HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA25N ..-- N CD IJ') M ooo IJ') IJ') r--- M M ALASKA POWER AUTHORI,TY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 3 -HYDROLOGY REGIONAL FLOOD STUDI ES DECEMBER 1981 Prepared for: ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1000 Liberty Bank Building Ma.in at Court Buffalo,New York 14202 Telephone (716)853-7525 Prepared by: R&M CONSU L TANTS,INC. P .0.Box 6087 5024 Cordova Anchorage,Alaska 99503 Telephone:(907)279-0483 A,..............-8 Alaska.ources Library &Informatlon Servlces Anchorage,Alaska Demeo,Inc.38-293 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 3 -HYDROLOGY REGIONAL FLOOD STUDI ES TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES iii LIST OF FIGURES iv 1 -INTRODUCTION 1-1 2 -SUMMARY 2-1 3 -FLOOD FREQUENCY ANALYSIS 3-1 3.1 -Single Station Frequency Analysis 3-1 3.2 -Regionalization of Frequency Analyses 3-3 3.3 -Relative Standard Error of the Estimate for the Index Method 3-8 3.4 -Comparison with Results of Previous Studies 3-9 4 -EVALUATION OF DESIGN FLOODS 4-1 5 -EVALUATION OF TYPICAL FLOOD HYDROGRAPHS FOR SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK 5-1 6 -FLOOD VOLUME DURATION FREQUENCY ANALYSIS 6-1 7 -REFERENCES 7-1 ARL Al .a R ~rces Library &Informatlon ServIces Anchorage.Alaska - i - susi6/j2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) ATTACHMENT A ATTACHMENT B ATTACHMENT C ATTACHMENT 0 susi6/j3 Flood Frequency Curves for Annual I nstantaneous Flood Peak Series, Individual Stations Flood Frequency Curves for Maximum Annual October-May Mean,Individual Stations Comparison of Susitna Regional Flood Peak Estimates with USGS Methods Review of Flood Frequency Analysis, Conducted by Dr.Robert F.Carlson, University of Alaska,Fairbanks -ii - I ._ LIST OF TABLES Number 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 5.1 5.2 6.1 susi6/j4 Title Page Ratio of I nstantaneous Flood Peaks to Maximum Mean Daily Flow for Specific Stations 3-10 Distribution Statistics for Annual Instantaneous Peak and October-May Mean Daily Peak Flows 3-11 Mean Distribution Statistics for Annual I nstantaneous Peak and October-May Maximum Mean Daily Flows 3-12 Homogeneity Test,Annual Instantaneous Peaks 3-13 Homogeneity Test,October-May Instantaneous Peaks 3-14 Regional Annual I nstantaneous Dimensionless Flood Values 3-15 Regional October-May I nstantaneous Dimensionless Flood Values 3-16 Physiographic and Climatic Parameters 3-17 Comparison of Regression Equations 3-18 Determination of Daily~lnstantaneous Peak Ratio, Susitna River at Gold Creek 5-3 Tabulation and Statistics of Instantaneous Peaks versus Peak Volumes,Susitna River at Gold Creek 5-4 Highest Mean Discharge of Consecutive Days from May through July,Susitna River at Gold Creek 6-2 -iii - LIST OF FIGURES Number 3.1 3.2 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 6.1 susi6/j5 Title Design Dimensionless Regional Frequency Curvet Annual Instantaneous Flood Peaks Design Dimensionless Regional Frequency Curvet October-May Instantaneous Flood Peaks Percent of Annual Maximum Floods,Susitna River at Gold Creek Dimensionless Hydrographs t May-July Dimensionless Hydrographs t August-October Seasonal Discharge Frequency Curves t Susitna River at Gold Creek Flood Volume Frequency Curvet May-July t Susitna River at Gold Creek Flood Volume Frequency Curvet August- October t Susitna River at Gold Creek Peak VS.Volume t May-July t Susitna River at Gold Creek Peak vs.Volume t August-October J Susitna River at Gofd Creek Typical Flood Hydrographs,May-July t Susitna River at Gold Creek Typical Flood Hydrographs t August-Octob~r t Susitna River at Gold Creek Volume-Duration Frequency Curves,May-July t Susitna River at Gold Creek -iv - 3-19 3-20 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 6-3 1 -INTRODUCTION On January 1,1980,Acres American,Inc.,received notice to proceed with the feasibility analysis of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project.The analysis will consider the feasibility of constructing one or possibly two dams along the upper Susitna River.The two primary sites being considered are the Watana and the Devil Canyon sites. The objective of this study is to provide design flood peak information for the design of the project and for assessing pre-project flood conditions in the Susitna River reaches located downstream and upstream from the proposed Watana and Devil Canyon dam sites.Within this context,two types of floods were studied:the largest annual floods and the largest annual floods during ice conditions (October-May).Procedures were developed to estimate the annual instantaneous peak and the October-May instantaneous peak for selected frequencies of occurrence on ungaged rivers within the upper Susitna River basin.Procedures were also developed to estimate the error associated with estimates made by the above mentioned procedures.Typical hydrographs were developed indicating flood shape,peak,and volume for selected frequencies of occurrence.Flow volume-duration frequency curves were also developed for the May-July and August-October periods on the Susitna River at Gold Creek. susi6/k 1-1 2 -SUMMARY This report describes the Susitna Regional Flood Peak Frequency Analysis conducted by R&M Consultants,Inc.,for Acres American, I nco Acres American,under contract with the State of Alaska,is conducting a study concerning the feasibility of developing a hydroelectric complex on the upper Susltna River. The results of single station flood frequency analyses are presented for 12 stations having annual instantaneous flood peak data,and for 11 stations having maximum October-May mean daily flow data.Four frequency distributions were'analyzed,from which the Three Parameter Log Normal Distribution was selected. SUbsequently,the October-May maximum mean daily flows for selected frequencies of occurrence were converted to instantaneous peaks. By using the index method of regionalizing the data,procedures were developed to estimate the annual instantaneous peak and the October-May instantaneous peak for selected frequencies of occurrence on ungaged rivers within the upper Susitna River basin.Procedures were also developed to estimate the error associ ated with estimates made by the above mentioned p raced u res. The results of this analysis are then compared to those of previous regional analyses. Typical hydrographs for different frequency floods were developed for the Susitna River'at Gold Creek.A flood volume-duration analysis was also conducted for May-July flows recorded at Susitna River at Gold Creek. susi6/L 2-1 3 -FLOOD FREQUENCY ANALYSIS The Susitna Regional Flood Frequency Analysis was conducted in the following four steps; a.Single station flood frequency analyses were conducted at stations thought to be hydrologically similar to the upper Susitna River basin. b.The single station flood frequency analyses were regionalized. c.An error analysis was conducted in order to estimate the amount of error associated with flood peak estimates in ungaged areas. d.The results of this analysis were compared with 2 regional analyses which have been conducted by the U.S.Geological Survey. Each of these steps is explained fully in the report that follows: 3.1 -Single Station Frequency Analysis In order to select stream gaging stations that are hydrologically similar to the upper Susitna River basin,factors such as mean annual runoff volume,climate,and geology were examined for rivers with USGS stream gaging stations in southcentral Alaska. Of those stations identified,only those with 10 or more years of record and greater than 150 square miles in size were utilized. The basins finally selected were as follows: Susitna River at Gold Creek Susitna River near Denali Maclaren River near Paxson Susitna River near Cantwell Chulitna River near Talkeetna Talkeetna River near Talkeetna Montana Creek near Montana Skwentna River near Skwentna Caribou Creek near Sutton Matanuska River at Palmer Tonsina River at Tonsina Copper River near Chitina The last four stations are not as good as the first eight,due to their distance from the Susitna basin and their exposure to a maritime climate.However,these differences were not sufficient to warrant exclusion from the analysis. susi6/m 3-1 Three types of floods were abstracted from the records:annual instantaneous peak discharge,annual maximum mean daily discharges,and annual maximum October~May mean daily discharges.Both the annual instantaneous peak discharge and the mean daily discharge data are available for each of the stations selected,with the exception of Montana Creek.Montana Creek Is a crest gage station with only annual instantaneous peak discharge data available. For each station with mean da!Iy discharge data,a ratio was developed between the annual instantaneous peak discharge and the annual maximum mean daily discharge (Table 3.1).Where an occasional annual instantaneous peak discharge value was missing from the station record,the ratio was used to predict the annual instantaneous peak value. A Fortran IV computer program (Condie et.al.,1977)was used to fit the Gumbel I,Log Normal,Three Parameter Log Normal and Log Pearson Type III distributions to both the annual instantaneous flood peaks and the annual maximum October-May mean daily discharges.The program ran ks the annual flood peaks and fits the frequency curves by the method of maximum Ii kelihood.When the maximum Ii kelihood methods have no true solution,a moments fit is used.For the Log Pearson Type III distribution,both the maximum likelihood and the moment fits are calculated in the program.The ranked discharges are assigned plotting positions by the Weibull formula: T =(N +1)/ M Where: (3.1 ) T N M = = = return period in years record length in years the rank Tables 3.2 and 3.3 Illustrate the degree of fit achieved by fitting each of the distributions to both the annual instantaneous flood peak series and the annual maximum October-May mean daily discharge series.From the results shown in Table 3.3,the Three Parameter Log Normal Distribution provides the best fit of the data,although the Log Normal Distribution is also acceptable.The Three Parameter Log Normal Distribution is adopted almost exclusively throughout this study.At two stations in the annual maximum October-May mean daily discharge series it was not possible to fit the Three Parameter Log Normal Distribution to the data.At these two stations,Susitna River at Cantwell and Skwentna River near Skwentna,the Log Normal Distribution was susi6/m 3-2 used.Plots of the flood frequency curves for each of the stations and flood series are exhibited in Attachments A and B. Since the computer program only considers recurrence intervals of 1.005,1.05,1.25,2,5,10,20,50,100,200 and 500 years,the graphs of the annual instantaneous flood peak frequency curves were extrapolated to the 10,000-year recurrence interval. The annual maximum October-May mean daily discharge frequency curves were converted to October-May instantaneous peak discharge frequency curves using the ratios discussed earlier. Thus,the remainder of this study only considers the annual instantaneous flood peak frequencies and the October-May instantaneous flood peak frequencies. 3.2 -RegionaHzation of Fr~An.aly...s..e.s. Regionalization of the single-station frequency curves involves developing regional relationships which can be used to calculate design flood peaks within a "homogeneous flood region ll . Theoretically,the flood response of all catchments within a homogeneous flood region is the same.I n practice,however,the term lIhomogeneousll implies that the response characteristics of the individual basins are not significantly different and that these differences,coupled with sampling errors associated with the discharge measurement,yield errors in the regional relationships which are within acceptable limits.The purpose of developing the regional relationships is to apply them to ungaged drainage basins as well as to gaged drainage basins for which discharge records are too short to yield accurate results. To determine if the stations selected were homogeneous with regard to runoff,a standard Student's lit"test of homogeneity of the Q20/Q 2 =Y 20 variables was used.For each flood series within the region being analyzed,individual station Y 20 values were computed (Tables 3.4 and·3.5)and were used to calculate the allowable range in Y 20 by applying the following equation: susi6/m 3-3 1 )]~ (m -1) (3.2) Where: t m-l m = = = = = ratio of 20-year return flood to the mean annual flood for a single station an average of the single station Y20 values for a particular flood series "t"statistic for m-!degrees of freedom at the 95 percent confidence level standard deviation of the individual stations at the 20-year return period number of stations in the region As can be seen from Tables 3.4 and 3.5,all individual Y20 value are within the limits of the 95%confidence level.Therefore,all of the stations selected for use in the Susitna Regional Flood Frequency Analysis are homogeneous with respect to both annual instantaneous peak discharges and October-May instantaneous peak discharges. Once it was determined that all of the stations selected for use in the analysis were homogeneous with respect to discharge,the index method was used to regionalize the single-station data.The index method consists of two parts (Dalrymple,1960).The first involves the development of a regional dimensionless