HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA124c.C PROJEC .~LICATION tIIO.7114-000 .8 .~ceDted ..y FERC.July.27.1983 - ;i ) ~,jl DATE DUE Demeo,Inc.38·293 n,',- ij 1 ~\ D:..;!_.) ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Information Services AncL ~_:..i aska~c .AL/~,S!</~\C::~:F:·-r.()F"f.i -~~;·'1 8~ 333 r~tL - - -, -! 343 BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR LICENSE FOR MAJOR PROJECT SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT VOLUME 2C RED MODEL (1983 VERSION) TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION REPORT ARLIS Alaska Resources Librarv &tnformation SerViceS And..~.~..tska JULY 1983 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY TK. 1'-!2.S 5'& f'-l:t-\ 110,\'2"\(.. ....., - -I - - FINAL REPORT RED MODEL (1983 VERSION) DOCI.Jt~ENTATIO N REPORT M.J.Scott,Project Manager M.J.Ki n 9 B.L.Col es B.J.Harre r E.T.Marnell R.J'.~~e T.J.Secrest L.A.Sk uma t z June 1983 Prepared for Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture,Anchorage,Alaska under Contract 2311205912 BATTELLE Pacific Northwest Laboratories Richland,Washington 99352 SU~1~1ARY - This report describes the 1983 version of the Railbelt Electricity Demand (REn)model,a partial end-use/econometric model for forecasting electricity consumption in Alaska's Railbelt region through the year 2010.It contains complete documentation of the modeling approach,structure of the equations, and selection of parameter values.In addition,information is presented on the data bases used,supporting research,model output,and the Battelle- >~orthwest residential energy-use survey conducted in the Railbelt during i1arch and April,1981.This survey was used to help calibrate the model. RED has several unique capabilities:a t·10nte Carlo simulator for analysis of uncertainty in key parameter values,a fuel price adjustment Inechanisrn that incorporates the impacts of fuel prices on demand,and the capabil ity to explicitly consider government.subsidized investments in conservation measures.The 1933 version contains the following features: ~an aggregate business electricity consumption forecasting methortology that is based on the model's own forecast of commercial, light industrial,and government building stock ~calibration of the Residential sector end uses,appliances saturation,and fuel mode splits on actual data ;)a variable price elasticity adjustment mechanism to faithfully reflect consumer response to electricity,gas,and fuel oil prices in both the Residential and Business Sectors a Housing r'bdule that transforms a forecast of the total nunber of regional households into forecasts of the occupied and unoccupied housing stock by four types of housing units parameters updated to reflect 1980 Census infonnation and construction and energy market activity between 1980 and 1982,as well as additional energy research performed in several other parts of the count ry .- ~ - •,- two load centers,Anchorage-Cook Inlet and Fairbanks-Tanana Valley -iii o a report-writing module that reports price elasticities ~nd price effects on consumption (price-induced conservation and fuel switch- ing),as well as households served,saturation of appliances,elec- tricity consumption by sector,peak demand,and the sensitivity of forecast results to variation of key model parameters. i v .- ,.". CONTENTS THE HOlJS I NG r,10ntJLE .. INTRO[)tJCTIor~.fl ••••"•••••I!I-~e SUm1ARY ••••••••••• ••••ill . iii 1.1 2.1 2 .3 ~.4 •••••.fl ••oil -iII . •e ,.,oil •••••iII OVERVIE\~ UNCERTAINTY ~10DIJlE ••• 1.0 2.0 - MECHANISM r1ECHAN I St1 INPUTS AND OUTPUTS . nODULE STRUCTURE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2.4 ?S 2.1) 2.7 2.7 3.1 3.1 3.1 3 .2 3.3 4.1 4.1 4 .1 4 .1 4.8 4.8 4 .9 4.11 4 .16 Tren dS·••-•••••••••••••••Size and Demographic Households.~1i 1ita ry Household Vacancies .•..••.•...•••..•.._.•... Historic and Projected Trends in Demand for Housing •••••••.• PARAMETER S. r10DLILE STRUCTIJRE ••·~~..·e s s •••e U~1 CERTAI NTY ~10 0ULE ill 111 .. PEAK DE~1AND r··10DULEe "III."••• THE HOUSING r·10DU'LE . I~PUTS AND OUTPUTS ••••••c e.e ~ PARJ1.~1ETERS••..................................... RESInENTIAl CONSlJt1PTION ~10DlJLE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• RIJSp~ESS CON SU~1 PTI 0N ~10 0 LJ LE• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••• • • • •,•• PROGRM1-INDlJCED CONSERVATION ~10f)1Jlt •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• rn SCELlANEOlJS CONSU~1PTION MODULE. 4.0 3.0 - - .- v fJepreciation and Removal.•••••e ••e ••••••••••••••••e .4.17 5.0 Rase Year Housing Stock ••••••••••••.•.•..•...•....•••.••• THE RESIDENTIAL CONSUMPTION MODIJLE •••••••••••••••••••••.•••• 4.19 5.1 r1ECHAN 191 •••••••••••••••0.·••••••••••••0 ••••0.'0 05 •••'..5.1 INPUTS AND OUTPUTS ••••••••• MODULE STRUCTURE •••• ••••••••••C ••••0050.e ••C>••••••••••C>~Ill.,.5.2 5.2 PARAMETERS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••fII 6 •••e.5.10 Ap pl i ance Saturations •.5.11 Fue 1 ~10 deS p 1 its II 'II ..ill 05 II Cl .. Consumption of Electricity per Unit ••.••••••.•••••••••.••••• 5.26 5.28 - El ectrical Capacity Growth.1).33 Survival •..••.•.....Appliance Household Size Adjustments •••.. ............ill Cl Cl ,.. 5.36 1).311 - 6.0 Pric e El as tic i t i-es Co II II Cl .. THE RUSINESS CONSUMPTION MODULE 5.311 11.1 r1ECHAN ISM ....................................................................II·,II ..6.1 INPUTS AND OUTPUTS •••••••••••••••.. .. ............ .. ...... .. .. .. ........ .. ...... ...."..6.1 MODULE SnUCTURE ••••••........ .............. ....................'"6.2 PARAMETERS ••_•••••••••••••••••••••.••~••••.••.•e ••••••••••'••••••• Fl 00 r Sp ace St 0 C k Eq uat ion s ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••• Business Electricity Usage Parameters ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6.7 6.8 6.16 THE RED PRICE ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Business Price Adjustment Parameters ••••••••.••••••.••••••.• 7.0 PRICE ELASTICITY ••••••••••••••••ill ••••••••••••II •••••••••••••••••• 6.20 7.1 7 .1 - LITERATURE SlJRVEY •••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••.••,.......7.3 vi .-: , - ~, SELECTION OF RED PRICE ADJIJSH1EIH MECHANIS~1 STRUCTURE AND PARAt~ETERS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sector Division ••••••• Vari abl e El asticity ..............•...........•.............". Adjustment Over Time ••••• Cross Price Elasticities . Parameter Estimates. 7 .10 7.10 7 .12 7.12 7 .13 7.14 DERIVATION OF RED PRICE ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM EQUATIONS.7 .15 8.0 GLOSSARY OF SyMBOLS ••••••.•••••••••••"e ••••III ••••••ill •••••••••••••011. THE PROGRAM-INDUCED CONSERVATION MODULE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• r·1E CHAN I S~1 INPUTS AND OUTPUTS .•..•••~••..••.....•...••..-.••...••...•.•.•...'II •• 7.22 8 .1 8.1 8.5 MODULE STRUCTURE.•••••••••••••••••••0 •••"•••••••••."••••.••••••••••8.5 Scenari 0 Preparation (CONSER Program)•....•.••....•••..•.•.. Business Conservation-Residential Conservation.••••••••••••••••••••••a •.iIl •••••••••• 2..7 H.1 [) 8.1 ? -Peak Correction Factors ..•..•••..•.••e •••••••••••••••••••••• PARAMETERS •••• 8.16 8 .16 9.0 THE MISCELLANEOUS MODULE.••••••••••••••e ••__9.1 - MECHANISM INPUTS AND OUTPUTS._.__..e..__._.-Il __._·.ID.ID_._~__._.__.· 9 .1 9.1 -MODULE STRUCTURE •......••..••......•....• PARAt1ETERS ••• 9 .1 9.3 10.0 LARGE INDUSTRIAL DEMANf).__•__••~_••••••••••••••_•••••••••••_.10.1 t1ECHANIS~1,STRUCTURE,INPUTS AND OUTPUTS ••••••••••••••••••••••••• PARAMETERS •••••••••••• If i i 10.1 10.2 :11 - 11.0 THE PEAK DEt1AND r1ODULE...........................................11.1 ~1ECHANIS~1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••11 ••••••••••11.2 I NPUTS AND OUTPUTS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •11.1 MODULE STRUCTURE •••••••••s~••••••••••ee ••••••e •••••••••••••-••••••11.2 PARAMETERS.s ••••..•..••.•..•.•••.•..••.•••••••.••.•.•••..•.•.•...11.5 Quantitative Analysis of Trends in Load Factors in the Railbelt ••••••••••••••••••••••••e •••••••e ••••••••••••ll.fi Qualitative Analysis of Load Factors 11.10 12.0 r10DEl vALlnATION .•••••••.•••.•••••o ••••••e •••••••e •••••••••••••e ••12.1 ASSES9~ENT OF RED!S ACClIRAO.....................................12.1 SAr~PLE SIZE AND cm~pos ITIO N...•••••..•A.2 l1AILING PROCESS AND COLLECTION OF RESULTS........................A.5 REASONABLENESS OF THE FORECASTS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••12.3 -R.10 A.2 R.1 8.13 A.1 ••••••••,••••••••••••••••••••••••e •••••••••.•••"••••••••• BATTELLE-NORTHWEST RESIDENTIAL SURV~y •••••••••••••••••••• DESIGN •••••••••.••••••••••flo •••••••••••••••G ••••••••••••••• WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANy ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ALA SKA N RAILBEL T• •• • •• •• • •• • •• •• • •• • •• •• ••• • •• ••• •• • •• ••• • •• •• ••• PACIFIC NORTHWEST POWER PLANNING COUNCIL........................8.3 BONNEVILLE POWER ADII.1INISTRATION.8.4 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION.....................................B.6 OUTPUT ~•.•.•..•.•••..••...$••••••••••$.e •••G.................A.6 APPENDIX B:CONSERVATION RESEARCH...................8.1 APPENDIX A: REFERENCES SURVEY 13.0 tlISCELLANEOUS TABLES 13.1 APPENDIX C:RED 110DEL OUTPUT-........................................C.1. LIST OF TABLES .C .3 ....., vii i - 11.1 RED Peak -Demand"Module •••••••••_•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~•••11.3- 1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1 6 .1 8.1 9 .1 FIGlJRES The Railbelt Region of Alaska ••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••.•• Information Flows in the RED rbdel •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• RED Uncertainty Module ••••••••••••·•••••••••••••••~••~~•••••••••• RED Hous i ng r1:Jdul e •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• REO Residentia1 ConslJTlption Mod!J1e •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• RED Business Consumption MJdul e . RED Program-Induced Conservation ~1odule•.••••••••••••••••••••••• RED r~i see 11 an eo U5 t"'1o du1 e •••••_••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.2 2.2 3.3 4.3 5.4 6.3 8.2 9.2 11.2 Oaily Load Profile in the Pacific Northwest 11.12 A.1 Battelle-Northwest Survey Form..................................~.3 -, - A.2 Saturati on of Freezers in Anchorage-Cook Inl et Load Cente r . i x A.7 3.1 3.2 4.1 TABLES Inputs and Outputs of the RED Uncertainty Module •••••••••••••••• Parameters Generated by the Uncertainty tbdule .••••••••••••••••• Inputs and Outputs of the RED Housing Module •••••••••••••••••••• 3.2 3.4 4.2 - 4.2 Number of r~ilitary Households Assumed to Reside on Base in Railbelt load Centers...................................4.8 4.3 Household Size Western U.S.and Railbelt 1950-1980 .4.9 4.4 Forecast Size of Households,Railbelt Load Centers..............4.10 4.5 Impact of Householder Age and Household Size on Housing Mix and Total Utility Sales,Anchorage-Cook Inlet...............4.13 4.6 Single-Family Housing as Proportion Year-Round Housing Stock by Type,Railbelt Load Centers,1950-1982.................4.14 4.7 Probability of Size of Households in Railbelt load Centers......4.15 4.8 Regional Frequency of Age of Household Head Divided by the State-Wide Frequency.............................4.16 4.9 Housing Demand Equations:Parameters'Expected Value,Range,and Variance......................................4.17. 4.10 Assumed Normal and ~1aximum Vacancy Rates by Type of House.......4.18 4.11 Assumed Five-Year Housing Removal Rates in Railbelt Region,1980-2010 •••~•••••••.••.••••.•.•••.e...................4.18 4.12 Railbelt Housing Stock by load Center and Housing Type,1980 ....4.19 5.2 Percent of Households served by Electric Utilities in Ra i 1 be It Load Centers,1980-2010................................5.11 5.1 Inputs and Outputs of the RED Residential Module ••••••••••••••••5.3 - 5.3 Appliance Saturation Rate Survey .5.12 ~, 5.4 Market Saturations of large Appliances with Fuel Substitution Possibilities in Single-Family Homes,Railbelt Load Centers, 1980-2010 oil II -...5.14 5.5 r~arket Saturations of Large Appliances with Fuel Substitution Possibilities in Mobile Homes,Railbelt load Centers, 1980-2010.........5.15 x -- 1""''' 5.6 5.7 ~ 5.8 Market Saturations of Large Appliances with Fuel Substitution Possibilities in Duplexes,Railbelt Load Centers,1980-2010 •••••5.16 Market Saturations of Large Appl iances with Fuel Substitution Possibilities in Multifamily Homes,Railbelt Load Centers, 1980 -2010 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •~•17 t1arket Saturations of Large Electric Appliances in Single-Family Homes,Railbelt Load Centers,1980-2010.......••••5.21 5.9 t1arket Saturations of Large Electric Appliances in Mobile Homes,Railbelt Load Centers,1980-2010...•••••••••••••••5.22 5.10 i1arket Saturations of Large Electric Appliances in Duplexes,Railbelt Load Centers,1980-2010....••••••••••••••••••5.23 5.11 r1arket Saturations of Large Electric Appliances in ~1ultifamily Homes,Railbelt Load Centers,1980-2010 •••••••••••••5.24 5.12 Percentage of Appliances Using Electricity and Average Annual Electricity Consumption,Railbelt Load Centers...........5.27 5.13 Growth Rates in Electric Appliance capacity and Initial Annual Average Consumption for New Appl iances...................5.29 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 I"i"'. 6.1 6 .2 6 .3 6.4 Comparison of Appliance Usage Estimates from Selected Studies •••5.30 Electric New Appliance Efficiency Improvements 1972-1980.•••••••5.34 Percent of Appliances Remaining in Service Years After Purchase,Railbelt Re,gion ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••_.~.,'......5.37 Equations to Determine Adjustments to Electricity Consumption Resulting from Changes in Average Househol d Si ze...................................................5.38 Inputs and Outputs of the Business Consumption ~1odul e...........6 •.2 Calculation of 1978 Anchorage Commercial-Industrial Floor.Space ••••••.••••••••••••••••••.••••-•.•.••••••••.•••,.......6,.5 1978 Commercial-Industrial Floor Space Estimates................6.6 Comparisons of Square Feet,Employment,and Energy Use in Commercial Buildings:Alaska and U.S.Averages..........6.10 6.5 6.6 Business Floor Space Forecasting Equation Parameters •••••••••••• Original RED Floor Space Equation Parameters ••••·•••••••••••••••• xi 6.13 6.14 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.1 7 .2 7.3 7 .4 I I iU Predicted Versus Actual Stock of Commercial-Light Industrial-Government Floor Space,1975-1981 •••••••••••••••••••• Business Consumption Equation Results ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Electricity Consumption Per Employee and Square Foot and Square Footage Per Employee for Greater Anchorage and Fairbanks,1974-1981 .••••.••••••.•.••.•••.••..••..••..•.••.•...•. Residential Electricity Demand Survey ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Residential Survey Parameter Estimates •••••••••••••••.•••••••••• Commercial Electricity Demand Survey •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Commercial Survey Parameter Estimates ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6.15 6.17 6.19 7.6 7 .8 7.11 7 .12 - 7.5 Parameter Values in RED Price Adjustment Mechanism..............7.14 8.1 Inputs and Outputs of the Conservation MJdule •••••••••••••••.•••8.6 8.2 Payback Periods and Assumed Market Saturation Rates for Residential Conservation Options................................8.17 9.1 Inputs and Outputs of the r1iscellaneous Module..................9.1 9 .2 Par ame t ers for the r~i s cell an eo us MJ du1 e.••••••••• ••••••••••. ••••9 .4 11.1 Inputs and Outputs of the Peak Demand Module ••••••••••••••••••••11.2 11.2 Assumed Load Factors for Rai"lbelt Load centers •••••••.••••.•••••11.5 11.3 Computed Load Factors and Month of Peak Load Occurrence for Anchorage and Fairbanks 1970-1981 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••11.7 11.4 Time Period of Peak Demands in Anchorage and Fairbanks ••••••••••11.13 11.5 Percentages of Total Forecasted Railbelt Electrical Consumption Comprised by Individual Customer Sector ••••••••••••.11.14 11.6 Conservation ~"easures ~1ost Li ke ly to be Impl emented in the Residential Sector of Alaska •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••11.14 12.1 Compari son of Actua 1 Base Case,and Backcast El ectri ci ty Consunption (GWh)1982 ...••.•.••.•.•.•...•.............•.•••..•.12.2 12.2 1982 Values of Input Variables •••••••••••.•••.••••••••••••••••••12.3 12.3 Comparison of Recent Forecasts,1980-2000 •••••••••••••••••••••••12.5 xii 13.1 Number of Year-Round Housing Units by Type,Railbelt Load Centers,Selected years....................................13.2 ...... 13.2 Rai1belt Area Utility Total Energy and System Peak Demand .......13.3 13.3 .Anchorage-Cook Inlet Load Center Util ity Sales and Sales Per Customer,1965-1981 .••......................................13.4 13.4 Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Load Center Utility Sales and Sales r--Per Customer,1965-1981 •.•......-................................13.5 13.5 Adjustment for Industri al Load Anchorage-Cook Inlet,1973-1981 .••..••.••••..•••••••.•...••...•....•.•.•.•..•.•13.6 A.1 Customers,NUllber Surveyed,and Respondents for the Residential Survey Battelle-Northwest A.S A.2 Weights Used in Battelle-Northwest Residential Survey...........A.6 8.1 PNPPC Likely Conservation Potential at 4.0 Cents/kWh by the Yea r 2000...................................................8.5 8.2 BPA Budgeted Conservation Program Savings.......................8.7 B.3 CEC Conservation Programs Electricity Savings in the Year 2002 •••.•..•.••e.......................................B.9 B.4 CEC Potential Energy Savings by End-Use Sector by the Year 2002 ••~••••••••,••••••••'.............................•••R.10 8.5 WEPC Conservation Potential by the Year 2000....................8.12 B.6 Average Annual Electricity ConsUllption per Household on the GVEA System,1972-1982...................................8.14 .,...8.7 B.8 Progerammatic Versus Market-Driven Energy Conservation Projections in the At~L&P Service Area . Programmatic Energy Conservation Projections for AML&P •••••••••• B.15 8.16 .-Appendix C has a special list of tables . xii i C.3 - 1.0 I NTR OOUC TI ON This document describes the 1983 version of the Railbelt Electricity Demand (RED)model,a computer model for forecasting electricity consumption in Alaska1s Railbelt region through the year 2010 (see Figure 1.1).The original version of this model was developed by Battelle.Pacific North\'iest Laboratories (Battelle-Northwest)as part of the Alaska Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study (Railbelt Study).The Railbelt Study was an electric power planning study performed by Battelle-Northwest for the State of Alaska,Office of the Governor and the Governor's Policy Review Committee bet\'ieen October 1980 and December 1982. In March 1983,Battelle-Northwest was asked by the Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture of Anchorage,Alaska to review the REO model structure.to make appropriate changes,to document the changes,and to validate the model.Dur- ing the update.Harza-Ebasco assisted and guided in the v.ork performed.The 1983 version of the RED model is used as one of a series of linked models to produce updated forecasts of electrical power needs in the Railbelt over the next 30 years.The other models used in the 1983 update foecasting methodology are the State of ~aska's PETREV petroleum revenue forecasting model.the University of Alaska Institute of Social and Economic Research's MAP economic and population forecasting model,and the Optimized Generation Planning (OGP) model for planning the Railbelt electricity generation system and for estimat- ing electricity costs.Separate documentation is available for those models. The outcome of the RED update process is contained in this documentation· report.The report contains complete documentation on the model.information on data bases used in model development,and a section on mode1 validation. The RED forecasting model documented in this report is a partial end- use/econometric model.Initial estimates of total residential demand are derived by forecasting the nunber of energy-using devices and aggregating their potential electricity demand into preliminary end-use forecasts.The model then modifies these prel iminary forecasts,using econometric fuel price elas- ticities,to develop final forecasts of total residential energy consumption. The model thus uses both technical knowledge of end uses and econometrics to 1.1 I I 'II .h-- FAIRBANKS TVAL1.E¢NANA .~£ \(~I ) r 0--~IV~\}J: __....,-.......GLENNALLEN '00 MILES - - - FIGURE 1.1 The Railbelt Region ofAl aska 1.2 !~ - - - ,l/iftiIl, ! produce the residential forecast.The business sector (commercial,small industrial,and government load)is treated similarly.However,because little information is available on end uses in the business sectors in Alaska,pre- 1 iminary demand is estimated on an aggregated basis rather than by detailed end use.Miscellaneous demand is based on the demand of the other three sectors, while large industrial load and military load is forecasted exogenously by the model'user. Other important features of the model are a mechanism for handling uncertainty in some of the model parameters,a method for explicitly including government programs designed to subsidize conservation and consumer-installed dispersed energy options (i .e.microhydro and smalJ wind energy syste1ns),and the ability to forecast peak electric demand by load center.The 1983 version of the model recognizes two load centers:Anchorage-Cook Inlet (including the Matanuska-Susitna Borough and the Kenai Penninsul~and Fairbanks-Tanana Valley.The model produces annual energy and peak demand forecasts for every fifth year from 1980 to 2010,and then 1 inearly interpolates to derive annual energy and demand forecasts for years between the five-year forecasts. To produce a forecast,the model user must supply the model with region- specific estimates of total emplo~nent and total households for each forecast period.A few statewide variables are also required,such as forecasts of the age/sex distribution of the state's population.All of these variables are ,produced by the University of Al aska Institute of Social and Economic Research MAP econometric model;however,they can be derived from other sources.The user must also supply price estimates for natural gas,oil,and electricity. The estimates used in the 1983 update are consistent with input and output data of the other models used in the forecasting methodology.Finally,the model user may select either ranges or default values for the model IS parameters and may run the model in either a certainty-equivalent or uncertain (Monte Carlo) mode.The model then produces the forecasts. This report consists of 13 sections.In Section 2.0 an overview of the RED model is presented.In Section 3.0 the Uncertainty rvbdule,which provides the model with r10nte Carlo simulation capability,is described.Section 4.0 describes the Housing rbdule,which forecasts the stock of residential housing 1.3 I I units by type.These forecasts are used in the electricity demand forecasts of the Residential Consumption ~bdule,discussed in Section 5.0.Forecasts of demand in the business sector are produced by the Business Consumption Module, which is described in Section 6.0.The price adjustment mechanism is the subject of Chapter 7.0.The effects of government market intervention to develop conservation and dispersed generation options are covered by the Program-Induced Conservation Module,Section 8.0.Section 9.0 discusses rnis- cellaneous electricity demand (street 1 ighting,second homes,etc.).Large industrial demand is covered in Section 10.0.The Peak Demand ~10dule,Section 11.0,concerns the relationship between annual electricity consumption and annual peak demand.Section 12.0 covers model validation,and Section 13.0 provides miscellaneous statistics on Railbelt electrical demand.The report also includes appendices on the Rattelle-Northwest residential electric energy survey used to calibrate RED,conservation research conducted by Battelle- Northwest in support of the study,and model output for the 1983 update. 1.4 - ~I - - -I - 2.0 OVERVIEW The Rai1be1t Electricity Demand (REO)model is a simulation model designed to forecast annual electricity consumption for the residential,commercial- 1 ight industrial-government,heavy industrial,and miscellaneous end-use sectors of Alaska's Rai1be1t region.The model also takes into account 1J0vernment intervention in the energy markets in Al aska and produces forecasts of system annual peak demand.In the 1983 version of RED,forecasts of consumption by sector and system peak demand are produced in five-year steps for two Railbelt load centers: a Anchorage-Cook Inlet (including Anchorage,Matanuska-Susitna Borough and Kenai Peninsula) •Fairbanks-Tanana Valley (including the Fairbanks-North Star Borough and Southeast Fairbanks Census Area). Between these five-year steps,the model linearly interpolates to estimate annual energy and peak demand.When run in f'tlnte Carlo mode,the model produces a sample probability distribution of forecasts of electricity consumption by end-use sector and peak demand for each load center for each forecast year:1985,1990,1995,2000,2005,2010.This distribution of forecasts can be used for planning electric power generating capacity. Figure 2.1 shows the basic relationship among the seven modules that comprise the RED model.The mode;begins a simulation with the Uncertainty Module,selecting a trial set of model parameters,which are sent to the other modules.These parameters include parameters to compute price elasticities, appliance saturation parameters,and regional load factors.Exogenous forecasts of population,economic activity,and retail prices for fuel oil, gas,and electricity are used with the trial parameters to produce forecasts of electricity consumption in the Residential Consumption and Business Consumption Modules.These forecasts,along with additional trial parameters,are used in the Policy-Induced Conservation 1'1:>du1e to model the effects on electricHy sales of subsidized conservation and dispersed generating options.The revised 2.1 ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTY FORECAST MODULE HOUSING STOCK ,} .RESIDENTIAL '--)r .::BUSINESS JC:,... ~ { ~PROGRAM-INDUCED If"'" CONSERVATION ~ LARGE INDUSTRIAL MISC. \)'J ANNUAL SALES ...:>AND PEAK DEMAND '" '" FIGURE 2.1.Information Flows in the Red "1odel 2.2 ~, - - - -- liiii.-(, consumption forecasts of residential and business (commercial.small indus- trial.and government)consumption are used to estimate future miscellaneous consumption and total electricity sales.Finally,the unrevised and revised consumption forecasts are used along with a user-supplied estimate of large industrial load and trial system load factor forecast to estimate peak demand.The model then returns to start the next r'onte Carlo trial.'vJhen the model is run in certainty-equivalent mode,a specific "default"set of par~neters is used,and only one trial is run. The REO model produces an output file of trial values for electricity consumption by sector and system peak demand by year and load center.This information can be used by the Optimized Generation Planning (OGP)model or other.generation planning model to plan and dispatch electric generating capacity for each load center and year. The remainder of this section briefly describes each module.Detailed documentation of each of the modules is contained in Sections 3.0 through 11.0 of thi s report. UNCERTAINTY MODULE The purpose of the Uncertainty Module is to randomly select values for individual model parameters that are considered to be key factors underlying forecast uncertainty.These parameters include the marke~saturations for major appliances in the residential sector;the parameters used to compute price elasticity and cross-price elasticities of demand for electricity in the residential and business sector;the market penetration of program-induced conservation and dispersed generating technologies;the intensity of electricity use per square foot of floor space in the business sector;and the electric system load factors for each load center. These parameters are generated by a r-bnte Carlo routine,which uses information on the distribution of each parameter (such as its expected value and range)and the computer's random nlJl1ber generator to produce sets of parameter values.Each set of generated parameters represents a "trial."By running each successive trial set of 'generated parameters through the rest of the modules.the model builds distributions of annual electricity consumption 2.3 ',I III and peak demand.The end points of the distributions reflect the probable range of annual electric consumption and peak demand,given the level of uncertainty. The Uncertainty Module need not be run every time REO is run.The parameter file contains "default"values of the parameters that may be used to conserve computation time. HOUSING MOOULE The Housing Module calculates the number of households and the stock of housing by dwelling type in each load center of each forecast year in which the· model is run.Using regional forecasts of households and total popul ation,the housing stock module first derives a forecast of the nunber of households served by electricity in each load center.Next,using exogenous statewide forecasts of household headship rates and the age distribution of Alaska's population,it estimates the distribution of households by age of head and size of household for each load center.Finally,it forecasts the demand for four types of housing stock:single family,mobile homes,duplexes,and multifamily un its. The supply of housing is calculated in two steps.First,the supply of each type of housing from the previous period is adjusted for demolition and compared to the demand.If demand exceeds supply,construction of additional housing begins immediately.If excess supply of a given type of housing exists,the model examines the vacancy rate in all types of houses.Each type is assumed to have a maximum vacancy rate.If this rate is exceeded,demand is first reallocated from the closest substitute housing type,then from other types.The end result is a forecast of occupied housing stock for each load center for each housing type in each forecast year.This forecast is passed to the Residential Consumption Module. RESIDENTIAL CONSUMPTION MODULE The Residential Consumption Modul e forecasts the annual consumption of electricity in the residential sector for each load center in each forecast year.It does not,in general,take into account explicit government 2.4 - - - IIIOi'\ i - ~. "..... -I intervention to promote residential electric energy conservation or self- sufficiency.Such intervention is covered in the Program-Induced Conservation i~odule.The Residential Consumption t10dule employs an end-use approach that recognizes nine major end uses of electricity,extra hot water for hJO of these appl iances,and a "small appl iances"category that encompasses a large group of other end uses.For a given forecast of occupied housing,the Residential Consumption t10dule first forecasts the residential appliance stock and the portion using electricity,stratified by the type of dwelling and vintage of the appliance.Appliance efficiency standards and average electric consumption rates are applied to that portion of the stock of each appliance using elec- tricity.The stock of each electric appliance is then multiplied by its corresponding consumption rate to derive a prel iminary consumption forecast for the residentiaL sector.Finally,the Residential Consumption Module receives exogenous forecasts of residential fuel oil,natural gas,and electricity prices,along with "trial"values of parameters used to compute price elastic- ities and cross-price elasticities of demand from the Uncertainty r"odule.It adjusts the preliminary consumption forecast for both short-and long-run price effects on appliance use and fuel switching.The adjusted forecast is passed to the Program-Induced Conservation and Peak Demand t10dul es. RIJSINESS CONSUMPTION MODlJLE The Business ConsLlllption Module forecasts the consumption of electricity by load center in commercial,small industrial,and government usesfbr each forecast year (1980,1985,1990,1995,2000,2005,2010).Oirect promotion of conservation in this sector is covered in the Program-Induced Conservati~n rbdule.Because the end uses of electricity in the commercial,small industrial and government sectors are more diverse and less known than in the residential sector,the Business Consumption Module forecasts electrical use on an aggregate basis rather than by end use. RED uses a proxy (the stock of commercial,small industrial floor,and government space)for the stock of electricity-using capital equi pnent to forecast the derived demand for electricity.Using an exogenous forecast of. regional employment,the module forecasts the regional stock of floor space. 2.5 I I ill Next,econometric equations are used to predict the intensity of electricity use for a given level of floor space in the absence of any relative price changes.Finally,a price adjustment similar to that in the Residential Consumption t~odule is applied to derive a forecast of business electricity consumption (excluding large industrial demand,which must be exogenously determined).The Business Consumption r~dule forecasts are passed to the Program-Induced Conservation and Peak Demand Modules. PROGRAM-INDUCED CONSERVATION MODULE Because of the potential importance of government intervention in the marketplace to encourage conservation of energy and substitution of other forlns of energy for electricity,the RED model includes a module that permits explicit treatment of user-installed conservation technologies and government programs that are designed to reduce the demand for utility-generated electric- ity •Th i s mo du1e wa s des igned for ana1y zi ng po ten t ia1 fut ure con ser vat ion programs for the'State of Al aska and was not used in the 1983 updated forecasts.The module structure is designed to incorporate assumptions on the technical performance,costs,and market penetration of electricity-saving innovations in each end use,load center,and forecast year.The module forecasts the aggregate electricity savings by end use,the costs associated with these savings,and adjusted consumption in the residential and business sectors. The Program-Induced Conservation Module performs estimates of payback period and penetration rate of commercial sector and residential sector cOnservation options.In the residential sector,the model user supplies information to the module on the technical efficiency (electricity savings), electricity price,and costs of installation.The module then calculates the internal rate of return on the option to the consumer,as well as the option's payback period for technologies considered "acceptable"by the user.The module's payback decision rule links the payback period to a range of market saturations for the technologies.The savings per installation and market saturation of each option are used to calculate residential sector electricity savings and costs.In the business sector,the model user must specify the 2.6 - - - technical potentia1 for new and retrofit energy-saving technologies.The user must also specify the range of conservation saturation as a percent of total potential conservation.The Program-Induced Conservation Module then calcu- 1ates tota1 electricity savings due to market intervention in new and retrofit applications and adjusts residentia1 and business consumption for each load center and forecast year. r1I SCELLANEOUS CONSUMPTION MODULE The r1iscellaneous Consumption ~10dule forecasts total miscellaneous consumption for second (recreation)homes,vacant houses,and street lighting.The module uses the forecast of residential consumption (adjusted for conservation impacts)to predict electricity demand in.second homes and vacant housing units.The sum of residential and business consumption is used to forecast street 1 ighti ng requi rements.Finally,all three are SUllmed .-together to estimate miscellaneous demand. PEAK DEMAND MODULE The Peak Demand Module forecasts the annual peak load demand for electricity.A two-stage approach using load factors is used.The unadjusted residential and bu~iness consumption,miscellaneous consumption,industrial demand and load center load factors generated by the Uncertainty ~dule are first used to forecast preliminary peak demand.Next,displaced consumption (electricity savings)calculated by the Program-Induced Conservation Module is multipl ied by a peak correction factor suppl ied by the Uncertainty I~odul e to allocate a portion of electricity savings from conservation to peak demand periods.The a110cated consumption savings are then multiplied by the load factor to forecast peak demand savings,and the savings are subtracted from peak demand to forecast revised peak demand. The following sections describe each module of the model in greater detail. 2.7 II III - ranges,and (i f requ i red)the Table 3.1 provides a slJ1lmary of -I ~- .- - l'ilIiiioII... 3.0 THE UNCERTAINTY MODULE RED's Uncertainty Module allows the forecaster to incorporate uncertainty in key parameters of the RED r'1odel forecast.In other words,the impact of uncertain parameter values can be reflected in the forecast values. RED allows generation of key subsets of the full set of parameters.It is not practical to allow all parameters to vary on all runs of the model,because the total nunber of such parameter values required for a single pass through the model is greater than 1000.For example,if the user wanted to generate 50 values for every uncertain parameter,over 50,000 values would have to be produced.While this exercise is within RED's capabilities,the cost is very high. "1ECHANI91 A Monte Carlo routine uses the host computer's pseudo random number generator to translate user-supplied information on a parameter,such as its expected value,its range,and its subjective probability distribution,into random trial parameter values.By producing simulations using several such randomly generated values of the parameter,the model will yield electricity consumption forecasts that incorporate each parameter's uncertainty. INPUTS AND OUTPUTS The Uncertainty Module requires three basic inputs: •the nunber of values to be generated • a selection of parameters to vary •the parameter file. The parameter file contains the default va1ues, expected value and variance of each parameter. the inputs and outputs of the module. 3.1 I','II TABLE 3.1.Inputs and Outputs of the RED Uncertainty ~~odule i (a)Inputs - Symbol N (see Table 3.2) (b)Outputs Symbol (See Table 3.2) N MODULE STRUCTURE Variable Number of Values to be Generated Par ame t e r I s Ra nge, Va ri ance,and Expected Values Variable Random Parameter Values Number of Times MJdel is to be Run In put From User Interface Parameter Fil e Output To Other f"odules Model Control Program - ~l An overview of information flows within the Uncertainty Module is given in Figure 3.1.First,the program asks whether the user would like to generate a parameter.If the answer is no,then the default value (from the parameter file)for each parameter is assigned.If a random parameter val ue is to be generated,then the user is queried as to which parameters will be allowed to vary. The next step is to choose the number of values to be generated for each parameter.Thi s i sthe number of times the remainder of the model will be run, each time with a different generated value for each parameter.Next,an arbitrary seed for the random number generator is entered. Next,the computer generates a random number for each value to be pro- duced.This is accomplished by calling the computer1s "pseudo"random nUTlber generator,which generates a random number between a and 1.From the parameter file,the information on the range of the parameter,or (for parameters with a normal distribDtion)the range,expected value,and variance is used to 3.2 - ~i ~ J - J""", - ASSUMED RANGE EXPECTED VALUE START SELECT PARAMETERS TO BE GENERATED RANDOMLY SELECT NUMBER OF VALUES TO. BE GENERATED IN] COMPUTER GENERATES N RANDOM NUMBERS TRANSFORM RANDOM NUMBERS TO PARAMETER VALUES OUTPUT PARAMETER VALUES NO ASSIGN DEFAULT VALUE OF UNSELECTED PARAMETERS -.. FIGURE 3.1.RED Uncertainty Module construct cumul at ive probabil ity functions for each parameter.The random values for each parameter are then generated by applying the random numbers to these functions. PARAMETERS Table 3.2 provides a list of the parameters that can be generated by the Uncertainty Module.Where information exists on parameter distributions from 3.3 II !II TABLE 3.2.Par~neters Generated by the Uncertainty Module(a) Symbo 1 SAT A;B;A;OSRz ; GSR z BBETA CONSAT LF Name Housing Demand Coefficients Sa t urat ion 0 f Re sid e n t ia 1 Ap P1 ian ces Residential,Business Parameters for Own-,Oil-Cross and Gas-Cross Price adjus tment Floor Space Consumption Parameter Saturation of Conservation Technologies Load Factor Statistical Distribution No rma 1 Uni form No rma 1 No rma 1 Uni form Un i form - """" (a)Values of these parameters (except CONSAT,which varies by case)are found ~ in Tables 4.9,5.4 through 5.11,6.8,7.5,and 11.2. econometric results,the distribution of values is assumed to be normally distributed.Where no information exists on the shape of the parameter distribution,all values within the range are considered equally likely and the distribution is assumed uniform. - ""'!I. 3.4 - - -.1 -~I I 4.0 THE HOUSING MODULE The const.nning unit in the residential sector is the household,each of which is assumed to occupy one housing unit.The Housing rbdule provides a forecast of civilian households and the stock of housing by dwelling type in each of the Railbelt's load centers.The type of dwelling is a major deter- minant of energy use in residential space heating.Furthermore,the type of dwelling is correlated with the stock of residential appliances.This module, tllerefore,provides essential inputs for the Residential Const.nnption i~odule. r~ECHANISM The Housing Module accepts as input an exogenous forecast of the regional population and nlJllber of households to forecast household size.The total househol ds forecasti s adjusted for mi 1i tary househol ds and is then strati fi ed by the age 0 f the he ado f h0 use hold and the n lJll ber 0 f h0 use hold memb er s•Th e housing demand equations then use this distribution of households by size and age of head to predict thp.initial demand for housing by type of dwelling.Tne initial demand for each housing type is compared with the remaining stock,and adjustments in housing demand and construction occur until housing market clearance is achieved • INPUTS AND OUTPUTS Table 4.1 presents the data used and generated within this module. Exogenous forecasts of regional households,population,and the st~te-wide distribution of households by age of head are needed as input,while the module passes information on the occupied and vacant housing stock to the remainder of RED. MODULE STRUCTURE The Housing Module's structure is shown in Figure 4.1.The module begins each simulation with a user-supplied forecast of households and population for the load center.·The asst.nned number of households for each load center is r-first adjusted for military housing demand and multiplied by a decimal fraction 4.1 I',III TABLE 4.1.Inputs and Outputs of the RED Housing Module - .-, (a)Inputs Symbol Variable Variable In put From ~l THH Regi ona 1 Household Fo recas t Forecast Fil e HH Ata State Households by Age Group Fa recast Fi 1e ~ b,c,d Housing Demand Coefficients Uncertainty t<'odul e !OI'!!\ (b)Output s Symbo 1 Variable Variable Output From HD TY Occupi ed Housi ng Stock by Type Res i dent i al t<'odul e to obtain a forecast of households served by utilities.Total households are then stratified by age and size of household,and then used to generate an estimate of demand for each type of housing (TY).Demand is compared to the initial stock,resulting in new construction or reallocation of demand as appropriate •.The end result is a set of estimates of occupied and unoccupied housing units by type.Finally,the housing stock is reinitialized for the next forecast period. The first step in the Housing Module is to find the number of civilian households in a given Railbelt load center. (4.1 ) where CHH =total number of civilian households BHH =military households residing on base (exogenous) THH =total households (exogenous) =region subscript t =forecast period subscript. On-base mil itary households are subtracted out because they do not signifi- cantly affect off-base housing.In addition,since the military supplies 4.2 - -, -I REGIONAL FORECAST •POPULATION •HOUSEHOLDS - STRATIFY HOUSEHOLDS BY AGE OF HEAD SIZE OF HOUSEHOLD •AGE DISTRIBUTION OF HOUSEHOLD HEADS •SIZE DISTRIBUTION OF HOUSEHOLDS DEMAND PARAMETERS (UNCERTAINTY MODULE) INITIAL HOUSING ·STOCK TY REINITIALIZE HOUSING STOCKS L _ CALCULATE DEMAND FOR HOUSING UNITS BY TYPE TY FORECASTS OF OCCUPIED, UNOCCUPIED HOUSING BY TYPE ·NEW CONSTRUCTION OF TYPE TY FILL VACANCIES TYWITH COMPLEMENTARY DEMAND FIGURE 4.1.RED Housing Module 4.3 I I III electricity to them,on-base households have no impact on the residential demand for utility-supplied electricity.(a) Once the total number of civilian households in the load center has been obtained,they are stratified by the size of the household and the age of the household head.To obtai,n the distribution of households by size of household, the total nunber of households is multiplied by the probabilities of four size categories derived from information provided in the 19~O Census of Popula- tion.To estimate the distribution of households by the age of head,the 1980 Census ratio between the regional and state relative frequencies of age of head is assumed to remain constant.The user supplies forecasts of the statewide age distribution of heads of households from a forecasting model or by some other method.Using the state relative frequency distribution,therefore,and applying the constant ratios of regional to statewide frequencies,the model obtains forecasts of the regional distribution of households by age of head. The joint distribution by size of household and age of head is obtained by .inu 1tip 1yin g the two dis t rib uti 0 ns: - where HH AtaHHitas=CHH it x THH x Pits x Ria Ata (4.2) HH =number of households in an age/size class THH ='total nunber of households CHH =total civilian households A.=subscript denoting aggregate state variable P =regional household size probability (parameter) R =ratio of the regional to state relative frequency of age of household head (parameter) a =age of head subscript s =household size subscript. (a)Military purchases of electricity from the utility system are handled as industrial loads. 4.4 - The demand for a particular type of housing -single family,multifamily, mobile home,or duplex -is hypothesized to be a function of the size of the household and the age of the head (which serves as a proxy for household wealth).Equations projecting demand for three of the types of housing (single family,multifamily,mobile homes)were estimated by the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER)from Anchorage data collected by the University of Alaska's Urban Observatory (Goldsmith and Huskey 198Gb).The remaining category (duplex)is filled with the remaining households. The demand for a particular type of housing is given by the following equations: '"""' where HD SFit =CHH it x b O + ba 1 x S1 i t + b a2 x S2it + b a4 x S4 it + b2s x A2it +b3s x A3it + b4s x A4it HD MFit =CHH it x Co +Cal x Sli t + c a 2 x S2ft + c a 4 x S4it + c 2 s x A2i t +c3s x A3it +c4s x A4it HO~1Hi t =CHH it x do +d a1 x Sl it + d a2 x S2it + d a4 x S4ft + d 2s x A2ft + d3s x A3i t + d4s x A4it HD OPit =CHH it -HO SFit -HO MFi t -HO~1Hi t (4.3) (4.4) (4.5) (4.6) HO =housing demand !"""SF :::index for single f ami 1y Ss i t =a~l HH itas ; s =1,2,4 jrr-a sf lAait=HH itas ; a =2,3,4 MF =index for mult ifamily ~~1H =index for mobile home OP =index for duplex 4.5 I',III The model then adjusts housing market is cleared. previous period1s stock net the housing stock and housing demand so that the Initially,the housing stock is calculated as the of de mol Hion: - - where (4.7) HS =housing stock TY =index denoting the type of hou~ing (SF,MF, r =period-specific removal rate (parameter). r·1H,and DP) Net demand for each type of dwel1ing is defined as the demand minus the housing stock: where ND =net demand. ND TYit =HD TYit -HS TYit (4.8) If net demand for all types of housing is positive,then enough new construc- tion immediately occurs to meet the net demand plus an equilibrium amount of vacancies req~ired td ensure normal functioning of the housing market: 4.6 "..., where NC TYit =NDTYit ~VTY x (H5TYit +ND Tyit ) NC =new construction V =normal vacancy rate (parameter). (4.9) The equil ibrium vacant housing stock is the "normalll vacancy rate times the stock of housing. If the net demand for a particular type of housing is negative,however, then the vacancy rate for that type of housing has to be calculated: AV TYit =1 - where AV =actual vacancy rate. (4.10) - - If the actual vacancy rate is greater than its assumed maximum,then the excess supply of that particular type of housing is assumed to drive down the price of that type of dwell ing.Individuals residing in other dwelltngs could be induced to move to reduce mortgage or rent payments.An adjustment to the .. distribution of housing demands,therefore,is appropriate. Substitution first occurs,if possible,within groups of housing that are close substitutes (single-family and mobile homes;duplexes and multifamily). If not enough excess demand exists from the close substitutes to fill the depressed market,then substitution occurs from all types.The procedure is as follows: 1.The number of excess vacancies within a type is calculated by subtracting the housing demand from one minus the maximum vacancy rate,times the stock. 2.The number of substitute units available to fill the excess supply is given by subtracting one minus the normal vacancy rate,times the close substitute stock from the close substitute demand. 4.7 I I III 3.The minimum of lor 2 is subtracted from the complementary housing demand and added to the depressed demand. 4.If excess supply persists (the actual vacancy rate is above its assumed maximum),then the above procedure is repeated;only the number of housing units available is now calculated using maximum vacancy rates and all types of housing where the actual vacancy rate is less than their assuned maximum.The available units are then allocated based on normalization weights of the number available by type. The final outputs of this module are occupied housing by type (HD Tyit )and unoccupied housing:_ where VH it =E TY (4.11) VH =total vacant dwelling units. PARAMETER S Military Households The number of on-base military households,presented in Table 4.2,is assumed to remain constant over the forecast periods.The level of military activity in Alaska has stabilized,and little indicates that a major shift will occur in the future. TABLE 4.2.Number of Military Households Assumed to Reside on Base in Railbelt Load Centers Anchorage Fairbanks 3,212 3,062 Sou rce:Suppl i ed by I SER. 4.8 -. - - ,- ,- - H00sehold Size and Demographic Trends A key factor in the residential demand for electricity is the number and type of residential customers.The nunber of customers approximately equals the number of households served by electricity,with the difference being caused by such factors as vacant housing with electrical service.Thus,it is important in forecasting the demand for el ectricity to forecast the number of households.The nunber of households in a load center is,in turn,a function of the size of the population and the rate of household formation.Household formation depends on the nunber of persons of household fonnation age;certain economic factors that may influence household formation,such as potential household income,price of housing,interest rates;changing tastes for mar- riage and housing;and government housing programs. Table 4.3 shows how the size of households has changed in the United Stntes and in the Railbelt since 1950.The table indicates that the average nLmber of persons per housing unit has declined dramatically in both the II.S. and the Rai]belt during the period.Since 1970,the size decline has been more TABLE 4.3.Household Size v.estern U.S.and Railbelt 1950-1980 (~ersons per Occupied Unit) 1950 1960 1970 1980 Un ited St ates 3.S(a) 3.3 3.1 2.7 Ancho rage- Cook Inlet 3.4(a) 3.4 3.4 2.9 Fa i rbank s- Tanana Valley 3.3(a) 3.6 3.4 2.9 (a)Obtained by dividing total resident population by total households~Includes only urban places of 10,000 persons for Alaska locations. Sources:U.S.Department of Commerce 1982;Goldsmith and Huskey 1980b;Harrison 1979;and U.S.Bureau of the Census 196.0. 4.9 I I III rapid in the Railbelt than in the nation as a whole,resulting from increasing ntmbers and proportions of young,singl e adul t householders and childless couples.This trend toward smaller households headed by young adults probably has a practical 1 imit somewhere near the Western Census Region 1980 average household size of 2.6.However,recent revisions have been made to the Univer- sity of Alaska's r~AP economic and population model to forecast the nunber of households based on the household formation rates impl icit in the 1980 census figures.These imply that the lower 1 imit may not be reached.Table 4.4 shows the MAP forecast size of households in the Railbelt for the years 1980-2010 for a typical economic scenario.The average size of households is relatively, insensitive to the scenario used,depending almost entirely on the age distri- bution of population. Household formation rates are thought to depend on the income of potential householders,the price of housing,and borrowing costs implied by interest rates.Unfortunately,Alaska economic data do not include time series on Railbelt household income or housing prices;therefore,it has not proved possible to estimate household formation rates based on these variables. The RED model formerly estimated the nunber of households in each Railbelt load center from a MAP model estimate of statewide households and the TARLE 4.4.Forecast Size of Households,Railbelt Load Centers ""'" Year 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Anchorage-Cook Inlet 2.91 2.73 2 .69 2.67 2 .64 2.63 2 .62 Fairbanks-Tanana Va1ley 3.00 2.89 2.85 2.81 2.79 2.76 2.71 Source:University of Alaska Institute of Social and Economic Research,case HE.6,FERC 0%Real Growth in Oil Prices 4.10 "... ,.... relationship between the age distribution of the population in each load center and the age distribution of Alaska's population.The 1983 version now simply accepts a MAP model forecast of the number of households in each load center. The nlETlber of households served by electric utilities is estimated by multiply- ing the numbers of households times a constant to reflect the proportion of households served byelectricity.(a)The nU1lber of households served by utility-generated electricity is virtually 100%in Anchorage.Rural areas of the Matanuska-Susitna Borough and Kenai Peninsul a Borough have a few residences not served (mostly seasonal homes).but the Fa i rbanks North Star Borough and Delta Junction areas have many year-round dwellings not served by utilities. Historic and Projected Trends in Demand for Housing The demand for a particular type of housing--single family,multifamily. mobile home.or duplex--is hypothesized to be a function of the size of house- hold and the age of the household head.The economics literature generally also includes price of housing and household income in the demand for hous- ing.However,Alaska economic information does not include time series on family income and housing prices that could be used to forecast housing demand by type.Cross-sectional data on household income do exist for Anchorage in 1977 by type of housing (Ender 1978);however.the lack of historical time series on household income prevent the estimation of household income as a function of economic growth over time in the Railbelt.However,the age of the head of household serves to some extent as a proxy for household income,with older household heads generally more wealthy and able to afford larger homes. Larger households also require more space and larger homes.These factors are included in the demand equations for individual types of houses contained in the RED model. Government Program Effects ISER performed an analysis of State of Al aska housing programs in 1982 (ISER 1982)with the following findings.Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (a)Although this calculation is actually performed in the Housing Module,its .description is included in this doucment with the discussion of residential electricity demand in Section 5.0. 4.11 (AHFC)operates several different housing programs on behalf of the state in which it acts as a secondary lender to provide mortgage loan money at the lowest possible interest rates.Between July 1980 and December of 1982,AHFC had a substantial negative impact on mortgage interest rates in Alaska,ranging from 2.5 percentage points in July,1980 to slightly more than 4 percentage points in December 1981.Average loan volume repurchased by AHFC increased 5 times between 1979 and 1981,and accounted for 85%of all Alaska home loans from July 1980 to October 1981.~1uch of the activity was due to the special Mortgage Loan Purchase program enacted in June 1980.ISER found that the State of Alaska's low interes~housing loan programs caused construction of new homes statewide to be about one thousand units higher (or one third higher)than it would have been without the program and caused conversion of about 300 units from rental to sales units.The other substantial effect was on the quality of housing purchased.New homes built during 1980-1981 were an average $25,000 more expensive than existing homes.The proportion of mul tifami ly construction was not clearly affected one way orthe other by the loan ~rograms.In 1980 and 1981 new multifamily construction in Arichorage was only 30%of total units built,whereas it had been 50%or more every year from 1974 through 1979. However,opposite effects were found in Fairbanks.Loan program impacts were confounded with the 1evel s of rents.These were depressed between 1979 and 1981 and failed to support the construction of new multifamily rental units. Compared to a situation without large-scale interest subsidies,ISER's findings suggest that continuation of these large-scale subsidies would result in the fall owi ng:1)more fi rst-t ime home buyers and more expens ive unit s being built (though it is not clear that these would necessarily be single- family detached houses rather than condominiums);and 2)downward pressure on rents,reducing the incentive for building multifamily rental units.Depending on peopl e l s tastes for singl e-fami ly detached units versus condomini ums and the builder l s cost of providing units of each type,government programs could cause single-family construction to increase.Q.C..decrease as a proportion of the total.In the RED model,government programs are assumed to have no long-term net effect on housing mix by type. 4.12 10"0\, - ,.... Housing Demand by Type of Housing Table 4.5 compares the demand for types of housing in the Anchorage-Cook Inlet load center with and without the influence of household age and household size as reflected in the RED model structure.Wi~h the influence of household size and age,relatively more households occupy single-family homes,which have a lower electric fuel mode split than multifamily housing.By the year 2010, residential electricity demand is about 3%lower with the effects of size and age of households on housing mix than without these effects.As revealed by the table,even fairly large differences in the proportions of households in the various types of dwellings have little impact on electricity consumption forecast s. TABLE 4.5.Impact of Householder Age and Household Size on Housing t1ix and Total Utility Sales,Anchorage-Cook Inlet .- - Single Family Proportion of Served Households: With Age and Size Effects Without Age and Si ze Effects Multifamily Proportion of Served Households: With Age and Size Effects \~ithout Age and Si ze Effects Mobile Home Proportion of Served Households: With Age and Size Effects Without Age and Si ze Effects Duplex Proportion of Served Households: With Age and Size Effects Without Age and Size Effects Residential GWH Sold by Utilities: With Age and Size Effects Without Age and ~ze Effects 1980 0.496 0.496 0.284 0.284 0.115 0.115 0.105 0.105 979.5 979.5 1990 0.549 0.461 0.245 0.383 0.126 . 