HomeMy WebLinkAbout6 Unocal Report Coalbed Methane Mat ValleyPioneer Coal Bed Methane ProjectCBMPioneer050401D. Seamount (AOGCC, formerly Unocal), Faye Sullivan (Unocal), T. Brandenburg (Unocal), R. Crandall (AOGCC), K. Tabler (Unocal), R. Downey (Independent, formerly w/ Ocean Energy), Debra Childers (Unocal), Steve Carson (Unocal), Larry Smith (Unocal), C. Barker (USGS), Dan Thomas (Unocal), R. Cross (Unocal), G. Pavia (Lynx Enterprises, Inc. formerly of DGC) Play to Execution3.6 TCFG GIP Pioneer Project- Play to Execution•Play Phase- Unocal/Marathon & Others- 1989 to 1995•Hiatus 1995 to 1997•Exploration Phase- Unocal, 1997 to 1999 •Permitting Phase- Unocal 1999 (6 months)–Alaska Division of Governmental Coordination (surface environment)–Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission (subsurfaceenvironment)•Drilling Phase- Ocean Energy/Unocal 1999- 2000 (4-5 months)•Test Phase (Confidential/incomplete?)–Ocean Energy/Unocal•Future? Cook Inlet BasinLocated in S. Central AlaskaAnchorageAnchorageMcArthur RiverMcArthur River Pioneer ProspectCoal Bed MethaneUnconventional gas play proven in L48 and elsewhere(mid 90’s view)24 TCF314 TCF2 TCF39 TCF61 TCF5 TCF20 TCF4 TCF10 TCF60 TCF99 TCF10 TCF21 TCF Pioneer Project- Play to ExecutionPlay Phase- Unocal/Marathon- 1989 to 1995•Regional work- Abundant CI Coal- VR, Wireline and Mud logs, net coal isopach & structure maps•DNR CBM evaluation well (AK-94-1)–Relatively High Gas Content in Mat-su Valley; Gas Content increased from 63 cu-ft/ton@ sl to 245 cu-ft/ton @ -745’•Leasing– Dept of Natural Resources (DNR), Fee, & Native 50,000+ Acres COOK INLET STRATIGRAPHIC CHARTAbsent AT Pioneer MIOCENEOLIGOCENE•Upper Tyonekand younger sediments have been truncated in Mat-Su Valley•Lower Tyonek with higher coal maturity preserved100’s of Tertiary coal seams in Cook Inlet Pioneer ProspectCoal Bed MethaneCoal is the source of up to 7.7 Tcf of Cook Inlet’s 8.3 Tcf“conventional” gasPioneerPioneer Pioneer Prospect Coal Bed Methane• 669 TCF GIP L 48 with production in 8 of 12 Basins• 245 TCF GIP Cook Inlet 1/3 as much as entire lower 48 (mid 90’s USGS Estimate)• Area same size as San Juan Basin but 4X GIP (90’s estimates) North Middle Ground Shoal •Located in NE Cook Inlet in area of maximum coal maturity•Testing 72,000 acres (.8% of Coal Basin) •If successful, could extend to rest of the Basin•Unocal & MOC Leased ~50,000 acres in Mat-Su Valley-1989 to 1995 Pioneer #3Market Accessibility1990’s Proposed CBM Well LocationGood Accessibility toDrilling Locations6 milesWDW #2Pioneer #2WDW #1Pioneer #1BLT #120” pipeline to 300,000 population and Fertilizer and LNG plantsNetwork of smaller gas pipelines throughout unitAxis of Pittman Anticline Pioneer Project- Play to ExecutionHiatus 1995 to 1997•Exploration De-emphasized–Dropped 5000+ acres in Pioneer Pioneer Project- Play to ExecutionExploration Phase- Unocal, 1997 to 1999•Structure, Gross Isopach, Net coal, VR & Net Coal Cut off maps refined for prospect focus•Seismic Purchase & Evaluation•Geochemical Analyses- C/O, Maturity•Analogies- Raton Basin, Drunkards Wash•Leasing & Unitization –DNR, FEE, Native –Unocal acquires MOC & other’s interest –Total- 70,000+ Acres –Plan