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SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1980 -81 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT VOLUME 2 APPENDIX G - K FINAL DRAFT Prepared by: [Ii ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Infonnatlon Se Ie s Anchorage,Alaska L...--__ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY __----' VOLUME 2 APPENDIX G-DEVIL CANYON BORROW SITE INVESTIGATION G,l -BORROW SITE G H-SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEY -1980 I -SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEY -1981 J -AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION K-RESERVOIR SLOPE STABILITY ARLIS Alaska Resources Library & Inform lion Scmces Anchorage.Alaska - APPENDIX G DEVIL CANYON BORROW AREA INVESTIGATION EXPLANATION OF SELECTED SYMBOLS STANDARD SYMBOLS ~ORGANIC MATERIAL ~COBBLES 8 BOULDERS t~/I IGNEOUS ROCK ~SANDY SILT~-""\I ~ ~CLAY ~CONGLOMERATE WJ METAMORPHIC ROCK ~SILT GRADING TO .~.I?~..SANDY SILT ~E2]II ~SANDY GRAVEL, SILT ._,.._."SANDSTONE ICE,MASSIVE SCATTERED COBBLES (ROCK FRAGMENT S) LEJj SAND a MUDSTONE ~ICE -SILT EB INTERLAYEREO SANO 8 SANOY GRAVEL 0°0 GRAVEL ~LiMESTOI'IE ~ORGANIC SILT ~SILTY CLAY wfTR SAND°000 00 SAMPLER TYPE SYM BOLS SI •••••1.4 SPLIT SPOON WITH 47#HAMMER Ts.•SHELBY TUBE SS .14 SPLIT SPOON WITH 140 #HAMMER Tm.MODIFIED SHELBY TUBE SI •••••2.~"SPLIT SPOON WITH 140#HAMMER Pb ••PITCHER BARREL Sh •••••2.~"SPLIT SPOON WITH 340#HAMMER Cs .•CORE BARREL WITH SINGLE TUBE S••••••2.0"SPLIT SPOON WITH 140#HAMMER Cd ••CORE BARREL WITH DOUBLE TUBE S,.••.•14"SPLIT SPOON WITH 340#HAMMER Bs ••••BULK SAMPLE Sp •••••2.~"SPLIT SPOON.PUSHED A •.••AUGER SAMPLE Hs •••••1.4"SPliT SPOON DRIVEN WITH AIR HAMMER G.••••GRAB SAMPLE HI •••••2.~"SPLIT SPOON DRIVEN WITH AIR HAMMER NOTE:SAMPLER TYPES ARE EITHER NOTED ABOVE THE BORING LOG DR ADJACENT TO IT AT TH E RESPECTIVE SAMPLE DEPTH. TYPICAL BORING LOG 3D'TO-TOTAL DEPTH 9~ 26' SCHIST -GENERALIZED SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION SAMPLE LOCATION SANOY SI LT ___~APPROX/~~T£STRATA CHANGE Lillie loNoVisible Ice 13'-30'V.-ICE:,DESCRIPTION 8 CLASSIFICATION \72'~7"O/O'8~'9PCf'28~GP (CORPS OF ENGINEERS ME:THOD; \"" "".....UNIFIE:D ORFAA CLASSIFICATION "TEMPERATURE,of DRY DENSITY WATER CONTENT BLOWS/FOOT SAMPLE:NvM8ER SANDY GRAVEL BORING NUMBER __T.H .30-1~Eltv.274.6-£LEVATIONINFEET DATE lWILLED __10 _21.60 All Sample,S,__SAM,PLER TYPE ORGANIC MATERIAL 0 Consid.VIsible ICt 0-7 ICE+ML" ICE-SILT stimate 65%VIsible Ic. I 90,~6.2%STRATA CHANGE "'t':.-r.~-::"'~":"'::":-::'~--...L..__7' FROZEN GROUND SAMPLER TyPE .... Ss WATER TABLE --...-. 9* 11'0. DRILLING SYMBOLS WD: WL: W5: While Drilling Water Level While Sampling A8: TO: After Boring Total Depth ~Water levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the boring at the times indicated.In pervious unfrozen soils,the indic~ted elevations are considered to represent actual ground water conditions.In impervious ~nd frozen soils,accurate determinations of ground water elevations cannot be obtained within a limited period of observation and other evidence on ground water elevations and conditions are required. PAEPARED BY I PREPARED FOR· EXPLANATION OF SELECTED SYMBOLS SOILS CLASSIFICATION AND CONSISTENCY CLASSIFICATION:Identification and classification of the soil is accomplished in accordance with the Unified Soi I Classification System.Normally,the grain size distirbution determines classification of the soil.The soil is defined according to major and minor constituents with the minor elements serving as modifiers of the major elements.Minor soil constitutents may be added to the classification breakdown in accordance with the particle size proportions listed below;(i .e., sandy si It with some gravel,trace clay). no call -0-3%trace -3-12%some -13-30%sandy,silty,gravelly ->30% Identification and classification of soil strata which have a significant cobble and boulder content is based on the unified classification of the minus 3 inch fraction augmented by a description (i.e.,cobbles and boulders)of the plus 3 inch fraction.Where a gradation curve,which includes the plus 3 inch fraction,exists (samples from test trenches and pits)a modifier is used to describe independently the percentage of each of the two plus 3 inch components.If there is no gradation curve incorporating the plus 3-inch fraction (as in auger holes),the plus 3-inch material is described as a single component (i.e.,cobbles and boulders),and a modifier is used to indicate the relative percentage of the plus 3-inch fraction based on the field logs.The modifiers in each case are used as follows: Scattered -0-40%Numerous - >40% SOIL CONSISTENCY -CRITERIA:Soil consistency as defined below and determined by normal field and laboratory methods applies only to non-frozen material.For these materials,the influence of such factors as soil structure,i.e.fissure systems,shrinkage cracks,slickensides,etc.,must be taken into consideration in making any correlation with the consistency values listed below.In permafrost zones,the'consistency and strength of frozen soils may vary significantly and unexplainably with ice content,thermal regime and soi I type. Cohesion less Soils N* (blows/H)Relative Density Cohesive Soils N* (blows/ft)gu -(tsf) Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Dense Very Dense 0-4 4 -10 10 -30 30 -50 >50 20% 20 to 40% 40 to 60% 60 to 80% >80% Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff Very Stiff Hard 0-2 2 - 4 4 -8 8 -15 15 -30 >30 o -0.25 0.25 -0.5 0.5 -1.0 1.0 -2.0 2.0 -4.0 >4.0 *Standard Penetration "N":Blows per foot of a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches on a 2-inch OD split-spoon except where noted. Often the split-spoon samplers do not reach the total intended sample depth.Where this occurs the graphic log notes a refusal (Ref.)and give an indication of the cause of the refusal.Tight soils are indicated by a blow count value followed by a penetration length in inches.The presense of large rock fragments is indicated by a cobble and boulder callout following the refusal callout.In certain instances a blow count of 100+may be listed to indicate tight soils where total sampler penetration is possible with more than 100 blows per foot. PREPARED BY'PREPARED FOR' EXPLANATION OF ICE SYMBOLS Perct-ntage of visible ice has been grouped for the purpose of designating the amount of soil ice content.These groups have arbitrarily been set out as follows: 0% 1%-10% 11%-20% 21%-35% >35% No Visible Ice Li t tIe Visible lee Occasional Visible Ice Some Visible IcC' Considerable Visible'Ice The ice description system is bclsed on tha t rresen LeJ by K.A.Linell,and C.W.Kaplar (1966).In this system,which is an extension of the Unified Soil Classification System,the amount and physicdl clldracteristics of the soil ice are accounted for.The following table is a brief summary of the salient points of their classi£ication systel:',as ml)Jified Lll meeL the needs of this study. ICE DES C R I PT ION S GROUP ICE VISIBILITY a CONTENT SYMBOL SUBGROUP DESCRIPTION SYMBOL N v ICE Ice not visible Ice visible,<50% Ice visible,>50% Individual layer >6"thick * Poorly bo n ded or 'riabl e :No excess Well ~~e _ bonded I Excess I Ice indiVIdual Ice crystals or inclUSions Ice coat,n'il~ on partl cles Random or irre'ilu!arly ollenled Ice formations Stratified or dIstinctly oriented ice formations lei wi th SOil Inclusions Ice Without soil Inclusions V r ICE + soil type ICE *In some cases where thl soil is iCI poor a thin Ice layer moy be called out by Iplcial notation on thl 1011.i e.2"iCI lenl at 7' PREPARED BY I lR~&I'ME RAM CONSULTANTS,INC. EXPLANATION OF ICE SYMBOLS PREPARED FOA' G.l BORROW SITE G AUGER HOLE LOGS SILT GRAVEL \\'/TRACE SILT 0' ~--------4'30 ORGANIC MATERIAL ---------.5' Scattered Cobbles,11'-23' Boulder at 23',Refusal r...ll.;;..;.:.;L 23 'T.D. AH-G1 7-22-80 Sp Sp Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl ~'7ATER TABLE NOT Er1COUNTE~D filII CONIULTANT',INC. BORP'O~I ta.P Eta.G AUGER HOLE JlJ:-Gl Scale 1"=2' sp 5P 51 Sl Sl 51 Sl 51 AH-G4 7-22-80=-::rT....".;;...;;...----------O' 1 ORGANIC HATERIAL ----------0.5' 2 Seasonal Fros t .5-1.5' 53 SILTY SAND Ar-JD SAND II/TRACE SILT Gray-Tan________3' 54 89 SANDY GRAVEL W/TRACE SILT Brown to Gray,Subangular to Subrounded Refusal Scattered Cobbles,6'-11' Refusal Refusal Boulder at 11',Refusal Io..llo.~-------------ll'T.D. WATER TABLE NOT ENCOUNTERED BC'RRc~r Jl.REA G Jl.UGER ~CLE AH-G4 Scale 1"=2' 3.7%,130.9 Pcf.,GW-r,p __-_.30.0 SANDY GRAVEL Ref.,32/2" 22.0'-39.0.SeattereJ Coi..>bles 42.0'-44.0'Cobble Layer 44.0'-50.0'Scattered Cobbles L..L"--'-'-'''-L 55 .0 ' Water Table Not Encountered.T.O. 8h Sh Sh I-.-'-~i-+,.......-50.0' Sh 34,6.8%,98.7 pef.,SF SAND WITH TRACE c;ILT :;RAY 52.0'-55.0'Cobble Layer Eleva tion 982.0' ___15.0' Re f-.,-Cobble 12.5'Cobble 15 ..0'-22.0'Scattered to Numerous Cobbles and Boulders SANDY GRAVEL Gray SAND WITH SOMB GRAVEL Ai.'JD TRAC2 SILTGrayffi8ISP-SM ®lO,SP-SM (2)9,SP-SM ®13 ..SP-8M 0.0'="'_--r-....,."...--.,---------------"ORGANIC MAT2RIAL a.s' SILT WITH SOME ORGANICSANDTRACESAND Gray-Bro~1 1.S' Sh .'.lq'I'mA' 8h 9"."''- ':.:;~:: Sh .j;!' ~:.0 8h .'::'> :~b ~-: Sh ·:L.~:. '.':'" p",......:.. Scale:1"=4 PREPARED BY' R&M CONSULTANTS,tNC. BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH -G9 PREPA.RED FOR: Sp Sp Tm Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Elevation 980.0' 0.0'~~~~"'iCO)i:R~G~A~i~J=IrcC:iMq:AiVTr:ER"RRTIAALL---0 J I ILTY SAND WITH SOME ORGANICS Gray Brown 1.5' SILTY SAND Gray @)4,30.9%,72.7 pcf.,SM ®10,15.7%,89.6 peL,SH ~':'-:t+-~------~----6.0 '11,11.7%,94.8 pef.,SP-SM SAND WITH TRACE SILT GrayG06,22.9%,90.2 pef.,SP-SM __9.0' SAfmy GRAVEL WITE SC~TTERED TO NUMEROUS COBBLES AND BOULDERS Grey 1.:...:...:..,I;....L 19 .0'T.D. Water Table Not Encountered. PREPARED BY' R&M CON SULTANTS. BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G10· Scale:1"=3 PREPARED FOR: 16 _______15.0' __~5.0' 123.9 pcf.,8M GRAVELLY SAl'JD WITH SOME SILT Light Gray ®51 S~1 ®32,11.2%, P no 8M "'""-'-'-'-'-'L.J....\!:!;J --.J 1.a I T.O. Thermal Probe Installed to 31.0' Water Table Not Encountered. SAND WITH SOME SILT AND GRAVEL Light Gray @ Ref.,Cobble SILT WITH AND TRACt:; Browno (2)32,14.n,119.6 peL ,SM ORGANIC MATERIAL~r-----O.4' SOt-tE ORGANICS SANLJ ~~I-+-rc-...--::--------~--6.5 I 6 15,16.3%,110.0 pef.,SM ;x..,~r-T-~r------------O .0' Sh Sh PREPARED BY' BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-Gll RIM CONSULTANTS,INC. PREPARE 0 FOR' Scale;1"=3 6.8%,137.2 pef.,G~-GM ARGILLITE SILT WITH SOME ORGANICS AND TRAc£:;SAND Brown 0 9 08 ~5G,7.1%,143.2 Pef .•GP-GM 0.0' ORGANIC MATERIAL).,..,,....-0.3 I @52.GP-GM SANDY GRAVEL WITH TRACE SIL'I' 1iotM~~~_Gr_a y 10.5 I Loo=::::.L.JL....L 13 .5 'T.D. *Blow Counts Not Available 'I'hermal Probe Installed to 13.5 ft. Sh . Sh' P=40I-+-r.:-..,.-::-.,....--"..----------4.a I 5 14,SP GRAVELLY SAJ.'JD Gray S11 (08,SP \;..I.I.,~~--__------6.0' Sri S11 Sh Sh PREPARED BY I R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G12 Scale·1"=3' PREPARED FOR, -20.0' Gray SANDY GRAVE.L WITH SOME SILT 95 106 I S'Iv-SM GRAVELLY SA1,jD lHTH TRACE SIVf Gray 12,GM-SM 26.5'-35.0'Scattered Cobbles ... ..0 ... ~C?~35.0' T.D. Thermal Probe Installed to 33.0' '.6.,...~'?-~~~,.%25.0 S))'/j I'1Q\35 SW-SM./·0 Y:.:;J , ,o.·~.~. (I':.-.0.,0. Sh Sh pcf.,SW-SH pcf.,SW-SH -20.0' Gray SILT WITH SOME SANP AND SOME TO TRACE CLAY ORGANIC HATERIAL Sfu~D WITH TRACE SILT AND GRAVEL 11.5'-13.5'Scattered Cobbles ------------13.':)' SILT WITH SOME SAND Gray Gray O.S'~------------ ®13,18%,101.6 peL,S\!-SM SAND WITH SOME ORGANICS AND TRACE SILT Gray 0) *..Sh ';'.:'.;',@ 24 I 24.7%,98.G peL,SW-SM '.::.:: ~~~:...:-----------o.0'Sp ~:::~ .:..::~: Th1:*:: 1:-'.:.,...·.+......=-++--------------3.0 t Sh '?f!: .:":::::".: 7.0' W.D.~ ~ PREPARED BY'PREPARED FOR' R&M CONSULTANTS, BORROW AREA G AUGER HOI£Alf-Gl3 Scale:1":<:3' ______-23.0' SILT WITH SOME SAND, SOME TO TRACE CLAY AND TRACE GRAVEL • GrayoG7,23.5%,101.4 pcf.,M.L-MH ..... 29.0 r'=-...J...~~---' '1'.0. Iz::~~---27.5' 27.5'-29.0'Gravel and Boulders. .' Water Table Not Encountered Thermal Probe Installed to 29.0' 12.0'-18.5'Scattered Cobbles Gray SAi'JD WI'l'H SOME GRAVEL AL'lD TRAC.t.';SILT "O_R_GAl_-.J_I_C_MA_T_E_R_I_A_L O • 5 ' Q)PEAT Brown 0) @ -- 27,SM SAND ,H'l'H SOME GRAVEL AJ.'Jl)SILT Gray ®1'Ol,9.2%,135.S pcf.,SH 1 Ref.,Cobble,SP-SM ~,a..,I-b-~9.0' 10 44,9,9"0,129.5 pcf.1 5P-S M SILT VHTII SOME ORGANICS ~~oH-,..-...Brown 5.S' 4.5'I--:.--JI-I.;~----=------- Sp ;::::: AH-G14 8';,,-~2::,;9~-~U;,;1~--v.0 ' Sp 1 Sp ,.,,..--,."..., Sh ·_·0.-.2 89,7.0%,138.1 pcf.,SP-SM 23.0'-------- PREPARED BY:PREPARED FOR: BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G14 .R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. Scale:l"=3' TEST PIT/TEST TRENCH LOGS I 80+00 I100+00 o EXPLORATORY TRENCH NO.TT"G1 D t DISTURBED SLOPE j \ 47' j o 0 00 00Do 4Z'OISTURBEO SLOPE ! ..<iP}i@;;F00HfT0B7c<"(.p.:;;;(V"",<nS)}.S!·'"",1 00 -20 -25 t-"'"'-30~ z 0 ~-35"'...Jw -40 -45 160 ...00 , 150...00 I140+00 I 130 ...00 1 12.0·00 100%GRAI/EL GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS DATA LABORATORY AND FIEUl ESTIMATED GRAIN SIZE DATA,FOR EACH SOIL STRATA,HAVE BEEN PLOTTED ON THE ADJAWiJ TRIANG~LAR DIAGRAMS.INDIVIDUAL SAMPlIS APPEAR AS SMALL T~IANGLES AND THE DASHED LI NE AREAS ARE USED TO EST IMA TE THE RANGE OF TEXTURES THAT MAY OCCUR HITHIN EACH STRATA.THE DIAGRAM PROVIDES A BASIS FOR GR~PIHG THE SOILS AIID REVEALS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF )IFFERENCES BETlIEEN GROUPS. AS THE ENERGY OF THE FLUVIAL ENVIRON/'IENT DECRIASES <FROM A RIVERBED TO OVERBANK DEPOSITION}THE SOILS rOLlOH A "H" SHAPED PATTERN.INlTlATED BY A ~ECREASE IN THf COBBLE CONTENT AND AH INCREASE IN GRAVEL.CONTINUED DECREASES I~ nlE HIERGY Of THE DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT CAmS,IHURN, A ~ELAT I VE DECREASE I ~THE GRAVEL CONTENT,THrN lHE SAND CONlENT AND INCREASES IN THE SlLl CONlENT.DmlNG AND AFT(R THE DEPOSIliON OF THE SANDY AND SILTY OVERBANK DEPOSITS,ORGANIC MATERIALS ACCUMULATE IN SURFICIAL LAYERS OF THE MINERAL SOILS AND AS AN ORGANIC MAl. EXPLORATORY TRENCt- -ZO t- "'-25w~A z 0 ~-30 "'...Jw -35 I I 120+00 140-00 130+00 1l0~00 I 100...00 I90+00 I 80+00 I 70·00 I 60.00 50~00 .J ., L. -5 -\0 0+00 5 10 FEET ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiio I 10+00 NOTES: 1.REFEREilCE ELEVATI8NS FOR EACH TRENCH ARE ARBITRARY AND INDEPENDENT (0,0 FT,ELEVATION IN TT -G1 DOES NOT CORRESPOND nUHE 0,0 FT,ELEVATION IN TT-G2)' 2,THE UNIFIED SOIL CALL-OUTS ARE BASED ON THE MINUS 3-INCH FRACTION,AND WHERE APPROPRIATE ARE AUGMENTED BY DESCRIPTIONS (1.E.SCATTERED &NUMEROUS)OF THE PLUS 3-INCH FRACTI ON.THE TERM SCATTERED IS USED WHEN LESS THAN 40%OF THE SOIL IS COMPOSED OF COBBLES OR BOULDERS, WHI LE NUMEROUS IS USED FOR COBBLE ANT)BOULDER CONCENTRATIONS ABOVE 40%,'- SANDY GRAVEL AND GRAVELLY SAND WITH TRACE SILT AND NUMEROUS COBBLES AND SCATTERED BOULDERS (SW,SP,liP, GWL EXTREMELY COARSE GRAINED (OVER 60%COBBLES AND BOULDERS)RIVERBED AND/OR ALLUVIAL FAN DEPOSITS OF THE SUSITNA AND CHEECHAKO STREAM SYSTEM:SIMILAR TO STRATA O. 5 DESCRIPTION ORGANIC MAT (PT).BLACK TO DARK BROWN PARTIALLY DECDrIPOSED AND UNDECOMPOSED VEGETATIVE MATTER; COMPARABLE TO THE "0"SO IL HOR IZON. ORGANIC SILT (OU.RUSTY BROWN SILT CONTAIlWtG THE EXTENSIVE ROOT SYSTEM OF T:iE SURFACE BRUSH;C!Jl- PARABLE TO THE "B"SOIL HORIZON. SILT WITH SOME SAND AND SANDY SI LT (MU.INTER· LAYERED (~"TO 3"LAYERS)WITH BROWN OVERBANK (FLOODPLAIN COVER)ALLUVIAL DEPOSITS. SAND (SP),VERY WELL SORTED,GRAY,SAND LENSES OCCURRING WITH THE SILTS OF STRATA C• ORGAtm SILTY SAND (Sru.SLIGHTLY ["()RE COARSE- GRAINED EQUIVALENT OF STRATA B,CONTAItlI*i A ROOT SYSTEM;COMPARABLE TO THE "B"SOIL HORIZON. SAND WITH SOME SILT (SM).BROWN,SLIGHTLY i'IlRE COARSE-GRAINEIi EQUIVALENT OF STRATA C,AND OVERBANK FLUVIAL DEPOSIT OF THE SUSTTNA AND CHEECHAKO STREAM SYSTHIS. SANDY GRAVEL (GP-G\fn.BROWN TO GRAY SANDY AND GRAVELLY FLUVIAL DEPOS ITS,PROBABLY GRADATIONAL BETWEEN THE RIVERBED AND OVERBMK DEPOSITS OF THE SUSITNA MD CHEECHAKO STREAM SYSTEMS. SANDY GRAVEL WITH SCATTERED TO NUMEROOS COBBLES All!! SCATTERED BOULDERS (GP,GW,SP,SW),VERY COARSE- GRAINED <uP TO ABOUT 50%COBBLES AND BOULDERS)R~VER­ BED AND/OR ALLUVIAL FAN DEPOSITS OF THE SUSITIiA AN!! CHEECHAKO STREAM SYSTEI'IS, ~l ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY_J SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SCALE - • -20 -15 -10 I 20+00 -25 0+00 I 30+00 I 10+00 I 40+00 5 o BOULDER -5 ...------STRATA CONTACT &SAMPLE LOCATIONS &SAMPLE NUMBER ~GRADATIOIIAL STRATA CONTACT I 20+00 _~CONTACT BETWEEN UNDISTURBED ,/STRATA AND DISTURBED (FAI LING) _-'TRENCH WALL-DOES NOT CORRESPOND TO A STRATA CHANGE. I 50+00 1 30+00 I 60+00 I 40+00 TRENCH ND.TT-G2 I70+00 !'FOR EACH ,TRIANGULAR 'TRIANGLES [THE RANGE ,THE DIAGRAM [VEALS THE iASES (FRDrI ,tOLLOW A "W· ;COBBLE iDECREASES IN iSES,I N-TURN, tN THE SAND lRING AND lERBANK fICIAL LAYERS I I I i i I Ir-G1 I EXPLORATORY TR.NCH G80LOGIC-BECTION. BORROW AR.A G a.VIL CANYON DATE PREPARED •.,. D.....TE JAN.1982 IIIEV. 1\ '"""'" r L -r LABORATORY TEST DATA c '~<--l PROJECT NO. 052506 R$M November 10,1981 Client:Acres American,Inc.CON S U L TAN TS ..INC. DATE PROJECT NAME Sus;tna Hydroelectric PAGE NO.1 of 3SUMMARYOFLABORATORYTESTDATAPARTYNO. RE~·IDEPTH =WET DRY MOISTUN~t9E-l t:iI P-!01 ~....-l ~2"1~"1"¥4"1/2"¥8"#4 10 20 40 80 100 200 Zp-!L.L CLASS ~ONTENr:UJ H ril 0 '~:z:(feet)I I ~U)DENSITY DENSITY ::;,%8 ::r::.~;::to M Irr'T'~1 2 5.0'100 67 67 63 59 56 52 48 35 20 9 6 2 2 0.9 l2.73 SP-SW ***SP-SWTTG1316.0'"72 29 29 29 27 26 23 22 1(;1 n 7 5 3 2 1 4 o 7h TTG 1 4 25.5'100 96 86 72 54 42 12 4 4 2 6 b 7? GW2387 TTG 1 5 37.0'100 57 57 45 40 ii ?h 7 1 ~~76 GW5654525048?L1 TTG 2 1 2.5'11 nn 99 98 92 87 84.8 t2.8?ML-MH TTG 2 2 6.0'100 99 82 40 14 2 1 0.4 l:L 78 SP TTG 2 3 6.5'100 97 76 60 58 52 47 38 23 9 7 2 2 1 3 I:>R7 GP TTG 2 4 8.0'57 26 26 26 23 22 20 18 11 q S ?1 Q 0.7 R.86 SP16 TTG2 5 15.0'51 30 30 26 23 21 18 16 12 9 5 3 1 1 0.5 R.87 GP TTG 2 8 18.0'80 57 55 51 44 38 32 27 20 16 12 7 4 3 1.2 2.79 GW I_. TTG 2 9 24,5'81 52 52 47 41 36 31 27 21 16 12 9 4 3 1.3 2.33 GW ~HG9 4-8 3.0-10.100 96 96 94 94 93 82 f)S 48 if)1?17 1 1 ?J !:;L1 SP ~HG 9 14 45.0-46.100 67 64 58 43 39 34 29 20 11 3 3 1.7 J.53 GW-GP 135.7 130.9 3.7 lAHG.9 15 50..0-51.100 86 38 9 7 4.2 D.79 SP 105.4 98.7 6.8 ID.pr-Ie 1 'S 1.5-6.0 ~OO 99 99 98 84 75 36.1 g.63 SM lAHG lC 4 3.0-4.5 qLl.1:\7??30 q IAHG lC 5 4.5-6.0 103.7 89.6 15.7 lAHG Ie 6-8 6.0-9.0 !loa 95 89 85 39 29 9.1 D.64 SP-SM REMARKS:*9"-12" **3"9" NOTE:SIEVE ANALYSIS:PERCENT PASSIN( PROJECT NO. 052506 R¢M DATE November 10,1981 CLIENT:Acres American,Inc.CON S U L TA N T S,INC. PROJECT NAMESusitna Hydroelectric PAGE NO.2 of 3SUMMARYOFLABORATORYTESTDATAPARTYNO. DEPTH WET DRY IMOISTUR 211 ..1'"16 CLASS CONTENT (feet')1/2 1"3/4''1/_2 fl 3/8"#4 20 40 80 100 200 L.L DENSITY DENSITY % 6.0-7.5 105.8 94.8 11.7AHG106---~- AHGIO 7 7.5-8.5 110.8 90.2 22.9 AHG11 6,7 6.5-9.5 100 98 95 83 74 61 50 33 29 17.9 SM AHG11 6 6.5~8.0 128.9 110.8 16.3.. AHG11 7 8.0-9.5 137.2 119.6 14.7 AHG11 9-11 15.0-31.0 100 93 89 86 79 66 55 46 40 26 22 14.1 8M------_.. AHG11 8 15.0-16.5 143.3 128.9 11.2_. - AHG12 5,6 93 86 82 79 66 56 45 36 21 16 2.4 SP4.0-6.0 100 AHG12 7-9 6.0-9.5 100 91 80 74 64 60 47 38 29 23 15 12 8.1 GP"";,,GM AHG12 7 6.0-7.5 146.5 137.2 6.8 AHG12 8 7.5-8.5 153.3 143.2 7.1 AHG13 4-7 3.5-9.5 100 97 96 93 86 72 56 25 20 11.4 SW~SM AHG13 7 8.0-9.5 121.9 97.1 25.5 AHG13 4 3.5-5.0 122.9 98.6 24.7 AHG13 5 5.0-6.5 119.9 101.6 18.0 AHG13 6 6.5-8.0 121.0 100.7 20.2 AHG13 8 15.0-16.5 100 99 97 97 93 92 75.5 ML-MH E REMARKS:_NOTE:SIEVE ANALYSIS =PERCENT PASSINl ];,.1 I I J ~I I I c __I J '--~"1 '~l ')] PROJECT NO.052506 R¢M DATE November 10,1981 CLIENT:Acres American,Inc.CONSULTANTS,INC. Susitna Hydroelectric 3 of 3PROJECTNAMEPARTYNO.PAGE NO,SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST DATA RE T ~=WET DRY ~PI¥TU~ril DEPTH N \0U)H P-l •(feet)ri I 2"1~'1"3/4"1/2'3/8"#4 10 20 40 80 100 200 CLASS DENSITY pENSITY !'-'ON ENrilO:2:;0 I L.L P.I~::r::,::c:z %en ~M ~HG13:9 _20.0-21.~100 98 84 72 60 58 47 45 36 33 24.9 GM-SM AHG13 10,lL 25.0-32.b 100 88 82 77 73 69 67 53 43 33 20 18 11.4 SW-SM AHG14 8,9 6.0-9.0 100 88 88 87 84 82 78 72 61 50 35 29 14.3 SM AHGl:4 9 7.5-9.0 148.1 135.5 9.2 AHG14 10 9.0-10.100 98 93 88 80 68 56 47 33 22 8.2 SP-8M 142.3 129.5 9.9., AHG14 11 15.0-16.(100 82 77 70 59 48 38 33 22 13 6.5 SP-S.M AHG14 12 20.lr21.100 95 91 85 75 64 54 46 28 19 6.5 SP-8M 147.7 138.1 7.0.__.--'---_. AHG14 13 25.0-26.100 98 96 94 93 91 87 85 82.9 49 16 ML-MH 125.2 101.4 23.5--f-. '--' r- -- REMARKS:_NOTE:SIEVE ANALYSIS:PERCENT PASSIN 1 U.S.Standard Sieve OpenlnVlln Inches u.S,Standard Sieve Number I Hydrometer >. .Q o 20 30 90 10 ~ CJl '$ 40 ~ 80 50 ~1Il ~oou 60 -c ~c.> ~ &l 70 Q. QOOlloo0.0050.010.05QI eo 100 ZOO 27040 o,~ 20104 ~K)50 3 2 11/2 I 3/4 1/2 3/8 100 12 9 6 500 ..-- 't\I \"........r--..,~,~~~IJ.-~I I I -I-r--t--...."~ ~\\\~~\\"\\~kl\,I---r-.~~---r--'\~~I\,--...., \'\\\~~~\I\~"~~I\r---I'-I\-----"\- \\\\\~\-.\I\~I-..~r---~~"\,"'-\"'I'-.'\"""\- I ::-- \\\\\1\\~"\'t'---.~\~~~~~"'-."-...\"'-1\\"'\1\ \\"~\f\\~~I"r\""" "l::~~\'~\\\i'-.. ~\\'1\.1-t--..I~\\\~!":;t-~~~~I\k \\ ~\i\\'"~\~\"'\,"~~\~\1\'i'---~"-. \~~r\.~~\"1'1\\~~~"'","",1\'\\ \........ \\1'-1-~ ------- ~1'\i'-....~"'~~'"fS~~r\\h ~"[\ \\""" '\\,~f-"'-...............",~~~~~[\\\"I\.f-r----\\"","",'"~~~~~""~~-\~l\\1\"~"~r--.~"\..""~~'"I\,"~'"~~\\t---...............1"--.. ~~......~~~r--r--.,,~r"'-.~~\ """-I---,"I\,~"""""""i'-~~~~~~\~'\........~I::,.f\~""'i"-t-.. ~~~......~~~~~\I'---,~~~~I I~-:::::~~~r--.~1'-1'..1\~",~~.... .......r-----~~~~""I-:>~}~\~~~'r--~~Io-~"i::---~l'i;;to.,........r-:--..::::::~".\--~~~ r---r--.:-..:- °'000 80 90 100 30 20 10 70 ~40u ~ ~ Q.. -.c:. at 'i ~60,.. .Q ....~50 G: BOULDERS I COBBLES GRAVEL Coarse I Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAMPLE NO.I CONTENT y DENSITY LL PI CLASSIFICATION 8 DESCRIPTION BORROW AREA G COMPOSITE GRADATION CURVE DRAWN BY: APPROVED BY: DATE: PROJECT NO. C~~"~)")'} US.Standard Sieve Openings in inches U.S.Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer 50 20 10 o -J;:. 01 '4) 40 ~ >...c 80 30 90 l.. Q) ~oou 60 -c Q) ~ Q) 70 a... 0.001 1000.0050.010.05QI0.!5510!50100!500 ----"--.~~------ I I '\I II I I I II II I I I I I \ \ )\ i\ ,1\ ~+-~ "'"~ , ~rG.. ~~ '~ I 'r-...-- '""-,- I "'"--'")""I ~--c------ lei-I--'"'-f-.Q r---.I--.c..-"'.I,...I01000 10 20 70 90 30 100 80 >- .Q -&. Ot "i) ~60 -c~40 ~ II) Q. ..... ~50 u:: BOu..OERS COBBLES I GRAVEL I SAND I FINES ~ Coarse I Fine I Coarse I Medium I Fine Silt Sizes ~SiZeS SAM P LE NO.I CONTENT TT-G1 #2 y DENSITY LL PI APPROVED BY: PROJECT NO.052506 DATE:Dec.1981 BORROW AREA G TEST TRENCH TT-61 II..------..I DRAWN BY:J MIIIII• • I U.S.Standard Sieve Openings in Inches U.S.Standard Si.v.Numb.r.Hydrom.t.r o 10 30 20 ....c Cl 'i) 40 ~ >. ~ 90 80 ~ 50 Q)III...oou 60 ...c:: QJ (.):u 70 Q.. 0.00,'000.0050.010.05QIO.~~K)~100~oo I 9 6 :3 2 11/2 I 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 80 100 200 270 I I I I I I I I'II I I I I I I 1\ \ I \ \ ~ \ \ .\ \-\ \ I 1\ 1\ I ~-~f0. )~Gl r--..........Ie... ..............~14----fe--....~r---~ 10 °1000 >. ~ ~50u: 30 20 70-.r:. at.; ~60 80 90 100 -C t)40 ~ Q) 11. BOLLDERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAM PLE NO.I CONTENT y DENSITY LL PI CLASS CLASSIFICATION a DESCRIPTION TT-Gl #3 sp-sw GRAVELLY SAND WITH TRACE SILT AND NUHEROUS __-.COBBLES I I I I I I I I ----t DATE:Dec.1981 ~OJECT NO.052506 APPROVED BY:BORROW AREA G TEST TRENCH TT-G1 II,I I I I -------.-i DRAWN BY:J .11.I J J J J US.Standard SI .....Openings in Inches u.S.Standard Sieve Numb.r s Hydrom.t.r o 30 20 10 50 90 -s::. 01 -ij 40 ~ >. A 80 ~ t) ~ ~oo l> 60 4- C Q) ~ Q) 70 a.. Qoo,IOO0.0050.010.05QI0.55()50100500 12 9 6 3 ,11/2 I 3/4 1/23/8 4 10 20 40 80 100 200 270 I I I ",II I I I I II I I I I I Ira \ _.f\ \ \ ~ \ \ \ I , \ ~ \ \ I r\ 1\ I ~I~ ~h II---b.-ovr---f--r.\._ IV1 10 °1000 20 30 80 100 70 90 ~50u: >. ~ -~40o ~ t) Q. -.. 01 'i ~60 BOll.DERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAMPLE NO.Y CONTENT I DENSITY LL PI CLASS CLASSIFICATION a DESCRIPTION TT-Gl #4 1 I I I I GW GRAV.8L WITH SOME SAND BORROW AREA G TEST TRENCH TT-Gl DRAWN BY:J .M. APPROVED BY:T.I. DATE:Dec 19d1 PROJECT NO.05LS06 ~~ \ us.Standard Sieve Openings in Inches u.S,Standard Sieve Number s Hydrometer o 10 30 20 -~ 01 'ij 40 ~ >. ~ 90 80 ~ 50 Il~ ~oou 60 -c: Q.l ~ Il 70 a.. QoollOO0,0050,010,00QI0.0eK)00100eoo 20 30 70 80 10 90 0 1000 100 -~ 01 'ij ~60 >. ~ -c~40 ~ t) Q. :u 50cu:: BOLLDERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAMPLE NO.Y CONTENT I DENSITY LL PI CLASS CLASSIFICATION a DESCRIPTION TT-Gl #5 GW SAND WITH SOME GRA~L AND;,.NUMEROUS COBBLES I BORR01.v AREA G r:J1EST TRENCH TT-G-l DRAyvN BY:J .M. APPROVED BY:T.I. DATE:Dec.1981 PROJECT NO.052506 ~I j J "ccL~1 ,I ) ~'~""~'l -)'1 U.S.Standard Sieve Openings in Inches U.S.Standard Sieve Number s Hydrometer ... C1l III L-oo U o 30 10 c C1l U '-Q) 70 0.. 90 50 -r:. 0' 'i 40 ~ >....c 20 80 60 0.001 100 0.0050.010.05QIo.~~K)50100~oo 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 I 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 80 100 200 270 I I I I I II I I I II I l..l ~I I I ..........--....""'t ~- l -- -- )j-- -------- _.. 10 °'000 ~50 u: 70 90 30 100 80 20 ~ 0-.; ~60 -c:~40 ~ I) a.. >....c BOu..OERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAMPLE NO.y CONTENT I DENSITY LL PI CLASS CLASSIFICATION B DESCRIPTION TT-G2 #1 ML-MH SIL'r ~vrl'H SOME SAND AND CLAY BORROW AREA G TEST TRENCH TT-G2 DRAWN BY:J.M. APPROVED BY:T.I. DATE:Dec.1981 PROJECT NO. US.Standard 51elle Openings in Inches U.S.Standard Sielle Numbers Hydrometer ~v ~oo U 50 o 20 30 -.c 011 'Qi 40 ~ >. ..Q 10 90 ...c:: (l) ~ Cll70a... 80 60 0.001 1000.0050.010.05Ot0.!S5K)!So100!SOO 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 I 3/4 1/2 '8 4 10 20 40 80 100 200 270 I I I I II I I I '!'r-I--f\I I I I I ~ ~ I '\ 1\ I \ \ I \ \ \\ ~'\ \ I \ )\ \ ~r--..... ~ ''0...-.:..( 10 °1000 20 70 90 80 100 30 -s::.o CD ~60 >. ..Q Qj 50c:u::-c::~40... CDa.. BOLLDERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAMPLE NO.Y CONTENT I DENSITY LL PI CLASS CLASSIFICATION a DESCRIPTION TT-G2 #2 SP SAND BORROW AREA G TEST TRENCH TT-G2 DRAWN BY:J .M. APPROVED BY:T.I. DATE:Dec.1981 PROJECT NO.052506 _J ,J -)_J 1 us.Standard 511\11 Openings in Inches U.S.Standard Silve Number s Hydromat.r .... CD ~oou 20 o 10 30 50 c Q) ~ C1l 70 n.. -.z::. OIl 'i) 40 ~ >. .Q 80 90 60 0001'000.0050.010.05010.55()50100500 ,...-,...----Ie;~a iJ e.II/e.I ,,/~I/e."/0 At IV e.V ..v ov IV\)e.vv c.rv I I "'r--...~II I I I II II I I I I I 1\ \ \I ~ \ \ \ ..........~ I ~"a 'r--,. II" I "'- ""~", "'""- 0~--k I--.---f..a.J.:L 10 0'000 ;50cu: 30 90 20 70 80 -&; 01 CD ~60 100 -~40o "- CD Q. >. .Q BOLl.DERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAM PLE NO.I CONTENT I DENSITY LL PI CLASS CLASSIFICATION 8 DESCRIPTION TT-G2 #3 GP SANDY GRAVEL DATE:Dec.1981 i DRAWN BY:J .M. APPROVED BY:T.I.BORROW AREA G TEST TRENCH TT-G2 ,,,_•••",~••~~.~...",".~.!=I PROJECT NO.052506 I u.s.Standard Sieve Openings in Inches u.S.Standard Sieve Number I Hydrometer 50 80 20 10 90 30 -.c QII 'Qj 40 ~ >..c o .... II) ~cou 60 -c Q) ~ II) 70 a.. QOOIIOO0.0050.010.05Q/0.55K)50100500 U 9 6 3 2 11/2 I 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 80 100 200 270,I I I II I I I II I I I I I I I \ \.- )\ \1--1--- \ -- \ ~ \ \ I \ 1\ I 1\ Ia '"I,:, i"G-fe--.L\) 9 ~t-----t-=Jt-r-r--fQ.... ~r-----FaJ«I l"-t--I-c.:I r--re--e I i I 10 0 1000 20 90 70 80 30 100 >..c ~50cu:-c:~40 ~ II)a.. -s;;o'.~60 BOLLDERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes CLASSIFICATION a DESCRIPTION-..-...--..-...-.-----.--.....----------.ISAMPLENO.I 'CONTENT'"I DENsiTY I LL I PI I CLASS T'P-G2 #4 I I I I I SP I G_~~~.LY.SANP'..~~~~_~~CE SILT AND.NUMEROUS 'C012BLES I I I I I I I I I ------...__._.-.---_.•---------- BORROW AREA G TEST TRENCH TT-G2 , DRAWN BY:J .M. APPROVED BY:T.I. DATE:Dec.1981 PROJECT NO.052506 J '~""'-<1 '-""-~l •~.__tr~""W • u.s.Standard Sieve Openings in In ches u.S.Standard Sieve Number.Hydromitter 50 ..... J:: 01 'ij 40 ~ >. .Q 20 30 10 o 90 80 ~ Q) ~oo (,) 60 .....c Q) ~ Q) 70 Q.. QOO/IOO0.0050.010,05UI0.551050100500 I 9 6 :3 2 11/2 I 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 80 100 200 270 "I I I II I I I II I I I I I I 1\ -- I \ I \,--- \ \ -------",- I \ ..-,- I \ \ I ~ \ I \f-----'- 1\ I r\,- "'El. ---I--- )~Q.-----~~I f ............... Ii>----e ----b -I--.I-.Gi ---- -\iI--E) --0'000 10 -~ 01 'i) ~60 20 90 70 80 30 100 Qi 50c:u: >. .Q -~40o ~ II) Il.. BOLLDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND ~----FINES =--==--..----~ Coarse Fine Medium Fine I Silt Sizes !Clay Sizes PILLY DENSITYSAMPLENO.I CONTENT CLASS CLf-.SSi~~'2~TION B DESCRIPTION I TT-_~_2_iLJ I I I [GP QANDY---GRAVEL WITH TRACE SILT AND-;jUMEROUS COBBLES -------I APPROVED BY:T.I • DATE:Dec.1981 PROJECT NO.052506 DRAWN BY:J .M. BORRO~'J AREA G TEST TRENCH TT-G2 I I I !I !I .._.. .__,.._ I I I I I I -4==-.---r~~===·~~·--=-=-==--===-~-=----=-------_.._------I U,S,Standard Sieve OpeninQs in Inches u,S,Standard Sieve Number s Hydrometer t... Q) ~oo U >..a 20 o 30 10 -c: Q.l ~ Q) 70 0_ .c 01 'ii) 40 ~ 50 90 80 60 0.001 1000.0050.>50100500 I 9 6 3 2 11/2 I 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 80 100 200 270 "I\.r r I 'I I I I I II I I I I I \ \I I \ \ \ \j\ \ Q.......--""lil -----"I\."--------- I " --I f---------r----------- I ~-.1-----t----'\~ .......,-----r---- )!-----, ~.........---~r--I --.......... """G !'------~ _.~.1-1-0 --..ll-.,-'-----"_'--.___~__----_._ 10 °1000 20 30 70 80 .s=o 'Q) ~60 100 90 ,., .Q i 50cu:-c:~40 t... Q)a.. BOLLDERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine SAM PLE NO,I cONTENT'"I DENSrn I LL I PI I CLASS CLASSI F ICATION a DESCRIPTION I ·TT-G2 #8 I ~I I I GW..I SANDY GRAVE'L h"ITHNUMEROUS COBBLES ._._ I I I I I I ----_.._--------------- I I I I I I -- BORROW AREA G TEST TRENCH TT-G2 DRAWN BY'J .M. APPROVED BY ;-rr-.-r-.---1 DATE:Dec.1981 1 PROJECT NO,052~Ob--' J .J } /"'~'l --~-J ~--'--'1 "--'1 '~-'-''']_._-, J U.S.Standard Sieve Number su.s.Standard Sieve Openinos in Inches Hydrometer 4 10 20 40 80 100 200 270100II'I ~IIIII r III I II I III1II I I I I 1111"'--'I I --,0 9011111114 11111111 11111111 I 11111111 I 11111111 1111111 I-+--10 80 111111 I:I 111111 I I IIIII1 i +----20 i:E __1m I :i :>. .Q~50tHmtE I ~H50 ~10- 111 ~oo _""I U~40"60 e ::Q..Q.l Q)•-(.J Q ~~30 \-.70 Q.. ~ ................!G.... 20._--~----I80 ~P---.....I +--_......- 10 -Gl.-......---l90..,.___..I o " "!I I I I !li..LL I I I I " " I I I -'-----L "I 11 1 r--~r:----f-Ie L J--~-~-j 100 1000 500 10050 kJ 5 I o.~01 0.05 0.01 0005 QOOI BOLLDERS COBBLES f GRAVEL I SAND ±-----~--iiJ Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium !Fine Silt Si;es ..ICloy Sizes CLASSIFICATION 8 DESCRIPTION SANDY GRAVEL WITH NUMEROUS COBBLES SAMPLE NO.~g~~~~~E Df~siTY I LL I PI ICLASS [j_T~2·..#9 I I GW i ------------ I I I I I I .--.-------...-~.--------_.._-- I I I 'i I .-.----.---._--------.----..---------.-----..- ~-----i;;;;~~;;;;lm::--c--~~~--~~--------i-~-~~=----~ TEST TRENCH TT-G2 I DATE:-5ec.-1981------ I PROJEC7"r-N'O.-65E"'TJ6------...__....;,;,,;,,;,;,,.,,'_~_.~'"~..OC'...." U.S.Standard Sieve Openings in Inches U,S.Standard Sieve Number s Hydrometer >. ..Q o 10 20 30 50 ~ Q) III L-oo l> 60 +-c:: Q) ~ Q) 70 a... .-.c. CJl 'il 40 ~ 90 80 0.00,1000.0050.010.05 200 270 OJ 80 10040 0.5 20104 5K>50 :3 2 11/2 I 3/4 1/2 3/8 100 12 9 6 500 20 80 30 10 90 0/000 70 100 ~50 u:: -.r::. Ol l» ~60 >. .Q .-c:~40 ~ l» Q.. COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes TRACE SILT SAMPLE NO.CLASS CLASSIFICATION a DESCRIPTION . AH-G9 #4-8 -'S"P-:sMl SAND WITH SOME GRAVEL ---I BORROvJ AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G9 DRAWN BY:J .M. APPROVED BY;T.I. DATE;Dec.1981 PROJECT NO.052506 J I ,_._J .1 J J u.s.Standard Sllve Openinos in Inches U.S.Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer 0 10 20 30 .......c 01 'Q) 40 ~ >. .Q .... -----i50 Ql ~ 0 0u 60 ...... C Ql ~ (l.) ~70 n... 80 90 O~OIIOO -TC~Y-~i?~~1 0.005 FINES 0.01 Silt Sizes 0.05 I I QI ~I I Fine SAND 0.5 Medium IJCoarseIFine GRAVEL 50 ~5 r Coarse I 100 COBBLES 500 BOll.DERS I t-o..._ 20 1 "I'-"-----tti I 111-1 11 1 I I+-+-I-I ~~-------W~I II I I I I I I-+-..........10 I ~ 0 1000 12 9 6 3,11/2 13/4 1/23/8 4 10 20 40 80100 200 27010011IIIrI'I II I 111 1 11 II1I I'11'1111 II 1-[--,-IIIII r I II I II I 1I11I1 I I rIll ii'I i I 30 "II I I I I ~+++I I I II I I I I I 70 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -1~I~01~60 "'1'\I I I I I I I I I 1+++I I I I I I I I I I I I I - ~\~50 \I11I1 I 11II 1111I I I I I II1II1 I I-t--- ~40 _~I IIIII1 I I I --++++++-+--1 1 ~ Qla. 80 II I I I I I'I II I I I I I I I H-I-+-+-+~---+--+---++-+-++-t-t--J-I---+----++++-t-I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -f-I I I I I I I I I I I SAMPLE NO.MUIS rURE CONTENT DRY DENSITY LL PI CLASS CLASSIFICATION B DESCRIPTION AH-G9 #14 3.7 130.8 GW-GP SANDY GRAVEL I I I I I BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G9 DRAWN BY:J .M. APPROVED BY:T.I. DATE:Dec.1981 I--I PRO,JECT NO.052506 U.S.Standard Sieve Openinos in Inches U.S.Standard Sieve Number s Hydrometer >. .Q L.. Q) ~oo U o 30 10 50 20 -.c:. 0' 'il 40 :t .-c Q) 2 Q) 70 (L 80 90 60 0.00,1000.0050.010.05010.5!51050100500 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 I 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 II'20 40 80 100 200 270 I I I I I I I I II '"I I I I I '""t\~ \ \ \--\ \ I \ I \---I ~ 1\ f----.._-I--f-. I \ \ )\ \ \ 'G--~ '"G) 10 0 1000 20 30 100 80 -.&= 01 Q) ~60 90 70 >. .Q Q:j 50c::u: ~40o... Q) a. BOll..DERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAND WITH TRACE SILT6.8 I 98.7 CONTENT CLASSIFICATION a DESCRIPTION-----------------------11 SAMPLE NO. AH-G9 #15 BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G9 DRAWN BY: APPROVED BY: DATE:Der~ PROJECT NO. ~.._~-J j )••J J 'I '~~l "'.~"'.~~]-----~l )] U.S.Standard Sieve Openings in Inches U.S.Standard Sieve Number I Hydrometer lo. /I) ~co U o 10 20 90 30 50 ...c: Q) ~ II) 70 a.. 80 -.c. 01 '$ 40 ~ >. ..Q 60 0001 100 0.0050.010.05 200 270 01 80 10040 O.~ 2010!l ~()50 3 2 11/2 I 3/4 1/2 3/8 100 12 9 6 ~oo .---.-.... I I I I I I I I II rl ,-'"'I'\. I J I '\ '\. \ I I'\. """ I \ \ \ \ \ 1\ I I b> I -- ) ~-0 1000 30 70 80 90 20 -.c 01 'CD ~60 100 10 -c: II)40 ~ II)a.. >- .0 ~50c: LL BOll..DERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine Silt Sizes [Clay SAMPLE NO.Y CONTENT I DENSITY LL PI CLASS CLASSIFICATION a DESCRIPTION AH-G10 #3-5 SM SILTY SAND I I I I I I --i BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G10 DRAWN BY:J .M. APPROVED BY:T.I . DATE:Dec.1981 PROJECT NO.052506 u.S.St andord Sieve Openings in In ches U.S.Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer ~ Q) lit....oo U o 30 10 -.c at 'Q) 40 ~ >. .Q 50 90 20 ....c Q) ~ Q) 70 Q.. 80 60 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 I 314 1/2 3/8 !10 20 40 80 100 200 270 I I I I II I I I II ~---I I I I Ir--.... ~ 1ilr--, '"'- '\ \ \ \ \ \ I I\ \ \ )\ \ 1\ 1\ I ti)10 100 -.c. 01 Q) ~60 30 70 80 20 90 >. .Q...~50u:-c:~40... Q)a.. 0.01°1000 500 100 50 D 5 O.~QI 0.05 0.005 0001 100 BOLLDERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAMPLE NO. AH-G10 #6-8 Y CONTENT I DENSITY LL PI SAND WI CLASSIFICATION 8 DESCRIPTION BORROvJ AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G10 DRAWN BY:J .M. APPROVED BY;T.I. DATE:Dec.1981 PROJECT NO.052506 j J .J _J .J ~"o_>1 --"OO·~-·l -1 --1 1 U.S.Standard Sieve Openinos in Inches u.S.Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer l... (I,) ~oo U 50 90 30 o 20 10 .....c. at Qi 40 :s: >. .Q -c:w ~ C1) 70 a... 80 60 0.001 100 0.0050.010.05010.551050100500 ~I T'jf-i -I T ---,'.- -1----1----J---+-l nm I[II I i CJL...--.-•+-~"I'",.)~~'-~' T".,_.I,I,1\I ',IT ,fiT T-rci rr----=R ~D.I 'TTTTi,I I I N.=f=e-1 -''T--' I T I I I Po.::1 ,_.,-1 -<--.-.-FFUI'-'r -'-~- l I ~c--+--~LI -I ,ffm=I~-I I e--~T J II I -I Ft=t ~l '-i-11 I -->---e--'r-I T-I Ti ~'--"-'-I 1- U fl '-J I I I m I I I e-e-~)U I +H-r ~---->+-,-,......,.l ~J T IIJJ I 1 ---- I \~.J +-- ,TIT I tfR I"1 ~r,1 "\~'-I~--~-~-l~I I I ,-+-L '--I Ift1~"~ff I L I 1 '\HEE---_of ~lr1-r-~ LIT-1 ~I III r'~---lrttt tf I ---.J-'J LJ .I I-~----f-----~,1,1if I T mi -ti-f ~~H 1-if-T T ~-1 I I I I J ~.,1 i-LL I I r I TIll I 1,1 tE 1ti T I .-~---__L_.JW --+--- L J I__rI__-J 0'000 10 70 90 20 80 30 100 -.&:. 01 l» ~60 -~40:: l»a.. :>.. .Q Q.;50cu: BOLLDERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAMPLE NO. AH-Gll #6,7 Y DENSITY LL PI SM CLASSIFICATION a DESCRIPTION SAND WITH SO!lli SILT AND GRAVEL BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-Gll DRAWN BY:J.M. APPROVED BY:T.I I DATE:Dec.1981 PROJECT NO,052506 US.Standard Sle ....e Openinos in Inches U.S.Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer >..c o 30 10 20 -.c 01 'il 40 ~ 50 90 80 L- a> ~oou 60 --c a> ~ Q) 70 Q... 0.00,1000.0050.0\0.05Qf0.55o50100500 'e.<7 'D ..J e.I '1..'I ..J/"I/~oJ/O -r IV e.v -rv av IVV 'vv "V I I I ""I I I II II I I I I I, ~ I \ ~ "\ '\ I i'\ .'\~ I "'"~ I ~ "'".....$ r"--r-.....,r-.......I - ""I '""" l ~-. .....................I '@ II --~--- 10 0 1000 20 -s::. 01 Q) ~60 100 70 80 >. ~ 90 30 Qj 50c iL-~40u ~ Q) a. BOLLDERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAMPLE NO.CLASSIFICATION a DESCRIPTION AH-G11 #8-11 GRAVELLY SAND WITH SOME SILT _ BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G11 DRAWN BY:J .M. APPROVED BY:T.I. DATE:Dec.1981 PROJECT NO ()52506 J J .]I ""'~"'1 r-'~1 ~--'-1 '''''-~'~-',""'-'1 \r~1 1 1 us.Standard Sievi Openings In Inches U.S.Standard Sllvl Numbers Hydrometer o 90 30 20 -.c: 01 'i 40 ~ 10 80 >. ~ ~50 (l)~oou 60 ......c Q) ~ CI.l 70 Q.. QOO,loo0.0050.010.0!5QI0.!5!5K>!50100!500 " ~'0 ~,IlL'I ~/"II'~/O ..IV 'V "'tV OV IVV ,vv ,rv I I I I ~I ,I I',I I I I I '\ \ 1'0... ~ ~ I'\.. I', """lD...'"~ ~ "'"-r-, ""~ """'"'\ I "-~ '\ \ '0 0 1000 10 70 90 80 20 100 -~40u-.., Q.30 >..c •50cu: -.c.o••~60 BOLLDERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAM PLE NO.I CONTENT AH-G12 #5,6 y DENSITY LL PI GRAVELLY SAND CLASSIFICATION 8 DESCRIPTION I ""f I I BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G12 DRAWN BY:J .M. APPROVED BY:T.I. DATE:Dec.1981 PROJECT NO.052506 u.s.Standard Sieve Openings in Inches U.S.Standard Sieve Number.Hydrometer 50 -.c ClIl 'Q) 40 ~ >. .Q 10 20 o 30 80 90 L.. Q) ~oou 60 -c:: 111 (,):u 70 CL 12 9 6 3 ,11/2 I 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 80 100 200 270 I I I 1 \'I I I I II I I I I I I \~ \ I I\. "\ '\., " I r'\, ~ ""-I "I, I ~ I"l ...... ........~ ""Q '">~ ~ r-..~10 90 100 70 30 80 20 -~ C'l l» ~60 L.. ~50 u: >. .Q -c:~40... l»a. 0.01°1000 ~OO 100 50 o 5 O.~QI 0.05 0.005 QOOllOO BOll.DERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAMPLE NO.y CONTENT I DENSITY LL PI CLASS CLASSIFICATION a DESCRIPTION AH-G12 #7-9 GP-GM!SANDY GRAVEL WITH TRACE SILT BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G12 DRAWN BY:J .M. APPROVED BY:'r.I. DATE;Dec.1981 PROJECT NO.0<;2506 ".J 'J .1 ~~J J ,,'J -]~I "-n~·-··l ,-····~·1 ·1 u.s.Standard 51.11.Openings in Inches u.S.Standard Sle\/e Number s Hydrometer >. ..Q L- CD ~ooo o 10 4- C CD ~ CI.l 70 CL 30 20 50 90 4-.c 01 ii 40 ~ 80 60 0.001'000.0050.010.05QI0.0oK)~O100~oo ~~...II'"...........-,--,-,~-~~~--._----...'-I I I I II II~~I I I I J I-~-- I'-.... ~-- I '"'""tGl '\~ ~-=1\ I \ \ 1\----- I \---I \ I \ \-- I '"-- ''0 I ~--L--0 1000 10 30 :u 50cu: 100 70 80 20 s:::. 01 CD ~60 90 >..c -~40 u ~ CDa.. BOl1..0ERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAMPLE NO.CLASSIFICATION B DESCRIPTION AH-GIJ #4-7 SAND WITH TRACE SILT AND GRAVEL I I I I I I I I I BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G13 DRAWN BY:J .M. APPROVED BY;T _I DATE;Dec.1981 PROJECT NO.052506 u.s.Standard Sllve Openings in Inches U.S.Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer >-.c o 10 30 20 90 -4- CIt "Qi 40 ~ 80 "-50 Q)~oou 60 -C Q.l ~ Q) 70 a.. 0001 1000.0050.010.05010.!5~K)50100~oo 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 I 3/4 1/2 3/8 i 10 20 40 80 100 200 270 I I I I II I I I I 11 A I I I rv r-.--~l \ \ I 1\ \.I' I I ) -- -- 10 °1000 20 30 80 100 70 90 >- .Q -.r. 01 'ij ~60 -~40u "- lD Q. ;50c: LA: 8Ou..DERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINES ~ Coarse Fine Medium Fine Silt Sizes ~Clay sjZeS SAMPLE NO.Y CONTENT I DENSITY LL PI CLASS CLASSIFICATION 8 DESCRIPTION AH-G13 #8 ML-:-MH I SII,T WITH SOME SAND,SOME TO TRACE CLAY APPROVED BY:T.I. DRAWN BY:eJ _M_ BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G13 DATE:Dec.1981 ,.._~••_~_.~,I I PROJECT NO.052506 ..J ,..J I ..~I J "'~"l 1 US.Standard Sievi Openlngl in Inches u.S.Standard Sllvl Number I Hydromlter L- Q) lit L..oou o 10 20 30 50 90 -.c 01 Qi 40 ~ :>. .Q -c: Q)o.... CIl70Q.. 80 60 0001 1000.0050.010.05010.55k:)50100500 L If 11 ,-~'. I I II II -.I ~1\I "T·--I-~_1 "I 1"1[1 --f.-\>-+-<-'-<-1 I -,-.,-T ---_.- .l I "-0=I 1 n \~I +-+--I----mtt~1 T ~-~--l =:~-l~P Il 1 '\~~e-'--1 ,~~'-'--T L~~I T -C:=:J c 1 I I I I 1 fTl -'"J -I I 1 ~-l----JL "1 ~----.J '-'-1 I -L ==f 1 ~-~I I·1 L-Jl 1Tf---l----.11-c---f.-~1 rr T I[1 I i(I .--+--r I I 1 _1 II i U 1,r-6 ~-1 I J:1~~'--H-"--- U I I II I I 1 1 1 -f.