0.097 0.080 0.059 1336.1 1382.2 2000 0.549 0.461 0.261 0.383 0.127 0.097 0.063 0.059 1599.6 1656.4 2010 0.545 0.461 0.264 0.383 0.129 0.097 0.063 0.059 1883.9 1955.0 -Source:RED Model Runs,Case HE.6,FERC 0%Real Price Increase. 4.13 III After an initial adjustment,Table 4.5 also shows a slight downward trend in the proportion of single-family households as the size of households declines between 1990 and 2010.This is consistent with the falling historical trend in the proportion of single-family houses in Railbelt communities from 1950-1980,as shown in Table 4.6.Although a short-term reversal of the historical trend may have been occurring since 1980,especially in Fairbanks, high vacancy rates and depressed rents probably explain the high proportion of single-family homes constructed since 1980.In particular,the very high pro- portion of single-family construction in Fairbanks since 1980 can be attributed to high vacancy rates in multifamily units between 1977 and 1980.Vacancy rates for multifamily dwellings in Fairbanks ranged upward from 0.5%in May 197 6 t 0 13.5%ina une 198 0•Th e va can cy rat e s have fa 11 end r ama tic all y sin ce (to 1.7%by June 1982).and building permits for new multifamily units have recovered,increasing by over 50%in the North Star Borough from 1981 to 1982 (Community Research Quarterly,Winter 1982). Tables 4.7 and 4.8 present the parameters used to derive the joint distri- bution of households by size and age of head.The baseline figures for the TABLE 4.6.Single-Family Housing as Proportion Year-Round Housing Stock by Type,Railbelt Load Centers,1950-1982 - - - 1950 (a) 1960 1970 1980 1982(a) Proportion Single- Fami ly Housi ng Built 1980-82 Anchorage - Cook Inl et . 0.592 0.628 0.471 0.462 0.472 0.539 Fai rbanks - Tanana Valley 0.713 0.518 0.389 0.450 0.472 0.781(b) (a)Ur ban An ch 0 rag e and Fa i r ban k son 1y • (b)Fairbanks-North Star Borough only. Source:Table 13.1. 4.14 TABLE 4.8.Regional Frequency of Age of Household Head Divided by the State-Wide Frequency Age of Head Anchorage Fairbanks <25 1.064 1.108 25-30 1.013 1.103 31-54 1.018 0.988 55+0.867 0.842 Source:1980 Census of Population General Population Charac- teristics:Alaska PC80-1-B3. distribution of size parameters were derived from the Battelle Northwest end- use survey.Those parameters were adjusted to approximately approach the 1977 Western Regional average household size of 2.6 (Bureau of Census 1977)by the year 2010 in Anchorage in constant linear increments.Fairbanks uses the same increments and converges to a household size of about 2.7.The ratio of regional to statewide frequency of age of head was derived from the 1980 Census of Population for Railbelt locations.These ratios are assumed to remain constant over the forecast period. The housing demand parameters were originally estimated by ISER using a linear probability model.The expected values in Table 4.9 are the estimated coefficients reported by ISER.The ranges were calcul ated as the width of the 95%confidence intervals;the variance was backed out of the reported F statistics. Vacancies Table 4.10 presents the assumed normal and maximum vacancy rates by type of house.ISER derived the normal vacancy rates by taki ng the ten-year u.S. averages of vacancy rates for owner and renter units (Goldsmith and Huskey 1980b).Single-family and mobile homes have the owner rate;multifamily homes have the renter rate;and duplexes are the average of owner and renter rates. For the maximum vacancy rates,Anchorage multifamily rates were available.The relationship between the normal rates for multifamily and all other types was used to derive the maximum rates. 4.16 -. - - - - ~, TABLE 4.9..Housing Demand Equations:Parameters'Expected Value. Range.and Variance Pa rameter Expected Value Range Variance bo 0.461 ba1 -0.303 0.142 0.001 ba2 -0.175 0.152 0.001 ba4 0.080 0.230 0.003 b2s 0.182 0.205 0.003 b3s 0.317 0.182 0.002 b4s 0.380 0.226 0.003 Co 0.383 cal 0.225 0.124 0.001 c a 2 0.086 0.133 0.001 c a4 -0.090 0.202 0.003 c2s -0.203 0.180 0.002 c3s -0.280 0.159 0.002 c4s -0.352 0.198 0.003 do 0.097 d a1 0.068 0.101 0.001 d a2 0.039 0.109 0.001 d a4 0.014 0.159 0.002 d2s 0.008 0.152 0.001 d3s -0.020 0.130 0.001 d4s -0.016 0.162 0.002 So u rce:Goldsmith and Hu s key 19 80b •Tabl e 8.6. Depreciation and Removal Housing demol ition rates (Table 4.11)are a function of the age of the hous i ng stock and the demand fo r hous i ng.ISER found tha t approx imate ly 1%of the housing stock was removed between 1975 and 1980 in Anchorage and Fairbanks (Goldsmith and Huskey 1980b).As the existing stock ages,the removal rate is assumed to grow toward the U.S.average.which has been estimated to be between 2 and 4%per forecast period (5 years). 4.17 TABLE 4.10.Assumed Normal and Maximum Vacancy Rates by Type of House (Percent) Type Single Family MJbi 1 e Home Oupl ex. Multifamily No rmgl ) Rate ~a 1.1 1.1 3.3 5.4 Ma xi ~~~Rate 3.3 3.3 10.0 16.0 (a)Imputed by ISER from Bureau of the Census (1980a). (b)Imputed by ISER from Anchorage Real Est imate Research Committee (1979)• TABLE 4.11.Assumed Five-Year Housing Removal Rates in Railbelt Region,1980-2010 (Percent of Housing Stock at Beginning of Period Removed During Period) Years 1980-1985 1985-1990 1990-1995 1995-2000 2000-2005 2005-2010 Source: Remova 1 Rate (percent) 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 Author Assumption. The professional economics literature has devoted some attention to depreciation rates in housing.In an article in the Review of Economics and Statistics,Leigh (1980)used a perpetual inventory method of calculating the national stock of efficiency-adjusted residential housing units and checked these estimates against the Census of Housing for 1950,1960,and 1970 as well as other authors 'estimates.The various sources sited in Leigh1s article show values for economic depreciation/replacement ranging from 0.4 to 2.35%,with m6st estimates grouped around 1.0 to 1.5%.Leigh herself calculates about 1% 4.18 - ~, - for the period 1950 through 1970. rate of removal for Anchorage and estimated number of units in 1970 ISER calculated an approximate five-year 1% Fairbanks housing units by comparing the and 1979 with cumulative building permits data.Because the housing stock ages and new houses provide more "services" than old houses,the rate 0'\economic depreciation for a given area is assumed to be larger than the rate of physical depreciation.Consequently,housing units are physically repl aced 1ess frequently than 1%per year.The U.S. average physical depreciation rate was calculated by de Leeuw (1974)at between 2 and 4%per five-year period or 0.4 to 0.8%per year.It is assumed that as the Alaska housing stock ages.the very low current removal rate of 1.0%per five years will approach the national lower bound rate,2.0%by 2000 and 2.5% by the year 2010. Base Year Housing Stock The base-year housing stock figures displayed in Table 4.12 are the counts of year-round housing stock from the 1980 Census of Housing for ~aska. TABLE 4.12.Railbelt Housing Stock by Load Center Qnd Hous i ng Type.1980 (n lITlber of unit s)a) Housing Type Anchorage Fairbanks Single Family 40.562 10,873 Mobile Homes 10.211 2,175-duplexes 8,949 2.512 Mu 1 t ifamily 27.980 8,607 Tota 1 87 .702 24,167 (a)A unit is occupied by one household.Thus, a 4-plex is considered four housing units. Source:1980 Census of Housing,STF3 Data Tape. 4.19 ,...., ..... -- ..... 5.0 THE RESIDENTIAL CONSUMPTION MODULE The Residential Consumption r10dule provides forecasts of electricity consumption for the Residential Sector.The forecasts of the residential sector's needs do not include the impacts of conservation produced by market intervention by government.The potential for and impacts of such conservation activities are handled in the Program-Induced Conservation Module (see Chapter Fl.O).Furthermore,the module's forecast of residential requirements is the amount of electricity that needs to be delivered to the residential sector -it does not include allowances for line losses. The Residential Consumption ~10dul e estimates the amount of electri·city residential consumers use,with explicit consideration of the impacts of electricity price changes and fuel switching among electricity,gas,and oil. Impacts of fuel switching to -and from other fuels (such as v.ood)are handled in the Program-Induced Conservation Module. ~~ECHAN I SH The Residenti al Consumption ~~odul e ernploys an end-use approach.In an end -use ana1y sis,the fir st st e pis t 0 ide nt ifY the maj 0r use s 0f e1ect ric- ity.Future market saturations of the uses are forecasted so that the future stock of electricity-consuming devices is defined.The next step is to esti- mate the amount of electricity demanded to meet a future demand for the ser- vices of the devices.The forecast of average consumption of the appliance stock,therefore,reflects both the trend in the size of the device and its utilization rate,as well as projected increases in the efficiency of the device.Once the stock of major electricity-consuming devices and their corresponding average annual per-unit consumption of electricity are forecast, the future consumption of electricity by device type is obtained by multiplying the nlD1lber of devices by their predicted annual average consumption of electricity.Using the same procedure for miscellaneous residential uses and sl11lmingover all end-uses yields an aggregate forecast of electricity requi rements. 5.1 One major problem of the end-use approach is that the impacts of changes in fuel prices (both electricity and alternatives)and income on electricity usage are usually treated directly through the forecaster's judgment.The RED Residential Consumption Module addresses this problem differently.8yadjust- ing the aggregate residential consumption figure with variable price and cross- price adjustment factors computed in the model from actual consumption data and prices,RED accounts for price change and fuel-switching impacts in the resi- dential sector.These adjustments can be interpreted as electricity conserva- tion induced by changes in fuel prices. INPUTS AND OUTPUTS Table 5.1 presents the inputs and outputs of the module.The number of households by dwelling type is the number of occupied civilian dwelling units served by electricity predicted in the Housing Module.The price adjustment parameters,as well as the appliance saturations,are generated in the Uncer- tainty Module.The output of the module is preliminary residential sales of electricity. MODULE STRUCTURE The Residential Consumption Module identifies the following major uses of electricity in the residential sector: 1.Water Heating 2.Cooking 3.Refrigeration 4.Freezi ng 5.Clothes Washing (and additional water heating) 6.Clothes Drying 7.Dishwashing (and additional water heating) 8.Saunas-Jacuzzi s 9.Space Heating In addition,several other uses of electricity by households are captured by a small appliance category.Small appliances include televisions,radios, lighting,head-bolt heaters,kitchen appliances,heating pads,etc.The basic 5.2 -, ..... ,...,. - """I ~,i TABLE 5.1.Inputs and Outputs of the RED Residential Module (a)Input s Symbol HD TY A,B ,A , OSR,GSR SAT (b)Output s Symbol RESCON Variable Electrically Served Households by Type of Dwelling Price Adjustment Coefficients Appliance Saturations Variable Residential Electricity Requi rements From Housing Stock Module uncertainty Module Uncertai nty r"bdul e To Miscellaneous,Peak Demand and Conservation Modules premise of this module is that the household is the primary consumer of elec- -tricity,not the individual.However,the number of individuals in the house- hold significantly affects the consumption of energy for clothes washing, clothes drying,and water heating.Therefore,an adjustment is included in the model for changes in the average household size to recognize the impact of such changes on the usage of these appliances. For the nine major uses of electricity,the end-use approach is used (see Figure 5.1).Figure 5.1 shows the calculations that take place in the Residen- !""" tial Consumption Module.Beginning with a regional estimate of occupied hous- ing stock by type,the module uses appliance market saturation parameters to estimate the stock of each of the major appl iances recognized by the model. The module then calculates the initial fuel mode split for multifuel appl i- ances,calculates preliminary electric consumption for each appliance type (including small appliances).and then sums these estimates together into a preliminary consumption estimate for the residential sector.Price forecasts for gas,oil,and electricity and "trial"-specific own-price and cross-price adjustments are used to adjust the preliminary forecast.The adjustments are described in Section 7.0. 5.3 FORECAST OF OCCUPIED HOUSING STOCK BY TYPE {HOUSING MODULE) CALCULATE STOCK OF LARGE APPLIANCES 8Y END USE. DWELLING TYPE APPLlANCE SATURATIONS 8Y HOUSING TYPE (UNCERTAINTY MODULE) CALCULATE INITIAL SHARE OF EACH APPLIANCE USING ELECTRICITY FUEL MODE SPLIT 1980 CALCULATE AVERAGE ELECTRICAL USE IN LARGE APPLlANCES BY APPLlANCE ~FF1CIENCY STANDARDS CALCULATE TOTAL PRELlM1NARY LARGE APPLlANCE USE BY APPLIANCE CALCULATE PRELlMINAY SMALL APPLIANCE USE OF ELECTRICITY SUM PRELIMINARY CONSUMPTION FOR ALL APPLlANCES PRICE .ADJ.PARAMETERS. RESIDENTIAL SECTOR (UNCERTAINTY MODULE) PRICE AND CROSS-PRICE ADJUSTMENTS RESIDENTIAL CONSUMPTION PRIOR TO CONSERVATION ADJUSTMENT PRICE FORECASTS (EXOGENOUS) FIGURE 5.1.REO Residential Consumption Module 5.4 I'- I Results from the Battelle-Northwest (BNW)end-use survey (see Appendix A) show significant differences in the saturations of these nine end uses by the type of dwelling in which the household resides.The module,therefore,uses the number of occupied housing units of each type of dwelling (single family, multifamily,mobile home,and duplex)as predicted by the Housing Module as one of the inputs to estimate the stock of appliances. The Housing ~1odule predicts the number of occupied primary(a)residences by type in a given region served by electric utilities.By multiplying the number of occupied housing units by type by an assumed percentage served,the Housing Consumption t-bdule forecasts the nLlllber of primary occupied housing units served: where HHS TYit =SE it x HD TYit HHS =households served TY =denotes the type of dwe 11 in 9 SE =proportion of households served by an electric utility HD =stock of occupied dwellings from the Housing Module served by electricity i =region subscript t =forecast period (t =1,2,3,•••,7). (5 .1 ) Once the nunber of electrically served households by type of dwelling is known,the appl icance stock can be estimated.The saturation rate for an appliance is the'percentage of households residing in a certain type of dwell- ing and having the appliance in question.By multiplying the housing-type- specific saturation rate by the nLlllber of households residing in that type of housing and then summing across housing types,the model forecasts appliance demand in each future forecast period t: (a)Excluding second or recreation homes. 5.5 (5.2) where AD =appliance demand SAT =saturation rate (parameter) k =end-use appliance. Next,the model calculates the number of future additions to the stock.Assum- ing demand is fully met,the nlJ11ber of new appliances in period t is found by calculating the stock of appliances surviving from all previous periods and subtracting this surviving stock from appliance demand: (5.3) where NA =number of new appliances AS i ok =initial stock of appl i ances (1980) m vi ntage spec ifi c rate in period for vintage mdtk=scrap t·, (parameter)(m ;:1,2,3,oil ••,7). Equation 5.3 can be rearranged so that the stock equals the demand: -. - - t AD itk =AS iok x (1 -d~k)+m~1 NA imk x (1 -d~k)-. The future appl i ance stock,therefore,can be strati fi ed by vi ntage.Next,the model calculates the initial stock of electricity-consllTling appliances by mul- tiplying the number of appliances in each vintage by the percentage using electricity: ENA imk =FMS ik x NA imk 5.6 (5.4) (5.5) ~. (5 .6) where EAS =initial stock of electric appl iances-Fr1S =fuel mode s pl it ENA =additions to the electric appliance stock EAO =total electric appliance stock. The Residential Consumption nodule next calculates the average annual electricity consumption of each major appliance.nifferent vintages of appliances use different amounts of electricity,so the average consumption :!lust reflect the vintage composition of the stock.Furthennore,industry energy efficiency standards for appliances could change in future years.The future vintage specific consumption rate can be derived by !nultiplyin~the current (1980)consumption rate by a growth factor and adjusting for any c han 9 e sin eff ici en cy s tan dar ds•By we i 9hti n 9 the s e fi 9u res by the pro po rt ion of the stock they represent,the av~rage consumption of each appl iance type in a forecast year is derived: =AC iok x EAS"ok x (l-d t O k )!( ""("I)Z +I AC.k x (1 +9 k )m-x "'0EADitkm=l where m ENA imk (l-d tk)) x (l-c smk)x "------- EA°itk AC itk =average consumption of appliance k in period t (parameter) AC iok =average consumption of appliance k in the beginning period (pa ramete r) Z =length of forecast periods t and m in years (parameter)set equal to 5 for this study. g =growth rate of appl iance k consumption (parameter) 5.7 (5.7) III cs =conservation standards target consumption reduction (par arne t e r)• Finally,the preliminary consumption for each major appliance can be calculated by multiplying the stock of each appliance by its calculated average consumpt ion: where CONS itk =EADitk x ACitk x AHS itk (5.8) CONS =preliminary consumption of electricity prior to price adjus tments AHS =household size adjustment parameter for clothes washing, clothes drying,water heaters only.· The Residential Module makes no distinction among the various types of appliances in the small appliance category.The requirements for these units are simply the product of the number of households in the region,the initial consumption level,and a growth factor in consumption over time: CONS itsa =~Y HHS TYit x [ACios a +(AfG itsa x t x Z)] where ACG =growth factor in small appliance consumption sa =index denoting small appliances. (5.9) Total preliminary residential consumption is found by summing across end use s: 9 RESPRE it =I CONS i tk +CONS itsak=l where RESPRE =total preliminary residential consumption. 5.8 (5.10) - ..... ..... - ..... RESPRE it reflects mainly the physical characteristics of the stock of electrical appliances and household income.Consumers,however,can respond dramatically to changes in the prices of electricity and alternative fuels. The own-and cross-price adjustment factors measure the responsiveness of consumers to price changes.Specifically,the own-price adjustment factor is the ratio of the percentage of change in the quantity taken of electricity .during a five-year period to the weighted percentage change in price of electricity relative to the prices of other goods during the period • Simi1arly,the demand for electricity is also a function of the prices of alternative fuels.For example,the cross-price adjustment factor for gas measures the responsiveness of the quantity of electricity taken with respect to change in the price of natural gas.In other ....ords,the cross-price adjust- Inent factor predicts the percentage change in the quantity of electricity taken for a one-percentage change in the relative price of an alternative fuel. If the cross-price effect is positive,then the fuels are said to be substitutes.As the price of another fuel rises,the quantity taken of el ec- tricity rises.For example,natural gas and electricity are substitutes.If the price of gas rises enough relative to the price of electricity,then some natural gas customers will switch to electricity.If the cross-price effect is· negative,the fuels are complements,implying that increases in the price of the alternate fuel will cause reductions in the amount of the electricity that is taken. The RED model distinguishes between short-run and long-run responses to price.In the short run,or the immediate future,consumers cannot alter thei r usage as much as over longer periods of time,since their stock of appliances is fixed.Over a longer period of time,they can replace elements of their stock with devices that use less electricity,or perhaps use another fuel source.Therefore,the speed with which consumers adjust from the short-run to the long-run is important. The price effects generated in RED are aged over the forecast period from their short-run values to their long-run values,thus expliCitly modeling con- sumers'changing the pattern of use in the short run and fuel sw.itching in the long run.The Uncertainty f1Jdul e generates both the short-run values of the 5.9 I I III price effect for specific trials and the coefficient of the speed of consumer response.Chapter 7.0 di scusses both the economi c theory and 1iterature under- lying the estimation of the own-price effect and cross-price effects of gas and oil on electricity consumption,as well as the manner in which the effects are calculated. The actual calculation of the price adjustment of residential consumption i s as f 011 ow s: - - ...., I where RESCON = OPA = PPA = GPA = RESCON it =RESPRE it x (1 +OPA it ) x (1 +PPA it ) x (1 +GPAit). consumption of electricity in the residential sector own-price adjustment for electricity cross-price adjustment for fuel oil cross-price adjustment for natural gas. (5 .11) RESCON is the predicted electricity consumption in the residential sector before adjustments for program-induced conservation.Thi s figure is passed to the Peak Demand and Program-Induced Conservation Modules.Note that RESCON is a single number.The Residential Consumption r-tJdule doeS not report price- adjusted consumption of electricity by end use. PARAMETERS The percentage of households served by an electric utility (Table 5.2)is an important parameter.ISER has estimated that only 91%of the occupied housing in Fairbanks was connected to an electric utility (Goldsmith and Huskey 198Gb).Due to the high emphasi s the Al aska state 1 egi sl ature and governor have placed on energy,the extension of electrical service to all who would like service is highly probable.Therefore,electrical services are assumed to be extended to the entire stock of housing in the Fairbanks load center by 1995.The Anchorage-Cook Inlet load center is assumed to be 100%served. 5.10 - - - .... - TABLE 5.2.Percent of Households Served by El ect ri c Ut il it ie sin Ra il be 1t Load Centers,1980-2010 -Yea r 1980(a) 1985(b) 1990(b) 1995(b) 2000(b) 2005 (b) 2010(b) Anchorage 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Fairbanks 91 93 96 100 100 100 100 (a) (b) Source:Goldsmith and Huskey 1980b, Table C.13, C.14,0.4,0.5. The state is assumed to extend electrical service to all residents by 1995. ..... - Ap P1 ian ce Sa t urat ion s Because historical growth and comparison with the lower forty-eight states provide only 1 imited guidance on both current and future market saturations of major appl i ances,somewhat arbitrary maximum penetration rates have been est i- mated.The estimates were made by comparing recent util ity saturation rate studies by San Diego Gas &Electric (SDG&E)in 1982 and Southern Ca1ifornia Edison (SCE)in 1981 (realizing their limited relevance in estimating Alaska saturation rates),information from 1980 Census of Housing for Alaska, informatlon from the Battelle-Northwest end-use survey,and other related literature.Wide bands of uncertainty should be presumed for all appliances examined since saturation rate data in the literature were not consistent. Table 5.3 summarizes saturation rates examined. t1arket penetration rates for many appliances in Alaska are already outside the bounds of lower forty-eight state experience and have been increasing over time.However,many of the major appliances will likely never reach 100% market saturation for a variety of reasons,such as transient population,the convenience of substitutes such as laundromats,small housing units with 5.11 TABLE 5.3.Appliance Saturation Rate Survey (table values in percent of households) SCE (1981) SDG&E(1982)(a) (range of values observed in Appl i ance (total market area)market area)(b) Clothes Drier --71.1-81.2 Refrigerator 97.5 96.2-96.6 Freezer 26.2 9.1-33.5 Hot Tub/Jacuz z i/Saunas ..11-39 1.3-19.4 Water Heater --92.3-97.7 Cooking Range 96.2 98.3-99.5 lT1.Dishwasher 55.4 .41.2-58.0~ N Clothes Washer 68.9 75.6-89.3 t~icrowave Ovens 34.5 17.9-38.9 Space Heating 94.6 Railbelt:Housing Cen sus (1980 (range of values:lowest, highest area) 92.0-97.7 99.5-99.9 99.9 Railbelt BNW End-Use Survey (1981) (range of values: lowest to highest area and building ty~e) 61.0-90.2 99 57.2-94.8 2.5-16.9 86.9-100.0 95.7-100.0 23.3-78.2 63.8-92.5 (a)Average values for all customers. (b)By building type.Types were single family,apartments/condominiums/town houses,and mobile homes. (c)Areas were Anchorage (Anchorage,Matanuska-Susitna,and Kenai Peninsula Boroughs)and Fairbanks (North Star Borough plus Southeast Fairbanks Census Area).Fairbanks was the lower value. (d)Building types were single family,mobile home,multifamily,and duplex.See Tables 5.4-5.11. Sources:See reference 1i st. I J J J _I ]J I J I J ]J J J .1 I )I .... ..... - .... inadequate space for some appliances,changing consumer perferences,etc.The saturation rate estimates assumed in the RED model reflect a compromise between 1)rapid historical growth in appliance stocks in Alaska,2)approaching boundaries on market saturation and 3)comparable saturation data from other sources. Tables 5.4 through 5.7 show the default value and range for future market saturations of major appliances that can use one of several fuels in normal home installation.The table values are the expected percentages of housing units of a given type that will own the appliance in a given year (having access to and owning an appliance may result in different saturation rates)and market area,and the subjective uncertain range that can he used instead of the default value if the Monte Carlo option is chosen.The table title indicates the type of housing.The assumptions for each type of appl iance are given be low. Hot Water Hot water was available in nearly 99%of single-family homes in the Anchorage market area,according to the Battelle-Northwest end-use survey.·It is assumed that 99%is a maximum for two reasons:the market saturation of hot water in the Western U.S.was 99%in the 1970 Census (Bureau of Census 1970); and Alaska can be expected to have rural cabin-like structures with limited electric service for some time to come.In the Fairbanks market area,single- family saturations are projected to incr~ase to the Anchorage level by 1990. The end-use survey and 1970 Census both show saturations in the vicinity of 90% in this area.Increasing urbanization in Fairbanks and better electric service should increase this percentage. The other types of structures in the Battelle-Northwest survey showed market saturations of nearly 100%in all market areas.The exception was multifamily housing.However,the wording of the questioninthe survey upon which this calculation is based may have been interpreted as asking whether the respondent had a hot water tank in his unit rather than (as was intended) whether he had hot water available.A 100%market penetration for hot water in duplexes and multifamily buildings was assumed.Mobile homes were considered the same as single-family units. 5.13 TABLE 5.4.Market Saturations (percent)of Large Appliances with Fuel Substitution - ~ Possibilities in Single-Family Homes,Railbelt Load Centers,1980-2010 Water Heater Clothes Dryers Range (cooking)Sa una s-J acu zz is Load Center Year Default Range Defa ul t Range Oefaul t Range Defa ul t RaQge a.Anchorage 1980 98.6(a)--90.2 --99.9(a)--14.1 1985 98.8 95-100 91.2 88-94 100.0 100-100 16.3 13-19 1990 99.0 98-100 92.5 89-95 100.0 100-100 18.7 14-22 1995 99.0 98-100 93.7 90-96 100.0 100-100 21.0 16-26 2000 99.0 98-100 95.0 92-98 100.0 100-100 23.4 18-28 Ul 2005 99.0 98-100 95.0 92-98 100.0 100-100 25.7 20-30. l--' .po 2010 99.0 98-100 95.0 92-98 100.0 100-100 28.1 23-33 b.Fai rbanks 1980 86.9(a)--81.4 --99.5(a)--7.9 1985 93.0 91-95 84.0 80-88 100.0 100-100 8.9 6-12 1990 99.0 98-100 87.5 82-92 100.0 100-100 10.0 6-14 1995 99.0 98-100 92.5 87-97 100.0 100-100 11.2 6-16 2000 99.0 98-100 95.0 92-98 100.0 100-100 12.4 7-17 2005 99.0 98-100 95.0 92-98 100.0 100-100 13.6 8-18 2010 99.0 98-100 95.0 92-98 100.0 100-100 14.8 9-19 (a)For hot water and cooking,missing values in the Battelle-Northwest survey were not counted. .......J .1 ...•~.J •J J )J ,...~J 1 il •••J J J 1 I 1 '. ')]J -1 --'1 I )1 TABLE 5.5.Market Saturations (percent)of Large Appliances with Fuel Substitution Possibilities in Mbbile Homes,Railbelt Load Centers,1980-2010 Wa ter Heater Clothes Dryers Range (cooking)Saunas Jacuzzi s Load Center Year Default Range Default Range [)efaul t Range [)efaul t Range-- 98.2(a)95.7(a) ---- a.Anchorage 1980 --79.0 ----6.1 1985 99.0 98-100 80.0 79-81 100.0 100-100 6.9 3-11 1990 99.0 98-100 82.0 80-84 100.0 100-100 7.8 4-12 1995 99.0 98-100 84.0 82-86 100.0 100-100 8.7 5-13 2000 99.0 98-100 85.0 83-87 100.0 100-100 9.6 6-14 2005 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 100.0 100-100 10.5 6-14 U1.2010 99.0 98-100 95.0 91-99 100.0 100-100 11.4 7-15I-' U1 b.Fai rbanks 1980 99.0(a)--92.3 --98.6(a)--2.5 1985 99.0 98-100 94.0 91-97 100.0 100-100 2.8 1-5 1990 99.0 98-100 95.0 92-98 100.0 100-100 3.1 1-7 1995 99.0 98-100 95.0 92-98 100.0 100-100 3.5 1-8 2000 99.0 98-100 95.0 92-98 100.0 100-100 3.8 1-8 2005 99.0 98-100 95.0 92-98 100.0 100-100 4.2 1-8 2010 99.0 98-100 95.0 92-98 100.0 100-100 4.5 1-9 (a)For water heat arid cooking,missing values in the Rattelle-Northwest end-use survey were not counterl. TABLE 5.6.Market Saturations (percent)of large Appliances with Fuel Substitution Possibilities in Duplexes t Railbelt load Centers t 1980-2010 -- ~ Water Heater Clothes Dryers Range (cooking)Saunas Jacuzzis Load Center Year Default Range Default Range Defaul t Range Defaul t Range a.Anchorage 1980 100.0(a)--90.0 --96.4 --16.9 1985 100.0 100-100 91.0 90-92 100.0 100-100 19.0 16-22 1990 100.0 100-100 92.5 90-95 100.0 100-100 21.2 17-25 1995 100.0 100-100 93.0 91-96 100.0 100-100 23.4 18-28 2000 100.0 100-100 95.0 92-98 100.0 100-100 25.6 21-31 2005 100.0 100-100 95.0 92-98 100.0 100-100 27.6 23-33 U1 2010 100.0 100-100 95.0 92-98 100.0 100-100 29.8 25-35. ....... 100.0(a)85.5(b)Q)b.Fairbanks 1980 100.0 8.2------ 1985 100.0 100-100 91.0 90-92 100.0 100-100 9.2 6-12 1990 100.0 100-100 92.5 90-95 100.0 100-100 10.3 6-14 1995 100.0 100-100 93.0 91-96 100.0 100-100 11.4 6-16 2000 100.0 100-100 95.0 92-98 100.0 100-100 12.5 8-18 2005 100.0 100-lUO 95.0 92-98 100.0 100-100 13.5 9-19 2010 100.0 100-100 95.0 92-98 100.0 100-100 14.6 10-20 (a)Values for Battelle-Northwest end-use survey were adjusted to 100 percent for water heaters in. 1980.For expl an at ion t see text. (b)1980 clothes dryer penetration in Fairbanks for 1980 adjusted downward by one to match the nurnber of washers in duplexes. j J J J I -J g J }J •J J J J J I J -I -)}1 -)1 1 1 TABL E 5.7.Market Saturations (percent)of Large Appliances with Fuel Substitution Possibilities in Multifamily Homes,Railbelt Load Centers,1980-2010 Water Heater Clothes Dryers Range (cooking)Sa una s J acu zz is Load Center Year Default Range Default Range Defaul t ~~Defaul t Ri!nge---.- a.Anchorage 1980 100.0(a)--75.7 --98.2 --13.6 1985 100.0 100-100 83.0 82-84 100.0 100-100 15.0 12-18 1990 100.0 100.,.100 83.5 82-85 100.0 100-100 16.4 12-20 1995 100.0 100-100 84.0 82-86 100.0 100-100 17 .7 13-23 2000 100.0 100-100 85.0 83-87 100.0 100-100 18.9 14-24 Ul 2005 100.0 100-100 gO .0 85-95 100.0 100-100 19.9 15 -25. l--'-.....2010 100.0 100-100 95.0 92-97 100.0 100-100 20.9 16-26 b.Fairbanks 1980 100.0(a)--61.0 --100.0 --5.7 1985 100.0 100-100 65.0 61-69 100.0 100-100 6.3 3-9 1990 100.0 100-100 70.0 65-75 100.0 100-100 6.9 3-11 1995 100.0 100-100 80.0 75-85 100.0 100-100 7.5 3-13 2000 100.0 100-100 85.0 80-90 100.0 100-100 fLO 3-13 2005 100.0 100-100 90.0 85-95 100.0 100-100 8.5 4-14 2010 100.0 100-100 95.0 92-97 100.0 100-100 8.9 4-14 (a)Water heat survey numbers adjusted to 100 percent for 1980.For explanation,see text. i I III Clothes Dryer The Battelle-Northwest survey and 1970 Census both show Railbelt market saturations for clothes dryers far above the U.S.average (Bureau of Census 1970).Information available from the 1980 U.S.Statistical Abstract for 1979 shows that abo~t 61.5%of electrically served housing units have an electric or gas dryer (up from 44.6%in 1970)(8ureau of Census 1980b).In contrast,the Battelle survey showed market saturations ranging from 61%in Fairbanks multi- family structures to over 90%in other types of housing.Single-family dryer saturations ranged from 81%in Fai rbanks to 90%in Anchorage.Because Al aska al ready has such high saturations,the forecast is outside the bounds of historical experience.A reasonable estimate is that no more than 95%of single-family homes,mobile homes,and duplexes will ever have dryers because of the availabil ity of laundromats and because of the room taken up by washer- dryer combinations in small housing units.For multifamily units,penetration is assumed to be much slower because of the space problem.Since washers and dryers are now installed in pairs in most new housing,market saturations for dryers (which are now about 2%below those for washers in most areas)will approach that for washers as old housing stock is replaced.In general,the lower the existing saturation,the greater is the uncertainty concerning its future growth rate. Cook i ng Range s Several data sources were examined to arrive at market saturation rate estimates.The Battelle-Northwest end-use survey indicated that between 96 and 100%of all h'ouseholds surveyed had a range available.SDG&E (1982)reported a 96.2%saturation rate while SeE (1981)ranged from 98.3%for multi-family units to 99.5%for single-family units.The substitution of hot plates,broiler ovens (1979 estimated national saturation rate of 26%)and microwave ovens (1979 estimated national saturation rate of 7.6%)may account for the differ- ence between 90 and 100%.Therefore,100%of all housing units currently are assumed to have cooking facilities available by 1985.This percentage holds throughout the period. 5.18 - - -i having ~,market (1981 ) ing to one of SDG&E. ,~, .- Saunas,Jacuzzis,Etc. These units are a relatively new phenomenon in private homes,almost all been installed since 1970.The Battelle-Northwest end-use survey found saturations ran~ing from 2.5 to 17%,SOG&E (1982)11 to 39%,and SeE 1.3 to 19.4%,all depending upon market area and housing type.Accord- the survey,14%of Anchorage single family households reported having these units,compared to 10.4 and 11.0%,respectively,forSCE and Among single-family homes built since 1975 in Anchorage,the saturation I'las 21~~,while among single-family homes built since 1980 in the SDG&E survey area,the saturation was 23.8%.To arrive at saturation rate estimates,a target rate slightly larger than both was assumed for newly constructed single- family homes in Anchorage to allow for the increasing popularity of saunas- jacuzzis.Additional allowances were made for the existing stock of housing to acquire saunas-jacuzzis.The additional allowances changed over time based on the bel ief that saturation growth rates woul d fall as the newness of the item ,'lore off.Thi s phenomenon may happen with any rel atively new technology.Once it has reached that segment of the population initially desiring to own a sauna or jacuzzi,additional growth will be slower since a lower maximum penetration rate,when compared to other appliances,is assumed.Additional supportive evidence for a lower maximum penetration rate is found from California.There, saturation rates are lower than in Alaska and growth rates are slowing down. One additional impact on the willingness of those individuals initially not strongly desiring to own a sauna or jacuzzi may be the relatively high price, at least when compared to other major appliances.Also,installation costs may be higher in Alaska since poorer weather would necessitate that the unit be enclosed.However,the inflation-adjusted cost of saunas and jacuzzis,whirl- pools,etc.is expected to drop somewhat as it does with any new appliance type.This could raise future market saturations above current levels.Ry weighing these factors,and considering economic growth prospects for the subregions,the estimated default values were chosen.They are presented in Tables 5.4 through 5.7. One potential problem exists in Table 5.7.The Battelle-Northwest end-use survey created a slight ambiguity in terms of appliance ownership for 5.19 i I III mu 1t i fami ly homes by not aski ng res i dents of thi s type of hous i ng whether they actually owned or had access to a sauna or jacuzzi.In some apartment complexes,a central recreation building houses a sauna or jacuzzi that all residents may use.If every individual in the apartment complex claims they each have a sauna or jacuzzi when in fact only one exists,the saturation rate is overstated.This phenomenon is brought out in the SCE (1981)data,where 19.4%of all apartment/condominium/townhouse occupants claimed a hot tub/- jacuzzi.However,only 6.7%of that total had thei r own private hot tub/- jacuzzi.A level of 19.4%gives an incorrect representation of the penetration rate for saunas and jacuzzis and an overestimate of electricity consumption. To correct for this problem,default values and ranges in Table 5.7 have been adjusted downward for slower future growth. Tables 5.8 through 5.11 indicate default market saturations and ranges of values for large household appliances that are almost always electric.These include refrigerators,freezers,dishwashers,and clothes washers.The table title indicates the housing type,and the table values show an 'expected market saturation for each appliance by market area and year.The ranges shown in the tables reflect the degree of uncertainty attached to the default value.The wider the range,the greater is this subjective uncertainty.The assumptions supporting the table values are given below by appliance. Refrigerators The Battelle-Northwest end-use survey found that virtually 100%of all households had a refrigerator.This is in agreement with several other studies such as SDG&E (1982)at 97.5%,SCE at 96.2 to 96.6%,and the national Residen- tial Energy Consumption Survey (RECS)at 99.8%.The California Energy Commis- sion (CEC)found in 1976 that enough housing units had second refrigerators to raise total California market saturation to 113-116%.ISER,in their report to the Alaska State Legislature,assumed that this high percentage would likely not prevail in Alaska because of the cooler c1 imate (Goldsmith &Huskey 1980b).Therefore,a default value of 99%was chosen throughout.In the RED model,the ISER assumption is modified to permit a range of values from 98 to 100%• 5.20 - - 1 -l l "1 ~-1 ,-->I ,'I ,),}-1 ,)•1 f_'1 • TARLE 5.S.Market Saturations (percent)of Large Electric Appliances in Single-Family Homes, Railbelt Load Centers,1980-2010 Refrigerators Freezers Dishwashers Clothes Hashers Load Center Year Default Range Defa ult Range Default Range Defaul t Range------ a.Anchorage 1980 99.0 --88.3 --78.2 --91.7 - 1985 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 85.0 80-90 92.0 90-94 1990 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 92.5 90-95 1995 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 93.7 91-96 2000 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 tJ1.2005 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98N...... 2010 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 b.Fai rbanks 1980 99.0 --84.9 --53.8 --84.9 1985 99.0 98-100 88.0 86-90 79.0 75-85 86.0 84-88 1990 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 87.5 85-90 1995 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 92.5 90-95 2000 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 2005 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 95.0 92~98 2010 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 TABLE 5.9.Market Saturations (percent)of Large Electric Appliances in Mobile Homes, Railbelt Load Centers,1980-2010 Refrigerators Freezers Dishwashers Clothes Washers Load Center Year Defa ul t Range Defaul t Range Default Range Defaul t ~~-- a.Anchorage 1980 99.0 --94.8 --43.9 --80.6 1985 99.0 98-.100 92.0 90-95 67.6 62-72 85.0 80-90 1990 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 1995 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 U1 2000 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98. N 2005 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98N 2010 99.0 98-100 9.0.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 b.Fai rbanks 1980 99.0 --73.0 --48.6 --92.3 1985 99.0 98-100 82.0 75-89 71.4 66-76 93.0 91-95 1990 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 92.5 91-96 1995 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 94.0 92-96 2000 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 2005 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 2010 99.0 98-100 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 .J -.l t •))~_..)~.~-,I •1 J ,] -)1 I I ~l ']'}')-I '-)]1 TABLE 5.10.Market Saturations (percent)of Large Electric Appliances in Duplexes Railbelt Load Centers,1980-2010 Re fri ge rators Freezers Dishwashers Clothes Washers Load Center Year Default Range Default Range Defaul t Range Defaul t ~~~-- a.Anchorage 1980 99.0 --66.5 --76.5 --92.5 1985 99.0 98-100 75.0 70-80 85.0 80-90 93.0 91-95 1990 99.0 98-100 85.0 80-90 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 1995 99.0 98,..100 85.0 80-90 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 tTl 2000 99.0 98-100 85.0 80-90 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98. N LoJ 2005 99.0 98-100 85.0 80-90 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 2010 99.0 98-100 85.0 80-90 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 b.Fairbanks 1980 99.0 --75.2 --57.4 --85.5 1985 99.0 98-100 80.0 75-85 85.0 80-90 91.0 90-92 1990 99.0 98-100 85.0 80-90 90.0 85-95 92.5 90-95 1995 99.0 98-100 85.0 80-90 90.0 85-95 93.0 91-96 2000 99.0 98-100 85.0 80-90 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 2005 99.0 98-100 85.0 80-90 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 2010 99.0 98-100 85.0 80-90 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 - TABLE 5.1l.Market Saturations (percent)of Large Electric Appliances in ~1ultifamily Homes t ~ Ra il be lt Load Centers t 1980-2010 Refrigerators Freezers Di sh\'Iashers Clothes Washers Load Center Year Default Range Defaul t Range Default Range Defaul t Range a.Anchorage 1980 99.0 --62.5 --73.3 --76.5 1985 99.0 98-100 65.0 60-70 85.0 80-90 85.0 80-90 1990 99.0 98-100 70.0 65-75 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 1995 99.0 98-100 70.0 65-75 90.0 85-95 92.0 90-94 (Jl 2000 99.0 98-100 70.0 65-75 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98. N +:>2005 99.0 98-100 70.0 65-75 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 2010 99.0 98-100 70.0 65-75 90.0 85-95 95.0 92-98 b.Fai rbanks 1980 99.0 --57.2 --23.3 --63.8 1985 99.0 98-100 65.0 60-70 34.0 30-39 68.0 63-72 1990 99.0 98-100 70.0 65-75 50.0 45-55 70.0 65-75 1995 99.0 98-100 70.0 65-75 74.0 70-79 80.0 75-85 2000 99.0 98-100 70.0 65-75 90.0 85-95 85.0 80-90 2005 99.0 98-100 70.0 65-75 90.0 85-95 90.0 85-95 2010 99.0 98-100 70.0 65-75 90.0 85-95 95.0 .92-98 I ,t J l J _.,))f .J ~~•J I J .,.,. , Freezers The end-use survey found market area-wide saturations of freezers ranging from about 80%in Fairbanks to over 90%in Anchorage.These figures are 10 to 20%higher than assumed by ISER for 1980 for these areas,about 40%above 1970 Census values for the Railbelt,and 30 to 40%above the U.S.average.In other words,area-to-area comparisons and historical experience are not very helpful for predicting future saturations.For single-family homes and mobile homes, the maximum saturation has been assumed to have been just about reached because with better shopping facilities and increased urbanization,fewer freezers will be necessary for long-term food storage from bulk buying. For duplexes and multifamily units,the percent of saturation should remain significantly lower.The tenants in such units tend to be more transient and are proba~ly less involved in Alaskan hunting,fishing,and gardening pursuits than most Alaskans.Consequently,they would have less demand for freezers.Second,rental units tend to be smaller.Consequently, renters might tend to substitute rented commercial cold-storage locker space ,1""'"for a freezer to conserve scarce 1 iving space in duplexes and multifamily unlts.The range of uncertainty is shown to be quite broad,since market penetration has been rapid in the last 10 years,but the maximum appears to have been reached in some cases. Di shwashers The Battelle-Northwest end-use survey found market saturations for dish- washers well above the existing U.S.average.In the U.S.as a whol e,the 1979 saturation was about 41%of homes served by electricity (Bureau of Census 1980b),but thi s percentage ranged from 50%in Fai rbanks to 75Yo in Anchorage survey homes.Saturations have increased by about 50 percentage points in both Railbelt load centers since 1970,again outside the range of historical experi- ence.(Using this experience,ISER (Goldsmith and Huskey 1980b)projected 1978 market saturations of 50%in Anchorage and 36%in Fairbanks.)The rate of increase in market saturation was very rapid in the 1970s,but further increases in saturation in Anchorage in particular may be 1 imited since a high proportion of some types of housing units already have dishwashers.A maximum saturation of 90%was assumed for all hOmes.The annual rates of saturation 5.25 III growth for the 1970s were then projected for each'region:9%per year for Anchorage,and 8%per year for Fairbanks.Except for Fairbanks multifamily, where historical growth rates are assumed,90%maximum saturation is assumed to occur in 1990.The growth rate was then assumed to fall to zero.A wide range of uncertai nty is assumed for dishwasher saturat ions because of the tenuous nature of the required assumptions. Clothes Washers The Battelle-Northwest end-use survey found that area-wide clothes washer saturations ranged from about 84%in Fairbanks to 89%in Anchorage.These figures are well above the 73%reported for the U.S.in 1979 in the 1980 Statistical Abstract (Bureau of Census 1980b).It also represents about 10 to 15 percentage points growth since the 1970 Census.The rate of saturation increase did not slow down appreciably in the 1970s compared to the 1960s; consequently,market saturation may not have yet approached its maximum.For forecasting,the maximum penetration is assumed to be 95%.Different types of housing reach this maximum at different rates.In particular,since single- family homes are already 85 to 90%saturated,they reach 95%slowly,achieving this level by the year 2000.Some markets are closer to being completely saturated.Even at low rates of growth they reach 95%somewhat earlier.In no case is clothes-washer saturation allowed to be below that for clothes driers.The Battelle-Northwest survey generally found that washer saturation was one to two percentage points hi gher than that for dryers.Where thi s was not the case (e.g.,duplexes in Fairbanks)the difference appears to have occurred because of the small number of households in the category.The market saturations for washers and driers gradually converge,since they are now usually installed in pairs.Multifamily saturation of washers and driers grows the slowest,reaching 95%by 2010 in Fairbanks. Fuel Mode Spl its The fuel-mode splits presented in Table 5.12 were also derived from the Battelle-Northwest end-use survey and 1980 Census of Housing with the exception noted below.These parameters are assumed to remain fixed over the forecast period,as the cross-price elasticity adjustment handles fuel switching. 5.26 - - - ,- 1 l J )1 ~l 1 -)1 J 1 l -, TABLE 5.12.Percentage of Appliances Using Electricity and Average Annual Electricity Consumption,Railbelt Load Centers Anchorage Fa i rbank s Percentage Using Electricity(a)Annua 1 kWh Percentage Using Electricity Annua 1 kWh Appl i ance ~MH OP MF Con s umpt i o~SF MH OP MF Cons Ullpt ion Space Heat (Existing Stock) Single Family 16.0 NA NA NA 32,850 9.7 NA NA NA 43,300 l-1ob i 1e /lome NA 0.7 NA NA 24,570 NA 0.0 NA NA 33,210 Duplex NA NA 22.8 NA 21,780 NA NA 11.7 NA 28,710 Mult i Family NA NA NA 44.4 15,390 NA NA NA 14.8 19,080 Space Heat (New Stock:1985) Single Family 10.0 NA NA NA 40 ,lOa 9.7 NA NA NA 53,000 ItJb 11 e /lome NA 0.7 NA NA 30,000 NA 0.0 NA NA 40,600 Duplex NA NA 15.0 NA 26,600 NA NA 11.7 NA 35,100 Muh I Family NA NA NA 25.0 18,800 NA NA NA 14.8 23,300 Water Heaters (Exi st ing)36.5 50.4 44.0 60.9 2,800 33.1 42.8 43.1 26.2 3,300 Water Ileaters (New:1985)10.0 50.4 15.0 25.0 3,000 33 .1 42.8 43.1 26.2 3,475 (Jl Clothes Dryers 84.3 B8.1 81.3 86.6 1,032 96.2 94.6 94.4 100.0 1,032 N '-l Cooking Ranges 75.8 23.2 85.2 88.2 050 79.0 48.2 95.0 97.1 850 Sauna-Jacuzzi s 93.5 100.0 93.7 81.B 1,600 61.8 100.0 60.8 100.0 1,600 Refrigerators 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1,636 100.0 100 .0 100.0 100.0 1,636 Freezers 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1,342 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1,342 Oi shwashers 100.0 100.0 •100.0 100.0 250 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 250 Additional Water Ileating (Existing)36.5 50.4 44.0 60.9 799 33.1 42.8 43.1 26.2 .799 Water Heating (New:1985)10.0 50.4 15.0 25.0 799 33 .1 42.8 43.1 26.2 799 Clothes Wa shers 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 90 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 90 Addlt i ana 1 Water /leating (Existing)36.5 50.4 44.0 60.9 1,202 33.1 42.8 43.1 26.2 1,202 Water lIeating (New:1985)10.0 50.4 15.0 25.0 1,202 33 .1 42.B 43.1 26.2 1 ,202 111 scell aneous 100.(J 100.0 100.0 100.0 2,110 100.0 100.(J 100.0 100.0 2,466 (a)SF =sin!)le family;1111 =mohilehomes;OP =duplexes;f.1F =multifamily. I I III Discussions were held with several Anchorage area home builders,the staff of Anchorage Municipal Power and Light,ISER,and two real estate management firms in Anchorage concerning incremental fuel mode splits for new housing stock.The Consensus was that very few units are being constructed in the Anchorage area in 1983 with either electric heat or electric hot water where gas is available because electric thermal units are considered to have unattractively high operating costs.This is believed to be a phenomenon caused by past electricity price increases and is therefore not accommodated I;y the RED price adjustment coefficients after 1980.Accordingly,the 1983 version of the model judgmentally imposes reduced incremental e1ectric fuel mode splits in space heating and water heating for new housing units built in the Anchorage-Cook Inlet load center since 1980.The fuel mode splits are kept above zero to reflect construction in portions of the Anchorage-Cook Inlet load center not served by gas.Where incremental fuel mode spl its are shown,el ec- tricity use rates for both the new and old stock are shown in Table 5.12. Post-1985 use rates for all appliances appear in Table 5.13. Comparison of Census and Battelle Northwest end-use survey results for the percentage of water heaters using electricity in Fairbanks in 1980 revealed lower values in the Census.The assumption was made that the Census results were more accurate and additional time went into a further analysi s of the Battelle Northwest end-use survey.As a result of this and a study of the methodology employed in the Census,original end-use survey fuel mode split values have been scaled downward by a correction factor of 0.6 for hot water. After the correction factor,the figures now reported in Table 5.12 are believed to be accurate. Consumption of Electricity per Unit The average kilowatt hour consumption figures are primarily based on values strnmarized from other studies presented in Henson (1982)and also SDG&E (1982).Below is a brief discussion of each parameter.Studies reviewed are shown in Table 5.14. 5.28 - - -. -. -i - - - ).~.~l --"l }.l 'I '-'1 TABLE 5.13.Growth Rates in Electric Appliance Capacity and Initial Annual Average Consumption for New Appliances Average Annual kWh ConsLDllption for Grovlt h Rate in New Appl iances {1985}Electric Capacity Appl i ance Anchorage Fairbanks Post-19S5 (annual) Space Heat Single Family 40,100 53,000 0.005 t-bb i 1e Homes 30,000 40,600 0.005 Duplexes 26,600 35,100 0.005 Multifamily 18,800 23,300 0.005 Water Heaters 3,000 3,475 0.005 Clothes Dryers 1,032 1,032 0.0 U'1.Cooking Ranges 1,200 1,200N 0.0 \.0 Saunas-Jacuzzi s 1,750 1,750 0.0 Re fri gerators 1,560 1,560 0.00 Freezers 1,550 -1,550 0.00 Dishwashers 230 230 Ad d it ion a 1 Wa t er He a tin 9 740 740 0.005 Clothes Washers 70 70 0.0 Ad d it ion a1 Wa t er He a tin g 1,050 1,050 0.005 Small Appliances and Lighting 2,110 2,466 (a) (a)Incremental growth of 50 'kWh per custolner in Anchorage per 5-year period; 70 UJh in Fairhanks. i .1 1 I '.i •• ,,,1 )~I -J J j f • Space Heat For space heating in the existing housing stock,the average annual consumption figures derived by ISER are used (Goldsmith and Huskey 198Gb). These figures were derived based on heating degree days,floor space,and average consumption of all electric homes within the Railbelt region and were adjusted downward by 10%to allow for additional conservation in the building stock since ISERis study. Water Heaters The average consumption for water heaters is based on the California Energy Commission's (CECls)estimates and several engineering studies sum- marized in Henson (1982).The figure separates out consumption for clothes washers and dishwashers and has been adjusted upward by 15%to account for the colder-water inlet temperature in Alaska.Anchorage values were also adjusted downward for some heating of municipal water supplies (see Tillman 1983). Clothes Dryers For clothes dryers,average consumption is the figure reported by the Midwest Research Institute U~RI).ISER (MRI 1979)picked a lower estimate. ~based on household size,but the colder climate in Alaska should also raise the estimated use of dryers.This is reflected in high saturation values for this appl i ance. Cooking-Ranges This category is broadly interpreted as production of heat for cooking purposes.The figure reported was derived by averaging the values from several reports. Saunas-Jacuzzis The authors informally contacted several suppliers of saunas,jacuzzis and hot tubs and were told that the consumption of these devices ranged from 100-3000 kWh annually.Hunt and Jurewitz found 1300 kWh annual consumption for new additions to the stock.However,SDG&E (1982)reported annual average con- sumption at approximately 2700 kWh.A conservative consumption figure of 5.31 !I In 1600 kWh annually was chosen to reflect the presence of bathtub whirlpools and other small units as well as larger units. Re fri gerators An average value from SDG&E (1982)was used,allowing for a 75%saturation of frost-free units in the Railbelt,as revealed by the Battelle-Northwest residential survey. Freezers This figure showed little variation among ~1erchandising Week,~1RI,and ISER.The MRI figure was chosen. Dishwashers The value assumed for dishwashers is the mean of several engineering studies cited in Henson (1982)and SDG&E (1982).Additional water heating associated with dishwashing has been separated out. Dishwasher and Clothes Washer Water These values are from the CEe,adjusted upward to account for colder water inlet temperatures in Alaska. Miscellaneous Appliances For miscellaneous appliances,estimates of consumption were originally prepared by ISER by subtracting estimated large appliance electricity consump- tion for 1978 from total 1978 consumption/residential customer (Goldsmith and Huskey 1980b).Lighting was inferred from national statistics and increased to 1000 kWh/year/customer.The remainder was charged to small appliances. Research for the RED rvbdel checked ISER's work by assuming:1)televisions (rated at 400 kWh/year)are included in small appl iances;and 2)the ISER estimate of 480 kWh/year/customer for headbolt heaters is replaced with load center-specific estimates derived from load-center specific utilization data produced by the Battelle-Northwest end-use survey and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)data on normal minimum temperatures (NOAA 1979);and 3)1000 kWh/year lighting.The revised estimates for block heaters 5.32 - - "'"'"i are as fo110ws:Anchorage.459 kWh/year/customer;Fairbanks.1127 kWh/year/- customer.Because the results were broadly consistent with I5ER 's figures. I5ER's totals were used (Goldsmith and Huskey 1980b). E1ect ric a1 Ca pac it y Gr owt h Table 5.15 presents average annual kWh consumption for new appl iances in 1985.Revised numbers are presented reflecting the authors 'belief that improved efficiency ratings for appliances coming onto the market will largely offset future increases in energy use brought ahout by increases in appliance size.This is not merely a phenomenon of Alaska fuel prices;rather,it reflects national energy market trends.Alaskans have little choice concerning the purchase of more efficient appl iance technologies since the available appliance mix is dictated by national markets. little information is available on changes in appliance efficiencies in the absence of price effects in the Alaska market.However.the appliance manufacturers associations and the U.5.Department of Energy (DOE)have developed estimates of appliance efficiency for several types of new appliances (see King et al.1982).The major source for the efficiency ratings on new appliances was a DOE survey of appliance manufacturers (Form C5-179)that asked actual energy efficiency information on current models of appliances for 1972 and 1978.In addition.manufacturers were asked to make projections of new appliance efficiency for 1980.The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers has since revised some of the estimated efficiencies of the 1980 (sometimes 1981)model~and has found that estimated efficiencies have improved more than was anticipated at the time of the C5-179 survey.In fact.refrigerators freezers.dishwashers.and clothes washers have improved enough in average efficiency to offset the effects of product size increases and new energy-using features (such as the frost-free option on refrigerators).1eadi ng to a 5i g- nificant net reduction in average kilowatt-hours used in the new models.(a) Table 5.15 summarizes the findings of the C5-179 survey and appliance manufacturers. (a)Personal Communication.Jim Mct1ahon.Energy Analysis Program.lawrence Berkeley laboratory.May 24.1983. 5.33 III """\ TABLE 5.15.El ectri c New Appliance Efficiency Improvements 1972-1980 (percent impact on energy use,1972 base) CS-179 Findings(a)Appliance Manufacturers(b) Appl i ance 1972-1978 1972-1980 1972-1980 1.Water Heat Efficiency -1.1 -1.9 NA Si ze Increase NA NA NA Other Features NA NA NA Net Energy Use NA NA NA 2.Ranges -Efficiency -15.7 -20.1 NA Size Inc rease NA NA NA Other Features riA NA NA Net Energy Use NA NA NA 3.Clothes Dryers Effici ency -0.0 -4.2 -3.1 -Si ze Increase NA NA 0.4 Other Features NA NA 0.4- Net Energy Use NA NA -2.7 -4.Re fri gerators Efficiency -20.5 -34.3 -45.6 Size Increase NA NA 8.0 Other Features NA NA 11.6 Net Energy Use NA NA -26.0 5.Freezers -Efficiency -24.7 -32.8 -48.0() Si ze Increase NA NA -10.0 c Other Features NA NA 18.5 Net Energy Use NA NA -39.5 6.Dishwashers -45.0(d)Effi ci ency NA NA Size Increase NA NA ,114 .0 (d) Other Features NA NA Net Energy Use NA NA -31.0(d) 7.Clothes Washers· -51.6(d)Efficiency NA NA Si ze Increase NA NA "s 1 ight"(d)-Other Features NA NA (d)12.1(d) Net Energy Use NA NA -39.5 NA =Not Available (a)Source:Ki ng et ale 1982. (b)Source:McMihon 1983 •• (c)Net decrease in average size.More compact models sold.,- (d)1972-1981. 