of Exploration- DNR Division of Oil & Gas •Bounded by two active reverse faults•Pittman Anticline bisects the unit Base Tyonek StructurePittman AnticlineTectonic & Structural Setting Re-entryCross-section View of 1999 Proposed Program •Both CBM and Conventional targets exist on the axis of the anticline and traps along the faults•CBM targets also exist in the lows •Coal bearing Tyonek can exceed 7000’ in thickness between the bounding faults Depositional Setting & Coal Distribution •TYONEK FM GROSS THICKNESS- UP TO 7500’, TYPICAL 5000’•NET COAL THICKNESS- UP TO 300’•NUMBER OF POTENTIAL ZONES-15+ •INDIVIDUAL RESERVOIR NET THICKNESS 4’ TO 30’•TYPICAL RESERVOIR NET THICKNESS- 8’Depositional Setting & Coal Distribution Pioneer ProspectUnocal Pittman #1- 1962•SP development in some thick coalsScan pittman logSPDTTotal GasILDDepositional Setting & Coal Distribution Area high-graded on foot-wall block between two reverse faults where coal section is thickestNet Coal Isopach-1000’ to -5000’Depositional Setting & Coal Distribution1501251002002505050150 Pioneer Coal Bed MethaneWells drilled in area have tested small volumes of gasPioneer Coal Bed Methane6 MilesReported Blowouts and gas flows in 1957, 1962, & 1998150MCFD from un-frac’ddeeper tight gas sandstones-compares with economic sands in SJBCoal Seam TestsVirtually all wells contained strong gas shows in coal seams CBM Producebility? & Gas Content? Depth to Ro >.6%•Thermogenic gas generation initiates at Ro of 6%•Ro of .99% was measured at 6000’in Unocal Well Pittman #1, strong gas shows were recorded throughout the section •Cut-off of -5000’used due to permeability assumptionsCoal Rank-1 0 0 0 -5 0 0 0 Cross-section along axis of Pittman AnticlineCut-offs for high-grading and construction ofAnticipated Net Coal Pay Map•Ro >.6% (onset of Thermogenic Generation)•Depths from -1000 to -5000 (-1000 for adequate pressure, -5000 for permeability) •Net Coal > 100’High Graded Volume Pioneer ProspectAnticipated Net Coal Pay MapMap result of Applying Cut-offsPittman Anticline Depth < 5000’Net Coal>100’ImpactsRo >.6%Depth < 5000’Free Methane Observed ?Net Coal>100’230 SCF/TonPittman AnticlineNot Bad????Scott, 2000 AssumptionsRo- .6%Depth -1000’ to -5000’Net thickness- 100’Ash Content Gas Content Density Average Pay Area 24% 300cu ft/ton 1.5gm/cc 137’ 55,500 acGIP - 3.6 TCFRecovery 40%Recoverable Reserves- 1.425 TCFPioneer Potential Reserve Calculation Base Tyonek StructurePittman AnticlineConventional PotentialRe-EntryArco BLT #1, Test Coal Seam at 3600’ and sand w/gas show at 3900’on southern edge of unit. Big Lake Tyonek Gas1645 acresNear Top/Tyonek “C” Coal Re-Entry:Arco BLT #1, Test coal seam at 3660’ and sand w/gas show at 3900’on southern edge of unitARCO BLT #1Total GasILDSPGRConventional Targets • Estimated 3.6 Tcf in place at Pioneer• Potential reserves of 1.4 TCF• Large acreage position• Existing infrastructure• Good accessibility to drilling locations• Encouraging data and well information• Conventional sands may enhance productivityPioneer CBMStrengths 3.6 TCF GIPAnticipated Net Coal Pay MapGrass Root Wells•2500’, near gassy water well•4500’ offset to Pittman #1 for core control•4500’ on Flank of