HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 Geotech Watana Damsite Appendix A Harza EbascoSUSITNA HYTRRCIUROELECJDOE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION PROJECT No. 7114 BOREHOLE LOGS Document No, 1735 5uoitna File No. 5.6,1 Report by Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Prepared for Alaska Power Authority Final Report July 1984 Notes I Data Summary table of the 1984 Watana Drilling Program boreholes is presented on page A-9. 2. Soil classification in the field using the Unified Soil Classification is listed under the "Graphic Log" column of the Soil Boring Log. 3. All soil gradation graphics presented in the "Remarks" column of the logs are based on laboratory testing and the gradation curves for each are presented in Appendix E. 4. Point load test data summaries are presented in Appendix G. 5. Permability and hydraulic pressure test data'summaries are presented in Appendix B and C, respectively. 6. Instrumentation details and groundwater observations are presented in Appendix F. 7. The descriptive terminology which was used for classifying and describing the soil and rock are presented below. 0. Changes In rock lithology are presented graphically if greater than 2 feet in width. If a change in rock lithology is greater than 4 feet it is shown graphically and as a line break in the boring logs. Grain Size: Unified Soil Classification System Boulders > I foot Cobbles 3 in - I ft. Gravel Coarse 16-64mm Fine 2-16mm Sand Coarse 0.5-2mm Medium 0.25-0.5mm Fine 0.074-0.25mm Silt 0.0039-0.074mm Clay < 0.0039mm 50613/A A- I Dens icy; Very Dense Dense Medium Dense Loose Very Loose Hard Very Stiff Stiff Medium Soft Very Soft Moisture: % Saturated 1,00 Wet 76-99 Moist 51-75 Damp l-50 Dry 0 Color: 0 Values (Blows/Foot) > 50 30-50 l8-3O 4-lO 0-4 N Values (Blows/Foot) > 30 l5-2O 8-l5 4-8 2-4 0-2 Comments voids filled with water visible signs of water varying degrees of wetness Mnoael Color Chart (pet condition) Particle Shape: Angular Subrooude6 , Sobaugular Rounded 50613/A &-2 Gradation Graphics: 0 50 -- ----- --- 120% Gravel, rabbles Sand Fines, silt and clay DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY FOR WEATHERING/ALTERATION Fresh: Rock fresh; crystals or gains bright; a few joints may show slight staining; crystalline rocks ring if stuck with a hammer. Slight: Rock generally fresh; joints stained and may show clay filling if open; staining may extend. into rock fabric adjacent to weathered planes; if present, feldspars may be dull and discolored; crystalline rocks ring if struck with hammer. Moderate: Except for quartz, most of the rock mass shows discolor- ation and weathering; most feldspar is dull and discol- ored and kaolinitization (alteration to clay minerals) is common; rock gives a dull sound if struck with hammer; rock shows overall. loss of strength; portions may be "excavated" with a geologist's pick. Severe: All minerals, except quartz, discolored or stained; rock fabric still discernible; intergranular or intercrystalline disassociation virtually complete; internal structure essentially that of soil; fragments of strong rock may remain, may be called saprolite® 50613/A A- 3 Complete- Rock is decomposed to a soil; fabric not discernible or only rarely discernible; quartz may remain as dikes or stringers Occassionally, weathering due to solution (in carbonate rocks) or alteration (in hydrothermally attached rocks of any composition) may be encountered. The following terms are used to describe any voids which result from such action: Solid: Contains no voids. Pitted- Small voids generally restricted to joint surfaces, bedding planes, or other surfaces which provide access for attacking fluids. Vuggy Use restricted to solution voids in carbonate rocks and hydrothermally altered rocks; voids may be found throughout the rock mass; voids up to 4 inch average diameter. Vesicular: Use restricted to voids in igneous (occasionally metamorphic) rocks, void origin usually due to gas bubbles; voids up to 4 inch average diameter. Cavernous: Applicable to any rock; voids and channels greater than 4 inches in average diameter, voids large enough to cause serious leakage and/or structural problems. 50613/A A®4 DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY FOR HARDNESS Very Hard: Cannot be scratched with knife; metal powder left on sample. Hard: Scratched with knife with difficulty; trace of metal powder left on sample; scratch faintly visible. Moderately Hard: Readily scratched with knife; scratch leaves heavy trace of dust and is readily visible. Low Hardness: Gouged or grooved to 1/16 inch by firm pressure on knife; scratches with penny. Soft- Gouged or grooved readily with knife; small thin pieces can be broken by finger pressure. Very Soft: Carves with knife; scratched by fingernail. DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY FOR DISCONTINUITY SPACING Discontinuity Spacing Bedding, Cleavage, Joint Foliation English Metric Very Close Very Thin Close Thin Moderately Close Medium Wide Thick Very Wide Very Thick Less than 2 inches Less than 5cm 2 inches to I foot 5 cm to 30 cm I foot to 3 feet 30 cm to I m 3 feet to 10 feet I m to 3 m Greater than 10 feet Greater than 3 50613/A A-5 DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY FOR ROCK STRENGTH Very Strong - resists breakage from hammer blows, will, yield dust and small chips Strong - withstand a few hammer blows but will yield large fragements Moderately Strong - withstand a few firm hammer blows Weak - crumbles with light hammer blows DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY FOR ROUGHNESS CLASSIFICATION I DESCRIPTION Smooth Appears smooth and is essentially smooth to the touch. May be slichensided. Slightly Asperities on the fracture Rough surfaces are visible and can be distinctly felt Medium Asperities are clearly Rough visible and fracture surface feels abrasive® Rough Large angular asperities can be seen. Some ridge and high side angle steps evident® Very Near vertical steps and Rough ridges occur on the fracture surface. 50613/A A- 6 Geological Abbreviatons AND - Andesite weath - Weathered DIO - Diorite unweath - Unweathered plag - Plagioclase alter - Altered bio - Biotite unstd - Unstained qtz - Quartz hrd - Hard kspar - Potassium Feldspar mass - Massive hbl, - Hornblende strg - Strong Fe - Iron xyIn,xIn - Crystalline Mg - Magnesium mins - minerals Py - Pyrite pseudo - Pseudomorphs kaolin - Kaolinite reheal - Rehealed chlor - Chlorite jt - Joint CaCo3 - Calcium Carbonate coat - coating frac - Fracture F - Fine Grained kaolin. - Kaolinization C - Coarse Crained chlor. - Chloritization ksp - Potassium Feldspar fsp. - Feldspar General Abbreviatons frzn - Frozen It - Light v - Very drk - Dark dcrs - Decreases mod - Moderate prbly - Probably occ - Occasional fr - Fresh PCs. - Pieces meth - Mechanical sl,sli - Slight brkg - Breaking med - Medium rtn - Return max - Maximum min - Minimum 50613/A A- 7 Drilling Abbrevations O= COR - Rock Coring HSA - Hollow Stem Augers HAM - Hammer CSR Center Stem Rotary DDH - Down Hole Hammer LY38 - Longyear 38 Sample SS - Split Spoon Ts - Shelby Tube Db - Dennison Barrel Pb - Pitcher Barrel Cb - Churn Drill Barrel Cs - Single Tube Core Barrel Cd - Double Tube Core Barrel Ct - Triple Tube Core Barrel Ws - Wash Sample Engineering Abbreviatons M/C - Moisture Content LL - Liquid Limit PL - Plastic Limit PI - Plastic Index NP - Nonplastic Gs - Specific Gravity K - Permeability 4'c - Uniaxial Compressive Strength 5061.3/A A-8 -:4 z F-H d 3 00 rn 2 w V O (fir., D H N O IO 1.0 N N N r, O v) —4 r- u-) �O -a P-a N N -4 N N r-4 -4 '-+ N N O Rr° O 00 c0 d N H � N . a M It 00 M 00 C`J O M Q' Ll1 O\ 00 1` N .-a tf1 00 00 W CI1 �0 M N L!1 u'1 N M N M lf1 v1 W 07 -T d It 7 z A C4 O li O r- P-+ O 00 Lr) 00 M N 1`4 V H Ln O --1 M all M Co O Cl) 110 M C4 u1 00 N CV tr) Ln N O z h is 1` R 01 C N (V N N N N N N N CV N N cV N N cV N N N N N N M cn Cl) M M M Cl) M M M c'M C7 z F-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P: O v1 Lf1 O O O U'l u'1 N O O M N N Ln vl1 � N N � M M W N O O O O O O O O N N z O .. FI co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d U �0 O O U-N Lr) O O O O Ln Ln z •mod W) M M Cl) M M m Cl) M m M a o >•+ t> w Iv z4-4 > H .. H m w � V) O fV O Lr) O 00 Lr) O LO O x 00 L4 N 00 00 V1 1: M O 9 ,y H � IC M r, ON 1.0 IO �.O O 01 v1 p. 00 P- - M I0 N C14 N W A W Q O a x N Cl) ors ID rn � O W I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I w 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 x x x x x x x x x x x x x Ow z A A A A A A A A A A A 50613/A A-9 i 6�010 o•'O01%hO• oo: Gravels Cobbles :O.gm.o:o Sand Fines, Silt and Clay / Diorite Suite, Diorite, Quartz Diorite, Granodiorite 1 1 1 1 Diorite Suite, severely weatheredi;f,�fS Alt®rer�i fiinrita mnA=rnto to cimwnrnal�e n1terer� r io e.ve a✓eve e.vr v.eve ue.v ar vv ve � II \\// Nlonzonite to Granite 7-7 L, r r y Andesite Porphyry �< ` <� L. Felsic II�� lil Fracture Zone Shear Zone MIRROR °;orb;,° , ERA & (9 A&(9'0 IL BORING LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet--- of Date __..— Boring No EXP-M12IP Angle (from Horizontal) Feature Bearing Coordinates: N _ Date Started E Date Completed Logged by Ground Elevation Rock Elevation . Total Depth _ Ground -Water Elevation 0 o c c,n om cm c r m � Soil Description Remarksm QWw NcRm �C j4) ua�) ma c Boring No. Sheet of H Z; ��' � � ; GEOLOGICLOG Sheet Date _ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No E Xam 121 e Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation Feature Bearing Rock Elevation Coordinates: N Date Started Overburden Thickness E Date. Completed Ground -Water Elevation_ Core Sizes _._ Total Depth Logged by of a...c. Mn ctive• ^1 GEOLOGIC LOG IgAt 00 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet I of Date Z 9 AP" I '84 J Boring No 2H 84 '.I. Angle (from Horizontal) 56 ___— Ground Elevation -a143. 1 t Feature F I ✓► 5 Bearing 7-4-4� _ Rock Elevation _ Z I Z4- Coordinates: N< 3 ZZ9 555 . 7 Date Started Z9 Api r �19 64, Overburden Thickness 1 B. Ft. : E -7462 594- 1 .i Date Completed 9 M a y l 984 Ground Water Elevation ZL37 , Core Sizes Q Total Depth 9 4 B S F t , Logged by Grey / Pv 14 V Graphic Log o c _ ® m > T —oo m. m C �. w J Classification and Physical Description C. Cs E 2 N E Remarks 0.2 L_ (n LL s 6 s sz v ci v C Co e LY38-COR I} Run tr®:O U C7 r 0,!o PF-A 4 rozert, r®ot5,dk. WO-SiN w4;ter 17rn. 0-Z3' l M t-rea5t gry more 4, 'o - 15.0 cgrc&V w�clePth.t®+ 1 7 r CTrccvely C®�%�1lGS, IY9r�Xe.4ryriirn:<o,S'y C:Ufirl'::S..Mh`a�I must. 0 S"- z poorly jrZdZJ reed 1't�C,rD i i'E1'10%O� i C Ose�'I 54nC� (h'tog�. �Ineg f1Cot, iori'�e Qnc eS)" MpctY1Gf... 0Jt... �e l s+o Yor4ar11CS, m OGI. tb Fe Staisa-j: Run Z, Z.3'- O`-Z.3`, 51(. Ie5.5 hetous,-Pr-ag. _ r = V. h t y- 4 $-� Y O r1 �.. JtYO q ' ) Rvn3T 5.3--7, 5U17eoun•.1�J - round-d,-�IMer kin. rack t e5 ®men 51Aa4th C ot�twaak� ?) Run, a.f�.er 1/Z hr. 10: with, Ga z"fl 1 T 11' an X hole r911.3' 0 Run 5, 11.3'-1d.3` 14 Boulder hlq.hIY 4'r,-VC' Lured, sli.-mod, LueccHm,-_o YZ" K k1� /- � i oil RVY1 60 I o jr- Z0.Z7 ��� a1a_�r grn.-17rn. Carve cat fop a4 Y-on rOwt regmrn:) Gaging 70 k= Z x 1 a"¢ Is. ITE FORFHYRY. _ rn Sir.to ocJ. wea-th;hgrd;strong;¢Pine (/5,-7 -2 p 7 r 'r x1n. groundnric,.s5l sF-E swr. ZFAReon;~ 8orino No. ✓ H 8 4 ^ 1 Sheet of 43 �J ' p'` ° , D -a � GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet. -L_ of A-5 ®ate '30Aj?rd '84 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Feature Pint Coordinates: N 3 p ?w S 5 . 7 E i4G514LI Core Sizes H Q 0 Angle (from Horizontal) Bearing %44-® Date Started Date Completed M ctT�.vl_° ° Total Depth a 48. en Ground Elevation 4 Rock Elevation � 1 Z 4, Overburden Thickness _ I �• ,___. Ground -Water Elevation Logged by Graphic Log 68 o � o ® ® is ® c Classification and Physical Description c� ® a Z E Remarks J U. 3 6 9 12 ` �3 X wOpl��r�d hbt phen4cr¢yst; cikA ®�� 9t q e3ay®y�e4 ®B— RUe .. .. V V �x ! J :. green - cJrO:y , a,nd 2s l ! c �t�Aun�Jrnss P%C-S�:l,i�'• _ 0 1 .� G®° (". 6u°Z, 1®�.r® Wei rv_e J - I ,a42c�tao wec+h, o0onq )ai ts., pcs.4 o�Z d �19 tidltz'e level @Jepth , �iIPi4,7, `�y�'rC6;.�}..�� ..e, if, us 41ne�y= re, cUgJS; 45®toCoco, MciSt ® ® m ,� t o� �. �p r /ys. 0..� p , ®�! ____._ tB:,�31-31 .:_ v r fJ Tw V "Gfc?S� I y - rc�C.a ,F, 5tq ®r►! Inq; GGIia ` . ` .h�9�f�r•Q���._:_.�.s� '� I , c :Run g, _Z4.i n ar- 2;41(2x cla-1 filling along f►. ' O t f .1 t. ... _.. ......... _.... . _ ..... .. v �1 3 a A>Run --- _ ic n X Fa.ltin�; read rer�o 3z �30 x x 32.Ca" 38,Co %Gc - _..__..�lo_se to rnod. fra_c,Sty• J �ta',n (rg, Pc open ; sh'. rough; c :50 t.o CooppGs O 2' I ,S` aVe. x 0 _ _ ....�..... Rust 11 < 9 J y DLO 11 38,5G1c,Y-p,)linc) Tony ->r'ex . c a• S-_39o9 ,� x V, cl®-jely -pea-C., Fe St.41n 11,9. cure � � GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet_ _ of_4- 1 Date 3 O , a4- SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Feature F 1 n S Coordinates: N 3 Z -491 555 •% Core Sizes H Q Angle (from Horizontal) _- Bearing 244® Date Started Z 9 Acr,_- Date Completed Total Depth Ground Elevation , t 14 3 Rock Elevation Overburden Thickness Ground -Water Elevation -7 Logged by �reY� l�ulle Graphic Log v c o a O O Mon 3 �, O ,� _j c C O, 4 ® a'- t` Classification and physical Description 0 0 ac 7 Z 0 @ Remarks -� um 36912 C) d Cc U x CO 2 c r yv/ ANDESI_''E P0RPi-9YRY Weaefh• jt_. V aphan i� t►g,�®uncl rnas� w(plag 4nd: hbl phena�t'y5`t5r green-c�rx� s`ar,lIrl e_afclte ao c / Go2'tt»9a 9`ener�ll°y/-t1g111`, some N c c � <" � rouci 7 4-00 PIGS. 0,►'to OR 4¢L' 7 /3a c r l v , _oo 0 r �o � r v rock i5 fresh: w/"51r. we-&h, Run 14,49-g`-53.7' J L 7 -z < > m v yo _ <v 7 x x 53,5heale4-Pr2c,�calcite %,5° '7, , u11 5(� L >.I 5�r.a - I' �/, cic,se 'rac.� �� Staining,tr. Core 1;�4rrsl block:[ 7 L y calel �e ca2grrl�s,tr. kaaiin.� ' L __ 'm St � , Igouo�h ; 90°, pe 5._4.0,z ; � t L" heavier- Fe stalrlrng Phan acov� M m Sr, v c X 5ro,7- roc.c ANOESIiE: 5RECGI4,; Run l6v, 51iA Lvac&; rrud,-hard, macl, 5troncr, � ogre barref blocl<e < � �'C�// 4phanif'ic u�+ter plea C?) phenocry5t5 ' up aC,(=OuS L7) 0 ents, arlgulgr' It. green-yrq o Pvn 17., a-$.$'—ro,�,0' x� � x � Rnrinn NnRhoot M WARM a S ° L�9'� . GEOLOGIC L Sheet 5 of 4 3 1 Date 3® 4nrl I 'e¢ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No fli-1 8 4 ' Angle (from Horizontal) -5 6 Ground Elevation 14 -3, 1 Et Feature Fins Bearing �_��® Rock Elevation Z I Z 4, Co Coordinates: N 3 ZZ!R, 55 5. 7 Date Started Overburden Thickness S E '7 4 ro, 694,1 Date Completed-��_L�c (� 5¢ Ground -Water Elevation ze 7d• 9 �'!'°. '1 84 Core Sizes Total Depth _ Logged by )= rev Eu I I eV Graphic Log a d c T c m m L c i Q o21, Classification and Physical ®ascription e7 t dCM M. Cla z E Remarks -a N 3 6 9 12 1r ® f� B c " x �?fQ tTl= 'c®nt' mocj'. wets, ►nor.: hard, Run C.C'r t. . \ \ x - �_�:m��l._�ng,:.�_.r_ne�t_X.t_n,.gray- �►-e,an�_ ;` ° ._ (ciI stInat, gr.n' e®lorl,: rM0'-e: ttia:n ro �� _ bove hbl.s a82' , ; a* -Pelj. we a-E'1j. ) w�qh� sr►4't. 4/3vl may/ _ ��/ ,t I i<aoflr�tt;�c m acterra . cc�r. e`svr�Ps,: : Wa. ate" It. iVeert- i"v'. hn41..�. 'PC, x \�/ X are5.' M1 �..GY`vs� er� nioSt"o.Q.i Q 64 )C _._._. w/SJ,: Fe st�tiri} sur-05>:st.i t ..;. 1 7c•l i / 7o� ; f 171 91•2�.: Severely wea-tim@red we+tk ' A \� X �/ Se -F�t,. m;ed, x1n,�►'',ablee staining, tte�tp-Ecd water test �: •� Y x / / _ ...... : _.__ .. t,� tori : e-kobf r u✓�SoMe caltcite rn o S'� ch v, ltte.4__cork5vftpa.ce5;yposs/ble 0 `g re i� 5. Fc�Pllnoj hectci perm. -te5'� � °�f.0' f/: � She2Yl►'X �7� �o_re._tp�5;_._9�,Q.-.9G,o.' .; f X x Gj05e.- V. C.loSe. -PrgG, ri'AX.0.7., ` ; . m1n. .rushed, mostly a I -a.4,; Run ZG, 93.5-94.01 t; x cigars "e--tal;red ; ctayey; k . ��� \ \,t �� /6C. :. ' ' .. �,Q-�aLi:._�.�ath_;� �in�d}str-o►t.q;.mera.._x)n,.-__ _ green-gxay, tr, chlor. icaafln.�. m Rurr? � 71 \ v, clr>sety' �'raG; high angle jt�r \x up to 0,0Z 97,Z-99;0, 99, 8-l00.7 )ZvrT S87 98,5'` I®t.p' — - \ / 70 �_.. ____. St.�. _Ghtar _- — - - -- ---- it 50� St.Qtrtl+l�j Or1 )t.s. o Q. ;.... A1.a nm Q'i -1 C1...,.6 /-S -8 d.'Z GEOLOG (@� I L Sheet C® of e��� �) Date rt f . SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No I Angle (from Horizontal) 5(0®_ Ground Elevation Feature �� _�� Searing 2440 Hook Elevation Coordinates: N _ 3� � S55o?_-- Date Started 1-9 A.�ri li � lOR+ Overburden Thickness Fes, E Date Completed M� 4 _ Ground -Water Elevation %®a • "1 ' Core Sizes H Q Total Depth ®s����k ��• _— Logged by GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet --2— of -Al AM M- MBA -3 1 C 0 Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No ®7H84-1 Angle (from Horizontal) .5'(2p Ground Elevation.- z 14 Feature I Y1 S Bearing _. 2,+4-" Rock Elevation .— -L 1 Z4- Coordinates: N ZO) , �2 Date Started •Overburden Thickness 16,S Et E Date Completed MQy y 9 16-4-- Ground -Water Elevation 20-76 ®% F4; "7 94- Core Sizes ____B Total Depth 8 4 13 Logged by _r-�Z_4_42 Graphic Log 0 0 02 2 3 6 9 12 V 4 Zo -1 A - v` 45" _W1 Classification and Physical Description IC-1-Cililill .I M411 If M . ........ . . lFs L-_i._-.Pr!.... 9*x, -,.n pwar _Ar ....... .... . L . . .... .... . . .. . ...... .... ...... ..... . ... ............. ....... ... T 1_h rd,. t greets/ ... .. ..... C. re jnoirte .. . . . ... .... .. ... ....... .. . .. ........... ... ..... ..... -7 1 .. ... . ...... ....... ..... . .... . ............... . .. .... ... ...... . .... ....... . .... ... . ... ..... . Vj e ajh40a ... . ... . .. V_ C, r a 5 te I Y 7,1 Remarks u- r7WAd.l or.— -7 _. A. 7Z o a ISM oSCO GEOLOGICL Sheet 6 of 3 SUSl�'NA JOINT VENTUREDate l®_M ate__ Boring No �1-I �� - ! Angie (from Horizontal) :5 � Ground Elevation Feature 112� Bearing 7- 44-' _._ Rock Elevation L _____ Coordinates: N -_�, Z Z 9.t 5 S.S. ,��. Date Started _ A tP1 1 �j9„� ._._ Overburden Thickness E �7 �°�z Date Completed1 J 4° Ground -Water Elevation _ ®%®• 9ti 84- Core Sizes �G�_ Total Depth Q^ �$ Logged by — log rGrapic w Timm a B E e 0 2d Classification and Physical Description t5 Remarks U. ae cc 36912 w 44 - r � + !Vf RH.—YRY, c. nor .. un;3�9 Con t,.: t�.. �< :. ^. < r —. - �:: i t- a r —r----- r+n C ✓d• g- -�- `�} m v 45• - t�---- , y C t P... l" f . s 7777777 ; c. Iff TT } ... f..._ T P. -, l r �®° - i l .. Q .. ._. 7� 1. t _ x E .. .. .... _.... .. QD ST _.. �.. i.._ CJ11fG�e a� fi-es I1. RQ.hC�t I:... 1P , h� l-cj eyed ' 7 ► y:" rt fr►'eq u a� r _ patkZr. n -off'` d Pir -y). r,�at�:rtal'' _ flu 40, 6 1,�'mMat Zo° Or, et v m ... :.. .. , Q -. _._......�». T i 7 0 (11 A W¢� oar 'M GEOLOGIC LOG JOINTSUSITNA Sheet _,_a__ of __4..3._. Date 0 Boring No D H 4- e I Angle (from Horizontal)_ Ground Elevation... a Feature —Fin S Bearing Rock Elevation Coordinates; N Date Started Overburden Thickness E _ 74 �_— Date Completed e®_�_. Mct� I c✓ �Q� Ground -Water Elevation 2-4"70a 113 Core Sizes H 4 Total Depth Logged by [ju � nWat_ i Q 40� GEOLOGIC SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet i 0 _ of Date _L Boring No _._..__1_���.') Angle (from Horizontal)i� (a — Ground Elevation Feature Bearing Rock Elevation Coordinates: NDate Started Z9 Apto 9 ���4° Overburden Thickness E ___ n. �. ��— Date Completed ��c�- 1 8� Ground -Water Elevation 2-4'70� Core Sizes ®J�._.Total Depth 13 4 F3 ,�._._�.�Logged by _� I Graphic Log e ea o m n is ® ( ® ` _j Classification and Physical Description t7 a OC Z E Remarks 02 um a x 2 3 6 9 12 K ..St _ .01 . . c CIO ZITE,445)b [ %� : t : . V i^(c(%'`%.q..i1l. �,"�.�'"�� �.i►'k9 �c.�.i. X f ✓i�;: 6t%h I� �.. . t tci Fe stainio CNaleEE \ tJv7-7;T0�'"�� e ..... ... ..!..-... Zo ,p'"e4tsi 0-P fkg .xin. J;orl+e„ t . ... \ 1 o t J/70 �. 5}i e tu�ACth Fe �tlnec� ►`011 h \ m fl 0 HIMI ® gyp C GEOLOGIC G Sheet _11_-_ Of A-1- SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Date Boring No OH 84 r' Angle (from Horizontal) 5600 Ground Elevation Z I ¢3 , ► 1° Feature 1+ ► t7 S Bearing 2 44 0 Rock Elevation Z 1 z4-, Co F*— Coordinates: N 3zZ2%555. -7 Date Started. Zi May . 198Q° Overburden Thickness I8, 5' Fto.!!�r- E -7 4-<v+ 594. 1 Date Completed °184 Ground -Water Elevation 2-47®, 1 F? 34- Core Sizes _.H <:jTotal Depth 8 4-8, 5 Logged by F rev Graphic Log - ca a c o c om n @ o m ' B 'w ` �° Classification and Physical Description E `� a C7 M Z % E Remarks t J U. 36912 ac at x 0 c /\ F QI�A =Li ....... L?tO.R1T�,c�r�t -Fr sh, 1 gun- ./®4.rnci%Y ty # 4gi+1et 'lrtl fQ/tif25i'�2 to.::c.��gw�l�,� \ (..... intri re t\ calc.Itsfttight,.�� roujJti; ....... It R.UA 51, ra3. .. . i• t : r t GrY`3". s'a Yy \� O ..... // - ..... _ ----- Ll �3q Z13.5-ZBrat Q - .. _.. -... - i- .. ... .... i t ....._ _ ` t v str is „re9a ro��vghc�h io rA c,�f 4r • W!4*. m i leiM[Q!A2,09 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet of.._3._ Date f May'8 4° Boring Angle (from Horizontal) 5(z, _ Ground Elevation _ Z9_6�_� Feature Bearing 24+! Rook Elevatior! Coordinates: N Bate Started 29 Agny, 1984-� Overburden Thickness_ E �v f�(®� 5�14 f Date Completed Nj�a �, 6984° Ground -water Elevation Z0®o �R1 Core SizesTotal Depth Logged by Graphic Log C3 °c � W *� U. 36912 Classification and Physical (Description 7101;k1TE �LC7° wcli Alt. 'fie 5al+�lh.y, `v StKovlyr,; htQ>r!and catct'ke; cn ]lte*:_ hT 6 -Z4, E 0 !Lc Z E ci� x m a a MER ArR Remarks Ru,� bra, L2�o �'p 233e Sheet _ of Date._ Pslaiw r �� Boring No 17W ate- 1 Angle (from Horizontal) 5(v Ground Elevation _ ( 4 Feature _ F i n S Bearing 2 4 4m Rock Elevation SF, ] Date Started Z9 A�rr i . 1 �.�Overburden Thickness 1 Coordinates: N _ g� �.--- --- E ��� c� (��g 6 Date Completed --I—MA �f + SDI d 4° Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes _ H GZ Total Depth 8 4 a. 6 t . Logged by Rnrinn Mn DNsxL- I Ch®®t I S nb 47 OG Sheet A- HAMJ, o ;" , ,� ; I L Date � � �f _�� SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No PH 8 4 - i Angle (from Horizontal)_ 5�(a �____.. Ground Elevation Feature F In S Bearing 4' Hook Elevation Z! 7-4 `o• Coordinates: N' Z'L9,SSSo Z_. Date StartedOverburden Thickness I� E 4.6�5�% / Date Completed OJ Ma u ley A 4- Ground -Water Elevation 207®o,i `1%�( Core Sizes .e_.� Total Depth - Logged by _rmrgf / [?U I l e- ®_ Graphic Log ®� °J Classificationand Physical Description w U. 36912 i. ; . . . i ;..... 1....1_..... _. i f5 d Qdt. �I 6 � 0 i t I { r ..i L i } 6v n �c rw t®> /O \� ®� Q . i s r Him Remarks 1 RUn. 4', Z(n3.5 = Z70.;1' Kvri /aS, ZZ0.5� l � M Q ,0ETA 9,9 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet of _ A ;�_ Date t-A_�._ a_4- Boring No __ ®� 8 4 - I Angle (from Horizontal) �� ® __� Ground Elevation Feature ✓1 Bearing Li' 4' _ Rock Elevation Coordinates: N ZZ' S5=j. Date Started_ .�pr�l ..11�° _ Overburden Thickness E ! ¢�a S 9 4Date Completed 9 M oL 19 H 4- Ground -Water Elevation Zd%®. 3 Core Sizes Total Depth r3 8 S F Logged by e u I e_`� Graphic Log w o w 0 �.o a Classification and Physical Description c7 R® ¢ E Z c E Remarks ®® t E 3 6912 o: U x m E QUARrE,710,"ZI 'E'Gon't, ?r Sh Rv� G 7, �t. v. ha✓d,. Stro m+:,. M aj, g I ii ,?rn -q rgy P0.11nq,•t1ght to part o perr its, -70.5° 1Y p D P-te • orzo, stir (raL7,111 3z�J'i:o-70t ncs. mosttY p.!'-o. 12Urt lo8;.Z34.7'-Zs�.' /t � n _._._ �,/ .__ . _. _.._Z�.S--2g8`.S porphY►'�,�'v�'��,'rti�r��;sttrrs►� 1 _ q9)., n'tfG ?YD�Jr w+,gg`. vvl rv}F+c+.C1✓� 00 p'rP_e%-0CrY5t Z90'�� t Z92 �\ 9Un_-70g S94-,1 Z97,_ ' 0 i v7 i � O \ Run 71 , 29i.5' _ 36Z/ 5' LC </ HA M-40AS96 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet --Lig_- of Date Boring No ®,"� ��. Angle (from Horizontal) �� -__. —_ Ground Elevation ZI4- • l Ft Feature _--�i��_ Bearing 44 Rock Elevation Z t Z4, G Coordinates: N __ 2�3�� 55�7._ Date Started __-_Z9 Aan l �lg84 _ Overburden Thickness E i4•��`-9.�° _ Date Completed _ q Met_-- / ,� I Ground -Water Elevation 24-70•3 Ffi 7 Core Sizes Q Total Depth ° �- 99 b Logged F'rev fFufle _ Y I_�__-- — -- Graphic Log w u ® cZ.c Classification and Physical Description CB � E Z c E Remarks J N U. 36 912 w X Coo V 300 a a t R n QUAR-M. � t-re:c a 't � •pre �, v . � s � ��� ,Gloss to. r�Qof. Gao -bra Ghlv�` E- e� tgkt to Pgwt oeAst a .. cct.t c rt ° t p; � / ® v® \ Z i O i hard. v.5'traY"Of 'ineta r»ed,XXr+'►' . 1Z Ss. i lt.c�ray�welde�!`cas�t�i�c,� /. ioa _ • , Rim 100 3t!•3-3t�.5 �ELS�G;fresh,,y. 30 hu✓c�� V>'St.rorfg � »•ostiy �tN � X int �=� —+Z r Sspol k4' oH4' 5'etS the 9oa cfc ke CZun75,313.�'-3t8.s' - r i • < i }y 31.7: s — --- - -- longrt�d�>at. a 32 Ca 5' KA M-MEDASCO GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet_ of -a Date , 64- Boring No Angle (from Horizontal) 5(e® Ground Elevation Feature e1 _i n S Bearing 244 Rock Elevation¢ Coordinates: N Z Z9rr-z5 5. 7 Date Started Z9 A pe, (, 1_g�'� w Overburden Thickness __ I E Date Completed v Ground -Water Elevation_ b �7 Core Sizes _N Q Total Depths • S_ Logged by _�✓ c�v 0 Phu Graphic Log o ® o o «° 43 t ` 3 G Classification and Physical Description � Z E Remarks W J rn 36912 - ci o e Q..V. R.T plQ�lY� G.ors�t> tRuA 76o C Or1it t� r Lta 5�.'ta inoc� ¢P.o".5 ei �►'u d,_cctic t.. _ Me ht _ _:._... o/ cared;. rov�h''34 -t:di o.... .. . i /4 :: ;.3:Z-1 01C.M.1 r s rie9hl?W..ha�' 5+.rprlt�� MP_ s un iTkn,3'(:6 Pp�af✓'S,to. ba" Ve55 tu4✓ts m"ore ma ie5 ¢ ;�Y__f��'e5� : \� [ i dose to sod. close4'►'aLrLov�t, � Q ; .ccsrnlIuctcxi w�tfi ,/ ; begih -toc+�e't" PEe`:t�tn at�N°.