HomeMy WebLinkAboutHDR_Alaska_Power_Energy_QualsHDR Alaska – Power and Energy Page 1 For over 27 years, the staff of HDR Alaska has provided environmental, power, and energy services to clients throughout the state. Our environmental team conducts environmental studies and successfully permits resource development and infrastructure projects. Our staff promote economic development, from hydroelectric projects in Alaska’s coastal areas to the building of roads that are required for development of your projects and for capital growth. We are experienced with providing National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) documents for our clients, and are knowledgeable about regulatory requirements for project development. As an engineering consulting firm, HDR Alaska also performs in-house civil engineering, specializing in infrastructure such as hydroelectric facilities, wind facilities, transmission lines, energy, water, and wastewater systems. HDR’s relevant power and energy projects are summarized in the table below. Relevant Project Experience Fisheries/ Aquatic Resources Water Quality Terrestrial and Avian Wildlife Vegetation, Habitat and Wetlands Hydrology Air Quality/ Meteorology Data Management and GIS Permitting Power & Infrastructure Road Projects Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project +       McCarthy Road Project       Carbon Mountain Access Road     King Cove-Cold Bay Road   Knik Arm Crossing EIS         Akutan Airport Access Road EA         Tazimina Hydroelectric Project Studies        Sterling Highway EIS, MP 45-60         Seward Highway EIS, MP 75-90         King Cove Hydroelectric    Chugach Electric Project Experience • Anchorage to Baxter Lake Substation Transmission Line • Porcupine Creek Culvert Design • Cooper Lake Hydroelectric Facility Emergency Inspection • Cooper Lake Hydroelectric Project Relicensing Studies • Cooper Lake Hydroelectric Facility, Part 12 Safety Inspection • Eklutna Dam Safety Inspection • Eklutna Dam Monitor Survey HDR Alaska – Power and Energy Page 2 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project HDR is finalizing the FERC license articles monitoring plans and conducting aquatic resource studies for this proposed project. We are also providing agency coordination, field studies for fry emergence and adult salmon, analysis of field studies and preparation of reports, and maintenance of instruments. Mahoney Lake, Ketchikan, Alaska. McCarthy Road Project HDR analyzed environmental effects of road relocation; and performed hydrology and hydraulics (H&H) engineering, fisheries analysis, and wetland identification tasks for the NEPA document. Carbon Mountain Access Road Our staff mapped wetlands and vegetation types, digitized maps for analysis and presentation in GIS, performed rare plant and sensitive bird surveys, and prepared biological and hydrologic sections of the environmental document to US Forest Service standards. King Cove-Cold Bay Road HDR staff provided a wetlands delineation and assessment for the proposed King Cove-Cold Bay access corridor (approximately 30 miles long), and supported NEPA analysis and project permitting. Knik Arm Crossing EIS HDR is studying alternatives to build a bridge across Knik Arm in upper Cook Inlet. We are assessing impact areas and development scenarios, social and economic elements of the surrounding community, and development of a cumulative effect methodology. The HDR team is also identifying and evaluating historic and archaeological preservation; and identifying potentially affected water bodies, wildlife impacts, threatened and endangered species; wetlands and fisheries, and essential fisheries habitats. Akutan Airport Access Road EA HDR is assessing impacts of a proposed access road (14 miles long) to Akutan’s new airport. Our staff are providing wetland delineations, marine resource analysis, threatened and endangered species consultation, and NEPA documentation. Tazimina Hydroelectric Project Studies HDR provided start-to-finish services for this small hydroelectric facility in southwest Alaska. Tasks included: conducting a feasibility study that updated the load growth, fuel cost escalations, cost estimate, and economic analysis of a previous study; performing hydrological analysis and hydraulic design; completing a rare plant survey of the Tazimina Falls area as part of the environmental evaluation process; reviewing existing information; writing biological sections of the initial consultation document that was developed for this project under FERC guidelines; overseeing subcontractors including a river modeling expert and fisheries biologist; and holding extensive public and agency meetings. Construction site on the Tazimina River of the hydroelectric facility. Sterling Highway, MP 45-60 HDR is preparing a Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) for the Sterling Highway from Milepost (MP) 45 to MP 60 to select a preferred alternative and secure a record of decision for the project from the Federal Highway Administration. The SDEIS will assess