HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA180-. 02 nz '?'7"77Z771i DATE DUE DemCD,tnc.38-293_ i ! - i - 1-- SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FEASIBILITY REPORT VOLUME 5 APPENDIX B DESIGN DEVELOPMENT STUDIES FINAL DRAFT l!) (V) l!) <0 l!) (V) o o Prepared by:~[Ii]ARLIS t:;;IPDI'Alaska Resources (V)un d Library &Information Services -[Anchorage.Alaska '---ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY--- ",.., I - ("""- I ;r !""" I I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT APPENDIX B TABLE OF CONTENTS Page APPENDIX 8 -DESIGN DEVELOPMENT STUDIES B1 -Dam Selection Studies 'B1-1 B2 -Watana General Arrangement Studi es B2-1 B3 -Devil Canyon General Arrangement Studies 83-1 B4 -Power Facilities Selection Studies B4-1 85 -Arch Dam Analysis -Devil Canyon B5-1 86 -Watana Dam Analysis B6-1 B7 -Site Facilities B7-1 B8 -Watana Pl ant Si mul ati on Studi es '............ .....B8-1 ,,- t - - "..., i" I I i'" I APPENDIX B1 UAM SELECTION STUDIES 1 -II~Tf<ODUCTION This Appendix gives an appraisal of alternative dam types considered for the Devil Canyon and Watana sites.The level of study was sufficient to identify the major design features of each alternative,(main dam,diversion,outlet works,spillways and power facilities)as affected by the available data on top- ography,geology,and seismicity.The dam layouts are conceptual rather than definitive,and are intended only to give a representative design for each al- ternative to provide an adequate basis for comparison. Comparison between alternatives was primarily in terms of capital cost,environ- mental impact,schedule,and construction materials,since each layout was developed to satisfy the same design criteria.Sensitivity to changes during the detailed design phase was also assessed,in view of uncertain data on the properties and availability of construction materials,and the possible increase in the predicted level of seismic activity. 2 -SUMMARY 2.1 -Devil Canyon Three major types of dam have been considered to assess that most suitable for the Devi 1 Canyon development.These are: - A concrete arch gravity aam; A concrete thin arch dam;and - A rockfill darn with an impervious clay core. In each case the overall project layout has been developed in sufficient detail to ensure that the dam itself is technically feasible,and that the layout of other related structures,(diversion tunnels,spillways,outlet works,and power facilities),is compatible.Cost estimates have been developed for the alterna- tive layouts,and schedule impacts assessed. The cost estimates indicate no significant difference in overall cost between the rockfill dam and the thin arch dam;however,the concrete arch gravity dam is significantly more costly than the other two options. As a basis for detailed Project layout studies the thin arch dam has been sel- ected at Devil Canyon because: -The rockfill dam slopes are likely to be reduced in final design; -There is no proven sources of impervious core material available within rea- sonable proximity;and - A schedule delay of approximately 1 year would be involved with a rockfill dam,due to restrictions on placement of fill and access at this site. r 81-1 ARLIS, Alaska Resources Library &Informauon servtces Anchorage.Alaska 2.2 -Watana Two dam types were considered in detail at Watana: - A concrete thin arch dam;and -A rockfill dam with impervious core. In each case the overall project layout has been developed in sufficient detail to ensure the technical feasibility of the dam,and to provide a compatible lay- out for all the related structures,(diversion,spillways,outlet works,and power facilities).Cost estimates have been developed for each alternative lay- out ~nd schedule impacts assessed. The cost estimates indicate that a rockfill dam with an upstream slope of 2.75:1 is the less expensive option;it was also anticipated that the upstream slope of the rockfill dam might be increased to 2.4:1 in later designs which would further reduce the total cost.(The slope has,in fact,been reduced in later designs).The rockfill dam layout was therefore selected for more detailed layout studies. 3 -SCOPE The objective of this study was to establish the most suitable types of dam for layout studies at the Devil Canyon and Watana projects.Major factors consid- ered included the preliminary design of each dam type and the associated diver- sion works,spillways,and power facilities;constr.uction methods,materials and schedule;capital cost estimates;safety of operation;and impact on the envi- ronment.Sensitivity to changes in the available data on construction materials and in the level of seismic activity was also considered. 4 -CLIMATOLOGY,GEOLOGY,AND SEISMIC ASPECTS 4.1 -Climate The climate of the Susitna River Basin is generally characterized by cold,dry winters and warm,moderately moist summers.Mean annual precipitation in the project area is approximately 24 inches;approximately 70 percent of the total precipitation occurs during the warmer months,May through October,while only 30 percent is recorded in the winter months.Average snowfall is approximately 100 inches.Generally,snowfall is restricted to the months of October through April with 80 percent occurring in the period of November to March. Annual snow accumulations are around 20 to 40 inches,and peak depths occur in late March.Typical average daily minimum temperature in January is approxi- mately _3°F and average daily maximum in July is 64°F. The Susitna River usually starts to freeze by late October.River ice condi- tions such as thickness and strength vary according to the river channel shape and slope,and more importantly,with river discharge.Periodic measurements of ice thickness at several locations in the river were carried out during the winters of 1961 through 1972.The maximum thickness observed at selected loca- tions on the river varied between 3 feet and 6 feet.Ice breakup in the river Bl-2 """'l \ I I - - - ""'II I I r- I - ,.... t I commences by late April or early May,and ice jams occasionally occur at river constrictions resulting in rises in water level of up to 20 feet. Seasonal variation of flows is extreme and ranges from very low values in winter (October to April)to high summer values (May to September).For the Susitna River downstream from Devil Canyon at Gold Creek,the average winter and summer flows are 2,100 and 20,250 cfs,respectively,i.e.,a 1:10 ratio.On average, approximately 88 percent of the streamflow recorded at Gold Creek station occurs during the summer months. The most common causes of flood peaks in the Susitna River Basin are snowmelt or a combination of snowmelt and rainfall over a large area.Annual maximum peak discharges generally occur between May and October with the majority,approxi- mately 60 percent,occurring in June.Some of the annual maximum flood peaks have also occurred in August or later and are the result of heavy rains over large areas,augmented by significant snowmelt from higher elevations and glacial runoff. Two flood periods are significant.The first period is the open water period, i.e.after the ice breakup and before freezeup.This period contains the lar- gest floods which must be accommodated by the project.The second period repre- sents that portion of time during which ice conditions occur in the river. These floods,although smaller,can be accompanied by ice jamming and must be considered during the construction phase of the project in planning and design of cofferdams for river diversion. 4.2 -Geology ~ I (a)Devi 1 Canyon Devil Canyon is a very narrow V-shaped canyon cut through relatively homo- geneous argi 11 ite and graywacke.Thi s rock was formed by low grade meta- morphism of marine shales,mudstones,and clayey sandstones.The bedding strikes about 15°northeast of the river alignment through the canyon and di ps at about 65°to the southeast.The rock has been deformed and moder- ately sheared by the northwest acting regional tectonic forces,causing shearing and jointing parallel to this force.The glaciation of the past few million years apparently preceded the erosion of the canyon by the river.Glacial deposits blanket the valley above the V-shaped canyon, while deposits in the canyon itself are limited to a large gravel bar just upstream of the canyon entrance,and boulder and talus deposits at the base of the canyon walls. The nature of the rock is such that numerous zones of gouge and fractured rock were caused during the major tectonic events of the past.Consequent- ly,zones of deep weathering can be expected in the foundation rock. Joints and shears are frequently quite open at the surface,but there is a general tightening of such openings with depth.The major joint set strikes northwest across the canyon and is parallel to most shear and frac- ture zones at the site. Bl-3 The left bank plateau has a buried river channel paralleling the river.The overburden reaches 90 feet under a small 1ake in this area.Permafrost has not been detected at the site but,if it does exist,it is not expected to be substantial or widespread. Construction materials should be available in the terraces upstream of the damsite.The materials in these terraces are estimated to be adequate in quantity for all material needs of the concrete dam.The lakebed and till deposits in Cheechako Creek (approximately 0.25 miles upstream),may be sources of a substantial portion of impervious material for a small earth- fill saddle dam,but would be insufficient for a rockfill main dam at Devil Canyon. (b)Watana The diorite pluton that forms the bedrock of the Watana site intruaed into sedimentary and volcanic rocks about 65 m.y.b.p.Following intrusion,at intervals that have not yet been determined,volcanic rock erupted into the area.These volcanics form the basalt flows exposed in the canyon near Fog Creek downstream from the site and andesite porphyry flows over the pluton at the damsite.There is no indication of basalt flows within the immedi- ate damsite,but the andesite porphyry is exposed in the western portion of the site. The surficial material at the damsite is predominantly talus and very thin glacial sediments on the abutments,with limited deposits of river alluvium and lake clay at isolated locations.The river channel is filled with up to 90 feet of alluvial deposits aerivea from till and talus material.The depth of weathering appears to be between 1u and 40 feet.~edrock quality below 60 feet is un iform to the max imum depths ar ill ed.The pattern of sound,unweathered rock zones is separated by shear zones,fracture zones, and zones of hydrothermal alteration which are northwest trending.Two major joint sets,northwest and northeast trenaing,were identified at the site. Permafrost is present on the left abutment and may also be present under the river channel.The data indicate that this is "warm"permafrost and can be economically thawed for grouting. Materials for construction of a fill dam and related concrete structures are available within economic distances.Impervious,semipervious core, and filter materials are available within three miles upstream from the site,and a good source of filter material and concrete aggregate is avail- able from a quarry source immediately adjacent to the left abutment of the dam and from structure excavations.Rounded riverbed material for use in the dam shells is also available in adequate quantities in the Tsusena Creek and downstream river channel areas. 4.3 -Seismic Aspects Regional earthquake activity in the project area is closely related to the plate tectonics of Alaska.The Pacific Plate is underthrusting the North American Plate in this region.The major earthquakes of Alaska,including the Good Friday Earthquake of 1964,have primarily occurred along the boundary between these 81-4 - - ~ i - - - ~ i r I i plates.Four sources of potential earthquakes have been identified at this time.The principal sources are the Denali Fault,located roughly 43 miles north of the site;Castle Mountain Fault,about b5 miles south of the site;and the Ijenioff Zone,30 to 40 miles below the surface.A remote possibility also ex ists that a IITerrain ll earthquake event could take pl ace in the crustal zone above the Benioff Zone within 6 miles of the site.No evidence has yet been found to indicate that any of the features and lineaments identified to date in the project vicinity could be regarded as surface expressions of faults that have experienced displacement during recent geologic times. For preliminary design purposes,the Denali fault has been assigned a prel imi- nary conservative maximum earthquake magnitude of 8.5.This earthquake,when attenuated to the sites,is postulated to generate a mean peak ground accelera- tion of 0.2g at both Devil Canyon and Watana.The Castle Mountain Fault has been assigned a preliminary conservative maximum earthquake magnitude of 7.5, which WOuld generate a mean peak ground acceleration in the 0.05g to O.Obg range at the two sites.The Benioff Zone has been assigned a conservative maximum earthquake magnitude of 8.5,which would generate mean peak ground accelerations of 0.3g at Devil Canyon and 0.35g at Watana.The duration of potential strong motion earthquakes for both the Denali and Benioff Zones is conservatively esti- mated to be 45 seconds.It is evident that of these three potential sources the Benioff Zone will govern the design.The Terrain earthquake with a magnitude estimated as 6.25,would cause a mean peak ground acceleration at either site of 0.55g and a duration of about b seconds.None of these sources have any poten- tial for causing ground rupture at the sites. 5 -SELECTIuN METHODULOGY 5.1 -General The selection process follows the general methodology previously established for the Susitna Project.The procedure involves five basic work packages or steps, listed in 5.2 below. 5.2 -Methodology Step 1:As semb 1e av ail ab 1e d at a -Determine design criteria -Establ ish evaluation criteria. Develop preliminary layouts,based on the available data and design criteria,for the alternative dam types considered including all re- lated facilities and structures.Produce plans and principal sections for each 1 ayout. Develop cost estimates for each layout based on the drawings prepared under Step 2 and the related construction schedule. Review all layouts on the basis of technical feasibility,cost,con- struction methods and materials,uncertainty of basic data and assump- tions,safety,and environmental impacts. Step 5:Select the most suitable alternative based on the established evalua- tion criteria. 81-5 6 -PRUJfCT PARAMETERS AND DESIGN CRITERIA 6.1 -General The principal project parameters and design criteria on which the alternative dam layouts were based are given below.Parts of this criteria will be super- seded as more data becomes available.Any assumptions made have been based on the best information available at the time. 6.2 -Devil Canyon Hydraul ic Data - --I j Probable maximum flood: Maximum flood with return period of 1:10,000 years: Ivlaximum flood with return perioo of 1:50 years: Reservoir normal maximum operating level: Reservoir minimum operating level: Dam Crest elevation: Crest length: Height: Cut-off and foundation treatment: Diversion Cofferd am types: Upstream cofferdam crest elevation: Downstream cofferdam crest elevation: Water pass ages: Final closure: Releases during impounding: Spillway Design flood$: Service spillway -capacity: -control structure: Main spillway -capacity: -control structure: Bl-6 270,000 cfs 135,000 cfs (after routing through Watana) 42,000 cfs (after routing through Watan a) 1450 I"1SL 1400 MSL 14::;5 feet i~SL Var i es b35 feet above foundation Founded on rock -grout curtain and downstream drains Rockfill 960 foot MSL 900 foot MSL Low level structure with slide closure gate Mass concrete plugs in line with dam grout curtain 2,000 cfs minimum via fixed cone valves Passes PMF preserving integrity of d am with no loss of 1 He Passes routed 1:10,000 year fl ood with no d arnage to structures 45,000 cfs Gated orifice.stilling basin 90,000 cfs Gated,agee crest - ~ I - - Spillway (Cont'd) Emergency spillway -capacity: -type: Power Facilities Type of Powerhouse: Transformer area: Control room and administration: Access: Type of turbines: Number and rat i ng s: Rated net head: Des ign fl ow: Maximum gross head: Type of generator: Rated output: Power f ac tor: Frequency: Tr ans formers: Tailrace Water passages: Elevation of water passages: 6.3 -Watana River Flows Average flow (over 30 years of record): Probable maximum flood: Maximum design flood (1:10,000 years): Maximum design diversion flood (1:50 years): Reservoir normal maximum operating level: Reservoir minimum operating level: Area of reservoir at maximum operating level: Reservoir live storage: Reservoir full storage: Uam Type: Crest elevation: Crest length and width: Height: Cut-off and foundation treatment: Upstream slope: Downstream slope: 81-7 PMF minus routed 1:10,000 year f100d Fuse plug Underground Separate gallery Underground Rock tunnel Fr anc is 4 x 150 MW 550 feet 3,600 cfs 565 feet approximately Vertical synchronous 18U [vIVA 0.9 oU Hz 15/345 kV 70 MVA,single phase 2 concrete lined tunnels Press ure t unne 1 7,860 cfs 235,000 cfs 155,000 cfs 87,000 cfs 2200 MSL 2050 ~lSL 40,000 ac;;res 4.6 x 10 0 acre-feet lOx 10 6 acre-feet Varies Var i es Varies Varies Founded on rock,with grout curtain and downstream drains Varies Varies Diversion Cofferdam: Cut-off foundation: Upstream crest elevation: Downstream crest elevation: Maximum design pool level during construction: Water passages: Uutlet structures: Final closure: Releases during impounding: Spi 11 way Design floOdS: Main Spillway -capacity: -control structure: -energy dissipation: Emergency Spillway -capacity: -type: Power Fac i 1 it ies Type of powerhouse: Trans former area: Control room and administration: Access: Type of turbine: Number and rating: Rated net head: Design flow per unit: 1"1 ax imum gross head: Type of generator: Rated output: Power factor: Frequency: Tailrace B1-8 Rockfill Founded on alluvium with slurry trench to rock 1585 MSL 1475 MSL 158U MSL Concrete lined Low level structure with sl ide closure gate Mass concrete plugs in line with main dam grout curtain 2,000 cfs minimum via fixed cone valves. Passes PMF preserving integrity of dam with no loss of 1 ife. Passes routed design flood with no damage to structures 135,000 cfs Gated ogee crest Chute and flip bucket to downstream plunge pool PMF minus routed design flood Fuse plug Underground Separate gallery Surface structure Kock tunnel Francis 4 x 200 I"1W 6i::$0 feet 3,750 cfs 735 feet Vertical synchronous 220 MVA 0.9 60 Hz Single phase 15/345 kV,130 MVA 2 concrete-l ined pressure tunnels - - - - - - - I"'" I - - 7 -ALTERNATIVE DAM TYPES -DEVIL CANYON 7.1 -General Three types of dam design have been studied in detail,and these are described below.For the thin arch concrete dam and the concrete arch gravity dam,the location selected is at the entrance to Devil Canyon,where the cross section of the canyon has its minimum area.This location is unsuitable for the rockfill dam,however,with its much flatter slopes,and the axis of the rockfill dam has,therefore,been moved some 625 feet downstream from the crown of the con- crete dams (250 feet downstream of the line of the thrust blocks).This site corresponds to the minimum volume for the rockfill dam alternative.The diver- sion tunnels for the rockfill dam alternative are considerably longer,as a resul t. The normal maximum water level is at Elevation 1445;the crest levels of the dams vary with the particular dam type considered. 7.2 -Concrete Arch Gravity Dam The arch gravity dam arrangement is shown on Plates Bl.l and Bl.2.The main dam is a single center arch structure acting partly as a gravity dam with a vertical cylindrical upstream face and a sloping downstream face inclined at IV:0.4H. The maximum height of the dam is 635 feet and the crest length is 1400 feet. The maximum foundation width is 225 feet.The crest width is 30 feet at Eleva- t i on 1455. The main dam structure terminates in mass concrete thrust blocks set high up on each abutment.The left abutment thrust block is a free standing concrete grav- ity structure;the right bank thrust block is supported directly by the rock in the right abutment.A low-lying saddle area on the left abutment is closed by means of a rockfill dike founded on bedrock extending from existing rock to the left bank thrust block. The design floods are controlled by 3 major spillway structures: - A gated orifice service spillway set in the center of the main dam discharging to a stilling basin in the river channel downstream; - A main gated spillway constructed in the thrust block on the left abutment discharging into a rock channel which takes water well downstream to an exist- ing side valley;and -An emergency fuse plug spillway in a separate channel on the left abutment. The service spillway is used to control flows up to 45,000 cfs.For flows up to 135,000 cfs (the 10,000 year flood),the main spillway and service spillway together have sufficient capacity.The emergency fuse plug spillway is designed to discharge the balance of flow between the PMF flow and the l-in-10,000 year flood,together with the extra capacity on the other two spillways caused by surcharging the reservoir.The peak reservoir level when passing the PMF is Elevat i on 1455. The multi-level intake is integral with the main dam and connected to the power- house by 2 vertical steel-lined penstocks.The powerhouse contains 4 x 150 MW units and is located underground beneath the right abutment.Di scharge of power flow to the river is from a draft tube manifold and twin tailrace tunnel. B1-9 7.3 -Thin Arch Dam (Scheme DC1) The height and crest length of the thin arch dam is similar to the arch gravity dam described in 7.2,and the dam location is the same.The thrust blocks,the left bank saddle dam,and the depth of excavation to rock are assumed the saIne. The crest width is 20 feet at an elevation of 1455 and the maximum foundation width is 90 feet.The general arrangement of the thin arch dam is shown on Plates 81.3,and 10.1 (Volume 1). The spillway design philosophy is similar to the arch gravity dam with three levels of control.The main spillway is on the right abutment comprising a gated control structure,chute,and flip bucket.A service spillway is provided in the main dam comprising four gated orifices discharging to a downstream plunge pool.The saddle dam fuse plug and channel on the left abutment are sim- ilar to the scheme described in 7.2 above.The service spillway controls flows up to 45,000 cfs;the combination of the service spillway and the main spillway is designed to control floods up to 135,000 cfs (the flood with a return period of 1:10,000 years).The probable maximum flood (PMF)is handled by the emer- gency fuse plug spillway and the increased capacity of main and service spil 1- ways with the reservoir surcharged to a maximum elevation of 1455. The powerhouse accommodates 4 x 150 MW units and is located underground in the right abutment.The multi-level power intake is constructed in a rock cut up- stream of the dam on the right abutment,with 4 separate penstocks to the power- house turbines.Discharge of power flows to the river is from a draft tube manifold and twin tailrace tunnels. 7.4 -Rockfill Dam The arrangement for the rockfill dam alternative is shown on Plate 8.1,(Volume 1). For this arrangement the dam axis is some 625 feet downstream of the crown sec- tion of the concrete dams.The assumed embankment slopes are 2.25 H:1V on the upstream face and 2H:1V on the downstream face.The main dam is continuous with the left bank saddle dam,and therefore no thrust blocks are required.The crest length is 2200 feet at Elevation 1470;the crest width is 50 feet. The dam is constructed with a central impervious core,inclined upstream,sup- ported on the downstream side by a semi-pervious lone.These two lones are pro- tected upstream and downstream by filter and transition materials.The shell sections are constructed of rockfill obtained from blasted bedrock.For pre- liminary design all dam sections are assumed to be founded on rock;external cofferdams are founded on the river alluvium,and are not incorporated into the main dam.The approximate volume of material in the main dam is 20 million cubic yards. A single spillway is provided on the right abutment to control all flood flows. It consists of a gated control structure and a double stilling basin excavated into rock;the chute sections and stilling basins are concrete lined,with mass concrete gravity retaining walls.The design capacity is sufficient to pass the 1-in-10,000 year flood without damage;excess capacity is provided to pass the PMF,without damage to the main dam,by surcharging the reservoir and spillway. 81-10 - - - - -\ \ - ,.... I I I I, I I"'" The powerhouse is located underground In the right abutment.The multi-level power intake is constructed in a rock cut in the right abutment on the dam cen- terline,with four independent penstocks to the 150 MW Francis turbines.Twin concrete-lined tailrace tunnels connect the powerhouse to the river via an in- termediate draft tube manifold. 7.5 -Basis of Dam Design The analyses for both the arch gravity dam and the thin arch dam were originally carried out using finite element methods.The results indicated significantly lower stresses for the arch gravity dam under hydrostatic and temperature load- ings,as would be anticipated.High stresses were found under seismic loading conditions for both dams,with somewhat higher in the case of the arch gravity dam.The finite element model used in these analyses was not sufficiently re- fined to allow accurate calculation of stresses at the abutments. In order to model more accurately the stress conditions in the thin arch dam close to the foundation and in the abutments of the thin arch dam,the Trial Load Method was later adopted using the USBR Computer Program Arch Dam Stress Analysis System (ADSAS).Under hydrostatic loading no tension is evident at the dam faces. Although analysis for seismic loading still had to be finalized,It was consid- ered that the thin arch and the arch gravity dam sections shown on the plates were structurally feasible. The rockfill dam slopes are considerecd to be representative for the type of material which will be used and for the likely ground movements under seismic shock. 7.6 -Schedule It is estimated that there would be no significant difference in construction schedule between the two concrete clams;the extra volume of the arch gravity dam would be offset by ease of concrete placement,simpler formwork,and reuse of formwork.Estimated total construction time is about 5 Years, It is estimated that the construction period for the rockfill dam will be at least 5 years and possibly as much as 6 years,in view of the congested nature of the site,seasonal restrictions on placing and compaction of impervious core material,and rockfill placing difficulties within the steep sided canyon. 7.7 -Construction Materials Sand and gravel for concrete aggregates are believed to be available in suffi- cient quantities immediately upstream of the Cheechako fan and terraces,and it is anticipated that they will be suitable for the production of concrete aggre- gates after a screening and washing. Material for the rockfill dam shells will generally be obtained from local quarry areas;a limited amount will be available from the actual site excava- tions,(spillways,tunnels and underground caverns).Although a limited amount of impervious material may be available from the till deposits forming the flat elevated areas on the left abutment,no suitable borrow areas are known within a reasonable distance of the site,other than those at Watana,30 miles upstream. The availability of impervious and semipervious fill will be major factor gov- erning the selection of dam type at Devil Canyon. 8 -ALTERNATIVE DAM TYPES -WATANA 8.1 -General Two dam types have been considered in detail,a rockfill dam and a concrete thin arch dam as described in 8.2 and 8.3 below.The normal maximum operat-ing level is at Elevation 2200 MSL for both cases;the crest level varies with the type of dam considered. 8.2 -Rockfill Dam The arrangement of the rockfill dam alternative considered in this comparison is shown on Plate 9.4,(Volume 1).The dam is located between the two major shear zones,(the "Fins"and the "Fingerbuster"),along an alignment similar to that originally proposed by the Corps of Engineers.The side slopes have been conservatively assumed as 1H:2.75V upstream and 1H:2V downstream.The crest width is 80 feet at Elevation 2225 MSL.Total crest length is approximately 4000 feet. The dam is constructed with a central impervious core,inclined upstream,sup- ported on the downstream side by a semi pervious zone.These two zones are pro- tected upstream and downstream by filter and transition materials.The outer shell sections are constructed from rockfill obtained from quarries and bedrock excavation and alluvial gravels.For preliminary design,the core zone is as- sumed to be founded on sound rock;all other zones are founded on rock.The diversion cofferdams are founded on the river alluvium,and are not therefore incorporated into the main dam.The approximate volume of material in the main dam is 76.5 million cubic yards. Diversion is provided by two 35 foot diameter concrete-lined tunnels beneath the ri ght abutment. The main spillway on the right abutment is designed to control flood flows up to the 1-i n-1 ,000 year event..The PMF is contro 11 ed by surchargi ng the reser- voir and the main spillway together with the emergency fuse plug spillway on the ri ght abutment. The powerhouse is located underground in the left abutment.The multi-level power intake is constructed in a rock cut 200 feet upstream of the dam center- line.Individual penstocks are provided for each 200 MW Francis turbine in the powerhouse;twin 30-foot-diameter concrete-lined tailrace tunnels then discharge the power flow to the river. 8.3-Thin Arch Dam The alternative thin arch dam arrangement considered in this comparison is shown on Plate 9.1 (Volume 1).The detailed geometry is given on Plates 81.4 and B1.5. 81-12 - ,~ - -I - - f"""I i ( -I I - r"!i I ~i The main dam is a three-center double curvature concrete arch structure with a crest width of 40 feet at Elevation 2215 MSL.The approximate total crest length is 3950 feet.The maximum foundation width is 180 feet at Elevation 1360 MSL.The dam is founded on an extensive concrete pad in the river bed excava- tion,and the extreme upper section of the dam terminates in massive concrete thrust blocks set high on each abutment.The approximate volume of concrete in the dam and thrust blocks is 8.25 million cubuc yards. The diversion arrangement is similar to that for the rockfill dam,but the tun- nels are much shorter because of the reduced foundation width. The main spillway on the right abutment is designed to control flows up to the l-in-10,000 year event.The probable maximum flood is controlled by surcharging the reservoir and the main spillway. The powerhouse is located underground beneath the right abutment.The multi- level power intake is constructed in a rock cut about 200 feet upstream of the dam centerline.Four individual penstocks deliver water to each 200 MW Francis turbine in the power plant;twin concrete-lined tailrace tunnels then discharge the flow to the river.An alternative powerhouse location on the left bank was considered (as indicated on Plate 81.4)but there was no significant cost sav- ings in any of the major structures,(intake,penstocks,and tailrace tunnels) and the rock conditions slightly favor the right abutment. 8.4 -Basis of Design The upstream slopes of the dam were conservatively selected to be similar to the Oroville Dam in California which has been analyzed and found to be safe under severe seismic shaking.It is anticipated that the upstream slope may be safely reduced to IH:2.4V during detailed design. The thin arch dam design was checked for static loadings only using the USSR Trial Load Method computer program (ADSAS);all stresses were within acceptable limits. 8.5 -Schedule The estimated construction period for the rockfill dam at Watana is 7 years from the commencement of diversion works to the commissioning of the first generating unit.It is estimated that construction of the concrete arch dam will probably not be significantly faster than for the rockfill. 8.6 -Construction Materials Impervious core material is available from the glacial tills located approxi- mately 3 miles upstream from the site on the right side of the river valley. Gravels and sands for filter and transition materials are available from the alluvial deposits in Tsusena Creek.Approximately 50 percent of the rockfill for the shell sections is assumed to be obtained from quarries.A small propor- tion of the rockfill requirements will also be available from the site excava- tions. The gravels and sands available from alluvial deposits in Tsusena Creek will be suitable for concrete aggregates,after screening and washing. 81-13 9 -COST ESTIMATES The cost estimate summary for the alternative dam layouts at Devil Canyon is shown in Table B1.1. The cost estimate summary for the alternative dam layouts at Watana is shown in Table B1.2. All estimates are based on quantities taken from the drawings using unit rates derived for the Upper Limit Cost Estimate (July 1981).In the absence of a known source,the unit price for impervious material at Devil Canyon was assumed to be similar to that at Watana,and as such is probably underestimated. 10 -SELECTION OF DAM TYPE 10.1 -Evaluation Criteria The criteria used for evaluation of the alternative dam types are as follows: -Construction cost estimate; -Availability of construction materials; -Schedule; -Environmental impact; Sensitivity to changes in basic data;and -Operation and safety. 10.2 -Comparison of Alternatives The comparison of alternative dam layouts at Devil Canyon is summarized in Table 81.3,based on the evaluation criteria in 10.1 above.For each factor consid- ered,the preferred layout or layouts have been selected.The final selection has then been made on the basis of the results of the individual factor assess- ments. A similar comparison of alternative dam layouts at Watana is summarized in Table B1.4. 10.3 -Recommended Dam Types From the detailed comparison of the three alternative dam arrangements,there would not appear to be a significant advantage favoring any particular alterna- tive.Consideration of a concrete face rockfill alternative at this site may overcome the apparent scarcity of impervious material nearby.However,it is not likely that there would be any significant cost advantage using this altern- ative.Since the height of such a dam would be significantly greater than any currently in existence,consideration of this type of structure would require detailed investigation.On the other hand,the thin arch dam alternative is less expensive than the arch gravity dam and has been shown with a reasonable degree of confidence to be feasible and no more expensive than the rockfill. B1-14 ~ I - - - - ...... - There WOuld therefore appear to be no reason to initiate studies of the concrete-faced rockfill altern at ive. On the basis of a significant cost advantage,the recommended dam type for further layout studies at Watana is the rockfill dam with impervious core. B1-15 -r - "... I I i ,.... I i Contingency (20%) Engineering/Administration (12.5%) TABLE B1.2: Item Land Acquisition Reservoir Clearance Excavation/Preparation Drainage/Grouting Main Dam Low Level Release Saddle Dam Diversion and Cofferdams Power Facilities Spillways Switch yard Miscellaneous/Roads Support and Camp Subtotal TOTAL COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY -WATANA C a p 1 t a 1 C o s t ($000) RockfIll ThIn Arch $35,000 $35,000 15,000 15,000 180,435 22,680 53,415 217 ,000 940,974 1,237,500* 25,000 11,500 45,538 45,538 101,967 77 ,939 262,505 257,626 195,440 195,440 7,018 7,018 105,700 105,700 306,000 306,000 $2,273,992 $2,533,941 454,798 506,788 341,099 380,091 $3,069,889 $3,420,820 -I ! *Using concrete rate of $150 per cubic yard Note:The above are conceptual cost estimates for comparison purposes only. - - -I i - TABLE B1.3:COMPARISON or ALTERNATIVE DAM TYPES -DEVIL CANYON n e e A B C Alternative Arcn InJ.n Number Item Gravity Arch Rockfill Recommended Remarks 1 Cost Estimate 1580 1485 1474 B,C C likely to ($million)increase in final design 2 Availabilit y of Good Good Poor A,B Impervious cor Materials material sourc not proven 3 Schedule ------A,B -- 4 Environmental ------A,B,C No advantage Impact to any scheme 5 Sensitivity to Low Low High A,B Rockfill dam Changes in Base slopes likely Data to be flatter in final desig 6 Operation/Safety ------A,B,C No advantage to any scheme rI, TABLE B1.4:COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE DAM TYPES -WATANA Alternatlve A t3 Recommended No.Item KocKtlll I hln Arch Layout Remarks 1 Cost Estimate 3070 3421 A Cost di ffer- ence $351 million 2 Availablilit y of Materials Good Good A,B -- 3 Schedule ----A,B -- 4 Environmental Impact ----A,B -- 5 Sensitivity to Basic Data ----A,B -- 6 Operation/Safety ----A,B -- - - - - - - - ~]'·'1 ~-1 F~J ....J ....)1 ~'].....'1 ~···1 1 '··..1 ··~..l ·..