HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA9Supplement r35/al II< 1l./'25 .SB A7.3 no.I?J)'D $IJ'I"r'\. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 2 -SURVEYS AND SITE FACILITIES SUBTASK 2.10 ACCESS PLANNING STUDY SUPPLEMENT SEPTEMBER 1982 PREPARED FOR: ACRES AMERICAN I NCORPORTED PREPARED BY: R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Information Services Anchorage,Alaska w W -....J 01 01 ooo ,J::o. ,J::o. Nenen 01 Supplement EXPLANATION OF SUPPLEMENT The Access Planning Study was published in January of 1982.It contained a detailed discussion and cost estimate for eleven different proposed access routes to the Susitna Hydroelectric Project.In March of 1982 the Susitna Hydroelectric Feasibility Report was presented by the Alas ka Power Authority to the publ ic resou rce agencies and organizations.The report recommended an access plan which for reasons of project schedule,would have necessitated the construction of a pioneer road prior to the FERC license being issued.The construction of a pioneer road, however,was considered unacceptable by the resource agencies and the plan was discarded.Consequently a further study was initiated in which,the evaluation criteria were refined and an additional seven alternative plans developed.One of the main issues that affected the selection and development process was the elimination of any pre-license construction.I n order to meet the overall project scheduling requirements this constraint makes it necessary to secure initial access to the Watana damsite within one year of the FERC license being issued.Amongst the other important issues considered was the desire of Native organizations to have access to thei r lands expecially those to the south of the Susitna River,and the objective of minimizing environmental impacts. Subsequent to the Access Planning Study of January 1982 being published the locations of the construction camps were finalized; the Watana camp being north of the Susitna River and the Devil Canyon Camp to the south.The change in camp location slightly modified the lengths of the road segments,but considering the samll difference,Plans One th rough Eleven were not revised. r35/a2 i ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &InfonnatlOn Services Anchorage.Alaska Supplement Throughout the studies conducted subsequent to the Feasibility Report of March 1982 numerous comments have been received from interested agencies,groups and individuals.These include State resource agencies,environmental groups,local communities,Native organizations,The Alaska Power Authority and Acres American I nco together with their specialist subconsultants.As a result of this comment and exchange of information,the seven new access plan represent a more coordinated compromise among the interested groups. The new plans,for the most part,follow segments·discussed in the original report.This supplement covers the new plans by supplementing the original report where needed.The major items found in this supplement are: 1.Additional segments needed for new plans discussed (Chapter Nine). 2.New plans discussed (Chapter Ten). 3.Segment,Terrain Unit,and Environmental Concerns maps in Appendices updated to show new routes. 4.Cost estimates generated for new plans (Appendix F). 5.Plan Eleven has been revised to include a low level crossing at Devil Canyon for access to the camp on the south side.It is now Plan 11 R. I n order not to change the page numbering of the enti re report, the following numbering policy has been used: r35/a3 ii Supplement 1.Where a figure or table is revised,the page number is reused. 2. 3. r35/a4 Where a figu re,table,or text is added at the end of the chapter,the page numbering is sequential. Where a figu re,table,or text is added into the middle of a chapter,the page number of the immediately preceeding page,plus a letter are used as the new page number.For example if three new pages of text are to be inserted between Pages 10-49 and 10-50 of the original report,the three new pages will be labeled 10-49A,10-49B,and 1O-49C. iii Supplement ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ACCESS PLANNING STUDY SUPPLEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES 1 -INTRODUCTION - no change 2 -SUMMARY 2. 7 Alter-native Segments -Revised Figure 2.1 2.8 Alternate Access Plans -Supplement 3 -SCOPE OF WORK - no change 4 -PREVIOUS STUDIES - no change 5 -PROJECT DESIGN - no change 6 -PROJECT SCHEDULE - no change 7 -LOGISTICS REQUIREMENTS - no change 8 -ACCESS ROUTE DESIGN PARAMETERS - no change 9 -CORRIDOR SELECTION 9.1 Discussion of Alternate Segments -Supplement 9.4 Corridor Summa ry -Supplement 10 -ACCESS PLAN 10.1 Supply Sources &Shipping Options -Table Supplements 10.4 Access Plans -Revised Figure 10.5 Access Plans -Revised Figure 10.8 Access Plans -Supplemental text &figu res 11 -CONCLUSIONS &RECOMMENDATIONS - no change r35/a5 iv vi vii 2-5 2-9A 9-16A 9-60 1O-7A 10-27 10-37 10-47 Supplement TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 12 -APPENDICES A.Preliminary Design Development -no change B.Proposed Alternative Segments -revised B-2 C.Alternative Comparison -Grade,Cu rvatu re &Distance - no change D.Terrain Unit Mapping -Supplement &Revisions D.3 Terrain Unit Descriptions -Supplement 0.9 Terrain Unit Maps -Supplement D-9A 0-45 E.Environmental Concerns -no change Borrow Pits -Revised F. G. Cost F.5 F.7 F .10 F.ll Estimates Bridges -Supplemental Tables &Figures Culverts -Supplemental Table Logistics Costs -Revised Cost Estimate Itemization -Supplement F-9A F-35A F-40A F-45A G-2 r35/a6 v Supplement LIST OF TABLES Table 9.4 10.1 10.4 10.5 F .5.1 F.5.2 F.7.1 F.10.1 F .10.2 F .10.3 F.l0.4 F.11 r35/a7 Corridors,Sections &Segments Mileage from Ports to Railhead or Project - Supplement Basic Corridor Segments -Supplement Maintenance Factors -Supplement Bridges -Plans 1-11 R Bridges -Plans 12-18 Culverts -Supplement Watana Logistic Breakdown -Supplement Devil Canyon Logistic Breakdown -Supplement Roadhaul Segment Costs -Revised Logistic Total -Revised Cost Estimate Summary -Revised Vi 9-61 10-7A 10-lOA 10-11A F-9A F-9B F-35A F-40A F-41A F-42A F-44A F-45A Supplement LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2.1 Project Access Location Alternatives -Revised 2-5 9.2A Susitna Access Corridor -Segments lG,lH 9-16C 9.8A Susitna Access Corridor -Segment 2Q 9-46B 9.10A Susitna Access Corridor -Segment 2RRR 9-52B 9.1OB .Susitna Access Corridor -Segment 2S,2T, 2U,2V 9-52J 9.10C Susitna Access Corridor -Segment 2W 9-52L 9.11R Susitna Access Corridor -Segments 3D,3E 9-57C 9.12 Project Access Location Alternatives -Revised 9-59 10.5 Access Plan #5 -Revised 10-27 10.8 Access Plan #8 -Revised 10-37 10.11 R Access Plan 11R 10-48 10.12 Access Plan #12 10-51 10.13 Access Plan #13 10-54 10.14 Access Plan #14 10-57 10.15 Access Plan #15 10-61 10.16 Access Plan #16 10-64 10.17 Access Plan #17 10-66 10.17A Access Plan #17A 10-69 10.18 Access Plan #18 10-72 B.O Access Corridors - Index Map -Revised B-2 B.l Access Corridors -Alignments -Revised B-3 B.2 Access Corridors - AI ignments -Revised B-4 B.3 Access Corridors -Alignments -Revised B-5 r35/a8 vii Supplement LIST OF FIGURES (Conti n ued) Figure Page B.6 Access Corridors -Alignments -Revised B-7 B.7 Access Corridors -Alignments -Revised B-8 B.8 Access Corridors -Alignments -Revised B-9 B.16 Access Corridors -Alignments -Revised B-13 ... B.19 Access Corridors -Alignments -Revised B-16 B.22 Access Corridors -Alignments -Addition B-19 0.1 Terrain Unit Map -Revised 0-47 0.2 Terrain Unit Map -Revised 0-48 0.3 Terrain Unit Map -Revised 0-49 0.4 Terrain Unit Map -Revised 0-50 0.6 Terrain Unit Map -Revised 0-52 0.7 Terrain Unit Map -Revised 0-53 0.8 Terrain Unit Map -Revised 0-54 0.9 Terrain Unit Map -Revised 0-55 0.14 Terrain Unit Map -Revised 0-60 0.15 Terrain Unit Map -Revised 0-61 0.16 Terrain Unit Map -Revised 0-62 0.17 Terrain Unit Map -Revised 0-63 0.18 Terrain Unit Map -Revised 0-64 0.19 Terrain Unit Map -Revised 0-65 0.20 Terrain Unit Map -Revised 0-66 0.21 Terrain Unit Map -Revised 0-67 0.22 Terrain Unit Map -Addition 0-67A r35/a9 viii Supplement LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) .:.. Figure F.5.8 F.5.9 F .5.10 ..G ..·" . r35/a10 Portage Creek B ridge at Susitna River Susitna River west of Portage Creek Susitna River southwest of Fog Creek Borrow Pi.t Locatioas ·,-'.·Revised . "';':.'.', ix Page F-18A F-18B F-18C .',G.-2·,",.- Supplement r35/a 11 SUMMARY Alternate Access Plans Supplement lit ill ....PREFERED ROUTE IN EACH CORRIDOR OTHER ALTERNATES lNVESTIGATED PREPARED FOR' Supplement Plan 11 Plan 11 was revised to Plan 11R to provide access to the camp on the south side of Devil Canyon. Plan 11R supercedes Plan 11.Plan 11R serves the enti re project from the Denali Highway.No access is provided at Gold Creek. Supplies are shipped by rail to a railhead at Cantwell,then trucked to Watana via the Denali Highway,then on to Devil Canyon along the north side.Access to the South side of the damsite is via a low level crossing similar to the one found in Plan 5.This plan has the advantage of a low risk of schedule delay.The longer haul,however,makes this route the most expensive from a logistics standpoint. Plans 12-18 These plans use modifications of the 3 basic corridor routes used in Plans 1-11. Plan 12 is an all road,north side route that avoids the undesirable Portage Creek traverse by crossing at the mouth of Portage Creek.A low level crossing of the Susitna river is included at Devil Canyon.The road is served by railhead from Hu rricane. The disadvantage of this plan is the major bridge and associated .schedule delay at Portage Creek. Plan 13 is all road,with direct access from the Alaska Railroad and Parks Highway at Hurricane,to the Watana Damsite,via a pass near the upper end of Portage Creek.A branch road serves the Devil Canyon Damsite,crossing the Susitan River near Portage Creek. r35/a12 2-9A Supplement Plan 14 is a combination of road and rail.Rail is extended from Gold Creek north to a railhead on a terrace,on the Susitna River. From here,road continues to both damsites on the south side of the Susitna river,crossing to the north side near Fog Creek. Access to the Parks Highway is provided by a road spur from the railhead north to Hurricane. Plan 15 is the same as Plan 14,but deletes the road link to the Parks Highway.This lowers the construction cost and effectively eliminates public access. Plan 16 consists of a railhead at Gold Creek,road to Devil Canyon,road from Devil Canyon to Watana,'and a public access road from Hurricane to Devil Canyon.The road from Devil Canyon to Watana is on the south side to Fog Creek,then crosses the Susitna to join the camp on the north side. Plan 17 is similar Plan 6,except that,instead of a service road on the north side,this plan has a service road that is on the south side between Devil Canyon and Fog Creek,then crosses to the northside to reach Watana.As with Plan 6,Devil Canyon is served by rail and Watana by road from the Denali Highway. Railheads are located at both Devil Canyon and Cantwell. Plan 17A is a slight modification of Plan 17.From Fog Creek to Watana Dam,the road stays on the south side of the river. Plan 18 is another modification of Plan 6. It includes rail access from Gold Creek to Devil Canyon,road access from the Denali Highway to Watana,and a service road between the dams on the north side.Plan 18 differs from Plan 6 in that Devil Canyon is crossed by a high level bridge,and the alignment has been improved. r35/a13 2-9B Supplement r35/a14 CORRIDOR SELECTION Deiscussion of Alternate Segments Supplement Supplement (fa)Segment l-G (i)Description Segment l-G is an alternate to a portion of l-A from the Parks Highway to Chulitna Pass.Unlike segments l-A and l-F,this segment avoids Denali State Park lands and the recently su rveyed I ndian River Subdivision.The segment passes Chulitna Butte on the east side,follows the base of the mountains,and joins the highway and railroad at Hurricane.See Figure 9.2A This segment is six miles long. (ii)Line and Grade This segment conforms with the preferred design parameters. Though longer than the portion of l-A it replaces,the line and grade are comparable. (iii)Drainage Features A number of small drainages are crossed on this segment. All can be easily crossed with culverts except Granite Creek,which may require a pipe arch or small bridge. (tv)Bridges No bridges will be required other than the possible short span at Granite Creek,just east of the Hurricane Siding. r35/a15 9-16A Supplement (v)Soils By traversing the base of the mountains east of Chulitna Butte,this segment avoids the extensive organics encountered in l-A.Terrain unit mapping is not yet available in this area,however,the steeper slope and better drainage definition would suggest more manageable soils. (vi)Envi ronmental Concerns A final analysis of environmental impacts for this segment have not yet been received.The segment does alleviate the problems created by l-A.Segment l-G will avoid the wetlands encountered in l-A,ci rcumnavigate the existing cabins in Chulitna Pass,and away from the State lands that have been designated Denali State Park or Indian River Subdivision. (vii)Segment Suitability Segment l-G appears to be a superior choice to the portion of Segment l-A in the Chulitna Pass area.This cannot be confirmed,however,until aerial photography,terrain unit maps,and environmental maps are generated. (fb)Segment l-H (i)Description r35/a16 9-16B ;-,\«>t. ~..._.-.........,..-.-,;-.:....----- " ")°2 II: D D-II: II:o U CD CD W U U C c( 2..-CD :::J CD .....-~ co II I ~ ~ 2w ~ CIw UJ .....-s cD II CI ~ ~ 2w ~ CIw UJ head of Portage Valley to The line shortens the haul not provide access to Devil is six miles in length.See Supplement This segment joins l-A at the l-A/l-B in Devil Creek Valley. to Watana Damsite,but does Canyon Damsite.The segment Figure 9.2A. (ii)Line and Grade Grades will be in excess of the desired parameters.An 8% grade wi II be needed for one to two miles. (iii)Drainage Features The segment traverses a steep slope above a tributary of Portage Creek.Care must be taken to control side hill erosion as Portage Creek is an anadromous stream and the tributary paralleled may also be.No other significant drainages are encountered. (iv)Bridges Portage Creek will be crossed just upstream of the crossing anticipated for 1-A.The same class of bridge -approx- imately 200 feet long with two or th ree spans -should be s uffi ci ent. (v)Soils This segment crosses frozen basal till in the relatively flat r35/a17 9-16D Supplement Portage Creek Valley,colluvium over bedrock and exposed bedrock along the steep side slopes of the Portage Creek tributary,and frozen basal till along the gentler drainage into Devil Creek.Problems with erosion and thaw settlement will be similar to those encountered in Portage Valley on 1-A. (vi)Environmental Concerns The major envi ronmental impact anticipated is on the possibly anadromous tributary of Portage Creek that the route will parallel. By shortening the route to Watana Damsite and removing the loop of road that serves Devil Canyon Damsite,this segment alleviates several major en vi ronmental concerns.There would be less impact on Portage Creek because only one side of the valley would be traversed.The valley is a fu r bearer habitat and salmon spawning area.Also avoided is the potential raptor habitat in the Devil Canyon and Portage Creek confluence,and the fur bearer habitat and lodge at High Lake. (vii)Segment Suitability This segment's suitability is dependent on several criteria. The grade is above the desireable 6%,but only for a short distance.When joined with 1-A,Devil Canyon is bypassed, which will necessitate a separate spur road be built for the Devil Cayon Dam Construction and access.The original r35/a18 9-16E , Supplement Segment l-A traversed both sides of Portage Creek,which was considered to be an unsuitably high environmental impact.By limiting the traverse to only one side,the combination of Segments 'l-A and l-H becomes suitable. r35/a19 9-16F Supplement (ua)Segment 2-Q (j)Description This segment joins 2-1 to 2-B.Presently,2-1 ends at Devil Canyon and 2-B starts there.Segment 2-Q would start on 2-1 about 2 miles before the damsite,traverse Chechako Creek and its major tributary at their upstream reaches,and join 2-B about four miles southeast of the damsite.See Figure 9.8A. This segment is nine miles long. (ll)Line and Grade This segment substitutes a longer route,with maximum grades and minimum radius curves for the major bridges required on 2-B.By starting south several miles west of Devil Canyon Damsite,the unacceptably high grades found in 2-B can be avoided. (iii)Drainage Features As with 2-B,the alignment is on high ground and avoids most drainage conflicts. r35/a20 .. I!