anticline•4500’ off structure nearer to Pipeline 1999 Exploration Plan Pioneer Coal Bed Methane ProjectCBMPioneer050401D. Seamount (AOGCC, formerly Unocal), Faye Sullivan (Unocal), T. Brandenburg (Unocal), R. Crandall (AOGCC), K. Tabler (Unocal), R. Downey (Independent, formerly w/ Ocean Energy), Debra Childers (Unocal), Steve Carson (Unocal), Larry Smith (Unocal), C. Barker (USGS), R. Cross (Unocal), G. Pavia (Lynx Enterprises, Inc. formerly of DGC) Play to Execution3.6 TCFG GIP PermittingPioneer #3WDW #2Pioneer #2WDW #1BLT #1South Pilot ProjectOcean/Unocal Proposed Well LocationsVine Extension Pilot ProjectCBM test Well LocationClass II Waste Disposal Well LocationExisting Exploration Wells 02MILESScaleAK-94-1Original Pioneer ProjectPioneer #1 Permitting Phase- Unocal 1999 (6 months, team of 8)Alaska Division of Governmental Coordination (DGC)- surface environment- 10 groupsCoastal Zone Consistency DeterminationPlan of Operation (Three Submitted)1. Coastal Policy Questionnaire- Office of Management & Budget, DGC2. 404 Wetlands Fill Permit (not needed)- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers3. Archeological survey/cultural Resources report- Alaska Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation 4. Temporary Water Use Permit- Division of Mining, Land, & Water and Alaska Department of Fish & Game Permitting Phase (Continued)- Unocal 1999 (6 months, team of 8)Alaska Division of Governmental Coordination (DGC)- surface environment- 10 groupsCoastal Zone Consistency Determination5. Air Quality Permit (Below threshold) Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEF)6. Solid Waste Program- ADEF 7. Notice- Office of the Governor8. Planning Permit-Mat-Su Borough 9. C-Plan Exemption- Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission (AOGCC) advises10.Public- Outreach Meetings Plan of Operation (Three Submitted)Activities from site preparation through well suspension or plugging and abandonment•Description of the Area–Location of Proposed Wells–Climate–Geography and Topography–Surface Geology–Surface Hydrology and Groundwater –Existing Roads Plan of Operation (Three Submitted)-ContinuedActivities from site preparation through well suspension or plugging and abandonment•Planned Activities–Planned Access Roads –Road and Pad Construction–Well Site Layouts–Equipment Description–Water Supply –Down Hole Waste Disposal–Water and Waste Disposal –Surface Restoration–Timing•References Pioneer Public Meeting Topics- discussion of Plan of Operations and Public Concerns•Introduction by Division of Coordination (DGC)•What is Coal Bed Methane•Summary of The Pioneer Coal-bed History •Ocean/Unocal Plan of Operation in Mat-Su•Project Timing•Communications W/ Public•Questions & Comments by Public –Protection of Water Supply–Waste and Injected Water–Surface Disturbances–Safety–Noise–Proximity to Residences Permitting Phase (Continued)- Unocal 1999 (6 months, team of 8)Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission (AOGCC)- Sub-surface environment & Correlative Rights- 2 groups1. UIC (EPA involvement)–Aquifer Exemption–Disposal Injection Order2. Permit to Drill–Conventional Operation–CBM regulations w/ industry & other parties’input