a range of alternatives for inclusion in its analysis, including: the No Action Alternative required by regulation; three variants of the Juneau Creek Alternative; a Kenai River Alternative (KRA); a Russian River Alternative; and a Cooper Creek Alternative. HDR staff have provided extensive public process with interest groups, agencies, businesses, and residents HDR Alaska – Power and Energy Page 3 along the project corridor; preliminary engineering for viable alternative routes; biological studies to determine route alternative impacts (studies on vegetation, birds, fisheries, terrestrial species, etc.); traffic analysis; cultural resources, surveying, and geotechnical investigations; and coordination with agencies. Seward Highway, EIS, MP 75-90, Ingram Creek to Girdwood HDR staff are providing preliminary engineering and baseline studies in support of NEPA compliance for a proposed rehabilitation of the existing highway and bridges along this stretch of road. The project is being developed as an EIS and a major component of the work will involve public and agency outreach. Our staff is providing the baseline studies: freshwater fish habitat assessments, hydrologic investigations, marine mammals surveys, bird surveys, large mammal surveys, traffic assessments, and marine habitat investigations. The project will address safety and capacity concerns along the current alignment, and consider a possible realignment across upper Turnagain Arm between MP 75 and MP 83 near Peterson Creek. The preliminary engineering and EIS will lead to the selection of an alternative that will be designed, permitted, and ultimately constructed. Anchorage to Baxter Lake Substation Transmission Line Chugach Electric Association required a 1.5-mile section of 115 kV transmission line rebuilt between the Anchorage Substation and the Baxter Lake Substation. The new line was constructed on the existing 75-foot Right-of-way. The new line replacing the existing 115 kV H Frame line was a 230 kV double circuit self supporting steel pole with davit arm suspension construction using 795 Drake conductor. HDR performed construction supervision and engineering support during construction, as well as provided available personnel for assistance during construction. HDR also performed inspections, final inspection, closeout documents, and completed as- built drawings. Porcupine Creek Culvert Design HDR designed a fish passage channel and culvert improvements for Porcupine Creek, at the Cooper Lake Hydroelectric powerhouse access road. The scope of work included designing a rock ramp, constructing a step pool downstream of the culvert and roughening of the culvert invert, evaluating alternatives, designing, and permitting. The design included, hydrologic analysis of the basin, determination of peak flood events, determination of design flood, step pool profile, sizing of bed material for step pools, and determination of culvert modifications for fish passage. Cooper Lake Hydroelectric Facility Emergency Inspection HDR provided emergency inspection services for the Cooper Lake Hydroelectric Facility. HDR was responsible for inspection and analysis of failed generator units, which involved inspecting the facilities, reviewing contract specifications, and generating a report of the findings. Cooper Lake Hydroelectric Relicensing Studies HDR helped the Chugach Electric Association renew its FERC license by conducting studies in several areas. The studies covered fisheries, water quality, temperature, and stream flow investigations; detailed stream habitat, macroinvertebrate, vegetation, wetlands, habitat, wildlife, and water bird studies; a road condition survey of project access roads and assessments of their impacts to water bodies and wetlands; recreation and visual resources surveys; and cultural resource studies of the entire project area. HDR analyzed the information gathered in 2003 and helped draft the license application which was submitted to FERC in April 2004. Cooper Lake Hydroelectric Facility, Part 12 Safety Inspection HDR conducted an inspection and prepared a report, including the identification and evaluation of actual and potential deficiencies, of the Cooper Lake Power Plant hydroelectric facilities. This periodic safety inspection and report was performed in accordance with FERC regulations. Eklutna Dam Safety Inspection In 2006 HDR performed an Eklutna Dam Safety Inspection. The dam was inspected and a report was prepared in compliance with AS46.17 and 11AAC 93, Article 3. The scope of work included: review of existing information, inspection of project facilities, and evaluation and preparation of the report. Eklutna Dam Monitor Survey For the last 2 years, HDR has established survey points at the tops of the spillway cantilever walls adjacent to and just downstream of the rectangular conduit section for the Eklutna Dam. HDR Alaska – Power and Energy Page 4 Hydroelectric Project: King Cove Hydroelectric Project Contact: Gary Hennigh, King Cove City Manager, (907) 274-7555 HDR was chosen from a field of 131 finalists