HomeMy WebLinkAboutbering straits-sitnasuak wind farm reportNOME JOINT UTILITIES SYSTEM BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM 24.9kV OH/UG INTERTIE SEPTEMBER 2008 Electric Power Systems, Inc. 3305 Arctic Boulevard Suite 201 Anchorage, AK 99503-4575 Tel: (907) 522-1953 Fax: (907) 522-1182 NOME JOINT UTILITIES SYSTEM BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM 24.9kV OH/UG INTERTIE INDEX General Specifications 11 Pages Sag & Tension Data, Stringing Charts 2 Pages Construction Unit Drawings 24 Pages Material List/Bid Sheet & Staking Sheets 10 Pages Construction Plan Drawings 14 Pages NOME JOINT UTILITIES SYSTEM BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM 24.9kV OH/UG INTERTIE GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS SEPTEMBER 2008 Electric Power Systems, Inc. BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM 24.9kV OH/UG SPECIFICATIONS Page 2 of 11 SPECIFICATIONS FOR OVERHEAD AND UNDERGROUND DISTRIBUTION CONSTRUCTION General All construction work shall be done in a thorough and workman-like manner in accordance with the Staking Sheets, Plans and Specification, and Construction Drawings. All work areas shall be left clean of any excess materials and garbage. The C2-2007 Edition of the National Electric Safety Code shall be followed except where local regulations are more stringent, in which case local regulations shall govern. The design was performed per C2-2007 NESC, if construction is delayed and occurs under a later code, the design must be reviewed for the later code prior to construction. Some of the specifications herein are from RUS bulletins. These bulletins are, Bulletin 1728F-803 “Specifications and Drawings for 14.4/24.9 kV Construction,” 1728F-806 and “Specifications and Drawings for Underground Electric Distribution Construction.” A. Overhead Specifications 1. Distributing Poles In distributing the poles, large, choice, close-grained poles shall be used for transformers, deadend, angle, and corner poles. 2. Pole Setting The minimum depth for setting poles shall be as follows: Length of Pole Setting in Soil Over-Embedding Setting in all Solid Rock (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) 20 4.0 6.0 3.0 25 5.0 7.0 3.5 30 5.5 7.5 3.5 35 6.0 8.0 4.0 40 6.0 8.0 4.0 45 6.5 8.5 4.5 50 7.0 9.0 4.5 55 7.5 9.5 5.0 60 8.0 10.0 5.0 • For the Rock Creek line extension “Over-Embedding” depths shall be used, unless rock is encountered. BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM 24.9kV OH/UG SPECIFICATIONS Page 3 of 11 “Setting in Soil” specifications shall apply: a. Where poles are to be set in soil. b. Where there is a layer of soil of more than two (2) feet in depth over solid rock. c. Where the hole in solid rock is not substantially vertical or the diameter of the hole at the surface of the rock exceeds approximately twice the diameter of the pole at the same level. “Setting in All Solid Rock” specifications shall apply where poles are to be set in solid rock and where the hole is substantially vertical, approximately uniform in diameter and large enough to permit the use of tamping bars the full depth of the hole. Where there is a layer of soil two (2) feet or less in depth over solid rock, the depth of the hole shall be the depth of the soil in addition to the depth specified under “Setting in All Solid Rock” provided, however, that such depth shall not exceed the depth specified under “Setting in Soil.” “Over-Embedding” specifications shall apply where soils contain frost susceptible material, ice, clay, or organic material. When these conditions are encountered the pole shall be over- bedded by two feet and suitable backfill shall be used. If conditions are severe the owner or owner’s engineer shall be notified. The holes for the poles shall be augured wide enough to have a minimum of a 6 inch annulus around the pole. Suitable backfill shall be pneumatically placed and tamped in 6 inch lifts. Backfill shall be banked up and tamped around the pole at a height of 12 inches above the natural grade and shall be sloped away from the pole at a 1:1 slope. “Suitable backfill” shall be sand and gravel soils; free of rock fragments larger than 2-inches, lumps of clay, mud, friable material, ice, snow, organic matter, refuse, or any foreign matter; containing adequate fines, but no more than 10% passing No. 200 sieve. On-site excavated soils meeting the above criteria shall be used for suitable backfill. A backfill source that is not known to meet the above criteria can be considered by the Contractor providing a lab analysis. The Owner will work with the Contractor to develop a suitable material source. “Permafrost Conditions” may be encountered along the alignment. In addition to suitable backfill, a culvert foundation assembly shall be installed and special attention to well drained backfill material in the active zone. On sloping ground, the depth of the hole always shall be measured from the low side of the hole. Poles shall be set so that alternate crossarm gains face in opposite directions, except at terminals and deadends where the gains of the last two (2) poles shall be on the side facing the terminal or deadend. On unusually long spans, the poles shall be set so that the crossarm comes on the side of the pole away from the long span. Where pole top pins are used, they shall be on the opposite side of the pole from the gain, with the flat side against the pole. BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM 24.9kV OH/UG SPECIFICATIONS Page 4 of 11 Poles shall be set in alignment and plumb except at corners, terminals, angles, junctions, or other points of strain, where they shall be set and raked against the strains so that the conductors shall be in line. Poles shall be raked against the conductor strain not less than one (1) inch for each ten (10) feet of pole length nor more than two (2) inches for each ten (10) feet of pole length after conductors are installed at the required tension. 