�t /�/ i _ .._ } t , Y , ' Ru►i 7&,3Z8 5'-333,5 sa cccIG�;te> 5��{o 6,00 ;pc tP X Q , ol Run 79, 333,5`-339;5' Y : ! Y f v. v tldtl eO,:5 s`-343 r RnAnn Mn r7N9A-f Sfiaaf 1 7 of 4-3 - = • SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No—_2A5_4� 1 _— Angle (from Horizontal)__,�� Ground Elevation 21 4 0 a Feature __.t_✓1.__ _--------- Bearing 2 ��Rock Elevation Coordinates: N .__�� � �7 __ Date Started ��� p r d I .. 19 64 overburden Thickness ._ l �a �� E �_-�"��„��.___- Date Completed Ground -Water Elevation _.®�®>3 F'i= �(�� r�re Sizes H Q Total Depth �.�'� Logged by Graphic Log m ® o Classification and Physical Description 0 uz U. 36912 \ F �t .:pn . ,Loci C z x 4�:._1_. -ry; fine 9 V1e 4 1 r 1 }} fF. t 4f , ( -- —34a / — i 'l. ..ram. ..�..... _.,. ,.. , .hloe� F"cr Apes to ©pin,: gt a, rov9h� 1 , ,64 - _. �b , . t 1 8: o. �F. a: h�ered dtortte,severe ty"-� 91i.11q�c( tc1 50�t veaicy iGaa�u�! riq ia^ 32t'�' r kacfls Go f rah. \1 i Pi 06 Nt ca I Remarks Q4a� SZ, 348i6t•II$,. ME ZA a MA Me GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No __.p�.8 Q- I Angle (from Horizontal)____® _ Ground Elevation 21 43 0 Feature Fi ✓15 Bearing __.2 _ _ _._ Rock Elevation Z 1 2 Coordinates: N -5 Z7,9.5 55 . %. 7 Date Started S9 A_prjj� �__ Overburden Thickness E �4 Gy 594� I Date 'Completed �� �a-198�._� Ground -Water Elevation a: f• , �Qr' Core Sizes HQ Total Depth Logged by Fr'c�d t t I { ... _ __ , 4 � i t..... j 1 t E o c z S Remarks ae � 0 � c o ', Rirn: $5;3'Ca3.5''=3ro9o5' Q4I.4or Y,Oct t tx GI'IOl N b � � � It G 4,tlt�:: ¢'C' 1:83 �• u { i ti -�o p o f ►'G� r1 r. v S� ad arc t{rH.�1na�a rock, prbty . sar•+e n�ec11 N °a Ruiz 08,3777`- 378:5!. $ ;SXft. . * F u�, -3° a.,64 , 383.61 Qnr Aln MU04- i Qh®Af i 7 m 43 } GEOLOGIC SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet L® of A,-*) Date Boring No pH B4- I Angle (from Horizontal) ®� fo __ Ground Elevation Feature Bearing - 24.4- Rock Elevation Coordinates: N Date Started.- _ 29 r511 I9B�� Overburden Thickness 1 �.y Z�•-�'.���--- Q E 74 Date Completed 9 N%; Ground -water Elevation g'70� Core Sizes Total Depth Bo Ftb . Logged by _Fuj�_®_ ` �] GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet - I of A-:_ H a� a �►, Date. 4 r-t�� SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No D H Feature Coordinates: N 3 y Z Z9,:55 5, -7 E Core Sizes Q Angle (from Horizontal)_C2_._�___ a Bearing4-_ Date Started 29 Apr'r I 19�� Date Completed Total Depth Ground Elevation Z f 4-3 , I r't Rock Elevation — I Z4-. (a r t:, Overburden Thickness _ 1 �0 5 Ground -Water Elevation 2-0-7® )=+'I .g 1 Logged by Graphic Log ea ® o -A c, as ` ®°, c 4 } CL ® Classification and Physical Description 9 2 Y P a Z I; a Remarks o d w Z 3 6 9 /2 d 1j U c D(�7RIT�'c.ant4-cr�sYz, v, hard,v. Run 93,®mot. Lo 13 l cg1C.l_e eoccflhg ail �rar_ l Wa:- er Pr>s. tettw/ it 0-t 554.SI a cti a+ 4-o \� yJr�ter !eves at I�o' —i} IZLwi 45 °-¢13.44° \; 7- 4/Z.S ��� v. cIUSeI�{-�r�.c.,carbQn�t�, 1;� � `:.calcite ; sl�•rovgh ; ���.=002'; [�' 1 I Dare ba,�(y brak�zh �,i, ! 4�0•7 -41Z,( fl rtde�,lte. C7) le- n )Z tntru.5lve' 1 �. �r�k �1 E rhi. G.!0`.e -Ar1 -, Cun+° x �,�r �.= _ =' ¢1�• e ° 1¢�\; �1 414.4 - 415-.q- Aloud -site C?) Pcrhyry� ,1 I gratned� sii , -flow 415,4-4ZS,3 AL7EFREDioRrrE; T Cn �s /I/ill SI 1, to SeVeYL'ly 0.1te✓e� i i1Qr=1 to i(A S®-fit rn ed strop"q to Welt!z_ a X lu / mad.xIn; yellow to whites grzy;kaoli�i. Q3- `J ' c.losel y-{'rctG. al-Eered) Ga.rbortu-t� c� Kxohr.j open,' r6 Run") 419, a'- 4Z3.S' II 44 Borina No. - I Sheet Z I_ _ _ of 4-3 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE I. 1 Boring No —__�.8� I _ Angle (from Horizontal) fearing Z 4 4 0 Ground elevation 1 �3. 1. _fit. Rock Elevation Feature ___._.-� n e Z 2 -L — Date Started �2�_ A ®+°o�__ I T9�� _�— Overburden Thickness Elevation ,� 1 Coordinates: E -- i- i Cate Completed .__.� _® Ground -Water Logged by m Core Sizes .__.�1�.�— --- ----- — w Total Depth _ Graphic Log `� c m s ® u c Classification and Physical Descriptionx E Remarks B1 � w U w J U. cc C) 0 36912 �y I! � `� l AL?EF�_7 t?` 'i r ,. _... ,� t_ -. an p1ct� s a g ` �(:. &CLUr.� Ito-i .. ,� • +-- .ter_. 4zt S —4-Z 3.:. 5eveYe ly atc>r�d � Ru� gg,_4�3aS' 4Zd,5 � II . • , 1 c1ct y and br e F it dr frlczt) ° 50+ a433.5 l t - 1 , sl � � a.►te�ect ° rn� G�.9-I"rlCdCb .�Ji. 1 .. 4277, 0 - 42? Z. SeYeYely ire✓ed;` 1 � a.d'} ao Bert' tc5 c:cxl-4.�.te ue� n.:Irr^lable;¢� severely a.tEered, �iy end - _...... . weak:.} c�r?�.:., i - -- { very; o.oz". - /\ PI c hQated fracoth►'�cJghout -- ;/� numeraUS. ree- i Q i , i 2u.n tat 509.5 =443. ' ��� 4 3e.9 - 43}O1, 7 AM. E� gip, A; S C'a GEOLOGIC LOG JOINTSUSITNA Sheet Z-3 ^o.f-43 Date -��--� Boring No Angle (from Horizontal)Ground Elevation -Z 1 43 . 1 F_t� Feature _� r S Bearing Z.� �_® Rock Elevation Z 1 Z¢ , 6 F+-, Coordinates N ZZ 9y SS S. 7— Date Started Z� A9e I �1 984 ___ - Overburden Thickness I S Rt. E _—'746- 594, 1 ._ Date Completed _Mczv i 98� Ground -Water Elevation_D. 7'g4 Core Sizes Total Depth ���Logged by Frey I PSI le r 1 e o m ' 2 E Remarks cd G 2 Ku A, 1,0 coat. qZk Run 10Zt angle ,O m i Ru6 1a314-+8,s, 4s35' 9 0 N►-ect�: brkg:atbes! R`u n 10 4, 453.5"- ro 9 m o m PST 0 i1Jatgr .prr-s- te st— a,� 458. S` GWL act 45 an°S4S4 MM-MAISIM GEOLOGIC LOG JOINTSUSITNA Sheet.4. of..__3 Date Boring No D q 84- 1 - Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation Feature F i n s Bearing ® Bock Elevation Coordinates: N 3, ZZ'79 555. Z Cate Started._._ .�pr' YO i� _. Overburden Thickness _�.! 6 Pt E i 4 (oy 594-. j Cate Completed Ground -Water Elevation_ 54- Core Sizes Total Depth Logged by Graphic Log � � as � E ®� o 0 Classification and physical Description c Ec Z 40 E Remarks ® ® .0 ' it % v va 3 8 9 92 •\, IN N N m 0 0 Run 1a5 g G�r1'f m i i.. jtg . at end a ran Uri 10�9410�. �'-47305` �Irrl�- viater In 1ct5t dnihng .w/ V. tote pret,. on war gang e �.L�af't water�th re�,ove�ed Meeh.b+-kc�. off' �r� �vn to4, '-4i8<5° Rvn 110' 476 5'-40756' _.._ . . .. .{ A a� = � -HAS 00GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet 5 of 4 3 Date S Mas '454 Boring No Angle (from Horizontal) !K4a Ground Elevation 2 A15- � Et_ Feature Bearing 2-4-+ Rock Elevation — 'Z M4• C® Ft, Coordinates: N _-3 Z2g, 5S5.7 Date Started Z9 Aprd i�184 Overburden Thickness 19-S F+ E -74(a S 24,1 Date Completed °i r1 "L 4 1 984 Ground -Water Elevation Et 4- Core Sizes _._)•i_C►�e--- Total Depth 8 4 8 • s F"� a Logged by PU I! ey Graphic Log _ v ° � o �� 0 m 7 Classification and Physical Description A ® 0 c`s � E z c m E Remarks ® R W t j H LL 3 6 6 12 cc V Q V x m i° C ��� \ ��, ... ; .. �1oRITl:: i1'':-fir Shta 5l: ►3lemir RU I ®y Con >e ° _Ir ►vi o ok,..t roil . to . � � " str�arrg, fined xyi rt r. rt.= Ira .� /\ C:loS41�}.Itre rovgk :5 -070 ., ge5. de -I !7 _ -tin: bre 492. �f.ue t� rume ovs heai:e4 I l Kvn III 4B3.S-489,5 �. .� u. � la5el}r-Pras:, dve to h l h anti l e i �rcreas ed t o sa'/o 434 7- 486.<of', e tedr sotto ha►�d, SeVc+�al calutc � � - ::. � 4848' scv'erefy� .a�tCred ccfons�lQracc, o '� _.._ t 2url tIZ 488.5-493.� 4$8,3 - 49oao �4rG aP�ealr5 $o be brittte.due to :numerous healed tV 4 } ...... 49r3,6 rook- is mostly. -fresh: Kvn 40 \ I;un 1147 03,s1a563.51 o \� Borino No. PH 84, I Sheet - Z_ ; of _*_3— JOINTMAW_ - IMASCO GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA Sheet _ of —4a Date Boring No [2 �,�-- Angle (from Horizontal)— S 67 --- ---- Ground Elevation z. 143, L Ft, --- Feature Rock Elevation _. Z I Z� .. I eature Ff/P S Bearing Z 4- — Coordinates: N ZZ9, 165,3 Date Started Zd; APP'L ,1d18' _ Overburden Thickness 9. 5 ; E 146r015 5!+. i Date Completed yGround-Water Elevation Z® O. >=�• 7 Core Sizes �.�.._� Total Depth ;3 4 �,�_._F____� Logged by A'A'° a y o GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet 2.� of 4� Date S SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No 17 H 94- I Feature G on S Coordinates: N 33 Z Z9, S55. 7 E 144, 594, ) Core Sizes H d� Angle (from Horizontai)_5 6 __. Bearing Date Started _ 2 �2 A 1,eri _, ii_tl__ Date Completed M Total Depth��- Ground Elevation � J_4a_ g4 , Rock Elevation 124 f+_ Overburden Thickness Ground -Water Elevation Z670. `I F+. 7 Logged by Graphic Log c w o ; is 2 tM M J o 4)i s Classification and Physical Description c7 E E Z c E Remarks � N LL 36992 5Zv\ P109 ME corit,-Pre51\,modo haro(+a Run ii�,�on`t hard ,, m ad -5tro d -5trori, , `\ Mec(, X'y1vt, corn -grad N i`® >h tb Q sl . rough.,r°� to o PcSm ®a'®ia�➢ lzurl �e 11'Jv'IQYOVS: O/1 tun s \ 532,7-5375,0 ve,lr!5 up to Run ►2l,�33,4'-5�s.�° I� 4L o ,l Run IZZ� 538,5'-5430�' 20O'v Luot2✓ re-tur e\ GEOLOGIC LOG sheet _Z-d.. of Date- SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No —PH 84 -1 Feature P i n < Coordinates: N 5 s Z Z9 , 5 55.7 E 7 4G, 594,1 Core Sizes Angle (from Horizontal) Bearing 24-4® Date Started 19 AproTl��_..______. Date Completed 9 Total Depth a _8 . 'b-_ Ground Elevation .,—_Z�� I 9+,_� Rock Elevation l Z 4_� Overburden Thickness Ground -Water Elevation_�d_�®° ac Logged by Graphic Log is m o®' �° ®® Classification and Physical ®ascription c5 ® E Z z E as E Remarks w -- _ Q 36992 x CO 2 54a \ o®n`te,'Yesh,,har°d t® v. Run __--- \ �' __e_. _Di�izi�E _: haro4: - rQnal to:. e sir°n, �m_ed..__ 7-07a ida�ek- f cr)-Yj \ xyln9 grrl-3rI� �rac, c.�lcite),�hfvr.� � 5-to'5oar pe-s a � s m iZur� 1Za, 543 <0°-54�.� / 50" RVf7,4, S4-6S-SS3.S' ' � 549.�0-SS),to c.ot��: badly bwiak�;: 'r�oa Vert. '.'w ,55 :�/ n !0>1 . l`Lio�h grro�le 30®j Fc5m oa4' lam/ /\ Q Q I ' \ _ _1�7 s 4d 5.5 "16-te ;jIied jts) Some b,rkce Sheet _Z-9—_ of _ Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No _ P_ H 8 4® ®I - Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation S ll 4 3. 1 r� Feature �' rt — Bearing 2 4 4 a Rock Elevation 2 124. 49 F+. Coordinates: N 3-,ZZ9.555. 7 Date Started Z9 AJr1) 1984 Overburden Thickness. 18, S E -r 7 4<2,59 4, 1 Date Completed Ma �.4� 1 g Ground -Water Elevation 2.0-70° Core Sizes ®-H Q __. Total Depth R 4R. Logged by Frr_ v / t*%V I I EV ____ HAM a M g'C GEOLOGIC Sheet _.1.®_ of Date � 1 0 Boring No Angle (from Horizontal) S(D Ground Elevation 2143 o Feature Bearing 2. 44® Rock Elevation 2 I Z4. (a Ft9 Coordinates: N Date Started '7-10)_Acri� i9�� .._� Overburden Thickness EDate Completed _ w°%_N._'d Ground -Water Elevation ZD �oeGl I^T Core Sizes Total Depth Logged by ,° p of°] ,� GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet_3j__of� Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No _ PH 64 - 1 Feature F 16 s Coordinates: N 3_ Z29, 555.7 E '4.I Core Sizes 1i Q Angle (from Horizontal)__-_ Bearing Date Started Z13A;2r'll .1984 ` Date Completed Total Depth Ground Elevation Rock Elevation - 7- 1 (o t: — Overburden Thickness �2 Ground -Water Elevation -76, Logged by PulIEV _ Graphic Log c� o a� 0 c m ? ® 0 r ® ®� Classification and Physical Description C5 a !E z ' E m S Remarks J 3 6 9 12 ci; U ci; U m (oo®\ / � C�L..1f�,F��f �, D1C7ERl�'Er C.®hrty•�reSiT$ � ® y [��P1 134 q �®rl L. hard,_stcQricj_ t.Q. to d� close mod . clase qD th rovylh Ion bcr, 0.3'-Zao' i. CcYa C4*le taut It) Lv/ ill ';Lt9 \ / rca(o.2= cat s ._ Q y�y / Rust 136, �a6. s'a�Is.s �\ lot0.$- G12.5 acne xyln rock; V. hcwd, V. st.ror7g , Y1 IC Wqua_. Z COYTteYlt i o c 1070 YnQ�ICS �i4,0-4pito,t cloy -PLded -'r4c, 51, to &!2 ;, s`verel� aJ�red;sllckensldes; soft o �. rct; y9 3O veins -k1•oughovt; irreg,care broke along eontzet Run 137, oI3,5'IS, betweem -the cakAe and diorite; up to o,i'thlck; kWea,K Contact :to 4ya-c; �/ G 5.5 • �Zl,o v. close c•105e e-4le- ite;chJor,•eletyey s<trld; >�oJgh� Part ®pen to open; pc15,40.4t a to 16. 5 C lay •Prlled 4'r°ac,;tl1ln; to.'' t N ,� �rl ahie ° u�eQk • 50° ���.©-�.1�,Z.4 f7lO lTE ; re�h,hapd, o strorly; Med. xYin,green-gray (01S.1-619-co 54ndy clay41 N61� aloha-'rucp — �. / V. clogely Prat, and broke» o Run 138,1o(8.cc`-6Z3.sr --6tq,4 5tiekensldes a►'o 5L H-Y sand-- _. coat i h � aJo �q -Pae; 4e' Borina No. PH84-1 Sheet �- 1 of 4-S NJ,,W- 'VEMASCO GEOLOGIC LOO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet3_Z__ of Date Boring No ]2A A4- ) - Angle (from Horizontal)-- Ground Elevation Feature EIVIS Bearing - ----_--- - --- Rock Elevation .—.--I_J_7_4_& Coordinates: N -A $ 7Z9, 5 tjjL._7_ Date Started Overburden Thickness 18-5 E Date Completed Ground -Water Elevation®, Core Sizes __J4_M_ Total Depth Logged by V r-g-, / PU 11 .4 f I Graphic Log 0v 0 (M Classification and Physical Description e Z w U. 3 6 9 12 1 V. l5+Ywq C) IA J iO- ... .... ..... . i. 36' 4V 146- .. ....... . .. .. . ... . ... r OcL4 r�t I HY%31 dLI4 uF, to 01, V seve Q dAte.Ka .50-ft., to 5f ke V, Al 40 1*QV. r .. ... ...... .. cs ea CL 0 E Z z E Remarks 0 Cc \A X i�.j n.. th re e,l pc s Run �ZS,4- 6 3 3,7' ZYYY i 41116,n.7 I_a-3ss1. 6/64- vii., t4Z, 438,5- 643.6 - - __ —.-A 1 __ - � -9 - A ­2 Sheet.,._ of__ Date (:�, ° JOINTSUSiTNA Boring No Angle (from horizontal) I � Ground Elevation ?JA,3 . I Ei, Feature ._— i ✓1 Bearing Z :4 Rock Elevation ,— Q . (o r-+-, _ Coordinates: N 3; Z Z 9, 655.7 Date Started pri 1 ���� Overburden Thickness �. E Date Completed g jv' ct W 1� �4 Ground -Water ElevationZ&7o, 1 F.,,. 1 &¢ Core Sizes H Total Depth .®_�� Logged by 5CE 4 i Fu ll ey _..._ Graphic Log c cam o Co E ®® Classification and Physical ®ascription C7 Z ERemarks N 3 5 S 12 U U Cc C i Rttn 14Z , c,on`t ..... _.. ..... ;.. . Run it Run - Run �45, !0 53.5'- 65G►-Z o Qu.n Y sltiw:cdrL'111tto� ,; `water pre 5. � H a lei ca✓ec� Qt ; 450` o — ;dui-t ng changt»U . of ; - t he 131t - .. -.., n I I ... -- I-J GEOLOGIC LOC SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet 3+ - of -, 43 Date Boring No 12H84-1 Angle (from Ground Elevation Feature �E -LrL--,--- Bearing Rock Elevation Coordinates: N 7Date Started A ge 1 9 94- overburden Thickness 19.6 _ E Date Completed M_cLu Ground -Water Elevation go 1,7A P-f,�84- Core Sizes Total Depth Logged by —FWL?—Y— Graphic Log .2 1 n 1 ca S o 2 0 0 06 Classification and Physical Description 0 E Z Z S Remarks :5 U. 3 6 12 oe V ac0 M 147, P1 iLl Yc'w T -T .... . . ..... ... .. . . . .. .... .. my". .... . .... L )--I- al WIT K -to !(K� re U43 S1.7 ---- ------- r1VY?19 h ea. f tot- a r1l. 1oNt.-ArA4 zhjicir XQ n. 1487 (v� 5,5 670,5 G 40 KVn 4-9, (a lctte: K-- &d ed .4�k C. 5 i. _4174 25 ran675 X el >/ LCJ2! -A - A_-2 HAMA-ISASCIIaaGEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet -_5:5 of.... 3— Datea__M_4,�4 L84- Boring No PH 84- _ Angie (from Horizontal) S40 Ground Elevation--__-_Z , f +_ Feature F 1 r1 S —. Bearing Z Rock Elevation 124! C® ._._ Coordinates: N '3_s_ Z._435t6. 7 Date Started Z,J A;,ri Ig 1964 Overburden Thickness E Z4_-, 6 _5��_f e_ Date Completed 9 Met �99� _ Ground -Water Elevation °'70 • � 94- Core Sizes i G2 Total Depth 848. SLogged by FU I e`/ f Fr td� t C Graphic Log v a a ® m Ece c o am c Classification and Physical Description a� Z E Remarks W tL cc CC J 36912 0 m e 6$O ��. PIC?K_1T> 'C�n �'i�egh,j�lairo� 5 �`drh� FWA rasas;=685 5'` : .fcif.e' h ior` �ti ht;: St° rep h ` 1 . / / /; 0 t Pic-- St.in: t7t�t2YvtIS fYE'A11. m --r— f __.. _. ..- . '... I ...-.. j- - } 1.... I ... i .. } .. ....... L i � ... j Oox r Run 15Z, �0S.S' G9v.3f ... _ 7 i : t --r. otl 8. Y ° {1 un I Z.._ 53,1o9o;G'- ro95:5` s@l. row_ a I or 1�t m St Iroug.h0 parZllet etc;. 4 so,, —,—� ... . c , ./� t ......: f-_. ::: Run rf54� G95.5'-(01a- -61. If _ » /;. 46 r r . , R u n f 515 ! : ' tli�ht st.tr0VC) h 700 Rorinn Nn_ 0HA4-1 Shawt 34 of 4A HAAWENAMN GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet -3--& Of —4-3- Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Feature Coordinates: N E -7 4q. s 9 4-, 1 Core Sizes Angle (from Horizontal) Bearing Date Started Date Completed __9_MA,�4 em 4. Total Depth Ground Elevation ­,1 14- -5 . I Rock Elevation Overburden Thickness Ground -Water Elevation 2.0-70,1 F+ I Logged by Graphic Log ® aE Z 0 as Z 0 0 0 z E Remarks 31 Z V® Classification and Physical Description 0 at; 0 Z; 3 6 9 12 700 Kun_ R I T M M, Y. steon . . ...... ...... white— - E;. h b Ij I e _,gY"a.9j C jy- 0 4" yoo-wLlow in melt Q?) Ftjvv t6G 7 0�31 too _w level L:3rad a qMvr. t 4 1310 R ITF_ r-c nt,fresh j hw-a to u hard;. stec, rcj to, Y.st ro T) MC4 9 rTv— Lre--n -grzyw. A C Ise. to a 1,� Ltc C�h- 10 V X open` 44.r6rjqN 5 1 -ko _M Z07F 708. s- -7 1 -5.s� -1, Run s..." 0. 1" to z. s most I y 7oy Till �76 roUojh.; in pav,+_ due- J. U 6 715.5 n Ate VL RUY11S NJ V) 11-5. Q x t M-7---76 QUARTZ Dic RIT hdird I.Stronj to V, stroni rned. . . .... . ... ........ .. . . .. . ... ...... . .719. t,—72 -+,7 A� ,KA,W- alMASCO GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet _q3_ of -43 Date 6 Mas°84- Boring No V N 8A- 1 Angle (from Horizontal) Flo® _ Ground Elevation _,_�A� Feature o d1 S Bearing .Z��' _ Rock Elevation Coordinates: N 3 7-Z9,555.7 Date Started 2!9_Alm 1984 _ Overburden Thickness 1 �o Fie E '14(e,S94.1 Date Completed L4 i984 Ground -Water Elevation 201o,i' Core Sizes H Q Total Depth 4 . rM F rv, Logged by 1%vI l ev Graphic Log m c G a CA ® ® ; Classification and Physical Description CL ®E C? z �a E Remarks 02 W t LL 36912 C3 oo ae 0 f1� Q�JARTZE V1(�FrrE cz rty_Pee hh . ®t°11f`r�'Ee "'�®.04'%flyirl. \ -_1♦b5®prA_'�G�.SL�_�.5'Is1CS2.Y].�y..1Yl�r�a-- �� Zra°'to 60 ge ra40 , I U"M I toZ, 7Z8o 51-73.3,,� 730 oi\ ` p CA �y 1 mil% . Ala i:lflu .. ... . . - J � Q 74a „t a—i..- u.. r7w R4_ 1 ck®a+ 3 7 „t 13 Sheet _ _ of _4 ___- Date ��� 1!5 JOINTSUSITNA Boring No L714 3.4-Angle (from Horizontal)��e �__ ____.._. Ground ElevationI Feature F in 5 Bearing 2 44® Flock Elevation Z i z4. �. Coordinates: N �.$� ZZ9�ss s.j Date Started 29 April a 195!� Overburden Thickness �o E 4�e, ,940 1 Date Completed u� �.I_��� Ground -water Elevation 2-®-7®-9 P4. g4' Core Sizes H Cai Total Depth Logged by E!�JIIPEV Remarks >`Run f 04,748.7 - 753-:1 ` R U n IW;,7537'-756-S 1 n t��•�at� 7p7> 5'- 7661-6- Waca_v f"�catt�t�o8 ?58.5� 7�0�5 V. °tight :Mole;, �� [� a,� oi4]'(f '� GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet_39 of Date E� q ' SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No __PH S4-1 Feature — F7t n 5 _ Coordinates: N 75t,°? S ra 5. � E 7 4b,-59 4.1 Core Sizes H (a Angle (from Horizontal) -- Bearing Date Started Z.9 ApKi - 1,1 Date Completed _�I Maw, Total Depth 8 4 8 • = Ground Elevation _ 'Z 14�.! Rock Elevation '?-e Z4 . rt. Overburden Thickness 1 if+. .^ Ground -Water Elevation ��®^ `� F-+ Logged by Graphic Log o Ct o o ' O8 a a Classification and Physical Description e2 � E Z z c 0 E Remarks J � 3 6 9 12 a � ac 0 x M 2 GRANITIC c®h`t.,tr�sh! hard, �;;al Strong a �!rte �41�4n1a SI iiG`�tJ:, ��._ m°q® I eI y ¢ iO'T® r,a-�izF.,mo-j Ott • -t I ✓ i` I poi revev-t 1 t Zoo _ . 7512 PSG .� QUARTZ h10RITE, fYdSh1 -ern.-.�rzlg� ZS`�'� h�l, 5e%.e�d 11r�L9 m2a. ror,3h-to RtJr1l?�;7oc.Z`-7�S.s' 7G$ r , Puv� Ili, �� ,? 77301' t\ /� —770 N f /� \ Wif�i I�c.4� Ir1�QI'vc�15 G I.�e ,;� whe+�� ct��e9yrcac.turr� `9 -774 � 778 ��� pare- Y�rQ�rT b=-{ jy; )11 �g Run 173, 776,7-'-i83,Z -7ec Rnrinn Nn CN84-11 ghnat �9 nt 4S NA e _ a -9ME2C GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet no of_.—_ SUSITN.A JOINT VENTURE Date.__-�� Boring No ®tib4-•% Feature _—F 1 v s Coordinates: N , ZZ9., 56Z,,7 E _4r,944, f Core Sizes CL Angle (from Horizontal)-50_._..__ Bearing Z44-*_ T Date Startede_A_Y, Date Completed Total Depth Ground Elevation.__�ZIA_1.1 Rock Elevation ___ -L l 14, �a, Overburden Thickness _ i Is r_+ a rt Ground -Water Elevation-2-0 7o,'? Logged by PV IIeY/ ✓` v _ Graphic Log Z O m > Classification and Physical Description �7 oC E Z Z E Remarks o 3 v w ca �°, ® W to« ti 36912 ae oC x ca 2 78o si ®v aUAKT11. t7109I T`E f�es�, harder Rug E7- ��^�. /moo -- �o h�rc�_�v. str®rq, rne�i. aCyl✓tt_ _ a green®Z) ea. � G 1 ®`sa z rr+od, L+®Se -Pro-( y aAiC'Ite; 'tlg�jt t� par-6- apert� sP�' B >zr�r 1�4 7 /\ 7 BI.I 78Zo9 V, r�ic��ely �YaLA�atcr°°l ; (��fit O D-tb 5h4t 518134- r EZu� f �,73- 7 mi �.5 78 �\� t- pa�� ®Pe i m G9: i-OV71� > >' a Ado �e_,lert -t o �`/ 5t�biliZP r�Jl� some L0a_tZCt/-9f,f o;®� its �r 788 \ \ 700 _.._. .. _ -.. 141 79O o z®° 790.8-794.8 t� n Y11'g� angle-'t59 e-9chlor; 9 'th't } 1otdojh; RR 1 ZS=�Ic.it rrroaf. ol®sa -'rro�4, XUP. 17r'7G'3 �'-7Gl�•�1 s` N 1 0 !7. l ` / la_J ~e -799p- 611 o Run 170,7ga.S-'-803 _r to v. closely -Prrcc; Gh)or a CAfeit" +jHt`to 1'open; 51.eoL,�'+-a rovo>;Zo`45,' 800 }„ t• t, 1 D � �i t j� fly, �� , r'�t ED) r. � 96 GEOLOGIC LOG JOINTSUSITNA Sheet —4--L of _43— i Date��� Boring No 2H 84 -1 Angle (from Horizontal)._ 4,._ _ Ground Elevation _.-_ ZJ 4_3 •1 0 Feature F 'ti 5 Bearing Rock Elevation I Z4 • �t . Coordinates: N 3 , 2'Z !2,, Date Started 2 J Avri i 19i34° overburden Thickness _ F t E 74(,,, 594. 1 Date Completed Ground -Water Eievation 2 op , �'�: j 94- Gore Sizes Total Depth 2A-s- 5 Ft. Logged by Graphic Log o o m Fi, 0 0 ` J a it Classification and Physical Description C7 s Z E Remarks W 3 6912 CO t Zs. Run 1;78, evn't. ro 1 : Irreot: x tY%, ajrin -e Y moot r_iOsio +0 v. cIase Ai_4u \ ;0 rovjh tvi sl. rcv�hr`Ic9®off 4 /� t ..__.®ono• 4@ 2, i V_G1bSefY'►'ad'SayCc"ft� open;_sl• rough ;to )h ; zo 4iP 460 � 1 3 ` �� v ciasf3 �'►+r, c�lonc� hrgil angle jt 1 ' Rurttsa r,.z'.e 13 t 4® ... ,. 70, 1714"0t:�SG`�`��G.9_��. -__ _ -- �\� � generarl� t.o'�� •er rr+arc, r►�a.�a ,\ :. Q x o Run ISy In �q �p : Rnrinn Mn DWA4.-IRhaa4 4 1 of 41 GEOLOGICLOG Sheets of MARZA a EMAMCS Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Feature Coordinates: N B) E 7 1 Core Sizes --- E-01- Angle (from Horizontal). - Bearing Date Started sfAc,,-j IqB4 Date Completed 9 t1a 4 64 Total Depth Ground Elevation Rock Elevation Overburden Thickness Ground -Water Elevation _2Q_"?& 22:1-d- Logged by Graphic Log IM o 0 Z IM Classification and Physical Description ae !E Z E Remarks U. 3 6 9 12 d M, x r I Run 181� con'ta ta- V. hanvl; :Strv,� -tb,v. .5t ro, vla) I M e,:i - Y I), r,1 -5 r 0 1(1 40,0::5e: tO Mod GIOSe 4114X• h 1,c r t It h to 0 ly 0 ®�® _ 8 Z7, 0 - e Z8 1! t•I -a- Y rM a 0- 0 -,Poo Harder JrHoig Lin 185 33-1 5 - 533's, 0:5 51, ravlh to rou,h, k -7o (6 3 7,5 - 33, e-ore 0-tc(ly i,roker cave to )ZUY1 0 40 cri GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet _4I3 of 4--i � � Mu 31 Ci SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No 17 H 8 4" Feature F- i a Coordinates: N ZZ9, 5555•7 E -74.4 S9 44r i Core Sizes H GL Angle (from Horizontal) 5(0® Bearing 244� Date Started Z9_ri(, Date Completed Total Depth 48 Ground Elevation ..__ 143, 1 _F�Z_ Rock Elevation —_ P z Overburden Thickness I.-�._ Ground -Water Elevation E-t._ 94 Logged by 70 11 P—',4 Graphic Log d 0= —0 v ® 2 CoC 0 0 Classification and Physical Description a C7 ® E i® E Remarks ® ® 730 j LL 36912 oC CC U x c 84® ®� ,\ QvA�ZT� �PQf�;i�t"E eo��p f",P��h,hard9 -Ala ® 3d -'ste"n-:7_to :Y" -I-,I:rPYtx.Ylei.54 �� �.l®fie '�'o r►1pc�, C.�®5C? �rctG, � _ /\ t® st> rava�t� $ ►a®-��� x pcso fierier 84Z<c- 943.3 ft,, tray; htyh er 111d .9 Run 1817, 843,c- 348.51 o Wa,S�1 revert , _._. �\ r i C A Vet j 51, c oars:rr^ XIn 9 C14,y .._,� �) }erg_ �rA.G¢S�iL�:.�➢..�1 :e S, O•-l.'_thPt;,ic o Ct1 ro �10 e 40e 8 h(i W` ¢��O �cii5. ®� 84C- -849.S 1 cc ry,�ll,.>?�,, .tom WeL�er prrzs, fes t --g4 rz= ;i/ narcl ;weak ° white -Ara/; ,V14e ---- -_ _ _T_.D, 8480_-6 FT_-.__ Rnrinn Mn t74494-1 Gann* 4-1�, -6 A-z JOINTSUSITNA Sheet --A— of - 3 9 Date -_ M" i-4 Boring No PH 8 4 - Z Angle (from Horizontal)_. y Ground Elevation — ZO 7A. Z Feature L1Ad awoynd Pnwerheo.lSQ Bearing 0191, Rock Elevation _ 'Z0 I Coordinates: N 0 Date Started Co M aL Overburden Thickness E '743, 9 42.5 Date Completed 29_I�T 1!T84 Ground -Water Elevation_ Core Sizes Ho Total Depth -7 6, 5 G3._ "l= Logged by �►� 5ew I i l �_f.YL`�.o rr Graphic Log E o di c O 0 G C m � 3 v ® Oi ,��, _ G t ° m m ' Classification and Physical Description C ` �7 ® ac E E Z w c E Remarks ®WLL r J 3 6912 U M U c CO 2 c C�RGA.NI�.s,i t ree roo-ts t. o ' fresh 1 s .. rcA.C�lf>1Qrt'S j. jJta,Yt't2 r SOm� p.>lafres i-te Porphyry'; �'re5h to ro vh*�tr'ix rec.overed- k I e 5 cis - :,topped Pump down DKI II roct� = C. zs/m i n. brown _ g�'a� -rc> ca F oc Kt''.}=- 14,7 .-L—_yy, _,__..._....../� = d j Fun T 14°07 19, r ?,t7rP.�� t4_.._/_.'. 44_ .9 _.-121®E _Q.�.��...a...l..tr�:. 4resh , sil. to M OOL. w �_�tk- alohy )tS.j harct od, st_ro c9 M ect, xYlo f �' _ btueo g ✓cy, Leh rive Fer►� __ / e a.rvur cC its, p1�g 75M, hbl Isys� �t z. tD ?'cz t..cJ'z 1 Gtf' ['?tom. rn �i a 4Ll0SeIY to v e-kaSe1.7 +'vac. o �____ Fe. sta.i,�, cia.y� Lh !art to � o _1� is -_ __ _ �a�t?-�_._oper'►_; s�...� n�cd. Ya�� -' ___ _ . �� 0.0 (..4,5 feld�pa�r.?,�>�,e►�ocPys. "VP tm ;\ ^^ Q3G/41, mod, W 66, M SeV �0 11�4.-��✓ l�t�t�i✓N� Boring No.2V484-ZSheet I_ of 3 % VENTURERAW I '113M.co GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT Sheet _ of -39_ Date Boring No 28 9 4 `2 Angle (from Horizontal)_ �7Q® _ Ground Elevation Feature �.1 n�'°svn� �iwe.h Bearing Rock Elevation Coordinates: N Date Started Overburden Thickness E 7 4 3, 9 4 2 5 Date Completed ZL al 1 9� Ground Water Elevation Core Sizes +CZ Total Depth % - Logged by 16 Yl�la�.►�'��� Graphic Log ® ® u m w o 4 O ®° Classification and Physical Description (5 ® E Z C E Remarks ® �' d U. 36412 ® B N bl,C,p`tdet�'e�-----__-__-----_---- si 0 � r �. .2-1, o + Z6> sha�E�Vrect Pi$ YYt 4el sic velill 0,1i Udioiej C.}OlY g V. la�e1�{:Pw'kLjealcltP. DYIII ✓ ie o,z 30 _ - - �; 'SI.lo-35.5 slo gd+- o triad. 