- 1 "I I I 1 n ~-lim-1 '"1 U --I I·1 I 1-l:~~I lIT-I 1 h:h-±P=~~'-I~~~RIR=FR't ~I+H ~t 1 1 ~~'"1T Till I I ~I 1 _J I ~I ',1 I I J 1::::1_1 ' J I IT;I ---+---ftt'-~~~1 1 F "'~M-~I 1~1 U I I I 1 111,1 r++-+---1LiL4-~1f J '--I I ~-- Will --r-r-II dHi:b II 1tt-H-'-fR 11 =t=ffi=F:-=.~-=m I I III LLI I I -e-Ii I I I I I 20 10 30 80 90 °1000 70 100 -.co 'i ~60 >. .&:II o 50cu: ~40o... Ga.. BOU-DERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAM PLE NO.I CONTENT AH-G13 #9 y DENSITY LL PI CLASS GM-SM BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G13 DRAWN BY;J .M. APPROVED BY:T.I. DATE:Dec.1981 PROJECT NO. US.Standard Sieve Openings in Inches U.S.Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer o >. ~ 10 20 30 50 -.c 01 'ij 40 :t 90 80 .... Q) ~oou 60 .....c CIl ~ Q) 70 a... 12 9 6 3 ,11/2 I 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 80 100 200 270 I I I I '1\II I I I II II I I I I I \-~"I ~ '\~ ~ l,j t-t-r--~ ""- ""'"......... ~ ....~ I "-", \ 'G "")"""r-..., r-......."(i) 10 30 70 20 -.&:. 01 "ij ~60 100 90 80 -c:~40 ~ Q) Q.. >. ..Q Gi 50c: iL: 0.01°'000 500 100 50 k)5 0.5 QI 0.05 0.005 aool'OO BOLLDERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAMPLE NO.I CONTENT y DENSITY LL PI CLASS CLASSI F ICATION a DESCRIPTION AH-G13 #10.12 SW-SM GRAVELLY SAND WITHTAACE SILT APPROVED BY;T.I. DATE:Dec.1981 PROJECT NO.052506 DRAWN BY:J .M. BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G13 I I'I I ,I .--.---.------.....-.-.I I J .,c]],',.J J ..] ~.~~··l '~~"~l "~''"'l ')) u.s.Standard Sllvl Openings In Inches u.S,Standard Sllvl Numbl'I Hydrometer 50 20 10 30 -J:: 01 'j) 40 ~ >. .Q o 80 90 l- (I) ~oou 60 -c (I) ~ Q) 70 ll. 0.00,1000.0050,010.050.10,55K:>50100500 12 9 6 :3 i::11/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 80 100 200 270 .- I I I I I I I II I 1 I I I \ \ a-i-a.__.- -Q.... ~~ ........a...... ~Il ~ ""I'.IG '", I "",,---"'I 1\'-\ l \-- \ .."'.- I \ )"--;"'-, '@ -- ----- 10 0 1000 I-~50 u: 20 90 70 80 30 100 >. .Q -.c. 01 'Ii ~60 -~40 o l- ll)a. BOLl..DERS COBBLES Coorse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAM PLE NO.,CONTENT AH-G14 #8,9 y DENSITY LL PI CLASS 8M I I I I I I I ...... BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G14 DRAWN BY:J.M. APPROVED BY:T.I • DATE:Dec.1981 PROJECT NO.052506 us.Standard Sle\le Openings in Inches U.S.Standard Sieve Number I Hydrometer o 30 10 50 90 20 80 .....r::. 01 'ij 40 ~ >. ..Q... lLl ~oou 60 ....c: lLl U W 70 0.. ----,..,-,-.--.---._---...--- I I I , ,,-'-I I II I I I I I, 'l; r-.. I ~r--.. ""i'.. """"", '"''Q I"~ ~ I \ 1\ ~\ '\ )~; '"'\ 'Q)10 100 70 20 80 90 30 -.r::. 01 CD ~60 >- ..Q Q;50c iL-c::~40 "- CDa.. 0.010100050010050K)5 0.5 QI 0.05 0.005 QOO,IOO BOLLDERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAMPLE NO.CLASSIFICATION 8 DESCRIPTION I AH-G14 #10 SAND WITH SOME GRAVEL AND TRACE SILT BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G14 DRAWN BY:J .M. APPROVED BY:T.I. DATE:Dec.1981 PROJECT NO.05250 c~-~~-l ~-J US.Standard Sieve OpenlnQII in Inches U.S 0 Standard Sieve Number II Hydrometer o 30 10 90 -r::. OIl 'Qi 40 ~ >. ..Q 20 80 ... 50 Q)~ ~oou 60 -c Q) ~ Q) 70 0., 0001'000.0050.010.05QfO.~~K)!50100~oo -c _ I I - I I I I -; c. I'I ceo ,I ,'I II \'I I'I - I 'I I \ - , ~I ~ \ I' 1'\ ~ ~r---.. - -......... [":-.." ) ~ I'€r-r--.. ) l~,r- "-J '"1"'- I I , !"'r-~- I I - r- -- 10 °1000 100 30 70 80 20 90 ;40 u... Q)a.. >. ..Q ~50u: -J:. CIl ".~60 BOLLDERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAMPLE NO.y CONTENT I DENSITY LL PI CLASS CLASSIFICATION a DESCRIPTION AH-G14 #11 SM-SF GRAVELLY SAND WITH TRACE SILT BORROWAREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G14 DRAWN BY:J oM. APPROVED BY:To 10 DATE:Dec 0 1981 PROJECT NO.OS)S06 u.s.Standard Sieve Openings in Inches U.S.Standard Sieve Number I Hydrometer o 30 20 10 90 -.s::::. 01 'i 40 ~ >.. .Q 80 50 ; III....oou 60 -c Q) ~ C1l 70 11.. /----.,,--,."--.~ I I I II ~I I II II I I I I I ""'" ,~ \ ) r-.., "~ "'I'.. "'",..,". ""'01'-. I r--.. ..........~ I \, i\ \ \ )\--:, ""I "1> 10 30 70 20 80 90 100 -~ 01 'i ~60 ;50cu:-c~40.... I) a.. ,.. .Q 0/000 ~oo 100 ~10 ~O.~01 0.05 0.01 0.005 0001 100 BOLLDERS COBBLES Coorse GRAVEL Fine Medium SAND Fine FINES Silt Sizes SAMPLE NO.Y CONTENT I DENSITY LL PI CLASS CLASSIFICATION 8 DESCRIPTION AH-G14 #12 7.0 1138.1 SP-8M SAl'JD WITH SOIvffi GRAVEL AND TRACE SILT BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G14 DRAWN BY:U .[vI. APPROVED BY;T.I. DATE:De€:.1981 PROJECT NO.052506 J _I u.s.Standard Sievi OpenlnQs in Inches ~.] u.S.Standard Silve Number s ---~l H,1rometer ) o I!L'I I'I I'I ,I I I L J -.l------------l-I I I !I!I ~---J 1000 ~OO 100 ~O 10 ~I O.~01 100 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 I 3/4 IL23/8 4 10 20 40 80 100__200 270 0 I I I J 'I I I r .....j(&l t-t-I--~f-.---<.I I 1,-_Tr"-'----==rr ~r-...-rr---...-- 90 .I ~H-+-k\10 --j ,I--r-.....1---+-3~--0 80 20 I --f- ~70 I --,--r-~30 ~ i 60 I_~II-40 I~i ~~~-+I~....,Ql Q)50 ---f----+-----.----50 III E !111 t 0u....-i------;.---'---0_0 ~40 ----t-·--.~~--60 -~i I I ~ Gl -!+..-----..-~ 0..II'~C1l 30 I +r---/'I 70 0- 10 I I .•-1 90 --I ,-'--L.......L.-'-----.L...---'----..--l L -!100 0.05 0.01 0.005 QOOI GRAVEL SAND I FiNES ~ BOLLDERS COBBLES Coarse Fine Medium Fine _Silt Sizes JCIOYyzes SAMPLE NO. AH-G14 #13 y CONTENT I DENSITY 23.5 I 101.4 LL 49 ._-__...... ._-_._._--------_._--------------_. BORROW AREA G AUGER HOLE AH-G14 DRAWN BY:J .M. APPROVED BY:T.I. DATE:Dec.1981 PROJECT NO. APPENDIX H SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEY-1980 FINAL REPORT SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEY SUMMER,1980 Submitted To R &M Consultants 5024 Cordova Anchorage,Alaska 99502 19 December 1980 project No.4l306I R & M Consultants 5024 Cordova Anchorage,Alaska 99502 Attention:Mr.Gary Smith Gentlemen: SUBJECT:FINAL REPORT -SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEY,SUMMER,1980 Enclosed are 10 copies of our Final Report from the geo- physical survey conducted under our agreement of July 23, 1980.This report reflects your comments and those of Acres American to our draft report dated October 23, 1980. As requested by Mr.Robert Henschel of Acres American in our meeting earlier this month,we are preparing a set of recommended additional surveys to investigate areas where uncertainties still exist.These recommendations will be forwarded under separate cover.Mr.Henschel also requested revision of the profile figures in this report to reflect true elevations rather than relati ve elevations. We will make the appropriate changes and forward revised drafts when datum elevations become available. We have enjoyed working with you on this project. call us if you have any questions or comments. r Very truly yours, ~e~ Deputy Director of Geophysics JDR:DEJ/ab Enclosures Please ~c~ Dennl.s E.Jensen Project Geophysicist - TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TABLE OF CONTENTS,.. 1.0 INTRODUCTION ••......1-1 ~1.1 Purpose ••................1-1 1.2 Scope of Work ••1-2 2.0 DATA ACQUISITION ••••.....2-1 3.0 DATA REDUCTION PROCEDURES ••3-1 4.0 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS.4-1 4.1 Traverse 80-1.4-1 4.2 Traverse 80-2 ••4-3 4.3 Traverse 80-3........4-5 4.4 Traverse 80-6......4-6 4.5 Traverse 80-7 ••4-8 4.6 Traverse 80-8 ••............4-9 4.7 Traverse 80-9 ••......4-10 4.8 Traverse 80-11 •.4-10 4.9 Traverses 80-12, 80-13, and 80-15 .•••........................4-11 5.0 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS AND CONCLUS IONS ••5-1 ~REFERENCES FIGURES APPENDIX A 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the resul ts of a seismic refraction survey performed during June and July,1980,on the Upper Susi tna Ri ver,Alaska,approximately 125 miles north of Anchorage.The survey was performed under contract wi th R & M Consultants as part of their subcontract with Acres American Incorporated. Most of the survey was performed on the abutments and in borrow areas for the proposed earth and rockfill dam near the confluence of Watana Creek and the Susitna River. The locations of lines run at the Watana site are shown on Figures 1 and 2. The remainder of the survey was performed across a possible saddle dam location adjacent to a proposed concrete dam at Devil Canyon,approximately 27 miles west of the Watana site.The locations of lines at the Devil Canyon site are shown on Fi gure :3. 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this survey is to.provide additional data for the continuing feasibility studi.es for the Susitna Hyq.roelectric Project proposed by the Alaska Power Au~ thority.This survey is to supplement borings,geologic mapping,and previous geophysical surveys accomplished over the past several years. Line locations were selected by Acres American based on previous studies.Line lengths,geophone spacing arid field procedures were designed to investi~ate the nattire ahd distribution of bsdrock arid overburden ma.terials. 1-2 1.2 Scope of Work A total of 27,800 feet of seismic line was run as 11 separate traverses.Thirty-si x geophone spreads were tested at 122 shot points.The scope of the field:work was limi ted by several factors including planned duration of the program,weather,and logistics.Several lines were deleted or altered with the concurrence of Acres and R &M field representatives.A few additional lines were added. In particular,lines planned across the river at both dam sites were not considered feasible because of the high rate of flow at that time.Deleted line locations are 'shown on Figures 1,2,and 3. R&M personnel laid out and brushed all seismic lines and provided a survey of relati ve elevations and spacing of geophone and shot locations which had been flagged during seismic testing. The accumulated data were reduced and interpreted in the Orange,California office of Woodward-Clyde Consul- tants.Previous seismic studies by Dames &Moore,1975, and by Shannon and Wilson,1978,were used as background for the present interpretation.Field observations and the judgment of a Woodward-Clyde Consul tants I geologist,who was part of the survey crew,were included in the interpre- tation. - 2.0 DATA ACQUISITION The majority of geophone spreads for this survey were 1,100 feet long with 100 feet spacing between geophones.Shorter spacing of 10,20,25,40,and 50 feet were used where terrain limited the length of a particular spread or where greater detail was desired.For traverses of more than one spread,end geophones on adjustment spreads were located at the same point. For most spreads,shots were placed at half-geophone spacing beyond the end geophones and at the middle of the line.Explosive charges of one pound provided sufficient seismic energy for lines as long as 1100 feet.For about half of the spreads,greater depths to bedrock required shots at greater offsets from the ends to achieve re- fraction from deeper interfaces.The largest offsets were 1,000 feet from the end geophone,resul tihg in a shot to furthest geophone distance of 2,100 feet.Usually,an explosive charge of two pounds was required for these longer shots.For short lines explosives were not neces- sary and a hammer and plate were used as the energy source. The signature of seismic waves arriving at geophones from each shot was recorded on a geoMetries/Nimbus model ES- l210F 12-channel stacking seismograph.Recording gains were selected by trial and error and filters were used when background noise levels were high such as during heavy rain or near the river. The stacking feature of the seismograph employs an analogi digital converter and an internal memory which stores wave traces from each geophone separateiy.A digi tall analog converter is then used to display the stored traces on an 2-2 oscilloscope.The input from multiple shots can be summed into the memory and the summed or II stacked II traces dis- played on the oscilloscope.Stacking of roul tiple shots tends to enhance coherent seismic signals while the in- fluence of random background noise is reduced by de- structive interference.Stacking was used on this survey for shorter lines where multiple hammer blows provided seismic energy instead of explosives.The overall ampli- tude of the single or stacked wave traces can be amplified or reduced by the seismograph before a hard copy of the record is produced by an electrostatic printer. For each shot,a field plot was made of distance to each geophone versus the time of arrival of the compressional seismic wave picked from the recorded wave trace.This was done to assure that sufficient information had been ob- tained for later interpretation.At the same time,notes were made as to terrain and exposed geologic features. 3.0 DATA REDUCTION PROCEDURES Methods of reducing raw data to values suitable for inter- pretation were generally those described by Redpath (1973). These general techniques have been augmented to some degree through our experience on past projects. First,field records were reviewed and picks of arrival times tabulated.Final time-distance plots were con- structed to reflect changes in arri val times from those used for field plots.These plots are shown in Appendix A, Figures Al through AID.Apparent layering,apparent seismic velocities,and variations in arrival times from those expected from a particular layer,were used to direct subsequent data reduction. Representati ve "true"velocities were calculated from differences in arrival times at each geophone from shots at opposite ends of the line.Where sufficient data were available,delay times were calculated beneath each geo- phone for each layer.Layer thicknesses were then cal- culated using the representati ve veloci ty.If sufficient information was not available for rigorous delay-time determination,approximation methods were used to estimate depths. In many cases,a layer which was well expressed on one spread,or believed to be present from previous investi- gations,would not be apparent on an adjacent spread.In these cases,a judgment was made as to the continuation of the layer,as a hidden layer or blind zone,beneath the spread in question to produce the most geologically reason- able interpretation.This often required adjustment of other layer thicknesses to account for the total delay time. 4.0 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS The locations of the seismic lines are shown on Figures 1 through 3.Profiles along each seismic line illustrating subsurface conditions interpreted from the survey are presented as Figures 4 through 13.On these profiles, layer thicknesses and surface topography are shown at a twofold vertical exaggeration.This distortion is required to illustrate the interpreted thickness of thin,shallow layers. Lines of contact between layers of differing velocities vary on the profiles according to the confidence placed on the interpretation.Solid lines represent a well con- trolled contact with depths shown probably within 15 percent of the true total depth.Dots on the line repre- sent points of control where the depth is well constrained by the data.Dashed lines are less well controlled.Short dashed lines with no control-point dots represent assumed contacts based on information other than that resul ting directly from data reduction. The following paragraphs discuss the setting of each traverse,the results of our interpretation,and anomalous or ambiguous cond~t~ons which became apparent dur~ng data reduction and subsequent review of data from borings,test trenches,and surficial geologic mapping. 4.1 Traverse 80-1 This traverse consists of six 1,100 foot geophone spreads and three 225 foot detail spreads.As shown on Figure 1, the line e~tends northward about 3300 feet from the right abutment downstream from the proposed Watana Dam,and then northeastward an additional 3300 feet across the proposed spillway alignment.Topography is relatively steep at both ends of the line and relatively gentle elsewhere. 4 ....2 The interpreted profile for traverse BO-l is shown on Figure 4.Bedrock velocities along the line appear to be relatively uniform,ranging from 14,500 fps (feet per second)to 16,000 fps.Intermediate layer velocities range from 5,250 fps to 13,000 fps and shallow layer vetocities from 1,300 fps to 3,600 fps.The lower velocities repre- sent loose surficial materials and possibly,in part, fine-grained lake deposi ts such as encountered in boring DR-6 (the location of borings designated DR are shown in u.S.Army Corps of Engineers [1979J). At the southern end of the line,a 50-foot-thick layer of 10,000 fps material probably represents weathered bedrock. Near the northern end of spread BO-lE,this layer thickens to over 100 feet and may represent an anomaly similar to that shown on Shannon and Wilson (1978),line 2 (SW2)to the southeast.We understand that a prominent gouge zone is exposed on the steep slopes near the anomaly shown on SW2.The anomaly on line BO-IE may represent a cont~inu­ ation of that zone in which case,its trend would be approximately N40W. A thick 13,000 fps layer is present near the center of the traverse.It probably represents weathered diorite bedrock but may be a different lithology such as volcanic rock which has been mapped in the vicinity.Another possibility is that the 13,000 fps material is part of a vertical tabular fractured or al tered zone which extends from the intersection of traverses 80-2 and SW2 where material of the same velocity has been detected.Although the 13,000 fps zone is shown to be underlain by higher velocity mater- ial on Figure 5,the higher velocity material may instead be to the side.Addi tional refraction 1 ines or borings will be required to resolve this possibility. ~ I I r- ! 4-3 The thin irregular edges of the relict channel discussed in previous reports are apparent on spreads 80-IA and 80-IB • .Channel fill beneath these lines,which is probably boul- dery glacial detritus,ranges from 7000 to 9000 fps.The configuration of the channel beneath line 80-lB is probably much more complicated than shown on Figure 4.The profile shows depths which are based on approximation reduction methods because of the complexity of the time-distance plot (Figure A-I,Appendix A)for which no reasonable mathe- matical solution could be found.Depth to bedrock is shown to be more than 150 feet but is probably highly irregular and much shallower especially near the center of the line. Boring DR-6 just southeast of the center of the line encountered bedrock at a depth of 65 feet. The channel appears to be the same as that documented by the 1975 Dames and Moore survey and on lineSW3.It is also well expressed on lines 80-2 and 80-6 which are dis- cussed in later paragraphs.The southwestern edge of the channel and the apparent thalweg are shown by dashed lines on Figure 1.The eastern edge·of the channel appears to be immediately north of line 80-7 and appears to be expressed at the northern end of 80-8. 4.2 Traverse 80-2 Traverse 80-2 consists of five 1100 foot.spreads on the right.abutment extending fro~near the toe of the proposed Watana Dam,northward across the proposed spillway.It roughly parallels Traverse 80-1 between 1,800 and 2,200 feet to the east and southeast (Figure 1).The topograp1:lY is relativelY steep at the southern end and moderate to gentte e+s~W1:l~re.The interpreted profil~for traverse 80-2 is s~own on Figur~S. 4-4 Bedrock velocities are similar to those of 80-1 ranging from 14,000 to 17,000 fps.Intermediate layers consist of thick 13,000 fps layers beneath the southern slopes and channel fill at the northern end of the line ranging from 6,000 to 8,000 fps.Near surface velocity layers range from 1250 to 2800 fps. The lowest bedrock velocity encountered on the traverse is beneath spread 80-2D and underlies an anomalously deep portion of the relict channel.Borings DR-18 and DR-19, northwest and southeast of the spread respectively,confirm the depth to bedrock shown on the profile and indicate that the rock in that area is highly fractured diorite with apparent clay gouge zones.This low velocity zone may represent a continuation of a shear zone known as liThe Fins"exposed adjacent to the river to the southeast.The trend of this possible continuation projects toward the 'northeastern end of spread 80-lB which,as previously discussed,produced a highly irregular seismic record. The 13,000 fps layer at the southern end of the traverse appears to be weathered bedrock based on the shape and location of the layer.Line SW2 which crosses the traverse near its southern end (see Figure 1),also shows the 13,000 fps layer and the same depth to bedrock at the inter- section.A 6,000 fps layer shown on SW2 was not detected on 80-2.The 13,000 fps layer is shown on SW2 as contin- uous for about 2400 feet parallel to the river.The shape of the material shown on the profile of 80-2 (Figure 5)is not inconsistent with the suggestion by Shannon and Wilson (1978)that it may be involved in landsliding. rI ~ 4-5 The channel fill at the northeastern end of the line consi sts of two distinct velocity zones similar to those detected on traverse 80-1.The southern portion of the fill ranges from 6,500 to 8,000 fps.Boring DR-20 appears to have encountered this material southeast of the line where it consists of saturated sandy gravels wi th finer grained interlayers.Boring DR-18,northwest of the line, appears to have penetrated lower velocity material detected at the northeasternmost end of the traverse.This mater- ial,ranging from 5,400 to 6,000 fps,appears to be mostly sil ty sands and sandy silts wi th some clay and scattered gravels and boulders. Surficial materials near borings DR-18 and DR-20 appear to be sandy silts.Seismic velocities of the surface layer near the borings are generally less than 2,000 fps. Velocities to the south along the traverse range are up to 2,800 fps and interpreted as representing more gravelly or better compacted sediments than those near the borings. 4.3 Traverse 80-3 Traverse 80-3 was run on the rugged steep slopes of the abutments across the proposed upstream portion of the dam. The profile,shown as Figure 6,is based on one 1,000 foot spread on the left abutment and three spreads,1,000 feet, 265 feet,and 300 feet respecti vely,on the right abut- ment.A proposed segment of the traverse across the river was not considered feasible at the time of the survey due to high water levels,and was therefore not performed. ~edrock is shallow on both abutments.On the south side, beqrock appears to be of a uniform 15,000 fps velocity. The top of the southern slope :i.s underlain py S,200 fps material which may reflect frozen soil e~p6sed in a shallow trench in that area.Farther down the slope,surficial 4-6 veloci ties drop to about 2,200 fps.This appears to be very loose talus on the slope,at least at the center shot point.The base of the slope is underlain by 7,000 fps material which appears to be highly weathered bedrock. Representative bedrock velocities on the north side range from about 15,000 fps near the top to as high as 22,000 fps lower on the slope.Surficial material on the north side is generally about 15-foot-thick and between 1,500 and 2,200 fps on the upper slope.Surficial material is thinner and lower in velocity near the bottom.Most of the upper slope is covered with loose talus. Geophone spread 80-3D was run parallel to the river along the north bank.This line detected a 7,000 fps layer 50-foot-thick which probably projects beneath the river. This layer was not apparent on spread 80-3C near the base of the north slope.It appears as if 80-3C was run above a resistant bedrock spur and that the 7,000 fps material is present to each side of the spur near the base of the slope. Lines 80-4 and 80-5 which were planned across the river at the proposed dam axis and beneath the upstream toe,re- spectively,were not run due to high water conditions.It may be possible to complete these lines after the river has frozen. 4.4 Traverse ;80-6 This traverse consisted of one 1,100 foot spread and a coincident shorter 600 foot detail spread across an appar- ently anomalous topographic depression approximately 4,000 feet upstream from the proposed dam axis on the north side of the river.The profile presented as Figure 7~shows the edge of the relict channel discussed in conjunction wi th Traverses 80-1 and 80-2. "... ! 4-7 Bedrock veloci ty ranges from II,500 fps near the western end of the line to 20,000 fps beneath the channel.The channel appears to be filled with 7,000 fps material which also is thinly distributed beneath the western portion of the line.Overlying this is a layer of 2,300 fps material and,in part,a thin surface layer of 1,100 fps material. The increase in bedrock velocity across the traverse from west to east may be related to effects of liThe Fins"shear zone which is exposed about 700 feet southwest of the end of spread 80-6A.This increase in bedrock velocity east of the shear zone is also expressed on the 1975 seismic line and on SW-3 which are both to the northwest of 80-06. Progressi vely higher velocity zones on those three trav- erses are roughly correlatible and appear to form bands generally parallel to the shear zone. The nearest borings to traverse 80-6 are more than I,000 feet away.The channel fill material is therefore inter- preted to be similar to that interpreted for line SW-3 and for traverses 80-1 and 80-2 as previously discussed.The 7,000 fps veloci ty of the fill is more uniform than seen elsewhere and probably represents an averaging of both higher and lower velocity materials such as saturat~d alluvium and glacial detritus. The Shannon and Wilson,1978,interpretation of nearby line SW-3 shows a shallower channel containing 4,500 fps mater- ial within the larger relict channel feature.This layer can also be interpreted to underlie 80-6 based on the tirne-distc111ce plot (see Appendix A,Figure A-5).However, t.he present interpretat.ion of a slight thickening of the 2,360 fps layer is also reasonably consistent with.the da.'ta. 4-8 Surficial materials are probably similar to those at depth but less saturated.The 2,300 fps layer may also be finer grained.The low velocity of the 1,100 fps layer suggests it is very loose and probably dry. 4.5 Traverse 80-7 Traverse 80-7 consists of two 1,100 foot spreads oriented north-south across the western end of Borrow Area D.The line is shown on both Figures 1 and 2.Ground surface rises gently to the north along the line. Velocity analysis indicated that bedrock was uniformly 15,500 fps even though the time-distance plots showed higher values.The differences are attributed to geometry of the bedrock surface and not to lateral changes.The interpreted profile for traverse 80-7 is shown on Figure 8. The line appears to be located over the northeastern side of the relict channel.Channel fill material ranges ~rom 7,400 to 9,000 fps.It is generally about 200-feet-deep but is shallower near the north end.At the south end,it may deepen to as much as 400 feet.Line SW3,which crosses spread 80-7A near its northern end,shows a similar depth and velocity for bedrock at that point.The velocity of the channel fill is given as 7,000 fps on SW3. Boring DR-26,which is located west of the north end of line 80-7B,encountered silty sand,clayey silt,gravels, and sandy silt with boulders at depths equivalent to the channel fill material interpreted from seismic data. The velocity of surface materials along the line appears to be uniformly 1,850 fps.Several exposures along the line indicate that the upper portion of this unit consists of r !'i""'" I I 4-9 boulder accumulations wi th little or no matrix.Borings and trenches in the vicinity have encountered gravelly sands below the immediate surface. 4.6 Traverse 80-8 The two 1,000 foot lines that comprise Traverse 80-8 extend southward from the end of line SW5 at the edge of Borrow Area D near Deadman Creek across proposed Quarry Source B as shown on Figure 2.The line crosses moderate and then very steep topography southward. Four continuous layers are interpreted on the profile presented as Figure 9.These include a shallow 1,350 to 1,600 fps layer and intermediate velocity layers of 5,000 to 7,000 fps and 8,400 to 9,000 fps.Bedrock appears to change laterally from 12,500 fps near the north end to 23,500 fps at the center,and to 16,500 fps n~ar th~south end. The highest bedrock velocity is at the middle of the traverse wh~re the rock apparently forms a buried resistant ridge.The b~drock surface may be as de~p as 500 f~et at a point below the middle of spread 80-8A.At the north ~nd of the line bedrock does not appear to be as deep as shown in Shannon and Wilson,1978,line sW5.How~ver,this location is near th~end of both lines and additional control is lacking. It does not appear l1k~ly that hard rock is near enough to the surfac~to provide an aq~quate qUarry sourc~along the line ot th~profile.We hp-ve no information as to possible oqtcrops elsewnere within the designated area.The inter- mediate velocity layers app~ar to be similar to those tilling th~relict channel to the w~st as previously 4i6- ClJ#Hied,'fhe 5,OPP to 7,agp tp§l~yeJ:"prOl:>ably J:"ep:f~sents 8, 4-10 younger episode of channeling and filling similar to that shown on traverses 80-1 and 80-2.Both intermediate units probably consist of saturated alluvial deposits and boul- dery glacial detritus. A number of test pits in the vicinity of the traverse indicate that the shallow materials 1,350 to 1,600 fps surface layers are highly variable.Most pits encountered loose,unsaturated silty gravely sands. 4.7 Traverse 80-9 Traverse 80-9 was a single 1,100-foot-line at the western end of Borrow Area E extending upslope from previous line SW14.The present interpretation,shown on Figure 10,is in good agreement with that line. A relatively uniform mantle of low velocity material (1,100 to 1,800 fps)appears to cover the slope 30 to 50 feet deep.Shallow exposures suggest that the 1,100 fps ma- terial at the base of the hill is a loose gravel.Higher on the hill,the surface is mantled by organic soil. A higher velocity layer (6,000 to 7,250 fps)underlies the surficial deposits and thickens northward.These vel- ocities are similar to those of saturated alluvium and glacial detritus found elsewhere.Bedrock with an approxi- mate velocity of 15,000 fps,is about 100 feet below the surface at the base of the hill and may be as deep as 300 feet at the north end of the line. 4.8 Traverse 80-11 This traverse was run north and west of Tsusena Creek near the eastern end of Borrow Area E.The alignment was changed from east of the creek when surface reconnaissance showed that area to be underlain primarily wi th bouldery glacial deposits. 4-11 Spread 80-11A was run from the bank of Tsusena Creek northward 1,100 feet across gentle topography to the base of a hill (Figure 2).A second 1,100 foot spread,80-11B, was run from the center of the first in a northeasterly direction.This line hd not been previously staked or brushed and when surveyed later,was found to bend to the north as shown on Figure 2.Two shorter detail spreads (80-11C and 80-11D)were also run near the middle of spread 80-11A. On the southern end of the traverse 80-11A,a 2,800 fps layer of loose surficial deposits appears to be about 30 feet thick and thins to the north.This appears to be underlain by a 11,000 fps weathered bedrock layer about 100 feet thick which also thins to the north.Bedrock velocity beneath the area is between 16,000 and 17,000 fps. In the northern part of the area the 11,000 fps layer wedges out beneath an apparent relict channel filled with 5,000 fps material which may be loose saturated sands and gravels.A 7,000 fps intermediate zone at the north end of spread 80-l1A is not apparent on 80-1lB.Instead,the northern part of 80-llB shows shallow bedrock beneath about 20 feet of 1,400 fps sur ficial deposits.The 7,000 fps material may be similar to the relict channel fill detected on lines previously discussed. 4.9 Traverses 80~12,80-13,and 80-15 These three traverses were run across a small lake and on the adjacent slopes above the left abutment of the proposed Devil Canyon Dam as shown on Figure 3.Traverse 80-12 consisted of a 250 fOot hydrophone spread across the western part of the lake and two 500 foot geophone spreads 4-12 up steep adjacent slopes to the north and south.Traverse 80-13 consisted of a similar combination across the eastern part of the lake.Traverse 15 was a single hydrophone line,500 foot long,extending northwest to southeast across the lake. The profiles shown on Figures 12 and 13 indicate similar bedrock velocities of between 16,800 and 18,800 fps. Profile 80-12 shows a distinct intermediate layer beneath the slopes of between 7,000 and 10,000 fps.This may be highly weathered bedrock or glacial deposits.A 5,000 fps intermediate layer beneath the relatively flat north end of 80-13,probably indicates water table in otherwise low veloci ty sediments.Surficial deposi ts on the slopes are generally between 1,400 and 2,200 fps.The 4,000 fps indicated beneath the north-facing slope on line 80-13 probably represents partically frozen ground. A layer of approximately 5,000 fps underlies the lake on all three profiles.This is probably saturated soft sediments which may be as deep as 50 feet near the center of the lake as shown on profile 80-15.Time-distance plots from all three spreads run across the lake are very ir- regular and subject to alternative interpretations.Data from spread 80-15 appear to indicate that high-velocity bedrock directly underlies the saturated sediments beneath most of the lake.The other two profiles,however,indi- cate that only weathered rock is present beneath part of the area. The possibility of a shear zone trending approximately east-west beneath the lake was suggested by Shannon and Wilson (1978)based on results of line SW-17,which par- allels 80-12,400 feet to the west.On that line,bedrock 4-13 velocities underlying 7,000 fps channel fill near the center of the line were interpreted to be lower than beneath the slopes to either side.Three of 5 borings drilled along that line encountered highly fractured or sheared phylltic bedrock. The results of the present survey can neither confirm nor deny the presence of a shear zone.Although the time- distance plots appear to be anomalously irregular,reason- able mathematical interpretations were obtained from the data.Lower veloci ties were obtained for bedrock beneath the lake than on the adjacent slopes (as on SW-17)but the reason for these lower velocities is not clear from the data.They may indicate sheared material or,alterna- tively,dense fill material or weathered,surficially fractured bedrock. 5.0 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS Materials represented by velocity layers interpreted for this report have been assigned,at least in general terms, where boring and test pit data have been available.In areas where this control has not been available,similari- ties in layering and velocities with better controlled areas have allowed assignment of material types with a reasonable degree of confidence. In general,bedrock veloci ties near the Watana site vary between 14,000 and 23,000 fps.Veloci ties of 18,000 to 23,000 fps are representative of hard,unfractured diorite as exposed in the immediate site vicinity.Lower veloci- ties indicate increasing degrees of fract~ring and weather- ing if the rock is indeed diorite.These lower velocities may also represent other lithologies such as metamorphic zones or volcanics such as have been mapped on the right abutment downstream from the dam. Velocities as low as 10,000 fps in intermediate layers over+ying higher velocity bedrock may represent highly weathered diorite.Apparent layers of 13,000 fps material found near the middle of traverse 80-1 and at the south end of eO-2 have been interpreted as weathered pedrock but may represent a different lithology. Lateral changes in bedroCk velocity have been noted on several lines for this and previo~s surveys near the Wat&na site ~Th~se cha.nges appear to form ba.nd~of in~+eaJ;ing velocity eastwarq from I'The Wins"shear g;<:H1.e as -,-.-.< pr_iently int~rpretedf aIld may al~o form nQrthwest tr~ngin9 b~nqs ta.rtber to the w~§t.Present d~ta,however,is irusufficient to vertfy this pilrt.te;rfh 5-2 Portions of the relict channel at the Watana site have been defined by the present interpretation.The channel is apparent on traverses 80-1,80-2, 80-6,80-7,and 80-8. Channel fill material ranges from 5,000 to 9,000 fps and has been shown by borings to be highly variable but pre- dominantly alluvial sands and gravels,bouldery glacial sil ts and sands,and to a lesser extent lacustrine sil ts and clays.Two episodes of channeling are apparent on traverses 80-1, 80-2,and 80-8.Ma terials on traverses 80-9,and 80-10 with similar velocities appear to be lithologically similar to those in the relict channel. At the Devil Canyon site,the highest bedrock velocity detected was nearly 18,000 fps.This is the velocity reported for fresh phyllite in the area by Shannon and Wilson (1978).Lower velocity bedrock interpreted from the present survey may reflect weathering or lateral lithologic charlges. Intermediate layer velocities at the Devil Canyon site range from 5,000 to 10,000 fps.Velocities as low as 7,000 fps could represent weathered bedrock in the metamorphic terrain.The 5,000 fps layers interpreted from this survey appear to be equivalent to the 7,000 fps layer on SW-17 to the west of the lake.Borings in that area showed the material to be predominantly sand with some gravel and boulders. Surficial deposits are highly variable in the area of the survey and are therefore difficul t to discuss in general terms.Surficial materials are best investigated with short lines and small geophone spacing.Since most of the lines for this survey used wide geophone spacing,the information obtained about surficial layers is highly ~ i r- I i f"""!I I 5-3 generalized.Most of the surficial velocities reported herein are probably averages of several smaller distinct layers and are more related to the distance from shot point to the first geophone than to the velocity of any par- ticular material. Wi th regard to structure,two possible shear zones have been interpreted from this survey.These are northwest trending zones extending from the right abutment at the Watana site and are discussed with respect to traverses 80-1,and 80-2 in earlier sections.Information regarding a possible shear zone beneath the saddle dam site at Devil Canyon was indeterminate. The data from the present survey were sufficient to make fairly definite interpretations.However,specific depths and material types should be confirmed by borings in cri tical areas.We suggest that when sufficient boring control becomes available,that all three refraction surveys be re-evaluated to more accurately portray con- ditions between borings. The interpretation resul ting from the present survey are considered the most reasonable based on available information.They are not the only interpreta tions possible.The limitations of the seismic method and the present data are discussed further in Appendix A and the references. REFERENCES Dames and Moore,1975,Subsurface exploration,proposed Watana Dam site on the Susitna River,Alaska:Report for Department of the Army,Alaska District,Corps of Engineers,Contract DACW85-C-0004. Redpath,B.B.,1973,Seismic refraction exploration for engineering si te investigations:u.S.Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,Explosive Excavation Research Laboratory,Livermore,California, Technical Report E-73-4,55 p. Shannon and Wilson,Inc.,1978,Seismic refraction survey, Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Watana Dam site: Report for Department of the Army,Alaska District, Corps of Engineers,Contract DACW85-78-C-0027. u.S.Army Corps of Engineers -Alaska District,1979, Southcentral Railbelt Area,Alaska Upper Susitna River Basin -Supplemental Feasibility Report:Appendix Part I. \/-;;;. ".)c~f ~:::J r)~(J .\./))J.~,~(/'.WATANA DETAIL AREA / ~LOCATiON OF SEISMIC REFRACTIO !/...- I ,./' N 3,234,000 N 3,230.000 N 3.232.000 N 3.226.000 39 FOG LAKES TRAVERSE 8j §§§.8..0 ~§ :81 <D a 1'-,10 N ~co r--10 ~ UJI I'-I'- '<t '<t N UJ UJ UJ I I'-I'-~ UJ UJ UJ I UJ i 1 I N 3.224.000 -- ~8.000 ~."""" ~ ~ 1 <J:) ~ (j) ~---------~"'OO \ ~~'---CD ~40 ;;~ 0 ~\ PREPARED BY WOODWARD -CLYDE CONSULTANTS SCALE:0 4_,~~~~;;;-f MILES 2000 FEET, ~ -N- ,~ SCALE:?1000 FIGURE I 2200 - NOTES I.LOCATION ACCURATE TO + 2,MINOR MID-LI -100 FEETNECHANGESaFDIRECHJN NOT SHOWN 2200~ )) IAREA IRACTION LINES I I ~ -N- 1 0 2 3 I I I I SCALE IN MILES Fog Lakes Refraction Traverse lines 81-FL-1 to 81-FL-48 23 WATANA DETAIL AREA (Figure 1 ) I ~b---__~ -_-,"33 34 41 42--__-l:!"~ 28 29 48 ~.. --~ PREPARED BY WOODWARD -CLYDE CONSULTANTS ----- ~ / / / .../ / / / / / / / ¥, I DM-B WATANA DAM --... WATANA VI APPROXIMATE LaC, LINES OUTSII FIGURE 2 FOG ···~~.EEK SW"-;.:z:SW-12 '.. '.f "'--~'-C:- \. 1--..\ ~INITY MAP-~TION OF REFRACTION~E DETAIL AREA o I ~ -N- ~ 200 400 I I 600 I 1450 SCALE IN FEET 1400~ _____13_00 ~ 1200~ --1-00-06\ _8_00~ ...~ LOCATION OF DEVIL l SEISMIC REFRACTION ... SUSITNA RIVERsw-.l..5~__-_.----- r-----7,L--__·~SW~-~1~6~_ I =8. ! I I BY WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS 1450 ~----------- FIGURE 3 80-1E c .2 +-' ctl:> Q) w 2300 i North 2150 80-1H 12 2000 / 1850 1700 - 1550 80-1F ..