3. Grading of Line When using high poles to clear obstacles such as buildings, foreign wire crossings, railroads, etc., there shall be no upstrain on pin-type insulators in grading the line each way to lower poles. 4. Guys and Anchors Guys shall be placed before the conductors are strung and shall be attached to the pole. All bolts employed for the mounting of hardware items on poles shall be long enough to fully engage the nut (including locknut, where applicable) but shall not extend more than 2 in. beyond the nut after the nut is tightened. The ends of bolts shall not be cut. All anchors and rods shall be in line with the strain and shall be so installed that approximately six (6) inches of the rod remain out of the ground. In cultivated fields or other locations, as deemed necessary, the projection of the anchor rod above earth may be increased to a maximum of twelve (12) inches to prevent burial of the rod eye. The backfill of all anchor holes must be thoroughly tamped the full depth. If anchors are staked into roadway ditches, the engineer shall be notified. 5. Locknuts A locknut shall be installed with each nut, eyenut or other fastener on all bolts or threaded hardware such as insulator pins, upset bolts, double arming bolts, etc. 6. Conductors Conductors must be handled with care. Conductors shall not be tramped on nor run over by vehicles. Each reel shall be examined and the wire shall be inspected for cuts, kinks, or other injuries. Injured portions shall be cut out and the conductors spliced. The conductors shall be pulled over suitable rollers or stringing blocks properly mounted on pole or crossarm if necessary to prevent binding while stringing. The neutral conductor shall be maintained on the road side of the pole, when ever possible. BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM 24.9kV OH/UG SPECIFICATIONS Page 5 of 11 With pin-type insulators the conductors shall be tied in the top groove of the insulator on tangent poles and on the side of the insulator away from the strain at angles. Pin-type insulators shall be tight on the pins and on tangent construction the top groove must be in line with the conductors after tying in. All conductors shall be cleaned thoroughly by wire brushing before splicing or the installation of a connector or clamp. A suitable inhibitor shall be used before splicing or applying connectors over aluminum conductor. 7. Splices and Deadends Connectors shall be spliced and deadended as shown on the Construction Drawings. There shall be not more than one (1) splice per conductor in any span and splicing sleeves shall be located at least ten (10) feet from the conductor support. No splices shall be located in Grade B crossing spans and preferably not in the adjacent spans. 8. Taps and Jumpers Jumpers and other leads connected to line conductors shall have sufficient slack to allow free movement of the conductors. Where slack is not shown on the Construction Drawings it will be provided by at least two (2) bends in a vertical plane, or one (1) in a horizontal plane, or the equivalent. In areas where aeolian vibration occurs, special measures to minimize the effects of jumper breaks shall be used as specified. All primary leads on equipment such as transformers, reclosers, etc., shall be a minimum of #6 copper conductivity. All primary jumpers shall consist of conductors matching or exceeding the main line. 9. Hot-Line Clamps and Connectors Connectors and hot-line clamps suitable for the purpose shall be installed as shown on Guide Drawings. On all hot-line clamp installations, the clamp and jumper shall be so installed so that they are permanently bonded to the load side of the line, allowing the jumper to be de- energized when the clamp is disconnected. This applies in all cases, even where the line layout is such that the tap line is in actuality the main back to the power source. 10. Conductor Ties Ties shall be in accordance with Construction Drawings. Hot-line ties shall not be used at Grade “B” crossings. Ties shall be a pre-formed type. Armor rods shall be used on this project. BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM 24.9kV OH/UG SPECIFICATIONS Page 6 of 11 11. Sagging of Conductors Conductors shall be sagged in accordance with the provided stringing tables. All conductors shall be sagged evenly. The air temperature at the time and place of sagging shall be determined by a certified etched glass thermometer. Conductors shall be installed using contractor furnished stringing blocks with a minimum diameter of 12 times. After bringing conductor to proper sag, deadends are to be secure within 2 hours. Wire must be tied to insulators within 48 hours. 