in Future3. Correlative Rights–Spacing Exception •Regional Picture•Coal Basin•Fresh Water Aquifer•Application for Exemption and Disposal Order•Area Geology•Deep Tests•Water Analyses•Log Analyses•Pioneer Well 1702-15DA-WDW•Well Logs of Disposal Zones•Activity & Status of Well•ConclusionsPIONEER CBM PROJECTClass II Waste Disposal Well Aquifer Protection• Produced Water injected at least 1500’ below the lowest Fresh Water• Injected water quality very similar to that of Injection Zone @ 1500’ and greater Depths• Injection Well To Be Monitored according to State and Federal Regulations• Strict Adherence To Safe Cementing Procedures, surface casing through potable water aquifer (800’) • Wells to be Drilled with water-based mud • Baseline Study of Water Wells in Area was performed by third party geotechnical firm. Water SupplyHigh Resistivity/Fresh Water Aquifer ARCO BLT #1Low Resistivity Exemptible Tyonek Section 3000 to 10000 ppmLess than 1000 ppmPioneer Aquifers VINE EXTENSION PILOT PROJECTSub-Sea Depth to Base of Fresh Water-1000-4 0 0 0-0-3 0 0 0-2000-4000Susitna RiverAA’Base of Water Aquifers of less than 1000 ppm range from above sea level to ~-500’SL within the Pioneer unit. The base of the aquifer becomes very deep to the SW. 10000-1000-2000-3000-4000-5000-5000-4000-3000-2000-100001000PIONEER UNITGLACIALDEPOSITSPOTENTIALDISPOSALZONESPIONEER#3HIGH RESISTIVITYFRESHWATERPROPOSEDTESTZONESPIONEER#2LOW RESISTIVITYSALINETYONEKAA'PIONEERWDW #1PIONEER#1PROP TD4500'PROP TD2500'PROP TD2000'PROP TD4500'Prop TD 2000’SALINETYONEKPIONEER UNITFigure 8Disposal SectionConfining SectionLOW RESISTIVITY Table 4: WATER RECOVERY FROM PIONEER UNIT AREA DEEP EXPLORATORY WELLSWELL NAME OPERATORINTERVAL ` RECOVERYBIG LAKE BLT-01 ARCO 3 tests: 4800' to 6100’ No water, small amounts of gasAM QUASAR BIG LK 1 AM QUASAR well kicked 1870'- 1930’ Two samples mud/reservoir fluid TDS of 3049 ppmand 1709 ppmMud filtrate reported - 500 ppm ClHORSESHOE LK ST 1 GREAT PLAINS 2950'- 3084' 680' of muddy salt waterTDS = 3850 ppm4246'- 4310’ 354' of water cut drilling mud TDS = 3300 ppmPITTMAN 1 UNION 1103'- 1158' Gas to surface in 3 minutesWater to surface in 40 minutes at 120 b/d rate. No TDS measurement2709'-2747' Flowed 100bbls of "salt water” at _____b/d rate. No TDS measurement3577'-3595'1030'of"salt water" Horseshoe Lake St #1Total Depth 8226Temp at TD 132Temp @ Surface 35Temp Gradient 1.18Matrix Density 2.67Matrix TT 53Sonic Compaction Factor 1a0.62m2.15Test Interval Produced Fluid-3850ppm TDS Calculated TDS (Sonic) Aver3273Depth Rild Sonic Porosity TDS (Sonic)2932 7.7 0.35 43642936 7.8 0.35 43462940 7.6 0.37 40322944 7.9 0.36 40222948 10.3 0.34 34882952 9.3 0.29 56662956 8.1 0.35 42512960 10.0 0.34 35672964 8.9 0.38 32052968 9.6 0.35 34742972 7.8 0.38 36222982 6.8 0.35 50522986 9.1 0.34 39313024 11.9 0.33 30833028 12.8 0.40 19403032 13.0 0.40 18763036 12.6 0.40 19573040 11.1 0.39 23333044 12.8 0.36 23783054 11.0 0.38 24433066 10.1 0.34 34333070 11.2 0.34 31463074 12.6 0.34 27973078 15.4 0.32 25903082 12.7 0.37 22423086 13.8 0.39 17773090 12.8 0.39 1930Porous SandstoneCalculated TDS (Sonic) 3273ppmAverage TDS Calculation From Well LogsFormation FactorF = 0.81/ (porosity*porosity) (average