfraga, Director 909 Koyukuk Drive, Suite 108J West Ridge Research Building PO Box 755840 U A�h T* Fairbanks, AK 99775-5840 UNMUITY Or ALASK ` Phone 907.474.7494 FAIRBANKS Fax 907.474.7484 Alaska Energy Authority 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, AK 99503 September 26, 2008 To Whom It May Concern: The Denali Education Center's Board of Trustees are excited and encouraged with the opportunity to partner with Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) on the proposal to the Alaska Energy Authority for the construction of a solar energy system. As a nonprofit educational organization located on the border outside of Denali National Park we facilitate programs for all ages both on our 10 acre campus and through Outreach programs. Last year alone our programs served over 7,000 people. We believe that this proposal fits perfectly with our strategic desire to fully renovate our campus in both an efficient and sustainable manner. This proposal will demonstrate our belief in the power of using creative architecture as pedagogy and provide the perfect model for renewable building techniques in the subarctic. Currently our campus buildings all have electric heat and the majority have electric hot water heaters. The awarding of the proposal with GVEA will provide financial energy relief to the Denali Educational Center, an educational energy demonstration for our guests, and a living example of how solar can operate in the Interior of Alaska. We feel that the project and campus will benefit untold others becoming a destination of its own upon successful construction completion. The Denali Education Center is prepared to facilitate the construction of the project and the continued operation and maintenance of the systems. GVEA is a tremendous partner and we look forward to working with them in the future to achieve success at all levels. Thank you so much for your time in considering GVEA's proposal for a solar energy system in partnership with the Denali Education Center. We believe in this proposal and will do everything in our power to ensure its success and to showcase it as a model for renewable energy operating on the border of Denali National Park and Preserve. Center T Fry ,y United States Department of the Interior qm NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Denali National Park & Preserve Mile 237 Parks Highway P.O. Box 9 Denali Park, AK 99755 Alaska Energy Authority 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, AK 99503 September 29, 2008 To Whom It May Concern: Denali National Park and Preserve is a leader in alternative energy solutions in Alaska as shown in the care and planning of the recently completed Eiclson Visitors Center. This building is an award winning model of sustainable technology and green energy. It is our understanding that Denali Education Center has been selected by Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) as a partner in an energy improvement plan. Through the proposed plan, GVEA will upgrade technologies at Denali Education Center to include a solar thermal water system. These improvements would be funded as part of the Renewable Energy Grant Program if selected by the Alaska Energy Authority and approved by the legislature. Denali National Park and Preserve is pleased to show our support of this plan for our park partner, Denali Education Center. We believe this is an outstanding opportunity for their transformation to a more energy efficient and environmentally sustainable organization and will provide ample opportunity for them to educate the public about these technologies as well. Sincerely, f Paul R. Anderson Superintendent DENALI BOROUGH ���C1AL sEq� � Esiabllahad i89D P. O. Box 480 • Healy, Alaska 99743 Phone (907) 683-1330 • Fax (907) 683-1340 dbgovt@mtaonline.net www.denaliborough.govoffice.com DavidM. Talerico, Mayor September 29, 2008 To: Alaska Energy Authority Re: Renewable Energy Fund Grant I am writing to support the grant proposed by Golden Valley Electric Association, for the Denali Education Center, for a Renewable Energy Project. The project will construct a solar thermal water system and a photovoltaic energy system. It is my understanding that Golden Valley Electric Association has received funding for a feasibility study. Not only will this project provide mach needed energy relief for this organization but it will also provide an opportunity for an educational program for alternative energy that can be shared locally as well as abroad. The Denali Education Center is well known for their conservation education programs and would be a very appropriate recipient of a renewable energy grant. Reducing energy consumption is consistent with their mission and will be appreciated by visitors to our area, Thank you for your consideration. SJn'cerely, David M Talerico, Mayor Denali Borough Cc: GVEA Denali Education Center C 0 oa 0 a H Q '" O O NN pI O �aN M M M p mpl ooa O 10°a N N O Y} Ih N P M N loV # No M P Vlm NO H Ol N lflljnN a00Nn nb l0 as H 11 N vl Q 'I{ M.