3Z '� _. _ . t'L�►'� - ►�if9 !ur1 "tG 5tV-0Y 4) s O 0 ` It,: °Jrcen gmyY-, 144oiiA � �t 7*+-0 a - 4.0 : , Sheet of 9 Date -7 M&Lsf '64 JOINTSUSITNA Boring No �H A 4 - 2 Angle (from Horizontal) Cd®® Ground Elevation Feature 'u►�J6"'"-'vet �nu�ri7�� Bearing ® /!5? Flock Elevation Coordinates: N 3.ZZi . i307_ O Date Started i"1��0 1 9�4 __ overburden Thickness _ t E —� 7 4Z. !s Date Completed 9 N10. t 98'� Ground -water Elevation P'f.11 Core Sizes —kLa Total Depth % e2 52® C-+-.—� Logged by Wl I Kin 50 111�l4Ln yam_,___ Graphic Log o ° a a Classification and Physical Description e7 p 23 a E z A c ? Remarks W Z ` U. 3®9i2 ad x C is c 40 ITE; GcDO t.; -PreSK, wlo a w�,�• Nrogwatt✓�.{+.��'�vrv� Q�V.—hc-✓_��_S+ore0cy rued - x�in, OcG. el'SSIG 'at✓rn Q ; t`e0.++� c0.5BV►3toCS' o.z' re err 9rd:y, la close to, vo L'IaseiGa.f'Ge F. Pat. B�q(n Nt9h-t �hi�Pt A1-t- tze( e Zorteas;ul�Ptd. eg,epldbte'C''��. ---T = - h6L1-d t~ o v� ha✓ ,� / 4'"5_- t�f� S!. ...kor t w lar,. plaq fit'" vrrt. Vdct ��° !moo �d ed ;id`. o —46 \ Inside+ :.as rip ` doa,rl hale aut5ide 9, - -71.71 ALTFR.S'.D D:toR\-re ti12. Gcig�Hc� �rc�,'-wradC; s`6'vo nq� i�►h ed a!K¢Q►1k-F5p to kavltn�� Put . 1 149.0 - 53.9 P r 11 to 003�Mw _ •• , __c._�lszr_:L�s.��.t�d_��`�e_ , h_bl_C?.), rt•r._ t � `% G!®S,e(y✓ct.Gy F2 �t0.111 ` r"o� 5 -�o ►'�e0U2� ►QCLr'�' 44)°;PCrg, till'-f,0'► ►1V?"e✓dV.5 u� a o O. Z cave iN ® 609 - z,` 55.5 cic.y ain r<d a� core - -----rVyl _ I �. _ ___ �� .L►lh o v� , 55.5`�SB.s® _ rl . le r.-tC_ Q,ZS`wtr� >rvh 13 Possible clayey ", seeLM a(t eyed so�t to wt oel • hard, mod. a „" strong to weak; clay c�{- cor'tGttrls a - -�ea.�..-moo ►�-e ;-�'tirctzjr+� ��tt 3- hr� y-- — - ------ _ -- - -- . _ ��'�� n �\ 5raLM5 V 'ta 0.11 wid e n I SB,S �3,® 1 JOINTAM''I HAS"'C"'a GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA Sheet —A of 9 Cate Boring No ®H e 4 ' Angle (from Horizontal) (a _ _ Ground Elevation Feature Iln�¢var�l�n� F'iu��rhdos� Bearing ®®� ® Rook Elevation . 1 l o E; , Coordinates: N 91- O Date Started ra M!nq ) 99 4 overburden Thickness E "74 3 �4Z. Date Completed S¢ 19� Ground Water Elevation ��� Core Sizes H Q Total Depth 7 5 e°9 Logged by 1�191 �lri ®n/dart Graphic Log ° 0 3 ® ®® Cca Classification and Physical Description i7 Z w E B Remarks .. ` U. 9 6 ! 12 Cj ej ej o 0 C e_ ALTE Ev 710 Z rrE ;ant m® u v� tm 1 t� whets 1 11= t� �'i7+�+�-�vz�"�i�'� ®, I i ao fir* r e-he,,,% M eat : >< .11A (-~r,. re�n�t 3rh -`q r��t, d i ett4 TSB S 4(QM.J.PtA/wm, t a 00 -0rR . SQY4a.caw-Fj 4--:1 lk-t tca o e Pae inOV 11 p rit%1'rl evov wl l k► B►' i !. t 60 0.-Yl..t �r If it �7e G$a® Wt r CCo to 5eve e f weaLn, t - o)� , -r, ioa -/o returvi 1l '/ qD OfiZ i ' re's h ha v,0( 5+_eon r� dl: X in, �+r`ee�t t 5�t g my, 1 ► GIO�Je l y-✓0.0 Y a trRu� �.Or 77'a0Io /naA., 01��. a stGtlwr,. ic�ht-'Eo r't 0 end -- ; a -.oral 30 ° - a ®' i PCs. 0a ;,nu n er0u ® .� / GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet _;of -2 (� Date 1 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE+ ®® � �% �• � Ft <, Boring No DH a4 ` Z Angle (from Horizontal) �_ Ground Elevation Il�.fay..r,nyne� �iwr�r}7r�� Bearing 0,9 ® Rock Elevation 22 Feature P l�. T � 'x ' i i309.O Date Started �a I"1�.-�/ I g�4' Overburden ihickness � Coordinates: N �' Ground -Water Elevation—io 2. E 74309 42 Date Completed Z 9 N9 0. `gla 14t �w K� h/NA.�yf Core Sizes H Q Total Depth � Cj2 S � - - Logged by w a m a c Graphic Log 15 v 3 u o 'a ®; Classification and Physical Description o? p Z Remarks J 36912 j lotZ t�"E c.®�tt, rasllt,harol, ; -t. tooYn ret1J✓vi t� Q Utz_(.7e t►�: ; to ugh 9t� t„ t t ht to , art 0 4rt . ►N+ ..v ota h pY. t. Yettr�1 — ® ;� � �, t 66�� � . S' 1 ►l �r es'n v 3 M�t � rl o � i ; . ii ���11 ! O 'Bo o t� ca gas.N. � \ e �� n� O --- ---- h e✓n 'a :+- i to �?) 5tai:vl � up to 0; t � r Qvi f1 ratt o,42/rnivt, �, _ 40 ®� _. go o`- 94;S. st. CS%) kacftN,Za'�'cc �, o -�eid5 pave, \' Pei It LOG ?'o I'2tUvrL _. wQ-ter - Itgsriy wK,te QJ n 14..Sq_2� _A�REf2 . m ad. ha.vet t, wtcd . s-tr�g "to Strang' wt ed.. I'K. I+- ray, _ n G�t-art� 15,7- 97. t (A?(2VOX., gevera!lY weo_+k.a sna�f; weaki r art IT vats o.42%w,, //a 0 to i✓a I 5LvyIrl rya W 9 — "J9. I°1Z.2 �IORITE es}ti harm So►i fov o s__:__ LA- v6Al2L.1ewo-. _1� n4 SO) JOINTRAW&BAS,09 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA Sheet _. of Date Boring No ®I'�8 Q "Z Angle (from Horizontal) (2G® Ground Elevations Feature .1%1�` awl ��cr ti�r� Bearing ®/ 9® Rock Elevation Coordinates N®q. ® Date Started MOLAL+1184 overburden Thickness E 74 319 4Z. Irj Date Completed Z C7 Ground -Water Elevation �2_ o (- Core Sizes Total Depth Logged by - Graphic Log r w `�° Q Z ® Classification and Physical ®ascription Z E Remarks ` .. U. o 3 ° 9 12 ce cicc 3 ' I 99.5;©192IZli`t=, s�� 9 racy' 1,% ti hbt te..q t :W4 e o s e..ly o i�t d •. � lo5 ei l `( --r-' - i/\ �kight ti,. past, apes' ocr. �e �. si\ t� v�av9h9.a-tod' 3o•-So°9 I: �• OVIM t. v y.. m 01 ix ,e -1 o 7a 7 v. c. f ase l y-F►>ae9 Ste : r i 1 rat+r' -f© wea. h; C-lay \-/ 0Lj \ 113,E®ii 4;5 v., closely �wa,c; s1• � I /�/ 1 � S.Z.. ®1 � � • � i/.. C10 S �1 � "4°1✓Gi,� • _,.__ � _. � IIdo6 14 Lo5e4y 4,,&4;e-lo,,4ey; 5 Matte✓e cL w h e h m o ve i -------- _.._ tom. i1lec?ark cypen ; 5i. o <-r-. _ 19�,9Z_P__S� MA"MiNUM09 GEOLOGIC JOINTSUSITNA Sheet of ?9 Date. Boring No 21 A 4 ' Z Angle (from Horizontal) ld ® ® Ground Elevation Feature IULCYalr�Vhe®i I7iweri7at� Bearing ®®9 Rock Elevation 2C9 11. 5 „P-t Coordinates: N • ZZ7 . AQI. D Date Started i 9g4 �— Overburden Thickness E 7 4 3, 9 4Z. Date Completed M A 4 Ground -Water Elevation (6 Ef.7) Core Sizes H Q Total Depth 7 Co 5 ® __ Logged by W1 Graphic Log V o ° C u J m t Classification and Physical Description c7 a: a Z3 E Remarks 00 w Z N U. 96912. °C U v x m° a c PLO �� zuy1 ZG 1 GC't. Ohl; l�'+c�.e,s 4Z �'; iettt�. �t�;t✓. st spa iLZ %�/ �+to'Ftled I d1S�se�+wgted red, vnod.,, r la$re t4 clasek - ►� .� . Y � Qin lC return wat>r✓ s`ItP T-r-�sg.rrc ope�1 s$P votsyk ` lZ4 °� -ta ✓`ouc��j_''--3b°`-moo,; cog o.lt-�:5` - ° i I24>z- i Z$,I cf�gQiy `td �. c.to�8�y �✓' — ��� - ------tv 5 Zjls7o'.1 0 IZ7. 0 - 1-5 0 `rn 0'�4-e k wt veat + rytitrler�,� (he'wtat;te') r Pao o� t, <1_ Z0) S59 P SM Rvvt Z9� z3Z.C'-137-1 i 34 (33.o-P¢1,5 rock a pt?eQrS b Y:ecc I -:x-t � ,c en o 11 o � +g ad. 01 ol set t .0. wlatri-Z o e xyIn, `9 close to Auw+e✓a wt ovinor re�leo.(ed �r� 13ro:�° 1 __. _ o.7 Z .o' ?reef 5 t ki h c-1�sf.ah0_4 IC't,�---- ,n O — IZet0v'n wc�ee - 'tEky ° -� i I I ed_ � r&C, part opeA pn J Poo ®,� MiNE> ASSL' C) GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet of 39 Date _ Boring No ®A4''L Angle (from Horizontal) �2 2® Ground Elevation Feature _n® Yytti�- �/uJ�r1•f�l� Bearing 0 ZY ® Rock Elevation 2 d2 L Coordinates. N 3 Z'L� �o���- Date Starteda�/ 1984 Overburden Thickness [ �.°7 E 7 4 3 9 42. Date Completed Z� M oe� — m Ground -Water Elevation° �1 Core Sizes H Q Total Depth Logged by 1.Is 1 ICi►n �g ►��ct,yi�Qv9 Graphic Log o ° -op+ 0 6 Classification and Physical Description c2 ® , E E Z Z Z E I 1. Remarks f W ` N U. 369/2 C) too �\ pl®1Z1"CC Gort� m �`✓e��t hid �/� � �vt ��,�®«�°�,.. N�t�,, a�r�twl;�g z ;� <t o tiro otdIN� vay, t etas _' . k5�ccr:� �1 a.1, t►t'e `qtL �euutater it I'ko. Qs �} r '' 8..i V I `Ilffi. .0 Iron.i � �l 1 �\ e►�e�atl.y.. ° .. i wit CA dLA of ass r. 14°32 — t So� 6 '. vl c, �',�c+.4 s . d�� to beih7:stue-k x 6 �\1 ,1 ®t �\ Viz; wta=f$�a� �KMCc, with ma° .led. i,,eA'® n raL ` 7=7=�`t �.IAti. --K&—i its 1.50 1.57— �. /. a._�. iM.o �_ .t �_.ir--t 0. �7.� T � 4�..3 �r Ke! I�.� 3 -5 1 G. �I� 1 S � .G0.�Gi tC r�✓t �raG° ��s. o>G re ealeat ^ I 1 ✓ Po9 1?rl rate Q33/�ta� �1 fed ®� Sheet.._®. of f Date -a t� SUS17NA JOINT VENTURE Boring No PH a 4 ;Z Angle (from Horizontal) �gy 2 Ground Elevation .— Feature ;�� �o''"^'vnd �iw�r}7e�� Bearing 9 0 Rock Elevation Coordinates; N Date Started M1964 Overburden Thickness E _ Date Completed Z9 M aL\ . 1 9B4 Ground -Water Elevation ?!22 2w F Core Sizes F i Q Totai Depth ? (j2 5. ® Fes_ Logged by Graphic Log a ® o c t Classification and Physical Description �? a ® w a E 7 Remarks ® s J , _ u, °C °� o b 160 ��� � � �I��i"i� c�tn`,t; -�►°esHi hargC.; �. � . . N, OV A.�/ .'C0 IredIa4tq+— i< i ttt� OroJ 162 -btu }njif t ra trrntlk. i toset.o'elnel.�,. +Mod. ti , /, :.ram t c ► t�.1-ts�h p�.vt �(��n; SI. roNq>t'G� Y'ovtg�t , . i D-t.l wt: t?.ZG/wttN, N 1 173.0 : LlDSQ;'to v, �4o5Q lY ¢-VA !70/'ra.c ea.lol'te; tr. 5U1�ioLi?5; of r - ��; ..� .� _ t ? Z ®� l't=1.�41IS. Si�7. a �®0., tc7Gz.�®,®, ;VY"� �r`7?/v� _•_E01�-�fS{.S'!'"�dM'ffi�ei.tEIGt.._-✓�o..���In'tcCG�Q1i�e�v",� 174 i \� plarq,Vtgw+0.'E;'te`�chiori'te ?, tl -�vr t L=l8t�5 %I Z•3` wt aSt�> o,Co' %/� MAM-MEMAS2,90 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE V is Boring No 2E ®4 w Z` Angle (from Horizontal) �Q Ground Elevation •.�� _• ilwJov...r�aaewm%�/uatwlfay� Bearing 0/� ® Rock Elevation Feature s+�.,.� t- --- -- - Coordinates: N -%„ =—Qg- 1 Date Started mc-y . 1 264'___ ®verburden Thickness AS Date Completed a-Si19A4 Ground -Water Elevation 6 �4 Core Sizes H O Total Depth � � � ® �° _ Logged by Graphic Log g ' 00 � a Classification and Physical ®ascription w s z E E Remarks J N 6b 3 8 9 12 i3 C3 O Cc e GO N1 '{o ` 4 r e-zK-v �1Ct� ` �1 i l-y-�--�-fib m���r✓^�G-�.`°l °Seel) P lc.9'- hgph t✓e e ��temoct'fC 6 �C � UGC G F a 4� pry. Gl�tcl�Gj� be '::00 a S Lt •i �: ; ea*-k V. , ° { .Q►�i rats fl.�3'�r�a�, 41t.e c1404"a .t� 164; 6 GA. P h C4, Y1: RL 1 _qe—.= Zo, 19Z e It 4rac. AJLTE:XEV V ta?ZLTE, i li _ .. Xx�Q�1_ _R: !. �G.r�0.e_,ia�Y .1h oG�.. 5�✓O h9 11° � S't�onq' wt eoL. to dine Jc�ln; -�a r94 � / -- green; pia ,k.�oli►� ,Y�b1, N iooL. closely 4,ea ; .Iose y1.�L,7 !9(a era 4°S° -4,®° i �eSm 0.11 ®I.Z.' _-_ _ _- _-- LZ-00 C�. ®e®s�® Mwassuca JOINTSUSITNA Sheet _iL— of :�9 Date 8 Boring No DH S 4 -2 Angle (from Horizontal) AGO Ground Elevation Feature �tn� ya��vnd FiwyrhM_dO Bearing _ ® /9 O Rock Elevation Coordinates: N }��tB04.O Date Started Pa I`°ieL 0 1 984 Overburden Thickness E 7 4 309 4Z. 5 Date Completed Zq Mav , 1984 Ground -Water Elevation 20 Core Sizes H Q Total Depth "J Cg2 5. M Gam_ Logged by Graphic Log o m c 01 o ® ` �° c C C cm a ® ep Classification and Physical Description a —M E z E Remarks J H 2 6 9 12 V V ® w c Zoo a .e Al—T,� CL ®. L I Q t2 t -t � f' c.o rvt o �Le . c r �- — w{ed L rc�, ln .Its -creed .3 �laq CCraoitn, ,hbl CChloritp{at 2vh `43, Z01<75r204. o v+.tOc Gfa�e -�.ts V. tos.O . 4yot-, �M �, • st- to w,ed; Ydvgh, - t.a Asn -- — --- } 2z Zo4o0 (=e;l�sie:}/ti"tCIQ PCi(ZPH1 `f o v 204, Z = Z0172 & ,�:_tJ:p St'T E of C <� - � �fay,ph.erto..tQY�ta ►ti�'c a � < LoM0 <"r ra.G; talc ire, 't �t{� -tp part; opan�S1.. rou�j0�,3'-Zlb° v -- — -- �0- e 1 .. ,'' ;Zo�:o sL.�_ altered �atartq `ttv.a3! 2oB F Z07.8_7.1S-S TS,K'P­D 7107'rrE ------ — 51.; a..itwe ?! vrt Oct , h4 d -to hard:; °a �„'.` -wl PROt4 1 9Y�IM61F_- �va� � p la.q}, Kavitirl. �. hbt � chlor Z 10 o 'ac widely a a wQ;a-th. cinch sable along �'rc�c, 2i2 `y su'r-¢51 pcs. o, i' �0.4 Y1 tJ Ight Sbt;.¢t 4s,Ztz;o--7-r7, to a X VYt I ya rp wa`keY l-t, ai r'�c� 7-13. S-7�2'5.0 ;V101Z.ITE P rash; ✓a.Y, 1 � o qq � ��. c�trtd Sao F e n"ILtqera.t:17-Z' ! 0 M43 - ZIr.--- i stoma h. t °t!y kt to poor f ap v-. . - - - -- - - -- YWwlerous ; eh:eaiecl;-�rd.Gs�. �� -- _ f i�+vi �t'rtg_ wn_vr w- w 1 2 t'i; 0Nq- r�cts't -prac; surt's} 0°4Z/rA1.1, eov0jh :tke. coves a i•�ddisYt brow Bcdno Noe D_H94.2Sheet H - of :39 AAWMEBASW GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No ®®4 "Z Angle (from Horizontal' �20® Ground Elevation Feature ���_�Y ��nri �iw_�rh�� Bearing 0/9,® ----- Rock Elevation . 2® 1 1. 5 Coordinates; N ag)l- ® Date Started 6�) MA.Y 1984 Overburden Thickness 4-"l � E �4 3 Z.'S ®ate Completed tR t �84 Ground -Water Elevation �.= 6 Ft.J� Core Sizes H M— Total Depth Logged by i�l I �ilY9 ems® !-�ctVt��Y1 Graphic Log ° jClassification and Physical Description q sc� Z i Remarks I 3 6 9 12 0 ; C VZO �� ; �;har ,:5�r vr� aToo a eq n 4 ).Goynt. or® re rri -- LEA /\ ire gta(15�t 9 rq. b t ft1t��'• $ Oro vim , r� r /6�' ©.4Z' lti _ . Wtl✓1��0.�i°��.{�jM . •,` V 1!�'I evoi! -b ri4.t 00 V r� Q ! ; ,Yi i b i Q _ sac a /SGtav- , -.r.._ p �_ �e fi OLA. r®e1 P'J �7G 4G� C..I� 7�Ill� TILL( ��$ .� FmrL {, WA .(C. Cr- I tIt. gg►-�y.� o` Rvrr 49,Z32.C'--M Wk tee z34 � ® Art e�iak �ate� ®/ hole d4z:egwdla Z yt it 0 ijlgM i m l S"hmo wit k,� 1 kaolen w,rtic� 9 , s> to �, l� r1►�:. r .� v, herd; �trran9; Ite gr�Qnl� gray z3,7,7--zoz mcd, A�Leewd to So -Pt; mod. Strang -to wQu k; t> ,�� ��_ v. e4os6r1y �o c 1o5gky 1 g'o$ 'Lk ;0'0 ..O - Z �3 . I lai ►ry x rIt i� JOINTGEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA Sheet 3 of �9 Date L�aL�_ 69 Boring No DH A 4 -2 Angle (from Horizontal) (400 Ground Elevation Z ®Zd- 7- Feature„d y%t� �/u�yr hnLI SP Bearing ®/ ® Bock Elevation Coordinates: N 3iZZ7 Bog-o Date Started SC't 4y • 1284 Overburden Thickness 14,-7 r-t x E �9 4Z. 5 Date Completed M6- 1 9B4 Ground -Water Elevation 202f " 6 Ft 7/ Core Sizes H Total Depth % Co Logged by roil i�lP1'S®W �dctY93QN Graphic Log c o ca a C ® o E a. 3 S.Z`. M m c IM Classification and Physical Description q aoce Z E Remarks N U.ce oo x 2 J 369 U C3 C8 M Zoo t -re gQh i q iray pfag Crf?t;- ' '� m � OC.Go 1°t= Staly� G:64 fG1��:�PC�K�. x S27U`=47 ti44 / ; ;� __:.�4-o�c��4�✓�a__and._�� _ , ®�.'�a5 ` VY1t rats 0,Z7%wirl, -+� o� 1. ��r_�'�tur+�_ \, o 4 Z51, t-Z51-Z 'Felsic u/tth Z, Z / i� :LvNet r "d 17lctcj i \, r t t Z15'7.o-Z58.O 81a-t'ite u - - 11 Z57.0t 4.'Z, � �►'1 ( ZSB �i� r�'GC Oo Z�jat i ro e JOD .._ Pfl.. J "%-. 7-2 _ ®_ Sheet- of-'q_ Date 184 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No ®� 4 Z Angle (from Horizontal) �dCi ® Ground Elevation ------ Feature erhAd�' Bearing ®/9 ® Rock Elevation Coordinates: Nt'7���4- ® Bate Started Ca �c�„y —t 9�4 Overburden Thickness s E ®ate Completed Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes Total Depth % tr, 6. ® rn Logged by Wt t try s� rt_ e �d� Yid Graphic Log a Classification and Physical Description 0 1E Z E Remarks ®� W tL 3 6 2 12 p �9� GoiO +� t�5, Ca'I't.- . - Y�tt�Vi� ct ''PIT z�z ;;� mod, close to cl o 5elY I . r _ its Uri rats oaze YrAI VA Z6� zG�®� M - 4PA. e 0-t �1OL �tQye�' ®4 �rr�gvl��'l�etu�e o® �� +! � _ __ . Z �0 0 o esr - Ga(O 0. 1 u ioeT V {! 3' _ . rii9 h �. a.� � �i.._�_ Lt h _ i�f� ct/'t�L,� a.l!I l�l __—_ VI i It !'cA.\. e�p coa 4?/�{'!R -�� • c� t��_.L�t�r_+'�-�1 heWA�Xt°rte wa-ter -- too °ra r� 4 Z7 Z I �� z75.5 • z 71, 5 'Ar'tc) Plaq N -M, .�1 -e✓ed_ to _%oot1,�4Ue0.` s�+ rll ram O,Z?/>�lwe eore MO MMUMETASIC19 GEOLOGIC LOG JOINTSUSITNA Sheet i of -3-9 Date -5- r 'Bs Boring No P 8 4 `Z Angle (from Horizontal) �y Ground Elevation Z ®Z4. Z F'r . Feature �M. ����Vne� �iwerh�!� Bearing __ 0190 Rock Elevation Coordinates: N 04- D Date Started . (:21 PA-0-y 1284— Overburden Thickness E 743V 9 4Z.5 Date Completed aw Geaund•1lVatee Elevation .oZl.6 �fi -7 Core Sizes H 4+ Total Depth % Ca Logged by W%t Kill 50 �l-1a_y1!59-1?1 Graphic Log V a o c 5 0 J m: Classification and Physical Description C7 Z 1° E Remarks ..d J N 6L 3 6 9 12 Q j ® M w e \ �Ib ITE5ca,> t; -Pre's �; ha d,jStroll; yq -� ISO �o veturn, hb`I, W1Q1 s m oat:®. c.l ose- v �t c� se 4y; un Zal.o`-ZSb°G ✓ tt`�� + L�.L s�d D ` p) +a � Z51,3-Z8:-1.4 Alt-,17' rite ih dA ; O 7.8Z.0 -Se7.5 eegve-el t. M W10V 1'1 1� 1 % Yet v ✓vt .: / 9_LC; t►c�..�f� 1!te+� e.°tete_�'e °o 1� 0' Z96.0i s� /� s t \ //]] �J . 4 ... ✓t lI-ra.'rQ O. 3t3% �' r2Ftea.leX( calc t +e z4 q 0 x 7-4 Zo7 FSz DYiYk-te Doh—VM; O �/ Sao MM-OEMSCO GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet _�_ of Date. Boring No A4'Z Angle (from Horizontal) (a®� _ Ground Elevation__ i,®Z4.Z 5-. Feature 1!�Bearing . O Rock Elevation �� 1 1. 5 Coordinates. N 1&Q_q_D®— Date Started ��-� 9��_-m . Overburden Thickness E 74 3. 9 4Z� 5.-® Date Completed 4 b Q, 1 C1 Ground -Water Elevation 2-02� Core Sizes Total Depth % C 6 Logged by _16 K4Yt ®YI�i QN Graphic Log ® o ® ` �° ®� Classification and physical Description c2 z S Remarks 3 6 6 12 x I C ITE ®rt (: c.�1c su 1-� 1 de S ; ,. r. It - 4�� t ;. 5;{ a v►au0J11' j .�7. �s. C7; !� -�o�i ! � :. ` f ` i'o c;. '/ a t' N o : ; ,i 3og %;i 3o77- 31.0.0 :5 I • xviot CJ4.vey /t 3_77 o i V�0.rd , m ool. strovta� c.alcl-ke, 314 � f ct. t,�, t 14 of ; ca 1 °t to kcko 1 i H, I � ('Ci _eI.D2 ly lot' jYCtY)' P1ag Cwt oSt kcto�i n.) b1��� D c.losely�rae.-Eure cmlay,so,-ie 3zo �e Pov' open, ravIhj I®046 CGS. o,2�1°Zt SUSITNA MAM-NUA209 GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet ___L 7 _ of _9. Date . Boring No ®R4 aZ Angle (from Horizontal)Ground Elevation f++- ® ® Rock Elevation i ! . �3 1�, . Feature �1 naL@y rt7 vn� �iurco h��•® Bearing .�Q___ Coordinates: N � Z7_ -7TB09_ ® Date Started Mex-v 1984 _ Overburden Thickness E 7430 4Z.5 Date Completed Z9—.MA.S,4 , 1984 Ground -Water Elevation 2­492- °6 171 Core Sizes H Q Total Depth Logged by W1I kin5a n,!-tangy � Graphic Log u n a c ® m ° c a C9 Classification and Physical Description (7 E Z e E Remarks ®W �_ 2 U. sesiz OC oo ® 2 ., zda y D o7Z 3Z5.®AL00_7I t 9daY re-tvr►1 _.aiErrxatmoslJ�ct�L_�. ►�c�re _�,- VClf30t° Sty®►'9� to 49t✓fP5011.rMe,4.A1hj is 3zZ �� � ✓.a 11PI t . 'I,- o r� kaollin °% �� PS cl o e dose'�- ) L ,,�4i469tQ_iz.':1-�E t, co►1`t..re h' , fn ,rat to- b��f- �! t ' rYt�f�f��X!{.fh) G�IC.'�cEp#Sh gray, p;t cq MI "or kcalfrt hbl, ; 0 y — G�tit,tte ; t l bJ ht: t d \\ �� past ope:oi 5t... rc+ua}h ; 16.30 ; 3 2$ � �� —._ _ _. Is �Z.�.;.3--�z ZL�JCT:cL►�tQ.C�._Y_�5:. o --------------- .fir rocks kpr7e0.r,�, Vj raci r►'l a h 5 \�� n GIcLt� CC4'�`!{ygqi5 •0.+�-1-✓�i;C 31Z k�i 10 .333.W tvar`LIGetIGi 2 V tNt tj to• a 338 ®_-r__ nu02l_o3 . __. 1-7 1ZA GEOLOG ', I LOGSheet � $ of a9 Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No 2 _ Z Angle (from Horizontal) (270 ® Ground Elevation Feature � r hou=� Bearing ® / 9 Rock Elevation 2 en 1 . Coordinates: N . S®�_ ® Date Started � M4V 1784 Overburden Thickness E 7 4 3!1 Z. Date Completed QL� 1 Ground -Water Elevation i o Core Sizes _ Total Depth 77 625 ® :-_ _— Logged by Graphic Log cp ® ? r Q ® Classification and Physical Description47 ® � Z c E Remarks U. 36992 CJ ac C) cc B C C �d �at�yl�ky+�r�` YL�a�/haraL``Ni• �--.- 340.0.-344, 0 itt° 347- \ 9�°eeh ,, °rayt,:P1•e.q, �': lCac llMp h d ch retv�n uaa.f�� , .40 e- \, t rr Su�'> Ghi t o✓'. � f '....: '� _ : � , � 44l.o Gcar'� r�rw��l ,F 00 ✓rt.L; ..y 34 °; p� . .c :..o W ol F k _ — $' V. G105e ( -gra, W eecCir;�fzcey, 3SC 0. + . k Z1d_1 weatiCj cameo-> x'yfh mil\ � `a�it;clQy�.�tlii��s, park opew� 3S4 75 \ �s dui � N Dr I I l i n' hahk dot - 4 ,/1 MAMMEBM99 Sheet i_jof3g Date Z6M,2. —184 —�!�_ �4 - Z An Boring No gle (from Horizontal) —��_�.__.— Ground Elevation _____ I-P Feature„g�✓r_ y+�� �nu • �r'� Bearing �dock Elevation Coordinates: N Date Started Lo Ma_y.¢ I 13�i Overburden Thickness _ E 7 Date Completed Zg M61-U 19B4 — Ground -Water Elevation_ . ,�+1 Core Sizes _-42 Total Depth ®_—:7 �. ® �-g Logged by Graphic Lag v c o ;° Z w �° t o m3 o. o Classification and Physical Description c7 E Z' Remarks U. 36912 °C Q U tJ C w ` wo c 360 �,� ° Ruin 74,Gam. 0a � l 01142 act a 1.6 3 r Z �� t rli ,`i Lda .gyp✓� 5 ,�Qb1 .42 j rl I 366 _-_ --- h�cYc{v V. h�rdi' StriiC7Yl i-iy�c°�__ N ;.. 4 370.3' 370 ��, ,t, _..' _ 3G9.��°_.- Z�°� 2.z_f�_+.�.KLT� ' -1^✓oak. 4 Nlgktti�t. �_ _ _ `% hQ r0L t o. �14LO, 4 , tt e* q ; +Meg. in1 _..----- v►� a®,375. � 37Z 37 374,6 V. V)owd, v, S`trort ; crrelvlar �----- 345 FISTIa�3�t �� se-a--e- {hvovc,).kov UVT 13 0375e2' 3a0,1' 376 s Retvr taa-'ree � . o a Ali / Sc 7 JOINTMAM,IRAS,09 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA Sheet - � 0 of -3-9_ Date Boring No � Angle (from Horizontal)®® Ground Elevation�iQ P�1��.�rr,y��—� rh�i� Bearing ®� ® Dock Elevation Feature �.-..�-�y-�- Coordinates: N Date Started L`��_ 'r g�4®� Overburden Thickness E Date Completed �� 1 9®4 _- Ground -Water Elevation 2-02 e �¢ Core Sizes I L4 Total Depth % 62 Logged by Graphic Log ea o .0 o Classification and Physical Description to ® ccZ E E Remarks m m 0 �° ®U. r° —d (a �3 a412 3Sa a ►T� 'cone ; -fresh; hic+�d:� D►oR ,, .. �\ ►i la.�, h bt,.•(-�o bi b�.wh�re tr1� �c.Y1►1 ` \ Vl� ®cl , L t � �: a t� W r ��1 r •- t .. i o yo y 0r/ 40 / /1 } , d -r- l 4i OR ST, 410. deep r SGcke5 ecol IY w/!<W4ir • w 1/ __ .. z3 ° 39Z \ \ OD / ,I,MEAVO GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet (.. of -�9._. Date 4 Boring No _-2H 9; 4 "Z Angle (from Horizontal) (62 _ Ground Elevation - Feature dr�Ywd �nJa rh�id& � Bearing 0/ Bock Elevation ! 1. Coordinatesa N . 3� Z . �04. O Date Started --_vim—_cam 84 Overburden Thickness _ E 7431, 9 4 Z Date Completed Zrg _:j,__ S4� [ Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes _H 0 _ Total Depth i Cn 5® a F _ Logged by ���►� �® Y1�E-ia , Graphic Log 2 c o ` �° c 0 a Classification and Physical Description o �' Remarks w _w 'J 2 x 3 6 9 12 x CA° 2 4oO D to 9, tire. wertl ' �re s h} heir -�0 F n �S,J 400,o' . 4® � r ,t v, O1 Z10 , . ;mod, c la5 2 -t� wtde�k.'✓a.C,, +_ 4 J)et.rPe *a bYE0.i! eure S' h. ) atl to lase kr �rregulQ✓ cartt;c�c.'t5, � .: _ M � a - .�° Z;gfrwtn , .Prrl( a s7 i `y'1=a -. _+Lat. _ - 4 5 a h e �2a�. ✓act ga' �` t— 4-hiri ca.icitle.-PiAlih%y we.lcied RunBZ, 4°to-a'-4rs;4 !J 020 - 4.1(0".7 .c. pa.�c�i 7e 1 to 4 �� e Oro It eh _ -- --- :Inn r ba.rr e t v . AZ(; o br�aEc �; ; M i ca✓� r; 408.7 4 /1, `7 -1:"ro.c, 75®' 9®° , c ep a ,: ch to✓o Anrinn fin DNA`.iCa®.e -7 1 -4 io1 GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet of flAwaigAs"C"'D Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ®� 8-� � Angle (from Horizontal) �D®® Ground Elevation 2J:2�� Boring No Feature I ln_e�e Coordinatesa I`t Fearing - ®/sj ® Rock (' Date Started ''td 1�984�� ®verburden -�--- r Elevation I I: �._��---C'hal� ..�� Thickness L ��®_ �t Elevation �� 67 9, E �. Date Completed I__MA Ground -Water by Core Sizes } i Total Depth % ® _ Logged Log Graphic a ® p® a % 0 0 Classification and physical Description E z E Remarks0 2 e o a 0 v ® .� e 36212 __. .... ;. D►4�ITE 'cort'�; ��e�h9ihaVa}°,�t',ra�r� a f �y,, 1'W , �9�4=�o<d�4ZS,F° ¢Zd r®° :: ✓¢ t�l, Ssk 5'�Q�t`h, h'u►�I eV �u� �iae i c, i $°e � _ .. ° at Z� ,.. i ,. �•�-SQ-�"�-`�iF-Nl�oe�f���:�;-�►i'i7'b"�fc�-4v... afo%ea Ga C.� �b v L �s• .t, oA H ®�P �Y P_ Qti_tq__. 7710 1 r , f 4Z 8 4Z8.5 heal aE-�'ra®o,• z.�e l� i°� aria _adnt 7SO- sop 4® ,; : a �'►�a.LS.'arl�l ct,¢.craa. �K 1�5, PV`i rot 43Z i - o o 34 _ _ — _— - - — _ _ -- N _fie _=.. ►.0, g PSG - - _ -. M pr 1 CD o 4.38 ® L440. a GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet --?�3 of flAW.-39 a ®ate ZC® '$4 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ®� ® Z Angle (from Horizontal)_® Ground Elevation Boring No a 4 _®.-__,_��4• Ft - Feature ra Vn �"`a"�r�f�� Bearing 0�19 Rook Elevation ____ ­Zia, o Coordinates N Date Started . raM�-��--� Overburden Thickness E % 3 9 42 Date Completed �� l�l �� , I� Ground -Water Elevation 2(, 6` 1 /& Core Sizes_®. Total Depth ! C��s ��� �— Logged by l �U°t ® Graphic Log w M ® ® .0 e ° ca c a w al o 'o ; ® oa u o w a Classification and Physical Description 0 E. 2 c E Remarks 02 W y u° 3 6 9 12 cc a tj tj K 4 ,�� -. Qtat tTE c4Kit ;- , 4! h, ha✓c j q� ' J 1 to`tulest _ ,�� .. ; : I.Y►'f?�jvi l✓.s. a(�ed... Ca C, a t((tvt9� G4�\_....to 76o- mod C0.!C�,tG.. ¢tri' PX .0 e,, }t .. . / -. . — rot 0 ' •. i ; to Qo5 �o �9Q .� C.aM t444"�5� C 4 t� i � . .. 444, 4 4 44G.3i. v�.�to5etq:.. F 4 -a41cl e 4K. Tj 90!�a, t M E 1 � o 44$ r E 0 _ 'cft:Lwi q+td?e.AkIc.itC.. 4so �1` _.._.. -��"lleL-t ;'r YbtK�l�f �1[�n�r yK�S; 4 0;��•4'55. .�5o�-�rh e►�g a . zy�� �k�ck j . ate `i g re eK - r. ¢oE'gfray �. Y o�P e i to ca.;lc.ite:, Run dt 1 Z pa5 OL.4A l,c1)haw( �� to - boleckic MAMAIMUC-0 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet... �k of Cate !.k Boring No ��4 ®_� Angle (from Horizontal) �®® ____ _. Ground Elevation Z ZZA Feature ri&�49r Bearing �q ®® Rock Elevation 2 a 1 ° ° Coordinates: N 3�Z'L-7 E3��_ ® Cate Started _>gv 117 84 Overburden Thickness E �-®_ Date Completed Z 9 M Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes __. _® Total Depth % Ca Logged by t✓Jt l �� �®����YI��Y1 Graphic Log = 0 ® ®® Classification and Physical Description c Remarks _r U. 36912 Qd x O ® e 4�0 , 910KITE 'eoh°t• reth :. a. i f�G ��C' %,/ r,ro, .. Fr .�,d..:. , hq�✓d 4- ad.l�tr�, a'. wteA td coaaYSer:,tt'{In° Fyn. gray a POW 464rd'sc® n'ra"kiow 3®4� o n!-P✓ajts I1'H p wN mo lZir c vs (9 4o t, 5 -4(a , 1/ /�.. p. - m G M Ls+ ( - i �i/ AGO,G a. et l C S�. "tQ ►+1pG�.. pj�LSt.�i � j.'S ��i.::. °_ j ~. - 46 r2 EN r+ct. • D,t' ..: - i OQ'c. 4°69 10 470 470,4-47t°3 _Ci-Ocr'te andcla� �,, atone ?d!'-PeO.e.. h�'s�t t t 9 r 4?7,7 _c.to. s ly: �ProLq c tic it,e; 4�4 � 4-,328 P52: GEOLOGICSheet - s of �9 C ® Date 9.�O SUSITNA JOINT VENTUPE Boring No !>9� Angie (from Horizontal) __—�__,�-.-__� ��ie� Fearing ® Ground Elevation Rock Elevation Feature Coordinates: N Cate Started �� Overburden Thickness E 7± T.����°S Cate Completed 2g �1(����4® Ground•WaterElevationz02_1 Logged by Core Sizes, _- _ Total Depth Graphic Log ea c ® � c o ® ®� o ® 6J 0 o CBassification and Physical Description G7 ® E Z c ? Remarks ® 9 v (/i U.0 1i = x 0 -= 3691248 - .0 to ` to ►meat K K` t i to°:-.3oE6o' 70° t � 1 t r. r"t i rat � q l/wf t /� 4 O - --1--.- -.__ �._..-_r_ -.-- .�.._•. — i N� M 490 Rum I® $400'95 p LP +qZ hea.teod ;.;P✓QCG0-tC-1 te,; G{C�L(t }/ga41 /t 496 MAMMIZASCO GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet of a. Date G wf SUSITNA JUNt VEfdTUPE Boring No _ 0 Angie (from Horizontal) k®®- — Ground Elevation Feature ¢v°�►roVYie� �sue�}i�3� Bearing 01 ® ®®,4 Coordinates: N Date Started .. !