·1 '-J ] PLATE 81.1 CENTRAL ANIIU !DEQ.) ~_II EL..14S5 DEVIL CANYON ARCH GRAVITY DAM SCHEME PLAN AND SECTIONS EL.14&O RIlaS.lI••' 811:-600' ACRES AMEftICAH.INCORPOfI:ATEO -~- /-;-----;'---'---. .,.\., ____-'""'''c:..''''..''''0,__~I "'{- RI4 a 520' I04~r(CHOAD){I240'AftC;1.ENGTHl CREST EL~i DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION OF DAM ...feO.."b •• R£..660'I 30,'~~~__• IPDfP I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY'InundSUSITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECT RET-153' a' 27' ARCH GRAVITY DAM GEOMETRY ~FEET NOTE THIS DRAWING ILLUSTRAT!.9 A PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL PROJECT LAYOUT PREPARED FtlA COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE:SITE DEVELOPMENTS ONLY a20 I I ~~,"1,"06'1,-f-1!U' .00 1000 I-----J...i!'"lao'\"1o ••ao·•••1:0--+-~I i' .,c."\1,._____ o<l'~ ..~RI.·440' Q. SCALE GROUT CURTAIN BOTTOM UNf ,.. I.OWL EL.'44'--". ~1400 -fl-33.1 1300 >- ..------~1200 z 0;::a1100 ,000 1100 900 BOO 1400 £IIIEMUtCy SPlLLWAV 1500 I .........!\\LEfT BANK nfRuST 8L.OQ(\I ......\d ,1__.~u I \ 13001 • 1200 l-1100~ z ~1000 ;:: ~ ~ 700_~/C-"":f --=- ~"OO GENERAL ARRANGEMENT CRfST OFOIKE EL 1460 81;1 /' J .. II /.:;.,~O /~.p' /' I 151~ ,of'" / .tI I J ~/' J __\AOO ~d' / / "/ "/ l~__~ ~..~" '( -, J I / I I ,, ~ ~~~~~~~.. //, \ ''>"#'J /MULTI-LEvEL;-~/I INTAKE 1 ___ .(~,/'! '\..fJ I!t!!~~ICt____-----1------------r-----~------"<-,T-,/ , I J , ~~CJ "'j F'~C)~~""1 ~~'1 '~-cl 1 '~CC'j """-1 "J '~"cl ('~~1 ,'-],--]"1 -'1 "-1 '1 SUSITNA HYDROElECTRIC PROJECT 60~'APPRQX. ALASKA POWEft AUTItOfttTY PlATE 81.2 DEVIL CANYON ARCH GRAVITY DAM SCHEME SECTIONS ~"1E5 "4 --'-/'I "ROCK BOLTS/ SECTION B-B r NORMAL MAX. W Wl.,EL.144~ ,----------"' 100 200 FEET ~ SECTION A-A NOTE THIS CAAWING ILLUSTRATES A PRELrMINARY CONCEPTUAL PROJECT LAYOUT PREPARED FOR COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE SITE DEVELOPMENTS ONLY SCALE I~OO 14~0 THRUST BLOCK 50'\ft;~--1460TOP ~ROCt<FIL~-~ \1 If."",~,=:l =-....--ORIGINAL GROUNO J....•__SURFACE 13~0 ~~MrnENCY SPILl.WAY ABUTMENT 1400 MAX.E';:941 POWER FACiliTIES PROFILE I~OOIIORMAL MAX.:~~;:~.J:~~.1455 1400 ',\------------------1 MULTI-l,EVEL INTAJ<E STRUCTURE g1300 1 ! ~IlOO ... §EL 11.0 '~__/OR'GINAL GROUND SURFACE / ~1100 f-----'ir\---li,---,--f-'lirtl4---~~-~~MAX.TWI...fLUB /' EL990--~~-4-t-~- E,:,"~~:~,~------j i---\ONE UNIT OPERATIIlKJ ~~EL,"ING ~M ~~~.'r900__,~-~~;,j bJ '~T "'~ 000 1.0'b """"RETE LINING 2'TNK .•50..SHOTeRETE LINING-~ SECTION THRU DIVERSION TUNNEL II'"I',--....,I I 1200 ~-n ••_n I !.............:7 ORIGINAL GROUND SURf'ACEl 1300 1000 ~\/I li~".....,"I I ,,F n -=-ji 1100 15001--- 1'00f---"n I ____DOWNSTREAM COFFERDAM /(TO BE:REMOVED) li_~---;-._____(TWL.E'=.910~I 7;tj...' /WEIR SECTION AT WEIR CURTAIN -DIVERSION OUlL ETS 10'X 10' -WAIN SPILLWAY CONCRETE PL.!,! EL.I'280 AERAT10p.j--O"FFSET ARCH-GRAVITY DAM lAYOUT "if Ii,.GROUTING ./~CONSOLIOATION ~ RELIEF DRAINS-4M OIA.a'_oM C/C 180'-0· A" EL,I!~ SECTION AT SPILlWAY 900f----OGoL--~_. 700L-__C_~ "00 .1·~I'I·III'I~"oo~.,~~~.,.I I ,¥';,~"~'-, PROFilE OF EMERGENCY SPILLWAY ~\A --.l-.CDNCRETE LIN~NQ~..__~.______~/E-":~'~U:T::~N •B '*_ .."00 A'.,ORO -__,C:SC~I:::~-,~1200 -__~~~WL o ,_\'~c"..~.j l!_'''-.."Pl~.~ ~,/ _~c ' 1I00 l --J -~--1-~.,~]~~IGtNALGROOND'~'.u.SURFACE --.......... !1000 - z ~2 ACCESS TUNNEL=:!.StOO .~::::::..-=._:.:~fL..93~_ ~_,'.0.~/3/4 ANCHORS -- W ~.L"'"IO'_O·LONG CONCRETE ~-0 'f--CONCftETE lININGj l.INING ~I DOWNSTREAM OF 800 --------------AUXILARY DAM_ I \ STOPLOG GUlOE""t !U~STREA'-'COFFER?AM EL 1100 :t:20 ~AERATION OFFSET (TO BE REttlOVED)I Fl40 'PlOG •DIVERSION (PY' WAX-941 ~~~ES \~\OUTLETS q.,,,,v.MAX TWL.EL 9?Ci~/......-.._~\!!5~~~'__~4$'J I'D.~~':.----~----...~B ,./2 EL.B6!5 2.'......! -)-]"~--]~'-'-"1 e'l c··.·_]1 "~~"'1 '--l '],~'-1 '-1 .--"--'1 ,J '-J ~~-SPILLWA.V CONTROL ---- STRUCTURE soo r---- 700~- I~OO 900 ~~\:'\_,//'""§/;7" I EL14~9:::;=:;================~c~~~:::=-~I:::+i"00 r----~~----"-"""",::-,=--r ~~r~t~'l~'( 111 \I 1400 ""'"'SOUND BEDROCK SURFACE-UPSTREAM'0.~....~SOUND BEDROCK SURFACE -DOWNSTREAM f200 ~-"-~.;/ /~~~7 ~1l00 I ",{,I :!r----'-I J J zo ~1000 I ~,;------___,lf-/-.h/~t---_------------ ~~AIJG.TWiL.[1..990 V ....._:...•._.,~C~~,B60 I SOO I~OO 900 1500 1200 1400 1100 1000 ~;..;..--':."'.;~; CONCRETE PLUG CROWN SECTION DAM PROFIL.E PL.ATE 81.3 OEVIL CANYON SCHEME DCI SECTIONS ~~ ------------- IPD(@ I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ,_ft_un_o_SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ORIGINAL SURFACE (RIGHT SIDE) ORIGINAL SURFACE (LEFT SIDE) tOO lao FEET ~ NOTE THIS DRAWING ILLUSTRATES A PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL.PROJECT L.AYOUT PREPARED FOR COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE SITE:DEVELOPMENT SECTION THRU SPIL.L.WAY SCALE ROC K ANCHOR S TYP. AVO.T.W.L EL.890 900 1 "~EL.92S...~..::.1.r-,~..EL.no I 900 '--ALLUYIUM DREDGED OUT I 10001 ~"....."'''....I '~~::i4e FI)(ED WHEEL ,"00 I I =.".!':::. ':500~f't 1100 LI _ 1400 1200 I---''-t{~."/.I......'..)I fWWL E~44fJ1 £1..1459 '400 f- 1500 I~--- 000 f-~----------- 1001 PLUO CONSTRUCTION A~IT SECTION THRU POWERHOUSE FACIL.ITIES ......... ...........-ORIGINAL SURFACE~'¥...........~/lLEFT SIDE)MIN.RVtLEL.1300 1 1111/lm ----"-~~~·1 •.~-...~I r ~d -,~"_ORIGINAL SURFACE1>00 EL.12.S ............~(R'GHT SIDE) --"",L----------IfA;:::--:=~;::_-~~==_"-:"8 '200 ,.'.,..CONCRETE ',,-."-.~GROUT CURTAIN LINED TUNNEL _~'" i 1100 CONCRETE LINING -2''\'''-.~[THo....STE~G .'"~I '" ;;l,oo." C1 ')c~cl "1 ,c"l 1 "'1 c'~C')""")J ,c~"'l ,cl '--I --)CC)1 @ 2'300 GEOMETRY TYPICAL ARCH SECTION PLATE 81.4 ,f. "EolI: WATANA ARCH DAM GEOMETRY ~.fERENCE PLANE o 200 400 FEET TABLE OF ARCH ANGLES ARCH ~L.~v.CO~PJt'r ENTElL \~.LE I. No.(FEET)'P«:(0£8)FT RIGHT I UI5 33.'.,.0 Z 2100 3:1.0 •••••19~0 32.5 ••.s •IBOO 31.0 41:'•••16!50 29.0 40.'"•1500 29.0 31 I'~1 1360 0 23 •• IPD[O II ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY I ftUDlO SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PRO~ECT SCAL.E 'l!J PCC •a3.~- ~pee ~SS.!::I- FACILITIES/~'t'Y'cV--'I~r~_""=::::-~>\i V?/~//) /.1--(/.v/...~y / ~\-:::==//A:=:- ,/ q.....O' /' 'LOOO IEolo EL.2.21'_ ~H·!5O· -::/~/y 'ZEoEL'Z.IOO .;/~/. \~UOEL.'Z.I~O / \~,,\\<~/'/ '\'£illl"'0,/~//."..~~/;/f~II ,.,-/'/./~\ """"//:;/~0"-"~""'E~//~/.'".~.....~<~L':O~~/:/;'i/~.'~'~o~'><.//'c ' .6~lOE:;;;i;E,E:'~'O ••~....~...~/IE'~.'RE..FE'RENC~_~L~NE.'\.-~ =-"'--....,~~c .~~.<J "~~~/~~ /<://."ELI.."oEU.OO •,'.,c-..."x.i'.-.··/'~,~A~'/-,,~~~</~///4IgEl.~--~~~"'~~'"/ -.---'t'HcA\'""r c ////•/,.~.~0~"<I'~./.......",,'::~~-\~~-'='"."....~'"I.'-:L~~~~~f,I=--""._'~;~~ /21'..tb.2':~~~//,.oE '",-, .:s.AX'<:"---c__________//,//'''".... 0°.,///~/:::>" ~///~tq,~~~~//lED ,~OO __-'"'<;~"",~_....,L7 ~''i''~/~ CV ...../"C;J'J?'I •~....T~U.sT />////~P~C lNOICATE:S POINT Of CHANGE OF CURVATURE .....SLOCK ~///'2.KE"INDICATE3 CENTER OF EXTRADOS ARCH. I ,,///,,/3 I INDICATES CENTER OF lNTRAOOS ARCH . .~./.,'/4.THE SUBSCRIPT ·O~INDICATES OUTER SEGMENT.'I ~__~~///!5 THE SUBSCRIPT ·C~INDICATES CENTRAL SEGMENT ~.._~_/./"A.'·t>..6.~~i":Eu:seRIPT·L"INDICATES -LEFT SIDE OF ARCH LOOKING .---~~-/'\.'<'/..._,________________------/7 7.~~~T~~::eRIPT·R"INDICATES RIGHT SIDE OF ARCH LOOKING./...0 B.THRUST BLOCKS .ARE NOT SHOWN 8 ----------------~...---r ---9.CONTOUR LINES SHOW GROUND SURFACE ~GENERAL ARRANGEMENT ~ \THIS DRAWING ILLUSTRATES A PRR!WINARY CONCEPTUAL PROJECT LAYOUT PREPARED FOR COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE SITE 0E:VELOPJIIENT8 ONLY. 2100-- 2200_J~ I// 2000~ ~~1 '~-~~0-·1 ]'~~J '~l .~..~~"-'~l '1 0'1 ~'J ·-·~1 1 1 J ~l ] -~~ THRUST !SLOCK WATANA ARCH DAM GEOMETRY ALASKA ~OW!"AUTHOftfTY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROdECT SOUND ROCf<SURFACE '''-ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE DOWNSTREAM FACE OF ABUTMENT EL.221~ .3300'(ACROSS VALLEY) 3000 3Z00 3400 3600 ;,800 4000 42'00 X EXTRAOOS FACE CENTERLINE INTRADas FACE CENTERLINE I~OO 20'00 2200 2400 2600 2800 DISTANCE IN FEET PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM (NOT DEVELOPED) "~ ~ Q 1600 ~ ~ RAXIS 0-40001 1400 --LINE OF INTRADOS CENURS FOR CENTRAL SEGMENTS I ~1.~31'8 LINE OF EXTRADOS CENTERS F"OR 'A SEGMENTS SE,"ENtS CENTR4L SEGMENTS ENT AS fOR DOTE TERS "DR DUTEfl UHE OF \tl'TRIl.OOS C E of 'E,)c,Ta,b,OO$eEN I l...\N----..·oB·.~ 1387.&008' 1734.7588' 108tli.401J' .1055.9139' 1086.0848' ;..':l ~400 1 i 0;0; 600 BOO 1000 1200 180' z,oo I THRUST BLOCK 2300 - ~ZIDO~ ~ ~ ;0; 02CE •••J ••07'~I IEIDO (NOT TO SCALE) 2200 YI 1100 2/00 Ii!lOD 1300 ~c:-r~~ill :-'4oo~j~~alOOO 40~2 ~2200 t:i ~800 z 2000~,.001 000 11 :IBoo ~ ,E 200 ~L OE 1400 1200 SECTIONS ALONG PLANES OF CENTERS -~~~- ACRES AIll!ItICAN INCOR~ATEO PLATE 81.5 - r I ,-. I l ,.... APPENDIX B2 WATANA GENERAL ARRANGEMENT STUDY 1 -INTROlJUCTION Following an economic and technical review of a number of potential hydroelec- tric sites witnin the Susitna River Basin and an assessment of their development in different combinations,two sites were selected as being especially suitable for joint development.Details of this selection study are given in the Devel- opment Selection Report (DSR). The upstream and larger site is the prospective Watana Development;and the lower site is Devil Canyon,named after the canyon in which it is located.The locations of the two sites are shown in Figure B2.1.Average flow in the river is 7,940 cfs at Watana and the total gross head developed by the two sites is approximately 1,330 feet.A high degree of regulation is achieved primarily through the Watana reservoir,a factor which contributes greatly to the decision to construct Watana as the first stage of an overall staging concept. As set out within the DSR certain aspects of the layouts at the selected sites were consistent with certain generalized concepts.Such items as the configura- tion of power facilities and the type of spillway were developed to be suitable for the majority of schemes within the river basin to reflect,in their conserv- atism and potential adaptability to different conditions,the general uncertain- ties of the physical characteristics of each site.Although suitable for this initial selection process,the layouts of the chosen sites were not intended to define the final schemes.They have been reexamined and new layouts developed through more rigorous study based on the site information available from previ- ous investigations by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers and the Department of the Interior,together with data from Acres'1980-81 site investigations.. It is the purpose of this report to describe the final general arrangement de- veloped for the Watana site and to delineate the selection process and the com- parative layouts which led to this arrangement.The arrangement for the Devil Canyon Development is described separately in another report. 2 -SUMMARY 2.1 -Scope The objective of this study is to develop the most suitable overall conceptual layout for the major structures at Watana based on technical,economic and envi- ronmental considerations and restrictions. It is not intended that the layout will be definitive but it is the intention to determine the general configuration of the major structures and facilities and the relationship of these facilities within the project layout. B2-1 2.2 -Methodology (a)Preliminary Review of Layouts Layouts were developed to a preliminary stage.A review of layouts in- cluded the considerations of technical feasibility,environmental accept- ability,and obvious cost differences. (b)I ntermed i ate Rev i ew Layouts were selected from the prel iminary reviews and further developed. Review of these layouts included technical,cost,and environmental consid- erations. (c)Final Review Two layouts were selected and further developed.The layouts were compared on the basis of technical feasibility,mode of operation,the required maintenance,cost,and environmental considerations. 2.3 -Review Process Nine layouts were compared,including that proposed in the DSR.These layouts involved involving single and multiple spillways on both sides of the river, with chute and flip bucket,chute and stilling basin,and unlined rock cascade spillways.Different dam locations and surface and underground power facilities on both sides of the river were reviewed. The following four layouts were selected and further developed. (a)Scheme WPI The rockfill dam is constructed within the area bounded by mqjor transverse shear zones.The spillway is a chute and flip bucket on the right bank. The twin tunnel diversion is located on the right bank and an underground powerhouse is constructed on the left side. (b)Scheme WP2 The main dam is similar to WPl.The diversion tunnel is located on the right bank as is the chute and stilling basin spillway.An emergency rock channel spillway clGsed by an erodible earthfill plug is also located on this abutment.An underground powerhouse is located on the left bank. (c)Scheme WP3 This scheme is similar to WPI except that the main spillway is reduced in size and an emergency spillway is included. (d)Scheme WP4 The dam location and geometry are similar to the other schemes and the diversion is on the right abutment.A rock cascade spillway is located on the left bank.An underground powerhouse is located on the right bank. B2-2 -I ~ i -! ~ I ~ I -I ",.. ,.... I ,... i There is 1 ittle scope for movement of the main dam which is bounded by major shear lones.A fl ip bucket is the most economical spillway but a cascade configuration gives environmental advantages.The underground powerhouse is more favorably located within the sound rock of the right bank. A mid-level release for reservoir emergency drawdown can be used as a pri- mary spillway facility. (e)Final Review Two schemes were developed from the preceeding comparisons.The first scheme consisted of the main rockfill dam~right bank tunnel diversion,a primary tunnel type spillway with discharge valves~an auxiliary flip bucket spillway,an emergency fuse plug spillway,and a right bank under- ground powerhouse.The second scheme consisted of a similar dam and diver- sion to the above.The main spillway was an unlined cascade on the left bank and a further emergency fuse plug spillway was located on the right bank. The flip bucket scheme was selected for the final layout on the basis of its lower cost.The potential for erosion of the cascade spillway and the poor rock conditions in the vicinity of the cascade led to the rejection of this alternative. 3 -SCOPE The objective of this study is to develop the most suitable conceptual layout of the facilities and structures for the site at Watana.Major factors considered included production of the maximum firm energy consistent with economic cast, technical feasibility~safety of operation~and impact on the environment.The layout was based on potential ease of construction and the capability of bring- ing the first generating unit on line within a nine-year construction period. It was not intended that the layout should be definitive,but it was intended to establish the basis of the final layout of structures by establishing the gener- al configuration of the dam~powerhouse~and diversion and confirming the spill- way type and location.There will be future modifications such as minor re- alignment of structures themselves but the general concept of the scheme will remain unchanged. 4 -BASIN CHARACTERISTICS A general discussion of climatology~geology~and seismic aspects is presented in Appendix Bl~Section 4. Geologicially~the Upper Susitna Basin lies within what is called the Talkeetna Mountains area.This area is geologically complex and has a history of at least 82-3 three periods of major tectonic deformation.The oldest rocks (250 to 300 m.y.b.p.)*exposed in the region are volcanic flows and limestones which are overlain by sandstones and shales dated approximately 150 to 200 m.y.b.p.A tectonic event approximately 135 to 180 m.y.b.p.resulted in the intrusion of large diorite and granite plutons,which caused intense thermal metamorphism. This was followed by marine deposition of silts and clays. Faulting and folding of the Talkeetna Mountains area occurred in the Late Cretaceous period (65 to 100 m.y.b.p.).As a result of this faulting and up- lift,the eastern portion of the area was elevated,and the oldest volcanics and sediments were thrust over the younger metamorphics and sediments.The major area of deformation during this period of activity included the Watana area. The Talkeetna Thrust Fault,a well-known tectonic feature,trends northwest through this region and was one of the major mechanisms of this overthrusting from southeast to northwest. During the Tertiary period (20 to 40 m.y.b.p.)the area surrounding the site was again uplifted by as much as 3,000 feet.Since then,widespread erosion has re- moved much of the older sedimentary and volcanic rocks.This post glacial up- lift has induced downcutting of streams and rivers and is believed to be still occurr"ing. A deep relict channel exists on the right bank upstream from the dam.The over- burden within this relict channel contains a sequence of glacial till and out- wash interlayered with silts and clays of glacial origin.The top of rock under the relict channel area will be below the reservoir level.The data collected to date do not indicate that it will have any major impact on the feasibility of the site. 5 -METHODOLOGY 5.1 -General Preliminary alternative layouts of the Watana site were set out and subjected to a series of review and screening processes.The layouts selected from each screening were developed to a greater degree of detail prior to the next review process and,if necessary,further IIhybrid"1 ayouts were incl uded which combined the features of two or more of the alternative arrangements.Assumptions and criteria were evaluated at each stage and where additional data was available, this was incorporated. The selection process follows the general selection methodology previously established for the Susitna project and is outlined below. 5.2 -Selection Methodology The determination of the final arrangement was carried out in three distinct stages: *m.y.b.p.:million years before present. B2-4 - """I Step 3:(a) r'"'(b) i""'" (c) T' r I, !"'" .i (1)Preliminary Review of Alternative Layouts Step 1:(a)Assemble available data (b)Determine design criteria (c)Establish evaluation criteria Step 2:Develop preliminary layouts based on the above data and design criteria including all plausible alternatives for the constituent facilities and structures. Step 3:Review all layouts on the basis of technical feasibility,practi- cability,readily apparent cost differences,safety,and environ- mental impact. Step 4:Select the layouts that can be identified as most favorable,tak- ing into account the preliminary nature of the work at this stage. Selection is based on the evaluation criteria determined under Step Ie. Step 5:Review of selected layouts by Acres 'Internal Review Panel,fol- lowed by the review by Alaska Power Authority. (2)Intermediate Review of Layouts Step 1:(a)Review all data,incorporating additional data from other work tasks. (b)Review and expand design criteria to a greater level of deta il . (c)Review evaluation criteria. Step 2:Revise selected layouts on basis of Sta~e 1,Step 5,and the re- vised criteria and additional data.Produce pl ans and principal sections of layouts. Produce quantity take-offs for major structures based on drawings prepared under Step 2. Carry out a preliminary contractor's type estimate and devel- op a construction schedule to determine unit rates for major quantities consistent with construction methods which will allow completion of the project within the required time frame. Determine overall cost of the schemes.Where breakdowns of certain work items are not available,costs are to be based on equivalent work carried out elsewhere.All direct costs are to be included. Step 4:Review all layouts on the basis of technical merit,practicabil- ity,cost,impact of possible unknown conditions and uncertainty of assumptions,safety,and environmental impact. Step 5:Select the two layouts that are most favorable based on the evalu- ation criteria determined under Step lc. B2-5 From a review of the layouts and their composite structures under Step 4 it may be that the optimum layouts are not completely simi- lar to those considered but would consist of individual facilities extracted from the different layouts.If this is the case then recommendations are to be made under Step 5 as to changes in the configuration of the two layouts to be examined further. (3)Final Review of Layouts Step 1:(a)Assemble and review any additional data from other work tasks. (b)Revise design criteria to accord with additional data. (c)Finalize overall evaluation criteria. Step 2:Revise or develop the two layouts on the basis of conclusions from Stage 2.Overall dimensions of structures,water passages,gate sizes,etc.,are to be determined. Step 3:(a)Produce quant ity take-offs for all major structures. (b)Review cost components within a preliminary contractors'type estimate using the most recent data and criteria,and develop a construction schedule. (c)Determine overall direct cost of schemes. Step 4:Review all layouts on the basis of practicability,technical merit,cost,impact of possible unknown conditions,safety,and environmental impact. Step 5:Select the final layout on the basis of the evaluation criteria developed under Step 1c. 6 -PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF ALTERNATIVE LAYOUTS 6.1 -General An initial layout for the Watana development had already been prepared for com- parison of Susitna sites as described in the Development Selection Report.This layout consisted of the main rockfill dam,right bank dual stilling basin spill- way,and underground left bank powerhouse. As a preliminary review of possible layout configurations,eight additional lay- outs were prepared to a low degree of detail.These layouts included a variety of flood discharge facilities,different main dam slopes,and alternative power facilities and locations. The purpose of these layouts was to embrace all alternative facility types,con- figurations and locations and indicate their relationships within the overall developments. A visual inspection of the alternative schemes allowed the elimination of some of these alternatives on the basis of their obvious expense,their impractica- bility,and their technical infeasibility. 82-6 - - 6.2 -Design Data and Criteria Sound bedrock contours and major shear zones are shown on Plate B2.1.These are based on drill hole logs and surface features located during recent field investigations to date,and may be subject to change. Generalized criteria established for the initial layouts were as follows: Probable maximum flood: Design (1:10,000 year)routed flood: 1:50-year construction flood: Maximum normal operating level: Minimum normal operating level: Surcharge: Average tailrace elevation: Dam freeboard: Uam crest elevation: Dam slopes upstream: downstream: Maximum energy dissipated per feet width at stilling basin: Powerhouse capacity: Number of generating units: Maximum power flow: 6.3 -Evaluation Criteria 235,000 cfs 115,000 cfs 87,000 cfs 2,200 ft MSL 2,00U ft MSL 5ft 1,465 ft /VlSL 25 ft 2,225 ft MSL 2.5:1 and 2.25:1 2:1 45,000 hp 800 MW 4 16,000 cfs r ".... \ The merits of individual layouts were assessed on the basis of the following cr iter i a: -Technical feasibility; -Compatability of layout with known structural features of site; -Ease of construction; -Excessive physical size of component structures in certain locations; -Obvious cost differences of comparative structures; -Environmental acceptability;and -Operating characteristics. 6.4 -Description of Layouts Eight layouts were examined for the Watana development in addition to the double stilling basin layout prepared for the basin development studies and shown on Plate 8.2 (Vol.1).These layouts are shown on Plate 9.3 (Vol.1)and briefly described in Table B2.1. Although it was recognized that provlslon would have to be made for downstream releases of water during filling of the reservoir,and that some sort of low level release would be required for emergency reservoir drawdown,these features were not incorporated in the layouts.These facilities would either be inter- connected with the diversion of be provided for separately.It appeared that whichever systems were selected would be similar for all layouts with minimal cost differences and little impact on other structures.These features were therefore excluded from overall layout assessment at the early stage. 82-7 6.5 -Layout Features The two major shear zones crossing the Susitna River and running roughly par- allel in the northwest direction appeared to enclose approximately a 4,500-feet stretch of watercourse (Pl ate 82.1).It was ant ici pated that the fracture materials and infill within the actual shear zones would be unable to support standard tunnel ing methods and would be inadequate for founding of massive con- crete structures.The originally proposed dam centerline lay between these shears.Si nce no major advantage appeared to be gai ned from 1arge changes in the dam location,layouts generally were kept within the confines of these bounding zones. A rockfill cofferdam with impervious fill core,as shown on Plate 9.3 (Vol.1), is used as the basis .for all layouts.The downstream slope of the dam is set at 2:1 in all instances but the upstream slope varies between 2.5:1 and 2.25:1 in order to determine whether variance of the dam slope will affect congestion of the 1 ayouL In all arrangements,except that prepared for the basin development studies,cofferdams are included in the body of the main dam. The discharge facilities could consist of more than one spillway.The overall design discharge corresponds to the 1:10,000 recurrence.Floods greater than the routed 1:10,OOO-year flood and up to the probable maximum flood are passed by surcharging the spillways except in cases where an unlined cascade or still- ing basin type spillway serves as the sole discharge facility.In such in- stances,under large surcharges,the spillways would not act as efficient energy dissipators,but would be drowned out,acting as steep open channels with the possibility of their total destruction.In order to avoid such an occurrence, the design flood was considered as the routed probable maximum flood. On the basis of existing information,it appeared that an underground powerhouse could be located on either side of the river.A surface powerhouse on the right bank appeared feasible but was precluded from the left bank by the close prox- imity of the downstream toe of the dam and the broad shear zone.Situating the powerhouse further downstream would necessitate tunneling across the shear zone, which would be expensive,and excavating a talus slope.Furthermore,it was found that a left bank surface powerhouse was generally either in the way of a left bank spillway or directly in line with discharges from a right bank spill- way. The diversion took the form of a two-tunnel scheme in all layouts.A single tunnel would have a diameter of approximately 45 feet,which would be large con- sidering the quality of the bedrock and could require an excessive amount of rock bolting and steel supports.It was also considered that two tunnels would give a greater degree of security. 6.6 -Comparison of Layouts The original layout as prepared for comparison of site developments in the DSR has a skewed dam centerline,as proposed by the Corps of Engineers,and a right bank double stilling basin spillway.The volume of the dam could be slightly reduced by locating it more nearly square to the river and slightly upstream. The spillway follows the shortest line to the river avoiding interference with B2-8 , ) ~ I - - f"'"r I r l r The spillway follows the shortest line to the river avoiding interference with the dam and discharges downstream,almost parallel to the flow,into the center of the river.A substantial amount of excavation is required for the chute and stilling basins,although most of this material could probably be used in the dam.However,a large volume of concrete would be required and the system would be very expensive.The maximum head dissipated within each stilling basin is approximately 450 feet,within world experience.Cavitation and erosion of the chute and basins should not be a problem if the structures are properly de- signed.Extensive erosion downstream would not be expected.The diversion follows the shortest route,cutting the bend of the river on the right bank,and has inlet portals as far upstream as possible without having to tunnel through the "Fins"shear zone.It is possible that the underground powerhouse is in the area of the "Fingerbuster,"but it could be located upstream almost as far as the system of drain holes and galleries backing up the main dam grout curtain. Alternative 1 is similar to the double stilling basin alternative except that the right side of the dam is rotated clockwise with the center of the dam moved 850 feet upstream and the spillway changed to a chute and ski jump flip bucket. A localized downstream curve is introduced in the dam close to the right abut- ment in order to reduce the 1ength of the spi1lway.The alignment of the spill- way is almost para11el to the downstream section of the river and it discharges into a pre-excavated plunge poo1 in the river approximately 800 feet downstream from the flip bucket.This type of spillway should be considerably cheaper than a stilling basin alternative,provided that excessive excavation of bedrock within the plunge pool area is not required.Careful design of the bucket wi1l be required to prevent excessive erosion downstream causing undermining of the valley sides and/or build-up of material downstream which could resu1t in eleva- tion of the tailwater levels. Alternative 2 consists of a left bank cascade spillway with HIe main dam curving downstream at the abutments.The cascade spillway would requ·ire an extremely large vo1ume of excavation but it is probab1e that most of this materia1,with careful scheduling,could be used in the dam.The excavation would cover a large area,but wou1d a110w a reduction in the size of the rock quarry.The ex- cavat ion would cross the "Fingerbuster"and dental concrete would be required. In ttle upstream portion of the spillway,velocities wou1d be relatively high be- cause of the narrow configuration of the channel and erosion could take place in this area in proximity to the dam.Flow enters the river at right angles to the general flow but unit discharges would be relative1y low and should not cause substantial erosion prob1ems.The powerhouse is in the most suitable location for a surface alternative where the bedrock is close to the surface and the overall slope is approximately 2:1. Alternative 2A is similar to Scheme 2 except that the upper end of the spillway is divided with separate control structures.This division would allow use of one structure while maintenance or remedial work is being performed on the other structure or channels. Alternative 2B is similar to Scheme 2 except that the cascade spillway is re- placed by a doub1e sti11ing basin type.This is somewhat longer than the sim- ilar type of spi11way on the right bank in Alternative 1.However,the slope B2-9 of the ground is less than the rather steep inclination of the right bank and it may be easier to construct,a factor which may partly mitigate the cost of the greater length.The discharge is at a sharp angle to the river and,being more concentrated than the cascade,could cause erosion of the opposite bank. Alternative 2C is a derivative of 26 with a similar arrangement,except that the double stilling basin spillway is reduced in size and augmented by an additional emergency spillway in the form of an inclined,unlined rock channel.Under this arrangement the stilling basin acts as the service spillway,passing the 1:10,OOO-year design flood,and greater flows are passed down the unlined chan- nel which is closed at its upstream end by an erodible fuse plug.The problems of erosion of the opposite bank still remain,although these could be overcome by excavation and/or slope protection.Erosion of the chute would be extreme for significant flows,although it is highly unl ikely that this emergency spill- way would ever be used. Alternative 20 replaces the cascade of Scheme 2 with a lined chute and fl ip bucket.Criticism of the flip bucket is the same as for Alternative 1 except that the left bank location in this instance necessitates a longer chute.This is partly offset by cheaper construction costs because of the flatter slope,but it discharges into the river at an angle which may cause erosion of the opposite bank.The underground powerhouse is located on the right bank,an arrangement which gives an overall reduction of the length of the water passage5. Alternative 3 has a dam centerline location sl ightly upstream from Scheme 2,but retains the downstream curve at the abutments.The service spillway is an un- lined rock cascade on the left bank which passes the design flood.Discharges beyond the 1:10,OOO-year flood,if they should ever occur,would be passed down the concrete-lined chute and flip bucket spillway on the right bank.A gated control structure is provided for this auxiliary spillway which gives it the flexibility to be used as a backup if maintenance should be required on the other spillway.Erosion of the cascade may be a problem,as mentioned previ- ously,but erosion downstream should not be a problem because of the low unit discharge and the spillway's infrequent operation.The diversion is situated beneath the right abutment,as with previous arrangements,and is of similar cost for all these alternatives. Scheme 4 is based on a downstream movement of the main dam around the bend of the Susitna River and a rotation of the dam to maintain the dam centerline square to the river.The relocation may produce a reduction in the overall dam quantities but would require siting the impervious core of the dam directly over the "Fi ngerbuster"shear zone at its highest cross sect ion.The 1eft bank spillway,consisting of chute and flip bucket,is reduced in length compared to other left bank locations,as are the power facil ity water passages.The di- version is situated on the left bank.There is no advantage to a right bank location,since the tunnels are of similar length owing to the overall down- stream shift of the dam.Spillways and power facilities would also be length- ened by a right bank location with this dam configuration. 82-10 - 6.7 -Conclusions If the main dam core is located over major shear zones,assurance of an effec- tive cut-off becomes difficult.Thus,there is very little scope for realigning the main dam apart from a slight rotation to place it more at right angles to the river. Location of the spillway on the right bank gives a shorter distance to the river and allows discharges almost parallel to the general direction of flow.The original double stilling basin arrangement would be extremely expensive,partic- ularly using a design flow equal to the probable maximum flood.An alternative such as 2C would reduce the design flood but would only be acceptable if a more predictable emergency spillway could be constructed.A flip bucket spillway on the right bank,discharging directly down the river,would appear to be an eco- nomic arrangement,although some scour might occur in the plunge pool area.A cascade spillway on the left bank might be an acceptable solution providing most of the excavated material can be used in the dam. The diversion is shorter if it is located on the right bank and is accessible by a preliminary access road from the north,which is the most likely route.It also avoids the area of the "Fingerbuster"and the steep cliffs,close to the downstream dam toe,which would be encountered on the left side. The underground configuration presently assumed for the powerhouse allows for location on either side of the river with a minimum of interference with the surface structure. Four of the preceding layouts,or variations of them,were selected for further study.The layouts are: (a)A variation of the double stilling basin alternative with a single stilling basin service spillway on the right bank and a rock channel and fuse plug emergency spillway on the left bank,a left bank underground powerhouse and a right bank diversion. (b)Alternative 2 with right bank flip bucket spillway,left bank underground powerhouse,and right bank diversion. (c)A variation of Alternative 2 with a reduced capacity service spillway and a right bank rock channel with fuse plug serving as an emergency spillway. (d)Alternative 4 with a left bank rock cascade spillway,a right bank under- ground powerhouse,and a right bank diversion. 7 -INTERMEDIATE REVIEW UF LAYOUTS 7.1 -General The four layouts described in Section 6 were developed in greater detail,taking into account any new data that had become available and based on expanded and updated design criteria.Capital cost estimates of the layouts were prepared and the schemes were evaluated to determine the two arrangements that were the most favorable. 