HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA128a Exh E Flow Analysis July 1983TK 1 2 .S8 F471 no.l2Sa SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJEC· FERC LICENSE APPLICATION PROJECT NO.7114-000 •._......CCAr..llIlv.27.__...3 u u U [I,I BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR LICENSE FOR MAJOR PROJECT .SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Reference Report ATTACHMENT TO APPENDIX E.2.A' INCREMENTAL FLOW ANALYSIS OF MAINSTEM SUSITNA RIVER EFFECTS ON SELECTED SIDE SLOUGHS ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Information SerVices AnC!iUl'8gc,Alaska EXHIBIT E JULY 1983 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 35r~~T\<. IL\'Z..S .S'& Fl.-n·, 110.12.'~"J' /' iT :I 'j i '1 :1 ,~ -I I~ :1 I I :1 :1 :1 Ii ,( ij III I ATTACHMENT [ j Table of Contents 11 Section Title Page Part 1 Slough 8A A-1-1 through r~~'A-1-19 I j Part 2 Slough 9 A-2-1 through A-2-28 11 I J Part 3 Slough 21 A-3-1 through A-3-24 [I Part 4 Rabideux Slough A-4-1 through A-4-18 lJ LO LOen (0 'o:::t 'o:::t ooo LO LO ~ ('I') 1 \ -1 \ I l -~ 1 :\ 1 } 1 I \ 1 ,-1 I I I fl I] I I i I ATTACHMENT PART 1 SLOUGH 8A PHYSICAL HABITAT VARIABLES - ATTACHMENT PART 1 SLOUGH 8A PHYSICAL HABITAT VARIABLES Slough Description Slough 8A is located near Susitna River Mile 126.A vicinity map and a streambed profile are shown on Worksheets 1 and 2,respectively.Work- sheet 1 shows that Slough 8A has an intermediate channel (also called Slough 8)with an intermediate berm.The lengths of Slough 8A,main channel,and intermediate channel are about 1.5 miles and 0.6 mile, respectively.A beaver dam exists downstream of the intermediate channe 1• Slough Discharge Discharges at the downstream end of Slough 8A range from 3 cfs to 43 cfs as Susitna River discharges vary from 1,000 cfs to 31,000 cfs.~ Susitna Rjyer discharg~ferr~tQ..iD tQ..ij_~ty.Shl!!.~are discb£r9.~ts ¥ .ll3pJacreek ...M.@.lhe i nter)II.§ill..g.t~Ljt~rn._,l~,.~Qxgr.torm..~a~,~=.~~ Bi ver di scharge of about 26 ,..Q.OiL,c.fs.I~,Yl?=$tr:~Jl~r:ill.,j,~_Q,illJ ..oP..P~9 at a discharge betw_een 30,000 ao.cL-12."QQQ._c.fs.Slough discharges are llsted in Table A-2 of Appendix E.2.A. Worksheet 3 shows the relation between Slough 8A discharges and main- stem discharges.The slough discharges were estimated from: o measurements by R&M at a gage on Slough 8A. o measurements by ADF&G (1982,1983) These discharge data were used in combination with other analyses des- cribed below to determine Susitna River threshold discharges and corresponding slough discharges. Aerial photographs of Slough 8A on 1 August 1980,when Susitna River discharge was 31,100 cfs,indicate that the intermediate berm was over- topped but the upstream berm was not.Therefore,Regime III flow does not occur in the range of Susitna River discharges being analyzed (1,000 cfs to 31,000 cfs). The threshold discharge for overtopping the intermediate berm (Section H4,see Worksheet 1),was estimated from a plot of water surface elevations versus discharges of the Susitna River at the berm,as shown on Worksheet 4.The worksheet i nd icates that the i ntermedi ate herm with an invert elevation of 573.1 ft,msl (R&M,Dec.1982 a)is overtopped when Susitna River discharge rises to about 26,000 cfs. This threshold discharge was confirmed by a field observation made on June 29,1983.Worksheet 4 is based on three sets of data.The first is a set of water surface elevations of the Susitna River at cross section LRX-29 (ADF&G 1983,see Worksheet 1).The second set consists A-1-1 of unpublished observations made by R&M at LRX-29 in 1982.The third set of water surface elevations were estimated from water surface widths'of Section H4 measured from aerial photographs,taken by the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA),as shown in the follo.wing table: Discharge Water Water at Gold Surface Surface Creek Date Width Elevation. cfs ft ft,msl 22,600 8/11/1980 0 31,100 8/1/1980 80 573.5 41,000 6/19/1977 155 574.0 Water surface elevations at surveyed cross sections were estimated by finding elevations at which the sections have the widths measured from the aerial photographs.The mainstem discharge water surface elevation relationship was plotted on Worksheet 4.The curve fitted to all data points shows a threshold discharge between Regimes II and II-A of about 26,000 cfs. The threshold discharge between Regimes I and II was estimated by field observation to be approximately 10,000 cfs. Worksheet 3 indicates an approximate slough discharge of 8 cfs in Reg ime I1.Slough discharge in Reg ime I is about 3 cfs based on one measurement by ADF&G (1982)when Susitna River discharge was 8,000 cfs~ Slough discharge in Regime II-A was estimated by computing discharge over the intermediate berm and adding it to Regime II discharge. Discharge over the berm for a given mainstem flow was computed by the broad-crested weir formula with a discharge coefficient of 2.7 and headwater elevations equal to water surface elevations in the Susitna River (Worksheet 5).The discharge over the berm is 0.1 cfs at a main- .........,..~1~T11~..d i?c:;h~t"g.~Qf.?L,.QQQ.c:f $!...~JQ_u gh_gi?c:_h~.t"g§~.(l.t"§Jj s.t§g ....il'l.ICiQJg .. ..._.~__...__.__.A -~__~f ~p_~~~i x E.?..A._..._...__....._..........._. Slough Water Surface Elevation Slough Mouth Worksheet 6 shows measured water surface elevations at the mouth of Slough8A(Section WI)formainstem dischargesbetweenH,700'cfsand 26,500 cfs.The data are from readings at staff gages 125.2 and 125.2 ElB(seeWorksheetl)and a surveyed water surface elevation of Section WI (see Worksheet 1)on August 4,1982 by R&M (Dec.1982a).Gage 125.2 is located at Section WI and gage 125.2 ElB is located a few feet upstream of Section WI.The plotted data were fitted visually with a curve,and the curve was extrapolated between 10,000 cfs and 11,500 cfs and between 26,500 cfs and 31,000 cfs. A-1-2 J J 1 1· ] 1 1 1 ··'1 \ J 1 ,l 1 j I l [ 'I .J For mainstem discharges less than 10,000 cfs (Regime I),the water sur- face elevation at the slough mouth was estimated to be 559.4 ft.msl. This was obtained by computing the water surface elevation at a control section immediately downstream of Section W1 (Worksheet 2)and assuming a horizontal water surface profile between the control section and Section WI.The shape of the control section was assumed to be the same as that of Section W1 but the invert of the control section is 1.0 ft.higher as shown in Worksheet 2.The water surface elevation at the control section was computed by both uniform flow and critical flow formulas.Both yield a flow depth of approximately 0.1 ft and a water surface elevation of 559.4 ft,msl. Mid-Slough Water surface elevations in mid-slough at Section S6 (see Worksheet 1) corresponding to various mainstem discharges are shown in Worksheet 7 based on field measurements.A horizontal line was fitted visually to the points for mainstream discharges greater than 10,000 cfs.The points show some scatter,but the water surface elevations vary within 0.6 ft for mainstem discharges between 10,000 cfs and 32,500 cfs. For mainstem discharges less than 10,000 cfs,the water surface eleva- tion was computed to be 568.6 ft,msl by assuming uniform flow condi- tions.The flow depth is estimated to be 0.2 ft.The slough discharge is 3 cfs,as at the slough mouth.This is based on the observation that,when the berms are not overtopped,all flow in the slough origin- ates from groundwater upwelling upstream of Section S6 (ADF&G,1983, Fig.4II-3-14). Intermediate and Upstream Berms When the i ntermed i ate berm is overtopped,the discharge and depth of flow over the berm have been estimated by the broad-crested weir formula.The water surface elevations were computed by adding flow depths to the invert elevation (Worksheet 5). The upstream berm is,not....QYeY'toPRc;,~L.fQL"tb~~.,_.r:£D9.