• .~..~; -,".,. '-~. .~~ ,":~:-\C,'; ,..I ~., .,',Je."".."x'"...--I ;. :J .; REVISED r;;;l FIGURE SaSA. .'/i . ../.. ,~-,,,;;j,-:/t9 ';'1""~"...'/J",)-,~j-I',t·'.i .}..d~~".,"".., ' , '::..:-"••'. '<,:f'.,,:.'•','.5"',.j,~:-.;~,j ~>:.;~ .,,~,f~/'''f ";,2.'1 ,PREPARED FOR: '\':.1,..-'",,),",-"":'.""r''i''(,/~->.:"""'i'\", !''t'"-.'-,...."".•0',""v ."1 I ... ....,l\1 t ""i'i\.. •:...::-.....'(.__''1 \ _ •~ SEGMENT'2G=S,MI.: SUSITNA ACCESS CDRRIDDR: R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. 9-468: Supplement (iv)Bridges Because Chechako Creek and its tributary are crossed well upstream of 2-B,the gorges are much smaller.Smaller, conventional bridges can be used. (v)Soils The segment traverse colluvium over bedrock and exposed bedrock.Some patches of solifluction are in the vicinity, but can be avoided.No significant probelms are foreseen. (vi)Environmental Concerns This segment may enter into the caribou wintering areas at the upper reaches of Chechako Creek.No other significant concerns have been noted.When used in conjunction with. 2-B,as a substitute for 2-G,a raptor nesting area is avoided. (vii)Segment Suitability This segment combined with the east part of Segment 2-B, appears to be equally as suitable as Segment 2-G.Though it lengthens the total mileage to Watana Damsite,it eliminates the problems associated with the high bridges at Chechako Creek and neighboring gorges,extensive rock excavation, and possible construction delays. r35/a21 9-46C Supplement (wa)Segment 2- RRR (i)Description This segment is a seven mile spur of railroad that leaves the existing tracks at Gold Creek,traverses the bluffs on the south side of the Susitna River,and ends in a railhead on a flat terrace on the south ban k of the S usitna River.See Figure 9.10A (Il)Line and Grades By sidehill cutting into the Susitna River bluffs,the railroad remains at a low elevation with a relatively flat grade. Minimum radius curves will be needed to conform to the bluff as much as possible. (iii)Drainage Features Gold Creek and several minor unnamed drainages can be crossed with cu Iverts. t (iv)Bridges No bridges are required on this segment. (v)Soils The Susitna River bluffs are composed of frozen basal till, r35/a22 9-52A " ..,"" ••-, i ;I •Q 'W ,:,'.:',>~ •,-Q, 'W "';g: ",1_)4,-....~_ :t't"J \*"""-,,-~----\;,,,.~,;...-~.:.:.~..~...,....: >, . ., ~v~'~\",~. , ,- IE 0 D-IE IE 0 ixi CII U II) I'.'a)'-UJ ~ ";'-UJ "W II - ,~,U IE U IE ('.':C IE \'."lU.J. ~:' .~~:~~C .. .'-;~2 2 ;-c'.,.,..W J,j'-~UJ CJ:::J w OJ VI, ti ~ Supplement which has a relatively low slope stability.Bin walls or other soil reinforcement may be needed.The terrace and flood plain soils encountered in the beginning and end of the segment should pose no special problems. (vi)Environmental Concerns Both 2-RR and 2-1 parallel this segment.No environmental conflicts were found when reviewing them. (vii)Segment Suitability This segment of railroad would be suitable to use in conjunction with a road that continues on to Devil Canyon (such as 2-1).It effectively eliminates all public access from the Gold Creek vicinity.It also precludes the use of segments 2L,2H and 2K due to conflicting grades. (wb)Segment 2S (i)Description This segment connects segment 2A in the Stephan Lake vicinity with Segment lC by crossing the Susitna River. See Figure 9.10B.The segment is seven miles long. (ii)Line and Grade Maximum grades will be needed on both the north and south r35/a23 9-52C Supplement banks of the Susitna River.The banks lie at 50 to 100% cross slopes,with exposed bedrock in some places on the south bank. (iii)Drainage Features On the south side of Susitna River,several small drainages are crossed for which culverts should be adquate. (iv)Bridges The Susitna River bridge will be a major high level span, with approximately 600 feet of steel truss and 2600 feet of plate girder,and over 100 feet above the present water surface.The height is necessary in order to span the future Devil Canyon Reservoir.During initial road construction,there would be sufficient room to construct a road to the bottom of the valley for a temporary low level crossing or ferry.This would speed bridge construction and avoid access delays to the Watana Damsite. (v)Soils The segment is largely on frozen basal till,similar to those discussed in other sections of this report. (vi)Environmental Concerns This area has not been studied in detail from an environ- r35/a24 9-52D Supplement mental standpoint.Previous overviews of the area did not reveal any conflicts. (vii)Segment Suitability Segment l-C has been deemed unsuitable for construction, alignment,and envi ronmental reasons .However,the small piece that joins Segment 2-S to Watana Dam appears satisfactory.Segment 2-S itself is within acceptable design parameters and is deemed suitable for further consideration. (we)Segment 2-T (i)Description Segment 2-T connects 1-A just east of I ndian River with Segment 2-1.Included in this segment is a major bridge across the Susitna River.The segment is seven miles long. See Figure 9.10B. (ii)Line and Grade The north bluff of the Susitna River will have to be side hill traversed at a maximum grade.The rest of the segment is made up of milder grades and few curves. (iii)Drainage Features Only minor drainages are crossed,which can be suitably r35/a25 9-52E Supplement crossed with culverts. (tv)Bridges The bridge across the Susitna River will be similar to the one anticipated in 2-E,a 2480-foot,orthotropic steel structure with approximately twelve spans. (v)Soils This segment travels across frozen basal till interspersed with patches of organics.The frozen basal till should not be a significant problem over the majority of the route,since the cross slope is slight.The potential for erosion and slope failure will be as high on the Susitna River north bluff,as it is on the south bluff (see Segment 2-R,2-1 and 2-RRR) (vi)Environmental Concerns A detailed study was made of the environmental concerns in this area has not yet been completed.If this segment is used as a substitute for 2L or 2E,the major impact of road access to the Indian River Remote Parcel sites would be removed. (vii)Segment Suitability This segment is suitable for roadway construction and r35/a26 9-52F Supplement compares favorably with Segment 2-L.It's attribute is the circumvention of the Indian Pa rcel Sites. (wd)Segment 2-U (i)Description major positive River Remote Segment 2-U shortens the 1-A segment by eliminating the loop up Portage Creek.Instead,the segment crosses Portage Creek at its confluence with the Susitna River,then rejoins 1-A above Devil Canyon Damsite.See Figure 9.10B. This segment is six miles long. (ll)Line and Grade The portion of this segment just before and after the Portage Creek crossing has to traverse steep (50%or higher) sidehills,but all curves and grades are within the design criteria. (iii)Drainage Features The major drainage -Portage Creek - will be crossed with a bridge.Of the other more minor drainages,one that drains a swampy area will be difficult as the entire valley that contains it is lined with organics.This and other drainages should be possible to cross with culverts.(iv)Bridges r35/a27 9-52G Supplement A major bridge is required across Portage Creek.It will be 1100 feet long,and cable stayed. (v)Soils The segment goes th rough several unavoidable areas of organics.The rest of the segment is on frozen basal till with some colluvium and exposed bedrock at the Portage Creek crossing.Construction will be similar to other areas with these materials. (vi)Environmental Concerns This segment deletes the long "traverse up and down Portage. Creek,thus avoiding impacts to salmon spawning areas ,fur bearing habitat and a mining claim.The potential raptor nesting area,however,is still impacted.Also subject to possible impact is a historical site at the mouth of Portage Creek.It consists of an inscription,dated 1897,with the names of William Dickey and th ree other individuals.Dickey was one of the first white men in the region.It is not yet known if this site is eligible to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places.Actual construction of the Portage Creek bridge would require mitigation measures to prevent erosion into salmon spawning areas.Long-term erosion associated with segment 'l-A is not anticipated. (vii)Segment Suitability This segment eliminates the less desirable portion of Segment l-A,with its difficult side hill construction and r35/a28 9-52H Supplement environmental impacts.The trade off is a major bridge at the mouth of Portage Creek that would impact the construction schedule by requiring two or more years to construct. (we)Segment 2-V (i)Description Segment 2-V is a variation of 2-U.It branches off just before 2-U crosses Portage Creek.Segment 2-V instead crosses the Susitna River,and proceeds to the Devil Canyon Damsite along the south side of the river where it joins line 2-1.This segment is fou rrniles long.See Figure 9.10B. (Il)Line and Grade Maximum allowable grades and minimum curvatures are used on this segment,but it stays within the design criteria. (iii)Drainage Features Several ravines are crossed on the s »uth side of Devil Canyon.Though they drain fairly small areas,the deepness of the gorges may indicate that short bridges would be cheaper than culverts under massive fills. r35/a29 9-52I .~ i; !..;-, Ii'I '/~ REVISED ra;;l FIGURE:9'.~DB1IJIIJ .-, -,- ,.,:,••~'i,,1;}:::"'t1 ...;__ "'",,~,,.'".''J.-"';:';".-\:c-+'r-;"" ",•,..-r '1,$'<'""1". ''''-'.;:","r-r-...~,'.-;:-=t I L~'".."~*'.'..,-,,,~~,. ''''!"'11 ,b~,~~,.:;t..'. 'I "l:,\.""-«/-,~,'-~,~,..t ,~J/>,....I"~ ,:~",;lv'1\~,':;.'.·(,:.f ,~:~:~~~:~.r:.:"~-~ ,r ••T .'.._w~\.~y"..........'". 1\'"1.'\I'i",r;,:','.,.,'t·/,",·'",to !"1"~,.""t...~.uO •1"\"•••t •.,-:0-__.....,.~.......,.ri {)- ..J.~'"~,'.",.-~,-,f:...;~t"..~i ~--..I.'"':'......../L"....'..':~·V~~"'-"J ..'-'"<,J'-,1-- "•.,,'L ,$i.:...:,.:!_..••l-""-t I;"".........J~:~"".'','i'"S',--r-"'TJ.'''~...'-'""-......, '/"','1 -,....,.!,"~... .'1,".:.~:"•i './" 'f .i ...t .J2 .- "f"--·..'''i/,~'.J '"",.,~-.(.L .:r';' I",',r''..~,:,""'J :.'}",i ,,{ .~••~-J ~;:..···r ::--..-", t ..L •PREPARED FOR: e: " SUSITNA ACCESS CDRRIDDR,' SEGMENT:as=7'MI..:-:SEGMENT'aT::?-NU.: SEGMENT-aU'~6'MI~SEGMENT,aV~4~MI~: .} R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. 9~52J: Supplement (iv)Bridges In addition to the short bridges mentioned above,a major bridge will be needed across the Susitna River.It would be a steel deck truss,1100 feet long. (v)Soils The problems associated with these soils -frozen basal ti II, with colluvium on the steep slopes -are as discussed else where (see Segments 2-RRR in this supplement and Segment 1-A in the main report). (vi)Environmental Impacts The only impacts noted for this segment are on the potential raptor nesting areas found within Devil Canyon. (vii)Segment Suitability This segment is found is to be quite suitable as it meets all the design criteria and has minimal environmental impact. (wf )Segment 2-W (i)Description Segment 2-W is a short connector between 2-T and 2-U. r35/a30 9-52K \''-j l~'.~.';, '\..j ~'.'-_,--,J-J---,*; ".i I-I-2 eo ~•'OJ iii It :J 19-u. It'aa-It Ita 'U rD' ID W "u ~ U .N·ce ""l- ce 2 2 w !:~ CD 19 :J W ·ID 'ID Supplement The segment is one mile long.(See Figu re 9 .10C). (li)Line and Grade This segment is within design criteria. (iii)Drainage Features No significant featu res are encountered. (iv)Bridges No bridges are needed. (v)Soils Soils are similar to those for Segment 2-U. (vi).Environmental Concerns By "short-cutting"around the north end of Segment 2-U, impact on cabins in that area is reduced. (vii)Segment Suitability This segment is a suitable connection between Segments 2-T and 2-U. r35/a3l 9-52M Supplement (za)Segment 3-D (i)Description The short segment starts at Line 3A near Big Lake,passes west of Deadman Mountain,and then joins Line 3C.While it shortens the overall length of road from the Denali Highway to Watana,it involves more difficult terrain.See Figure 9.11A.The line is eigtht and one half miles long. (ii)Line and Grade Maximum grade would be utilized over most of the length of this segment,in order to clear the pass between Deadman Mountain and the mountains to the west. (iii)Drainage Feature The line parallels a marshy tributary of Deadman Creek south of the pass.Several side branches would be crossed with culverts.North of the pass,the headwaters of Deadman Creek are paralleled,and crossed just before joining Line 3C.This crossing would also be via culverts. (iv)Bridges No bridges are required for this segment. r35/a32 9-57A Supplement (v)Soils No data available yet. (vi)Environmental Concerns A detailed study is route.The line Deadman Lake than cu Itu ra I resou rces Lake/Big Lake area. not yet available on the majority of this does move slighty farther away from Line 3A,thus creating less impact on the (ancient campsites)of the Deadman (vii)Segment Suitability Though the segment is less desi rable from an engineering and construction point of view,because of its steeper terrain,it is more favorable from an environmental standpoint and should be considered a viable alternative. (zb)Segment 3-E (i)Description This seqrnert generally parallels Segment 3-D,but is 1 mile west and traverses higher ground.The segment starts its one mile offset near Tsusena Butte and rejoins Segment 3-D at the pass west of Deadman Mountain.The length is 14.7 miles.See Figure 9-11A. 9....57B r35/a33 .;(a::1.1"'0..u. Q -2LIJ•'.a:: "~~ C(LIJa::.,.a. -~'"'e . v-'(-'"'•'!~\.'Q~mf'": wlil mil-::I>19w_ ,II 'IL '.'-.~ uf '"'IE'II W 0 '19 D ..'-2 oIE....wIE II) ~I 0 0) 19Qw m ,m '.'m -w ,~ U lifU.. II)ace'19 c(..' 0 2 2..w-~m 19:::J wm,en 0 a!: en I-z Supplement (ii)Line and Grade Segment 3E is longer than 3D,has longer stretches of maximum grade,and has a 180 0 minimum radius curve where it crosses a tributary of Deadman Creek. (iii)Drainage Features Generally,the same streams are crossed as in 3D,but they are crossed at a higher (upstream)elevation. (iv)Bridges No bridges will be needed on this segment. Iv)Soils No data available yet. (vi)Environmental Concerns A detailed environmental study of the area west of Deadman Mountain has not yet been completed,but it appears that this segment is more favorable from an impact standpoint. The road would be farther away from Deadman Creek,its tributaries and associated wetlands,thereby mitigating to some extent secondary impacts on waterfowl and grayling. The route also avoids the cultural resource areas around Deadman Lake and Big Lake. r35/a34 9-57D Supplement (viii)Segment Suitability This route is within the minimum design standards,but has more difficult terrain,higher elevation,and longer length than other alternatives.The higher construction costs, construction time scheduling and maintenance costs are offset by the lower environmental impacts,making this segment a viable alternative to 3D. r35/a35 9-57E Supplement r35/a36 CORRIDOR SELECTION Corridor Summary Supplement ......III II .".",..~_.~L ,-__.1< r ~.. ,- PREFERED ROUTE I N EACH OTHER CORRIDOR ALTERNATES INVESTIGATED PREPARED REVISE FIGURE ~12 I Supplement 9.4 Corridor Summary -Supplement Plans 1 to 11 R are very simple to arrange,with only one set of sections selected for each of the three main corridors.Plans 12 to HA,however,do not fit into this same pattern.Several different sections in each corridor were considered of equal merit for further investigation and 'incorporation into plans.For clarity, the breakdown of segments,sections and corridors is resummarized on Table 9.4,according to the following system of ranking. 