5.34 - Even in the absence of further changes in Railbelt energy prices.residen- tial consumers in the region are expected to have access to increasingly effi- cient models of major appliances.In the recent past.efficiency improvements have more than offset increases in the si ze of these appl iances.For the future.consumers are assumed to adopt more efficient available ~odels to just offset increases in size of new models for the years after 1985.Two excep- tions are allowed.Table 5.15 shows that water heaters have not improved significantly in efficiency.Once properly installed (and then only if in an unheated space).the limits of efficiency improvements will have been reached on existing designs.From there on.further improvements are possible from redesign of water-using appliances.tankless point-of-use water heating.and significant behavioral changes of household residents.but these are unlikely without further price increases in the Railbelt.Thus.as household incomes rise.it is assumed that hot water usage increases and efficiency improvements do not offset these increases in the absence of price changes.A similar factor is assumed to be at work in space heating.Rising household incomes are assumed to increase the average size of the housing stock and comfort demands at a faster rate than efficiency improvements can reduce demand in the absence of energy price changes. Prior to 1985.a mix of influences is expected to be operating on energy use.Water heaters and space heating systems are assumed to increase in size with little or no offsetting conservation effects in the absence of fuel price increases.Clothes dryers are assumed to have about the same energy use as in 1980.with small increases in size offset by small improvements in effi- ciency.New ranges are assumed to increase in size and in energy-using fea- tures over the existing stock to surpass the existing upper bound usage in Scanlon and Hoffard (1981)single-family homes.Refrigerators have gained radically in energy efficiency historically and are assumed to continue to do so between 1980 and 1985.offsetting size and energy-use increases.1980 refrigerator energy usage rates al ready reflect a large proportion of frost- free units.(Battell e-Northwest survey results show about 75 to 80%frost-free units in the Anchorage load center.65 to 70%frost-free in Fairbanks.)Thus. little increase in energy use can be expected from penetration of frost-free units.Mthough nationally freezers have become more efficient.additional 5.35 I I III penetration of frost-free models·in the Railbelt is assumed before 1985,lead- ing to a small increase in average energy use.Clothes washers and dishwashers are assumed to continue their recent historic trend toward greater efficiency and conservation of hot water before 1985.After that,water use increases while efficiency improvements just offset increased capacity and use.Sauna and jacuzzi 1985 energy use reflects additional market penetration of sl ightly larger units than comprise the 1980 stock. Agpliance Survival Table 5.16 presents the percentage of appliances remaining in each five- year period after thei r purchase.These figures were derived by ISER based on Hausman's work (1979)with implicit discount rates for room air conditioners. Hausman found that the stock of a particul ar vintage of ai r conditioners was fairly well approximated by a Weibull distribution.By substituting differing lifetimes (EPRI 1979)for alternative appliances,ISER used his results to derive the figures in Table 5.16.For saunas and jacuzzis,RED assumes the appliance lifetime was comparable to refrigerators. Household Size Adjustments Clothes washers,clothes dryers,and water heaters are used more inten- sively by large families.Relying on a 1979 Midwest Research Institute study of metered appliances and family size U1idwest Research Institute 1979),ISER researchers calculated an adjustment factor for usage of electricity in clothes washers,clothes washer water,clothes dryers,and water heaters (Goldsmith and Huskey 1980b).As household size declines,so does energy use in these appli- ances,other things equal.Table 5.17 shows the equations used.ISER annual- ized the equations (which were based on daily use),normalized them to an average household size of three persons,and calculated a ratio to adjust calculated electricity consumption for average household size. Price Elasticities The final parameters used to compute the price section of this chapter. used in the Residential Module are the parameters effects described briefly in the module structure Because of the complexity of the algebra involved, 5.36 ~~ TIl,BLE 5.115.Percent of Appliances Remaining in Service Years After ,....Purchase,Ra i 1 be 1t Region a.Old Appliances 5 10 15 20 25 30---- -1"'''\Space Heat (All )0.90 0.80 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 Water Heaters 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clothes Dryers 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 Ranges-Cooking 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Saunas-Jacuz zi s 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 Refrigerators 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 Freezers 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 ~""Dishwashers 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Cl athes Washers 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 (1.0 0.0 --b.New Appliances Space Heat(Al 1)0.89 0.73 0.56 0.42 0.3 0.1 r~\~ater Heaters 0.75 0.35 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Clothes Oryers 1.00 0.75 0.35 0.1 0.0 0.0 Ranges-Cooki ng 0.75 0.35 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Saunas-Jacuzzi s 1.00 0.75 0.35 0.1 0.0 0.0 Re fr i gerato rs 1.00 0.75 0.35 0.1 0.0 0.0 Freezers 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.35 0.1 0.0 Dishwashers 0.75 0.35 o .1 0.0 0.0 0.0 ~Cl othes \~ashers 0.75 0.35 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sou rce:ISER (Goldsmith and Huskey 198Gb)except for saunas-jacuzzis, which is author assumption. --( 5.37 TABLE 5.17.Equations to Determine Adjustments to Electricity Consumption Resulting from Changes in Average Household Size Appliance E9 uat i on Clothes Hasher AHS(a)=1 x AHH(b) Clothes Wa s her Water AHS =0.25 +0.75 AHH -.Clothes Dryer AHS =0.25 +0.75 AHH Wa ter Heater AHS =0.51 +0.49 AHH (a)AHS =Adju stment factor. (b)AHH =Average househol d si ze (Based on 3.0). the discussion of this topic has been given its own chapter (Chapter 7.0), where the parameters are reported.The values for the parameters came frorn ~1ount,Chapman,and Tyrell (1973). - - 5.38 .~. 6.0 THE BUSINESS CONSUr1PTION r10nlJLE The Business Module forecasts the requirements for electricity in the commercial,light industrial,and government sector of the Railbelt economy. The figures predicted here do not consider the impacts of explicit program- induced conservation.Program-induced conservation is handled in the Program- Induced Conservation rlodule.Heavy industrial use is forecasted exogenously, as described in Section 10.0. ;,IECHANI sr1 The structure of the forecasting mechanism in the Business Consumption ~odule is dictated by the availability of data that can be used to produce forecasts.Unlike many Lower 48 utility service areas,the Railbelt has a very weak data base for estimating and forecasting commercial,1 ight industrial,and government electricity consumption.No information exists forconsurnption of electricity by end use in this settor,so RED produces an aggregate forecast of business electricity consumption.The Business Consumption ~10dule uses a forecast of total employment for each load center to forecast business (commercial,light industrial,and government)floor space.The module then uses this forecast of the stock of floor space (a proxy for the stock of capital r.>quiprnent)to predict an initial level of business electricity consumption.This initial prediction is then adjusted for price impacts to yield d price-adjusted forecast of business electricity consumption. INPUTS AND OUTPUTS Table 6.1 presents the inputs and outputs of the Business Consumption r'1odule.Load-center-specific forecasts of total employment are exogenous to RED.Currently these come from forecasts of the ISER Man in the Arctic Program (r1 AP)mod e 1.Th eel as tic ity 0f use per s qua ref00 t 0f bu il din g spa ce and pric e adjustment parameters are assigned in the Uncertainty Module.The output of the Business Consumption MJdule is the price-adjusted forecast of electricity requi rements of the business sector before the impacts of program-induced conservation are considered. 6.1 I I 'II TABLE 6.1.Inputs and Outputs of the Business Consumption Module a)Inputs Symbo 1 TE~1P GBETA A.R,A .OSR ,GSR b)Output s Symbo 1 BlJSCON t10nULE STRUCTURE Name Total Regional Employment El ectricity Consumption Floor Space Elasticity Price Adjustment Coefficients Name Pri ce-Adjusted Bus i ness Co nSLDTIpt ion From Forecast File (exogenous) uncertainty Module (paramete r) uncertainty module (pa rame t e r) To Miscellaneous,Peak Demand and Conservat ion r10dul es Figure 6.1 presents a fl ow chart of the modul e.The fi rst step is to use employment forecasts to construct estimates for the regional stock of floor space by five-year forec.ast period.The predicted floor space stock is then fed into an electricity consumption equation that is econometrically derived to yield a preliminary forecast of business requirements,which is then adjusted for price impacts. After investigating several alternative methods for forecasting business fl 00 r space,Batte 11 e-Northwes t researchers decided to use a ve ry s i mpl e formulation of the floor space forecasting equation in the 1983 version of REO.The floor space per employee in Anchorage and Fai rbanks is ass LDTIed to increase at a constant rate to levels about 10%and 15%,respectively,above today's levels by the year 2010.This takes into account both the evidence of historic increase in floor space per employee in Railbelt load centers and the ~ historic lower levels of floor space per employee in Alaska compared with the nation asa whole.The assumption is still quite conservative,since Alaska l s commercial floor space per employee is far below the national average.The forecasting equation is shown as equation 6.1. --6.2 FORECAST EMPLOYMENT CALCULATE BUSINESSi GOVERNMENTi LIGHT INDUSTRIAL FLOOR SPACE PRiCE FORECASTS (EXOGENOUS) CALCULATE PRELIMINARY BUSINESS ELECTRICAL CONSUMPTION PRICE AND CROSS·PRICE ADJUSTMENTS BUSINESS CONSUMPTION PRIOR TO CONSERVATION ADJUSTMENTS PRELIMINARY BUSINESS USE COEFFCIENTS (UNCERTAINTY MODULEI PRICE ADJ PARAMETERS BUSINESS SECTOR (UNCERTAINTY MODULE) where FIG URE 6.1•REO 13 u sin ess Con s lJn pt ion ~10 du1 e STOCK =fl oar space in business sector a = initial (1980 )floor space per employee b =annual g rowt h factor (l plus growth rate)in floor space per employee TH1P =total employment =index for the region t =time index,t-=1,2,3,•••,7 k =time index,k=1,2,3,•••,3L 6.3 (f).1) I I III The controlling data series for the commercial forecast is an annual estimate of commercial floor space,which is derived for the period 1974 to 1981.The beginning point is an estimate of commercial floor space in the two locations developed by ISER (Table 6.2 and Table 6.3)that shows the 1978 stock of energy-using commercial floor space in Anchorage to be about 42.3 million square feet (from whi~h 860 thousand square feet of manufacturing floor space were subtracted to yield 41.4 million)and in Fairbanks about 10.8 million square feet.This estimate was adjusted backwards and forwards for the period 1974 to 1981 using a predicted construction series (Equation 6.4)to produce a stock series for the two locations. Once the forecast of the stock of floor space is found,the module then predicts the annual business electricity requirements before price adjustments, based on a regression equation: - - where PRECON it =exp(BETA i +BBETA i x 1n(STOCK it )](6.2) PRECON =nonpri ce adju sted bus i ness consumpt ion BETA =parameter equal to regression equation intercept BBETA =percentage change in business consumption for a one percent change in stock (floor space elasticity). exp,ln =exponentiation,logarithmic operators t =index for the forecast year (1980,1985,•••,2010). Finally,price adjustments are made with the price adju-stment mechanism ide ntic a1 tot hat i nth e Re sid ent ia 1 Co nsump t ion MJ du1 e. where - BUSCON OPA PPA GPA p ri ce-adju sted business requi rements (MWh) own-price adjustment factor =cross-price adjustment factor for fuel oil =cross-price adjustment factor for natural gas. 6.4 - ~ f 18,918 23,149 4,630 27,i79 M1ATS Survey (Anchorage Bm'Jl,1975) t~inus Non-energy Using (parking lots, c erne t erie s,etc.) Energy Using Floor Space 20 Percent Adjustment for Underreporting TABLE 6.2.Calculation of 1978 Anchorage Commercial-Industrial Floor Space 10 3ft2 42,067 Sectors l. 2. 3. 4. not Included in Survey: Girdwood/Indian(a) Eagle River/C~Ugiak(b) Ho tel s I ~10 tel s C) Assorted Cultural Buildings(d) 53 300 1,000 500 29,632 It em:(e) .~' Retail Trade Warehousing Education \·/ho 1e sal e Tr ad e Tran spo rt-Commu ni cat i on- Public Utilitites Government Manufacturi ng Other 6,148 3,722 3,528 3 ,131 2,663 1,405 706 7,331 Gr owt h Be t we en 19 75 -1 9 78 (f)(abo ut 25 %) 1978 Estimated Commercial-Industrial Floor Space(g) 7 ,400 37,000 General Educat ion Wa rehousi ng Hotels Manufacturi ng 25,120 5,000 4,520 1,500 860 1978 Non-Manufacturing Floor Space,Anchorage 36,140 Source:Adapted from Goldsmith and Huskey (l980b). 6.5 II I" TABLE 6.2.(contd) (a)Twenty-five businesses in 1975acording to telephone book.Assume 2,50fJ square feet/business. (b)Rased on the ratio of the housing stock in 1978 between Eagle River/Chugiak and Anc ho rag e. (c)Assumes 2,000 rooms at 500 square feet/room.Based on Jackson and Johnson 1978,p.40. (d)Forty-six establishments identified in 1975 telephone book.Average size assumed to be 10,000 square feet. (e)Detail does not add to total in original.Total was asslJT1ed correct. (f)Thi sis based upon two indicators.The fi rst is the growth in employment between 1974-75 and 1978.Civilian employment was as follows:1974- 58,700,1975 -69,650,and 1978 -76,900.Employment growth was 31%in the period 1974 to 1978 and 10%in the period 1975 to 1978.(State of Alaska, Department of Labor,Alaska Labor Force Estimates by Industry and Area, various issues.)The second is the growth in the appraised value of buildings over the period 1975 to 1978.After adjusting for inflation,the increase was 48%.Based on the assumption that the rapid employment increase in 1975 resulted in undersupply of floor space in that year,we assume a 25%growth in floor space between the summer of 1975 and 1978. (g)Independent estimates of floor space in 1978 in the educational category and the hotel/motel category were available from the Anchorage School District and Anchorage Chamber of Commerce,respectively.The remaining growth was allocated proportionately among the other categories. TABLE 6.3.1978 Commercial-Industrial Floor Space Estimates Greater Anchorage Area An cho rage Kenai-Cook Inlet Matanuska-Susitna Seward Greater Fairbanks Area Fairbanks Southeast Fairbanks Source:Adapted from Goldsmith and Huskey (198Gb). 6.6 Mill ion Square Feet 41.4 36.1 3.2 1.5 0.6 10.8 10.4 0.4 -" ".... The price-adjusted business requirements are then passed to the Program- Induced Conservation and Peak Demand Modules. PARAlJIETERS As described in the subsection on MECHANISM,the data base available in the Railbelt for forecasting business electricity consumption is very weak. Among the principal problems in forecasting for this sector are the following: •No information on electricity consumption by end use exists for this sector in the Railbelt • •Many of the Railbelt's large commercial users of electricity (considered industrial users in many electricity demand forecasting models)are primarily commercial users.In addition,many government offices are in rented commercial space.This makes it impossible to use employment by industry to forecast electricity consumption separately for commercial,industrial,and government end-use sectors since the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes in which employment is typically reported do not at all correspond to the traditional end-use sectors of electricity-demand models. o While an e~timate exists for the stock of business floor space in the Railbelt in 1978 and can be used to estimate the intensity of commercial electricity use,the only comprehensive data base on commercial (including industrial and government)building •construction available to estimate changes in stock is subject to tight copyright controls.It was necessary,therefore,to estimate historic construction to derive historic series of the stock of business floor space. These problems made it reasonably clear that forecasts by end use or even end-use sector were impossibl e.However,it was unclear whether stock or employment was a better predictor of business electricity consumption. The approach used to r;esolve the issue consisted of three steps.First, the historical relationships of electricity consumption per employee and per 6.7 II III square foot of commercial floor space were examined to determine the most appropriate relationship on which to base the forecasts.second,equations developed for related work were applied to the two locations and examined as to the plausibility of their forecasts.Finally,a less sophisticated forecasting .methodology was devised due to data limitations.This methodology took maximum advantage of the existing Railbelt data base. The historical relationships of electricity consumption per square foot and per employee in the commercial sector were examined to determine whether one or the other of the two relationships was more appropriate as a basis for consumption forecasting electrical energy consumption.This examination,~ reported in the subsection on consumption below,concluded that floor space was theoretically superior and a sl ightly more stable predictor of electricity consumption. Floor Space Stock Equations Several different methods were used in an attempt to forecast commercial building stock in the Rail belt.These methods included adapting forecast equations from related work performed by Battelle-Northwest in the Pacific Northwest and the nation as a whole.It was not possible to directly estimate building stock equations for the Railbelt due to copyright restrictions on the use of the data used to estimate the Pacific Northwest and national equations. The forecast method used a relatively unsophisticated approach to develop floor space forecasts.Commercial sector energy consumption and building stock figures for Anchorage and Fairbanks were compared to similar estimates in the Lower 48.These comparisons then formed the basi s for the method used for forecasting floor space. Data on lI ac tual"floor space in the commercial sector are scarce;this 1 imited the comparison to one year (1979 for U.S.figures;1978 for 6.8 ,,-. Alaska).(a)Some Lower 48 multistate regional estimates,but no independent state-wide estimates,were availabl e.Table 6.4 summarizes the results of these comparisons to Railbelt estimates for a variety of sources. An average 531 square feet per employee existed in commercial buildings in the U.S.in 1979 (using Energy Information Administration data on square foot- age and total U.S.employment,less mining and manufacturing employment). Broken out by region,the figures ranged from 364 to 751.The highest space- per-employee ratio occurs in the North Central region,and the smallest is in the l~est.Comparable figures for 1978 in the Railbelt fall at the lower end of that range.For comparison,the table shows estimates from a survey performed by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)by commercial building type: trade employees use 891 ft 2 ;services employees use 1194 ft Z;and office employees use 305 ft2.Figures for the distribution of commercial square footage by building type in the U.S.do not exist,but if the square footage estimates in Table 6.4 are accurate,they may indicate a relatively higher proportion of offices in the Railbelt on average than in the U.S. Estimates for the Railbelt from historical data (1978)and the RED model (1980)fall below the U.S.national average for square footage per employee. The estimates are reasonable,however,and the differences largely reflect -differences in the precise definition of employees (U.S.Department of Commerce or State of Alaska definition)in the available data used in the denominator. The reasonableness of the square-footage-per-employee figure in the Railbelt can also be evaluated by examining comparable figures for kWh/employee and kWh/ft 2 in Table 6.4.The 1979 national average energy use shown is 7303 kl~h per employee.Regional averages range from 4468 kWh in the West to 9997 in the North Central region.With California's moderate temperatures (low heating (a)F.W.Dodge,a divi sion of McGraw-Hi 11,Inc.,markets local hi stori cal estimates of residential and nonresidential construction by building type, from which estimates of historical building stock may be generated. However,copyright restrictions on these data prevented their direct use in RED model development unless they were purchased for use in the project.Tests of the data base in other projects persuaded us that the expense of purchasing the F.W.Dodge data set for use in RED Model development was not justified. 6.9 II III TABLE 6.4.Comparisons of Square Feet,Employment,and Energy Use in Commercial Buildings:Alaska and U.S.Averages 22 (range 5-65) EIA(a,b) IJ •S• (19 79 ) NE NC S W Alaska(1978)(c) Anchorage Fairbanks Cl imate Zone(a,b) <2000 CDO(d) <2000 COO <2000 COO <2000 COD >2000 COD PG&E (1981)(f) 7000+HOD(e) 5.5-7000 HOD 4-5,500 HDD <4000 ·HOD <4000 HOD ft2 /Employee 531 562 751 476 364 375 336 kHh/Emp 1 oyee 7,303 7 ,310 9,997 7 ,358 4,468 7,851 7 ,550 13.75 13.02 13.31 15.45 12.27 20.9 22.5 10.21 13.02 11.16 15.15 16.80 ,~ Power Counci 1 (1983)(g) Warehouse Offi ce Hospi tal BPA (1980)(h) Trade servi ces Offi ce RED Alaska (1980)(i) Anchorage Fai rbanks 891 1,194 305 429 360 Retail/Wholesale Office l4arehouse real th 8,407 7 ,496 16 36 45 18.16 7.75 5.34 24.31 19.57 20.80 - (a)EIA 1983. (b)U.S.Bureau of the Census 1980b. (c)Goldsmith and Huskey 1980b. (d)COO =cooling degree days (e)HOD =heating degree days (f)Pacific Gas and Electric Co.1981. (g)Northwest Power Planning Council 1983. (h)Bonneville Power Assocation 1982. (i)RED Model Run Case HE.6--FERC 0%Real Increase in Oil Prices (Employment Alaska Department of Labor basi s from MAP model). 6.10 ,- and low cooling load)in the West,and the large heating load in the North Central,these figures are reasonable.Maska's figures of 7851 and 7550 kWh per employee are slightly higher than the national average,which follows, given Maska's hours of winter dayl ight and temperatures.No independent utility survey-based estimate could be found. The RED model (1980)predicts 8,407 and 7,496 kWh per business sector employee in Anchorage and Fairbanks,respectively.The definition of employees differs between the two estimates for the Railbelt,but a figure 10 to L5% higher than the NC region for an area such as the Railbelt that has large heating,lighting (due to shortened days),and"a reasonable cooling load is not unacceptable. The national average kilowatt-hour use per square foot in commercial buildings shown in the table is 13.75 kWh/ft 2 •The regional averages vary from 12.27 kWh/ft 2 in the West up to 15.45 kWh/ft 2 in the South.Alaska's figures are almost double the Western regional average.This reflects the relatively high consumption per employee and low square footage per employee.First assumptions might attribute this to the relatively high heating load,but a comparison of regions by climate zone [that is,by heating-degree (HOD)and cool i ng-degree-days (COD)]does not support thi s hypothesi s.t1Jvi ng from the coldest to the warmest climate,kWh/ft 2 figures basically increase.Assuming Alaska belongs to the coldest cl imate classification,Railbelt averages might be expected to fall at the bottom end of the range.Also,the Railbelt commer- cial building stock is predominantly heated with gas or oil,which ought to put the Railbelt at the bottom of the range,not the top. An alternate explanation would examine the mix of commercial building types within the regions.In all cases,warehouses are the least energy intensive,while restaurants,grocery stores,and health facilities are relatively energy intensive.Estimates by Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) (1981)ranged from 5 to 65 kWh/ft 2 ,with an average of 22.A report prepared for the Pacific Northwest Power Planning Council (1983)showed existing commercial stock consumption at 16 kWh/ft 2 in warehouses,36 kWh/ft 2 in offices,and 45 kWh/ft 2 in hospitals.BPA estimates (1982)show consumption in warehouses around 5.5 kWh/ft 2 ,offices at around 8,retail facilities around 6.11 II III 18.25,and health facilities at 24.5 kWh/ft 2 •As shown in Table 6.3,non- energy usi ng commerci al space has been el iminated to the extent possibl e in the Railbelt figures.These figures suggest (as in the ft 2/employee case)that the Alaska mix of commercial buildings may lean relatively more heavily toward more energy-intensive space 1 ike offices,restaurants,and hospitals.In addition, the Alaska consumption data include some industrial sector consumption and therefore inflate the estimates of kWh/ft 2 • Lack of data in the area of square feet of stock of commercial buildings severely 1 imited the depth of these comparisons.The comparisons that were performed are only as good as the data from which they were derived,which varied considerably in quality.However,figures for square foot,energy,and employee ratios estimated from available data suggest that estimates from the RED model are fairly reasonable,especially considering the level of sophistication of the model and the quality of available data. Given the problems reported below with a satisfactory statistical rela- tionship for predicting noar space,a rather simplified approach to fore- casting commercial floor space was used.This approach is that .square footage per employee will grow from its current low level to reach current Lower 48 values by the end of the forecast period,2010.Although this is not a very satisfying alternative,professional judgment suggests this to be more appro- priate than the other options.It recognizes a direct relationship between floor space and employment and permits fairly easy use of sensitivity analysis. This simpl ified formulation is derived by assuming that floor space per employee grows by 10%in Anchorage by the year 2010 and by 15%in Fairbanks. This is a conservative assumption since best estimates put Anchorage growth in stock per employee at about 11%for the 1970s,and Fairbanks'growth at 46%• .The year 2010 stock-per-employee estimates (U.S.Department of Commerce definition of employment)woul d then be 412 square feet and 386 square feet per employee in Anchorage and Fairbanks,respectively.This brackets the 1979 U.S. western regional average.These growth rates are then applied to the 1980 estimates of Railbelt load center floor space per employee (Alaska Department of Labor employment definition).This provides commercial floorspace forecast equations for the two cities as follows: 6.12 - - Anchorage Fairbanks 429.5(I.0033)k x Emp~oyment 360.4(1.0046)k x Empl Dyment \~here k is the forecast period in years.The only change necessary for forecasting was to convert the annual growth rates into five-year forecasts. The -coefficients are shown in Table 6.5. TARLE 6.5.Business Floor Space Forecasting Equation Parameters Load Center Anchorage Fa i rbanks Parameter Values a·b·1 1 429.5 1.0033 360.4 1.0046 Other i1=thods Tri ed In previous versions of the REO model,the parameters used to forecast the annual'change ir"l floor space stock were extracted from work at Battelle- Northwest for SPA.Staloff and Adams developed a theoretical and empirical formulation of a stock-flow model for the demand and supply of floor space.(a)Using three-stage least squares multiple regression,they estimated their system of equations using pooled cross-section/time-series data for the years 1971-1977 for the 48 contiguous states and tested the equation on Alaska data,among other regions. In their formulation,the percentage change in the stock of floor space is a function of the changes -in the following:the annual change of the nominal interest rate,the annual percentage changes of the Gross National Product (GNP)deflator,the annual percentage change in regional income,and the annual percentage change in regional population,as well as some cross-product terms: (6.4) (a)Staloff,S.J.and R.C.Adams.1981 (Draft). 6.13 !!!II (6.4) contd - where Stock =floor space stock 61-13 9 =parameters t.=symbol for the first difference (annual change) GNPDEF =gross national product price deflator POP =population INC =income =index for the region £=index for the year II =symbol for the annual percentage change r =nominal interest. The Anchorage Consumer Price Index (CPI)was used as a proxy for the GNP price deflators.It is assumed (as historically revealed)that the nominal interest rate was approximately three percentage points above the measure of inflation.A proxy for regional income was derived by multiplying regional. employment by the statewide average wage rate.Parameter values are shown for equation 6.4 in Table 6.6. TABLE 6.6.Or i gina 1 REO Floo~Space Equation Parameters Parameter Coefficient Standard Error T-St at is tic 61 -0.1291 0 •.00345 -3.75 62 1.27 53 0.2566 -4.97 63 0.3553 0.0302 11.76 64--0.113 0.0037 -3.04 65 0.1929 0.0355 5.43 66 -0 .0947 0.0078 -12.09 67 -0.0078 0.0008 -9.92 13 8 ~0.0116 0.0253 -0 .46 69 -0.0412 0.0061 -6.68 6.14 - - Table 6.7 shows how well the stock-flow floor space relationship performed in Anchorage and Fairbanks historically.Although the stock-fl o~"equation performs fairly well on backcast and could be used to predict stock of COlnmer- cial space for the historical period,in forecasts of future years it predicted virtually no growth in square footage per employee in FairbankS and vigorous growth in building stock per employee in Anchorage.Since Fairbanks l actual commercial stock per employee grew faster between 1974 and 1981 than Anchor- age's stock per employee,this forecast result appeared incorrect.For fore- casting purposes,the equation was replaced with a simpler formul ation that trended square footage per employee from existing levels in the Railbelt to near the current western average. TABLE 6.7.Predicted Versus Actual Stock of Commercial-Ll~~t Industrial-Government Floor Space,1975-1981, (million square feet) ,',.11. Fo recast Error Fo recast Er ro r Anchorage as Percent of Fai rbanks as Percen t 0 f r Year Predicted Ac tua 1 (%)Predicted Ac t ua 1 (%) 1975 31.2 -7 .2 6.6 -3.8 ,~1976 33.8 -9.3 7.2 -18.1 1977 37 .0 -6.9 7 .8 -23.0 1978 40~5 -2.4 8.2 -24.1,-1979 42.3 -1.1 9.4 -16.0 1980 43.8 -0.7 9.9 -13.3 1981 44.7 -0.4 10.4 -9.2 .....(a)Because of the double lag structure of equation 6.1,only 1975-1981 can be compared. Source:Unpubl ished test results of Staloff and Adams (1981 Draft). -. Several other equations estimated for related national commercial buildings work at Battelle-Northwest were also applied to the Railbelt to determine their ability to forecast floor space.The equations used were estimated using pooled Lower 48 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) and non-SMSA level data.The magnitude of the units of the independent 6.15 I',III variables (primarily the population~employment,and construction activity variables)was within an order of magnitude of those in Alaska.However,the magnitude of population,employment,and construction activity in the Railbelt is still small compared to those in the U.S.data used to estimate the equa- tions.This may partly explain why building stock equations estimated with Lower 48 data do not perform well when appl ied to Alaska. Annual additions to commercial floor space were estimated with several linear,logrithmic,and difference forms as a function of the following: •lagged commercial building stock additions •AAA bond rate in two forms--current and first differences o population,both lagged and first difference •employment,both lagged and first difference •income,both lagged and first difference. The equations "fit"the data on which they were estimated reasonably well, with R-square values generally above 0.9 and significant t-values on all coefficients.However,the equations did not perform well when applied to the two Alaska locations.All of the equations,in fact,produced negative levels of construction in forecasts.As mentioned above,this may be partly due to the magnitude of the units of the independent variables in relation to those used to estimate the equations.r''bre importantly,the special behavior of the Alaskan economy may not be adequately described by equations estimated using data from the Lower 48 states. Business Electricity Usage Parameters, These parameters were estimated with regression analysis.Using predicted historical floor space shown in Table 6.7(a)and using historical commercial- light industrial-government electricity consumption,the following regression equations were estimated: I"ffl, - - - In(CON it )=BETA i +BBETA i x In(STOCK it )+Sit (6.5) (a)Copyright restrictions precluded the combining of "ac tual"data--that is, estimated construction based on FW Dodge construction data and 1978 building stock estimate produced by ISER.Predictions of historical floor space were done with equation 6.4. 6.16 ....., \'Jhere CON =historical business sector consumption U1I-Ih) 8ETA =intercept BBETA =regression coefficient STOCK =predicted stock of floor space,·hundreds of square feet E =stochastic error term. ,...,..Ta b1e 6.8 presents the results of the regression analysis.(a)The parameters BBETA are allowed to vary within a no rma 1 distribution,truncated at the 95%confidence intervals in An chorage and 90%in Fairbanks •• TARLE 6.8.Business Consumption Equation Results BETA standard error t-statistic BBETA standa rd erro r t-statistic GAI~I"1A standard error t-statistic THETA standard error t-statistic R 2 Anchorage -4.7963 0.6280 -7.6368 1.4288 0.0491 29.1159 0.9906 Fa i rbank s -0.9611 3.6314 -0.2647 1.1703 0.3293 3.5538 0.1629 0.0535 3.0444 -0.0028 0.0024 -1.1547 0.9121 - The estimating equation (equation 6.5)was modified with dummy variables for Fairbanks to capture and remove the effects of a rising trend in Fairbanks electricity prices after 1974 and the effects of the pipeline boom on consump- tion from 1975 to 1977.The regression equation estimated for Fairbanks is as follows: (a)Regression intercept was adjusted to cal ibrate consumption in the business sector to its actual 1980 value for forecasting purposes. 6.17 In(CON t )=BETA +BBETA x·In(STOCK t )+GAMMA x V +THETA x OT +Et wi th CON t ,BETA,RBETA,and E defined as above and where 0 =Dummy vari abl e (1974 through 1981 =1) V =Dummy variable (1975 through 1977 =1) T ::::Time index for T =1,9.(1973 th ro ugh 1981 ).~., GAr~MA ,THETA =regression coefficients. The dummy variables were held at zero in forecasting. (6.6) The historical electricity consumption data were obtained from FERC Form 12s for the Railbelt utilities (supplied by ISER)and from Alaska Power Administration.These data lump together commercial and industrial sales by size of demand and there is no reliable way to disaggregate these two types of consumers.This is fe1t to be a significant shortcoming of the data series. Commercial and industrial loads should be separated because the typical characteristics of industrial demand for electricity are different from the demands of commercial and government users.Part of past Railbelt industrial load identified by subtracting commercial consumption for users over 50 KVa from the Homer Electric Association (HEA)service area load and assJIning this load was mainly industrial.(a)Historical loads are shown in Section 13.0. Historical electrical consumption per square foot of estimated commercial floor space and per employee~and estimated floor space per employee are displayed in Table 6.9.The consumption per estimated square foot in Anchorage shows a 2.0%annual increase for the period,while Fairbanks shows an annual decrease of 3.1%.The actual cause of this decrease in Fairbanks is unknown, but may be due to declines in space heating,or to priced-induced conservation, or to growth in warehouses as a proportion of commercial stock.The floor space is low at the beginning of the period on a per-employee basis relative to Anchorage (as well as other-known estimates)but then increases at a faster (a)The major industrial users in HEAls service area include Union Oil, Phillips Petroleum,Chevron U.S.A.,Tesoro-Alaskan Petroleum Corp.,and Collier Chemical.Other large commercial (non-industrial)users'are included in HEAls over-50 KVa figures,but could not be separated. 6.18 - - ,~' - - TABLE 6.9.Electricity Consumption Per Employee and Square Foot and Square Footage Per Employee for Greater Anchorage and Fairbanks,1974-1981 kI.~h/ft2 k\~h/Emp 1oyee ft2/Emp 1 oyee Year Anchorage Fairbanks Ancho rage Fa i rbank s Anchorage Fa i rbank s 1973 19.9 27.7 6612 6631 332.6 217.8 1974 19.5 26.8 6414 5399 329.8 201.1 1975 21.1 31.7 6341 5368 300.0 169.1 1976 22.8 30.5 7044 5641 309.1 185.2 1977 22.9 30.8 7445 6922 325.5 (24.1 1978 21.9 29.6 7847 7550 359.1 255.1 Ig79 20.8 23.5 7663 6858 369.2 292.4 1980 22.9 21.7 8644 6913 377.6 318.3 1981 23.3 21.5 NA(a)NA NA NA (a)Not applicable. rate.Once the floor space per employee estimates for Fairbanks reach silnilar levels to those in Anchorage,the kWh/ft 2 figures for Fairbanks appear to stabilize. The energy consumption per employee figures show increases over time of 3.4~~and 0.5%annually for Anchorage and Fairbanks,respectively.(a)These two series show some instability with slight decreases in 1975 and 1979.The growth rates are too high,too unstabl~,and too dis~arate for long-term appl i- cation,reflecting a period of extreme growth within the state.With more disaggregated data,employment may prove to be a suitabl e argtlTlent for industrial electricity consumption.However,with a rather 1 imited Railbelt industrial sector,forecasts of industrial demand are better handled on a scenario building basis;i.e.,identify industry expansion plans case by case. Several regression equations were estimated in an attempt to develop a theoretically satisfying relationship to predict el~ctricity consumption (a)No data are available on consumption of electricity by SIC industry code.~1ultiple regression techniques proved unsuccessful in determining the separate effects of each subsector ' s employment on commercial demand, due to high colinearity among explanatory variables. 6.19 I I In separately in the commercial,light industrial,and government sectors.All failed most normal statistical tests.The aggregate nature of the electricity consumption data and employment data,the rather high trend exhibited for per- employee consumption,and the 1 imited data series prevented statistical estimates of consumption ona per-employee basis.No further attempt was made to estimate a statistical relationship between electricity consumption and emp 1oyment. Business Price Adjustment Parameters ~ The parameters used in the price adjustment mechanism are an important part of the business electricity forecasting mechanism.As in the Residential ~ Consumption ~·1odule,the parameter default values and ranges were picked froln t,1ount,Charman,and Tyrell (1973).Chapter 7.0 discusses these parameters and_ their use in the price adjustment mechanism. - - 6.20 ·..... .- - ,.,.,. ....I ~, - - 7.0 PRICE ELASTICITY This section describes the price adjustment mechanism employed in the RED model.In both the Residential and Business r"odules,this mechanism modifies preliminary estimates of electricity consumption generated elsewhere in the model.Changes in consumption are made to account for changes over time in electricity,natural gas,and oil prices.The changes in electrical consump- tion computed by the price adjustment meChani sm can be considered price-induced conservation of electricity.(a)Outputs from the price adjustment mechanism are the final REO electricity consumption estimates for each sector,region, and time period. The remainder of this section is divided into four parts.A brief general introduction to the RED price adjustment mechanism is given in the next sub- section.This is followed by a survey of economic literature on electricity demand.In the third part,the structure and parameters selected for the REO price adjustment mechanism are discussed.Implementation of the selected structure and parameters is described in the final subsection. THE REO PRICE ADjUSTMENT MECHANISM The RED price adjustment mechanism is motivated by economic theory,which hypothesizes the following:consumption of any commodity is determined both by "scale"variables such as population,income,and employment,as well by the prices of the particular commodity,its substitutes,and its complements. Elsewhere in the RED model,preliminary estimates of electricity consumption are generated,with consideration only of "scale"variables.The price adjust- ment mechanism described in this section completes the analysis of consumption determinants suggested by economic theory. The mechanism works in the following manner.Preliminary,non-'pri.ce adjusted estimates of electricity consumption by region,sector,and time (a)Of course,with falling electricity prices or increases in gas and oil prices,the price adjustments could result in increased electricity con sum pt ion 0 r "neg at i ve con ser vat ion"0 f e1ect ric ity•Th e pric e adjustments include fuel switching. 7.1 I I III period are introduced into the model.These preliminary estimates were generated under the assumption that 1980 price levels are maintained through the year 2010. The price adjustment mechanism accounts for the fact that prices in any forecast period K are not necessarily the same as prices in 1980,even in real (inflation-adjusted)terms.If real electricity prices increase (decrease)in any region and sector between 1980 and period K,economic theory suggests that electricity consumption in that region and sector would decrease (increase) relative to its non-price-adjusted preliminary estimate.Conversely,if real natural gas or oil prices increase (decrease)in any region and sector between 1980 and period K,electricity consumption in that region and sector would increase (decrease)relative to its non-price-adjusted preliminary estimate because natural gas and oil are substitutes for electricity.Thus,the RED price adjustment mechanism scales preliminary estimates of electricity consumption upward or downward based on changes in real electricity,natural gas,and oil prices. The amount by which preliminary Reriod K consumption is scaled upward or downward depends on three general factors:1)the percentage change in real electricity,natural gas,and oil between forecast period K-1 and forecast period K,as well as price changes occurring prior to period K-1;2)the short- run elasticities of electricity demand with respect to the three prices;and 3)the speed with which final consumers of electricity move toward their long- run equilibrium consumption levels when these prices change,which is represented by a "lagged adjustment coefficient",or alternatively,the long- run demand elasticity.Short-run elasticities of demand are defined as the percentage change in consumption in year t caused by a one percent increase in price in year t.Own-price elasticities refer to changes in electricity consumption caused by changes in electricity prices;cross-price elasticities refer to changes in electricity consumption associated with changes in either natural gas or oil prices.Short-run elasticities represent the instantaneous adjustment that consumers make when prices change.Of course,in the case of electricity,a significant period of time may pass before consumers have fully responded to a price change in year t:time is required to change old habits, 7.2 - ~ I """'I - - to replace old appliances with more energy-efficient ones,to weatherize residences or commercial/industrial buildings,and to switch to other energy sources.The lagged adjustment coefficient represents the rate at which consumers move toward their final equilibrium consumption level;the higher this coefficient,the more current consumption depends on past consumption,and thus the slower consumers respond to current price changes.In fact,simple algebra can show that the long-run demand elasticity (either own-or cross- price),which is defined as the percentage change in electricity consumption in year t +co caused by a one percent change in price in year t,can be defined in terms of the lagged adjustment coefficient and the short run elasticity.The formula for the long-run elasticity ELR is given by ELR =ESR 1-'\ where ESR is the short-run elasticity and ,\is the lagged adjustment coefficient. (7 .1 ) ,- - Alternatively,a set of long-run price elasticities can be entered into the mechanism.These elasticities describe the change in consumption caused by a price change once the consumer has reached a point of equilibrium with that pri ce change. LITERATURE SURVEY Since the "energy crises"of the early 1970s,an extensive economic/ econometric literature on the demand for energy,and electricity in particular, has been generated.A survey of this literature was performed with two primary objectives:first,to identify possible structures of the RED price adjustment mechanism;second,given the structure,to identify potential parameter values for the mechanism.These objectives center around the concepts of elasticity and adjustment coefficients.In performing the survey,the objectives led to the following questions. •Should the RED Residential and Business Sectors be combined or modeled separately? 7.3 •Should the own-price elasticity be a constant or a function that depends on the price level? o Should both natural gas and oil cross-price elasticities be included in the mechanism and should these elasticities be constant or vary by the price levels of the two fuels? •Should the relationship between short-run and long-run price elas- ticities (both own-and cross-)be modeled explicitly by including lagged adjustment coefficient in the mechanism,or should the t\~O types of elasticities be included in the mechanism separately? o Once the structure is selected,what are the most appropriate values for the parameters of the mechanism? All of the studies surveyed were econometric in nature,in which electri- city demand functions were estimated using statistical techniques.A variety of data bases was used in these studies,and the fuctional forms,independent variables,and estimation techniques employed varied substantially as well. All but a few of the studies modeled residential,commercial,and industrial electricity demand separately;in many studies,only one of these sectors was considered.Many of the studies estimate price elasticities that do not vary according to price levels;this is accomplished by regressing the natural logarithm of consumption on the natural logarithms of the prices and other independent variables.The coefficients of the price terms can then be interpreted as elasticities.Non-constant elasticities were estimated in a few studies,using a variety of functional forms.One method of estimating variable price elasticities is to regress the natural logarithm of quantity on the natural logarithms of th-e prices,the natural logarithms of the other independent variables,and the reciprocals of the prices: - log Q ~a +b log P +++cliP +++(7 .2) where "l og "denotes natural logarithm,Q is consumption of electricity and P its price,a,b,c are parameters to be estimated,and "+++"denotes the other price a~d independer.t variables in the equation.In this specification,the own-price elasticity is equal to b -c(p,which depends on P. 7.4 - ,',... .- Several studies include only natural gas as a substitute for electricity, a smaller nllTlber include only oil,and some studies include both.The substi- tute commodities included in an eqllation depend on the intentions of t~e researcher and the type of data used:neither oil nor natural gas prices typically vary much in cross-sectional samples,so their effects on electricity consumption are difficult to discern when using this type of data. Finally,the type of elasticity estimated (short-run,long-run,both) varies across the studies survey.In studies using time-series data,the coefficients on prices and the other independent variables are typically inter- preted as short-run elasticities.An exception to this occurs when lagged consumption is included as an independent variable in the estimation equation; then,the coefficients in the prices represent short-run elasticities,and the long-run elasticity is given by equation 7.1 with A the coefficient on lagged consumption.In equations estimated using cross-sectional samples,the coefficients are typically interpreted as long-run elasticities.Pooledtime- series --cross-section samples pose a bit more of a problem;the estimated coefficients contain both long-run and short-run effects.However,when lagged can sump t ion i sin c 1 ud ed a san ex p1 a nat ary va ria b1 e,the pric e cae ff ici en t s again represent short-run elasticities and long-run elasticities are again given by equation 7.1. Table 7.1 summarizes the econometric studies of residential electricity demand surveyed.For each study,the type of el asticity est imated (constant, variable),the time period for which it is relevant (Short-run,long-run, both),and the type of data used (cross-section,time-series,pooled cross- section --time-series)are presented.Also shown are the substitutes'prices and non-price factors considered in each study.The own-and cross-price elasticities estimated in each study are presented in Table 7.2.For those studies in which lagged consumption was included in the equation,its coef- ficient,the lagged adjustment coefficient,is also presented. Estimates of the short-run own-price elasticity vary considerably.In absolute values,the minimum estimate is 0.101,while the maximum is 0.3.Many of these differences can be attributed to the data used in the estimation; estimates based on national datd would be expected to differ from estimates for 7.5 TAEiE 7.l.Residential Electricity Oemand Survey Type of Clher Damnd Author Elasticity Iirre Fr i:JT'e Type of Data Substitute Prices l1:!tenni nants(a) Alderson,K.P.(1972)OJnstant Long run O'oss-section Average price Residential [)emnd for 1969"states of Natural Gas - ~ Electricity:Econmetri c Est irmtes For Cal Homi a and the lhited 9::ates. The ~nd OJqXlration, Santa ~tJnica,CA ,lInderson,K.P.(1973)Qmstant 9l0rt run Cross-section Fuel oil,Y,HS,SHU,NU, I€sidential Energy Use:long run 1969.states bottled gas,W,S ,lin Econmetric ,lInalysis R-coal 1297-NSF.lhe ~nd OJrp., Santa fvbnica,CA --.J.Raughnan,M.L.,fnnstant 9l0rt run TifIE series Ener'gy'price Vi,N.MT,LT,c;n Joskcw,P.L.,Dilip,K.P.long run 1968-1972 index Pi 1979 Electric POt.er in the 48 states lhited 9::ates:~txlels and Policy ktal'y?is. MlT Press,Carbridge,MA Blattenberg=r,G.R.,Constant 910rtrun TifIE series ttirginal price rrpe,fce,x, Taylor,L.O.,long run 1960-1975 nat ura 1 gas,ddh,ddc Rennhack,R.K.1983.states fi xed charg2 1If'·atural Gas Availability natural gas, and the Residential [)emnd price of fuel for Energl.The Energy oi 1 Journal.4(1):23-45 1-k11 vorsen,Robert.1976 Constant·Long run Cross-section Average price cr ' Pnn'Y*,J, 1I0ar6n d For Electric 1969 p2r thenn for 0,Z,R,H.E Energy in the United states all types of Statesll •Southern Econ gas purchased ,Journa 1.42(4):610-625.by sector J I ...•.J )J .J )J J J J J I j 1 1 ]1 )1 ]1 I ))1 J J 1 TABLE 7.2.Residential Survey Parameter Estimates 9-ort-lt.Jn Long-~n LCJJged G3s Oil fu1 Price (1,n Price MjustJrent Cross-price Cross-price Moor Elasticity Elasticity O:lefficient (>.)Elasticity E1ast icity JIllderson (1972)---0.91 --O.ll.. J'fiderson (1973)-0.3 -1.12 0.732 O.3Q 0.27L BalJ]h11an,et a1 (1979)..;0.19 -1.00 0.842 0.055,0.11L 0.015,0.009... Blattenberger,et al (1983)-0.101 -1.052 0.904 0.0025,o.rna Halvorsen (1976)---0.97 --O.Hi -.,J Halvorsen (1978)---1.14 --O.o!i... 00 Hi rst,Carn~(1979)-0.16 -0.83 --0.025,0.2Q 0.(l05,0.04L I-bJthakker,Taylor (1970)-0.13 -1.89 01373 M:Junt.O1apnan.Tyrrell -0.14 -1.21 0.884 0.025,0.21L (1973) .~I J j !.1 _I j J J ,)i J individual states,and estimates for more recent periods would be expected to differ from older estimates.The functional forms used and the set of indepen- dent variables considered also appear to playa role.However,in neither case does a clear relationship appear. The long-run own-price elasticities display even greater variation, largely because two methods of estimating these elasticities exist:1)using a cross-sectional sample,or 2)using a time-series or a pooled sample and including a lagged endogenous variable.For the studies surveyed,the second approach generally I eads to 1 arger (i n absolute val ues)estimates of the long- run own-price elasticity. As expected,in studies in which both long-and short-run elasticities are estimated,the long-run elasticity is larger in magnitude than the short-run elasticity.The relationship reflects the fact that conSLmers can 1'1anage only a limited response to price changes in the short run,when thei r housing an1 appliance stocks are fixed,but r~spond more fully over time when these stocks can be varied. Estilnates of the lagged adjustment coefficient do not vary as much as the other parameters;most estimates are about .85.Oil and natural gas price elasticities vary much less than the o.ther parameters of interest,but quite a lot relative to their magnitudes and are considerably smaller than the own- price elasticities. Most of the 1 iterature surveyed considered commercial and industrial elec- tricity demand separately.Industrial demand elasticities are typically larger than those in the commercial sector because of the large amounts of electricity used for purposes in which oil,natural gas,and coal serve as very good subs- titutes.In the commercial sector,most electricity consumption is for light- ing and cooling,uses in which fuel-switching is not as easy. The RED Business sector is a combination of industrial and commercial sectors.~st business concerns in the Railbelt,however,are commercial or 1 ight industrial.Therefore,the industrial electricity demand elasticities were deemed in~ppropriate to the Railbelt~and only the commercial electricity demand literature was surveyed. 7.9 Only two studies that deal expl icitly with the commercial sector were found.These two studies are summarized in Tables 7.3 and 7.4,which parallel Tables 7.1 and 7.2.Even among these two studies the estimated price elasti- cities vary considerably;the two short-run own-price elasticities are -.03 and -.29.The cross-price elasticities again vary considerably less,and are much smaller in magnitude than the own-price elasticities. For both the residential and commercial sectors,the hypothesis that own- price elasticities are constant was statistically tested and rejected by Mount, Chapman,and Tyrrell (1973)(MCT).In that study,own-price elasticities were found to increase in magnitude as the level of electricity prices increased. Thus,the absolute value of the own-price elasticity of electricity demand is higher in regions with high electricity prices than in areas with lower elec- tricity prices and increases (decreases)over time as the real electricity price increases (decreases)over time.In both sectors,oil and natural gas were each found to significantly affect electricity consumption,and long-run elasticities were found to be larger than short-run elasticities.However,the parameter estimates do vary according to sector;~10unt,Chapnan,and Tyrrell, who estimated models for both sectors,found significantly greater price responsiveness in the short run and long run in the commercial (Business) sector,with approximately equal lagged adjustment coefficients. SELECTION OF RED PRICE ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM STRUCTURE AND PARAMETERS On the basis of the literature surveyed in the previous section and consi- deration of the non-price modules of the RED model,the RED price adjustment mechanism was specified in the following manner. sect 0r Di vis ion Separate price adjustment mechanisms are used for the two end-use sectors. In the only study surveyed in which both sectors were considered,MCT found that the electricity demand elasticities for the two sectors were considerably different.Thus,specifying a single mechanism to be applied to both sectors would lead to biased estimates of the price adjustments in each sector.How- ever,each of the two mechanisms has the same structure;only the parameters and the price changes considered differ. 7.10 I~' - - 1 1 -1 J J 1 j 1 1 -J J 1 I ]1 1 j TAILE 7.3.Canrercia1 Electricity Demand Survey -.....I........ ....... Author feier1ei n,Jares G.,[\nn, Jares W.,fvtConnon, Jares C.1981.liThe IBnand for Electricity and N.ltl1'a1 rilS in the f'brtheastem United 9::ates ll •The Revi ew of EconOTJi cs and Statistics • AugJst 1981,pp.403-408 • Type of E1 asticity lbnstant TinE FraTE 9urt-run long-run Type of Data cross-sect ion tilre series 1967 -1977 regi anal NE 9.lbstitute Prices Nltl1'a1 gas, fue 1 oil Cther Oemnd rJetenni nants(a) Yj ,PEj • Qit-1j tbunt,T.D.,O1apnan, L.D.,and Tyrell,T.J. 1973.Electricity Demand in the lhited (tates i kt EConaretric Ala 1ysi s. Cbntract No.t.J-7405-eng- 26.ORNL,Oak Rid~, Tennessee Variable 9l0rt-run long-run Cross-sect ion Gas 1947 -1970 States Y,P,PI:.(\-1 (a)For synbo1s,see glossary at end of section. I I III -0, TABLE 7.4.Commercial Survey Parameter Estimates - 9nrt-fW Long-Run La;Jged Gls 00 Price CWn Price A:Jju strrent Cross-price A.rtllJr Elasticity Elasticity r.oefficient (;I.)Elasticity Bierlein,et.al.(1981)-0.03 -0.37 0.9167 0.045,0.4a M:lmt,et.al.(1973)-0.29 -1.36 02724 0.015,o.oa Oil Cross-price Elasticity -0.095,-1.0Sl Variable Elasticity The own-price elasticity in each sector is not constant,but varies with the level of the real electricity price.In the only study surveyed in which variable elasticities were estimated,MeT rejected the hypothesis that own- price elasticities were constant.Furthermore,a considerable amount of variation was found in the estimated own-price elasticities during the litera- ture survey.This variation could be caused in part by variations in the est i mat in9 s am p1e Sip ric e 1eve 1s• These factors would be unimportant if the level of electricity prices in the Railbelt region were fairly similar to the mean level of prices used in estimating the constant elasticity equations,if the levels of electricity prices within the Railbelt were uniform,and if real electricity prices in the Railbelt were not expected to change during the forecast period.In such a case~the estimate from a constant-elasticity model might provide a reasonable approximation to the true elasticity in the Railbelt.Even if the true elasticity were variable,when evaluated at the mean level of prices,it would be similar to a constant elasticity estimated with the same data.Unfortu- nately,none of these conditions hold;the average level of Railbelt electri- city prices in 1980 was significantly below U.S.average electricity price; within the Railbelt,the level of Anchorage electricity prices was less than half the level of Fairbanks prices in 1980;and in several of the RED price scenarios,electricity prices increase rapidly enough that by the year 2000 they are 50 to 100%higher in real terms than they were in 1980. Adjustment Over Time ~- - Long-term price elasticities are not entered explicitly into the mecha-- nism;instead,short-run elasticities and a lagged adjustment coefficient are 7.12 - employed.Thus,long-term elasticities appear explicitly in the mechanism via the relationship given above.This choice was made for three reasons.First, the explicit short-run elasticities are consistent with the impl icit long-run elasticities;that is,the elasticity estimates can be taken from the same study,estimated with a lagged adjustment coefficient.If the long-run elasticity were entered explicitly,it could not be taken from the same study as the short-run elasticity because it is impossible to obtain both elasti- cities from one equation except via the lagged adjustment coefficient.Second, since the lagged adjustment coefficient did not vary much across the studies, whereas the long-run elasticities did,choosing a value for A was more straightforward.Third,and most importantly,by including the lagged adjust- ment coefficient the impact of price changes in year t on consumption in year t +1,t +2,•••,t +10 can be assessed directly;because t +1,•••t +10 is neither the short-run nor the long-run,with only the two sets of elasticities and no lagged adjustment coefficient these impacts cannot be directly measured, but only crudely guessed.This is particularly important in RED because it forecasts electricity consumption at five-year intervals;price changes in the first-year of the five-year period obviously have neither a long-run nor short- run impact on consumption in the fifth year of the period,but an intermediate i mpac t. Cross Price Elasticities Short-and long-run natural gas and oil cross-price elasticities are included in the mechanism.In several of the studies surveyed,one orthe..