to receive the American Consulting Engineers Council (ACEC) 1995 Grand Award for design and construction management of the King Cove hydroelectric project. HDR was the primary consultant from project conception and design to construction management and facility startup for this run-of-the-river facility. Located five miles from town, two miles of new road were required to access the hydropower facility, which consists of intakes on two tributaries of Delta Creek, 2,042 m (6,700 ft) of buried penstock, a powerhouse, a single 800-kW impulse turbine and generator, five miles of buried electric cable, and a supervisory control and data acquisition system for remote monitoring and control. The intake structures are low, rock-filled dams approximately 10 ft high and 70 ft long. Flood flows are directed away from the intake area and over the dam to maximize sediment passage. Each intake is designed to take up to 1 m3/s (50 cfs) (the total plant design flow). The intake structures are separated by 1,500 ft of penstock and 20 ft of elevation. The Glacier Creek intake is located higher at elevation 530 and is the primary source of water; that is, if sufficient flow from Glacier Creek is available to meet the system demand, no water from Clear Creek will be used. To prevent Glacier Creek water from entering Clear Creek when the plant is off-line, a check valve is installed at the Clear Creek intake structure. When Glacier Creek flow is insufficient to meet the city’s needs, water from Clear Creek is added to the system to make up the difference. In addition to difficult terrain and weather, project challenges included sediment loads in Delta Creek, particularly problematic in this glacially-fed tributary, a high frazil ice potential at the intake sites, deep snow conditions at the intake sites, and high wind loads on all structures. HDR Alaska – Power and Energy Page 5 Hydropower Environmentally responsible and sustainable facility design Tazimina Hydroelectric Facility The regulatory environment guiding the development of hydropower resources shapes the design of hydroelectric facilities in accordance with state and FERC regulations. Development of these resources requires a team of specialists with expertise in hydrology, hydraulics, geology, soils, materials, structures, environmental permitting and mitigation. HDR’s team of hydropower experts provide clients with proven skills and experience in the design of powerhouses, dams, penstocks, intakes and other related facilities, from new generation to refurbishment and life extension projects. Experienced in improving turbine hydraulic efficiency, capacity and fisheries issues, as well as resolving licensing procedures, we have delivered integrated and sustainable solutions to our clients’ facilities – some 50 to 100 years old. Services Feasibility & Economic Studies Site Optimization New Facility Design & Upgrades • Dam intake and fish screening • Water conveyance • Pipelines and penstocks • Powerhouse and turbine generator equipment • Switchyard and transmission line • Electrical systems • Trash rack/rake systems and screens • Aeration systems • Gate, hoist and crane equipment • Dam repair and rehabilitation Hydrology & Hydraulics • Stream flow modeling • Energy generation projections FERC Licensing & Relicensing • Compliance management • Part 12 safety inspections • Emergency action plans • Security plans Environmental Permitting & Compliance Dam Inspection & Analysis • Dam safety inspections • Geotechnical evaluations • Dam break analysis • PMF and spillway flow measurement capacity Bidding, Procurement, & Construction • Equipment procurement documents • Design, plans and specifications • Construction observation and QA/QC • Start-up and testing • Estimating and scheduling HDR Alaska – Power and Energy Page 6 Environmental Aquatic Resource Studies Fisheries Studies Chuitna Wetlands Studies Understanding environmental aspects early in the planning process is crucial to project success. We make it a priority to work closely with clients to make sure environmentally sustainable solutions are incorporated early into project conception. This results in an integrated team that is focused on your power delivery, generation or pipeline project, providing value at work. Our teams are well positioned to offer the full range of environmental technical specialties from a strong experience base with power and energy assets. Services Energy Facility Siting Environmental Sciences • Wetlands • Biological and cultural resources • Enhancement and restoration • Electromagnetic fields (EMF) • Air & noise Permitting & Compliance • Air quality • Noise/acoustics • Industrial hygiene • NPDES/[316(a) and (b)] • 404/401 Permitting & Certification • Section 7, Section 106 • Due diligence Waste Management • Ash landfills • Remediation Fisheries • Fish facilities • Fish passage and screening • Fisheries impact analysis • Fisheries habitat restoration Water Resources • Water quality • Hydraulics and hydrology • Hydrogeology • Dams and hydraulic structures • FERC licensing • Coastal restoration • Ports facility marine impacts analysis Environmental Review • NEPA documentation • Public involvement • FERC natural gas filings Sustainable Energy Management Geographic Information Systems (GIS) HDR Alaska – Power and Energy Page 7 Environmental Services & Planning King Cove Hydroelectric Facility Environmental Planning Conceptual Design - Knik Arm Bridge The path to successful delivery of power and energy facilities often hinges on the siting, environmental review and approvals processes. Therefore, a strategic plan for managing this process is central to project success. HDR starts with the end in mind when working as a partner with our clients. We leverage our understanding of the local environment and strong relationships with regulatory agencies to chart an effective and defensible path to success. We are able to draw on local and national expertise to support efficient execution, leading to demonstrated success in siting some of the largest linear corridor projects nationally and more than 3,000 MW of wind generation and industry leading-restoration strategies. Services Planning & Siting • Constraints analysis • Facility and corridor siting • Constraints analysis • Facility and corridor siting • GIS analysis • Visual simulations • Right of way • Transmission planning • Feasibility studies Environmental Review • Phase I ESA • NEPA • FERC natural gas filings • Commission needs analysis • Public involvement • Agency coordination • Local/state/federal site permitting • Third-party EIS contractor Physical Resources Analysis • Geology and soils • Water resources and floodplain Cultural Resources Analysis Biological Resources Analysis • Wetlands • Wildlife • Vegetation • Threatened and endangered species Human Environment Analysis • Environmental justice • Public service/infrastructure • Public safety/EMF • Recreation/Section 6(f) • Wireless frequency interference • Noise • Hazardous waste • Farmlands Permitting & Approvals • Wetlands and waters • Aeronautical constraints (FAA) • Sensitive species (Section 7) • Cultural resources (Section 106) • Mitigation design and monitoring • Construction compliance monitoring HDR Alaska – Wind Generation Flying Cloud Wind Project, Iowa Shaokatan and Lakota Ridge Projects, Minnesota Trimont Area Wind Farm Project, Minnesota HDR’s integrated wind services lead the nation, delivering over 3000 MW of renewable generation. Rising public demand for cleaner, domestic energy sources has created a market for the environmental or "green" value of wind generated electricity. At HDR, we work closely with our clients to develop sustainable wind energy solutions. Our experience with all phases of the world’s largest wind power developments since 1994, allows us to efficiently deliver added value to wind energy projects. Services Planning & Siting • Fatal flaw analysis • Facility siting • GIS analysis • Visual simulations • Right of way services • Transmission planning Facility Design • Roads and foundations • Electrical collector system • Substation and transmission interconnection • Water resources • Construction management • QA/QC EPC • Prime or JV models • Engineer, procure only • Electrical, package only Environmental Permitting & Compliance • NEPA documentation • Commission needs analysis • Public involvement • Agency coordination • Local/state/federal permitting Resources Analysis • Wetlands • Threatened and endangered species • Cultural resources • Native habitat • Noise surveys • Phase I ESA • Restoration plans • Electro magnetic fields (EMF) • Wireless frequency interference • Avian and biological monitoring HDR Alaska – Wind Generation Trimont Wind Project – PPM Energy, Minnesota ¾ 35-square-mile wind generation facility ¾ Turbine site permitting ¾ Public and agency coordination assistance Twin Groves Wind Project, Illinois ¾ Integrated geotechnical, structural and electrical system design of wind turbine foundations ¾ Wind energy development over one of Illinois’ largest moraines Trimont Wind Project – PPM Energy PPM Energy – Trimont Area Wind Farm, LLC | Jackson & Martin Counties, Minnesota One of the nation’s largest landowner-developed wind projects, Trimont Wind Project is a 100-MW wind generation facility with 67 1.5-MW wind turbines and associated facilities. The project was developed by PPM Energy in partnership with the Trimont Area Wind Farm, LLC (TAWF), including over 40 local farmers and landowners on 35 square miles of land in Jackson and Martin Counties. TAWF landowners benefit from the sited turbines by receiving traditional lease payments and owning an interest in the project’s gross revenues through a revenue participation interest deed. HDR prepared the site permit and certificate of need applications for the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board and Public Utilities Commission and supported public meetings. Our environmental scientists conducted site inventories, prepared reports, and coordinated with agencies on wetlands and water resources, cultural resources, and biological resources. In