frequency curve representing the ratio of the flood of any given frequency to the mean annual flood.The second part requires the development of regression equations for relating the mean annual flood to the physiographic and climatic characteristics of the drainage basins.By combining the mean annual flood with the regional dimensionless frequency curve,a frequency curve for any ungaged location within the region can be developed. This method assumes that throughout large regions that are considered to be homogeneous with respect to flood producing characteristics,individual basins with widely varying drainage areas will have frequency curves of equal shape and slope.Any differences in the shape and slopes of the individual curves are attributed to sampling error. susi6/rn 3-4 To produce a regional curve from single station curves,Dalrymple (1960)recommends that the dimensionless frequency curves for a homogeneous region be evaluated as the median of the individual frequency curves within the region.Since the weighted median has also been found to be useful in this type of analysis (Acres American,1977),the dimensionless discharges at the 1.005,1.05, 1.25,2,5,10,20,50,100,200 and 500-year recurrence intervals were analyzed with regards to the mean,median and weighted median at each recurrence interval (Tables 3.6 and 3.7).The weighted median was determined by using the number of years of record at a station as the weight for that station.The dimensionless frequency curve was estimated from the median of the 12 stations used in the analysis.The median value had a better general fit than either the mean or the weighted median values.The mean value at the 10,000-year return period was abnormally high,while the weighted median values started decreasing after the 100-year return period. The confidence limits for each of the regional curves are based on values computed at the 1.005,1.05,1.25,2,5,10,20,50,100, 200 and 500~year recurrence intervals from the standard deviation of the single station curves about the regional curves,using the following equations. The standard deviation of single station curve values about the regional curve is given by ST =[~ em-I) (3.3) Where: ST = YT = YT = m = standard deviation at T-year return period value of median dimensionless regional curve at T-year return period value of dimensionless single station curve at T-year return period number of single station curves The standard error of the median (or regional curve In this case) as a proportion of the median is given by susl6/m 3-5 s~5T (3.4):::)~YT ( m Where: SEM T =relative standard error 'median,i.e. regional curve at T-yeal leriod. The associated 95 percent confidence limits for are derived from the standard error and the statistic coefficients. A stepwise mUltiple linear regression computer al.,1977)was used to relate the mean annual flow and the mean October-May instantaneous physiographic and climatic characteristics of tl The program performs a forward steppir regression analysis and tests the "significancel' those used in the equation and those remaini~ their II F"ratio at each step of the analysis. of the estimate and the coefficient of determin< for each step.The physiographic and climat and their values for each of the stations Table 3.8. In order to test the effect of a log-transform OJ H EC Multiple Linear Regression computer p Non-transform and log-transform regressic conducted on the mean annual instantaneous mean October-May instantaneous peak flow.1 results obtained by HECls stepwise backward results obtained in the initial analysis.The f indicates that the log-transform analysis dil statistics.Consequently,the non-transform r were selected. he regional curve :orresponding lit II ~ogram (Dixon et. )stantaneous pea k pea k flow to the drainage basins. multiple linear )f variables,both to be used,by 1e standard error on are determined parameters used :ire presented in the flow data,the gram was used. analyses were eak flow and the ~non-transformed rogram duplicated lowing information not improve the Jression equations Standard Er >r of Estimate (~95%Error Mean Annual Flood Non-Transform Log-Transform Oct-May Mean Flood Non-Transform Log-Transform susi6/m 0.9994 0.9930 0.9709 0.9141 3-6 +1465 +2612 +3081 +4425 -3(1 -2~3 4% 14.5% 20% 50% The equations that were finally selected,including the coefficient of determination and the standard error of the estimate,are as follows: Mean Annual Instantaneous Flood Peak QA - R 2 = S.E.E.= 7.06(D.A)+46.36(L)+697.14(G) +200.15(MAP)-49.55(MAS)-2594 0.9994 1465 (3.5) Mean October-May Instantaneous Flood Peak R2 S.E.E. = = = 1.56(D.A.)+143.35(L)-2894 0.9853 3081 (3.6) Where: Q A = Qo-m = D.A.= L - G = MAP = MAS = Mean Annual Instantaneous Flood Peak,cfs. Mean October-May Instantaneous Flood Peak,cfs. Drainage Area,sq.mi. Stream Length,mi. Percent of Drainage Area Covered by Glaciers,% Mean Annual Precipitation,in. Mean Annual Snowfall,in. Of the five pc;Jrameters selected for computing the mean annual instantaneous flood peaks,drainage area explains over 98 percent of the variation between the regional mean annual flood and those of the individual stations.However,inclusion of the other four basin and climatic parameters (main channel length,percent of glacial area,mean annual precipitation,and mean annual snowfall) significantly reduced the standard error of estimate for the mean susi6/m annual flood peak.Since the regional mean annual flood is the basis from which all other recurrence intervals are estimated,the four other parameters were included. Similar logic applies to the selection of parameters for the mean October-May instantaneous flood peak.Drainage area and main channel length explain over 97 percent of the variation.However, Inclusion of additional parameters did not significantly decrease the standard error of estimate in this case,so only the above two parametet"s were used. 3.3 -Relative Standard Error of the Estimate for the Index Method Equation (3.3)gives the standard deviation,ST'of the dimension- less frequency curves about the regional curve.Equation (3.7)Is then used to calculate the associated relative standard error of estimate,SET' SET 81' (3.7)= YT Where; YT =value of median dimensionless regional curve for the i-year return period SEM T in Equation (3.4)represents the standard error of estimate of the median or regional curve.SET In Equation (3.7) represents the standard error of the individual statiqn cu rves about the regional curve.Note that S EM T =SET I (m )~. In order to combine the errors SET associated with the application of the index curve with the errors in the calculation of the mean annual flood,Equation (3.8)is applied.An outline of the derivation of this equation is presented in the report entitled HRegional Flood Frequency Analysis"(Acres American,1977). Where: =+(3.B) susi6/m =composite relative standard error of estimate of T-year event =relative standard error of estimate associated with the evaluation of the mean annual flood 3-8 Figures 3.1 and 3.2 present dimensionless flood frequency curves which can be used in conjunction with Equations (3.5)and (3.6) to predict the annual instantaneous and October-May instantaneous flood peaks at specific recurrence intervals.The figures also present curves for computing the associated composite 95 percent confidence limits for the estimate. 3.4 -Comparison with Results of ere~ious Studies Previous regional flood studies carried out in the Susitna River basin and surrounding basins include: (a)Lam ke,R.D .(1979) Multiple regression equations for different recurrence intervals were developed for two regions of the state.Area' consists of most areas of Alaska with a maritime climate, excluding the Aleutian Jslands and the Pacific Ocean side of the Alaska Peninsula.Area I J consists of those parts of Alaska with transitional,continental,and arctic climates, together with the Aleutian I slands and the Pacific Ocean side of the Alaskan Peninsula which have maritime climate.The Susitna River basin is included in Area II. (b)Freethey,G.W.and D.R.Scully (1980) Multiple regression equations for different recurrence intervals were developed using peak discharges from 50 Cook Inlet gaging stations with 10 years or more of data. No regional f~ood studies in the area have used the index method. Table 3.9 lists the parameters used in the regression analyses and compares the standard errors of estimate for the 2-,5-,10-,50- and 100-year flood peaks.Values for the 100-year flood peaks were not derived by either of the USGS studies.It is evident from this table that the standard errors achieved in this study are lower than those in the other studies.Fewer stations were used in this study,but the stations were either within the transitional climate region or were on its borders.The USGS studies used gaging stations over much larger areas,with consequently larger differences in climate.Attachment C presents a comparison between the Susitna Regional Flood Peak estimates and estimates using the two USGS methods. susi6/m 3-9 TABLE 3.1 RATIO OF INSTANTANEOUS FLOOD PEAKS TO MAXIMUM MEAN DAILY FLOW FOR SPECIFIC STATIONS Station Name Location Standard Deviation Number in Sample Susitna River at Gold Creek 1.060 0.036 31 Caribou Creek near Sutton 1.617 0.365 22 Matanuska River at Palmer 1.221 0.168 24 Susitna River near Denali 1.104 0.049 19 Maclaren River near Paxson 1.091 0.077 19 Susitna River near Cantwell 1.082 0.059 6 Chulitna River near Talkeetna 1.044 0.032 13 Talkeetna River near Talkeetna 1.219 0.102 16 Skwentna River near Skwentna 1.067 0.044 18 Tonsina River at Tonsina 1.031 0.036 28 Copper River near Chitina 1.043 0.061 23 1 Mean Ratio of Annual Instantaneous Flood Peak to Annual Maximum Mean Daily Flow. susi6/m 3-10 TAB L E 3.2 DISTRIBUTION STATISTICS FOK JU~NUAL INSTANTANEOUS PEAK AJIDOCT-HAY MEAN Dt\ILY .PEAK FLOWS )..AJt.J.XrrER t.()G It:Olt.u.,ltj. $-:-"'f10lr0 :Cl""3(.!- ll'f!,L~Ai:t:LDI'"A'l9!~£!. 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I'l.,nt ..n..Cc. Sk\o"l:nlna R. C<J;;pN R. ellu ~II na •• S>lsltn.l Ill. .''o"sl./l.l I.. 294] 19J:A. n11 1"l1) 2080 ~L{O 1'1i!1 OCT-MAY ~fEAN n.\1 LV PEAK FLOWS 1'20 S ...s'ena ~..,.;Cold C-.30 I 0.11l9~ (,.HI,1 -J6.6~-0.5291 !l.J4,~·'.~O.2.t1~~1l2~C..rlbvu Cc.nr.Sutton 2l 1 lolI..1 ).1261 9.~,6.0. 12.90 -0.920&:).1100-1t./oJ 5.98 :1.0009·l.6ll5 O.Ol':"J·).U8'~ a.~6 n.B -1.n· .9.'~ l.IZ· l.SI 24.1) llpp_r ao"Rd.ry I.T_l.u'V -9.l"1.16 le.l"· Upp"r lo"'I'd...,I~TO(.Lov -12.);8.2) 184') 2910 )W:Jlouskoi fl. ~u'"'tll"R. .I.t p~I"l!.f" b«n.lll 2'I 1.1691 16 I 1.)73' 6.11,H -16.1lol S.)~Sl'"-lO.~J 6.'0 9.(19 -O.~ns('J.bHl!II.o -10_liD'"5.91 O.l~U ).6SStl -'J.\7.1.JO ·0.04/'9-1.b'!Ol -0.09)"'").6"9 t9.2P 1~.(,,. _10.10 -:0.81 6.95 6.56- ~O.1) 2'.98 -10.9' ~10.54 6.9'- 6.16 ~~.H 21.'" -1].1b -u.S:; 6.1'6 II.n 1"912 19n rt.clac-Enll. S..sll....a. L~I ~.1lJ1I CJonr"'dJ to 1-0.0092 ,.uu 3.10S2 0.'0..,.n.n S.a8- O.U:18 '.n61 -O.901.]-10.$9100- O.Sl·IC.l~ ~.))~t.58 _0.19)1·).IIS1"·38.S1" flO SO...l.TIQ:oI -6.)2 S.ll'".16 ".00 -7.'3 lO.01 ?)) ,.'" '4.V.·11.66 )Co ~~ll>tton 6.)1 l'U6 ::h"lttna R.Tal~r..llW 11 I O.~J6"3.'680 -Lib 1.93 -C.llB ).1061 0.J9"6.28 -0.1611·).]OSI·2'4.(,)O.'~6.lJ 24.4S ).)2 6.U'·11.11·2."1.6. nIl Ta,..,.~ltu Ill.T..I).,c·ptn,)IS 1 0.1Io1:H ].).4"0.01·11.90 -0.2369 1.6C10-o H lLO}'".0.176"-~.60'12 ll./'b·0..56 H.~"22.&);.65 11.2)Upp"'r "'u",b:;y I.Too Lo... 292l!1 H",tuan.(t.0" uo Skln'ftcna •.nf.SLw'I'ntu IS I _O.17'9V'1.1411 -0.12 9.0)-0.H1/'~.)2'''--o.ss-3.'6 NO SOL.:..'TIOIl H.68 l.lo 1.9S·)to Sol~:10'" 10110 TonlJna I...II T",n",',.,a "1_(,)01 U.2US -1.]1-JO.02 U.2~e'lo )_'9)~1 S.OL 9.98 ·0.06)2...l.6:))-21.2]-1.)6 1).'1 1'.)0 S.'9'2 9.n n.lI }.16 '.11· ncqc"h .....~h In ,O(,I'Jo eo..fftcltt'lt of .....vn ...n <II nat ...ral dna ~o"ff:«lttH of lo...et.:.sl:5 of n"("I"~d..l.I co«~llelfht 01 .1.("""0:,.vf Ih......t .......l 101.ol (",or lht .... coorUlcl«:tr or l...lto~l.or 11'>«n.l'"c.l1 1°1.0'ttlc dolt. ~od'hl.JlL 0:.~(·..r,..:...1 or I"'"nH ..r ..l 10110'th"t~allsro,..od d ..l .. t(lot:ff 'c.hnt of kun"...tl of I"'..".ItoJe..)LOI"of th,tfallifor-e-<t doll. "''''l.CV.-""'''''.Ie r:o,,(flclent of "'af"hllor:a lor all rcr ...ttl p.uloch ""c(lIUot"d S 0'De·:J.at I an"-...:Q-QD/QO tOI'I.IS.1.5.)0 oIl1d 10 )luc r'l::uen 9.r 11ldll H n D""'~JlLtl)C'I -~jQ·COI/S hI'1.25,1.S.10 .Ild 20 l'ftof U:H'rn p'l:rlodll C(CUla.bll I t,.."(l.()&I'lo ......t )tllJl ...Cr.r ...1 PoIr;r_«lil.r ~c :.or.....1 I...·M 1..01 Pf'~rlOr"tYOIe III (_orn:::nl.) LP-Hl LAi.fU.IQn Type 111 ~"U.h'''lL llk"lJho«I) Ollj;rribolt JOG kit lirt in,..cho...n p"r.fI:::lC'tC'r A Crt:.L~Cas.IIr.rlDn only Upper bO\ltld.ry 1.roo Jo...-le,.tlua I ...tee th«•.alnlE\ld...of rl'tf'1..,......flood 0 ..record. Lo""1'.<>\Ind:af7 11 too hllh -Ife:atcf than th•.---.lhU flood 0,"rc'Of~. TheoreI1c..l Val ..... C"'_blf 1 I we:No~...l C5·1.14 C51.-0.0 0;-5.'o;J.-l.O ..02-9.00.7.'6·LI'J"-b.n lPL'o(O C$U-O.O ClJ..A-l.O I ~.1I1.61-1.b49.Jl.0.0:2d:·2.'11M"·S.)Q ).~l--0.'}bB ]'OS~lli-1.10)1 )..101O.h)'J.OSlJ92J(If.CMel .....COppoH •.1110 . es n esc <Xl es .... o<U w I..... N Gumbel I Coefficient of Skew Coefficient of Kurtosis Sum of Deviations Hean Deviation Log Normal Coefficient of Skew Coefficient of Kurtosis Sum of Deviations Mean Deviation Three Parameter Log Normal Coefficient of Skew Coefficient of Kurtosis Sum of Deviations Xean Deviation TABLe 3.3 MEAN DISTRIBUTION STATISTICS FOR ANNUAL INSTk~TANEOUS PEAK AND OCT.-MAY MAXIMUM MEAN DAILY FLOWS ANNUAL INSTANTANEOUS PEAKS OCT.