1.Corridor -denotes a wide band.The th ree corridors are #1 (north of Susitna River),#2 (South of Corridor #1)and #3 (Denali Highway to Watana).All study was conducted within the three proposed corridors. 2.Segment - a proposed length of road or rail that may or may not be suitable for fu rther consideration. Some segments,such as 1-A stretch the entire length of a corridor,while others are much shorter pieces. Segments are not necessarily used in their entirety, they may be superceded at one or more places by other,more feasible,segments. 3.Section - a combination of one or more segments or pieces of segments found to be suitable for incorpora- tion into plans. 4.Plan - a combination of one or more sections to make a complete road and/or rail facility that can serve both dams. r35/a37 9-60 t3/<..j I Supplemt::/IL TABLE 9.4 CORRIDORS,SECTIONS AND SEGMENTS Corridor Section Description Segments Used 1 A-1 Parks Highway at Chulitna to Devil Canyon (N)*1-A A-2 Devil Canyon (N)to Watana (N)1-A,1-B,1-E,3-A A-3 Parks Highway at Hurricane to Indian River Area 1-A,1-G A-4 Parks Highway at Hurricane to Gold Creek Rail Spur 1-A, 1-G,2-T A-5 Indian River Area to Devil Canyon (N)2-U A-6 Indian River Area to Devil Canyon (5)2-U,2-V A-7 Indian River Area to Watana (N)1-A,1-B,1-H,1-E,3-A A-8 Parks Highway At Hurricane to Devil Canyon (S)1-A, 1-G,2-T,2-U, 2-V,2-W 2 B-1 Parks Highway at Chulitna to Gold Creek 1-A,1-F,2-L B-2 Gold Creek to Devil Canyon (5)2-1 \.0 B-3 Devil Canyon to Watana (S)2-A,2-B,2-F,2-G,2-JImB-4 Gold Creek Rail Spur to Devil Canyon 2-1I-'B-5 not used B-6 Devil Canyon to Watana (N)2-A,2-B,2-Q,2-5,1-C B-7 Devil Canyon to Watana (5)2-A,2-B,2-F,2-G,2-J,2-Q, 3 C-1 Denali Highway to Watana,east of Deadman Mt.3-A,3-C C-2 Upgrade Denali Highway n.a. C-3 Denali Highway to Watana,West of Deadman Mt.3-A,3-C,3-D C-4 Denali Highway to Watana,West of Deadman Mt.3-A,3-C,3-D,3-£ R R-1 Gold Creek to Devil Canyon (5)2-R R-2 Devil Canyon (5)to Watana (5)2-R,2-RR R-3 Gold Creek Rail Spur 2-RRR **D Devil Canyon Trans-Dam Crossing 2-P H Devil Canyon Low-Level Crossing 2-M X High bridge at Devil Canyon 2-N ;~ 1~,~ (N)means northside,(8)means south side of Devil Canyon Dam or Watana Dam connections between Corridors 1 &2 at Devil Canyon Supplement r35/a38 ACCESS PLANS Supply Sources &-Shipping Options Table Supplement Supplement SUPPLEMENT TO TABLE 10.1 MILEAGE FROM PORTS TO RAILHEAD OR PROJECT Miles Rail Haul To Hurricane Gold Creek Spur End r35/a39 Anchorage 167 156 lO-7A Seward 280 269 Whittier 229 218 Supplement SUPPLEMENT TO TABLE 10.4 BASIC CORRIDOR SEGMENTS Section A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 Description Hurricane to Indian River Hurricane to Gold Creek Spur I ndian River to Northside of Devil Canyon Indian River to Southside of Devil Canyon I ndian River to Watana via Upper Portage Hu rricane to Southside of Devil Canyon Gold Creek Spur to Devil Canyon Not Used Devil Canyon to Northside Watana Devil Canyon to Southside Watana C-l Denali Highway to Watana,East of Deadman Mt. C-2 Upgrade Denali Highway C-3 Denali Highway to Watana,West of Deadman Mt. C-4 Denali Highway to Watana,Upland &West of Deadman Mt. R-3 . r35/a40 Gold Creek Spur lO-lOA Supplement r35/a41 SUPPLEMENT TO TABLE 10.5 MAl NTENANCE FACTORS Segment Maintenance Factor A-3 1.3 A-4 1.3 A-5 1.3 A-6 1.0 A-7 1.0 A-8 1.2 B-4 1.2 B-6 1.3 B-7 1.3 c-i 0.8 C-2 0.8 C-3 0.9 C-4 0.9 R-3 0.5 lO-llA Supplement r35/a40 ACCESS PLANS Supplement :!!D GJmC<D-mOlm ~ao·•UI ~.._m 1M I~s.;;:::;;~ :n ... o I I\) "'" :n go J: ooz CIl C ~~""""'I-I ~ Zr. ~»;-n ~n o m enen 'U....» 2 t. UI :xJ 110 i: 0 0z (/) cr;»z..... 9>" Z 0 :..L. 2 >~o ,..,...n-a JJ C 0 nm>,..0 rnnOJ :r:OJ-ti) :r:'D =e ...>-<~ >2 () ()~m CD m CD 11D-(jJm C<n-mIDm ..llD Q'• CO ~-:e-c:BI5 I~ Supplement (k)Plan llR Plan 11 is hereby deleted and replaced with Plan 11 R (revised). (j)Description This plan serves the entire project by road,from a rail head at Cantwell.Material is hauled to Watana via the Denali Highway,then to Devil Canyon along the north side,with a low level crossing at Devil Canyon damsite. (ii)Sea Ports Common to all plans are Anchorage and Whittier. (iii)Modal Split Material would travel by rail to a rail head at Cantwell,then be transfered to trucks and driven to Watana.Material for Devil Canyon would continue along the north side to Devil Canyon,than cross Susitna River via a low level crossing to the South side of the damsite.Personnel access would be via private car. (iv)Sections Included This plan includes Sections A-2,C-1,C-2,Hand D r35/a42 10-47 ".l .l D f§l ~ ... e I.... CllI '11-GJ C Dm .l o :xle 0 ... <~. ~-t ! »nnmenen 'D..» 2 'It< .l .l D Supplement (v)Borrow Pits Plan 11R uses borrow areas 7 and 8. (vi)Cost Estimates The estimated cost of th is plan is outlined below: Construction Camp Facilities Maintenance Logistics Total (vii)Advantages/Disadvantages The advantages of this plan are: $131,511,355 13,166,496 11 ,027,000 257,903,604 $413,608,455 o o o o r35/a43 No time constraint,as the portion of the road to Watana can be completed in one year.The portion from Watana to Devil Canyon and the low level crossing,can be completed during construction of Watana. Personnel access via private vehicle. No major bridges. Lowest borrow quantity of the road only plans. 10-49 Supplement The disadvantages of this plan are: o o o Longest haul of all plans,resulting in highest logistics cost and highest maintenance cost,and third to highest construction cost., Potential environmental impacts resulting from public access to additional portions of the Nelchina Caribou Range. Highest total cost. (I)Plan 12 (i)Description This plan serves both Devil Canyon and Watana Dams by truck on the north side of.the river.See Figure 10.12. The railhead is at Hurricane.A low level temporary crossing at Devil Canyon is needed to provide immediate access to the south side of the damsite. (Il)Sea Port Common to all plans are Anchorage and Whittier. (iii)Modal Split r35/a44 10-50 (I)(I)(I) 2 """""">>> t=5 5;q:z z z (I) 0::0::0::0': """"""~,~. !J --..;.\ ~.II)1&1 !J ::...0:JU)c(c(c(0::<1&1OJ N It)0 "'2 0 u 0::0::0::0 0 i:0 0 0 0 c(c( Q.z 0 0 9 0 0 <-Z A:0::0::0::0 0:: 0 $0::a:0::...J c(...JW000<l:0 ~<.!>0 0 0 0::0::0:: N W iJf)-'I• II):..• e :.... ACCESS'PLAN·#12...IBID I REVISED· FIGURE·10.12' Supplement Material would travel by rail to a railhead at Hurricane,then by truck to Devil Canyon and Watana.Personnel access would be via private car. (iv)Sections Included Th is plan includes Sections A-3 and A-5 to Devil Canyon, A-2 between the dam sites,and H,the low level crossing,to serve the south side of Devil Canyon. (v)Borrow Pits No data available yet. (v i)Cost Esti mates The preliminary estimated cost of this plan is outlined below: Construction Camp Facilities Maintenance Logistics Total (vii)Schedule $96,289,722 9,629,024 7,499,000 226,085,887 $339,503,633 The major bridge on Portage Creek will cause a time delay of two years.There would be no access to the Watana damsite until the bridge is substantially completed. r35/a45 10-52 Supplement (vi i i)Adva ntages/D isadva ntages The advantages of Plan 12 are: o o Personnel access via private vehicles. No impact to the I ndian River Remote Parcels. The disadvantages of this plan are: o o (rn)Plan 13 Construction schedule delays due to Portage Creek Bridge. A low level,substandard crossing would be needed at Devil Canyon to supply the south side of the damsite. (i)Description Access Plan 13 serves both dams by truck from a railhead at Hurricane.The road is entirely on the north side,with a main route directly to Watana and a spur road to Devil Canyon. (ii)Sea Port Common to all plans are Anchorage and Whittier. r35/a46 10-53 en en en!i!w w w >> > 5 5 5zzz en It:It:It:It: W W W 0 !J !J !J Q e II)III ~..JU)c(c(-t a:<till O..J N If)0li):i (,) u It:It:It:0 0:c 0 0 0 0 ~~~~0 0 9 0::Z a:It:It:a:0 It: 0 c.?lLJ It:It:It:..J c(..J 8 0 0 ~0 =i(!)(,)(,)It:It:It: N lLJ I I It..,..J • 'It ! ll)i: l'~ PREPARED BY' R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. FOR' ACCESS:PLAN:+'1:EVISEC .IIPDlf I FIGURE'10.13'nanld 10-54 Supplement (iii)Modal Split Material travels by train as far as Hurricane siding,then by truck to the dam sites.Personnel travel would be by private vehicle. (iv)Section Included The sections include A-3 and A-7 from Hurricane to Watana, with the side road A...;6 to Devil Canyon.A railhead is planned at Hurricane. (v)Borrow Pits No data available yet. (vi)Cost Estimates The estimated cost of Plan 13 is outlined below: Construction Camp Facilities Maintenance Logistics Total (vii)Schedule $82,889,180 8,288,779 6,344,900 222,733,838 $320,256,697 The major advantage of this access plan is the direct routing to Watana.Although no major.bridges are anticipated on the r35/a47 10-55 Supplement road to Watana,there will be·some construction difficulties associated with the segment traversing parallel to Portage Creek,giving this plan a medium level of risk of scheduling delay.The major bridge just down stream of Devil Canyon will not be needed until construction of Devil Canyon dam commences,thus,it is not a construction scheduling restraint. (viii)Advantages/Disadvantages o o o o (n)Plan 14 Low risk of schedule delays. All personnel access via private auto. Adverse envi ronmental impacts associated with the side hill traverse of Indian River Valley. Thi rd lowest construction cost. (i)Description This plan includes a short rail spur from Gold Greek,along the Susitna River.The railhead joins a road that starts at Hurricane,passes the railhead,serves Devil Canyon,then continues along the south side of the Susitna River,to Watana. (il)Seaports r35/a48 10-56 •;...i j ;., ~~~~r:i!!Wirf--1i:~r't;~t't~~bf~e~~~-1fr'l-~~4~+&.-'~~~~~~~"'-:~t::.~: T (;~j Vi U)en en2www >>> 5 5 5 z z z en IX IX IX IX W W W 0 !:i !:i ;j Q. e II)III Ci:...Ill)CI:CI:<=:IX<fill U...I N If)0"':i o U IX IX IX 0 .0 X 0 0 0 0 CI:~~~9 Q 9 0 fS Z IX a:IX IX 0 Ir 0 IX IX IX ..J CI:•.Jl&J 8 0 0 Ci 0 CiC>(,)(,)IX IX IX N l&J : I ItI'l ..J I •i::: PREPARED BY' R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. FOR' ACCESS PLAN-+'14..IM~n I REVISED·. FIGURE'10.14: 10-57 Supplement Common to all plans are Anchorage and Whittier. (iii)Modal Split Material would travel by train to Gold Creek,then by smaller trains to the railhead at the end of the spur. There,they would be transfered to trucks and hauled to the two damsites.The road from Hurricane to the railhead would provide access for personnel via private autos. (iv)Sections Included Plan 14 includes Rail Section R-3,Road Sections B-4 and B-6 to the damsites,and Road Section A-4 to connect to the public road system. (v)Borrow pits No data available yet. (vi)Cost Estimates Construction Camp Facilities Maintenance Logistics Total r35/a49 $120,338,513 12,033,699 9,493,000 215,246,144 $357,111,356 10-58 Supplement (vii)Schedu Ie Avoids major problems associated with the south route between dams.Major bridges at Chechako Creek and Fog Creek,heavy rock excavation and massive ice are all avoided on this variation of the southern route.The road construction is such that resupply can be achieved after the first season,however,there would be some risk of schedule delay. The bridge across the Susitna at the railhead is not on the critical path. The bridge across the Susitna near Fog Creek is a major, several year project,but the terrain is such that a low level crossing by ferry or temporary bridge is feasible. (viii)Advantages/Disadvantages The advantages of the plan include: o Avoids major di rect envi ronmental conflicts, difficult construction and time delays associated with the alternative south route. The disadvantages of this plan include: r35/a50 o The rail spu r must difficult bluff terrain. access is feasible completed. 10-59 be built linearly,across Limited construction road until the rail spu r is Supplement (0)Plan 15 (i)Description This plan is essentially the same as Plan 14,except that there is no road connection between the railhead and the Parks Highway.The plan is served by a rail spur from the Alaska Railroad at Gold Creek to a railhead 8 miles northeast,then by road from the railhead to the damsites, on the south side of Susitna River. (ii)Sea Ports Common to all plans are Anchorage and Whittier. (iii)Modal Split Material would be shipped by rail to the railhead,then by truck to the damsites.Personnel would travel via rail shuttle to the railhead,then via bus shuttle to the damsites. (iv)Sections Included The sections that would be included in this plan are the Rail Spur R-3,and the Road Sections B-4 and B-6. (v)Borrow Pits No data available yet. r35/a51 10-60 ~ [I]~-, IIIi7:.Iii ... o I CD.... 'liD-m GJ <-C_ Dm 111m ..i·eo• »n·nm III QI '0'r-» .Z ~'.. U1 Supplement (vi)Cost Estimates Construction Camp Facilities Maintenance Logistics Total (vii)Schedule Same as Plan 14. $86,247,131 8,624,602 6,373,000 215,246,144 $316,490,877 (viii)Advantages/Disadvantages Essentially,this plan shares all the advantages/disadvan- tages of Plan 14,with the following exceptions: o o o (p)Plan 16 No access to the public. Lower cost due to deletion of construction of about 15 miles of road. No impact on the Chulitna Pass existing community in the Chulitna Pass area. (i)Description This plan serves Devil Canyon by road from a railhead at Gold Creek.Watana is served by a road between the dams, r35/a52 10-62 ,~ ::D lie I: (').'O ...·~ Z Ulc: !:; ~""""'1 -l !J) Z P ~n,n m OJ QJ 'D'r- ~ ,2 io' ~ lID ,m-GJmc<D- mOJ.m ~,Q o•.Ji m ~~ ¢ t ~ '~~-. Supplement mostly on the south side of the river.In addition,there is a road from Hurricane to Devil Canyon.This road is for passenger vehicle traffic and truck transport if necessary. (il)Seaport Common to all plans are Anchorage and Whittier. (iii)Modal Split Freight is hauled from seaport to Gold Creek by rail,then by truck to Devil Canyon and Watana.Passenger vehicles use the road from Hurricane to Devil Canyon. (iv)Sections Included Plan 16 includes road Sections B-2 and B-6 to the dam sites, and road Section A-8 to connect to the public road system. There is a railhead at Gold Creek. (v)Borrow Pits No data available yet. (vi)Cost Estimates Construction Camp Facilities Maintenance Logistics Total r35/a53 $108,803,900 10,880,244 7,968,200 215,571,651 $343,223,995 10-64 Supplement (vii)Schedule Same as Plan 14. (viii)Advantages/Disadvantages This plan has the same advantages and disadvantages of Plan 14,except that the bridge over the Susitna River,for Plan 16,is cheaper and will therefore lower the overall construction cost,and the small section of rail (R-3)is replaced with a road that would be easier to keep on schedule. (q)Plan 17 (i)Description Plan 17 is similar to Plan 4,but with a service road mostly on the southside.The service road would be on the south side from Devil Canyon to just downstream of Fog Creek, then would cross the Susitna River and follow the north ban k to Watana.Devil Canyon is served by rail from Gold Creek.Watana is served by road from the Denali Highway. (ii)Seaports Common to all plans are Anchorage and Whittier. r35/a54 10-65 •o I al 0) )nnm UJ IP 'D... ) ~ '*'~ "liD "Gim . c<D- mUJ.m ~O o• ~ ~ fiil~ ~, ~_.'f',.•..•",,"'r ...L,... Supplement (iii)Modal Split Watana would be served by rail to Cantwell,then truck to the damsite via the Denali Highway.Personnel would access by private vehicle.Devil Canyon would be served directly by rail,via Gold Creek.Personnel would travel via rail shuttle. (iv)Sections Included Plan 17 includes rail Section R-1 and road Sections C-2 and C-3,with a service road on B-6. (v)Borrow Pits No data available yet. (vi)Cost Estimates Construction Camp Facilities Maintenance Logistics Total (vii)Schedule $145,265,069 14,546,934 9,087,000 226,772,354 $395,671,357 The risk of schedule delay is low,therefore this plan has the highest probability of being completed within one construction season. r35/a55 10-67 Supplement The railroad and service road have areas of difficult construction,with major bridges,but that part of the construction is not necessary until the Devil Canyon Dam stage. (viii)Advantages/Disadvantages o o o (r )Plan 17A No public access to Devil Canyon;rail shuttle needed for personnel. Direct access between dams for maintenance and operations staff. Increased public access to the area south of Denali Highway with associated negative envi ronmental impacts. rn Description Plan 17A varies from Plan 17 only in the last few miles of the east end of the maintenance road.I nstead of crossing the Susitna at Fog Creek,the road continues on the south side to Watana,and crosses the dam crest. (ii)Seaports Common to all plan are Anchorage and Whittier. r35/a56 10-68 ....., '.,. en en en 2 LrJ LrJ LrJ >> > ~fi ~z z z en «««« LrJ LrJ LrJ 0 !:i !:i !:i 0 ~..,'"a:..Jut 41:41:41:«<", 0..J N ,-,0Vl-0:::E a:a:«0u0:c C 0 0 0 41:~ll.z 0 0 9 0<-Z a:«««0 «a:..J :::!0 l!)