-'..-' 9500 ,.-,.- 14800 I.80-11 J 1 12 12 12 3600 16000 Compressional wave velocities in feet per second Horizontal Scale:1 inch =300 feet Vertical Scale:1 inch =150 feet SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILE 80-1 SHEET I OF 2 PREPARED BY WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS 80-10 1600-?~--.!..~~__-""'---i .-- 13000 14800 2300 2150 2000 +-'Q) Q)...... c~ co .9 +-'L!)co> .~Q) u.1850 w Q) C -l ..cu +-'co ~ 1700 "-, 1550 NOTE~ ELEVATIONS ADJUSTED TO TRUE VALUES ACCORDING TO RaM CONSLlLTANTS,3/19/81. FIGURE 4 a 2150 2300 co. .Q +-'co a> w 2000 1850 1700 1550 « L!') .2'u.. Q) C ..J .c Co.) +-'co :2:- 80-1A 80-1G I~-I112 - - ? 16000[ -" 80-18 9000 ----------14800 Compressional wave velocities in feet per secone Horizontal Scale:1 inch =300 feet Vertical Scale:1 inch =150 feet SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILE 80-1 SHEET 2 OF 2 )ODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS 2300 80-1C 2150 2000 1850 12 ? •••• 9000 1----------o I I 14500 1700 I I I I I !feet per second I . ~OO feet feet 1550 NOTE: ELEVATIONS ADJUSTED TO TRUE VALUES ACCORDlNG TO RaM CONSULTAN TS,3/19/81. FILE 80-1 FIGURE 4 b 13000 c .Q +-'co [; u.J - 2450 2300 2150 2000 1850 North ~ -_.---- 80-2A •/ / / / / ,;•/ / ,/ ./ /' ,/ ,/...... 16700 15700 80-28 1690 Compressional wave velocities in feet per second Horizontal Scale: Vertical Scale: 1 inch =300 feet inch =150 feet ODWARD -CLYDE CONSULTANTS SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILE 80-2 SHEET I OF 2 Ir second ~'-.:..- 80-2 2450 • N35E-.. 2450 Abuts 80-28 80-2C 80--2D / 2300 +-'12 1CIJ CIJ "'l- e'--.9 2150 «+-'COctl>CIJ W Cl 15400lL. CIJe 2000 :..J ..cu +-' ctl ~ e_•. 1850 139( -, Compressional wave velocities in Horizontal Scale:1 inch =300 ' Vertical Scale:1 inch =150 fee SEISMIC REFRACTION PF SHEET 2 OF DWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS 80--20 2450 80-2E I / / e ,-e_e _ •_e 13900 15380 2300 +-'Q) Q)..... 12 c" 2150 .Q 1400 +-'co>Q) w 5970 2000 1850 NOTE: ELEVATIONS ADJUSTED TO TRUE VALUES ACCORDING TO RaM CONSULTANTS,3/19/81. ACTION PROFILE 80-2 EET 2 OF 2 FIGURE 5b North ---... 2100 80-3A 1900 2000 , co of-'roa; W 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 15000 \-\ \ \ \ 80--: eneno U ~i 12 I' Elevation 1464'/1'~--=.;.:;;...:...::;...:..--'----~.., /-/" ~....../7000/ / ". ./ ........20000 Compressional wave velocities in feet per Horizontal Scale:1 inch =200 feet Vertical Scale:inch =100 feet SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFI LE PREPARED BY WOODWARD·CLYDE CONSULTANTS Crosses SW2 2100 80-38 14800 2000 1900 22200 -3C I . 1800 +-'Q) Q) ~ co. 0 20000 +-' C'C>Q) 1700 UJ 1600 :1050 i 20000 ~ f second, 1500 1400 NOTE: ELEVATIONS ADJUSTED TO TRUE VALUES ACCORDING TO R8 M CONSULTANTS,3/19/81. I I I I ~80-3 I FIGURE 6 80-6A ......-"-........... ---.---. 1......1------------------80--68 ---- -.-.- 7000 ----. 11500 ___e - _-.....__._--- '--.----.---......---'---,-:~------ """........ -. 2300-- - 2100 2200 _.- -..--- 2150 co +-' ctl ~ UJ 2050 15000 2000 1950 - 1900 Compressional wave velocities in feet per second Horizontal Scale:1 incA.=100 feet Vertical Scale:1 inch =50 feet SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILE 80-6 I~OOOWARO-CLYOE CONSULTANTS N78E~ 2200 ~-6B ~I I I 2150 12I- I -.--..-.-- 2300 ~ r 2100", !I'~+-'Q) Q) '+-•7000~c~ ~2050 .2 +-'co•>\~w \2000 \ "'-.---.------..........1950......... -20000 1900 .second NOTE: ELEVATIONS ADJUSTED TO TRUE VALUES ACCORDING TO RaM CONSULTANTS,3//9/81. 80-6 FIGURE 7 North~ 2400 2300 80-7A Crosses SW3-----I 2200 12 1 7400 c: .Q +-'co ~ W 2100 2000 1900 ·1806 / 9000 Compressional wave velocities in feet per second Horizontal Scale:1 inch =200 feet Vertical Scale:1 inch =100 feet SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILE 80-7 WARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS 80-78 1000'from Sta 70+00,1975 line 2400 2300 7400 8200 2200 I I I I +-'QJ QJ ~ i 2100 c" I 0 I '.j:i I ctIa; I 200007 UJ~/2000 I I 1900 ......~-, 1800 ~cond NOTE: ELEVATIONS ADJUSTED TO TRUE VALUES ACCORDING TO R8 M CONSUL TANTS ,3/19/81. 80-7 FIGURE 8 2300 2200 80-88 80-8A 1E 2100 2000 7000 +-'w ""W "l-e c'1600./0 '.j:i /'ro>/"ClJ w 1900 /--/ 1800 1700 1600 Compressional wa\i Horizontal Scale: Vertical Scale:1 i SEISMIC REF D BY WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS 2300 End of line SW 5 - 5000 ,/' / ./•I ~/ e / / II' -0.../~8400 2200 ---,../ 2100 2000 +'"Q) Q) "l- e' .Q +'"(tI >Q) 1900 LU --7 1800/e--- • "~/ ""•1700 ',"-./-,'-... ~e 12500 -'i~1600 ,,,,,,,,,' anal wave ·velocities in feet per second I Scale:1 inch =200 feet ~cale:1 inch =100 feet NOTE: ELEVATIONS ADJUSTED TO TRUE VALUES ACCORDING TO RaM CONSULTANTS,3/19/81. C REFRACTION PROFILE 80-8 FIGURE 9 1900 1900 18001800 1700 1700 7250 +-'+-'Q)Q)Q)End of line SW14 Q)"+-"+- c'1600 1600 c'"0 0 +-'+-'co co>>Q)Q) w w'" 1500 ~1500r-......... !"....... ......... ..........6000 r-................. ........ ......... 1400 15000 ~1400 ~ - 1300 Compressional wave velocities in feet per second Horizontal Scale:1 inch =200 feet Vertical Scale:1 inch =100 feet Note:Elevations adjusted to true values according to R&M Consultants,3/19/81 SEISMIC RE:FRACiION PROFILE:80-9 FIGURE 10 North ............. 80-11A 1500 -- 1000 -- --- I--,-----I---T ---I I I 11000 I -------r---I..--I...--I 16000--I /'! ,,/'" .-/ 16000 2800 --------1450 1400 Crosses 80-11 B,C,D -~---;---------- - 5 oJ 1J >1) w 1350 - ----- 80-11 B 5000 ~N30E ---+-- 16000 _..-~OOO ~...-- -----------....-....-----~-----~ ---.~----"'>---------------- - Ir Crosses 80-11 A ~N40E-+-- 1500 1400 1450 ,-- Compressional wave vel'Z>cities in feet per second 1350 - Horizontal Scale:1 inch =100 feet Vertical Scale:1 inch =50 feet SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILE 80-11 fOODWARD -CLYDE CONSULTANTS 1500 12 -- 1000 --------- 5000 - - - - -7-- ,,/ ..-/ ..........------ 7000 -- 17000 1450 ,1400 1350 ~North --.. 1500 I I (' -.....--• 1400 --.-~----- 16000 - 1450 1400 +-'Q) Q) '+- second E 80-11 1350 NOTE: ELEVATIONS ADJUSTED TO TRUE VALUES ACCORDING TO R8I M CONSULTANTS,3/19/81. FIGURE II N7W--. 1500 80-128 80-12A 1450 +-'1400 Q) Q) '+- c' 0 +-'co>Q) UJ 1350 1300 1250 1400 16800 Crosses 80-15 ~ Lake EI.1327'I I I /- 1 /, II 10000 1/--......,II,/I'---,.,./ 1 16800 1300 +-'Q) Q) '+- c' 0'p co ~ 1250 UJ 1350 M..... Ig N..... I S80E--'g 1350 III 80-15~lelul Lake EI.1327'"'--. LAKE +-'1300 Q) Q) '+-5Q90 c' .Q +-'co>Q) UJ 1250 16500 1200 1200 I WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILES 80-12 a 80-1~ 80-12C 12 1500 1450 1400 +-'OJ OJ'+- c: 0',p co>OJ 1350 UJ 15~ 17'I 1300 1250 Compressional wave velocities in feet per second" Horizontal Scale:1 inch =100 feet Vertical Scale:1 inch :=50 feet Notes:Elevations adjusted to true values-- according to R&M CClDsultants,3/19/81 NOTE: ELEVATIONS ADJUSTED TO TRUE VALUES ACCORDING TO RaM CONSULTANTS,3/19/81. I i2 a 80-15 FIGURE 12 1450 co '.;::J ctl 5) LU 1400 1350 1300 1250 16800 80--13C ,,,,,,,,,,,' N7W~ 80-138 1/Crosses 80-15 I 12300 Compressional wave velociti Horizontal Scale:1 inch = Vertical Scale:1 inch ==51 SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILE 80-13 Y WOODWARD.CLYDE CONSULTANTS 80-13A. 1450 I 1[1 wave V:I,OCities in feet per~econd I ale:1 inch =100 feet Ie:1 inch =50 feet 1400 1350 1300 1250 co +-'ctl ~ LU ~ILE 80-13 NOTE: ELEVATIONS ADJUSTED TO TRUE VALUES ACCORDING TO RBi M CONSULTANTS)3/19/81. FIGURE 13 - APPENDIX A* *This appendix deleted from Task 5,Appendix H.Refer to project files for Woodward-Clyde Consultants report. r I I '- APPENDIX I SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEY-1981 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEYS 1981 Submitted to R &M Consultants 5024 Cordova Anchorage,Alaska 99502 6 January 1982 R &M Consultants 5024 Cordova Anchorage,Alaska 99502 Attention:Mr.Gary Smith Gentlemen: SUBJECT:SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEYS -1981 Enclosed are five copies of the sUbject report which docu- ments geophysical work in support of site engineering studies during 1981.At the request of Acres American Incorporated,we are also sending five copies directly to their office in Buffalo,New York. We have enjoyed working with you on this project and hope we can be of further service in the future.If you have questions regarding the material contained in this report, please call at your convenience. - Very truly yours, YJ~L~ Dennis E.Jensen Project Geologist DEJ/md Enclosure /7_2:)0.//d::'£..A.tlfl-<'-.!..#?"'__ ~Jan D.Rietman,Ph.D. Deputy Director of Geophysics TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ..1-1 1.1 1.2 Purpose. Scope of Work .. 1-1 1-2 2.0 3.0 DATA ACQUISITION AND REDUCTION . LIMITATIONS . 2-1 3-1 4.0 SPRING TRAVERSES ...............4-1 4.1 Traverse 81-1.4-1 4.2 Traverse 81-2.4-2 4.3 Traverse 81-3.4-3 4.4 Traverse 81-4 ..4-3 4.5 Traverse 81-5.4-4 4.6 Traverse 81-6........4-4 4.7 Traverse 81-7......4-5 4.8 Traverse 81-8 .......4-6 4.9 Traverse 81-9.4-6 4.10 Traverse 81-10.4-7 4.11 Traverse 81-11.4-8 4.12 Traverse 81-12.4-8 5.0 SUMMER 1981 SURVEYS ..5-1 5.1 Traverse 81-13.5-1 5.2 Traverse 81-14 ..5-2 5.3 Traverse 81-15......5-3 5.4 Traverse 81-16 ..5-4 ,....,.. I Table 1 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 16 Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 19 Figure 20 Figure 21 Figure 22 Figure 23 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 1980 -1981 Seismic Refraction Line Data Location of Seismic Refraction Lines - Watana Detail Area Watana Vicinity Map -Approximate Location of Refraction Lines Outside Detail Area Location of Devil Canyon Seismic Refraction Lines Seismic Refraction Profiles 81-1 and 81-2 Seismic Refraction Profiles 81-3,81-4,and 81-5 Seismic Refraction Profiles 81-6 and 81-7 Seismic Refraction Profiles 81-8 and 81-9 Seismic Refraction Profiles 81-10 and 81-11 Seismic Refraction Profile 81-12 Seismic Refraction Profile 81-13 Seismic Refraction Profile 81-14 Seismic Refraction Profiles 81-15 and 81-16 Seismic Refraction Profiles 81-17 and 81-18 Seismic Refraction Profile 81-19 Seismic Refraction Profiles 81-20 and 81-21 Seismic Refraction Profile 81-22 Fog Lakes Seismic Refraction Profiles -Sheet 1 Fog Lakes Seismic Refraction Profiles -Sheet 2 Fog Lakes Seismic Refraction Profiles -Sheet 3 Fog Lakes Seismic Refraction Profiles -Sheet 4 Fog Lakes Seismic Refraction Profiles -Sheet 5 Fog Lakes Seismic Refraction Profiles -Sheet 6 Fog Lakes Seismic Refraction Profiles -Sheet 7 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the resul ts of geophysical surveys performed during the spring,summer,and fall of 1981 on the Upper Susitna River,Alaska,approximately 125 miles north of Anchorage.These surveys were performed under contract with R &M Consultants (R &M)as part of their subcontract with Acres American Incorporated (AAI). The 1981 geophysical program was essentially a continuation of surveys performed during 1980 under the same contract. Results of the 1980 surveys were submitted to R &M in a report dated 19 December 1980.Interpretations included in this report are based in part on the 1980 work, on previous seismic refraction surveys (Dames and Moore, 1975;Shannon and Wilson,1978),and on limited boring and surface mapping information. Locations of all refraction traverses from 1975 through 1981 are shown in Figures I,2,and 3.Figure 1 covers the immediate area of the proposed Watana Dam site and Figure 2 shows line locations outside of the immediate site area but in the same vicinity.Figure 3 shows line locations near the proposed Devil Canyon Dam site. 1.1 Purpose Geophysical surveys from 1981 and from past years were accomplished as part of feasibility studies for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project proposed by the Alaska Power Authority.Seismic refraction and limited magnetometer surveys were intended to investigate the nature and distribution of bedrock and overburden materials and to supplement data from other sources such as borings and geologic mapping. 1-2 For all surveys run during 1980 and 1981,line locations were specified by AAI.Some of the 1981 locations were recommended by Woodward-Clyde Consultants at the close of the 1980 season,and incorporated in the 1981 program. 1.2 Scope A total of 72,900 ft of refraction line was run in 1981 during three separate field efforts (spring,summer,and fall)to bring the two-year total to approximately 100,000 linear feet.In addition,approximately 3,000 ft of magnetometer line was run near Devil Canyon in an unsuc- cessful attempt to detect buried mafic dikes. The spring seismic refraction survey consisted of 21,900 ft of line at 12 locations (Lines 81-1 through 81-12)across the river and adjacent low-lying areas near the Watana site (Figures 1 &2).Field work was accomplished between 1 April and 14 April 1981 when the river was frozen.The low water level and low water velocity plus access afforded by ice allowed refraction surveys to be run in areas where they would be infeasible later in the year.A draft report of the results of the spring work was submitted to R & M dated 18 June 1981. A total of 22,200 ft of refraction line was run during the month of July as 10 separate traverses (Lines 81-13 through 81-22).Nine of these were run at the Watana site (Figure 1),some as continuations of existing lines.One traverse was run on the proposed south abutment at Devil Canyon (Figure 3). From 26 October to 15 November,1981,a 28,800 ft traverse was run from rock outcrops near the proposed Watana south abutment to a point approximately 5 miles to the east.The r 1-3 locations of lines 81-FL-1 through 81-FL-48 are shown on Figures 1 &2.This traverse crossed an area of suspected buried channels in the Fog Lakes area. The alignments of all traverses were flagged by R &M or AAI personnel prior to refraction surveying.During refraction work,the location of all shot points and geophones were flagged.The coordinates and elevations of each of the shot and geophone points for spring and summer traverses were subsequently surveyed by R &M.For the fall work (Fog Lakes)R &M provided coordinates and elevations at all turning points and breaks in slope. Data for all seismic refraction traverses accomplished during 1980 and 1981 are summarized in Table 1.The table includes line numbers used in this report,line numbers used by R &M for coordinate and elevation surveys,presen- tation data,line configuration data,and comments.This report discusses the interpretation of 1981 traverses in detail and references 1980 lines where they are in proxi- mity to the 1981 survey lines. 2.0 DATA ACQUISITION AND REDUCTION Field procedures used during the 1981 season were similar to those of the 1980 survey (Woodward-Clyde Consul tants, 1980).A Geometries/Nimbus model ES-1210F twelve-channel stacking seismograph and an explosive energy source was used for all lines.Line lengths and geophone spacing varied as discussed later in separate sections. Data reduction for the 1981 surveys was accomplished in a similar manner as for the 1980 lines,essentially following the procedures of Redpath (1973).Rigorous delay time methods were used for only a few lines for which data was sufficient and too complex for adequate interpretation by approximation methods. Time-distance plots of the data are included in Appendix A (spring surveys),Appendix B (summer surveys),and Appendix C (fall-Fog Lakes surveys).Interpretation of these lines are shown as Figures 4 through 23 and are discussed in Sections 4.0,5.0,and 6.0.These sections discuss the setting of each traverse,our interpretation,and anomalous or ambiguous conditions which became apparent during data reduction and subsequent review of all available data. Our confidence in the contacts between layers of differing velocities on the figures is variable.Solid lines repre- sent well controlled contacts with the depths shown prob- ably within 20 percent of the true total depth.Dots on a line represent depths calculated by the delay time method or by approximation techniques.Dashed lines are less well controlled with an estimated possible deviation from true depths on the order of 30%.Queried dashed lines are 2-2 assumed contacts that are based on assumed velocities and information other than that resul ting directly from data reduction,or that are inferred by the data but are not mathematically explicit. 3.0 LIMITATIONS Seismic refraction is a widely used and well suited exploration tool for engineering projects but is subject to certain limitations which should be kept in mind when evaluating the interpretations presented in the following sections.The effects of inhomogeneities,irregular contacts,"blind zones"and hard-over-soft conditions are discussed below.Other limitations which result from the site environment and from the specified scope of these surveys apply particularly to seismic work performed at the Susitna sites. The seismic refraction technique depends upon measuring the first arrival of a seismic wave at geophones placed on the ground surface progressively further from an explosive charge or other seismic source.Arrivals at nearest phones generally indicate travel directly through low-density surface materials.At points further from the source,the seismic wave arrives sooner than would be expected from travel through surface materials,having traveled in part through deeper,more dense,and therefore higher velocity layers.If subsurface layers are uniform,horizontal and the seismic velocities progressively increase with depth,a mathematical model can be developed from the arrival time data that approximates actual conditions.Several condi- tions exist in nature,however,which make interpretation of the data less precise and introduce ambiquity into the model. In ideal situations,plots of arrival times versus distance (see Appendices Ai B,and c)produce straight lines,the inverse slopes of whi¢h represent the seismic velocity of the subsurface material.Deviations of the data from straight lihes indicate inhomogeneity within layers i 3-2 irregular layer contacts,or inaccuracy in identification of first arrival time.Sufficient data is seldom available to distinguish amoung these possibilities.It is also difficul t to determine if irregulari ties occur in near- surface layers or at depth.In many cases,the data resulting from local or lateral velocity changes can also be interpreted as contact irregularities. Thin layers at depth also present a problem.Ideally each layer is represented on a time-distance plot as a separate straight line.Thin layers may produce no indication of their existance in the data regardless of the detail of the survey.Such lIblind zone ll cases can affect the calculated depth to deeper layers,such as bedrock,by a theoretical maximum of 30 percent. Layers with seismic velocities less than overlying layers are not de tee tab 1e by ref rae t i on .Th iss i t ua t ion i s suspected to exist in several areas,at the Watana site in particular,where less dense sediments may underlie frozen, more dense ground.Non-seismic information,such as boring data,is required to resol ve hard-over-soft condi tions, enabling correction of the refraction model,which is otherwise likely to be in error by as much as 30 percent for the depth of deeper layers. Several conditions occur which preclude collection of the optimum quantity and quality of data.These include weather,ground conditions and,of course,the time available to resolve operational problems which may arise. For the Susitna work,field data reduction was performed to assure the sufficiency of results from each line.In some cases,however,time and budget constraints precluded running additional lines which may have resolved some uncertainties. ,- I 3-3 In interpreting data which is less than straight forward, the tendency is to produce as simple a model as possible wi thout violating the restraints of the data.In these cases,the experience and judgement of the interpreter is important in producing a geologically reasonable picture. The presence of an experienced geologist during shooting of the lines and during interpretation,combined with the results of previous investigations,increased the likeli- hood that profiles presented herein reflect a fairly accurate model of existing conditions suitable for evalua- tion of the feasibility of the project.Further explora- tion is required to resolve the uncertainties identi- fied during these surveys. 4.0 SPRING TRAVERSES The twelve traverses (lines 81-1 through 81-12)run during April each crossed the Susitna River,which was almost completely frozen at the time.Geophones at ice locations were placed in holes bored through the ice to soil or,in some cases,water.The phones were then firmly affixed to the soil or river bottom by weights.Explosive charges were detonated away from the river to provide the seismic energy source. During the surveys,ice thickness ranged up to four feet with only a few open leads.The Susitna River was at its low point for the year but still retained sufficient velocity to interfere with seis~ic signals.Explosive charges up to 20 Ibs were required to overcome the river noise in some cases.Also,seismic signals traveling through the ice at 11,000 fps (feet per second)often masked first arrivals through shallow,less dense sedi- ments. The locations of lines 81-1 through 81-6 are shown in Figure 1.Lines 81-7 through 81-12 are shown in Figure 2. 4.1 Traverse 81-1 This traverse consists of one 1,000 ft geophone spread and three shotpoints.The line crosses the Susitna River near the mouth of Deadman Creek.The south terminus is at the base of the steep slope on the southern bank of the Susitna River while the northern terminus is at the toe of the slope at the northern side of the valley.The southern third of this line is over the ice-covered Susitna River. The interpretated profile for traverse 81 ...1 is shown in Figure 4.Bedrock has a oalculated velocity of 16,700 fps.Bedrock appears to be very near the $urface at the 4-2 southern end of the profile and reaches a depth of about 120 ft near the northern end of the profile.There is a bedrock high in the center of the profile which brings bedrock to within 70 ft of the surface at that point. An average velocity of 4,600 fps was found for the sur- ficial materials.In our experience,this velocity is typical of recent river deposits of varying saturation and grain size. 4.2 Traverse 81-2 This traverse consists of two 1,000 ft spreads and six shotpoints.The line setting is similar to that of traverse 81-1 but is 3,000 ft further west,downstream. The northern half of the traverse was over the active river channel at the time of the survey.Ri ver ice with a veloci ty of about 11,000 fps ,effectively masked the arrivals from the surficial materials under the river. The interpreted profile for traverse 81-2 is shown in Figure 4.The calculated bedrock velocity on this profile averages about 16,000 to 18,000 fps but is not well con- strained due to the masking effect of the ice.Bedrock is near surface on the south end of the profile and becomes deeper towards the north to a postulated depth of about 150 feet.There appears to be a bedrock high simi lar to that noted on profile 81-1,which brings bedrock to within 100 ft of the surface. Surficial layer velocities vary from 5,000 fps on land to possibly 8,000 fps under the river.These velocities probably represent recent water saturated ri ver deposits. 4-3 4.3 Traverse 81-3 This traverse consists of one 500 ft spread and two shot- points.The line crosses the Susitna River approximately 3,000 ft downstream from traverse 81-2 in the area where the ri ver and valley are narrow.The southern traverse terminus is on exposed bedrock and the northern terminus is near the base of steep northern valley slope. The interpreted profile for traverse 81-3 is shown in Figure 5.Ice velocities of 11,100 fps were encountered. The bedrock velocity and depth is unknown.A minimum depth calculation indicates there is probably at least 50 ft of 5,000 fps overburden under the center of the river.The bedrock gradient noted on the upstream profiles (81-1 and 81-2)suggests that the probable depth is more likely to be at least 100 ft. 4.4 Traverse 81-4 This traverse consists of one 1,100 ft spread and three shotpoints.A prominent structural feature on the north abutment,the II Fins II,trends toward the location of the line.Rock is exposed near both ends of the line. Virtually the entire length of the line is over the ice- covered river. The interpreted profile for traverse 81-4 is shown in Figure 5.Bedrock appears to be shallow and to have a relatively low veloci ty of 14,000 fps.This velocity is similar to that measured across the IIFins"on the north abutment (Shannon and Wilson,1979,and line 81~15,this report).It is also possible that the 14,000 fps material is unusually high velocity frozen gravels and boulders derived from local talus slopes and that competent bedrock may be present at a greater depth.A minimum thickness calculation was made which assumed a higher bedrock 4-4 veloci ty (e.g.,17,000 fps).This calculation shows that the depth of such high velocity material would have to be greater than 120 feet.This deeper contact places bedrock at an elevation similar to that both upstream and down- stream from this traverse.It is also possible that the boulder deposit,which is exposed at the surface,has approximately the same seismic velocity as underlying weathered rock.In this case it would not be possible to detect the contact by refraction. A thin wedge of surficial materials with an average velocity of about 6,500 fps may be as thick as 35 ft near the north terminus of the line.A similar wedge appears to be present at the south end. 4.5 Traverse 81-5 This traverse consists of one 650 ft spread and three shotpoints.The line crosses traverse 81-4 and is slightly farther downstream for most of its length. The interpreted profile for traverse 81-5 is shown in Figure 5.The calculated apparent bedrock velocity of 12,000 fps is very low but not inconsistant with the 14,000 fps of velocity on line 81-4.The small difference could be due to anisotropy across a linear fracture zone or to inhomogeneity of the boulder deposit.If present,higher veloci ty rock (1 7,000 fps)would probably be over 100 ft deep. Thin surficial materials appear to be as thick as 15 ft at the north terminous of the traverse. 4.6 Traverse 81-6 This traverse shotpoints. consists of one The line crosses 500 ft spread with two a narrow portion of the r-- I i 4-5 Susitna River under the upstream shell of the proposed dam. Both ends terminate at the rock walls of the Susitna Ri ver valley.The traverse connects the two segments of traverse 80-3 (Woodward-Clyde Consultants,1980). The interpreted profile for traverse 81-6 is shown in Figure 6.The bedrock velocity and depth is unknown from the present data because of the masking of first arrivals from the bedrock refractor by direct arrivals through the river ice.Delayed arrival times at the end-points of the present line suggest there is about 30 to 40 ft of over- burden near the river banks.Minimum depth calculations as suming the higher velocities interpreted for the rock slopes (line 80-3)suggest that the overburden is at least 60 ft thick near the center of the river.This interpreta- tion is similar to that of Dames and Moore (1975)for a line across the river at about the downstream toe of the proposed dam. 4.7 Traverse 81-7 This traverse consists of three spreads,each about 1,000 ft long,and a total of nine shotpoints.The line crosses the river near the downstream limit of Borrow Area E.The Susitna River divides into several branches with the main course near the north terminus of the traverse. The interpreted profile for traverse 81-7 is shown in Figure 6.Bedrock has a velocity which varies from 19,000 fps at the south terminus to 15,000 fps at the north terminus.bepth to bedrock is typically 100 ft deep.The bedrock surface has a gently undulating interface.The bedrock depth appears to increase near the north terminus of the line and correlates well with previous line SW-14 which is located about 1,000 ft to the northeast of line 81-7. 4-6 The surficial materials,probably saturated recent river deposits,have velocities of about 5,000 fps.There is no evidence in the data for an intermediate velocity layer although previous lines in the area indicate this is possible.A thin,undetectable layer underlying the 5000 fps layer with a velocity of 7,000 to 9,000 fps (typical of glacial materials elsewhere),if present,could cause an over estimation of overburden thickness by about 30 per- cent. 4.8 Traverse 81-8 This traverse consists of three spreads,totaling about 2,500 ft long,and six shotpoints.The line crosses the river valley about 5,000 ft downstream from traverse 81-7. The eastern end of the profile crosses the active river channel. The interpreted profile for traverse 81-8 is shown in Figure 7.Bedrock velocities range from 15,000 fps at the west end of the line to 18,000 fps over most of the line. The depth to bedrock typically varies from 50 to 100 feet. The surficial sediments have velocities of 3,800 fps to 4,800 fps,suggesting only partial saturation.As in traverse 81-7,an intermediate velocity layer,if present as a hidden layer,could decrease the interpreted low velocity overburden thicknesses and increase depth to bedrock by up to 30 percent. 4.9 Traverse 81-9 This traverse consists of two spreads about 1,000 ft.long and six shotpoints.This line crosses the Susi tna Ri ver about 2 miles downstream from traverse 81-8.The line 4-7 crosses the river at its northwest terminus. ice prevented complete data acquisition. Thin,unsafe r- i The interpreted profile for traverse 81-9 is shown in Figure 7.Bedrock velocities range from 14,000 fps at the southeast end of the line to 18,000 fps elsewhere.The depth to bedrock varies from 100 to 180 feet.The deepest portion is under the center of the valley. An intermediate layer having a velocity of about 6,500 to 7,500 fps occurs under the entire line.This layer probably represents older and more consolidated gravels possibly of glacial origin.Recent surficial materials, probably alluvial sands and fine gravels,form a thin veneer,20 to 30 ft thick,with velocities of 3,800 to 4,800 fps. 4.10 Traverse 81-10 This traverse consists of two spreads,each about 1,100 ft long and six shotpoints.The line crosses the valley at a westward bend of the river about 8 miles downstream from the proposed dam.The south~rn end of the line crosses the river. The interpreted profile for traverse 81-10 is shown in Figure 8.No bedroCk velocities were observed on this traverse.Minimum depth calculations show that the depth to bedrock is probably greater than 300 ft based on an assumed velocity of 18,000 fps.Lower assumed bedrock v~locities would produce a shallower calculated depth. An intermediate layer velocity of 8,300 fps to 9,500 fps occurs under the entire line.The depth to this layer, which appears to be well consolidated or possibly frozen glacial deposits,decreases from about 70 ft at the north 4-8 end of the traverse to 10 ft at the south end. materials have velocities of about 4,000 fps. Surficial 4.11 Traverse 81-11 This traverse consists of three spreads and nine shot- points.Two spreads are about 1,000 ft long while the third is 700 ft long and offset from the other two.This line is about 6,000 ft downstream from traverse 81-10 and crosses the Susitna River bottom lands.The center section of the line crosses the river. The interpreted profile for traverse 81-11 is shown in Figure 8.Bedrock appears to be about 400 ft deep assuming a bedrock velocity of 18,000 fps. An intermediate layer,similar to that beneath line 81-10, wi th a veloci ty of 8,000 to 10,000 fps occurs under the entire line.The highest velocities occur near the south end of the line.The depth to this layer is 20 to 30 feet. Thin surficial materials,which are probably partially sa turated sands and gravels,have velocities of 3,000 to 3,500 fps. 4.12 Traverse 81-12 This traverse consists of two 1,000 ft spreads with seven shotpoints.The line is about 4,000 ft downstream of traverse 81-11.The north end of the line crosses the river. The interpreted profile for traverse 81-12 is shown in Figure 9.No bedrock veloci ties were observed on this traverse.Minimum depth calculations indicate that the depth to bedrOck is probably greater than 300 feet,assum- ing a bedrock velocity of 18,000 fps. ,.... I 4-9 An intermediate layer velocity of 6,700 to 8,000 fps occurs under the entire profile.Velocities increase northwards. Although they are somewhat lower than encountered on lines 81-10 and 81-11,they probably represent similar deposits. Surficial materials 10 to 30 ft thick have velocities which range from 4,500 fps at the south terminus to 3,500 fps at the north terminus. 5.0 SUMMER 1981 SURVEYS Traverses 81-13 through 81-19 were located on the north side of the river,upstream from the proposed Watana Dam. This area is underlain by a buried or II relict II channel. Velocities of channel fill material vary considerably as discussed in relation to the individual traverses below. From borings discussed in the 1980 report (Woodward-Clyde Consultants,1980),these materials are known to include well consolidated glacial tills and outwash deposits, younger alluvial deposits,and some lacustrine sediments, all possibly frozen in part or entirely.Although the seismic velocities of the channel fill referenced with each traverse are a reflection of material properties,no subsurface boring data was available in the vicinity of the 1981 traverses to identify the type of material that might be represented by a particular velocity range. Traverses 81-20 through 81-22 were run in areas of shallow bedrock on the south abutment at Watana and on the south abutment at Devil Canyon.For these as well as for the other lines,higher velocity bedrock (ie 15,000 to 20,000 fps)is presumably more competent than lower velocity bedrock (ie 10,000 to 14,000 fps).Specific rock types or degrees of weathering,however,cannot generally be distin- guished by velocity alone.Correlation of the seismic veloci ties reported herein with the most recent surface mapping and boring information may provide a better idea of the extent of particular mapped units and struc- tural features away f:r;-om their locations Known from out- crops or cores. 5.1 Traverae 81-13 ~hree 1,100 £t geophone spreads OVerlapped line 80-1 b¥50Q ft and continued that traverse an additional ~,aoo ft to 5-2 the northeast as shown in Figure 1.The traverse crosses undulating topography which rises gently to the northeast. The interpreted profile of traverse 81-13 (Figure 10)shows a continuation of the relict channel with a relatively uniform depth toward the northeast end of the line where it shallows.Bedrock,wi th seismic velocities ranging from 13,000 to 15,000 fps is from 200 to 250 ft deep beneath most of the traverse.Channel fill material ranges from 6,000 to 8,000 fps and surficial sediments,which are thicker toward the southwest end of the line where it overlaps 80-1,average 2,200 fps.Several irregularities in the time-distance plot (Figure B-1)appear to be due to topographic effects. 5.2 Traverse 81-14 The southwest end of traverse 81-14 is located about 600 ft from the northeast end of traverse 80-2.Three 1,100 ft lines were used to extend traverse 80-2 to the northeast. The northern end of the line turns north to the edge of a small lake as shown in Figure 1.Relatively smooth topo- graphy rises gently to the northeast to within 1,000 ft of the small lake,then drops gently toward the lake.The topography along the northern 1,000 ft was not surveyed; the profile shown in Figure 11 for that area was approxi- mated from small scale maps and field notes. The interpretation of traverse 81-14 (Figure 11)shows 18,000 fps bedrock to be 500 ft deep beneath the southwest end of the line.This requires a drop of about 200 ft from the northeast end of line 80-2 which is not inconsistent with the 1980 interpretation.The 500 ft depth places the thalweg of the channel at an elevation of about 1,700 ft, which is similar to that found on line 80-1 to the west and somewhat deeper than on lines to the southeast.This ,- I 5-3 deepening to the northwest is consistent with the interpre- tation from other considerations that the ancient stream flow was in that direction. To the northeast,on traverse 81-14,bedrock shallows to a depth of 100 ft,effectively the edge of the relict channel,about 1,000 ft south of the lake.Along the northern extension towards the lake,bedrock maintains a depth of between 100 and 150 ft,and an average velocity of 15,000 fps. Two layers of channel fill are apparent on the profile. Material with a velocity ranging from 9,000 to 10,500 fps as thick as 400 ft occupies the bottom of the relict channel and is overlain by a 50 to 150 ft thick 6,000 fps layer that continues to the north beyond the limits of the relict channel.The veloci ty of the deeper layer is similar to that interpreted as possible permafrost else- where in the area.If it is indeed frozen,then it may be underlain by less dense,unfrozen sediments and the depth to bedrock may be as much as 100 ft shallower than shown in Figure 11.This is assuming that only the upper 100 ft is frozen and that the velocity of the underlying material is about 7000 fps. Velocities of surficial deposits range from 1,200 to 1,800 fps beneath traverse 81-14 and vary from 20 to 30 ft in thickness. 5.3 Traverse 81~15 The center portion of traverse 81-15 consisted of two 550 ft geophone spreads across the apparent topographic expression of the Fins structure near the top of the v~lley wall on the north side of the l:"iver.Topography across this central portion is somewhat irregular d~e,presumqbly, 5-4 to the underlying structure.Slopes to either side of this central portion were too steep for continuation of the line.Therefore,two extensions were run off the east and west ends of the central traverse but shifted about 200 ft further upslope to an area of more subdued topography (Figure 1). Data from traverse 81-15 indicates no intermediate layer ( 7 ,000 fps)such as found on nearby line SW-3.Instead, the most reasonable interpretation (Figure 12)of the data shows relatively low velocity bedrock (11,000 to 12,700 fps)underlying relatively thin surficial materials with velocities of 1,000 to possibly as much as 4,000 fps. A bedrock velocity change at the southwest end of the extension to 16,000 fps may indicate the downstream boun- dary of the shear zone. All apparently anomalous arrival times (Figure B-3)can be explained by topographic effects or by slight thickness changes in surficial materials.Two possible locations of resistant ridges in bedrock within the zone are beneath the northeast end of the extension where arrivals are consider- ably more irregular than elsewhere.No such irregularities occur along the central portion of the line. 5.4 Traverse 81-16 This traverse consisted of two 1,100 ft geophone spreads across a deep section of the relict channel adjacent to the Susitna River slopes upstream from the proposed dam site.Topography in this area is gently rolling and fairly level.The east end of traverse 81-16 is within 100 ft of the south end of traverse 80-7. The interpretive profile of traverse 81-16 (Figure 12) shows the depth to bedrock to vary between 200 ft at the 5-5 west end and 450 ft at the east end of the line.Bedrock velocity is 18,000 to 19,000 fps.Channel fill ranges from 5,500 to 10,000 fps and thin surficial materials,1,300 to 1,800 fps.The 5500 fps materials appears to be a younger filled channel.The shape of this channel,however,is not well defined. Bedrock elevation near the east end of the line is about 1,775 feet.This appears to be about the deepest part of the channel in the area .The elevation agrees with that noted on SW-3 to the north. 