of the density and neutron log porosity) (Tixier Formula)Resistivity of 100% Water Saturated Formation:Ro = Rt (deep induction R value through analyzed zone assumed to be 100% water).Resistivity of Formation WaterRw = Ro / FArchies EquationSalinity (ppm):xSalinity= 10x = 3.562 - log (RW@75DegF - 0.0123).955A procedure to generate the salinity curve using the method has been developed for WDS. TDS Calculation From Well LogsThermal Gradient Formula:TG = (Tmax - MST) / (Depth Subsea / 100)Tmax = Maximum recorded temperature from log header MST = Mean Surface Temperature for Cook Inlet (= 35 deg. F Depth Subsea = Meas. depth of Tmax converted to subsea depthFormation FactorF = 0.81/ (porosity*porosity) (average of the density and neutron log porosity) (Tixier Formula)Resistivity of 100% Water Saturated Formation:Ro = Rt (deep induction R value through analyzed zone assumed to be 100% water).Resistivity of Formation WaterRw = Ro / FFormation Temperature:Tf = (Depth subsea / 100) x TGResistivity of Formation Water at 750 F:Rw@75degF = Rw ((Tf + 6.77) / 81.77)Salinity (ppm):xSalinity= 10x = 3.562 - log (RW@75DegF - 0.0123).955A procedure to generate the salinity curve using the method has been developed for WDS. Vine St14 152322Figure 4: Aerial Photograph-Vine Extension Pilot ProjectProposed Access Route1702-15DA-WDW 1500’ FSL, 515 FEL 1702-15AB 1702-22AB 1702-15DD 1702-14CC1702-22AD Proposed Access Route605960605952605967606009T536059431/2 Mile84221196Well #1702-15DA-WDW178201184228101Figure #WATER WELLLOCATIONSWater Well & Depth50#1702- 15WDWProposed CBM Test Wells1422231510080809046 Water Wells from 125’ to 305’ deep in the SE 1/4 of Section 2210119620019738278140193156196190159180192200200205214200201218237220240200228220240218217Figure 11Barbara E. RigganJake MarquezJoan I. MarkleAlaska, State of, DNRDick LawmanJerry A. & Deborah FrostChas L. MowrerAlaska, State of, DNR Figure7- Water Table Contour Map, Vine Extension Pilot Area-Arrows show flow direction of ground water in acquifers less than 150’ deep. Contours in meters (from Montgomery, 1990)Lucile Creek WatershedMeadow Creek Watershed80100801510162122 2314911#1702-15DA-WDWMontgomery, 1990 Pioneer Well 1702-15DA-WDW26 Coal Seams >4’ thick Total Net coal thickness 148’Confining LayersCored in 14CCDisposal Zones 3.6 TCF GIPAnticipated Net Coal Pay MapCorrelation to nearest control from Vine Extension Project Figure 11-Cross-section showing correlation of zones from BLT #1 and Class II Waste Disposal Well 1702-15AD WDWHigh Resistivity Fresh Water Water Aquifer Pioneer #1702-15AD WDWARCO BLT #1P ropos e d Ra n g e of Inje c t i o n z o n e s 4000’ TVDBB’6.8 Miles3000’ TVD2000’ TVDAverage Water Well 154’ DeepDeepest Water Well 305’ Deep Approx. 