12. Secondary and Service Drops Secondary conductors may be covered wires or multi-conductor service cable. The conductors shall be sagged in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations. Secondaries and service drops shall be so installed as not to obstruct climbing space. There shall not be more than one (1) splice per conductor in any span, and splicing sleeves shall be located at least ten (10) feet from the conductors support. Where the same covered conductors or service cables are to be used for the secondary and service drop, they may be installed in one (1) continuous run. 13. Grounds Ground rods shall be driven full length in undisturbed soil in accordance with the Construction Drawings. The top shall be at least twelve (12) inches below the surface of the earth. The ground wire shall be attached to the rod with a clamp and secured to the pole with staples. The staples on the ground wire shall be spaced two (2) feet apart except for a distance of eight (8) feet above the ground and eight (8) feet down from the top of the pole where they shall be six (6) inches apart. All equipment shall have at least two (2) connections from the frame, case or tank to the multi-grounded neutral conductor. The equipment ground, neutral wires, and lightning-protective equipment shall be interconnected and attached to a common ground wire. BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM 24.9kV OH/UG SPECIFICATIONS Page 7 of 11 B. Underground Specifications 1. STORAGE OF MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that all material and equipment to be used in construction must be stored so as to be protected from deteriorating effects of the elements. If outdoor storage cannot be avoided, the material and equipment must be stacked on supports well above the ground line and protected from the elements as appropriate, and with due regard to public safety. 2. TRENCHING All excavations shall be in compliance with Federal and State OSHA requirements. Trench depth shall be per the trench detail drawing. The bottom of trench shall be free of any sharp rocks or material that may cause damage to cables. At no point shall the cables suspend over a hole or gap in the trench, such voids shall be filled with appropriate material. It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that all trenching depths specified is minimum as measured from the final grade to the top surface of the cable. The routing must be as shown on the staking sheets and plans and specifications unless conditions encountered are such that changes are necessary to accomplish the work. In Nome trenching in rock may be encountered, if the trench alignment is to be altered from the proposed trench alignment the Owner shall be notified to make a decision on what course of action will be taken. The trench widths specified is minimum and should be increased as necessary to obtain the required depths in loose soils. Care shall be exercised to minimize the likelihood of water flow since this may cause trench damage and reduction in trench depth. If this occurs, the trench must be cleared to the specified depth before installing the cable. Construction shall be arranged so that trenches may be left open for the shortest practical time to avoid creating a hazard to the public and to minimize the likelihood of collapse of the trench due to other construction activity, rain, accumulation of water in the trench, etc. 3. BACKFILLING It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the first 6 inches of trench backfill shall be free from rock, gravel or other material which might damage the cable jacket. In lieu of cleaning the trench, the Contractor may, at the Contractor's option, place a 2 inch bed of clean sand or soil under the cable and 4 inches of clean soil above the cable. Cleaned soil backfill when used shall contain no solid material larger than l inch. This soil layer must be carefully compacted so that the cable will not be damaged. Backfilling must be completed in such a manner that voids will be eliminated. Excess soil must be piled on top and must be well tamped. All rock and debris must be removed from the site, and any damage to the premises repaired immediately. BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM 24.9kV OH/UG SPECIFICATIONS Page 8 of 11 Pieces of scrap cable or other material remaining after installation must not be buried in the trench as a means of disposal. 4. UNDERGROUND CABLE a. Handling of Cable It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the cable shall be handled carefully at all times to avoid damage, and shall not be dragged across the ground, fences or sharp projections. Care shall be exercised to avoid excessive bending of the cable. The contractor shall ensure that the ends of the cable be sealed at all times against moisture with suitable end caps. Where it is necessary to cut the cable, the ends will be terminated or sealed immediately after the cutting operation. b. Minimum Bending Radius of Cable It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the minimum bending radius of primary cable is 12 times the overall diameter of the cable or per manufacturer’s recommendations, which ever is larger. The minimum bending radius of secondary and service cable is six times the overall diameter of the cable. In all cases the minimum radius specified is measured to the surface of the cable on the inside of the bend. Cable bends must not be made within 6 inches of a cable terminal base. c. Installing Cable in Conduit Where cable must be pulled through conduit, the operation shall be performed in such a way that the cable will not be damaged from strain or dragging. The cable shall be lubricated with a suitable cable lubricant prior to pulling into conduit or duct. In placing primary cables, the stress applied while pulling into conduit or during other pulling operations shall not exceed the least of the following: i. Where a pulling eye is attached to the conductor, the maximum pulling strain in pounds shall not exceed .006 times the circular mil area for aluminum or .008 times the circular mil area for copper. ii. Where a basket grip is placed over the cable, the pulling strain shall not exceed the lesser of: (1) that calculated in above; or (2) 1000 pounds. The cable under the cable grip and 1.0 foot preceding it shall be severed and discarded after the pulling operation. iii. In