82-11 Several variations for each layout were developed and discarded during produc- tion of the layouts discussed herein.They were discarded on the basis of tech- nical unsoundness or obvious excessive expense while offering no energy,operat- ing or environmental benefits over the alternatives.They are not described in this report.However 9 the identifying numbers assigned to the selected schemes studied have been retained. 7.2 -Design Criteria The principal project parameters and design criteria on which the layouts were based are given below.Parts of this criteria will be superseded as more infor- mation becomes available.Where assumptions were made,they were based on the best information available at that time. River Flows -I ~, - Average flow (over 30 years of record): Probable maximum flood (routed): Maximum inflow with return period of 1:10,000 years: IVlax imum 1:10,000-year routed discharge: Maximum flood with return period of 1:500 years: Maximum flood with return period of 1:50 years: Reservoir normal maximum operating level: Reservoir minimum operating level: Area of reservoir at maximum operating level: Reservoir live storage: Reservoir full storage: Dam Type: Crest elevation at center: Height: Cutoff and foundation treatment: Upstream slope: Downstream slope: Crest width: Diversion Cofferdam types: Cutoff and foundation: Upstream cofferdam crest elevation: Downstream cofferd~l crest elevation: Maximum pool level during construction: Water passages Outlet structures: 82-12 7,860 cfs 235,000 cfs 155,000 cfs 115,000 cfs 116,000 cfs 87,000 cfs 2,200 ft MSL 2,050 ft MSL 40,000 a~res 4.6 x 10 acre ft 10.0 x 10 6 acre ft Rockfill 2,225 ft MSL 890 ft above foundation Core founded on rock, grout curtain and down- stream drains 1V:2.75H 1V:2.0H 80 ft Rockfill Slurry trench to bedrock 1,560 ft MSL 1,500 ft MSL 1,555 ft MSL Concrete lined Low level structure with high head slide gates to operate under low heads r i""" I -i ,...,, Final closure: Releases during impounding: Spillway Design floods: Main spillway -Capacity: -Control structure: Emergency spillway (where applicable)-Capacity: -Type: Power I nt ake Type: Number of intakes: Draw-off requirements: Drawdown: Penstocks Type: Number of penstocks: Powerhouse Type: Transformer area: Control room and administration: Access -Vehicle: -Personnel: B2-13 Mass concrete plugs in 1 ine with d am grout curta in 2,000 cfs min.via bypass to outlet structure Passes PMF,preserving integrity of dam with no loss of 1 ife Passes routed 1:10,000- year flood with no damage to structures Routed 1:10,000-year flood (115,000 cfs) with 5 ft surcharge (Passes PMF with sur- charge to dam crest if no emergency spillway) Gated ogee crests PMF minus 1:10,OOU-yr flood Fuse plug Massive concrete structure embedded in rock 4 Multi-level corresponding to temperature strata 150 feet Concrete-lined tunnels with downstream steel 1 i ner s 4 Underground Separate gallery Surf ace Rock tunnel Elevator from surface Power Plant Type of turbines: Number and rating: Rated net head: Design flow: Normal maximum gross head: Type of generator: Rated output: Power factor: Frequency: Transformers: Tail race Water passages: Elevation of water passages: Surge: Average tailwater elevation: 1\1 a in flC c es s: Transmission: 7.3 -Evaluation Criteria Francis 4 x 200 MW 690 ft 5,300 cfs per unit 745 ft Vertical synchronous 222 I"IVA 0.9 60 HZ 222 MVA -13.8-345 kV, 3-phase 2 concrete-lined tunnels Below minimum tail water Separate surge chambers 1,475 ft MSL From the north side From the north side The review of layouts was carried out and assessments of the different schemes made on the basis of the following evaluation criteria: (a)Technical feasibility of the scheme; (b)Overall cost of the scheme; (c)Ease of construction of the project.This will partly be reflected in the cost of the scheme and be evaluated under (b); (d)Impact on construction schedule; (e)Environmental considerations;and (f)Operating characteristics. 7.4 -Description of Layouts The schemes selected from Section 6 were reviewed in more detail and modified. A description of each of the schemes is as follows: (a)Scheme WP1:This scheme is aerived from Alternative 1 and is shown on Plate 9.4 (Vol.1).The upstream slope of the main dam is reduced to a gradient of 2.75:1.Due to the uncertainty regarding riverbed alluvium, the cofferdams are located outside the body of the dam and the inlets to the right bank diversion tunnels are moved upstream from the "Fins."The spillway takes the form of a chute and flip bucket located on the right bank and is similar in configuration to that shown on Plate 9.6 for Scheme WP3.The underground powerhouse is located on the left side of the river. B2-14 (b)Scheme WP2:This scheme is shown on Plates 9.6 and 9.7 (Vol.1)and is derived from the stilling basin layout.The main dam and diversion are similar to Scheme WP1 except that the lower cofferdam is located downstream from the spillway outlet and the diversion tunnels are correspondingly ex- tended.The service spillway is located on the right bank,but the two stilling basins of the double stilling basin layout are reduced to a single stilling basin down at river level.An emergency spillway is located on the right bank.It consists of a channel excavated in sound rock discharg- ing downstream from the area of the rel ict channel.The channel is seal ed by an impervious fuse plug and is capable of discharging the flow differen- tial between the probable maximum floOQ and the 1:10,OUU-year design flood of the service spillway.The underground powerhouse is located on the left bank. (c)Scheme WP3:This scheme is also shown on Plate 9.6 (Vol.1)and is similar to Scheme WP1 in all respects,except that the main spillway is reduced in size and an emergency spillway is added,consisting of right bank rock channel and fuse plug. (d)Scheme WP4:The dam location and geometry for Scheme WP4 are shown on Plates 9.8 and 9.9 and are similar to the other schemes.The diversion is on the right bank and discharges downstream from the powerhouse tailrace outlet.A rock cascade spillway is located on the left bank and is served by two separate control structures with downstream stilling basins.The underground powerhouse is located on the right bank. 7.5 -Layout Features The main dam is in the same location and has the same configuration for each of the four layouts considered.Typical sections are shown in Plate 82.2,Main Dam.The upstream slope of the dam has been reduced to a slope of 2.75:1.Al- tho~gh this compares conservatively to other high rockfill dams that have been constructed in extremely active seismic areas,the technical feasibility of the dam is assured.The cofferdams have been constructed outside the main dam in order to allow excavation of the alluvial material and ensure a competent rock foundation beneath the complete area of the dam.The overall design of the dam is conservative,and possible savings in both fill and excavation can be made after further study. The diversion is located on the right bank.The upstream reduction of the dam slope necessitates the location of the diversion inlets upstream from the "Fins" shear zone.This will require extensive excavation and support where the tun- nels pass through the zone of sheared rock,and delays in the construction schedule could result. A low-lying area exists on the right bank above the area of the relict channel, and this is closed by an approximately 50-foot high saddle dam.Treatment proposed for this area comprises a slurry trench cutoff combined with grouting to seal the 200-foot depth of pervious material infilling this channel. 7.6 -Construction The diversion tunnel will be constructed from both ends.Access to the upstream portal area will be protected by a section of rock left in place across the B2-15 approach channel to form a temporary cofferdam.Heavy support will be necessary in the area of the "Fins". Material for the shell of the main dam will be blasted rock from a quarry adja- cent to the south abutment.Most of the rock from the structural excavations will also be used in the shell.Impervious material will be available from borrow areas located upstream above the right abutment. It is anticipated that the great majority of the rock from the cascade spillway excavation in Scheme WP4 will be used in the dam such that the spillway serves as an inexpensive source for the shell material.However,little is known about the rock in this area and if the majority of the excavated material is not usable,the relative cost of this type of spillway will be significantly in- creased. The left bank powerhouse is located upstream of the "Fingerbuster"in what is anticipated to be competent rock.However,difficulties could be encountered in the tailrace tunnel excavation where it crosses the shear zone. 7.7 -Scheduling Construction of the diversion scheme is estimated to take two years provided serious problems are not encountered during tunneling through the "Fins".Sche- dul ing of the diversion and the main dam is on the critical path and construc- tion of the dam is anticipated to require more than eight years,giving a total construction period of nine years with a one-year overlap of diversion and dam construction. Placing the impervious fill materials for the main dam is expected to take place each year over a five-month period when the temperature is above freezing and the water content of the material will not be frozen.Excavation and concreting of the underground caverns wi 11 take pl ace throughout the year- 7.8 -Costs Capital cost estimates for construction of the alternative schemes are given in Table B2.2,which lists the costs of the main facilities together with indirect costs.Costs are in January 1982 dollars. Unit rates are based on a preliminary contractor's type estimate developed from anticipated plant and labor content and construction activities.Quantities have been calculated from the drawings or,where structures are similar for all layouts,they have in some instances been developed from comparable structures in other developments.Twenty percent has been added to the costs to cover con- tingencies,and 12.5 percent has been added to cover engineering and administra- tion. For all spillway alternatives,sound material from excavation has been assumed to be usable in the main dam.All overburden plus 10 feet of weathered rock have been considered as spoil;75 percent of the underlying 30 feet of rock after bulking has been assumed usable as dam fill;and 100 percent of the re- maining rock,after bulking,has been considered as suitable for fill material. An appropriate credit has been indicated in Table B2.2 for use of excavated rock from the spi llways in the main dam. B2-16 - - r i: 7.9 -Comparison of Layouts The single-chute,flip bucket type spillway of Scheme WP1 is less costly than other spillway layouts,with simple operating characteristics and provision for surcharging the control structure to pass the design flood.The probable maxi- mum flood can be passed by additional surcharging up to the crest level of the dam.In Scheme WP3 a similar spillway is provided,except that the control structure is reduced in size and discharges above the routed design flood are passed through the rock channel emergency spillway.The arrangement in WP1 pro- vides no backup to the main spillway,and if downstream erosion in the plunge pool area takes place over a long period,or if maintenance were required on the concrete structures,no alternative discharge facility would be available. Scheme WP3 with the additional spillway gives greater operating flexibility allowing emergency discharge if it is absolutely required under extreme circum- stances.It would also reduce the absolute maximum discharges into the river which could cause erosion downstream from the dam. The stilling basin spillway in Scheme WP2 would reduce the danger of extensive erosion downstream,but high velocities on the lower part of the chute could cause cavitation even with provision for aeration of the discharge.The still- ing basin would be designed for the 1:10,OOO-year routed flood,with additional flows passed through the emergency spillway.This type of spillway would be very expensive,as can be seen from Table B2.2.Furthermore,from a worldwide review of spillways,no operating experience is available for a stilling basin of such high capacity operating under a static head as high as 720 feet,as is the case at Watana.Experience of smaller stilling basins at comparable heads has shown severe damage under operating conditions in several cases. The feasibility of the rock cascade spillway is entirely dependent on the qual- ity of the rock,which dictates the amount of treatment required for the rock surface and also the percentage of the excavation which can be used in the main dam.For determining the capital cost of the layout,conservative assumptions were made regarding surface treatment and the portion of material that would have to be wasted as discussed in Section 7.8. The diversion scheme is located on the right bank for all alternatives,but ex- tends downstream from the stilling basin in Scheme WP2,which involves an ap- proximately BOO-feet increase in the length of the tunnels.The left bank loca- tion of the powerhouse is close to a suspected shear zone,with the tailrace tunnels passing through this shear zone to reach the river.A longer access tunnel is also required,together with an additional 1,000 feet in the length of the tailrace.The left bank location is remote from the main access road,which will probably be on the north side of the river,as will the transmission corri- dor. 7.10 -Conclusions There is little scope within the layouts for adjustment of the dam centerline owing to the constraints imposed by the upstream and downstream shear zones (this is confirmed in Section B).The passage of the diversion tunnels through the upstream zone could result in delays in construction. B2-17 From a comparison of costs it can be seen that the flip bucket type spillway is the most economical,but because of the potential for erosion under frequent operation its use as the sole discharge facility is undesirable.A mid-level release will be required for emergency drawdown of the reservoir.Use of this facility for discharge of more frequent floods would allow less frequent use of the main spillway,combining flexibility and safety of operation with reasonable cost.The emergency rock channel spillway would be retained for discharge of flows above the routed 1:10,OOO-year flood as well as giving additional security should the main spi llway become inoperat ive under such circumstances as jamming of the control gates under severe earthquake conditions. The stilling basin spillway is expensive.The large amount of energy to be dis- sipated in the basin has the potential to cause extensive damage to the struc- ture.Previous operating experience of basins with heads in excess of 700 feet, as at Watana,is not available.Erosion downstream should not be a problem but cavitation of the chute could occur.Scheme WP4 was therefore discarded. The cascade spillway was also not favored for technical and economic reasons. However,this alternative was retained for further consideration because of its lower susceptibility to nitrogen supersaturation in the downstream discharges which could be harmful to the fish population,as discussed in Section 8.The capacity of the cascade was reduced and the emergency rock channel spillway was included for discharge of extreme floods. The schemes selected for further evaluation were: -Kight bank diversion,mid-level release facilities for discharge of more fre- quent flood flows,right bank chute and flip bucket main spillway,rock chan- nel as an emergency spillway,and a right bank underground powerhouse;and -Right bank diversion,left bank rock cascade main spillway,right bank rock channel emergency spillway,and a right bank underground powerhouse. 8 -FINAL REVIEW OF LAYOUTS 8.1 -General Following the selection of two arrangements described under Section 7,a de- tailed review of input data and design criteria was carried out based on addi- tional geological investigations and intepretation and ongoing engineering study.Limitations on dissolved nitrogen in the flood discharges had consider- able impact on the overall spillway design.Additional information on the loca- tion of the "Fingerbuster"shear zone as a result of on-going field explorations was also factored into the stUdy. At this stage,outlet facilities for low-level releases during reservoir fill ing and for emergency drawdown of the reservoir were introduced into the conceptual layouts,and the individual power,spillway,and diversion facilities were con- sidered in more detail.On-going generation planning and reservoir simulation studies also led to revised concepts for the size and scheduling of power facil- ities. B2-18 - - 8.2 -Design Data and Criteria Revisions in the design data from the previous review are given in this section. The orientation of major rock jointing patterns is given in Figure B2.2.The location of major shear zones is given in Plate B2.3. Revisions to the criteria are as follows: Maximum 1:10,000-yr routed discharge: Reservoir normal maximum operating level: Reservoir minimum operating level: Dam crest elevation at center: Upstream slope: Crest width: Upstream cofferdam crest elevation: Downstream cofferdam crest elevation: Maximum pool level during construction: Minimum releases during impounding: No.of intakes: Drawdown: No.of penstocks: No.and rating of turbines: Rated output of generators: Tailwater elevation: Full generation at minimum load: Single generating unit,60%load: Spillway passing 1:10,000-yr flood: 120,000 cfs 2,215 ft 2,030 ft 2,240 ft 1V:2.4H 50 ft 1,585 ft 1,500 ft 1,580 ft 6,000 cfs 6 185 ft 6 6 x 140 MW 156 MVA 1,458 ft 1,455 ft 1,473 ft Nitrogen supersaturation is not to occur in flood discharges with a frequency greater than 1:50 years. 8.3 -Layout Objectives and Evaluation Criteria The layouts were developed and evaluated in greater depth than previous arrange- ments on the basis of the following evaluation criteria: (a)Technical Feasibility The layouts were judged on whether individual structures were practicable on the basis of their physical size,their compatibility in relation to the characteristics of the site,and whether more suitable alternative facili- ties could be developed.The structures were reviewed to determine that necessary safety requirements could be met in regard to both damage to the structures and the safety of operators and downstream communities. (b)Mode of Operation The mode of operation of the spillways was examined as affected by the flood discharge criteria,surcharge restraints,safety requirements,and environmental considerations.Feasibility of operation of the generating units was considered as well as the ability of units to run at close to optimum generating capacity while meeting a varying load demand. B2-19 (c)fvlaintenance The design and limitation of operation of facilities to reduce wear and danlage to the structures requiring heavy maintenance ·were considered. (d)Cost The costs of the individual facilities within the two selected schemes were compared. (e)Environmental The environmental impact of the arrangements was considered including their appearance,their effect on downstream discharges,and the temperature and reduction of dissolved nitrogen in those discharges. 8.4 -Location of Main Dam As a preliminary step to further study of layouts,the effects of slight reori- entation of the main dam was examined.A computer program was written to deter- mine the overall volume of the dam together with the volumes of zoned materials for different dam locations.Typical locations of the dam centerline are shown in Plate B2.4.Al ignment No.4 is similar to the locations for the selected layouts apart from the slight curve at the abutments.Upstream slopes of 1:2.4 and downstream slopes of 1:2 were adopted together with a 50-foot crest width. Centerline 0 is approximately that adopted by the Corps of Engineers in previous studies.Total volumes of fill material in the dam are tabulated on Plate 82.4. From the table it is apparent that relocating the dam 300 feet or more upstream will reduce the overall volume by approximately 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 cubic yards.It is also apparent that slightly skewing the dam will also give a con- siderable increase in fill material.As the centerline is moved over the 300 foot length of the valley covered by centerline locations 1,2,3,and 4,there is a variation of just over 1,000,000 cubic yards in volume indicating that the location of the dam in this area will have little impact on its cost providing it remains approximately normal to the valley. Centerline 4,adopted for the layouts,sets the dam as far upstream as possible without encroachment of the diversion structures into the area of the "Fins". This allows for the maximum amount of room possible downstream to accommodate the right bank tunnel portals. 8.5 -Description of Layouts (a)Right Bank Outlet Facilities (Scheme WP3A) The layout of the scheme is shown in Plates 9.10 (Vol.1),82.5 and 82.6. This is a modified version of Scheme WP3 derived in Section 7.Because of scheduling difficulties and cost,it is important to maintain the diversion tunnels downstream of the "Fins"shear zone.It is also important to keep the dam centerline as far upstream as possible to avoid congestion of the downstream structures.For these reasons,the inlet portals to the 82-20 ~I - ,... i i I diversion tunnels have been located in the sound bedrock forming the down- stream boundary of the "Fins",and the approach channel is in open cut through the fractured and gouge materials of the fault.The upstream cof- ferd am and ma in d am are ma inta ined in their upstream 1ocat ion.As stated previously,adaitional criteria have necessitated modifications in the spillway configuration,and low-level and emergency drawdown outlets have been introduced. The main components of the scheme are as follows: (i)~lain Dam Further investigation and review of world practice suggests that an upstream slope of 1:2.4 or steeper would be acceptable for the rock shell.On this basis a slope of 1:2.4 has been adopted which re- sults not only in a reduction in dam fill volume but also in a re- duction in the base width of the dam which maintains the project with in the major shear zones. The dam is founded on sound rock over its complete cross section. The downstream slope gradient is 2:1 and the cofferdams remain out- side the dam in order to allow excavation across its complete foun- dat i on area.The foundat ion of the core of the dam is conserva- tively assumed at approximately 30 feet beneath the original rock surface.A system of galleries with an upstream grout curtain and downstream drain holes is provided beneath the core.The dam is located approximately normal to the river to reduce the fill volume. The axis is curved slightly downstream at the right abutment to better accommodate the main spillway.This is set as far upstream as possible while locating the main project features downstream of the "Fins",to relieve congestion of the downstream structures. This location also corresponds to the least volume of excavation and fill material required in the dam as shown in Plate 8.1.Optimiza- tion studies of dam costs relative to firm energy production led to preliminary selection of a reservoir maximum normal operating level of 2,215 feet MSL.The dam crest elevation was therefore raised to 2240 MSL for this phase of layout studies. r ( i i)Diversion Scheduling requirements for construction of the project call for completion of the diversion facilities in a two-year period.In the intermediate arrangement diversion tunnels passed through the broad structure of the "Fins,"an intensely sheared area of breccia gouge and infills.Tunneling in this material would be difficult.High costs would be involved,but of greater importance would be the time taken for construction in this area and the possibility of unexpec- ted delays.For this reason,the inlet portals have been located downstream from this zone with the tunnels closer to the river and crossing the main system of jointing at approximately 45°.This arrangement allows straight tunnels,cutting the bend of the river and giving clear lines of inflow and outflow at the portals.It also provides for a shorter length of tunnel. 82-21 Two schemes,one based on pressure tunnels and the other on free- flow tunnels,were considered initially for diversion.Incorporated into these schemes was a provision for low-level discharges during filling of the reservoir.The selected scheme is a combined free flow and pressure tunnel arrangement which allows for accommodation of the low-level discharges in the free-flow tunnel.This scheme avoids the difficulty of cofferdam closure resulting from the higher level inlets in the two free-flow tunnel alternatives. The selected diversion scheme consists of two concrete-lined,30- feet diameter tunnels,each approximately 4,000 feet long.The up- stream cofferdam is a 120-feet high rockfill dam with impervious fill core founded on the alluvial riverbed materials.Cut-off is provided by a slurry trench down to bedrock.Concrete inlet struc- tures are provided,each housing a pair of slide closure gates cap- able of closing under heads of up to 140 feet and withstanding a static head of 400 feet when closed. A separate low-level inlet and 30 feet diameter concrete-l ined tunnel is provided.The inlet is located in the reservoir at ap- proximate Elevation 1550,and the tunnel discharges downstream of the diversion plug where it merges with the diversion tunnel closest to the river.This low-level tunnel is designed to pass flows in excess of 2,000 cfs as a low-level release during reservoir filling. It will also pass up to 10,000 cfs under 500 feet of head to allow emergency draining of the reservoir.Energy is dissipated in the tunnel at the outlet of hydraulically-designed passages contained within two mass concrete plugs approximately 350 feet apart.The passages are closed by vertical sealed high-pressure sl ide gates located in underground chambers with access via a tunnel from the mai n powerhouse access. Initial closure is made by lowering the gates to the tunnel located closest to the river and constructing a concrete closure plug in the tunnel,approximately within the grout curtain underlying the core of the main dam.On completion of the plug,the low-level release will be opened and controlled discharges passed downstream.The gates within the second portal will be closed and a mass concrete plug constructed also within the grout curtain.After closure of the gates,filling of the reservoir can commence. (iii)Out 1et Fac 11 it i es As a provision for drawing down the reservoir in case of emergency, a mid-level outlet is provided.This will consist of a deep intake structure adjoining the power intake facilities,together with a downstream-lined shaft and tunnel.As discussed in the following paragraph,this facil ity will also be used to release annual floods with a recurrence interval of less than 50 years. As part of the design criteria for spillways,a restriction was im- posed on the allowance of excess dissolved nitrogen in spillway dis- charges. B2-22 -, ~ i - (i v) (v) Nitrogen supersaturation occurs when aerated flows are subjected to pressures approaching two atmospheres such as and would occur in deep plunge pools or at large hydraulic jumps.The excess nitrogen would not be dissipated within the downstream Devil Canyon reservoir and a buildup of nitrogen concentration could occur throughout the body of water.It would eventually be discharged downstream from Devil Canyon with extremely harmful effects on the fish population. Discharges of nitrogen supersaturated water from Watana were there- fore limited to a recurrence period of 1:50 years or more. For more frequent discharges,a system of Howell-Bunger valves was introduced which would not cause supersaturation.The valves were incorporated into the downstream end of the outlet facilities,ful- fill ing a second ar y funct i on as an emergency reservoir drawdown. The valves are sized to discharge the routed 1:50-year flows in con- junction with the powerhouse,operating at 75 percent capacity. This results in a design flow of 30,000 cfs.A total of six valves are provided with separate steel-lined tunnels from a common mani- fold,each protected by individual upstream closure gates.The valves are directed downstream and are partly incorporated into the mass concrete block forming the flip bucket of the auxiliary spil 1- way.The rock downstream is protected by a concrete facing slab anchored to sound bedrock. Ma inS pill way The main spillway is a concrete-lined chute and flip bucket dis- charging into a plunge pool excavated in the downstream river bed. Releases are controlled by a three-gated ogee structure located adjacent to the outlet facilities and power intake gate structures upstream from the dam centerline.The assumed design discharge is approximately 80,000 cfs corresponding to the routed 1:10,000-year flood (120,000 cfs)reduced by the capacity of the outlet facil- ities.The plunge pool is formed by excavating the alluvial river deposits down to bedrock.This approaches the limits of the cal- culated maximum scour hole and it is not anticipated that,given the infrequent discharges,downstream erosion will be a problem. Emergency Spillway A rock channel is excavated on the right bank discharging well down- stream from the right abutment in the direction of Tsusena Creek. The channel is sealed by an erodible fuse plug of impervious materi- al designed to fail if overtopped by the reservoir,although some preliminary excavation may be necessary.The crest level of the plug will be set at Elevation 2230 MSL,well below that of the main dam.The channel will be capable of passing the excess discharge of floods greater than the 1:10,000-year flood up to the probable maxi- mum flood of 235,000 cfs. 82-23 (vi)Power Facilities The power intake is set slightly upstream of the dam centerline deep within sound bedrock at the downstream end of the approach channel. The intake consists of six units with provision in each unit of drawing flows from a variety of depths covering the maximum possible drawdown of the reservoir of 185 feet.This facility also provides for drawing water from the different temperature strata within the upper part of the reservoir and thus regulating the temperature of the downstream discharges close to the natural temperatures of the river.The facility to draw from the different levels is effected by a series of upstream vertical shutters moving in a single set of guides and operated to form openings at the required level.Down- stream from these shutters each unit has a pair of wheel-mounted closure gates which will isolate the individual penstocks. The six penstocks are 18-feet diameter concrete-lined tunnels in- clined at 55°(an optimum angle)immediately downstream from the intake to a nearby horizontal portion leading to the powerhouse. This horizontal portion is steel-lined for 150 feet upstream from the turbine units to extend the seepage path to the powerhouse and contain the flow within the fractured rock area caused by blasting in the adj acent powerhouse cavern. The six 140 MW turbine/generator units are housed within the major powerhouse cavern and are serviced by a common overhead crane which runs the length of the powerhouse and into the service area adjacent to the units.Switchgear,maintenance room and minor offices are located within the main cavern with the transformers situated down- stream in a separate gallery excavated above the tailrace tunnels. Six inclined tunnels run from the main power hall to the transformer gallery carrying the connecting bus ducts.A vertical elevator and vent shaft runs from the power cavern to the main office building and control room located at the surface.Vertical cable shafts,one for each pair of transformers,run from the transformer gallery to the switchyard directly overhead.Downstre am from the trans former gallery,the underlying draft tube tunnels merge into two surge chambers,one chamber for three draft tubes.The surge chambers also house the draft tube gates for isolating the units from the tailrace.The gates are operated by an overhead travel ing gantry located in the upper part of each of the surge chambers.Emerging from the ends of the chambers two concrete-lined low pressure tail- race tunnels carry the discharges to the river.Because of space restrictions at the river,one of these tunnels merges with the downstream end of the diversion tunnel.The other tunnel emerges in a separate portal with provision for the installation of bulkhead gates. The orientation of water passages and underground caverns is such as to avoid as far as possible the main alignment of the excavations running parallel to the major joint sets as shown on Figure B2.2. B2-24 - (b) (vii)Access Access is assumed to be from the north (right)side of the river. Permanent access to structures close to the river is from the right bank downstream and then via a tunnel passing through the concrete form-ing the flip bucket.A tunnel from this point to the power cav- ern provides for vehicular access.A secondary access road runs across the crest of the dam,down the left bank of the valley,and across the lower part of the dam. Left Bank Cascade Spillway (Scheme WP4A) This scheme,as shown on Plate 9.11 (Vol.1),is similar in most respects to the scheme previously discussed;the principal difference is in the s pill ways. (i)Main Dam The main dam axis is similar to that of Scheme WP3A except for a r-o sl ight downstream curve at the left abutment to accommodate the spillway control structure. (ii)Diversion The diversion and low-level releases are exactly similar for the two schemes. (iii)Outlet Facilities -i I t :~ With a cascade spillway,nitrogen supersaturation is not considered to be a problem and facilities for more frequent flood discharges are not necessary.In the left bank cascade spillv/ay scheme,a low-level gated outlet structure is located upstream.This will function primarily as an emergency release,discharging up to 30,000 cfs into a concrete-lined,free-flow tunnel with a ski jump flip bucket discharging flows well downstream into the river.This facility will also serve as an auxiliary spillway augmenting the main left bank spillway. (iv) Spill ways The left bank spillway passes a design flow of 90,000 cfs through a series of 50-feet drops into shallow pre-excavated plunge pools. The spillway as reviewed in Section 7 was designed to pass the pro- bable maximum flood.In view of the change in design flood,to pas- sage of the routed 1:10,000 year flood in conjunction with the emergency releases,the width of the cascade has been reduced to 400 feet.Discharges are controlled by a broad multi-gated control structure discharging into a shallow stilling basin.The feasibil- ity of this arrangement is governed by the quality of the rock in the area,requiring both durability to withstand the spillway flows and a high percentage of sound material that can be used in the rock shell of the main dam.Little investigation has been done in this 82-25 area of the site and properties of the underlying bedrock can be determined at this stage only from extrapolation of drill holes, seismic lines,and surface investigation farther downstream.A broad altered zone of relatively poor quality rock was known to exist in this area.In all layouts for the cascade it was therefore intended that the spillway should cross this zone before descending in a cascade down the side of the valley.From continuing field investigation it became evident that this altered zone exists farther downstream than had previously been determined.This means the position of the spillway would have to be shifted downstream from where it is shown on Plate 9.11 to avoid this shear area at the lower end of the casc ade.The 1 ayout has been costed as it is shown on the drawing but as it already appears less attractive than the right bank alternative (see Section 8.8),the increased cost of relocation has not been determined. The emergency spillway consisting of rock channel and fuse plug is similar to that of the right bank spillway scheme. (v)Power Facilities The power facilities are similar to those in Scheme WP3A. 8.5 -Operation Operation of the project during floods is based on passage of routed floods with frequencies up to 1:50 years through a combination of the powerhouse and outlet facilities.At the time of the annual spring flood the reservoir is drawn down and the storage is sufficient to contain the flood,taking into account the powerhouse discharges of 12,000 cfs.At the time of the summer flood,the res- ervoir is approaching full;and the 1:50-year flood can only be contained by surcharging the reservoir by 4 feet,passing a continuous 12,000 cfs through the powerhouse and a maximum of 30,000 cfs through the outlet facilities.In the ccse of the right bank spillway scheme,the 30,000 cfs is passed through the Howell-Bunger valves and,in the case of the left bank spillway,it is passed down the cascade.This flow down the cascade will result in a 20-feet depth of water in the plunge pools,which is not great enough to cause problems of nitro- gen supersaturation. Floods greater than the 1:50-year flood are passed via the main spillway in Scheme WP3A or via the cascade in Scheme WP4A.This results in an increase in dissolved nitrogen in the discharges,but it is anticipated that this would be acceptable because of the infrequency of its occurrence.Passage of flows up to a total of 120,000 cfs (the routed 1:10,000-year flood)can be accommodated with an additional 3-foot reservoir surcharge above the 4 feet already required for the 1:5U-year floods.Above the 1:10,000-year flood and up to the probable maximum flood discharges will be routed through the emergency rock channel spillway.It is anticipated that overtopping of the fuse plug will cause com- plete erosion of the fuse plug;however,some initial localized excavation may be necessary at the crest of the plug to start the process. Spillway discharges will occur almost exclusively in the months of July,August and Septernber. 