-MAY MAXIMUM DAILY FLOWS MEAN STANDARD COEFFICIENT OF MEAN STANDARD COEFFICIENT 0--DEVIATION VARIATION (%)DEVIATION VARIATION (%) 1.22 0.83 68 0.92 0.91 99 .5.86*3.34 57 5.46~\"3.20 .59 -17.64 15.7CJ 90 -2.86 8.43 29~ 6.95 2.89 42 8.80 ~.17 36 0.42 0.92 219 0.23 0.48 209 4.85 2.29 47 3.73 0.87 23 -13.59 12.61 93 --I.27*5.45 429 6.91 2.95 43 7.21 2./0 37 -0.02*0.17'850 0.09*0.08 89 4.10 1.27 31 3.41 0.40 12 -13.34'"14.06'105 -4.45 6.32 1.42 5.n 2.26 :;8 6.79"/<2.52 37 Log Pearson Type III (moments) Sum 0:Deviatiofis Mean Deviation Log Pearson Type III (maximum likelihood) Sum of Deviations Mean Deviation -14.58 5.33 -18.09 5.09* 11.78 1.74 7.89 2.57 81 33 44 50 --2.53 7.22 -7.72 7.08 7.50 2.21 7.25 1.80 296 31 94 25 *Distribution best fitting a given parameter. misc7/w1 TABLE 3.4 HOMOGENEITY TEST ANNUAL INSTANTANEOUS PEAKS Station Susitna River at Gold Creek Caribou Creek near Sutton Matanus ka River at Palmer Susitna River near Denali Maclaren River near Paxson Susitna River near Cantwell Chulitna River near Tal keetna Talkeetna River near Talkeetna Montana Creek near Montana Skwentna River near Skwentna Tonsina River at Tonsina Copper River near Chitina Q 20 /Q 2 =y 20 1.83 1.82 1.49 1.81 2.02 1.68 1.47 2.33 1,.96 1.49 1.72 1.35 y 20 =1.748 5 20 =0.2776 Limits of 95%Confidence Interval 1.11 -2.39 The stations selected for use in the Susitna Regional Flood Peak Frequency Analysis are homogenous with respect to the annual instantaneous peaks at the 95%confidence level. 3-13 ;c7/w2 TABLE 3.5 HOMOGENEITY TEST OCTOBER -MAY INSTANTANEOUS PEAKS station Susitna River at Gold Creek Caribou Creek near Sutton Matanuska River at Palmer Susitna River near Denali Maclaren River near Paxson Susitna River near Cantwell Chulitna River near Tal keetna Talkeetna River near Talkeetna Skwentna River near Skwentna Tonsina River at Tonsins Copper River near·Chitina 020/02 =Y20 1.57 2.63 2.24 2.35 3.32 2.33 1.98 2.12 1.76 2.45 1.50 y 20 =2.205 5 20 =0.5175 Limits of 95%Confidence Interval 0.99 -3.41 The stations selected for use in the 5usitna Regional Flood Frequency Analysis are homogenous with respect to the October - May instantaneous peaks at the 95%confidence level. 3-14 misc7/w6 TABLE 3.6 REGIONAL ANNUAL INSTANTANEOUS DIMENSIONLESS FLOOD VALUES Susitna Caribou Susitna Maclaren Susitna Chulitna Talkeetna Skwentna Tonsina Copper Montana River Creek Matanuska River River River River River River River River Creek·· Return at Gold near River at near near near near near near at near near Weighted Period Creek Sutton Palmer Denali Paxson Cantwell Talkeetna Talkeetna Skwentna Tonsina Chitina Montana Mean Median Median--- 1.005 0.50 0.45 0.45 0.81 0.79 0.49 0.76 0.62 0.66 0.53 0.76 0.17 0.58 0.52 0.58 1.050 0.58 0.55 0.57 0.83 0.81 0.59 0.80 0.66 0.72 0.61 0.81 0.34 0.66 0.64 0.76 1.25 0.75 0.73 0.77 0.88 0.86 0.76 0.88 0.77 0.84 0.77 0.89 0.63 0.79 0.77 0.86 2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5 1.36 '.'36 1.24 1.26 1.32 1.31 1.19 1.46 1.22 1.31 1.15 1.45 1.30 1.31 1.24 w I 10 1.60 1.59 1.38 1.51 1.63 1.50 1.33 1.86 1.36 1.52 1.25 1.72 1.52 1.52 1.69...... lJ1 20 1.83 1.82 1.77 1.841.49 1.81 2.02 1.68 ).47 2.33 1.49 1.72 1.35 1.96 1.75 50 2.14 2.10 1.63 2.29 2.67 1.91 1.67 3.04 1.66 1.98 1.47 2.26 2.07 2.04 1.79 100 2.38 2.32 1.72 2.74 3.27 2.08 1.82 3.67 1.79 2.17 1.56 2.47 2.33 2.25 1.94 200 2.63 2.54 1.81 3.26 3.99 2.25 1.98·4.39 1.92 2.37 1.65 2.66 2.62 2.46 2.10 500 2.96 2.83 1.92 4.07 5.15 2.47 2.21 5.48 2.09 2.63 1.78 2.95 3.05 2.73 2.46 10,000 3.84 3.64 1.97 9.97 11.65 3.10 2.99 11.54 2.75 3.39 2.26 3.62 5.06·3.51 3.06 susi5/n 1 TABLE 3.8 PHYSIOGRAPHIC AND CLIMATIC PARAMETERS 1 Mean Main Mean Area of Mean Minimum Drainage Channel Stream Basin lakes 8<.Area of Area of Mean Annual Precipitation Annual January Stalion Area Slope Length Elevation Ponds Forests Glaciers Precipitation Intensity Snowfall Temperature Name Location (Sq.mi.)(ft./mi.)(mi.)(ft.)(%)(%)(%)(in.)(in.)(in.)(OF) Susitna R.at Gold Creek 6,160 10.2 189.0 3420.0 1.0 7.0 5.0 29.0 2.0 200.0 -4.0 Caribou Cr.nr.Sutton 289 13.6 30.0 4190.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 28.0 1.5 80.0 2.0 Matanuska R.at Palmer 2,070 79.7 77.0 4000.0 0.0 14.0 12.0 35.0 1.5 80.0 4.0 Susitna R.nr.Denali 950 56.6 51.0 4510.0 1.0 1.0 25.0 60.0 2.0 400.0 -6.0 w I Maclaren R.nr.Paxson 280 133.0 23.0 4520.0 1.0 0.0 19.0 55.0 1.5 400.0 -6.0f-' -.J Susitna R.nr.Cantwell 4,140 10.0 107.0 3560.0 2.0 5.0 7.0 32.0 1.5 200.0 -4.0 Chulitna R.nr.Talkeetna 2,570 23.0 87.0 3760.0 1.0 22.0 27.0 55.0 1.6 250.0 -5.0 Talkeetna R.nr.Talkeetna 2,006 35.0 90.3 3630.0 0.0 25.0 7.0 70.0 2.5 150.0 -2.0 Montana Cr.nr.Montana 164 114.0 25.0 1:930.0 3.0 54.0 0.0 40.0 2.2 90.0 0.0 Skwentna R.nr.Skwentna 2,250 30.6 98.0 2810.0 5.0 34.0 16.0 43.0 2.0 140.0 -5.0 Tonsina R.at Tonsina 420 71.0 46.0 3600.0 4.0 27.0 11.0 25.0 2.0 180.0 -2.0 Copper R.nr.Chitina 20,600 14.4 178.0 3620.0.3.0 22.0 17.0 37.0 2.0 120.0 -4.0 Values in this table are from the report entitled "Flood Characteristics of Alaska Streams"by lanake (1979). TABLE 3.9 COMPARISON OF REGRESSION EQUATIONS Study Present (a) (b) Homogenous Flood Region Susitna & Neighboring Stations Area II Cook Inlet Number of Hydrometric Stations Used 12 163 163 132 26 50 Physiographic Parameters Utilized D.A.,L,G, MAP,MAS D.A.,MAP, LP,F,T D.A.,LP, MAP Recurrence SE of Interval Estimate (Years)(Percent) 2 ±18 5 ±19 10 ±21 50 ±29 100 ±34 2 ±77 5 ±78 10 ±79 50 ±68 2 +56,-36 5 +51,-34 10 +52,-34 50 +61,-38 D.A. L G MAP MAS LP F T susi6/m =drainage area,mi 2 =stream length,miles=percent of basin as glaciers=mean annual precipitation,inches=mean annual snowfall,inches=percent of area as lakes and ponds=percent of area forested =mean minimum January temperature,of 3-18 .•.:.1::"[',_. 50 100 200 50020 ......-1--1--. 10521.251.051.005 --1-.,,'- 0.3 --'11 111.(NOrr.E:'WI i111 II -m"f~II'li ill'~"-IF ·rf-·····:~I:.-.....:..'1-:1 I:·:['.:.•.·::...·.::·I.II·I·.:.~. 70.J+',I.THE fdEI~~'•f'li 9 L rjn~'·-I '..'..:.".:'~.=.:'11 :'~.:::::::~I .'.:.~:':.II I .k,'L-_I.IA:ri U w ,"~.:.::'-:.'1--..:.:..'-"..........-._--._...I..'.',":.:,IS UER ~R IIIf"\riD M ....I •..-".---..,.~'.._.I -HI,- 6.0 -,(......I j ±r !~7.i>6 (~J.!t I ~~-,q ~:~01#+:4f~126.f.ti~,'f-,-,,!->~.'~. 50·III '~'.I ..fl-'i rT -ttl'",I·c '·f·ill;,·I'::~·:·~:--_·-;,".:~~.::':'If"-,:::'----:.cr .I .1-wJ1=i E ;.:..+,.1":'.'"1J.'l l l ~l.LL·J.'·i:'lt rr 'T'...:.:~.'_i~\:-::r':_1,~.~::::--.I,'.~~: - i I I:·:'r-·,_:.1 "I '.:'lil l·1.:'....;.'1',::-":~.=...?.Ii .:.'::'::::'='.--1:...-, 40 'jl ,i-"Q·M~tNMt'#11r\N.'"tt~'L -"'1''1 '.:...._-....:-::.:::--.:_...\,."":---'-1/:::\:.:::'.'...,1'1 I"g-obl de'l~''';'··IJ··l-·'·:",,:,:,,!.'-"'~:''::-:-~-;,:..:..--.":-.."..-....-n!I f40'r/,lW'!Nt.!n r~~'.~k rl .'I ;tiV ;...--.~--.--::.:~r ..:·.-1/·.''-:'r ::P, I Ii G P R~E NIl ro for:~'1'~I I S r~,-. .....·c__'..../,.- 30 _'!i -;,:,.;)'ft~~.1 "',I·t . _..:'i,.'~,~r::-...'.'','---~....--. ·MI P-~E/lltl i~Ju :~1 ~~I I 'I".I",:.,.\li II J I.:-::.-,:.::,.::.1----....:"~·v~::I ..:·=--1--l--H-H-tW11.:"C::::-.---..'.. . ..,.I .:'... .- .,-...,.'-.:--"._-_.-. 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I Z 0.7 ..,~0.6 .:~:''H~'-~-'~~__k'.,~1 T--I:·Il I ',T:-rTIiIIUlilT n"=~[[['III!·~"f·..+~.~i.il~'1·4::;-,l:-~~:' oilt I--"". .~.L+I .I !~n :I'j i I I '.-.''...0 :I-r-.I .1-,---'['.r t !..d:':"·.-c-.C -......1+-,--,_.;;--I'. ...•..,~--. ....,-.1.1.. ._:-C=:"'!.;----1 i l j ," O 5 .',-.1.1 __--~...I I ,.-". .l'.:'-__:±FTI"'.'..-'.:::==~'.+1-.-1,,-:,".-::-:'[1 1 ..:-:~ •"I'IT......-r "1 ...)1.........'I J '-'-" .I'."-'II,I,,I .j ~'.'..I.'.'~~III'::,,::_~:;::,'~'I-.:',iT '.;--- r rII I I'I 1t I !--.•~I'..jLj.tc'".~:"••:c-::.i H-1,1 I··.•..:-~:-.~.":II 1---I-.I:.~,I I I U J ....'-jill'.jl ,I -.- . . . ,..Imljl~t'jm'r~...~I .•~:.·~..=:.'.I,I ..'<:C:~-~f-I~l~."~';jS J .[...,...'':':.~'~=1['..,.:.~:~:~..'~f~ ..I . . ,-,-'..-.',-,.I...,I,I I I ''-,-----I I·--I I.)... , 10,000 w>n:: ::> u --t-I ,1'11111 I 111:_=.':~CP)hRqsl .~._~II II '1--.'"CP1IF!~E~'I ,Ii~-..I"I -Jj ~I·...cQlii=b.':SlIT Ie '~~t~=~~~=II~~tJ;.. U1 1.0 " "I .:"..,I,~-t-I I (ONF 01 NC I ~. -'!~0.9 ';1 1 -'l I':.--:--::::1: " ,I.::.:.::~r :C~_:,,'.:=,:,t·:··.iI:\.> Q 0.8 ..".'.Ii .I ..\.•••::r '-'.C:I: (f)j.-'.,II :::...-.:.:..R".'.......,.,I '1 ..:..-c __'1_1:11·1-,·111"1"1 j':',__:k::'-'"'"II .'.1...:.',:~'.::.--.-.I I'"~..t'.,:.-:. W I f-' W RETURN PERIOD (YRS.) R&M CONSUL.TANTS.INC. Prepared for: 3.1.FIGURE DESIGN DIMENSIONLESS REGIONAL FREQUENCY CURVE ANNUAL INSTANTANEOUS FLOOD PEAKS Prepared by: ..-u~~~ .•-.._+- ·1.1~~r.::'1'".:=lilt.•I:l.ll.LH 1iIIIIIllllllTl'!:~I.:-.... 1.05 ':::::I>I··lj·:·:·I~I:·11'---...~...---... 1.005 0.7 Ttth I',-_.-- .-1 .f1,'IT·:'..l :',1i4f1ffii +11,~'.:~.~.:,~'~'-~--~'·ll 1l1··'1M:l'','~~I ITr···:.::':ti= 0.6 ~-fttt I J~~~~-~:I~...:f:.:rH~:~'·::,l':'f-":+~'j·.:(p,>~,;·~~~k.:·.:~r~r:·~:~C,:·H~·~~';b o.5 #~{).''-....'.v .-.}-I 'I'I "'..I:::.'t~III I .'.II':..::;:.:.:~,~.'~:l'',.:j:~-.II ~..: 1",'p~--':-:'1 1 ,'.11"-.\....:c ,,-:~':'.·t·".:.::~::.;:~~~l·jL~':~<'I-==;~~.:'+ I .:......:..·1:··'--:.'I,1 I ,I .:.:.(.:!I ~.I· 0.4 "I ..,.'--'1'1 'Ill'11 I-rm I ."...')I .. 0.3--+---<~-I-t-l•.f __:+.,.,1:ltll IH .J:~:I TIl II/J1:If ~rt ~tf~· 1.25 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 RETURN PERIOD (YRS.) w>a:: :::) u (fl (fl W -l Zo (flz ~1.0 ._L" ()0.9 ~I.~LLII0.8 ..~.'.-,..--'-'-..·'Pf#ttimtittr:Hmr~mmlliWJJttt-H+.LlJ 1III _~I'_h- W I f\.) o Prepared by: DESIGN DIMENSIONLESS REGIONAL FREQUENCY CURVE OCTOBER -MAY INSTANTANEOUS FLOOD PEAKS Prepared for: FIGURE·3.2 • 4 -EVALUATION OF DESIGN FLOODS Using Figures 3.1 and 3.2,annual instantaneous flood peaks and October-May instantaneous flood peaks call be predicted with a minimum of additional data.The figures will prove useful in assessing flood peaks at ungauged sites within the study area. The figures should not be used for basins with drainage areas smaller that 164 square miles,the smallest basin area included in the study.Use of the equations and figures for these smaller basins may result in unrealistic values.It is recommended that the regression equations developed by Freethey and Scully (1980) be used for determining flood peaks in these basins.Thei r analysis included basins as smaH as one square mile,and the equations have a smaller standard error than the regressiona equations developed by Lamke (1979),as seen in Table 3.9. It is necessary to have information concerning the drainage area, the length of the main channel,the percent of the drainage area covered by glaciers,the mean annual precipitation,and the mean annual snowfall in order to predict the annual instantaneous flood peaks on drainage basins ,in the upper Susitna River region.It is also necessary to have information on drainage area and stream length to predict October-May instantaneous flood peaks in the upper Susitna region.When compiling this information,it is important that the information come from the same source,or at least represent the same precision,as the data used in the regression analyses. Thus,the drainage area should be computed from U.S.Geological Survey topographic maps in the horizontal plane.Main channel slope is taken as the average slope between points 10%and 85%of the distance along the main stream from the lowest point of interest to the basin divide.The percent of glacial area is the total drainage area shown as glaciers on the topographic maps divided by the basin drainage area,as measured by the grid- sampling method or planimeters.The mean annual precipitation and mean annual snowfall are determined from isohyetal maps (NWS,1972 or Lamke,1979)using the grid sampling method.An example of the use of the figures for determining instantaneous flood peaks is given below. Suppose it is desired to obtain the annual instantaneous flood peak with a 50-year recurrence interval on an ungaged basin in the upper Susitna River basin.The following drainage basin characteristics were determined. Area of Drainage Basin =164 sq.mi. Stream Length =25.0 miles Percent Area of Glaciers =0 percent Mean Annual Precipitation =40 inches Mean Annual Snowfall =90 inches susi6/o 4-1 Using Equation (3.5),the mean annual instantaneous flood peak is determined to be 3269 cfs.Using Figure 3.1,the ratio of the 50-year peak to the mean annual peak is 2.Q4.Thus,the fifty year peak is Qso ::2.04 (3,269 cfs) QSO =6,670 cfs The confidence limits on this estimate could be found in the same manner by selecting the appropriate ratio from Figure 3.1.Thus the 'upper and lower 95%confidence interval are: Upper 9S%Confidence Interval Q ::3.11 x 3269 =10,170 cfs Lower 95%Confidence Interval Q =1.01 x 3269 =3,300 cfs susi6/0 4-2 5 -EVALUATION OF TYPICAL FLOOD HYDROGRAPHS FOR SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK For the gaging station on the Susitna ,River at Gold Creek,typical flood hydrographs were developed from several measured hydrographs.The temporal distribution of annual maximum flood peaks was first determined,and is presented in Figure 5.1.The figure illustrates that the greatest frequency of floods (55%) occurs in June and the second highest frequency of floods (26%) occurs in August. The five largest peak hydrographs were selected for two periods: May-July (rain-and-snowmelt floods),and August-October (rainfall floods).These were made dimensionless by dividing the flows by the peak daily mean discharge,centered about the peak with ±15 days and plotted on the same graph.The mean hydrograph is the arithmetic average of the five