«««~W 8 0 0 :;( (!)0 0 «« N W !~...J or i II)::: ..'.::.::' R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. ACCESS PLAN +'1.7A I.PDO I REVISED nang FIGURE 10.17A Supplement (iii)Modal Split Identical to Plan 17. (iv)Sections Included Plan 17A includes rail Section R-1 and road Sections C-2 and C-3,with a service road B-7. (v)Borrow Pits No data available yet. (vi)Cost Estimates Construction Camp Facilities Maintenance Logistics Total (vii)Schedu Ie Same as Plan 17. $134,969,032 13,517,304 9,295,000 226,772,354 $384,553,690 (viii)Advantages/Disadvantages r35/a57 o Though construction costs are cut by using a trans-dam crossing instead of a bridge on the 10-70 Supplement Susitna River,there will be an increase in maintenance cost. o o (s)Plan 18 Increased access to the native-owned lands in the Fog Creek area which although meeting the preference of Native organizations would introduce di rect envi ronmental impacts. All other advantages and disadvantages are as per Plan 17. (i)Description Plan 18 varies from Plan 6 only in the way it crosses Devil Canyon.The service road between the dams,on the north side,crosses Devil Canyon with a high suspension bridge downstream from the dam.As with Plan 6,Devil Canyon Dam is served by rail from Gold Creek,and Watana Dam is served by road from the Denali Highway. (ii)Seaports Common to all plans are Anchorage and Whittier. '(iii)Modal Split Watana would be served by rail to a railhead at Cantwell, then trucked to the damsite via the Denali Highway.Devil r35/a58 10-71 ~ m. ~-•• ~ Fl.",, *' •...,.'. -.~ .. i\~ .."'.'\ ~-~.__ •'';>,~Ig >'JI~_.',F,.,-H:·r K '!"i7'r~~fJ\~-;J<..' .,."4·/,::>-/j ~ •..~l j'v.--,. )nnmm QJ 'D'r ) Z ~. ~ m • 11'-GJ C D ~ ~. o .... o I..., I\) Supplement Canyon would be served railhead at the damsite. vehicles to Watana,and by (iv)Sections Included by rail,via Gold Creek,with a Personnel would travel via private rail shuttle to Devil Canyon. Plan 18 includes Rail Section R-1 and Road Sections C-2 and C-4,with a service road made from Section A-2 and X. (v)Borrow Pits No data available yet. (vi)Cost Estimates Construction Camp Facilities Maintenance Logistics Total (vii)Schedule $137,413,171 13,535,536 .8,167,000 226,772,354 $385,888,061 Watana can be served within one season via the road to the Denali Highway.Therefore there is no time risk of schedule delay is low,therefore this highest probability of being completed construction season. r35/a59 10-73 delay. plan has within The the one Supplement (viii)Adva ntages/D i sadva ntages Generally,Plan 18 has the same advantages and disadvantages as Plan 6.There is: r35/a60 o o o o Direct access between dams for maintenance and operations staff. Potential indirect impacts from increased public access. High construction cost due to the fact that more road is being built. Nedd for a rail shuttle to bring personnel to the Devil Canyon site. 10-74 Supplement r35/a61 APPENDIX B Proposed Alternative Segments Figure Revisions LEGEND CORRIDOR I ALTERNATIVES CORRIDOR 2 ALTERNATIVES CORRIDOR 3 ALTERNATIVES RAILROAD CORRIDOR 10 ! iRAPHIC SCALE 'N'MILES C 5 \w;J , ....:.He:..E!--r~.....0 .:::'::::Ii 12..~/,3 A./C.E SMrrre;.o ~o t...~C".I!..5ib '::"':>~iC.ID0iia~t.-.f2-.:...DP-JT'J,..If...i1!-C ....141!E~~1"-.J. 5 4 3 2 \w;J W , t .1 "._-:,' •.'t~,".':Jr--- '...~ ~. :~~ .~~.·7~1.1 '. A.'..««.... PREPARED BY' MAP ...----.... 9"" REVISED r.;;l FIGURE ••1_, PREPARED FORI 0' :t30 ?2450 -~co i ,'"I.-~'~--1,~ ,~~~.- ..o~~;;~O;'e _.3:"-,Z __~.~'----c=-~--=~-r-r-."'--:-""" 15 J'::l ~)<:t "f.o(/; :'-:",'c ;<_:~:'.'""._',:,,~:::-,,:,:':;.,',-"".'--",,','<,",';,',",'...-..',-_'.'"',>'",;'_',_,':",,;:';",',~"'-~~-'''"'''"t<:~~'''"",::+''i~''''''''''~''''';'~~'~'~'-')'!i-'}'''',~~~~~,=c",:,,~,7':';:vO""~7':~''''''"!''~,,""''''''':'~~'~'-'';'~-'''''''''~'' '','''~"'':'~"f''c",,-~l''';':''-''''''7''"""",-.!·":"""""",,~m~·,,,,~; ,~,",,·'-~'-:- ·'" 24 25 ~-<F -: 1;; -r G~..~..:..-")..:~/'L -"{.\7 ~-/i~' 26 \~. 23 o8 '-; 0r::2'0 o lY~ -../35 I~ "~- - FOR· ~ PREP~RED •••...•9 «z> -.~,;J6"·.. .. ---,~.33 N \~~_'OoO ,.:--: 8 I-<t 3300 ::>z >=§ l'5 '"0u, ~ ., 7 ~.••~~9'~~""Q>~<:,<>.~•••,----:01 1~--~-:.'·o 17 -~I.- 1 ACCESS CORRIDDR ALIGNMENTS ,G,RAPHIC.SCA).E IN 2100 ~r-:;;""';"--:~~~:"-_+--r=::'--::.,L--~-t-~-~-+--+"':"+--i:::~fiIL-+-:----,,.....L+--+-_--_-+..,..-'-.-"c.:....--;=+:::::.-__.-::::.-.Ir...,,L--#~......",~::.-:-..::Iii;ii!:::~-_,.....,..~",;;..~~;:::;:.---b----~-.".~---+---...,::;:l--_->------~<;T""~-~;-...:::~:..--.,-:J !;< I ~~ r~-~----~~~~ I R&MCONSULTANTS,INC. PRE'ARED1iV'- PREPARED FOR' 1\'9 3500 o REVISED r;;;l FIGURE"B.3 _ 3D , cU \, GRAPHIC scs LE IN MILE '"j 31 i/f 0 il2 ~; 36 4500 X39fO 14 ·000 v ACCESS CORRIDORS ALIGNMENTSRailCONSULTANTS,iNC. ACCESS CORRIDORS ALIGNMENTS I 1/2 ~~1~-~~~~~~_iiiiiiI GRAPHIC SCAL.E -,-- oJ9:~ .~ '" ~ Qr. PREPARFD FOR' REVISED ....r;;;l FIGURE &.;7_ACCESSCDRRIDDRSALIGNMENTS ~•-.;U~~~- "">ro L.....a::0::... \ r-!,~795, ---~-- I .."':~!,?~";',,,,',;-.;:'-~~~;",~',~:~'<~,-::~~~~~£;~~o;:-~~~!~:~~':;::~~~,,,,;,.:,;;~~~;;~~,.,,~"-~,,"~,~~~,.:,",~-,,~,~,,.,'T'-~"""",~;~:~;~=----:,'~~-.-"~~:~:";,~;,,~~~~!~,,.,.~=,,-,","'7"~~-~--"',-= J"ACCE,Ssc;CDRRI S,ALIGNMENTS ~~~..:~,~~,Lf:-'::'-:~~~'~"~"~"(.<~,',~~,~~~\.:~:'-<:1'~_>'--~~:'-~~~~;"";-':_-)'~';'(~~~'-!.'-"".;~;·''''''~'-~~''"''''-';;"'"~t':~:.<~~~~'-~',_:'"~_:-'-~::",~~._:~~:~''->-:':,:{-:,'-~::~~~i~~_..~~~~.~:~-~,L~~~~~~·~~:"t~~~:~~~-~;~,~J PREPARED BY I R&M CONSULTANTS,INC.ACCESS CDRRIDDRS ALIGNMENTS o "'"-12... 18 8 c; c 17 ',;:.PREPARED 1,,1'-.-...- -~_IOO~~~<< •<0.-- 7 32 33; 4 ~ 3 10' '..", 4 ........;...:.., 22 26 35 0 "..til1(3310 10 24 19 Dn~lJ ..;-<> 0 <J ~~ ">-J \/'._til{~Oc' ~...-, ,/ 32 W'REPARED FORI RIaM CONSULTANTS.INC.ACCESS CDRRIDDRSALIGNMENTS REVISED r.;;;l FIGURE S ..1Sl.8lrnGJ PREPARED BY' R&M CONSULTANTS,INC.ACCESS -CORRIDOR ALIGNMENTS FIGURE- PREPARED FOR' a.22. Supplement r35/a62 APPENDIX D Terrain Unit Mapping Text Supplement Figu re Revisions Supplement Ca -Avalanche Deposits: Ff -Fluvial Fan: r35/a63 A gently to steeply sloping cone shaped deposit of angular coarse grained material with a variable silt content,accumulating below avalanche chutes.Can grade into fl uvial fan deposits. A gently sloping cone shaped deposit of coarse granular material,with varying amounts of silt,accumulating below avalanche ch utes and tributary valleys. Can include avalanche deposits and/or mudflow deposits. D-9 Bedrock Mopping Tv Tsu i Tbgd Tsmg TKgr Jam (Jtr)(Jgd)liv Pzv (Pis)Kag livs Units - Tertiary Volcanic Tertiary non-mar-me Tertiary biotite Tertiary schist,Tertiary andlor Jurassrc amphibolite,Triassic basaltic Late Paleozoic oese.t!c Cretaceous argillite Triassic:metabasaltAbbreviatedrccxs:sneuow sedimentary rpcks;granodiorite;local •mlgma!lte and granite,Cretaceous granltics inclusions of qr-een-metavolcanic rOCKS and enoesrnc mete-and grilywacke,of.and slate,an Descriptians intrusives,flows,conglomerate,'sano-hornblenae granodior"it representing the roof forming small plutons.schist &marble;local formed in snauow volcanogenic racks,thick deformed interbedded shallowandpyroclastics;stone,and claystone.(Thgd),of a large stock.tr-cncnermte (Jtr)ana marine erwrronmeru local meta-limestone turbidite seoce'ice.marine sequence.rhyolitic to basaltic.granodiorite (Jgd).(Plsl.rower-acre metamorphism Miscellaneous Map Symbols ~// ~Slide Scar ,.<ITT /J / ~ Scarp Buried Channel Trail Rock Contact /'---./ a 2.000 4000 FEET SCALE ~c=:::J Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbol Name Unweathered. Bxu consolidated bedrock C Colluvial -oeuosits CI Landslide Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Ffg c-encncr alluviai ten Fp Floodplain deposits Fpt 'r er-r-ace GFo Outwash oeoosus GFe Esker deocs.rs GFk Kame ceoos.ts Gta Ablation uu Gtb-f Basal till (frozen) 0 Organic oeccsus ~. L-f t.ecusu-mes (frozen) _. L Lacustrine Gta sediments over ablation tlll L Lacustrine deposits Over Gtb-f basal till (frozen) cs-r Solifluction ceooaus (frozen) Gtb-f over basal till (frozen) Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Gta over ablation tilt Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) FPt over terrace sediments Cs-f SolifluctlO'n deposits (Lr-czen }8XU over ceo-ocx Gtb·f Frozen basai till-sxu over bedrock Ablation till Gta over un- BXU weathered bedrock Colluvium over- C +B bedrock andBXUXUbedrock exposures Colluvium over B~w +Bxw weathered or ~ poorly ccnscu- dated bedrock L ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 5UBTA5K 5.02 PHOTO INTEFlPFlETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbol Name Unweathered, 8xu consolidated bedrock C Colluvial deposits CI Landslide Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Ffg cr-eoutur-alluvial ron Fp FlOOClpli1in deposits Fpt Terr-ace GFo Outwash deposits GFe Esker ueocstte GFk Kame ceccsrts Gte Ablation till Gtb-f Basal till (frozen) 0 Organic deposits L-f Lacustrines (frozen) _L_Lacustrine sediments overGtaablationtil! L Lacustrine deposits over Gtb-f basal till (frozen) cs-r Solifluction deposits (fr-oz en ) Gtb-f over basal till (frozen) Cs-f .sourtuctton deposits (frozen) GTcI over ablation till Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) FPt over terrace sediments Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen)1iXU over bedrock Gtb-f Frozen basal till ""BXU over bedrock Ablation till Gta over un- SXU weathered bedrock Colluvium over C +8 bedrock andtlXUXUbedrock exposures B~W +Bxw Colluvium over weathered or poorty ccnscu- dated bedrock L SUBTASK 5.D2 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHOR ITY PHOTO INTERPRETATION .~. TERRAIN UNIT MAPS liUJ.---------l 2000 4000 FEET==a REVI510NS.DATE D-49 Bedrock Mapping Tv Tsu Tbgd Tsmg TKgr Jam (Jtr)(Jgd)liv Pzv (Pis)Kag RVS Units Tertiary Volcanic TertIary non-marine Tertiary biotite Tertiary schist,Tertiary and/or Jurassic amphibolite,Triassic caset tic Late Paleozoic basaltic Cretaceous argillite Triassic merecesanAbbreviatedrocks;shallow sedimentary rocks;granodiorIte;local mrgmatite and granite,Cretaceous granitic'>inclusions of green-merevotcenrc rocks and anuesitic meta-and qr-avwacke ,of a and slate,an Descriptions intrusives.flows,conqtomer-ara.:sand-hornblende granodiorit(',reoresenting the roof forming small plutons.schist &marble;local tormec In stiauow vctcancoen!c rocks,thiCk oerorrneo interbedded shallowandpyroclastics:stone,and claystone.(Thgd).of a large stock.tr-cncnerrute (Jtr)and marine environment.local meta-limestone tur-ctotte sequence,marine sequence, rhyolitic to oesantc ,granodiorite (Jgd).(Pis).rcwcr-eoe met amor-orusm Miscellaneous Map Symbols ~/~/ Scarp ~Slide Scar ~8 uried Channel Trail ;-/Rock Contact -:» Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbol Name Unweathered, Bxu consolidated ceor-ock C Colluvial eeccs.ts CI Landslide Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Ffg Granular alluvial f an Fp Floodplain deposits Fpt Terrace GFo Outwash deposits GFe Esker ucoosns GFk Kame deposits Gto Ablation till Gtb-f Ba sa:t,11 (fro.::en) 0 Or-qaruc ocpcsus L-f lacustrines (frozen) _L_lacustrine seounents overGtaaoranontill L lacustrine deposits overGtb-f basal till (frozen) cs-r Solifluction deposits (frozen) Gtb-f over nasal till (frozen) Cs -f Solifluction deposits (frozen) GiO over ablation till cs-r Solifluction deposits (fr-czan ) FPt over terrace sediments cs-r Solifluction Bxu·oeocsus (frozen) ever bedrock Gtb-f Frozen basal till "BXU over neur-cck Gta Ablation till over un- SXU we atriered bearock _Colluvium over tfxu+BXU ,becrcck and bedrock ex cosur-es C +8 Colluvium over weathered or Bxw xw poorly ccnscu- dated bedrock L SUBTASK 5.02 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHOR ITY PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERI=IAIN UNIT MAPS .'1------------I REVISIONS 2000 4000 FEET===ao SCALE ~j~~~or;o:iiiiiiiiiiiiii:l 0-50 Bedrock Mapping Tv Tsu Tbgd Tsmg TKgr Jam (Jtr)(Jgd)liv pzv (Pis)Kag livs Units Tertiary Volcanic Tertiary non·marine Tertia!"....biotite Tertiary schist,Tertiary and/or Jurassic amphibolite,"r rfas src nasautc Late Paleozoic basaltic Cretaceous argillite'Triassic metabasalt Abbreviated rocks:Shallow sedimentary rocks;granodiorite;local rntqma tite and granite,Cretaceous granitic'S inclusions of green-metavolcanic r-cc xa and anoe sitic mete-and graywacke,of a and slate,an Descriptions mtr-usrvas ,flcws ,conglomerate,sand-hornblende granodiol"lt representing the roof forming small plutons.schist &marble:local tcrme c in shallow volcanogenic rocks,thick deformed interbedded shallow ana pyroclastics;stone,and ctevs rcne ,(Thgd).of a large stock.rrcr-oternne (Jtr)ar-c mar-me anvu-onmer-t local meta-limestone turbidite sequence,marine sequence. rhyolitic to nesattrc,qr-anociorite (Jgd).(Pis}.lowgrade maramor-phl sm]. Misce lIaneous Map Symbols ~// ~Slide scar,<ITT /J / ~ Scarp Buried Chonnel Trail Rock Contact "'-../ ., II ..... 1\ SUBTABK 5.02 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT L J ALASKA POWER AUTHOR tTY Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbal Name Unweathered, Bxu consolidated bedrock C c:olluviai deposit.s CI landslide. cs-r Solifluction deposits (frozen) Ffg Granular alluvial fan Fp Floodplain deposits Fpt Terrace GFo Outwash deposits GFe Esker dnpo sits GFk Kame deposits Gto Ablation till Gtb-f Basal till (frozen) 0 Organic deposits L-f lacustrines (frozen) _L_Lacustrine sediments overGtaablationtill L Lacustrine deposits over Gtb-f basal till (frozen) Cs-f Solifiuction deposits (frozen) Gtb-f over basal till tfrozen) Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) GTO over ablation till Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) FriT over terrace sediments Cs-f Solifluction BXU deposits (frozen) over bedrock Gtb-f Frozen basal til! tfXU over bedrock Ablation till ~over un- XU weathered bedrock Colluvium over C +B bedrock andEXiTXUbedrock exposures B~W +Bxw Colluvium over weathered or poorly ccnscn- dated bedrock PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS REVISIONS o..~~2~O~.?~OO FEETSCALEI:__ DATE Bedrock Mappinq Tv TSI/Tbqd Tsmq TKgr Jam (Jtr)(Jqd)RV Pzv (PIs)Kaq RVS Units Tertiary Volcanic Tertiary non-marine Ter-trar-v biotite Tertiary schist,Tertiary and/or Jurassic amphibolite,Triassic basaltic Late PaleOZOIC D;;Sa -tc Cretaceous argillite Triassic meraoaeett Abbreviated rocks;sneucw sedimentary rocks;granodiorite;local migmatite and granite,cr-etececus granitic'S inclusions of green-metavolcanic r-ocxs and andesltic meta-and graywacke,of a and slate,an Descriptions intrusives,nows ,conglomerate,sand-hornblende granodiorlL representing the roof forming small plutons.schist &marble;tocet formed in shallow volcanogenic reeks,thick deformed interoedded shallow and pyroclastics;stone,and claystone.(Thgd).of a large srccx ,rr-ondlerrute (Jtr)and marine environmenl local mere-nmesrcne turbidite aacuance ,mar-me sequence. rhyolitic to basaltic.granodiorite t Jgd).(PIs).lowgrade metamorphism Miscellaneous Mop Symbols ~// ~Slide scar;(\1T /.// / Scorp Buried Channel Trail Rock Contact r~/ 1\ Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbol Name Unweathered, Bxu consolidated bedrock C Colluvial deposits CI Landslide Cs-f Solifluction deposits.(frozen) Ffg Granular auuvtet fan Fp Floodplain deposits Fpt Terrace GFo Outwash deposits GFe Esker ucccsrts GFk Kame deposits Gta Ablation till Gtb-f Basal till (frozen) ~-_. 