HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESOLUTION 08-13 (SUPPORT FOR AEA PROPOSAL).docp, O. BOK 130f Bethlll, AK, 99559 Ph: (907) 543·2887 (Bllthlll OffiCII) I (907) 4~7·817f (NII/UlmlJllI Off/ell) FK: (907) 543-2892 (Bllf.l I (907) 4~7·Sf 70 (N.p.) Emllll: nll/Ulmllt&@sr.rl»nd,rntr Websltll: www.napalmmo.prq I~[SOLUTION NOK-I) ,\ RESOLUTIO:-O .-\UTlIORIZING THE :'IiATIVE VILLAGE OF ~AI'AI)IUTE'S 2008 FU:-OlliriG I'ROPOSA!. 1'0 THE ALASKA na:RG'I' AUTllOIUT'I' (At:", t'OR A:" ,\LTEI~,,"ATI"E E,,"EHGY SYSTE1\1 FOR TI~IBALL"·OW:"EI> BVlLI>l:"GS WI IEREAS, lhe ;-lmi"e Village ofNapaimule is a f\-dtrnlly rc<:ogniud Tribe, and; Wil ERE,\S, lhe Xapaimule Trnditional Council is the governing bod)' for lhe Tribe, and; \\'11 EREAS, lhe Xap.~imUle Trndilional Council represents lhe inleresls Oflhc lribal & commUnil)' mcmocl'$ ofNapaimulc. and; WII ERE/\S, Napaimute T rudiliunal Council se.lks input from all of its members lhrough lelephone. Imerncl. sur.'c)' and annUllI mccling dialog aboUI lhe eollcctil'c desires and eoncents lhal guide the Council in its opcrnlions. communit)' development and rCl'itali~..ation planning, and: Wllt:I~EAS. lhl! l\apaimlllc Communily Plan appro\'\-d by the membership in 2004 lislS the inC"rpornlion ofahemmi\'c energ)' componcnl imo any power planning for lhe exisling arid fUILln: eOl1UnUnil)', and; Wilt: IU:AS, the l\apailllLllc Trndilional COllncil has taken concrele steps towards this goal lhrough lh ... inlndlation of II remote sensing wealher slalion (2001) Ihal has been recording solar :md 'I inl.! d:ulI 24/7 for Ihl! past se\'en yeal'$ and Ihe eomplelion of an "hernat],·.., Energy Syslem P1:lu (SLlsill1:t Energy, 2007), ~ud; • WllEllEAS, the skyrocketing cost of fud in Runll Alaska has made it unfeasible 10 continue to pr'" ide JXlwer through conventional energy s)'stems, ~ow 1'IIERt;t'ORt: DE IT RESOL VEil, lhat Napaimute Traditional Council. adhering 10 its COlllmunil)' Plan, is now focusing on finding ahernat;\'e lind rcnewlIble energ)' systems for our de\c1opin!:! communit~· and wholeheartedly supports this funding proP05;lIIO AEA for an allematl\'e cncrgr srstem. liE 11' .'URTU Ell RESOL VEU, lhat President I-lareie Sherer is authori~.c<Ilo sign 1I1i pertinent euntr."l dlXCumenls associated with this proposal. CERTIFICATION The preceding n:solution was adopted al a duly con\'Cncd meeting of the ~ajXlintute Ttllditional ('Oll!ld I on lhe 12 11l of Scplembt'r, 200M by a \"Ote of S for, 0 against and 0 abslaining. •