HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEIS Sections 1984Volume 1: main Text OFFICE OF ELECTRIC POWER REGULATION FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION MAY 1984 2-n Table 2-2, Monthly Flow Requirements (cfs) at Gold Creek Case Month A Al A2 C C1 C2 D Oct 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Nov 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Dec 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Jan 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Feb 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Mar 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Apr 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 May 4,060 5,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Jun 4,000 5,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Jul+' 4,000 5,100 5,320 6,480 6,530 6,920 7,260 Aug 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,060 16,000 19,000 SepTI 5,000 6,500 7,670 9,300 10,450 11,620 13,170 tt Derivation of transitional flows: Date Case Jul Sep A Al A2 C C1 C2 D 25 21 4,000 5,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 26 20 4,000 5,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 7,000 71500 19 19 4,000 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,000 8,500 9,000 18 18 4,000 5,000 6,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 10,500 17 17 4,000 5,000 7,000 9,000 10,000 11,500 12,000 16 16 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 11,000 13,000 14,000 15 15 5,000 7,000 9,000 11,000 12,500 14,500 - - - - 16,000 - - - - - - - Conversion: - - - - - - - - - To convert - - - - - - cubic feet - - - - - per second - - - - - (cfs) to - - - - - - cubic meters - - per second (m'is), multiply by 0.0283. Source: Application Exhibit E, Vol. 5, Chap. 2, Table E.2.34 2160 0 2120 > W N W 2100 2080 0 N D J 1460 1450 1440 cr 0 1420 w ui (t 1410 1400 1390 0 N F M A M J J A S MONTHS WATANA RESERVOIR D J F M A M J J A S MONTHS DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIR Figure 2-10. Reservoir Rule Curves --Watana and Devil Canyon. [Source: Application Exhibit B, Fig. B.69] 2-23 trained and assigned to monitor storage and transfer of oil and fuel and to identify and clean up spilled oil and other hazardous material. All personnel employed on the project, especially field personnel, would be trained to respond to fuel spills in accordance with an approved oil -spill contingency plan. Vehicle accidents, although difficult to fully protect against, can be minimized by constructing the roads with properly designed curves to accommodate winter driving conditions. The roads would be provided with adequate signs; during the winter, difficult stretches would be regularly cleared and sanded. In summer, dust would be controlled with water. Discharge of camp effluents could result in increased levels of metals and nutrient loading. Concrete batchinq plants release high alkaline effluents. Effluents would complywith ADE-/USED effluent standards. The concrete batching effluent would be neutralized and treated prior to discharge to avoid impacts related to pH and toxicity. Adverse impacts associated with removing vegetation along streams are: (1) accelerated erosion into the streams; (2) altered temperature regimes; and (3) operation of equipment in perennial or ephemeral streambeds. Clearing would be scheduled as close to reservoir filling as is feasible. Control methods would be employed wherever needed to minimize erosion to streams. To the extent practicable, clearing would take place during the .,iinter. Cleared vegetation would be dried for one season and burned in place. The primary water quantity and water quality issues during filling and operation of the Watana and Devil Canyon would be the maintenance of minimum downstream flows for fishery resources and other instream flow needs, maintenance of an acceptable downstream thermal regime throughout the year, and control of downstream gas supersaturation below the dams. Selection of appropriate flow regime for reservoir operations consistent with power needs is offered by the Applicant as a measure to avoid or minimize impacts. The Watana filling flow in the period October to April would reflect inflow to the reservoir; during operation, flows during this period would be 5,000 cfs (140 m Vs). Because slough overtopping is expected in this period, with consequent temperature reduction in salmon incubation areas, the Applicant has proposed to heighten upstream berms. From May to the last week of July, the target flow would be 6,000 cfs (170 m /s) to allow mainstem fish movement. A brief flow peak proposed by the Applicant for this time period (of a magnitude to be specified following additional biological studies) would be generated to stimulate outmigration of juvenile salmon. During the last week Of July, flows would be increased from 6,000 cfs to 12,000 cfs (170 to 340 m3/s), in increments of 1000 cfs (28 m3/s) and maintained through mid -September to provide access by sockeye and chum salmon to sloughs upstream of Talkeetna. To rectify anticipated difficulty with slough access, even at 12,000 cfs (340 m3/s), the Applicant proposes to structurally modify the streambed profiles of eight sloughs. To rectify decreases in intragravel flow caused by lowered river elevations, the Applicant has suggested piping mainstem water, through the berm and releasing it beneath the substrate. Compensation for anticipated loss of slough spawning habitat would be accomplished by gravel cleaning in side channels, mainstem