~'"og!,~,,9issb~<g'Jt§2~be~~,~ studied.Therefore,no water surface elevations are listea-in Tab~A-2 of Appendix E.2.A. Slough Flow Depths The depths of flow at the slough mouth,mid-slough,and intermediate berm were determined by subtracting the appropriate thalweg elevations from the water surface elevations. The thalweg elevations are 558.3 ft,msl,at the mouth (Section Wl), 568.4 ft,msl,at mid-slough (Section S6)and 573.1 ft.msl,at the intermediate berm (Section H4).The.se elevations were taken from sur- veys by R&M (Dec.1982a).. Flow depths are zero at the intermediate berm for mainstem discharges less than 26,000 cfs,and at the upstream berm for discharges less than 31,000 cfs. A-1-3 Slough Velocities The average flow velocities in the slough were computed by dividing slough discharges by the flow cross-section areas.For the slough mouth,the discharges are those listed in Table A-2,and the flow areas were determined using Section WI and water surface elevations in the table. For the mid-slough (Section S6),discharges are 3 cfs for Regime I and 8 cfs for both Regimes II and IIA because Section S6 is upstream of the i ntermed i ate channe 1.The fl ow areas were computed us i ng Sect i on 56 and mid-slough water surface elevations in Table A-2.The computed average velocities are listed in Table A-2 of Appendix E.2.A. Average velocities at the intermediate berm were computed by dividing discharges over the berm by flow area using Section H4. Worksheets 8 and 9 present examples of lateral distribution of flow velocities within cross sections.These velocities were measured at a cross-section about 1600 ft upstream of the slough mouth (Worksheet 1). Wetted Surface Area Worksheet 10 shows wetted surface areas of Slough 8A measured from aerial photographs taken by NASA,R&M,and North Pacific Aerial Sur- veys,Inc.A straight line was fitted to the plotted data and extra- polated to a mainstem discharge of 10,OQO cfs. For Regime I (less than 10,000 cfs),slough water level is not affected by Susitna River backwater.Thus,the 'wetted surface area should remain constant since slough discharge remains unchanged. To compute wetted surface area for Regime I,the water surface profile for Slough 8A was approximated by plotting water surface elevations at the mouth,mid-slough and Well No.5 as shown on Worksheet 11.Water ...................................."surface elevationsatall'avai 1ab-le cross-sections"'were then read from _.._-..the-praf..i-le,and·th e carre spo nd-ing",wate r"sul"..faee-wi-d·ths were···determi-ned- from surveyed cross-sections.The wetted surface area for the slough was then computed using water surface widths at the cross-sections and the distances in between.The wetted surface area of the intermediate channel was computed similarly.The water surface elevation at Section S3 was estimated to be the same as the water 1eve 1 in Well No.10 CWorksheet 1). Based on observations,groundwater elevations near the slough were used to approximate slough water surface elevations.For example,slough water surface elevations at Section S6 at a mainstem discharge of 15,000 cfs,shown on Worksheet 7,were observed to be about 568.5 ft. ms 1,to 568.8 ft.ms 1.Groundwater 1eve 1 in the nearby well No.9 was observed to be about 568.5 ft.msl,as shown on Worksheet 14. The wetted surface areas for Regimes I,II,and II-A are presented in Table A-2 of Appendix E.2.A. A-I-4 Slough Wetted Perimeter Wetted perimeters at the slough mouth were determined from appropriate water surface elevations at Section WI and the geometry of Section WI. Wetted perimeters at mid-slough and the intermediate berm were deter- mined at Sections S6 and H4,respectively,in a similar manner. Slough Water Table Elevations The groundwater monitoring system at Slough 8A consists of 15 observa- tion wells shown on Worksheet 12.The relation between water table elevation and mainstem discharge is shown on Worksheet 13.Three wells were chosen to represent the general groundwater cond it ions at the slough.The wells were chosen using the following general criteria: 1.representation of the groundwater conditions in the upstream area (Well No.5)and mid-slough (Wells No.9 and 10). j 1 ,} [1 2.availability of data for the widest range of mainstem dis- charges;and 3.location far enough removed from the mainstem to reduce short-term water level fluctuations. For each of the selected wells,the relations between water table elevations and mainstem discharges were plotted (Worksheet 14).For each mainstem discharge the corresponding water table elevation was read from Worksheet 14.The results are summari zed in Table A-2 of Appendix E.2.A. A-I-5 ~~~~'\?t~~~~ 'i'i ::r:. I "-....... VIC!IVI Ty /11-1;;. pr SLOUt:jH .fA Apj>i"#x'l11afe SCale. o moorT •I I Af?n;X/~~C~S 5ecf'~Lpcdiin-J., sip.If cr-d~ QyrJI(I1dlv'4er tVe 1/ 5t .4 • s-/~!~ I I I ! LFqE#Jj) I fiR-Z i,:!1/ L!erl"";?e(P~t)ike. Well 1110,r 1/SIfnA;~tfydt'/)!.J7s-;,t.(r01 .. CJro<;s -::edi JJn When2.I..:/ey",-I veloc il7 t1'tr mtJi/;...,s wetll ?ne.."s~re) ((A}()rksf,eef~/0 &1/) ~ I-.... I 0'\ PREPA ED BY'L._.~:__-------I.,,-----.~__. /,.----_.__.-..__..-.----_..___.-._._.___._..-.--------- '---'-'-~' f ----..:'-------''~ tVOlrkS!lEET 2 ATTACf/jVJE/'IT A - / GRAVELl RUBBLE COBBLEI BOULDER SURFACE SUBSTRATE TYPES WSEL TAKEN ON ICE, ESTIMATED DEPTH (SUSITNA RIVER REACH GRADIENT &9.3 ft./miJ 1:.:...;·~:r·-SILTI SAND· ----~- I ~ '4 THALW-EG-----P-ROF+lE- SLOUGH 8A/ REACH GRADIENT &4.0 ft./mi. SLOUGH SA STREAMBEDo -PROFILE STUDY AREA I:::.-STREAM BED STATION 560 STREAMEED STATION IN FEET z 585 550-t-----I-----....-----r----r--~-L--,----_r'-----.!.,_---_r----._1--~~_r---_,--'--'-'-~~,----I----I~--J.._T---~r_I--~-4-....--~-'__rI----'I----TI----r1----rl------., -5tOOO"00 5+00 10"00 15+00 20+00 25+00 30+00 35+00 80+00 85+00 90+00 95+00 100"00 105"00 110+00 555 Z 565o I- <t> W ...J W I- ~570 I.L. 580 fJ .. 