� ory� n a91 N W V W No7 a O QOl OIn mT min tilllhm lllNa HP Vl W O 011l Vl� haaNO+-� mti P Q H Ma N '1 'now a N o -# OOh n iNRNN�*» L ry F# O N O m a IA b b Q M n N q M M m N N N ,y M M a a M a o H M N a Y N 0 M �„� �y N 9l N N � H F mi W O va �' g �E P q C u N d a 13 M Ea o O # Z _ ei btiMHm Il} W N lli ba Q P �NmM`pmaQ O I M O N .-I 6+ M h a h a W �N+9aa M l p b 1p b b OaN m l+l P 3 gpZjv� p 7 rvtrn y N F W MON C O In PP i� aQN a aMa n IA Ill 1! ] O V 111 n aN N a 7 M b P f aa.N. d. l D M b a M M N O Ifl n f W A . Fl L A g C i Yl EN G1 ii R L p C O y p 4 A F = W VF HF W N N iR ih YF iR fPr iR in °� A is � , V W O E �L �_� C7 �, tim o,Ma W u u W WL j CG O 1ai U V y qq O CI C yv y A p L RE o w E i y O W G7 YI an Boa i d O H N M Q 3 OF N VI t lu lulu a� H N W Y 10 E C�4& q w � In<n�InaarvNMQa,y to aln lnvPbv,bPQPauI In f E -+ K# N M- MooNlllh M W MMMhrnwmhMwammnlnUlMHvap.. v,Paoq ��,;^�p�.+oHrno�ao�aVM Q a M rn Q a M o kNOSWN64vvni MN Irio�v, ooNmmvmv;a In olri Vi ln'o C, N w 19M9,o mPQPMnlaaomm+aulM '+4' HUU MP W P Hamnnwrn M M MN W N H V! i/F UY YF �-I N �-1 +-I M VF +Pr VF N Vh fh tlF f ih YR i/F iW iR V!• yL i Y QP o O n o In 0.I a o CO m o~ +400 f ei 11} YF O � ... - ool 6lN n of lnno,yrvrvnNrnalnaa�olpmnnaa,a'''l^'� t l9aaa P hNM0N Sui O M lD Now MN Ill Q �► LL W L FA N Q M M N H N M M M N M Q M E L y > O 6 A Ln z m �I !14^�FGiLL.A-iOZOtnQ^.cif �� 9Ca±otmM Mcm`mac�io� 4�I+p. A a Z O Vpldc 4 a Y T q C q VI p p t N N �p4G #Z yWw � lS�W7 W((�(uJWWW F4 JF=Fo EFec 5 ;Yf E tzz0 ;t 3 aJFo" h > :K� x r, . v r, a Q i s U �9 A v LL L. L— O C 4-1 O V [C1 O L � v i v v U C O O Q O E > N N C� C E ul � C C - C vim} rn L O O +-� LA m N +-+ U � C 2co V =-0 � a CU O M M U C- L r- M C W Ul �• a0+ L. LY N O C U 0 O +� 0 Q O C U) N W UI [p — N OU +-� a)•- E O -O N a E E E Q a0�-40ti {9 n000< o] 0 0 N n 0 � C (DE E E E o cg 6 o 5 U) .E U O m co c6 as J W 2S Z c � u, a` ) o d CD 0 o F. = a F- O N N a) _ 7 E � 2-0 � a) a O m 0 p Y 6 �e Q Q � Y � U C N cri W co O N CD CL 0 m E cU N _a) E (D w' E E CD E O U � C E aa, .L U w W E O c�) � U C E Q) .O E U = � W ro CF) cz (1) C N a) w D 7 m Q C v a) Q O W ca LL. m <t Nt M (0 M N W r tD r O 1- IT r lqr M � C%J 0 M M M N It LO CD CD Lo m r m O m N O O I- N N I- I- N CA O M mqCT N ti CD Cf) I- r O) m 'd, d, "d: ►n 0 to LO u7 'gr Itt m 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 O O O O O O O Q O d d 0 O O d d O d d d O d O tD N 0 0 0 0 O O O O m Cfl W N 1- LO W 1- CD 4 N r CD M r r r r r r r �t�il7tr�l ZZ•"if►�Z1 <LZti O C? 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The energy usage is derived from the electric consumption history as reported by GVEA for account numbers 170667-0 and 107912-8 for 2007 for the months June through October. 170667-0 107912 Total Month Avg kWh Avg kWh Avg kWh June 199 122 321 July 328 117 445 August 326 79 405 September 351 127 478 October 243 140 383 Avg 289 117 406 Each of the cabins uses electric power for both water and space heating. As this is likely to be responsible for the bulk of the electric bill, I will assume 90% of the total is related to these two loads for an average heating load. of 406 * 0.9 = 368 kWh/day. Propane usage for the Riverside Office in 2008 was 127 gallons, of which 95% was used for hot water heating. The propane usage for the Riverside Hall was 647 gallons, with 50% being devoted to hot water. This implies a total propane consumption of 445 gallons. This is the energy equivalent of 9030 kWh (at 75% thermal efficiency). If this usage is spread over 5 months, it implies an additional 60 kWh/day of energy consumption. Working with these assumptions, the DEC requires 368 + 60 = 428 kWh/day of energy for water and space heating. The specified operational period for the DEC is between May 10t` and September 17th. For this period, Heliodyne flat panel thermal collectors can be expected to gather an average of 169 Wh/f1^2/day. If we size an array to offset 50% of the heating load, it will require 428,000 (Wh) / 169 (Wh/fi^2/day) = 1266 square feet of collector area. Each Gobi-410 collector has 37.48 f1^2 of effective collector area, so this will require 34 Gobi 410 panels for a total 1274 square feet. An array of this size can be expected to offset approximately 32,000 kWh of energy consumption annually. Summary: Total Collector Area 1274 square feet Energy Offset 32,000 kWh/year W co m L L 3 0 Z 4 3 0 AL L C� c 0 v 7 W W a M M N N ti O a6eaane inoy-Uemoliy 0 co 0 0 N M 0 L C O 2 O (D O O O O O O O PuBwep RemolI}l co 0 0 N M 0 r-I 0 [Y] O cy) (p 0 toN�r r- r U) O r 0 O C) U n 0)r C^ Z N 10 r- 0 r (n E O r�6%0- 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 6 L 0 LO 0 � 649- 0 sesuodx3 OD 0 0 r� O yne S O t A A H bepog SOLAR HOT WATER FACTS Media Contact: Michael Stough / Marketing (510) 439-3440 slo tiu, lr�;hkelIoll�,IIL%Lc0111 • Most Heliodyne solar hot water systems will pay for themselves within 10 years • Payback is likely to be sooner as the inflation of conventional energy costs increases at a faster pace • Many tax incentives and rebates are available from both the Federal and State governments • A typical residential system for a single family home can be installed in 1 or 2 days • Very little maintenance is required during the life of Heliodyne systems • A Heliodyne System will usually save owners hundreds of dollars annually on their water heating bill • Solar pool heating is the most economical way to heat a pool and extend the swim season. More specifically, using a glazed solar collector (such as the Gobi collector) is the only feasible option to have year-round pool heating, particularly for larger public and commercial pools. • More than $13 billion is spent on energy for home water heating in the U.S. Equivalent to 11.4 barrels of oil per American home Equivalent to an average automobile being driven 12,000 miles per home • Conventional water heating accounts for over 30% of CO2 emissions from the typical American home • There are over 100 million water heaters installed in the U.S. Approx. 