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NOVEMBER 'is,1982
Prepared by".
,---,__ALASK.A POWER AUTHOR IT'y'__---'
NOVEMBER 15,1982
Alaska Resources
Library &Informatton Services
o IS~
0)Prepared by:'¢
Alaska Resources
'.lbrary &Informatton Services
1 -INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY .•.•••.•.•••.•.•...••.•.•.•.•"... •••E-4-1
1.1 -Program Objectlve •..•••••...••.....•.•.•...••••.•.•.•E-4-5
1.2 -Program Specifics E-4-6
2 -BASELINE DESCRIPTION .,.•••.••••.••••••••.•.•.•.•••..••..•..E-4-9
2.1 -The Study Area .•.•.•.•....•.••••.••••••••.•••...•••••E-4-9
2.2 -Methods -Archeology and Hi story E-4-10
2.3 -Methods -Geoarcheology 1980 .•.•.•.••..••••••.•...•..E-4-24
2.4 -Methods -Paleontology •.•.•.•••••••..•.•.•••.••••••••E-4-28
2.5 -Known Hlstoric and Archeological Sites in the
Project Area •.....•••.••••••••.•.•••...•••.•••.••••••E-4-29
2.6 -Geo archeo logy •.•.•.•.•••.•••.•.•.•.••••••.•••.•.•.••.E-4-91
2.7 -Paleontology •••.•.•••••••••••.••••••••••••••.•.•..•.•E-4-95
SITES .•.•••••••..••••.•.•.•.•.••.••.•••.••.•••••..•••••.•••E-4-96
3.1 -Evaluation of Selected Sites Found:Prehistory
and Hi story of the Upper Su si tna Ri ver Regi on •••••••.£-4-96
3.2 -Impact on Historic and Archeological Sites .•.•..•••••E-4-106
4.1 -Mitigation Polley and Approach ••••••••••..••.••••••••E-4-111
4.2 -Mitlgation Plan £-4-112
4.3 -Agency Consultation E-4-118
Table E.4.1 -Impact on Cultural Resources by Area
Table E.4.2 -Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Cultural Resources
Table E.4.3 -Summary of Impact by Location
Figure\E.4.1 -Location ofSusitna Hydroelectric Project
Figure E.4.2 -Location of Upper Susitna River Basin
Figure E.4.3 -Study Area for Cultural Resources and Associated
Activities -Susitna River
Figure E.4.4 -Study Area for Cultural Resources -Transmission
Figure E.4.5 -Upper Susitna River Stratigraphic Units and
To d ate three fi el d seasons of reconnai ssance 1evel survey and two
field seasons of systematic testing have been conducted in association
with the Susitna Hydroelectric Project (1980,1981 and 1982).The
results of the first two years of the project are presented in IICul-
tural Resources Investigation for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project:A
Prel iminary Cultural Resource Survey in the Upper Susitna River Valleyll
(Dixon et al.1982),copies of which are submitted with this appl ica-
tion.lFierinal results of the field work conducted in 1982 are not
avail able at this time,but wi 11 be submitted to FERC in January of
1983;however,prel iminary results on the 52 sites documented in 1982
are presented.
The University of Alaska Museum developed a five-step cultural resource
program to assist the Al aska Power Authority and Acres .American in com-
plying with federal and state laws and regulations concerning protec-
tion of cultural resources for the proposed Susitna Hydroel ectric Proj-
ect.The five steps,listed in Section 1.1,were aimed toward locating
and documenting archeological and historical resources within presel-
ected survey locales (areas affected by preconstruction activities were
also examined)and testing and evaluating these resources to determine
their eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places and pro-
posing mitigation measures to avoid or lessen the adverse impact which
may result from the proposed project.This appl ication presents the
results of a three-year prel iminary cultural resource survey in the
Upper Susitna River Region,an impact analysis,and a proposed mitiga-
tion pl an to mitigate the adverse effects of the proposed project on
significant cultural resources.
In preparat i on for fi el d stud ies,all necessary permits were obtai ned,
literature pertaining to the archeology,ethnology,history,geology,
paleoecology,paleontology,flora and fauna in and near the study area
was reviewed,and available aerial photographs were examined.These
data were used to develop a tentative cultural chronology for the study
area and focused effort toward defining types of archeological site
locales for each culture period within the geochronologic units.These
data,coupled with paleoecological information,were used to select
survey loca.les,126 of which were surveyed during the 1980,1981 and
1982 field seasons.Review of paleontological literature and prefield
aerial reconnaissance of the Upper Susitna River valley delineated the
area suitable for paleontological investigations.Paleontological
studies were designed to determine the types of paleontological speci-
mens that could possibly occur in an archeological context.
The methods and defined study area varied for each aspect of study,
i.e.,archeology,geology,and paleontology (Figure E.4.3).The arch-
eological and historical reconnaissance implemented surface and subsur-
face testing within the preselected survey locales in an effort to
locate historic and archeologic sites.Survey data were consistently
recorded on Site Survey forms which enabled systematic recording of
infomation for each site and survey locale.
For each site located during reconnaissance level testing,regional
maps,.site maps,so i1 profi 1 es,photographs,and other data were
recorded.All specimens collected were accessioned into the University
of Alaska MuselJTI.Sites were given both University of Alaska Museum
access i on n1#'1bers and Alaska Heri tage Resources Survey numbers.
Geological studies generated data that were used in selecting archeo-
logical survey locales.Data concerning surficial geological deposits
and glacial events of the last glaciation as well as more recent vol-
canic ashes were compiled and provided 1 imiting dates for human occupa-
tion of the Upper SusitnaRiver Valley.This information was collected
by literature review and field studies.Geological data collected dur-
ing 1980 were incorporated into the 1981 and 1982 archeological
Archeological reconnaissance in 1980,1981 and 1982 located and docu-
mented 6 historic and 161 prehistoric sites,5 of which were originally
located by other investigators during brief surveys in 1971 and 1978
and 6 sites were documented in the fi 1 es of the Al aska Office of
History and Archeology,bringing the total known to date to 167.It is
expected that continued survey will locate additional sites.Sites are
also known adjacent to the study area near Stephan Lake,Fog Lakes,
Lakes Susitna,Tyone and Louise,and along the Tyone River.
Systematic testing was designed to collect data on which to base the
evaluation of significance for cultural resources discovered,which
will assist in determining the el igibil ity of sites for nomination to
the National Register of Historic Places,and to assess impact in order
to develop mitigation measures and a general mitigation plan for sig-
nificant sites located to date.Although in most cases systematic
testing is necessary to address significance,the fact that many of the
sites can be placed stratigraphically in relation to three distinct
volcanic ashes makes it is possible to consider the collective signifi-
cance of all the sites because of the potent i al they ho 1d for del ine-
ating the first cultural chronology for the Upper Susitna Region.
Due to the large size of the study area,number of sites located,
available field time and fiscal constraints,it was possible to syste-
matically test only 21 sites to date.Because of the minimal amount of
data available pertaining to the culture history of southcentral Alaska
and the Upper Susitna River in particular,the primary reason for sel-
ecting these 21 sites was that they appeared to have the potential for
providing data that could be used to document the cultural chronologi-
cal sequence for this region of Alaska.
Both reconnaissance and systematically tested sites were eval uated to
del ineate the prev iousl y undocumented prehi story and hi story of the
Upper Susitna River Region.These data enabled a cultural chronology
to be developed which includes the following periods:Contemporary
(1945 -present)~Trapping (1920-1945),Exploration/Goldrush (1897 -
1920),Athapaskan Tradition (A.D.1900 -A.D.500)~Choris/Norton
Tradition (ca.A.D.500 -ca.1500 B.C.),Northern Archaic Tradition
(ca.1500 B.C.-ca.3000 B.C.)and the Jlmerican Paleoarctic Tradition
(ca.3000 B.C.?-ca.9000 B.C.?).
Impact on cultural resources will vary in relation to the type of
act iv it i es that occur on or near them.Based on the present two-dam
proposal (Devil Canyon and Watana)and the resultant increase in publ ic
access,73 of the sites known to date within the study area will be
dire~tly or indirectly impacted~and 86 could potentially be impacted~
during construction and subsequent use and operation of the facil ity.
Because of their loctaion away from impact areas,it appears that 8
sites will not be impacted by the project.
The impact of recreational activities,upriver and downriver changes in
hydrology,1 and access and use,and the proposed transmission corri-
dors cannot be assessed at this time due to the lack of "information
concerning the amount,type and location of disturbances associated
with these activities.Once all of the development pl ans are final-
ized,those sites in the potential category can be designated as likely
to'receive direct,indirect,or no impacts by project rel ated activ-
Thirty sites were located and documented in areas that will be affected
by the Watana Dam and its impoundment.All 30 sites will be directl y
Seven sites are presently known within the area to be affected by the
Devil Canyon dam and its impoundment.All seven sites will be directly
impacted by the project.
Seven archeo log ;Cal sites were found and documented in proposed borrow
areas,associated facil ities,and areas disturbed by geotechnical test-
ing.One will be directly impacted and two have the potential of being
impacted.It appears that four sites wi 11 not be impacted by the
proj ect.
Ni neteen sites were located and documented along the proposed access
route andassoc i ated proposed borrow areas.Fifteen of these sites
will be directly impacted,three will receive indirect impact and one
has the potential of being impacted.
Twelve sites have been recorded within the proposed transmission
corridors.At this time all could be potentially impacted.Impact
assessment must await detail ed information on these corridors.The
transmission corridor from the Watana Dam site was selected after the
1982 field season and remains to be surveyed at the reconnaissance
level.Ninety-two sites are presently documented in areas outside the
above categories but within the project area.Seventeen sites will be
directly impacted and 71 could potentially be impacted.It appears
that four sites will not be impacted by the hydroelectric project.
No sites on the National Register of Hi storie Pl aces were known in the
study area pri or to thi s study.Based on the results of the reconna i s-
sance survey and the limited systematic testing of the selected archeo-
logical sites,the project area holds excellent potential for addres-
sing many long-standing anthropological questions.Three tephras
permit stratigraphic correl ation between many sites and site compon-
ents.This presents a uniquely significant opportunity to define the
development of these archeological traditions which has not been pos-
sible elsewhere in interior or southcentral Alaska.
No single site has been found which preserves the cultural development
to be traced through time based on comparisons of a series of sites
which can be clearly documented to be temporally discrete.With all
this information it is possible to state that most of the sites found
to date in the study area are likely significant and could collectively
hold the potential for defining the prehistory for this region of
Alaska and,therefore,may be eligible for inclusion in the National
Register of Historic Places.
Given this level of significance it may be appropriate to nominate
these sites to the National Register as an archeological district
because of the unique opportunity the known sites in this area (as well
as the yet undiscovered sites)have for addressing questions concerning
the prehistory and history of a large portion of interior Alaska which
is presently not well defined.If a nomination of this type is made,
it should be done in concert with the State Historic Preservation
Offi cer.
Continued reconnaissance and systematic testing is necessary to locate
and document as many sites as possible,given the present level of
technology,to assist in the mitigation of impacts.A mitigation plan
to lessen project impacts on cultural resources is a basic management
tool providing options to be considered during the overall decision
making and planning process.Although the concept has and is presently
undergoing refinement,it clearly consists of three options:avoid-
ance,preservation,and investigation.For all sites to be adversely
impacted by the Sus itna Hydroel ectric Proj ect,either d irectl y or
indirectly,systematic testing is currently recommended in order to
determine significance and eligiblity to the National Register of
Historic Places.Based on this testing level,a decision on the level
of investigation required can be made through consultation with the
SHPO and the Advisory Council.For all sites that could be potentially
damaged,avoidance with an accompanying monitoring plan is currently
recommended.This monitoring pl an should be developed in concert with
the appropri ate 1 and managing agency.When all the activities asso-
ciated with construction and use of the project are identified,it will
then be possible to determine whether sites in this category will
receive direct impact,indirect impact,or no impact.The appropri ate
mitigation measures can then be developed.
It is presently estimated that it will take two (2)years to complete
the archeological and historical inventory and the necessary systematic
testing.The duration of any mitigation program must await evaluation
of systematic testing.However,a preliminary estimate for an investi-
gation program to mitigate adverse effect is 5 to 7 years.The esti-
mated cost of completing the cultural resource inventory and the neces-
sary systematic testing is $1,391,152.The cost estimate for mitigat-
ing adverse effects to cultural resources can only be made after the
cultural resource inventory and systematic testing are completed and
the number of sites requiring invest ig at ion and/or preserv at ion deter-
mi ned.
1.1 -Program Objectives
In order to comply with cultural resource laws and regulations,and to
meet the criterion for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license
appl ication,a five-step program was developed to document,eval uate,
and recommend mitigation measures for these resources.These steps
-Step 1:Field Study Preparation
-Step 2:Reconnaissance Level Survey
-Step 3:Systematic Testing
-Step 4:Analysis and Report Preparation
-Step 5:Curation
The five steps outl ined above are aimed at fulfill ing the two objec-
tives of the project:
(a)Identification of archeological,historical,and paleontological
resources found in an archeological context in the defined study
area (see Methodology section for definition of study area).This
process was implemented during the 1980 field season and continued
through the 1981 and 1982 field seasons.However,only a portion
of the project area has been examined to date and additional
survey is requi red to compl ete the cul tural resource inventory.
(b)Systematic testing and evaluation of these resources in order to
evaluate significance and make recommendations for mitigating
potential adverse effects that preconstruction studies,dam con-
struction,and/or dam operation may have on them.Systematic
testing conducted in 1981 and 1982 tested 21 sites.Continued
systematic testing is required to determine National Register
eligibil ity of the remaining sites that will be adversely impacted
by the proj ect.
1.2 -Program Specifics
(i)Step 1:Field Study Preparation
Prior to implementing the field program it was necessary to
complete the following tasks:
-Federal and state archeological permits were appl ied for
and received.
-Literature pertaining to the archeology,ethnology,
history,geology,paleontology,flora and fauna of the
study area as well as adjacent regions was reviewed prior
to preparing the research design.
-Archeological,ethnological and historical data were syn-
thesized into a regional and local chronology in an
effort to predict the types and ages of sites that could
be expected to occur within the study area.In addition
to cultural data,geological data concerning the 1 ast
glaciation were also examined in order to establish
1 imiting dates for human occupation of specific areas
within the upper Susitna River basin.Objectives of the
geoarcheology portion of the cultural resource studies
are discussed in this section.Results of 1980,1981 and
1982 field studies indicate that prefield season projec-
tions of site locations and temporal placement provided
reliable estimates of what has been subsequently docu-
-Aeri al photographs of the study area were ex amined,the
interpretation of which focused on identifying probable
areas containing cultural resources as well as supple-
menting geoarcheological data.
-All previously recorded cultural resources in the study
area were plotted on 1:63,360 USGS maps in order to docu-
ment the location of sites within and adjacent to the
study area.
-Areas that had no or very low potent i al of cultural
resources such as steep canyon walls,areas of stand-ing
water and exposed gravel bars were identified.These
areas were eliminated from reconnaissnce level testing.
(ii)Step 2:Reconnaissance Level Testing
The purpose of this step was to identify,locate and inven-
tory archeological and hi storical sites within the study
area,which can then be systematically tested.Data syn-
thesi zed and generated about the study area were used to
select survey locales for testing.Maps of each survey
local e examined in 1980 and 1981 can be found in Appendix E
of the 1982 report.Survey locales examined in 1982 will
be included in the report documenting this field season.
During the 1980,1981 and 1982 field seasons 126 survey
lac al es were ex amined usi ng surface and subsurface test ing
procedures.In addition reconnaissance testing was con-
ducted as needed at boreholes,auger holes,proposed borrow
areas,helicopter landing zones,the proposed Watana air-
strip,along -seismic 1 ines,and along proposed access
routes.The proposed transmission corridors from Fairbanks
to Healy and Willow to Anchorage,and the proposed access
route have received preliminary reconnaissance survey.
(iii)Step 3:Systematic Testing
The purpose of this step was to test sites located during
the reconnai ssance 1evel survey in order to co 11 ect suf-
ficient data to address site significance,el igibil ity to
the National Register,and impact,in order to develop mit-
igation measures and a general mitigation pl an.Systematic
testing,which began in 1982 and continued in 1982,re-
quires transit surveys of sites,topographic mapping,and
excavation of selected units using standard archeological
methods.In addition,site maps and soil profil es of exca-
vation units producing cul tural materi al were drawn and
photographs taken.
(iv)Step 4:Analysis and Report Preparation
Th4s step was an integral part of each step of the project.
It entailed compil ation of the individual reports for the
other steps of the project as well as synthesi zing all data
recovered and making recommendations for mitigating adverse
effects on cul tural resources when sufficient data were
available to make recommendations.
(v)Step 5:Curation
Recording of recovered artifactual material and associated
contextual data was and wi 11 be an ongoing program through-
out the duration of and after the project.As specified by
the Federal Antiquity Permit obtained for this project,
material s and supporting documentation must be stored and
maintained in a suitable repository.The designated repos-
itory is the University of Al aska Museum.
Artifacts and paleontological specimens recovered to date
have been accessioned into their appropriate collections at
the University of Al aska Museum in accordance with state
and federal requirements pertinent to the preservation of
In order to accompl ish the archeological objectives it was neces-
sary to conduct geoarcheological studies to generate baseline data
on the surficial geological deposits and glacial events in the
study area which provided one of several criteria subsequently
applied to the selection of survey locales during 1980,1981,and
1982.Additionally,geoarcheological studies provide limiting
dates for the earliest possible human occupation of specific areas
within the region as well as baseline data on volcanic ashes
(tephras)within the study area which can be used to provide rel a-
tive dates for many of the archeological sites.
In connection with cultural resource studies it was necessary to
develop baseline paleontological data aimed at defining the type
and range of paleontological specimens that could possibly occur
in an archeological context within the study area.
The results of archeological,geoarcheological and paleontological
studies are discussed in Chapters 3,4,5,and 6 in the 1982
2.1 -The Study Area
(a)Archeo logy
The cultural resource study area was defined as those 1ands within
approximately 3 km of the Susitna River from just below Devil
Canyon to the mouth of the Tyone River (Figures E.4.1,E.4.2,
E.4.3 and E.4.4).Al so incl uded were the proposed access corridor
and transmi ss i on corri'dors from Fairbanks to Heal y and Anchorage
to Willow.Areas outside the defined study area were examined
when it was necessary to obtain data essential to the cultural
resource study,as well as to examine areas that could be impacted
by changes in the proj ect and those that woul d 1 ike 1y be affected
by recreational use of the area.
The study area del ineated for cultural resource studies included
both direct,indirect and potential impact areas.Direct impact
is the immediately demonstrable effect of a land modification
project on the resource base.Indirect impact rel ates to adverse
effects that are secondary but clearly brought out by the 1 and
modification project which would not have occurred without the
project.Potential impact is connected with ancillary development
which can be predicted to occur as ~result of the project.
Direct impact areas include the proposed reservoirs of the Devil
Canyon and Watana dams,proposed dam construction sites and asso-
ci ated fac i lit i es,proposed borrow areas,proposed access and
transmission corridors,and any other areas subject to subsurface
disturbance during preconstruction,construction,or operation of
the Su s itna Hydroel ectri c Proj ect.Ind irect impact areas are
those outside the above areas but nonethel ess affected by the
project due to such activities as increased access to remote areas
afforded by roads into the project area,downcutting and erosion
caused by changes in stream and river flow resulting from fluctua-
tion of water levels of the reservoir.Potential impact can be
expected to occur as a result of recreational development.The
exact nature of this impact remains to be demonstrated.
The study area is not static.It has changed and will continue
to change in response to modifications in the engineering of the
hydroelectric project,as well as to new data provided by ongoing
stud ies assoc i ated with the overall proj ect,such as 1 and use
analysis and recreation planning .
The study area for geoarcheological studies supporting cultural
resource analysis was approximately 16 km wide on each side of the
Susitna River extending from the Portage Creek area to the mouth
of the Maclaren River (Figure E.4.3).When necessary,contiguous
areas were ex am i ned.
The study area for paleontological studies as they apply to cul-
tural resources was confined to the Watana Creek vicinity.This
locale was selected because it was the only area identified within
the entire Susitna basin that provided suitable large deposits for
pre-Pleistocene paleontological studies (Figure E.4.3).
2.2 -Methods -Archeology and History
In preparation for field studies,a research design based on current
data was developed.The research design integrated the current data
(Appendices A,B in 1982 report)into a cultural chronological frame-
work,and developed a research strategy that was structured to predict
archeological site locations in relation to physical and topographic
features within the 1 imits of contemporary archeological method and
theory.Based on the del ineated cultural chronology,documented site
local es for each culture period,geoarcheo logic ev al uation,and pal eo-
ecological data of the project area,survey locales were identified as
exhibiting relatively high potential for archeological site occurrence.
These locales were subject to preliminary examination for cultural
resources representing various periods of Al aska prehistory.Addi-
tional high potential areas remain as well as areas that have varying
degrees of site potenti al which must al so be examined.The data used
in selecting the survey locales are presented below.
(a)Application of Data Base
(i)Cultural Chronology.A tentative cultural chronology was
constructed utilizing archeological data from known sites
in or adjacent to the study area.Archeological sites of
several cultural periods spanning the past ca.10,000 years
and several cultural/historical periods are known.These
data assisted in selecting survey locales.
Archeological sites which were expected to occur in the
Upper Susitna region were not expected to exceed 9000 B.C.
in age,based on the sequence of deglaciation that occurred
in the area.The earliest sites that were expected in the
study area were those representing the ,American Paleoarctic
Tradition,specifically the Denal i Complex for which West
(1975)ascribes a date of ca.10,000 B.C.to 4,500 B.C.
This distinctive and long-lasting stone tool industry is
characterized by wedge-shaped microblade cores,micro-
blades,core tablets,bifacial knives,burins,burin spalls
and end scrapers.Incorporation of Denali into the
American Paleoarctic Tradition follows Dumond (1977)who
suggests that the Denal i Complex is a regional variant of
the Ameri can Pal eoarcti c Tr ad it i on as defi ned by Anderson
The Denali Complex has been dated to between 8,600 B.C.and
4,000 B.C.in Interior Alaska.There appears to be a
hiatus of Denali sites in the interior archeological record
after 4,000 B.C.;however,several sites in the Tanana
Valley which contain elements thought to be distinctive of
the Denali Complex date to between 2,400 B.C.and
A.D.1,000.This may suggest a late persistence of this
stone industry.Sites representative of the Denali Complex
are located in areas adj acent to the study area.The
01 dest dated Denal i Compl ex site in the Al aska Range area
is Component II,at the Dry Creek site which dates to
ca.8,600 B.C.(Powers and Hamilton 1978:76).
Other sites containing the Denal i Compl ex in surrounding
regions are Teklanika 1 and 2 near Mt.McKinley,MMK-004 at
Lake Minchumina,the Campus site,the Village site at Healy
Lake,site FAI-062 (central Tanana Valley),the Donelly
Ridge site,several undated Denal i sites on the Ft.Wain-
wright Reservation in the central Tanana Valley,several
sites at Tangle Lakes,two sites near Lake Susitna and
upper Cook Inlet,the Beluga Point site,and the Long Lake
site in the Talkeetna Mountains.These suggest that the
Denal i peopl es were extremely widespread and occupied both
inland and coastal zones.If a continuum beween early and
late Denali proves to be real,a time span of over 9,000
years would exist for Denal i peoples.The avail able infor-
mation suggested that sites representing the Denali period
existed within the study area.Sites containing el ements
associ ated with the Denal i compl ex were found as a result
of surface and subsurface testing in the study area (see
Chapters 3,4,and 7 in the 1982 report).
The question of the late duration of the Denali Complex is
not settled.Several sites in regions adjacent to the
study area have yielded materials simil ar to those of the
Denal i Complex,i.e.,microblades,microblade cores,and
burins,which have late dates.These are the Village site
at Healy Lake with a date of ca.500 A.D.(Cook 1969),and
MMK-004 at Lake Minchumina dated to ca.800-1000 A.D.
(Holmes 1978).At the Dixthada site,similar material has
been dated to ca.470 B.C.Several as yet undated sites
contai ning Denal i-l ike materi al were al so located during a
1979 survey in the central Tanana Valley (Dixon et al.)and
could represent late Denali occupation.----
Sites potentially of late Denal i age in areas near the
Upper Susitna study area suggest that 1 ate Denal i sites
could al so exist in the study area.Several sites docu-
mented during the 1980 and 1981 field seasons may represent
this period;however,further testing and evluation are
necessary in order to support this hypothesis.
Areas surrounding the study area have produced sites repre-
sentative of the Northern Archaic Tradition as defined by
Anderson (l968b)which date from ca.4,500 B.C.Northern
Archaic sites include Lake Minchumina,Dry Creek,the
Campus site,the Village site at Healy Lake,several sites
found at Ft.Wainwright in 1979,Tangle Lakes,Lake
Susitna,Beluga Point,and the Ratekin site.The distribu-
tion of these sites is similar to that for the Denali Com-
plex sites.This tradition is characterized by notched
projectile points,notched pebbles,a variety of bifaces,
end scrapers,and notched boulder chip scrapers.A site on
Stephan Lake (TLM 007)dating to ca.4000 B.C.suggested
the presence of the Northern Archaic Tradition in the study
area.Several projectile point types indicative of this
tradition were found during the 1980,1981 and 1982 field
seasons and,along with several radiocarbon dates that cor-
respond to the time span for this culture period,indicate
that this tradition is present in the Upper Susitna Valley
(Section 4.9 and Chapters 3,4,and 7 in the 1982 report).
The Arctic Small Tool Tradition is characterized by assem-
blages containing microblade cores,microblades,burins,
burin spall artifacts,flake knives,and bifacial end
blades.This tradition is represented by coastal and
non-coastal sites,several of the 1 atter being known from
the Al aska Interior.Dumond (1977)suggests that the
Arctic Small Tool Tradition can broadly encompass a
Denbigh-Choris-Norton continuum,and this is how the tradi-
tion is used here.One site adjacent to the study area,
Lake Susitna Site 9,has been suggested as a possible
Arctic Small Tool Tradition (Irving 1957).A date of 2200
to 2800 B.C.has been documented for the Artic Small Tool
occupation at Onion Portage (Anderson 1968)but may be
somewhat 1 ater in the southern interior.
Norton period sites,the late end of the Arctic Small Tool
Tradition continuum,first appear on the Bering Sea coast
about ca.500 B.C.Norton does not predate 400 B.C.in the
upper portion of the Naknek drainage,and 1 asts to
ca.1000 A.D.around much of the Bering Sea area (Dumond
1977:106-108).Shortly after its appearance (ca.SOD B.C.)
Norton may be represented in Interior Alaska archeological
sites.Th is.is suggested by art if acts from Lake
Minchumina,the Beluga Point site in upper Cook Inlet and
possibly one site in the Upper Susitna River Valley.
It shoul d al so be noted that Norton peri od sites in the
Bristol Bay region tend to occur well up major salmon
streams,presumably exploiting this rich resource (Dumond
1977:113).Inland Norton period sites demonstrate the
importance of caribou in the Norton subsi stence strategy
(Dumond 1977:113).The Beluga Point site in upper Cook
Inlet may represent the maritime portion of the Norton sub-
sistence cycle.Norton populations employed a subsistence
pattern that included the seasonal exploitation of both
coastal resources (sea mammals,shell fish,and fish)and
interior resources (caribou,moose,salmon,etc.).This
shift in subsistence strategy may have been a response to
climatic amelioration which occurred after 1000 B.C.and
preceded the "Little Ice Age"(ca.A.D.l600-A.D.1800).
This change in resource exploitation may be reflected by
the occurrence of a possi b1e Norton peri od archeo log ic al
~ite in the Susitna study area.
Late prehi storic Athapaskan and historic period sites have
al so been docLrnented in areas adj acent to the study area.
Late prehistoric Athapaskan sites are presented at Lake
Minchumina,the upper component at the Healy Lake Village
site,the upper component at Dixthada,several sites at
Tangle Lakes,other sites on Lakes Susitna,Louise and
Tyone,a eported site on the Tyone River,and another site
in the vicinity of upper Cook Inlet.These late prehis-
toric Athapaskan sites indicate widespread.occupation of
several regions in Al aska by these groups.Dumond and Mace
(1968)have suggested,based on archeological and histor-
ical data,that Tanaina Athapaskans may have repl aced the
Pac ifi c Eskimo in upper Cook In 1 et somet ime between 1650
A.D.and 1780 A.D.Possibly this replacement occurred
somewhat earl ier in the study area.Several sites repre-
senting this period were documented in the Upper Susitna
River Valley during this study (see Chapters 3,4,and 7 in
1982 report).
The chronology presented here is specul ative and was
intended to provide a basel ine from which archeological
sites of different periods in the project area could be
expected.This chronology is presently being tested and
refined using data from archeological sites located in the
study area.The relationship of this chronology to actual
sites found is discussed in Chapter 7 of the 1982 report.
In order to ev al uate the si gnifi cance of archeo log ic al
sites located during survey and testing (with respect to
National Register criteria),as well as aid in the analysis
of archeological materials collected,it was necessary to
expl kate hypotheses which could be tested and eval uated
util izing the project data.
A fundanental hypothesis examined in this study was the
validity of the cultural chronology which was proposed.To
test the cultural chronology,each period must be examined
separately against archeological data from sites located
during survey.To evaluate a site against a proposed
period in the chronology,it is necessary that the full
range of artifactual material from the site,not just sel-
ected types,and non-artifactual contexts be compared
against the known range of artifactual material from sites
of the period and the attempt made to expl ain the range of
variability and the anomalies.This should lead to a
fuller understanding of periods involved,or the elimina-
tion of invalid periods for the study area and possibly the
delineation of others presently unknown.
(ii)Geoarcheological Data.Geoarcheological data was reviewed,
aeri al photographs exam ined and a prel iminary data base
developed which provided information on glacial events and
surficial geological deposits within and adjacent to the
study area (see Chapter 5 in 1982 report).These data were
used in conjunction with archeologicl data to select survey
locales for testing.Updated geoarcheological data were
incorporated into ongoing cul tural resource studies during
the course of the project.
During the 1980 field season,aerial reconnaissance was
conducted in order to outline more specifically the distri-
bution and range of surface landforms and deposits as well
as to examine the potenti al for stratigraphic work.Strat-
igraphic reconnaissance was conducted in a number of areas
in order to generate data on major valley-forming geologic
events.Geoarcheol og ic al reconnai ssance was conducted in
order to examine land forms specifically associated with
glacial events in the area such as moraines,deltas,lake
plains and eskers,in order to suggest limiting data for
cultural resources in specific areas.
Based on the analysis of the above data,a preliminary geo-
archeological terrain map was developed to assist cultural
resource field studies.This map is on file at the Uni-
versity of Alaska,Fairbanks.In addition,organic samples
co 11 ectedand submitted for radiocarbon analysis were used
to provide keys to stratigraphic units within the study
area,information which was appl ied to site age whenever
possible.Tephra samples were also collected in order to
identify ash horizons noted in archeological sites and
stratigraphic sections.As with the other geoarcheological
data,thi s information was used to date cultural resources
wh en po s sib 1e•
Federal Anti quit i es permits (#80AK-23,#81AK-209)and St ate of
Al aska Permits (#80-1,#81-11,#82-4)were obtained for the
project.Federal permit 81AK-209 is val id through June 1984.
(c)Literature Review
Literature pertaining to the archeology,history,geology,flora
and fauna of the study area and surround"ing areas was reviewed and
incorporated into the research design.
(d)Cultural Chronology
The data resulting from the review of the archeological and his-
torical literature was used to construct a tentative cultural
chrono logy for cultur a 1 resources expected in the study area,pro-
vide data for the del ineation of a predictive model for archeolog-
ical potential of various project areas,and expl icate hypotheses
that could aid in the evaluation of sites located during survey
and testing.A tentative chronology suggested that sites spanning
the past ca.10,000 years would be found in the study area.Pre-
liminary analysis of cultural resources located during the three
field seasons of this project indicates that sites representing
all culture periods outl ined in the research design occur in the
study area.
(e)Research Design and Strategy
An analysis of the data derived from the 1 iterature search focus-
ing on site locales has established that archeological sites occur
in a non-random pattern in rel ation to associated physical,topo-
graphic,and ecological features.Based on the analysis of site
locational data from regions adjacent to the study area,the fea-
tures characteristically associated with archeological site occur-
rence are discussed below.All sites located during this study
can effectively be pl aced in one or more of these categories.
(i)Overlooks -Overlooks are areas of higher topograhic relief
than much of the surrounding terrain.These areas are
characteristically well drained and command a view of the
surrounding region.It is generally inferred that over-
looks served as hunting locales and/or possibly short term
camp sites.Because these sites occur in elevated areas,
soil deposition is generally thin and they are frequently
easily discovered through subsurface testing or examination
of natural exposures.Examples of sites ascribed to the
Denali Complex which occur in this setting are the Campus
Site,Donnelly Ridge,Susitna Lake,and the Teklanika
sites.Northern Archaic Tradition sites also known to
occur on overlooks are the Campus Site,some sites in the
Tangle Lakes area,Susitna Lake,the Ratekin Site,and a
site near the Watana Dam project area.Archeological sites
ascribed to the Arctic Small Tool Tradition frequently
occur on overlooks;however,no positively identified
Arctic Small Tool sites situated on overlooks have yet been
reported from the study area or regions immediately adja-
cent to it.The Nenana River Gorge site,some of the
Tangle Lakes sites,and Lake Susitna are all Athapaskan
period sites which occur on overlooks..
(ii)Lake Margins -Sites ascribed to all defined traditions
have been discovered on the margins of major lakes.It is
generally inferred that they are frequently more permanent
seasonal camps and that fishing,the exploitation of fresh
water aquatic resources,and 1arge mammal hunting were the
primary economic activities associated with these sites.
These inferences are primarily based on the location of
these sites rather than an analysis of faunal and arti-
factual material.Sites on 1 ake margins may exhibit
greater soil deposition than overlooks because of their
lower topographic position.Sites in this setting are fre-
quently discovered through subsurface testing,the observa-
tion of surface features,or through the examination of
natural exposures.Athapaskan sites on 1 ake margins
include those at Lake Minchumina,Healy Lake,Tangle Lakes,
Lake Susitna,Lake Louise,and Lake Tyone.Archeological
sites ascribed to the Arctic Small Tool Tradition are
reported to occur on lake margins,and an example is the
Norton component reported at Lake Minchumina,Healy Lake,
Tangle Lakes,Susitna Lake and Stephen Lake,sites which
may be ascribed to the Northern Archaic Tradition are known
to occur on lake margins.Denali Complex sites which have
been found near lakes include the Tangle Lake sites,Lake
Minchumina,Healy Lake,Long Lake,and Lake Susitna.
(iii)Stream and River Margins -Numerous sites have been
reported along the banks of abandoned channel s of streams
and rivers.They vary from large semi-permanent seasonal
camps to what appear to be brief transient camps.So i1
deposition at such locales may be greater than either lake
or overlook sites because of the low topographic setting of
streams and an active agent (the stream or river)for soil
deposition.Sites may be discovered through the examina-
tion of natural exposures,subsurface testing,and visual
observation of cultural features.Denali Complex sites
reported along stream and r iv er marg in s or ab andoned chan.;.
nels include Dry Creek,Carlo Creek,a.nd the Campus site.
Northern Archaic Tradition sites found in this type of
locale are Dry Creek and the Campus site.The Merrill
site,which is ascribed to the Norton period of the Arctic
Small Tool Tradition,is a former meander of the Kenai
River.Athapaskan sites on stream and river margins
include Dixthada,Dakah De'nin's Village and the Nenana·
River Gorge site.
Natural Constructions -Areas where the topographic setting
and surrounding terrain form natural constrictions tend to
funnel game animals using the area.Lakes,rivers,
streams,incised abandoned channels,as well as mountains
and hills can produce,either singularly or in combination,
natural funnel s,concentrating game animal s (especially
herd animal s)into areas that afford more efficient and
effect ive expl oitat i on of thi s resource by hum an popul a-
tions.Sites in the form of Ill oo kouts ll or actual kill
sites could be associated with these areas.In the Upper
Susitna River Valley extant caribou herds presently use the
area for summer and cal v ing ranges and are subject to thi s
funneling.Presumably this was the case in the past.
(v)Areas Eliminated from Testing Pro~ram -In addition to
those areas mentioned above,areas ~hat appeared to have no
or very low archeological potential were also identified.
These include areas of steep slopes (greater than
15 degrees)such as the wall s of Devil Canyon;areas of
standing water including the Susitna River itself,lakes
and low swampy areas;and exposed gravel bars on the
Susitna River.These areas were eliminated from survey
except when slated for ground-disturbing activities such as
auger and boreholes,seismic testing and the proposed
Watana airstrip.In these cases,low-level helicopter
reconnaissance,surface reconnaissance and subsurface test-
ing were conducted where possi b1e.Numerous reconnai ssance
surveys were conducted in these types of areas,all wi th
negative results.
It can easily be noted in the review of site locational
data that many sites have been subject to reoccupation and
share more than one of the defined physical,topographic,
or ecological features characteristic of archeological site
local es.It waul d appear that there may be a compound ing
effect in human utilization of a locale,if more than one
of these major variables occur,thus possibly increasing
the probabil ity of its use and subsequent reuse.It is
also recognized that this analysis is limited because it
does not address known chronological and settlement pattern
gaps in the archeological record.Additionally,sites such
as caves,rock shelters,quarry sites,etc.,are not
reported immediately adjacent to the study area,although
they may occur in the Susitna region.By focusing initial
survey efforts in these locales,as well as natural ex-
posures,it was -anticipated that most of the archeological
sites which can be easily discovered would be found during
initial stages of the project,thus providing maximum time
for evaluation and planning to ensure their protection.
One hundred and sixty-seven archeological!historic sites
were recorded during the 1980,1981 and 1982 field seasons
through impl anentati on of thi s research design and
However,a problem in the delineation of the topograhic,
physical,and ecological features 1 isted above is that a
variety of specific settings are subsumed under these gen-
eral categories and 1 ittle precise detail about individual
sites is available.One objective of the research design
was to attempt to obtain more precise data relevant to pre-
historic settlement patterns and the juxtaposition of indi-
vidual sites in relation to the natural environment.Forms
used to compile this data are discussed below and presented
in Appendix C in the 1982 report.It is anticipated that
anal ys is of thi s data wi 11 increase pred ictab il ity for
locating archeological sites.Additionally,this examina-
tion may permit detailed analysis of shifting subsistence
patterns during various cultural historical periods which
in turn may enable correlation of changing settlement pat-
terns with environmental change(s).
Field data recording gathered detailed site-specific infor-
mation such as the geomorphic feature on which sites were
located,topographic position and elevation,slope,expos-
ure,view stratigraphy,as well as detail s about the sur-
rounding terrain and environment.This specific kind of
information may enable an analysis of settlement patterns
in relation to ecological variables and human response to
changes in these variables through time.A Site Survey
Form was developed which outl ines the specific kinds of
information that field personnel were required to record.
This form is presented in Appendix C of the 1982 report.
Similar information was also collected at locales where
test pits did not yield cultural evidence to facilitate
analysis of areas where sites do not occur.
The research design and strategy developed for this project
were based on a pl an designed to provide feedback data
throughout the proj ect so that new data coul d be used to
mod ify,refine and further develop the cultural resources
investigation.Primary objectives of the fi.eld research
program were:1)examination of areas which would be im-
mediately affected by the Susitna Hydropower Project.(pro-
posed airstrips,borrow areas,drilling locales,etc.);
2)survey and testing of the documented archeological site
locales;3)anon-the-ground survey of preselected survey
locales within the study area;and 4)systematic testing of
sites discovered to determine spatial limits,depth of
deposits,stratigraphic pl acement of cultural materi al s,
probable age and function of sites,etc.
Data Collection and Field Procedures
(i)Reconnaissance Testing -To insure consistent data collec-
tion in the field an~provide a systematic format for data
retri ev al,a Site Survey Form was used for thi s proj ect
(Form 1,Append ix C in 1982 report).The form served as a
basis for recording specific information on each site
located during the reconnaissance level survey as well as a
basis for systematic testing.The form is organized into
major categories including:site location,environment,
site description and condition,photographic records and
additional information such as a site map and location of
test pits.Subcategories within each of these headings
provide specific data on these topics.
Da il y fi e1d notes were kept by each crew member.Each page
was numbered in the upper right hand corner along with the
date or dates incl uded on that page.Each site was noted
by bold or underlined numbers (i.e.,TLM 027)at the begin-
ning of the notes associated with that site.Field note-
books for survey recorded much of the same informati on
found on the Site Survey Forms,such as site location,
topography,vegetation,soils,extent of site,and photo-
graphs taken.Field notebooks for systematic testing also
recorded a detailed description of soils,drawings strati-
fication of soil s,drawings of significant features or
artifacts in situ,horizontal and vertical placement of
artifacts and features excavated at the site,site maps,
methods of excavation and collection of non-archeological
samples (soil,po1len,radiocarbon).A space was left on
each page for additional notes and corrections.Crew
leaders kept a continuous log of all areas surveyed,noting
both the location of all test pits and natural exposures
and the presence and absence of cultural material.
",nce an archeological site was located,additional shovel
tests were excavated,when possible,to the north,south,
east and west of the test pit wh i ch fi rst documented the
site.This testing was designed to assist in determining
extent of the site as well as to locate additional cul-
tural material.In an effort to keep site disturbance to a
minimum,preliminary testing at each site was limited,and
the number of tests made at each site varied with the
nature of the specific site.All test pits were numbered,
mapped and backfilled.
The location of all excavated and surface collected arti-
facts were recorded.Spec imens recovered dur i ng reconna i s-
sance level survey were bagged by arbitrary 5-cm levels,
unless natural stratification was encountered.Each bag
contained the following information:location (i.e.,Devil
Canyon,Survey Locale 15),date,University of Alaska Site
Number or AHRS number (i.e.,UA80-23 or TLM 123),name of
excavator,test number (as recorded on site map,i.e.,Test
#1),depth,and specimen(s)in bag.Radiometric samples
collected were double wrapped in alum"inum foil and placed
in ziplock bags with the following data recorded on each:
location,date,site number,collector's name,test number,
depth,spec imen.All ind iv idual bags from each test were
placed in a larger bag with site number,name,date and
location on the outside.All test pit bags were pl aced in
a site bag with the site number and date on the outside.
All site bags were organized by survey locale.
A site-specific and regional map was made for each site.
Site maps included horizontal and vertical datum points,
site grid,all test pits made,location of surface arti-
facts,features (such as hearths,cabin remains,house
pits),distance and direction to other sites or major 1 and
features,a scale,date,name of person drawing map,name
of person record ing data,and reference to pages in fi el d
notebooks on wh i ch add it ional informat ion was recorded.
Regional maps showed the site in relation to a larger por-
tion of the study area including nearby rivers,lakes,
topographic features,vegetation communities,and other
sites in the immediate area.
Photographs were taken of each site located.The first
picture at each site was an identification shot indicating
site number,date and crew.Other photographs recorded the
environment around the site,features at the site,soil
profiles exposed in test pits,and artifacts or features in
situ before removal by excavation.Each photograph was
recorded by roll and frame and recorded on the survey form.
Direction of view,if applicable,was noted for each photo-
graph taken along with a short statement of content and any
other data pertinent to the photograph.When practical,a
metric scale or other reference object was included.
Photographs are on file at the University of Alaska
Museun .
Detailed soil profiles were drawn of soil deposits exposed
during excavation.These included a description of color,
grain size and consistency.Measurements documenting depth
and thickness for each unit were al so recorded.So il pro-
files are on file at the University of Alaska Museum.
A catalog of all specimens collected in the field during
surveyor excavation was prepared during Step 5,Curation.
Pertinent data was recorded for each specimen,including
its Museun accession and catalog number,description of
specimen,excavation or collection unit,level or depth
fr.om which it was collected,date of collection,and col-
lector or excavator.Site information collected and
recorded during survey and testing was recorded on Alaska
Heritage Resource Site Survey long forms;a sample of which
is presented as Form 3 in Append ix C of the 1982 report.
These become a permanent publ ic record of the State of
Al aska.
The reconnaissance level survey was directed toward
on-the-ground evaluation of preselected survey locales that
have been identified for the project area.Along with the
evaluation an attempt was made in the field to identify
areas that potenti ally may be el iminated from further sur-
vey and the location of as many site locales as possible.
Form 2 in Appendix C of the 1982 report was developed to
aid this evaluation.
(ii)Systematic Testing -Prior to systematic testing,a mapping
crew established horizontal and vertical site datums,topo-
graphi call y mapped each site and super imposed a hori zonta 1
grid on each.site.To facil itate recording data,the datum
was located,when possible,so that the entire site area
woul d fall north and east of the datum po int.A 12-inch
spike was pl aced at the datum location with an al uminum tag
containing site information including the state AHRS
number,the date and "University of Al aska Museum."Two
methods were used to establish a site datum elevation.
Where it was possible to tie the datum into the elevation
of the Susitna River,the datum elevation was determined by
its elevation above the Susitna at the closest point of the
river to the site.If this was not practical due to the
distance from or elevation above the river,half the eleva-
tion between the contour line above and below the site was
added to the lower contour elevation and this elevation
used to establish elevation.
A $okkisha BT 20 transit,50 m tape and metric stadia rod
were used to establ ish a base line oriented to conform to
local site topography in an effort to facilitate excava-
tion.The northern end of this basel ine was estbl ished as
IlGrid North";all subsequent hori zontal measurements refer-
enced to grid north.A survey notebook was kept by the
mapping crew with all mapping nformation which included
magnetic declination,angles between grid north and true
north,and triangulation data necessary to relocate datums
in the event of disturbance.Wherever topographic consid-
erations-allowed,True North was used as Grid North;how-
ever,iA most cases this was not possible.
Working from the baseline,the mapping crew used the tran-
sit and tape to establish a site grid,placing wooden
stakes at 5-m or 10-m intervals.An east-west project
baseline was established along a line at right angles to
the baseline at the datum location.At larger sites addi-
tional east/west placed lines at right angles to the base-
line were established.All stakes were placed directly at
i ntersecti ng po ints of the grid system with the except ion
of a stake to insure relocation of site datum which was
offset 10 em from the datum spike.Grid coordinates north
and east of datum were written on a.ll wooden stakes and
elevations in relation to datum recorded for the top of the
stake and the ground elevation at the stake location.
Additional elevation measurements off the grid were
recorded using a stadia rod so that a topographic map with
50-em or I-m countour intervals could be drawn.
The mapping crew ·provided the systematic testing crew with
a topographic map of the site vicinity,a grid layout dia-
gram and elevation of all stakes prior to testing of the
Placement of test squares was determined by the crew leader
in charge in consultation with the project supervisor and
principal investigator and was based on the results of pre-
1im in ar y reconnai ssance test i ng,site topography,surface
cultural and noncultural features,and add it i onal shovel
esting.Coordinates of test squares located off the
initial grid system were determined by triangul ation from
the nearest two grid stakes.Individual test square eleva-
tions were established from the closest grid stake eleva-
tion by use of a string and line level.After completion
of systematic testing,all reconnaissance level test pits,
systematic test squares,and shovel test locations were
recorded on the site map.
After the site was mapped and gridded a three-person crew
began systematic testing.Frequently systematic testing
was initiated adjacent to the test which produced cultural
material during reconnaissance level testing.Subsequent
1-m by 1-m squares were laid out to assist in determining
the spatial extent of the site and to collect information
for evaluating and dating the site.Systematic testing was
designed to efficiently collect enough data with which to
address site significance.Weighted against this consider-
ation was the question of how much testing is necessary to
adequately address this problem.An attempt was made to
excavate the minimum number of tests needed to address this
problem.The average number of tests pl aced on a site was
four.However,in a few cases,additional tests were
necessary because of the low frequency,or in some cases
the lack of,cultural material in-the initial tests.
Excavation of 1-m by 1-m squares was conducted by natural
stratigraphic levels when possible.However,in a few
cases soil stratigraphy was not conducive to this method
and excavation by arbitrary levels was employed.Careful
attention ws paid to the identification of tephras in re1a-
ti on to cul tura1remains because their re 1 at i onshi p pro-
vided relative dating and intersite correlation.Test
squares were excavated with trowels and all dirt was
screened through 1/4-inch screen unl ess the soil was too
wet,in which case it was examined by hand.Artifacts were
measured from the south and east wall s of each test and
vertical measurements were made with string and 1 ine level
tied to the square datum.When possible,tephra samples
and organic material for C14 dating were collected.C14
samples were wrapped in two layers of aluminum foil,p1 aced
in pl astic bags,and oven dried at the University Museum l s
archeology lab as soon as possible.
Soil prof"es for test squares that produced cultural·
material were drawn.Soil colors were determined using a
Munsell color chart on dry samples.Composite soil pro-
fi 1 es were a1 so drawnsummari zi ng so il strat igraphy at the
site.Composite soil profiles are included with each indi-
vidual systematic test report (Chapter 4,1982 report).
All artifacts collected were cataloged and accessioned into
the University of A1 aska Museum.All test squares were
backfilled upon completion of testing,and each site was
restored as much as possible to the condition in which it
was originally found.
During systematic testing,soil profiles were drawn to
scale for all four walls of 1 m test squares which produced
cultural material.These profiles are on file at the Uni-
versity of A1 aska Museum.For the purpose of the 1982
report,however,only a single composite soil profile was
included for each site,or site locus,systematically
tested.The composite soil profile is schematic and does
not necessarily represent any individual test square at the
site.Its intent is to graphically represent the sequences
of all soil/sediment units which occur at the site because
individual tests often do not contain the full range of
soil units at a given site.
No standard tectmique for drawing a composite soil profile
was used because test pit p1 acement and soil deposition at
each site varied considerably.The method most often util-
ized to abstract individual test square soil profiles into
a composite site profile was to draw a diagram correlating
profiles from all individual test squares.This was
usually done by selecting the proft1e from each test square
which revealed the greatest number of distinct soil units,
which were drawn to scale with similar sections from pro-
files of all other test squares.Correlations of soil
units between test squares were then matched and a com-
posite site profi1 e drawn by determining the average thick-
ness of each soil unit which occurred at the site and draw-
ing all soil units in their correct stratigraphic sequence.
The thickness of soil units sometimes varies greatly even
between adj acent squares,as does the occas i anal presence
or absence of specific soil units.The composite soil pro-
file is a generalized profile.Elevation above or below
datum and provenience of artifacts from individual test
squares cannot be directly correlated with the composite
site profil es.However,ina broad sense,associ ated so il
units and contact between soil units are accurate for each
Three distinct tephra have been identified in the study
area.These units were given regional names for purposes
of field identification and nomenclature.The names given
the tephra in order of increasing age are as follows:
Devil (1800 -2300 B.P.,A.D.150 -350 B.C.),Watana
(2300 -3200 B.P.,350 B.C.-1250 B.C.)and Oshetna
(greater than 4700 B.P.,2750 B.C.and possibly as old as
5000 -7000 B.P.,3050 B.C.-5050 B.C.).These ash falls
have not yet been carrel ated to tephra from other reg ions
known to date to the last 7000 years.Munsell color desig-
nations were used to describe tephra color.Whenever pos-
sible,color matching was done using dry samples.For a
more detailed discussion of tephra,see Chapter 5 in the
1982 report.The re1 at ionship of cultural components to
the tephra are indicated in Chapter 7 of the 1982 report.
2.3 -Methods - Geoarcheo logy 1980
(a)Literature Review
Prior to the 1980 field season,all publ ished geologic reports
were collected and reviewed for information relevant to the study.
This literature survey was updated during 1981.Because specific
glacial/climatic studies are not available for the immediate study
area,1 iterature for the adjacent regions was heavily rel ied on.
The review concentrated on those areas for which radiocarbon dates
were available from meaningful stratigraphic contexts.Because of
the rel atively high qual ity of cl imatic sequences from the Gl acier
Bay-Boundary Ranges region,southeast Al aska,and Brooks Range,
these areas were also reviewed.No attempt was made to review the
geologic literature for northern and southeast Al aska.
Geoarcheologic Terrain Unit Mapping
During May of 1980,a prel iminary regional map of the Susitna
Valley was prepared for a first-order interpretation of the geo-
logic history and terrain-units·to be studied by the archeo-
logists.The map extended to at least 10 km and usually 15 -
20 km from the Susitna River.Units,which were defined com-
pletely from air-photo interpretation,using 1:20,000 false color
infrared U-2 flight lines,were subdivided on the basis of age and
surface characteristics.This preliminary map,though not
detailed in the immediate vicinity of the Susitna Canyon,was used
in the archeologic research design.This map is on file at the
University of Al aska Museum.
Fi el d Study
Field studies were carried out during June and August,and relied
almost completely on helicopters for logistical support.Four
major objectives of the field program were to ascertain ground
truth and reinterpret the prel iminary regional geoarcheologic map,
to carry out a regional stratigraphic reconnaissance,to help
interpret and describe significant archeologic sites,and to
examine some of the more critical glacial-geomorphologic features
in the region near the proposed impoundment area.
( i )Aeri a 1 Reconnai ssance
The first field objective was to get a regional overview of
the Susitna Valley in order to become famil iar with the
distribution and range in surface 1 andforms and deposits,
and to examine the potenti al for stratigraphic work.In
addition,this overview was necessary to examine the map-
ping done from air-photos in order to test its rel iabil ity
and accuracy.This reconnaissance was done in conjunction
with project archeologists in order to provide collective
agreement on the basis for revised mapping.This joint
examination allowed the geologist and archeologists to
define the map units that best accommodate both needs.
(ii)Stratigraphic Reconnaissance
A second objective was to determine the number and quality
of river bluff exposures that might provide stratigraphic
information needed to interpret and date the major valley-
forming geologic events.After a IIfly-by ll look at all
river bluffs along the Susitna and all of the tributaries
from the Chul itna River to the Tyone River,25 exposures
were selected for further study.Tho se not selected for
further study were observed from the hel icopters,and only
briefly described.At each sel ected exposure,the entire
bluff face was examined and a selected stratigraphic sec-
tion measured.The sediments were divided into significant
natural units,and the chara"cter and height of each unit
was described above "recent high water ll which was used as
an altitude datum.Study of each exposure resulted in a
detailed sketch and description of units,including the
character of the surface above the exposure.In addition
to measuring and describing all units,as many as possible
were sampled for various reasons.Organic matter in key
units was sampled whenever possible for radiocarbon dating.
Organic horizons with well-preserved plant macrofossils
were sampled for paleobotanical analysis.Some sediment
units were sampled to obtain a representative sample of the
unit 1 ithology.In addition,many exposures contained one
or more volcanic ash layers,which were 'also sampled (see
Chapter 5 in the 1982 report).
(iii)Archeologic Sites
During the 1980,1981 and 1982 field seasons,the geologi-
cal examination of archeologic sites was conducted,partic-
ul arly those that were well stratified.Geologic descrip-
tions of the sediment units and regional relationships at
the sites greatly aided in site interpretation.
(iv)Geomorphic Reconnaissance
A final field objective was to examine the landforms within
the study area.Major glacial moraines,deltas,lake
pl ains,eskers,and terraces were described and their
heights and gradients measured.Most examination was done
from the air,but many glacial-geologic features were
studied on the ground.Al so the geomorphic character of
each of the geoarcheologic terrain units within the im-
poundment area were briefly described from the air.
(v)Revised Geoarcheologic Terrain Unit Mapping
A week was spent refining the earl ier prel iminary map to
make it more detail ed and,therefore,more useful for
archeologica.l purposes.Twenty-six units were defined and
mapped directly on the U-2 images.These photographs are
on file at the University of Alaska Museum.During map
revision,much more attention was focused on surface relief
and drainage characteristics of each unit than on its esti-
mated age.This mapping was done during the field season
because the archeologists needed to have the best possible
data avail able for the remainder of the season.
Data Organization and Compilation
Field data was organized,clarified and tabulated where
possible.All short written descriptions were transferred
to the 1:63,360 scale base maps.All stratigraphic dia-
grams and descriptions were redrawn and edited.All
samples were double-checked and curated,and a detailed
sample list was prepared.All photographs were labeled and
keyed to geologic steps and exposures.
(d)Investigation and Dating of Samples
Nine organic samples were submitted for radiocarbon dating,and
all have provided good dates for key stratigraphic horizons.One
faunal sample of a fossil mammoth(?)was examined and identified
by University of Alaska scientists.One paleobotanical sample has
been tentatively identified by the herbarium staff at the Univer-
sity of Al aska Muse1Jl1.One tephra sample has been submitted to
Pullman,Washington,for bulk-and trace-element analysis,the
results of which are not available at this time.
(e)Methods -Geoarcheology 1981
(i )Geoarcheologic Terrain
Considerable effort was expended to revise the geoarcheolo-
gical terrain unit mapping during the 1981 field season.
This mapping proved very useful for the selection of arch-
eological survey locales.
(ii)Glacial-Stratigraphic Mapping
Portions of the 1981 field season were devoted to contin-
uing investigations of the distribution and extent of past
glaciers during late Wisconsin time.To assess this,it
was necessary to map older glacial sequences as well.This
mapping effort consisted of reconnaissance mapping of glac-
ial limits by helicopter,with numerous ground trips during
which the surficial character of the glacial landforms was
(iii)Archeological Stratigraphy
The major effort of the 1981 field season was devoted to
interpreting the geological context of the cultural
horizons at numerous archeological sites.All important
sites were vi sited and interpreted in the fi e1d by the
geologist.Sites that were not visited in the field were
interpreted by the geologist on the basis of field drawings
and descriptions made by the archeologists.
As part of the archeo 1ogi cal stratigraphy effort,a major
portion of the geologists'time was spent informing and
educating the excavators about the landforms,soils and
vo 1cani cash 1ayers found throughout the study area.The
standardization of techniques and descriptions which
resulted from numerous instructional situations greatly.
improved the quality of the resulting data collected by all
investigators during the field season.
Following the field season,a final interpretation of the
archeological stratigraphy was made by synthesizing over
250 stratigraphic drawings made during the field season.
This interpretation was supported by some laboratory
investigations.Samples for radiocarbon dating were
se 1ected,prepared and sent by the geo 1ogi st on the basi s
of their stratigraphic importance,the results and
i nterpretat i on of wh i ch are di scussed inCh apter 5 of the
1982 report.
2.4 -Methods -Paleontology
As part of the Cultural Resource Inventory,the paleontology of a
non-marine tertiary sedimentary basin exposed along Watana Creek was
investigated in order to develop baseline data on paleontological
specimens,other than faunal remains,that could possibly occur in an
archeological context.The deposits crop out locally along the Susitna
River near the mouth of Watana Creek and along the course of Watana
Creek and adjacent areas for approximately seven mi les upstream.The
primary focus of the investigation was to identify and collect a
representative assemblage of plant fossils from the exposed
stratigraphic section and determine the age of the deposits.
Field study consisted qf mapping and sampling of the units comprising
the sedimentary deposits.
(a)Fossi 1 Leaves
Many bedding horizons exposed along Watana Creek were noted to
contain plant material.A number of these units were not suitable
for collection of samples (friable siltstones,etc.);however,
units which were considered to be of a nature to yield specimens
useful for biostratigraphic studies were extensively sampled.
These specimens were accessioned to the University of Alaska
Coal seams throughout the section were sampled for later
laboratory preparation to determine the existence of pollen grains
which could be used for further biostratigraphic control.Samples
of 200 -300-g were taken normal to bedding within coal seams
greater than 0.5 foot thick.Approximately 30 seams were sampled
throughout the section (see Chapter 6 in the 1982 report).
Coal samples were prepared for microscopic examination to
determine pollen content at the University of A1 aska.Specimens
considered to be of quality likely to be of aid in
biostratigraphic correlation were photographed and identified.
2.5 -Known Historic and Archeological Sites in the Project Area
In addition to archeological investigations,geoarcheo10gica1 and
paleontological studies were conducted in order to provide data
which would enhance the location and evaluation of cultural
resources within the study area.Prior to and during field
studies geoarcheological studies were conducted to provide data
that would define the ages of surficial deposits and provide
limiting dates for human occupation of the area.Paleontological
studies were conducted in order to define the types and range of
paleontological specimens that could possibly be found in an
arch eo 1ogi ca 1 context.The results of the cultural resources
studies are included in this section.Federal law mandates that
site locational data not be released if it may create a risk of
harm to the site.Therefore,site location maps are not provided
with this application but can be found in Appendix E of the 1982
Surface reconna.issance,subsurface testing and review of records
at the State Office of Hi story and Archeology documented 6
historic and 161 prehistoric sites during the three field seasons
of the project.One hundred and one hi stori c peri od cabins were
located and recorded by the land use analysis team (subtask 7.07)
under the di rect i on of Dr.Alan Jubenvi 11 e and are descri bed in
that report.Of the 101 historic cabins recorded by the land use
study only 12 fell within the archeological study area.Of this
number only four were older than the 1950s.These sites were
recorded by the cultural resource study team.
Cutural resources were located in 36 (29%)of the 126 survey
locales examined.A total of 73 sites were documented for these
locales.The remaining 94 sites were located in proposed borrow
areas,areas di sturbed by geotechni ca 1 test i ng,along proposed
access routes and transmission corridors and in other portions of
the study area.Si tes reported to the archeo logy study team by
other project personnel were subsequently documented even if they
were outside the study area for cultural resources.Four sites
were originally recorded during a 1978 survey (TLM 015, 016, 017,
018)and one during a survey in 1970 (TLM 007),an additional 9
sites (HEA 026,HEA 030,HEA 035,HEA 037,HEA 038,HEA 080,
HEA 083,HEA 119,HEA 137)were reported in the files of the State
Office of History and Archeology.
The fact that no sites were located during reconnaissance testing
in 90 (71%)of the survey locales could be due to the testing
level employed,sampling bi as,or the fact that site locational
data used for selecting survey locales need to be further refined
to reflect specific topographic settings in the Upper Susitna
River region.Although it is possible that no sites exist within
the limits of these selected survey locales,the fact that
testing in 29%of the areas did locate cultural resources suggests
otherwise.This is also supplemented by the fact that in 1981
archeological sites were found in three survey locales that were
reconnai ssance tested in 1980 with negat i ve results.Th is
suggest s th at increased test i ng 1eve 1s wi 11 i ncre ase the number of
sites located and documented.
Survey locales examined were selected based on the application of
archeologic,ethnographic,historic,and geologic data compiled
and refi ned pri or to and duri ng the 1980,1981 and 1982 fi e 1d
seasons.Maps depicting these locales are presented in Appendix E
of the 1982 report.Specific criteria used for defining and
selecting survey locales are discussed in Section 4.4.
The sites document,ed in 1980,1981 and 1982,as well as the sites
located in 1971 and 1978 are discussed below.Each site summary
contains information concerning the setting and the results of
reconnaissance testing and systematic testing.Detailed site
reports can be found in the 1982 report.Maps showi ng the
location of each site on USGS 1:63,360 scale maps are located in
Appendi x E of the 1982 report.Artifacts speci fi cally di scussed
in the text are presented in Art ifact Photos A through T at the
end of Chapter 3 in the 1982 report.
To avoid confusion,the meaning of certain terms as used in this
application are discussed below:
Site:Any location with detectable physical evidence of
prehistoric and early historic human activity in
th~Susitna Valley within the confines of a
defined topographic setting.Physical evidence
deposited as a result of human activity includes
but is not limited to tools,lithic debitage,
animal bones,and features (including hearths,
house pits,cairns,etc~).
Locus:One of two or more
materi al with ina
discrete from other
materi a 1.
concentrations of cultural
site which is spacially
concentrations of cultural
Shovel Test:
Test Pit:
A concentration or cluster of cultural material
at a site or within a locus.
A subsurf ace test 1ng method 'usi ng a shovel.
this project shovel tests were excavated in
survey locale ln 5 cm arbitrary levels and
excavated to at least 50 cm where possible.
A systematic excavatlon conducted 'with a trowel.
Tests varied in size depending on the terrain but
were usually 1ess than 50 cm x 50 cm.In some
cases shovel tests were turned into test pits
when cultural material was encountered.
1m Test Square:The standard excavation unit used during
systematic testing.
Survey Locale:
Fl ake:
Centimeters below the surface.
Above sea level.
Impoundment limit.Used on survey locale maps.
One of the 119 areas selected for testing during
the 1980 and 1981 field seasons based on the
application of archeologic~ethnologic~historic~
and geologic data.
A fragment of rock culturally removed from a
parent rock by·percussion or pressure flaking.
The remains of lithic tool manufacturing or
repair~usually characterized by a bulb of
percussion~a striking platform~and radlating
ripples or force lines from the pOlnt of impact
or pressure on the ventral surface.
The occurrence of small fl ake scars along the
edge of a lithic artifact.
The manifestatlon of a given archeological phase
at a site (Willey and Phillps 1958:21).Sites
may be single component (representing only one
cultural perl0d)or multicomponent (representing
two or more distinct cultural periods).
Leve 1:
Hori zon:
The vertical subdivision of an excavated unit,
generally a naturally deposited stratigraphic
In soil science,a natural developmental zone in
a soil profile.
Solid material ejected during the eruption of a
volcano and transported through the air.Three
tephras have been identified in the Upper Susitna
River Valley.
Sites in this section are listed by area:Watana Dam and impound-
ment;Devil Canyon Dam and impoundment;proposed borrow areas;and
areas disturbed by geotechni cal test i ng,access route and
associated borrow areas,transmission lines,and other areas
outside the above categories but within the study area.
(b)Watana Dam and Impoundment
(i)Archeological Sites
TLM 017.The site is located east of Tsusena Creek north
of the Susitna River.It is situated on a level bench near
the top ofa northwest slope which descends to Tsusena
Creek.A 180 0 fi el d of vi ew from the southwest to the
northwest encompasses the Tsusena Creek drainage although
the creek itself is not visible.
The site was identified during a brief 1978 survey.No
surface artifacts were observed at the site but a single
subsurface test produced 372 basalt flakes,a large portion
of which were cortex flakes.No diagnostic artifacts were
recovered from this test and eight additional shovel tests
excavated in 1980 failed to produce additional subsurface
cultural materi al.The 1978 test was reopened in 1980 and
an additional 285 basalt flakes were recovered during wall
preparation for profiling.Cultural material is associated
with the contact between the Watana and Oshetna tephra.
-TLM 018.The site is located east of Tsusena Creek north
of the Susitna River near the 1978 Corps of Engineers Camp.
Situated on an east-west trending ridge,the site is
located on a low knoll which forms one of the highest
points of relief along this ridge and affords an expansive
view of a broad kettle and kame plain extending northeast
of the site.Artifacts have been exposed in large blowouts
which occur on the northern slope of this knoll.
The site was identified in 1978 and 29 flakes and a
bifacially flaked triangular basalt projectile point were
surface collected.An additional 138 flakes were recovered
from the single test at the site.In 1980 the site was
revisited and three additional artifacts were surface
collected.These included a basalt biface,a chert flake
with a blade facet and a chert burin spall.Two distinct
lithologies were noted among surface artifacts at the site;
basalt fl akes concentrated on the southwest si de of the
knoll and chert flakes on the northwest side.
This site was systematically tested in 1981 and all surface
artifacts were collected in 1 m square units.Three 1 m by
1 m test squares were excavated at the site.A total of
1414 surface artifats and 570 subsurface aritifacts were
collected.The 1981 surface collection,with the exception
of a boulder chi p scraper and a chert fl ake core,is
composed totally 'of .flakes,consisting of 1078 chert
flakes,332 basalt flakes,2 rhyolite flakes and 2 flakes
of unidentified material.
Subsurface material found in two of the three test squares
consisted of 2 basalt biface fragments,an obsidi an core
fragement,3 obsidian flakes,1 chert blade-like flake,62
chert flakes and 503 basalt flakes.No diagnostic arti-
facts were recovered from the test squares.Cr yoturbat ion
and poor stratigraphy do not allow the clear division of
artifacts into separate components although it appears that
an upper compQnent,above the Devi 1 tephra,and a lower
component,below the Devil tephra,may be present.
-TLM 026.The site is located north of the mouth of Goose
Creek on the north side of the Susitna River.The site is
situated at the southwestern poi nt of a peni nsul a around
which the Susitna River forms a tight bend.The view both
downriver and upriver from the site is excellent for a
distance of 3 to 4 km.
The site consists of both surf ace and subsurface cu ltura 1
material.Surface artifacts exposed at the top of an
eroded'bank overlooking the Susitna River consisted of a
chert end-scraper,2 chert flakes and a rhyolite flake.
Three test pits and seven shovel tests excavated duri ng
initial reconnaissance testing in 1980 did not reveal
subsurface cultural materi a1.Continued reconnaissance
testing in 1981 involved systematic shovel testing along
east-west transects.Ei ghty-fi ve add it i on a 1 shove 1 test s
were dug,only one of which revealed cultural materi al
consisting of 134 burned bone fragments.This shovel test
was not expanded into a test pit and consequently the
stratigraphic position of the faunal material is
uncertain,although it appeared to be associated with the A
horizon directly below the organic mat.
-TLM 033.The site is located downriver from the mouth of
Kosina Creek on the north side of the Susitna River near
the outlet of a small lake.Situated on the point of a
flat terrace,the site overlooks the lake outlet stream.
The vi ew from the si te is best to the west and northwest
overlooking a lower terrace and the stream drainage.The
stream itself and its confluence with the Susitna River is
not visible.
There is no surface indication of a site at this location.
A total of three test pits and one shovel test were dug
during reconnaissance level testing.The only artifact
recovered was a brown chert bi face fragment of uncertai n
provienence stratigraphically since it was found during
shove testing.Systematic testing at the site included the
excavation of six 1 m by 1 m test squares and five shovel
tests.No additional cultural materi al was recovered.
Extensive soil movement due to solifluction was noted
during systematic testing.
TLM 039.The site is located on the western margin of a
lake east of the mouth of Watana Creek on the north side of
the Susitna River.It is situated at the highest elevation
of a knoll at the southwestern end of the lake and is the
highest point on the perimeter of the lake.The view from
the knoll is panoramic,encompassing the entire lake
margi n.
No cultural materi al was observed on the surface.
Reconnaissance level testing involved the excavation of
three test pits,only one of which revealed subsurface
cultural materi ale A burin spall and 14 quartzite fl akes
were recovered from this test.Subsequent systematic
testing consisted of three 1 m by 1 m test squares all of
which produced cultural material.One obsidian and two
black chert microblade fragments,along with a tuffaceous
flake core fragment and 45 waste fl akes were recovered
during systematic testing.Lithologies present include
basalt,quartzite,chert,tuff and rhyolite.A single fire
cracked rock was recovered.Charcoal was present in
associ ation with the cultural materi al.The site appears
to be mu It i -component wi th a component above the Devi 1
tephra and another component at the contact between the
Watana and Oshetna tephra.
-TLM 040.The site is located downriver from the mouth of
Kosina Creek on the southern margin of the Susitna River.
It is situated on an old river terrace approximately 30 m
from the river margin.The view is obstructed in all
directions by vegetation although the river is visible
through the trees.
There is no surface indication of a site at this location.
A shove 1 test produced a jasper b1ade-1ike fl ake wi th
retouch along two margins and a tuffacious flake.This
shovel test was enlarged into a test pit and an additional
test pit was also excavated.No additional artifacts were
recovered during reconnai ssance testing although charcoal
was noted in one of the test pits.
Systematic testing of this site included the excavation of
fi ve 1 m by 1 m test squares and 10 shovel tests.Li thi c
material of obsidian,basalt,chert and rhyolite was re-
covered from three of these five test squares.None of the
shovel tests produced cultlJral materi al.A total of 182
lithic artifacts were recovered during systematic testing.
Artifacts recovered included 22 obsidi an microbalde frag-
ments,4 obsidian blade-like flakes,one chert blade frag-
ments,a possible chert graver,a chert scraper,a rhyolite
boulder chip scraper,a chert flake core fragment,a chert
core/chopper tool,29 obsidian flakes and 130 additional
flakes of basalt and chert.More than one component
appears to be present at this site;however,frost action
has mixed the cultural material stratigraphically.Osidian
and basalt lithic material including microblades are dis-
t ri buted through seven of the thi rteen soi 1 unit s recog-
nized at the site;whereas the gray-banded chert appears to
be associated within or below the Oshetna tephra.Cultural
material was recovered from below,within and at the upper
contact of the Oshetna tephra and above the Devil tephra.
-TLM 042.This site comprises two loci (A,B)and is
located on the north side of the Susitna River on a penin-
sul a across from the mouth of Goose Creek.Both loci are
situated on the southeastern crest of a high river terrace
whi ch forms the peni nsul a around whi ch the Susitna Ri ver
makes a tight bend.Eroded bluffs form the northwest and
southeast banks of this terrace;however,the top is
relatively level and varies between 100 m and 300 m in
Both surface and subsurface cultural material was recovered
from this locus.One basalt and one siltstone biface frag-
ment were surface collected,along with two siltstone
blade-like flakes and 25 siltstone and basalt flakes.
Approximately half of the surface lithic material observed
exposed in the eroding bluff edge was collected during the
reconnaissance level testing.Two test pits were excavated
at the top of the slope,one of which produced five addi-
tional siltstone flakes and two siltstone blade-like flake
fragments just below the organic horizon.
Three of five test squares and one of four shovel tests dug
during systematic testing of this locus yielded cultural
materi al.A total of 151 1ithic artifacts and three bone
fragments were collected from both surface and subsurface
areas of the locus.So-j 1 strat i graphy was domi nated by
solifluction features and the bulk of the artifacts was
collected from the eroding bluff face.Systematic testing
yielded three retouched siltstone flakes and one possible
si ltstone graver in addition to 130 si ltstone,15 basalt
and 2 rhyolite flakes ..Lithic and faunal material,both in
the test squares and in the surface flakes scatters was
uncovered in the upper organic-rich layers or an underlying
yellow-brown oxidized zone.No diagnostic artifacts were
found and the recovered faunal remains were to fragmentary
for identification.
Locus B also consists of both surface and subsurface
cultural material.Surface artifacts collected during the
reconnaissance testing of the site included a side-notched
basalt point base,a retouched chert flake,a basalt flake
core fragment and a chert flake.Of two test pits
excavated at the edge of the eroding fluff face,one
produced a basalt endscraper fragment.
Systematic testing at Locus B consisted of excavating six
1 m test squares and one test pit.Fi ve of the six test
squares yielded cultural material consisting of 109 fJakes,
1 point base,4 fire-cracked rocks and 5 unidentified bone
fragments.Cultural material was recovered from the
organic horizon and above the Watana tephra.A radiocarbon
determination on charcoal from above the Watana tephra
resulted in a modern date (OIC-2282).
-TLM 043.The site is located downriver from the mouth of
Watana Creek on the north side of the Susitna River.It is
situated west of a tributary creek that joins the Susitna
River from the north.Located approximately 400 m north of
the river margin,the site sits on a river terrace in a
relatively flat open area.The view is restricted to
approximately 30 m in all directions by trees which limit
visibility to the immediate clearing in which the site is
No cultural materi al was observed on the surface.Recon-
naissance level testing consisted of three test pits,two
of which revealed subsurface faunal material.A dense
concentration of bone fragments directly below the organic
horizon yielded 48 long bone fragments,1 rib fragment,3
phalanges identified as caribou (Rangifer tarandus)and
approximately 380 ver.y small bone fragments too small to
identify.No lithic artifacts were recovered during
reconnaissance testing.
Systematic testing included the excavation of six 1 m by
1 m test squares and eleven shovel tests.Cultural
materi al was recovered from the upper two organic soi 1
uni ts above the Devi 1 tephra,and cons i sted of 17 chert
flakes,36 fire-cracked rocks,and burned and unburned bone
including 32 large fragments and a large quantity of very
small fragments.All cultural material appears to be from
a single occupation of the site.None of the shovel tests
produced cultural material and no diagnostic artifacts were
-TLM 048.The site is located at the northern end of a lake
east of Watana Creek and north of the Susitna River.Situ-
ated at the top of a 20 m hi gh rounded kno 11,the sHe
overlooks the lake outlet stream.The view encompasses the
outlet stream,the entire northern margin of the lake and a
low marshy area to the northeast where the 1ake out 1et
stream joins a small slow-moving creek.
No cultural materi al was observed on the surface at the
site location.Three shovel tests and two test pits were
dug during reconnaissance testing with only one of the test
pits producing cultural material.A gray chert biface
fragment was found in one of the initial shovel tests
associ ated with the lower tephra.Th is shove 1 test was
expanded to a test pit but no additional cultural material
was recovered.
Systematic testing included the excavation of five 1 m by
1 m test squares four of which contained cultural materi al.
Two components were recogni zed duri ng systemat ic test i ng.
The one component above the Devi 1 tephra was represented
primari ly by a hearth feature containing over 1000 bone
fragments and more than 300 fire-cracked rocks.Nine
flakes of chert,basalt and quartzite,showing evidence of
heat spall i ng,and a fl ake core were associ ated wi th thi s
hearth.The.second component associ ated wi th the Oshetna
tephra was represented by a single microblade fragment of
tuffaceous rock and 12 flakes of chert,rhyolite and
tuffaceous rock.The second component is definitely
associ ated wi th the Oshetna tephra but because of
cryoturbation it is not clear whether it is associated with
the upper or lower contact of this tephra.