areas, and currently unused sloughs in order to develop new spawning substrates. An estimated 432,315 ft2 (38,902 m2) of spawning habitat would be created, which is 187,000 ft2 (16,830 m2) greater than the estimated slough spawning habitat used by salmon upstream of Talkeetna in 1981 and 1982. As a last alternative for compensation, the Applicant has indicated that a hatchery for chum salmon could be developed. The Applicant has proposed using multi -level water intakes on hydropower generating facilities at Watana and Devil Canyon dams as a measure to mitigate the unavoidable temperature changes associated with creation of a reservoir. the multi -level intake strucutres would be used to select temperatures within the stratified reservoir that most closely match the pre -project thermal regime. This sytem would not be operative during reservoir filling. The Applicant's plan for mitigating nitrogen supersaturation downstream of the dams is to install fixed cone valves on the outlet facility. These fixed cone valves would be used during augmenta- tion and excess flows. Nitrogen supersaturation of turbine flows would be mitigated by having subsurface discharge to minimize air entrainment. 2. 1. 12. 3 Fisheries The ADD]icant has provided a conceptual plan for nit gation of anticipated impacts to fishery resources. Details of the plan a further resolut�on of the aquatic sources to be impacted by the project. The 4�cjec`i,:e of fisheries mitiga�ion planning for the project has heen to 1pFrcvide hab-'tat of suft,cier�t quality and quantity to maintain ❑atural rep'roducinq populations" �rherever this 4 compatible,aith the hydroelectric project's power objectives. Artificial propagation is contem- plated only as a last resort. 2-29 2,1.12.8 Visual Resources The Applicant's visual resource mitigation plan is designed to reduce or' eliminate adverse impacts due to project development. The emphasis of the plan is on (1) avoidance of critical environments, including ongoing site refinements throughout the design phase, (2) use of best development practices and site -sensitive engineering, and (3) rehabilitation. The Applicant has identified four major categories of mitigation: (1) additional studies, (2) best development practices, (3) creative engineering design, and (4) the use of form, line, color, and texture (Exhibit E, Vol. 8, Chap. 8, p. E-8-47 ). Additional mi ti ative at wo visual resource impacts include vegetation impact miti tion gatgve techeiiquessderscribedldnrSercce During the Phase II detailed design process, additional studies to resolve the visual impacts would be performed by an interdisciplinary design team. Potential aesthetic impacts would be further ameliorated through site -specific design ana is and development. b'isual resource impacts would be mitigated through siting studies (e.g., avoidance of thav-susceptible areas) and alternative solutions (e.g., project design changes). Additional measures that would be implemented would include best development practices through construction techniques (e.g., construction equipment would be confined to gravel roads and construction zone areas), rehabili- tation techniques (e.g., grading to contour and reseeding), and operation policies (e.g., restrict- ing off -road vehicle use). Where project facilities would not be compatible with the surrounding landscape character', creative engineering design measures would be taken (e.g., minimizing road profile elevations to blend with existing natural contours). Finally, the use of form, line, color, or texture could reduce visual impacts caused by project features (e.g., painting build- ings an appropriate color to blend with the surrounding natural landscape). Cultural Resources The Applicant has recommended the investigation of all significant cultural resource sites (i.e., those eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places) that would be subject to unavoidable direct or indirect impacts resulting from project development. Preserva- tion by avoidance (combined with a monitoring program) is recommended for significant sites that would be exposed to potential impacts during either the construction or operation phases of the project. 2.2 SUSITNA DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVES 2.2.1 Alternative Facility Designs Applicant's Studies The design of the proposed facilities at the Watana and Devil Canyon developments are the result of detailed studies during which the design of each major component was evaluated relative to increasingly refined criteria. The criteria for design included economics, environmental and geotechnical constraints, load forecasts, and engineering considerations. A detailed discussion of the various components and methodology for the screening and review of alternative general arrangements of the components is presented in the Application (Exhibit B, Sec. 2). A summary of these studies follows. Alternative Watana Facilities Main Dam. The Applicant selected tha Plpw/i i", f +k- ­1 wdl,dnd dam crest based on consideration of the value of the hydroelectric energy produced from the associa and freeted reservoir, geotechnical constraints on reservoir levels , board requirements. Three crest elevations were studied, 2240, 2190, and 2140 ft (682.8, 667.5 and 652.3 m). The dam type was selected based on a com- parison of embankment, concrete arch, and concrete -faced rockfill dams for Watana. Comparison criteria considered economics, availability of suitable construction materials, and expected performance of the dam based