575 u u u u ,),j ,l/r-...:.k1t:.'(';'~!*t'"J L,If-:&.>:.S i f",4(, ,'- J 'w~FIn,,)I~I'.q_.~'.!J~Crel!/c)E/~,)~A"w/A1/,)(/"Ht>"eI )bI,>, (P'J/:).cis t-tl >¥t.';~r'-'}r rr cfs "2.1;rr-J).t:7'3,2 ./0,!Z-4-./k.J "t)1)(/-1 P,/./, 2'l/'rn;ry3,V·/(~)("JL»)-{'1Yjf)-:.s /.7~v'd,tJ(-./~,O / '3/)tJ77),.h 3 (C'J'!-f(tJ,'2)~2~-(-:fl)(~)=2t,tl nr.l ~1'2.1/3~/ \ t -I l l 1 -1 1 1 -I I J J-- 1 J ,I ( I Jt?-J-/O FlU NO./~?(L',/62.. DATE ~06 df~3 PAGE L OF i ~PAGES C{)ORKSHcET 5 ATTA-C.HM'E#7"A-I coS CHECKED 2 .._'.I; 0'0'-\~. O,/~ _.~•..~~ COMPUTED SeLy, S-7.3.2.I),1 S?~,r,L ,0,3 -r7.:3,'----(l,-~· "2.7)II'ff7) ~J 1 1"#7) '3/~L .J!rJt v'wf~-~;Ji·,.,.,111-'::f 7"I 7 .."''''.! ..y 1,J/'&~t.J..t;/,'1'ul-t ...",(St#1i.i~e() HAmIJEIASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE 1/8-n4fd-CA.vt"eQ'w~r ~k.------~_c___$c:-(!-6:)./._.2...:=-."Z,T L f-/.z.. <,.,•I... , . 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".( i -l 1 1 ,i \ ~~~~~~--~- t-/ --( r \ ! }, {A)o/?l<sHEET /2 I A-/.1 AT T,lJCNM/ENT 1\ II I i \/) f(-..1 -.-J \0 ~i "-~r ~ill.-~Q:' ~~~~l <l ~"-"-r-..s:i<!~~",-,,.Vi \boo I\::l §~l~"-J ~'0; <:l'"c;!~~~~I, ~ICl~<l:"i 1 I I I I I "!;- ~ } 1•I I <t I<::t I-, I I ~l'.J !-~C()Co I ~..~I" I \J j ~ :: •.:r:--....<:> ~ ~.~ "-~ I......~ .A" ~~ <'l ~~ ""'"'S:>3-.....:: Vj iii :::"'"Z ~..I ~>:::::llDIn"-. ~Q % ~LoU 0 a:(,) ~::E 17 -J-/1-LoU ""a:a:Q". '-J -...{ ~~ ~h::.~ ~~~ I-l.!~ ~•'-J tt)tJ/fkSHEET /3,. /'}/TACHMEII/7 II-I! I 98'2 AT (jIfO(/ItI1)Wt7TE~£'LEI/A TI ()II! SLo(/9-H ,fA (;=7)/I1S'L) Well No. S.G.J.j ~..!:.L .J!::L ..!!:L ..!::L ..!:L -l!.:L J!::.L 579.47 575.42 574.39 574.76 d 572.79 568.24 576.31 581.16 577.87 573~94 574.91 573.22 573.43 569.91 581.42 577.54 575.06 574.99 573.11 573.32 569.36 573.45 581.26 ·576.38 575.00 574.94 572.98 573.23 569.03 580.99 575.69 574.89 574.83 572.89 573.13 568.61 2~¢C'(; I'~goo 1 7)(L(l0 16,eot) '7/rJO 12.,1(10 /4)Goo /3,600 1(,(,(/00 -:..~.O()(!- f,tf'0o 7,t-n ice cover IS"';ot:J() 23)000 2.&00 (), 2.9.oat) 568.40 568.62 568.56 568.55 y ~ 568.42 576.18 574.87 574.77 ·572.97 573.12 569.09 568.43 577.41 575.10 574.97 573.17 573.32 569.66 568.52 575.54 574.64 574.56 572.90 572.96 569.12 568.31 578.45 575.32 575.30 573.44 573.58.570.33 568.91 576.57 574.90 574.77 573.03 573.15 569.64 568.37 574.74 574.06 d 572.78 572.78 568.16 581.41 d d 580.41 571.61 571.61 571.06 570.97 572.84 '569.80 Aug.27 Sep.3 Sep.5 Sep.10 Sep.20 Oct.5 Oct.13 Apr,26 May 15 May 27 June 24 June 29 July 18 ·Aug.3 Aug.5 Aug.6 Aug.9 .1 ...SuJr:A?do. l/,'sc/,a7~ ¢(jaM Crux,cis /C-2 c"Ve.y- I ~(NO 23 oOt), 2'-,oOC) :a9,OO~_ 2S",(,t07J ~----·-·7(r;;'fI7}·-·"" 17)1/1J1 16,~"lJ I 7,"ao S71:2ii--1-2~·9ii,r- 572.32 I ifI tat) 572.28 1~,6(1o 572.24 I~if/it) 573.72 ':I..~,OOO 573.09 f;"p-;;o- 572.58 7.'£'-00 571.87 571.81 571.05 571.87 571.74 571.36 573.42 5'11.22 570.48 S.G. ...!!:1L ...!!:1L Well No. ..!:.lL 566.33 ..J!:1!.. 565.64 8-10 V 566.15 Date A~.27 d d Sep.3 565.76 566.28 d 571.24 d 571.41 Sep.5 570.99 d Sep.10 565.75 571.16 d d ...::.S:;:e:r:p-,-•...:2:=.0__5::.:6:.=6:.:.;'0::.:0:..----:5::.:66~.7:.::0_--=5:::6:::::4.:.:44:::....~5~7tl~.~22.4 --=-5~73::..::33::.-....:....:573 .25 Oct.5 565.70 566.12 d 570.39 d d Oct~13 d d d Apr.26 May 15 May 27 565.30 565.49 5 June 24 565.15 565.79 5 June 29 565.34 5 JUly 18 "565:54"565;"5'·'564.38 572.63 572.32572.23 _.~---.~--Aug•.3----·~~-_···-~--------·-572;-19--572;-33---572;-35--- Aug.5 571.85 571.86 571.83 Aug.6 571.79 571.75 571.73 Aug.9 565.56 565.83 564.29 571.81 d 571.61 not observed s =sUted d dry ..LI We 1/Nd (S-(t¥f ;?t"4 "" 3:1 Well Nil'9 (;vJ;d- .Y well) Idell S ) Well -4 r;t(I-CQ.~I?£,Iv)&m;~,"Sh-(/It. f-lydn l.'7 II?~Y-;"'"Report)" Vf?c.,1'1/?2.. p-}-J g " ATTACHMENT PART 2 SLOUGH 9 PHYSICAL HABITAT VARIABLES ---- ATTACHMENT PART 2 SLOUGH 9 PHYSICAL HABITAT VARIABLES Slough Description Slough 9 is located near River Mile 129. profile are shown in Worksheets 1 and 2. miles long. A vicinity map and a thalweg Slough 9 is approximately 1.2 I !\.. Slough Discharge Worksheet 3 shows Slough 9 discharge values plotted against Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek.The slough discharges were determined from: o discharge measurements made during 1981 and 1982 . o daily discharge values from August 10 thro'ugh September 14, 1982 determined from continuous stage data and a rating curve for the slough (see Worksheet 1 for the location of the stage recorder,daily values were plotted on Worksheet 4). Worksheet 3 was used to estimate the threshold discharge between Regimes II and III to be about 20,500 cfs (see Table A-I of Appendix E.2.A.). Worksheet 5 shows slough discharges plotted against main stem dis- charges for Regimes I and II flow only,using the same data source as Worksheet 3.The data indicate that slough discharge is greater during Regime II than in Regime I.This is expected since Regim,e II usually implies wetter basin conditions.However,the data also indicate that there is no definite relationship between slough discharge and mainstem discharge for Regimes I and II.Therefore,for the purposes of this analysis,a constant value was assigned to slough discharge for each of Regimes I and II.A higher value was used for Regime II. The values of slough discharge presented in Table A-3 of Appendix E.2.A were taken from Worksheets 3 and 5. Slough Water Surface Elevations Worksheet 6 shows water surface elevations at the berm just downstream of the mouth of Slough 9 plotted against Susitna River discharge Gold Creek.This berm acts as the entrance to the slough mouth.Work- sheet 6 was used to estimate the threshold discharge between Regimes I and II to be about lLOOO cfs (see Table A-I of Appendix E.2.A).The data are from two sources: o For flows above about 11,000 cfs,water surface elevations were determined from staff gages 129.2 WIA and WIB during A-2-1 1982 (see Worksheet 1 for location).This staff gage is located downstream of the mouth (see Worksheet 7). o For flows below 11,000 cfs,a constant water surface eleva- tion was used based on an estimate of flow depth at staff gage 129.2 W1A (Trihey,1982,Table 4,p.21)for: mainstem flow of 10,000 cfs,and slough discharge of 3 cfs. The water-surface elevations at the mouth of Slough 9 shown in Table A-3 of Appendix E.2.A,were determined from Worksheet 6. Worksheet 8 shows water surface elevations at mid-slough in Slough 9 plotted against Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek.The data are from staff gages 913A &9138 (see Worksheet 1).The water surface elevations at mid-slough presented in Table A-3 of Appendix E.2.A,were determined from Worksheet 8. The water surface elevations at the upstream end of the slough (cross sectionH9)were computed using.the backwater program HEC-Z (U.S.Army Corps of Engineers,January,1981).The program was run for four over- topping discharge conditions.Overtopping discharge was computed to be slough discharge minus 6 cfs for baseflow.Starting water surface elevations were determined from the rating curve at the staff gages 913A and 9138,located at cross-section S3.Channel geometry was taken from the following surveyed cross-sections,shown on Worksheet 1: o transect I)(1982) o transect 10 (1982) o transect 3 (1981) o transect 2 (1981) o section S8 o section H9 A Manning1s n-value of 0.035 was used,based on field observations. ~_._-----~---Water--suY'-face-eJ-ev~atjons-,~-.