-TLM 050.The site is located upriver from the mouth of
Watana Creek near the mouth of an unnamed creek which joins
the Susitna Ri ver from the northeast.The site is situated
on a small alllJvi al bench on the east bank of the creek
approximately 40 m upstream from the creek mouth.The view
is limited to the immediate vicinity of the site by dense
vegetation,although the Susitna River is visible through
the trees.
No cultural material was observed on the surface at this
site.Only one of three test pits excavated during
reconnaissance level testing revealed cultural material.A
concentration of charcoal associ ated with burned bone and
34 therma 11 y fractured rocks was found between 14 and
30 cms below the surf ace between the organi c mat and a
yellow sand.Over 200 burned bone fragments were recovered
including three phal anges and two metatarsal fragments
identified as caribou (Ran~ifer tarandus).One tibia
fragment identified as possi le caribou (Rangifer tarandus)
was also recovered.One of the unidentified bone fragments
recovered exhibits a distinct butchering mark.No lithic
material other than fire-cracked rock was recovered during
reconnai ssance test i ng-.A rad i ocarbon determi nat i on of
280 +no years:A.D.1670 (DIC-1905)was obtai ned on a
charcoal sample.
Systematic testing of this site included the excavation of
six 1 m by 1 m test squares and five shovel tests.All
five test squares produced cultural material with faunal
material,thermally fractured rock and lithic material
recovered from two levels of the site.Nineteen flakes and
105 fire-cracked rocks were recovered.Cultural materi al
was associated with a dark brown silt and a very dark brown
si It.These two units are separated by a dark grayi sh
brown poorly sorted sand.No diagnostic lithic artifacts
were recovered.
-TLM 058.The site is located on a terrace north of the
Susitna River downriver from the mouth of Watana Creek and
100 m east of an unnamed creek.
No surface artifact"s were observed.A shovel test subse-
quently widened into Test Pit 1 revealed a black chert
flake,two brown chert flakes (one with bifacial end
retouch),and a white chalcedony fl ake.The 1ithi c mate-
rial is associated with the contact of the humic zone and
the Devil tephra.Six additional shovel tests and an addi-
tional test pit failed to reveal further cultural material
at the site.
-TLM 059.The site is located east of an unnamed creek
between the Watana and Deadman Creek drai nages,north of
the Susitna River.The site is situated on a low rounded
knoll which is part of a series of kame ridges which line
the eastern boundary of the creek drainage to the west.
The site,discovered during reconnaissance testing and
later systematically tested,consists of a rectangular
depression at the top of the low rounded knoll.The dimen-
sions of this depression are 2 x 1.8 m across and 35 cm
deep.Around the depression is a diffuse berm which is
slightly higher than the surface of the knoll top.Test
Pit 1 was placed along the southern interior edge of the
depression;and decayed logs,charcoal,burned and unburned
bone fragment s,and some possi b1e fi re-cracked rock were
observed.Test Pit 2 placed 7.5 m to the northeast of the
feature but was sterile,and Test Pit 3 placed 2.1 m west
of the feature revealed one small burned bone fragment at
the contact of the humic zone and the Devil tephra.Eleven
additional shovel tests were duq around the base of the
knoll but all were steri leo -
Systematic testing of the site involved excavating three
1 m by 1 m test squares,as well as further testing in Test
Pit 1.A radiocarbon date on charcoal collected from the
charcoal and burned bone level produced a date of
440 +70 years:A.D.1510 (DIC-2253).The depression
truncates all three tephra units as indicated by the test-
ing of the berm during systematic testing.The cultural
debri s outside the depression is characteri zed by a gra-
velly sand unit above the Devil tephra which contains some
burned bone fragments and a single chert fl ake.The
identifiable faunal material within the feature has been
identified as caribou (Rangifer tarandus).
-TLM 060.The site is located on the northern shoulder of
the Susitna River canyon west of the mouth of Watana Creek
and west of a major unnamed tributary.It is situated on
the highest end of a 100 m long ridge.
The site consists of both surface and subsurface material.
A black chert biface fragment was surface collected from an
exposed soi 1 slump but no other surface materi al was ob-
served.Eight shovel tests were placed along the ridge
top;one of which revealed a subsurface artifact.This
shovel test was expanded into a test pit but no additional
artifacts were found.The subsurface artifact was a light
olive brown tuff flake with possible retouch along one
margi n.The fl ake was found in associ at i on wi th the Devi 1
tephra.Two additional test pits fai led to reveal further
cultural material.
-TLM 061.The site is located west of Watana Creek on the
northern shoulder of the Susitna River canyon.The site is
situated at the top of a 20 m high kame knoll which is the
highest point of land for 300 m in the vicinity of the
site.To the east of the site is a clearwater stream and
to the west lies a 1 hectare kettle lake.
No cultural materi al was observed on the surface of the
kno 11 but a shovel test near the center revea led charcoal
and burned bone during reconnaissance testing.The
expanded test revealed a total of 300 burned mammal bone
fragments,15 pi eces of fi re-cracked rock,and a Quant ity
of charcoal.The material was present in two distinct soil
horizons any may represent a multi-component site.A total
of 9 shovel tests,one of whi ch was expanded into a test
pit,were excavated at the site.Seven of these produced
cultural material including the test pit.One soil sample
containing bone"fragments,15 fire-cracked rock fragments,
1 basalt fl ake,and 3 pi eces of red ochre were co 11 ected
during reconnaissance testing.Identified faunal material
co 11 ected from Test 1 represented cari bou (Rangifer
tarandus).Cultural materi al was found above the Devi 1
TLM 062.The site is located on the south margin of the
Susitna Ri ver west of the mouth of Kos ina Creek,on a
relatively flat river terrace 50 m above the level of the
Susitna.The terrace point is the highest and most
prominent landform in the immediate vicinity of the site.
Eight shovel tests were dug at the site during reconnais-
sance testing,one of which was expanded into Test Pit 1
when a chert core was recovered.Test Pi t 1 revealed two
red jasper end scraper fragments which articulated to form
a complete tool.These artifacts were associated with the
Devil tephra and appear to be from the same stratigraphic
The site was chosen for systematic testing and a total of
six 1 m by 1 m test squares were excavated.An additional
49 shovel tests were dug to delineate site boundaries.Two
and possibly three archeological components are present at
the site.Chert and basalt fl akes and burned bone frag-
ments were associ ated with the Devi 1 tephra"and basalt
flakes and burned bone fragments were associ ated wi th the
Oshetna tephra.A third component may be present in the
Watana tephra,but the cultural materi al recovered from
this tephra unit may represent mixing due to cryoturbation.
A total of 180 basalt flakes,1 basalt biface,and 4 basalt
retouched flakes were recovered during systematic testing.
Twenty-fi ve shert fl akes and over 1600 burned bone frag-
ments were also recovered.
-TLM 063.The site is located southeast of the Susitna
River and southeast of Watana Creek mouth.It is situated
on top of a 20 m high,steep-sided,isolated kame knoll.
The kame knoll is part of a low glacial outwash terrace.
Numerous small streams and a one-hectare kett 1e 1ake are
located within 300 m of the site.
No cultural materi al was observed on the surface of the
knoll and only one of eleven shovel tests revealed cultural
material during reconnaissance testing.This test was
expanded into a test pit,and ca.700 small burned bone
fragments and one jasper flake were collected.
-TLM 064.The site is located on the south side of the
Susitna River southeast of the mouth of Watana Creek.Two
site loci (A,B)are located on two knolls ca.90 m apart
on a northeast-southwest axi s.A small 1ake and a clear-
water tributary are located within 500 m of the site.
The site contains both a surface lithic scatter and subsur-
face lithic material.A total of 5 shovel tests and 2 tes~
pits were excavated at the site.Artifacts collected fro.m
the surface of the site consisted of 12 basalt flakes and 1
quartz fl ake.Addit ional basalt fl akes were observed but
not collected.Test Pit 2 revealed one -brown rhyolite
flake and a basalt projectile point base associated with
the contact between a black humic soil and the Devil
-TLM 065.The site consists of two loci (A,B)located on a
broad terrace south of the confl uence of Kosi na Creek and
the Susitna Ri ver.The terrace is demarcated by a creek
drainage to the east.
The site was discovered during reconnaissance testing and
was later systematically tested.Locus A is characterized
by a rectangular depression 2.3 m by 2.7 m by 30 cm
oriented north-south,a circular depression 1 m in
diameter,and an area 2 m by 5 m of sedges,moss and grass
comprising a discontinuity in the general site vegetation.
None of the features were tested duri ng reconnai ssance
testi ng but a 40 by 40 cm test withi n 6 m of the mai n
feature revealed bone and fire cracked rock located beneath
the vegetal mat.Locus 8 consists of a single circular
depressi on 43 cm in di ameter and 20 cm deep whi ch was
tested during reconnaissance survey and two unburned
i nnomi nate fragements of cari bou (Rangi er tarandus)were
Systematic testing of the site included excavating four 1 m
by 1 m test squares.One test bisects the circular
depression at locus A where six bone fragments,one piece
of wood,one blue gl ass bead,three fi re-cracked rock
fragments,and a sheet of birch bark were recovered.
Another test square was positioned to bi sect an apparent
wall of the rectangul ar feature.Heavi ly decayed wooded
logs ran para 11 e 1 to the embankment whi ch may represent
wall structures of a house depression.Eight glass beads
and four fire-cracked rocks were collected from this unit.
Other test squares at the site revealed additional glass
beads,flakes,bone fragments,and fire-cracked rocks.
Cultural material was found above the Devil tephra.
-TLM 072.The site,a large circular depression,is located
northwest of the mouth of Jay Creek.The site is situated
at the southwestern end of an i so 1ated low rounded ri dge
which parallels the general slope of the "valJey wall.
The circular depression is 90 cm deep and measures 4.2 m by
4.5 m across.Seven shovel tests were excavated around the
outside of the pit,only one of which produced cultural
material:large pieces of burned wood and charcoal.An
eighth shovel test was begun near the center of the"
depression and a complete unburned moose metacarpal was
exposed in the vegetative mat at the bottom of the pit.
This was left in place and the test was discontinued so
that that integrity of the feature would be intact unti 1
further testing could be carried out.The depression
truncates the Devil tephra.
-TLM 073.The site is located east of the Oshetna River and
south of the Susitna River on a northwest-southeast
oriented river terrace.
No surf ace art if acts were observed at the si te,but two
test pits and one shovel test revealed subsurface lithics
during reconnaissance testing.Twelve basalt flakes,2
brown chert flakes,2 rhyolite flakes,1 cryptocrystalline
flake,and 1 flake of undetermined lithology were recovered
from as many as fi ve soi 1 units.These are:the cont act
of the Oshetna tephra and the glacial drift;within the
Oshetna tephra;at the contact of the Watana and Oshetna
tephra;within the Watana tephra;and at the contact of the
decomposed organic layer and the Devil tephra.
-TLM 075.The site is located on the south side of the
Susitna River southwest of the mouth of Jay Creek.It is
situated on a knoll which is part of a ridge system on the
north facing slope of the river valley.
The site comprises two areas of subsurface lithic
artifacts;no surface indications were observed at the site
during reconnaissance testing.Test Pit 1 produced a black
chert flake and a possible black chert core tablet from the
contact of the humic mat and the Devil tephra.Test Pit 2
produced two pale brown pyrolite flakes from the Watana
-TLM 077.The site is located south of the confluence of
Kosina Creek and the Susitna River.It is situated on the
southern end of an esker which runs north-south across the
present Susitna floodplain.The site is located on the
highest point of the esker,5 m above the floodplain.
No surface artifacts were observed at the site duri ng
reconnaissance testing.Test Pit 1 produced one basalt
flake below the Oshetna tephra at the contact with the
glacial drift.Another flake was discovered in the
backdirt of the initial shovel test.Five additional
shovel tests were excavated but failed to produce
further cultural material.
-TLM 102.The site is located on the western end of a
ridge crest on the northern side of the Susitna River,
downriver from the mouth of Kosina Creek~
No surface artifacts were observed at the site.A black
chert waste flake was found in the backdirt of a shovel
test which was then expanded to become Test Pi t l.
Three additional waste flakes were located in Test Pit
1.One black chert waste flake was located just beneath
the humi c mat at the cont act of the Devi 1 tephra uni t.
Two additional flakes were recovered from the Watana
tephra unit.
TLM 104.The site is located northwest of the
confl uence of Watana Creek and the Susitna Ri ver.The
site is situated on the south slope of an esker ridge
whi ch curves around the northern edge of a 2-hectare
1 ake.
The site consists of a rectangular depression (Feature
1)of horizontal dimensions 1.4 m by 1.2 m and 65 cm
deep.A diffuse berm is visible around the perimeter of
the depressi on.Test Pit 1 was placed 70 cm from the
feature and revealed charcoal and partially burned wood
ina sand and gravelly matri x beneath the moss cover.
Two ri b fragments from a 1arge mammal were recovered
from the charcoal-woad-sand unit above the Devil tephra.
Four additional shovel tests were placed within 20 m of
Feature 1 but all were sterile.
-TLM 115.The site is located on a flat bench which
occurs on a sinuous finger ridge which descends to the
north side of the Susitna canyon northwest of the Kosina
Creek mouth.The sides of the bench slope steeply into
a tributary ravine to the east and the Susitna canyon to
the south.The site is at a point of high relief which
overlooks adjacent irregular and deeply incised canyon
slopes,the south side of the river valley,and the
river bottom,despite some obstruction by present
veget at ion.
No surface cultural materi al was observed at the site.
One black basalt projectile point biface was found in
place in the sad plug of a shove 1 test in the Oshetna
tephra near its lower contact with glacial drift.Five
other shovel tests on the bench failed to produce
further artifactual material.
-rLM 119.The site is located on the north side of the
Susitna canyon southeast of Watana Creek mouth on a
finger ridge which is roughly perpendicular to the
river.The east side of the ridge is defined by a deep
r avi ne.Th e site 0 ccur sat are 1at 1vel y f 1at poi nt 0 f
high relief on the ridge crest.Present vegetation
obscures the field of view from the site.
A diffuse surf ace 1i thi c scatter was observed at the
site on a def1 ated surface and on a nearby game trai 1.
Three chert fl akes were surface collected,and two ba-
salt flakes were observed on a game trail but not col-
lected.One shovel test produced a single subsurface
chert flake occurring in a silty-sandy matrix with fine-
ly divided organics immediately below the vegetation mat
and above a discontinous layer of pure charcoal over-
lying the Devil tephra.Two test pits,one superimposed
on the positive shovel test,were excavated but no
additional artifactual material was found.
-TLM 126.The site is located north of the Susitna River
and northeast of the Watana Creek mouth of a ridge
crest.To the south,east and west,the sides of the
ridge drop moderately steeply to marshy ground.To the
north,the ridge merges into high ground with further
ri dge systems.With some obstruct i on due to present
vegetation,the field of view from the site is
panoramic,including boggy ground to the edge of the
Watana Creek canyon to the west,kame terrain to the
south and east,and rising terrain to the north.
No surface indication of the site was observed.One
white rhyolite and one light gray cryptocrystalline
flake were found in a test pit,but their stratigraphic
provenience is uncertain.They appear to have come from
below the Devil tephra and above the glacial drift.No
additional artifactual material was found during the
excavation of two shovel tests and the examination of
soil exposures on the ridge.
-TLM 137.The site is located northeast of the Tsusena
Creek mouth near the southeastern end of Sei smi c Line
82-A on the summit of a di screte kame whi ch is the
highest of the small set of kame ridges and knolls which
abut the eastern slope of the Tsusena Creek drainage in
the vicinity.Fi eld of view from the site encompasses
nei ghbori ng ri dges and kno 11 sand gradua 11 y westward
descending terrain to the north and northwest,as well
as gradual north-facing slopes to the south.
No surface indication of the site was observed.A brown
chert flake was found in a shovel test,which was
expanded into a test pit which produced a small basalt
flake from a lens of coarse sand in a disturbed
strat i graphi c context.Si x other shovel tests on the
kame produced no further art ifactua1 materi a1.
(ii)Historic Sites -Results and Discussion
-TLM 079.The site,a trapper's line cabin complex built
by Elmer Simo in the mid-1930s is located on a low
alluvial plain east of the confluence of Jay Creek and
the Susitna River.
The site consists of a cabin,three outbuildings,a
tree cache structure,a garbage dump and associ ated
historic debris.The cabin is a one room (13 by 9 ft.)
structure bui lt of hori zont a11 y st acked spruce logs.A
few supplies present inside the cabin are probably from
the late 1950s-1960s and consist of cooking utensils and
cans.The cabin is sparsely furnished but is in
relatively good condition overall.Outbuilding #1 is an
outhouse;Outbuilding #2 is a storage shed but is
collapsed and overgrown with vegetation.Outbuilding #3
is probably a dog kennel but has been destroyed by
flooding.The tree cache is dilapidated but consisted
of two II-foot vertical beams and a 7-foot long
horizontal crossbeam.A deposit of historic debris was
found northeast of the cabi n inc 1udi ng such items as
plastic,a sleeping bag,cans,as well as a sheet metal
stove and oven.
-TLM 080.The site is a historic trapper's line cabin
located on the south side of the Susitna River,east of
the mouth of Watana Creek.The cabin is situated on a
low flat,poorly drained alluvial terrace 40 m east of a
small braided stream.The cabin has one room (7 x 10
feet)and a dirt floor.The structure is built of
horizontal moss-chinked spruce logs.Interior
furnishings are sparse.A built-in bunk,a low bench,
two shelves,a table made of wooden boxes,a rusted
stove and pipe make up the furnishings.No outbuildings
or historic debris were observed outside the cabin.
(c)Devi 1 Canyon Dam and Impoundment
(i)Archeological Sites -Results and Discussion
-TLM 022.The site is situated east of the confluence of
Tsusena Creek with the Susitna Ri ver.Located on an
alluvial terrace overlooking the creek,the site affords
a view of both the north and south banks of the Susitna
River for approximately 800 m to the west.
There are no surface indications of a site at this
location.Reconnaissance testing consisted of one test
pit and four shovel tests which revealed charcoal and
burned bone associ ated with a hearth and fire-cracked
rock.Fi fty-one burned bone and tooth fragments were
collected.Two phalanx fragments were identified as
caribou (Rangifer tarandus)and one canine tooth
fragment as possibly bear (Ursus spp.).Radiocarbon
determinations on charcoal produced modern dates (DIC
Systematic testing included the excavation of five 1 m
by 1 m test squares and five additional shovel tests.
Two components,both represented by hearth features with
associated faunal material,were identified.Most of
the faunal material (487 pieces)was too fragmentary for
identification;however,five phalanges and a portion of
a mandible were identified as caribou (Rangifer
tarandus).Si xty-two fragments of fire-cracked rock
were recovered.No 1ith i cart if act s were recovered.
Deposition at the site is fluvial and tephras are not
present in the stratigraphy.
-TLM 024.The site is located in proposed Borrow Area E
and within the Devil impoundment,northwest of the mouth
of Tsusena Creek.It is si tuated at the end of a ri dge
overlooking an alluvial terrace to the south.The view
from the site is presently restricted by a dense stand
of mixed spruce and birch.
There is no surface indiction of a site at this
location;however,a shovel test produced a single
basalt cortex flake.Three additional shovel tests and
two test pits failed to reveal cultural material.The
site is restricted topographically to a small bench
below the point of the ridge.The provenience of the
basalt flake was uncertain and it is not possible to
relate this artifact to the tephra deposits which are
present at the site.
-TLM 027.The site is located on the south shore of the
Susitna Ri ver at the mouth of an unnamed stream whi ch
joi ns the Su sitna Ri ver upri ver from the mouth of Fog
Creek.Because the site is situated on the summit of a
discrete knoll the view from the site is excellent in
all di rect ions except to the south where it is
obstructed by dense tree growth.Be low the site there
is evidence of terracing by the Susitna River.
Testing at this site included both reconnaissance and
systematic testing.No surface artifacts were observed
at the site.Three test pits excavated during
reconnaissance testing produced 29 light green
tuffacious flakes (7 with retouch),1 tuffacious core
and 5 basalt flakes.Systematic testing,consisting of
three 1 m by 1 m squares,produced 199 basalt flakes,5
basalt flakes with cortex,2 basalt biface fragments,1
retouched basalt flakes,1 basalt fragment,196
tuffacious flakes,7 tuffacius blades,5 possible
tuffacious blades,5 tuffacious microblades,3
tuffacious uniface fragments,1 tuffacious cnre,1
possible tuffacious core tablet,-40 chert flakes,1
obsidian flake,1 cobble and 12 flakes of undetermined
material type.The site contains several components
with art i facts occurri ng below the Oshetna tephra,at
the contact between theOshetna and Watana.tephra,and
above the Devil tephra.-
A radiocarbon determination of 3210 +80 years:1260
B.C.(DIC 2286)was obtained on charcoal associated with
artifacts at the contact between the Watana and Oshetna
tephra deposi ts.
-TLM 029.The site is located upriver from the mouth of
Fog Creek at the mouth of an unnamed stream which joins
the Susitna River from the east.The site is situated
at the edge of an alluvial terrace on the south side of
this stream ~nd overlooks the mouth of the stream.Both
the Susitna River and the stream are visible and easily
accessible from the site.The view is blocked to the
east by topography and somewhat restricted in other
directions by fairly dense black spruce.
There is no surface indication of a site at this
location.Four shovel tests and one test pit were
excavated.Only the test pit revealed cultural
material.A total of 224 flakes were recovered from
this test pit and included 213 basalt flakes,10 chert
flakes and 1 chalcedony flake.No diagnostic artifacts
were recovered.The site appears to be single
components with cultural material occurring at the
contact between the Devil and Watana tephra .
-TLM 030.The site is located on the south margin of Fog
Creek upstream from the confluence of Fog Creek and the
Susitna Ri ver.It iss ituated on the poi nt of an
alluvial terrace overlooking Fog Creek.The view is
primarily northeast up Fog Creek and west down Fog Creek
to the mouth,encompassing a distance of approximately
1.5 km.Visibility in other directions is limited by
topography and dense spruce forest.
The site contains both surface and subsurface cultural
materi al.A si de-notched basalt poi nt was surf ace
collected from a game trai 1 that traverses the site.
Other observed surface flakes exposed in the game trail
were left in place.A total of five test pits were
excavated,four of which produced cultural material.
Over 500 flakes and 6 tools are included in the
assemblage from the site.Diagnostic artifacts
associ ated wi th charcoal concentrat ions inc 1ude a
side-notched basalt biface (backed knife),a
side-notched point base of chert,3 basalt blade-like
flakes,a basalt blade core fragment and a large
argillite blade-like flake.Artifacts occur above the
Devil tephra,withi n the\~at ana tephra,at the contact
between the Wat ana and Oshetna tephra and below the
Oshetna tephra.A radiocarbon determination of 2310 +
220 years:B.C.(DIC-IB77)was obtained on charcoal
associated with flakes in Test 1.Charcoal from Test 4,
also associated with flakes produced a radiocarbon
determi nati on of 4730 +130 years:2700 B.C.
-TLM 034.The site is located downriver from the mouth
of Fog Creek on the west side of the Susitna River on
the crest of a low ridge 30 m northwest of a small pond.
Scattered spruce and birch cover the slopes of the ridge
restricting the view to the immediate vicinity of the
There is no surface indication of a site at this
location.Two test pits were excavated,one of which
produced 2 rhyolite flakes,including the proximal end
of a b1ade-l ike fl ake.Both fl akes were excavated from
the same soil unit,a brown mottled silt directly under
the humus.Additional shovel testing along the ridge
away from the immedi ate vicinity of the site did not
produce additional artifacts.
(ii)Historic Sites -Results and Discussion
-TLM 023.The site,a collapsed trapper's cabin,is
located in proposed Borrow Area E,west of the mouth of
Tsusena Creek,at the mouth of an unnamed creek whi ch
joins the Susitna River from the north.The cabin
remains,not visible from the river,are located on a
relatively flat alluvial terrace 50 m east of the
braided mouth of the creek.
The fallen wall logs are partially decomposed and
covered with soil and vegetation.The ground in the
immediate vicinity of the cabin 1S littered with
historic cultural debris including the remains of a dog
sled.One glass jar was collected and all other
historic artifacts were left in place.There is no
evidence of outbuildings or a cache in the area.None
of the four shovel tests excavated at the site produced
cultural materi al.This cabin may be a line cabin used
by Oscar Vogel in the 1930s and 1940s.
Proposed Borrow Areas,Associated Facilities,and Areas Disturbed
by Geotechnical Testing
(i)Archeological Sites -Results and Discussion
-TLM 035.The site is located upstream from the mouth
of Tsusena Creek on the west side of the creek.It is
situated on the point of an older river terrace west of
Tsusena Creek.Except for isolated openings in the tree
cover,the view in all directions is severely restricted
by the existing vegetation and obstructed to the north
by intervening topography.
There is no surface indication of a site at this
location.Two of three test pits excavated at this site
produced cultural materi al.Two waste fl akes,one of
rhyolite and one of basalt,were recovered from these
test pits.The cultural materi al was associ ated with
the contact between a dark brown si lt and a gray si lt
(Devil tephra).No diagnostic artifacts were
-TLM 068.The site is located on the southeastern slope
of a low kno 11 on the crest of a di scont i nuous end
morai ne -at the northern termi nus of a 2 km wi de U-shaped
valley east of Stephan Lake.
The site consists of a surface lithic scatter exposed on
the defl ated slope of the morai ne as we 11 as i so 1ated
surface lithics located a long the moraine crest to the
north of the main lithic concentration.Artifacts that
were collected during reconnasissance testing include 1
black chert projectile point,1 burinated gray chert
flake,1 gray chert biface,1 black chert knife,1 black
chert flake and 1 whitish-gray flake.
-TLM 070.The site is located east of Stephan Lake at
the northern end of a2 km wide glacial valley which is
ori ented north-south.It is situated on the defl ated
summit of a low knoll which is part of a lateral moraine
system on the eastern side of the glacial valley.
The site consists of a surface lithic scatter exposed at
the summit of the knoll.A gray chert endscraper,two
light gray rhyolite flakes,and a black chert flake
were surface co 11 ected from the exposure duri ng
reconnaissance testing.Subsurface testing at the site
failed to reveal any additional cultural material.
-TLM 082.The Black River Moraine site consists of two
loci (A,B)located on top of a moraine north and
para 11 e1 to the Bl ack Ri ver,upstream from its
confluence with the Oshetna River.
Surface reconnai ssance of the morai ne resulted in the
collection of four out of a total of the seven flakes
observed.The materi al was found in two concentrat ions
located 171 m apart along the axis of the northeast-
southwest oriented moraine.A test pit was excavated at
each of the two loci but no subsurface cultural material
was observed.
-HEA 177.The site consisting of three loci (A,B,C)
is located on the east side of a northeast-southwest
trending lateral moraine east of where Butte Creek
leaves Butte Lake.The top of the moraine offers an un-
obstructed panoramic view of the large lake plain to the
north,Butte Lake to the west and upland hill s to the
south and southwest.
Of the two test pits excavated at the site during recon-
n ai ssance testing on 1y Test Pit 1 produced cu ltura 1
materi al,1 chert fl ake.Surface cultural materi al was
present at all three loci and collectively consisted of
1 dark gray chert fl ake,25 gray chert fl akes,2 gray
chert rocks,and 1 gray chert tabular core.
-HEA 178.The site is located on a moraine running east-
west along the north edge of a kett 1e 1ake located
northeast of the north end of Butte Lake and consists of
two loci (A,B).The view from bnt h loci is panoramic.
The one test pit at locus A excavated at the site during
reconnai ssance testing di d not produce any cu ltura 1
materi al.All cultural materi al collected at the site
was collected on the surface and collectively consisted
of 4 rhyolite flakes,23 chert flakes,and 1 basalt
blade-like flake with retouch.
-HEA 179.The site is located north of the Denali High-
way southeast of the intersection of Canyon Creek and
the highway.The view from the site is unobstructed to
the northwest,north,and east overlooking the extensive
southern drainage of the Alaska Range.
The one test pi t excavated at the site duri ng recon-
naissance testing did not produce any cultural material.
The only artifact collected at the site was a black
chert flake recovered in a blowout.
(ii)Historic Sites -Results and Discussions
None located to date.
(e)Proposed Access Routes and Associated Borrow Areas
(i)Archeological Sites -Results and Discussion
-TLM 051.The site is located near the southeastern
boundary of proposed Borrow Area F,east of Tsusena
Creek.It is located in kettle and kame topography near
the top of the hi ghest knoll in an area of numerous
knolls and ridges.Approximately 17 lakes and ponds are
located within 1 km radius of the site.The site loca-
tion provides a view of many of the kettle lakes in the
area but the principal view is of a 7 hectare lake with
a long finger extending to the northwest.
No cultural materi al was observed on the surface.Only
one of five reconnaissance level test pits excavated at
the site produced cultural material.Five tuffascious
rhyolite flakes,one of which exhibits retouch along one
margin,were recovered from this test.
-TLM 098.The site is located near the center of an
elongated knoll east of a major northern tributary of
Deadman Creek and north of the confluence of two
The site is a surface lithic scatter consisting of two
patinated gray chert flakes,one of which was collected.
Additional surface reconnaissance and the excavation of
a test pit in the vicinity of the surface artifacts
failed to reveal cultural material.
-TLM 099.This two loci (A,B)site is located on two
adj acent knolls southwest of Deadman Lake and north of
the confluence of Deadman Creek and one of its northern
Fourteen black flecked gray rhyolite flakes were located
on the surface of locus A,three of which were col-
lected.Two flakes were found at locus B:a white pa-
tinated chert flake and a black basalt flake;both were
collected.A test pit at each locus fai led to produce
subsurface cultural materi al.
-TLM 101.The site is located on the southern edge of a
1 arge terrace,north of Devi 1 Creek mouth on the east
side of the creek.
The site consists of a single banded chert flake located
on the surface of a gravel exposure on the southern end
of the terrace.Test Pi t 1 revealed no sub surf ace
cultural materi al and further reconnai ssance survey of
the exposures fai led to reveal any further cultural
-TLM 106.The site is located on a prominent knoll lo-
cated centrally along an esker overlooking the valley of
a creek which flows southeast into the Susitna River,
east-southeast of Swimming Bear Lake.The site location
affords a panoramic view of the creek valley to the
east,south and southwest.To the north the uplands are
clearly visible.
One test pit was excavated during reconnaissance testing
at the site.However,the only artifact recovered was a
gray chert bi face fragment recovered on the surf ace of
the 1arge exposure on the southeastern port i on of the
-TLM 107.The si te is located northwest on the con-
fl uence of Tsusena Creek and the Susitna Ri ver on a
west-northwest trend i ng esker.The vi ew from the site
is extensive in all directions.
The site consists of a surface lithic scatter on a de-
flated surface.Recovered artifacts included 3 chert
flakes,5 rhyolite flakes,1 basalt flake,1 quartzite
flake,1 cobble spall (with possible retouch),1 biface
fragment,and 1 chert point fragment (midsection).
Additional flakes were observed but were not collected.
A test pit was excavated on the knoll top where the
vegetation mat provided soil deposition.No subsurface
materi al was located.
-TLM 108.The site is located on a prominent esker fea-
ture southeast of Swimming Bear Lake along an unnamed
stream drainage.The site itself is located on the
flat,oval-shaped exposed top of the high southern end
of the esker overlooking the creek and associated marsh
areas to the south and west.The gradually ro 11 i ng and
steep uplands to the north,east and west are visible
from the site.
One test pit was excavated at the site during reconnais-
sance testing,but no subsurface cultural materi al was
found.A surface lithic scatter consisting of more than
100 flakes was noted at the site,but only 16 black
basalt flakes and 2 gray chert flakes were collected.
-TLM 109.The site is located on a peninsula at the east
end of Swimming Bear Lake north of the narrowest point
in the lake.The view from the site includes all of the
1ake as well as the uplands to the north,south,east
and west.
One test pit and 13 shovel tests were excavated on the
site during reconnaissance testing;however,all
cultural material recovered was collected on the surface
and cons 1sted of 2 gray chert flakes and 2 brown chert
fl akes.
-TLM 110.The site is located on the top of an east-west
ori ented ri dge northwest of Swi mmi ng Bear Lake and is
about 30 m above the 1ake.The vi ew from the site is
panoramic with total visibility of the lake and
surrounding terrain for approximately 2 km.
The one test pit excavated during reconnaissance
testing,at the ~ighest point of the ridge,produced 20
black basalt flakes,4 black chert flakes,2 gray
chalcedony flakes and 1 black basalt bif ace fragment.
Surface materi al collected from the site included 11
black basalt flakes,2 gray chert flakes,1 gray
rhyolite flake,1 white rhyolite flake,and 1 chert
biface fragment.Subsurface cultural materi al was
fround on the contact between the·Watana and Devi 1
tephra,in the Devi 1 tephra,and above the Devi 1
-TLM 111.The site is located at the northwest end of
Swimming Bear Lake.The site is approximately 10 m
above the present lake level on a spit protruding
southeast into the 1ake.The vi ew is extensive ina 11
directions.The site consists of a 1.3 m x 1.5 x 45 cm
rectangular depression.
The one test pi t excavated
and the nine shovel
reconnaissance testing did
materia 1.
adj acent to the depression
tests excavated duri ng
not reveal any cultural
-TLM 112.The site,an irregular circle of stones,is
located on a dicontlnuous ridge overlooking Devil Creek
and a major l.mnamed creek,northeast of the confl uence
of Devi 1 Creek and the Susitna Ri ver,and north of
Swimming Bear Lake.The view from the site is good and
includes portions of the glacial valley to the north and
south.However,a portion of the view to the south is
obstructed by slightly higher terrain.
excavated on
surface and
The one test pit placed on the site during reconnais-
sance testing did not reveal any cultural material.The
site consists of 30 stones forming an irregular circle
which ranged in size from cobbles to small boulders.
The stones were part i ally embedded in the surroundi ng
soi 1.
-TLM 113.The site is located along a southeast facing
bluff northwest of Devi 1 Creek and northeast of Hi gh
Lake.From the site a panoramic view of the Devil Creek
drai nage and associ ated lower terraces to the east,
southeast and south is available.
The one test pit and eleven shovel tests excavated on
the site during reconnai ssance test i ng di d not revea.l
any cultural materi ala All artifacts were collected on
the surface.Artifacts collected included 1 gray
rhyolite projectile point,1 white rhyolite stemmed
point~1 white rhyolite flake and 1 black basalt flake
with possible retouch.
-TLM 114.The site is located on the northeastern end of
a north-south oriented terrace overlooking Devil Creek~
due north of the confl uence of Devi 1 Creek and the
Susitna River.The site commands a view of Devi.l Creek
and its valley to the east~north,and northwest.
One test pit and three shovel tests were
the site during reconnaissance testing.
cultural material was recovered on the
consisted of 5 white rhyolite flakes.
-TLM 153.The site is located in a borrow area along the
proposed access route.The site was field vi sited but
has not been recorded.
TLM 155.The site is located along the proposed access
route.It was field visited but has not been recorded.
-HEA 181.The site is located northwest of Deadman Lake
outlet at the outlet of a small lake at the southern end
of a glacial valley.The view from the site is most
extensive to the north~encompassing a small nearby lake
and the valley walls.
The one test pit excavated at the site during reconnais-
sance testing revealed one chert flake.Three shovel
tests in the area did not reveal any additional ma-
terial.Seven surface flakes were noted at the site
four of which were collected:3 basalt ffakes and 1
chert flake.The one subsurface flake was recovered
from the contact between the Devil and Watana tephra.
-HEA 182.The site is located northwest of Deadman Lake
on the western tip of a glacially formed knoll east of a
wide meandering south-flowing creek.The site is
located in a deflated area which extends along the
western edge of the kno 11.The kno 11 is one of the
highest spots in the area affording an excellent
panoramic view from the site.
The one test pit placed on the site during
reconnaissance testing did not produce any cultural
material.The artifacts collected from the site were
recovered from the surface and consi sted .of 1 rhyo 1ite
side-notched point fragment,2 basalt flakes,and 1
quartz biface fragment.
-HEA 211.The site is located along the proposed access
route.The si te was fi eld vi sited but has not been
(ii)Historic Sites -Results and Discussions
None recorded to date.
(f)Transmission Corridors
Preliminary aeri al reconnaissance was conducted of the proposed
transmission line routes from Fairbanks to Healy and Willow to
Anchorage.The transmission corridor from the Watana Dam to the
intertie was selected after the 1982 field season and remains to
be surveyed.
(i)Archeological Sites
-HEA 026,HEA 030,HEA 035,HEA 037,HEA 038,HEA 080,
HEA 083.The above sites are reported in the fi 1es of
.the Al aska Office of Hi story and Archeology.The sites
were not visited by the personnel of the Susitna
Archeological Project.
-HEA 119,HEA 137.These sites are reported in the files
of the Alaska Office of History and Archeology.The
sites were not visited by the personnel of the Susitna
Archeological Project.
HEA 120.The site is located southeast of the
confluence of Healy Creek with the Nenana River on the
middle terrace of a series of at least three alluvial
terraces.View from the site includes hilly uplands
north of Healy Creek,the Nenana River valley to the
west,and the southward conti nuat i on of the terrace
system to its terminus against the north facing slope of
Healy Creek valley.
During surface reconnaissance,a brown agate flake
(Locus A)was found 40 m south of a gray chert retouched
f1 ake (Locus B).Locus Bin contrast to Locus A is
situated on the terrace margin,overlooking Healy Creek.
The terrace surface was largely wind-scoured and no
subsurface testing was conducted,but extensive
additional surface reconnaissance failed to reveal
further artifactual material.
FAI 213.The site is located northeast of the
confl uence of Bi rch Creek wi th the Nenana Ri ver.The
site is situated on the top of a steep south-facing
bluff.At the base of the bluff is a 300 m wide
abandoned stream channel which is presently well
vegetated.Visibility from the site is excellent to the
northwest,where the channel begins to open out onto the
Tanana Flats outwash plain.Mountainous uplands are
visible to the south and southeast.Visibility in
other directions is restricted by brushy ground along
the level bluff top.
Both surface and subsurface cultural material was
co 11 ected duri ng reconnai ssance testi ng.Twenty-ni ne
flakes were recovered from a deflated area on the edge
of the bluff.An additional flake was observed but not'
collected ca.50 m to the northeast.Three shovel tests
were dug,one of which produced a basalt flake.A test
pit was excavated on the north edge of the surface
exposure and an addit lona1 gray chert fl ake was
recovered.A massive charcoal lens with oxidized soil
was observed within this test pit.
-FAI 214.The site is located on the eastern end of a
ridge in the hi lly uplands forming the west Nenana
valley wall southwest of the confluence of Birch Creek
and the Nenanan River.The field of view from the site
is obstructed to the west by the forested ridge,but is
panoramic in other directions encompassing a section of
the Tanana Flats,the constricted river valley east of
the site,and the widening valley to the south.
No surface indication of the site was noted.An
obsidian flake was found in a shovel test.A test pit
superimposed on the shovel test produced 4 basalt flakes
from a red-brown si It unit.A second shovel test near
the test pit produced 6 basalt fl akes from the same
strat i graphi c unit.
(i i )Historic Sites
None located to date.
(g)Other Areas
During the course of the cultural resource study a number of
sites were located outside the areas already addressed in this
application by project personnel (helicopter pilots,land use
planning team,geologist,etc.).Although no subsurface
disturbance was scheduled for these areas,location and
documentation of these sites were very important because little
is known about the hi story and prehi story of the Upper SusHna
region and each site studied increases the data base.In
addition,since these sites were located and could potentially be
impacted by future recreation use,it is in the best interest of
any cultural resource management plan to include them as part of
this study.
(i)Archeological Sites
TLM 007.The site is reported in the files of the
Al aska Office of Hi story and Archeology.The site was
not field visited by the personnel of the Susitna
Archeological Project.
-TLM 015.The site is located east of Tsusena Creek
north of the Susitna River in kettle and kame
topography.Located at the top of a kame,the site
offers an unrestricted view of numerous knolls,ridges
<and kettle lakes.
Th is site was tested in 1978 and revi si ted in 1980
without additional testing.In 1978 a single test
produced two waste fl akes from di fferent soi 1 uni t s
suggesting that the site may be multicomponent.No
tephra deposits were noted in descriptions of the soi 1
units at the site.No surface artifacts were observed
at the site.
-TLM 016.The site is located in an area of kettle and
kame topography bordered to the west and east by Tsusena
and Deadman Creeks and to the south by the Susi tna
River.It is situated at the highest elevation of a low
rounded kame knoll which is the highest point of relief
withi n a 600 m radi us.The vi ew from the site is
panoramic but the principal view is to the west and
north encompassing portions of four lakes.
Both surface and subsurface cultural material was found
at this site in 1978.The site was revisited in 1980
but no additional testing was done.During testing in
1978 six basalt and rhyolite flakes were recovered from
a blowout,and five test pits were excavated at the
site.Forty bone fragments and six waste flakes
associ ated with charcoal were recovered from Test 1.A
radiocarbon date of 3675 +160 years:1725 (B.C.
(GX-5630)was obtained from-this charcoal.Two other
tests produced subsurface cultural material,including a
unifacially retouched rhyolite pebble from Test 2 and
six waste flakes from Test 5.
-TLM 021.The site,consisting of three loci (A,B,C),
is situated on an east-west trending ridge northwest of
the confluence of Kosina Creek and Gi lbert Creek.The
easternmost locus,Locus A,overlooks Kosina Creek which
is not visible from the other loci.All three loci are
exposed in deflated areas along the crest of the ridge.
Test i ng was concentrated at Locus A where four surface
flake scatters were identified.Two scrapers (chert and
rhyo 1it e)and a retouched rhyo 1ite fl ake were found
spacially isolated from the flake scatters.A total of
570 rhyo 1ite f1 akes,9 chert fl akes and 1 basa 1t f1 ake
were surface collected from thi s locus,approximately
half of the surface flakes observed.Four test pits
were excavated,only ·one of which produced subsurface
material consisting entirely of waste flakes.
Locus B consists of six flake scatters from which all
observed surface artifacts were collected.Di agnostic
surface artifacts included the medial section of a
projectile point,a scraper,and a biface,all of
rhyolite.A single test pit excavated at this locus
produced one chert flake associated with burned bone and
charcoal.A radiocarbon detemination of 1160 +100:A.
D.790 (DIG-1878)was obtained from this charcoal.One
hundred and fourteen rhyolite,4 chert and 2 basalt
flakes were surface collected.Four of the rhyolite
flakes showed retouch.
Locus C consists ofa single flake scatter containing 21
brown chert flakes,6 basalt flakes and 2 rhyolite
flakes all of which were collected.One test pit was
dug which produced a single gray chert flake directly
below the vegetative mat.
-TLM 025.The site is located south of the Susitna River
and southwest of the mouth of Watana Creek.It is
situated at the highest elevation of a glacial crag and
tail feature which exhibits sharp relief in relation to
the surround ing terrai n.The view from the si te is
excellent in all directons for a distance of over 10
The site contains both surface and subsurface cultural
material.A surface flake scatter is exposed in a
blowout coveri ng an area 4 m by 35 m.Di agnost ic
artifacts collected from the surface include a chert
core tablet,a rhyolite bipolar-flaked cylindrical core,
a rhyolite core tablet,two rhyolite microblade
midsections,a basalt point base,a possible cobble
hammerstone,and a chert scraper.In addition 14 waste
flakes were surface collected including two obsidian
flakes.Three test pits were excavated,two of which
produced cultural materi al.Test 1 produced a si ngl e
rhyolite flake and Test 2 produced two basalt flakes.
No tephra deposits were noted during reconnaissance
-TLM 028.The site,consisting of two loci (A,B),is
situated on an esker located west of the mouth of the
TyoneRiver on the north margin of the Susitna River.
This esker parallels a bend of the Susitna River for
approximately 1 km.Locus A is situated at the highest
elevation on the extreme northeast end of the esker and
Locus B is·located approximately 750 m southwest of
Locus A on the level crest,of the esker.The view from
both loci is good in all directions although limited by
the relatively low elevation of the esker.
The site is surficial,limited to a single isolated
flake collected at each locus.At Locus A,a rhyolite
flake was found in a blowout.Two test pits and a
shovel test did not reveal any subsurface cultural
material at this locus.A basalt waste flake was
surface collected at Locus B from a game trai 1 which
follows the crest of the esker.A single test pit at
this locus failed to reveal any additional cultural
material.Intensive surface reconnaissance along the
enti re 1ength of the esker di d not produce any
additional surface artifacts.
-TLM 031.The site is located on a high plateau on the
north side of the Susitna River downriver from the mouth
of Kosi na Creek.The site is situated ina sytem of
hills and ridges surrounding several small lakes.
The site consists of a single isolated surface artifact,
a black chert endscraper on a blade.Three test pits
excavated at the site failed to reveal additional
cultural material.The site is located on an
extens i vel y defl ated ridge and intens ive surface
reconnaissance did not produce any further surface
TLM 032.The site is located on a high pl ateau on the
north side of the Susitna River downriver from the mouth
of Kosina Creek.It is located south of the southermost
point of the largest of three kettle lakes at the
eastern end of the pl ateau.The view from the site is
panoramic but somewhat restricted to the south by
A total of 10 artifacts were surface collected during
reconnaissance testing,including 2 quartzite
endscrapers,a retouched rhyolite fl ake,a notched
cobble exhibiting battering at one end,and a chalcedony
core fragment.In addition 5 flakes were collected with
lithologies including basalt,chert and quartzite.A
single test pit in the immediate vicinity of the surface
scatter did not reveal subsurface artifacts.The entire
area around the concentration of surface artifacts
consisted of bedrock and defl ated ground.All observed
artifacts were collected.
-TLM 036.The site is located on a high pl ateau on the
north side of the Susitna River downriver from the mouth
of Kosina Creek.It is situated on a small knoll
overlooking a south-facing slope leading down to the
Susi.tna River.The knoll and ridge upon which the site
is located is part of a system of discontinuous ridges
exhibiting nllTlerous bedrock and drift exposures.The
view from the site is panoramic ranging from 1 km to 5
The site consists of a surface 1 ithic scatter exposed in
a blowout approximately 8 m by 12 m in size.A
unifacially worked chert endscraper was surface
collected from this blowout along with a single gray
chert flake.No other cultural material was observed on
the surface.A single test pit at the site did not
reveal any subsurface cultural materi al and encountered
bedrock within 10 cm.
-TLM 037.The site is located on a high pl ateau on the
north side of the Susitna River downriver from the mouth
of Kosi na Creek.It is situated on one the numerous
east-west trending glacially scoured ridges.Exposed
bedrock and drift characterize this plateau.The view
is panoramic and includes two kettle lakes to the
southwest of the site.
This is a surface site consisting of four waste flakes
exposed in a blowout measuring approximately 40 m by 50
m.Two of these fl akes,one of gray chert and one of
basalt,were surface collected and two gray chert flakes
were left in place.No diagnostic artifacts were
observed.A si ngl e test pit did not reveal any
subsurface .cultural material.Soil deposition in the
vicinity of the site is shallow and bedrock was
encountered within 10 cmbs.
-TLM 038.The site is located upstream from the mouth
of Watana Creek on the eastern edge of a plain
overlooking the creek from the west.It is situated on
a small discrete lobe of the continuous edge of the
pl ain.Access to Watana Creek is difficult or
impossible in place where downcutting has resulted in
cl iffs and steep bedrock exposures.The view
encompasses the relatively level plain west of the site
and a lower alluvial terrace along with portions of
Watana Creek to the north and northeast.
There is no surface indication of a site at this
location.Reconnaissance level testing included two
test pits and three shovel tests.Burned bone
associated with charcoal was revealed in one test pit
and two shovel tests.Several hundred cal cined bone
fragments were recovered.Mo st bone fr agments were too
small to ident ify but 12 long bone fragments,1 carpal,
1 metacarpal and 1 tooth were identified as caribou
(Rangifer tarandus).
Systematic testing of this site included the excavation
of five 1 m by 1 m test square and a si ng 1e 40 cm by 40
cm test pit.An additional 22 bone fragments and 9
thermally fractured rocks were recovered and attributed
to a single occupation.Four of the test squares
produced cultural material although concentration of
faunal materi al was much 1ess dense that in the
rconnaissance test pits.No cultural lithic material
other than fire-cracked rock was recovered.The
cultural unit is within and above the Devil tephra.
-TLM 041.The site is located on a high fl at pl ain south
of the Sus itna Ri ver,southwest of the conf'uence of a
large tributary of Fog Creek.The site is situated on a
low knob on a broad northeast-southwest sl opi ng grassy
plain.Despite low topographic relief,the site
location affords an unobstructed panoramic view of an
open pl ain 300 m to 400 m wide and approximately 1 km
The site was identified by an R&M geologist who
collected a tuffacious rhyol ite fl ake from the surface.
Subsequent intensive surface reconnaissance and two
subsurface tests fail ed to reveal additlona1 cul tural
material.The exact location at which the flake was
collected was never identified.
-TLM 044.The sitei s located west of Jay Creek and
.north of the Susitna.River on a high pl ateau comprising
glacially scoured hills and ridges.It is situated on
the deflated top of a discrete knoll which affords a
panoramic view of the surround ing terrain and a vall ey
to the north which contains several lakes.
Both surface and subsurface cultural material were
present at this site.Surface material consisted of
five lithic scatters exposed in blowouts near the
highest elevation of the knoll.A complete 1anceolate
point,a biface fragment,a retouched flake,a uniface
fragment,22 waste flakes and 19 bone fragments were
surface collected during reconnaissance level testing.
A single test pit produced 15 basalt flakes and 69 bone
fragments associated with charcoal.No tephra deposits
were encountered.Flake lithologies present at this
site include basalt,rhyolite,chert and chalcedony.
TLM 045.This site,consisting of two loci (A,B),is
situated on the south and east facing slopes of a knoll
northeast of TLM 044.The view from Locus A is 1 imited
by intervening topography to less than 100 m.Locus B
is situated on an east facing slope overlooking a small
valley and the view from this locus includes both the
valley to the north,low marshy areas,and kettle lakes
to the southwest.
Reconnai ssance 1evel test ing reveal ed both surface and
subsurface cul tural materi al •Surface materi al was
found in three fl ake scatters comprising two loci (A,B)
located 104 m apart..A complete chert point,a
chal cedony microbl ade,a chal cedony microb 1ade fragment,
a retouched fl ake and 62 bone fragments were surface
collected along with 63 waste flakes.Approximately 126
surface flakes were left in place.A single test pit
produced two basalt flakes and one rhyolite flake,ca.
290 bone fragments and 25 fl akes and 16 possible fire-
cracked rocks.Faunal material included a phalanx
identified as caribou (Rangifer tarandus),a tarsal
fragment identified as possibly caribou (Rangifer
tarandus)and a right and left maxilla identified as
arcflc ground squirrel (Spermophilus parryi).Litholo-
giesrepresented at the site included basalt,rhyolite,
chert,chalcedony and obsidian.Subsurface cultural
material appeared to be associated with the contact
between the Devil and Watana tephra deposits.
-TLM 046.The general location and topographic setting
of TLM 046 is similar to that of TlIVl 044 and TLM 045.
TLM 046 is situated on the.easternmost and highest of
three knolls,the western knolls containing the other
two sites.All three knoll s are part of the same 1and-
form and the western slope of the highest knoll joins
the ridge upon which the two lower knolls are situated.
TLM 046 is located at the northern end of a north-south
oriented knoll which affords the most commanding panor-
amic view of any of the surrounding terrain features.
The view encompasses both the vall ey to the north wi th
its series of interconnected lakes and lower elevations
to the east and southeast with kettle lakes.
Both surface and subsurface cul tural materi al was re-
covered from four fl ake scatters during reconniassance
testing.Two projectile point bases,one of chert and
one of basalt,were surface collected along with a
basal t endscraper,a chert endscraper,48 waste fl akes
and ca.200 bone fragments.Some surface bone and 43
observed fl akes were 1eft in pl ace.On 1y one of three
test pits produced cul tural materi al :30 flakes
(1 ithologies incl uding basalt,rhyol ite,chert and
obsidian)and 8 burned bone fragments associated ·with
charcoal.Subsurface cultural material was associated
with the Watana tephra and the contact between the
Watana and Oshetna tephra.A radiocarbon determination
of 2340 +145 years:390 B.C.(DIC-1903)was obtained
from charcoal assoc i ated wi th subsurface cultural
materi al •
Systematic testing included the excavation of five 1 m
by 1 m test square,three of which produced cultural
material.Two additional surface 1 ithic scatters were
identified at the site during systematic testing.Addi-
tional surface collection at the site included one point
base,75 fl akes and 8 bone fr agments.A total of 180
fl akes were recovered from the three test squares which
produced cultural materi al • A charcoal concentrat ion
interpreted as a hearth feature was encountered 5 cm to
10 em below the surface in one of the test squares.
-TLM 047.The site is located downriver from Vee Canyon
on the west side of the Susitna River.It is situated
800 m west of the river at the north end of a north-
south oriented bedrock ridge.The Susitna River v~ley
and the river itself are visible to the north,east and
south but the view to the west is blocked by bedrock
cliffs and higher terrain.
The site consists of a 3 m by 10 m surface 1 ithic
scatter·exposed on the defl ated crest of a bedrock
ridge.Surface collected artifacts include a chert
biface fragment,a chert mircob 1 ade fragment and a re-
t.ouched chert fl ake in addition to 24 rhyol ite and
basalt flakes.Approximately 70 rhyolite flakes were
left in place.Two test pits excavated during recon-
naissance level testing failed to reveal subsurface
cul tural materi al and the site appears to be 1 imited to
the extreme northern end of the ridge.
-TLM 049.The site is located east of the mouth of the
Oshetna River on the south side of the Susitna River.
It is situated on the summit of a discrete knoll located
on a north-south trending continuous ridge overlooking
the Susitna River.The site overlooks a broad alluvial
terrace to the west,north and east which contains two
lakes,only one of which is visible from the site.
Both surface and subsurface cul tural materi al is present
at this site.A total of four test pits were excavated
on the knoll,one of which produced a single basalt
flake within the organic mat.Two additional surface
flakes were observed,but not collected,in a blowout on
the ridge top approximately 500 m south of the knoll.
-TLM 052.The site,consisting of two loci (A,B),is
located northwest of the mouth of Jay Creek on a
southeast-northwest trending ridge.This ridge is the
highest of numerous defl ated ridges and knoll s in thi s
vicinity and affords an excellent vantage point over-
looking the largest kettle lake in the area,an 8
hectare lake (Laha Lake)southeast of the site.Locus A
is situated at the edge of the defl ated crest of the
ridge on the southern slope overl ooki ng Laha Lake,and
Locus 8 is located on the northeastern rounded crest of
the ridge.
Both surface and subsurface cul tural materi al was found
at this site.Artifacts surface collected from the site
include one basalt and two chert point bases and seven
basalt and chert waste fl akes.Thirty-four basalt and
chert fl akes were 1eftunco 11 ected •Most of the surface
lithic material was observed at Locus A where a single
test pit excavated immed i ate 1y so uthwest of the 1 argest
concentration of flakes produced a black bashalt flake 7
cms below the surface at the contact between the org anic
horizon and a gray silt (Devil tephra).
-TLM 053.The site,consisting of two loci (A,B),is
located northeast of the mouth of Jay Creek.Situated
on a deflated ridge,the two site loci are 240 m apart
on opposite ends of the ridge.
Locus A contains both surface and subsurface materi al .
A surface 1 ithic scatter includes a chert fl ake bifa-
ci ally retouched on the 'right lateral margin with a
graver spur at the distal end,'a whitish-gray chert
flake with retouch on the left and right margins and the
distal end,a large tuffacious rhyolite flake,a basalt
flake and a chalcedony flake.Test Pit 1 revealed a
1 ight brown tuffacious rhyol ite fl ake on the contact of
the glacial drift and the Devil tephra unit.Locus B
consists of a single gray chert flake retouched on the
dorsal surface (possibly a scraper).Locus Blacked any
soil other than gl acial drift and bedrock,and
therefore,no subsurface test ing was conducted.
-TLM 054.The site is located on a kame or esker remnant
east of Tsusena Creek.
No surface material was observed at the site.Two dark
gray chal cedony fl akes were recovered from beneath the
organic mat during an initial shovel test.This shovel
test was expanded into Test Pit 1 and one small bone
fragment was recovered.A second test pit 5 m northeast
of the first was negative.
-TLM 055.The site is located north of the northwest tip
of Tsusena Butte,and west of Tsusena Creek.It is
situated on a low knoll which rises approximately 2 m
above the surrounding terrain.Tsusena Creek is visible
from the site through present vegetation.A very wet
area consisting of muskeg and marsh is present between
the site and Tsusena Creek,although the immediate
vicinity of the site is better drai ned and covered with
spruce forest.
No surface artifacts were observed at the site.Two
shovel tests were placed on this knoll,one of which
produced a chert scraper.Th is shovel test was expanded
into a test pit from which four additional chert fl akes
were recovered.Cul tural materi al occurred above the
Devil tephra in a zone of finely divided organics.
During the systematic testing of site TLM 097,TLM 055
as revisited and a single 1m test square was excavated
at the site in an attempt to obtain additional diagnos-
tic lithic material.Four burned bone graments and
five fire-cracked rocks were found associ ated with a
dense concentration of charcoal within the same finely
divided organic horizon above the Devil tephra.Three
very small chert f1 akes were the only 1 ithic material
recovered from this test square.
-TLM 057.The site is located east of Big Lake over-
looking an outlet creek to the north and the 1 ake itself
to the west.
The surface lithic scatter at the site included a chert
microb1ade fragment,two chert flakes,and a quartzite
fragment all of which were collected.Several basalt
flakes were left uncollected from the surface.Five
shovel tests and a single test pit were pl aced on the
f1 at knoll top but all fail ed to reveal subsurface
-TLM 066.The site is ·located on the east-southeast
slope of a ridgetop pl ateau east of Watana Creek and
northeast of the mouth of Watana Creek.The site
overlooks a sm all unnamed creek to the southeast,moun-
tainous slopes to the northeast,and surrounding low-
lying terrain in other directions.Three bifacia11y
chipped tools were recovered from an exposed blowout
surface during reconnaissance testing.These include a
gray chert 1 anceol ate proj ect;1e po i nt found in two
pi eces,the base of a black chert proj ect il e po int with
a reworked tip,and a gray chert ovate biface found in
two pieces.One test pit excavated near the ovate
biface failed to reveal subsurface cultural material.
-TLM 067.The Sonona Creek site is situated on top of a
knoll along the east side of Big Bones Ridge,west of
Sonona Creek.The knoll is a prominent topographic
feature,and the eastern slope drops continuously to the
1evel of Sonona Creek.The site is above treel ine and
commands a view in all directions.
The site consists of three surface 1 ithic concentrations
and three rock features.The bu1 k of the cul tural ma-
terial is exposed on the surface but in one of the two
test pits excavated at the site a jasper flake was
recovered from a dark organic zone.No tephra were
associated with the artifact.
Feature 1 is a 3.3.m by 1 m linear rock pile showing
definite stacking and p1 acement of local bedrock
boulders.The height of the finished wall is
approximately 50 cm.Feature 2 is a smaller
"windbreak,"50 cm wide by 50 cm high.A "window"
formed by two uprights and a cap stone affords a view to
the east.
Cluster 1 consists of 2 chalcedony projectile points,1
red jasper point,1 quartz crystal,2 chert flakes,1
chalcedony flake,and 1 possible tool.Cluster 2
consists of 5 black basalt flakes.Miscellaneous
surface finds included 1 black basalt biface fragment,2
rhyolite flakes,2 chalcedony flakes,1 chert flake,1
polished green pebble and 1 cobble chopper.
-TLM 069.The site is located east of Jay Creek and
north of the Susitna River at the top of an elongated
knoll.The knoll is part of a series of glacially
scoured bedrock knolls which characterize the topography
in the general vicinity of the site.A small pond is
located 50 m northeast of the site.
The site was discovered during reconnaissance testing
and was 1ater systematically tested.During
reconnaisssance testing 741 flakes of various materials
including chert,rhyolite,basalt and obsidian were
recovered.Two util ized obsidian fl akes and 1 util ized
chert flake were also collected.Five pieces of fire-
cracked rock and 1539 burned bone fragments were
collected.All but three flakes were recovered from
three test pits.All bone and fire-cracked rock
fragments were collected.
Systematic testing of the site included the excavation
of three 1 m by 1 m test square,three 50 by 50 cm test
squares,and a series of shovel tests to help delineate
the 1 imits of the site.The cultural material
recovered from this testing consisted of 1232 flakes,4
tool fragments,3 scrapers,1 biface,1 biface fragment,
1 core,1 point,and numerous burned bone fragments.
The cultural material was associated with the contact of
the Oshetna tephra and the glacial drift,the contact of
the Watana tephra and the Oshetna tephra within the
Watana tephra,and on the contact with the decomposed
organic 1 ayer and the Devil tephra.The site has at
least three archeological components,and possibly
-TLM 074.The site is located on the rim of the southern
upland terrace overlooking the Susitna River on a bend
in the river northeast of the mouth of the Oshetna
Ri v er.
A total of eight shovel tests were dug at the site,one
of which was expanded into a test pit after recovering a
large quartize flake from the contact of the Devil and
Watana tephra.Another test pit was excavated on the
site which revealed a concentration of charcoal.
-TLM 076.The site,consisting of three loci (A,B,C),
is located on the south side of the Sus itna Ri ver
east-northeast of the confluence of the Oshetna and the
Susitna Rivers.The three loci are located on kame
knolls and are higher than the surrounding terrain.
Locus A consists of a 1 ithic·scatter and a partially
exposed hearth.The hearth contains charcoal,burned
bone 'and fire-cracked rock.An obsidian flake was
collected 50 cm north of the hearth.Four chert fl akes
were collected from a blowout and the two test pits
excavated during reconnaissance testing were sterile.
Locus B consists of an obsidian point fragment and a
flake,both found on the surface.No subsurface
materi al was recovered from the test pi t at Locus B.
Locus C consi sts of one basal t fl ake found on the
surface.No subsurface material was observed in the
test pit excavated at Locus C.
-TLM 078.The site is located on a small kame knoll 8 m
above and east of Tsusena Creek,and north of Tsusena
Both surface and subsurface materi al were present at the
site.A single basalt flake was observed on the
surface.Additional 1 ithic material was recovered in
two subsurface tests.One gray chert fl ake assoc i ated
with the humic mat was recovered in Test Pit 1 during
reconnaissance testing.Test Pit 2 revealed four black
basalt and two gray chert fl akes associated with the
Watana tephra.
-TLM 081.The site is located on a kame knoll southeast
of Tsusena Creek and north of Tsusena Butte.
No surface artificats were observed at the site.An
initial shovel test near the center of the kame revealed
two brown rhyol ite fl akes.The shovel test was expanded
into a test pit and thirty additional flakes of the same
materi al were recovered.The artifacts appear to be
assoc i ated with the Watana tephr a but cryotlJrbat i on has
occurred and only a tentative correl ation may be made at
this time.
-TLM 083.The site is located on a kame knoll east of
Tsusena Creek and north of Tsusena Butte.The site is
located on a feature of sufficient re1 ative rel ief to
afford a panoramic view of the surrounding region.
No surface artifacts were observed at the site.A
single gray rhyolite flake with retouch was recovered in
a shovel test which was expanded into Test Pit 1.No
exact provenience is available for the flake and no
further subsurface materi al was observed in Test Pit 1
or in the second shovel test located 2 m to the
-TLM 084.Th e site is situated on top of a kame east of
Tsusena Creek and north of Tsusena Butte.The site
rests on the most northerly tip of a 30 m long by 22 m
wide northeast-southwest oriented kame 6 m above the
f1 oodpl ain of Ts usena Creek.
One hundred eighty black basal t f1 akes were recovered
4-7 cm below the suface at the contact between the humus
and the Oev i1 tephr a in Te st Pit 1.No surf ace art i-
facts were observed.Test Pit 2,8 m southeast of Test
Pit 1,was sterile.
-TLM 085.The site is located on a small kame or esker
remnant east of Ts usena Creek and north of Tsusena
Butte.The site is situated on the southern end of the
kame and commands an extensive view of the creek and its
course to the north,and downstream to the south.
No surface art ifacts were observed at the site.Test
Pit 1 revealed 69 gray chert flakes from a depth of 2-11
cm below the surface.The f1 akes were found in a zone
of gray to 1ight brown tephra immediately above the gl a-
cial drift.Mixing of the soil units was present due to
cryoturbation and tentatively the cultural material can
be associated with the Watana tephra.Test Pit 2 and
two additional shovel tests failed to reveal further
cul tura1 materi a1 .
-TLM 086.The site is located on the top of a small kame
which is 15 m above the level of Tsusena Creek to the
west and immediately north of one of its clearwater
tributari es.
A single b1 ack chert f1 ake was discovered in a surface
exposure on the south slope of the kame.Subsurface
testing failed to reveal any cultural material.
A single bl ack chert fl ake was discovered'in a surface
exposure on the south slope of the kame.Subsurface
testing failed to reveal any cultural material.
-TLM 087.The site is located on the south half of a
northeast-southwest oriented kame in the kettl e and kame
topography which borders Tsusena Creek north of Tsusena
No surface artifacts were observed at the site.Test
Pit"1,located at the highest point on the kame,pro-
duced two gray chert fl akes.The context of the fl akes
appears to be in the Dev il tephra un it.A second test
pit failed to reveal further cultural material.
-TLM 088.The site is situated on an esker southeast of
Tsusena Creek within an area where the creek makes a
sharp bend around the northern slopes of Tsusena Butte.
No surface artifacts were observed at the site.Test
Pit 1 revealed 22 black basalt flakes associated with
the Oshetna tephra.A small depression,1 m by 80 cm by
15 em deep was present at the site and a test pit was
excavated in its center.This test revealed evidence of
subsurface disturbance in that the strata were mixed and
considerably different from the strata present in a test
pit outside the depression.No cultural materi al was
encountered in this test pit.
-TLM 089.The site is located on the northern ridge of
Tsusena Butte east of Tsusena Creek.
The site consists of six soil exposures which contain
over a hundred basalt fl akes,the majority of which were
left uncollected.Collected artifacts included a brown
chert biface fragment and numerous rhyol ite and chert
flakes.Test Pit 1 revealed a hearth consisting of a
thick charcoal unit with numerous faunal and 1 ithic
specimens.Identifiable faunal remains consisted of one
calcined caribou 3rd phal anx (Rangifer tarandus),one
calcined metatarsal/carpal fragment (possibly caribou),
and four tooth fragments (possibly caribou).Lithic
materi al from Test Pi t 1 consi sts of 1 transl ucent
fl ake,6 green-gray chert fl akes,10 dark gray chert
flakes,19 tan-gray chert flakes,36 black basalt
flakes,and 498 brown chert flakes.The cultural
material from Test Pit 1 is from above the Devil
-TLM 090.The site is located on a level bench of a
north ridge of Tsusena Butte overlooking the Tsusena
Creek valley.
Five black basalt flakes,one of which was collected,
were found on the surface of a small exposure.Seven
shovel tests p1 aced in the vicinity of the exposure were
steri 1e as was Test Pi t l.
-TLM 091.The site,consisting of two loci (A,B),is
located on the southern end of a north-south trending
narrow bedrock ridge,north of the highest point of
Tsusena Butte.The site is located on two sides of a
dip which separates the ridge from Tsusena Butte.
Locus A consisted of ten b1 ack basalt f1 akes located on
the surface of a bedrock-soil exposure,in a 30-em
square area.Three of the flakes were collected.Test
Pit 1 at Locus A failed to reveal any subsurface
artifacts.Locus B consisted of a bl ack basalt point
tip.No further testing was conducted at this locus.
-TLM 092.The site is located on a north-south ori ented
bedrock ridge on the west side of the northern arm of
Tsusena Lake.
The site consists of a surface lithic scatter in a soil
exposure measuring 90 cm by 40 cm,on a bedrock outcrop.
A total of 3 bl ack fine grained basalt fl akes were
collected from this exposure.Test Pit 1 failed to
produce any subsurface cu1 tural materi al .
-TLM 093.The site is located southwest of the northern
arm of Tsusena Lake and is situated on an exposed
bedrock knob occupyi ng an area 20 m by 35 m on the top
of this outcrop.
Both surface and subsurface cu1 tural materi a1 are
present with three clusters of surface flakes observed
in blowouts which occur among the bedrock exposures.
C1 uster 1 contained 15 fl akes of which 7 were collected.
Cluster 2 contained 4 flakes,3 of which (including a
retouched basalt flake)were collected.Cluster 3
contained 51 flakes of which 12 were collected.
Lithologies represented on the surface were basalt,
chert and rhyol ite.
Subsurface testing at the site included one test pit and
eight shovel tests.Test Pit 1 was excavated 2 m from
Cl uster 2 and reveal ed a total of 33 dark gray basalt
fl akes associated with the Watana tephra.An additional
fl ake of simil ar materi al was recovered from the Oshetna
-TLM 094.The site is located west of Tsusena Creek and
north of Tsusena Butte.It is situated on the southern
end of a kame wh ich ri ses about 5 m above the
surrounding marshy floodpl ain.
Twelve fl akes (six of which were collected)located in a
gravel expo sure on the southwest end of the kame com-
prise the surface artifacts at the site and are of chert
and basalt.Two articul ating fragments of a gray basalt
biface fragment were also collected from the exposure.
A test pit was excavated 1.5 m'northeast of the sc~tter
which produced four transl ucent fl akes from the contact
of the humic zone and the Devil tephra,two 1 ight chert
fl akes from the Watana tephra,and one black chert fl ake
from the contact of the Watana tephra and a gray-brown
silt at 11 cm below surface.The site may be multi-
component but mix ing of the so i1 un its was ev ident due
to cryoturbation,and correlations of cultural material
to stratigraphic units is tentative.
-TLM 095.The site is located on the west side of
Tsusena Creek north of Tsusena Butte.The site is situ-
ated on a 6 m high fame knoll which is part of the gen-
eral kettl e and kame topography of the upper Tsusena
Creek drainage.
No surface artifacts were observed at the site;however,
two of seven shovel tests pl aced at the two areas of
highest elevation on the knoll revealed cultural mater-
i al.Test Pi t 1 at the northwest end of the knoll re-
vealed 50 fine grained basalt fl akes from within the
Oshetna tepha.Test Pit 2 at the southeast end of the
knoll revealed 23 fine grained basalt fl akes from the
Watana tephra.The site may be multi component.
-TLM 096.The site is located north of Tsusena Butte and
west of Tsusena Creek at the western edge of a marshy
alluvial plain.It is situated on the top of a low
narrow ridge which trends east to west.
No surface art ifacts were observed at the site.Ei ght
shovel tests were dug at the site,two of which were ex-
panded into test pits,1 and 2.Test Pit 1 reveal ed
three wh it ish-gray chert fl akes from the Dev il tephra.
Test Pit 2 was sterile as were the remaining six shovel
-TLM 097.The site is located northwest of Tsusena Butte
on the west side of Tsusena Creek.It is situated at
the top of an east facing bluff which overlooks Tsusena
Creek and passes approximately 50 m east of the site.
The field of view is panoramic with the depth of view
greatest to the northeast overlooking a broad alluvial
Both surface and subsurface cultural materi a1 were col-
lected during reconnaissance level testing of the site.
A gray chert 1anceo1ate point was surface collected from
the site along with a basalt flake.Twelve shovel tests
were dug along the top of the bl uff,two of wh i ch re-
veal ed subsurface cul tura1 materi a1 .These two shovel
tests were expanded into test pits,one of which pro-
duced additional cultural material.This test pit pro-
duced a total of 55 fl akes,one bone fragment and one
fire-cracked rock,all associated with a concentration
of charcoal at the contact of the Dev il tephra with the
zone of finely divided organics (A horizon).Flake
1 ithologies from this test pit include basalt and both
black and gray chert.
Systematic testing of the site included the excavation
of five 1 m by 1 m test squares and 24 shovel tests.
All five of the test squares and four·of the shovel
tests produced cultural materi al.Di agnostic 1 ithic
materi al produced by sub surface test ing i ncl uded a
basalt side..notched point base,a basalt endscraper,4
basalt blade-like flakes,a chert endscraper,a possible
backed scraper of tuffaceous material,4 retouched
flakes and 2 flake core fragments.In addition,
120 fire-cracked rocks were collected along with more
than 400 burned bone fragments.Flake lithologies in-
clude basalt,chert,·rhyol ite,tuff,sil tstone,
chalcedony and obsidian.Cultural material is present
at the contact between the Os hetna tepha and the Watan a
tephra and above the Devil tephra with a minimum of two
components present at this site.A side-notched point
base was excavated from the Oshetna tephra in associa-
tion with charcoal and a dense concentration of basalt
fl akes.A rad iocarbon determination on charcoal from
the same stratigraphic level at a nearby test,which was
also associated with basalt flakes,produced a date of
3720 +60 C14 years B.P.:1770 B.C.(DIC 2283).
-TLM 100.The site,consisting of two loci (A,S),is
located at the western end of Clarence Lake,near
Gilbert Creek.The site consists of 13 rectangular,
square,or round depressions on terrain features
slightly elevated above the lake level and lake margin
of the area.
Locus A consists of 11 depressions of variable shape and
size on the western shore of Clarence Lake.The largest
of these depressions,Feature 1,measures 6 m by 6.5 m.
Seven depress i on features,none 1arger than 3 m in di a-
meter,are cl ustered 40 m northeast of Feature 1.All
features are between 20 cm and 110 em deep with fairl y
ver tic a 1 wa 11s•
Locus B consists of two depression features;the larger
of the two measures 4 m by 4 m and the small er measures
1.3 m by 1.1 m and is rectangul ar.No subsurface
testing was conducted due to the number and integrity of
the extant features.
-TLM 105.The site is located on the top of a broad
fl attened hi 11 on the north shore of Cl arence Lake.
Cl arence Lake and adj acent 1ow-l yi ng swampland are vis i-
ble to the south,east and west.Uplands dominate the
view to the .north.
Two test pits and one shovel test were excavated at the
site during reconnaissance testing.The two test pits
collectively produced 1 black basalt and 30 white rhyo-
lite flakes.No additional cultural material was found
in the shovel test.Surface materi al recovered in an
area of disturbed sod consisted of 12 black basalt
flakes,1 blue-gray cryptocrystalline flake,2 white
rhyolite flakes,9 brown chert flakes,1 quartz flake,
2 gray rhyol ite fl akes and 3 gray-white chert fl akes.
It appears that some of the 1 ithic material was
recovered from between the Oshetna and Watana tephras.
-TLM 116.The site consists of a rock cairn located on
top of a h"i11 southeast of Tsusena Lake.The 1.3-m high
cairn rests on an area of exposed bedrock.A panoramiC
view is avail able from the site with the greatest depth
of view to the south and west.
No subsurface tests were pl aced on the site due to the
rocky nature of the terrain.The rocks used in con-
struction were generally 50 cm long and there was no
evidence of small stones being employed for chinking or
level ing.The rocks were stacked into a pyramid
arrangement with an open framework.A IS-em long bone
fragment was the only object found at the site.
-TLM 117.The site is located on a north-south oriented
ridge which overlooks the confl uence of Deadman Creek
and one of its tributaries.The ridge is one of several
low rolling ridges which border the north side of
Deadman Creek and have been truncated by it.A pano-
ramic view is available from the site.
The one test pit excavated during reconnaissance testing.
did not produce any cultural material.Surface lithic
materi al consi sti ng of 4 fl akes was located on the nor-
thern half of the ridge 1 m below the centrally located
hi gh po int.One black basal t fl ake and one gray chert
flake were collected.
-TLM 118.The site is located north of the Susitna River
and west of Devil Creek in an area with kettle and kame
topography and deeply incised ravines.The site is
situated on the summit of a knoll near a small lake and
appears to be primarily oriented toward the lake,
because the v iew to the south is obstructed by the
continuation of the knoll and present vegetation.
No surface materi al was observed at the site,but a
shovel test produced 5 fl akes and 3 fire-cracked rocks.
A test pit excavated next to the positive shovel test
produced 26 chert flakes,1 microblade-like flake,
1 1 ight gray chert biface and 4 fire-cracked rocks.The
cultural layer occurs between the vegetation mat and an
underlying pinki sh gray fine matrix whictl may represent
the Devil tephra or an ash.Nine other shovel tests
failed to reveal further artifactual material.
-TLM 120.The site is located south of the Susitna
River,sOIJtheast of Watana Creek mouth,on the eastern
portion of a glaciolacustrine plane in a low-lying ridge
and knoll system.The site occurs on a low,rounded
knoll which is situated between 2 small streams.The
fi e 1d of view from the site encompas ses nearby fl at
ground,facing ridge and knoll slopes,hilly uplands to
the south and the Susitna valley to the north.