0 Organic deposits L-f Lecustrtnes (frozen) ---. L Lacustrine Gta sediments over ablation tOI L Lacustr-ine deposits overGfb-f basal till (frozen) I SQlifluctioncs-r deposits (frozen) Gtb-f over basal till (frozen) Cs-f Solifluction oeocsns (frozen) GiO over aotancn till-- Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Fiit over terrace sediments Cs-f Solifluction ceoosus (frozen)BXU over bedrock Gtb-f Frozen basal till "BXU over bedrock Aolation ut! ~over un- XU weathered bedrock Colluvium over tPxu+BXU bedrock and bedrock exposures B~W +Bxw Colluvium over weathered or poorly ccoscn- dated bedrock 5UBTA5K 5.02 I- SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJEC7 ALASKA POWER AUTHOR ITY PHOTO INTERPRETATION TER~AIN UNIT MAPS IM~f~11-----------1 REVISIONS. 2000 4000 FEETc::=ao SCALE 1"1"""",,,,,,,,,,""'10__.. DATE Bedrock Mapping Tv Tsu Tbgd Tsmg TKgr Jam (Jlr)(Jgd)liv pzv (Pis)Kog livs Units > Tertiary Volcanic TertIary non-marine Tertiary oroute Tertiary schist,Tertiary and lor Jurassic amphibolite,Triassic cason!c Late peteozc.c casamc Cretaceous argillite Triassic metabasaltAbbreviotedrocks:shallow sedimentary rocks;granOdiorite;local migmatite and granite,Cretaceous oranitics inclusions of green-me tevotcaruc rocks and anoesutc meta-and qr-avwac aa , ,f.and slate,an Descriptions Intrusives,flows,conglomerate,sand-hornblende granodioritE'reoresenting the roof forming small plutons.SChist &marble;local formed in snauow volcanogenic rocks,tnick oetor-rneo interbedded shallowandpyroclastics;stone,and claYstone.(Thgd).of it large stock.tr-oncrernne (Jtr")and mar-me environment.local meta-limestone turbidite sequence,marine sequence.rhyolitic to basaltic.granodiorite (Jgd).(PIs).towqr-ade metamorphism Miscellaneous Map Symbols ~/I ~Slide Scar ,,<\f'/// Scarp Buried Channel Trail />Rock Contact r~/ Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbol Name Unweathered, Bxq ccnscnciatec bedrock C Colluvial deposits CI t.ancrsuuc Cs-f Solifluction deposits:(frozen) Ffg Granular alluvial fan Fp Floodplain deposits Fpt Terrace I GFa Outwash deposits I I GFe Esker dr-pc srts I iGFkKamedepositsI ! Gta Ablation till I ! Gtb-f Basal till (frozen) I 0 Organic deposits ! I L-f Lacust-tnes (frozen) ----- L lacustrine I Gta sediments over ablation till L Lacustrine deposits over Gtb-f basal till (frozen) cs-r SolifluctIOn deposits (frozen) Gtb-f over basal till (frozen) Cs-f Solifluction I deposits (frozen) GiCl over ablation till Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Fiit over terrace sediments Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen)BXU over bedrock. Gtb-f Frozen basal till-exu over bedrock Ablation till Gta over un- tiXU weathered bedrock Colluvium over tfxu+BxU bedrock and bedrock exposures Colluvium overB~w +Bxw weathered or poorly consort- dated bedrock SUBTAsK 5.02 L. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY PHOTO INTERPRETATION TE~RAIN UNIT MAPS l!ijl-----------l REVISIONS o 2000 4000 FEET ~-~~SCALE OATE TriaSSIC metabasalt <ind stat e ,an In~eroedded shallow marine sequence. livsKag Cretaceous argiliite ano or-avwacxe . c- a tnick c etor-mect turbidite sequence, tower-acre mecamcromsm Pzv (Pis) Late PaleOZOIC basaltic and ances.ctc meta- VOlcanogenic rocks, local meta-limestone (Pis), liv Triassic b as at tic metavotcan!c -ocxs ro-meo In sneuow marine envu-omoent. Jurassic emonrbcute , .ncrusoris of green- schist &roer o!e :local tr-cr.oremrta \Jtr)and pr-an ccno rt t e (JgdJ. Jam (Jtr)(Jgd) /'"/ Rack Contact r-..../ Tertiary and/or Cr-erececus cr-annies f"orming small plutons. TKgrTsmgTbgd Tertiary biotite Tertiary s crnst , granodiorite;local rruqrnatite and granite, hornblende qr-enodior-tte r-eor-esentmq the rcof (Thgd).of a large stock. Buried Channel ~Trail .~.// Tertiary non-mar-ine sedimentary rocks i conglomerate,sand- stone,and claystone. TsuTv Tertiary Volcanic rocks;shallow IntrUSIVeS,flows. and cvr-octes rtcs : rhyolitic to basaltic. Bedrock Mapping Units Miscellaneous Map Symbols Scarp ~Slide Scar ~ Abbreviated Descriptions u,\c.'"Z0 !i"z ~s : Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbol Name Unweathered, Bxu consolidated bedrock C Colluvial deposits CI landslide Cs-f Solifluction depostts (frozen) Ffg cr-anutar-auuvtetr,n Fp Floodplain deposib Fpt Terrace GFo Outwash deposits GFe Esker deposits GFk Kame deposits Gta Ablation till Gtb-f Aasal till (frozen) 0 Organic deposits L-f t.acustrtnes (frozen) L lacustrine Gill sediments ever- ablatiOn till ...L lacustrine deposits over Gtb·f basal tiJ1 (frozen) .£rl Solifluction deposits (frozen) Gtb-f over'bina]till (frozen) Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Gill over ablation till cs-r Solifluction deposits (frozen) Fpt over ter-r ..ce sediments Cs-f Solifluction BXU deposits (frozen) over bedrock Gtb-f Frozen basal till tjxiJ over bedrccx Ablation till ire over un- e'"weathered bedrock Colluvium over tfxu+BXU eect-cck and bedrOCK exposures -~18:w+Bxw Colluvium ove,. weathered or -- ---poorly'ccrrsctt-r-r---- dated bedrock , SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SUSTASK S.02 ALASKA POWER AUTHOR ITY PHOTO INTERPRETATION CH. APP.APP.REVISIONS, 20dO 4000 FEET;:=::7o SCALE ~iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~~:-_~ DATE 0-61 Bedrock Mapping""Tv rs«Tbgd Tsmg TKgr Jam (Jfr)(Jgd)RV Pzv (PIs)Kag RVS Units Tertiary Volcanic Tertiary non-marine Tertiary oroute Tertiary schist,Tertiary and/or Jurass,c amphibolite,Triassic basaltic Late Paleozoic b"s";ic Cretaceous argillite Triassic metabasaltAbbreviatedrccks:shallow sedimentary rocks;granodiorite;local migmatite and granite.Cretaceous granitic$inclusions of green·matavorcantc rocks and anoesutc meta-and graywacke,of a and slate,an Descriptions intrusives,flows,conglomerate,sand-hornblende granodiorite representing the roof forming small plutons.schist &marble:local formed in shallow vcrcancceme rccxs ,thiCk deformed interbedded shallowandpyroclastics;stone,and claystone.(Thgd).of a large stock.tr-cncremue (Jtr)and marine environment.tccet mete-umesrone turbidite sequence,mar-me sequence.rhyolitic to basaltic.qr-anodrcr-ite (Jgd).(Pis).lowgrade metamorphism Miscellaneous Map Symbols ~/j Scarp ~Slide Scar t<\1T /./j- Burled Channel Trail Rack Contact /"'-..1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-----------.-_.-- o G A F E c B -- ~I'IOJECT 253210 o;'u AUGUST 1982 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY TERRAIN TERRAIN UNIT UNIT SYMBOL NAME unweetnereo ,I 8xu consottdetec Icedrcc« C Ccuuvtat ceocsits Cl t.encsuoe oeccs.ts Cs-f ;:.,;ii;'l:..:ction oeccsits Ca+Ff -vatanche =.na F,:m deposits Ffg Gr-enuler alluvial ran Fp Floodplain deposits Fpt Terrace GFo Outwash oeoos.ts GFe Esker oeocs.ts GFk r.eme ceccs.rs Gta cutcttcn ',',I Gtb-f Basal till (frozen) 0 Organic deposits L-f Lacustrines (frozen) L Lacustrine Gta sediments over ablation till L Lacustrine Gtb-f deposits over basal till Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Gtb-f over-basal till (frozen) Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) GiO over ablation til! Cs-f Solifluction Fpt deposits (frozen) over terrace sediments Cs-f Solifluction deposits overFffluvialfan sediments Cs-f Solifluction BiU deposits (frozen) over bedrock Gtb-f Frozen besel till Bxu over bedrock Gta Ablation till over Bxu un-weathered bedrock C Colluvium over Bxu + Bxu bedrock and bedrock exposures C Colluvium over Bxw +Bxw weathered,poorly consolidated bedr-ock ---CSUEITASK IS.D2: PHOTO INTERPRETATION_ TERRAIN UNIT MAPS .I--------,-----~ t 2 CH. APP. APP. [-:-1.....-I'"''~I"'''''''1-""'"I 1.5 SCALE 1'24,000 o _2.5-- I ADDITION OF N-S FLIGHT LINE a MINOR REINTERPRETA'TION LA JM8 GSII/82 i Bedrock .- Mopping Tv TSII Tbgd Tsmg TKgr Jam (,jtr)(,jgd)liv Pzv (PIs)Kag 1ivs Unils ---------.rreruerv-vctceorc ----Ter-tiar-y-non-mar-Ina Ter-tler-y biotite "rernarv schist,Tertiary and/of",Jurassfc amphibolite.Triassic basaltic Late Paleozoic ease.tte Cretaceous argillite Triassic metabasalt Abbreviated rocks;shallow sedimentary rocks;granodiorite:local migmatite and granite,cr-etececus granities inclusions of green-metavolcanic rocks and eooeetttc mete-and graywacke,of a and slate,an f?..~scriptions intrusives,flows,conglomerate,sand-hornblende granodiorit representing the roof (orming sffiatl plutons.SChist &marble;local formed in shallow volcanogenic rocks,thick deformed tnternecroed shallow and pyroclastics;stone,and claystone.(Thgd).of a large stock.trondjemlte (Jtr)and marine environment.local meta-limestone turbidite sequence,marine sequence. rhyolitic to basaltic.granodiorite (Jgd).(Pis).lowgrade metamorphism -M~scellaneous Map Symbols /'/ Scarp ~Slide scar;(\IT Buried Channel #/./// Trail Rack Conteet ,-...../ DATE NO,REVISIONS BRUNING -4+132.40973 10 9 t 8 7 t 6 5 t 4 I 3 1 IAfflJ[O l-n"""I"'·.~ F G E o c B "'V, 1\ Te rrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbol Name Un .....e ather-eo , Bxu ccnscttoarec becrccx C Colluvial deposits CI landslide Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Ffg cr-enutar alluvial ran Fp Floodplain deposits Fpt Terrace GFa Outwash deposits GFe Esker cnccsrts GFk Kame deposits Gta Ablation till Gtb-f Rasa)til!(frozen) 0 Organic deposit, L-f Lacustr-mes (frozen) -L lacustrine sediments overGtaablationtill .i..Lacustrine deposits.over Gtb·f basal till (frozen) ~Solifluction deposits (frozen) Gtb-f over basal till (frozen) Cs·f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Gta over ablation til! Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Fpt over terrace sediments Cs-f Solifluction Bxu deposits ~frozen) over bedrock Gtb-f Frozen basal till trXU over bedrock -Ablation till ~over urt- weathered bedrock C Colluvium over bedrock and"BXU+Bxu bedrock exposures Efxw+BXW Colluvium over weathered or poorly ccnscu- dated bedrock SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SUEITASK 5.C2 ALASKA POWER AUTHOR iTY PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS A(VISIONS o 2000 4000 FEET ~s-~-.SCALE DATE livs Triassic metabasalt and slate.an interbedded shallow marine sequence. Cretaceous argiilite and graywacke,of a thick deformed turbidite sequence, rcc cr-aoe metamorphism. Kag Late Paleozoic oas artrc ann ancesurc meta- volcanogenic rocks, local mete-umestone (Plsl. FOR CCNTINUATION,SEE SHEET 1 a Pzv (Pis) FOR CONTINUATION,SEE SHEET 16 Triassic basaltic metavolcanic rocks formed in soauow marine environment. livJam(Jtr)(Jgd) Jurassic amphibOlite,. inclusions 01'cn-eeo - SChist &marble;local t ronclemtte (Jtr J and "ranooiorite (Jgd).' / /---' Rack Contact r--J Tertiarv and/or Cretaceous granitlcs forming small plutons. TKgrTsmg ~/ ...........y T '1//~rcu . Tbgd Tertiary biotite Tertiary schist, granoalOrite;local migmatite and granite, hornblende granodiorite representing the roof (ThgdJ.'of a large s rocx . Buried Channel Tsu T'e r-trar-v non-mar-me sectrnentar-v rOCK5; Conglomerate,sand- Stone.and crevatcne . Tertlar"Volcanic rocks;snatlow Intrusives,flows, ana pyroclastics; rhyolitic to basaltic. Tv Bedrock Mapping Units Abbreviated Descriptions Miscellaneous Map Symbols Scarp ~Slide Scar ;::0T 1\ Terrain Terroin Unit Unit Symbol Name Unweathered, Bxu consolidated bedrock C Colluvial deposits CI Landslide cs-r Solifluction deposits (frozen) Ffg cr-anutcr-alluvial ran Fp Floodplain deposits Fpt Terrace GFo outwastt deposits GFe Esker creposits GFk Kame oeposrts Gta Ablation til! Gtb-f nasat t;ll (frozen I 0 Or-qeruc ceocsns L-f Lacustrines (frozen) L Lacustrine GiO secnrnems over ablation till ....L lacustrine deposits over Gtb-f ba:sal till (frozen) ..Q.ll Solitluction oepcs.rts (frozen) Gtb-f over basal til( (frozen) Cs-f Solifluction oeccstrs (frozen) Cfi(]over autencn till SolifluctionCs-f deposits (fr-czen j Fpt over terrace sediments Cs-f Solifluction deoosu.s t f r-ozen )Bxu over ceorock Gtb-f Frozen basal till '"BXU over bedrock Ablation till Sili!.over urr- Bxu weathered bedrock Colluvium over ~+BXU bedrock and bedrock exposures Colluvium over B~W +Bxw weathered or poorly ccnscu- dated bedrock suaTAsK 5.02 L SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHOR ITY PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS REVISIONS 2000 4000 FEET===ao SCALE i'i.....1lIIII~~~~~ DATE Bedrock Mapping Tv TSlJ Tbgd Tsmg TKgr Jam (Jtr)(Jgd)RV Pzv (Pis)Kag RVS Units Abbreviated Tertiary Volcanic Tertiary ncn-martna Tertiary bto tlre Tertiary schist,Tertiary and/or Jurassic:amphibolite.'rr-tasstc basaltic Late Paleozoic basaltic Cretaceous argillite Triassic metabasaltrocks;shallow sedimentary rocks;granodiorite;loul rmqrna tl te and granite,Cretaceous granitics inclusions of green-metavolc.anic r-ocks and anoasit!c meta-and qr-avwacke, of a lind slate,an Descriptions ro truerves ,flows,conglomerate,sand-hor-notenoc grarll'~ijo,..ite reo-esenuno the roof forming small plutons.senist &marble;lO<.al formed in shannw volcanogenic rocks,thick deformed interbedded shallowanduvr-ocf as tics:stone,and claystone.(fhgd).of a large stock,t roncuemlte (Jtr)and marine envu-orunent.local meta-limestone turbidite sequence,marine sequence.rhyolitic to basaltic.granodiorite (Jgd),(Pis).towqr-ece metamorphism Miscellaneaus Map Symbals ~//"/ Scarp ~Slide Scar ;(\1'Buried Channel Trail r-/Rock Contact -:» G F E o B c A - TERRAIN ,TERRAIN UNIT UNIT SYMBOL NAME 8xu -::2Cr-::CK I C I =~:l,'ilai ceccsus I CI 1 !I ..encsnoe oecos.ts I I ICs-f 1 ~.:.iiilut:tion deposits: Ca+Ff I -valancne ano -sn oeccsus Ffg -I Sr-anutar alluvial I an Fp I <tcooolein deposits Fpt I Ter-r-ace GFo .a.wesn oeocsus GFe :::~ver-';er::::'S,LS GFk arr.e 'J:,::'O~I,5 I Gte I i I Gtb-f .Basal till i frozen) 0 Organic deposits L-f Lecusu-lnes (frozen; L lacustrine sediments overGteablationtill L Lacustrine Gtb-f oeocstts over basal till Cs-f Solifluction deposits J (frozet:') Gtb-f over ba'sal till (frozen) Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Gta over ablation till cs-r Solifluction deposits (frozen)FPt over terrace sediments Cs-f Solifluction deposits over Ff fluvial fan sectmenrs Cs-f Solifluction Bxu deposits (frozen) over bedrock Gtb-f Frozen basal till Bxu over bedrock Gta Ablation till over Bxu un-weathered bedrock B~U + Bxu Colluvium over bedrock and bedr-ock exposures C Colluvium oval" Bxw +Bxw weatnereo ,poorly consolidated beoroc« SUBTASK lS.ca< SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS LA JM8 GS 4 I ADDITION OF N -S FliGHT LINE EI-!oIINOR REINTERPRETATI DATE II 182 t 'r rtesstc metabasalt and slate,an tnter-oeuoeo shallow marine sequence. livsKog Cretaceous arglllite and graywacke,of a thick oerormec turbidite sequence, towqr-ecre metamorphism 5 Pzv (PIs) Late Paleozoic basaltic and ancestt!c meta- volcanogenic rocks, local meta-limestone (Pis). liv Triassic basaltic metavolcanic rocks formed in shallow marine environment. Q 25 .5 10 15 SCALE I:24,000 Jam (Jtr)(Jgd) Jurassic amphibolite, inclusions of green~ schist &marble;local trondjemite (Jtr.l and granodiorite (Jgd). Tertiary and/or Cretaceous granitics forming small plutons. TKgrTsmgTbgd Tertiary biotite Tertiary SChist, granodiorite;local migmatJte and granite, hornblende granodiorite representing the roof (Thgd).of a large stock, Tsu Tertiary non-mar-Ine sedimentary rocks; conglomerate,saner- stone,and claystone. Tv Tertiary Volcanic rocks;shallow .intrusives,ftows, ana pyroclastics; rhyolitic to basaltic. Bedrock Mapping Units Abbreviated Descriptions Miscellaneous Map Symbols ~./,r/ Scarp ~Slide scor,<iT'Buried Channel Trail -:Rock Contact r .._/ BRUNING 44-132.40973 10 9 t 8 7 t 6 B E G o F c ~A.. -- Miscellaneous Map Symbols Scarp ~Slide Scar ,.