floods selected for each period. The five dimensionless hydrographs and the corresponding mean curve for each time period are depicted in Figures 5.2 and 5.3. These figures illustrate that the mean curves are typical of the general shape of the snowmelt and rainfall hydrographs,but that there is considerable variation from year to year. The seasonal discharge frequency curves depicted in Figure 5.4 were derived by assuming that all floods from May through July are rain and snowmelt floods and that all floods from August through October are rainfall floods with high-altitude snowmelt. The seasonal daily peak discharges for each period are tabulated in Table 5.1.The corresponding published annual instantaneous peaks are listed in the respective seasonal period.The average ratios between instantaneous peaks (Q I)and daily peaks (QD)for the snowmelt and rainfall floods were calculated by averaging all the ratios (Q t/QD)for corresponding instantaneous and daily peaks.The calculated ratios (Q,/OD)are 1.063 for snowmelt events and 1.052 for rainfall events.The missing instantaneous peaks were then computed by mUltiplying the daily peak by the appropriate COl/Q )ratio.Using the three parameter log-normal frequency distrlbu~on and the instantaneous peaks from Table 5.1, the frequency curves for the May-July and August-October periods were computed.The annual instantaneous peak frequency curve is included on Figure 5.4 for comparison. Fifty peak hydrographs were separated into the May-July and August-October periods and plotted.The base flows were estimated using standard techniques and subtracted from the hydrographs.The volume of each flood was estimated by ptanimetering the resulting hydrograph and tabulated in Table 5.2, together with the corresponding instantaneous peak.The flood volume frequency analysis for each period was conducted using the three parameter log-normal frequency distribution.The corresponding frequency curves with the 95%confidence levels are illustrated in Figures 5.5 and 5.6. susi6/p 5-1 A power curve regression analysis was used to determine the correlation between the instantaneous peaks and the corresponding volumes.The correlation proved to be significant,with correlation coefficients of 0.794 and 0.825 for the May-July period and August-October period,respectively.The statistics are tabulated in Table 5.2 and illustrated graphically on Figures 5.7 and 5.8. As the correlation is acceptable,it allows for the devel'opment of the typical 100-,500-,and 10,000-year flood hydrographs illustrated in Figures 5.9 and 5.10.These typical flood hydro- graphs were produced by using the general shape of the mean dimensionless hydrographs in Figures 5.2 and 5.3,and extrapo- lating the peaks and volumes for the 500-and 10,OOO-year floods from Figures 5.4, 5.5,and 5.6.The volumes beneath the flood hydrographs are those determined in the frequency analysis. The typical hydrographs discussed here are qualitative indicators of flood hydrograph shapes.They should not be used for rigorous analytical calculations t but are intended to supplement them. susi6/p 5-2 misc6/jl TABLE 5.1 DETERMINATION OF DAILY INSTANTANEOUS PEAK RATIO SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK May -July August -October (Snowmelt Floods)(Rainfall Floods) Instant-Instant- Daily aneous Daily aneous Peaks Peaks Ratio Peaks Peaks Ratio Year (cfs) (cfs)QI/Q D (cfs)(cfs)QI/Q D 49 35,000 [38,700J 50 34,000 (37,300)1.097 27,600 [29,000]1 51 35,800 (37,400)1.044 31,800 [33,500] 52 43,300 (44,700)1.032 41,900 [44,100 ] 53 37,700 (38,400)1.065 28,100 [29,600] 54 30,100 [32,000]41,000 (42,400)1.034 55 39,000 [41,500]56,900 (58,100)1.021 56 51,500 (51,700)1.004 31,000 [32,600] 57 40,600 (42,200)1.039 26,600 [28,000] 58 28,000 (29,800]47,800 (49,600)1.038 59 39,600 [42,100 ]59,700 (62,300)1.044 60 39,300 [41,800]40,100 (41,900)1.045 61 54,000 (59,300)1.098 26,000 [27,400] 62 79,700 (80,600)1.011 31,000 [32,600] 63 49,000 (53,800)1.098 35,000 [36,800] 64 85,900 (90,700)1.056 21,600 [22,800] 65 39,900 (43,600)1.093 33,600 (35,400] 66 58,400 (63,600)1.089 33,500 [35,200] 67 50,000 (53,150]76,000 (80,200)1.055 68 39,700 (41,800)1.053 21,800 (22,900] 69 26,500 (28,400)1.072 16,800 [17,700] 70 30,800 [32,740]1 31,600 (33,400)1.057 71 66,300 [70,500]77,700 (87,400)1.125 72 70,700 (82,600)1.168 26,400 [27,800] 73 52,800 (54,100)1.025 30,500 [32,100] 74 33,600 (37,200)1.107 22,300 [23,500] 75 44,000 (47,300)1.075 .24,800 [26,100] 76 33,300 (35,700)1.072 32,000 [33,700] 77 52,600 (54,300)1.032 26,200 [27,600] 78 24,300 (25,000)1.029 20,800 (21,900] 79 39,300 (41,300)1.051 28,400 [29,900] 80 49,700 (52,000)1.046 31,100 [32,800] QI!QO=X=1.063 QI /Q O=X=1.052 S.0.=.034 S.D.=.032 N=23 N=8 Notes:()Published instantaneous peaks [ ] Instantaneous peaks computed by ratio. 5-3 misc6/j2 TABLE 5.2 TABULATION AND STATISTICS OF INSTANTANEOUS PEAKS VERSUS PEAK VOLUMES SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK Year May -July (Snowmelt Floods) Instantaneous Peak Peak,Q Volume,V (cfs)P (ft3 x 10 9 ) August -October (Rainfall Floods) Instantaneous Peak Peak,Q Volume,V (cfs)P (1t3 x 10 9 ) 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 STATISTICS 37,300 37,400 44,700 38,400 32,000 41,500 51,700 42,200 29,800 42,100 41,800 59,300 80,600 53,800 90,700 43,600 63,600 53,150 41,800 28,400 32,740 70,500 82,600 54,100 37,200 47,300 35,700 54,300 25,000 41,300 52,000 10.6 23.0 69.9 33.6 9.7 38.0 33.8 27.0 ND 28.4 18.4 30.8 63.7 26.7 83.4 35.6 30.8 19.9 32.2 11.8 16.1 50.1 82.8 36.8 23.9 28.0 18.8 45.9 12.9 12.6 NA 29,000 33,500 44,100 29,600 42,400 58,100 32,600 28,000 49,600 62,300 41,900 27,400 32,600 36,800 22,800 35,400 35,200 80,200 22,900 17,700 33,400 87,400 27,800 32,100 23 j 500 26,100 33,700 27,600 21,900 29,900 31,100 8.2 16.4 12.9 8.4 ND 19.0 ND 6.1 19.0 37.6 10.3 ND ND 5.7 6.5 17.7 12.5 30.3 UPH 3.9 7.7 27.5 UPH 14.9 9.3 UPH 11.5 3.2 UPH UPH NA 40,090 18,214 Mean Standard Deviation Regression Equation Correlation Coefficient Sample Size 48,441 32.9 x 10 9 16,104 20.1 x 10 9 1.50 V :;:2820 Q p r :;:0.794 n :;:29 13.7 x 10 9 9.0 x 10 9 1.33 V :::9840 Qp r :::0.825 n :;:21 Notes:NO:;:No data UPH :;:Undefined peak hydrograph NA :;:Not available 5-4 I ' -----.-----.---,..---~---r--- . .-----+------If---.-f--------~~..--.-\---,-~~~.-+I---f-----.\--- -_-'--.-1---.--1------'-~~..---------j-.---- __----I-__:.......j....__~_____l____---+--___+--,-f----->--.-.-1_--.-.\---1-------::.t~-=:- 10 0 ====:=i=====±=====±=====t==:=j:::::j=:===±=====:1:=====t=====t=====~=--.=--=---j---'-_--'--I -+-:---:--.:...--+__--+-.~-_.I--~---'-.L.--~--lf------j----l-----1--j-__~=-:-= f---,-~---I-.,_'-__+---_!_----+---+-'.--- I : -:...---'--I---,--1---~_l_~.,.......,.+-~+----+---+-:-----,--I----I-----j---._.-~­:............~----+---+--+----,---f~---'~~--~--'-I--------\--~-_l_--+--:_._l_.---~ ~--I----_l_--_+_--_+_-.--~-.-'1-"--;-----.-:---1--_._ 60 .-.--1----I-.;........---.f---~I-,-f-~:C-c-':~:r.g./----~--=---I_----._-~=r---§_>--..1---_'_~ ~-__l--_+----'-_I_-...;.~c+-----+-:..:_:_:_./:~::;:~.~.-j ..---~---;----1---.f---- ----l-_...,...+~--r-.,.....;..-'-I-'-,--+--+-------'-.:~~~'rl·.-,---.----1---.....1 --'--.-1--_--+--- '===~=j===~=j::::=-...j..+--:'...;..~..:..-.....:.----II;=-.::"~..:--:--+-:~;.;.:·>.;.;:·:+:;.;.;,;·:'4::===.,---.·--+--.------.--+-....==-~~I-j·_~.-=--=--=-~t-:-.-=--:.-=--+---f---.-=--._-__-f 4 0 -.:....---L---I----!---I~-__l:;:;..:;:;..,:;.;.;:.;...~..+---~~-_+--__;_--+--~-__j .._~~-!-----l--------I---~(:>+----f---i---~--'~--------.-f-,..__.___L--.------- ':-::----=t=-.--+--~-t----+---I,7::::~r-;-::u~::::~}I---'-.i-:-..--.-~_~~~~~= ---~--_+-----'---+---__t=''---'-.-+:;:.i~~~":-r·26-%I.---==L =~-;...-~.~~ -.-_-_-_-+-.-.....:......-+--~-11-.-=-'-_-.__-1'-_-,.,--.:_-+~\ttt~~-::¢'t+ti~=~·--~~~~ 20 .~==~==~~~~~il~:~il~:~~:~-~ o J F M A M J J A SON 0 u.o (f)ooo .J LL ...J«::>zz« MONTHS OF YEAR SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK PERIOD OF RECORD -1950 -1980 R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. PERCENT OF ANNUAL MAXIMUM FLOODS 5-5 Prepared fa FIGURE 5.1 --'--.--+-----~,I---....:.-~-+-.--.-'---~...-.__._'__.---..-F~.-:~_...__I~---=---~._--.,~---I-----_._'-'--I--~+-. --. .-,-c-I--·--h--~f-------'_.-1-----~...~-._-'f----1·-----·--f·---._.-- .....:...-'--------.-j-----1----+---+.----+--.--+----r---'---'r---..---,--.---- 1.0 _~_..:....'_=_==t=====tr:==j~=~:-,-.-±-!-!-'--1=-,-/~'-_--"~--j-'~:'.h -L---I-~~=t~-.-.-...:-.·-.--t···..-----1--,.......:...~-:....--I__----.~---_.~-..--f~----~--..-·~-'-_.1,'.\\_~_~..__j-.._---;. _ 0.8 ~~...:.......j___1_----.,.-.;..+..:-_:--+----:.....:......-Ii_...,-...:......;.+_~'P-i-~'.l".---1------l-L..--I-~.-,._+.-­ \ DAYS TO PEAK DAYS AFTER PEAK SUS ITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK LEGEND Date Peak Discharge (c fs) •••••••Mean Curve June 23,1961 54,000 ------June 15,1962 79,900--------_.June 7,1964 85,900 -----June 6,1966 58,400-------June 17,1972 70,700 R&/\/I CONSULTANTS,INC. DIMENSIONLESS'HYDROGRAPHS MAY -JULY 5-6 Prepared fO! FIGURE 5.2 15 ;i 105PEAK-5-10 =-J~:=--~-=-=-jI~~;~F--m~-,:-.- 1.0 -_.-t--H_--'-J-....----,--~I"\'-f---~-"l'..,.---.f--.._~__:...._~.__~_w+\'~_~-~I-I --,..-.__ -.--+-,-._.-.,---.-----:-.--11'-.•-a---'-'--~"----"----_.~.--....----j--..---I.-1--1---...'--.-----._.-",-'-'---f ---=..--.._;- • '. I~-*. ,I I.'-f---.'-_.--o-;---t-,.:.....;-::".":!J~~..__._.",=t:~e~t:-:-i....-'.,"--_'_i_..__.~___I J .\\~-----;"--~'.t '~_ 0.8 +-.'/.':1.tc~. ..i'.--,-I+-'..;...+......:......-;...., :--,---.-1=:,.'"I.\ .7.,., ,_h'=:'~~'.:..:~I-\-............;.:-+-t-j +-..L...;~:.-.....,..-"-+"-'--,- --....:....-~t--,--:-(.-J._-----;-~~\-~-:.-.-'--~~..-..•.._---.:...L~__\----_:'-""_111 +--...-_.--,eo . ...........p......-+------4+-1------1 .~._,._-'-<--}-..,....-...,.....~-_-I ..,·---I----r·--I---Il '1'1"-~_...--+.,--!-'-V l-~';"'"_"'".+-_--.-...L-_-..: DAYS TO PEAK DAYS AFTER PEAK SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK LEGEND Date Peak Discharge (cfs) •••••••Mean Curve Aug 26,1955 56,900 ------Aug 3 ,1958 47,800--------Aug 24,1959 59,700 ---------Aug 15,1967 76,000-----Aug 10,1971 77,700 R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. Prepared fa DIMENSIONLESS HYDROGRAPHS AUG -OCT FIGURE 5.3 5-7 f, .,,,.,. I l I II I ,f ,., ! ' /AG ,, 'I'I II Iv (/) u: u 50 (/) -0 40oo z 30 w <.:>ex: <3: :t: U 20(/) 0 , :',.I 1·1., I :"t -l-H++...,-, ;....; I '! : I !I IrI i I I 2 5 10 20 ,'., I , I I 50 100 200 500 tl.+-...~-..... I I EXCEEOENCE INTERVAL -YEARS SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK PERIOD OF RECORD -1950-1980 ANN·UAL SKEW IS 0.6830 MAY-JULY SKEW IS 1.130 AUG -OCT SKEW IS 1.134 Prevared by:Prepared fa: ~&M CONSUL.TANTS.INC. SEASONAL DISCHARGE FREQUENCY CURVES 5 8 IHI+H-:+-~:::.:~~:-~.:.,::~.;§'-:;::~:====~,~,:;;:;=~:l:.-=_=fr-l:!:l:::l~L :....~fr--~S.~--I,~'=~ 200 III-I~I--II·:·I,I.I·~I,~1-li·II;I.I·~~:I:I'-lfl·lliilllllllllll'I'I~I-I~1' ";,'I ..,:,'Ii,,;.!,,/ -+-- I I I i , '-,' -,= / ,/--- 'I I I,,",!" :i I!~:'1 !;~I !I ~X .~-_J~.-=1= r~__- - I-r '!I:~~:!!I T1 ! II;i i!!I!I:Ii'i ::J,~ ,.. , I ;;,h-I ,,;I i "I,;,I ;I ',!, :;i I :-',I ;'J ,: I ,:I I :'. I ,,I':!!!;;~I . ,,i II I i ,I , I ;,;:II'I ,:. I ·i.i ;i;I ;!I I 1 I !!I J II I I I I i 111 I !iil !I!I i I I T ~L I :I ,,;I !1 i 1 !i !iI !;i i I I! i I II i ,,]I i I !1 !i i !:i,;:!!I : I i T I I, 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500' Ij 20 90 eo 70 60 EXCEEDENCE INTERVAL -YEARS SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK PE RIOD OF RECORD -29 yrs. LEGEND 95 %CONFIDENCE LIMITS VOLUME FREQUENCY CURVE Prepared f( R&M CCNSUCTANTS,ON:FLOOD VOLU::y~:~~ENCY CURVE _F_IG_U_R_E_5_._5\~~~(l 5-9 I I , I I I,, 1 :V I , .! :'!I , j 1; I!,I ,;'I .;, '\'I , ' I:!I; : I I,::' , I \I '!'i , i ;I ,!I.1;;. : I ~i""I iI " 1 ':-1-::'--lt-III-I-I-'I'I'i-'-I-I'li--I"lr;I"'I~rl"-I'I'I:--I-I"~~"'I"-II~"'1''::-j'I'-III-I"t=lrl"r11:I:I'i'I-I'I- ==+._-.._~._':"'"-.=--~-r 'j--F+=J:..t:-+_r-~+=~~:..==~.-. .-,,'-f-, 200 ..c c ~..r -~= ,'i:iii i !i: :~.r :I I 1 ~1 i 1 60 (J)50, w ~ :::!':O') 3 Q 40 ox >10 01-o IL 3 o --".-+-~ 14. --,, • I •~ .~,I:,; ';,. I"I' I •~•• ;I ./I .I' ::.1 j ••'i; :1.'I V I,.:........-r ,.'1./:/;'.';VI ,;.,:'/I 'j:i ,~I .:,.......:....+'-+-t--'-+-f-+--+i-t+l-t+'--l-'--+-T-+-++--t'+\-'I-h-~-'--i;::I ...."/.:;.' ,v ",;,~Ii,I . 500 '100 200 'I',"';:-/,.'I,/I',j,I 'ill r:I ,",I ' .,f---,''...:,.1+;Hi-+I+:71'v,U+:++-'H'~~~'.e./'*'-:-:~;1+:;.-+::+:+'-;+-'+-+-+-"';-+--H-l-1 +-+i-I-rlf-+...j.....-+H~:-;'-+---+'~ '_''_'~:.'!I,I::iii I I/,I !I i U'1,!::i i!i I I I I I hi i I I I ii'riA"II/'Iii I,':':!i r Ii'!!i ,I '---;-,:;iii i ;-:':-,-f£:-Ijt"'7i'7:+-1n;:;,,~,7i+'-l~17-:-1 :t4"!"""i:-;-:r.:~!'-:ir+i--+-t-t-h---:'-+";li+-:--f,-l;:~l-:-I-t-i-!-i---t--Hti-t-I +-'-,':--+--1 10L..-'-'-_......:..JL..:..L..J....j..W"'O"~...:....:..J....LJ.-'-'-.....:....J,-"-'-...l....'-.--t-'-'--'-'-..:...;..-'-t-'-'-L....:..+-~.1.--j-I-.:...:...J+..........-+-''--l..-+....:.........LLL.L.'-....l....l.......C........:..---L 2 5 10 20 50 E XCEEDENCE INTERVAL -YEARS SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK PERIOD OF RECORD -21 yrs. LEGEND 95 %CONFIDENCE ,LIMITS VOLUME FREQUENCY CURVE Prepared fa: "~M CONSULTANTS,'NC~FLOOD VOLU::G ~:~~UENCY CURVE.:.....F.:.....:IG;",,;;;U...;.;R;,.::;E.....;5::;..;,.~61 ~~~I~ 5-10 i': .I;jI'' . i I t::1 ': :::' ::;Ii:~::i:i i .:~I .-:1 V ~~I I ;I :;,+~;:. .:,!I I I l .,.;",:",I/!!.::I '!l I:I; ~E±=~ =~-=:= r.-"~F~,'-I.-:-fu8:3 .--I-----r--t---""..-,-+___+--__-i:=:;:: ~::~ or-- -~_. -------' , r- = -~.LL-..:....H;--,IL+-:+~'..;.'