50% are electric, and 50% gas, providing a huge untapped potential for solar hot water • Solar thermal energy is free and can usually provide up to 80% of the annual energy to heat domestic hot water • A solar hot water system significantly reduces a home's CO2 emissions by up to 30% • Solar thermal is the most financially feasible renewable source for hot water and space heating • Over 1.5 million American homes have had solar hot water systems installed • Solar energy is the most abundant energy source on our planet hq#4#yne, SOLAR NOT WATER 4910 Seaport Avenue Richmond, CA 94804 T:510.237.9614 F:510.237,7018 Toil Free: 1.888.878.8750 Heliodyne Backgrounder Page 1 of 2 hq#4#yne- V�Veko BACKGROUNDER Close This Window Media Contact: Michael Stough / Marketing (510) 439-3440 stough@heliodyne.com HeliodyneTm has been a pioneer in solar water heating since 1976, making it America's longest - established manufacturer of solar hot water products and packaged systems. The company was the first to introduce "closed loop" (indirect) solar water heating systems to the U.S., a now commonly used method to heat water via the sun. Heliodyne's products have been installed in solar water heating systems in the United States more than any other American company. Heliodyne has acquired a solid reputation for engineering and manufacturing solar equipment that is both durable and affordable. With offices and manufacturing facilities in Richmond, California, the company manufactures and assembles a variety of solar water heating products, including the Gobi line of solar flat plate collectors, and the Helio-Pak heat -transfer appliances. The Gobi collector is perhaps the most well known American collector on the market today, having been installed in thousands of homes and commercial installations throughout the U.S. and many other parts of the world. It's also one of the highest -rated collectors in terms of performance and reliability. The Helio-Pak, another flagship product of Heliodyne, is an all -in -one heat -transfer appliance designed to eliminate the issues with piecing together the heat -transfer components. Because everything in the Helio-Pak is pre -plumbed and assembled, installers find its "plug & play" design easy to use, and a time saver. To simplify installations even further, the company offers pre -packaged kits complete with all the necessary components to make installing a solar water heating system a hassle -free experience. Having pre-engineered systems to offer installers, takes out a lot of the guesswork involved with "sizing" a system for their client. It also eliminates all the potential hidden extra costs a solar hot water customer might encounter when trying to purchase a system. Where relevant, all the company's products and packaged systems are SRCC and IAPMO certified, ensuring the products are built to the highest standards. Heliodyne's solar water heating systems are suitable for residential, commercial and industrial applications. Heliodyne is the North American branch of SolarCAP, the active parent company of the VKR Group's solar thermal energy business, a holding based in Europe. SolarCAP's vision is to become the leading provider of sustainable energy solutions focusing on solar thermal energy — while at the same time making solar thermal energy the most environmentally sound and cost-effective source of energy. SolarCAP is owned by VKR Holding, which is one of Denmark's largest and most respected industrial investors, as well as owner and developer of companies that bring daylight, fresh air and a better environment into people's everyday lives. The VKR Group employs more than 15,000 employees in over 40 countries, with activities in the following business areas: Roof windows & skylights, vertical windows, solar thermal energy, decoration & sunscreening, and natural ventilation. VKR Holding is owned by the Kann Rasmussen family and the foundation VILLUM KANN RASMUSSEN FONDEN, which is the main shareholder, and was founded in 1941 by Villum Kann Rasmussen, M.Sc., Dr.Eng. 1 QI I httn•/hanuxar hAirsdvna rnm/ahnnt nc/nrPCC/he1indvne hackornnnde-r_html f onmos Solar Water Heating: Cool Climate (Closed Loop) Page 1 of 1 SOLAR WATER HEATING. COOL CLIMATE (CLOSED LOOP) HOW IT WORKS When there is sufficient heat to be drawn from the collectors, the controller automatically activates the pumps. Heated solar fluid is then circulated from the collectors, through the heat exchanger, where its heat is transferred to water in the