- other fuel was found to be a substitute for electricity,although due to data 1 imitations they were only considered simultaneously in a handful of studies. Thus,the effect of oil and gas price changes on electricity consumption, although small in relatinn to the effect of electricity prices,cannot be ,.--ignored.It is important to include these prices in the RED price adjustement mechanism for th.e following reasons.~1uch of the own-price elasticity of electricity demand can be attributed to "fuel switching."As real electricity prices increase,some households and businesses will,the mechanism predicts, "switch"from electricity to natural gas or oil for heating and other energy I"""uses.However,if real oil and gas prices are also increasing,the extent of 7.13 "' this fuel switching will be diminished.The cross-price elasticities are employed in RED to account for this.One would think that the amount by which this fuel switching is diminished because of rising gas and oil prices would be a function of the level of oil and gas prices;in other words,that these cross-price elasticities are not constant with respect to their corresponding prices.Unfortunately,none of the studies surveyed employed variable cross- price elasticity mOdels;thus,the cross-price elasticities in each of the two price mechanisms are constant. Parameter Estimates The parameter estimates for each of the two price adjustment rnechani SInS were taken from the study by rvbunt,Chapnan,Tyrrell (1973).Oil cross-price elasticities,which were not estimated in the MCT study,were based on profes- sional judgment and values taken from the 1 iterature survey.The parameter values used in RED are presented in Table 7.5.The MCT parameter values were used in RED for two reasons.First,their models were most consistent ''lith the structure sel ected for the RED price adjustment mechani sms;there are separate equations for the residential and business ~ectors,variable own-price elasti- cities are einployed,lagged adjustment coefficients are estimated,and a cross- price elasticity (gas)is included.Second,the elasticities estimated by MCT,. when evaluated at 1980 Anchorage and Fairbanks prices (in real 1970 dollars,as in MCT),appear reasonable.In the residential sector,calculated short-run elasticities were -.1462 in Anchorage and -.1507 in Fairbanks;calculated TABLE 7.5.Parameter Values in RED Price Adjustment ~chani sm - - - Short-Run Elasticities Own-P ri ce Natural Gas Oi 1 Lagged Adjustment Residential Secto r -.1552 +.3304/p(a) .0225 .01 .8837 . Business Secto r -.2925 +2.4014/p(a) .0082 .01 .8724 - ~, , j (a)Measured in mills per KWH,1970 dollars. 7.14 - .... ..... - r long-run elasticities were ~1.2571 and ~1.296,respectively.The short-run elasticities are sl ightly below the average of the estimates presented in Table 7.2;since average prices are rather low in the Railbelt,this result is satisfactory.The long-run elasticities are sl ightly above the average of the studies surveyed,since the MCT lagged adjustment coefficient is at the high end of the range of those surveyed.This is satisfactory for the Railbelt because electricity comprises a large share of consumers l budgets due to the cl imate and winter hours of darkness and because in the past residents of the area have been conservation-minded.The business sector short-run own-price elasticities evaluated at 1980 prices are -.2270 in t\nchorage and -.2600 in Fairbanks,and the respective long-run elasticities are -1.7788 and -2.0378. The short-run estimates are a little below the average MCT calculated,due to below-average Railbelt prices,and the long-run elasticities are at the high end of the range found in the survey. DERIVATION OF RED PRICE-ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM EQUATIONS The final outputs from the RED price adjustment mechanism are price- adjusted consumption of electricity for each sector,region,and time period, denoted RESCON iK and BUSCON iK •Each of these is equal to preliminary estimates of consumption,denoted RESPRE iK and PRECON iK ,multiplied by a series of price adjustment factors: (7 .3) where ~1iI! ::: K ::: t ::: OPA ::: PPA ::: GPA ::: ~ region index time period index sector index (:::1 residential,:::2 business) own-price adjustment factor oil (petroleLnTl)-price adjustment factor gas-price adjustment factor and denotes multiplication. 7.15 I I In Thus,final consumption in a sector is equal to preliminary,non-price adjusted consumption scaled upward or downward depending on the signs and mag- nitudes of the three corresponding adjustment factors.These factors combine information on price changes in periods K,K-1,.,own-and cross-price elasti- cities in periods K,K-1,•••,and lagged adjustment coefficients in the fol- lowing manner.First,denoting electricity,oil,and natural gas prices by PE iKZ 'PO WZ 'and PG iKZ '(define the five-year percentage change in prices): -- - PEl·K-1 z)/PE i K-1 Z " " POi K-1 z)/PO i K-1 Z"" (7 .5) (7 .6) PCPG iKZ =(PG iKZ -PG i ,K-1,Z)/PG i ,K-1,L Then calculate the average annual percentage change in price during the five-year period: PCPEA iKZ =(1 +PCPE iKZ )**.2 - 1 PCPOA iKZ =(1 +PCPO iKZ )**.2 - 1 PCPGAiKZ =(1 +PCPG iKZ )**.2 - 1 (7 .7) (7 .8) (7 .9) (7.10)- where "**"denotes exponentiation.Thus,during each of the years behJeen K-1 and K,prices increase'an average of 100 •PCPEA iKZ 'and 100 •PCPOA iKZ 'and 100 •PCPGA iKZ percent.~ The impact of a change in the price of electricity in the first year of the five-year period on consumption in the fifth year of the period can be analyzed in steps.First,the impact of the price change on consumption in the first year (denoted t)is given by (7.11) 7.16 where ~~8.denotes percentage change,0t is consumption in year t,sector t, region i,Pitz is the price,and ESR itz is the short-run own-price of electricity.Equation 7.9 states that consumption in year t falls (increases) in percentage terms by an amount equal to the price increase (decrease)scaled by the own-price elasticity (which is negative).The effect of the price change in year t on consumption in year t + 1 is the sum of two components. Fir s t,1agged co ns urn pt ion has fa 11 en by %8.Qi U'sot his per i 0 dis con s um pt ion falls by A%8.Qit£.Second,the price change which occurred 'in year t persists (the price did not go back to its year t-1 level)so consL§llption in year t +1 fa 11s byE SRi t +1 z •%8.Pi U •Th us,the c han ge i n ye art + 1 con sump t ion 0 f, , electricity caused by a price change in year t is given by ....., %8.Qi t+1 t ::A%8.QiU +ESR i t+1 £•"IollP iU, ,, , (7.12) (7.13) Similarly,the change in year t + 2 consumption is equal to the sum of two components: .... ,~ ~~8.0i ,t+2 ,£::A%Q i ,t+1,£+ESRi ,t +2 ,£•%8.Pi U This process can be carried out to year t,+4,the final year of the five-year period: 2 +>.:ESR i t+2 £+A ESR i t+3 z "" +ESRi ,t +4,£) 7.17 (7.14) (7 .15) (7.16) - which gives the percentage change in year t + 4 consumption resulting from the price change %lIP iU in year t.Similar price changes occur in year t + 1 (%1I Pi,t +1 ,R.)'t + 2 (%lI Pi,t +2 ,R.),t + 3 (%1I Pi,t +3 ,£.),and t + 4 (%lIPi,t+4,£.)'with equal percentage price changes assumed during each of the five years.That is: ..... - (7.18) (7.17) %lIQ,.t+4 R.,, The impact of these individual price ch~nges on consumption in year t +4 can be derived in a manner similar to that used to obtain equation 7.1fi.The sum of the impacts of the five annual price changes is given by equation 7.18: =PCPEA i Ia •()4 ESR it.! +2).3 ESR,".t+1 £.+3). 2 ESR i t+2 £.",, +4).ESR.t+3"+5 ESR i t+4 £.),,,'"" Equation 7 .18 accounts for price changes which occur between period K-1 and K;price changes which occurred before K-1 also influence consumption in period K,just as pricechanges in period t affect consumption in,for example, period t +9: %lIQ i ,t+9 ,R.(7.19) +•••+A 5 ESR i ,t+4,R.+A4 ESR i ,t+5,R. """ ++A ESR i t+8 £.+ESR i t+9 £.) "" The combined total impact of the five annual price changes in t,t+l,t+2, t+3,t+4,on consumption in period t+9 (period K+l)is given by 7.18 ~0 -\5~,O IO/).·i ,t+9,2 -1\'oLl i ,t+4,2 (7.20) 3 ESR i ,t+5,2 +2.\ESR i ,t+6,2 +3.\2 ESR i ,t+7,2 +4.\ESR i ,t+8,2 +5ESR i t+9 ~)., , Extending this analysis forward,combining terms,and rearranging,one obtains the percentage change in any five-year period K as a function of average annual price changes between K-1 and K,K-2 and K-1,etc: (7.21) ( K +I m=l 3 ESRi ,K1 ,2 +2.\E5Ri ,K2 ,2 2 +3)..ESR i ,K3,2 +4)..ESR i ,K4,2 +S ESR i ,KS,') Where the subscripts K1",K5 denote,respectively,the first year in the period between K-1 and K,the second year in the period between K-1 and K,etc.The summation over past price changes takes into account that these price changes persist:that once prices have increased,the increase and its effects are permanent,until and unless future price decreases offset them. Equation 7.17 defines OPA i k 2 as the percentage adjustment to electricity, , -consumption which must be made because of real electricity price changes. Restated, 7.19 OPA iKl =.\5 OPAi,K_l,l +Ct pePEA;",,)•(A 4 ESR;,k!,' (7.22) - +.\3 ESR i ,K2,l +.\2 ESR i ,K3,.e. +A ESR;,K4,'+ESR;,K5 ,.) Similarly,price adjustment factors for oil and natural gas price changes can be derived,with one simplification -the oil and gas cross-price elasticities are constant.Thus, "'"', I .... •(.\4 +2.\3 +3.\2 +4.\+5) PPA iKl =.\ 5 PPA i ,K-l ,.e. +•OSR l (7.23) - 5 =.\GPA i ,K-l,l •(.\4 +2A 3 +3\2 +4.\+5) (7 .24) where OSRl is the short-run oil cross-price elasticity in sector ~and GSR~is the short-run gas cross-price elasticity in sector .e.. 7.20 All t hat r em a ins i s t 0 a tt ach val uest 0 E5Ri •Kj .9..• Inth e r'1 CT stu dY, short-run elasticities are defined by ESR ==a -b/P.(7.25) .- - ..... ,.... Implementation of this requires calculating the average elasticity for a given year Kj,so that (7.26) -.5 Bo/P.K'0~1,J ,'" where Pi,Kj-1,.e is the price at the end of the year before Kj,and Pi ,Kj,9..is .the price at the end of year Kj. 7.21 I y HS SHU ~U w S Yi N Pi MT LT mpe fce x ddh ddc Cr Prm y* J o Z R H E PR YH A U M HA T HT GLOSSARY OF SYMBOLS =income per household =average family size =single detached housing units (fraction of total) =nonurban housing units (fraction of total) =mean December temperature mean July temperature =income per capita (67 dollars) =population density =energy price index relative to CPI (dollars per Btu) =average temperature of warmest three months of year (OF) =average temperature of coldest three months of year (OF) =marginal price of electricity =fixed charge for electricity =total personal income heating degree days =cool i ng degree days =number of residential customers =marginal price of electricity =per capita personal income =average July temperature =heating degree days =population per square mile =percent rural population percent of housing units in single-unit structures =number of housing units per capita =average real price of residential electricity,in cents per kwh average real income per capita,in thousands of dollars =index of real wholesale prices of selected electric appliances =percentage of population living in rural areas =percentage of housing units in multiunit structures average size of households =time =stock of occupied housing units 7.22 .... - .... - - - '~ I""" I u EU 9t-1 =average size of housing units =the fraction of households with a particular type of equipment =thermal performance of housing units =average annual energy use for the type of equipment =usage factor =lagged personal consumption expenditure for electricity per capita in 1958 dollars. Xt =total personal consumption expenditure per capita in 1958 dollars p =implicit deflator for electricity/implicit deflator for peE (1958=100) Yj =value of retail sales PE j =average deflated price per KWH of electricity Qit-1j =lagged per capita fuel consumption Y =income per capita P =population PE =price of electricity (mills per KWH) Qt-1 =lagged demand in millions of KWH. L =long run .... - ....., 7.23 - - 8.0 THE PROGRAM-INDUCED CONSERVATION MODULE The purpose of the Program-Induced Conservation 1'10dule is to account for the electricity savings that can be obtained with a given set of conSL!Tler- installed conservation technologies and government policies,together with the associated costs of these savings.The peak demand or capacity savings of the technologies set are calculated in the Peak Demand ~10dule. The module forecasts only those portions of conservation that are not rnarket-or price-induced.The module was developed as part of Rattelle- Northwest's Alaska Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study in 1981 and was designed as a tool to enahle the State of Alaska to analyze the impact of potentia1 large-sca1e conservation programs.The future of such programs in Alaska is in doubt (Tillman 1983)and the data on the savings and costs of existin,g programs are uncertain.The Program-Induced Conservation i"odule was not used in the 1983 updated forecasts,but a description of the module is given be10w. MECHANISt1 The fuel price adjustments in the Residential Consumption and Business Cons umpt i on ~bdul es account fo r rna rket-i nduced techno 10 gy-re lated <;onservat ion impacts,as well as reductions in appl iances use and changes in the way in which they are used.The Program-Induced Conservation .t''Ddule analyzes government attempts to intervene in the marketplace to induce conservation via loan programs,grants,or other policy actions.The module accounts for the effects of this program-induced conservation on demands for electric energy and generating capacity. RED separates conserved energy into two parts:energy saved from the actions of residential consumers and energy saved from reduced energy use in the business and government sectors.Figure 8.1 provides a flow'chart of the process employed. A separate,interactive program developed with RED (CONSER)is called by RED to prepare a conservation data file.This file contains information on the 8.1 - START CONSER LOAD DATA FILE - .,.,\ ""'" - - SALES SUM OVER USES -SAVINGS, •COS TS A.DJUST ~ REQU1RE'.'E"lT_S I FOR SUBSIOII~.?I CONSERVATIO~ CALCULATE •SAvrNGS •COSTS IN NEW ANO EXISTING USES SUM OVER OPTIONS •SAVINGS •COSTS OUTPUT'S en fCTRICITY SAVfD e(()'5T OF SAVI"lGS~VlAI((ORRI.C nON FACTOR--._------ RESIOENTIAL REQUIRE."ENTS I RESIDENTIAL "ODULE) ADJUST REQUl REI.~ENTS FOR SUBSIDIZED CONSERVATION CALCULATE TOTAL COST OF CONSERVATION. BY OPTION GO TO NEXT CONSERVATION OPTION TECHNICAL INPUT •PEAK CORRECTION ·FACTOR IPCF) TECHNICAL INPUTS •MAXIMUM SATURATION .-PAYBACK RULE TECHNICAL INPUT •UNSUBSIDIZED INSTALLED COST TECHNICAL INPUTS •SUBSIDIZEO INSTALLED COS T .O&M COST TECHNICAL INPUTS .ELECTRICITY SAVED ellFETIME .ELECTRICITY PRICES AlJSINfSS INPUTS [NEW &EXISTING USES) efolOTENTIAL SAVINGS .....RO?O~nON SAVED ePi:.AK CORRECTION FACTOR -COST uF SA.VINGS, MWH CONS~RVATION DA TA FILE SELECT RESIDENTIAL CONSERVATION OPTION WRITE •SATURATION .·PCF TO CONSERVATION FI LE RED Program-Induced Conservation ModuleFIGURE8.1. various consumer- (up to ten options - thequeries may be CONSER each option of market acceptance of the residential sector, and the level options.For parameters of costs,energy savings, installed conservation user for the technical 8.2 I~ - ,- - ,- - included).Based on a user-supplied forecast of electricity prices and the costs associated with each option,CONSER calculates the internal rate of return on each technology.The user compares thi s rate to a bank passbook savings rate as a very loose minimum test of acceptability.If the user decides,based on this comparison,that the option should be included in the analysis,CONSER calculates the payback period for each option.CONSER then writes the default values and range of values for the option ' s market sat urat ion rat e t 0 an 0 ut put dat a f·i 1 e.Th e use r i s the n que ried for the market saturation of electricity in the use that the conservation option offsets (e.g.,electric water heating).This market saturation is also written to the output data file. Government residential conservation programs primarily reduce the effective purchase price of conservation options to the consumer.Therefore, CONSER next requests the user l s estimate of consumer purchase and installation costs for each option with and without government subsidization.The saturation of each technology with and without subsidization is calculated and is written to the output data fil e. For the business sector,CONSER requests the potential proportion of predicted electricity use that might be saved through conservation,the estimated proportion of these potential conservation savings that are realized, and the costs per kWh for conservation savings in existing and new buildings. These values are also written to the output data file,which now becomes an input data file for the Conservation r1:Jdule. RED uses the residential conservation infonnation in the CONSER data file to account for the impacts of the conservation technologies under consideration.First,the amounts of conservation occurring in the residential sector with and without government subsidization are calculated by multiplying together the electric use saturation rate,the conservation saturation rate, and the nunber of households.Next,the level of program-induced conservation is calculated by subtracting the nonsubsidized conservation savings from the subsidized figure.Finally,this figure is subtracted from the price-adjusted residential requirements to derive the utilities'total residential sales. 8.3 The business conservation calculation separately addresses the sales to new and existing uses,and two potential pools of electricity savings are calculated.For simplicity,existing uses are defined as the previous forecast periods'electricity requirements,whereas new uses are defined as the difference between the previous period1s requirements and the current period's requirements.The two potential pools of savings are the sales to new uses and retrofits times user-supplied potential savings rates (for new uses and retrofits).The predicted level of savings in each case is found by multiplying the potential pools of savings times user-supplied conservation saturations with and without government intervention.Finally,the total program-induced savings are derived by subtracting the savings without government intervention from sales with government intervention for both new and existing uses.Total price adjusted requirements,minus program-induced business conservation,equals utilities'total sales to business. The economic costs of the residential conservation technology package are found by multiplying together the government SUbsldized conservation saturation rate,the electric saturation rate,the number of households,and the cost to consumers per installation without government intervention for each conservation option,and summing over options.For the economic costs of business conservation,the total megawatt hours saved by government~subsidized conservation is multiplied by the cost per megawatt hour saved. Fin all y,the Co nse rv at ion r-.rb du1 e ti e 1 ps cal cu1 ate the e ff ect 0 f conservation on peak demand.Unfortunately,not all conservation technologies can be given credit for displacing the demand for peak generating capacity. Therefore,CONSER queries the user for a peak correction factor,a variable that takes on a val ue between zero and one if the option receives credi t for producing some portion of its energy savings during the peak demand period; otherwise the value is zero.These peak correction factors for each option are aggregated in RED.First,they are weighted by the proportion of total program-induced electricity savings each option represents during a given forecast perlod.Next,the wei ghted correcti on factors are summed together. The resulting aggregated peak correction factor is sent to the peak demand model to calculate the peak savings of the set of conservation technologies. 8.4 ..-: - - - INPUTS AND OUTPUTS The inputs and outputs of the Program-Induced Conservation Module are summarized in Table 8.1.The potential market for the conservation option is defined by the total number of households served (HHS)and the saturation of the electrical devices (ESAT)whose use of electricity can be displaced by investment in a particular conservation option.ESAT equals the total market saturation of the appliance times the fuel mode split.The total nUTIber of households served is calculated in the housing module,while ESAT is interactively entered by the user.RCSAT,the penetration of the potential market by the conservation technology,is determined within the CONSER parameter routine.The technical energy savings and the costs of residential conservation devices (both installation and maintenance)are interactively specified within CONSER by the user. The business segments of CONSER also query the user for the potential and actual saturations of electricity conservation in the business sector and the costs per megawatt hour saved for business investments in conservation. Finally,the correction factors are decimal fractions that are interactively supplied by the user to CONSER and that reflect the extent to which conservation options receive credit for peak savings. The outputs of the Program-Induced Conservation ~1odul e are the fi nal electricity sales to the business and residential sectors,and ~he electricity savings of the conservation technology set considered in a given run of the RED mode 1. ~MODULE STRUCTURE The price adjustment mechanisms used in the Business and Residential ,-Consumption r-bdules employ price elasticities derived from studies that did not distinguish among the impacts of conservation technologies and other effects of energy price changes.Since conservation of electricity is argued to be induced either by energy price changes or by market intervention designed to encourage conservation,the treatment of conservation in REO was cautiously developed to eliminate the possibility of double counting energy savings and costs. 8.5 - Inputs and Outputs of the Conservation Module Peak Demand Mode 1 Residential Mc1ule From - - -. ,- I - 1nout To Report Report Residential Module Miscellaneous and Peak Demand Modules Miscellaneous and Peak Deman d Modu)es Business Modul~ CONSER,Interactive Input CONSER,Interactive Input CONSER,Interactive Input CONSER,Interactive CONSER,Interactive Input CONSER,Interactive Input CONSER,Interactive Input Uncertainty Module CONSER,Interactive Input CONSER,Interactive Input CONSER,Interactive InputResidentialsaturationofthe device (with and without govern- ment intervention) Total cost of conservation (business plus residential) Nam~ Aggregate peak correcti on factor Name Tota'households served Adjusted residential consumption Total electricity saved (busin~ss plus residential] Technical energy savings Installation and purchase cost of the residential conservation device Adjusted busi ness consumption Residential electric use saturati on Ooeration and maintenance costs of the residential conservation dev i ce Business conservation saturation rate (with and without Qovern- ment intervention)- Peak correcti on factor Cost per megawatt hour saved in bu si ness Business price-adjusted consumption . Exoected residential electri- city pd ce Price-adjusted residential consumo t ion Potential prooortion of elec- tricity saved in buslness in new and retrofit uses TABLE 8.1- a i ~ 5YTTIb a 1 HHS TECH COSTI COSTO RCSAT ESAT PRES RESCON CF PPES BCSAT CaST BUSCON b)Outputs 5YTTIb a 1 TCONSAV TCONCOST ADRESCON ADBUSCON ACF 8.6 - - In RED's formulation,the Program-Induced Conservation Module serves primarily as an accounting mechanism that tracks the impacts of a given set of technology options in the residential sector and the aggregate level of conservation in the business sector.However,since government policies and programs could have a significant,direct impact upon the level of conservation ado pte (j.and sin ce the inc r eme ntal i mp act s 0 f the sea ct ion s are not incorporated in the price adjustment process of the Residential and 8usiness Consumption ttodules,the Program-Induced Conservation r'odule explicitly calculates these impacts and accordingly adjusts the forecasted sales to cons umers. Scenario Preparation (CONSER Program) The calculations of the Conservation Module require scenarios of the saturation of conservation options,the expected electricity savings,and their associated costs.To reduce the amount of data entry in scenario preparation and to facilitate the use of a broad set of conservation technologies and government policy options,a separate program (CONSER)queries the user for information necessary to calculate the saturations,savings,and costs.These par arne te r s are the n writ ten t 0 a dat a fi 1e wher e they can be ace e sse d by the remainder of the Conservation t'odule.Two steps are required:l)determining if an option will achieve market acceptance;and 2)calculating market saturations for options gaining acceptance. The first step is to determine whether a specific conservation option will achieve market acceptance.For the residential sector,the way RED identifies acceptable options is to compare them with other investments available to the consumer.Conservation is an investment with a financial yield that can be calculated and compared with other investment options.By comparing the internal rate-of-return (IRR)of a conservation option with the market rate of interest,one can determine whether conservation options'return is sufficient to encourage market acceptance. The market rate of interest to which RED compares the internal rate-of- return is the standard commercial bank passbook interest rate.Passbook accounts have several characteristics: 1.They are virtually risk free. 2.They are extremely 1iquid. 8.7 I I III ·3.They have trivial requirements as to the size of the initial deposit. 4•Tn ey are rea di 1y avail ab 1eta eve r yo n e• Investments in conservation technologies,however,are characterized by the foll O\·ti ng: 1.ri sky 2.difficult to liquidate 3.(sometimes)require a large initial payment. These factors would cause most homeowner-investors to require a higher rate of return on conservation than those on passbook accounts to invest in conservation.Therefore,a conservation option can pass the internal rate market interest test even though it might not be adopted.Such a comparison insures that every option that could achieve market acceptance is included in the portfolio of conservation technologies to be considered. The IRR is calculated with the following formula: .... I (8.1) where T =lifetime of the device (maximum of 30 years) p =internal rate-of-return ~=subscript for the year.Takes on values 1 to 30 ES =value of electricity saved C =total cost of the option in the year subscript for the load center ~.= k =subscript for the option The value of electricity savings is based on the energy prices the consumer expects.It is calculated by querying the user for price forecasts and the electricity savings (in kWh)for each option and multiplying: where (8.2 ) PRES i TECH ik =doll ars per kWh in load center 'i =annual kWh savings in region i per installation of device k. 8.8 _. The cost (Ci£k)is the 1980 dollar installation and purchase cost in the year the device is purchased and the annual maintenance and operating 1980 dollar costs in all remaining periods. Recognizing that initial cost is a major barrier to conservation,the Congress has provided incentives for individual s to install energy-conserving equi~ent.Furthermore,the State of Alaska has also instituted several programs aimed to promote installation of conservation equipnent.Because the main impact of these programs is to reduce the initial cost of conservation, CONSER uses the subsidized installation and purchase costs of the device to forecast whether a device will achieve additional market acceptance over an unsubsidized case. As previously stated,CONSER requests the expected electricity price forecast for each year,the operating and maintenance costs,the kWh savings and the government subsidized purchase and installation costs of the device for each region.CONSER calculates the internal rate of return of the option, prints this information,and asks the user if the option is to be used.If it is,then the unsubsidized costs of purchasing and installing the option are also requested. If the scenario to be considered does not include government intervention, the installation and purchase costs entered for the subsidized and unsubsidized cases should be the same (and equal to the unsubsidized costs). The next step of scenario preparation is to determine the market saturation rate of each conservation option.RED employs a payback decision •rule to determine the default value and the range of the conservation saturation rate.Since the expected value of electricity savings probably is not constant across time,the payback period is calculated by dividing the installation and purchase costs by the cumulative net value of electricity savings (value of energy savings minus operating and maintenance costs), starting with the first year and continuing until the ratio is less than one. The nLlTlber of years required to drive the ratio to less than one is the payback period. The payback period is calculated for both the subsidized and nonsubsi- dized cases.Since the subsidi zed case usually will have lower installation 8.9 I I in and purchase costs,the payback periods for the subsidized case will usually be lower and the conservation saturation rates will usually be higher. CONSER also requests the name of the conservation option,a forecast of the market saturation rates for electric devices from which the option displaces consumption,and the peak correction factor for each conservation option.The saturation of electric devices is used within the Conservation Module to define the potential market of the conservation option,whereas the peak correction factor indicates the extent to which the option displaces electricity cons~nption at the peak.This information,as well as the costs and saturation of the conservation option (for the unsubsidized and subsidized cases),is wri tten to a data fi 1e for 1 ater access by the rema i nder of the Program-Induced Conservation Modul e. Funding constraints in the Railbelt Alternatives Study prohibited the development of detailed cost and performance data for business conservation applications.CONSER,therefore,requires the user to provide the following for both new and retrofit uses:the potential proportion of electricity that conservation technology can displace and an estimate of the proportion of those potential savings actually realized for subsidized and unsubsidized cases. CONSER also requests the cost per'megawatt hour saved for both cases and the peak correction factor for new and retrofit uses. This business sector information is also written to CONSER's output data file.By running CONSER with several different technology packages and government policy packages,conservation scenario files can be easily constructed for later analysis within RED. Residential Conservation Using the information from the data file that CONSER creates,the calculation of electricity saved by the set of technologies is straightforward.By l1)ultiplying the electric device saturation and the incremental nunber of households served,the total nlJnber of potential applications of the conservation device is found.The incremental number of households served in the first forecast period (1980)is zero,since the current consumption rates al ready include the current level of conservation. 8.10 - - """'" - - - - By next multiplying the potential number of uses by the savings per installation and the saturation of the conservation option,the amount of e1ectricity saved is derived: CONSAVit~=RCSATikj x TECH ik x (ESAT itk x HHS it -ESATi(t_l)k x HHSi(t_l) where CONSAV =electricity saved (kWh) RCSAT =conservation saturation rate TECH =electricity savings per installation (kWh) ESAT =electric device saturation rates HHS =total households served t =denotes the forecast period (l,2 ,3,•••,7) j =denotes subsidized (j=l)or nonsubsidized (j=o). The total electricity displaced through the residentia1 conservation set considered is found by summing across the options (subscript k): K RCONSAV itl =k:l CONSAV itkl where RCONSAV =residential electricity conserved (kWh) K =total number of residential opti'ons considered. Since the price adjustment mechanism does not account for government- induced conservation,the model next adjusts residential sales by the incremental conservation attributable to government programs: (8 .3) (8 .4) - ADRESCON it =RESCON it -(RCONSAV itl -RCONSAV ito ) where ADRESCON =final electricity requirements of residential consumers RESCON =price-adjusted residential consumption. 8.11 (8.5) I I III The electrical device saturation and the incremental number of households define the number of potential applications.The cost of purchasing and installing the option is calculated by multiplying the potential number of new uses by COSTI (the installation and purchase costs per option).Next,by multiplying COSTO (annual operations and maintenance costs per option)by the cumulation of previous forecast periods'potential uses,the operating and maintenance costs are found.Finally,by summing all these components,the total annual costs associated with conservation savings in a given forecast period can be found.nuring any forecast year,the annual costs are equal to one year's total installation costs,plus operating costs associated with all previous additions to stock: =[COST!i kj x RCSAT it kj x (ESATit k x HHS it - ESAT i (t_1)k x HHS 1(t_1));I'S +COSTO ik x CONCOST it kj t E RCSAT·k · x h=1 1 J (ESAT;hkj x HHS;h -ESAT;hkj x THHSi(h-l))](8.6) where CONCOST =the option's total annual cost COSTI unit cost in 1980 dol 1 ars for purchasing and installing the conservation option COSTO =unit cost in 1980 dollars of operating anq maintaining the conservation option h =forecast period subscript.Can take on values 1 to t. By summing over the options,the total costs of the residential conservation set is found. where K RCONCOST i tJ'=E CONCOST it.kJ' k=1 (8.7) RCONCOST =present value of the total costs of the set of residential conservation options. 8.12 - -. - The total costs of conservation are the unsubsidized total costs (RCONCOST ito )'consumers pay the subsidized costs (RCONSAV it1 ),and government pays the difference (RCONCOST ito -RCONCOST it1 ). Business Conservation For business conservation impacts,funding constraints prohibited collection of detailed cost and performance data.Fortunately,a 1 imited nunber of studies have estimated the potential energy savings and associated costs for aggregate conservation investments in new and existing buildings. RED separates the conservation impacts for the business sector into two parts:those arising from retrofitting existing buildings,and those arising-from incorporating conservation technologies in neVJ construction.As in the residential segment of the Program-Induced Conservation i'bdule,the potential pool of electricity that can be displaced must be identified for both new construction and retrofits.This "pool"is determined by the state of conservation technology and is supplied to the conservation module from the CONSER output fil e.The actual amount of conservation that occurs depends upon the price of electricity and competing fuels and upon the cost and perfor~ance characteristics of the options available.·This is also supplied by CONSER. In RED,the potential pool of displaced electricity for businesses is derived by first separating business sales into sales to existing structures and sales to new structures.For simplicity,the change from the previous periods·business requirements as calculated by the Business Consumption i'odule is assumed to be the sales to new buildings: ,~ SALNB it =BUSCON it -BUSCONi(t_l) where SALNB =sales to new buildings BUSCON =business consumption prior to conservation adjustments. Therefore,the sales to existing buildings are the sales in the previous period: 8.13 (8.8) where SALEX it =BUSCON i (t_1)(8.9) SALEX =sales to existing buildings. To find the potential pool of electricity use displaced through retrofits and incorporation of conservation options in new buildings,the Program-Induced Conservation Module multiplies the disaggregated sales figures times the potential percentage of electricity saved in new and retrofit buildings: where POTN8 it =SALNB it x PPESitN POTEX it =SALEX it x PRES itE (8.10a) (8.1Gb) These figures,however,only provide electricity that could be displaced. potential electricity savings will be POTNB =potential amount of displaced electricity in new buildings PPES =proportion of electricity that technically can be displaced via retrofit or incorporation of conservation options in new buildings. POTEX =potential amount of displaced electricity in existing buildings E =subscript for existing buildings N =subscript for new buildings. the technically feasible amount of Market forces determine what level of the achieved. In the residential segment of the Program-Induced Conservation Module,REO used an internal rate-of-return test and a payback period decision rule to determine first,whether an option would achieve market acceptance,and second, what level of acceptance it would achieve.As mentioned above,the information available for business conservation does not permit such an analysis. Therefore,the model user is required to assume a level of potential market saturation.The saturation rates (one for retrofits,one for new buildings) must reflect the prices of fuels (including electricity),the costs of the package of options employed,and the electricity savings expected for subsidized and nonsubsidized cases. 8.14 ...-a. The saturation rates are obtained from the data file CONSER creates.The displaced electricity can be found by multiplying the total saturation rates by the total potential pool of electricity savings: where BCONSAV itNj =BCSAT itN x POTNBitj BCONSAV itEj =BCSAT itE x POTEX itj BCONSAV =electricity savings BCSAT =saturation rate for conservation options in business. (S.lla) (8.llb) As in the residential sector,the business requirements must be adjusted for the incremental impact of government programs: ADBUSCON it =BUSCON it (BCONSAV itN1 BCONSAV itNo )(8.12) where -(BCONSAV itE1 -RCONSAV itEo ) ADBUSCON =adjusted business consumption. The total cost of the conservation set in a given future forecast year is given by multiplying the 1980 dollar cost per megawatt-hour saved by the conservation savings in each use: ,r-- where BCONCOST itj -(BCONSAV itEj x COST i Ej +BCONSAV itN1) BCONCOST =business conservation costs,future forecast year COST =1980 doll ar costs per megawatt hour saved. (8.13) The total costs of the conservation in a future forecast year to "society"is the nonsubsidized costs (BCONCOST ito )'whereas the value of the subsidy in that yeaT is (BCONCOST ito -BCONCOST itl ).and businesses bear only the subsidized costs (BCONCOST it1 ). 8.15 iii ill Peak Correction Factors The last item to be calculated is the aggregate peak correction factor for the incremental impact of government conservation programs on peak demand. This factor is calculated by weighting each option1s peak correction factor by the option's proportion of incremental conservation: K (CONSAV itkl -CONSAV itkO )x CF k =k:1 (RCONSAV i t1 -RCOI~SAV ito)+ (RCONSAV i t1 -BCONSAV~(8.14) (BCONSAV itEl -8CONSAV itEo )x CF E +(BCONSAV itNl -BCONSAV itNo )x CF N +(RCONSAV itl -RCONSAV ito )+(BCONSAV itl -BCONSAV ito ) where PARAI'1ETERS ACF CF --.=aggregate peak correction factor =option-specific peak correction factor,equal to the proportion of the electrical demand of displaced appliances that can be displaced at the peak demand period of the year (e.g.,January).- One of the requi rements of the Al aska state program whereby homeowners request state money to install conservation measures is that the payback period for the measure be less than seven years.Therefore.if a conservation option1s payback period is assumed to be greater than seven years.the options market penetration will be very limited,effectively zero.However,if tfle option pays for itself within the first year,then the option would penetrate the entire potential market immediately.The relationship between payback period and penetration rate for payback periods between zero and seven years is assumed to be linear.A range of 15%on these values is arbitrarily assumed. Table 8.2 presents these market penetration parameters. 8.16 - ~. 8.17 - 9.0 THE MISCELLANEOUS MODULE t1ECHAN I sr1 The Miscellaneous Module uses outputs from several other modules to forecast electricity used but not accounted for in the other mod~es,namely, street lighting,second homes,and vacant housing. INPUTS AND OUTPUTS This module uses the forecasts of electrical requirements of the residen- tial and business sectors and the vacant housing stock.The only output is miscellaneous requirements.Table 9.1 provides a summary of the inputs and outputs of thi s modul e. TABLE 9.1.Inputs and Outputs of the Miscellaneous Module ,.,....a)Inputs Symbol ADBUSCON ADRESCON VACHG b)Outputs Symbol MISCON ,~MODULE STRUCTURE Name Adjusted Rus i nes s Requ i rements Adjusted Residenti al Requi rements Vacant Housi n9 Name r~i scell aneous Requi rements From Program-Induced Conservation Module Program-Induced Conservation r10dul e Ho usin g tvb du1e To Peak Demand MJdul e Figure 9.1 provides a flowchart of this module.For street lighting,the requirements are assumed to be a constant proportion of conservation-adjusted business and residential requirements: SRit =sl x (ADBUSCON it +ADRESCON it ) 9.1 (9.1) ( RES I DENT I AL PLUS BUSINESS \...CONSUMPTION .J•, CALCULATE CALCULATE CALCULATE SECOND HOME STREET LIGHTING VACANT HOUSING CONSUMPTION REQUIREMENTS CONSUMPTION • SUM FOR MISCELLANEOUS CONSUMPTION • (. Ml SCE L LAN EO US CONSUMPTION FIGURE 9.1.RED Miscellaneous Module ./I!I!Ii, - - - -- !!"'!!,. where SR = ADBUSCON = ADRESCON = i = t = sl = street lighting requirements business requirements after adjustment for the incremental conservation investments final electricity requirements of residential consumers subscript for load center forecas t peri od (1,2,3 •••,7) street lighting parameter. For second-home consumption,RED calcul ates the number of second homes as a fixed proportion of the total nll1lber of households.A fixed consumption factor is then applied: SHR it =sh x CHH it x shkWh 9.2 (9.2) where SHR =second hOlne requi rements CHH =total nember of civilian households sh =proportion of total households having a second home shkWh =consumption factor. Finally,the use of electricity by vacant housing ts a fixed consumption factor times the nember of vacant houses: where VHR it =vh x VACHG it VHR =vacant housing requir~nents VACHG =n cmbe r of vacant houses vh =assumed consumption per vacant dwelling unit. (9.3) Total miscellaneous requirements are found by scmming the three components above: (9.4) where MISCON =miscellaneous electricity consumption. PARAMETERS Table 9.2 gives the parameter values used for the Miscellaneous t~odule. These parameters are all based on the authors 'assumption because no other source of information is available.Tillman (1983)found that Anchorage Municipal Power and Light has a conservation program in place to convert city street lights from mercury vapor lamps to high-pressure sodium lamps,resulting in some savings of electric energy.This is considered to be a one-shot success whose total impact grows proportionately to street lighting demand. Even since this program was instituted,miscellaneous demand has continued to grow.It is assumed that the effects of additional requirements for street lighting will partially offset the effect of conservation,and that 9.3 TABLE 9.2.Parameters for the Miscellaneous Module Symbol Sl sh shkWh Vh Name Street lighting(a) Proportion of households having a seco~d home(b) Per unit second-home consumption(b) Consumption in vacant housing(c) Value 0.01 0.025 500 k\4h 300 kt~h (a)1980 ratio of street lighting to business plus residential sales. (b)O.Scott Goldsmith,ISER,personal communication. (c)Author assumption.Reflects reduced level of use of all appl iances. this component of miscellaneous demand will continue to be about proportional to residential and business use in the future. 9.4 - _. 10.0 LARGE INDUSTRIAL DEMAND Large industrial demand for electricity in the RED model is not provided by the model itself;rather,the modeJ provides for a data file called EXTRA OAT,which is read by the program each time a forecast is made.The model user supplies a "most likely"default value forecast of electricity energy and demand at system peak to the EXTRA OAT file for each load center he wishes to include in the model run.If he wishes to develop a ibnte Carlo forecast,he must also supply forecasts for higher and lower probability conditions.These exogenous estimates can be assembled from any source;however,they should be consistent with the economic scenario used in any giveh model forecast.This was done for the 1983 update. The EXTRA OAT data set has other uses.Al though mi 1i tary demand for electricity in the Railbelt historically has been self-supplied,the model user could test the effect of military demand on utility sales or total Railbelt demand by adding military annual energy and peak to the exogenous forecast for each load center.self-supplied industrial energy can be handled in a similar fashion.Finally,EXTRA OAT can he used to account for cogeneration of electricity and for utility load management.The model user only needs to estimate the effect of such projects for 1980, 1985,1990,etc.on annual energy sales and load at the time of year when the electrical system peak load occurs.He then subtracts these estimates from his estimates of large indus- trial (plus military)annual energy and demand at system peak and enters the difference in EXTRA OAT for each forecast period and load center.This data f i 1e wi 11 acce pt neg at i ve n urn bers show i ng net con ser vat ion.Ot her ty pes 0 f conservation or demand that cannot be analyzed in detail in other sectors of the model can also be handled here.Examples might include agricultural and transportation demand for electricity or the impacts of district heating systems on electrical consumption. MECHANISM,STRUCTURE,INPUTS AND OUTPUTS The user supplies data for the file EXTRA OAT for each load center and forecast period on net total industrial,military,agricultural,transportation 10.1 I I III annual energy demand at system peak (net of cogeneration effects)for each load center for cumulative probabilities of 0.75,0.5 (default value),and 0.25 that demand will be greater than.or equal to the value specified.The model then adds these estimates to the appropriate reports in the forecast re~ults. Inputs and outputs are identical.Outputs are supplied to the Peak Module (to calculate system peak demand)and to the report writing routines. PARM1ETERS There are no parameters in the RED model large industrial demand calculations. 10.2 11.0 THE PEAK DEMAND MODULE Up to this point,only the method to forecast the total amount of electri- city demanded in a year has been considered.However,forcapacity planning, the maximum amount of electricity demanded (or peak demand)is probably more important.Peak demand defines the highest rate of consumption of electric ....."energy during the year.As identified in RED,it does not include losses of energy in transmission. i1ECHANISM Unlike the Lower 48,where utilities frequently have done extensive cus- tomer time-of-day metering and other analyses to estimate·peak demand by customer type and end use,the Railbelt utilities have virtually no information on peak demand by type of customer and end use.Consequently,the RED model does not forecast peak demand by end use;instead the Peak Demand Module uses regional load factors to forecast peak demand.The load factor is the average demand for capacity throughout the year divided by the peak demand for capacity in the year.RED fi rst cal cul ates the peak demand without the peak savi ngs of program-induced conservation.Next,the peak savings of the incremental pro- gram-induced conservation are calculated,taking into account the mix of con-. servation technologies being considered.Finally,by netting out the peak savings,RED calculates the peak demand the system must meet. INPUTS AND OUTPUTS -, ..... Table 11.1 provides a summary of the inputs and outputs of the Peak Demand ~'1odul e.The load factors (LF)are generated by the Uncertainty MJdul e,~vhereas the aggregate peak correction factor (ACF)comes from the Conservation r'1odule.The business,residential,and miscellaneous requirements (BUSCON, RESCON,and MISCON)come from the Business,Residential,and Miscellaneous Modules,whereas the conservation-adjusted requirements (ADRESCON and ADBUSCON) come from the Conservation r1odule.The outputs of this module are 1)the peak demand in each regional load center at the point of sale to final users,and 2)the incremental peak savings of subsidized conservation • 11.1 TABLE 11.1.Inputs and Outputs of the Peak Demand t10dul e MODULE STRUCTURE a)Inputs Symbo 1 LF RESCON . BUSCON AORESCON ADBUSCON ACF b)Output s Symbo 1 FPO PS Name Regional load factor Residential requirements prior to adjustment for subsidized conservation Business requirements prior to adjustment for subsidized conservation Residential requ"irements adjusted for subsidized conservation Business requirements adjusted for sub- sidized conservation Aggregate peak correction factor Name Peak demand Incremental peak savings From Uncerta i nty r·'odul e Residential Co nsump t ion 1.tJ du1e Rusiness Co nsump t ion rb du1 e Conservation Module Conservation Module Conservation Module To Report Re po rt ~I - Fi gure 11.1 provi des a flow chart of thi s modul e.Fi rst,the peak demand without subsidized conservation is calculated.This is done by dividing the total electricity requirements in each region by the product of the load factor times the ntJ1lber of hours in the year.Next,the same operation is performed - using energy requirements adjusted for the energy savings resulting from sub- sidized conservation investments.This yields the prel iminary peak savings. REO then adjusts the peak savings by multiplying the aggregate peak correction factor times the peak savings.The corrected peak savings are then subtracted from the peak demand calculated in the first step to derive the regional peak demand at the point of sale. The first step is to calculate the total electricity requirements without subsidized conservation by adding the residential,business,and miscellaneous requi rements: 11.2 - _ANNUAL SAVINGS DUE TO SUBSIDY •PEAK CORRECTION FACTOR [FROM CONSERVATION MODULE] CALCULATE PEAK SAVINGS LOAD FACTORS [FROM UNCERTAINTY MODULE) CALCULATE PRELIMINARY PEAK DEMAND ANNUAL ELECTRICITY REQUI REMENTS -RESIDENTIAL -BUSINESS •MISCELLANEOUS LARGE INDUSTRIAL DEMAND PEAK DEMAND FIGURE 11.1.RED Peak Demand Module TOTREQB it =BUSCON it +RESCON it +MISCON it (11.1) where BUSCON = RESCON = ~1I SCON = = TOTREQB =total electricity requirements before conservation adjustment (I"1Wh) business requirements before conservation adjustment U1Wh) residential requirements before conservation adjustment (MWh) miscellaneous requirements (MWh) index for the load center t =index for forecast period (t=1,2,•••,7). Next,the Peak Demand Module calculates the peak demand without accounting for the incremental conservation due to subsidized investments in conservation by applying the load factor: 11.3 ! I !II TOTREQB i t =,..-;:'---;;-=;'="LF it x 8760 (11.2) where PD =peak demand (r1~J),~, LF ;:load factor 8760 =number of hours in a year p =index denot ing prel iminary. To calculate the peak savings due to subsidized conservation investments, RED first must find the incremental number of megawatt hours saved: TOTREQSit =BUSCON it -AOBUSCON it +RESCON it -ADRESCON it where (11.3) TOTREQS =incremental megawatt hours saved by subsidized conservation investments AOBUSCON =business requirements after adjustment for the incremental impact of subsidi zed co.nservation ADRESCON =residential requirements after adjustment for the incremental impact of subsidized conservation. Next,peak savings are found by multiplying the incremental electricity saved by the aggregate peak correction factor and applying the load factor: where TOTREQ\t =ACF it x LF it x 8760 PS =peak savings (MW) ACF =aggregate peak correction factor. (11.4)-J' Finally,by subtracting the peak savings from the preliminary peak demand, the final peak demand for each region is derived: PD "tpl 11.4 (11.5) ,-where FPD =index denoting final peak demand. PARM1ETERS The only parameters in the Peak Demand Module are assumed for the Anchorage and Fairbanks load centers. shown in Table 11.2. the system load factors These load factors are r--TABLE 11.2.As sumed Load Factors for Railbelt Load Centers Load Factor (%) Load Cente r Defaul t Range Anchorage 55.73 49.2-63.4 Fa i rbank s 50 .00 41.6-59.1 In the RED model,peak electricity demands are estimated as a function of the seasonal load factors (average energy demands/peak energy demands)for the major load centers in the Railbelt.Thus,identification of appropriate load factors is crucial in determining the need for peak generating capacity for a given amount of forecasted electrical energy demand. Forecasting fut~re load factors and thus,peak ~lectrical energy deman~s, is a difficult process because of the interaction among many factors that determine the relationship between peak and average electrical demands.The analysis conducted in support of the parameter estimates in Table 11.2 quanti- tatively and qualitatively evaluated annual load factors for the Anchorage and Fairbanks load centers.The impacts of the diversity between the two load centers in the timing of the occurrence of peak loads is also briefly discussed below. Simple trend-line fitting and more complex ARIMA time series modeling were used in an attempt to develop quantitative forecasts for future load factors for the Anchorage and Fairbanks load centers.A qualitative analysis was also 11.5 conducted of the impacts of conservation programs,changes in customer mix,and other variables as they may affect future load factors for the two load centers. The central conclusion arlslng from the analysis is that no scientifically defensible basis for projecting that future load factors for the Anchorage and Fairbanks areas will either increase or decrease could be developed within the resources 0 f the st udy.(a)Thus.average load factors fo r the peri od 1970-1981 of 0.56 for Anchorage and 0.50 for Fairbanks were used as default values in developing peak demand estimates.Historic minimum and maximum values of the .load factors of individual utilities in each load center were examined.The lowest and highest of these in each load center were used as the minimum and maximum load factor values for the load center. Quantitative Analysis of Trends in Load Factors in the Railbelt Trend analysis is not a preferred approach to forecasting future electri- cal load factors and peak loads in the Railbelt.Ideally.the methodology for forecasting future load factors over a long-range planning horizon (in RED. 30 years is the planning horizon)should incorporate information on structural variables that determine the load factor.Examples of such structural vari- ables are the forecasted demands of different customer classes (i.e ••residen- tial.commercial.and industrial)and the forecasted patterns and saturation rates of appliances. Developing a structural econometric model of l·oad factors and/or peak loads is a complex task.In addition.while Anchorage Municipal Light and Power has conducted very 1 imited metering of residential sector customers.in general there is no data base in Alaska that associates patterns of residential electrical use with appliance stock and socioeconomic characteristics.Even less data are available on the commercial sector.Thus.the data necessary for building a structural time-of-use model are not available for the Railbelt (a)This is consistent with Anchorage Municipal Light and Power findings of no trend in load factor (personal communication.Max Foster.At1lP economist. to Mike King.June 11.1981). 11.6 - "'"" -, .~. -- -, area.Thus,in this study,quantitative analysis of Anchorage and Fairbanks load factors wa s 1 imi ted to trend ana lys is. Simple Trend Analysis Table 11.3 presents estimates of the annual load factors for areas approximating the Anchorage and Fairbanks service areas and the month in which the peak load occurred in the period 1970-1981.The load factors presented in Table 11.3 were estimated by the following equation: REG PMW*8.76 where REG =regional energy generation for Anchorage or Fairbanks areas in gigawatt hours pr1W =largest monthly peak regional energy demand for Anchorage or Fairbanks areas in megawatts. TABLE 11.3.Computed Load Factors and ~1onth of pe 9 k)Load Occurrence for Anchorage and Fai rbanks 1970-1981 ~a Load Facto r Peak Load t>nnt h ,.- ! Year 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 0.524 0.575 0.562 0.585 0.589 0.495 0.583 -0.548 0.576 0.593 0.541 0.559 An chorage December Janua ry December January December December December December December December December Decembe r Fa i rbank s Load Factor Peak Load f1Jnth 0.445 December 0.443 December 0.486 January 0.505 January 0.446 December 0.474 Decembe r 0.555 January 0.466 Decembe r 0.553 January 0.574 January 0.488 December 0.511 December -, (a)Computed from data presented i ri DOE/APAdmi n (1982). 