82-26 ~ I -I r I r ,..., i Winter operation of the service spillway would be very rare due to low inflow at this time and high power demand.Operation of the service spillway during winter months will only occur under extreme flood conditions and would warrant operation of the chute spillway if discharge from the Howell Bunger valves were avoided during the winter because of spray and ice formation. The six generating units installed in the powerhouse will provide flexibility of operation of individual units allowing them to operate close to their maximum efficiency,corresponding to approximately 90 percent full load,as they follow the demand curve. 8.6 -Costs An evaluation of the dissimilar features of each arrangement (the main spillways and the discharge arrangements at the downstream end of the outlets)results in savings in capital costs of $197,000,000,excluding contingencies and indirect costs,in favor of the right bank chute spillway scheme.If the credit for the use of excavated spillway material in the main dam is introduced and contingen- cies,engineering,and administration are included,there is a net overall dif- ference of approximately $111,000,000 (see Table cl2.3).The diversion,dam,and spillway facilities are essentially the same for both schemes at this stage and hence have not been evaluated as part of the comparison of general site arrange- ments.Cost evaluation of these facilities will be completed as part of the final cost estimate.If the cascade spillway is relocated further downstream to avoid the IIFingerbuster ll ,then the cascade spillway will become more expens ive and the cost difference will increase. 8.7 -Conclusion The uncertain quality of the rock on the left bank in the location of the cas- cade spillway calls into question the ability of the rock to withstand erosion down the spillway and the feasibil ity of its use within the main embankment. The cost of a cascade spillway is considerably higher than that of a chute al- ternative,and hence,the overall layout concept for the chute spillway layout has been adopted as shown on Plates 82.4 to B2.6. B2-27 -~~1 ,·-----1 .-"-1 ._~)~~'1 '-:--1 "~-~-'l --~-l )---1 ..---]--1 )))l 1 TABLE B2.1:DESCRIPTION OF ALTERNATIVE LAYOUTS MA N UAM ::>tKVILt Wl\Y II IY :Y .::>t"lLLWAY t"UWtK ~p :1Llllt::> Layout Powerhouse Alter.Slopes Confiquration Type Location Type Location Type Location As DSR uls 2.25:1 As Corps'of Engineers double stilling right bank ----underground left bank dis 2:1 skew to river basin 1 uls 2.5:1 right side curved flip bucket right bank ----underground left bank dis 2:1 upstream 2 uls 2.25:1 right and left sides cascade,single left bank ----surface right bank dis 2:1 curved upstream control structure 2A uls 2.25:1 right and left sides cascade,dual left bank ----surface right bank dis 2:1 curved upstream control structures 2B uls 2.25:1 right and left sides double stilling left bank ----surface right bank dis 2:1 basin 2C uls 2.25:1 right and left sides double stilling left bank inclined left bank surface right bank dis 2:1 curved upstream basin unlined channel 2D uls 2.25:1 right and left sides flip bucket left bank -- --underground right bank dis 2:1 curved upstream 3 uls 2.5:1 right and left sides cascade left bank flip bucket right bank underground left bank dis 2:1 curved upstream 4 uls 2.5:1 left bank skewed flip bucket left bank ----underground left bank dis 2:1 upstream ~I TABLE B2.2:SUMMARY OF COMPARATIVE COST ESTIMATES ~ INTERMEDIATE REVIEW OF ALTERNATIVE A~RANGEMENTS (January 1982 Dollars $X 10 )-- WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 Diversion 101.4 112.6 101.4 103.1 ~ Service Spillway 128.2 208.3 122.4 267.2 Emergency Spillway 46.9 46.9 i""'!\ Tailrace Tunnel 13.1 13.1 13.1 8.0 Credit for Use of Rock ~in Dam (11.7)(31.2)(18.8)(72.4) Total Non-Common Items 231.0 349.7 265.0 305.9 Common It ems 1643.0 1643.0 1643.0 1643.0 ~) Subtotal 1874.0 1992.7 1908.0 1948.9 Camp and Support Costs (16%)299.8 318.8 305.3 311.8 Subtotal 2173.8 2311.5 2213.3 2260.7 Contingency (2m~)434.8 462.3 442.7 452.1 ~ Subtotal 2608.6 1773.8 2656.0 2712.8 Engineering &Adminis--t ration (12.5~~)326.1 346.7 332.0 339.1 TOTAL 2934.7 3120.5 2988.0 3051.9 - TABLE B2.3:SUMMARY OF COST DIFFERENCES FOR SCHEMES WP3A and WP4A (January 1982 Dollars $X 106 ) WP3A WP4A ~i Spillway Credit for use of rock in dam Net cost of spillway Camp and support costs (16%)* Subtotal ContIngency (20%)* Subtotal Engineering &AdminIstratIon (12.5%)* TOTAL 196.8 196.8 31.5 228.3 45.7 274.0 34.2 308.2 393.9 126.0 267.9 42.9 310.8 62.2 373.0 46.6 419.6 r ".., I r I -I L- *These costs are associated only with the cost of construction of the spillways. ; FIGURE 82.1 • o: IN MILES LOCATION MAP ALASKA LOCATION MAP LEGEND '"PROPOSED DAM SITES -'i ! """"\I ~1 ,, " -, ,.. I - - SET I W- SET TIl N 350-30/ 65E TO BOW MAIN SET: 350-10 s SET IT -E .~, t- -\, L r MAJOR SHEARS PARALLEL TO JOINT SET I MINOR SHEARS PARALLEL TO JOINT SETS I AND m WATANA PRIMARY JOINT SETS FIGURE B 2.2 \ ri r I L. -. ,i ,',t. r I,....~@ il""' i i w-I-•<lC\la:lD ~I ----J '--1 ---]~-1 ---~l ~-~-\,-oJ ~--"-"-1 ~-~-1 '---]'-~l --~-1 <----1 :---,._-----1 "1 SLOPE CREST £.22 I AT Ii OF DAM--------t----,_______SLOP=t r ---./------::r I I _~~~-----'~:~c~~~~~::::/_'......"c,,_- - - -.'.~~/~<f~/..-'.._== 1---------------------;;BEOROCk~RFACE -'<s::/_ EXCAVAT'ON FOR CORE .//_... ___~_~__--=-"":::::---=-~_-~?L-------I 2400 ..00 2200 >-2100 '"'"2000~ ~1900 leoo 1100 lsoa 11500 1400 SECTION A-A COFFERDAM EL..[500'1 ROCK AND GRANULAR FILL \."~------_._--_.._--", eo' COARSE FILTER rNORMAL MAX. I W.L EL.2200 -------------t-=---------j t!E'T EL.2225 v AI1l~~ _____=--="'-<r=_FNE FILTE~--~/IMPF"RVlnIIO::\,,\~FII 2300 2200 ZIOO >- '"2000'"IL ~1900 i!i 1900;:: ~110Q~'600 '500 1400 ,, GROUT CURTAIN/i, SEM1-PERVIOUS SECTION B-B ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY o SCALE 200 400 FEET ""'Oiiiiiiiii SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT NOTE WATANA MAIN DAM (ALL SCHEMES) THIS DRAWING ILLUSTRATES A PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL PROJECT LAYOUT PREPARED FOR COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE SITE DEVELOPMENTS ONLY -~~-PLATE 82.2 ~~~J '~'_]c'":l ---l'~-~l -'-1 '~.J -j --~l '~~--1 ]'~~1"--1 ;'1 1 -~/_,jP0 /~-----.J /~-,po /LEGEND~~-'2 ~~~J .--/-SHEAR AND ,RACTUREZONE~'----.---~/-----,~gg:~f6R~Ef1Fo:~~~gWH~RE.~r --/_"",0 --_--fo~g1{r~~Nr,:;clR~~mTfoN~~~/~~/,0/ ~............'2,.\0--/""~---~;;=;~-~..oo--------------~-""~~-~'''-----''''-.=-------r //-.//-"'-----.--~/--""p/,<P /_~-------~.~~._---------.J // ,/-~~-------/--/-./--~---------~MAJOR ZONE OF SHEAR.E!-.....-_._/~~~.-.~AND ALTERED ROCK x::===-7 :;/----------------/--'"--,/---~:----~o /./_----~RITE \.______________.............//-~~------.-,--/::::~-\;-::>-".'-.-'-/-/---------.''-yc:-----'""--/'-~=:~:~~<::/~:?}t-:::==~~~~~~i~;;~:~~;;:~z-~~~~ ___",,00 ,0..j~.-::=J.1J.r;;--.~-/--'=::;:=::~;~~~~-..././.~}~~~~//.._~/~;!~~-~~?<=/i~/c=_~~~'~oy ~:~.)fJ[f(;(~~~~~.:---~_~..-~~C;?~'~.~~'"(,~.~.~$~I;yw)'~:Y 0=::-~C--~><':"-~~~?c:-c~-~_7)y;----'~~~~/~///;/f!/I.:y'--'P~g~"~-~//~'<'D~~'.~.::::------------------~..~~~~__-~~.J·~-\::DO~ /////r ?J!fjf;-~~~------------~~~~_'"/,0,0-:,//..'fff$~:;~)~~{3 ~//~..'i // /~-'.---------------/./..--~.~::-------!0 zoo 400'E<1/ I ~\':~°aO//tfl:-~~;----------~..--/~.~~'----------"./"SCALE I,/,",.,0'I /~~I~~<f'0 y./..~.....'\...;/It;::.'::-O 0 0 '~-~/~.",./~_sr;;-~##•_/.//------;:-----::-.~;~/_=:~~~~_>,-":._~_,'___o~~:'----i~ elf ">///--/'-//'.'~_'_~~\/&11 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY J.;--.~",efF"//;/....--..~..-//~jJ \.-/~~'-_______l!oornJ::==~SITNAHYDROELECTRIC PROJECT _~Q ~'L#r-·--------\....---/J ~~'"~//'~WATANA ..-----"/--~~LOCATION OF SHEAR ZONES ;;;;;;\'L\00 0 (NOTE (0 !II (T-H'S'N'ORMAT'ON 's PRELlM'NARY FOR.~\$'L#'~_0 USE 'N DEVELOPMENT OF GENERAL CONCEPTS'~~'(~ ---I }1 J C~]--"1 ~....._.],.~._-]""•..,]~-1 "'1'-']'--1 ~--l 1 'J ·-"'-1 1 PLATE 824 WATANA DAM VOLUMES ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ~ ?,,\.':lO '1.2.0'0c!"'~'" NOTE THIS DRAWING ILLUSTRATES A PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL PROJECT LAYOUT PREPARED FOR COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE SITE DEVELOPMENTS~ ;------- ,00/~ ~~ .0-~DESCRIPTION ,./_______ TOTAL DAM OO~rOVERBURDEN~O~~VATIDN /' OXCAVAnON ,0 /J'ROC"FILL " COARSE FILTER /~FINE FILTER ,.00/~~~SEMI'PERVIOUS '00 '.'6 .,3 6.'0 ~ CORE 7.95 820 .I'MPERVIOUS 6 .0 0----------------------"/ -~._-~~~NOTE ~DAM~ECTlON'SEEPLATEB2!:i / --...",".-_.-----~""'-~/--.-~~--==~~--'/f::-~~----'~::-==---------~------~~~17DO-_~-~.1650~~------~.-1600---------...~E<''.':::=:0~~~"~/.;~;;~~~~.7 ..00 ............. ~~<~~----~~=:=::~-'.j--'f~~-<:~='=--~~;;~:;p-~r-~V~:~~~~(\-·~-~-~4~~:::~~-----~~--------------~.,.~~"------~~~~"'~=3_:':~~>-:::--~----::::::.,::::::=o::::.:::-:::~~:/1(./--:_.:c.~\~:~O ~~-'>~::::::::::~-<---~;;~/~.----/ :=~~~=-~<---;/ ~LEGEND 71VES-,\~---DAM t FOR ALTERN:DAM LOCATION .----~---DAM t FOR OPTIMU~~~/-;--'OD 400FEE7~2100 SCALE i ~- ------------------------./'~ ~~~')J~~----~-~~Er-~~-::~//-/ L./"'O r--~~-- -----------••00 -~ --~--...O~ (-_/~j ~-)/-/////--~---'.~_".o/;:~./J.'-....~-~-,,-~~~-~-:\---~./---'''-;(;;~/'-=~D~5~~-~/\"oT~~__J~,/./,.~';,o/.~~/-if;~ffJY~=--~(/::!;f; l~'~,..0 / (I ",'"I ('" -1 ~""""l ]~-"]]1 :-~~l -,~---]1 -] 2300 2200 2100... ~2000 ~1900 z~1800 ~1100 1600 I ~oo [400 .;II-v................ I ~-----:;-~- ~~--~---.:~~_.-...-'.....-- ------..:::::--'-~~-~ r:J:::=::-:--....~? ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE ----I /--'--->"'~§~'::/ BEDROCK SURFACE ~~,\"~,,/</ EXCAVATION FOR CORE "",~"//'/'"''\\.-~/'__-..:>~"-::::O~--/ MAIN DAM PROFILE SCALE A NORMAL MAXIMUM 35' 2500 2200 2100:;; ~2000 ;;1900 ~1800 ~~170~ 1800 1500 1400 _.-"~....--_.-----_.-IICREST EL 2240~---------"~11 \\\_____.._.. "-_._~---_._----_...--- ~ell/.I\\I --------- _.._-- ~2'1/11 .\\\3.75 ~ I~~II I ,I \'~,.--- 4,'/ R'PRAP·---....~LROCK AND GRANULAR FILL /,70 -~LROCK AND GRANULAR FILL ~ I ~COARSE FILTER-----L/I VCOARSE FILTER -------f---L::?'s..~~--~-'----FINE-FILTER ~J \-\---FINE FILTER -----..-.. ~II IMPERVIOUS \\~/~........ I GROUT CURTAIN -1 SECTION THRU LEFT TUNNEL SCALE B so', --4.COFFERDAMtSLURRYTRENCH UPSTREAM COFFERDAM SECTION SCALE C TRANsITION ZONE :;;1500 [ ;1500 ~,_,••~RE~~~~ ~1450 DAM MAIN DAM SECTION AT MAXIMUM HEIGHT SCALE A 1800 •7 1 ---,.----.--~---,--- ~1700 It.l,TOP OF COFFERDAM-EL1540 ....._ z 1600 ~EHERGY OI'SIPATIOH :1 52 160'340'120'~I I·~,.oo ~Ot~tL,~!,';,ER__~~ ELH-tiO tt'I ~-"3-12'DI _.___,,"_,__,,__.~~~ 1"i00L---- 1600 I ,/ PLATE 82.5 60 120 FEET 100 200 FEET !5iiiiiiiiiiiii 200 400 FEET !!5iiiiiiiiiiii WATANA SCHEME WPM MAIN DAM AND DIVERSION -~-~- ACRES AMERICAN IN.CORPORATED IPDm II ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY I IIUO£O SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SCALE B SCALE A SCALE C NOTE THIS DRAWING ILLUSTRATES A PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL PROJECT LAYOUT PREPARED FOR COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE SITE DEVELOPMENTS ONLy SECTION THRU RIGHT TUNNEL SCALE B 3S'OlA EL 1450......y--------" 1400 I-1700,AF !!b.~I , z TOP OF COFFERDAM ;1600 EL 1~40 "\/"~ o .'{ ~. ~15001 KL.t:.LI"IfV 1 J ~~~J J '-]~1 '-1 '-1 -]1 J ,---1 --J -]'--~I 'J 1 1 MAX.TAILWATER '"""LEVEL EL.1472 --------------_.~--:--=:j ~_':'=J L~"@::::,€i:::~~~L"~~1::' NORMAL MAX. W.L.EL.~Ii IIII r ----------I-- IMo 1----.--~ 1700 f-------------~~~~':""------.---l1-----~-- 1600 l----,,~ 1400 L----- 2200 2300 ,---------------=r.-nWl;'b JIJTA~----'''----·----.~--------------.------------------------------------------------, 2100 f .-li--+1IH/-----------------jj-~-----------~-~---------~------j ~~2000 EL.191.!5 EL.,~ ~1900 ---=-1---,---------------------4-"'---------.------~----~------------1 ~!1800 POWER FACILITIES-PROFILE PLATE 82.6 30 ..00 -I ~ =---1 26tOO ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 26.00 WATANA SCHEME WP3A POWER FACILITIES AND SPILLWAYS lAWl 24+0022+002OtOO MAIN SPILLWAY-PROFILE NOTE THIS DRAWING ILLUSTRATES A PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL PROJECT LAYOI}T PREPARED FOR COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE SITE DEVEL.OPMENTS ONLY. 18+00 '0 100 200 FEET sCAL.E T- -RIGHTY.!~I [4.00 ____J - I-------1 ----j -j 2.-WHEEL MOUNTED OATES ~35'W.X 45'H. 0+00 2tOO ~PRESSU~." -RELIEF -ORA~N -------- to-2100 ~ ;,; z2000 ~~ irl'900 1---+- OUTLET FACILITIES-PROFILE 2100 ~"..111 1I11'='~-~ 1900~---~ 1800 ~~----~-_.--.-------- 1700~--- 1800 t------- 11500 ~----------~ 2200 '-='........,11 II I, 12000 ~--...=~L.""",,_ r- I - APPENDIX 83 DEVIL CANYON GENERAL ARRANGEMENT STUDY 1 -INTRODUCTION As discussed in Appendix B2,studies described in the DSR led to selection of the Watana and Devil Canyon sites for further study. The location of the Devil Canyon site is shown in Figure B2.1.Average flow in the river is approximately 9040 cfs at Devil Canyon and the total gross head developed at this site is approximately 600 feet.A high degree of regulation is achieved,primarily through the Watana reservoir,a factor which contributes greatly to the benefit to be gained by construction of Devil Canyon as the second stage of an overall staging concept. Some features of the layouts of the selected sites compared in the DSR were con- sistent with certain generalized concepts.These include the configuration of power facilities and the type of spillway,which would be suitable for the majority of schemes within the river basin.These concepts also would reflect in their conservatism and potential adaptability to different conditions,the general uncertainties of the physical characteristics of each site.Although suitable for this initial selection process,the layouts of the chosen sites were not intended to define the final schemes.They have been re-examined and new layouts developed through more rigorous study based on the site information available from previous investigations by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers and the Department of the Interior,together with data from Acres '1980-81 site investigations. It is the purpose of this report to describe the final general arrangement de- veloped for the Devil Canyon site and to delineate the selection process and the comparative layouts which led to this arrangement. 2 -SUMMARY 2.1 -Scope The objective of this study is to develop the most suitable overall conceptual layout for the major structures at Devil Canyon based on technical,economic, and environmental considerations and restrictions. It is not intended that the layout will be definitive,but it is the intention to determine the general configuration of the major structures and facilities and the interaction of these facilities within the project layout. 2.2 -Methodology Preliminary review of alternative layouts were developed and compared on the basis of technical feasibility,cost,and environmental impact.A basic concep- tual layout was selected.The selected layout was further developed on the basis of the latest data and criteria to formulate a final layout concept. 83-1 2.3 -Development of Layouts Three basic schemes were developed,costed,and reviewed.All schemes were based on a concrete arch dam within the canyon.The dam terminates in mass con- crete thrust blocks and abuts a rockfill saddle dam across the low-lying area on the left abutment.A left bank tunnel diversion is adopted for all schemes and an auxiliary submerged orifice spillway is incorporated in the main dam. (a)Scheme DCI This scheme has a right bank chute and flip bucket main spillway discharg- ing into the river downstream.An emergency fuse plug spillway is located on the left bank beyond the saddle dam and the underground powerhouse is constructed within the rock on the right side of the canyon. (b)Scheme DC2 The layout is similar to Scheme DCI except that the flip bucket type spill- way is constructed on the left bank. (c)Scheme DC3 The layout for Scheme DC3 is also similar to DCI except that the right bank spillway is replaced by a tunnel and flip bucket spillway on the right side of the river. (d)Scheme DC4 The Scheme DC4 layout has a right bank chute spillway with a downstream stilling basin for energy dissipation. On the basis of the least cost and security of operation,a layout based on Scheme DCI was selected. 2.4 -Selected Layout Development On the basis of additional data and updated criteria,the selected layout was further developed into the final layout concept. The right bank flip bucket spillway was retained,but the submerged spillway high in the dam was eliminated because of the dangers of downstream erosion near the dam.A low level outlet with downstream discharge valves was included close to the base of the dam.The right bank powerhouse was retained as was the tunnel diversion on the left bank. 3 -SCOPE The scope of this study was based on the overall objective of developing the most suitable layout of facilities and structures for the hydroelectric site at Devil Canyon.Major factors considered included production of the maximum firm energy consistent with economic cost,technical feasibility,safety of opera- tion,and impact on the environment.The layout was based on potential ease of construction and the capability of bringing generating units on-line within a reasonable construction period. B3-2 - - - - It was not intended that the layout should be definitive,but it was intended to establish the basis of the final layout of structures by establishing the general configuration of the dam,powerhouse,and diversion and confirming the spillway type and location.There will be future modifications such as minor realignment of structures themselves but the general concept of the scheme will remain unchanged. 4 -BASIN CHARACTERISTICS A general discussion of climatology,geology,and seismic aspects is presented in Appendix B1,Section 4. 5 -METHODOLOGY 5.1 -General Preliminary layouts of the Devil Canyon site were subjected to a review and screening process.The layout selected from the screening was further reviewed and modifications were introduced to provide the basic conceptual layout for the scheme as described in Section 9. The selection process follows the general selection methodology previously es- tablished for the Susitna project and is outlined below. 5.2 -Selection Methodology The determination of the final arrangement was carried out in two stages: (a)Preliminary Review of Alternative Layouts (i )Step 1 -Assemble available data; -Determine design criteria;and -Establish evaluation criteria. (i i ) (iii) Step 2 Develop preliminary layouts based on the above data and design cri- teria including all plausible alternatives for the constituent facilities and structures.Produce plans and principal sections of layouts. Step 3 Produce quantity take-offs for major structures based on drawings prepared under Step 2. -Carry out a preliminary contractor's type estimate and develop a construction schedule to determine unit rates for major quantities consistent with construction methods which will allow completion of the project within the required time frame. 83-3 -Determi ne overall cost of the schemes.Where breakdowns of certain work items are not available,costs are to be based on equivalent work carried out elsewhere.All direct costs are to be i ncl uded. (iv)Step 4 Review all layouts on the basis of technical feasibility,practic- ability,cost,impact of possible unknown conditions and uncertainty of assumptions,safety,and environmental impact. (v)Step 5 -Select the layout that can be identified as most favorable based on the evaluation criteria determined under Step 1. (b)Development of Selected Conceptual Layout (i)Step 1 -Assemble and review any additional data from other work tasks. -Revise design criteria to accord with additional data. -Finalize overall evaluation criteria. (i i)Step 2 Revise or develop the layout on the basis of conclusions from Stage 1.Overall dimensions of structures,water passages,gate sizes, etc.,are to be determined. (i i i)Step 3 Produce quantity take-offs for major structures. -Review cost components within a preliminary contractors'type estimate using the most recent data and criteria,and develop a construction schedule. -Determine overall direct cost of scheme. (iv)Step 4 Review of modified layout by Acres'Internal Review Panel followed by review by Alaska Power Authority. 6 -PROJECT PARAMETERS AND DESIGN CRITERIA The principal project parameters and design criteria on which the layouts were based are given below.Parts of this criteria will be superseded as more material becomes available.Any assumptions made have been based on the best information available at the time.The topography and sound bedrock contours are shown in Plate 83.1. 83-4 - - - - - ,.... i - - - River Flows Average flow (over 30 years of record): Probable maximum flood: Maximum flood with return period of 1:10,000 years: Maximum flood with return period of 1:50 years: Reservoir normal maximum operating level: Reservoir minimum operating level: Area of reservoir at maximum operating level: Reservoir live storage: Reservoir total storage: Dam Type: Crest elevation: Hei ght: Cut-off and foundation treatment: Saddle Dam Type: Upstream slope: Downstream slope: Crest width: Diversion Cofferdam types: Cut-off and foundation: Upstream cofferdam crest elevation: Downstream cofferdam crest elevation: Maximum pool level during construction: Water passages: Outlet structures: Final closure: Releases during impounding: B3-5 8,960 cfs 270,000 cfs 135,000 cfs (after routing through Watana) 42,000 cfs (after routing through Watana) 1,445 ft MSL 1,300 ft MSL 21,000 acres 0.75 x 10 6 acre ft 1.1 x 10 6 acre ft Concrete arch 1,455 ft MSL 635 ft above concrete plug Founded on rock,grout curtain and downsteam drains Earthfilljrockfill 1V:3H 1V:2.25H 20 ft Rockfill Founded on alluvium with slurry trench to rock 960 ft MSL 900 ft MSL 955 ft MSL Concrete 1i ned Low level structures with slide closure gates Mass concrete plugs in line with dam grout curtain 2000 cfs min.via Howell Bunger valves Sri 11 way Design floods: Service sp"illway -capacity: -control structure: -energy dissipation: Secondary spi11way -capacity: control structure: -energy dissipation: Emergency spillway -capacity: -type: Power Facilities Type: Transformer area: Control room and administration: Access: Type of turbines: Number and rating: Maximum gross head: Type of generator: Rated output: Power factor: Ta 11 race Water passages: Elevation of water passages: Average tailwater elevations: 7 -REVIEW OF ALTERNATIVE LAYOUTS 7.1 -General Passes pmf preserving integrity of dam with no loss of life Passes routed 1 :10,000 year flood with no damage to structures 45,000 cfs Howell Bunger valves 5-108 inch diameter Howe11 Bunger valves 90,000 cfs Gated,agee crests Stilling basin or plunge pool Pmf minus routed 1:10,000 year flood Fuse pl ug Underground powerhouse Separate gallery In main power cavern Rock tunnel Francis 4 x 140 MW 565 ft approx. Vertical synchronous 156 MVA 0.9 2 concrete-lined tunnels Pressure tunnels 890 ft - - - """'l I During formulation of the layouts for the Devil Canyon Development described herein,many arrangements and minor variations of these arrangements were devel- oped to various degrees of detail.They were discarded on the basis either of technical infeasibility or of excessive cost over the selected alternatives while offering no safety,environmental or operating advantages.Four schemes were carried through to full development of the individual structures and facil- ities within the overall general arrangement concept,and these were considered to cover all the general concepts for the dams,power facilities,spillways and diversions that might be included in the final scheme. B3-6 - r - r- I ( 7.2 -Major Features The general 1ayout of the Devi 1 Canyon Development is governed by the locat ion and configuration of the concrete arch dam.The location of the dam has previ- ously been studied by the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR)and the U.S.Corps of Engineers,and this investigation has been directed at the narrow entrance of the canyon.The shape of the canyon at this point is eminently more favorable for an arch dam than the broader reaches downstream and the dam has been fixed in this location,with the configuration described in Appendix B1 - Dam Selection Studies,for all layout alternatives •. A rockfill saddle-dam is located on the lower ground adjacent to the left abut- ment,and although its alignment is varied slightly for the different layouts, essentially anyone of these alignments could be used for the alternative schemes.Hence,although minor variations in cost are incurred,these differ- ences do not influence the overall choice of the arrangement of the main con- crete structures at the site. In Appendix B1,different dam alternatives were investigated,including a gravity arch dam with a chute spillway on its inclined downstream face,dis- charging into a stilling basin founded on the bedrock underlying the riverbed. The shape of the thin arch dam is not suitable for this type of arrangement and flows have to be discharged either through or over the top of the dam in the form of a plunging jet or in separate spillway facilities built into the abut- ments. In all schemes,the power facilities have been located within the sound bedrock forming the right abutment and,in order to avoid interference with the power tunnels,the diversion has been situated on the opposite bank. 7.3 -Description of Layouts The four schemes for the layout of the project were as follows: (a)Scheme DC1 (i )Ma in Dam The scheme is shown on Plates 10.1 (Volume 1)and B1.3 (Appendix B1).The main dam is a thin concrete arch structure as described in Appendix B1.The dam is founded on a mass concrete plug,con- structed on the sound bedrock underlying the riverbed.The struc- ture is 635 feet high,has a crest length of 1,250 feet,a crest width of 20 feet,and a maximum base width of 90 feet.The crest elevation of the dam is 1455 and is extended to 1459 by a concrete parapet wall running the length of the upstream face.The volume of concrete within the dam is approximately 1.4 x 10 6 cubic yards. Mass concrete thrust blocks are founded high on the abutments,the left block extending approximately 100 feet above the existing bedrock surface and supporting the upper part of the dam,as well as sealing against the core of the saddle dam and acting as a transi- tion block.The matching block on the right abutment makes the cross-river profile of the dam more symetrical and helps towards a more uniform stress distribution within the arch dam.A grout cur- tain cut-off is constructed across the valley beneath the dam and is backed up by a system of drain holes and galleries. B3-7 (ii)Diversion Diversion during construction is made via cofferdams and twin tun- nels driven through the rock beneath the left abutment.The left or south bank location for the diversion is more immediately accessible than the right bank which requires a long and expensive access road down the steep north face upstream from the canyon.It is also likely that the main site access road will be on the left side.The inlet portal can be constructed on the outside of the river with flows straight into the inlet and there will be no conflict with the power tunnel.The two tunnels are 24-feet in diameter and concrete- lined,and run just upstream from the cofferdam to downstream of the powerhouse outlets.Temporary closure is made by vertical slide gates within the inlet structures and permanent closure by mass con- crete plugs within the diversion tunnels located in line with a grout curtain cut-off beneath the main dam. (i ii)Saddle Dam The rockfill saddle dam occupies the lower lying area beyond the left abutment running from the thrust block to the higher ground beyond.The impervious fill cut-off for the saddle dam is founded on the sound bedrock approximately 80 feet beneath the existing ground surface.The crest elevation of the dam is 1461,the maximum height above the foundation is approximately 200 feet,and the up- stream and downstream slopes are 1:3 and 1:2.25,respectively.The centerline of the rockfill dam is either straight or follows an arch shape curving in an upstream direction,whichever arrangement as adopted will make little difference to the volume of fill materi- a 1 s. (i v)Spill ways The routed 1:10,000-year design flood of 135,000 cfs is passed by two spillways.The main service spillway is located on the right abutment.It has a design discharge of 90,000 cfs and flows are controlled by a three-gated ogee control structure which discharges down a 1,250-foot-long concrete-lined chute and over a ski-jump type flip bucket which ejects the water in a diverging jet into a pre- excavated plunge pool in the riverbed.The flip bucket is set at Elevation 925,approximately 35 feet above the river level.An auxiliary spillway,discharging a total of 33,000 cfs,is located in the center of the dam.It is located 100 feet below the dam crest and is controlled by three 15-foot-high by 15-foot-wide wheel- mounted gates.The orifices are bell-mouth shaped at their entrances with shaped lips downstream to direct the flow into a concrete-lined plunge pool approximately 2,000 feet downstream from the dam.The remaining 12,000 cfs of the 10,OOO-year discharge is considered to pass through the powerhouse. B3-8 - - - r (v) An emergency spillway is located in the sound rock beyond the saddle dam.It is designed to pass excess discharges beyond the 1:10,000- year flood up to a probable maximum flood of 270,000 cfs,if such an event should ever occur.The spillway is an unlined rock channel which discharges into a valley approximately 2,000 feet downstream, running into the Susitna River. The upstream end of the channel is closed by an earthfi 11 fuse p1 ug with a crest elevation of 1457.The plug is designed to be eroded if overtopped by the reservoir and hence,as the crest is lower than either the main or saddle dams,the plug would be washed out prior to overtopping of either of these structures. Power Facil ities The power facilities are located on the right side of the river, within the bedrock forming the darn abutment.The rock within this abutment is interpreted from the site investigation and coupled with data from previous studies,as being of better quality with fewer shear zones and a lesser degree of jointing than the rock on the other side of the canyon.Also,any problems which might arise from features associated with the left bank buried river channel are available.Hence,it would appear more conducive to underground ex- cavation.On the right side of the canyon it is possible to set the intake deep in the sound rock,eliminating any problems of stability and allowing a smaller structure.On the left side the bedrock is low and a massive gravity structure would be necessary to overcome the inherent stability problems.The intake would be set in the lo- cation of the thrust block,adjacent to the dam.A transition block would be required beyond the intake and making with the earthjrock- fill saddle dam.The length of these two concrete structures would extend into the area of the adjacent low lying area where the rock surface is dropping away with sound bedrock exceeding a depth of 200 feet below water surface at the southern end of the structures. This is exceedingly deep for a gravity structure in such a highly seismic area but a right back power intake location does not give this difficulty. The intake is located just upstream of the bend in the valley before it veers to the right into Devil Canyon.It is set deep into the rock at the downstream end of the approach channel and consists of four inlets,each serving a single downstream turbine.Drawdown in the reservoir is about 145 feet.Trashracks are located at the face of each draw-off with provision for the insertion of bu·lkhead gates downstream within the structure.Each inlet passage contains a 20- foot-high by 18-foot-wide wheel-mounted upstream sealing closure yate with separate hydraulic hoists for operation. The tunnels downstream of the intake are circular in cross-section and concrete-lined with a finished diameter of 18 feet.On leaving the lntake they dip at an angle of 55°to the horizontal,an angle which gives an approximate optimum balance between inclined shaft and tunnel lengths from a cost point of view as well as allowing for self-mucking of the tunnel during construction when driving from B3-9 below.The inclined shafts run into horizontal tunnel lengths which are steel lined for approximately 150 feet upstream of the power- house. The powerhouse contains four 140 MW turbine/generator units.The turbines are Francis-type units coupled to overhead umbrella-type generators.The units are serviced by an overhead crane running the length of the powerhouse and into the end service bay.Offices,the control room,switchgear room,maintenance room,etc.,are located beyond the service bay.The transformers are housed in a separate, upstream gallery located above the lower horizontal section of the penstocks.Two vertical cable shafts run from the gallery to the surface.The draft tube gates are housed above the draft tubes in separate annexes off the main powerhall.The draft tubes converge in two bifurcations at the tailrace tunnels which run,under free flow conditions,to the river.Access to the powerhouse is via an unlined tunnel leading from an access portal low down on the right side of the canyon. The switchyard is located on the left bank of the river downstream from the saddle dam,and the power cables from the transformers are carried to it across the top of the dam. (b)Scheme DC2 The general arrangement for Scheme DC2 is shown on Plate 10.2 (Volume 1). The 1ayout is generally simi 1ar to Scheme Del except that the chute spi 11- way is located on the left side of the canyon.The concrete-lined chute is approximately 1,400 feet long terminating in a ski-jump flip bucket high on the left side of the canyon,which discharges into the river below.The design flow is 90,000 cfs and discharges are controlled by a 3-gated ogee crested control structure,similar to that for Scheme DC1,which abuts the left side thrust block. The saddle dam centerline is straight,following the shortest route between the control structure at one end and the rising ground beyond the low lying area at the other. (c)Scheme DC3 The general arrangement for Scheme DC3 is shown on Plate 10.4 (Volume 1). The layout is similar to Scheme DC1,except that the right side main spill- way takes the form of a single tunnel rather than an open chute.A 2-gated ogee control structure is located at the head of the tunnel and discharges into an inclined shaft 45 feet in diameter at its upper end.The structure will discharge up to a maximum of 90,000 cfs. The concrete-lined tunnel narrows down to 35 foot diameter and discharges into a flip bucket which directs the flows in a jet into the river below as in Scheme DC1. An auxiliary spillway is located in the center of the dam and an emergency spillway is excavated on the left abutment. B3-10 - - - - - ~, I"""' I (d) The layout of dams and power facilities are as in Scheme DCl. Scheme DC4 The layout for Scheme DC4 is shown on Plate 10.4 (Volume 1).The dam, power facilities,and saddle dam for this scheme are the same as those for Scheme DCl.The major difference is the substitution of a stilling basin type spillway on the right bank for the chute and flip bucket.A 3-gated ogee-control structu~e is located at the end of the dam thrust block and controls the discharges,up to a maximum of 90,000 cfs. The concrete-lined chute is built into the face of the canyon and dis- charges into a 500-foot-long by l15-foot-wide by 100-foot-high concrete stilling basin formed below river level and deep within the right side of the canyon.This arrangement forms the service spillway with central ori- fices in the dam and the left bank rock channel and fuse plug forming the auxiliary and emergency spillways,respectively,as in the alternative schemes. The downstream cofferdam is located beyond the spillway,and the diversion tunnel outlets are located further downstream to enable construction of the stilling basin. I""'" 1 I 7.4 -Construction Construction of the diversion will be a problem similar to all layouts.It is envisaged that because of the difficulty of access within the canyon the tunnels will be driven entirely from the upper end with immediate access down the south side tributary valley just upstream from the canyon.Impervious materi al rock- fill for the cofferdams will be obtained from the area of the emergency spill- way. Excavation for the arch dam foundations will require low-level access on both sides of the canyon.Roads can be constructed during the period of diversion construction.The concrete for the dam will be placed by high-lines strung across the canyon between the abutments.Concrete aggregates will be available within the upstream river terraces. It is assumed that construction materials for the saddle dam w"ill be found in the local area.Impervious materials will be obtained from local overburden excavation with the rockfill coming from the emergency spillway excavation. The powerhouse is founded deep within competent rock.Construction access will be via the main access tunnel and by the tailrace tunnels which will be driven from downstream.Excavation of the penstocks will be from below via a branch adit driven behind the lower bends of the penstocks. Excavation slopes and support for the right bank open cut spillways will be governed by the inclined bedding planes dipping towards the river.Excavation of a left bank main spillway could also give difficulties because of highly fissured loose rock on this side of the canyon. Excavation of the right bank tunnel would tend to parallel the bedding planes and heavy support would probably be required. B3-ll Excavation diversion. years.The as they are for all the 7.5 -Scheduling Scheduling for construction of Devil Canyon need not be as tight as for the Watana Project.Construction of the diversion could be scheduled well in ad- vance of construction of the permanent structures.Construction of the tunnels could take place over a two-year period commencing in early summer with coffer- dam closure taking place over an approximately 6-month period during the winter when flows are low. of the main dam foundation could commence prior to completion of the The total construction period for the arch dam is estimated at 4.5 arch dam and diversion will be on the critical construction path and similar for all layouts total construction period will be the same schemes. The main spillways and powerhouse facility construction periods are estimated at 3 and 4 years,respectively for all schemes. 