storage tank. The solar liquid is then pumped back to the collectors to once again be reheated. This circulation loop will i continue as long as there is heat to be drawn from the collectors. During i times when there is little or no sun, a backup heating system will be i activated to provide adequate hot water. IT, WHAT'S INCLUDED • Solar collectors with mounting hardware • Helio-Pak heat -transfer appliance with Standard Delta-T controller ' • Expansion tank • Glycol (heat transfer fluid) • DOS discs PREMIUM PACKAGE UPGRADE Upgrading your system to the Premium Package maximizes the most out of your solar hot water system. It includes an upgraded heat transfer appliance which allows you to see how well the system is performing, as well as to make adjustments and change settings. Also included is a Wi+i AFw* hub allowing you to access your system remotely from any computer in your home. STANDARD PACKAGE People: 1-2 2-4 4-5 5-7 Number of Collectors 1 2 3 4 Blue Sputter Collector Type GOBI 406 001 GOBI 406 001 GOBI 406 001 GOBI 406 001 GC Hello -Pak HPAK 016 000 HPAK 016 000 HPAK 016 000 HPAK 024 000 HP, PREMIUM PACKAGE UPGRADE People: 1-2 2-4 4-5 5-7 Hello -Pak Pro HPAK 016 001 HPAK 016 001 HPAK 016 001 HPAK 024 001 HP► WI-Fl Hub ❑V' ❑a Q 10 BTU Metering Q httn-/hxnxnxr h.- inrivnP rnrn/nrnrinrtc cvctf-.mc/nnnc/cwh cnnl html 10/7/2008 W U Z U W H 0 r 0 J A W J U J Q W Q J Q W H H J r 88888888 8��8�8 a 8888888888 O O O p Op p Op O O O g n 00 o Ln 0 0 LR r� 1D Jllt C. 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Terms of Use Priv;acv Stat nieilA hnp:llterraserver-usa.comIPrintlmage.aspx?T=2&S=13&Z=6&X=256&Y=4411&W=I&D=... 2/6/2008 c t .r .,i' _ 4 . V op: 1p Al � �� A.iY. FY''il ' �T ,u i • t • 1 I 4 I t 5 wyr ' l •1 k�j4 I� - '� y4 '� • 'y�iR Y - 1. 111 Yi 'S 5 .4 . 0" Y . — ±• �. JL I r �.�4Vr �• r - i �; far' +��,' A TAM y L T ICJ■nyll 14 t ` � { LLLTTTJJJ 'I}I,'I }L114 �{+'J 41i ' '+3oee,rrew ,5. •�'�". ' '•� ��,:,an,� ply .� GI' � j I' r ' Y � � �•, ��� +'k jai i •%J Irn 1�m r rR• JF .� rfire jib jf Alt ,. _ �r.. ! , �.• ' �= � 1, i II �t. } prI " yr 5 '\.♦ I '- 5+-i JJJiii .:1.. .'f�G.• - - ,i,.. -1 A +, a! ti t W' `�.. .fir• •. -lf - s f71 R r � tLyy 1 '� ��h5 ti'1M1 � •' � � y ,+ y • A,p. 1. 5 r,+�.- .T�, �,. .;•. — r� � 'rti 7 •s:' - �y': :�: � 7 s r. ; Fairbanks, Alaska Solar & Weather Information Factsheet Narrative Climatological Summary Fairbanks is located in the Tanana Valley of Interior Alaska. The area has a definite continental climate. The sun is above the horizon from 18 to 21 hours each day during the months of June and July. During this period daily average maximumtemperatures reach the lower 70s. Temperatures of 80' or higher occur on about 10 days each summer with extreme highs of 90' or more occurring in the months of May and August. During the period from November to March, when the sunshine period ranges from 10 to less than 4 hours a day, the lowest temperature readings fall below zero regularly. Extremely cold temperatures of -40' and colder occur on the average only 14 days each winter with extremes of near or below -60' having occurred in the three midwinter months. Snowfalls of four inches or more in a day occur only three times during the average winter, andblizzard conditions are almostnever experienced. Severe weather during the summer months is rare. The snow cover during the winter months is a major contributing factor to the development of extreme cold, since the white surface prevents the absorption of heat from a limited amount of sunshine. December and January maximum temperatures are usually below zero. The surrounding upland areas tend to aid the settling of cold air into The Tanana Valley lowlands. Ice fog conditions frequently occur with the extreme low temperatures and they tend to EEM-01 355 persist for periods of a few days to one or two weeks. On the average, low cloudiness is minimal, year-round, and particularly minimal during February throughApril. Wind speeds are particularly light during the winter months. Precipitation normally follows a regular pattern. Total annual precipitation is about 12 inches, a little less than is received at Denver and a little more than is received at San Diego. Growing season precipitation, which begins with the occurrence of light rain showers in May, builds up through the summer months to a maximum in August. There is a noticeable decline in precipitationfrom September through November. April, which averages the lightest monthly precipitation during the year, realizes the greatest percentage of possible sunshine. The average last date of freezing temperatures in the spring is May 21, and the average first occurrence of freezing temperatures in the fall is August 30, resulting in a growing season averaging 100 days. Summers are warm enough so that vegetables such as broccoli, peas, beans, squash, cauliflower, and other leafy vegetables grow luxuriantly. Select varieties of tomatoes, corn, cucumbers, and melons reach maturity during the three-month growing season. There is a better chance of maturing grain crops in the Tanana Valley than in other agricultural areas of Alaska. nmo diN m Ozca u �tLrnm L-10 t�z� Qco I