<\P" OATE AUGUST 1981 L SUBTABK 15.02 PROJECT 052502 Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbal Name Unweathered, Bxu consolidated bedrock C Colluvial deposits CI Landslide Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Ffg Granular alluvial tan Fp Floodplain deposits Fpt Terrace GFo Outwash deposits: GFe Esker uooosns GFk Kame deposits Gta Ablation till Gtb-f Basal till (frOzen) 0 Organic ceccsns L-f t.ecustrtnes (frozen) L Lacustrine Gta sediments over ablation till L Lacustrine deposits over Gtb-f basal till (frozen) Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Gtb-f over basal till (frozen) Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) GiCl over ablation till Solifluction Cs-f deposits (frozen) Frit over terrace sediments Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen)8XU over bedrock Gtb-f Frozen basal till ""BXU over bedrock Ablation till ~over un- XU weathered bedrock Colluvium over C +B bedrock andtlXUXUbedr-ock exposures ~+BXW Colluvium over weathered or poorly ccn scfl- dated bedrock PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS m~------j CH. APP. APP, 2000 4000 FEETo i DATE livs Triassic metabasalt and slate,an Interbedded Shallow marine sequence. Kag Cretaceous argillite and graywacke,ot a thick uetorrned turbidite sequence, lcwqr-ade metamorohism. Triassic basaltic -ner avorcaruc reeks lor-mea In shallow marine anvrr-onment . livJom(Jtr)(Jgd) Jurass-Ic amphibolite. toctus.ons 01 green- scntst &mar-ote :local tr-onoj ernite lJtr)a'nd granodiorite (Jgd). I /' / Rock Contact /'"'J TKgr Tertiary and/or Cretaceous qr-anrtics forming smail plutons. TsmgTbgd Tertiary biotite Tertiary SChist, qr-artodicr-ite ; local migmatite and granite, hornblende granodiOrite representing the roof (Thgd).of a large stock. ~/ Buried Channel ~Trail .,/./ Tertiary non-marine sedimentary r-ocks : conglomerate,sene- stone,and claystone, TsuTv "r er-narv Volcanic rocxs :shallOW lntr-ustves .flows, ana cvrocresucs : r-nvofiuc to basaltic. Bedrock Mapping Units Abbreviated Descriptions ., /\ OATE AUGUST 1981 ?"OJECT 052502 Terrain Terrain Unit Unit Symbol Name Un ....eatherec , Bxu consolidated bedrock C Colluvial deposits CI Landslide Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Ffg Gr-anular-alluvial ran Fp Pfoodplaln deposits Fpt Ter-r-ace GFo Outwash creocs. rs GFe Esker ueoosus GFk kame deposits Gta Ablation ~III Glb-f ":',a5al till "r-oz en 0 Organic oecosue L-f Lacustr-mes (fr-cz ert l L lacustrine GiG sediments over ablation till L Lacustrine eeocsus over Glb-f basal til!(frozen I Cs-f Solifluction deposits t tr-ozen t Gtb-f over basal till (frozen) Cs-f Solifluction deposits (fr-ozen J GiG over ablation till SolifluctionCs-f deposits (frozen) Fpt over terrace sediments cs-r sonrtucttcn Bxu oeposrts (frozen) over bedrock Gtb-f Frozen basal till tlXU"over bedrock Ablation till .G..!Q over un- Bxu weathered oecrock Colluvium over C b edr-ccx and1jXU+Bxu bedrock exucaur-es Colluvium over -fxw+BXW weathered or poorly ccnscrt- dated bedrock BUBTABK 15.02 PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS liilll------------J CH. APP. APP,REVISIONS. o 20.00 40.0.0 FEET SCALE ~===:J DATE Bedrock Mapping Tv TSlJ Tbgd Tsmg TKgr Jam (Jtr)(Jgd)RV Pzv (PIs)Kag RVS Units Tertiary Volcanic Tertiary non-mer-me Tertiary biotite Tertiary SChist,Tertiary and/or .ruressrc amphibolite,Triassic:basaltic Late Paleozoic oass,.tc Cretaceous argillite Triassic metabasalt Abbreviated rocks;shallow sedimentary rocks;granodiorite;local migmatite and granite,Cretaceous granitics tnctustcns of qreen-rnetevorcaru c rOCkS and ancesitic mete -and graywacke,of a and slate,anIntrusives,ttcws ,conglomerate.sand-hornblende qr-anootor-tr representing the roof forming small plutons.SChist 8.marble;local formea In shallow volcanogenic r.rcks ,thick nef cr-rnect tmer-oecoeo shallowDescriptionsandpyroclastics;stone.and crevs rone.(Thgd).of a large stock.t rcnciernt re (Jtr)and marine environment.local mere-umestone turbidite sequence,mar-rna sequence. rhyolitic to basaltic.granOdiorite (..Igd).(Pis).lowgrade rnetamcr-p hfsm Miscellaneous Map Symbols ~/__I ~SlideScar~//Scarp Buried Channel Traii .r:Rock Conlact "'.../ 0-67, F G o E c B A I'I\OJECT 252510 OATIO AUGUST 1982 SUBTASK s.aa TERRAIN TERRAIN UNIT UNIT SYMBOL NAME Bxu Unweathered, consolidated bedrock C Colluvial deposits CI Landslide.deposits Cs-f Solifluction deposits Ca+Ff Avalanche and F:;n deposits Ffg Granular.alluvial fan Fp Floodplain deposits Fpt Terrace GFo Outwash deposits GFe Esker deposits GFk Kame deposits Gte Ablation till Gtb-f Basal til!(Frozen) 0 orcenlc deposits L-f t.ecustrines (frozen) L Lacustrine sediments over Gte ablation till L Lacustrine Gtb-f deposits over basal till Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen) Gtb-f over basal till (frozen) es-t Solifluction deposits (frozen) Gte over ablation till Cs-f Solifluction deposits (frozen)FPf over terrace sediments Cs-f Solifluction deposits over Ff fluvial fan sediments Cs-f Solifluction BXU deposits (frozen) over bedrock Gtb-f Frozen basal till Bxu over bedrock Gte Ablation till over Bxu un-weathered bedrock B~U + Bxu "Cclluviurn over bedrock and bedrock exposures C Colluvium over Bxw +Bxw weathered,poorly consolidated bedrock SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY PHOTO INTERPRETATION TERRAIN UNIT MAPS ',""0 ~.r·!/rt CH.APP.APP. 1.5 SCALE I.:24,000 .25 PROPOSED ACCESS PLAN 4t56t78t910 Bedrock Mapping Tv Tsu Tbgd Tsmg TKgr Jam (Jtr)(Jgd)RV Pzv (Pis)Kag RVS Units Tertiary Volcanic Tertiary non-marine "rer-nar-v biotite Tertiary schist,Tertiary and/or Jurassic amphibolite,Triassic basaltic Late Paleozoic c.<'5idtic.Cretaceous argillite Triassic metabasalt Abbreviated rocks;sneuow sedimentary rocks;granODIOrite;local migmatite and granIte,Cretaceous granitlcs inclusions of green-metavolcanic rocks ana ancestuc mara-and graywacke,of a and slate,an Descriptions intrusives,ttcws ,conglomerate.sand-nornotenoe qr-anodior-Ite representino the roof forming small plutons.schist &marble;local formed in shallow votcenoceruc reeks,thicK deformed interbedded shallOW and pyroclastics;stone,ana crevsrcne,(Thgd).of a large s-tock.tr-onctlemlte (Jtr)and marine envrr-onmeru , local meta-limestone turbidite sequence,marine sequence. rhyolitic to casatuc .granodiorite (Jgd).(Pis).lowgrade metamorphism Miscellaneous Map Symbols ~.//- Scarp ~Slide scar;(\TT /.//--' Buried Channel Trail Rock Contact r ..../ G _..--------------------------Tr~T7TT"T__,_.777,,"_r-----_rT7~_;__r___n-----_r_,C__-__r--,.----,-----:;7r;r---------------------; BRUNING#132..40973 F E o c B Supplement r35/a66 APPENDIX F Cost Estimates Figure Supplements Table Revisions &Supplements Supplement to Cost Estimate Itemizations r35/b2 Supplement TABLE F.5.1 BRIDGES - PLANS l-11R Length Segment River (feet)Cost Figures Section B-1 Indian R.180 $ 1,101,600 B. 1,F.5.1 R2W T32N Sec 12 Susitna @ G. C.2,480 15,177,600 B.6,F.5.2 R2W T31N Sec 9' B-3 Fog Creek 1,250 7,650,000 B.9,F.5.4 R5E T31N Sec 19 Chechako Creek 1, 160 7,099,200 B.7,F.5.3 R1E T31N Sec 4 No Name Creek 800 4,896,000 B. 7,F.5.5 R1E T31N Sec 15 R-2 Chechako Creek 1, 160 7,099,200 B.7,F.5.3 R1E T31N Sec 4 No Name Creek 1,000 6,120,000 B. 7,F.5.7 R1E T31N Sec 10 H Low Level Xing 780 2,246,400 B.7 R1E T32N Sec 32 X High Level @ D.C.2,600 15,912,000 B.7,F.5.6 R1E T32N Sec 32 Note:All bridges 34'wide and $180/sf except RR which are 17'wide and $360/sf,and low level xing which is 16'wide and $180/sf. F-9A r35/b3 Supplement TABLE F.5.2 BRIDGES -PLANS 12-18 Length Plan River (feet)Cost Figures Section 12 Indian R.180 $1,101,600 B.l,F .5.1 RlW T32N Sec 6 Low Level Xing 780 2,246,400 B.7 Rl E T32N Sec 32 Portage Creek 1, 100 6,732,000 B. 7,F.5.8 R1W T32N Sec 25 13 Indian R.180 1,101,600 B.l,F .5.1 RlW T32N Sec 6 Upper Portage 2,000,000 B.2 R1W T32N Sec 12 R2E T32N Sec 30 Susi @ Portage 1, 100 6,732,000 B.7,F.5.9 RlW T32N Sec 26 14 Susi @ G.C.(Sim)2,480 15,177,600 B.6,F.5.2 R2W T31N Sec 9 Indian R.180 1,101,600 B. 1, F .5.1 RlW T32N Sec 6 Susi @ Fog 3,250 19,890,000 B.8,F.5.10 R4E T31N Sec 19 Tsusena Cr.160±1,000,000 B.4 R5E T32N Sec 30 I, 15 Susi @ Fog 3,250 19,890,000 B.8,F.5.1O R4E T31N Sec 19 Tsusena Cr.160±1,000,000 B.4 R5E T32N Sec 30 16 Indian R.180 1,101 ,600 B.l,F.5.1 R1W T32N Sec 6 Susi @ Portage 1,100 6,732,000 B.7,F.5.9 RlW T32N Sec 26 Susi @ Fog 3,250 19,890,000 B.8,F.5.10 R4E T31N Sec 19 Tsusena Cr.160±1,000,000 B.4 R5E T32N Sec 30 17 Tsusena Cr.160±1,000,000 B.4 R5E T32N Sec 30 Susi @ Fog 3,250 19,890,000 B.8,F .5.10 R4E T31N Sec 19 17A Fog Creek 1,250 7,650,000 B.9,F.5.4 R5E T31N Sec 19 18 High Level @ D.C.2,600 15,912,000 B.7,F.5.6 R1E T32N Sec 32 F-9B "'"~'!I.-La ~<:;t V ro n t U 't It \(, .1 ~ (,!)~ ~lt.J .....It.J Q::Q:: c:>(.,) Q.. SUS I TNA R I V E R 0 0 0 0 io in +CO l()+++ '¢<..0 ro l() r<>ro '¢'¢ CO CO CO (X) <t ~<:(<:( l-I-I-en en en en 230 '670·200' -1400 -1200 -1000 FILL --~",,-::::::::::---r--=============--"-------== ~CUT~ --- - - - - ---~~~=:b.=H~~~====~=~====1~~t? o 100 200 400 1-"'"I GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1.-.0D FT.STAVED .GIRDER STEEL BRIDGE:-800 PREPARED BY: R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. PORTAGE CREEK:BRIDGE AT.SUSITNA RIVER FIGURE· PREPARED FOR: ;:050S. F-18A l1.$~~.r.,~I~'\ )) -1400 -1200 -1000 -800 ORIGINALGROUND CUT CROADPROFI LEFILL oo+ '\t' to CD ~ (f) 400' oo+ oto CD ~ (f) 500' 1-------·-------+-1300·V.C-.----+--------- oo + to C\I CD ROADPROFI LE ORIGI NAL GROUND FILL o 100 200 400 I I I I GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 110D FT.STEEL DECK TRUSS BRIDGE R&M CONSULTANTS,INC.SUSITNA RIVER BRIDGE·\NEST OF PDRT AGE CREEK PREPARED FOR: FIGURE-"'.5.9. -F-1SS -1600 «I- CJ) 3 at 200' II o 10 + too (J) «..... (J) r ..It -jj . II .. II ~ (J) 10 at 200'r 650' CREEK -, \ ~I FUTURE RESERVOI R HIGH WATER LEVEL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I /0 o + o ex> ex> CUT CREEK a 100 200 600 ~~~- FUTURE RESERVOIR SURFACE 1470 -1200 ··650 FT..STEEL TRUSS &2S0D.FT.;·"PLATE GIRDER BRIDGE PREPARED BY' R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. SUSITNA RIVER BRIDGE SO'-ITHVVESTOF FOG,CREEK F-18C PREPARED FOR: rj:;,/b&SupplemenL. SUPPLEMENT TO TABLE F-7.1 CULVERTS (in lineal feet) Size A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 B-4 B-6 B-7 R-3 C-3 C-4 Dia.L.F.L.F.L.F.L.F.L.F.L.F.L:F.L.F.L.F.L.F.L.F.L.F. 18"6,375 2,975 4,420 5,015 24,395 10,625 3,485 24,565 27,540 2,850 23,720 26,350 36" 400 600 500 100 300 400 100 100 42"100 100 300 200 100 300 400 300 48" 100 100 200 100 100 100 200 600 500 54 11 100 100 200 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 60" 200 200 500 200 400 200 200 300 72"100 100 100 100 300 84"200 400 200 200 200 96"400 100 100 100 100 108"200 100 100 100 200 200 120 11 100 200 144 11 100 168 11 100 F-35A r35/fl Supplement WATANA LOGISTIC BREAKDOWN SUPPLEMENT TO TABLE F-l0.l Rail Road Tons Cost $/Ton Mi 18 Mi. Gold Creek To Hurricane 7 Mi. Gold Creek To Spur End Const.Equipment 16,000 0.1878 $54,086 $21,034 Explosive 20,000 0.6267 225,612 87,738 Cement 350,000 0.1565 985,950 383,425 Rein.Steel 33,000 0.2577 153,074 59,529 Rock Bolts 12,500 0.2577 57,983 .22,549 Steel Support 3,600 0.2577 16,699 6,494 Mech.,str.,elc ,equip.15,000 0.1262 34,074 13,251 Constr.Fuel 300,000 0.1450 783,000 304,500 Camp Fuel 51,000 0.1450 133,110 51,765 Tires &Parts 21,800 0.1878 73,693 28,658 Camp Supplies 74,600 0.1262 169,461 65,902 Village 1,400 0.1262 3,180 1,237 Contingency &Misc.196,600 0.1262 446,597 173,676 1,095,500 $3,136,519 $1,219,758 23 24 F-40A r35/bl Supplement DEVIL CANYON LOGISTIC BREAKDOWN SUPPLEMENT TO TABLE F-l0.2 Rail Road 18 Mi. 7 Mi. 14 Mi. Gold Creek Gold Creek Gold Creek Cost To To to Devil Tons $/Ton Mi Hu rricane Spur End Canyon Camp Const.Equipment 5,000 0.1878 $16,902 $6,573 $13, 146 Explosive 3,000 0.6267 33,842 13,161 26,321 Cement 650,000 0.1565 1,831,050 712,075 1,424,150 Rein.Steel 22,000 0.2577 102,049 39,686 79,372 Rock Bolts 3,000 0.2577 13,916 5,412 10,823 Steel Support 2,200 0.2577 10,205 3,969 7,937 Mech.,str.,elc.equip.13,500 0.1262 30,667 11,926 23,852 Constr.Fuel 68,000 0.1450 177,480 69,020 138,040 Camp Fuel 30,000 0.1450 78,300 30,450 60,900 Tires s Parts 18,700 0.1878 63,213 24,583 49,166 .Carnp Supplies 44,000 0.1262 99,950 38,870 77,739 Village 1,300 0.1262 2,953 1, 148 2,297 Contingency &Misc.205,900 0.1262 467,722 181,892 363,784 1,066,600 $2,928,249 $1,138,765 $2,277,527 25 26 35 F-4lA r35/b4 SupPlement ROAD HAUL SEGMENT COSTS SUPPLEMENT TO F.10-3 #12 #12 #13 #13 #14 &15 #14,15 &16 #17,17A,&18 Hurricane Hurricane Hurricane Hurricane RR Spur Devil Cantwell $/Ton Mi to Devil to Watana to Devil to Watana to Devil to Watana to Watana Item Tons Rate 26 Mi 59 Mi 18 Mi 52 Mi 6 Mi 41 Mi 61 Mi All Watana 1,095,500 0.2069 -13,372,878 -11,786,265 1,359,954 9,293,017 13,826,196 27 28 29 30 31 All Devil 1,066,600 0.2069 5,737,668 32 3,972,232 33 F-42A 1,324,077 34 r35/g1 Plan 12: Plan 13: Supplement LOGISTICS TOTAL SUPPLEMENT TO TABLE F .10-4 Use:Water:1,2,8,9 Rail to Hurricane:3,4,10, 11,23,25 Truck to Dams:27,32 TOTAL Use:Water:1,2,8, 9 Rail to Hurricane:3,4,10, 11, 23, 25 Truck to Dams:28,33 TOTAL $134,388,000 72,587,341 19,110,546 $226,085,887 $134,388,000 72,587,341 15,758,497 $222,733,838 Plan 14 &15:Use:Water:1,2,8, 9 Rail to Spu rEnd:3,4,10, 11,24,26 Truck to Dams:29,30,34 TOTAL $134,388,000 68,881,096 11,977,048 $215,246,144 Plan 16: Plan 17, 17A &18: Use:Water:1,2,8, 9 Rail to Gold Creek:3,4,10,11 Truck to Dams: 15, 19, 30 TOTAL Use:Water:1,2,8, 9 Rail to Gold Creek:3,4,10,11 Rail to Cantwell:7 Truck to Watana from Cantwell:31 Rail to Devil from Gold Creek:35 TOTAL F-44A $134,388,000 66,522,573 14,661,078 $215,571,651 $134,388,000 66,522,573 9,758,058 13,826,196 2,277,527 $226,772,354 t/y1 COST ESTIMATE ITEMIZATION Supplement Plans 11R to 18 s,2/m, ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 11 R.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .11 Pioneer Roads .114 Gold Creek to Watana -South A-2 Road (41.25 Mi) Clearing 369 AC $5,760.00 $2,125,440.00 Waste Excavation 855,321 CY 4.80 4,105,540.80 Common Excavation 619,500 CY 4.20 2,601,900.00 Rock Excavation 0 CY 14.40 0.00 Borrow 0 CY 6.00 0.00 18 11 Culverts 9,200 LF 28.80 264,960.00 36 11 +Culverts -LS 114,960.00 114,960.00 Bridges 0 SF 0.00 0.00 0-1 Base Material 222,640 TON 21.60 4,809,024.00 Fabric 14,946 SY 3.00 44,838.00 TOTAL $14,066,662.80 Maintenence 83 Mile-Years $4,000.00 $332,000.00 s12/m2 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT- 11R .336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .115 Denali to Watana C Road (44.32 Mi) Clearing 0 AC $5,760.00 $0.00 Waste Excavation 0 CY 4.80 0.00 Common Excavation 0 CY 4.20 0.00 Rock Excavation 0 CY 14.40 0.00 Borrow 0 CY 6.00 0.00 18"Culverts 0 LF 28.80 0.00 36"+Culverts 0 LS 0.00 0.00 Bridges 0 SF 0.00 0.00 0-1 Base Material 0 TON 21.60 0.00 Fabric 0 SY 3.00 0.00- TOTAL $0.00 Maintenence 0 Mile-Years $0.00 $0.00 ;:,i2/rn.> ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT- 11R .336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .118 Devil Canyon Low Level Crossing H Road (7.88 Mi) Clearing 170 AC $5,760.00 $979,200.00 Waste Excavation 498,845 CY 4.80 2,394,456.00 Common Excavation 549,417 CY 4.20 2,307,551.40 Rock Excavation 749,641 CY 14.40 10,794,830.40 Borrow 0 CY 6.00 0.00 18 11 Culverts 5,100 LF 28.80 146 ,880.00- 36 11 +Culverts -LS 0.00 0.00 Bridges 12,480 SF 180.00 2,246,400.00 D-1 Base Material 36,966 TON 21.60 798,465.60 Fabric 0 SY 3.00 0.00 TOTAL $19,667,783.40 Maintenence 55 Mile-Years $5,000.00 $275,000.00 s12/m4 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 11R.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .12 Permanent Roads &Bridges .124 Watana to Devil Canyon -North / Road A-2/(41.25 Mi) Clearing 207 AC $5/760.00 $1/192/320.00 Waste Excavation 681/179 CY 4.80 3/269,659.20 Common Excavation 984/473 CY 4.20 4/134,786.60 Rock Excavation 146/527 CY 14.40 2/109/988.80 Borrow 73/145 CY 6.00 438,870.00 NFS Subbase Material 424/710 CY 8.40 3/567,564.00 Grade IIAII Base Material 231/739 CY 16.80 3/893/215.20 D-1 Base Material 96/704 TON 21.60 2,088,806.40 A.C.Surfacing 88/557 TON 79.20 7/013/714.40 Guardrail 6/050 LF 43.20 261/360.00 1811 Culverts 13/840 LF 28.80 398/592.00 3611 +Culverts -LS 179/040.00 179/040.00 Fabric 34,874 SY 3.00 104,622.00 Thaw Pipes 24,435 LF 43.20 1/055/592.00 Topsoil &Seed 326 AC 3/600.00 1/173/600.00 Traffic Control Devices 41 MI 18/000.00 738/000.00 Bridges 0 SF 180.00 0.00 TOTAL $31/619/730.60 Maintenence 206 Mile-Years $10/000.00 $2,060/000.00 siz/mc ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 11R.