11.7 ! I !II All data for estimating the load factors were obtained from tables developed by the Alaska Power Administration (APAdmin)(OOE-APAdmin 1982).The area designated as the "Southcentral"region in the APAdmin statistics is assumed to be representative of the Anchorage service area in the Railbelt and the area designated as the "Yukon"is assumed to be representative of the Fai r- banks area. The information presented in Table 11.3 clearly shows that the period when Railbelt peak loads occur (and thus,when annual load factors are determined) is in the winter,coinciding with the timing of coldest winter weather and max imum hours of darkness.It is desi rabl e for forecasti ng purposes to stan- dardi ze for weather-rel ated impacts on the load factor.Incl ud i ng weather- related impacts in the trend analysis could lead to erroneous conclusions if a nonrepresentative mix of weather patterns occurred over the period of the time series data.In addition,weather is such a random variable that it is almost impossible to forecast. Assuming that a strong correlation between non-weather-related load fac- tors and time could be identified,future non-weather-related load factors might be reasonably forecast using the coefficient in the time trend equation.To correct the load factors for weather-related influences,the. annual load factors for each year presented in Table 11.3 were multipl ied by the nlJl1ber of heating degree days in each corresponding year.The resulting adjusted load factors for Anchorage and Fairbanks were then regressed against a time variable using the following simple equation: Y =a +bx where Y =load factor multiplied by heating degree days x =time. The expl anatory power of time in expl aining changes in the adjusted load factor was low for both Anchorage and Fairbanks.The R2 values for the regres- sions were 0.39 for Anchorage and 0.02 for Fairbanks,respectively.Both the t and F values for time in the Anchorage equation were significant at 95%levels 11.8 ~. -I ....., - r-. - of confidence.The time coefficient was negative,indicating that Anchorage 's weather-adjusted load factor was declining over time.For reasons that will be discussed later,it does not appear that forecasting a declining load factor in either Anchorage or Fairbanks is realistic.In any case,the level of explana- tory power provided by the time trend equations ~vas too low to base any fore- casts of future load factors upon the results. Trend Analysis Using an ARIMA Model A more complex method of using time series data to forecast future load factors in an ARmA model (Autoregressive Integrated fvbving Average)was also attempted.The first step in this process was to calculate load factors by month for the period 1970-1981.These monthly load factors were calculated in a manner similar to that used in calculating the peak load factors presented in Table 11.3.Calculating load factors for each month in the 12-year period pro- vided a data base of 144 observations,which was more than sufficient for dev- eloping an ARIMA model. The next step was to attempt to identify the correct specification of the ARH1A model in terms of the lag operators to be used and the degree of differ- encing to be employed.The objective in identifying the model is to obtain a st~tionary historical time series that will consistently represent the para- meters underlying the trends in the time series. The appropriate lag operators for the model were specified to be 1 and 12.That is,the load factor in a particular month should be correlated with the load factor in the previous month and the load factor in the previous year.Computation of autocorrelation coefficients for the data using lag operators of one and 12 and various levels of differencing revealed that using first differences on both lag operators produced a stationary time series with small random residuals in a relatively short time for both Anchorage and Fair- bank s. Thus,the ARIMA model for load factors was identified as the following: 11.9 where at :: B - cJ>1 :;: 8 1 = B12 = Yt = ran dam err 0 r term (II Whit e n0 i se") 1 ag operator sequential autoregressive parameter for the first difference on the load factor of the previous month sequential moving average parameter for the first difference on the load factor of the previous month seasonal moving average parameter for the first difference on the load factor of the previous year load factor in a particular month. This model specification is similar to the one developed by Uri (Uri 1976)for forecasting peak loads using an ARIMA time series model. The model was applied to the monthly load factor data and relatively low residual sum of squares (i.e.,unexplained variation in the data)were obtained.The coefficients of the ARH1A model were then input into an ARH1A forecasting routine that uses the most recent historical data and the coeffi- cients to generate forecasts for specified forecasting periods. The forecasts generated by the ARIMA forecasting model predicted that the load factor for Anchorage over the next 30 years would increase from 0.56 to 0.66,whereas the load factor for Fairbanks would decrease from 0.51 to 0.42. However,project resources were insufficient to permit validation and refine- ment of the ARIMA coefficients and the resulting forecasts.In addition, qualitative analysis of the factors influencing load factors does not support the conclusion that Fairbanks load factors are likely to decline over time.(a) Qualitative Analysis Of Load Factors Although peak load forecasting has received a substantial amount of research attenti on,the rel ationshi p between peak loads and average energy (a)Whether the load factor is computed on a monthly basis,as in Table 11.3, or on an annual basis,as in Table 13.2 it appears that Fairbanks'load factor is increasing slightly.In any event,0.42 appears unrealistically low.Note also that simple trend analysis showed opposite results. 11.10 -i - - demands has not received the same degree of attention.Locating research literature on the relationship between peak loads and average loads and on the factors.that influence this relationship proved to be a difficult task.In addition,it is questionable how applicable the results of studies from other areas are to the Railbelt because of the unique characteristics of the area and the fact that load factors tend to be unique to each utility system. The following discussion represents an attempt to synthesize available information into a useful form for evaluating potential changes in Mchorage and Fairbanks load factors.11uch of the discussion is somewhat subjective,and empirical results on these topics are unavailable.Consequently,there was not a strong enough basis for concluding that load factors will change substan- tially from present levels in the major load centers of the Railbelt. Impacts of Changes in the Customer Load Mix on the Load Factor The customer mix,which can be measured by the proportion of total power demands comprised by the residential,commercial and industrial sectors,is a crucial factor in determining the load factor of an electrical service area. The analysis of power demands by customer is important.If it could be demonstrated that the demands of particular customer classes are the primary cause of Railbelt system peak demands and that changes in the current mix of. c~stomer demands are likely to occur in the future,future changes in the Rail- belt system load factor could be evaluated. In general,residential power demands have the greatest degree of vari- ation both by time of day and by season of the year.Commercial power demands demonstrate slightly less variation over time.Industrial power demands are the most constant type of power demand over time. A typical Lower 48 load pattern for residential,commercial,and indus- trial customers on a peak day is shown by a daily load profile in the Pacific Northwest in Figure 11.2.Note the substantial amount of variation in residen- tial power demands by time of day relative to other sectors.The pattern of demand illustrated in Figure 11.2 is typical for most utilities, 11.11 LOAD (1000 MW) 30 I-TOTAL INDUSTRIAL---COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL............... f-'::[........ f-' 0 f-' N .............00 o..0. 00 o...·o.•0 ••0 •• o.00..0··-o•..'"......."...''. ••••••........••.......~.......... ••••••••••••••• . ..",.,..----"."-... /" ,/"",--.---..........-------------/"------'"- ~_..-.-.----~,----_...--_--- 25 t- 20 I- 51- 12 o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 AM PM FIGURE 11~2.Daily Load Profile in the Pacific Northwest J J .~01 )~..]..J .....!)"I I j J J J !J ) ,- ,- since sectoral load patterns in most utility service areas will reveal substan- tially greater variation in residential loads overtime than for other sectors. Data on load patterns by type of customer in Al aska were not avail~ble. However,a 1 imited amount of data on total utility system loads was avail- able.An analysi s of these data shows that highest power demands in Al aska occur in the late afternoon and early evening.This is illustrated by the data presented in Table 11.4 for two peak days during the winter of 1981-1982. TABLE 11.4.Time Period of Peak Oemgnds in Anchorage and Fairbanks\a) i--- Time Peri ad of Peak Demand Servi ce Area December 29,1981 Janua ry 2,1982 An cha rag e(b)4 p.m.5 p.m. Fairbanks(c)4 p.m.5 p.m.,- (a)Source:r'1emorandum from r~yl es C.Yerkes of the Alaska Power Authority to the Committee on Load Forecasts and Generation,Alaska Systems Coordi- nat i ng Co unci 1• (b)Includes Anchorage ~1unicipal Power and Light and Chugach Electric Association. (c)Includes Fairbanks Municipal and Golden Valley Electric Association. The late afternoa~timing of the occurrence of peak demand in the Railbelt generally indicates that both residential and commercial demands are likely to be important in determining the occurrence of peak demand.Thus,it does not appea r that the load factor of the Al as ka power system waul d be part i cul arly sensitive to changes in the relative mix of residential and commercial power. The percentages of total Railbelt forecasted power consumption comprised by individual sectors for various future time periods are presented in Table 11 •5•Th e i n forma t ion pre sen ted i n t hi s tab 1 e d em 0 nst rat esthat i nth e cas e examined there is no clear trend in the share relationship between commercial and residential demand.Thus,even if Rai"lbelt residential and commercial use had different load patterns,it is not clear that this would result in any 11.13 'I ill TABLE 11.5.Percentages of Total Forecasted Railbe1t Electrical Consumption Compr~sed by Indi vi dua1 Cus tome r Se c tor\a) Anchorage Fairbanks Year Residential Commerci a 1 Residential Commerc i a1 1980 52.8 47.2 44.8 55.0 1990 49.1 51.9 49.2 50.8 2000 47.9 52.1 51.8 48.2 2010 46.1 53.9 51.4 48.6 (a)Sectors add to 100%(excludes miscellaneous and industrial demand). Source:RED Model Run,Case HE6--FERC 0%Real Growth in Price of Oil. clear trend in system load factor.Industrial demand could change the load factor,but industrial demand is handled separately in RED (see Section 10.0). - Impacts of Conservation on the Load Factor Future conservation efforts in the Rai1belt have the potential to improve the annual system load facto r by reducing wi nte r e 1ectri ca 1 demand s by a - greater amount than average electrical demands.The residential energy conser- vation measures that are most likely to be included in Alaska's long-term energy conservati on program are presented in Table 11.6. TABLE 11.6.Conservation t-'easures MJst U kely to be Implement~d)in the Residential Sector of Alaska\a Measure Ceiling Insulation Wall Insulation Gl ass Weatherstripping Water Heater Improvement Level R-38 R-ll Storm Window Installation Doors and windows Bl anket s and Wraps - (a)Source:1983 Alaska Long-Term Energy Plan 11.14 - - ~. The measures listed in Table 11~6 are generally related to the overall goal of improving thermal energy efficiency in the residential sector.Thus, one would expect that the implementation of most of these conservation measures would result in greater energy demand reductions in the winter than the average demand reduction for the enti re year. However,it should be noted that electricity is used for space heating in only a small percentage of the Railbelt'sresictences and businesses.Thus,the impact of improvements in thermal efficiency on the total electrical power system load factor may not be large.(a) Electrical demands for lighting are probably the major causal factor in creating the large disparity between peak and average electrical demands in Alaska.Currently,according to the 1983 Alaska)s long-Term Energy Plan, lighting is not targeted as an area for future conservation efforts in Ala~ka.Without a sustained conservation effort in lighting,it appears unlikely that conservation will result in a significant change in the annual load factor in the Railbelt •. -.In summary,it appears that future conservati on efforts in the Ra i lbel t will result in positive,but very small,improvements in the power system load factors.A successful program to increase lighting energy efficiency could significantly increase the positive impacts of conservation upon the system load factor. load Center Diversity .~The diversity in the timing of peak electrical demands is important in determining how changes in demand will affect the system load factor.The impacts of demand diversity between Fairbanks and Anchorage will be particu- larly important after the t~o load centers are intertied in 1984. (a)Note also (from Section 5.0)that the incremental electric fuel mode in space and water heat for the Anchorage service areai s very low. means that over time the measures shown in Table 11.6 will grow 1 ess less effective in saving electricity,other things being equal~ 11.15 spl it Th is and Data on demand diversity among customer classes in Alaska were not avail- able.A limited amount of data on demand diversity among untilities was avail- able.These data.collected by the Alaska Systems Coordinating Council (Yerkes 1982),reveal s that the diversity among util ities in the t imi ng of peak demands is not great.The ratio of the highest peak demand for the Al aska power system as a whole (the coincident peak)to sum of the peaks for the individual utili- ties (the noncoincident peak)was 0.98 for selected peak days in December,1981 and January,1982. This high coincidence factor,which equates to a low level of diversity among the various utilities in the timing of peak demands,implies that future shifts in the mix of demand among the various load centers will have little impact on overall peak demand.A primary cause of peak power demands that occurs in Alaska is high-pressure Arctic weather systems that generally tend to i.ncrease the demand for electric power in almost all areas of Alaska.Thus, diversity in demand among utilities has little impact on total system peak demand,although more research would be necessary to reach the same conclusion for the various customer classes. 11.16 - -- -,I - jf1lJii!l'f'. 12.0 MODEL VALIDATION The purpose of a model validation is to assess the accuracy and plausi- bility of the model's forecasts.In engineering or physical systems,this can be accomplished via controlled experim~nts,where a syst~ncan be character- ized,simuJated,and compared to experimental results. Unfortunately,demand forecasting models attempt to describe the inter- actions of physical systems,individuals,and the environment.It is impos- sibl e,therefore,to conduct the type of val idation that typically accompanies physical science models. Validation of integrated economic/engineering models typically consists of two tests:the ability of the model "come close"to historical figures when the actual inputs are used,and the "reasonableness"of the forecasts.This section appl ies both of these tests to the RED model. ASSEssr'1ENT OF RED 'S ACCIJRACY In order to assess the accuracy of a simulation model,the usual procedure is to substitute historical values for the inputs or "drivers"of the model, produce a backcast,and compare the predicted and actual values.Unfortun- ately,the period for which this type of exercise can be produced is relatively brief. End-use forcasting models are very data intensive,and RED is no excep- tion.Much of the data necessary to run the model (incl udi ng fuel mode spl i t and appliance saturations)required a primary survey of the population.His- torical data for these critical parameters is incomplete;therefore,the accuracy tests which can be performed on the model are 1 imited. A partial validation of REDls accuracy,therefore,was performed hy taking the linearly interpolated forecast values from the case. The 1 inearly interpol ated forecasts were then compared with the actual consumption levels in 1982.Table 12.1 presents a cross tabulation of these values. 12.1 TABLE 12.1-Compari son of Actual Base Case,and Backcast Electricity Consumption (GWh)1982 Anchorage-Cook Inlet Fairbanks-Tanana Va 11 ey Base{b)Base(b) Actual Case Backcast Actual Case Backcast Residential 1,146 1,060 1,097 178 205 208 Business{a) ""'I 1,072 1,118 1,170 269 243 254 Other 23 25 23 5 7 6 Total 2,241 2,203 2,290 452 455 ....., 468 %Difference from Actual -1.7%2.2%0.6%3.5t (a)Including Industrial Demand. (b)Sherman Clark No Supply Disruption.This value is a linear interpolation between the 1980 and 1985 forecast values. Even though RED is designed to be a long-run model,it produces an inter- polated forecast with an error of only 0.6%in Fairbanks,anrl an error of only -1.7%in Anchorage when compared to actual data in the most recent year avail- abl e. The model was also run using best estimates of 1982 economic rlrivers anrl fuel prices .shown in Table 12.2.These results are shown in Table 12.1 as the Backcast case.The results are also very close to the actual values in most cases for the individual sectors;the forecast of total consumption was within 3.5%of the actual value in both load centers.Given that the model is a long run model,that forecasts of actual households and employment and to be used in place of unknown actual data,and that the 1980 fuel mode splits,appliance saturations,and use rates had to be used in place of 1982 values (which are not available)the backcast performance for 1982 is very good. The remaining discrepencies in the forecasts for the individual sectors appear to be related to the quality of the input data.In general,however, there are insufficient data available to determine whether the "actual"eco- nomic data are correct until about two to three years after the fact.Maska "actual"data periodically undergo substantial revision.Therefore,the per- formance of individual sectors for a short-term forecast of thi s type shoul d 12.2 - - TABLE 12.2.1982 Values of Input Variables Househol ds (a) Employment(a) Electricity Prices Residential Business Natural Gas Prices l Re sid ent i a1 Business Fue 1 Oil Pri ces Re sid en t i a1 Business Anchorage Cook-Inlet 83,677 120,533 ($/k Wh)(b) 0.45 0.42 (S/mcf)(b) 1.84 1.61 (S/gall on)(b) 1.19 1.12 Fai rbanks- Tanana Vall ey 22,922 33,500 .•1 on .095 12.53(c) 11.08 1.21 1.17 (a)Forecasts by r1AP model for Sherman Cl ark NSo case.Consis- tent estimates of households and total employ- ment are not available for 1982 from official sources. (b)All Pric es are inn om ina 1 dol 1ar s • (c)Propane pri ceo considered less important than the forecasts'long-term plausibility.The next subsection covers the subject of long-term plausibility of the forecasts. REASONABLENESS OF THE FORECASTS In order to test the reasonableness of REO's long-term forecasts,we com- pared the base case used in the 1983 update with three comparabl e long-term forecasts.The three forecasts were:forecasts by Pacific Northwest Power Planning Council (PNPPC)and Bonneville Power Administration for the Pacific Northwest,an area with large electric space heat loads and rising prices;and a forecast by Wisconsin Electric Power Company (WEPCO)for Wisconsin and Upper r1ichigan,an area with relatively stable electric prices and low electric space heat penetration.The intent was to compare forecasts from areas similar to the Railbelt Region.The Pacific Northwest forecasts were selected because of 12.3 the low electricity prices the region shares with the Anchorage load center, while the Wisconsin area closely corresponds to the cl imate and fuel mode split exhibited in the Railbelt. The Pacific Northwest Power Planning Council created by an act of Congress to coordinate and direct acquisition of generation resources in the Pacific I~orthwest,prepared a twenty-year forecast of electricity demand in the North- \'.Jest.PNPPC modelled four alternate load growth scenarios (low,medium low, medium high,and high)for the purposes of generation pl anning.We chose the medium high scenario for comparison because it corresponds more closely to the economic conditions expected to occur in the Railbelt. The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)is the marketer of all federal power in the Pacific Northwest.BPA,due to its adversarial relationship with the PNPPC,recently completed construction of their own forecasting tools.We chose to examine BPA's medium scenario as it represents their assessment of the most probable situation. The Wisconsin Electric Power Company markets power to Milwaukee-Kenosha- Racine Standard ~tropolitan Statistical Area,plus selected counties in cen- tral and northern Wisconsin and upper Michigan.Unlike the two Pacific North- west organizations,WEPCO markets.to a service area with relatively little electric space heating.As in the southern Railbelt,the primary fuel source is natural gas,with electricity supplying only 4 to 5 percent of total energy used.Consequently,there are fewer the opportunities for savings of electric energy in conservation of building heat than exist in the Pacific Northwest. In contrast to the Pacific Northwest,where annual residential electric consumption in 1980 averaged 17,260 kWh per household,and 11,000 to 13,000 in the Railbelt WEPCO customers averaged 7,240.The fact that the electric load in the WEPCO area is mostly not related to the thermal shell of the building is reflected in the much higher growth rates of electricity constJTIption than in the Pacific Northwest or the Railbelt.This increasing power forecast is also caused by the assumption by WEPCO that electricity rates would rise at only 0.3 percent per year in real terms through the end of the century,much less than in the PacificNorthwest or the Railbelt.In WEPCOls service area,it was 12.4 ""'"i assumed electricity would capture a high (40-65 percent)share of nev-I testdential units due to its projected cost advantage over oil and gas. Table 12.3 presents a decomposition of two commonly used metrics for the BPA,PNPPC,WEPCO and RED forecasts:the annual growth rate in use per employee and use per household.The RED forecasts both exhibit higher growth rates than either of the Pacific Northwest forecasts,but lower than the rates· in the WEPCO forecast. TABLE 12.3.Comparison of Recent Forecasts,1980-2000 Pacific Northwest Power Council Bonneville Power Administration Wisconsin 8ectric Power Company(a) RED An cho rage Fai rbanks Average Percent Growth Rate, Use Per Household -.64 -.64 1.41 -.36 0.98 Average Percent Growth Rate Use Per Employee .14 -.31 3.97 1.04 0.93 .,~ (a)For Wisconsin Electric Power Company,the residential forecast is use per customer •. This is the expected relationship of the forecasts.The BPA and PNPPC forecasts assume vigorous conservation programs and rising electricity prices in a region characterized by high market penetration of electric space heat and water heat in both the residential and commercial sector.Furthennore,because Pacific Northwest electricity prices have been low historically,there are many opportunities available for cheaply saving large amounts of electricity.In contrast,the Railbelt and WEPCO regions do not have as many inexpensive opportunities to save large amounts of power,since most thermal requirements are being met with natural gas.Furthermore,the rate of increase in electricity prices is expected to remain low in the WEPCO region,reducing incentives to conserve.The RED forecasts occupy a middle ground,both in terms of base year consumption and in terms of the rate of increase in 12.5 consumption.With moderate rates of electricity price increases and fewer inexpensive conservation opportunities,RED shows lower rates of conservation than the Pacific Northwest.In comparison with the \,'JEPCO area,the Railbelt is expected to have a declininy electric share in space heat and water heat,so the rate of increase in use per customer would be less.In addition,since Railbelt customers on the average use more electricity than WEPCO customers and are facing higher projected rates of electricity price increases,the forecasted rate of increase in the rate of electricity consumption should be lower.Based on this comparison,the results of the RED forecast,therefore, seem to be in line with what other forecasters are predicting. 12.6 - 13.0 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES ~-~Abbrevi at ion s Used APA =Al aska Power Authority AP&T =Al as ka Power and Tel ephone (TOK)r" AP Admi n =Alaska Power Administration CEA =Ch ugach Electric Association ~, GVEA =Go 1den Va 11 ey Electric Association GWH =Gigawatt Hour ~ HEA Homer El ectric Association= k \~h =Kil owatt Hour pIII~KVa =Kilovolt MEA =~1a tanuska Electric Association ~1\~=Megawatt MWH =Megawatt Hour Fr~US =Fairbanks Municipal Utility System SES =Seward Electric System SO FT =Square Foot ril'~ 13.1 - TABLE 13.1.Number of Year-Round Housing Units by Type, Rail belt Load Centers,Sel ected Years Si ngl e Family Duplex Multifamil,:t r10bil e Home Tota 1 - 1,815 12,598 13,729 24,167 25,889 5,1119 30,563 46,578 87 ,702 100,781 7,434 43,161 60,307 111,869 126,670 2 853 1,254 2,175 2,193 204 2,636 7,657 12 ,386 13,572 202 1,783 6,403 10,211 11,379 352 4,547 6,072 ·8,607 8,927 1,480 12 ,580 20,331 36,587 40,820 1,128 8,033 14,259 27 ,980 31,893 166 671 1,068 2,512 2,551 1,130 2,223 5,049 11 ,461 12,450 4,620 25,722 27,270 51 ,435 59,828 1,295 6,527 5,335 10,873 12,218 Load Cente r: 3,325 964 19,195 1,552 21,935 3,981 40,562 8,949 47,610 9,899 Valley Load Center: Anchorage-Cook Inlet (Ur ban )19 50 (Aa ) 1960{b) 1970(c) 1980(d) 1982(e) Fairbanks-Tanana (Urban)1950(a) 1960(b) 1970(c) 1980(d) 1982 Ce ) Rail belt: 1950{a) 1960(b) 1970(c) .1980(d) 1982(e) (e) (c) (A) (a) (b) Excludes Kenai-Cook Inlet Census Division,Seward Census Division, ~1atanuska-Susitna Census Division. U.S.Department of Commerce Census of Housing 1950;Al aska,General Characteristics,Table 14.These are all dwelling units. U.S.Department of Commerce Census of Housing 1960:Al aska,Table 28. These are all housing units. U.S.Department of Commerce Census of Housing 1970:Al aska,Table 62. These are all year-round housing units.. (d)U.S.Department of Commerce Census of Housing,1980:STF3 data tapes. All year-round housing-units. 1980 Census,plus estimated 1980-1982 construction from Mr.Al Robinson, economist,U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development,Anchorage. - .~, 13.2 - TABLE 13.2.Railbelt Area Utility Total Energy and System Peak Demand Anchorage-Cook Inlet Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Annual Peak Load An nua 1 Peak Load Energy (Gt-ih)Demand UH~)Factor Energy (GWh)Deman d (~1W)Facto r--- 1965 369 82.1 0.51 98 24.6 0.45 1966 415 93.2 0.51 108*26.7 0.46 1967 461 100.8 0.52 NA NA NA 1968 519 118.0 0.50 141*42.7 0.38 1969 587 124.4 0.54 170*45.6 0.43 1970 684 152.5 0.51 213 57.1 0.43 1971 797 166.5 0.55 251*70.6 0.41 1972 906 195.4 0.53 262 71.2 0.42 ~1973 1,010 211.5 0.55 290 71.5 0.46 1974 1,086 225.9 0.55 322 89.0 0.41 1975 1,270 311.7 0.47 413 108.8 0.43,- 1976 1,463 311.0 0.56 423 101.0 0.48 1977 1,603 375'.4 0.49 447 117.5 0.43 "'""1978 1,747 382.8 0.52 432 95.8 0.51 1979 1,821 409.6 0.51 418 100.7 0.47 1980 1,940 444.4 0.50 402 95.4 0.48 1981 2,005 444.7 0.51 422 93.1 0.52 1982 2,254 471.7 0.55 452 94.4 0.55 13.3 - TABLE 13.3.Anchorage-Cook Inlet Load Center Utility Sales and ~ Sales Per Customer,1965-1981 Residential Commercial-Industrial-Government Sa 1es Sal es Per sal es Sa 1es Per (GI'JH)Customers Customer (kWh)(GWH)Customers Customer (kWh) 1965 174 27 ,016 6,425 189 3,994 47 ,235 -1966 194 28,028 6,937 215 4,147 -51,909 1967 208 30,028 6,941 241 4,363 55 ,206 I!~ 1968 233 34,443 6,766 277 4,804 57,715 1969 262 37 ,653 6,971 316 5,125 61,656 1970 309 41,151 7,517 363 5,784 62,713 """" 1971 369 43,486 8,487 415 6,006 69,057 1972 419 47,707 8,788 473 6,420 73,704 1973 457 49,433 9,239 539 6,693 80,557 1974 494 54,606 9,044 577 7,232 79,791 -1975 592 58,326 10,147 659 7 ,750 85,073 1976 675 62,413 10,817 769 8,789 87,598 739 846 9,860 85,753 -.1977 71 ,275 10,375 1978 841 76,999 10,928 884 10,219 86,542 1979 845 76,494 11,047 878 10,368 84,684 ...... 1980 936(a)77,743 12,040 1 002(a)10,629 94,270, 1981 916(b)80,089 11 ,437 1,030(b)11 ,021 93,458 An nua 1 Growth Rate 1965-81 10.9%7.0%3.7%11.2%•6.5%4.4% (a)1979 data used for SESe ~ I (b)Based on 1980 ~~EA,1979 SES data. 13.4 TABLE 13.4.Fairbanks-Tanana Valley Load Center Utility Sales and Sales per Customer,1965-1981 Residential Commercial-Industrial-Government Sales Sa 1es Pe r Sa 1es Sa 1 es Pe r (GliJH)Customers Customer (kltJh)(G\lJh)Cu st orner s Customer (k'"Jh) 1965 39 8183 4,804 55.198 1,313 41,880 1966 47 8170 5 ,712 59.376 1,467 40,474 1967 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1968 61 9,344 6,569 77 .906 1,469 53,033 1969 77 10,023 7,672 91.212 1,579 57,766 1970 91 10,756 8,418 118.560 1,888 62,797 1971 106 11,184 9,515 133.056 1,929 68,977 1972 121 11,487 10,529 135.873 2,002 67 ,86 \:1 1973 133 11,825 11,233 150.823 2,054 73,429 1974 154 13 ,261 11 ,600 161.615 2,242 72 ,085 1975 190 13,877 13,719 210.759 2,342 89,991 1976 194 15,419 12 ,561 219.175 2,530 86,630 1977 198 17,197 11,500 240.463 2,834 84,849 1978 178 17,524 10,153 242.668 2,854 35,027 1979 169 18,070 9,344 219.335 2 795(a)7.'3,474, 1980 160 18,054 8,890 214.263 2,737 78,283 1981 159 19,379 8,219 224.354 2,942 76,259 Annua 1 Growth Rate 1965-81 9.2%5.5 3.4 9.2%5.1 3.8 (a)Includes 1979 estimated 70 customers for AP&T. 13.5 TABLE 13.5.Adjustment for Industrial Load Anchorage-Cook Inlet,1973-1981 Tota 1 Achorage Homer Electric t(W~Anchorage Comm-Ind-Govt MWH Demand Industrial Load a "Commercial" 1973 540,476 56,130 484,346 1974 579,068 58,298 520,770 29,660,900 1975 661,192 62,806 598,386 33,471,800 1976 771,054 72,063 698,991 37,049,800 1977 846,939 83,989 762,950 39,618,900 1978 896,072 82,984 813,088 41,440,000 1979 904,851 87,955 816,896 42,733,800 1980 988,957 99,103 889,854 44,042,700 1981 1,030,753130,318 900,435 44,817 ,400 MWH use/59 Ft.kWh/SO FT %6.From Previous Yr 1973 0.0179 17.9 1974 0.0176 17.6 -1.7 1975 0.0179 17 .9 1.7 1976 0.0189 18.9 5.6 1977 0.0193 19.3 2.1 1978 0.0196 19.6 1.6 1979 0.0191 19.1 -2.6 1980 0.0202 20.2 5.8 1981 0.0201 20.1 -0.5 Anchorage 59 Ft.(b) - !!!I!IIU" - - (a)Commercial-Industrial Load over SO KVA (commercial users included) (b)Predicted value.See Chapter 6.0. 13.6 ~ I REFERENCES..... 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I APPENDIX A BATTELLE-NORTHWEST RESIDENTIAL SURVEY ~J i~ - - APPENDIX A BATTELLE-NORTHWEST RESIDENTIAL SURVEY To cal ibrate an end-use model of electricity demand,the initi al nunber of appliances that use electricity must be known.At the time the RED model was undergoing initial develo~ent (1981),there was no adequate information available in the Railbelt concerning either residential appliance stock and fuel mode split or uses of electricity in the commercial sector.v/hile it did not appear possible to collect significant useful information on the commercial sector within project resource constraints,BNW researchers concluded that a residential survey was both possible and desirable.This initial evaluation was reinforced when it became clear that data would not be available from the 1980 Census of Housing on detailed housing characteristics until 1982 at the earliest,and that reporting on appliances would be less complete than in 1970.Accordingly,plans were made to survey the residential sector. Although a lot of new infonnation of good quality was developed in the survey,there were several constraints on the survey process.First,the resources available to design,test,run,and analyze the survey were extremely limited.This precluded in-person interviews,large samples,or follow-up of non-respondents.second,it was not possible to stratify the survey sample, both because there was no accurate information on types of dwellings in any Railbelt community except Anchorage and because utility customers could not be matched to dwelling types or demographic characteristics.To conserve project resources for analysis,we chose to do a blind mailing of the survey instrument with no follow-up to random samples of each utility's residential customers. Where possible,the random mailings were done by the utilities themselves. Where Battelle-Northwest did the mailings,random subsets of customers or complete customers lists were supplied by the utilities to Battelle-Northwest. A .1 SURVEY DESIGN Because budget limitations precluded follow-up interviewing as a means to improve survey response rate and to check errors,it was very important to have a survey instrument that required minimal respondent effort and time,gathered only the least controversial and highest priority information.and was easy to understand.Questions considered controversial items (income).questions difficult to understand (insulation values or energy efficiency of appl iances), and questions requiring substantial respondent effort (estimates of annual electrical bills)were dropped.The highest priority questions concerning appliance stock and fuel mode split were retained.A draft of the question- naire was sent to the Railbelt utilities and other interested parties in Alaska,and was reviewed by several senior Battelle-Northwest researchers. Based on their comments and the results of a pretest with uncoached clerical staff,the questionnaire was simplified to the point that it required the average test respondent only two to five minutes to answer all questions.A copy of the survey form is shown in Figure A.1. SAMPLE SIZE AND COMPOSITION Because of the high labor costs of selecting respondents,addressing the mailings,and key punching and verifying the survey results,it was decided that an acceptable level of accuracy for survey results would be plus or minus 6 percent with 95 percent confidence on the entire sample for a load center. In order to obtain utility cooperation in mailing the questionnaire,we considered it necessary to achieve this level of accuracy for each utility's service area to provide them with usable data.Thus,accuracy of survey results for load centers that contain more than one utility is somewhat greater than the sampling error for each utility would suggest.Because of the care taken in survey design to maximize response rate,we believed that an average response rate of 50 percent was possible with no follow up.The desired number of respondents was therefore doubled to obtain the nunber of mailings in each utility service area.A total of 4,000 questionnaires were sent to the respon- dents,of which 1764 usable responses were received,for an average response A.2 ~\ ()Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories P.O.Box 999 Richland.Washington U.S.A.99352 Telephone (509) Telex 15-2874 Alaska Rai1be1t Electric Power Alternatives Study Dear Alaskan: Battelle,Pacific Northwest Laboratories is working under contract to the State of Alaska to help determine the future needs for electricity in the Railbelt Region,and the best way to meet those needs. Many individuals believe that the Susitna hydroelectric power project is the best way.Others think that these needs can be better met by employing coal,conservation,or some other means.First,however,we need to estimate future electric energy needs in the Railbelt.We can only d~this properly if we know how people in the region use electricity. That 1 s where you can help us. Please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire on the other side-- it is only one page long and will take only 5 minutes or so to answer. Why should you help?First,the information you provide will be vital in decisions your state government will make over the next year and a half to build or not build the Susitna project.Either way,your electricity bill will be affected.Second,whether or not the Susitna project is built,the confidential information you provide will help your lq,cal utility plan ways in which to meet your future electricity needs. Since this is an issue of such importance to you and Alaska,every response is vital.All responses will be strictly confidential.There will be no way anyone can tell whO you are from your response.The results of this survey will be published in your local newspaper. Please respond as accurately as you can.Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Michael J.King Research Economist P.S.In order for us to consider your response,you will need to return the questionnaire within three weeks.For your convenience,you will .find a postage paid envelope enclosed. FIGURE A.l.Battelle-Northwest Survey Form A.3 Please complete the following quest lonnalre and return It In the enclosed en~elope.If you ha~e 41ready completed and returned a questionnaire.please disregard this request. 1.What type of building do you res Ide Inl ()single family home ()duplex ()mobile home ()multifamily (]or more units) 8.~hat.proport ion of your heat ing needs are IlJet by: 0-1/4 !/4-112 11'0/4 lL~_:..i!..!.! main fuel ()()()() secofld fue 1 ()()II () other fuels ()()()() 2.Number pf persons In your household (ple4se respond In each category):9.Wllat type of heating distribution system do you use? Adu Its 18t o 1 "2-34"or morc ()()()()II Children 5-18o-l-Z-----ror more ()()()() eh Ildren Under 5o-1-2--j-4or morc ()()() ()() ()forced air ()radiant or convection ()hot water or steam. 6.What Is the main fuel used for heating your homel ].How many rooms are In your residencel Uow many bedroomsl _ 4.Approximate square feet of Hvlng space (just your estim4te): ()no (I 2 ()]or more ()just In the mornlngl plugging them Inl _ ()second or vacation home.()primary residence 1].The uses described abo~e are for my: Do you ha~e an electric refrl~erator1 ()yes If yes.is It frost freel ()yes ()no 12.If you use plug-Ips for vehicles: !lOtI many vehicles do you usually plug-Inl ()1 Do you plug the vehlcle(s)In:()overnight At approximately what temperature do you'start 11. 10.Please Indicate the fuel your appliances use: >0 I- OJ ...D >.~ oS u ~OJ .<:[~,0>.~c: '"OJC:DOJ .~~l-e'"L .....U ::t ",a."0 ~'"o:;fcOJ....""~Q D ...a0~IQ'U :J&..0 0 ::tOJ "0 OJ c:'".l:l 0.~U .........>< water heater ()()()()()()()() rangl!/stove ()()()()() sauna/jaculzi/etc.()()() clothes dryer ()()II () clothes washer ()() freezer ()() dishwasher ()() (I electricity (coal or coke (wood (district heating (I electricity (COol 1 or coke woodIdistrict heating system facing windows ()custom solar design) 11 1601-2000 2001-2400 greater than 2400 ()1910-1974 ()1975-1980 ()ber ore 1950 ()1950-1959 ()1960-1969 II less than 700 701-1000 1001-1300 1301-1600 In what year was your house (building)bulltl (just your estimate) ()natural gas ()propane-butane ()fuel oil.kerosene.or coal 011 (I solar collectors ()passive solar (check one:()south In addition to your main fuel.what additional fuels do you use to heat your homel ()none II natural gas(propane-butane (fuel oil.kerosene.or coal oil (solar collectors ()passl~e solar (check one:()soulh facing windows ()custom solar design) 1. .p. 5. ». FIGURE A.1.(contd) ).1 J }J }1 1 ))J j J ,)j rate of 44.1 percent.Table A.l shows the total number of residential customers in each utility,the nunber and percent surveyed,the nunber and percent responding. RES IDENTIAL TABLE A.l.Customers,Nunber Surveyed,and Respondents for the Residential Survey Battelle-Northwest 1980 Yea rEnd Customers(b) Customers Surveyed Customers Responding I~ _. Ut il ity(a) Chugach Electric (CEA) Anchorage Municipal (AMPL) Seward Electric (SES) Homer Electric (HEA) Matanus ka El ectri c (MEA) Goblen Valley (GVEA) Fairbanks Municipal (FMUS) Copper Valley (CVEA) Tota 1 Tota 1 Used 42,567 13,744 1,090 8,620 11,722 13,591 4,463 1,588 97 ,385 97,385 Number 530 522 424 518 520 524 504 458 4,000 4,000 Percent 1.2 3.8 38.9 6.0 4.4 3.9 11.3 28.8 """"4:T 4.1 Number 222 214 185 249 268 252 156 252 1,798 1,764 Pe rcent 41.9 41.0 43.6 48.1 51.5 55.0 31.0 55.0 44.9 44.1 - (a)CVEA is not part of the interconnected Railbelt,since it serves Glennallen and Valdez.This utility and load center were eventually dropped from the analysis. (b)Source:Alaska Power Administration.1979 customer totals were used for CVEA,HEA,and GVEA.Residential customers only. MAILING PROCESS AND COLLECTION OF RESULTS The survey questionnaire was administered in one of three ways.In some cases the utilities randomly selected a list of residential customers and performed the mailing.In these cases,Battelle-Northwest provided the utility an appropriate nunber of mailings,consisting of the questionnaire and pre- stamped,self-addressed return envelope.To ensure confidentiality,the ques- tionnaire was stamped only with the initials of the utility,providing identi- fication of the service area.No other identification of the respondent was possibl e from the survey form or the return envelope.When Battell e-Northwest performed the mailings,the utilities provided either a random sample of A.5 customer addresses or their complete mailing list of residential customers, from which a random sample was drawn.No known geographic bias was introduced by the sampling technique.Finally,Fairbanks Municipal Utility System (FMUS) provided neither a mailing list nor mailing services to the project.In this case,the Fairbanks telephone directory was used as a source of customer addresses.Although an attempt was made to exclude addresses outside the City of Fairbanks served by Golden Valley Electrical Association,unknown biases were probably introduced into the Fairbanks sample by the sampling procedure. The response rate was also signficantly lower for the Ft1US sample. As the survey forms were received,they were coded,keypunched and veri- fied.The raw card image data file was recorded on magnetic tape and loaded into an SPSS data file,organized by subfiles corresponding to each utility. The results for each utility were weighted according to the total number of residential customers in each load center in 1980,the last year1s count available at the time the file was assembled.The weights are shown in Table A.2. - - TABLEA.2~Weights Used in Battelle-Northwest Residential Survey OUTPUT Util ity Ch ugach Anchorage Municipal Seward El ectri c Homer El ectri c Matanuska Electric Golden Valley Fairbanks Municipal Copper Valley We i ght 2.81 1.17 .06 .45 .54 1.21 .67 1.00 - The output of the survey was organized in SPSS files and printed in frequency distributions and standard SPSS CROSSTABS tables.An example of typical output is shown in Figure A.2 for freezer saturation.In the figure, 712 out of 807 Anchorage area single family households are shown to have A.6 1 -J -i -J J -1 )-)I -1 1 J I ,......,...-~...-..---..------''.~_~~""'\'h •••• STATISTICAL PACKAGE FOR THE SOCIAL SCIENCES FILE ENDUSE.D (CHEATION DAT~=Ob/17/91) SUBflLE C~A AMLP SEA HEA MEA 07/28/lH **********•****•**C R 0 SST ABU L A T I UNO F *..**l Ff fH~EZER fUEL BY TYPE **•*****•**•••**********•**••••**•*********~ COUNT ((OW pcr COL PCT '1'OT PCT TYPE I 1 I I SINGLE f MOBILE H DUPLEX AM I LY OMf~ -1.1 1.1 2.1 MU (,1'I fA M J L't 3.1 4.1 HOW TOTAL. ff ---~----I------·-I-··--·--r·------·I--------{--------l DO NOT HAVE -I··-----·I~w-~----I------·-I--------I--------I] I 26 I ~.4 I 20.7 1 4.5 I 23.1 I 0.3 1 2.3 I ):;>........ MISSING -1. o. 1 1 I I 1 I I I o I 0.7 I 6.1 I 0.0 1 1 I 0.4 I 8.1 1 0.0 I 36 I 52.8 I 4.4 I 3.1 I 59 1 46.8 I 1.)I 5.2 I o I 0.7 1 0.7 I 0.0 I 11 I 16.0 1 9.8 1 0.9 1 20 I 29.9 I 13.11 J •B I 31 1 29.7 I 24.4 I 3.3 I 67 5.9 126 11.0 -I·-----4~I-··---··I-~-.·-·-I-------~1--------I 1 • 1 b I 712 I 62 I 73 1 96 1 949 HAVE 1 0.6 I 15.1 1 6.5 1 7.7 I 10.1 1 IH .1 I 85.2 I e8.3 1 94.8 1 66.5 I 62.5 I I 0.5 I 62.4 I 5.4 I 6.4 I 8.4 I ~I~-w-----I·----~~·I-~---w-~I-----~-·I--------I COLUMN TOTAL 7 0.6 807 70.6 05 5.7 110 9.6 153 13.4 1142 100.0 CHI SQUARE =91.30715 wITH a DEGR~ES OF FHEEDOH SIGNIFICANCE =u.OOOO FIGURE A.2.Saturation of Freezers in Anchorage-Cook Inlet Load Center Figure Note:Subfiles for each surveyed utility were combined and weighted by weights in Table A.2.Seven households were unidentified by type of house and were ignored. freezers (missing values were counted as lido not have ll ).The computer shows this as 88.3 percent saturation of single family households.This percentage was used in Table 5.8.In practice,these computer estimates were usually modified with professional jUdgment;however the Battelle-Northwest survey supplied the raw data on which the judgment was made. A.8 - rr r r= i r ,- - APPENDIX B CONSERVATION RESEARCH -" - - --, APPENDIX B CONSERVATION RESEARCH The Railbelt area has 1 imited ability to adopt conservation measures that would result in large-scale electricity savings.According to Tillman (1983), past conservation in load centers like Fairbanks has been largely the result of price increases for electricity.In addition,Railbelt utility managers believe that future electrical conservation will be largely the result of price,not conservation programs.The impact of conservation programs in the Railbelt has been taken into account in the fuel mode splits,use rates,and price effects incorporated in the 1983 update.In addition,selected conserva- tion programs in the Lower 48 states were analyzed to determine if anything could be learned about program impacts in the Railbelt. An attempt was made to compare conservation of electricity in the Railbelt with conservation effects as forecasted by four policy-making bodies elsewhere in the United States.The goal was to obtain a range of potential energy sav- ings due to price-and program-induced conservation and determine if such esti- mates would be applicable (and to what degree)in Alaska.The four pol icy- making bodies chosen were the Pacific Northwest Power Planning Council,the Bonneville Power Administration,the California Energy Commission and the Wis- consin Electric Power Company.The first three entities were chosen because they represented regions in the western U.S.and because conservation programs played a signficant role in their regional planning.Wisconsin Electric Power Company was chosen as an example of a utility in a colder climate where natural gas was the predominant fuel source.However,Wisconsin has its peak demand for electricity in the summer when natural gas cannot fuel air conditioning. It became clear upon examination of the various programs that direct com- parison of the forecasts was not possible at the end-use level nor was it pos- sible to compare the assumptions supporting the forecasts (e.g.,heating/cool- B.1 ing degree days,appliance standards,etc.).The following list touches on some of the differences among fore~asts which made either direct or indirect comparison difficult. o Definitions of conservation differed. o Variables were not consistent across regions. •Programs were not consistent across regions. •Some documentation showed a lack of internal consistency in report- ing values. •One entity reported savings in peak capacity while the others reported both capacity and energy forecasts. •Direct comparison of baseline,high,and low load growth scenarios was not possible because of the level of conservation implied in the forecasts;i.e.,in a low demand case more conservation is assumed than in the high demand case,or conservation instead may be asslJlled in a sensitivity case. •Savings could be projected either by program,or appl iance,or end- use sector. In addition,each of the four Lower 48 entities quantifies the components of conservation effect s differently.The Northwest Power Counc ill s approach is to assume no change in technological efficiency;therefore,there is no price- induced conservation.Conservation is treated as an energy resource.A separate supply function (with price and program components)determines the value of potential conservation.The difference between the forecast demand and the supply function is the value of conservation potential.The program and price components of the conservation increment cannot be readily sepa- rated.Potential savings are reported at the appliance level. The California Energy Commission also forecasts a conservation increment in which price and program shares are not easily discernible.Part of the program-induced savings has been quantified and double counting of price- induced conservation is subtracted by a 20%implicit reduction in savings estimates.The Bonneville Power Administration forecast has both technological B.2 ~·I - - ~. - - change and price response imbedded in their model,but only part of their pro- gram-induced conservation is quantifiable. The Wisconsin Electric Power Company lacks the more sophisticated end-use ~models used by the other three and focuses more on the peak demand savings potential.Trend analysis driven by population projections is used to estimate capacity requirements.There is some conservation implicit in the demand growth estimated by the model.For example,air conditioning efficiency improvements are assumed,and three "adjustments"are made to total demand for ;~ rate structure reform,solar water heat,and solar space heat;but in general, only fragments of the conservation response are quantified. The literature provides some idea of the energy use attributable to bud- geted and proposed programs,however.The following subsection discusses the separate definitions of conservation adopted by .the four policy-making bodies, the forecasts of program-induced energy savings,and the methods adopted to avoid double counting of competing programs and double counting of price and program effects.The last subsection looks at current estimates for Alaska and determines whether the conservation program savings have relevance to Alaskan forecasts. PACIFIC NORTHWEST POWER PLANNING COUNCIL The Pacific Northwest Power Planning Council (PNPPC)was created in 1981 in accordance with the Pacifi c Northwest El ectri c Power Pl anni ng and Conserva- tion Act (the Act)to encourage conservation and the development of renewable resources in the Northwest and to assure an adequate and economical power sup- ply.Conservation is defined by the PNPPC as the more efficient use of elec- tricity by the conSlJ1ler through replacing existing structures with electricity- saving technologies or the use of new,more energy-efficient devices and pro- cesses in the residential,commerical,industrial,and agricultural sectors. The PNPPC assessments do not distinquish between price-induced conservation and program-induced conservation.The forecast power supply estimates are based on the high market penetration rates the PNPPC assumes for each conservation pro- gram available under the Act.A conservation measure is asslJlled cost-effective at costs below 4.0 cents per kilowatt-hour (roughly the cost of power from B.3 regional coal plants).Not all of the economically achievable savings can be realized,however,due to constraints such as consumer resistance,quality con- trol,and unforeseen technical problems.The PNPPC believes that given the wide range of measures permitted by the Act,over 75%of the economically achievable levels are possible (ranging from 56%for residential appliances to 100%in the industrial sector).Table B.l lists the likely conservation sav- i ngs at a cost equal to or 1ess than 4.0 cents per kilowatt hours by the year 2000.r-tlst of the savings in the residential sector come from building shell or hot water tank improvements.Electricity has a larger share of space and water heating loads in the PNPPC region than it does in the Railbelt.Thus, many of the conservation savings of electricity in the PNPPC could not be achieved in the Railbelt. The PNPPC decided that all technically achievable conservation estimated for the industrial sector could be realized since the savings represented less then 10%of the region's current industrial electricity demand.This level was considered a reasonable goal for the industrial sector. Including all conservation along with other available resource choices can avoid double counting of conservation induced by prices in the demand model and conservation counted as potential resources on the supply side.This implies that price-induced efficiency improvements within the end-use sectors and elec- tricity uses where conservation programs are proposed are included in resource potential,not demand reductions.In the residential and commercial sectors technology efficiencies were frozen at 1983 levels so that the PNPPC models forecast future energy use as if no efficiency improvements were made.Unfor- tunately,once a conservation program or measure is available,savings in response to price changes cannot be separated from those derived from the pro- gram.Running the PNPPC demand model for individual programs will quantify the impact for each measure under a given fuel price and supply scenario. BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)supplies about half of the elec- tric power production in the Pacific Northwest.Its service area is B.4 - - - TABLE B.1.PNPPC Likely Conservation Potential at 4.0 Cents/kWh by the Year 2000 ,- , Residential (kWh/household) Ex is tin g Sp ace He at New Sp ace Heat Wate r Heat i ng Air Conditioning Re fr i gera to rs Freezers Cooki ng Lighting Other Commercial (kWh/em~oxee)(a) Existing Structure New St ructures 854 1404 1364 o 259 108 15 150 229 4383 1199 825 2024 Industri al (kWh/employee)(a) $1000-3000 subsidy/kW 655-3282 (a)Includes federal,state and local government, transportation,communication,public utilities, wholesale and retail trade,finance insurance, real estate,services.·- (b)Includes mining,manufacturing,and construction. Source:Pacific Northwest Power Planning Counc il,1983. roughly equivalent to the area covered by the PNPPC power planning efforts --:-(Oregon,Washington,Idaho,Western M:Jntana).Long-range electricity demand forecasts are made by BPA to assist in utility power planning.Projections are expressed as a baseline case to which alternative cases are added for a high- low range of electricity consumption.Forecasts made by BPA covering the region defined by the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conserva- tion Act of 1980 (P.L.96-501)were done primarily to assist regional decision making until the publication of the PNPPC official 20-year energy forecast and .~. plan in the spring of 1983. B.5 BPA estimates of conservation potential savings include price-induced sav- ings and savings from existing governmental,utility,and BPA conservation pro- grams.Conservation programs that have yet to be initiated or budgeted are not included.Some improvements in technology efficiencies are implicitly included as part of the consumer pri ce response. The types of programs represented by the base,low,and high forecasts inc 1ud e the f 011 owi ng: •home energy efficiency improvement •commercial energy efficiency improvement •street and area lighting efficiency improvement •institutional building efficiency improvement o utility customer service system efficiency improvement •support of direct application renewable resources projects. The BPA currently sponsors weatherizing of electrically heated dwellings (primarily retrofit of existing housing),wrapping electric water heaters, encouragi ng the di stribution and use of shower water flow restraints,and installing faucet flow control devices,·low-flow shower heads,and solar hot water/heat pump water heater conversions.Table B.2 summarizes the savings estimates by program for residential and commercial sectors.Currently,there- are no budgeted programs in the Industrial sector. BPAls Office of Conservation estimated the savings from conservation measures that could not be explicitly modeled and subtracted that amount from computed demand.To avoid double counting of price-induced conservaton,the measure-specific savings were reduced by 20%.Again,most savings were found in space conditioning and water heating. CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION The California Energy Commission (CEC)is required by the Warren-Alquist Act of 1974 (Public Resources Code,section 25309)to lIidentify emerging trends related to energy supply demand and conservation and public health and safety factors,to specify the level of statewide and service area electrical energy demand for each year in the forthcoming 5-,12-,and 20-year periods,and to provide the basis for state policy and actions in relation thereto •••II •In 8.6 ~, - TABLE B.2.BPA Budgeted Conservation Program Savings (annual kWh savings by the year 2000) Resi dent ia 1 (kWh/household) ~Region Wide Weatherization 4,933 Low Income Weatherization 4,933 Water Heater Wrap 435 /"'''', Shower Flow Restrictor 400 Re sid ent ia 1 Flow Contro 1 Shower Heads 600 Faucet Heads 270 1""",So 1 ar/Heat Pump Water 2,200 13,771 Commerc ia 1 (kWh/e~pl oyee)(a) Pub 1 i c Heati ng Cool i ng Water Heating Lighting Other Private Heating Cooling Water Heating Lighting Other 537 o o 36 o 916 o o 43 o 1,532 )"...., (a)Includes local and state government,trans- portation and utilities,trade,finances, insurance,real estate,services and con- struction.High growth figures were used for total number of employees. Source:Bonneville Power Administration. 1982a.Table 5.6 and Appendix II,Table 23. B.7 compliance with the code.the CEC prepares a biennial report containing updated energy supply/demand projections and a supplemental electricity report.Infor- mation in this section reflects the fourth and most recent report (1983)in the series. The C£C has adopted the following definition of conservation. uConservation savings from local.utility.state.and Federal programs in place or approved.and savings resulting from private utilization of conservation measures in response to prices.and sav- ings from programs on which analytical work is well advanced and for which there is a substantial likelihood they will be in effect by January 1985." The code requires the CEC to include all conservation that is reasonably expected to occur based on credible evidence within the framework provided by their definition.Conservation programs and savings are categorized into three classes:1)conservation reasonably expected to occur.2)additional achiev- able conservation.and 3)conservation potential.Savings in Category 1 are used to reduce the demand est imate.Those in Catego ry 2 are cons idered to have a moderate probability of occurring because of a higher uncertainty factor. Category 3 incl udes both 1 and 2 and any other conservation thought to be cost effective when compared to new generation sources.All conservation savings reasonably expected to occur must be included in the CECls adopted forecast. Quantifying additional achievable conservation can help to establish new con- servation programs.Table B.3 summarizes the savings reasonably expected to occur for each program or measure.Table B.4 lists the savings by end-use sec- tor. The C£C feels that because programs are the causative agent for many measures adopted.forecasts should report savings by program.Double counting of programs is eliminated by analyzing how specific conservation measures affect end uses of energy and reconciling competing programs'influence on each measure.A "sharing U structure is set up which includes effects of programs and price fluctuations.Price-and program-induced conservation becomes "dis- jointed.1I For example.in general the residential sector model does not have price-induced savings from consumer choice of more efficient appliances. B.8 - - TABLE B.3.CEC Conservation Program(Electricity Savi ngs in the Yea r 2002 a) 391 Sector Oemand(GWH) Residential Existing Retrofit and Programs kWh/house ho 1d 34 1975 HCO Building Standards· 1978 CEC Building Standards 1982 CEC Building Standards 1978 CEC Appliance OI I-42 Programs Other Retrofit Programs Load Management Cycl i ng Commercial 1978 CEC Building Standards 1983 CEC Building Standards 1983 CEC Equipment Standards School s and Hospital s Load Management Audits Other Commerci al Indust ri a 1 1978 CEC Building Standards 2,292 644 5,108 6,069 o 301 1,160 15 ,965 6,011 1,083 1,057 234 1,683 1,846 11,914 323 201 57 449 533 o 26 102 1,403 kWh/employee 549 99 97 21 154 169 1,088 97 (a)Reasonably expected to occur.Street lighting and agriculture sectors exc 1 uded. Source:California Energy Commission 1983,Table 3-IV-1,2,3.Household and employment projections used were taken from U.S.Department of Com- merce,Bureau of Economic Analysis,1980 Regional Projections.Households at 11,377,270:commercial employment at 10,950,677;industrial employment at 3,321,917. B.9 TABLE B.4.CEe Potential Energy Savings by End-Use Sector by the Year 2002 Sector Residential Commercial Bldg Other Commercia 1 Street Lighting Process Industry Assembly Industry Extract i on Indust ry Tota 1 GWh 23,313 12,849 1,593 983 o 4,985 o 43,723 kWh/HH or employee 2,049 1,173 145 86 o 1,501 o ~ Source:California Energy Commission,Volume I Technical Report,1982, Table 3-7.Agriculture not included. but estimates savings based on mandatory standards.In the commercial sector, CEC loan management audits compete with price to motivate customers to make efficiency improvements.However,as more programs are introduced this separa- tion becomes more difficult.Once again,heavy reliance is placed on building shell improvements to achieve conservation of electricity. WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY The Wisconsin Electric Power Company (WEPC)is an investor-owned utility servi ng the Mi 1waukee,Kenosha,and Raci ne Standard r-'etropo1 itan Areas,central and Northern Wisconsin,and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.Wisconsin's pri- mary fuel source (70%)has been natural gas since 1977.Electricity accounts for only 4 to 5%of total energy used.WEPC has adopted a very broad defini- tion of conservation,covering not only more efficient end use of electricity but also energy saved at the supply and conversion levels,e.g.,fuel switch- ing,time-of-use rates,load management,etc.,although load management was not modeled.It should be noted that there is currently an on-going debate between WEPC and the Wisconsin Public Services Commission regarding this definition. Basically the problem centers around WEPC's desire to raise rates to pay for programs they define as conservation measures.The Commission uses the defini- tion of improvement in efficiency of energy end use by the customer.The Com- B.10 - - - mission feels that WEPC emphasizes load management over incentives to the cus- tomer and thereby serves the company objectives first.