-i-'+-_~4'~'+I'~i~'-tl,'+~+-:;'-i-'+-~I'7"'..;''H:~"H7AT-If-+i -t-:-'f-';-';-'r,~I-f1'-:-'t;,r-;''4-'i'Ti'~~r:c..,'...;.1tr-t'..;.1T:'7':,'~~,::~o 1 ',!,,','',!I I'',i'Ii 'I;"',:"V,!1 'i",i,','I,'!'f',,,', 0,--,:__'-::'--E;:;'-;::':'':':-~;'';-_.:::- _r~_'i ~t~~:~ _~.-'::--'"I-~~~--Jto:.== .~~~.:_~~::~~-"':~1-----=t:-.:.:i:--=§t";f= L-r ··r~~-~t=:..=_+ ~-~"-+-~ 1 eno X r<'l-'0- ---+--1- "'::1-:- ::R=;: r---+-----:.~ f---~;:t i.I ',,: -,=.=- . 1 _~'---t~.... ---l--.-.~t--------+-'-----j--, ,•,'''';''':-----+ .~-'f:" ,I/ '.,I ,'I.:1 "I -==-=-:.!,.:::---'=L..r7:-1:::-:i..':-I-11:T:1.t+:.;.,:=.;---:=:"'~r-.l'IIl.-'!"','~:r"4'~-;-;~:'+'-::''~'F~~'~1-:.C',:c,:.'jH-'~'.:j'f!.;~:!:t'L.:':'1'f:::.J.'f-~':-i'_~i i'+1-:"+11 +:-+"-p,:+i'ttII:!r:111''';'1:t::1;i::':'-:it':-;-;::T''r'-;-':..:Ii::Ti';-c:t-:~:::2ht'",/t,:;:I I . " . I Ii;,I ,:;'_i ",I +!'!1+,.!.I I ~h':l o .Ii',G 'I ".,"",I II!~:I:i:,II";;:ii'I!"""'i':I,'"","':,'! ----~-':---'-==f.':c--_.=-"7"~r.=;~~~ t:R ~:t-----4 > W ~ ::> .-lo > ooo ...J u.. 10 ,i t EE-- ~.I 1 '•+--. ~......:: (1000 cfs) .- SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK PERIOD_OF RECORD-29 YEARS V =2820 0/50 r 2 :0.63 n :29 ~&M CONSULTANTS,INC. VOLUME VS.PEAK MAY-JULY 5-11 Prepared fc FIGURE 5.7 1=,,~ r------ '-~~~-~_:~='-+- '+~ ~_....t----- :. '-~'+-' ,.:'=t=..f='~-:L-=..E:';~I-=.::-:I;-'::==t:=.....-+-..:r.....- ::---~~.;.:.=--':!=:~i= -.......~~.-.-.:;- .~:.r- --~I"" ~.,.~.If-.-. • I ,~".,I':~•~ ',;, .:~ ", /:,: ".!'/'. ~::e::::O:::;J.===t.- ,', . I ;I I 'r ~\ I';',:1''l.'".!I f··:",":. i j !I I I:I,:II ii!::I i I o'L I I !I I:I ~01 I ':,;: ;i /',i i Iii I ' 1,;I,,,( \I i I ::I II';i : ~ cf' I , I , r .;I.f 11 !'j: i i I I I,il I"1.1·:i ;!;1!1::i!.'.!. i ::I !,i:" ,,--;.'; ,i; I ii i I" ':ii "ii:i:'·,:,iii'=, """-:-_'_1 ....~ t-- = I, I ,;, !!' " - ,•1:, I I :I I I /', i I i :1:1 "i'" ,i ,I i :,iGl :/!j :!,i;i'Q c 'i f I \.i i.~.:I!;Ii; i I!,l,llill_.;=.-.-,,'=E ,... ';j I ;: j I :; , ,, I I j I I !.== , I !i I : I i I ;, ..... <J) 0 x r<)......- > W ~ ~ ...J 0 > Cl 0 0 ...J lL.0 =t:::::.-I:::: 10 100 INSTANTANEOUS FLOOD PEAKS,Qp (1000 cfs) 1000 SUS I TNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK PERIOD OF RECORD -29 YEARS. V ::9840 01.33 r 2 ::0.68 n ::21 R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. VOLUME VS.PEAK AU G.-OCT. 5-12 Prepared for FIGURE 5.8 ---'-...!.-j.......;...-......+·C-...l......+-.-I--·-,7-1-'--:--,--Ih---,-'l.~"----'l.+-~--'---H--..,.------~.~,+-~--'--+-I-~-- ,I''I. I 'i i I ,I \l I i ,I I ' I ! i i, i :I I , I ' I i I ~;-,,r I I .,I ,/:II I ~1\;I I I :+-t-I /I :'....../, i ',/,I TJ.i-~ ,/'Vi ,.....,I !, I I-;~-+--I-l-+-";"'-i--J-l--l-+,-,,/-~~-=i""";:::'''';-.,.....j'''++.!..,-JI'-'-++-H~+j-+--++-H-+-+.j......;-:-+-"--I""";"++;~,,,,+-';"'::'---1:-t++-,rii~-1 8 0 ~"":""~I~I.w--:....:...W...L~i/~~--i..~:"";'-+---'---:-+:.J,-ih~'~:";"'+-:-t-t-~_!L.-\-\.,--t-t--!-----,.+.....~..;...t-'-...,...-i-~_;_!'""'"'"7__rl../:I!!/i i :/i !''\.: ,,:I ~L..C..-'--1----:._-I-+~..---:.~__r-;--+--+-;...+-'-!-+'-+...:....H-..;....H-r-,,-+..;...--++-_._-'-~·-..,...--+----i I ! -to -5 PEAK 5 10 15 TIME -DAYS SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK 100,500,10000 yr.FLOOD VOLUMES LEGEND Flood Volume ft~ Peak Discharge (cfs ) -----100 yr --500yr ---IO,OOOY 122.3 X 10 9 178.2 X 10 9 310.0 X /0 9 104,550 131,870 198,000 Prepared f R&l\II CONSULTANTS.INC. FLOOD HYDROGRAPHS MAY -JULY 5-13 FIGURE 5.9 i 200 160 ~--+----i----:----~---+-i----1---4----1----, 1 ==--=:..-i-l-__-l---------''---,-+-:-I.--+--"----;-+--~t---:---~----'-.----I--------4--+-----,--1~'--'-I-----r I _-:-__I~---'---__-I------'-_+-_.--!--t----4- -:\ \. ,-. ,"\', ., " §120 X Cf) \.L U I W (!) 0:: <t 80 I U Cf) o I ' !: --" ,I ,I, I ' II' ,-, -7 , 1 .- 1-' /-1/, 1/. ,,', -/'I _/, ,-- . I "\', -,': " ," ,.~. !: '"I i _...........:.' , :~! ~... •'"I......... o -15 ;i I : -to -5 PEAK TIME-DAYS 5 10 ,; 15 SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK LEGEND ----100 yr --500 yr ---10,000 yr Flood Volu me ft :5 53.8 X 10 9 78_8 X 10 9 140.0 X 10 9 Pea k Discharge ( c f s ) 90,140 119,430 185,000 PREPARED BY I ~~t::J ,,-,-~~6;M.J R &M CON SULTANTS.INC. FLOOD HYDROGRAPHS AUG -OCT 5 14 PREPARED FOR ..:....:....::.FrIGUR~E5.10 Wi] 6 -FLOOD VOLUME-DURATION FREQUENCY ANALYSIS To assist in designing temporary diversion structures and determining reservoir filling sequences,a flood volume-duration frequency analysis was conducted for May-July flows of the Susitna River at Gold Creek.Table 6.1 is a computer tabulation of May through July volume durations computed by the U.S. Geological Survey.The mean discharge for the 3-,7-,15 ..and 30-day durations were utilized with the three parameter log-normal frequency distribution to compute the volume-duration frequency curves illustrated on Figure 6.1. susi6/q 6-1 sUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK HIGHEST MEAN DISCHARGE (CFS)OF CONSECUTIVE DAYS FROM MAY THROUGH JULY VOLUME DURATIONS COMPUTED BY U.'S.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY vfAR 1 3 7 15 10 1950 34000.0 23 32100.0 24 ?7000.0 ?~24'500.0 28 2?-700.n ?7 1951 3SAOO.0 27.32100.0 2S 291300.0 24 2c;?()0 ..0 27 1'?100.0 ~A 1952 43300.0 }3 42300.0 12 .19500.0 11 17000.0 9 :nooo.o 10 19~1 31700.0 21 31200.0 If'35S00.0 17 31000.0 19 ?7400.0 19 1954 10100.0 28 29S00.0 2R ?8AOO.0 2c;?6900.0 24 1'5700.0 22 1955 39000.0 20 3A700.0 16 3fl600.0 1~351)00.0'11'33800.0 R 19Sf:J 51500.0 9 49900.0 A 4fl$300.0 7 40100 ..0 4 34500.0 7 19'57 40600.0 14 39900.0 14 313400.0 IJ 3Sc;OO.0 13 32300.0 13 19513 32400.0 26 32100.0 26 28000.0 2f,?-AOOO.O 22 ?5A00.0 1'1 1(1)9 39600.0 lA 37200.0 19 30700.0 2?27100.0 ?3 26200.1)20 0'\1960 40000.0 15 36100.0 20 37.900.0 19 2f:Jlno.0 25 ?1100.0 2f, I N 1961 54000.0 6 52000.0 1 42100.0 9 lAAOO.O 10 301300.0 14 1962 79900.0 2 15200.0 ?64700.0 I'Sl?()O.O 2 43300.0 ? 19f:J)49000.0 11 46300.0 9 47.900.0 H 39?flO.0 7 14900.0 6 lCJtS4 AS900.0 1 81900.0 1 75000.0 1 tS1SOO.O 1 S0700.()1 1965 39900.0 16 37400.0 17 34100.0 lA 31100.0 18 30500.0 15 196f,58400.0 5 56600.0 5 49?-OO~0 .4 39~OO.O 5 31000.0 9 \C)67 soooo.o 10 46100.f)10 3A900.()I?1?t1()0.0 If>29QOO.O 16 19f:JA 397uO.0 11 38900.()15 3AI00.0 14 ]f:JSOI).O 11 37400.0 11 19/)9 26500.0 29 24400.0 29 20500.0 30 17700.0 30 1f:>700.0 30 1910 30800.02,1 30100.0 27 27100.0 77 2,)7no.0 ?f>23AOO.0 24 1971 66300.0 4 59000.0 4 48300.0 5 3R?OO.0 B 3')400.0 5 1972 70700.0 3 65600.0 3 51500.0/1 ]gROO.O 6 17300.0 4 1973 S2BOO.0 7 45300.0 11 40900.0 10 34tSOO.0 14 28600.0 lA Ig74 33600.0 24 33200.0 2?12400.0 ?1 7.9'300.0 21)23200.()25· 1975 44000.0 12 42200.0 13 31100.0 15.33300.0 15 32300.0 12 1CJ7f>33300.0 25 12100.0 21 29~OO.0 21 2RAOO.O 21 245(10.0 23 1917 S2600.0 8 52200.0 f>48300.0 (,415()O.O 3 3HOOO.O 3 19713 24300.0 30 23AOO.O 30 23100.n ?9 2?f:JOO.O 29 21700.0 29 197C)39300.0 19 34800.0 21 32600.0 20 31700.0 17 ?9100.0 17 --- -=~-I"'::=­ .+f-_.T 1- ,l~I.E 'F- ';0.- r -=:'J=.~-::._):1','_. -=I...1"1·, -..-c::-I-\ _.~H~""f '> .'-t~.=III '-F'=~~ ~-----':'f ~- -i+t + H+i-7+--1i-t-t-+++HH++-+-:-+++++-H+++-l-t+++H+f+-+,+1'f-t+!-H-H-l-l-t--+-\-t'+'-H ,'0 __ !I I I ,Ii I ! 100 .~ en 90u..:8 0 f±c+c ,,-+u 70'--:+ (f) o 60 t:t".' I I :I 'I :1'1 . ~:::l-'• .~ .j. ~" ct=L:t=~ fi.':".' , I !I ~... :. :1 --;::t::::;:::-;::~ - III ,.I,. . I I I .,;I'!I I !, !j,;'I 50 100 200 500 ++-rl-If-'-c+-H+H++-r--+-i-..,....;.---;---I--!;_._1-;\-,-,--'-Ii -1-+-1-,-_I-_'~I i .;...1 ,1...,.....,1--+-4 : I •.1:I ii' il!I ,,1 iii:I ....,..- 20 1" ;IT 'I ..c(. ~,,,I I II:I ,I !;I i I i:I II II I ;II I :i I 1 :!I l j II I !~1----:- I':I'1 i I I I,,'I f-..:r;I :;.II i i I !Ii',: 10 I 2 5 10 20 z w 40 (,!) 0:: <t ~30u (f) Q Z <t UJ ~ EXCEEDENCE INTERVAL -YEARS SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CRE EK PERIOD OF RECORD -1950 -1979 R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. -VOLUME DURATION FREQUENCY CURVES MAY-JULY 6-3 Prepared fa ~FIGURE6.1 [ii 7 -REFERENCES Acres American.1977.Regional Flood Frequency Analysis. Prepared for the Canada New Brunswick Flood Damage Reduction Program,Inland Water Directorate,Environment Canada. Condie,R.,Nix,G.A.,and Boone,L.G.1977.Flood Damage Reduction Program Flood Frequency Analysis.Engineering Hydrology Section,Water Planning and Management Branch, I nland Water Directorate I Envi ronmental Canada,Ottawa. Dalrymple.1960.Flood Frequency Analyses. Survey.Water Supply Paper 1543-A. U.S.Geological Dixon,W.J., Jennrich, P-Series. BMDP-77. Brown,M.B., R.I.1977. University Engelman,L.,Frane, Biomedical Computer of California Press, J.W.,and Programs, Berkeley. ..... Freethey,G.W.,and Scully,D.R.1980.Water Resources of the Cook Inlet Basin,Alaska,U.S.Department of the Interior, Geological Survey,Hydrological Investigations Atlas HA-620, 4 sheets. Lamke,R.D.1979.Flood Characteristics of Alaskan Streams. U.S.Department of the Interior,Geological Survey,Water Resources Investigations 78-129,Anchorage,Alaska,61 p. National Weather Service.1972.Mean Annual Precipitation Inches:National Weather Service [Alaska),map . susi6/r 7-1 susi6/u3 ATTACHMENT A FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVES FOR ANNUAL INSTANTANEOUS FLOOD PEAK SERIES, INDIVIDUAL STATIONS 'I Susitna R.at Gold Creek THRFE f'ARAMFTI'R lO(j-NORMAL D1STRIRlJTION-WITH 95 PeT CL PARAt~FTFRS t5TI~IATfl)RY MAXIMUM L1Kl!HOOD IOFh---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------.--------------------------------------------------------- B ---------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------_.._-----------------------------------------~ 7 ----------------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------.--~----~----b I I I I,1 r I I.11--..._ I -~-------------- I.__.------ I ~---------------1 I ,---------~------------------1 I I I_·•M _ 1 I I 1 I 5 2 6 4 3 1 I I 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Itt tIl 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-.-.-----I I I I I J I tIl J I I I J I I I I I J I I 3 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------.-------------------------~-----~-----------.-.---I I I I 1 I I I I I I 2 I------------I------------------I--------------------!-------------------!-~------~-t--------!---------J---~ I J I 1 I I 1------'I r I I I I I IIIIIIII I 1 I I I IlOF5--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I r I I T q --------------------------------------------------------------------------.--R 7 X--~ASFRVEO DATAO--E5TIMATFn DATA*--95(CONFIDENrF LIMITS • Prepared for: FIGURE:A.l FREQUENCY CURVE RIVER AT 'GOLD CREEK ANNUAL FLOOD SUSITNARSMCONSULTANTS,INC. - • - Susitna R.near Denali THREE PAAAMETE~LOG-NORMAL DISTRIRUTIQN-WITH 95 prT (I PARAMETERS ESTIMATED AY MAX1MUM IIKLIHOOD10E5-------------------------------------------------.--------------.-------------------------------------------------_-_,I ,I I t I I r , r 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------._._I I I I I 'IIIIII I , I 8 -----------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------------------.-------I I I [I I , I I J I [I J I [ 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------.-.I I I I I I T I I I [I r I 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I I I J I I , 1 I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-----------------I I ,I I I I I I J I r [I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I r t I , [ I I ,I I I [ ,I ,'!I [I I I J J I 1 I ,J I I 1 1 I ,I I I I 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I I 1 I I [I I 1 I [[I I J ,[I I I I r I 1r[I 1 I I r I I I IX [ 2 -----------------------------.-------------------------------------------------------J ,I I [r I I ,I I I I I I 1 I I [I I I I ,I r r I r I I I I I J I r 1 I I !I I I I I I,J I I r I [ I [r [I I'r I I I I I 1 [ [I I I I I r I I I I [I I I !I I ['J I I [I I 1*I [!I I I I !I I I I10E4--------------------------------------------------------------------"--------------------------------------------------------1.005 1.05 1.2~2.0 5.0 RECUn~ENCE INTERVAL IN VrARS X--OBSERVED OATh O--FSTIMATED DATA *--95(CONFIDEN(E LI~ITS R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE SUSITNA RIVER NEAR DENALI FIGURE:A.2 Prepared for: [ii] ~claren R.near Paxson I I------- I I I I I I -------------------------------------------------------------------9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------A 7 6 --------------------------------~---------------------I r 1 -;X--X-----------------!J_I I 5 .__________________________---x__IX I I·I -------------- I ------------------------------I I I4...__•__~1 __~__X :::~;:~I'I ----1------------------------------ r r I ,-----------------------------------------------------.--.---••--I I 1 II1'I I I -----------------------3 r,I,I'I J I I , I r I:---------~--------------------~-----------------------.----.---------------I 1 I IrrIIII---------.-------------,I . I I1Ir'I I'I r I I I 2 ~!.-!._____I I'I I I II I I I I --------------------------------------~----------------.-----------I J IIII-------------------~I 'I I'I I I I I 1 1 I J I I I I I I I I I I ::J I'I J I I I I lDF3------------------------------_I I I II I I r I I 00 5 1 5 ---------------.-----I I I I•.0 I 25 2----------------------------------X--ORSERVFD DATA •nECURRENCE INTERVA~nIN YEARS 5.0'10.-----i~:-------;~:---i~~:-2~~:---;~~: O--ESTIMATED DATA *--95(CONFIDENrF.LIMItS' THRFF PARAMFTER LOG-NORMAL.DJSTRI~UTJ'N-WITH 95 PCT CL PARM1F.TFRS ESTIMATED RY "'AX'~'LJ~l L!KLlHOOD lOFS------------------------------------------------------------.