F N O a0 n N � O N z �? z cV 00 m O N NLN rl d! dt d+ 00 0 "O Z a` �LOcco `o N bA 0o a1 z LO :9 m 00 00 LfS 00 a1 F LO l� dl cnoot� c.o ct+ZN � 00 �' It LO cm u m�*m Cf)Cc �z 04 dam+ o m w iq Ci Ki o o m Z O a, C'4 s� Ln m cn o o z00 1 � I-D L 0 i� Z a� I N 0 0 0 0, a, v Q Q 4., a`) v a) Cd M I 'o N M M M -- m a0 M LV cm cm N N H �! Ln LC] LO p O Cy O M C7 m O m C> Q O O O r- O y O '6' CD C? C? 0 C? M Ln L� 00 00 z o CA r~ LC] rN 110 H � ~ w 0 0 6 6 6 V O C+I Q 00r- M CAI di L1j LC3 N dl O di � N 90 M M M M M� r-i (�i CJ hl r-i co Ln LO tq LO 00 m m m co cV 0o C7 aq O d! H LO et+ In (;N U-) co LO tll Un L 6 r_ 4 [� 4 N m 00 d� J+ m Cn CV dl d co ai 00 tiD N 00 LO L\ � m �'o `p M 'n a, L o L i �om "oa,"o c �' cn M m .o �o a\ 00 M CV u� Lri n LO n Ln to LO Co ON 00 r-� CV cr3 N C4 � Ln O\ rti ti OC Cl God Ci �N n N � C CD ., C? r r1 H 00 H CD I O O O O G v CC r; + o LE N C? C� [�i L'n M tri H Q N = M 0 M C? 0 0 0 0 00 N � C0 C7 6 o 6 ON O N N N M CCj CO m CO O r- _ N Lq N Ln N Ln i r-i H N C1 a1 00 m �v 00 0o N CAI cV cV cJ O m G �� L6 o �00 6 d un cn L 6 o 7 �.. ao � � aid � ON o,6-- a.,OC LC) Ln LC) 4100 CnM �O �,D� n C, O0 co00 p t< �O 6 LC� C5 LO T '~ N 00 m co Ln w cm Q' [ten Lq d?nN di LC) m Ln N It N N H U , < m LCj dl Ltd LO w CV Cn C6 C6 m N �v v Ln �' N L4 ~ r 1 N OD N 0\ N a\ eti rK r-4 r-4 Ln Cl Cm * t! Cq O L\ 00 r-i 00 r^� �,O NO d!O d;Odt O C? O O tz !-. 9 R E- Lo H d a qD "D cn Ur cc _N CV _G0 Cal _�_ CV r-€ N N tC) r� L.C) Cf3 vM or, om omo O Ci O O LO d LO ate �Cl o00 Zp ryp ,-{© cvpm o p d o 00 N O� tn0 0 0 0 0 00 l� N N *'' O CO O cM 00 LO 00 iri U-vcV p CV r_i cV t j CV t j r-i ri rl r1 Lr) M O cn Lf)tnU) N m �r cricn m d N m U r� CV CV cV 00 r O; C\ "e44 lC? OD �D N 1.0 �m (i OD a N N CV en cY) 6� N 00 N R� ��,D "0 CD .DM N Ch [+] d+ p cy L6 d! CV Cl) cri m ;+ N L "0 m M co, d' c c rK r� CV N d! 00 00 00 ) 00 N N N O m lr) M lr'S r-I r-I ri 1-1 ci m n o0 m rr, m w� 00 ��a 0 0 0 0 G ,z N c = .D O N O r © N p N O O O O X Nw z z w 00 N N N �D � AWN [q I , m� i n v d! O 00N �O "D C'4 N d Q N N r L,? e--t m a� c-t m 00 p is^ z � N � �� Ooo ri n d n 0 DD pMp co 01 +n n m oo m N 'D N CD t�N CV yeti i cyM N 00 M° NN CNo 14 N "! oo m N �,D Crj d N I�q "R d to d NO tLn LOm N m i.Cj OD 00 CD CD F-n ON m �..j r� M N Ln M l� eH C) m ti cri N t� a %D —4 t LO N "D a p cq 00 srr� 00 00 mm T m n ON w o6 o�v O a Q �- C N cm H U U a ~CC 'rvy cls cM C� 00 00 W h M N .�4 61 9 4 2 2 �w Variability of Latitude Fixed -Tilt Radiation A-��._ 1961-1090 Average J F V A PA J J A S 0 N D Yt Elmo LATITUDE: 64.82' N LONGITUDE: 147.87'w ELEVATIOK. 138 meiers MEAN PRESSURE: 994 millibars STATION TYPE: Primary R­ Soter Radiation for Ftat-Plate Collectors Faung cut" at a FIx' tzd-Tilf Wh)MdAy), Uncertainty ±911/" 11114 lklli .1 JITIL Feb Mar I Apr Nf�j L rrc Jut L Au 0Ct Nov Dec Year II f). L 6 3.3A.6 1 .1 0'17.1 ?2 45 1 5.6 5.7 7 5.4 4.5. 3' 4 1'9 1 k M. 3; IAW3,'l 1,9!5,11 1 4,?163 4,9X.6 ;.15j6k 4,110.1 -0 3.3 0,511.5 0+1010.4 1,�iijl.7 kl-% 4z"r! 4 40 tittufa + Il'i 4.77 53 4.6 4'5 43 ��ql 0 lt 9.3 31 QM 1 -1 1,714.1 2 1' 16.4 4.015.4 3.615.1 r- 2,31j�,9 1.4212.8 0, fjj� i, 8 %1/0'% 2.7J3.4 90 Awtm;v .0 -1..) 1. -4_r - 4'1 ..0) 1. 311j �.ij I I 1 SGEW Radiation for f-ftls Trfickfoig Ffat-Plate.Coffwions with a North-SoIjIll AXIt (kWh..,'nVj!d31y)' urtcerulthliy AxisTift F(A I'Viar Jwu- l !qily Ain! xllf 1 10 I fj 4 '13- 71 �.l 3.41 t r5 6:� krl iN0 ( I% j I j "i-k z 5 0 N'. 2 X r? IN (4.0) .4 6 V, q ,I•j 41 I.f),% ;.?.I Average 0.7 2,6 5�7 - 1 4,4 2.21 1.1 j-, Nfii� faX O. J.aJ4.2 417 J, 4 S_-,J9.5 4.4f7.6 2.8! 65 13j3.0 0,511.7 C 3.�k�65', Avzr4wx k).� 5 4 I..k :.-? 1 k 5.1! . . I . 7 q4411 6 -W4) 9 6 QL� i qvo- I 7-3 qj 1, - Ito .� I t4�_ _ W!; Latftu& +15 Averap Rq 2.8 5.2" 1 74 7.6 7.6,1 6.q 5,5 4.2 11 t.2 03 1 4.4 Min1XVm I R4f I A 1.914.7 �11 � 417 . , 5�2 YJ93 6319.3 S. _ 719, 4�719,6 4�(#7.1 2,'�f45,8 I.Spl.2 " 0 , (y/2 0 1 3,714.9 i i Solar Radiation for 2-Axis Trzokia pi Flat-PlaTe Coffautom JkWh Lt� I dayi, Uncertainty i9% Jan Feb Mar I Aiv -Mur. JUU I J.: I .L_ Avg Sep, I Oct Nov Det I year 19 1 7.3.-1 .4.7 I 7,4 1., - 03 [ 43 N '.; ".) 5: V 5_qj(1 _5 IA.,[ - Direct P_ CAM Sam!., -1-IJIarfoll for Conc eAWM(rin Coffectars (UM01day), Uncertaint ±8% Jan Feb Mar Apr Nlfav June July Aug Sept I Oct Nov Dec treat IA 2.V U 3 I I I _fl� 8 0 IS 0.. .43-1A 7)5 I-M6, N-S Averag?_ 0.2 0'8 2.4� 3.7 4.6 4.5 4.1 Z9 2A 11�7 113 11-11 2.2 HC67 minfMIX O- 40.4 0.411.8 LOP "ji-I 310162 3 SO-1 .1 2.2t5'7 1,814.3 1.1{3.7 0_3 1.1 0. 110).5 0ofo,1 1,712,61 44 N "k :'A: 91 -Axis 2 Aytpge 0.6 18 18 4.7 5,3 5.2 4,7 0,3 :2.9 NfirVWX 0,211.2 09/3A 1.515.8:12,. 316,7 3A17 . 2 I'2i6,9 Z-516,6 2,115A 5 - 1.51-1 0612.2 0.1j0_5 1 2,2f3,5 AyisMoa CJIMMic CondftlanS [Element Jan Feb _Mar Al! 1-Jay June I Jtlj.v U& sovt Oct Nov D�,-c rear -19LI8. 117 -1-7 9.7 1.5.4 14!.() 11A %.5 -m X Daily Nfininitim Temp -29,1 .25-8 .1 $3 -64 3.3 9,7 11.4 SA 23 -7.7 -20.9 -26.0 I -8-2 Daily Maximum Tr wip 1 -18.7 -10 46 5,0 15,2 21,2 22A 1.9.1 117 0,0 -117 -16.8 2,5 i ReconJ K 11ilki u I Lt Tt 11%p kN.0 I 0.fl L.7 Q 41 4 _7 7 f". v ..A -11-1 - 1� 4. RwITJ Max ini Li 111 TOPP 7 c: HDD, Base IS. a0c 1293 100 91�q 572 282 J01 148 325 07 1018 1232 7744 CDD, Basz 18.3°C 0 0 0 0 14 25 7 0 0 _L 6q 0 0 47 1-1 1: lid i I-V (96) 10 .6& 60 s4 50 -57 71 74 1 ?