(a)WEPC counters with the following argument: "Staff has been critical of Wisconsin's Electric's perspective on conservation.It is true that Wisconsin Electric has viewed con- servation in context of the over-all planning process.That process seeks to anticipate and influence load patterns in order to maximize efficiency and maintain financial strength with the ultimate purpose of insuring that reliable service can be del ivered at the lowest reasonable cost.The encouragement of efficient end-use of electri- city contributes to the achievement of planning goals to the extent that peak use is constrained.It may be detrimental to the extent that it results .in inefficient plant utilization."~b) Two poi nts about thi s controversy are important to thi s study.Fi rst, total state or regional energy planning will be less efficient unti.l a unified policy position is adopted.Such a situation occurred in the past between BPA and PNPPC and was resolved through guidelines provided by the Regional Power Act.Second,the WE PC conservation forecasts will include end-use efficiency improvements,price-induced and program-induced conservation,and energy sav- ings from fuel switching. WEPC uses trend analysis to estimate peak demand.The WEPC system is pri- marily concerned with prbviding adequate capacity and their modeling effort reflects that concern;there is very little disaggregation at the end-use level.The energy forecast is derived directly from demand and contains some conservation from an implicit reduction for improved air conditioning effi- ciencies.Then,adjustments in hourly energy use for rate structure reform and solar water and space heat are made.These adjustments are summed for monthly and annual energy forecasts.The adjustments were allocated to each sector in the following manner: (a)Post Hearing Brief on Docket 6630-ER-14. (b)Hearings before the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Docket 6630- ER-14."Application of Wisconsin Electric Power Company for Authority to Increase Rates for Electric Service Based on Projected 1983 Operations," 1982. B .11 •rate structure reform to general secondary (commercial) •solar to residential •air conditioning efficiency improvements to residential and general secondary according to the percent of the efficiency reduction at summer peak demand attributable to each sector (62%residential,38% c omme rc ia 1)• Table 8.5 presents the energy savings by customer for the year 2000. Energy savings per household or employee were not available. TABLE B.S.WEPC Conservation Potential by the Year 2000 (Base Case) secto r Residential General Secondary (c omme rc ia 1) Savings 13 kWh/custome r 447 kWh/customer Source:Number of customers from Response to Item 7 of the Publ ic Ser- vice Commission of Wisconsin Docket 6630-ER-14 Regarding Conservation. Estimated savings from Wisconsin Elec- tric Power Company 20-year Demand and Energy Forecast 1981-2000, Table 2-1.2.Air Conditioning load reduction developed from Table 1-3.1 and Tabl e 2-1.4. These conservation estimates represent only part of the total potential. Although the a.ir conditioning component includes price response,the solar and rate structure components do not.The forecast does not include reductions for improved efficiency in other appliances.Double counting occurs in adjusting for improved appliance efficiency resulting from federally mandated standards and the associated response to the econometric pricing assumptions.WEPC avoided double counting (or rather discounted for it)by not quantifying separate adjustments for baseload and water heating efficiencies. B.12 - - ._ldl, ALASKAN RAILBELT The State of Alaska,various utilities in the Railbelt region.and the l"1unicipal ity of Anchorage have impl emented energy conservation programs that include measures for conserving electricity that have al ready reduced electri- city consumption. Major conservation programs currently available in the Railbelt include the State Division of Energy and Power Development energy audit and loan (DEPD) program;the Golden Valley Electric Association program (primarily education in support of the market place);similar education programs by the Chugach Elec- tric Association and the Fairbanks Municipal Utility System;and the City of Anchorage Program involving audits.weatherization.and educational efforts. The Golden Valley program was partly responsible for a reduction of electricity use in this Fairbanks service area from 17,332 kWh/household in 1975 to 9303 kWh/household in 1982 (see Table B.6).In the past.however,the DEPD program has been the most extensive with an estimated 24%of all Railbelt houses having had'an energy audit performed.The program has saved an estimated average of 1.582.kwh/year of electricity per Alaska household,with electricity equaling about 18%of total energy savings from the program.No reliable data onDEPD program electricity savings are available in the Railbelt load centers. According to Tillman (1983).almost all of the Railbelt programs have been aimed at the residential sector.with con~ervation in the commercial and indus- trial sectors being accomplished primarily through market conditions.Price- induced conservation is then more easily distinguishable in those two sectors.In the AML&P program.total conservation potential through 1987 has been disaggregated into program-and price-induced components (see Table 8.7) with approximately a 40 and 60%share.respectively.For a breakdown by pro- gram.see Tab 1e 8.8. Tillman indicates that price-induced electricity conservation will be more important in the future than programmatic conservation for the following reasons: B.13 TABLE B.6.Average Annual Electricity Consumption per Household on the GVEA System,1972-1982 An nua 1 Monthly Cons umpti on Cons umpt i on Percent Year (kWh)(kWh)Change 1972 13,919 1,160 +5.6 1973 14,479 1,207 +4.0 1974 15,822 1,319 +9.3 1975 17,332 1,444 +9.5 1976 15,203 1,267 -12.3 1977 14,255 1,188 -6.2 1978 11 ,574 965 -18.8 1979 10,519 877 -9.1 1980 9,767 814 -7.1 1981 9,080 757 -7.0 1982 9,303 775 +2.5 Source:GVEA,as reported by Tillman (1983). •It has the dominant share of impacts. •Subsidized audits and investments programs for residences are being phased out. •Practical impact limits are being achieved in institutional build- ings and systems programs. •Current plans for future programs are predominantly educational pro- grams designed to support price or market-induced conservation. Tillman (1983)notes that two miscellaneous AML&P programs are expected to save considerable electric energy by the year 1987.These are street 1ighting improvements,whose impact is taken into account in Section 9.0,and heating of the Anchorage municipal water supply to reduce the electricity use of water heaters.The water heater impact is factored into the use rates for Anchorage water heaters inSect ion 5.0 In attempting to determine the level of conservation potential,the ques- ti on ari ses as to whether further i nves tment in energy-savi ngs prog rams B.14 - - TABLE B.7.Programmatic Versus Market-Driven Energy Conservation Projections in the M~L&P Service Area Programmati~ Conservation\a) Year 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 Cumulative (MWh)(%of 12,735 19,609 20,896 27,619 30 ,195 32,614 35,421 179,089 Tota 1) 39.5 34.9 37.1 41.1 40.4 40.6 41.0- 40.3 Market Driv~8 Conservation l ) (MWh)(%) 19,558 60.5 27,243 65.1 35,374 62.9 39,560 58.9 44,536 59.6 48,133 59.4 50,940 59.0 265,344 59.7 Total(a) (MWh)(~Ic) 32,294 100 46,853 100 56,289 100 67,133 100 74,730 100 81,015 100 86,363 100 444,,677 (a)Detail does not add to total in the orginal.1981 programs inc 1uded: Residential We at her i za t ion State Programs Wa t er Flow Re st rictor Water Heat Injection MWh/yr 586 879 200 3,921 5,586 kWh/Cu stomer 42 63 14 281 400 -- Industri a1 Boiler Feed Pumps 7,148 2298 Planned conservation programs include hot water wraps ~n the residential sector and street light conversion and utility transmission conversion in the commercial sector.The number of customers was provided by the 1982 Alaska Electric Power Statis- tics of the Alaska Power Administration. (b)1981 Price elasticity effects equaled 19,558 MWh/yr. Source:AML&P 1982. B.15 TABLE B.8.Programmatic Energy Conservation Projections for AML&P (MWh/yr) Program Weatherization State Programs Water Flow Restrictions Water Heat Injection Hot Water Heater Wrap 1981 586 879 .'200', 3,922 NA 1982 762 1,759 464 3,922 NA 1983 938 2,199 464 3,922 249 1984 1,114 2,683 464 3,922 249 1985 1,290 3,078 464 3,922 249 1986 1,466 3,518 464 3,922 249 1987 1,641 3,737 464 3,922 249 Street Light Conversion Transmission Conversion o o 555 o 1,859 4,119 3,307 8,732 4,788 9,256 6,306 7,861 9,811 10,399 --, ~I Boiler Pump Convers ion TOTAL %Change From Previous Year 7,148 7,148 7,148 7,148 7,148 7,148'7,148 12,735 14,609 20,896 27,619 30,195 32,614 35,421 NA 14.7 43.0 32.2 9.3 9.8 8.6 Source:AML&P,as ,reported by Tillman (1983). would be cost effective.An investigation of program-induced versus price- induced conservation forecasted by other regions could indicate if current mar- ket penetration levels in the Rai1belt are realistic.Unfortunately,as we have seen,total separation of price and program effects forecasted by PNPPC, BPA,CEC,and WEPC has not yet been achieved.We have some indication that these forecasts do show programmatic contributions by the year 2000 in residen- tial commercial,and industrial sectors.However,the extent to which techni- cally achievable conservation limits can be approached in Alaska through programs and what proportion would be due to market actions is not clear.In general,because of differences in housing stock,fuel mode splits,fuel prices,climate,and other factors,forecasted program saVings for other regions may have only limited relevance for the Railbelt. !L16 - ~ I APPENDIX C RED MODEL OUTPUT -~ - r~, -t APPENDIX C RED MODEL OUTPUT This appendix displays selected RED model output produced for the 1983 update.Included in the following tables are information on the number of households served by electricity in each load center,housing vacancies,fuel price forecasts,electricity used per household and per employee,as well as sLDllmaries of price effects and programmat-ic conservation,annual electricity requirements by sector and load center,and total peak demand.The figures presented in these tables are at the point of sale and include estimates suppl ied by Harza';'Ebascoof mil itary and industrial demand.They do not include an adjustment for transmission losses.However,for the 1983 update of the alternative generation plans these reported figures were adjusted for transmission losses. C.1 .- - LIST OF TABLES H-12--SHERMAN CLARK NO SUPPLY DISRUPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.11 Households Served,Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.13 Households Served,Greater Fai rbanks •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.14 Housi ng Vacanci es,Anchorage -Cook Inl et ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.15 Housing Vacancies,Greater Fairbanks •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.16 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Electricity ($/kWh)•••••••••••••••••••C.17 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Natural Gas ($/M~1Btu)•••••••••••••••••C.18 Fue 1 Pri ce Forecast s Employed,Fuel Oi 1 ($/Mf1Btu)••••••••••••••••••••C.19 Residential Use Per Household (kWh)(Without Adjustment for Price),Anchorage -Cook Inlet •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.20 Residential Use Per Household (k\~h)(Without Adjustment for Price),Greater Fairbanks ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.21 Business Use Per Employee (kWh)(Without Large Industrial) (Without Adjustment for Pri ce)•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.22 Summary of Price Effects and Programmatic Conservation in GWh,Anchorage -Cook In 1et ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.2 3 Summary of Price Effects and Programmatic Conservation in GWh,Greater Fairbanks •••••••••.••..•.•••••••••••••.•••••••••.•.••..•C.24 Breakdown of Electricity Requirements (GWh)(Total Includes Large Industrial Consumption),Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••C.25 Breakdown of Electricity Requirements (GWh)(Total Includes Large Industrial Consumption),Greater Fairbanks •••••••••••••••••••••C.26 Total El ectrical Requi rements (GWh)(Net of Conservation) (Includes Large Industrial Consumption)r-'edium Range {PR =.5)•••••••C.27 Peak Electric Requirements (MW)(Net of Conservation) (Includes Large Industrial Demand)r-'edium Range (PR =.5)••••••••••••C.28 HE3--DOR AVG SCENARIO ••.•••••••••.•••••.•••.•.•••••••••••••••.••••.•.•••.•C.29 Households Served,Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.31 Households Served,Greater Fairbanks •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.32 C.3 Housing Vacancies,Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••C.33 Housi ng Vacancies,Greater Fai rbanks ••••••••••••••.•••••.••••••.••...C.34 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,El ectricity ($/kWh)•••••••••••••••••••C.35 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Natural Gas ($/~11~Btu)•••••••••••••••••C.36 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Fuel Oil ($/Mf'IBtu)••••••••••••••••••••C.37 Residential Use Per Household (kWh)(Without Adjustment for Pri ce),Anchorage -Cook Inl etc ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.38 Residential Use Per Household (kWh)(Without Adjustment for Pri ce),Greater Fa i rbanks ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.39 Business Use Per Employee (kWh)(Without Large Industrial) (Without Adjustment for Price)•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.40 SLmmary of Pri ce Effect sand Programmatic Conservati on in GWh,'Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••.•••••.••.•••.••••••••••••••••••••••.C.41 Summary of Price Effects and Programmatic Conservation in GWh,Greater Fairbanks ••••••••••••••.••.••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••.C.42 -J Breakdown of Electricity Requirements (GWh)(Total Includes Large Industrial Consumption),Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••C.43 Breakdown of Electricity Requirements (GWh)(Total Includes Large Industrial ConsLrnption),Greater Fairbanks •••••••••••••••••••••C.44 Total Electrical Requirements (GWh)(Net of Conservation) (Includes Large Industrial Consumption)Medium Range (PR =.5)•••••••C.45 Peak Electric Requirelllents (MW)(Net of Conservation) (Includes Large Industrial Demand)Medium Range (PR =.5).C.46 HE9--DOR 50%••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.47 Households Served,Anchorage -Cook Inlet •••••••••••••.••••••••••••••C.49 Households Served,Greater Fairbanks •••••••••••••••.•••••.••.••.•••••C.50 Housing Vacancies,Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.51 Housing Vacancies,Greater Fairbanks .......•..•.•••••.••••••..•.••.•.C.52 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,El ectricity ($/kWh)•••••••••••••••••••C.53 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Natural Gas ($/~1MBtu)•••••••••••••••••C.54 C.4 - .- 1~ - Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Fuel Oil ($/I'1r~Btu)••••••••••••••••••••C.55 Residenti al Use Per Househol d (kWh)(Without Adjustment for Price),Anchorage -Cook Inlet •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.56 Residential Use Per Household (kWh)(Without Adjustment for Price),Greater Fairbanks ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.57 Business Use Per Employee (kWh)(Without Large Industrial) (~!i tho ut Ad jus tm ent for Pric e)•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.58 Summary of Price Effects and Programmatic Conservation in GWh,Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~•••••C.59 Summary of Price Effects and Programmatic Conservation in GWh,Greater Fairbanks ••••••••.••••••.•..•••••••...••.••.•.••......•.•C.60 Breakdown of Electricity Requirements (GWh)(Total Includes Large Industrial Consumption),Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••C.61 Breakdown of Electricity Requirements (GWh)(Total Includes Large Industrial Consumption),Greater Fairbanks •••••••••••••••••••••C.62 Total Electrical Requirements (GWh)(Net of Conservation) (Includes Large Industrial Consumption)Medium Range (PR =.5)•••••••C.63 Peak Electric Requirements (M~n (Net of Conservation) (Includes Large Industrial Demand)~~edium Range (PR =.5)••••••••••••C.64 H10--DOR 30%••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,.,•••••••••••••••••••C.65 Households Served,Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.67 Households Served,Greater Fairbanks •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.68 Housing Vacancies,Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.69 Housing Vacancies,Greater Fairbanks •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.70 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Electricity ($/kWh)•••••••••••••••••••C.7l Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Natural Gas ($/MMBtu)•••••••••••••••••C.72 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Fuel Oil ($/MMBtu)••••••••••••••••••••C.73 Residential Use Per Household (kWh)(Without Adjustment for Price),Anchorage -Cook Inlet •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.74 Residential Use Per Household (kWh)(Without Adjustment for Price),Greater Fairbanks ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.75 c.s Business Use Per Employee (kWh)(Without Large Industrial) (\~ithout Adjustment for Price)•..••...••••..•..•.•.••..••••..••••••..C.76 Summary of Price Effects and Programmatic Conservation in GWh,Anchorage -Cook In 1eta e _II C.7 7 Summary of Price Effects and Programmatic Conservation in GWh,Greater Fairbanks •..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.l8 Breakdown of El ectricity Requi rements (GVJh)(Total Includes Large Industrial Consumption),Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••C.79 Rreakdown of Electricity Requirements (G\'Jh)(Total Includes Large Industrial Consumption),Greater Fairbanks ••.•.••••.••.....•..•C.SO Total Electrical Requirements (GWh)(Net of Conservation) (Includes Large Industrial Consumption)~dium Range (PR =.5)C.8l Peak Electric Requirements (I'~W)(Net of Conservation) (Includes Large Industrial Demand)Medium Range (PR =.5)C.82 H13--DRI SCENARIO ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~••••••••••••••••••.••••••••C.83 Households Served,Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••.••••••.•.•••.••.•••••C.85 Households Served,Greater Fairbanks •....••..•.......•.•...•••••..•••C.86 Housing Vacancies,Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.87 Housing Vacancies,Greater Fairbanks ••••••••~••••••••••••••••••••••••C.BB Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Electricity ($/U~h)•••••••••••••••••••C.89 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Natural Gas ($/MMBtu)•••••••••••••••••C.90 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Fuel Oi 1 ($/MMBtu)••••••••••••••••••••C.91 Residential Use Per Household (kWh)(Without Adjustment for Price),Anchorage -Cook Inlet •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.92 Residential Use Per Household (kWh)(Without Adjustment for Price),Greater Fai rbanks ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.93 Business Use Per Employee (kWh)(Without Large Industrial) (Without Adjustment for Price)............•..•.••••.•..•.••..•.••.•..C.94 Summary of Price Effects and Programmatic Conservation in GWh,Anchorage -Cook Inl et C.9 5 C.6 - ..... - Summary of Price Effects and Programmatic Conservation in GWh,Greater Fairbanks •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••C.96 Breakdown of Electricity Requirements (GWh)(Total Includes Large Industrial Consumption),Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••C.97 Breakdown of El ectricity Requi rements (GWh)(Total Includes Large Industrial Consumption),Greater Fairbanks •••••••••••••••••••••C.98 Total Electrical Requirements (GWh)(Net of Conservation) (Includes Large Industrial Consumption)r~dium Range (PR =.5)•••••••C.99 Peak Electric Requirements (MW)(Net of Conservation) (Includes Large Industrial Demand)rv'edium Range (PR =.5)••••••••••••C.100 HE4--FERC +2%.••••••••••••••••••••••••~••••••••••.••••~••••••••.••••••.•.•C.l01 Households Served,Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.103 Househol ds Served,Greater Fa i rbanks •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.104 Housing Vacancies,Anchorage -Cook ·Inlet ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.105 Housing Vacancies,Greater Fairbanks •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.106 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Electricity ($/kWh)•••••••••••••••••••C.107 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Natural Gas ($/MMBtu)H'•••••••••••••••C.108 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Fuel Oil ($/MMBtu)••••••••••••••••••••C.109 Residential Use Per Household (kWh)(Without Adjustment for Price),Anchorage -Cook Inlet •..••......•.••.•••••••••...••...••C.110 Residential Use Per Household (kWh)(Without Adjustment for Price),Greater Fairbanks ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.111 Business Use Per Employee (kWh)(Without Large Industrial) (Without Adjustment for Price)..••..••••.•••.••.•••.••.•••.••••••.•••C.112 Summary of Price Effects and Programmatic Conservation in GWh,Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.113 Summary of Price Effects and Programmatic Conservation in GWh,Greater Fa;rbanks •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••C .114 Breakdown of El ectricity Requi rements (GWh)(Total Includes Large Industrial Consumption),Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••C.115 Breakdown of El ectricity Requi rernents (GWh)(Total Includes Large Industrial Consumption),Greater Fairbanks •............•...••••C.116 C.7 Total Electrical Requirements (GWh)(Net of Conservation) (Includes Large Industrial Consumption)Medium Range (PR =.5)•••••••C.117 Peak El ectric Requirements (i~W)(I~et of Conservation) (Includes Large Industrial Demand)~"1edium Range (PR =.5)••••••••••••C.118 HE6--FERC 0%.•.••.....•......•..•..•....•................•..•....•o ••~••••C.119 Households Served,Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.121 ~ Households Served,Greater Fairbanks •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.122 Housing Vacancies,Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.123 Housing Vacancies,Greater Fairbanks •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.124 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Electricity ($/kWh)•••••••••••••••••••C.125 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Natural Gas ($/t~MBtu)•••••••••••••••••C.126 ~ Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Fuel Oil ($/MMBtu)••••••••••••••••••••C.127 Residential Use Per Household (kWh)(Without Adjustment for Pri ce),Anchorage -Cook Inl et •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.128 Residential Use Per Household (kWh)(Without Adjustment for Price),Greater Fairbanks ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.129 Business Use Per Employee (kWh)(Without Large Industrial) (Without Adjustment for Price)•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.130 Summary of Price Effects and Programmatic Conservation in GWh,Anchorage -Cook Inl et ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C .131 Summary of Price Effects and Programmatic Conservation in GWh,Greater Fairbanks •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C'.132 Breakdown of El ectricity Requi rements (GWh)(Total Incl udes Large Industrial Consumption),Anchorage -Cook Inl et C.133 Breakdown of El ectricity Requi rements (GWh)(Total Incl udes Large Industrial Consumption),Greater Fairbanks •••••••••••••••••••••C.134 Total Electrical Requirements (GWh)(Net of Conservation) (Includes Large Industrial Consumption)Medium Range (PR =.5)•••••••C.135 Peak E1 ectric Requi rements (MW)(Net of Conservation) (Includes Large Industrial Demand)Medium Range (PR =.5)••••••••••••C.136 C.8 -\ - - ,fIl'l1'iIII - HE7--FERC -1%•••••••.•..•••..••..•..•..•..•.•..•....•..•.•..•.•.••........C.137 Households Served,Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.139 H0 use hold s Se r ve d,Gre at er Fa i rban ks •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.140 Ho us i ng Va can cie s,An c h0 rag e -Co 0 kIn 1et ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.14 1 Hous i ng Vacancies,Greater Fa i rbanks •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.142 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Electricity ($/kWh)•••••••••••••••••••C.143 Fuel Price Forecasts Empl oyed,I~atural Gas ($/MMBtu)•••••••••••••••••C.144 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Fuel Oil ($/~1MBtu)••••••••••••••••••••C.145 Residential Use Per Household (kWh)(Without Adjustment for Price),Anchorage -Cook Inlet C.146 Residential Use Per Household (kWh)(Without Adjustment for Pric e),Gre at er Fa i rb an k s.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.14 7 Business Use Per Employee (kWh)(Without Large Industrial) ,(Wi tho ut Ad jus tme nt for Pric e)•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.148 Summary of Price Effects and Programmatic Conservation in GWh,Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C .149 Summary of Price Effects and Programmatic Conservation in GWh,Greater Fairbanks •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.ISO Br~akdown of El ectricity Requi rements (GWh)(Total Incl udes Large Industrial Consumption),Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••C.151 Breakdown of Electricity Requirements (GWh)(Total Includes Large Industrial Consumption),Greater Fairbanks •••••••••••••••••••••C.152 Total Electrical Requirements (GWh)(Net of Conservation) (Includes Large Industrial Consumption)Medium Range (PR =.5)•••••••C.153 Peak Electric Requirements (MW)(Net of Conservation) (Includes Large Industrial Demand)Medium Range (PR =.5)••••••••••••C.154 HE8~~FERC -2%•...•.......•.....•....•.•................•.................C.ISS Households Served,Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.157 I-Iouseholds Served,Greater Fairbanks •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.158 Ho usin g Va can cie s,An ch0 rag e -Co 0 kIn 1et ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.15 9 C.9 Housing Vacancies,Greater Fairbanks •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.160 Fue 1 Price Forecasts Employed,El ectri c ity ($/k Wh)•••••••••••••••••••C.161 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Natural Gas ($/W1Btu)•••••••••••••••••C.162 """ Fuel Price Forecasts Employed,Fuel Oil ($/~1HBtu)••••••••••••••••••••C.163 -"Residential Use Per Household (kWh)(Without Adjustment for Pri ce),Anchorage -Cook Inlet •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.164 Residential Use Per Household (kWh)(Hithout Adjustment for Price),Greater Fairbanks ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.165 Business Use Per Employee (kWh)(Without Large Industrial) (Without Adjustment for Price)•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.166 Summary of Price Effects and Programmatic Conservation in GWh,Anchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••.•••.:•••••••••••••••••••••••••••C.167 Summary of Price Effects and Programmatic Conservation in GWh,Greater Fairbanks ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••C.168 Breakdown of El ectricity Requi rements (GWti)(Total Includes Large Industrial Consumption),Mchorage -Cook Inlet ••••••••••••••••C.169 Breakdown of Electricity Requirements (GWh)(Total Includes Large Industri al Consumption),Great.er Fa;rbanks •••••••••••••••••••••C.170 Total Electrical Requirements (GWh)(Net of Con"servation) (Includes Large Industrial Consumption)Medium~ange(PR =.5)•••••••C.171 Peak Electric Requirements (MW)(Net of Conservation) (Includes Large Industrial Demand)i<1edium Range (PR =.5)••••••••••••C.172 C.10 - I~"" H12--SHERMAN CLARK NO SUPPLY DISRUPTION C.11 C.13 SCEN6RIOt HEll t HI2·.5H£R~AN CLARK NO SUPPLY OISRUPTIO~·.6/2411q8J HOuSEHoLns SERVED GREATER FAIRAANKS ~w ••••••_••~••••w ••••• YEAR SINGLE FAMILY I4UL T!HMILV HUSILE HOliES OUPLEXES TOyAL.............~....................•......•.•....................•••.•........ 1980 nao.5281.1\89.UP.15JI1. 0.00(1)(0.(00)(0.0(0)(0.0(0)«0.(00) t98S 101111".S Abl.2130.lUSt 20 1107. 0.0(0)«0.0(10)(0.0(0)(0.0(0)«0.(00) (J.t990 1112 11 •7 Q bO.2270.2315.2I1J32 • I--'(0.000)«0.0(0)«1'1.000)«0.000)«0.(011)~ 1995 t 117lb.711111.HU.nn.?'1I2 1l 1l. 0.0(0)(0.(011)«1).000)«0.000)«0.00(1) 2000 tb52 8 •770J.]811115.n98.30]74. O.(lIIO)(0.000)«0.000)(0.000)«0.(100) 200S t7 q 51.8b"ll.IIUO.i!UI.32q73. 0.(00)(0.0(0)«0.0(0)(0.000)(0.000) aoto 19 b75.9bU.IIfl7J.2)34.lb294 •. (1.000)(0.0(0)(0.0(0)«0.000)«0.0(11) J .1 J 1 )1 J _J J I J J ]~1 ))1 "'1 'J 1 ~J 1 .)]:I 1 SCENARIOI HED I HIZ ...SIiERHAN CURl<NO SI/PPLV OISRIJPTION ••6/1!qJI~81 HUUSING VACANCIES ANCHORAGE •COOl<INLET..----...•.••...~..... 'fEAR SIIlGLE FAHlly HIJL TlFA I4 1LY '101.l1l E HOMES DUPLEXES TOTn................................~..--......................,...................._~ nAo 5089.1bbb.1991 •Illbl.IUO tl • 0.0110)(0.000)(0.001))(0.000)(0.(00) 1985 15011.IlIqb.Ii!I.~lJ2.ZIII7 • C)«0.000)(0.000)«0.000)«0.(00)(0.0011) t-'19lJO bllb.100!i.IIICI.2Sq.2(81).(Jl 0.000)(0.000)«0.000)(o./)on)(o.,oon) 19lJS 711.UU.Ibll.2811.2771. o.oon)«0.000)«0.000)«0.000)(0.000) 2000 7b8.l19b.178 •11115.1181. 0.000)(0.000)«0.0(0)(0.000)(0.000) 2005 (1]0.Iqbll.195.288.3281. 0.(00)(0.000)(o.oon)«0.000)(o.oon) 2010 tiP.2182.Z17.11 9 •]b]II. o.noo)«0.000)(/).000)(0.000)(o.oon) SCHllRIOI MED I Hll-.RHERM4N CLARK NO SUPPLY OISRUP'ION-.b/~4/t98J HUUSING V4CANCIES GREATER FAIRBANKS•...••.•..•.•-........ YEAR SINGLE FAMILY MUI..TI F AHIL V MOBILE Hom::s OUPLElCES TOTAL......~.......................-...-..........."'•........lilt··......••·••. 1980 J~SJ.3320.98~.895.88511. o.nOO)(o.oon)(0.000)(0.0(0)(11.11(0) Iq85 liB.2b5 11 •24.722.351". 0.000)(0.000)(".000)(0.00(1)(0.000) ("")1990 Ii!q.IiSIl.25.81 •.f,8Q •.......(0.000)(O.OO{l)(0.0(0)(0.(00)(0.000)en Ins Illi/.4411.:n.80.726. 0.000)(0.000)(0.(00)«0.0(0)(0.0(0) 2000 18i.1l1i0.42.78.71l~. 0.000)«0./1(0)(0.0(0)«0.000)«0.0(0) lOOS 197.lIt.Q.lit..i!09.Q21. 0.000)(0.00/1)(0.0(0)(0.(00)(0.0(0) 2010 21t..51q.51.77.8bll. 0.(00)«0.0(0)(O.OO{l)(0.000)«0./100) J ]J I )J .I .1 _J ).J )~I .~I 1 ~'j I J I 1 1 1 ~J 1 ]J 1 ')1 j ]) (") I-' ....... SCENARIO,MfO I HI2 ••9HERMA~CLARK NO SUPPLY OISRUPTION·.tl/2Q/198l FUEL PRICE FD~ECAST9 EMPLOY~O ELECTRICITY (S I KWH) ANCHOPAGE •COllK I NL E'GREATER FAIPRANKS.._•..•.•._•.•.••.•••••._.~_.•.•.•_.R ..~..~......_.~...••....-..._........ YEAR RESIDENTIAL BUSINESS RESIDENTIAL RIIS 1 NE S!I..........................................--....... 1980 0.0l1 0.0)11 0.0'15 0.090 1'185 0.0 1111 0.1)115 0.095 0.090 1990 0.OS2 0.0119 0.092 0.081 1995 0.05~0.055 0.091.1 0.089 &'000 O.Obl 0.OS9 O.Oqb 0.091 lo05 O.C'b5 n.Ob!0.098 0.09] 2010 O.Ob'o.nbll 0.100 0.0'15 SCENARIO'~EO,Hta-.SHERMAN CLARK NO SUPPLV OISRUPTION--b/2Q/198J fUEL PRICE FORECASTS EMPLOYED NATURAL GAS (S/MM8TU) _..._.••............................~ ANCHORAGE •COOK INLET GREATER FAIR9ANKS..~...-.-..._.....~•••.....•.•.....•• n. I-' CO YEAR RE81DENIUl BUSINF.SS AESIDENTI AL IHISINfSS......•.••...••..........-"1 •••.....~......................_- Iq80 1.7]0 I.SOO U.711c)11.l90 Iq85 1.9 50 1.7ilo 10.bOO 9.150 1990 2.1180 l.bS/)11.2110 9.790 1995 ".050 ].820 1].0]0 11.580 lOOO 11.290 1I.0bO 15.110 1 ).&60 2005 (I.9bO II.Ho 11.521'1 !b.Olo 2,,10 5.)(10 5.150 20.310 18.11611 I ,)B J J --)).1 J _l J J J 1 1 )J j J 1 I J 1 ')1 -]I 1 SCENARIO,MEl),Hli!...IlHERM4N CLMU<NO SUPPLY £lISRLJPTlON ..·e.I2IlJl'l6] FIiEl P~ICE FORf:CASTS EHPLOYF'D FUEL OIL (SJHH8TUJ _NCHORAGE ..COOk I~LET.._•.•....•..•.......•..•._~.~ GREATER 'AJRRANK~........•..•.....•..--.-.~_. n t-' 1.0 YEAR Rf.SIDENTIAL BUS'NESS RESIDENTt4L FlIlSI Nf!lS..........•..•.•.•.._-...................-......... I'l80 7.750 7.200 7.830 7.'50l) I'l85 e..uSO '5.'lOO e..510 fl.180 1990 e..8 u O b.l!9n fl.910 e..580 ''l9;7.'l30 7.3811 11.010 l.fl80 2000 9.190 A.bliO 'l.290 19.'lu 2005 10.b!.0 10.100 '0.770 to ./f1i0 2010 Ii!.JsO 11.800 12.1180 12.150 SCENARIO.~ED I ~la.·8HEAMAN CLARK NO SUPPlV OISRUPTIOH·.6/2~/1~8J RESIOENTIAL USE PEA HOUSEHOLD (KWH) tWIT~OUT ADJUSTMENT 'OR PRICE) ANCHQPAGE •COOK INLET.....~.......-......~~ SMALL LARGE SPACE VEAR APPllANCES APPLIANCES HEAT TOTAL..........••..•.................................. 19811 2110.1)0 b500.01 SOU.sa Ub'l9.15 0.1)00)(0.1)00)c 0.000)c O~OOO) n 1985 ;11£10.00 h151.1.19 ~821."3 IJIH.3J.C 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)N 0 1990 221 0 .00 bOI9".1b 451i~.35 U8111.1i 0.000)(0.000)(1).000)(0.000) 1995 221>0.00 5959~31 1.I'51~.'5b 12734.87 0.(00)(0.000)(1).1100)(0.000) 2000 2310.1)0 S'UI9.J8 1.1 11 53.811 Iii 7'.i3 •j!1 0.000)(Il.OOO)(o.lIlIn)(0.000) 2005 Huo.oO bO'59.12 41120.01.1 12839.17 0.000)(0.000)C 0.000)(0.000) i!010 21110.00 U;n.98 Qllq].S5 1l971.52 0.000)(0.1)00)(0.000)(0.000) J J I J j J -)•I .J I J .~J ]J ~J I 1 )1 J I )1 J 1 1 -])1 SCUURIOI HED I Hla·.SHERMA~CLARK ~O SUPPLY DISRUPTION·.b/2/l/198J RESIDENTIAL USE PER HOU~EHOLO (KWH) (WITHOUT AOJlIST'lI::NT FOR PIUCE) GREATER FAIR8ANKS ••••~•••_•••_~•••••aD. SHALL LARGE SPACE YEAR APPLIANCES APPLl'NCES HEAT TOTAL......................................................,.,. 191\0 lUb6.00 Hlq.52 HlJ.6b 1l51 Q.18 0.000)(0.000)(0.(100)(0.0(0) n 1985 253'.i.Q 9 bl78.""lbOb.ll 12l'-l.lu N (0.000)(0.0(0)(0.(100)(0.000)I--' 1990 lUb.OO bIl5J."a 1812.52 1293Z.07 11.(00)(0.000)(0.0(0)(0.0(0) 1995 2b76.00 Ubb.n 11050.111 I HU.OO 0.000)(0.0(0)(0.000)(0.0(0) lOI)O l7llb.00 61 9 5.115 IIJlO.)O 1)651.75 1).000)(0.0001 (0.(00)(O~OOO) 20jl5 lIlU.OO 6818~86 /l';]5.80 1/l190.b. 0.(00)(0.(00)(0.(110)(0.000) 2010 281J6.00 ..887.85 1I&55.9b 1I1 1lZQ.81 0.000)(0.000)(0.0(0)(0.0(0) " N N SCENARIU,MEO,Hll ..SHERMAN CLUIK NO SUPPLY DlSRUPTIOII ....bI2I1/198J BUSINESS USE PER EHPLOVfF (KWH) (WITHOUT LA~r.E INOUSTRiAl) (WITHOUT ADJUSTMENT Fqp PRICE) VEAR ANCHORAGE ..COOK INLET GREATE~FAIRBANK!.........~..•..............•••••.......•....•..• 1980 8401.011 7~q5.70 0.000)(0.000) 1985 9560.18 Hli!.11 0.000)(1I.00U) 1990 10355.0&8327.:55 0.000)«0.000) 19l/iS 10 9 18.115 8bbt!.iT 0.000)(0.000) lOOO 11 11 111.110 S957.9i! 0.000)(II./lOCI) 2005 IlO69.U CI:SOB.OJ 0.000)(0.0011) 2010 IlU?.U 9711.05 0.(00)(0.000) J J)J -J )B J J I ))I _I J J J I j 1 1 -~J 1 I 1 J I )j SCENARIO.MEl'!I HI2··l!fiF.RMAN CLAIlK NO SUPPLY OISRUPTIOtl ••6/l11/19n SU~MARY OF PRICE EFFECTS AND PRDGRAHATIC CONSERVATION IN GWH ANCHOqAGE •COIlK IULET RESIDENTI -L Rlllll~IESS.............................. OWIl-PRICE PRUGRAI1-IN()IICFO CROSS-PRICE OWN.PRICI!PROORA"'·INDlIC~D (:ROSS-PRICf YEAR P[DUCTION CONSER"!~IOrl qEO.UCTtO.N RE~q.e.r IO~,CO~4~~~~!!9~.__.AEl'IueTiON.................................................................................................................................................... 1980 11.000 0.000 0.000 O.OO/)0.000 0.000 1981 6.169 0.000 ..0.'5b7 9.327 /).000 O.'H2 198i 12.JH 0.000 ·1.115 Ill.651 0.000 1.061 1981 18.'506 O.OOll ..1.702 21.qaO 0.000 1.'595 19811 lll.f,711 0.000 -2.271)31.307 0.000 2.12b 1985 30.8'll O.OO/)..l.ll]l 1I!>.6H 0.000 2.lo58 198b ]11.1116 11.000 ·10.645 58.180 0.000 .0.356 1981 IIb.t09 o.ono -18.11511 b9.U6 0.000 ·3.]10 1988 53.h2 0.000 -2b.i!!>i!111.213 0.000 -6.385 1989 61.]15 0.000 -]11.071 92.1119 0.000 -9.399 1990 "9.008 0.000 .111."7 9 1011.366 n.oOo -12.1111 n.19 9 1 115.01lb 0.000 -91.191 119."110 0.000 ·19.060Nw1992Ibl.0811 O.OOll .1110.'5\5 1)'1.'5111 0.000 ·is.l07 199)207.121 0.000 "I 89.lIlJ 151.088 0.000 -12.l53 19911 25).15 9 0.000 -23 9 .150 16b.6b3 0.000 -)9.00Cl 1995 299.197 0.000 -288.1I!>8 182.231 0.000 -115.6117 199b 211l.01 lJ 0.000 -?25.00a 19A.H8 0.000 -'52.5811 19'H 168.8112 0.000 -161.5111 21 1J .\20 0.000 -59.'530 1998 103.b!>5 o.nOO _lJll.08b nO.3bl 0.000 -6b.1I71 1999 lR.1I81l 0.000 -]11.626 2111>.1103 0.000 -73.1112 2000 -2b.b8lJ O.ClOO la.lllS 2b2.1J 1I 1I 0.000 -80.1'511 2001 -7.502 0.000 6.1170 21l2.1J 1l9 0.000 -90.2115 ~oOi 11.68S 0.000 -15.89S 30~.H'i 0.000 -100.131 ZOO)10.87Z 0.000 -lA.lbO !22.sao 0.000 -ltO.OZll 20011 50.059 0.000 -bO.b2'i 311<'."25 0.000 -119.920 1005 b9.211l>0.000 ..82.~qO ~fJ2.fJ70 0.000 -129.lItl 200b "8.151 0.000 -9'5.9011 lfl A •tli!0.000 -1111.]]1'1 2007 1\7.055 (l.(l00 -1 /18./1 I 9 ull.'i Q 5 0.000 -ISb.llbll 2006 9'i.91>0 0.000 -121.733 1119.057 O.OOCl -170.391 2009 tOll.hll 11.000 -nll.1>1I1 IIbtl.520 0.000 -183.917 20.10 tll.lb lJ o.oon -,"7.Sbt'URlJ.9S2 0.000 -197.111111 SCENARIO'MEO I ~IZ--8HER~AN CLAR~~O SUPPLY OI8RUPTION ••6/24/1983 SUMMARV Of PRICE EfFECTS AND PROGRAMATIC CONSERVATiON IN GWH ............. GREATER FAIRBANkS flESID[NTlAL " N.po YEAR........ 1980 1981 1982 1981 19811 1985 19h 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 199a 19'H 19911 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 lOOO 2001 2002 2003 20011 2005 20010 2007aoOB 2009 2010 OWN-PRICE REOUC T1 ON .... 0.000 0.000 0.1'100 11.0011 0.1)00 0,000 -0.200 ..0.1100 -/l.000 -0.800 -1.1)00 -'.008 -1.Olb -1.0211 -1.1)]) -1.0111 -0.86" ..0.695 -11.522 -0.1110 -0.176 0.129 o.lIn 0.738 1.0112 '.:547 ,.772 2.19~ 2.6211 1.0119 '5.117'5 PAUGH ...1-1 NOUCEO CONSERVA~IUlj _ ............................. (1.000 1).1)00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 11.000 O.Olll) 1l.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 °.00 0 O.lIOO o.OtlO 0.000 0.000 (I.1I00 CROSS-PRICE REDUCTION ...................... 0.000 0.758 '.5U 2.n4).on 3.189 4.184 4.'378 4.9n '.JI»7 5.HI 5.170 11.592 4.008 3.1li!1I 2.83 0 I.J50 -0.11l0 -1.b30 -).119 -11.609 .b.8a5 ..9.0112 -1l.2S8 -U.1l75 -1l5.691 -18.bU -21.~H -all.bO Il -a7.liTS -.sO.SIIO OWN-PAlel! REI).~P .•ON_ .................. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.]112 -0.685 -1.027 -1.309 _1.712 -1.61] ·1.0111 _1.595 -1.55b ..1.517 -1.2117 ..0.078 .0.708 _fl.1I39 _0.109 0.297 I).H) 1.228 1.6911 2.160 2.819 1.417 11.1)0 11.7 0 5 l§.tlSII BUSINESS.............. PROGRAM-INOUCED CONHf.l~~npN __., .... 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 D.ClOII 0.000 0.000 0.1\00 0.000n.ooo 0.0110 0.000 0.000 0.1100 0.000 0.000 0.1100 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 CROSS-PRICE REDUCTION .................. 0.1100 0.5111 1.028 1.';42 2.1156 2.570 i.758 2.9qb J.1]4 J.J21 ).51t J.08t1 2.b57 e.2J! 1.8011 1.378 0.556 -0.265 "1.080 -1.907 ·2.72'9 -1.910 -5.091 -b.271 .7.1I!i2 -8.6)] -10.215 -I t .836 -11.1118 -15.01'9 -Ib.blll I !J J I ])1 I J I 1 ) J 1 J J 1 I 1 ]'1 J J ---f I 1 I SCENARIOI HEO I HI2 ....SHEFlt1AN Cll~1(NO SUPPLY OI8RUPTlor~..-bI21l119R] BREAKDOWN ot ELECTHICITY REQUIRfM~NTS CGWH) (TOT~L INCLuDES LARGE INDUSTRIAL CONSUMPTION) ANCHnRAn[..conK INLET ••••_•••N ••••••••••••• ~EOIUH RAHGE (PR_.5) ••••••••••••4.4 ••••• RE510EIITIll 8USINESS M18CELUNEOUS Hon.INDUSTRIAL YEAR RLQlJIREIIENTS REQUIREMENTS REQUUIEHENU LoAn TOTAL._..~-.-.-_..._....-....._--.......-.•.•.•..••..........._~.~_..-......-....••..•......... ..~110 '1H.'51 875.1b 211.:SI 8tJ.no 196].19 1981 1019.55 Q46.55 all.bll 92.011 208i/.82 1982 1059.57 10U.U ;!1l.'HI 100.16 2202.1Ie; 1983 1099.bO IOR8.92 25.)1 108.211 HU.07 191111 113'1.62 IlbO.1I !5.b!116.12 211111.70 1'J8S 1179.611 UJI.JO 2S.CJ8 \211.40 !'UI.12 198b 1212.b5 1280.79 26.83 137."9 2658.16 1'187 1,!1l'S.b!1J1O.28 n.b7 151.JB '1511.99 1988 1216.b6 1179.77 28.51 Ibll.88 l851.8i' U89 nll.b7 111 29.21,29.36 17".17 29118.b6n N \990 1l1l1l.6J 11118.75 ]0 •.20 191.86 ]0 11 5.119 U1 19'11 11711.10 1510.lIb )o.Be 195.IJ )IIO.5b 1'192 140).52 IS1I2.17 1l.56 19 8.110 ]175.611 1'19)11132.'111 1'7].87 U.2l!201.66 32 11 0.72 19911 IlIbi!.]6 1605.~8 H.9l'2011.")]]05.79 1995 11191.78 1637.29 H.bO 208.iO ]]70.87 I'I9b IS17.'70 16/)).011 311.16 2\11.111 )lIi9.0/J 19'17 I S/J).b&!1684.80 311.n 220.Il8 11187.22 1998 15b9.'5J \7111.'55 lS.29 U6.0i!]5115.110 1999 IS9'5.1l1ii 17110.11 15.81,21 I.9b H01.51 2000 Ib21.1t>I1bb.OtJ ..JtJ.1I2 237.90 JUI.7'5 2001 I!lSs.eli IAI2.b'J 31 .27 21111.9b J750.7t> 2002 ItJ90.H IIISCl.lI 18.I I 252.02 3819.78 200]11211.81 1905.9 Q ]8.91,259.08 1928.7Q 20011 1759.10 19'52.'57 )9.80 2(,6.111 11017.81 2005 179].71\ICl'lCl.21)110.65 273.20 1I10b.82 200b IflJ9.ii'i!Ob Cl •1l 2 111.117 281.58 II i!li!.1111 2001 llillll.bS il /JO .11';/J].O!l 2/19.qb 1I]58.IS lOOI!1'110.09 2211.0ti II/J.]O 298.]11 0411].81 2009 I 'HS .5]~28t.71 /JS.52 JOb.H 11609.1111 2010 20ilO.'Jb i!1S<!.1 11 111,.711 115.10 11715.111 SCENARIO'MED I HI2 ••SHERMAN CLARK NO SUPPLV DISRUPTION ••b/24JI983 aREAKOIIWN OF ELFCTRIC ltV REQIJlAfMfNTS (GWH) (TOTAL INCLUDES LAH~E INDUSTHIAl CONSUMPTION) GREATER FAIRBA~KS._..._-..._....~-..... MEDIUM RA~GE IPR ••5)..._.......~~....... RESIDENTIAL BUSINF.SS MISCELLANEOUS nOG.INDUSTRIAL YEAR IU.I)ll!RF.MENTS REQUIREMENTS REQUIREHENTS LOAD ..-"!"....~...-.~.~..........~.......~.~......~...~.•.•...••......_..••...••.- IUO 17b.39 21?ICl b.78 0.00 1981 190.b4 229.114 b.15 o.no lUi!204.90 242.S5 b.71 0.00 1983 i!19.1S 25'5.25 b.bl 0.00 1984 &!13.qo 2bl.9b b .113 0.00 19111S 247.bS 280.h b.59 0.00 198b 2bO.IO 289.ClS b.llS 10.00 1981 iP2.55 298.i!Cl b.l0 20.no 1988 2115.00 307.04 II .l!I JO.oo 1989 2 9 7.45 315.83 b.80 40.00 (").1990 109.90 32".bC!b.Bb S/).OO N ()) 19 9 1 lU.22 132.113 7.U8 50.00 1992 Ub.5,J HI.oS 7.11 50.00 1993 149.8S JCl9.C'1 1.54 50.00 19911 ]U.u 157.11 11 1.17 50.00 1995 31b.1l?3blj.'70 1.99 50.00 Iq9b 18b.28 111.1 9 8.lb 51).00 1991 Hb.OC!317.87 8.32 50.00 1998 1105.90 ]81.9b 8.49 50.00 1999 4IS.7t 19n.OIl 8.105 50.00 2000 1125.52 "")9b.li!8.8?50.no 2001 /13t1.8tl 405.bl 9.011 50.no 2002 ClIHI.il 1115.10 '1.27 50.no ZOO]1I')9.5a 11211.59 9.50 50.00 200Cl II 10.9t 1I1a.08 '1.12 50.00 ZOOS 482.25 11111.51 9.q'S 50.00 200b IlllS.9/>457.05 111.22 50.00 2001 50'1.&1 1110.51 10.50 50.no 2n08 521.37 IIBII.OI 10.7A 50.00 2009 517.013 aIl1."Q II.U5 So.oo 2010 550.19 'HO.en 11.31 50.00 J )J I ··.1 I )I .1 J ]J ) TOTAL•..•..•••••....•.. 400.31 421.21 11511.15 1l81.01 501.99 S3".ql 561>.20sen.so 1>28.79 bIlO.08 b91.38 7ll.14 UII.811 75b.b5 718.111 800.17 8U.2J 832.29 8118.]1l 8bll.1I0 81\0 '.lIb 901.52 1:122.58 91l3.aS 91:111.11 985.17 1013.23 10110.70 10l:l8.lb IOQ5.62 IIB.OQ .1 J --]1 ]1 )-1 1 '}1 ]J 1 1 J I '1 n N 'J S((NARIO,~Eo,HIl ••SH~RHAN CLAR~NO SUPPLY OI8RUPTION ••bll~/198! TOTAL ~LECTnlCITY PE~UIREHEN1B (GWH) 'NET OF CONSERVATION) 'INCLUDES LARGE INOUSTAIAl CONBU~PTIOH) HfDIU"PANGf (PR ••S) YEAR ANt~ORAGE •(OU~INLET OA~ATER ,AIRAANkS TnTAl....--....•..•••.•.•.•....~..~.•~-·R-·--·..__..."..~~-..~.~..~.--~ 1980 19(oJ.19 /Ill".JI 2Jb)~51 19"1 lOIJ2.Bl /li7.U 2'5ln,0'5 IqBi!Zi!n2.115 050.15 "..'5b.bO 19AJ "2i.n1 061.07 "Blll.IO 1911Q 211 11 1.711 '§(l1.Qq "9I1 Q .b9 19115 25b1.U ~)1I.91 )09b~21 198b letS8.U 5bb.ZO ]"O'II,H 1987 17'511.99 5'H.50 ]]52,119 1988 lI851.112 blB.1"111110.111 \9A'iI i!9118.U blIO.IlB 1608.70 1990 ]0115.119 b'H.18 1111>.81 19 9 1 SlIO.'511 11).111 lAU.70 1'J9l JI75.tllI 7]0.B9 ]910.51 199)]2 11 0.71 15b.b5 )997.H 199q H05.7 9 nll.1I1 Q1I811~21J \995 1'70.~7 "00.17 IIIl a".00 1996 Hi!9.0a lllb.2l 02U5~l7 19'H lQIl7.22 8U.29 0]19.51 1998 J5 0 5.110 81111.)q 019]~7~ 1999 JbIl).57 IIbll.al)Ollll7.91 2000 Ubl.7'5 '"'O."b Q511i!~i!1 ZoOI ]1'50.HI 901.52 Ilb!l2.2A 2002 )/1]9.71\922.58 1l7b2.1b 200)]9~8.7'i1 90).b5 111172'."11 20011 aOI7.81 9b/J.11 119112'.5' 2005 III"".Ili!'il8'i.n "inQ2.S Q lO06 oaU.Q9 1"".23 'ii1115~72 lOOl IIJ51\.15 111110.70 '5]QR.1\1l 2008 1111 11 ].111 IOb8.'t.'551;1.91 Z009 Ilb n 9.Il!l 109'5.b2 '5705'.10 lOIO 111H.III 1\2).(19 -;f\"iA.2J -) n Nco ]] SCENARIO'~ED.HI2 ••8HERHA~CL1R~NO SUPPLY OISRUPTION ••~/111/Iq8J PEAK ELECTRIC REQUIREMENTS (MW) (NET o~CONSERVATIO") UNCLI.IDfS LARGE 11101l6TIU4L DEMAND) HEDIUM RANGE (PR &.5)•..•.•..........•....~ YEAR ANCHORAGE •COOK INLET GREATER ,AIR8ANKB ;'OTH •u ••••••••••••••••••••...~.._..••.•..•.••..~~•.....•.._.•.•.•..... 1980 3 9 b.51 91.40 41'17.9/1 1981 1120.b8 97.5/1 518.21 19l\2 11 11 11.81:1 103.b9 5111'1.5'5 198]/lb9.011 In.n 578~1j7 1984 119J.21 115.98 6 11 9.19 1985 511.3'1 U2.1J 619.52 198b 537.82 1i!9.2J bb7~08 1987 558.211 Uo .111 b9Q.b5 1ge8 578 ..b7 143.55 722~22 1989 599.111 150.b'J 7119.79 1l~90 b19.51 157.83 777~H 1991 Ul.15 I til.ItO 795~55 IlJ92 &45.97 1ft.,.77 813.111 1C19]b'iIl.11I I U.7/1 8J I ~92 19911 b1i!.'H 111.70 850.11 1995 b85.b3 162.07 '"US'.31l 19911 b97.11 tee..JIl 1l1J3~b5 1997 706.91i 191).00 898~99 1998 720.b7,1'H.b7 9111.]ll 1999 73Z.35 191.1'1 Cil29.b8 2000 7 1H1.01 >'01.0C)945~OJ 2001 hZ.OO 205.81 1Il/7.81 200i!779.lib 21/).02 990.51\ lOO]797.'n i!1S.1lJ lOtl.J6 20011 815.90 221).24 10Jb~1l 2005 831.8b 225.05 10~8~91 2000 859.29 2lt.3Z 1090~bO 2007 884.71 217.'59 1122.30 2008 9111.ttl 2/U.80 1153'.99 2009 915.50 ~511.13 11II5'.b 9 2010 9110.9B <'50.40 1217~3l\ J c )d I !]J ])).1 ...1 ]1 l ,..,. -1 - i~ HE3--DOR AVG SCENARIO C.29 )1 ~.1 1 I I 1 1 SCEtlARIUI "'ED I HEJ--OOR _VG SCENARIO--b/2/1/1981 HOUSEHOLDS SF.RVED ~~CHOPAGE •COOK INLET-_.•.••...._-......-~. YEAR SINGLE FAMILY HUL TlF AMILY t40fll LE HottE 5 OUPLEXES TOUL...........••.............-................---...............................-.. •'80 l5"H.2u]llI.8210.7Ul:lb •11501. 0.000)«0.000)(0.000)(0.000)«0.000) 1985 115b7'5.2bi.!01l.10851.8Sbl.9110]. 0.(0 0 )(0 ..000)«0.01)0)«0.000)(0.000) n w •"0 ';I)Z9'.25871.12121.BilbO •102157. I--'(11.000)«0.(00)(0.000)(o.noo)(0.0(0) •995 6101:19.21629.I/lObft.8131 •Illlt7. 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)«0.000)(0.000) 2000 bb02 9 •1082'5.t5J1~.8161.1201bl). 0.(00)(0.0(0)(0.000)(0.000)«0.(00) ZOOS 1I7qb.Jqllbl.1&822.821i].I3lJb9. 0.(00)«0.01)0)(0.000)(0.(00)(o.noO) ZOIO '790bb.38J'iI.18115.91S q •.q5~91. 0.0(0)«0.000)(0.000)(0 ..000)(0.(00) _.---""'"...e cc co II'C ...0 tIlC O'c _0 Cl 0 O'CO ....0 ~e ,..0 ,oe "'0 _c '"C ,","0 ~C O'e -0 ~III 0 0 0 ...·"I 0 II)·0 ·01'·..-0 "10 "Ie "Ie NO ...C>"'0~ C ~ ..-..-..-..---""0 00 III 0 0'0 ClO NO CO CD _0 IV 0 ,..0 1"t0 0'"0 It'IO 0'0 1&1 ~O "'0 "'0 "'0 ftl 0 no 0 -0x-·-·'"·IV •fU ·IV •'"·iii 0 0 0 co C 0 0 ....I JfI'il1!l 11. =:I C ••0 •....CIt •CD _.-..-_.-.-_.-..- >-x •I&l O'C co ,",0 ,..0 #0 ,00 -0a::z •~~o ..,c::00 0'0 00 "10 CO W «<•co _C -0 -0 "0 ~o O'C ~c:: lD rr X -·IV ·'"·N -..,·...·:::-·-...a::0 c co Co co 0 0 CIl CD -W 0-C «<..,l-....I IL.-.....0 c ~'J:a::0 N 1&1 1&1 %~....CD ~ ..0 ::l «<,0 ILl•X l% 0 e ..-_.-..-..-->-..e ~c cco -e ...0 lIlCo _c l%.....I ell co 1Xl0 .oc::#0 co 0'0 l1"0 ,,,,,",,..-NO "I Co o-e ceo to-0 acro coz~II'•III ·,..·...·,..·...•0-•..«<0 0 C 0 0 0 0 u li- CD -~ CI ~ """'""::::l..% a:: 0...•>-.-..-..-.-0.- I ..J ceo "Ie>NC Co C co AI 0 Co:>,.,-'"Co #0 If\0 lJ 0 ,"",0 .00 1\10 III :r NC',oe:Cle:~c::00 Cl 0 II'0:::«<...0 0 ·0 ·...·lI'O ·.0 ·Cl 0 II.co -0 _0 _c::_C -0 -c 1&1 ..J ,,M>fll, C e 1&.1 ~-Q) 0-a:: "'"z a-•<:>lI'O 0 11\<:>II'0......•II)til 0'"0-0 0 U IIJ •0'"0-0-0'e 0 0 CD >-•'"AI AI JfIIIillS\, - C.32 1 I )i 1 !1 '}'1 '1 1 -1 1 I 1 SCENARIOI MEn I HE3-.0UR AVO SCENARIO ••6/~q/lq81 HOUSING VACANCIES ANCHORAGE -COOK INLET......-_.•............ YEAR SINGLE FAMILy MULTIfAMILY HORJU HOMES DUPL£)([S TOTll_...................................................................................... iQ80 S08q.?btlll.Iqql.IlIb].lbiO q • 0.000'«0.(10(1'(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) Iq85 SOl.IQqb.II q.2 Q2.211iO. n (0.(00)(0.1'100)(0.(00)(0.(00)C 0.000). ww IqqO bOA.I !I 17 •1110.28Q.215111. 0.000'«0.0(0)(0.0(0)(0.0(0)(0.(00) jQQ5 bH.IlIqP'.155.2611.2601. 0.0(0)(0.(00)(0.0(0)r 0.(00)(11.000) 2000 ?lb.'bb~.Ibll.2H.il\3q. 0.(00)(0.000)(0.(00)(0.000)(0.000' 2005 790.111&1.j8~.111.2l\50. 0.(00)«0.0(0)(0.000)(0.0(0)(0.0(0) 20iO 810.lOli.20&.102.lQIlQ. 0.(1)0)(0.0(0)(°.(00)(0.(00)(0.(00) .-.-.-~o VI c Ire .(Ie -0 -0 O'C 1/'10 ::r c>,..0 00 1\1 0 0'0 _C' II)<:>~Cl .(I C "'0 ,..0 "'0 lI)C ~<I}..,····..0 0 0 0 e:.C'0.- 0 ~ ......-,.......... VIC ...C'-=00 co ....C 0'0co0'0 40 COO COO ,...0 ,...0 ,...0 w II)0 ...0 e:-o c>0 0x· ··· ···IW c>0 c>c>c>c 0 ~..... lL. :J 0 ~. II) w Cf)CD .-...................-x w ..co ~o ....0 co ~=::r 0 til 0 U Z ~irQ 1\1 c>1\1 0 ",,=",,0 .,.0 .,.c>z ..0 0'0 0 0 0 0 Cl Ccrr::r ••··••·""'"'"'U Ill:e:-o 0 =0 c =co c -l&I 0':>c ~-~-"'c:I III ~Z IE 0 1\1 -IaI ::r ~,"'Cf)-.0 :J c I ~IU•::r a: 0 0 ...........-->-00 ....=~c 11;.0 00 VIC ClltC Ill:....I !\Ie ....0 '"<:>~o ~Cl <El Q <l}Cl -c -...Cl 11:'0 ~Cl ~e ."c 0 ~o....::r ...,•'"•·••·•w ..0 Q 0 0 0 0 c U \0. llQ --t:I -'I""'":>~..:r ''¥pi IE 0 0•>-.-...............•....l ...=C 0 0'0 a 0 VI co U'\c ~o "'"''"-11'10 _0 _0 .,.0 4Q CIlO oe ~::r .(Ie:._c -=-=-c c="'=:r .....,····...0 Q C C 0 C 0 ~ ....I ~. c:t:I W Zx-en c-1"""1>a:::..z IE •0 10 0 '"<:>VI 0 laO ...•co lID 0-0-0 0 -U IU •0'0'0'0'.Cl c><:> II)>-•""1\1 1\1 -. C.34 ,~--~'>C-'J -1 ]'I 1 1 )1 1 ~-]1 1 I 1 8CE"ARIO,HED I ~E3·.00R AVG SCE"ARIO·-b/ZQ/IQ8J 'UEL PRICE FO~ECAST9 EHPLOYfO ELECTRICITY ($I KWH) ANCI-fORAGE ..COOK INLET GPEUER FAIRBANKS..~..•...•....••.~-...~...._~.__..-.-..-•.•...•..~.~.-.-.-~-. n w t1l YEAR RESIDENTIAL AU5 Itl!9!1 RESIDENTIAL RIJSIN!"!S•......•....•.......••....•.•.•.......·.411 ___ 1980 0.11]1 o.o]a 0.095 O.OqO n85 0.0118 0.0115 0.090 0.085 19 9 0 0.051 O.OQ8 0.090 0.08' 1995 0.051.1 o."'H 0.090 0.06"5 2000 0.057 o.ll5b 0.090 0.085 lO05 O.Obl 0.058 0.092 0.08J 2010 O.Ob]O.Obo 0.095 n.090 SCENARJO.MEO I HEJ ••OUP AVO 8CENARIO ••h/2~/lq8J FUEL PRICE FORECASTS E~PlOY£D NATURAL GAS (S/HM8TU) ANCHQRAGE •COOK INLET..~.._--....•••.•...._-.-.--GRfATER FAIRRANKS__W·••.~."_M ••.••••_~~._._.__._._~ n (.oJ m YEAR RESIOENTI Al RliSINf58 RESIDENTIAL BUSlNES~.....•...•..............--.._......--_.--.--..----_. 1980 1.730 I.SOO 12.740 II.l90 IQ8S I."bn t.nn 9.810 9.300 1990 l.lI 0 2.4RO 9.100 8.:uo 1995 3.no 3.020 1O.]1/)8.920 2000 3.1110 3.180 11.220 9.110 lOOS J.500 3~HO 11.UO 10.520 2010 J.lin 1.11$10 12.770 11.320 / .J J j ,))..1 }J J il J )J !•J J 'J 1 1 i ')1 }-hI 1 1 J SCENARIO.MEO.HEl·.oO~AVG SCEHARIO.·bllq/I981 ANCHORAGE •COOK INLET FUEL PRICE 'ORECAST!EMPLOYED FUEL OIL (S/MMBTU) GREATER FAIRBANKS R •••••••••~•••_•••••••••••••••••••_•••..••.•..•.................••.•...•.• YI!:AR RESIOENT IAl HUS I HE sa RESIDENTIAL BUSINESS....................•....•••.....•••..•--............ &980 7.750 7.l00 7.810 1.~00 n 1985 ".970 15.4ll)b.Olll 15.100. w.......1990 S.91f'l 5.190 11.000 5.lt10 1995 b.]IO 5.7b0 b.]10 b.1I40 i!ooo b.830 ~.i!80 1t.890 b.5bO lOOS 1.290 b.1110 7.]bO 1.1110 21110 7.180 1.llo 7.1350 7.520 _J J J .~.~J )~I .~J J ]J ),J }J J 1 "1 1 --~l 1 1 I ..._)1 J SCENARIO'/'lED I HE1·.OhR AVO SCE~ARIO ••6/2q/1981 RESIDENTIAL USE Pf.~HUUSEHOLO (KWH) (WITHOUT ADJUSTMENT FUR PRICE) nREA'!~FAIRBANKS .~......-.•.••....•.•• SMlll lARGE SPACE HAR APPll ANCFS APPLIANCES HEAT TOJ,\L..••..........................•-............ t980 j!/J6f-.00 l5739.S?H Il.bh 1I51Q.18 0.1I00)(0.0(0)(0.000)(0.000) 1985 2'5J&.00 UAI.3/J lSQJ.90 123It.2'3 n (O.lI OO)«0.000)(0.(00)(0.001)) ww 1990 2&0&.00 &1.140.61 3Il119.117 1281)5.29 0.(00)(0.(00)(0.0(0)(0.0(0) 1995 2bH.Ot &&5&.15 1I088.It 13420.27 1).0(\0)(0.0(0)(0.0(0)«0.000) 2000 2711&.00 &193.05 11320.70 1]859.15 0.0(0)(0.0(0)(0.01)0)(0.000) 2005 2(\16.(10 b8'H.Sb 11507.50 tUI77.Db 0.000)C 0.(00)r 0.000)(0.000) 20tO 21\06.00 &8 9 1.Jb IIbSb.'H 11I1I!/'.31 0.1'100)(0.0(0)(0.000)(0.000) n .p a SCENARIO,MED I HE3 ••00R AV~SC£NARIO.·b/2q/t~81 RUSINESS USE PER EHPLOVEE (KWH) (WITHOUT LARGE INDUSTRIAL) (WITHOUT ADJUSTMENT fOR PRICE) YEAR ANCHORAGE •COOK INLET GREATEP FAtPBANKS..........••.•...•.•.~.......*......-•••~•••••••••- 1~80 l\IJ 07.0tl 7t1QS.711 0.0(0)(0.(00) 1985 9518.18 191J1.43 0.000)(0.0(0) 1990 10089.60 8Z/lQ.l/1 0.00(1)(0.1)00) 1995 IObO/l.9a 8558.6/1 0.(00)«0.0(0) 2000 Ilili .414 861/1.75 0.000)«O.OOU\ 2005 11850.11 Q221 .q~ 0.000)(0.0(0) 2010 Ii!b75.U qb28.1l 0.000)«(I.OOU) ,t •J ),l ,~J J l ),•,.J J )J I 1 '··-1 )1 )'1 1 '.'}1 )"a ~t ~'J ., 1 1 SCENAIHO.HEll •HE3--00R AVG SCE~ARI0--6/~q'I961 SUMMARY OF PRICE EFFECTS AND PROGRAMA'TC CONSERVATION IN GWH ANCHORAGE •COO~INLET RU IIJENTI AL IHJSINf!lS..................._~...... OW/I-Pill CE PROGR AM ..I NDUCED CROSS-PRrt[O"IN-PIlI CE PROGR All-I NDUCED t::ROSS·PRTa YEAR REOUCTlQN CoNSERVA TI or~REDUCTION REI'lVC TI ON eONH~VATI~N REOUcTION................................................................................................................................................. 1980 0.1100 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1981 6.120 0.1)00 .0.115 9.III 0.000 1.002 1982 12.240 0.000 ..(1.]50 IlI.U7 0.000 ~.005 198]18.160 0.000 .0.52"27.]40 0.000 1.1)07 14811 211.1180 0.000 -0.h94 :\6.11 51 0.00/1 tl.009 1985 ]0.'i9 4 0.000 .0.R7 11 115."'66 0.000 Ii.0 II 196b 1h.711'i 0.000 -6.195 15/1./l139 1).000 1.581 1987 112.1190 0.1100 ·11.512 b].lIl1 0.000 2.I'i1l 19118 119.055 0.000 -Ih.'lll 72.33/1 0.000 0.720 1989 S'i.leo 11.000 -22.150 1'.1.257 1).000 -0.711 1990 bl.]25 0.000 -27.1111 9 9/1.179 0.000 -2.IUn -Po 1991 118.1109 11.1100 -H.7t1 11 tltI.7811 0.000 -5.000 I--'1992 lh.292 11.000 -1I11.IltI 109.189 0.000 ·1.'158 1''19]8J.776 0.(1)0 --52.11411 1I8.Q911 0.000 -10.717 19911 .tll.21111 0.1100 -60.769 128.'599 (1.000 -11.')75 1995 98.711]0.000 -69.0911 1)11.20/1 0.000 -Ih."]" 199h loe.8 lH 0.1100 -1 9 .056 151.908 ..0.000 -ltI.no 19 9 7 11 8 •9 51 0.000 -1l9.1117 Ih'i.611 0.0011 -21.026 Itl9a 129.055 0.0(1)..98.978 119.11 11 0.000 -2f••122 19 9 9 1]9.151)0./11)0 -10".9J9 191.017 0.00/\-29.hlll 2000 1119.26]0.(100 -1113.901 106.720 0.000 -]2.91/1 2001 1111.975 0.000 -1]O.Olll.221.422 0.000 -]l..866 ZOOI!11lI.b~7 0.0'>0 -1111.111 1'16.125 tl.ooo -40.8IQ 200]11l7.H8 0.000 -152.211 250~~27 0.00"-IIII,77~ 20011 200.11/1 o.oon -ll.\.l22 2hl).'529 0.000 -IIFl.721l I!OO$ZIi',l\22 0.000 -17".1127 ~AO.211 o.oon -';?671 2tl06 2Z 9 .02 11 0.000 -189.201 298,900 0.000 -57./196 2001 2/15.226 0.000 -2 1)1.975 117.';6'1 O.OOQ -61.116 2008 hl.'~2e 0.1100 -218.71l9 ]31..'-3'1 0.000 -loll.H5 2009 U7.flll 0~1I00 -~]].r;21 ''iIl.QOIl o.oon -71.5511 2010 2 Q ].Fl]]1I.001l -21113.2Qh J71."77 0.0.00 -7'1.774 SCENUUOI MEn I HE]••nOR AVG 8CENARrO ••bI211/196] SUMMARY OF PRrCE EFFECTS AND PROGHAMiTrc CON8ERVATTO~ iN GwH GREATER fAIRBANKS ~E8JOEIITIAL A.UUN[SS..,........................ OWN.PRICE PROGRAM.INDUCED CROSS·PRICE IIWN~PAICf PROGRAM.PJOIICFD CROSS-PRIC:£ 'fEAR REDUCTION CUNSFRV~Tlorl REDUCTION REDUCTION C:ON~~~v~!~nN ._.REOUCTION ••••................................................................................................................. 1980 0.000 (1.1)00 0.000 0.000 (1.000 o.oon 19111 ~0.20b 0.1100 1.')&1 .0.119]0.000 0.12~ 1982 .0.531 0.000 2.121 .(I.~86 0.000 I.IIS7 198]·0.797 0.000 ].1 S2 .1.1179 0.000 2.18b 19811 ·1.Ob1 0.0l)0 lI.au ..1.~72 0.0011 2.9111 19B5 ·1.J29 11.000 5.]011 .~.1I1l11j 0.000 J.bll] USf,·1.1500 0.000 b.21111 ..1.110'5 o.oon 1I.15.11 198T ..I.HI 1).000 .,•18'5 ..].III~0.000 II.Ub 1988 .2.1122 0.0011 8.125 ..1.1185 n.ooo 5.1711 \989 "2.253 0.000 9.0bb .'.82b 0.000 ~.b90 1990 "2.11811 0.000 iG.OOb .1I.lbh 11.000 b.~O? n. 1991 .."."]5 b.18$.po ..2.fo85 0.000 10.11011 0.000 N 19'12 .~.88b o.noo IO.Claa ..1.1.7011 0.000 b.'in 1993 ..3.0&7 0.000 11.380 .1I.97i!0.000 b.750 IIl911 .J.(llIq 0.001)11.11]8 ..'i.ii!1I I o.oon b.IIU \995 .].4'10 (1.000 lii!•'Hlb .5.510 0.000 ,.115 1990 ..3.b38 0.000 li!.llb ..11.9711 0.00(1 b.211'; 1997 .].187 0.000 1l.9]7 ..1I.lIl1b 0.000 !i.l7S \998 ..].9]&0.0011 II •'5 7 ..1.915 0.11(10 11.505 1999 ·1I.MIli 0.000 11.578 .J.J83 0.0011 !.6]5 2000 -1I.2B o.oon 11.198 ..2.851 (I.oon 2.7&5 2001 ..11.175 11.0011 10.8911 -].33'5 0.000 1.050 2002 ..11.111 0.(1)0 10.382 ..].'H9 o.oon 3.]]5 200)..11.°5 9 n.ooo 9.1175 _II.]O~0.0(10 1.b19 20011 ..11.000 n.oOIl 9.161 .1I.18b 0.000 J.9011 200S ..J.9112 O.(100 ~.A5q _5.270 0.000 lI.ta9 200b .1.&23 0.111111 S.Obll ..1I.8111 o.oon 3.799 2007 -).305 11.01)0 1.~6q ..1I.1l11 0.0011 3.110/1 2008 ..2.98b 0.000 b.1I7].3.911'-0.000 J.018 2009 ..2.lIb7 n.ooo 5.&78 -3.'iS:?0.000 i!.&28 2010 ·2.]IIR 1I.00 n 11.8111 ..].12J 0.000 2.2]8 )I J }J J J .,J J I ..J I ,I -J J )~ J 1 -,-j '1 )·l )l I 1 I 1 I 1• SCENARIO'I-4EO I HE1··nOR Ava SCENARIO··b/~U/1901 BREAKDOWN O~ELECTRIC lTV REQUIREMENTS tG"fH) (TOUL lllCLlIDES LARIlE ItHlUSTRUL CONSUMPTION) ANCHORA~E •COOK I~LET....-.....~--~..-_.... MEDIUM RANGE (PR_.5)..•......•..•.••.... RESIDENTJ AL HilS HIE S B HIllCELLANEOUS [ltOG.INDUSTRIAL YEAR REQUIREtlENTS REQUIREMENTS REDUIREMENTS LoAn TOTAL•..•••..•........•...•....•....~_...~_.._..•••......•.._....~..-.-.-.....-....--.......... 1980 979.51 875.1b 211.31 811.110 19"3.1'1 1981 1017.711 9110.811 211.5b 92.08 <'1175.21 1982 1055.Q'!j 100b.B 211.112 11l0.lb 2187.C!/) 198]10911.17 1071.81 25.08 1011.211 2299.30 19811 1132.38 11]'7.29 25.311 Ilb.12 21111.H 1985 1170.59 U02.TO 25.bO 121l.UO <'523.37 1986 1192.97 1i!32.TC!2b.IS I J1 •89 2589.n 1987 ta15.3U 12U.b5 2b.71 151.38 USb.09 1988 1237.n 1292.59 27.21 Ibll.88 2U2.U5 1989 1260.09 1322.53 27.83 t111.37 27118.81 n 1990 1282.117 1152.U6 211.31'19 1.86 PA'i5.17. -Pow 1991 1l02.97 I J79.'57 28.89 195.13 290b.55 1992 I Hl.1l7 IlI0b.be 2 ct •]Q 198.110 2951.'n 1993 11U3.q 7 111]].71\29.89 i!OI.bb 301)9.31 19911 Ilbll.U7 IlIbO.8Q 30.110 20U.H ~Obl).6q 1995 111411.911 IU87.99 30.90 208.20 :J112.07 ICJ9b IIlOB.59 1!518.20 31.1111 211l.11l 3I12.111 1997 t1lJa.21 151111.1lC!12.05 220.08 3212.16 1998 11155.1'\2 l!ile.bl 32.U 226.02 3293.10 1999 11I19.UU IbOIl.AII H.20 <,It.qb H'53.Il~ 2000 150].01)16H.Ob H.711 2]7.qO 3UI3.7Q 2001 1'H2.\7 U81.35 lU.511 2 I1 U.Qb llllJS,Oi! 2002 ISbl.29 17i7.bq 35.31)252.02 351b.2 1• 2001 15~0.uO 1171.9]H.Ob 25lJ.08 '(lS7.1l7 20011 IbI9.Si'IBlb.22 1b.83 2bt..til HJ8.10 2005 Ibllij.6J 18bO.51 37.SlJ ?13.20 JIIllJ.Q1 200b Ib8b.lJO IQ2',.IS 38.bS i'81.56 J911.30 2007 1125.1'7 IQ81.7Q 39.17 ?1l9.qb uoa2.b~ 21)08 11b3.1I]2051.113 lIo.ab jllJA.JIl uI511,06 2009 180t.71l 2115.0b 1I1.q5 J06.72 112bS.U3 2010 ,allJ.'H 217~.70 Ill.011 :H5.IO ll17b.81 SCENARIO,MEO,HE3 ••00R .VG &CENARIO ••b/2Q/14ilS3 BREA~DOWN UF ELECTRICITY REQUIR!MENTS (GWH) (TOTAL INCLUDES LARGE INDUSTRIAL CONSUMPTION) GREATER FAIRBANKS.•..•.•..••...••.~.... ~EOIUM RANGE CPR_.S).........~.•.•..••.. RESIDENTIAL.RU6JNE8&MISCELLANEOUS UDa.INDUSTRIAL YEAR REQIJIREMfNT&REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS LOAD TOTAL••••••..•......•..••••a ••••a •••••••••••..•.•.........•._.-.~.......•••••_••••~•••••••••••w 1980 17b,39 217.\11 10.78 o.no 1100.31 1981 190,01 i!j!R.93 b.7iI 0,/1(1 1125.b8 1982 2(lJ,bi'2 If(l,71 b.70 0,00 IISI.OIJ 198]217,211 25l.S0 b.bb (1.00 il7b.Il(l 19811 iBO.8';2bll.2'1 b.b2 '1.00 501 •.,., 1985 211/.1,117 27fl.Oll b.58 0.00 527.U 1911b 25l1,ll 281.U 6.56 10.00 552.]1 1987 2U.AO 287.21 e..53 20.00 sn.bll 1988 an.lI7 292.80 6.51 111.00 b02.81l I 989 2113.111 298.115 6.Q9 40.00 b28.01 n \990 292.80 10ll.04 6.4fa 50.00 be;3.30 .j::o. ~lUI lOl.i!7 110.23 b.bll 50./10 b70.111 1992 313.74 3U.U 0.81 50.00 686.98 199)U/.l.21 liI.fal 11.99 50.00 70].82 I 991.1 ]34."8 121\.110 7.17 50.00 nO.6~ 1995 1115.Ie;!U.OO 7.]0 50.00 737.119 19911 35].53 3ltl.7Il 7.50 50.00 752.81 1997 361.91 l/.1ll.So 7.ofa 50.00 768.12 1998 370.~O :JSS.B 7.82 50.00 783.110 ,19 9 9 ]71j.b7 lbi!.tI 7.97 50.00 798.7t. i!OOO 387.05 ]08.119 6.13 50.00 814.01 200l 39b.lt"377.71 6.)0 50.00 832.1,j9 2002 1I0S.92 18t1.S2 8,117 50.00 SOJO.91 2003 IU 5.35 395.311 8.bll 50.00 8~9.n 20011 11;»11.7"000.15 11.61 50.00 88"".71) 2005 11111.22 1112.97 8.98 '50./10 906.16 i!00~/f1l5.52 11211.75 9.20 50.00 929,51 iOO7 115b.83 1136.5\9.51 50.00 9'U,U ilO08 Q66.1J 1148.31 9.71 50.00 970.i I 2009 117Q.1l/l 1160.08 10.01 50.00 999.56 20'0 q~O.7q !I11.8b 10.]0 50.00 1022.90 ~l t 1 )J I ] •• j J ):1 J ..~~..J .J )J J -J ))))-..)1 1 1l..,• SCENARIO,MEO.HE3-.nup Jvn SCENARIO·-bI211/1983 TOTAL ELECTRICITY REQUIREHENTS (GWH) (NET OF CONSERVATION) flNCLUOEB LAPGE IHOUSTRIAL CONSUMPTION) ~IE01lJM RANGE CPR ••5) n -Po U1 YEAR ANCHORAGE.tOOK INLET GPEATER fAIRKANKS TOTAL ••••••••••••••••P •••••..P •...-•.__..•..~............-..-~....._.-. 1980 ''1fJ].I'I 1100.31 .?]f.3.51 1981 lO75.lJ 1125.b8 251)0~"" 1982 ZU7.21:1 1J51.011 2b]R'.30 1983 22 9 ".30 /17&.110 ~715~70 19811 ZIIII.n 'i01.17 2'HJ.IO 1985 2Si!3.37 521.13 '\051)'.5 0 198b ~589.7J 552.37 31112~10 1987 2f/5b.0 9 !l71.ltO J2H.b9 1'188 2722.1I!;602.84 Hi!!i~29 1989 271lB.81 b28.01 )1I1b~8R 1'190 2855.17 b'i].10 ]50R~q8 19'11 290b.55 #)70.111 1,,7b'.b9 1992 2957.91 b8b.ge lbll l l,91 1993 30 0 9.31 701.82 3711.11 19 9 q ]ObO.bll 721).lt5 l1AI~311 !'I9S )112.01 731.1111 lRq9~5b IC,9b ]172.111 752.81 H25~i!i! 1997 HH.7b 1&11.12 1I000.AB 1'198 3293.10 781.1111 IIOlb~5IJ 1999 ]]'5].1111 798.1b 1I1!12.20 2000 31113.79 AIII.07 11221~8b 2001 3119'5.02 1'32.119 4327.51 2002 15U.211 850.91 11/127.15 200]lb51.117 1If/9.U /lo;~b.an 20011 37]8.70 881.75 4b'.,,'.1111 2005 3619.93 'lOb.lb 1I72b.O'l 200b 3'111.30 n9.51 lI/1bO.1I1 2007 110'12.bl!9S2.8b IIQ95.511 2008 111511.0b q7b.21 'H30.2b 200'}112"5.111 Q9'l.5b 5?f,1I.9'l 2010 1.137b.81 1/122.90 o;lqq'.71 1 n +::0 0"1 ) SCENARIOI ~EO I HE1--00R AVa SCEHARIO ••b/24/198) PEAK ELECTRIC REQUIREMENTS (HW) (NET UF CONSERVATION) (INClIJOES LARrof.INDUSTRIAL DEMANO) HEDIU~RANGE CPR ••51..-....._.....•..•..•• YEAR ANCHORAGE •COOK l~lET GREATFR ~AIRBANKS TOTAL•.••.•.....