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .125 Denali to Watana Road C, (44.32 Mi)(Plus 21.00 Mi) Clearing 800 AC $5,760.00 $4,608,000.00 Waste Excavation 2,245,400 CY 4.80 10,777,920.00 Common Excavation 2,450,800 CY 4.20 10,293,360.00 Rock Excavation 41,800 CY 14.40 601,920.00 Borrow 20,000 CY 6.00 120,000.00 NFS Subbase Material 470,000 CY 8.40 3,948,000.00 Grade IIAII Base Material 300,000 CY 16.80 5,040,000.00 D-1 Base Material 162,500 TON 21.60 3,510,000.00 A.C.Surfacing 148,813 TON 79.20 11,785,989.60 Guardrail 4,200 LF 43.20 181,440.00 1811 Culverts 30,350 LF 28.80 874,080.00 3611 +Culverts -LS 468,120.00 468,120.00 Fabric 12,907 SY 3.00 38,721.00 Thaw Pipes 28,750 LF 43.20 1,242,000.00 Topsoil &Seed 514 AC 3,600.00 1,850,400.00 Traffic Control Devices 69 MI 18,000.00 1,242,000.00 Bridges °SF 180.00 0.00 TOTAL $56,581,950.60 Maintenence 980 Mile-Years $8,000.00 $7,840,000.00 5121m6 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT- 11.R336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .128 Devil Canyon Trans-Dam Crossing, Road D,(7.26 Mi) Clearing 45 AC $5,760.00 $259,200.00 Waste Excavation 132,300 CY 4.80 635,040.00 Common Excavation 114,500 CY 4.20 480,900.00 Rock Excavation 12,200 CY 14.40 175,680.00 Borrow 90,200 CY 6.00 541,200.00 NFS Subbase Material 27,960 CY 8.40 234,864.00 Grade IIA II Base Material 15,260 CY 16.80 256,368.00 0-1 Base Material 6,370 TON 21.60 137,592.00 A.C.Surfacing 5,830 TON 79.20 461,736.00 Guardrail 2,640 LF 43.20 114,048.00 1811 Culverts 1,785 LF 28.80 51,408.00 3611 +Culverts -LS 30,744.00 0.00 Fabric 0 SY 3.00 0.00 Thaw Pipes 1,785 LF 43.20 77,112.00 Topsoil &Seed 29 AC 3,600.00 104,400.00 Traffic Control Devices 3 MI 18,000.00 54,000.00 Bridges 0 SF 180.00 0.00- TOTAL $3,583,548.00 Maintenence 7 Mile-Years $13,000.00 $91,000.00 s12/m7 'ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 11R.336 ROAD &RAI L FACI L1TI ES .2 Rail Facilities .22 Railheads .221 Railhead -Cantwell Clearing 25 AC $5,760.00 $144,000.00 Waste Excavation 78,000 CY 4.80 374,400.00 Common Excavation 505,000 CY 4.20 2,121,000.00 Grade A Base 4,900 CY 16.80 82,320.00 D-1 Base Material 2,400 CY 21.60 51,840.00 A. C.Surfacing 2,200 Ton 79.20 174,240.00 Topsoil &Seed 15 AC 3,600.00 54,000.00 Rail Yard Control Devices -LS 720.00 720.00 Subbatlast .25,800 CY 8.60 221,880.00 Trackage 19,700 LF 140.00 2,758,000.00 Dock Lumber 16 MBF 580.00 9,280.00 TOTAL $5,991,680.00 Maintenence 15 Year $28,600.00 $429,000.00 ::>12/mo ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 11R .63 CAMP .1 Camp .11 Pioneer Road Camp Camp Facilities -LS $588,000.00 $588,000.00 Catering &Operation Support 70,980 Manday 39.40 2,796,612.00 .12 Access Road/Railhead Camp Camp Facilities -LS 975,000.00 975,000.00 Catering &Operation Support 225,240 Manday 39.10 8,806,884.00 $13,166,496.00 s16/d1 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 12.336 ROAD &RAI L FACI L1TI ES .1 Road Facilities .14 Permanent Road .141 Hurricane to Indian River Road A-3,(11 Mi) Clearing 184 AC $5,760.00 $1,059,840.00 Waste Excavation 506,450 CY 4.80 2,430,960.00 Common Excavation 462,500 CY 4.20 1,942,500.00 Rock Excavation 0 CY 14.40 0.00 Borrow 258,600 CY 6.00 1,551,600.00 NFS Subbase Material 113,256 CY 8.40 951,350.40 Grade II AII Base Material 61,797 CY 16.80 1,038,189.60 D-1 Base Material 12,894 TON 21.60 278,510.40 A.C.Surfacing 23,615 TON 79.20 1,870,308.00 Guardrail 10,800 LF 43.20 466,560.00 1811 Culverts 6,375 LF 28.80 183,600.00 3611 +Culverts -LS 70,800.00 70,800.00 Fabric 26,890 SY 3.00 80,670.00 Thaw Pipes 7,175 LF 43.20 309,960.00 Topsoil &Seed 117 AC 3,600.00 421,200.00 Traffic Control Devices 11 MI 18,000.00 198,000.00 Bridges 6120 SF 180.00 1,101,600.00 TOTAL $13,955,648.40 Maintenence 165 Mile-Years 13,000.00 $2,145,000.00 s16/0.::= ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 12.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .143 Indian River to Devil Canyon-North Road A-Sf (7 Mi) Clearing 108 AC $5,760.00 $622,080.00 Waste Excavation 293,400 CY 4.80 1,408,320.00 Common Excavation 237,850 CY 4.20 998,970.00 Rock Excavation 26,250 CY 14.40 378,000.00 Borrow 262,500 CY 6.00 1,575,000.00 NFS Subbase Material 72,072 CY 8.40 605,404.80 Grade II All Base Material 39,325 CY 16.80 660,660.00 0-1 Base Material 8,205 TON 21.60 177,228.00 A.C.Surfacing 15,028 TON 79.20 1,190,217.60 Guardrail 5,600 LF 43.20 241,920.00 1811 Culverts 4420 LF 28.80 127,296.00 3611 +Culverts -LS 6,600.00 6,600.00 Fabric 7,330 SY 3.00 21,990.00 Thaw Pipes 4 1320 LF 43.20 186,624.00 Topsoil &Seed 66 AC 3,600.00 237,600.00 Traffic Control Devices 7 MI 18,000.00 126,000.00 Bridges 37,400 SF 180.00 6,732,000.00 TOTAL $15,295,910.40 Maintenence 105 Mile-Years 13,000.00 $1,365,000.00 s16/d3 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 12.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .154 DeviI Canyon to Watana -North Road A-2,(41 Mi) Clearing 576 AC $5,760.00 $3,317,760.00 Waste Excavation 1,536,500 CY 4.80 7,375,200.00 Common Excavation 1,603,973 CY 4.20 6,736,686.60 Rock Excavation 146,527 CY 14.40 2,109,988.80 Borrow 156,700 CY 6.00 940,200.00 NFS Subbase Material 424,710 CY 8.40 3,567,564.00 Grade II AII Base Material 231,739 CY 16.80 3,893,215.20 D-1 Base Material 96,704 TON 21.60 2,088,806.40 A.C.Surfacing 88,557 TON 79.20 7,013,714.40 Guardrail 6,050 LF 43.20 261,360.00 1811 Culverts 23,040 LF 28.80 663,552.00 3611 +Culverts -LS 294,000.00 294,000.00 Fabric 49,820 SY 3.00 149,460.00 Thaw Pipes 24,435 LF 43.20 1,055,592.00 Topsoil &Seed 326 AC 3,600.00 1,173,600.00 Traffic Control Devices 41 MI 18,000.00 738,000.00 Bridges 0 SF 180.00 0.00 TOTAL $41,378,699.40 Maintenence 328 Mile-Years 10,000.00 $3,280,000.00 s16/d4 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 12.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .17 Semi-Permanent Roads .178 Low Level Crossing Road H,(8 Mj) Clearing 170 AC $5,760.00 $979,200.00 Waste Excavation 498,845 CY 4.80 2,394,456.00 Common Excavation 549,417 CY 4.20 2,307,551.00 Rock Excavation 749,641 CY 14.40 10,794,830.40 Borrow 0 CY 6.00 0.00 NFS Subbase Material 0 CY 8.40 0.00 Grade IIA II Base Material 0 CY 16.80 0.00 D-l Base Material 36,966 TON 21.60 798,465.60 A.C.Surfacing 0 TON 79.20 0.00 Guardrail 0 LF 43.20 0.00 18 11 Culverts 5,100 LF 28.80 146,880.00 36 11 +Culverts -LS 0.00 0.00 Fabric 0 SY 3.00 0.00 Thaw Pipes 0 LF 43.20 0.00 Topsoil &Seed 0 AC 3,600.00 0.00 Traffic Control Devices 0 MI 18,000.00 0.00 Bridges 12,480 SF 180.00 2,246,400.00 TOTAL $19,667,783.40 Maintenence 56 Mile-Years 5,000.00 $280,000.00 s16/d5 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 12.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .2 Rail Facilities .25 Railheads .253 Railhead at Hurricane Clearing 25 AC $5,760.00 $144,000.00 Waste Excavation 78,000 CY 4.80 374,400.00 Common Excavation 505,000 CY 4.20 2,121,000.00 Grade A Base 4,900 CY 16.80 82,320.00 0-1 Base Material 2,400 CY 21.60 51,840.00 A.C.Surfacing 2,200 TON 79.20 174,240.00 Topsoil &Seed 15 AC 3,600.00 54,000.00 Rail Yard Control Devices -LS 720.00 720.00 Subballast 25,800 CY 8.60 221,880.00 Trackage 19,700 LF 140.00 2,758,000.00 Dock Lumber 16 MBF 580.00 9,280.00 TOTAL $5,991,680.00 Maintenence 15 Year <$28,600.00 $429,000.00 s16/d6 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 12.63 CAMP .12 Access Road/Railhead Camp Camp Facilities -LS $962,900.00 $962,900.00 Catering &Operation Support 221,640 Manday 39.10 8,666,124.00 $9,629,024.00 s16/d7 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 13.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .1 . Road Facilities .14 Permanent Road .141 Hurricane to Indian River Road A-3,(11 Mi) Clearing 184 AC $5,760.00 $1,059,840.00 Waste Excavation 506,450 CY 4.80 2,430,960.00 Common Excavation 462,500 CY 4.20 1,942,500.00 Rock Excavation 0 CY 14040 0.00 Borrow 258,600 CY 6.00 1,551,600.00 NFS Subbase Material 113,256 CY 8040 951,350040 Grade IIA II Base Material 61,797 CY 16.80 1,038,189.60 0-1 Base Material 12,894 TON 21.60 278,510040 A.C.Surfacing 23,615 TON 79.20 1,870,308.00 Guardrail 10,800 LF 43.20 466,560.00 1811 Culverts 6,375 LF 28.80 183,600.00 3611 +Culverts -LS 70,800.00 70,800.00 Fabric 26,890 SY 3.00 80,670.00 Thaw Pipes 7,175 LF 43.20 309,960.00 Topsoil &Seed 117 AC 3,600.00 421,200.00 Traffic Control Devices 11 MI 18,000.00 198,000.00 Bridges 6120 SF 180.00 1,101,600.00 TOTAL $13,955,648.40 Maintenence 165 Mile-Years 13,000.00 $2,145,000.00 s16/00 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 13.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .144 Indian River to Devil Canyon-South Road A-6,(7 Mi) Clearing 100 AC $5,760.00 $576,000.00 Waste Excavation 270,990 CY 4.80 1,300,752.00 Common Excavation 253,050 CY 4.20 1,062,810.00 Rock Excavation 52,500 CY 14.40 756,000.00 Borrow 156,600 CY 6.00 939,600.00 NFS Subbase Material 72,072 CY 8.40 605,404.80 Grade IIA II Base Material 39,325 CY 16.80 660,660.00 D-1 Base Material 8,205 TON 21.60 177,228.00 A.C.Surfacing 15,028 TON 79.20 1,190,217.60 Guardrail 3,600 LF 43.20 155,520.00 18 11 Culverts 5,015 LF 28.80 144,432.00 36 11 +Culverts -LS 6,600.00 6,600.00 Fabric 7,330 SY 3.00 21,990.00 Thaw Pipes 5,115 LF 43.20 220,968.00 Topsoil &Seed 59 AC 3,600.00 212,400.00 Traffic Control Devices 7 MI 18,000.00 126,000.00 Bridges -LS 2,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 TOTAL $10,156,582.40 Maintenence 49 Mile-Years 10,000.00 $490,000.00 s16/d9 ITEM DESCR IPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 13.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .145 Indian River to Watana Via Upper Portage Road A-7,(41 Mi) Clearing 680 AC $5,760.00 $3,916,800.00 Waste Excavation'1,874,700 CY 4.80 8,998,560.00 Common Excavation 1,859,500 CY 4.20 7,809,900.00 Rock Excavation 82,500 CY 14.40 1,188,000.00 Borrow 482,400 CY 6.00 2,894,400.00 NFS Subbase Material 422,136 CY 8.40 3,545,942.40 Grade IIA II Base Material 230,335 CY 16.80 3,869,628.00 0-1 Base Material 48,059 TON 21.60 1,038,074:40 A.C.Surfacing 88,020 TON 79.20 6,971,184.00 Guardrail 25,700 LF 43.20 1,110,240.00 1811 Culverts 24,395 LF 28.80 702,576.00 3611 +Culverts -LS 448,560.00 448,560.00 Fabric 39,100 SY 3.00 117,300.00 Thaw Pipes 26,595 LF 43.20 1,148,904.00 Topsoil &Seed 432 AC 3,600.00 1,555,200.00 Traffic Control Devices 41 MI 18,000.00 738,000.00 Bridges 37,400 SF 180.00 6,732,000.00 TOTAL $52,785,268.80 Maintenence 328 Mile-Years 10,000.00 $3,280,000.00 ~.6/L._ ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 13.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .2 Rail 'Facilities .25 Railheads .253 Railhead at Hurricane Clearing 25 AC $5,760.00 $144,000.00 Waste Excavation 78,000 Cy 4.80 374,400.00 Common Excavation 505,000 CY 4.20 2,121,000.00 Grade A Base 4,900 CY 16.80 82,320.00 D-1 Base Material 2,400 CY 21.60 51,840.00 A.C.Surfacing 2,200 TON 79.20 174,240.00 Topsoil &Seed 15 AC 3,600.00 54,000.00 Rail Yard Control Devices -LS 720.00 720.00 Subballast 25,800 CY 8.60 221,880.00 .Trackage 19,700 LF 140.00 2,758,000.00 Dock Lumber 16 MBF 580.00 9,280.00 TOTAL $5,991,680.00 Maintenence 15 Year $28,600.00 $429,900.00 s16/dl1 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 13.63 CAMP .12 Access Road/Railhead Camp Camp Facilities -LS $828,890.00 $828,890.00 Catering &Operation Support 190,790 Manday 39.10 7,459,889.00 $8,288,779.00 s16/d12 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 14.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .1 Road Facilities .14 Permanent Road .142 Hurricane to Gold Creek Spur Road A-4,(16 Mj) Clearing 243 AC $5,760.00 $1,399,680.00 Waste Excavation 658,850 CY 4.80 3,162,480.00 Common Excavation 585,600 CY 4.20 2,459,520.00 Rock Excavation 0 CY 14.40 0.00 Borrow 488,700 CY 6.00 2,932,200.00 NFS Subbase Material 164,736 CY 8.40 1,383,782.40 Grade II AII Base Material 89,887 CY 16.80 1,510,101 .60 D-1 Base Material 18,755 TON 21.60 405,108.00 A.C.Surfacing 34,350 TON 79.20 2,720,520.00 Guardrail 14,000 LF 43.20 604,800.00 18"Culverts 2,975 LF 28.80 85,680.00 3611 +Culverts -LS 82,320.00 82,320.00 Fabric 26,890 SY 3.00 80,670.00 Thaw Pipes 3,975 LF 43.20 171,720.00 Topsoil &Seed 146 AC 3,600.00 525,600.00 Traffic Control Devices 16 MI 18,000.00 288,000.00 Bridges 90,440 SF 180.00 16,279,200.00 TOTAL $34,091,382.00 Maintenence 240 Mile-Years 13,000.00 $3,120,000.00 s16/d13 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 14.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .147 Gold Creek Spur to Devil Canyon Road B-4,(6 Mi) Clearing 83 AC $5/760.00 $478/080.00 Waste Excavation 221/600 CY 4.80 1/063/680.00 Common Excavation 180/000 CY 4.20 756/000.00 Rock Excavation 0 CY 14.40 0.00 Borrow 218AOO CY 6.00 1/310/400.00 NFS Subbase Material 61/776 CY 8.40 518/918.40 Grade IINI Base Material 33/708 CY 16.80 566,294.40 0-1 Base Material 7,033 TON 21.60 151/912.80 A.C.Surfacing 12,881 TON 79.20 1,020,175.20 Guardrail 400 LF 43.20 17/280.00 1811 Culverts 3,485 LF 28.80 100/368.00 3611 +Culverts -LS 31,320.00 31,320.00 Fabric 12,200 SY 3.00 36,600.00 Thaw Pipes 3,885 LF 43.20 167,832.00 TopsoiI &Seed 47 AC 3/600.00 169,200.00 Traffic Control Devices 6 MI 18/000.00 108,000.00 Bridges 0 SF 180.00 0.00 TOTAL $6,496,060.80 Maintenence 90 Mile-Years 12,000.00 $1,080,000.00 ;;,16/ul"f ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 14.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .149 Devil Canyon to Northside Watana RoadB-6,(41 Mi) Clearing 578 AC $5,760.00 $3,329,280.00 Waste Excavation 1,5441900 CY 4.80 7,415,520.00 Common Excavation 1,733,400 CY 4.20 7,280,280.00 Rock Excavation 45,000 CY 14.40 648,000.00 Borrow 447,600 CY 6.00 2,685,600.00 NFS Subbase Material 422,136 CY 8.40 3,545,942.40 Grade IIA II Base Material 230,335 CY 16.80 3,869,628.00 0-1 Base Material 48,059 TON 21.60 1,038,074.40 A.C.Surfacing 88,021 TON 79.20 6,971,263.20 Guardrail 25,000 LF 43.20 1,080,000.00 18n Culverts 24,565 LF 28.80 707,472.00 3611 +Culverts -LS 273,840.00 273,840.00 Fabric 41,560 SY 3.00 124,680.00 Thaw Pipes 26,565 LF 43.20 1,147,608.00 Topsoil &Seed 330 AC 3,600.00 1,188,000.00 Traffic Control Devices 41 MI 18,000.00 738,000.00 Bridges 115,940 SF 180.00 20,869,200.00 TOTAL $62,912,388.00 Maintenence 328 Mile-Years 13,000.00 $4,264,000.00 ~16/u,-.1 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 14.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .2 Rail Facilities .24 Permanent Railroad (including Railheads) .243 Gold Creek Spur Rail R-3,(8 Mi) Clearing 110 AC $5,760.00 $633,600.00 Waste Excavation 289,440 CY 4.80 1,389,312.00 Common Excavation 670,720 CY 4.20 2,817,024.00 Rock Excavation 2,200 CY 14.40 31,680.00 Borrow 86,860 CY 6.00 521,160.00 Subballast 150,281 CY 8.60 1,292,416.60 Grade IIA"Base Material 4,900 CY 16.80 82,320.00 D-1 Base Material 2,400 TON 21.60 51,840.00 A.C.Surfacing 2,200 TON 79.20 174,240.00 Dock Lumber 16 MBF 580.00 9,280.00 18/1 Culverts 2,850 LF 28.80 82,080.00 3611 +Culverts -LS 45,600.00 45,600.00 Fabric 3,110 SY 3.00 9,330.00 Thaw Pipes 3,150 LF 43.20 136,080.00 Topsoil &Seed 42 AC 3,600.00 151,200.00 Rail Yard Control Devices -LS 720.00 720.00 Bridges 0 SF 360.00 0.00 Trackage 67,220 LF 140.00 9,410,800.00 TOTAL $16,838,682.60 Maintenence Rail 120 Mile-Years 5,000.00 $600,000.00 Railhead 15 Years 28,600.00 $429,000.00 s<;/6/a'll)'" ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 14.63 CAMP .12 Access Road/Railhead Camp Camp Fad Iities -LS $1,203,390.00 $1,203,390.00 Catering &Operation Support 276,990 Manday 39.10 10,830,309.00 $12,033,699.00 s"16/aHI ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 15.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .2 Rail Facilities .24 Permanent Raitroad (including Railheads) .243 Gold Creek Spur Rail R-3,(8 Mi) Clearing 110 AC $5,760.00 $633,600.00 Waste Excavation 289,440 CY 4.80 1,389,312.00 Common Excavation 670,720 CY 4.20 2,817,024.00 Rock Excavation 2,200 CY 14.40 31,680.00 Borrow 86,860 CY 6.00 521,160.00 Subballast 150,281 CY 8.60 1,292,416.60 Grade II AtI Base Material 4,900 CY 16.80 82,320.00 D-1 Base Material 2,400 TON 21.60 51,840.00 A.C.Surfacing 2,200 TON 79.20 174,240.00 Dock Lumber 16 MBF 580.00 9,280.00 1811 Culverts 2,850 LF 28.80 82,080.00 3611 +Culverts -LS 45,600.00 45,600.00 Fabric 3,110 SY 3.00 9,330.00 Thaw Pipes 3,150 LF 43.20 136,080.00 Topsoil &Seed 42 AC 3,600.00 151,200.00 Rail Yard Control Devices -LS 720.00 720.00 Bridges 0 SF 360.00 0.00 Trackage 67,220 LF 140.00 9,410,800.00 TOTAL $16,838,682.60 Maintenence Rail 120 Mile-Years 5,000.00 $600,000.00 Railhead 15 Years 28,600.00 $429,000.00 ;;),o/dLV ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 15.63 CAMP .12 Access Road/Railhead Camp Camp Facilities -LS $862,470.00 862,470.00 Catering &Operation Support 198,520 Manday 39.10 7,762,132.00 $8,624,602.00 s16/d21 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 16.