HomeMy WebLinkAboutTetra Tech SOQ Air Quality Services Utility Industry Statement of Qualifications for Air Quality Services for the Utility Industry C O M P A N Y P R O F I L E Air Quality Statement of Qualifications 1 Company Profile T E T R A T E C H T ETRA T ECH I NC . A IR Q UALITY S ERVICES Tetra Tech, Inc. (Tetra Tech) is an integrated environmental company with resources to meet the changing needs of our clients. We have environmental and engineering professionals from a variety of regulatory, government, and industry backgrounds because we recognize that each business sector and business is unique. Effective solutions are thus assured by our technical staff's broad base of experience. This statement of qualifications (SOQ) outlines our technical capabilities in air quality consulting. Our air quality staff of engineers, meteorologists, chemists, economists, and policy experts provides air quality services for an array of clients, both domestic and international. We have the knowledge to interpret complex technical data and to provide innovative, cost-effective, and successful solutions. Projects are approached on a team basis, combining various disciplines as needed. This integrated approach enables us to draw upon the full capabilities of the company to assemble effective project teams. Tetra Tech manages projects to meet the client's expectations, schedule, and budget by committing the appropriate staff for the job and maintaining regular communication on the status of the project. We recognize that projects often change in scope due to unforeseen circumstances. Tetra Tech has the depth of technical and support personnel to adjust our resources as necessary while keeping the client's needs and objectives our top priority. For the past three decades, Tetra Tech has remained a leader in developing effective solutions to constantly changing environmental challenges. One reason for Tetra Tech's success is that we strive to understand our client's performance goals and help meet or surpass that target. Listed below are some of the air quality services that support this effort. Air quality permitting Emission inventories and emission calculation techniques Dispersion modeling and impact analysis Air quality monitoring, emission measurement, and reporting Engineering design and evaluation of control technologies Hazardous waste combustion Strategic planning to reduce environmental risk and maintain compliance Emission reduction programs and pollution prevention techniques Air quality training C O M P A N Y P R O F I L E Air Quality Statement of Qualifications 2 Company Profile T E T R A T E C H T ETRA T ECH I NC . A IR Q UALITY S ERVICES (C ONTINUED ) Air quality permitting Our air quality permitting service does more than simply obtain permits on time and within budget. We continually advise our client of the effect of specific permit conditions or permit changes on the present and future operation of a facility. This information helps our clients maintain operating flexibility and make informed business decisions. For instance, emissions trading and facility-wide "bubbling" are often effective alternatives to expensive environmental controls. Tetra Tech provides a critical review of options as part of our strategic support services. Emission inventories and emission estimating techniques Our team of professionals has an impressive history in developing air emission inventories, ranging from small permitting projects for private industry to million- dollar compliance efforts for the U.S. Department of Defense. We have developed easy-to-understand emission inventories for compliance with Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and nonattainment permitting regulations, state air quality regulations, and federal Title V and Risk Management Plan (RMP) regulations. Often, our clients require specific database software to store, access, and modify emission inventories for facilities. Tetra Tech has designed many air emission databases for a variety of industries to make access and maintenance of air emission datasets simple and efficient. Dispersion modeling and impact analysis Tetra Tech has extensive experience in the development and application of air quality dispersion models for analyzing potential and existing air quality impacts from air pollution sources, and for demonstrating compliance with ambient air quality standards. Because dispersion modeling often plays a major role in air permitting and other air pollution analyses, proper selection and application of an air quality dispersion model is essential. Tetra Tech's professionals have the skills and experience necessary to successfully complete the most technically challenging dispersion modeling applications. We have developed, used, and evaluated many different dispersion models and understand how to apply various modeling techniques. Tetra Tech's dispersion modeling services include modeling analysis for Clean Air Act permitting, risk assessments, air monitor placement, and ambient impact research. C O M P A N Y P R O F I L E Air Quality Statement of Qualifications 3 Company Profile T E T R A T E C H T ETRA T ECH I NC . A IR Q UALITY S ERVICES (C ONTINUED ) Air quality monitoring, emission measurement, and reporting Tetra Tech has developed and implemented monitoring programs to help clients comply with regulatory requirements. These programs include ambient air monitoring, meteorological monitoring, regional air studies, continuous emission monitoring, and source testing. Our staff has experience in monitoring system design, installation certification, and quality assurance. Tetra Tech, while experienced in standard methods of monitoring, has also designed monitoring programs that tackle unique air quality issues. For instance, Tetra Tech conducted an independent scientific audit using an original measurement and analysis approach to assess the costs and effectiveness of the Colorado oxygenated fuels program. As part of this audit, Tetra Tech designed a field- testing program that used remote sensing equipment to measure emissions from tens of thousands of vehicles. Engineering design and evaluation of control technologies Tetra Tech provides engineering design and control technology evaluation services to our clients. Tetra Tech's air quality engineers and scientists have conducted Best Available Control Technology (BACT) and Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) evaluations of various industries located in attainment and nonattainment areas and have managed performance guarantee testing for emissions controls on utility boilers. Tetra Tech has also designed air pollution control devices to treat off-gases from groundwater treatment systems. For the U.S. Air Force, Tetra Tech evaluated a number of air pollution control strategies to meet Clean Air Act requirements. Recently, Tetra Tech designed a thermal oxidation system that treated soil gases produced by soil vapor extraction systems at high destruction efficiency. Hazardous waste combustion Recent changes in hazardous waste combustion unit permitting and testing policy have required facilities to rely on guidance documents and verbal direction from the various U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regions. Tetra Tech developed the Hazardous Waste Combustion Unit Permitting Manual, a 3,500-page document that assembles current hazardous waste combustion unit regulation, guidance, and policy. As a result, Tetra Tech is one of the foremost consultants when dealing with hazardous waste combustion unit permitting and testing issues. C O M P A N Y P R O F I L E Air Quality Statement of Qualifications 4 Company Profile T E T R A T E C H T ETRA T ECH I NC . A IR Q UALITY S ERVICES (C ONTINUED ) Strategic planning to reduce environmental risk and maintain compliance Tetra Tech staff has worked closely with a variety of clients to define areas of risk from current operations, plant retirement, acquisitions, and expansion plans. Tetra Tech's team of specialists helps clients develop effective tools for reducing both short-term and long-term environmental risk. Tetra Tech has been successful in establishing partnerships between industries and between industry and government to develop innovative strategies that produce positive results and avoid costly litigation or punitive regulatory actions. Emission reduction programs and pollution prevention techniques Tetra Tech's experience in pollution prevention and emission reduction programs spans a wide variety of industries including: electric utilities, aerospace, breweries, fleet maintenance, and bakeries. When an emission inventory and future needs assessment is complete, our staff works with facilities to identify potential areas, processes, and sources for implementation of emission reduction or pollution prevention programs. In addition, a cost/benefit analysis is prepared for each project to better assess the program's advantages. We understand that these types of programs are beneficial only when they: (1) are user friendly (easy to implement); (2) are cooperatively planned among facility personnel, the regulating agency, and Tetra Tech staff; and (3) provide clear benefits to all parties involved. Air quality training Tetra Tech has developed concise, yet comprehensive, courses on the fundamentals of air quality. These courses examine the basic topics of air quality and are tailored to the needs of individual clients. Tetra Tech instructors are experienced air quality professionals with the ability to teach various audiences. For example, Tetra Tech taught an air quality course for the State of Colorado as part of a program to retrain unemployed scientists and engineers. One industrial client selected Tetra Tech to develop a curriculum that was supplemented by real-world case studies, site-specific homework assignments, practical problem-solving exercises, instruction on how to recognize potential air quality problems, and advice on where to find a remedy. Tetra Tech's commitment to training has expanded beyond the United States. For the Philippines government, Tetra Tech developed a large environmental compliance workshop that included a substantial air quality component. These workshops were designed to aid Philippine manufacturers in complying with local environmental regulations. C O M P A N Y P R O F I L E Air Quality Statement of Qualifications 5 Company Profile T E T R A T E C H T ETRA T ECH I NC . A IR Q UALITY S ERVICES (C ONTINUED ) Tetra Tech staff has conducted a wide range of air quality projects, including: Power generation operations throughout Alaska. Review of potential and actual emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and particulate matter (PM10) for a facility to evaluate whether New Source Review PSD regulations had been triggered. This project required the review of facility and state agency records to identify modifications made and permitted over a 10-year period. Emission inventories for several industrial clients. Air emissions were calculated for source categories including storage tanks, process heaters and boilers, fugitive emission components, barge/tank/railcar loading operations, and process vents. Air permitting and regulatory support for 52 operating facilities in 19 states for the Earthgrains Company and Metz Baking Group. A performance audit of the Oxygenated Fuels Program for the State of Colorado. The field program included remote sensing of approximately 80,000 vehicle emissions. Dispersion modeling for air quality impact analysis of potential emissions of SO2, NO2, CO, PM10, and volatile organic compound (VOC) from a bypass flare at a coal gasification project. Accidental release analysis of the potential effects of a carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide mixture in a proposed high-pressure pipeline. Modeling was applied to a full array of potential pipeline hole and leak sizes to assure that worst-case conditions were analyzed. Hazard analysis for a wastewater treatment plant to evaluate the potential off-site consequences in the event of an accidental release of chlorine. Guidance document preparation on conducting dispersion modeling and air monitoring analysis for Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Subpart X permitting requirements. Air monitoring program development designed to analyze ambient concentrations of VOCs, semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) at several U.S. Navy facilities in Northern California. A toxic emission data inventory (TEDI) report for a petroleum refinery. Emissions were calculated for source categories including storage tanks, process heaters and boilers, barge/tank/railcar loading operations, and process vents. System development for automated emission calculations on a monthly basis from several emissions points including storage tanks, process heaters, and boilers. Workshop development to teach the fundamentals of air quality compliance to a variety of U.S. and foreign clients. C O M P A N Y P R O F I L E Air Quality Statement of Qualifications 6 Company Profile T E T R A T E C H T ETRA T ECH I NC . HAS STRATEGICALLY LOCATED OFFICES AND BUILT THE SIZE AND EXPERTISE OF ITS STAFF TO MEET CUSTOMER NEEDS SERVICES INTERNATIONAL OFFICES ARGENTINA CZECH REPUBLIC GERMANY INDIA PHILIPPINES CHILE JAPAN INDONESIA TAIWAN Tetra Tech is an 8,500-person environmental engineering and consulting firm with 275 offices in the U.S. and overseas and annual revenue exceeding $1.55 billion. Tetra Tech and its subsidiaries work together as a full-service company to meet all of our clients' needs. Tetra Tech has the local presence and global resources you need for the life cycle of your project. The Tetra Tech Inc. family of companies includes: Advanced Management Technology, Inc., Ardaman & Associates, Inc., ARD, Inc., Cosentini Associates, Inc., The Delaney