no case shall the maximum pulling tension exceed that recommended by the specific cable manufacturer. iv. At bends the maximum sidewall pressure recommended by the cable manufacturer shall not be exceeded. d. Tagging of Cables at Termination Points BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM 24.9kV OH/UG SPECIFICATIONS Page 9 of 11 Cables shall be tagged and identified at all accessible locations as the cables are laid. The identification must be of a permanent type, such as that done on plastic or corrosion resistant metal tags. The tag must be securely attached to the cable. Paper or cloth tags are not acceptable. e. Splices It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that cable splices must be of the premolded rubber, heat-shrink, or cold-shrink type, of the correct voltage rating and must be installed in accordance with the splice manufacturer's instructions. Splices that depend solely on tape for a moisture barrier must not be used. Not more than one splice may be permitted for each 2000 feet of cable installed unless authorized by the Owner. No bends may be permitted within 12 inches of the ends of a splice. The cable or circuit numbers and the exact location of all splices must be noted on the staking sheets (as built). f. Primary Cable Termination and Stress Cones It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that prefabricated stress cones or terminations must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions at all primary cable terminals. They must be suitable for the size and type of cable that they are used with and for the environment in which they will operate. Any indication of misfit, such as a loose or exceptionally tight fit, must be called to the Owner's attention. The outer conductive surface of the termination must be bonded to the system neutral. A heat- shrink or cold-shrink sleeve must be installed to seal between the body of the termination and the cable jacket. g. Special Precautions for Cable Splices and Terminations It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that a portable covering or shelter must be available for use when splices or terminations are being prepared and when prefabricated terminations are being switched. The shelter must be used as necessary to keep rain, snow and windblown dust off the insulating surfaces of these devices. Since cleanliness is essential in the preparation and installation of primary cable fittings, care shall be exercised to prevent the transfer of conducting particles from the hands to insulating surfaces. Mating surfaces must be wiped with a solvent such as denatured alcohol to remove any possible accumulation of dirt, moisture or other conducting materials. A silicone grease or similar lubricant should be applied afterwards in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Whenever prefabricated cable devices are opened, the unenergized mating surfaces must be lubricated with silicone grease before the fittings are reconnected. h. Cable Acceptance Tests v. It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that: 1. Continuity: After installation of the cable and prior to the high potential test specified below, authorized personnel shall perform a simple continuity test BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM 24.9kV OH/UG SPECIFICATIONS Page 10 of 11 on the system. This can be accomplished by grounding the conductor at the source and checking for continuity from the end of each tap with an ohmmeter or with a battery and ammeter. 2. High Potential: After successful continuity tests, authorized personnel should perform high potential tests on each length of cable, with terminations in place but disconnected from the system. vi. The installation shall withstand for a minimum of 15 minutes a DC test potential as follows: Primary URD Cable (XLP-TR, and EPR) Insulation Field DC Thickness Acceptance Rated Voltage Inches Test Voltage 15 kV .220 64.0 kV 25 kV .260 80.0 kV 25 kV .345 100.0 kV vii. The voltage may either be increased continuously or in steps to the maximum test value: 1. If increased continuously, the rate of increase of test voltage should be approximately uniform and increasing to maximum voltage in not less than 10 seconds and in not more than approximately 60 seconds. 2. If applied in steps, the rate of increase of test voltage from one step to the next should be approximately uniform. The duration at each step shall be long enough for the absorption current to attain reasonable stabilization (l minute minimum). Current and voltage readings should be taken at the end of each step duration. The number of steps should be from five to eight. viii. All testing shall be recorded by the contractor or Owner’s inspector and turned into the Owner for permanent record. Use forms provided from Owner. 8. CONDUIT It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that all exposed ends of conduit must be plugged during construction to prevent the entrance of foreign matter and moisture into the conduit. Burrs or sharp projections which might injure the cable must be removed. Riser shield or conduit must extend at least 18 inches below grade at all riser poles. If full round conduit is used as a riser shield, an end bell must be installed on the lower end to prevent damage to the cable. 9. EQUIPMENT PADS It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the site for the pad shall be on undisturbed earth adjacent to but not over the trench. The site shall be cleared of all debris and BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM 24.9kV OH/UG SPECIFICATIONS Page 11 of 11 excavated to the specified depth. Gravel or sand may be added to the site and thoroughly compacted. The pad shall be installed level at the specified elevation. 10. EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURES It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that all equipment enclosures shall be handled carefully to avoid damage to the finish and shall be positioned in accordance with the staking sheets and the plans and specifications. Only qualified and experienced personnel shall be allowed to make connections and cable terminations. 15. GROUNDING It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that all neutral conductors, grounding electrodes, sacrificial anodes and groundable parts of equipment shall be interconnected. All interconnections shall be made as shown on the construction drawings. A copper-clad or galvanized steel ground rod with minimum length of 8 feet shall be installed at all equipment locations as shown in the construction drawings and at all cable splices and taps. All pad- mounted equipment enclosures, including transformers, shall be grounded in such a manner that two separate grounding paths exist between the enclosure and the grounding rod(s). All pad-mounted equipment enclosures, including transformers, shall be grounded in such a manner that two separate grounding paths exist between the enclosure and the grounding rod(s). NOME JOINT UTILITIES SYSTEM BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM 24.9kV OH/UG INTERTIE SAG & TENSION DATA STRINGING CHART SEPTEMBER 2008 Electric Power Systems, Inc. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF AMERICA SAG AND TENSION DATA NJUS Sag & Tension, and Stringing Chart Conductor RAVEN #1/0 AWG 6/ 1 Stranding ACSR Area= .0968 Sq. in Dia= .398 in Wt= .145 lb/ft RTS= 4380 lb Data from Chart No. 1-938 English Units Using Exact Catenary Equations Span= 200.0 feet NESC Heavy Load Zone Creep is NOT a Factor Rolled Rod Design Points Final Initial Temp Ice Wind K Weight Sag Tension RTS Sag Tension RTS F in psf lb/ft lb/ft ft lb % ft lb % 0. 1.00 4.00 .00 2.046 5.44 1885. 43.0 5.44 1885. 43.0 0. .50 4.00 .30 1.144 4.58 1252. 28.6 4.26 1346. 30.7 0. .00 42.00 .00 1.401 4.86 1445. 33.0 4.64 1513. 34.5 32. .50 .00 .00 .703 4.44 793. 18.1 3.83 919. 21.0 -40. .00 .00 .00 .145 1.77 410. 9.4 .97 751. 17.1 -20. .00 .00 .00 .145 2.25 322. 7.3 1.19 610. 13.9 0. .00 .00 .00 .145 2.73 265. 6.1 1.50* 483. 11.0 30. .00 .00 .00 .145 3.31 219. 5.0 2.11 343. 7.8 60. .00 .00 .00 .145 3.62 200. 4.6 2.78 261. 6.0 90. .00 .00 .00 .145 3.93 185. 4.2 3.41 213. 4.9 120. .00 .00 .00 .145 4.22 172. 3.9 3.97 183. 4.2 167. .00 .00 .00 .145 4.66 156. 3.6 4.51 161. 3.7 212. .00 .00 .00 .145 5.06 144. 3.3 4.91 148. 3.4 * Design Condition Stringing Sag Table Using Final Sag Ruling Span: 200.0 feet ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conductor RAVEN #1/0 AWG 6/ 1 Stranding ACSR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NESC Heavy Load Zone Max Tension = 1885 lb ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Design: 1.50 ft Sag @ 0. Deg F , .00 in Ice, .00 psf Wind, Initial ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- H Tens 361. 322. 290. 265. 245. 228. 219. 212. 206. 200. (LBS) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Temp F > -30. -20. -10. 0. 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. Sag Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Span ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 100.0 .50 .56 .62 .68 .74 .80 .83 .85 .88 .91 110.0 .61 .68 .76 .83 .90 .96 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.10 120.0 .72 .81 .90 .98 1.07 1.14 1.19 1.23 1.27 1.30 130.0 .85 .95 1.05 1.15 1.25 1.34 1.40 1.44 1.49 1.53 140.0 .98 1.10 1.22 1.34 1.45 1.56 1.62 1.67 1.72 1.77 150.0 1.13 1.27 1.40 1.54 1.67 1.79 1.86 1.92 1.98 2.04 160.0 1.29 1.44 1.60 1.75 1.90 2.04 2.12 2.19 2.25 2.32 170.0 1.45 1.63 1.80 1.97 2.14 2.30 2.39 2.47 2.54 2.62 180.0 1.63 1.83 2.02 2.21 2.40 2.58 2.68 2.77 2.85 2.93 190.0 1.81 2.03 2.25 2.47 2.67 2.87 2.99 3.08 3.18 3.27 200.0 2.01 2.25 2.50 2.73 2.96 3.18 3.31 3.42 3.52 3.62 210.0 2.21 2.48 2.75 3.01 3.27 3.51 3.65 3.77 3.88 3.99 220.0 2.43 2.73 3.02 3.31 3.58 3.85 4.01 4.13 4.26 4.38 230.0 2.66 2.98 3.30 3.61 3.92 4.21 4.38 4.52 4.66 4.79 240.0 2.89 3.25 3.60 3.94 4.26 4.58 4.77 4.92 5.07 5.22 250.0 3.14 3.52 3.90 4.27 4.63 4.97 5.17 5.34 5.50 5.66 Stringing Sag Table Using Final Sag Ruling Span: 200.0 feet ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conductor RAVEN #1/0 AWG 6/ 1 Stranding ACSR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NESC Heavy Load Zone Max Tension = 1885 lb ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Design: 1.50 ft Sag @ 0. Deg F , .00 in Ice, .00 psf Wind, Initial ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- H Tens 361. 322. 290. 265. 245. 228. 219. 212. 206. 200. (LBS) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Temp F > -30. -20. -10. 0. 