-depths-,._..a.l,f-e~age--veJ-ocjLi-es~,~-and-wetted-~ped-",,--~-._-~..... meters resu lti ng from the HEC-2 runs are plotted agai nst slough over- topping discharges and Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek on Work- sheet 9.The water surface elevations at cross section H9 shown in Table A-3 of Appendix E.2.A,were taken from Worksheet 9. Slough Depths The depths of fl OW at the mouth,.themiq':'"$l ollghandthe llP$Jreamenq were determined by subtracting the appropriate thalwegs from the water surface elevations. The thalweg of the section at staff gages 129.2 W1A and W1B is 539.5 ft.msl.This value was subtr~cted from the water surface elevation at the mouth presented in Table A-3 of Appendix E.2.A,to obtain the flow depths at the mouth in the same table. Worksheet 1 indicates that staff gages 913A and 913B are at cross- section S3 (surveyed in 1982).The thalweg of cross-section S3 is 592.4 ft.ms 1.Thi s value was subtracted from the water surface elevations at staff gages 913A and 913B for mid-slough shown in Table A-3 of Appendix E.2.A,to obtain the depths at mid-slough shown in the same table. The method for determining the depths at the upstream end was discussed in the previous section. Slough Velocities The average velocities in the sloughs were determined by dividing the slough discharges by the cross-section areas. A surveyed cross-section was not made at staff gages 129.2 W1A and W1B. The nearest surveyed cross-section was about 450 feet upstream (Section 128.4 WI,see Worksheet 7).The cross-sectional shape of the two sec- tions was estimated to be similar.Based on this estimate,the eleva- tions of section 128.4 WI were adjusted such that its thalweg matched the invert elevation of the staff gage section.This estimated cross- section at the staff gage was used to determine the average velocities at the mouth using the methodology described above.These values are shown in Table A-3 of Appendix E.2.A. The average ve locit i es correspond i ng to four di scharge measurements made near the mouth of Slough 9 during 1981 and 1982 are shown on Work- sheet 10.They were added to the worksheet for compari son with the average velocities computed using the method described previously. Scatter in the comparison can be attri buted to the fact that the dis- charge measurements were not made at the same cross-section at which the staff gage was located. The average velocities at mid-slough were computed by dividing slough discharges,listed in Table A-3 of Appendix E.2.A,by corresponding flow areas.The flow areas were determined with cross-section S3 using water surface·elevations listed in Table A-3.The resulting average velocities at mid-slough are shown in Table A-3 of Appendix E.2.A. Worksheet 9 was used to determine the values of average velocity at the upstream end shown in Table A-3 of Appendix E.2.A.Worksheet 9 was determined from the HEC-2 backwater runs described previously. A-2-3 To supplement average velocities shown in Table A-3 of Appendix E.2.A., the follQ~Jng is provided: o lateral velocity distributions obtained from discharge meas- _urements (Worksheets 11 through 15). o velocity and depth ranges for transects 1 through 10 (1982) for four discharge events (Worksheet 16).(See Worksheet 1 for location of transects). Total Wetted Surface Areas The total wetted surface areas of Slough 9 were computed by: o measuring surface areas from aerial photographs of the slough for a range of Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (see Worksheet 20). o using the average end width method. Seepage ponds,which often appear within the slough in the aerial photos,were not considered partbf the total wetted surface area if they were not connected via surface flow to the wetted surface area downstream. Worksheet 17 shows the surface areas plotted vs.Susitna River dis- charge at Gold Creek.Scatter in the relationship can be attributed to: o varying clarity of aerial photos o judgment used in delineating surface area boundaries on aeri a 1 photos,espec i ally when shadows,banks,trees,etc. impede sight of wetted boundary. The total wetted surface area values presented in Table A-3 of .......IipP.~rJ.C:Lt)(.E~2 •.8.,.WE!L~.q.§tE!rll1.tl!.~g fTQIll J·JQrk$Q E!~.:t.1Z... --.----.)-,0 ugh Wetted-Peri meters'----.----.------.---..-.----.-.------..--. For the slough mouth the wetted perimeters were estimated to be equal to the top widths.This estimate is reasonable for flat,shallow cross-sections.Field observations confirm that flat,shallow sections are typical in Slough 9.The top widths for the mouth (Section WI) were determined by the following methods: o measurements from aeri a 1 photos. o field measurements. A-2-4 The top widths for the mouth are plotted against Susitna River dis- charge at Gold Creek on Worksheet 18.The values of wetted perimeter shown in Table A-3 of Appendix E.2.A,were taken from this worksheet. The wetted perimeters at .mid-slough were computed with cross-section S3 and water surface elevations listed in Table A-3 of Appendix E.2.A., and are shown on Worksheet 19. The top wi dths at the upstream end were taken from the HEC-2 run des- cribed previously (see Worksheet 9).Worksheet 9 was used to determine the values of wetted perimeter at the upstream end shown in Table A-3 of Appendix E.2.A. Slough Water Table Elevations The groundwater monitoring system in Slough 9 consists of 14 observa- tion wells installed during 1982 (see Worksheet 20).Water table elevations and corresponding Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek are shown in Worksheet 21.Wells 5,11,and 14 (referred to as upstream well B,upstream well A,and mid-slough well in Table A-3 of Appen- dix E.2.A),were chosen to represent the general groundwater conditions in the slough,based on the following criteria: o representation of the groundwater conditions in the upstream and intermediate areas of the slough.(No wells were installed near the mouth). o availability of data for the widest range of mainstem discharges. o location far enough removed from the mainstem to reduce short-term river water-level fluctuations. Water table elevations are plotted against Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek in Worksheet 22;this plot was used to determine the water table elevations shown in Table A-3 of Appendix E.2.A. A-2-5 o 1000 I I fEET (AI'PROlC.lCAlI) .R/VER .bE. ~~£r: 'V\:t J: 11\ft,<:t1i ""1""\ ~ I J'l-.. 