addition, HDR prepared a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and filed the NPDES permit application, FAA notice of proposed construction, and wetland and water permit applications. HDR’s close client collaboration enabled the project to clear environmental permitting hurdles and move the wind project to operation in 2005. Twin Groves Wind Project MA Mortenson Construction | McLean County, Illinois Located on one of the largest moraines in Illinois, the Twin Groves Wind Farm Phase I project consists of 120 1.65- MW wind turbines with a total capacity of 200 MW. Wind generators of this size require specialized engineering expertise to ensure a solid footing for a large investment. HDR, based on experience with over 1,000 turbines, provided geotechnical engineering services and structural engineering/design for the wind turbine generator foundations, as well as electrical system design at the individual towers and the electrical collection system extending to a nearby substation. HDR coordinated the foundation exploration effort, providing three different foundation designs due to the moraine’s differing soil characteristics. All three foundations consisted of reinforced concrete spread footings founded on the native soil with post-tensioned anchor bolts. Based on the detailed boring program, the allowable net bearing pressure varied from 4,000 pounds per square foot to 1,500 pounds per square foot. The electrical design included the design of the grounding grid at the base of the tower, electrical interconnection to the wind turbine, a 600V/13.8-kV step-up transformer, and underground cabling within the wind farm and to the substation. Transmission & Distribution HDR Alaska – Transmission & Distribution HDR has a proud history of design and implementation of power delivery systems dating back to the founding of our firm in 1917. This experience is important in providing professional solutions for transmission and distribution challenges. HDR is also aware of the rapidly changing market for power delivery facilities. We have developed a strong transmission design team backed by a national environmental services program with extensive linear experience. Our solid track record begins with the client’s mission and ends with an effective operating facility. Transmission Lines • HDR Engineering is one of the leading T&D firms nationally. • Adherence to client specifications and needs, results from viewing ourselves as an extension of their staff. • System reliability and innovative, cost-effective ideas are a focal point or our planning and designs. • Long-term clients are a testament to the quality and value of our services. • Use of turnkey firm from planning, public involvement environmental design to construction, means more cost-effective and successful projects. • HDR has a full range of capabilities from planning and siting to design and construction observation for new, upgraded or underground facilities. • We have completed over 200 major transmission projects over a wide range of terrain and structure types. This expertise includes nationally recognized environmental siting expertise. Distribution Systems • HDR has a full range of experience from rural to urban settings for overhead and underground distribution. • We have dealt with specialized settings, including campus systems and water crossings to specialized needs including system planning and AM/FM applications. Substations • HDR has a full range of capabilities from conceptual planning and design to construction observation for substations and switching stations. • Our facility experience includes rural, urban, and industrial substations through 345 kV and specialty services such as protective relay applications and substation control system design and programming. HDR Alaska – Transmission & Distribution Transmission Line Services Transmission Studies • Corridor or route assessment • Relocation program coordination • Design alternatives • Opinion of probable cause • Project schedule • Design criteria development Environmental Assessment • Site Assessment and characterization • Public involvement • Environmental assessments • Corridor management plans • Regulatory compliance • Permitting and licensing Surveys • Line and routing surveys • Photogrammetric mapping • Global positioning system (GPS) surveys • Geotechnical coordination • Right-of-way services Design • Existing structure analysis • Structural and electrical design • Conductor analysis • Foundations • Line optimization • Plan and profile drawings • Construction specifications • Staking sheets • Structure drawings • Material lists • Equipment specifications • Procurement assistance • Contract document preparation Construction • Bid and evaluation assistance • Construction observation • Progress payment review • As-built drawings and documents • Project closeout HDR Alaska – Transmission & Distribution Distribution Systems Services Transmission Studies • Long range system planning • Construction work plans • Protective device coordination studies • Load flow analysis • Feasibility studies • Relocation program coordination • Power requirement studies • Motor starting analysis • Cost of service and rate studies • Load management studies • Power factor analysis Environmental Assessment • Site selection and survey • Material specifications and procurement • Plans, specifications, and contracts • Contract administration • Construction observation • Shop drawing review • Facility checkout • Operations training • Equipment setting and testing Overhead and Underground Distribution • Field audit • Work order inspection • Corrosion survey • Specialized conductor designs • Route selection and survey • Right-of-way services • Plans, specifications, and contracts • Material specifications and procurement • Contract administration • Construction observations • Energization and cutover sequencing • Equipment setting and testing • Metering design and analysis Automated Mapping/Facilities Management (AM/FM) • Limited consultation to complete turn-key systems • Hardware and software technical assistance • Seamless geographic landbase and plant development • Linkage to existing plant, maintenance, and billing records • Customized menus, symbols, and AutoLISP programs • System planning exhibit automation System Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) • Feasibility studies • Communication system design and analysis • Plans, specifications, and contracts • Control drawings • Material procurement • Field installation and assistance • Facility checkout HDR Alaska – Transmission & Distribution Substation Services Pre-design planning • Feasibility assessment • Site selection • Design alternatives • Opinion of probable cost • Design criteria documents Design • Permitting and environmental assistance • Site survey • Design scheduling, phasing, and monitoring • Project cost and scheduling • Station layout • Landscape design • Noise studies • Electrical bus system • Grounding systems • Conduit and cable systems • AC and DC distribution stystems • Relaying systems • Relay and control panels • Metering and instrumentation • SCADA • Site civil design • Foundations • Steel structures • Oil containment • Control building • Equipment specifications and procurements • Construction specifications • Contract document preparation Construction • Bid and evaluation assistance • Contract administration • Construction observation • Shop drawing review • Progress payment review • Change order control • As-built drawings and documents • Project closeout Post Construction • Facility checkout • Equipment testing and checkout • Energization • Operation and maintenance manuals • Operations training Specialty Services • Relay calculations and settings • Time current coordination plots • Trouble shooting and maintenance • Communications • Sequence of event recorder (SER) installations • Substations design philosophy standards Project Types • High voltage transmission substations • High current distribution substations • Generator step-up stations • Switching stations • Industrial • Co-generation • Shunt capacitor banks • Energized facility additions • Equipment buildings/dispatch centers • Highly visible urban facilities • Rural distribution facilities HDR Alaska – Power and Energy Page 14 Value-Added Expertise By offering integrated services, we deliver practical and affordable solutions seamlessly to our clients. Our service areas and approaches to project delivery include: Power & Energy Environmental • Environmental Sciences & Planning • Water Resources Compliance [316(a) and (b)] • Air Permitting & Compliance • Water Resources & Fisheries • Pipelines Power Delivery • Transmission • Substation • Distribution • Planning & Analysis Renewable Generation • Wind • Hydropower • Renewable Solid Fuels Power Plant Engineering • Owner’s Engineer • Plant Modification Engineering • New Plant Engineering • Power Facility Transportation • Air Pollution Control Industrial & Institutional Energy Systems • Ethanol • Cogeneration • Central Energy Plants • Energy Management Clients Alaska Energy Authority Alliant Energy Black Hills Power Cedar Falls Utilities Chelan County PUD Chugach Electric Association City of Bellingham, WA City of Columbia, MO City of Hutchinson, MN City of Virginia City, MN Commonwealth Edison Dominion Duke Power Exelon Gamesa Grant County PUD Great River Energy Hawaiian Electric Company Idaho Power Company Iliamna-Nondalton-Newhalen Electrical- Corporation Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA) Ketchikan Public Utilities LCRA Madison Gas and Electric Maui Electric Nebraska Public Power District Nevada Power NorthWestern Energy NRG Omaha Public Power District Ottertail Power Pacificorp PG&E Portland General Electric Public Service of New Mexico Puget Sound Energy Riverside Public Utilities Salt River Project (SRP) Santee Cooper Savannah Energy Systems Seattle City Light SMUD Snohomish County PUD Southeast Public Service Authority (SPSA) of Virginia SMMPA Texas Municipal Power Agency (TMPA) Tacoma Public Utilities TECO Tri-State TXU Energy Wasatch Energy Xcel Energy