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .1 Road Facilities .14 Permanent Road .142 Gold Creek to Devil Canyon B-2,(12 Mi) Clearing 141 AC $5,760.00 $812,160.00 Waste Excavation 422,890 CY 4.80 2,029,872.00 Common Excavation 335,935 CY 4.20 1,410,927.00 Rock Excavation 23,625 CY 14.40 340,200.00 Borrow 445,200 CY 6.00 2,671,200.00 NFS Subbase Material 126,750 CY 8.40 1,064,700.00 Grade IIA II Base Material 69,160 Cy 16.80 1,161,888.00 D-1 Base Material 28,860 TON 21.60 623,376.00 A.C.Surfacing 26,429 TON 79.20 2,093,176.80 Guardrail 6,700 LF 43.20 289,440.00 1811 Culverts 8,410 LF 28.80 242,208.00 3611 +Culverts -LS 46,080.00 46,080.00 Fabric 8,777 SY 3.00 26,331.00 Thaw Pipes 8,845 LF 43.20 382,104.00 Topsoil &Seed 86 AC 3,600.00 309,600.00 Traffic Control Devices 12 MI 18,000.00 216,000.00 Bridges 0 SF 180.00 0.00 TOTAL $13,719,262.80 Maintenence 180 Mile-Years $12,000.00 $2,160,000.00 s16/C122 ITEM DESCRIPTION gUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 16.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILlTI ES .146 Huricane to South Side Devil Canyon Road A-8 (16 Mj) Clearing 248 AC $5,760.00 $1,428,480.00 Waste Excavation 673,644 CY 4.80 3,233,491.20 Common Excavation 593,330 CY 4.20 2,491 ,986 .00 . Rock Excavation 0 CY 14.40 0.00 Borrow 532,200 CY 6.00 3,193,200.00 NFS Subbase Material 164,736 CY 8.40 1,383,782.40 Grade "All Base Material 89,887 CY 16.80 1,510,101.60 D-1 Base Material 18,755 TON 21.60 405,108.00 A.C.Surfacing 34,350 TON 79.20 2,720,520.00 Guardrail 5,100 LF 43.20 220,320.00 18 11 Culverts 10,625 LF 28.80 306,000.00 36"+Culverts -LS 38,760.00 38,760.00 Fabric 26,900 SY 3.00 80,700.00 Thaw Pipes 11,725 LF 43.20 506,520.00 Topsoil &Seed 150 AC 3,600.00 540,000.00 Traffic Control Devices 16 MI 18,000.00 288,000.00 Bridges 43,520 SF 180.00 7,833,600.00 TOTAL $26,180,569.20 Maintenence 112 Mile-Years 12,000.00 $1,344,000.00 ~16/ut:."> ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 16.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .149 Devil Canyon to Northside Watana Road B-6,(41 Mj) Clearing 578 AC $5,760.00 $3,329,280.00 Waste Excavation 1,544,900 CY 4.80 7,415,520.00 Common Excavation 1,733,400 CY 4.20 7,280,280.00 Rock Excavation 45,000 CY 14.40 648,000.00 Borrow 447,600 CY 6.00 2,685,600.00 NFS Subbase Material 422,136 CY 8.40 3,545,942.40 Grade IIA"Base Material 230,335 CY 16.80 3,869,628.00 D-l Base Material 48,059 TON 21.60 1,038,074.40 A. C.Surfacing 88,021 TON 79.20 6,971,263.20 Guardrail 25,000 LF 43.20 1,080,000.00 18"Culverts 24,565 LF 28.80 707,472.00 36"+Culverts -LS 273,840.00 273,840.00 Fabric 41,560 SY 3.00 124,680.00 Thaw Pipes 26,565 LF 43.20 1,147,608.00 Topsoil &Seed 330 AC 3,600.00 1,188,000.00 Traffic Control Devices 41 MI 18,000.00 738,000.00 Bridges 115,940 SF 180.00 20,869,200.00 TOTAL $62,912,388.00 Maintenence 328 Mile-Years 13,000.00 $4,264,000.00 s1ti/d24 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 16.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .2 Rail Facilities .25 Railheads .252 Railhead at Gold Creek Clearing 25 AC $5,760.00 $144,000.00 Waste Excavation 78,000 CY 4.80 374,400.00 Common Excavation 505,000 CY 4.20 2,121,000.00 Grade A Base 4,900 CY 16.80 82,320.00 0-1 Base Material 2,400 CY 21.60 51,840.00 A.C.Surfacing 2,200 TON 79.20 174,240.00 Topsoil &Seed 15 AC 3,600.00 54,000.00 Rail Yard Control Devices -LS 720.00 720.00 Subballast 25,800 CY 8.60 221,880.00 Trackage 19,700 LF 140.00 2,758,000.00 Dock Lumber 16 MBF 580.00 9,280.0'0 TOTAL $5,991,680.00 Maintenence 7 Year $28,600.00 $200,200.00 s16/d25 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 16.63 CAMP .12 Access Road/Railhead Camp Camp Facilities -LS $1,088,040.00 $1,088,040.00 Catering &Operation Support 250,440 Manday 39.10 9,792,204.00 $10,880,244.00 516/oZ6 s16/d27 s16/dZ8 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 17.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .18 Upgrade Existing Road .185 Denali Highway from Cantwell to New Road,Road C-2,(21 Mile) Clearing 17 AC $5J60.00 $97,920.00 Waste Excavation 66,000 CY 4.80 316,800.00 Common Excavation 264,000 CY 4.20 1,108,800.00 Rock Excavation 0 CY 14.40 0.00 Borrow 20,000 CY 6.00 120,000.00 NFS Subbase Material 13,700 CY 8.40 115,080.00 Grade II AII Base Material 51,024 CY 16.80 857,203.20 D-1 Base Material 58,604 TON 21.60 1,265,846.40 A.C.Surfacing I 53,669 TON 79.20 4,250,584.80 Guar-drall 3,000 LF 43.20 129,600.00 1811 Culverts 4,000 LF 28.80 115,200.00 3611 +Culverts -LS 55,560.00 55,560.00 Fabric 0 SY 3.00 0.00 Thaw Pipes 100 LF 43.20 4,320.00 Topsoil &Seed 10 AC 3,600.00 36,000.00 Traffic Control Devices 21 MI 18,000.00 378,000.00 Bridges 1,700 SF 180.00 306,000.00 TOTAL $9,156,914.40 Maintenence 168 Mile-Years 8,000.00 $1,344,000.00 s16/dZ9 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 17.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .2 Rail Facilities .24 Permanent Railroad (Including Railheads) .244 Gold Creek to Devil Canyon - Rail R-1,(14 Mi) Clearing 162 AC $5,760.00 $933,120.00 Waste Excavation 407,420 CY 4.80 1,955,616.00 Common Excavation 798,405 CY 4.20 3,353,301.00 Rock Excavation 2,200 CY 14.40 31,680.00 Borrow 108,500 CY 6.00 651,000.00 Subballast 171,634 CY 8.60 1,476,052.40 Grade II AII Base Material 4,900 CY 16.80 82,320.00 0-1 Base Material 2,400 TON 21.60 51,840.00 A.C.Surfacing 2,200 TON 79.20 174,240.00 Dock Lumber 16 MBF 580.00 9,280.00 1811 Culverts 4,850 LF 28.80 139,680.00 3611 +Culverts -LS 46,080.00 46,080.00 Fabric 3,121 SY 3.00 9,363.00 Thaw Pipes 10,100 LF 43.20 436,320.00 Topsoil &Seed 104 AC 3,600.00 374,400.00 Rail Yard Control Devices -LS 720.00 720.00 Bridges 0 SF 360.00 0.00 Trackage 98,975 LF 140.00 13,856,500.00 TOTAL $23,581,512.40 Maintenence Rail 98 Mile-Years 5,000.00 $490,000.00 .Railhead 7 Years 28,600.00 $200,200.00 ~sI6/a.:5u ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 17.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .25 Railheads .251 Railhead at Cantwell Clearing 25 AC $5,760.00 $144,000.00 Waste Excavation 78,000 CY 4.80 374,400.00 Common Excavation 505,000 CY 4.20 2,121,000.00 Grade A Base 4,900 CY 16.80 82,320.00 D-1 Base Material 2,400 CY 21.60 51,840.00 A.C.Surfacing 2,200 TON 79.20 174,240.00 Topsoil &Seed 15 AC 3,600.00 54,000.00 Rail Yard Control Devices -LS 720.00 720.00 SubbalJast 25,800 CY 8.60 221,880.00 Trackage 19,700 LF 140.00 2,758,000.00 Dock Lumber 16 MBF 580.00 9,280.00 TOTAL $5,991,680.00 Maintenence 8 Year $28,600.00 $228,800.00 s16/d31· .,/6/(."'o;:-~ ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 17A.336 ROAD &RAI L FACI L1TI ES .1 Road Facilities .15 Permanent Road .155 Denali Highway to Watana, Road C-3,(40 Mile) Clearing 712 AC $5,760.00 $4,101,120.00 Waste Excavation 1,981,270 CY 4.80 9,510,096.00 Common Excavation 1,988,000 CY 4.20 8,349,600.00 Rock Excavation 41,800 CY 14.40 601,920.00 Borrow 0 CY 6.00 0.00 NFS Subbase Material 414,820 CY 8.40 3,484,488.00 Grade II AII Base Material 226,342 CY 16.80 3,802,545.60 D-1 Base Material 94,450 TON 21.60 2,040,120.00 A.C.Surfacing 86,495 TON 79.20 6,850,404.00 Guardrail 4,200 LF 43.20 181,440.00 18 11 Culverts 23,720 LF 28.80 683,136.0 0 36 11 +Culverts -LS 453,720.00 453,720.00 Fabric 12,907 SY 3.00 38,721.00 Thaw Pipes 26,020 LF 43.20 1,124,064.00 Topsoil &Seed 467 AC 3,600.00 1,681,200.00 Traffic Control Devices 40 MI 18,000.00 720,000.00 Bridges 0 SF 180.00 0.00 TOTAL $43,622,574.60 Maintenence 320 Mile-Years 8,000.00 $2,560,000.00 ::s16/oJ:;:) ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT- 11A.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .16 Service Roads .161 Devil Canyon to Southside Watana Road B-1,(43 Mi) Clearing 698 AC $5,160.00 $4,020,480.00 Waste Excavation 1,913,213 CY 4.80 9,183,422.40 Common Excavation 2,061,325 CY 4.20 8,651,565.00 Rock Excavation 0 CY 14.40 0.00 Borrow 339,413 CY 6.00 2,036,418.00 NFS Subbase Material 442,128 CY 8.40 3,118,915.20 Grade IIA II Base Material 241,510 CY 16.80 4,058,316.00 D-1 Base Material 50,403 TON 21.60 1,088,104.80 A. C.Surfacing 92,314 TON 19.20 1,311,268.80 Guardrail 3,500 LF 43.20 151,200.00 18 11 Culverts 21,540 LF 28.80 193,152.00 36 11 +Culverts -LS 198,360.00 198,360.00 \-,Fabric 48,900 SY 3.00 146,100.00 Thaw Pipes 29,040 LF 43.20 1,254,528.00 Topsoil &Seed 431 AC 3,600.00 1,513,200.00 Traffic Control Devices 43 MI 18,000.00 114,000.00 Bridges 42,500 SF 180.00 1,650,000.00 TOTAL $52,616,350.20 Maintenence 344 Mile-Years 13,000.00 $4,412,000.00 s16/d34 ITEM OESCR) PTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 17A.336 ROAD &RAIL FACIh.!I.lES .18 Upgrade Existing Road .185 Denali Highway from Cantwell to New Road,Road C-2,(21 Mile) Clearing 17 AC $5,760.00 $97,920.00 Waste Excavation 66,000 CY 4.80 316,800.00 Common Excavation 264,000 CY 4.20 1,108,800.00 Rock Excavation 0 CY 14.40 0.00 Borrow 20,000 CY 6.00 120,000.00 NFS Subbase Material 13,700 CY 8.40 115,080.00 Grade II AII Base Material 51,024 CY 16.80 857,203.20 D-1 Base Material 58,604 TON 21.60 1,265,846.40 A.C.Surfacing 53,669 TON 79.20 4,250,584.80 Guardrail 3,000 IF 43.20 129,600.00 18 11 Culverts 4,000 LF 28.80 115,200.00 36/1 +Culverts -LS 55,560.00 55,560.00 Fabric 0 SY 3.00 0.00 Thaw Pipes 100 LF 43.20 4,320.00 Topsoil &Seed 10 AC 3,600.00 36,000.00 Traffic Control Devices 21 MI 18,000.00 378,000.00 Bridges 1,700 SF 180.00 306,000.00 TOTAL $9,156,914.40 Maintenence 168 Mile-Years 8,000.00 $1,344,000.00 s16/d35 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT- 17A.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .2 Rail Facilities .24 Permanent Railroad (Including Railheads) .244 Gold Creek to Devil Canyon - Rail R-1,(14 Mi) Clearing 162 AC $5,760.00 $933,120.00 Waste Excavation 407,420 CY 4.80 1,955,616.00 Common Excavation 798,405 CY 4.20 3,353,301.00 Rock Excavation 2,200 CY 14.40 31,680.00 Borrow 108,500 CY 6.00 651,000.00 Subballast 171,634 CY 8.60 1,476,052.40 Grade II AII Base Material 4,900 CY 16.80 82,320.00 D-1 'Base Material 2,400 TON 21.60 51,840.00 A.C.Surfacing 2,200 TON 79.20 174,240.00 Dock Lumber 16 MBF 580.00 9,280.00 1811 Culverts 4,850 LF 28.80 139,680.00 3611 +Culverts -LS 46,080.00 46,080.00 Fabric 3,121 SY 3.00 9,363.00 Thaw Pipes 10,100 LF 43.20 436,320.00 TopsoiI &Seed 104 AC 3,600.00 374,400.00 Rail Yard Control Devices -LS 720.00 720.00 Bridges 0 SF 360.00 0.00 Trackage 98,975 LF 140.00 13,856,500.00 TOTAL $23,581,512.40 j Maintenence Rail 98 Mile-Years 5,000.00 $490,000.00 Railhead 7 Years 28,600.00 $200,200.00 s16/d36 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 17A.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .25 Railheads ·\:1 .251 Railhead at Cantwell Clearing 25 AC $5,760.00 $144,000.00 Waste Excavation 78,000 CY 4.80 374,400.00 Common Excavation 505,000 CY 4.20 2,121,000.00 Grade A Base 4,900 CY 16.80 82,320.00 D-1 Base Material 2,400 CY 21.60 51,840.00 A.C.Surfacing 2,200 TON 79.20 174,240.00 Topsoil &Seed 15 AC 3,600.00 54,000.00 Rail Yard Control Devices -LS 720.00 720.00 Subballast 25,800 CY 8.60 221,880.00 Trackage 19,700 LF 140.00 2,758,000.00 Dock Lumber 16 MBF 580.00 9,280.00 TOTAL $5,991 f680.00 Maintenence 8 Year $28,600.00 $228,800.00 s16/d37 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 17A.63 CAMP .12 Access Road/Railhead Camp Camp Facilities -LS $1,351,730.00 $1,351,730.00 Catering &Operation Support 311,140 Manday 39.10 12,165,574.00 $13,517,304.00 s16/d38 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 18.336 ROAD &RAIL FACI L1TI ES .1 Road Facilities .15 Permanent Road .155 Denali Highway to Watana, Road C-4,(42 Mile) Clearing 748 AC $5,760.00 $4,308,480.00 Waste Excavation 2,080,330 CY 4.80 9,985,584.00 Common Excavation 2,087,400 CY 4.20 8,767,080.00 Rock Excavation 41:°,800 CY 14.40 601,920.00 Borrow 0 CY 6.00 0.00 NFS Subbase Material 435,560 CY 8.40 3,658,704.00 Grade IIA II Base Material 237,660 CY 16.80 3,992,688.00 D-1 Base Material 99,170 TON 21.60 2,142,072.00 A.C.Surfacing 90,820 TON 79.20 7,192,944.00 Guardrail 7,000 LF 43.20 302,400.00 18 11 Culverts 26,350 LF 28.80 758,880.00 36 11 -J~c.Culverts -LS 373,680.00 373,680.00 Fabric 12,907 SY 3.00 38,721.00 Thaw Pipes 28,750 LF 43.20 1,242,000.00 Topsoil &Seed 490 AC 3,600.00 1,764,000.00 Traffic Control Devices 42 MI 18,000.00 756,000.00 Bridges 0 SF 180.00 0.00 TOTAL $45,88S,153.00 Maintenence 336 Mile-Years 9,000.00 $3,024,000.00 s16/d39 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 18.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .16 Service Roads (Permanent) .164 Devil Canyon to Watana -North Road A-2 Mod*,(36 Mi) Clearing 506 AC $5,760.00 $2,914,560.00 Waste Excavation 1,349,122 CY 4.80 6,475,785.60 Common Excavation 1,408,366 CY 4.20 5,915,137.20 Rock Excavation 146,527 CY 14.40 2,109,988.80 Borrow 137,590 CY 6.00 825,540.00 NFS Subbase Material 372,916 CY 8.40 3,132,494.40 Grade IIA II Base Material 203,478 CY 16.80 3,418,430.40 D-1 Base Material 84,910 TON 21.60 1,834,056.00 A.C.Surfacing 77,757 TON 79.20 6,158,354.40 Guardrail 6,050 LF 43.20 261,360.00 1811 Culverts 23,040 LF 28.80 663,552.00 36 11 +Culverts -LS 294,000.00 294,000.00 Fabric 49,820 SY 3.00 149,460.00 Thaw Pipes 24,435 LF 43.20 1,055,592.00 Topsoil &Seed ,286 AC 3,600.00 1,029,600.00 Traffic Control Devices 36 MI 18,000.00 648,000.00 Bridges 88,400 SF 180.00 15,912,000.00 TOTAL $52,797,910.80 Maintenence 288 Mile-Years 10,000.00 $2,880,000.00 Note:A-2 Mod.includes A-2,high level x-ing to camp at Devil Canyon,and trans dam crossing at Watana. s16/d40 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 18.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .18 Upgrade Existing Road .185 Denali Highway from Cantwell to New Road,Road C-2,(21 Mile) Clearing 17 AC $5,760.00 $97,920.00 Waste Excavation 66,000 CY 4.80 316,800.00 Common Excavation 264,000 CY 4.20 1,108,800.00 Rock Excavation 0 CY 14.40 0.00 Borrow 20,000 CY 6.00 120,000.00 NFS Subbase Material 13,700 CY 8.40 115,080.00 Grade II A II Base Material 51,024 CY 16.80 857,203.20 D-1 Base Material 58,604 TON 21.60 1,265,846.40 A.C.Surfacing 53,669 TON 79.20 4,250,584.80 Guardrail 3,000 LF 43.20 129,600.00 18 11 Culverts 4,000 LF 28.80 115,200.00 36 11 +Culverts -LS 55,560.00 55,560.00 Fabric 0 SY 3.00 0.00 Thaw Pipes 100 LF 43.20 4,320.00 Topsoil &Seed 10 AC 3,600.00 36,000.00 Traffic Control Devices 21 MI 18,000.00 378,000.00 Bridges 1,700 SF 180.00 306,000.00 TOTAL $9,156,914.40 Maintenence 168 Mile-Years 8,000.00 $1,344,000.00 s16/d41 s16/d42 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 18.336 ROAD &RAIL FACILITIES .25 Railheads .251 RaiIhead at Cantwell Clearing 25 AC $5,760.00 $144,000.00 Waste Excavation 78,000 CY 4.80 374,400.00 Common Excavation 505,000 CY 4.20 2,121,000.00 .Grade A Base 4,900 CY 16.80 82,320.00 0-1 Base Material 2,400 CY 21.60 51,840.00 A.C.Surfacing 2,200 TON 79.20 174,240.00 T opsoi I &Seed 15 AC 3,600.00 54,000.00 Rail Yard Control Devices -LS 720.00 720.00 Subballast 25,800 CY 8.60 221,880.00 Trackage 19,700 LF 140.00 2,758,000.00 Dock Lumber 16 MBF 580.00 9,280.00 TOTAL $5,991,680.00 Maintenence 8 Year $28,600.00 $228,800.00 s16/d43 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 18.63 CAMP .12 Access Road/Railhead Camp $1,353,540.00 $1,353,540.00 Camp Facilities -LS Catering &Operation Support 311,560 Manday 39.10 12,181,996.00 .$13,535,536.00 r35/g2 Supplement APPENDIX G BORROW PITS Figu re Supplement z-':') 1~• "','fOil L» ..S:H'"~;'E :'TI5 ...•'1' .-~~(1"-:i'~ ;(sr "-{~"OJ..,i lJ':T\/>-1;:;.....<,9:'/~-l'"t1-><:' r ~\('_\'\',J ..-Jt:.....~~' /(-(.\/,"- .'~\/'.::.:;'-/. .\ r " ,~~ -~\/ RIi!V'E5Ii!P r.;;lFIGURE~-~_ _.~.\'"1"0 ."~'~U7'-:"~....,<r r•.••i:«(:"""'~-',"""T'"-.J/J{:'f·""t:,r:~.''\.j'\.."'"'J,J '.'-',j -'.-''\(\.(V ~'1"" .-:','.'....".":'.~1<"Ir:=.~,),' 'I',,'\I .1. 5 <1""-.~;\;1 /"!,.'.:~'~'''';(,,."j./I "J~'?('r-\ '",,.,;7,---'!\,(\','~l'\'''-1''.r :.''.\"\,,,\>~'!':1"'7"0,(/,Go.".J ,1,\, ..~:,__....t.':f..".'.,'1/,:,....,_'••, )'.•\~,.'\',,.r".:~,';',''1''~'~.".. 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