A surface lithic scatter composed of 16 basalt flakes in
a 3-m by 1.5-m area was observed and collected.A test
pit excavated on the northeast edge of the scatter pro-
duced 7 basalt flakes from the organic mat.Six shovel
tests pl aced on the summit and sid es of the knoll were
neg at ive.
-TLM 121.The site is located south of the Susitna
River,southeast of the Watana Creek mouth,on the eas-
tern portion of a glaciolacustrine plain in a low-lying
ridge and knoll system.The site occurs in a large flat
area.A small drainage is located to the west.The
field of view from the site includes surrounding ridges
and knolls,intervening drainages and boggy areas,hilly
upl ands to the south and the Susitna valley to the
No surface cultural materi al was observed.A test pit
produced 14 cal cined bone fr agments,8 fr agments of
fire-cracked rock and charcoal from a cultural 1ayer
immediately beneath the organic mat and above the Devil
tephra.Two shovel tests were negative.
-TLM 122.The site is located south of the Susitna
River,southeast of Watana Creek mouth,on the eastern
portion of a glaciolacustrine plane in a low-lying ridge
and knoll system.The site occurs on the southeastern
end of a low ridge at a point where the side of the
ridge drops abruptly to adjacent ground to the south and
east.Surrounding ridges and knolls,intervening low
ground,hilly uplands to the south and the Susitna
valley to the north are visible from the site.
A single surface basalt fl ake was observed in a small
defl ated area.A test pit pl aced adj acent to the
defl ated area was neg at ive.Seven shovel tests were dug
on the ridge end and other deflated areas were examined,
but no additiona.1 cultural material was found.
-TLM 123.The site is located south of the Susitna
Ri ver,southeast of Watana Creek mouth,on the eastern
portion of a gl aciol acustrine pl ain in a low-lying ridge
and knoll system on the crest of a ridge.View from the
site is panoramic,encompassing southern upl ands,sur-
rounding ridges and knolls,and the Susitna valley,as
we 11 as boggy areas and drai nages around the ridge.
Examination of a 1 arge 10-m by 15-m def1 ated area
reveal ed a surface scatter of weathered bone and char-
coal.In addition,2 small rounded depressions were
found.Pit 1,3 m southwest of site datum,is about
1.5 m in diameter and 35 m deep.A test pit placed in
the vegetation mat on the margin of the defl ated area
near the bone and charcoal surface scatter did not yield
artifactual material.A shovel test in Pit 2 produced
2 possible birch bark fragments.Seven other shovel
tests along the ridge were negative.
-TLM 124.The site is located south of the Susitna
River,southeast of Watana Creek mouth,on the eastern
portion of a glaciolacustrine plain in a low-lying ridge
and knoll system.The site occurs on a low ridge with a
small stream nearby to the east.The field of view from
the ridge crest includes surrounding ridges and knolls,
adjacent low ground,hilly uplands to the south and the
Susitna valley to the north.
Two surface artifacts were collected from the ridge,
including 1 basalt projectile point from a deflated area
on the ridge crest and 1 mod ifi ed brown chert fl ake
found on the surface on an undefl ated frost boi 1 on the
east face of the ri dge near its base and approx imatel y
90 m northwest of the proj ectil e point.A test pit was
excavated in the vegetation mat on the margin of the
deflated area near the projectile point with negative
results.Sixteen shovel tests on the ridge and examina-
tion of other soil exposure failed to reveal further
artifactual material.
-TLM 125.The site is located south of the Susitna
River~southeast of Watana Creek mouth~on the eastern
portion of a glaciolacustrine plain in a low-lying ridge
and knoll system.The site occurs on the southwestern
end of the summit of a knoll.Field of view from the
site includes surrounding ridges and knoll s~extensive
intervening low ground~hi lly upl ands to the south and
the Susitna valley to the north.Present vegetation
causes some local obstruction.
No surface indications of a site were observed.Of 7
shovel tests~one produced a single basalt flake.Two
additional basalt fl akesand charcoal were found in a
sandy silt with pebbles below the surface organic in a
test pit pl aced adjacent to the positive shovel test.
-TLM 127.The site is located south of the Sus itna
Ri ver,southeast of Watana Creek mouth ~on the eastern
portion of a glaciolacustrine plain on a low-lying ridge
and knoll system.The site occurs on the east end of an
elongated knoll.The sides of the knoll are steep to
the north and east~but merge with ground of only
sl ightly lower elevation to the south.Field of view
from the site is good though 1 imited by·present fore-
station and encompasses other ridges and knolls~inter-
vening low ground~hilly upl ands to the south and the
Susitna valley to the north.
No surface indication of the site was observed.Of 11
shovel tests,2 were positive~1 producing a single
basalt fl ake and the other reveal ing 3 basalt fl akes.
The 1 atterwas expanded into a test pit from which 4
additional basal t fl akes were recovered from the surface
organic mat.
Two sm all circul ar depress ions were noted at the site,
but no stratigraphic disturbance was noted in the test
pit~which was pl aced on the margin of one of the de-
press i ons ~and for thi s reason they are presumed to be
of noncultural origin.
-TLM 128.The site is located on the west side of Jay
Creek on a distinctive topographic feature formed by the
intersection of a major ridge and a minor transverse
ridge.In the zone of intersection~the crests combine
to form a rel atively fl at area which is a local point of
high relief.Field of view from the site is panoramic~
including hilly upland slopes to the north and west,
continuing ridge systems to the east and lower Jay Creek
valley to the south.
Both reconnai ssance and systemat ic testing were con-
ducted at this site.The site was initially identified
by the presence of artifactual material in association
with an erosional feature.This material included
rhyolite and chert flakes,and a pentagonal point frag-
ment.A test pit was pl aced adj acent to the erosi anal
feature and artifactual material was recovered from
2 different stratigraphic levels.This included 6 rhyo-
1ite and 5 basal t fl akes from the humic 1 ayer above the
Devil tephra,in addition to an obsidian microblade
fragment from a brownish silty matrix well below the
Oshetna tephra.Systematic testing included the excava-
.tion of four 1-m by 1-m test squares in the vicinity of
the test pit.A total of 4,613 1ithics and 12 bone
fragments were coll ected and 2 cul tural components were
defined.Forty-two flakes were recovered in association
with the Devil tephra.The remaining artifactual mater-
ial was located in association with a buried soil below
the Oshetna tephra within a fine olive brown silty sedi-
ment.The majority of the 1 ithic material from the
lower component was of a green chert although black
basal t and a brown transl ucent chert were al so repre-
sented.Only 11 of the 4,571-lithics from the lower
component showed evidence of retouch.Most of these can
be described as flakes with either unifacial or bifacial
retouch on the flake margins.A biface tip of brown
transl ucent chert and a basal t biface fr agment were the
only 2 artifacts where modification was not restricted
to the margins.
On the western slope of the site,there is a rectangular
feature which appears to be the result of a recent exca-
vation.During initial reconnaissance,5 shovel tests
were pl aced on the 1evel central area of the topographi c
feature the site is located on,but no further artifac-
tual material was found.
-TLM 129.·The site is located south of the Susitna
Ri ver,southeast of Watana Creek mouth,on the eastern
portion of a glaciolacustrine plain in a low-lying ridge
and knoll system.The site consists of 2 loci on
2 points of high relief on a ridge.Locus A is near the
northern end of the ridge,while Locus B is ca.200 m
south of Locus A.The fields of view from both loci are
panoramic,since they are among the points of highest
relief in the vicinity.
At Locus A,a test pit pl aced adj acent to a surface
1 ithic scatter produced fl akes from within and above the
Devil tephra.Thirty-eight basalt fl akes were collec-
ted.A small circular depression ca.80 cm in diameter
and ca.15 cm deep was noted 26 m to the east near the
base of the slope but was not tested.
Locus 8 consists of a circul ar depression ca.1.4 m in
diameter and ca.30 cm deep which was not tested.
Al though 27 shovel tests were pl aced on the ridge around
and between Locus A and B,and soil exposures on the
ridge were examined,no additional artifactual material
was found.
-TLM 130.The site is located on the south side of the
Susitna River,southeast of Watana Creek mouth,on the
eastern portion of a gl aciol acustrine pl ain in a low-
lying ridge and knoll system.The site occurs on the
south end of a rel atively small elongated knoll between
2 drainages.Field of view from the site is limited to
the east by higher ridges and knolls,but includes
kno 11 s,ri dges and boggy low ground to the west,the
hilly uplands to the south and the Susitna valley to the
No surface artifacts were found.An initial shovel test
produced 6 flakes of 5 materi al types and 15 bone frag-
ments.A test pit superimposed on this shovel test pro-
duced 3flakes of 3 material types from the Devil
tephra.One brown chert end scraper , 2 fl akes,4 un-
burned and 56 burned bone fragments were recovered from
the contact between the Dev i 1 and Watan a tephras,and
2 fl akes and 85 burned bone fragments from the Watana
tephra.A second shovel test on the northern end of the
knoll·produced no artifactual materi al .
Systematic testing of the site included the excavation
of four 1-m by 1-m test squares.Although site strati-
graphy has been affected by frost activity,the contras-
ting vertical distribution of lithic and faunal remains
suggests that more than one component is present.The
postulated upper component at the site is represented by
96 flakes of various material types and 27 small bone
fragments'from above the contact between.the Devil and
Watana tephras.The lower component is distinguished by
its stratigraphic position in the Watana tephra and by
the predominance of faunal remains.One thousand
eighty-two bone fragments,mostly small burned pieces,
and 47 fl akes of simi 1 ar materi al types as those of the
upper component were recovered from the lower compo-
-TLM 131.The site is located south of the Susitna
River,southeast of Watana Creek mouth,in the eastern
portion of a glaciolacustrine plain in a low-lying ridge
and knoll system.The site occurs on a low rise in a
boggy field.The view from the site includes higher
ridges and knolls,intervening boggy ground and hilly
upl ands to the south.
One brown chert fl ake was surface collected from a
deflated frost boil feature.A test pit was excavated
in the vegetation mat at the margin of the frost boil
near the location of the flake,but no subsurface arti-
factual material was found.
-TLM 132.The site is located south of the Sus itna
River,southeast of Watana Creek mouth,in the eastern
portion of a glaciolacustrine plain in a low-lying ridge
and knoll system.The site occurs on the south end of a
knoll.Field of view from the site includes adjacent
drainages,knolls to the west and northeast,and terrain
rising to hilly uplands to the south,as well as Susitna
_valley to the north.
One gray chert flake was found in a soil exposure on the
knoll,but 13 shovel tests and inspection of other soil
exposures nearby failed to reveal further artifactual
-TLM 133.The site is located on the south side of the
Susitna River,southeast of Watana Creek mouth,in the
eastern portion of a gl aciol acustrine pl ain in a low-
lying ridge and knoll system.The site occurs on a
ridge crest in a sl ight saddle formed by the rel atively
higher ends of the ridge.Immediately to the north of
the site,the ground beg ins to slope steepl y down into
the Susitna canyon.A small stream flows east of the
site.Field of view from the site,which is located on
one of the most prominent landforms in the vicinity,is
A single surface brown chert projectile point was found
on the surface of a 1 ichen mat on a game trail.A test
pit placed adjacent to the location of the point,
12 shovel tests on and around the ridge,and examination
of soil exposures on the ridge failed to reveal further
artifactual material.
-TLM 134.The site is located on the southern end of a
discontinuous ridge west of Jay Creek.The ridge crest
descends in an irregul ar fashion,alternating between
sloping and relatively flat areas.The southern end of
the ridge is bifurcated by a small swale,and the site ...
occurs on the east facing side of the eastern half of
the bifurcation.While the field of view to the west
and northwest is obstructed by forested slopes,to the
north rising hilly terrain is visible,as are the lower
Jay Creek valley and mineral 1 ick area to the south and
A compact surface scatter consisting of 3 articulating
fragments of a green chert tool was found in a deflated
area.Additional surface reconnaissance produced a pos-
sible edge-modified gravel.A shovel test near the pos-
sible modified gravel and a test pit near the location
of the 1 ithic scatter fail ed to reveal subsurface arti-
factual mater i al •
-TLM 135.The site is located on a discrete small-linear
rise associated with the southeastern terminus of a
ridge which descends toward the west edge of the Jay
Creek canyon.The site appears to be primarily oriented
toward the south and southwest,overlooking the Jay
Creek mineral lick and its approaches.In other direc-
tions,the east side of the Jay Creek valley and rising
upl and topography to the west and northwest are
A surface lithic scatter composed of a basalt corner-
notched point and 5 basalt flakes was collected from a
defl ated area on the crest of the 1 inear ri se.A test
pit pl aced in the vegetation mat adj acent to the defl a-
ted area~and 5 shovel tests on the feature,fail ed to
produce further artifactual material.
-TLM 136.The site is located on a small knoll west of
the Jay Creek canyon.Field of view from the site is
limited to the north bya large hill.The east side of
the Jay Creek valley is visible from the site,as are
the slopes descend ing into Jay 'Creek canyon from the
During surface reconnaissance,a 2.5-m by 2.5-m lithic
scatter was observed in a cryoturbated soil exposure on
the summit of the knoll,from which 1 basal t tool frag-
ment,1 possibly modified rhyol ite fl ake,1 basalt
flake,2 rhyolite flakes an.d 3 bone fragments were col-
1ected.A test pit excavated northeast of the scatter
produced cultural material from 3 stratigraphic units,
incl ud ing 21 fl akes and 65 cal cined bone fragments from
the Devil tephra lower contact and the underlying silt,
22 fl akes and 5 bone fr agments from the Watana tephra,
and 6 flakes from a clayey.silt located below the
Oshetna tephra.
-TLM 138.The site is located on a short kame ridge on
the west side of Jay Creek.The sides of the ridge are
defined by deep drainage ravines along the south and
west sides,while the Jay Creek canyon is -immediately
west of the site.Beyond a sl ight 1Y lower terrace to
the north,the terrain rises and merges with hilly
upl ands.The site is on a local point of high rel ief
with a panoramic field of view.
A single surface basalt flake was recovered from the
surface of a frost boil feature.A test pit excavated
next to the location of the flake,5 shovel tests placed
on the ridge,and examination of other soil exposures
produced no add it ional art i factual materi al .
-TLM 139.Th e site is located on a broad,fl at-topped
ridge which parall el s the west side of the Jay Creek
canyon.The sides of the ridge are defined by the can-
yon and on the west by the ravine of a small creek.
Field of view from the site includes the east side of
the Jay Creek valley,the lower portion of the valley to
the south and rising irregul ar terrain grading into
hilly uplands to the north and west.
No surface indication of the site was observed.A test
pit produced 46 basalt,chert and rhyol ite fl akes and
7 calcined bone fragments from a charcoal horizon below
the organic mat and above (though sl ightly mixed with)
the Devil tephra.In addition,48 basalt,chert and
rhyolite flakes,and a quantity of faunal remains were
recovered from the upper portion of a si 1ty matrix
underlying the Devil tephra.No other artifactual
material was found in 2 shovel tests pl aced in the
vicinity of the test pit.
-TLM 140.The site is located on the southern end of a
ridge-l i ke erosional feature formed by the west wall of
the Jay Creek canyon and a deeply incised tributary
ravine which converges with the canyon from the west.
The north end of the ridge-like feature widens and
merges with gradually northward rising undulating ter-
rain.The southern portion becomes constricted to a
sharp crest.The site is located in an area extend-ing
from the south end to 100 m north on the feature.
Surface material consisting of 2 flakes were found
within 50 m of site datum on game trail s.At site
datum,a basalt biface and 4 fl akes of 3 material types
were recovered,al so occurring on a game trail.A test
pit at datum produced a basalt biface and 11 fl akes of
3 material types from beneath the organic mat and above
the Devil tephra.No further artifactual material was
found on the surface or in 8 shovel tests in the site
-TLM 141.The site is located on a kame terrace on the
west side of Jay Creek.To the east a tributary ravine
defines the margin of the kame and subsequently joins
southeast end of a small kame.A dense 1ayer of
cultural materi al was encountered in this test pit
including 2 projectile points,1 a complete side-notched
point and a lanceolate-shaped point tip.Over 1,300
waste flakes,composed of basalt,rhyolite and chert,
and over 800 fragments of calcined bone were recovered
from the test pit as well.
Systematic testing of the site included the excavation
of five 1-m by 1-m test·squares.All 5 of the test
squares produced cul tural materi al .Three of the test
squares were pl aced in the location of the reconnais-
sance test pit.These test squares produced numerous
diagnostic artifacts including side-notched projectile
points,endscrapers and retouched flakes.Thousands of
waste flakes and small calcined bone fragments were also
recovered.In addition,large fire-cracked rocks,
charcoal and oxidized matrix suggested the presence of a
hearth feature.While an exact enumeration of artifacts
is not available at this time,at least 2 different
components have been identified at the site.The upper
component is stratigraphically positioned between a
layer of finely sorted organics and an underlying fine
gray silty matrix (Devel tephra)and the lower is below
a yellowish brown silty unit (Watana tephra).
-TLM 144.The site is located northeast of the mouth of
Jay Creek on th west side of the creek.The site
includes a prominent elongated knoll and 2 smaller cir-
cular knolls.The elongate knoll is the highest point
of topographic rel ief between its location and Jay
Creek,and is an excellent vantage point for observing
the uplands down to the Jay Creek rim in the area of a
min er all ick.
Both surface and subsurface cul tural materi al was
recovered during reconnaissance testing.Three flakes
were found on an exposure on the knoll crest.Addi-
tional surface reconnaissance located a basal t corner
notched projectile point on the southern slope of the
kno 11.A test pit was pl aced adjacent to the surface
exposure,and 2 flakes and 1 bone fragment were collec-
ted from different stratigraphic levels.Artifactual
materi al was al so found in 2 of 5 shovel tests pl aced in
the site area with 8 additional flakes recovered.
-TLM 145.The site is located northeast of the con-
fluence of Jay Creek and the Susitna River,on the west
side of the creek.It is situated on a ridge which
extends eastward from a 91 aciol acustrine pl ain toward
Jay Creek,with the end of the ridge ca.100 m east of
the site.The ridge is characteri zed by steep slopes,
making the creek relatively inaccessible from the site.
In the site vicinity,the ridge slopes ata 4-to 5-deg
angle for a distance of 15 m.Visibility is obscured by
present vegetation.
Both surface and subsurface material was present at this
site.Surface material consisted of a lithic scatter
located on a game trail.This game trail follows the
ridge crest with the surface materi al confined to an 8-m
segment.Seven waste fl akes were surface coll ected.
Additional surface material was observed but not collec-
ted.A single test pit placed adjacent to the game
trail produced 107 fl akes of basal t,rhyol ite and chert
in addition to 93 calcined bone fragments.Subsurface
artifacts were found within a dark brown surface organic
1 ayer.
-TLM 146.The site is located north of the confluence of
Jay Creek with the Susitna River on the west side of the
creek.It is situated on a broad sloping hill that des-
cends to a glaciolacustrine plain.Neither Jay Creek or
the Susitna River are visible from the site;however,
their valleys can be seen.A narrow,shallow clear
water stream,which originates at a kettle lake west of
the site,passes south of the site and is easily acces-
No surface cultural materi al was observed at the site.
Seven shovel tests were dug during reconnaissance test-
ing with 1 of the shovel tests producing a single basalt
flake with retouch along one of its margins.This
shovel test was expanded into a test pit,but no add i-
tional artifactual material was found.
-TLM 147.The site is located north of the mouth of Jay
Creek on the west side of the creek.It is situated on
the eastern port i on of a broad fl at terrace wh i ch
extends ca.200 m to the northwest and west,where it
merges with undul ating kame topography.The view from
the site is only limited in a westward direction where
it is partially obscured by a small kame feature.
No cul tural materi al was observed on the surface of thi s
site.Five shovel tests were dug,1 of which contained
a single rhyolite flake.Further surface reconnaissance
and the excavation of a test pit,superimposed over the
shovel test which contained the rhyol ite fl ake,fail ed
to locate any additional artifactual material.Two dis-
tinct tephras were identified at this site although the
stratigraphic position of the single fl ake in rel ation-
ship to these tephra is unknown.
-TLM 148.This site is located northeast of Jay Creek
mouth on the west side of the creek.It is situated on
the northwest corner of a rough1 y tri angu1 ar,broad,
flat terrace,which is part of a gradually sloping undu-
1 ating gl acio1 acustrine p1 ain north of the Susitna
River.Jay Creek canyon,a tributary valley,and
uplands to the north are visible from the site.The
view to the west is obscured by spruce forest and
intervening hills.A marsh and small creek 100 m to the
west of the site provide the nearest easily accessih1e
Eight shovel tests were dug at the site during recon-
naissance testing,lof which contained 20 rhyo1 ite
fl akes.Th is shovel test was expanded into a test pi t
and 11 add it i ona1 rhyo 1 ite f1 akes were recovered.These
f1 akes were stratigraphically positioned in a charcoal
unit beneath the organic mat,in a pinki sh-gray fine
silt un i t (Dev i1 tephra),and at the contact between
-TLM 149.The site is 1oc ated north of Jay Creek mouth
on the west side of the creek.It is ·situated on a low
crescent-shaped kame knoll which is one of a series of
simi1 ar kame features on an undu1 ating terrace between
Jay Creek and Laha Lake.The knoll is east of Laha Lake
and north of a small unnamed creek whi ch prov ides an
easily accessible source of water.Visibility from the
site inc1 udes simil ar kame features and upland topo-
No cultural material was observed on the surface of the
knoll and only 1 of 4 shovel tests p1 aced on the knoll
revealed cultural material.This shovel test was
expanded into a test pit which reveal ed 990 small burned
bone fragments and 2 small rhyolite flakes.A C-14 sam-
ple was collected from this test in association with the
contact between the Watana and Oshetna tephras.
-TLM 150.The site is·1oc ated north of the conf1 uence of
Jay Creek with the SusitnaRiver in an area of kame
ridges and knolls on an undulating terrace between Jay
Creek and Laha Lake.The site is situated on a fairly
1 inear ridge,just southwest of the central high point
of the ridge.A small c1 ear water creek,the out1 et
stream from a small pond northeast of Laha Lake,flows
100 m to the north.From the site,there is good visi-
bi1 ity of the rolling kames to the east and north.The
view south and west is obscured by open spruce woodland
and intervening topography.
No surface artifacts were located at this site during
resonnaissance testing.Four basalt flakes were found
in a shovel test which was expanded into a test pit.
Four additional basalt fl akes were encountered beneath
the organic layer and protruding into the underlying
Devil tephra.In addition,5 fragments of calcined bone
were found within or at the contact of the Watana
tephra.The spatial distribution of material in the
test pit suggests that the site contains more than one
component.Eight additional shovel tests pl aced in the
site area were negative.
-TLM 151.The site is located north of Jay Creek mouth
in an area characteri zed by kettl e and kame topography
on an undul at i ng terrace between Jay Creek and Laha
Lake.The kame feature on which this site is situated
is approximately 100 m in length with the site located
on a circul ar rise on the southwest end.A narrow clear
water stream,which originates at a kettle lake north-
west of the site,borders the west s ide of the kame
ridge,and provides an easily access·ible source of
water.Visibility from the site is partially obscured
in all directions by open spruce woodland forest.
No cultural material was observed on the surface of the
kame ridge.Fifteen calcined bone fragments were found
in a shovel test which was then expanded into a test
pit.Five hundred and twenty-one bone fragments and
13 fl akes representing 4 different material types were
recovered from thi s test pit.The cultural materi al
was found beneath a soil unit of dark brown finely
sorted organics.It is possible that a pit feature is
-represented within this test pit.No additional subsur-
face testing was conducted in the 15-m by 6-m level area
on which the site is situated.
-TLlVJ 152.The site is located northwest of the Jay Creek
and Susitna River confluence,and east of Laha Lake.It
is in an area that is characterized by kettle and kame
topography.The site is situated on a prominent elong-
ate kame feature overlooking 2 kettle lakes.An addi-
tional 1 hecture kettle lake is located northeast of the
site,but is obscured from view by intervening terrain.
The view from the site encompasses the entire margin of
the 1 ake south of the site in add it ion to portions of
the lake to the west.
Six shovel tests ·were dug on the kame feature.One gray
chert fl ake was found in one of the shovel tests wh i ch
was then expanded into a test pit.The stratigraphy of
the test pit revealed 3 distinct tephra units although
no other artifacts were present.Surface reconnaissance
of the site area failed to locate any additional arti-
factual material.
-TLM 154.The site is located north of the mouth of Jay
Creek and south of Laha Lake.It is in an area of
kett 1e and kame topography with the si te located on a
kame ridge which is bordered to the south-southeast by a
2-hecture lake.The site is situated on the broad flat
crest of a kame ridge.Vi sib il ity from the site is
obscured by intervening terrain;however,a panoramic
view is available from the top of the ridge ca.5 m
higher in elevation than the site.
An initial shovel test reveal ed 12 fl akes of 2 different
materi al types.Th i s shovel test was expanded into a
test pit and 150 additional fl akes were recovered.The
majority of the fl akes were of a gray rhyol ite but
material also included quartzite.Six subsequent shovel
tests were placed in the vicinity of the test pit.A
rhyolite lanceolate projectile point was found in one of
these shovel tests.In addition,surface reconnaissance
revealed 3 rhyolite flakes on the surface of the lichen
-HEA 174.The site is located on top of a 30-m high
knoll in glacially scoured terrain at the northeastern
end of Deadman Lake,northeast of the point where
Deadman Creek enters the 1 ake.The view from the site
is extensive and panoramic overlooking Deadman Lake to
the west and Deadman Creek to the south.
The one test pit excavated at the site during reconnais-
sance testing did not produce any cultural materi al .
The artifacts recovered were collected from the surface
of the top,western and southeastern slopes of the
deflated knoll on which the site is located.Cultural
material collected included:1 basalt sidescraper,
1 basalt blade-like flake,1 gray quartzite lanceolate
point,2 black chert endscrapers,1 black chert scraper
fr agment , 1 r ed-brown jasper end sc raper fr agment ,
2 brown jasper retouched fl akes,2 gray chert retouched
fl akes ,2 gray rhyo 1 ite retouc hed fl akes,1 gray rhyo-
1 ite fl ake,1 gray chert fl ake and 2 quartz fl akes.
-HEA 175.The site is located at the southwest end of
Butte Lake and consists of 2 loci (A and B)focused
around 2 knolls within 200 m of the Butte Creek outlet
and on a ridgel ine running along the west shore of the
1 ake.The view from the site includes all of Butte Lake
and the uplands to the south,east and west.
Reconnaissance testing and systematic testing were
conducted at the site.Six shovel tests and 2 test pits
were excavated during reconnaissance testing and collec-
tively produced 1 side-notched point,1 burinated flake,
1 point base,2 possible microblades,3 blade fragments,
25 chert flakes,13 rhyolite flakes,6 basalt flakes and
-3 microblades.Five I-m by 1-m squares were excavated
at Locus A during systematic testing and collectively
produced 2 microblade fragments,1 basalt microblade,
1 possible basalt core tablet,1 uniface fragment,
1 possible core chopper,2 side-notched points,1 chert
biface fragment,1 siltstone retouched flake,2 re-
touched basalt flakes,1 blade-like flake,1 burinated
fl ake,109 chert fl akes,76 basalt fl akes,9 siltstone
flakes,4 rhyolite flakes,2 obsidian flakes,5 quart-
zite fl akes,94 flakes of undetermined material type and
4 bone fragments.Surface artifacts included 1 projec-
tile point base,1 basalt biface fragment,1 gray chert
flake core,1 rhyolite uniface fragment and 1 cryptocry-
s tal 1 ine cor e (po s sib 1 e)•
-HEA 176.The site consists of 2 loci (A and B)on
2 kame knoll s at the eastern end of Deadman Lake south-
east of the po int where Deadman Cr eek enters the 1 ake.
The view from either locus is panoramic encompassing the
eastern end of De adman Lake and the surround ing low
relief terrain for 2 to 3 km in all directions.
The one test pit excavated at Locus A during reconnais-
sance testing produced a single red chert flake.No
subsurface testing was conducted at Locus B where
1 chalcedony fl ake and 2 bl ack basalt fl akes were cal-
l ected from the surface.Surface materi al call ected at
Locus A was recovered from 2 different clusters and col-
lectively consisted of 1 gray rhyol ite fl ake,4 gray
chert fl akes,1 bl ack basalt fl ake and 1 white chert
fl ake.The red chert fl ake from Test Pi t 1 at Locus A
was recovered from below the Watana tephra which in this
test was located directly on top of glacial drift with
no intervening lower tephra.
-HEA 180.The site is situated on top of a knoll south-
east of the De adman La ke outlet and north of the con-
fluence of Deadman Creek and a northern tributary.The
knoll on which the site is located is a dominant high
landform in the region providing a panoramic view from
the site.
The only test pit excavated on the site during recon-
naissance testing produced 2 chal cedony fl akes.The
remainder of the cultural material from the site was
call ected on the surface at 2 different scatters and
consisted of the following:Scatter 1--1 gray chert
flake,2 white chert flakes,1 black basalt flake,
2 light gray chalcedony flakes and 1 black chert flake;
Scatter 2--1 jasper microblade,1 chert microblade,
1 dark gray chert microblade fragment,1 brown obsidian
burin spall,1 white chert point base,1 brown jasper
fl ake,1 r ed-brown j as per fl ake,1 wh ite chert fl ake ,
1 pale red chert fl ake with retouch,1 1 ight red-brown
chert flake,1 red streaked gray chert fl ake,1 bl ack
speckled white chert flake,1 pale red rhyolite flake,
1 1 ight red rhyol ite fl ake,1 gray-wh ite rhyo 1 ite fl ake,
1 black flecked chalcedony flake,2 brown chalcedony
fl akes,1 white-brown chalcedony flak~,1 white-gray
chalcedony flake,1 clear quartz flake,1 black basalt
fl ake and 1 1 ig ht brown siltstone fl ake.
-HEA 183.The site is located on a small low knoll
northwest of the outlet stream which drains Deadman
Lake.The site is located on a deflated portion of the
knoll.The view from the site consists of most of
Deadman Lake,as well as the outlet stream.
The only artifact recovered from the site was 1 gray
chert fl ake coll ected from the surface of the defl ated
portion of the low knoll.Due to the rocky nature of
the area no subsurface testing was possible.
-HEA 184.The site is located on a blowout northwest of
the outlet stream which drains Deadman Lake,on the
eastern shore of a sm all 1 ake west of De adman Lake.The
view from the site includes all of the small lake west
of the site,two-thirds of Deadman Lake and a portion of
its outlet stream to the south.
The one test pit excavated at the site during reconnais-
sance testing did not produce any cultural material.
The only artifacts revealed from the site were 2 yellow-
brown chert fl akes whi ch exhib ited retouc hand
articul ated to form a 1 arge scraper.
-HEA 185.The site is located on an east-west trending
ridge on the west side of Deadman Lake approximately
70 m above the 1 ake.In addition to Deadman Lake,
3 smaller lakes,Big Lake,and an unnamed stream are
visible from the site.
Due to the rocky nature of the site,no subsurface test-
ing was possible.Artifacts were collected from 2 loci
(A and B)and collectively consisted of 2 gray chert
flakes,4 basalt flakes,1 possible scraper preform and
1 brown chert thumbnail scraper.
-HEA 186.The site is located on a knoll east of Deadman
Lake.The site is situated primarily on the eastern
half of the east-west oriented knoll.The view from the
site includes the braided section of Deadman Creek,and
several Sil1alll akes.
The one test pit pl aced on the site during reconnais-
sance testing produced 1 black basalt flake.Surface
artifacts collected at the site consisted of 1 patinated
gray chert biface,1 gray chert projectile point frag-
ment,2 gray chert blade fragments,1 gray chert biface
fragment,9 gray chert flakes,1 white .chert flake,
1 black chert flake and 3 black basalt flakes.
(ii)Historic Sites -Results and Discussion
-TLM 020.The site is located on Portage Creek.The
site consists of a historic inscription dating to 1897,
located on a bedrock exposure overlooking the creek.
Four names and the date of July 2,1897,are included in
the inscri pt i on.~
at her than the inscri pt i on itself,no hi stori c or pre-
historic cultural material was observed in the vicinity
and no subsurface testing was conducted at the site .
.-TLM 056.The site,a partly collapsed log cabin,is
near the base on Tsusena Butte.The cabin is situated
on a gently sloping terrace 4 m above the level of the
creek west of the creek margin.
The site consists of a dirt floored,1 room log cabin
constructed of unpeeled spruce logs with moss chinking~
The west wall of the cabin is collapsed.A door opening
is present in the south wa1 1 but the door itself is
missing.Few interior furnishings were noted;however,
a third of the cabin interior is visible due to the
co 11 apsed sod-covered roof.The general cond it i on of
the cabin is poor with the majority of the log members
extensively rotted.There was no collection of cultural
material at the site.No associated outbuildings were
noted;however,a rectangular 1.3-m by 1.8-m depression
is located southwest of the cabin.A recent tool cache
was found 2 m east of the cabin under a stand of spruce
-TLM 071.The site was the trapping headquarters of
Elmer Simco and was buil t in the early 1930s.The site
complex is located east of Gilbert Creek,a small
tributary of Kosina Creek.The cabin is situated on a
low,gently sloping shoreline terrace less than 5 m
above the creek.
The cabin consists of one room (12 feet by 15 feet)and
has a dirt floor.General condition of the cabin is
fair to poor.The cabin contains the remains of the
original furnishings and suppl ies used during the period
between 1930 and 1950.Leakage from the roof is causing
destruction of many interior items.There are 3 asso-
ciated outbuildings at the site:an outhouse,a dog
kennel and a grass-covered structure of unknown func-
tion.Other associated features at the site include a
garbage dump and a woodpile.No cultural material was
collected at the site,nor was any subsurface testing
2.6 -Geoarcheology
Geoarcheology data were used for selecting survey locales,and
provided 1 imiting dates for cul tural resources on various terrain
units associated with the last glaciation.Evaluation of various
stratigraphic soil and sediment units,including three volcanic
ashes,provided a basis for evaluating cultural resources found in
relationship to these units.The various aspects of the
geoarcheological studies are presented below.
Terrain Unit Mapping
A preliminary terrain unit map of the project area was prepared in
1980 and has undergone two revisions incorporating the results of
field studies.Areas of similar geomorphologic character and sur-
ficial age are delineated,information which was useful in the
selection and evaluation of survey locales.
(c)Stratigraphic Framework
Regional stratigraphic investigation was undertaken with the se-
lection and description of 25 river bluff exposures.Organic
samples were collected from four exposures and used to establish a
general valley chronology including glacial and depositional his-
tory.The stratigraphy of the project area indicates a compl i-
cated glacial history with episodes of advance,stagnation and
retreat,formation and drainage of proglacial lakes,and fluvial
reworking of glacial sediments.Alluvial deposition,soil
developnent and tephra fall s are al so evident.
(d)Preliminary Gl acial-Geomorphologic
Mapping General Comments
The investigation and mapping glacial geomorphology in the project
area has assisted in the interpretation of the complex glacial
history of the project area,which is characterized by the
the interaction of a number of valley glaciers.The valley gla-
ciers were variable in their patterns of advance,stagnation and
retreat,as evidenced by the location,orientation,altitude and
state of development of moraines,ice marginal meltwater channels,
lake shorelines,kame-deltas,eskers and ice flow indicators;the
variation is attributed to particular characteristics of the
largely independent source areas.During periods of intense·g1a:-
ciation,merging of valley glaciers occurred,resulting in the
extension onto the valley bottom of ice lobes.Their subsequent
wastage has produced extensive ice stagnation terrain in the
proj ect area.
(e)The Last Glaciation
G1 aciers are interpreted to have covered muc·h of the low1 and
region of the study area during the last major glaciation (late
Wisconsin time)which occurred over much of Alaska between 32,000
and 13,000 years BP.The Susitna Canyon area was covered by a
comp1 ex gl ac i er system that resulted from conf1 uent ice tongues
and lobes which behaved as individual units.The distribution of
glacial terrain features indicates that following the glacial max-
imum lobes withdrew at different rates.Moraine morphology gives
evidence for glacial retreat followed by a series of glacial re-
advances.Large areas of stagnant ice were present in most of the
broad lowland regions during deglaciation.The stagnant ice may
have inf1 uenced human movanents as 1 ate as 8-10,000 years BP.
(f)Archeological Stratigraphy
Sixteen major stratigraphic units can be recognized throughout the
project area.No individual archeological site contains all re-
cognized units but many have at least ten.In general,the stra-
tigraphy consists of glacially scoured bedrock overlain by a
series of volcanic tephra horizons interbedded with weathering
horizons and buried soils.A surface organic mat overlies the
older sediments.Nonvo1canic eolian sediments occur both as part
of the tephra units and as separate subunits between tephra and
organic horizons.In the archeological stratigraphy of the pro-
j ect area the contact un its are just as,if not more,important as
the lithologic units.Sixteen significant intervals of time can
be isolated and correlated on the basis of these contact units
(Figure E.4.5).
(g)Cultural Horizons
Nine discrete cultural horizons can be identified at the present
time from the regional archeological stratigraphy (Figure E.4.5).
These can all be correlated throughout the region.Each horizon
can be dated within 1 imits,but the time span represented by
components varies from a few hundred years to as much as 7-8,000
years.Although a horizon can be identified and corre1 ated and
can be dated within 1 imits,there is no proof that cultural
materi a1 s from the same hori zan at different sites are exact1 y
equivalent in age.The volcanic ash/soil sequence provides the
framework for this relatively excellent chronology.
Cultural horizons were assigned only where there was demonstrable
evidence of human occupation that can be re1 ated to the regional
stratigraphy.Although artifacts were found in all of the units
except bedrock,only 9 horizons could be firmly documented.Down-
slope reworking,cryoturbation,human alteration and root distur-
bances all serve collectively to disp1 ace artifacts from their
orgina1 contexts.
Evidence for human occupation in subunits associated with the con-
tact units are present.Within any given site these can be ar-
ranged in stratigraphic succession,but they were not isolated as
horizons,or even formal subhorizons because they cannot be corre-
lated regionally.It is probable that many more than 9 cultural
hori zons ex ist.No one site contains more than 4 regional cultur-
al horizons,with the exception of site TLM 030 which contains
5 horizons,one of which occurs in a subunit.Most sites contain
1 or 2 regional archeo1ogic horizons.
Chronology and History
The evolution of the stratigraphic record presented in Figure
E.4.5 can be broken into 4 major intervals which have different
implications for archeology:(1)the time prior to the last
glaciation,represented by Unit 15,(2)the time during the last
glaciation,represented by Unit 14,(3)the time following
deglaciation but prior to deposition of the first recognized
tephra,represented by Un it 13,and (4)the time represent i ng
recurrent volcanic ash deposition and soil formation,represented
by Units 1 to 12.Eight radiocarbon dates from regional
stratigraphic studies and 12 dates associated with the volcanic
ash stratigraphy permit the estab1 ishment of a reasonably good
chronology for the depositional history of the project area.
Deposition of the tephra sequence probably occurred within the
last 5,000 to 7,000 years.Three distinct tephra have been
identified in the study area.These units were given regional
names for purposes of field identification and nomenc1 ature.
Tentative 1 imiting dates and names given the tephra in order of
increasing age are as follows:Devil (1800-2300 BP,AD 150-350
BC),Watana (2300-3200 BP,350-1250 BC)and Oshetna (greater than
4700 BP,2750 Be).
Mammoth/Mastodon Fossil Discovery
A mammoth/mastodon fossil was found in situ in f1 uvi a1 gravel s at
Tyone B1 uff.The fossil,representing the shaft portion of a
right femur,was identified by R.D.Guthrie and George S.Smith of
the University of Al aska,and is the first documented occurrence
for any terrestia1 Pleistocene megafauna in southern Alaska.It
yielded a radiocarbon date of 29,450 +610 BP,and clearly implies
nong1 acia1 conditions at the time (Thorson et a1.in press).This
discovery indicates that the range of mammothshou1d be extended
about 200 km south of its present 1 imit.It a1 so suggests that
mountain passes in the Alaska Range may have been deg1aciated
during mid-Wisconsinan time,and that portions of southern Alaska
may have been suitable for human habitation during this time.
(j)Summary of Geologic History
(i)The Susitna Valley has been repeatedly inundated with
extensive valley glacier systems that coalesced to form a
minor mountain ice sheet.One or more pre-Wisconsinan
glaciations have been recognized.
(ii)Much of the present valley was carved to the present river
level prior to middle Wisconsinan time (31,000 yr BP).The
direction of drainage at that time is presently unknown.
(iii)·The valley bottom was extensively modified during the last
glaciation which began some time after about 31,000 yr BP
in the Fog Creek area,and some time after about 2,000 yr
B.P.in the Tyone River region.
(iv)During deglaciation large areas were covered with stagnant
ice,and meltwater drained freely below the surface,
forming complex esker systems.The direction of meltwater
flow and the presence of till at river level suggests that
Devil Canyon was carved prior to Holocene time.Gl aciers
retreated systematically over many areas leaving a number
of periodically spaced massive recessional moraines.
(v)Deglaciation of the Tyone River region was complete by at
least 11,500 yr BP.Because this area was covered by a
large piedmont ice lobe,other areas may have been ice free
even earlier.Thus,much of the Susitna Valley may have
been degl aciated prior to about 12,000 yr BP.Stagnant ice
may have persisted for several thousand years over much of
the valley floor.
(vi)During Holocene time,the Susitna River has not greatly
deepened its valley in most areas;rather it has widened
the valley bottom slightly by lateral planation.Low-level
alluvial terraces and tributary mouth alluvial fans have
fonned in widened portions of the valley.Many small sites
tributary to the Susitna have greatly incised their
channels during Holocene time,resulting in steep irregular
profiles characterized by waterfalls and rapids.
(vii)During the last half of Holocene time,intervals of
volcanic ash deposition from distant sources alternated
with intervals of weathering,soil formation and erosion.
2.7 -Paleontology
(a)I nt roduct i on
Paleontological studies were implemented as part of the cultural
resource program in order to identify the types of paleontological
specimens that might occur in association with archeological
and/or historic sites,and therefore,assist in recognizing them
should they occur at a site.·Because paleontological specimens
representing animal bones (particuarly Pleistocene megafauna)are
readily recongizable,emphasis for paleontological investigations
were centered on fossil plants and pollen.A preliminary aerial
reconnaissance of the study area and a review of the 1 iterature
indicated that the area within the project study area that had the
greatest potenti a1 for reveal ing pl ant fossil s was the Watana
Creek area.The infonnation provided by this baseline study was
incorporated into cultural resource investigations.
Plant Foss i 1s
The assembl age of fossil leaves collected from the deposits along
Watana Creek were chiefly in calcareous concretionary horizons of
sil tstone to fine sandstone.The assembl age from the sequence is
extensive,but is characterized by an extremely low species
diversity.The flora from the Watana Creek deposits include:
Metasequoia sp.,Alnus evidens (Hollo)Wolfe,Salis sp.
Pollen grains were extremely depauperate "in both quantity and
species.Many slides prepared for pollen analysis were found to
be totally 1 acking in grains.A point counting technique was not
considered justified to characterize the pollen assemblage of the
deposits.The predominant pollen are Betula,conifer-type grains,
and trilete spores.
3.1 -Ev al uat i on of Se 1ected Si tes Fo und:
Prehistory and History of the Upper
Susitna River Region
Based on the results of this survey,it is probable that no single
archeological site in the Upper Susitna River area will provide
the basis for defining the Holocene-cultural chronology for the
region.Because no single site preserves the cultural spectra
since late Wisconsin deglaciation,it is necessary to base the
culture chronology on a series of individual sites and site compo-
nents throughout the study area.The 167 archeological sites doc-
umented during the course of this survey are primarily single
component sites.For the purposes of this presentation,only
those sites in which the age of the site,or a component,can be
documented with certainty will be used for analysis.The chrono-
logical documentation of sites and components are primarily based
on two methods:1)radiocarbon determinations and 2)relative
stratigraphic placement in relationship to the three tephra.
Typological considerations relating to the chronology (not site
functi on)have been cons id ered secondari 1y,because of the uncer-
tainty associated with this kind of dating and the differing age
determinations proposed by many archeologists.
The sites discussed in this application provide only brief
glimpses of prehistoric cultural development in what are,in many
cases,very diverse ecological settings.In all probabil ity the
sites and their various components represent different facets of
the prehi storic sub si stence cyc 1e.Consequentl y,what are pre-
sented as "type sites and components for particul ar cultural
periods,may in fact not ntypifi'the material cultural remains
during specific cultural historical periods.While these limita-
tions are recognized~it is still possible to begin to define the
basic cultural chronological skeleton while realizing that during
some periods it may contain a considerable amount of "flesh ll and
during others major llanatomical"elements are missing.
(b)Contemporary Sites:1945 to Present
A number of contemporary cabins are scattered throughout the study
area representing modern recreational use of the project area,
primarily for sports hunting and fishing.Because of the con-
temporary nature of these structures,they have not been incl uded,
discussed or analyzed in this report.Suffice it to say that
contemporary use of the area will ultimately be documented in the
archeological record.
(c)Trapping Period:1920 -1945
Four cabins which have been documented as trappers'cabins have
been reported in the project area.These cultural remains docu-
ment economic use of the area for fur trapping during the 1930s,
and in this respect the Susitna area reflects many other areas of
rural Alaska in that this was a time of relatively high fur prices
during a period of international depression.The remains of four
.cabins dating to this period were located in the project area.
However,the cabin of Elmer Simco (TLM 071)may be one of the best
remaining eXffilples from this period,because most of the household
and trapping equipment are preserved intact.
(d)Exploration/Gold Rush:1897 -1920
Gold was discovered in the Cook Inlet region in 1895,shortly
after which the first major western popul ation expansion into the
Upper Susitna occurred.No historic sites dating to the gold rush
in the Upper Susitna have been discovered in the project area to
date.Because Devil Canyon is not navigable,early explorers/
prospectors may have been discouraged in their attempts to pro-
spect the UpperSusitna.However,an inscription near the mouth
of Portage Creek documents that Will iam Dickey and three other
travel ers ascended the river as far as Devil Canyon in 1897 (TLM
(e)Athapaskan Tradition:
A.D.1900 -A.D.500
The Upper Susitno drainage was occupied by Western Ahtna
Athapaskans at the time of hi storie contact.Through impl ementa-
tion of the direct historic approach,it is possible to trace
through time Athapaskan occupation of the study area.Several
sites in addition to those discussed below may document various
periods of cultural historical development throughout this period.
However,the subsequent discussion only includes sites subject to
systematic testing from which age determinations can be made with
certai nty.
The Kosina Depression Site (TLM 065)was systematically tested and
best exempl ifies the 1 ater phase of thi s period.The site
consisted of the remains of at least one house and several associ-
ated cache pits.Stratigraphic profiles from this site clearly
indicate that the house postdates the Devil tephra,and the glass
trade beads and bottl e glass fragments cl early document the
structure's comparatively recent age.While precise dating of the
structure is not possible at this time,western trade goods may
have penetrated the area as early as the 1ate 1700s and the site
may be reasonably estimated to range in age between the 1 ate
1700s and 1900.
A pronounced material cultural trait which occurs at TLM 065 is
the high frequency of fire-cracked rock and fractured and burned
caribou bone.The rock is characteristically uniform in that it
originates from fist and slightly smaller-sized,smooth,water-
worn cobbles.It is most probable that these cobbles were
del iberate1y selected for stone boil ing;a technique commonly
employed by Native North Americans in the absence of ceramic
cooking vessels.This material cultural trait coupled with
abundant fractured long bone fragments suggests preparation of
marrow "soup"and possibly bone grease in birch bark cooking
containers.These site attributes are commonly associated with
archeological sites throughout the A1 askan Interior and through
the direct hi storie approach have been identified as the remains
of prehi stori c At hapaskan cu1 ture (Pl askett,1977).
This common association is characteristic of·a number of sites
located throughout the course of the archeological survey.All
sites and site components which exhibit this association in a
clear stratigraphic context occur above the Devil tephra and
consequently are younger than A.D.200.In addition to the Kosina
Depression Site (TLM 065)discussed above,these sites are:1)
Component I,Permafrost Creek (TLM 050)ca.A.D.1670;2)two and
poss ib1 y three components at the Tsusens Creek Si te (TLM 022)
which date sl igh1y prior to and subsequent to A.D.1500;3)a
feature at the Little Bones Ridge Site (TLM 059)ca.A.D.740;4)
Component I at the Red Scraper Site (TLM 062)ca.A.D.570;5)
Component I at the Ts usena site (TLM 097)ca.A.D.550;and 6)
TLM 130 which produced a radiocarbon date on charcoal of A.D.530
+70.Three additional sites which have not been subject to radio-
metric dating but which exhibit the pronounced association of
fire-cracked cobbles and fractured mammal bone,all occur strati-
graphically above the Devil tephra.These are:1)the Upper
Watana Creek Site (TLM 038);2)the No Name Creek site (TLM 043);
and 3)Component I at the Duck Embryo North Site (TLM 048).At
two of these sites,No Name Creek and Duck Embryo North,evidence
for heat treatment of 1 ithi cs has been recogni zed based on the
vitreous character of the lithic debitage.
While it may appear dubious to define a cultural period primarily
on the basis of the association of only two cultural traits,these
sites are strikingly simil ar when viewed collectively and all are
restricted temporally.Another striking simil arity shared by
these sites is the lack of diagnostic artifact types.However,
this may partially reflect the comparatively small samples
recovered during testing.The sites suggest intensivere1 iance on
caribou hunting,occasionally moose hunting,intensive use of
stone boil ing for food preparation,and heat treatment of 1 ithics
used for tool manufacture..
The sites occur in a variety of eco10gica.1 locales.Permafrost
Creek,Tsusena Creek and No Name all occur adjacent to the junc-
tion of clear water tributaries to the Susitna and are situated in
the valley bottom.The Upper Watana Creek site occupies an
overlook with a panoramic view to the north suggestive of fall
caribou hunting.Duck Embryo North is situated adjacent to a lake
outlet possibly indicating exploitation of fish and waterfowl.
The Tsusena site (TLM 097)is adjacent to Tsusena Creek where
constricting topographic features funnel 1 arge mammal movements
past the site.Sites which contain structural remains;Little
Bones Ridge,Kosina Depression,and probably Jay Creek (although
this site was not subject to systematic testing)are located in
el evated areas whi ch seem to 1 ack attractive ecol og ical factors
(such as proximity to significant bodies of fresh water,panoramic
views,constricting land forms,etc.).It is possible that these
more substantial sites containing features may reflect prehistoric
distribution of caribou rather than other ecological variables
traditionally associated with site occurrence.Such obscure site
locales may also reflect social variables such as defense or
Testing and surface features suggest that all sites dating to this
time peri od are comparativel y small and probab 1y represent groups
of not more than one or two nuclear families or a few hunters.
Collectively these sites represent a variety of functions and
seasonal occupations,which cannot be accurately defined based on
the limited results derived from the systemat ic test i ng conducted
to date.It is important to reemphasize that this discussion has
been 1 imited to only those sites which can be firmly dated,and
undoubtedly nlJTlerous other sites dating to the Prehistoric
Athapaskan -Period exist in the project area.
All the sites dating to this period contain faunal remains,and
thus present the possibil ity for documenting the organic component
of prehistoric Athapaskan material culture,which is currently
poorly understood and represented at only a few archeological
sites."The diverse types of sites situated in a variety of
ecol og ical local es may enab 1e further research to document
shift ing sub si stence and settl ement patterns through time.
Collectively these sites are extremely significant,for they hold
the potent i al to defi ne At hapaskan cultural dev el opment during the
past 1,500 years.Thi s has not been accompl i shed in Al aska or the
Yukon and Northwest Territories,1 argel y because prev ious research
programs have not been able to locate sites conducive to answering
these quest ions,and have 1 acked the chronological contro 1s
essential for defining cultural developnent through time.
(f)Choris/Norton Tradition:
ca.A.D.500 -ca.1500 B.C.
Three arrheological sites have yielded artifactual material from
stratigraphic contexts which suggest that they may be ascribed to
the Chori s/Norton trad it ion.These are Component II I at the
Tsusena site (TLM 097)and the upper component at the Fog Creek
site (TLM 030)which has been radiocarbon dated to 360 B.C.+220
(DIC-IBn),and the Left Fork Site (TLM 069)which was probably
occupied immediately prior to deposition of the Watana tephra.
The fl akes from the upper component at Fog Creek were unfortu-
nately bagged in the field with those from the lower component,
thus rendering definition of the lithologic types associated with
this component impossible.However,fine grained sil icious rock
types are represented in this sample and were probably derived
from the upper component,while the remainder of the sample is
basalt and is probably derived from the lower,Northern Archaic,
component.No diagnostic artifacts were recovered from
Component I.
Component I II at the Ts usen a site (TLM 097)was not subj ect to
radiometric dating,but is clearly associated with the contact
between the Watana and Devil tephras.This component contained
9 fire-cracked rock fragments,15 waste fl akes of rhyol ite and
tuff,and 65 tuffacious flakes.Although the assemblage does not
provide sufficient data to define the Choris/Norton tradition
within the project area,it does,when coupled with data from a
number of other sites,provide data which strongly indicate the
occurrence of this tradition within the Upper Susitna region
between ca.A.D.500 and ca.1500 B.C.
The period of occupation of the Left Fork Site (TLM 069)remains
problematic,but the preliminary data suggest that it probably
occurred immediately prior to the deposition of the Watana tephra.
Several artifact types suggest that the material cultural remains
from this site are similar to artifacts typologically associated
with Choris/Norton period in other regions of Al aska.Bone pre-
servation at th"is site suggests that it was occupied shortly be-
fore deposition of the Watana tephra,because bone preservation is
comparatively rare in archeological components predating the Devil
tephra in the Upper Susitna region.
Three additional sites (TLM 033,TLM 034,and TLM 053),which have
only been subject to reconnaissance testing,indicate cultural
components between the Watana and Devil tephras and this suggests
that these sites may also be ascribed to this temporal period.In
all three sites,no diagnostic artifacts were recovered,and the
cultural components were defined on the basis of 1 ithic debitage
alone.It is important to note that the deb itage in all three
cases is fine grained cherts or rhyol ite,which may be an
indicator of this tradition in the Upper Susitna region.
While it has not yet been possible to unquestionably document
diagnostic artifacts dating to this period,several sites in addi-
t i on to the Left Fork site (TLM 069)in the proj ect area have
yielded artifacts characteristic of this tradition.Bacon
(1978a:32)suggested possible Norton influence at TLI\1 018,based
on the occurrence of a tri angul ar trend ing to pentagonal end
blade.Irving (1957:43,47)reported the discovery of three
obl iquely pressure fl aked side bl ades on an overlook near the
Tyone River.The artifacts reported by Irving still represent the
best typological indication of the Norton/Choris tradition in the
Up per Su s it na.
This critical interval in non-coastal Al askan prehistory is poorly
understood,and the Upper Susitna River holds excellent potential
for reso 1v ing the myr i ad of prob 1ems assoc i ated with it.Exten-
sive field investigation of archeological components·dating to
this·interval is essential to:1)document the material cultural
remains dating to this period;2)elucidate settlement and subsis-
tance patterns;and 3)resolve the problems associated with the
postul ated 1ate Denal i compl ex.
(g)Northern Archaic Tr ad it i on:
ca.1500 B.C.-ca 3000 B.C.
Component IV at the Ts us en a site (TLM 097)best documents the
stratigraphic placement of the Northern Archaic Tradition within
the project area.The stratigraphic position of this component is
clear and is supported by a radiocarbon determination of 2070 +65
B.C.(OIC-2283).This component contained the base of a black
basalt side-notched projectile point and black siltstone flake
core along with 312 fl akes of basalt and 16 of rhyol ite and tuff.
Because side-notched projectile points are the hallmark of the
Northern Archaic Tradition,it is reasonable to ascribe it to the
Northern Archaic Tradition in spite of the small sample size.
The Fog Creek Site (TLM 030)was not subject to systematic test-
ing,but did yield reliable data pertinent to defining the
Northern Archaic Tradition in the project area.Two components
were recognized during reconnaissance testing of the site.The
lower component contained a side-notched projectile point along
with lithic debitage consisting primarily of black basalt.A
rad iocarbon determinat ion for thi s component,wh i ch al so occurs
between the Watana and Oshetna tephra,is 2770 +130 B.C.
(OIC-1880).While systematic testing is required to further
define and clarify this site,the preliminary data is strikingly
similar to that recovered from Component IV at the Tsusena
Borrow C site.The Fog Creek site is significant because it not
only confirms the stratigraphic pl acement of the Northern Archaic
Tradition in the project area,but further defines the temporal
span of the tradition.
Component II,which occurs between the Watana and Oshetna tephras,
at Tuff Creek North (TLM 027),proably reflects a Northern Archaic
use of this site.Alhtough no diagnostic artifacts were re-
covered,the lithic debitage is black basalt,the most common
lithologic type associated with the Northern Archaic occupation at
both Fog Creek and the Tsusena site (TLM 097).The stratigraphic
pl acement of thi s component between the Watana and Oshetna tephra.
strongly supports this interpretation.
E-4-101 '"""
The lower component at TLM 143 produced side-notched points and a
radiocarbon determination on charcoal of 2150 B.C.+60 and is
clearly associated with the Northern Archaic Tradition:-Although
no diagnostic artifacts were found in the lower component at
TLM 128,a radiocarbon date (on charcoal from the·paleosol on
which the artifacts were recovered)of 2630 B.C.+780 suggests
that this component may also represent the Northern Archaic
Tr ad it i on.
Although a number of sites in the project area have yielded side-
notched projectile·points and other artifact types commonly asso-
ciated with the Northern Archaic Tradition,only Fog Creek,the
Tsusena site,Tuff Creek North,and Jay Creek have yielded cultur-
al horizons that can be dated with a high degree of certainty.It
is probable that Component IV at the Tsusena site is not the
1 atest occurrence of thi s trad it ion withi n the proj ect area and
.that the lowest component at Fog Creek is probably not the earl i-
est.Additionally,no artifacts characteristic of the Northern
Archaic Tradition have been found either above the Watana or below
the Oshetna tephra.These data suggest a temporal span between
1500 to 3000 B.C.for this tradition in the Upper Susitna region.
These data concur with archeological data from other Al askan arch-
eological sites.The upper Northern Archaic component at the Dry
Creek Site located near Healy,Al aska,ranges in age between 2400
and 1400 B.C.(Powers and Hamilton,1978)and data from the Tangle
Lakes area suggest a simil ar temporal span for this tradition
(West 1975)."These and other sites in the Al askan interior
support Wor.kman's (1978)hypothesis that Northern Archaic Tradi-
t ion spread through the Yukon Territory and northward along the
Brooks Range to the On ion Portage site by 4000 B.C.and 1ater
spread into southern Interior Al aska.
As demonstrated by the Fog Creek,Ts usena,and Jay Creek sites,
the study area holds high potential for addressing critical ques-
tions pertinent to understanding the Northern Archaic Tradition.
These are:1)closely bracketing the temporal span during which
the Upper Susitna was occupied by peoples bearing this tradition,
2)the subsi stance strateg i es and settl ement patterns impl emented
by Northern Archaic Peopl es;3)the nature of house forms and
other structures assoc i ated with thi s trad it i on;and most impor-
tantly,4)data essential to expl ain the rather dramatic appear-
ance and disappearance of this technological tradition in the
archeological records.The Upper Susitna is an extremely critical
region for addressing these problems,because various manifesta-
tions of this tradition,which may lack diagnostic artifacts (such
as side-notched projectile points)can be recognized with clarity
based on their expected occurrence between the Watana and Oshetna
(h)American Paleoarctic Tradition:
ca.3000 B.C.?-ca.9000 B.C.?
The lowest component at Tuff Creek North (TLM 027)best documents
the stratigraphic p1 acement of this tradition in the project area.
At thi s site,Component II I c1earl y rests on top of 91 ac i al drift
and is capped by the Oshetna tephra.The Oshetna tephra was
deposited prior to approximately 2700 B.C.and probably during the
interval between 3000 to 5000 B.•C.Although no organic material
suitable for radiometric dating was recovered from this component,
the artifactua1 material is considerably older than the Oshetna
tephra.The 1 ithics rest on and are intermixed with the upper
portion of the glacial drift,and exhibit considerable weathering.
Both these factors suggest that they were exposed on the surface
for an extended period,possibly several thousand years,prior to
the deposition of the Oshetna tephra.
The assemblage contains several blocky cores which result from the
manufacture of blades,microb1ades and blade-like flakes.Core
rotation is common,and no II type II core has been identified in the
assemb1 age.In addition to the cores,the assemb1 age contains
blade-like flakes,blades,microblades,and waste flakes.Some of
the blades and fl akes exhib it edge retouch along their marg ins,
which is generally restricted to one surface of the specimens.No
bifacial stone tools were recovered from Component III.
Admittedly,the sample is small when compared to the estimated
spatial extent of the site,but it does suggest striking technolo-.
gical similarities to the Ugashik Narrows Phase (Dumond 1977)on
the Alaska Peninsula,Locality 1 at the Gallagher Flint Station
(Dixon 1975),and possibly the Anangu1a site located on an islet
(Ananuliak Is.)off Umnak Island in the Aleutians (Aigner,1978).
Although radiocarbon determinations are not avail able from this
component,it is not unreasonable to estimate the period of
occupation between approximately 4000 to 5000 B.C.based on its
stratigraphic occurrence below the Oshetna tephra,the advanced
degree of weathering exhibited by the 1 ithics,and typological
comparison with other A1 askan archeological sites which exhibit
simil ar technological characteristics.
Two additional sites (TLM 040 and TLM 048)appear to contain
microblade components which occur below the Oshetna tephra,but
the results of systematic testing at these sites are not conclu-
sive.It appears a microbl ade component is represented in
Component II at the Duck Embryo North site (TLM 048)which is
probably derived from the contact of the glacial drift and the
Oshetna tephra.However,only a single microb1ade was recovered
along with the 1 ithic debitage,and further work is required to
c1 arify the age,nature and extent of thi s component.At TLM 040,
the Tephra Site,nUlierous obsidian microbl ades and microb1 ade
fragments were recovered.Al though their strat igraphi c posit i on
could not be defined with certainty,there is some indication that
they may have been deposited below the Oshetna tephra.Although
no radiocarbon determinations are available from either of these
E-4-i 03
sites,future work will probably succeed in defining their strati-
graphic position and hopefully provide organics suitable for
radiometric dating.
The microbl ades from the Duck Embryo North and Tephra sites appear
to be struck from prepared cores and exhibit a uniformity not
refl ected in the spec imens from Component II I at Tuff Creek.The
morphological characteristics of these microblades (from TlM 040
and 048)suggest greater technological simil arity with specimens
commonly associated with the Denali Complex and may be of the same
age.It is not unreasonable to postul ate that all these compo-
nents may be ascribed to th-e American Paleoarctic Tradition and
probably date to the interval between 3000 and 9000 B.C.It is
probable that the blockier rotated blade microblade cores postdate
the prepared cores of the Denal i complex,and both assembl ages
appear to deemphasize the manufacture of bifacial stone tools,
particularly projectile points.
The potential of the project area to yield data essential to un-
raveling many of the complex problems associated with the American
Paleoarctic Tradition is excellent.The potential of the Upper
Susitna Basin to yield data essential to understanding the complex
cultural developnents associated with thi~tradition between the
time of deglaciation (12,000 to 9000 B.C.)and ca.3000 B.C.is
(i)Early Period:ca.30,000 B.C.
to ca.20,000 B.C.
The midsection,or shaft,of the right femur of a proboscidean
(probably Mammuthus sp.)was recovered from an exposure near the
junction of the Tyone and Susitna River~.A single radiocarbon
date run on bone collagen from the femur yielded a date of 27,500
+610 B.C.(DIC-1819).This age determination coupled with addi-
tional dates from the same stratigraphic section demonstrates that
at least some portions of the Upper Susitna were deglaciated
during mid-Wi sconsin times.The occurrence of the probosc idean
fossil also documents that at least one of the passes through the
Al aska Range was degl aciated during this time.These data indi-
cate potential for the discovery of archeological sites in the
study area,dating to this period have been recogni zed in the
proj ect area.
Five major cultural traditions have been documented within the
study area which span the past 11,000 years.These are:1)
Historic 1897 to present;2)the Athapaskan Tradition ca.500 A.D.
to 1900 A.D.;3)Choris/Norton Trandition A.D.500 to 1500 B.C.;
4)Northern Archaic Tradition ca.1500 B.C.to ca.3000 B.C.;and
5)the American Paleoarctic Tradition ca.1500 B.C.to ca.
3000 B.C.;and 5)the American Paleoarctic Tradition ca.3000 B.C.
to 9000 B.C.?The project area was glaciated between approxi-
mately 9000 B.C and 20,000 B.C.and at least partially deglaciated
between 30,000 and 20,000 B.C.
Based on the results of the reconnaissance survey and the limited
systematic testing of the select archeological sites,the project
area holds excellent potential for addressing many long-standing
anthropological questions.Three tephras permit stratigraphic
correlation between many sites and site components.This presents
a uniquely significant opportunity to define the developrrient of
these archeological traditions which has not been possible else-
where in interior or southcentral Al aska.No single archeological'
site has been found which preserves the cultural chronology from
deglaciation to historic times,but the tephra enable cultural
developnent to be traced throug h time based on compari sons of a
series of sites which can be clearly documented to be temporally
Because the first goal of archeology is to define cultural
chronology,the IMJrk conducted thus far has been focused primarily
toward thi s obj ective.Sub stant i al progress has been made,but
clearly considerable additional work is essential if this goal is
to be fully real ized,particul arly during the Choris/Norton and
American Pal eoarcti c Tr ad it ion per i ods.Systematic excav at ion
will not only resolve many of the problems relevant to defining
cultural chronology,but concurrently will provide extremely valu-
able data essential to interpreting the past lifeways of the cul-
tural groups which occupied the region prior to historic contact.
Better understand ing of subsi stence,settl ement patterns,and
social/cultural phenomena will result as a compl imentary product
of devel opi ng the cultural chronology,and future research
strateg ies shoul d attempt to address these problems.
It is already possible to glimpse some of the larger questions
which may be addressed as mitigation of adverse impact to cultural
resources progresses throughout the proj ect area.Some are:1)
defining and expl aining the interrel ationship between cultural
succession,vulcanism and environmental change;2)resolution of
as yet unresolved questions relevant to firmly documenting,or
rejecting,the occurrence of a Late Denali phase;and 3)defini-
tion and interpretation of the nature of cultural contacts,or
rapid technological change,which occurred during the periods of
transition between cultural trad it ions.Fut ure mit ig at i on of
adverse impact to cul tural resources must address these and other
problems.The legal requirement mandating the preservation of
sites is founded on the knowledge that they hold data which may
enable potential explanation of such problems.The Upper Susitna
River region may be one of the best local es known in Al aska to
preserve such information and address these significant scientific
and humanistic questions.
3.2 -Impact on Hi storic
and Archeological Sites
The level of adverse impact posed by the Sustina Hydroelectric
Project on cultural resources is substantial.Consequently,a
mitigation effort corresponding to this level of adverse impact is
needed to meet mandates of federal and state cul tural resource
legislation.Mitigation is discussed further in Section 4.1.
The magnitude and nature of adverse impact the Susitna Hydro-
electric Project will have on specific sites or groups of sites
depend on the location of these cultural resources in relation to
areas affected by construction,operation,maintenance,overall
land modification and ancillary development of the Sustina Hydro-
electric Project and the type of activities which will occur in
these areas (TableE.4.1).Three major types of adverse impacts
to cultural resources have been defined;they are direct,indirect
and potential.Sites directly impacted are those sites which are
immediately affected by ground-disturbing activities associated
with preconstructi on,construct i on or operat i on of the proj ect.
These include,but are not limited to,dam construction,access
roads,borrow areas,camps,transmission lines,staging areas,
airstrips,and reservoirs behind the Devil Canyon and Watana dams.
Indirect impact will resul t from adverse effects that are secon-
dary but clearly brought about by the project and which WJuld not
occur if the proj ect were not undertaken.Ind irect impact wi 11
occur on sites affected by altered and/or accelerated erosional
processes associ ated with fill ing of the reservoirs.Second ary
land modifications such as altered drainage and accelerated ero-
sional processes associated with dam and spillway construction,
greater access to remote areas,increased number of project per-
sonnel in the area during and after construction,activities
rel ated to project maintenance and erosion of the impoundment
margins resulting from fluctuating water levels all pose very
real,though secondary,threats to cultural resources.Potenti al
impact is connected with ancillary development which can be pre-
dicted to occur as a result of the project,but which depend on
other variables which are unknown at this time.Such variables
include future engineering modifications,future recreational use
of the area and increased development along access corridors and
impoundment margins.Although the specific.impact agent(s)that
coul d impact sites in the potent i al category are not presentl y
known,impact to sites or groups of sites can be pred icted to
occur as a resul t of expected recreat i onal use of the area and
increased development assoc i ated with thi s act iv ity.Potential
impact coul d become direct impact,i nd irect impact or no impact
depending on how these activities affect the areas containing
cultural resources.When the location
of all project facil ities and recreational developnent are known
and the cultural resource inventory compl ete,it will then be
poss"ible to identify sites in the potential category that will
receive direct,indirect or no impact.
(b) Signif ic an ce
To comply with federal regulations,impact analysis of cultural
resources is required for those sites either listed in,or
recommended as el igible for the National Register of Hi storic
Places.·The eligibility of a site,or group of sites,for in-
clusion in the National Register of Historic Places is based on
the site(s)significance.Therefore,it is first necessary to
determine if the site or group of sites is significant.Deter-
mination of signifance is based on the appl ication of National
Register of Historic Places criteria which define significance "in
American history,architecture,archeology,and culture present in
districts,sites,buildings,structures,and objects of state and
local importance that possess integrity of location,design,
setting,materials,workmanship,feeling,and association and/or
that at'e associated with events that have made significant contri-
butions to the broad patterns of history;or are associated with
the 1 ives of persons significant in our past;or that embody the
distinctive characteristics of a type,period,or method of con-
struction,or that represent the work of a master,or that possess
high artistic values or that represent a significant and distin-
guishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction;
or have yielded or may likely yield information important in
prehistory and history"(36 CFR 60).
A determination of significance must be based on adequate informa-
tion.For this project,a program of reconnaissance level testing
was implemented to locate and document sites.In order to gen-
erate sufficient data on which to base an evaluation of signifi-
cance,systematic testing was employed.In most cases (a notable
exception being historic cabins),systematic testing is necessary
to assess significance.The 21 sites systematically tested all
provided sufficient data to address the question of significance
and 20 of these·sites appear to be eligible for inclusion in the
National Register.
Significance itself is a relative term which is used in a historic
context dependent on the current state of knowl edge,method and
theory employed,and research questions asked.New techniques and
methods have enabled archeologists to collect new and different
types of data which allow new questions to be formul ated and
addressed.Although National Register Criteria are subject to
ongoing modification,significance pertaining to archeological
sites generally emphasize research potential,site integrity
and/or public appreciation.
Although all the sites located as a result of this study are
related geographically and temporally,the exact relationships
awa it further study.Mo st of the sites were found assoc i ated wi th
one or more of three tephra which provide 1 imiting dates in a
restricted geographic context and provide a unique and scientifi-
cally important opportunity to construct the first cultural chro-
nology for the Upper Sustina River Valley.Armed with this infor-
mation,it is possible to state that all sites (with the exception
of TLM 033)found to date in the study area are likely significant
and collectively hold the potential for defining the prehistory
for this region of Al aska and,therefore,may be el igible for
inclusion in the National Register of Hi storic Pl aces.Based on
all data collected to date,a preliminary cultural chronology has
been developed (see Section 3.1).
Significance must be assessed in adequate data.Only 231 of the
sites located and documented during the three field seasons have
been system at i call y tested (due to time and budgetary constraints)
and adequate data are available from these 21.Evaluation of
specific site significance for the remaining sites must await sys-
tematic testing.However,because a majority of the sites occur
in relation to three tephra,it is possible to consider the col-
lective significance of all sites for del ineating the prehistory
and history of the Upper Susitna River Valley.From this perspec-
tive,all sites located to date (with theexecption of TLM 033)
appear to qual ify for the National Register of Historic Places.
Given this level of significance,it may be appropriate to
nominate these sites to the National Register as an archeological
district because of the unique opportunity the known sites in this
area (as well as yet undiscovered sites)have for addressing ques-
tions concerning the prehistory of a large portion of Interior
Al aska which is presently not well defined.If a nomination of
this type is made,it should be done in concert with the State
Hi storic Preserv at ion Offi cer.
Watana Dam and Impoundment
Two historic sites and 28 archeological sites were located and
doclJ11ented in areas to be impacted by the Watana Dam and its
impoundment.The tr.o hi storic sites (TLM 079,TLM 080)will be
directly impacted as will the 28 archeological sites (TLM 017,
018,026,033,039,040,042,043,038,050, 058, 059,060, 061,
062, 063,064, 065,072,073,075,077,102,104, 115,119,126
and 137).
Devil Canyon Dam and Impoundment
One historic site and six archeological sites are presently known
in areas to be impacted by the Devil Canyon Dam and its
-"impoundment.The one known historic site (TLM 023)and the six
archeological sites (TLM 022,TLM 024,TLM 027,TLM 029,TLM 030,
TLM 034)will all be directly impacted.
(e)Proposed Borrow Areas,As soci ated
Facilities,and Areas Disturbed
by Geotechnical Testing
Seven archeological sites are presently known in the portions of
the proposed borrow areas examined to date (A,B,D,E,F,G),and
areas disturbed by geotechnical testing.One site will be
directly impacted (TLM 035),two sites have the potential of being
impacted (TLM 068,TLM 070),and it appears that four sites will
not be impacted due to their distance from expected impact areas
(TLM 082,HEA 177,HEA 178,HEA 179).Additional potential borrow
areas have been ident ifed (H,I,J,K)and another expanded (F)
which remain to be examined for cul tura1 resources.Si tes that
fall within both an impoundment area and a potential borrow source
are inc 1ud ed und er the appropr i ate impo undment sect i on.Proposed
borrow Areas I and J are located within expected impoundment """'"
(f)Proposed Access Routes
Survey of the proposed access route was cursory and additional
survey of the proposed route and associated borrow areas is re-
quired to adquately cover the area.It is 1 ike1y that numerous
additional sites will be located during continued survey.
Nineteen archeological sites are presently known along the se-
lected access corridor and/or associated with proposed borrow
areas assoc i ated with thi s corridor.Seven are assoc i ated with
the proposed right-of-way.Three of these sites will receive
direct impact (TLM 051,TLM 155,HEA 211),three ind irect impact
(TLM 101,103 and 114)and one has the potential of being impacted
(TLM 112).Twelve sites are associated with proposed borrow areas
for the access corridor and all wi 11 be directly impacted if the
borrow areas are actually sel ected (TLM 098, 099,106,107,108,
109, 110, 111,113,153,HEA 181 and 182).
(g)Proposed Transmission Corridors
Transmission 1 ine corridors were selected very late in the pro-
ject.The section from the proposed Watana Dam was selected after
the 1982 field season and consequently has not been surveyed.
Segments of the transmission corridors from Anchorage to Willow
and Healy to Fairbanks were exanined at the pre1 iminary reconnais-
sance level.However continued survey is required to adequately
cover these proposed corridors as well as the newly selected
No sites are presently known for the portion of the transmission
corridor from Anchorage to Willow.Reconnaissance level survey of
the Healy to Fairbanks portion of the corridor and exanination of
the files in the Alaska Office of History and Archeology document
twelve sites within the proposed corridor.Until the exact loca-
tion of the route is known,including access roads,two place-
ments,etc,all of these sites have the potential of being
impacted (FA!213,214,HEA 026, 030,035,037, 038, 080,083,
119,137,and 210).When p1 ans for the transmission corridors are
ffna1 i zed and the cultural inventory complete,it will then be
possible to determine the effect of this portion of the project on
cult ur a1.reso urces.
(h)Other Areas
(areas outside the above
categories but within the study area)
Three historic sites and 89 archeological sites are known in this
area.One historic site (TLM 020)and 16 archeological sites
(TLM 015, 016,021,038,047,049,074,076,120,121,128,130,
133,143,144 and 145)will be indirectly impacted.Two historic
sites (TLM 056,TLM 071)and 71 of the archeological sites have
the potential of being adversely impacted by the project (TLM 025,
028,031,032,036,037,041,044, 045,046,052,053,054, 055,
057,066,069,078,081, 083, 084,085,086, 087,088,089, 090,
091, 092,093,094,095,096, 097,100, 105, 116, 117,118,122,
123, 124,125,127,129,131,132,134,135,136,138,139,140,
141, 142,146, 147,148, 149, 150,151, 152, 154,HEA 174,176,
180,183,184 and 185).The renaining four sites will not be
impacted by the project (TLM 007,TLM 067,HEA 175,HEA 186).