Group, Inc., Engineering Management Concepts, Inc., GeoTrans, Inc., Tetra Tech Construction Services, Inc., Tetra Tech EC, Inc., Tetra Tech Electric, Inc., Tetra Tech EM Inc., Tetra Tech FC, LLC, Tetra Tech MM, Inc., Tetra Tech NUS, Inc., Tetra Tech Rizzo, Inc., Tetra Tech RMC, Inc., The Thomas Group of Companies, Inc., and Western Utility Contractors, Inc. Services Provided Nationwide Tetra Tech is an environmental engineering and consulting firm that provides multidisciplinary services in all environmental areas. Over the years, Tetra Tech has assembled an impressive catalog of project experience in all major environmental programs. We have completed approximately 2,000 Phase I and 1,500 Phase II site assessments; 500 Phase III site cleanup design and implementation projects; more than 800 Superfund site projects; 3,000 RCRA facility corrective actions and compliance inspections; 500 asbestos and lead-based paint surveys; 1,200 underground storage tank (UST) management and cleanup projects; 200 solid waste management projects; 150 source reduction and pollution prevention projects; 200 community relations and public involvement projects; 750 permitting projects; 300 risk assessments; 500 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental assessments and environmental impact statements; and 500 environmental, wetlands, and ecological assessments and studies. C O M P A N Y P R O F I L E Air Quality Statement of Qualifications 7 Company Profile T E T R A T E C H C ORPORATE A CHIEVEMENTS We also offer full engineering design and construction management services for solid waste, hazardous waste, and wastewater treatment facilities; air and water pollution control systems; and other environmental and infrastructure projects. Tetra Tech shares work among its offices, allowing us to bring in the best available staff to support a project anywhere in the country. All of our offices also share lessons learned and company-wide policies on project management and quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC). Tetra Tech can thus provide our clients with consistent products in terms of technical quality and cost. Tetra Tech uses external benchmarking to evaluate the quality of its business and to gauge its performance against its competitors and the industry. Our size, efficient operating structure, and unique achievements set us apart from other firms. Significant Company Achievements Ranked 7th among Top 200 Environmental Firms in U.S. by Engineering News Record magazine. 2007. Ranked 8th among Top 500 Design Firms in U.S. by Engineering News Record magazine. 2008. National Energy Awards, 2005-2006 4 Presidential Energy Awards presented to Tetra Tech teams 4 Secretary of the Navy Energy Awards received for Tetra Tech projects 1 Federal Energy Management Program Award received for a Tetra Tech project C O M P A N Y P R O F I L E Air Quality Statement of Qualifications 8 Company Profile T E T R A T E C H T ETRA T ECH I NC . C ONTINUOUSLY S TRIVES T O G O B EYOND C USTOMER S ATISFACTION Tetra Tech uses several methods to evaluate whether our customers are satisfied with the products and services we deliver. Some of these methods include frequent and direct communication, analyzing contract performance evaluations, and developing service quality questionnaires. Described below are ways in which we use and react to customer feedback. We believe that direct customer contact by project team members is the most effective way to obtain customer feedback. Tetra Tech ensures that the customer feedback we receive is distributed to the staff that can best act on the information. For example, we currently receive regular performance evaluations on most of our contracts. Tetra Tech contract managers review this information to summarize overall trends for the contract; identify project evaluations that are only satisfactory or below; and single out specific performance factors such as technical quality, project management, and financial management for improvement. Feedback is typically presented to all project members during a meeting of all project teams working on a contract. Project-specific information is distributed to each team for review and follow-up action. Tetra Tech’s Navy CLEAN contract was another example of how we used feedback to increase customer satisfaction. Tetra Tech’s work covered 31 Navy installations and multiple concurrent projects at most installations. We used a monthly service quality questionnaire to collect feedback from customers at each installation. Questionnaire results, budgets, costs, schedules, and quality information were compiled quarterly to produce an internal performance monitoring brief for each installation. Tetra Tech project teams used the brief to develop management and technical strategies, action plans, and short- and long-term goals that were based on customer feedback and that directly address customer requirements at each installation. This customer-driven process helps our project teams improve efficiency and effectiveness. The Navy’s decision to fund an additional $260 million in Tetra Tech services on the CLEAN II contract indicated that this process is also effective in increasing customer satisfaction. Tetra Tech - Boulder Office 4900 Pearl East Circle, Suite 300W Boulder, Colorado 80301 (303) 447-1823 SSSS ELECTED ELECTED ELECTED ELECTED TTTT ETRA ETRA ETRA ETRA TTTT ECH ECH ECH ECH IIII NCNCNCNC .... PPPP ROJROJROJROJECECECECT T T T SSSS UMMARIESUMMARIESUMMARIESUMMARIES T E T R A T E C H I N C . P R O J E C T S U M M A R I E S T E T R A T E C H Introduction With over 35 years of experience in engineering and planning, Tetra Tech provides a full range of air quality services, including permitting, monitoring, and compliance evaluations. Our leadership position in environmental documentation emphasizes solutions to critical problems in the energy market. Our reputation for providing innovative solutions, backed by sound scientific and engineering analyses, has earned the confidence of our customers worldwide. Our past performance on other projects and government contracts is outstanding with respect to cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules. In short, Tetra Tech brings credibility as a recognized leader in air quality and a long and proven history of supporting electric utilities. Tetra Tech has over 8,500 employees among its 275 offices worldwide, including Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau, Alaska. Since the early 1980s, Tetra Tech has supported public and private sector clients in Alaska in permitting, environmental assessments, natural resource evaluation, and engineering studies. Tetra Tech performs more than $10 million of environmental work annually throughout Alaska, from the southeast to above the Arctic Circle. Tetra Tech is currently preparing environmental impact statements for several of the most controversial and challenging projects in Alaska, including forest planning in Tongass National Forest and the expansion of the world’s largest lead-zinc mine near Kotzebue. Locally, in Anchorage, Tetra Tech recently worked with the Alaska District of the Corps of Engineers and the Port of Anchorage on a major wetland/watershed restoration project. On Kodiak Island, Tetra Tech is in the process of designing, permitting, and constructing a wind farm and associated power generation and transmission facilities. Through broad Alaska experience, Tetra Tech understands the culture and environmental conditions that are unique to the state. Moreover, Tetra Tech has worked closely with federal, state, and local agencies in Alaska. Tetra Tech’s staff has strong credentials in relation to technical air quality issues. Figure 1 presents a matrix summarizing Tetra Tech staff education and experience in specific aspects of air quality. A summary of relevant projects and resumes of key staff are included at the end of this section. Project Experience Highlights Tetra Tech has extensive experience throughout the U.S. conducting environmental work for the electric utility industry. Tetra Tech has worked on more than 150 power related projects in 16 states across the country. Tetra Tech’s experience in the electric utility industry includes work for a wide range of source types, including facilities utilizing natural gas-fired engines, similar to that proposed by Alpine Energy. Tetra Tech’s electric utility projects involve facilities ranging from small to very large, from 5 to 3,200 megawatts (MW). Projects have included permitting for a wide range of fuel types, including natural gas, coal, oil, wood refuse, municipal waste, and coke, as well as a variety of generation technologies, including combustion turbines/combined cycle, fluidized bed boilers, conventional boilers, and coal/coke/integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC). Tetra Tech’s investigations for electric generating projects have ranged from local EIS work to regional fatal flaw-type investigations, and even comprehensive, multi-state site selection studies. Tetra Tech has supported the proposed construction of new energy generation and transmission projects as well as permitted major and minor modifications to existing facilities. Tetra Tech’s experience in the electric utility industry involves numerous siting and permitting projects, including preparation of air quality permit applications, environmental impact analyses and documentation for baseline environmental investigations, EA, environmental reports (ER), EIS, and licensing studies. These projects involved Tetra Tech’s in-house expertise in air quality, waste management, land use, visual, water/wastewater, wetlands, ecology, socioeconomics, noise, health risk assessment, and hazardous waste. P R O J E C T S U M M A R I E S T E T R A T E C H The following are a few detailed descriptions of representative projects to illustrate Tetra Tech’s experience for conducting air quality permitting. In addition, Figure 2 presents specific examples of Tetra Tech’s relevant to permitting of Alaska power plant projects. Knik Arm Power Plant Permitting Anchorage, AK Evaluated the cost and schedule implications of PSD and PSD-avoidance strategies for 30-MW and 60-MW turbines. Based on recommendations, Ship Creek Energy Center authorized preparation of an air quality construction permit application for a natural gas- fired, combustion turbine cogeneration project to repower an existing coal-fired power plant in Anchorage, Alaska, with a 40-MW combined- cycle combustion turbine. Successfully negotiated a modeling protocol with ADEC, conducted dispersion modeling analyses for compliance with ambient air quality standards and PSD increments, and prepared a construction permit application. Negotiations with the ADEC allowed Ship Creek Energy Center to avoid a difficult and time-consuming air quality modeling analysis for SO2 impacts. Participated in a public hearing and multiple stakeholder meetings regarding the repowering project. Healy Clean Coal Project Healy, AK Provided oversight for an environmental monitoring program for the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) for the 50-MW Healy Clean Coal Project (HCCP) located near the Denali National Park and Preserve PSD Class I area. Conducted technical project review and coordination of the visibility and air quality monitoring programs that fulfilled the post-construction monitoring conditions of the PSD Permit. Prepared a minor permit application for the restart of HCCP as a separate facility from the existing Healy Power Plant operated by Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA), and conducted dispersion modeling as a source within an existing source. Prepared the NPDES permit and fact sheet for the wastewater discharges from HCCP and the Healy Power Plant. Coast Guard Cogeneration Project – Nyman Power Plant Kodiak, AK Evaluated impacts for a Borrower’s Environmental Report (BER) to support a power generation study. This document, which is equivalent to a federal EA, enabled the Rural Utilities Service to evaluate the environmental effects of a 5-MW combustion turbine cogeneration project for Kodiak Electric Association. Prepared a PSD-avoidance construction permit application for the Nyman Power Plant. Conducted dispersion modeling for compliance with ambient air quality standards and PSD increments. Gained ADEC’s acceptance of a non-standard modeling procedure that allowed a shorter exhaust stack to be built to achieve compliance with PSD increments, thereby helping to reduce overall project costs. P R O J E C T S U M M A R I E S T E T R A T E C H Dillingham Power Plant PSD Permitting Dillingham, AK Solved complex historical permitting issues for a power plant upgrade for Nushagak Electric Cooperative. Negotiated an agreement with ADEC that allowed existing power generation equipment to continue to operate, without implementing retroactive BACT on aging power generation equipment, until the useful life of each unit is depleted. Used consumer rate increase data to successfully convince ADEC and EPA that NOx emission control with Selective Catalytic Reduction was too costly to be considered BACT. Developed a data set that met EPA’s and ADEC’s approval, thereby avoiding costly meteorological monitoring that would have delayed the project approximately 18 months. Convinced ADEC to agree to a reasonable construction schedule and to delete onerous conditions and inapplicable requirements. Developed the Title V operating permit for the facility. Providence Alaska Medical Center Cogeneration Project. Anchorage, AK Supervised the preparation of a Title V operating permit application for new 4-MW combined-cycle combustion turbine and 15-MMBtu/hr duct burner to supply electricity and steam to the Providence Alaska Medical Center in Anchorage, Alaska. Conducted an air quality dispersion modeling analysis for NOx and CO impacts as part of a stack height design analysis. The modeling analysis included sensitive receptors at the hospital and a demonstration of insignificant project impacts to the Anchorage CO nonattainment area. Chena Power Plant Modifications Fairbanks, AK Performed an assessment of the permitting implications of major modifications at a 25-MW coal-fired power plant for Aurora Energy. Evaluated the effect that replacement of three coal-fired boilers with a new, larger coal-fired boiler would have on air permits. Prepared a strategy to avoid PSD review of the modifications. Assisted with the resolution of ongoing air quality compliance-related issues. Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc., Emma Creek Project. Healy, AK Conducted the air quality segment of the feasibility and fatal flaw analysis for constructing a 200-MW net circulating fluidized bed coal-fired power facility to be located near Healy, Alaska, UCM. Evaluated the PSD construction permit and Title V operating permit requirements for the proposed facility. As part of this evaluation, reviewed the meteorological data and ambient air quality data available to the project and made a pre-construction monitoring determination. Conducted conservative screening modeling analyses and predicted impacts that exceed the PSD increments. As a result of the screening analysis, made recommendations for refined modeling that would be expected to result in impacts that demonstrate compliance with the PSD increments. Figure 1 - Tetra Tech Air Quality Personnel MatrixOfficeNameQualificationsYears of ExperienceAir Dispersion ModelingAmbient MonitoringAir Toxics MonitoringStack TestingContinuous Emission MonitoringEmissions InventoriesConformity AnalysisRegulatory AssessmentEnvironmental Impact StatementState/Federal PermittingTitle V PermittingRCRA/BIF Permitting/OversightAir Pollution ControlPollution PreventionEmissions TradingRisk AssessmentAir Pathway AnalysisData ManagementVisibility StudiesIndoor Air Quality StudiesAnn Arbor Lochocki, Valerie, P.E.B.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering15Ann Arbor Pineau, BrendaB.S., Chemistry, MBA17Boise Herlocker, DougB.S., Environmental Science, B.S., Biology7Boothwyn Gawarzewski, Joe B.S., Environmental Science5Boothwyn Mazzeo, Andy M.S., Environmental Science10Boston Tamura, Todd, QEPM.S. Chemistry, M.S. Technology & Policy, B.S. Chem.15Boston Guertin, TedM.S., Atmospheric Sciences19Boston Keith KennedyM.S. Civil & Envir. Eng., B.S. Civil & Envir. Eng.33 Boston Tricia BeazleyM.S. Chem.& Biochem. Eng., B.S. Chem.& Biochem. Eng.2 Boston David Dixon, P.E.B.S., Civil Engineering36Morris Plains Geoff King, P.E.B.S., Chemical Engineering29Morris Plains Heide RoldanB.S., Environmental, M.S., Mgmt.13 Morris Plains James StumbarPh.D., Fuels Technology35Atlanta Shekar ShanmugamM.S., Chemical Engineering20Santa Ana Lida MoussavianB.S., Chemical Engineering23Santa Ana Richard BoothB.A. Natural Science32Denver John EdrichM.S., Chemical Engineering26Denver Brian GrayB.S., Meteorology11Denver Bryan HnetinkaB.A., Environmental Science5Denver Karl HustonB.S., Physics and Mathematics24Denver Mike WheatleyB.A. Business Administration18Boulder Farnes, BobB.A., Geography16Boulder Fu, ShirleyB.A., Physical Environmental Science13Boulder Cote, William, P.E.M.S., Chemical Engineering37Boulder Farstad, EricB.S., Meteorology16Boulder Hammer, RobertM.S., Meteorology25Boulder Hacker, Miriam, P.E.M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering13Boulder Gibbons, TomB.S., Chemistry, M.S., Meteorology25Boulder Kienholz, Jim, P.E.B.S., Civil Engineering3Boulder Stonehill, SaraB.A., Environmental Science6Boulder Tumey, April, E.I.T.B.S., Chemical Eng., M.S., Civil/ Environmental Eng.3Boulder Weakley, MelissaM.S., Civil and Environ. Eng.; B.S., Chem. Eng.9Chicago Dirgo, John Sc.D., Env. Science & Physiology27ChicagoEllis, HarryPh.D., Pharmacology, B.S., Chemistry341 of 3June 2008 Figure 1 - Tetra Tech Air Quality Personnel MatrixOfficeNameQualificationsYears of ExperienceAir Dispersion ModelingAmbient MonitoringAir Toxics MonitoringStack TestingContinuous Emission MonitoringEmissions InventoriesConformity AnalysisRegulatory AssessmentEnvironmental Impact StatementState/Federal PermittingTitle V PermittingRCRA/BIF Permitting/OversightAir Pollution ControlPollution PreventionEmissions TradingRisk AssessmentAir Pathway AnalysisData ManagementVisibility StudiesIndoor Air Quality StudiesChicago Gould, Mindy M.S., Environmental Engineering23Chicago Hill, Tera B.S., Chemical Engineering17Chicago Lifka, Jeff M.S., Environmental Engineering6Chicago Morton, Eric M.P.H., Public Health20Chicago Nissen, Carol, P.E. M.S., Env. Engineering, B.S., Geology19Chicago Purses, Anna B.S., Environmental Science6Dallas Desmond, William Ph.D., Environmental Sciences17Denver Reichmuth, MichelleB.S., Civil Engineering9Germantown Annett, John32Germantown Bartram, BartM.S., Physics/Mechanical Engineering30Helena Windmueller, Ray, PEB.S., Petroleum Engineering24Henderson Dale, JillM.S., Environmental Management11Houston Friday, Candace B.S., Chemistry19Houston Nelms, Len30Kansas City Erickson, Bryan B.S., Environmental Science7Kansas City Johnson, Josh B.S., Environmental Science7Kansas City Leiker, Patrick B.S., Atmospheric Science2Kansas City Luebbering, Stephanie B.A., Environ. Science/Biology, M.S., Environ. Studies5Kansas City Maxwell, Kevin, E.I.T. B.S., Chemical Engineering2Kansas City Pyakuryal, Kumud M.S., Economics8Kansas City Sharp, Greg B.S., Environmental Science13Kansas City Treanor, Rachel B.S., Environmental Science6Kansas City Zimmermann, Dave B.S., Environmental Science18Lafayette Johnson, Kay Ph.D., Environmental Health Science40Lafayette Rigby, Mark B.A. Aquatic Ecology, M.S. Evolution/Ecology, Ph.D. Ecology12Lewes Stoner, Ronald B.S., Meteorology36LexingtonPartymiller, KennethPh.D., Atmospheric & Physical Chemistry27LexingtonRial, J. Frederick P.E.B.S., Mechanical Engineering, MBA34Missoula Kucera, Bradley B.S., Environmental Engineering 6Morris Plains Vick, ScottNashville Grover, RonB.S., Chemical Engineering15PasadenaHuang, Eddy Ph.D., Chemical Engineering20Pittsburgh Goerdt, James B.S., Wildlife BiologyPittsburgh Lucas, Joseph M.S., Atmospheric Sciences25Pittsburgh Plachy, Valerie B.S., Chemical Engineering24PittsburghWagner, GlennB.S., Meteorology2 of 3June 2008 Figure 1 - Tetra Tech Air Quality Personnel MatrixOfficeNameQualificationsYears of ExperienceAir Dispersion ModelingAmbient MonitoringAir Toxics MonitoringStack TestingContinuous Emission MonitoringEmissions InventoriesConformity AnalysisRegulatory AssessmentEnvironmental Impact StatementState/Federal PermittingTitle V PermittingRCRA/BIF Permitting/OversightAir Pollution ControlPollution PreventionEmissions TradingRisk AssessmentAir Pathway AnalysisData ManagementVisibility StudiesIndoor Air Quality StudiesReno Carroll, Sandra Ph.D., Environmental Toxicology20Reno Higginbotham, Brent, P.E. B.S./M.S., Mechanical Engineering37Reno Mann, Aaron B.S., Biology28Reno McDaniel, Amanda,. E.I.T. B.S., Environmental Engineering (Civil)11Reno Moghimi, Mehrdad, P.E. B.S. Chemical Eng., M.S., Environmental Mgmt., CHMM18RockawayBianco, CynthiaB.E., Mechanical Engineering20Rockaway Freeman, Susan B.S., Chemical Engineering13Rockaway Raser, John B.S., Chemical Engineering21RockawayRonquillo, FrancisB.S., Chemical EngineeringRockaway Sullivan, Doug B.S., Civil Engineering19RockawayTsun, JohnB.E., Mechanical Engineering18San Diego Argus, Roger B.S., Chemical Engineering17San Francisco Chen, Bryan M.S., Environmental Management7San Francisco Easter, Chris B.S., Physical Sciences17San Francisco Grossman, Michele B.S., Environmental Science, EPI2San Francisco Ono, Yohji M.S., Civil/Environmental Engineering20San Francisco Sculley, Robert M.S., Ecology30San Francisco Toole O'Neil, Barbara M.S., Chemical Engineering27San Francisco Vetromile, Julia B.S., Chemical Engineering29Seattle Kutsal, Deborah B.S., Environmental Chemistry10St. Louis Parish, Joe B.A., Geology, M.S., Geophysics18Stone Mtn.Samuels, EricB.S., Biology153 of 3June 2008 Figure 2 – Project Experience Tetra Tech Staff Project List Demonstrates Alaska Experience in Air Quality Permitting Alaska Project Alaska Coastal Management Program Natural Gas Power Plant Other Power Plants Permitting Knik Arm Power Plant Permitting (Anchorage, AK) Ship Creek Energy Center Gas Turbine Steam Injection Project, (Anchorage, AK) Anchorage Municipal Light & Power; Stone & Webster Fairbanks Campus Power Plant Permitting, (Fairbanks, AK) University of Alaska – Fairbanks Barrow Power Plant Permitting, (Barrow, AK) Barrow Utilities and Electric Cooperative Dillingham Power Plant PSD Permitting, (Dillingham, AK) Nushagak Cooperative Healy Clean Coal Project PSD and NPDES Permits, (Healy, AK) Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority; Golden Valley Electric Association Coast Guard Cogeneration Project, (Kodiak, AK) Kodiak Electric Association Jarvis Creek Feasibility Analysis, (Delta Junction, AK) Alaska Power & Telephone Chena Power Plant Modifications, (Fairbanks, AK) Aurora Energy SSSS ELECTED ELECTED ELECTED ELECTED TTTT ETRA ETRA ETRA ETRA TTTT ECHECHECHECH IIII NCNCNCNC .... RRRR ESUMES OF ESUMES OF ESUMES OF ESUMES OF KKKK EY EY EY EY PPPP ERSONNELERSONNELERSONNELERSONNEL T E T R A T E C H I N C . Tetra Tech Page 1 THOMAS H. GIBBONS Senior Air Quality Specialist EDUCATION MS, Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University, 1987 BS, Chemistry, University of Illinois, 1983 EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Mr. Gibbons is a senior air quality scientist with 25 years of professional experience, including preparation of air quality permit applications, regulatory analyses, air quality dispersion modeling, and risk assessments. He has extensive experience developing emission inventories for criteria and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), performing emission control reviews (e.g., BACT) in support of Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and other permitting processes, and in air dispersion modeling for projects ranging from permitting and compliance support to environmental and risk assessments. Mr. Gibbons also has extensive experience in developing emission inventories for air toxics, fugitive dust sources, and radiological materials. He has also conducted risk assessments for air toxics and radionuclides. His research experience includes investigation of the chemical transformations and biogenic effects of acid precipitation, field studies examining the processes of washout and rainout of air pollutants, and studies of the effects of acid rain on soil chemistry and enzymes. His project experience includes electric power generation, oil and gas, mining, chemical and industrial manufacturing, pulp and paper, and incineration. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Aggregate Industries, Morrison Quarry. Conducted a PM10 dispersion modeling analysis for the expansion of a rock quarry in Morrison, Colorado. Utilized an innovative, non-standard approach for modeling fugitive dust emissions from haul road traffic to better represent impacts from the aggregate facility. Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority, Healy Clean Coal Project. Provided oversight for the environmental monitoring program for the new 50-MW Healy Clean Coal Project located in Healy, Alaska, near the Denali National Park and Preserve PSD Class I area. Responsibilities included technical project review and coordination for the visibility and air quality monitoring programs that fulfill the post-construction monitoring conditions of the PSD Permit. In addition, prepared a minor permit application for the restart of HCCP as a separate facility from the existing Healy Power Plant and conducted the associated dispersion modeling as a source within an existing source. American Soda, LLP, Yankee Gulch Sodium Minerals Project. Provided ongoing air quality consulting services to a large nahcolite solution mining operation in northwestern Colorado. Simultaneously coordinated the preparation of two PSD construction permit applications, one for the underground solution mining operation, and the other for a product processing plant. Participated in negotiations with the Colorado Air Pollution Control Division (APCD) to get the PSD permits issued in record time and ahead of the client’s desired schedule. In addition, expedited the air quality construction permitting and Title V operating permit compliance processes for the pilot phase of the project, thereby assisting the client in moving toward commercial operations. Assisted American Soda’s environmental staff with VOC BACT and hazardous air pollutant MACT analyses for the mining operation. Anchorage Municipal Light & Power and Stone & Webster, Gas Turbine Steam Injection Project. Coordinated the air quality feasibility analysis for reinjecting steam into a 102-MW natural gas-fired combustion turbine in Anchorage, Alaska. Evaluated the air quality permitting requirements of this project. Using emissions data developed by turbine consultant, developed an emissions strategy that would allow the facility to increase the efficiency of its power generation facility and avoid PSD permitting review. Aptus, Inc., Hazardous Waste Incinerator EIS. Conducted an air quality analysis for a third-party EIS for a proposed Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)/Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste incinerator in Tooele County, Utah. Studies included dispersion modeling assessment THOMAS H. GIBBONS Tetra Tech Page 2 of acute and chronic exposure levels of dioxins, furans, and other toxins. Assisted in developing an air quality Notice of Intent for the incinerator. Arch Coal and Shaw Group, Pinckneyville Power Plant Feasibility Study. Conducted an air quality feasibility