�jf A. 1 .3_� 3.4 '1. 1 2.11 L I S 15 9 7 Z 6 4 0 Vadab5fity of Latitude Fixed -Tilt Radiation 1901-199D Average 3 F M A M J J A S. 0 N D Yr WWAN NO. 26528 LATITUDE: 62,30' N LONG ITUDE: 15010' W ELEVATION105 meters MEAN PRESSURE: 996 millibars Safmr'Rktffatfori for Plat -Plate CaffeWom Fjciaw Sooth at4a R,'x.od Tiet (k_wft�mv(duy). STATION TYPE: Secondary Tilt I Jail I 0j FC1) Niar AM ASa� jum!" I Ally ?5 A,u Scpf 00 Kim Doi I 1'("at I it I Aly m 1.1; (IA. D12. MR 0 X, (OM3 .!,q 1:1 I : 64 -7, -1 1 L ..1i I I.M.-i Aver u 1 1.2 15, 43 55 5.i 5.0 4's 42 3.3 7,; 1.4 1).-? 113 mit V "7 AV f,.Cqf.Q 1_1 1,544.4 [If, 4.416,() 43J7 3 4-161 �16, t 3315.3 u. -3.61 -11 Mir ?.L I till', -I Q;;k I.W.1 1.4 4 AlinjNQ 1 0.6,12.3 18 4,2 21�53 JZ 4,0,f6.7 =�A 3,4/6,4 3.9 .4. 3.2pt.g 1 2114,9 5 2.714.5 3A 1 2A 15(3-2 1.1 1 ')'o 31( 2'1.1'4 71.1 2 14m_j 1it w ojil'y Solar Radiation for I -A4iz TraoRf ng RM-Plal* Cal 16Wm WIth -ia hilt F01 Nfirk Iki 1r L i1111C North -south An,,& N'k wh(p JLLl Aiig AV i 71�•l tj."h ri 2 Axmge 1.3 2,9t 9.2 7.5 6A6 5.5 4,2 �iillfkkdx 1 ofij2.1 1.615_5 I.Sf '71 kj.$ 5, .1 4.170-0 19JIS 2_z1f. -9 % I 7_3 15 61 53 14.0 'l� I WVqAX 1 0 1 1 _11. 10-0 4.7jg.� S J� .) 3 3J7,0 ' � Solar Radlaijort far 2-Axis Tracking Flat-P(ate Correctors (KWhjm Jan Fcfj Mar I Aix NIq jinw, i July An_ LIN 5-3 liquy), uncerfrifnty -0_% Jcl Nov D" 1 Ycilr .145 1.6 01t'(t 44 0".'! 03j] 3:314.9 1$ 1.9 0.9 l 4.2 Oct Nbv DOC LL2L :. R 1.8 0:9 1 43 Aj)_" 1.1{120 i}At2k 19VM rlippi-t Flnnm C401mr Rndis4flnn 'n., Coneenirouna Collentam 1kWh(m#iAj4kj1 "nnerfainike +a% Fkd-, 1,,r�t I 6L Aw f irm 17d) Nim 1.0 118 s.r. A 1i Kla% hire July AL% SC-pr Oct Nuy 1.1 Dec -0.1 I Year ri. 7f-;t mil 1 .1 X 2t . -7 0 $fLl 1-Axis, N-8 '1vtm 0.4 111 2.3 4.6 3.6 14 17 2,0 W 02 2.1 Hod., I :; N., VZON - . 0 0.1 03i2 I 08f�i a 7 2'�"­ - 1-8fo-0 2,,'J5. J_C�f_ i'( om24<4 0, ) 4's 1k,2 S I A %N. N'S vkl t. I-D 2, 1. J.-I *1 4-.1 3_7 1.2. 0. ep _. : -L. 1 711T A ihill MIF01 IX '1 . 4� 0. -'�i �. 15 12-Axis Avempr 111 21 i 14 43 4.5 2AL0.9_�:1)6.4 4,0 3,9 Ll 89W 33 1.q5,3 2.7 1.014A 1,8 1.3 0.5123 0,7 0,211.8 2.8 2,21 833 Average Cifnizifc Con ditiorls Element I Jan Feb Mar _�_ �7i+ uy June .1 _fL�LfvAug se It 0':t INOV Dec J_yk Tt111F�01 0 1 Lit L iC U'$ 11_7 'rj{ .'. _.. ;11r� I .... [ Daily Minimum Temp I K4 -1 9.4 7.6 2.6 •-4.9 -134 Wily 1E1a,-hmim Tomp I -71 1.7 b.4 13 13,7 IR.CI 19..8 111 11*1 4.1 1 6,11 6.0 K�:mlyj Klx kil I 111 .7.2 1.01h L 1.1 21V.. 27LE 14) 0 --- 31.8 HDD, Baw 1830C 949 7 'IQ i47 5315 344 175 114 171 315 512 308 925 6448 CDD, Bise 19.3°C; 0 0 0 0 rs o a 0 0 6 0 fl MALivi! I kUtlii;lft (%j 7 6S, �o s 1 x X !It ill Lx. 23 RA NBAH NO. 26425 LATITUDE. 62.15° N LONGITUDE: 145.45' W ELEVATION: 481 meters MEAN PR SSLIPC: 952 millibars STATION TYPE: Secondary Variability of Latitude Fixed -Tilt Radiation 1961-1990 Average .I F pr A M J J A S O N D Yr Sottir Radrattall for l=lat-P€AUI Coffectrlra Facing South at a Fixed Tilt (Wh/W/day), Uncertainty {9% , gilt l°) 1 j jarx [l VLXr�1� r.. .� i €211;f 11lh 41. 11-1 Feli it'L°lr_ I ; '.9 I ?iZ icy ju ac �.1 5 L .;1 3 ,q-1 {Y 4:313,a d V. Jut), AtsF V,.pC Ucj 'Jai, Dec ► Yov 5:! l,l ..(I .L.(^v 3 4jJ h 2.l;3.$ I ILit i1:_` J.1fr.11 4}.Ilomp C.11f4._' �.�. Latited -15 Avoraw 1 1.1 2.5 h.S 5.6 S,ti 5.5 55 5.0 3.9 2A 1.3 03 6 3.6 t A4W,sx 1 0,611,8 1 4. I : 4.61 .3 d: 516 4 .1_4. It,3 2 (.?2. }.3; 2 I i;;:r 1k:•r;;:t :(• i-. i0 5,1 �417 k S C-I I .l.rlllf?4-. .i i::? , \ I 'rr:5 i 41{ , J:Q� 9 .1..V(ti ,4.}g51 1.7j5,1 0.4ke"., 0:k' I .L�,F14,[� 13 2.9 4.7 5.3 4,15 4.3 �:4.4 4.3 3,6 1 2.5 1.5 0:3 4,3 �i .,".^ 2.114.7 ' ..s 4.3163 :3.7f7,3 A.415.0 1&� 1.0 3.4f49 2,5,4.R 1.9f; 4i 0.8;2.4 0,3;L$ 3,013.7 x , t ,y k 1 .4 2.8 L tl 3 9 S.d 1, r 5,'• i, 4 2-.4 1 .1 {I,,� :{�+3: 2?1�►.�• IR{X„L [i:Rf2-{ aa:?f��+��.'1�1��I� Solar Radiation for i-Axis Tracfcillg Mat-Pfate k 1 j Fob ± tz: Colf6otors-w1111 j F > v - n 3tttL Nov j Juf� Axis AL!� (kWhj'M--lda .4e j Jct . Up.consint NOV f8'le i)cc 1 Fear f 1.8 a,3 A.I f �.0 7{ 7-4 fi;U �.!} f l . k 0.9 0.� li,11 Ca.k 1f 1 11 1A.") 10 A Op. i I i 5�+ 4 # L1jR.6 6 IN:3 � 3:4 A.17 7.1 '.= I fit [3 ? A o.11P.2 0 iA1 � � ry,t r Latittado I ,A�'rtc1 L• 1:2 :.9 5,8 I 7-8 S.t A � t.4 R 4.93 t0.612,0 .1ft 4 19 .j if . 5219i 3"67 i,f+3.iA11111.mtix 1-3, 4.315,5 alClltltl i'ME,ij nr7.c } Lx L}.ff3. "-�f°,.-� .lAp.1. t,.414-4 ei!2f;_7 SA 3 5.JJ7.9 .4.�.ta R.pto 03jL4 j at. aLdc +i5 NNW 4 I I r4. 17�= _4 Cf9 5� I36 2.fia4x 1#4f 1r2.s .S4 Q, 115.4 Sofor Rtrcllaiion tat' 2-Agffi Tracking �'roi-Plate 00'f9Ctor9 (kvllhJM'Way), 1lrtcerteinty 9% 1 troc°leer k Jar1 Febor f Ar Ufa, June I TL 1g Aug sc I txL Novi7 c j Year S ;i ..i : I: 8.1 00 [:1 t+>i�t7i x 'uAPA -2.1i5.4 1 ai,,# {' _ !�, �i'],,1 o, r107 i+.1 :J f1; $;:I .#.1e 111�-{► aW.-6 a;1', a.113._1 Direct Beam Solar Addlation for CarlcerrtrafFng Col€ea4ors (KWLm'Oay), Uncertainty 38°A f Tracker Jau Feb Mar I Apr May Jt e � iiv A g ,Scln k C3_€.t_ Nov lase. Year _!.4) AA x.5 .1.11 ± 0-9 O.A ' a 'St1II� f ..?.�?{I:S 1:1511:2 : wj.I-+=':Sfrl 33�4:0 ?,.�1.s I.1F,z'' 1.,.t+, rl:'°+'1 U:111.7 6'1,L': I:�}.,v I -Axis, N-S Avca°age 0.3 1.