HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXHIBIT CTECH ELECTRICALPREL. COAL POP. REGIONAL ASSIST CURRENT CURRENT CAPACITY CHP UPGRADE POWER SIGN POWER/HEAT LOAD ROAD RANKRANK VILLAGE COAL TYPE RANK* POP. RANK CORPORATION RANK FUEL POWER SOURCE (KWe) IN-PLACE? RANK PROVIDER CONSUMERS RANK AIRPORT SEA PORT BARGE SYSTEM SUM ADDITIONAL COMMENTS1 Kiana Bituminous 10 401 10 NANA Regional Corp 2 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 1163 No 10 AVEC WTP, HC, S 8 Yes - 3400' No Yes - CrowleNo 402 Noatak Bituminous 10 489 10 NANA Regional Corp 2 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 1210 No 10 AVEC WTP, HC, S 8 Yes - 4000' No No No 40 Firewood 3 Nulato Bituminous 10 274 8 Doyon Limited 4 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 897 No 10 AVEC WTP, HC, S, W 8 Yes - 4000' No Yes No 40 Firewood 4 Ambler Bituminous 10 278 8 NANA Regional Corp 2 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 982 No 10 AVEC WTP, WWTP, HC, S, W 8 Yes - 3000' No Yes - CrowleNo 385 Galena Bituminous 10 610 10 Doyon Limited 4 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 6000 Yes - 1990 6 City of Galena WTP, HC, S, W, PO, G 8 Yes - 7254' No YesLocal 38 Already using waste heat from Diesel Generators for dist. Heating6 McGrath Bituminous 10 315 10 Doyon Limited 4 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 2685 Yes - 1979 6 McGrath Light and Power WTP, HC, S, W, PO, G 8 Yes - 5435 Ne No Local 38 3508 Caterpillar 564kw generator w/ 3512 Cat 670 kw backup generator. Heat for Utilities7 King Salmon Subbituminou7 426 10 Bristol Bay Native Corp 6 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 12257 Yes -1977 6 Naknek Electric Association WTP, HC, S, W, PO, G 8 Yes - 8500'No Yes Yes 37 NEA has a jacket water heat recapture program providing heat to local schools, medical clinic, and 9 residences - excess goes to the swimming pool.8 Naknek Subbituminou7 543 10 Bristol Bay Native Corp 6 Diesel King Salmon Fac Yes - 1977 6 Naknek Electric Association All 8 Yes - 1950' Yes Yes Local 37 King Salmon Facility powers Naknek & S. Naknek as well. NEA burns 1.5 M gals diesel annually.9 Kaltag Bituminous 10 230 8 Doyon Limited 4 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 822 Yes - 1999 6 AVEC WTP, HC, S, PO 8 Yes - 3900' No Yes No 36 Heat used for school10 Mekoryuk Bituminous 10 217 6 Calista Corporation 6 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 664 Yes - 1999 6 AVEC WTP, HC, S, W, C 8 Yes - 3700 No Yes No 36 Verify coal type, AVEC has Met tower up for Wind study11 Unalakleet Lignite 4 724 10 Bering Straits Native Corp 6 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 2000 Yes - 1965 8 Unalakleet Valley Electric Coop. WTP, HC, S, G 8 Yes - 6004' No No - lighteredNo 36 The Co-op is owned by our very own MEA, Generator is very old - leaving upgrade potential high12 Chignik Bituminous 10 81 4 Bristol Bay Native Corp 6 Reciprocating Eng 525 Yes - 1990 6 Chignik Electric WTP, HC, S, C 8 Yes - 2600' Yes Yes + Ferry No 34 Hydro potential at Indian Lake13 Chignik Lake Bituminous 10 128 4 Bristol Bay Native Corp 610 Chignik Lake Electric Utility, Inc. HC, S 4 Yes - 2800' No No No 34 Roads proposed, school provides winter power14 Cordova Bituminous 10 2194 10 Chugach Alaska Corp 4 Diesel/HydrReciprocating Eng + Hydroelectric16553 No 2 Cordova Electric Cooperative All 8 Yes - 7499 Yes Yes + Ferry No 34 Eyak & Orca Diesel Generators + Humpback Cr Hydro Facility15 Koyuk Lignite 4 347 10 Bering Straits Native Corp 6 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 1098 Yes - 1999 6 AVEC WTP, HC, S, W 8 Yes - 3000' Yes - unimp NoNo 34 Tank Farm and Generator recently upgraded, heat used for school16 Point Lay Bituminous 10 250 8Arctic Slope Native Assoc., L2 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 1800 Yes - 1991 6 North Slope Borough WTP, HC, S 8 Yes - 3519' Yes -seaso No No 34 Heat used for Laundry17 Shungnak Bituminous 10 269 8 NANA Regional Corp 2 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 1248 Yes - 1999 6 AVEC WTP, HC, S 8 Yes - 4000' No Yes - CrowleNo 34 Heat for Utilities18 Wainright Subbituminou7 540 10Arctic Slope Native Assoc., L2 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 3000 Yes - 1988 6 North Slope Borough WTP, HC, S 8 Yes - 4494' Yes -season Yes 3319 Allakaket Bituminous 