°°1 e� v j Rock Overburden Elevation fie? i 1 . Thickness _ 14,11 Ft E 743 9 4Z. Date Completed .Z9 MQU.,�_f � '� Ground c -Water Elevation Core Sizes � Total Depth i P®_ Logged by �1 �iY9 �® IN��ie�tlt4�ldl Graphic Log ® e ®® ® ® ® w C Classification and physical Description C9 Q E Remarks ®d = iL 3 ® 9 92 ga ® c® iA c e bo '. "rqy / ,►�!t b �o ..tip PY` � B .. k ,' .. \ i� i..-0 OL r0 e® G B La 1 c; t, E j °t °� �1-k ; 51 Y;t2.t l j •, ® l .. .. � 4 d 170 � t tea: 10 \; - {� y/y11 ® PSI Iry 0 N M ESAl JOINTSUSITNA Sheet ? . of : 9 Date J� Boring No �� 84:. Angle (from Horizontal)_ ®�_��____�,_.� Ground Elevation —_ _g4.'� �'t. Feature fnxvn1__ wrx --jp Bearing Rock Elevation Coordinates: N �2Z.� gQ�G�___ Date Started . (°���✓ 198� Overburden Thickness [ 4..-1 Ft E 7 4 3y 4Z. S Date Completed -��_.� Ground -Water Elevation_20 ti Core Sizes Total Depth _ Gs Q_ Logged by 1�l �U°9'S®Yt� Gt.Y9 �►� Graphic Log m 0 3 o G® Ie Classification and Physical Description Z S Remarks J _ ti 3 6 9 sz Ci. GJ X y c 520 �i� V10KITE co i't° fresh°v. 11a ►Qc.'•�._'° ar,trt-�"'� f7ril 019a/►��h yr�t� \, PIg.4,.h b I1b 1 0 o i W eat87�.�. � Q �\ tfi I cove a.x'ts, YI-sky 90° W/ $3a ® � , \ \ Sev�✓ai 'cvo5.5 �raL�S.(cr _- Y2 i:5 �r G �'a i<; �a Fc i ; - Q� n i 1 Z; 5304 -5; S.T \ 0 �36 Drtl rat2 o.z���t►h, � o — - �� -- --------------- -- -- -_.-. --- ---- ---- o , aA i. Nn Pwat.i-zh—t Z 7 _# %9 F'LaZo' GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet �. of 2 Date Boring No 2H i9 4 ` Z Angie (from Horizontal) �2 Ground Elevation - Feature 11 �s.rrnurs� � ' rh o Bearing 0 1.9 ® Rock Elevation __._Z:2A . i Coordinates, N ;�Q. Date Started a 1A®—�/ t 9� .— overburden Thickness E , 9 42. - Date Completed 29 M a��,, 1984 Ground -Water Elevation �ZI ° 6 ,% �' Core Sizes Total Depth Logged by 1�t] lV9 �seY_Yt act Yl� �►�% Graphic Log o o aw �� Q Classification anti Physical ®ascription Z Remarks ®® i 3 & 9 92 ® °1 ;=crt`t';resh�r V. h'k"di V. 'SV1Mp1'r`�COt . 'y2iR� ti ty 43 CID Q® t � 7—.._ t -555, t 5S7- u heecded. 4vkz-; cex ie.ite -- �/ o to / HAMMED ti 92919 GEOLOGIC LOG JOINTSUSITNA Sheet _29 _ of9 Date 7 ` Boring No �� 84 `-Z Angle (from Horizontal)___�2_Q.____-___ Ground Elevation �G2��•� r-• Feature '�®. V, ��ep�'9`r �_ Bearing ®.��. ®.._. _ Rock Elevation 2j: P f . 3 � , Coordinates: N �'% ® Date Started _�_._ _ ...f �_���_-.. Overburden Thickness ��.s�f E i 430 4Z, Date Completed Ground -Water Elevation 2-4(o �} • %i Core Sizes H g __ Total Depth . Logged by AkA 1�� Graphic Log o o �° a Classification and Physical Description c2 ®CM '� z E Remarks 0,2 ..e t 3 9 9 92 tJ &3 ® 0{ a C �tO.iZ lT caNIt; Pre ski; v. � ovd;°, X'vtNPar re ilav: n Rvn lt8 �59. r ®�'i�E ctaad� Nd t� u � t �f } ! 1 ro ugh `�a°' �°v► c . \: wiaY ralcie heat eel. '-�'rae k ' f k . . : � a✓2c>`5 0� 5l. eolor oHa�tgt , •Q°t r Zg,3<o9p5x i\ 5G1,7. 5ro ,0)1 . Color' C�Pgn P f ., . ?f...._ pi`f�ifcu�t tUAur! twp PsiLsh P2 4/ 36z:, 7 50 , 4 lt. c�✓¢¢„-.•.gray ! ; }lac{ tb ?creak _sro1 L_-: r�i,. F �,1.5 ��V r� i lroc Ec - II� i-fi rye 0, A 1-'l-. ,\ h atirc(; g�roH�j; w eld¢d e0Att«t5; &S —, ii f� 9v►� tZ Sio;q-1�.� ��� ea.te;lte ;fllhys; vp in. 57 �/� N -- - i priIt ratte 0•Z51,iir lo 58 0 \ nurss_5��__ 704 _.. 4•B r GEOLOGIC L Sheet 30 of.�9_ o sr ®� �%il Date Z 'a4 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No _ ® S4''Z Angle (from Horizontal) (coo Ground Elevation 2024��Z Feature 11r+d—�y�—+'—yp� �stl' Bearing 0,1190 Rock Elevation 2 M 1 B . Coordinates: N _�_ ���.��_ ® Date Started . . !� ._..� Overburden Thickness E--....�_�._ �'� Date Completed Z ...._®,.. Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes Total Depth Logged by 1e�4��CtY9�®��Y[��✓➢ Graphic Log e a m ® a ®� Q �, v ° Classification and Physical Description c7 cc ' Remarks v ` _ 66 X i W �^ J 36932 U $J ® G 171C'eiTe C.c�vtt, 'reth;"v. harAj.V. e!- -1 i 560,0'-S�I,r3' y . �- ®i �u !°t A011.1 , � strov►a� w►e x ry,1hL a" Qn , avcLw� — 58Z 1 f O �r�t + PI .i,<19'f�te�, a � s i 5-- ��...._..... a GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet. --ILL of Date f-1 _tA. SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No ---PH 84 - Z — Angle (from Horizontal)___®®.,... Ground Elevation Feature 11naklEMM111191 FM&ethW_-& Bearing Rock Elevation Coordinates: N _71Y22-77. Sind?- 0 Date Started j 2,8 Overburden Thickness E 74 3, 9 42, 5 Date Completed 12 Mo41934— Ground Water Elevation- _Z2�, Core Sizes Total Depth Logged by Graphic Log 0 0 o -4 02 Classification and Physical Description Z E Z Z E Remarks U. 3 6 9 12 x 0 00 .0 T fit� �,vresh Kow -tat -,04 V, An. rill 5 ij., Ir -vie lot' =Pi t a- 0A yv� I ILIA ICA ru / —3-55 V 15* Trx--Te i; 14 bs 60 1 (0 *dv.QgU! C,4.1 C.,1 t e cry sta.15 o p DGEOLOGIC LOG Sheet �� of __39 . Date. SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No ®� �_� Angle (from Horizon tal)�®® Ground Elevation® Feature (ind�v®+✓�Ys�es_ -� {��ru_�hnrto Bearing ® - 9 Rook Elevation Coordinates: N Date Started �� l�lci�r { g�� Overburden Thickness E 7 �¢� 4 Z Date Completed N1 v y p `3Q Ground -Water Elevation[° 1 BQ Core Sizes W Q Total Depth �� Logged by 5_Q.)9�E••%�l9 Graphic Log c a ea O 3 ® 2 o ® _® ® m _j Classification and Physical Description Z S Remarks "d 3B912 fj 0 00 1020 1 �/ Pip 4Z i i elate to wideiY: - ! ;sle.roug.h to 10"O'C Q i O i ---------------------------- $3,�4: bZ8 1 � �VA 30 _ 'Zr .._._ ✓e!5�%; v'. hovd s v. St✓Qw `� �\ _... ..._ • .. %__....�f ._. .13Z i \ Ga i — ° _ 5! , JOINTMMINNA211,09 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA Sheet _� -3 of 39_ Date Boring No 2H A 4 --Z Angle (from Horizontal)__(aQ' Ground Elevation =7-4.7- Ft. Feature �h�=rp ►rind i�iui�rhal Bearing O /? ® _ Rock Elevation __ Z® 1 9 • � 5 Coordinates: N Date Started C42 LA 984 Overburden Thickness 14-17 E 7 4 31, 9 4Z , s Date Completed Z-!!2 M ally 1 984 Ground -Water Elevation ZOZ 6 Ft. ? S Core Sizes H Q Total Depth 7 t�, 5 sp a __ Logged by W1 I in Graphic Log o 1u m 0 c a ® Classification and Physical Description c7 E Z m o Remarks 02 L_ -a N '' U. 36912 i3 x o v 640;�\ �DiC)CLI�� ��h;'t,-F'�!e��,;�.h•�✓aE,v<; � ii - Mo5e%{-fitra.t.y�Lhlor,, \� 4A.1C.ltekt, Cj 1�� 640.4 °s1f:�.ke�s�.d�s o� c��icite! o \ Pr e S. . - .5,t M 0 .6048 660 137, { 50- : 65 , Pet I)i ra_te 0.35/M A 54 ��, heal ed-�✓�cc.'s. �55..a - Co5<o•5 7nG:�i�.ta�►5 04 D�� i l rate �`% t 45 , +11 0 o..:..A u— D1.IQL.7ce._ee 71 -4 kdq SUSITN.A JOINT VENTURE Boring No 8 4 `Z Angie (from Horizontal) ra®® Ground Elevation����• �'�-- Feature �l n�erBearing ® Rock Elevation Coordinates. N 7 Ako _ O Date Started 1��� l 984 Overburden Thickness E Date Completed 2Q �ad.`(�_i �% Ground -Water Elevation �®2-I ,6 l-1 Core Sizes +sZ Total Depth "7 - Logged by Wt I k am g:i'b�►�i Graphic Log � ® o E a ' ® o Classification and physical Description c7 Z E Remarks s e 9 92so y- �° 4/1e4.e:r / `tt4jitt; St...ro qh.; ®310"1sic : . IZ l:. .. 4 j G 4- f i/� `'� . ; " : 'r2 h���e� �'✓at,`e.Ss '4'4kC1 �®:d � k _:. ::: :::.. ... . r 70 s. I...... - - ` -- --- � ' Vrt ii raE a o,ll`/�wt°rt. `/\ G�71 ,4 -67►.9 'me- t® coarse ' I I � b_ zo 67¢ " :!0'744 ter; A redaILI - browh stajH ;-tx. k4ati } C Ise heale:at w�ate:ri:at as.: have �G��._ „t 5Z° 678, 7 c GEOLOGIC L Sheet S of a9 Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No �H 8 "2 Angie (from Horizontal). —gip Ground Elevation 2 O�Qo. Feature 11gd Y r,9yrid P00wfnccFl� Bearing ®�� ® _-- Flock Elevation Coordinates: N 3., ZZ7TB09_ ® Date Started _ Mc>` 1984 Overburden Thickness 14.'tFt A E 7 4 84 9 e}Z. *a Date Completed 2. v , i �A - Ground -Water Elevation 1C4`' Core Sizes f'°) Q Total Depth % Ca .,��,f!_m® Logged by G/t ku� SO H�1-IGLYt�2n® Graphic Log ®m 01 ® 0 am o Classification and Physical Description CL -a N 36912 es v.VA , i 1M P—.4t.P t....,. I _ . - 440 4 GF'._ , ' /\ 648 98,n. Oa.ro A4 d4i5 ate Po✓ ktwV, ,� B trre� vlctr? w e Ides �o►�fa.�t'� � ; . S S n Ise 0 en IV Remarks o : 0 t v r Borino No. DHfl4.2Sheet 35-- of _31 JOINTRAW a OWN GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA Sheet 3 G , of 9_ Date 'Z8 4 Boring No _ Angle (from Horizontal) (d®� Ground Elevation �.��4•0� ��. Feature Bearing o Rock Elevation Coordinates. NDate Started ro M42.y 1284 Overburden Thickness l4.. E 19 4_Z_5 Date Completed Z9 M TI O 98� _ Ground -Water Elevation ZD Z rr, Core Sizes F1 Q Total Depth % ® Logged by Graphic Log ® ® ® c a a Classification and Physical Description (5 ® ® LC E Z z Z a E Remarks ®® t%I0Tikt.TiE ea.h'' ° 4Ye.5 ��% �G�a,®': 7G�a U p rt-04mv alote- iip-�moot.-, C.40S:Of 70 6f - P +rt i . l.... + . • /} te e:ea. Y I o , ! It , Siz9Z; Psi Ir 708 et�t spk�r5:c,{� s co. ior'.eat , nv�ae.tan. o t Ye 1 _ i I / 71 D .1 -� i l 713 IT, 1� j.hclv5;ionsi•Pre sk-° k'1VC4 vorl.�; 41ne:.K, 1:►t• vwratc5;:l r Q o � 1✓a HAMMEAM09 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet. ?_. of 3F Date z9 Boring No PHS4®Z Angle (from Horizontal) l®�� - --- Ground Elevation Feature �l„elgrTrt�y>1� �i��rw}tr9Lrr® Bearing _. ®L_�._® _� �. __ Rock Elevation 2® 3 �! 1 I o.� -t Coordinates: N 3�Z'L'7 804 io Date Started ("icz� 9���_. Overburden Thickness-_1�-t_L E Z 4 30 Date Completed M B.ts , 1984 .,.e. Ground -Water 1Ellevation,. � 2 � 6 Core Sizes fiQ Total DepthLogged by W41�4r1e-Q�����Y4 Graphic Log e �r � ® o a ® E c a� 0 ° ® ® 7 �° Classification and Physical Description ci z a Remarks W ;C ae ae H � 36993 1'1'ei c.onit ° -� 7zo i , iYask�"V.h d A ►51.,.7;ZQa--7 st�ra met i o .�Z4 •`,� 87 ' ,70 LSD °,:�D°� cs 0; 3,t�.... r .. . 4 F i ILA 74 30 �i �730, 5.7: 7 3 S fsE, c#1'5cc iordtt'i OPT of ' Drt 11. r-tc o•Z3' fAiVt. s St ;► in•�r.aa.�s�. •t:� __ca�tcrEe inol'vsto�ns ` �vnc.-t�oN°. Pulled 7 Z %i ' : i ...: ;. E .... rods, ✓ec ��e+�e� rod , A the 'run 7 .`V E G r ems. - �15'�r �2►� 2'� --. ;__ :�05' 3 ►htYh: ,. #_� block - Dove t�2� �34 i�i .: �'✓o:rt �nheY tube t ed ei h. : } L 3 -74U \� Rarina Ne_ 7M4®4>2Shaat 37 of 39 GEOLOGIC LOG, SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet? of Date. Boring No PH 934 e 2 ,angle (trom horizontal) �2 Ground Elevation Feature -llnaLerj�-yn filat�CLF� Bearing Flock Elevation Coordinates: N % moo® Date Started u Y m.��_4-_..�. Overburden Thickness e �.`t Ft E 3Date Completed M A9 4 i 9��� Ground -dater Elevation 2-0 2-11 6 F'�' -7194 Core Sizes H Q Total Depth % Ca 62. Q 5:11® Logged by Graphic Log C C ® W ® i az c cm = d Classification and Physical Description e7 E Remarks _ U. 3 • la 92 U t3 0 C \>✓ r ha'..sul rde�t. ✓ei''iZ or l . e-hlQ . t t OFF rQ t�.a 'tCCI. 5.4.. ai+..... a 1Aan IJ I¢ ..I' .aJ.. ..q i ass / d s. 'grrf' Ie :)lt. > ' e.i ICite r . si4. PIE I \ i case, GYushad Z o -- _ — o ...,And. 5 t=t el Poe P K ej! 75 :he4Lf'eV(! p'o.oj?eK caictte 04;)i 4 � D t i5�o \ �", ; . E . �ittt:h -,� �lod;,._Q tera.-��a►+i .Qa�ch, :. .. 768 : 7S41101� rn 0c(. alto✓ed, s V a hAY4 o;��wP `Q rtlDh T_�u4G Sd \ d 9'. ® 1did HAWaSUCO GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet _31 of -9 Date 2 Boring No ®H 8 4 a Angle (from Horizontal).—__�P-0 - — Ground Elevation Feature �f rt�Q�A✓t3 �+�� r � Bearing ®/ 17® Rock Elevation ____ 2 42 1 Coordinates: N Z-7809. D _._._._ Date Started . ra Mg.v Overburden Thickness F J' E _ 7 4 �,0 9 '� Date Completed Z9 Ground -Water Elevation 2® zl` 't`11 5� Core Sizes Total Depth _ - Logged by 1.�%9 iCtY13o Yl/1�d � YS Graphic Log m *e a ® ® v w Classification and Physical Description 8 ec- z Remarks t v ae x O B tTE str N Q Vttiputvod5, • t® r � .wi eon rv�r h. t rp to", q ...... ► . _ 1 r ..... .. - F t ' 4 r d�eeP r : . �... I i I .. 1. .. ,. . :_.... _... .. t i r I - f i ! i . ��I> � 4 , j'p 4', GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet __L__of 7 1 (, lJ Date Ze Aey I SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No ._—_ DH84 - Feature Ur 5 V^ rZ�Sd t, /-Nrecz Coordinates: N 3, ZZ7, ZI0p7__ E 74Z.;971. Co Core Sizes N Q Angle (from Horizontal) Bearing O� Date Started Date Completed Total Depth Ground Elevation Ei Rock Elevation Overburden Thickness � Ground -Water Elevation.__ L 6 Logged by��1�/ Graphic Log c, o c o ® d o ` _j _ C m > Classification and Physical Description a c C3 c7 E Z c m E Remarks ® W w 3 6 9 12 ®e a� U x Co v c %l '258—C—C4; H(a� C E SPUC ,ng r►r ZZ-1t 0.7 - 1.7 �1 L`T`, 5c-E'�' w4 5h"l4wC4V 55 1nr5l I�� joy- 3,` 0;�G5;I-,�'!bYo's= sue/ r'o0t:74,,:�Zati de°rt< t7r04,vrl i 3.5- 4a- _ ayrc�nodiori�` a�;�► zr1-��5t'te)-�'r`Si�, 9ranocl!art'L':. Kj�" Jurldeci ;tlty sc „rd ,r, rubro( to subamJle, lo+e u4i .r, Nlgh shnn� 4/L�l rrj MJ c.nurs` >7r®uln k O m -'?Z<Z aLJA?,t'E ✓[0Z17'C in Praci, tv SaV<tee_ u.Ie�y�, �rvrQU qe 'v /� °�nQs �r1 de�;:ty w��-there�l-�rac�ures rnocj. Stro,�; , rre's), Or, gre,A to �; reed i sh brown o �,, `i� 13,E Ciasei'✓2L -� J=e l✓'Ih?' ?fir'` n d > atom to opens®uc Y'j45®-goo o 14 /�I / 5gnc1Y' Fe 5"''tiat>^Pd �'r�cfvf'es �' i Qul 7, 170 ZL ice ta��`as 1 O Q _ _ nLQi7_2 cL 1 .-1 -7 Jul col,' GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet of Date Boring No 17 H $4 �_a Angle (from Horizontal) 4o ®® Ground Elevation _L6_�� e _ Feature V/.S p®awn e,&--. Bearing `� _ �. Rock Elevation -_ J Coordinates: N '��ZZiy Z!Q_�.__� Date Started Za Ao.Pr+ 1. Overburden Thickness -_8. 5 Er X E ,_„6��Z�9% I �® ®ate Completed I May , 1 J®- Ground -Water Elevation /481, t,1194 Core Sizes Total Depth _ 13 Za F� Logged by . Wr-in1,11L 12tgv Graphic Log es M ® e o c m Classification and Physical ®ascription e7 Z E Remarks o -� _ U. 36912 ac x w b \\ QUAIXTEcoret,$IY..i1arnod:. Ran . Za'� .Dt'QIRlTEc to tr-edd�t5�h a I�at��i �E:'5�.Ctir1l:rt. eb�,r5 V 5 I lr,�Pe nScros.^1 3 - ... ✓ _ _. 3 _ ... _..._.. - _ 1 - ..... : ,F'no a41.: xlw c),✓..0-y a-_sta;K7` ._. E3r1 t :rate D,17`lM�9.. : ` ccPoMr 'r�i ¢, 't t9:ht to pout; `open, _�h. r7ad`r_s c� h.�o':.W° °.7flo A a SI,..LVa.''r retl�rn i �.. Run f f 3C.1'-34mS" :. Drill rote 048 i m.erl. \, 35.7 d 36.'I c4. 'ILL Qtt o► r� �s _ an wit . , m _ ...---_ o O ream out hold 3 44'- 4s 71 _... YSYRDA— .�,� :. , i : ` ' ' :. _V : _. NO I.LJGtt� K..C'Et.IJt°►1' LAQ GEOLOGIC SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet Date Boring No ®H 84.-3 Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation 15 ® 3, 3 Ph Feature .__2L rtat Bearing ®2- S ®--------.-.----_-___ Rock Elevation _ 1 4 `9 4 . Er Coordinates: N 3,-,ZZ7,? ! ®• Date Started --_� rl1,y_� �- Overburden Thickness F?® _ E 74Z 971 - _ Date Completed 1-- ..L� 4�_-____ Ground -Water Elevation 4 i e. Core Sizes ... �. —, Total Depth Lagged by 1,Jrig►xt / L'u,„-kcL - Graphic Log - c o a. w ® 3 ® = w �° Classification and Physical Description t a `� ® a Ec a Z m E Remarks .. J i 3 6 9 12 a c QUART Z D tC R 11?L, 19 5 ' agiri OYi 5r�t�td.: t W. d ;.. 0% 0 h! f 6.e cal m _ _ / { / �. _! + -. 1 t 4$:5.' .� i F _- i ._ �✓ / aye — ,, wxffi,rbg�►t,::: �, 1 r 0 d j e ... ....:... orl wh r it! -'gr4� 3.: L 1p'1a trla�'1G5 0 x shame—ed;L hole: reamed ;rom01 e e,d\ , r ... r i ;,Gt5I n bottom to S4, Run 17, 4 7 e- 59 �` \ \ _ - --- -._ r _._ - - - .. - z 1 5 fr _j_ . i /\ fir, Q .... . ...... ; ... pro ii eir? . ci I ar 11tv_.._. en w1 t . p. e X 1 n ,;rew pulled ovt Zit raci to' ..��1 . c�reSnygra - �oo! _ Run 1 59:w - <,4,3 ra �c to90 ma�;cs o` a,�D Q�c GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet�__ot_� Date 30T_L'54 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No — Feature -_L/.S. Portals Coordinates: N __ZZ 10, 7 — E� 74Z�97i•� -- Core Sizes Angle (from Horizontal)__jc0 Bearing Date Started Date Completed Total Depth Ground Elevation Flock Elevation Overburden Thickness__ Ground -Water Elevation i /. Logged by —WYi a t tj rr kg t c „ Graphic Log o a ® Classification and Physical Description 0 � � E z 5 E Remarks ® ae v o J LY 3 6 9 12 1® /� y 7 p�—p { 1 r� a� ^gyp / �.% UAR Z f 10 I I Ey ��.s'�H�``, Fyn c%y, V. l°�1 rG°y 1 ���(1 �3 y Cs :S r`-i... V.S'trort':�,4,1rem7Y12d,.xin>Zo /ems ,,— 1rQN'cl rY10�.CiOse -�'PcruG.ySlp. r=r2 S�.6csn O/t some jt5.1sorle 3 ' h e4 red w/ Fe -cAdl®e- cQ1c1te-, 9ener'xlPy tight, 6� Some 'pen, 51. rough, �D�a��Cao' 4 ,orr.-r,+,ar, bVt \� D Coi,3 Lce/c, X 5NaCl119 IS .uIti cl�?ht1,, wide \ id \sl /1 71 i\ 11r.¢ 'CCrt9 �t, qra=/, C• IJ7', »°:�� C;,� � 7Z,o-77.8 Q �ioht , 5i. rovyh, 75 'R.Un Z19 74.7'- o TL ,Z96 PST 7�ro,77%ado tiro +a bre'� wn 78 /\� � to I<CIO 11n � o ✓ J 0 Cil 80 / �'_ a Il (� GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet__ 5 of-1 JJ' l ►►�` pA— JSC Date_3o ApfA —4 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No — 0 H 8 4- — Feature l7/S Pcr-tAls Aroma Coordinates: NZZ7�Z10.__._ E_-74Z,971.to _ Core Sizes Angle (from Horizontal) Bearing 0 Z S Date Started . ZB A.pri (, 113A4 Date Completed Total Depth Ground Elevation Rock Elevation _ 1 4° Overburden Thickness q-gc,gi Ground -Water Elevation /4- Logged by 1P1✓_air IkA Graphic Log es s m IM m ® 7 w c a ®E 3 a� O, t0 O o c, Classification and Physical Description c7 a Z E Remarks ® W L_ .J N 36912 � C-) De X m a 80 t �� O s�..alnin� on sorn� j+�s �ncl-tr�c5, o 35® 700, 17c5 , 0.7G,O' a ✓� X HaJ -to b✓eaIc o�� 1 85,4 - 87,9 S1 •J 44Ae dome S onr?r tt. sr, a- c� �.r � s, a .� �. y p � S � Na ��Jater` rztjrri u �losety fr G, 0pa!n,5 o rred, RV Z4,e9.�-93,�3 o T�, z7,700 FS 97- 1 94- Fir p�ffeat and r�� o ShcZrneol �/\ \ Ron 2�0 9w 1 j1 � � _ C0.ULn� p dart?ally 9Co,9 Gore to GrOW4 2"0( )oent, Ghlor;tC CrfJna,7te ; lost a-s' YnlA6rOl�i��1•tOs'1 9$�- i� /00 es G KI 0�ASM GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet _ of 7 Date. OI ®)l_ Boring No D q 8 4 - 3 Angle (from Horizontal) �o®® Ground Elevation 1 ! ®3 , �s - Feature 24 5 F_6, tct —A e4 Bearing ° � Rook Elevation .._.___.J_4a4 ,8_ Coordinates: N 42Z :? -, Z tO Date Started ,� I 1 a 1 °/®� _ Overburden Thickness a. 5 E-74Z'97) ..6 Date Completed I Maw 199+ — Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes i { Q Total Depth I (= Logged by ✓ io9 h t / >Zy Y Graphic Log w u Classification and physical Description ve 39912 ' e a C9 Remarks CC Cr x 2 v 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 �- 7 5-Art day 5�1ft 5/1/84 Run P ro.o`-irzsj R,n clewned 4 sharpened be�are, p-ort 3Cr =03' cave below e�asing in xurl 3 KT MA a Q o GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet -7 of_% MADate I I !a!!tT 84 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Feature pl 1'ortct� Area Coordinates: N __3. 7s ZI ®•-7 E 74Z,971.G Core Sizes H Q Angle (from Horizontal) Co---- Bearing- Date Started 9 a 4 Date Completed __MaN 1964 Total Depth — 13Z. Z Et. Ground Elevation _ 15 ®3.�5 _ Rock Elevation 4_0) F_T___ Overburden Thickness _�. 5 Ground -Water Elevation _14 ? I o 6 t 4' Logged by Graphic Log es o d a Z is ® « w 0 e ® n is Classification and Physical Description a ® 2 Q 0 4� E 3 Z `c 0 E Remarks 0.2 r G r _ 3 6 9 12 cc x m w e Z'�, Rug 2� t19,�'- t 74,9' / 1 _ re Drill nxt ea V. wide bras, he'lled speeds W/ /ems tale - it e -i l l m,) :Crld� t�-aers 0� -FrctC , �o '0.0 S, 0 O ryy e m Dr,fl r�� IZ-7o?.`` (1 j it eo-gg fact cafC }� e.. 4',ac urp,. ��.®..__ .... .. RUr ;i 0 r i 1. 7 77a �t O_ X �UII�� YO�S 2Pd '17 L- = 1-t �Z, z, FT. 13 _ _ i °- ° wEM ISc 0 SOIL BORING LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet --I— of Date L- -_ Boring No D H 84 - 4 Angie (from Horizontal) �?® Ground Elevation Feature "Ems" 90uerk 5•t✓&­w' Bearing C) SOO � Rock Elevation Coordinates: N 3 t ZZ9� Z3 S. 1 Date Started 4 Maw Total Depth E ® 7 4 15r 81 3 . Date Completed Ground -Water Elevation Z/ V1 % Logged by Wei qht ujeo. Boring No. pj� —S4-4-Sheet .®gym of IQ C BORINGSOIL JOINTSUSITNA Sheet of -!-Q Date _ Boring No Di4 84- ` A Angle (from Horizontal)_- �`-9® Ground Elevation 'ZL6nL 1 . Feature "Ems" 2owrts+rca-K, Bearing 00 Book Elevation ZG���•Ccv _��� Coordinates: N Date Started 4 naa f 11)134 Total Depth 3 17 a ® t E 7 + S+ 5 • al 3e 6+ Date Completed 1 N! a. � 1 !2 Ground -Water Elevation �L Loaced by _1e1 if aht % F. u r ka, I mm®w �� C� va M MM MMM MMM . t�-_I_ `t j �. �r . W 1 - t .J ...a: + .. r.".... ..{ ..._I . ._1 .... Soil Description t j 7 7- I , I, < I 1 -- ; Remarks 1. 1. : n 6, a _ IL�°*_7j. oa t- CAS sta.h'� :Ke�,d Ct V 4t . 1 I I Boring No. p�.4•Sheet of � 1,LOMPMORE0,160A,li ff M, • r . R Sheet ___+_ of C Date + tl C&4' 6 Boring No Feature Fl+�s" Dowri$-�wcx�c Coordinates: N, Z 2.92.9�2 3 S o B E Logged by Angle (from Horizontal) SS® Bearing 0600 Date Started Af Ma.4 19 54 Date Completed i 3 i�0.�} t �1 �� Ground Elevation Took Elevation Z 0•C�_� Total. Depth 3 -7 8, ® -L- Ground•Water Elevation 2% Boring No. t?H�-4•Sheet __A_ of zc7 Ix R).� Z/PA- S�,AA� J.J SOIL BORING LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet._of_� Date Boring No DN 84 Angle (from Horizontal) 5�® _ Ground Elevation _ Feature Bearing Off®° Rock Elevation��Se�_... Coordinates: N 3 , Z Z 9.2 3 5 . I _ _ Date Started '�^ a �/ 9 [3� Total Depth 3-7 B. ® F E 115 - 81 3 , Date Completed 13 M 0_'1 I Ground -Water Elevation__ 12�11 Ftll/-M' Logged by ✓ '� Q u r icG�. �® �. o m� f a�i o Za a 6T cP �.. U i° o y` a o 2 a ® Soil Description c 0 � Remarks W QeU _ C E m O m G J m CCiE fn $V t� '\92 i S d G. OAt W5 ; Gt , t aY0 ML Cl a.,)�LT� vkam. se.t st4. soty✓atrece sufa- rou,Idac{to j�o►, �si go-_ - a A 9 U Pi 0 r.�rs4e M4.K. 1'' _- latv.pl�c3'tit�i�y' jvk4 0 Saw�e � � sar►tj�f�. 92.-3 9z.4 Gt 4.0' t7 Run N i?i°�� 01040,4.. qq Ctaoey Savtc(, tricrc-=LSe tW gyr Ve.l• �lq�'° 1 St qe�r drt l 9Yave4 less t�,a�t sub-✓0vmde� reverse wader ;6r. o�' ®°a✓f'e 4"0- j it iPo1F5A, Gt 1.7t ; so. 9 / !e S— 8. — _ iZun 19 qB.Q-to3. DV-1 wash C.t 98.a e 1 a 3.a' o Boring No. 2�A e4_4-Sheet _ ; of *L 2 MT ai ? - a . o,' ; ,�, J SOIL BORING LOG Sheet __.(a . of Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No 2H 84 Feature Ft.1 5' ` Dowd st ✓ca wv Coordinates: N 3 } ZZ9 23 S. I E ?415.81 3,�® Logged by i.J ✓i Q Q u r k41 Angle (from Horizontal) Bearing 0S00 Date Started 4- May i 9 E34 Date Completed i Ground Elevation Rock Elevation Total Depth Ground -Water Elevation _,� Z _ 4' c �.2 n o o.. Fo 3 oo as a E ^ e m Z o. m1 0.� c r 3— Uo 6 ® M> o t- Ca 0 Soil Description c d E Remarks ®� w � am c n t ; ? a. _j N cn r c i®a CIA ey ��►1dy S;1LT, rt� oterVSet f�vri I9, C�oAt. Set.`- . S,2 b.® r® u:w.del ® loz �t Oe_C.. C®bbI Vie; 41"il e -t6 C_®0-f'� o' Z,, -- k a w P-t ± � -f t y ;`, I -rer y.� f �_t_t t Rao 2� 1i0>a; i Caw �t�� h gad. 104 �t _.. .._.__ 40 1_QsGe ®...®iA.a 0 W45401 A "°`�;QA�Jr�e 7 i i Ho C4: 0.4' IIZ kgel evi' __ Ryw Z2- 1110 l t t, II¢ 2Z I I Co wk Pe gra:vei_, _spa b -'Y auncbea tc- aYl C)VI��; I - T®P OF tic®.9 Fto f1$ i C.OEOL®G IC L C>Ci Lzo Boring No. 24�_64-4Sheet Co of L0 AfAMIA a, EMASC,01 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet—] of -L Date :5 mo_1 a4- 1 Boring No P H !4!—Angle (from Horizontal)__!�;J� Ground Elevation Feature 51 Y1 Pa w wS rea wl Bearing �C� Rock Elevation Coordinates: N 3 ;L 7 Z 36, 1 s Date Started 4 M 0.4 4 Overburden Thickness E :Z Date Completed 19 Ground Water Elevation .2-12-11 7 — Core Sizes HQ ....... Total Depth Logged by Boring No. 2A,2" Sheet of 2! 0 C]AMEa�Eo11 C9 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSlTNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet --a— of Z e Date :5 McAy o E3- Boring No 2 H 84 m 4 Angle (from Horizontal) f25 � Ground Elevation Feature LEMZ.L ®oa�rrs�rco- Bearing ��®® Rock Elevation —Z® _- 1- 3 Coordinates: N Z 2-`�i Date Started . ¢ M av � 9 Overburden Thickness l I Co. 9 F A--. E ..! 5�,�t (� o� Date Completed I.OL,{y 9m�� Ground -Water Elevation l 2� ®} ��° %f4' Core Sizes 4'L� Total Depth 3��. ® Logged by h� Y u r ka Boring No. Sheet ___a— of -, GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet _3__, of Z Date Boring No PEI 84 - 4- Angle (from Horizontal) 55� Ground Elevation �_i_� I .,+ Feature oB�t��,. Do+uireawt Bearing O SC%® Rook Elevation Z�_•Co Ft" Coordinates N �Z'3Date Started m xv (9g4 Overburden Thickness _ l i E Date Completed 1 3 Mct Ground -Water Elevation 2 �F- Core Sizes 4-i Q Total Depth 3 i 8. O Logged by _ 1A rikt /.� u r k_a. Boring No. P14S4 Sheet 9 of Zo 'AMM d13 .0 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet j_0 of Date _4_t'Ao E34_ Boring No Angle (from Horizon Ground Elevation Feature ®_e tBearing 0 5(= Rock Elevation Coordinates: N Date Started 4- ®- 09 Overburden Thickness 7 FL, V4- E --- �(22� Date Completed Ground -Water Elevation, 2 12- '71 Core Sizes 44 Q Total Depth Logged by _Wriaht / auv- kes- Z Boring No. P42A Sheet 10 of ZO GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet of HAIM 9 Ed Eng D ate SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No 12H 84- 4- Angle (from Ground Elevation —7-j-450. Feature "5ioz" Pow _20-15--42- 0 — Bearing Rock Elevation Coordinates: N 7-91, Date Started overburden Thickness i 60 E I 3.co- Date Completed Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes H Q Total Depth ___3 2_8,C�_ Logged by Wv-takt U y- k,2!. Boring No. 21494 Sheet-JI—of Zo MM--g-RAMOS GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet._L4L ot__Ze2 Date-7 t,1� 4- Boring No Angle (from Horizontal) ���3 ® Ground Elevation 9 Feature 5, 6 sa. 17*w n 5t r e*,jM Bearing o t5 -- Rock Elevation Coordinates: N :3,Z Zvi Z 3 ea. f Date Started 4 M 4w 4 Overburden Thickness t I 4 E -7 4 S L3. <a Date Completed 1'3 M 01-w. Ground -water Elevation_ Z Core Sizes N — — Total Depth Logged by Boring No. _2AjB44Sheet Is of Z GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet 13 of Zo Date B May t8¢ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No PH 84. - 4- Angle (from Horizontal) �� o—_ Ground Elevation Z_(_Co t Fit Feature ��F,hs„ Downstweaw� Bearing CJSeno- _ Rock Elevation ZU4:S•Co F Coordinates: N t Date Started �_4- McLv 15_cs4— Overburden Thickness i I ro.9 E Date Completed 13 N1 c�� t 9� �`% Ground -Water Elevation a 1 Z 1 1 Et', 7� r4 Core Sizes is G2 Total Depth 3 7 S, C3 Logged by W el ht / iZ u if kc+. Graphic Log c m a� o IM m a u J oc Classification and Physical Description .m t v _r u_ J H 369 92 AL-t` . 