7.6 -Costs Capital cost estimates for the construction of the schemes are given in Table B3.1,which gives individual costs of the main structures together with indirect costs. Unit rates are based on a preliminary contractor's type estimate developed from anticipated plant and labor content and construction activities.Quantities have been calculated from the drawings,except in the case of the powerhouse where they have been developed from comparable powerhosues in projects construc- ted elsewhere.Twenty percent has been added to the costs to cover continqen- cies and 12.5 percent has been added to cover engineering and administration. 7.7 -Comparison of Layouts The arch dam,saddle dam,power facilities and diversion vary only in a minor degree between the alternatives.A comparison of schemes,therefore,rests solely with a comparison of the spillway facilities. As can be seen from a comparison of the costs in Table B3.1,the flip bucket spillways are substantially less expensive to construct than the stilling basin type of Scheme DC4.The left bank spillway of Scheme DC2 is inclined sharply to the river and ejects the discharge jet from high on the canyon face towards the opposite side of the canyon.Over a long period of operation,scour of the heavily jointed rock could be a considerable problem causing undermining of the canyon sides and their consequent instability.The possibility of a build-up of material downstream with a corresponding elevation of the tailrace must also be considered.Construction of a spillway on the steep left side of the river could be more difficult than on the right side because of the presence of deep fissures and large unstable blocks of rock which are present on the left side close to the top of the canyon.Instability of the overlying bedding planes could be a problem with the open cut spillways on the right bank.It could also give problems with the right bank tunnel spillway which trends nearly parallel to the bedding. 83-12 - - - - The two right side flip bucket spillway schemes based on either an open chute or a tunnel take advantage of a downstream bend in the river to eject discharges parallel to the course of the river.This will reduce the effects of erosion but it could still be a problem as can be seen from the outline of the estimated maximum possible scour hole which would occur over a period of time. The tunnel type spillway could prove difficult to construct because of the large diameter of inclined shaft and tunnel paralleling the bedding planes.The high velocities~encountered in all spillways~could particularly cause troubles in the tunnel with the possibility of spiralling flows and severe cavitation. The stilling basin type spillway of Scheme DC4 reduces downstream erosion pro- blems within the canyon.However~cavitation could be a problem under the high flow velocities experienced at the base of the chute.This would be somewhat alleviated by aeration of the flows~introducing air into the water/concrete contact area at offsets along the chute invert.There is~however~little pre- cedent for stilling basin operation at heads of over 550 feet and even where floods of much less than the design capacity have been discharged,severe damage has occurred. 7.8 -Conclusions The chute and flip bucket spillways of Schemes DC1 and OC2 pose downstream erosion problems which could~in the case of Scheme DC2~cause considerable maintenance costs and reduced efficiency in operation of the project at a future date.Scheme OC3 causes hydraulic problems and cavitation could be severe. There is no cost advantage with this type of spillway over the open chute in Scheme DC4.The operating characteristics of a high head stilling basin are little known and there are few examples of successful operation. All spillways at the heads and discharges involved will eventually cause some erosion.However~with predicted operational frequency of only 1:50 years it is not anticipated that erosion will be severe.The cost of the flip bucket type spillway in the scheme is considerably less than that of the stilling basin in Scheme OC4.The stilling basin offers no relative operational advantages and hence Scheme DC4 has been selected for future study. 8 -REVISED DATA AND CRITERIA 8.1 -General Further to the information and criteria forming the basis of Step 7~additional studies have been undertaken on the basis of more recent data which has been made available.This includes a remapping of the ground surface contours at the site~which necessitates changes in the criteria and layout.On the basis of these changes the selected layout from Section 7 has been further developed. The changes from the previous criteria which effect this additional development are set out as follows. B3-13 8.2 -Revised Criteria Nitrogen supersaturation in downstream releases (occurring when aerated water is pressurized to 2 atmospheres or more)should be avoided in discharges occurring more frequently than 1:100 years: Routed 1:50-year flood: Routed 1:50-year diversion flood: Reservoir normal maximum operating level: Reservoir normal minimum operating level: Area of reservoir at maximum operating level: Reservoir live storage: 9 -SELECTED LAYOUT 50,000 cfs 53,200 cfs 1,455 ft MSL 1,430 ft MSL 7,800 acres 350,000 acre ft - 9.1 -General The general concept of the overall layout selected in Section 7 has been further developed to accord with updated engineering study and criteria.The major change is in the central spillway configuration but other lesser changes are necessitated as described in this section. It is anticipated that other minor changes will occur during the ongoing feasi- bility study but the general concept of the scheme as established herein will remain unchanged. 9.2 -Layout Description The revised layout is shown on Plates 10.5 (Volume 1)and B3.2.A description of the structures is as follows: (a)Main Dam The maximum operating level of the reservoir has been raised to Elevation 1455 to accord with information received from site which establishes the average water surface of the Watana tailrace at this level.This requires raising the dam crest to Elevation 1465 with the concrete parapet wall set at 1,469 feet.The saddle dam is raised to Elevation 1470.The rock contours at river level are shallower and the mass concrete plug at the foot of the dam is consequently eliminated. (b)Spi llways To accord with restrictions on nitrogen supersaturation,it is necessary to restri ct supersaturated flow to an average recurrence peri od of not 1ess than 50 years.In order to pass floods of greater frequency,an alterna- tive facility has to be found.This requirement would be satisfied by a number of Howell Bunger valves discharging greatly dispersed jets of water downstream thus avoiding the plunging action of alternative spillways. B3-14 - -[ - It is considered possible that heavy maintenance would be required in the concrete-lined plunge pool beneath the central orifice spillways and just downstream from the dam if this spillway operated for extended periods. This is a critical area because of the proximity and importance of the latter and hence for two reasons,additional security and reduction of nitrogen supersaturation,the orifice spillways have "been replaced by five lOB-inch diameter centrally located Howell Bunger valves of similar total capacity (45.000 cfs). The flip bucket spillway remains on the right embankment but the chute is shortened and the bucket is raised further above the river than in Scheme DCl. The area of ground in the vicinity of the paddle dam appears lower on the updated topography than previously indicated and to accommodate the emergency spillway is relocated slightly further from the river than previously in order to maintain it in sound rock. (c)Diversion The previous twin diversion tunnels are replaced by a single tunnel scheme which it is determined will give all necessary security but will be slight- ly lower in cost than the two-tunnel alternative.The tunnel diameter of ~36 feet (39 feet unlined)will be acceptable,from a construction viewpoint.within the rock at the site. (d)Power Faci lities The drawdown of the reservoir has been reduced and hence the depth of the intake has been reduced accordingly.In order to maintain the intake with- in the solid rock.it has been moved closer into the side of the valley, and this has necessitated a slight rotation of the water passages, powerhouse and caverns comprising the power facilities. 83-15 'r-'I P""TABLE B3.1:SUMMARY OF COMPARATIVE COST ESTIMATES PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF ALTERNATlVE ARRANGEMENTS (January 1982 $X 10 ) r"" Item DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 Land Acquisition 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1 r Reservoir 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 Main Dam 468.7 468.7 468.7 468.7 Emergency Spillway 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 Powe r Fac ilit ies 211.7 211.7 211.7 211.7 Switchyard 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 \"""Miscellaneous Structures 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 Access Roads &Site Facilities 28.4 28.4 28.4 28.4 Common Items -Subtotal ~~~7lIT:Z Diversion 32.1 32.1 32.1 34.9 Service Spillway 46.8 53.3 50.1 85.2 Saddle Dam 19.9 18.6 18.6 19.9 Non-Common/Items Subtotal 'JB":lf 1ITZi":1J 1"OU":ll"17iiJ.1r r-Total 882.0 887.2 884.0 923.2 Camp &Support Costs (16%)141.1 141.9 141.4 147.7 Subtotal 1'"O'2"T.T 1"IT"2"9"":T TiJ2"5":4 "T07lJ:"9" ~Contingency (2m~)204.6 205.8 205.1 214.2 Subtotal TITT.7 ~T2"3"IT":"5"T2"B"'5"":1 Engineer ing &Administration r-(12.5%)153.5 154.3 153.8 160.6 I Total ~~l'18lI."3"TZi1i'5":I, l ,..... I r .,.. I I r- I FIGURE 83.1 • 20 0 20 I LIIIIJiIiIIi~;~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SCALE IN '-'1LES LOCATION MAP LOCATION MAP LEGEND \f P~OPOSED DAM SITES r- ! l -l r - Q 1 ClC-~l -']",ee]""1 '"~cJ 1 .C.C <J ~~~J -Cl~~l '..C1 C.CC]cc Cl~CCl !J ~J_l! NOTE THIS INfORMATION 19 PRELIMINAR'V fOR UK IN DEVELOPMENT Of GEMEJtAL CONCEPTS , ,..1'd'-.,.') \J I I/ I l ICAL.Y "100 PIlT + lliI:. ----IMDtCA1'!1 8CHIIlID II!DIIOCK SUSITNA HYDROEL£CT1IIC PlIO.IECT , DEVIL CANYON TOPOGRAPHY AND SOUt4D BEDROCK CONTOURS ~1 -~l """"")"''''],,1 '-]"']''')""')'J '1 "'1 ,-'-"1 'J "'1 '~'-""I ARCH DAII ABUTMENT OUTLINE o ,.~. ""\"", DAM PItOFILE (LOOKING UPS1REAN) 1300 8 I.L 1200 "~ ~1100 ~w 1000 I '"r000 700 ~02a__ ______-=-:m lIP!!Eo ------------,020_ ,_.__R,,£~ERENCE Pl.ANE_~__-------o_ SECTION A-A I~OO 1400 1300 >-ww 1200~ "z 0 ~1100 100Q1 f ~,!A ~OO ODD CROWN SECTION 1500 toIML 14M -.. ~ 1400J-...."'".-~ I /4'¢~ 1300 ~1200 "~1100 ~ "Iw 1000:1. .00 ODD 700 ~<---j ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE -.....:-'......(RIGHT SIDEI ~'- RELIEF DRAIN --';';"';----... SPILLWAY PROFILE a 100 zoo FEET SCALE 1PUlP ~AL.ASKA POWER AUTHORITY I Jlun 0 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT NOTE lH1S DRAWING ILLUSTRATES A PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL PROJECl LAYOUT PREPARED FOR COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE SITE DEVELOPMENTS ONLY DEVIL.CANYON SCHEME I SECTIONS ..... ..... r ! ..... ..... i"'" f r ..... ..... - - APPENDIX 84 POWER FACILITIES ALTERNATIVES 1 -INSTALLED CAPACITY A computer simulation of reservoir operation over 32 years of hydrological record was used to predict firm (dependable)and average energy available from Watana and Devil Canyon reservoirs on a monthly basis.As discussed in Appendix AI,four alternative reservoir operating rules were assumed,varying from a maximum power generation scenario (Case A)through to a complete commitment to provide guaranteed minimum summer releases for fisheries (Case D).For the preliminary design,Case A predicted energies have been used to assess the required plant capacity. The computer simulation gives an estimate of the monthly energy available from each reservoir,but the sizing of the plant capacity must take into account the variation of demand load throughout each month on an hourly basis.Load fore- cast studies have been undertaken to predict the hourly variation of load through each month of the year,and also the growth in peak load (MW)and annual energy demand (GWh)through to the end of the planning horizon,2010 (Volume 1, Section 5). The economic analysis for the proposed development (Volume 1,Section 18) assumes that the average energy from each reservoir is available every year. The hydrological record,however,is such that this average energy is available only from a series of wetter and drier years.In order to utilize the average energy,capacity must be avai lable to generate the energy available in the wet years up to the maximum requirement dictated by the system energy demand,less any energy available from other committed hydro plant. Watana has been designed to operate as a peaking station,if required.Tables 84.1 and 84.2 show the estimated maximum capacity required in the peak demand month (December)at Watana to fully utilize the energy avai lable from the flows of record.If no thermal energy is needed (i .e.in wetter years),the maximum requirement is controlled only by the shape of the demand curve.If thermal energy is required (in average to dry years),the maximum capacity required at Watana will depend on whether the thermal energy is provided by high merit order plant at base load (Option 1,Table 84.1);or by low merit order peaking plant (Option 2,Table 84.2). Table 84.3 shows a similar assessment of maximum plant capacity required at Devi 1 Canyon in the peak demand month (December).The Devi 1 Canyon capacity is the same for either Option 1 or Option 2,since Devil Canyon will not operate as a peaking station . The maximum values from Tables 84.1,84.2 and 84.3 were used to assess the required installed capacity at Watana and Devil Canyon (Volume 1,Sections 9.6 and 10.6). 84-1 2 -ALTERNATIVE LAYOUTS Alternative layouts for the power facilities at Watana and Devil Canyon were required for an economic comparison of the following features: -Type of powerhouse (surface or underground); -Number of units for a given installed capacity;and -Number and size of penstocks and tai lrace tunnels. The initial layout studies were carried out for Watana with a total installed capacity of 840 MW.*At a later date,the selected capacity was increased to 1020 MW (Section 1 above).The sizes of powerhouse,machines,penstocks and tailrace were increased,but the basic conclusions regarding the optimum layout of the power facilities remain unchanged.These conclusions are summarized below: An underground powerhouse arrangement is marginally less costly than an equiv- alent surface powerhouse and has distinct operational advantages; -Six units at Watana and four units at Devil Canyon give a reasonable comprom- ise between initial capital cost and overall station efficiency.They also allow for phased unit installation to match actual growth in demand;and -Individual penstocks to each generating unit should be provided. Studies on the optimum arrangement and sizing of penstocks and tailrace tunnels are described in Volume 1,Sections 9.11 and 10.11. 3 -LAYOUT STUDIES Two alternative powerhouse types were studied in detail at Watana.For the first arrangement,the powerhouse was located above ground on the right bank, downstream of the toe of the dam;for the second arrangement,the powerhouse was located underground in the right abutment.For the comparative studies,the station installed capacity (840 MW)*and number of units (4)were common to both arrangements and the same intake and outlet portals were used.The alignment of the water passages was slightly different but the overall length was similar. The significant advantages and disadvantages of the two types of powerhouses are summarized below: The surface powerhouse is more severely affected by river flooding and must be protected against maximum anticipated flood level; -The underground powerhouse is better suited to operation in the harsh arctic environment; -The high pressure conduits (penstocks)for the surface powerhouse alternative are significantly longer and require extensive steel lining where there is inadequate rock cover;and The underground alternative requires a tailrace tunnel with upstream surge chamber protection. *840 MW at minimum December reservoir level;992 MW at rated head. B4-2 - - - - - - ,..., I I'"'" I ...... I r - J i -I j The alternative layouts for surface and underground powerhouse arrangements are shown on Plates B4.1 and B4.4.Details of the powerhouse layouts are shown on Plates B4.2,B4.3,B4.5,and B4.6. A third layout was also developed with an underground powerhouse to accommodate six units of 140 MW.This was used to assess the extra cost of using six smaller units as compared with four larger units.The layout is shown on Plate B4.7 and is similar to that of the four-unit powerhouse,except that six pen- stocks are used in conjunction with a larger intake structure.Powerhouse details are shown on Plates B4.8 and B4.9. The comparative cost estimates for these three alternative layouts are given in Table B4.4 . The cost estimates show an advantage in favor of the underground powerhouse of about $16.3 million for the common four-unit layout.The underground powerhouse layout requires a tailrace tunnel and surge chamber,but the surface powerhouse layout penstocks are significantly more expensive and require full steel lining over the length where the rock cover is less than 450 feet.Since the under- ground powerhouse is also more suitable for operation in an arctic environment, this arrangement was adopted for the Watana layout. The same conclusion was assumed for the selection of powerhouse types at Devi 1 Canyon.The costs of surface and underground powerhouses are comparable;the underground powerhouse layout was therefore selected since it is more suitable in an arctic environment. 4 -NUMBER OF UNITS The cost estimates for an underground powerhouse at Watana with four units or six units are summarized in Table B4.4.The six-unit option involves an extra cost of $31 million,predominantly in the cost of intake and penstocks;the increases in cost of the powerhouse and electrical and mechanical equipment are marginal.A separate study for the extra cost of eight units over six units gave a similar extra cost (about $27 million). Estimated peaking load on Watana in a wet year varies from 900 MW to about 1000 MW.The least cost powerhouse arrangement would utilize a small number of large units,but this would have several disadvantages in normal operation: -The unit size would be a large proportion of system load with consequent severe disruption on forced or planned outage; -Station part load efficiency would be relatively low,particularly in the years immediately after commissioning when demand is low; -Station minimum output (50 percent unit rated output)would be relatively high,thus reducing flexibility of operation; -Reserve capacity would be high to offset possible machine outages;and -Phasing of unit installation to match demand would be difficult with a small number of large units. B4-3 The four-unit installation is considered to be the mlnlmum number of machines consistent with the above limitations.A study was carried out to assess the increased energy output from the Watana station of using either 6 or 8 units as a result of improved station efficiency.The approximate variation of station efficiency with load is shown on Figure B4.1,assuming all units are equally loaded and assuming a peak turbine efficiency of 92 percent.The overall sta- tion efficiency increases as the number of units is increased.Also the minimum load at which output can be maintained is improved as the number of units is increased.The relative cost-benefit is illustrated in the following table using a capitalized value of annual energy of approximately $1 million per GWh (Volume 1,Section 9.5). In crement a 1 B!C Ratio 1.29 0.37 *Incremental over preceeding line Intermediate cases of five and seven units would give intermediate values of cost and benefit,but they were not considered in detail because of difficulties with the arrangement of the electrical facilities (transformers,isolated phase bus,etc.)with an odd number of units.For preliminary design,the six-unit powerhouse layout is the preferred option at Watana. At Devil Canyon,the position is slightly different since the station will be operated primarily for base load generation.The load on the station would vary between about 500 MW in a wet year to about 150 MW in a dry year. For this range of operation,the four-unit powerhouse"arrangement has been adopted at Devil Canyon.This also gives a unit size comparable with the unit size at Watana. 84-4 """"! I I ) - - - ~ I i - - .~ -. ,.,.. I r TABLE B4.1:WATANA -MAXIMUM CAPACITY REQUIRED (MW) OPTION 1 -THERMAL AS BASE lAPAlIIY ~M W) HvdroIoqicai Year 1~~7 ZOOU LU"IU*** 1 799 818 886* 2 609 628 723 3 817 836 886* 4 804 823 886* 5 800 819 886* 6 818 B37 886* 7 792 811 886* 8 826 845 886* 9 839**874**886* 10 796 815 908** 11 825 844 886* 12 839*859 886* 13 829 848 886* 14 826 845 886* 15 800 819 886* 16 793 812 886* 17 800 819 886* lB 798 817 900* 19 826 845 886* 20 777 796 886* 21 609 628 723 22 609 628 723 23 839*858 899* 24 803 B22 886* 25 786 806 898 26 609 628 723 27 784 803 886* 28 674 693 786 29 839*859 886* 30 608 628 723 31 839*862 886* 32 810 829 886* *Restricted by peak demand **Maximum value ***Including Devil Canyon TABLE B4.2:WATANA -MAXIMUM CAPACIfY REQUIRED (MW) OPTION 2 -THERMAL AS PEAK LAt'AL1IY lM W) Hydrological Year 'I')')';)ZUUU ZU1U*** 1 704 652 886* 2 441 441 443 3 748 678 886* 4 716 660 886* 5 707 654 886* 6 752 680 886* 7 689 643 886* 8 778 693 886* 9 839*742**886* 10 698 648 751 11 774 691 886* 12 839**715 886* 13 788 697 886* 14 778 693 886* 15 707 654 886* 16 692 645 886* 17 707 654 886* 18 700 650 900** 19 778 693 886* 20 662 625 886* 21 441 441 443 22 441 441 443 23 832 713 899* 24 713 658 886* 25 678 635 678 26 441 441 443 27 672 632 886* 28 512 507 519 29 839*715 886* 30 441 441 443 31 839*720 886* 32 730 668 886* *Restricted by peak demand **Maximum \lalue ***Including Devil Canyon - - - - TABLE B4.3:DEVIL CANYON -MAXIMUM CAPACITY REQUIRED (MW) -ical Year 1 and 2)I 1 507** 2 375 /"""0 3 507 4 507 5 507 6 507 !"""7 507 B 507 9 507 10 431 11 507 12 507 13 507 14 507 15 507 r-16 507 17 507 1B 493 19 507 20 507-21 377I22377 23 494 24 507 r-25 378 26 375 27 507 28 380 29 507 f'3D 377 31 507 32 507 ~**Maximum Value "...., i ( TABLE B4.4:SUMMARY COMPARISON OF POWERHOUSES AT WATANA S U K ~A C I:.U NUl:.K .uKUUND 4 ~:l>~~~)MW 4 ~:l>~~~)MW ~:l>UUU) Item 6 x 140 MW Civil Works: Intakes 54,000 54,000 70,400 Penstocks 72,000 22,700 28,600 Powerhouse/Draft Tube 29,600 26,300 28,100 Surge Chamber NA 4,300 4,800 Transformer Gallery NA 2,700 3,400 Tailrace Tunnel NA 11,000 11,000 Tailrace Portal NA 1,600 1,600 Main Access Tunnels NA 8,100 8,100 Secondary Access Tunnels NA 300 300 Main Access Shaft NA 4,200 4,200 Access Tunnel Portal NA 100 100 Cable Shaft NA 1,500 1,500 Bus Tunnel/Shafts NA 1,000 1,200 Fire Protection Head Tank NA 400 400 Mechanical -For Above Items 54,600 55,500.57,200 Electrical -For Above Items 37,400 37,600 41,200 Sv.itchyard -All Work 14,900 14,900 14,900 TOTAL 262,500 246,200 277 ,000 - - .~~.~]~._-._]~-l P---1 -~~----1 ----1 ~]-~-J --~l ----I ,-'--1 I MEAN EFFICIENCY:0.901 0.92 ,------,.,...___ 0.90 I----I I ,/,7"I I II IL~-----t----------I'>,o ,~I "I Iit0.85 I i'" 0.80 --- 250 500 750 1000 LOAD (MW) 4 UNITS 0.92 0.90 >-0 Z I~.J -Llli 1 I I """"""".':'I -1 I I . I I 0.80 I I I ~I I I 167 333 500 667 833 1000 LOAD (MW) 6 UNITS 0.92 0.90 >- i ...LlllLL-J ~-I MEAN EFFICIf:NCY:0.911 I I 0.80 I I I I I L 125 250 375 500 625 750 875 1000 LOAD (MW) 8 UNITS WATANA -STATION EFFICIENCY AT PARTIAL LOAD iUFIGURE84.1 ~1 1 1 )1 ~l 1 )1 1 ..•..~)1 1 ]1 "J -1 SCALE B 0i!,~~'DO~_OOO~FEET o 100 200 FEET SCALEA--- 2.100/ 2.140/ .,,~ ____2200-/ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ,._"SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WATANA SURFACE POWERHOUSE !iQll 4-210 MW UNITS THI.DRAW'NG [LLUST....E!A GENERAL ARRANGEMENT a.SECTION PRELlhilNARY CONCEPTUAL PROJECT LAYOUT ..k- PREPARED FOR COMPARISON OF' AL1ERNATIVE SITE DEVELOPMENTS QNL'r ~--~_ ACRE!AMERlf:AN INCORPORATED 650' r '6'1.0. STEEL LINED ~ ~ ~ " --- ...ORIGINAL------~---','~ND LINE -- , ---------- SECTION A-A SCALE'B ~."..--------'"'-", GENERAL ARRANGEMENT EL.2240 - _\~&o ---- _\900 ___\6!lO _",<P ~' ,,// /'''..--/''~ 'if'/~...~f:lCJ /00 "Q./~~0___...ttP Q ~f~~#_~~,~< I!iCO 1700 '000 m i! ~liMJO § III leco ~ F G D -+ --A \ ]'~]--]e_]-~1 ~-~1 "-']---_.-')1 _._.~--~-"1 --I -~-l """']----1 -"'-~1 .-_...........]-~-_._-) rlT ~~ EL.1513.0 __EL.14&5.0 _EL.14".O b oi ~ ...,~'.""1.0jliiWe=1D..b ,.; -; 67.0' SECTION THRU SERVICE BAY J~I EL.1404.0 ----'- EL.1426.o 1 A (PLATE Bot.3) lC{PLATE 84,3) l8 (PLATE B4.3J -t-----f----+--t DISTRIBUTOR EL.1445.0 ~ISI3.0 EL 1400.0 '"! SECTION E-E (PLATE 14.7)TYPICAL ALL UNITS SCALE a 10 20 l''EET IPD(Q I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY IlIun0SUSITNAHYllIlOELECTRlCPROJECT NOTE THIS DRAWING ILLUST"ATES A PRElIMINARY CONCEPTUAL PRO.JECT LA't'OUT PREPARED FOR COMPARISO~OF ALTERNATIVE SITE DEVELOPMENTS ONLY. WATANA SURFACE POWERHOUSE 4-210 MW UNITS SECTIONS ~~-'- '~l ····1 ~""-l v-,'-~'l '-'~"1 '~'~-l _._~-)-~--]--1 -----1 --"'1 .------1 --~1 --1 1 ---1 -1 lONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH UNITS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT . WATANA SURFACE POWERHOUSE 4 -210 MW .UNITS PLAN AND SECTION ~~- Aeltts AMUtc,CM NlCORPCMIATEO TNS DRAWING ILLUSTRATES A PR£UMlNARY CONCEPTUAL pROJECT L.etOUT PREPARED FOR C(IIIPAAISOH Of' ALTE.RtMmYE SITE OE\oIELOPMENTS ONL:f NOTE ...E (PL.ATE is 4,2) o 10 20 FEETi!SCAL.E SECTION AT El.1445 (PLATE BUt EI,..1408.0 EL.1429.Q. ..DlSTRIBUTO~EL.14~.O El.14!!l'.O UNIT 4 3'.0 I -----.i\TO OUTSIDE FACE OF WAL.L I SECTION B-B 'PLATE B4_2I ~ "0 '"~=T EL1466.0 ,AT '9.0'11177.0' (UNITS 2:,3&4> UNIT I (J) SECTION C-C (PLATE B 4.21 -., ~:II'II'~__:'I-~.L,-'4UO ,]b -----r 76.0' ~ OJ -~-~)'~-~l ~-~]---1 --~--'l -1 -"-"]~..1 '~-l ~-)~-··l ~-.J .._.].-_.) ~ /~.../ /"'~ --- ~..~ // ~0300~ om ,AU"A NWlft AUT~1In[d SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROdECT .. ~-- WATANA .UNDERGROUND POWERHOUSE 4 -210 tAW UNITS GENERAL ARRANGEMENT a SECTION NOTE THIS DRAWING ILLUSTRATES A PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAl.PROJECT LAYOUT PREPARED FOR COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE SITE.DEVELOPMENTS ONLY.100 2.00 FlIT ~ 200 400 FEET !!!5OOiiOiiii SCALl A 0 SCALE B 0 SECTION A-A SCALE:I GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SCALE:" EL.2240 POWER -- - --=-=s:: - .......EL.2215_1 ~=z-~__S.- - ----------------------. 7fTr1TITfTrlT -- IIACCES1~!1 ...~-ORIGlNAL TUNNEL II -~U:DL.lNE _ II ~- """'----...-, - ""CABLE'\. ~ \ ..~.....- "~<Y " .~'""Q.t,."\~ " >~> '\.x:" -" . - " :n'."lI34'H , "rTRAN~:yORMER SURGi"'R ~~~~:ifET~I~~L r----"-POWERHOUSE "I I~1L1~~1 ~ ," ---' ~~I r--- ~~I'UTOREL~'"" ,."1" .i .. CONSTRUCTION - r----- ACCESS _ ISO'~-r- L 2200 2100 2000 1100 ~laDD z z 0 ~1700 ~.: liDO laoo 1400 1'00 Cl F=':~-i :="1 ~--)c~-l '1 ~~-~l ]--~)~-l --_c~-l -.~l -'1 -"~1 -~~1 J I UNITS EL.149' fl."42 b' TRANSfORMER GAlLE:RY 120.0' ?BUS SHAfTo. 1C CPL"TE 84.61 !" b Q. oJ ~ bgl ~ 3.0' 1B (PLATE 84.6) 20." ,7.",I,87.0';] {V r V \~-~ 12.0',~2.0·20.~' EL.l400 EL.IOI2 EL.14el : EL.1415 fl.l48! EL./a4& TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION THRU UNITS SCALE o 10 20 fEET A~I(~II At.=N~H=:r:n;:n 1 !!2ll. THIS DRAWING ILLUSTRATE.S A PRE:LIMINARY CONCEPTUAL PROJECT LAYOUT PREPARED FOR COIllPARlsalil OF "LTERNATlVE:SITE IJE,YElcpliENTS 011.1 WATANA UNDERGROUND POWERHOUSE 4-210 MW UNITS SECTION ]"~1 :<~:=l ~>~<]~---~l "-]~--]~~l >'c}'~---]--'1 ~-'-1 ---1 "'~1 }} ACCES' on-LINNE'SERViCE BAY~----1""_..., ____.J._ "'.,I -"vi &:;I '"A'if)'"".".".,"Iq ..!""".,,.~j l~".I .---l-__.90'Rs -r ...,·1 ..~~__J'IPL~A'!..N.Q:C-:f.C.!!'IPL~AT~E.~'.•'L)-~--------JI I '9,0 ~51 •er.UNIT 3 SECTION a-B (PLATE 84.'I.UNIT SECTION A-A (PLATE ••.•1SECTIONATEL.1445 _ ~ ~I WATANA UNDERGROUND POWERHOUSE 4-210 MW UNITS PLANS 81 SECTION ~~:...- APD[P I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY /lUOlO I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT NOTE THIS DRAWING ILLUSTRATES A. PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL PROJECT LAYOUT PREPARED FOR COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE SITE DEVELOPMENTS ONL.Y u 10 20 fEETSCALE _Q!..§J_RI8UTOR !:EL.l44!i q I I I i .:t---=-=tN;>""'";:;;,',";;Ui .iJJ LONGITUDINAL SECTION THRU UNITS +""'''~~fill --+-4~.p'159.0'2 5P~~9.0'110.0'_,_ ~.~11,"~d ==1 *-~-1+-+T-""",I f OJ iii I I II P"'f"l ~1:"19!·,ki ~I ~iiiit "3 ~J "~~1 --_eel ~--l J -~-l -1 -l ---1 "~---"')~_.J ~----'-1 1 -1 .~--l 1 1 ~o /; ~'''/'''----­ /' .---- 0" GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SCALE'A -...~ ~---------- o 200 400 FEE T SCALE A ! o 100 200 FEET SCALE B ! ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ----, ---32'W.XWH, TAILRACE TUNNEL CONCRETE LINED --------=---~-----..DRIGINAL LINE--'-----•--L:..::'UND -CABLE SHAFT_____~__ ~~-~-~ .~--- --~.~---=-­ r~~~~iER SECTION A-A --'--_..._-,.__.,~~~IFl POWER -INTAKE fL..2~ ""'E'" -'-~------~-~~-~--n--- I! II "--p- I! ACCESS""""""'!I SHAFT I I -------I+---- """II--n --- "II """II "~SE 1!Qll THIS ORAWING ILLUSTRATES A PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL PROJECT LA'1'OUT PREPARED FOR COMPARISON OF ALTERNATfVE SITE DEVELOP...ENTS ONLY i:~~-- -AC;E;-.wERICANiNcORPOFi~TEO ]r~"J ~"~J -'~l ""'1 '~~"l nc~,l '''~-''l ,"-1 -~l "'-')~--)1 ~-l ~'~-l --1 ---1 --1 I .n.o' TRANSFORMER GALL£RY ""\~__~~=+-,,,EL.I&33.0 "~ ~-r-, 111 ~~'lil!,gllL··iilpr'.J!!"I!1ili::'E ~.:,,_=~".O'O lC (PL,lTE 64.9) ___I~ -"3.0' DI-STRIBUTOR t EL...M415.0 34.5' t ....,"~,=,,a,,~ -~ ,"UNITSr ib-1410.0 JI .. '~20'2.0,11.'6'I 17.:1IIIZ.V I I '.0',I ./461.0 EL./on:5 El.UW.O TYPICAL SECTION THRU CENTERLINE OF UNITS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SCALE 10 ---..!,O SUSITNA HYllROELECTRtC PIlOJECT !!2ll THIS DRAWING ILL.USTRATES A PAELIMt\lARy CONCEPTU"L PROJECT LAYOUT PREPARED FOR COMPARiSON OF ALJENlAnV[SITE DEVELOPMENTS ONLY WATANA UNDERGROUND POWERHOUSE 6x/40MW UNITS SECTION -~-~- 1 '~-~-1 ")~--]~-~l c---l ~---l -"-1 -"1 ,-"1 -1 ~~-l ""-"1 *--1 ~ " 15.9'19.3' 51.0' ECT UNIT-!\. -A (PLATE 84.8) .,001 3-SPACES @ 51.0' UNIT-4 SECTION B·B (PLATE ••.•) ~UNIT-1 -~-_., 94.5' PLAN C-C (PLATE ••.•) ESS IELI , WATANA UNDERGROUND POWERHQUSE 6·140 MW UNITS PLANS a SECTION IP,D£P II ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY IIbmt[SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PRO.lECT I OISTRleu~~EL.1445 94.5' 1e.0'I I :S.O' !!!1ll THIS DRAWING ILLUSTRATES A PRELIMINARY CONCE:PTUAL PROJECT LAYOUT PREPARED FOR COMPARISON OF ,ALTERNATIVE SITE DEVELOPMENTS ONLY 4 SPAtE ft1!51.0' Lj:>NGITUDINAL SECTION THRU UNITS i!""" ! r I c '"""I r -I APPENDIX ~5 ARCH DAM ANALYSIS A concrete arch dam has been selected for the Devil Canyon site as being prefer- able to a rockfill dam or a concrete dam with an arch gravity cross-section on the basis of economy and proven availability of materials,as discussed in Appendix 81,"Dam Selection Studies." This report covers the succeeding stage of the dam study and describes the development of the geometry and configuration of the main dam together with the procedure for determining the stresses within the structure.The possible load- ing conditions on the dam are discussed together with material properties of the concrete and the rock in the abutments.The results of the analyses are pre- sented and their significance is assessed. The preliminary dam configuration adopted for comparative purposes in Appendix B1 was revised through several iterative processes but only analyses based on the final geometry and established foundation conditions are discussed herein. 1 -SUMMARY 1.1 -Scope The purpose of the study is to determine the feasibility of a concrete arch dam at Devil Canyon based on a dam configuration which will closely resemble the final design. Stress analyses are carried out for normal and extreme loading conditions and the stability of the abutments is analysed (Attachment I). 1.2 -Climate and Geology The dam is founded on metamorphic rock withil the unsymmetrical V-shaped canyon. The upper 60 feet of the dam extend above the canyon on the left abutment. The moderately warm summers and cold winters within the basin subject the dam to a large range of temperatures and consequent thermally-induced stresses within the structure. 1.3 -Dam Configuration The crest elevation of the dam is 1463 feet.Its maximum height above the foun- dation is 645 feet and its crest length between thrust blocks is 1260 feet.The upper arches of the dam are contained within two mass concrete thrust blocks - the left bank thrust block to provide lateral bearing and the right bank to re- serve a degree of symmetry in the profile. The crown cantilevers have a double curvature configuration and the two center geometry of the arches produces a larger radius arc on the right and flatter side of the canyon.The radii of arcs forming the downstream face of the arches are smaller than those of the upstream face and provide a thickening of the arches towards the abutments. B5-1 1.4 -Design Criteria The design of the dam is based on a concrete strength of 5000 psi at 3b5 days. The dam was analyzed for full reservoir level at Elevation 1455,and also a max- imum drawdown level at Elevation 1405.Gravity and hydrostatic loadings were combined with temperature loadings and with seismic loadings.Seismic loadings were conservatively determined on the basis of a Terrain Safety Evaluation Earthquake,magnitude 6.25 at a distance of less than 6 miles from the site. The structure was designed to safely withstand this event using a response spec- trum with an affective peak acceleration of 80 percent of the 80th percentile mean peak ground acceleration of approximately 0.57g. 1.5 -Method of Analysis The arch dam was analyzed for stresses due to gravity and hydrostatic loads,as well as temperature stresses and seismically-induced upstream ground motion, stresses using a computer program (AOSAS)based on the trial load method for three-dimensional structures. Seismically-induced downstream ground motion tends to induce tensile stresses across the upper arches.However,relaxation at the vertical construction joints causes complete redistribution of the loads in the upper central part of the d am into the cant il evers. The two-dimensional crown cantilever was analyzed by means of the SAPIV computer program. 1.6 -Results Under normal load conditions of dam self-weight and reservoir hydrostatic pres- sure the dam is essentially in compression throughout its body. Under extreme low temperature conditions the tensile stresses of up to -241 psi occur in the central part of the downstream face of the lower arches. Under seismic loadings producing upstream ground motion acceleration of 0.5g compressive stresses of up to 3261 psi were calculated in the arches and tensile stresses of up to b23 psi in the upstream face of the cantilevers. In the case of downstream ground motion the vertical Joints were assumed to open sufficiently for transfer of stresses of up to -578 psi to occur at the down- stream face of the crown cantilever. For a mean peak spectral ground acceleration of 0.55g,the adjusted dynamic stress in the free cantilevers is calculated as 700 psi tension. 