10 95 4 Doyon Limited 4 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 736 Yes - 1999 10 Alaska Power Company WTP, W, HC,S, 4 Yes - 4000' No NoNo 32 Heat used for school20 Fort Yukon Lignite 4 591 10 Doyon Limited 4 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 1900 Yes - 1984 6 Gwithchyaa Zhee Utilities WTP, HC, S, W, PO, G 8 Yes - 5810' No Yes Local 3221 Kobuk Bituminous 10 119 4 NANA Regional Corp 2 NA NA 8 Kobuk Valley Electrical Co-op WTP, HC, S, W 8 Yes - 2518' No Yes - CrowleNo 32 Co-op buys power from Shungnak AVEC via Kobuk-Shungnak Intertie 22 Koyukuk Bituminous 10 89 4 Doyon Limited 4 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 205 No 10 City of Koyukuk WTP, HC, S, W 4 Yes - 2645 No Yes No 3223 Selawik Bituminous 10 828 10 NANA Regional Corp 2 Wind/Diese4 wind turbines + Gen1647 2 AVEC WTP, HC, S, 8 Yes - 3000' No Yes - CrowleNo 32 4 65-KW Atlantic Orient Corp Turbines + fuel eff. Generator engines24 Toksook Bay Bituminous 10 610 10 Calista Corporation 2 Wind/Diese3 wind turbines + Gen1618 2 AVEC WTP, HC, S, W 8 Yes - 1788' Yes Yes No 32 Verify presence of coal and type, AVEC installed 3 100 KW Northwind Wind Turbines and High Efficiency Generators25 Alatna Bituminous 10 30 2 Doyon Limited 4 Diesel RE + Inter-tie w/ Allak50 No 10 Alaska Power Company WTP, W, HC 4 Allakaket No No No 3026 Evansville Bituminous 10 19 2 Doyon Limited 4 No 10 Alaska Power Company HC 4 No No No Winter Road 30 Out to Dalton Hwy27 Nightmute Bituminous 10 244 8 Calista Corporation 6 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 484 No 2 AVEC HC, S 4 Yes - 1650 No No - lighteredNo 30 Verify presence of coal and type. AVEC is installing inter-tie w/ Toksook Bay Wind Turbines28 Perryville Bituminous 10 119 4 Bristol Bay Native Corp 6 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 250 Yes - 1999 6 Village of Perryville WTP, HC, S 4 Yes - 2467' No Yes No 30 Heat used for school29 Venetie Lignite 4 181 6 ??? 6 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 200 Yes - 1999 6 Venetie Village Electric WTP, HC, S, W 8 Yes - 4100' No No No 30 Heat for Utilities30 Nikolai Subbituminou7 88 4 Doyon Limited 4 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 240 No 10 Nikolai Light &Power Co HC, S, W 4 Yes - 4003 No No No 2931 Chignik Lagoon Bituminous 10 68 2 Bristol Bay Native Corp 6 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 300 Yes - 1999 6 Chignik Lagoon Power Utility WWTP, HC, S 4 Yes - 1600' Yes Yes + Ferry No 28 Roads proposed. School is heated 32 Deering Lignite 4 133 4 NANA Regional Corp 2 No 10 Ipnatchiaq Elect Co. S, WTP, W, HC 8 Yes - 2600' Yes Yes - CrowleNo 2833 Rampart Subbituminou7 17 2 Doyon Limited 4 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 246 No 10 Rampart Village Council WTP, HC, W 4 Yes - 3500' No Yes Winter Trail 27 Possible road to Elliot Hwy34 Atqasuk 223 6Arctic Slope Native Assoc., L2 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 1350 No 10 North Slope Borough WTP, WWTP, HC, S, W 8 Yes - 4370' No- plannedNo Winter Road 2635 Bettles Bituminous 10 28 2 4 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 760 Yes - 1999 6 Alaska Power Company None 4 Yes - 5200' No No Winter Road 26 Heat for Utilities36 Beaver Lignite 4 60 2 Doyon Limited 4 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 256 No 10 Beaver Joint Utilities WTP, HC, W, S 4 Yes - 3954' No Yes No 2437 Birch Creek Lignite 4 26 2 Doyon Limited 4 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 165 No 10 Birch Cr Village Elect. WTP, HC, W 4 Yes - 4000' No No Winter Trail 24 Out to Dalton Hwy38 Chalkyitsik Lignite 4 72 2 Doyon Limited 4 Diesel Reciprocating Eng 580 Yes - 1999 6 Chalkyitsik Village Energy System WTP, HC, S, W 4 Yes - 4000' No No Winter Trail 20 Heat used for schoolCOAL RANK *Lignite = 4; Subbituminous = 7; Bituminous = 10 S SchoolPOP RANK 0-74 = 2; 75-149 = 4; 150-224 = 6; 225-299 = 8; 300+ = 10 WTP Water Treatment PlantTECH ASSIST Full In-house Resources =2;Some In-house = 4; No In-house = 6 W WashateriaUPGRADE RANK Upgraded w/ Renewables = 2; Upgraded w/ CHP=6; Upgraded Gen = 6; Old Gen = 10 HC Health ClinicLOAD RANK Minimal Load = 4; Sizable Load = 8 PO Post OfficeA ArmoryG Government Blding(s)ACCESSABILITYFigure 1AGE Rural Arctic Ready Energy SolutionsReconnaissance Phase - Summary ReportSeptember 2008EXHIBIT C