1-\'1 ......5b ADF aa TRANSECT (1'182.) Q STATION (R 6 M TAGLINE) WATER QUALITY MEASUREMENT SITE DATA POD SITE STAFF GAGE R 6M STAGE RECORDER SURFACE THERMOGRAPH SLOUGH 9 I---t !---1 8 lID A A IV B sus/rNA 61129 -S i 05€ (c(o{cI~r 114{'IlCtl1tlJ~/o~/J.q. s*",tf ~a~p":l J 2CJ.Z.WI II cv--J /2.l1.2./,JIB~ f ,,~ I (J') -----:--~i -=--~~i'.-.- ;,. STREAMBED 'STATION I,••t) ~~ ~O£~~\fI (1'\+- t'(il '\11\ ~'1 ,0(\J I' .,.:.j I:!. \' /. ; 0 I' /,, i I /. "I / If ~.•·1"....."I'li"1111\..,',"I;\t !.,f of r ,'!;: I .I ..I.4 ,,.",., ... 60+00 "•._.·._,......I~no#'W.'· SURfACE SUBSTRATE TYPES c:::::J liLT I lAND m:;]IftIlVlL I R UNU ~COIILI I BOULOIR "..ITNA "'VI"RIACH IIRAOIINT-aT n Iml) THALWEG PROFILE SLOUGH 9 'II • I I:;: :1;! III i.f o I I I,;I :NI ;i I ' ,:'! ~ \ I \ I IIjoi \-:~: !.\ '.:: I r j m~ll 1 l1 J -' ~'B.Il~ I\UC" liD 8011 iez 0 5)i III ..J III ~llilllSr; ~ \ ~ I .~ - i I I I Li I ;I I I Li i I ,I i L.I !I I 1-'!,I I U I I I I ! -:'II Ll I I , I I I L.J I I . I i i I I II i 1'<:IT i JI.<f u.i T ..~A i II ;I I I I IT II I I ,, !-I ;I T T ~l 1- -..:...I" ffi I I I . 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Q=8cfa ..3-a•u SEPT.4 ,1982 -I ••2.... ~.f t :: 0 t 0 1 I ...7 ••10 1-10 1 2 ..• 7 8 •10 1-100 TranS4llCt Transect S'(",."5;-h--o.f< d;SCJ.-D'"e .At 6 ..IJ.({ee.k.-(<-{)Y.OO e--f5 fl....:.t"\.'.··..--'1 ""'"L .it _7 "J- 2.of 2 1-10 1-10 Velocity Velocity 1 2 .."7 8 IJ 10 Transect 1 2 4 8 7 8 IJ 10 Transect t ! t t o -- '0 ..,3•... :::2- ...,__.3.. ----0:1-2.... 1 2 4 "7 "IJ 10 1-10 Transect Depth 1 2 4 8 7 8 IJ 10 1-10 Transect -----------.,_.----_.--.-- ---\-j\-t .-.---_.. o t t't O.....,..-i--+"'""i--!--i-;--;--!-- • i- G 3•-2 Q =145 Cfll SEPT.20,1982 SLOUGH 9 $'.....Si-l~~'i2. d ..SC.L....Ol/'j '!.4...+ S't...S;~A.R· d;r;ct"H'je QA.t ) ) ) .J ] I !I I j 1 ; 1 i 1 1 ill. 1 I 1 i I I I 11 >-I.i i I I j I i I ! .;<.:I I ; I I 1 I I i I ;~11; :~i 1 1 :,.. I ,~!1 i,, I.I \.i~, ..,'tr ;<1 i::ll I'· ,, : •..1 1 Q;'01 ! 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U)1 1/\';).\'11g~,Ii \J r\0 '-I ' 1 r"'-l I ' I I I I!!!1 I )fj-;}-;2.+ 1 . 1-+-++++-1+1++++-++-+-+-+-+1-,-'_-+..,.1-;---"'-"-+-~*~r::",{-'~J"7'-,.:t::I-r-,ovrr;;'...IV ·..;;r=1I::tp'f"'"=L:Jc-..".....,.:..-n,-.;,I..,j-,.;,.n-++-+-+-++-+-iH-+-t++-+-I++-HH-+++-t-'r-;'-++++I--rl-i-+-.....;__~*'-,:='-"."-..Ll.-&.Lf"'~..'-~l:f..~';..;;.....I ' I l 1 ) 'J J I rl I iAJ CJ{<'i.c.~H iZtE:T 20 A.TiACH ;t1~Nr ,4-2. O'l• 11')• I1-----------,,--.--..--.-.:. .~...!;~.. .~. .......:.:.-..... 0':'-: '..".0:° ','..~.,.:..... '!;: t.-,.'':...~ ~u/Ol "Jog",:HIEt:T 2.~ [LIB2 GROUNDWATER ElEVATION AT SLOUGH 9 (ftl""S() f)Jell5' C;;IA S'in",i"2.."er '"ell No.Willi Jl Wd/ILl D;SchA{je ...t (li,le ~~~J!:.L 9-5 ~.LL ~~...2:lL ~.J!:lL ~~6.J1d Creel.::.. UpdroN\UF'?ti eal>'\/-1,d-Shv.J l (cfs) iI.nil F?well A "ltll Api'.2li -603.06 603.62 603.33 d d 603.01 600.32 600.06 598.53 d 594.14 d 1;550 '.1<1\'11 b07.71 605.42 604.46 604.51 604.15 602.68 -601.20 601.21 -694.09 594.57 593.90 (OJ 500 Miay 15 -- - - - -604.00 ---- -IS;DOc' 1Il"y 27 6':l'l.!.IS 606.62 604.47 604.76 604.34 602.45 -s 601.16 599.94 s s s .2 i)0 0 C> June 23 bOil.50 606.66 604.77 604.40 604:91 603.02 -s 601.69 600.64 s s s "21,000 july I ii()7.9~606.22 604.67 604.11 604.48 602.78 604.08 s 601.38 600.40 s s s 2.~OOO JlIly 2U 6u7.32 605.67 604.03 603.81 604.08 602.30 -600.99 601.07 599.55 s s s ??;'100 Alig.2S G05.U9 60-1.69 d 603.34 d 601.05 602.56 60U.34 600.28 d d 593.66 592.74 ,'3)LloO ~I:j:'.b LOli.16 605.50 605.70 604.16 603.61 d 601.32 604.37 600.50 600,46 ---I'll ?OO S"p.!I bOli.08 605.27 605.49 d 603.60 d 601.14 60-1.22 6UO.43 600.35 d d 593.74 592.83 I?Lioo / ~cp.;?~1:>08.01-6(J7.07 607.65 605.23 604.74 604.62 602.78 605.07 601.37 601.49 d 59-1.29 594.77 2'1.)0 0 0 OLI.7 lilJ:i.i:lU 605.21 605.29 603.97 603.52 d d 603.26 d d d d 593.76 d ti)6'-/0 OLI.15 605.81 604.85 604.91 d 603.39 d d 602.91 d d d d 593.66 c.I 7/10 ~t uat O.I:.(...·vl:d :\u Ii ;;.,;jll".1 :h }.} .1 ;;..10 y n ]\ =t.VI~-~\+"'--.Ii\~-\If ~,~~1 I I J'-l~~C) '"iJ I,I ATTACHMENT PART 3 SLOUGH 21 PHYSICAL HABITAT VARIABLES ATTACHMENT PART 3 SLOUGH 21 PHYSICAL HABITAT VARIABLES Slough Description Slough 21 is located near River Mile 142.A vicinity map and a thalweg profile are shown in Worksheets 1 and 2,respectively.Worksheet 2 shows that Slough 21 is 'located in the upstream end of a larger slough system called the Slough 21 Complex.In fact,Slough 21 does not flow into the Susitna River directly,but into the Slough 21.Complex. Slough 21 has an intermediate berm and an upstream berm.The slough is about 0.5 miles long. Slough Discharge Worksheet 3 shows slough discharge values plotted against Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek.The slough discharges were determined by: o seven discharge measurements made downs tream of transect 7 (see Worksheet 1)during 1981 and 1982. o average daily discharges from August 10 until October 22, 1982 determined by applying stage data to rating curves. Worksheets 3 and 7 were used to estimate the threshold discharge for Regime II-A to occur to be about 24,800 cfs. Worksheet 4 shows the slough discharge plotted against the mainstem discharges for Regime I and II flow only.It shows that Regime II has slightly higher slough discharge than Regime 1.Constant slough dis- charge values were used for Regimes I and II.The values of slough discharge shown in Table A-4 of Appendix E.2.A.,are derived from Worksheets 3 and 4. Slough Water-Surface Elevation Worksheet 5 shows water-surface elevations at the mouth of Slough 21 plotted against Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek.The elevations were determined from staff gage readings at Gage 142.0W5 (see Work- sheet 1).Worksheet 4 was used to estimate the threshold discharge between Regimes I and II.The water-surface elevations at the mouth of Slough 21 presented in Table A-4 of Appendix E.2.A.,were determined from Worksheet 5. Worksheet 6 shows water surface elevations at mid-slough plotted against Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek.The elevations were determined from: o staff gage readings at Gage 142.056 (see Worksheet 1). A-3-1 a average daily water surface elevations from stage data charts at the recording gage (see Worksheet 1). The water surface elevations at mid-slough shown in Table A-4 of Appen- dix E.2.A.,were determined from Worksheet 6. Worksheet 7 shows water surface elevations at the intermediate berm plotted against Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek.The elevations were determined from staff gage 142.0H3 (see Worksheet 1).Worksheet 7 was'used to confirm the threshold discharge estimate for Regime II-A (24,800 cfs).The values of water surface elevations at the interme- diate berm for Slough 21,shown in Table A-A of Appendix E.2.A,were determined from Worksheet 7.. Worksheet 8 shows water surface elevations at the upstream berm plotted against Susitna Rivers discharge at Gold Creek.The elevations were determi ned from staff gage 142.OH1 (see Work sheet 1).The e1ev at ions plotted in Worksheet 1 were insufficient to estimate a threshold discharge for Regime III to occur.However,this value has been estimated to be about 26,000 cfs based on field observations (ADF&G, 1983,Table 41-3-2,p.43).The values of water surface elevations at the upstream berm of Slough 21,shown in Table A:.;4 of Appendix E.2.A, were determined from Worksheet 8. Slough Depths The depths of flow at the mouth,mid-slough,intermediate berm,and ups tream berm of Slough 21 were determi ned by subtract i ng the corre- ··~~~--s~pondin gthalwe gelev~at~ions-~from-th e~wa~ter-s~urf-aee~ele v~at~i-ons--;-~-~-.