--------------------------------------------------------------- 9 --------------------------.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------'-------------------------------------------I J , .t I·I I I I I Il:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ r I ,I I I I I 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------I I 1 1 I'I I I1I,I ,I I I I I 4 -------------------;-----------------------------------------------------------------------.--------------------r ,1 ,I 1-.I I I 1 I I I I,I I I 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I 2 -~------------------------------------------------------i-----------------------~------~---------r 1 I J I 1 1rI,,I I I I 1 I I:IrI,I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I lOF4-----------------------~-----------~-------------------------------------------- I I I 'I R&"'!I ,CONSULTANTS,I!'\lC. ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE MACLAREN RIVER NEAR PAXSON FIGURE:A.3 Prepared for: • Susitna R.near Cantwell LI)(.-t:OR~'AL DI~T~ln'}TIO(J-~IJTH 'l~PCT CLlQCS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-----------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------- I----------------- I I I I I I I I ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------I --------------------------------"----------------------------------------------------------------- I I._-------------.---------------------._-----------._----------------------------.-------------------------------------- () ~- '7 6 l. :,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::--- 4 ----------------------------------------------------------~------------- ? I r I I I I (-[ I I I I I I 1 I I 2 -----------------------------------------------------~-----------------------.---------------------------------------------- I I'I [I [ [ I I I I I 1 r-I I I I I I III I I IlQ(3--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-------------1.onS 1.05 1,15 1,0 ~,n 1",1(1.<;n.1'11;.200.500. RF.CU?QEIICE 1~ITF.QIJI\L ll~YEARS - X--OflSERVEI)OIlT/\ O--ESTIMIITED DATA .--9S(CONFIDE/icr Ll'-IIT'> R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. ANNUAL SUSITNA FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE RIVER NEAR CANTWELL FIGURE:A.4 Prepared for: m - - • - - - I I-_._--------- I I-----------------------[ I 1 I I , I I I I , I J ~j--------i---------i~--------- I X--OR~FRVED DATA 0--r5TIMAT~D DATA *--95'CONFIDFNCF LIMITS -----------------------~-------------------------------------------- 3 5 r I I .1 I , 1 I T 4 ------------------------------------------.--------I, I X ..*I I x-~----j--------j---------j-----j-------------- I I J I I J J I I I I I I I I ~i~----X ~-----!l !1 !1 _ ~.,I I I I J I I ,I J I'I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I J J [I I 1 I I I J I I I I .I I I I'r I ?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I I I I I J I J r I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I [r I ,I I I 1 r I I [I r I I I I [I I'J I,I [I I , I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I II I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 ,I I I I 1 I tIOF4----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.005 1.05 1.2~2.0 5.0 RfCURRENCF INTfRVAL IN YEARS Chulitna R.near Talkeetna THR,f.PARAMtTFR LOG-NOR'1Al DI5TR'AUTl~N-WTTH 95 PeT nPARM'tTERS E5TIr~ATff)flY MAXIMl)t.I I IKL 'HOODIOF5------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------r 1 1 I I I I I 9 -----------------------------------------------------.---------------------------------------------------~------------------I 'I IIII, A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I XI I I I 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I [1 6 -~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I Preoared ~&M CONSULTANTS.INC. ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE CHULITNA RIVER NEAR TALKEETNA FIGURE:A.S Prepared for: • J I I ~ I -I---------I X--Of\5FRVFD DATA O--ESTtMATFf)nATAA--~5ICON~tDFN(F LIMITS Talkeetna R.near Talkeetna THRFF.PARAMFTFR LO(,-"IORMAI.nI5TRIAUTI,1N-I..JlTJ~95 PeT n PARAMETEQ5 fSTIMATFn AY MAXtHUM IIKl!HOOf)10Fb---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B --------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------I I T 1 .I I 1 I I t I 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_ b -----------------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------------.I.I I I I t I I I 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,J T I I r I I I J I J I I I 4 .--------.-------------------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------_-------------I I 1 ,I .-I [ I I T [, I I I 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------:--------------------------.---------------) I I r r"'I I,,I I I J IrII,I I I 2 ---------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------, .I I I I I I rrII r I I I 1 I I I I J I I 'I Ir1IIIII10F5--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I r T I I 1 I 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I t I X I I b -------------------------------------------------------------------------------x---------------------------------------I I r I I 1 I I 1 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I I I 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-~-~---~tIl 1 I I . J I I I I r I I3--------------------------------------------------X--------------------------------------------------, I 'I I I I I I r r I I I I I I r I I I t I I I I I I,I 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I IIl---i_~I I 1 I I I I I I I t I I I I I 1 I I I I I I r !I I I 1 I I I 1 I r 1 . I I I I I I IIOF4----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.005 1.05 1.25 2.0 5.0 RECURRENCE INTERVAL IN yEARS R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE TALKEETNA RIVER NEAR TALKEETNA FIGURE:A.6 Prepared for: • -~-----------------------------1 -------------------------------~-----------I, I :.s-t' I I ----------------~----I I I I I---------.._---.-.--- I I I ---------.~----------------------------------------------------.-.-------I I I, I I---~-------------------~4 ~-_ [ -----------x-----~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ') I, I 3 ------------------------------------------------rr 1 4 -------------------------------------it ..--- 2 9 H 7 6 -~---------f------- I Trr T I 1 T IOF31----------~---------------- ·------i-------------------!---------~-----!_____________________________I I I I 4 ---------------~--------------------------------------====~==~=~~=~=~====:i::==:!_ 3 /--_____________I I IT " --------------------~-----­i---------j-----j------1------- ?-z---------------------------!J I II!--7--------------------i-------------------~----------~------------------!-----!------!------- :I I 1 I f II I I I. r [I I ' I II,I I I I I I lit , IOF2-!!___"I I.I ,1.005 1.05 1.2~---------------------------------------------!I I X--ORSERVFD DATA RFCURRENCE INTfRV~LO'N YEARS 5.0 10.20.50:---ioo:-zoO:---SOO: O--fSTIMATF.D DATAIt--95(CONFIDEN(F LIMITS Montana Cr.near Muntana T'IRFf PAf~AMfTFR LO(,-NORf'AL DISTRIRlJTI1N-WTTH 95 peT CL PARM'FTERS ESTIMATED RY MAXIMlJM L1KLlHOOn 10~4:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::~====== r I ,I I ~------~~.. 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------b R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE MONTANA CREEK NEAR MONTANA FIGURE:A.7 Prepared for: • T I lO-- L--- 3 Skwentna R.near Skwe"tna THRFF PAPAMFTFR l('lC,-NORMAI.Dt5TR!PIJT!~~I-WfTH q')peT rl PARA'·IFTEtlS E~Trr~ATrn FlY MAXIMUM IIKLIHOOD10F5----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I ITt I I I I T I 9 ---------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I !I ..-"'""l I 1 I I I I I I ~I I R ------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------I I I I I I I J 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I t I I I [I I I I I I I I 1 I I b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I X I I 5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------X------------------------------------I ,T I I I 0 I I J [r J I I [~I J I I 4 ~~------------------~--------------------!__________I ~I~~~--_+:--~-~-=-~.=-=--=-~-=-=-~.-:-:-~-~-~-~~ I I I I I I I I T I I I I I J I J I 1 t I X I x I I I--X----------------------------------------------------------------------------t I I I I t 1 I I I I I I I I I I [I [I I I. I 1 I I I J I----------.-P---------------------------------------------------~_[I I I I I I I , I I r I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I [1 I I I J I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I [ I I I I I I T [ I I r I I I I I I I I,I I I I I I I I r I 1 J I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I'I ,J I I I I I lIt I ·1 I 1 I t I I I I [ I I10F4------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.---------1.005 1.05 1.7.')2.0 5.0 RfCURPENCf INTERVAL IN YEARS X--OA5FRVFD DATA O--ESTIMATFO OATA*--95(CONFIDENCF LIMITS PreDared by: R&M CDNSULTANTS.INC. ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE SKWENTNA RIVER NEAR SKWENTNA FIGURE:A.8 Prepared for: • Caribou Cr.near Sutton THRFE PAR AM FTFR LOG-NORMAL DiS TRI RlIT!ON-W I TH 95 PCT Cl PARAMFTF.QS FSTiMAHrl RY MAX1MUM L1KLlHOOnlOFS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A ----------------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------------__---------------- 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I ._--------------------~--------------------------------I 1 I{ 2 :3 b r :i=====:::::::~::::::::::::::::======::======------------- I ._----------------~-------------------------I I ._------~-----------------------------------I I._------------------------------------------I Ir 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I Ir I I J I I I I I 10F4----------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------I I I I I I 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------7 PreDared by: R&M CONSUI.TANTS,INC. ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE CARIBOU CREEK NEAR SUTTON FIGURE:A.9 Prepared for: iU X--QBSFRVFO DATA O--FST1~ATFn DATA *--95(CONFIDENCE LIMITS Macanuska R.ac Palmer THRFF J"lARAMFTFR LOG-NORMAL DISTRIPIJTI:JN-WITH <'IS peT n PARAMETERS eSTIMATED RY MAXI~llJM I !KL!HOOO10F.5----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J J I I I I I I I ,I Q ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I J I I I J I I I J I TIl I I 1 I I I R -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.----------------------I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------r 'r T I I [T I I Ir[1 1 I I I 1 I I I I r I I I I I I I I 5 -------------------------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1,J J T I I I I I 1 I J J I I I ,I r I I I I I 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------.---------------x---------------------------I I J r I I 1 r I J XI T I I Ir1II I I I 1 I I 1 J r I I I I I I J J l'I J 3 -------------------------------------------------.------------'-------------------------------------------I r I [I I J I I I I I I J I I I'I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I [ --------I 1 I I I I ~--------------------------~-----~-----------------------------------------~I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 J I I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I [ I I _I I I I I I I I I!I I I I I I I J I I 1 I I 1 J [ I I 1 I I 1 I I [I 1 I I I10F4~------------~----------------~--------------------:--------~-!!~_!!~-!-! 1.005 1.0'i 1.2'i 2.0 S.O 10.20.SO.100.200.500.RECuRRENcr INTERVAL IN yEARS R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE MATANUSKA RIVER AT PALMER FIGURE:A.10 Prepared for: liffil I I [ 1----1---0-------o 1 I----0-------------------- X--ORSERVF~DATA n--ESTJ~~TF.n DATA ---q5(CONFIDfNCE Ll~ITS --------------------------------._--------------------.---.------------..----------------------------------~---~---------------~---.--------------- 5 3 6 --------------------------------~----------------------- 2 4 ---------------------------~ -------------.-------.--------------------.-------.--.-------~~-------------_._---------------------------------._--.-.-.---I I I [!I I I I I I I 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.---------------------------------------------I I I [r I I I I T I I I I J I I I I I I J 4 ---------------------.-------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------I ,I r I [I I I I I I J J r J I I I I I I I 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.---------I I [I I I I IIr_..J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 --------------------------------------------------------------.--------••-.---------------------------------------.---.-----J ' J I I [I 1 I I I [I [I I I I I [I J J[r I 1 J J I I I I IIOF4------------------------·-----------------------------------------.-----------------------------I I ,I I I 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------~-~---~-B 7 -~...[ ~-~----------------._---------------------J [III I~~-~-i----------i------~-i---------i---~-i------i------j ------~~-------.-------------------------------------------------------------J I I I r [I I I I [I r I J 1 --------------------------~----------.------------------------------------------.---------Iii I I I 1 r I [i J r [I ( I [ I :[I I [I 1 [ I : I r J I J ,I -----.-----------------------------------.--.