Although 75 sites in this category are presently located outside
expected direct and indirect areas,they could be impacted
depending on future deve10pnents associated with the Susitna
Hydroelectric Project.At present,they should be avoided with
the exception of the four sites which appear not to have been
adversely impacted by the project due to their distance from
expected impact areas.However,if and when it is determined that
these sites will be either directly or indirectly impacted,it
will then be necessary to mitigate this impact.When final plans
for the project,including recreational activities are available,
it may then be possible to determine specific sites which will not
be impacted by the Sust ina Hydroe1 ectri c Proj ect.
4.1 -Mitigation Policy and Approach
It is mandated by federal 1 aw that the effect of any federal proj ect or
federally 1 icensed project on cultural resources must be assessed and
mitigation measures developed to lessen or avoid the impact on those
resources on,or determined to be eligible for inclusion in,the
National Register of Historic Places.Mitigationmedsures are manage-
ment tools which provide options when making decisions regarding the
preservation or reduction of impact to cultural resources.Although
the concept has,and is presently,undergoing refinement,it clearly
consists of three options:avoidance,preservation,and investigation
(preserv at i on through excav at ion).
Avoidance consists of any measures that avoid adverse effects of
a project on cultural resources.Avoidance in and of itself may
not be totally effective if not coupled with a monitoring program
that will insure that a historic or archeological site protected
from the immed i ate adverse effect (d irect and ind irect impact)of
the project is not inadvertently damaged in the future as a result
of the project (potential impact).For the Susitna Hydroelectric
Project,potential damage may result from, but is not limited to,
operation of the facilities,increased access to remote areas,
recreat ional activ it i es,pr iv ate devel opTIent,and the transfer of
1 ands from federal and state governments to corporate or private
parties.Therefore,avoidance must be considered in terms of long
range and short range goal s aimed at protecting cultural resources
beyond the immediate construction phase of the dam and its
ancill ary facil Hies.
Preservat ion
Preservat i on is any measure that results in the reduction or
avoidance of impact on cultural resources through physical mainte-
nance or protection a.imed at preventing further deterioration or
destruction.Preservation,as with avoidance,impl ies both
short-term and long-term measures.Preservation may consist of
stabilization,reconstruction,as well as preservation of a site
by constructing a barrier around the site,patrolling and monitor-
ing the site,publ ic education,or the establ ishment of an archeo-
logical preserve.Of all the preservation options avail able for
the Susitna Proj ect,monitoring may have the greatest potenti al
for long-term preservation of not only a particular site or group
of sites but for cultural resources in general .
Invest ig at ion refers to a prob 1em-orientated data recovery program
aimed at collecting and conserving archeological data in a
scientific manner.A program of this type means that data
recovery procedures are developed for each site or group of sites,
analysis of materials is undertaken,and the results are
disseminated to professional and public audiences.In addition to
investigation as a method of avoiding adverse impact,a site(s)
could be investigated (excavated),either partially or in whole;
if a site(s)appears to fit the research needs of the overall
cultural resource managenent program;if a site(s)may contain
information critical to the larger mitigation program;or if a 0
site(s)cannot be protected from indirect or potenti al impact such
as increased off-the-road traffic,increased recreational use,an
increase in the nunber of peopl e in the area or increased site
visibil ity.It is recommended that sites actually investigated
on this project be selected on the basis of systematic testing and
the recommendations of the SHPO and the NPS.
4.2 -Mitigation Plan
Any mitigation plan must be based on an evaluation of project impact on
the total resource,including known and undiscovered sites.Therefore,
because only a portion of the area to be impacted by the Susitna
Hydroelectric Project has been surveyed and investigated,any
mitigation plan must include a program to examine the entire surveyable
area and mitigate adverse effects on all sites on,or eligible for,the
National Register of Historic Places.This program is designed to be
complete in two years allowing submittal at this date to FERC prior to
final review of the application.Mitigation prop,osed here will apply
to sites located and tested during this two-year period as well as the
sites presently known.
(a)Details of Plan
The highest priority toward mitigating adverse impact to cultural
res()urces associated with the Susitna Hydroelectric Project is to
complete the archeological and historical survey and thus provide
a compl ete inventory of cul tural resources.Port ions of the
impoundment areas,all of the access corridor and associ ated
borrow pits and haul roads,as well as the transmission corridors
between Healy and Fairbanks and Anchorage and Willow have not been
subject to thorough on-the-ground survey and subsurface testing.
Therefore,continued survey is necessary.As sites are docLmented
during the course of the survey they will be cl assified into one
of the three impact categories:1)direct impact,2)indirect
impact,and 3)potential impact (see section 3.2 for definitions).
All sites subject to direct impact should be investigated to
assess their eligibility for inclusion in the National Register of
Historic Places (Table E.4.2).To accomplish this goal these
sites will require systematic testing (for a thorough discussion
of systematic testing procedures see Chapter 2 of the 1982
cultural resource report).The objective of systematic testing is
to obtain sufficient data to assess the spatial limits,strati-
graphy,rel ative age and possibl e cultural affil iation of a
specific archeological site.These data are essential to assess
the ability of a site to yield significant scientific information,
which is a necessary criterion for determining the signficance of
cultural resources under the Advisory Council guidelines as stated
in llProcedures of the Adv i sory Co unci 1 on Hi stori c Preserv at i on,
36 CFR 800.Following systematic testing,each site will need to
be evaluated to determine whether it can provide data relevant to
the three major goal s of North Pmerican archeology:1)establ ish-
ment of cultural chronologies;2)definition of past lifeways;and
3)expl anation of cultural process.If,following systematic
testing,a specific site is found to hold no potential to address
any of these three fund a-nental sc ient ifi c quest ions or research
topics addressed in Appendix B of lITreatment of Archeological
Properties:A Handbook ll (1980)published by the Advisory Council
on Hi storic Preservation,it wi 11 be determined not significant
and thus not el igible for inclusion in the National Register of
Historic Places.Should a determination of nonsignificance be
made,no further mitigation efforts should be required.This has
already proven to be the case with one site,TLM 033.
Those sites found to hold potential to address humanisti.c,
historical and/or local-interest research questions should be
determined significant and thus be considered eligible for inclu-
sion in the National Register of Historic Places.The mitigation
measure recommended for these sites should be.preservation of
information through systematic scientific excavation.The preser-
vation of these sites through investigation (excavation)should be
prioritized based upon the immediacy of the threat of adverse
impact to each specific site.Thus,in general terms,those which
occur in locales slated for construction should be removed through
excavation prior to those within the impoundment areas.Within
the impoundment areas sites at lower elevations would receive
priority above those at higher elevations.Such a prioritization
shaul d minim i ze potential confl icts beteen cultur al resources and
construction schedule.
The mitigation measure recommended for all sites fall ing within
the ind irect impact or potent i al impact category is avoid ance.
For those sites subject to potential adverse impact (Table E.4.2)
a monitoring pl an should be developed in concert with the
appropriate and managing agencies (state and federal).The
monitoring program should establ ish a photographic record of each
site on an annual basis and should any adverse impact resulting
from activities of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project occur,it
should be documented.Should any particul ar site or group of
sites experience adverse impact as a result of the project,the
appropriate mitigation measure for that particul ar circumstance
should be appl ied.The monitoring program should be continued
throughout the course of the project on an annual basis until the
hydroelectric facil ity is operational.At such time,the
monitoring program should become the responsibility of the
appropriate land managing agency.
Coupl ed with the monitoring program shoud be an educational
program for all construction and other project personnel,which
emphasi zes the necess i ty to avoid cul tur al resources in and
adj acent to the proj ect area.Suc h a program shoul d stress the
importance of the scientific information the sites contain and
should discourage looting and artifact collecting.
Analysis of the sites found in 1980 and 1981 and preliminary
analysis of the sites located during the 1982 field season as well
as sites on record in the Alaska Office of History and Archeology
are tabulated in Tables E.4.2 and E.4.3.Of the known sites,53
will be directly,20 may be indirectly impacted,and 86 have the
potential of being impacted.Based on available data,it appears
that 8 sites will not be impacted by the project.However,this
is a preliminary evaluation based on the fact that these sites are
some distance from expected impact areas.Of the 167 sites
presently known 21 have already been systematically tested.
Thirty-eight additional sites will require systematic testing to
determine their el igibil ity for incl usion in the National
Register.Systematic testing is recommended for only those sites
that have been determined to be directly impacted by the project.
For those sites on federal or state 1 ands which will not be
directly impacted by the project,the cultural resource policies
of the appropr i ate agency shoul d be appl i ed.Of the 21 sites
systematically tested to date,15 have been determined significant
and are likely eligible for the National Register,and
investigation is recommended after approval of the 1 icense
appl ication and construction.Five additional sites have been
determined to be significant and are likely eligible for the
National Register but are outside.direct or indirect impact areas
and avoidance and monitoring is recommended.One systematically
tested site did not produce any cultural materi al during testing
and has been determined to be not significant.No further testing
or investigation is recommended for this site.
Both state and federal regulations mandate that all cultural
resources within the immediate project boundary be considered.
Since only a portion of the total project area,the configuration
of whi ch is st ill undergoi ng modi fi cat i on,has been examined for
archeological and historical sites,it is essential that
reconnaissance level testing continue in order to document II all II
cultural resources in the immediate project area given the present
level of technology.In addition,systematic testing is required
to address the significance of these sites that will be directly
inspected and to determine their eligibility to the National
Register.Systematic testing should,therefore,also continue for
sites that will be directly impacted.
Based on the field work completed to date,the large number of
sites known (167)and the portion of the study area actually
surveyed,it is anticipated tht many additional sites remain to be
discovered.Most of these sites will likely be subsurface in
nature and found by subsurface testing techniques.Based on this
information it is anticipated that two (2)additional field
seasons of reconnai ssance 1eve 1 survey are needed to adequate 1y
examine the entire surveyable portion of the study area for
cultural resources.In addition to locating and documenting
cultural resources,it will be necessary in most cases to conduct
systemat ic testing in order to generate suffi ci ent data on whi ch
to determine site size and content and to evaluate significance.
Systematic testing-requires that a grid be surveyed over the site,
maps prepared,'and testing units systematically excavated using
standard archeological methods.To date only 21 of the sites have
been systematically tested.Thirty-eight remain to be
systematically tested.Systematic testing of these sites,and an
estimated 25 additional ones,located as a result of continued
survey,is estimated to take two (2)field seasons.The time
actually necessary to test "new "sites can only be estimated
following completion of the cultural resource inventory.In order
to complete the inventory and systematic testing prior to
completion of the license application review period it is
recommended that this work take place in 1983 and 1984.Continued
reconnaissnce level testing and systematic testing can take place
during the same two-year period.
In addition to a program to find and evaluate additional sites in
the project area,mitigation measures must be implemented for
those sites determined to be eligible for the National Register
that will be adversely affected by the project if it is approved
and a decision to bui ld the dam is made by the State of Al aska.
It is estimated that mitigation will take approximately five (5)
to nine (9)field seasons to complete,depending on the number of
additional sites discovered and the number that will require
investigation or preservation ..The amount of time the entire
process would take depends on several factors:(1)the number of
additional sites found,(2)the number of personnel involved with
the project,and (3)the funding level.It is possible to shorten
the time frame by increasing the number of people involved.How-
ever,it should be stated that the cost of increasing personnel
1eve 1s 1ncreases exponent ia 11 y as 1ogi st i c,supp 1y,equi pment,and
additional management levels increase.If clear cutting of the
impoundment areas or other subsurface disturbing activities take
place,the above schedule wi 11 have to be adJusted to accommodate
the expected timetable of these activities.
In summary,it isanti ci pated that reconnai ssance testing needed
to complete the inventory will take two (2)field seasons;system-
atic testing needed to determine significance and elig-ibility to
the National Register of Historic Places two (2)field seasons;
and mitigatlon five (5)to nine (9)field seasons,all of which
could run concurrently.All estimates depend on the number of
additional sites found in the untested portions of the project
Based on available information,the preliminary cost estimates for
the cultural resource program previously di scussed are presented
below.It should be mentioned that original estimates (1981)for
completing the cultural resource inventory and the necessary
systematic testing were four (4)years and five (5)years,respec-
tively.The following cost estimate is based on rearranging these
programs into a two-year format in order to comp lete the work
during the license application review period and a modification of
the systematic testing program based on more recent data con-
cerning impact of the hydroelectric project on cultural
It is estimated that continued reconnaissance aimed at completing
the cultural resource inventory and systematic testing aimed at
determining significance and eligibility to the National Register
will cost $The systematic testing portion of this
amount is ba'sea on the 53 sites presently requiring testing and an
estimated 25 "new u sites that would likely result from continued
survey.This estimate is exclusive of a.ir logistics,food,and
camp faciities for archeological personnel.It is anticipated
that for the two years of continued reconnaissance and systematic
testing 38 field and office personnel wi 11 be required.The
determination of actual costs of any mitigation program for the
project must await completion of the cultural resources inventory
systematic testing to determine which sites are in direct impact
areas and eligible for the National Register of Historic Places
and the recommendations of the State Historic Preservation
Officer,which will indicate how many sites will actually require
investigation or preservation.
However,a preliminary estimate based on number of sites
documented to date (167),the known sites which fall within
present direct impact areas (38),the number of sites which appear
to qualify for inclusion on the national register based on
systematic testing to date (20 of the 21 sites tested),an
estimated 26 additional sites that could be located as a result of
continuing surveys and assuming it will be possible to group the
sites is8 million dollars.This figure can be adjusted
accordingly when the above-mentioned information becomes
avai 1ab 1e.
Statement of Sources and Extent of Financing
Funding for cultural resource studies.is the responsibi lity of the
Alaska Power Authority.The Archeological Conservation Act of
1974 (Public Law 93-291)authori zes that up to one per centum of
the total amount of adam project may be spent on cultural
resource studies,including analysis and publication.
4.3 -Agency Consultation
(a)Consultation Methods
For all federally funded or licensed projects,or projects on
federal lands,the latter two which apply to the Susitna
Hydroelectric Project,it is necessary to obtain a federal
antiquities permit.Formal application,including vitas of
individuals in general and direct charge,was made to the National
Park Service and the necessary permits obtained for 1980,1981 and
1982.In addition to federal permits,state antiquity permits
were obtained for state selected land within the study area.
The State Historic Preservation Office,the State Archeologist and I
archeologists with the National Park Service (Al aska)have been
consulted concerning the research design and the mitigation plan.!i
Consultation was both written and oral.Copies of the report on
the 1980 and 1981 field seasons were reviewed by the Alaska SHPO
and the National Park Service.
(b)Summary of Comments
Comments concerning the federal antiquities permit applications
were in the form of stipulations to the permits by the National
Park Service,Bureau of Land Management,and the U.S.Fi sh and
Wildlife Service.These comments specified the conditions of the
(i)Research Design -The research design and strategy were
reviewed by the Alaska SHPO,the State Archeologist and the
National Park Service and found to meet project needs and
professional standards.It is their opinion that the
research conducted to date is thorough and well documented
and constitutes an excellent preliminary cultural resource
program,but that continued reconnai ssance test i ng of areas
not covered during 1980,1981 and 1982 must be undertaken
to locate as many sites as possible given present
technology and that systematic testing should continue to
further evaluate sites and provide data on which to base
si gnifi cance,determi ne eli gi bil ity to the Nat i ona 1
Register,assess effect and determine the appropriate
mitigation measures.In addition,they recommended that
archeological clearance continue for any activities that
may impact cultural resources in the study area throughout
the project.Letters addressing the research design are
included at the end of this section of the application.
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--I });})l .~')l .c )-1 {1 '.J'.J )"j
."Cf r
Di rect
Watana Dam
TLM 018
TLM 026
TLM 033
TLM 039
TL~l 040
TLM 042
TLM 043
TLM 048
TLM 050
TLM 058
TLM 059
TLM 060
TLM 061
TLM 062
TL~l 063
TLM 064
TLM 065
TLM 072
TU1 073
TLM 075
TLM 077
TLM 079 (h)
TLM 080 (h)
TLM 102
TLM 104
TLM 115*
TLM 119*
TLM 126*
TLM 137*
Devil Canyon
Dam and
TLM 022
TLM 023 (h)
TLM 024
TLM 027
TLM 029
TLM 030
TLM 034
Borrow and
Geotechni cal
TLM 035
TLM 155*
HEA 211*
Access Route
Borrow Transmission
Areas Corridors
TLM 051
TLM 098
TLM 099
TLM 106
TLM 107
TLM 108
TLM 109
TLM 110
TLM 111
TLM 113
TLM 153*
HEA 181
HEA 182
TLM 015
TLM 016
TABLE E.4.1 (Continued)
Watana Dam Devi 1 Canyon Borrow and Access Route
and Dam and Geotechni cal Access Borrow Transm;55;on Other
Impoundment Impoundment Areas Route Areas Corridors Areas TOTAL
Ind;rect TLM 101 TLM 020 (h)
Impact TLM 103 TLM 021
TLM 114 TLM 038
TLM 047
TLM 049
TLM 074
TLM 076
TLM 120*
TLM 121*
TLM 128*
TLM 130*
r11 TLM 133*I TLM 143*~
--'TLM 144*w
--'TLM 145*20
Potent;al TLM 068 TLM 112 FAI 213*TLM 025
Impact TLM 070 FA!214*TLM 028
HEA 026+TLM 031
HEA 030+TLM 032
HEA 035+TLM 036
HEA 037+TLM 037
HEA 038+TLM 041
HEA 080+TLM 044
HEA 083+TLM 045
HEA 119+TLM 046
HEA 137+TLM 052
HEA 210*TLM 053
J I,.1 ).J i>))••I ~'It i ,i I.;
1 J .~)-l ,"}11 f
'1'>,J 3.}.--')-"-""I~J Dl f
TABLE E.4.1 (Continued)
Watana Dam
Devi 1 Canyon
Dam and
Borrow and
Access Route
Borrow Transmission
Areas Corridors
Conti nued)
TLM 054
TLM 055
TLM 056 (h)
TLM 057
TLM 066
TLM 069
TLM 071 (h)
TLM 078
TLM 081
TU1 083
TLM 084
TLM 085
TLM 086
TL~1 087
TLM 088
TLM 089
TLM 090
TLM 091
TLM 092
TLM 093
TLM 094
TLM 095
TLM 096
TLM 097
TLM 100
TLM 105
TLM 116
TLM 117
TLM 118*
TABLE £.4.1 (Continued)
Watana Dam
Potenti al
Conti nued)
Devil Canyon
Dam and
Borrow and
Geotec hni cal
Access Route
Borrow Transmission
Areas Corridors
TLM 122*
TLM 123*
TLM 124*
TLM 125*
TLM 127*
TLM 129*
TLM 131*
TLM 132*
TLM 134*
TLM 135*
TLM 136*
TLM 138*
TLM 139*
TLM 140*
TLM 141*
TLM 142*
TLM 146*
TLM 147*
TLM 148*
TLM 149*
TLM 150*
TLM 151*
TLM 152*
TLM 154*
HEA 174
HEA 176
HEA 180
HEA 183
HEA 184
HEA 185
J i>)••)~.l ,J I ,t f!t J
}}})I !\;))1 )~'"\!J
,1 I r
TABLE E.4.1 (Continued)
Watana Dam Devi 1 Canyon Borrow and Access Route
and Dam and Geotechni cal Access Borrow Transmission Other
Impoundment Impoundment Areas Route Areas Corridors Areas TOTAL
No TLM 082 TLM 007+
1ii1Q~ct HEA 177 TLM 067
HEA 178 HEA 175
HEA 179 HEA 186 8
TOTALS 30 7 7 6 13 12 92 167
(h)-Historic Site
* -Site located during 1982 field season
rn + -On record in the Alaska Office of Hi story and Archeology
Appears to be Eligible
For Inclusion in the National
Register of Historic Places
Test i ng Furt her Test i ng Test i ng Expected Recommended Land
AHRS #Locat ion Level Yes No Requi red Schedule Impact Mitigation Status
TLM 007*0 Nl None Requi red PR
TLM 015 0 R II SS
TLM 016 0 R II SS
TLM 017 W R X 1983-1984 DI SS
TLM 018 W S X DI I Knrn
I TLM 020 0 R X II I Kn.f:::>
w TLM 021 0 R II SPCJl
TLM 022 D S X Dl I Ty
TLM 023 D R X 1983-1984 DI Ty
TLM 024 D R X 1983-1984 01 Ty
TLM 025 0 R PI A VS
TLM 026 W R X 1983-1984 01 SSS
TLM 027 0 S X Dl I Kn
TLM 028 0 R PI A F
TLM 029 0 R X 1983-1984 DI Kn
TLM 030 D R X 1983-1984 01 Kn
TLM 031 0 R PI A VS
}I ~t l J t t J J I .,t ••
,1 I }}\.~P }1 J -.~».'")'....I )j }'
TA RI1='1='4 2 (rnnHnIlQrl',__I.........vu ."',IU'-'\AJ
Appears to be Eligible
For Inclusion in the National
Register of Historic Places
RecommendedTestingFurtherTestingTestingExpected Land
AHRS #Location Level Yes No Requi red Schedule Impact Miti gati on Status
TLM 032 0 R
TLM033 W S X D1 None Requi red VS
TLM 034 D R X 1983-1984 DI Kn
TLM 035 B R X 1983-1984 DI VS
TLM 036 0 R PI A SSS
rn TLM 037 0 R PI A VS
-Po TLM 038 0 S X II I SSI......
w TLM 039 W S X DI I SSO"l
TLM 040 W 5 X DI I VS
TLM 041 0 R
TLM 044 0 R PI A SSS
TLM 045 0 R PI A SP
TLM 046 0 S X PI A SP
TLM 047,0 R II SSS
TABLE E.4.2 (Continued)
Appears to be Eligible
For Inclusion in the National
Register of Historic Places
Testing Further Testi n9 Test i ng Expected Recommended Land
AHRS #Location Level Yes No Requi red Schedule Impact Mitigation Status
TLM 049 0 R II SSS
TLM 050 W S X 01 I VS
TLM 051 B/AR R X 1983-1984 01 S5
TLM 052 0 R PI A SSS
TLM 053 0 R PI A SSS
\Tl TLM 054 0 R PI A SS
~TLM 055 0 R PI A SSI
-'w TLM 056 0 R X PI A SS"'-J
TLM 057 0 R PI A SS
TLM 058 W R X 1983-1984 or VS
TL~\059 W S X OJ I SS
TLM 060 W R X 1983-1984 01 SS
TLN 061 W R X 1983-1984 DI SS
TLM 062 W S X or J VS
TLM 063 W R X 1983-1984 01 VS
TLM 064 W R X 1983-1984 01 VS
TLM 065 W S .X 01 I SSS
t f J }J t ;1 ))!»
'1l J ~i I I fl 1 1-';1 n )]1 '}~,1 ]
'J !if .J It'
TABLE E.4.2 (Continued)
Appears to be El i gi ble
For Inclusion in the National
Regi ster of Hi storie Pl aces
Test i ng Further Testing Testi ng Expected Recommended Land
AHRS #Location Level Yes No Requi red Schedule Impact Mitigati on Status
TLM 066 0 R PI A SS
TLM 067 0 R NI None Requi red V5
TLM 068 B R PI A 5S
TLM 069 0 S X PI A SS5
TLM 071 0 R X PI A SS5rn
I TLM 072 W R X 1983-1984 01 SS5-Po
w TLM 073 W R X 1983-1984 01 SSSco
TLM 074 a R II SSS
TLM 075 W R X 1983-1984 01 SSS
TL~1 076 0 R II SSS
TLM 077 W R X 1983-1984 01 SSS
TLM 078 0 R PI A SP
TLM 079 W R X 01 I SSS
TLM 080 W R X 01 I VS
TLM 081 0 R PI A SS
TLM 082 B R NI None Requi red SS
TABLE £.4.2 (Continued)
Appears to be E1 i gi b1 e
For Inclusion in the National
Register of Historic Places
Testing Further Testi ng Test i ng Expected Rec ommend ed Land
AHR5 #Locati on Level Yes No Requi red Schedule Impact Mitigation Status
TLM 083 a R PI A SP
TLM 084 0 R PI A SP
TLM 085 0 R PI A SP
TLM 086 0 R PI A S5
TLM 087 0 R PI A SP
rn TLM 088 0 R PI A S5
~TLM 089 0 R PI A S5I
--'w TLM 090 0 R PI A S51.0
TLM 091 0 R PI A S5
TLM 092 0 R PI A S5
TLM 093 0 R PI A 55 or PR
TLM 094 0 R PI A S5
TLM 095 0 R PI A 55
TLM 096 0 R PI A S5
TLM 097 a s x PI A S5
TLM 098 ARB R X 1983-1984 01 SP
TLM 099 ARB R X 1983-1984 01 SP
I t "J J J .....}l ~f J J j J J J
\¥1 »I J .1 I I'1 1 1 }i 1 ~..j }
TABLE E.4.2 (Continued)
Appears to be Eligible
For Inclusion in the National
Register of Historic Places
Testi ng Further Testing Test i ng Expected Recommended Land
AHRS #Location Level Yes No Requi red Schedule Impact Mitigation Status
TLM 100 0 R PI A SSS
TLM 102 W R X 1983-1984 01 VS
TLM 103 AR R II 55
TLM 104 W R X 1983-1984 01 VS
rTJ TLM 105 0 R PI A SS
I.po TLM 106 AR8 R X 1983-1984 01 SSI
+:>TLM 107 ARB R X 1983-1984 01 SSa
TLM 108 ARB R X 1983-1984 01 S5
TLM 109 ARB R X 1983-1984 01 55
TLM 110 ARB R X 1983-1984 01 S5
TLM III ARB R X 1983-1984 01 55
TLM 112 AR R PI A 55
TLM 113 ARB R X 1983-1984 01 55
TLM 114 AR R·II S5
TLM 115 W R X 1983-1984 01 55S
TLM 116 a R PI A 55
TABLE E.4.2 (Continued)
Appears to be Eligible
For Inclusion in the National
Register of Historic Places
Test i ng Further Testing Testi ng Expected Recommended Land
AHRS #Location Level Yes No Requi red Schedule Impact Mi ti gati on Status
TLM 117 0 R PI A SP
TLM 118 0 R PI A Ty
TLM 119 W R X 1983-1984 01 VS
TLM 120 0 R II VS
TU1 121 0 R II VS
rTJ TLM 122 0 R PI A VS
"""TU1 123 0 R PI A VSI
+::0 TLM 124 0 R PI A VS
TLM 125 0 R PI A VS
TLM 126 W R X 1983-1984 01 VS
TLM 127 0 R PI A VS
TLM 128 0 S X II I SSS
TLM 129 0 R PI A VS
TLM 130 0 S X II I VS
TLM 131 0 R PI A VS
TLM 132 0 R PI A VS
TLM 133 0 R II VS
I l
i 1 !j .~J -.'k
J i I )!)1
TABLE E.4.2 (ron+;n"erl \\v .....IHAUI
Appears to be Eligible
For Inclusion in the National
Regi ster of Hi storie Places
Testing Further Testing Testing Expected Recommended Land
AHRS #Locat ion Level Yes No Required Schedule Impact Mitigation Status
TLM 134 0 R PI A SSS
TLM 135 0 R PI A SSS
TLM 136 0 R PI A SSS
TLM 137 W R X 1983-1984 01 SSS
TLM 138 0 R PI A SSS
rt1 TLM 139 0 R PI A SSS
I.po TLM 140 0 R PI A SSSI.......
.po TLM 141 0 R PI A SSSN
TLM 142 0 R PI A SSS
TLM 143 0 S X II I SSS
TLM 144 0 R II SSS
TLM 145 0 R II SSS
TLM 146 0 R PI A SSS
TLM 147 0 R PI A SSS
TLM 148 0 R PI A SSS
TLM 149 0 R PI A SSS
TLM 150 0 R PI A SSS
TABLE E.4.2 (Continued)
Appears to be Eli gi bl e
For Inclusion in the National
Register of Historic Places
Test i n9 Further Testing Test i ng Expected Recommended Land
AHRS #Locat ion Level Yes No Requi red Schedule Impact Mitigation Statu s
TLM 151 0 R PI A 5SS
TLM 152 0 R PI A SSS
TLM 153 ARB X 1983-1984 DI S5
TLM 154 0 R PI A S5S
TLM 155 AR X 1983-1984 Dl SP
+::0 HEA 026*T PI A UI
--'.po HEA 030*T PI A U(.oJ
HEA 035*T PI A U
HEA 037*T PI A U
HEA 038*T PI A U
HEA 080*T PI A U
HEA 083*T PI A U
HEA 119*T PI A U
HEA 137*T PI A U
HEA 174 0 R PI A F
HEA 175 0 S X II (1981)None Requi red F
NI (1982)
I i I I J J I I ;1 J J •I J I I B
i 1 J !J J 1 1 I 1 1 B j J 1 i i j
TABLE E.4.2 (Continued)
Appears to be Eligible
For Inclusion in the National
Register of Historic Places
Testing Further Testing Testi ng Expected Recommended Land
AHRS #Locati on Level Yes No Requi red Schedule Impact Mitigation Status
HEA 176 0 R PI A F
HEA 177 B R NI None Requi red F
HEA 178 B R NI None Requi red F
HEA 179 B R
NI None Requi red F
HEA 180 0 R
rrI HEA 181 ARB R X 1983-1984 01 F
I.p.HEA 182 ARB R X 1983-1984 01 FI
--'.p.0 R
PI A F.p.HEA 183
HEA 184 0 R
HEA 185 0 R PI 'A F
HEA 186 0 R NI None Requi red F
HEA 210 T R PI A U
HEA 211 AR R X 1983-1984 01 F
FAI 213 T R PI A U
FAI 214 T R PI A U
*Reported in the files of the Alaska Office of History and Archeology.
Test i ng Level:
S -5yst emat i c Test i ng
X-The site has received testing and determined to be signifi-
cant and is likely to be eligible for inclusion in the
National Register.
Abbreviations for Table £.4.2
AR -Access Route
ARB -Access Route Borrow
B -Borrow and geotechnical areas
o -Devil Canyon Dam and
o -Ot her area
T -Transmission Route
W -Watana Dam and Impoundment
Expected Impact:
01 -Direct Impact
II -Indirect Impact
PI -Potential Impact
NI -No Impact by the project
as presently known
Recommended Mit i gat ion:
A-Avoi dance
I -Investigation
P -Preservation
Land Status:
SS -State Selected
SSS -State Selected Suspended
SP -State Patented
VS -Village Selection
Abbreviations for
village selections:
Ch -Chi ckal oon
Kn -Knik
Ty -Tyonek
F -Federal
PR -Pri vate
U -Unknown
I J :.J I I I I J J I J I .)
01 -Di rect Impact
II -Indi rect Impact
PI -Potential Impact
NI -No Impact by the
project as
pre sent 1y kn own
W -Watana Dam and Impoundment
D -Devil Canyon Dam and Impoundment
B -Borrow and geotechnical areas
AR -Access Route
ARB -Access Route Borrow
T -Transmission Route
o -Ot her area
VI...rn M"I ::l~PJI
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Paleontology Study Area
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Impoundment Limit
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Figure E.4.4.Study Area for Cultural Resources-
Transmission Corridors
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.~i }~»~
0 MODERN (OIC-1879)•
.."140:t 45 (ole·2244)•GENERALIZED CULTURAL.......
-I\.A 1 1/Tl ORGAN IC I 2 2+:>K B 3 3
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-S 3200!195(0IC.1860)•AI 3210t 80 (OIC -2286)•/1 ~fiR'FT ~I ;~I 9rI".......
AI 15-0:::r.......
()I 4000 I r /f'-/',-,f'·".f-'-/~'\'1'"1 IBEDROCK I VIII I I 164020t65(0IC-2283)•~G!'":_'-\J\~"~J~~~\~:""...',-,V·,..\.c::
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December 4,1981
John D.Lawrence
Project Manager
-Acres American,Inc.
The Liberty Bank Building,Main at Court
Buffalo,Ne~York 14202
Dear Hr.Lawrence:
We have reviewed the 1980 repoxts by the University of Alaska Museum dealing
with th~cultural resources of the Susitna Hydroelectric project area.The.
report documents the survey activities conducted during 1980 which adequately
accomplish the tasks outlined in the proposed work plan.The sampling plan
designed on the basis·of geomorphic features and known use areas seems to have
surpassed oUF expectations of si te incidence in the are;!•.The report shows
that the first .level inventory was very competently conducted and recorded.
The second year activities as outlined in the procedures manual was accom-
plished in the 1981 field season according to information gained through
verbal coinmunication with the principle archaeological investigators.We
understand that the field research strategy was changed slightly from that
expected due to information gained during 1980.These changes appear to have
more directly addressed problems which surfaced during the CDurse of analysis·
of the 1980 data.A final review ·of the 1981 results and reports will have to
awai1:receipt Df that document.
We feel that the steps taken thus far in the cultural resource management of
the project have been excellent and one of the few instances of adequate lead
time.We would like to make the observation that the work thus far is only
preliminary to the work yet needed for the Susitna Hydroelectric project.
Recon.naissaoce and testing Df yet tD be examined areas should continue.The
clearances of specific areas of disturbance provided as additional survey by
the Huseum should indicate the continued Deed for clearances of ancillary
projects which could affect cultural resources.Also,a formal mitigation·
plan for those sites to be affected by tbe project must be formulated.Once
definite decisions on the route of access to the project area from existing
road systems are made,those access routes and material sites must be examined
for conflicts and needs for mitigation.Issuance of a permi t by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Co~ission should and probably will include provisions
specifying under federal law the need for such protection.
John D.La~rcoce
December 4,1981
Page 2 -
If you have any questions regarding our comments contained here)please call
us.We look forward to receiving the report on 1981 field work.
Chip Dennelein
Preservation Officer
cc:Dr.E.James Dixon
Curator of Archaeology
University of Alaska Museum
University of Alaska
Fairbanks,Alaska 99701
Eric Yould
Executive Director
Alaska Power Authority
333 W.4th Avenue
Anchorage,Alaska 99501
L7621 (ARO-PCR)
Unj tcd Sta tcs .Dcpartrnent of the Interior
Alaska Regional Office
540 West Fifth Avenue
Anchorage,Alaska 99501
OCT 2 2 1982
Dr.E.James Dixon~Jr.
Curator of Archeology
University of Alaska Museum
University of Alaska
Fairbanks~Alaska 99701
Dear Dr.Dixon:
Our staff has exami ned the Sus itna Hydroel ectric Project cul tural resources
final report,in particular the identification and testing program elements of
the research design,and find these and their field application to be very
adequate methods and procedures for the discovery and evaluation of archeologi-
cal and historical resources in the project area.Consultation between our
staff archeologists and project personnel from the University of Alaska Museum
and Acres American,as you well know,have occurred several times since the
project's inception,and we have thus been kept abreast of most developments
relating to cultural resources management matters.We hope that the level of
identification~testing,and evaluation conducted to date continues as the
project proceeds,to assure the highest levels of resource protection and
compliance with Federal and State historic preservation law.
We "look forward to evaluclting your mitigation plan for cultural resources
occurfing in the project area.
Si ncerely,
Regional Director
Alaska Region
Floyd Sharrock,Alaska Regional Office
October 15,1982
Hr.Eric P.Yould
Executive Director
Alaska Power Authority
334 W.5th Avenue
Anchorage,Alaska 99501
Dear Mr.Yould:
Thank you for your letter of September 2 soliciting our recommendations on
Susitna Hydro Project impacts and mitigation measures with respect to cultural
First of all,we wish to commend archaeologists Dr.E.James Dixon of the
University Museum and Hr.Glenn Bacon of the Alaska Heritage Research Group,
Inc.,for the excellent job they have been doing in locating cultural re-
sources prior to ground disturbing activities .
Preconstruction survey is,of course,the first step in impact mitigation -
the location and boundaries of cultural resource sites must be known.While
this work is fairly far along,more needs to be done as plans become more
concrete •
Secondly,these cultural resource sites must be evaluated in terms of eligi-
bility for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.For eval-
uation,each site within the project area must be sufficiently investigated
such that their boundaries,stratigraphy,relative age,cultural affiliation
and potential to yield signiiicant scientific information are known.Many of
the currently known sites require fu!ther,more intensive,investigation for
eligibility determinations to be made.Since so little is known about the
prehistory of the area,each site discovered takes on added significance.In
addition,groups of sites within a river drainage have been classic study
areas throughout the history of anthropological archaeology.It would appear
that a high percentage of the discovered sites may be eligible for the Na-
tional Register.
Thirdly,each eligible site must be examined in terms of ·"Effect."Will the
proposed action have "no effect,II "no adverse effect,tr or an "adverse effect"?
This would have to be done on a case by case basis.The criteria for deter-
minations of effect may be found under Title 36,Code of Federal Regulations,
Part 800.
Mr.Eric P.Yould
October 15,1982
Page 2 -
Please note that every effort must.be made to mitigate future uadverse effect"
activities to National Register or eligible properties.In t.he few expected
cases where very large,complex sites will be adversely effected,it may be
more economical to build a barrier around the sites.In many cases,substan-
tive investigation may be necessary.If so,this will us'ually mean relatively
complete excavation of t.he site in order"to recover as much scientific infor-
mation as possible.
These recommendations are essentially those suggested by Dixon,et al,in the
Cultural Resources Investigation Phase I Report (April 1982).
We are confident that impacts to significant cultural resources will be fully
mitigated throughout the course of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project.
cc:Ms.Leila Wise,DNR,A-95 Coordinator
Dr.'Edward Slatter,FERC Archaeologist
Mr.Lou Wall,Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
--Dr.E_James Dixon,Lea,d Archaeologist,Susitna Hydro Project
Mr.Glenn Bacon,Lead Archaeologist,Alaska Heritage Research Group
1 -INTRODUCTION ••••••••••••..••••.••••••••••••••••••.•••~••E-5-1
2 -BASELINE DESCRIPTION •••~••..••••••.•••.••••..•••••••••.•E-5-2
2.1 -Identification of Socioeconomic Impact Areas ••••••E-5-2
2.2 -Description of Employment,Population,Personal
Income,and Other Trends in the Impact Areas ••••••E-5-4·
3 -EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF PROJECT •••••.•.•••••.•.•••••E-5-19
3.1 -Impact on In-migration of People on Governmental
Facilities and Services ••.••••••••••••••••••••••••E-5-19
3.2 -On-site Manpower Requirements and Payroll,by Year E-5-37
3.3 -Residency and Movement of Project Construction
Personnel £-5-39
3.4 -Adequacy of Available Housing in Impact Areas •••••E-5-47
3.5 -Displacement and Influences on Residences and
Business •••••••••••••••••••.•••.••••••••••••••••••E-5-54
3.6 -Fiscal Impact Analysis:Evaluation of Incremental
Local Government Expenditures and Revenues........E-5-58
3.7 -Local and Regional Impacts on Fish and Wildlife
User Groups E-5-68
4 -MITIGATION •.••••.•.•••.•••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••.
4.1 -Local Attributes Toward Change and Preferences ••••
4.2 -Mitigation Alternatives •.•.•••.••••.•••••.••••••••
4.3 -Impact Managanent Program •.••.•••••••••••••....•••
E-5 -97
Tabl e Titl e
School District .
Matanuska-Susitna Borough Annual Nonagricultural
Ernployment by Sector ..
Community Population:Matanuska-Susitna Borough,·
1939, 1950,1960,1970, 1976, 1980,1981 .•.•.....
Per Capita Personal Income in the Mat-Su Borough
in Current and 1970 Dollars ..•....••..............
Housing Stock Estimates and Vacancy Rates in the
Local Impact Area .
Community Facilities Summary
Characteristics of Public Schools:Matanuska-Susitna
Impact Area 3 Nonagricultural Employment .....••••..•.
1981 Civilian Housing Stock in the Municipality
of Anchorage"by Type -...
Housing Stock in Fairbanks and the,Fairbanks-North
Star Borough,by Type,October 1978 ....•..........
State Annual Nonagri cu1 tural Employment by Sector ..•..
Summarized Impact off the Susitna Hydroelectric
Project on Matanuska-Susitna Borough •....•......•.
Summarized Impact of the Susitna Hydroelectric
Project on the City of Palmer .
Summarized Impact of the Susitna Hydroelectric
Project on Wasilla - .
Summarized Impact of the Susitna Hydroelectric
Project on Houston - ·.
Summarized Impact of the Susitna Hydroelectric
Project on Trapper Creek •..•........•••.....•.••...
Summarized Impact of the Susitna Hydroelectric
Project on Tal keetna ..
Summarized Impact of the Susitna Hydroelectric
Proj ect on Cantwel'..
Summarized Impact of the Susitna Hydroelectric
Proj ect on The Regi on ..••...•......•......•.••....•
On-Site Construction and Operations Manpower
Requirement,1985-2005 ...•.•...•..••.........•••...
On-Site Construction Work Force:Regional,
Alaska Non-Regional,and Out-Of-State,1985-2002 .•
Operations Work Force:1993-2005 ...•••...••......••..
Total Payroll for On-Site Construction and
Operations Manpower,1985-2005 .••.........•.•.••.•.
On-Site Construction Work Force:Project Employment
and Residence of Individuals Currently Residing
in the Region E~5-125
On-Site Construction Work Force Inmigration and
Place of Relocation in the Region ...........•.•....E-5-126
Non-Relocating On-Site Construction ...•...............E-5-127
Total Regional Employment:On-Site Construction,
Indi rect and Induced.}.....•..!•••••••••••••••••••E-5-128
Total Inmigration and Outmigration in the
Region:On-Site Construction,Indirect
and Induced ..•.•...............................•..•E-5-129
Titl e
Total Population Influx Into the Region:Direct,
Indi rect·and Induced ~..
Total Population Influx Into the Region
Associated With the Direct Construction Work
Fore e ..
Employment and Population Effects in Cantwell ......•..
Impact of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project on
Housing demand in the Local Impact Area
During the Watana Construction Phase ..............•
Impact of the susitna hydroelectric Project on
Housing demand in the Local Impact Area During
the Watana Operation and Devel Canyon
Construct;on Phase ..
Secondary Jobs Created in the Region and Mat-Su
Borough by the Project,1985-2002 •.....•....•.....
Employment Inpacts in the Region and Mat-Su
Borough,1985-2005 .
Mat-Su Borough Workers Service Area Revenue
Forecasts ..
Mat-Su Borough Service Areas Revenue Forecast .
Upper Cook Inlet Annual Commercial Catch and Value .
Cook Inlet Commercial Salmon Permit Use ..........•....
Estimated Potential Losses to the Upper Cook Inlet
Commercial Fishing FromSusitna Dams Construction ..
Sport Fish Catch for Major Species in the East
Susitna Drainage -West Cook Inlet -West
Susitna Drainage ..
Upper Cook Inlet Subsistence Salmon Catch ...•...•.....
Moose Harvest and Hunting Pressure in GMU 13 ......•...
E-5-133 -
E-S-1 L1·1 -
L 5.1
Ti t1 e
Soci oeconomi c Impact Areas .
Emp1oyement,Population and Per Capita
Personal Income in the Matanuska-Susitna
Borough,1970-1980 .
Employment,Population and Per Capita Personal
.Income in the Railbe1t Region .
Employment,Population and Per Capita Personal
Income in the State of Alaska,1940-1980 .
On-Site Construction and Operations Work Force
Requi rements .
Seasonal Labor Curve .
The approach of this analysis was to define impact areas,describe
and analyze baseline socioeconomic conditions,develop and compare
forecasts of socioeconomic conditions with and without development
of the dams,and to develop a foundati on for an impact management
program.Considerable effort was devoted during the baseline analy-
sis to the identification and analysis of factors that will signifi-
.cantly influence the magnitude and geographic distribution of
project-induced changes.A socioeconomic impact model was developed
and computerized to produce forecasts and analyze the effects of
changing key factors.
The key factors include the project and \'iOrk schedules,the supply
of labor within easy traveling distance to the construction sites,
and housing and related facilities at the construction sites.The
estimated project-induced changes provided in the following sections
are based on one of several possible specifications for these key
factors.With this specification,it is projected that socio-
economi c impacts wi 11 be mi ni illa 1 for the Rail be 1t Regi on of Alaska.
On the whole,the project-induced changes will probably be vie\lJed as
positive by most of the parties-at-interest.
There will,however,be project-induced changes in communities lo-
cated near the constructi on sites that are not in al i gnment wi th
these communities'attitudes toward changes.For example,the popu-
lation of Cant\-'fell is projected to more than double by 1990,the
peak year of constructi on activi ty,and the popul ati on of Trapper
Creek is proj ected to about double by 1990.The potenti a1 changes
associ ated wi th these rapi d popul ati on increases are not generally
desired in Cantwell nor Trapper Creek.
Some of these project-i nduced changes coul d be brought into better
al i gnment by a1 teri ng three of the key factors,but these factors
have limited flexiblity.Several mitigation alternatives could be
used to reduce the cost or disruption of project-induced changes to
the communities.
An impact management program is recommended as a vehicle to hel p
optimi ze the project-i nduced changes for the small communi ti es or
other bodi es located near the constructi on si tes.It i nvol ves usi ng
the results of an impact assessment,in combination with a monitor-
ing program and 'tiith the input of parties-at-interest~to develop,
impl ement and eval uate the resul ts of an anti ci patory mi ti gation
This report on socioeconomic impacts was prepared in accordance with
the Federal Energy Regulatory CommissionJs rules and regulations for
prep(".ration of Chapter 5 of Exhibit E.At the direction of the
Alaska Po't,er Authority,supplementary information not required by
these rules and regulations was developed.Some of this supplement-
ary information is provided in several sections of this report to
provide for a better understanding of the socioeconomic impacts.
Additional information is provided in Frank Orth &Associates,Inc.,
1982 ·(1 ).
2.1 -Identification of Socioeconomic Impact Areas
The selection of impact areas was heavily influenced by the follow-
i ng factors:anti ci pated worker transportati on time,mode and route;
physical barriers;population concentrations and the indigenous
labor force;and amenities in communities.The identification and
rationale for selection of impact areas are described below.
After consi deri ng the above factors,it was tentati vely con-
cl uded that most of the si gni fi cant permanent and temporary
project-induced population changes and associated impacts would
occur.in the tv'latanuska-Susitna (Mat-Su)Borough and nearby com-
muni ti es such as Cantwell and Paxson.Accordi ngly,the ~1at-Su
Borough,including the lands in and around the project site,
and nearby communi ti es are desi gnated as the Local Impact Area
for the purposes of this analysis.
The Mat-Su Borough is the smallest statistical area for which
relevant time-series economic and socioeconomic data are avail-
able and rJhiCh is large enough for the organization of social
life for the pursuit of one or several cornmon interests and to
provide for necessary infrastructure.Hence,the most reliable
quanti tati ve estimates of impacts are for the borougtl rather
than communities in or near the borough.
Proj ect-i nduced popul ati on changes coul d be 1arge rel ati ve to
future population levels without the project in several com-
muni ti es in and near the ~~at-Su Borough.These si gni fi cant
changes are addressed quantitatively to the extent all O\'1ed by
avai'l ab 1e data.A strong effort was made to provi de as much
geographical detail for impacts as possible because it is the
small communities and clusters of population that will be af-
fected most by the project.
The Regional Impact Area,referred to as the Railbelt,was con-
ceived to include most of the impacts that \'Jould spill out of
the Local Impact Area.It includes the Anchorage,Kenai-Cook
Inlet,Seward,Valdez-Chitina-Whittier,Mat-Su Borough,South-
east Fairbanks,and Fairbanks-North Star Census Di vi si ons (see
Figure E.5.l).Project-induced population changes could be
significant in the six Census Divisions that surround the
Mat-Su Borough,parti cul arly Anchorage and Fai rbanks.Some of
the physical inputs and many of the labor inputs will be drawn
from the Anchorage and Fairbanks Census Divisions.
For analytical purposes,the Regional Impact Area is divided
into three subareas:Anchorage,Fairbanks and Valdez.The
Anchorage,Kenai-Cook Inlet,Seward and Mat-Su Census Divisions
.compri se the Anchorage subarea; the Fairbanks North Star and
Southeast Fairbanks Census Divisions comprise the Fairbanks
subarea;and the Val dez-Chi ti na-Whi tti er Census Divi si on com-
prises the Valdez subarea.
Soci oeconomi c changes that caul d occur outsi de of the Regional
Impact Area and within the State of Alaska,combined with
changes that could occur in the Regional Impact Area,provide
an approximation of statewide changes.Because there are like-
ly to be few significant statewide impacts,sections of this
report pertaining to statewide impacts are intentionally brief.
2.2 -Description of Employment,Population,Personal Income and
Other Trends in the Impact Areas
Recent trends in the popul ati on,employment,and per capi ta
income of the Mat-Su Borough are displayed in Figure E.5.2.In
general,the Local Impact Area can be described as a rural area
with limited public facilities and services and a limited role
for local government.The southern part of the area is growing
rapidly and becoming more suburban as a result of its proximity
to Anchorage.The northern part of the Local Impact Area is
comprised of very small communities which have also been grO\'1-
ing in the past few years,but at a more modest pace.
Virtually all employment in the t"1at-Su Borough,as re-
fl ected in Table E.5.1,is in the government,ser'vi ces
and support sectors.Total employment by place of em-
ployment has risen steadily from 1,145 in 1970 to 3,078
in 1979,an increase of 169 percent.Employment in the
fi rst three quarters of 1980 averaged 3,224.The bor-
ough has consistently had high unemployment rates (20
percent ill 1970 and 13.8 percent in 1979)because em-
ployment opportunities have not kept pace with the
growth of the labor force.The rate is often the high-
est in the state;in addition,the borough is more
dependent on seasonal employment than are larger popula-
tion centers,such as Anchorage (2).
Employment opportuni ti es in the communiti es closest to
the dam sites (Talkeetna,Trapper Creek,the railroad
communi ti es north of Tal keetna,and Cantwell)are 1 imi t-
ed.Lack of local jobs force many resi dents to 1eave
the area for periods of time to work on the North Slope,
in Wasilla or Anchorage and Fairbanks.Retail business-
es associ ated wi th touri sts,some government agenci es,
guiding and arts/crafts businesses provide the majority
of available jobs in these co~nun;ties.
(i i)Population
Population in the Mat-Su Borough has grown rapidly since
1970,largely reflecting construction of the trans-
Al aska pi pel i ne and the eval uti on of borough areas into
bedroom communities for the Municipality of Anchorage.
From 1970 to 1980 the population of the borough grew by
175 percent.Table E.5.2 shows population in the bor-
ough by communi ty as well as the popul ati on of some com-
munities just outside of the borough's borders.Palmer
and Wasilla stand out as the largest communities,vlith
1981 populations of approximately 2,567 and 2,168,res-
pectively (3).
Approximately 90 percent of the borough's estimated 1981
population of 22,339 resides within a 20-mile radius of
Wasilla.The bulk of the remainder is distributed along
the Parks Highway and railroad corridor.Several hun-
dred inhabitants are scattered throughout the borough's
wilderness regi-ons accessible primarily by water or air;
these inhabitants include a few borough residents of the
Upper Susitna basin in the vicinity of the impoundments.
The Mat-Su Borough,1ike other areas of the -state,is
expected to experi ence growth in the mi d-1980 IS.As a
resul t of the tendency of Anchorage employees to move
-into the Mat-Su area,strong growth is also projected to
continue into the 1990·s,with the borough population
growing at an average annual rate of six -percent.In
the Base Case (which describes conditions without the
Susitna project),population of the borough is expected
to reach almost 43,000 in 1990,over 69,000 in the year
2000 and 88,000 by 2005.
The incorporated communities of Palmer,Wasilla and
Houston are expected to grow many times over thei r pre-
sent levels to populations in 2005 (\'lithout the Susitna
project)of 7,581,12,053,and 5,909,respectively.
Houston,Big Lake and Wasilla are expected to receive a
large increase in population after 1990 as completion of
the Knik Arm crossing brings these communities ~/ithin a
half-houris drive of Anchorage.
Trapper Creek,presently a communi ty of about 225,is
projected to double in population size by the year 2000
to approximately 475 peop1 e,grO\vi ng at a four percent
average annual rate.In the Base Case,its population
is expected to reach 577 by 2005.Growth in Trapper
Creel<,in absence of the Sus i tna proj ect,\'/i 11 be con-
strained by the amount of private land available and,
more importantly,by the 1ack of employment opportuni-
ties.The Talkeetna area,currently containing about
640 inhabitants,is expected to grow at an annual rate
of five percent a year and reach population levels of
around 1,000 in 1990,1,642 in 2000 and 2,106 in 2005.
The U.S.Census Bureau listed the population of Cantwell
at 62 in 1970 and 95 in 1980.However,a recent census
conducted by a local group of residents in conjunction
wi th the post office 1i sted the popul ati on of Cantwell
in 1980 and 1982 as 182 and 183,respectively (4).Res-
idents have indicated that the population of Cantwell
grew rapi dly after constructi on of the Parks Hi ghway in
the 1970's and has now levelled off.Based upon an as-
sumpti on of two percent average annual growth,it is
expected that Cantwel1 l s population will equal approxi-
mately 214 in 1990 and 260 in the year 2000.
Trends in per capi ta personal income are shown in Table
E.5.3.Personal income rose substantially in the Mat-Su
Borough in the 1970 1 sand stabi li zed as the trans-Al aska
pi pel i ne was compl eted.Personal income.rose from
$3,957 per capita in 1970 to $9,032 per capita in 1977
and decl i ned to $8,878 in 1979.The increase bet'f/een
1970 and 1979 \'Ias therefore 124 percent.However,usi ng
the Anchorage Consumer Price Index ~Urban as a measure
of inflation,personal·income in 1979 was 19 percent
higher than that of 1970 in real terms.The mean house-
hold income for Matanuska-Susitna Borough in 1980 was
$30,627,despite one of the hi ghest unemployment rates
in the state (5).
Table E.5.4 shm'/s 1981 housing stock estimates and va-
cancy rates for major areas of the Mat-Su Borough.A
recent survey by the borough shO\'Ied total housi ng stock
of 8,582 units,of which 79.4 percent (6,814 units)were
occupied (3).Most of the units I'/ere in the Palmer-
Wasilla area.An earlier survey showed that single fam-
ily houses predominate in the borough,representi ng 83
percent of the total;mobile homes and multifamily units
accounted for 11 percent and five percent,respectively
(6).Population per household for selected communities
in the borough averaged 3.07 according to 1980 Census
data.This is considerably higher than the national and
state averages.
Housing vacancy rates fluctuate rapidly,with a five
percent rate seen by local authorities to be healthy and
growth-promoti n9.Duri ng the summer of 1981,vacancy
rates in the incorporated cities ranged from 6.7 percent
to 10 percent;more remote communities such as Talkeetna
and Trapper Creek experi enced very low vacancy rates of
between one and two percent (3).
In 1981,there were 78,962 acres of unimproved subdivid-
ed land in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough (7).Based
upon "a rough average of one acre per home,this amount
of private land \'/i11 be more than sufficient to provide
for the increased number of househol ds,under the Base
Case.Currently,zoning efforts are under way in the
incorporated communi ti es in the borough.There are no
zoning regulations that would affect settlement in the
areas around Talkeetna and Trapper Creek.The project
sites lie in a large area termed the Talkeetna Mountain
Special Use District,which is affected by borough regu-
lations that restrict settlement to recreational use.
In 1982,there were 96 housi ng uni ts in the Cantwell
area,of which 69 were occupied (4).Some of the vacant
units in Cantwell do not have dependabl e sources of
water or electricity,and thus could be termed marginal
year-round housi ng.To an extent,settl ement in Cant-
well has been 1 imited by the avail abil i ty of 1and for
development.Non-native private land is scarce in Cant-
\'/ell and the plots that are available are relatively
expensive.Approximately 25 plots of subdivided land
are currently available for sale.In addition,Ahtna,
Inc.,the Native Corporation which represents the In-
dians living in Cantwell,owns almost 54,000 acres of
1and in and around the communi ty.Of thi s amount,ap-
proximately 10,000 is already patented;the remainder is
in in teri m conveyence (8).
(v)Public Facilities and Services
This section describes existing pUblic services at the
community and borough level,to the detail appropriate
to the degree of probabl e impact of the Susitna pro-
ject.The services addressed include water supply,
sewage treatTilent,sol id waste di sposal,transportati on,
police and fire protection,health care services,educa-
tion and recreational facilities.Table E.5.5 summar-
izes the facilities available by community.
fv10st of the communities in the Local Impact Area have
little in the way of public services.Almost all public
facil i ti es and servi ces wi thi n the Mat-Su Borough I;/i 11
need to be expanded considerably to provide current per
capita levels of service to a population that will be
growing rapidly over the next twenty years,independent
of the Susitna project.In several areas,expansion is
already being planned to accommodate this anticipated
-Water Supply and Sewage Treatment
The cities of Palmer and Wasilla have water supply and
chl ori nati on treatment systems wi th peak capabil iti es
of 1,368,000 9a 11 ons per day (gpd)and 864,000 gpd,
respectively.Other areas are provided with water on
an individual basis,by wells,or by a community water
system that serves a specific subdivision.
Palmer has a city-\'/ide sewage facility in the form of
a two-cell lagoon.It currently processes 300,000
9a 11 ons per day of se\'lage wi th an average 3D-day de-
tention time.City officials estimate that the pre-
sent facilities can handle up to 500,000 gallons per
day (9).It is estimated that this level \....i11 be
reached by 1989.At that point,the system's capacity
\'/il1 need to be augmented by adding at least a third
cell.In the Base Case,it is expected that growth in
Wasilla will result in a requirement for construction
of a centralized sewage treatment facility.
Residents of other areas rely on septi c tanks.Si nce
in most parts of the Local Impact Area inhabitants
live on plots of one acre or more,it is probable that
residents will continue to rely on individual septic
tanks.Community sewage systems become feasible only
in areas of greater population density.Currently,
the waste from septi c tanks is trucked to Anchorage
for disposal by private companies.Mat~Su Borough
voters have authorized construction of a treatment
plant in the borough.Some subdivisions and trailer
parks are served by small pUblic sevJage systems.
-Soli d \~aste
The Mat-Su Borough has non-areaVJl ae sol id waste man-
agement authority (i .e.outside of "incorporated com-
munities)and operates nine landfills comprised of 217
acres.In 1981,landfill capacity equalled about 1600
acre-feet.Each of the incorporated communi ti es con-
tracts wi th the borough for use of the closest 1 and-
fi 11 s .
The borough intends to close most of these sites by
1987 and set up transfer stati ons.F"i na 1 di sposa1
~Jill then take place at an BO-acre central site,near
Palmer (10).
Residents of the Cantwell area use a landfill site
that is not maintained by any pUblic authority and
that is on privately owned land.
The city of Palmer operates a collection and disposal
system for city resi dents.In Cantwell and the rest
of the Mat-Su Borough,it is the responsi bi'iy of i n-
dividua1s to transport their waste to the various
.Road and Highway
The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public
Facilities is responsible for maintenance of the
highways that run through the Local Impact Area.
The department currently operates year-round ma"j n-
tenance stations at Cantwell,Chulitna,Talkeetna
and Willo\,l.Road equipment \'lOrks to the north and
south of each stati on,twenty four hours a day (11).
The Parks Highway is the principal surface transport
route for the Local Impact Area,linking it to both
Fairbanks and Anchorage.The Parks Highway was
built with a large amount of excess capacity rela-
tive to the traffic levels at the time of construc-
tion.Present levels constitute approximately ten
percent-of capacity,and \'iithout the Susitna project
the hi ghway shoul d have excess capaci ty through the
year 2000 (12).Two bottlenecks exist to the north-
bound traffic on the Parks hi ghway at Anchorage and
at Wasilla.A five lane expansion of the Parks
Highway in thei~asilla area (currently in the design
stage wi th constructi on schedul ed for 1983)by the
Al aska Department of Transportation and Publ ic
Facil i ti es is expected to rel i eve congesti on there
During the summer months the 160-mile class 2 gravel
Denali highway connects the Parks and Richardson
Highways.In the winter,snow is not plowed on the
Dena 1i Hi ghway and it is therefore closed to tra f-
fico Cant\'iell is located at the junction of the
Denal i and Parks hi gh\'iays.Many of the homes in
Cant\iell are adjacent to the Denal i Hi ghway.
Most local roads in the area are not paved.In the
Mat-Su Borough,there is currently a high demand for
improved road mai ntenance of exi sti ng roads and ex-
pansi on of mai ntenance to rural roads not currently
maintained by the borough.In Cantwell,which is
not part of an incorporated borough,local roads are
largely unmaintained.
As the Mat-Su Borough population grows (with or
without the Susitna project),the skeletal framework
of the transport system wi 11 need to be fi 11 ed in
and buil t up to meet the increased demands.Incre-
mentally,as new subdivisions are created,addition-
al roads will be required.In addition,upgrading
of some roads wi 11 be necessary and collector roads
will be required to allow traffic to go to and from
co~nunities without entering Wasilla (14).
The Al aska Rail road runs 470 mil es from Se\'iard and
Anchorage to Fairbanks.It is federally-owned and
operated,but transfer of the railroad to State own-
ershi pis now bei ng di scussed.Many maj or communi-
ti es in the impact area are connected by the
Alaska Railroad,which also provides access to a
number of small communities which have no road ac-
cess.Annual freight traffic volume varies between
1.8 and 2.3 mi 11 i on tons and it is estimated that
the system is \oJorking at only 20 percent capacity
(15).Da i 1y Anchorage-Fairbanks and Anchorage-
Whittier passenger service i sprovi ded during the
summer months wi th service bei ng reduced to twi ce
weekly,during the winter.The passenger train \'1111
stop at any location for embarking or disembarking
passengers •
As sho\'Jn in Table E.5.5,many communities have ac-
tive airstrips designed for light propeller air-
craft.Float planes are also cOlnmon in areas with
lakes.Most pub1 ic airports in the lVlat-Su Borough
and Cantwell are expected to be sufficient in their
present or p1 anned capaci ty to accommodate the ad-
ditional needs of a grmY'ing population.There is,
however,need for a new air facility to serve Wasil-
la.The existing facility is not easily expanded
due to the terrain and lack of available land.
Police protection in the r~at-Su Borough and Cantwell
is provided by the Alaska State Troopers.There are
17 Troopers stationed in Palmer,three in Trapper
Creek,one in Cantv/ell and two in Paxson.In addi-
tion,five other Troopers are responsible for fish and
wi 1dl i fe protecti on and enforcement.The ci ty of Pa 1-
mer has police powers and maintains a force of eight
officers and several civil ian support personnel.
There are three detention anel correction facilities in
the t4at-Su Borough and another prison is currently
pl anned.Borough correcti on faci 1i ti es serve the
whole Anchorage region.
There are nine operating fire service areas in the
f4a t-Su Borough.Costs of fi re protecti on are funded
by special millage rates on assessed valuations within
the service areas.With the goal of achieving a rat-
ing of eight from the Insurance Service Organization
(ISO),the maximum rating for areas without community
water systems,the borough I s fi re chi efs in 1981 pre-
pared a fire protection plan which proposes 12 addi-
tional stations and the purchase of new equipment for
existing stations.All of the fire service areas
within the borough rely on volunteer staffing.
Resi dents of the ~1at-Su Borough not wi thi n the boun-
daries of a fire service area rely on their own re-
sources and nei ghbor I s vol unteer assi stance for fi re
protecti on .
.Cantwell has recently fonned a fire service area and
is in the process of procuri ng equi pment and con-
structing a fire hall.This station will rely on
volunteer firefighters.Financial arrangements per-
taining to the fire service area are discussed in
Section 2.2 (a)(vi}·Fiscal Conditions of Local Gov-
-Health Care
The 23-bed Valley Hospital,built in Palmer in 1954,
provi des acute and long-term care to resi dents of the
t4at-Su Borough.The hospital is staffed by eight doc-
tors.There is a satellite facility in Wasilla.An
expans'ion of the hospital is currently underway;it
will add seven beds and additional space for equipment
to the Valley faci 1i ty and \'Ii 11 enable the hospi ta1 to
serve a borough population of up to 30,000.Another
addi ti on of 30 beds coul d be bui 1t at a 1 ater date
(16).The majority of the funds for this project were
obtained directly or indirectly from the state.
Ambul ance servi ce in the borough is provi ded through
the Palmer Fire Center on a 24-hour basis.Each fire
hall in the Mat-Su Borough,including the ones at
Trapper Creek and Talkeetna,·has an ambulance for
emergency service and individuals trained in Emergency
Medical Training (EMT).
Public health centers are located in Palmer and Wasil-
la.There are also facilities in Wasilla which pro-
vide individual and group therapy,family and marital
counselling and alcohol and drug consultation.The
Palmer Pioneer Horne provides long-term nursing and
non-nursing care for the elderly.
There are two mental health facilities located in the
Mat-Su Borough,both located in Wasilla.These facil-
ities provide the following types of care:individual
and group therapy;family and marital counsell ing;and
alcohol and drug consultation.
Cantwell has no medical care available in the communi-
ty,with the exception of an ambulance and several
EMTls.The closest medical expertise is a doctor1s
assi stant in Healy;most resi dents go to Anchorage or
Fairbanks for medical care (17).n,ere is a local
chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous in Cantwell,as well.
The Mat-Su Borough operates 17 schools:12 elementary
schools,t\"/O junior high schools and three high
school s.At the begi nning of the 1981 -1982 school
year,enrollment totalled 4,515 students.Plans call
for expansion of existing facilities and construction
of three new school s:an el ementary school servi ng 400
pupils in Wasilla,a permanent elementary school in
Trapper Creek for up to 150 students and a secondary
school initially acconIDlOdating 300 in the Houston area.
The communi ti es of Trapper Creek and Tal keetna each
have elementary schools.Junior and senior high
school students from both communi ti es·attend Susi tna
Vall ey Hi gh School.The capaci ti es and current en-
rollments of these schools are displayed in Table
The school at Cantwell is part of the Rai 1 bel t School
District.It provides education for students in kin-
dergarten through 12th grade.Current enrollment is
33 students.The school has capaci ty for about 60
-Recreational Facilities
opportunities for outdoor recreatl0n abound in the
Matanuska-Susitna Borough and in the Cantwell area.
The largest attraction in the region is Mount McKinley
National Park and the surrounding Denali National Park
and Preserve.Entrance to the Park is off the Parks
Highway,26 miles north of Cantwell.
Denal i State Park,located wi thi n the t4at-Su Borough,
\'Ii 11 eventually offer a vari ety of summer and wi nter
recreational activities.Nancy Lake Recreation area
south of Willow,the Lake Louise area in the south-
eastern part of the borough and the Big Lake area be-
tween ~~i 11 ow and Wasi 11 ai ncl ude other popul ar recrea-
tional site-so
There are relatively few local public recreational
facil i ti es in the borough,but pl ans call for future
development of pl aygrounds and nei ghborhood parks in
conjunction with school complexes (18).
(vi)Fiscal Conditions of Local Governments
Information on current levels of revenues and expendi-
tures \'Iere deri ved from exami nati on of the budgets of
the Mat-Su Borough and the incorporated communi ti es and
conversations with key public officials (19 through 25).
-1"lat-Su Borough
The fiscal responsibilities of Mat-Su Borough stem
from the borough I s area·wi de and non-area wi de (i.e.
outside the incorporated communities)powers of taxa-
tion.These powers are granted by the Alaska state
consti ti tuti on and statutes.Wi th these powers come
the responsibilities to provide both area wide and
non-area wi de servi ces.In 1981 the area wi de powers
and responsibil ities inc1 uded:
Planning and zoning;
Parks and recreation;and
The non-area wide responsibilities were solid waste
disposal and libraries.In addition,there are sever-
al service areas established for the purpose of deliv-
ering services such as fire service,road service and
There are generally four major fund categories in
the budget:
The General Fund
The general fund constititutes about 36 percent of
total revenues and has several fund sources.Prop-
erty taxes contribute approximately 37 percent of
general fund revenues and are rai sed by a mi 11 rate
of 6.7 per $1,000 assessed eva1 uati on.Another 20
percent of the borough general fund revenues is con-
tributed by municipal assistance funds from the
state.Other major sources of general fund revenues
are state shared and-federal shared revenues.
Service Areas Fund.
According to the 1981-82 annual budget there are six
fi re servi ce areas,16 road servi ce areas,and trIO
special service areas.The borough has the power to
levy taxes in these areas to raise revenues to pro-
vide the services.About 30 percent of the service
areas fund comes from property taxes.The bal ance,
or 70 percent,is provided by state shared funds and
municipal assistance revenues.In total,the ser-
vi ce areas fund accounts for only three percent of
total borough revenues.
Land Management Fund
Li ke the servi ce areas fund,the 1and management
fund contri butes only three percent to the borough
budget.The sources of these funds include state
grants,recording and land management fees and oth-
Education Operating Fund
This fund constitutes we 11 overha1f the borough
budget.It is estimated that as much as 58 percent
of the total budget is made up of the educati on
fund.The state is the major contributor primariry
through the Foundation Program.In 1981/82 the
Foundati on Program was estimated to provi de $14.37
million to the school district.
.Expendi tures.
Expenditures for 1981 were estimated at $16.7 mil-
lion in the general fund area,$4.4 million for the
service areas fund and 1.1 million for land manage-
ment.The bi ggest expendi ture item for the borough
is the school di stri ct fund.In turn the 1 argest
expenditure items for the school district are regu-
lar instruction,which accounts for 33 percent,sup-
port services (18 percent)and operations and main-
tainance (l9 percent).The balance of expenditures
is divided among vocational education,special edu-
cation and miscellaneous services.
The 1981 bUdget fi gures for the borough show unequal
revenues and expendi tures.Accordi ng to Vern
Roberts,the borough IS budget director,deficits
have not been a problem,especially in the recent
past (Personal communication).Apparently,state
grants have been responsible for bridging the gap.
Whether or not deficits become a problem in the
future may very well depend on whether the state
conti nues to provi de thi s cushi on whenever the want
or need arises.
Tal keetna is currently uni ncorporated and has no PO~I
ers to 1evy taxes •Tal keetna recei ves servi ces from
the borough based on three service areas.These in-
clude a fire service area,Talkeetna flood control
area,and the greater Talkeetna road service area.
Total revenues in 1981 for the three service areas
\'Jere respectively $26,142,$1,106 and $45,820.The
major sources were local taxes except in the case of
road service where the enti re $45,820 came from state
general revenues.Expenditures were $20,176 for fire
servi ce.$576 for fl ood control and $45,820 for road
-Trapper Creek.
Trapper Creek,as an unincorporated community,has no
direct fiscal responsibilities and depends entirely on
the borough for services.
Cantwell is an unincorporated community in an unorgan-
ized borough and as such has no local government.
Recently,resi dents of the communi ty formed a non-
profit corporation called Community of Cantwell,Inc.
It was set up as an entity suitable for receipt of
state grants for the communi ty.Currently,the Com-
.munity of Canb/e11,Inc.has applied for three grants
for 1982:a one-time per capi ta grant of $89,000;a
grant for estab1 i shment of a fi re hall for $87,000
from the Depart~ent of Community and Regional Affairs;
and a Public Safe Water grant from the Department of
Environmental Conservation (17).The only revenue
upon vlhi ch the communi ty can depend on an annual basi s
is state shared revenue;thi s usually amounts to be-
tween $25,000 to $32,000 per community (26).It is
expected that about $3,000 to $5,000 will be needed on
an annual basis for operations and maintenance of the
fi re hall,and the communi ty is p1 anni ng a vari ety of
fundraising measures to raise that revenue.
In addition,there is a Native village council in
Canble11 which is part of the regional corporation,
Ahtna.Inc.In the past,this council has also served
as a vehicle for accepting per capita and other state
grants for the comnunity.
Resi dents of Cantwell belong to the Rai 1bel t School
District,which is a Rural Education Attendance Area
that has no taxing authority and is responsible di-
rectly to the state legislature.The school district
budget for the 1982-83 school year was estimated at
$3,786,770,of which approximately seven percent is
earmarked for operating expenses of the school at
Cantwell.Approximately 87 percent of the school dis-
tri ct I s revenue comes from the s tate government;four
percent from 1oca 1 sources and ei ght percent from the
federal government (27).
(i i)
Recent trends in the populati on,employment and per capi ta i n-
come of the Regional Impact Area are di spl ayed graphically in
Fi gure E.5.3.
Table E.5.7 presents data on non-agricultural employment
for the Railbelt.Employment increased by 39 percent
between 1970 and 1975,and by an additional 14 percent
between 1975 and 1979.Constructi on,servi ce and sup-
port sectors represent 1 arge percentages of employment
in the regi on.Employment in the Anchorage Regi on ac-
counted for 69 percent of Railbelt employment in 1979.
Population in the Regional Impact Area rose from 204,523
in 1970 to 284,166 in 1980.The Ra,ilbelt contains over
70 percent of the·Statels population.The majority is
centered in the greater Anchorage area.Within the
Greater Anchorage area,there has been a gradual shift
in the relative shares of population that live within
the municipality and in nearby areas.The Kenai and
Mat-Su Borough census divisions have grovm more rapidly
than the city itself,and nm'l account for 10.3 and 8.2
percent of the Anchorage region,respectively.
Population in tile Railbelt is expected to rise from
284,166 in 1980 to 483,686 in 2000.The population
growth rate is projected to be greater during the 1980 l s
than the 1990 1 s.This growth is expected to result from
natural resource development projects in various parts
of the state.
The popul ati on in the Fa i rbanksregi on is projected to
be about 77,600 in 1988.Population growth after 1988
will average about 1.5 percent.
The Anchorage region will experience a pattern similar
to the Rail bel t as a whol e --rel atively rapi d growth
du ri ng the mi d 1980 I S and then an average annual growth
rate of about two percent duri ng the 1990 IS.The An-
chorage region population of 375,000 in the year 2000
will account for 75 percent of the Railbelt's population.
In the Railbelt,personal income on a per capita basis
rose from $4,940 in 1970 to $11,243 in 1976 and has re-
mained close to that level since.In 1978,average per
capita income in the region equalled $11,522.In real
terms,per capita income rose by 36 percent between 1970
and 1978.
(i v)
The Railbe1t contained.approximately 98,350 households
and 119,555 housing units in 1981.Anchorage and Fair-
banks represented the 1argest concentrati ons of housi 09
in the region.
As shown in Table £.5.8,the Municipality of Anchorage
contained 65,771 civilian housing units,of which 46
percent were single family units,12 percent ~obi1e
homes and 42 percent·were in mu1 ti -fami 1y buil di ngs.
Between 1975 and 1981,the civilian housing stock in the
city increased by 35 percent.t40st of thi s growth oc-
curred duri ng the constructi on boom associ ated wi th the
TAPS pipeline.The vacancy rate in Anchorage has in
recent years f1 uctuated from a low of one percent in
1975 to a hi gh of about 11 percent in 1980.In July of
1982,a survey done for the ~'unicipality indicated a
census-defined vacancy rate of 5.8 percent.
In the Municipality of Fairbanks,housing stock in 1978
stood at 7,351 (see Table E.5.9L ftlultifarni1y units
accounted for 43 percent of the total.Vacancy rates
have risen in the post-pipeline period,but not as dra-
mati cally as in Anchorage..The overall vacancy rate
rose from a low of 0.4 percent in 1976 to 9.1 percent in
Recent trends in the popu1 ati on,employment and per capi ta i n-
come of the state are displayed graphically in Figure E.5.4.
(1)Emp1 Dyment
Alaska1s economy has historically been dependent upon
development of its natural resources,primarily fi sher-
ies,minerals and timber.As a result,employment has
been ori ented towards these consumpti ve and extracti ve
industries.The military has played a major role since
Worl d War 11.In recent years,employment instate and
local government has increased dramatically.In addi-
ti on,employment in servi ce and support sectors of the
Al aska economy is i ncreasi og,refl ecting the maturation
of the State's economy.
Impact of the trans-Alaska pipeline is evident i nthe
employment figures shown in Table E.5.10.Between 1970
and 1975,a pipeline-induced growth spurt caused employ-
ment to increase by 75 percent.From 1975 to 1980,how-
ever,total employment increased by only 2.9 percent.
In 1981,Al askan employment equall ed 194,000;the annual
average unemployment rate in that year was 9.2 percent.
The popul ation of Al aska has ri sen steadi ly si nce the
1940's yet this largest state of the United States is
still the least populous with an estimated 1980 popula-
tion of 400,031.Alaska1s population grew by 32 percent
between 1970 and 1980,jumping by 50,000 between 1975
and 1976 alone.Most of the population is in the
Southcentra1 -Fairbanks region (the Railbelt),and half
of the state1s citizens reside in Anchorage.
(i i i )Income
The average per capita personal income in the state rose
from $4,638 in 1970 to $10,254 in 1976.Since comple-
tion of the pipeline,however,the pace of increase has
slowed.Per capita income in Alaska averaged $11,150 in
1979.The real increase in per capita personal income
during the nine year period was 27 percent.