9t:otT . Cdf1. � . tt et , eirls 66 t 9 chi ir2Z ..3,t✓ ak'} �d'� �;cy,t�f i.K,4k !.:w its: 11 �. 0 y :.: las. 4 `/` o 225'Z.:7_".:sd. - o Y -Eerebt 2z8 ` _�• SQ r+t adC '.....h�Lrd�../ek; �ta -rh at. fir l:p ehk :✓cf-i� s'�l� bf, I '2Z? �T :-�:,r�sr1; �hQr.. � .St�bhyr ►�e�; },1, c rit,y- c �gi2i rac, c�.�ci'�ei 234 f ' . I s 4 I: ' ` ' - : I ; : 238, � - .Z 4/.8 51-. t� �oG[.. a�'e✓+Qd ;, ii o - `; `3iT t `ri'3tGCE 0 q R Z---Sd:�l i ,n= I✓e�21�:. C`h2i14 wlnc e: ; . Zoo % 70 . I FA ., t N � M 0 0 Remarks Boring No. 2HB4.4Sheet 13-_-of MIA °-�1'' mEnTa S—, r GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE sheet!, ot._ Boring No 2 H S¢ — 4- Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Ground Elevation -_+ Feature L5=AL Dou�rf 5't w¢av►� Bearing C3 5 (=� ® - - Rock Elevation Z 0��� Coordinates: N 3;1 Date Started 4- m a f 9 g Overburden Thickness Y 1 C� . 9 ♦m a E % Date Completed 1 3 M0.y� Ground Water Elevation �� Eq'1�$` Core Sizes _ Total Depth 3 i S, ® Logged by ri o h^ t a]�� Ms"E" !' '(2GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet_J_�__ of Z o Date 6 M aL w t E34- Boring No P H 84- - 4" Angle (from Horizontal)__! ® Ground Elevation Z. 16. 1.��t� Feature ""mitt" Downs`-rea.wt Bearing O5o® Rock Elevation 7-OG5.0Ft Coordinates: N 3XZ9T 35, 1 Date Started 4 Mav . 11784 — Overburden Thickness I 152 4 E i 4 S, S 1 3.co r Date Completed Ground -Water Elevation 212- r 94 Core Sizes H ci Total Depth 3 % B O Logged by A r_Q bit / fZ u ka Boring No. DHS4.4Sheet ) 5 _. of _-Z,2— ; ° I a j�'D ©,:'a>, ;� GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet � 4w of 7- Date .-S M a_v 104- SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring NoDH 84 — 4 Angle (from Horizontal)_ 55° Ground Elevation Feature Bearing ® 5o12 Rock Elevation Coordinates: N 3,;L 7-9l Z 3 4 a d Date Started 4° M av 1194 Overburden Thickness _ 1 E 7 45, Date Completed 13 Ma•s . (9 �4 Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes Total Depth 7 Bo ® Logged by W Yiq kt I// fZ u r ka, Graphic Log c c ® L a� ® .® ® ,�', ® Classification and Physical Description ca cc Remarks ua _�S ue a ¢ x - Y) 3 6 9. 12 C J 0 ro .• ®I t t 5 4 a. , 6L. g ay 12ut7 _ 296 4. R Q ,:, 5 t o11 .o. ; lam' • l 29 O ' 1 2..G. + o e r 3Sr `fi �Ct{�� o i - 4 z 90 L ; CLP Ik e, ,-6 c,.:. _ 0: -4, 4C y lvt rah v r , ct'< ;- ` L__ �___ -; -77 4L I ! GCRct�Gt1+1 aY�l��l'�� r I _ r f 1 I o �_1:11111 44, — i / em aaC. Q — -464 Boring No. DN 84 Sheet �¢.___--of _7.0 ArJa I,a 42,200 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet 7 of "-,-, Date 9 MA_ ' 84- _ F t Boring NoDEi 8A ®4 Angle (from Horizantal).__!�?__ , Ground Elevation.__®___L-42f ��_• _ �_.� Feature 5jr+_,%®D®wns"_re4zrm Bearing 0t5 c,®_ Rock Elevation Coordinates: N 3 9�Z r-,. 1 Date Started overburden Thickness 1 i A. E -7 4 50 5; 1 3 .92 Date Completed g°4. Ground -Water Elevation? 17, Core Sizes H._ t. Total Depth 3 i B ® Logged by ICI )f+ o kt / Qu r ka. Boring No. PHIM Sheet 1 '7_, of _Z AA alMI C GEOLOGIC LOG SUSfTN,A JOINT VENTURE Sheet._,.-& of _Z® Date : I_A_a_� 9. Boring No � PH 84. ®4- Angle (from Horizontal) ��� Ground Elevation Feature®ocvhS+LweQm Bearing ®50® Rock Elevation 2®�9 o� Coordinates: N 3 Date Started 4- r4 aw Overburden Thickness 1 t Ce.9 i°'..� E -7 4 Pj i 319 Date Completed . e _�y�_t 9 Ground -Water Elevation 2-/ 11:: 171?4- Core Sizes isC� __ ._. Total Depth :7Ae ® Logged by _Ul�ht /u r k46 Graphic Log �, o o Classification and Physical Description c� ® ®c z � E Remarks ^� U. 3 6 9 92 : a; N ::.. ►gib ,:.N .1 �t4q, t{,t 3; A ci .v °lrea. �.tt: 410.5 ejl g to r •a w tr�`tCr �' vC . ub. :1?�C✓Pa®:Vb�J�7=F e p'b e o ® :. i I ... < i. (oat r '� p , .lB 130 I .s i i a.Eer:a�C:,.hcr�t,.tro�ig _.. _. e � '-�--tr -'� -� ✓— ' a1=f?'� _ �v 3- 3 i4� a: 3� 7 � ..- � s i , .. � :: 4rlr►eia�5 trgt. ��; j. t-��. �+.r�ya�t��d �f' l 337,. 5 xX -341-4 '9e:� t.. \�/ �39e -.3 : 4Ic►tc2 ft,g�omy° y/elm;1 so �' .. . e P6- zar -f 'Off 3k wc� Ity, cva o ►L�ratC 'df 'i .339eI4.t � ¢ . `:.. . Boring No. 12484dSheet t 6 of Zo _ M Z/ �EJMIA , 0 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet _ of ?_ Date I �__* - E34° Boring No D H 84 - Q- Angle (from Horizontal) 55 Ground Elevation _Zj Feature "Er)b" Bearing 05C'® Rock Elevation Z®4:b Coordinates: N 3 ;Z 7-1t ? 3 S I Date Started 4 M a v ( 9 A4 Overburden Thickness )�Iq .� E -1 $. S 1 3.fo Date Completed i3 Mc � 1_9$+Ground•Water Elevation �2 1°. Core Sizes h1Q Total Depth 3 78, Logged by WYL4ht Ur- k,:;'- t C Graphic Log — o e a 0 e IM m y o ° Classification and Physical Description <? Z E Remarks �,® r C x v 38492 V C M c ctgs(�.Y-. ��IV. c a -IL.Vic, .. n k 0 to rn Nl `•. M N m 0 0 Boring No. 914M Sheet I (� of MIA 2 /a -M 'An9,,C i7 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet __�O of ?- Date i Maw ' e-4- Boring No DH 8.4- - 4 Angle (from Horizontal) _ ��� Ground Elevation Feature �c�s n ®®crrn4,4'r r Bearing �_���...�.�®� Rock Elevation Z® (0s-ram• Coordinates: N �?- ` q- , 'Z -s 5, 1 Date Started �.�L`� f1 4 Overburden Thickness i 1 Co. 9 -y E i t 3 ova Date Completed i 3 0.1s�q_ _ Ground -Water Elevation Z P $9 11 s� Core Sizes Total Depth 3 -7 S. IQ Logged by W K, a ht2— u —,nka< c o m 0 r � a ® E E o z E Cr w ® 2 to ca CO 4 0 0 V 0 Qq I' Remarks Boring No, 2W84 Sheet of .�� RAM a HAM, (9 SOIL BORING I LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet of 3 G Date —.16 Boring No DN 64--4A Angle (from Horizontal) cam ® Ground Elevation Feature Fi n s 6 Ares Bearing ��" �_�� Rock Elevation Coordinates: N 7-7-q- 19 7_9 Date Started I frig � i �t�4 Total Depth CoC) `a _ E 74.1 � Date Completed CLv i9 84- Ground -Water Elevation L2.I Logged by Pt_)V9S�Pl �® c ®� ®® Za a ,a �.. V tm a B m> m 'o E® aF' U o on 0 a o w Soil Description Remarks 0 m 0 3 ® J 1 +Q ©+ s..T04.: Si* 'i Skin - M �1 Aa. l e ck ' i m Fewe -J.si'ln in 5�; nQ rxpL4 iC .._ i ... ... ._.. 3.. , sElr� H,w! i sin wy i Run Z : : i t i L. t.03 SM .: .... ..:... �. D' _ i .. . ... .. - .I. b `1' „ . : � uri tip` pS ens dee rayiqe t'ft yr t Z , y l Boring No.QHWA4Sheet 1 of® I SOIL BORING LOG Sheet of Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No ®W E54--4-A Angle (from horizontal) S 52 Ground Elevation 1 ��•_�� — Feature Fins' Are cL. Bearing 04-®! Rock Elevation I ��• Coordinates: N . jj,9 Date Started 14 'Total Depth ���• � �• 7 E Date Completed 'Z- Ground -Water Elevation t 2.13 � � i/ Logged by Boring No.2HWAASheet 7- of I MI)PAMM SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet Z of Date i�- g Boring No P �4 Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation Feature F�ns� Alvec` Bearing 040! Rock Elevation Coordinates: N Z Date Started i 4 Mav �i9�� Total Depth E Date Completed 21 M ay i °i 5-4�- -®. Ground•Water Elevation 21 Z Ft g� I nnnad by = p ®.. ®a Z G L m 2CL E 'o E m a~ U o ® C ® Soil Description Z Remarks C m J C7J V R O CL Ic N ® i 44 F51 l y 5,� J�lt1 CAr V; 1115le r�i015 , r�•' r*' 5tJ�br�u:.. c{,z-F'11&: ti rKe 1® `/Jed - 13 5_ Boring No.t2H194-4Mheet 3 of 16 SOIL BORING N L Sheet 4' _ of '" M" . Date 1 6,M&Y '84- SUS1TNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No P �4 'A Angie (from Horizontal) 5 ® Ground Elevation `� I �'%• � �� . Feature e®��� ►'��°- Bearing 04°0 _ Rock Elevation Coordinates: N "g 19 Z..9 Date Started 14 Mai 1 °1A4 Total Depth ` �• E Date Completed "� 1 ��._�_ °9_��®® Ground -Water Elevation ±2 13 2- r -7 94 Looped by Z oa m ar es .2 m E ®� ®W �'O E ® CL ; ® v J Soil Description Remarks Q N C R A O m =® O aid - '� �q 1� vrl t c®n' C-t Ml.=At Ii�IL`Dt 14 Boring No.AHf34-4ASheet AL— of —5-0_ GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet of J, 9 3 4 A a MRASM V A Date ffif, M, SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No --- Angle (from Horizontals Sao Ground Elevation (92:7 o Et, Feature Bearing _� _40*_ Rock Elevation Coordinates: N Date Started 14- Maj 19 a4�_ Overburden Thickness E 4 6; -7 -7 4.1 — Date Completed Ground -Water Elevation :3 2- Pr. 1 /81 Core Sizes H al Total Depth Logged by EuMey./WilKin son — Graphic Log C 2 �2 Z 0 7) Classification and Physical Description Z E Remarks (3.2 ; 2 e ' U. 3 a912 0 Co 9S _ I -NEON 7. rA to w, ipt t it 4­ - -a J,..• -le 0 x 0 ca Boring No. QE84-4ASheet __ 5 of - 3 62 A °), Al MA�S C a GEOLOGIC LOV SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet of-__G? Boring No �1'i 84o4-A Angie (from Horizontal) 55� Ground Elevation ZI Cal. t� �� Feature Fan S Arta Bearing ®4 o ® Rock Elevation z I Qa , Coordinates: N Z2� I g2 - 9 Date Started Overburden Thickness 'Lz , 4. Pt. 4 E :14 f ; :114.1 Date Completed Z) Maw- Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes H Q Total Depth Logged by Graphic Log � 2 ® � s e ® E �� ® O ee ® v 0 Classification and Physical Description 0 Er� z E Remarks 02 �_ 1 U. ®c � x B .e N 36912 C.% ♦r P - 5 dot;" _ Snf�, 5: / V law - �.L. ..�,. � ... - - X.:$ �_•. �- Car- L � Zz- _ tt :.,.. 41. X X. re . . . . . . . . . . . . f r r i; i+. . i. -4,<- MEW !w # 1. r - --- --- fig- i- _ � .. .. .. .. ..... ... .. 4 1 :.-! - . Boring No. Sheet (0 of .-3C_ GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet Uf_� AM® MASON � � Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No PH 4-4A Angle (from Horizontal)__-_'® Ground Elevation ZiCoi.f� eta Feature "l:,rs5" Area. Bearing _040p Rock Elevation Coordinates: N 3, Z 192 e 9 Date Started i 4^ Mao Overburden Thiokness '7 Z • Ft. 1.L E i46;-7 74�.1 Date Completed Ground -Water Elevation ��132 Core Sizes H Q Total Depth Logged by Pu1 O W t l }CI n15c _ _ _ Boring No. 29844ASheet 7 of _ 3 62 GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet of _a� N!A, M_IvEdgAg!&q SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No M4 F34.-4A Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation Feature 11 ell, A rea- Bearing a 4o Rock Elevation o0 Coordinates: N Met �,j -7 Z, 4 P+_ 4 Date Started - 1 9 Overburden Thickness E '14 6. 1 Date Completed .II MQ� 19384 Ground -Water Elevation -t21_3'2- Y�f' W-0. Core Sizes H Q Total Depth Logged by Pu® I IC 1ALd_k1n_'5&Ln_ Graphic Log 0.9 0my � cao 02 0 lyy :5 E U. Z 3 a 9 12 _VIA— 571 r— I - - 1� Classification and Physical Description M 6 �. r ry N R 7 Pe rM 7 a ... . ... .... L 4. ........ . A V t fie 1 �1 r.1 flit, -'s L. t-t- Mad 0, str, A .4 1ONAAAI. t -3 --b 174 d - - ------- -- .. ..... . .. M tv a XXy . c xyly rA T_" LZ T rl :.4i­ 4 r_ . 2 CL .0 E M Z Z E Remarks 2 a t-7411-11 ytl-f mx_ L Ne. '15 Kun, 0 . . ..... ..... I I LUZ fl x 0 0 Boring No, QM8440heet 41 of 3 Cg2 GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet of MhUA 0 MSSM Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Angie (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation Feature Bearing 040* Rock Elevation Coordinates: N Date Started Overburden Thickness --'7• Z - E -14 6, 7-7 Date Completed Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes Total Depth _ (S 26,4L --- Logged by Put r E4 LIALIk-In— Graphic Log 2 E Z o 0 Classification and Physical Description !E Z E Remarks U. 3 6 9 12 -,.to A:X t 7ilE 4f -n 0 X. t.1 A*u 4-- i. - PW J ALI P4� f 0 4Q t,.:, 7-- sok tjcL 1. W-14A 4-t --t Tril NZl."e. 7- L 4 --7W 4 'Zr ...VA. Sjj:011 X j -11-OTIR -1714. ge 7 X -X... .. A; f.57--Z . ......... ... X. -4 + - T r jARTZ Violp F 0 -Wit-M®r4t 1 Gli" X.04 11 ri 12 1 Ff P.M A. —41 -ff. 5.1t. Run.. 6(22 1 5 ej w-W;�4 37) V4.1- 1-444.161� LJ Boring No. QIWAASheet 9 of -9 Cc HIM-19AM"Ca GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet ,--19- of __3_G Date 1-7 Masj'84- Boring No PH a4-4-A Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation ZlG�ioC�a fit. Feature Bearing Rock Elevation -L 1 ®a Coordinates: N. Date Started 14- Maed 19 4 Overburden Thickness - _-7 Z. E i4�i%_..j® Date Completed I-L-MA 19434 -2 Ground -Water Elevation 2- a-47- Core Sizes Total Depth Logged by Graphic Log 0 0 is -A Classification and Physical Description 0 -1: LL 0 3 9 121 JL T —4-i re 7w ­4­4- 1=1 f ra Out aw tAa McCrftl +i V 7t1,77 _41 T. ­7M prok, Sli r 4.. 4 4­' 7 7. A - --------------- 4- 1_z r7Q.'74�4" 17. 4ic _ .SIR .VL jM'0';_ h_` Boring No. 2R84-4ASheet __ _ of --g-Ca— t sellft .. . .... ... rzk. Mai ...... 000o0owe .... . ..... . .. ..... 1,-airl et-J.. to r I Oat 11.0LjYTCaA_) LwW 9�M.. -4 r 1.0.9 1 C. Remarks me IMM 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 El 10 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet.__. of 3 Date �M Boring No 014 84-4A Angie (from Horizontal) 5�® Ground Elevation Zl Co • 6 Ft. Feature �����r-Ca Bearing 04®o mock Elevation Coordinates: N 3— TI 9Z . 9 Date Started 14• Maj 19 84 Overburden Thickness E i4'S?`%4.( Date Completed . Z I MO -Si I984® Ground -Water Elevation 2r 3� 7 8q Core Sizes H Q Total Depth ei 8• Fit, Logged by Pu I e v% W t I k 1 f15- n Graphic Log �, o am g 0 A @ 2 R Z C O. Q O O W � 7 m 2- c ;, M J Classification and Physical Description ca E z Remarks 02 Zcc x 0 'J N 359 ti U d ca c . unto_ , \ \tai -•-t-e--I -. ` v i .. � �. .yam: Cy y/�} � _ �/y{ t �� --i .4 4 '•- L i ._r-e_.L:L ,\ �..� .i..... ..♦ :.. - _.. a 1-w ... .. i....•-�-.}_....d .._I+i-L_ ^T.,+._ i i' ' Fir L F , T� L� 7. es 0 r I e'L ........... fln Y X _ --40i : ` t � _ h _ e .; 9r ens . f tyt « FF 7 7 \ ` .... i_... - __.... ...... .... __.. i: V �. Boring No. Sheet . I I of _ (�¢_ MA M 1010A'200 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet -j-1 of__:;_� Date I 11� Boring No 2H04-4A - - Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation ...... :ZtL(Q -LjeLFj:._ Feature Em s," A Bearing — 040* Rock Elevation Coordinates: N Date Started Mom; Overburden Thickness 2- 3-2w E -7 i 4. l Date Completed Z I M604— 19A%4-- Ground -Water Elevation 1 Et-, IYA Core Sizes H Q Total Depth Logged by Graphic Log CA CL 0 E 0 0 Classification and Physical Description (5 1E Z E Remarks U_ 3 8 9 12 CJ 0 0 T __T 4t 44— Z 7 . ... ...... 4s. I loom MEN 0 ! t� ter�r" 50q+- k rip Boring No. 01484!4ASheet 11 of __3_e47__ GEOLOGIC V SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet_ 01� of—I-G- Date 1-7 Mau '84 Boring No t7 H E34. - 4A Angle (from Horizontal) 5 �® Ground Elevation ._-W ii-a% Ft. Feature "ems" Aria Bearing a4®O _ Rock Elevation _.� i ®��6 Coordinates: N ` 3- - 1 Date Started 14- M � I E.m®_. Overburden Thickness -__-�. Z •. E i4 Sy Date Completed Z D Mavi . 1984- Ground -Water Elevation 1 J-2- Ft° _79C Core Sizes H Q - - ___ - __ Total Depth Logged by uj,. W t l lG1 ft so ri Graphic Log a e6 O V O S B 9 12 Classification and Physical Description _ .. \ qmt 6 - I'\`/, , t .- .... nL•�Y . r" i.iri 1.�1-� {7 �.[ l y4 l /r177i t �._ jZ24, - t, 1 /i .A, nn� / :mDid.hdrd,woa.w._t aJ'i.. hry 11 fi _.-.._.. u p Nytt _ ♦ i. s II ,r ♦.. ° u // �.: _ ._ _. ;rlx _ _ N\ o r c uiteiL If _ r : n`\Ifs _ o 11 // i _.._.. it '. � �, - �'r . grd.r r_n'csd, �,tr. in >� t �t►'n ' :, r�r. el�i ,r d 1 « BYE,/ - ,1lo _ l _m O 0 Gi 0 0 I Remarks t a_ 4iw7.i IL R'ctrt 15 Z., Z.7 S 3�.I.s c:rPvt►� U.f1 biy tier. .:ram ....._ CCU n3 3<S`I Z3f3 Boring No. Sheet 13 of A 65 GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet of tell � ~ ® m E+i�/3� 10 Weil SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Angle (from Horizontal) 5 ° Ground Elevation Feature "ir1��1, Area Bearing o4o® -- _ flock Elevation Coordinates: N 3- ZZ_ 9���Z • 9 Date Started l 4" Mag 1984 Overburden Thickness _ � Z • E 14 6. -P "i 4.1 Date Completed 7 1 M V 19 8 4` Ground -Water Elevation 7-1 LZ- � -7 T4- Core Sizes Total Depth 6 215 ca_ hogged by ,Pts � i e � l�l t l kI n son — Graphic Log a t ° s c ® ® = w E c m o Classification and Physical Description z E Remarks 5 u ce '� o y _ (n 36912 01 � ®t _ . j a. •'-fi- a2Y1�4� yp 71 �r - - // �. _ CA tit : kt 43 tA ®\ .b-r- -.-t- t- t ✓^. .- j ' rt' ?- ® r-1--Y- - }' , .�..L.« i - L+.._ _ (gyp —1-5h.6e'_ d � r d .. jy le +t 5 Ct I?J;_FJ AL - - +fi aso • -tt'-rL ' tom_ _�.'�' r- \ ` :...._. \ \ ..... _... 1 L %�i._. ....1 1. 4,4--�i Lam.. .1_�/.�i.. a/4 f.7. �F ��•. rP.-.. Ye f f t , _ . ® 7 �,.ri� lI i c i/ 14. .- _ t _ 4. • \ � .. --- ie /� _: I Borina No. OWA4.4ASheet - 14'_ _ of __3_(b— GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet AM, M-, MMDASM Date84- SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No V H 8 4. - 4:;!N Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation I 6®2 Feature "PimS'LAiLea. - Bearing o4o* Rock Elevation 2-I Coordinates: N Date Started i 4` b6a,j 19-6-4-- Overburden Thickness E Date Completed McL� 1984 Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes H Q Total Depth Logged by Eulleyl S =.2 aw Graphic Log � 0 05 2 IM 0 00 -5 u .0 LL 3 5 9 12 4-1 —4— ol F4_ E Classification and Physical Description z E 0 Z ej AlltirLA1 1111�11111M!1!111 LKY: {_�_._.._._. E . ._..._..._,.. v 4 - ii. Remarks KID 0 0 0 0 T- 1 tj Kol V) tT. ..... ..... _7 0 0 0 a LAI 1111 04- tj -TC4 -Z;,z soar PSI Boring No. 29MAASheet 1 S of 36� a ° ` GEOLOGIC L Sheet _1�. of Date SUSITNA JOLT VENTURE Boring NoAngle (from Horizontal) 5_t�® Ground Elevation��- Feature �r��yts,d.�ea- Bearing 04®® Rock Elevation Z . 9 Date Started 14- 1� a I 84 Overburden Thickness Coordinates N E i45, "1"74.Date Completed ���'—)ct84 _ Ground -Water Elevation . [ _�.�.�.�._�_ Core Sizes Total Depth Cr9i� F`{: Logged by �ufie�1Wt0{CIt15c�n 02 - Graphic Log co as ® 0 L ` U. vs a 6 ! 12 a T Ciassitication and Physical Description a ca 0 ga, rs Z ® a N c Remarks r tA 41 r i r _. / < P Mr L T- •' / r. :. _.. Isl b'1.R 1 �. v�f/ :Sa!!i.�l I -r-r.-I .w r __ �T i t 1 0C ti"TS—ra} - "- - t� Q .. x y tq sof d. UJFZA. y - U.�2 wl to :.... J 41461 \l I/ i ll i a ZP 74 T_ u, < i , nn J \ / - / _14;24 ter ratio _ _ i , ..t Ic F Boring No. CHMAASheet of GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet J�__ Of —3—G flAw" WHASNO Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation Feature Bearing 0 00 Rock Elevation Coordinates: N 73P 'Z vq 9'. Date Started Overburden Thickness E 724 Date Completed Ground -Water Elevation ±2.) Total Depth Logged by Pu11e_v/WdkLn_5D Core Sizes Log I . n— Graphic Log cv o .2 Z Q �p — 0 Classification and Physical Description t3 !Lc z E 02 0 U. ci cc C3 x 0 as e 3 6 9 12 41 M VAY Y. A&L -4 >C CIL ki 4- 4_1 e2 IF It M4 0 0 �' j 0 it M=Zz- # T 77 _49 an it....... . . . .... Q M QQL. _st XL ic act r co op a. RE. z t - r le 1 0 YA'� V�Irt I Nf ti wm Y.Wed-, Yf i __7 17T, as 41 Ya To t"'j. V. wOT-11 Boring No. 0H84_4A 17 of -9 (12 Remarks Kk;A L4 L.8;_Ld 5hee4 wGEOLOGIC LOG MIA, '-192-TA-00 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet -iS— Date _L4_ Boring No Angie (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation I I r42:71 a, Feature Aa Bearing Rock Elevation -_ _-Z 1 08 - G Coordinates: N Date Started Overburden Thickness E -14 S' I / 94 Date Completed I I Mt%%4 Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes Total Depth Logged by EUIIACY_��n Graphic Log 3 6 9 12 AL Classification and Physical Description L i . .. . ... . 4- -V jt encly !4, 4-4- r L A T E 01 M. Q10A -.r c r Icing ma XY WY. ti -Me INF, _ic� Gar',. .0 f 7 7 -7 of e -Arkf�;!% A. 140 Remarks "Ll 94'r; Boring No. QH84ASheet __L8_ of 0 X <3 ITT :r GXU-15MOV Xq j we r; HA, w-ERNSCO, GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet _11— of - 3 G Ja '84- Date rya., SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Angle (from Horizontal)__15 Ground Elevation Z. I CD-7, B fit. Feature Bearing , o4o* Rock Elevation 21 0 �O Coordinates: N d .j Date Started f 4- M19 E34 Overburden Thickness Z E 4 6; -72 4.1 Date Completed meL,4- iqs4° Ground -Water Elevation !: 71) 3 2— P7, '72 9 Core Sizes —H Q Total Depth Logged by ki n 5!2n - Graphic Log 70 Z E Z 2: 0 M :�, 0 -3 _j Classification and Physical Description E z E Remarks LL 0 3 6 9 12 C ............ + 4. 0 • A ­j: 01 i ts it tj x 7Z �4 A 01\ rn 4-- -771-t WWI, 4- T t t. It . ..... T_ 4L + . .... . . . ...... F r1ow, RIi�Y� I ■ ME - EN loom IN = 1EMN 11MM "M Borina No. OA494A4ASheet 11 of GEOLOGIC LOG S h e e t o f - 3L� DIAM-IMASCO Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation Feature sa Bearing o4o* Rock Elevation Ft. Coordinates. N Date Started 1+ Masi 184 Overburden Thickness E -4 Date Completed Z 1 MaI4�1984f - Ground -Water Elevation tZj��. -�7 Core Sizes Total Depth Logged by Graphic Log .2 Q 011 cm 0 0 3 6 9 12 A= arm -4-1 -44�- +1 6. 777 _7 110 4 Classification and Physical Description Remarks 1 00-Lp r r 4- -f- 0 0 jc 4- . ... ..... . ........... _A 0 CD 01 II t 'Itl :M �y 4 Boring No. Qjj8_4ASheet __j _0 of __a� MJA 2 U as RAS (C 0 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet ZLL of -3 Gate _La_ Boring No Angle (from Horizontal) 550 Ground Elevation Feature Area.. Bearing o40o Rock Elevation 05 .6 Fit. Coordinates: N �, 1 9Z 9- Date Started Overburden Thickness E :14 6, -7 -7 4..1 Date Completed 1 Maxim. Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes HQ Total Depth Logged byp_UU-c-�,ltiKLn-sorv__. Boring No. 21184AShest Z I of 3 & s i� .. ■ r ._.� GEOLOGIC LOG She et3 of_3�� Date 99A , M",w EMASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No 2HB4—AA.— Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation 7.6 ;:4--. Feature "rims" Area. Bearing 0401 Rock Elevation Coordinates: N Date Started overburden Thickness E 4 5; 7-7 4,,1 Date Completed 7. 1 t!ioV Ground -Water Elevation -7 Core Sizes H Q Total Depth Logged by _EU11e-V./W 1k1 fi5ugrs Graphic Log 1- Z. 0 Ji 0- 0 0 a Z. _j Classification and Physical Description O LL 3 6 9 12 1 410 hn r w5L 5r 'T L a AU ki F­ 4&jii ti . ... ... .... . . . . . .. ..... 1__ In: -71 i T "T- .... .... ..... . L +.. .... ...... ... , 7.... T IV, Kd"! 1 IRCE-] I. 1. 4. C . van, wqQ3 . ......... . 4 0I 70T �7� X, . . . . . . . . . . . . . T rl 17 vs tr� 0 E 'E Ec Z Z E 0 Remarks cc a- rr i-. 1_4 stops tv r �)T, itr! i 41* PqLr:L 47-r-Wft.r.5 7. r _ A T HIM oil .. ... ...... . ....... ... . ........ . .. FIV _vy '�96143 3-5. AM-4: ... ... .... .... t7l Boring No. allaLASheet Z-3 of _,;; &, A MT N 90A GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet of Date McaT SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No D H B4:- 4-A Angle (from Horizontal)---5-5!-- Ground Elevation Feature Bearing o4oc, Rock Elevation Coordinates: N q- 19Z . 9 Date Started 14! Mau 1984 Overburden Thickness IZA, a. 4 E -14 .114.1 Date Completed ._ZjIAQ4 - Ground -Water Elevation —2-1 22 Core Sizes Q— Total Depth Logged by Graphic Log =.2 0.e 0 Z U) LL 3 6 9 12 Classification and Physical Description 4- 7 A 44 00,00000 Z 1�6 tj f -iA k. 'f f —0 0 . ... .. .. .. L 0, L 7 .-4 �4- ILE . .. . .... . . r- Remarks Boring No. 2H84AAShest --Lam- of i?� � ` ��e' I� Date GEOLOGIC L t��-.- SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No ®H_84.-4-A Feature �A rea- Coordinates: N , E -746.-7-74,i Core Sizes F t Angle (from Horizontal) 55® Bearing o4=o® Date Started 14- Me.i i ®4 Date Completed Total Depth F+.. Ground Elevation,__ZI--�'L fit. Rook Elevation -.__ t.I ®. . 2 Overburden Thickness "1 Z . Ground -Water Elevation Z 13Z Ef- 7194 Logged by Pu I I e v/ LJ i I k n i oa Graphic Log s o 0 ; a 0 m> o U w Classification and Physical Description 0 � z E Remarks ®® W s _2 �LA.o: ac x 0 2 36912 U c Crew I OWE �1L LY GC L.� t i ! , r . 1\ : �.\ - i'-t_4 1 1-.- : I i \ r- .472 r r ° yr r 4 p .g ... 1 _ 1. L 1. 1_ 4 •.- .• __ �! L L-J- r- L_ h-.i. \ } + 40 / 4- 1 * �. L L.: I 1 -t_.�.}-. � - +mil-.+ - . + zb rt I V 0 7 i i . l / / � _�. _L . _ - t� : Boring No. CE84ASheet ZS of Ae,, NA, M-NRASCO GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet of_a� Date Boring No PH 84.- 4-A Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation Feature i:m s A rea- Bearing 0400 -_ Rock Elevation Coordinates'. N Date Started ___L_+ Ma_,4 overburden Thickness 7 Z. E �-7 -7 4. 1 Date Completed Ground -Water Elevation -t2-137- EL_7L&t Core Sizes Total Depth co e&j� Logged by 0 0 I ik MR it I V11 MY 30w 0 0 Remarks I K 14111472049­ j Boring No.29MAASheet Zr- of_1� o ®er ga GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet 27 of 3 G Date 1��- Boring No ®H e4-4-A Angle (from Horizontal)__�j_eL!_e__ Ground Elevation �L,1(o77.5 5t. Feature "�,w5 reo.. Bearing �O°__� Rock Elevation 2108.Sfit. Coordinates N 11. 1 9Z , 9 Date Started---141 Mely Overburden Thickness -7 Z .11�" E i451):Z:7 Date Completed Z i tAA4 I 19r34' Ground -Water Elevation_ Zi 3Z Ft 7 1rt Core Sizes Ca Total Depth G9F3 5 Ft Logged by Pic L1�+�f1elLklrlSon Graphic Log v C E Z m> ® u o o 0 Classification and Physical Description 0� z E Remarks J N 35912 m rvf� 1?iU oi Y.1.0y Qtti ,._ In .. , �C)L4 is fit`(! ✓.<%1C.� 1 _ \ �i,A93 0 y our lo 1._ r t f.4.. Zi t 61 ha. _ _ a / t r \ jj \ O 01 \ T t ct 5a v. ►c sit `fir` ---r.