•............••.•...•..•.......••_.••.••••.....•.••..-. 1980 )9b.51 91./.10 1187~90 1981 419.U 'H .I'J 5U~J2 1982 4111.75 102.98 5 11 4,11 198)lIU.37 108.77 lin~11I 19811 116b.99 tlll.56 bOl.51J 1985 51)9.bl 120.35 629'.91 USb 521.80 12&.11 649~91 1987 537 .99 131.87 &69.85 1988 552.11 IH.U 6e9~80 1989 S6b.J6 1111.)8 109.711 1990 5 8 0.511 149.til 729~b8 1991 590.90 152.98 7113~911 1'~92 bO 1.37 156.8J 158,20 199)bll.19 lbO.U 172~4b 199/j b22.20 lillI.52 1116.72 1995 b32.bZ I bll.36 800~98 199b 0 4 /1.711 171.8b 81b~60 1997 &5&.87 IU.1b 1112.21 1998 bb8.99 178.85 8111~8lI 1999 b~1.It 182.15 86].lIb 2000 b Q1.211 185.85 an'.08 1001 109.&1 190.05 899~U 2002 725.98 1911.26 920.211 2003 1112.35 198.lIb 9/.10.81 20011 7lifl.13 202.U 9bl.39 2005 175.10 20&.81 981 ~'H 200b 191.00 212.20 101l9~80 2007 820.09 217.53 1031,&1 2008 B1J2.59 222.8b 1065.115 2009 111>5.09 ::!28.19 IOcU~2~ 2010 881.59 2n.52 IUI'.lI •,)J J •J j .~,t "J J ,J i J t )) r - .....I HE9--DOR 50% C.47 I ,~ t ),--- J )"i 1 '1 1 )'1 -.))")1 ")t•" SCENARIO,HEO ,~E9.-000R SOX.-~/lq/l'81 HOUSEHOLDS SERVED ANC~ORAGE •COO~INLET-_.......-..--~...~-.. YEAR SINGLE IF AHllY HUl TI FUti LY HORllE HoHES OUPlElCU TOTAL....-..-.-..................--....................---_.-................ 1980 )5471.lO)I".8i30.lU6.71503. 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) Iq85 45b65.lbiO".1065'.1:15&1.cn:H';. 0./100)(0.000)(0.001l)(0.000)(0.000) n 1990 550]'3.25817.Ilbbl.811&0.1020]6. +:>(0.(00)(0.(00)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) I.D IH5 SQQU1.lh890.1378Q.83B.to8 Q SQ. 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) loOO &II'U I •lCHS5.IIIQIO.8181.111163. 0.000)(0.00(1)(0.000)(0.000)(O~OOO) lOOS 69514.JHbl.IU95.ROlli.127255. 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.0(0)(0.000) iOIO 7&lf.lO.HOI?.180Ti.8845.'''028A. n.OOO)(0.0(0)(0.000)(0.(00)(0./1011) SCEN.RIO."'E.O I HE9-_DOnR 50X--6/24/1Qa] HOUSEHOLOS SERVED GREATER F.IRRANKS......••...........•.. YEAR SltlGLE FAMIlV MUlTlFAMIlV HOBllE HOMES DUPLEXES TOT.L...................•••••••••••••........................•...•...•..•.... 1980 1220.5287.II~Q.lbP.151lJ. 0.00 0 )(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) 1985 10646.SUfi.21l0.1721.lO1815.n (0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.1)00) U1a ICJ90 11)125.7 Q1l0.2101.2175.Bib]'. 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) 1995 12Q80.78111.2571.213CJ.251H. 0.000)(o.oon)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) 2000 Pllall •7103.11911.2298.2!~20. 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)C 0.000) 2005 t620b.7511Q.:1808.2252.iCJal5. 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) 2010 t7773.8b61.112i!].2109.32181.1. 0.000)(0.(00)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) .~)••.).,..~,ii J ••J )J ) -- J J ,I ),I )--J I ))'}'1 1 -1 )''I J )~!1.. BCEN~RIOI MEO I HEq.·OllOR sox·.e.1l1l/1981 HOIJSINQ VACANCIES ANCHORAGE ··COOI<INLET.._.-.....~...~....... YEAR SINGLE '~HllY HUL TJf A'1ILY HOULE HOMES OlJPL[)(ES TOTAL......•...•••......................••.......•............................. 19110 50B9.1bf>b.Iqq1.IlIb].16209. 0.(100)«0.000)(0.(00)(0.000)(0.(00) 1985 50).,IIQb.120.20:,2,211111. n (o.nOO)(0.00(1)«1'1.000)«0.000)«0 .•0(0) U1.....IQqO b05.11171.119 •28Q.2'i10. 0.1100)(0.0(0)«0.000)(0.000)«0.001'1) IQ95 t1Sq.'iQ.152.2811.IlllQ. 0.0(0)«0.(00)(0.000)«0.000)«0.000) lOOO 101.1b01.1611.219,215~. 11.(01))(0.(00)«0.000)(0.000)(11.0011)- 200'5 1b'l.1802.179.2711.]020. 0.000)«0.000)«0.000)«0.000)(0.0011) 1OIO B41).1999.Iqq.aqtl.H2Q. 0.000)«0.0(0)(0.000)(0.000)«o.oon) SCENARIO'MEO •HE9·.000R SOX ••6J24/198! HOUSING VACANCIES QREATER FAIRBANKS..~...........~....... YfAR SINGLE FAMILY MULTIfAMILY HOULE HOHn OUPLElCES TOTAL ••••..............•••••••••••••...~...•.................................... 1980 US3.Hao.986.89S.88SII. o.noo)«0.(00)(0.0(0)(0.000)(0.1'100) 1985 li8.2A33.24.7bll.'741. 0.0(0)(0.000)«f).OOO)«0.000)«o.oon) n 1990 11 R•454.2].81..677 •. U1 (o.noo)(o.noo)«0.000)(0.000)(0.(00) N 1995 143.1141\.28.80.bq9. 0.000)(0.(100)C 0.000)(0.000)(0.(00) 1000 158.1140.l!5.78.·Ht. 0.(00)(0.0(0)(0.(00)«0.000)(0.000) 2005 178.IIll.42.77.·728. 0.(00)(O.DOO)«n.oOO)«0.000)(0.000) 2010 19&.IIb 9 •116.Ib7.·B78. 0.000)(0.0(0)«0.000)(0.000)(o.noo) })•J J cJ )of ,J J -~J ~.J ,J J ]I ',I )'"'l -'1 J "J )~I '('j )-1 ~-~ I ll SCENARIO.HEO I HEq ••OOOR 50X.·bI2UJlq81 FUEL PRtCE FORECASTS EMPLOYED ELECTRICITY ($I ~WH) ANC~ORAOE •tOOK INLET GREATER fAIRBANKS•...•........•.•.••••.•........•~....~•.....•.•.._.....-...•..••...__..... YE:AR RE810ENy UL BUS I NE 55 RE8IOENTlAl RIISINfSS .~..•...•....•••••!W •••••••.............~.-......_- Iq80 O.OH O.OH 0.095 O.Oqll (J 1985 0.0118 0.0115 0.OCJ5 o.Oqf). mw Iqqo o.ollq 0.Oll6 0.0"0 0.081j Iqq5 0.050 0.I)Q1 0.090 0.085 2000 0.051 0.Oll8 0.090 0.08'5 2005 0.051 0.0/18 O.OqO 0.085 2010 ".1151 o.olle O.OqO 0.08111 SCENARIO,~EO,HF.9·.000R 50X.·~/lll/lq8J ANCHORAGE •COUK INLET FUEL PRtC!FORECASTS EMPLOYED NATURAL DAS (S/MMBTU) GREATER FAIRBANKS.............•...................•.••...•..•..•....•._...........•~. YEAR REUOENTUL BUSINESS RESIDENTIAL BUSINESS...................................................... 1980 1.730 1.500 12.140 1 t .i90 0 19A5 2.00ll 1.770 10.UO ".210. Ul ~ "'.6110lQ90a.fllo 1.1100 9.090 tQ9S 2.1\10 l.~60 8.110 ".610 2000 2.710 1.lIe/)?flU 6.210 2005 2.UO i.UOO 1.210 5.820 1010 1.l5bO 2.no e..890 5.1140 ))}),..J J ..1 I •J •J J .J I , \ 1 1 '1 1 )"}i 1 )I 1 SCENARIO,~ED,HEq··DOOR 50'••~/211/Iq81 ANCHORAGE·tOOK INLET FUEL PRICE FORECASTS EMPLOYED 'UEL OIL ('/MMBTUJ GREATER FAIRRANKS..........~-~...•••.•..•.......•••-......•...__.... YEAR RESIOENTlAL BUSINESS RESIDENTIAL BUSINESS_........-•.......•.•....•..........-....--....... 1980 1.75(\7.200 1.830 7.501\ PUS fJ.lIql)5.QtI(\b.550 b.l20 n 19QO 5.510 lI.q80 5.5t10 5.2bO U"1 1I.tltlO ".6bOU"1 IQQ5 lI.tlSO 11.1100 2000 lI.btlO 1I.ltO 11.710 1l.1AO iOOS 11.030 1.880 O.lIbO Il.no 2010 11.200 :'.650 11.2110 ].qIO SCENARIO'I'4EO ,HfQ··POOR 50~··6/2qJI'8] RESIDENTIAL USE PER HQUS[HOLO (KWH) (WITHOUT ADJUSTMENT ,OA PRICE) ANCHORAGE •COO~INLET........~.......-.~... SMALL LARGE,SPACE VEAR APPLI ANtES APPLIANCES HEAr TOTAL_.-........•...................•.••........... 1980 2110,00 UOO'.tIl 5088.52 Ilb''''.15 0.000)(0;000)(0.000)(0.000) t985 2IbO.OO 6154.fIIl 4"31,62 131116.27 0.(00)«0.'000 )(0.000)(0.000) n.1990 i!21O,00 b026.77 4b27.fl2 128"11.60U1 O'l «0.000)(0.'000)f 0.000)(0.000) 1995 22bO.OO 59ge~41 4509.]9 12727.87 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) 2000 2:\1.,.00 51)88.15 44]6.117 127]1.1.bt 0.00(1)«O.UOO)(0.000)(0.000) 20015 ilbO.OO 6060.911 4 11 21.117 128~2.40 o.oOtl)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) 2010 2 11 10.00 6127.51 4113'.13 12'76.70 0.(00)(0.'(00)(0.000)(0.000) ).))J .J l -I ))}J C.57 ....•••••...~..-.ANCHURAGE •COOK INLET._..__.~.YEAR.... SCENARIO'MED I HEq--OOOR SOX.·6/ZQ/IQ83 BlISlNESS USE PER EMPLOYEE (KWH) (WITHOUT LARGE INDUSTRIAL) (WITHOUT ADJUST~ENT 'OR PRICE) GREATER FAIRBANKS n Ulco 1980 1985 19QO 1995 2000 2005 2010 8t1UJ~04 0.000) 951 Q .9b 0.000) 10059.bCl 0.000) lOCl8l.bO 0.000) 11021.1.92 f 0.000) IlbllO.U 0.000) 12C183.97 1).000) 1C1 9 5.10 0.000) 791.17.93 0.000) el37.21 0.000) 8515.05 0.000) 8822.88 0.000) 91b9.82 0.000) 95btl.4" 0.000) }~J )J J J .,)J J .~J J •I 'I 1 ))~1 I !'l l )1 1 ~l 't I SCENARIOI MED I HE9--~OOR 50X--bl?1I/1983 SUMMARV OF PRICE EFfECTS AND PROGRAMATIC CONS£RVATrON IN GWH ANCHORAGE -COOK INLET RESlOEtHIAL RUSINEU............................,. OIlN-PRtCE PRaGIUM-I NOUCED CROSS-PRICE OW~I_PR ICE PRQt;RAtI-INOUCED CROSS·PRlr.E VEAR REDIICTIO"!CONSERVATION REDUCTiON PEnUCTlON .~9NSERVAUQ~..REOUCTION...................................................................................................................................... 1980 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 U81 O.tQ'5 0.000 -0.9611 fl.I ]9 0.000 {I.326 IflU 12.290 0.000 -1.928 18.271 Q.OOO 0.6H 198]18.113S 0.000 -2.892 27.11 16 0.000 o .flJq Ifl811 211.1560 0.000 -].856 J6.5S11 0.000 1.306 19~5 311.725 o.oon -1I.tl20 1I~.6f11 0.000 1.632 lf1Ab ]5.683 o.oon -8.771 51'.1180 0.000 1.288 Iflft7 11/1.6111 0.000 -12.721 SfI.2bb 0.000 n.fllI3 Ifl88 115.5n 0.000 -16.672 66.051 0.000 0.59f1 Ifl89 50.557 0.000 -i!0.6i!3 72.1111(1 0.000 0.255 1990 5'5.515 0.000 -i!II.S7J 7(j.1l2'0.000 -0.090 n.Iflfll 59.IIIS 0.000 -i!J.1I10 AIl.flbO 0.000 0.223U1 0.0 1992 01.31 11 0.000 -)0.i!1I6 (j0.2f111 0.000 0.516 19f1]07.213 0.000 -H.on 9'5.627 0.000 0.11119 19911 11.113 0./100 -J5.91 9 ton.9bl 0.000 1.162 1995 7t;.012 0.00/1 -]B.n5 lO6.2911 n.ooo 1.1175 lQ90 18./1112 0.000 -]9.5119 112.088 0.000 l.5Jq Iflfl7 61.871 0.000 -1I0.3l1]117.883 0.000 3.683 19f18 1\5.)00 0.000 -111.131 123.671 0.000 1I.78b 19f1f1 88.72 9 0.000 -111.931 129."71 0.000 !i.890 2000 92.15'1 0.000 -/l2.72§1l1l.2bS 0.000 6.flfl3 lOOI 9~.081 0.000 -IIZ.5110 1110.0 85 0.000 8.6b] 2002 96.0011 0.000 -112.355 11l6.705 0.000 10.332 iOO]100.fl27 0.000 -/12.170 152.lll6 0.000 1l.002 i!OOIi 103.650 0.000 -111.9(15 15/1.llIb o.noo 11.fl71 2005 106.7711 0.(100 -"I.800 Ib3./lbf>0.000 15.31l1 iOOb IOlJ.7ol1 0.000 ~1I1.008 170.710 0.000 17.7b7 2007 112.755 0.000 _110.<'15 17'.67 Cl 0.000 20.1911 2008 115.7116 0.000 -]lJ.lI21 HIII.~7I'1 0.000 22.621 2009 118.'31 0.000 ·38.631 I'H .1I112 0.000 2'i.01l1l 2010 121.72/1 0.000 ·37.638 19 R .1Bb 0.000 2',1I71l IIJ • LIZ.-0.a:_. ~~. •L,;.... c»;:,. <1)0. 0 .... II:.a:-...... oc e e Q·C_.. Cl CN"'U'" f'II"il Y"...o"'CI) ~"'OllloQ no ...~~." G"'II\-....fill ,",O'lI'lo ..c CE'oQ"''''ftI c:::ro .... 0""'1'40 =:w__oc 0".... •...cO'0'-_....- Zo-~.. ;> II: IIJ <I) Zo U LI-~... ::s.:... lit CIoo::::r a...~ CIo ZZ.- I I «lIO,. fl)11IJ ... lLl'UZ":z I ;:,0'.. I-oiI •Q 1-oiI", "'I:Z~. ::il-.... .....;>'. .:1:0::•....... lIton. ClZ. 001. IX ut .... ~.. Ia.:Z. U="a,-.....1It~. D.«,J.I _• :zC • ~I&I.o a::f • o 0= o. c e ee e oocc e CQCC Q ecco c 0000 c ecce c eeoo 0 ecce c·....ecce c 0000 C:Qoc COCC·...OOCOO N~~O' ......0 0'f\I ",olf"l-·... C--N I I I • ooc c ftI• ooco OCOO coco 0000 Cl'tI't-CO 0"0 O'.cO·...N .........::I' I • I • o oo o III:::r... ~ I ecoc 0000 ecce.... ecoc ...ftI.,.1II co~............0,., :::r:::r ...1II I • • I oo o. o oQ.,. III• ecceocoo ocoec cooo 0,....(I~ 1'0"-.-....0'«\I:::r .........c-4) I • I I C> o C> o oo,c·o CoCO C C c>c c c·..,.cooo ~........... I • • I o o c. e tv lI'lce... I - ." I IIJ ... UZ.-0.1It_. 0........U. 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Il"Z::E:Il"..,...CII'I '"In ......~e "'o-...D =ce ....lI'::f N ~""a:,..,0'I'\l..oo-~.J:) 101 It'..........-.".O-~...0"_fII"-..o CI)O'c"'~It'~rr c:..........oCl"'-::I ~c""...cc .., :I:~a::0'=oc--1\1 '"1\1-N t'V.JIIf\.,,.,...."fIf'l:::::r ::::r ...~~U'1U\It'..o4~'"...•------...-------------------a:",0 '"...0a:...c lit......, 1 ~ Z.. ::;)a: a::::E:...~z -a:'"_N"'::SO .,.....0 ....to 0'"0 _N .....::r II't "O ....c:.o"=-t\l""=r It'...0 ......lrlI 0-0...C t ...:CI)C:C:CZ>CC CEo aolGC>CZ>0"CP'O-CP'O'~CP'a-0-0-0 0000 0 eooc:. u II.!•...0-O-CP'CP'O'0"0"0"Il"0'0'O-O-O"CP'0"CP'O-CP'O'0 oeoc Q 0==0 <:0...X •>----------------'""'''''''1\1 ..."''''",AI ... C.61 SCENARIO'MED I HE9·.nOOR 501-.6/24/1963 BREAKDOWN O~ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENTS (GWH) (TOTAL INCLUDES LARG~II~OUSTRIAL CONSUMPTION) GREATfR fAIR8ANKS................•..... MEDIUM RANGE (PR_.S)..•.....•••.•••.•... RESlDEtlTlAL 8IJSINfSS MISCELLANEOUS nOG.INDUSTRIAL YEAR REQUIREMENTS REQUIR~t4ENT!I REQUIREMENTS LOAD TOTAL......~.••..•.•......•••...•..•...~..••.......•.•.••.•.••....•..-......~...•.............~ 1980 17b.)9 llJ.11I b.18 0.00 1I00.)t 19111 190.0 9 Ull.10 0.14 0.00 1125.51 1982 21)).79 2110.2t!fJ .10 0.00 "'°.7"U81 217.1111 251.82 b.bb 0.00 475.96 19811 231.111 2U.]8 b.bl 0.00 !I01.18 1985 i:!1I1I.87 2H.9S b.51 0.00 5U:1 lt 198b 2S3.79 219.11 tI.53 10.00 550.09 1987 262.10 2811.159 0.49 20.00 513.19 1988 2U.U 289.111 b.46 30.00 1)97.119 1989 280.5/1 2911.U 6.42 110.00 621.18 n 1990 21\9.4115 299.05 b.38 50.00 b l lll'.88 0"1 1991 ~97.i7 102.90 b.SO 50.00 050.68N 1992 ]05.09 30b.75 b.b]50'.00 b68.117 199]lt2.cU 110.60 b.75 50.00 b1l0.26 1994 HO.71 3111.115 b.88 50.00 692.06 1995 H8.511 JlII.10 7.00 50.no 703.85 199t.J n4.40 32l.55 7:12 50.00 715~U U97 )110.25 HS.llo 7.al 50.00 7h,2 11 1998 111b.IO HIl.OS 1.35 50.(\0 TU.50 1999 ]'51.95 U9.30 1.4b 50.00 7"8.71 2000 ]In .80 3411.55 7.58 50.00 759.91 2001 U4l.119 351.Ab 7.13 50.00 771l.07 2002 ]11.111 )59.17 7.87 50.00 788.22 200)H7.8b 'Ibb."A 8.02 50.00 80Z.37 20011 ]"11.5-;Hl.79 8.17 50.00 aU.5t 2005 ]91.Z11 381.10 8.31 50.no 810.6t1 200t.J ]99.1>5 ]9t.~1 8.52 50.00 8119.41\ 2007 1108.05 1101.52 8.72 50.00 868.30 2008 IItb.lIb III I .7 q s.qi'5(1.00 887.12 2009 424.87 1I21 •Q5 9.U 50.00 QOS.911 ZOIO 4B.i'1!IIP.It>9.H 50.00 9211.7t. ~.Al •})J )..~)J )J J »)'I .~ 'J } -1 1 -~i -1 ~-))J I "}J '}1 S[~NARIO,MED.HfQ ••OOOR 50X ••6Jlll'IQ~) TOTAL ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENTS (OWH) '~ET OF CONSERVATION) (INCLUDES LARGE INDUSTRIAL CONSUMPTION) IlEDrUM RANGE CPR ••5)...•...•.--..•...•...• n (J) w YEAR ANCHORAGE •COOk INLET GREATER FAIRBANk!TOTAL....••.•........•...••....•..••..•..•..-........-.....•.....•~.--. IQ80 1'''·3.lca 1100.31 i'Jbl~51 1981 i!1l7b.Tea 1125.53 ~5Iljf.32 IQ8i!1I QO.38 IISO.TIl 2111l1~1l 1!l8]23OJ.91l 1175.96 i!779~Q/J 198q .?1I17.51 501.18 29IB~75 1985 1511.17 Si!b.39 10S1~56 lca8b 2591l.b1 550.09 H/JIl~7b 1981 2b'5B.lb 571.H ~2Jl,q5 I 'HIS 2121.bb 597.1l9 HU,15 1989 1.785.U bll.18 )qOb.311 1!l90 lalla.bO;6QU.1l8 3119].5/1 Iq91 18811.79 bSb.b8 15111~117 19 Q2 l!l20.93 b1l4.1I 7 3589,39 19Q3 29S1.0b b80.2b lbJ7,32 Ica91l j!99].20 "92.06 161\5.25 1995 3029.H 103.1\5 31H~18 19Qb 3081l.50 1I5.0b 31!1q~57 1997 Jl39.b8 7lb.28 1865.96 1998 31911.115 731.SO 3932,11l 1999 3250.02 711 8 .11 3998.73 i!000 BOS.19 159.93 1I0b5~Ii! i!001 H R2.I q 1711 .01 III %,1i!1 20\12 )115C/.08 188.22 112 111 ,]0 2003 )SJb.OJ 802.31 11]]8,19 200Q ]til 2.91 8H.51 1l1l2'J.1I1l 2005 3t>AlJ.9Z 1ll0.bb 115i'0~51l i!OOb lH5.bll 1\1I9.Qa /JbIl5~1i! 2001 190 I.H 8b8.3(1 11]b!l.6b 2008 11007.08 AB1.1i!118!l1l~i!0 200</IIlli.60 'J05.!l1l 'i0IA.71l lola IlZIIl.5i!</ZII.1b IjIUl.2 A ,I n 0) .f::> J SCENARIO.MEO.HEq ••~UOR SO'••&/211/1 9 83 PEAK ELECTRIC REQUIREMENTS CMW) (NEr Of CONSERVATION) (INCLUDES LARGE JNOUSTRIAL DEMANO) MEDIUM RANGE lPR ••5).__....•...._.~. YEAR ANCHORAGE •COOK INLET GREATER fAIR8ANKS TOTAL.......~.._.•..•......•••.••..•...•.•.••..•.....~....._••.•...••...... 1980 39b.51 91.tl O 1187.90 1981 1119.115 97.15 5lb.bO 1982 lI t1 i.39 IU.91 5115'.30 198)IIbS.]]108.61 S7II~OO 19811 lII\8.ii!7 1111.112 b02.711 1985 511.21 1211.18 b31~]9 198b 5211.81 125.59 bSO~1I0 1987 5]8.41 131.00 b09.1I1 1988 552.UI Ub.1I0 b8/i.1I1 1989 5&S.bl 1111.81 707.112 1990 579.c!l 1117.22 72b~1I3 1991 Sllb.511 149.91 "3b~1Il 1992 S93.H 152.&0 111b ..110 199]bOI.09 155.30 71\&.]8 \l~94 b08.31l 151.99 1tI1j.37 1995 b15.b7 IbO.&8 77"~n lnb b2b.H Ib5.2/1 78 'f.98 1997 bJ7.80 Ib5.80 I\IIJ.bO 1998 bI.l8.f16 lb8.3b 817~13 1999 &li9.91 110.92 1\10.85 2000 II 70.99 IH.U 81111.118 2001 b Ab.1I9 IH.7I 861~20 ZOOC!70 1.98 179.9"881~93 2003 117.lIe 183.11 900.b5 20011 732.97 18&.110 ."9~3e ZOOS 748.117 IS9.&3 91e'.11l 200b 7&9.81 19 1.9.5 9b1~711 2007 791.15 1911.23 9119 ~37 200S 812.1111 &'02.52 1015.01 2009 H3.8O'Z/)b.82 101l0~bl.l 20 I0 855.lb 211.12 IOOb".2@ ):1 ).J .1 --)I -J J I - HIO--DOR 30% C.65 ~I - J )I '!i ~~1 )-J 1 -.~ I 'J "I SCENARIO'HED ,HIO-·OUR JO~··6/24/1~RJ HOUSEHOLDS BERVED ANCHORAGE •COOK INLET....~..--.-...~.~.-_.. YEAR SINGLE 'AMILY HULTlFA l lILY OiORILE HOMES DUPLEXES TOTAL..-....•......•••..............-_...--.....~-..---............................ 1~80 )S4H.i!1l11/l.8210.1486.7l'50~. 0.0(0)(1).000)(1).000)(0.000)(0.0(11) 1~85 IISH8.ltli'OIt.10803.8'5t1'1'.qOIlSJ.n (0.000)(0.000)(0.(00)«0.(00)(0.(00) 0\.......1990 SH3S.lSR77 •'2287.8460.1)9958. 0.000)(0.(00)(0.0(0)«0.000)(0.0(0) 1995 5832~.is,,qJ.13 4 07.UH,1059Sb. 0.(00)(0.0(0)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) iOOO 625b'5.26717.'L1'505.8181,11'97'5. 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) 2005 b1 R9 O.H5bR.15906.1833.U~I 1)7. 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.(00) 20 to 7Qn 9 •1b272.1770'5.86&7.,n4n. O.OUO)(0.0(0)(0.(00)(0.000)«0.000) - ~\.""'.-....0 .....- '""C ""0 .00 _0 -0 OC ICC -0 =:1'0 lit e CO =:I'C>0'0 NO '"0 00 11'0 til 0 ..ce C1'C 00 -I lit.·C ·nt .~0 .0 •CD.·N ·.._0 1\1 CO Ate NO NO NO ,",,0 ~ C ~ -.;.........._......-...... "'0 ,""e ...0 0'0 CD C Ne _c-..-C>0'0 Cl'O lOt 0 0'0 lit 0 '"0l&oI ..a 0 ..co _0 lOt co NO NO 00 :II!-·-..N ..N ..N ·N ·t\I •I'!"'\iii 0 C 0 0 c 0 0 -Ia. ::Jc 0 IIJ en eft ..-.....-.-............. :>~l&.I O'C OC-....0 00 ..aC cDC ..a 0c:z ~COO ""'0 0=-0 C'O ""'0 NO l&.I <C C -0 _0 _0 =:I'CO 00 .oc::_0 fD II::t:-•N ·N ..N •"'"•..,·=:I'•lJ:0 C>0 0 0 0 c III)-IU Q <C -I -I ...-0 III:r:cr 0 l&.I W ~en ...... ::J ..•"'"C ILl •II::r:a:•Cl'0 •.-..........-..............•>-...c ..,0 ..,0 -0 1"'10 e-c ....0.....•-I lIlO ...0 =:1'0 ~o 00 ::2'0 ClQ ~-NO 11'0 ...c:11:="'0 "'0 :::Ie AI x It'I •U\•........•...•...·ce ·.....<C e-o c 0 0 0 0......•-•~ M -I C>::l..,X :r 0 ~,c•>-.........-.....-.....•-I 00 ..co ,",,0 NO ..,0 00 ..,0 C>-'"=::r 0 -0 0'0 '"'C>lit C lit ~ 1 NO ..c~11'0 NC ..cc 1I'l0 ",g X c ...•0 ·Q .t\I ·""•lit 0 ...·lL.0 -e _c _0 -0 _c -0 lU -I Q e I&J ::: 1 -en !"I'l'I, 0-II::c Z a:•co lit 0 II'l C>ill 0 I&l C •ID CD e-O'0 0 u ..,•0'0'0'0'0 Q 0e>-•N N N If""! C.6B I J 1 1 '1 1 })1 1 1 } SCENARIO,Ht.O •HIO·.OOR 10t--bI2Q/1983 HOUSI~G VACANCIES ANCHURARl •conK INLET---•..•.-•.......•••.. YEAR SI14GL£FHIILY MULTIFAMILY HOR ILE HOME S DUPLEXES TOTAL..-.-_.................................-.•....--...-.....,............~~..-_..-.. 1980 50S CJ •1&bfl.ICJq ••'lIb3.tbi!OQ. 0.000)(0.(100)«°.0 1'0)(1'1.000)«0.000) 1985 IIqCJ.IIICJft.I 1 q.2CJZ.ii!1I0b. 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) n m 1990 587.11111.135.289.ii!QRB. 1O (0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) 19 CJ S fltll.1050.1111.2ell.21ii!1I. 0.000)(0.0(0)(0.000)(0.000)«0.0001 2000 688.1551.IbO.219.2ft18. 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)«0.000)«0.000) 100S 1111.175 q •175./Ifill.3111 11 • 0.0(0)(0.000)«0.000)«0.000)«0.000) 1010 821.1 9 59.195.28ft.12fll. 0.000)(0.000)«0.000)«0.000)(0.000) ........e ....-<:Ie #e co 0 O'e _0 Cl'C c.e ~c 10 0 ,..0 100 OC>-0 _c:> a::c ClC cc .0 C ...C ...C 0'0 ..J ec ~'"'·-·.....0 Cl C C C 0 c: t-o... ~ ..............-11'0 :;I'0 0'0 ec 100 ...Cl .0 c:>en f7'0 f7'0 ~0 cD 0 ...c ...0 -0..,01)0 "'0 IV 0 0 0 0 NO ]I(••· · .•e IaI 0 0 0 co co co c ..J 0. :J C -,•..CD CD e ........................-X I&.l .00 ~c ,",0 r-c:'"'0 co .,.c u Z ::E:10 0 /\to All c:>NO ,",0 ::1'0 :;1'0 ;Z -e C oc>C>C>c:0 co C>-e a:l X •·••..••u a:co co 0 c c 0 0 """'\c -ILl >.....J lL -e lID Z a::C-..,::E:.,... ::l -e '"'C !AIco::E:a: 0-e ..........e ........................ >-co e c,C _C> c>c 00 _0 ec.....-'NO :::ro ....Cl ~o ~Q ,",0 II'0 ~""Q O'C .0 Co ~o :;I'c :::ro ~C> N ::E:'"'·tV ..· · ••......c 0 CI C>CI C 0 0 4 lL•-•... ~-'0 ~ ""::E: a: 0 0•>-...................................•..J ""Cl CI:ICl ...0 If'0 CQ _0 _0 0 -II'IQ -0 _0 ""Q ."Q ...e 0'0 %.oC'-c -c -c -0 _0 -Q X -e ....···..·. lL c co 0 C>C Co C W -'0 ~ lLI Z ::t -CD C-II:-e ;z Ill:•co If\0 11'1 <:)In 0 Mol -e •10 ..,0"0'e:>0 -U Mol •0"a-go a-<:)0 e:>..,>-•N All '" C.70 ~I ,I ')1 1 1 i I ~J }'J '-1 "I SCENARIO.~EO I HIO·.DOR 101 ••6/iQ/198) fUEL PRICE 'OREC.STS EMPlOYF.O ELECTRICITY"I KWH) n. ........ ANCHORAGE ..COOK INLET GREATER FAIRBANKS•...•...•................~........-........~.....~•..........~......._..~. YEAR RESlDENJI At BUS IIIESS RESlDENlI At RIISINEU..........•...••........................•........• (!Jeo 0.0)7 0.0)11 0.091§0.090 U85 0.•1)119 0.01115 0.095 0.090 1990 0.11119 1).0111)0.090 0.085 Ins o.oso O.DIU 0.090 0.085 iOOO 0.050 11.0117 0.090 0.08!i 2005 0.050 0.047 0.090 0.08'5 iOIO 0.050 0.0117 0,090 0.085 SCENARIO'~ED,HIO--DOR ]OX--6/211/198} FUEL PRICE FORECASTS EHPLOYEn NATURAL GAS (t/HHBTU) ANCHORAGE -CODK INLET GREATER FAIRBANKS......~............•..~.......•..•............•..............••.-~ n "-.J '" YEAR RESIOENTIAL BlJSI NE as qESlDENTUL RIJSINF.SS.........••...•...................................... 1980 I.no 1.500 12.1Cl0 11.290 1985 1.9]0 1.700 9.090 1.6110 1990 2.480 2.250 7.7b0 6.310 1995 2.530 2.)00 6.?lIO 5.290 l060 2.4S0 i.illO 6.290 4.8110 2005 2.hI)2.130 5.820 11.110 2010 2.2tlO l.030 5.190 3.CJII(l I )}I J J ~..J ]_;1 I J _J _J J i ;)J j ~l .~ I 1 1 I ~l 1 I ]1 1 1~l SCENARIO'MEO'HIO·.OQR ]OX--bll4/198] FUEL PRICE FORECASTS EHPLOYEO 'UEL OIL (~/MMRTU) (J ~ W ANCHORAGE -COOK INLET GRfATER FAIR8ANKS.......-...•.••.•.~.............~....-.••.•..•.-.....-_..-...-.-.~-..-.... YEAR REunEHTI At BUSINESS RESIDENTIAL RlISINfSS..-................-........,..-..........•....•.•.• 19M 1.150 7.200 7,R]0 7,500 1985 lS.tno 1I,geo 5,590 5,2&0 1IJ90 4.7)1)(1,180 11,770 "."40 1995 ".11 0 1.!lbO ".140 3,810 2000 3.81(1 J ,280 J,8bO 3.5Jo 2005 1.550 1.000 1.580 1~250 lOU 3.280 1.710 3,310 2.980 SCENARIO'Io\EO I HIO-.DOR 10 •••blzQ/ICJa) RE810ENTtAL USE PEA HOUSfHOLD (KWH) (WITHOUT AOJUSTHENT FOR PRICE) ~NCHURAQE •COO~INLET-...-.-.~...-......._. SHALL LARGE SPACE YEAR APPLlA"ICES APPL1A~ICES HEAT TOTAL ••••........-................--........................ 1980 2111\.00 bSO(l.ttl 5088.52 13bQQ.1S 0.(00)(0.'000)(0.000)(O~OOO) n 1985 Zl60.00 UStJ.5J 4831.U 13153.75.(0.(00)(0 ..000)(0.00(1)(0.000)...... .J;::o lCJCJ 0 2210.00 tiQl0.91 Q651.a4 un4.34 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(O~OOO) 1995 Z'.bO.OO 5QS8.55 4!07.71 121211.25 0.000)(0.'0 0 0)(0.000)(0.000) 2000 Zl19.00 5Q88.1]4I1U.bQ U130.82 0.000)(0 ..000)(0.000)((1.000) 2005 2J60.00 60&2.19 Q4 21.68 U8t14.811 0.000)«0 ..000)(0.000)(O~OOO) iOlO j!Qll).OO 6l2Q~36 44]8.60 129n.96 0.000)(0.'000)(0.000)(0'.000) J ."J j I J :I ~...J J J .J J I 1 ')j 1 'J -1 1 -1 "]1 J } SCEtURIO,"'EO I HIO-.OOR ]~X ••o/2Q/I~8J RESIDENTIAL USE PER HOUSEHOLD (KWH) (W!THOYT ADJUSTMENT 'OR PRICE) GRE_TER FAIRBANKS --.-.-.~-....-...-.... S'1ALL L~RGE SPACE YEAR '\APPLHNCES APPL "NeES HF.H TOTAL..-.-.......•..........-.....•...•............. 1980 2 11 00.00 ~7]q.Sl ]llJ.6b 11519.18o.ono)«0.000)«o.ono)«0.000) (J 1985 25ll:i.Q9 bl A i.9]351\6.15 lHOS.Ol'.(0.(01))«0.0(0)(0.000)«0.0(0)........ tn 1990 21"01,,.00 61J]q.bO 3822.(1]12862.111 0.000)(o.oolj)(0.0(0)«0.'000 ) 1995 2b16.00 bb1l1~01 11075.11 IHlJlI.12 1).000)«0.0(0)(n.(lOO)«0.000) 2000 27116.00 67139.50 11]29.67 1J86S.18 0.(00)«0.1)00)(0.000)«0'.000 ) 2005 2 8 11".00 68159.08 IIS02.l1 1 11 1]7.]0 0.(00)«0:0 (I 0)(0.1100)«0.000) 2010 2~8b.0I 68 11 9.116 "65'S.9ft lllllll 1•'HI 1'1.1)00)(0 ..000)«0.000)«O~OOO) SCENARIO,~ED I HIO ••OOR JOi ••b/24/t'Al ...•.............._...ANCHORAGE •COOk INLETYEAR..... t980 (")1985 .......en 1'90 1995 lOOO 2005 2010 ( ( ( aQ07.Q4 0.000) 9482.69 ".000) 99Je.1t 0.000) IOJIH.91 D.OOO) 10908.41 n.ooo) 11~8].80 0.000) 12391.t2 0.000) eUSIN!SS USE PER fMPLOYEE (kWH) (WITHOUT LARGE INDUSTRIAL) (WITHOUT AOJUSTMENT fOR pqlCE) GREATER 'AIR8ANKS....••........•...•... 1495.10 0.000) U32.lI 0.000) 81 Q 2.lb G.OOO) 8467.59 O.Ollll) ~782.72 0.000) '1131.18 0.(00) 9536.3] 0.(00) ]I oj .J J J I J .J ...J J J J II•--1 '1 'J l I ')'}1 1 1 '1 1 SCE!-URIOI I4EO I HlO·.OUR 30'••b/211/'~A] SUMMARV 0'PRICE EFfECTS ~ND PROGRAMATIC CONSfRVATION IN GW'" ANCHUR~GE •COOK INLET RF.lIJOENTlAL BUSINfll9...................~.._.. OwN-PRICE PIlOGJUM-INDUCfD CROSS-PRICE OWN·PlllCE PROGRU1-I NOUn'0 CROSS·PRICE YEAR REDUC TI ON CONSERVATION RE!l,U.C T1.Q~_._•.,REOUPI9t:!,.CONSERVATION REDUCTION...................................-.:..................................................................;~+;+:.....;:......................... ,"1l0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 flUll 41.08/1 0.000 '0.IIS4!l 8.982 0.000 ,.ISH I ~82 12.1/'7 0.000 0.978 17.qbll 0.000 1.'5''''81 18.n,0.000 I.II/,8 2/,.qll/,0.000 11.727 U811 211.U5 0.000 ,.957 15.928 0.000 b.l01 ,"85 JO.418 0.000 iI."lIb "II.'H'0.000 7.8H 1~86 3q.98~0.000 0.02'5'.'15 0.000 8.5'~ 1987 39.51.10 0.000 ..2.11011 57.319 0.000 9.UO 1988 U.Il'0.(11)1)"Q.82"61.5211 0.000 9.800,qll"118.702 0.000 ..7.255 69.728 /).000 '0.4111 '990 51.271 0.000 .9.fill 0 7S.HJ 0.000 '1.082n '--J '991 56.6'b 0.(11)1)-10.1118 80.Q ,0 0.000 12.'59' '--J '992 5 9 .9bO 0.000 ·11.19'3 115.1187 0.000 111.'01 '99]41].]0]0.000 -11.95]90.11b)0.000 15.611 1994 b6.6117 D.OOll -12.111 95.81lO 0./)00 11.Ii!0 Ins bQ.990 11.000 -ll.lIb~100.811 0.000 18.b]0 1996 HI.62 I 0.000 -12.9"9 10'i.1I00 0.000 20.786 1997 75,.251 n.ooo ..U.1I28 109.98J 0.000 22.9112 1998 n.8S&'0.000 ·11.908 114.565 O.OO/)25.098 19Q9 80.'512 0.000 -1I.J87 '19.148 0.000 21.25" ilooo 83.'112 0.000 -10.867 12].7]'0.000 29.1110 2001 85.612 0.000 -9.J2 Q 121\.691 0.000 ]2.1111 2002 88.'22 0.000 -7.'191 I H.6bll 0.000 ]5.5]2 200]90.612 0.(100 -/'.2'511 118.6]0 0.000 38.591 20011 93.10&'0./)00 ..4.116 'IIl.S'?0.000 Ill./,511 2005 95.592 0.000 -].'78 'IIS.561 0.000 1111.7'5 2006 98.267 O.flO~..0.613 154.705 /).000 119.150 2007 1/)(1.911](1.000 1.'ISt'160.11116 0.000 53.585 2008 IOJ.61 8 0.000 11.517 lflb.qBl 0.000 58.021 2009 10b.&,q]0.000 1.0B2 11].1211 0.000 62.115" 2010 108.Q6Q 0.000 q.b1l1 ,7 Q .210 O.OO/)bb,lIq, SCENARIO.MED •HIO-.DDR ]0~••b/2UI1981 SUMHAR~OF PRICE EFFECTS AND PROGRAMATIC CONSERVATION IN GWH GREATER fAIRBANKS RESIDENTIAL BUSINEU....-.....~....••...•• OWN-PRICE PROGIUH-I NOUCED CROSS-PRICE OWN-PRICE PPOGRAM-INDUCED CROSS-PRTCE VEAIl REDUCTlOtl CIWSFltllATrorl REDUCTION RE!,.U~Tl Q","~_CON~!~Y~!ION _.RE/)UcT ION....................:..f:~.:........-..-..,..".'--,.--.............................................................................................................. 1980 11.0011 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 11.000 1981 0.000 0.090 1.338 0.000 0.000 0.899 IU2 0.000 0.000 2.b1b 11.000 0.000 1.798 1983 0.000 0.000 4.01"0.000 0.000 2.6''1 19811 0.000 0.11')0 5.152 0.000 0.000 3.59b 1985 0.000 0.000 b.b91 0.000 0.000 1I.1I9!l net.-0.310 0.000 8.527 .O.'!II 11.000 '1.520 1987 -/).020 0.000 10.3b3 _1.022 0.000 b.557 19118 ·o.cno 0.000 12.199 -1.5]]0.000 7.'S88 IU9 -1.240 0.000 111.035 _2.01111 0.000 8.019 n 1990 -1.550 0.000 15.872 -2.555 0.000 9.b'50. .........lnt .1.791 0.000 18.093 -2.878 0.000 t (I.763ex>1992 -2.0]1 0.000 20.115 _].200 0.000 11.910 199]-2.27 I 0.000 22.53b -3.522 0.000 n.OIl' 1994 -2.512 0.1100 211.758 .3.8411 0.000 111.18 :5 "~95 -2.75~0.000 26.979 _1I.lbb 0.000 15.31b 1996 -2.928 0.0011 29.0111 _11.1101 0.000 Ib.lI23 1997 -3.1011 0.000 11.11119 .11.648 0.000 11.530 1998 -3.2811 0.000 33.083 _1I.88 C1 0.000 18.037 1999 .3.1I5&0.000 H.1l8 -5.1111 0.000 19.11111 2000 -3.61L'0.000 37.153 -5.371 0.000 20.851 2001 .3.7811 0.000 39.3b I _5.'591 0.000 22.128 2002 -3.93'5 1).000 111.'\70 .5.811 0.000 2].1105 2003 .11.081 0.000 113.778 ..b.031 0.000 211.682 20011 -4.21q 0.000 IIS.98b -6.251 0.000 25.959 2005 .11.391 11.000 111'.'9'3 _b.1I71 0.000 21.2310 lOO~-1I.SII3 0.000 50.197 -~.712 0.000 28.8q8 2007 -1l./l9f,0.000 53.199 _b.952 0.000 30.1160 2008 e4.81l8 0.(\00 56.01)'_1.l l n 0.(100 32.012 2009 -5.1101 0.000 5A.bOIl _1.1I1l 0.(100 n.b811 2010 -'5.1511 0.01)11 i>l.?Ob _1."7 U 0.000 35.29" J J J )cJ _J )J J }J J J )]1 1 ~)11 1 ..-.-j 1 1 1 j 1 -·1 1 I SCENARIO'MEO ,HIO·.OOR JOX·.6/2 u /198J BREAI(DOWI!OF ELHTRICtTY REQUIR!'HENTS (aWH) (TOTAL INCLUDES LARGE INDUSTRIAL CONSUHPTION) ANCHORAGE •COO~INLET....~.~_.....•..•...•. HEDIUH RANGE (PR_.5)•......•.•.••....... RE$lDENTJAL BU51NESS MISCELLANEOUS ElIOG.INDUSTRIAL nAR REGUIREHENTS REQUIREME'iTS REQU I RE HE NTS LnAD TOTAL.......~••••••••••R •••••..•...•............._.-.~.~......~..••••••••__••••~a ••....~...••.......• 1980 cI79.5!IUS.30 lll.JI 811.00 19U,I9 1981 1016.n U1.i!S ZIl.51 9i!.08 2010.11 1982 1053.12 999.14 211.12 100.U ZIHolII 1983 10119.92 1061.03 211.93 IOB.24 nell.11 1984 112b.1I 1122.92 n.n 116.1Z 2lQI.OB 1985 1163.51 11811.BI 2'.5 .14 124.110 211q8.0b 1986 1179.87 UOII.H 25.n U7'.89 25117.9Z 1987 II qb.i2 IUll.Ob 26.12 151.1B 2597.7q 1988 1212.511 1241.69 26.50 164.88 hIl7.b'5 198q 1228.911 12bl.12 Ib.1!I9 I1S.31 2bQ7.52 n 1990 12115.30 UU.95 11.28 191.Sb 27117.18. "-.l lD Inl IZ5Q.b2 1299.15 U.5!195.l]2710.11) 19 Qi Ilb3.911 IJl5.lb 21.18 198."0 2805.111 1991 1273.2b IUI.51 28.02 20 I.b6 2B]II.52 19911 121.'2.51\1141.18 2B.21 201l.9J i!8bl.5b Ins 1291.90 llU.99 28.52 208.20 2B92.bl 199b 1109.27 13'15.110 29.0b i!11I.11I 2Qll1,87 19Q1 112b.6J IlIib.B2 29.bO 220.08 ]001,11 1998 1]111.99 11158.23 ]0.14 22b.Oi 10'!B.lQ 1999 IHI.]'"Illa9.b5 10.b8 21\.96 3111.b5 20110 IH8.72 1521.07 31,23 ?]1.CJO 1168,Ql ZoOI 1110].55 l'ib'i.~5 H .97 21111.Q6 H1I5.n i002 11128.311 1&09.63 ]2.72 252.02 H22,7S 2003 IIISJ.21 1651.91 H.llb 1159.08 H99.b7 20011 11178.011 IbQA.20 ]11.20 ~bb,I/I 3117b.59 2000;1502.88 11112.lIa H.Q~273.20 1551.50 2006 1515 ..21 18011.20 15.9]281.58 3656.98 2007 1567.b6 1865.93 lb.'ll 289.96 17bO.llb 2008 IbOO.06 \927.65 31 .89 298.3/1 18b3,"11 2009 1631.U5 1geCl.HI 18.81 10b.72 39&7.1111 2010 166'1.1\Q 21l51.IU 19.86 1\5.10 11070.90 SCE~ARIOI ~~O I Hl0 ••00R IOX ••b/211/1983 BREAKDOWN OF ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENTS rGWH) (TOTAL INCLUDES LARGE INDUSTRIAL CONSUMPTION) GREATER FAIA6AHKS........~.-.••.....•.. MEDIUM RANGE (PR ••S).•.•••••.•.••.•..... RESIDENTIAL BUSINESS MlSCI!:LLANEOUS YEAR REQUIREMEIHS REQUIREt4ENTS REQUIREMENTS................•••..•.•.•..••.•......•...•.....•.•....•.• 1980 11b.39 il1.14 b.18 lUt 189.10 227.53 fa.'73 198i lOI.80 231.93 tI.b1 1983 lll,l.51 2118.H &.bi 1981,1 2U.U 25/\.12 b.Sb 1985 219.92 20 9 .11 b.51 198&2111.10 272.22 b.1,I5 1981 2511.211 2115.33 b.39 IU8 2bl.lif.21/\.113 b.H 1989 2..,8.b]281.'51,1 b.21 n.IUD 215.81 281,1.64 b.ill (» 0 lUI U2.l,Il 288.03 b.29 1992 289.11,1 291.1,11 b.31 199]2Q5.80 291,1.19 &.4b 1991,1 3112.1,11 29~.ll b.51,1 1995 309.U )01.55 o.b2 199b 311,1.48 30&.1)1 b.l11 1991 319.82 3U.Ob &.85 1998 325.lT 311.3i!b.9& 1999 )10.52 1;Hl.'i8 '1.07 iOOO 335.flb 321.811 1.18 2001 3112.lJ US.09 1.32 200l 3118.110 1112.311 1.11& 2001 1511.&&3119.59 1.bl 20011 lbo.en 15&.811 1.15 2005 l"'.iO ]611.08 '1.89 200b 375.05 373.911 8.09 iOOl 382.91 ]83.19 8.2'1 2008 190.71>393.61.1 8.1.18 2009 JQ~.b2 1103.50 8.b8 2010 11110.118 1Il!.3S 8.87 J J J I .J J J I E~Or..INDUSTRIAL LOAO TOTAL•..•.•.•.-........R ••••••••••••••••• 0.00 1100.3\ 0.00 4U.Jb 11.00 IIl1b.1I0 0.00 IIb9.1I'5 0.00 1192.50 0.00 515.511 10.00 535.77 2/).00 555.qq 30.00 51&.2t 110.00 !i9b.1I11 50.00 &Ib.b" 50.00 &2&.n 50.00 Ub.92 50.00 blll.G! 'iO.00 U7.U 50.00 6U.J1 50.00 U8.02 50.00 fa88.73 50.00 &99.115 50.00 1\O.U 50.00 nO.88 50'.00 1311.511 50.00 1118.20 50.00 'Ib!.8'S 50.00 175.5\ 50.00 1119.17 50.00 807.08 50.00 Utl.98 50.00 8112.8e; 50.00 860.1Q 50.110 816.70 J ~.J J J ]1 )1 1 --1 -J ]J 1 1 1 1 n 00 --' SCENARIO'HlO I HIO·.nOR 30X··bI2Q/19~3 TOTAL ELECTRICITY REQUIREM£NTS (GWH) (NET OF CONSERVATION) (INCLUDES LARGE I~DU~TRIAL CONSUHPTION) ~EDIUH RANGE (PR ••5)•...•.•..•.......•.... YEAR ANCHORAGE •COO~INLET GREATER FAIRBANKS TOTAL ••••••••••w ••••••••••_.....~...•..•••.•...••..~•••••••••••••R ••••• 1980 I 9U.1 9 QOO.31 <'3f1]~51 1961 20 1 0.11 02J.U 1l"93 ~52 19112 2111.10 C1Q6.QO llb23~5C1 19U 2281.1.11 Qb9.115 ~15:J.5f1 1980 2)cH.OIl 1192.50 iHIA).58 19a5 j!1I9a.Ob !i15.5Q JO I:f.bO 1986 25'0.92 535.17 J083~b9 1987 2597.79 555.99 ]153,78 1988 hl.l7.bS 5H.21 ]223,111 1989 h97.51 59b.QO !2H.9b 1990 271.17.]8 bl b.bb J3bIl~O'i 1991 211b.IIJ blb.79 3lI0]~22 1992 2605.111 blb.9i!JqQi!~]9 1993 28311.52 blll.05 301l1.51 I99Q 18bJ.5b b51.18 3520.7Q 19 9 5 28 9 2.bl &b7.JI 3559°.92 199b 29 07.81 U8.0i!3b25~89 1997 1003.1 J .668.711 ]b91.81 1998 10~8.l9 699.1.15 J75l~61.1 1999 JIIJ.b5 1I0.lb JAil.8i1 2000 JlfIB.91 120.88 ]8119°.19 2001 H1I5.83 1311.511 39110·.n 2002 J122.7'5 7Q8.20 11070:95 ZOO]]]99.bl lbl.85 111&1.52 20011 3111b.59 175.51 1I2o;?~IO 2005 J55].50 789.11 IIH2.flll 200b U'5b.9A 807.08 IlIlflO~Ofl 2001 llbo.lI&82Q.98 11585.lIq 2008 JII&3.91.1 111.12.119 1170b,IIJ 2009 19b7.'l2 8&0.19 111128.21 2010 11010.90 818.70 11911q~bO n. OJ N SCENARIU,MED I H!O--OOR !0¥--bl24,IQa] PEA~ELECTRIC RfQUIREMENTS (MW) (NET OF CONSERVATION' (INCLUDES LARGE I~DUSTRIAL DEMAND) MEDIUH RANGE (PR ••5)..•..••.....•••••.••.. 'tEAR ANCHURAGE •COOK INLET GREATER fAIRBANKS TOTAL.....~....~..••.....•..~~.._.~.......~~.....•...••.•..•.~.••...... IQAO lQb.SI Ql.4U 1181.90 IQBl 1118.0'1 9b.bb 514~15 1982 1.139.08 IOI.Qj!511I~bO 198]IIbl.2b 101.18 5&8.44 lQ811 IIRi!.8'!5 112.114 595'.29 1985 5011.113 111.70 bi!i!'.lJ U811 515.24 122.la U7~S6 1'187 526.04 lill.U 652.98 1988 Sh.8!ill.55 U8~1IO 1989 5117.66 Ub.I b 683'.8l 1990 558.lIb 1110.17 Uq~211 19'11 5611.10 '"3.09 701.n 1992 570.1'~IltS.1I0 715.511 19C1]515.98 1117.71 7n~70 19911 5"1.82 150.03 HI'.U 1995 5~1.bb 152.]11 1110~00 I,Clb 59'!.7S 15 11 •T8 lS]~S3 1991 &0'1.83 IS1.n lU,Ob 19'18 O20.'iI 159.b8 180.5'1 199'1 Uil.OO 102.12 194'.12 2000 bIl3.011 1&11.51 801~bl5 lool 1>58.57 Ib7.b9 82b,i!5 2002 bU.Oo 170.81 MII.BlI 2001 b89.55 173.92 861'.111 20011 1(15.011 171.Oil 811i.(III 2005 720.53 1811.lb 900'.69 200b 1 "11.111 1811.25 925.65 2007 7b2.28 188.14 9r;0~b2 2008 183.16 192.1,12 q75~59 2009 8011.011 19b.SI IOOO~5b 2010 B211.9i!200.flO I 02'i~52 )~J J J J .JJ vJ ".J J J J --]J J I j ,.... - ~, H13--DRI SCENARIO C.S3 flIIIIlIi\. ~j - C]1 1 1 1 1 j ]J 1 --j 1 -1 1 ]1 SCW.RIO,Mf;.n ,HIJ·.ORI SCENARtO·.bll~/I~8] HOUS£HOLOS SEPVEO ANCHORA~E •COOK INLET..~.•......•-.......-. YEAR SINGLE F.,,1IlV HUL TlFAHIL V MOR I LE HO'1E S DUPLEXES TOTAL•...._.....~..........•....-..-...•.............•......................... 1980 3S~n.20]l'l.8Bo.l~aet.11503. 1).000)(0.0')0)(0.000)(0.000)(0.(00) 1985 IIb221.2b2011.10957.85b7.Q1950.n (0.00/1)(0.000)(0.(00)(0.000)(0.000). 00 (J"l 1990 51890.25871.I UO I.allbO.105528. 0.(00)(0.0(0)(1).000)(0.000)(0.(00) 1995 b5'H7.30~21l.15120.8]]].lt9]SIl. 0.000)(0.(00)(0.000)(0.000)(O~OOO) 2000 l!9b Q •]'i~'5=!.IllIS.8532.1351&7. 0.001)(O.DOO)(0.0(0)(0.0(0)(0.(00) 2005 83357.1I02b 7 •19580.9blj~.15281lf'. /1.000)(0.000)(/1.0(0)(0.000)(0.000) lOIO 9Sli!7.~b1l55.U5aQ.11051.115327. O.OIJO)(/).001)(1l.000)(0.000)(0.(00) C.86 -- - - ~, .....0- O'C ...C O'C o:I:C 0'0 It'C O'c 00 -0 0:1:0 -0 0'0 t\I 0 040 AI 0 ~C 11'\0 ClC _0 o4C -0 ....l oD 0 tv.0 tv 0 tv 0 ...0 ...0 ~0..-0 c 0 C-O 0 0.... t-O.... ~.-.-....0 n.C 0'0 ~O 1\10 CC '"0CO-DO 0'0 ClO CO Clo -0 -DC lOt ~C'1\1 0 NC NO NO ...0 '""0X...0 W 0 C C 0 C CO C ...J Q,. =-Q ....... on ...J 'LI Z CO .-.-0-0-0---'"'-0 -c -DC -DC O'C II'C 0'0 U ::r 0'0 t\I CI 0:1::-.00 ec -0 ~Q Z :.I:0 O'C _0 _C C 0 1\10 I\IC::..0 z.-0 0 .0 0 0 . U 0 CI 0 C 0 c::c C....U lOt >...J•-....~~ec z ....0 0'-C·:z:en ......::l .It. ~0 0 ""J:::r.....u 0- 0-0- .0 Z >.oe -4C "'C ""'Co ~C OJO 0'0•0<....l .00 0'0 ...0 ~O -CI P-0 00•....oC ~O o:I:C ..oC O'e _c IIIC 0 ::.P-o -•-.t\I .N .-..C C C C Co C C IX:~ <C -Z ...........J U ::l on ::r-a::c•>.-.-0-•...J O'C Cl:e "'0 CO ~C "'C l['C...-ec oC ...0 I\IC 0 -c ~O ::£C.C If'.C ..oC'"'c II)0 U Co CC J:....."..0 0 0 0 IL C C 0 0 C 0 C OIl ...J Q e Lo.l:z:-"" 0-a:: <C Z a:•0 III 0 II'0 II'0....<C •C «l 0'Cl"0 C U IU I 0'Cl"0'0'0 CI C '">•1\1 N 1\1 C.Sl SCENARIO.MED •HU-.DRt 5C£IIARIO ••bn~/lq,,] HOU91~G VACANCIES GREATER FAtRRANKS•.•••....•....•......• YEAR SINGLE FAMIly rolUlTlF4t1JlV MOBILE HilMES OUPlE)(ES TOTAL.....................................,..............................••...•...•.• 1~80 3651.H2O.q6~.895,8854. 0.000)(0.0110)(0.1\00)(o.ono)(/).000) 1985 II A.2655.a~.H2.lSlq.n «0.1)00)(0.1\00)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) OJ OJ 1990 Ub.1151.1.C!~.81,b86. 0.(00)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(1'1.1'100) 1995 Ib 4 •4'1fl.H.60..729. 0.0(0)(0.000)(0.000)(n.ooo)(0.000) 2000 1911.441.115.78.7oa. 0.000)(0.0(10)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) 2005 21 A•520.5 ••1R.8bl. 0.000)(0.000)(O.lIIlO)(0.000)(0.001l) 2010 l~".I§qq.5 1f •8CJ.99'3. 0.000)(0.000)(0.0110)(0.000)(0.000) I J J I J J J )J J .I J J il 'I )-].J 1 -1 ]]1 -]]I I I )1 1 ]1 j SCEHARJU,HED I Ht3--DRI SCEHARIU.-b/2Q/I Q al FIIEl PRICE FOREC~ST5 EHPLOYEn ELECTRICrTY (S I KWH) ANCHORAGE.COOK INLET GRf4TEA FAIR8ANKS.......-•.•.....•••.••.....•~....__...~~.--.-.._ _..........•••..•.• YEAR RE8IOENTlAl BUst NE'sa RESIOENTrAL RlISINESS................................................•.•.•. 1980 0.031 O.OJQ 0.095 0.090 n 1985 0.Oa8 o.nlit;0.09t;0'.090 00 lD 19 9 0 0.0511 (1.051 0.092 0.087 1995 0.Ob3 0.0&0 O.09/i 0'.089 2000 0.Ob9 0.1)611 0.0 9 6 0.091 2005 o.on O.Ob'0.098 0.09] 2010 0.07'5 n.on 0.100 0.095 SCENARIO,MEn I HIJ-.DRI 8CENARIO.-~/l4/Iq81 ANCHORAGE -COOK INLET fUEL PRICE FORECASTS EMPLOYfO NATURAL GAS (I/MMRTU) GREATER fAIRBANKS.....~•...........................~..•••••••..............•.~..•...••..•.• YEAR RESlOENTlAL ~ustNESS RESIDENTIAL RUSlNES9.........,............................................ 1980 t.HQ 1.500 12.no It.290 n 1985 2.030 1.800 Il.b'O 1I).2110. \.0 0 1990 J.lISQ J.Zi!Q 1~.OlO Ill.~u 1995 1S.IOQ 1I.lJ10 19.8110 1lI.]'Q 2000 '5.750 lS.lilO 21.120 21 ~670 2005 b.Ol0 ••180 24.410 n~l)20 2010 b.1bO b.1l0 26.230 211.780 I I 1 ]t I 1 ;.I J J ]J ).1 J J J I I 1 1 j I 1 ]1 1 SCENARIO,M[O,HIJ-.ORI SCENARJU··~/~q/l'63 FUEL PRICE FORECASTS EMPLOYEO FUEL OIL ("I4MBTU) ANCHORAGE.COOK JIll ET...._-..--._--~.._.-.GRE~TER FAJRBANKS.~._...••...•-.~--..-. HAR RlSlOENTUL fHIS I tlESS RESIOENTJAL fHlSINESS........................................•••..........-..... 1980 1.150 1.?OO 1.830 1.1i00 1985 1.120 6.57n 1.180 1..850 n 1990 9.150 Q.200 'i.allo 9."'110. I.D 1995 12.080 It.53n 12 .190 U'.8bO--' 2000 11l.0SO 11.530 111.210 U.B80 2005 IIl.qoO 14.350 15.0110 11.110 2010 15.971\11l;.1l20 tb.UO 15.190 SCEN.RIO.Io4ED I ~tl·.OPl SC£NAR10 q -6/iQ/IQ81 RESIDENTIAL USE PER HOUSEIlOLD (KWH) fWIT~OUT ADJUSTMENT fOR PRICE) ANCHORAGE •COOK INLET ~._....~•....•...•_... SHALL LARGE SPACE YEAR APPLllNCES APPLIANCES HEAT TOTAL..............................•...•...•...••... 1980 lil/J.OO 6S00.bJ SOSS.Sl UU9.U 0.00/)(0.000)(0.000)(O~OOO) n 1985 61'51 ~lIq 1I8ZI.87 1l111.H.21bO.00 \.0 (11.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)N 1991)&'21/).00 6020.51 1I'58f>.U USU.IlI 0.000)(0.'000)(0.000)(0.000) 1995 226/).00 5960.28 4518.86 12139.14 (l.001l)«0 ..000)(0.000)(0.000) 2000 HIO.OO 5 q H.1 q 4115J.51 12756.U 0.000)(0.11(0)(0.000)(0.000) i!005 2]bO.OO 6062.'51 4I.1U.21 U8/HI.n 0.001»(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) 2010 lIlIO.OO bl27".20 lIlI'50.M 12987.81.1 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) .J I ...__J I I J .I I I .1 I I I J J ]-I I I ]J 1 j ]I I '-1 1 SCENARIO'MED ,HI~··OHI StE~ARIO··b/24JlqA1 RESIOfNTI~l USE PER HOUSEHOLO (~~H) 'WITHOUT AI)J"STl1E~r '-OR PRTCE) GRE'TF-R fAI~RANKS•.••.•........~...-... SHAll L'~GE SPAtE YHR APPLIANtES APPL I AIleES HrAl TOTAL...........~......................................... 1980 i!4bb.IIO '51 Jq'.52 HlJ.t>~IISlll.IS 0.000)(0.000)«0.001)(0.0001 1985 25Jb.OO e.t 7lf.qR 3606.28 UUI.25n(0.000)(0.000)«0.000)(0.000) ill <-v IqqO ab06.00 b1l1l8.a8 38&1.13 ll922.21 G.OOO)(0.'000)«0.0(0)«0.000) IH5 2117b.1I0 bb&9.21 11051.13 13397.00 G.OOII)«0.000)(0.(00)(0.000) 2000 H1I6.01 b7q2~9!1 11]]&.15 13875.10 0.000)(0 ..000)(0.00(1)(0.0001 2005 i!BU.9q &Ene.SlI /iSLI].81j JIll 98.38 /).000),(0 ..000)(0.000)(0.0001 2010 2886.01 "881).16 11659.66 1l'4U.4b 0.(00)(0.0001 ,0.0(0)(0.0(0) SCENARIO,MED I HI3 ••0RI SCENARIO··6/~q/1981 (} \.D ~ YEAR.... 1980 1985 1990 19Q5 2000 2005 2010 ANCHORAGE ~COOK INLET......~-...........•.. 61l01.IlQ 0.000) 9SBO.13 /1.000) IOibl.1I 0.1100) 110]1 ..(11 0.000) I 185S.81.1 0.000) 12141\.53 0.000) 13"111.57 0.000) BUSINESS USE PER EMPLOYEE (~WH) (WITHOUT LARGE INDUSTRIAL) (WITHOUT 'OJUST~ENT FOR PRICE) GREATER fAIR9ANKS •••••~•••••••••••~•••w 7Q95.70 0.0001 797a.0] O.Ollcl) 8300.29 0.0001 1\1195.01 0.(00) 9068.00 0.000) qSOO.al 0.000) 99118.16 0.000) ,J J I I J J ]J 1 J J I 1 J --] ""''"'It'GJCf'U~"'.......... I I • • It' '" D' IIIf\j• -=,c.c..,0'-"''''-NftJ:Ai , I • I '"o C I • • I o 11\ ""0"'04""....Y'\"O ....to••••• ~C)-Y"t c-.....~ N<704"" C!"oD,",o I -1\1I.., I • • C...o=::rN c 0"0'0"0"0"...,.-.-11".,.·...c-c;-- I , I I c cc e .... U •-.a:• IL •••.,z. IDO.0-.lI<.~. <.IU. ::l. C lIJ 0::, '"0' 0"...".• c <:>.. o.. .. e C' eoOOCo cece :.co 01 C cece.... c.ccc ccce COC c cC"cc 1Il..o",N C-N"" 1\1 n.N l'\'r • • • ~~-.,.... -D ....o-D coD"'.... "'C!"oCof\j -II'\CLn .c.c~"'" t\O• C c C C C °o o C III III o.. • • I • Co 00 C 0000eoc.e·...cccc= eccc eccceeoc .......O"ltt --ce II"-CI"'... CJl-~C:: 0'....""........ca-e·... 0""'II'IV.o,..trO" °.. °o co • ••• ee 00 0000ooce:·...oooc -....C"-'"....00"0'C' 0 ....0'~D"·....000_ ru""'~'"..0 eooo 0 COQC e OCQC C CCQ-C C ,.,Cl D"°......0........'" D'O"'''''"·........O'c.-AI ..00',",04 CtnoN...,.,,., ... °o. e ecce 0000 oOC'l'e.... OQOO N c..oo""Cl c "'~""CP"......-...0.,.It'·. W"t o:::rD"=="CP" .Q ..,."'....0•• e °o·° c ecce c=eooc c to OCOC c- o°0000 c: II'""ON'"..0 In O"':::=-N .0 ""O".::::rc~...o ~e-.......I\I ..0"'...oc-..., -...-ftI All eece 00000oeec.... 000 C C C co. C C CQCC C oocc o coco Co OCOC ""0"'.00'....""..,- ""0'............. II)1P0 0 •f'U .... .-.Cl'"Of\t~ D'<701l\C ...""CP'~c o ~c...,,..- '""Qo-""c cooe Oleo-coc.o c co OCOC c ecoceecoc C CCQC·...o oooC" C C C o e e:D'O'OlI«'o 111-.......... C .......c ~·...c c-a:c ..... -N,", c ....tne_ e oDNlID'"e .,,"'c. . e -""."...•••• c...,. u ,. .:'... 10=....70;.·.. • I !.:~~~: •Cl::a:•.e ..... 10"'.a:z. ILC.u. .... u •....~...a:Z'.Q.o. 1-·...=~-... :&U ' •o =i ...c,.wa: o...I. I U •·,.OIl 10 I • ..,I Z •.....-Z·.2:••C~... ......X ....:... In I ..."'1. ::l •lI<.c .• fl •CI >1'" • C a:;.~WI", IL tn·.Z.o u ... U •.... a:'.IL Z·. 101 '"....",... ~0'). ..J OU. Z a:::l,......uo l ......,. lie aoo u ... l.: C...Ja:co-x ... UZ ZlIJ cO-'"...a: z::.... ~... >a: lIJ ID Z C U U-....... :Eo... II:: C ::l 1I:::l: ~3eo ZZc_ '"~ U lIJ lL lL... ...o ... u-a: IL ::: ... <7n:.... ~ I•o a:c .., OlI 0' :::: - I•'"' C lIJ :L lIJuz.-0.a:_. ll...... ~~!xc. 0 .... lI<.,. °o c c: .....,.~«. -1\Io~'" "''''oDC·...oDNIIl~ --<\I .......c: N"QIt'>'" ....""=7•• <7 IE'..,·'"'..0• 0-fIft,."C =::r N .....~"'"'0-I\IOeN ,.,..... ~"'~....'""",1\111'«'• -CI:''''''''oDND"-D O"'",c...r»·...<rllftlC ~CP'Qe Ct '"'"o III ~~-= -0"'10..0 ~U"O'·.e 1f'ru ru-...".....---.- ~,0::..c.....».C C 0" -IV"'=' OlI co 10 ""0"0'0''0"---- II' ""C!" .. C!" 0" -NfIIlII"I;::r "'"D"0"0-C!'"0' 0"0'0"0"0" °co.. '" -f\l .....~ CCCC occe 1\1 N N ftI It'o o ftI """.,....CDO" eoc 0ccoc NNftI'" .. Q "' I''''''' C.95 SCEIURI0."ED.HI3--0Rl SCENARIO·.6/,Q/lq81 SUM~ARY OF PRICE E'fECTS AND PROGRAMATIC CONSERVATION IN GWH GREATER FAIRBANKS RUIDfNTHL IIIUSINESS........................ (lI'HI.PP I Cf.PROGRAM.INDUCED CROSS ..PRICE OWN-PRICE PROGRAM"INOUCED CROSS ..PRICE YEAR REDUCTION CotlSfRYATlON REDUCTlO_N _RE DUC TlO.,,!_CON~{'!Y~.!J.QN _••PEDUCTlON......................................................-................................................*"............................................ Iqeo 0.001)O.noo 1'.000 0.00/1 0.000 11.0011 U81 0.000 0.000 0.351 0.000 0.(100 (I.l!1l3 1982 0.000 0.01)0 0.113 n.ooo 0.000 0.1l8S Iq8J 0.0011 0.000 l.n10 0.000 0.000 0.128 19811 0.1100 0.000 I.lla?0.00/)0.1100 o.qll 1985 0.000 0.001'1.1811 0.000 0.000 I.l!l] 1986 -0.191 0.000 0.1114 ..n.nl 0.000 O.J/lb 1987 ..0.39/1 0.000 .0.95b ..0.bb5 0.000 -0.521 1988 ..0.591)0.000 ..2.U5 ..0.99(1 0.0/)0 ..1.388 1989 ..11.161 /).01)0 -3.U!_I.UO 0.000 ..2.256 1990 -0.91111 0.000 -5.0n -1.b63 0.000 ..3.121 n.19 q 1 ..0.99'0.000 .1.6q1 _1.651 0.000 -4.584lD (])19 9 2 -1.010 1'1.0111)-10.3)0 -1.651 0.000 -6.046 19'JJ ..1.021 0.000 -U.9b2 ..1.6115 0.000 .1.501 19911 .1.01&0.0110 -15.595 -1.619 0.000 -8.9b8 1995 ..1.0119 0.000 ..18.228 -1.&12 0.000 ..'0.4]0 1996 "0.871 0.000 ..21.578 ..1.31.13 0.000 "12.209 1997 -0.7011 0.000 -ill.Q29 ..1.05 4 0.000 -l].Q89 1998 -0.'532 0.000 -28.280 -0.hli 0.000 -15.1&8 1999 -0.3bO 0."011 ·31 ••31 _0.476 0.000 -11.5118 2000 ..0.181 0.1I00 -311.lf81 _0.181 0.000 -19.321 2001 11.1/111 0.000 -]B.2b8 0.3118 0.000 -21.0S0 2002 0.111111 0.000 .QI.S55 0.88)0.000 -22.113 200)o.!\ZO 0.000 ../Ill.811 I 1.lIlS 0.000 -24.1196 20011 1.151)/).(100 ../jA.US t.9511 0.000 -a6.211f 2005 1.'JQI 11.000 -'1\.1.1111 2.118Q o.no(l -27.9112 200la I.Qqz 0.0(1(1 ..5'5.168 1.100 0.000 -30.034 2001 Z.1I911 0.000 -S8.ge?II.U2 (1.1)00 -32.126 2008 2.991i 0./100 -b2.b16 /I.Q21l 0.1100 -)4.211 2009 3.119b 0.000 -bb./lln 5.7.3'3 0.(100 -36.)09 zolo ].99/\0.000 -1(\.183 6.'5117 0.000 -3/\.40\ I I ,I I I J I J ...J I J I I I ) I J 1 j I 1 1 1 J 1 I 1 I i 1 1 -j J SCENARiO,MEO I HI3·.0RI SCENARIO··bIZIl/1983 BREAKDOWN O~ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENTS IGHH) (TOTAL INCLUD~S LARGE INDUSTRIAL CONSUMPTION) ANCHORAGE·COOK INLET.._.....-....._....... HE 0 111'-1 RANGE H'R ••5)........-........... RESIDf.NTIAL BlJ9IN~SS MrsCElLANEOUS [ICOR.PJOUSTRIAL YEAR RE.QUIRH'ENTS REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMEIHS LOAD TOTAL.............•.•.•....~.._..•..••......•..•...•.........••.......••.•..•..••••............ 1980 9H.5J 815.3&2Q.31 811.ll0 1963.19 1981 1020.70 ClIl7.IIZ 211.b6 92.lIe !O811.86 1982 1061.8&10n./18 25.02 100.lb 220b.52 1983 I 103.02 1091.55 25.37 1011.211 2328.18 1984 11"11.19 IlbJ.bI 25.7J Ilb.J2 211119.85 1985 1185.'35 llH.b7 2&.08 121.1.110 2571.51 1geb IZ18.115 1277.9&26.88 137.89 26&1.21 1981 USI.S5 1121).30 21.U 151.]8 2750.91 ICJ88 Ii!Aq.b5 l1U.bl 28.1l7 IU.U UIIO.l.1 1981J IJ17.75 IIIOIt.9i!29.27 178.37 2930.3n n 1990 1350.85 111117.23 30.06 I~I.U 3Oll0.00. <.0 -.....J 1991 1390.20 11198.51 'Sl .02 U5.1S 31111.86 1992 11129.55 19119.79 31.98 198.110 3209.71 1993 IlIb8.89 IbOI.07 H.93 201.66 33nll.57 19911 1508.ZI1 Ib52.'b 33.89 2011.'3 3399.11<' 1995 ISII7.S9 1103.b4 H.8S 201].20 31.1911.21' 199&1592.28 U61.89 55.911 2111.111 36011.25 1997 103&.97 IRZO.IS 37.03 HO.08 17111.2J 1998 10AI.bI.1878.110 :U.12 226.nz 38211.21 19'19 I7i'IJ.3/1 IUb.blol 39.22 231.96 3911l.1~ ~OOO 1711.03 19Q1l.9;!110.31 237.90 1101111.U. 2001 1821.37 lObl.l!9 III.bl 2411.9b 11175.22 2002 1811.71)Zl3CJ.6b 1Ii!.90 252.0il 1130&.28 2003 1'122.03 21'12.03 411.i!0 259.1)8 4417.111 20011 I'H2.3"22811.111 IIS.S0 2hl..14 11568.111 2005 c.»022.b Q 2356.7 8 lIb.79 :?73.c.»0 11699.111 200b c.»01\7.81l i!l.Ibi!.19 48.59 281.58 118(110.21 2007 ~15].Ob C!S&7.S9 50.38 289.9&S061.00 2008 U18.2S 2671.no S2.18 2 911.]11 'S2111.7'F lO09 U8i.1I1 2771\.111 S3.<H )0".72 'i1l22.'i3 ·2n10 211.18.61 i'R81.l\2 55.77 11'S.In %03.10 SCENARIOe ~~O I HI1.·D~I SC~NARIO·.b/~Q/lq63 BREAKDowN O~ELECTRICITY ~EQUIRF.~ENTS (GWH) (TOTAL INCLUDES LARGE INDUSTRIAL CONSUHPTIONJ GAEATEH fAIRBAN~8......~...~.....~.-... "EDIUM RANGE (PR ••~)._•..•.•...•..••~... RfSllJEIHIAL BUSIIH!S8 MISCELLANEOIJS EXOC.INDUSTRIAL YEAR REtltllREME/lTS RI:QUI AE ME NTS REQUIREMENTS LOAQ TOTAL.............•...•~... ...~.....~..............~.~.....••..............•..••._...••.•.•.•...•.. 1980 17t••JII 1.17.III b.U 0.00 1100.]1 11181 191.01l 210.11 11.15 0.00 427.90 1982 20S.b Q 241.08 1I.7Z 0.00 /155.50 ,98]2i!0.)1l 2911.05 11.119 0.00 1Ill3.0Q 1984 23l1.99 2b9.OJ b.66 0.00 510.68 1985 249.n 282.00 b.b]0.00 H8.27 198b 2b2.9'5 290.40 b.b8 10.00 510.03 1981 Z1b.~11 2'18.n 6.111 20.00 601.18 11188 2811.511 301.19 6.80 10.00 bB.53 1989 1112.84 US.59 4.8'3 40.00 6b5.28 (").1990 31b.14 123.98 b.91 50.00 691.01 lD (Xl '991 313.15 3h.U 1.22 50.00 721.00 199i!]'j(l.lh 349.29 1.53 50.00 75b.98 U93 3fl1.17 3111.94 7.811 50.00 786.9'5 1994 384.18 !711.511 8.15 50.00 8U.92 19115 /j01.18 3B7.25 8.4&50.00 8/1b.89 I9 Qb 1117.511 40 n .5/j &.11 50.00 81b.90 19111 4]11.00 41J.1I2 9.08 50.00 90b.90 1998 IISO.1l1 /j21.11 11.38 50.00 nb.91 1999 /jllb.III 4110."O 11.69 50.00 9bb.91 2000 lIS1.&'2 1151.69 lo.on 50.00 99b.9&' 2001 500.15 Cl&1l.65 10.34 50.00 1029.13 200i 517.01 48J.6O 10.b1 50.00 10bl.311 2003 533.9Q 1I9A.55 11.01 50.00 In93.56 20011 S50.Q2 513.'51 II.lII sn.oo 1125.'11 2005 Sb7 .811 528."6 11.68 50.00 IliJ7.98 200b 51l7.911 54A.H 12.10 50.00 1198.82 2001 b08.01 SbQ.05 12.53 50.00 12H.b'i 2008 b28.IQ 589.35 12.115 511.00 1280.49 20011 bIlA.1I b09.b4 13.l8 50.00 1321.H lOIO &b8.Qi!b29.94 13.8n 50.00 Ilb2.17 J )_J )I I I J )1 )I I j -.1 -I J J 1 n. \.0 \.0 J 1 J J 1 -~_.J -I .~-]J '}1 -_..•.]J 1 SCENARIo.~EO.HI)••nRI SCE~ARIO·.~/~q/198) TOTAL HHTRICITY REQUIRfMEllTS COlo/H) (NET OF CONSERVATIOH) (INCLUDES LARG~INDUSTRIAL CONSUMPTION) MEDIUM PAtlGE CPR ••5) ~.~~.-_. YEAR ANCHORAGE •CUOK INLET GREATER FAIRB'~KS ToTAL.......•.....•..•••.•••••.•...._-...-....-~.-._-_.._.~..._••.•...•..•.... 1'80 I U).19 1J0O.31 2nf.'S1 1'81 20811.86 1Ji1.90 20;1l~7b '982 UU.52 IJ'iS.SO 2&62.02 198)U21J.'9 lJa3.09 UIl~27 198q 211I1Q.8'i 'iIO.66 29bO.51 1985 2571~51 538.27 110Q~79 1986 21161.21 570.03 3211 ~211 1987 2UO.91 601.78 H'52.69 1988 28/10.61 6H.!53 ]471J,11 19119 2930.30 665.28 ]595.58 1990 30i!0.00 1>97.03 3711~OJ 1'91 UI 1l .8"721.00 l81J1~86 1992 )209.11 156.98 3CJ6b.69 1993 nOIJ.51 186.95 11091.'52 19911 ))99.02 816.9 2 Oi!lb.)lI 1995 JqQll.2"8IJb.89 1J]1I1~11 IH6 16011.25 816.90 lIIl"I~IS 1991 HllI.2]906.90 lIUI,1J 1998 16211.21 9H.91 /1761,11 199Q 19JIJ.I"9U."11901.09 200l)IJOIJIJ.U "96.9i!501J1~01 2001 ClI7'S.U 1029.13 5201J.35 200i!/1306.-28 IObl.311 5JU~b2 200)ll1U1.31J 1093.56 55~9~90 20011 1J568.1I1 II2~.n '!i691J~11 2005 11699.1J7 1157.Q8 5A'51~IJCj 2006 lIeIlO.i!l 1'98.82 bOH~05 201)7 '50111.00 UH.IIS 6]00.60; 2008 52 11 1.77 1280.a9 65~i!.2" 2009 'P122.51 1l21.]]"'lJl.B" 2010 'j60l.Jo 1l6i!.1/:I "Q6'S'.lI/) OO'ClC>... «l..o"'or '"'.~..... CO'O'"AI -~ClI-;;r "'11'1"'4 0411 C)o'....'" "'ON • e ••COG'......... 40'''''''0411.0 ........ ~O''''""C '"11'1 0'0 •~iii.• ...O'U'\ce ...O'N ·... .... ....Cl CHG 0'..,.....- ""&n4«1 Ill....II,•"""'-Q......,ON 0'0'0'0 O'AlII'O' «1«;....4 ...e.e ...,.,.......'" «1_Il".tr>Q------- Rl 4 . 0- N 40-.....cl 44,..... •...II,•tn_,......., ..o-."C AI .......'" .... - Q Z•~ ~:r:r Io.l Q '"~-'... ...:z<'"ZQ--, lIJ -lr en:r ......•X ....-</D :z C IP'O"IP'O'0'orCP,",Cl AI ....-."CO '"O':::r<7'<:I"<7'lI'CU\_4 O"'_""~ec a:>~a:•:::r ..0 G'IV '"C;-"'..olD G'C4'"...-C-G)....III o-....cQ ....o4IIC ......,0- ....a:C lL.a:l ....•.·.•••.... ...•. .....·.... ::l ...Z a:.......04 N c ....a'-.,.III N.,...,""0 .......0 ,..;:rN.,.....,......,ftII_ee".,--IP'0".0 ....IV "'''''<:1"11'1 II'..........ec 0'CO'''''''''N '"'''''''''''".....,O'C ....Z ""•...,----............-N'"no","I N"''''N '"NNIU""""lrOW C!I ~ ""U~Z <Cl U a:•II: 0--.....a:.... lrO-l -.......r •<:I"U"'CD ::l \oJ ~'".......W -a:.....~ZQ Co t:l 4 lu-=.., I -l ~ I X U <Z-l&I -a:lL....-<...•Z ....•.......J 1 U 'Z '"-X -oeO'c C -=:1'_....-=:1'.........0'OO'ID ....4 ~NC.,4 ...cCPe a:0 II'........1\1111:'"Q::::rlll\,.,..""..0 CP'n.....0'""#....0 ...0".".......0 AI 0".0.-.-C> C C .•.....•...·.... ....•.....·...•U 4 _U'C.a-<7'00 ....411'=:I',.......N_...............N "'lI'IN«o II'-COIII\'N II)•.,.",or"'CP'...1rI ....0 ............0-lOt 11'1 ....0 no ;;r ..ofti '"<7'N..QC ... """"#'=:r~~It'.,.....11'1 II'.0 ..0..04..0 ..............10 II'<OCCO'O'CP crco- :r 1&.1c:""""-< ~ Q :r.....u ~z•...., 0 ce <Z a:•CI "'I\I""~II'4'"CO 0'""-tU,.,,;:r II'4,..COO'0 _"'....;;r II>..a ....CO.,..Q....••CIl lDlI)lDlI)II)C)COIDCIl 0'0'0'0'0'CP'O'CP'O'CP'CI ococ CI QCCQ U ....•CP'0'0'0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0'0-0'CP'0-0-CP'O'o-O'CI OClClC CI coce CI C!>t ...--....--....-...--------N NNNN N 1\1 "'1\1 N N ~, -C.l00 "..., - ..- ,.... r HE4--FERC +2% C.101 - C.103 SCENARJO,I1EO ,HE4 ••FERC ti!X·.&/24/1983 HOUSEHOLDS SERVED GRE~TER FAIRRAHKS •••••••4 •••••••••••••• YEAR SINGLE FAMILY HllLTlFHIJLY "'OAILE Hm1ES DUPLEXES TOTAL..-............................................-.._......~.................-.. lQ80 7;»20.5287.lln.1 &17.15113. (0.(00)«0.0001 l 0.000)(0.0(0)I 0.0(0) 1985 10b Ub.5 Af.llI.illo.lJb~.201l0A. 0.(00)(0.0(0),0.000)«0.(00)«0.000) n 19QO 111111.79&0.U08.2375.240lJ..«0.000)(0.0(0)(0.(00)(o.noO)«0.(00)-' 0 -Po 1995 lI1HU.l8 /H.33 9 1.2139.28'505. 0.(00)(0.000)(0.(00)(0.(00)(°.(00) lOOO 171\59.81132.4113.2298.321bf!. .0.000)«0.0(0)(0.000)(0.000)(0.(00) Z005 l'HIR.«JlS7.4119b.225~.35129. 0.0(0)«0.000)(0.000)«0.0(0)I 0.(00) 2010 20455.9911>.4852.Z1l22.31705. 0.(00)((1.0/0)«0.(00)(0.(00)«0.0(0) }••I J .1 J j J I '._J J .)I I J J )I _.J 1 I J )1 J ]1 I j SCENARIO,MEl)I HEII~~FEqC t2X--bI11l/198] HOUStrlG VACANCIES ANCHO~AGE •COOK INLET........~...~.••...... YEAR SINGLE FAMILY l1UlTlfAHtLY MO~JLE tlOMES DUPLEXES TOTAL..........."'....~........~.........•..••..•..•.~._~....~........................ 1980 50 119 •7666.1 99 1.IlIb].Ib209. 1).0llO)(0.000)(0.000)(0.001l)(0.000) 1985 SilO.11'96.lib.292.21155. 0.000)«0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(l'I.OOO) n ..190 6b~. 0 -J (0.1'1(0)(0.000)«0.000)(0.001l)(0.000) 0m 1995 71l~.1751.17)•780.]"5~. 0.001l)(0.000)(0.000)(1).000)(0.000) 2000 ~Sll.2020.200.len.H75. o.oon)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)C 0.000) 2005 921.2173.21b.119.]1,27. 0.1100)(0.000)(O.OI)OJ (0.000)«0.00(1) 2010 q~8.2J1l6.2B.]l/2.)909. O.l'IOO)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)C 0.000) SCENARIO'IoIEO ,HEq ••FERC t2X ••6Ilq/lQ8] HOU51HQ VACA~C'ES GREATER FAIR8ANKS....._--_..-..~.-~-.-- YEAR SINGLE FAMILY HUL TlFAMtLY HOIJILE HOMES DUPLEXES TOTAL..-...........-......-_...........---........................................... 1980 3b')3.H2O.966.89,.8 A5O. 0.1'100)(1).000)(0.(00)(/).000)(0.1'100) 1985 tl8.2b 'H.ll&.?li.3'§l1. 0.000)(0.(00)(0.(00)(0.0(0)(0.0(0) n Ino 12fl.115°.21&.81.U6..(0.000)«0.000)(0.(00)(0.000)(0.000)---J 0 0'1 19~5 IbO.tltlA.37.80.72". 0.(00)(0.000)(0.000)(1'1.000)(0.000) 2000 196.1I5!1i.lib.78..7711. (1.000)(0.000)(0.000)((1.000)(0.00/1) laOS 210.~oo.So.70.1130. 0.(00)(0.000)«0.000)(0.000)(0.000) lola liS.'53 9 •S3.80.IJQ7. 0.09 0 )(0.000)(0.000)((l.000)(0.000) cJ J I J I j !I J ]I J I .1 I J I I 1 1 1 --1 1 1 j t J j ]J I SCEN.RJO.t-1ED t ,jEI.I·..FERC tU ...bl2lt'IQa] FUEL PRICE FORECASTS EHPlOYF.O ELECTRICITY ("KWH) ANCHQR.GE •COOK INlET GRE.TER FAIRRANKS •••••••~••••••••M.~•••••~•••__~•••••~...._..-__---~-.~~~. YEAR III SI DE NT UL 811S II~ESS RESIDENTIAL RllSINfSS.............-...............•••.................. 1980 0.031 (I.Olll 0.0915 1).(191 (J 1985 (1.0118 o.nltS 0.0915 0.090. -' a 1990--.,J (1.055 0.0'50 O.oqZ 0.081 1995 0.OS8 0.0'55 0.119"0.089 2000 0.0(.2 0.1159 0.096 0.091 2005 0.065 O.lIbl 0.IIQ8 0.091 lOIO ".(lb1 0.06/1 0.100 0.OQ5 SCENARIO'~EO I HfU ••FERC tlX ••b/211/198] FUEL PRICE FORECASTS EHPLOYfD ANCHORAGE.COOK INLET....................~~ NATURAL GAS (J/HMBTUJ GREATER 'AJRBANKS....~•..•...••~.•.....•..•.••••.~...~ n. --l o CO YEAR RESIDENTIAL BUS INF.SS RESIDENTIAL IUlSINESS ••••...................................................~. 198D !.130 1.500 12.1110 11.290 1985 2.030 1.800 13.0110 II.bIlO ttl 9 0 3.190 i!.QbO 111.390 12.BSO 1995 lI.ibO 1.1.030 15.890 11.1.190 2000 11.590 1.1.1011 17.511(1 15.670 2005 11.950 11.120 19.370 17.300 2010 5.3110 5.11 0 21.390 19.100 J J J J J J J .1 J J ~~)J )l J I •} I -,1 ]1 -1 J 1 1 ..--1 ] SCENARIO'MEO I ~E4 ••FERC t2X--bl?/f/198J ANC~ORAGE •COOk INLET FUEL PRICE FORECASTS E"PLOYED 'UEl OIL ($/MMBTU) GREATER FAIRRANKS ••~W •••__•••_•••••_•••••_.~•••••••__•.__.-..-..-._~--.-----_----- n o '-.0 YEAR RESIIlENTI Al flUSINESS RESIOENTUL RIISINESS_._.....-....",._-..........-....................--....... 1980 7.750 7.200 7.111"7.500 1985 7.q UO 7.420 8.010 7.no U90 1I.7bO 9.1 9 0 8.8110 8.510 U95 9.b81l Q.OtlO q.UO Q.U20 2000 10.flAO Q.9AO 10.7811 10.tlOO 200S II.HI'II.OZI'11.900 II.tleo 2010 13.020 U.17o I).IlfO l2.b80 SCfNAR 10 I MEO I Hfq·~FERC .z~••~/aq/lq8J RESIOENrlAL USE PER HOUSEHOLD (KWH) (~ITHOUT ADJUSTMENT FOR PRICE) ANCHOR ARE •COOK INLET -.~.....-........_.... SI'ULL l.ARGE SPACE YEAR APPLIAr-ICf.S APPLlll~CES HUT TOTAL.....-..................................•...•..• 1980 2110.00 f.l500.~]SOR8.'U 13bq9.15 1).000)(0.1)00)(0.000)(0.000) 1985 21&0.00 6092.53 11l1l.bl U0211.1U 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.(00) "lno 2210.00 5915.911 41519.116 U165.1l(l. --'«0.0(0)(0.(00)(0.000)(0.(00) -' 0 5q21~JO19952allO.OO 4!SH.1I7 12l1U.77 o.oon)(0.0(0)(0.000)(0.0(0) 2000 HIO.OO ~qsl.az 4111l7.6li Ullll.8tJ 0.000)(0.000)(0.0(0)(0.0(0) 200':5 albG.GO 6020.37 111109.15 1218ti.53 0.(00)(0.1)00)(0.0(0)(0.000) lOIO 2 UIO.OO fl0 8 2.00 11436.52 U928.S2 0.000)(0.(00)t 0.0(0)(0.(00) J }J I J J .-1 l J )J .J I I c1 J ]J ! -)-~ JI 1 "I -I ]1 1 ]J 1 ]1 ----]1 8CHI~RIOI "IEIl I HEQ-.FERC +2~••6/2q/lqaJ RESlnENTI~L USE PER HOUSEHOLO (~WH) «O'/ITHOIlT AOJUSTMENT FOR PRICE) GREATER ,AIRBANKS-....-.-....~...-._... S'-UlL LARGE SP4CE 't'E AR APPlI~NCfS APPLIANCES HEAT TOTAL.....••.••.••.•.........-........--......... 1980 lllbf).OO 57)9.52 HIJ.Mt 115I Q .II' 0.001)«0.0(0)(0.000)«O~OOO) PI 85 2Sl5.99 121 78.92 }b012.J7 123?1.i!8 0.000)(0.0(0)(0.000)(0.000) n 1990 2ftOb.OO bll a 9.0J 3 8 b7.SlJ 12922.b2. 0.(01))(0.000)(0.000)(0.0(0) 1995 2b1b.OI bh 9 .21 11051.72 U19b.qS 0.(00)«0.000)(0.000)(0.000) 2000 2 JQ S.QQ 6192.90 1I111J.1I8 lJaa2.31 o.noe'l)«0.0(0)(0.0(0)(0.000) 2005 281 b .01 12834.89 11510.1211 IUIIJl.53 0.000)«0.0(0)«O.OOtl)«0.(00) 2010 288~.00 68 8 2.91 lIb1l9.81 11I1I18.18 11.000)«0.0(0)«0.000)«0.000) SCEN4RJOI MfO I Hfq·MFERC +~X ••b/2q/1983 n............. N YEAR-.-. nAn IUS 1990 Ins 2000 200S 2010 ANCHORAGE •COOK I~LET......~.•.....•.-..... 8U01.0q. 11.000) 9580.&1 0.(00) 102&'5.00 0.000) Ilon.7S 4).000) lt9b2.09 1).000) 121102.Ol 0.(01)) l3ol2.'i3 0.1)00) BUSINESS USE PER EMPLOYEE (KW~) (wITHOUT LARGE INOUSTRIAL) (WITHOUT AOJUSTMENT FOR PRICE) GHEATER 'AIRBANKS ~.•••.•.•....•.•.•.... 11195.70 0.0(0) nfl.tq 0.0(0) 8)01.U7 0.000) 809Q.21 0.0(0) 9lto.Qq 0.000) Q39b.81 0.000) 9114.70 0.0(0) I J ]1 J I J J :1 J J I I J j J I .~ N 1 ... It'...... "'..0..0'"......4io"e___1'\.1 I I I I .., po. I • • • It'o",e", U"\U"l~::::r"'" I\J ",-=.".,g., -=..o .....C/o ...=-«)..0 Q .......QC-.no o«;..olfl ...:="'.0 1 • 1 1 1 -.(I-..c _...'"I\l • 1 • • ." I eo o .: ... U •...... 0::•a.• I.•"'Z."'0.c-... 0:_. uu • :::>. ~... a: ..... 2'o-....... :> l1".... til Z c:: U U-.... 2:.. 0:: Cl- o ...... •U •I:::>.• en 10 • "'12 • '-J ....2 ... Z 1 •C .........~:.... Ir.I •-c ... _'.0::. a::,C :>Oi'" 100::'. a:....'.a....,... Z ...o u .........-...0:Z.• D.O..-...::::. ~. O~...o. 161 II: c eoce c OOCO c occe c ecce. o occe c c CC:-O'c 0 c ecce c c eeoc c ....~C'=c ..c.....-:::1''''''...."......00'.....0.... ..a O'-IIft...o CI="'...cO'0 ecce eccc eoce ecce Co'ecoc Co eeoo=oeoo. c ooco o 010100 10 ceco c ccce 10 cocc C)-~....c 11\-.-.,0"- G C'N...o- c ccocceCC>Q e CCco e eoc.o "'"a.:.....cr= t\I ="'0''''U""-....,."c. '"-=~If'..co~:3..c1Q; .::::I ::1'=';:'= e o c o 0::::1: 11.3: <:lo--~-...- lIJ U-II:a.. ........... Z... ~oc u IIJ U ...-.0::•a.2".,C·......,....,..."'.Oy. :r.:::>• yO'...... 0:: C 11'011'10c,..,.....c:::r- c ,"0..0"-·o "''''....0I , 1 U't ....0"_;::r ..0 ~:::1'-0"..0 .... .0 ~"'O'''''.".... 1\1._ceo ....IJ...",,,,...oCI:I c t ,.1 • ."....N-C..,,..,«1 ....II) C'1\11'>0"N.... e"'O''''CcO"ccC)....,,t 1 Jll"'tV"C)- O"c-..... ~It\-......... ..o1r.::rN coo-c- 1 1 , I ...::rll\..of' or 11)"''''':..,~..o""'o" .....tIIlP\0""' '""'......::r , t • • IC :: e lI)C1CcD 0..01'\101) oQ-....'"·... O"".....=N "''''....11) I I 1 • ,- ....0 Cl lIJ • ...oJ'U '.0::'",:=I ,. :::::I~="'... ::1:2'0. UZ ... ::w ••t-,'" ...Q •::-e.,'".........>..."",:ro::• ....•e·"".a-0::,0G').a:z. D.O'"&.I. c cc:eo0000oc:.e-ec·....o OCQC c occe e =:00 c.c.=cc..... c ooce =oc. c ooeo 0000c:.oee eeoc C'"C'Co cc=0000eOQCC.....=eooo 10 cc:.ocooocc c cccc..... 10 ooec c <:> c: ccce ecce ecce·...cec: <:>o=. e ua:.... IL•1 ~... ::I: .... '-'Z ...-::::l.a:-...a... I U • Z:::>. ~Q. 0"-1.a.• o t\,,~"'...0' o ...'OCl'I\I '" Q ::rcc"'.....·..'..Cl ..oNO'''''"--tU .., C)-fll"j-&l'''' ....f\.I..QQ::::r '"'OV'l:....~. Q ;::r::Z;'-::I....oo-cc,. O"....U".., 0"0_t'\J O""ecc.... 0 ""a- -.-cD ct AI IV ~,.,. ...,I\t-OD" e _N""--". U'\0"""""'-0""0"00-'" O"~CP=ru,...._..o ftiO"".....=:r •c • •c.o 0"::::I Nf"\I"'~ o-a::.. Z W U., .,a.....,.,CP" 0"0'0'0" 0'0'0'0"---- e -fta.,.,,;,' C 01000 C occc '"AI"''''''' It'e o '" .,D.....,.,.,.. COecceQC ru ""IV '" Cl '" C.113 SCENo\RIUI MEO I HEU ••FERC t2X-.~/~q/IQ6]ITf'UTln~IS ~ SUMMARY Of PRICE EFFECTS AND PROQR4 M4TIC CONSERVATION IN GwH QREATER fAIRAANKS RESJDFrHIAL RUSINESS........................... OWlj.PIUCE PROGRA M.P4DUCEIl CROSS·PRICE O"'N·PRIC~PROGR AM·I NOUCf 0 CROSS-PRIer VEAR REDt/CTION CONURVATIOlj REOUCTlON REOlle nON CONSERVATIIlN PEDUCrr(l~J.................................................................................................................................................... 1980 o.noo 0.000 0.01)0 0.000 0.000 0.000 1981 0.000 0.000 _0.091 .0.091 0.000 -0.080 198i 0.(100 0.000 .0.195 .0.194 0.000 -0.159 1983 0.01)0 0,000 -0.292 -0.292 0.001l -0,239 19811 0.000 n,Ol)o -0,390 ..0.]89 0.000 -0.319 IUS 0.000 0,000 -0.U87 .0.1186 0,000 -O,]Q8 198b -0.197 0.000 -1.0115 ..0.886 0,000 ..0.750 1987 ·O.HU 0./100 ..1.702 _1.,-86 0.000 ·1.102 1988 -0.591 0,000 -2,110 .t.686 0.(100 ·1.1153 1989 ..0,T811 0.000 ..2.9t8 .~.086 o.nOo ·1.805 ("")1990 .O.lIRIi o,noo -3.525 .2.1186 0.000 -&'.157.......1991 -0.9Cil7 9.000 ..4.7l].i!.54J 0.000 ·2.786.......1'=>1992 ·1,010 0,00(1 ..'5.921 .2.599 0.000 ·1.111£1 1993 -1.023 0,000 .1,tl9 _2."55 0.000 -".0"] 19911 ·1.030 0,000 .8.li7 ..2.11 t (I.oon -11,672 1995 .1,049 O.