----- Transect 13 (surveyed in 1981)is located adjacent to staff gage 142.0W5 at the mouth of Slough 21 (see Worksheet 1);the thalweg is at 743.15 ft.msl.This value was subtracted from the water surface elevations at the 5lough mouth to obtai nfl ow depths at the mouth. These depths are shown in Table A-4 of Appendix E.2.A. The thalweg elevation at mid-slough was determined for a cross-section ·_-------~~IaTnecr·fromfFle--dTs cha rge--meas uremenT--on--S·ep·t emberT6-~~--r982aC··the------~-- ---------stage recoraer ."~--~Ine vaTlfe;~~71J.Lf.-=-3·7,was suIJtracfea from Ene water-----····- surface elevations at mid:-slough to obtain flow depths at mid-slough shown in Table A-4 of Appendix E.2.A.The thalwegs of the intermediate and upstream berms were estimated to be respective elevations of zero flow of their staff gages (see Worksheets 7 and 8).Those elevations, 754.6 and 755.5 ft.msl,respectively,were subtracted from the intermediate-and upstreambel"mwatersurface el ev ationstoobta i nf-low depths for the two berms.The flow depths are showni nTa.bleA-4 'of Appendix E.2.A. A-3-2 ) 1 l) ) l 1 1 l 1 or Slough Velocities The average velocities at the mouth were determined using the following procedures: o an elevation vs.cross-sectiqnal area relationship was deter- mi ned for transect 13 (surveyed in 1981 )'.(See Worksheet 1 for location). o the slough,discharges,determi ned from Worksheets 3 and 4, were .divided by the corresponding cross-sectional areas at transect 13 to determine the average velocities. This procedure was used to determine the average velocities at the mouth presented i'n Table A-4 of Appendix E.2.A. The average velocities at mid-slough were determined by the following procedures: o field measurements of average velocity at the stage recorder (see Worksheet 1)were plotted against Susitna River dis- charge at Gold Creek. o a relationship was visually fitted (see Worksheet 9). The average velocities at the mid-slough determined from this procedure are shown in Table A-4 of Appendix E.2.A. The average velocities at the intermediate berm were determined by the following procedures: o a cross-section was estimated for the intermediate berm staff gage site (Gage 142.0H3).The estimate was obtained by adjusting the elevations of a nearby section (transect 1, surveyed in 1981)such that the thalweg of the section matched the elevation of zero flow for the'staff gage. o an elevation-area relationship was developed for this esti- mated section. o the slough discharge,determined from Worksheets 3 and 4, were divided by corresponding cross-sectional areas at the estimated section to obtain average velocities at the upstream berm. The shape of the estimated section caused the average velocity to decrease s 1i ght ly with an increase in depth.Thi sis because a re 1a- tively large increase in area occurs compared with a small increase in discharge. The average velocities at the intermediate berm determined from this relationship are shown in Table A-4 of Appendix E.2.A. A-3-3 The velocities over the upstream berm were not computed because dis- charge over the upstream berm is negligible for the range of Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek being analyzed. To supplement the average velocities shown in Table A-4 of Appen- dix E.2.A,the follpwing was prQvided: o lateral velocity distributions obtained from discharge meas- urements -(Worksheets 10 through 14) o velocity and depth ranges from transects 1 through 8 (1982) for three discharge conditions (Worksheet 15).It should be noted that transects 1 through 7 are located downs tream of the mouth of Slough 21;transect 8 is located at the mouth. Slough Wetted Surface Area Worksheet 16 shows total wetted surface areas plotted against Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek for Slough 21.The surface areas were computed from aerial photos of Slough 21 under various mainstem dis- charge conditions.Worksheet 16 WCi.S used to determine the surface area values presented in Table A-4 of Appendix E.2.A. Slough Wetted Perimeters The wetted perimeter was estimated to be equal to the top width for this study.This is a reasonable estimate for flat,shallow cross- sections.Field observations confirm that flat,~hallow cross-sections .--··areTypical~TriSlolJgh2L Top wi dfllsw-ere determlned bY fhe-fall a-wi ng methods: o measurements from aerial photos o field survey They were computed for the following sections: _.__.~•.•_....················0·······S7 (at.··mouth.).. o__.SB_(..at_m.Ld~s_lo.u.gbJ_.....__.~~..__.._.. o transect 1,surveyeq in 1981 (at intermediate berm) o transect lA,surveyed in 1991 (at upstream berm) Worksheets 17 through 20 show wetted perimeters at these sections plotted against Susitna River dis'charges at Gold Creek.These work- sheets were used to determine the values of wetted perimeter shown in Table A-40f Appendix E.2.A. Slough wafer TableE:levations At the present time.there are no data on the groundwater reg ime of Slough 21.However the geologic materials at this slough are expected to be similar to what is found at Sloughs 8A and 9 (mainly gravels and cobbles).Because of the expected similarity of the physical frame- work,the water-table elevation versus mainstem discharge relationship is expected to be similar to what was found at Sloughs 8A and 9. A-3-4 *;! r .;, \.\ . I \ __SUS,r NA .-r g,\JPr f1;Ie.14 2. RIV£R---- r ::0 )( (Jl... o 500 I I FEET (apprOll.lea II) 6.STAFF GAGE t\R6M STAGE RECORDER [ID DATAPODCDTHERMOGRAPH ;rf ~~ J:-\II ~~.,.h1 ~.11', '-=i ~ I...:.._ VJ INol~It:::-'Sf-rEi:://'/)LoU611 ~}/,.;.....lIlC/Mlrv /--1I1F ? r J 'i.