5.5 Traverse 81-17 A single 1,100 ft geophone spread was run northerly from the east end of traverse 81-16.The line is about 300 ft east and parallel with traverse 80-7.The configuration and velocities shown on the interpretive profile (Figure 13)agree with those interpr~ted for traverse 80-7. Bedrock with a probable maximum velocity of 20,000 fps shallows from 400 ft at the south end,near the east end of line 81-16,to about 200 ft at th~north end.Channel fill material averages about 8,000 fps and surficial materials about 1,800 fps. 5.6 Traverse 81~18 This traverse consisted of a,single 1,100 ft line which was run in conjunction with line 81-19 across the southern edge of Borrow Area D north of Quarry SOUrce B.A prominent gully separated the two lines and precluded their being run as a single traverse.The topography along traverse 81~18 is relatively flat,sloping gently to the east. The profile of line 81 ....18 shown in Figure 13,indicates 20,000 fps bedrock at a fairly uniform depth of 325 feet. 5-6 Bedrock depth at the eastern end of the line is based on depths interpreted for line 81-19.Intermediate velocity material is predominently 6,500 fps with a wedge of 8,000 fps material,below the eastern end of the line which is consi stent wi th travers e 81-19.Surf icial rna terials ranging from 1,200 to 2,000 fps thin toward the east from a maximum thickness of 60 ft near the west end. 5.7 Traverse 81-19 This traverse consisted of two 1,100 ft geophone spreads extending easterly from about 600 ft east of traverse 81-18.The traverse crosses line 80-8 near the midpoint. The line was approximately parallel to contours sloping gently toward the west.The slope is very steep toward the south. The interpretive profile of line 81-19 (Figure 14)shows an irregular bedrock surface ranging from 300 to 450 ft deep. The deepest portion is near elevation 1700 which is the lowest noted during this survey.Bedrock velocity ranges from 13,000 to 16,000 fps. Two layers of intermediate velocity materials are apparent. They consist of a 6,000 fps layer 80 to 150 ft thick overlying a 7,500 to 8,000 fps layer.Although thicknesses vary somewhat,this is consistent with the interpretation for line 80-8 where the lines cross.Surficial deposits are up to 40 ft thick with velocities from 1,200 to 2,500 fps. 5.8 Traverse 81-20 This traverse extends line SW-l on the south abutment of the proposed Watana Dam.Total extension was about 1000 ft to the east.The traverse consisted of overlapping 550 and 300 ft geophone spreads wi th two 225 ft spreads over the r ! r- i 5 ...7 east side of the traverse to produce more detailed data in that area.Gently rolling topography along the traverse rises slightly toward the east. Figure 15 shows that bedrock,interpreted to be about 18,000 fps,underlies the entire traverse at shallow depth, generally less than 10 ft.A small wedge,up to 50 ft thick,of intermediate velocity material,averaging 7,000 fps overlies bedrock near the east end of the line. This material was identified as varved silts and clays in boring DH-25 (U.S.Army Corps of Engineers,1979). 5.9 Traverse 81-21 Four overlapping 550 ft geophone spreads and several 225 ft detail spreads were run across the suspected projection of the Fingerbuster structural feature on the south abutment of the proposed Watana Dam.The total length of the line was about 1900 ft.It crosses line 81-20 near its northeastern end.The topography rises steeply to the southwest along the traverse. The purpose of traverse 81-21 was to delineate,if possi- ble,the Fingerbuster zone in order to locate a drill site for further exploration of the zone.As shown on the interpretive profile of the traverse (Figure 15),the structural zone appears to occur as an area of 12,000 fps bedrock flanked by more competent 18,000 fps bedrock.This is overlain by 1,500 to 3;500 fps surficial materials which range in thickness from zero to 40 feet. The location of the zone was thought to be khown more preHjisely from appa.rerit anomalies on field time dista.hce plots ~Several anomalies apparent on the time ....distance plot (Figure 8 ....6),cati be attributed for the most part to tbpeg~aphi6 irregula.rities ahd to changes in thickness of 5-8 the near surface layer.The zone appears to be delineated by a prominent slope break to the west and a rapid thinning of surficial deposits to the east.It appears that a topographic low exists over the central portion of the zone.The depression appears to be due to erosion by a crossing stream. 5.10 Traverse 81-22 This traverse was run as three overlapping 550 ft geophone spreads along the ridge on the south abutment of the proposed Devil Canyon Dam.The eastern portion of the traverse crosses the southern ends of lines 80-12 and 80-13.The somewhat irregular ground surface along the traverse slopes downward toward the east end. The interpretive profile of traverse 81-22,shown in Figure 16,shows very shallow bedrock ranging from 11,000 to 15,000 fps overlain by surficial materials of 1,800 to 2,000 fps.The surficial material appears to average about 10 ft thick but thickens to as much as 30 ft at one location near the east end.Intermediate layers of 5,000 and 10,000 fps interpreted for the south ends of 80-12 and 80-13 were not apparent from the data for 81-22. 6.0 FALL TRAVERSES-FOG LAKES AREA The Fog Lakes traverse consisted of 48-500 ft geophone spreads with common end shot points.The location of the traverse was selected to cross areas of possible buried channels which could contribute to seepage from the reservoir.Topography along the line is gently rolling and relatively flat locally.Elevations range from less than 2,300 ft across the Fog Lakes valley,approximately fi ve miles east of the proposed Watana Dam,to about 2,400 ft near the proposed south abutment. The interpretation of the data for the traverse,shown in Figures 17 through 23,indicates that apparent bedrock velocities vary substantially along the traverse,from 20,000 fps to as low as 10,000 fps. Two types of intermediate material are apparent.The first ranges from 4,500 to 7,000 fps and is interpreted to consist of poorly consolidated,saturated glacial deposits.The second ranges from 8,000 fps to as much as 10,500 fps.This is suspected to be well consolidated glacial sediments in part or entirely frozen.Surf icial deposits range from 1,000 to 3,000 fps,are as thick as 50 ft in some areas,and are absent in others. Several areas along the traverse appear to be underlain by buried channels which extend below the proposed reservoir level.The two most prominent of these are near the west end of the traverse (Figure 17)and beneath the Fog Lakes Valley (FigUres 22 and 23).Near the west end,a channel which may be as deep as 300 ft (to elevation 2,030)is filled fuainly with low velocity (4~60 to 6000 fps)de~ posits;,Higher velocity ChOintlel fill (9000 ips)is indi .... cated near the east side of the channel bUt the contact 6-2 between the two types of channel fill is uncertain.It is possible that the higher velocity material is permafrost, in which case unfrozen sediments (with lower velocities) could be present below it and the total depth of the channel could be somewhat less than shown on the profile. The width of the deepest part of the channel appears to be about 1,000 feet. The apparent channel in the Fog Lakes Valley is more than a mile wide.The deepest part appears to underlie the lowest part of the valley at an elevation of about 1,940,350 ft be low ground surface.Much of the rest of the channel, which extends below the topographic high northwest of the valley,is below an elevation of 2,100 feet. The shape of the channel shown on the profile is based on marginal arrival-time data from distant offsets and from minimum depth calculations where distant offsets did not penetrate sufficiently to detect rock.The shape, therefore,could be significantly different,especially on the west side where depths could be greater.The interpretation shown,however,is considered to be a reasonable estimate of the maximum depth within the limits of the uncertainties of the data. The most critical uncertainty is the nature of the 8,000 to 11,000 fps apparent channel fill material.If this material is interpreted to be well consolidated glacial deposits then the interpreted profile as shown in Figures 22 and 23 is appropriate.However,if the material is frozen,then lower velocity material could underlie the perma- frost and depths to bedrock could be shallower than shown on the Figures. - 6-3 A third possibility,which is not likely,is that the apparent channel fill could instead be weathered bedrock, at least in part.If this were true the bedrock velocity would be so close to that expected for frozen or well consolidated sediments that the contact between them could not be distinguished.It is remotely possible that the apparent indications of high velocity bedrock at depth are the result of irregularities in shallower,very low-velocity weathered rock or from steeply dipping contacts between weathered bedrock and high velocity channel fill. !""'" i ! r i l - - An attempt was made to resolve the nature of high velocity apparent channel fill material using shallow reflection at the location of refraction line 81-FL-3.Results were not definitive but the most likely reflection appears to place the bedrock contact at a depth of 170 ft below ground surface which is similar to the depth indicated by refraction in that area.This depth,however,indicates an anomalous high near the middle of the broad channel which makes the interpretation even more tenuous. Other areas of apparent channeling are present along the central portion of the traverse.These channels,although broad in some cases,are all above elevation 2,150 and generally shallower than elevation 2,200. At several locations along the Fog Lakes Traverse,bedrock lows appear to coincide with higher seismic velocities which is contrary to conditions elsewhere in the vicinity. No explanation for this is evident from the present data. ..... -i ..... r- ! ..... r 7.0 MAGNETOMETER SURVEYS Approximately 3,000 ft of magnetometer surveys were run as two long traverses and three shorter traverses in an attempt to locate buried mafic dikes on the south abutment of the proposed Devil Canyon Dam.One of the long tra- verses was run along the alignment of refraction line 81-22 . No significant anomalies were detected which could not be attributed to cultural features or to topography.The method was found to be not applicable for mapping the dikes and therefore the program was discontinued after these trials . - r - ..... 8.0 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS In general,results of the 1981 seismic refraction surveys are in good agreement with surveys interpreted during 1980 and in previous years.Only a few cases were found where independent interpretations did not agree.The most notable of these were the lack of intermediate velocity material indicated on lines 81-15 and 81-22 which crossed or were near to existing lines for which shallow,interme- diate velocity material had been interpreted.This difference may be a simple result of differing interpreta- tion procedures or possibly an indication of rapid lateral changes.Boreholes,or possible additional,more detailed seismic lines,are needed to resolve these differences. As previously discussed,the seismic refraction method is subject to a number of limitations which affect the confidence one can place on the details of interpretations based soley on refraction data.For example,a great deal of uncertainty exists as to the nature of the apparent channel-fill material along the Fog Lakes traverse.A few borings in the interpreted channel areas,however,should resolve these uncertainties and provide a basis for further evaluation of possible seepage problems during design studies. The interpretation of material types represented by various velocities have been discussed in previous reports and are covered only in general terms herein.The present profiles were developed assuming the material types and velocities encountered in this survey were simi lar to those encoun- tered in previous surveys which were based,in part,on boring information. - - - - REFERENCES Dames and Moore,1975,Subsurface exploration,proposed Watana Dam site on the Susitna River,Alaska:Report for Department of the Army,Alaska District,Corps of Engineers,Contract DACW85-C-0004,12 p. Redpath,B.B.,1973,Seismic refraction exploration for engineering site investigations:U.S.Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,Explosive Excavation Research Laboratory,Livermore,California,Technical Report E-73-4,55 p. Shannon and Wilson,Inc.,1978,Seismic refraction survey, Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Watana Dam Site: Report for Department of the Army,Alaska District, Corps of Engineers,Contract DACW85-78-C-0027,17 p. U.S.Army Corps of Engineers -Alaska District,1979, Southcentral Rai lbel t Area,Alaska Upper Su si tna River Basin Supplemental Feasibility Report: Appendix Part I. Woodward-Clyde Consultants,1980,Final Report,Susitna Hydroelectric Project Seismic Refraction Survey, Summer,1980:Report for R &M Consultants,22 p. TABLE 1 1980-1981 Seismic Refraction Li Line WCC R &M Location Profile Time-Distance Length Line No.Survey No.Figure Figure Plot Figure (ft) 80-1 80-1 2 **6,600 80-2 80-2 2 **5,500 80-3 80-3 2 **2,000 80-4 80-5 80-6 80-6 2 **1,100 80-7 80-7 2 **2,200 80-8 80-8 2 **2,200 80-9 80-9 1 **1,100 80-10 80-11 80-11 2 **2,200 80-12 80-12 3 **1,120 80-13 80-13 3 **1,120 80-14 80-15 80-15 3 **440 81-1 81-1 2 4 A-I 1,000 81 ....~81-2 2 4 A-I 2,000 81-3 81-3 2 5 A-I 500 ~...;-;;-"" ,101lo#-" 81-4 81-4 -2 5 A...J..900 *Profiles and time-distance plots included in previous report (Woodward-Clyde Co Data Number of ~gments/Shots 8/31 5/19 4/11 2/5 2/10 2/10 1/3 4/13 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/3 2/6'c 1/2 1/3 lltants,1980). Comments Watana Rt Abutment-Relict Channel--Extended NE by 81-13 Watana Rt Abutment-Relict Channel--Extended NE by 81-14 Watana Rt &Lft Abutments Upstream--81-6 Crosses River in Middle Not Used Not Used Watana RT Abutment--Relict Channel Area Watana RT Abutment--Relict Channel Area Watana Quarry Source B--Extends SW-5 to South Watana Borrow Area E--Extends SW-14 to NW Not Used Watana Borrow Area E--Adjacent to Tsusena Creek Devil Canyon Saddle Dam Area--Left Abutment Devil Canyon Saddle Dam Area--Left Abutment Not Used Devil Canyon Saddle Dam Area--Left Abutment Run Over River Ice,2.1 Miles Upstream from Proposed Watana Dam Centerline. R~Over River Ice,1.6 Miles Upstream f~om Proposed Watana Dam Centerline. Run Over River Ice,1.1 Miles Upstream from Proposed Watana Dam Centerr'ine. Run Over River Ice,0.6 Miles Upstream from Proposed Watana Dam Centerline. TABLE 1 (Continued) Line WCC R &M Location Profile Time-Distance Length Line No.Survey No.Figure Figure Plot Figure (ft)S 81-5 81-5 2 5 A-I 450 81-6 81-6 2 6 A-I 450 81-7 81-7 1 6 A-2 3,200 81-8 81-8 1 7 A-2 2,500 81-9 81-9 1 7 A-2 2,000 81-10 81-10 1 8 A-3 2,100 81-11 81-11 1 8 A-3 2,800 81-12 81-12 1 9 A-3 2,000 81-13 80-lX 2 10 B-1 3,200 81-14 80-2X 2 11 B-2 3,300 81-15 &15X BH-ll 2 12 B-3 2,100 81-16 16-81 2 12 B-3 2,200 81-17 2 13 B-4 1,100 "-81-18 QSB 2 13 •B-4 2,200 81-19 QSB 2 14 B-5 1,100 4-....~' 81-20 Svl-IX 2 15 B-6 ","1,600 81-21 .BH-12 2 15 B-6 1,850 81-22 17 3 16 B-6 1,500 81-FL-l to Fog Lakes 1 &2 17 -23 Cl -C7 28,800 81-FL-48 Number of ~gments/Shots 1/3 1/2 3/9 3/6 2/6 2/6 3/9 2/7 3/10 3/5 4/11 2/8 1/5 2/10' 1/6 ,'.., 5/11 5/19 3/6 48/138 Comments Run Over River Ice,0.5 Miles Upstream from Proposed Watana Dam Centerline. Run Over River Ice,0.1 Miles Upstream from Proposed Watana Dam Centerline. Run Over River Ice,4.0 Miles Downstream from Proposed Watana Dam Centerline. Run Over River Ice,5.2 Miles Downstream from Proposed Watana Dam Centerline. Run Over River Ice,7.3 Miles Downstream from Proposed Watana Dam Centerline. Run Over River Ice,8.2 Miles Downstream from Proposed Watana Dam Centerline. Run Over River Ice,9.3 Miles Downstream from Proposed Watana Dam Centerline. Run Over River Ice,10.1 Miles Downstream from Proposed Watana Dam Centerline. Watana Relict Channel Area--Extends 80-1 to NE Watana Relict Channel Area--Extends 80-2 to NE-- North Extension Not Surveyed Watana Rt Abutment--Fins Area Watana Relict Channel Area Watana Relict Channel Area--Not Surveyed Watana Relict Channel Area--N of Quarry Source B Watana Relict Channel Area--N of Quarry ~/ Source B Watana Left Abutment--Extends SW-l East Watana Left Abutment--Crosses 81-20 Devil Canyon Left Abutment--Crosses 80-12 and 80-13 Watana Fog Lakes Area--Continuous Profile i w DR-13\\/~:<. \C J )r '-S ··~·i '~\ r"(7 Ii ~l~-,_(r'WATANA )jJ I /...~LOCATION OF DETAIL AREA'c>---.SEISMIC REFRACTIO )/.. ~.,.,.'DR-27 8 45 46 47 48 §~g '"Ie w I'- q- W I'- W ':',. o 1 FOG LAKES TRAVERSE ,:;-=~.l..-3_,5 36 37.38 39 -, N 3,234.000'- N 3,?&l.ooo N 3.232.000 N 3.226,000 ~3.224,000 PREPARED BY.WOODWARD -CL YDE CONSULTANTS 8.o ;!: w 2.300 )) AREA FRACTION LINES 4 8 MILESSCALE:O~~lIIIIIi;iiiiiiiiii __!I~ \500 ---------- 1600- ~ \100 ~- \'600,--../' ~ -N- ~ 1000 2.000 FEETSCALE:~~~~~iiiiiii_! NOTES !100 FEET I LOCATION ACCURATE TO OF DIRECTIJN NOT SHOWN ;.MINOR MID -LINE CHANGES FIGURE I ~ -N- 1 0 2 3 I I I I SCALE IN MILES / WATANA DETAIL AREA (Figure 1 ) 12 -~----:-&.-_-~.-""'t___-33 34 41 42---_-"~---23 -e-=28 29 48 Fog Lakes Refraction Traverse Lines 81-FL-1 to 81-FL-48 __~..-----r----- FLOW ...------- _. P. / / / / / / / / / / / t1 I I DM-B WATANA DAM -.. ...~..-.' I WATANA , APPROXIMATE LO( LINES OUTS PREPARED BY WQODWARD -CLYDe:CONSULTANTS FIGURE 2 ...~...~ \ "."'~ FOG ···~~.EEK / -V'" ICINITY MAP- :ATION OF REFRACTION DE DETAIL AREA -\ \ o I 200 400 I I SCALE IN FEET 600 I 1450 SW-16 sw 15 - PREPARED BY WOODWARD -CLYDE CONSULTANTS 1400 - ( 1300~ ---1-2~OO~ ----1000~ ~ 800 ................ SUSITNA RIVER ...~ LOCATION OF SEISMIC REFR ,1450 ...~.~."~~.....~. ~::::::~.~~DEVIL C~NYON ~'- REFRACTION LINES =:. FIGURE 3 1600 South ....... 81-2 ..... Q) Q)..... 1500 ~-------------------------------- 8000co..... (lJ>Q) w 1400 1300 1600 _7----_0-.-.-1/ /. O/ ,./ S35E ~ 81-1 ?_-O--?--- 7000 ?-----.-? 16000 -18000 1600 co..... ~ Q) LU 1500 1400 1300 4600 -- 1500 1400 1300 SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILES 81-1 AND 81-2 lD -CLYDE CONSULTANTS "'--.-? -18000 )00 5000 " ""/ "/ 0/ ---?-~...... 1600 1500 1400 1300 iOO ~OO :00 ~ILES Compressional wave velocities in feet per second Horizontal Scale:1 inch =200 feet Vertical Scale:inch =100 feet FIGURE 4 1500 South~ 81-3 1500 6 +-'1450 5000 1450ClJ ClJ '+- c'.........O _0/ a -1-?-- +-' ,,"M'inimum Cll>~ UJ Assumed 17000 Depth 1400 1400 1350 1500 +-'1450ClJ ClJ'+- "ca +-'ro>, ClJ UJ 1400 1350 S5E~ -----6500 ".................. ./'--0-......- -?--0--?- -' 1350 81-4 ---------- 14000 Minimum Depth ---....._ 7 - '-. Assumed 17000 SEISMIC REFRACTION PRI 81-3,81-4 AND 81-f PREPARED BY WOODWARD -CLYDE CONSULTANTS 1500 - 1450 - 1400 - 1350 - S75E ---.. 81-5 5000 - - - - -0-- 12000 7---0 --_7 Minimum / Depth:/Assumed 17000 c-1500 Crosses 81-4- ------ ?--0-7 10 r-1500 f-1450 f-1400 '-1350 Crosses 81-5-Compressional wave velocities in feet per second 10 Assumed 6000--------0- ~-?-- ILES 1-1450 -. f-1400 '-1350 Horizontal Scale: Vertical Scale: 1 inch =100 feet inch =50 feet FIGURE 5 15000co.....ro ~ W 1450 1300 1150 South --.... 81-7 5000_0--°-_---?-_--O0,/--_.....--__- --O-"...........,/---0- S8E -+-- 1500 81-6 1500 .....1450 /1450 Q)Assumed 6000Q)/'+-, /c 'O0 7_°-""'';:; ---;>ro .---.>\M"~ w '~1400 -Inlmum ,1400Assumed18000Depth Horizontal Scale:1 inch =100 feet -"";-:...->w... 1350 Vertical Scale:1 inch =50 feet 1350 -- SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILES 81-6AND81-7 IWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS FILES 1450 0-0.......,--".........--"""0__0-----.1300- 19000 1150 Horizontal Scale:1 inch '=300 feet Vertical Scale:inch '=150 feet 1000 Compressional wave velocities in feet per second - FIGURE 6 East~ 1500 81-8 t)1400 ~ 1300 4800 -0-----0--.--.....,....<:.:,/ '0 ~-------------------.....---15000 1200 S55E~ 81-9 3000 _----0--0------__ ----0----0 --------- 18000 7500 -7·-0......... "-"................ ---0 --0---_-------------0--- 1500 1200 +-'1400 Q) Q)....... c .Q +-' Ctl>Q) w 1300 "-" SEISMIC REFRACTION PFi 81-8 AND 81-9 PREPARED BY WOODWARD -CLYDE CONSULTANTS 1500 1400 3800 0/ ./-------../-~---------------- 1300 18000 1200 1500 Compressional wave velocities in feet per second 1400 3500-0-------------0-- 6500 -Ii·':'.• :"ILES 1300 1200 Horizontal Scale:1 inch =200 feet Vertical Scale:1 inch =100 feet FIGURE 7 co '';:::; ttl>Q) UJ 1400 1300 1200 1100 1500 1400 S23E ---... 81-10 4000 ___-0---0--- - - - ----0--0 ------0------ 8300 Greater than 300 feet deep assl S17W~ 81-11 1300 1100 1200 30--- - - --0---0------- -------0-------0·-- 8000 Horizonta Vertical ~ 1000 J Approximately 400 feet deep assuming 18000 bedrock SEISMIC REFRACTION PROF 81-10 AND 81-11 'REPARED BY WOODWARD CLYDE CONSULTANTS 1400 ___0 ----_--------0--0------ 1300 9500 Horizontal Scale:1 inch =200 feet 1200 ming 18000 bedrock Vertical Scale: 1500 inch =100 feet 1100 Compressional wave velocities in feet per second 10000 Scale:1 inch =300 feet cale:inch =150 feet ILES 1300 -1200 1000 FIGURE 8 1300 South~ 81-12 1400 L ----::::::--------- -?-0--0 __2.500 ----0-0---------- co +"ro 6) W 1200 :1100 - 8000 Greater than 300 feet deep assuming 18000 bedrock SEISMIC REFRACTION PROF PREPARED BY WOODWARD -CLYDE CONSULTANTS -4500 __?--- -0--&-_--- 6700 ILE 81-12 1400 1300 1200 1100 Compressional wave velocities in feet per second Horizontal Scale:1 inch =200 feet Vertical Scale:inch =100 feet FIGURE 9 -- -------- N35E-- 81-13 2500 2000,,------ - - - ",. ---------------- 7000 -----l I I I I ---.;' ",---........-....... /' ---- 13000 Overlaps 80-1C 2200 2100 f- LlJ LlJu.. z· 0 i=2000 <t:.....r .'"... >LlJ ....J LlJ Dotted lines from 1980 interpretation 1900 . ...................- 1800 1900 2300 I N35E-2300 I LlJ Z ::::i r~-----....2500-------.......--22002200•.",.f-,/f-LlJ LlJ ,/LlJ LlJ"u..-,/u.. z 2000 ..,/z00f-f-<t:>6000 2100 <t: LlJ ~..> -<j:--,....J "LlJ LlJ ./....J ,/LlJ / ,.", 2000 ,.",.2000---'-----8000 --15000- PREPARED BY WOODWARD -CLYDE CONSULTANTS ,,---.,.".......... /-_/ 12200 __2000,., "6000~'~2100 8000 .-------- 13000 - • l.U Zn2000 ~1 -1900 Compressional velocities in feet per second o 100 200' f---1 I I HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET ~... SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILE LINE 81-13 (80-IX) FIGURE 10 2300 N47E-81-14 1570 1200 --- 2300 r NORTH-.---. F-.......·---- I------_--ww ~2200k-_ ~I ~-------- u 2100 r~ 10500 ---------- --"--------- 1200 __-------- 18000 9000 --~- ,;' 6000 " ./ ./ ;/ ;/ .."" - LI NE 80-2 600 ft. 1700 1800 2200 2100 I- LU LUu... Z 0 2000 I-«>LU ..J LU 1900 SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE 81-1 {80 -2 PREPARED BY WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS N80E- 81-16 2200 13001-_;--__------' 2100 \- u.J u.J U. Z 0 2000 \-"-et>""u.J ...J u.J 1900 1800 , ", '\ '\ "10000 " "" 2200 N50E- - 11000 12700 -...... //"'----~~- / ..---;I"-- 81-1581-15X(SW) 11500 "-,1500.-.....,""-- 16000 ?~_1000 :-~I ? I,zo \-et> u.J ...J W 2000 \-lli 2100 LL-;'·-';;··· 1900 SEISMIC REFRACTION P LINES 81-15,15X AND: PREPARED BY WOODWARD -CLYDE CONSULTANTS -----2200 5500 "-"""'"......... "-~------/'-~ /'---/'18000 /' 2100 I- UJ UJ U. Z 0 2000 I- <{ >UJ --l UJ /' 7/1900",. ~ 7 ,.,.----.9000----1800--........ 2200 81-15X(NE) a 100 200 ..-E""3 I I HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET Compressional velocities in feet per secondI- UJ UJ U. 2100 6 I- <{ -> UJ --l UJ 2000 ? 120007? 1100 __- - ? - --------~-J;.-~ I~o I~ I~ :>ROFILE 81-16 1900 FIGURE 12 2400 NORTH-81-17 2400 2200 N73E- 2000 2300 2300 2100 --- 2000 ----.---1800 -----•-----2200 1500 -2200 2000-----I- UJ UJ 7600u.. z 0 I-2100 8200 2100 1900<!/>UJ -I UJ / /'----~... 2000 /'2000 1800 /~ /' /'20000 1900 /1900 1700 -- 1800 1800 1600 ~;-.:.,~" SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILE LINES 81-17 AND 81-18 WOODWARD -CLYDE CONSULTANTS N73E-81-18 2200 2000 ------------ LINE 81-19 600 ft.to East --.---........---o 2100 6500 •----~------20000 --____---- - --- 2000 I- UJ UJ LL Z 0 1900 I-«>UJ ...J UJ 1800 1700 1600 _0 100 200 I---l I I HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET Compressional velocities in feet per second '-J PROFILE )81-18 FIGURE 13 2300 N78E-81-19 LINE 81-18 600 ft.to West Crosses LINE 80-8 2200 --- ----- ------------------- . 6000 2000 2100 8000 1900 1800 1700 '- 8000 --,.- /' / / ./ ~/16000-- "ii-:-. 1600 SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILE LINE 81-19 (QSB) ODWARD CLYDE CONSULTANTS ---~- 2300 rosses ~E 80-8 JL-------..:-- 2 - o - oo -----------.~_::-::-=::=12200--------- 6000 7---_.2100~-,1 ---2000 7500 1900 1800 --1700 Compress.ienal velocites in feet per second o 100 200 F"l I I HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET PROFILE 3) FIGURE 14 EAST- 81-20 2100 ? C LIN --:::=:-=::------'::"':-- - - 7000 ~.....?", """'----------". Crosses LINE 81-21 I ------- f- LlJ LlJ LL. z2 2000 f-«>LlJ ...J LlJ 1900 18000 18000 N45E- 18000 /' / / /, /" / 81-21 12000 ~ ',1500 .................... ......., ".....? ................3000........ ""---- ? \ \ \ \ - 18000 2300 __---.,---.......... 1900 2100 2200 zo f-«2000>LlJ ...J LlJ f- LlJ LlJ LL. 1800 SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILES LINES 81-20 (SW-IX)AND 81-21 (BH-12) :JODWARD -CLYDE CONSULTANTS Crosses LINE 81-23 ? .,/......- )0 2100 I-w W LL z 2000 2 1-«>w ...J W 1900 2200 -.;...'. :>ROFILES X)AND 2100 I-w W LL Z 0 2000 i=«>w ...J W 1900 1800 Compressional velocities in feet per second o 100 200 H I I HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET FIGURE 15 Crosses Line SW-17 EAST-81-22 11000 15000 Crosses Crosses Line 80-12 Line 80-13 ......._---,!! ""_-'_--.1180iO:;;O~-_--",,--_--_-'-_-""---.-"'~~ 1500 I- LlJ LlJ LL.1400 z 0 i=«> LlJ ..J UJ 1300 1200 "'l - ~,. FOG LAKES SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILI LINE 81-22 (RaM 81-17) ODWARD -CLYDE CONSULTANTS 81-22 1500 f-w '00 1400 w L.L Z 0 f- <.( > 11000 w -J w 1300 1200 - ON PROFILES 17) . Compressional velocities in feet per second o 100 200 Eii"l I I HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET FIGURE 16 81-FL-48 81-FL-47 81-FL-46 4300 ..........--......... .......... "- \ "... 5000 13700 LU (f) a:: LU 14700>(f)z <!a:: I- u.. 0 0 Z LU l- t/) LU S 2300 2200 2100 f:~~~==~~(:~0~3~)=~S~7~7E~=~O~~J§i;:::=-:=:-:=:=-=~~~~~J~~_2400 2500 -- -2000 (99 4 )-__3000 -_".---1500--0-_ _1800-.--.....-------- . ) 81-F L-44 S77E- (906) 81-FL-43 1100 2300 r- ______12~~~~--,_1620 2300 zo I- <!> LU -l LU I- LU LUu.. -2200 co LU Z -l I U I- ~-2100 5000 18000 ----------_.......,.; 4200 9000 LU Z -l -7-."~----7-)/' ......7-/ /-/ I / / / / /" ""..-" I -.i..~ 2100 -~ 2200 r--"<t: 2000 r--2000 FOG LAKES SE ISMIC REFRACTION PROF SHEET 1 OF 7 OODWARD -CL'l'DE CONSULTANTS 81-FL-46 81-FL-45 2400 :-~:__:-:~:__:-=:-:-~i"3c}o~~::-~('::90~,5~)J - -__13~0 1300------....-2000 2300 4300 '""- \ \. "'-"- 5200 <I: UJ Z ....J I U f- <I: :2: ------....--15000 .-' 2200 2100 2000 f- UJ UJ U. zo f- <I:>UJ ....J UJ -,,'-- :TION PROFILES -Compressional wave velocities in feet per second Numbers in parentheses above topographic profile refer to survey points o 100 200 1-=-1 I I HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET FIGURE 17 2400 I- 81-FL-42 S77E- 81-FL-41 ~S88E- (907) I I-2300 I-1800 2200.L 1800 _ - --~"'.--.....,_----~-----_2000 .'--- l.L - - - - - - - -2000 - _V4000- _ _6000 12500UJz :::i -'------------........---........ ',6000 /................ 'J '........"I 12500 ".......,I 12800 '\ ........-_./ z· o I-«> UJ u:j 2200 I-co I U I-« i 2100 _:2: 81-FL-38 81-FL-37 81-FL-36 2400 I-S88E-1-1----S85E- 16000 13500 ......18000 l_-----""-::::::----,w)-h~i(~90~,9:)~=-:==:-::=:::-:=:1~8~0~0-=1_1~.8~0~0~_==~=:-::-~.:-------2500 3000 _ - - -----,_.-----.----....... //~23~0 ~7000 _". ~'!'".,/,~/'--zo f=«u ~-.-..UJ -l 2200 I-~ UJ -l I U I-« :2: [ i ! , , ; 2100 I- FOG LAKES SEISMIC REFRACTl SHEET 2 OF 7 PREPARED BY WOODWARD -CLYDE CONSULTANTS -40 81-F L-39 -2400 (908)--2500 ............5200-----....2300 I-......--------."'-UJ.,;'...UJ.,;'u../'" /'z 057007000/'I- /u <t: /UJ > Z UJ /'::J-2200 ....J 14000 UJ ......./'I "-"U .",I-.......~.<t:......._-......::2: -2100 2400 5000.,., -~_...... I-Compressional wave velocities in feet per second 0-2300 UJw -Numbers in parentheses abov,e topographicUJu.. profile refer to survey pointsz ....J Z 0 0 100 200II-U <t:I----l I II- <t:>...-,""......UJ HOR IZONTAL SCALE::2:....J-2200 UJ IN FEET -2100 ION PROFI L ES FIGURE 18 81-F L-35 S85E- 81-F L-34 ~N67E- 2500 5000 (912} I 17000 ~o e .........-.............-..... e----2800 ~---_e- 3000 _-----_e-I-2400 ww LL zo I-«>~2300 w 14600 C- ell (9 oo 1.D 15200 2200 81-FL-31 81-FL-30 81-FL-2 N67E- 15500 15400 70005800 12500 w w Z ....J I U I-« ::2: -------------.-..... I-w W LL -,,' z 23000 I-«>w ....J UJ 2200 FOG LAKES SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFI SHEET 3 OF 7 WOODWARD -CLYDE CONSULTANTS 81-FL-33 81-F L-32 -2500 (916)(915) ""'--I--2800 I 2400 I- .::::::::-2800 w ."",-.--______2000 w ~-_--/---~. LL ............Z ............7500 8500 0 "-.'"I- 15200 "8000 ./'« ./'> "w ,,/w_2300 -J ~"..w w ........Z "..---J-.---Iu 12000 I-« 2: -2200 81-F L-29 (91 7 ) 2800 -2400--...-----. I- 15500 ww LL .-s;-~,LL Z W -2300 0 z f= -J «> I w U -J I-w « 2: -2200 ON PROFILES Compressional wave velocities in feet per second Numbers in parentheses above topographic profile refer to survey points o 100 200 H I I HOfUZONTAL SCALE IN FEET FIGURE 19 81-FL-28 81-FL-27 S80E- I- LU LU 13,500LL LL Z LU02300r-~I-«....J >I LU U....J I-LU « 2: 2200 - :::~GO -LSaO-.------ (918) I - -..2.§2~..,.._1_50_0 E2..0_1100-- 14,000 (9 ..".. LU Z ::::i Iu 2200 r-~ 2: S80E- 3800 -- 6500 --- - ...............- 81-FL-23 r-N83E - (9t O) 5500-.------ 81-FL-24 11,000 -......---2300...---- 2400 I- I- ~2300 l- LL zo f=«> LU ....J LU 2100 - FOG LAKES SEISMIC REFRACTI SHEET 4 OF 7 PREPARED BY WOODWARD -CLYDE CONSULTANTS 81-F L-26 81-FL-25 (919)-2400 I 1800 1500 2100----.-__e_----------.-f-- UJ UJ LL 15,000 z 12,500 (,:J-2300 0 f-- UJ « z >UJ:::i ...J UJ I U f--« ~-2200 81-FL-22 -2400 4000 1-7-.--,-"- "....f--."..-2300 UJ",/'LJ.J ~LL ~...-I Z UJ 0 14,600 z f-- :::i «> I UJ 2200 ...Ju-UJf--« ~ Compressional wave velocities in feet per second Numbers in parentheses above totographic profile refer to survey points o TOO 200 ~I I HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET ION PROFILES -2100 FIGURE 20 8000 --- 81-FL-19 2100 --1---- _e---2000 e 8000 (922) 81-F L-20 9000 (921 ) 13,500 81-FL-21 N83E- 4500 2400 f- :;;>'"-- 5000 ....-__--- 5000 //I-10-......__ ~2300 f---__/ u.-----....~/ .......... '...../e-- ~,// "/"'--""15,000 zo I-«>~J: llJ 2200 ~llJ Z ....J J: U I-« :2: 2100 t- 81-FL-17 N83E- 81-FL-16 81-F L-1 15,000 20,000 2400 ~--------:'::'::":'"""----+---::7------------lr----=::-:::::-=_I---_ 2200 -3000 2600 /5000 5000 __-"_--_5500 __ -----~4500.-........--e------......~---.........../7----........../-~.'-.,."...,.~ 7/---.I-2300 llJ llJ U. 2200 UJ Z ....J J: U f-« :2: 2100 zo I-«>llJ ...J llJ FOG LAKES SEISMIC REFRACTION PRl SHEET 5 OF 7 lY WOODWARD -CLYDE CONSULTANTS 81-FL-19 81-FL-18 2200 1800-------.------ (923):-2400 2400___e __ 8000 9700 I- -2300 ~ LL---__1--7-----~-~---. 18,000 - LlJ Z ::::i I U l- e::( ~ - zo l- e::( > LlJ ...J 2200 LlJ 2100 81-FL-15 I- -2'300 ~ LL .-'.. o 100 200' H I I HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET Numbers in parentheses above topographic profile refer to survey points Compressional wave velocities in feet per second zo l- e::( > LlJ ...J 2200 LlJ 2400 -, LlJ- Z ...J -"l-:._ 15,000 ............_2100-------_.---"'\6500 '\ \ \ \, I U l- e::( ~ -2100 "ION PROFILES FIGURE 21 81-FL-14 N83E- 81-FL-13 (925) 2400 2000-- 2000-------.-------1800.18qo 81-FL-l 1500--7000 -, UJ 2300 z ...J 8700 11,500I10,500u9000f-« ~ f- UJ UJ LL zo f-«> UJ Ld 2200 2100 \ "'-...----18,000 --"""- ?.......... """----...?-!-----?------ 20000 81-FL-2 2400 81-FL-3 (927)81-F L-l 8700 7000 -, 20,000?" \ .,J " 9500 Apparent Reflector 10,000 - 9500 ~ UJ Z ...J I U f-« ~ 2300 f- UJ UJ LL Z 0 ",.. f-2200«> UJ ...J UJ --1i--.:.-, 2100 2000 (20,000) 18000 FOG LAKES SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILE SHEET 6 OF 7 DWARD -CLYDE CONSULTANTS 81-FL-l81-FL-12 1500---- 7000 t-S63E - (937 (926) -_2000 1~- ---..1000~"50e;;- -4500 5000 /-...,/ \/'"/'"/'"-'",-/ 2400 2300 I-w11,500 ~wu...11,000 wz Z ..J 0 I l- e:(u 2200 >l- e:(W ..J:E w 2100 ----?-----7--? -------. 2000 81-F L-4 (928):::, -~5Q.L _3000 2300-------.-- Compressional wave velocities in feet per second /' ,/ ?,/ /',....,-.- 8000 ..J ""I:l:!< Z ..J I U l- e:( :E 2200 2100 I-wwu... zo f= e:( >W ..J W Numbers in parentheses above topographic profile refer to survey points , a 100 200 1--1 I I 1"fORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET 3000 ON PROFILES -. 2000 FIGURE 22 r-S48E --2300 ~~0~-:------(~91?~9~)~J ~(9:~~0~)_~O.~ ---__3800 2000 _---- --_1--'-- 81-FL-5 81-F L.-6 3000_e-- 81-F L-7 --- 2200 I-8500 8500 8500 ............ ""---- .~ 18,000 i...U Z ....J /--.., ......... "-""" I U ~<t 2: 2000 I- ~ LlJ LlJ Ll. zoi=2100 I-....J <:( > LlJ ..J W 23,000 1900 I- 81-F L-9 81-FL-10 81-FL-1 S48E- 17,000 9000 20,000 10,500 1 w Z ....J I-:r: U ~<t 2; l :::::--,""';:----1iiiiii~--,,~=::Z~~§"_:~-~;;;;;-~t...1~8~~2o=-==-:-:..!-!1!litC-:-9'"'"-1800 ~"3800 3000 1>--2300 -2000 1~c;;......- _...:-" 2500 - - - -8000'-----------....... ~ W W Ll. ..;., Zo ~ <:(2200 >w ..J W 2100 I- FOG LAKES SEISMIC REFRACTION PRC SHEET 7 OF 7 Y WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS 81-FL-7 --- 10,000 3000 3600--- 81-F L-8 --- 9300 -2000--2300 2200 ~ LU u.. 1.-.-....._-............-?--- zo I-<r:> 2100 ~ LU 81-FL-11 17,000 L.lJ Z ...J :I: U I-<r: 2 2000 -(933) -__2100 -',-- _ ___8000--"17,000----""'........ L.lJ Z ...J u..o o Z LU LU C/l "ION PROFILES 2300 I- LU LUu.. z· 0 I- 2200 <r:> LU ...J LU Compressional wave velocities in feet per second Numbers in parentheses above topographic profile ref.e.f to survey points o 100 200 H I I HOR IZONTAL SCALE FIGURE 23 ..... '"'"'I ,.... I I -. APPENDIX A* TIME-DISTANCE PLOTS -SPRING SURVEYS *This appendix deleted from Task 5,Appendix T.Refer to project files for Woodward-Clyde Consultants report. - r r ii - r ! I r - r APPENDIX B * TIME-DISTANCE PLOTS -SUMMER SURVEYS *This appendix deleted from Task 5.Appendix I.Refer to project files for Woodward-Clyde Consultants report. r I ~t i l r"" I, I'""'" I \ r ~ I l - I'""'", APPENDIX C* TIME-DISTANCE PLOTS -FALL SURVEYS (FOG LAKE) *This appendix deleted from Task 5,Appendix I.Refer to project files for Woodward-Clyde Consultants report. ...-, I, r I I r l I ! I I - APPENDIX J AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION ~.. ALASKA PC\I\IER ~ SUSITNA HVDRCELECT SUBTASK5.0 PHOTO INTERPRE TERRAIN U,NI' R&M CONSULTANTS!INC. ENGINEEF=lS GEOLOGISTS PLANNERS SUF=lVEVORS I I I I I I I I I, 5R AUTHORITV I I ! .ECTRIC PRC..JECT =lPRETATICN :NIT MAPS INTRODUCTION Th.r.aslbility study ror the Su.ana Hydr-oalectrlc ProJ.c~Includ.s Q4IOloglcal and g.a~echnlC81 Inv..~lga~lon of the 11,..11 .)(~.ndlng from the P.rk,Highway &0 mil .....t to ~h.moutt'l of ~h.Tyon.Alv.r .nd from the o.nall Highway SO mll.,SoOUth ~o Stephan Llk..Th. mos~co.~.ffec:tJv.m.thod or g.n.ratlng .nd compiling blll.lin. geologic InfOl"TT\ll~lon about this larg.,Ilttre-lnv"Ugllt'd region il thr"OUOh U'l4I methodl of photolnt.,.p,..tltion .nd ~rrain unl~mlp- ping. Terr"in uni~s compos,d of or Including bedrock ~re shown on the Int,rpretulon.How.v.r,these divisions .re int.rpreted only u we.tn.red or un......thered b.drock.Detail.d petrologic designa- tiOi'll ..nd ..g.r.l.tlon,of the rock units hoOlve been synthesized frorr'l U.S.Geologic...1 Survey ,ources (Csejtey,1978)and project fi.ld mapping accompli,hed ~o d"te.Rock unit de,ign..tions 'rom these sources ..r.includ,d on lhe m.ps.lin....ments.fe.tures- or-inlarest,end polentlal f.uns hlva not bun shown as their delinution is outside the scop.or R&M's work. .authors defined ~h.m and the rock unl~s are ,hOwn only whert thl photolnterpret.tlol1 loc~hd b.drock on the m.ps.There has be.r no att.mpt to correl~te units .cross areas of Iimi~ad e)(pOlure or tc modiry the outcrop p.tt.rn.B.drock symbols are shown In slante< I.tters with ~he c.pital lett.r,d.finlng the ...g.of the uni~.Inc following lower cn.letter,de.scribing the rock lYD" Terrain Unit Descriptions For thIs photo in~erDretation .xercis••the soil ~ypn,engin,,"in, prop.rtles end geologicill conditions have been d,veloped tor the !( l..nd'orms or indivldu.1 t.rrain units briefly describ.d below. Sev.ral of the I...ndforms h.ve not be.n mapped independently bul rather u compound or complex t.err-ain units.Compound ~.rraln units resull when on.I.ndrorm ov.rlies a ,e<end recognil:ed unit at •sh.,llow depth (less than 2~reet),such as a thin ,heet of gl ...cill till o....erlylng bedrock or a m.ntl.at I.cu,trine sedim.nts overlying till.Complex t.rroOlln unit.5 have been mapped were the surficial .xposure p...ttern or lwo I.lndf:)rms oOIr.so lntricatly relat.d that they must be m.lpped oOIS •terr.lin unit complex,such .I,,oma are<ls of b&dro(;k ,lnd colluvium.The compound and complel( terrain units behave .nd are described iIS a composite of Individu.1 l<lIndforms comprising them The strat:graphy,topographic position and aruJ extent at all units are SUr.lmarized on the terrain unit properties and engineering InterpreUtions chart. Deposits of widely vuying com- positi~n tha~hoOlve been moved down$lope chiefly by gravity. Fluvl~~1 slopewash deposits are usu.lty intermixed with colluvial deposits. orainoo colluvial fans formtd where solifluction deposits emerge from confined channel on a hill- side onto a level plain or valley. These landforms are often frozen as derated by "·f". SOlifl~.clion deposits are formed by f·o~t creep and tne slo...· down-slope,viscous flow 0' satur..t~d soil material and rock debris in the acti....e layer.This unit i.generally used only where obvious solifluction lobu ar. 'ine-Includesid.n~i(iable. A lobe-or tongu.-shaped d.poslt of rock.rubble or unconsolidat.d debrl~th<l~ha,moved downslope. InCludu rock Ind debris slid.., .5Jump blocks,earth flows and debrl1 flow.5.Young slides are generJlly unfrozen while older slides m.y be 'roun. In pl~ce rock that is ov.rlain by •vary thin man~le of unconsol- id...tec materl.1 or exposed .~the surface.Two modifiers h ...... been used (or aU types of b.d- rock whether igneous,,edimen- t.,.y )r me~amorphlc.We.~hered, high I\'frac~ured,or poorly con- ,olidated bedrock is indlcllted by the ~i(ierio "w"(.II in Bxw); unweathered,consolidated b.d- rock i,indicated by the modlfi.r "u"(as in Bxu).A modifier or ,pedlil symbol 'or 'rozen bedrock has not been used,although bedro.:k at higher elevations may be'r(zen. CI -Landslide: Bx -BEDROCK: c -COLLUVIAL DEPOSITS: Cs-f .Solifluction DepoSits: On the maps e.ch terrain unit is identified by letter symbols,the first of which is capitalized .nd indicates the genetic origin of the deposit.SubseQuent letters dlHer.ntiate specitic terr.in unin in uctl group and when separated by a dash,identify the pre,ence of permafrost. The terroOlin uni~maps for the proposed SusilnoOl Hydroelectric Project area show the areoOll extent ot the speci'ic terr"in uniu. which were identifit-d during Ihe air-photo in....estigltion and were corroborated in p.rt by a limited on-site surface investiga~ion. The ~errajn unils,a.5 shown on ~he followino;j sheets and described in this tex~,do(;ument the general geology ...nd geotechnic<lIl cnu" a(;leristies 0'the Susitna Hydroelectric Projecl are•. TERRAIN UNIT ANALYSIS Limitations of S~udy A I"nd'orm is detined (Kreig end Reger,1976)u any element of the I.ndscape which hilS •defineable composition and range of physic...1 lind visuoOll ch.racteristlcs.Such characteristics can include ~opogr..phic form,drainage p.ttern.and gully morphel<>gy. Landforms clilS.5itied into group,bes.d on common modes of origin <Ire mos~useful b.coOluse similar geologic processes us.ually produce simil.r top<>graphy,soil properties,and engineering character- istics.The terrllin unit is defined as I special purpose term comprising the I.ndforms expecled to occur from the ground sur- fi!l(;e to a depth of oIbout 25 'eet.It ha,lhe c.pabilily to describe no~only the mo,t surfical '.ndform,but Ilso,an underlying loOInd- form when the underlying ma~erioOll is within Ibout 25 feet of the surftlce (Le.a compound terrain unit),..nd areas wh.re the surticial exposure pattern of two landforms "re so intim..~ely or compleXly rel"ted ~hoOlt they muSl be mapped .IS •terrain unit complex.The lerr.in unit i,used in mapping lanCiforms on an ..real ba.5is. Thi.!>is a generllized study which is intended to colle-<:t g.cIOQic and geotechnical materials d.ta tor a relatively large area.Tow...rd this go"l,the work has b,en su(;cessful,however,there are cert.in limitations to ttle da~a Ind Interpretlllons which should be considered by the unr.The engineering ch.rac.teri.!>tics of the t.rr.in units h.ve been generalized oOInd described Qualitatively. When evaluating the suitability of iI terrain uni~for a specific use, ~he actu,,1 propertlu of that unit should b.lI.rified by on-site subsurtace invntig.tion,sampling,<lind labor.tory tesling. During t.rrain unit m.pping bedrock was identifIed,a,per u- Ubllshed techniQUes,only <lIS we,thered bedrock or unweathered bedrock.Details 0'bedrock geology shown on lhe mosaic maps is deri...,~d from C,ejtey's USGS open file report on The Geology of the Talkeetna "'Its.(1979)and (rom Acres American (unpublished data,1981)Th~letter designations are uud here as those An important fac~or in evaluating the engineering proper~ies, composition and geologic characteristics of each terrain unlt is ex~enioiv.(leld checking and subsurfilc.inves~igoOltion.The scope of ltle current project II110wed only limited field checking .nd all 5ubsurface Investig.tions to d ...te have bftn restricted 10 three terr.in units clustered around the WaLiin ..site.This lac.k of ground-truth d ..ta further restricts the use of the terrain unit mlps and engin.ering ;n~erpretation chart tor site sped fie .pplica- tions. Physic.1 ch.lr.derlstlcs and typic.1 engineering propertiu wer- dev.loped tor ..ch terrlin unit ...nd I,...displayed on •single ubi•. The uacutlon or this project progressed through ...number 0' 11ep,that an,urad ~h.accur.cy .nd Quality of the product.The flrlt Itep conli.