study for constructing a 1,500-MW pulverized-coal-fired power facility in Pinckneyville, Illinois. Evaluated the issues associated with acquiring a PSD construction permit and Title V operating permit, including requirements for NSPS, BACT, and MACT. In addition, reviewed developing air quality regulations requiring control of mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants. Aurora Energy, LLC, Chena Power Plant Modifications. Performed an assessment of the permitting implications of major modifications at a 25-MW coal fired power plant in Fairbanks, Alaska. Evaluated the effect that replacement of three coal-fired boilers with a new, larger coal-fired boiler would have on air permits. Prepared a strategy to avoid PSD review of the modifications. In addition, assisted with the resolution of ongoing air quality compliance-related issues. Coastal Chem, Inc., Monitoring Programs and Permitting Support. Conducted oversight of the post- construction meteorological and ambient air quality monitoring program for an agricultural chemical manufacturing facility near Cheyenne, Wyoming. Air pollutants monitored included NOx, O3, and ammonia. An analysis of the initial ammonia data collected from the monitoring program was conducted and provided the rationale for relocating the monitor to another site that was more representative of ambient air quality. A dispersion modeling analysis was also conducted in support of permitting for the expansion of the facility. Colorado Interstate Gas, WyCal Pipeline. Prepared Notice of Intent (NOI) documents for five natural gas compressor stations located in southwestern Wyoming, central and southern Utah, and southern Nevada that were intended to serve the WyCal Pipeline. Conducted dispersion modeling and BACT analyses in support of the NOIs. Cominco, Inc., Red Dog Mine Permitting. Conducted NOx BACT analyses for large, diesel-fired Wartsila and Caterpillar electric generator engines at a lead/zinc mine near Kotzebue, Alaska. In addition, conducted dispersion modeling in support of a PSD permit application. Key issues of the modeling analysis focused on high impacts at worker housing units and fugitive dust impacts from haul road traffic. Denver Regional Landfill, Inc. Conducted a screening PM10 modeling analysis of impacts from fugitive dust sources and a landfill gas flare at a landfill located in Erie, Colorado. Developed representative background concentrations from regional ambient monitors that were accepted for permitting by the state. Echo Bay Minerals, McCoy-Cove Mine. Prepared an air quality permit application for the expansion of the McCoy-Cove Mine near Battle Mountain, Nevada. Icicle Seafoods, Inc., Arctic Star Permitting. Prepared the air quality application for Owner Requested Limits (ORL) for the Arctic Star seafood processing vessel in St. Paul, Alaska, to resolve a potential regional air quality problem in an Alaska SO2 Special Protection Area. Worked closely with the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) to obtain the ORL approval, instead of the more arduous construction permit. Supervised the development of the regional emission inventory and air quality dispersion modeling to support the permit application. The project successfully coordinated permit approvals for several competing industrial facilities in St. Paul to the satisfaction of all involved. Independence Mining Company, Jerritt Canyon Mine. Prepared an air quality permit application for the expansion of the Jerritt Canyon Mine near Elko, Nevada. Kennecott, Denton-Rawhide Mine. Prepared an air quality permit application for the expansion of the Denton-Rawhide Mine near Fallon, Nevada. Kodiak Electric Association, Inc., Coast Guard Cogeneration Project. Prepared the air quality and noise impact sections of a Borrower’s Environmental Report (BER) to support a power generation study. This document, which is equivalent to a federal Environmental Assessment, enabled the Rural Utilities THOMAS H. GIBBONS Tetra Tech Page 3 Service to evaluate the environmental effects of a 5-MW combustion turbine cogeneration project in Kodiak, Alaska. Prepared a PSD-avoidance construction permit application for the Nyman Power Plant. Supervised the dispersion modeling for compliance with ambient air quality standards and PSD increments. Gained ADEC’s acceptance of a non-standard modeling procedure that allowed a shorter exhaust stack to be built to achieve compliance with PSD increments, thereby helping to reduce project costs. Unocal, Lisbon Gas Plant Modeling Analyses. Conducted dispersion modeling in complex terrain for natural gas liquids recovery, fractionation, and sour-liquids treating facilities at the Lisbon Gas Plant located in southeast Utah. The analyses demonstrated compliance with the SO2 NAAQS and Utah H2S limits. National Fuel Gas Supply, Natural Gas Compressor Station. Determined wind direction-specific building dimensions and performed GEP analyses for NO2 modeling of a 6,000-HP expansion in Pennsylvania. Significant features included short-stack modeling and impacts at a nearby roadway. Used ozone-limited NO2 impacts for determining PSD increment consumption and NAAQS compliance. Northern Dynasty Mines, Pebble Project. Conducted technical oversight for the pre-construction air quality and meteorological monitoring program for a copper/zinc mine northwest of Iliamna, Alaska. Developed recommendations to the NDM management team and implemented compliance improvement initiatives to ensure that the program would meet all regulatory requirements for permitting. North Slope Borough, Thermal Oxidation System. Managed air quality permitting for construction and operating permits of an incineration facility located in Barrow, Alaska. Key components involved utilizing existing operating data to successfully demonstrate to ADEC that continuous opacity and emissions monitoring was unnecessary, thereby reducing the operating requirements for the facility’s staff. NRG Energy and Dynegy, Inc., Environmental Due Diligence Evaluations for Mountain View and Riverside Power Plants. Performed air quality due diligence review for the Mountain View and Riverside coal-fired power plants in southern California. Reviewed air quality permits and associated records and reports to discover any significant liabilities that should be considered in NRG’s bid for these properties. Nushagak Electric Cooperative, Inc., Dillingham Power Plant PSD Permitting. Project manager for resolution of all air permitting issues for a power plant upgrade in Dillingham, Alaska. Resolved the issue of installing retroactive BACT on aging power generation equipment by negotiating an agreement with ADEC that allows existing power generation equipment to continue to operate without implementing BACT until the useful life of each unit is depleted. Assisted NEC in using consumer rate increase data to convince ADEC and EPA that NOx emission control with Selective Catalytic Reduction was too costly to be considered BACT. Developed a meteorological data set that met EPA’s and ADEC’s approval, thereby avoiding costly meteorological monitoring that would have delayed the project approximately 18 months. Reviewed the draft PSD construction permit and convinced ADEC to agree to a reasonable construction schedule and to delete onerous conditions and inapplicable requirements. Also developed the Title V operating permit for this facility. Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co., Nonattainment Area Impact Analysis. Managed and conducted air quality modeling analyses for a gray iron foundry located near Provo, Utah. Supervised the air quality modeling analyses that were used to demonstrate that the facility had an insignificant impact on the nearby CO nonattainment area, thus allowing Pacific States to avoid the need to obtain offsets and install emission controls. Developed multiple solutions for modeling the impacts due to air stagnation that occurs in the region; among these solutions was the incorporation of a comprehensive, regional meteorological data set into a refined CALPUFF modeling analysis. Parsons-Brinckerhoff and U.S. Department of Energy, Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site EIS. Researched source data and developed emissions inventories for point and area sources as part of an EIS for the Energy’s Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS) located northwest of Denver, Colorado. Supervised the radiological risk assessment dispersion modeling conducted for THOMAS H. GIBBONS Tetra Tech Page 4 RFETS. Participated in developing computer code for a risk assessment/hazard assessment model for RFETS. Providence Alaska Medical Center and AMC Engineers, Cogeneration Project. Supervised the preparation of a Title V operating permit application for new 4-MW combined-cycle combustion turbine and 15-MMBtu/hr duct burner to supply electricity and steam to the Providence Alaska Medical Center in Anchorage, Alaska. Conducted an air quality dispersion modeling analysis for NOx and CO impacts as part of a stack height design analysis. The modeling analysis included sensitive receptors at the hospital and a demonstration of insignificant project impacts to the Anchorage CO nonattainment area. Questar Regulated Services Co., Oak Springs Gas Compressor Station Title V Permitting. Prepared the Title V permit application for the Oak Springs Gas Compressor Station. Reviewed all potentially applicable New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for oil and gas production facilities, gas transmission and storage facilities, gas turbines, and reciprocating internal combustion engines. Assured that the application requested Title V permit shields from all inapplicable NSPS and NESHAP. Shenandoah Energy, Inc., Uinta Basin Air Compliance Evaluations. Prepared air quality compliance evaluations for 21 oil tank batteries and transfer stations located on the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation in the Uinta Basin of Utah. Reviewed available oil and gas facility records and conducted site visits to obtain the production equipment specifications needed to complete detailed facility emissions inventories and compliance audits. In addition, successfully urged U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to rescind the unwarranted PSD construction permit issued for Shenandoah’s Wonsits Valley Unit No. 6 oil and gas production facility that EPA had improperly classified as a PSD major source. Also persuaded EPA to withdraw its directive that Shenandoah obtain a federal Title V operating permit for that same Shenandoah facility. Presented a position statement to EPA to explain why the Wonsits Valley Compressor Station and the Red Wash 24B Gas Plant that extracted natural gas liquids from that compressor station’s gas were not classified as a single source. Successfully halted EPA’s attempt to aggregate the two facilities into a single PSD major source, and convinced EPA to treat the facilities as separate minor sources for air permitting purposes. Ship Creek Energy Center, LLC, Knik Arm Power Plant Permitting. Evaluated the cost and schedule implications of PSD and PSD-avoidance strategies for 30-MW and 60-MW turbines. Based on Mr. Gibbons’ recommendations, Ship Creek Energy Center authorized preparation of an air quality construction permit application for a natural gas-fired, combustion turbine cogeneration project to repower an existing coal-fired power plant in Anchorage, Alaska, with a 40-MW combined-cycle combustion turbine. Successfully negotiated a modeling protocol with the state, directed the dispersion modeling analyses for compliance with ambient air quality standards and PSD increments, and prepared the construction permit application. Negotiations with the state allowed Ship Creek Energy Center to avoid a difficult and time-consuming air quality modeling analysis for SO2 impacts. Participated in a public hearing and stakeholder meetings regarding the repowering project. Surface Mining Operations in Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota. Prepared the air quality construction permit applications for several surface coal mining operations in Wyoming near Gillette (Cordero, Carter, North Rochelle, and Buckskin mines) and near Hanna (Medicine Bow Mine), in North Dakota near Beulah (Freedom Mine), and in South Dakota near Deadwood (Gilt Edge Gold Mine). These projects included development of fugitive dust and point source emissions inventories for the applicant and neighboring mines, and assessment of control technology applicable to specific emission units. Conducted dispersion modeling to evaluate future ambient air quality impacts from the projects. Tennessee Valley Authority, Title V Permitting. Prepared Title V operating permit emission inventories for several TVA power plants. Reviewed Title V permit applications for submittal to the state regulatory agencies. Transit Mix of Pueblo, Pueblo East Pit. Conducted an AERMOD dispersion modeling analysis of the PM10 impacts for the modification of a sand and gravel operation in Pueblo, Colorado. THOMAS H. GIBBONS Tetra Tech Page 5 Trident Seafoods Corporation, Akutan Seafood Processing Facility Permitting. Prepared an air quality construction permit application to resolve potential air quality compliance and operating problems encountered at a seafood processing facility in Akutan, Alaska. Developed a state-approved modeling protocol that encompassed Trident Seafoods’ various operating scenarios and allowed the facility to avoid PSD review. When it looked as though Trident Seafoods would be constrained by impacts predicted with typical dispersion modeling techniques for very steep, complex terrain receptors, developed a methodology that used EPA’s CTSCREEN model to refine impacts and demonstrate compliance with PSD increments for SO2. As a result of modeling and permitting