1.7 -Conclusions The final design of the dam should not vary significantly from the design devel- oped during this study.This design is based on the following concepts which are intrinsic to a safe,economic and efficient design: -The double curved configuration of the central cantilevers bending downstream; -The two-center configuration of the horizontal arches; 85-2 - - - - - r r II"'"' I l r L -I r i -The right abutment thrust block balancing that of the left abutment;and -The broadening of the lower arches towards the abutments. A detailed finite element analysis of the dam should be undertaken during final design.Such an analysis will generally result in lower calculated stresses than indicated using the trial load method. Minor improvements to the design may nevertheless be desirable during the final design.These may be in the form of adjustments of arch geometry to provide an improved distribution of stresses. The dam stresses are less than those allowable under static and dynamic loading conditions and the abutments are stable under thrusts from the dam and hydro- static loads from the reservoir.The dam delineated by the geometry as des- cribed herein is feasible and it can be further refined by adopting the modifi- cations already described. 2 -SCOPE An initial study undertaken to evaluate the feasibility of an arch dam at this site concluded that future study was warranted (5). The purpose of this study is to confirm the technical feasibil ity of an arch dam at Devil Canyon based on a layout which will be subject only to minor variations at the final design stage. The design of the dam reflects the most economic and efficient structure consis- tent with the material properties of the concrete and foundation rock~the ex- posure to climatic and seismic events and the safety requirements of the pro- ject. Included in the study is a review of the foundation conditions and requirements for foundation preparation and grouting and drainage systems.The geometry de- fining the shape of the arch dam is determined and analyses of the structure are carried out for normal and extreme static and dynamic loading conditions that might be experienced by the structure. The dam design criteria are based on site characteristics and world arch dam ex- perience.Existing rock level and foundation properties are based on aerial survey mapping~the most recent findings of the 1981-1982 field investigation~ and information made available from previous studies.Seismic criteria are developed from data gathered during the Feasibility Study. The dam foundation and abutments are discussed in Section 13 of the Feasibility Report and in Attachment 1 of this Appendix.The system for grouting and drain- age outside the dam is described in Section 8 of this Appendix.The layout of galleries within the concrete and the configuration of construction joints and grouting is also discussed herein. 85-3 3 -CLIMATE AND GEOLOGY 3.1 -Topography and Geology The dam is located at the upstream end of Devil Canyon where the valley takes the form of a steep slightly unsymmetrical V incised into the metamorphic rock of the area.The rock is generally exposed at the surface and weathered to a depth of approximately 40 feet on the abutments and 20 feet within the river. The right (north)bank of the canyon rises above the crest of the dam and has an average gradient of approximately 50°to the horizontal.On the left bank,the rock does not rise above Elevation 1400 and has an approximate slope of 6Uo to 65°to the horizontal.The width of the canyon is approximately 950 feet at Elevation 1400 and 50 feet at riverbed level. The rock high on the left side exhibits open jointing up to a depth of 60 feet. Excavation and treatment of the foundation is discussed in Section B. 3.2 -Climate and Temperatures The warm summers and cold winters characteristic of the river basin will give a large ambient temperature range producing temperature changes and gradients within the dam which are further influenced by the reservoir.These changes give rise to stresses within the dam which must be accounted for in the an alys is. (a)Ambient Temperatures Because of the absence of local temperature records,temperatures at the Devil Canyon site have been interpolated from 30 years of record at two stations:Summit (Elevation 2405)and Talkeetna (Elevation 345).The sta- tions are equidistant from Watana and their average altitude is similar to river level at Watana.The temperatures from the two stations were aver- aged to obtain the following temperatures at the damsite: AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE (OF) Me an An nua1 ..........................••.....•....•...............28.9 Hi gh lYle an 1\110 nth 1y 55.0 Low i\'ie an Mo nth 1y 4.4 Highest Mean Monthly Maximum 63.8 Lowe st Me an Mo nth 1y Min imurn -3.6 Highe st Max imurn 91.0 Lowe st Min imurn -48.0 Lowest Uifference Between Any Mean Monthly Maximum and the Corresponding Mean Monthly Minimum 14.5 Three sinusoidal temperature cycles -annual,15-day and daily were de- veloped based on USSR Eng Monograph No.34. The temperatures obtained were as follows: 85-4 - - -i i , - EXTREjVjE CONDITIONS USUAL CONDITIONS Above Below Above Below r Time Period Me an (OF)Me an (0 F)l\1e an (0 F)Mean (0 F) Annual 26.1 24.5 26.1 24.5 15-Day 28.8 42.2 15.2 23.0 Daily 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 (b)Reservoir Water Tem per at ure -The average monthly reservoir temperatures adopted as a design basis were extrapolated from sporadic temperature measurements taken downstreCJTl at Gold Creek over a 30-year periOd.Initial estimates of temperatures throughout the top 50 feet of the reservoir are shown below.Temperatures below 50 feet vary linearly to 39°at a depth of 70 feet. Top 50 Feet Below 70 Feet Month (of )From Surf ace to (0 F)-Apr i 1 32 39ItMay3239 June 46 39 July 57 39 August 53 39 September 45 39 October 39 39 November 32 39 December 32 39 Januar y 32 39 February 32 39 March 32 39 More recent studies and operating restraints imposed on the operation of the reservoir for environmental reasons indicate that the temperature in the upper part of the reservoir will also not be less than 39°.This will result in less extreme temperatures within the darn but for the purposes of this study,the more conservative temperatures,as tabulated,have been used. ~ I 4 -DAM CONFIGURATION The V-shape of the canyon and the dense rock foundation are well suited to the construction of the arch dam below 1350 feet.Sound bedrock does not exist above this level on the left abutment and an artificial abutment is provided up to the crest Elevation 1463 in the form of a massive concrete thrust block designed to take the thrust from the upper arches of the darn.A corresponding block is formed on the right abutment to provide as symmetrical a profile as possible bordering the dam and giving a symmetrical stress distribution across the faces of the horizont~arches. B5-5 Two slight ridges are formed by the rock at both abutments.The arch dam abuts the upstream side of these such that the plane of the contact of the horizontal arches is generally normal to the faces of the dam.An exception is in the lower port ion of the darn where the rock in the upstream corners is retained in order to decrease the excavation. The bedrock at the foundation will be excavated to remove all weathered material and further trimmed to provide a smooth line to the foundation,thus avoiding abrupt changes in the dilln profile and consequent stress concentrations. The dam bears directly on the rock foundation over its whole length.Concrete plugs and pads as used on some dams,together with the resulting peripheral joints,have not been incorporated,thus avoiding a potential source of leakage. The dam geometry is shown on Plates 85.1 and B5.2.The dam is a double curva- ture structure with the cupola shape of the crown cantilever defined by vertical curves of approximately 1352 feet and 893 feet radius.The horizontal arches are based on a two-center configuration with the arches prescribed by varying radii moving along two pairs of center lines.The shorter radii of the intrados face cause a broadening of the arches at the abutment,thus reducing the contact stresses.The dam reference pl ane is approximately central to the floor of the canyon and the two-center configuration assigns longer radii to the arches on the wider right side of the valley,thus providing comparable contact areas and central angles on both sides of the arches at the concrete rock interface.The longer radii will also allow the thrust from the arches to be directed more into the abutment rather than parallel to the river.The net effect of this two- center layout will be to improve the symmetry of the arch stresses across the dam.The crown cantilever is 643 feet high.It is 20 feet thick at the crest and 90 feet thick at the base.The slenderness coefficient of the arch is equal to 90/643 =0.140,and the radii of the dam axis at crest level are 697 feet and 777 feet for the left and right sides of the dam,respectively.The central angles vary between 53°at Elevation 1300 and 10°at the base for the left side of the arch,and 57°to 10°for the right side.The ratio of crest length to height for the dam is 1260/643 =1.96 (thrust blocks not included). The left bank thrust block is 113 feet high and 200 feet long at the base.The right bank thrust block has a max imum he i ght of 113 feet and a 1ength of 125 feet.It is adjacent to the spillway control structure which will act in con- junction with the block and transfer the thrust directly into the rock. The dam wil be constructed in vertical lifts with vertical construction-joints spaced at approximately 100 feet,which will be grouted in two or a maximum of three stages. Typical sections through the dam are shown on Pl ate B5.3. 5 -DESIGN CRITERIA 5.1 -Material Properties The properties of materials considered in both the static and dynamic analyses are given in this section. B5-6 IllI"j i 1 -i I, "'"l, - !"""" l '- ~ i r The transient conditions induced by seismic events and considered in the dynamic analyses require an adjustment of the material properties from those correspond- ing to prolonged static conditions.The properties which are most affected by short-term loadings are concrete modulus and strength.The increase in concrete mOdulus during dynamic loading is well documented by laboratory tests (Ref.1, 2,3,4)and on this basis the dynamic modulus has been increased by 67 percent over the static modulus. The USBR has cited similar tests in which concrete compressive strengths were 20 percent to 30 percent above and tensile strengths were 30 percent to 66 percent above static values.The selection of an ultimate dynamic tensile strength was based on the assumption that the tensile stresses are transitory in nature and therefore,the modulus of rupture is an appropriate parameter.It was further assumed that the influence of rapid strain rates results in a 50 percent in- crease in ultimate tensile strength in flexure.Using these percentages and based on a static ultimate compressive strength of 500 psi,an ultimate tensile strength in flexure of 750 psi was selected. From Acres'studies of concrete dams elsewhere,it has been shown that changes in the rock modulus had only a small effect on stress within the dam.Variation of modulus by a factor of 2 gave no more than a la-percent change in internal stresses.An instantaneous rock modulus similar to the sustained modulus has been used for these studies. Material properties are as follows: -Unit Weight of Concrete -150 lb/ft 3 -Unit Weight of Water -62.4 lb/ft3 (a)Stat ic Propert i es (i)Concrete Ultimate uniaxial compressive strength at 365 days 5000 ps i Allowable compressive stress 1250 psi Sustained modulus of elasticity 3 x 10 6psi Allowable tensile stress 325 psi Poisson's Ratio 0.2 (i i)Rock Ultimate compressive strength 20,000 psi (unconfined) -Allowable compressive stress 5000 pgi -Static modulus of elasticity 2 x 10 psi -Poisson's Ratio 0.2 (b)Dynamic Properties (i)Concrete Uniaxial dynamic compressive strength 6000 psi Instantaneous modulus of elasticity 5 x 10 6 psi -Allowable linear rapid loading tensile strength 750 ps i -Poisson's ratio 0.2 B5-7 (ii)Rock -Properties assumed as for static conditions (c)Thermal Properties (i)Concrete -Conductivity of concrete 1.52 Btu/ft/hrrF -Specific heat 0.22 titu/~b/oF -Coefficient of thermal expansion 5.6 x 10-/ft/oF -Diffusivity -0.046 ft 2/hr 5.2 -General Parameters The geometry of the dam is shown on Plates B5.1 and 85.2 and described in Sec- tion 4.General criteria are as follows: -Normal Maximum Reservoir Operating Level El 1455 -Minimum Reservoir Operating Level El 1405 -Uam Crest Elevation El 1463 -Minimum Foundation Level El 818 Ambient and reservoir temperatures are given in Section 3. 5.3 -Loading Conditions (a)General The arch dam has been analyzed for both static and dynamic load conditions induced by the following: -Static Loads self weight of the darn hydrostatic pressure from the reservoir temperature changes ice load -Dynamic Loads Caused by Seismic Events .seismic shaking of the dam hydrodynamic loads from the reservoir The effects of the above loads have been analyzed individually and in vari- ous combinations as discussed in this section. (b)Static Load Conditions The self-weight of the dam is assumed distributed through the inaividual cantilevers forming the dam.It is considered as acting vertically down- wards into the foundation with no lateral distribution through the arches.This condition will only exist if the vertical joints within the 85-8 - - - - - - - - -! -f -I r-. I I r I ,.... I I""'" I I ( r- I dam are grouted after the placing of concrete for the structure is com- plete.However,the condition will be approximated if the grouting is done in no more than approximately three stages during construction. -Hydrostatic pressure from the reservoir is considered,acting across the upstream face of the dam.Tailwater levels will have only a very small effect on the dam and they are not considered at this time.They will have to be included in the analysis for the final design of the dam. -Temperature induced stresses are calculated for both uniform temperature distribution through the dam and for temperature differences across the dam caused by the exposure to the reservoir on one side and exposure to the air on the other. -Ice load transmitted across the dam by the surface ice sheet has been calculated. Deposition of silt within the reservoir is expected to be minimal and no allowance has been made in this study for silt-induced loads. Solar radiation would generally cause some temperature rise within the dam, but as the orientation of the dam is in a north-south direction,with the sun striking it obliquely,the effect of this radiation will only be small and has been neglected at this study stage. (c)Dynamic Load Conditions -Seismic shaking of the dam induces vibratory motions in the dam.Stresses within the dam are governed by the horizontal ground acceleration,the frequency of the ground motion,the natural frequency of the dam and the degree of energy damping within the structural system.The magnitude of the loadings are discussed in Section 7. -Hydrodynamic loadings caused by the reservoir act"ing on the dam are determined by the Westergard lI added mass ll approach.For the purpose of these analyses the full volume of water,as calculated by Westergard,has been assumed to move with the dam.This is a conservative approach as no allowance has been made for the shape of the dam,the cross-sect ion of the reservoir or the compressibil ity of water. 5.4 -load Combinations Different combinations of the loads in the previous section were examined under two categories as follows: (a)Usual load Combination This consists of groups of sustained loadings which can occur simultane- ously over the design 1 He of the dam. r (b)Extreme load Combinations This consists of combinations of sustained loads together with short- duration loads caused by seismic motion. 85-9 The usual load combinations are: -UL1 -Dam self weight +hydrostatic load with reservoir at EL 1455; -UL2 -Dam self weight +hydrostatic load with reservoir at EL 1405; -UL3 -As UL1 plus extreme winter temperature effects;and -UL4 -As UL2 plus extreme winter temperature effects. The extreme load combinations are: -ELl -UL1 +extreme earthquake loading;and -EL2 -UL2 +extreme earthquake loading; 6 -METHOD OF ANALYSIS 6.1 -Static Analysis The arch dam is analyzed by means of the ADSI-IS (Arch Dam Stress Analysis Sys- tems)program developed by the USSR.This program is based on the trial load method of analysis which divides the system into a series of vertical cantilever and horizontal arch elements.Continuity requirements are met for three types of displacement -radial,tangential,and twisting,with applied loads divided between the arches and the cantilevers.Stresses at the cantilever/arch inter- sections are calculated.Abutment effects are incorporated in the analysis using Vogt1s equations. The trial load method was adopted as the appropriate approach for feasibility assessment.This method has been confirmed by a history of use and by prototype measurements to confirm the accur acy of results.The av ail ab 1e computer soft- ware offers the opportunity at the feasibility stage to examine a number of dif- ferent dam geometries. (a)Temperature Stresses The temperature distribution throughout the dam is dependent on the ambient and reservoir temperatures and the variation of the reservoir levels and temperatures with time. The two-dimensional heat transfer program "HEATFLUW"was used for the determinat ion of temperature within the dam.The ampl itude of annual, 15-day and daily sinusoidal cycles were calculated based on the tempera- tures given in Section 3.2 and as described in the USSR Engineering Mono- graph No.4.These ampl itudes were input into "HEATFLOWU and the tempera- ture variations across the thickness of the dam determined.These tempera- tures were converted manually into a varying linear plus a uniform distri- bution across the dam at the nodal points.The data was input into the ADSAS program and the resulting stresses determined. 6.2 -Dynamic Analysis The arch dam was analyzed for seismic loading using the ADSAS program.It was found that tensile stresses are induced in the arches resulting from downstream ground motion.In reality the vertical construction joints in the darn would be B5-10 - r- I l-I unable to withstand high tensile stresses and would open momentarily causing transference of load from the arches to the cantilevers.This result in a two- dimensional mechanism in the form of a series of unrestrained cantilevers over the upper half of the dam.The joint openings are extremely small and of short duration such that water will not enter the joint.Nevertheless,drainage pipes are provided in the final construction. (a)Earthquake Magnitude The arch dam was analyzed for the upstream and downstream horizontal ground motions under the selected Safety Evaluation Earthquake (SEE)condition. The mean response spectra for ground accelerations for the selected Terrain SEE magnitude 6.25 are shown on Figure B5.1. I"'" I ( (b)Damping The degree of damping has been derived from tests on other arch dams unGer large excitations.The Jvnbiesta Arch Dam in Italy was subjected to a blast loading from the downstream side and a damping ratio of 6.5 percent was determ"ined.A 10 percent damping ratio was calculated from tests of a 43-foot-high arch dam in Japan which demonstrated that energy losses increase as displacement of the dam become larger.A 10 percent damping ratio has been used for dynamic analysis of Swan Lake Dam in Alaska,the 750-foothigh EL Cajon Dam in Honduras and in verification of the 135-foot- high Salinas Dam in California. ,... ) r- I. In the case of Devil Canyon,the SEE loading will result in relatively large differential movements,and viscous and dryfriction damping will occur.Under these conditions,a 10 percent damping ratio is realistic. (c)Peak Accelerations Figure 85.1 shows mean and 80th percentile response spectra for the ground accelerations occurring at Devil Canyon under SEE conditions.The darn has been conservatively designed to withstand these ground accelerations by assuming a response spectrum scal ed down from the 80th percent ile spectrum by a factor of 80 percent in the design analysis.The mean peak accelera- tion is thus 0.57g. The ADSAS results obtained for a mean peak acceleration of 0.5g and a damp- ing ratio of 10 percent were appropriately adjusted for this slightly higher val ue. 7 -RESULTS 7.1 -Static Analysis (a)Self Weight and Reservoir Loads The extreme stresses at the faces of the dam for loading conditions ULl and UL2 with reservoir levels of 1455 feet and 1045 feet,respectively are given on Tables ~5.1 and B5.2.The complete stress distribution across both faces of the dam is given on Plates 85.4 and 85.5. B5-11 In both the arch and cantilever directions the entire structure is in com- pression and below the allowable stress of 1250 psi~except in a few iso- lated areas where small tensile stresses occur.The maximum tensile stress of 176 psi occurs in the arch at foundation level where the narrow width of the canyon inhibits the full development of arching action. (b)Self Weight~Reservoir Loads~and Temperature The max imum stresses for load ing cond it ions UL3 and UL4~where extreme low temperature conditions are considered together with reservoir levels of 1455 feet and 1405 feet~respectively are given on Tables B5.3 and B5.4. Stress distributions across the faces are given on Plates ~5.4 and B5.5. Tensile stresses of up to 421 psi occur on the downstream face at the center of the lower arches.Slight opening of the vertical construction joints will occur over a small area at the base of the dam causing a small redistribution of the load into the vertical cantilevers.The cantilevers are only stressed up to approximately one-third of their allowable stresses in this area and are capable of accepting these minor increases in load. The maximum stresses under Load Condition ELI as determined by the AOSAS computer program and based on a reservoir Elevation 1455~and a response spectrum with a mean peak acceleration of 0.5g and 10 percent damping of the system,are shown on Tables 65.3,65.4 and 6S.S.The tables show stresses corresponding to individual and combinations of loaa conditions. Negative earthquake in the tabulated load combination indicates that the ground motion isin a downstream direction whereas addition of earthquake stresses indicates upstream motion.Tables B5.3 and B5.4 give correspond- ing horizontal arch stresses at Elevation 1370 and Elevation 1463,respec- tively.Table B5.5 shows stresses in the crown cantilever. The program analyzes 14 modes of vibration with which gives the following per i od s: - - -i I Reservoir Elevation 1455:0.538;0.500; 0.364; 0.297;...0.127 secs~ The different vibratory modes are combined by the program to determine the extreme load combinations. In the case of upstream ground motion,using the above design assumptions, tensile stresses of up to 623 psi were calculated at the upstream face in the upper part of the central cantilevers.Compressive stresses of up to 3261 psi would occur at the upstream face in the center portion of the upper arches.These values are below the allowable transient tensile and compressive stresses of 750 psi and 6000 psi,respectively.Adjusted values for the 0.57g acceleration case would also be within allowable 1 imits. B5-12 - r"' ! -I 1 ,..., ! r -I An isolated shear stress of 1090 psi was encountered across the base of the cantilever half way up the right abutment.This is an isolated occurrence and could be alleviated at final design stage by excavating deeper into the abutment in this area. In the case of downstream ground mot i on,tens il e stresses of up to 563 ps i were calculated at the downstream face in the upper portion of the central cantilevers.At the upstream face of the center portion of the upper arches,calculated tensile stresses up to 2001 psi (unadjusted)occur.At the downstream face between the crown section and the abutments,tensile stresses up to 1187 psi would occur under the assumed conditions. The extremely high stresses indicated by the analysis are not realistic. As discovered by field observations and model tests on other projects, earthquake-induced ground movement in the downstream direction would cause the vertical construction joints at the upper part of the arch to open momentarily.The tension induced in the upper part of these arches would be relaxed and the stresses would be redistributed into a set of indepen- dent,unrestrained cantilevers deflecting freely in an upstream direction. In order to accord more closely with actual behavior of the Devil Canyon arch dam,when subjected to strong earthquake motions,dynamic analyses on the unrestrained crown cantilever were performed using the computer program SAP I V. Model tests on other arch dams with simulated radial construction joints, performed by II ISMES II have shown that open ing of the joints took pl ace over the top 1/3 to 1/2 (depending on the narrowness of the gorge)of the dam, while the lower part remained intact.In order to be conservative,the upper half of the crown cantilever section was adopted for this analysis. Full reservoir elevation of 1455 feet and a minimum reservoir elevation of 1405 feet were assumed as previously.For purposes of analysis,a mean peak acceleration of 0.5g was again assumed with damping assumed as 10 percent,and the calculated values adjusted for the 0.57g accleration case. The first 10 modes of vibration were analyzed. The results of the cantilever dynamic analysis are as follows: -The natural period for the first three modes of vibration are 0.93s, 0.25s and 0.12s.For comparison,a full height cantilever was assessed. The periods were found to be 3.62s,0.78s and 0.33s.The stresses in the upper part of the arch in this case were smaller than in the short canti- l ever. -The extreme stresses due to hydrostatic,gravity and dynamic loads (assuming 0.5g acceleration)are presented separately and in combination on Tables 135.6 and 135.7 for reservoir elevations of 1455 feet and 1405 feet,respectively.A representation of the loading conditions is shown on Figure B5.2 together with the resulting stresses at the faces of the cantilever.Maximum tensile stresses of 570 psi were calculated at the downstream face approximately 130 feet below crest level.Compressive stresses q.t the upstream face at this level are 770 psi. 85-13 The maximum stresses in the case of reservoir drawdown at Elevation 1405 are 578 psi tension at the downstream face and 778 psi compression at the upstream face approximately 130 feet below crest level.These stresses are within allowable limits.Adjusted values for an acceleration of 0.57g would also be within the same limits. 8 -FOUNDATION TREATMENT 8.1 -Excavation (a)Excavation for Dam The dam foundation will be excavated to sound rock over its whole area ex- cept in the vicinity of certain narrow shear zones.It will be further trimmed to provide a smooth profile,thus avoiding any abrupt changes of grade and corresponding stress concentrations within the structure and the foundation. Generally,the rock is only lightly weathered to fresh at the surface. However,shear zones which trend in the N-S direction across the valley, are weathered to 200 feet or more where weathering is limited to iron staining or other features which do not substantially effect the compres- sibility and permeability of the rock mass will not be excavated.The depth of excavation and what is considered as sound rock will also depend on the spacing of the shear and fracture zones.Where the shears are wide- ly spaced,dental excavat ion of the weathered mater i al and repl acement with concrete will be sufficient;but where the zones are closely spaced,gener- al excavation down to better quality rock may be required.Detached blocks of rock will be removed or rock bolted and/or grouted.Rock overhangs will be trimmed and a regular surface formed against which the concrete of the dam may be placed.Weathered rock at depth which is not practical or eco- nomic to remove will be treated by grouting. One particular area of open jointing to considerable depth has been ob- served on the left bank and is discussed later under "Thrust Blocks ll •The open joints form detached blocks and it is unlikely that these can be sta- bilized sufficiently to be acceptable for the dam foundation.Removal of this rbckis allowed,for,however,excavation should be kept to a minimum to avoid increasing the height of the thrust block and span of the arch dam. (b)Excavation for Thrust Blocks The excavation must be carried down to sound rock.The rock foundation should have a low compressibility and the location of the dam should be such that the thrust blocks are founded on areas free from major shears and severe jointing. 85-14 - - - - j r""" , "..., -i, !-I " r I""" , r (i)Left Thrust Block The left thrust block is in an area of severe open jointing at Ele- vation 1400.The joints strike in a NW direction (major Joint Set I)and are open by as much as 2 feet.The extent of jointing has not been proven but the joints are expected to be open down to 50 to 60 feet in depth.There is evidence of open jointing 350 feet below at Elevation 1050 on the valley wall which may be the same joint system.Further investigation borings are required in this area to determine the full extent of these joints and other possible discon- tinuities.The open jointed rock will be excavated down to a depth where the joints are tight or where joints can be treated by grout- ing.Since the trend of the jointing is almost perpendicular to the direction of thrust,it will not give rise to stability problems. There is an open joint system downstream of the thrust block strik- ing parallel to the river,Joint Set II but this is located on the River side of the thrust block and should not cause instability. (ii)Right Thrust Block The jointing in this area does not present any particularly unfavor- able condition,except possibly for minor Joint Set IV which is dipping at a shallow angle towards the river.Since the excavation for the spillway is adjacent to the thrust block,the majority of the thrust will be transmitted in shear to the rock foundation. This joint set could be a potential shear failure surface.Rock anchors may be required to ensure that the load is transfered to rock at depth and that excessive lateral load does not develop against the spillway gate structure. 8.2 -Grouting The grouting reduces both the permeability and deformability of the rock. An effecti ve barrier to seepage under and around the dam must be formed and since the potential flow path will be over the short distance of the relatively thin concrete arch,it is essential that the grouting be thorough. (a)Consolidation Grouting Consolidation grouting from the surface over the whole area of the dam foundat i'on is requi red and will extend 100 feet upstream and downstream of the dam.The consolidation grouting assists in forming a cap for the higher pressure curtain grouting.The consolidation holes will be at 10 feet spacings each way with depth ranging from 30 to 70 feet depending on local conditions.The orientation of the consolidation holes should be such that they intersect as many discontinuities as possible.The holes wi 11 genera 11y be normal to the rock surface but to some extent wi 11 be controlled by access to the steep rock wall s of the valley. B5-15 The depth of the at that particu- Th is 1 imit at ion (b)Curtain Grouting The rock at depth at the Devil Canyon site is classified as livery good ll to "excel lentil .The average RQD from all boreholes in this area is about 80 percent.The average permeability of the roc~mass,determined from bore- hole water pressure tests,is less than 1x10-cm/s below 175 feet in depth.Near the surface,the average permeabil ity is 1x10-4 .The seepage in the rock is controlled by the larger joints and shears.It is expected that some areas of the grout curtain will have little or no grout take,whereas the grout holes which intersect the more open joints and shears will take the majority of the grout. The extent of the grout curtain is indicated on Plate 51. holes is to be 0.7xH where H is the maximum head of water 1ar point on the foundat ion,up to a max imum of 300 feeL on depth is based on the following considerations_ At this depth,the average permeability is about 5x10-6 em/sec which is an acceptaple permeability below which treatment would be of little value. The potential flow path under the dam would be about 700 feet giving an average hydraulic gradient of approximately 1.0.When this is considered in combination with the drainage curtain,the downstream gradients will be reduced further .. On the right bank,the grout curtain is to extend under the thurst block and spillway gate structure and beyond the powerhouse.The curtain will be a minimum of 200 feet deep in this area to ensure seepage into the power- house cavern area is minimized.The excavation for the intake structure is 100 feet deeper than the base of the thrust block at this point.The grout curtain will extend 100 feet deeper than the intake excavation. A two-row grout curtain will be constructed using the split-spacing method with primary holes at 40 feet spacing.Use of secondary,tertiary,and quaternary holes will bring the spacing to 5 feet if required.The spacing between rows will be 5 feet with the holes staggered. The grouting will be performed from galleries,the general arrangement of which is shown on Plate 51 (Volume 3). 8.3 -Drainage lJrainage is required in the rock downstream of the dam to reduce water pressure under the darn foundation and in the abutments.High interstitial water pres- sures might otherwise lead to instabil ity. The grout galleries will also be used for drainage with radiating drainage holes 3 inches in diameter. The drainage holes will be downstream of the grout curtain and generally extend 50 feet deeper than the grout holes.The spacing should be selected to ensure that the maximum number of discontinuities are intersected and is expected to be approximately 10 feet.Extra holes may be required in shear zones and in pos- sible failure planes such as discussed under dam stability. B5-16 - - - - r i r It ~ I I t Free drainage of the lowest grouting/drainage gallery is not possible.It would be undesirable for the gallery to be allowed to flood since this would reduce the effectiveness of the drainage and also prohibit access for inspection. Pumps will be provided to dewater the lowest gallery when required. Urainage of the gallery system will be by gravity along outlet tunnels just above tailwater level.The outlet tunnels will discharge into the river down- stream of the darn.The discharge will be below water level to prevent blockage of the outlet by ice. 9 -CONCLUSIONS On the bas is of the design criter ia adopJ"ed"present knowl edge of found at i on conditions at the site .and the foregoin'gi~i'~n:alyses,the following conclusions can be made. 9.1 -Arch Darn Configuration The arch dam defined by the geometry developed as part of this study will ap- proximate very closely to the final design.Several concepts adopted in deter- mining the geometry are intrinsic to a safe,economic and efficient design.The most significant of these are: -The curved configuration of the central cantilevers resulting in an overhang- ing crest downstream offsets the tendency of the cantilever to warp in an up- stream direction caused by support of the cantilever from the upper arches.A further benefit of the vertically curved upstream face is the undercutting at the base of the cantilever which alleviates the build-up of tensile stresses at the upstream heel of the darn. -The two center configuration of the horizontal arches,with the arches on the wider side of the canyon circumscribed by arcs of larger radius,largely off- sets the effects of the assymetry of the canyon.The thrusts from the arches and thrust block at the wider left abutment are transmitted more normally to the original rock surface and a more uniform distribution of stresses is created across the d am faces. -The inclusion of a thrust block on the right abutment to improve the symmetry of the profile produces a more uniform distribution of arch stresses. -The downstream faces of the middle and lower level arches are formed by arcs of smaller radii than those defining the upstream face.This results in a wider distribution of the thrust into the abutments and consequently reduces stresses at the rock/concrete interface and within the rock.It also produces a smooth stress gradient along the arches. -As a result of the reduced abutment stresses concrete "pads"are not re- quired. In spite of the above,the following minor amendments could be made during final design: - A slight increase in the rise of the lower arche5;and 85-17 - A slight deepening of the excavation into the rock half way up the right abut- ment in order to reduce the shear stress at this location. 