-------------------------~-----------------------------~----------------------I I I J I I [ [I I I J J IrIIJI I I I 1 [I [ I I I I I I J [IrII[I 1 J J I I I [ 10F3----------------------------------------------·----------------------------------------------------~------------------------1.005 1.05 1.2,2.0 5.0 RECuRRENCE INTERVAL IN yEARS Tonsina R.at Tonsin3 THAFE PARAMFTFR LOG-NnR~Al DISTRIRUTlnN-WITH 95 peT Cl PARAMETERS ESTIMATED RY MAXIMUM l.IKLIHOODIOF5---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 ------------------------.--------------------------------------------------------------------.------------------------------ R ------------------------------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------r I I J ;J I I I I I I 7 ----------------.------------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------~----------6 PreDared by: F=lS,M,CONSULTANTS.INC. ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE TONSINA RIVER AT TONSINA FIGURE:A.ll Prepared for: • Cl)ppL:r I~.n\~;(r Chllna r 1/r'r f P ~il ~•.[1 En L 0',-'1';~"~L ()I <,1 ~I ['IJ T [~':-1.11 1 II ')',r r'-I r ~R AI \~rF fl S (S T I {\~TE ~II Y '"X ("'.1'"LI ~L r II 0 0 ~ lnr~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------f)~~_ :.===================================:=======::=====:=::::::====:::=====::==::::::::::=:::::=::::::::::::::::::=::::=::::::::: ~-----------------------------------------------------------------------'--------------------------------------------------.-- I. 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ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE COPPER RIVER NEAR CHITINA FIGURE:A.12 • susi6/u4 ATTACHMENT B FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVES FOR MAXIMUM ANNUAL OCTOBER-MAY MEAN, INDIVIDUAL STATION Susitna R.at Gold Creek T 'If'r c ,,~r>'I.'[TF f'Lor.-II 0 II :1f.l.~I ~,T "I .>II r r r:'I -\ I 1 fI ~'.i'(r (I P A q ~'~F r F D ~F sri '·lld (D "y ..,x ,',,,.,L I r,r"()..,r, 1~r ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I ,I 1 I I ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sn£'.1 '1'1.?on.-,">n. 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OCT-MAY FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK FIGURE :B.1 Prepared for: i[j] Susitna R.n~~r nenali T<j I!(r PA fI MI r:T U,lOr,-fJQ II 'H l f)I S r n 1 PU T r OI!-\.![T H ')~r>eTC l P ~q HI U ~fI ~EST [II A T[D fl y rq XI r~IJ '1 l.f r l [>I n 0 f) ln r S----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------ ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~::=:==::::=::=:::::::::=::=:=::::::::::==:===:::~:=::::::::::::::::::::::::==::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ~-----------------------------------------------------------I I I l· r I 1 J ------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------------~ ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I S -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-------------- I, I ?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---------------- !l ----------------------------------------------------- r J I 1 I I I IIn:~~~~~~~~~~~~:=~~~=::=====~=======~=:========~~~=~=~=~=i==~~~~~~=======----!--- I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I J 1IlF~----------------~---------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------.-----------------1,(l[1S 1.05 1.2S 2.0 5.n·-In.2(1.sn.10n.200.500. rUIJflllHlr [PJT r flV.4l [tJ YE1\RS . x--nRSFRVED nA'~ n--E~TI~ATED DATA .--~S(CONF[OE~(F ll·'[TS Prepared for: R&.M CONSULTANT.5.I.NC. OCT-MAY FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE SUSITNA RIVER NEAR DENALI FIGURE :B.2 • -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_._-------------------------- Maclaren R.n2ar Pox50n Tlj~rr PAPJ\lIfTER lOG-rlQIl,"AL,nl~T"IIlIITr()I!-~'IlI!')';reT (I r II 11 ~II r T r 11 S E srI :\II T ~0 1!Y II II XII:WI LI r.l r II (\I)n 'nr~------------------------------------------------------------------------------:---------------------------------------------~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------._-------------- --------------------------------------------------------~---------------~-----~---~~----------------------...------------- 7 I~---:~----------------------------_ '; I~I XJIIX1 I I "'\'1 .I..._.1 1 : 1 1 1 ________,-:-::---'__-I.1 1 1 1 1 17~~~u----n----n nn nn _1 1 1 1 1 I· :i i::::::::::::::::::i::::::::::::::::::::i:::::::::::::::::::i::::::~:~~l~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~j~~~~~1~~~~~~1~~~~~~: ~ 7 .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 )--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 I r I J I I I I .( r I 1 1 I I I r I J 1 '0F~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o 4 _...-- - - - - -----------~- - - _...- - ---'-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...- - - - - - -"':'"- - - - - - - --[-- - -...- - - - --:--...- - - - - --.,..- - - - - _...- - - - - - - -...- - - - - - - - - - -...- - - ------------_..._----------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------.I' J ?-----------------------------_._---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I 1 [ I I r 1 I I I 1 I I I'OE?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.00S .1.05 1.<:5 2.0 5.n 1".20.<1.1nn.200.SOO. 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Prepared by: SusJtna R.nenr Cantwell L0r.-r:OrWAL DI~TPJrl'JTIOlj-\Jlr'l 'J r ,oCT CL 10~~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~6 ~-_ -------------------------------------------'------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------~-~---~------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------,'------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------------7--~---------- J '1 o J I r I I r1')r ~_.- r A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---------~----------------------- ? r [ I I I I 1 [I r I J [I·I 1 I I I I I r r I I I10[3--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-------------1.(1(15 l o ns 1.n ?n S.r\I".?0.c.(\.1'11".200.500. r.~C U'll'f I JeEl"r r l)'/1\L [I~Y(1\R 5 x--nf1SERVEll DIITA O--ESTIMATED 011111 ---95(CONFIDFtlU U'lJT-; Prepared for:Prepared by: R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. OCT~MAY FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE SUSITNA RIVER NEAR CANTWELL FIGURE:B.4 iffil . I ~ :' ':> 'l I I J ~_ 10EG------------~x I ~-----.------------------------------.-----------------~------- ,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---_._----------------- ~--------------------------------------------.------------------------------------------_._---~-------------~---------------- ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ )----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~=~===~=~====~=~~=~~~==~======~===~=i~~~=~==~==t=~~=~~=~~~===~~=~==~=~~===~=~=~=~~~~~=~ Chulitna \(.ncar Talk~ct"a r H r.r F f'A ~r,'.,~T [R L 'I :,-t I 'J ~.\'""I ~T ~I "I)TIC'J -~I 1 II ')S ! 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Prepared for: ~&M CONSUL.TANTS,INC. OCT-MAY FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE TALKEETNA RIVER NEAR TALKEETNA FIGURE:B.6 • Skwentnil R.ne.n Skwentna 1 "',-'·(\II/Ifll.OJ~Tlllnl)T[O'·J-~.'lT;1 ':lS rrl (I. 1 ,'I r,- - -...-...- -................_.....__......-...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.._...__........__....._.......-....- -...- -...- - -.........- -......-...- - - - ---...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..- - - - -.. 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R&M CONSULTANTS.INC, OCT-MAY FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE SKWENTNA RIVER NEAR SKWENTNA FIGURE:B.7 Prepared for: • Caribou Cr.ne~r S~tton 1 ,"'"r ,~n ,\"r T r R L 0 Ii -'lor:/,;:d.0'~J !/I "'IT J f)':-!,,f T II r;~I'(T 'I r.,I''':Ir r r R <,f S T I ;lItT r D "y 'I t.X r ,"J ',I I.(>:[I II ()nr,1.·'-'-----------_ ':------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------~-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------~--~-------------------------------------------------------------------- I J I 1 I I I I' J J ,I I I J r I -----------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------.-----._- I I I I 'I'I I I I I I 1 (1 J I I I I I 1 I l.I I I I I I I I (r I I I x 'X--O~~ERVED n~T~ r - -r S T1 ;,~T(n n AT II .--')'((OrHID(tI(E ll'IIT<; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- r. ,.------------------------------------------------------------._------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I _ I I ( r I J 1 '\r '- -I-----------1--------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ I, I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- r I I I I r (I r r I ((I • I I I I I I I I J I I 111'r1 •_ 1.,["\,;1.1)5 1.?~'~.r.,5.n 1'1..1'1.<:,1,1["\'1,200.500. /-E (UII "F(:(r 1:/1 r 'l V ,;l "J YI A II S R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. OCT-MAY FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE CARIBOU CREEK NEAR SUTTON FIGURE:B.8 Prepared for: liciJ L 6 2 ~ r.------------------------- 7 ----------------------------------------------------I Matanuska R.at Pa]~cr T II nr r:p n n....'f TE P lOG -Ji 0 n I-I Al ~I ~r n J n I)r I ,,~-l.'I r II ()~F CT n r n "/I Hf TE nS E srI 11 /I TEO It Y t;\X It"J'~L I '<'l I II r r,f)1nrS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.------ 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f -------------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------------_ I I I I'1 I I 1 J I I 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.--------------------------------------------- 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.----------------------------------------------J I I J I I I I I I I---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,,'I l r I I L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I I I I )---------------------------------~---------------------------------------I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I /----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• J I I I I I I I I I J I I I I ( I 1 J I l I I I 10f~---------------------------------------------------------------------I I I Io _ I I I I------------------------------------------------------------ I I I J I I I'----------------------------------------------------- I 'I I f---------------------------------------------------------------------------- J I 'I I I I I I -----~------~-----------_:_------~-_:_------_:_-------_:_---_:_----_:_----_:I I . 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OCT-MAY FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE MATANUSKA RIVER AT PALMER FIGURE:B.9 Prepared for: iID .....- t,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ I I------------------------------ I I J I I 1--------------------------------------------------------------------- I I ~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*-------- 1 I 1 I ,I I I 1 1 ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I1;,~-------- .--------------------------------------~-------------------------I Ir 1 J I 'Il!""'----II---------1------------------ t l~_ 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------- ~ Tonsina R.at TonRinB 1"r;c,-r 1\r 1\''iF ,E r.lor,-rJO R '·1 ft l 0 1ST <l I 1'1)T [ 0 Ii -I I I T I I 'F,r (T (I r ~"~:'C(~R<;EST I r·,.\1 E()'l Y n 1\):[:.1[fI'l I ~l I ""()0 1 '~~:::::::::::=::=:=::=::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::o ~_ ----------------------------------------------------------~------------------------_._-------------------------------------- I J I I .--I I J I I I I I j I I II~r?--------------------------------------------------_ 1.nn~1.05 1.2~~.O ~.n In.2n.~1.10n.200.SOD. rUlIHrFI:CF Ir;Trf?\lJlL [II vr.~~s x--nnSfRVED OI\TA r--ESTIMATED DATA .--'l'j(COlI,lOftier ll'lITS Prepared for:PreDared by: R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. OCT-MAY FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE TONSINA RIVER AT TONSINA FIGURE:B.10 • Copper R.near Chitna THRFF PARIlMFTFR LOG-NORMAL nrSTPlf'lJTI:1N-WITH 9'i pn n P~RA""FTERS EST '~AHn nY MAX IMIJM I.IKL 'HOOf)IOF6------------------------------------------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------------,IT·r I I ,I 1 1 I q ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,I ,I I I I l', I I I ,I I I I 1 I I I R ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------r I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I I I I I I lIT Irr[I I I I I 1 r ( b ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[(,J I I I I 1 I J ,[I I I I I I I J IrI,I I I I I I J J 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,,r J 'I I I 'I I I r I I I I I 'I I I I I I [[I I l 4 -----------------------------------------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I I I I r',r J I I I I I I 1 ,,J I I J ,•Irr,I I I I J 1 I I [,I I I I I J 1 ,I [I I r I I 1 I 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'J r I I J I'I [I I I Ir,,J I 1---" I r 1 ,I I .---II,,,I ,I ,,1 I 1 ,,,l~~I 2 i------------,--------------------------------------------------------,~---A-?--:------------r --i------j------I I ,I I I J ,I ,J I I I'II T ,I I .)