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 5th Wave Sec Sec Sec Sec Sec Sec Sec Sec Sec Sec Span ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 100.0 3.53 3.74 3.94 4.12 4.29 4.44 4.53 4.61 4.67 4.74 110.0 3.89 4.12 4.33 4.53 4.72 4.89 4.99 5.07 5.14 5.22 120.0 4.24 4.49 4.72 4.94 5.15 5.33 5.44 5.53 5.61 5.69 130.0 4.59 4.86 5.12 5.36 5.57 5.78 5.89 5.99 6.08 6.17 140.0 4.94 5.24 5.51 5.77 6.00 6.22 6.35 6.45 6.55 6.64 150.0 5.30 5.61 5.91 6.18 6.43 6.67 6.80 6.91 7.01 7.11 160.0 5.65 5.99 6.30 6.59 6.86 7.11 7.26 7.37 7.48 7.59 170.0 6.00 6.36 6.69 7.00 7.29 7.56 7.71 7.83 7.95 8.06 180.0 6.36 6.73 7.09 7.42 7.72 8.00 8.16 8.29 8.42 8.54 190.0 6.71 7.11 7.48 7.83 8.15 8.45 8.62 8.75 8.88 9.01 200.0 7.06 7.48 7.88 8.24 8.58 8.89 9.07 9.21 9.35 9.49 210.0 7.42 7.86 8.27 8.65 9.01 9.33 9.52 9.67 9.82 9.96 220.0 7.77 8.23 8.66 9.06 9.44 9.78 9.98 10.13 10.29 10.44 230.0 8.12 8.61 9.06 9.48 9.86 10.22 10.43 10.59 10.75 10.91 240.0 8.48 8.98 9.45 9.89 10.29 10.67 10.88 11.06 11.22 11.39 250.0 8.83 9.35 9.84 10.30 10.72 11.11 11.34 11.52 11.69 11.86 NOME JOINT UTILITIES SYSTEM BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM 24.9kV OH/UG CONSTRUCTION UNIT DRAWINGS SEPTEMBER 2008 Electric Power Systems, Inc. NOME JOINT UTILITIES SYSTEM BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM 24.9kV OH/UG INTERTIE BID UNIT SHEET STAKING SHEETS SEPTEMBER 2008 Electric Power Systems, Inc Date: WESLEY R SAYERS Date: Remarks: Page 1 of 2 09/22/2008 BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM ISSUED FOR REVIEW BIDSHEET for Project: 08-0200 Reimbursable Account: Design No.: Capital Account: Work Plan No.: Project Type: Reviewed by Designer/Project Engineer: 01 24.9 KV U.G./O.H. Retirement Account: Banner Wind Project Design by WCE, LLC dated 09-19-08. 40 ft - typical riser pole Reviewed by Supervisor/Manager: JIMMY R. SCARBOROUGH Armor rods and preformed ties to be used on this project. Cable make-up lengths are as follows: For the overhead portion of these sheets please refer to the 20 ft - padmount equipment For the underground portion of these sheets please refer to the Bering Straits-Sitnasuak Wind Farm 24.9kV OH design drawing Sheet 1 of 1 by EPS, Inc dated 9-17-08. Material Extended Assembly Order Labor & Labor & Unit Quantity Quantity Labor Material Material Material 1/0 ACSR 0.840 0.882 -$ -$ 1/0 CONC 25KV 26.388 27.707 -$ -$ #2 TRIPLEX 0.040 0.042 -$ -$ 45/2 5.000 5.000 -$ -$ VA1.11 1.000 1.000 -$ -$ VC1.41L 1.000 1.000 -$ -$ VC1.41LX 10'1.000 1.000 -$ -$ VC5.71L 2.000 2.000 -$ -$ VC6.31 2.000 2.000 -$ -$ VD5.91G 1.000 1.000 -$ -$ E2.2 2.000 2.000 -$ -$ F2.15 2.000 2.000 -$ -$ F2.26 2.000 2.000 -$ -$ VG1.4 1.000 1.000 -$ -$ H1.1 5.000 5.000 -$ -$ J3.1 4.000 4.000 -$ -$ VQ4.1 1.000 1.000 -$ -$ VR3.2 1.000 1.000 -$ -$ UM50-H-4 8.796 9.676 -$ -$ RSC490SS 23.000 23.000 -$ -$ VUC3 1.000 1.000 -$ -$ VUG17-2-100kVA 1.000 1.000 -$ -$ VUG17-2-225kVA 5.000 5.000 -$ -$ VUM33 7.000 7.000 -$ -$ UM1-1B 13.000 13.000 -$ -$ UM48-2 13.000 13.000 -$ -$ VUM6-1 69.000 69.000 -$ -$ VUM6-10 30.000 30.000 -$ -$ UR2 (48")8.646 9.511 -$ -$ Total Extend Labor This Page -$ Total Extend Material This Page -$ Total Extend Labor & Material -$ 09/22/2008 ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS, INC. Page 2 of 2 ASSEMBLY UNITS BID SHEET Project: 08-0200 BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM Date: Date: Remarks: Bering Straits-Sitnasuak Wind Farm 24.9kV OH design drawing Sheet 1 of 1 by EPS, Inc dated 9-17-08. Banner Wind Project Design by WCE, LLC dated 09-19-08. For the underground portion of these sheets please refer to the 20 ft - padmount equipment For the overhead portion of these sheets please refer to the Work Plan No.: Project Type: JIMMY R. SCARBOROUGH 24.9 KV U.G./O.H. Reviewed by Designer/Project Engineer: Reviewed by Supervisor/Manager: WESLEY R SAYERS 01 Reimbursable Account: Design No.: Capital Account: Page 1 of 8 09/22/2008 BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM ISSUED FOR REVIEW STAKING SHEET for Project: 08-0200 Retirement Account: Armor rods and preformed ties to be used on this project. Cable make-up lengths are as follows: 40 ft - typical riser pole Page 2 of 8 Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. 336 ACSR Existing 4 133 336 ACSR "MERLIN" PRIMARY / / 1/0 ACSR Existing 1 133 1/0 ACSR PRIMARY / / 45/4 Existing 1 45 FOOT CLASS 4 POLE / / VA1.11 Existing 1 SINGLE SUPPORT ON CROSSARMS / / VC1.41LX 10' Existing 1 SINGLE SUPPORT ON CROSSARMS, 10' ARMS / / E2.1 Existing 2 SINGLE DOWN GUY HEAVY DUTY (7/16" EHS) / / F3.12 Existing 2 ANCHOR, STEEL CROSS PLATE (24") / / H1.1 Existing 1 POLE GROUNDING ASSEMBLY / / Remarks: Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. 336 ACSR Existing 4 101 336 ACSR "MERLIN" PRIMARY / / 1/0 ACSR Existing 1 101 1/0 ACSR PRIMARY / / 1/0 ACSR Install 4 0 1/0 ACSR PRIMARY / / 45/2 Install 1 45 FOOT CLASS 2 POLE / / VC1.41LX 10' Install 1 SINGLE SUPPORT ON CROSSARMS, 10' ARMS / / VC5.71L Install 1 SINGLE DEADEND ON CROSSARM, HUGHES 10' / / VD5.91G Install 1 THREE PHASE TAP GUIDE, DOUBLE CIRCUIT / / VA1.11 Install 1 SINGLE SUPPORT ON CROSSARMS / / E2.2 Install 1 DOUBLE DOWN GUY HEAVY DUTY (7/16" EHS) / / F2.15 Install 1 ANCHOR, SCREW DOUBLE HELIX (15,000#) / / F2.26 Install 1 ANCHOR, SCREW DOUBLE HELIX (26,000#) / / H1.1 Install 1 POLE GROUNDING ASSEMBLY / / Remarks: Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. 1/0 ACSR Install 4 150 1/0 ACSR PRIMARY / / #2 TRIPLEX Install 1 0 #2 TRIPLEX SECONDARY / / 45/2 Install 1 45 FOOT CLASS 2 POLE / / VC6.31 Install 1 DOUBLE DEADEND ON CROSSARMS / / VQ4.1 Install 1 PRIMARY METERING THREE PHASE / / H1.1 Install 1 POLE GROUNDING ASSEMBLY / / J3.1 Install 1 SECONDARY ASSMBLY, DEAD END / / Remarks: SR 32 SR 32B SEE VD5.91G AS TAP INSTALLATION GUIDE. INSTALL GUYS WITH 35' & 30' LEADS. 09/22/2008 STAKING SHEET Project: 08-0200 Design: 01 ISSUED FOR REVIEW BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM SR 32B-1 Electric Power Systems, Inc. 3305 Arctic Boulevard, Suite 201 Anchorage, Alaska 99503-4575 Page 3 of 8 09/22/2008 STAKING SHEET Project: 08-0200 Design: 01 ISSUED FOR REVIEW BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. 1/0 ACSR Install 4 20 1/0 ACSR PRIMARY / / #2 TRIPLEX Install 1 20 #2 TRIPLEX SECONDARY / / 45/2 Install 1 45 FOOT CLASS 2 POLE / / VC1.41L Install 1 SINGLE SUPPORT ON CROSSARMS, 10' ARMS / / VG1.4 Install 1 SINGLE-PHASE, CONVENTIONAL TRANSFORMER / / H1.1 Install 1 POLE GROUNDING ASSEMBLY / / J3.1 Install 2 SECONDARY ASSMBLY, DEAD END / / Remarks: Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. 