~ad of •re....i.....of the literature concerning the gtOlogy or the Up~r Su,itne Riv,r Buin .nd tr..n,fer 0'the Inforn'lAlIon galn.d 10 high-level,photographs at •,(;ale 0'1: 12$,000.Interpret.tion or the high-I,...,el photos ,r.ated ...r.glonal terr"n framework which would h.lp in t~t.rpretation of ~h. 10w-l.v.1 1 :24,000 project photos.M.Jor t.rraln divisions id.n~l­ fi.e!on the high-level photos wer.then us.d ,as an .rul guide for delln,uion of mora deUliled terr.in unih on the low-level photos. Th.primary .Hort of the subtuk was the Int.rpre~atlon of JOO-plus photo,cov.ring .bout 800 ,qu.re miles of varied ~errain. Th.lind ar..cov.r.d in the mapping .x.rclse is shown on the Ind.x m~p ,hNt <lind displayed In doltail on the 21 photo moules. Work on th.<IIlr photo Interpr.tltlon .5ubtuk consist.d of severlll KUvitles culmln"lng in I sel ot T.rr.ln Unil M.ps d.llne.t1m~ surface m.t.ri.ls and geologic features lind condition,in the project .,..•. Scop.of Work and Method,of An.lysls During the low .Itl~ud.photo Interpr'Ulllon a prelimln...ry work r.vlaw and flald chack was undertak.n by R&M Ind L.A.RJ .......rd, terrain analYII,consul~an~.A dr.ft edition of the T.rrlln Unit m...ps and r.por~wu completed and submitted for review to ACRES .nd L.A.Rivlrd.Comm.nlS and questions generated in the r.view at the dr..tt report were .nalyzed by R&M and a ,.cond fl,ld chack wu undertak.n.Th.tinal revised maps lire included herein. This tex~and the Iccompanylng t.rraln unit maps pres.nt the r'hults of ..rlal photograph lnurp,..tatlon and t.rrllin unl~IIn.lysls for the .,..."Including the proposed W.t.na and Devil C.nyon d.".,lte .,....,the Susl~.,:llv.r ru.rvolr .r•••,construction mllledal borrow .r...,and Kce..and tran,mlsslon lin.corridor,. Th.task wal parformed ror the Aluka Pow.r Authority by R&M Consultants,Inc.,working und.r the dlr.(;tlon of Acres Am.rlc.n, In<. Th.g.n.rll objecllve of lh••xerci,.wn ~o document gtologlcal taalur.s and g.clkhnieal GOOditlons thllt would significlntly aUKl lha d.slgn .nd construction of the project fealures.More specifically ~h.tuk objec~lv"included the d.llnutlon of t.rrain unl~s of v.rlou,origins on .,rl.,pho~rlphs noting ~h.occur- r.nce lind dis~ribu~lon of geologic tactor,such u p.rm.frost, potantlally unstabl.SIO~I,potentially erodible soli $,possible burl.ct channell,poten~i.1 construction m.t.ri.I".cti.....flood pl.in,and organic m.~.rlal,.Engineering ch.racteristics lilted ror the d.llneAted .r..s Iliows .ssessment of ..ch terr...ln uni~'s Influence on project f....ture'.Th.terr.in unit ...n.lysi,serv.,as •data b.nk upon which inl.rpr.tatlons conc.rning geomorphoiooic d.v.lopm.nt,gl.clll geology,.nd geologic history could b.b.ud. Addl~lon.lly,thIs subtask provides bu.m.p$for the complilltion and pr.,.nt..tlon of v.rlou,other Suslln..Hydroelectric project .cllvlllu. Th••rell of photo cover.ge ....as dlvid'd into unit,of ....orkable size,r.sultlng in 18 m.p sh.'U.B<lIse maps were prepared from photo mollieS ..nd ~he terr...ln units were deline.lled on overl.y sh.els. SEE SHEET II FOR CONTINUATION Tel"rain Unit Pr"Operties and Engineering Interpretation Ch.rt EXisling jeep .nd/or winter sled t"ails have been nOled on (he Tel"r.in Unit m.aps by a d.sh·dot line. , Oeposits of humus,muck and pUl generally cxcurring In bogs, fen'and musk.gs.Frequ.ntly o....rll.s frozen maurial. o -ORGANIC DEPOSITS: In order to eVllluate the impact of a lerrain unit with r-a.pect to .pecifie project f..tures In interpreution of the en9in"rino char- acteristics of each unit Is.providlN:l.On the chart the terrain units arlt listeod in horitontal r"Ows and the engineerino pr"Operlies and p.arAmeters beinQ eV.llu.ted ue listed as headings tOf"uch cOlumrr.-Within the malrilc formed are relative Q~.litativlt ch,r- aeterluttons of nch unit.Seve.-..I of the enginee,.ing prope,.tiu and evalu.ltlon c,.iterl.ar.briefly discussed below,The ch.rt is presented for general englnnring pl,nning,And envi"lltmmental auessment purposes.In thl'farm,the data Ire not adequate for design purpose'but when ~dditional laoor.tory and field inform..- tion is ,cquired and synthesized,site specific developme.nt work can be mlOimized . Hill"crescent,and conea of gr.nurar ice-cont.c.t deposits formed by streoMl'a,they now on or throuOh •gl-eier. l-f -LACUSTRINE DEPOSITS:Generally fin.·greined materl.l, lAid down in the Copper River proglacl.I l.ke .lind grAvelly nnds depo,itltd In the Watana CrHk -Steph.n Lake ProgliIC'.1 I.ke.Orten fro:en lIS denoted by modirier "-f", Speci.1 Symbols .nd L.ndfo"ms Buried ch.nnels along the Susilna Rivltl"have been delinul.cj by \hit LlSit of opposing p.rallel rows of triangul.r leeth.Most of th...'eatures ara minor .lind should hAva no impact on the present stUdies,howltver three buried channels.soulh 0'the southern abutment .t thlt Devil C.nyon d.msite,'hould De In ....utigated to U'UU potential lukage .round the dam.A.,imll.r but large,. buried channel extends from ne.r the mouth of Deadman Crull.to TsuSitna Creek.The trtlugh is filled with qu.ternary sedIments of $4Iver.l diffe,.ent typ.s and ,oes same or which may ha....e •high tr.nsmiuibility.Bec.use this chol"nel byp,un the Wataln.damllt.. det.iled work should be dire<:ted towuds delermining its width, deplh,soil typu,and potenti'l for reurvoir lukage. In addition to U'le l.a,.rain unit symbols,'flveral special ,ymbol'are used on the Terrain Unit mllps to denote land,lIde scars,te"rotCe 'carps,fr"Ozen solis,buried ch.nnel,and Iraila. Well defined '.ndslide scarps,which indl~t.rtlatl...ely recent '.ilu,...,are shown as tine,following the sc.rp trilCe wIth erraws indicating the direction or movement.Vi,lble on the ..rial photo, within m.ny of the terraces .nd outwnh deposit,are '.......1".1 different su,.facu whict'l may be related to Sedimentation .at a temporary b.,.levltl which wu followed by renewed Incision.The vllrious outwa,h and streMll t.r,.,ces .Ira noted bY'lines following the scarps ,eparatlno the different elev.atlon ,urflie-ltS,with tick m.rks on the side of the lower surt.ce.Permafro,t solis h.v. been dltline.ted 00 the tltrr.ln unit m.p,through the uu of an -, '01l0..,in9 the terr.in unit 'eUer d.,19n.tI00.By (:.OOvantion the symbol -f is u,ed wher-e the permAfro,t i,thought to occur .It reut dlscontlnou,ly.Sparadlc.elly frozen areas halo'.not been defined on the maps,however,the possIble OCcurrane.of frozen "".terill withIn a terrain unit is described in the pree-edlng se<.tlon on definition'and on the engin..rlng interpretaltion chart. C~rn,gr.nut.r relatively level floodpl.in fo,.med by,..l...braIded streolm flowing from a glacier. A Oltntly sloping ,one gltnerally composed of granuLlr material with v.rying amOunts of silt deposited upon .a plain by I stre.m where it inues from I narraw valley.The priA14ry depositional .gent is running water (for solifluction fans, Colluvial landfor1"ls).Can in- clude vlrying proportions of aval"nche a,.mudflow depo,its. It,peciilly in ll'IOunuinous regions. Fans are generally untr"Ozen. Deposits laid down by ..river or ltrum and flooded during periOd' of highesl waler in the presenl s.trum regimel"\.Floodplain,are composed or two major types of alluvium.Cenerally granular riverbed (I'teral accretion)de- posits .nd gene,.ally fine-grained cover (vertical ..ceretlon)depoSits laid down above the riverbed deposits by strums It bank overflow (flood)stllQes. B.ul glacial till sheets,with ,ubdved morphology, which in the Wat.nil Creek- Stephan lolk.e ...,"ea are rltl.tively older (prob.bly deposited during Eklulna and older glaciations)."d elsewhere lIS young Naptawne age.Often f,.ozen in the W.U1na -Stephan Lake ilrea with.higher silt ",nd ground ice content as denoted by modifier -·f";generally unfrozen In the Gold Creek -Indi,n River aru; ,nd pOSSIbly frozen between Wel.na C,,,,p .nd the Denilli Highw.y. Rel.tively younOltr abl.tion 1111 sheeh with mor.pronounced hummocky mo,..ine toPOQr.phy ilnd less dissected than alder till sheets.Thne dltposits are pre- donllne-nlly of the N.ptowne Claciuion,conlllin .bundent cobbles and boulders,.nd consist of wUer-wo,.l(ed till.The .bla- tlon lill may be sporadic.lly froun in the D.n.li Highway ilCCUS corridors. An old,elevata-d floodpl.in surface no longer subjKt to freQuent flooding.Occurs lIS horizont"l benches abO..,e present floodplains,and generoily com- posed of m.tltrl.l$very similar to ilctive floodplains. Long ridges of gr.nulolr ielt- contact deposils formed by Slreilms as they flow in or under •glacier. Fpt -Old Ter,..ce: GFo -Outwash: G~e -Esker Deposits: - Fp -Floodpl'in: Fro -Granular Alluvial Fan: Glb-f -8aul Till: Ct.-~: Ice rock that is overl.in by y thin mantle of unconsol- m'terlat or ex pond at the Two modifiers h.ve used for all types of b.cl- whether ign.cus,sedimen- >r tnetMfl(lrphic.Wuthered, fractured,or poorly con- led bedrock is indicated by 'IOdifiers "w"(as In Bxw); thltred,conlOlldated bed- is lodie,lited by the modifier as In Bxu).A tI'IOdifier or I symbol for fr"Olitn b~rock not been usIN:l,.lthOlJgh :k at higher ele....tions molY its of ....idely vilrying com- )0 that have been moved lope chiefly by gravity. I slopewash deposits are y intermixed With colluvi.1 its. e-or longue-shaped deposit :k rubCle or unconsolidated .that hu moved downsloplt. les roCk and debris slides, blocks,earlh flOWS .nd flo.ws.Young slides a,.e lily uMroun wh'r.older moly be frozen. clion depos'ts .re formed 'ost creep and the slow slope,viscous flow of led SOil m.lIleri.1 "nd rock in the ,,~!-I,yer.-This ;gener.lIy used only where SOlifluction lobes Ire ·iable.Includes 'Ine- colluvi.l filns formed solifluction deposits emerge confined channel on .a hill- ..,to •level plain or v,lIey l.andforms are orten frozen oled by "_f". its are shOwn only where the the maps.There hn been ..s or limited exposure or to symbols ..re shown In slanted '0 the ~e of the unit and h.rack type. the soU typn,engineerIng "e been developed for the '4 :s briefly d.scribed below. In mapped independently but in units.Compound terrain ies •second recognized unit :).sueh u •thin shut of Intle or l.custrine sediments h.ave been mapped were the )N'!1S OI,.e so Intricatly releted I unit complex.such as some rhe campound and complex I as a eampesite of individu.l graphy,topogr"phic position !'Imarized on the lerrAin unit ,ns chart. L oml ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY~~nlO II,I---s-u-s-,T-N-A-H-Y-O-R-O-E-L-E-c-r-R-,-c-P-R-O-J-E-C-T---J SUMMARY REPORT .U.TA.K 8.0. PHOTOINT.RPR.TA~ON1/\ /\ 1/\ 1/\ 1/\ OAT(NO.REV1$1(lHS tH.An.An. ,l[~fr\'\7II1.""OCTOBER 19BI I ~".~J/~J..\J'.!--l.....,•..,1····'··0•..all~u.l"C. ·"01\1:'062502 ,...., I O'Mil IA EnglnHrlng Interpr-etltlon Definitions:Ground Watlr Table Depth to th,ground water t.blt is described in relalive terms ranging from very shallow to deep.'n construction inVOlving excavation and founddtion work" speditl techniques dnd pldnning will be required in most .redS with II ShdUOW water (.bl.and in somt of the arus with a mod.r- ately deep wllir t.ble.In IIrlllS of impermedlble permilfron .. shilliow perched lacill wlter table m.yoccur. preStnc.of permafrost moly signitic.nUy the .trer gth of some 'ine grained solis (as indicaled on the Chart by Itle Ihermal state qualifying statlm.nt). Gre..:quanties o(borro.....mati" rials.wilt be needed ror all phas~s or construction.ihe rating considers su1tilbil,ty as pit run and processed aggragete Of impe,'vious core dnd takes intc accotlnt Ihe materials present al well as the problems associate, with extracting material (rom tht varicus terrain units. The slope .tabililY C!uillit.ti\l!! rating deri\led throuoh eVilhl.tion of ~ach terrain units' toponrilphic position,slope,soil composItion,waler content,Ice cont'!nt,The stability asse~sment consIders .11 rllpid wuting processes (slump, rock slide,debriS slide,mud- flow,etc.).Sevllral terrain units which hCl\le character- istic"lIy g!!nt1e slopes and are comrn:mly in stable topographic positions ha\le been oversteepend by the reclnt,ilctiv.under- cutting of Slreams ilnd/or m.n (or by older p ..oeenu not curr~ntly active such .s glllci.l erosi:>rl and tectonic uplift and fault ng).The stability of lhe ttrr<;in units on ovt'rsteepend slopu and "iltur.'slopes is described on Ihe Engineering Intel-pret<ttion Ch.rt. Suitability as a Source of Borrow The major topographic features of southcentral Alaska were es' tablished by the end of the Tertiary Period.What is now the 5usilna p ..oject area was located in the relatively low northern portion of the Talkeetna Mountains,which separated the broad anCUtral Copper River Basin lying to the east from the ancestral Susitna Cook Inlet Basin lying to the west.North and south of the i alkeetna Mountains and the adjacent large river basins stood, respectlvily,the great arc of the Alask..Range and Chugach Mo,,!~alns.Streams draining the region that would become the project stUdy area may have flowtM:I into either the ancestral Copper or Susitna River systems.During the Pleistocene the l!ntirl!Susitna Project study area was repeatedly glaciated.Eac" of the glacial events would be e)(pected to follow the same general pattern with several advances most I.kely reilching the maximum event described here. REGIONAL QUATERNARY GEOLOGy Slop!!Stability Quaternary glacial e\lents throughout South-Central Alaska pro- foundly affected Ihe soils,landforms,and terrain units occurring 10 the project areil.ThtS history has been discussiKt and parli"lIy deciphered in paper~by Karlslrom (1964).Pewe (1965).Ferr'ians (1965).and wahrhafting (1958).However,these in\lestigations are of such scope as to make them of IirnltiKt v<ilue here.The phOtO" interpretation and resullanl lerrilin unit mapping is the most detailed study or the Upper susitnil River Basin.The following discussion o(Ouaternary Geology IS a synthesis of the new infor- mation,deriv!'d durinQ the pholointerpretation,supplemented by data from published sources. Permafrost sotls with iI sign- ificant volume of ice may shOw some settlement of the ground surlace upon thawing.In gen- eral,Clays,silts and fine sands have tne g~iltest settlement potential,torming the buis for the three told classification presented on the chart.Un- frolen soils do not hilve Ihe potential for thaw settlemenl,as denoted by "not applicable" (NA).Thawing problems may be initiated accelleraled by disturbance of the surficial soil la~~_r;..s or the organic mal. Based on the terrain unit soil types and stratigraphy a qualita- tive description of bearing strength is given.In general CO<lrse grained soils have a higher bearing strength than fine grained soils,bul the Thllw Settlement Potential Prob.ble Permdlfrost Distribution The occurance of perrn.rrost and the degree of continuily of frozen soil is described on thl Engineering Interpretation Chart,by th,following relative terms:Unfrozen-generally without .ny permafrost; Sporadic -signific.ntly large areas are frozen.Site splcifiC work may be required before designj Discontinous -most of the arell is underLain by frozen soils -site specific work is required unless design incorp· orates features relating to perma' 'rost;Continous -lhe enlire area is frozen.All designs stlould be based on occurrance of permilfrosl. FrOSI Helve Pot.nlial "Those soils which contain signi- ficant amounts or silt and fine sand have the potenlial to pro- duce frost heave problems. quaiitative low,moderate,and high scale rates the various soils bilsed on the potenlial severity of the problem.Where Ihe soil stratigraphy is such thaI a frost susceptible soil overlies a coarse grained deposit,a dual classifi- cation is given;for these soils il may be possible to strip off the frost sU5eptable material. 8ued on the IlIbor.illory test results,field obser-vlltlons, pr,wlous work in sirnillir IIr..s, and definitions of th,soils,II rllnge of unified soli types hili b,en nslgned to uch terrilln unit.Often se\ler.1 soil types ,r.Ilst.d,som,of which .re much less pre\lel.nt th.iln others. Informlltlon In the soil str.iltlgrllphy column will lid in understandlno the r.ng.Ind distribution 0'soli types.Study of the borehole loos lind Ilib tut rnults will glv.site specific unified soli types. Erosional potential as described here,considers the matenals likelyhood of being moviKt by eolian and t1uviill procesns such as sheetw.sh,rill and gully formation,ilnd larger channelized flow.In generill this reliltes to Ihe par~sile of the wil, however,the coars~sediments of floodplains have 'been rdled as high because the surface is very dctive,dnd likewise terrace depOsits Cdn have a high r.ting because of their proximdty (by virture of the their origin) streams.(MiSS wil~ting potential is conSidered under slope stability). Following guidelines estlblished by the U.S.Forest S,r\lic.,th, Bur...u of L,nd Mln-oement ,nd the Am,ric.iln Society of lllnd· SClipe Architects,,lopes in the project corddor h.il\le been divided Into the following dun,:Flllt·0 to 5\;GenUe - 5 to 15\.Mode,..te •15 to 2S\ lind steep •grellt.r than 25\. R.fe~nces hll\le been mild.to steep loelll slopes to Kcount for ."...11 IClirps Ind the slmll.r short but steep slopes which c.hllrllcterize iCe conLKt glifCili1 drift. How the solis comprising the t,rr.in unlts handle the Input of w.ter is chllrllcterlzed by th,ir drainllge ilnd prerneabilily. Permellbillty (hydraulic conduc- tivity)refers to the rllte .t which water can fiow through a soil.Drain.ge describes the the wetness or the terrain unit, taking into account iI combinatIon of premeability,slope,topo- graphic po~ition,ilnd the prox- imaty of the water table Prol»ble Unlfl.c:J SOU Types Erosion Po(enti.1 .; tnce of permarrost m<1ly fk.ntly Incruu the gth or some fin,grained (as indicated on the chart he thermal sUte (;lu.Jifying ment). slope st-lIbiHly (;lualit,lItive dtrived through 'ation of e.ch terrain units' lraphic position,slope,soil osition,w<1lter corltent,ice ,nt,Th.stability ,sment considers .11 rapid wasting procenu (slump, slide,debris slid.,mud- etc.).Sever.1 terrain which have Charicter- Illy gentle slopes .lind are only in stable lOpogrtiphic ions htive been Oversteep.nd the recent,.ctive under- '101 of streams and/or man by older prOCesses not tntly active s\.lCh lIS glticial on and tectonic uplift and ng).The slability of the in units on over-sleepend sand naturtil slopes is 'Itled on the E.ngineering pretation Charl. I quanties of borrow male- will be needed for all ~s or construction.The 9 considers suit.Jbility as pit and processed aggragete or 'vious core anCl takes into Int the materiills present as u the problems auo(.idted extr.Jcting materiAl from the us terrain units. South-Centr.JI AI.Jska pro- and terrain unilS occurring been discussed and partially 964),Pewe (1965),Ferrians lier,these investigations are ted value here.The photo- unit m.apping is the most River 8.asin.The follo....ing synthesis of the new infor- 'prel<ltion,supplemented by Juthcentral Alaskil .....ere es- I Period.What is now the the relatively low northern which separated the broad the eilst from the ancestral NO\l~and sou.th of lnt large river basins stood, ll,luk.J Range and ChugaCh lion th,at would bKome the into either the ancestral During the Pleistocene the repeatedly glaciated.Each d to follow the same general ikely reaching the maximum The onut of a given glaci.1 adv.nc.in Southce.ntr.1 Alask.a would be.mark.d by the lowering of the snowline on th.regions numerous mounUiin ranges and the Or"Owth of vailly glacilrs,first in tht higher ranges .Jnd those closer to the Gulf or Alaskti. Ad",.ancing glaciltr$from the Chugach,Wrangell,Alaska .and southern Talkaetnd ranges would flow out of their ",.alleys Ind coalesce to form I.rge piedmont gllciers sprUding across the buin floors,while the ice of the northern Talkeetna Mounlains (in the project ar,,)would still exist iI$valley glaciers.The piedmont glaciers of the ChugtiCh and Wrangell MounUiins would at some point be expected to merge,damming the ancestral Copper RI",er and creating an extensive prOQlacial Like in the Capper Ri"'er Ba~jn.Alaskd Range glaciers flowing southward would block. ponible ancestral drain.Jge piths of the upper Susltna River creating.second lake which COvered much of the project area and merged with the lake filling the Copper River buln.Glaciers flowing from the Kenai Mount,ins and southern Alaska Range ....ould also merge creating another proglacial lake in Knik Arm,Cook Inlet,and the Southern Susitn4 Basin.Continued glacial itdvance would fill the basins eliminating the lakes and ponibly forming an ice dome.ICe shelves may hll"'e extended mlnv miles into the Gulf of A/l5k.J.At this maximum stage many mountains in the Pl"Ojtct <1Irea were completely buried by ice as evidenced by their rounded summits ....hile numerous others e;.;isted as nunataks. The deglaciation of Southcentral Alaska would rolla....a similar pattern but in ..everse.w.sting of Ihe ice would unCO"'er p_ks in the project aru and the thinning "nd retrellt of the glacien in the Copper Ri"'lr,Uppe..Susitna anCl Cook Inlet regions would again allow lakes to torm.Continued melting of the glaciers would remove ice dams blOCking the proglacial lakes possitlly creating a catastrophic (trench cutting)outburst flood.Intervals between glacial ad"'ances would be characteriUd by the fuvial entrenching of the Susitna and Copper Riven and the,r tritlutades.The earlier glacial events of the Quaternary Period are poorly known in the Upper Susitna Basin due to bOlh the erosion of the older deposits and tntir burial beOtalh young@r deposits.How@ver, from the alpine topography Ind minor glacial sedIments left on high slopes il can tle demonstrated that early Pleistocene glaciers completely (overed Soutncent..al Alask.il as in the maximAl event described tibove.Most of the glaei.l deposits th.t remain and the terrain u.,its used to describe them ha",e resulte.d from later glacial events. The last gl.Jciation to completely COVelr the project area is of un- certain age.1t has been interpreted to be of Eklutna dge by Kolrlstrom (1964)which may be cerrelate.d with the Illinoiln glacia- tion or ttl.Continental United 5l<)ttS (Pewe,1975),hOWII'''''er,with the limited datil a"ailable .In early Wisconsin (Knlk)~e may be just as vi.Jble.Whatever the age,ice flowing from the Alaska Range,the Talkeetna Mountains and several local highland c@nters spread across the proj@ct lowlands depositing a sheet of gray, gra",e!ly,sandy and silty,basal till (Glb-f).The till ",aries greatly in lhi,kness,ranging r..om the 100~feet,displayed in some river cut e)(posures,to a thin bl"nket ovu bedrock.This till presumably overltes older,poorly exposed Quatern.ry sediments. It IS recogniz.d that the basal till,mapped as Gttl-r in the Stephan la~t-ana Creek Area may actually represent several closely related e"'ents and th.t basal till in "'alleys north of Deadman l.Jke and downstream of the Devil Canyon site was p ..obably deposited durrng younger glacial Cldvances.Prominent lateral mor.Jinu of the major .Jd"'ance occur on the flanks of mount.ins bordering the central Watana Creek-Stephan lake lowland. Overlying tne bdsal till unit and representing the next major depositional evei'll is a lacustrine seQuence.Pres':l.,T.bly the Idcustrine materidls were deposiled during the Eklutna (?)Glacial retreat and during mUCh of the younger Knik and Naplowne glacial events.During these st.1di.J1 events glaciers from the Alask.a Range blocked drainage down the present Susitna channel and probably througn a low divide between Watana Creek and Butte Creek;Talkeetna River Valley glaciers tllocked low divides between 1/\ Stephan \..Ike .lnd the Talke.tna River;end the Cop~r River Bollin wu occupied by an ext.nsiv.progl.c:I.l1 l.k..Th. l.aeustrln.deposits mApped wIthin the project ilru as Land L/Gtb-f,cover much of the W.lIna Cr••k-St.ph.n L.ke lowland And ell tend upstream .lIang the Susana River to the Susltn.- Copper Ri.......Lowllnd.In the WIUna CrMk-Stlph.In Lak. Lowland the unit Is generilly l.n th.n zo te.t thick and compos.d of medium to fin.sand with.signiflc'nt grav.1 content.Th.lak. deposits of the Copper Rivtr Lowl.nd .Ire thought to b.mueh thicker Ind finer-gnlined.Th.coarseness of thl lacustrin. sediments (i.•.grAvelly unds in the W.~nl Cr"k~St.phan l.ke .aru )is not unexpected .IS the .ncient l.k.wu impound.c:l b.hlnd and ringed tly glaciers which w.re activity c.lving into the I.ke. During tn.Idte Neptowne glaci.1 event,In the W.lUin.Cretlk- Stephan L.ke portion of the preglaci.1 l.ake,severaf delt..".nd strand line futures we,..form~.t .bout the 3,OOO·foot .Ievation. This shoreline lev.!Is higher th.n most ....portld snorelines of the p"OQlacitil I,k.occupping the Copp.r River Buln.It is possible then,thlt during the N.ptowne s~ldial the WlUina CrMk - St.ph.n L"ke progl.d.l I.k.stood It a higher l.vel bee.un It was impounded tllhing another ice dam in the Kosina Cr..k •J.y Cre.k It IS .Iso possible In.Jt .In outlet exsist.d for much of the life of the I<lke (conceivably in Kosina -Jay Cretk .ru).Flow from the I,ke would remove greet qu.ntitles of fine grained suspended s«diment,c.ilusing •rellti",.increls.in the coarsen.ss of the sediment deposited in the I.ke. HummockV coarse gr/llned deposits of .ablation till (Gt.l)overly lacustrine sediments between Tsusen••nd Deadm.n C....ks .nd basal till in tne valleys north or Oudm<ln Creek And in the Den.aJl Highwtiy aru.These millerlals may be correl.tive with eskers and kames found Iiong the Susitna RIver between thl Oshetnl and Tyone Rive"s,and together they repruent the ext~nt of the last major Adv.nce of gllcill ice into the prolect .rl!.l.Thev Ire ten- tatively determined to be of N.plown.age (Late Wisconsin) (Karlstrom,1964)suggesting th.t the Knik Age glaciers wire less extensive and their deposIts were overridden .nd m.lsked by Naptowne deposits.Lacustrin.sediments of the large glACi.1 I.ke occupying the Stephtin Lilke ~W.tana Creek lowland l"l.",.not been mapped oVil'rlying the abl4ltfon till,indictiting th.t some of the abl<ltion lill Ind ancient W.tln.Creek-Steph.n ll""l lacustrine sediments were time syncronus Ind thAt the pr09laci.1 I.kes were drained shortly .fter the Napto.....ne mAximum.One should note that stver,l isolated deposits or ablation till .Ire not necessarily indlcati",e of this lite .dv.nce and ice.of Nllptowne .ge did not deposit .blation till In all 1()(~i1ities (most importantly In the Portage-Devil Cruk Irel Ind in the .ru between DUdm.n Lake Ind the Denali Highw.y);and that lacustrir')e sedimenu deposited in s.mlllil isolOitea progl<lcial I.kes have been found oVlrlVing abloiltion till. Interv.ls between glacial .Jd"'OInces would be chlrOieterized by fluvial erosion And entrenChing of the project areA po..tion of the ancestr.1 Susitnd and its tributary stre.ms,however_the majority of the inlentadial fluvi.l hisory hn b.en destroyed by subsequent glacial and r1uvial history.Remnants of Ihe older entrenching events a ....preserved in several .Jbandoned and buried chlnnel sections along the modern Susitn.River ..~ne of the largest o-Ider channels fOund,.It the Vee Canyon damSlte has.bedrock f1GOr (cut below 'he tledrock floor of the pruent Susitna chann.l)which Is now filled wrth fluvial and glacio-flu",i.1 debris.The second tluried chotnnel,tletween Deadman .Jnd ·husen.Creeks,just north of the W.Jtana site Is filled with out....uh and lacustrine materials with intervening till layers (Corps of Engineers,1979).Bec.use ice oI:>,.~',r"apto....ne and Knik ilges presumably did not completely cover the project area,and the tll!s in the channll ha""character~ istics simil.r to the btisat till unit attributed to the Eklutna GI.Jciation,it appears that •portion of lhe .~ceslral Susitna River v,llley of similar size and depth to the pres.nt valley existed .IS ur1y as the EklutnA GIACi.1 event (Illinoian).Eklutna age till and associated l.Jcustrine sedim.nts also filled some of the presltnt Susitna v"lIey,however,most have be-en substQuently excavated The Eklutnl .e;te v.Jlley may have bun grade<l to drain SEE SHEET III FOR CONTINUATION J [IPO[P I!I--_A_LA_S_K_A_PO--,.W_E_R_A-:-U-,---T-:-HO-,-R_IT_Y----I ItUnlO J,SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT IIUBTABK B.OII PHOTO INTBRPRBTATION 1/\ 1\ /\ /\ NO.CH.An.A"". SUMMARY REPORT S2»~IAl-::::,,~~:OBER19BI ::::~.a.a I~'"a.Ltom"illt'B'MH-1\. ~O\OJfCT 052502 '....T II O'1111 REGIONAL BEDROCK GEOlOGY Tbgd Tertiary biotite grano<lIorite forming slocks ..../lich MiljOr bedrock lithOlogies as mapped by (wltey,and included on the terrain unit map},df"e summarized as follows: On numerous slopes in highland areils (as long Dtvil Creek)and on the broad lowl"nds solirluction hdS modified the surficial glacial till "nd/or lacuslrine d.posits. Tertiary schist,mignatite.and granite which display gradational contacts.The schist dnd lit-par~lil migmatite are probably products of contact metamorphism \~ith the enlire unIt pOSSibly repre.senting the roo:of ,)l..roe stock.The rocks occur in apprxolmately equal proportions wilh the largest exposures occurring in Tsusena Bulte,wesl of Deadmdn Creek,and in the rec- Ulngul,)r sovthern jog in lhe Susitna River. Csejtey maps this unil at the Watana ddmsite, howevltlr,more recent field work (ACRES,1981) h,)s shown that thl"Watana damsite bedrock consists of diorite and ~ndesite. Creek. Tertiary and/or Cretaceous grdnitic rocks forming small plulon$the largest of which is found in tht headwaters of Jay Creek. Cretaceous argillite and graywacke of a thick intensely deformed f1yschlike turbidite sequence. LOw grilde dynametam"rphism to the low green" schist facies ha~<Il1c ...·ed se...eral edrly inve51i- gators to rn,)p portions of this unit as phyllite. The graywacke beds f::/rm about Jot to 40~af the unit and tend to bf'clustered in zones 1 to 5 meters thick.This [,nit is exposed at the De...il Caflyon site.It exter..ds downstream beyond Gold L'·eek and forms the nountain 'mmed;,)tely easl of Gold Creek. Tria:ssic basaltic met,wolcanic rocks form in a Shdllow milrirle environment as evidenced by thin interbeds of metachert,drgillite and marble.The indi...idual flows are I"tported as op to 10 meters thick dnd displdying pillow structure and colum- nar jointing.This un I is mapped,in the project area,in the mountains ~dSt of \Valana Creek. Triassic metabasalt and sl"te in an interbedded, sn..llow marine sequence found In two allochth" blocks in the upper sections or Portdge L",le Palt'Ozoic basallic dnd andesitic metavolcano- genic rocks which forrn of broad band across the central Tall<.e~tna Moult<.iins from the southweSl to the northeast.The 5,000.foot sequence is dommantly marine in ilrigin suggesting ttlat it 15 part of d complex '/olc.lnic ore syslem.The majority of the band of this unit crosses the project area just west cf T5isi,Kosina dnd Jay Creeks.Near the lop of this unit several metamorphosed limestcre red deposits (Pis)ha...e been mapped. Jur,)ssic amphibolite with minor inclusion~of greenSChist and o<:cas'onal inlerlayers or marble. The unit Is probably deri...ed from neighboring bdSlc volcanic formdt!Qns.The dmphibollte ex- tends (rom the Vee Cdnyon ddmsite downstream for about 12 miles..)ther Jurassic rocks .....hich occur in extremely limiled exposures include Trondjemite (Jlr)and granodiorite (Jgd) lithologies. dre believed to be the plutonic equivalent of unll Tv.The most exlensi...,exposures are found on eilher side 0'the Susitna River from just up- Slream of the Devil Canyon damsite to the northward b.nd in the river ilbout sill:miles upstream or Devil Creo!k.An outcrop of Tertiary hornblende granodiorite (Thgd)is located just west of Stephan lake. Tsmg TRvs TRv TKgr J.M Tertiary volcanic rocks of subaer;"l :lOd sndllow intrusive origin with a total Ihic~nf'SS of oller 1,50;:1 feel.The lower part or I "It!sequence consists of small Stocks,Irregular dikes,flow:; and thick layers of pyrocld..tic rocks of quartz Idtite,rhyolite and lalile comPOSItIon.The upper part of the $equence consists of andesite ,)nd basalt flows interlay~.....ith tuff.These rocks are mapped in Fog Creek dnd its malor tributary. Tv J=iNllly,revegetation of poorly drained portions of the landscdpe hu produced numerous sCdttered deposits of organic materialS (0);,lind permdfro5t has de...eloped in m,)ny are,)s. Tht bedrock geology of the Talkeetna Mounldins and Upper Susitna Ri ...er Basin is ell:amined in numerous public<iltions varying in nature from sile specific to regional.The mOSI comprehensive report is by Be'a Csejtey (1978).entitled the Gt'OIogy of the Talkutna Mounta)ns Quadrangle This paper ind map deals with the <!Iges,lithology,structure,"I"ld tectonics of the regions rock units His rnults,supplemented by unpublished data from recenl project field mapping,are Ihe b,)$is of Ihis report's bedrock unit identification.Csejley (1973)concludes that soulhern Alaska de...eloped by the accrellon of a number of northwestward drlltlng continental blocks 01"1 to the North American plale.E,)ch of these terrain5 had a somewhat indepel1dent dnd varied geOlogic history, consequently,many lithologies with abrupt and complex contdCU ,)re found.(sejtey notes that "the rocks Or lhe Talkeetna Mountdins region have undergone complell:and intense IhruSlin9, folding,faUlting,shearing,and differential uplifting with as- s.ociated regional metamorphism,and plulonlsm".He recognizes at least three major periods of deformation:"a period of inlenle metamorphism,plutonism,and uplifting in the Late Early to Middle Jurassic.,the plutonic phdse of which persisted into Ldte Jurassic; a Middle to Ldte Cretdceous alpine"type orogeny,the most intense and Important of the three;and a period of 1""It,ll"mal and high-angle rellerse fdulling and minor folding in the MlddHIL Tertiary,possibly extending into nl.Quaternary".Most or the major structural reatures of the Talkeetna Moun~dins lrend northeHt to south.....est and \<!o'ere produced during the Cretaceous Orogeny Tsu Tertiary nonmarine sedImentary rock~inclUding flu ...iatilt conglQmtrllte,sandstone,<'Ind claystone with 11 few thin :il)nile beds The only known exposure:s of this unit ,ve in Watana Creek The development of a number or landslides (C I)has occurred throughout the project i1reoil.Most landslides were found within th.,bual till unit (Gtb-f or L/Gtb-f)on steep slopes "bove acti ...ely eroding streams.The Incidence of failure within this lmlteri"l ilppears to De strongly reldted to th,)wing perm.frost "nd consequfllnt soi!utUI"i1tion.The baul till unit is frequently over- I"in by Idcustrine material and the lacuslrine materials rail with the till.Most railures occur as small shallow debris slides or debris flOws,however,a few I.arge slump failures occur.The slumps and deDri~flows are marked with d special symbol on the Te.rrain Unit "".liPS Steep rock slopes are a~5umed to be slable.However,Ihis ;s undoubtedly not the case where unfavorably oriented dis- continuitiflS dip out of th.rock slope.Such discontInuities must be identdie<l and their effects assessed during on-site rock slope stability investiguiof"ls. The present course of the Susltn"River wu probably established durIng-or betoNl the Wisconsin GI.cial events.Sandy gl"c;al till observ.d nur the river level .t the O....iI Canyon site m"y h,we been deposited by the gldciers forming the Naptowne Age ice dam. If this Is the cue,,lind the till is in-situ then most of the bedrock downcuttlng and removal of Quatun"ry sediment from the Susltnd channel was "cc..omplhhed b.rore the end of the Wisconsin If the till daposit near w"ter lev.l in Devil C"nyon is older than the N"plowne event (Knik or Ekultnil),it would indiclte,"n '411"lier Incision date .nd Iha!the river followed its present course since the E.Jry Wisconsin at least. Other minor ch.ilnnel remn.ilnt5 include three buried channel5 .ilbove .nd ~th of the soulhern .butment at the Devil Canyon dam51le that m.y be ,..I.ted to the dridn.ge of ,proglaciil lake or an older position of the Susitna River.The channels are prob.bJy 5hallow but shOUld be thorougnly Investig.ted to usus potent;"J leak.ge .round the dMTI.A.small,p"rtlally b\.lried channel downstream of Port-oe Creek "nd another nur the mouth of Devil Creek are ~n.nts of the aownc\.ltting phase of the Susitna Ri ....r.Similar chann.l,are round n••r the river level Just upstrum of the Wayn.Damslte .llInd downstream of W.tana Creek. Frost craCking,cryolurDdtion snd gravity nave combined to form numerou.s colluvial deposits.Steep rubbley tillus cones hllve accumulated DeJow cliff5 and on slightly less precipitiOus slopes thin deposites of frost churned soils cover bedrock terraIn (C). Numerous rnodifiCoIItlon,of the glacIated tourtacu and Ihe develop- ment or non-gllclll Iindrorms 1"1011$ch"racteril.ed the Sustinl project .ral sinc.the PleisloCel"le.The strum incision,as previously discussed,hIS produced or at leut eXcllvltfl'd tl'le V-shaped Susltna River V"lIay within the wide "I",(l"t.d v"lley floor.This holls rell.N.nated mllny tribut"ry stream,which are now down - cutting In theIr channels,.IS is e...ideI"lC.d by the steep gradients In the low.r portions or their channels,lower gradients in the mld-chollnnel sKtlon "nd frequently •waterfall niche -point sepollr.ting these stre.m segments.Severdl low terr.cfl~(fpl) h.v.been formed .bo....the modern floodplain (Fp)of the Susilna lind Its major tribut.riu.TerraCf15 at several different levels were found throughout the Susitn.Rlv.r Valley.Some occur high on the v,lIly w"lIs .IS eroded terrace remnants (upstream of W.tanil Creek);while others "ppur as very recent,10.....,flilt plimar futures.N..r the moulh or Kosin.Creek and In severdl other loclltions,the terrace mat.rials overlie relatively shallow bedrock such that they m.y more "ccurltely be called be.drock benches). Between the Oshetna and Tyone RI ...ers the thin terrace gravels overlie gllct"l till.The terrdces lire frequently modi(ie-d by the deposition 0'oIIl1uvllll riln debris (frg)and/or the flow of solitluc- tlon lobu .nd sheets (Cs)across theIr surfilces.Correliltion of the terrace levels on the dir pholos is dIfficult because of the lack of continuity ilnd was,therefore,not attempted.In the Gold Creek are"three diffarent,low Ilvel t.rraces are clearly visible "nd in the Tyone-Osnetnl Rivers are,ll four terrace levels un be disc.~ed.Between these IredS the le!"T'K&4 rdrely occur in groups "nd i1Nl more widely sp,Ked.Most tributary str.ams also show multiple terrdce levels with Ihe best example being in Tsusena Creek where fi ...e or more levels ,)ppear as steps on the vililey wilf!. The stream terr"ces are rrequently modified by the deposition of oillluvial totn debris (Ffg)and/or the flow of solifluction lobes and sheels (Cs)ilcross Iheir surfilces.Alluvial fans have also been deposited whllf"1l steep sm,lll drainages deDouch onto floors of wider glaciated vall.ys. ..st Into the Copper River Buin.The f"ct th"t the pruent Susltn.RIver flows in "deep canyon KroSS mount.illnOllS terrain (in the Portage-Devil Creek .nd Jay·Kosin.il Creek <lIrus),iilnd not KroSS the low Susitna-Copper River of lhe Stephln lake-Talk_tna River Divldu may be the rnult of glaci.ill derangement and/or the rapid drainage of proglacial lakes causing .iI pirilting of portion5 of the Copper and Talkeetna River drain"ges. plutonic equivalent of unit ve expo!wres are found on .silna Rivu from jusl up- Canyon damsile (0 the :he river .bout ~ix miles ~k.An outcrop of Terti.ry :e (Thgd)is located just latite,and granite which ont~cls.The schist and are probably products of ~ith the entire unit ponibly r of a l'lrI~e stock.The <oimately equal proportions sures occurring in Tsusend an Creek,and in the rec- g in the Susitn~River. lit at the Walalla damsite, field work (ACRES,1981) Watana d<ilmsite bedrock, mdesite. :eous granitic rocks forming 1St of whIch b found in tl'le k. with minor inc.lusians of (mal interlayers of marble. derived rrom neighboring The amphibolite ex- :anyon damsite downstream )lher Jurassic rocks whiCh limited exposures include and granodiorite (Jgd) >volcanic rocks form in it ment as evidenced by thin Itrgillite and marble.The ~ported as up to 10 meters )illow structure and col urn- t IS mapped,in the project ~asl or Watana Cree .... and andesit,c etavolcano· l'd broad bane-"eross the lains (ro."O Ihe southwest to 5,000.(001 sequence IS lrigin suggesting Ihat it is 'olcanlc ore system.The of this unit crosses lhe r Tsisi,Kosin.and Jay op of this unit several e reef deposits (Pis)'have nd graywacke of ~,Ihick s<.hlike turbidite sequence. )rphism to the low green- wed several early investi- s or this unit as phyllite. )rm about 30~to 401.of the clustered in ZOlle~1 to 5 nit Is e:xposed at the ~evil d~down.trl!If1 beyond Gold nounilltn immediately easl o( d slate in an interbedded, ICe found In 1WO allochth- upper sections of Portage Several of the above units have been used 10 describe rocks m~ppe<l by Acru between (he Watiln,)and Oevil Canyon d~msites. Where Ihl1:dat~wiiU dvailable it took precidence over Csejtey's map. Listed betaware some references which may be o(help in provid- ing background information and/or details concerning tn.soils and bedrock of the project area. Anon.