(1 w.rz 4A 4.0 4.-5 4A 3.7 2.4 1.1 0.4 0.2 2.5 A.%. Horiz is MialiMax 1 0.1/03 0.5{2.3 1,313.8 l 2,915.? 3,1JS.S 3,0,163 2.7f,5.4 2.314.7 1.2*.6 0.511,6 0,11ws OV10:4. 2_QiO I rli=1 . Ir111a1" I k1iII'h'S. t I S I {L' I I;S S t ti I L .ijfs 1 } [ ry- I +17�, , xr{ 4 I „I i 41,1,1 jj r�va it 1 1.{1 3.9 1 5.1 5.3 5.1 0 4.4 3.3 1.8 t.p 0.(G 3.2 0 1 L n �- c ,9 0.2/1.3 � 2.(iJ'1.4 !! l4taat/111 0..3f2.E1 T.L.4 z.1ts.£, 3:6f7. 3:6ffi.b .. 3.3J71 31(i8 2.1¢5.7 1.7f4.9 4.3Ji.�a o 4t1� _.. Averaq_e Cfim2itic Conditions Eletnont Jan Feb Mar 1 AM May June Jolly AuR 54' Oct Nov Dec Year to 11.9 L d I I IY�r - 4 6 ht.9 i4);4� j • +:7 Daily. MilliarumI Te np - 5.5 a21.7 -16.3 6.7 0.3 5.7 80 1.-7O-S -0.9 -19.2 -23.8 -8.3 Daily Maximum Temp 1 -16.4 -1f1,2 -2-2 � 5.3 12.7 17.9 � 20.2 18.E 12.3 FF 1:6 -10.7 -15.2 1� 2,8 1Z.x�;Iti MIJILLo7;1511'E.1111+ ;LX ^i4 i I .4F.I 15.[1 15:ff I .W.i, A-, •59:Q f .;4.v ry.i'{"{I 'f:i\IISIv,11 [. Ilia k Idl1Y li}.1 -f 1 ?? 5 FI ,42R i):�6 '�-1.3 I 111.3 �►.$ �-7 If ,A44 ADD, Base 18-31C 1218 960 154 Sit 161 111 13l 198 J53 648 999 1174 7671 CDD, Ease 18.3°C 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 4 (1 a 0 a 0 0 24rlrl6ve III IIImlity W 7# - �a 7.t � r.- 6R 71 17 751 . FS 6, 1WI Ind SIIi xl fIlyz�� I:G ' W7. 14 .1.7 3.1L k s; :1:5 1.'. 2.6 i:13, 1IR ::8 16 Variability of Latitude Fixed -Tilt Radiation 1.Big Delta, Alf, 7 WSAN NO. 26415 F- 6 LATITUDE 64,000 N 114513'W LONGITUDE. 2 4-- ELEVATION: 388 meters 27 MEAN PRESSURE: 963 millibars STATION TYPE, Secondary 196 1 -1990 Average J F M A M J 4 A S 0 N 0 Yr Soler Radfaifan for Flal-Plate Colleotorn FMlay Soij(N at a FfK;3;d Till (1jWhjW/daV), Uacttrtafnty 1'rl- Nl.,kr Aw Nil- June J!l'iy 1 1.g SCIX Oct Dc� Year 4)., 6x S.1 5 1,' 3.9 14 1. t 0 N44fil-N 0s.Vo.2 r).711 1 1 X!13.!J-13 11.415 . 7 4. "# i. A 5_fS.X 1.0018 rp"No. z It I.. z4117 Latitude - 15 Avem A 2.4 AAS 5,5 4;17 5A -11 3.6 2.1 1.2 as -4.5 Mlin/N, OX Mi/1.4 1.8/43 4,015 4,116.3 4.(0.6 4,SQ�664 4.616- 3.715.5 2,614.8 i-51 ,, : -213-8 J..? L I -I (i.� 5A S.3 sb 1.1 01, 1 1.] ;.LkiTiwiP-- J111/11- 0) W 1 0 , 11.1 A L -0(1 Avetage 1.2 2.7 4.6 5,1 43 4A 4.3 4.0 1.412 1.4 0.6 3-2 I 0-611A 2. 0,4 3 3.7j6.1 3.715.4 3.Q --) P 3.Q5,cj A. I f-4. 2.4,�4,( 13jV) 03110 0. V1.1 2.91,45 2.7 A-S 4,� 43 JJ 3 � 3,) ;A 1.1 1'06.0 1341�? !Zf�� jjv� -- IA X, j y .11 Soler Radiation for i-Axis Tracking FIAW(ift C01leptors wish is Norffi-!SdUih AxisL (kWhim-Afay), Urrkafful -,9% Apr Junc Ittly- nllf t Wov Jan F. 0. 1, v Lkw, year , 1.n 4 70"! OxO 3, 1A-3 AXvA erage 2.,� 5.7 7.6 8 3 1 79 6A 4k 24 1,3 0'5 4.7 I/Max I G.611.6 :?J" 3,717-3 5-50-1 65/10.3 10,7 L?113 0.711.19 0.210,9 4.2f, 7.6 S.-I ('.3 2.ti 11 11CP 'ILT 'e� -j . �., 1, qj 13�j r I' J; Average 1-3 .3.1 f'. 9 1 7.3 7.7 7.4 7.1 5.9 45 23 1.1 0.6 4,6 i Latitude + 15 MWNfaF 0,1/1.9 2.215,5 3,717,6 1 5,2PM 5.*'7k 5k,112 1 0 1 4.01S.1 ,*9, 4,4r, .3 3-0/0-2 1_1-713-4 R�q-j 0�3j� Solar T3-adfaflori for 2-AK!s T.-noking Flat-Ptiatq Cotfcc[de's (kWhtin2,rday), Uhicerta Traclker Jan Fob Mar I Apr k(2). June July AIL�: Supf Out NM- Dec Year I. ecrL L3 13� 1 5-9 'iL(j 4. Ls - FL. 4 S.Q .45-< 4.7 1 .14 , , i�'JLM-t, �4"! k-1-4 41. 7-��, fi-1 P AI: 4?'P- Direct Seam Solar Radiation for Canc e Mat ing Coffectors (Whftlid Y). 1 iwer0laW ±81,,a Tra,*ct I Jan F-ch Mat J Apr o-,mc .1 July At;W- Srpf I Crc i Dw Year I.._ W A 191p L4 IA, 0-1 .1 2- ij I - ALxiq,, N-S Average 03 1.t1 2.7 3.9 4,E 0 43 3,3 -20.8 0.4 01 2�,84 Huri? Axis MinjMax .1 0.110.5 0-512-3 1,314.0 2,315.2 3,016.6 2.8/6-3 J. 2-616-� 1,221O 3.4 AtIA 0.1/0k 0.1XI.2 1.9 -AK;-- . N A ".1i 4." 4.6 kqi )-D 1� t, % �: -, .. . w A.- -7i4.- . 6, , Ams -2.4. " r I 2-Axis Avorage 1 1,0 2.2 '4,1 4,9 1 4,9 4.0 J.0.7 I 1 -5 1-t Q'S. 4.1. M 11 1 0.411.6 1,114.7 2 . 115 �q 2.9105 ��5P-61 1 � -4 U123 0.4113 211 613 ill/k 3 5� 1.2 3,OfTl 2.$15.4 71 01 0 1 S A:?orage Ctlirt0lic Condfflons Elcmeut Jan Feb NU I Ajr NC) kaz July A -up Stpt J [?et Nov Dec I Fear Mily Minimum Teui -23.9 -21,2 -16,4 -6.4 2,7 8A 10A 7.9 2.1 -T9 -18.7 -22.5 -7.1 LW]y Maxitumi Tc Mp -16.1 -119 -4,2 4. f) 13,7 19.1 20.9 18.2 ILS -0A -10.7 -14,� 1 2,5 miriltntlin Tim11+ -521l -31 It1 3 1.1 11-(t --�x A.9 ttr A K�:o"ril MaXiriiUkr-T,7111p KU 211t. 1 1 &4) 1 1 HDD, Base 15.3°C 11188 977 W 577 311 139 88 171 343 6% 992 1147 1 7519 CDD, &se 181"C 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 5 5 61t 64 w W Spo 0 4-t Als 115 #:tr 13 LATITUDE: 62.97' N LONGITUDE: 155,624W ELEVATION, 103 meters MEAN PRESSURE: 997 millibars STAT ION TYPE: Secondary a - 3 7 4 3 0 Variability of Latitude Fixed -Tilt Radiation I ' ram' � F 1961.1920 Average J V M A M i "i A S 0 N D Yr 5�117v, Radf ' aifon tot MI -Plate Caffeclars Farfsiq South at a Fixed -0i 1_�t.'l ir'y cl, Tilt (1) Jan Feb mar -Apt ItiTe-1 iia.. .4-p! Sept Oct N . ov Y" AW�Mp: L) 3 L.0 % Lathlj& -15 A*1%Tap.4: LO 25 4.4 5.6 4.0 A I 2.0 ill ok, 3.3. MiR fMO-1, 0,611A �Z" 2.7,101 4.0,a 41165 2.()f45 I 3f2,8 0.6017 0.311 1 243 23 I. rlii�ide e A�w. M I N M Ave,vage 1.2 2.9 4.6 5.4 4.4 4M 3, 7 33 19 11 L3 0., 3.0 +115 MiiVMaA 0.6110 10,t4,() 2.7,;6,6 4,Qt6.6 3315,4 �:l .14 1 10/4.6 2,414.' 