<:: \Q"'"l).I::' \}\ 1:. f,\ ~, ~ 30+0025+00.20'00 --L 15+00 Ii ~zo 5>'"...... '"::> '"to 10+00 LUOt2/c..shEEr 2. THALWEG PROFILE SLOUGH 21 COMPLEX 5+00 -'-_:"----' IlIDE CHANNEL A -8+51\-0+00 SURFACE SUBSTRATE TYPES CJ IILT/UIID E:J GllAyltL/lIUHLI ~(:ljm.t COBIL ElIOULDEII (SUSlTHA RIVEIl REACH ClIlAOIENTa12.7n/ftlii 180 I I !i H in ! ImID'1 TRANlII!:CT LOCA'I'1OfI1l (ADF 80 MOO ELI NO STUDY,IHZI 140 -11----..,..----r 0+00'11>00 10~ ~MBED ITATION creel) j z S! to~148'"... '"'"::> ~ REACH GRADIENT -1.1\til"" -10-00"l5tOOi -11+00 0>00 STRE~BED STATION Ifeen ......-...- -20+00 v760 7,1111 7110 ~,.J SLOUGH 21 COMPLEX C -PROFILE STUDY AREA m~T6-STREAMBED STATION....-z II , 0 • I- ~740 I&l oJ I&l I&l ~7311 I- 72 -llOtOO -411+00 -40+00 -3,.00 ~ \'\,.'_J T', '-,--,~.~~.----'--------' I I I ,I j : ,: ...j. -t I I I-l. ..j. ...l.4-+-+--t...l.H-+,t U-w.. '-L ..~..j.lijl,~ I i I I t-H--+-o .1:'ttrr::r=w...w.. tJj '-t 1 .1I-L -+IW--lU i I U U ..l -+--+4-+-+,II~....,,W .c ..j. I -,h:-\ cJ t VI"', 'C'l:\) ;.~">- ,~'l:,.....~~...0 f':J:l),..... (.j "J0)1.0 .~ '<t ~ '~ ,i I I I ! 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ATTACHMENT PART 4 RABIDEUX SLOUGH PHYSICAL HABITAT VARIABLES Slough Description Rabideux Slough is located near River Mile 83.5.A vicinity map is shown in Worksheet 1.Rabideux Slough consists of a large pond in the upstream area and a backwater area from Rabideux Creek and the mainstem Susitna at the downstream end.Aerial photos indicate that the back- water area occurs at low flow events (Susitna River discharge at Sun- shine gage of 15,000 cfs).Existence of a backwater area at such a low flow indicates that either: o Regime I flow does not exist for this slough,or o Threshold discharge for Regime II flow to occur is less than 15,000 cfs at Sunshine.The low flow condition being analyz- ed,Condition 1 (see Table A-5 of Appendix A,main text)be- gins at the Susitna River discharge at Sunshine of 10,000 cfs·.The possibility of Regime I flow occurring for flows of from 10,000 to 15,000 cfs was not considered. Rabideux Slough is unique in that there are two upstream berms of which,the downstream berm,IIBerm 211 (See Worksheet 1)has been observ- ed to act as an outlet rather than an inlet to Rabideux Slough.There- fore,at overtopping discharges (Regime III)some of the flow over the upstream berm may bypass the slough.The remaining flow is discharged both from the pond into transect 7 and over the fl oodp 1a in into the slough downstream of transect 3 (Worksheet 1).This was indicated by a field measurement on September 17,1982.A slough discharge of 853 cfs was measured at transect O.Upstream of this,at transects 3,4,5,6, and 7,the discharge was measured to be approximately 167 cfs.(ADF&G 1982). Slough Discharge Worksheet 2 shows Rabideux Slough discharges for the slough mouth and for transect 7 (mid-slough)plotted against Susitna River flows at Sunshine.The slough discharges were determined from: o three discharge measurements made in 1982. o one discharge observation made in 1983 Worksheet 2 indicates that there is little flow in the slough (less than 1.0 cfs)until the upstream berm is overtopped.The values of slough discharge presented in Table A-5 of Appendix E.2.A were deter- mined for the slough mouth from Worksheet 2. A-4-1 Slough Water-Surface Elevations Worksheet 3 shows water surface elevations at the mouth of Rabideux Slough plotted against Susitna River flows at Sunshine.The data are from two sources: o Staff gage readings at gage 083.1Wl in 1982.Worksheet 1 shows that this staff gage is located on Rabideux Creek near the confluence of Rabideux Slough.Field measurements indi- cate that water surface elevations at the staff gage are tions at the the staff gage are approximately equal to the elevations at the mouth (within 0.1 feet). I) 'I } o A surveyed water surface elevation at the mouth in 1983. Worksheet 3 was used to determine the water surface elevations at the slough mouth shown in Table A-5 of Appendix E.2.A.Note that the water surface elevations are extrapolated for discharges less than 30,000 cfs. Water surface elevations at mid-slough (transect 7)were determined by the following methods: The observed jinC:LSlstimated wat~Y'_~urfac..EL,,§J e_y'ati onsare J?lotted agai nst __.. Susitna River flows at Sunshine in Worksheet 4.Worksheet 4 was used to determine the values of water surface elevation at mid-slough shown in Table A-5 of Appendix E.2.A. At a mainstem flow of 25,800 cfs,transect 7 was observed to be dry. Therefore,for all mainstem flows less than 26,000 cfs,transect 7 was assumed to be dewatered.At Susitna River discharges greater than 53,000 cfs,water levels at transect 7 are influenced by mainstem back- water effects. o o Surveyed water surface elevations at transect 7 (surveyed in 1982 ). Estimates of water surface elevations at transect 7 determin- ed from top wi dths obtained from aeri a 1 photos.These top ..-'wi dth's ...were .prnJected 'on--a-p'l ot -'of--th-e"survoeye'd-'cross"s'ec hon- to obtain an estimate of the water surface elevation. ~ .J j [ I .·l I Water surface elevations at the upstream berm were estimated using the following methodology: o o o assume overtopping fl03'/{ollows triangular broad crested weir relationship Q =CLH ,where H is weighted average head. use top widths measured from aerial photos as wier l-engths, L. use slough discharge,Q,determined from Worksheet 2 A-4-2 l l l 1 I ! o use broad-crested weir coefficient,C =2.7,corrected for submergence for mainstem discharges greater than 79,000 cfs o use weir equation to compute H o add H·to upstream berm elevation (262.5 ft,msl). The resulting water surface elevations are shown on Worksheet 5. observed water surface elevations were available for comparison.Val- ues of water surface elevation at the upstream berm shown in Table A-5 of Appendix E.2.A were determined from Worksheet 5. Slough Depths The depths of flow at the mouth,mid-slough,and upstream berm were determined by subtracting the appropriate thalweg elevations from the water surface elevations. To obtain the flow depths at the mouth,the thalweg of the cross sec- tion at the mouth (Worksheet 1)was subtracted from the water surface elevations obtained from Worksheet 3. To obtain the flow depths at mid-slough,the thalweg of transect 7 (surveyed in 1982)was subtracted from the water surface elevations obtained from Worksheet 4. No cross section was surveyed at the upstream berm.However,spot elevations were surveyed at several points between the upstream pond and the Susitna River.A spot elevation was surveyed adjacent to the area labeled IIBerm P on Worksheet 1.IIBerm 111 is the area where overtopping first occurs at the upstream berm of Rabi deuxSl ough. This surveyed spot elevation,262.50 ft,msl,wa·s assumed to be the thalweg of the upstream berm and was subtracted from the water surface elevations determined from Worksheet 5 to obtain the flow depths at the upstream berm. The flow depths at these three locations are shown in Table .A-5 of Appendix E.2.A. Slough Velocities The average velocities at the mouth of Rabideux Slough were comput- ed by: o developing an elevation -area curve for the cross-section at the mouth. o dividing slough discharges obtained from Worksheet 2 by appropriate areas from the elevation-area curve. These average velocities are shown in Table A-5 of Appendix E.2.A. A-4-3 I J The average vel oc it i es at mi d-s lough were computed based on the stage disharge relationship in Worksheet 4 using an elevation-area__curve for surveyed transect 7.Slough di scharges for transect 7 (Worksheet 2) were divided by the appropriate areas to obtain average velocities. The average velocities resulting from this analysis are-shown in Table A-5 of Appendix E.2.A. top widths were measured from four aerial photos o dimensions of the triangular section were determined as follows: The following is provided to supplement the average velocities shown in -TabJe.A",S_oLAppend.ixE.2.A ...