(1978)Seismic refraction velocity profiles and discussion, Watanil and Devil Canyon Damslt.,.Sh.jmnon &:Wilson,Inc., Geologic..!Consultants,in the Corps of Engineers,1979, Supplemental Feasibility Report an the Southcentral Railbelt Area,Alask..;Upper Susitna River Buin,Hydroelectric Power and relilted purposes. Anon,(1975)Southcentral R.ailbelt Areil AI,nka,Upper Susitna River Basin Interim Feasibility Report.Hydr~lectric Power and related purposu.Prepared by the Alaska District,- Corps of Engineers. Anon.(1915)Subsurface geophysical exploration,pr"Oposed Watana Damsite on the Susitna River,Alask~:by Oilmes S'Moore.In the Carps of Ellgineers (1975)Inteilm Feasibility Report on Ule Southcentral Railbelt Area,Alaskil,Upper Susitna RivH Basin,Hydroeloctric Power and reldted purposes, Anon.(1962)Engineering Geology of the Vee Canyon Oamsite: Bureau of Reclamation unpublished report 37,p.4, Appendies. Anon.(1960)U.S.B.R.Report on the feasibllity or hydroelectric development in the Upper Susitna River Basin,A!il$ka An::n.\':<'19)ioulfl~."lr ..1 ~.I'Diltll Area Alaska.lIPl:e'~1.111n.1 "Iver 6 ...10 SUQpl eM.t ea'l ilily l\~por:HytlrQ'lrlpI.,,.it Po""'"''.l"'d rel..teo llu~o.)~.~r~~l"'Itd by 1M'.~.f"l-It.a r.i~:I'IC:\ <Of'1)S Clf UtQ.t,,,e.,.... C"DDS,i.A.t1HO)"GK09)of Ihe Atnlo.oI n111r-;:ad "1:;,;1.:11. U.i G.S.BlJill!!t-n 007 Csejley,B.Jr.,W".'~r,;'tln ~l.Jones.N.l ~ilJ)el"'inQ,R.M. Oean,M.S.Morr'<;,f·'.A u!1~f'!I~rf!.1 G.3m:lh .•"'ll 1.1 L ~.lbl!:'rlT\.l"(HHtJ I Recu{;:\.,""'fI".ljt8U1QO.l:"1'1'0 ."rl ;1-0· .:hOnmoqV,.....cclr[]:,",ts.OW'IJ.,no"U".e""Pdf(('If Ar",f'\g~~ Q.iCld.bid ~~u1"''''''lot co"re,'01 t1l1!illly oBIOrll:\~,".J:...UK •. U.SG_;Ope""f".tt Ro:po~t 78·:58-A. Fern..r~,O.J.,Jr.,R,K.[ho-UDQ"f'iilllr~,and G,W.Greene (1969) f'~'-rilorr.:so~H and r~laled IIrJIlHttld"Q p"Obll'lmfo in Alaska. U S,O ..".ofessl~rr,ll Paper 61"1t. Fo:I ..nar~,O.J and Nlet1Ol~,Donald R.(1965)Re)L.irre gf Quaternary G~lcgy of Ihe Cepowr Rl\l,.r Ba:;1l1.III G!..ldf'tmc" to the QUdtilrl'1,lry GiIOlOUY .Jf Cl'nlrl!arlld Sou.'~·C.nlrar Al4sl.a,G"ic!ebGOk tOl NQUA Field C~Or"rl:!l\(e I'Troy L. Pewe Editor. ,.,,,.I'I,I.»OI"!,ln,R.,...10 11 ~.·.~nor.f 'I!,l"r·.li"'i....ry ""'POr:0" Ute "!';Cr"l;ic-;y or !'lIt IJ ge.Scd Utevil ,-tiny ('~Wa:Jna d.lt"'.slt~s.~",trLl HIVf"",A.!,u"a.'.1 '''r,.C:WI"<:'"gtncers. 31!...uppIR!tlcn:,,1 fc,;;sit:l.lly I\"oo,'t on !he Sc;<l.~"n-"~"~l R,llbeh A~Al.a·,k;l.UQne"SU)ltn..-qlver B".,tn.H~drtl· el~c.t ric Pe...er and t"l)'loled {lur"csi.'s. /\ Kach~oorian,R.,O.Hopkins,and D.Nichols (1954)Prelimin~ry report ot geolOQic hcton dhcting highway construc.tion in Ihe are.blttween Ihe Susitn.and Mac.l.ren Rivers,Alaska. U.S.G.S.Open-File Report 54-1)7. Kachadoorian,R.,T.Pe....e (1955)Engineering geology of the southern halt or U'le Mt.H.yes A·5 Quad,Aluk...U.S.G.S. Open-File Report 55-78, Kreig,Raymond A.anCl RiChard D.Reger,(1976).PreconSlruction Terrain Evaluation ror tl'le Trans-Alaskill Pipeline Project;in Geomorphology and Enginearing,D.R.Co.tu,Ed.Dowden, Hutchinson and Ros,Inc.,(Wiley),360 pp. Kreig,Rdymond A.(1977).Terrain Analysis for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline.Civil Engineering -ASCE,July,1977. Karlstrom,T.N.V.(1964)QuaUlrn.ry Geology the Kenai low- lands and Glacial History of the Cook Inlet Region,Alask•. U.S.C.S.Professional Paper <l43. Miller,J.M.,A.E.Belon,l.O.G~ney,and L.H.Shapire (1915) A look at Alaskilln resources with L.ndUI data.Int.Symp. RemOle Sensing of thoe Environment.,Pt"OCeltdings,No.10, vol.z.p.879-883. Pewe,T.L.(1975)QUilternary Geology of Aluka U.S.G.S.Prof. paper 835. Pewe,T.l.(Ed.)(1965)INQUA Conrerence guidebook to centrilll ~nd Soulhcentral A!iI~ka VII Congrus of the Internlltional Association for Quaternillry Reuarch,p.141. Rieger,S.,0.8.SchoephorSler,and C,E.Furbush (1979) Exploratory Soil Survey of Alask...Soil Conservation Servic.e Repor!. Steele,W.C.and J.R.leCompte (1978)Map Showing interpretation of L.mdsat imdgery of the Talke-etna Mountains Quadrangle, Alask•.U.S.C.S.Open-File Report 78-558-0. Wahrhaftig,Clyde (1958)Quaternilry and Engineering Geoclogy in the Central P.r(o(the Alaska Range.U.5.G.S.Protessional Paper 293. - L \IPDW 'I!I--_A_L_AS_K_A_PO_W_E_R_A_U_T_HO_R_I_TY----j flUnlO JI SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT eU.TABK 15.011 PHOTO INTERPRETATION 1\ /\ /\ DA.TE /\ RieVI$lOHJ. SUMMARY REPORT ~•."OCTOBER 19BI I,m,~i}~w ••••,..I...·'·.~ Rail CO ..'ull....n!.I..C CH.1lPf>.1'1'9.~"O'IC'052502 s"nT III o~11I1 17\ TERRAIN UNIT SYMBOL BlCU TERRAIN UNIT NAME Unwe.th.r.a, conJolid3led bedrock, TOPOGRAPHY AND AREAL DISTRIBUTION Cllrh in rive,.cilInyon rounded knobs on broad vilIlley floor .nd mounLllin peaks. SOIL STRATIGRAPHY SLOPE CLASSI- FICATION Mod,r.te to Neu'- Vertlcill PROBABLE UNIFIED SOIL TYPES DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY IN UNFROZEN SOILS EROSION POTENTIAL Low GR( WA TA C CI Landslide deposits Predomin.ntly fOund .1 the billse of st..per bedrock slopes IS Anguli"frcsl cricked,blOCks of coalescing cones Ind f.ns .nd rock,lome silt ..nd $II1'ld. rock Ol,ci.r. Moderate to Steep Moderate to Steep GP,GW,eM SW,3M GM,SM,ML Good/High Poor/Low Hign ShAllow Cs-f FfO Fp Fpt GFo GF, SOlifluction deposits Grilnul.r .Huvilll I,n Floodplain deposits R.,ut...."y smooth to I.b.te topo- gr.phy (rUled by the flow of mlt.ri.ls subjected to frequent fre.z./th.llw cycl.s. Low cone sh.ped deposit~formKl where niOn grlldlenl ~lrlam~flow onl0 Uet surtace~. Flat plains,slightly .DOve .and adjacent to the pres.nt Su~itn" Rlv.r Ind ih mljor trlbut"..les. Fl.l surhc.r.mnants of form.r floodplaIn d.posin Isolated .bove prese"l rloodplilln. Bottom,of U-sh.ped t ..lbut.ry v.ltays and Idjacent to Susltlla • r ••. Rounded to sh.rp crested sinuous ridges in upper Susitn••r ... Silty und .nd undy sill showing contorted layering. Rounded cobbles lind grevel with s.nd and SOffle ~111,~",e sorting end I'ylrino of materi.h, Rounded cobbles,grevel end sand sorted end Iilyered.'With or without silt cover. Rounded cobbles,gr.vel and und wllh some silt covered by a Ihln slit Ilye,.,.Sorted .nd l.yar&d. Rounded &striated cobbles, or.avel .nd s.nd,crudely so..t,d .lind I.yer-ed . Round.d ~Irl.ted cobbles, Qr.vel,.nd sand.Crud.tv to w.1t sorted and I.yered. Gently to Steeping Sloping Moderate ,clal to Gentle Flal to Gentle Sleep Local Slopes SW,SM,ML. GVo',SW GW GP SW SP:SM' GW,GP,SW, SP,SM,ML GW,SW GW,SW Fro:e" Good/High Good/High Good/High Good/High GOOd/High High Modl!rale High Low Mode ..",te Moderate Shallow She Very Shalla," GFk Rounded to hummocky hili •. RoundeC &striat.ed gr.v.I,Ind sand. sort.d and layared. CObbl,s, Crud.ly Steep Local Slopes GW,SW Good/High Moderate 0, Gta Trlbulary v.lI.y ,Id.w.lI.and vllIly bottoms In g.ner.I, betw.en Tlulen,Ind D••dm.n Cr••k hummocky roiling sur-f.cI, num.rous Channels. RoundeCS .nd stri.lad cobbles, gr.vel,.nd SAnd,no so..tlng or lAyering.Boulder-cobb)e lAg cov.rlng ,urface. Gentll':to Steep GW,GM,sw, SM Moder.le/Moderate Moderale Shill/O,,- Madera' Gtb-f Bottoml' v.lleys .Iopes 0',nO lArger U-ShApKl .dJ.cent gentle Gravely silty .und And gr.vely sandy ,lit;no IAyerinQ or sort- Ing;coDble.and bould41rs poorly rounded ,no stri.t.d. Genlle to Sleep GM,SM,ML Frozen Moderate o L-f _L_ Gtb-f Qtl.Gtb-f C.-f Gta· Cll-f Fpt C.-f BlCU Gtb-f BlCU Gta BlCU Llcuurln.s (froun) LAcustrln. sediment.ave,. IIbl.tlon 1111 LacustrIne deposits over bani till Solifluction deposits (froun) over b.ul till (frozen) Solifluction deposits «(I"01'en) ov.r eblation till Solifluction deposit.(frozen) over terr.ce ndllTltl~ SollfluCllon d.poslts (t..oun) ov.r b4Idrock Frozen b•.1II1 till over bedrock AblatIon WI o ....r un-W'••thered b.drock Colluvium o....r bedrock and b«trock ••po,ure' In l'Wlt.S b,elwe.n ,m.1I .....s on lowllnd.and In hlQh ellvltlon bedrOCk .r....FIAt surf.c.to st.pUke tlrr-ACIS. lowl"nd.(below 3000')fl.1 sur- face in the Tyon.O.heln" River .rea. Gently roiling to numrne>eky f.ce surrounding Butte l.lIke Lowl.nds,(below 3000')between Stephan l.ke Ind Wat.n&Creek, and .)((.ndlng upstr.am pa.t lhe Tyone Riv.r, Smooth to lobat..tepllke tope· grlphy on g.ntle slopu 1I1)ove Ihe progtaclll lake level,we.I at Tsusenl Cr..k. SmooH'I (0 lob.te And hummocky topoor.phy .Iong Oeadmen Creek Smooth to lobllte flows of froun fIne g ...ln.d milterillls,found on te,.rece of the Susltna,freQuent belw..n th.Tyone lind Osh.tnll Rive,... Smoo'h to lob.l..1.pllke topo- gr.phy on the flank.of lome mount.ln.,north and south Of the Devil Cenyon ar.,. Hummocky roiling 'uriace trln,itlon.1 to higher-mounWJ"Q.a .dJacent 10 Oe.dm.n Cr.ek. Hlgh.r ele....tlon mounUln are•• Ind lteep slop.s liang the Susltna River and It.major trlbuterle•. O.composed lind undecomposed crg.nic m.terJal wJth some silt. Silndy .ilt And silty und with occasion,I pebbles,to gr.velly sand.Ofl.n ,0rUid .nd I.yered. Str.tified undy silt and silty sand ave·"unsorted silty Sllndy grlvel. Well sorted ~Ilty sand .nd undy ~II(overlying blS.l till. Unsort.d gr.v.ls,und."slit. with thin Ice layers,contorted soli Ilyerlng. Silty,undy,gravel end ~Uty grevely und .howlng contortad I.yerlng. Silty,und end sandy slit show- Ing contort.d Illyering over oentle sorted end layered rounded cobbles,gravel and s.nd. Mixed O"I".ls sand..nd slits with thin lc.layers .nd hint contort.d soli l.y.rlnQ ov.r bedrock.. Rounded lind .triat.d cob!)lel, g~...el .nd lall1d,no ,orting or l.yerlnQ,ave..bedrock. AngulAr blOCks of rock wllh .ome sand and silt ov.rlylng bedrock. Fillt Gentle to Moderate Gentle 10 Moderale Moderale to Steep Modena to Steep C.ntl. Moderete to Steeo Gentle to Steep Steep to Ne.r V.rtic.1 PT,OL SP.SW,Ml SP,5W,ML CW,GM,SW,SM SP,$\11,ML. SM,SM,ML GM,SM,ML G\lI,SW GM,SM ~cw,SP,SW SP,SM,ML CW.GM SW SM,ML b.drock ~bedrock GW,GM, SW.SM bedrock GP,GW,GM, ~."'.-0<" Poor/Moderllte to High Frozen Poor/Moderate Lacustrlne-GOOd/GOOO aaul Till-Frozen Fr-ozen Frozen Frozen Frozen Frozen Good/HIQh Good/low to HIQh Low High MOderale Lllcustrine-HIgh BUI+I Till-Moderate Moderate Moderate High Moderate AtS 5hi MOder., S~...lIow Sh.llow I to Deep Sh.llow Sh.llow Sh~1I0"'" Moderat CIriW+BllW Collu"lum w••th.red,pOOrly consolld.ted b,edrock Sm.ll cliffs cut Into non-m.rln.ledl,.,..nts Wat.n.C,...k .nd volcanics In Fog Cr..k. t.rtl.ry A,nguler ..ubbl.with sIlt .nd sand .Iong ov.r poorly c-onsolld.t.d sand tertIary over poorly consolld.ted or highly w..ther-ed bedr"Ock. Steep to Nur VerticilI CM,SM,Ml, Cw,SW TERRAIN UNIT PROPERTIES AND ENGINEERING INTERPRET ATIONS ROSION ITENTIAL High High Moderate High Lo ...· Mcder~te Moderate Moderate Moder-olte LOw High Moderate strine-High J Till-Moderate Moderolte Mod~rate High Moder.le ler..te to High GROUND WATER TABLE Deep Deep 5"0I1iow (perched) Shallow 'perched) Shallow Ve ..y Shallow Deep Sh•.r!ow (0 Delep Deep Deep Shallow to Moder.tely deep Sh.llaw (perched) to Deep At Surfilce Shallow (perched) ModerAtely dMP Sh.llow (perched) S".lIow (perched) 10 Deep Sh..llow (perched) to De.p Sh..lIow (perched) Shillow to Moder.tely d_p Deep Deep PROBABLE PERMAFROST DISTRIBUTION Spo,..~lc It low ElevalJol1. Discontinuous at High El.vations Active -Unfrozen Inactive -Sporadic Discontinuous to C(lntinuous Unfrozen Unfrozen Unfrozen Unfrozen Unfrozen Unfr-ozen Unfrozen 10 Spor..dic Ou,contl"uous to Continuous DI~contlnuous Olf,continuou~to Continuous Spondlc l lpar-.die Oiscontlnuous Gtb-r Ollcon- tlnUOUS to Can- ""' Olscontinuous to Continuous Discontinuous to Continuous Disconlinuous Discontinuous Oiseontinuous to Continuous Spar.dlc Spor.dic Sporadic to Oi,contlnuous FROST HEAVE POTENTIAL Nil LOw to High High High Low Generally low (High for surface cover) Gene"ally Lo....·(HiQl'1 for lurface c:over Low Low Low High High Moder"le to High High High High High High High Low to High low to High THAW SETTLEMENT POTENTIAL Nil Higt'l Low Low Low Low Low Low low to Moder.te High High High Moderlle to High High High High High High High low to Moder..te BEARING STRENGTH Very High Low High High Surficial Silt, Low,Sand' .Ind Gr"vel, High High .-,Ig" High High ModerUe to High Low If Thlwed. High when frozen Very Low low whe" n"wed. High wh.n Frozen low If Thflwed. High wh.n Frozfln Low If Th.wed. High when frozen Low wh.n Tholw.d. High ....h.n Frozen low If Th.....ed. ....Igh whln frozl" High when Froz.n.low wh.n Th.w.d. High low If Th.wed. High wh.n F roz.n lOW If T h.wed High when Frozen Low to Very High Low to Moder.Ite SLOPE STABILITY Low Low High High La....·to Mode"lta LOW to High Moder-ate LOw Low Low Low Low Low Low Low low- Mod.rflte SUITABILITY AS SOURCE OF BORROW FIne'Poor C~,.,.-Good Fine -Poor Co.,...•Verlable FIn••Poor Coe..,••Good Fine'Poor Coa",••Good "lna •Poor Co.,.•.••Good Fine -Poor Co...,••El(callent Fine -Poor CO.".e -Excellent Fine -pggr COAru -[xc_lIe"t Fin.-Pgg,. Coar.e -F.I,. Fin.-1".1,. Co.r••-Poor "" Poo, FI"e -Poor Co.r.e·Fell" Poo' Fin.-Poor Co.,.••-Good Fin.-Poo" Coar.e -Felr Fin.-Poor Co.,.••-Felr Fin.-Poo,. C04I,....Poor L , TATIONS /\ /\ IIPDI~1!I----=A=LA=S::-:-K_A~P:::-:O=W:-:-ER=A:-::U T:-:H=O~R:-:::IT'::"'"Y--tRUn0.11 SUSITNA H YDIIO[LECTIIIC PIIOJECT I~,\ra~fr;.\IA1I-:_"_._;,;,;··;,;,;·c.:ll:....;.;";,;,;II'---lI..~u;';;;;'=.------..;;;:i 1/~'\JL..f---.-.10"0 NO.,.,' l---CO=-=."TE:--I'",,=-'.\----------=•.,;'.""1:::''''''=.----------1":0<:-:.+_.,,-1.f-:_=f.••M CXJINaLTAN'T"!J...":I......,.0••101 T 11M 1/\ L [j~ALASKA POWER AUTHOR ITY~U~[O 1---,s"U-,S"'=T""N-=-A-H=Y=O-=R-=O-=Ec:-L-:E"C'"'T=-R=-'--:Cc:--:P:-:R:-:O"J:-:E'"'C:-:T=----j BUBTASK !5.D2 PHOTO INTERPRETATION f--------+7rl--------------t-+-I----lTERRAIN UNIT INDEX MAP Bedrock Mapplflq Units Tv Tsu -Tbqd Tsmq TKqr Jom (Jtr)(Jqd)liv Pzv (Pts)Kaq Abbreviated Descriptions T~"'IJllry Vtlll,....,.\ roc,,~:•.rull!).... ifltru~jve~_flews, il'1d pyr.::claHlcr.; rn'to!llllic to t ..~",II~c. ;~I'\\ar'y nIH'l-rr:\rlll~ ~.O,I'fl.lI"l'''''Y f'O(l<.~: C'('t""9'ClI'I'lIlf,U.,',1ltd" f10'"t',IIIUJ ...loIyH nt:. 1 "n'<lry 1)1-0'.!~I i .-\.~-y ~,",'I. ;'''51'101;1'0''-'1_;«oil'"".;1","1 'tt aro;1 9r.,_, t"lOl""t1tllotllQe Ii'.'or,.~.r;t1""~"ltl''''';1 I".·QU' (·t10d J.llf ..larqe 'Uak. ttl-".-y "n,'('If C ...f1I .........go,.j \1'.'11 1;-='31 101""1'<1..;;~-4I11 j:ILj:l p', '..roll 1:10 "~ol'nlln If!i"1 1 III 'II,.r ~"lin· ....h,~;..~hl.:.' , r 11:11..,ltr (tr .~"~ Llr",r.,..\;11 -,,,....:l.l,,-,>I r...tl>"ol.4lr"'\~C:"''\ ,r11.ut I J 10i0 .""...llKltQ-C 010 ,",('"I ;;;;'r'·~~·W;;OLJ .rOlH I" _nQ ,"Cl.",qllE:..:..-.1I11 'iii""'"1<.,o( '"'OLI:....MO;.""(:ro;ll.r..:llll'Ot d.'.;lI"'1l1...... 1<Ii ..rt1"L~'OT"'."M'r hl7'rllf'lilt:"ill · "1~1 IOw,.r ..oo ,".I ..rtIQ..p",~", rrlelll[ :l1'1:t '\loll ,nlt'rn.t not",e Miscellaneous Map Symbolg Scarp ~Slide scar;<\1T Buried Channel ~Trail D"U APRIL 1981 L-f 10."'1;<'1(1"'"1"5 d'-Ql_"l L .'o,.J~1 rll1~ GiQ ,.0'"'ll!>0 ....,- ..tJllHiQ'n lill L ....l..u~lr .,.. dt'llXl.lt~O"lI!r Gtb-f :luU!litt \tr(.,IIn) Cs-f SoUfh.lnloro depOSita (f'"97f'"j Gtb-f ove-"t>-/I~.l till ~rpou,,) Cs-f ~hh......w'Jl\ C!.Dpo:S "(fr-o.unl Gf(J Ov......ftf,llIO",,,, Cs-f 5--::1 !i.t-\ltWl 'Ilep<lllu (fru.ter) FPT ')Ve";.''-&1;_ 3lIt.l1,m_""" Cs-f ,;Kl.IIPI.;.t.Ht:n <lI~:JOI-·'~('•••1 0 ',l3"Xu"o....e·~tlrl'lck Gtb-f F--Ql'e"~...,.I lill 13XU (.>v"r to4';1-.;:c" AW&!.lIIr'1111l Gta 0 ..."'''un"s-;;:u ."",..,-eel be4rt:<:k CD hlV ~,gVllr C +B d.-oCl<..,ndBXUXU~c!lJ"o.:..-k "-:pe'IVrt-" sS+Bxw Cl:llluvhJ.....(lvfll' w"...Ult"~..d . par;lrl.,.l:~l~J" dillied n~'l)C;1l Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbol Name Un.....ea··H'.:red, Bxu cunsolidated bedrock C Colluvial depo!io;ls. CI l ..ndsliCl~ Cs-f 501;11u:~.:... deposits (r'"JZI!I"I) Ffg Grdnul.lr alluvial'.n Fp Floodpl..in deposit~ Fpt TerraeI'! GFo Outwash deposit,: GFe Esker (jfOPOf,ll ~ GFk k.'jl*Cepo'l~' Gta AtI,.thon ,ill Gtb-f ~..s.",(lr::l'ftt) 0 (h"an :,'tJ(lraih SUBTASK 5.02 PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS [-APm~II--_A_L_A_SK_A_P_O--:-W::-E R-::-::-:-:A-::-U."--T_H",,,O---,RI,-::-T'---Y-I MUn[O SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT O~~~2~O~O~O__4~OO.O FEET SCALE RVS Trl""IIC ."....{;,U.Ultlt ;i'Ul 111t·...."u, II ,,,,.t>,,,I1~"O'~h~ll(,lw ",..,."lv ~'··UJ"IV:l! Kaq .,y,.;.~u~.I·gll,,~ ;3t".¥'.,L ...,:,r ~ ..dp'.,t"llIIll ,;Ow,-&t)".....r.-. I~U.Mo'lillf"'rQr~n;.m / ---'/ Rock Contact -./Buried Channel ~Trail/// Bedrock Moppinq Units '.,..r~~"'~.T,.."T:'~~HI..,T:~~I~~.."~~~rAbbreviatedIoUOt""I DI·'"lHbnUI:."0[""~..l.l••!J -,,I..dol ..'f'\-. /-,--D""e_s_c_r""iP_I_i_o_n_s-..JL.-'--;_:,._··_'_.'_.u_:~_:._~_~.._:,._·._..J-~~_n_':_.,_,·"""__·_·_n_'._,_"_,.--l._~_,o_~_':_:_~ll!_'~_'_":_._'''_'I:'~"''''0 '"ill Miscellaneous Map Symbols Scarp ~Slide Scar ,<\l' OAT(APRIL 1981 ~"'OJICT 052502 Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbol Name Un.....ttl.l"'..a, Bxu cOI"llOlldated b.-dl"OCk C Colluvial depoalu CI Laneullct. Cs-f Sollnuctlon d.,po,lla (tl"'O"") Ffg C,...,ula,..Iluvl~ r... Fp FloodplaIn deposIts Fpt T.,.,.Ka GFo OutwaiUl d.po.I~ GFe Esk.,.deposits GFk K.me deposits Gta ....bl.tlon till Gtb-f S.ul till (frozen) 0 Org.nic daposits SUBTASK 5.02 L-f Lacustrine, (fronn) ----I...-lacustrine sediments ov.,.Gta ablation till Gtt-f Lacultl"'lna dapollu ov.,. 0 ...1 till (frozen) Cs-f ' Solifluction deposits (froan) Gtb-f ov.,.b •••1 tIll (froun) Cs-f SolIfluction deposita (fr-o.zan) GiCI ov.,..elilion till Cs-f Solifluction dapoIIU ('!"Onn) FPi""ov.,.t.rrace sedlmentl ~Solifluction aapo,its (frolen) XU ov.,.bedrock Gd b -f Frozen DaW'till XU ov.,.biKt.-.:ICk Anl.tion till ~ov.,.un- w ..th."d bedrock Colluvium ove,., tfxu+BxU bedrock .nd bedrock aKposure, ~+BXW Colluvium aver w••thered CU" poorly consoll- datMi bedrock PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS I ar..O._lPJI--_A_L_A_S_K_A_P_O_W_E_R_A_U_T_H_O_R_I_T_Y_-t LltUn[O SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT R"f\'lIIO"'S 2000 ~OO FEETo SCALE .". Bedrock Moppinq Units Abbreviated Descriptions Tv Tsu -Tbqd Tsmq TKqr Jom (Jtr )(Jqd)RV Pzv (Pis)Koq -epu..,v ~'Q't:•.,,~TI',"t ..ry no,.-m..nru .....rtl...y tl!01'\4 ~."1I.ry .C:.,.i1.Tj·rll."~·.an4 (or JL.:-"'oIl.~.t .'IT:JHI ut~,"~"~IL G~j,1:-l.:..1:..It...tc 0".1 I.t (,'"~la ''"\0''.,-""!:It""J:~'tlw tl'dl"...nlltr y ~"''';Q'/l.o<.l!onlt'_l~,l I"~lnr ""(,Inr."I'!',...T'?I~"",·9"~'"·-s ~~1~~n"':r~:bf.~;lIfl~••n ..;av'fr.;"'''.0<:....,e".04'~I,e "',1\.1-1t'1(l'1,.........r-•.0',.n"",l',l~U~>vl!!~"QAt.:-:>"U'O<\IOf',1l1':...ntl-~M",DI"l"'Jo:gr,,<t;)('jl ,"'.p..."••f,-r,r·W ,no ""'"f"""-",I1'C .Pl.1 flllt!)!"'I.lol"lt",~;~'Hl -Ow ~O·f."'::'.~<r;;clo<s,'"acol;,M"(1 ",,<':tIC: ..no ..Dyr"(.'tJ.5l,o;-"'H~n".'""(.1"\H~n ..rnO " ei\.,....;"~Iock.·"O"'.cl'41"',:e ~.:.'.II'<,:!'ttl•c'1V,.....""",unt .10U,1 ",411111 1Y11l,IQTH.:I'JI'u(llt,·."J.lu."t.., "'n~l:Illh:'0 nll,,~lli;;';'·,I.!#.J,.:!rrt...(Jg.u,.('1"1").1ll~."1 ""i"mnr;:."'·'rn Miscellaneous Map Symbols Scarp ~Slide Scar ;(\1'~/ Buried Channel ~Trail .~/// Rock Conlacl r~/ Terrain Unit Symbal Terrain Unit Name Bxu Un ....e ..thtred, consolid ..ted be<j roc k C Colluviall depo~lts , Abi<ll,on till ovc"un' ....':"'th'''....:1 bedr"~'" Frozen basal till aver beorock Or".nic decosits Granul»,.alluvi.-' t.n LaCl"jJ\~,r,e5 (Irozen) 501lfluctton d.posils (froz.en) over bas,,1 till (frozen) Latust,.'ne se~Ir'r,ents over ablation lill Lacustrine d~oosLIS over basAl till (froz.en) COlluvium over ..'todlher",d or po:>dy tonsoli- d.,te-d bedrock SOlif'lJClion deoposil:i (frozen) over abldtion till Solifluction deposits (frozen) aver terrace sediments ~Iluv,um over bedrock af'ld bedrock e'~o:,ures .,,,~~.u· depo~·.IS (r"'Hen) over b~,,::;;"k Baul till (frozen) Floodpl..in dliposiis l.llndstide Terr'-CIJ Out....ash deposih SOlifluction deposiu (froun) GFk CI GFe Cs-f F""P""l Cs-f GiO Cs'f BXiJ Gta GFo L-f ° Fpt L GiO Fp Cs-f Ffg Gtb-f tlXiJ L Gtb-f Cs-f Gtb-f Gtb-f tfxu+Bxu SUBTABt(5.02 P.MOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS [A PD(.~I---::A::ccL:-:::A S::ccK,-A---:-:-:c-:P:-::-OW:-::E-::R:-:-::-:Ac:-:UT-,H:-::-O::-:R::-:IT:-::-Y-----jflUn0SUSITt-4A HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 2000 4000 FEET------=ao ESCALE DAH n:::tn..!<lOlilwil '*l.J ~..to:II" ,,'..~tl·Jd~~_~.q~' ,-".,S""ll.'·'Cr. RVSKaq ~'J'S .":111-1. u'.y .....o<o.u'.. \Otl('r-m~'.l 10'1_"',:_.r'1~lL '.el,.'"Clt.f'OlC·;"'."' Bedrock Moppinq Units Abbreviated Descriptions Tv TSiJ -Tbqd Tsmq TKqr Jam (JtrJ(Jqd)RV Pzv (PIs)Koq T ..rt.",.y VOI':;ilII "j r~\i ""'C""I'T',lrll'"jer'Jl,r."niOllte ':"ar'"llry .t::...·r.t.re",'y .''''l(:/Q'',"'I'~~~'C <l.Ilj"lllloel·\e rr 11:0"''''b.$"'lIC ~..t"'"110010.1;~N\lllIc Cre'dCob..s M:;Jlllll_irl~ulI "ock,,h.llo...~.t~.m.·ll.Rf ~rcx.fo,\:O"··,adIDr,[u ",(1 m'"mAllll'.·0 ;,..n·t.,:,..,...;:.o"'i grll1ll1{s Illu~,II """r~,,"·..·."vl~".-,...;ron11-e ~I~-"'t'Ifl Q··a:y ...ll;;:L.....",......~,I. •....V\'S;VIU.'10....'1,cOOQ,(Jl'"'itltr,iltl :l"(l~-Ql"l"Il:r<1~"d..~!rill't-'J IID-~I t ',;p1"t~t"ll1"''Ol ,.,ru.;f r"rm'''':,"1;11'Ulilt~"'"¥J,U •....Cl ~,.t;....,..t2 " ".'"vOIl;....IXjl."'C re<:"J.1111(10.....c1g...",.,.;,Iller".: ~"l)vr«'!lIosttl ~;'tll;J~·C.MI~~'ll~'tune \tl"'~}.of .,,""~.,t.oco<,II"OlU]I(!.""te It,...•.no nlnn"..'"."C~"""\"".,t1'ltIl,,-!,m otllon c turbld'lf ,.g".nt:.m..,.n" rh"ul,lll."l\.~llof·lr .\Jr-1)11OQt!:"'I.''WU ~.....,..I:>.....!]"-.d.I'l'llt"-;(l'rh.!lm Miscellaneous Map Symbols Scarp ~Slide scar,<\1T /./~7 ~/Buried Channel ~~Trail /' I_pow li--_A_L_A_S_K_A__P_O_W_E_R_A_U_T_H_O_R_'_T_Y_-i HUn[O SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Terrain Te rra in Unit Unit Symbol Nome Unwe<Jthl"red, Bxu consoliddted bedrOCk C ("ollu"'.<I ....:o.:posits CI Land~lide Cs-f ~.:.f uction depc:..a «roan) Ffg Granul..,.all ....",ial r.n Fp Flc:::dpl",in depo,>lt .. Fpt Terrace GFo Outwash deposits GFe E.sker llr;lJo~ts GFk Kame depos.ts Gta AbLiI\<m1 I,ll Gtb-f Basill till ""oan) °O"g..nic deposits Kaq Jivs L-f L Gtb-f Cs-f Gtb-f Cs-f GtO Cs-f F"P"I Gtb-f l3XU C +B-gxu XU ~+Bxw 1.1l~U!Hr·f1~ (rrozen) La:CuHrtrH! Sl.'rlJrtMI....'s over ..blQtI'lf(,lill L ..custrint dt>POIU ~~\Ie~ b.au!t'(f~lllen) SOlifluction deposits (frozen) over baul till _(froze;") SOlJflu":lion deposits (rrozen) 0"."abbllon lill sallfll:ction deposits.(frozen) over terrilce sedimen\:l, ~lIn Ltion dlllpoaSI\S 'f ozen) ov.r bedroCk Fn;.j'..n ItU U. Ovll"[}~"'Q(;K ,Q.OIIl:II.<I;ti ;I"er~­ .....II'fI':'...d 11C-:;In;Jol;;W. Q'!,",,,,.U'"0 ..... wa~k ...,.~ t;eUroc:k. CIllIlIol",lu!',over wf',I''''er"a or poorly ~c'~'t;)li­ dated bad..ock L :*t.~arQlll1le" QI'.Iy>V.ckt<,0'a ~!:I1,1t! Illfn.JCQuent.c. lraClIIj!~t ..marl/"I.", -,·.1I1'C'me,rr~lo)••11 at1d :tl ..\e.4n ,··tRrl.<!13'detl ~Mllll ..... ",."n.tlllfjUI!'I"'" o~~~2~o5o~Oiiliiiiiiiii~4~O!O.OFEETSCALEI.,SUBTASK 5.02 PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS /\ Cs-f """Gitrl" Bedrock Mopping Unils Abbreviated Descriptions Tv T.-l"·,_'" "..t'I'" 'I I"LI~v"".101"". ..~'·~.1\-=' I'tt'\'(!lL t~H"'~."f Tsu ,t'-";U ~ ·.1''''''1I'T")'1'0":'" al"'.'JIQI"I\.oo'.I~.,,.nlj. ,,1'."L .•.•u _1".1>:~ne. Tbgd ....!~~I'h~··l. Qr,O'lQO.1'.,.:'1;0(,.1 hO ..n:tlI.HC..ilr;oll¢Cl ':)1",: ,....,.;:::1). Tsmg .~t"ry ~M·,.t, /f'I'l1l'1ltft If!jI-'a or"'lll ,..."rco':oc/Il f'lU 1t~..:It 1)1 ol .oll..-e )!\)~I( TKgr ••101r,",/'1" :'r"'d{""~u'gr.,.,'r~ Ian 101;)~.....,,'10';". Jam (Jtr)(Jgd) ...r.~J'r..lII'lp":JQ,.:. I III.I'Il'·"tJt ~r.,,"­ .Lt".Il.:.oil'I..;lo.:.J -'""f"!I.e (t.).r,> ;'-;lno,;J cr,l.Jj,1d i. RV r""-.1.-11o ortt''''r .... I ..·...oJ II ll'ulll'''' -,~r.""·,J',.....'·r~ Pzv (Pis) ~..I1o ".IC"Or-illu:• 'l:'111 ,-,If .ia.- ,"'" "",". Kag c....:.niH 011"11111 'is llIr~d1 lC '.a.\""...."'"',1;1'• 1I\1t:1l;J',"",,~ l!Wf'It ,eoq •••r,.. t'I,wl),..ao rrnU~r;:'ll 1m -,,Hie and ,WIt. j,,'(ll!',J, Miscellaneous Map Symbols Scarp ~Slide Scar ,<\TT ~/ Buried Channel -$7 Trail ././ / /~ Rock Contact r~/ Kag 4.OJ1I.'",I. ,.a,"~c....::JT ~ ".,.~"Il'lt -'<'-Hi"It" .,.;I'n'ljoll""l;oq.:I'lam RVS Trll,::'II',,'.,fi",~lt ~t.O 41.'",... II t~rotl~atd 111 '"'"'~,~ SCALE o 2000 4000 FEET ! R!:.YISIONi Terrain Terrain Unit Unit S ymbal Name Hr"Iw."lr~red, Bxu :cnloc.lid<lled tjedrOt'k C r"llu"iAI [!e;lcsH1O CI Llil',l~lIdc Cs -f C,nI1tIU<;tiQp dlllpa..ill lr,.ozen) Ffg Gr.nul~r oillluvi ..1,.n Fp Floodpl"in deposits Fpt Ttlrr..ce GFa Out.....sh deposits GFe Esker u""~o5its GFk Kame deposIts Gta Ahrallon till Gtb-f B.s.!till (f,-oan) °Oro;...n Y (1"QO.lirs L-f l ....c:l.ut,.mrs (r~L.m) L l<l(;:;sl,'jne GTO sed'mO!nts over Iblatmn till L Lacustrine Gtb-f deposits over basal till (frozen) Cs-f Sohfluction deposits (trOHn) Gtb-f ov~...ti ......1 till (frQ.Ien) Cs-f SQ4.lll,,1ction d>':(:Io.ll\(frozen) Gta Dver ablollion... Cs-f 5UlltlUCUCln dll;j..lOS,ts (frozen) FPt over terrKf: ledin,.,llls ~...1 uellon dl'fJO~lts l'renen)Bxu over bedroe" Gtb-f ~ro.l'"tn-ul till-exu ova","!::i"jrXk -~Atlt.l!,Dll till (IVtr un- wl!!-~Hl"~"'" t:ti1r;Jl;" Jfxu+Bxu c~vw~CV" bl!Il::lnx:k ....d ~'edrock e:-ootou"c1I iw+Bxw ColIl"lviull'OVIjI' ••..If:.'Itl'..~d ,- tIOQI I Y _0IU1)1 - dnl.....i b_T1TTK" L I_pow If-_·A_L_A_S_K_A_P_O_W_E_R_A_U_T_H_O_R_I_T_Y_---j "UmO SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SUBTASK 5.02 PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS CH.~..,pp Bedrock Moppinq Unils Abbrevialed Descriplions Tv ""~n.~ry 1;'91(.~,( ..~..,U11 lD'" !':I'.."velO IU';,w,", •nt.I i'Y"_'oI~"("". '-h)'l:il til:In bllt.lt.c. TsiJ - l"~I,.ry 1'\Or>--"'T\'''~lfW Ioe:;llfTltl'lC..ry .;~: to"'~Ic:n""{I\",,.....'10'- ~:r..,,,,.1"0 rl"'i'''fltn~ Tbqd -..,II .r~O'01,r.. 9'~.m::.dI~~llc ,......' "u..""ll........'Qlt'1.""11 O· Tsmq ·"rll."y &:~.u. 10"\1"'0111.1 ~.d Q."ld•. rt-llr...M'I'"'O 11',,,.......1 M a .Il.__110<:". TKqr ",,"1 "'-y .•n(j10if "......eavlo <;If.rllt •.:... form,nQ ""'.111 ~lu:::rU: Jom (Jlr)(Jqd) ....IT'nfoC "mg",r.,Alol •• hl\","l!,,,,..,- ..-.".:1 -.rb'.Ioc..' Iron<1toll"ftotlll_f "tja".<-~,Ju:;nIl,tilll RV ......II~,t l:.JlI,.j,ll..: m"'tol"'\1 c:..lIn't'-""..., IIJ.........~,n 'I':"lIl"" .Inl".,Illl",ret-tl": Pzv (PIs) ",till -..~"l~ flrt<l .f'le •••II<...1["" \,l'lIl'"'''O'"''' Weil .,..1.-hlll·.UOhlt ""j. Kaq C ....IA r,J<·'"'"'i::I\:~ ,rHI .'.Y"'#!""'.rf .. L1I1U <~l'fO"".d tUI"e-.J I.'ealJ.:,..,<.... l.,..~~~1!'...~,1,..t'll ~". ,I"I)'I" !l'{ltrl'l"" Miscellaneous Map Symbols Scarp ~Slide Scar ;(\IT ~.~//Buried Channel ~Trail / / /- Rock Contact r~/ ~[P if-------:A_L:-::AS----:K----:A---,-,-,-,PO--,,-W,.-::E----:R:-:-=A----:UT----:H--,,-0:-cR-::-:1T_y-------jHUn[~SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1\ ~Llv,...mo\'.r b.d~k an,g tieolko(k e!"tlosur~s LaclIsl rl""~ (fro....n) 'sul,f,;"l,;tlon dllloosits (IrOlen) ov'ltr lerr"ee sediments Abl"th::l'"till over'"un- ....ol'.lhllor~d btldroc.k J':-oz..r to.i~1 till ")v,·~tl'llGmd, Sollfluttlon dtogosib (frozen) o..."r bas...1 till Ul";.zen) Ctllluv'um.over ""elltiUt.....a or pocrly <:C1f1:.oli- dIlled b!ll1'"'Ptk L t.~uHrI/'1e seOI"'tl·,ts over Ilbhtion till La~ustrlne d.t:jXI!.iu,over b'l.loliJ lill (frozen) $cllFll.lUlcn depcilllS ((rOlen) QVIIJ'o.e-O;()(;;I< S(llJfJUl;;t i on dllll;l.::;~11s ('rozen) Q.~.r ;It;1111ion tIll L-f J3J([ BXU L Gta Cs-f FPt Cs-f (jj(J Cs-f BXU Gtb-f-exu Cs-f Gtb-f Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbol Nome Unweathered, Bxu consolidated bedrock C Colluvial depoJ;its CI Landslide Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Ffg Grollnular <llluvi.1 t,n Fp Floodplain deposits Fpt Terrace GFo Oulw<lsh deposits GFe Esker o ...pos,ts GFk Kame deposits Gta Ablolltion lill Gtb-f 8"...,~dl (frozen) °Organic deposits B~w +Bxw BUBTASK 5.02 C +B"BXU XU PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS 2000 4000 FEET ==::7 o SCALE RVS '·I,n.SH rn"l::ltlJl£.lll In(l ~I,.l...<111 ,r'\I"'f":".ao.::Iri~d \.I,.lIa-.... """...,...~~..C1I_...!'L. Kag jotll'3\a ""-0 \" ";';:,.v ....ol ..l!,ll,r ill ~..'~d d :.~~':'OlJtlllt:e, 'ilflt:l.l"i1']Ill'\QrPlllIl'tI FOR CONilNUAT'ON,SEE Bedrock Mopping Units Abbreviated Desaiplions Tv "fr'\I.ry V~M-,c: ro..lo5·,.II U .. .."f'".'Vll~.r 0"", •"d p"ro:;:::...,10(:1; ""~'U 'l..c.:to b,,,,.lh,, ....~.I-'"It gO',r<111'-'_ ..,,':I"T.....t,flr-y ...cu·... n"'O·Ol"\.r"l~:JII''I'1;1' ..t .,.>d ..,,10101'1"'. Tbgd r"'l'a"'y LlllI,t. IliT't"'o'Jd'lIrt •.I ('Jl'f' 1"''''"rt'4III'-'C't:OIr.-a';Q 1'I I Ti,..,:} Tsmg •w't Ilry ~"',lot . rrr QI'l";\oI 1411I .rla or:l"'.. ....,,-••••,1<1 liP 1"_"DOr al •".Q~uot.•. TKgr ,.1'1'~y ""r','~ ;;:~,II.Ll!'o ....O·,n'I ~~ '"Ot'rn,'IJ It,.'tl1ulan.. Jam (Jtr)(Jgd) J,'I",'.'-''''lP'''l'I,t•. "n,I llr~­ ~tt t.l ~ml..1::lC.1 ,·l:,..~.....'t.I ~II'J ,tJ p""""•.rlH1r'Ilit ,Q.:I. RV t,u"q t r pl.:_C.III1I:to(• ·".....-rLJ '":Jf'1,,'~'"1'1"..lit .'~V Pzv (PIs) .•l.tit ea~l~lt I:..&~•. ~"O ••1J•..1 ,.1.'..u. "'.,......u .-._.kt.. 'f'!"'lIlt ..""":rt," '.J. Kaq rill.·.·1"!".f"gol (II.n"~~41'"I'kiJ ,. tlltr"(1~'tlr I 'I tll.'NlII"" '~W91',.o."i1I.-n(.r~,"''"' Miscellaneous Mop Symbols Scarp ~Slide Scar ;<\IT ./ Buried Channel d Trail ,-r-./ / /~ Rock Contact r~/ 1\ Lacustrine" (frozen) SO'~;uCllon deposit.."rozen) ove..at;.lJltlOn till Solifluction deposits ('rozen) over u~r".CIII sediments SOlifluction deposit!>(frozen) over bas.i1 till (frozen) Colluvium over weathered or poorly consoli- dateCl b('drock L<lcu$lrine :l.ed;~lefH"over ilblOition lill c~u".'J'"over bedroCk "nC! U-edrock exp<ulur-es Lacustrine deposlH over bilul till (fro;t,en) Ablation t,lt over un- wU nltred bearotk SoIl'Iu.ttion dpPOs""(frozen) 0-......bedrock Frozen basill lill over blt<Jrock GtaBXU L ~ Cs-f GiCJ L-f Cs-'Y BXU Cs-f FPl L Gtb-f Gtb-f 1JXU Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbol Nome unweathltreCl, Bxu COI"l$olidated DeC rOCk C C:Olluvl$1 deposit" CI Land:lolid" Cs-f Sr.llffuction df!PO~jU (frozen) Ffg Granular 01 I hJ\I'I;l1 t,n Fp Floodpl<lin depOsit" Fpt Terr.C.. GFa Oulw,n"dl!po~uU GFe E)k....(Jr.~Qsitl GFk Kame (fepos.ts Gta Ablation till Gtb-f Baul till (frozen) °Orll""l.(.Cleposiu SUBTA6K 5.02 tfxu+Bxu Efxw+Bxw PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS -, I APDr ~II--------=A-,L-=-A-,-S-,K:-A-----=-c::PO:-:W-:-:-E-c::R:-::-::A-,-U:-:T_H::-:O::-::--R::-1T:-::Y,--------jffUn[O SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CH.Al'J>. 2000 4000 FEET=::::a REVISIONS o ISCALE DATE RV5 Tn••'l:"·"r.n...~.,\ "'l[I[I.l..\c,llr, '''ltrn..,Hlc::l ~'1Jllvw ,/tor'"~.l1l.ttl'l.~ Kaq 10l.oi,~rQ Ill: Q".~"'"k",j" k OtH.,,,,,,,...:! ~r lot"'~1II ~. ;"'110.""'I<V'lOl'pnl''Il Kaq '.•'ll nl1 •••11 I'l.,-ll~:": Miscellaneous Mop Symbols Scarp ~Slide Scar ;(\Tl ~/ Buried Channel Y Trail .~./ / ,r/ Rock Contact r~/ Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbol Nome Unweathered, Bxu c:an:solid"ted bedrock C Colluvial depO$its CI landslrde Cs-f Solifluction deposits Uroun) Ffg Gr,imular alluvial',n Fp Floodpl"in deposits Fpt Terr""ce GFo Outwiuh deposits GFe Esker 1..I"'~05;ls GFk Kame deposits Gto Ablillt;on till Glb-f B.s.l Llll (frozen) ---- °OrQanic Clepes;ts L-f l".cuS!r1nIB (froun) L laCUSlrine Gto sediments over ab'C1tion lill L l,n:uslrine depo!>ih overGi""b-f bas",'till (fro~en) Cs-f Solinuclion dePQsits (lroan) Gtb-f over DasOil till «(rolen) Cs-f Solifluction depos,ts (frozen) GtO over <lbl...tian till-- Cs-f Solifluction deposits (froun) FPt over terrace sediments Cs'f Son.Kllon BXU dllposits (frozen) o-....er bedrock Gtb-f FroZ4n bllsal till ""8XU over otKIrOCk Aholation t,ll ~over Ut!- w ..dlt'lIVt-d bedrc(:k :'.:.·Iuvium over C +B Oed rock and ,"ElXU XU bedrOCk rf:w+BXW CollUVIum over wt'31hercd or poorly consoli· dolled bedrcck SUBTASK 5.02 L PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS [i£P II---_A_L_A_S_KA__PO_W_E_R_A_U_TH_O_R_I_T_Y---l HUnlO SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 2000 4000 FEET---~iiiJ o SCALE RVS T '.">-Ir ".,t ..r••l", .,.d lOt"••' fl.,•~.." "U"...fl ,..,';1' Kaq ":'fII)~,.";'II V".Y ....Lloilo.(If II { •.,...,~~e.:J: '0,1 ...e·II'Il....'-'. ......."'t;llll'Ol""tJ,n .... Bedrock Mappinq Units Tv Tsu -Tbgd FOR CONTINUATION,SEE SHEET 15 Tsmq TKqr Jam (Jtr)(Jqd)RV Pzv (PIs)Kaq Abbreviated Descriptions -enl.ry Vol(llnic roc...~;,h.HOw +flfrus,,,..s ..tI~ws ..•..,.tJ ~..rccl.'tlts; I"flyglltll;Ie 1)...~tl<. T.·".·V j.DI"'-'."111" ~.d'ml''''':'''f :)(10(-;; tlin9f""le~:",..d- ,IQnll,1f'''C C"'4Y$lor-.,. ,,tU....\·t et Ie 'I '."'y ,,~"l t, 1l,,.l1t..'11f'r~'IT_Ill".('ld 'W"ilr,lIe. n;Jrntlll"nCIt W~"I\Od C'.'"•..;)1'11 0 tl-j.1"Q01 fT'"lJlj)of Q.'~I)("'. 16fti.'y.'14 0'- \""",r~'U"A gr.,...lies r:>rm""o :t""...C)I'll'", JI.V'UI _,"It;.!'i~'~'" "1..11..1 'Ira [If Q!'"W_'" )t:n·t !.",~rf)!loe.1 tro"dltlln I.I Jll )1I,'d JoI.-.AJ ..It:.e l JII>.!.I. ~~,:'~,~,,~:~-:·,I..:.~ l~...o '"""11 w ....nnlt itllvlrol.lI,.ht. Lalit .',HdUO.c.Lloi)l"I\t. iIIrld "'N1~'\o ,.e:mel.' volc6tnDQ_fuC'''OeM, ~t);:~met",·h,.,..~IOI'I" '""\ ...reI1lo..IIIJu!;,)"'Villite: 11'1(1'Or1ly....ka,of • 1I.1<f:1t.delo.r",.d lur-b.lltilt.~QUt:·lCt;'. Q ....or.d,r.'''HLlitmDrph'I!Jn 1rl.io~IC ~"l4 ,Jatl ,nteP"beJ:!1 Miscellaneous Map Symbols Scarp ~Slide Scar ,<\f'Buried Channel ~/-~Troilr-'/ /j Rock Contact r~/ Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbol Name Unweathered, Bxu consolid"ted bedrock C Colluvial deposits CI landslide Cs-f So/if'velien deposits (frozen) Ffg Granulilr i1l1uvial f,n Fp Floodpl"in deposiU Fpt Terracll GFo Oulw<tsh deposits GFe Esker deposils GFk Kame deposit) Gta Ablation till Gtb-f Ras,,'till (frOlen) °Organic deposiU L-f lOlcustrll ,., (lrO/"n) L l.cvstrine GiCl sediments ove,. ablation till L Ldcustrine deposits over Gtb-f basal till (froan) £tl Solifluction deposits (f~oun) Gtb-f over bl.ul tIll (frozen) Cs-f Solifluction deposits (froun) G:tO over "br.\flln titl Cs-f So!;Huction Oepos,tlS (fronn) Fill over terro1lca sediments C s-[~',fl4Jl..tll<m Bxu del)(ltits (rrcw.zen) over :le-tf~k Gtb-f Frozen u,n.'till tlXU over bedro.::.k ,;:.:$ Abl.Uon lill ~eve.,.1.1"- weathllrc.d OaOl'OCk tfxu+BxU Cl!iiuvlum fh'er bedr«k and tJe.:lrOck Il(JJD.ure~ rE:w+BXW Colluvrum over wpathered or poo..ly co"."oll· dal.a b.(lroCk BUBTABK 15.02 PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS IAPo[~II----::A--::L:c::A Scc-K:-A~P:-::-OW::-::E--::R=A~UT--::H:-::-O::-:R:;-:IT:-::-Y---jHUn[O SUSlfNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT RE ....SIOHS. 2000 4000 FEETo SCALE DATE livs fl"l.5';':'etah-.,,,lt "vIa il.,*,.)n !1\1",.D4<{lo~d ~ihlllllow JI\Ilr tile Se.:::j ~"e". Kaq .AOoO".rQIIIH,. r.y......"It.f .. oerO~,"fI(J 111elolllC:\'I"r'Cr;. "01.."'1I:lAl'''''qU,'111. -. Bedrock Moppinq Units Abbreviated Descriptions Tv lcr-:"rv \'.o'C4-:1C: roc.as:~,...t1l)w Il'lt',.~......to r 1.0 ..... lil'lo~p...,'Vr 6S1.C-$, r"ytll tiC.to o,!t1I1i\i.c Ts'u - Te-t,..""'o""-rnolll "fO. .\l~lJN'I.r·:.r,.-c,.(1U, lO'~lor"'~"4:'e ).4lf"CJ- •!.ltr"l:,""'1':1 i..V.lo1P"H' Tbqd i er tI~ry c,olll .. O'."'ot11cr-'te:loc:,1 "Ol"Tlbl""d...~r""~dl!:!nl I;t1gd}. Tsmq l'HII"'-Y Idllst, '''gft .111 ...."d .;r.nlre. I ..nr">-e'll.ng 111'1'roof gl ..I.,'U'.ICCI.,. TKqr Toerflol.ry .,no 'Qr e rrl ....eou..Ur.It••,to s r",""",If"~!,,",.I'~j C.!". Jam (Jtr)(Jqd) .,lurli'\.;;<II;.m>p'''''OCJ.l•. II:tl~••.or"l"lo"'~;~j- st:!:-.\",~...-cj.ltk..'Il l r cndlllL..,,11l \Jtrl ,,11,1 ioI ......nod!Qr'lc (~ijd). RV Tn...."l(;lU'\....IlIL rr..I.\I(lI~",nlC::'oc'" •--m~l I"~tl ..II".. mOli ...."'VlriP-,,,,,..nl. Pzv (Pis) tAle P".liDztllC o.&n.r;: jj,,.,d lIl"'aIRltlle I'll.\. V'tlt.:.''\CO*'mt:"oc'. :.-c....J ~.lil·'flI~U~..,.. Kaq C"ttUC.O~.~_"OIIl,Ii- '""q.ayw.ao.ka,of ,) \.,Ic ..",,1Qf<_n lurr ojll«\cQUtlfICtL 1I)....Cjnde 1...r.-rnorpnl'Jln I ,.'\.~,j; .,.n...:tat! ,!v,·rue.1, !T'A;"''''" Miscellaneous Map Symbols Scarp ~Slide Scar ;(\f'.-4 .~//Buried Channel ~Trail, /j Rock Contact r~/ 1\ Unweathered, con~olid.led bedrock Terrain Unit Name ,Solifluction deposits (frozen) Gr.nul.a,..Il1uvi,oI r.n Fluodpliiln deposits Outwash deposits Kame deposits Ablilt;on till nils,.1 t,1l (froun) SOliflu(tion deposits (frozen) over terrace sediments lacustnnes (Irozen) Laetatrine 1ediments over ablation till L Collvvium over' we<lthert'd or poorly consoti- d<lte<1 bedrock L/lcustrine deposits over basill till (fro.zen) Solirluction deposits (frOlen) over b'u.lIl till (trozen) Org.Jnic deposits s.a!ifluct1vn drpOS'U (frcnen) over Oed~ock At,llilion lill over \/..... weaU)t!roH:! l:ledrocloo Frozen oaul till over bedrock. Sclltluction df'posits (frozen) over ablation tIll Colluvium over I!ftItIroCk and b"drock exposures Cs-f Bxu L Gtb-f Cs-f GIO C Gta ~ Gtb-f Cs-f CI Ffg L GiO L-f GFk Bxu ° Fpt GFo GFe Fp G tb-f ~ C s-f FPT Gtb-f Terrain Unit Symbol SUBTABK 5.D2 ""Efxu+Bxu iw+BXW PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS rAPD[~]I---_A_L_A_SK_A_P_O_W_ER_A_U_T_H_O_R_IT_Y~ HUn[O SUStTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT REVISIONS O~~~2~O~O~Oiiiiii~4~O!.OO FEET1-ISCALE OA.TE RVS ~rUl:"'("'81 ..0"'0111 "Ill:.llite ...of' ,'·Ier i,ool,(lp!.l'1l~,I:;....· .......'1 ...~Iln'.""r ..· Kog .a;:1l0US a1"Jiltl!+t~ O(.ywJl~k~,6f a ~Uc'ero-m",d ,,((It....IKlUI!'1~It. r~[]1i!~t.anxlrpjl,.m Bedrock Mopping Units Tv Tsu -Tbgd Tsmg TKgr Jam (Jtr)(Jgd)liv Pzv (Pis)Kag Abbreviated Descriptions 't'rll~ry VCICilnl( reeks.:,n..llow '....\ru'tlve\.HowL Mid Py ...::>t.l ..'h(~: rl1yolillc :00 DoU,.'IIC I.nO;)r"t'~"-'I <\l"lrle :.IlI<l'nl ~ry ,:.<.i<s.: conlJkIPt>~r31",",,-d- s\on,.Jno CIGY~lo'1•. r~tl...ry biotite -."IIBry SUllt[, Q'-IU1!:K1 ,or,lot";Wof.ltl ""WIi"HILe ~1'Ul gr""II., hu~,.,.~llInC1'"gn'f'lpd,orite 'titl"-"IU'lII.'g Hut l"C'Ot t TI''iJ,j).cr =J l"r'"CIlII Sl~~k T,·rll.()rv .<In(l,~r ~cr,,:~::J~';..Yir~~I,,~~~. .our.ss,!;lImorlO:JIHllt, .tl'i;I••:>oi·H·"~01 Q....-.,•.- stf'l'·lI.c.mlll1"01,,:lQoC;:)1 tr(lrtl:!I'l'l'In1~'Jlr i W·,(l rJrlllI'Od O"'l~,,'9::1). '-.,hStl.~dUoillJ; f11illl .....IlII".'nIC ,QoC"lo rg~j Ir'I 1h411ow m.rll"l~.-nvlrQln.mlllnl. _:"iIII ~'JH"C blOll ..lll,; ,...,..,~I "-'Ce;,'\,-"",I ..· vC).C....~""'C;rl;K"~ 0:.1",.,:,.II 1'nr'"11 ,:J ~j C.".I,,~eav~IIT~.I 'Ie PIa 7"....'~...c:"..,"r ... l"'oc;~",,1"""'1110 lurl1,Glli11 )ltQlf9l'tl;lII, ,nw!::lru1..Irlltlitr'ltJr'PI'I"'l'l. lr"ul.C., "ttd ~''''\'' In/erDouet Miscellaneous Map Symbols Scarp ~Slide Scar J01'~/ Buried Channel ~Trail ,/J I / / Rack Contact ~~ Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbol Name Unwe.thered.Bxu consolidlted bedrock C ColluvIal aePD~ltJ CI Landslide Cs-f Solifluction deposiu (frozen) Ffg Grlnull:lr OIliuvill r.n Fp Floodpl",in deposits Fpt Terrac. GFo Outwash dtposiU GFe Esker deposit" GFk Kame deposits Gta Ablation till Gtb-f RCilal till (frozen) °Organic aeposiu L-f lacuslrone!> ('rozen) L Lacustrine Gte sediments over olIbl.tl,on till L Lacustrine deposits over Gtb-f ba:;;al till (frozen) ..c.ll Solifluction deposits (frozen) Glb-f over basal till (frozen) Cs·f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Gte over ablation till Cs·f Sollfll.lction deposits (froan) FPT over terrace sediments Cs·f Solifluction BXU Clepo!>'ls (fr'olen) over l)ed~oc'" Glb·f Frozen b~ul till--sxu over bedrOCk Ablation till ~over un- weathered bedrock Cc3?ruvium over -ePxu+Bxu bedrOCk and be-arock exposures ~+BXIY Colluvium oVllr weathered or poorly consoli- d ..led bear-oel< PHOTO INTERPRETATION SUBTABK 8.02 TERRAIN UNIT MAPS lj.[QJ f---_A_L_A S_K_A----:PO_W:-::E-,R,...,--A-,UT_H_O-,R-,IT_Y----j RUn 0 $USITNA HYOROELECTRIC PROJECT 2000 4000 FEET ! REVISIONS,. o ISCALE D....TE RVS T....,U,.(..,eu:.o..osalt ..r"t2 'i.•n ....,., I le~::ead..l'~s··..lIa..... ,."~~e;:,\4.,.,c•. Koq "o(lOU""'";;JllIlle r ..y ..~(""..f d d.IQrrn I;l ott'"~Q\J""::". lC1fo -·!'I.>t",:,"-pl1 'rn L Gtb-f - Gtb-f 8Ql Bedrock Mopping Units Abbrevioted Descriplions Tv I ••:"'~'r'VOIC0I1'J ~ r1)r;;h'~·I.IIU'" t"",l>'V1!l~..l-pw"" ana OV·~(.i.Il:. "n)'oI1.1:.:0 b4J.1j11t~( Tsu 1.,flJ.ry oon '1'1111"1"'" ~IN otn\lll1f ",....:i . 'f't[1QIOIl'llrl,H:,,.lInl:Z- $-!.a"f .•M r.1.IHIlII"•. Tbqd 1 en,.,y "'lO~,. ~r.nel'!lorltc;,""'-" "arTInl",nQI'l 1i11".~IO"-' (T''II;l'1I. Tsmg "lin.ary ~(:"'llJl. 1'1,~":t.dina ;;;.,-""",.le "clI'rl!lllocll1"'O 111ft -=( of oil a'OIl!11ol:k. TKqr T .,:;~~,y .,nil ~r ...rJ'l..-(..D.....g:"""IlLt ftl""'''''i3 :""',11111 (Io1I1l'lI. Jom (Jtr)(Jgd) ,ILJr_u l..'JI':)~.CJlJdl". 1"Tt''''.7rl><";n.,..n· •.:....,·~l ':l'I'l",rtll,,;~I I~O"lJllII!"".(e I H')&00 '"8.'00IC r"11 t r .rllJd ~ RV r :.~l:t ..d't' ,.",r I1'I:."x:.rr..c"~ 'conn.C:1 t ..411 :W...-.nc t'''''II'(]'''~111 Pzv (PIs) lJl~"~.h·;::w :...,''r \nf1 ~...,:••,r """1 ..- ,:;'I:.I'l~!10"., I'::JI:~rntl'\011 IOUUll;»...• ~l,; Koq C OJ'"a..Il ;J"Iii'"II 'Or':'~r"y-6<"•.""J tn ....o...IQrwl.)O u..."I,i·al'.:h:,J.nlll<:.e. ItJ"'<Jfa.JIiIII~L.tlloGrO"'ttll f"'••"ll: oJ,1.111' 1111 ..rt:I.o:: Miscellaneous Mop Symbols Scarp ~Slide scar;(\Tf ~/ Buried Channei 9 Trail // / /- Rack Contact r~/ .. , /\ L.lIcustrine deposits over bonal till (frozen) Terrain Unit Name Unwe~thered, consolrdated bedrock Colluvial deposits landslide Solifluction deposits (frozen) Granulilr alluvial Ion Floodpldin deposits Terrae" Outwash depOSits Kame deposits Ablation till L Sol,!I"ction de»o!>I!!>(frol:en) over terrace sediments Colluvium ov~r wedthert'd or poorly (c~',>olt· dated l\.,<zrOCk Organic oeposits Lacustrine!