9.2 -Static Loading Conditions Under the effects of its self weight and the upstream loading from the reser- voir.the maximum compressive stresses in the dam would be approximately 830 psi,two-thirds of the stress allowable.In an isolated area on the downstream face of the dam,the arch tensile stress was calculated as 176 psi which may cause a slight local opening of the vertical construction joints.The arch stresses are distributed symmetrically across the dam. Under the additional influence of low winter temperature,tensile stresses would develop on the downstream face of the lower arches.These were indicated by the analysis to be as high as 421 psi.In reality.the vertical joints would relax, thus redistributing the load into the cantilevers.The cantilevers in this area would only be lightly loaded and could readily accommodate the minor stress ad- justments involved. From the analyses,the stresses occurring under self weight,hydrostatic and temperature loadings would be well within the allowable stresses for the con- crete,except for the central area of the downstream face of the lower arches. In this area,relaxation of the vertical construction joints would occur with a minor redistribution of tne stresses into the vertical cantilevers which would not be heavily loaded at this point. No problems are anticipated in the dam under static loading conditions. 9.3 -Dynamic Loading Conditions The Safety Evaluation Earthquake induced upstream ground motion would cause com- pressive stresses within the arches up to a maximum of approximately 3300 psi, well below the allowable stress of 6000 psi.Tensile stresses induced in the upstream face of the crown cantilever would be up to approximately 620 psi, below the allowable transient tensile stress of 750 psi. Downstream ground motion would result in relaxation of the vertical construction joints and the development of a system of free cantilevers in the upper half of the dam.Under an assumed mean peak accelerat ion of 0.5g,tens ile stresses of 578 psi would occur at the downstream face,less than the 750 psi allowable. For a mean peak accel erat ion of 0.579,the max imum tens ile stress would increase to almost 700 psi,which is still within the allowable limit. 9.4 -Conclusions Stresses occurring within the dam are below those allowable and based on a de- sign strength concrete of 5000 psi and known foundation conditions,the arch dam is feasible. The analyses carried out are based on conservative methodology and it is not an- ticipated that stresses will be as high as indicated under the given load condi- tions for the following reasons: B5-18 - - - I'"'" I ".... i, - r r - -The linear elastic analyses employed do not accurately represent the stress distribut ion across the thickness of the dam.In pract ice,there will be a rounding off of the stresses giving lower extreme stresses at the dam faces. In calculating hydrodynamic loads using "Westergard's"equations,no account is taken of the effect of the shape of the canyon or of the dam.These considerations would serve to "s tabilize"the dam cantilevers during upstream ground motion. -In analysis of the free cantilevers,no account is taken of the fact that the cyclical motion of the cantilever is restrained by the arches on the down- stream side.They are prevented from acting freely and hence their displace- ment amp 1it ude is red uced. -The seismic design response spectrum gives a conservative form of analysis with no direct account taken of the duration of the peak acceleration nor the events leading up to and following this peak.At final design stage,a more thorough understanding of the behavior of mechanism of the structure during seismic events will be obtained from a finite element time history analysis where the pattern of the complete event and the effects of duration and displacement will be accounted for. Under normal loading conditions,the gravity and hydrostatic loadings produce compressive forces throughout the dam creating an extremely stable structure. Under short,almost instantaneous loadings,occasioned by cycl ical seismic ground motion,relative displacements across the dam are small and would not produce a collapse mechanism even if cracking were widespread and extended through the entire cross section of the dam. 85-19 - ,.... - - - REFEKENCES L Lindvall,Richter,and Associates,"Final Report for the Investigation and Re-analysis of the Big Tujunga Dam",for Los Angeles County Flood Control District,Volume II,Uctober 1975. 2.Raphael,J.M.,"Properties of Materials of Crystal Springs (Jam",Personal Communication,University of California,Berkeley,July 1977. 3.Price,W.H.,"Factors Influencing Concrete Strength",Proceedings,American Concrete Institute,Vol.47,February 1951. 4.Kramer,M.A.,"Analysis and Automatic Design of Gravity Dams",Bureau of Reclamation,Division of Design,Denver,Colorado,November 1973. 5.Acres American Incorporated,Evaluation of Arch Dam at Devil Canyon Site, .for Alaska Power Authority,August 1981. - r- !TABLE B5.1:EXTREME STRESSES AT ROCK INTERFACE* (Loading Combination Stresses in PSI) ,..... UL-1 UL-2 ARCH: Maximum 666 (D E1-1200)532 (D El.1100) Minimum -176 (D El.900)-152 (D El.900) CANTILEVER: Maximum 724 (D El.820)747 (u El.820) Minimum -13 (D El.1370)-32 (u El.1285 )-PRINCIPAL: Maximum 838 (0 El.1100)747 (U El.820) Minimum -177 (D Elo 900)-152 (U El.1200) *-indicates tension D -indicates downstream face U -indicates upstream face- MAXIMUM STRESSES IN DAM ABOVE FOUNDATION-UL -1 UL-i! ARCH: I"""Maximum 819 (u El.1200)675 (U Elo 1100 ) Minimum -37 (D El.1000)-27 (D El.1000) ,....,CANTILEVER: Maximum 713 (0 El.1000)638 (D El.1000) Minimum -2 (D El.1370)-6 (D El.1370) F' I -i - -I I - TABLE B5.2:EXTREME STRESSES ALONG ROCK/CONCRETE INTERFACE ~ Loading Combination ~ UL-J UL-4 ARCH: Maximum 525 (U El.900)436 (0 El.1100) Minimum -421 (0 El.900)-397 (D El.900) CANTILEVER:-.Maximum 793 (0 El.820)816 (U El.820) Minimum -156 (0 El.1370)-140 (U El.1285) EXTREME MAGNITUDES OF STRESSES IN DAM ABOVE FOUNDATION Loading Combination UL-3 UL-4 ARCH: Maximum 1119 (U El.1370)891 (U El.1200) Minimum -346 (0 El.1000)-337 (0 El.1DOD) CANTILEVER: Maximum 596 (0 El.1000)524 (0 El.1DOD) Minimum -86 (0 El.1370)-32 (0 El.1370) - - - "~l '--"-~1 ;<'~~1 J -1 '---1 n •••,]~._-)""'''--''j "".''') TABLE B5.3:RESULTANT ARCH STRESSES AT ELEVATION 1370 FOR COMBINATIONS OF STATIC AND EARTHQUAKE LOADS Reservoir Elevation 1455 feet Response Spectrum Ag =0.5g and Damp 10 Percent """1 ~"'l ,.-_.) Hydrostat IC +Hydrostat 1C + Hydrostat ic +Hyd rost at ic +Hydrost at ic +Hydrostat ic +Gravity +Temp.Gravity +Temp. Elevation Face Gravity Earthquake Gravity +Earth Gravity -Earth Gravity +Temp.+Earth -Earth Crown U 630 2631 3261 -2001 1097 3728 -1539 1038 l)21~6)z82 156 -6)U -126 1111 U 656 2514 3170 -1858 1119 3633 -1395 u ZW Z)~44~-Z~-6tl '111 -)u/ 1203 U 577 1690 2267 -1113 1008 2698 -682 D 291 1025 1316 -734 33 1058 -992 1360 U 359 682 1041 -323 710 1392 28 D 429 1616 2U4~-lHJ7 184 1800 -1432 1497 U 230 422 652 -192 514 936 92 D 421 1440 1l:l61 -1019 156 1596 -1284 1600 U 149 469 618 -320 349 818 -120 D 387 1172 1559 -7B~148 1320 -1024 Abutment U 101 795 896 -694 187 982 -608 1674 D 353 746 1099 -393 197 943 -549 TABLE B5.4:RESULTANT ARCH STRESSES AT ELEVATION 1463 FOR COMBINATIONS OF STATIC AND EARTHQUAKE LOADS Reservoir Elevat ion 1455 feet Response Spectrum Ag =0.5g and Damp 10 Percent HydrostatIc +Hydrostat ic + Hydrost at ic +Hydrostat ic +Hydrost at ic +Hydrost at ic +Gravity +Temp.Gravity +Temp. Elevation Face Gravity Earthquake Gravity +Earth Gravity -Earth Gravity +Temp.+Earth -Earth Crown U 437 2336 2773 -1899 321 2657 -2015 1038 D 274 909 1183 -635 74 983 -836 1111 U 464 2324 2788 -1860 348 2672 -1976 u L./4 'IUUI IZln -733 -75 'IUlJZ -'JjZ 1203 U 451 1850 2301 -1399 332 2182 -1518 u 306 1492 "798 -1186 123 1615 -1369 1360 U 377 1392 1769 -1015 249 1641 -1143 u JIl7 1tl~U ZZII -l~UJ VI Zl L./-16~J 1497 U 303 1189 1492 -886 136 1325 -1053 [)37')1/00 2079 -1521 190 1890 -1510 1600 U 241 901 1142 -660 -30 871 -931 D 331 1481 1812 -1150 90 1571 -1391 1674 U 233 1185 1418 -952 -55 1130 -1240 D 330 1259 1589 -929 70 1329 -1189 Abutment U 270 1333 2103 -1563 -43 1790 -1876 1719 u j~')'lUlU '14Z'J -711 199 1269 -lJn ""J J c •....•......1 ).1 .>••.,,j .......J J J '"]J c••·.•1 .1 J ,...1 --~]~~'-J '-~'~'l ,1 '--1 '-""~"l ~--"~J '-'}~J "~-]"-'~l ~--1 TABLE B5.5:RESULTANT CROWN CANTILEVER STRESSES FOR COMBINATIONS OF STATIC AND EARTHQUAKE LOADS Reservoir Elevation 1455 feet Response Spectrum Ag =0.5g and Damp 10 Percent Hydrost at lC +Hyd rost at lC + Hydrost at ic +Hydrost at ic +Hydrostatic +Hydrost at ic +Gravity +Temp.Gravity +Temp. Elevat ion Face Gravity Earthquake Grav it y +Earth Gravity -Earth Gravity +Temp.+Earth -Earth 1463 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D U 0 U 0 0 0 U 1370 U 99 -711 -612 810 118 -593 829 u 1'1 bilL ILl -)6)b)IU)-'J1'1 1285 U 65 -688 -623 753 136 -552 824 D 269 670 939 -ilol 2uu tllo -470 1200 U 10 -545 -535 555 118 -427 663 u iltlU ))b '!U)b -Ib )IU ':JLb - 1 tlb 1100 U 6 -468 -462 474 127 -341 595 D 656 49tl 1154 158 527 1025 29 1000 U 95 -489 -394 584 201 -288 690 D 7lJ ':JY:I lZ':J:.!1/4 'J'J6 llJ':J ':J/ 900 U 396 -535 -139 931 474 61 1009 D 550 ':J97 1147 -47 46:.!-1059 -135 820 U 724 -359 365 1083 793 434 1151 D )iI)4UO 745 -':J':J 26')66')-1.51 TABLE B5.6:SINGLE CANTILEVER DYNAMIC ANALYSIS (RES.ELEVATION 1455 FEET) 0.5g ground acceleration and 10 Percent Damping Stresses Due to ::>t at IC Loads St resses Due to (dead load +hydraulics)Earthquake Loads Total Stresses ~si ~si ~si Upstream Downstream Upstream Downstream Upstream Downstream Node Elevation Face Face Face Face Face Face 1 1463 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1416 -114 190 435 -435 321 -245 3 1370 -198 338 890 -890 692 -552 4 1327 -320 520 1090 -1090 770 -570 5 1285 -666 930 1180 -1180 514 -250 6 1243 -952 1278 1320 -1320 368 -42 7 1200 -11~68 1858 1580 -1580 112 278 8 1151 -1957 2423 2040 -2040 83 383 - - - - - ,.., , r -! r r, TABLE B5.7:SINGLE CANTILEVER DYNAMIC ANALYSIS (RES.ELEVATION 1405 FEET) 0.5g and 10 Percent Damping Stresses Vue to stat lC Loads st resses Due to (dead load +hydraulics)Earthquake Loads Tot al St resses p'si ~si ~si Upstream Downstream Upstream Downstream Upstream Downstream Node Elevation Face Face Face Face Face Face 1 1463 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1416 -14 90 467 -467 453 -377 3 1370 -108 248 770 -770 662 -522 4 1327 -162 362 940 -940 778 -578 5 1285 -351 615 1065 -1065 714 -450 6 1243 -533 859 1285 -1285 752 -426 7 1200 -893 1283 1560 -1560 667 -277 8 1151 -I -1232 1698 2000 -2000 768 -302 ~'C'l ~--1'1 '-~1-~-l 0-1 ~.-1 "1 ~-l 1 '~-l '--~-1---]~ r-I---t------t---~I l M,.1/4 LOC~LEVENl 1~--r----+-_L-~-J DAMPING"0.'1 0 t---+--~~80th PERCENTILE -t----I-------l :0.71//t~,\!....---- .p-0.55 ~.~~! i "~~I --- ~_~~~~~I__~~_~----- I I ~I co ~ c m zo l- e:( a::w ..J W o o e:( ..J e:( a:: I- o W 0- m 2 o 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 PERIOD (SEC) 2 3 10 MEAN RESPONSE SPECTRA AT THE DEVIL CANYON SITE FOR SAFETY EVALUATION EARTHQUAKE FIGURE 85.1 • ~~--]=--]---~'l '-~J 1 ~1 ~---1 -".~-]"----1 "--.'__CO]-]--1 '_~)~----'I ')--~-1 "A DIRECTION OF GROUND MOVEMENT J'~~o: I--jjjZ~J:~LL1 -N o(l):J -r ~ttl~ -~0:::<1 Ul"-<.> -In ~i:5 HYDROSTATIC HYDROSTATIC ,.- ....,...."'" ,.-"- "A ,.- ,:,'" ~~1.......- :t: '"7" ~! :t: LOAD DISTRIBUTIONS EL.1455' +112 I------------j EL.1151'+83 f);,,;,,;) -245 +278 +383 EL.1405' +667 EL.1151 ' -377 NOTES: -(MINUS)INDICATES TENSILE STRESS. +(PLUS)INDICATES COMPRESSIVE STRESS. UNRESTRAINED CANTILEVER STRESSES (PSI) SECTION A-A DEVIL CANYON ARCH DAM DYNAMIC ANALYSIS (ACCELERATION O.56,DAMPING 10%) FIGURE B 5.2 -liJ 'C-J ------l '-'---''}----1 -CO]-1 "~-1 ·---1 -~-l -~-l '--J --'1 '1 '-1 "--1 DIAGRAM OF CENTRAL ANGLES NOTE CONTOUR LINES SHOW SOUND ROCK 6000 ::;U::illNA t1TUI1UELECTRIC PROJECT DEVIL CANYON ARCH DAM GEOMETRY-SHEET I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY _.._.-_.-...._-- 20 30 40,.. CENTRAL ANGLE (OE&5), o 50 100 FEET il~-I LEGEND ~-RIGHT EXTRADOS ~-LEFT EXTRADOS SCALE I\\))\ eo \I f I_ e 1400 ~ 1300 >-~1200 iiE ~ Iii 1100~ 1000 900 820 L.---L 10 1 REFERENCE PLANE OF DAM PLAN OF ARCH [;.f!! '100, 8 / ..~ is, '~0,-, I~O """~ ]~~l ~-l -<1 ---]------]~--1 ~--1 ~--l ~-'l -----'1 '--'~-]-<--]} E"L.2020.32 CENTER R C \>.: ~ rI INTRADOS FACE L---LEFT SIDE RADtUS ~~EXTRADOS FACE R---RIGHT SIDE RADIUS L CENTER OF INTRADOS CROWN SECTION 50 100 FEET= IIPom I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY lIUn[d SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SCALE CENTER OF EXTRADOS-CROWN SECTION fl.1037.83 If -...............4 "fl.820 RR AXIS"177,1$'(N.T.S.) (ti..a9~."!lz' ~:r l...520' .1 ~..""'M"m..,,,LJ 812.36' ~"~,~~ 213.36' RL AXIS"699.61'{N.T.S. 143.03' 26-96'I.I 80.71'.11 .30' 800 1400 1000 I Iii '"<l.. 0 0 900 L II ;< 11« 1300 11500 1200 ~ !! ~ ~ ~1100 I I _120'1 _EL.1100 DEVIL CANYON ARCH DAM GEOMETRY-SHEET 2 PLATE 185.2 --]<e_-"1 ""-~l "--"1 '~.•.."."]~-I ...~-"]~"l ~'"--"1 ]----1 ~'-'-'J ",..~I ""--I ~-...L:S OF DAM PLAN AT'i"L"iiO PLAN AT""['["i""OO f REFERENCE PLANEr-:-OF DAY,./ ~~ "-.. ) PLAN ATEr."i!OO ! REFERENCE PlANE1OFDAN , \ ..,,"" I"" IIPO[~II ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY I l_ftU_O[_O SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT \ ftIol\ SECTION E-E 100 200 FEET ~SCALE SECTION 0-0 , .II""~ SECTION C-C DAM SECTIONS IMO~IEL.1466 CREST EL.14El3 \~.;;I I 1400 1300 8....1200 ;,; ~I ',I /1/-~:tAS:TION ~1100 u:I ~IIj.I ...I 't''+"//K...:>-OUTLET FACILITIES 1000 900 900 DAM PROFILE DEVIL CANYON ARCH DAM SECTIONS PLATE 85.3 1 c_e _,'<-~"1 1 1 1 ---}1 <'-~]<e_)~-l 1 1 1 ____e}-1 zo ~1100 ~ ~ 900 820 1000 1100 1285 1200 -Ir:no 345 o a 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a ....,1463tI 0 I Q I •II~i~~_--l~j 0 I 9 " I 7l 13 2.7 6 '3 I 79 9 '3 6 13 Z 17 ":a 17 17 _,IlL-.I_e--'~-9 "17 16 ;; 68,2.I I ''3 2.1 2.9 2.6 )5 I 5 9/39 ~9 18 13 0 1 5 12 28 I; 182",2.1 '38 4!5 4 0 4 1 2.2.I 9 127 3~1'8 6 III 2'~/ :08""-41 '7 •I 6 6 -OI.-3 ~'2'~2~7 21 !5 2.6 2.6/ ~08 5 7 '3 5 9 49; "10 '36 1/~Ol 5 0 Gog,,,-,./ ::it.L.....Wt,Il;Hf +HYDROSTATIC 233 241 303 377 451 484 4'37 403 385 348 310 286 30413031Ir9'3 '3 2~21 '3 I '3 41-...4 t 41 Ii ,I I 9 2 a '3 9 ~7 e 6 6 0 5 2.4 '3 '3 !2.9:21 I 353 '3 7 4 I 4 9 2.I 2.219 2.8 '3 a 4 '3 ...9 4 4 'S3 "12 16 36 6072 _78 6443 32 10 I( 424""4 4 4 7 '3 2.2.0 2.3 2.2....6 51 5 6/1523 Ao:~:~:~7 ~~:~:~~64 ~6:"",,~IO 3 • • 3 0 6 9 3 • 2 ~ e2~4914 I 2452 643"'~lt7'.0 ,/'51""I0 - 7 I 3/"~ 20 44 2 5 185,,-1 6 /119 oro I 900 10463 IzaG 1000 1200 1370 ~ ~ ~ ~ 900 820 100G o 0~11\2 2-0 a-4.--i.~--~-0 0 -11265 --112.00 --I rloo 318 2 1•• 269 .00 1200 1000 1285 1100 1483 .-------!lg -:0 I"~2.7 I 3~5;-~~--~I 2 4 I '3 1 2 §2':!I:319 1 70 '00 1119 1097 1001 83 • 2 ,"3 2.±: 1370 I-191 146 1 6 I 4 33 -68 -87 5 II I 9 2.8 2.5 374 'I 2 2 3 5 9 8 2 1073 108_2 9 3 1 7 4 8 3 8 1;/~39-2 1 2 1 3 -I Z5 1 34 - 7 1 1 2 6 3 3 374 ~r~30 6992 1068 __911 612 2~~/~~-3 -2--III 15 -11 II 224 41 567 "'"~8 4 0 8 2 10.,7 3 ~~~~/507 2 IS -I e -2 2:-2 31e ~47 ~2.•6 0 4 '.'_ 2 ~/LOAD COMBINATION UL3 0414 -9 -3 6 -2.418 SELF WEIGHT +HYDROSTATIC +TEMPERATURE".9 ..j/I~f /-I~ ',,-I I I 1 I I820 ~ ~.. ~ ~ DEVIL CANYON ARCH DAM STRESSES RESERVOIR ATEL.1455 LEGEND (MINUS)INDICATES TENSiON .5 ~SHEAR STRESS ~P.S.I.WHERE SHOW-N'*STRESS AT UPSTREAM OR EXTRAOOS FACE e ~STR£SS AT DOWNSTREAM OR ~TRAOOS FACE ~ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY~~~(~SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1200 1100 1370 1285 1000 7 •• ~ ~ "~:;; ~m <;! :;; o 0 a a a a 0 a 0 0 0 a a 1463-IL,2 8 -I 2 -3 4 -5 3 -612 -.0 -3 9 -,0 •1 O-II~ 173 7-93 2 !5 4 6 6 a 7 I 6 7 !5 7 ~-i 5 1!5 '3 12~ "I2a2_I 9 -4 1 -5 8 -6 3 -5 1 ":'4 I -2 I -'3 2.~ 231"",2 a s 4 7 a 8 I 9 9 9 6 7 6 6:0 5 4/315 =0 -2.17 -40 -4 2.-5 5 -4 2 -4 4 ~7 5 I~ 658"""B 4 9 B 9 a 10 6 9 a 4 4 6 1/654 ~~0 ~o41l -431 -462:-3 5 -24 7 i 1497 11187 1109 1l!54 1062.976 654~~~5 -360 -394 -24 6 1/ 1:11 1 5 1252 II 4 II~~'"/_~45 _I 9 3!5~ 1259 II 7 1135 '"I / LOAD COMBINATION ELI SELF WEIGHT +HYDROSTATIC +DYNAMIC (UPSTREAM GROUNO MOTION) ~m ~ Iii 900 1200 1285 1000 10463 1418 1142 1492 1769 2301 2:788 277'3 2577 2200 1697 1334 11971620 r----IjB9 liZ 2:79 2277 1798 1 81 1183 1361 18502 42 22 5 21742194- I--!!r 61 6 2 10 41 2.2.7 3170 32 1 22~~~_I 38 6 '3 66 -lt4 1370 ,899<'9 18 I 204.,.,6 449 282 7 I (24 2118 22 6 20 'l3~ -8 '3 9 6 B 18DO 2.94 ~60 2.Iso I 72 07 2.4 -1~31,,17 '3 t80 10 5 -~12-20 1286 1 n 20 1;73; ~~~t-t~I 161.2 22 2.14 _ 2 17 1024 01 5 ~12.99 1731 914 40 -2 5'326 1258 1893 I7ZB '"24 10 I 58 2091 +440 431 511/-~~611437~1015 -99 -498 1 3 1085/13 9 9 ~2 9 8 1457 ._7 1 4 ~ 904 -I I -7 5 3 922 '"/'30 12 33 69,-717 /38 82.0 I I I 1100 g ~ ~ ~ ~ ARCH STRESSES (PARALLEL TO THE FACE OF THE DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM)CANTILEVER STRESSES (PARALLEL TO THE FACE OF THE DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM I ~~~~PLATE__________MARl;H 19B2 ACRES AMERICAN INCORPo1U.TED ~~ '~'~-l ~"'~1 '~"'-'-1 ---"J r'~l ----1 ~..._]~'l ---1 "--1 1 -~~~l --1 .~~] SELF WEIGHT +HYDROSTATIC LOAD COMBINATION UL2 1463 1310 126t1 l;i 1200 I:!., ~1100 ~ 1IJ 1000 .00 .'0 121 ll~124 167 216 221 201 178 166 144 129 152 le7 ~17 J 5 II I a -.-,,-,.'''--'r.'''7 ~L~-I 2:I 9 9 3 7 1 35 2:a I I 13\2 I 7 ~~j 197 2f 2.5 2.I 3 I 5:I a a 2.8 3f 3 2./2351~~~12 24 412 2.58 42.33 19 "k_-------'-~ 237"-..3 9 3 I 2.a I I II I 2.5 3 2.4?Z-355 "",,-I 1 I 2 4 5 5 1 G 4 5 7 3 4 I 2.---l~/ 377 ....2.7 I 7 1 8 2.4 3 lID 513~?~•,,7 _,0'• '0/ I •510~B I 9 I 532~'h-•.-3"g/ 48118 -11 457 ""'._3 '}/ 172 -J 2.165,,,,,-/ o 1463 -IIHO -11285 1200 1100 1000 900 (MINUS)INDICATES TENSION LEGEND -$............-SHEAR STRESS IN P.SI WHERE SHOWN, 6 9-STRESS AT UPSTREAM OR EXTRADOS FACE '-STRESS AT DOWNSTREAM OR rNTRADOS FACE .00 12:00 1463 12:85 1310 1000 1100 m £ m ~~ ~ :;0,..,..in ~ >"~ ~ in~ :g ~~ ,.. ~ om No N in~ i,.. ~ oo:; ": CANTILEVER STRESSES (PARALLEL TO THE FACE OF THE DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM J a ~__' , 1 820! (I ,..~,.. ~ LOAD COMBINATION UL4 SELF WEIGHT +HYDROSTATIC +TEMPERATURE ~a;III ~~~~~~~~~~:;0,..~~in ~in~ ARCH STRESSES (PA~ALLEL TO THE FACE OF THE DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM) -187 -19~-96 ~14 49 59 39 15 4 ~32 -87 -149 -135"'r -II .•.•-1I'r -,a "1--..-e -3~'0 1h-~~~"1!5 -.!,?_------;IL 6 5 6 4_~J;L __3 I 2.,16? 1/2 I 9 I 6 I :5 2.--6 -7 ~3 3 I 0 I 8 2.3 257~I III 28 32 61 83 63 71 57 34 26 a-~ 12:6 I 7 I :3 --I 7 -I a -I 9 :3 I 0 2:9/231 "'3 2S 55 B2 81 7B 5521 III3228~2 B 0 -I 4 -2 B-3 I 2::3 B /419 ~;!._:3 5-7 a 59 r I _~ 3"~'O -'3 ."-3 27/43• ~H~--~~--~+'4t ""',·h 2 ./'~L/~ 1370 820 zQ 1100 ~ 1000' IZB!:! '4Ei~ 900 ,.. ~IZOO z .·IPO[P ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY I_"U_O_[O_,SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ----l DEVIL CANYON ARCH DAM STRESSES RESERVOIR AT EL.1405 L/f7/>.,~~LATE~.:..~_MARCH 19B2 ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 5.5 ,... I, '" r-'" l ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ATTACHMENT 1 DEVIL CANYON DAM ABUTMENT STABILITY ANALYSIS - -, - 1 -GENERAL The stabil ity analysis for Devil Canyon abutments was carried out in two phases: -Preliminary graphical analysis of existing stereographic plots to identify po- tential failure modes;and More detailed analyses on geometrically definable wedge shapes using computer methods. The sources of geological information for preliminary analysis were: -South Abutment: -North Abutment: Stereographic Polar plot,Joint Station DCJ-1 Stereographic Polar plot,Joint Station DCJ-2 !""" I - This information was gathered at locations closest to the proposed foundations. However,as the number of actual joint measurements at each location was limit- ed (93 and 100 measurements,respectively),subsequent analysis was based on the information given in Table 7.1,"Devil Canyon Joint Characteristics",1980-81 Geotechnical Report,and the likelihood of formation of significant loose wedges assessed in the light of the stated descriptions. The information was collected from surface mapping at discrete locations,and while it provides definite trends in terms of the orientation and dip of the discontinuities within the rock mass,their continuity is unknown.For the pur- poses of initial analysis,the joint sets were assumed planar and continuous. This is conservative in that cohesion was assumed to be zero and the natural interlocking of joints was neglected. 2 -GRAPHICAL ASSESSMENT.. 2.1 -South Abutment Stereoplot DCJ-1 defined the following significant (greater than 3 percent) joint orientations: Considering the south bank to comprise a foundation slope trending on an east- west strike,and dipping to the north,graphical analysis was carried out on the stereoplot to define potential failure mechanisms in the manner described by Hoek and Bray.The following preliminary conclusions from the analysis could be drawn. Set II dipping SE into the slope face offered no mechanism for failure (over- turning on minor foundation excavations striking 070-250 could be ruled out due to the shallow nature of its dip range). Set IVB offered potential for plane failure but again in the context of founda- tion excavations striking 240-060,rather than the general trend of the valley slope from 270-090,as little scatter was indicated in the polor concentration. The Joint Sets I,III and IV were then examined in combination to identify intersections capable of posing potential problems in the form of two plane sl iding wedges.Table B5.8 summarizes the potential sliding wedges for the south bank of the gorge. Each potential wedge was assessed for sliding failure,according to the methods of Hoek and Bray,and assigned a factor of safety,utilizing a conservative value for friction angle of 23°.These values were utilized to assess combina- tions suitable for further study. Combinations F and G (Sets III-IVA,and IVA-IVB)were eliminated,as it was con- sidered that friction would exceed 20°in all cases,and thus sliding on plunge angles of 14°and 20°would appear unlikely. All combinations A-E merit further consideration,and will be considered for further analysis in Section 3.3. 2.2 -North Abutment Stereoplot DCJ-2 defined the following significant (greater than 3 percent) joint orientations: - - - Set IA II) I I III IVA I VB IVC Dip Direction Dip """"i 066 80 246 88-80 ~ 168 70 ~ Not present 060 25 -340 30 150 22 Graphical analysis was carried out in a similar manner to that carried out on stereplot DCJ-1,but in this instance,considering an east-west striking slope dipping to the south. 2 - - ,..... ! -I - -! Sets IVA and IVB were eliminated from consideration as they dipped into the slope and the shallow nature of their dips precluded toppling mechanisms. Set II striking within 20°to the slope face offered the potential for plane failure with the gorge slopes but its dip of 70°was greater than that overall slope face,and thus the range of dip scatter examined for modes of potential failure. The strike of Set IVC also offered the mechanism for plane failure,but this was dismissed as unlikely as it was considered the realistic friction angle for the surface would be greater than the indicated dip of 22°. Wedge failure combinations are summarized in Table B5.9,all four merited further study,but again the plunge of the combinations should be noted.Those formed by Sets I and II provided steep plunges of a similar order to the valley slopes indicating shallow wedges,while Sets I and IV combined to provide shal- low plunges of 22°to 23°comparable with friction. 3 -COMPUTER ANALYSIS 3.1 -Assumption The method of analysis was by Acres GTEC 150 slope stability program which can assess the stability of a rock slope cut by two joint sets against sliding and rotation of the rock tectrahedron formed by the two joint sets,and which fol- lows the methods outlined by Hendron,Cording an Ayer (1971).Criteria and loading conditions used in the analyses were as follows: -Unit weight of rock used is 160 lb/ft 3 ; -Friction angle of Sets I,II and III was assumed as 30°and Set IV as 35°; -Cohesion was assumed as zero,and natural interlocking of joints neglected; Thrust from the dam computed from results of computer stress analysis for com- bined gravity and full hydrostatic head case in terms of external resolved loads acting at center of gravity of sized wedge; -Varyi ng hydrostatic pressure determined from a specified ground water level above the toe of the wedge acting over all the area of the two joint planes; -Earthquake loading taken as a pseudostatic load of 0.5g acting as a resolved horizontal force along direction of line of intersection. 3.2 -South Bank Slope Conditions of Sets I,III and IV were defined as potential failure wedges from graphical analysis. Thus studies of joints having abiguitous continuity through the full height of the slope forming two plane wedges were studied to assess the susceptibility of the factor of safety against sliding to variations in surface friction,the imposition of pseudostatic acceleration loading,and the presence of pore water. 3 The data output from the studies for two plane wedges formed between Sets IV and I,and III and I,together with graphical plots of their factor of safety against sliding under different variations of loading are contained in reference project files.These analyses showed static stability to be particularly sus- ceptible to the effects of pore water pressure,indicating the need for ensuring adequate drainage of any foundation,and further examination of the in situ per- meability of existing site joint systems. However,from descriptions of observed data obtained to date,Table 7.1,Devil Canyon Joint Characteristics,1980-81 Geotechnical Report,the continuity of Set IV over the full height of slope would appear unlikely so that the two plane- wedge developed by Sets III and IA and IB was chosen for examination under dam thrust 1oadi ng. Sizing of potential wedges which could exist in the zones of the abutment was based on the ground contours and general arrangements shown on drawings SK-5700- C6-614A,Devil Canyon Main Dam,Geometry Plan and Diagram,(January 19,1982) and SK-5700-C6-620,Devil Canyon Main Dam Grouting and Drainage,Sections and Details. Once the appropriate orientation and dip of the joints had been chosen,the plunge and direction of their line of intersection was defined by graphical means.fl.1 i ne of secti on drawn through the slope contours on that 1 i ne and the maximum realistc height of wedge which could daylight in the slope defined,as well as realistic slope angles for analysis. Table B5.10 summarizes factors of safety against sliding for a two plane wedge formed between Set III and Sets IA and IB,of a size defined in plan Appendix C, together with data output for wedges analyzed. 3.3 -North Bank Slope Combinations of Sets I,II and IV were identified as potential wedge failure mechanisms in the north bank slope. Studies for abiguitous continuity in a 250 foot high slope were carried out for Sets I and II in combination with the slope.Again,this shows that wedges formed by Sets I and II are particularly susceptible to the presence of pore water.However,sizing analyses achieved by making the gorge slope 55 0 from horizontal,or steepening the dip of Set II from the middle to limit of its range at 70 0 reveal the wedges to be very shallow and present a problem of limited slope stability rather than of a deep seated shape capable of accepting dam thrust loading. Set IV could combine with Set I,but would require a tension crack parallel to the gorge slope,or a combination with Set II as the back tension plane to form a 3-plane wedge of realistic proportions.Such a 3-plane wedge is geometrically feasible for sliding,however,the continuity of Set IV must be proved. 4 -CONCLUSIONS Geometrically feasible sliding wedge failures can develop on both banks of Devil Canyon gorge utilizing combinations of the four joint sets mapped. 4 - - ,.... I Feasible combinations are: 2 planes and slopes 3 planes and slope South Bank Sets I and IV Sets I and III Sets I,III,and IV North Bank Sets I and II Sets I and IV Sets I,I I,and IV - ,.... I I ( - r i \ - However,geological field mapping indicates that Joint Set IV is discontinuous therefore limiting possible failures with Sets I and III to shallow wedges 25 to 45 feet in thickness paralleling the steep valley sides.These features can be excavated back to a stable slope where necessary and this has been allowed for in the foundation treatment costs. Stabi 1 ity of wedges formed by Sets I and III south bank and Sets I and III north bank downstream of the dam require some continuity of intact rock within Sets II and III for stability under extreme earthquake and water pressure loadings. Further geological mapping will be required to confirm this continuity.Should this not be found,additional excavation of the potential failure areas or an adjustment in the location of the dam will be required.However,study of the existing slope in the canyon,coupled with the proposed extensive abutment drainage galleries to ensure drainage indicates that only removal of shallow wedges will be necessary. It is considered that the site is feasible for the arch dam foundation,but it must be emphasized that further extensive geological mapping and exploration is required for final design. 5 - r I""'" ! - -f I-I f, r ,.ow. i : i REFERENCES 1.Hoek,L and Bray,J.,1977,Rock Slope Engineering (Revised Second Edi- tion),Institution of Mining and Metallurgy London. 2.Acres Consulting Services,June 1973,Rock Slope Stability Analysis,GTEC 150 Computer Program. 3.Hendron,A.J.,Cording,LJ.and Aiyer,A.K.,July 1971,"Analytical and Graphical Methods for the Analysis of Slopes in Rock Masses",u.S.Army Nuclear Catering Group,Technical Report No.36. If"'" I - r TABLE B5.8:POTENTIAL SLIDING WEDGES,SOUTH BANK,DEVIL CANYON Combinat ion of Intersect ion Factor of Joint Sets Plunge Direction Safety* IB -III 76°324°0.26 18 -IVB 50°334°0.60 IA -IVB 50 0 344 0 0.53 IA -III 70°350 0 0.17 III -IVB 42°O1r 1.87 III -IVA 14°025°2.06 IVA -IVB 20 0 046°2.00 TABLE B5.9:POTENTIAL SLIDING WEDGES,NORTH BANK,DEVIL CANYON Comb inat ion of Intersection Factor of Joint Sets Plunge DuectlOn Safety* IA -II 62 0 136°0.28 IB -II 68°161 0 0.15 IA -IVC 22°153 0 1.21 IB -IVC 23°164°1.27 *Calculated from Hoek and Bray Stability Charts for frict ion only,assuming slope is fully drained,cohesion of both planes is 300,and friction angle for all surfaces is 0 =23°,and using dip and dip direct ion differenceB alone. Factor of Safety =W sin (angle of line of intersection with force) - r-' I ! o =Friction angle RA, RB =Normal reactions provided by plane resulting from we ight of wed ge TABLE B5.1o:FACTORS OF SAFETY AGAINST SLIDING Potential Failure Potential Failure Loading Conditions Wedge Wedge Strike 025 Strike 025 Dip 65 NW Dip 65 NW ¥l 30.0 0 30.0 Strike 340 Strike 340 Dip 80 NW Dip 80 NE WI 30.0 0 30.0 Height of Wedge =500 ft slope face at 47° W +TH +Z +E 1.47w1w W+TH +Zw +E 1.36 50 w W +TH +Z +E 1.25W100w W+T +Z +E 0.92H w250 w W+TH +Z + E 0.69w350w W +T +Z +E 2.14Ew1w W + TE +Z +E 2.06w50w W +\+Z +E 1.98w100w W+TE + Z + Ew150w 5.23 5.16 5.08 42.66* 42.33* 41.99* - - - Where:W =Weight of wedge TH =Dam thrust under peak hydraulic and gray it y loading TE =Dam thrust under earthquake loading Zw =Height of pore water acting from toe of wedge Ew =Pseudostatic earthquake force acting on weight of wedge *See Note -Table B5.9 - - CASE A THRU C POTENTIAL 2 -PLANE WEDGE COMBINATIONS WITH NORTH BANK SLOPE DEVIL CANYON r"" i, -i CASE A CASE B GORGE SLOPE DIPPING SOUTH GORGE SLOPE DIPPING SOUTH CASE C GORGE SLOPE DIPPING SOUTH I"'" [ l r"" I l r r ~20 JOINT SET rr GORGE SLOPE DIPPING SOUTH POTENTIAL 3-PLANE WEDGE COMBINATION WITH NORTH BANK SLOPE DEVIL CANYON SET TIl ACTING AS BASE SLIDING SURFACE FIGURE 85.31 ~~If~i -! CASE A CASE C GORGE SLOPE DIPPING NORTH GORGE SLOPE DIPPING NORTH GORGE SLOPE DIPPING NORTH ,.... ! ( I""" I r I I - r (, -I -! CASE B 1"'" ! 1:"'" Ir GORGE SLOPE DIPPING NORTH CASE A THRU C POTENTIAL 2 -PLANE WEDGE COMBINATIONS WITH SOUTH BANK SLOPE DEVIL CANYON ~OINT SETN 40° -POTENTIAL 3-PLANE WEDGE COMBINATION WITH SOUTH BANK SLOPE DEVIL CANYON SET Ii:ACTING AS BASE SLIDING SURFACE FIGURE 85.4. ~ !, t - r L !""" ! r r r r'" ! r r- l r (. r ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ATTACHMENT 2 DEVIL CANYON DAM - r - r I I, 1 -GENERAL The right bank thrust block is founded deep in the rock and abuts the spillway contro 1 structure whi ch di rects the thrust from the dam into the abutment.The left bank thrust block is founded on the sound rock surface.It is keyed into the weathered rock but the support from this rock is neglected in stability calculations.The stability of the left bank thrust block against sliding is provided by cohesive and shear friction forces acting at the upperside of the, thrust block. 2 -LOADING CONDITIONS The following loads act on the thrust block: Dead Load:This consists of the weight of the thrust block alone and is based on a unit weight of concrete of 150 lb/cf. The thrust from the arch dam under static and earthquake loadings:This is taken from the results of the dam analysis. -Hydrostatic Load:This results from the reservoir and acts directly on the upstream face of the thrust block.Reservoir level is 1455 feet. -Uplift on the underside of the thrust block was assumed to vary linearly from full headwater at the upstream face to one-half of headwater at the line of pressure relief drains to zero at the downstream end of the thrust block. Uplfit is assumed to be unaffected by earthquake. -The increased external water pressure caused by earthquake was calculated by Westergaard's formula and based on a ground acceleration Ag =0.5. -The active lateral rockfill pressure of the saddle dam:This acts across the end face of the thrust block.Hydrostatic pressure has been considered on the area between the upstream face and the centerline of the thrust block. -The inertia force of the concrete block has been taken as the resultant of vertical loads on the thrust block multiplied by the ground acceleration.It is applied horizontally in the direction of the resultant of the longitudinal and lateral forces. 3 -LOAD COMBINATIONS Load combinations considered are as follows: UL-1 Usual Load Case:Dead load plus thrust from the arch and hydrostatic and lateral loads from the saddle dam.Reservoir at elevation 1455. ELC-1 Extreme Load Case:As in UL-1 plus earthquake with ground acceleration 0.5g. 1 4 -SAFETY FACTOR AGAINST SLIDING The safety factor against sliding has been calculated using the equation: K =tan '/)V +CA H where:'/)Angle of friction between concrete and rock,or between rock and rock. v =Resultant of vertical loads C =Cohesion between concrete and rock,or between rock and rock A =Area of base of thrust block H =Resultant of horizontal loads The values of '/)and C have been assumed at 30°and 200 psi,respectively.This is a conservative assumption when compared to properties of foundation materials determined for other projects. Typical parameters from a comparison of the proposed Auborn dam in California, the Salinas dam in California,and analyses of dams in China give a range of values for ton'/)of between 30°and 45°and of C of between 161 and 500 psi. These are based on foundations of metamorphised volcanic tuffs,fine grained sandstone and shale bedding,and mica silica schist,respectively,for the three locations. 5 -CONCLUSIONS The factor of safety against sliding for normal loading conditions is 5.0.The factor of sliding under maximum reservoir and maximum earthquake conditions is 1.1. Extensive laboratory and in situ testing of foundation materials will be required prior to final design.Based on experience of other projects the assumed rock properties are conservative,particularly in the case of maximum earthquake where loadings are extremely short-lived.However,if it were determined that foundation conditions were less favorable than anticipated,the base of the thrust block would be broadened. 