Tables E.5.ll through E.5.18 present an overvievi of impacts of the
project on the Mat-Su Borough as a \'1ho1e,on particular communities
in the Local Impact Area,and on the region.Emphasis is placed on
1990 and 1999,the two peak years of construction on the project.
As these tables show,it is anticipated that the impacts of the
project on socioeconomic conditions will be greatest in the communi-
ti es of Trapper Creek,Tal keetna and Cantwell,due to thei r proxi-
mity to the site and their relatively small size.
3.1 -Impact of In-migration of People on Governmental Facilities
and Services
In the secti ons below,the expected impacts of the project on key
public facilities and services in the Local Impact Area are dis-
cussed.Informati on is gi ven on the impacts of both the popu1 ati on
i nf1 ux associ ated wi th the di rect constructi on work force and the
in-m~grating population associated with support workers (i.e.work-
ers employed by private suppliers of equipment or materials for the
project and vlOrkers employed by a service industry whose increase in
business is related to increased demands for goods and services by
construction workers).
In general,the impacts of the project on local facilities and ser-
vices will be limited,as a result of the provision of worker hous-
ing and extensive facilities and services at the work sites.Thus,
the impacts on the nearby communities will be 1 imited in the main to
the effects re 1a ted to the di rect and secondary workers that choose
to relocate their permanent"residence,and families,to these com-
munities.In addition,there will be a limited economic contraction
on most parts of the Local Impact Area as construction of each phase
of the proj ect termi na tes,due to the bufferi ng effect of the ex-
pected conti nued increase of the popu1 ati on that wi 11 occur as re-
su1 t of other proj ects and conti nued suburbani zati on of the Mat-Su
The projections of population influx associated with the project
re1 y greatly on several important assumpti ons regardi ng work force
characteri stics and pol icy deci sions related to the proj ect.Fur-
ther explanation of the methodology used can be found in Section 3.3
and Appendix E.5A.
Public facility and service impacts have been estimated using the
following approach:(1)Appro~riate per capita standards were devel-
oped,based upon an extensive literature review and the input of
local officials;(2)the adequacy of existing facilities and ser-
vi ces were assessed;and (3)estimates of future needs re1 ated to
natural growth and to project-i nduced popu1 ati on i nf1 ux have been
compared \"ith present and planned capacity.Details of the method-
ology used can be found in AppendiX E.5B.Important items of meth-
odological literature reviewed in the course of this work are listed
in the List of References (28 through 31).
(a)Watana -Construction Phase
-r'1at-Su Borough
In most areas of the Mat-Su Borough,the population in-
fl ux rel ated to the project wi 11 only add sl i ghtly to
the substantial increases in need for public facilities
andservi ces that .../i 11 be resul ti ng from the popul ati on
growth projected under the Base Case.In contrast,the
large proportional increase of population into the bor-
ough communities of Trapper Creek and Talkeetna will
have larger impacts on the needs for pUblic facilities
and services.These impacts are discussed in detail in
the sections that follow .
.Magnitude of Population Influx
As a result of construction of the project,the popu-
1 ati on of the Mat-Su Borough is expected to increase
by a cumul ati ve total of up to 4,700 in 1990,i ncl ud-
ing both new on-site and off-site residents.It is
fo\"ecast that about 1,110 will resettle in communities
in the borough (off-site).Of this off-site inmigrant
population,approximately 835 people (75 percent)will
be di rect workers and thei r fami 1i es and about 275 (25
percent)will be support workers and their depen-
dents.The new off-site population would represent an
increase of 2.6 percent over Base Case projection of
popul ati on in 1990,and \'/oul d resu1 tin a total bor-
ough population of 44,076 in that year {excluding the
~'iork camp/work vi 11 age}.Over 90 percent of the
proj ect-i nduced popu1 ati on i nfl ux wi 11 occur between
1986 and 1990,and over 40 percent in 1987,alone.
The Susitna project will be only one of several
factors contributing to the borough's projected rapid
rate of growth between 1985 and 1990.With construc-
tion of the project,population in the borough will
increase by about 12,770 bet'r"een 1985 and 1990,of
which approximately 11,760 will be related to baseline
growth and 1,110 will be project-related.Spillover
gro\'/th from Anchorage is expected to be one of the
most important factors behind this growth.
The population influx into the incorporated communi-
ties is expected to be small;between 1985 and 1990,
the project will result in an increase of approximate-
ly 40 people in Palmer and Houston,each,and
about 50 in Wasilla.Over 50 percent of the inmigrant
population in the borough is expected to settle in the
Trapper Creek-Tal keetna area,and the remai nder wi 11
probably establish homes in the area around Willow and
fJlontana creeks and the suburban area surroundi ng Pa 1-
mer and Wasilla.
Between 1990 and 1993,the popul ati on in the borough
related to the project will decline along with the
decline in work force at the \iJatana site.Overall,
however,the population of the borough is expected to
continue to increase during this period •
.Water Supply
The water supply and sewage treatment needs of the
project and of the work force and families living·at
the Watana site \"ill be provided for by the project
contractors.There will be no impact on public facil-
ities in Mat-Su Borough.
The population influx associated with in-migrant work-
ers who establish residences in the borough \."ill have
only a slight impact on the public water and sewage
systems.In Palmer,water consumption at the peak of
construction at the Watana site (1990)would rise by
one percent over the Base Case projection of 608,000
gallons per day.Water usage requi rements were pro-
jected using an average daily water consumption of 120
gallons per day per capita in 1981,rising to 150 gal-
lons per day in 2000.
Population influx into Palmer will result in an aver-
age increase in sewage treatment requirements of 5,000
gallons per day (0.9 percent)above the 1990 baseline
projection level.The population influx during
1985-1990 wi 11 occur at a time when exi sti ng facil i-
ties are already reaching their limits,and a third
sewage treatment cell will be required (with or \1ith-
out the project).These projections were based upon a
standard of 120 gallons per day per capita •
•Solid Waste
The sol id waste requi rements of personnel and depen-
dents living at the construction work sites will be
taken care of at the camp and vi 11 age,and will have
no significant impacts on public facilities in the
Mat.,.Su Borough.
It is estimated that the population influx into the
borough communities associated with the project will
increase the annual 1 andfi 11 needs of the borough by
a cumul ati ve amount of .5 acres between 1985 and
1990.This represents a 2.5 percent increase over the
baseline projection for that period.This population
increase may contribute to a slight advance in re-
quirements for additional landfill acreage,which is
expected to be needed under Base Case conditions
around 1994-1995.
.Law Enforcement
The project con~truction contractors will provide for
police protection around the dam sites,but it is pos-
s;bl e that the State Trooper force in Trapper Creek
may be enl arged somewhat to refl ect the growi ng popu-
lation in the northern part of the borough.The
popul ati on at the work camps pl us the popul ati on i n-
flux into Mat-Su Borough communities associated with
the project INill increase the requirements of State
Troopers by about four officers over the projected
baseline need of 38 in 1990,the year of peak con-
struction activity at Watana.An average rural stan-
dard of one officer per thousand popul ati on was used
to project law enforcement requirements .
.Fire Protection
The project faci1ities and work camp/family village
wi 11 be protected by·fi refi ghti ng equ i pment and per-
sonnel at the work sites;there will be little impact
on existing service areas.
Fire protection planning in rural areas such as the
fvlat-Su Borough is more dependent on the di stance of
facilities from population centers than on the size of
population.Since in-migrants are expected to settle
into existing housing or housing on land that is al-
ready subdivided,there will be little impact on fire
protection facilities in most communities.Fire-
fighters will continue to be,for the most part,vol-
unteers .
.Health Care
The work camp/family village at the construction site
will provide facilities for health care,including a
20-bed hospital.It is expected that there will be
1 ittle impact by the construction-site population on
the Mat-Su Borough I s heal th facil iti es,with the ex-
ception of cases of major illness or accidents which
cannot adequately be handled by the site hospital.
The population influx into l~at-Su Borough communities
associ ated wi th the proj ect is expected to raise tile
number of hospital beds neededi n 1990 by about one
bed.This population influx may contribute to a
slightly accelerated need for a new hospital,a devel-
opment which is projected,under the Base Case,to be
required around 1990.Appendix E.5B contains a full
explanation of the formula used to project hospital
requirements in rural areas of Alaska.
There has been some soci al impact research conducted
whi ch suggests that rapi d gro\'/th ina communi ty and
the stress associated with rapid change can result in
increases in the incidence of many Ilpeople problems"
such as divorce,alcoholism,child abuse,and sui-
cide.In most parts of the borough,growth related to
the Susitna project will only represent a fraction of
the growth and change that are expected to take
change.Thus,impacts of the project on social ser-
vices in the southern part of the borough are expected
to be minimal.In the areas surrounding Trapper Creek
and Talkeetna,the need·for social services may become
more pronounced.
.Educati on
School-age children at the construction site will be
educated at project facilities and hence will not have
an effect on the Mat-Su Borough School District.
There will be an approximate increase of 159 primary
school children and 133 secondary school children ac-
companyi ng i nmi grants into communi ti es in the Mat-Su
Borough between 1985 and 1990.It is estimated that
there will be a need for seven additional primary
SChool classrooms and te~chers and seven secondary
cl assrooms and teachers,in addi ti on to the 216 pri-
mary school and 230 secondary school cl assrooms whi ch
will be needed to accommodate growth between now and
1990,under the Base Case.Projections of enrollment
used an estimated ratio of school children to popula-
ti on of 22.8 percent through 1987,ri si ng to 25 per-
cent of population in 2000.These ratios are based
upon the Mat-Su Borough's short-term and long-term
planning standards •
.Public Recreation Facilities
Recreational facilities will be provided at the con-
struction site for use by project employees and their
families.Thus,residents of the work camp are not
expected to have much of an impact on pUbl ic recrea-
tional facilities,although some increase in visits to
the national and state parks near Mt.McKinley and to
other parks can be expected.Resi dents can al so be
expected to engage in outdoor recreation activities in
portions of the Upper Susitna basin where no public
facilities now exist.
The project-induced population influx into borough
communities will represent 2.6 percent of borough pop-
ulation in 1990.This additional population will have
a slight impact on the requirements for pUblic recrea-
tional facilities •
The Susitna hydroelectric project includes the con-
struction of a road into an area that currently has no
auto access.Ifa policy decision is made to a11O\'J
public access to this road upon completion of the pro-
ject,the result will be a major addition to the local
transportation system.The ultimate status of the
road is unsettled at this point.
Almost all of the project-related supplies and equip-
ment will be transported by rail to Cantwell,and then
by truck to the Watana work si teo The rail system is
currently underutilized and the increased revenues are
expected to benefit the railroad.
An increase in vehicular traffic on the Parks Highway,
the Denali Highway and nearby roads will result to the
extent that workers commuti ng to and from the si te
drive to pick-up points.In general,the Parks High-
way is currently only 10 percent utilized,and this
increase.in traffic is not expected to have any ad-
verse impacts.The current congested porti on of the
highv/ay near \~asilla should be relieved by expansion
of the highway in that area.The project could add to
congesti on on weekends duri ng the summer,un1 ess the
scheduling of commuting workers is conducted so as to
avoid those periods.
Projected increases in vehicular traffic on the Parks
Highway and Denali Highway will entail additional
maintenance requirements by the Maintenance and Opera-
tions Division of the Alaska State Department of
Transportati on,especi ally duri n9 the months of heavy
snowfall.Additionally,if and when the state assumes
respons i bi 1i ty for rna intenance of the proj ect access
road,the Division \'li11 be required to service it as
-Trapper Creek
The small,remote and uni ncorporated nature of the com-
munity contributes to a low current level of available
public facilities and services.A major impact of the
i ncreasei n population in Trapper Creek may be an i n-.
creased need for services that are currently not avail-
able,such as fire protection and closer proximity to
medical care..
.Magnitude of Population Influx
Trapper Creek will experience the largest relative
population impacts of all the communities -in the Local
Impact Area.
Between 1985 and 1990,i t is projected that under the
Base Case the population of this small community will
increase by about 75 people,bringing the 1990 popula-
tion to 320.With construction of the Watana portion
of the project,Trapper Creek's population is expected
to reach 660 by 1990,more than doub1 ing the commu-
nity's projected population in that year.Direct
workers and thei r fami 1i es wi 11 account for about 60
percent of the in-migrant population related to the
Trapper Creek wi 11 experi ence a 1 u11 peri od beb/een
1991 and 1993,during which time some project-related
families are expected to leave.Growth expected under
the baseline projections \'Iillon1y partially compen-
sate for this decline .
.Water,Sewage and Solid Waste
In Trapper Creek,water and se,;/age needs are met by
individual wells and septic tanks,and solid waste is
disposed at a nearby landfill run by the borough.To
the extent that new housi n9 is bui 1t on plots wi th
suitable soil,few impacts from the increased popula-
tion are expected.It is possible that the added pop-
ulation will exacerbate present problems of insuffi-
cient groundwater during dry spell s.
Rapid.growth can have the potential for hastily built
housi ng developments that do not meet heal th standards
for well s,septi c tanks and/or sol id waste di sposa1 .
It is anticipated that borough and state oversight of
grm'ith in the Trapper Creek area cou1 d prevent such
problems from occurring.
Increased vehi cl e traffi c on the Parks Hi ghway is ex-
pected.The addition of housing units may result in
the need for additional roads to serve them;in the
Mat-Su Borough,this is the responsibility of sub-
division developers.
·Police Protection
The Susi tna proj ect and the accompanyi ng increase in
the popul ati on of the nortl1ern part of the borough
may induce an enl argement of the State Trooper slJb-
station at Trapper Creek,thus resulting in increased
police presence in the community.
·Fire Protection
Trapper Creek currently has no acti ve fi re protecti on
facilities.The present small size of the community
has limited its abi1ity to support a fire service
area.There is an existing building that could be
used if a new service area were developed.
The population influx into Trapper Creek will exacer-
bate the need for active fire facilities in the com-
munity.It is possible that the additional popu1ation
added to the natura 1 grO\'/th over the 1983-1990 peri od
could result in additional ability of the residents to
support a fire service area.
·Heal th Care
With the exception of an ambulance,no formal health
care facilities are currently available in Trapper
Creek.Residents of the area with medical training
he1p out on an informal basis (without pay)when need-
ed,and health care facilities in Wasilla and Palmer
are utilized.
Growth of the community,due to both baseline forecast
growth and to project-related in-migration,is expect-
ed to put a strain on this infonnal system of medical
care.The communi ty may \'lant to request the estab-
lishment of a Public Health Service office in the
In addi ti on,the stress associ ated wi th rapi d change
may result in increased need for provision of some
social services in Trapper Creek and surrounding areas.
The six-classroom elementary school currently under
construction in Trapper Creek will have an initial
capaci ty of 100 students,and coul d be expanded.to
accommodate up to 200 students.
The project-related population increase willi nclude
an increase in student enrollment at the el ementary
school of about 60 students by 1990,over the Base
Case projection of about 80 in that year.The result
wi 11 be a need for expansi on of the school in the 1ate
1980 IS andaddi ti on of b/O or three teachers.
In addi ti on,about 35 j uni or and seni or hi gil school
students living with project related families in Trap-
per Creek are expected to be added to the enrollment
of Susitna Valley High School by 1990.
Magnitude of population influx
Between 1983 and 1990,an estimated population influx
into Talkeetna of 263 people is expected to occur as a
resul t of the project.Thi s will represent a 26 per-
cent increase over the baseline forecast level of
1,000.Of these 263 ne\"residents,80 percent are
projected to be comprised of direct construction work-
ers and thei r fami 1i es,and 20 percent wi 11 be secon-
dary workers and their dependents.
.Water and Sewage
Tal keetna is served by independent well sand septi c
tanks;there is a potential for problems in the "down-
town ll area due to the small size of the lots on \"hich
houses are built and the proximity of \\fells to septic
tanks.This would not be a problem in the outlying
areas around Talkeetna due to the larger sizes of
plots of land.
It is not possible to predict with certainty \'1here ne\'I
residents in Talkeetna will settle.To the extent
that project-related in-migrant population settles in
the totm itself,this group of people will contribute
to the need for central water and sewage systems.
As in Trapper Creek,there are no community water or
sewage systems in Talkeetna,and thus no direct impact
on water and sewage are expected.It is possi bl e that
quickly constructed housing will need to be closely
supervised to ensure compliance with health standards
regarding wells and septic tanks.
·Solid Waste
The peak population influx into Talkeetna associated
with the project will occur just around the time that
the borough1s landfill near Talkeetna is scheduled to
be closed (1987-1989).A new 1andfi 11 or a transfer
station \'/i11 be needed at that time.The additional
population is not expected to have any adverse impacts.
A large amount of the supplies and equipment for con-
structi on of the dams wi 11 be transported by ra i 1-
road.This is not expected to have any adverse
effects on rail service for Talkeetna residents.
As·the population increases and new housing is con-
structed,there will be increased need for construc-
ti on and mai ntenance of roads in Tal keetna and the
surroundi n9 area.However,basel i ne forecast growth
is expected to cause a large part of this increased
need.Construction of ne\>J roads to service subdivi-
sions will be the responsibility of individual devel-
opers,and maintenance of local roads will be adminis-
tered by the borough through the Talkeetna Road Ser-
vice Area.
·Police Protection
As Talkeetna grows,there may be a communi ty desi re
for a pol ice presence closer than the Trapper Creek
stati on.The addi ti ona 1 26 percent popul ati on i nfl ux
associated with the project between 1985 and 1990 and
the proximi ty of the work camp to the communi ty may
further rei nforce thi s tendency.Incorporati on of the
community would be a prerequisite to the establishment
of a local police force .
•Fire Protection
Increased popul ati on is not expected to affect the
firefighting facilities in the area;these are planned
on the basis of distance between the station and popu-
lation centers,and on the availability of pumped
water.The planned addition of equipment to the Tal-
keetna fire station should be sufficient to serve the
communi ty until such time as a·communi ty water system
is put in place.
·Heal th Care
Residents of Talkeetna currently use the health care
faci 1i ti es in Anchorage and the southern part of the
borough.The population·influx related to the pro-
ject 3 along with Base Case projected growth 3 may
resul tin suffi ci ent demand to warrant some provi sion
of medical care in the community by a private doctor.
In addition,the stress associated with rapid change
may resul ti n increased need for provi sion of some
social services in and around Talkeetna.
The population influx associated with the project will
i ncl ude approximately 38 primary school-age chil dren
by 1990,just as the enrollment in the elementary
schoo 1 in Talkeetna is proj ected to exceed its capa-
city of 120.Additional classroom space and approxi-
mately one to two teachers will be required.
There will be an additional 30 secondary students from
Talkeetna attending Susitna Valley High School by 1990
as a resul t of the project.Together with the addi-
tional enrollment at that school of students of Trap-
per Creek fami 1i es,thi s may contri bute to a need for
expansion by 1988 or 1989.
•Magnitude of Population Influx
The si ze of the popul ati on i nfl ux into Cantwell wi 11
be heavily influenced by the development of housing in
the community by private individuals and by mitigation
measures that coul d be developed and impl emented.To
the extent that housi ng and 1and for housi ng is not
sufficient,it is probable that many of these people
will settle in other areas.This is an especially
important consideration in the Cantwell area,due to
the limited amount of non-native private land and the
question surrounding future plans for native-owned
land (see Section 3.4).Due to this uncertainty,two
scenarios of impacts have been projected.
The moderate impact scenario projections of population
inf1 ux were based upon a housi ng supply constraint
model,in which it was assumed that the influx of pop-
ulation would be limited to the number that could be
accommodated by existing vacant housing and land that
will most probably be available for U$e by housing 3
mobile homes or trai 1ers.The hi gh impact scenari 0
projections assume that entrepreneurial activity will
produce housing for all in-migrant workers that desire
to settle in Cantwell.It is thus a demand-side model
\'/hi ch uses assumpti ons on worker acti vi ty based upon
the experi ence of communi ti es near other 1arge pro-
jects in remote areas.
Under both scenari os,it is expected that there wi 11
be a large influx of population into Cantwell during
1985 and 1986 ..Under the high impact scenario,the
population of the community·would triple;under the
moderate impact scenari 0,the popul ati on of Cantwell
\'JOul d be doubl e the popul ati on 1evel expected wi thout
the project..
Under the high impact scenario,approximately 395
peopl e are expected to desi re to settl e into the com-
muni ty duri ng thi s peri od.Of thi s total,about 240
(61 percent)will be related in the main to the direct
construction work force working at the railhead and to
a small number of workers at the Watana site who
choose to settl e thei r fami 1 i es at Cant\'/e11.The re-
mainder will be comprised of secondary workers and
thei r fami 1i es.The i nfl ux ...,oul d represent an i n-
crease of almost 200 percent over the size of popula-
tion that was projected for Cantwell in 1986 under the
Base Case (200).
After 1986,there will be a sharp decline in the num-
ber of workers needed at the rail head.However,as
the work force at the Watana site increases,there
wi 11 be an i nf1 ux of fami 1 i es of a porti on of those
workers that w"i 11 parti ally offset the dec1 ine rel ated
to the railhead.It is projected that there \<lill be
between 250 and 330 project-related people remaining
in Cantwell in 1987 and that thi s fi gure wi 11 ri se to
a peak 1evel of between 255 (low case)and 485 (hi gh
case)in 1990.Approximately 75 percent of this cumu-
lative in-migrant population will be related to the
di rect \'Iork force in the hi gl1 case.Under the hi gh
case projections,population in Cantwell in 1990 (640)
will be approximately three times as large as would be
the case without the project.
The popul ati on proj ecti ons upon whi ch the impacts of
the project are based assume that the communi ty will
obtain some form of power supply by 1985 (residents of
the community currently rely on individual generators)
and that the lack of power will thus not be a deter-
rent to future i n-mi grant settl ement.Pm'Jer may be
provided by purchase of a community generator,or pos-
sibly by provision of a substation related to the
planned Anchorage-Fairbanks transmission intertie.
Water Supply,Sewage Treatment and Solid Waste
The residents of Cantwell rely upon individual wells
and septic tanks for their water supply and sewage
treatment needs.The population influx related to the
project will therefore not affect water and sewage in
Cantwell.The additional population in Cantwell can
be expected to intensi fy the need for a new community
landfill .
The traffic on the Parks High\1ay and Denali Highway
will increase substantially as a result of the com-
muti ng of proj ect workers and the transport of sup-
plies from the railhead to the Watana site.This will
require an increase in maintenance and maintenance
staff by the state to conti nue current 1evel s of ser-
vice.In addition,local roads will need to be built
to serve .any additional subdivisions.This \I/ill be
the responsibility of individual developers.
The Denal i Hi ghway W"j 11 need to be upgraded to handl e
the increased traffic from an estimated 30-35 trucks a
day,and possibl e use by commuti ng workers.The ad-
ditional traffic will exacerbate the dust problems
that nearby residents experience in the summer,unless
that portion of the highway is paved.
Additional snow clearing equipment and manpower will
be reqUired to service the Denali HighY/ay and project
access road during this period of the year.Also,
Highway Maintenance Division equipment will be main-
tai ni 09 these b/o road surfaces during the spri ng and
summer months.The access road gravel surface will
requi re near constant gradi ng due to heavy truck traf-
fic.The extent of mai ntenance impacts of servi ci ng
the Denali Highway section of the route will depend on
the nature of road surface ul ti mately determi ned for
this portion.
A substantial increase in traffic due to the Susitna
project is expected at the Cantwell intersection of
the Parks and Denali Highways.Anticipated traffic
patterns in this area will need to be studied to de-
termine necessary navigational and traffic control
•Police Protection
There are currently one State Trooper and one Fish and
Game officer stationed at the Canb/ell station.The
increased popul ati on at the communi ty and the increase
in traffic going through the area will result in an
increased need for police protection by at least one
officer (based upon rural standards of about one of-
fi cer per thousand popul ati on and the remote character
area of the community).
·Fire Protection
Increased population is not expected to affect the
firefighting facilities in Cantwell;these are planned
on the basis of distance between the station and popu-
lation centers,and on the availability of pumped
water.The planned fire hall and equipment should be
suffi ci ent to serve the communi ty unti 1 .such time as a
community water system is put in place.
·Heal th Care
With the exception of an ambulance,no formal health
care facil iti es or soci al service organi zations are
currently avail abl e in or near Cantwell.Growth of
the communi ty may resul tin an increased need for
emergency medical care.
In additi on,the stress associ ated wi th rapi d change
may resul tin increased need for provi si on of some
types of social services within the community .
•Educati on
It is estimated that between 50 and 70 school chil dren
woul d be added to the enroll ment of the school in
Cantwell asresul t of the project between 1985 and
1986.By the peak of construction at the Watana site
in 1990,the project-related number of schoolchildren
in Cant"'iell is expected to equal between 70 and 95,
depending upon the number of workers at the camp site
who have their families settle at Cantwell.Of this
peak total,approximately 70 children will be part of
di rect work force famil i es and about 25 wi'll be re-
1ated to the secondary i n-mi grati ng work force.
Total enrollment at the Cantwell school (including
both enrollment expected under the Base Case and the
addition induced by the project)will thus equal about
105 in 1986 and between 11 0 and 135 in 1990.Ttl is
'wou1d be beyond the capabilities of the existing
school and an addition to the school would need to be
constructed to accommodate the increase in enroll-
ment.The present school at Cantwell has capaci ty for
about 55 to 60 children and can handle as many as 75
on a short term basis.The increase in enrollment
wou1 d a1 so resu1 tin requi rements for approximately
seven to nine additional teachers,based upon an aver-
age teacher-to-student ratio of 15:1.
(in Regional
The popu 1ati on 0 f the Ra i1 be 1 tis expected to increase to
approximately 400,320 by 1990,of whi ch only 2,325 peop1 e
(or 0.6 percent)will be related to the project.This
represents such a small percent of current and projected
population in the region,that impacts on facilities and
services outside of the Local Impact Area are expected to
be negligible.
(b)~~atana -Operation Phase and Devi 1 Canyon -Constructi on Phase
-Nat-Su Borough
•Magnitude of Population Influx
Project-induced population is not expected to increase
significantly in the late 1990's as the construction
activity at Devil Canyon intensifies.It is probable
that the available work force in the Rai1be1t,includ-
ing those who worked on the construction of the Watana
dam,will be able to fill the new direct jobs.Some
secondary population influx will occur as income from
this portion of the project is spent.
Si nce the popu1 ati on of the borough \'li 11 conti nue to
grow as a result of natural growth factors implicit in
the Base Case population projections,the relative
impact of the project-induced off-site population will
be sma 11 er.In 1999,the proj ect-induced popu 1at ion
(including many people who moved into the area during
the earl ier Watana period and stayed)of 866 people
wi 11 account for only one percent of total borough
population •
.Water Supply and Sewage Treatment
No further impacts on the \'Iater or sewage systems in
the Mat-Su Borough are expected.
·Solid Waste Disposal
The curnu1 ati ve 1andfi 11 acreage need of the borough
will increase by about 1.4 acres during the 1994-2002
peri od,or 1.2 percent as a resu1 t of the proj ect-
related population living off-site in borough com-
muni ti es.The borough may need to provi de addi ti ona1
acreage for its central landfill around 1994-1995,
with or without the Susitna project.
·Police Protection
The need for police protection has been calculated by
usi ng a·rural standard of one officer per thousand
population.The need for State Troopers in the Mat-Su
Borough is expected to conti nue to increase in the
1990's under the Base Case,as the population con-
ti nues to grow.At the peak of Devi 1 Canyon construc-
tion in 1999,it is expected that there will be need
for about 62 officers,compared to a projected need
for 60 Troopers under the Base Case.
Fi re Protecti on
The project facilities and work campj\vork village will
be protected by firefighting equipment and services at
the \'JOrk site;there \'Iill be little impact on existing
fire service areas during this period.
·Heal th Care
No adverse impact on the borough's health care facili-
ties are expected during this period as result of the
•Educati on
There will be limited additions in enrollment in the
Mat-Su Borough School District as result of the Devil
Canyon portion of the project.Between 1993 and 1999,
enrollment in the school district is expected to in-
crease from about 12,065 to 16,685.Of this total
enrollment in 1999,project-related in-migrant house-
ho1 ds are expected to account for 233 students,or
just 1.4 percent.
The Devi 1 Canyon phase of the project \1/i 11 i nc1 ude
construction of a rail spur from Go1 d Creek to the dam
site.No additional impacts on the transportation
systems in the borough are expected during this period.
-Trapper Creek
·Magnitude of Population Influx
In Trapper Creek,it is expected tha:t as acti vi ty at
Devil Canyon begi ns,populati on wi 11 increase from
about 590 in 1994 to 710 in 1999.This represents an
average annual growth rate of four percent.Project-
rel ated popul ati on wi 11 represent about 40 percent of
total population in Trapper Creek in 1999.
Impacts on Public Facilities and Services
No further important impacts on public facilities and
services in the community are expected.Any increases
in infrastructure whi ch occiJr duri ng the Hatana peri od
as a result of the population influx related to the
project are expected to be suffi ci ent to accommodate
the community's population during the Devil Canyon
•Magnitude of Population Influx
Project-related population in Talkeetna \'l/ill rise
gradually from about 190 in 1995 to 210 in 1999.t·10st
of the population growth in Talkeetna during this per-
iod will be unrelated to the Susitna project.At the
peak of constructi on at Devi 1 Canyon it is expected
that project-rel ated popul ati on wi 11 account for 12
percent of population in the community.
·Impact on Public Facilities and Services
While it is likely that infrastructure needs in Tal-
keetna wi 11 conti nue to increase in the 1990's,these
requirements will be related to the continued increase
in population unrelated to the project.
·Magnitude of Population Influx
Upon compl eti on of the ~Jatana porti on of the Susi tna
project,between 90 (low impact scenario)and 140
(high impact scenario)people are expected to move out
of the Cantwell area.No further in-migration of
project-related population is expected during the
Devil Canyon construction phase.
·Impact on Public Facilities and Services
The decline in population in Cantwell associated with
the completion of Watana construction will have most
rel evance to capaci ty util i zati on of the school.It
is expected that the number of project-rel ated stu-
dents enrolled in the school will decl ine by about 30
upon completion of the Watana portion of the project.
To the extent that the school was enl arged to accom-
modate the peak number of students,there may be some
overcapacity.It is expected that potential problems
can be avoi ded through careful pl anni ng and communi-
cation about the project (see Section 4 on mitigation
Due to the limited population influx into the Railbelt and
tile 1arge projected Base Case popul ati on base,no measur-
able impacts on public facilities and services in the
Region outside of the Local Impact Area are expected dur-
ing the Devil Canyon phase.
(c)Watana and Devil Canyon -Operation Phase
There wi 11 be some expected departure of popul ati on from the
Local Impact Area as construction of the second dam is com-
pleted.However,the effects of this decline in population on
pUblic facilities are expected to be minimal,with the possible
excepti on of school sin Trapper Creek and Cantwell.Pl anni ng,
communication with local authorities and other mitigation
,neasures are expected to prevent overcapaci ty probl ems.Due to
the limited public facilities currently in place in the commu-
ni ti es closest to the project and the small si ze of these com-
munities even with the projected peak amount of project-related
population influx,it is not expected that excess capacity will
have been built.
Duri ng the operati on phase of the project,all project workers
and their families will be living at the on-site village,where
housing and other community facilities will be available.~Jo
impacts on public facilities and services in the Local and
Regional Impact Areas are expected during this period.
3.2 -On-site I""anpower Reguirements and Payroll,by Year
Manpower Requirements
Tab1es.E.5.19 -E.5.21 show the projected total number and ori-
gi n of on-si te constructi on and operations manpower for the
~~atana and Devil Canyon dams from 1985 -2005.These estimates
inc1 ude all construction manpower requi red for access camps,
power facilities,and transmission facilities work,and manage-
ment and camp manpower.Manpower for off-site activities such
as engineerin~,procurement,manufacturing,and shipping to
Cant\'iell are not inc1 uded in these estimates.
For the construction work force,manpower is divided into
laborers,semi-skilled/skilled,and engineering/administra-
tive.As shown in Table E.5.19,the peak demand for labor oc-
curs in 1990 with an estimated construction work force of 3,498.
The Watand dam will be constructed in two phases with an u1ti-
IIlate generating capacity of 1,020 t.1W.The first installment of
680 MW s wi 11 be comp1 eted by January,1994,at It/hi ch time
operations manpower will total 70 persons.The additional gen-
erating capacity will be available in July,1994 and will re-
sult in a total operations \'/Ork force of 145 workers.Analysis
of construction manpower requirements for the 600 MW Devil
Canyon dam is based on rna in access constructi on begi nni ng in
1992 and site facilities construction beginning in 1994.This
dam \'iou1d come on-line in 2002.The total on-site operations
work force for both dams will equal 170 during 2002 and there-
after.Duri ng part of 1992 and all of 1993,constructi on ac-
tivities related to both dams would be occurring.
It is apparent from Figure E.5.5 that the first phase of the
Watana dam requi res a si gni fi cant1y greater number of workers
than both the second phase of Watana and Devil Canyon com-
bined.This difference can be attributed to the additional
labor requirements in the initial years for the construction of
the work camp and vi'11 age,the access road,and to the more
labor intensive nature of a gravel fill dam (Watana)than a
concrete thin arch darn (Devil Canyon).Significant decreases in
work force requirements (relative to the preceding years)will
occur between 1991 and 1996.
Seasonality of Manpower Reguirements
The demand for manpower will vary during any given year.As
Figure E.5.6 shows,at least 80 percent of the peak demand for
labor in a given year will be required during mid-March to mid-
September.Labor requi rements ri se from about 30 percent of
the peak to 80 percent of the peak duri n9 February to m;d-
March,and fall from 80 percent of the peak to about 30 percent
of the peak duri ng mi d-September to the begi nn;n9 of December.
Labor requirements are about 30 percent of the peak during De-
cember and January.
The seasonal manpower requirements of the project are consis-
tent with the seasonal pattern of demand for labor in Alaska.
During January and February,the total number of jobs available
in Alaska is less than during the summer months.The construc-
tion sector has historically been particularly seasonal.
The influence of this project on the number of jobs available
in any given month is predictable.However,this information
would have little value because it is not solelY the number of
jobs a.vailable that determines unemployment;the number of job
seekers relative to the number of jobs available is the main
determinant of unemployment.
Each summer,thousands of job seekers have come to Alaska look-
ing for work in construction,professional and technical,and
other occupations.While one would expect the unemployment
rate to decline considerably during the summer months as more
jobs become available,the decline has been limited to 2.5 -
4.0 percent compared.to the maximum unemployment rates during
the wi nter months.In addi ti on,economi c expansi on has recent-
ly tended to exacerbate unemployment.During recent peri ods
when more jobs have been available,unemployment rates have
been higher than previous similar periods of job expansion,and
the total number of unemployed persons has increased rather
than decreased.
It is clear that the number of persons looking for work in
Alaska is capable of growing faster than the rate of job
growth.This condition is probably more prevalent when the
economy in the 10wer-48 states is in a downturn.
The influence of the timing of manpower demand for this project
is uncertain,but it is probable that the project will tend to
exacerbate rather than ameliorate the seasonal differences be-
tween unemployment rates and the seasonal di fferences between
the number of persons unemployed in Alaska.This phenomenon
shoul d be moni tored and consi dered .i n the Impact ~~anagement
Program {see Section 4}.
Payroll is important because it is the source of impacts re-
SUlting from direct on-site construction and operations work
force expenditures.Based on the on-site construction and op-
erations requirements outlined above,the total yearly project
payroll from 1983 -2005 were deri ved and are shown in Tabl e
E.5.22.These totals were deri ved by match;ng wages to the
respective trades,assuming that for construction workers there
are 1 ,825 worker hours per year (54 hours per week and an aver-
age of 29 weeks per year)and for the operati ons work force
there are 2,496 working hours per year (48 hours per week and
52 weeks per year).The payroll in 1990,the peak year of con-
struction,totals $97.8 million (in 1981 dollars).
3.3 -Residency and Movement of Project Construction Personnel
The magnitude and geographic distribution of project-induced changes
in communities are related to the size of the in-migrant work
force.Thi s work force creates the extra demand for housing and
public facilities and services,and sometimes incremental local tax
revenues obtained from this work force are insufficient to cover
incremental expenditures.
The si ze of the i n-mi grant work force depends on the extent of the
primary local labor supply,that is,the availability of craft and
professional labor currently residing in the area from which the
labor force would be drawn (for this project,this would be the
Local and Regional Impact Areas,i.e •.the region).Some of these
in-migrating workers will choose to maintain their residences
outside of the Region and others will choose to relocate their
resi dences to the regi on.The number of \'lOrkers that choose to
relocate their residences to the region will depend in large part
upon the types and quality of housing and related facilities provid-
ed at the construction sites,and the work schedule.
For this project.it is assumed that:a single status camp is pro-
vided for the laborers and most of the semi-skilled/skilled workers;
a village with family housing facilities is provided for some of the
semi-skilled/skilled workers and all of the engineering/adrninistra-
ti ve workers that des ire it;the workers work for four weeks and
then have one week off;there are recreational and other facilities
at the work camp and village that will help provide for a pleasant
environment for the workers during their four-week periods at the
construction si te;and that most of the work force travel s to the
construction sites by a combination of private and organized ground
transoortati on and some of the work force travel s to the construc-
tion 'sites by organized air service from Anchorage and,possibly,
Fairbanks.During construction of the Devil Canyon dam,it is
assumed that some workers will travel to the Dev;1 Canyon si te by
rai 1.
Gi ven these assumpti ons,estimati ons for three el ements of the \'1ork
force are made:(i)number of workers that would reside in the
region at the beginning of construction at Watana;(ii)number of
workers that woul d relocate thei r res i dences to the regi on;and
(iii)number of workers that will maintain their residences outside
of the region.Estimates of population influxes are also included.
Estimates of numbers of workers and population influx are also pro-
vi ded separately for Cantwell because di fferent estimati on proced-
ures were used.Different procedures were used because a rail head
will be constructed and operated at Cantwell.Estimates for
Cantwe 11 fo 11 ow those for the regi on.
Assumptions and methods are discussed to a limited extent in sec-
tions (a)(d).Important communications with knowledgeable
persons are referenced where appropriate in these sections.
literature that was revie\1ed and that contributed substantially to
the development of assumptions and methods is listed in the List of
References at the end of thi s chapter (45 through 50).Further
elaborati on of methods and assumpti ons,parti cul arly those about the
relationship between housing facilities at the construction sites
and work schedules,and the proportion of in-migrating workers that
will choose to settle in the region,is available in AppendiX E.5A.
(a)Regi on
(i)Regional Work Force
Labor supply is highly idiosyncratic,and the amount of
labor available from a labor pool at a poi"nt in time
depends upon tfle projected size and craft mix of the
labor force,job opportunities available to this force
from other projects,and the match of craft labor
available to craft labor required by the Susitna Pro-
ject,and the differi ng pol i ci es and geographi c spheres
of each craft.In addition,the supply and demand
condi ti ons wi 11 vary from craft to craft.All of these
vari abl es make it di ffi cul t to project the number of
available construction trade workers in the Local and
Reg;onal Impact Areas (the regi on),and other workers
who will become employed on the project.
As noted earl i er,peak manpower requi rements wi 11 occur
during the construction of the Watana dam in 1990.
Requirements for operations and maintenance manpower
wi 11 start in 1993 at Watana (70 workers)and \~i 11 i n-
crease to 170 workers in 2002 when the Devi 1 Canyon dam
comes on-line.
The regional availability of construction labor was
analyzed according to total manpower requirements,which
have been divided into the categories of laborers,semi-
skilled/skilled,and engineering/administrative.The
percentage of jobs that coul d be fi 11 ed by the
regionally available work force varies with each clas-
sification.In general,a greater portion of laborers
than engineers and administrators will be supplied from
the region.
The basi c assumpti ons for the on-site constructi on work
force shown in Table 5.20 are:for laborers,85 percent
will be supplied from the region,five percent from
other areas of the state,and 10 percent will originate
from out-of-state;80 percent of semi-skilled/skilled
workers will be supplied from the region,five percent
from other areas of the state,and 15 percent from
outof-state;and for the engineering/administrative
category,65 percent will come from the region,5
will come from other areas of the state,and 30 percent
will be from out-of-state.-Insights obtained from dis-
cuss ions wi th persons referenced in the Li st of
Ref~rences (32 through 44)contri buted to the develop-
ment of these assumptions.
These assumptions were applied to the total manpower re-
qui rements for the proj ect.The resul ts of th is app 1 i-
cation are shown in the first row of Table E.5.23.Here
it can be seen that by 1990,the peak year,about 2842
residents of the region will be employed as on-site con-
struction workers.
The projected distribution of this construction work
force1s residences among the various Census Divisions of
the Regi ona 1 Impact Area and cormnuni ties of the Loca 1
Impact Area is shown in the remaining rows of Table
E.5.23.These figures represent the cumulative number'
of residents of a particular Census Division or city/
communi ty pri or to the start of constructi on \'1ho wi 11
become on-site construction workers.
Several of the figures in Table E.5.23 are relatively
small,particularly for the smaller cities and com-
muni ti es.Thi sis a resul t of some of the assumpti ons
that were made regarding the labor pool.In particular,
it is consi dered 1i kely that the 1arge number of con-
struction workers in Anchorage and Fairbanks and the
presence of the union hiring halls in those cities will
resul t in a majority of workers on the Susitna project
being residents of the large cities.This could result
in 1i mi ted employment of peop 1e from the smaller com-
muni ti es closer to the project,in the absence of mi ti-
gation measures.It is possible that more persons in
the small cormnunities than indicated will obtain on-site
construction jobs,especially if there is an effective
local hire program.
Relocating Workers
Labor not available from the region will come from other
areas in Alaska or from out-of state.Using the assump-
tions outlined above,Table E.5.24 shO\'1s the cumulative
number of construction workers,by labor category,year
and,implicitly,project phase,that would come from
areas outsi de of the region to work on the project and
relocate their residences in the region.Table E.5.24
also includes relocations of workers who resided in the
Regional Impact Area at the start of the project and re-
located their residences to the Local Impact Area during
the project.
It is assumed in Table E.5.24 that workers who resided
in the region at the start of the project and relocated
their residences to the Local Impact Area during the
project will remain at their ne\'J residences once their
employment on the project is terminated.Further,it is
assumed that one-half of the workers that come from
outside of the region and settle in theregi on will
leave after their employment on the project is ter-
minated.It is implicitly assumed that the workers that
remain will be able to obtain adequate employment.
(iii)Non-Relocating Workers
Table E.5.25 shows the cumulative number of construction
workers,by project phase,that would not relocate to
the region.These workers would live at the work camp
or village and travel to and from their residences,
located outside of the region,during their time off of
(iv)Relocating Workers and Associated Population Influx
Table E.5.26 shows similar information to that illus-
trated in Table E.5.23,but added to direct on-site con-
struction employment are indirect and induced
(secondary)workers by place of residence in the
region.Estimates for secondary employment were made by
applying location-specific employment multipliers to the
inmigrating (relocating)direct on-site construction
work force.These percentages were estimated by analyz-
ing labor availability in each of the Census Divisions.
Table E.5.27 shows total in-migration (and outmigration)
and place of relocation for the direct and secondary
vlork forces.For the i ndi rect and induced manpower
requi rements,it is assumed that the percentage of jobs
that will be filled by in-migrants to the region ranges
from zero percent in the Seward Census Di vi si on to 45
percent in the Mat-Su Borough.Thus,the number of in-
mi grants requi red to fill the avail abl e secondary jobs
is 1ess than the total number of secondary jobs avail-
In-migration into the region at the peak of construction
activi ty in 1990 wi 11 represent about 13 percent of the
total di rect constructi on and secondary work force of
6 ,365 (this includes all direct and secondary jobs
created by the project).When considering only the
di rect on-si te construction work force of about 3500 ; n
1990,the percentage of i n-mi grants to th is total is
even lower,represent;ng about five percent.Thi s 10\'1
percentage of in-migration of on-site construction work
ers is attributable to the large indigenous labor force
in the region ,the provision of work camps and a
village at the project sites,and the \'/ork schedule of
four weeks on and one week off,among other things.
During the peak of construction activities,1990,828
in-migrant direct and secondary workers will reside in
the region.Of this total,170 will be direct on-site
construction workers and the remainder,658,will be
secondary workers.As manpower requirements fall during
1991 -1995,it is assumed about one-hal f of these i n-
mi grants wi 11 remai n in the area.Some of these persons.
wi 11 become employed duri n9 the constructi on of the
Devil Canyon dam.
During 1996 -1999,workers will again in-migrate to the
region.This is shown in Table E.5.27.This in--
migration will halt in 1999 and after 1999 there will be
some out-migration.
As constructi on acti vi ty is compl eted in 2002,the per-
centage of i n-mi grant workers that remai n after con-
structi on ends in 2002 is 12 percent.Th is is because
most of the in-migrant workers originate from outside of
the region and it ;s assumed that most of these workers
will not choose to remain in the region after their
employment on the project ends.about 12 percent of the
workers that i n-mi grated to the regi on are expected to
remain.For the Mat-Su Borough,this figure is much
higher:60 percent.This is because the majority of the
i n-mi gration to the borough consi sts of workers
originating from the Anchorage,Fairbanks,and KenaiCook
In1 et Census Di vi si ons;it is assumed that 100 percent
of these workers that move to the borough from these
Census Di vi sions wi 11 vi ew thei r moves as permanent and
will remain in the borough after their employment on the
project has ended.
Wi thi n the r~at-Su Borough,the sett1 ement of i n-mi grants
is expected to be different than the population dis-
tribution of the existing population.It is expected
that more than one-hal f of the i n-mi grants wi 11 estab-
1 ish thei r resi dences in the area around the communi ti es
of Talkeetna and Trapper Creek.A significant amount of
settlement will also occur in "o ther Jl areas of the
borough;this corresponds to areas outside of incorpo-
rated ci ti es,such as Montana Creek,Caswell and
Willow.By the peak of construction activity,it is ex-
pected that about 90 on-site construction and secondary
workers will have settled in Talkeetna,117 in Trapper
Creek,and 128 in the incorporated ci ti es and other
areas of the borough.Migration estimates for all years
are shown in Table E.5.27.
Table E.5.28 shows estimates of the total population in-
flux into the region,by Census Division and for
selected Mat-Su Borough communities.These projections
are based on the assumptions that,for the direct con-
struction work force,95 percent of the in-migrants that
relocate in the regi on wi 11 be accoll1pani ed by dependents
and that an average of 2.11 dependents wi 11 come wi th
each i n-mi grant worker that is accompani ed (see Tabl e
E.5.29 for estimates of population influx associated
solely with the in-migrant onsite construction \'/ork
force).For estimati ng the popul ati on i nfl ux associ ated
wi th the secondary work force,the Al aska State average
number of persons per household figure was used.Total
popul ation i nf1 ux into the regi on duri ng the two peak
periods equals 2,324 and 1228,respectively.Of the
total population influx associated with the direct on-
site construction and.secondary work forces in 1990,
2,214 or 95 percent,will relocate to the Anchorage sub-
area of the regi on (the Mat-Su Borough,and the
Anchorage,Kenai-Cook Inlet,and Seward Census
Divisions).The remainder will relocate to other parts
of the region,particularly the City of Fairbanks.
It is expected that the Kenai-Cook Inlet,Anchorage,and
Fairbanks Census Divisions will experience slight out-
mi grati ons of popul ati on duri ng vari ous stages of con-
structi on acti vi ty as out-mi grati on to the Mat-Su
Borough exceeds in-migration from other areas.The
totals increase as the construction activities end
because a portion of the in-migrant families workers and
their families are expected to return to areas outside
of the regi on.
During the peak construction year at Watana,the total
project-induced population increase to the Mat-Su
Borough total s 1,112.Thi s accounts for 48 percent of
the total to the region.Of this total,694 are ex-
pected to remain in the borough after 2002.
In 1990,Tal keetna,Trapper Creek and "other"areas of
the borough will experience 89 percent of the total pop-
ul ati on i nf1 ux to the borough:Trapper Creek 31 per-
cent;Tal keetna 24 percent;and lI other ll areas 34 per-
cent.These projections represent considerable pop-
ulation increases relative to the baseline forecasts for
each of these areas.Conversely,Palmer,Was"illa and
Houston will experience only moderate increases in pop-
ulation.At the end of construction,total population
increases to Trapper Creek,Tal keetna and "o ther ll areas
are 175,173 and 257,respectively.
(i )
(i i )
Numbers and categories of school-age children accompany-
i ng in -mi grant \'iorkers were also proj ected.The imp 1i-
cations of these projections were discussed above in
Section 3.1.
Project-i nduced employment and popul ati on effects in Cantwell
were estimated for two cases !the high and moderate impact
cases.In the high case it is assumed that in-migrating con-
structi on workers who work on the rail head and or the dams!as
well as in-migrating indirect and induced workers are able to
successfully settle in Cantwell.In the moderate case it is
assumed that lack of land and/or housing limits the number of
workers at the dam si tes and secondary workers who can settl e
in Cantwell.
The foll owing sections provi de estimates of empl oymentand pop-
ul ati on effects for sel ected el ements of the work force.A
discussion of assumptions and methods used in developing these
estimates is provided in Appendix E.5A.
Resident Employment On The Project
The first col urnn of Tabl e E.5.30 shows the estimated.
total number of residents who now live in Cantwell that
will become employed on the project.These figures rep-
resent about 11 percent of Cantwell·s current population.
Relocating Workers
The second col umn of Tabl e E.5.30 shows the estimated
total number of construction workers that will relocate
to Cantwell during 1985 -2005!for the high and
moderate cases (these fi gures are cumul ati ve).In the
first two years most of the in-migrating workers will be
employed at the railhead and in later years most will be
employed at the dam sites.
(iii)Population Influx Associated With In-migrant
Construction workers
The total cumulative population influx that is estimated
to be caused by in-migrating construction workers is
shown in the third column of Table £.5.30.The total
i nfl ux starts at 240 persons and reaches 336 persons
after a dip to 241 persons in 1987.From 1990 onward,
the number of people related to the project generally
declines and reaches a low of 237 persons in 2003.From
2003 onward the project-rel ated popul ati on in Cantwell
is estimated to remain at 237 persons.Ouri ng most
years between 1985 -2002 the total population influx is
projected to more than double the Base Case population.
It is apparent from the third column of Table £.5.30
that the total population influx in the moderate case
follows the same pattern as the high case.The influx
values in the moderate case are generally about one-half
to two-thirds those of the high case.The moderate case
population influxes represent a little more than a
doubling of the Base Case population in the first two
years,a little less than the Base Case population
during 1987 -1993 and about half or a little less than
half of the Base-Case population during 1994 -2005.
The total population influx (which includes secondary
in-migrant population as well as direct population)into
Cantwell ;s shown in the last column of Table E.5.30.
Numbers and categories of school-age children accompany-
ing in-migrant workers were also projected.The impli-
cati ons of these proj ecti ons \'lere di scussed above in
Section 3.1.
(a)Watana -Construction Phase
In the sections below~the adequacy of available housing
is analyzed by comparing projected future housing avail-
ability in the local and regional impact areas \'1ith the
demand for housi ng rel ated to the proj ect.Housi ng
facilities will be provided at the work camps and family
vi 11 ages for all workers desi ri ng housi ng and for the
families of administrative/engineering personnel (\'JOrk-
ers will not be allowed to bring in their own housing,
in the form of trai 1ers or mobile homes,to the work
site).In·addition~there will be housing provided for
construction and operation workers at the railhead in
Cantwell.Thus,the probable impacts of the project on
housing conditions in the Local Impact Area will be lim-
i ted to di rect and support workers who choose to move
their permanent place of residence into the communities.
Projections of future housing stocki n the Local Impact
Area were developed based upon the"following methodol-
ogy:The projected growth in the number of househol ds ~
under the Base Case,was calculated by dividing popula-
ti on projecti ons of each communi ty by popul a tion-per-
household measures which were assumed to decline gradu-
ally over time to converge with national and state
averages.For Cantwell and most areas of the borough,
housi ng stock was assumed to increase in di rect propor-
ti on to growth in the number of househol ds.The excep-
ti on was the area in the t4at-Su Borough outsi de of the
incorporated cormnunities,for which it was assumed that
the vacancy rate ( a very high 25 percent in 19B1)would
fall over time and therefore that the housing stock
would increase at a slower rate than the number of
-Matanuska-Susitna Borough
As indicated above~housing will be provided at the
project site for all construction workers and for the
families of administrative/engineering personnel.
The majority of construction workers on the project
are expected to use the on-site housing facil ities.
These workers \'1ill not be in-migrating into estab-
lished communities and therefore will have no impact
on the housing market in the Mat-Su Borough.
There will be an impact on the availability of housing
in the borough to the extent that workers deci de to
establish permanent residence in any of the nearby
communities.The impact of the in-migrating workers
(including support "larkeY's as well as direct employ-
ees)on the housing market in the borough is displayed
in Table E.5.3l.The t~atana construction period will
be characteri zed by an i nfl ux of workers and thei r
families between 1983 and 1990~and a gradual emigra-
tion of people from the area after 1990.
A total of approximately 374 project-induced house-
hol ds are expected to settl e in the Mat-Su Borough
.bet\'Jeen 1983 and 1990~the hei ght of constructi on ac-
tivity at the Watana site.Of this number~it is es-
timated that 285 will be households of direct workers
on the project and that 89 will be indirectly related
to the project.There"will be a projected 2,336 va-
cant housing units in the borough in 1990,or about
six times as many units as in-migrant households.
Thus the i n-mi grati on is not 1i kely to cause any di s-
1 ocati ons in the borough I s Ilousi n9 market as a
whole.The number of in-migrating \vorkers and their
famil i es may be 1arger than the above fi gures i ndi-
cate if a substanti al number of constructi on workers
from outsi de the state i n-mi grate in the hope of ob-
taining employment soon after they arrive.
The period between 1990 and 1993 will see an estimated
11 percent decl i ne in the overall demand fot'housi ng
by project-rel ated househol ds ~as the number of \'Jork-
ers needed at the Watana site declines and some leave
the area.However,due to basel ine forecast growth
(i.e.growth unrelated to the project)the overall
number of househol ds wi 11 conti nue to increase duri ng
this period.The decline in Susitna projectrelated
households could be somewhat larger during this period
if it appears that the Devtl Canyon dam is going to be
The fi gures above represent an overvi e\'1 of the i'1at-Su
Borough housing market.Specific impacts can be
judged best by looking at the community level.The
majority of housing demand by project-related in-
mi grants wi 11 be concentrated in the northern part of
the borough.Vacancy rates in that area have hi s-
tori cally been very low and demand is expected to ex-
ceed supply,causing rapid construction and some
inflation in land and housing prices.This will be
discussed in greater detail in the sections below.
-Trapper Creek
The availability of vacant housing in Trapper Creek
has been extremely limited.For instance,in 1981,
Trapper Creek contai ned roughly 68 househol ds and 69
housing units.Very low vacancy rates are expected to
be the norm in the future,as well,as additional
housing is .built only to satisfy definite needs.As
Table E.5.31 shows,it is projected that the number of
households and housing units in Trapper Creek will
reach about 107 and 108,respectively,in 1990 tv/ithout
the Susitna project).
In contrast,it is expected that an additional 114
\'iorkers related to the project (71 direct and 43 sup-
port)woul d be desi rous of settl i ng thei r househol ds
in Trapper Creek,if the housing were available.This
figure could be somewhat higher if a ldrge number of
unemployed \'%rkers come into the area in the hope of
.obtaining employment on the project.
It is possible that speculative activity prior to the
construction peak period will result in additional
housing units being available to meet part of the in-
crease in demand.Some families may reside temporar-
ily in cabins or rooms owned by lodges in the area,
and part of the housi ng needs may be met qui ckly by
purchase of mobile homes and trail ers to be used on
individual lots or in trailer parks.While there is
not a 1 arge quanti ty of pri vate 1and in the Trapper
Creek a rea,there is a suffi ci ent amount to support
the expected population influx.It is probable that
this large increase in demand for housing will lead to
increases in land and housing prices.
As in Trapper Creek,the availability of vacant hous-
ing in the area of Talkeetna has been extremely limit-·
ed.In 1981,the housing stock consisted of 196
units,of \'ihich only tvlO were vacant.It is expected
that this trend of low vacancy rates will continue.
The population influx related to the Watana construc-
tion phase will result in additional demand for hous-
ing by about 71 direct and 16 support households (more
if there is a large influx of job-seekers)coming into
the area beb/een 1983 and 1990.Under basel i ne fore-
cast conditions,only about six vacant housing units
are expected to be available to accommodate these ne\'i
famil i es.
The expected shortfall in housing supply may be made
up by specu1 ati ve advance constructi on,temporary res-
idence in local lodges/hotels,the use of mobile homes
and trailers,and rapid construction.There appears
to be sufficient private land to accommodate this in-
f1 ux.To the extent that the housi ng supply cannot
meet demand,it is likely that some in-migrant fami-
lies will find housing elsewhere in the northern part
of the borough.
In 1982,there were 27 vacant housing units in Cant-
well.Many of these were somewhat remote or could be
considered marginal as year-round housing.The number
of vacant housi ng uni ts is not expected to increase
under the Base Case.
Housing \r~ill be provided for workers at the railhead,
but not for famil ies of those workers.The demand for
housi ng is expected to increase by approximately 115
househo1 ds between 1984 and 1986,as resu1 t of the
project.Under the High Impact scenario,it is ex-
pected that housing for all of these households ~/il1
be avai 1ab 1e,due to entrepreneuri a1 acti vity .Under
the moderate impact scenario,it is projected that
housing will be available for less than half of these
households (55).The high case scenario will be com-
prised of approximately 53 households of railhead con-
structi on workers,seven other di rect househol ds and
an estimated 55 families of secondary workers.
Upon completion of the railhead,the number of con-
struction workers living in Cantwell will decline,but
this decline will be partially offset by the incoming
families of additional workers stationed at the Watana
site.By 1990,approximately 125 project-re1 ated
households are expected to be living in Cantwell under
the High Impact scenario (95 direct households and 30
remaining secondary households).
Housing shortages in the first few months of 1985 are
likely.It is possible that speculative activity
pri or to the constructi on peak peri od will resu1 tin
additional housing units being available to meet a
portion of the increase in demand.Part of the hous-
i ng needs may be met qui ck1y by purchase of mobil e
homes and trailers to be used upon individual lots or
trailer parks.The railhead construction workers will
be more likely to seek rental housing or mobile
homes/trailers due to their shorter stay in the area.
~,(i i)
Entrepreneurial capabilities and attitudes toward risk
\Iii 11 be important factors i nfl uenci n9 the amount and
rate at whi ch housi ng becomes avai 1abl e.Some fami-
lies may reside temporarily in rooms O\'ined by the
lodges in the area though in the summer these fami 1i es
wi 11 be competi ng for room wi th the touri sts to whom
these lodges currently cater.It is likely that this
1arge increase in demand for housi ng wi 11 1ead to i n-
creases in land and housing prices.
Land availability could be a significant constraint to
growth in Cantwell.Most of the pri vately owned 1 and
in the Canbie11 area is owned by the Ahtna Native Cor-
porati on.Development of thi s 1and for hous i ng for
i n-mi grant hOlJsehol ds rel ated to the Susi tna project
will be subject to Ahtna,Inc.IS appraisal of the
economic feasibility of this development (51).
No si gni fi cant impacts are expected on housi ng condi-
tions in the Railbelt,outside of the Matanuska-Susitna
Borough.At the peak of construction of the Watana por-
tion of the project (1990),the cumulative number of
in-migrant households into the region is expected to
total approximately 855,of which 170 will be households
of direct workers on the project and 685 will be secon-
dary househol ds.Thi s represents only 0.6 percent of
the projected nlimber of households in the Railbelt in
1990.Based upon the assumptions that (1)the housing
stock keeps pace \',i th basel i ne forecast hous i n9 demand
and (2)vacancy rates average around 5 percent,the es-
timated number of vacant housing units in the Railbelt
in 1990 of 8,600 will be far more than sufficient to
accommodate the in-migrants.
(b)Watana -Operation Phase and Devil Canyon -Construction Phase
Table E.5.32 displays the impact of the project on hous-
ing demand in the Local Impact Area during the Devil
Canyon construction phase.
-Mat-Su Borough
As during the first phase of construction,direct
\~orkers on the project wi 11 have on-si te housi ng pro-
vided by the contractor and there will be housing
available for the families of the administrative/en-
gi neeri ng personnnel.To the extent that di rect or
support workers choose to establish residences in bor-
ough communities,local housing will be affected.
As constructi on acti vi ty on the Devi 1 Canyon porti on
of the project begins,another 50 project-related
househol ds are expected to move into the tiiat-Su Bor-
ough between 1995 and 1999.t40st of these househol ds
will be related to in-migrant support workers,as it
is probable that there will be enough direct \'Jorkers
for the project among local resi dents and the workers
who had stayed after construction on the Watana facil-
ity was completed.Existing housing is expected to be
more than adequate to accommodate these workers.
-Trapper Creek
Duri ng the Devi 1 Canyon constructi on phase,approxi,..
mately 13 additional families are expected to move
into Trapper Creek between 1995 and 1999,reachi ng a
cumulative number of 92 households in 1999 (about 33
percent of all households in the communi ty in that
year).As this will be below the earlier Watana peak
number of households,adequate housing is expected to
be avai 1abl e.After 1999,project.-rel ated househol ds
are agai n expected to move out of the area.Approxi-
mately 63 of these families will remain in the commu-
nity at the completion of construction.
Between 1995 and 1999,approximately 10 househol ds
rel ated to the project are expected to move into Tal-
keetna,bringing the cumulative number of families
living in the community (related to the project)in
1999 to 77,and the total number of househol ds to
658.Adequate housing is expected to be available.
At the end of construction of the project,about 64
project-rel ated househol as are expected to remai n in
Upon completion of the Watana portion of the project,
it is expected that approximately 40 project-rel ated
households will gradually move out of the area,and
this could result in an oversupply of housing in the
corrununity,along with a decline in the value of homes
and real estate.The projected decline in housing
demand woul d equal 20 percent of total househol ds oj n
the community.No additional households are expected
to move into Cantwell during the Devil Canyon phase of
the project.By 1999,approximately 85 project-
re1a ted households wi 11 be 1i vi ng in the communi ty ,
representing an increase of 91 percent over the number
of househol ds projected to be in the communi ty under
the Base Case.
No measurable impacts on housing in the Railbelt are
expected duri ng thi s phase of constructi on.In 1999,
the peak year of Devil Canyon constructi on,a cumul ati ve
total of 489 project-related households will have moved
into the region,representing 0.3 percent of the total
number of households in the area.Adequate housing is
expected to be available.
Watana and Dev"il Canyon Operati on Phases
As construction of the Devil Canyon facilities is completed,it
is expected that some househol ds of project-rel ated \'1orkers
wi 111 eave the area.Trapper Creek and Cantwell \'/i 11 be most
affected by thi s decl i ne in housi ng demand.In botll communi-
ti es,approximately 30 househol ds are expected to 1eave the
area between 1999 and 2003.An oversupply of housing could
resul t.
The combined operation phase of the project will require a
di rect \'Iork force of about 170.All of these workers and thei r
families will have housing at the site.There will be no im-
pacts on housing conditions in communities in the area.
About 254 of the original 374 households which moved into com-
muni ti es in the ~1a t-Su Borough are expected to rema in in the
region.The decline in number of households is not expected to
have any impact,as the popul ati on of the borough is growi ng
rapi dly anyway and the modest decl i ne will occur over a 13 year
period (1990-2003).
3.5 -Displacement and Influences on Residences and Businesses
.The potenti al for di spl acement of resi dences and busi nesses by pro-
ject facilities and for changing business activity are discussed in
tilis section.As can be seen from the follO\iingdiscussion,dis-
placement impacts will be very small,due to the rural nature of the
impact area and the pl anni ng i nvol ved in the routi ng of the pro-
ject.Other influences on business activity as result of the pro-
ject \'/ill be far more important.
Al though some cabi ns used intermittently by hunters,trappers
and recreationists will be displaced by the project,no per-
manent resi dences are expected to be inundated or other\<d se
di spl aced.Some resi dents of the upper basi n may vol untarily
leave the area for other wilderness regions in response to in-
creased construction and recreational activities.
The transmission line is currently routed to avoid all knovm
resi dences and other improvements;however,there are a few
privately owned parcel s of 1 and that may have improvements on
them.The status of these 1ands and potenti al improvements on
them wi 11 .be updated by ongoi ng studies.If there were any
displaced residences,displacement would occur during the con-
struction phase of Watana.
There are no known busi nesses that wi 11 be di spl aced by the
reservoirs,the transmission lines or other project-related
structures or acti vi ti es.However,there are busi nesses that
will be indirectly influenced by the project.
~lost busi ness in the upper basi n are dependent upon abundance
of fish,pig game and furbearer species.These activities in-
clude guiding,lodging,trapping,river and lake fishing and
other recreation.Partial short term displ acement of such en-
terprises by construction activity may occur,but as each dam
becomes operational,increased access to the area will probably
increase business opportunities.
During the construction phase of each darn,gUides are expected
to adjust to changes in abundance and location of fish and game
species.When both dams are in operation,guides may benefit
from increased access to wilderness areas.
Lodges cateri ng to hunters and fi shennen wi 11 be affected by
the same factors as the gui des,and coul d fi nd new opportuni-
ties to offer access to activities such as cross country skiing
or to provide facilities for business conferences.
Trappers vlill be affected by loss of habitat for furbearers.
The amount and location of harvestable salmon could change,but
long term impacts on the activities of Cook Inlet commercial·
fi shermen,recreati onal fi shermen,and other user groups are
expected to be small rel ati ve to recent acti vi ty 1evel s of
these groups.Some estimations of economic and related impacts
on commercial,recreational,and subsistence users of fish,big
game and furbearer speci es are bei ng conducted in an ongoi ng
study.Some preliminary results from this ongoing study are
reported in Section 3.7.This ongoing ~"ork may be included as
part of 1ater studies if the projected impacts on harvestabl e
stocks suggest that the user groups could be significantly im-
Impacts on other types .of recreati on\'1i 11 include the loss of
secti ons of the Susitna River to whi te-waterkayaking,but gen-
eral recreational use is expected to increase as a result of
improved access when both dams are in operation ..
One active mining site,#1 Moose Creek,will be totally inun-
dated.The project may be beneficial to other mining activi-
ties by improving access,hence allowing existing claims to be
worked more profitably and facilitating discovery of new depos-
its.Most of these·benefi ts woul d begi n to accrue when both
dams are in operation and if miners are permitted to use access
routes created by construction and operation activities.
Business activity will increase along the Parks Highway between
Anchorage and Fairbanks during the mid to late 1980 l s as a re-
sul t of rail head constructi on and operation at Cantwell,con-
struction of the access road and camp,and construction of the
dam and related facilities at Watana.In general,it is ex-
pected that the construction,transportation,wholesale and
retail trade,real estate and services sectors \"/ill benefit.
Busi nesses that are contracted to provi de speci fi c goods or
services such as fuel,communications,housekeeping,trucking,
helicopter or airplane support will benefit.Existing support
sector businesses such as restaurants,service stations,lodg-
i ng establ i shments,reta;1 food stores,etc.,wi 11 expand and
new businesses \'/i11 be started.Table E.5.33 shows the esti-
mated number of secondary (support)jobs that wi 11 be created
by the project in the region (along the Parks High\"/ay between
and including Anchorage and Fairbanks).
The project is expected to have a significant impact on busi-
ness activity in Cantwell,a significant but lesser impact on
Trapper Creek,and still less of an impact on Talkeetna,Hous-
ton,Wasilla,Fairbanks,Anchorage,and Palmer.Cantwell IS
businesses will have increased sales because a relatively large
population will relocate there and because it is the community
along the access route located nearest to the construction
site.The new residents will have spending patterns similar to
those residents now living in Cantwell and the \'1orkers ...,ho pass
through Cantwell are expected to concentrate their expenditures
on food,beverages,1 odgi ng and rel ated i terns.Each of the
other cities or communities mentioned above,except for Palmer,
wi 11 experi ence the same types of impacts as CanbJell but the
impacts will be less pronounced.Because Palmer is not on the
Parks Highway and,therefore,not subject to pass-through work-
ers,it will not receive business stimulus from this source.
During 1985 -1990,there could be temporary shortages of goods
and services in some of the smaller communities where workers
pass-through and/or settl e.For exampl e,the communi ty of
Cantwell will experience significant pass-through and settle-
ment in 1985 -1986.Currently,most residents get their food
and household items in Anchorage.Unless businesspersons plan
and prepare for providing considerably more products in their
stores in Cantwell,there could be frequent temporary shortages
of these products.
Another possibility is that the smaller communities could have
excess retail capacity in the early to mid-1990s and from 2000
onward.This would be the case if these communities make per-
manent rather than temporary business adjustments to the de-
mands of the peak work force and associated relocating workers.
The estimated number of secondary jobs created by the project
in the ~lat-Su Borough is sho\'m in Table E.5.33.Most of these
jobs \'Iill be created in Ta,lkeetna,Trapper Creek and unincor-
porated areas of the borough.It is estimated that about 55
percent of these jobs will be filled by current residents of
the borough.These jobs will have a significant impact on the
unincorporated communities and areas because employment is sea-
sonal or sporadic and the unemployment rate at any time of the
year is probably quite high.Because most of these jobs \'Jill
be filled by second job holders (spouses and young people)in
the base population and dependents of in-migrating workers,
they will create very beneficial economic impacts because they
\'Jill add to family income without adding significantly to the
The Susitna project will create a significant number of jobs
for the regi on and the Mat-Su Borough.These are shown in
Table E.5.34 along with forecasts of jobs in the Base Case for
the region and the Mat-Su Borough.It is apparent from this
tabl e that duri ng the constructi on phases,the number of jobs
created in the region by the project is small yet significant
when compared to the Base Case forecast of jobs for the re-
gion.During construction,the project will increase the total
number of jobs available in the region by two to three percent.
It is also apparent from Table E.5.34 that during the construc-
tion phases,the number of jobs created in the t,lat-Su Borough
by the project is large and significant \'Ihen compared to the
Base Case forecast of jobs for the borough.The ratio of jobs
created to jobs forecast ranges fromS7 percent in the peak
constructi on year.1990,to seven percent in the 1ull between
the end of construction at Watana and the start of construction
at Devil Canyon.
Competition for labor in the region will increase as construc-
tion workers are recruited for the project.Not only will con-
struction workers leave their existing jobs,but some secondary
workers will also leave their jobs.This will create more com-
petition for labor and will result in higher wages and salaries
for several types of 1abor in the regi on.Thi s wi 11 tend to
increase the pri ces of 1oca lly produced goods and servi ces.
3.6 -Fiscal Impact Analysis:Evaluation of Incremental Local
Government Expenditures and Revenues
(a)Watana -Construction Phase
-Mat-Su Borough
The expendi tures by the Ma t-Su Borough wi th and \<li thout
the proj ect have been proj ected on a per capi ta bas is,
in 1981 real doll ars.It was assumed that current per
capita expenditures would be applicable to the future.
Other major assumptions regarding revenue projections
include:(l)that there will be real growth in property
values,(2)future increases will be realized in the
mill rates,and that (3)certain per capita receipts of
s tate shared funds,federal shared funds and muni ci pa 1
assistance funds will be forthcoming.
Currently,and in recent hi story,the borough has man-
aged to spend more than has been raised conventionally.
Thus the per capi ta spendi ng 1 evel s used in these pro-
jections imply that the borough is able to continue
meeting local needs/wants through state grants.To the
extent that the borough may be unable to obtain state
grants at the same levels as in the past,the projected
level of disparity between revenues and expenditures may
not be realized.
In the follO\'1ing discussion,analysis of projected rev-
enues and expenditures is made.Comparisons between the
future with the project and a future without the project
(Base Case)are hi ghl i ghted as are compari sons between
expenditures and revenues.Four different funds are
di scussed.It must be pointed out that di scussi ng i n-
dividual funds is used here as a means of identifying
the impact items only.General fund revenues contain
some funds that are collected as non-area wide taxes and
which therefore contribute to the service areas fund.
Likewise,some property taxes are collected into the
general fund for education.Thus,an attempt to aggre-
gate over the four funds di scussed below \'/oul d 1ead to
some double counting of revenues and is,therefore,
The figures used in in the following discussion may be
found in or can be derived from Table E.5.35.All the
impacts mentioned are based on total population influx
estimates including the population associated with both
the di rect constructi on workers and secondary workers.
Di rect impacts are proporti onal to the di rect con
structi on workers and associ ated popul ati ons.In 1985
and 1990,the direct population influx \'/ill account for
78 percent of total population influx.This proportion
wi 11 i ncreaseto 93 percent in 1994 as some of the sec-
ondary workers leave after completion of Watana.At the
hei gilt of Devi 1 Canyon constructi on,thi s proportion is
expected to drop again to 86 percent as some indirect
and induced populations are attracted by the ne\'I level
of activity.Direct impacts can therefore be inferred
from Table E.5.35 by applying these percentages.
Projected impacts on revenues and expenditures as a
result of the project will be small.Most of the growth
in the borough budget will be related to Base Case popu-
lation growth.The service areas fund \'Iill experience
higher relative impacts than any other fund..This im-
pact will be felt mainly in the revenues.According to
Tables £.5.35 and £.5.36,service areas fund revenues
will be increased by the project by more than 20 percent
during each of the key years.The highest impacts rel a-
ti ve to the basel i ne wi 11 occur in 1990 at 30.7 per-
cent.Although the absolute magnitudes involved are
small,the service areas revenues are important since
they represent the abi 1i ty to provi de servi ces in those
communi ti es 1 ike Tal keetna and Trapper Creek where pro-
ject impacts will be most apparent..
According to the projections,all the four major reve-
nue funds of the borough,including general funds,
service areas funds,land management,and school dis-
tri ct funds wi 11 grow between no\'I and the end of the
Watana dam constructi on peri ad.All the four funds
will approximately double from current levels by the
year 1990 and will have more than doubled by 1994.
This growth will occur with or without the project.
During this period,the greatest project impact in
terms of deviation from tile baseline projections will
occur in the service areas fund.It is projected that
the 1990 service areas revenues ($3.3 million)will
exceed the baseline revenue projections ($2.6 million)
by about 30 percent as result of the population influx
during construction at Watana.Even as early as 1985,
the serv;ce areas fund wi 11 have an incremental impact
over the Base Case of 21 percent,\O,hil e the other
.funds will be relatively unaffected by construction
acti vi ty.
The education fund,which in absolute magnitude is
greater than the other three funds combined,will ex-
peri ence incremental impacts of the project amounti ng
to 1ess than one percentage poi nt in the years 1985
and 1990.In 1994 the educati on fund revenues wi th
the project exceed the education fund Base Case by 1.3
percent (approximately $800,000).The general fund
revenues and 1and management fund revenues wi 11 re-
ceive relatively little impact .
In percentage tenns,expenditures are expected to rise
less than revenues,as result of the project.In ab-
solute terms,however,revenues and expenditures will
ri se by approximately the same amount for two of the
funds (the general fund and the land management fund).
The education fund and the service areas funds experi-
ence revenue impacts that are of different magnitude
from expenditure impacts.In 1990 the education rev-
enues impacts are $1.2 million while the corresponding
expenditure incremental impact is expected to be $1.7
mi 11 ion.On the other lland,servi ce at·eas funds ex-
peri ence more project re1 ated incremental growth in
revenues than in expenditures.
It must be pointed out,·however,that in all four
major fund categori es,expendi tures are expected to be
hi gher than revenues.Wi th the excepti on of the edu-
cation fund,the incremental expenditures due to the
project generally do not exceed $200,000 in 1985 or
1990 for any fund.Expendi tures of the educati on fund
in 1990 are projected to increase by $1.7 million,for
a 2.8 percent increase over a Base Case estimate of
$59.4 million.This is the highest absolute impact on
any fund expenditure or revenue item that year .
.Comparing Expenditures to Revenues
With or without the project,expenditures are project-
ed to exceed revenues in tlle Ma t-Su Borough budget.
Thus,there will be deficits with or without the
project.In 1990 the deficit situation will not be
a ffected by the proj ect in the general nor the 1and
management funds,but will \"Iorsen by $0.5 million in
the educati on fund and improve by $0.6 mi 11 ion in the
service areas funds.
It is expected that the borough will have to increase
service substantially in the service areas such as
Talkeetna and Trapper Creek due to the project activi-
ties.A substantial portion of the service area rev-
enues comes from the state shared funds and muni ci pal
assi stance funds.Consequently,there are 1i kely to
be time 1ags between the time these servi ces are i ni-
tially required and the arrival of funds.A portion
of the borough general fund comes from the state i 11
form of school debt servi ce reimbusement.Recent 1eg-
islation has increased this funding level to cover 90
percent of the school bond debt servi ce and has re-
duced the reimbursement lag so that state funds can be
available within the same fiscal year as the expendi-
tures.This should provide some relief.