1,V43 1.312.ri 03J2,0 0.3114 1 2.513-5 90 Solar Radiation for I -Axis Trackf­,, Flat -Plate Collectors with a North -South Alfi$jP Uncertainty 2t9% Uncertainly A i4'T ilt 1 1. 1 LJail deb Kw I Am 'may jMw I 1111V A!ILI Sim 1 Oct Dec j Year 0 W 5 Averap 1 M 5.7 7, 7, 7.5 '�"10 66 5.3 2J I.', Ok 43 Minjm'a'� QfittS 2:0,f5,2 3.118.3 5,610,6 5,219 4.9/8.5 3,1417, I 2.V6.1 1 513.3 1).(111,9 12,311.c 3'i"5.2 Lulluidt '. �! "..;!! % - I ... . , . k . .1 . - - 1 4p 7'.1 L I Average 1.3 Mirqklax 0,7/2.2 33 2�W,7 5 3 . 2 6 7.5 7A $3/3A 5.019.4 6.6 4,f18.3 J, 5",4 4.4r7.9 4A 3.8 2.4 3.416k. L4 0.7 1 4,2 0-411-5 1 Salarr Radiation for Z-Axhs Trackfn* Flat- Ptate Coftectot's (Mh(m,ay Lirf-Ly ), Llrm�r'a ±9�-L. Jail Feb Mar I AV? Ma? June I hf. ;kcc' Sept Oct Nov Dec Year A 7;.7 7.7 .7 L 1 LK! 4.15 A. 3:_L- Direct Beam Solar Radfiallon for Concentralina Caffeciom 1k'1VIh.rTn-Fdav). uncertainty ±ft% Tracker Intl fi% Mar Apf May Jqw, July Aup Sept OU Nov Dec f Year 1_eWk' 2.sL S' f).5. Horiw- A\i, �Jiil OL:N�T 7 .�iT 7 1),414. L %4.4 -%r�2 .1. 1 1-11,xk5, ',4-S Hofi2� AMS Avg aa Minfldax 0.3 0AM.6 I'l 0,512.4 2.5 3/4. 16 1.713.1 4.1 2A� 19 3 V)1,58/5�0 14 L 25 1 �51'4.4 'j' 0,53.4 0,'� 1.5 0.() �6 OLO 3 1111C 7 2.1 j f0i'l ' 1.3 I 'JA-7 44 7 Ifs " 4.4 2xv A.f) �_Wi Q _5 6,7ix.t4 11.11 U32-4 Axis Average 0.9 1-2 3.8 4_5 4.7 4A 3.0 2.5 1.4 0.9 0.5� 1 Min/Maxt 0.311 13 1,014.8 1,2,16,7 q. 116.4 2,7fl�! 12t6�0 2, f/'O 1 �814, 7 0,714,0 0,6f_).G 0311.7 o'2"311:413.6 Average Climatic Conditions Mar -#z I I Apt -Apt -I 1 M12ty (0) ILIxte, _.TnTv �9�e_pl_f Oct 4-1, Nu 15 -e-,- W Year- TenipcMium (I-C) Dai4�&6-,eirohniTcn ' 27.7 -25.7 -19A _R'9 14 73 94 7,2 L9 7.8 -19.8 Daily 'M nxi rimin Temp -1 11,6 _118 4,8 2.8 12-5 M6 2012 17-5 ilk 44 -10,9 1(23 1.7 XkUlfj \,I WhIMM I'VI I 61� -A�_4 1 -10 (t M9 3 9 14.4 -"A RkCNd Mmiamin Tomp t 2,' Q8 L(I.rl ill ; !1_2 Al 7 �';j Mo -1 : .1 '. . .11?. ? HDD Base 193"C 126� 1052 944 02 -153 162 10 18� 347 (a)4 11110 1211 7998 C55" Bas-, 18,3°C 0 0 0 0 0 7 3 0 0 0 0 1 10 Rej;ll I Vc i I I I I I I I ki I LV (A) rEXI I 'A10 72 1 a C'io 10 (-1 M .62' 3.1 59 3l1 nl IV 74 2.K- T1 74. I I 'IT) ,..I cl Q 4 0 Variability of Latitude Fixed -Tilt Radiation 0 1961-1990 Average J fM A PA j J A S 0 N D Yr WBAN NO. 26617 LATITVIDE: 64.50' N LONGITUDE: 155.43'W ELEVATION: 7 motem MEAN PRESSURE., 1009 millibars STATION TYPE: Secondary 80far 86dfiation for FW-Plate Coffeegona F*utlg-sGu i W Q Zr0 lio"I July flkWfthffldayF- Au p Sv-p' Uncertal Mt i ri t9% Nov J! Dec Year Tilt r) I All Fob Mat J_Nsv "il+faa "wiv. -Mon M kX h.."A 1.1 ;j, AkT IM' 7-1 41 5 9 519.1 55 4.7 17 '4 1 2..2 0 04 14 M 44 , "I 13i3.q 4.2fl.3 4-117 3� 9f7,0 I MiS,S - 2-5jab A 1,914-71 1,6110 0.219.9 1-913.8 '.Avortiv V'49 4.7 _j 4) 5-u 5.1U -1.3 3 0.0 .0 LAWLHIL d0 Awrilge 0-�) 2.0 4.7 S:6 $A) 4j 17 3� 1 3.0 1 2'4 L2 ()15 Milv9JIS 0411 g 1.4144 1_4()o 4.0)7-1 3, W 5, 4 2, 01'4 '1 4 1.714.4 1,613.2 0.6f Li 0.2110 2,713.5 r 01) 2:� 4-3: 5 3.7 5, 0.1 .[L�% 0.4� 1.8 1.� eA 21-aJ5:9 J.7j6--7 s -- 8 2,614-7 j a-zli j -;.2 for I-AgliTtar-lifna Flat-PIM& ColliMfor:A with A Solar Radfk1fork k1orlh-Smith Axit fkWh.M21631V3. 11M-^rfAintV 4,00,'. j AM,; Tilt Jan T FAi Mar Apr NM;%.4 ILILIL! Inly Aug slllL Oct v D--e A,erj 12 T* !.X A{1ih7AIX ugoi 1 qv"6 73JI 4 j5M X ;710 .1. N1 1914). r Q., 1) I ... (I Lidut(k, AS Avvtago 0,13 3.0 9,3 S'7 8",4 6.� 5'() 4.1 (),4 4.6 M' Millf a-9 04�14i IA'4-6 15 W If, q 0,2109 15 UtihUla yMp GA 3 1 () � I --V4 W, L' 5' ' 1110.' A,�j I j 4 L14N.11 1j %I ?I I I k.m.,N 4 Latitude + 15 Avefop, 0,5 4.4 Milixax] 0-511.9 1.515,1 2,917,? 5.01 W.(, A,2110.7 4.3110.6 1: 3-�kjg,4 2416.6 ?, 116.2 1 1,8f3.9 0.6/1.9 Utl,l 17J53 Solgrkadi'atloil for 24xfs TraCking .- Flat-PIMe Collectors (RW(VM-7jtl3X). - Tracker JAII f� ; lar � Apv May RM July szvt - I a A A%;ICT 3-1 2.8 1 E (115 4' ---Jr .4 m?j�-q ntq Direct Beam Solar MadIaLion for C0r7C4vnfmffnq Cutlectors flMft(.rn;7dzkyj, Uncertainty -+S% an y Au� SeVt Oct Nov lar L kL' A 7 2.0 1.6 8 ` --'- -'Fp 2�' 1 11.145.4 1 r).211. -1 rd-i'JUI :1 I -Axis, N-$ Avoragi 0.2 IJ 2. 6 4,2 4,8 4 3.6 2-4 2.0 Ll 01 23 Horiz Axis Min{W, x 0,110.5 0.212IO O.Q'4LO 1,618.1 1.7JRA 1.315.3 0.914.3 0.8f.3 0.611.7 0fjo,(y li'&o .s, LN S AV.eL'3gL- .'. : .. L? t 5'. � -1.2 3.'3 2.9 .2,7 P) ?1.i 0.'� 1 N.P I I AeR I xps.-] I L tp H Lpfp FL 1'.1 j M e 1S' CO 2.3 39 5.2 3,6 4.1 2.9 23 2.0, 0-9 0-5� 3LO --Axis ji g a Rtf-6 0-5,4,2 0 910�O 1.5;7.9 1.9/1.4 1.91119�1.56 16-113-0 L 1.014.9 1 1 - tj'3- 1 0.2115 2f I 1 2 _ 3jL4 0 Average Climaift CondiffenA [Eleinant Jan Feb N43r A -or May Ame July Ai!g Sepi I Oct Nov Dec Year relliperiLLU10 VC) .1 3.V -1-6 -0-0 �t.el ik 7.7 1 QLA 10. L -s-g L2-1 4.(.. + 1 -17 -I-Ii-1 Daily Minim= Tomp 11, 2 -9.6 - - 2 0.3 -1719 12A -1.6 3, R 7,3 6.7 2.14 1 -5.4 12.6 -181 �7. 21 li D-aily Maximum Terap -i 1.0 -9.1 .-3,6 5.6 It.() 143 13.4 93 0.9 -5L3 -9.4 0.7 rkimoid M i rthvii [irk Tonp $i. -41 1 4 -'"1 .1.1.4 .'�Tzj -.6 f� -PA -i; -) -;o.K NJ#L'�ijffil Ilk 1'�.rpip I �,l iox- i5,r, 21 '? ;5.I 7.2 HDD, Base 18.3*C 1 999 951 9-1 -igo 50r" -118 235 2-33 375 03: 818 994 7849 CDDBasc M3°C; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 kul'wi ve -H kupsid4y f %) 72 6r� 73 914 -.1 74 19 30 75 74 i %Villd.SjMVAI (111jrj - 4.7 -1 .1 L 5 a:g. 4.2 4,9 5 1 50 j 4 R 21