(H)O .9 .'H 5 _i!.7b1 0.000 .~.]ot 1996 .0,877 0.000 -11.311 -il.541 0.000 .".2UO I 9en -0.105 0,000 ..1l,1I0 -2.llS 0.(100 .1.17 9 1998 .0.5311 0.001)..11I.Q08 .2,089 o.oon .8.tl7 1999 -O.lbt'0.000 ·16.705 _1.8b2 0.000 .9.056 2000 ·0.1911 0.001l ..18.50]-1.63&0,000 _9.lJ 911 ZOOI 0.135 0.001l ·20.54]_1.lbO 0.000 ·10.9tcJ 2002 O.UbO 0.000 ·Zl.~8i!.0.68/1 0.000 -11,8411 200]O.76Q a.noo -Ztl.bZZ .0.207 0."00 -12.769 20011 1.II)Cil 0.000 .H.bbi!1).269 0.000 ·13.&911 Z005 I.U3U 0,0011 ·28.702 0.14~0.(100 ·I/I.U" 200b I.fib"0.000 -3'.U2 1.1b6 0.01l0 ·1'i.78] 2007 2.]011 0.0')0 -B.5b2 1.981 0.000 ·16.9117 2008 2.131\0.000 -JS.9'U 2.607 Il.000 ..til.I U 20011 ].11 ]0.0 1)0 .18.lIa2 3.~28 0.000 ·ICil.176 2010 3.608 0.000 -1.1/).1\52 1.8tl'l 0.000 "ZO.1I110 __J J J i ~])I j J J I J ,I ]I 0-.,..-....~0'_fII":"'....0'C~II'...I\j 1\1---e 1\1""''::..0 ........aJ CC,C-II.__ce- O-o-=.....tl II'.0'"ell 0-0 -t\l.""::1 '"OU"\l '0 oWl a -n.:JIIf\=-II' ....l ·..............,.,~,.,,.,..N N '"'"N '"O'..o",c ¢D"O-ru ...#'''''''11>","".coC..o oC...""0-t'U tr.~C'O"cc,...,..tl "'1I>1Il11'1 .......-~.....Co .oN":'''e 0"-C).......,fJ II' 0 0-QI\I"'~..0 .........cl)0'e .-f'\I;....:::III ..0 C)0'"C '""'.........11"'"'.0"'''''0-...1\;1\1"'1\1 '"1\1 '"'"'" ....P'i ,.,.....~,-.;...,...,~""::::==.:=I~..::..'"'"'" ....l...-a:...., :le 0 ...· ZO-.... a a C"""!',,, C-I\:... Nacc""O"oc- ","'0..0'"0 C -""'0''"·... &1'\:«;-=:7 CIt It-o-o-oe 0 --f\!'t'\I-N c .cNa:;.. 0'o-co-. ,...,::t NO-..o ...::I/'IIl "" 1\1 "'N"'''' o '"....... '" ell"""'"U"to ............ -0'4'..0 IZ)IX-a c> t\I nt ft.."" a .... Clo...... o c po. "" 0':: f\J="'~1"11'.....O~ OC"-- N '"'"'" ""....11)0'0000 ecce:> no 1\1 N '" ""a ....po.,.......",..c. n..t'\I-......... 1\1 '"'"1\1 '"0- 0- c.... '"Q a... c a:>... ~ c ....::z- ~-.....'" ""'"no no ....f'\:...,.:r etOOOoeoo '"1\1 '"tV 11'0'0'<:' Q::::rcell""t.... 0-"'::'"....c-...,"'" ~O'O'O' ooc n.: II) ""ell a: .0 ... a. '".. 1IC 1\1",aCI:..o,.,._ ....II)O'c___1\1 "'.0 ....... lC '"1\1 0- '.II ..• o-C"o-C'...-cx:,."tr ..0...0"""'" o 0' II' In ..Q ....«~O'" 0'0-0'0'0-0'0-0-0'0' 0- .o.,.#'.. "'....#'II\·...-"'''''-='..,..,,.,..-. ·..._coer--....-....:::'":2'&1'1 II' 0'... o... ... ::r ...""0""'':::'NO ...... 0-<1)=0- "'I\IN'" .o::rN- II\~""'".... -.....".."..... ClN"''''' "'''''...::t po..... '"1\1 1\1 0 .....~Co -.Qn.c·..... CI ~H"'"........."'.....oc--- tuCOU"\l....o "''''O'C·...¢_fII'I.Q "No-.o O"OC'---- IIlC.,.'" .....N'O- • •ill •...,."'",N"''''''' ."=0' a:..... :> ""...,a ""%... Ulll,l IIJ X ... Z..........a:Ie Irt_ ~=me... a: ....l CD......... _%11\ -lit 2:4 "'"1&.1......o a::0---"'::;...e trwa: r:D :l""C ... W2'... Z ...'e::l:"!' ....l....'"....lIZ...-y::::: ."0 •....w.::r II:,••• If'.•a: ~ '"C C U wc... iZor U 2... ,.. ,..% XO7_ Clpo. -a. ::I: :l CD rn ...:0: ZC I&l <.I ::E: ...-J :r<--:lIZ'C .......'"a::=.o :>::i:....--UW-"c:.a: ...co U....l... ....l CD........o &o.=-:::::....l U::Z 7_ C O-J ~......... ....0 iZ'" 11)- ""!' '""",••>0( ftI.. .... 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U~ 1&1 ~.., 11.1101 C...=C:~ U::::Z ;t- O O~ "''''''...... 11.10 lZ'"a;,- - fII'•••••a:I CL ,-. 81 :::lID 00- 1&12 ZI&J ....I ..lI&J ~a:...-U::lIDe -1&1 :t:1X ..,... G')Z InI&J I&J% Z ... -a: '"-:::I::' «Ie... IX ..l eo...... -::::...w .....-"'101ocr--cn=...<3 a:iIJa: 10 -0"''''0- ......................0·..a . or-,..:r,..,.. 11'1.,....· . ....0,...0...,.,~&n ..... N N '"ftI '" a Q_ftl..-'t ...",..a"'CD.... .,g -..o .....,Q. ,...ct-cN ...... -nl""na .....Ai ..a -." -0 aDaD·. ..0 ..0..0.0"1 ,..=-...=-V" --~.. • •III • ,..1\10«.0 «)0"00- N N ......... :r "'cr ...", .,.11'0.01\1·. ,..0'-1\1 ~.a cre '"'"'"no .., II'.,.. N '"' ... aD ..,..... C ...o4l,...., -~....o ....·.... .........'"II) "'0-.0""00--0,..'"0·.....an .......,.I11II"I "''''111'''co'"''"''"'...... ......0""~.."m ~G"~·... Oll't-"c f\II ~::z~.....0- ~,.,....,.."..., V"....0'0--.A.,.N 041·... aDelO-.,. "'<:011'0.,o-...c·....-._..a C" 0>-1\1=2' "'.::I'=:::r .0 ......,= .QCI)C...,·... II)~-""c-f'\t ::7 1t't =:'~~::2 .,..0 no c:.'"ON ....,....·... OOOC Q O"JII"IIpe..._4 "'........=:f ~·.... O""CII'0 .Q4.......~=.=z::r.=z ::r cO'...'O ." "''''..00 ::I·..."'''''''11'1 II'c,0'"'=--n,:; .,orU'l1ll \I'l ..0 ct- .,..,.,111..'0 _ ---- ~o..,U'\ AI -.,.......... 0'«0..0'" <00'0- ....Ill." :::r·...,N~tI'..o ...<io 4"'«'0' "n==-lt'I~ 11\II''"11\ o 1Z'.- C.. lfO o %... 2 11.1 U lIIl a:I........,...o _"'......::r U"! eI aD co CI'II)co.,..,..,..,..,..,...a .....100""CIcoCIllOco.,. .,.....,.0'-.,....-_... C.116 ....t\I,.,..'='0-.,..,..,. .,.~.,..,.___...-e '".0"'11)&0.,..,..,..,..,..,..,."'.,..,........_-o _",,.,:::r U" o coco 0' -0 coco 0 N I,.."f\l '"N ...0 ....co 0'" 0000 cocoNN"''''~, - 1 )]]1 ]1 --1 ~-----l ]J )-]] SCENARIO,HEO,HEII-_FlRC +1X--1>1211'1983 TOTAL EUCTRICITY PEQUIREHENT9 (GwH) !NET O~CONSERVA'ION) (INCl'lnES LARGE IllOUSTFllAl COI'j5U H PTlON) MEDIUM R'NGf CPR ••5) n. I-' I-'......, YEAR ANCHORAGE -COOK INLET GREATER F41PAANKS TOTAL•.....••...•••...._..~_.~.~......•..•....~......._.........._-.... 1980 1901.19 11011.11 236]~SI 1981 20 9 3 •.,112/1."0 2S21·.9S \"IIi!22<13.1\1157.~9 h~/I~qO 198)235).01 /.1613,17 <11\lA.BII \l~Bq 248).01 'illl.i6 19 Q 7.Z q 1985 L'b12.99 5112.75 31~S.711 \96b 2102.91 Sn.37 H7b.211 ICl87 27 Q 2.61 601l.nO uqO~II] 191H\i!9~2.7!i "311.62 ~517.]1 1989 2972.67 605.25 ~bl7.92 1990 3062.59 09'."7 1758~1I6 19 9 1 1IS9.t>9 7 H'-liS 388),13 1992 32Sb.76 751.113 111107,7 9 199)]]SJ.85 716.61 II13Z~lIo 19 9 11 )1151'.91 1106.1"11257.13 1995 ]5118.0?eU.77 IIJltI.79 199t1 3079.I L'81111.75 115 11 1,87 1997 11110.2\"913.111 11105.9'5 1998 ]9/11.11 Qa6.fa 111168·.01 1999 11072./11 957.10 '50]0~11 2000 /.I2/l].50 QS'3.69 5I Q Z'.19 2001 112bll.02 100".28 526'''.)1) 2002 1I1111.5J 1019.87 1J31I11~1.10 200)IIj1l5.011 1035.117 ~1I20.51 20011 1111 11 5.5/'1051.01)'5119b.0? 2005 11506.07 I06b.lIS 5512·.H 200tl 115 9 6.17 1086.78 56£12.95 2007 /.Ib!lb.2~1106.90 5791.1 11 200e 11771>.]1\1\27.113 ';903-.41 ZOO'}1I"l!>b.II"\\111.15 6011.61 lnlo 11951>,""Ilh7.28 I>liB.Rb n............. 00 SCENARIO'HEO,HE'I ••FERC +iX--bI2Q/1983 PEAK fLECTRIC REQUIREMENTS (MW) (NET UF CO~5fRVATIONJ «JlICLIJDE S LARGE I NDUSTR I AL DEMAND) MEDIUM AANGF CPR ••5J..~~. YEAR ANCHORAGE -COO~INLET GREATER FAIRRANKS TOTAL............_..._......._...-.~_••.•••..•.••.......••...•..•..•••..•...• 1980 :sq".51 91.'10 11111:90 1981 IIZl.811 97.90 '3t'0~70 1982 lI119.n 104.110 S!if.50 1983 11"5.39 110.91 58b ·.29 19811 'jOI.be 111.41 bl9:oq 198'5 527.97 12].'*1 &"I.n 198b 511".98 110.90 b77~89 1987 5&b.00 137.119 703 ..89 1988 5RS.OI 111 11 .88 729.89 1989 b04.02 151.87 1SS:89 1990 bU.OJ 158.8b 7111.89 19111 b ll Z.1I1 IMi.lb Ml~9b 1992 "H.58 111.115 IHII.OII 1993 baZ.!b 177.75 81-C)'.II 19911 702.1 11 1l~1I.0S llh:IO 1995 HI.92 190.H 912:2" pnb 7118.53 197.112 CilIlS:95 19'17 775.l'5 ?OIl.1I9 9H~"4 1998 eo 1.77 211.5"1013:]) 1999 818.38 2111.611 1047:02 2000 855.0(1 22S.1t 101l1).71 ZOOI 8U.1l lZ9.27 109b.40 2002 819.2b 231.83 1112.09 2003 891.39 23&.39 lin .1f!. 20011 9(13.52 B9.QS 1111]'.111 2005 9IS.&S ;'113.51 II!iCil~lb 200b °35.7"2118.11 11@I~flCil 2001 951.93 252.70 1t'01l.b! 2008 970.0&2S1.~11 12n:!b. 2009 Q1l1l.20 2bl.89 1t!50~IO 2010 100b.30 2bb.1I9 1212'.fl~ J .J J J J )J 1 J I )1 )J HE6--FERC 0% C.119 - .... -)--1 1 1 1 ]~--l J 1 ----~I 1 1 1 SCENARIO.MEO •HEb.~FEAC 01~.bJl"/lq8] HOUSEtiOLOS S£RVED ~NCHORAGE ~tOOK INLET.-.....~--..--..-....- YEAR SINGLE FAMllV MULTIFAMILY "'ORILE HOMES OUPLEXES TOTAL_.-...,.~.......-......~.........~...........,......••..•..•..-........-........ IqSO lSIlH,2031/1,82}0.7 1l Sb.11'503. 0.00 0 )(0,000)«0.000)(0.01)1))(0.000) n.Iq85 llb227.2b201l.10958.85b1.q 1 qSb •.--' N ,/).oon)(0,000)«0.000)(0.000)(O.nOo) Iq90 SHOb.25 8 77.1)')05.SllbO,1055/18. 0.000)((1.01)0)(0.(100)«0.000)«0.1'(00) lenS bb"9".]11"11).15lb1,813J,120'50Q. 0.(101))(0,000)(1).000)«0.000)«0.0(10) 2000 b9bb8.HI qo.IblSI,7 q9 b,li!blJSS. 0.000)«(1.01)0)(0.0011)«0.000)«o.oon) 20015 7I1liOJ.J5&69.17412,8579.Ilb2 0 1. 1).000)(0.000)(0.0 0 1)«0.000)«o.non) 2010 801l1lJ.HISA.191H.qUO.11I8591l. 0.000)(0.1100)«11.000)(o.oo/)«/).oon) SCENARIO'MED ,HEb--FERC QX.-bl2Qil94] HOUSEHoLn8 SERVED GRE'TER FAIR6lNKS........-.-...._.~.... YEAR SINGLE FAMILY MUL lIFA/illY MOAILE HOliES DUPLEXES TOTAL.................................................•..••....•..................... 19So 7220.518'.1189.Ibl7 •1531'5. 0.(01)(0./)(10)(0.000)«0.(00)(0.000) triSS 10bllb.S"h7.lila.alb5.20110". 0./)/)0)(0.0(0)(0.000)(0.001)(0.(00) (I.1990 IIUbl.1 9 t1o •UOI:I.2375.2/1001.-I N (0.1)01))(0.1)00)«G.OOO)(0.000)«0.000) N 1995 lSUR.7Rlll.l1l1l8.2339.28lbb. 0.(00)(o.oon)(0.(00)(0.0(0)(0.000) lOOO lbl84.7101.leOl.2298.1~I91.. 0.(100)(0.0(0)(0.000)«0.0(0)«tI.1l00) 200'5 17555.829].4123.22S2.3~?ll. 1'1.000)(0.1)00)«0.0(0)(0.(00)«0./100) lOIO 18 9 1b.925~.4501.22149.]11981. 0.0011)(o.oon)(0.(00)(0.000)«0.000) ~J J )J 1 ._J I .1 ]J I I I !I 1 .--]-]_I J 1 I 1 I i ] SCENARIO'14[0 I HEb·.rERC 0~••bI2q/t981 HOUSI~G V~CANCIES ANCHOR~nE •COO~INLET _•••_•••W_M_~•••••••~. YE~R SINGLE F"A~ILY fo1UL TlF"AM Il V MOBILE HOMES OUPLEllfS T.,YAl-.-....................."'........................-.........._-.........__..... Iq80 508 9 •76&b.1q9 I,IIlb3.1&i'Oq. 0.(00)(0.001l)(0.001l)(o.oon)(o.non) n lq85 1i0A.1 4 Q&.U!I.2Q2.i'1I11. 0.(100)(/1.(00)(D.OOB)(o.o/)n)(o.oon) Nw t990 bH.1411.Illb.289.2!iI.~• 0.000)(o.nOIl)(O,()OO)(0.000)(0.000) IH5 72 7 •1664.108.2811.2841. O.{I(0)(0.01)11)(0.(00)(0.000)(O.l)on) 2000 7bb.•''l0.178.111'•~(I01l • 0.1100)(o.oon)(0.00.0 )(n.ooo)(n.OOO) 2005 82°.1 9 21.192.i!83,3222. 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(o.oon) 20 10 elfO.2115.211.)09,.~524 •n.l)on)(0.000)(0.1100)(0.000)(0.0(0) SCENARIO'MEO ,HEo--fERt OI.-blla/t98] HOUSING VACANCltS GREATER f.IRRANKS.•.•.•.•.....•.•.....• YEAR SINGLE fAMILY MULTIFAMILV MOBILE tlOMES DUPLEXES TOUL....................."......""......•••.•..•........•........•..•...•...• 1980 3&51.112n.98&.895,88sa. o.noo)(o.oon)«0.000)«0.0(0)«".000) ".1985 118.Zb5(1.2/1.722,3'i11l.-' N (0.(01))(".0(0)«0.000)(0.0(0)«0.(100).p., 1990 t2&.as(I.24.8',68b. o.noo)(0.000)«o.non)«O,O()O)«n.ooo) 1995 1&7.4411.18.8(1.Bi. o.noo)«0.000)«0.000)(0.0(0)«0.0(0) 2000 180.'I4n.42.78.740. o.oon)«0.1100)«0.00(1)«0.000)«Il.oon) 200S 191./ilill.lIIIi.77.763. n.ooo)«n.I)OO)«/).000)«0.0(0)«0.00(1) ZolO il'OQ.500.SO.28.. 1 fib. 0.000)«O.OOn)«0.000)(0.0(0)«0.(00) J J )I I"J )J l -_J J -)I ))J ~t J ) n N Ul ~1 1 1 1 -~-1 -~-1 J 1 i ••1. SCENARIO,~ED I HEb ••tERC O~··blaq/l~81 FUEL PRICE FORECASTS EMPLOYEO ELECTRICITY lS I KWH) ANCHORAGE ..COUK INlE T GRf.ATER HIRBANK8..~..--...~.......-....-...-•......•••.••.•_._.~M_...._...•_•.___~.~.__.__ HAR RESIOENTI AL BlJSl tiE SS RESIDENTIAL RUSINESS_.-......••.....__..-._~--...._...-.....-.............. Iq80 0.037 0.0111 0.n9S 0.090 1985'(1.0111'0.01l~0.091)0.090 19QO O.OS~(1.01113 0.090 0.011'5 ,qqs 0.057 n.OSll 0.090 0.08S 2000 o.nsq /l.OSf!0.090 O.Ofl'i lOOS O.Obi 0.058 0.090 0.(1l15 2010 0.06]O.ObO 0.090 0.(185 SCENARJU.MEO I HEb--FERC OX--6/24/1985 fUEL PRICE FORECASTS EMPLOVED Hi TlIRAl GAS (S/MMBTUJ n. --' N 0'\ ANCHORAGE •COOK INLET GREATER FAIRBANKS.........-•....••..••.•..._-......~..-...-.••.•..•...-..-......~.......•.. YEAR RESIDENT Ul BUSINESS RES!OENTI AL BIISINUS...................--............-.................. 1980 '.730 I.SOO t2.7QO 11.290 1985 2.010 1.780 U.'!I30 '1.190 1990 2.91>0 z.no 12.5]0 1 1.190 1995 3.bOO J.170 U.!iJO 11.190 2000 1.bon J.HO U.!ilO 11.190 ZOOS 1.1100 1.170 U.SlO II.tel 0 2010 1.600 J.HO 12.15]0 II.t 90 .1 .~I ~.I I !J ~.)_cJ I I 1 I .J I I I J J I )J CJ -1•]j ]J )1 )J ~-..~.._---~..----.. SCENARIO.HEO.HEb ••FERC OX ••bll"/198l ANCHOPARE •COOK INLET FUEL PRIC!FORECASTS EHPLOYfn FUEL OIL <t/HH8TU) GREATER FAIRBANKS _.~._.w._.__~. n N ........ YEAR RESIDENTIAL BUSINESS RESIOENTJ AL AUSHIESS .~.-...........-......_--.................111 ......••••...- 1980 7.750 7.200 7.830 7.IliOO 1985 1."30 7.1]0 1.100 7."]n 1990 1.1130 '.t .~o 1.700 7.G]0 1995 '.bJo 7.13n 7 "'00 7.G~n 2000 7.b]0 '.130 7.100 7.G]0 lOOS 7.630 7.130 7.709 7.4]0 i!010 7.1,3(1 '.130 7.700 '.4]0 SCENARIO.IoIED •HEb ••FERC OX ••~/24/,q8] RfSIOfNTIAL USE PER HOUSEHOLD (KWH) (WIT~OUT AOJUSTMENT FOR PRICE) AHCHORAqE •COOk INLET..~.....-.-....~~.~... SMALL LARGE SPACE YEAR 4PPll ANtES 4PPLIA~ICES HEAT TOTAL...............................~........~............ n 1980 21l0.no bsoo.ol 50811.'52 llbqll.15 N (0.(01))(0.0(0)(0.000)(0.0001 00 IQ8S 2IbO.OO U51~qb 482\.18 11113.ill 0.0(0)(0.;11110 )(0.(00)(0.000) IQqo 2210.00 bOi!'O·.l.Ifl 458&.110 1281b.88 (l.OOD)(0.'(00)(0.000)(0.000) Iq9S 22bO.OO 59110.98 451lJ.96 12740.94 0.000)(0.000)r n.ooo)(0.000) 2000 2111).00 OJ!JA8.0f,Q4 4B.08 127~b.Uo.noo)«0.0(0)(0.000)«O.t)OO) 2005 2"&0.00 b058.34 4418.39 12836.7-J· 0.000)C 0.1000 )(0.000)(0.000) 2010 2 U IO.OO f.ll:!3.o0 4 4/1(1.09 1297'S.OQ 0.(00)(0.000)f 0.(00)r 0.000) )-~J J J I J I })J I I J J I j J I -1 1 1 ]1 1 1 .-----·1 1 -.'-J I J 1 I I 1 SCENARIO.MED I HEb--FlRC Ql.-bI2~/I9~] RESIDENTIAL USE PER HOUSEHOLD (KWH) (WITHQUT ADJUSTH~NT FOR PRICE) GAEATfR fAIR8AN~S ._~---..-...-.-~.-_.-. SHAll LARGE SPACE yEAR APPLI ANCES APPLI ANCES HF.AT TOUL.......~.."'...--.....tII"'..........-....._-...-........ n 1980 211bfJ.OO 1§719.S:!Htl.6b '1519.18. -'(0.000)(0.(00)(0.000)«0.000) N to '985 251';.qq b171'\.96 3606,11 12lZ'~2b 0.000)(-0.'000)C 0.00(1)(0.006) 1990 2M6.00 64t18~8q 38&7,a2 129?2.31 0.001))(0.'000 )«0.000)(0.000) 1995 267&.01 bb11~S{l £1053,13 13u~O.8J 0.(00)(1).'000)(0.000)(1i.000) 2000 j!74b.OO &7 q 3."'4301i.7?138114.90 0.(00)(0;000)«(1.000)«0.000) 2005 2 8 1b.OO b8/pr.7 (\t1517.iO I t1 P8.90 0.0 00)(0.'0001 «(1.00/1)«0.000) ZOIO 2"8~.1l0 6 8R 7'.91l £1656.67 Itl4]O,tll 0.000)(0.'000)t 0.0 0 0)(0.000) SCENARIO.MED.HE~·-'ERC Ol--bI24/IQ83 8USINESS USE PER EMPLoYEE (M~H) (WITHOUT LARGE INOUSTRI1L) (WITHOUT 'DJUSTME~T FOR PRICE) n ....... wa YE~R..-. 1980 l'US ,1990 1995 2000 2005 20tO ~NCHOR~GE -COOK INLET •••••••~~•••••_••w •••• 8 L1 01.0ll °.(00) 91580.53 lI.oon) IO'-bl.I'C! 0.(00) 1 I OR5 .'J2 0.(00) 1135(1.10 0.00'l) 11'~2q.1l5 11.(01)) 12707.1~ 0.0(0) GREATER 'AJR8~NKS_.a_•••_•._._••••.•__~ 1495.7n 0.000) HU.111 D.otH» a3GO.55 0.0(0) U()1.76 0.(00) aen3.11 0.000) 9Z1§2.oQ 0.000) q~1b.1J 0.000) I I J J J J I I I I J I I I 1 J J J - ..... ...u 4 ...,4 a:4 11.4 I 4 ..24 en C'40_4 0:...4 u0.;4 ;:)'4 C Wa. c: ec ..=-Q).o ...c.o CO"~::I' C_f\;~ I I I t 11'1 :::r:::r~:::r ~1\.1_00-"'"~'''''-<oG ••• -=::I I\IClZ:..t::::r CIt'"'.00'....... '"f\.·_cc 0-·I\J ...""....ft.,..t: 1\1 l\I.-r"fI"\:::r :::r • • I " I O'_~.,g :::r1l\1I'1I' t I I • :::r.,. cr '"I ... I rue '""'0- ~,.c II'... t'\J ,....::J ." ::r ....c .............«.«: I • • I IT· N '" (~ , 2o-..... >a: I&J 0'1 Z C U u........ ~.. a:c:o a:X ll.3:c:o Z2..- .... U-a: 11. ::.:oo u III.., I&J Z co ~4 u .. ::l 4o4 Z 4 ...Z'ol •0 1 "," %'.....•t .... 0:..;4 C)>1 '" Olr'4a:w,4a.0'1'4 24o u ......... ;'2 1: a.04·-.2_4 3 \.J:'" C ==,'"c;• w 0: ... U 4-.a:'4o 0;~I: CD_.. CD_4 OU,4 II:::::1,4 uct. .....,4a: o eoce C ooce e ecce·c cecc o c _ o eo..o=-iI"U Q ..........-U'" c ClU"....-o U".....~..... C O--N·....c ru~.gel)•• • • e ecce c cc·ceeecce •.$••c ecce 11\ceo -~o .o"'O-lt'a G'CC_e _... .",....O'c.- :::r 11'''1'''0' 0'~-.-..".ce 0"0'0·_ IV "'0-"''''·...e 0'11)«'''' ....1\1:,.,::7••• • c ecce c Co e c>-0 c C' c ecce c.. c ecce c .......c II'IT,:::r ..,U'\....O" '"c.:::ro.Q ... '"C:1I'1\l~II'o -"."..0 IC---- 0-tD"'~1II ...' 0"'....Lt\.... c:O-Ctlr.II\:..... ...0 --.ceo."c;. III III 0 "\II'II)• ••• • ecoe ecce ecce·...Cc.cc ..0 ......... N<T"'''''0'...0_<:·...0'0-0'0' 0".....,1I1 "1\1 f"\.•n; I • • • c CCC.C Q cC·Qc Co cece o ecce JII\C :::I_ ..0 ~O'" 0"..0"'0'-" :::1 ....0"-' f'I"i .:s"".....C' '"I\;""n"..... Co'V1iC..a- G:J "'.....-..Q ...0-<:>"''''.... C o--N~........ccmcr no n:'"t\;,"'. I •••• co e e .Q o Jr. :::r C' '"• ecce eeoe ecce ecce 0"C·Co- "'.00'0\1 ...0"_::7 -.(leU'"<1:"'''':-.ocee"," :::r <T 11\IT, cru;.C'1I) f'\;,""t\.1 rw • I • • c e e e ce... 11\ OC....'• e e e. C .0... :::r 0' N.... ecce C'ce=ecce..... eoee 0''''''......--.....,::7 ..0 4>~e'" 4:0-or,.c__ruN .......'""'.... c: o c . e :::r co :::r...-or. e ",carl" .....::1..0 ......«' ...V"..o-......co ........Q c- O"o-CC>- n,........"'.... c ccce o 0<:>00 c coce o o ecce ecoc 0=:>00 ecce·...ecoo 0'0'0'0- .::T..D co Q II::::r 0 ·· .:::rl/'>.coO _JII"'I 11\.... AI fto '"'" ecce 0000 eeoc.-..... cooc =......-It'l II; 0'1\1,00''" •CI 0"C"I\!..... .....-tf"tO ::Jo-I\I<T ...0- e- .0 II'...... cc,cc Co coooo 0 ecce c·.... 0000 0 oo o e ~;Q'.oa:" itt ....._0"'1' -.o-W'1Q..... 0-c...,1I' ~.....=--11".0 c.oecoccoo eeoc.... oooc c oc o Co CCC"- o ~.oO""'"o AI:::r.o~·c .Q1V~:::r --N Q...... U ...;:)I·0=,4 •20:4 •"""lIIIoCi'"I •_,4 I ::t:..4 •....>\.<I')•a::.a:.4 1&J'~"'4a:.I:'m .• a:Z4 11.0 ...u. W UZ 4 -04a:-4 11._4 •u •~;:)4 ~04 OW'"a:4 wc: ..oJ 1%« O- X- UZ 2 ... -<0-= >a:.. ::L :J: ...o .. c W ::I: ....:::r IV... ."•I M o U 0: W... I•.:J W X ,-o a:..zw u..a:4.... ...4 >4 _f'UfI&'\IQ' 1DII)c... 0-0-0-0----- In oD ...CIl~ II)C'II)IIlCll 0'0-0-0-0----- o -l'\&fII'\:s'VI 0'.~0'0'0-0' 0-0'0'0'0'0' "'O ....c'·o" 0'0'0'0' 0'0'0-0----- c -ni&_~::f C c==coecce I\l '"1\1 f\>'" '"c o '" .,g.-....c~ oeQC oocc I\t '"'"'" Co131 SCENAlUOa IolEO I HEI>••FE~C OX._~/24/19RJ SU~MARY of PRICE EFfECTS AND PROGRAMATIC CONSERVATION IN QWH GREATER FAIRBANKS RESIOfNTlAl IlU!lINE8S........................... OWN-PRICE PROGR AII.J NUllCEII CROSS.PRICE OWN.PRlCE PAOGRAM·INDIJCfD eROS,S·PRTa YEAR PEDUCTION CONSfJ~.vA !.I0N REDUCTION REOU(:TJON.CON~fRYAIJQN •_..AEDUrT tON.................................................................................................................................................... 1980 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0011 1981 "1l.i'b7 0./\00 11.010 0.001l 0.000 0.024 1982 .0.11)13 0.11011 0.11111 0.001l 0.000 0./\48 1983 .II.AOO 0.000 0.20IJ 1I.0ClO 0./\00 0.072 1984 .I.O~I>0.000 0.21 11 0.000 0.000 0.11911 1985 ·t.U)0.1100 0.H9 o.noo 0.000 0.1211 198b .1.'i1i!0.000 0.4 \2 ..11.552 11.000 O.\]I> 1981 ·1.fllZ n.OOIl 0./114 .t.IOS 0.000 0.153 1968 ·2.1151 o.llon 0.531 .t.1>51 0.001l 0.t70 t 989 .1.291 11.0011 0.599 .2.210 0.000 °.lAb n t990 .2.'HII 11.1100 O.flEll .~.71>2 0.0110 (1.203 --'w t991 ·2.712 o.noo 0.12'5 .1.201 o.lInll O.-?I'I N 1992 .3.011 0.000 0.788 ..J.bllll 0.0011 O.BII 19QJ ..1.25 /1 0.01)0 0.1151 ..4.079 0.000 0.i's6 19911 ..11.49/1 0.000 0.9111 .4.511 11.000 0.2/1" 1995 ·3.'1'31 1l.1I00 O.Cln .4.05fl n.ooo (I.2Si? 1911b .J.Ab9 0.000 I.OU .5.141 0.11011 0.2Al 1'~97 ..14.001 0.000 1.04b .S.UR 11./1011 0.292 11198 ..4.1])(1.1100 1.1)81 .5 ...211 0.000 O.l91 t999 .4.1."1:>1I.00n I .1I S .'!I.1iO 0.000 0.~0] 20(10 -4.3911 (I.nOIl i.ISO ....'111 0.000 0.3011 lOOt .11."(1)o.lIon 1.1112 .6.109 11.000 0.'11Ij 2001...1A.,,41 0.000 1.2111 .6.30b n.ooo 11.323 2003 .1I.1b6 0.1100 I.lllb .b.t;04 0.0011 O.HI 2004 .11.1188 0.000 I.ne ..".701 11.000 o.HIl 2005 ..S.oll n.ooo 1.110 -b.1I911 0.000 O.Jllb 20Gb ·'5.1110 o.ono 1.311 4 .7.t31 (I.lIOO 0.3'51> 2007 ·"I.2b9 n.ooo 1.171 ..7.3bll 0.000 11.31:>7 200A -S.19 Q 0./\00 i •II II .1.0;91>11.1\00 n.311 lO09 ·S.t;c!A 0.001l 1.11115 .J.A29 0.1100 n.3Al i!010 .CO.l-liJ o./\on 1./17 0 ..R.Ob~O.OOll 0.'97 .1 J )J .J i J •J _31 J }J -_.•J .J J _.J ")-1 »>-1 J 1 1 1 "]I 1 1 -;1 1 1 seEN_,UOs MEl)•HEt>·.FERC OX.·~/20/IqR3 HPE.KDOw~OF ELfCTRlelTY REQUIREHENTS (GWH) (TOTAL lNCLIIDES URr.E I'lOIJSTRI Al CONSUHPTlON) A~eHI1R.r,E •cou~INLET .W.W •••~••••~.~__~N ••P HEDIUH RANGE (PR ••~)......-._...~~...... RE'SIOfrITIAl nUSINESS MISCELLANEOUS BOG.INOUSTR'_L YEAR RE~lIIRI':~If.NTS REIWIRE-HENTS REQlJlR[HENTS LoAO TOTAL.....~..•...••.•.-..•...•.•..•••..•••••w •••••••••_••~.••••••••••N •••••••.-.-.....--.-.--.. 1980 IIJq.S3 ~11j.1b 211~1I 84.00 1116].111 1981 10?,Q.9Q 9117.110 211.b1 92.08 ;'085.fllI 1982 10*,2.4'5 1020.ll5 25.03 10(l.lb noe.OIl 1983 110.1.90 1091.00 25.1111 loe.i?a ?330.50 191\11 ttlls.n 11~5.55 25.1f,ttl>.!2 lIa"i2.Q9 11185 II'lb.lli!12311.IlQ 21>.12 1211.110 lI575.1I1 191.'6 121b.fl1 t27 Q •]1)211.81\137 ./t9 ;'b~O.ll1 19A1 120b.51 1120.'51 21.!>J 151.38 <?141>.OIl 1988 127f1.3'"nbl.72 2/1.38 Ull.1I8 illlJl.lll 1ge9 130b.21 1402.91 l!9.U 118.H ;tqlb.1>4 n "'90 l33b.Ob 14ao.lll 29.89 191.111>'00".1111 W 19 11 1 1]1].11 1500.82 ~30.811 195.13 lOIlIl.llaw1992IllIO.1b 1551.'H ]1.87 1911.110 11111.911 IIl!)3 1/141.21 1&1 11 .19 H.8f,201.bb ~2QS.9J IIlIlII HII14.27 Iuo.1l1\H.81>i'01l.9]n Q].9J 1'1'15 15il.li'1127.'~34.85 <t08.?0 ]IIQI.II' IqQ~15]b.QI\172 Q.9S 35.01 ill ".III ]51b.11I 1'117 15r;2.~"17H.15 3'i.21l 220.OS lsaO.J6 19 Qe ISbtl.]1 17]/1.111 '5.51)i!2b.02 '5611.57 IIIH ISIU.'I7 1117 .11 15.12 i!JI.Cl&'5I1A.1Q 2000 ISQ'l.&/A I nll.on 35.<3Q 237.'10 ltd J.OO (1001 lo<tJ.bl I1n.72 36.55 ;?1l1l.1I1>:!I&HI~84 2002 1 bllL60 11107.'11 J7.15 '5i'.02 HOII.bll 200S 1&71.5 q 11.\42.09 H.'"?5Q.08 lAIO.5? 20011 Ib9S.57 11111,.28 38.3b ''''1>.111 l87b.3ft 2005 1719.5'5 1910.111 16.97 '73.20 'Q 0 2.20 loOI>17"Z.II]196A.jlll H.9?281."i8 110112.17 2001 17A5.Jo 2(12b.01 00.811 ;lIIQ.Qb 01 11 2.15 2u08 I Rill.III lOB.78 Ill.84 2911.311 /12112.1' ?001l IR'5I.0~2 I III •~II 42.1'1 lOlt.72 IIJII2.11 2010 IflllLq2 21911.11 11].10;llS.11I 1I1111?08 SCENARIO'HED.HEb-.FERt 0~_.~/la/19Al BREAKOOWN OF ELECTRICITY REQUIREHENTS (GWH) (TOTAL INCLUDES LARG~INDUSTRIAL tONSUHPTION) QREATF.R FAIR8ANKS......~....."._..-..~. MEDIUM RANGf (PR ••S)•....•.•..•..•...~.. R£SJDEN'I-'L BUSINESS HISCELlHIEOUS YEAR REQIJIRfMEIlTB .REQUJREHEIlTS REQUIRE~£NTS•...........•...•~...._......-....~.•..•...•..•-...... 1980 I1b.3°l!17.111 b.1II 1981 I °I.1:>0 no.n b.U 1982 20b.81 !1U.53 6.711 198]222.01 251:>.n 6.71 10811 217.2i!2*,4.0]6.bO 1985 2CS2.41 281.12 6.U 198b 2104.3'5 190.8&b.1O 1<187 21b.27 298.bO b.711 198/1 21111.1 0 JO~.Ja b.77 1989 JOO.U 114.08 b.81 1990 312.'0 11 121.112 ~.84 19QI 327 .28 n U.19 7.1Q 19Q2 3t1~.52 )1I~.55 1.43 1043 357.11;)SA.9 I 1.U 190/1 )71.01 171.21 8.ot 1995 3M.i!5 381.611 8.30 19QI:>3°11.85 l8li.Z3 8.38 1907 1I01.t1"1 J8~.a2 8.111 1941\11011.05 188.''\8.51:> 1999 1111I.tl5 190.1/0 8.~1I 2000 4ZI.2'S 191.'5~8.73 2001 1129.1"UR.a]8.88 2002 Ino.09 40S.Jb 9.04 2001 4alLllIj 412.25 Q.19 2004 115l.H 1110.13 4.]11 2005 /lbO.S9 4i!f,.0i!9.50 200~470.27 457.10 9.11 2007 1179.9U 111.111.17 9.9] 2008 J~A9 .'b'-115Q.25 10.15 i1110Q 4qQ.]n 1119.\]10.3b 2010 SRIl.Q't 1181.II I 10.58 ..~•••••••w ••~•••• E lCOG.J NDllSTR fAl LOAO -,I n ---.. w +:> J I J J J I I J )J _J 0.110 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0./10 10.110 iO.oO 311.00 110.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.0 0 50.00 50.no 511.00 511.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 'iO.oo so.nn 50.00 so.no 50.00 50.00 l TOTAL•........•-....... 400.31 U28'.b9 11151.01 IIAS.IIS !51].8~ 5112.21 511.91 MII.t" 611.:11 UI.(l1 b90.7t 71S.bO 74b.SO 711.1.39 1102.211 1130.111 1I111.4b eilh.1 4 855.01 8t.3.20 UI.';' AAb.1I1 901.3 11 CJlb.29 IUI.211 Qllb.lt QU.OIl 98A.05 IOOCJ.O:- t029.90 Inl)0.9f, j )J .~ '1 J 1 1 J 1 1 ]I 'J )']1 i n w (Jl SCE~ARIO.MEO.HEb-.fERC Ol·-b/~~/1985 TOTAL ELECTRICITY REQIIIREME"TS (GWH) (NET OF C04SERVATION) CINClllOES LARGE INDUSTRIAL CONSUMPTION} ~EDIU~RANGE CPR ••5) YEAR ANCHORAGE ..[IIDK INLET GREATER F'IR8'N~S TOTAL.~....-...••....•..•.•.•.••..R.__.......•__.•••••M •••••••••••••••• Iqao 19b3.lq 1100.II 2163'.51 U81 211flS.b~1l21J.69 (!5'~,JJ 19112 2208.0q 051.01 ~bb5.lb 1981 i'HO.SQ 1185.115 ~81"i~9q '9R~ii!~"2.99 5tJ.8]H6b.82 1985 2515.111 '511'-.21 :HI1~o'5 1980 '-obO.1a 511.91 12J2~o5 1987 21/1b.oa 1,,01.61 1)111.05 1988 (!1l11.311 631.31 1l1fJ2~b!i 19119 291b.b~bol.nl 3511.b5 1990 1001.91l b90.11 16q2~b'5 199'10 9 9 ..911 118.U 1Il11l~511 19 9 2 11 9 1.911 111b.50 19/1~.1I1 199J 12 9 5.9)17/1.19 11010'.11 19911 11 9 3.91 1102.29 1119&~22 1995 11191.9 J II 30.18 113i'i!~11 19 9 0 Hlb.11I IIlll,lIb /lHII~bO Iq97 'SIl0.3b 1111".111 11]1\1.09 1998 J5"1I.51 85S.(l1 IIl1lq~59 1999 ]Ij A8.79 1'01.29 /l1I52~OA 2000 UI3.00 1111.111 11/111 1".51 2001 1/;11 A•8/1 Mlb.1I1 11565~H 2002 HO~.61i 901.311 ~6I1o~0" 2003 1810.S~91&.79 lI1?b.81 200/1 J81b.1&931.i'0 IIAnl~511 2005 19 0 2.20 9I1b.I'/lflAII.]O 200b 001li!.11 907.08 '5009.25 2007 lIloa.I IIi qSII.I"i ~"0.20 2008 1Ii!~i!.13 101)9.02 ~2"i1~15 2009 11]02.11 11l2 9 .99 1;]12.09 2010 lI~a2.0tl 1050.96 "i~q].o~ n wen SCENAPIUI MEO I HE&-_FE~C OX--o/2qI19113 PEAK ELECTRIC ~EQUIREHENTS (HW) (NET OF CONSERVATIOH) (INCLIlIIES LARGE INOUSTRUL DEMAND) H~OIUM RANGE (PR ••5) ~.••••~.•.••.._··W·.~. YEAR ANCHORAGE •COOK INLET GREATER FAIRBANKS TOTAl..,....•••••••••~••••~••w ••••.~.-..•.•....••.•._...••••.•..•.•..•.•.....• 1980 19&.51 'H .qO 487'.90 Iq8t IIZt .lb 9?87 51 9 '.lq 1982 4110.0Z 1011.15 550.3? -1983 Q?0.77 1111.83 liillt:.bl 198Q 1195.51 1t1.:U b12.811 IQIlS 520.28 IH.U bllll~07 198t>518.15 130.1'1 b68~9~ IClII7 5'10.11 1 1]1.15 bU.7b 1988 5?4.48 UII.13 118."0 19~9 592.511 150.90 741.QIl 1990 bIO.&1 I S't.1,8 ?b8~i!9 1991 UO.5?Ibll.05 nll~u 1992 b50.53 1711.4t!UO~9S 1991 6?0.SO 176.79 847.2 9 1994 b9(1.I1&181.15 8?f.bl 1995 710.113 16 9 .52 1\99~9'i 1990 7\5.15 191.111 90&~56 1997 719.81 191.10 91l.111 19ge 72Q.bO 195.l9 91 9 .7 9 1999 P9.3i!19?08 92b~40 2000 1111.011 191\.97 9H~02 2001 7 11 1.2"202.311 9119~bll 2002 7bO.QIl 20'5.113 9&6.2b 1.00]71].1(1 ~Oq.18 1',l1l2~lIq zoo II 7 11 &.92 2li!.S9 q99~51 2005 1100.111 11'5.9 Q 101b~11 200b 8i10.11 i!20.78 101l1~08 (1007 840.11 1 li!';.51 In6b~01 2008 AbO.U ;>]0.15 IOql»~8 2009 680.7 9 21li.1 II IIICi.9'} 2010 QOO.9b '.H.91 IIIIO'.8Il J ...1 j J ;J,•1 J I J •,)J J I I -,,) -- - - ..- HE7--FERC -1% C.137 - - 1 -'}1 ~l "}~-~l .-.1 J 1 ~-}1 "J 1 'J ]I SC[NAHIOI ~EO I HE7·.'ERC .IX··&ll/lJIQ81 HQUSFHOLOS SERVED n. W lD ~NC~ORAGE •COOK INLET...........•.......... YEAR SINGLE faMILY MULTIFAMILY MUBILE HOHfS nUPLEXES TOTAL .~.-.....-.........................................................~..-._...... IQ80 J5473.2031 11 •82l0.JlIStI.71503. 0.000)(O.tlOO)(0.000)«0.000)«n~noo) IQ85 IIQ138.2&2011.11502.~Sb7.Q:illl~• 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)«0.000)(0.01)0) 1990 bOH7.21257.138b5.811bO.IOQQ2Q. 0.0 00)(0.000)(0.(00)(0.000)r n".oon) I9CJ5 6&718.310011.1';372.8133.1211126. 0.01)0)(0.000)(o.ono)«0.000)«0.000) 2000 701118.HbOA.16393.81115.1288b]. 0.000)r o.oon)(0.000)«0.001)"«n.noo) 2005 7573'l.3&2b1.11119.87iH.1381132. 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)«0.000) aOlo 8H1I7.3118111).lI1Q&9.952b.151181. n.oOO)(0.001)(0.0 0 0)(0.000)(n.ooo) SCENARio,MED I HE7·.FERC .1~••&/24/1981 HOUSEHOLDS SERVED GREATER FAIRBANKS........~-~..-......... YEAR SINGLE FAMILy foIULTlFAMILY "1091lE HOliES DUPlEXES TOTAL....................."'.....................•...............--...•....••.•"'.. 1980 7220.5lAl'.1189.IbU.15311. 0.000)(.Q.OOO)«0.000)«0.000)«0.(100) 1985 10&46.5880.2130.llba.20/.124. 0.000)(0.000)«0.000)«0.000)«0.000) n 1990 IISH.19bO.Ul2.2U5.24090. .p.(0.0(10)(0.1100)«0.000)«0.000)«0.000)0 1995 14/.101.7841.3236.2339.27823. 0.000)«0.000)«O.OOn)«0.000)(0.(100) ;1000 15712.710l.3~1".2298.29348. 0.000)«0.(100)«0.000)«0.000)(0.000) 200S 17104.8020.qOt?•2252.Jl3 cn. 0.000)«0.000)(0.000)(0.000)C 0.000). 2010 1852".9031.4191.2t9b.]IH5Q. 0.000)(0.000)((l.000)«0.000)(o.OOQ) J J I .~)•cJ I .J ]J 1 B }J J I I )1 ..1 l )1 J 1 1 l I J '11.J 1 1 SCENARIO,HEO I ~El ••FERC .1~••bliI.lJI981 ~OU8ING VACANCIES ANCHORAGE •COOK INLET....~...-............. YEAR SINGLE ""'IlV HUL TlFAMll V HORILE HOMES DUPLEXES TOTAL•....,.......................~...-...................................--..........-..... lq80 5069.7~b~.1991.11.101.t&i10 lJ • (0.000)(0.001)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)n. -'1985'5.-Po -'I 0.000)(0.0(0)(0.000)«0.000),0.000) 1990 ~bU.91.151.28q.120? 1).000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)«0.000) 1995 711'.Ift7 tJ •1&9.21Hl.26bl. o.noo)(0.001)(0.000)(O.flOO)(0.000) 2000 718.18111.100.152.312b. 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.0(0)«0.000) ZOOS 8B.1 9 58.195.2B~.3274. 0.(0 0)(0.000.1 (0.000)(0.000)«0.000) ZOIO 90&.2151.211.1.]14.356ft.o.oon)(O.OQO)(0.000)(0.000)((1.000) -..................... ::re NO ...e I\IC -c l\iC -e inC 0=«l0 1\10 ""Q ::r 0 I\IQ IIlC If'C ..cC ...c "'c "'C CO -'a:t ....···....C 0 0 0 0 C C ~ C... .... .-.............-.... IIIC O'C -0 CO 0 10 e ....C _0 Ir)0-0 _C 100 100 ...0 ...0 IOC...ClC ....0 0 CO C 0 0 -X · · ••·••....0 C 0 CO 0 0 0 -'!L :::I C -.... en 11.1 en Ir).-.-.-.-.-.-.......X ....040 ::rO II'C 04=OC #C ..,0 U z r «le 1\1 0·NC ..,0 ::r=::r c .,.:- Z ...0 O'C C 0 Cl Cl C =C lEi ::I:•·0 0 ••0 u a co 0 co CO =Cl CO <C ...IU>...-'......-C III Z er 0......:r 4D ~•........:::l ...co 0 lIoI 0-r Ill: C ........0-.-..................»co -e ~c II:tC 0.:....0 II:tO::z -'(lIO ::z co "'0 .,c ::r 0 '"'c «to (lI -....co -00 .,c ::ZC '"'C "0 ::rc....:r ..,·1\1 • ••·••..0 ...0 .0 c 0 C>C =•lL•... ~~--'•:::I:r u DC !'!liiIwJ It.•>-........•-'....0 aDC ...0 O'Cl ....c II)C ::z .:......inC _0 l\I =>11'0 "'0 ceo 00....r .QC _0 -c _e -0 -c I\:C ::I:..""'··•···It.0 0 c 0 c c C IU -' Q CI III Z:r -CD 0... a:...z a:•CO In 0 11\C 11\0 IaJ ...•II)ell 0"0"Cl 0 U ....•0"0"0-0'0 0 0 «t >-•-N IV N - C.,42 •0 0 WI If'!WI Itt Ifl•a-l'"Cl Cl Cl III III If]•c:.0 Cl 0 0 C 0 en •· · ·'"....•0 0 Cl Cl C 0 Q :z:.Z .. :z -•C G:l f lZ:~•0 a:III •I.s 0-•><II[ 0 .. ~ Il.~a: %:~ILl 11./~0-~•.,.III C 0 0 Cl 0....•a-a-a-a-a-l'"a- ~....'"'-•0 0 Cl 0 0 Cl c:> 0-a:0-f ··.·~Il!I C Z •Cl e-O 0 C Cl Cl <I/[ILl •U 0 •W •a:>c •0 0-11./I L -a:•u 11./-U a:-0- ~-II:U i Il.W ~ ~III W ::l... ...•#."~IV a .0 III •...~a-lii III 11\11\ l'"0-lD •C C co C 0 0 0 i'fl!iit'liJ4."11./CD r ·•·•••....-J 1&0 •C C 0 0 co 0 c a-z z •AI --•....G:l •.0 X •....•I 0 cr •.1"""r c •M U I y Wa:~-J •,..Cl N #If\po.a-..,-e ••....a-11\."11\III III...a:-•C co co 0 c 0 Cl•C ...•·•·•·.••:r.z •0 C c:-o c 0 e...y ILl •IIJ Z 0 •:r.•-• F~ ..,•W •a:• 0 W % 0 a: oCz a:•0 III Cl ."0 11\0......•III III l'"a-co 0 Lot IIJ •a-0-0-a-0 0 0 ID >•-AI tV AI C.143 SCENARIO,HEO I HE7 ••FERC .1 ••·.114/1981 ANCHORAGE •COOK INLET fUEL PRICE FORECASTS EMPLOYFD NATURAL GAS (S/HM8TU) GREATER FAIRRANKS..............~....•..................--__.-~-~.~.-.-.-. n .j::> .j::> YEAR RESIDENT tAL 8uSINESS RESIDENT!AL BUSINESS....••....•........••.•............................. 1980 1.730 1.500 12.740 11.i90 1985 2.000 1.770 12.280 tO~~80 1990 i.fl70 iI.&40 H.UO 10.430 1995 3.120 ].OqO It.UO 9.920 2000 3.nol)2.830 10.5110 9,4]0 2005 2.4hll)2,130 10.040 a,970 2010 i.BoO 2.030 9.550 R,5l0 J ]J J J J '.J )1 ),J j J 1Io,J J .1 )1 "1 I 1 )l 1 )I J i 1 1 ")1 'I 1 /' 8CEtURIO./04[1)•HE1··FERC .tX••~/24/t~8) FUEL PRICE FORECASTS EHPLOYfO 'UEL OIL (S/H~RTU) \). +:- U1 ANCHORAGE •COOl<INLET GREATER FATRBANKS.....~--•......••-..•.....•-.-........•..........•..--_••...•...•.•.....-. YEAR RES WENT!AL BUSINESS RESIPENTIAL BUSINESS_._..............................-...-..."'".•..•....•• 1~80 7.150 7.200 ?elO 7.1300 1985 1.1180 fl.HO 7.550 7.280 IqqO 7.11 0 &.650 7.180 &.q]n P~95 &.101)~.1C!0 b.1\20 b.~59 0 2000 0.1I3n b.OlO 6.Q90 6.1&0 2005 b.un c;.uo 6.110 ~~9bO lolo 5.1120 ~.QqO S.810 l§.bbO n --' ./::00en SCENARIO.MED.HE7·.FERC .1~~.6/~Q/lq83 PESIOENTIAL USE PER HOUSEHOLD (KWH) PUTHOlJT AOJUSTMENT I:QR PRICf) ANCHORAGE •COOK INLET........-•.•.•.......• 6liALL LUGE SPACE YEAR APPLIANCES APPLI lNCES HEAT TOTAL....................••........................... IUO 2110.00 6500.0]5088.52 tl699.15 O.(l(iO)(0.,000)(0.000)«0.000) 1985 2lbO.OO "O92~311 4770.11 1;S0?3.0'; 0.000)(0.000)(O.O!)O)(0.000) Ino 2210.00 597S~flO 4579.19 12764.7" 0.000)(O~I)09)(0.000)(o.ono) 1995 2'.bl).00 59,q~57 4S0.35 12692.91 0.001))(0.0(10)(0.000)(0.000) 2000 2310.00 59149.22 ij1l46.9q 1210b.lb o.ono.)(0'.000)(0.000)(0.0001 2005 2JbO.OO l:lO19~13 11 11 16.)8 U1IJS.SI 0.000)(0.000)f 0.000)(0.000) 2010 2/110.00 601\11.01 qll/lO.b8 llI.9H.7S 0.000)(0.(100)«0.000)«O!.'OOO) J •I •J ;1 J J J i I ,J J ))j J JJI ~1 1 1 I I i -)1 StEN&lHOI HEO I HE7--FE~C -IX--6/~q/1983 RESIOENTIAl USE PER HOUSEHOLD (KWH) (WITHOUT AOJUSTME~T FO~PRICE) GREAT!R FAIRBANKS..~----.----~..-~.~--. SMALL LARGE SPACE YEAR APPLIHICES APPlI ANtES HEAT TOTAL......-------....-..--...-...........-...---_.---- 1980 ZQbb.nO 5739.52 3Jl 3.66 11519.11~ (0.009)(0.000)(o.oon)(0.0(0)n. --'1985 215lS.qll 6178.78 3&07.U U32l.00-Po (o.non)(0.0(0)«o.noo)(o~OOO)'-J 1990 2Mb.1I0 bQClt,I.'H 38tl8.80 129ZQ.11 0.1100)(0.0(0)(0.000)(0.000] It,lt,lS Zf,7b.Ol b66q~6B ljOlj8.13 11389.02 «0.11 00)(0.0(10)(0.(00)(0.0(1)) 2000 27Q6.01 b7 Q Z.01 Q]08.98 ne1.l7.06 0.(00)(0.000)t 0.000)(0.000) 2005 21.116.00 "Mer.00 11510.10 11.1115.10 (1.000)(0.000)t 0.000)(0.000) 2010 2886.00 b8f1Q~7(1 Qb5&.]Q 1111132.0Q 0.(00)((1.'000)t 0.000)(0.000] 8tENlRtOI ~EO I HE7-.FERC .IX ••b/2Q'198J ". -' ,J::. OJ VE4R..-. 1980 IUS UlJO ntis zooo 200S 2010 4NCHOR4GE •COOK INLET...•.•..........••.... 81l0'7.011 ,0.(00) QSfllJ.1l3 0.000) I olB.~b O.OOD) 10"23.18 0.(00) 11223.18 0.000) It8ZQ.e.9 0.000) 12blJ.lJS 0.(00) BUSINESS lISF PER EMPLOYEE (KWH) (WITHOUT l4~GE INOUSTRI4L' (WITHOUT 40JUSTMENT FOR PRICE' GR~ATER '4YR8ANKS.•.............-. '711lJ5.70 0.000' un.7S 0.000) SlOtt.lb 0.000) 8Ub.oe 0.000) 8889.85 0.1)00) qalQ.Oill 0.000) QbOS.15 0.000) )--J )»-,J J I 1 "J I 11 I J )J J,J ,.-......•-'.a:.. Q... I •en2 •e .-.tf"Io f'\t CP"..0 lDC"f\I~oD -.4)-..0 .,«)1\1 II'0'"0'"0'.,tnlt'..ooD ... !"""....0 •0 c_fI!ljf\l ...0'.;;oruC).,0".....CJ n:...~-~..o ...11\..0 Cl 0'=:1 ....0,."..0 0-•e .....~-C'It' __tV_O'.,11>,",01£If'I 0.,.0'''0'0'0'0'0'e ..0"'0'11'a:_ •L)....,•0 C_NI\I......cl0'....,...CP'\..oc "'''''''''''or>""'....""'....=:I .........'"'"::J •I I I I I I I IV ...IV '"...1Il't,.",.,,~..................""....""..."... C I •I I I I I •I I I I ••I I •I •I ,I l&.l-a: I c...•u •I'~'.II>C ••.,Z ..........z,·... 2 •01 •o·ecce c C oe-c .0 ecce 0 ecce 0 ocec 0 ecoe c-x ....·..0 eoce 0 cdcc 0 eeoc:-0 ecce 0 eeoc 0 ecce e..,....~i ..0 c:.oco e ecco c-ocoo c-ocoo 0 ec oe e eeoe e ::J a:or-....... a:C>,.0 ccce 0 coco 0 C C C'C C 0000 0 ecco C>eeoc eocr'. Q:lA.•Q.11)... Z •0 2 U 0--.. >a: I&.!.............-Z -•0 11<2 •c G"U"c........cl eCI\I:I ..0 ......c..o'"C -1\1'":7 It'..cl"'ClO'0 11\0'''0'~ U Q.O •0 11).....011'.,11).."....-III 11'1111"".,:7.;:t"::::T=:I'.,~-::r~::::T It"IIIW\_0 a"... 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I U •e ..0"'0''''ClZl"'~N .....V',Q ....-..0-.,.,c-""c:>I\I..o c "'-..0-... :r~•- -IV ....,::-.,.,'"....cO'o-N ...,.....'a'"=-II'.".,...0..0 ..."'<COCO"CI" Co ~c •--------------w 0 ..... ::r a:.. 0 a:...:z a:•0 -nlfII':7 11'1 ..0"'"cc &C -tUfIIl"I ~11'1 ..0'"Cl 0'0 _ftl.fIIl"I:7 II'..o ...IOt'"0 1&1 .-•til 1I)<C1I)C1 10 eC)~c.I"0'&0'0-0'&0'0'0"0 ccee 0 ecoe u l&l ..&0'0'0'0'0"&&&0'&1"0"&0'0'0'0'0'0'0 oeoo 0 eeoc <=> en >•----------------'""''''''''''N IV IV IV 1\1 '" .~.C.149 GREATER F41RBAUKS A[8JI)£NTI ~L BUSINESS.......................... IIWN ..PRICE PROGIH ,••1FlootED -..CROSS ..PRICE ..pWN.PRICE PPOI;RlH ..INOIICED CROSS-PRlCf YElR IlEOUCTIOI~C:ONS£RYl TI!Jrl _IlEOUrtTOr-J D~nu;:H(hi -.-."enHS~"lJUlaf>l.-.__IlEDIJr:T TO~J.........._...---_._0.__-..-..,.......,-----.._..~-.•.~;;..........~t:.........................................-..................................................................... 1980 0./100 0.000 0.000 0.001)0.000 ll,DOO 1981 o.nOI)o.ouo 0.1511 0.000 0.000 1).01111 1982 0.000 o.oon 0.J01 0.000 0.000 n.1S 1 1981 0.000 o.oon 0.1161 0.000 0.000 0.226 19811 0.000 11.000 0.615 0.000 0.000 0.1t12 1985 o.nOIl 0.000 0.U8 1).000 o.noo 0.111 1986 ..0.J35 0.000 I • I 711 .0.550 0.000 o.!I7'5 1987 ..0.6711 0.000 1.579 ..1.099 0.000 0.771 1988 ..1.1)0'5 0.000 1.9811 .1.6119 0.000 0.971 1989 ..1.3111 0.01)0 2.389 ..2.199 0.000 1.169 1990 ·1.676 o.non 2.19'5 ..2.1 lHI 0.000 I.]66 n 1991 ..1.9bO 0.000 3.1.159 ..3.109 0.000 I.Ul tTl 1992 ·i?211~0.000 1I.llli ..1.1169 0.001)1.9111 a 1993 ..2.521:1 0.000 11.188 .1.829 0.000 2.231 19911 .2.81/1 0.000 5.1153 .11.190 0.000 i.!527 1995 .3.0911 0.000 6.It 8 .11.550 0.000 l.8U 1996 ..1.282 0.000 6.896 .11.111 0.000 1.117 1991 ..1.116b 0.000 1.67U .11.1172 0.000 1.1111 I 9 1:1 a ..1.650 0.000 8.1152 ..5.03J 0.000 1.711 199".3.813 0.000 9.230 .5.11:111 0.000 1I.01f> 2000 .11.011 o.noo 10.008 ..5.356 0.000 11.116 2001 ..11.168 0.000 10.9611 .6.e96 0.000 6.I " 2002 .11.311:1 0.000 1I.9aO .8.1131 0.000 1.907 200J .11.1171 0.000 12.87b ..9.978 0.000 9.702 20011 .11.622 0.000 U.~:n ·11.5111 0.000 11.1191 ZOOS .11.711 0.000 1 11 .189 ·1].(159 0.000 11.292 Z006 ..11.920 0.000 15.971 "12.161 0.000 12.776 2007 .5.0b7 0.000 17.152 ·11.2b2 0.000 12.259 2008 ..5.2tll o.noo 18.1111 ·10.363 0.000 ll.1IIJ 2009 ..S.lbl 0.000 1 9 .5lb .9.lIbS 0.000 1I.2i!6 2010 .5.'508 0.000 20.698 MR.'H'b 0.000 10.110 )I J )J I I )il i •_I ~j _J j·11 "j 1 "}~. 1 1 1 C]'1 '1 1 l cl f » SCENARIO'HEn I HE1-_FERC .1¥--6/~II/IQAl BREAKDOWN 0'ElfCTRICITV REQUIREMENTS CGWIl) 'TOTAL INCLUDES LAPGE INDUSTRIAL CONSUHPTION) ANCHOPA~E -coo~INLET ----.-~.-..--._-.---.- MEDIU~RANGE (PR ••~)._....-.--..-~...-_. RESIOENTJ AL BUSINESS HIIC!LUNEOUS [.OG.INOUSTRTAL YEAR Rf:QlJIREMENT6 RE llU I RE HE.NIS AEQUIREMEIHS LOAD TaTAL..........•.........••.•.••.•..•...-...-._...--.-----~....---.-~--.----~..._...-...------- 1980 919.5)8H.Jb 211.)1 BLI.OO 1961.19 1981 IOn .65 9118.'7 211.15 92.08 2092.65 1982 1015."111 IOlo.99 25.1/1 100.16 22<'2 ..10 198)1123.8"1093.80 25.~11 108.211 2)~1.~5 19811 1171.99 111Ib.U h.08 II b .12 2/181.01 19115 IUO.I'(1)9.11)26.52 124.lIO 2610./16 198b 12'J2.1J 1280.bll 21.22 131.1)9 "697.8/1 19117 12811.15 1121.1\5 i!1.91 151.18 n85.29 1988 11t~.11 11b).06 28.bO 16l1.88 2812.11 1989 IJLl8.19 111011.27 29.)0 178.31 291>0.11 ()1990 1180.21 1I'1I5."9 29.99 IIH.86 I "01.l1.~11 --' U1 1991 11I08.]?llla.lIb )0.12 195.11 1111.08--'1992 11ll6.5/l 1508.211 )1.1.111 198.lIO 11111.61 199]1111111.71 1519.1.11 Ja.lb 201.1.16 1218.1"1 19911 1"92.88 I!HO.Cl9 12.89 i!04.9)])01.68 1995 1521.05 U02.1b H.61 208.20 131>'i.22 199&1518.05 U19.111 ]].98 2111.14 1405.51 1997 1555.0'i 1~3lo.11 )1I.H 220.08 l1111S.80 1998 1572.0"1653.29 )11.11 22b~02 11l8b.09 1999 1589.0'5 Ul0.h 15.I I 231.'16 )l;2b.38 2000 IbOb.'05 11>81.2/1 15.11"231.90 1566.67 2001 1~28.7b 17211~21\lb.11 21111.96 3b31.1.1t 2002 Ib51.117 t7bl.3J U.711 252.02 )101.56 200l IlIlll.I"1798.n 11.31 25'1.08 3169.00 20011 Ib'Jb.88 111 1'5."2 18.00 2bb.14 ]83b.411 2005 '119.59 11I1'..lIb lA.b3 27].20 1903.8/1 200b 1150.'61 19 29.0;1 3Q.S6 281.~8 1.1001.32 2001 1781.bl t98b.b1 110.50 28q.9b L1098.7lo 200A tRIl.6b 20111.11 Ilt.ll]298.111 L1t'l6.20 2009 IHI.Il.bll 2100.88 112.3b 10b.J2 IlZ91.IlLl 2010 18111.10 ,,!IS1.'l1!Ill.aq 115.10 /1]91.011 SCENARIO.HEO.Hf7 ••rERC .1~·-6111l/Iq8l BREAKOOWN OF ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENTS (GWH) (TOTAL INtLllDES LAROE INDUSTRIAL CONSUMPTION) GREATER ,AIRBANKS ~..~..•....•.......•_. MEDIUM RANGE (PR_.S).•.•••.....•...•••-~ IlESIDEInlAL 811S ll~f sa MISCELLANEOUS ElIOG.INDUSTRIAL 'fAR Rf.DUIf:lPtfNU REQIIIREMENTS REAUIREMENTS LoAn TOTAL...-.•..•..•.....•.••.•.................~..••.••.•...•...............-........................... 1980 17b.JQ 211.14 6.78 0.00 IIno.]1 19S1 19 1.2 9 2]O.lb 6.76 0.00 IjC!8.II I 1982 20b.19 143.58 fI.7J 0.00 45b~51 U81 221.09 i!H.81 6.70 0.00 484.bO 19811 2l5.9IJ 210.0J 6.b7 0.00 5U.7n 1985 250.89 281.ib ,,~n 0.00 SIIO.SO 198b 2b2.h 290.9 ]6,&8 10.00 570'.31 1987 j!71.l.bl 298.59 11.12 20.00 599.94 1986 28b.50 101l.,h 6.75 30 .•00 U9.52 1969 298.11 111.93 6.19 40.00 b~9.09 n 61\S'.U.1990 310.ill ]21.60 6.81 Sn.oo -I U1 N 1991 322.09 328.611 7.0]50.00 7n7.U 1992 311.911 US.73 7.21 50.00 ,726.90 1991 )115.80 3112.80 7.43 50.00 711&.02 1994 551.&5 149./111 7.bl 50.00 765.111 1995 3b9.50 156.9]7.8]50.00 1SII.26 199b US.flR ]&(\.18 7~9]50.00 H J.99 I9Cl7 1FJ1.86 lU.U 8.03 5n.oo 80].12 1998 388.011 H7.1.8 8.tl 50.00 813.115 1999 194.21 170.73 8.23 50.00 8i.'J.18 i!000 1100.39 1711.18 e.n 50.00 8H.lll 2001 1107.11 ]81.13 8.118 SO.flO 8116.Cl2 2002 1I111.2l 1811.0S 8.02 50.00 860.en 200]1121.Pi 395.03 8.77 50.00 8711.q~ 20011 1128.(lb 1101.0 8 8.'l1 50.00 fle8.96 lOOS 11311.98 1108.93 Cl.OS 50.1)0 90i.91 200b IlII1.52 1l19.112 9.2&5/1.00 9i!i!.20 2007 IlS?.OIl 1Ii!'1.Clt 9.116 50.tlO 9111.112 2008 1IIl I.l.SCl IIl1fl.3 Q 9.6b 50.00 9faO.bll 2009 1169.13 1150.118 9.B6 '50.00 Cl19.67 iflll)1171.67 /lbt.l!>10.Ob 50.00 QQll.Oq .1 ••)cl J J J }J J 11 J J J i !J ,1 I 'J 1 ·-1 1 I 1 j 1 }l 'J -')'} n. 01 W SCENARIo.MEh I Hf7 ••FERt .1~·.b/2qJI1I81 TOTAL El!CTRltITV REQUIREMENTS CGWH) UIET OF CflNSERVATIOtl) CI~ClUOE8 LARGE INDUSTRIAL CONSUMPTION) ~EOIIIM R.4NGE CPR ••'!i)......__._._4~. YEAR ANCHURAGE •COOK INLET GREATER FAlRBANKS TIlT AL.....•......•...•.•.....•..._...._._.......~.......--.•...•...•.•..•.• 11180 11110].111 1I00.31 iHbl.SI 1981 201J2.b'J IIl8.1I1 i!S21~Ob 1982 2Ul.IO 115b.51 ~b16.bl 1118]2351.55 11811.bO 26J6~lb 19811 21181.01 '512.10 2QH .11 1985 2bI0./lb ~ql).80 1151'.2b 198b 2b'H .88 970.11 Hb8~25 1987 i!1A5.a9 599.911 H85.211 11188 2872.11 bZIJ.52 lSOil.el 1989 29bO .1)bS9.09 1blll.21 11190 10117.511 IlU.bit 171b'.21 1991 1111.08 101.78 1818~8b 111112 lIll1.bl Uf!.qo ]qOI~S2 un 1231J.15 111b.02 H811.11 19911 UOI.be lb'5.lq 1I0U·.82 IUS 31b5.22 1811.2b 111119'.118 199b 1Il0S.51 191.99 111119~50 1997 1/1115.80 801.12 42119.52 19q8 lI~Rb.OIl 811.115 112qll~511 1999 352b.H 821.18 111119'.lib 2000 ]'ibb.b1 8H.II1 tl1qq~Sll 20 0 1 U3II.11 8I1b.9Z 111181~0] 2002 370'.Sb 8bo.93 IlSb2.Qq 200]l1b9.01)111Q.95 IIb/Jf.911 201)11 181b.llt1 868.lIb tlH'f.IIO 2005 1901.81\902.q l 1180b'.8b 200b 111101.12 Q22.i!O 119B.S2 201)7 1I0Iltl.1'.>qlll.tlo!'501l0~1I\ a008 /J1 9 b.20 IIbO.tllI 'i1'io.611 200Q 112 9 ].1.111 97 9 .A1 'liP :J'.51 iolO 1I191.011 99 Q .OQ '131111'.1 J C 0'.... <r ::r -Nt\I.",.,e._,. C ....WHO ftllf'G2_ 11>11'1"'..0 co If' ..0 ....1\1 ...- -~..00".....~. .0--0-"'CN'"..0 ......... ..0 ... ......::r a--n.I If"I: •c".•.....::r CO..a fII'tl ...0--<\1 ....0 ..."'CCllC lI:l 11'0'''1..0 "'0'''''''...e.a•• ..,..,~:;r ",co-c ClClClO' e...lI'O'''O' ~-CI'"..o........ -«';:1'-.......oc. 00'0'0' ::r ..c ......c ....""''''11'1....,... c C\S.oe::r 0'",.....et C'ecce C ..0. C -oz C ::E: III £:) •••••- - 0' c . CI '".... ""l'U-C1 11'0'.......... 1:'::r0''''-__N NNRlN c ~eft.1 .... ...O'lI\NCI •••iii • tV ---Cl0'"-1l"'iU'.... ...<Zl~C<D OIl'lCII'I ....cC"lllJ ........ 1O_II\a: ,","'..0'"............ :Q'~~~ ..."....0-.... .......0'"" 0'0'0'0___N lI'l .... lI'l... N... 0'0"''''' ""11>"'''' l\tOCl),Q O"CO",..a .......... ..010 ON "'......0'.... -...11'....CI<DClCC-_.-... .."''''..0'''0'CD "O .,.·. 0"1'\tU'\c:Q..-.......,.... ..0 ..0..0..0..0 C::Y-'"::2" "I lI'O'"O 0·. ....-."O~• ItI ..0..0 ......... ..0 "'''''''11\...0''''0''''..... ....ll't~tU­ tv ...-4ICO 11'1 1/'1"V\..0 ...1\1"''''..0 ...NO'.... . ...COoCl,""C' N "".......lI'---- CO'C1'" "'CDOna..... t'U a:t III - ft.'.....0 "'''''''11'1 ...,.,:::r II' C1N..oC.... .....:::r '='.... 0"0-- xoo u ~.... ...I Z... • II:a.... 01)_...J ~=-czo- ....-0: ::E:~'" \<,IC""a:>:::!o...~o ::l\<,lZ ~0_ ~:;: lEO .... UC!l U a:......c 0:0...1...yo-m ...,au 110: -,ZO I&J"""~... X U -<Z...... ~- U II:.......••... \w:r o-rr C .... U "" a:f C •..... >-t ....C\I..,~ ClCDClCD 0'0'0'0'...._--V\..0"'11>0' CI C1CDClCI 0'0"0'0'0'---- o _ftl ....:$ 0'0'0'0'0- 0'0-0'0'0'---- 11'\..0 ...<00' It 0'0'0'0' 0'0'0'0'0'---- o C...... -1\1"'.::2'eoco ooco NN"'N II'..0"'<00'o 0000ccoco N n"~"'N o-c '" C.154 - - HE8--FERC -2% C.155 """ ~J -··~-~l l•1 1 1 -l --l p "}1 1 1 -1 ~. ICENARIO.MED •HE8 ••FERC .l,·.&/2U/19A] HOUS(HOlOS SERVED ANCHORAGE •COOk INLET........-............. YEAR SINGLE FAllILy Io1ULTJFAMILY ~OBILE HOMES DU'LEXES TOTAL_._. .._.,.....~fIII_••..........................-......,..~........~.-................. 1980 351111.20311.1.8HO.71186.11503. 0.000)(0.000)«0.000)(0.000)l 0.000) n 1985 1.1908&.l&201.l.I1Q92.85&7.9531.19. «0.000)«0.00('1)«0.000)(0.000)(o.oon)U1 ........ 1990 b01.l6 9 •27)117.1]897 •811bO.110171. 0.000)(0.000)«0.000)«0.000)«0.000) lq95 b521.15.]00&3.15018.83]].II 96'H. 0.000)«0.000)«0.000)(0.000)«0.000) 2000 6929b.3i!901.1&055.7 Q Q8.12b201. 0.000)«0.000)«0.000)(0.000)(11.000) lO05 71.126&.35573.17384.8557.I1seoo. 0.000)«0.000)«0.000)«0.1)00)(0.000) aOIO 80Q 12.19156.UI3I1.91&).11.18'5&'5. 0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.(00) SCEN4RJOI HEO I HE8 ••FERC .2~••bI2q/198] HOUSEHOLDS SERVED GREATER fAIRBANkS................-_..... n4R SINGLE FAHILY IotULTlfAMILY HOBILE HOMES DUPLEXES TOTAL......................................................................-........ 1980 nao.5287.!l89.1617 •15113. "«0.000)«o.POO)«1).000)«0.(00)«0.(00).........IUS IOb46.5~67.2UO.1765.20Q07.U1 ex>(0.000)«0.(00)«0.000)«0,(00)«0.(00) 1990 11575.7~bO.2!H.2175.241111.. 0.(00)(0.(00)«0.000)(0,000)(0.000) UQ5 U1l86.78111,:S083.23H.271IlQ. 0.(00)«0.0(0)«n.ooo)(0.000)(0.(00) i!000 15152.7703.3481.2298,aSbllO. 0.000)«0.000)«0.000)(0.0(0)«0.(00) 2005 16717.?7qU.3 q 2"'.2252.]0702, «0.(100)«0.(00)«0.000)«0.000)«1'.(00) 2010 18155.flRS'S.11]10.215!.1]1I7l'. 0.(00)«0.000)«0.000)(0.(00)«0.0(0) J ;,J .~',1 J )J J .1 j J ,)J .J 1 J ,t J "J -j 1 J -.~l J 1 ~ SCENARIOI /olEO I HE8-.FERC -ZX--6/24/198J HOUSING VACANCIES ANCHUR4GE •COOK INLET•....•.......•........ YEAR SINGLE FAHll Y HUll If AM Jl V HOBllE HOMES DUPLf.XES.TOTAL.......-.•...............................................--.................. n IUD SI)6.lJ.1&U.19q1.14b3.Ib~OlJ..«0.000)«0.000)«0.000)«0.000)(0.000)--' U1 1.0 Ilf8!)540.Illqb.li!b.2Q 2.2115'5. 0.(00)«0.000)«0.000)«0.000)«O~OOO) I If If 0 btl'S.'.153.289.II 1/1. 0.000)«0.000)«0.000)«0.000)«0.(00) 1995 118.1621.1f/5.26t1.2190. 0.000)«0.(00)«°.0(0)(0.(00)(0.(00) 2000 Jbl.U77 •111.Sill.323'5. 0.(00)«0.(00)(0.(00)(0.000)«0.000) 2005 811.IlJl'.Iql.2eil.321 ~. 0.000)(0.(00)«0.(00)«0.00(1)(0.(00) 2010 890.2115.211.JOq.3'i21l. 0.(00)(0.000)«0.(00)«D.OOO)«0.(00) ..... "'0 11:'c:....c:.,,0 ....0 -0 0'0 ~U'l0 _0 lIDC -0 1\1 0 0'0 :::rO II:C 11'0 -00 ,..0 "'0 "'0 000 -'00."".····..0 0 C C 0 0 CO t- C.... --.....--..C AlO -C-OO Cl 0 "'0 "'-0.,0'0 NO cD Cl 000 ,..0 ,..c::o NO IaI cDC ...C C C 0 0 _0 X •··••IU C C C 0 0 0 0 ..I -IlL :::J Co ~.,....'"en ......-.-...:II::ILl -00 ."0 11\0 oro C'c ...C ,..C U Z X cD C NC 1\1 c::o ,",0 '"'0 :::ro "'-0z..0 O'C 0 0 C 0 0 0..C!!x:•··•·•·'-l II:0 0 C 0 0 0 c """\......... :>..~...... Cl II: Z cr 0...ILl •Xon....I ~ Of!::l .., cD 0 10.1 •0'%II:•-CI •............... ..................•>-c::oc ."C ::70 CO 00 ...0 lI'O :::r •..I 1\1 C file lI'O ore :::ro cD <::>....0 N ...,.,0 -00 :::rc oro :::ro -0 ::70 ..- "x ....·N ••·••·-0 -<C 0 0 0 C>e 0•...•... H .... ft!..I•:::J:r.ua: lO.I...•>-.........................•..I 1010 cec "'0 ....0 "'0 ."c CO -IlID...lI'C -0 NO II'<:>-00 <DQ 00 ILl :::I:.-00 -0 _0 _c:_c -c:1\10x:......······to.0 0 0 0 0 c 0 III ..I Q ~....Z :::I:.... '"0...""".II: -< %a:•<:>II'c II'c::o 11\0 III ..•lID lID 0-0'0 C U ILl •11"lJ'CJ'lJ'C 0 0 CD >-•-AI AI 1\1 """1 C.160 "~"~I ~'-J --1 1 J --1 SCENARIO,MEO I HE8 ••rERC -2X.-bllQ/IQ8), fUEL PRICE FORECASTS EMPLOYEO !LECTRICITY (5 I KWH) ANCHORAGE·COOK WI ET r.RfATER FAIR9ANKS•.••.......•~~..~-~~_..~...••••.•.......•..~~...••.•........_-- n ---'en ---' YEAR RESIDENTIAL BUSHIESS RESIOENTI AL 8USINESS ~...............................•.•...••...•...•..... 1980 0.037 n.03/J 0.095 0.090 1985 o.oqa O.O/JS 0.09'5 O.OQO 19 9 0 0.051 0.0/J8 0,090 /).085 1995 0.053 0.050 0.090 0.085 2000 0.115'5 0.052 0.090 1'1.095 2005 0.056 0.053 0.090 O.0811J 2010 0.051 O.OS/J 0.090 0.0"5 SCENARIO.MEn.HE8-.FERC -l¥--6114/19S3 FUEL PRICE FORECASTS [HPLOYEO NATURAL GAS (S/MMBTU) ANCHORAGE •coo~INLET GREATER FATRAANKS......- -..~.~.-_~..-..~...-..•...•...-.•.•.......•~....- n. -' ()) N .1 YEAR RESIDENTIAL BUS ItJES$RE st DENT!Al IHJ91NFSS..-......~-............---............................. 1980 1.730 '."i00 12.510 11.290 1985 t.Q 811 1.750 12.010 10.750 1990 2.170 1.540 10.880 9.710 Ins 1.070 2.8/10 9.830 8.780 2000 2.A80 ~.bSO 8.890 7.IH10 lOOS 2.720 2."90 S.OlO 7.110 2010 ~.~tlO II.HO 1.2bO b.U80 .J .oel I ,.)~.J I I .J ....1 .1 I .,..J J I .,j 1 ],]1 j ])1 .~ 8tEN4RIOI ~ED.HES--FERC -lX--b/24/196J ANCHORAGE -COOK INLET FUEL PRICE FORECASTS EMPlOY[O FUEL OIL (I/HMBTU) GRF.ATER F.tR~ANK9.__._.~...-.•..••...•.....•.••.•.....••••••••••••••w •••••••••••__••••_•••• n 0'1 W YEAR RES IDENT IAl BUSINESS RESIDENTIAL AUS'NfSS.....••...•............................................ 1980 1.150 7.l00 1.830 J.50n 1985 1.UO 1:1.850 7.390 1.110 IHO I:I.UO 1:1.190 f:t.bAO b.IlS0 1995 'S.Q90 5.tlOO 6.0110 -;.11]0 2000 S.lllo 5.0bO l!5.lIbO I§.no zoos 4."90 4.570 ~.9110 4.160 2010 4.1120 11.110 If.ll bO 11.310 SCENARIO'MED I HES·.FfRC .i~·.~/24/1g81 RESlnENTUL liSE PER HOUSEHOLD (KWH) (WITHOUT AnJUSTHENT FOR PRICE) ANCHORAGE •COOK INLET-.......~....•..•..•.• 8MALL LARGE SPACE YEAR APPLIANCES APPLIANCES HHT TOTAL........_.....~...................•.............. n 1980 ii!lto.1I0 f»SOO'.bl 5088.52 13b~9.1 S. ----'(o.noo)«0.000)t ".0(0)(o.ono) 0'\+:- 1985 iho.oO bO QZ.51 477I.U 130~4.11 (0.0(0)(0.'001)(o.oo/)(0.000) 1990 2210.0U 597b~2l 4579.27 111~5.4Q (0.000)(0.000)(0.000)(0.000) 19q5 22bO.(l0 15q IIf.5 9 4510.05 12688.b4 0.000)(0.0(0)(0.000)(0.000) 1000 2110.00 59 11 9.30 qaSI.1]11110.11] (0.00/)(0.000)(1).000)(0.000) 2005 2}bO.OO 6019.52 4411.0]U1Q6.S' 0.(00)(0.0(0)(0.(00)«0.000) 2010 2 11 10.00 6085~O2 q/~1I0"21 12935.22 0.(100)(0.1)00)(0.000)(0.000) "l )J J .J J J J )]J J J J 1 ···1 ...],J ··1 J J I .......)-1 1 "1 1 i J SCENARIO.Io1EO I HE8-.FERC -?¥--b/24/1qaJ ~E9IOENTIAt liSE PER I-IOUSnlOLD (KWH) (WITHOUT ADJUSTMENT FOR PRICE) GAEAT£R FAIR8A~K8........-...••.•••...• SMALL LaRGE SPAtE YEAR API'L1 ViCES APPLl ANeES I1EU TOTAL.......................".......•......•......• n 1980 i!Qbb.OO 51H~5?HtJ.bb lIS19.18 m (o.noo)(0 ..000)(0.000)(0.000) 1TI 1985 2535.99 b178.9"HOb.)j!li!311.2fl o.noo)(0,.(00)(0.000)«0~01'l0) 1990 2Mb.OO flIlSO.9Q lEIb9.'59 129~6.S3 n.ooo)(0.000)(0.000)«0.000) 1995 261f».01 bflbO.1S 110115.01 lU81.H 0.1100)(0,1)(10)(0.000)(0.000) lOOO Hllb.OO b7 9 1.29 4)11.'59 138 11 8.88 n .1I0ll)«0 ..000)(o.OOn)«0.000) lOO'5 2 8 16.00 b852.Sb 115011.)9 11I11i!.911 11.000)«0.01'11)(n.OOO)(0.000) lOla 288".00 MI91~15 IIb5b.1J9 14lI~1I.35 /).000)«0.000)(lI.non)(0.000) n -' O"l 0'1 SCENARIO,MEO'~E8·.FfRC .l~··b/24/19Ul BUSINESS USE PER EMPLOYEE (K~~) (WITHOUT LARGE INDUSTRIAL) (~ITHOUT ADJUSTMENT FOR PRICE) YEAR ANCHORAGE •COOK INLET GREATER FAIRBANKS_._....~...-.-_...-........••••....•.....•.•.... 1980 8l107.04 1495.70 1'1.000)«0.000) 1985 9'580.48 7972 .14 0.000)(0.1'11'10) U90 1010 /1.51 8313.01 0.00/)(0.1'100) n9S IOMO.lIb 8585.26 0.1)00)«0.1'100) 2000 IIIH.bS 88139.70 O.()OI)(0.000) 2005 Il1Sl.91 cUH.17 0.0011)«0.000) lolO 1253q.2]9S81.lb 0.000)(0.000) J J )J J .J ].J J J il "J J ) - .., u •-'.a:.• 11..•••",z."0.0-.a:~.uu.:::;.. o... II: Q "'~-II't ..... Q -N""~ C It"c"c·...e C-__N a • • a n.~..:len-a ••I Itf"l e:tcf'\I;:r CC ClCl'Cl'Cl' ...,"'....0" ....-:::r 'I"".Q .... • • • I "'CIl ....O'0"Q)¢..... U'\O"...,..,..... a)-.........<I a I • • U"I...0-:::1''''''......,(lJO" :::I'.....c ,.,·.... =ftI-O"• • I • po.•=-c,,"•• C' C= C cc c·c C Q.C 0 ccoc cceo ....-IttCC 1'\1 -0'.0'" 1'\1:<1-"""·... «"11'\"'=«: .Q"c.Q,Q U"I••••• -t\!.."U"..Q e-=rcN .0 ...17 .......0- o -"',,"II"~....=U"..c .... ""'Ie'"'"'" C o C <;l o...• .... or... oeee CcceQ.oc e ecce 1I";:r"'-................. • I • I .,,~....- ;:c::.,.., O"'....,;:r....:::r .,..'"_ CCCl"Q---"'''' coc e .Q...• o... 0' ecc.e C<;lCC eccc ecce It"a:,.;fC IX"U'l ::,., ~11'......'"·.....c ::rft.l,e~ ....,,"II'.Q.Q ...NCl'.Q ... ..:::I"'O"U\..Q: Cl'O'O"O-t'"·.. 1\1":::r .....-.... •••I I 0"0-1\1""" nJ ""'111'-.... N~4 ... .......Cl'1tl ~~1tl1l'4•I'" c ecce C 0 o-c C c eoce·c occe ..."'44.Q ....40"N lI\ II't "'-'OC·....II''''-C .,.C-Nft.I C OC'<;lC COCCO e eoce. c ecoc: CD ;:r _.....=:r •...NC'U"'" I • • • .,.irON." t\I .o-~o­ cr G"'-"''''. . ..0 ..0 .... ~1tl.o CIl c cocco f;)_.....0.0 •••• o ccceoeccOccoco &oJ U •-.a::z. 0..0.·-.z~.:1..,. Co:=l.o....a: ... u •-.tr •Q.z..0.CD_. (I)~• OU. a::=l. UQ.w • Q; o II:•..,. :::;. ""0 •.,z .• tIJ ....:z.z I 0·. tooliI ~....-:r c ;....:::;a:.c c::>;.,. o a:'. tt ILl"...G."'.~. Co..., :0:: o Co u ~.......z...... U-Q; D. :zo-~.. :>a:.... '"Z o U U-~..:r... a: CIo a:X D.~ CIoZz..-I~ ,- I - "... ....., Cl'-..... ~ f\I ""I I I H C\; I ... C ... Cl ......1 lI:"a ;I-I :t:~. UZIz.......=.••(I)• ...I Q::• .:::. lIJ • U • :::;. 0%..zo.--..~.:r<...>•:x:a::'. C1101.e.G).a:z. 11.0. U4 Co c. o COQO OQOC ococ·...ccce o Ce C ecce QOCQ occc.... 0000 oo <;l·o eeec OQOCecce.... ecoc C' C o o 0000 :>000oecc·...CCOc;l eoo c OOCO OC Q.0' ecc.e occc. eo <;l o= occc 000 C' ecce·...eeoe c o o ,.... U Q;.... to. I I «I "-I X Co.... 1 lI.Iu:z.-0.tr_. G.~. •U •z:::>. ~Co. 0 .... tr • e "'......."1oCC,Q~'"o ,.,..-,...It\·... C 41\1Cl'1I'--N CID ,...0 11>....... Q .,.0',.,G:I nJ 0"c-__a ..0.... Cl'4"'0 ... .......~lI\4 4 _"'0"""........_Y'"Q.~ a'1IIr._O C. . .::I ell"" ....CCIDO"c ................. ""'I\I-C .Q~",o <4)-..0- 0 ..._1\1:------ .........'lI)~cEl 0"O-N~ ....0"0-1'\6. . VI 0'<710 ... '"no'"...."" 0' "".... o .Q or tI'-.....",.0" ....Of\lLl'..... ~.,..,...:""·...cll'tco 0'" I'H'\.Q.Q .0 o-a:..... U '" a::........>.ooo N "'1\1""'0"ceocecce "''''N N II'oo l\I ~"''''O'occe ecoc ftlf\I,,!AI o C l\I C.167 SCEN~llJO.HEO I HEe·.rEPC .lX·.&/211/198] SUMMA~Y OF PRICE EFFECTS AND PROGRAMATIC CONSERVATION IN GI'4H GREATER fAIRBANKS flESIUfNTlAL RUSlNfllS......................... OI'jN.PRICE PROGR AI~.INDUCED CROSS.PRICE OWN.PRICE PROGRAM.INDUCED CROS9 M PRJCE YEAR IlEOUCTION CutlSEHVATIOU REDUCTION REDI!PION CONSERV~TlON REDUCTION..................................................................................................;.;;...;;.;;....;;;..................;.. 1980 0.000 11.000 0.000 0.1100 11.000 0,000 lUI 0.000 0.000 0.192 0.000 0.000 0,130 1982 0.000 0.000 0,385 0.000 0.000 0.259 IUS 0.000 0.000 0,577 0.000 0,000 0.389 lUll 0.000 0.000 0.lb9 0.000 n.OOO 0.1319 IUS 0.001}0.000 0,9b2 0.1100 0.000 0.61l8 US..0.3311 0.000 l.bU .0."95 0.000 o .U9 1987 ·O ••b9 (1.000 2.3&2 .0.990 0.000 1,309 198&.1.00]o.noo 1.llbi!.1.118'5 0.000 1.6 ]q 19S9 -1.337 «>.oon J,7&2 .1.981 0.000 1.970 (J 1990 ..1.6U 0.000 1I.lIb].2."76 0,000 2.]00 en 1991 .1.'1139 0.00(\S.UI ·2.95b 1'.000 2,997 CO 1992 ·2.20b 0.000 6.799 ·3.1136 0.000 1.691 1993 ·2.47)0,000 7.9b7 .3.9tb 0.000 4.390 19911 .2.7]9 0.000 9,135 .11.39&o,oon 5.086 1995 .l.006 /J.OOO 10.'503 .1I.llh 0.000 1i.783 199b ·3.18b 0.000 lI.7119 ..5.0b6 0.000 b.1I110 1991 ·1.3b6 0.000 13.195 ..5.256 0.000 1.097 1998 ·].5116 0.000 111.&111 .S.lI ln 0.000 7.753 1999 -3.12b 0.000 16.087 ..'5.637 0.000 8.1110 2000 .3.906 0.000 -11.513 .!i.527 o.oon 9.067 2001 ..11.056 0.000 19.HII ..b.027 0.000 9.9bO 2002 ·1I.20b 0.000 21.1311 .6.221 0.000 to.853 200]·1I.3'3~11.00/1 H.915 .6.112&0.000 1I.11l!i 20011 .11.505 0.000 211.73S .to.626 n.ool'l 12.bl8 2005 -11.6511 o.noo 26.!iJ6 ..b.82&0.000 1l.530 200b ·1I.t!Ol 0.000 28.1811 .7.057 0.000 111.717 2007 .1l.~1l1l 0.000 31.032 .7.2fl~0.000 15.901l 2008 ·'i.0911 0.000 13,279 .7.51 Q 0.000 17,091 2009 ·!i.llll 0.000 35.521 .7.750 0.000 111.278 2010 ·5.3611 O.lIOO 37.775 .7.11 82 0.000 19.1165 ,I I J .J J I I ).J J ,I ]]!1 1 )1 1 1 1 1 )))J -1 1 ICENAfllOI MEO •HE8--FERC .2~.-~/2~/lq8] aREAKOOWN OF ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENTS (GWH) «rUTAL INCLUDES LARGE INOUBTRIAL tONSUHPTION) ANCHORAGE •COOK INLET-.....---.•.•.•.•.-... MEOIUM RANGE (PR_.'5)•........•.•.--..... HE S I DHITI AL 8IJSJI~ESS MISCELLANEOUS flIOG.INDUSTRIAL YEAR REQUIRE!'1ENT8 REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS UlAn TnTAL..-----~•.•.•.•...-_...._~-.~-..-.--.•..•.__......N._._._-----.-.-._----.-~-...-.---.----- 1980 q7'1.53 1115.31.1 Zli.]1 811.flO '9h].19 1981 10V.?]1l1l1.5&ali.111 9z.n8 20ql.&0 11182 10711.92 1011.10 25.11 tOO.I&n20.fl~ 198]1122.&~1091.911 25,111 108.2L1 n1l8.Ll3 198/1 117U.]1 IIIILI.I&2f1.04 UlI.U 2117&.1I1I Iqll5 1218.01 12311.11 ill.li7 12L1.LlO l'605.2'5 19ab 1250.]9 1281.28 21.20 Il1.S9 2f.,1l6,17 1981 1282.71 13Zb.20 21.9]151.]8 2788.29 1988 IllS.15 1311.12 28.U 1&11.8,8 i'6H.1!1 n 1989 1J1H.53 111111.011 29.3 9 178.37 ?(nl~B. --'19'10 1379.91 1 0 1111.95 30.12 l'n.8&3062.85(J) '-0 1991 1199.07 10 1'5.95 30.511 195.13 3100.111 1992 IIIIR.2J 11191).95 H.05 198.1I0 11l8.61 199]1'07.']9 ISO'5.95 31.51 201.&11 31111.52 199/1 1/~'5b.5"IS2fl.Q 5 ]1.91 20Ll.9]]2Il1.111 1995 11175.71 153S.9 5 32./111 2011.20 3252.]0 19911 IlIql.lli!15S"i.n 32.8]2111.11I '1293.87 1997 1507.52 1S111.IIU H.l]"20.0~B'5,II' 1998 1521.111 1591.92 31.&]<'26.02 ])71.00 1999 1539.]11 Iflll.t'S H.o]2H .9&]LlI8.57 2000 1555.211 1612.57 3li.lI],,17,90 ]llflO.ILI 2001 15111.1,]11,11 9 .115 ]S.OIJ 2111.1.911 ]526.Ll7 2002 15Q8.01 1707.13 35.611 252.02 ]592.81 2003 lbI9.'lO 171111.LlI '11.25 259.08 ]&59.1 0 2001l ItI/HI.78 171l1.6Q ]11.86 2116.111 3725.LlII 2005 Ib1l2.11 1111 11 •9 7 n.Ll1 ~7].lO 3791.81 200&Itl91.80 187'5.10 38.n 2/11.0;8 ]8117.Ll7 2007 1121.1111 1912.111 3'1.30 Z~9.911 Hel.1l 2008 17Sl.0R 1ge9.1"110.22 "QIl.]1.1 Ll01R.7 9 2009 I7RO.H 20115.8'1 II 1.1l 306.72 01711.115 2010 1810.]1>2102.(,1 112.011 315.10 lIa70,It SCENARIO'MEo,HE8--FERC .2*-.6/~q/1981 BAEAKOOWN UF ELECTRICITV REQUIREHENTS (GWHI (TOTAL INCLI'OES LARGE INDUSTRIAL CONSUMPTION) GREATER FAJRRANKS......_-~.-..-._-_.--- MEDIUH RANGE (PO_.5)......~....-...~.... RESiDENTIAL BUSINESII MISCELL4NEOUS YEAR REQUIREMENTS RfQIJ1 REHENTS REQUIREMENTS..................~........-._._.-.-----.__.....-~----.... 1980 Pb.]9 211.14 6.78 1981 191.21 230.U b.7S 1981 20b.OJ 243.3a 6.15 U81 220.1J4 25&.111 b.7~ 1984 US.6b "69.50 6.b7 1985 lSO.48 162.59 b.bll .198b 262.211 i!911.bl b.b8 1987 2H.OO 298.65 b.72 ("")1988 285.16 J06.b8 b.7S 1989 2 1H.52 Jill.71 b.79 --' ........1990 J09.28 J22.75 b.8]0 1991 118.bl 32b.78 6.91 1992 327.97 UIl.Sl 1.11 1993 U7.Jt nll.eq 1.26 1994 lq6.65 J]ll.87 'I'.QO 1995 155.99 111".90 7.54 1996 lbl.39 J46.58 1.&11 1991 366.60 350.20 7.7J 1998 51Z.211 151.9 3 1.83 1999 377 .60 J~j7.61 7.92 2000 UJ.ol ll;aI.?9 8.02 2001 389.0b U7.91;a 8.111 200l ]9'5.11 HIl.b!8.25 2003 '101.16 181.30 8.37 201)11 1107.21 181.°7 8.49 2005 II I3.Z6 1911.bll 8.&1 2006 lIilO.7b 1104.51 8.81 2007 11i!8.lEt 11111.38 9.01 2008 415.7b 1.1211.~5 9.22 2009 II Ill.26 II liA.12 9.42 2010 il!'iO.1b /I/l1\."q 9.h~ J ]j ~J ~J I J )cJ I .1 E~oG.INDUSTRIAL lClAO TOTAL.•.•.....•..•.••..~._••w ••••••w.·••_ 0.00 400.31 0.00 11211.14 1).00 IISb~01 n.GO 483.95 0.00 511.61 0.00 '5]9.11 10.00 56Q.511 20.00 599.]7 3(1.00 U9.20 40.00 659.0:1 50.00 688.86 50.00 702'.!? 50.00 7I5.eq 50.00 729~llO 50.00 7/Ai.92 50.00 156.41 50.00 ·16lJ.61 50.00 7711~78 50.00 1B.q6 '511.1)0 79].IIJ 50.00 802.31 50.00 815.15 50.00 827.99 50.00 81.10·.81 5(1.00 8'U.61 'So.oo 8bb.51 50.00 884.08 50.1)0 901.e.! 50.no 919.21 50.00 9u.ao 50.00 Qlijll.J7 J I )J .........1 ")1 ')~1 1 1 1 -]1 -1 J n "-I --' SCENARIO'HEO,HE8 ••FER~.2X ••IJ/24/19A] TOTAL ELECTRI~tTV REQUIPEHEHT9 (G~H) (NET OF CO~SeAVATIO") (INLLIJOES L~RGE INnUSTRIAL CONSUMPTION) Hrolu~RANGE CPR ••5)•.............•....... 'fE ~R ANCHORAGE •COO~INLET GREAT!R FAIRBANkS TOTAL•.......•.••..•••••..........~..•..•.........••.....••.....•.....~ 1980 19b1.19 1100.31 .iIlb 3'.51 19S1 Z091.bO 1128.19 2519~80 1982 2220.02 IISb.01 2bH,09 19U 2]118.113 118].95 21\32,18 19811 211 7e..811 '511.83 ~988.67 19115 2bO'5.25 539.71 HIIII .9b 198f!2b9b.77 '5tJ 9 .!i1l 3i!bb~31 1987 2188.29 599.37 un ,bb 1988 21U9.81 6Z9.20 3S09.01 1989 Z911.33 t>59.03 h10~3b 19 9 0 10bZ.8!5 b88.86 11')\'.11 I qq I 1100.711 702.37 HO],II 1992 1136.b]11'5.89 If:I'5Q,SI 1993 Jl7b.Si!729.110 HOS,9i' Iq911 J2111.1I1 7112.9Z 39'51.H 1995 J,?Si!.]O lSb.1I3 1I0l'l8~7! 1996 HH.81 1tJ5.tJI 1I0'5q~1I1 1997 lHS.lIJ 7711.18 1I110.U 1998 BH.OO 163.9b IIlbO~96 Iq9q ]1118.57 193.111 0211.11 zOOo HbO.11I 'Joi!.]z 112b2.11'5 2001 15i'b.1I1 8111j.15 113111~bl 2002 15 9 2.111 1321.99 114i!0~80 2003 )1..59.1/1 8110.83 /11199.97 20011 3125.118 853.U 4'57q~I'5 2005 1191.81 8bb.lil IIb58.]Z ZOOb ]8/17.111 884.(18 11711:55 2007 ]Q81.IJ 901.65 1188Q~rq 201)8 (1078.79 919.2J 119 9 8".02 2009 /lUII.1I5 93".80 'il II '.2'5 2010 11210.11 95 11 .11 '52211'.119 .J n -....J N )J SCENARIOI HfD.HE8 ••FERC .2X ••ll/i4/198J PEAk £LECTRJC REQUIREMENTS tHW) fHET 0'CONSERVATION) (INCLUDES l &RGE INDllSTR UL DEMAND) HfDIUH RANGE (P~••5)..~......•..--.-_...~. YEAR ANCWOR&GE •COO~I~LET QREATER FAIRBANKS TOTAL....•••••••••••••••••••w ••.......~.~.........--.•••••__•••••••••••v_~• UBO ]9".5t 91.40 487~90 1981 "ii!.ll8 91.7&920.2 11 1981 "IIB."&1011.11 552.S9 1983 ,,7lI.(l(I 1111./19 S811~'n 198"500.1l1 lU.80 &17.27 1985 520.19 1i!3.2i!b1l9.111 19B&5115.7J 130.03 675~7& lq&7 5&5.07 1311.811 701.90 191U 5811.40 1113.&11 728~OS 1989 &0).711 lSo.as 1511.19 1990 &23.OA.151.2&7(\0~11l 19'n b30.7J 1110.H 7'H ~08 1992 b38.1'il IU.1I1 801.82 UH &11&.011 166.'H 'ili!.55 19q1l b5].69 169.bO 821.i!9 1995 &&1.)11 172.b9 8:411'.OJ t99b bb9.U 1111.78 811(.110 . 1991 071.90 176.88 81)11.77 1998 o(\o.le lU.IH "65~lS 1999 b 9 4.45 181.111 1J75~S2 2000 10Z.13 1131.1&1185.139 ZOOl 7111.05 186.09 q(l2~t5 i002 729.]7 189.02 9111.110 20n 711z.70 t 9 1.95 9111.&5 20011 150.02 1911.89 950.91) 200S 7&9.311 tn.8i!'9bl~11> ZOO&7 A 8.b2 201.111 9qO~45 2001 8(17.90 201S.811 1013.1/1 a008 an.t7 209.85 10H~0l 2009 846.11'5 2LJ.87 lObO.H 2010 8toS.7J 211.88 1081.bl J J j I c].....•J )J I J )J )I p r rIt ( r: " ,. 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