Implicit in the projections is the assumption that the
property taxes wi 11 grm'J both due to an expand;ng tax
.base and al so from increased mi 11 rates and may con-
stitute more than the current 30 percent ~hare of the
servi ce areas fund revenues.If thi s \flere to happen,
the problem of ti me 1ags coul d become even more a-
cute.There is usually a time lag bet,,/een the time
property is assessed and put on tax roll s and the re-
ceipt of tax dollars.In the mean time,new services
may be required but face a funds shortfall.Al though
this has not been a big problem according to the bor-
ough budget di rector,it coul d be in the future when
the spending levels get larger with increased popula-
-Tal keetna
Talkeetna is not incorporated and therefore cannot col-
lect taxes.As a result,the fiscal pressures and bene-
fits of the project will be felt in the borough budget.
In 1981 the borough coll ected $71 ,000 on behal f of the
communi ty of Tal keetna.It is proj ected that in 1985
this collection will have grown to $98,000 without the
project.Wi th the project,an addi ti onal $900 is ex-
pected.In 1990,revenue collections without the
project could amount to $164,200.With the project,the
corresponding figure would be $178,900,or $14,700 more.
Cantwell has no local .government and is located in an
unorganized borough.Thus,the only local entities that
will experience fiscal impacts from the project will
include the non-profit group,Community of Cantwell,
Inc.and the Railbelt School District .
. E-5-61
The orlly revenue source upon \'ihi cll the Communi ty of
Cantwell,Inc.can depend on an annual basi sis state
revenue sharing;this usually averages between
$25,000-32,000 per year for uni ncorporated communiti es,
and is not based upon the size of population.Thus,it
is not expected that the increase in population in Cant-
\'iell will be reflected in 'an increase in revenues.
Due to the uni ncorporated nature of the communi ty,ex-
penditures \'/ill not necessarily need to increase
either.The population influx is not expected to have a
large impact on the planned fire station,with the ex-
cepti on of an increased need for vol unteer fi re-
fighters.However,if the community felt that addition-
al expenditures were needed for community facilities
(such as a new sol i d waste di sposal area)due to the
population influx related to the project,it is probable
that the addi ti anal revenue waul d be sought by way of
state grants.At some point in the future,Cant\'lellmay
deci de to incorporate in order to wi den its revenue base
and provide more facilities and services for the resi-
dents there.
The Rail bel t school di stri ct wi 11 be faced wi th an i n-
crease in both expenditures and revenues as a result of
the population influx associated with the project.
It is estimated that expansi on of the Cantwell school
will be needed,and the financing for this expansion
woul d need to be requested from the state 1egi sl ature.
The school di stri ct expects there \'ioul d be a one year
1ag bebteen a request for revenue for a capital project
of this type and the receipt of authorization.Another
two years \'Joul d be requi red for pl anni ng and construc-
tion.Present construction costs average around
$140-$240 per square foot.
Operati ng expenses at the school woul d also increase to
refl ect the 250 percent increase i n enroll ment.The
additi on of between seven and ni ne teachers woul d resul t
in an increase in expendi tures for teachers sal ari es,
alone,of $245,000 to $315,000 in real dollars.Other
operati ng expenses coul d al so be expected to increase
proportionately.Total expenses coul d be expected to
reach approximately $875,000 by 1990.
The increase in enrollment will also result in addi-
tional revenues for the school district.Based upon the
present average revenue of $8,683 per school child,1990
revenues for the school di strict coul d be expected to
rise by approximately $825,000 under the high impact
The project is not expected to have significant regional
ililpacts duri ng thi s or sUbsequent phases of deve10pement.
For further discussion of this refer to Frank Orth &Asso-
ciates,Inc.,April 1982 (1).
Watana -Operation Phase Devil Canyon -Construction Phase
Overall the borough revenues and expenditures will con-
tinue to grow during this period,\'lhich is expected to
last from 1994 to 2002.The foll owi ng is an ana1ysi s of
at revenues and expenditures at selected intervals dur-
ing this period .
. /Revenues
General Fund
By 1994 general fund revenues wi 11 have grown from a
1981 level of $15.3 million to a baseline projection
of $32.2 million.These revenues could,however,
reach a higher level at $32.9 million in the presence
of Susitna project activities.The incremental impact
is an approximate 2.2 percent increase over the base-
line forecast.In 1999 the correspondi ng forecast for
the general fund revenues are $39.9 mi 11 i on and $40.7
million and shO\'I an incremental impact over the Base
Case of 2 percent.This trend of diminishing relative
impacts continues and is reflected in the projections
for the year 2002 when the project impact over and
beyond the Base Case forecast wi 11 be 1.8 percent.
The dollar amount is estimated at $0.8 mill ion.
Service Area Fund
At the start of the Watana operati on phase and the
early stages of Devil Canyon construction (1994),the
service areas fund revenues will have grO\'In to $3.8
million compared to a baseline forecast of $3.0 mil-
lion.The incremental impact relative to the Base
Case will equal about 26.6 percent (compared to the
1990 impact of close to 30 percent).The absolute
magnitude of the impact itself would be $0.8 million.
By 1999 the abso1 ute magni tude of the impact is pro-
jected to equal one million dollars.Relative to the
baseline forecast for that year,this translates to a
27.8 percent increment.At the completion of the
Devi 1 Canyon constructi on phase in 2002,the i ncre-
mental impact of the proj ect \'Ioul d be 24.4 percent
based on a Base Case forecast of $4.1 million 1n rev-
enues and a project scenario revenue level of $5.1
Land Management Fund
Land management fund revenues are the smallest of the
four funds consi dered.Ouri ng thi s phase of develop-
ment'the greatest impact on land management revenues
is projected to occur in 2002.This will be a 3 per-
cent impact but will be negligible ($0.1 million)in
absolute magnitude.
School District Fund
The baseline forecast for this phase shows that school
funds grow from $60.4 million in 1994 to.$78.7 million
in 1999 and $90.8 million in 2002.The corresponding
incremental impacts of the project are estimated at
respectively 1.3 percent,1.4 percent,and 0.9 per-
cent.In no case does the absolute increment exceed a
mill i on doll ars.
General Fund
Incremental impacts in the general fund expenditures
are projected to be no hi gher than 1.5 percent of the
Base Case in 1994.The baseline expenditure for that
year is $39 million.In 1999,expenditures will have
grown to $49.8 million in the Base Case and $50.4 mil-
l ion,assumi ng the project scenari 0 thus resul ti ng in
an incremental impact of 1.2 percent.The reduction
in relative incremental impacts is also shown in the
2002 projections where the impacts amount to 0.8 per-
Service Areas Fund
With the project,the service areas fund expenditures
are projected to experience somewhat higher percentage
incrementa1 impacts than wi 11 the general fund expen-
di tures.Servi ce areas expenditures wi 11 be increased
by $0.2 million in each of the years 1994,1999,and
2002 1ead;n9 to correspondi ng percentage impacts of
1.8 percent,1.3 percent,and 1.1 percent.These es-
timates are based on baseline projections of $11.4
million,$15.5 million,and $18.7 million,respective-
Land management fund
Actual changes in the Base Case expenditures due to
the project are forecast to be small.
School District Expenditures
Relative to the Base Case and also in absolute terms,
the incremental impacts in the school district expen-
di tures are forecast to be greater than those of the
other borough funds.In 1994,impacts on expendi tures
are projected to be 1.8 percent of the $74.0 million
baseline.The corresponding impact levels for the
years 1999 and 2002 are respecti vely 1.4 percent and
1.9 percent.Of the three years considered,1999 will
experience the largest absolute impact at $1.4 million .
.Comparing expenditures to revenues
As in the Watana constructi on phase,revenues and ex-
pendi tures wi 11 grow duri ng the second phase of de-
velopment.This grO\'/th is depicted in the projections
that assume construction and operation of the project
as well as in the Base Case.Over time,a wi deni ng
gap between expenditures and revenues is forecast and
wi 11 occur with or wi thout the project.In general,
the growing deficit situation is not forecast to be
worsened nor alleviated by development of the pro-
ject.However,examination of individual funds re-
veals that school district deficits get slightly worse
whi 1e general funds and servi ce areas funds tend to
experience some improvement with the project.The
amount of relief or additional burden,hO\'.Jever,is
dwarfed by the overall size of the deficits involved.
Revenue collections on behalf of Talkeetna are projected
to grow in the Base Case from $164,200 in 1990 to
$226,600 in 1994 and to $355,100 in 1999.The corres-
pondi ng growth 'I,i th the project is forecast to be from
$178,900 in 1990 to $237,600 in 1994 and again to
$368,600 by the year 1999.The incremental project im-
pacts in 1994 and 1999 are therefore $11,000 and $13,500
compared to $14,700 in 1990.These increments will con-
tribute to growth of the service areas fund.
As the Watana construction phase is completed,it is
expected that between 100 and 125 project-rel ated resi-
dents will leave CantrJell (though the population and
scl1001 enrollment in Cantwell are expected to remain
al most twi ce as 1arge as \'Iou1 d be the case under the
Base Case).This would be reflected in a decline in any
per capita state revenues that the community receives.
The school district will also be faced with a decline in
both revenues and expenditures as the enrollment in the
school declines by about 30-children.Over-capacity in
the school,and any resul ti ng fi nanci a1 burden,may be
avoided by careful planning.
(c)Watana and Devil Canyon -Operation Phases
-Mat-Su Borough
In 2002 the construction of Devil Canyon is expected to
be comp1 ete.The fi seal impacts on the borough for the
period after 2002 are discussed below .
To the general funds the project presence \'1il1 add
$0.8 million to a Base Case revenue of $45.2 million
or 1.8 percent in 2002.The same dollar amount will
be added in 2005 to a baseline projection of $51.4
million thus causing an impact of 1.6 percent.One
million dollars will be added by the project to the
servi ce areas fund in 2002 for an impact of 24 per-
cent.In 2005 $1.2 mill i on Vii 11 be added"to a Base
Case revenue of $4.6 mi 11 i 011 to produce an impact of
26.1 percent in the servi ce areas revenues.
The land management fund will,both in 2002 and 2005,
experience a project impact of $0.1 million.In rela-
ti ve terms the percentage impact on the Base Case \'/i 11
be 3 percent and 2 percent.School di stri ct funds
will be increased by $0.8 million in 2002 and by $0.7
million in 2005 because of the project.Since the
Base Case revenues for these years are respectively
$90.8 and $104.5 million,the percentage increments
due to the project are 0.9 percent and 0.7 percent .
In terms of individual funds,the least likely to be
influenced by the project is the land management
fund.The impact on the general fund will be $0.5
million in both 2002 and 2005.Compared to the Base
Case expendi tures these impacts are respecti vely 0.9
percent and 0.8 percent.The servi ce areas fund is
expected to increase by $0.2 million in 2002 and $0.1
million in 2005 due to the project.Landmanagement
funds will be unaffected in both years while the edu-
cation funds will experience a project impact of $1.1
mill i on as incremental expenditures in each of the two
years considered.School district expenditures in the
Base Case will grow from $113.2 million in 2002 to
$130.6 million in 2005 while the project scenario
shows growth from $114.3 to $131.7 million during this
period.Thus the impacts of the project are estimated
at 0.9 percent and 0.8 percent,identical to the gen-
eral fund expenditures.
-Tal keetna
In the Base Case the borough is projected to collect
$355,100 on behalf of Talkeetna in 2002 and this will
grow to $549,600 by 2005.Wi th the project the corres-
ponding collections are expected to be $466,600 and
$560,500.The incremental impacts due to the project in
each of these years will therefore be lower both in ab-
solute magnitude and also relative to the baseline than
the 1990 forecasts.
(a)Fi sh
The impacts to Al aska IS fi shery resources whi ch \'1oul d
resu1 t from constructi on of the Susitna dams depends
upon loss of habitat rather than specific loss of fish.
The river habitat is viewed as a production ground cap-
able of producing a number of fish each year.The exact
numbers produced depend upon many aquati c and envi ron-
mental conditions which vary over time.
The data avail abl e to eval uate the potenti al impact of
the proposed dams,particularly for the salmon resource,
consi st of poi nt estimates of the river system}s produc-
ti on capabil i ty.These data are for the 1981 salmon
runs.Si nce the research necessary to eval uate poten-
tial impacts on the river habitat has not been complet-
ed,the point estimates for the 1981 level o"f resource
production is used in this section.This methodology
requi res the qual Hi cati on that potenti al impacts mayor
may not be accurate,dependi ng on \'1hether 1981 was a
representative year.
Specific impacts on fishery resources are discussed,to
the extent possi bl e in the secti on immedi ately follow-
ing.In later sections,users of the resources are dis-
cussed by the categories of commercial,sport and sub-
sistence use.
(ii)The Commercial Fishery
A basi c assumpti on has been made that the commerci al
fishery for salmon produced in the Susitna system occurs
only in Upper Cook Inlet.The Upper Cook Inlet is
divided into tv/o management divisions;the Central Dis-
trict and the Northern District.The most important
distinction between the two is that both set and drift
gillnets are allowed in the Central District whereas set
gillnets only are allowed in the Northern District.
Table £.5.37 shows the average annual commercial catch
and val ue from the fi shery in the Upper Cook In1 et.The
most important species,from the standpoint of economic
value,is sockeye salmon.The average annual sockeye
ex-vessel val ue for the ten-year peri od from 1972 to
1981 was $8,499,102.The average annual catch was
8,854,263 pounds.The second most important species in
terms of value is chum salmon.The average annual chum
catch was 4,900,471 pounds,giving an average annual
exvessel value of $2,619,546.The other species in des-·
cendi ng 9rder ofeconomi c importance in the Upper Cook
Inlet are coho,pinks and chinooks.The actual catch
and value fluctuates for each species from year to year,
but the ten-year average provi des a reasonabl e i ndi ca-
tion of recent trends (53 and 54).
The number of participants in the commercial salmon
fishery are limited to the number of permits issued.
The numbers of drift gill net and set gillnet permits for
Cook Inlet for the years 1975 to 1981 are shown in Table
E.5.38.It shoul d be noted that a small number of the
set net permi ts,perhaps 10 percent,a re from outs ide
the Upper Cook Inlet.The total number of permits used
in 1981 \'ias 1,161 (55).With an average of two people
per boat for the dri ft gill net boats and an average of
2.5 people per set net site,the total number of fisher-
.men in Upper Cook Inlet woul d be approximately 2,468
people (data on the average number of persons fishing
are from ADF&G,February 1982 (56)).The catch distri-
buti on between the di fferent gear types vari es by spe-
cies due to the different areas fished.Chinooks are
taken mostly in the set net fishery whereas chum salmon
are taken mostly in the dri ft net fi shery.The other
speci es are taken on a more even bas is.In general the
set net fi shery takes more of the coho and pi nk catch
whi 1e the drift net fi shery takes more of the sockeye
-Specific Impacts
The specific impacts which would result from construc-
tion of the Susitna dams have not been determined in a
manner whi ch allows accurate quanti fi cati on.For the
salmon resources,for example,there are ·point es-
timates for the 1981 and 1982 escapements of fi sh
passing upriver from Talkeetna.This upstream stretch
of the river,from Talkeetna to Devil Canyon,is where
many of the impacts would occur.It would be errone-
ous to assume that two point estimates provide an ac-
curate representation of the actual productive capa-
city of the river.Similarly,it could be misleading
to assign values to potential losses to the fishery
resource based only on these estimates since the bio-
logical impacts of construction of the Susitna dams
have not been resolved.
Gi ven these qual ifi ca t ions,the fo 11 O\'ii ng di scuss ion
'may be useful as an example of order of magni tude of
potential project impacts on the commercial fisher-
ies.The largest potential impact above Talkeetna
wou1 d be to chum sa1hlOn si nce thi s speci es ut"ll i ze
sloughs in addi ti on to the mainstream Sus itna Ri ver
for spawning.In 1981,an estimated 20,835 chums
passed upriver past the Talkeetna Station.Using this
fi gure of 20,835 fi sh and assumi ng a worst case that
the dams would result in a 100 percent loss,a loss to
the total Cook Inlet chum run of 45,837 fish would be
indicated.This assumes a catch:escapement ratio of
2.2:1.By these assumptions,then,a potential
ex-vessel value of $214,517 could'have been lost to
'the commerc ia1 fi shery in 1981.
This estimate shou1 d not be interpreted as a preci se
figure since it is based upon incomplete biological
data.It does,however,provide a point estimate for
the potential post-project loss to the Upper Cook
Inlet commercial fishery for chum salmon based on a
number of assumpti ons.Tab1 e E-5-39 shows a simi 1ar
set of calculations for SOCkeye,pink,chum and coho
losses which could have occurred during 1981 and 1982,
assuming as a worst case there would be a post-
project loss of 100 percent above Talkeetna (54 and
58).There is insufficient biological impact data to
ascertai n whether or not thi sis a reasonabl e assump-
The potential losses estimated for chum salmon are the
highest of the four species inclUded,being $214,517
for 1981 and $428,604 for 1982.Similar estimates for
coho,pi nk and sockeye can be seen in Table E-5-39.
Chinook salmon were not included in estimates of po-
tential losses since Susitna chinook are not caught in
significant quantities by the commercial fishery.
It shoul d al so be carefully noted that the cal cul a-
tions are based upon a catch:escapement ratio of 2.2:1
for coho,chum and sockeye;and a catch:escapement
ratio of 3.8:1 for pink.These ratios are statewide
averages used by AOF&G and mayor may not be accurate
in this application.They are,however,the best data
available for use at the time of this writing.
(iii)The Sport Fishery
Discussions with sport fish biologists have indicated
that potenti al impacts to the sport fi shery \'Ihi ch \\'oul d
occur if the Susi tna dams were constructed woul d be in
three main areas.One area would be the impoundment
area of the proposed dams and the areas downstream.A
second area of potential impact would be upstream of the
impoundment areas in the main stream Susitna and pos-
sibly into some of the tributaries such as the Lake
Loui se -Lake Susitna -Tyone Lake areas.The thi rd
woul d consi st of areas \'/hi ch caul d be reached from the
access route,between the Denal i Hi gh\'1ay and the Watana
The area and 1evel of impact to resi dent and mi gratory
fi shery resources whi cll waul d resul t from the Sus itna
dams construction has not been determined.This makes
the task of evaluating the potential impact of the dam
construction difficult.Data on specific angler use of
the Susitna and tributaries above the Talkeetna con-
fluence are virtually nonexistent.There are data des-
cribing use patterns on the lower Susitna and main trib-
utaries which will be presented in summary.
The East Susi tna Drai nage -West Cook Inl et -West Su-
sitna Drainage areas consist of some of the major sport
fishing areas of the state,such as:the Deshka River,
Alexander Creek,Talachulitna River,Willo\'I Creek,~10n
tana Creek,Cl ear Creek,Sheep Creek and others.In
these two areas,there was over 97 thousand angler days
fi shed in 1981 (57).
A summary of the sport fi sh catch by major speci es and
total number of angler days expended in the lower
Susitna Drainage is shown in Table E.5.40.Many of the
areas included in this table may be out of the area of
impact from the Susi tna dams,but they do i ndi cate
1evel s of angl er acti vi ty.Research is currentl y
underway to more fully define the level of impacts to
the sport fishery and place a value to sport fishermen
of the fishery resources which would potentially be lost
as a resul t of constructi on of the Susi tna dams.These
necessary data and analyses \'/ill be available in the
(iv)Subsistence Fishing
The subsi stence catch of fi sh produced by the Susi tna
system di scussed in thi s section refers only to the
catch from Cook Inlet.Subsistence fishing does occur
in the Susitna system,but there are no data available
wi th \'/hi ch to eval uate the magni tude of the catch of
that fishery.
The subsistence catch of salmon by species and year for
the period 1969 to 1981 is shown in Table E.5.41.Dur-
i ng that peri ad,the number of permi ts increased from
330 to 1178,wi th most of the i ncreaseoccurri ng from
1979 to 1981.The catch of salmon has followed the same
pattern as the number of permits,increasing rapidly
after 1978 to the largest catch in 1980 of 16,973.
Overall,sockeye and coho contribute most to the total
catch.In the last two years shown,hm'lever,1980 and
1981,the chinook catch was very significant with over
2,000 fi sh taken each year,representi ng 13 to 14 per-
cent of the total catch (58).
The value of the subsi stence catch shaul d be determi ned
using a shadow price.The ex-vessel price of the salmon
is not an appropriate measure since it can be assumed
that subsi stence fi sh are food rather than producti on
input to a processing plant.A more appropriate measure
of value would be the retail cost of salmon delivered to
the poi nt of subsi stence capture,or the pri ce of an
equally desirable alternative food source.These valua-
ti on estimates (shadow pri ces)have not yet been made,
but will be made as part of an ongoing project on fish-
ery resource valuation by user category.
Strictly speaking there is no commercial'use of big
game.fVlost game animal s are hunted for recreation and
not for commercial purposes.In the following discus-
s;on,a descr"iption of indirect commercial use by var-
i ous secondary i ndustri es that to some degree depend on
big game resources is presented~
-Guides and Guide Services
GUiding is a common part of hunting in Alaska.Non-
resi dents have been requi red to hi re guides if they
are hunting certain species.Recent legislation makes
it mandatory for nonresi dents to use gui des for all
species in the future.Since the services offered by
some gui des cover the whol e spectrum of the hunter
support activities,this section describes the support
industry as a whole..
Gui des who make at 1 east part of thei r annual income
from big game hunting activity may be divided into
three groups -assi stant gui des,regi stered gui des,
and master gui des.Assi stant gui des cannot execute
contracts with clients,but must work for a registered
Registered guides are fUlly licensed operators and may
own exclusive guide areas or operate in joint areas
\'Jhere they can gui de cl i ents and ful fi 11 thei r con-
tractual obl i gati ons.Excl usi ve gui de areas are
recogni zed as assets and may be transferred for a fee
from one gui de to another as long as the transfer is
recorded at the Game Li cens i ng and Co ntro 1 Board.
A master gui de is a regi stered gui de who has been in
busi ness for along time and is nomi nated by t\'IO of
his contemporaries.
Servi ces offered by gui des vary from person to person
and so do the servi ce charges.In some cases a full
range of services may include,but not be limited to:
-Guides,including assistant guides of which each
registered guide is by law limited to three;
Boat transportation;
-Equipment for camping.
To provide this range of services requires con-
siderable investment.
Impacts on the gui di ng industry are expected to be of
an i ndi rect nature.Were the proj ect to reduce the
number of avail-abl e harvestabl e animal s,it is con-
ceivable that this would reduce hunting opportuni-
ties.This would in turn reduce the number of hunters
that can hunt each year.Reduced numbers of hunters
translate into reduced business for the guiding indus-
try.Further analysis of this impact possibility is
-Lodge Operators.
The land use study report of April,1982 (59)identi-
fi ed three di fferent lodges in the project area.They
i ncl ude the Stephan Lake lodge,the Hi gh Lake lodge,
and the Tsusena Lake lodge.All are currently \iell
maintained and are used either year-round or on a sea-
sonal basis.Current use ranges from private fishing
and hunting to guided fishing and hunting to com-
mercial lease.
The lodge on Tsusena Lake is now used for pri vate
hunting,fishing and recreation.The High Lake lodge
is 1eased to Acres Ameri can Incorporated for work on
the Susitna Hydro project studies.In the past this
has been a seasonal rather than a year~round operation.
The Stephan Lake lodge which is operated on a
commercial basis as a base for guided hunting and
fishing,is re-ported to have 10 structures.The
current operator also maintains seven cabins which are
used as outreach bases ·for hunting and fishing in the
more remote areas.The Lodge offers full servi ces,
including guided hunting and fishing,and handles six
to ei ght hunters and about 30 fi shi ng recreati oni sts
each year (60).
The services for the most part are package deals.
These include:
-Air transportation to and from the lodge and hunt-
i ng grounds"
-Lodging during the hunt.The lodge itself is used
and so are the cabi ns.When necessary,tent camps
are set up if hunting is to be done in areas too
far away from the lodge and the cabin locations.
-Guided hunting and fishing.For hunting,available
species include bear,moose,and sheep.This par-
ticular operation does not provide gUided hunting
for caribou or goat.
(i i 1
Charges for the hunts vary wi th speci es hunted.A
bear hunt \tJill cost $5,000,a moose hunt $4,000,a
combination hunt for moose and bear $7,500.
The impact of the proposed project on the lodge opera-
tors would be indirect and of the same nature as that
on the guiding industry.Data collection is now in
'progress and intervie\-/s are planned to more defini-
tively address this question..
-The Hunter
Big game hunters in Alaska may be classified into
three groups:Alaska resi dents who hunt for recrea-
tion;nonresidents,both U.S.citizens from other
states and forei gners from other countri es;research-
ers who for experimental purposes may from time to
time remove 1 imi ted numbers of game animal s from the
area.This group of users is neither recreational in
nature nor commercial and for the most part represent
re1 a-tive1y small removal s.The foll owi ng di scussion
therefore focuses on the first two groups.
Resi dent hunters hunt for trophy and meat;nonresi-
dents and foreigners primarily for trophies.
The bi g game resources \'1l1i ch have been i denti fi ed as
havi ng the potenti al to be impacted by the proposed
project include caribou,moose,bears,sheep,wolf,
and \'/01 verine.The following section is devoted to
describing the use patterns relating to these re-
sources.At the present time some detailed informa-
tion regarding caribou and moose is available and pre-
sented below.In depth analysis of the other species
will be provided at a later date when more detailed
stati sti cs are recei ved from other contractors to the
Alaska Power Authority .
The Ne1china herd is highly migratory.It is knO\'/n
to have utilized the Ne1china Basin ranging from the
Wrangell and [·1entasta Mountains in the east through
tile Lake Loui se f1 ats .to Ta"1 keetna Mountai ns and
Chun;1 na hi 11 sin the west.For purposes of di s-
cussing posib1e impacts of the Susitna Hydro pro-
ject,avai1able data on this herd as a whole will be
treated as bei ng rel evant.However,speci al atten-
ti on will be gi yen at a 1 ater date to game manage-
ment subunits 13A,13B,13£,14A,148,16A and 168.
Subunit 13£contai ns most of the proposed impound-
ment area while 13A and 13B are immediately neigh-
boring to the area.Areas 14A,148,16A and 168 are
to the southwest,but nevertheless constitute areas
which,in the past,have been used by the herd.
Resource Status
Popul ati on estimates over t',e past 20 years show
that the herd numbers were greatest in the early
1960 I s.The 1962 popul ati on estimate \ill'as recorded
at some 71,000 animal s.The herd decl i ned to a re-
corded low of 7,693 animals in 1972;since that
time,the herd has partially recovered,although not
to the resource status depi cted in the early
1960 1 s.Preliminary estimates showed a 1981 prehar-
vest population of 20,730 caribou.
The Experience Sought by Hunters
Hunting for caribou provides both recreation and
al so food meat.The Nelchina herd is conveniently
located near the largest population concentration in
the state and has attracted proporti onately greater
participants from Anchorage,Fairbanks and the other
popul ati on centers in the Southcentra1 regi on.
Anchorage resi dents usually account for 50 percent
or more of resident participants.
Transportation To and From Hunting Grounds
Access to the hunting areas is by various means.
However,the three most frequently reported trans-
port means are off-the-road vehicles (ORVs),a com-
bination of highway and foot access,and air trans-
portation.Available statistics for the period
1972-73 to 1980 show an evol uti on of access means
preference.In the very early 1970 I s hi g!wJay
vehi cl es \'iere the most frequently reported means of
access closely followed by ORV transport \-/ith air
transportation being a close third.Later,ORVs
took over the lead and air transport followed.More
recently,air transport has been most frequently
reported whil e ORVs and hi ghway vehi cl es foll ow.
-Hunti n9 Pressure
Hunting pressure on the Nelchina herd has histori-
cally been greater than that of recent years.By
1980 hunting pressure as measured by number of hunt-
ers had dropped to under 30 percent of the 1970-71
1evel.In 1980 an estimated 982,hunters·compared
to 3,710 in 1970-71,were involved in hunting for
Nelchina caribou.The reduction is even greater
because in many areas of game management unit 13 the
bag limit is currently one caribou whereas in the
early 1970 I S and before,some hunters took as many
as three animals during each regulatory year.
Supply and Demand For Hunting Opportunity
There has been a wi deni ng gap between the supply of
drawing permits issued and the total number of ap-
plicants for this hunting opportunity.As shm-m
below the number of app1 i cants for these permi ts
doubled beb/een 1978 and 1979 and and conti nued to
grow during the following year while the number of
available permits grew from 1,000 to 1,300 over the
same peri od.Demand for hunti ng opportuni ty out-
stri pped the supply by a factor of 3 to 1 in 1978
and 5 to 1 in 1980.
Caribou Permit Hunt In G.M.U.s 13 &14
Year No.Permits Applicants Harvest
1978 1,000 2,775 529
I-"1979 1,300 5,600 630
1980 1,300 6,841 621
Controlled hunting pressure in the form of a limited
number of hunters each year and a bag limit,have
apparently hel ped the recovery of the resource whi 1e
at the same time ensuri ng a steady success rate for
individual hunters.
Success Rate.
Success rate as measured by reported number of ani-
mals taken per participating hunter fluctuated rath-
erwidely during the period 1970-71 to 1980.In the
1970-71 season ,when a total of some 3,71 0 hunters
took 3,790 animals,the success rate \'Ias 1.02 ani-
mals per hunter.Yet as many as 1,415 hunters were
unsuccessful that year.This apparent contradiction
is expl ained by the fact that some hunters took as
many as three animals each.In 1973,the-rate
dropped to 32 percent indicating one kill for every
3 hunters.Success,however,has improved and
stayed above 60 percent since the institution of
permi t hunts in 1977 and \'las approximately 63 per-
cent in 1980.The institution of permit hunts
through limits on the number of hunters is at,least
in part,responsible for stabilization of the suc-
cess rates .
For purposes of impact analysis,moose popul ati ons
in the Susitna River Basin have been divided into
two groups and studi ed as upstream and-downstream
moose.Bi ggame studies conducted by ADF&G revealed
that upstream moose are made up of some 13 subpopu-
1ati ons that conduct a si gni fi cant amount of thei r
year-round activities in and around the proposed
impoundment area.They are associated with the num-
erous creeks and ri vers that are tri butari es and
subtributaries of the Susitna River (61).
DO\'lnstream moose i ncl ude those subpoplJl ati ons that
have their home ranges to the south of the proposed
Devi 1 Canyon dam si teo They traverse areas to the
north and south of Talkeetna uti 1 i zi n9 both sides
(east and west)of the Susitna.These areas con-
stitute one of the most important wintering habitats
for moose in the state (62).
Resource Status
A history of moose population estimates in the study
area does not exist.During the fall of 1980,ADF&G
sampled portions of the study area in game unit 13
and made a gross estimate of 4,027 animals as the
population of upstream moose in parts of subunits
13A,13B and 13E.There appears to be no population
information for the whole of game unit 13,nor for
14 and 16.It is therefore di ffi cu1 t to state what
the resource condi ti on is nO\'1 compared to what it
may have been in the past ..
Experience Sought
Moose are hunted for recreation and trophies as well
as for meat.t40st nonresidents take moose for ant-
1 er trophi es whi le resi dents take moose for meat in
addition to the recreation activity involved.
Resident hunters who seek moose in game unit 13 are
most frequently resi dents of Anchorage,Fai rbanks,
Palmer and Whittier.The rank order of participa-
tion in game.unit 14 is Anchorage,Palmer,Wasilla,
Whittier and others.Anchorage,Whittier,Fairbanks
and Eagle River residents are prominent in moose.
hunting in game unit 16.In each case,Anthorage
res i dents account for 50 percent or more of total
Transportation To and From Hunting Grounds
The most frequently used transport means for moose
hunters in game unit 13 are:high\'iay vehicle,off-
the-road vehicles,air transport and boat.The
data,hO\'Jever,is derived from harvest ticket re-
ports which allow for reporting of a combination of
travel means.Frequently,these methods are used in
combination with one another and with others such as
snow machines.These statistics,however,can be
viewed as indicators of the most popular transport
Hunting Pressure
Hunting pressure in terms of number of hunters par-
ticipating in game unit 13 has varied over the past
12 years and so has the success rate.In 1971,
4,881 hunters participated to take a total of 1,814
moose for a success rate of 37 percent.The corres-
ponding activity for 1981 was 2,859 hunters who
experi enced a success rate of 25.6 percent.Tabl e
E-5-42 contai ns hunti ng pressure and total harvest
of moose in GMU 13 since 1970.
Success Rate
The reported success rate of hunters has fiuctuated
between 19 percent and 36 percent si nee 1972.The
average success rate from 1972 through 1981 waS 26.8
percent and ranged from a low of 19 percent in 1980
to a high of 36 percent in 1979.The 1981 success
ra te \vas,therefore,about average for the past 10
years.It is,however,in contrast to the rates
depicted during the late 1960·s,\vhen success was
generally above 30 percent.In 1960,the success
rate approached 50 percent.
Other species
The other big game species found in the project area
include black and brown beart Dall sheept wolf and
wol verfne.Currently efforts are bei ng made to ob-
tain detailed data for all big game species on total
harvest t 1ocati on t method of access t and resi dence
of the hunters.Once acquired t these data will be
used together ...Ii th esti mated impacts on i ndi vi dua 1
speci es to assess the economi c impacts on the rec-
reational user ..
•Importance of Regulations
Current regul ati ons and changes in these prompted by
the Susitna project will determine the level of im-
pact on the opportun;ty to hunt in the area.For
some species t the regUlations are already very
strict compared to years past.In such cases,the
project would cause little or no additional
reduction in hunting oppotunity.In other cases t
current regul ati ons may have to be ti ghtened
further,thus leading to impacts on the hunter.
Some idea of the current supply of hunti ng oppor-
tuni ty ; n the project area may be gai ned by exami n-
i ng the hunti ng regul ati ons pertai ni ng to GI4U IS 13,
14,and 16.For example,there are more opportuni-
ties to hunt for black bear than brown bear.This
is reflected in the bag limit of three black bears
each year compared to one brown bear every four
years per hunter.Simil arly,whereas there is no
bag limit for wolf in Gr~u 13 nor for wolverine in
GMU's 13 and 14,there are rather stringent rules on
the hunti ng of cari bou,moose,and Da 11 sheep for
the 1982-83 hunting season.This pattern reflects
both the condi ti on of the resource and the regul a-
tory phil osophy.Thus the impacts of the proj ect on
the hunter \1i 11 depend in part,on the changes in
hunting regulations of individual species.
.Impacts on the hunter
There are several factors that i nfl uence the number
of hunters who will visit any given site.One of
the most important is the quality of hunting to be
expected at the site.As stated above,the regula-
tory regime governing the taking of game is also
important.Both of these factors could be affected
by changes in animal populations.Changes in animal
populations directly affect the quality of hunting
recreation \-Jhile creating a need to alter hunting
regulations to protect the resource.The impacts of
tile Susitna project on the bunter are therefore ex-
pected to stem from both regulatory 1 imi tati ons on
participation and alterations in the quality of
available sites.Work is continuing to develop
methodology and obtain data that will facilitate
quantification of economic effects of the project on
the recreationist.
Subsistence Hunting
Subsistence users have the -main goal of bringingll home
food meat.In the majority of cases,subsistence users
are A1 aska residents that qualify under certai n crl'i ter-
i a.In some -cases and for some speci es and hLnti ng
areas,a nonresi dent \'/ho has an A1 aska resi dent I as a
relative may qualify to hunt as a -subsistence luser.-
Qual i fyi ng as a resi dent subsi stence user i s basil~d on
specific standards such as:
-Long-term,consistent pattern of use
-Recurring seasonal use
- A use pattern involving methods re1atea to local
-Accessibil ity and nearness of the reSOUl~ce I
In addition,however,an application must be subnl'itted
stating that the applicant is at least 12 year's of age,
is of Alaska rural residence and lives in a household
which obtains more than (usually)50 percent of its fish
and meat from other than commerci a1 sources.Curr'ent1y
(October,1982)subsistence use has pri ori ty over other
uses with the provision that it shall not interfere with
resource conservati on efforts.For the 1982-83 season
no nonresident will be allowed to qual ify as a subsis-
tence hunter for caribou in game units 13 and 14.It
may be poi nted out here that the questi on of siJbsi stence
use pri ori ty has been and wi 11 conti nue to be under
The extent of subsi stence uti 1i zati on of the resources
in the project area will be investigated in 1!:he future
as a first step in determining the likely impacts on the
subsistence user.
The major furbearer species in the impact area include lynx,
beaver,mink,muskrat,pine marten,red fox,river otters,
short-tail weasels (ermine)and least weasels.Wolves and
wolverine are al so often trapped for their fur,but for pur-
poses of this study these species have been classified as game.
(i)Commercial Users
Trappi ng,and some hunti ng,of furbearers for the pur-
pose of the sal e of pel ts is the major human use of
these species.The commercial trapping of specific
species increases and decreases in cycles,in accordance
\-1ith the abundance of the species and,to some extent,
the price of pelts.
Available data on the activity of trappers operating'in
the impact area and the size of harvests is of limited
useful ness,due to several factors which are expl ai ned
below.Thus,this section will focus on a general des-
cri pti on of the trappers operating in the vi ci ni ty of
the project and the economic val ue of the speci es they
-Data limitations
The impact area of the project as it rel ates to game
and furbearers (see Chapter 3 -Fi sh,Uil dl i fe,and
Botani cal Wil dl i fe)crosses the boundari es of several
Game fv1anagement Uni ts,as defi ned by the Al aska De-
partment of Fi sh and Game.Thus,it is diffi cul t to
rel ate estimates of harvests in parti cul ar game uni ts
wi th harvests in the impact area.Furthermore,it is
difficult to determine harvests of furbearers within a
particular game management unit from available statis-
tlcs,due to the types of data collected and the dif-
ficulty of obtaining data by the origin of the fur.
Records are kept by the state on 1)trapper exports of
furs,2)dealer purchases of furs and 3)dealer ex-
ports.In addition,sealing reports,vlhich include
all pelts obtained from a particular locale,are com-
piled for three furbearer species:lynx,river otter
and beaver.The basis for the first three types of
records is the residence of individual trapper or
dealer reporting,not the actual origin of the furs.
In the case of Game Unit 13,many of the trappers who
actually operate there are residents of other areas,
such as Anchorage and the surrounding suburbs.In
addition,export data is likely to underestimate ac-
tual harvests significantly,since a certain per-
centage of pelts are used in-state or sold to tourists
in the form of garments and thus are not i ncl uded in
the statistics.Finally,it is believed that com-
pliance of trappers to reporting procedures is not
hi gh.
Another severe data 1 irni tati on whi ch acts as a con-
straint to an analysis of the impacts of the project
on trappers operating in the area is the lack of in-
formation on the population of furbearer species.
Without information on population size,it is dif-
fi cu1 t to estimate the vari ous i nterre1 ati onshi ps be-
t\'leen species population,amount of habitat,harvest
effort and harvest success.
-Trapping Activity
In general,it appears that there are not currently a
large number of trappers operating in the areas in
which furbearer populations are expected to be affect-
ed.This seems to be due to the relative inaccessi-
.bil ity of the area.
The 1980-1981 trapper questionnaire prepared by the
Alaska Department of Fish and Game estimated that five
individuals trapped in the Cantwell-Denali area and
six trappers operated around Ta1keetna-Petersvi11e
(this includes an area far larger than the impact
at'ea).Approximately 35 percent of the trapper's res-
ponding to the overall survey (which included all game
management units in the Southcentra1 Region)indicated
that they had not trapped duri ng the 1980-81 season
and many of these i ndi cated they had not done so be-
cause of the mild winter and lack of snow (63).Oral
interviev/s with residents of the Local Impact Area as
part of the land use portion of this study indicated
that early trappers were also few in number but
covered far more extensi ve areas in thei r trappi ng.
In the 1940·5 and 1950 1 s,many long-time trappers
swi tcl1ed over to the more 1ucrati ve acti vi ty of gui d-
ing big game hunts (64).
Winter trapping currently is focused in areas near
Stephan Lake,Tsusena Creek,and C1 arence Lake.Trap
1i nes average 25 mil es in 1 ength,and are usually
travelled by snowmobile.There are also some traps
set by trappers working out of aircraft in the eastern
portions of the Susitna valley.These have become
economically feasible as result of the value of lynx,
wolves,wolverine and other high-priced pelts.
-Aquatic Species
Beaver and muskrat are present in some lakes in the
.project area,with beaver being increasingly more
abundant downstream from Devil Canyon.There is
also a relatively large quantity of beaver along
Deadman Creek,which is located near the proposed
access road from the Denal i hi gh\'1ay to the vJatana
The value of beaver pelts in 1982 were in the range
of $10-$55~Muskrat pelts \'Jere valued at between
$1.00 and $4.50 for pelts"of animals that were
trapped {65},and beb/een $.50 and $2.00 for slight
shot pel ts·(at breakup,muskrats are harvested by
hunters shooting from boats).Historically,beaver
and muskrat in alpine areas,such as the project
si tes,are sel dom pursued by trapper~due to the
relative cost of obtaining the furs ve"rsus their
market value.Exports of beaver pelts are not cur-
rently high,reflecting the relatively low price.
It is bel i eved that trappi ng of beavers·dO\1/nstream
of Devi 1 Canyon has not decl i ned as much as ex-
ports.Often,trappers continue to operate but de-
lay sale of the pelts until the price rises (66).
The meat of both muskrat and beaver is used as well
as the fur.The meat is used for bait,for dog
food,and for human consumption.
River otter and mink are common in areas of the up-
per basi n of the Sus i tna,but trappi ng effort of
these species has not been great.Mink are abundant
near some lakes and streams and all major tributary
creeks;otters are common in the Upper Susi tna Ri ver
basin.1982 market prices per pelt ranged from
$20.00 to $70.00 dollars for otter,and $10.00 to
$50.00 for mink (65).
.Impacts of the Project
It is expected that trappers of aquati c furbearers
\'1"j 11,on balance,benefi t from the increased access
to the Upper Susitna Basin which will result from
the construction of the access road and transmission
lines.From the perspective of economic "impacts to
commercial trappers,this increase in access is"ex-
pected to more than compensate for the decl i nes in
furbearer popul ati ons that are expected to resul t
from the destructi on of habi tat by the impoundments
and borrm'l'si tes.Downstream of Devil Canyon,the
improved habi tat for beaver resul ti n9 from the al-
terati on in stream flO\'1s can be expected to resul t
in more profitable trapping by users.
-Pine Marten
.Basel i ne
Pine marten (sable)are abundant in the vicinity of
the proposed impoundments and have been historically
important to trappers.It is esti mated that there
are 150 pine marten present in the area to be flood~
ed by the Watana impoundment and 55 in the Devi 1
Canyon area.The val ue of marten from Southcentral
and Interi or Al aska in 1982 ranged from $10 to $50
per pelt (65).
The impacts of the proj ect on the pi ne marten are
expected to be of the greatest magnitude of all fur-
bearers,due to this species'high dependence upon
forested habi tats along the Sus itna Ri ver and its
tributaries and the inundation of habitat of that
type by the·impoundments.In those areas,the har-
vest of marten by trappers coul d decl i ne accordi ng-
ly.It is expected that the increased access to
areas supporti ng marten wi 11 be benefi ci al to trap-
pers,to the extent.that this access is allowed.
The impacts of the project on the pine marten are
expected to be of the greatest magnitude of all fur-
bearers,due to thi s speci es I hi gh dependence upon
forested habitats along the Susitna Ri ver and its
tributaries and the inundation·of habitat of that
type by the impoundments.It is expected that the
harvest of marten by trappers woul d decl ine accord-
Lynx have been scarce in Southcentral Al aska in recent
years but there are indications that the population of
this species \.,rill be increasing over the next couple
of years.The population of lynx generally is prone
to large fluctuations which are related to the size of
the snowshoe hare population,a major food source.
Lynx are very uncommon in the Upper Susitna Basin.
The wholesale value of a lynx pelt in the spring of
1982 ranged from $100 to $500,depending upon the size
and quality of the fur (65).It is believed this high
value has induced additional trapping pressure of lynx
in the region,and has increased the economic feasi-
bility of running trap lines with aircraft (67).
Until 1980,there were prohibitions against the export
of lynx pel ts that were part of an international ef-
fort to preserve this species.No such control s cur-
rently exi st.The present scarci ty and hi gh val ue of
lynx in Soutncentra1 A1 aska may be l~esu1 ti ng in an
underreporti ng of the harvest of thi s speci es by trap-
pers due both to concerns about future rei nstatement
of controls and to sensitivity regarding their current
The fox population in the impact area has been low
since the 1970's.Project research indicated that
only one trapper operated in the Tyone-Susi tna and
Devil Canyon areas in 1979-1980,and that in 1980-1981
and 1981-1982 there were two and three trappers,res-
pectively,seeking fox pelts.Very few fox were actu-
ally taken in each of these years.Thus,impacts of
the project on trappers of fox will be minimal.
Secondary Industries
There are several categori es of busi nesses that are
directly or indirectly affected by the fortunes of the
trapping industry in Alaska.These include enter-
prises which sell equipment,clothing and food to
trappers,individuals V/ho build and/or lease cabins,
tanning establishments,fur dealers,and garment manu-
facturers,among others Due to the rel ati vely small
percentage of Alaskan trappers who operate in the im-
pact area,impacts of the project on these secondary
industries are not expected to be significant.
It is estimated that there are a large number of resi-
dents of the Local Impact Area who do some trapping on a
part-time basis and keep the pelts for their own use or
sell a few to supplement their income in the winter
months.There are no data available on the size of this
user group.Land use investigations of the project area
showed that several recreati onal trappers work out of
cabins along Clarence Lake,Deadman Lake,Portage Creek,
Indi an Ri ver and some other 1arge 1akes in the Upper
Susitna basin (64).
This section uses a broad definition of mitigation that includes
both the objectives of (l)decreasing the rate,magnitude and/or
geographic distribution of a project-induced change,or avoiding a
project-i nduced change that is percei ved by a party (s)-at-i nterest
to be costly,disruptive or both (negative change);and (2)enhanc-
i ng a proj ect-i nduced change that is percei ved to be benefi ci a1
(positive change).Mitigation measures are to be developed and
impl emented only when the private sector (market mechani sm),
existing local and state government mechanisms,and social assimila-
tion mechanisms (social service organizations,churches,etc.)do
not have the capaci ty nor capabi 1 ity to adequately perform (1)and
In addition,it is important to acknowledge that the labeling'of a
change as costly and/or disruptive,or beneficial,is a normative
action and is typically done by recipients of change.Each individ-
ual within a community or other body \'/ill have his own opinion of
the effect of a change,and the individual might change this opinion
with the passage of time.Likewise,the community or other body
could develop a label (an opinion regarding the positive or negative
character of a change)by consensus or other means,and thi s 1 abel
is also subject to change with time.
The approach util ized here is to examine recent attitudes toward
changes in potenti ally impacted communi ti es (parti es-at-i nterest),
and identify tools to decrease the rate,magnitude and/or geographic
distribution of the negative project-induced changes,or avoid the
negati ve proj ect-i nduced changes.Opportuni ti es to use sel ected
tools to enhance positive project-induced changes are also identi-
This project has been designed with several major mitigation meas-
ures already in place,most notably housing and community facilities
at the site,the scheduling of work and a flexible transportation
program.However,no attempts are made to prescribe a complete set
of specific mitigation measures.
Duri ng the next two years,several thi ngs ~'Jill or coul d occur to
make currently prescribed mitigation measures inappropriate.These
are:(1)Attitudes toward changes might not be the same.Current
resi dents I percepti ons mi ght change or new resi dents coul d move in
and significantly influence the community consensus.With the rapid
gro\'/th recently experi enced by many of the potenti ally impacted com-
munities,and the high probability of this trend continuing for
several years,the need to base mitigation measures on future rather
than current attitudes to\'Iard change is even greater;(2)Some in-
formation about project-induced changes has been made available to
pote,.-t.ial1y impacted communities.Little of this information has b-
een fully absorbed and reflected upon.Therefore,few citizens are
really prepared to label the project-induced changes as negative or
positive;and (3)Information about project-induced changes \'/ill
improve as construction drarJs nearer.Residents need to make their
judgements based on the best information available.Erroneous or
incomplete information could lead residents to label project-induced
changes improperly and thi seoul d 1ead to i nappropri ate miti gati on
The last element of the approach is to recommend the development and
implementation of an impact management program.An impact manage-
ment program i ncl udes impact assessment,moni tori ng and miti gati on.
It t~~es account of the time element and serves as a vehicle to help
ensure that the-most appropriate and cost-effective mitigation
measures are impl emented.It eval uates the performance of mi ti ga-
tion measures and makes adjustments to,or additions or deletions -of
measures where indicated.
This section is divided into three parts.The first part presents
recent attitudes toward changes in potentially impacted communities;
the second part presents alternative tools that could help bring
project-induced changes into al ignment with attitudes towards
changes;and the third part is a discussion of an impact management
program for thi s project.Selected reports and papers on mi ti gati on
measures that were revi ewed are 1i sted in the List of References at
the end of this chapter (68 through 72).
4.1 -Attitudes Toward Changes
The pub 1i CiS recent responses to potenti a1 proj ect-i nduced changes
\lJere mixed.Persons in Palmer,Wasi-l1a,Houston,and Cantwell were
generally in favor of the project-induced changes discussed in
Sections 3.1 and 3.5.These cities and communities want more
economic development (particularly jobs)and a more diversified and
stable economic base.However,these indications should be taken as
tentative because these persons probably had not fully absorbed the
information made available to them when they expressed their views.
Persons in Cantwell were more guarded than the other communities in
thei ~.general_support for the potenti a1 proj ect-i nduced changes.
Several of these persons wanted more jobs for residents of Cantwell
and more sales for local businesses,but were concerned about
project-induced traffic,price increases for goods,services,
housing and land,needs for additional education facil ities and
services,and impacts on the environment.Ahtna,Inc.(a Regional
Native corporation)has indicated that it is willing to lease or
sell 1 and in and near Cantwell if it is in its economi c interest.
Resi dents of Trapper Creek and Tal keetna have i ndi cated that rapi d
and uncontrolled change is not desired.Some of the residents of
each community would 1 ike no changes and others in each community
would like to have controlled economic development.Those in favor
of controlled development want to proceed \'Jith caution and learn
more about what could happen to their communities as a result of the
project before committing to a growth plan.Additional information
regarding small communities·attitudes to\'/ard changes is provided in
Stephen R.Braund &Associates,1982.
Project-i nduced changes in Anchorage and Fai rbanks are expected to
be sl i ght.Resi dents of these ci ti es atti tudes to\'/ard change are,
therefore,not relevant here.
4.2 -Mitigation Alternatives
The goal of mitigation is to bring project-induced changes into
alignment with attitudes toward change,subject to cost constraints
and after the exi sti I1g capaci ti es and capabil iti es of the private
sector,local and government mechanisms,and social assimilation
mechanisms have been evaluated.
Two categories of mitigation tools will be considered.The first
category contains mitigation tools that significantly influence the
magnitude and geographic distribution of project-induced changes.
The second category contai ns tool s that hel p communi ti es or other
bodies cope \'1ith residual disruptions and budget deficits.Only if
the private sector,local and state government mechanisms,and
social assimilation mechanisms cannot adequately reduce project--
induced di srupti ons and costs shoul d the second category of mi ti ga-
ti on tool s be consi dered.Each of these categori es is di scussed
(a)Tool s That Infl uence the ~tagnitude and Geographi c Oi stri buti on
of Project-Induced Changes
Project schedul e,work schedul e,housi ng and rel ated facil i ti es
at constructi on and other sites,and a transportation program
for workers can be specifi ed to produce di fferent magni tudes
and geographi c di stri buti ons of project-i nduced changes.Each
specification will produce unique magnitudes and geographic
distributions.Associated \'iith each specification will be a
set of costs that will be borne by the Al aska Power Authori ty
through the Contractor (for example,costs of constructing and
operating housing and related facilities at the construction
sites),and a set of costs that coul d be borne by the Al aska
Power Authority.This latter set of costs includes the cost of
reduci ng di srupti ons and budget defi ci ts in communi ti es \'1here
the private sector,local and state government mechani sms and
social organizations would not have the capacity nor the capa-
bi 1 ity to reduce di srupti ons or budget defi cits to acceptabl e
levels.It will be desirable to select a specification that
minimizes the sum of the first and second sets of costs.
It is difficult to identify and quantify all of these costs,
especi ally some of the impl i ci t costs in the second set..Some
costs,such as disrupting or permanently changing individuals'
ways of life,are not readily quantified.Because of this
inherent problem,the following discussion and partial
specification of mitigation tools is to be regarded as an ap-
proximation for minimizing the sum of the first and second sets
of costs.One task of the Impact Management Program di scussed
below will be to refine this specification.
The project schedule can be used as a tool to smooth out work
force peaks and to 1engthen the constructi on peri od of the
project.Both of these actions have tended to reduce magni-
tudes and rates of project-i nduced changes in nearby com-
muni ti es impacted by other 1 arge projects.Al though the
schedule for this project is rather inflexible,it will be con-
sidered as a mitigation tool where possible.
The work schedul e can be used to i nfl uence the frequency of
.workers commuti ng or travel i ng to and from the constructi on
site.A schedule that includes frequent periods of one or more
days off encourages workers to relocate temporarily or per-
manently near the construction site.This will be avoided for
thi s project.The four week on,one ~Ieek off schedul e that is
planned for this project appears to be appropriate (that is,·it
wi 11 hel p bri ng project-i nduced changes in nearby communi ti es
into alignment with these communities attitudes I toward change).
The availability,type and quality of housing and related
faci 1i ti es has a tremendous i nfl uence on where \'iorkers I res-
i dences are located.It has been observed in other projects
that if adequate housing and related facilities are available
at the construction site of a rurally/remotely located project,
and that if the work schedule is appropriate,workers will tend
to maintain their existing residences.TIlis has the effect of
minimizing settlement by workers in communities near the
construction sites.
This project plans to provide single status accommodations for
most workers and family accommodations and related facilties
for some workers at the constructi on si tes.These arrange-
ments,together wi th the pl anned work schedul e,will serve to
minimize settlement of workers in nearby communities.This
\'/i11 help bring project-induced changes in nearby corrnnunities
into alignment with these communities attitudes toward change.
A transportation program for workers can infl uence both the ge-
ographic distribution and magnitude of project-induced
changes.In general,the proj ect schedul e,work schedul e,and
housing and related facilities generally tend to have a much
larger influence than does the transportation program.This
would not be true,however,if most workers traveled by
organized air transportation.
For this project,there will be no daily commuting due to the
distances involved and workers will not have the opportunity to
drive personal vehicles to the camp/village or construction
site.For these and other reasons,a multi-mode and flexible
transporta ti on program will best serve the interests of the
communi ti es and the workers.A program that i ncl udes a com-
bination of private and
organized ground (bus and,possibly,van)transportation will
allow those workers living in communities along the Parks
Highway,including the cities of Fairbanks and Anchorage,to
more eas;ly access the constructi on si tes.Workers coul d be
encouraged through i ncentivesto use organized transportation;
it has been observed on other projects that more local workers
are hired and that workers are less tired,more alert and
punctual,and miss fewer work hours and days if organized tran-
sportation is used.This will be particularly true for this
project because buses can cope better wi th the weather than
most private (personal)vehicles and reduced traffic will
result in fewer accidents.
The ground transportation can be structured to i nfl uence the
geographi c di stri buti on of proj ect-i nduced change s.The con-
figuration and location of park-and-ride lots as well as bus
stops are key variables.These will be considered in the
mitigation plan.
Organized air service will also influence the geographic dis-
tributi on and magni tude of project-i nduced changes.Ai r trans-
portati on from Anchorage and Fairbanks 'wi 11 encourage workers
who want to relocate to settle near or .in these cities.These
cities are the most able cities in Alaska to absorb population
i nf1 uxes.Anchorage is currently experi enci ng an i nfl ux of
about 1000 persons per month.It is projected that a total of
approximately about 1000 persons will relocate to Anchorage
during 1985 -1990 as result of this project.
Research to date indicates that air service should be limited
to a portion of the work force.Some level of air service (to
be determined)will help bring project-induced changes into
alignment with communities·attitudes toward changes.Air
service levels should be flexible because it might be desirable
to change the limitations if projectinduced changes do not
occur as anticipated.For example,during the peak construc-
ti on years,it mi ght be appropri ate to cons i der changi ng the
air service 1 imitations if the projectinduced changes become
inconsistent with the communities·attitudes towards changes.
This could occur if traffic and,perhaps,settlement becomes
too great during the peak periods.The air service will route
workers,particularly workers that arrive from out of the
regi on and do not want to settl e temporari ly or permanently in
the region,away from the smaller communities.
Further research must be done before organized air and/or
ground transportation programs are decided upon.Key areas for
research incl ude issues such as:recruitment and competi ti on
for workers;state or other regulations;union and worker
demands;-and potential employee problems.These areas of
research-will be included in later studies.
In summary,the Al aska Power Authori ty,through the current
work schedule,housing and related facilities plans at the con-
struction sites,and flexible transportation program,a number
of potentially negative projectinduced changes in the local
communiti es have al ready been avoi ded or parti ally reduced.
Specifications for these mitigation tools will be further
refined in the Impact Management Program (see Section c).
(b)Tools That Help Communities and Other Bodies Cope With Dis-
ruptions and Budget Deficits
Given that the mitigation tools discussed above have been con-
sidered and designeo for implementation,as appropriate,it is
then time to:(l)evaluate whether the private sector,local
and state government mechanisms,and social assimilation
mechanisms can adequately reduce any remaining disruptions and
bUdget deficits;(2)consider mitigation tools that can be used
to further reduce project-induced changes that are not ad-
equately reduced:and (3)consider mitigation tools that will
enhance positive project-induced changes.
The approach to considering mitigation tools and designing and
implementing mitigation measures will be systematic.Once it
is determined that the private sector,local and state govern-
ment mechanisms and social assimilation mechanisms are not
likely to have the capacity nor capability of providing for
sufficient reduction of disruptions and costs,mitigation tools
will be identified and mitigation measures will be developed.
These tools and measures will be site-specific and the probable
effects of each measure will be estimated.The cost of im-
plementing each measure \'Ii11 be estimated and each measure will
be evaluated for cost-effectiveness.This process will all ow
the Authority to select from a Ilmenu "of mitigation measures,
with knowledge of the probable effects and costs of the
selected measures.
There are several means by which the private sector,local and
state governments,social service organizations and,if appro-
pri ate,the Contractor/Al ask a Power Authori ty can reduce di s-
ruptions and budget deficits.These include:subdivision
development;temporary off-site housing;house financing;
provision of additional community facilities and/or services;
community planning;and project-community communication.
~iithin each of these categories,technical and/or financial as-
sistance can be provided.Each category is discussed briefly
Subdivision developments can be located in or near a com-
munity that is likely to receive unwanted project-induced
changes.The development can accommodate a few or many
families and include few or many facilities and services.The
extent of the Power Authori ty I s/Contractor lsi nvo 1vement coul d
be a di rect payment,a subsi di zed or unsubsi di zed loan,front
end financing,lot clearing and/or development,development
planning assistance,etc.This tool should not be considered
by the Contractor/Power Authori ty unl ess other enti ti es do not
come forth or unless other tools are inadequate.
-Temporary housing can be located in or near a community that
is likely to receive unwanted project-induced changes.This
type of development is less substantial than a subdivision de
velopment:it typically has pads or hookups for recreational
vehicles.or trailers,and sewer,water,laundry,shower,or re-
creational facilities might be available.Since this type of
development is not sui tabl e for famil i es,and because it woul d
work at cross purposes to the work camp,it will not be con-
sidered by the Power Authority/Contractor asa mitigation tool.
-House financing assistance could be provided to stimulate de-
velopers or to assi st rel ocati ng employees.It is recommen.ded
that the Authority/Contractor not use this tool because it will
tend to encourage rather than di scourage rel ocati on by
workers.One excepti on to thi s mi ght be at Cantwell.If the
Contractor does not provide family housing to senior rail head
construction workers and there is a shortage·of housing in
Cantwell,this tool could be considered.
-Additional community facilities and/or services could be
provi ded or fi nanced by the local or state government,or the
Power Authori ty /Contractor in areas where there are temporary
or permanent shortages or bUdget deficits caused by in--
migrating construction workers and their dependents.This
assistance could be relevant for Cantwell and to a lesser
extent the smaller communities of the Mat-Su Borough,if sup-
port is not sufficient through existing government mechanisms.
It should be noted that the majority of revenues used for com-
munity facilities and services in communities in the Local
Impact Area currently are deri ved directly or i ndi rectly from
the state.
-At the request of communities,limited corrmunity planning
assi stance coul d be provi ded by government agencies and/or the
Authority/Contractor to communities lacking planning bodies and
those with small or newly created planning bodies.This assis-
tance could include mitigation planning as well as helping to
coordinate mitigation planning and overall planning.
-Communication among the Alaska Power Authority/Contractor,
local and state agencies,and impacted communities through a
public participation program and other means is a necessity.
Informati on about anti ci pated project-i nduced changes must be
communicated to communities in a timely manner and community
attitudes toward these changes must be communicated back to the
Contractor in a timely manner.Timing is important because the
goal of the mitigation program will be to anticipate and pre
scribe mitigation measures in advance of the predicted impacts
rather than to react to impacts.Communication between
enti ties is discussed further in the presentation of the Impact
Management Program below.
-Social impacts of the project \~ill be monitored closely.If
it appears that the rapid growth of the communities most
affected by the project is resulting in an increase in social
problems and that existing social assimilation mechanisms such
as communi ty groups and human servi ce organi zati ons are not
adequate,the Alaska Power Authority/Contractor will consider
providing assistance.Forms that this assistance could take
are partial funding of a counselling clinic or community school
coordinator position in communities 1 ike Cantwell and Trapper
Creek.These communities do not have human service organiza-
tions available at present and it might be desirable to provide
for more communi ty development through the efforts of a
coomunity schoool coordinator.
To influence the geographic distribution of worker
settl ement,i ncenti ves coul d be provi ded to i nfl uence workers I
settlement decisions.These include various types of land
acquisition and housing subsidies.Some examples are:pre-
paring lots for or providing recreational vehicle,trailer or
mobile home pads;guarante~ing occupancy rates for local motel,
lodge,or mobile home/tra i1 er park o\'Iners;and he 1 pi ng to
fi nance housi ng developments.To be effecti ve at a1 teri ng the
geographic distribution of project-induced changes,careful
consideration must be given to where and under what conditions
these subsidies would be available.These types o'f incentives
will be considered at a later time if other mitigation tools do
not result in a desirable geographic distribution of
project-induced changes.
- A tool for enhanci ng posi ti ve project-i nduced changes is to
actively encourage through incentives the hire of residents in
locally impacted communities and,more generally,Alaska.Ways
to increase employment of local labor will be investigated.
There are at least a couple of reasons to believe that local
labor might have a difficult time obtaining construction jobs.
One reason is that Al aska 1 aw currently states that 95%of the
work force must be Alaska residents.Eligibilitiy requirements
for res i dency are such tha t newcomers to Al aska do not ha ve
difficulty meeting the resident requirement.If this con-
tinues,it will tend to make it more difficult for local labor
to obtain employment on the project.
A second deterrent to the hi re of 1abor from the communi ti es
most impacted by the project is rel at,ed to the fact that a sub-
stanti a1 amount of uni on 1abor will be used for the proj ect.
Local workers who do not belong to unions will have a more dif
ficult time trying to obtain employment on the project,and in
rna nyof the small communities near the dam sites,fewer pote n-
tial workers belong to unions than in the larger metropolitan
4.3 -Impact Management Program
The goal of the impact management progam is to ensure that impacted
communities or other bodies adequately handle project-induced
changes.The challenge in meeting this goal lies in (l)creating
and maintaining a balance between the capacity of the community or
other body to handle project-induced changes,and the combined capa-
bilities of the market mechanism (private sector),local and state
government mechani sms,and soci al assimi 1ati on mechani sms to handl e
these changes;(2)i denti fyi ng appropri ate mi ti gati on tool sand
designing and implementing cost-effective mitigation measures to
achieve the balance if the balance is not obtained in (l);and (3)
anticipating and responding to project-induced imbalances in a pos-
itive and timely manner.
For example,it is probable that there will be an imbalance will be
created in Cantwell in 1985.There coul d be a shortage of educati on
services and housing.One of the first tasks of this Program will
be to address such potential imbalances and to consider and select
ways to avoid or ameliorate them.
To lIelp create the balance through existing mechanisms the
Authority/Contractor will have to work closely with the communities,
the private sector,government institutions such as the Alaska
Department of Communi ty and Regi onal Affai rs,and human servi ce or-
ganizations.Where an appropriate balance cannot be created and/or
maintained through existing mechanisms,the Authority/Contractor
wi 11 systemati cally develop and impl ement the most cost-effective
mitigation measures possible.
For this project,the socioeconomic impact management program will
be composed of the following elements:
1.A continued upddte and a possible expansion of the socio-
economi c forecasts to ensure that the Base Case is adequately
defined so that projectinduced changes can be more accurately
predicted prior to the start of the construction.This will
include monitoring of state and local economic and social in-
dicators.If substantial uncertainty exists in key assumptions
or perameters,a multiple scenario model will be considered.
2.A conti nued moni tori ng and surveyi ng of the construction work
force to enabl e the contractor to i denti fy s assess and handl e
problems that may arise.This monitoring program will also
assist in separating project-induced changes from other changes.
3.A program will be created to develops implement and evaluate
mitigation strategies s plans s and measures.The
mi ti gati on tool s di scussed above woul d be consi dered in the
mitigation strategizing and planning processes.It is antici-
pated that representatives from impacted communities s the Power
Authority and the Contractor should participate in the creation
and implementation of this program.
4.The Power Authority should develops with the assistance of the
Contractors a public participation program.The purpose of
this program would be to communicate forecasted project-ineuced
changes to parties-at-interest (communities and other bodies)
and to communi cate cornmuniti es I atti tudes towards these changes
iJack to the Contractor.It would also be used to assist with
the developement and evaluation of mitigation strategies s
plans s and measures.
In summary s the impact management program i ncl udes impact assess-
ments public participations and impact mitigation and monitoring.
It isanti ci patory rather than reactionary and provi des the best
available means for aligning project-induced changes with the com-
muni ty I S or other body I s a tti tudes toward change.Th i sis accomp-
lished by creating and maintaining a balance between the capacity of
the communi ty or other body to handl e proj ect-i nduced changes sand
the combined capabilities of the market mechanisms local and state
government mechanisms s and social assimilation mechanisms to handle
these changes.The Authority/Contractor will first work through
existing mechanisms to mitigate project-induced changes.Where this
effort is considered to be inadequate s the Authority/Contractor will
review and select cost-effective mitigation measures.
(l )Frank Orth &Associates,Inc.SusitnaHydroelectric Project
Environmental Studies,Subtask 7.05:Socioeconomic Analysis
Phase!.Report,prepared for Acres Amer;can,Inc.ana the
Alaska Power Authority,April,1982.
(2)Alaska Department of Labor,Statistical Quarterly,vadous
(3)Matanuska-Susitna Borough Pl anning Department,rtJatanuska-
Susana Borough Population Survey,Palmer,AK,1981.
(4)Community of Cantwell,Inc.,1982 Population Census,conducted
in coordination with the U.S.Postal Service,Cantwell,AK.
(5)U.S.Department of Commerce,Bureau of Economic Analysis,
Personal Income Statistics.
(6)Policy Analysts,Limited and Dr.Richard Ender,Mat~Su ~ousing
and Economi c Development Study:Survey Fi ndi ngs,Anchorage,
AK,May 1980.
(7)Matanuska-Susitna Borough Land Management Division,personal
communication,December 22,1982.
(8)Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs,personal
communication,October 22,1982.
(9 )Palmer City Manager,personal communication,October 15,1981.
(10)Arctic Environmental Engineers,Solid Waste Disposal Study,
prepared for the Matanuska-Susitna Borough,1977 and 1978.
(11)Alaska State Department of Transportation and Public
Facilities,Maintenance and Operations Division,personal
communication,September 23,1982.
(12)Alaska State Department of Transportation and Public
Facilities,Planning and Research Division,personal
communication,September 22,1982.
(13)Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities,
Traffic Division,personal communication,September 21,1982.
(14)Matanuska-Susitna Borough Service Area Coordinator,personal
(15)Alaska Railroad,personal communication,January,1981.
(16)Valley Hospital,personal communication,October 14,1982.
(l n Community of Cantwell,Inc.,personal communication,September
(18)Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District,Prioritized Capital
Project List,October,1981.
(l9)Matanuska-Susi tna Borough Fi nance Department,t4atanuska-
Susitna Borough 1981-1982 Annual Budget,Palmer AK,June
1981 .
(20)Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District,Matanuska-Susitna
Borough School District Proposed Budget Fiscal Year 1981-82,
Palmer AK,June 1981 .
(21)City of Houston,Office of the Mayor,Ordinance 80-Z-l,
Establishment and Adoption of tile 0Eeratin g and Capital
Budget for FY8l/82,WasillaAK,June 19 1.
(22)City of Palmer,Office of the Mayor,Budget Preparation
Worksheet for Fiscal Year 1982,Palmer AK,November 1981.
(23)City of Wasilla,Office of the Mayor,City of l~asilla:Budget
FY /81,Wasi 11 a AK,June 1981.;
(24)Matanuska-Susitna Borough Finance Director,personal
(25)Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District Business Manager,
personal communication,December 1981.
(26)Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs,Local
Government Assistance Division,personal communication,
November 1,1982.
(27)Railbelt School District Superintendent,personal
communication,September 30,1982.
(28)Anderson,E.and J.Chalmers,Economic/Demographic Assessment
Manual:Current Practices,Procedural Recommendations,and a
Test Case,~lountain West Research,Tempe,AZ,1977.
(29)Burchell,R.W.and D.Listokin,The Fiscal Impact Handbook,
The Center for Urban Policy Research,Princeton,NJ,1978.
(30)Leistritz,F.L.and S.Murdock,The Socioeconomic Impact of
Resource .Development:Methods for Assessment,vlestvi eVI
Press,Soul der,CO,1981.
(31)Stenehjem,LJ.and J.E.Metzger,A Frame\'wrk for Projecting
Employment and Popul ation Changes Accompanyi 119 Energy
Development,Argonne National Laboratory,Argonne,IL,1980.
Morrison-Knudsen Company,Inc .•W.J.Renauld,personal
communication,December 16.1981.
Pl as terersand Cement t;1asons Local 867 ,personal communi-
cation.Januat'y 18,1982..
Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 367,personal communication,
January 18,1982.
Quebec Hydro Center.personal communication,November 20,1981.
N.W.Alaskan Pipeline Company.personal communication,December
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union Local
1547,personal communication,January 18,1982.
(38)Ironworkers Local 751,personal communication.January 18,
(39)Laborers and Hod Carriers Local 341,personal communication,
January 18,1982.
(40)Dow Chemical U.S.A .•personal communication,November 24,
(41)Frank t~oolin &Associates,personal communication,November
(42)CCC Architects and Planners,personal communication,November
(43)Alaska Department of Labor,Division of Research and Analysis.
personal co~nunication,January 30,1981.
(44)Alaska Department of Labor,Division of Research and Analysis,
personal communication,December 15,198f.
(45)U.S.Army Corps of Engineers.Engineer Institute for Water
Resources,Constuction Workforce,Fort Belvoir,Virginia.
(46)Denver Research Institute.Socioeconomic Impacts of Power
Plants.prepared for Electric Power Research Institute.
(47)Metz W.C."Worker/Vehicle Ratios at Major Eastern Power Plant
Construction Sites:A Time of Change.II Traffic Quarterly.
Vol.35.No.3.July 1981.
(48)Metz w.C.•Construction Workforce Management:Worker
Transportation and Temporary Rousing Techniques.prepared
for the Western Rural Development Center.September,1981.
(49)Holmes &Naver,Inc.,Life Support Facility Planning and
Evaluation Concept Study for Construction and Deployment
Personnel M-X Weapons System,prepared for the U.S.Army
Corps of Engeneers,January 19,1981.
(50)University of Alberta,Faculty of Extension,Computer
Model sand Forecasti ng Soci o-Economi c Impacts of Growth and
Development,Proceedings of a Conference Held in Jasper Park
Lodge,April 20-23,1980.
(51)Ahtna,Inc.,personal communication,October 4,1982.
personalDirector,(52)Natanuska-Susitna Borough Finance
communication,October 20,1982.
(53)Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Catch and Average Size Per
Fish Statistics,1982.
(54)Commercial Fisheries Entry Commisssion,personal communication,
(55)Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Cook Inlet Regional
Enhancement Plan,February 1982.~,
(56)Commercial Fisheries Entry Commisssion,personal cOll1munication,
Permit Use,1975-1981.
(57)Mills,M.J.,Statewide Harvest Survey,Alaska Department of
Fish and Game,1979-1981.
(58)Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Soldotna Regional Office,
personal communication,May 1982.
(59)Terrestrial Environmental Specialists,Inc.Susitna
Hydroelectric Project Phase I Environmental Studies Final
Report,Subtask 7.07:Land Use Analysis,prepared for Acres
American,Inc.and the Alaska Power Authority,April,1982.
(60)Jim Bailey,personal communication,October 1,1982.
(61)Alaska Department of Fish and Game Ballard,Susitna
Hydroe 1ectri c Proj ect Phase I Fi na 1 Report,Big Game
Studles,Volume III Moose -Upstream,submltted to the
Alaska Power Authority,March 1982.
(62)Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Susitna Hydroelectric
Project Phase I Final Report,Big Game Studies,Volume II
Moose -Downstream,submitted to the Alaska Power Authority,
Illarch 1982.
(63)Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Results of the 1980;.81
Southcentral Alaska Trapper Questionnaire.
(64)Jubenville,A.,T.Gasbarro,and S.Regan,Susitna
Hydroelectric Project Annual Report on Land-Use Analysis,
prepared by the Agricultural Experiment Station,School of.
Agriculture and Land Resources Management,University of
Al aska -Fai rbanks,for the Al aska Power Authori ty,January
H.E.Goldberg &Co.,The Goldberg Report Fur Price List,
Seattle,WA,Spring 1982
Alaska Department of Fish and Game Biologist Herb Melchior,
personal communication,June '1982.
Agricultural Experiment Station,School of Agriculture and
Land Resources Management,University of Alaska -Fairbanks,
Susitna Hydroelectric Study Project r'1anager Philip Gipson,
personal communication,September 1982.
(68)Metz,W.C.,Industry Initiatives in Impact Mitigation,
Prepared for the Proceedings of the Alaska Symposium on
Social,Economic,and Cultural Impacts of Natural Resource
Development,Anchorage AK,August 25,1982.
(69)~1etz,W.C.,liThe Mitigation of Socioeconomic Impacts by
Electric Utilities ll
,Public Utilities Fortnightly,September
(70)Metz,\~.C.,IIEnergy Industry Involvement in Worker
Transportation,1I Submitted to Transportation Quarterly,
October 1981.
(71)State ,of Alaska,Office of the Governor,Division of Policy
Development and Planning,Human Impact of Large-Scale
Development Projects,Policy Analysis Paper No.82-7.
(72)Mountain West Research North,Inc.,Guide to Social
Assessment,Prepared for the Bureau of Land Management
Social Effects Project,Billings MT,July 1982.
1.-1 l 1 I }1 j 1 j )-.f
•Data unaval1able due to dIsclosure polley.
{a)Figures may not total correctly because of averagIng and disclosure lImitatIons on data.
Source:Alaska Department of Labor.StatIstIcal Quarterly.Juneau.4 AK.(various Issues)
1939,1950,1960,1970, 1976,1980,1981
Community 1939 1950·1960 1970 1976(a)1980 (b)1981 (a)
""""Talkeetna 136 106 76 182 328 265 640
vii 11 ow N.A.(c)N.A.78 38 (323)134 N.A.
Wasilla 96 97 112 300 1566 1548 2168
Palmer 150 890 1181 1140 1643 2143 2567 -
~tontana N.A.N.A.39 33 76 40 N.A.
Big Lake N.A.N.A.74 36 721 412 2408
Chickaloon N.A.N.A.43 22 62 20 N.A.'""'"Eska Sutton 14 54 215 89 496 N.A N.A.
Houston N.A. N.A.N.A.69 375 325 600
Community 1950 1960 1970 1976 1980(b}1982(d}
Nenana 242 286 382 493 471 N.A.
Healy tJ.A.N.A.79 503 333 N.A.
Cantwell N.A.85 62 N.A.182 183
Paxson N.A.N.A.20 N.A.30 N.A.
Gl ennall en 142 169 363 N.A.488 N.A.
Copper Center 90 151 206 N.A.213 N.A.
Gakona 50 33 88 N.A.85 N.A.
Gulkana 65 51 53 N.A.111 N.A.
(a)Mat-Su Borough Survey.The methodology for these surveys differs from
U.S.Census data and hence the 1976 and 1981 figures are not comparable
to Census data.
(b)Alaska Department of Labor,Administrative Services Division.January ~
1,1981.Alaska 1980 Population:A Preliminary Overview.Juneau,AK.