efforts, Trident Seafood’s operating costs were lowered by avoiding the ongoing expense of lower sulfur fuel and the increased construction costs of substantially taller exhaust stacks. Trident Seafoods Corporation, Sand Point Seafood Processing Facility Permitting. Conducted dispersion modeling and prepared a construction permit application for a seafood processing facility located in Sand Point, Alaska. Because there were no hourly meteorological data available to support the NOx and SO2 modeling analysis for the permit application, the state offered two objectionable options for modeling emissions: either delay the project and collect 1 year of on-site meteorological data, or drastically reduce facility operations. Subsequently, Mr. Gibbons developed an alternative modeling protocol that utilized EPA’s SCREEN3 model and the ISC-PRIME model to demonstrate compliance with PSD increments and air quality standards. Mr. Gibbons also utilized historic emission source data for modeling of baseline sources to effectively expand the available PSD increment for the project. Trident Seafoods Corporation, St. Paul Plant Construction Permitting. Prepared the air quality construction permit application for the St. Paul Plant seafood processing facility in St. Paul, Alaska, to resolve a potential regional air quality problem in an Alaska SO2 Special Protection Area. Supervised the development of the regional emission inventory and air quality dispersion modeling to support the permit application. The project successfully coordinated permit approvals for several competing industrial facilities in St. Paul to the satisfaction of all involved. The modeling analyses for the St. Paul Plant included evaluation of multiple operating scenarios to demonstrate compliance with ambient air quality standards and PSD increments. True Oil, Red Wing Gas Plant Permitting. Conducted air quality permitting for a natural gas processing plant located in western North Dakota. Key issues involved resolution of exceedances of the NO2 PSD increment along the fence line due to aerodynamic building downwash. UniSea, Inc., UniSea Barge Construction Permitting. Prepared the air quality construction permit application for the UniSea Barge Seafood Processing Facility in St. Paul, Alaska, to resolve a potential regional air quality problem in an Alaska SO2 Special Protection Area. Supervised the development of the regional emission inventory and air quality dispersion modeling to support the permit application. The project successfully coordinated permit approvals for several competing industrial facilities in St. Paul to the satisfaction of all involved. Uranium One, Mill and Mine Permitting. Managed the preparation of Utah Notice of Intent (NOI) documentation in support of approval orders for the Shootaring Mill, Ticaboo Townsite generating station, and Frank M and Velvet Mines located in southern Utah. Conducted site visits to develop the source inventory and acquire information needed for dispersion modeling analyses. Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc., Emma Creek Project. Conducted the air quality segment of the feasibility and fatal flaw analysis for constructing a 200-MW net circulating fluidized bed coal-fired power facility to be located near Healy, Alaska, UCM. Evaluated the PSD construction permit and Title V operating permit requirements for the proposed facility. As part of this evaluation, Mr. Gibbons reviewed the meteorological data and ambient air quality data available to the project and made a pre-construction monitoring determination. He conducted conservative screening modeling analyses and predicted impacts that exceed the PSD increments. As a result of the screening analysis, Mr. Gibbons made recommendations for refined modeling that would be expected to result in impacts that demonstrate compliance with the PSD increments. Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc., Mine Expansion Feasibility Project. Supervised the feasibility analysis of constructing and operating a coal processing/beneficiation plant to improve combustion and export THOMAS H. GIBBONS Tetra Tech Page 6 characteristics of subbituminous coal mined from a mine near Healy, Alaska. This process involved assessing the emissions and analyzing the air quality impacts from a coal/diesel-fired boiler and a coal- handling system. The project investigated the feasibility of siting and permitting the facility at various locations at or near the mine property. USPCI, Inc., USPCI Clive Incineration Facility EIS. Participated in EIS preparation for a proposed TSCA/RCRA hazardous waste incinerator in Tooele County, Utah. Studies included dispersion modeling and assessment of acute and chronic exposure levels of dioxins, furans, and other toxins. Westward Seafoods, Inc., Dutch Harbor Facility PSD Permitting. Led the air quality team in modeling efforts to demonstrate compliance with ambient air quality standards in support of a PSD permit application for a seafood processing facility located in Dutch Harbor, Alaska. Provided technical assistance in evaluating PSD and PSD-avoidance permitting options, some of which could have had the potential for costly emission control technologies and ambient air quality and meteorological monitoring requirements. Mr. Gibbons also successfully coordinated the preparation of the PSD permit application, which was unsuccessfully attempted by Westward’s previous contractor. Wilexco, Inc., National Energy Plant One. Led the air quality team in permitting efforts to demonstrate compliance with ambient air quality standards and emission limits in support of a PSD construction permit application for a 100-MW waste tire-fueled power plant located in El Paso County, Colorado. An integral part of the permitting process involved modeling for compliance with ambient air quality standards, PSD increments, and visibility standards in Class I PSD areas. PSD increments, and visibility standards in Class I PSD areas. Provided oversight for the BACT analysis of the moving-grate steam boilers that will be used to recycle the waste tires into useful electric power. Negotiated a project protocol with the Colorado APCD in support of a PSD construction permit application. PROFESSSIONAL AFFILIATONS Air and Waste Management Association PUBLICATIONS "NO-to-NO2 Conversion Rates at a Natural Gas Compressor Station." Technical Presentation at the Air and Waste Management Association in Kansas City, Missouri, June 1992. “Below-Cloud Precipitation Scavenging of Nitric Acid Vapor at a Rural Central Pennsylvania Site.” M.S. Thesis, Department of Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania. PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Air Quality Program Manager, Tetra Tech, 2007 to present Project Manager, Steigers Corporation, 1997 to 2007 Air Quality Scientist, Zephyr Air Resources Consulting, 1993 to 1994 Air Quality Meteorologist, ENSR Consulting and Engineering, 1987 to 1993 Department of Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University, 1984 to 1987 Argonne National Laboratory, 1983 to 1984 Ames Laboratory, 1982 to 1983 Tetra Tech Page 1 ROBERT J. HAMMER Senior Air Quality Specialist EDUCATION MS, Meteorology, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 1988 BS, Meteorology, Metropolitan State College, 1984 EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Mr. Hammer has conducted successful environmental work with a variety of industries in the western and mid-western U.S. focusing on electric utilities, natural gas collection and transmission, and mining. Environmental support efforts have included face-to-face meetings with clients and agencies and site visits. His technical and regulatory work have included in-depth experience with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guideline analysis techniques as well as developing computer applications for non-routine analysis such as hazard assessments and computer-based emission inventory routines and accident analysis routines. Mr. Hammer has a thorough knowledge of commercial computer software as well as the FORTRAN computer programming language, which is the standard in air quality impact analysis. He has conducted computer graphics analysis and programming, including developing user-friendly impact analysis routine software. Mr. Hammer has conducted environmental studies efforts as a lead environmental professional while managing a variety of environmental projects. Other responsibilities include leading air quality scientists and engineers responsible for air quality permitting and compliance. The responsibilities as a project manager frequently involves managing the work of other environmental professionals as well as overall project direction, organization, and administration. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Amerada Hess Corp., Dispersion Modeling and Permit Support. Air dispersion modeling and permitting support for a major gas processing facility and three separate compressor stations. Anheuser-Busch Co., Colorado Brewery Air Quality Monitoring Program. Staff meteorologist preparing a monitoring plan for an air quality and meteorology monitoring station adjacent to the Fort Collins brewery. The monitoring involved prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) permit compliance. ARCO Alaska, Inc., Prudhoe Bay Unit Flow Station 2 Expansion. Staff meteorologist completing dispersion modeling for this PSD permit application. Permit application was for three new turbine compressors at Flow Station 2 near Prudhoe Bay. Associated Natural Gas, Inc., Title V Applications. Served as project manager for the preparation of numerous Title V applications in Colorado and New Mexico. Also assisted the client in presentation of Title V strategies to the State of Oklahoma. Ball Corp., Metal Container Division, Beverage Can Manufacturing. Provided air quality permitting assistance for various and aluminum beverage can manufacturing operations in Ohio. Key technical issue involved was emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from can coating operations. Basin Electric Power Company Toxic Release Inventory Support. Provided SARA 313 Toxic Release Inventory support for several Midwestern utilities, including Basin Electric Power Company’s Antelope Valley, Leland Olds, and Laramie River Stations. This work will involve inventorying of potential toxic emissions from these facilities and completing reporting requirements for pollutants and facilities that exceed applicable thresholds. Basin Electric Power Company, Leland Olds Station and Laramie River Station Impact Analyses. Managed and directed separate projects involving air quality impact analyses of potential emissions from Basin Electric Power Company’s Leland Olds and Laramie River Stations. These analyses were conducted to determine potential air quality compliance associated with possible permit revisions. ROBERT A. HAMMER Tetra Tech Page 2 Bay Area Air Quality Management District, San Francisco Bay Air Quality Monitoring Program. Staff meteorologist responsible for quality control, data analysis, and report preparation for a two-station air quality monitoring program near San Francisco Bay. Project involved analysis of quality control and sounding data for acoustic Doppler sodars. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Aptus, Inc., Hazardous Waste Incinerator environmental impact statement (EIS). Air quality analysis for a third-party EIS for a proposed Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)/Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste incinerator in Tooele County, Utah. Studies included dispersion modeling assessment of acute and chronic exposure levels of dioxins, furans, and other toxins. Assisted in developing air quality permit application for the incinerator. BLM and Cockrell Oil Corporation, Castlegate Coalbed Methane Project EIS. Air resources technical specialist for third-party EIS. The EIS addresses Cockrell’s proposal to develop its federal, state, and private leases in the Emma Park area of Carbon County, Utah, to produce coalbed methane gas. Up to 124 new wells would be drilled and access roads constructed to each well site. BLM and Exxon Pipeline Company, Dakota Pipeline Segment 2 and Hartzog Draw Unit CO2 Projects. Air quality analysis for a third-party EA for the Exxon Wyoming-Dakota Pipeline Segment 2 and Hartzog Draw Unit CO2 Projects in central Wyoming. This document analyzed environmental impacts for 155 miles of pipeline extension and the introduction of tertiary recovery facilities to an existing well field. BLM, Forest Service, and TransColorado Pipeline Co., TransColorado Gas Transmission Project EIS. Air resources technical specialist for third-party EIS. The EIS addresses the location and development of a 311-mile-long, 22-inch diameter natural gas pipeline in western Colorado and northwestern New Mexico. Conducted air quality analysis for several pipeline compressor stations. BLM & Molycorp, Inc., Molycorp Tailings Disposal EIS. Air resources meteorologist for EIS to build a new tailings disposal facility at a molybdenum mine. Completed dispersion modeling to assess the impact of wind blown dust from the tailings. BLM and Uintah, and Grand Counties Special Service Districts, Ouray to Cisco Highway (U.S. 191) EIS. Air resources technical specialist for third-party EIS. The EIS addresses the development of a U.S. highway in Grand and Uintah Counties, Utah. BLM and USPCI, Inc., USPCI Clive Incineration Facility EIS. Participated in EIS preparation for a proposed TSCA/RCRA hazardous waste incinerator in Tooele County, Utah. Studies included dispersion modeling and assessment of acute and chronic exposure levels of dioxins, furans, and other toxins. Burlington Northern Railroad, Inc., Irondale Air Quality Impact Study. Staff meteorologist responsible for investigation