> (frozen) Bdsal till (frozen) ~-QJlrIOctltln d"P'O,tts I'rozen) o ....r b~':r"Pck Lacustrine sediment s over C1bl.;ltion till Abl ..tion till over un- weathered bedrock Sol,fluction deposits (frozen) over ba.s.1 till ((rozen) Froan b.a,,1 till over bedr:>'''' Solifluction deposits (rroan) over ablCltion till Ci,g!luvlum over 1J'8<;rQ<;;k <lnd Dl!'drock exp~~Jres Cs-f F""ii"t L GtO Cs-f GiCl GFk Gte ~ Gtb-f Bxu Cs-f Fp L-f Fpt GFo ° CI C Ffg GFe Cs-f 1l""Xcr Gtb-f tfXU Gtb-f Terrain Unit Symbol BUBTASK 5.02 tfxu-+Bxu ~+Bxw PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS 1_,nofP If------,-AL:c:-A.,....S.,...,K_A...,..,.."P:-:OW..,..,E::-:-R-=-:-::A:c:-U:c:-T.,...,H:c:-0.,....R",..1T""Y,------jRUn0SUSITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECT CBxu I B~u Jam CM.A/".AP1'IiEVISIQNS O~~~2~O~O~O_iiIIii4~OOO FEETSCALE L RVS ",I~SJ.'....·,,:jt.CI.aa...ll ""10 11":R"..-,1 Irlf"r-brdltttD "fo1l"'P"" ~T-cl(o,(U-ltl"'ri:!. -v-. Kaq LGfb :...:4.:tl.a .."VI.to ~r ..v,,-~~,...Jt .lI k O'l·or,.-.·..., >I:tll"Ilq"."f:,.. iltalllllrJil(Ii./f'CIl"ttlll.m - - L Gtb-f ~--£.+B)tUBxu ''1m FOR CONTINUATION.SEE SHEET 12 Bedrock Mappinq Units Tv Tsu -Tbqd Tsmq TKqr Jam (Jtr )(Jqd)RV Pzv (Pis)Kaq Miscellaneous Mop Symbols Scarp ~Slide Scar ;(0'Buried Channel ) /' / Rock Contact ,--..J Abbreviated Descriptions 1""'-\''1'',.(111;111''';; r;;.c",.:'''.''r;lW ""~fiU"..es.(I"...·!>, IIlld r,:,rg~I.,tl~'; rhyOJII C LO IIJJU.jIlIC r.,1,{I"V ncJ'o"nl;;u"lIte, "lo.:-d'l'l',.t tll'Y .."-::k,, ;:..-'1 CJt-I"'Il....:ot ~.;"l,d­ Slon..(l -c:UlIYlolont lltr I .,rv tll()tl:\I r,,"'\1.''1-'~~"I.l G'"n.:J.!f·~rl'.~:::'II;"J "'IT"~~.."II~Iilr';,nlll' Mg,rl)l:Ilt'1"!u.gr"nodl;;;nle ~'lr""~I'ltll'Q Int·rQa' \1 t.'O(1),::or ..lfIG\!';1)(", --::;:?Trail /// """.rt'llI r y"rrc!,qr .re"iJ:.-ea..,OlrOl'\lti-; fCl"""'1"\'iiI ,m~1 nllllttn' J.J".U ••mpr1 tID I..., ,nrll.'I·......."I If'"""~ ~~hISI f.1'I1.r::.0'.Q..I;;.III lrr:r1(111f'T1'l'lr:o Jl'l .no qr,Lr,;JJj'a"':U:9:;l1 'r I "~~Ir :...:.-'" "'.'I.,·nlt".r~,,;~',1 !orlll"[1 I'"."..mw I"'1J·II·"IIInVI~~ll'l\ :r ,-~".:...l '~.........I tit. .";1 -"10",.,1,'tpv11fl- ol~lIrKll,;""'"r...,...... ':Joe.1 1I1I:.'III'''I1I'1:IQ,'" I'::'h.' r~~t...~...lOra II I. ,'f'''!P~~V'""roo".'II "\p.,.,"r',rml,,"l 1o.1I14"\.t-M::lJo;'ll;'. I)"Iil -"C:~fI'Ir'Hl"lDI 10't..!1" T,"'.J~; ....d'.~..Tf 'Ai ....04!!.l' mart II '" Ablation till Over un- we.lll..~"j CIOroc ... l.Cvslrine deposits over b"ul till (frozen) Solifluctior'l deposits (frozen) Over basal t,lI ((rozen) s.ohhuc~oft ,jl'po:l.l~1I''Ozln) ever :',e\7fT'c" FrOll!!'''baul till over bedrock. Colluvi-um over ....'e..lh.....e(J 0" poorly ~fOlI­ dated b~rtt"'C(".. Solifluction deposits (frozen) Over terrace 5ediments Lacustrine 5"d,m"nls over .blation till SOliflv:tion deposits (froz.en) ever "blat,on \ill L.KUslr",e5 (I ~Olt!'1) ~l'Ijl.uv .In-over O..drOCI("nd ....-::~~~es .-L- Gtb·f L-f Cs-f Bxu, Cs·f GiCi" C s-f FPt ~ Gtb·f Gtb-f--exu BUBTABK 5.D2 tfxu+BXU E&w+Bxw Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbal Name U"w~.ltlered, Bxu co"~OlidaleCl bedrock C Con...",ial depot,,;ts CI l.ndsf'de Cs-f Solifluction deposits (f.-oun) Ffg C,.."vl,Jr alluviilll r.n Fp Floodplilin deposits Fpl Terracf! GFo Outw,nh depOSits GFe ESk,lr l.Ieposill> GFk I(~me depos,ls Gta Ablation till Gtb-f Io'\a:..'lill (rro.lcnl °O,.","n,""lIilIPOS'U PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS IAPDI~Ij--_A_L_A_SK_A_P_O_W.,,--ER-,---A_U..,....T_H--:O--:R:-:-1T_y------lnunaJSUSITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECT REVISIONS o 2000 4000 FEETc::=.---JSCALE DAl£ RVS ,,.,:t,l;~",III~"D"&F''l ......c:la·1lI1c."11 11e""E:l(j~d 1~,jlII4I1W rr..u-..nr lIf.J..."nt.,. Kaq .c:ttOtll!'l"~ill:11R l'.ly"'tK"~Ir I ..:14)""1"(: ,f ,.,......,.I"f"'Il, ~~."".f9lClTpl 1m "".:-. Bedrock Moppinq Units Abbreviated Descriptions - Tv Tsu -Tbqd Tsmq TKqr Jam (Jtr)(Jqd)RV Pzv (Pis)Koq lllrU..,.y VDlunic 1er'tl.ry non-mOil If't~"7 t'~t lOry tI,utl..,""I"t,u,·v ~(..III'I.-,:""tl..,.,,.il~ltj/O'"JU11lU:""pfillol>-,",r"'1,,",CJ..I+II'::t·o1l'\.>,\'~C;"'Jtl baSlt,1 C t.:''''a!~,..:"'II',.lite T r,.'\~." roi,;,,~;.olIlIow 31edl",,,ntary ro;x<"\s;grhHod tlrqe;IUl ul r-7tlilmcllli'.~ICI 'l)r...,ilt,_rl!~Il:~I~gr.nill.n ~lrll"c)IU 0',;t'Cf'lIl-"'1"v()lr.).".c ~;.:~.""Il"U.I\lQ 1'101"-,no :;l'''.''w~l:''.,",.""."tr·u~,v.!o,"")ws.~M.gIOme.rat.",~nd-t1"r.Jr'"\ble"oe .;r"Il"dlj)'·l,..""Q~"l1""'l I\g 11'"'00'rr;:rmlni]_II plUI~ll.fll'l ,'1"1 ...1:11_;(01;.""10"1"'"'..:1 ·t.)....a·'t'...'"~Il;..r-oi1 ...nIC t'oc:~~,~~'-':$1.'1"'I'f'0.no pyrOCI<l!ilIICS;Slone,'Od Cl..ystone ('Jgd'."'-lJ r :g4-$:~k.1rt)l1fll..,·ll.(J11'.no rlne ",'\VIl"O'IL"••,\L 1=0 mll'll.-I.m"SLa"..,flll~'n\JL.oI......e. rr'lyol'llC '0 ba'aJtic.~ra".u(ll""lc:,Jv<.l ~.\",t-p.lct ....'I"'.Iln 'ft"!a1I:KI~f1tl'l'" Miscellaneous Mop Symbols Scarp ~Slide Seor ;(\l'~.~j/Buried Chonnel ~Trail r ,---/ Rock Contact r~/ - L 'GtD-"f Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Sy-mbal Nome Unweathered , Bx~consolidated r>edrOCk C \.olluvia'depo,its CI Land:l.lide Cs-f Solifluction depo)it,(froun) Ffg Grolllnular ,Illu....i.1 I,n Fp Floodplain deposits Fpt Terril'. GFa Outw,uh deposiu GFe E)ker unlJosits GFk KClme de~:l(uit5 15 Gta Ablaloon t," "- Gtb-f BitUl till (lrcan) 0 Organic deposils L-f Lacu51rlnes (frozen) L LacU!lrinlP sedimenu overGtailblationtill L L<.icustnne d~posjts over Gtb-f b"sal till (frOzen) SOlirluctionCs-f depo~.ts (frozen) Gtb-f over b,uall toll (frozen) SolifluctionCs-f deposih (fro,an) GiCl ov~r ablation till SOlifluction Cs-f depos,t)(frozen) FPI over lerrilce sediments ~:!iovliflu~liOf'l dopo~'U (f"'Olen)Bxu 0";8"be!lrlKk Gtb-f Frozerl !l~1i11 lill 1rxU over be~"'Ot:k Ab·lI\ion \.11~Dver un- welllt""~d be.(Jr~k ~nuvium over tfxu+Bxu ~r.oc:k"'r')d tledn:lc:k o:"wsures COltuvium ov.r Ff-+BXW wr4llher.d or POOrty cgnJol!-XW dOlled bedroek O~2~02 L TERRAIN UNIT MAPS BuaTABK 5.02 PHOTO INTERPRETATION &nom I ALASKA POWER AUTHOR ITY_II--~s:":u~s'':'T=-N--A-;-:H-::Y::D::R::D::E:-:L~E~C;T-;;R-;;'C::-~PR~O~JE~CCTT-I RE ....ISIONS O~~~2~O~O~Oiiiiiiiiiiiii4~O!OO FEETtSCALE DATE RVS rr.4I'·."'1'M/IIl:l.4I~4: •.,..,"fl~./11'- ""'''r'1llllld::llq 1"'''110''- "..,r.ne ,...q"'lI1lt"e Kaq ..".;:0.,.010 frg.t~ r;...·Y\'..c~.,,..'.• <0"'0","l1li(1 ~:;:~~==.t,~ L Gtb-f L-f FOR - Bedrock Mapping Units Abbreviafed Descriptions Tv Tsu Tbgd Tsmg TKgr Jam (Jtr)(Jgd)RV Pzv (PIs)Kog Teniary V"lt .~lrc leni~"'Y """"'n111rlnll ;jr~tuvy tI'Cllte T(Olrtiary ~cllist ,Ter"ary dlor ,",ur.:;'uc .Il111flnlCDI.te,-r iJI'Ifi("o.u,llioc;L<)tl':iI',t4eo.l.oie~..,C"'-noll~.Ou~~lIllte T r'/I~.s-< '-0r;;;10..:·,!'..lIow ,,,.~,,,","[.I,..y rc:;::".lijJI"al"\Miar:le;JI:'tfll l'"IiO'"'I.·uiu.a;',d gr.."r1co,Cr*tact<n.!'\Onlni'in .r'1(tl.lllCK'!..,grr~"-rnltl,...DlcOIn'l:"",,,~nd mdMH c=I.,.t~-.I(1(l'Jr•.,,"'.iII.('ke,of .M1d ~,a .nlrU)oIVIIl),rio ...~,~1llIn.g1CIT.~r3{e.IlIT~L1'~DrrJQI d''-Jr"N;Id~Vrll ~pre~!wllng ,h,roof forrllln'O 111'1\.&11 lllt;!lms.~ctlill ,,";Hul.;I~~tl rOl"~d In ,-t'".llow '/Q 1::.•1'>09.....c c~k ..,trllck dt!l~rmed tritt-roe, .nd oyrQCI."LJ~s;st(Jne,U7ld (11I\'~to::;ne.(''''Od).0'.Illr..,e .'Stock.lrQrdjeoro,le t ~t~,'nd n.lrfrl-""nV'M'!'·-tnr11 I~~'!PHIII"''l"'1dto..ne-lurbj~lll"Se'l.lUflf\CI'I, rhyC'jti;:;"ba3.illt c Jrltnod"lur;le (..I,t~I"11'111;lo·...'t;Jf.de.I't1t!UI"r.on:lr'"'"'1 Miscellaneous Map Symbols Scarp /Slide scar;(\TT .-4 .~//Buried Channel ~Trail / / /~ Rock Con locI /'~/ Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbal Name Unweathered, Bxu consolid<lted bedrock C Colluvial deposits CI L,mdslide Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Ffg Granul.:lr alluvial I.n Fp Floodpl"in deposits Fpt Terrace GFa Outwtlsh deposits GFe Esker <.Jeposil~ GFk Kame depos,ts Gta At-I,)tion till Gtb-f Hasil)till (frOlen) °Organic depoSits L-f L"custrines (frOLoin) L Lacustrine GtO sediments over ablation till ~Lacustrine deposits over Gtb-f b,nal till (frOlen) £U.Solifluction deposit.s Uroan) Gtb-f over basal till (frozen) Cs-f SolifluctIon deposits Uroan) GtO over ablation till C s-f SOlifluction deposits (frozen) FPt over lerrace sediments-SolirluctionCsd Bxu deposit!.(frozen) over bedrock G tb-f Frozen b",s,,1 till "llXiJ over bedrc~k -Abldl,:in till ~over ur>- weatn~rf'd bedro;:k tfxu-+Bxu ~Iluviunn over bedrock and bedrock exposures ~+BXW Colluvium over v.'e,)lhered or poorly con~oli- dated bedrock SUBTABK 5.02 PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UI\IIT MAPS ~i f---_:A-:L-:AS-:K-:A~PO__=_W=_=E_:R:_::_=A_:UT-:H:-::-O,...,.R::-:IT-::-Y-----iHUn[O SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT REVISIONS. 0'iooo........2~O~O~Oiiiiii~4~O!OO FEETSCALE OATE RVS Trr;".~lr rt"1I(.,oIlUH lind ....I .....In t"1\~"b(:l;1o"d ~hdliQW ni!or,ne :"CQuence. IFfOUS.~rOlil ..(e .;('.....w~'t:ke.of a I<.d,.·o""~lI!Id ).0 II!'~eqlI,,("lCe, in;,1e mf·(...m(J··ptll~~ Kaq I ...c... B t Bxu •.,xu _.,.'.~ FOR OONTINUATION,SEE FOR CONTINUATION,SEE SHEET 9 Bedrock Moppinq Unils Tv Tsu Tbqd Tsmq TKqr Jam (Jtr)(Jqd)liv Pzv (PIs)Koq Abbreviated Descriptions ,.,,-\Jil"'y \Cl'Ic.llnlC rorln.I .110 .... nl~"'~lvl!'S,(IOWL <lnd Oyroc;lI,·,Il.(.S; rh~(tIll Ie t(.L!.:lul\ic T~',.W¥l"C!···"'I..-n.. :r,'·:1,ft.II'IU""'Y rO'l..'U; Co""'CitI()llllIlT.,e,5ll1i"'1d- Slognt,oilno:CI .....'lor'\O! iert,"'ry 11lIl'te I ...·:,;rv sc UI. g ..~IlOOIOI"II.;local m'Dm...\1...lf~1')OT"",',,!,'., hDrrl~I"rlde (;r"r<;Jdlonle "opres~:.nc ltl"r(Jor (T.'gd).0:..'."qe Hrx;.... -.fliary ,lnd/or ,,.ctllC~U~.grln'tle, fQrl"'lll1'<lJ~lIol.J:c•.,s. lur.s!>,c n.:'lt'oJ,t_ kJ..I;;IuJlOrU of ~t''''''. ,;l'l;lst &m..rD',,:'Q(41 \~~I~If'lJlr)'"<:I gr.H~l'llar 1"i JQd I ...~1'f'lt:b.••'Lu: ....ljj·~.:JI(;.nlt roc...,:- lorm~.(l ,ll ,h"ow ....rHlP ..nv7TOT·'·.......I. ;'<J("1>~,~··7{".C ~iI-:li ...~'c: .....:j n;,.,II'1;l'I'I.h, ,.;p'(.I~..n'(.rock,., III '"m........-.I'T\c.:dl1"lI! Ilr1,1 \-!,"rt"<:lIEl1.a _nJdhl'" ~"d g.-a,......-:l\...,IH if"l.d.~.'OM":c.r;;I t ...ra !),Ie ,eQUiline.-• Im''Q'I"rtn""'1I1.",nNlnllm, Tr ...,\: .r'll ..I_1 ·nc"r!)..d't,.,1!~1t } Miscellaneous Map Symbols Scarp ~Slide Scar A0'Buried Channel ~/~irail // I ./ / Rock Con tact ,-.J - Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbol Name Un.....eathered, Bxu consolidilted bed.-oek C Colluvial deposits CI L"ndslide Cs-f Solifluction d"'poslts (fro.:en) Ffg CI"..nulor .lIlluvi.1 r,n Fp Flo.;>dpl,.,n deposIt!. Fpt Terracfl GFo Outwun deposils GFe Esker lJ.po>il~ GFk Kame <;lfposits Gta Ablation till Gtb-f Bonal till (frozen) °g.-nk deposits L-f Lacust,.;,,1U (frou"') L LClCLoslrine GtO sediments ove" OIol ..llon till L L"Custrine d4lPClSiU ov.,.Gt"b-7 tlilUI ill (f~Ol41n) CS-f SolIfluction deposits (froun) Gtb-f over b.tul till (frOler,) Cs-f Solifluction depOlllts (froun) GTO ov~..ablation till Cs-f !lat.huction dep(ldl$(frozen) FPt ave"terrace sediments. Cs,f Sollfluctlon aeooi.ts (f,';::u'n)BXiJ e ..UlIc:,.<X;k Gtb-f Fr()l bUill till ""BX"U O....er tle.dI""QC1<,-At)l.thm till ~Ol,/tr un- XU wulth.....d bflO"oc;k C +B IliiiAItuvlll.~LlVQr t11Kl"rocl<.""d"ElXU XU u-.er'6ek ~,,~:Sures ~+Bxw COlluvium over- we"tn-Ifr-ll'r:l or- p<Xlr-ly ,:;onsQII- dAted btl(lr-Oc.:k SUBTASK !S.Oii! PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS i APOW II-----:A:cc-L::c:A:cc-SK.,-A~P:-::-OW=E--:R:-::-::-:A:-:UT--:H=O_R...,..,IT"""Y---lHUn[O SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 2000 4000 FEET : REVISIONS o iSCALE DATE f'n.q,,:"....I/lnA"lll .I"I~~I.l•.'In 1'\1 ..t'"~"l}.QrrO s"'~llow ~Oll .::~~'t'Qu"nl;e. livsKaq 'c ....'I,;Ililft 1,l'·lIIv\~.a,"kft,Dr ... .JlrCl'ft'lIld elite HQuel"lti -~af!'ll't1*llIOrOfIU1II. / FOR CONTINUATION,SEE SHEET 18 FOR CONTINUATION,SEE SHEET 16 I,, Bedrock Mopping Units Tv Tsu Tbqd Tsmg TKqr Jam (JtrJ(Jqd)RV pzv (PIs)Kag Abbreviated Descriptions 1 f"rI'd~)VI,I,I;;:':\1'_ roc;..~:'1r .\llol)'W In:....III'VIi'.~.lit)ws. ~nc \·~t"l'l;"" rrlycll\'c 10 'u..,4Itic. ;"t~l'ilr\,n'l-·-wn"nnll: !I ""'iII'"\'roc"": (;C1roo.OF'l~·.t","-.'no· 'IClne.a;,b t.I",,,SIC:'U. Tt.rl,.Hy I1ro\",_-.:~(\..~...iC"I\I, Or.Nott ::IC".I ..;local ""O~iftllc Ina gr.'l.Illlt.. norTibl"-IlClI g .....nov,ol".a I t!~'.!"t:-lll"tJ 111e-.::;o( CTtIQfl).'of It fAr-Cltt 'j(OC:". T~I;.""y 1111 ,Cit C,IHK,r.:J.l1"1I"'iIIot\'l .s !~I'""I"r\1.l :>"'''11 t..l'~~. ,~"'..s.'I'1:A"f\OOn';OQllllfJ '1'1(;"~·Ol"l'.or lJl'"c~l­ :."lil ~I'I~",)I.'I ....,,' \r']I'\",.....,,,,(.fr,-.0 ,;,,,<"IOQO"II.fig;])' Tt!iUSj':to",...'",", ..l~vdoll ~':31;'" "11 ",'UIlUw ,".'lI'...."'v ~1:l'1fl'1tl"1 ioU-1',,'r-~I"'C"p",j;.~c; 6:J '.t1~:llt'1'1101 ..... ,,~.I-,:u,.""l 0;;10..., "'lo;:..j .,..,.l ..."".,,,,r.... :r ..tK'lOloo1o ""Olllli' All!:!"".,.".,,';"••or ~ 1f1'(.'-a ..u:no ..d lut roll tOf ........,,,,,". 1C1"rr.afl "'..I,rNlrl'lt'1m. -~.,,;.- .".,"I'"·.,.,rt:lorc.: Miscellaneous Mop Symbols Scarp ~Slide Scar A0'~.~//Buried Channel ~Trail / / / / Rock Contact r---J o....n APRIL 1981 ,"'O...cT 052502 L SUB TASK 5.02 PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS I APII W\I---,A_l:-:-A:-:-SK:-:-A-----,Pc::-0W::-:::E-,R::-::-=A-,UT-,Hc::-0,,-Rc:-:I T-,,-Y-----jnu[0 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbal Name Unwe.lhcr'lld, Bxu consotid.tlld bedrOCk C (:olluvi~t depo"lu CI Landslidll Cs-f SolifluctIon dlpos.ts (frozen) Ffg Gr<lnvliu"alluvi,l r.n Fp Floodpl.in deposits Fpt Terrie'll GFo Outwash depos;ts GFe Esker ui'!~osiu GFk Kame deposits Gta Ablation till Gtb-f Baul till ('roun) 0 Organic depos'ts l-f Lacustrines (frozen) l Lacustrin. GIcl sediments over ..blat,on 1111 L L~lCustrine Gtb-f deposits over bits.1 till (frozen) ~Solifluction deposits (frozen) Gtb-f over bdsal till (frozen) Cs·f Solifluct;on deposits (froun) GTcl over .blalian till Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Fiil over terr.ce sediments Cs'f Solifluction Bxu deposiU :fro.ten) over b ,,,,," Gtb-f FrQZert b ••al Ii' """BXU ov.r b.~dt'oc.k "...Abt.,;.g,'t ~'i ~ov.~.1"'- ",,,.I"'pr ..~ bedroc.k ~lIu"11\over tfxu-+BXU be(i'-OCk "nd t:J~Ol"OCk e:<poOosures EEw+BxW Colluv,um over weillf"1ered or poorly consOli- dill&Cl b&drack O..._~2~O~O;O_~4;;:j0'OO FEETE REVISIO~' SCALE livs r,.fC1ir l1".ttlo!:Uu'l .It I II "1",t~ "l....b.odollh:slU ~o..... Kog EET 16 ..:cau~.....'"'II"."........."c"•.01 .. .:Illlul"""'ItId "II'fl "1'lut'nl'C' ".lld".....~.I'O(l,.Dl"I .,.,. - Bedrock Mappinq Units Tv Tsu I Tbqd Tsmq TKqr Jam (Jtr)(Jqd)RV Pzv (Pis)Kaq Abbreviated Descriptions -.pt'lillry \,!'OLC-.".t 11"«,"-,:I-I"u,.lIow '''t'J'tJVC'i.(lows, twd P\"I;l(U'~l .:s; r"y o~11'1:10 tle s.a1l ic . Terry '''C:Il'l'I''''IJlrl'Ht H'Id,~,t'·ll ..·y rCCl<.Io~''''.-'Lft'''l ..·"le>"'10"""",0 '\11111"'_lIl.d il'.V'!.to". T."t ,.rv bttlllll,·ll.n",-·y ~("'1'lI'l, Or.orJOdIOl".'...tI~ol "I,IF...I Ie J d ;J"Jn.\e t'\.O,···t:j~'.,,*lC ,,~~'1.><1111'';00 rel'"~""IiI')i'''''ijI 1~1"....cor (i!')GcJ'(It.J .roe ~W~lo.,. ~~rl lit."illld/lJor C ....t.~<...'!Ju!l !,I'",lll!lLS frir""'l1"1/11'11",11 DJu:-:;r'~ IIoJr-Dtsi,"mpt 1;.;1 t",I:. 'n...I.I:l''l:'1'\.''""f '...., •"Ill!.l.''''''Ilr '111 .1 t°'1')f1I1Itr1"1 1...(.Ll.)til l\'~ gr..rN::r.'''~''''.,190;1) I r·~..t11o b,hilll,(: W""h't'.JoI'",'k", 1~,..-.nI'l:1 n "'1(1"", '."11'''''''''-(11'\''"111 l ;H."01 .Q~QoC tJU.fltlc al'd "'ndI~~t II:m.IItil- vblc..r.Og..,,11;rw":,. I~"I I"lllt..ll·I"'""lon" (~t,.) Cr-o:u.e.Ou~arglll \1 ""nt!Qr...."wa..:~tt,(,;1'<l 1'\,'1:_OlllT;1"""".~d ~ur nIl!!'llu:~~Jon~o:., lC',,~.,lhlllll.lIll:Il"'(1ltllm 11'",.1..2'1; ~~..L. ,m"rt:l~' rTI~r'rr;c : Miscellaneous Map Symbols Scarp ~Slide Scar ,<\T' //~y ~/Buried Channel ~Trail' // Rack Contact r~/ Terrain Unit Symbol Terrain Unit Name Bxu Unweathered, consolidated bedrock C Colluvial deposIts CI l4ndsljde Cs-f Solifluction deposits (troun) , 1\ Solifluction deposits (frolln) over lerrdee sedi/1li!nts FloodpLoIin deposits Esker cJeposib P>bl.ttion ti'l Lacustrine sediments over ablation till lacustrine deposit..Ovt'r b<lUI till (irozen) Coll...vium over WHI .n~d or poorly coft'lOlli- ddtfil o~rock Granuli:1r lllluvi.,1 ron SCI1l"Ul;tron amQ\to.It,-ol.en) o"..r ~e~~k Fro.ze-(l lUIul till over bedrc<:k I,tll.'IQoO till et",ltr un" ""'It;l.tf to'-o;,d bMlll"OC" ~hlVil.m over hedr.x:k ll"'d bt''C!rc..k ...",pl).II..lres Solifluction deposits (t,-o<:eo) over bas._till (f.-alPn) Soliflu(~:on <:leaos;ts'(frOlen) Over 4t.alion till Ld(Uslr''1I1S (froz.en) Tl!irracf! OUIW<lsh deposits Fp Fpt Ffg Cs-'f Bxu GFe GFo Cs-f GtO GFk L-f Gte ° L Gtb-f ~ Gtb-f Cs-f FPI Gtb-f tlXU Gtb-f BUBTABK 5.02 :cfxu+Bxu 1hw+BXW PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS I APD~f---::Ac-c:L:c-:A S-::-K:-A~P0c::-W=-=-E-::R=A-::UT--,Hc::-0::-cR::-::1Tc::-Y------j"Un~J SUSJTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CH.APP.APf' 2000 4000 FEET==::a REVISIONS. o ISCALE ;"~.1oS'C ,..,...,,,'!lll .... lind ,'At...." ..,te,"t1ezltHU.l "'H}lla'" fNInr'tl lICUI".!,'llt~. RVSKaq ....~u~<Ir;lIlil. groayw<l.(lo;.,.:>1 iii ,O-I'·ur-lTnd 11J1Ie.~I'I.Il;:ll~e. r.l1.m.1.mt>f"l"'M'5M - ~- Cs-f Glb-f Bedrock Moppinq Units Tv Tsu -Tbqd Tsmq TKgr Jom (Jtr)(Jqd)RV Pzv (Pis)Koq Abbrevioted Descriptions T ~'''i'Y \lllIlc-anle 1""O'I:f..,~••",lIf0"" "'It1"J"r1 v«•.'1'QlN5, ""0 P""oc .sl'!;5; ~nyolll'C:Ie bill:t.U :;:. ,':1"1 llry ,"".!'II.'-,"'" ";t<lu'n""!Ilr-y -m::;"J;" -on<g'om~~;,te.-'''''0:.:- '-\OIH,.ilnd ~liyJ.IDn•. I "nll)"y r'l>\lte 'Ten .II!"y l-4:11l"'il. UIIJrn;;gIDf"I1~,'oc..1 m'ljiimill4 Ie jjl)~gnU'I.'le, tlorr>gflf"l;1.<;if,UtOa,oQr'~.r~rll!",,{l~,"'c.I (h~rt-of (Tt'l9d)(If ..tUr;tt;:niX:' Tllrt Jiry all;J!flr Cr.l~~t'CluS <;.1ratlil.i<..' fonnlng \m,ll1 plulo.', ~'J'~I ..I';;..~~"It'-:;lIt~, ,r,<;;III'on.,.Cli or •..,- -,:;n.H .$.1lUor:!-14:IC!lO.1 I r tl'l"ll1ll1ml!..-IJlr!..no U'l"..'T!'=J1 ....rlfll \.'U;J11 r l:hlr ~••111Ic Plt.l"...ot::;mll:I"!;KkiI f(l"rl'1tt;:l ,n -,t'I.llo... fILM/"It:""T...lro"O;f'111 l,He 1J,,1~:'Q1(0,,1,,';., .rrd llir;fJil:lfIlC m"la· vOlu"O!i/llnlc Nx."!>, 1;,.f.161 .'JH<l-1 1"t:~'U"~ (PI~). Crfl!.c«ous .tro.1hte .'it\ti ;r"vw kl1l.(,~it Itl't,_(Jllf<::nrDd IUl"ultJllor .i.ItQUeft<.e, u,...g""O~e 1TWiamorphl,-n Tro,u,$l "TIll :.IIH' ttHII:U4O( """,'lIlc ~I Miscellaneaus Map Symbols Scarp ~Slide Scar ;(\Tl ~j Buried Channel Y Trail~/// Rock Contact r~/ , 1\ Solifluction deposits (frozen) over b<l$/JI till ((rozen) L.<Icustrine deposits over basal till (frozen) Lacustrine sediments over ablation tlll Terrain Unit Name Gr<Jf'\ular ,Jlluvi.ll r.n Kame deposits Abl;,\ion till Colluvial deposits 8dsill till (rrOlen) Solifluction deposits (frozen) OrgClnic deposits Solifluction deposits (frozen) over terrace sediments Lacu,trines (frozen) FrOlen b"sal till over bedrock Floodpl"in deposits CollUvium.over wlO3th"red Qr poorly Can.\-oli· d<lled U4!droCk Outwash deposits ,"oU...viul"ll over t;;lj.r<Dck "nd bedrock e:-.pcluf*,t SOlifluction deposits (frozen) over abl<ltion till A~oII\io"till ovtr l,In- WlJIl->en:d bedrock Unweathered, consolidilled bedrock SOlifluction d..-posits (frozen) over bedrock Cs-f FP! L-f Cs-f GtO Fpt Ffg GFa o CI Fp Cs-f~ GFk C Cs-f Gta Bxu GFe Gtb-f l3XU L Gtb-f Cs-f Gtb-f "lOOnCT 052502 Q:oLU AUGUST 1981 Gtb-f Terrain Unit Symbal tfxu-+Bxu ~+BXW BUBTASK !5.02 PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS CH.APP.APf'REVISIONS. O~i........~2~O~O~O~~4~OOO FEETSCALE RVS ~n"~Jlt rr-"~"hl'o~.ll j ....c .."\".•n 111\(-<'r:lI'ld.-d u.,>l ()w ''1.I'",~~·e'l:J'C.I~'1 lC(':}US ....;;:;-dllh ~'..ywKke,0'a ~l",rortl,..d 1:11 •....CI;L.illtl~ ·"a.I'fltHalMl""oh,,,.ItI Kaq Miscellaneous Map Symbals Scarp ~Slide scar·;(\I'Buried Channel ~/~Trail/J Koq C .1,.(otOV.-;I"'~H. ~It.'!~."~'w"':",,,til III ,,..-"1.1~r>ntLCl I "0 nlte ~IHIUllt'tl!. '0\">':1'JOti'..t.I.-mc(":..n•.,.,. Pzv (PIs) ,.:111 ..I'C':'C:"OlliilH C. aliI).''t!.t'~I Ittllll'" IOIUl"'ClQIOI"l',~..." .~.....'fJ'Il'ltoi "'.~tcy.'lll "-lSI. RV J .•r-'ll~Mr':T1I~ Iltll1"'oO"~cl ,::;riM"''''' _t:MI~,',m ....(ll.:oJl;1l IrGl"llllllll.lI .Ill ~I';: jl.lol'lOlJ·I<!·,;",(''rJJ. Jam (Jtr }(Jqd) / ./ / r--J TKqr Rock Contact "rll,jj"y "'HI o;.r .1'flt.'l"""-'<J''tJr.,11t;l:t IQr1"I nO ,",.It fllulOn. TsmqTbqd T'-l atl"v 0 Olll~•.,••'..."n'll QI"'IlTIo.""d "rte;'«JCd'...,~",,,l I ...rrf);"'A(tl~e . t~..:)-"'r...J)ar.gr.,..Qa.Q~'le rotcr "'111'1 ..I •rPO' (Tnac I.Dr ..'tll"r,;",t\~... ~.rl'.I"V rton''qil'''l,e •(lC.rllllll"llu .....'·Ot.KS: Gl"'I\I':rll·y.~..\e.u.uj- slO".ana "ay~lgl'•. - Tsu _Tv ~.II,..ry \'Qlcenl( roc ...~:Uli1l1ow ,1'1 ru~l~es rio ....). ,wd DyrllXl.,J,CS: f1'lyaj,IIC 1C:C t1tu.llk.. Bedrock Moppinq Units Abbreviated Desc riptions Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbol Name Unweillthered, Bxu consolid~led hedrock C C:olluviill deposiu CI L.IIndslide Cs·f :;olifluction deposits (fronn) Ffg C,...nul...alluviill'.n Fp Floodplain aeposiU Fpt Terr.c. GFo Oulw.nh depOSIts GFe E.sker tJ~lJosils GFk Kc\ml!depoSIts Gfa Ab'<ltion lill Gtb·f BaUl \ill (froun) 0 Org.llnic deposits L·f lClcustrines (frozen) L Lacustrine GiO sediments over <tbla(ien till _L_Lacustrine deposits overGtb·f bds.1 till (fronn) Cs·f Solifluction depoSIts (frozen) Gtb·f over bClSill t,lI Uraz"n) Cs·f SOlifluction deposits Urozen) GiO over IiIblillien till SolifluctionCs·f deposiu (frozen) FPT over terrace sediments Cs.-f 501lfluction deposits (frozen)BXU over bedr')c", Gtb·f Frozen bas"l till 1JXU over Otldrock A.blation till-~over vn- weilthered bearack "Efxu+BxU ~~hJVIIJm over oeot"CCK ilno tledrock I!xpOsures ~+BXW Col~"vium over ""'lIl1ler-eO or poorly c.on:.ol,- dale.a bedrook 1\ !I.D iii:aUBTAsK PHOTO INTBRPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS ~I---------i CH.APP.APP. 2000 4000 FEET :o: REVISIONS.DATi RVS --f't~..·.110.....11 ,,1"'1 :<'I1e ,.1\ ll",r~?o.d :,tl.llgw .........."'J"."CA. Kog C"et.:.;lD()l,.~.rqUm. ..lJ g1'.\...."'t ...,.,vI '" If'COl,Q"(t'rn-atJ lurbld,:......ljl.l..nc;.. IO ....CI'·.d "·.I-.w.:-rUfll,m Bedrock Moppinq Units Abbreviated Descriptions Tv T.,.-ll"ry Volc..nic rDClu.)"nltllow Inlru$,vIU.fIOw~. ..."d Qyr;r.;:llllirlcs; ,'nyQIIt"t 10 oaSd/(,C Tsu - TfT'IJ'''v 1\1>n·"'''''''. ..ltdll1"l."t.ry rOf,c.s: a')"~31J1 ...ralc.lJlnd- i'll"ot,',"n c <Il~"Ilb·'., Tbqd T"rlUIIrV OIO(lt. Ql"llr.ot:l.or,!e:Igc;.~1 t~OI"J'\t)I.l'Tde ".V.,;')Ot'J1orit (Tngal. Tsmq Tert,,,.-y $CTIllt, ""Igrr'''llte .."d ",...rllle, rII!:l"~s."'J'1"Ig lih.,~r or •Ilt'QIl ,IOCIl, TKqr Tl!rll~ry .....,(1/0"- Cr"tilt;'e..,ua ~r.,.lI(1CS [pmllnlil ,mdH n-lll1.:n1. Jam (Jtr)(Jqd) JlJt ~UIC JI",PtlltH:I,:"" ''''11'"rf 9rtoe...• u;ll,.t j ·...rbl •.Ioc.JI U''::orrClI/!'"l'ottlt iJI ..al'll'1 Qrll'lodlcl"U'"C"oJ0). RV r~~~:.';;w ......til; """"0,,1'I~_C"rQ\:,",S ll)r"T"IllO ,"1"."1)"" 'fTII""lnlll e-(l""'l:!.,,,,,,"1 Pzv (PIs) Ull'PillRie'.i:o,e \._1, ~,·OI1Ulhl:."'f'l,,- IrJr~Jl/oog.n,c .c:-........ 1l)t:,A1 ll"'f:l.~I'mlll$lt,n • (PI...,. Kaq ~nrUi ~:>•.a ..r~n,:.. and ~r"v",,,("1<,#I.1;1 Ul'c:.oOI:lI"'J'TfI4Id lur-tl·alc.:1I'q.,.,f'1COl. IlJl'o'g'""'JI:!ptIHn.~.t:~"·"ln 't,...... l",r.~1I "l.rt>.l "'4iI'IIUI Miscellaneous Map Symbols Scarp ~Slide scar;(\TT ~/ Buried Channel 9 Trail /~./ ,052502 ~...,.AUGUST 1981 BUBTAIIK 15.0a PHOTO INTERPRI!TATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbol Nome Unweathered , Bxu consolidated bedrock C Colluvial!deposits CI Landslide Cs-I Solifluction deposits (frozen) FIg Granular "Uuv,al'.n Fp Floodpl.-in deposits Fpt Terracll GFo Outw.uh deposits GFe Esker deposit!> GFk Kame deposits Gto Ablati(ln Jill Gtb-f II.~;)I lit \"'t'lc:nl 0 Organic deposits L-f Lltt:uslrtnes (ft"'Cl..I"I) L Llto:ll.ulrine GtO $e,[hrr.,.,ts over .m[.tt,on till L ~"_l.stdne ClIJposiu over Glb·f ~....I 111 ('¥ozen) £§.:l...Sg,lif!ucllon d.pos'11 (Ir:nen) Gtb·f over b ....1 tlll (trozen) Cs·f smirluct.~n d~~sits (I~.:en) GtO (!ve,.aDLII!I:;>u 1111 ~linU('litlnCs-I deposiu (rl"Qzen) FPT ov,'~te"...,:e Ud,m."ts Cs·f li'IlJt'ti~fl Bxu dOp(l"U l·....turn) over I)oIIl;Sr(:lCI<. Gtb-I Frozen bllUI till trXU over cedr.:x;k -An'..,,.,.,I'll ~ave"vn.- w~alnf!r~ t'&o.JIg.c::k ~""v;\oll'l over tfxu+BXU beClIOO;l<.,,:'./J n~d ..=k ""lI'O'..ret COlluvlU'"~ver E&w+BxW we.atl"le"f!jj ",. poor'y tJ::Insoll- D'ilrU blle/"on CH.APP.MOP.REVISIONS. SCALE DATE nV5 frlli"..lc;n-t;larlJI,JoIt .~d I.U~~ ,,,,..rlll:dDeo 'tlJlllOw m ..nne Slr.QlunlC:e. Koq •OOU).rOIi.Ie '''10 v ...$l!1o...,01 II ::1,-10",,_0 ~II.)~ucnc:c, .IIlle mtttlunernW," APPENDIX K RESERVOIR GEOLOGY APPENDIX K RESERVOIR SLOPE STABILITY 1 -INTRODUCTION 1.1 -General Impounding of the Susitna River valley a.nd its tributaries will influ- ence the slope stabi 1 ity of both the Devi 1 Canyon and Watana Reser- voirs.Currently on the slopes above river elevation there is evidence of shallow landsl ides and discontinuous permafrost.Impounding of water will result in raising the groundwater table and thawing the per- mafrost which will likely cause slope instability and failures within certain areas of the reservoirs. Because of the complexity and uncertainties of analyzing slope stabili- ties in a thawing permafrost environment,a "best estimate"has been made in this study to identify those areas in the reservoir that may be subject to future beaching,erosion,and slope failures. The following sections discuss slope stability as it relates to the Watana and Devil Canyon reservoirs.Section 2 briefly discusses the type and causes for slope instabil ity while Section 3 and 4 evaluate the type of instability that may occur after impoundment at Watana and Devil Canyon.The last two sections provide a summary and conclusions with recommendations. 2 -TYPES AND CAUSES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY 2.1 - Gener a1 Shoreline erosions will occur as a result of two geologic process:(1) beachi ng and (2)mass movements.The types of mass movement encoun- tered in a permafrost terrain and which are pertinent to this study are described below (4,5,12): (a)Bimodal Flow - A slide that consists of a steep headwall contain- ing ice or ice-rich sediment,which retreats in a retrogressive fashion through melting forming a debris flow which slides down the face of the headwall to its base. (b)Block Slide -Movement of a large block that has moved out and down with varying degrees of back tilting,most often along a pre- existing plane of weakness such as bedding,joints,and faults. (c)Flows - A broad type of movement that exhibits the characteristics of a viscous fluid in its downslope motion. K-1 (d)Multiple Regressive Flow -Forms a series of arcuate,concave downslope ridges as it retains some portion of the prefailure rel i ef. (e)Multiple Retrogressive Flow/Slide -Series of arcuate blocks con- cave towards the toe that step backward higher and higher towards the headwa 11. (f)Rotational Slides - A landslide in which shearing takes place on a well defined,curved shear surface,concave upward in cross sec- tion,producing a backward rotation in the displaced mass. (g)Skin Flows -The detachment of a thin veneer of vegetation and mineral soil with subsequent movement over a planar,inclined sur- face,usually indicative of thawing fine-grained overburden over permafrost. (h)Slides -Landslides exhibiting a more coherent displacement;a greater appearance of rigid-body motion. (i)Solifluction Flow -Ground movements restricted to the active lay- er and generally requires fine-grained soils caused by melting and saturated soils. Aside from the formation of beaches due to erosion,instability along the reservoir slopes can result from two principal causes:a change in the groundwater regi me and the thawi ng of permafrost.Beach eros ion can give rise to general instability through the sloughing or failure of an oversteepened backslope,thereby enlarging the beach area. 2.2 -Changes in Groundwater Regime As a reservoir fills,the groundwater table in the adjacent slope also rises as shown in Figure 2.1.This may result in a previously stable slope above the groundwater table to become unstable due to increased pore pressures and seepage acting on the slope.The slope shown in Figure 2.1,whether in soil or rock,is less stable after filling than it was prior to the existence of the reservoir.This is not to say that this slope will necessarily fail,si'nce failure is dependent on the strength parameters of the soil or the rock. Rapid drawdown of a reservoir may also result in increased instability of susceptible slopes. 2.3 -Thawing of Permafrost The instability of thawing slopes in permafrost is addressed by McRoberts and Morgenstern (4).They i ndi cate that the characteri st ic features of solifluction slopes,skin flows and the lobes of bimodul flows are caused by instability on low angle slopes resulting from thawing of permafrost.Mobility is often substantial and rapid as the movements are generally distributed throughout the mass. K-2 2.4 -Stability During Earthquakes There are certain conditions which can exist after reservoir filling which will cause slides to occur during earthquakes.This section will address only those situations which may exist after reservoir filling in which slopes are more susceptible to sliding under earthquake load- ing than they are in their present condition. Submerged slopes in granular materials,particularly uniform fine sands,may be susceptible to liquefaction during earthquakes.This is one example where a small slide could occur below the reservoir level. In addition,areas above the reservoir rim in which the groundwater table has re-establ ished itself could have a greater potential for sl iding during an earthquake due to the increased pore water pres- sures. Thawing permafrost could generate excess pore pressures in some soils. In cases where this situation exists in liquefiable soils,small slides on flat lying slopes could occur.The existence of fine-grained sands, coarse silts and other liquefaction susceptible material is not exten- sive in the reservoir areas.Therefore,it is considered that the ex- tent of fa il ures due to 1i quefact ion dur i ng earthquakes wi 11 be sma 11 and primarily limited to areas of permafrost thaw.Some slides could occur above the reservoir level in previously unfrozen soils due to the earthquake shaking. 2.5 -Slope Stability Models for Watana and Devil Canyon Reservoirs Following a deta-iled evaluation of the Watana and Dev"il Canyon reser- voir geology,four general slope stability models were defined for this study.These models are shown in Figures 2.2 and 2.3 and consist of several types of beaching,flows and slides that could occur in the reservoir duri ng and after impoundment.Based on aeri a1 photo -j nter- pretation and limited field reconnaissance,potentially unstable slopes in the reservoir were classified by one or more of these models as to the type of failure that may occur in specific areas.In addition to identifying potential slope instability models around the reservoir, attempts were made to delineate areas of existing slope failures,and permafrost regions.These maps are shown in Figures 2.4 through 2.28. Table K.1 provides a summary of soil types as they relate to the type of slope instability.As stated above,these maps have been construct- ed using photo interpretation and limited field reconnaissance and are intended to be preliminary and subject to verification in subsequent stUdies. 3 -DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIR 3.1 -Surficial and Bedrock Geology The topography in and around the Devi 1 Canyon reservoir is bedrock con- trolled.Overburden is thin to absent,except in the upper reaches of the proposed reservoir where alluvial deposits cover the valley floor. K-3 A large intrusive plutonic body composed predominantly of biotite gran- odiorite with local areas of quartz diorite and diorite,underlies most of the reservoir and adjacent slopes.The rock is light gray to pink, medium grained and composed of quartz,feldspar,biotite and horn- blende.The most common mafic mineral is biotite.Where weathered, the rock has a light yellow-gray or pinkish yellow-gray color,except where it is highly oxidized and iron stained.The granodiorite is gen- erally massive,competent,and hard with the exception of the rock ex- posed on the upland north of the Susitna River where the biotite grano- diorite has been badly decomposed as a result of mechanical weather- i ng. The other principal rock types in the reservoir area are the argillite and graywacke,which are exposed at the Devil Canyon damsite.The ar- gillite has been intruded by the massive granodiorite and as a result, large isolated roof pendants of argillite and graywacke are found locally throughout the reservior and surrounding areas.The argillite/ graywacke varies locally to a phyllite of low metamorphic grade,with possible isolated schist outcrops. The rock has been isoclinally folded into steeply dipping structures which generally strike northeast-southwest.The contact between the argillite and the biotite granodiorite crosses the Susitna River just upstream of the Devil Canyon damsite.It is non-conformable and is characterized by an aphanitic texture with a wide chilled zone.The trend of the contact is roughly northeast-southwest where it crosses the ri ver.Several large outcrops of the argill ite completely sur- rounded by the bi ot ite granodi orite are found withi n the Devi 1 Creek area. A general discussion of the regional geology is presented in Section 4.1 of the main text. 3.2 -Slope Stability and Erosion The Devil Canyon reservoir will be entirely confined within the walls of the present river valley.This reservoir will be a narrow and deep wi th mi nima 1 seasonal drawdown.From Devil Canyon Creek downstream to the damsite,the slopes of the reservoir and its shoreline consist primarily of bedrock with localized areas of thin vaneer of colluvium or till.Upstream of Devil Canyon Creek,the slopes of the reservoir are covered with increasing amounts of unconsolidated materials,espe- cially on the south abutment.These materials are principa ly basal tills,coarse-grained floodplain deposits,and alluvial fan deposits (see Appendix J). Existing slope failures in this area of the Susitna River,as defined by photogrammetry and 1 imited fi e1d reconna i ssance,are sk in and bi- modal flows in soil and block slides and rotational slides in rock. The basal tills are the primary materlals susceptible to mass move- ments.On the south abutment there is a possibility of sporadic perma- frost existing within the delineated areas.Upstream of this area K-4 the basal till is nearly continuously frozen as evidenced by field in- formation in Borrow Area H. Downstream of the Devil Creek area,instability is largely reserved to small rock falls.Beaching will be the primary process acting on the shoreline in this area (Figures 3.1 and 3.2).Although this area is mapped as a basal till,the material is coarser grained than that which is found in the Watana Reservoir and is therefore more susceptible to beaching. In areas where the shore 1i ne wi 11 be in contact wi th steep bedrock cliffs,the fluctuation of the reservoir may contribute to rockfalls. Fluctuation of the reservoir and therefore the groundwater table,ac- companied by seasonal freezing and thawing,will encourage frost heav- i ng as an eros i ve agent to accelerate degradati on of the slope and beaching.These rock falls will be limited in extent and will not have the capacity to produce a large wave which could affect dam stability. In Devil Creek,a potential small block slide may occur after reservoir or dam. Above Devil Creek up to about river mile 180,beaching will be the most common erosive agent.Present slope instability above reservoir normal pool level will continue to occur,with primary beaching occurring at the shoreline.At approximate river mile 175,there is an old land- slide on the south abutment.This large rotational slide is composed of basal till which,for the most part,is frozen.A large bimodal flow exists within this block headed by a large block of ground ice. Year 1y ab 1at i on of the ice results in flowage of saturated materi a1 downslope.The 1ands1 i de has an arcuate back scarp whi ch has become completely vegetated since its last movement.However,this landslide, which has an estimated volume of 3.4 mcy,could possibly be reactivated due to cont i nued thawi ng or change in the groundwater regime brought about with reservoir filling. Since the maximum pool elevation extends only to the toe of this slide, it is unlikely that a large catastrophic slide could result from normal reservoir impoundment (See Figure 3.3).However,potential for an earthquake-induced landslide is possible.A mass slide in this area could result in temporary blockage of river flow. The distance from the dam,the meandering of the river valley,and the shallow depth of the reservoir in this area makes the potential of a wave induced by a massive landslide that could affect the dam stability very remote. In general,the following conclusions can be drawn about the slope con- ditions of the Devil Canyon Reservoir after impoundment: -Minimal drawdown of the reservoir is conducive to stable slope condi- tions. K-5 -The lack of significant depths of unconsolidated materials along the lo\'/er slopes of the reservoir and the exi stence of stabl e bedrock conditions is indicative of stable slope conditions after reservoir impounding. An old large landslide in the upper reservoir has the potential for instability,which,if failed,could conceivably create a temporary blockage of the river in this area. The probability of a landslide-induced wave in the reservoir over- topping the dam is remote. 4 -WATANA RESERVOIR 4.1 -General Preliminary reconnaissance mapping of the Watana Reservoir was perform- ed during this study and principal rock types and general types of sur- ficial material were identified. The topography of the Watana Reservoir and adjacent slopes is charac- terized by a narrow V-shaped stream-cut valley superimposed on a broad U-shaped glacial valley.Surficial deposits mask much of the bedrock in the area,especially in the lower and uppermost reaches of the reservoir.A surficial geology map of the reservoir,prepared by the COE,and airphoto interpretation performed during this study (Appendix J),identifies tills,lacustrine and alluvial deposits,as well as pre- dominant rock types (11). 4.2 -Surficial Deposits Generally,the lower section of the Watana Reservoir and adjacent slopes are covered by a vaneer of glacial till and lacustrine deposits. Two main types of till have been identified in this area;ablation and basal tills.The basal till is predominately over-consolidated,with a fine-grain matrix (more silt and clay)and low permeability.The abla- tion till has less fines and a somewhat higher permeability.Lacus- trine deposits consist primarily of poorly-graded fine sands and silts with lesser amounts of gravel and clay,and exhibits a crude stratifi- cation. On the south side of the Susitna River,the Fog Lake area is character- istic of a fluted ground moraine surface.Upstream in the Watana Creek area,glaciolacustrine material forms a broad,flat plain which mantles the underlying glacial till and the partially lithified Tertiary sedi- ments.Significant alluvial and outwash deposits exist in the river valley.Ice disintegration features such as kames and eskers have been observed adjacent to the river valley. K-6 Permafrost exists in the area,as evidenced by ground ice,patterned ground stone nets and slumping of the glacial till overlying perma- frost.Numerous slumps have been identified in the Watana Reservoir area,especially in sediments comprised of basal till.Additional details regarding this subject will be given in subsequent sections. In addition,numerous areas of frozen alluvium and interstitial ice crystals have been observed in outcrops and identified from drill hole drive samples. 