-+ I4 t _ i _ - X • ... - .. • ! / t _ �. -. w Run l4 15'� ,\ i Boring No. 2984ASheet ZZ of 9 4a GEOLOGIC LOG S h e e t -Z,6-- o f -3--G NAM, -V BASCO Date Mas4 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No DHa4-4A Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation z 1 C,-7, a s:+, Feature t1Fdn sI Are -a- - Bearing o4o* Rock Elevation — 1-1 08. Silt — Coordinates: N. - Date Started 1!4! Overburden Thickness 7_!� E -1460-7-74.1 Date Completed 7. 1 t-110L 19 8!° Ground -Water Elevation ± ZI --37, Fl-, '71'?4- Core Sizes Total Depth Logged by Graphic Log 2 LL 3 6 9 12 L 4- ... .... . .. 74 (D CL 2 a 0 Classification and Physical Description Z E w x 0 M 910, T 3,1- ­-f--4- -4 --t—i. 4- L n F-17- 77 . . . ... ... ..... MENNEN r IL 'Y t t L --Sao ti ..... .... . . 11 Remarks 4A.4 0 0 0 a Boring No. 014&44ASheet ___! —8, of �,©�/ E A ."o Of GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet -L-1- of --:3 G Date ZM I Boring No 2H 84-4A Angle (from Horizontal)_ 5_!L� Ground Elevation Feature 18 �rM g' r o Bearing O _ ® _-_ — Rock Elevation t i 00 • � Ft. Coordinates: N.,�. g2 - 9 Date Started 14`j f c% 4 Overburden Thickness • 4° Ft. $ E _.-. '14-5,-7-74•�� Date Completed `- I Mayes Ground -Water Elevation -t2-132:2 Core Sizes IH Q Total Depth 69��6 5 Logged by 1 bey W►Ikins®n Graphic Log es c s o r3 w 0 m m i c o Classification and Physical Description t7 Z E Remarks m t GC xLL J rA 1 6 9 12 U fS pop - 00 prn \ - Madr Lasd t A� _ f .. .. _ .-•_.1._ .t. T.f. { { i L.. : t.. �... . m k � � t Y �// Yry f4s1 a--Eln'i IL �`n i c tte je'. - - .... .. : \ _ 5t:t� k e n I ckes �eb;1, t 41*, i;4tcil y, a �WWi 5f _ i sU .ctc. v c b. th t k��e�attf pit AMU si BASCO GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet of SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Angle (from Horizontal) 550 Ground Elevation Feature Bearing o400 Rock Elevation Coordinates: N Date Started 14- Ma, Overburden Thickness E "14 S. -7 -7 4.1 Date Completed Z I MO. Sj -Lqj5-+- Ground -Water Elevation 23 2,Ff 1194, Core Sizes Total Depth Logged bye lnl+1{C,lP1n 2 Graphic Log 06 a E Z tM M 0 o _j Classification and Physical Description w Z E 02 2 U. 3 6 9 12 x 0 2 I Salo Tic 7 oF 7 i T11w, Le L 4 4 1 ft A,;Ij 40 me.- :4 Q_ 5:,v P LAA YAM wl ...... .... MA 11.1 1 P KIP V'4.1 i ....... .. . Z 00, 7 Imbil 0014 MENNEN I L T r. Remarks UYI rrw. i-Awr rM LVX_�-Z r% ..... . Run .. ... IZ4,,. & 5 r:571 S op)7, :f. . .... ..... .............. Boring No. 2MMAkSheet_;�_0 of SSZ fl HA, GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet _31 of Date 20 Mo-v '84- Boring No D H 84 - 4A Angle (from Horizontal) 5f® Ground Elevation Z IS�7 • B fit. Feature "F+n 5 A d ta_ Bearing O ®® -� Rock Elevation Coordinates: N Date Started 1 4° Met* I ��.,� Overburden Thickness �Z • 1a. E `14 �?'7�.1 Date Completed ' I Ma t Ground Water Elevation t Z 3� Fr` Core Sizes Total Depth _ 69A6 Fzc® Logged by .Pub l ey./ W t l lGi n So n Boring No. H84_-ASheet 31 of 9 6�_ NAM is HAMM GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet.___Z of-3--G Date Boring NO OkeAt-4A - Angle (from Horizontal) SE)" Ground Elevation �-7,j5 F±. Feature ------ LE.nA s " a Rock Elevation -_jcc___ Bearing Coordinates: N q- 197. .91 Date Started 14: Nip 1964 Overburden Thickness -7 z o E -7 4�'. =74�I� Date Completed I I Maw - 19 8¢ Ground -Water Elevation F t Core Sizes ___,H (2- Total Depth ;:t- Logged by Graphic Log 20 xi® :3 ;5 LL 3 6 9 12 Classification and Physical Description 4 000x N� Alari v, 5? ea 2 0 Z E lri x 0 0 4 Aa' -1. f; iom­g .... . .... . .. - _ . .... . enr. _E 7.7L ­4 _T. o:�/ ........ . ... . 10 ...... . ... , .. ..... . 01, 4 17 ......... r. Zc 11 0 0 Remarks �7 fi r c It Boring No. 2Ha4ASheet._3__?, of NUM, ������� GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet_-�� of ®ate Z® Mery SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Angle (from Horizontal) $� Ground Elevation �.j�i,f3 Fie Feature 11 F In s Afca Bearing o 4o ® Rock Elevation ► ®� • `�. _ Coordinates: N Date Started 4- M a.j I._� Overburden Thickness -7 Z. E 14 S i74,1. Date Completed Z i t✓4a�� )�84 Ground -Water Elevation -1%�4 Core Sizes HQ Total Depth _.__���.S ��. -__ Logged by _Liklnson M6 V Graphic Log ob `=w v ` _j° U. J H 9 6 9 12 ® r ° a Classification and Physical Description Cif Is w CC V U - ; z m o R ? c Remarks r--- � � \ it L _ �r�- •--,— }j� .j{j`. tp jam°- -- l3:i �-�-�-A- : /\ - .. 1 r4 -F _44L _ [7:_77 7-1 � 1 Q I ` ` L _4_ 1 �¢q / - t t. 1 : r Y y 1 T : L f_ _ 0-2 41 Sal / L : , 41 t \ ..... 440 Boring No. heet 7 3 of _3 6 GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet of MN A Date SUSfTNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No ®H Ell 4.®4A Feature B°�aY9S°�iea Coordinates, N�_ 192 • 9 E °l 4 S. -7 -7 4.1 Core Sizes H Q Angie (from Horizontal) Bearing06_ --- Date Started a 14- Date Completed Total Depth Ground Elevation i Ca P • B fit. Rock Elevation Overburden Thickness '1 Z • 4• fit. Ground -Water Elevation 7- 1 3� Et _7194- Logged by .Pu1_®.I��%G11�1�1�{Sofit Boring No. 2H84ASheet ._34_ of _ 3_122 _ Mfi T,) Lf M M JOINTSUSITNA Sheet w�_. of (® Date. Boring No 2H 84-4A•, Angle (from Horizontal)_ 5�® Ground Elevation _ Zi Cei, 5 9t_ Feature_"Pins" Arta.. Bearing o4o® Rock Elevation Coordinates. N 9 Date Started . P 4 '- "a r 1 E34 Overburden Thickness E .��4'S; '7�4•i Date Completed Z)_ P'��_ ici a4° Ground -Water Elevation 132- Et, -7l A Core Sizes HQ Total Depth _ em i=t.. Logged by Pulley./Wilkinson Boring No. Sheet *35 of UEULOWU LUU SUSiTNA JOINT VENTURE Sheets of -a—(_:�L Date _I!L� Boring No Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation 7-1 Feature Bearing o4o Rock Elevation ® z I 05's CoordinatesN Date Started Af Metu overburden Thickness E _-7 4 AS' -7 -7 4.1 Date Compieted Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes __J Q- Total Depth Logged by Graphic Log 0 3 6 9 12 --T 4 T -4 4� 4 Classification and Physical Description _4-.-e-r- .0 03 Z Z Q E x Cj 0 Co VY I 4. 4A....- 4.. 'o 001 Remarks Boring No. 2H84AASheet ZrQ of -9 (2:, GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet I of 14 Date 3 Mai '84 Boring No ® H 84 - Angle (from Horizontal)_ 100 a — -- Ground Elevation i 7 Z 5. 43 Feature flZ5 Parta.l g Arecz Bearing ®1 00 __— Rock Elevation 1-1 1 Coordinates: NZZ-Z ,`' 3®- Date Started __� �i.�_t_L2� Overburden Thickness E -7 Z%B, Date Completed .,A Ground -Water Eievation /643.9 Fi'• Z_?4- Core Sizes is CQ Total Depth Logged by lit Ik v) s n / Han sett _ Graphic Log o 0 o - :I.• m ro �° o t° Classification and Physical Description a® C3 Z r E Remarks W « 1 ` � U. 389;12 1 2 U U O, m y e © i � D:ff.JF —rE FPA;CsMEN' ainal CRAVE ; L7 38 --eo iZ, i-4 Q CZuY I o.o -3.01 ¢►'ti'i` o:l3fw►i c>r,r etc�r~� a.SSUrned soil ma—irtr4 . Na wa. ev ✓�Cuwt I - ...._ Yera'�av8c�f ('tct.tug . ..... - Rr11! r0.�. C7;ZCjll�ttn• veY0.,4es out 4 I�Ga��ng 1 x _ p1oCZiT� FRa�r�EfJT's; -CALUs; ct.flc)vtar-to sobangvlgr in Ordfll (_- ._.�_ ilty sand rt:rvx, h19h4y weath. brrr: Sr*a- 5o a: f fL}._ ..... ....... . To ..oF knock apt IS. Wit. .1, rnod. wrath; mod: >narcl; rnod; 5trony; It.. yra�,;. penrative Fe- strttntng, 5everelr. ��ath, to upper Gto.sexy -`rc+tG:.;._�_.. �� heaVy.Fe Stui!?►nq�jimonitc:� . .-ta:--- �; open, med, rovghto rod�h t0:3c 1 19,4-- ZS.3 zo �% V. clo5ei fra.c, Run ,fir., IZ•�.`- 15,1. Dr I I rate 01066/m,h, 'ran r etu rrz wa,� a;f - 172 (Zee, = I, R r 5tArt maht sh t 5IS184 Lost ci rc., 2t 14, o °, �II Ye.gatirlad ,brown t.-faer re,-Urn ;,voter a.'r I..,Z' Rvrt 5; f 511-rad- pr�1 C r0.te a.I(a%mtn. o a � ,p GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet ofMA f ®ate "`-'- 84- SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No OH 34- Feature 0/5 PortAJS AreA. Coordinates: N :3, Z Z 7i 5 30 E ��Z�Z78.$ Core Sizes Angie (from Horizontal) Goo Bearing 0100 y_ Date Started 3 Maw8Q- Date Completed �j 1e91�� Total Depth Ground Elevation Rock Elevation 1-4, Overburden Thickness 1 Ground -Water Elevation1��o� Logged by-I�1IIG.InSoM LAf�n5krL__ Graphic Log es w taa ® ' a -A =2 Classification and Physical Description cB Y P a a � ¢ E ' Z c � E Remarks J N 3 6 9 12 c% 6� US w C Zv �� f lQft i"f'E> cone ., S1 tc� lnoct w¢�1 0 Rurl 0 Z0,0" -ZZ.se Ear 1®S.S ;/, Closely to V, c-losely 5`- too en m ecd. rats h.tb >''°vcl h� . P ' ? g. ' ^ Q4SY1'' ZZo Z _-_1/® t .. �. �-a ®, � ,_Pro._..ra„Q_os.lo r�trn 4.t!taO<Zt r �/� c.I�Sely fr+'R.G, �� S'�4lningyiiMra�nits C�UYr1 wn-tQr �taien,4tA0UI't �rOc- ®% -ouo)h pckrt oran tvat es V%7— 3so. _ ..- if Z5.-3.30. ®' _ c,fosely, �rac,hea-vY Fe 5fC414- Drlllr�t� O,iG!l�r„n- t/� ---- I rid 1 1•• oVt l �C i,Set ­.�( ne to c`a. core, e. l 5que`aInq CD ZZ,S ;. / t preY.e-nt_ln,� ail cu45 \ v r� wa-tee from ke-r-U✓n- 1 Ir1'v f® 5urpa�-e 30e\� ........... . � t. brown, return Q c�.1�...'ti:2t` rvt rhor Gave /�g �g a � LTErZEC �ry 1-0Zt 6pe E, mod. to tzevemr° w ex-',, a-nd Alt., ySo-Pt-- Ynod, � qrt! to, V weak,-rred, Run tI 4oe a�I� xln, 1t„ cjra-y-br®wM�FtP"tbl, flrrif r2 g! 0.4o'/rrm u Kctollr. _5oY�_water return ,o c1o5�ty �'rctG, Ga�c12C �/�I�tSg u Fe stAlniny, c 4y, open, 0 nM hard, 5tron;, 91ls to yr ed, xln" 40 t redo- �:L m <a= Z4-'Zoe (�5� R—i— Mn 0 P QAd- Q11..4 7 -, 14. 14- A�D ; Q J�.g 92 ``�C'.;III", a GEOLOGIC L Jate� p of '54 !`�� SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No ®H a4 -. 5. Angle (from Horizontal) GOo Ground Elevation 1 % Z S . �v 1=4z, Feature D/ 5 �Qr' ii.�._�+rCc� Bearing Ol D' Rock Elevation L 1 �. Coordinates: N ZZy S 3 O . 6 Date Started - MCLV 1 � 4 Overburden Thickness E i ¢ Z_, Z-7 cy__ Date Completed 4 Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes NQ Total Depth F-t-, Loggedby wdk-lrlSon lHcgnsen Graphic Log n o � - a c. m R 0 Classification and Physical Description C to a a a`e .® E z m E Remarks am ... t J N 9 6 9 12 ac x N pi O F� rrr=, cart` ,:fresh to st.. / Run13,.40.o'-4S.o° i7r f I I rate O: Z.o /r„ i n. ;... 1 c X(V%., piato rich re'C�rn GleSei�✓ac.. FG 5'teirntrt�� to part" o � en, mod: ro V h 0-�' 46 �u n4 o' 0 4 - 4�4� 4-S e: 1 ae i t GJo�etY tct v,: cta elrcxt, pt5 d.Z.' - :-' 45.:5-4�o ,� ILne,-ed- Dfov'i c .,.Piq 7� 1�arl i4, 45.�'-48��' Cr rz`+ :.Zj�i+lirl. I-T t� hbi�.�C0.Oi1�'1� b!,o C )..�CaJciti` 'JeinS _ ct�ye`y-ettor�j, ��zcc5yi=e" stutrte� cYt ra.�t. re�.urr: Xatcc `�; g ra,y - boo o o r�garried `fl 48;t.r i� I 43 c3.,-48.�` Q,l� e✓ed L? Idr!-Ee I✓l a Drill ret t2 0, zLl/mirt. 1 W ,._ nar ..:.sane CltOil�j rGtG'�lJr°e.j.' ....... O` �.�, j7YUydYl rO��tiY+f revrn� �}� iQ,hy t Rvn Ira, 50-o'• 53,z' �� Dril} r.zt� o.z4%r1+Jn. No wa ter r^ etv, p therl-<-Z5*7dreturn \\ o Rrl r cte O.Z'/wlin. V`i te; r No a���e," return No wotaw retur,i i 0 ca ° m Dr i (i rite o. 2'/Min. / a Borina No.17i $--iSheet _ _3 _ of 14 1, GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet ___-. of --14�— Date -_3 . Boring No _�_--- Angle (from Horizontal)__- C�Q° Ground Elevation Feature t0.1 S Ar °�Ct.,._ Bearing Rock Elevation S 3 ®• Coordinates: N _AZ. Z Za 5 ---—� Date Started .____�_ M0. o i 0) 64 . Overburden Thickness l E 7L}_-_L�, Z %�. = Date Completed _� _]��� Ground -Water Elevation 3, q Pt qQ~ Core Sizes ___%�_�_.�_�---�--- _ 2Co t•__- Total Depthm_�_..�� Lo ed b 99 y main s®n � r+ o Graphic Log �, e e Gd c ® CM® 0 d R m Classification and Physical Description C7 CL Ec- E 7 z C E Remarks o , r V) U. 3 6. g /2 ec ae x - i i .i. '. e.dnt.�;�rrc5h tcsig1 Rtj� i J.p (-,0n't t,*I ftidj! X1[7 ,.p1.q r nbt 90 GlaSetY ' r2L.:� s . Fe stamtn arl rc�,'tL� o.t '/tTildf. -�t�, rued, rou�A, MC;S : r uas.:.. N� i�a.�r rrrr x A t . Q • CG {G Q I�i�. �e. �G�: T l Ali e-- K i n �^ \ .i p /�' cc4r7 F��SrG o.o� wfde 5° . c.AJC,teVQfe?s'vp to RJn Z.1, !o�,Z'•'7j.0' t -r \/ '70 -72 m O- ED ... _ ..._.. 73.4 - 93.3 C,RA,M T I( tl-�s�+ � o � t ®vae�.�� GC � O n j T r"5 y .hQ r:t 'tCs Y V r ax0l' V, 5tron� M.ed. o,;Me xln f :.green-qro. o ,_" h ��h t�,uart� Ga>1te✓It, <(p7o mafic5, � _.. ;� , c l®sett' -Prate, F Stair9tng, I t ,te, .I� tr. ealc tight., to,0 r. cip-e-A'' 'q i'- l .o' ,- .. a.ve, G o.4' neater r�t;1Yn ``-�' cira.5el7 to u.:Gfosely �ra.c.,pc5.. � .ti O r d_ GEOLOGIC LOG '' °' i',10 A36QI SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet of JA__ Boring No _ PH 84 - 1 Angle (from Horizontal)vGround Elevation 1_:2_-7-5. (o >✓ Feature ArG:x, Bearing ®!®o_��---- Rock Elevationt-�- Coordinates: N Date Started 3 Overburden Thickness 1 Z. E 742, Z7R. S Date Completed �_M-a5 _�.�_� Ground -Water Elevation ��� -7 84 Core Sizes HQ Total Depth Logged by Iwlilki» son/ H5mseri Graphic Log w o m Q► 0 Classification and Physical Description-- C7 C. p !25 E z E Remarks J N 3 6 912 U C) m c GGRAN fTIC con`t, �'resr St. wex�n. Ran 23, �a»t .. , .tn ..�CtC2P}:+ `rZ4 r;t:�aC:L ✓°�f 9 -i7 natn,:lt. green. ra.y 2 $rt`�.. t . ages! ch:for e tdat�. } . t + P __Q>✓ty res'�4212'jl�f�rr `,;,, ,r =' H0�25 . of v: close 4'rae. �Q Co re �ro�nc� at tc�p. Nowat cr return �.-_r, ccEic , , plavtbpen,,rlrough+„ -. _ __-._ pe`netratwe Fe: 5twi a.n4°51 .0 ,1� i QZ- - 8 ji13, t c l y .10MC.� pc.5 O"2' v,clasetv'r✓aG9due-tohlghr(ngf,C 00 jc _- �Bg.Z 71 ,. cru.vf;bt�s� kaol►».Run Z, 89,2'-92,i1 O�V. WeXhl. qne� GCrT pQGtG�Gf i7lUrt Overburden m -top Set G451ry .to ?O: sl. level > 80' Run 2�, "� _— t ave f'r6m _— 5etting GQsing 93.3 - IZ55 QQAKTf p►d��-rl.; re5h,, 94 i�a►*d to Y, hard:, StYon ,f�+�'e to . tiUG,Yta: t` OP2y11,. wl - YOVC�1'1 j.O-Zoo '713 { x d5 rtndtq ', t4a uJa.tgr_ te+-Jt11: cc L-0-0 Rnrinn Mn- M4A4-jJ".Shaai 5 of 14 Meld J, °� � ,Q�° � Date GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet._ ,4 of1� 84 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No 17N 84--'5 Feature _D 5 Po rta.t5 Area. Coordinates: N 3,7� 2'7 5 30,a E 74- ZZ7S.8 — Core Sizes H Angle (from Horizontal)-2�-0-02— Bearing OIOo Date Started 3 Date Completed (0_ Total Depth -- Ground Elevation Rock Elevation Overburden Thickness 1 �- Ground -Water Elevation 3 h_7 94- Logged by WitVLrispr'lFtg��en Graphic Log o o w 0 v ? n 0 moo® m Classification and Physical Description C1 0 M M E Z M m E Remarks ®W _ L_ J .O. if 36912 tY 0 fr O u9 Ql!Ai�i�. Ca I CZ,1"iE, can'+_ -�esh, ;�` rncad. �lose'to <tose4y �ra.cJ preS.a t2.5t \� Pe stoun►�q� 441art-; P�►'t open Poo°•70°'�GSi..O.0S=1,5" DrtP1 rode o.i3'%rn;n. --tr-, fres>1 we Fig_-__—_ �4ofin, -�0 e-toY,-t1, l,t 0 51. op ay" o o r 'T<-5, 0&1 `a Pam= � 0 1044,E --_-_ ��� _ ._ ___ �/. �Lo�e_.fr4.C_f.-��►+1e' ►?��"G� . btfictPCP; �..-- ___ Fe Run 301 ICE,4-1I0,0: 1 C®f� Ste C�rpUnci�9 Y►+®c�, Wr?c'ttfi, IIO �'�� Il®.O -lllaZ Prill rate N® wc;t`tr returr1 / WZau', rtlo09. jtS.'clo�� to V< c10-5e fv-aC., Fe and on stt9h�)y �;�er, QD �., ��,� v,�ios��y-frac, 51m weain, ON }dun 32, 114m3`-I1g,-7e o✓e g r®Unci S 11�P.0, I iCo,7- I li,� V, 410of � fyaG-, io wean, N o40.5aJy �'rcLc4 pc5. ®.r RUhS3, 120 / ®__.__ nu 4d.G­__. i_ _! 1 ��;� GEOLOGIC Sheet 7 of��_. Date - 4- Ma.�f'a4 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No D_� ' 5 Feature D/5 1'ar�2) S 4r2� Coordinates: N -a,,Z27� S 30•$__ E 74Z, Z�B. 8 ._ Core Sizes H CZ — Angle (from Horizontal) r;00o Bearing _ 0100 _ Date Started 3 May, 1 9>34 Date Completed_, l S 84 Total Depth Z C0 5 • 0 rt . Ground Elevation !1_2 � �e___�:_ _ Rock Elevation 1 1 Z t Ft Overburden Thickness 1 5. 1 Ft Ground -Water Elevation 14,43.9 9t--_7/�4- Logged by WilkinsonH kri5en Graphic Log 4) 3..-3Classification and Physical Description 0 i?c Z E Remarks J N ii 3 6 9 12 Ci V U o m C QUA2't'� DCO�tiTE� GoAt; Sf. CO �y� 3 �� eo•rt. St) -an to Strom MC�c1;Xln ra -Frlac'r'e�taln, — , vfl 34, EZt.S•[Z�.S __. close to V. close ._...._. --r-40cite Ccuve._ ma_{e*1�xk,o..s /y -tr= Oro_ r.7rAet_opeer,S�e ,�� I I•au9h to rav;n, r5'-3o;rao'-7o° v,c(oseky-PrL.e.,,51. -to,$eVere►Y �/ '�eatt,, pen=tratrve �G St�c��n5� � \ i/ hsr��.tite 511+y `�cnd 21on+r� O �.c1t t I I n to r v �`� Caa1►ri, oP�nCi, roJg�, tO 401701 a hro leer CoYQ IoS �r>wl ;rev, run In t�.,.tl' 12S.5-i"' .7{soR1TE�. 51, wec�;n, resod. "KVYi �<o9IZ7.0'-i3oo hard to haYd, rs+o,i, StYong tp 3. lZ$ \ ;`rar�� Yslect. Xtrl,pC q,1^Sot. CCaoIINt' r- top oft ,Uri c)rean c;o5ely �'rAc� Fe starn� ng, IirnonrtP-,j open to Partly opQrt,.n `d. Y�vah to eou�?�, 30° to 4•567 Ps2 '. Rur, 7, 110.0'135. I2-7 5- f Zg, 5 0rl11 ra =(' o,? '11mI I �;� Diesel � ta_v� clo<e1,1 fret., Nc .'u�tier return, �i mocl, wea'-fh, e,ct�nsive sta+�►n�-s Grr(fer ;ST;ry'r�t�.` 12-$.5- t30,e core toss goy'=or h�' rOte \ ��/ 134.0 -134, 3 �i/ p Wut�Y r2t�rn, 4/ �1 CO / \� _.. .. ® x. o ccl 14a �� MA � ;� GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet S _ of _Al __. Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No PH 8 4- 5 Feature D/5 Fortal s AreS. Coordinates: N 3 ZZ-i,�- E �4 Z�Z7�. _ Core Sizes FQ Angle (from Horizontal) (�000 Bearing 0100 _ Date Started 3 r!ns a-�19 a4^ Date Completed _ ►"1 A.14 14) a4 Total Depth Z"�e5 Ft o Ground Elevation 1-7 Z 5 o co Rock Elevation 1-7l Z-__S m Overburden Thickness ! S" !_-G- fe_ L Ground -Water Elevation g_ .]_E Logged by _LL�on-L_.hjgjgft Graphic Log cs ,® o J m Classification and Ph sical Description tion Y P C7 aC Remarks a m r 3 U. 369 92 cc ac e ®/ t 1910KITE-, conLtT-'+'e,5n,aeG 5i., aJizered 145.Z' 1dr11 ✓'Gf.'�� de13.:�r%ll.h, A. )CIill ht. q ream m 9 M 0,c3, hbi>kaols•� \, 4ios ly t,o "od. 4'ea-c,:Fe ct(Htne�9 rte. par': ale,; , m e,:P _. vo v a t9 _ �; � lZnb>•al��n c®ram el • 40) 145, Z'- l49°3' Dritd r�-t t 0.27'tMin 1 U. it ciosly to v. ciosely r c� pG3 5 <a.' Gv 1 te O,f Zf r-9i'r, 1 xcwh 1.. I`SS �.O<YYlYr ^YI -GO✓� u.rd..n�_ar�r ®,1 193a4S PST 7rtdG�J7CS C O, G®t'P. �e \ lass 0 ®rni� YCc y �iZ Min. tY] J r7 4 4 j-7 �� a, a o GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet 9 of_ 4 fINW1 1..�' MASRCS Date S M cL A4 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No QH 84-S Feature Dls Porto_1S ,Y'Oa- Coordinates: N 7Z7- 7, E 742,279.8 Core Sizes _HC�i _ Angle (from Horizontal) GOO Bearing ®11)0 Date Started 3 'Ma-�j I984 Date Completed Co Mg j . 1984 Total Depth 2 5 O Ft, Ground Elevation Rock Elevation 1'7 t Z S Et Overburden Thickness 1 F Ground•Water Elevation l6 30 _, Logged by W,IKlnsor7/Nannen Graphic Log o a> o �, m a Classification and Physical Description 0� Z E Remarks - Z J 2 Ub lL 36912 ¢ (j U 6 x 2 H G 1� G \�� PI O R1? = '' C,�r1'C,-Frt=ah , r�c�c�; 5�✓��� ��w �rtlt bt'E l�t�:�u'(�� Run �O Jxte.Y troyU)(h \ 'A o a �1 .......... 1 ;tt tO(7 Q Zo ,t ±/. filet' �t''rt �i�c5t`1t r� r •e. � .J /� `!9: .: 5t' ^ -�s� _at70o�174,5' DrI:? Y:k - -3.15/r„rl Y�; f..ly't, dqr� '�rZ•:f y 1� 177_ ti, 17f,I -17T,9 g ��\ V, GlGS�1� •f'✓=cG., dos GO.1', p x pa.r ed I e f �YQ r- S o' o ° 174,9- I a5.3 Rug 48; 174-.5'-(79,5' CmTle...-Prx.c.,. SPc_ct.rlq Mod- ;�� close, ccLfG�te�F� sfcc°ht?�, rU. h Ynecl. YdUgho. 7 4" �t Lo�'eb4�ty Lei- A—L Ges due to [7517� t$4_.3- OLIART flYoRrT`, \ famed, xln.,. o 17$ - ----- .. �� r0. a_Y �o q wrLr L. 1 07a Mutr_5 zz,z ��n4�,1-7g,5-I Z,5" C Q ` a� Q GEOLOGIC L sheet,® of�_ ,09 Date � Mxb'i4 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No D H g 4 5 Feature 17L5 A,,e5�4_ Coordinates: N ZZ� 5 3G7. E i4Z; 16 e Core Sizes N 06 Angle (from Horizontal) Bearing Olaa Date Started _ 3 Maw r 84- Date Completed May, 1984 Total Depth Ground Elevation __Z7Z_5, (e F+, Rock Elevation 1 -7 Overburden Thickness I t. Ground -Water Elevation lb4-311 Logged by Wjjk so,n lH 15seA Graphic Log. o C m ' ; m 3 0 J t® aw o Classification and Physical Description ca a® 5 a r E 3 Z c 0 E Remarks ® .. r J N �. 3 6 9 12 at � U x C { L.UA.1Z" L Plop' I"i� � can t, fYesh, R D P9 49,. C.C%t L �. � r- �t pl1* 't 4W Ce Sit wItA l C0_ft'.ttit,-"EC.. (C446I1n, Runt 15 IF3Z.5'-(87, 5' Cape- od 1a43mzc�P,1 FI®R1 v� ��ec( 5�r�vt \ _ M 5ome cave :Lt top. pig Fyn t \� a r� I91 -7- 1®:3, Avid, esife Pavp4,,tj�-`ta tj r ,tom 193,o- 17)0f-llT co�`t,TrQgr�,��•�, \ �\ . _._... , �♦ - - _ _ _ tY a G ct-� S�raK+�-; . � `ra r� t:'�'' �S ; -1' �: �d+rcF y. a a, _ffm,a GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet I of 14 Date s Mo..i ' 84 _ Boring No QH 84 - 5 - Angle (from Horizontal) ®® Ground Elevation -,_ 1 `7 Z 5 . Co Ft- Feature D/5 Poe-i-4-ls A,ect Bearing 010° Rock Elevation Coordinates: N�„ZZ7Y53o,--�--- Date Started MaN Overburden Thickness LL{��f�• E '74Z, 278.8 Date Completed P1''l�j_o4° Ground -Water Elevation))���t?�- Core Sizes N Q- Total Depth Z., 11,7 5 , ® la t. Logged by Graphic Log U e m o - IM ro: � m IM3 ` o C n %' Classification and Physical Description C. O Er- E Z c ea E remarks .. J N u. 3 6 9 12 U U ® y e Z D 0 �� QIoF�1TE con't=;-P►�e�rsg Q!cta.s cart RV�t 532 GO:n� '-Par: cl-. ✓- �. E'r _-' . ✓zL.. � .�' ,_�ss�.t a i� �, Q . [ `.� ^ AIM. -i Stogy . s. r_ o Lola - ZZ . f�'T.E._ , Q!o `IT'S'! ._ S�.< t� n wr oo�, c>�:� t*1 bc�< �ta;✓C,�,.S�Yn�c�Rtra _ d- d.. f uiar.t er.. eve( at i 19 . ��►a. �it"t�C:��Qnd �Qo�o.�,�� .. � R� ±s4,2ot,g-zo�.5 �. Kis. healed' its, �(�i�at;L',�hlawit�C�'; ayeovy�t: t0 rovajtoo 400i ,p "'7c.s: O.tS' a2 o a.loo9 many-'4'acs.) �Pc!<ertsrc s Rum 551Z06 �5' Z0q'0' ._ __. _ __�__ '.._ se v. erQL�__.c.�lt�:✓e,�-,_�1�z�_e.1.�__l�.a ��Y� .______..__ ____------_--•- c{ o z e 4 y-P,-A.c, m o cI . tN a ed .to SO4-t-`, \\� � � _ mG�• �'LYUhg ;fib i.V''��.}L � ,oa p , ..-_�. rGtC,,: �``�._ - �_. -.-" . G1 a � Q .� 0 ... �s'r G � 611 S�JJ� �•(�� � _ _ _ _ __ - ))'� Zo5.7- Za3 3 ZIo� \�� .nvr,orov�__�"i'f��5"'tf�"•I'�i��t�.�u'�" _ `q l' !2Z \\ r2Z jo 37, z JZ,3 = ZtB,C;' _ D 11 % 1 �' n ` nil Ru�l S S, Zl8,6'-Zz3.B' JOINTP GEOLOGIC LOG MA W-alTAMRCO SUSITNA Sheet. of 14 _ Date Boring No QH_845 Angle (from Horizontal)_moo® Ground Elevation 7 Z 5 . Cam Feature Bearing Rock Elevation Coordinates: N 3 Z Z 7 3O . 6 Date Started 3 9`'S_g T_,�g4` overburden Thickness E 74Z -Z76, 8 Date Completed Ground•Water Elevation Core Sizes F� _ -_� __ Total Depth Logged by Ind i �G Graphic Log ® o ® Classification and Physical Description a c7 Z E Remarks W �.. 36912 rJ U x m C ZZQ . �tLTERE%?t7tQ (�IT�car+`°�, si..• a��� irl ,- .--�-.ksfel..-._��..�0_tl'. ' M del;, kin .. i •�^e _ �' 1!s t.. ;. E. 1 Z22 ZZ9„O 171C71Z 1"T ., Mesh o% hard' 70 tukot14 - tag, pide�t ', hbrltie,. suNo dun 5 ., 3>� °►o:®. /�, Ynce�.`Glo�eita tar�d� •�rae,'f`✓ C�a`�t water .. ...�. je,'tom-Q4. .. t i X { , ; �� a.fte,r2ci,{ harill,. s'tYon9,3 W�e;�... x(h, It greerv..- r2!>ra Pl:�g/kcalfe'1,rrta4tL�. s „ �Zz %. o� .23Z.eP2332"Gla,�'�tlling� o `\��,► 1 Zat I °n :. 5ta et n fght 5� A 515184 �! Z3 _ 11_ {Kun {-�� V°Vk D.l�i�ylryk.�e. f i_... Z` (0.7 eahQf o i- Q 1� 1 /,� 239. A Z40. :. �� ulterled tr, ka.oltV1 11�u �pZ, " awoaw,. ru.. M7t1Rd_ eti . 17 _s tdo C]°] 1( Q,a� (c GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet 13 of _1_4- Date ' Boring No OH 34 • 5 Angle (from Horizontal) (/ co Ground Elevation L?_Z 5 + Co J=+, Feature D/5 Porto -is Ar'e4 Bearing 010, Rock Elevation Coordinates: N 33 ZZ7, 530, JB Date Started 3 t` q4 1°�94 Overburden Thickness E -I 4- Z 7 278, 6 Date Completed Co Pal g� + `75 4 �1- Ground -Water Elevation i bZ3 , jjr j54- Core Sizes Hit Total Depth Logged by —Drt iHari Sr-n _ Graphic. Log v o m o �. c d .- n m IM ° w a Classification and Physical Description a G m <3 E Z. e E Remarks G W L J tL 3 B 9 12 U C m c 240 �� ?Ib FL t'i'E ed+�'�; .-�'r�s h, �tarof tra Ur1 CoZ 23o.5'-24 s, v, h,_1 Ste o,nr„�l�¢ xln +c 41M�� \ \ QD�,aY"f+lc,. w/r>1Lod. Xin -P5P pheno - Igo wa.-ter n_-tUr?1 Trysts, �k. qra y, P�Q9,�+b1, vn��'ic� o close 1y to Moa, c-10Se pr4r-� � �r ca.Jc�tE:ytl7ht, reed, /'vuo�h' do A�� z44 �� a Z47 � m t o Z �. 49.4 r1o�Co?,-7d4;a% e z . -� - /� t V n (a4, Z49,4'-Z53,5' 59 r i) i rat v V rn'i r+, a` ��� -,:era broken Q1on� h.io?Yt gnaJe 1�U n !a�,25:,5'•��7 No ula ter r°e��-Jrn o szly -Fr <.c., tr, Galc,tZ, rxrt _ Oyer; Si. rou0it, Pc5. ��t O 0 — ;`_; fresh, v, ha.rcl, V. s--rorn y, rued. X(ns -T 15) 0 ZZ PST- 258� gro-Y� qtM L jo�d, rta.-pics Zara �'✓�.c.,•t�9�4c -to paet ur, (a<a,Z56.7'-z(oZ,7' \ _ dpeyvjmezt. rouc}h PrrCI r2`t-- 0.�3�wrin, o,,,1— M,, nu ad_ <cr,e 6 17 14 W"mEMASW GEOLOGIC LOG Sheets of.L_ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Date Boring No ®4' Angle (from Horizontal)® (+O® Ground Elevation Feature 2/ 5 Po rtcti l s A ria Bearing OHO �_ _ Rook Elevation _ Li _lZ Coordinates: N 3g ZZ�7._S3 D •g Date Started -- 3 M(L.w._� 1 A4, Overburden Thickness E 74Z1 278. 8. Date Completed Co May- 1 TSA GroundMater Elevation8q— Core Sizes Q Total Depth Z 2 5. O _ Logged by _�I tl (� Ir, s ®f9 / l� an 5 Graphic Log ® -J Classification and Physical Description a 1E Z E Remarks w t :3 '' 5 U.� 36912 e zr QUAti�,-�•Z S71cR1"rE,,c0n�r i-q�cSh► — Run i tc greeK1 closeky '-q' wloale cl-osa FI' LC9tr�N u rq t �o �0 517 s I t. . 1 — .. •n•1w/ E — , A 1 A { o `` GEOLOGIC L Sheet. I 111���IIILL�""''' Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No ®H 84 - Ca Angle (from Horizontal) (00® _ Ground Elevation i S Z 1 . + / 4 �k, Feature ®L5 or±Bearing Rock Elevation ___1_c�_1 'L Coordinates: N 83Date Started._ ICi May 19sR4- Overburden Thickness E -7 43„ I ? 3. F3 Z� Date Completed � qq � { �E34° Ground -Water Elevation_iC.� Core Sizes H Q Total Depth —_��,.Zw ��__m_. Logged by Boring No.2?B_4"dSheet I of 9 MA, W-4-TASCO GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet _Z___ of _-9— Date _j O_MA*a4 Boring No Angle (from Ground Elevation -Z 1. 4 14- Feature RS &e-t-d 9 Aeees Bearing — oz_,;" Rock Elevation 15iz-Ai.4- Coordinates:N 3,,727,18:3.4GS Date Started - 10 v. Overburden Thickness _rmt-A E 7 3 - E —3--" 0 Date Completed Ground -water Elevation Core Sizes Total Depth Logged by AAilkj Graphic Log cs Z 0 0 Classification and Physical Description CL a E Z Z E Remarks U. 3 6 9 12 x 0 0 ra_ Za -A % . . .... ALI' D10 RITE con'4_ EKED i alln n1t. . . . . .. ........ .... 4 mod, "t:d W txrowti.. wi ermv fill Y GN fa a6 _eo ath 0101*1 oo- 300; % ryl Ran gaorer o(r i I i nq _U4 lea, Z.!!. �aro_ o _ mad. 'st_r'a.P, *0. t�te*A'q % cc __7"_' Run 8" 27. 5 - 30.0 5tArt M JK Sh A 5/1* Q Run =V e top, o-e rvm R U r, 10, 51 0, - 3G, 3Z to ''Se ereitt kexh' st.> ilaee A 1P ro W A, *1 .... .. ...... Vj eaa�V­ Run 12"5r.,z mod h*ed,, moci. strong rate 011ymin. of M r ... ....... —4-a-wa-tee return 4-® GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet ,E�10 Date t I /fl �fc SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ® -_ 5 z . t4 Ground Elevation - (from Horizontal) — g 4 (--- -- Angles Boring �bO�tA. Bea g —"�-�- -s.- No n Rook Elevation _� Rock overburden Thicknes 3'7 7t Elevation Feature -- Z z�� 3 _r} s Date Started .__.i�--� i — — N Ground �eVater by---- Coordinates: - -7A.3 t 7 3. r3�d Date Completed -)1 _._ hogged E _ Total Depth -.__ Core Sizes c Graphic Log ? ® Remarks a �. m 2 o, o. physical Description C? and Phy v Z E ci m C 0.0 w -ACtassitication 7 i r U.UA N 3 8 9 12 , pU���� row re cove -;RL weak, a�try }. _. ? `.: GliiorltG,.hbiT►n ar�"�65`= ^Run ---. -fit Q .:. Q• ''ra.� ";:st�Ai:n �s r9 ,aA m,vs' _ , 0 ai pro t Cq?,CD 0�00 ►nw A•6 ": to GCLVB. � 4 °oil 80°� m _ r'F.Qf Crs "$ Q —r 4p, 4� 'V� 9 ,: i 1 t Cay, Pcgrhbl• f T a'G3 s r-i054Y--fir. OP��° yr1QC�o iQ"Ulajh�e. Mir Moci. rll rat [ortte:, haed..s-trorlyrlt.3.ra�{, No uaat° • � �� closet �rqG. s-famed -r ....... _ _- Rri ra 1 LOGEOLOGIC G JOINTBRA M" suSITNA Boring No H 84 - 2t Angle (from Horizontal) toO0' Ground Elevation.--J. 6 Z 4-1 -4--E-t-, Feature .24�5_ &r"WIS A✓J4k,_ Bearing QZ6® Rock Elevation 1 �z 1 7- Coordinates: N 3 0 2 Z 7, 183. Date Started 10 Mc 1q 19 94- Overburden Thickness _.--Y _�E '74- 3, 17 3 . 8 Ze7 Date Completed ��_-��l l �J �� Ground•Water Elevation j �� .1 94 Core Sizes Total Depth 4 �8_ �. Logged by Graphic. Log ca o , = ®® o ® ? Classification and Physical Description A ae E Z 7 Remarks � Y. 36912 � �° � 0 m -i.. C 6a �i� ..: : D1©l�tTE; con-t , fresh, hard'S�.rottg' (� iezo y .... closely te, moc1. c(psel: -Pro.a.:, L?r t � 1'�-t� 0.14%dirt ®; _:S��tiril.r9g dni rzturn- —Gla s\ � _ �`reiL' Sty:►'�<iG�3?'t�g��l+�i2d;-%'®t�h 0•-30' dIp ar�c�les cn mast �racs ,\ I uuater SUFFly pfrozen V4 hr. �F \ \ i :.. :...... .... thaw In9 prill ate O. &/M 1 A 700/\ "10.0 ®7T.0 Fe Sic 0.6+' wtrAe, S®® �e.� I C®� 7Z, 5 Pt-M rate 0.2 VMm n, No wa:tar re+.uryj \„ ® cfl Boring No.heet of __S1_ _ J GEOLOGIC SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE sheet of 9 Date a_p_ a�' 844 Boring No L7H Angle (from Horizontal) �C C®_ Ground Elevation I 5Z, o 414 ;:"L—. Feature 2,�5 pcs✓ �A� S Q✓� Bearing 01. 11 Rook Elevation __ i Si 2Z4 1 Coordinates: N 3 , Z Z 7, IS 3, 46.5 Date Started _10 Ma yL _034__ , Overburden Thickness &1_3 0E 7 4 3 �(7 3• aZO Date Completed I `�" e Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes �4 Q . Total Depth Logged by Boring Noo Sheet 5 of -a SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No ®H -G - Feature D/5 Par'taIS Q►,�ag_ Coordinates: N 3. ZZ7,_�3_� 44,5 E 43' I13.g610 Core Sizes K Angie (from Horizontal) 0000 Bearing �25® Date Started DateCompleted Total Depth f C®7 0 Ground Elevation ._ I ' 2 Flock Elevation . 1 I Z e- t♦a Overburden Thickness Ground -Water Elevation i 94— Logged by 5rllEdrl Boring No.9HW6Sheet !�i of 9 GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet -7 of SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No D_H 8._4 - (o Angle (from Horizontal)_�DQ_®_..__.__- Ground Elevation _ I �J Z Wto Feature Bearing ° �.�._. __�_-__�__. Rock Elevation 15 1:2 4 (A- Coordinates: N - �, ZZ-7, 18 3. 405 Date Started. Overburden Thickness 9 •O C E 7 4 37 (% 3 • aZO Date Completed .; I_ M� _��--..__- Ground -Water Elevation} gQ' Core Sizes HQ Total Depth Logged by 4 r i CtIm"/ 5r Uen Graphic Log e L '®.e 0.0 ® 8 m a C m L is 7 05 36912 c a p Classification and Physical Description C7 1E Z E Gi V m c II"N /i 'YNf D /D 1t __ Gr4s�c,rty: qa en'-04 i i . 0.1 :1P0yF¢ StAMl lr'q tv j o Wttl�l...'�r.42..pF.:c�G'L�.. ,_ _ _ I e F Yta �� : I . - 1 ` 1 � ( O { ca i ad c.l to chLarrtttv i ._ trace c-F ra,y c l Q y, port aPW gg Sf.I, 1 ._.... •� VGh. G s __ O 'i Remarks - Run3i, 130.01-r Boring No, Sheet __7__ of _ ! o ,( GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet �_ ofMAMAaE t Date- i iMdw��54, SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No—12�±_$4'_� Angle (from Horizontal) �? Ground Elevation Feature __. ®�`�-�5 A✓� Bearing 025° ' �_ Rock Elevation 1 1 Zm 14° Pt, Coordinates. N Date Started I McL-4 ; (9��.s Overburden Thickness . , 2L E i�� I� ® Date Completed t I t�a.,6 P �B4 _ Ground -Water Elevation_ari_, . 1 g4- Core Sizes Total Depth I Cal d Logged by . S =ri et Graphic Log ® ° ,. o = o ®' a ® ' 0 o Classification and Physical Description t 0 ® c7 E Z w ° E Remarks J 3 6 9 12 a C j to s iT cal 5tI i w ci:ath t6 - sh r &-tee , Pr 45.tcst _ .. bse a�err*>r+dd', rgttgh..Ito .r,ovyg�t3� �4� P43.®m{� .. 1 / _ 1 ,...t... �_ . t �, v. ctr�s:•Rr ta. t� vedti�c C.ct;vlnq ®�p�!®gyp t4ro 4 t S3f�40 1. E \� �O°- Oa deg; a1,Z`•:o (4 i r 3t .. :..::.__ ._ _.:. __.._ V'c = ► z, o o z Psi 1 ... } � { Y t ae a all �/\ i .:. p'ar'��4Tr�.`r►!tr.� Q1 , ; r I:r1Or1... ::.. ctos i ` Pra;c.:p..r-41a;tir 9 chicrrt#z y \s; par$ _6feK peSe t6c� t. 1 Rnrin® Nn_ 0HA4 •64hpat i3 of 9 n m( D i g r GEOLOGIC L Sheet 5_ of — [ i Date i Id1ay 8� SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No D P a 4-- G _ Angie (from Horizontap__C Q.® Ground Elevation 5 2 1.4 Feature _5 ?Q ,tc s Ay_sa- Bearing �Z S® — Rock Elevation t r? , r-, 4 4 �• - Coordinates N Z Z7.. } E 0,4 5 Date Started - 10..__ � �J.��4° Overburden Thickness %Mj2 4 E Date Completed 1 L McLy �� �. Ground -Water Elevation 137 4- Core Sizes Total Depth Logged by te0Lr1'Cttt Graphic Log 0 3 w CL ® E c a� ®> v "J Classification and Physical Description C7 Z Remarks a 4 N 36912 C9 m c i a y .. r _.. 1., �_.:` .. W 1 G.IG S �► 3/.: G 5+� lid 8, t' . ; _ I'err, i __...... ....., _..... �_..... _-.. r-- t ........ . — ;:. s.. ..... _ _ - _. _ _ a.." i 1,; _ __.i.... _..... X 1 } _ i 7 Nit Boring No. NSC-"heat 02 of _9 N ° " '1 , "MA2 C a GEOLOGIC LOG JOINTSUSITNA Sheet -_ 1 of Date .a_<_/ _ Boring No i-i 64 - % Angle (from Horizontal) (o® 0 Ground Elevation 1 %Zs. 30o F� Feature _l�OS P®s-�rtl5 �'@G, Bearing dZ�� ______�e Rock Elevation 1 Co-L ( . I CC) Ft, Coordinates:N Date Started Z8 4pri1,,A-0)-ee4- Overburden Thickness 4.2 F'f' E -74 Z, 55 8. 4 14- Date Completed � M rZ��1 ��� Ground -Water Elevation 611. 5 5,7t J94- Core Sizes Total Depth C��. ._ ,__ Logged by M--rfV Mtin� HcLr,S&-n Graphic Log °a c ®> Da ® ti u ow J Classification and Physical Description a C7 Q �c a Z z m m: E Remarks ®W ... t .�. N U.oe 3 8 9 12 v. m C �y A1V .... t�0y i�Yc mTV- jMV 2,o to 4 J __.� t[e�✓��T S {{ I Run 3,, +.oto-.5 • .. / ... 4.2' -- .14 .o' G�,WA4?.fi t �.�L- . t 1 U E�'1' E�' -Ili�o�nc Ntyht Sh tft StaCt�d \/ �,` ... i s+ro>-tg rimed X ri ct� ,a 1.. teen zg APr*t �a- . s Run 4, 5 5 to 7 ... Stormed,. gen. tI hrt,- .:YdtJZj��;�O'-��a _ n.,m.,max: o.7, �rene, -- x 5ta►ntrig�a(o►,g`-f'ra;afur �i Run 5 7.5to ►2.� ` _� F , k .. ... ... :... S 4to U n (0 GloSeI>( to 0.i to 0.2 -Fraz cln5le51 up -to 7o° / i.. ol/-{ _t rn .. , ...,.: ei:4.- r a11.�.,1.4rfCsy. q4 I.i.l.:!�' `�. Urrn Boring No.0484' Sheet i of GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet. of_A _. 4 I Date _ IA?_' SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 0 Boring No ®H 84 ' % Angle (from Horizontal)Ground Elevation ��5 5 . SOO �k. Feature Vls aPort is kre4. Bearing 0��° _. _�._. Flock Elevation Coordinates: N 3 , ZZ7 40Z. R 49 Date Started 2 QS Ay�` t e �e--- -_-- Overburden Thickness E -741 �S$96. 41 Date completed Ground -Water Elevationj_5A1r &4" Core Sizes Fi Q -- Total Depth Logged by Jel ins bdan��e� Boring No. - Sheet —L of Or _ GEOLOGIC LOG ® o ;i Sheet__1— of..I Date 7-9 11,_—PA. SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No 0H Angle (from Horizontal)_ ,° __.— Ground Elevation I Ce Z 5 . 30 0 Feature _ 26 Portal4s At-eA.. Bearing ®� ® _�_� Rock Elevation Co Z. 1 . ) 0C® Coordinates: N 3-2Z7, z Date Started , overburden Thickness ¢.� ��4oBA _,��, ° E , 7 4 z— 4 S �.4 4- Date Completed 8 P�Iec �1�84 Ground•Water Elevation1J6�-1194 Core Sizes Total Depth Logged by i�l �ikinse n j Nan�n Boring No. DN84'? Sheet —_ of -14 GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet of __L+__ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No OH_84' 7 Feature ®L� P®r•tal5 Area Coordinates: N 3 Z 223 4G - 8 49 E i47,56 .4►�. Core Sizes Ha Angle (from Horizontal) (�20® Bearing C?Z 7 _ __ Date Started Ie) A 1984 Date Completed 1_M«�/TI9 3� Total Depth Ground Elevation Rock Elevation(�- Overburden Thickness 4•� ^ Ground -Water Elevation 5 6 r Logged by Will<InS®n/ l��nger Graphic Log a � � as Classification and Physical Description l3 E 2 � E Remarks 36992 x M � .� - \ .....� �q r 1 q �y Try �y 1� 4Xut'91`! I z :.V1oRiTe', ca nto;a.�r�6r19.�'10.1i p pa'°I! I'0.'i°6?, C]aZt, i �`rrt.trl, .. •/.� _ .. . :. 5.•k:r_an d�Kln cee.nt;�h_ rr�. 9- 9 � ur -to dioSe fray.. _r — e/t bra.¢,. 5u rSUrf5.yt.gh't h -Lo. ® .._ ..,.. ✓\® ', 3�e®gQ® 1"flC6�-io�� rnln.Qel.t }...: ® ,.. s : s !�i _ _ G�G`a�� r•?,C't.ure�'r.F� Sk.A.Ltltildj Dr_919ra� 0.i',,l�Kt,ll.. ®� r\ � -troe.e Ga rbonate 9 Pa.M opera : to open ; 1 roughs ZOOO Q6o, 70�; ; Cc:s ecT�- a .54 — VI � c some pre5o Ir hots I bu* no retirn ,4. :. in' hole: varletble,. st 110 wd.'t er_ r .a tourn- Run 19g 7aa c7- 75:o- /i/ ®rill rqf&— Qmi rod 5 to rec. Dare, - 72. 75 _. _ ._�. ._ _ _... r4d1--> wQrrt b(;60-, -town h®!� tv/o e c-105e -t:o V. closs fy-F'ractUr; ,? ® "tItv►e.UIty Fe tte \ -to ©pen; th. rough to rough,:. c arer b4 ty t 5=73.3._,_... r ziK-"- ;77, C %/ Lidsety fra.(_'F2 —,tavnectra;c.e -top o run , f to rried. rough' 0 _ . 80 Boring No. ®H 84A ' Sheet 4° of __�0 Sheet _5__ of _j.,4_-_ Date 2ID Apri1154- SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No �`ri 8 - -7 Angle (from Horizontal)� � Ground Elevation 1 G Z , 300 _-'tt , Feature Fortn.1 S Are0. Bearing __��. �_�__ Rock Elevation l cm Z 1 t n Coordinates: N 3� ZZ�• 4®�, �9- Date Started _A Rg�F° 1__ Overburden Thickness E Q' Zy 55 a.Q-14 Date Completed .��LI0. r/, poi �44° Ground Water Elevationl6�t 4 Core Sizes °riQ_ _ Total Depth Logged by jnSon I Han=ft Boring No. QH •7Sheet _S____ of �� SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No PH 84 -7 Feature D/ 5 Forts L._ reu Coordinates: N Z Z -7,40 Z .844 E 74Z, Sse. 4t¢ Core Sizes GEOLOGIC LOG Angle (from Horizontal)®� o Bearing Date Started r28 AvtL�i°� g4'� Date Completed Total Depth Sheet - CO of -A- Date. Z.%!Q_ .pro1,64 Ground Elevation_o 00 Rock Elevation Overburden Thickness Ground -Water Elevation IE677 et• -704- Logged by nn5e�5 LJilk�� Graphic Log 2 m w a m o t A Classification and Physical Description c3 M _'Ca E Z e E Remarks 02 i' 2 ii 3 6 9 12 x 0 2 C QCIART'Z .PCR1TE �Rdt)_ 25g 99-4 101.7 �i` Sti�wP_t�the_��oaag_ £rae.s�,hardteie t� Short ruri tubs _ %% medo xtrt. gre�:nl5h grey, Plag,hb4o � �Ie�sQly frae.,aec. M 0ej.fra:. Ron Z(45 loo - 10G.0 aTl -ro oc . Sir: Fe; rmng an II� r'Ime 5'flti I rl.. ��\ -�r°�c.. Surf'.5,-ti9��'. t'o 53i� op�rir N� Luster rei'urn _�_ ;i __._.__4._- .._ �� n�ibir �re�< \ - :" -¢O1.Dr1�2:jrouc�h_t.n._r_��►�1�_____ � i \ core: anq,IC5 '3an, PrtHer o �I tC71S - to Boa ®, t0se1 �r',-' �..' 6I, W eath. 9- ®l Ito t/� ��� Ito .`-1t4o Ira -CZ) clayey sQnc1-�lllii,�j a►onc{ Ti.1C.., �Jr� ° - �/ !� pri tl is°2 '.wJ-$.T".y.'',,'i•f 04%5. '� �.1 �` 0 O 1`dt'� v, c.l®t,e.ly-Cra.(;, y on 757., , tt8 i,• closely -ta v, cis eta fry ._along sory1P_ 4rUs/resha 5e-, cioco v,e-Io5�_ 120 ice% -�o �r4c.,, arar �tndy ,-.lay tt�.� 120.1 tl�t Run 31 rzt.s �4 x+ncly ef4 tt Boring No.17H84' Sheet G - of 14, GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet--!— ®�tril--¢ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No P H 84 ' 7 Feature OI tZ Port k_Ar6a Coordinates: N 9aZZ.7, 40 Z • 849 E 749 i6d-4t4 Core Sizes HQ Angle (from Horizontal) �000 Bearing ® - S Date Started ZS p r I l ,y� 184 Date Completed Total Depth Z Ground Elevation - 1 g' Z S , -3 o Rock Elevation l (:®-L l ' IOU Overburden Thickness 4, 2 Ground -Water Elevation_Lp t. 7 84 Logged by Lltll��nsor�/1�4ann Graphic Log v ® c —°° ;IM J ro Classification and Physical Description c7 R o T_ z E Remarks r LL 369 92 U �? x m N 120 Run I ,co n't. :n J21.5 carte_-j ro a t.t QUAftr.Z_32f 2_�L21-9, 8 .i etrong: reed. 'x:ln.,_$ray, plag,.hbC, D Mleah, break" at Pyrite and Ghlarlt-e along �on� m -top. _ %i cccr( dnate,c cry and p'yl-ttt, t� medo rote Z::z °8o,P4`!5aa'-0<8,, o 0 r,�aled;.trght, sl �, r®eJe3 4®ate° - top i Q ,� - ....__. ... i. ,�.� tom; 131. Q -154a� CIaS¢ly.to mod. c.1osC_-Prac.q?. Fun Me . bra:a.!<�. tro-e e. carbonate ariJ ca(crte, at top %r) batorn, 41111r g,Sfi.to rnQd rovyh; to° Z!J' No wat`r return 132.10 ol t�\ f 35.7 -13rv: �e Fs ic�- v � t►� , aap tc;_ o.o � �� �oo�*. _ tom/ Rvn 3�, 13�o.S i41.5 VV = 71n,775 PSG 3 x 140 Boring No. 54 Sheet -7 of _� 4 HAM, �1,�i'; �� A ' C GEOLOGIC SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No ID H 8¢ - 7 Angle (from Horizontal)__(�Q�Ground Elevation._ Feature 0f S Po--ta-15 Area.. Bearing Bock Elevation __I C®2I o ►®®_— � Coordinates: N ZZ72,4O2.849 Date Started .,2A r14 - Overburden Thickness E 74 Z� 55$, 4 P¢ Date Completed Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes NQ Total Depth 2623 5!e Logged by 6 �il<1nso Graphic Log m O c 2 v .�. ®b �° S R Classification and Physical Description c7 m ® 0; 7 Z m E Remarks o ® 10 t a 2 _ � u, 3 8 9 12 ae a c � � x M � allAP,7Z D10R17°E, can°�.. �r�'SI1, R7—F c��° . 1 . �g-----__ tzo Ia� hi2i Chitor° eid© e \� close, 0.06'- 1.,51 � :5H. rough, -_._��i ::v...:_ �_:. s�►ne G1a�_ P�tchc�,.�Qm�fr�sh: � �..._,---__-- ___ _..�: ;! ,! sI i. ult.e+-ed, d sccafored, Minor, t1 on ®® t48l1/ X-fir- kAohn ma-e1c enocryS-tsp h ►�o ®� _ Rug 3 a' I I l a - 160,95 4aUIN, RTZ �7 0 F i �etrY-I rq' t52 \s i!\Ul o \ ° ° s P�1Ied r®dsto e!� j450 hr5, W.I. qt: '31 I >� tV 57 rcte s �.�!►��fC9> O ' Boring No, 9N*4•'7 Sheet __a-..__. of I_-�__ MA&UaE.,TA,'2Q0 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet _3_., of _14-_ Date _-a-0—A-pr Boring Na 'PH 54_ � Angie (from Horizontal)_(O_�.__--_.---.---, Ground Elevation ._ t fa 7-5 • 3ao �. Feature D)5 Port g ® i oa q,LSAI-�G� Bearing P� r2.___�-----.-_�__� Hook Elevation Coordinates: N 3� Z 7, 40 Z84,9 _ Date Started ..���-_�s[� T�Overburden Thickness E -74 2 �6S8 4° i l! Date Completed Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes H Q Total Depth Logged by S!�gry 5P_ n Graphic Log �, ® m o O o > T IM -° 0 o •. a �; i Classification and Physical Description CB ® E Z r ID E Remarks 00 •J 2 1 U. 3 6 9 12 Ie x d 6.9 : ALTERED QUA ' : Rijn 4as_. 59:7 - b,$ _ :. etaAl , _ f ` moil, rd rracct,t7"on-o Wei k rnect. Xln>,'Sr+�e ka4tiKPy c.i�14r. p— I f62 ►� y Y777t. epid �, bt -t- green-ddra �—i-- �, i .. �_ 0 , :_ Y i f19h.ngk¢ jtSsGtaY �tt�rn�' l i P. clod t1P rest .�_444�.sahi2. jts, CGtrbo.nc�� �n �U 70'- 3Ct°t tRwr f,:t'a�t5:- �\ A* i I r t t►.n becav so-- ,!7, new, �P ro SX.-� scr r - .•� \� e -: f green,cdarwgre2t=grdc y- clad/ fay'.4r; 51TGk_hStdCSInIGtQjI. :: N l co rt �-ta n- : SOS rotT w z 1C XT� ::." -f- ® .'�'c 0_ PS_ _. CALL I E. VEIlq o u0 r� Q „ii -st>rv.r. r ec:-b �i � _ , - bounded by clay and a iter�d.t i .�' _ � Gt l a r �{�yJ►•+Dct ho rd, rna1.5t�'g ., I I"r� . �4�!'4 - . 10 Irit W1.60 . +.e. 4i I t-i,.n ' 2Gt' I Run A?- m'ad, ultt.. ulealc��ria;bJe inpar�, Faster ol�rrlt»!i m» 4tcs cloytey th 5:utf t:de- : tonInal ". t7o.�- t,74 9 dray J0-;(jlrfl j bordeJ'i119 Q nz - .� n `afcrr. yeti:n,}-�s.a.re Ini];I�d o Lj so- ,, , . • t74 (o:-t79-,6: L ajovf IfIn95 aiarlgrawtLri6. we#k �Jq I i St w wo r .. _ _. .. :. f -SSh, j�0.rcil� stmPIg�Me,4..X1t1., •i f G�i*een.•Gj►- t,yf,.p'iowy, hbt. tr' do }'�5� �2"�i ��` --- �- �i� _.51�. rovg,h-t"d Sr!•►`aoth, 24,:{_.. ! \ ... Run "A ..... . .. . .... . ;.-' Boring No. 24 " Sheet - 9 of I GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet-io—of-14— M Date -1 1 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No 12 4 84 7 Angle (from Horizontal) (0O® _ __ o Ground Elevation pis, Feature p � po a-� `� Are Bearing Rock Elevation I QC7 Coordinates: N E 40*Z'_d4j Date Started Date Completed � 8!+ Overburden Thickness ._4-:2_ 't Groundwater Elevation 61 es 84- L4 t, Core Sizes -1—Mw Total Depth Logged by Graphic Log cs o m ; v Classification and Physical Description c5 w z E Remarks ® re t -r 2 y U. 36912 ISO vtog rrE,: Gort`$ , re�W .F . ` . r.. ,aUART°Z. i�h�df St1Lbned x1xL,�. Win 1e \\ n 9ray mod. Nose to cloy<2ly-Pr'Le.$ s chlorite along-f'r0.r_.,tlgh-t .. .. r.. to pa.r't mostly. ®'m-BO'ghol _ n� t ® 6 t 2 ldi \e ! ,. st trL n !ejk t sh t - 1 .. ... A _ t • 6Do , / \� p } r l l! 3. ` .& / Yi in, l�� \\ x __.... .. , _......__.._._ _ ._. ._ .. ......._... _....__._ _ _ 't%LL�SC''� 3}7 V d . PS�. -R�? �-L a, a 1 �q yT so br®kan .S►F_e gen. _C.l1 S� 5 4�. o rlr l r 0.i6`/fA1/3 \10 -- \//e Zoo Boring No. V H E4' %Sheet of G EO LOG I O LOG Sheet , I of_ o M �, �� S',90 Date-aP april,E4 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Angle (from Horizontal). GOO Ground Elevation Feature S P®rCctlAT -Bearing Rock Elevation J Cp I f 00 Coordinates: N 3, ZZ-}4OZ.9 15�9 Date Started _ Overburden Thickness E 7¢ Z 55 Date Completed 1 _Mqy Ground -Water ElevationL� Core Sizes ii G2 Total Depth _?__C Logged by LJ t I k in t,0n 1 an Sin Graphic Log 0 , c 0 e 3 ' CM 0 ` J as c Classification and Physical Description C7 a p Z a Remarks W J Vl 3 8'9 12 Q V % m e Clla,R�z zF11A C 1TA�� cc�nstyi�ch. g'1 '�/ man&y o rate 0.1'1/m►n ; - ,.; frG,::.m:ro,gh t ri7tkjh,core' o — t arrgleS �pa:'9a'�r�o� f r�csi-su{a x" he 1._'7Se�r e� � ��iX : �; �}min-G�D� t4 Ru n;..-S' �\ Z04-. c1a f ..� Drell: rate azs7mift. a 2c5.Z- �t3.a ALTERED` G2�1AfZTZ 1_a�ter r�turrr __ ... n„ocl, har r�ocl. 5ti'�n �o WearG '' re n 3 .g r�.y kac> la e ,._ ..._ 0�' _. __ ; __ Ga:tCt`t'� .Gs�.'f'i�jCj C:ar►1>�p17� :_, ;� 4-iay 411hMg a1 nc� a fewt fra�`s., „ ��� Zo5.9-Caro-?t3.7 --te -_ \\ . `n _. _... _ ,_ ____, - __ __ 1 :,_© severely +JJe�*,,weaK, t?r►T1"ra az5/gin. Now r +JYrt `= clay' 471;111ng; re a� ZIo.�-?tt.O.Sev2✓2Iy a weat�.,:�aeal�atayEey �:;to►� " � C(U'Urt-VCr1t;P Soo= o&' � _213.��Z18�?�_ . t?f•[�TZ iriI�R�Tt,. _:_.:. `u. :� `_..__ -tre5'�, C�GC.. Sl 1. ca.�tererl .CfOtt� ¢ru.cs.}harciI5t-rongy»'taci K�tn,�; t�t3t�53,�1`�:?-Zt8,7 r� i �97 bij' r°aGe._. - 1�riT rate 0 ZO . ��, Kaal1N1. ; d+5cotorc�+eon off' x NO ujd.6'&r r_turn. . i, c1o5ely: f�ra,c.,►�+ed. �avph+�rav�H _ �\� ; . yi�jh�'ty R op�n�:.ar�'any1���• ro 7-1'1.7' o o.Zwlcle Zane 04-Pe 14-Z rr i� l�7•Z2r S,: 5-�': �tter�tr�;tra�e _ Run." ,ZIP '?-ZZ3.7 ----Prit � rate o,za�,�;i zZa i`% kaot�a en' grt:en-9 ,J'�.. gen. I Boring No. DH84- Sheet It of 14- JOINTDate SUSITNA Boring No Angle (from Horizontal)_ 2 e�_ Ground Elevation. Ii®Z ._'-00 A Feature Bearing ems° Rock Elevation Coordinates: N ZZ%4®! 4 Date Started.. ._,4rs_ 1ij54o � overburden Thickness AP2 fit• E 9- 414' Date Completed _� _���,: ii °1�° Ground -Water Elevation._L5 �_.�_�g� Core Sizes kJa._ _ Total Depth _ ��,. togged by a 1rJe 11CgY��®n Boring No. Sheet ) ?— _ of 1!� t {I L € /' ,, GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet_) of_A_ Date. ri r Boring No 84 Angle (from Horizontal) <y®® Ground Elevation 3 moo, Feature D/S Portp.l'S ,4reL Bearing —__ ..� _._® _ Rock Elevation 1.. 0 Coordinates: N 3 9 ZZ'71 40Z es 1 Date Started __Z$AF?ft I �1984 Overburden Thickness Z E ?42�558p 4 ►4� Date Completed 1 h'10-v . i -184- Ground -Water Elevation • �14- Core Sizes i-I Q. Total Depth cf�2 S . ,� Logged by 1L O-M serr / W 1 i i•: in 5O Vt Graphic Log o m o c m ; CM3 ° ® ° Classification and Physical Description a ® CS Cc .0 Z ; m E Remarks 02 W N 3 L 9 9 12 ® n oolGO t/.` _......_.. _ L�/-�..-\ l �F. iC �� 1. �rif. f 1�1 J/'74•Tr� M /� w i _ "J'rdo A �4t,ZZ45.1 `- 59 , . L �14:sJrar s.: a,r�: lrsca14 Jr.R Del t I rat?. 0" .5,ltttiin,. ro r IJU"C' .1 ::4t.�"k !'eat `t.a�ofld� 4'r[c:C;�i.: , O a _ Z43 j :.. 1- _ ; .:. Run CcO, Z45,2•ZSv;Z . _ ; QYf� ram O.ZOt`/,riii; IN .._ Z��.�_I✓����Irhg .�. 01 mod. wreath. ' Modl. rear".t od *vpn':'. o koalrYl.;.b.61, epldote. Ps I i . br�krt,pYob,.mreGh .,11. rough 25t �YQ(�..D.C��j.• �] i----- � / C.JCJ�.� Y:r �.��5���( \ � V_�� .`i7� ��+b► — GG � \ : Y�'l C�ct<: 't.c5 G.� b 52• f'r GL[. , C�ct-I G, � , roq5h . - x Ray 5h I 5i f f84 ..... . AL--'EFTT0 DIGF"IT mod a-_l teved) sl. ._.—_.. . . _.. yet t:_ 4Ve4.+t) Mod!' Koyd � SoWe4i: -1i�.���y_Z��t�._',�•�2d.L. � %` ...�..._. _ _ . ��� 1 `-G7��C71R a (.�1PGi14 . �`ti.y 3041,go 'r-ore grovnd at t"'p, Boring No. 0484- Sheet 1' of -14:i— S eet o o Date (S�A SUSlTNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Angle (from Horizontal)___% C z _ ____ Ground Elevation Feature �/5 P®t't°� I� A.r�C�. Bearing Q�._��' � �d�__..".—__.V Rock Elevation _ Coordinates: N _� ZZ73 !'QZ.8442 Date Started Ainri� , l� Overburden Thickness E . 74z,, 5 I� Date Completed �_ °�i` _ Ground -water Elevation o Core sizes-�—• —____ Total Depth _. Z fs �� _LL�� Logged by J� L� i� t ►��+�r9 f I� eo py e9 Graphic Log w o r� ® w ® ® E Z e 0 m ® v 0 Classification and Physical Description t? Z E Remarks 02 O x !++ -j um 36912 h171 f H� _ _ ..." "" ' -- _. ... _ t . - T { j f ... ...... .. ... _ I , 1 : F.... ... .. . ..... .. ... . .... .......... P t .... t 4 - 1 , .. _- jilt t t ., _.._.. �.— _ s r i 4 i . t.. + 111 . ... ... .. . r . t 1 Borino No. t ticznt / aneec �! ^ or 1 — m IM°�N - GEOLOGIC LAG afg_sof ��_B SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No P -4 84" 8- Angle (from Horizontal) Goo _ Ground Elevation Feature a/5 Po S A✓e0x Bearing ° Rock Elevation �t ��.°�• � � �• Coordinates'. N M = Z7, 4 3. Date Started ®1 ma—`� , Overburden Thickness E ® � 'ZA-3 . [ Z . 9 Date Completed ����!,,J -ate Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes H Q Total Depth 100. 0 Logged by ca v 1 Graphic log o e a b o a o m = = 7 a t c G a iO Classification and Physical Description a r3 � .0 m Remarks ru ..d £ ,� Q U ri :3. 3 8 9 12 �-:- ffR�c.�t�. -£ �.yr►j erw , . �r�t rs- ,°-- � ` � L� �.� 2, �`i4Q 1�ITl 6.r....nil.. Ec LQUU LOU Dater of SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No PH 8 4 - 8 Angle (from Horizontal) ro0° Ground Elevation 1 ��7'7 • ( i+�. Feature R/S &r EaLls, A ieGQ Bearing ®t a Rock Elevation 1 Gs ®%• i F . Coordinates: N • `-�7 4 3 •3 Date Started p ?-Me.L1-4 84- Overburden Thickness E 77 1 I l Z. Date Completed 13 Mn.se . 1-1a4 Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes ----H_a Total Depth 100. ® 5 Logged by !:-2e&v 1 P"t° Boring No. Sheet of off_ GEOLOGIC ®G Datet t3Ma a SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No P H e Angle (from Horizontal) to®® Ground Elevation (o"fT • LFt. Feature IR/S Bearing ®l ® Rock Elevation i Sr+�9• �• Coordinates: N 3 . ZZ7. 4 3 3 , 3 _ Date Started Overburden Thickness _ems E 743� I ! Z . 9 Date Completed 1? Maw 1484 Ground -Water Elevation Joe Core Sizes ) Q Total Depth Logged by S maw 1 e't� Graphic Log �, o c g a � IM > > w E m Qo y �o Classification and Physical Description t? cc Z E Remarks to s U. ae Cc c v, N s 6 9 92it l.. 1 .., /�/ .... *.✓r�_ th 4 t flak 4 r � �.�Tl_4 • :..Ul! 4 J i r r _� .7t �%.4 t i L ri M.►..-. y.-1_ _ : t me O l ro a u { PIMP; o p. ; a .V U:1't ' o o �� h Q. 1+ d- e a f. k - - _ - -- so Ya.�. Z�t"Et UH' { �t t tow l . 3 _ ek. :. Sa t; 1RW_5a . :.-- to •------. .. : _-•__ � . _ .. _. : Boring No. P-HA4-8 Sheet of _�_ l Shee s,p� ®�� elf GEOLOGICL Datet_�.�94 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No p EL8 4 - 8 --Angle (from Horizontal) Coo Ground Elevation Feature R/s &r EMI% Aver. Bearing C2[7—' -- Flock Elevation Coordinates: N �a ZZ7 4��3 3. Date Started 11 Mex,-4_® Overburden Thickness E -74�i l 2 0 Date Completed Mo te. (784 Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes H (2 Total Depth 100 ^ O �� o Logged by S ca�� Boring No. OA644BSheet_4 oft_ GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet - of YAM /a Date a. L4 184 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No PH 8 4 - 8 Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation Feature R/s PorEaLls AVCOm Bearing Rock Elevation Coordinates: N - 73 7-7--7,4 3:5.3 Date Started t _ Overburden Thickness 2L E 4- Date Completed MCk_",4, (I-eL4- Ground -Water Elevation 1613,SA1/94- Core Sizes H Q Total Depth Logged by Graphic Log 0 0 02 -6 U. 3 6 9 1: I A t-4- Classification and Physical Description ea E M Z 0 S Remarks x 0 Co 947, Pt 9?6 o4k­ ^- L-r RtV 19 4. F M-A d.. AV-/ 14. - 1. -4.CJT r.e' -VT4 T 4;Adk ex- j� 0 0 Y. t 14; It 9 . 0. lawi-, 7 wtv M"t Vmy f i 15 .. ..... ..... �NWrl F i 4-C-,., Y Pr 41quo 7- . .. ..... .. SM Boring No. Sheet -5 of S HIMMEMASM SOIL BORING LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet of _4 Date i3 Ma14'A4 Boring No ®� �4 "g Angie (from Horizontal)i ® Ground Elevation -L Ce t .5 ;:-t. Feature iFs rt ge Af'Co®. Bearing�`� W Rook Elevation Coordinates: N 30Z.Z90540- 3 Date Started 13��.1984 Total Depth 4 7 Date Completed av : 1 984 � Ground -Water Elevation �2� Q4° E i 45, $!