of air quality impacts on property located adjacent to a hazardous waste site. Project involved investigation of past studies and analysis of air quality data collected during the study. Burlington Northern Railroad, Nemadji River Derailment. Air quality scientist performing emissions inventory and air impact analysis for a spill of aromatic concentrates of pyrolysis gasoline to the Nemadji River near Superior, Wisconsin. Analysis involved predicting emissions of the river slick and dispersion modeling of emissions in the immediate vicinity of the river and at nearby residences. Cargill, Inc., Corn Milling Plant Expansion. PSD permit assistance for expansion of a corn mill near Memphis, Tennessee. Involved air quality modeling of facility emissions. Chevron USA, Inc., Rangely CO2 Injection Project. Quantification of the risks associated with accidental CO2 and H2S exposures to workers and the public from pipeline failures and well blowouts. Dispersion modeling results were combined with statistical data on accident frequency and worst-case meteorology to derive the quantitative CO2 and H2S exposure risk at sensitive receptors. Coastal Chem, Inc., Ammonium Nitrate Plant. Air quality permit modeling assistance for a new ammonium nitrate and nitric acid production plant near Battle Mountain, Nevada. ROBERT A. HAMMER Tetra Tech Page 3 Coastal Chem, Inc., Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) Production Facility and Terminal. PSD permit assistance for a new facility for production, storage, and transfer of MTBE. Technical studies involved dispersion modeling of facility emissions. Coastal Chem, Inc., Title V Application. Project manager for preparation of a Title V application for a Cheyenne, Wyoming, ammonium nitrate and MTBE plant. Colorado Interstate Gas Company, Watkins Compressor Station. Staff meteorologist performing dispersion modeling of NOx and CO emissions associated with new turbine and reciprocating engines proposed for Adams County in Colorado. Work involved preparation of technical report which supported securing of PSD and state air quality permits. Columbian Chemicals Company, Carbon Black Manufacturing. Provided modeling assistance for carbon black plants in Kansas and Arkansas. Confidential Client, Air Quality Impact Study. Staff meteorologist responsible for investigation of air quality impacts on property located adjacent to a hazardous waste site. Project involved investigation of past studies and analysis of air quality data collected during this study. Confidential Client, CO2 Pipeline Release Analysis. Project manager and technical leader for several projects for this client involving analyzing the impact of potential accidental releases of CO2 from existing and proposed expansions of CO2 pipelines. Analyses involved predicting distances the threshold concentrations and calculating corresponding probability of exposure at discrete off-pipeline and highway/road crossings for a variety of accident scenarios. DGC Great Plains Synfuels Plant Air Quality Impact Analysis. Primary air quality meteorologist responsible for air quality impact analyses, including dispersion modeling, of emissions from DGC’s Great Plains Synfuels Plant in North Dakota. Air quality impact analyses were conducted in support of numerous proposed configurations of the main stack from approximately 1988 through the most recent analyses in 1996. Configurations modeled involved evaluating various physical locations as well as operational parameters, including potential main-stack by-pass. Analyses included flares, building effects, simple and complex terrain, and visibility impact assessments. DGC Great Plains Synfuels Plant Particulate Modeling. Completed an air quality dispersion modeling study of potential particulate matter emissions from the DGC Great Plains Synfuels Plant. The project involved an analysis of potential ambient air quality impacts and Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) impacts from emissions at the Great Plains Synfuels Plant, neighboring sources at the Antelope Valley Station and the Freedom Mine, and at regional sources such as the Coyote, Leland Olds, Stanton, and Coal Creek power plants. DGC Great Plains Synfuels Plant CO2 Pipeline Risk Analysis. Analyzed risk associated with operation of the proposed CO2 pipeline that will transport CO2 from the Great Plains Synfuels Plant to oil fields in southern Saskatchewan. The risk assessment involved refining and executing a complex release and dispersion model and calculating the risk associated with potential accidental releases from the proposed pipeline. The release and dispersion model used a set of equations that Mr. Hammer transferred into FORTRAN code and further refined as part of this Tetra Tech project. Risk calculations were completed using a program also originally developed and written previously by Mr. Hammer and slightly modified by Tetra Tech for this project. Desert Research Institute, Metropolitan Denver Brown Cloud Study. Field technician for an air quality and meteorological data monitoring program to study Denver air pollutants source apportionment. ECDC Environmental, Municipal Landfill Facility Air Permitting. Mr. Hammer conducted the initial air quality support in meeting state permitting requirements for a large municipal landfill near East Carbon City, Utah. Support included extensive negotiations to clarifying regulatory requirements with the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality. Technical work primarily involved the quantification of expected fugitive dust emissions for state reporting requirements. ROBERT A. HAMMER Tetra Tech Page 4 ECDC Environmental, Municipal Landfill Facility Air Permitting. Mr. Hammer conducted the regulatory and technical requirements for additional permitting requirements involving the installation of a railcar rotary dump. This work involved extensive work with ECDC legal counsel and the State of Utah to establish applicable requirements and emissions estimation and impact analysis techniques. Permitting of this facility was required due to the installation of enclosures and controls on the railcar rotary dump and associated propane fired railcar heating operations. Technical work involved the estimation of controlled and uncontrolled criteria pollutant emissions. ECDC Environmental, Emission Inventories. Mr. Hammer has assisted ECDC in preparing annual emission inventories that are reported to the State of Utah. The emission reports have included the reporting of standard criteria pollutant emissions, hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), as well as the preparation of no-methane organic compound (NMOC) emission inventories. The preparation of NMOC emission estimates involved the use of landfill specific emission estimation software and the comparison of NMOC emission estimate levels to regulatory triggers that would require collection and control system design. ECDC Environmental, Landfill Gas Testing. Mr. Hammer planned and coordinated the testing of NMOC emission rates from the ECDC landfill to meet the Tier 2 testing requirements from New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) Subpart WWW, which the landfill is subject to. This testing was necessary since the estimate of landfill NMOC emissions using Tier 1 techniques resulted in annual NMOC emission of more than 50 megagrams per year (mg/yr). As a result of the Tier 2 testing, the annual emission inventory of NMOC emissions was reduced to levels below the 50 mg/yr trigger for collection and control system design plan requirements, thus avoiding the requirement to install collection and control systems for several years. ECDC Environmental, Title V Permit Application. Mr. Hammer coordinated and worked on the preparation of the Title V application for the ECDC landfill. He developed the techniques used to prepare and coordinate the extensive data required for the Title V application. With his oversight and direction, all necessary data were entered into the forms required for the submittal of the Title V application. Echo Bay Minerals, McCoy/Cove Air Permits. Prepared numerous State of Nevada air quality permit applications for a precious metals mine, heap leach, and milling operations. Echo Bay Minerals, Title V Application. Conducted an audit of the McCoy/Cove operations and prepared a State of Nevada facility-wide air permit application. Also conducted analyses in preparation for the anticipated Title V application. El Paso Natural Gas Co. - Expansion Project, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)- environmental report (ER). Meteorologist supervising dispersion modeling and technical report preparation in support of a FERC environmental report for alternate compression scenarios at four pipeline compressor station in Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. ENRON Corp., Transwestern San Juan Basin Pipeline Project. Air resources technical specialist for an environmental report leading to a FERC permit application for a 96-mile-long natural gas pipeline in the San Juan Basin in New Mexico. Four Corners Pipe Line Co., FERC-ER for Line 90 Gas Project. Air quality technical specialist for an environmental report leading to a FERC permit application for a natural gas pipeline project in Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and California. Performed compressor station impact analyses. Gaylord Container Division, Total Reduced Sulfur Impact Analysis. Project meteorologist for a dispersion modeling study of the impact on the local community of TRS emissions from a pump and paper mill in northern California. Project involved an analysis of proposed emissions modifications and their effect. Geneva Steel, PM-10 State Implementation Plan (SIP) Development. Provided technical assistance to client’s legal counsel on revisions to the State Implementation Plan for PM-10 (particulate matter smaller than 10 microns), NOx and CO for an area surrounding a major integrated steel mill in Utah. Reviewed ROBERT A. HAMMER Tetra Tech Page 5 the potential formation of secondary particles during wintertime inversion episodes. Calculated emissions from non-industrial sources around the steel mill. Conducted extensive emissions estimates and contribution assessments from vehicular traffic. Recommended additional field studies to be conducted to more accurately assess the contribution of the mill to the local air quality basin. Geoproducts Corp. and Zum/Nepco, Honey Lake, California Air Quality Monitoring Program. Staff meteorologist responsible for preparing the air quality monitoring plan for a monitoring station at a proposed biomass fueled electrical power plant. Performed air quality monitoring in compliance with the requirements of PSD permitting. Gold, Silver, and Precious Metals - Miscellaneous Projects. Participated in air quality studies for numerous precious metals mining operations supporting air permitting efforts and environmental assessment/ environmental impact statement (EA/EIS) studies. Technical work included baseline environment descriptions, emissions estimates, and air quality modeling. Services have been provided for: Round Mountain Gold Corp. (Round Mountain Mine, Nevada) Echo Bay Mines, Ltd. (McCoy Mine, Nevada) Galactic Services, Inc. (Ivanhoe Project, Nevada) FRM Minerals (Getchell Mine, Nevada) Barrick Goldstrike Mines, Inc. (Goldstrike) Brohm Mining Corp. (Gilt Edge) Institute of Atmospheric Science and National Science Foundation, Triple Path Denuder Sulfate and Nitrate Monitoring Project. Air Quality meteorologist performing device and technique development for sampling of urban aerosols with intent to quantitatively identify individual sulfate and nitrate compounds. Sampling and analysis methods allowed for differentiation between ambient and artifact compounds. Samples were collected by selectively altering incoming air with denuders which would remove unwanted compounds before particulate collection. Isbill Associates, Inc., Front Range Airport EA, Adams County, CO. Air resources specialist for an EA to be submitted to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The EAS addresses the expansion and development of Front Range Airport in Adams County, Colorado. The FAA issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) on March 16, 1992. J.F. Sato - Sidney to North Yuma Transmission Line EA. Air resources technical specialist for an EA to identify an environmentally compatible corridor for the proposed 230-kV transmission line between Sidney, Nebraska, and North Yuma, Colorado. Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corp., Air Quality Monitoring. Air quality scientist responsible for data report preparation for a three-station monitoring network consisting of daily sampling of total suspended particulate (TSP) matter and PM-10, 6-day sampling of acid gases, free chlorine and particle size distribution, and a 10-meter tower collecting wind speed, wind direction, temperature, and other environmental information. Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corp., Trentwood Works Air Quality Program. Assisted in study to assess the effects on local air quality of emissions from an aluminum rolling mill near Spokane, Washington. Study included dispersion modeling of various plant emission scenarios. KN Energy, Inc., Casper Compressor Station. Staff meteorologist performing dispersion modeling in support of securing state air quality permit for a new ground level flare to bring facility into compliance with State of Wyoming visible emissions standards. KN Energy, Inc., Title V Applications. Assisted in the preparation of numerous Title V applications in Colorado. Served as Senior Air Quality Specialist in overseeing gathering and organizing of technical information, and in implementation of a computer-based system for organizing Title V data and preparing applications. ROBERT A. HAMMER Tetra Tech Page 6 Ladish Malting Co., North Dakota Malting Plant. Assisted in the dispersion modeling effort in support of state permitting requirements for a malting facility in eastern North Dakota. Assisted in the preparation of a technical report that was submitted to the state. Metal Container Corp., Windsor, Colorado, Can Manufacturing Plant Impact Modeling. Project manager and lead technical specialist in the preparation of a VOC air quality impact analysis. Analysis included the measurement of stack parameters and location, the preparation of a facility-wide emission inventory, and the air quality impact modeling of VOC emissions. Metal Container Corp., Windsor, Colorado Title V Application. Project manager for preparation of a Title V application for an aluminum can manufacturing plant. Preparation included estimation of VOC and hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions from can coating process. Montana Dakota Utilities, Heskett Station. Project Manager for study of air quality impacts on proposed fuel switching project for an electric generation station in Bismarck, North Dakota. Project included negotiations with State of North Dakota and EPA, as well as a neighboring refinery. Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America. Air quality permit application for compressor station upgrades at three stations. Assisted in FERC reports for facilities in Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Northern Border Pipeline Co./ENRON, Natural Gas Pipeline Expansion/Extension Project. Staff meteorologist performing dispersion modeling and PSD permit application preparation for four individual compressor stations in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota. Northern Border Pipeline Co., Natural Gas Pipeline Expansion/Extension Project Northern Route. Meteorologist performing air quality studies for the environmental report leading to a FERC permit application for a 371-mile long, 36-inch diameter natural gas pipeline from Ventura, Iowa to Tuscola, Illinois. Northern Border Pipeline Co., Natural Gas Pipeline Expansion/Extension Project Southern Route. Meteorologist performing air quality studies for the resource reports to be submitted with a FERC permit application for a 373-mile long, 36-inch diameter natural gas pipeline from Ventura, Iowa to Tuscola, Illinois. Project also included evaluating the impacts of expanding or constructing eight compressors stations. Potlatch, Brainerd, Minnesota Facility. Served as project manager for preparation of a Title V application for a paper mill. Rockwell International, Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Components Plant. Primary meteorologist in charge of health, safety, and environmental program for meteorological monitoring and quality assurance/quality control at this facility in Golden, Colorado. Provided oversight of field monitoring activities and performed extensive computer-based data retrieval/quality control/quality assurance. Rockwell International, Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Components Plant. Operations meteorologist responsible for weather analysis and forecasting for the health, safety and environment division at Rocky Flats. Project involved development and implementation of a short-term, site-specific daily and rapid- response weather forecasting program. Development involved implementing computers and computer graphics in real-time data displays and rapid response off-site data access and display. Specialized forecasts were implemented for client-specific tasks and for emergency response operations. Rockwell International, Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Components Plant. Air quality meteorologist for programs involving studies of general industrial site air quality and resuspension and deposition of radioactive material. Duties involved dispersion modeling, air flow tracing using Agl, analysis of radioactivity and gravimetric data, off-site source impact studies, and source apportionment studies. Confidential Client, Sand Creek Industrial Superfund Site. Performed quality control analysis of well test water quality data from an industrial site contaminated with pollutants from nearby industrial and disposal sites. Project involved reviewing published information and comparing the reported data to raw ROBERT A. HAMMER Tetra Tech Page 7 data reports. An analysis and critique of the air quality monitoring program was also completed. The goal of the critique was to determine whether the program would achieve the state objectives for air quality monitoring. Sierra Pacific Power Company, Fort Churchill PSD Application. Project manager for the preparation of a PSD application for an electric power generating station in Nevada. Sierra Pacific Power Company, Title V Applications. Assisted client in the preparation of three Title V applications for electric power generating stations in Nevada. Stone Container Corp., Process Waste Disposal Project. Staff meteorologist for assessment of the air quality impact of incinerating waste sludge at a Kraft pump mill near Missoula, Montana. Duties included assistance with the analysis and publication of the results from air quality modeling of the proposed waste sludge incinerator. Sun Exploration and Development Co., Luckey Ditch Unit. Staff meteorologist responsible for air quality dispersion modeling of NOx emissions from existing and proposed sources at the Luckey Ditch Unit in southwestern Wyoming. Work involved determining appropriate background data for model input, execution of the dispersion model, and preparation of the permit application. Surface Coal Mines and Coal Handling Facilities - Miscellaneous Projects. Participated in air quality modeling studies in support of environmental permit applications for surface coal mines and coal handling and preparation facilities. Work included estimating dust emissions and modeling of dust emissions to determine compliance with air quality standards. These types of services have been provided to: Antelope Coal/Nerco (Antelope Mine, Wyoming) Black Butte Coal (Leucite Hills Mine, Wyoming) Carter Mining (Rawhide Mine, Wyoming) Cordero Mining (Cordero Mine, Wyoming) Coteau Properties (Freedom and Dakota Star Mines, North Dakota) Dry Fork Coal (Dry Fork Mine, Wyoming) Thunder Basin Coal (Black Thunder Mine, Wyoming) Triton Coal/Shell (Buckskin Mine, Wyoming) Ziegler Coal/Shell (North Rochelle Mine, Wyoming) U.S. Department of Energy and Dakota Gasification Co., Great Plains Coal Gasification Project. Air quality meteorologist responsible for dispersion modeling of emissions from the Great Plains synfuels plant in North Dakota. Analysis included industrial source, complex terrain, and visibility impact assessments. USPCI, Inc., Grassy Mountain Landfill. Air quality modeling analyses of fugitive dust sources at a RCRA landfill operation. Analyses led to the granting of air quality permits for the facility. RMP Plan Analysis for Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. Under the provisions of Senate Bill 1889, the State of California implemented the California Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP) Program promulgated under the California Health and Safety Codes §§ 25531-25534.3. The CalARP program conforms closely to federal accidental release prevention requirements, except that the state has adopted a list of hazardous chemicals and threshold levels derived from Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Title III, and codified at Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 355. Evaluated potential hazards from both toxic and flammable substances that are used on the base. Washington Water Power, WWP/BC Hydro Transmission Interconnect EIS. Project meteorologist responsible for air quality impact issues on a third-party EIS for a double circuit 230-kV transmission line between Spokane, Washington, and Trail, British Columbia. The 125-mile line would connect WWP with BC Hydro, thus requiring a Presidential permit for crossing an international boundary. Western Gas Processors, Ltd., Emergency SO2 Flare Analysis. Staff meteorologist performing dispersion modeling and analysis for emergency SO2 flare operation. Analysis included determining ROBERT A. HAMMER Tetra Tech Page 8 amount of sweet to be added to the flare to avoid violating air quality standards under varying wind speed and wind direction conditions. Prepared technical report. PROFESSSIONAL AFFILIATONS Air and Waste Management Association PUBLICATIONS "A Computerized System for Interfacing Emissions Calculations and Modeling of Fugitive Particulate Sources." Technical paper No. 91-180.18 presented at the Air and Waste Management Association in Vancouver, B. C., June 1991. "A Personal Computer Based System for Performing Pipeline Risk Assessments." Technical Presentation at the Air and Waste Management Association in Kansas City, Missouri, June 1992. “A Triple Path Denuder Instrument for Ambient Particulate Sampling and Analyses.” Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 5, No. 1 February 1988 (with principle author Dr. Brian Davis, Ron Johnson and Brian Johnson). “An Analysis of Resuspension Source Area Impacts at Rocky Flats Surveillance Air Samplers S-7, S-8, and S-9.” Rocky Flats Plant/DOE Report RFP-3647. “The Development and Field Testing of a Triple Path Denuder Air Sampler for Ambient Sulfate and Nitrate Analysis.” M.S. Thesis, Department of Meteorology, South School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, South Dakota. PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Senior Air Quality Specialist, Tetra Tech, 1997 to 2005 Senior Air Specialist, ENSR Consulting and Engineering, 1987 to 1997 Institute of Atmospheric Science, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 1986 to 1987 Rockwell International, Rocky Flats Plant, 1982 to 1986 Tetra Tech Page 1 SARA J. STONEHILL Air Quality Specialist EDUCATION BA, Environmental Studies, University of Colorado, 2001 REGISTRATIONS/CERTIFICATIONS Certified Visible Emissions Reader per Title 40 Part 60 Appendix A USEPA Method 9. Certified to determine and grade odor emissions in terms of Regulation 2 of the Colorado Air Pollution Control Commission. EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Ms. Stonehill provides experience in air permitting, air quality dispersion modeling, and solid waste management planning. She is proficient with the use of air quality models such as SCREEN3, ISCST3, AERMOD and CALPUFF, and has prepared Title V and New Source Review/PSD permit applications for industry and utilities. She assists facilities with their Title V recordkeeping and reporting requirements, compiles emissions inventories and assists with annual compliance certifications. Ms. Stonehill also performs solid waste management planning and develops solid waste management plans for industry, municipal and local governments. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Air Quality Permitting and Modeling American Municipal Power, Dispersion Modeling and Permit Support. Completed CALPUFF modeling for PSD permit application and provided permitting support for a proposed coal-fired power plant. Rolling Hills Generating L.L.C., Dispersion Modeling and Permit Support, Wilkesville, Ohio. Assisted with dispersion modeling for a PSD permit application for an electric generating facility. Glen-Gery Brick, Dispersion Modeling. Conducted dispersion modeling to assess the implications of physical changes to the brick manufacturing plant. Nucor Steel Marion, Inc., Dispersion Modeling. Assisted with dispersion modeling for a PSD permit application for a steel plant with an electric arc furnace and a reheat furnace. CITGO Petroleum Corporation, Permit Applications and Modifications. Performed emissions calculations for VOCs and HAPs at Michigan and Ohio bulk-fuel terminals using US EPA’s TANKS software. KraftMaid Cabinetry, Permit Applications. Performed particulate emissions calculations and prepared permit applications for new dust collectors in three KraftMaid manufacturing facilities. A.R.E. Accessories, Inc., Facility-wide Emissions Recordkeeping System and General Air Consulting. Developed a comprehensive recordkeeping system to calculate organic compounds, volatile organic compounds, hazardous air pollutants and particulate emissions for the entire reinforced fiberglass parts manufacturing facility based on material usage and production. Assisted client with MACT standard requirements, Title V renewals, recordkeeping and reporting requirements for three A.R.E. facilities. Medina General Hospital, Title V Recordkeeping and Reporting. Assisted client with recordkeeping and reporting requirements for the hospital incinerator and boilers. Prepared the quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports specified in their Title V permit. Cooper Standard Automotive, Dispersion Modeling. Performed air dispersion modeling for automotive component manufacturer to assess air toxics concentrations. SARA J. STONEHILL Tetra Tech Page 2 MedCentral Health System, Title V Recordkeeping and Reporting. Assisted client with recordkeeping and reporting requirements for the hospital incinerator and boilers. Prepared the quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports specified in their Title V permit. Knox Community Hospital, Title V Recordkeeping and Reporting. Assisted client with recordkeeping and reporting requirements for the hospital incinerator and boilers. Prepared the quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports specified in their Title V permit. Morgan Electro Ceramics, Title V Renewal. Conducted a site visit to update the emissions unit inventory at Morgan Electro Ceramics, a specialty ceramics manufacturer. Prepared Title V Renewal. Solid Waste Planning Solid Waste Management Planning. Assisted