(,,I 1 ,I I ,J I I rr[I 1 I I I [ I r r I I I I I , I,,I I I I I ( I ,I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I', I I I I I"I,I 1 I J I , I ,1 1 I I I I I r ,IIOE5----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.005 1.05 1.2';2.0 5.0 RFCIJRRENCE INTFRVAL IN YEARS . X--~A5fRVED n~T~ 0--F5TIMAT~D D~T~*--95(CONFIDfNCF LIMITS Prepared by: R&M CON5UL.TANTS.INC. OCT-MAY FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE COPPER RIVER NEAR CHITINA FIGURE : Prepared for: B.n iffil misc7/w8 ATTACHMENT C: COMPARISON OF SUSITNA REGIONAL FLOOD PEAK ESTIMATES WITH USGS METHODS Single1 USGS 2 USGS 3 Susitna Area II Cook Inlet Return Station Regional Regional Regional Period Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Station Location (Yrs.)(CFS) (CFS)(CFS)(CFS) Susitna River at Gold Creek 1.25 37,100 37,700 48,700 2 49,500 49,000 59,200 43,800 5 67,000 64,200 73,000 53,400 10 79,000 74,500 83,400 55,300 50 106,000 100,000 104,000 71,600 100 118,000 110,000 115,000 Caribou Creek near Sutton 1.25 3,310 1,910 2,510 2 4,500 2,480 3,620 2,670 5 6,120 3,240 5,130 3,680 10 7,170 3,760 6,280 4,200 50 9,480 5,050 8,810 6,210 100 10,500 5,570 10,500 Matanuska River at Palmer 1.25 19,700 20,800 20,400 2 25,500 27,000 25,700 24,000 5 31,800 35,400 32,500 30,500 10 35,200 41,000 37,400 32,800 50 41,600 55,100 47,300 44,600 100 43,900 60,700 53,300 Susitna River at Denali 1.25 14,000 12,400 15,900 2 15,900 16,100 21,700 18,100 5 20,200 21,100 30,000 23,600 10 24,100 24,500 36,500 25,700 50 36,600 32,800 50,900 35,600 100 43,600 36,200 59,700 rnisc7/w9 ATTACHMENT C (Continued) Single1 USGS 2 USGS 3 Susitna Area If Cook Inlet Return Station Regional Regional Regional Period Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Station location (Yrs.)(CFS)(CFS)(CFS)(CFS) Maclaren River near Paxson 1.25 4,450 3,760 4,880 2 5,150 4,880 7,180 4,960 5 6,800 6,390 10,600 6,790 10 8,420 7,420 13,300 7,660 50 13,700 9,960 19,800 11,200 100 16,800 11,000 24,000 Susitna River near Cantwell 1.25 24,600 25,400 34,000 2 32,300 33,000 42,500 29,800 5 42,200 43,200 53,600 36,900 10 48,400 50,100 61,900 38,400 50 61,700 67,200 78,700 50,400 100 67,100 74,200 88,500 Chulitna River near Talkeetna 1.25 33,100 28,500 28,200 2 37,800 37,000 36,200 42,600 5 45,100 48,500 47,100 53,400 10 50,400 56,300 55,300 56,400 50 63,100 75,500 72,600 75,200 100 69,000 83,300 82,700 Tal keetna River near Tal keetna 1.25 20,300 20,900 30,000 2 26,300 27,200 38,500 56,600 5 38,500 35,600 50,100 71,400 10 49,100 41,400 58,900 76,300 50 80,100 55,500 77,400 103,000 100 96,700 61,200 88,300 misc7/w10 ATTACHMENT C (Continued) Station Location Montana Creek near Montana Skwentna River near Skwentna Tonsina River at Tonsina Copper River at Chitna Return Period (Yrs.) 1.25 2 5 10 50 100 1.25 2 5 10 50 100 1.25 2 5 10 50 100 1.25 2 5 10 50 100 Single1 Station Estimate (CFS) 2,040 3,230 4,670 5,540 7,290 7,990 26,800 32,000 38,900 43,400 53,200 57,300 3,540 4,600 6,040 6,990 9,090 9,980 146,000 164,000 189,000 206,000 242,000 257,000 Susitna Regional Estimate (CFS) 2,520 3,270 4,280 4,970 6,670 7,350 23,600 30,700 40,200 46,600 62,500 69,000 4,820 6,250 8,190 9,510 12,800 14,100 127,000 164,000 215,000 250,000 335,000 370,000 USGS 2 Area II Regional Estimate (CFS) 1,130 1,700 2,500 3,100 4,490 5,470 15,700 20,400 26,500 31,100 40,400 46,200 2,130 3,040 4,260 5,160 7,130 8,490 146,000 165,000 191,000 210,000 246,000 265,000 USGS 3 Cook Inlet Regional Estimate (CFS) 1,580 2,220 2,540 3,770 19,400 24,600 25,800 34,300 1 2 3 Based on three parameter log normal distribution and shown to three significant figures Lamke j R.n.(1979)Flood Characteristics of Alaskan Streams,USGS,Water Resources Investigation,78-129 Freethey G.W.and n.R.Scully (1980)Water Resources of the Cook Inlet Basin,Alaska, USGS,Hydrological Investigations Atlas HA-620 susi6/u5 ATTACHMENT D REVIEW OF FLOOD FREQUENCY ANALYSIS, CONDUCTED BY DR.ROBERT F.CARLSON, UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA,FAIRBANKS .. .. - .. - - - ~nstitute of Water Resources UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS.ALASKA 9970 \ MEMORANDUM REPORT 81-22 To: From: Date: John Lawrence,Acres American Inc. Steve Bredthauer,R&M Consultants,Inc. Robert F.carlSo~ June 11,1981 Subject:Susitna Hydroelectric Project This report is in response to John D.Lawrence1s letter of April 3,1981, asking me to review the regional flood analysis conducted'by R&M Con- sultants.The review is 'meant to include: a)Validity of gaging stations selected for the regional analysis and their representation of the hydrologic region analyzed. b)Adequacy and limitations of the analysis in development of regression expressions and the assumed 3-parameter log nor- mal distribution. c)Validity of the shape,peak,and volume of the design flood hydrographs as developed. dl Discussion of review findings with Acres and R&M. The review is based on three reports which have been transmitted from R&M to Acres: a)Two letters from James Aldrich to Ian Hutchinson,Re:Susitna J:::, Regiona1 Flood Peak Analysis,Project No.052305,dated October 27,and December 22,1980. PLLASE,REPLY 8Y AIRMAIL UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA b)A letter from Brent Drage to Ian Hutchison,Re:Susitna Regional Flood Analysis,Subtask 3.05,dated March 9,1981. The time and budget constrain~s of the review contract did not permit me to conduct an independent computation and verification of the values contained in the report.Therefore,the review is based on the material as presented by R&M.Nevertheless,several key values could be checked by comparison with published information. 'i Part (a).Validity of selected gaging stations. The stations selected for regional analysis represent the transitional- continental climate zone of the Susitna basin.The Susitna basin's outstanding geographic characteristic is the combination of drainage from the south side of the Alaska range,the north side of the Tal- keenta mountains and the large flat boggy sub-basin north of Lake Louise. It is doubtful whether any other basin faithfully represents this type of hydrologic region.Of the twelve stations chosen for the regional analysis,the Susitna's hydrologic regime is best represented by: 1.Susitna at Gold Creek. 2.Susitna near Denali. 3.Maclaren near Paxson. 4.Susitna near Cantwell. 5.Chulitna near Talkeetna. 6.Skewnta near Skewnta. 7.Montana near Montana. -=:. 8.Talkeetna-near Talkeetna. -2- PLEASE REPLY BY AIRMAIL UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA stations that are not as closely representative'are: ~1.Matanuska at Palmer. 2.Tonsina at Tonsina. 3.Copper near Chitina. 4.Caribou near Sutton. The second group has been selected primarily on the basis of station distance from the Susitna basin and a different exposure to the coastal maritime climate.r do not feel the differences are great enough to warrant their exclusion from the regional analysis. Part (b).Adequacy of the regression expressions and the assumed 3-parameter log normal distribution. The assumed 3-parameter log normal distribution:Given the'very sparse data base of the Susitna area streamflow records in combination with the great variability of extreme values,an attempt should be made to model or fit the sample data with a theoretical distribution of simple construction and few parameters.The analysis indicates that either the log-normal (LN)or the three-parameter log-normal (3PLN)distri- butions are nearly equally satisfactory.The 3PLN distribution has the advantage of further adjusting for the skew by inserting a lower trunca- tion limit.I feel that,in view of the slight difference in pre- dictability between the two distributions,the LN ;s preferred because of its simplicity.The analysis is not greatly compromised by using a 3PLN distribution,but the small reduction of the total deviation does &:. -3- PLEASE REPLY BY AIRMAIL UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA not seem to warrant the additional complexity.-An inspection of rough frequency plots shows a good agreement between the fitted distribution and the sample points for both the LN and the 3PLN distributions.In summary,my preference for a frequency distribution would be the LN,but I do not see any great disadvantage in using the 3PLN. The regression analysis:The regression analysis which attempts to pre- dict the mean annual peak flow from watershed parameters has been carried out in a standard manner.A standard step-wise regression program has been used with up to twelve watershed parameters.Of the twelve,five ':parameters (drainage area,stream length,glacier area,mean annual precipitation,and mean annual snowfall)were shown to be statistically significant predictors of the mean annual instantaneous peak flow.Of these five,only the first three are directly related to.basin parameters. The last two are estimated values and must be calculated from nearby gages or yet other basin parameters.Of the first three,the stream length and glacier area are potentially strongly related to drainage area.Larger areas are expected to be longer and,in the Susitna area, they should be strongly related to higher elevation?and glaciers. Therefore,since drainage area is the most obvious predictor and far outweighs the others,it should be retained as the only independent predictor.The same reasoning holds-for predicting the mean October-May peak flow. There is one aspec!of the regression analysis which is puzzling.The usual reason for an analysis of mean annual flood versus drainage -4- PLEASE REPLY BY A - UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA basin characteristics is to allow a regional es~imation equation to be developed.Yet I can find no evidence of the completion of this equation or of its intended use.When using the 3PLN frequency model,three values of the sample must somehow be estimated (the mean,standard deviation,and skewness of the sample)or the three parameters of the distribution must be calculated (in this case the truncation level,the mean of the logs,and the standard deviation of the logs).I can find no estimates of the other two and only the Susitna at Gold Creek ;s used in the third memorandum. My recommendation would be to estimate the mean annual flood (or May-., October flood)from the drainage area and to use a pooled regional stan- dard deviation.and skewness to complete the description of the regional curve.The great sparseness of the data base must be constantly kept in mind and the most variable parameters pooled whenever possible. ~'In summary,unless some use is made of the regression exercise,which is not apparent in the three memorandums,I would not recommend its inclusion in the final report. Part (c).Validity of the shape,peak,and volume of the design flood bydrograph. The first step,a dimensionless comparison of the five largest hydro- graphs,seems to be straightforward and correct.I think the mean curve should be smoothed ~ut.a bit more,perhaps with a moving average method. -5- PLEASE REPLY BY AIRMAIL UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA The time base (which determines the volume)is not clear.Also,whether the base flow was removed from the peak prior to the plot is not clearly indicated.I was not furnished with Enclosure 3 (the fifty peak hydro- graphs),so it is difficult for me to make an accurate assessment. / V Although a flood peak versus volume relationship was established in Figure 7 of Memorandum 3,it is not clear whether the flood volumes were estimated from this graph or established independently through a separate frequency analysis.I assume a separate analysis has been made and the peaks and volumes,say for a 50-year return period,are matched to form the hydorgraph.That seems to be a logical procedure,but the volume under the stated flood·peak hydrograph should equal the corresponding estimated flood volume.There is no clear indication that this comparison has been made. In summary,the flood peak-volume analysis has been carried out in a satisfactory way,but the several points mentioned above should be cleared up for the final report. Part Cd).Discussion of review findinqs with Acres and R&M. I had preliminary discussions with Brent Drage and Tim Renschler of R&M Consultants about the analysis.My comments were essentially the same as those I have presented here.In late May,I had a meeting with Steve Bredthauer of R&M £onsultants during which we discussed the three memorandum reports in some detail.Again,the substance of my remarks has been presented here. -6- PLEASE REPLY BY AIRMAIL UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA Part (e).Some additional items for discussion. The instantaneous-daily flow ratio analysis seems to be logical and consistent.An average value of 1.1 for all stations would seem to be appropriate.The mean daily values should be used for the frequency analysis since they are stable and available in every case.Then the calculated ratio should be used when required. A comparison of the predicted values of mean daily floods for the 100- year return period from four sources compares reasonably well.The values are: Lamke's U.S.G.S.Report l20~OOO cfs U.S.Corp's Interim Feasibility Report 110,000 cfs R&M1s Lognormal Estimate 112,625 cfs R&M's 3-Parameter Lognormal 117,782 cfs These values are reasonably close,given the general vagueness which is a part of every flood frequency analysis.One can be fairly sure that the flood frequency analysis has been carried out correctly. Part (f).Concluding remarks. This memorandum report completes my review of the Susitna flood frequency report.r hope the comments will be useful for understanding the appli- cation of the frequency analysis and for preparation of this final ~. report.I will be willing to assist in any additional analysis which may be required or to answer questions about my comments. -7- PLEASE RE