2000’of salty Fm water and impermeable confining layers Low Resistivity Brackish Water Tyonek1500’ TVD1000’ TVD2500’ TVD Pioneer UnitCoalbed Methane Producing WellSimplified Wellbore SchematicSurfaceFresh Water-BearingGlacial DebrisTyonek Formation -Interbedded Sandstones,Shales and Coalseams0 Feet0-500 Feet12-1/4 Inch SteelCasing From Surfaceto 50 feet, Behind CementWell TotalDepth - 4000 Feet7-Inch SteelCasing FromSurface to Total DepthClass “G” CementFrom TD to SurfaceIn Annular SpacesProduction TubingWith Downhole Pump9-5/8 Inch SteelCasing FromSurface to Total DepthCemented Back to Surface Pioneer UnitCoalbed Methane Water Disposal WellSimplified Wellbore SchematicSurfaceFresh Water-BearingGlacial OutwashTyonek Formation -Interbedded Sandstones,Shales and Coalseams0 Feet0-500 Feet9-5/8 Inch SteelCasing FromSurface to Total DepthCemented Back to Surface12-1/4 Inch SteelCasing From Surfaceto 50 feet, Behind CementWell TotalDepth - 4000 Feet7-Inch SteelCasing FromSurface to Total DepthWater Disposal ZoneSalt-Water BearingSandstone ZoneClass “G” CementFrom TD to SurfaceIn Annular SpacesInjection TubingWith Packer Drilling Phase- Ocean Energy (Operator) & Unocal 1999- 2000 (4 to 5 months)•Conventional well control (BOPE & mud)•Small Rig Imported from Michigan•3 Wells drilled (2 test, one disposal)-~4000’•One Well re-completed•Drilled close to pipeline•Core coals indicated relatively high gas content and rank Pioneer Coal Bed Methane ProjectOperator- Ocean EnergyUnocal W.I. 50%1999- 2000Pioneer Well 1702-15DA-WDWCH&P #19Rig From MichiganSpud - 7/31/99TD- 4265 on 8/23/99Presently Completed as Waste Disposal well Pioneer #3WDW #2Pioneer #2WDW #1Pioneer #1BLT #1South Pilot ProjectWells Drilled in 1999-2000Vine Extension Pilot ProjectDrilled CBM test Well LocationDrilled Class II Waste Disposal Well Location6 milesProposed Wells not Drilled Vine St14 152322Figure 4: Aerial Photograph-Vine Extension Pilot ProjectProposed Access Route1702-15DA-WDW1702-15AB 1702-22AB 1702-15DD 1702-14CC1702-22AD Drilled 3 Wells Very Similar Section to 15DA Cored 30’Strong Gas Shows in CoalPioneer Well 1702-14CCSample of Mud log WO RigProposed TD- 4100’Pioneer Well 1702-15DDPre- dirt Work Re-entryCross-section View of 1999- 2000 ProgramWell Tests Very Similar Section to 15DA Cored 30’Strong Gas Shows in CoalPioneer Well 1702-14CCSample of Mud log Aerial PhotoUnocal Re-Entry of ARCO BLT #1793’ FNL & 1,333’FWLSec 22, T17N R3W•Beaver Lake Road•Big Lake Road•North Shore•Hollywood RoadOne Mile Big Lake Tyonek Gas1645 acresNear Top/Tyonek “C” Coal Re-Entry:82’ Net Sand138’ Net Sand25% to 33% PorosityARCO BLT #1Total GasTyonek “C” CoalBLT Sands Testing Phase- Ocean Energy (Operator) & Unocal 1999- 2000 (Incomplete?)•Confidential Possible Future Activity•Fracture Stimulate Drilled Wells•Drill new wells on Axis of Pittman Anticline•Use non-damaging medium•Evaluate need for regulations specific to CBM drilling & production operations Acknowledgements to&Pioneer ProjectMarty Hrachovy (Unocal), Tim Ryherd (DNR), Hank Wood (Ocean Energy), Eric Graven (Unocal), Clark Weaver (Unocal), Mark Myers (DNR), Joel Alnes (Unocal), Bret Jamison (Ocean Energy), Dan Thomas (Unocal), Steve Howell (Unocal), Tom Smith (formerly of DNR), Marvin Ivey (Unocal), D. Seamount (AOGCC, formerly Unocal), Faye Sullivan (Unocal), T. Brandenburg (Unocal), R. Crandall (AOGCC), K. Tabler (Unocal), R. Downey (Independent, formerly w/ Ocean Energy), Debra Childers (Unocal), Steve Carson (Unocal), Larry Smith (Unocal), C. Barker (USGS), Dan Thomas (Unocal), R. Cross (Unocal), G. Pavia (Lynx Enterprises, Inc. formerly of DGC), Many others Best Wishes for Success, Evergreen!