HomeMy WebLinkAboutLtr. from Paul Fuhs 10-27-08Oct 22 07 07:17a p.1 PAUL FUHS 329 E TENTH AVENUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 995131 907-351-0407 November, 27, 2008 Mayor Shirley Marquardt City Council Members City of Unalaska Dear Shirley, I appreciated the opportunity to speak with you in more detail about the Makushin Geothermal project last week. As I understood our discussion, your agenda on the 28`h was already full with pressing issues for council deliberations, so that there would not be time for me to make a presentation on a request for a letter of support from the City for our grant request to the Alaska Energy Authority to further define the costs of alternative development scenarios for the project. That is understandable and it may be that formal council action is not necessary for you to write a letter on your own in support of the grant application so long as they are aware of the situation_ The grant request is structured so that all of the information will be available to the City and local residents and this information will help everyone to determine if there is a feasible project. It will cover the contingencies of production wells either at the existing proven test well site or production wells on the valley floor. It will examine optimal locations for the generating plant at the head of the valley or closer to the ocean. Based on those options, it will define specific comparative costs for infrastructure, transmission lines, etc. This study will also use an advanced form of laser radar to identify the most likely locations for production wells. i hope you will agree that this information will be extremely useful to the community and to the commercial entities that will need to make decisions about participating in the project, including the City, fish processors, other industrial users and the Ounalashka Corporation. A letter of support from you in this regard would be most useful. We also hope you will appoint a representative to sit on the study oversight committee to make sure the City is getting all the information it needs on the project. You and I also discussed the issue of continued negotiations for royalty rates for geothermal fluids. You asked if we were willing to continue to negotiate for these terms Oct 22 n? o7: 17a p.2 so that the City could have more certainty before proceeding on an exploratory drilling program in the valley. The answer to that question is yes. As I mentioned, it is very difficult to negotiate a rate before having the information referenced in the study above and more surety over where production wells will ultimately be located. As I reviewed the negotiating history of the parties, it appeared to me that the approach taken by both sides would not lead to a successful conclusion. Both sides were proposing flat rates for geothermal fluids without having clear information on the economics of the project. If we assumed that the City's drilling program in the valley would be successful and save substantial costs to the project, the fluids would obviously have a higher value. However, there is no guarantee that the drilling program will be successful so we may have to pipe the fluids down to the valley from production wells at a higher elevation. Therefore, I think it would be most productive if we would pursue an agreement based on a percentage of savings to the community based on the price of diesel fuel or converted to the equivalent cents per kilowatt hour. Much of this data is already available through the City's annual report to the state on the Power Cost Equalization program. This approach would focus on the savings to the community of actual avoided fuel costs replaced by geothermal energy. This approach would also align the interests of all the parties in finding the lowest cost development plant for the project and for seeking assistance in the capital costs from state and federal alternative energy grants, carbon credits, production of transportable fuels such as hydrogen and ammonia, etc. As I promised to you over the phone, I will send to you later this week or early next week at the latest, a proposed formula outline for valuing geothermal fluids based on savings to the community. If you accept this outline, we would expect the negotiations to focus on how those savings are divided between the parties. We would also welcome the participation of AEA in these negotiations to help us come to an agreement, and also to have them involved in the project from the start since it is clear that neither the City nor KSLC has the capacity to finance this project and loan guarantees from the State of Alaska will probably be required. I have spoken extensively with the KSLC partners and we all agree that a cooperative approach with the City is the best way to move this project forward. In that light, I hope you will consider writing a letter in support of the grant proposal to AEA and appointing a representative to the oversight committee. You also mentioned the possibility of holding a special public meeting on the Makushin Geothermal Project sometime in November and we think that is a good idea. Please let us know the dates as soon as possible so that we can make travel arrangements to attend and participate. Please call me anytime to discuss any element of the project. I have attached the letter authorizing me to represent KSLC in helping develop this project. 9 Paul Fuhs �A. .. �/ ,• -- r' Oct 22 0'7 07: 17a p.3 Kiiguusi Suuluta Land Company, LLC c/o t . C. Fisch 116 Delmar St. San Francisco, CA 94117 1'etcnhune (! 1 J) 51 > ` 22b Email: Mr. Paul Vuhs Anchorage Alaska RE: Negotiations Dear Paul= Please accept this letter as your authorization to negotiate all matters relating to land use and rentals, royalties and such other matters as may be related to the exploration, development and utilization of KSLC's land and resource commonly known as the Makushin Resource_ Your authority extends to negotiation with any person or entity with a legitimate interest in advancing the aforesaid purposes and includes, but is not limited to, the City of Unalaska, the State of Alaska or any of its subdivisions or agencies, the Native organizations and fish processors. Your authority is subject only to the ultimate approval of any transaction terms by KSLC's Board of Managers. Si nicereiy, jJack S. Wood Trustee The Wood Family Trust Member/Manager KSLC.LLC