on the seismic, climatic, and geotechnical conditions at each site. Diversion Facilities. The topography of the site generall�� �,. �aur�ng construction be accomplished usin d�eersion tunnel; dictates that diver<_ion of the river 9 n upstream and downstream coffer- �ams protecting the main constructiun� area. A design flood t .a whir a currP� i50 years was selected for the des. r� of the cot-erdams based on experience frequency of once ence and practice with ether major hydroelectric projects. Concrete -lined and unlined rock tunnelswere compared. The reliabilit✓ of an unlined tunnel is more dependent on rock conditions than is a lined tunnel, particularly given the extended period during which the diversion scheme is required to operate. Based on these considerations, given a considerably higher cost, together with the somewhat questionable feasibility of four unlined tunnels with diameters approaching 50 ft (15 m) in the type of rock expected at the site, the aA unlined tunnels were eliminated. The lined tunnel schemes examined were (1) pressure tunnel with a free outlet, (2) pressure tunnel with a submerged outlet, and xh 9 (3) a free flow tunnel. 2-33 in the central area to carry project power from the Watana and Devil Canyon sites to the Willow - Healy Intertie. One transmission corridor was then selected in each area, with the environ- mental factors and technical and economic ratings being considered. Additionally, the choice of the access route for the SUSitna development affected the choice of the transmission line corridor in the central area. The 'our corridors studied by the Applicant in the northern area varied in length from 85 to 115 mi (136 to 185 km). Only two route segments from Healy are practical because of topography, with one along an existing transportation route being preferred. The 15 corridors studied by the Applicant in the central area were reduced to seven because of technical or economic unacceptability [i.e., mountain crossings over 4,000 ft (1,200 m)]. The selection of the access route in September 1982 narrowed the corridors to four, all connecting the Watana dam site, the Devil Canyon dam site, and the proposed Gold Creek substation on the Intertie. The final selection amounted to a choice between two parallel corridor segments connecting the two dam sites and two parallel corridor segments connecting the Devil Canyon site with the Intertie substation. These four corridors are about 40 mi (64 km) long each. The three corridors studied by the Applicant in the southern area included two connecting the Willow substation and Point MacKenzie and one connecting Willow to Anchorage via Palmer. The corridor via Palmer is the longest at 73 mi (117 km), but the preferred route from Willow to Point MacKenzie via Red Shirt Lake is 38 mi (61 km) in length. Figures 2-14 through 2-16 show routes of the proposed and alternative transmission -line segments considered by the Applicant when selecting a preferred route. 2.2.4 Alternative Susitna Development Schemes General As indicated in Section 1.4.1, the FERC Staff has considered three alternative development schemes for the Susitna River Basin: Watana I with Devil Canyon, Watana I with Modified High Devil Canyon, and Watana I with a reregulating dam. The locations of these developments are illustrated in Figure 2-17. Watana I -Devil Canyon Development Facilities. This development would be identical to the proposed project, with the exception that Watana dam would be scaled down to have a crest elevation of 2,125 ft (648 m) and a normal reservoir level of 2100 ft (640 m) [versus 2,210 ft (674 m) and 2,185 ft (666 m), respectively, for the proposed dam]. Operation. This project would operate in the same manner as the proposed project, i.e., Watana I would operate as a baseload plant until completion of Devil Canyon. After completion of Devil Canyon, Watana I would operate as a peaking plant and Devil Canyon would be operated to maintain a constant tailwater elevation at Watana I and to regulate Watana I discharges to meet downstream fishery requirements. Watana I -Modified High Devil Canyon Development Facilities. The Watana I development would be as described in Section The High Due vii Canyon development would be located approximately at RM 157, or about 5 mi (8 km) upstream from the proposed Devil Canyon site. The dam would be constructed of similar materials and designs as the High Devil Canyon Dam studied by the Applicant (Exhibit B, Fig. B.9). It would be of earth and rockfill construction with an impervious core, and a crest elevation of 1,495 ft (456 m). It would have a normal maximum water surface elevation of 1,470 ft (448 m) and a maximum height of approximately 595 ft (181 m). The south abutment spillway and north abutment underground powerhouse would be similar in concept to High Devil Canyon. Operation. This development would be ope,,ated in the same manner as the `�iatana i-Devil Canyon Project. f { Niatana I-Reregulating Dam Development ( Facilities. This development woula incorporate a reregulating dam located approximately 16 mi (24 km) downstream of Watana I. The Reregulating dam would be of earth and rockfill construc- tion, with a crest elevation of 1,500 ft (457 m) and a maximum height of approximately 250 ft (76 m). A spillway would be located on the northern abutment and a 200-MW powerhouse would be downstream of the dam on the southern bank. This development would be similar in design to the plan E3 of Tunnel No. 3 Reregulation dam scheme considered by the Applicant in development