(c)N.A.=Not Available.
(d)Community Census,September 1982.
Source:For all other data,U.S.Department of Commerce,Bureau of the Census.
(a)Discounted using the Anchorage Consumer Price Index -Urban (CPI-U)
as a measure of inflation.
Source:U.S.Department of Commerce,Bureau of Economic Analysis.
(a)Includes an area that is outside of Palmer and Wasilla's city
1 imi ts and extends west to Houston and east to Sutton.
(b)Includes an estimated 69 housing units in Trapper Creek.
Sources:Matanuska-Susitna Borough Planning Department,Population and
Housing Survey,October 1981;and Cantwell Population and Housing Census,
J 1 ]~i }}})1 1 i I l ..~I ]JTABLEE.5.5
4J l::Governmentr-.....a
ttl r-.....eo
VI .j.J U .....+>CJ).....
a lJl ttl U eo l::(1)"D (1)
0.0 Lo-ro r-+.I .....U (1)r-
Scho-o 15 l/l 0...L0-co t.."'0 .....=;::J.....(1)-iJ 0 r->........"'0 0:I::)t..t..t....c:'r-0......t..l::(1)
(1)(1)E (1)ttl -iJ 0.VI :J (1)0 VI .j.J (1)
(1)Q.U (1).j.J U r-l/l l::ca (1)E V1 .....Vl VI co EC+J a .....+-'t:co 0 ro u (1)4J VI ro t..a>,l/l 0 ~lJl r-(1)E (1):c t->,.....4J (1)eo (1)co ~0 :I:co t..ro s....0 >,~u s....::I:-0 I-0..j.J 4-Vl t:U ~~U 0..j.J eo 3:I-0...V1 co (1)r-eo .....>-,.....4->,0 'r-:J U s...."0l::"D s....:c ..c:I-~ro 0 u t..s....t:a VI .c:'t:0::"'0 0 (1)
(1)t:(1)s....s...."'0 (1)~-iJ +.I ro s....l/l s.........+-'ro :::J t-o.:J +J t:U .....
E 0 .c:OJ (1).....+-'eo s....(1)~CJ)+-'(1)"0 r-~l/l s....~+.I .l>o::(1)(1)E (1)VI 0 r::4-
(1)u CJ).j.J 3:~eo u :J s....co C t:t:eo .....-D s......Q l/l s....~.~E E s....u ..........;.
~(1).....co (1)0 +J 0 0 'r-'(1)0 (1)(1)0 eo :J 'r-.....0 0 ttl 0 (1)0 0 .....(1)t:t:LLJ VI :c 3:V1 V1 V1 ...J U Lo-...,.......J ~(!l C':-0::0...0::(--l U 0... 0...D..I-U ::r:LJ...V1 ::::>::>a
Nenana ***'****** *** *** *
'k *
Cantwell * * * ***'*** ***Trapper Creek ** **** ***Talkeetna **** ****** * ***
Hi 11 ow ***;.* **'*****.
Houston ***** * **Palmer ** * ** *'*:'r *'*'**'**** * ********
\·Jas ill a ..*'*** *'* '*
*** ** * * * ***
Paxson ** ** ***
Glennallen ** **'***1,* * * *****1,*
Copper Center * **********-k *
Gakona *** ******
Healy *** *******1,**..*
Gulkana **** ******
Valdez **** * * ******....*** ** *****
Anchorage ** *****'** *
*-I<******* *******
Fairbanks ******* **********'***1,*** * *
School Conditi onl
School Type Grade Capacity Enrollment Plans for Expansion
Big Lake E 1-6 350 177 No pl ans.
Butte E 1-6 500 300 No plans.
Glacier View E/J 1-8 60 50 Currently consists of port-
ables.Plan to build two
Iditarod E Pre-6 550 460 Recently burned down.Plan
to have back in operation by
Sherrod E Pre l
3-6 450 454 No plans.
Skwentna E/J/S 4-12 15 16 No plans.
Snowshoe E 1-6 500 409 New facility.
Swanson E l l 2 350 231 No plans.
Talkeetna E 1-6 120 65 No plans.
Trappers Creek E 1-6 30 40 Presently four portable facilities
Have submitted a grant proposal
for facility consisting of 4 class
rooms and a gym/multipurpose room .
~I I t ~J ••J J J J J J ]J
I )J I }I ]1
1 1 .~.})J ~]1
School Condit i onl
School Type Grade Capacity Enrollment Plans for Expansion
Wasilla Elem.E 1
120 90 Very old facility with half of
building condemned.Have
plans for a new facility in
Willow E1 em.E 1-6 91 96 Expansion considered in the
five year building plan.
Pa lmer J 7-8 500 332 No plans.
Wasilla J 7-8 600 353 Recently completed addi-
t i on to facil ity.
Palmer S 9-12 900 619 No plans.
Sus itna Va 11 ey J/S 7-12 180 122 Plans for additions for the
band and vocational studies.
Wasilla S 9-12 1,200 715 Recently completed addition
to the facility.
Susitan Com-CC N/A N/A 1.500 N/A
munity College
E =Eremenfary;J =Junior;S =Senior;CC =COll1nunity College
Source:Matamuska-Susitna Borough School District.
1970 1975 1979 1970 1975 1979
Total ..L Total ..L Total ...!...J..._1 _%
TOTAl l •Nonagricultural Industries 62,690 100.0 113,818 100.0 113,204 100.0 67.8 70.4 68.0
Mining 1,610 2.6 2,243 2.0 2,822 2.5 53.7 59.2 48.9
Construction 5,264 8.4 16,359 14.4 8,257 7.3 76.3 63.6 81.8
rt1 Manufacturing 1,850 3.0 2,596 2.3 3.705 3.3 23.7 26.9 28.9
tTl Transportation -Communication &I
l-'Ut 11 it i es 6,021 9.6 12.094 10.6 12.062 10.7 r 66.2 73.4 72.2a
Wholesale Trade 5,366 4.7 5.083 4.5 90.8 92.2
12,111 19.3 79.2
Retail Trade 15.965 14.0 18.309 16.2 78.6 76.7
finance-Insurance and Real Estate 2,520 4.0 4.696 4.1 6.139 5.4 81.3 17.9 76.4
Services 8.868 14.1 20.995 18.4 19,674 17.4 17.8 83.5 69.4
Federal Government 12,372 19.7 13,022 11.4 12.728 11.2 72.4 71.2 71.0
State and local Government 11,585 18.5 17,799 15.6 21.130 18.7 62.6 60.9 57.7
Mi scell aneous 52 .1 217 .2 712 .6 26 19.0 98.9
lS ums of individual entries may not equal totals due to averaging and disclosure limitations on data.
Source:Alaska Department of labor.Statistical Quarterly.Juneau,AK.(various issues)
!.I !J 1 .~I ,I 1 I ,t J ,I ]
Type of NUfTlber of Percent of....Unit Units Total
Single Family 30,OQ7 4S.A
p5!f Tc
Duplex fi,040 q.2
3-4 Un its 1i,211 9.4
5-19 Units 9,3!16 14.2
20+Units li,036 g.?
Mobil e Homes A,031 12.2
In Parks fi,140 9.3
On Lots 1,885 2.q
Total liS,771 1On.n
Source:Municipality of Anchorage Planning nepartment.
OCTOBER lq7R "'"'"
Source:Fairbanks North Star Borough Community Information r.p-nter.
Community Information Ouarterly:Summer lqRO.Volume III,Number _
i )i )I 1 t 1 ))}~I j
TABLE E.5.10
1970 1975 .1979
Total %Total %Total %
TOTAL1~Nonagricultural Industries 92,400 100.0 161,689 100.0 166,406 100.0
Mining 3,000 3.2 3,790 2.3 5,773 3.5
Construction 6,900 7.5 25,735 15.9 10,092 6.1
Manufacturing 7,800 8.4 9,639 6.0 12,818 7.7
Transportation -Communication &
rr1 Util Hies 9,100 9.8 16,473 .10.2 16,704 10.0r
......Wholesale Trade 3,200 3.5 5,908 3.7 5,511 3.3I-'
Retail Trade 12,100 13.1 20,300 12.6 23,877 14.3
Finance-Insurance and Real Estate 3,100 3.3 6,030 3.7 8,035·4.8
Services 11,400 12.3 25,136 15.5 28,345 17.0
Federal Government 17,100 18.5 18,288 11.3 17,915 10.8
St~teand Local Government 18,500 20.0 29,247 18.1 36,617 22.0
Miscellaneous 200 .2 1,143 .7 720 .4
1 Figures may not total correctly because of averaging.
Source:Alaska Department of Labor.Statistical Quarterly.Juneau,AK.
(various issues).
Present Conditions Watana Construction Peak Oevil ~anyon Peak
With Project
Housing Demand
(no.of units)
(gallons per day)
Solid Waste Disposal
(acres per year)
UM Sewage Treatment
~(gallona per day)
(primary students)
(secondary students)
Hospital Beds
Parks (acres)
N.A.-Not Applicable
1.3 (a)
Population increase reFers to population inFlux in Mat-Su Borough communities,and does not include population residing only at work
camp/vi 11age.
By place of employment.
Community parks generally contain facilities such as tennis courts,ball diamonds,play apparatus,basketball
courts,nature walks,and swimming pools.
Source:Forecasts by Frank Orth &Associates,Inc.
I ~J -)I J I "D J .J ~.~J .1 I J
j ]-1 I 1 ]]I -I 1•
Present Conditions Watana Construction Peak Devil Canyon Peak
Percent Percent
1990 Increase Increase
1981 1990 Forecast Impact Over 1999 1999 Impact Over
Socioeconomic 1981 Amount/Baseline with of Baseline Baseline Forecast of Baseline
Variable Capacity Usage Forecast Project Project Forecast Forecast With Project Project Forecast
Population N.A.2,567 4,525 4,567 42 0.9 6,167 6,200 33 0.5
(a)N.A.(b) (b)(b)27 (b)(b)(b)
Employment - -----
Housing Demand 872 783 1,551 1.563 12 0.8 2,299 2.311 12 0.5
(no.of units)
Water 1.368,000 300,000 608,000 614,000 6.000 1.0 918,000 923,000 5,000 0.5
(gallons per day)
.."Sewage Treatment 500,000 300,000 543,000 548,000 5,000 0.9 740,000 744,000 4,000 0.5I
tJ1 (gallons per day)
I--'Police B 8 8 8 0 0 9 9 0 0.0I--'
Education BOO(c)685 (c)(primary students)569 580 11 1.9 826 830 4 0.5
(c)951 (c)485 490 5 1.0 704 708 4 0.6(secondary atudents)1,400
Hospital Beds N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A. N.A.
N.A.-Not Applicable
(a)By place of employment
(b)Data not available
(c)School service areas do not correspond exactly to city limits.1981 enrollment may include a service area
that extends beyond city boundaries,whereas projections for 1990 and 1999 refer only to school children living
in Palmer
Source:Forecasts by Frank Orth &Associates,Inc.
Present Conditions Watana Construction Peak Devil Canyon Peak
1,170 959(c)
Housing Demand
(no.of units)
(gallons per day)
Sewage Treatment
~(gallons per day)
I Police............
U1 Education
(primary st
(secondary students)
Hospit al Beds
N.A •
With Project
N.A.-Not Applicable
(a)By place of employment
(b)Data not available
(c)School service areas do not correspond exactly to city limits.1981 enrollment may include a
service area that extends beyond city boundaries,whereas projections for 1990 and 1999 refer
only to school children living in Wasilla.
Source:Forecasts by Frank Orth &Associates,Inc.
I B J I .J !j ~..1 m ]m 1 J J
J )1 ~I 1 J j 1 1 1 ~j ]1
Present Conditions Watana Construction Peak Devil Canyon Peak
Percent Percent
1990 Increase Increase
1981 1990 Forecast Impact Over 1999 1999 Impact Over
Socioeconomic 1981 Amount!Baseline with of Baseline Baseline Forecast of Baseline
Variable Ca[l~~!t}'LJ~f1gl!Forecast Project Project Forecast Forecast With Project Project Forecast
Population N.A.600 1,415 1,453 3B 2.7 3,335 J,367 32 1.0
(a)N.A.(b)(b) (b)15 (b)(b) (b)7 (b)Employment -- ----
Housing Demand 229 207 508 522 14 2.8 1,249 1,261 12 1.0
(no.of units)
Water N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.
(gallons per day)
Sewage Treatment N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.rn (gallons per day)I
I Police N.A.N.A. N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.>-'
(J')Education O(c)O(c)(primary students)178 184 6 3.4 447 451 4 0.9
(secondary students)O(c)O(c)152 156 4 2.6 JBO 384 4 1.1
Hospital Beds N.A. N.A.N.A. N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.
N.A.-Not Applicable
(a)By place of employment
(b)Data not available
(c)School service areas do not correapond to city limits.Children in Houston currehtly attend schools outside of the city.
A aecondary school initially accommodating 300 students is planned.
Source:Forecasts by Frank Orth &Associates,Inc.
Present Conditions Watana Construction Peak Devil Canyon Peak
Percent Percent
1990 Increase Increase
1981 1990 Forecast Impact Over 1999 1999 Impact Over
Socioeconomic 1981 Amount!Baseline with of Baseline Baseline Forecast of Baseline
Variable Capacity Usage Forecast Project Project Forecast Forecast With Project Project forecast
Population N.A.225 320 661 341 106.6 456 101 245 49.8
(b)(b)(b)66 (b)(b)(b)31 (b)
Employment ------
Housing Demand 69 68 101 221 114 106.5 169 261 92 54.4
(no.of unite)
fTl Water N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A. N.A.N.A. N.A. N.A.N.A.
I (gallons per day)
t--'Sewage Treatment N.A. N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A. N.A.N.A.N.A.t--'
'-.l (gallons per day)
Police N.A.N.A.N.A. N.A. N.A.
N.A. N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.
Education 30(c)40(d)(primary students)18 128-148 50-10 64.1 116 151 ...111 35-55 30.1
(secondary students)oed) oed)34 14 40 111.6 52 82 30 51.1
Hospital Beds N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.
N.A.-Not Applicable
(a)By place of employment
(b)Data not available
(c)Planned capacity of 100,with room for expansion to 200.
(d)School service areas do not correspond exactly to community delineations.The Trapper Creek elementary school
serves a wide area outside of the community.Secondary school-age children from Trapper Creek attend Susitna
Valley High School.
Source:Forecasts by Frank Orth &Associates,Inc.
..J I J .J J I J J J .J ..J j J J .I J I i
1 J !]J i ]j I )1 1 ]]1
Present Conditions Watana Construction Peak Devil Canyon Peak
Percent Percent
1990 Increase Increase
1981 1990 Forecast Impact Over 1999 1999 Impact Over
Socioeconomic 1981 Amount/Baseline with of Baseline Baseline Forecast of Baseline
Variable C_apacity Usage Forecast Project Project Forecast Forecast With Project Project Forecast
Population N.A.640 1,000 1,263 263 26.3 1,563 1,773 210 13.4
(a)N.A.(b)(b) (b)(b)(b)(b)(b)
Employment ---71 ---34
Housing Demand 196 194 334 421 87 26.0 581 658 77 13.3
(no.of units)
\~at er N.A.N.A. N.A.N.A. N.A.N.A.N.A. N.A. N.A.N.A.
(gallons per day)
--Sewage Treatment N.A.N.A."l.A.N.A. N.A. N.A.N.A.N.A. N.A."l.A.
m (gsllons per day)
Ul Police N.A.N.A. N.A."l.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.I.....
t-'Educationco 120(d)n(d)(primary students)126 164 38 30.2 209 240 31 14.8
(secondary students)O(d)O(d)107 138 31 29.0 178 204 26 14.6
Hospital Beds N.A.N.".N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.
N.A.-Not Applicable
(a)By place of employment
(b)Data not available
(c)School aervice areas do not correspond exactly to community delineations.Secondary school-age children attend
Susitna Valley Hiqh School.
Source:Forecasts by Frank Orth &Associates,Inc.
Present Conditions Watana Construction Peak Devil Canyon Construction Peak
Percent Percent
1990 Increase Increase
1982 1990 Forecast Impact Over 1999 1999 Impact Over
Socioeconomic 1982 Amount/Baseline With of Baseline Baseline forecast of Baseline
Variable Capacity Usage Forecast Project Project Forecast forecast With Project Project forecast
Population N.A.183 214 641 427 199.5 256 543 287 112.1
Housing Demand 96 69 78 205 127 162.8 93 178 85 91.4
(no.of units)
(Jl Water N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.I
I-'(gallons per day)I-'
Sewage Treatment N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A. N.A. N.A.
(gallons per day)
Police N.A.1 1 2 1 100.0 1 2 1 100.0
Education 60 33 39 135 96 246.2 46 108 62 134.8
N.A.-Not Applicable
Source;Forecasts by Frank Orth &Associates,Inc.
J J ,I I J )I I J J J j J J J i
J 1 1 !1 ])]j 1 1 )1 »1 1 -1\
Watana Construction Peak Devil Canyon Peak
Percent Percent
1990 Increase Increase
1990.forecast Impact Over 1999 1999 Impact Over
Socioeconomic 1980 Baseline with of Baseline Baseline Forecast of Baseline
Variable Amount forecast Project Project forecast forecast With Project Project forecast
Population 284,166 J97,999 400,J23 2,324 0.6 47"5,191 474,419 1,228 O.J
Employment 114,112(b)200,112 206,477 6,365 J.2 232,J11 235,668 3,357 1.4
Households 96,899 138,938 139,794 856 0.6 171,895 172,J84 489 O.J
(0)Includes the following census divisions:Anchorage,Kenai Peninsula,Mat-Su Borouqh,fairbanks-North Star Borouqh,S.E.fairbanks and
(b)Average employment during the first nine months of 1980.
Source:rorecasts by frank Orth &Associates,Inc.
................._....-......................--.........---....-_.......--_..........................-..--...--- ---..- ---------- ---- - -..----
1985 19B6 19B7 198B 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 (994 1995 1m 1997 1m 1999 2001:1 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
-----_....----------_..-_...--_...-----_.._--------- ----------------------------...-_..-......-.......-
lABOPERS 562 an 1m 1m 1897 2369 2202 1m 894 549 J38 m 844 1076 1144 1002 507 105
SEMI-5t IllED/SKlllED 148 1"::;55 448 502 627 5SJ 422 220 136 92 148 m m 312 308 234 24"J
ADMIN IsmATI VE IENGINEEP.390 184 268 359 402 502 467 355 185 liS 71 115 I7b 229 m 187 159 22
SUB-IOIAl CONSIRUClION 1100 1350 1902 2500 281)1 me 31 £'':I 2500 1299 800 501 802 1250 1600 1699 1497 900 151.".
rn All lA80R CATEGORIES 71)145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 170 170 170 170
I......Tom 1100 mo 1902 2500 2801 3498 32S2 2500 1169 945 646 941 1m 1m 1844 1642 1045 321 170 170 170
I J J J J I ,I .1 J I ;1 .1
j 1 1 -1 1 .~J 1 -])])1 -1 1 )
AND OUT-OF-STATE,1985-2002
REGIONAL 1905 1906 1907 1900 1909 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
LABORERS 18m 178 717 1007 1m 1612 2014 1872 1465 760 4b7 287 458 717 915 m 852 4ll 89
SKILLED 10011 118 258 284 359 402 S02 466 337 176 109 74 118 184 m 250 246 187 19
ENGINEERING 165tJ 254 120 174 233 261 J2b J04 2JI 120 75 46 75 114 149 150 122 lOJ 14
sualOIAl REGIONAL 850 1094 1545 2031 n76 2842 2642 2m 1056 650 407 651 1016 1299 !JOO 1220 m 122
LABORERS (107,)56 84 128 169 190 m 220 172 a9 55 J4 54 84 lOB 114 100 51 11
St.IlLED 11511
AOKlIU :mAil VEl
m 108 262 344 306 482 448 H2 178 110 69 111 172 221 2J4 202
250 255 357 469 m 6S6 610 4b7 243 150 94 151 m 301 JI9 m
11')0 1350 1902 25'"):'601 3498 3252 2500 1299 aDo 501 802 1250 1600 1699 1497
Source:Acres American,Inc.
I J I ]j I J J I J ,.•),I I j )_I I
f 1 J 1 j !)1 ]1 ]1 1 l )
1985-2005 IN THOUSANDS OF 1981 DOLLAnS
1995 190b 1987 1909 1989 1990 1991 1992 1m 1994 1995 1990 1997 1998 1999 ZOOO 2001 2002 2001 2004 200S
LAbORERS 10B47 2512J 38m 50139 500b3 709B4 b590S 51529 20000 10543 10100 1bl41 25m 12211 34255 29892 14950 1114
S~ILLED 1071 9102 9441 11750 11109 10440 15202 10041 5475 3389 23Bl 1871 5952 7725 8189 9182 0418 57t
ENGINEER 9159 lBIO 5555 mo a334 10404 WI 73b2 384~mo 1405 2J74 J055 4737 S038 1940 1289 m
m SUBTOTAL CONSIRUCTION 28m 38295 51115 0992S 70100 97028 9mB 09534 30121 22110 14034 22300 35040 44671 47482 42020 24m 4180I
N DPERj,TlONS 191+>-.......-------
ALL LABOR CATEGORIES 2b84 ~559 5559 5559 5559 5559 5559 5559 5559 0517 0517 0517 0517
TOTAL PAYROLL 28m JBm ml5 69925 70100 97828 90930 09534 lB007 27809 19593 27m 40599 50132 53041 47579 Jom 10m 0517 11517 11m
IN THE REGION_..___________________................_.....____________________...----_......-_...._........_.........._..._----------------------.....--"!-......__..oo ....._--------...-...
1~85 1~8b 1987 19BB 198~1990 1~~1 1992 1m 19~4 19~5 19~b 1~97 19~B .1999 2000 200\2002--------...._..------------_...--.........------------_......-......----..----------..----
fiEGION 850 1094 \S45 2031 2276 2842 ~642 2033 IOS6 650 407 651 1016 12~9 1380 1220 7"122..
ANCHOfiA6E SUBAREA 627 808 1141 1m 1679 2(197 1m 150\1 179 4BO 300 4BO 750 959 1019 900 5J2 90
ANCHORAGE m 612 864 1135 1m ISB8 1477 IIJ6 590 363 228 364 568 m m 682 403 68
nAT -SU 58 •74 104 m 153 191 178 IJ1 71 44 27 44 611 B7 93 82 49 8
KENAI-COO~INLET 94 121 m 225 253 m 293 226 117 n 45 72 IIJ 144 IS3 135 80 14
SEWARD 2 2 3 4 5 "5 4 2 I I I 2 3 3 2 I 0
fAIR8AN~S 202 260 368 4B3 542 676 b29 484 251 155 97 155 242 309 329 290 172 29
SE f AIR&ANYS 2 2 3 4 S ":;4 2 I I I 2 3 3 2 I 0
VALDE I-CHITIHA-WHI TT IER 18 23 32 43 48 60 55 43 22 14 9 14 21 27 29 26 15 3
PAlnER 6 7 10 14 15 19 18 14 7 4 3 4 7 9 9 8 5 1
rn WASILLA :;6 8 II 12 15 14 II 6 4 2 4 5 7 7 7 4 IIHOU51ON2 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 2 I I 1 2 3 3 2 I 001
(I 0 0 I I I I I 0
I-"TALHElHA 2 3 4 S "B 7 5 3 2 I 2 3 4 4 3 2 0N
01 OTHER 42 54 77 101 113 141 131 101 52 32 20 32 50 65 69 bI 36 b
J J J J ....1 it J J ••J J .1 I J
)1 .j ))J })]]1 B j
1985 1966 1987 1988 1989.1990 1991 1992 199J 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
---------- ------------------------------------
TOTAL REGION 54 67 93 122 137 170 158 140 111 96 91 91 91 100 102 98 64 65
ANCHORAGE SUBAREA 41 51 99 131 1U 184 175 160 m 128 122 .122 122 129 131 127 116 101
ANCHORAGE 17 20 -37 -51 -57 -73 -76 -80 -66 -89 -91 -91 -91 -89 -88 -89 -92 -97
MAT-sU 23 29 1"'1 202 227 285 279 269 253 247 243 243 243 248 249 246 .239 229oJ...
KENAI COOK INLET I 2 -14 -18 -20 -25 -26 -26 -2]-26 -28 -26 -26 -26 -28 -28 -26 -29
SEWARD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I)O'0 0
FAIRBANKS 13 16 -8 -11 -12 -16 -19 -23 -29 -31 -33 -33 -33 -31 -30 -32 -34 -39
SE FAIRBANKS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
VALDEZ-CHITINA-WHITTIER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0rn
I PALMER I 1 6 8 9 11 11 11 10 .10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9I-'
1'0 WASILLA 1 I 8 10 11 14 14 IJ 13 12 12 .12 12 12 12 12 12 11Cj)
HOUSTON I I 6 8 9 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9
TRAPPER CREEK 6 7 38 .50 57 71 70 67 63 62 61 61 61 62 62 62 60 57
TALKEETNA 6 7 38 50 57 71 70 67 63 62 61 61 61 62 62 62 60 57
OTHER 9 11 56 75 84 105 103 99 94 91 90 90 90 92 n 91 88 85
Number of
Watana Construction
neg1 i gibl e
37 Devil Canyon Construction
negl i gi bl e
(a)kesidents of Cantwell who obtain construction employment on the
project and constructi on workers that sett1 e in Canb/e11 were con-
sidered in these estimates.The Cant\vell IlHigh Impact Scenario ll was
used in deriving these estimates.Further,it is assumed that if
workers do not settle in Canty/ell.they will settle elsewhere in the
1 1 1 1 l )]1 ]-}1 -])1 ]
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1m 1994 199~1996 1m 19qa 1m 2000 2001 2002
REGION 1m 1897 2664 3609 4043 ~O49 m8 3669 1907 1175 73b 1176 181~2399 2548 2288 1356 232
ANCHORAGE SUDARE A 1156 1487 2(199 2866 32J2 4010 mJ 2886 1499 9'n 519 92~1m 1897 2016 1m 1061 181"ANCHORAGE m 1180 1608 2193 2456 3066 2851 2194 1142 705 444 706 1140 1457 1.541 1368 812 142
MHU III 142 264 m 421 526 489 :;75 193 1I7 72 117 lD5 m 254 m 131 18
HNAI-COOr.lNL£T 121 16l m 296 m 414 408 m 163 100 63 100 157 200 ..213 199 117 20
SEWARD 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 5 3 2 1 2 J J 4 J 2 (I
fAIRBANKS m m 521 68!766 m m m m 233 H6 m m 464 m 460 273 H
5E fAIRiAN~S 2 3 4 5 5 7 b 5 2 2 I 2 2 J 3 3 2 0
VALOEHHIIINA-WHITT IER 22 2B 39 52 58 12 67 52 27 17 10 17 26 J1 35 33 19 3
PALMER 10 13 22 1\35 4!H 31 16 10 6 10 15 20 21 19 II 2
nl WASILLA 9 II 20 28 31 19 J7 28 14 9 ~9 H 18 19 17 10 I
I HOUSTON 4 5 10 14 16 20 18 14 7 4 3 4 7 9 9 8 5 I
c.n TRAPPER CREEk 2 3 10 15 17 22 20 15 8 5 3 5 7 10 10 9 5 0I
I-'IAUHTNA 7 9 29 n 49 61 57 n n 13 8 13 21 27 29 26 15 2
N OTHER 79 101 172 m 272 JH 317 m 1'"76 47 77 120 m 165 145 85 13co<"
TABLE E.5,n -TOTAL INmRATlON hND OlllnlGRATION Itl T~E fEGIO~:ON-SITE CONSTRUCTlON,INDIRECT AND INDUCED----------...---...-................................--_.......------------------------.......-_.....----------------------------......-_......................
1995 1986 1987 198B 1989 199(1 ml 1m 199J (9q4 1995 1996 1m m8 1999 2000 2001 2002--_....---------------....._---------.......-....------------.._........-------.........-
REGION m JOll 425 m 664 BiB 783 621 361 252 108 245 m 425 448 409 269 96
ANC~ORAGE SUBAREA ~O5 261 401 562 630 787 739 594 363 267 209 261 353 m 444 406 181 m
ANC~ORAGE 164 110 2lI J02 ~J7 419 392 m 98 25 -19 24 100 155 170 139 44 -72
MT-SU J4 42 196 268 301 m 365 m 287 267 255 .263 275 209 m 285 262 231
HNAI-COOl:IIUT 7 9 -5 -6 -6 -9 -6 -II -19 -23 -25 -23 -20 -10 -17 -17 -22 ·28
SEWARD (I 0 0 0 (I (I (I 0 0 0 0 0 (I 0 0 0 (I 0
FAIRBANI:S 30 37 19 25 27 33 37 20 -7 -18 -24 ·19 -II -4 -2 -2 -11 -35
SE FAIRBAN~S (I (I (I (I 0 (I 0 (I (I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (I
VALDEI-CHI I INA-WHITT IER 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 4 2 I I I 2 2 J 3 2 0
PAlnER I 2 1 10 II 14 14 13 II 10 10 10 II II II II 10 9IT1WASillA229121311161514 13 n 1:1 Il 14 14 13 Il 12I
tn HOUS1ON I 1 7 9 10 13 Il 12 II 10 10 10 10 II II II 10 9I
I-'TRAPPER CRm 9 12 60 83 9J 117 112 100 80 11 67 71 77 82 84 81 11 58
N lALt.EETNA 7 9 46 63 71 89 06 80 70 65 63 65 67 1(1 11 69 64 581.0
DINER 13 16 67 90 102 128 124 115 102 96 93 95 98 102 103 101 94 85
J J J ~.1 J ~])I ~I .,
1 1 1 )j 1 )J -,»1 1 1 j »)
TABLE £.5.2B:TOTAL POPULATION INFLUX INTO THE REGION:DIRECT,INDIRECT AND INDUCED......--_...----~...........--...._---- - - -_............-"''''-----------...........---------_.....-...........-..._...--_...-----_..
19B5 19B6 19B7 19B8 19B9 1990 1991 1m 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1m 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005..--.
REGION b72 BO'1203 ~bll IBb7 2324 2191 1735 HI14 714 535 690 qs]1170 1228 1122 74:;27B 179 179 179",
ANCHORAGE SU8AREA 5B3 m 1139 15B9 1777 nt4 2075 16/19 1027 761 602 742 9B6 1m 1229 1122 78B l7B m 297 297
ANCHORAGE 463 590 578 8n 919 1m 1030 725 242 42 -77 35 240 3B5 425 l39 84 -225 -292 -292 -292
NAT-SU 99 123 5BO 789 BB6 1112 1074 9BB BO'796 763 7B4 BI7 856 B66 844 77B 694 676 b7b 676J,
KENAI cam:INLET 21 26 -16 -20 -23 -28 -22 -37 -60 -70 -76 -71 -64 -57 -55 -54 -68 -85 -87 -87 -87
SEWARD 0 0 0 0 0
(I 0 0 0
Q (I IJ 0 0
(I 0 0 0 0 0 0
FAIRBAN~:S B5 107 52 66 72 8B 96 49 -2b -57 -75 "'62 -41 -20 -14 -15 -56 -107 -117 -117 -117
SE FAIRBAm 0 0 (I 0 I I I
(I 0 0 0
(,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
VALDEHHlTINA-WHI II IER 5 6 8 II 12 15 14 II 5 3 2 .3 5 7 7 B 5 1 0 0 0
m PALMER 4 5 22 30 33 42 40 38 "31 JO 31 .,33 3J 33 31 28 27 27 27JJJ,
I WAS!LLA 5 6 26 36 40 50 49 46 4t 39 37 3B "39 40 41 40 38 35 34 34 34(Jl
I HOUSTON 3 4 20 27 31 3B 37 35 32 31 30 10 31 32 32 31 30 28 27 27 27
I-'T~APPER CREEl:27 34 175 m 272 341 m 291 m 212 19B 209 225 241 245 236 209 175 169 169 169w
0 TALKEETNA 22 27 IlB IB6 209 263 254 236 20B 196 189 m 199 207 210 205 191 173 169 169 169
OTHER 37 46 199 268 301 na 366 342 304 2BB 27B 284 291 302 305 m 280 257 250 250 250
--_....._..............-_..----- ----------------------_...........-_......._-----------...------- ----------.._....._........-------_..----
1985 19B6 1987 1988 19B9 1910 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
------...------------------------------ ---
TOTAL RE61011 1,,3 201 m 366 410 511 4)6 420 m 296 274 274 274 301 WB 293 251 194 179 179 179
ANCHORAGE SUBAREA 124 1<'299 m 442 m m 4BI m 3B4 J67 J67 367 JBB m 3B2 148 303 297 297 297J<
ANCHORAGE 50 6')-112 -152 -172 -219 -227 -240 ..,259 -267 -2]2 -272 -212 -266 -265 -268 -271 -290 -292 -292 -292
MAHU 70 8b 45)606 6BI 856 8H 807 761 742 711 7JI 7JI 7H 74B )40 718 .688 m 676 676
KEliA I COOK INLET 4 6 -42 -55 -61 -76 -7)-79 -82 -B4 -85 -B5 -85 -84 -83 -84 -85 -87 -07 -87 -87
SEWARD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FAIRBANKS 40 49 -23 -33 -37 -48 -56 -68 -86 -94 -99 -99 -99 -93 -92 -95 -104·-116 -117 -111 -117
SE FA IRBAN~S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (I (I (I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
VALDE/-CHI TlHA-WHI TT IER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (I 0 0 0 0 0
PAlHER 3 3 18 24 27 14 n 32 30 30 29 29 29 30 30 30 29 28 0 27 27
rn WASILLA 3 4 21 30 34 n 42 40 38 J7 31 17 31 37 17 31 36 14 34 H 14
I HOUSTON 3 J \8 24 27 34 33 l2 30 1(1 29 29 29 30 30 30 29 28 27 27 27U1
I TRAPPER CREEK 17 22 114 152 170 214 209 202 190 185 103 183 183 186 187 185 .180 172 169 169 169
I-'TALKEETNA 17 22 114 152 170 214 209 202 190 185 IB3 183 183 186 IB7 185 180 172 169 169 169w
I-'OTHER 26 J2 169 m 252 H7 310 299 282 274 270 270 270 m 277 274 266 255 .250 250 250
J J )I J cJ 11 J J I J j
(Forecasts by Frank Orth &Associates,Inc.)-
Projected Baseline Project-Induced Total """J,
Housing Projection of Inf1 ux of Housing
Stock Househo1 ds Households Demand
Total Mat-Su Borough
1985 11 ,730 9,927 32 9,959
1986 .12,868 10,916 40 10,956 -1987 14,095 11,986 189 12,175
1988 15,121 12,910 259 13,169
1989 16,092 13,788 294 14,082
1990 16,754 14,417 374 14,791
1991 17,728 15,354 364 15,718
1992 18,574 16,156 339 16,495
1993 19,761 17,245 295 17,540
Trapper Creek
"""""1985 84 83 9 92
1986 88 87 11 98
1987 93 92 56 148 -1988 98 97 79 176
1989 1 03 102 89 191
1990 108 107 114 221
1991 114 112 111 223 -1992 119 118 100 218
1993 126 124 82 205
1985 251 246 7 253
1986 267 262 9 271
1987 284 278 45 323
1988 302 296 61 357
1989 320 314 69 383
1990 340 334 87 421
1991 362 355 86 441
1992 385 377 81 458
1993 409 401 72 473
1985 97 71 123 194
1986 99 72 125 197
1987 100 73 107 180
1988 102 75 118 193
1989 103 76 124 200
1990 105 78 137 215
1991 107 80 136 216 ~
1992 108 81 134 215
1993 110 83 130 213
(Forecasts by Frank Orth &Associates,Inc.)
Projected Basel i ne Project-Induced Total
Housing Projection of Infl ux of,Hous;ng
Stock Households Households Demand
Total ~1at-Su Borough
1994 20~821 18,235 279 18,514
1995 22,043 19,371 271 19,642
1996 23,278 20,528 282 20,810
1997 24,719 21,885 297 22,182
1998 26,048 23,145 314 23,459
1999 27,672 24,670 322 24,992
2000 29,207 26,095 317 26,412
2001 30,626 27,373 271 27,644
2002 32,115 28,715 259 28,974,
Trapper Creek
1994 132 131 74 206
1995 139 138 70 208-1996 147 145 75 220
1997 155 153 82 235
1998 163 161 89 250
..-1999 171 169 92 261
2000 180 178 89 267
2001 .187 186 78 264
2002 195 193 66 259
,,-,1994 435 426 68 494
1995 462 453 67 520-
1996 492 482 69 551
1997 523 513 72 585
1998 557 546 76 622
1999 592 581 77 658
2000 630 618 77 695
,~2001 662 650 71 721
2002 696 683 65 748
1994 112 84 100 184
1995 114 86 100 186
~1996 116 88 100 188
1997 118 89 100 189
1998 120 91 100 191
P"~1999 122 93 100 193
2000 124 95 100 195
2001 126 97 98 195
2002 128 99 96 195
BY THE PROJECT,1985 -2002
Year Secondary Jobs:Region Secondary Jobs:Mat-Su Borough
1985 806 64
1986 1035 82
1987 1451 205
1988 2048 Watana Construction 304 .
1989 2295 342
1990 2865 428
1991 2752 398 ~1~92 2117 304
1114 Dev;l Canyon Construction
Regional Jobs Borough Jobs
Forecast of Created as Total Jobs Forecast of Created as
f?"""Total .Jobs Jobs for a Percent of Created in the Jobs in the a Percent of
Created in the Region:Total Base Case the Mat-Su Mat-Su Borough:Total Base Case
Year the Region(a)Base Case Regional Jobs Borough (a)Base.Case Borough Jobs
19B5 1906 179,636 1 %1164 5,442 21 %
1986 2385 194,212 1 %1432 5,975 23 %
1987 3353 200,610 2 %2107 6,373 33 %,...,
1988 4548 200,912 2 %2804 6,641 42 %
1989 5096 202,596 3 %3143 6,858 46 %
1990 6363 200,111 3 %3926 6,914 57 %
r-1991 6004 202,128 3 %3650 7,135 51 %
1992 4617 202,846 2 %2804 7,296 3B %
1993 2470 205,872 1 %1454 7,550 19 %
1994 1623 208,791 1 %893 7,B06 11%
f'ml9o:1995 1072 212,050 1 %557 8,076 7 %
1996 1626 216,576 1 %895 8,403 11%
1997 2509 221,561 1 %1399 8,755 16 %
1998 3169 226,547 .1 %1793 9,107 20 %
1999 3357 232,311 1%1904 9,505 20 %
2000 3023 237,812 1 %1677 9,897 17 %
~2001 1864 243,344 1 %1005 10,308 10%
2G02 462 249,007 Negligible 164 10,733 2 %
2003 170 254,808 Negligible 170 11,176 2 %
2G04 170 260,749 Negligible 170 11,636 1 %....2005 170 266,835 Negligible 170 12,116 1 %
(a)Created as a direct or indirect result of the Susitna project.
(In millions of 1981 dollars)
Without the With the %Without the With the %Without the With the %Without the With the %
Project Project Impact Project Project Impact Project Project Impact Project Project Impact
1981 15.2 15.2 --1.2 1.2 --0.9 0.9 --23.9 23.9rr1
1.3I198519.0 19.2 1.0 1.4 1.7 21.4 1.3 --34.5 34.6 0.3<Jl 30.7 1.8 1.9I199027.2 28.1 3.3 2.6 3.3 5.0 48.9 50.1 0.4.......
w 1994 32.2 32.9 2.2 3.0 3.8 26.6 2.2 2.2 --60.4 61.2 1.3'-I 27.8 2.8 78.7 79.6
1999 39.9 40.7 2.0 3.6 4.6 2.8 --1.4
2002 45.2 46.0 1.8 4.1 5.1 24.4 3.2 3.3 3.0 90.8 91.6 0.9
2005 51.4 52.2 1.6 4.6 5.8 26.1 3.7 3.8 2.0 104.5 105.2 0.7
1981 16.7 16.7 --4.4 4.4 --1.1 1.1 --26.4 26.4
1985 23.4 23.5 0.4 6.2 6.2 --1.6 1.6 --40.2 40.3 0.2
1990 32.2 33.1 2.8 9.1 9.2 1.0 2.1 2.2 4.8 59.4 61.1 2.8
1994 39.0 39.6 1.5 11.4 11.6 1.8 2.6 2.6 --74.0 75.3 1.8
1999 49.8 50.4 1.2 15.5 15.7 1.3 3.3 3.4 3.0 97.6 99.0 1.4
2002 57.2 57.7 0.9 18.7 18.9 I • I 3.8 3.8 --113.2 114.3 0.9
2005 66.1 66;6 0.8 22.6 22.7 0.4 4.4 4.4 --130.6 131.7 0.8
Source:Frank Orth &Associates,Inc.1982
J J ~.J J ~".I J ,I I J ~J .1 J
Source:Frank Orth &Associates,Inc.1982
Ten Year
Annual Average
1972-1981 Chinook
Sockeye Coho Pink Chum -
Average Annual Catch
(no.of fish)11,339 1,302,097 227,164 734,610 680,621
lUpper Cook Inlet includes catch from the Northern and Central Districts.
Average Annual Catch
(no.of pounds)
Average Annual
Ex-vessel Value
(in dollars)
365,119 8,854,263 1,408,418 2,791,520 4,900,471
391,128 8,499,102 1,017,241 957,412 2,619,546 -
Source:Calculated by Frank Orth &Associates,Inc.,October 1982.ADF&G
provided catch statistics from their current (October 1982)IBM
files and also average size per fish data.Cook Inlet ex-vessel
price data was obtained from the Commercial Fisheries Entry
Permanent Permanent1
Permi ts Used Permits in Effect Permits Used Permits in Effect
1975 438 453 530 657
1976 472 514 521 712
1977 501 539 524 737
1978 537 549 581 742
1979 556 554 581 744
1980 513 554 571 744
1981 576 554 585 744
Source:Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission
1 Permanent permi ts in effect i nc1 ude both revenued and non-revenued per-
mits.Discrepancies reflect interim use permits utilized in the fishery.
Data for 1980 and 1981 is preliminary •.There are cases pending which may
alter permit numbers in the future.
Estimated Escapement Estimated Potential Loss
Above Talkeetna
(Numbers of Fish)l (In Doll ars )2
1981 1982 1981 1982
Sockeye 4,809 3,126 86,331 51,441 -
Pink 2,335 73,057 12,813 210,989
Cl1uI1l 20,835 49,197 214,517 428,604
Coho 3,306 5,143 37,428 52,613
Source:Calculated by FO&A,Inc.November,1982.
Potential losses are estimated using the 1981 and 1982 escapement
levels above Talkeetna.
2 Potential losses are estimated under a number of assumptions,described
in the text,which mayor may not be valid.One important assumption
is a worst case post project loss of 100 percent above Talkeetna.
Source:Michael J.Mills,Statewide Harvest Survey,ADF&G,various years.
(Catch in Number of Fish)
Chinook Sockeye Coho Pink Chum Total Permits
1969 0 1 ,509 1,259 30 94 5,892 330
1970 3 1 ,206 2,192 295 139 3,832 335
1971(b)0 7 148 0 0 155.37
1972 0 4 55 27 15 101 30
1973 0 35 332 12 37 416 123
1974 1 14 291 17 2 325 109
1975 1 4 659 8 92 764 114
1976 0 21 567 113 13 714 111
1977 2 13 327 3 14 359 83
1978 5 42 3,529 128 31 3,735 323
1979 158 5,564 3,570 359 272 9,923 1 ,161
1980(c}2,268 5,459 3,912 4,842 492 16,973 1 ,396 (d)
1981 (e)2,072 587 11 ,752 93 237 14,741 1 ,178 (f)
(a)Includes the Central District and Northern District.
(b)Knik Arm closed to subsistence fishing.
(c)Household permits were issued starting in 1980,I'Jhereas individual permits
were issued prior to 1980.
(d)Includes 85 permits issued for special openings of the Central District and
65 permits issued for the special king salmon fishery at Tyonek.
(e)Preliminary data.
(f)There were 1,108 nOll-commercial set net permits issued in the Central
District.The Tyonek fishery,with 70 permits,was the only subsistence
fishery allowed in the Northern District in 1981.
Source:Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Soldotna Regional Office,r,!ay 1982.
Source:Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Division of Game.March
1980.Annual Report of Survey Inventory Activities,Part II
and other ADF&G files.
541 __-~
1970 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
IJJ 125>-0
Q 50z<ten
1970 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
1970 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
IIen10a::<t 9..J
..J 80
Q 7
lAo 60
Q 4z3<ten
1970 71 72 73 74 75 YEARS
76 77 78 79 80
197071 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 YEARS
0 350UJa.
0z 250<l:
0 200J:
1970 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 YEARS
....J 80
Cl 7
0 IJ:
1970 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 18 79 80 YEARS
0 100
0 50
FIGURE £.5.4
1 J -v J !j l I I 1 f )]}"!I
IS 1500
83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 2000 01 02 03 04 05
/>a::IJ -ct :J
\.0 aJ:I!!«
"-:E 0
"-ct en
I I ]I I I )I I
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 QQmCDl"-eo It)o:t 10 (\/
l:l"3A N31\IO "NI 03l:lJn03l:l
Yce",,,,~o~~o ~N30Y3d
This appendix is intended to provide (a)an overview of the approach
to conducti ng the impact assessment;(b)an overvi ew of the impact
(accounting.)model;and (c)an elaboration of several assumptions
made in Section 3.3.Further information can be found in 5,10,and
other sections of reference (1).
After the impact areas were defined,and as a precursor to
making base case forecasts,recent and current socioeconomic
condi ti ons \'/ere analyzed.These inc1 uded employment,
population,income,housing,public facilities and services,
local governments·budgets,land use,and other socioeconomic
el ements..Base case forecasts were then made for se1 ected
socioeconomic elements.A brief description of the forecasting
techniques used is provided in Table E.5A.1.Forecasts were
made for the years 1983 -2005.
Next,impact forecasts were made.An lJaccounting model lJ was
developed to handl e the several 1abor categori es and geographi c
disaggregations.This model was computerized to provide for
effi ci ent analysi s and to make sensi ti vi ty analysi s feasibl e.
Techniques used for the impact forecasts are shown in Table
E.5A.2.Forecasts were made for 1983 -2005.
Base case and impact forecasts viere compared and co.ntrasted·to
i denti fy proj ect-i nduced changes in the base case.Next,the
significance of these changes was analyzed and discussed.
(b)Impact Model
A model \'ias developed that cou1 d take into account sett1 ement
and travel i ng/commuti ng patterns of constructi on ~~orkers.It
was specified to allow for in-migration and out-migration of
vlorkers and their dependents.These elements were emphasized
because they w"ill be the source of most of the project-i nduced
The model was computerized to make calculations more quickly and
to all ow for sensi ti vi ty analysi s.There are 1ike1y to be some
changes before constructi on begi ns in 1985 and it wi 11 be
helpfUl to be able to quickly and efficiently determine the
socioeconomic implications of these changes.
(c)Elaboration of Assumptions
Several assumptions in Section 3.3 require more explanation.
i"i1ese assumptions are elaborated upon belm'l.
(i)Sources of Labor
The percent of the workforce originating from various areas
;s di scussed on page E-5-40.These percentages are con-
stant throughout the project.At present there is no way
to predi ct how these pel"centages are 1 ike1y to change \'1i th
time.As more information about the manpO\'1er requirements
becomes available,it might be possible to make this
(ii)Relocating Versus Non-Relocating Workers
It v-Ias assumed that about 30 percent of the workers that
initially resided outside of the region \!lOuld relocate to
the region,and that the remaining 70 percent would main-
tain their permanent residences outside of the region.
This assumption is impl icit in the figures presented in
Table E.5.24.
(iii)Aggregate Multipliers
Total indirect and induced employment that will accrue to
the region and its Census Oivisions was estimated by
applying aggregate multipl iers to the direct construction
and operations workforces residing in the -region.The
value of each location-specific multiplier was assumed to
increase with time due to import substitution,time lags in
expendi tures made by the workforce and other factors that
reflect a maturing economy.These multipliers are shawn on
page 10-34 through 10-35 of reference (l).
(iv)Settlement Patterns
Compared to other 1arge resource development projects in
the United States,there will be a relatively large number
of workers that will choose to settle in smaller com-
munities rather than larger communities or cities.For
tllis project,there are t\~o reasons for this anticipated
phenomenon:(1)the small er communi ti es are located closer
to the constructi on si tes;and (2)Al askans,and others
that move to Al aska,tend to be attracted to rural/remote
areas more readily than persons who live in other parts of
the country.
State and Regional
Census Division
State and Regional
Census Division
Time-series econometric(a)
Linear regrp.ssion
Time-series econometric(a)
Linear regression
Population Share (judgmental)
State,Regional and Census Division
Regional and Census Division
Census Division and Community
Census Division and Community
Trend analysis and judgment
Person per hOllSp.hold trend
Pp.r capita planning standards
Per capita multiplier
(a)Includes Results from Institute of Social and Economic Research's
Man-in-the-Arctic Model,October,1981.
State,Regional and Census Division
State and Regional
State,Regional and C~nsus Division
State and Regional
State,Regional and Census Division
Regional and Census Division
Census Division arid Community
Census Division and Community
Accounting model
Time-series econometric (f(O(
comparison purposes only)a)
Accounting model
Time-series econometric (foC
compari son purposes only)(a)
Accounting Model
Person per household trend
Per capita planning standards
Per capita multiplier
(a)Includes Results from Institute of Social and Economic Researchls
Man-in-the-Arctic Model,Octomber,1981.
This appendix provides additional explanation of the methodology used to
project impacts of the project on public facilities and services.The
general approach to forecasting pub1 ic facil ity and service requirements
during 1985-2005 was (1)to develop appropriate standards,for each ser-
vice category and for each relevant community,that relate service and
facility requirements to the size of population.(2)to assess the ade-
quacy of existing faci1 ities and services and to quantify any over-or
under-capacity using these standards and (3)to estimate future needs
based on·the application of these standards to the population growth
forecasts with and without the Susitna project.
(a)Types of Standards
Standards can be di vi ded into two categori es--average and prescri p-
tive.Average standards are based on recent data on exi sti ng ser-
vi ce 1evel s on a per capita basi s for a gi yen area.Average stan-
dards may be based on nationa1,-regional,state or local averages,
or on averages for a given type or size of community;their distin-
gui shi ng feature is that they are based on an average of what cur-
rently exists.For some service types,there exist prescriptive
standards that are set by relevant agencies or associaticns.These
standards often vary by si ze,type and communi ty,and may be of a
voluntary or mandatory nature.For instance,a state government may
require certai n standards for heal th care and educati on;standards
for fire protection based on insurance tables may be used widely.
A mix of average and prescriptive standards have been used in this
analysis.The objective has been to provide detailed measures of
adequa te servi ce 1eve 1 s,for tho se servi ce s wh i ch the 1 oca 1 govern-
ments now provide,while keeping under consideration the resource
constraints that communities face.Local preferences,based upon
conversati ons \~i th local,state and borough offici a1 s,have been
taken into account.
For some facilities and services,the required level of service var-
ies among communities,depending on factors such as the size of the
community and the type of community (urban,rural or suburban).
In some cases,re1 evant standards may be based on vari ab1 es other
than population per se--for example,the number of dwellings or the
number of school-age children.These variables are related to popu-
lation level s,but the actual ratios may change over time.Service
categories such as education and health care are especially sensi-
tive to demographic changes.Where possib1 e,forecasts of demo-
graphic changes have been incorporated into the analysis.
Due to the many factors that i nf1 uence the needs for pUb1 ic faci 1 i-
ties and services,the uniqueness of each community,and the subjec-
tivity in deciding adequate service levels,the standards listed
bel 0\'1 shou1 d not be consi dered abso1 utes but rather as general
indicators.A summary of the standards used is displayed in Table
£.58.1.In the sections below,specific considerations relating to
the choice of standards are discussed.
(b)Water Supply
Water systems are comprised of three components --the supply
source,the treatment facility and the pipe distribution network..
The most widely used standards for water service are the average and
peak water consumption per capita,in terms of gallons per day
.(gpd).Facility standards sometimes include pipe length per thou-
sand d\'1ellings,·and treatment capacity.
The standards are relevant only for communities that have or are
expected to develop \'later systems.Only two communities in the
Local Impact Area,Palmer and Wasilla,have city-wide water supply
systems.Other residents,including inhabitants of the communities
that wi 11 be most affected by the project,rely on i ndi vidual well s
or "community"systems that serve a particular subdivision,trailer
park or other small area.
An average per capita water consumption standard of 120 gallons per
day in 1981 rising to 150 gpd by the year 2000 was used.Tl1e city
of Palmer currently has an average per capita wtater usage rate of
120 gpd,and this relatively low usage may be attributed to the
small amount of industry in the area.It is expected that future
growth will include an increase in business activity and hence a
rise in per capita water consumption.
(c)Sewage Treatment
The amount of sewage generated is a function of the amount of water
that is used dai1y.It has been estimated that an average of 65
percent of total \'iater supp1 i ed becomes se\'1age,or 100 gpd per
capita,with the remainder used for miscellaneous purposes such as
watering lawns and gardens,firefighting and generating steam (Sten-
ehjem &rvletzger,1980).This standard may not be as appropriate for
app1 ication to rural communities.Sewage treatment in Palmer is
currently equal to 100 percent of average water usage,or 120 gal-
lons per day per capita.For the purposes of projections of
impacts,a con stant standard of 120 gpd has been used for Palmer,
the only communi ty with a sewage treatment system in the Mat-Su
(d)Solid Waste Disposal
Sol id \'I/aste can be di sposed through i rlci nerati on or sanitary 1and-
fill disposal;sanitary landfill has become the prevalent mode.
Facility requirements for solid waste disposal can be measured in
terms of the amount of 1 and needed per capi ta on an annual basi s.
Published standards range from 0.2 to 0.3 acres per thousand people,
depending on assumptions of pounds of waste per capita,depth of the
site and the rate of compression of the waste.
A lower standard of .11·acres per thousand popul ati on has been as-
sumed initially for the Mat-Su Borough,based on the premises that
waste production per capita is much lower and the fill depth of the
central 1andfill sis twice as hi gh as nati ona1 averages.Thi s stan-
dardis calculated to rise to 0.21 acres by 2000 and held constant
at this level between 2001 and 2005.
(e)Educati on
The maj or determi nant of the requi rement for educati ona 1 faci 1i ti es
and services is the number of school-age children per capita,modi-
fied to take into.account private school attendance.Two different
methodologies were used to estimate the amount of school-age child-
ren associated with the (l)Base Case population and (2)in-migrant
population associated with the Susitna project.
Under the Base Case,for the Mat-Su Borough,the standards that the
school di stri ct uses for p1 anni ng were used in thi s study as well.
Short-term planning through 1987 uses an estimate of 22.8 percent.
For long-range planning purposes,an estimate of 25 percent is
used.For the purposes of this study,the ratio is assumed to rise
gradually from 22.8 percent in 1987 to 25 percent in 2000 and then
held constant at that level through 2005.In Cantwell,the present
18 percent level was assumed to remain constant over time in the
Base Case.
The number of school-age chil dren acoompany;ng workers on the pro-
ject has been estimated using a ratio that was calculated through
surveys of other 1arge proj ects of .89 school ch i1 dren per i n-
mi grant worker accompani ed by dependents.The number of school-age
children associated with the in-migrant secondary population was
calculated on the same basis as Base Case school-age children.
A major service standard for education relates the number of school-
age children to the number of classes and teachers.Local pref-
erences have been used as standards in this case.In the t~at-Su
Borough school di stri ct,pl anni ng standards i i ncl ude an optimum of
25 students per class for primary school sand 20-22 for secondary
schools.In addition,Mat-Su Borough statistics show that teachers
compri se about 50 per cent of total school di stri ct personnel re-
quirements.In Cant\~e11,the Railbelt School District's planning
standard teacher-student ratio of 15:1 was used.
Requi rements for cl assroom space can be measured in terms of number
of classrooms or alternatively,the number of square feet per pupil
(gO square feet for primary school students and 150 square feet for
secondary school students).For the purposes of th;s study,space
required has been projected in numbers of classrooms.
It is assumed that the present ratios of primary school students (54
percent of total)and secondary school students (46 percent of
total)will remai n constant.It is beyond the scope of thi s analy-
sis to forecast changes in distribution by school and by grade.
(f)Heal th Care
Standards for acute public health care focus on the capability of
hospital facilities and staff accommodate the expected number of
patients without building overcapacity that will then a.dd to hos-
pital costs.While ru1e-of-thumb bed mUltipliers of between 2.1 and
5.8 beds per 1000 population are often used,it has become approp-
riate to base the number of beds on a measure of the long-term daily
average daily census of pati ents using the hospi tal divi ded by the
desirable occupancy rate.In Alaska,the recommended occupancy
rates are 80 percent for urban hospi tal sand 55 percent for rural
hospitals.The formulas used are:
Acute care Patient Days at Valley /Borough =Hospi tal Use Rate
Hospital plus Days at Alaska and Population for Borough
Provi dence for Borough Resi dents Residents ~
Hospital Use Rate for Estimated
Borough Residents X Borough /365 days =Projected Average
PopUlation in year Daily Census (PADC)
Projected Average Proportion Minimum
Dai ly Census X of Bed ~Jeed /Occupancy =Vall ey Hospital
t~et at Valley for Rural Acute Care Bed
Hospita 1 Hospital Need
A significant aspect of the hospital system in Alaska deserves
note.The i'1uni ci pal i ty of Anchorage has developed a comprehensi ve
acute and long-term health care system that provides the main medi-
cal care for the residents of Southcentral Alaska,as well as other
areas of the state.A large percentage of people living in areas
such as the Mat-Su Borough,as well as Cantwell,presently elect to
use hospitals in Anchorage over the local hospital due to the larger
number of doctors (especially specialists)and the more modern
facilities.HO\'/ever,the percentage of patients that use the Val-
ley Ho spi ta1 in Pa 1mer has been ri si ng rapi dl yin recent yea rs,and
this trend is expected to be accelerated by the planned addition to
and renovation of this hospital,as well as the possible addition of
certain medical specialists to the staff.It is assumed that the
usage of Vall ey Hospital as a percentage of total Al askan hospital
use by Mat-Su Borough residents will rise from 38 percent in 1980 to
75 percent in 2000 and remain constant at that level through 2005.
Age and sex distributions of the popUlation are important deter-
mi nants of hospital use.For the purposes of thi s study,demo-
graphic factors have been a.ssumed to remain constant.
(g)Law Enforcement
Po 1 ice servi ce standards range from one offi cer per thousand popu-
lation in unincorporated rural areas to 1.5 officers per thousand
population in small communities and 2 officers per thousand in
moderately large cities.For the Local Impact Area~a rural stan-
dard of 1.0 officers per thousand was applied to the population pro-
jections for the area outside Palmer,which has its 0\,,"police force.
Alaska 'State Troopers judge the relative adequacy of their staffs in
terms of the average case load (i.e.number of crimes)that each
officer is charged with investigating.Six cases Qer Trooper is
considered average,and eight is cqnsidered the level.at which ad-
ditional staff is needed.
(h)Fire Protection
The major variables that are used to judge the fire protecti-on are
(1)the available flow of water.(2)the frequency of response,and
(3)the manpower needed.
There are several standards that rel ate these vari abl es to popu1 a-
ti on si ze in the 1 iterature.Water flow,response time or service
radii,and the equipment capacity are of particular use.It is com-
mon in communitites of less than 7,000 to rely on volunteer fire-
fighters,and thus standards for manpower are not applicable to the
communities under study.
Fire protection planning in Alaska,as in many other states,often
takes the form of tryi ng to achi eve a certain fi re rati ng as.
measured by the Insurance Service Organization (ISO).The ISO is a
national organization that rates fire protection on a scale from one
j (best)to ten (worst);fi re insurance rates closely ref1 ect these
Communiti es \'Iithout a communi ty water system can at best aclli eve an
ISO rati ng of 8 (whi ch is the objecti ve that the Mat-Su Borough
presently hopes to achieve for its most populous fi re di stri cts·).
The requirements,to achieve a rating of 8 are:that d'iJelling class
property be \yithin five road miles of a fire station (on roads that
are in good condition)and that the fire department has demonstrated
its ability to deliver 200 gallons per minute (gpm)for a period of
twenty minutes without interruption.The latter requirement implies
a need for a capaci ty of 4,000 gallons of water lion \'Ihee1 s.II
Projected requirements for recreation facilities,in terms of
acreage for pl aygrounds,nei ghborhood parks and communi ty parks,
were calculated by applying national standards for rural areas
(Stenehjem &Metzger,1980).Standards for pl aygrounds and nei gh-
borhood parks are most applicable to the cities of Palmer,Wasilla,
and Houston,whereas community parks are planned for larger areas,
and the standard pertai ni n9 to thi s category is most relevant to
Mat-Su Borough as a whole.
_""'"'"'''''''f_''''"'"''O __
Trapper MaT-Su
Palmer Wasi II a HousTon Creek TalkeeTna Borough CanTwell
Water Supply
Average Water Supply &120-150 120-150
Treatment (gpd per
Sewage TreaTmenT
Sewage TreatmenT 150
(average gpd per capita)
Solid Waste Disposal
Landfi II Requirements .11-.21 .1 /-.21 .1 1-.21 .1 j-.21 ./1-.21 .11-.21 •I 1-.21
(acres per 1,000
Maximum Primary 31 31 31 31 31 15
Schoo I-Age Ch i 1dren
To Teacher Ratio
Maximum Secondary 35 35 35 15
School-Age Chi Idren
To Teacher Ratio
Teacher to Support 8:I 8:I 8:I 8:I 8:I
Staff Ratio
Health Care
Desired Hospital Bed 55%
Occupancy Rate
Law Enforcement
Pol ice Officers 1.5 /.0 1.0
(officers per thousand
Parks and RecreaTion
Playgrounds (acres per 3.9 3.9 3.9
1000 dwelling units)
Neighborhood Parks 3.3 3.3 3.3
(acres per thousand
dwelling units)
Community Park 4.8
(acres per thousand
dwell ing units)E-5B-6
---F.,JIIL ....~
1 -INTRODUCTION..............................................E-6-1
2 -BASELINE DESCRIPTION ..•••.....•............•.....•.•.•....
2.1 -Regional Geology -.
2.2 -Quarternary Geology .
2.3 -Se i sm ic Geo logy (to •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
2.4 - Wat an a Sit'e ••••••••••••••••••••••••••-••••••-•••••••••
2.5 -Devil Canyon Darnsite .
2.6 -Reservoir Geology .
3 -IMPACTS ••.••.•.••.....•••••••••...•••.•.••••..•••....•••••
3.1 -Reservoir-Induced Seismicity (RIS)..
3.2 -See pag e .
3.3 -Reservoir Slope Failures .•....•••••.•.•...••••••.•.•
3.4 -Permafrost Thaw .
3.5 -Seismically-Induced Fail ure ..
4 -MIT I GAT I -ON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
4.1 -Impacts and Hazards .
4.2 -Reservoir-Induced Seismicity •••••••••.•.•••••...••••
4.3 -Seepage , .
4.4 -Reservoir Slope Failures ••••••••.•..•.••.••••..•••••
4.5 -Permafrost -rhaw .
4.6 -Seismically-Induced Failure •••••..••••••••.•••.•.•••
4.7 -Geologic Hazards .
Table E.6.1 -Geologic Time Scale
Tab leE.6.2 -Watana Jo int Characteri st ics
Table E.6.3 -Devil Canyon Joint Characteristics
Table E.6.4 -Devil Canyon Tailrace Tunnel -Joint Characteristics
Figure E6.1 -Regional Geology
FigureE6.2 -Quaternary Study Region Time Scale
Figure E6.3 -Talkeetna Terrain Model and Section
Figure E6.4 -Features Selected for 1981 Studies
Figure E6.5 -Watana Top of Rock and Surficial Geologic Map
Figure E6.6 -Watana Geologic Map
FigureE6.7 -Watana Rock Permeabil ity
Figure E6.8 -Watana Relict Channel -Top of Bedrock
Figure E6.9 -Watana Relict Channel -Expanded Thalweg Section
Figure E6.1O -Watana Borrow Site Map
Figure E6.11 -Watana Borrow Site D Material Gradation Types Sheet 1 of 2
Figure E6.12 -WatanaBorrow Site D Material Gradation Types Sheet 2 of 2
Figure E6.13 -Watana Borrow Site E Stratigraphic Unit Gradations
Figure E6.14 -Watana Borrow Sites C &F Range of Gradations
Figure E6.15 -Watana Borrow Site H Stratigraphic Unit Gradations
Figure E6.16 -Watana Borrow Sites I &J Stratigraphic Unit Gradations
Figure E6.17 -Devil Canyon Top of Bedrock and Surficial Geologic Map
Figure E6.18 -Devil Canyon Geologic IVlap
Figure E6.19 -Devil Canyon Tailrace Geologic Map
Figure E6.20 -Devil Canyon Rock Permeability
Figure E6.21 -Devil Canyon Borrow SiteG Stratigraphic Unit Gradations
Figure E6.22 -Slope Models for the Watana and Devil Canyon Reservoirs
Figure E6.23 -Slope Models for the Watana and Devil Canyon Reservoirs
Figure E6.24 -Devil Canyon Reservoir Index Map
Figure £6.25 -Devil Canyon Slope Stabil ity Map
Figure E6.26 -Devil Canyon Slope Stabil ity Map
Figure E6.27 -Devil Canyon Slope Stability Map
Figure E6.28 -Devil Canyon Slope Stability Map
Figure E6.29 -Devil Canyon Slope Stability Map
Figure E6.30 -Devil Canyon Slope Stabil ity Map
Figure E6.31 -Devil Canyon Slope Stability Map
Figure E6.32 -Devil Canyon Slope Stability Map
Figure E6.33"-Watana Reservoir Index Map
Figure E6.34 -Watana Slope Stabil ity Map
Figure E6.35 -Watana Slope Stability Map
Figure E6.36 -Watana Slope Stabil ity Map
Figure E6.37 -Watana Slope Stabil ity Map
Figure E6.38 -Watana Slope Stability Map
Figure E6.39 -Watana Slope Stability Map
Figure E6.40 -Watana Slope Stabil ity Map
Figure E6.41 -Watana Slope Stability Map
Figure E6.42 -Watana Slope Stability Map
Figure E6.43 -Watana Slope Stability Map
Figure E6.44 -Watana Slope Stabil ity Map
Figure E6.45 -Watana Slope Stability Map
Figure E6.46 -Watana Slope Stabil ity Map
Fi gure E6.47 -Watana Slope St ab il ity Map
Figure E6.48 -Watana Slope Stability Map
Figure 3.1 -Section A-A Devil Canyon Reservoir Potential Minor Beaching
Figure 3.2 -Section B Devil Canyon Reservoir Potential Minor Beaching
Figure 3.3 -Section C Devil Canyon Reservoir Potential Large Slide
Figure 4.1 -Section D-D Watana Reservoir Potential Beaching
Figure 4.2 -Section E-E Watana Reservoir Potential Area of Potential Flows
Figure 4.3 -Section F-F Watana Reservoir Potential Slides and Flows
Figure 4.4 -Section G-G Watana Reservoir Potential Area of Flow Failures
The Devil Canyon and Watana damsites are located on the Susitna River
within the Talkeetna mountains in south-central Al aska.The geologic
setting of the Talkeetna mountains and the Sustina River basin is in an
tectonic mosaic of separate continental structural blocks and frag-
ments.The geology and soil resources,stratigraphy,structure and
glacial history are described in this section as well as regional tec-
tonics and seismic geology.Details of the geotechnical and seismic
investigations conducted for the Susitna Hydroelectric project are
included in the 111980-81 Geotechnical Report ll (1)and the IIFinal Report
on Seismic Studies for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project,1I Woodward-
Cl yde Consultants (2).
2.1 -Regional Geology
The oldest rocks which outcrop in the region are a metamorphosed
upper Paleozoic (Table E.6.1)rock .sequence which trends north-
eastward along the eastern portion of the Susitna River Basin
(Figure E6.1).These rocks consist chiefly of coarse to fine
grained clastic flows and tuffs of basaltic to andesitic composi-
tion,locally containing marble interbeds.This system of rocks
.is uncomformably overlain by Triassic and Jurassic metavolcanic
and sedimentary rocks.These rocks consist of a shallow marine
sequence of metabasalt flows,interbedded with chert,argillite,
marble,and volcaniclastic rocks.These are best expressed in the
project area around Watana and Portage Creeks.The Pal eozoic and
lower Mesozoic rocks are intruded by Jurassic plutonic rocks com-
posed chiefly or granodiorite and quartz diorite.The Jurass ic
age instrus ive rocks form a bathol ithi c complex of the Talkeetna
Thick turbidite sequence of argill ite and graywackes deposit dur-
ing the cretaceous form the bedrock at the Devil Canyon site.
These rocks were subsequently deformed and intruded by a series of
Tertiary age plutonic rocks ranging in composition from granite to
diorite in compostion and includes related felsic and mafic vol-
canic extrusive rocks.The Watana site is underl ain by one of
these 1 arge pl utonic bod ies.These pl utons were subsequently
intruded and overlain by felsic and mafic volcanics.Mafic vol-
canics,composed of andesite porphyry 1 ie downstream from the
Watana site..
(b)Tectonic History
At least three major episodes of deformation are recognized for
the project areas:
- A period of intense metamorphism,plutonism,and uplift in the
- A simi 1 ar orogeny during the middl e to 1ate Cretaceous;and
- A period of extensive uplift and denudation in the middle Terti-
ar y to Quaternary.
The first period (early to middle Jurassic)was the first major
orogenic event in the Susitna River basin as it now exists.It
was characterized by the intrusion of plutons and accompanied by
crustal upl ift and regional metamorphi sm.
Mo st of the structur al features -j n the reg ion are the result of
the Cretaceous orogeny assoc i ated with the accret i on of northwest
drifting continental blocks into the North Prnerican pl ate.This
pl ate convergence resulted in compl ex thrust faulting and folding
which produced the pronounced northeast/southwest structural grain
across the region.The argillite and graywacke beds .in the Devil
Canyon area were isoclinally folded along northwest-trending folds
during this orogency.The majority of the structural features,of
which the Talkeetna Thrust fault is the most prominent in the
Tal keetna Mountains,are a consequence of this orogeny.The
Talkeetna Thrust is postul ated as representing an old suture zone,
involving the thrusting of Paleozoic,Triassic and Jurassic rocks
over the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks (2).Other compressional
structures rel ated to this orogency are evident in the intense
shear zones roughly parallel to and southeast of the Ta"lkeetna
Tertiary deformations are evidenced by a complex system of normal,
oblique slip,and high-angle reverse faults.The prominent tec-
tonic features of this period bracket the basin area.The Denal i
fault,a right-lateral,strike-slip fault 40 to 43 miles north of
the damsites on the Sustina River,exhibits evidence of fault dis-
pl acement during Cenozoic time.The Castle Mountain-Caribou fault
system,which borders the Ta-Ikeetna Mountains approximately 70
mil es southeast of the sites,is a normal fault which has had
fault displacement during the Holocene.
(c)Glacial History
A period of cyclic climatic cooling during the Quaternary resulted
in repeated glaciation of southern Alaska.Little information is
avail able regarding the glacial history in the upper Susitna River
Basin.Unlike the north side of the Alaska Range,which is char-
acterized by alpine type glaciation,the Susitna Basin experienced
coalescing piedmont glaciers from both the A1aska Range and the
Talkeetna Mountains that merged and filled the upper basin area.
At 1east three periods of gl ac i at ion have been del ineated for the
region based on the glacial stratigraphy.During the most recent
period (Late Wisconsinian),glaciers filled the adjoining lowland
basins and spread onto the continental shelf.Waning of the ice
masses from the Al aska Range and Talkeetna Mountains formed ice
barriers which blocked the drainage of glacial meltwater and pro-
duced proglacial lakes.As a consequence of the repeated glacia-
tion,the Susitna and Copper River Basins are covered by varying
thicknesses of tills and lacustrine deposits.
2.2 -Quarternary Geology
Quaternary geology involved the study of geological processes in recent
geologic time (i.e.,the past 1.8 million years).In the site region
these processes are primarily of glacial origin .
Within the site region,the 1 ate Quaternary surfaces are of greatest
interest to the seismic geology study.These surfaces include those of
Holocene and Pleistocene age (including the Wisconsinian and Illinoian
stages).These surfaces are present throughout the site region,and
their age ranges from a few years to approximately 120,000 years before
The Talkeetna Mountain region existed as an extensive mountainous to
rolling upland at the beginning of the Quaternary Epoch,approximately
1.8 years ago.Subsequent to that time a series of climatic fluctua-
tions,apparently began to affect the region.The fluctuating climate,
lead to several periods of extensive glaciation during polar condi-
tions.At its Quaternary maximum,glacier ice formed an ice cap over
the Talkeetna Mountains.These periods of glaciation were separated by
interglacial periods with relatively temperate climatic conditions
generally similar to those now found in the region.
Amoung the more recent glaciations that occurred in the Talkeetna Moun-
tains,four were recognized during this investigation in the Quarter-
nary study region (Figure £6.2).The glaciations and their respective
ages are:pre-Wisconsin,Early Wisconsin,Late Wisconsin,which
included four stades,each of which was less extensive than the preced-
ing one;and Holocene.
The ages for the four glaciations were assigned on the basis of radio-
carbon age dates obtained for this study and generally accepted age
assignment for similar glacial sequences elsewhere in Alaska (2).
There are ten types of Quaternary gl aciogenic features that were used
in part to interpret the age and extent of Quarternary surfaces.These
features include:till,lacustrine deposits,outwash deposits,ice
dis integration deposits,kame terrace deposits,fl uv i al deposits,fl ut-
ing,trimlines,side glacial channels,and an assortment of glacially
sculptured bedrock forms including whalebacks,stoss and lee,and
grooves.Additional data including maps of the Quaternary surfaces are
contained in the Final Report on Seismic Studies (2).
2.3 -Seismic Geology
A detailed seismologic study for the Susitna project was under-
taken by Woodward-Clyde Consultants.The study,performed over a
two year period,included:
-Detailed literature research;
-Interpretation of remote sensing data;
-Geologic mapping of faults and linears;
-Microseismic monitoring;
-Ground motion studies;and
-Analysis of dam stability.
Details of Woodward-Clyde1s study are presented in Reference 2.
summary of their study is presented below.
(b)Conceptual Approach
According to present understanding of plate tectonics,the earth's
lithosphere,which contains the brittle 12 to 19 miles (20 to 30
KM)or so of more rigid crust,overl ies the denser and more vis-
cous mantle.Observed major horizontal movenents of the crustal
plates are considered to be related to,or caused by,thermal con~
vective processes within the mantle.
Within this plate-tectonic framework,faults that have the poten-
tial for generating earthquakes have had recent displ acement and
may be subject to repeated displ acements as long as they are in
the same tectonic stress regime.In regions of pl ate coll ision
such as Al aska,the tectonic stress regime is the result of one
pl ate being subducted,or underthrust,beneath the adjacent pl ate.
Within this environment,primary rupture along fault planes can
occur:within the downgoing plate where it is decoupled from the
upper pl ate ;along the interface between the upper and lower
pl ates where they move past each other;and within the overriding
pl ate.In the site region,faults with recent displ acement are
present in the overriding {upper)pl ate and at depth in the down-
going pl ate where it is decQupl ed from the upper pl ate.
Faults with recent displacement in the downgoing plate and in the
upper pl ate can generate earthquakes which result in ground mo-
tions at the surface.These earthquakes are considered for seis-
mic design purposes.The faults in the downgoing plate are con-
sidered not to have the potenti al for surface rupture.In the
upper pl ate,if the rupture that occurs on these faults is rel a-
tively small and rel atively deep,then rupture at the ground sur-
face is likely not to occur.If the rupture along the fault plane
is at sufficiently shallow depth and is sufficiently large,then
surface rupture can occur.Criteria further study are that faults
that have been subject to surface displ acement within approxi-
mately the past 100,000 years are cl assified as having recent dis-
pl acement.
Inherent with this concept of IIfault with recent displacement"is
the basic premise that faults without recent displacement will not
have surface rupture nor be a source of earthquakes.Faults with-
out recent displacement (as determined during this investigation)
are considered to be of no additional importance to Project feasi-
bil ity and dam design.
{c)Tectonic Model
An understanding of the regional geologic and tectonic framework
is essential for:the assessment of fault activity;estimation of
preliminary maximum credible earthquakes;evaluation of the poten-
tial for surface fault rupture;and evaluations of the potential
for reservoir-induced seismicity.
The site region is located within a tectonic unit defined here as
the Talkeetna Terrain.The Terrain boundaries are the Denal i-
Totschunda fault to the north and east,the Castle fuuntain fault
to the south,a broad zone of deformation with volcaes to the
west,and the Benioff zone at depth (Figure E6.3).All of the
boundaries are (or contain)faults with recent displ acement except
for the western boundary which is primarily a zone of upl ift
marked'by Cenozoic age volcanoes.The Terrain is part of the
North American plate.