1/0 ACSR Install 4 20 1/0 ACSR PRIMARY / / #2 TRIPLEX Install 1 20 #2 TRIPLEX SECONDARY / / 45/2 Install 1 45 FOOT CLASS 2 POLE / / VC6.31 Install 1 DOUBLE DEADEND ON CROSSARMS / / VR3.2 Install 1 THREE OIL CIRCUIT RECLOSERS (W/ BYPASS) / / H1.1 Install 1 POLE GROUNDING ASSEMBLY / / J3.1 Install 1 SECONDARY ASSMBLY, DEAD END / / Remarks: Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. 1/0 ACSR Install 4 20 1/0 ACSR PRIMARY / / 45/2 Install 1 45 FOOT CLASS 2 POLE / / VC5.71L Install 1 SINGLE DEADEND ON CROSSARM, HUGHES 10' / / VUC3 Install 1 THREE PHASE CABLE TERMINAL POLE / / E2.2 Install 1 DOUBLE DOWN GUY HEAVY DUTY (7/16" EHS) / / F2.15 Install 1 ANCHOR, SCREW DOUBLE HELIX (15,000#) / / F2.26 Install 1 ANCHOR, SCREW DOUBLE HELIX (26,000#) / / H1.1 Install 1 POLE GROUNDING ASSEMBLY / / Remarks: SR 32B-4 INSTALL GUYS WITH 35' & 30' LEADS. SR 32B-3 SR 32B-2 Electric Power Systems, Inc. 3305 Arctic Boulevard, Suite 201 Anchorage, Alaska 99503-4575 Page 4 of 8 09/22/2008 STAKING SHEET Project: 08-0200 Design: 01 ISSUED FOR REVIEW BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. 1/0 CONC 25KV Install 3 10 1/0 CONC. NEUTRAL, AL EPR 25KV 100% INS / / VUM33 Install 1 THREE-PHASE JUNCTION BOX, 3-WAY / / UM1-1B Install 1 PAD, 3 PHASE JBOX CONCRETE (78"X72"X24") / / UM48-2 Install 1 GROUNDING ASSEMBLY FOR MULTI PHASE ENCL / / VUM6-1 Install 6 LOAD BREAK TERMINATION (200A) / / VUM6-10 Install 3 INSULATED PROTECTIVE CAP (200A) / / UM50-H-4 Install 10 4" HDPE CONDUIT / / RSC490SS Install 2 ELBOW, CONDUIT 4" RIGID STEEL 90 DEG SS / / UR2 (48") Install 10 PRIMARY TRENCH 48" / / Remarks: Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. 1/0 CONC 25KV Install 3 900 1/0 CONC. NEUTRAL, AL EPR 25KV 100% INS / / VUM33 Install 1 THREE-PHASE JUNCTION BOX, 3-WAY / / UM1-1B Install 1 PAD, 3 PHASE JBOX CONCRETE (78"X72"X24") / / UM48-2 Install 1 GROUNDING ASSEMBLY FOR MULTI PHASE ENCL / / VUM6-1 Install 6 LOAD BREAK TERMINATION (200A) / / VUM6-10 Install 3 INSULATED PROTECTIVE CAP (200A) / / UM50-H-4 Install 900 4" HDPE CONDUIT / / RSC490SS Install 2 ELBOW, CONDUIT 4" RIGID STEEL 90 DEG SS / / UR2 (48") Install 900 PRIMARY TRENCH 48" / / Remarks: Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. 1/0 CONC 25KV Install 3 1030 1/0 CONC. NEUTRAL, AL EPR 25KV 100% INS / / VUM33 Install 1 THREE-PHASE JUNCTION BOX, 3-WAY / / UM1-1B Install 1 PAD, 3 PHASE JBOX CONCRETE (78"X72"X24") / / UM48-2 Install 1 GROUNDING ASSEMBLY FOR MULTI PHASE ENCL / / VUM6-1 Install 6 LOAD BREAK TERMINATION (200A) / / VUM6-10 Install 3 INSULATED PROTECTIVE CAP (200A) / / UM50-H-4 Install 1030 4" HDPE CONDUIT / / RSC490SS Install 2 ELBOW, CONDUIT 4" RIGID STEEL 90 DEG SS / / UR2 (48") Install 1030 PRIMARY TRENCH 48" / / Remarks: JB2 JB1 JB3 Electric Power Systems, Inc. 3305 Arctic Boulevard, Suite 201 Anchorage, Alaska 99503-4575 Page 5 of 8 09/22/2008 STAKING SHEET Project: 08-0200 Design: 01 ISSUED FOR REVIEW BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. 1/0 CONC 25KV Install 3 200 1/0 CONC. NEUTRAL, AL EPR 25KV 100% INS / / VUG17-2-100kVA Install 1 TRANSFORMER, 100kVA 25kV:277/480V, LOOP / / UM1-1B Install 1 PAD, 3 PHASE CONCRETE (78"X72"X24") / / UM48-2 Install 1 GROUNDING ASSEMBLY FOR MULTI PHASE ENCL / / VUM6-1 Install 3 LOAD BREAK TERMINATION (200A) / / VUM6-10 Install 3 INSULATED PROTECTIVE CAP (200A) / / UM50-H-4 Install 200 4" HDPE CONDUIT / / RSC490SS Install 1 ELBOW, CONDUIT 4" RIGID STEEL 90 DEG SS / / UR2 (48") Install 50 PRIMARY TRENCH 48" / / Remarks: Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. REPEAT / / Remarks: Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. 1/0 CONC 25KV Install 3 1020 1/0 CONC. NEUTRAL, AL EPR 25KV 100% INS / / VUM33 Install 1 THREE-PHASE JUNCTION BOX, 3-WAY / / UM1-1B Install 1 PAD, 3 PHASE JBOX CONCRETE (78"X72"X24") / / UM48-2 Install 1 GROUNDING ASSEMBLY FOR MULTI PHASE ENCL / / VUM6-1 Install 6 LOAD BREAK TERMINATION (200A) / / VUM6-10 Install 3 INSULATED PROTECTIVE CAP (200A) / / UM50-H-4 Install 1020 4" HDPE CONDUIT / / RSC490SS Install 2 ELBOW, CONDUIT 4" RIGID STEEL 90 DEG SS / / UR2 (48") Install 1020 PRIMARY TRENCH 48" / / Remarks: Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. 1/0 CONC 25KV Install 3 900 1/0 CONC. NEUTRAL, AL EPR 25KV 100% INS / / VUM33 Install 1 THREE-PHASE JUNCTION BOX, 3-WAY / / UM1-1B Install 1 PAD, 3 PHASE JBOX CONCRETE (78"X72"X24") / / UM48-2 Install 1 GROUNDING ASSEMBLY FOR MULTI PHASE ENCL / / VUM6-1 Install 6 LOAD BREAK TERMINATION (200A) / / VUM6-10 Install 3 INSULATED PROTECTIVE CAP (200A) / / UM50-H-4 Install 900 4" HDPE CONDUIT / / RSC490SS Install 2 ELBOW, CONDUIT 4" RIGID STEEL 90 DEG SS / / UR2 (48") Install 900 PRIMARY TRENCH 48" / / Remarks: JB4 SHOP JB3 JB5 Electric Power Systems, Inc. 3305 Arctic Boulevard, Suite 201 Anchorage, Alaska 99503-4575 Page 6 of 8 09/22/2008 STAKING SHEET Project: 08-0200 Design: 01 ISSUED FOR REVIEW BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. 1/0 CONC 25KV Install 3 600 1/0 CONC. NEUTRAL, AL EPR 25KV 100% INS / / VUM33 Install 1 THREE-PHASE JUNCTION BOX, 3-WAY / / UM1-1B Install 1 PAD, 3 PHASE JBOX CONCRETE (78"X72"X24") / / UM48-2 Install 1 GROUNDING ASSEMBLY FOR MULTI PHASE ENCL / / VUM6-1 Install 6 LOAD BREAK TERMINATION (200A) / / VUM6-10 Install 3 INSULATED PROTECTIVE CAP (200A) / / UM50-H-4 Install 600 4" HDPE CONDUIT / / RSC490SS Install 2 ELBOW, CONDUIT 4" RIGID STEEL 90 DEG SS / / UR2 (48") Install 600 PRIMARY TRENCH 48" / / Remarks: Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. 