with the preparation and update of solid waste management plans for municipalities. Predicted the change in population, municipal, commercial and industrial solid waste and recycling over the planning period based on current solid waste and recycling rates. Municipalities included: o SWACO, Franklin County, OH o Montgomery County Solid Waste Management District o Lorain County Solid Waste Management District o Cuyahoga County o Stark Tuscarawas Wayne Joint Solid Waste District, Plan Update o Delaware, Knox, Marion, Morrow Solid Waste District, Plan Update Solid Waste Audits. Conducted solid waste audits for university’s and businesses including: o The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH o Helical Line Productions, Avon Lake, OH o Brush Wellman, Inc., Lorain, OH o Camaco, LLC, Lorain, OH o Lorain County Automotive Systems, Lorain, OH PROFESSSIONAL AFFILIATONS Air & Waste Management Association (AWMA) CONTINUING EDUCATION CALPUFF Training Course by TRC, 2007 AERMOD Training Course by Bee-Line Software, 2005 PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Air Quality Specialist, Tetra Tech, Boulder, 2006 to present Air Quality Specialist, GT Environmental, Inc., 2004 to 2006 Intern, CDM, Inc., 2001 to 2002 Tetra Tech Page 1 WILLIAM A. COTÉ, PE Senior Consultant / Chemical Engineer EDUCATION MBA, University of Connecticut, 1982 MS, Chemical Engineering, University of Massachusetts, 1966 BS, Chemical Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1964 REGISTRATIONS/CERTIFICATIONS Registered Professional Engineer: Colorado (#21039, 1983) EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Mr. Coté has participated in and managed a broad spectrum of research, consulting, and service programs for both industrial and governmental clients for over 35 years. Particular areas of expertise are the development of permitting strategies for new and existing operations, management of complex field measurement programs, process evaluations of pollutant sources, development of compliance schedules and the specification of appropriate control technology. Mr. Coté has worked extensively in the metals, aerospace, pharmaceutical, chemical, petroleum and general manufacturing industries in identifying and solving environmental problems. PROJECT EXPERIENCE MACT and Air Pollution Control Experience Mr. Coté has a special interest in control technology for air, water, and solids effluents from chemical and manufacturing processes. He has experience in gaseous and particulate removal from air streams, physical/chemical treatment of waste effluents and incineration of gases, liquids, and solids. MACT Compliance Plan and Reporting, Aerospace Manufacturer. For this commercial rework and repair facility, developed a compliance plan and reporting system for the Aerospace MACT. The facility used a large variety of solvents, adhesives and paints in refurbishing aircraft. A comprehensive inventory and use tracking system was developed to facilitate the semiannual emission reporting and compliance certifications that were needed by this facility. MACT Permitting and Testing for Hazardous Waste Combustors. Directing the permitting and testing of two hazardous waste combustors under the MACT requirements at the Hawthorne Army Depot One unit is a first of its kind plasma arc furnace for destroying munitions. The second unit is a refurbished rotary kiln upgraded to meet MACT requirements. Also responsible for test plans, field observation and test results reporting. The project includes extensive waste evaluation, monitoring, development of operating plans and utilization of air pollution control systems. As part of the planning process, reduction measures are being evaluated to reduce the quantity of material to be combusted. Test Observation, Kansas Ammunition Plant. Recently responsible for the test planning and test observation for a waste incinerator located at the Kansas Army Ammunition Plant, Parsons, Kansas. Also responsible for reviewing the test results and submitting a final report to the regulatory agency. MACT Analysis for Cement Kiln. As part of an expansion project, examining the applicability of MACT to a Portland cement plant. Feed materials will be evaluated to see if reductions in hazardous constituents can be made. Enhanced air pollution controls are also being evaluated. Solvent Reduction, Pharmaceutical Manufacturer. For this Colorado company, assisted in developing an emission inventory of solvents used in a variety of manufacturing processes. Working with the process engineers, substitute water-based materials were selected to replace many of the hazardous organic solvents being used. Also developed a catalytic incineration system with heat recovery for those solvents that could not be replaced. Solvent Recovery, Ceramics Manufacturer. This company was emitting high concentrations of a hazardous solvent to the surrounding community. Developed a solvent recovery process that allowed 90 percent of the solvent to be reused in the manufacturing process after chemical treatment. Emissions WILLIAM A. COTÉ, PE Tetra Tech Page 2 were reduced from the facility to acceptable levels and solvent costs were sharply reduced because solvent could now be recycled instead of only being used once. Compliance Evaluation, Steel Foundries. Provided technical expertise for a number of iron and steel foundry operations. His services have included process evaluation, emission inventory preparation, compliance negotiation, and recommendation of air pollution controls and improved process operations to minimize worker exposure and air toxics emissions. Emission Reduction Plan, Aerospace Manufacturer. Developed a “bubble” permitting strategy for solvent emissions from this manufacturer. This allowed transference of emissions between processing units but still maintained an overall cap on emissions from the total facility. The net result was to reduce overall emissions from the facility due to more efficient utilization of solvent-using equipment. Aluminum Recovery Facilities. Performed a comprehensive review of emissions from multiple furnace and incinerator sources at this facility and developed a compliance plan to avoid significant fines. Alterations were designed for the incinerator system for organics to achieve regulatory compliance. Antimony Oxide Manufacture. Developed an incineration control system to control gaseous emissions from the metallic furnace operation. Hog Farm Odor Control. For the Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment was appointed to an expert panel to develop a performance standard for odor control from waste treatment lagoons. A unique standard was developed based upon odor reduction quantity and allowing a variety of technologies to be employed and was enthusiastically approved by the regulators and industry. Permitting, Air Quality Measurements Title V Permit for Military Munitions Facility. For this Nevada base, directed the comprehensive emission inventory of multiple sources, developed applicable regulations for process operations and constructed a draft operating permit. Operations included munitions incineration, open burning/open detonation, surface coating, material handling and fuel combustion. Permit Modification, Cement Plant. Developed a comprehensive permit modification for this Portland cement facility that allowed a production increase but did not trigger federal prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) requirements. Environmental Reconnaissance, Iron Carbide Manufacturer. Developed a complex, multi-task environmental reconnaissance strategy to uncover any fatal environmental flaws associated with the development of an iron carbide manufacturing facility near the Mississippi river. Federal, state and local requirements for air, water, waste and land were included. All environmental permits required for the facility were identified and the permit application contents defined. No fatal flaws were identified, but the client saved considerable expense by adjusting the site boundaries to avoid wetlands that were of concern to the Army Corps of Engineers, which was the lead environmental agency for the project. Title V Permits for Electric and Gas Utility. Project manager for the development and submission of over 20 Title V permit applications for this western utility. Facilities included coal-fired power plants, gas- fired power plants and natural gas processing and distribution facilities. Coal Mine - Air Quality Impact. Expert witness for this client who was in litigation with a nearby resident over the impact of mine operations upon the resident’s property. Also performed measurements and analyses, which aided in a favorable settlement of the case. BACT Analysis for Steel Mill BOF. For a western steel mill, performed an extensive control technology analysis to satisfy federal and state requirements that the best available control technology was being employed. The installation was part of an overall strategy to reduce air emissions from this facility. Air Quality Permitting, BACT Analysis for Petroleum Refineries. Project manager for three Montana refineries. Managed comprehensive projects to model air emissions, evaluate control technology and WILLIAM A. COTÉ, PE Tetra Tech Page 3 negotiate permit conditions to expand operations and reduce emissions through the utilization of state of the art control technology. PSD Permitting of Wyoming Grassroots Fertilizer Complex. Managed the complex project, which included air quality and meteorological monitoring, as well as extensive dispersion modeling to secure required federal PSD and state air quality permits. Air Toxics Evaluation and Control, Ceramics Manufacturer. Under heavy regulatory pressure, negotiated a favorable compliance schedule for this steel industry supplier. TRC first conducted a program of emission measurement and dispersion modeling to determine ground level concentrations of this toxic organic solvent. Also designed a solvent recovery system to capture 90 percent of the solvent for later reuse in the manufacturing process. Air Quality Permit. Modernized Copper Smelter, Michigan. Devised a permitting strategy and conducted agency negotiations for a modernized smelter, which showed significant emission reductions and, thus simplified the permitting process. Also directed a comprehensive emission inventory, control technology analysis, dispersion modeling, and risk assessment for this facility. Air Emissions Inventory for Multi-plant Nationwide Building Insulation Manufacturer. Directed the computation of emission inventories as part of the Title V operating permit process. Regulatory Evaluation Clean Air Act Implementation, Philippines. Project manager for a 15 month, on site program to assist the Philippine government in developing an organizational infrastructure in order to implement the Philippine Clean Air Act. Also managed a team of US and Filipino senior consultants which developed, organized and provided technical assistance to the Metro Manila Air Shed Governing Board. Odor Regulation Implementation, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Part of a member expert panel to advise state regulators on the implementation of a controversial odor control technology requirement. The panel developed a unique performance standard, which enabled odor control technology to be employed with more regulatory flexibility. Audit of Gas Processing and Transmission Facilities. For this major energy firm, part of a project team performing a multimedia audit of gas processing and compressor stations in Texas. Responsible for identifying all air quality compliance and permitting issues Air Quality Compliance Evaluation, Aerial Boom/Ladder Manufacturer. For this Midwestern manufacturer identified all air emission sources, developed an emission inventory, suggested emission reduction measures and provided permitting guidance since the facility had significant emission quantities of hazardous air pollutants. Nuclear / Fossil Fuel Plant Environmental Siting Aspects. Managed quality assurance for the environmental siting aspects of a nuclear/fossil fuel plant. Billings, Montana State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Sulfur Dioxide. Represented the interests of a major oil refinery in the area by designing a regulatory strategic plan to minimize this client’s involvement in the SIP process. About 10 major sources of sulfur emissions were targeted as the cause of sulfur dioxide air quality problems in the Billings area. Used extensive meteorological and dispersion modeling analysis to demonstrate this client’s contribution to the Billings SO2 problems was minimal and that more air pollution controls needed to be applied to other sources in order to achieve measured air quality concentrations in compliance with ambient air quality standards. National Air Pollution Control Administration Associate. Mr. Coté was associated for 3 years with the National Air Pollution Control Administration, the forerunner of EPA. With NAPCA, Mr. Cote was first employed by the Technical Assistance Branch, which provided assistance in the operation of state and local air pollution control programs and engineering evaluation of pollutant sources, in some cases by instituting studies and surveys of particular problem areas. Later with the abatement program, he developed control technique documents for several air pollutants. WILLIAM A. COTÉ, PE Tetra Tech Page 4 Indoor Air Quality Indoor Air Quality Research. Conducted several years of research into the nature of indoor air quality, which resulted in some of the first publications in this area. PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Program Manager, Tetra Tech Inc., 1999 to Present Vice President, TRC Environmental Corporation, 1968 to 1999 Air Pollution Engineer, U.S. Public Health Service, 1965 to 1968