®Q.S l nnned by Pui6 y / Fr&y f Boring No.21484.9 Sheet I_ of 'L r- II SOIL . R;SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No PH 54 ® �) Angle (from Horizontal) S�® Ground Elevation Feature `FInS' Awea. Bearingyz! ® Rock Elevation Z®d®I F�,• Coordinates: N i 2Z9 �G®.3 Date Started 13 Mriv IQ Total Depth E 7 4 s f®®. Plate Completed _ ZAmy 19 84 Ground -Water Elevation ± - m Z ®� ® a�` ® ® ® Sall Description Remarks a �® 12� �Q c E e 3 m ��ca en L. - - y a L .. 1. t !*` i -17 ct' O,gI .-1.. i. ..... ., _ -t •_I ,- .4 ...;. .r 1 .� .i.. _ _, 7 ._ Irt_.1 X:.r - a — t 1 r• _. T., l.. ' - +ft tO� � i� • y _. .ygtii a 'F+� i 1, Si' iR giSlm/ sti : ;� c te. 4' to. Meat s M • :.. L eA Is V :. p y u :. . , b! _ Cater. r_.; I1 LQ.yy I e�yjee AA__ g V v 39 Riun S, 33.:5' 39.5 :din :tom•; 1 �, _ r: arp _ yr Fey a�►n I ,v w- L 4:1 me C -t 3.0 .. - s� .Sol SM YPOL m :w the c11 ast _. ;. 'j Boring No. Sheet . of z SOIL BORING LOG NAM a IMA9,09 Dated ML`1'34 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No PH 84-- 9 - Angle (from Horizontal)— Ground Elevation Feature A s® A r Bearing %Z Is In Rock Elevation ------- Coordinates: N S. Z19,'5!;e0'3 Date Started — 13 M eL 1984 Total Depth A!1 -7.5 Pt. E 7 4 5. 80-0,5- Date Completed round -Water Elevation ±� 1 .40 Loaned by — I ey L Frey 39 .0 ® E .2 S % ra Z M e .2 °'_" 0 Cut CL E.2 :11 0 Sall Description Z Remarks "a 00 _j 0 -40 i the L m 17124--ilallot Ate AAS-3ifll. r� 4-+ - -43 14 S. t - _1� 4- 12 rov- I ae:; ­6 tin r- -vt� 4 It q L 4 i-4 _E 110 )e 0 • :t *11�e in IM_e -7 awl 0) MR7. P6494M, t.111C.'M i ..... ..... 'Xj Silt t 5A 17, v5'�� .� 52'of-Ao in a f OK144i P.d Alf C. _t IZ pie- r4e.**.I. 74 ,C A r ty 7, oil e7' IN. -to Pt �5 pot, Ma 4.6 -s 13 7 S s ALQ -r7 r (f e it) C.04L. Sic 1� Boring No.204-9 Sheet —3-- of 1121 SOIL BORING LOG Sheet -Al— of _1� MUMMEMM90 Date 19 Maw 'A 4 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Angle (from Horizontal) 0 Ground Elevation Feature Bearing Rock Elevation Coordinates: N 75, %-Z9j!ff4yQ, Date Started 13 19 A4 Total Depth E Date Completed - ma I 'f�l - Ground plater Elevation 12-140 Pt, -1194- _A4 Logged by 0 Cc Soil Description. Z Remarks E c: x rA 00 _j 0 CL A .1 M& Jr. I tell Lovil 6- i T C'-t 4,91 T Vtwl 5 _e 7-J co I ro* 4-- t 4 t Ct F 7�­ arc 4 _7: fit R art 6* Pt 4M t r- t A a Aiis an Sk �w T ea L511, A 47 A tz) V w 7, Li El 70,19 *Solt 14 Lt 41 Ito . v.4 L 'T 7 R Li&md i_f� ker— Nt LL 7 -7- 7 1'7 r i.-: 1 7-T 4WA&L Ru I-T 7 7' 7+' C_L_ 1701.8 ;Z 40 "act Pter19,71,7 -44 Boring No.PR8_4_-1_ Sheet __At. ® of SOIL BORING LOG Sheet �� of _ Date ) 9 May '84 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No ®N Angie (from Horizontal) SSo Ground Elevation Feature 'Et n S' AYea, Bearing 2 Z 5 D Rock Elevation o AO i P= �- Coordlnates: N Date Started 13 Mas 196 — Total Depth �� �.�5 E ,r.°��0.3 -745��}!�®.5 Date Completed 22 P'ia r.� t�l���� Ground•Water Elevation �� �� ^1 g4 Logged by Flu ex i l°r.ey t® A.. ®� ZZa C T Z O yg «m ® u L E ®� E m CL ; o ® v o Soil Description Z Remarks w cc Y) mR om ,j® o �o iK., I 15N IV: pit, :ensa q. L, roof TV ri11th9 :wi h_ �' su rdu11 oC :v ariey nary .. r • '+ -` ; .. StE' t. ti .'� :a ( . !-r;sh -►.�P! o . d- ct t r� } ' 94 to a� �� �,� Y - - i,, .: a LIM cal Ind bra E!$ -�: :p c ► lei e,` t : . t0K. a _ . r __ F t,_ . ✓ L �._. C-t ra k� s, r+�:e �il t L. t I _; _ , 4. , OA o eiy, we e7789 Ire lie 3,a U 'I f 'Yr�.,1 �reenLsh ay+t��:. �.10. �.�� IQ1�1?CG Yt7G C(i t 2z 4,d - rzv a trow A; 1.l ko ..a i t t , . �^' Z4 ct z4 k { - t , 1. Boring No. Sheet of 0 f.RL,A EMSM SOIL BORING LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet.k_ of-1— Date 19 M QZ24 0 Boring No ®l-I 54.9 Angle (from Horizontal) 526 Ground Elevation 162 IA 5 Ft. Feature 4Fs rt s' Area. Bearing Z Z 5 ® Rook Elevation 2 0 d®_ I F 4 Coordinates N B- ZZ9 5G0.3Date Started 13 M�v , 1984 Total Depth 49 17•5 E -7Date Completed t9A4. x. Ground -Water Elevation t� ® E± , g Logged by Miley / Frey ® 3 ®— z � �� es E m ®w ® E ® ® a Soil Description Z Remarks �� 60 w m 0 o r � m � e5 gn I Run 5 4. { •� ram• N - • '° /ee sub .ncu. ~}'. a i Z ¢ SKI l • CC I FT.'' lot { i.. _ i � 1 �r • l ! 1 a:5a I C y L • : r. i I itZPa ... ��,zR :err_ � 4nd-���p e�►�.5tct �. I ! Ct , ('$ l r { : I Zb . ,- Boring No. Sheet ._._. of t dV SOIL BORING LOG Sheet of RA MMEMMM --I— Date 19 M 4 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Angle (from Horizontal) !'26! Ground Elevation --- Feature Bearing 2%5c — Rock Elevation Coordinates: N Date Started I3 Mav 1984 Total Depth E Date Completed round -Water Elevation.:t Locaed by Za. Z, a :00 02 e a 0 1- & U Lq 0 0 Mo a Soil Description Z Remarks E E C 3t 00 's x 0 =a L ct (C t C-t 3® Its ct rs> 0, )-3Z _51 ­7 — 33 i� sOP jr jr vr!�L , b!� b4 y 4 eouv% L 4 O:a' r- t z _C4. Ad. i A I G01 L6= ;z JAK el. 4. W-e IZI 15.4 Tea 1Z Boring No.121484-9 Sheet -7 of I CO SOIL BORING LOG Sheet of10 _jff— Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No PH 154 - 4 Angle (from Horizontal) a Ground Elevation Feature 'r-135, Bearing — 17. 16 Rock Elevation Coordinates: N - S_ ZZ9Y,_6;;;!Q.3 Date Started 1-3 MeL,.f 1984- Total Depth Ground Elevation I 4o F+, 134- "7 E 4 5._80j0,5_ Date Completed -Water Logged by Owing No.2MR4-9 Sheet 6 of 't (0 1 : clan _�y rac; c: tvjwe't�4 Pa"�. 4 QA�rt t O ° Delt 1 5; Ylouvfh J�ai1le; GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet J-2— of Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No DH 9 4.9 Angle (from Horizontal) as 5° Ground Elevation Feature fFtA , Qe�ea Bearing ? Z50 Flock Elevation Coordinates: N _3�9��Date Started 13 1"1_ � 19E34 Overburden Thickness ® , E i4s, 5Ca Date Completed M0S 14a° Ground -dater Elevation Core Sizes Total Depth Logged by W n A 4-Ig�� Boring No. VM8" Sheet._ -i-Q_ of MM'SSOAS'90 GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet _jL_ of 'Z (�a Date 1' SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No 214S4-9 Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation Feature Flrig Area. Bearing %7-60 Rock Elevation Coordinates: N 5 - 7- 7-9 - 14LQL_3 Date Started 1 CL!f 19 84 Overburden Thickness E - 77 I Date Completed 40 Ground -water Elevation ±;Z 14-o Et- -7.119`4 Core Sizes 12 Total Depth 4.97. 6 F Logged by Kt Graphic Log Z 06 0 cob 0 0 2 _j Classification and Physical Description � Z E Remarks 02 Q� x U. 0 3 _6 I It V mC —7- 4- _16� r -4 10 ob f!'1211 iro r 1-r V T­_ zieo ` clan ek pl; 104- It- x I. i— Ai-" k jt 1-77 '77 jeeefy, -tar im Weed..,eF- xxx 74 0 1E 1817,1 M �11"- Gc 2t • t f:m'c? in 4- f-4 r ;;.vi illtr4i A t L A, J_ 10 � 11140'1' _Mout; T ;aA 4— EL li J �4 ILL Kuyti 541 L, .... .. .. 0 Kurt L(o 0 Boring No. ON 94eq Sheet —I I of 7. ib GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet _17, of -Z ro Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No ® H s 4.9 Feature tEin1 . Arpa. Coordinates: N 7.9154O.3 E Core Sizes H Ck Angle (from Horizontal) 55® Bearing Z Z S O — — Date Started m13 Mai 1964, Date Completed U f Total Depth 497. 5 Ground Elevation Flock Elevation Overburden Thickness Ground -Water Elevation Ao�- Logged by _fit Graphic Log 8 0 c CID® ® ® C ® E c Classification and Physical Description 9 " Z E Remarks® 2 Elicc 9 � 2 assiz _ A 2. :.L . +- ;. -+ }.. i . t Y. � --- 4 i.. _f_ 2]k. '• fC#1�•t' fi _. � + :.. t- h � ar �Y.I}'� r �7 y�;�t/�M yam' 7 � Y- t-1- .i�f r-- x.. {rti•!Ir / i- .t... I-.. .o- (� �� ♦t..{.. _ _ L 13 y., T«. .L .. ram.-.r _}-.'"," _L} L- :._u.}.. �L XXX L -- �..i r �i* x��. f t- F L _ �... Y I r L i h K � � �I� r � I �-. ♦4 �Rl _ ' s-.. �-:'-�. 1 ;. °_ •._ t._•._ .-.-a-¢. .L 41i __-. -C.,�. «_�1'� .d lrt� t.L4 -� a .. - }. y. r L 6.. ... {px .. } .....+ i ..ifl (.... 1t !I._�C .�i�T,. i -. 'i E .i. . ram+- `-�-••--•,- --'- �. �.�. IF i 2. 4 V.. . r_1_,1_'i�'T j Ill • L. L ! 1. ' . .. �i�.. 10 + . .. {y i.i ...1 ..L --¢ ,...,ILY-..+t-.-l�-- •..i•_.r... _.--. . ' 71 t r T- t - } M�' .' aA _._..� ` ; .; g� ll t. t�+_ VY V _ .. ._L ... e1-.. •- f , IP /, ` _ i-- : , Cic• : ss Boring No. Sheet-._._ZZ— of 16 GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet_ 5 of 7 (1; EMM199 Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE . Boring No 121A 84-9 Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation Feature tFIM4, Area. Bearing •Rock Elevation _._=4c.1 • Coordinates: N % ZZ9.0•3 1 Date Started 13 M0.q . 1984 Overburden Thickness 148. E Date Completed MA. sj, lqf!® Ground -Water Elevation- t2_140 Core Sizes Total Depth 4-97. 6 Logged by Graphic Log =.2 % Classification and Physical Description 02 0 .c 3 6 9 12 _L' 42 ti 39 & LJ pit !44 -7-t-+ IT4 L t -4­ T t _t� -4 -4 —4 C V7 - t 4-- J 4, Z's 40 .. .... ... .. + t 4 4- r J� j -T- ...... . .. . . ... .. . + -4 . . . . . . r A 4 A.-AL-d AL r -7 1 1. 12 t F'44 Z '141- 00 -I F 7- 4.0 � x 0 0 0 a ca Remarks IEEE IEEE■ IEEE I IMMMM + N L Boring No. 0M 24d Sheet of --T—O GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet—L4— of _i_� HAMMIEMc ff'''' Boring No ®H 134-9 Feature _ �� 9 ire---- Coordinateso N E 0.5 Core Sizes N CL Angle (from Horizontal)_ '55-2 Bearing Date Started. 13 M0.w , i9B$ Date Completed �e-+ Total Depth —A—.97A �'t• Ground Elevation Rock Elevation =4O.) � Overburden Thickness 145. �� Ground -Water Elevation Logged by �1�9 ! i-1 ��►� Graphic Log as e a ® n ®� ° Classification and Physical Description ci cc E Remarks as t 2 aC ac C B of u. V w 36912 k 'bkc+ CCi� Ot, • ��, ��� � � h� f � _'5i� � 1 t t ° o \� 7 ,. i ELI \ tAll �� f }�.�.. a Y-- _• } Q C -.¢L-.L.L-i- y ' -_...a_.:. � / -p� � p... - L.. 4 ...e L. j_.� - L.s._1L-�L_ 44 : f • . . ... ,-} L v s. 10 ,...: � ® f f :...-:.. i f4 2 D : T. h + 2r9 1 (. , 3 ~) �..t _�. i_. i �1 L...j t L L 4+4 \ : .: i -..� t ...� �� 1 1. L r . a. i r.. L-__�..{_-.Y� •ram- t' p i L T- . ",._L .L..i.. v1.4 X 7U \. . - 1 ...-� - }- .-. `— }-� r..., j +... _. Romm i2d /\/ ` .-t•-- r. }. - i. - i 41 - �p� h •' �-. // Boring No. ONE Sheet 14 of T& SheetGEOLOGIC LOG R ' VENTURESUSITNA JOINT Boring No 1214 94.9 Angle (from Horizontal) 55® Ground Elevation Feature (Fthti Arta Bearing �`��® hock Elevation zo4o•B . Coordinates: N `'+ Z•L9�'SC®®.3 Date Started 13 M0.a . 098 Overburden Thickness E 745 rk;Q S Date Completed Z Z McR.� i9t�- Ground -Water Elevation — 214-0 Ft. -1 Core Sizes M Q Total Depth 491.5 Ft. Logged by Wnal Ma rsA?M Graphic Log ® c. ® ® a E c Classification and Physical Description z E Remarks ®m u: t 2 x 2 N 3 6 A /2 V : `. rni L f rQ � , 1 i .+ 1nil- mot/ 1 Y - 1 -�+- t} �� i r ti OI.tGtil h I \ !'7t"rr�pt"n' t / A1EEC Al. ell t i 1: \ [� ilqu , + f } je -4'iIJ � } d / L+ \ Lt; ;___. i- !-i + L.l '...7 14 i � ' •� l � , .. ..1 } i. t /r7t V rot CPvI .- �Yi s:t Zj �•S --- 4 uit - Pis' „-. a. ; 00, ' m .:. — z hit t(ne 14, 278 L,. ._�_1. - I : 4 i . }.. 1 .... .�-..a--._ .a---.-L-.. ..« L-. f.. J-i.-1._. I • t-+•_• t ; Boring No. OM 94A Shoot _L.5- of _Z GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet of Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE . Boring No Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation 1 6,1, 4 Feature Bearing 7- 7, IS' _ Rock Elevation n 4o . I Coordinates: N Date Started. 13 MA.V Overburden Thickness Ground Elevation 4 t2 E Date Completed -Water Core Sizes Total Depth 4°�. fi+_A Logged by W\fiej Graphic Log M,v a is0 0 a �. — _j U. 3 6 9 12 ZHQ- di Classification and Physical Description CL 0 E Z ej I U Remarks + L . r-4-11 4_1 .4 5t ..... .... ...... .. 7 0 M W. 0 1W, 2,7 2 9014 Boring No. VMS" Sheet 1 k of __7,rP_ f GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet of Date 11 Mav E34 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Pq S 4-9 Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation Feature (FlmS A?°ea. Bearing ZZ5° Rock Elevation 'Z04�� •_� Coordinates: N Date Started 13 M44T1984 Overburden Thickness 14 Z rt,,{ E '74��i3Co0.5 Date Completed Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes H Q Total Depth 4Logged by t_i wti a ti P H gin S Qum Boring No. Sheet I I of 120 Classification and Physical Description �P'l oix le GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet —La- of XAMNEMASCO Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Angle (from Horizontal) __5GLaGround Elevation rni. Feature —_ (Flrl� Ares. Bearing Rock Elevation Coordinates: N 4 Z Date Started Overburden '7_9 0 5(. 0. 3 13 Mcxv. 1984 thickness E 0.5 Date Completed 2 hi6— D984 Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes Total Depth Logged by 0-11 Graphic Log .2 Cx 00 M 0 2 LL 3 6 9 12. 32ak- I VA M Remarks MIM i ME IMENE Boring No. 2R2_A!A Sheet 15 of __% _�b GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet -j-9— of Zfo Date 7-1 Maw �4 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No 09 84.9 Angle (from horizontal) 5fj!* Ground Elevation, Feature trn1r1!2' Arrta. Bearing 7- Z em Rock Elevation Z® 40.1 ;t_ - Coordinates: N 3, 7.7-9, 540.3 Date Started Overburden Thickness 1415. 7- r+. X� E J45z,.8(b0,5_ Date Completed I I Maxv. )94,B-Ground-Water Elevation :tz 144 Ft. -091 Core Sizes H Q Total Depth 4-9-7.S Logged by _1-1� 5&jn sea Graphic Log 2 1; 0 Z CL C3 a E M Z 0 2 0 -6 0 Classification and Physical Description cc Z E Remarks E x 0 2 Z :3 (a 3 6 9 12 M (Mill wt"; Alt.. A % # *�4 f lit- cl�*fl; 7 S40, r3 FF�:7 .4 -T �4 A t 4 flit A Y; I! 14 1! n 4 top- =_E_ ey . L t 1 17 ttt 4. .4- 3 ti. ... ..... ...... t 0 ®1 t L I . ��6, i4ft V 7­7 0 .... . ..... . Boring No. ON S" Sheet 19 of 1� C I L Sheet —.1-0 of Date Z-1 t 6o-4 a4- SUSITNA JOWT VENTURE Boring No D14 84-9 Angle (from Horizontal) S G® Ground Elevation Feature (Fins' Area Bearing Z'ZS® Rock Elevation Coordinates: N -?. ZL9 %Oy`i Date Started 13 M1 . 198+ Overburden Thickness 4 E -745 fe®.� Date Completed Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes Total Depth A *7 rho __—_ Logged by . �Cioo anseat Graphic Log 2 o • ®® w ® ® E a° Classification and Physical Description Remarks ,, oe w x ® 9 12 � -� .\ ® rt , 9 — t dT S4 ; ® _ L a !A t 1 t 6 3, .0. ig ._.:. { ri r� Ki6 JqX 173. Y _ F r i _ i / ,.. is �c. 'tart 4 3? - ---- . .3H � / ... :. p� S . G' ca S ve: �'d s _. O-.',ram .... 'i� U ►1. �, 3 �'° 3 Ed'�<G? Boring No. ON 24PI. Sheet of �Q? Aw'-IMAN GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet--! L of K'D D ate SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No __129 84-9 Angle (from Horizontal)____5_4��. Ground Elevation Feature - Firi�_ Arta. Bearing — 7.7.sol Rock Elevation Coordinates: N 3-) 7_70 f4LQ,3 Date Started 1 3 tMI Overburden Thickness E -7 Date Completed 7.2. Mg:�4", 19-ft-4 Ground water Elevation Core Sizes H Q Total Depth 491. S �:tL. Logged by Graphic Log 0 S% 0 0 Classification and Physical Description ia LL 3 6 9 12 LVIC F_ -4- _�.J 'M mp rS 1- 411 4- teeer lid '�t 4N� z7 -4. . . . . . . . . . . j- -T 0/ .4- .1 r 4 7' 9,4i" 4- -4-7 L t 90 --L4 4 10 # 31? t 7 L�J =7 ... ... L 6R, le. 0, f .2 a0 0 Z E ej 0 ralq0 X 0 O N Remarks INONNI M� M OWE MMMMI Boring No. RM 64#4 Sheet __! —1 of 'i GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet "�Z of Z C® Date aU `84 Boring No �� ��9 Angie (from Horizontal) S �s® Ground Elevation-,_.�..� 1 �1• t Feature fFiA� Area. Bearing °LZS® Hock Elevation ® .i !✓t. Coordinates: N "3y Z'L.��5Co0.3 Date Started 1 _�1��� )c%g�° Overburden Thickness E Date Completed , 2 Z MaLv i9 Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes H (a Total Depth 421 r2 fit. Logged by Graphic Log ® .. M.J Classification and Physical Description c2 !E z E Remarks CI t ; u ce ® H 5 6 f 12,gulft Gb Cb c 4k1...L A ®e� - I 9 - s,4 0w 1 {. A � t 'ff !/\ } : . i t..... ;.... ...i-}-:..- �= ¢-"- °"r -�-*.. � .. r 1. � � _ _ L tea- 1-.i-�•- P. \ 1 t _ .�...-a_a. �\ :. :.... 1.. ;. ... ._ '-. .:..... ...... .�._ -+..;.-yam. -:-: .,,.;. �, 4 + i- �_a. - 4I + i { Oro .... _ _ IS s rt 41 / i f i V-F �4 1,� r allo A xb C �� i�t. 4l is RQrr 1 jafi � , f _ a Boring No. VMS" sheet of ®�� I GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet _Z___5 of !,!k Date ZZ °84 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No DM 8t4-9 Angie (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation(QI Feature fFln4 Area Bearing 7.IS® Rock Elevation 2®40.1 �. Coordinates: N 5 ZZ9 Sto0.3 Date Started 1,3 MdLy I9fl.4, Overburden Thickness E iQ 5 F3fn0.Date Completed svg 19 Ground -Water Elevation �Za ® Ptl Core Sizes H M Total Depth 497. 5 )- 1 . Logged by a1ci �.o���a Hars�,Qe� Graphic Log u o e t® p O 3 LP '� W ® w im Z C E ®� o v w Classification and Physical Description t7 Remarks 02 u: L V t� o y _r H 3 6 4 12 V � � - eb t di- \64,'o _.Je/"►•'.' .�1�CfU� /�y.�OVI i1t'j!(`10{��Fr}�--I .—.. /•\ 1 i.�.V.... rf.F r� . 'R.al. L K.+" L l .. .f .-...1 � �a6 - - - t t � . « `\ 1 i .: : L : ... Ole :. rR.. y,...+.', . 4 t_.... T. r ... _., I • : t 4 .. � } ,.-.. L._1. i } - i-h_!._i. Al 1� �.►t„ 430 a , � . 4'. $. _In D _ ..: tc 1,ern 4��2 \n� : b►'. c�.;r �� to �ar� �} t�`a :. _.. _ -_ ; 98, 4-j 3 .. ... .. .. ;eyand y.. S't✓.'A. 41 el �. for- 1 1 i - 111 fez s O ' f3r..h _... j _. G►IL..I"# GEC Boring No. 0M 6" Sheet Z 3 of 1.6 BORINGSOIL SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet _ of 1 4-� Date `Z 42—�.�e. Boring No PH A4- I2 Angle (from Horizontal) �5 a ®.. Ground Elevation, 1 Ca i o S Feature 4FirtS' A ✓ecL. Bearing Z3o° S �® �� _�. Rock Elevation _ f 1 l . 0 �. Coordinates: N 3y Z.7- Date Started I_ `i 8�i° Total Depth ? g5 *, d fit • 2° E -74- 5. 8J 3 . Z Date Completed 7 :2, Ground -Water Elevation �,��•® 84 Loaaed by L ° ®® ° — �� ® a Z Q, 3 ... ; ® Y ® ®U 2 o Soil Description � Remarks °m Jm egt.';d�NS�,'we,-C;� foi.c�>1ct�2�t;: k'_u�tt,ra:o-Co,S re 4t� wiear.*"ty-:z�ar'sarr-__. S o. tcz..:1ii'ttle Stt. '; grG:v¢1�' cobbles czt L l �tirowv� . . t l a } , i t , t . _ _-_--____ t 1 k Eo„3— 61.E `.Stlt� SAN7 vod��se tv Ct 40 -P,'nc?o> »,er;,:tr, cor�.r5e; ltkle ,1 Y4:\18t tot r i a't' l 0 rt v l 15 E� ; ^.,2._...__ __ ._ _ _ _.. ..... t?YOw�4 ; char -_ample iZ.o- LT- . : } _ 4 b... 7.7 tAl . Un reel pcS. ; : Y{ Boring No. -' Sheet of _ _— SOIL BORING LOG Sheet of � 4 'lf, ,0) Dates �► SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No��BtG. o f� Angie (from Horizontal) !�PCa � Ground Elevation. ZIitt fit. Feature �h tnle Aeeo— ----�-- gearing ®.� � Rock Elevation Coordinates: iV -fix Z 3 Z o i_____ Date Started Z¢ Mc� (9 �� Total Depth Z S �' e ® E k 4 E,t!✓?i 3 • Z Date Completed Ground Water Elevationi 42,® &•1I$e Loosed by _ ZU r Boring No. C AB_4_- 0Sheet Z of 1 + SOIL BORING LOG Sheet --- ��_ of DIA, Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No P --a H J34,.- )Q Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation Feature Bearing 'Z'5 C) 0 Rock Elevation :1 , Z 7- 9 3 , t4� L10-1-f ��5 Coordinates: N Z7 Date Started — Total Depth E Date Completed Ground -water Eievation� 2_0 ro- (U C; 3: -a Z -,D. W 0 0 2 -E CS 0 Iq 2 'S41 :- .2 CL 0 J Soil Description E E Remarks .21 I- 3: 0 Q 9:1 It b&v, 0 "V, _45 V UYLA Y1 Vve r_�, 44- q,rav et t fiv SM 1T, "A :T T 0 ye 1:��7.1'3: �eytsr C1 st II A, 11 a 0 m w 5 +_�4,r �t�' q ►',� . wetvy,yi W*tev" L. 147. S C lit f).Y! vi 1-70 MOi 0-4. Vkky'- SU 4L ki _4c 19J 9 Y' � I I I 1-774-_ brvi ive_ r-vl SOW e ,,J��V.4ell m �o 7 Crt loz FF S6 -i 5e,4 4010. , e� 1+0 4_- ot'l VE 71, tojl& 13 4,# 7­177-77, 7 ..777 f W, roO 4, Boring No. P14 84-1 Sheet -3 of I t SOIL BORING LOG Sheet___—+— f c P„ !- ®® ®J ®;e , (V'►p D a� Date SUSIT/N/AJ JOINT VENTURE Boring No ®H 4 —) O Angle (from Horizontal) 5'� !around Elevation `? i to I Feature i S° A Ca Bearing U d Rock Elevation ` 1 11 e Coordinates- N �_a� a-Z 3 Z e 7 Date Started �.� i"e�`Z� l9 �� _ M0. 19�4 Total Depth 2 5 ® - 2142, 01± E Date Completed �� , _ Ground -Water Elevation Locaed by I" Boring No. 2RB-+--10Sheet _ Of 'f� �� 4 J 1,15 GEOLOGIC LOG �f SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet of Date 4' Boring No PH 8 4 - I ® Angle (from Horizontal)_._ i 5 '. Ground Elevation � e Feature F rr A watt. Bearing -30 0 __ Rock Elevation Coordinates: N -3 �Z Z 9-. Z 3 z . 7 Date Started Z 3 mcct - Ta8 Overburden Thickness A E i 4, 5, 8 13, 7. Date Completed I'l 84- Ground -Water Elevation z i4 7Z 0 Ft - I 1911 Care Sizes H a Total Depth Logged by W I I k1 n S a NIt! -01 SEA Boring No.1O94--LoSheet .5 of 1 4" Sheet of Date SUS/TN,A JOINT VENTURE Boring No 17 H A 4 - i ® Angle (from Horizontal) S 5 ® Ground Elevation Feature E E un SB Bearing 2 3®® Rock Elevation L Coordinates: N Date Started 7-3 Mc,-,4 198 overburden Thickness E i 4.5. a) t3 . Zo Date Completed 2 4L t = la1 ^ Ground -Water Elevation `)�412-a ® C-t--7 94- Core Sizes N al. Total Depth Zr ✓ 4.®_®P®. Logged by Boring No. 4Sheet � of � o ]' , � LOG GEOLOGIC S h e e t_- of _�.� ®ate MA4_ e4. SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No 17 N S 4 - iO �a 5 gy _ Angle (from Horizontal) ..�.._.._® . Z Ground Elevation 140 fit. Feature 'F%Y%S' Coordinates: N -, Ay-R 6 Z_Z% Z3Z.'1 Bearing 2342® _ Date Started S3 MC.__ T_; 1 84 Rack Elevation I I I . b sr+. Overburden Thickness <v 4 E 14 S� 8 13 , Z. Date Completed _(2__1`1g. Ground -Water Elevation 2 7-, O EL-7/9 Core Sizes H Q Total Depth Z 6 ¢, ® F t. Logged by Wi1kt'vi.s p yjLN ,-m s PA Boring Noo1 84_-L0Sheet Z— of __I+� I y4jA GEOLOGIC LOG S h e e t o f _Or Date SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No D H a 4-iQ Angle (from Horizontal) Ground Elevation 2I dw I m S P+:, Feature CL Bearing Rock Elevation -L I I Coordinates: N Date Started _L3 Maw • 1984 Overburden Thickness (2 L-tz -4 E Date Completed Ground -Water Elevation Core Sizes4 Total Depth Logged by Boring No.0184-1 Sheet 8' of --L4-- GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet_:9��-3— auk Date� SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No 17 H 64-10- Angle (from Horizontal)-_55.'­­__ Ground Elevation i;0 Feature F%Yis' Ai-o_ —1 Bearing Rock Elevation I Coordinates: N 3,7- 7- q, 7-3 7- - -7 Date Started., 4�, _8_4_ Overburden Thickness o E -i 44!S b 13 Date Completed a�Ground-Water Elevation -2-) Core Sizes H a Total Depth Logged by Boring No.Q1841Sheet '3' of 14- N MZIAaE,j ,,' f, ,,0 GEOLOGIC LOG SUSITN.A JOINT VENTURE Sheet 1 0 of _�� Date Z5 `fe4 Boring No PH SA -IQ Angle (from Horizontal) 5 5' -_� Ground Elevation 1 � Feature F 9yi a Are L Bearing Z 30 ® — Bock Elevation Coordinates: N 3 , Z 7_!2Z3 Z . -7 Date Started Z3 M C.� Overburden Thickness f®i> E ®1 40 5 5. 1.3 . Z. Date Completed 'Z 6 Q . 1 04- Ground -Water Elevation_��, Core Sizes 13 Total Depth Z® S4: 0 P'fw. Logged by Graphic Log t8 0 " o r w e a� ® m Classification and Physical Description c3 a ® E z e E Remarks W 2 U. 6 912 ®' IL m t tCQ L i E ,41r 'ShS{cL.✓Utz wt ad ���. vtc� r il V qL� 9 / •�t .. /VC �i/ . C � rgr y, .�l � h tf, i•1l(,�j .r.. r. G (Qt'�t l :•�,� � _:�sz •.r bucc`�?< '� : _ ./ -i P. ei,, ._ ': 1 ��� v. �, KI. L, Q��'•{ 1 .2 ��e� Q� T:� ..... � �� _a® I �-� ( P : 1 E ���"�,. > : 11��;0) ®Fe� s��. � a ,�eh e�1� . '�v.' • 5 : o :.. � .: I . t �Qt�1fe 78. va s y ` I sal ;^t c; s� v er , t d o i v;. 5c' tr�w it n Wr at ;`K h� i . o 9 — — . -- — (i �r - / - ;.. � : Zit. ` �� a.-t� �tj�o7,a � k bt`1 �«�✓P�. ' :. � pl�fes P �7..±r�,•��ll-l�si Dr�zx;e° v,Z=�j�wt�rl. 17C1 . /, ! Gf 16{.: g✓z�;y . c l fit" »t oa�A : o .h i �'.ircS te- I zCc`�a ort ; a:"L` 170' �a Al f. 17Z4}j �. c'� ..� �ii�lrnq It ITr Yo Qv t. 74- 11 �.__ _..u� � �,__ _._ �s�:�.k:���w! did �__.. l _ - 1`74-.a= t7CZ k olivli. vt bl a tfyeLh� y � ,�, . vv+ 3 t 11 175. d. �laJI!( ya4�d'q®rea — )% %� l i k as r. s I i �A i {; L,, 4.Z ie 40.,t74dZlTE;:SI, w(2a ; rcz al�ckte�l51de5 ! Boring No. l2084--LOSheet ,-, of 14° DIA NO Ju� SUSI YT�NA JOI.NN`.1t1T VENTURE GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet of .._� Date i 5 m"_ i B4- Baring No D H S 4- 1 O Angle (from Horizontal)_ Ground Elevation 2 140 1 •� Feature `F tvr 5' A rpo_ Bearing �-,-m-_ mock Elevation 'Z- I I I . b (�+. Coordinates: N Z 9.Z3 Z . -% Date Started . 7-3 "C- 4jlsA-- Overburden Thickness �L E `I 4® 508 13, Z. Date Completed Ground -Water Elevation L_�2_ 1C, %-7 Core Sizes Q Totai Depth logged by i �i'Nt S o tt / f I0.rt SQN Graphic Log m n o o w m ? v J Classification and Physical Description W V L J U. 36912 a i. . C; rd T.e. C.csjVI't.. . ti h'�ha:rq r s WOVItj t i1*1 t 5Yt ch+rs t fie:, t+�=tci �$3 ..... .4 o. o: 5` W'l1cl+z. . l„.'. p . lQ is r-siei.dsiri^ n a atftR� Remarks ✓rcF 1 v +2 01 t r O Q to Q0 0 M o — x a MA Boring No.20.84!LoSheet I I of _14- SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE GEOLOGIC LOG Sheet . t cat __AAL- Date ._m +_a.._ Boring No Did 8 4 ' I O Angle (from Horizontal) �� S ® Ground Elevation Feature — ° �° ���- Bearing 1-30 ® Rock Elevation Z. Coordinates N JZ- :-Z3 Z .-7 Date Started 3 Ma`+ �984 Overburden Thickness �® E - i 40 8 93 t Date Completed �h Qu, (� �Q* Ground -Water Elevation 2 Z° �° � g�' Core Sizes H Ca Total Depth Logged by W j i kl.h s v hI Hn-n E4 Graphic Log G ® .0 2 3 a 0 ' ® 0 Classification and Physical Description ca !E Z E Remarks 02 U. Y) 36912 V 0 e e n- IVY '2 to ....cat a �!� ✓ O -t Vv►:rn 6f e�1(e v^a�4S , 17� �. .. Z k I t i - � a® - / E i { - r �. ^r i r G / lI �. :. ....;.. i 1. e � � I NO / - Zt, L IZi.'S.B_CCIc:_:+ldtZt�f, r , ;Z1:7.31-�t715. Z°Yi►"2ojv�V...G{I2.C[ 1{iitgs 0 i Z l g I t k jyrt z Boring No. oSheet Z- of I Boring No. Q�i84--LoSheet of I+ HA M EMAZI SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE GEOLOGICLOG Sheet 14 of -4-- ®ate Z ac9