1/0 CONC 25KV Install 3 398 1/0 CONC. NEUTRAL, AL EPR 25KV 100% INS / / VUG17-2-225kVA Install 1 TRANSFORMER, 225kVA 25kV:277/480V, LOOP / / UM1-1B Install 1 PAD, 3 PHASE CONCRETE (78"X72"X24") / / UM48-2 Install 1 GROUNDING ASSEMBLY FOR MULTI PHASE ENCL / / VUM6-1 Install 3 LOAD BREAK TERMINATION (200A) / / VUM6-10 Install 3 INSULATED PROTECTIVE CAP (200A) / / UM50-H-4 Install 398 4" HDPE CONDUIT / / RSC490SS Install 1 ELBOW, CONDUIT 4" RIGID STEEL 90 DEG SS / / UR2 (48") Install 398 PRIMARY TRENCH 48" / / Remarks: Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. REPEAT / / Remarks: Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. 1/0 CONC 25KV Install 3 608 1/0 CONC. NEUTRAL, AL EPR 25KV 100% INS / / VUG17-2-225kVA Install 1 TRANSFORMER, 225kVA 25kV:277/480V, LOOP / / UM1-1B Install 1 PAD, 3 PHASE CONCRETE (78"X72"X24") / / UM48-2 Install 1 GROUNDING ASSEMBLY FOR MULTI PHASE ENCL / / VUM6-1 Install 6 LOAD BREAK TERMINATION (200A) / / UM50-H-4 Install 608 4" HDPE CONDUIT / / RSC490SS Install 2 ELBOW, CONDUIT 4" RIGID STEEL 90 DEG SS / / UR2 (48") Install 608 PRIMARY TRENCH 48" / / Remarks: JB6 JB6 CS 1 CS 2 Electric Power Systems, Inc. 3305 Arctic Boulevard, Suite 201 Anchorage, Alaska 99503-4575 Page 7 of 8 09/22/2008 STAKING SHEET Project: 08-0200 Design: 01 ISSUED FOR REVIEW BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. 1/0 CONC 25KV Install 3 841 1/0 CONC. NEUTRAL, AL EPR 25KV 100% INS / / VUM33 Install 1 THREE-PHASE JUNCTION BOX, 3-WAY / / UM1-1B Install 1 PAD, 3 PHASE JBOX CONCRETE (78"X72"X24") / / UM48-2 Install 1 GROUNDING ASSEMBLY FOR MULTI PHASE ENCL / / VUM6-1 Install 6 LOAD BREAK TERMINATION (200A) / / VUM6-10 Install 3 INSULATED PROTECTIVE CAP (200A) / / UM50-H-4 Install 841 4" HDPE CONDUIT / / RSC490SS Install 2 ELBOW, CONDUIT 4" RIGID STEEL 90 DEG SS / / UR2 (48") Install 841 PRIMARY TRENCH 48" / / Remarks: Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. 1/0 CONC 25KV Install 3 733 1/0 CONC. NEUTRAL, AL EPR 25KV 100% INS / / VUG17-2-225kVA Install 1 TRANSFORMER, 225kVA 25kV:277/480V, LOOP / / UM1-1B Install 1 PAD, 3 PHASE CONCRETE (78"X72"X24") / / UM48-2 Install 1 GROUNDING ASSEMBLY FOR MULTI PHASE ENCL / / VUM6-1 Install 6 LOAD BREAK TERMINATION (200A) / / UM50-H-4 Install 733 4" HDPE CONDUIT / / RSC490SS Install 2 ELBOW, CONDUIT 4" RIGID STEEL 90 DEG SS / / UR2 (48") Install 733 PRIMARY TRENCH 48" / / Remarks: Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. 1/0 CONC 25KV Install 3 1076 1/0 CONC. NEUTRAL, AL EPR 25KV 100% INS / / VUG17-2-225kVA Install 1 TRANSFORMER, 225kVA 25kV:277/480V, LOOP / / UM1-1B Install 1 PAD, 3 PHASE CONCRETE (78"X72"X24") / / UM48-2 Install 1 GROUNDING ASSEMBLY FOR MULTI PHASE ENCL / / VUM6-1 Install 6 LOAD BREAK TERMINATION (200A) / / UM50-H-4 Install 1076 4" HDPE CONDUIT / / RSC490SS Install 2 ELBOW, CONDUIT 4" RIGID STEEL 90 DEG SS / / UR2 (48") Install 1076 PRIMARY TRENCH 48" / / Remarks: JB7 CS 3 CS 4 Electric Power Systems, Inc. 3305 Arctic Boulevard, Suite 201 Anchorage, Alaska 99503-4575 Page 8 of 8 09/22/2008 STAKING SHEET Project: 08-0200 Design: 01 ISSUED FOR REVIEW BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM Structure: On Stake: Assembly Unit Activity #Cond Qty Unit Description Complete Qty. 1/0 CONC 25KV Install 3 480 1/0 CONC. NEUTRAL, AL EPR 25KV 100% INS / / VUG17-2-225kVA Install 1 TRANSFORMER, 225kVA 25kV:277/480V, LOOP / / UM1-1B Install 1 PAD, 3 PHASE CONCRETE (78"X72"X24") / / UM48-2 Install 1 GROUNDING ASSEMBLY FOR MULTI PHASE ENCL / / VUM6-1 Install 3 LOAD BREAK TERMINATION (200A) / / VUM6-10 Install 3 INSULATED PROTECTIVE CAP (200A) / / UM50-H-4 Install 480 4" HDPE CONDUIT / / RSC490SS Install 1 ELBOW, CONDUIT 4" RIGID STEEL 90 DEG SS / / UR2 (48") Install 480 PRIMARY TRENCH 48" / / Remarks: CS 5 Electric Power Systems, Inc. 3305 Arctic Boulevard, Suite 201 Anchorage, Alaska 99503-4575 NOME JOINT UTILITIES SYSTEM BERING STRAITS-SITNASUAK WIND FARM 24.9kV OH/UG INTERTIE PLAN DRAWINGS SEPTEMBER 2008 Electric Power Systems, Inc. Banner Wind 25 kV Constructed Road 480 V Control Shacks + Transformer 25 kV Junction boxes Work/Material Area 25 kV Constructed Road 480 V Control Shacks + Transformer 25 kV Junction boxes Work/Material Area 25 kV Constructed Road 480 V Control Shacks + Transformer 25 kV Junction boxes Work/Material Area 25 kV Constructed Road 480 V Control Shacks + Transformer 25 kV Junction boxes Work/Material Area 25 kV Constructed Road 480 V Control Shacks + Transformer 25 kV Junction boxes Work/Material Area 25 kV Constructed Road 480 V Control Shacks + Transformer 25 kV Junction boxes Work/Material Area 25 kV Constructed Road 480 V Control Shacks + Transformer 25 kV Junction boxes Work/Material Area 25 kV Constructed Road 480 V Control Shacks + Transformer 25 kV Junction boxes Work/Material Area 25 kV Constructed Road 480 V Control Shacks + Transformer 25 kV Junction boxes Work/Material Area 25 kV Constructed Road 480 V Control Shacks + Transformer 25 kV Junction boxes Work/Material Area 25 kV Constructed Road 480 V Control Shacks + Transformer 25 kV Junction boxes Work/Material Area SHACK5 - SHACK4 480 SHACK4 - SHACK5 425 WTG 5-4 405 SHACK4 - SHACK3 1076 SHACK4 - SHACK3 1000 WTG 5-3 219 SHACK3 -JB7 733 SHACK3 - SHACK2 1260 WTG 5-2 0 JB7 - SHACK2 841 SHACK2 - SHACK1 730 WTG 5-1 270 SHACK2 - JB6 608 SHOP - SHACK2 3000 JB6 - SHACK1 398 BSNC - SHOP 23337.6 WTG 4-4 290 JB6 - JB5 600 BSNC - SHACK2 25132.8 WTG 4-3 0 JB5 - JB4 900 POI - SHOP 1900 WTG 4-2 327 JB4 - JB3 1020 WTG 4-1 588 JB3 - JB2 1030 JB3 - SHOP 200 WTG 3-4 364 JB2 - JB1 900 WTG 3-3 0 WTG 3-2 360 WTG 3-1 326 WTG 2-2 0 WTG 2-1 440 WTG 1-4 323 WTG 1-3 0 WTG 1-2 324 WTG 1-1 468 TOTAL 4704 TRENCH DISTANCES LINE OF SIGHT TRANSFORMER & SHACK 5 TRANSFORMER & SHACK 1 TRANSFORMER & SHACK 2 TRANSFORMER & SHACK 3 TRANSFORMER & SHACK4