Results of this study show that the Talkeetna Terrain is a rela-
tively stable tectonic unit with major strain release occurring
along its boundaries.This conclusion is based on:the evidence
for recent displacement along the Denali-Totschunda and Castle
Mountain faults and the Benioff zone;the absence of major
historical earthquakes within the Terrain;and the absence of
faults within the Terrain that cl early have evidence of recent
displ acement.None of the faults and 1 ineaments observed within
the Talkeetna Terrain were observed to have strong evidence of
recent displacement.
Strain accumul ation and resultant release appears to be occurring
primarily along the margins of the Terrain.Some compression-
rel ated crustal adjustment within the Terrain is probably occurr-
ing as a resul t of the proposed pl ate movement and the stresses
related to the subduction zone.
Thfs tectonic model serves as a guide to understanding tectonic
and seismologic conditi'onsin the site region.
(d)1980 Approach
The appl ication of the "faul t with recent displ acement ll concept
for this investigation involved:
-Identification of all faults and 1ineaments in the site region
that had been reported in the ,iterature and/or were observ ab 1e
on remotely sensed data.
-5el ection of faults and 1 ineaments of potenti al significance in
developing design considerations for the Project,from the
standpoint of seismic source potential and/or potential surface
rupture throug has ite.These faults and 1ineaments were
selected using a length-distance criteria setforth in Woodward-
Clyde1s report (2).These faults and lineOOlents were designated
as candidate features.
-Eval uation of the candidate features during the geologic field
reconnaissance studies.On the basis of this field work,the
microearthquake data,and appl ication of the prel iminary signi-
ficance criteri a those faul ts and 1ineaments were designated as
c and id ate si gnifi cant features.These features were subj ected
to additional evaluation using refined analyses,as described
below,to select those features or potential significance to
Project design considerations.
-Refinement of the evaluation process,using the significance
criteria.On the basis of this evaluation,significant features
were selected for continued studies in 1981.
(e)Significant Features
Of 216 candidate features identified at the outset of the study,a
total of 48 candidate significant features were identified in the
site region on the basis of the initial length-distance screening
criteria,their proximity to the site,their classification in the
field,and appl ication of prel iminary significance screening cri-
ter i a.
Cand id ate si gnifi cant features are those faul ts and 1 ineaments
which on the basis of available data at the end of the field
reconnaissance,were considered to have a potenti al effect on
Project design.Subsequent evaluation,using a refined,syste-
matic ranking methodology,resulted in the identification of 48
significant features.
The 48 cand id ate si gnifi cant features were subsequentl y ev al uated
by making detailed analyses regarding their seismic source poten-
tial and surface rupture potential at either site.For the ev~u
ation of seismic source potential,the analyses included:an
assessment of the likelihood that a feature is a fault with recent
displ acernent;an estimation of the prel iminary maximum credible
earthquake that coul d be assoc i ated with the feature;and an eval-
uation of the peak bedrock accelerations that would be generated
by the preliminary maximum credible earthquake at either site.
To evaluate the potential for surface rupture at either dam site,
the analyses included:an assessment of the likelihood that a
feature is a fault with recent displacement;an assessment of the
likelihood that a feature passes through either site;and an eval-
uation of the maximum amount of displacement that could occur
along the feature during a single event (e.g.,the preliminary
.max imum cred ib 1e earthquake).
The evaluation of the 48 candidate significant faults,applying
the judgments described above,resulted in the selection of 13
features,des i gnated signifi cant features,that shoul d have add i-
tional studies to understand and more fully eval uate their signi-
ficance to the Project (Figure £6.4).
Of these 13 features,four are in the vicinity of the Watana site
including the Talkeetna thrust fault (KC4-1),Susitna feature
(KD3-3),Fins feature (K-27),and lineament KD3-7.Nine of the
features are in the vicinity of the Devil Canyon site including an
unnamed fault (designated KD5-2),and lineaments KC5-5,KD5-3,
KD5-9,KD5-12,KD-5-42,KD5-43, KD5-44,and KD-45 (the al pha-
numeric sjfllbol (e.c.,KC4-1)has been assigned to each fault and
These significant features were del ineated for study during the
1981 program.
(f)1981 Approach
The 1981 study of the 13 significant features identified during
1980 involved the following objection.
-Assessing the 1 ikel ihood that each of the 13 features is a
-Assessing the age of the sediments overlying each of the 13
-Selecting an excavating trenches'across topographic features
that resembled topographic expression of faults in the young
geologic deposits;
Evaluating the likelihood that each of the 13 features is a
fault with recent displ acement using the guidel ine establ ished
for the project,i.e.,rupture of the ground surface during the
past 100,000 years;
-Assessing the detectability of faults that may have ruptured the
ground surface during moderate to 1arge earthquakes in the past
100,000 years and estimating a detection level earthquake that
could theoretically occur on a fault that might be below the
detection level of geologic investigation;
-Evaluating seismological records of moderate to large historical
earthquakes in the project region to estimate focal mechanism
parameters and assess the relation of the earthquakes to
recognized faults with recent displacement;
-Applying judgment and experience gained from the study of other
faults with recent displacement in Alaska and in similar
tectonic environments (e.g.,Japan and South America);
-Estimating the maximum credible earthquake and recurrence
interval 1)for each fault that is considered to be a seismic
source 2)for the Benioff zone,and 3)for a detection level
-Estimating the potential for surface rupture on any faults with
recent displacement within 6 miles (10 km)of the dam sites;
Est imat ing the val ues of ground-mot i on parameters for the sei s-
mic sources identified in objective ( )above that are appropri-
ate for seismic design.-
(g)Results of Study
Faults for which evidence of recent displ acement was found were
considered to be potential seismic sources.Each potential seis-
mic source was evaluated to estimate its potential seismic ground
motions at the Watana and Devil Canyon sites and its potential for
surface rupture within 6 miles (10 km)of the sites.
On the basis of the 1980 study,the Talkeetna Terrain boundary
faults were identified as seismic sources that need to be con-
sidered as potential sources of seismic ground motion at the
sites.These include:the Castle Mountain Fault,the Denali
Fault,the Benioff zone interplate region,and the Benioff zone
intraplate region (Figure E.6.3).These sources are considered to
be or to contain faults with recent displacement that could cause
seismic ground motions at the Watana and Devil Canyon sites;how-
ever,because of their distance from the sites,these faults do
not have the potential for rupture through the sites.The 1980
study also identified 13 features near the sites that required
detailed evaluation during the 1981 study to assess their import-
ance for seismic design.
On the basis of the 1981 study,no evidence for faults with recent
displ acement other than the Talkeetna Terrain boundary faults has
been observed within 62 miles (l00 klYl)of either site and none of
the 13 features near the sites are judged to be faults with recent
displ acement.Therefore,when applying the guidel ine defining
faults with recent displ acement to the results of the investiga-
tion,the 13 features are considered not to be potential seismic
sources that could cause seismic ground motions at the sites or
surface rupture through the sites.
Interpretations that none of the 13 features are faults with re-
cent displacement is based on data collection during the investi-
gation.The data are 1 imited in the sense that a continuous
100,000 year-old stratum or surace was not found along the entire
length of each of the features.For this reason,the available
data were analyzed and professional judgment was appl ied to reach
conclusions concerning the recency of displacement of each of the
13 features.
As discussed previously,earthquakes up to a given magnitude could
occur on faults with recent displacement that might not be detect-
able by our geologic investigation.The size of such an earth-
quake,designated the detection level earthquake,varies according
to the degree of natural preservation of faul t-rel ated geomorphic
features and from one tectonic environment to another.The detec--~
tion level earthquake has been estimated by:1)evaluating the
dimensions of surface faulting associated with worldwide histori-
cal earthquakes in tectonic environments similar to the Talkeetna
Terrain;2)identifying the threshold of surface faulting using a
group of thoroughly studied earthquakes in California;and 3)
evaluating the degree of preservation of fault-related geomorphic
features in the Talkeetna Terrain.For this project,it has been
judged that the detection level earthquake is magnitude (MS)6.
(h)Maximum Credible Earthquakes (MCEs)
Max imum cred ib 1e earthquakes (MCEs)were est im ated for the bound-
ary faults (in the crust and in the Benioff zone)and for the
detection level earthquake.The MCEs for the crustal .faults (the
Castle Mountain and Denali faults)were estimated using the magni-
tude-rupture-length relationships.
Sources of moderate earthquake appear to exist within'the Ta 1-
keetna Terrain,although no faults with recent displ acement were
detected by the investigation.Therefore,an MCE was estimated
for the detection level earthquake that would be associated with a
fa.ult along which no surface rupture was observed.In summary,
the MCEs for the crustal and Benioff zone sei smic sources are
est imated as fo 11 ows :
Closest Approach to
Proposed Damsites
MCE Dev i 1 Canyon Watana
Source ~mi1es/(km)mil esl (km)
Castle Mountain fault 7-1/2 71 (115 )65 (lOS)
Denali fault 8 40 (64 )43 (70 )
Benioff zone (interpl ate)8-1/2 57 (91)40 (64 )
Benioff zone (intraplate)7-1/2 38 (61 )31 (50 )"""Detection level earthquake 6 <6 (<10)<6 «10 )
Si 9 nif ic an t
Durat ion
Max imum
Benioff Zone
Dena1 i Faul t
Terrain Earthquake
Earthquake Source
Estimated mean peak horizontal ground accelerations and duration
of strong shaking (significant duration)at the sites due to the
governing maximum credible earthquake are the following.
Mean Peak
Accel erat i on
'Dev i'
Watana Canyon
Site Site
The probabi1 ities of exceedance of peak ground accelerations at
the sites were estimated.The Benioff Zone was found to dominate
the contributions to the probabil ities of exceedance.Other
sources of earthquakes,including the Dena1 i Fault and the detec-
tion level earthquake contributed only sl ightly to the probabi1 i-
ties of exceedance.
These ground motions were used as a guide1 ine in developing the
engineering design criteria.
(i)Reservoir-Induced Seismicity (RIS)
The studies concluded that there would be a high likelihood for
reserv oi r-induced earthquake as a resu1 t of impoundment.However,
such an event is not expected to cause an earthquake larger than
that which could occur in a given region "naturally".
2.5 -Watana Site
(a)Geologic Conditions
A summary of site overburden and bedrock conditions is presented
in the following paragraphs.A geologic map of the damsite area
is shown in Figure E6.5.
Overburden thickness in the damsite area ranges from 0 up
to 80 feet in localized areas.On the lower slopes,the
overburden consists primarily of talus.The upper areas of
the abutments near the top of the slope are deposits of
glacial tills,allUVium,and talus.Subsurface investiga-
tions show the contact between the overburden and bedrock
to be relatively unweathered.
The depth of the river alluvium beneath the proposed dam
averages about 80 feet and consists of sand,silt,coarse
gravel sand bou1 ders.
( i i)Bedrock Lithology
The damsite is primarily underlain by an intrusive dioritic
body which varies in composition from granodiorite to
quartz diorite to diorite.The texture is massive and the
rock is hard,competent,and fresh except withi n sheared
and altered zones.These rocks have been intruded by mafic
and felsic dikes which are generally only a few feet thick.
The contacts are heal ed and competent.The rock immed i ate-
ly downstream from the damsite is an andesite porphyry.
This rock is medium to dark gray to green and contains
quartz diorite inc 1us ions.The contact zone of the ande-
site with the diorite is generally weathered and fractured
up to 10 to 15 feet above the contact.
(iii)Bedrock Structures
There are two major and two minor joint sets at the site.
Set 1,which is the most prominent set,strikes 320·"and
dips to 80 0 NE to vertical.This set is found throughout
the dams ite and parall el s the general structural trend in
the regions.Set 1 has a subset,which strikes 290·to
300·with a dip of 75 0 NE.This subset is local ized in
the downstream area near where the di.version tunnel
portals are proposed.This subset also parallels the
shear zones in the downstream area of the site.Set II
trends northeast to east and dips vertically.This set
is best develope in the upstream portion of the damsite
area,but is locally prominent in the downstream areas.
Sets II I and IV are minor sets but can be locally well
developed.Set III trends N-S with variable dips ranging
from 40 0 east to 65 0 west,while Set IV trends 090·with
subhorizontal dips.Set III forms numerous open joints
on the cl iff faces near the IIFi ngerbuster,1I and several
shear zones parallel this orientation.Set IV appears to
have developed from stress relief from glacial unloading
and/or valley erosion.
Table E6.2 details the joint characteristics.
-Shears and Fracture Zones
Several shears,fracture zones,and al teration zones are
present at the site (Figure E6.5).For the most part,
they are small and discontinuous.All zones greater than
10 feet in width have been del ineated as GF on the geo-
logic map (Figure E6.5).
Shears are defined as having breccia,gouge,and/Or
sl ickensl ides indicating rel ative movement.Two forms of
shearing are found at the site.The first type is found
only in the diorite and is characterized by breccia of
sheared rock that has been rehealed into a matrix of very
fi ne grai ned andesite/diorite.These shear zones have
high RQDs and the rock is fresh and hard.The second
type is common to all rock types and consists of unhealed
brecca and/or gouge.These shear zones are soft,fri-
able,and often have secondary mineral ization of carbon-
ate and chlorite showi ng sl ickensl ides.These zones are
generally less than 1 foot wide.
Fr acture zones are al so common to all rock types and
range from 6 inches to 30 feet wide (generally less than
10 feet).These zones are closely spaced joints that are
often iron oxide stained or carbonate coated.Where
exposed,the zones trend to form topographic lows.
Alteration zones are areas where hydrothermal solution
have caused the chemic al breakdown of the feldspars and
mafic mineral s.The degree of alteration encountered is
highly variable across the site.These zones are rarely
seen in outcrop as they are easily eroded into gullies,
but were encountered in all the boreholes.The transi-
tion .between fresh and altered rock is gradational.The
zones may range to 20 feet thick although·are usually
less than 5 feet.
Structual Features
The Watana site has several significant geologic features consist-
ing of shears,fractures and alteration zones described previously
(Fi gur e E6..5).
The two most prominent areas have been named the lIFins ll and the
lIFingerbuster.lI The lIFinsll is located on the north bank of the
river upstream from the diversion tunnel intake.It is an area
approximately 400-feet wide,characterized by three major north-
west trend ing zones of sheari ng and alterat i on that have eroded
into steep gull ies.These alteration zones are separated by in-
tack rock bands (ribs)5 to 50 feet wide.The 20-foot-wide up-
stream zone of the series coincides with the diorite/andesite
porphyry contact.The other two zones,approximately 55 and 30
feet wide,are fill ed with'sev erel y altered rock.Th is zone
trends 310°with a near vertical dip.The extension of the zone
has been extrapo 1ated to extend northwestward outcropping in
Tsusen a Creek.
The IIFingerbuster J1 is located downstream from the damsite and is
exposedi n a 40-foot-wi de deep tal us-filled gully along the ande-
site porphyry/diorite contact (Figure E6.5).The rock is severely
weathered with closely spaced joints trending parallel to Set I
(330°)and Set III (0°).Slickenslides indicate vertical dis-
pl acement.The extension of thi s zone to the south is based on a
strong north-south topographic 1 ineament.Because of the 1 ack of
exposure,its location and extent have been approximated.
A prominent al teration zone was encountered on the south bank
where a dri 11 ho 1e encountered approx imatel y 200 feet of hydro-
thermally altered rock.Although core recovery in this boring was
good,the quality of rock was relatively poor.
Ground Water Conditions
The ground water reg ime in the bedrock is confi ned to movement
along fractures and joints.The water table is a subdued repl ica
of the surface topography.Water 1evel s on the ri ght abutment are
deep,ranging from about 110 to 280 feet.Ground water conditions
on the south abutment are campl icated because of the apparent con-
tinuous thick permafrost resulting in a perched water table near
surface and a deep table below the frost.
(d)Permafrost Conditions
Permafrost conditions exist on the north-facing slopes (left bank)
of the dams ite area.Measurements ind icate that permafrost ex ists
to a depth of 200 to 300 feet.Temperature measurements show the
permafrost to be II warm ll (within 1°C of freezing).No permafrost
was found on the north abutment but sporad ic areas of frost can be
The rock permeability does not vary significantly within the site
area;generally ranging between 1 x 10-4 em/sec to 1 10-6 em/sec.
The permeability is controlled by a degree of fractures within the
rock,with the higher permeabil ity occurring in the more sheared
and fractured zone.Permeabil ities tend to decrease with depth
(Fi gure E6.7).
(f)Relict Channels
(i)Watana Relict Channel
A rel ict channel ex ists north of the Watana damsite.The
location of this preglacial feature is shown in Figure E6.8.
The max imum depth of overburden in the thal weg channel,as
shown in Figure E6.8,is approximately 450 feet.
The stratigraphy in the channel has been described by a
number of stratigraphy units as shown in Figure E6.9 as A
through K.
Taking these in order these units are described as follows:
Units A and B are the near surface deposits consisting of
organic tundra material and a silty sand matrix.Unit C is
glacial outwash.Unit 0 occurs locally as well sorted allu-
vial sands,silts and gravels while Units E and F are gla-
cial outwash similar to Unite.Unit G contains greater
amounts of fine material with cl ay and lacustrine deposits
with ice rafted cobbles and boulders.Unit H is a series of
alluvial and outwash deposits.Unit I is a fill as is the
underlying Unit J.Overlying the dense till of J is JI
which ;s a localized clean sand and gravel deposit.The
deepest deposit overlying bedrock is Unit K which is com-
posed of boulders,cobbles and gravels.
(ii)Fog Lakes Buried Channel
In the area between the Watana damsite and the higher ground
some 5 miles to the southeast,the bedrock surface dips to
350 feet below ground surface,or 174 feet below max imum
pool elevation.The channel is overlain by glacial
(g)Borrow Areas
Several borrow areas have been identified in the Watana site area
and are shown in Figure E6.10.The gradation of the materials
from each of these sites as shown in Figures E6.11 through E6.16.
In addition to the granular and finer grained borrow sites,Quarry
Site A,which is a large diorite and andesite exposure on the left
abutment may be used for rockfill.
2.6 -Devil Canyon Damsite
A detailed description of the site investigations and the geologic and
geotechnical conclusions at the Devil Canyon site is provided in the
1980-81 Geotechnical Report (1).The following is a brief summary and
interpretation of the findings presented in the Geotechnical Report.
(a)Geologic Conditions
The overburden and bedrock conditions at the Devil Canyon site are
summarized in the following paragraph.A geologic map of the dam-
site area is shown in Figure E6.17 in thi$section.
( i )
( i i )
The valley walls at the Devil Canyon site are very steep
and are generally covered by a thin veneer of overburden
consisting primarily of talus at the base.The flatter up-
1and areas are covered by 5 to 35 feet of overburden of
glacial origin.A topographic depression along the elon-
gated lakes on the south bank has an overburden cover in
excess of 85 feet of glacial materials.The overburden on
the alluvial fan or point bar deposit at the Cheechako
Creek confl uence thi ckens from 100 feet to more than 300
feet over a distance of less than 400 feet.
The river channel alluvium appears to be composed of
cobbles,boulders,and detached blocks of rock and is
inferred to be up to 30 feet thick.
Bedrock Lithology
The bedrock at the Devil Canyon site is a low-grade.meta-
morphosed sedimentary rock consisting predominantly of
argillite with interbeds of graywacke.A geologic map of
the site is shown in Figure E6.17.The argill ite is a
fresh,medium-to-dark gray,thinly bedded,fine grained
argillaceous rock with moderately well-developed foliation
parallel to the bedding.The graywacke is a fresh,light
gray,mainly fine grained sandstone within an argillaceous
matrix.The graywacke is well indurated and exhibits
poorly developed to non-existent foliation.The graywacke
is interbedded with the argi1l ite in beds generally less
than 6 inches thick.Contacts between beds are tight and
both rock types are fresh and hard.Minor quartz veins and
stringers are commonly found in the arg ill ite.These are
generally less than 1 foot wide and unfractured with tight
contacts.Sulphide mineralization is common with pyrite
occurring in as much as 5 percent of the rock.
The area has also been intruded by numerous felsic and
mafic dikes ranging from 1 inch to 60 feet wide (averaging
20 feet).The dikes have northwest to north orientation
(Figures E6.17)with steep dips.When closely fractured
they are eas il y eroded and tend to form steep tal us-fill ed
gullies,some of whi~h exhibit shearing with the host rock.
The felsic dikes are light gray and include aplite and
rhyol ite.The mafic dikes are fine grained and appear to
be of diorite to diabase composition.
(iii)Bedrock Structures
-Beddi ng
The argillite/graywacke has been completely deformed as
evidenced by refolded folds and the development of mul-
tiple foliations.The primary foliation parallels the
bedding at 035°to 090°,subparallel to the river,and
dips 45°to 80°SE (Figure E6.17).Where exposed,the
foliation planes appear slaty and phyllitic.The north
canyon wall at the damsite appears to be controlled by
the bedding pl anes and dips 45°to 80°SE.Where ex-
posed,the foliation planes appear slaty and phyllitic.
The north canyon wall at the damsite appears to be con-
trolled by the bedding planes.
Four joint sets have been del ineated at Devil Canyon.
Set I (strike 320 0 to 355°and dips 60°to 70°NE)and
Set II (strike 040 0 to 065 0 and dips 40°to 60 0 S)are the
most significant.Set I joints are the most prominent
with spacing of 15 feet to 2 feet,and on the upper
canyon wall s of the south bank these joints are open as
much as 6 inches.Set III is subparallel to the bedding/
fol iation and,when it intersects with Set I,can cause
the formation of loose blocks.Set III joints (strikes
005 0 to 030 0 and dip 85 0 NW to 85°SE)are also often
open on the south bank and where they dip towards the
river they may create potential slip planes.This set
has variable spacing and sporadic distribution.The
fourth set is a minor set with low dip angles and vari-
able strike orientation.
Joi nt spacings measured from the borehole cores range
from lesss than 1 foot to more than 10 feet.The spacing
and tightness of the joints increase with depth.
Tables E6.3 and E6.4 characteri zethe joints at Devil
-Shears and Fracture Zones
Shears and fracture zones were encountered in local ized
areas of the site in both outcrops and boreholes (Figure
E6.17).Shears are defined as areas containing breccia,
gouge,and/or sl ikensl ides indicating rel ative movenent.
These zones are soft and fr i ab 1e and are character ized by
high permeabil ity and core loss during drill ing.Frac-
ture zones,.often encountered in conjunction with the
shears,are zones of very closely spaced joints.With
depth,these zones become tighter and more widely spaced.
Where exposed,they are eroded into deep gullies.
The most common trend of these features is northwest,
parallel to Joint Set 1.These zones have vertical to
steep northeast d ips and are generally 1ess than 1 foot
wi de.Northwest trend ing shears are al so assoc i ated with
the contacts between the arg ill ite and mafi c dikes and
are up to 1 foot wide.
A second series of shears trend northeasterly,subparal-
leling the bedding/foliation and Joint Set II,with high
angle southeasterly dips.These average less than 6
inches in width .
Structural Features
Several structural features at the Devil Canyon site were investi-
gated during the 1980-1981 program.
In summary,these included the east-west trending sheared and
fractured zone beneath the proposed saddle dam area;a bedrock
drop-off beneath Borrow Site G;and bedrock conditions beneath the
Sus itna Ri ver.
Seismic refraction and drilling data confirm the existence of a
hi ghl Y sheared and fractured zone on the 1eft bank beneath the
proposed saddl e dam that generally trends parall el to the river.
The dip on thi s feature is inferred to be parall el or subparall el
to the bedding/foliation at approximately 65 0 to the south.The
1 inear extent of the feature has not been determined but may be up
to 2,500 feet.No evidence was found during the 1980-81 program
to suggest movenent along this feature.This conclusion was con-
firmed during the seismic investigaitons (2).Further investiga-
tion of this feature will be required to define its extent and to
determine the type of foundation treatment that will be required
beneath the sad d 1e d a1I.
Upstream from the damsite,a several-hundred-foot drop-off in the
bedrock surface under the alluvial fan was detected by seismic re-
fraction surveys.Land access restrictions imposed during the
study prohibited any further investigation of this area ..Possible
expl anation for this apparent anamalous drop-off could be attri-
buted to misinterpretation of the seismic data or else the lower
velocity material could be either a highly f~acturesrock in lieu
of soil or an offset of the rock surface caused by faulting.The
latter interpretation in unlikely in that work performed in this
area concluded that there was no compelling evidence for a fault.
Future work remains to be done in this area to more clearly define
thi s feature.
Detailed examination of rock core and mapping in the river valley
bottom showed no evidence for through going faulting in the river-
(c)Ground Water Conditions
Ground water migration within the rock is restricted to joints and
fr actures.It is inferred that the ground water 1evel is a sub-
dued replica of the surface topography with the flow towards the
river and lakes.Measured water levels in the boreholes varied
from ground surface to 120 feet.
(d)P ermafros t
No permafrost was found in either the bedrock or surficial materi-
al at or around the damsite.
Rock permeabil ity ranges from approximately 1 x 10-4 cm/sec to
1 x 10-6 em/sec with tower permeabilities generally at depth.
Hi gher permeab 11 ity occur in the more weathered fractured rock
zones (see Table E6.28).
(f)Geology Along Proposed Long Tailrace Tunnel
This section discusses the lithology and structure along
the proposed long tailrace tunnel for the Devil Canyon
damsite.Reconnaissance mapping was done along the Susitna
River from about 2,500 feet to 10,000 feet downstream from
the site.Rock exposures are nearly continuous from the
d amsi te to the bend in the river where the proposed portal
area is located.From that point downstream,outcrops are
scattered and poorly exposed.
(i i )Litho logy
As in the area of the main dam,the lithology along the
proposed tailrace consists of interbedded argillite and
graywacke which have been intruded by mafic and fe1 si c
dikes.The argill ite is medilJll to dark gray,very fine to
fine grained argill aceous rock with occasional grains of
fine to medium sand.The graywacke is medium gra-ined,
1 ight to medium gray within matrix of very fine grained
argillite.The interbeds of argillite and graywacke are
generally 6 inches thick.Contacts between beds are sharp
and tight.
Bedding is parallel to weakly developed foliation.Bedding
foliation strikes generally northeast with moderate dips to
the southeast.A secondary foliation (which is poorly
developed at the damsite)is locally well developed near
the proposed tunnel portal.The secondary foliation
strikes nearly north-south with high angle d"ips to the
northwest.The argill ite and graywacke have been intruded
by numerous quartz veins and stringers at the damsite.
Felsic and mafic dikes were mapped in outcrops along the
river and to the north of the tunnel route.The lithology
and structure of these dikes are simil ar to those found at
the damsite.The felsic dikes consist of two varieties:
rhyol ite and granodiorite.The rhyo1 ite dikes are 1 ight
yellowish gray to gray.The texture is aphanitic to fine
grained with fine to medium grained quartz phenocrysts.
The grandodiorite dikes are primarily medium grained
p1 agiocl ase phenocrysts in a fine grained groundmass of
p1 agiocl ase,orthocl ase,biotite and quartz.The fel sic
dikes are generally slightly to moderately weathered,
medium hard,with very close to closely spaced joints.
Iron oxide staining is common.Widths are generally 10 to
20 feet.Contacts with arg ill ite and graywacke are gen-
erally fractured and/or sheared.Up to 3-foot-wide contact
metamorphic zones are common in the adj acent argill ite and
graywacke.The felsic dikes strike northwest and nort-
Mafic dikes are generally dark green to dark gray.These
dikes are fresh to sl ight 1Y weathered and hard.Mafi c
dikes are composed of feldspar in a fibrous groundmass with
accessory pyroxene,biotite,hornblende,and calcite.
These dikes are generally 2 to 10 feet wide and trend
northwest with high angle vertical dips.Like the felsic
dikes,the mafic dike contacts are generally sheared and/or
fractured.Joint spacing is very close to closely spaced.
Joints sets and shear/fracture zones similar to those
mapped at the damsite are likely to occur along the tail-
race tunnel (see Figure E6.19).
The four joint sets identified at the damsite continue
downstream;however,variations in orientation and dip
occur.Table E6.4 contains a list of joint characteristics
for joints along the tailrace tunnel.
Joint Set I is northwest trending with a moderate to high
angl e dips to the northeast and southwest.The average
strike and dip of this set in the tailrace area is 325°and
70°northeast,respectively,which differs sl ightly from
its average orientation in the damsite of 340°and 80°
northeast.Spacings are highly variable but average about
1.5 feet.The river fl ows parall el to thi s set in the
vicinity of the outlet portal.
Joint Set II includes joints parallel and subparallel to
the bedding/foliation planes.This set strikes 065°with
moderate (60°)dips to the southeast.The strike is es-
sentially the same as at the dansite,although the dip is
slightly steeper.
Joint Set III strikes nearly north-south at an average of
022°.Dips are variable from 63°east to 84°west.The
strike of Set III is similar to that found on the south
bank of the damsite;but about 30°more northerly than the
average strike found on the rth bank.Oi ps are generally
simil ar to those at the damsite.Set III joints are well
developed in the vicinity of the outlet portal.
Joint Set IV consists of low-angle (dipping less than 40°)
joints of various orientations.
Al though no shears or fracture zones were found during the
reconnaissance mapping downstream from the damsite,it is
anticipated that several such features will be encountered
along the tunnel.These shears and fracture zones will
likely be less than 10 feet wide and spaced from 300 to 500
feet apart.Tailrace geology is shown in Figure E6.19.
(g)Borrow Areas
Borrow site G has been identified as a source of granular material
for concrete aggregate.The range of grain sizes in borrow area G
area shown in Figure E6.21.
A rock quarry area designated as borrow site K has been identified
approximately 5,300 feet south of the saddle dam.This area con-
tains a granodiorite similar to rock found at the Watana damsite.
2.7 -Reservoir Geology
(i i )
The topography of the Watana Reservoir and adjacent slopes
is characterized by a narrow V-shaped stream-cut valley
superimposed on a broad U-shaped glacial valley.Surficial
deposits mask much of the bedrock in the area,espec i ally
in the lower and uppermost-reaches of the reservoir.A
surficial geology map of the reservoir,prepared by the
COE,and airphoto interpretation performed during this
study identified tills,lacustrine and alluvial deposits,
as well as predominant rock types.Details of this photo-
analysis are contained in the 1980-81 Geotechnical Report
(1 ) •
Surficial Deposits
Generally,the lower section of the Watana Reservoir and
adjacent slopes are covered by a vaneer of glacial till and
lacustrine deposits.Two main types of till have been
identified in this area,ablation and basal tills.The
basal till is predominately over-consolidated,with a
fine-grain matrix (more silt and clay)and low permeabil-
ity.The ablation till has less fines and a somewhat
higher permeabil ity.Lacustrine deposits consist primarily
of poorly-graded fine sands and si lts with lesser amounts
of gravel and clay,and exhibits a crude stratification.
On the south side of the Susitna River,the Fog Lake area
is characteri st ic of a fl uted ground morai ne surface.Up-
stream in the Watana Creek area,glaciolacustrine material
forms a broad,flat plain which mantles the underlying
glacial till and the partially lithified Tertiary sedi-
ments.Significant disintegration features such as kames
and eskers have been observed adj acent to the river vall ey.
Permafrost exists in the area,as evidenced by ground ice,
patterned ground stone nets and sl umpi ng of the gl ac i al
till overlying permafrost.Numerous slumps have been iden-
tified in the Watana Reservoir area especially in sediments
comprised of basal till.In addition,numerous areas of
frozen alluviwn and interstitial ice crystal s have been
observed in outcrops and identified from drill hole drive
sampl es.
Bedrock Geology
The Watana damsite is underlain by a diorite pluton.
Approximately three miles upstream of the Watana damsite,a
non-conformable contact between argill ite and the dioritic
pluton crosses the Susitna River.An approximate location
of this contact has also been delineated on Fog Creek,four
mil es to the south of the damsite.Just downstream of the
confluence of Watana Creek and the Susitna River,the bed-
rock consists of semi-consolidated,Tertiary sediments and
vol c an ics 0 f Tria s sic ag e•Th e seTrias sic vol c an ics con-
sist of metavo1caniclastic rocks and marble.From just
upstream of Watana Creek to Jay Creek,the rock consists of
a metavol canogen ic sequence domin antl y composed of
metamorphosed flows and tuffs of basaltic to andesitic
composition.From Jay Creek to just downstream of the
Oshetna River,the reservoir is underlain by a metamorphic
terrain of amphibol ite and minor amounts of greenschi st and
foliated diorite.To the east of the Oshetna River,
gl acial deposits are predominant.
The main structural feature within the Watana Reservoir is
the Talkeetna Thrust fault,which trends northeast-south-
west and crosses the Susitna River approximately eight
mil es upstream of the Watana damsite.The southwest end of
the fault is overlain by unfaulted Tertiary volcanics.
(b)Devil Canyon
(i)Surficial and Bedrock Geology
The topography in and around the Dev il Canyon reservoir is
bedrock controlled.Overburden is thin to absent,except
in the upper reaches of the proposed reservoir where allu-
vial deposits cover the valley floor.
A large intrusive plutonic body composed predominantly.of
biotite granodiorite with local areas of quartz diorite and
diorite,underl ies most of the reservoir and adj acent
slopes.The rock is 1 ight gray to pi nk,med ium grained and
composed of quartz,feldspar,biotite and hornblende.The
most common mafic mineral is biotite.Where weathered,the
rock has a light yellow-gray or pinkish yellow-gray color,
except where it is hi gh 1Y ox id i zed and iron st ai ned.The
granodiorite is generally massive,competent,and hard with
the exception of the rock exposed on the upl and north of
the Susitna River where the biotite granodiorite has been
badly decomposed as a result of mechanical weathering.
The other principal rock types in the reservoir area are
the argillite and graywacke,which are exposed at the Devil
Canyon damsite.The argill ite has been intruded by the
massive granodiorite and as a result,1 arge iso1 ated roof
pendants of argillite and graywacke are found locally
throughout the reservoir and surround ing areas.The
argillite/graywacke varies locally to a phyllite of low
metamorphic grade,with possible isolated schist outcrops.
The rock has been isocl inally folded into steeply dipping
structures which generally strike northeast-southwest.The
contact between the argillite and the biotite grandodiorite
crosses the Sus itna Ri ver just upstream of the Dev i1 Canyon
damsite.It is non-conformable and is characterized by an
aphanitic texture with a wide chilled zone.The trend of
the contact is roughly northeast-southwest where it crosses
the river.Several 1 arge outcrops of the arg ill ite
completely surrounded by the biotite granodiorite are found
within the Devil Creek area.
3.1 -Reservoir-Induced Seismicity (RIS)
The potential for the possible future occurrence of reservoir-
induced seismicity (RIS)in the vicinity of the proposed reser-
voirs was evaluated.Reservoir-induced seismicity is defined here
as:the phenomenon earth movenent and resultant sei sm i city that
has a spatial and temporal relationship to a reservoir and is
triggered by nontectonic stress.
Several reservoir-induced seismic events (at Kremasta,Greece;
Koyna,India;Kariba,Zambia-Rhodesia;and Xinfengjiang,China)
have exceeded magnitude eMs)6.Damage occurred to the dams at
Koyna and Xinfengjiang,and additional property damage occurred at
Koyna and Kremasta.
Studies of the occurrence of RIS (2)have shown that RIS is influ-
enced by the depth and volume of the reservoir,the filling his-
tory of the reservoir,the state of tectonic stress in the shallow
crust beneath the reservoir,and the existing pore pressures and
permeabil ity of the rock under the reservoir.Although direct
measurements are d iffi cul t to obtai n for some of these factors,
indirect geologic and seismologic data,together with observations
about the occurrence of RIS at other reservoirs,can be used to
assess the potential for an the possible effects of the occurrence
of RIS at the proposed Project reservoirs.
The scope of this study included:a)a comparison of the depth,
volume,regional stress,geologic setting,and faulting at the
Devil Canyon and Watana sites with the same parameters at compar-
able reservoirs worldwide;b)an assessment of the 1 ikel ihood of
RIS at the sites based on the above compari son;c)a rev iew of the
rel ationship between reservoir fill ing and the length of time to
the onset of induced events and the length of time to the maximum
earthquake;d)an evaluation of significance of these time
periods for the sites;e)the development of a model to assess
the impact of RIS on groundmotion parameters;f)a review of the
relationship between RIS and method of reservoir filling;and g)
an assessment of the potential for landslides resulting from RIS.
For this study,the two proposed reservoirs were considered to be
one hydrologic entity (designated the proposed Devil Canyon-Watana
reservoir)because the hydrologic influence of the two proposed
reservoirs is expected to overl ap in the area between the Watana
site and the upstream end of the Dev il Canyon reservoir.The pro-
posed Deveil Canyon-Watana reservoir wi 11 be approx imatel y 87
miles (140 km)The following parameters were used:
Devil Canyon Watana Combined
Depth 551 ft 725 ft 725 ft
Vo 1 ume 1.09xlO 6 ac-ft 9.52x10 6 ac-ft 1O.61xlO 6 ac-ft
Regime Compress ional Compressional Compress i onal
Bedrock Metanorphic Ingenous Ingenous
The combined hydrologic body of water,as proposed,would consti-
tute a very deep,very 1 arge reservoir within a primarily ignenous
b~drock terrain that is undergoing compressional tectonic stress.
(b)Evaluation of Potential Occurrence
(i)Likelihood of Occurrence
For comparative purposes,a deep reservoir has a maximum
water depth of 300 feet or deeper;a very deep reservoir is
492 feet deep or deeper;a 1arge reservoir has a max imum
water vol ume g}'eater than lx106 acre feet and a very
1arge reservoir has a vol ume greater than 8.1x10 6 acre
feet.Twenty-one percent of all deep,very deep,or very
large reservoirs have been subject to RIS.Thus,the like-
lihood that any deep,very deep,or very large reservoir
will experience RIS is 0.21.However,the tectonic and
geologic conditions at any specific reservoir may be more
or less 'conductive to RIS occurrence.
Models have been developed by Baecher and Keeney in Packer
and others (2)to estimate the likelihood of RIS at a
reservoir~characterized by its depth,volume faulting,
geology,and stress regime.The models from which the
likel ihoods are calcualted are sensitive to changes in data
cl assification for the geologic and stress regime.The
calculations from models,however,do not significantly
.infl uence the basic rel atively high 1 ikel ihood of RIS at
the Devil Canyon-Watana reservoir considering its depth and
(ii)Location and Maximum Magnitude
Woodward-Cl yde Consultants (2)among other,have discussed
the concept,based on theoretical considerations and exist-
ing cases of RIS,that an RIS event is a naturally occurr-
ing event triggered by the impoundment of a reservoir.
That is,reservoirs are bel ieved to provide an incremental
increase in stress that is large enough to trigger strain
rel ease in the form of an earthquake.In thi s manner,
reservoirs are considered capable of triggering an earl ier
occurrence of an earthquake (i.e.,of decreasing the recur-
rence i nterv al of the event)than wo ul d have occurred if
the reserovir had not been filled.In this regard,reser-
voirs are not considered capable of triggering an earth-
quake 1 arger than that which woul d have occurred II natu-
The portion of crust that a reservoir may infl uence is
limited to the area affected by its mass and pore pressure
influences.This area of influence is often referred to as
a reservoir l s hydrologic regime.Documented cases of RIS
(2)indicate that the RIS epicenters occur within an area
that is rel ated to the surface area that the reservoir
covers.For the purposes of this study,the hydrologic
regime of the prosed reservoir has been described as an
envelope with a 19-mile (30 km)radius that encompasses the
reservoir area,as discussed in Woodward-Clyde Consultants
Previous studies (2)present evidence that strongly sug-
gests that moderate to 1 arge RIS events are expected only
to occur along faults with recent displ acement.Among the
reported cases of RIS,at least 10 have had magnitudes of
(Ms)5.Field reconnaisance and information available in
the literature indicate that Quaternary or late Cenozoic
surface fault rupture (i.e.,rupture on faults with recent
.displ acement)occurred within the hydrologic regime of
eigth of these ten reservoirs (2).
On the basis of this investigation,it has been concluded
that there are no faults with recent displ acement within
the hydrologic regime of the proposed reservoir.There-
fore,the maximum earthquake which could be triggered by
the reservoir is an earthquake with a magnitude below the
detection level of currently available techniques (i.e.,
the detection level earthquake).Thus,the magnitude of
the 1 argest earthquake that coul d be triggered by the
proposed reservoir is judged to be (M s )6,which is the
max imum magnitude of the detecti on 1evel earthquake.
3.2 -Seepage
Due to construction of the Watana and Devil Canyon dams and the
impoundment of the reservoirs,one of the main impacts wi 11 be the
creation of a gradient through which induces seepage.
Specifically,as in any dam,there will be the tendency for seepage
through the foundation rock.Permeabilities in the foundation of both
dams are not high and are amenable to grouting.
Buried channels which bypass the dam present the only other seepage
path of concern at either of the two dam sites.At the Dev il Canyon
site the channel on the south bank does not present a problem since the
saddle dam will be constructed across it with adequate foundation
preparation and grouting.
At the Watana site there are two channel s which will be impacted by
increased seepage gradients.The channel to the south of the river in
the Fog Lakes area is not expected to pose seepage problems due to the
low gradient and long travel distance (approximately 4-5 miles)from
the reservoir to Fog Creek.However,additional work will be required
in this area to accurately determine subsurface conditions.
The relict channel north of the Watana site poses the greatest poten-
tial for seepage,particularly through the deepest deposits on a path
from the reservoir to Tsusena Creek.
In addition to loss of water from the reservoir the main impact of
seepage through the buried channel area could result in piping and
erosion of materials at the exist point on Tsusena Creek.
A further potential impact is saturation of the various zones in the
buried chann.el combined with the thawing of permafrost in this area
which could lead to a condition which could culminate in liquefaction
of one of the horizons.This could,most likely,occur during a strong
earthquake,but could be triggered due to surface loading.The strati-
graphy of the relict channel was defined during 1980-81 exploration
work (1)and subsequently summer of 1982.The pre1 iminary results of
that work show that there are no apparent widespread or continuous
units within the relict channel that are susceptible to liquefaction.
In addition it appears that multiple periods of glaciation may have
resu1 ted in overconsol idating the majority of the unconsol idated sedi-
ments within the relict channel thereby minimizing their potential for
3.3 -Reservoir Slope Failures
Shorel ine erosion will occur as a result of two geologic pro-
cesses:(1)beaching,and (2)mass movement.The types of mass
movement expected to occur within the reservoirs will be:
-Bimodal Flow;
-810ck 51 ide;
-Multiple Regressive Flow;
-Multiple Retrogressive Flow/51 ide;
Rotational Slides;
-Sk in Flows;
-Sl ides;and
-Solifluction Flow.
Aside from the formation of beaches due to erosion,instab"il ity
along the reservoir slopes can result from two principal causes:
a change in the ground water regime and the thawing of permafrost.
Beach erosion can give rise to general instabil ity through the
s1oughi ng or failure of an over steepened backsl ope,thereby
en 1 arg i ng-the beac h area.
-Changes in Ground Water Regime
As a reservoir fills,the ground water table in the adjacent
slope also rises.This may result in a previously stable slope
above the ground water table to become unstable due to increased
pore pressures and seepage acting on the slope.
Rapid drawdown of a reservoir may al so resul t in increased in-
stability of susceptible slopes.
-Thawing of Permafrost
Solifluction slopes,skin flows and the lobes of bimodul flows
are caused by instabil ity on low angle slopes resulting from
thawing of permafrost.Mobil ity is often substantial and rapid
as the movements are generally distributed throughout the mass.
-Stability During Earthquakes
Submerged slopes in granular materials,particularly uniform
fine sands,may be susceptible to liquefaction during earth-
quakes.This is one example where a small slide could occur
below the reservoir level.In addition,areas have the
reservoir rim in which the ground water table has re-established
itself coul d have a greater potent i al for sl id ing during an
earthquake due to the increased pore water pressures.
Thawing permafrost could generate excess pore pressures in som
soils.In cases where this situation exists in liquefiable
soils,small slides on flat lying slopes could occur.The exis-
tence of fine-grained sands,coarse silts and other liquefaction
susceptible material is not extensive in the reservoir areas.
Therefore,it is considered that the extent of fail ures due to
1 iquefaction during earthquakes wi 11 be small and primari ly
1 imited to areas of permafrost thaw.Some sl ides could occur
above the reservoir level in'previously unfrozen soils due to
the earthquake shaking.-
Slope Stability Models for Watana and Devil Canyon Reservoirs
Following a detailed evaluation of the Watana and Devil Canyon
reservoir geology,four.general slope stabil ity model s were
defined for this study.These model s are shown in Figures E6.22
and E6.24 and consi st of several types of beaching,flows and
sl ides that could occur in the reservoir during and after
impoundment.Based on aeria.l photo interpretation and limited
field reconnaissance,potentially unstable slopes in the reservoir
were classified by one or more of these models as to the type of
failure that may occur in specific areas.In addition to identi-
fying potential slope instabil ity models around the reservoir,
attempts were made to delineate areas of existing slope failures,
and permafrost reg ions.These maps are shown in Fi gures E6.24
through E6.48.As stated above,these maps have been constructed
using photo interpretation and 1imited field reconnaissance and
are intended to be prel iminary and subject to verification in
subsequent studies.
Further details of the,slope stabil ity of the reservoirs is
presented in Appendix K of the 1980-81 Geotechnical Report (1).
(c)Devil Canyon Slope Stability and Erosion
The Devil Canyon reservoir will be entirely confined within the
walls of the present river valley.This reservoir will be a
narrow and deep with minimal seasonal drawdown.From Dev il Canyon
Creek downstream to the damsite,the slopes of the reservoir and
its shorel ine consist primarily of bedrock with local ized areas of
thin vaneer of colluvium or till.Upstream of Devil Canyon Creek,
the slopes of the reservoir are covered with increasing amounts of
unconsolidated materials,especially on the south abutment.These
materials are principally basal tills,coarse-grained floodplain
deposits,and alluvial fan deposits.
Existing slope failures in this area of the Susitna River,as
defined by photogrammetry and limited field reconnaissance,are
skin and bimodal flows in soil and block sl ides and rotational
slides in rock.The basal tills are the primary materials sus-
ceptible to mass movenents.On the south abutment there is a
possibil ity of sporadic permafrost existing within the del ineated
areas.Upstream of this are the basal till is nearly continuously
frozen as evidenced by field infonnation in Borrow Area H.
Downstream of the Dev il Creek area,instabil ity is 1argel y re-
served to small rock fall s.Beaching wi 11 be the primary process
acting on the shorel ine in this area.Although this 'area is
mapped as a basal till,the material is coarser grained than that
which is found in the Watana Reservoir and is therefore more
susceptible to beaching.
In areas where the shorel ine wi 11 be in contact wi th steep bedrock
cl iffs,the fl uctuation of the reservoir may contribute to rock-
falls.Fluctuation of the reservoir and therefore the groundwater
table,accompanied by seasonal freezing and thawing,will encour-
age frost heaving as an erosive agent to accelerate degradation of
the slope and beaching.These rock falls will be limited in
extent and wi 11 not have the capac ity to produce a 1 arge wave
which could affect dam stability.In Devil Creek,a potential
small block slide may occur after the reservoir is filled.
Above Devil Creek up to about river mile 180,beaching will be the
most common erosive agent.Present slope instability above reser-
voir normal pool level will continue to occur,with primary beach-
ing occurring at the shorel ine.At approximate river mil e 175,
there is and old landslide on the south abutment.This large
rotational sl ide is composed of basal till which,for the most
part,is frozen.A large bimodal flow exists within this block
headed by a 1 arge block of ground ice.Yearly abl ation of the ice
results in flowage of saturated material downslope.The landsl ide
has an arcuate back scarp which has become completely vegetated
since its 1 ast movement.However,this landsl ide,which has an
estimated volume of 3.4mcy,could possibly be reactivated due to
continued thaWing or change in the ground water regime brought
about with reservoir filling.
Since the maximum pool elevation extends only to the toe of this
slide,it is unlikely that a large catastrophic slide could result
from normal reservoir impoundment.However,potential for an
earthquake-induced landslide is possible.A mass slide in this
area could result in temporary blockage of river flow.
In summary,the following conclusions can be made regarding the
Devil Canyon reservoir slope stabil ity:
-The lack of significant depths of unconsolidated materials along
the lower slopes of the reservoir·and the existence of stable
bedrock conditions is indicative of stable slope conditions
after reservoir impounding.
-An old large landslide in the upper reservoir has the potential
for instability,which,if failed,could conceivably create a
temporary blockage of the river in this area.
-The probability of a landslide-induced wave in the reservoir
overtopping the dam is remote.
(d)Watana Slope Stability and Erosion
Most of the slopes within the Watana reservoir are composed of un-
consolidated materials.As a generalization,permafrost is nearly
continuous in the basal tills and sporatic to continuous in the
lacustrine deposits.The distribution of permafrost has been de-
lineated primarily on the flatter slopes below elevation 2300
feet.Incl ined slopes may be underl ain by permafrost,but based
on photogrametric characteristics,the active 1 ayer is much
thicker indicating that permafrost soils are thawing,and/or that
permafrost does not exist.Existing slope instability within the
reservoir,(as defined by aerial photographic interpretation and
1 imited field reconnaissance),indicate that the types of mass
movement are primarily solifluction,skin flows,bimodal flows,
and small rotational sl ides.These types of fail ure occur pre-
dominantly in the basal till or areas where the basal till is
overlain by lacustrine deposits.In some cases,solifluction,
which originated in the basal till has proceeded downslope over
some of the floodplain terraces.
Three major factors which will contribute significantly to slope
instabil ity in the Watana Reservoir are changes in the ground
water regime,1 arge seasonal fl uctuation of the reservoir level
(estimated at 100 feet),and thawing of permafrost.
It is estimated that fil ling of the reservoir to normal pool level
will take approximately three years.Due to the relatively slow
rate of impounding,the potential for slope instability occurring
during flooding of the reservoir will be minimal and confined to
shallow surface flows and possibly some sl iding.Slopes will be
more suscept ible to slope instab il ity after impoundment when
thawi ng of the permafrost so il s occurs and the ground water reg ime
has reestablished tself in the frozen soils.
Near the dcmsite,assuming that the present contours will remain
unchanged,the north abutment will primarily be subject to beach-
ing except for some small flows and slides,which may occur adja-
cent to Deadman Creek.On the south abutment,thawing of the
frozen basal tills will result in numerous skin and bimodal flows.
There is also a potential for small rotational sl iding to occur
primarily opposite Deadman Creek.
On the south abutment between the Watana d amsite and Vee Canyon,
the shorel ine of the reservoir has a high potential for flows and
shallow rotational slides.In contrast to the north abutment,the
shorel ine is almost exclusively in contact with frozen basal
tills,overburden is relatively thick,and steeper slopes are
present.Thermal erosion,resulting from the erosion and thawing
of the ice-rich fine grained soils,will be the key factor
influencing their stability.On the north abutment below Vee
Canyon and on both abutments upstream of Vee Canyon,the geologi-
cal and topographic conditions are more variable and therefore
have a potential for varying slope conditions.In the Watana
Creek drainage area,there is a thick sequence of 1 acustrine
material overlying the basal till.
Unlike the till,it appears that the lacustrine material is
largely unfrozen.All four types of slope instability could
develop here,depending on where the seasonal drawdown zone is in
contact with the aforementioned stratigraphy.In addition,slope
instabil ity resulting from potential 1 iquefaction of the
lacustrine material during earthquakes may occur.Overall,slopes
on the north abutment,in contrast with the south abutment,are
less steep and slightly better drained,which may be indicative of
less continuous permafrost and/or sl ightly coarse material at the
surface wi th a deeper active 1 ayer.
In general,the potential for beaching is high due to:(a)the
wi de seasonal drawdown zone that will be in contact with a th in
vaneer of col 1 uv iurn over bedrock;and,(b)the 1 arge areas around
the reservoir with low slopes.In the Oshetna-Goose Creeks area,
there is a thick sequence of lacustrine material.
, I
Permafrost appears to be nearly continuous in this area based on
the presence of unsorted po 1ygonal ground and potential therma-
karst activity around some of the many small ponds (thaw 1 akes/
kettles).The reservoir in this area will be primarily confined
within the floodplain and therefore little modification of the
slopes is expected.Where the slopes are steep,there could be
come thermal niche erosion resul ting in small rotational sl ides.
The potential for a large block slide occuring,and generating a
wave which could overtop the dam is very remote.For this to
occur,a very high,steep slope with a potentially unstable block
of large volume would need to exist adjacent to the reservoir.
This condition was not observed within the limits of the reser-
voir.In approximately the first 16 miles upstream of the dmJ,
the shoreline will be in contact with the low slopes of the broad
U-shaped vall eYe Between 16 and 30 mil es upstream of the dam,no
potentially large landslides were observed.Beyond 30 miles
upstream,the reservoir begins to meander and narrows,therefore
any wave induced in this area by a large landslide would,in all
likelihood,dissipate prior to reaching the dam.
In general,the following conclusions can be drawn about the slope
conditions of the Watana reservoir after impounding:
-The principal factors infl uencing slope instabil ity are the
1 arge seasonal drawdown of the reservoir and the thawi ng of
permafrost soil s.Other factors are the change in the ground-
water regime,the steepness of the slopes,coarseness of the
material,thermal toe erosion,and the fetch available to
generate wave action;
-The potential for beaching is much greater on the north abutment
of the reservoir;
- A large portion of the reservoir slopes are susceptible to
shallow sl ides,mainly skin and bimodal flows,and shallow
rotat i onal sl ides;
-The potential for a 1 arge block sl ide which might generate a
wave that coul d overtop the dam is remote;and
-The period in which restabilization of the slopes adjacent to
the reservoir will occur is 1 argely unknown.
In general,most of the reservoir slopes will be toally submerged.
Areas where the fill ing is above the break in slope will exhibit
less stability problems than those in which the reservoir is at an
intermediate or low level.Flow slides induced by thawing perma-
frost can be expected to occur over very flat-lying surfaces.
3.4 -Permafrost Thaw
The effect of thawing permafrost has already been discussed in relation
to reservoir slope failures and liquefaction potential above the relict
channel at the Watana site.
In addition to these two impacts thawing can also induce settlement to
surface facilities constructed in areas of deep overburden north of the
Watana damsite as well as cause increased seepage through the south
abutment of the Watana dam.
With regard to settlement it is anticipated that the freeboard dike,
the airstrip and the camps,as well as site roads,will all encounter
areas of permafrost.Al though the soil s in this area are not ice rich,
some settlements will occur due to thawing of the permafrost.
Si nce fractures in the rock below the south abutment of the Watana dam
are ice-filled to approximately 200 feet,thawing of this permafrost
may cause additional seepage even though thawi ng wi 11 be induced prior
to grouting of the cutoff below the core.This thawing will be
generated due to the thermal effect of the large reservoir which will
remain several degrees above freezing throughout the year.It is anti-
cipated that thawing in the cutoff zone can be effectively accomplished
prior to grouting and that grouting the foundation below the core in
this zone is feasible.
3.5 -Seismically Induced Failure
Detail s of seismic induced fail ures in the reservoir are addressed in
Sect i on 3.3.
Seismically-induced failure in the relict channel area has been
addressed and although it is possible there are mitigation measures
which can be undertaken.
The access route and transmission 1 ines in the immediate site area,
that is between the Watana site and Gold Creek and between the Watana
site and the Denal i Highway croSs areas which have the potential for
1 iquefaction or 1 andsl ides could occur during earthquakes.The same is
true of the north and south transmission corridors,particularly in the
area near Anchorage.Areas of high potential in the Stephan and Fog
Lakes areas south of the Susitna River have been avoided.
4.1 -Impacts and Hazards
Section 3 identified four major impacts which area either generates due
to construction of the proj ect as it affects the geo log ic env ironment
and one major impact of the seismic environment on the project.These
impacts are:
-Reservoir-Induced Seismicity;
-Reservoir Slope Failures;
-Permafrost Thaw;and
-Seismically-Induced Fail ure.
The effect of these impacts on the project and mitigating measures are
discussed in this section.In addition to the above mentioned impacts
the avoidance of geologic hazards is also addressed.
4.2 -Reservoir-Induced Seismicity
The magnitude of an earthquake generated by the effect of the reservoir
will not exceed the magnitude of any earthquake which would normally
occur in the Talkeetna Terrain.Therefore,the detection level eart~
quake developed for the project will provide the design criteria for
any reservoir-induced earthquakes.
In order to carefully monitor the effect of reservoir-induced earth-
quakes a complete long-term monitoring program will be instituted in
the region which will be installed prior to completion of the project.
This system will provide earthquake data on all earthquakes in the
region including all those induced by the effect of the reservoir.A
manual for operation of the system has been prepared and is included as
Reference 3.Consideration of the correl ations between fi 11 ing curves
and seismicity for other cases of RIS has been reviewed and it appears
that sudden changes in water levels and sudden deviations in rate of
water level change can be triggers of induced seismicity.A con-
trolled,smooth filling curve,with no sudden changes in filling rate,
should be less likely to be accompanied by induced seismicity than
rapid,highly fluctuating filling rates.
The fill ing rate for the Watana reservoir covers three years which is
relatively slow.Seasonal variations are steady and do not fluctuate
rapidly.The Devil Canyon reservoir fills more rapidly,but is held
steady with very little seasonal variation.
4.2 -Seepage
Seepage normally occurring through the foundation rock below each of
the daTIs will be controlled by two means.The installation of a grout
curtain and by a pattern of drain holes drilled from the gallery below
the dans.The effect is to reduce.the amount of seepage as well as
control the downstream internal pressures in the rock by the pressure
relief affected by the drain holes.
Should excessive seepage develop during impoundment,provlslons have
been made in the design for the construction of underground grout ing
gallaries which will provide access for remedial grouting.In addi-
tion,extensive instrumentation of the dan and abutments will·be
implaced during post construction for long-term monitoring of seepage.
Seepage through the relict channel at the Watana site will be handled
by a two-step process.Initially a more detailed drilling program will
be initiated at the beginning of 1983 to investigate the materials at
depth in the channel.This will provide data on grain si ze,perme-
abil ity,continuity of horizons and hence the potential for seepage.
Secondly,the design provides for a downstream filter to control piping
should it occur.Materials would be stockpiled and used for construc-
tion of filters to control exit gradients at locations where seepage is
4.3 -Reservoir Slope F ai lures
It is anticipated that,although instability of reservoir slopes will
occur and to some extent be an ongoing·occurrence in the Watana reser-
voir their impact on the project will be minimal.The magnitude of
wave generated in the reservoir due to sl ides has been evaluated and
found to pose no threat to the safety of the dams.
Additional freeboard has al so been provided at the Watana dam so that
the effect of slides into the reservoir is further minimized.Normal
freeboard at nonnal maximum water surface elevation at Watana is 22
The relatively small fluctuation in the reservoir levels at the Devil
Canyon site will mitigate against ongoing slope failures.
Monitoring of key slopes will be initiated prior to impoundment,par-
ticul arly the 1 arge sl ide mass identified in the upper reaches of the
Devil Canyon reservoir as well as areas haVing the tential for larger
slides in the Watana reservoir.
4.4 -Permafrost Thaw
Two possib 1 e impacts will be felt due to permafrost thaw,both at the
Watana site.Settl ement of facil ities in areas of deep overburden and
increased seepage through the dam foundation.
Adequate structural design is possible to mitigate against the hazards
of sett1 ement in permafrost areas.In the case of the main construc-
tion camp a 1 arge pad of granu1 ar materi a1 has been provided which wi 11
evenly distribute the load and insu1 ate the subsoil,hence retarding
Regrading of the airstrip and monitoring of settlements at the free-
board dike will be necessary as a maintenance program to offset the
affects of differential settlement in these areas.
The permanent c.amp is located in an area re1 ative1y permafrost on good
soils to prevent long term problems.
4.5 -Seismically-Induced Failure
If subsequent studies show the potential for liquefaction in the buried
channel area,it is feasib 1e to excavate through thi s hori zon and re-
build the freeboard dike foundation to a point below this layer.
Seismically-induced failure of reservoir slopes,although possible will
not be hazardous to the project.
The main structures have been analyzed to accommodate the ground
motions induced by the maximum credible earthquake.Therefore,the
overall safety of the project is assured with the safety of the major
4.6 -Geo 1ogi c Hazards
There are only three main geologic features which can have an affect on
the construction an.d operation of the power facil ities at the two
sites.These are the short shear zone south of the para11 e1 to the
river at Dev"il Canyon,the "Fins"feature upstream of the Watana site
and the "Fingerbuster"zone downstream of the Watana site.
At the Watana site all of the main proj ect features have been located
between the two features,the llFins ll and the f1Fingerbuster"thus
avoiding the need to tunnel through these shear zones.
Since the main concrete dam does not cross potentially hazardous geo-
logic features at Devil Canyon,no danger to the structure are posed.
Tunnelling through such a feature could pose problems with large
tunnels.However,only the small drainage gallery is planned to pass
beneath the sadd 1edam.
Quaternary Holocene
Wisconsin ian
Pleistocene Illinoian
Nebraskan 1.8
Cenozoic Pliocene
Tert iary Oligocene
Paleocene 70
Mesozoic Jurassic
Triassic 230
PennsyIv an ian
Paleozoic Devonian
Cambrian 600
S-lfe-5 t r ike Dip _5 I!..a c i n~5 u r f ace Con diE ion s
Quadrant (Ran9!JL (Avg.)(Ra®e)("AVg.T mange)(Avg.)LL "1'.Remarks
16 NW,51'1
40 0 E-65·W
80 0 NE
60 0 E
60 0 E
60 0
1 "-5'
Planar,smooth lo
locally rough,con-
Planar,smooth to
Planar to irregular,
smooth to slightly
Planar,sroooth to
Planar to irregular,
PI anar to irregular,
smooth to rough
Planar to irregular,
Carbonate local!y
Carbonate at 1'1.1-6
and 1'1.1-7
Major carbonate at
IHnor carbonate at
Carbonate locally
Carbonate at 1'1.1-5
Carbonate at one out-
Carbonate locally'
Carbonate locally
Parallel to major
zones and altera-
t ion zones
No shears or aller-
at ion zones,mina I'
fr act ure zone
Parallel lo minor
shears md fracture
Weakly developl~d
We ak 1y deve]opec]
Strongly developed
IV Variable
Strongest Concentrations:
Shallow to lIloderate
25·5 .)
Planar to irregular,
smooth to rough,
Prob<tll y sl ress
'Surface dola only
•'When set is presenl
I ,t I .1 i-,;J J I I
1 ]'~1 ]]j
·s t r ike [)i P --:;-'pac i"n CJ"Sur f ace Can diE"1 a n s
(Rang~)(Avg.)(Range L-----.iAvg.)(Range)lAVl]:J Text '.lre Coating
l.ocAL ion
North flank
Ib DCJ-4
SOllt~1 flank
North Bank
lib OCJ-4
South Bank
lIb DCJ-l
60 0NE-75°SW
40 0 -7SoSE
30 0 -75·SE
80 0 NE
1' )
oecas ional roulJh,
cant inuolJs
Planar to curved,
smooth to rough
ll::casional iron
ox ide and caruonat e
Parallel to shears,
fr act ure zones a.ld
most dikes.Major
stress relief,open
joints on south
bank.Itl found
Pa r al lei and sub-
parallel to bedding/
open to 6"near
river level.Paral-
lel La major and
minor shears.lIb
is found locally.
North flAnk 045°_080°060°
South Bank 01So -04So 025°
Strongest Concentrations:
Strongest Concentrations:
Probab IY sl.re,,:,
relief,near sur-
Locally open joints
Occurs locally,
cliff former move
Elevat ion 1400 on
the north bank
Occas ionill iron
oxide and carbonate
Occas ional iron
oxide and carbonate
3')Planar to irregular,
)smooth to rO'jgh,
)tight Lo open joints
2 I )
Shalluw to moderate)
30 0 NW)
10°5 )
2SoN~1 )
Shallow to moderate )
20 0 NE)
Var iable
or ient at ions
North Bank Variaule
or ienL at ions
Suuth Bank
'~;lirface jo IIlt.S only
•'Wt\(~re present
JOH1E 5 E r 1 keD 1 p 5 pac 1 n g**5 u r f Bc-e------c-ona lT1 a n 5
Sel (Range)(Avg.J --rR'!~L .(Avg.~(Range)(Avg.)lex~~remn_CoaEi~_Remarks
DOC _030°Oll"
Va,i.sh Ie
50 0 NE-55°SW
63°E-04 "W
less than 40°
70 0 NE
occasional rough,
Planar to curved,
smooth to rough
Planar to irregular,
smooth to rough
discont inuous
Occasional iron oxide
and carbonate
Occasional iron oxide
md carbonate
Occasional iron oxide
md carbonate
Parallel to shears,fracture
zones and most dikes
Parallel and subparallel to
bedding/foliat ion.Minor
Locally well developed
Probably stress relief,near
'Surface joints only
•'When p,eslmt
"'See Tahle 7.l
I I I ,.I n'~!"I e,1 I j I
3015 •••6 ..•.~.~W,Ol.:lH.ldn NO RI ~~.l Irln\ij l.SnClH13-181SSOd £lNld'Q3HS 3S~31NI
N 1£1
8.(.61 '10 1~'t~;r:i1;J uJOJI P=!J~PO~
I :L_~_......J
,,9010]8 lVI\iOI93t!
S~JOO!JI1IN11C!8 030iAIONn
3~J'iII\A\1~9 ON';f 311T11~IJ1
311l::iOJO ZHNno '3lJb'OIOONV~9
ON';f JIN11),O/\O::J.l\111N383."IONn
S>I..,'OO"J1IJNvCl9 '3.LUJ1;,,/91l"l 'LSH~JS
311~O!QON'VH9 3.lIl018
I 3.l0::!OJOON\tt1'9 3(jN318N~OH -311.l018
3lH101G '3..LI:cJCHaON'Vq~
Sll8Od30 ''1IJI~IJI)~a:;11111N383,~JONn
8311S tWO 03SOdOOd
ST11...NI T,'1:JS
B l>0
1 '93 3(j(!8U
':Ulns Of/'1
.fWS"81113iV 'S~XlO!JINI1:J,OAII131'l )11<'''518
31lIJOIO a31\ll<O~'18IHJSN3:J0!~'531l<081HdW\I
3"'mJV\~j t-tUYl G3(ja3mt~l.N I
Al-WJOl SJiN't:nOJ\\113W :Jl.!..IS3.JN'V'01.:)!llI1S\'9
OT1113:JNOJ 3~3H!"0311CY.l •••A ~
"EU0JJ"l13b3HM O"3H~'dO'3GIS NMOtlHu-J:n 00 H1331 lln'V~lSn~H.l
(Years Before Present J
HOLOCENE--9,000 -
--11,000 -.- -I II
-13,500 -- -I>-UJ
CI:Z Late IIU<t:UJ Wiscon'sin
-15,000 -0 z
u -f-N a::0
0 UJ f-
Z f-UJ Wisconsinian
UJ «
UJ Glaciation ~-17,000 -U ::J ...J -f-a Q.
-25,000 ---t-+.
-40,000 ---f-+-f-
.Early Wisconsin
-75,000 --j-t -l-i
Interglaciation --f --
-120,000--I -f-•Pre Wisconsin -f-i •I
z z z w
«(J')en Zw
0 Z Z U000zuU...J
...J (J')(J')0...J :i::i:J:
170 .120 75 W 40 .-i 9 0IIIIII
(In Thousands of Years Before Present)
1.Era through Epoch terminology and absolute ages are after Van Eysi nga \1978).
2.Stage terminology and ages are after Pew!!'(1975).
3.Stade ages are modified after Ten Brink and Way thomas (in press).
j )j 1 I l 1 j -1 1 1 -1 1 1 ]
"\...llo.tl ..
WOOOWARD-elYD(CONsulTA~n 414l0A fltwu:.cy Hie)
MlpPld snih-slip '.ull.IIUOWS ,how
'4flM 01 ho'ilOOhl elisplatlmlnl
Mapp'(I luih·llip 'toll with dip .Iip
c:ompon.n'-,t.nen Ihow ..nn o'
~.r\iclll di"pl~n-..n';U il up;
Oil down.
LllIIPPed I.JlI.~me 0'horilOnul
diaplaclm.-nl nOI d.fiOfd
Inhrr.d 1\1ilL'-llip faull
Llapped rhrull 'lull,UWlulh on
u~r phu
ill 0.9 -2.0 em/y,Hiel<m.n .nd C.mpboll 11973\;.nd PIQI 119721.
(!l 0.5 -0.8 em/y.51001 .nd Ol~."119731.
(!l 3.5 emlv.Ai.~",.nd Monon 11911L
@ 1.1 em/V"',no Huh>c.n.A::livitv I,nhu lUI,Riehl,r lind MUlon (1971).
®0.9 -3.3 .m/y,Rie~"••nd MlUon 119711..
®Inl,",d conneclion with D,llOn 'iIOH;Plath,lind OUlI"119181.
ill Inl,,,,d cOflneciion 'IIIilh F.il'WUlhcr '.ull;l.hr .nd Phlk.r 11980).
CD Connet:lion inlltllHi tot (hi,upon.
®0.1 -1.1 .m/r'O'''01",.n ond OI~O"119HI:O,u~n 119191.
G 5.8 emir'L.~,.nd P1.II<"119801.o Alluti,n lunch Ind Ponul.l.d Shill EdUl StruCluJi 'Jh,r Guplill
ond "III",119811.
o Slip "...cited in notu CD Ihrough 0 III'Holoclne slip tlln.o All hull IOCllioOl Incl '.me 0'moumenl obUin.d hom O.ikmln 11918;19~J.
o 100 zoo wil ..
~I J==3o100200;(11(,.....11"
FIGURE E6.3 ~~~lli
Figure E6.4
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SHEET 2 OF 2 FIGURE E6.12 l~~~[~
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40 :l
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FIGURE E6.14 lj~rn]
)J ]1 1 ~I i )]1 1
us.Siandard 51.'lI.Openings in 'nch••US.Standard 51 •••Number.Ilyd'amolo'
40 ~
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1 j j !I 1 1 I 1 1 j ]1 1
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BASED ON:AAI 80 -81:BH-j-4.BH-5A-5B,8H-7 i i
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us.~tDndard Sieve Openloos",Inche.u.S.Stondard St.ve Number s Hyd,om.'.r
40 >~-
o ._.,
30 -.c
40 ~
:I IIII I I I I I 150
~60 C
0.01 0,005 0001 100
Coarse I Fine
Silt Sizes
[2":;:-~:;··1 N SANDY GRAVEL
1;,".-0 "o--;'-oJ
FIGURE E5.22 I~~~B
J _J-:i'"
FIGURE E6.23 I ~~~(~
I '/...,....
seu..r::a 4 •MILES
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SCAL.E:0 I 2 M1L..D,
FIGURE E6.24 I~~~(~I
FIGURE E6.2s1 A~~m I
1000 lOOO FEET=
2300 FEET
'---__,'~).J (,-'v--\--f__r:':~~~,'t \~,,:v-~,~
118 '...-1 1 ,J 1 ,k'~,l..
t A~ER 10 FlGuR£S 2.2 AND 2:.3 FOR DEtAIlED
1000 2000 FEEf
2300 FEET
J f:IlrJ PRiMARY.BEACHING INSTABIUT't WITH 50..(,,--.."POfEiil'TIAL·-stlDIHG'''-'.'- - -•
t<_••••1></0 t_,~'.._()/;
FIGURE E6.27.m
t!0£CrI0N """'TlOH
1000 2000 FEET=SCALE
I --1---i~
FIGURE E6.29.liooml
.i ,-.-.-,eEiCH~NG
t.t 5""","lOCATlOH
:-0 .._..--.•~.•._ ••'.~c::-.__..__
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FI GURE E6.31 I~~~f~1
1000 2000 FEET
I.'REFER 'nr':,A'GORES Z.2'AND -2.~FOR'[£TA.1Lm
2.:300 FttT
FuTURE \Jfl'Ilf '~ATIOI'l
o 1000 2000 FEET
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__23Q()---'CONtoURS ARE IN
.~-d~.GaJ)al"",,.:.:,..1---_,--"o;,:~I J {.!
.FIGURE 2.15
i k,
It II ••a
_I-I ~..
]I[SUOlfIG _'liNfROZ(N}
o 1000 2000 FrET
SCALE c:.....--..
FIGURE E6.34/~~~f~I
>,rf \(;:',;'K(~\\
,i,\)\\;.I ,./I
T ~"~_,
"lili§E~,~s-'oF ~E~SLOPE 1N5llU11.1TY
':Dr sUdlNG (UNfRoZEN J
_,~_.X.,;I[""".•~HlftG.Af«)FLOWS,,~SS,eLE ..~INED AREA.
':t'!.-'SECT1ON lDCATDf
zaaa FEET
......,..,g!K1 ~""if
••""•.4 l...,.
1000 2000 FEET=
FIGURE £6.35 iJj
_..-_.1....11_.•••<oad _
Q'II •••
•S Jo I
:I tllitJ PRlJo(AflY :BEACHlr«;:IItSTABILITY wm'l 5DM£
-.:I_']['_',:_,BE:~I:!~_AND,flo-sf'OSSIBU:IN D~D "'REA-~';,.oRMAL ,MAl4:IMuM OPERATING VVEl.
t,·j:,-sECTION lDCMIaf
1000 2DOO FEET
FIGUn££6.36 til
0;:CiJ;;~i'i:Elrr s;(\-.;:l':S',M31UT'1
;i!300 FEET
5,''JII\!G ,(l,;NfRoZEN)
BE:~~~·I~~t~~~);Rit71)I.JJDTYPEOr 'INSTI.BILiT'l'
PI,:~(ARYI:i~A(HmG 1~!.sT:"P.ILlTY wITH SOhl.£
___p--'--l>IORMAL ""INIMLlM QP£AAlII'lG L ~VEL
\.,._.T~r[i "\
_i_----+---j-o 1000 2000 FEET
FIGURE E6.37 ~Jllil
I ~:~::..«;
~o~"S'•••4 I
2000 FEET1000o
z>oo FEET
,,-~:nr ''''_''_'SUDlNG~{PfRMAFADST_J
~:';;'~"NCiR'MAL :"r.\AXIMtlM'OPERATING LEVEl,..
A Atot 'ECnOI!<DCAT"'"
L ...
_,".00«i .:-...._"'fi
~-~.!Y <~Cb ..~F\~M""-e;:;"a =.:~;.-"'O'-;~-'~\'"V>~~,..-''';.~'C'""1'4-..,,,,~._._.,~.,,::!.A,...~_~"'..~
"-',I '---"'-'-'>''c>.C',"',•.~,,,c'~
,~.~~"~.".'=,b.'~.-i k '-.~'__,""'~~'"..,."_'~,~..~~'tmr~'--.,--~...,:"~..~~.~..,.,-....__,,;..""'"0'.~'-~~"",0'".,","C...,?"...,,,,,-''''c'.,,,~.~/\~
".~-...I ".
1 BEAotlNG
.Jl n"OWS
++-+I +~
.........--+-_1_~~~----"--0 1000 ZDOD FEET I
to •••,··,=t_·._o'Ql"
"",s .....
• I ••
FIIiURE E6.39 lMij.
hS /~~~~i:;::.....tORRENT SLOPE •••,..,UTY
<r'<.",<~"~.'«.:._~"<....mtSO.F.·.SLOPE INSTAB'Lm'
).i ..··-:~I BEACHING
i--:.--_............:...."]I[SUDING (UNFROZEN)
;''''<CC'''''»'-'-_'_'--'-.-.~~'::"._".,-~?~--·~=~('::::::TO::~TYPE Of JNSTABILrTY
---=-"-'NbRi.I.u.Wlll:IMUIiI tft:RATING LEvEL
FIGURE E6.40 IA~~(~I]
L REFE.R TO FIG\IlES 2..2 AND 2Z Fa:l DE:TM.£n
+I i
"I I
N-.L f -+<:({t;~.:..J'8j~mf'\':"""';,w'"0 1000 ZOOO FaT
I ----SCALE.
'J ••III
IDOO 2000 nrr=SCALE
2300 FEET
::'-~?Jj:-'f;""-"-_::-i,<- ---.--~-~-·~_4:.ift
L REFER TO ftGmES 2.2 Atr.J 2.3 FtR DETAI.£D
1000 2000 FEET=
II ][
•I~..'..,". ,••t,,..
FIGURE E6.43 .j~~~[~
A At.t .a;no'LDC"",,"
,I~~~:~~H.:~RE:~','Of'-~RE,"_,SLOPE INSTABIUTY
1I fLOW5
2300 FRl
..II II"..
" •1·2
§iliill :~REAS -Of QfflRENT SLopE INSTA81UTY
""",:Ul'-.•>-,,,SUDlNG_.lPERMAFR051'J ..
_--......·e-NORMAt.:-MAXIMUfll'OPERA'TING LEYEl.
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