4.3 -Bedrock Geology As discussed in Section 6 (Main Report),the Watana damsite is under- lain by a diorite pluton.Approximately three miles upstream of the Watana damsite,a non-conformable contact between argill ite and the dioritic pluton crosses the Susitna River.An approximate location of this contact has also been delineated on Fog Creek,four miles to the south of the damsite.Just downstream of the confluence of Watana Creek and the Susitna River,the bedrock consists of semi-consolidated, Tertiary sediments (8)and volcanics of Triassic age.These Triassic volcanics consist of metavolcaniclastic rocks and marble (3).From just upstream of Watana Creek to Jay Creek,the rock consists of a metavo 1canogeni c sequence domi nant ly composed of met amorphosed flows and tuffs of basaltic to andesitic composition.From Jay Creek to just downstream of the Oshetna River,the reservoir is underlain by a meta- morphic terrain of amphibolite and minor amounts of greenschist and foliated diorite.To the east of the Oshetna River,glacial deposits are predomi nant. The main structural feature within the Watana Reservoir is the Talkeet- na Thrust fault,which trends northeast-southwest (3)and crosses the Susitna River approximately eight miles upstream of the Watana damsite (Figure 4.1 -Main Text).Csejtey and others (2)have interpreted this to have a southeast dip,while Turner and Smith (10)suggest a north- west dip.The southwest end of the fault is overlain by unfaulted Tertiary volcanics (2).A detailed discussion of this fault is pre- sented in Woodward-Clyde Consultant's Task 4 Report.A general discus- sion of regional geology is presented in Section 4 of the main text. 4.4 -Slope Stability and Erosion Most of the slopes within the reservoir are composed of unconsolidated materials.As a generalization,permafrost is nearly continuous in the basal tills and sporatic to continuous in the lacustrine deposits.In Figures 2.12 through 2.28,the distribution of permafrost has been de- lineated primarily on the flatter slopes below elevation 2300 feet. Inclined slopes may be underlain by permafrost,but based,on photogra- metric characteristics,the active layer is much thicker indicating that permafrost soi ls are thawing,and/or that permafrost does not exist.Existing slope instability within the reservoir (as defined by aerial photographic interpretation (Appendix J)and limited field re- connaissance),indicate that the types of mass movement are primarily K-7 solifluction,skin flows,bimodal flows,and small rotational slides. These types of failure occur predominantly in the basal till or areas where the basal till is overlain by lacustrine deposits (Appendix J). In some cases,solifluction,which originated in the basal till has proceeded downslope over some of the floodplain terraces. Three major factors which will contribute significantly to slope in- stabi 1 ity in the Watana Reservoir are changes in the groundwater regime,large seasonal fluctuation of the reservoir level (estimated at 60 feet),and thawing of permafrost.These factors were analyzed to determine their effects on typical conditions in the reservoir.From this,four basic models of shoreline conditions were developed (Figures 2.2 and 2.3).The two processes affecting the shoreline of the reser- voirs are beaching and slope stability.lhese models were applied to selected reaches of the reservoir shoreline and evaluated for condi- tions at or near normal pool levels.It should be noted that the slope stability of the Watana Reservoir was evaluated for the "worst"case which considered the maximum and minimum pool levels.In cases where sliding wHl occur,it will not be uncommon for some flows or possibly beaching to occur over the same reach.Slope instabil ity during and after reservoir impounding will be addressed below. It is estimated that filling of the reservoir to normal pool level will take approximatel'y three years.Due to the relatively slow rate of impounding,the potential for slope instability occurring during flood- ing of the reservoir will be minimal and confined to shallow surface flows and possibly some sliding.Slopes win be more susceptible to slope i nstabil ity after impoundment when thawi ng of the permafrost soils occurs and the groundwater regime has reestablished itself in the frozen soils. Near the damsite,assumi ng that the present contours wi 11 remai n un- changed,the north abutment wi 11 primarily be subject to beaching except for some small flows and slides,which may occur adjacent to Deadman Creek.On the south abutment,thawing of the frozen basal tills will result in numerous skin and bimodal flows.There is also a potential for small rotational sliding.to occur primarily opposite Deadman Creek. On the south abutment between the Watana dams ite and Vee Ca nyon,the shoreline of the reservoir has a high potential for flows and shallow rotational slides (Figures 4.1 and 4.2).In contrast to the north abutment,the shoreline is almost exclusively in contact with frozen basal tills,overburden is relatively thick,and steeper slopes are present.Thermal erosion,resulting from the erosion and thawing of the ice-rich fine grained soils,will be the key factor influencing their stability.On the north abutment below Vee Canyon and on both abutments upstream of Vee Canyon,the geological and topographic condi- tions are more variable and therefore have a potential for varying slope conditions.In the Watana Creek drainage area,there is a thick sequence of lacustrine material overlying the basal till (Figure 4.3). K-8 Unlike the till,it appears that the lacustrine material is largely un- frozen.All four types of slope instability could develop here,de- pendi ng on where the seasonal drawdown zone is in contact with the aforement i oned strat i graphy.In addi t ion,slope i nstabi 1i ty resul t i ng from potential liquefaction of the lacustrine material during earth- quakes may occur.Overall,slopes on the north abutment,in contrast with the south abutment,are less steep and slightly better drained, which may be indicative of less continuous permafrost and/or slightly coarse material at the surface with a deeper active layer. In general,the potential for beaching 'is high due to:(a)the wide seasonal drawdown zone that will be in contact with a thin vaneer of colluvium over bedrock;and,(b)the large areas around the reservoir with low slopes (Figure 4.4).In the Oshetna-Goose Creeks area,there is a th i ck sequence of 1acustr i ne materi a 1.Permafr ost appears to be nearly continuous in this area based on the presence of unsorted polygonal ground and potential thermokarst activity around some of the many small ponds (thaw lakes/kettles).The reservoir in this area will be primarily confined within the floodplain and therefore little modification of the slopes is expected.Where the slopes are steep, there could be some thermal niche erosion resulting in small rotational slides. The potential for a large block slide occurring,and generating a wave which could overtop the dam is very remote.For this to occur,a very high,steep slope with a potentially unstable block of large volume would need to exist adjacent to the reservoir.This condition was not observed withi n the limits of the reservoir.In approximately the fi rst 16 mi 1 es upstream of the dam,the shore 1i ne wi 11 be in contact with the low slopes of the broad U-shaped valley.Between 16 and 30 miles upstream of the dam,no potentially large landslides were observed.Beyond 30 Illi 1es upstream,the reservoir begi ns to meander and narrows,therefore any wave induced in this area by a large land- slide would,in all likelihood,dissipate prior to reaching the dam. In general,the following conclusions can be drawn about the slope con- ditions of the Watana reservoir after impounding: -The principal factors influencing slope instability are the large seasonal drawdown of the reservoir and the thawing of permafrost soils.Other factors are the change in the groundwater regime,the steepness of the slopes,coarseness of the material,thermal toe erosion,and the fetch available to generate wave action; The potential for beaching is much greater on the north abutment of the reservoir; A large portion of the reservoir slopes are susceptible to shallow slides,mainly skin and bimodal flows,and shallow rotational slides; K-9 -The potential for a large block slide which might generate a wave that could overtop the dam is remote;and -The period in which restabi1ization of the slopes adjacent to the reservoir will occur is largely unknown. In general,most of the reservoir slopes wi 11 be totally submerged. Areas where the filling is above the break in slope will exhibit less stability problems than those in which the reservoir is at an interme- diate or low level.Flow slides induced by thawing permafrost can be expected to occur over very flat-lying surfaces. 5 -'SUMMARY Some amount of slope instability will be generated in the Watana and Devi 1 Ca nyon reservoirs due to reservoir fi 11 i ng.These areas wi 11 primarily be in locations where the water level will be at an interme- diate level relative to the valley depth. Slope failure will be more common in the Watana reservoi r due to the existence of permafrost soil throughout the reservoir.The Devil Can- yon reservoir is generally in more stable rock and the relatively thin overburden is unfrozen in the reach of the ri ver upstream from the dam. Although skin flows,minor slides and beaching will be common in parts of the reservoirs,it will present only a visual concern and poses no threat to the project.Many areas in which sl iding does occur wi 11 stabilize into beaches with a steep backs10pe. Tree root systems left from reservoir clearing will tend to hold shal- low surface slides and in cases where permafrost exists may have a stabilizing influence since the mat will hold the soil in place until excess pore pressure have dissipated. 6 -RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that typical slope conditions out1ined in this report be further investigated during subsequent phases of the project in order to determine: -The magnitude of the potential for instability at a given location; and -Whether beaching or sliding will exist at major migrating herd cross- i ng sites. K-lO This investigation should include drilling,instrumentation and labora- tory analysis to confirm the findings in this study.Since only one significant existing landslide has been identified in this study,it is also recommended that further study be directed to this site to deter- mine the potential for future sliding in this area. K-ll TABLE K.1:CHARACTERISTICS OF SLOPE MATERIALS Unit Bedrock Colluvium,over bedrock and bedrock exposures Floodplain Floodplain Terraces Granular Alluvial Fan Kame Deposits Lacustrine Basal Till Terrain Unit Symbol"" Bxu C +Bxu Bxu Fp Fpt Ffg GFK L Gtb-f Mater ial Consolidated bedrock Angular blocks of rock with some sand and silt overlying bedrock Rounded cobbles,gravel and sand sorted and layered with or without silt cover Rounded cobbles,gravel and sand with some silt covered by thin silt layers.Sorted,layered Rounded cobbles,gravel,with sand and some silt.Some sorting and layering of materials Rounded and striated cobbles and sand.Crudely sorted and layered Fine sand to sandy silt with occasional pebbles.Sorted and layered Gravelly silty sand and gravelly, sandy silt cobbles and boulders poorly rounded and striated.No layering,poorly graded Slope Cona it l.Ons Permafrost I Current Slope After Reservoir Filling Condit ions Stabilit Low Stee unfrozen I stable Beaching (1)** unfrozen stable Beaching (I) unfrozen stable Beaching Lnfrozen I stable I Beaching (1) mfrozen I stables I Beach ing (I) unfrozen I stable I Beaching (1) unfrozen I st able I Beaching (I)Slid ing (II 1) frozen stable Flows (II)Sliding (IV) frozen I unstoole I Flows (I 1)Sliding (IV) Ablat ion Till Ablation till over unweathered layer Gta Gta "BrU Rounded and striated cobbles, gravel and sand,no layering,well graded.Boulder and cobble,lag covers surface Rounded and striated cobbles, gravel and sand,no layering,well graded over bedrock unfrozen frozen unfrozen stable st able stable Beaching (I)Sliding (IV) Flow (II)Sliding (IV) Beaching (1) ""See Appendix J for mapped terrain unit sylTtJols. **1,II,III,IV -refer to Figures 2.2 and 2.3. REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 1.Brown,W.G.,and Johnston,G.H.,"Dikes and Permafrost:Predicting Thaw and Settlemene,Canadian Geotechnica1 Journal,Vol.7, pp.365-371,1970. 2.Csejtey,B.Jr.,Foster,H.L.,and Nokleberg,W.J.,"Cretaceous Accretion of the Talkeetna Superterrane and Subsequent Devel- opment of the Denali Fault in Southcentral and Eastern Alaska",Geological Society of America,Abstract with Pro- grams,p.409,1980. 3.Csejtey,B.Jr.,Nelson,W.H.,Jones,D.L.,Silberling,N.J.,Dean, R.M.,Morris,M.S.,lamphere,M.A.Smith,J.G.,and Silberman, M.L.,"Reconnaissance Geologic Map and Geochronology,Tal- keetna Mountain Quadrangle,Northern Part of Anchorage Quad- rangle,and Southwest Corner of Healy Quadrangle,Alaska,U.S. Geological Survey,Open File Report 78-588A,p.60,1978.----- 4.Johnston,G.H.(ed.),Permafrost Engineering Design and Construc- tion,John Wiley and Sons,1981. 5.McRoberts,E.C.,and Morgenstern,N.R.,"The Stability of Thawing Slopes",Ca.nadian Geotechnical Journal,Vol.11,No.4,pp. 447-469,1974. 6."Stability of Slopes in Frozen Soil,Mackenzie Valley,N.W.T.", Canadian Geotechnical Journal,Vol.11,pp.554-573,1974. 7. Newbury,R.W.,Beaty,K.G.,and McCullogh,G.K.,"Initial Shoreline Eros ion ina Permafrost Affect Reservoi r,Southern 1ndi an Lake,Canada",in North American Contribution to The Third International Conference on Permafrost,Edmonton,Alberta, National Academy of Sciences,Washington,pp.833-839,1978. 8.Smith,LE.,"Regional Geology of The Susitna-MacLaren River Area", Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys,Annual Report,p.356,1974. 9.Smith,I.E.,Bundtzen,ToK.,and Trible,T.C.,"Stratabound Copper- Gold Occurrence,Northern Talkeetna Mountains",Alaska DiVi- sion of Geolo ical and Geo h sical Surve s,0 en File Re art E,p.1 ;19 5. 10.Turner,D.L.,and Smith,I.E.,"Geochronology and Generalized Geo- logy of the Central Alaska Range,Clearwater Mountains,and Northern Talkeetna Mountains",Alaska Division of Geological and.Geophysical Surveys,Open File Report 72,p.11;1974. REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY (Cont'd) 11.U.S.Army Corps of Engineers,Upper Susitna River Basin,Alaska, Hydroelectric Power Supplemental Feasibility Report,1979. 12.Varnes,D.J.,"Landslide Types and Processes",in Eckert,E.B., (ed.),Landslides and Engineering Practice,-Highway Reserve Board Special Report No.29,p.20-45,1958. NEW GROUND WATER TABLE '"" RESERVOIR LEVEL RIVER ..,... RIVER POTENTIAL FAILURE SURFACE _CD SURFACE ORIGINAL GROUND WATER TABLE o 500 1000 FEET SCAL E ~i~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ TYPICAL SLOPE FAILURE FIGURE 2.1 m BEACHING (I) BEACHING (I) MINOR INITIALLY - AFTER SEVERAL ,;,FLOWS (II) .,,:.',..::0, ~?;'J·02 Q'.?.'~,,,.o···'....o.,,.0,,..,?:"~'''''' .,">.~.-.;..:.'r-. ,, SLOPE AND MODELS FOR DEVIL CANYON TH RE 'EARS '.'00, I I E WATANA SERVOIRS I - ASSUMPTIONS: FLAT SLOPES. COARSE GRAINED DEPOSITS OR UNFROZEN TILL AND LACUSTRINE DEPOSITS. STEEP BEDROCK SLOPES. FLUCTUATION OF RESERVOIR AND GROUNDWATER TABLE CAUSES FROST WEDGING TO OCCUR CAUSING ROCKFALL. FLAT SLOPES. """GENERALLY FINE GRAINED DEPOSITS, FROZEN. FIGURE 2.2 INITIALLY AFTER SEVERAL "·"'·S~~n}1:.\'::· ,"",.,,' .~:,·0' ,.,.:." (JIT)SLI DING SLIDING (I~[) .,"..., .',.flo', ',0'C ",~';,1 •• ."'.....<>.'.";.'.r'·' .......,. ., o • Q"•••' •~ .,',0' (rl) THE RESE MODELS FOR CANYON SLOPE AND DEVIL '(EARS ~;ff:?!:~.;···:;:···'~···'·: ~- .'.'•'.-0'" WATANA tVOIRS - ASSUMPTIONS: STEEP SLOPES. TWO LAYER CASE,LOWER LAYER IS FINE GRAINED AND FROZEN.UPPER LAYER IS COARSER GRAINED,PARTLY TO COMPLETELY FROZEN. FLOWS IN LOWER LAYER ACCOMPANY SLOPE DEGRADATION STEEP SLOPE:S. FINE GRAINED AND UNFROZEN. STEEP SLOPES. FINE GRAIN~D AND UNFROZEN. NOTE:POSSIBLE FURTHER SLIDING IF THAW BULB EXTENDS INTO SLOPE WITH TI ME. FIGURE 2.3 WATANA lWiI FIGURE 2.12 \ \ FIGURE 2.10 ".~ "'- ----:)Jx~'\()~r".~O DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIR INDEX MAP 250 '<I~tJ c.~~~- '(-) !-.- \"'-,I ,~..,..-..../ ~.--_/ /../ ./WATANA RESERVOIR \ :lURE 2.8 LOCATION MAP - SCAU:O 4~i~~§iiiiiiii..l8 MILES -----.--NORMAl MAXIMUM OPERATING lEVEL El.14!l!l -----ZooO ~CONTOUR IN FEET A80VE MSl SCALE:0,,;~~§iiiiiiiiiiii~Z MilES -! ERVOIR FIGURE 2.4 ........'t \ , \ / t ......... .J ·..... "-... .',.. C'ANYON.'." " ...." ,', !.../ "\..' \, " '. ""'" ,'"'...•'/"" I I / I·: / DEVI L CANYON SLOPE STAB·ILlTY MAP AREAS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY: ! 1I m III III Imr> r-n A A tJ o BEACHING FLOWS SLIDING (UNFROZEN) SLIDING I PERMAFROST) DENOTES AREA EXTENT AND TYPE OF INSTABILITY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABILITY WITH SOME POTENTIAL SLIDING BEACHING AND FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AREA NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL RIVER MILES SECTION LOCATION AREA OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST -. I.REFER m FIGURES 2.2 AND 23 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOPE INSTABILITY MODELS 2 NO OELiNEATION OF PERMAFROST AREA ABOVE EL EVATION 2300 FEET 1 AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCIPALLY ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION AND WILL REOUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION. o 1000 2000 FEET SCALE ~E--~~_~~! ,NYON JTY MAP FIGURE 2.5 ~.., '..,'.'. "',.~ ,.-.~':<, ,..'''':\., ".~..~ '.\\" ~-,,'-~-/~;~~'-~~-"~"':~...;f'.-.,../:-....c=, .·····V~1/·..,. I D AREAS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY: I REFER TO FIGURES 22 ANO 23 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOPE INSTABILITY MODELS 2 NO DELINEATION OF PERMAFROST AREA ABOVE ELEVATION 2300 FEET AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASEO PRINCI PALL Y ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION ANO WILL REQUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION I 1I m llZ: III r (Il[) r-n A A tot BEACHING FLOWS SLIDING (UNFROZEN) SLIDING (PERMAFROST) DENOTES AREA EXTENT AND TYPE OF INSTA81l1TY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABILITY WtiH SOME POTENTIAL SLIDING BEACHING AND FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AREA NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL RIVER MILES SECTION LOCATION AREA OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST oc.~~~10~O~0~_~20~OO FEETSCALEE. NYON .ITY MAP FIGURE 2.6 "t'·-· r ;171 --lD~,~l-;~--L-'I DEVI L CANYON SLOPE STABILITY MAP ; D AREAS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY: r 1I ]I Jll III I (Il[I I'U , A A t.t o BEACHING FLOWS SLIDING (UNFROZEN) SLIDING (PERMAFROST) OENOTES AREA EXTENT ANO TYPE OF INSTABILITY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABILITY WITH SOME POTENTIAL SLIDING BEACHING ANO FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AREA NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL RIVER MILES SECTION LOCATION AREA OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST '/1I~ r \~J 'I',<II' ".'".;~.,.ofr;1"")/. ~~--~'..t/ "j" 'ff>.:..-./"r 1-=~-~/I ~NYON _ITY MAP I.REFER TO FIGURES 2.2 AND 23 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE Of SLOPE INSTABILITY MODELS 2 NO DELINEATION CF PERMAFROST AREA ABOVE EL EVATION 2300 FEET 3.AREAS OF POTEI'JTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCIPALLY ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION AND WILL REQUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION o 1000 2000 FEET SCALE ~i~~~iiiiiiiiiiii_! FIGURE 2,7 I .., '1'...... n I DEVIL CANYON SLOPE STABILITY MAP o AREAS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY, I 1r ll[ N III IlI71 ron •A A tJ o BEACHING FLOWS SLlD~NG (UNFROZEN) SLIDING (PERMAFROST) DENOTES AREA EXTENT AND TYPE OF INSTABILITY PRIMARY BEACl-IING INSTABILITY WITH SOME POTENTIAL SLIDING BEACHING AND FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AREA NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL RIVER MILES SECTION LOCATiON AREA OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST I.REFER TO FIGURES 22 AND 23 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOPE INSTABILITY MODELS NO DELINEATION OF PERMAFROST AREA ABOVE EL EVATION 2300 FEET 3.AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCIPALLY ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION AND WILL REQUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION O~~....;,;IO~OOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii2~OOO FEETSCALEi: .NYON -lTV MAP FIGURE 2.8 \ \, j ~;: ••0 ',,-,""':,,·=~'~·-·~~~__~.i~~~~_>~"y_._~ ...... ••,i. DEVIL CANYON SLOPE STABILITY MAP AREAS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY, 1 ]I m III III I (ULI 1-11 xA A t.t o BEACHING FLOWS SLIDING (UNFROZEN I SLIDING (PERMAFROST) DENOTES AREA EXTENT AND TYPE OF INSTABILITY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABILITY WITH SOME POTENTIAL SLIDING BEACHING ANO FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AREA NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL RIVER MILES SECTION LOCATION AREA OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST I I ....... \.REFER TO FIGURES 2.2 AND 23 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOPE INSTABILITY MODELS NO DELINEATION OF PERMAfROST AREA ABOVE ELEVATION 2300 fEET l AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCIPALLY ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION AND WILL REQUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION O,-__I0io;OO;;;;;;;;;;;;;~2~OOO FEET SCALE e:::::: .NYON -1TY MAP FIGURE 2.9 '..'., "...'-""'=-~;:~:7-:,,~'.~''."-,-.-~.'-. ,."".'. .rr I ' /'t: I .-.1 '~~.'C:'";?~'I "" ..',11."..;.~';,; ,.lS~o~~V~iA~~L~i$NMAP~r~) _.. '. ,' ;, ....~...'. .'\'1,1 '" \It,.~ ". ',,1 I .•) C,JJ AREAS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY: SECTION LOCAT ION AREA OF POTE NTIAL PERMAFROST BEACHING FLOWS SLIDING (UNFROZEN) SLIDING (PERMAFROST) DENOTES AREA EXTENT AND TYPE OF INSTABILITY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABILITY WITH SOME POTENTIAL SLIDING BEACHING AND FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AREA NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL RIVER MILES I -n O~~~'O~Oi0ii;;;;iiiiiiiii2iiOOO FEETSCALEC "A A t.t o I 1I m ll1: III I tIll) I REFER TO FIGURES 2,2 AND 2,3 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOP€INSTABILITY MODELS 2.NO DELINEATION OF PERMAFROST AREA ABOVE ELEVATION 2300 FEET 3,AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCIPALLY ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION AND WILL REQUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION I "."'", .'-.~' 3,3) ~I -.',,")1' ;~---------";---/. " Q"~." "',',./" mf1\.~ ki' .',', ~i.,\ ,~ ,' I f J NYON JTY MAP FIGURE 2.10 ..".-Q I ("...<~~./ I ,......(1)0 .,....~r '"~, r I :..,/', 1-"/ :.>,:. I \ - / / DEVIL CANYON SLOPE STABILITY MAP o AREAS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY: I n m III III I (Ill) I-n A A t.t BEACHING FLOWS SLIDING (UNFROZEN) SLIDING (PERMAFROST! DENOTES AREA EXTENT AND TYPE OF INSTABILITY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABILITY WITH SOME POTENTIAL SLIDING BEACHING AND FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AREA NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL RIVER MILES SECTION LOCATION I.REFER TO FIGURES 2.2 AND 2.3 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOPE INSTABILITY MODELS NO DELINEATION OF PERMAFROST AREA ABOVE ELEVATION 2300 FEET 3 AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCIPALLY ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION AND WILL REQUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION - o 1000 2000 FEET SCALE ~I~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiil' ~NYON L1TY MAP FIGURE 2.11 ~~ _T if - ...--. '. ..... - ,..(------) /../ "-..~; /' ( ( ,/ -_...-or -, ." '. " ) \ " DEVIL CANYON SLOPE STABILITY MAP / / / ED IIREIIS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY: I.REFER TO FIGURES 2.2 AND 2.3 FOR DETAILEO DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOPE INSTABILITY MODELS 2.NO DELINEATION OF PERMAFROST AREA ABOVE ELEVATION 2300 FEET 3.AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCIPALLY ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION AND WILL REQUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION liTE WIITIINA 'ERLINE <'./ 0.... .I / " ./ I 1I !II ]l[ III ICIlZ:) I-lI )(A A t.t BEACHING FLOWS SLIDING (UNFROZEN l SLIDING (PERMAFROST) DENOTES IIREA EXTENT AND TYPE OF INSTABILITY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABILITY WITH SOME POTENTIAL SLIDING BEIICHING liND FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AREA NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL NORMAL MINIMUM OPERATING LEVEL RIVER MILES SECTION LOCATION .'.=.<,."' y'// / O~~~'O~0li;0iiiiiiiiiii2iiOOO FEETSCALEi: \JYON ITY MAP FIGURE 2.12 FIGURE 2.28 WATANA RESERVOIR INDEX MAP FIGURE 2.2C FIGURE 2.19 ",. II - FIGURE 2.22 FIGURE 2.26 FIGURE 2.23 FIGURE 2.27 FIGURE 2.25 FIGURE 2.24 DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIR LOCATION MAP SCALE:O~~~4__~8 MILESC! ---_---NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL 218!1' -----2300-----CONTOURS ARE IN FEET ABOVE MSL --'- FIGURE 2.20 FIGURE 2.19 2.17 / .pO / 1>00 FIGURE 2.16 FIGURE 2.15 - FIGURE 2.14 FIGURE 2.13 "I :/:~\.._._.,J_;r ( ..."'-\.,-... WATANt SLOPE STABILI AREAS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY' NOTES I.REFER TO FIGURES 2.2 AND 2.3 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOPE INSTABILITY MODELS 2.NO DELINEATION OF PERMAFROST AREA ABOVE ELEVATION 2300 FEET 3.AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCI PALLY ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION AND WILL REOUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION. '/ 1 II m N III I (IIO I -lI SCALE BEACHING FLOWS SLIDING (UNFROZEN) SLIOING (PERMAFROST) DENOTES AREA EXTENT AND TYPE OF INSTABILITY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABILITY WITH SOME I'OTENTIAL SLIDING BEACHING AND FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AREA NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL NORMAL MINIMUM OPERATING LEVEL RIVER MILES SECTION LOCATION AREA OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST O~"""",,~10~0~O_~20~iOO FEET WATANA )PE STABILITY MAP FIGURE 2.14 II •.H .---. WATANA SLOPE STABILITY MAP I-]I I ]I m Xl III IIJl[) TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY' AREAS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY AREA OF POTENTIAL PERMA FROST BEACHING FLOWS SLIDING (UNFROZEN) SLIDING (PERMAFROST) DENOTES AREA EXTENT AND TYPE OF INSTABILI TY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABILITY WITH SOME POTENTIAL SLIDING BEACHING AND FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AREA NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL -'---NORMAL MINIMUM OPERATING LEVELA Atj SECTION LOCATION ,1-N I.REFER TO FIGURES 2.2 AND 2.3 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOPE INSTABILITY MODELS 2.NO DELINEATION OF PERMAFROST AREA ABOVE ELEVATION 2300 FEET 3.AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCIPALLY ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION AND WILL REOUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION SCALE 0~1IIIIIIIII~IOO~Oiiiiii~2~0!.OO FEET IA OlTY MAP FIGURE 2.15 '. I,-(0 '. ....-•......~...:'~..:;'. ....-1WATANA SLOPE STABILITY MAP ~. ~" :: o AREAS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY: I l[ 1lI I!l III I (]J[} I-]1 xA A tt Oi BEACHING FLOWS SLIDING (UNFROZEN) SLiOING (PERMAFROST) DENOTES AREA EXTENT AND TYPE OF INSTABILITY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABiliTY WITH SOME POTENTIAL SLIDING BEACHING AND FLOWS POSSIBLE IN OEFINED AREA NOR MAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL NORMAL MINIMUM OPERATING lEVEl RIVER MILES SECTION LOCATION AREA OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST REFER TO FIGURES 2.2 AND 2.3 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOPE INSTABILITY MODELS 2.NO DELINEATION OF PERMAFROST AREA ABOVE ELEVATION 2300 FEET 3.AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCIPALLY ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION AND WILL REOUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION / -/ ._----"':'......... ","--:::"'~--..... ..---=0 FIGURE 2,16 0~~~~IOOO~_~2~O:X>FEETSCALEI:, i 1-N:(lL:DIl {, ~" !*-0"--.-.~.".-..';.~~,•H'_ ••• ""'".", ...... "-J [ / / r'---.--' / \"- "'..... I.(-~. !--..--''\ ,. I __r ,-~,-.-......':.,<::~::'1[ \J-,I m-li S OP AT.N A81 T,AP 8 ~. .~:1:-'-.> I. ".' ..•../ ij"f. ,/ .f ,'.'/ ...\u......", u I WATANA SLOPE STABILITY MAP ... o AREAS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY: I II III Il[ III .l(ll[} I -II y. A A tl o BEACHING FLOWS SLIDING (UNFROZEN I SLIDING (PERMAFROST I DENOTES AREA EXTENT AND TYPE OF INSTABILITY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABILITY WITH SOME POTENTIAL SLIDING BEACHtNG AND FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED ARE A NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL NORMAL MINIMUM OPERATING LEVEL RIVER MILES SECTION LOCATION AREA OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST NOTES REFER TO FIGURES 2.2 AND 2.3 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOPE INSTABILITY MODELS 2.NO DELINEATION OF PERMAFROST AREA A80VE ELEVATION 2300 FEET 3.AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCIPALLY ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION ANO WILL REQUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION o 1000 2000 FEET SCALE i~~~~iiii;iii=aiiiiii;iij N -._.~ 1~2 .~,, II ....'--:-;.:.. --z---------------J',~ II I 'y MAP ;.••.J .,," FIGURE 2.18 ·,'.00(' !lot ••,.•'.'"• lu'~'f'll.',j'I,.I ..) - I ' t I-II (TIl) WATANA SLOPE STABILITY MAP D AREAS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY: I ]I ]I[ N III liN) I-]I A A t.t BEACHING FLOWS SLIDING (UNFROZEN) SLIDING (PERMAFROST) DENOTES AREA EXTENT AND TYPE OF INSTABILITY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABILITY WITH SOME POTENTIAL SLIDING BEACHING AND FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AREA NORMAL MAXIMUM DPERATING LEVEL NORMAL MINIMUM OPERATING LEVEL RIVER MILES SECTION LOCATION - I.REFER TO FIGURES 2.2 AND 2.3 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOPE INSTABILITY MODELS 2.NO DELINEATION OF PERMAFROST AREA ABOVE ELEVATION 2300 FEET 3.AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCIPALLY ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION AND WILL REOUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION 0~~~IO~O~0:i;;;;;iiiiii2~Oiii?O FEETSCALEl:, MAP FIGURE 2.19 - ., I WATANA SLOPE STABILITY MAP I'_: .'0 .,(.~.-.~In I -lI BEACHING FLOWS SLIDING (UNFROZ EN) SLIDING {PERMAFROST} DENOTES AREA EXTENT AND TYPE OF INSTABIliTY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABIliTY WITH SOME POTENTIAL SLIDING BEACHING AND FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AREA NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL --_.-NORMAL MINIMUM OPERATING LEVEL RIVER MILES I II III :Ill III I(lll:) o AREAS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY' .~... --~ A Atl'SECTION LOCATION o AREA OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST 'y ~';:" ,, /...../ ., "/" I REFER TO FIGURES 2.2 AND 2.3 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOPE INSTABIliTY MODELS 2.NO DELINEATION OF PERMAFROST AREA ABOVE ELEVATION 2300 FEET 3.AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCIPALLY ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION AND WILL REQUIRE FUTURE VERIFICA1,ON FIGURE 2.20 WATANA SLOPE STABILITY MAP I -JI I ]I m :Ill III I (:Ill I Ie, ['"j AREAS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABIU TY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY; BEACHING FLOWS SLIDING I UNFROZEN) SLIDING (PERMAFROST) DENOTES AREA EXTENT AND TYPE OF INSTABILITY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABILITY WITH SOME POTENTIAL SLIDING BEACHING AND FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AREA NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL -----NORMAL MINIMUM OPERATING LEVEL X RIVER MILES A Ati SECTION LOCATION U AREA OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST NOTES I.REFER TO FIGURES 22 AND 2.3 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOPE INSTABILITY MODELS 2.NO DELINEATION OF PERMAFROST AREA ABOVE ELEVATION 2300 FEET 3.AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCIPALLY ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION AND WILL REOUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION -0~~~'0~0ii;i0i;;;;;iiiiii2~O?0 FEETSCALEi:, JA _ITY MAP FIGURE 2.2\ I I •411".. / II R .......""'•..... I I ''1 '~-,' -::...'~j ,,_..- \ P...?'." -" Eii:....!.L.~..·.itZ8I ~ WATANA SLOPE STABILITY MAP LEGEND r;;1 AREAS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY: I.REFER TO FIGURES 22 AND 2.3 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOPE INSTABILITY MODELS 2.NO DELINEATION OF PERMAFROST AREA ABOVE ELEvAnON 2300 FEET 3.AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCIPALLY ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION AND WILL REQUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION I (TIl) 1 II m llz: III l(N) l-ll xA A tot o BEACHING FLOWS SLIDING (UNFROZEN> SLIDING (PERMAFROST) DENOTES AREA EXTENT AND TYPE OF INSTABILITY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABILITY WITH SOME POTENTIAL SLIDING BEACHING AND FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AREA NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL NORMAL MINIMUM OPERATING LEVEL RIVER MILES SECTION LOCATION AREA OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST - I O..._I0'iOO~iiiiiiiiii;2~OOO FEETSCALEI~.- \lA LITY MAP FIGURE 2.22 ......*:',}".... k'u 'I AREAS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY: \ I II m :r;r III I(N) I -lI A A t.t Cl BEACHING FLOWS SLIDING (UNFROZEN) SLIDING (PERMAFROST I DENOTES AREA EXTENT AND TYPE OF INSTABILITY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABILITY WITH SOME POTENT IAL SLIDING BEACHING AND FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AREA NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL NORMAL MINIMUM OPERATING LEVEL RIVER MILES SECTION LOCATION AREA OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST REFER TO FIGURES Z 2 AND 2 3 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOPE INSTABILITY MODELS Z,NO OELINEATION OF PERMAFROST AREA ABOVE ELEVATION 2300 FEET 3,AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCIPALLY ON AIR PMOTO INTERPRETATION AND WILL REQUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION O~~~IO~0i;i0iiiiiiiiiiiiZiiiI~OO FEETSCALE'_, FIGURE 2.23 1,------ WATANA SLOPE STABIL ITY MAP PERMAFROSTOFPOTENTIALAREA SECTION LOCATION I -Il: ES DETAILEDNOTAND2.3 FOR ILiTY MODELS REFER TO FIGURES P:~F SLOPE INS TAB ELEVA nON I DESCRIPTION OF TY ARE A ABOVE TION OF PERMAFROST 2.NO DELINEA 0 PRINCIPALLY 2300 FEET NTIAL PERMAFRO~TD 8:L~REQUIRE3.AREAS OF PO~TERPRETATION A ON AIR PHV~~FICATIONFUTURE A A t.t D +-, " - --------------------:----------------LEGEND E INSTABILITY NT SLOPAREASOFCURREi:,:~~]PE INSTABILITY:TYPES OF SLO BEACHING I FLOWS FROZEN)~SLIDING (UN RMAFROST)YPE OF INSTABILITY Ill:SLIDING (:~EA EXTENT AND \WIT H SOME II DENOTES ACHING INSTABILIT EA~(llZ:)~~~~~iA~ESLIDING POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AR BEACHING AND FLOW~PERATING LEVEL NORMAL MAXIMU:OPERATING LEVEL----NORMAL MINIMU RIVER MILES JA ITY MAP SCALE o 2000 FEETIOQQ••.:=? FIGURE 2.24 ,/, WATANA SLOPE STABILITY MAP I-lI: I n II[ Ilr III ICIll:1 AREAS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY' BEACHING FLOWS SLiOING (UNFROZEN) SLIDING (PERMAFROST) DENOT ES AREA EXTENT AND TYPE OF INSTABILITY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABILITY WITH SOME POTENTIAL SLIOING BEACHING AND FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AREA NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL -----NORMAL MINIMUM OPERATING LEVEL )(RIVER MILESA Atl'SECTION LOCATION ,--------::----.J AREA OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST I.REFER TO FIGURES 22 AND 2.3 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOPE INSTABILITY MODELS 2.NO DELINEATION OF PERMAFROST AREA ABOVE ELEVATION 2300 FEET 3.AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCIPALLY ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION AND WILL REQUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION IA .1TY MAP SCALE O~~~'O~0;ii0iiiiii~2~OO.0 FEET FIGURE 2.25 I (N) I I - ]I '\ ~. I WATANA SLOPE STABILITY MAP I-II I II 1II ]l[ III I(]l[) ''''',~, D AREAS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY: BEACHING FLOWS SLIDING (UNFROZEN) SLIDING (PERMAFROST) DENOTES AREA EXTENT AND TYPE OF INSTABILITY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABILITY WITH SOME POTENTIAL SLIDING BEACHING AND FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AREA NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL -----NORMAL MINIMUM OPERATING LEVEL •RIVER MILES A At1 SECTION LOCATION I.REFER TO FIGURES 2,2 AND 2.3 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOPE INSTABILITY MODELS 2.NO DELINEATION OF PERMAFROST AREA ABOVE ELEVATION 2300 FEET 3,AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCIPALLY ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION AND WILL REQUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION - C\J,'.~,. ...",'.'..~,/, . .."..... .:;':'~ - 0,__I0o;O;;;0;;;;;;;;;;;;;20~PO'FEET SCALE ;., NA ILiTY MAP FIGURE 2.26 ,K ·1~· '} I - ,-.....-.~. WATAf'JA SLOPE STABILITY MAP I-ll I 1I m ll[ III I (ll[) A At.l SECTION LOCATION BEACHING FLOWS SLIDING (UNFROZEN) SLIDING (PERMAFROST) DENOTES AREA EXTENT AND TYPE OF INSTABILITY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABILITY WITH SOME POTENTIAL SLIDING BEACHING AND FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AREA NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL -----NORMAL MINIMUM OPERATING LEVEL RIVER MILES I.REFER TO FIGURES 2.2 AND 2.3 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOPE INSTABILIl)'MODELS 2.NO DELINEATION OF PERMAFROST AREA ABOVE ELEVATION 2300 FEET 3.AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCIPALLY ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION AND WILL REQUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION !::;;,d AREAS OF CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY: I (N) - o 1000 2000 FEET SCALE iIIIIc:::......~~~! ~A L1TY MAP FIGURE 2,27 I t ]l-II N-II~ SLOPE WATANA STABILITY ill-I I MAP \.'.•-y, \'.,y.I "',~'<......:\". I /. (;". /-, it ..;,/'; o AREAS Of CURRENT SLOPE INSTABILITY TYPES OF SLOPE INSTABILITY' REFER TO FIGURES 2.2 AND 2.3 FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TYPE OF SLOPE INSTABILITY MODELS 2.NO OELINEATION OF PERMAFROST AREA ABOVE ELEVATION 2300 FEET 3.AREAS OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST BASED PRINCIPALLY ON AIR PHOTO INTERPRETATION ANO WILL REQUIRE FUTURE VERIFICATION. I (I[) II I n ill rr III I(rrl I -I! SCALE BEACH IN fLOWS SLIDING (UNfROZEN) SLIDING (PERMAfROST) DENOTES AREA EXTENT AND TYPE Of INSTABILITY PRIMARY BEACHING INSTABILITY WITH SOME POTENTIAL SLIDING BEACHING ANO FLOWS POSSIBLE IN DEFINED AREA NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL NORMAL MINIMUM OPERATING LEVEL RIVER MILES SECTION LOCATION AREA OF POTENTIAL PERMAFROST 0~11IIIIIIII1IIIIIIII~IO~OO~;;;;;;;2;;l0F FEET FIGURE 2.28 ~··~~·1 2000 "-~1 1 ~~l 1 1 ~1500 I.LJ I.LJu.. ~ z 0 ~ ~ I.LJ ..J 1000w 500 ...---TILL RESERVOIR LEVEL ~ BEDROCK \&'"~.~RIVER ASSUMPTION:THIN UNFROZEN VENEER OF·SANDY TILL NOTE:SEE FIGURE 2.6 FOR SECTION LOCATION o 500 1000 FEET SCALE i ! SECTION A-A DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIR POTENTIAL MINOR BEACHING FIGURE 3.1 liU 2000 i=' I.LI I.LI LL.- Z 0 1500r-et> W ...J W 1000 ~.RESERV~LEVEL ••~~~,7"..~COLLUVIUM a -~RIVER BEDROCK 1 ASSUMPTIONS:COLLUVIUM.UNFROZEN BEDROCK PROBABLY IN CONTACT WITH THE RESERVOIR LEVEL NOTE:SEE FIGURE 2.7 FOR SECTION LOCATION o 500 1000 FEET SCALE i ! SECTION B-B DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIR POTENTIAL MINOR BEACHING FIGURE 3.2 m "-----1 c---~~-l "-1 C~~--l ~--~I 1 -) 2500 "n NG£.~\~p..R?.~.,'~s __.-.I \)•.\0.I!II'_.-"""_·.#J~C·~,~~.,.. .,--•.p •.•.Q'••,:_"POSSIBLE TOE EROSION .'.'...,•.s;:f:. _•.4._p:·:~~·:::.··~.~·.:·.~"."....,.•.,~.~.~~P~Wi.:-,..:.,. ..•._,.~~......~::c;.. .....~~-:...,...~.>E.:~~.!':.::.0'·0"~POTENTIAL FAILURE SURFACE..._.s 2000 I- UJ It-rz1500 RESERVOIR LEVEL0 I-~~~.--'UJ •·······-:IVER .....J UJ 1000 ASSUMPTIONS:BASAL TILL,FROZEN 500 NOTE:SEE FIGURE 2.10 FOR SECTION LOCATION O.500 1000 FEET SCALE i ! SECTION C-C DEVIL CANYON RESERVOI~ POTENTIAL LARGE SLIDE \ II FIGURE 3.3 m ,_..]~··--·l •...-..~) 2500 i='w LLI ~ Z 0~2000 ~ W ...J IJJ 1500 RESERVOIR LEVEL (HIGH)~ T'":~.', .~'q~'°t'~.o.7 RESERVOIR LEVEL (LOW)...,...•...;.;:...,.~.,"'"&:1l;T'::~'~:\§M~~....'.~~...•~Ia~(- ,••••: • • ",0 ,\TIL L"'ar'Wi . BEDROCKJ ASSUMPTIONS:BASAL TILL,THIN VENEER OF LACUSTRINE MATERIAL FROZEN IN PLACES. NOTE:SEE FIGURE 2.16 FOR SECTION LOCATION o 500 1000 FEET SCALE i ! SECTION D-D WATANA RESERVOIR POTENTIAL BEACHING FIGURE 4.1 m <~~~l '~~~'~"-~~-l -~'~~--.~.~-~l 2500 ~ IJJ IJJ ~ zQ 2000 ~> IJJ -'IJJ 1500 LACUSTR;kNE ----- RESERVOIR LEVEL (HIGH)&=================_-~=~=~ ,.•a .I ••:-r-~o·.:,.::··:-,~":-.~::..~.;.:'.:~'.~{].:~:.:<:.'0' RESERVOIR LEVEL (LOW)~~''''''-:Q'.":'•.·.1 :-,.1 '•,,,0 •..···.4··.·Il>I....'0 .••••',".•••-•.~..·-:.·.-.·'t·'€1\t;I'.......'r,'"'if'".'"...: ·.•,.0:;...0·::..7"•,[• ••...,.....'0 "rWATANA CREEK J'AIL'-·0 ...I "_BEDROCK TILL <J ASSUMPTIONS:STRATIGRAPHY CONSISTS OF GLACIO -LACUSTRIN E SANDS AND SILTS,TILL.TILL IS FROZEN J LACUSTRI NE MAY BE PARTLY FROZEN. NOTE:SEE FIGURE 2.17 FOR SECTION LOCATION a sao 1000 FEET SCALE i ! SECTION E-E WATANA RESERVOIR AREA OF POTENTIAL FLOWS FIGURE 4.2 m 1 ~1 '~'~~~-~l ~'~~-1 ) LACUSTRINE PLAIN TERRACE RESERVOIR7"LEVEL (HIGH) RESERVOIR ~~:.:?,-::",.~.~,......-...--...~---:;.=~_'o'•••~._c o •.~.~,··'e'···Q «.~,....~~....,"fr"0;•.,•..•••.,~r -"",I~ -...~.;.>.~~:''.,"':;'~'."""-. .' ,.'a":'*.~.::y'?~\""l-'-......~.:::"y.BEDROCK ~1'~,,'.'~.~~t>...'\../."•.;.'.~yl"/\'TIL L 2500 2000 1500 ASSUMPTIONS:BASAL TILL,PRIMARILY FROZEN NOTE:SEE FIGURE 2.21 FOR SECTION LOCATION a 500 1000 FEET SCALE i ! SECTION F-F WATANA RESERVOIR POTENTIAL ROTATIONAL SLIDES AND FLOWS FIGURE 4.3 m -,~--~l "']~·-·~1 ~...-•..."] 2500 -I- l1J l1Ju..--- z Q 2000 ~> UJ ...J w 1500 ~-I'RESERVOIR LEVEL (HIGH)",~-':,~~':~~::~7\~>:~·:,)~·:~:·~.~.·j'~·~;·,,:POTENTIAL .•'_"'...~:o"-,.:..."0~.)',t~.~,;-:\~.;:~\<::,~:~>.:_~1:,~~:\.~·~'T.~~~{/~.:~~,,~:,:'..:~~'~~}FOR FLOWS RESERVOIR LEVEL (LOW)_,',:'0..';:",'-:~':",.0.::;',::'u~·.~:','.~",,:~.:.:~.:,:.:":."i~'·:,:?',~',<:\'.":~:.0'.:.-::.',~::~.:0::':; ASSUMPTIONS:SANDY MATERIAL,FROZEN NOTE:SEE FIGURE 2.26 FOR SECTION LOCATION 500 1000 FEET0 !SCALE i SECTION G-G • WATANA RESERVOIR A"'OF FLOW FAILURES 4.4 ARE FIGURE