___ flow depths were taken from those shown in Table A-5 of Appendix E.2.A. cross-secti ona 1 areas were determi ned us i ng top wi dths and depths. slough discharge corresponding to the Susitna River dis- charges at Sunshine were determined from Worksheet 2. o o o o velocity and depth ranges for transeCts()through 7 for two di scha.rge events (Worksheet 8).(SeeWOrksh"e-et T for loca- tion for transects). The resulting average velocities were plotted against the Susitna River discharges at Sunshine as shown in Worksheet 6.The average velocities at the upstream berm shown in Table A~5 of Appendix E.2.A were deter- mined from Worksheet 6. o a lateral velocity distribution within transect sur\l'::I\u~n in 1982)obtained from a discharge measurement (Worksheet 7) (Note that transect 0 is upstream from the mouth.Because of the difference in cross-sectional areas between transect 0 and the mouth,velocities at transect 0 are higher than at the mouth.) The average velocities at the upstream berm were computed in the following manner: o a triangular cross-section was used to estimate the flow area of overtopping flows. average velocities were determined by dividing slough dis-.-----------en arge-by-cro s S--::-S ect ional-area:---~---_·----_·~----- A-4-4 Slough Wetted Surface Area The total wetted surface areas were computed for Rabideux Slough from aerial photos taken over a range of Susitna River discharges at ,Sun- shine.For flows less than 40,000 cfs surface areas were based on extrapolation of the pond ,surface areas and slough surface areas. Slough surface areas were checked by multiplying the top widths at each of the transects by the dis tance between them.The shaded area in Worksheet 1 represents the area deli neated for surface area measure- ments.For consistency in aerial photography interpretation,the downstream end of the surface area delineations was taken as the extension of a line along the edge of the treeline at right angles to the slough flow.At a mainstem flow of 40,000 cfs there is no surface water connection between the pond at the head and the lower part of the slough.However,the pond area was included in all surface area measurements.At 40,000 cfs there are i so 1ated ponds at transects 6 and 7.The surface areas are plotted aginst Susitna River flows at Sunshine in Worksheet 9.The values of total wetted surface area tabulated in Table A-5 of Appendix E.2.A were obtained from Work- sheet 9. Slough Wetted Perimeters The cross-sections in Rabideux Slough were determined to be suffici- ently wide and shallow such that the wetted perimeter could be estimat- ed to be equal to the top width. The top wi dth at transect 0,rather than the cross sect i on at the mouth,was used to determine wetted perimeters at the mouth because at high flows backwater from the mainstem Susitna increases the water level and makes wetted perimeters indeterminable at the slough mouth cross section.At mainstem flows below 75,000 cfs wetted perimeters were determined by superimposing the water surface elevation on the cross section and measuring top width.Top widths were checked by measurements from aerial photos.Above 75,000 cfs aerial photos were used to estimate top widths. The wetted perimeters at mid-slough were computed in a similar manner. Transect 7 was used to determine wetted perimeters for mainstem flows up to 77,000 cfs.Above this flow top widths were estimated from aerial photography since much of the slough flow which overtops the up- stream berm bypasses surveyed transect 7 and enters the slough upstream of transect O.Aeri a 1 photographs were used to estimate top wi dths at the upstream berm at overtopping discharges. These top widths were plotted against Susitna River discharges at Sun- shine as shown in Worksheets 10, 11,and 12.The wetted perimeters shown in Table A-5 of Appendix E.2.A were obtained from Worksheets 10, 11,and 12. A-4-5 Slough Water Table Elevations Rabideux Slough is located approximately 15 miles downstream of the junction of the Chulitna,Talkeetna,and Susitna rivers.(see Figure 1 of Appendix E.2.A).The Chulitna River carries significantly more suspended sediment than the Susitna above Talkeetna.Therefore,the geologic materials at Rabideux Slough are expected to consist of finer grained mater.ials (sands and gravels)than is generally found above Talkeetna (gravels and cobbles at Sloughs 8A and 9).However,fairly high permeabilities are'still expected at this slough.The response of the groundwater levels to change in the Susitna River discharge at Sun- shine should be similar to the sloughs above Talkeetna.However,the response may be somewhat 1ess pronounced because the permeabil ity of the finer material at Rabideux Slough is expected to be somewhat less than at Slough 8A and 9.Therefore,the travel time of the groundwater through the berms and islands will probably be longer. A-4-6 1 ) ) ,j I ') } '~'i IiI ) I, ) } ,j 'j } Ii I 0) "J ----------- Wofl.J:.SHI!F£j"._.L _ ATTACHMeNT 4-4 " RM 83.5 Sf ..f:.? c"'''1< ",_083./v/'...,I.~""...,"'1 ~ SeAL€':I'"~75 ' PAJ?I:.S--- 1---- I I !l i! I I I I 1 i I i I !1 I :1 , i :!I ! I , ! i I !,1 ,I ! I I 1 ,I I I I i I I I i ,I ~~ I ...... E11 ""'-:--.. 1 I 1 I i i I 1 1 , 1,.:1 I I I I I I ! I 1 1 I I ,f-.I I I ' l) 1 I :!) :1 I , 1 I I Iii!I 1 ill I.j I-+++-+++-t+-H-f-+H-+H+H++-t++-t-f--HH-+H+H++-t-P"I-d-f-+H-+H+H+-H++-t-f--H:r.-'''';""sH--'-'-f--'i-++--l 1\ I , , I ! 1-:'-+-+-Hr<l-+-H'--c~-H-++-H-++-Hr-+++-r-+++-r-+-+-+-H-+-+-H-++-H-++H-++-H-++H-.d-+-H~+rH3I-":'"-H-+1-+'-\ 'I \JI .... I I 1 I '-'I I ) -J f i :i I,1-1. I • II"......H-++-'-t-++H-++H-++H:..ll--f"''H~+~-++-Hr-+++-r-+++-H-t-+-H-t-+-H-++-H-++-H-+-+-H-++H,,I._:1-'-"';>"I'\-r--1i-+-l I I I I •I I 1 1 I I i i I I 1 i i I 1 1 I i :1 I 1*1 -I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I- I 1 I 1 I ! 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