2 - ,-, "... I - - APPENDIX B6 WATANA DAM ANALYSIS The stability of the Watana dam during an earthquake depends on the static stresses in the embankment prior to the earthquake,the dynamic stresses gener- ated by the earthquake acce lerat ions,and the dynami c stress-strai n properties of the materials in the embankment.The static and dynamic stresses were deter- mined following the procedures recommended by Dr.H.Bolton Seed in his Rankine Lecture (1).The basic principles of the procedure consist of the following steps: -Determine the cross-section of the dam to be used for analysis; -Determine,in consultation with geologists and seismologists,the maximum time history of base excitation to which the dam and its foundation might be subjected; -Determine the stresses existing in the embankment before the earthquake;this is done most effectively using finite element analysis procedures; -Determine the dynamic properties of the soils comprising the dam,such as shear modulus,damping characteristics,bulk modulus,or Poisson's Ratio, which determine its response to dynamic excitation.Since the material char- acteristics are nonlinear,it is also necessary to determine how the proper- ties vary with strain; -Compute,using an appropriate dynamic finite element analysis procedure,the stresses induced in the embankment by the selected base excitation; -Subject representative samples of the embankment materials to a combination of the initial static stresses and the superimposed dynamic stresses and deter- mine the effects of such loading in terms of the generation of pore water pressures and the development of strains.Perform a sufficient number of these tests to permit similar evaluations to be made by interpolation for all elements comprising the embankment; -From the knowledge of the pore pressures generated by the earthquake,the soil deformation characteristics,and the strength characteristics,evaluate the factor of safety against failure of the embankment either during or following the earthquake,adjusting the section as necessary to achieve the required factor of safety; -Use the strains induced by the combined effects of static and dynamic loads applied to the safe section to assess the overall deformations of the embank- ment;and -Incorporate the requisite amount of judgment in each of the preceding steps, as well as in the final assessment of probable performance in conjunction with a thorough knowledge of typical soil characteristics,the essential details of finite element analysis procedures,and a detailed knowledge of the past performance of embankments in other earthquakes. B6-1 These recommended procedures were altered to a certain extent for the stability analysis of Watana dam: -The maximum cross-section of the Watana dam as shown in Figure B6.1 was analyzed. -The selected Safety Evaluation Earthquake for design of Watana is a magnitude 8.5 event on the Benioff zone,40 miles from the site,for which an appropri- ate time-history was developed. The earthquake time-history used in the analysis was developed by Woodward- Clyde Consultants specifically for the Watana site and is shown in Figure 86.17, -The static stresses were determined using the FEADAM finite element computer program. -The properties of the materials were taken from appropriate available data developed for other projects,since no specific testing of the proposed mater- ials was performed during this feasibility study. -The dynamic stresses were determined using the QUAD 4 finite element computer program, The proposed gradation of the material to be used in the upstream shell of the dam is such that it would not be subject to the development of excess pore pressure during seismic loading, -The factor of safety was evaluated by comparing the available static shear strength to the required static and dynamic shear strength as determined by the analysis. -Approximate deformations for feasibility level analysis were estimated by various procedures prior to computer analysis. Judgment indicates that conservative material property values were used in the analysis and the resulting safety of the dam was more than adequate. 1 -II1ETHODOlOGY Static and dynamic stability analyses have been performed to confirm the stabil- ity of the upstream and downstream slopes of the proposed cross-sections of the Watana dam shown in Figure B6.1.The analyses indicate stable slopes under all conditions for a 2.4 horizontal to 1.0 vertical upstream slope,and a 2.0 hori- zontal to 1.0 vertical downstream slope. The static analyses were performed using the STABl computer program developed to handle general slope stability problems by adaptation of the Modified Bishop method,and FEADAM,a finite element program for static analysis of earth and rockfill dams,to determine the initial stresses in the dam during normal oper- ating conditions.The results and conclusions are presented in Section 2.1. The dynamic analyses were performed using the QUAD 4 finite element program which incorporates strain-dependent shear modulus and damping parameters.The B6-2 - - - - r r~ r- I design earthquake for the dynamic analyses was developed by Woodward-Clyde Consultants for a Benioff Zone event.The results and conclusions are presented in Section 3.2. 2 -FINITE ELEMENT MODEL The finite element model consists of 20 layers of elements with 546 nodes and 520 elements (see Figure B6.6).Different soil parameters as described in the following sections have been chosen for the core,the transition material con- sisting of the fine and coarse filter zones,and the shell material. 2.1 -Static Analysis The slope stability analyses were carried out using the STA~L computer program for the general solution of slope stability problems by a two-dimensional 1 imit- ing equilibrium method.The calculation of the factor of safety against insta- bilityof a slope is performed by an adaptation of the Modified Bishop method of sl ices which allows the analysis of trial failure surfaces other than those of a circular shape. The STABL program features a unique random technique for generating potential failure surfaces and subsequently determining the more critical surfaces and their corresponding factors of safety.In the Modified Bishop method of slices, the sliding mass is ,divided into slices of either finite or unit width,and a number of arbitrary sliding surfaces are investigated to determine which is most critical.An important feature of this method is that earth forces acting on the sides of the slices are considered.The direction of the side forces are assumed parallel to the average slope of the embankment;since the forces are internal forces,they must be balanced to obtain a solution.These factors are incorporated within the STABL program.Additional information can be found in Siegel (2). (a)Loading Conditions and Factors of Safety The following conditions were analyzed: r Case Construction Normal Maximum Operating Maximum Reservoir Drawdown Maximum Reservoir Level During PI"IF Requi red Minimum Factor of Safety (3) 1.3 1.5 1.0 1.3 Calculated Factor of Safety 2.0-2.2 1.7 2.0 1.7 1.8-2.0 1.7 2.0-2.1 1.7 r I i "... I The calculated factors of safety as shown in the above table and in Figures 86.2 and ~6.5 indicate no general slope stability problems under static loading.Further analysis using FEADAM determined the initial stresses in the dam during normal operating conditions. Appropriate nonlinear and stress-dependent,stress-strain properties for the soils were taken from information compiled in Table 5 in Duncan et al. (4).Table B6.1 presents the values used in the analysis.Two analyses were performed to show the effects of relatively soft versus stiff core materi a1. B6-3 The program calculates the stresses,strains.and displacements in the dam, simulating the actual sequence of construction operations.The nonlinear and stress-dependent.stress-strain properties of the soil are approximated by performing the analysis in increments consisting of the placement of a layer of fill on the embankment.Each increment is analyzed twice,the first time using modulus values based on the stresses at the beginning of the increment,and the second time using mOdulus values based on the aver- age stresses during the increment.The changes in stress,strain,and displacement during each increment are added to the stresses,strains,and displacements at the beginning of the increment. During each increment,each element is checked to determine whether it is in a state of primary loading,elastic unloading,tension failure,or shear failure.The resulting output provides the static stress values within the embankment during normal operation.Additional information can be found in Dun c an eta1.(5). The following figures were developed from the FEADAM computer program out- put for the soft and stiff core material: - - - Fi gure B6.6 B6.7 B6.8 86.9 86.10 86.11 86.12 B6.13 86.14 86.15 86.16 Subject Finite Element Model St at ic Run Soft Core-End of Construct ion -Vertic al Stress Stat ic Run Soft Core-Normal Operat i ng -Vert ic a1 Stress Static Kun Soft Core-Normal Operating -Vertical Effective Stress Static Kun Soft Core-Normal Operating -2-0 Effective Continu- i ng Stress Static Run Soft Core-Normal Operating Local XV Shear Exceed ance Static Run Stiff Core-End of Construction -Vertical Stress Static Run Stiff Core-Normal Operating -Vertical Stress Static Run Stiff Core-Normal Operating -Vertical Effective Stress Static Run Stiff Core-Normal Operating -2-D Effective Confining Stress Static Run Stiff Core-Normal Operating -Local XY Shear Exceed ance - - Figure B6.6 shows the finite element model which was used for both the static (FEADAM)and the dynamic (QUAD 4)analyses.The model consists of 20 layers with 546 nodes and 520 elements.For the static (FEADAM) analysis,the embankment was IIconstructedll in 20 steps corresponding to one step for each layer.The reservoir load was applied in an additional four steps to simulate filling of the reservoir. (b)Results and Conclusions The static stability of the embankment was assessed by comparing the stresses,XV-induced at any location,with the shear strength available within the material.The effective friction angle 0 1 was evaluated based on a summation plot of shearing strength of rockfill from large triaxial tests taken from Leps (6).Figures 86.11 and 86.16 are plots of the B6-4 - - - r, f""'" I ( induced stresses versus available stresses for soft and stiff core,respec- tively,and indicate an overall safe and stable embankment based on no local XV shear exceedance. The vertical stress and vertical effective stress plots for both the soft and stiff cores (Figures B6.7,~6.8,B6.9,and 86.12,86.13,and B6.14, respectively)indicate minimal arching across the core and normal vertical stress distribution across the remainder of the embankment.The vertical effective stress plots indicate that the vertical effective stress at the center of the core at the base of the embankment is greater than the appl ied water pressure load.This would prevent any possible hydraul ic fracturing of the core material. These results indicate a safe and stable central core,as well as overall embankment under static conditions. 2.2 -Dynamic Analysis The dynamic analysis was performed using the QUAD 4 computer program to evaluate the response of the embankment during a given seismic excitation.The program has been written for elements in plain strain;triangular and quadrilateral ele- ments can be used in representing the embankment. The solution proceeds by assigning modulus and damping values to each element. Because these parameters are strain-dependent,they cannot be calculated at the start of the analysis and an iteration procedure is required.Thus,at the out- set,values of shear modulus and damping are estimated and an analysis is per- formed to compute values of the average strain developed in each element.These strain values are then used to calculate new values of modulus and damping.The whole process is repeated until a solution is obtained incorporating modulus and damping values for each element which are compatible with the average strain developed.Additional information can be found in Idriss et al.(7). The initial values of shear modulus and damping ratio to be used in the analyses were derived from typical values available in Banerjee et al.(8)as follows:-Dampi ng Shear i Zone K2 Type Curve-Core Material: -soft 90 sand -stiff 120 sand Transition f'1ater ia1 150 sand Shell Mater i al 180 sand r- - - The Safety Evaluation Earthquake time-history was developed by Woodward-Clyde Consultants and is shown in Figure 86.17.The significant features are as follows: 86-5 Magnitude 8.5 Richter; -Location 40 miles from site (Benioff Zone); -Maximum acceleratlon of 0.55g; -Duration of strong motion -45s;and -Significant number of cycles -25. A preliminary dynamic analysis indicated that peak output values occurred about 24 seconds into the earthquake acceleration tlme-history.The three iterations for the dynamic analysis were therefore performed using the following sectlons of the earthquake time-history: -Iteration 1:from 10 to 30 seconds; -Iteration 2:from 10 to 30 seconds; -Iteratlon 3:from 10 to 30 seconds. 3 -SEISMIC STABILITY EVALUATION The evaluation of the selsmic stability of the embankment cross section is based on a comparison of shear strength available in the sOll to the earthquake-in- duced shear stresses.This comparison is presented herein as factor of safety. 3.1 -Failure Criteria For the embankment section,the avallable undrained dynamic shear stress is based on an earthquake-induced shear strain of 5 percent.The available drained dynamic shear stress is based on the effective vertical confining stress and the friction angle of the material,taking into account the static shear stress already in the embankment. (a)Undrained Dynamic Shear Stress Criteria The induced stresses within the embankment are compared to the stresses required to cause 5 percent shear strain in 25 cycles of strong motion with a Kc =2.0 for Oroville dam shell material (8)(see Figure B6.8).This strain criteria has been established on the basis of correlations between the results of seismic stability evaluations by the procedure used for the present studies and the performance of earth dams which have been subject to significant earthquake loading (9,10).Case histories of earthfill dams that have been subjected to earthquake loading show that if the strain at any location within the dam and its foundation is smaller than 5 percent, the earthquake had no effect on the stability and integrity of the dam. It should not,however,be concluded that the stability and integrity of the dam is impaired if the strain exceeds 5 percent at some locations with- in the dam and its foundation.The effect of strains exceeding 5 percent depends on the zone of the dam where they may occur,and on their relative extent and location within the specific zone. B6-6 I j -I - - ,.... ! t""", ,, The undrained shear stress exceedance ratio,which is considered to repre- sent a local factor of safety against the development of 5 percent strain, is shown in Figures 86.20 and 86.29 for soft and stiff core,respectively. On the basis of the explanation given in-the preceding paragraph,a value of this ratio less than 1.0 indicates an ample margin of safety_ (b)Drained Dynamic Shear Stress Criteria The induced stresses within the embankment are compared to the stresses available within the embankment calculated from the effective vertical con- fining stress times the tangent of the friction angle of the material, minus the existing static shear strength within the embankment.The drained shear stress exceedance ratio,which is considered to represent a local factor of safety against slope failures,is shown in Figures 86.19 and 86.28 for soft and stiff cores,respectively.Based on this compari- son,a value of this ratio less than 1.0 indicates an ample margin of safety. 3.2 -Results and Conclusions The following figures were developed from the QUAD 4 computer program output for the soft and stiff core material during normal operations: Figure 86.17 86.18 86.19 86.20 86.21 86.22 86.23 86.24 86.25 86.26 86.27 86.28 86.29 B6.30 86.31 86.32 86.33 B6.34 86.35 86.36 Subject Earthquake Time-History Cyclic Deviator Stress vs Continuing Stress Dynamic Run Soft Core -Drained Shear Stress Exceedance Dynamic Run Soft Core -Undrained Shear Stress Exceedance Dynamic Run Soft Core -Horizontal Slice No.1 Dynamic Run Soft Core -Horizontal Slices No.2 and 3 Dynamic Run Soft Core -Shear Stress Time History Plots Dynamic Run Soft Core -Shear Stress Time History Plots Dynamic Run Soft Core -Shear Stress Time History Plots Uynamic Run Soft Core -Shear Stress Time History Plots Dynamic Run Soft Core -Maximum Acceleration vs Height Dynamic ~un Stiff Core -Drained Shear Stress Exceedance Dynamic Run Stiff Core -Undrained Shear Stress Exceedance Dynamic Run Stiff Core -Horizontal Sl ice No.1 Dynamic Run Stiff Core -Horizontal Slices No.2 and 3 Dynamic Run Stiff Core -Shear Stress Time History Plots Dynamic Run Stiff Core -Shear Stress Time History Plots Dynamic Run Stiff Core -Shear Stress Time History Plots Dynamic Run Stiff Core -Shear Stress Time History Plots Dynamic:Run Stiff Core -Maximum Acceleration vs Height I""'" r The seismic stability of the embankment was assessed by comparing the maximum dynamic shear stresses induced by the earthquake at any location with the avail- able shear stresses and indicated an overall stable embankment under seismic load "jng. 86-7 For core materials,very little dissipation of excess pore pressures is expected during the short period of earthquake shaking;therefore,the shear stress evaluation was defined on the basis of the undrained dynamic shear stress criteria.In the case of the downstream shell,any pore pressure buildup caused by earthquake shaking should be negligible;hence.the shear stress evaluation was based on the drained dynamic shear stress criteria. For the saturated upstream shell,total dissipation of excess pore pressure will occur and the shear stress evaluation was based on the drained dynamic shear stress cri ter i a. Figures 86.19, and 86.29 are plots of the drained shear stress exceedance and undrained shear stress exceedance for the soft and stiff core, respectively.These plots indicate minor zones of shear stress exceedance, however the overall embankment was found to be stable. Three horizontal slices for each type of core material were taken through the embankment as shown in Figure 86.6.The ratio of the induced dynamic stresses to the available shear stresses is plotted for each element on each of the three horizontal slices as shown in Figures 86.21,86.22 and 86.30,and 86.31 for the soft and stiff core,respectively.These plots show zones of shear stress exceedance on the surfaces of the embankment,however,the overall stability of the embankment is apparent.Stress histories for various elements are shown in Figures 86.23 through 86.26 and 86.32 through 86.35 for the soft and stiff core. respectively. The maximum accelerations for each nodal point on a vertical slice through the center of the dam are shown in Figures B6.27 and 86.34 or the soft and stiff core,respectively. These results indicate limited zones of shear stress exceedance adjacent to the toe of the upstream shell,near the upstream crest,and in the surface layer of the downstream shell.Since they are localized zones not extending into the embankment,the overall embankment will be stable under seismic loading. 86-8 - - - (1 ) - -, i ! r ! lIST OF REFERENCES Seed,H.B.,"Considerations in the Earthquake-Resistant Design of Earth and Rockfill Dams,"Geotechnique 29,No.3,215-263,1979. (2)Siegel,R.A.(1975L "STABl User Manual,"Joint Highway Research Project, Engineering Experiment Station,JHRP-75-9,Purdue University,June 1975. (3)U.S.Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,CE,"Engineering and Des ign Stab il ity of Earth and Rockfill [Jams,"EM 1110-2-1902, Vicksburg,April 1970. (4)Duncan,J.M.,Byrne,P.,Wong,K.S.,and jVlabry,P.,"Strength,Stress- Strain and Bulk Modulus Parameters for Finite Element Analyses of Stresses and Movement in Soil Mass,"Report No.UCB/GT/80-01, Department of Civil Engineering,University of California,Berkeley, August,1980. (5)Duncan,J.M.,Wong,K.S.and Ozawa,Y,"FEADM1:A Computer Program for Finite Element Analysis of Dams,"Report No.UCB/GT/80-02,Department of Civil Engineering,University of California,Berkeley,December 1980. (6)leps,T.M.,"Review of Shearing Strength of Rockfill,"JSMFD,ASCE,SM4, July 1970. (7)Idr iss,1./11.,lysmer,J.,Hwang,R.and Seed,H.B.,"QUJW-4,A Computer Program for Evaluating the Seismic f{esponse of Soil Structures by Variable Damping Finite Element Procedures,"Report No.EERC 73-16, College of Engineering,University of California,Berkeley,July 1973. (8)Banerjee,N.G.,Seed,H.B.and Chan,C.K.,"Cycl ic Behavior of Dense Coarse-Grained Material in Relation to the Seismic Stability of Dams ,",Report No.UCB/EERC-79/13,College of Engineering,University of California,Berkeley,June 1979. (9)Seed,H.B.,lee,K.L.and Idriss,LM.,"Analysis of Sheffield (Jam Failure,"JSMFD,ASCE,95,No.SM6,Proc.Paper 6906,November 1969. (10)Seed,H.B.,lee,K.L.,Idriss,1.M.and Madkisi,F.,"Analysis of the Sl-ikes in the San Fernando Dams During the Earthquake,"February 9, 1971,Report Egk £ngr.Res.Ctr.,University of Cal ifornia,Berkeley, March 1973. .... r ...... ! /""'I ! k TABLE 86.1:ASSUMED PROPERTIES FOR STATIC ANALYSES OF WATANA DAM Material Y K Kur n Rf Kb m C q;8 Ko CORE:--Soft(1)140 200 300 .8 .6 60 .a 0 35 0 .43 --Stiff(2)140 700 aDO .35 .a 280 .2 0 35 0 .43 TRANSITIONO)·145 1300 1500 .4 .72 900 .22 0 35 6 .43 SHELLS (4)145 1800 2000 .4 .67 1300 .16 0 35 6 .43 where: y=Unit weight,pef K =Modulus number,ksf Kur =Elastic unload ingmodulus nYmber,ksf n =Modulys exponent Rf =Failure ratio Kb =Bull<modulus number,ksf m =Bulk modylus exponent C =Cohesion,psf $=Friction angle,degrees 8 =Decrease in friction angle perlog cycle increase in 0"3'degrees Ko =Earth pressyre coef f icient (1)Mica Creek Dam Core,2 percent wet of optimum (2)Mica Creek Dam Core,2 percent dry of optimum (3)Oroville Dam silty sandy gravel (4)Oroville Dam Shell -Amphibolite gravel - - - Note:Values taken from Duncan et al.,19ao,"Strength,Stress-Strain and 8ulk Modulus Parameters for Finite Element Analyses of Stress and Movements in Soil Masses,"Report No.UCB!GT!aO-01,University of California,Berkeley. ..~'~]'1 """"-')~-J ,---1 "~J 1 ~--'1 --'J "~-l ~"'-'l )-"''')r .••J ---'1 } NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL EL,2185 \'='",,,,,'-,,~ EL,1340 WATANA DAM MAXIMUM CROSS SECTION 1".",-"7 NOTE: FOR DETAILED CROSS SECTION SEE PLATE 9 IN VOLUME 3 OF FEASIBILITY REPORT, FIGURE 66,I iill --']~--1 -~--]~--"--]e~----1 --1 '--"",~--l ------),~-}~--1 '-"'-"1 A FAlLURE SUR FACE A-A B-B C·C CONSTRUCTION CASE SAFETY FACTOR 2.0 2.0 2.2 FIGURE 86.2 m ~-1---1 ~..,e.)~.~eJ ~e-~-l -~~'1 ._.)---~--1 "--1 ~---~l 1'-1 ,._]~"'-)'"--~l "--1 ")-1 NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL EL.2185 A 8C o FAILURE SURFACE A·A 8-8 c-c 0-0 * SAFETY FACTOR 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.7 NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL CASE *TYPICAL FAIWRE SURFACE FOR DOWNSTREAM SLOPE (2:1) FIGURE 86.3 liJ ~-]'~"'~~].,,'-,'-'I r-l '~'-J ''''-J '~1 ----1 ,"--""1 -'-~l ---,f __'C )r"",,]:-'''-1 --,--] -.- MAXIMUM RESERVOIR DRAWDOWN EL.2045 MAXIMUM RESERVOIR DRAWDOWN CASE FAILURE SURFACE A-A B-B C-C SAFETY FACTOR 1.8 1.8 2_0 FIGURE 86.4 I~~~(~I -]1 -}:--1 C--~-]1 r~]--~--l --~-]-----1 O~--)---0-]----I -1 A MAXIMUM RESERVOIR LEVEL OURING PMF EL. MAXIMUM RESERVOIR LEVEL DURING PMF CASE FAILURE SURFACE A-A B-B C-C SAFETY FACTOR 2.0 2.0 2.1 FIGURE 66.5 lAi\ FINITE ELEMENT MODEL HORIZONTAL SLlCE NO.3 HORIZONTAL SLICE NO.2 HORIZONTAL SLICE NO.1 FIGURE 86.6 -sYMBOL A VALUE -140. B C SYMBOL -120. 0 -100. E K -80. F VALUE L -60. G H 5. M -40. ..I 10. N -20. J 20. 0 -10. 40. p -5. 60. a R O. 80.100. S 120.140. END OF STATIC f VERTICAL F CONSTRUC~~~ RUN SOFT STRESS (SIGv)(KSF)~ •FIGURE B6.7 .......__ "~MBOL A B VALUE -140. C 0 E -120.-100. F SYMBOL K -80.-60. G H I VALUE L M -40.-20.'-10. J 5. N 0 -5. 10.20. P 0 NORMAL OPEl STATIC RI VERTICAL Sl ~-.--,- I lRATING CONDITION~UN SOFT CORE 'I (SIGv)(KSF)ISTRESS I - [ii] FIGURE 86.8 SYMBOL A B C 0 E F G H I J ""-'lALUE -140.-120.-100.-80.-60.-40.-20...-10.-S.O. SYMBOL K L M N 0 P Q R S VALUE S. 100.120.140. STATIC F VERTICAL EFFECT! -- RUN SOFT CORE TIVE STRESS (SIGv)(KSF) FIGURE 86.9 SYMBOL A B C 0 E F G H I J---140.-120.-100.-80.-60.-40.-2.0...-10.-5.0VALUE SYMBOL K L M N 0 P Q R S VALUE STATIC 2.-D EFFECTIVE CO SOFT CORE RUN (SIG 2')(KSF)ONFINING STRESS •FIGURE 86.10 f?~ SYMBOL A B C 0 E F G H I J-.VALUE -10.0 -8.0 -6.0 -4.0 -2.0 -1.0 -0.5 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 SYMBOL K L M N 0 p Q R S VALUE 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 4:0 6.0 8.0 10.0 ~lifI' STATIC LOCAL XY SHE, FT CORE RUN SO (T AU x y I SH)._R EXCEEDANCE SYMBOL Ac_,B VALUE ·140. C 0 -120. E F SYMBOL -100.-80. G H r-~ .-- t<L -60.-40. VALUE M "-20. J N -10. 5.IQ 0 -5. 20. P O. 40. Q R 60.80. S 100.120.140. END OF I STATIC R VERTICAL S CONSTRUC~g~E RUN STIFF i (SIGv)(KSF),STRESS -140.-120.-100.-80.-60.-40.~-20.-10. N 0 40.60. Q R S 100.120.140. SYMBOL VALUE SYMBOL VALUE A K 5. 8 L 10. c M 20. D E F P 80. G H -5. J O. NORMAL OPEF STATIC RL VERTICAL 61 - FIGURE 86.13 \l~~l~I _______1 fl_--1__ ~MBOL A VALUE -140. B C SYMBOL -120.-100. D E VALUE K -80.-60. F G L H 5. M N -40.-~O. I 10. 0 -10. J 20.40. P Q -5.O. 60. R 80.100. S 120.140. STATIC f VERTICAL EFFECT WFIGURE86_."_14__ I IFF CORERUNST')(KSF) riVE STRESS (S I G, SYMBOL A B C 0 E F G H I J-VALUE -140.-120.-100.-80.-60.-40:-20.-10.-5.O. SYMBOL K L M N 0 P Q R S VALUE ...... STATIC 2-0 EFFECTIVE RUN STIFF CORE CONFINING STRESS (SIG 2 1 )(KS'Ft-- FIGURE Bal5 Il~ll~I SYMBOL A B C 0 E F G H 1 J-VALUE -10.0 -8.0 -6.0 -4.0 -2.0 -1.0 -<3.5 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 SYMBOL K L M N a p Q R S VALUE 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 ""',,,.~#>-'> STATIC F LOCAL XY SHEAF FIGURE 86.16 - F CORERUNSTIF ISH),_ (TAUxyREXCEEDANCE 0.60 0.20 (!) z () ()« UJ ~-0.20 CD -0.60 0.00 6.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 30.00 36.00 42.00 EARTHQUAK J 48.00 54.00 TIME (SEC) E TIME HISTORY 60.00 66.00 72.00 78.00 84.00 90.00 96.00 FIGURE 86.17 r-~~-~<--~~--1 P----)]----,-)--~-l eC ----]<---1 --~1 --~)~~1 64 FIGURE 86.18 \l~~l~I 56 Kc =J.O 5.0 % 484032 0-;(KSF) 2416 CYCLIC DEVIATOR STRESS VS.CONFINING STRESS 8 o ...-, , , ,•', , o 8 16 32 48 40 u.en :¥: -24u '0 b SYMBOL A-B VALUE C 0 SYMBOL 0.1 0.2 E 0.3 0.4 F G K L 0.5 H I VALUE 1.1 M N 0.6 0.7 J 1.2 0 0~8 0.9 1.3 1.4 P Q 1.0 I.~2.0 R S 4.0 6.0 8.0 DYNAMIC DRAINED SHEAR STRE~ I I / / I OFT CORE 'RUN S Udeff/TAUfd)_;55 EXCEEDANCE (TA DYNAMIC UNDRAINED SHEAR STRE~ FT CORERUNSO /TAUc)_(TAU d maxEXCEEDANCE,5$ ~------~-------------------.---------------, t- o a!;i tr ---'~I~auz<:t / Gl Gl Gl Gl (!) (!) ---'---'IJJ Gl I (() Gl (!) 0 0 (!) (!) (!) (!)tr IJJ (!)I- 0 ~V 0 L.--Gl 1IJ 0:: IJJ 0 tr 0 U-: (!)a Z 0 u I-z W lJ..1JJ U O~ 0 ::::i (f)..J en lJl-........J Z..J 0 ::><:t(!)t ~0::1-ZZa (!)~-.....0 U!:::!~-tr E>ii:a::~a 0 «I Gl :::c Z Gl >-Cl E> (!) E> Gl (!) ..J ---'E>IJJ I lJl 0 E> (!) 0 E> SS3~iS ~V3HS 3l8Vl1VAV SS3~l.S Hlt3HS :)IW\1NAO a3::>nONI 2.5 - (J) (J) W 0:en t-en fJ)L&J Q:2.0 - 0:~.......--.....~en L&J I a:::,.. )( (J)<t .... L&J ---;- U ::I:~F&en:::E c 1.5 ~c ~L&J ... Z -J > >-m b 0 <t -J '---'" 0 -<tw><::>u <t ::::::>1.0 0z €) 0 0.5 10-0 <:> 0 3.0 0.0 SHELL o o €>o 0 0€) /I o 0 CORE oo 0 0 oo0 rFILTER \'\ o """'- HORIZONTAL SLICE No.2 DYNAMIC RL HORIZONTAL 0 NOTE <:>ACTUAL RATIO =5 0 I <:> t I IiI 0I, 0 I 0 i 0 I 0 0 0 0 t <:>i 0 I ~0 I ---""".:.",0 .. FILTER.wFILTER SHELL ~./1 I I \ \ ........... SHELL J'..t t SHELL ......;:,....-CORE -----HORIZONTAL SLICE No 3. UN SOFT CORE - ! t SLICES No.2 a 3 FIGURE 86.22 • 15 ~en 5~-enenw 0::: l-en 0:::-5«w :I:en -15 0.00 15 enenw 0::: t; ~-5w :I: ~ -15 0.00 6.00 6.00 12.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 91 18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 97 30.00 30.00 36.00 36.00 42.00 42.00 DYNAMIC SHEAR STRE~ 15 lL. CJ) ~5 UJ (/) iJ.Ia: to- (/) ~-5 I.LI ::I:en -i5 0.00 15 6.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 105 30.00 36.00 42.00 lL. (/) :l£5 enenwa:t; ~-5 w ::I: (/) -15 0.00 RUN SOFT CORE 55 TIME HISTORY PLOTS 6.00 12.00 18.00 .24.00~,;~ TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 109 30.00 36.00 42.00 FIGURE B~23 Il~I(~I IS (J) (J) lLJ IX: In ~-5 lLJ ::z::: (J) -15 0.00 15 ~en ~S-(J)en lLJa:::r-- (J) a::-SoCt lLJ :J: .,.£Jl -us 0.00 6.00 6.00 \2.00 12.00 18.00 24..00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 113 "",..'18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 121 30.00 30.00 36.00 36.00 42.00 42.00 DYNAMIC SHEAR STRE 15 ~en ~5 enenwa:: I-en ~-5 w ::I:en -15 0.00 6.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 127 ~o.oo 36.00 42.00 15 lL. en .::.5 enenwa:: I-en ~-5w ::I:en -- -15 0.00 RUN SOFT CORE rSs TIME HISTORY PLOTS 6.00 12.00 18.00 "..,.,24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 307 30.00 36.00 42.00 FIGURE 8&24 [~~~l~I 15 ~en ~5 C/) en LLJa::.... C/) a::-5<t LLJ :I: C/) -15 0.00 15 ~en 5~ enen LLJa::....C/) a::-5<t LLJ :I: "...co.. '" -15 0.00 6.00 6.00 12.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 315 18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 319 30.00 30.00 36.00 36.00 42.00 42.00 DYNAMIC SHEAR STRE! 15 lL.en ~5 en CJ) ILla::: I-en a:::<t -5 IJ.J :::c fJJ -15 0.00 15 -lL. CJ) ~5 en CJ) ~ t; ~-5 ILl:::c CJ) -15 0.00 RUN SOFT CORE 55 TIME HISTORY PLOTS 6.00 6.00 12.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 TI ME (SEC) ELEMENT 323 18.00 ""..~4.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 331 30.00 30.00 36.00 36.00 42.00 42.00 FIGURE 86.25 15 ~en 5~ enenwa: l-en a:-5«wzen -15 0.00 15 -~ ~5 enenwa: t; ~-5 w :I: -u1.. -15 0.00 6.00 6.00 12.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 483 ,...'"\8.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 487 30.00 30.00 36.00 36.00 42.00 42.00 DYNAMIC SHEAR STRE~ I I I I I I I I I RUN SOFT CORE 55 TIME HISTORY PLOTS - 18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 491 30.00 36.00 42.00 FIGURE 86.26 0.5 7.FIGURE 86.2 0.4 CREST OF DAM O.~I I-~-----.0.0 2205.0 2192.3 2170.0 2146.7 2123.3 2100.0 BASE OF DAM RUN SOFT CORE DYNAMIC TION VS.HEIGHTMAXIMUMACCELERA zo ~«> LLI ...J LLI ------------:;-~A~C~C~EE LERAT IONMAX.----0.3 0.2 ~MBOL A VALUE B SYMBOL 0.1 0.2 C D 0.3 E K 0.4 F VALUE L M 0.5 0.6 ~G H 1.1 N 0.7 1 1.2 0 0.8 J 1.3 P 0.9 1.4 1.5 Q R 1.0 2.0 4.0 S 6.0 8.0 DRAINED S~:NAMIC fARSTRESS •FIGURE 86.28 -- F CORERUNSTIFTAUdeff!TAUfd)_EXCEEDANCE ( -SYMBOL A VALUE B SYMBOL 0.1 0.2 C D 0.3 E VALUE K L 0.4 0.5 F G 1.1 M 0.6 ' H 1 1.2 N 0.7 J 1.3 0 P 0.8 0.9 1.4 1.5 Q R 1.0 2.0 4.0 S -'6.0 8.0 UNDRAINED D:NAMICHEARSTRI F CORERUNSTIFdmax/TAUcl •55 EXCEEDANCE (TAU ""-:--"'1 F_~--~"l ]-] o o NOTE 0 ACTUAL RATIO'"2 is) °oo°0°000 °0°0 0 0 °°°°°°o o 0000 '"o ~ 00 L--FILTER 1 rFILTER .~SHELL 7 7 CORE \ \SHELL ~I 3.0 ~-0 NOTE- L ACTUAL RATIO;4 2.5 enenw 0:en I-rnenw et:2.0 I- 0:I----..<t rnw I et:>. en <c f..'" w U I .-I L-rn ~::e-0 ~f..~1.5 <t wz....I -b>-lDo<c ....I '-----""'" o :;r w >u <c 1.0:::> 0 I~0 0 0.5 I-° 0 ° ° HORIZONTAL SLICE No.I DYNAMIC RUN STIFF CORE HORIZONTAL SLICE No.1 FIGURE 86.30 • ] 8 NOTE 3.0 ACTUAL RATIO =7 8 2.5 L tJ) tJ) W Il::enI-enenw 2.0 l-ll::a::I-----<[enILl I a:::>- en <[.: w Q;I u :I:-a-e- i en I--~1.5 I- <[wZ-J b 8 tV >-co I a <['--" -J tV a 0 ILl <[ U > :::l <[1.0a tV tV ~I tV 0.5 I-- 0.0 ~ tV 0 0 tV 0 tV 0 0 tVtV0000 tV0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E>E> FILTERl rFILTER SHELL 7 / CORE \\SHELL HORIZONTAL SLICE No.2 ~ tV o tV 0 tV ~o FILTERl ~FILTER :7,J J.\,......... SHELL J t t SHELL CORE HORIZONTAL SLICE No.3 DYNAMIC RUN STIFF CORE HORIZONTAL SLICE NO.2 63 FIGURE 86.31 [j~1 Ie ~en 5~ enen IJJ 0:: ~en 0::-5ex IJJ ~en -15 0.00 15 LLen ~5 enen IJJ 0:: ~en ~-5 IJJ ~ ~. -15 0.00 6.00 6.00 12.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 91 18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 97 30.00 30.00 36.00 36.00 42.00 42.00 DYNAMIC SHEAR STRE 15 -LLen ~5-enen L&J B:: t; B::-5et laJ Z en -15 0.00 IS -~en ~S-enen L&Ja: ~en B::-S<t L&J Zen -IS 0.00 RUN STIFF CORE ESS TIME HISTORY PLOTS 6.00 6.00 12.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 105 18.00 "",.,24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 109 30.00 30.00 36.00 36.00 42.00 42.00 FIGURE 8&32 [A~II~I 15 -l&. fJ 5-enen I.LIa::t; ~-5 I.LI :::J:en -15 0.00 6.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 113 30.00 36.00 42.00 15 -l&. ~5 enen 11.1 ~ a:: <[-5 iLl :::J: 4!} -15 0.00 6.00 12.00 "",'"18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 121 30.00 36.00 42.00 DYNAMIC SHEAR STRE 15 -15 0.00 6.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) 30.00 36.00 42.00 ELEMENT 127 42.0036.0030.0018.00 ""..24.00 TIME (SEC) 12.00 15 -LL. en ~5 enen l&J IX:t; IX:-5<t l&J:z:en - -15 0.00 6.00 ELEMENT 307 RUN STIFF CORE SS TIME HISTORY PLOTS FIGURE 86.33 15 (J) (J) ILla:t; a:-5<C ILl :I: (J) -15 0.00 15 -lL ~5 (J) (J) ILla:.... (J) ~-5 ILl % ...{q, -15 0.00 6.00 6.00 12.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 315 >18.00 24.00....,.. TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 319 30.00 30.00 36.00 36.00 42.00 42.00 DYNAMIC SHEAR STRE~ 15 _. ta.. UJ ~5 UJ UJ l&Ja:: ~ UJ a:: <[-S 1LI ~ UJ -IS 0.00 6.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 323 30.00 36.00 42.00 15 Ii.. UJ ~5 en UJ 1LIa:: In ~-5w ~ UJ -15 0.00 RUN STIFF CORE ESS TIME HISTORY PLOTS 6.00 12.00 18.0024.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 331 30.00 36.00 42.00 FIGURE 8&34 [~~~(~I 15 l.L.en 5~ enenw ~ t-en ~-5«w::r:en -15 0.00 6.00 12..00 18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 483 30.00 36.00 42.00 15 LL ~5 enenw 0:: ~ ~-5 w::r:....co. 'J -15 0.00 6.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 487 30.00 36.00 42.00 DYNAMIC SHEAR STRE: H5 -LLen::.::5 enenwa::: ti; ~-5 w J:en -15 0.00 RUN STIFF CORE TIME HISTORY 'PLOTS 6.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 TIME (SEC) ELEMENT 491 30.00 36.00 42.00 FIGURE B6~35 CREST OF DAM 6mFIGURE86.3 0.64-=0-r.5:...-•O.! X ACCELERATIONMA. 0.30.2 STIFF COREDYNAMICRUNTIONVS.HEIGHTMAXIMUMACCELERA 0.1 BASE OF DAM 0.0 1588.0 2205.0 2192.3 2170.0 2146.7 2123.3 2100.0 zo ~ c:( > LLI ..J LLI "'""! i l ~ I r l r ~. ~ ! APPENDIX B8 WATANA PLANT SIMULATION STUDIES 1 -SCOPE The objective of the plant simulation studies is to present performance studies of the selected Watana plant with six 170 MW units.The studies demonstrate the improved performance of the six 170 MW plants in comparison with four 250 MW plants.The simulation program was arranged to: -Study the operation and load following characteristics of the Watana power plant with different number and rating of units; Determine the effect of minimum and maximum loading constraints of the units; -Determine the effect of critical single or double contingency outages of units on the amount and type of spinning reserves available in the system; -Study the effects of maintenance outages and its impact on generation schedul- ing and system security;and -Check the operation of gas turbines and peaking plant. The simulation studies were done for the typical year 2000,a few years before the Devi 1 Canyon plant is put into operation.The load demand data used are from the medium load forecast. 2 -COMPUTER SIMULATION MODEL To achieve the stated objectives,a computer simulation program was used to sim- ulate Watana power plant and system operation.The Watana turbines and reser- voir are modeled in detail to simulate closely the reservoir regulation and load-following characteristics of the turbines. The model includes the following principal features: Turbine characteristics as a function of head,gate opening (flow),and effi- ciency are used in the model; -Minimum loading limitations of the turbine due to rough zone of operation up to 50 percent of the gate openings are constraints for turbine loading and operation; -Maximum continuous rating (MCR)of the generators constitutes the maximum loading of the units.Higher turbine capability at higher heads is blocked at the generator MCR rating; -Predicted daily system load demand curves are used for two typical load shapes for winter and summer,respectively.Monthly peak load variation of the load is taken into account; 88-1 -Average reservoir inflows are input in the program.Allowable monthly maximum and minimum reservoir levels are constraints for reservoir regulation and operation; -Unit by unit loading and deloading of Watana generators according to load demand (load-following)is done taking into account all constraints mentioned above.The program loads the units equally for maximum efficiency of operat ion; -Steam plants are loaded as base-load plants and gas turbines as peaking plants;and -The maintenance scheduling is done for the generating units. The turbine characteristic curves used in the simulation model are for typical Francis turbines of similar specific speeds as the Watana turbines.These curves have been computed from turbine "hill ll charts and are normalized to unit head,flow and power.The turbine characteristics include allowances for generator efficiency and are shown in Figure 88.1 for the Watana units.Figure 88.2 shows the efficiency curves for operation of one to six units.The data from the turbine curves are stored in the computer model in per-unit normalized form,and are calculated for each turbine rating in dimensions of feet,cfs,and kW for the head,flow and time are interpolated by the program.Hydraulic losses in the intake and waterways are taken into account. The Watana reservoir characteristics are shown in Plate 5 in Volume 3.Curve interpolation is again utilized during the program simulation.Figure 15.1 (Volume 1)presents the load demand curves showing daily and monthly variations in load.Weekend load demands are factored into the simulation. The program loads coal plants,combined cycle plants,gas turbines,and hydro plants generally in accordance with the optimized generation planning program output.Watana generators are allowed to perform load following operations. High merit-order plants such as coal plants are run as base plants.Gas tur- bines and diesel generators,being low-merit order plants,are generally brought on by the program automatically only when the specified constraints prohibit the loading of higher merit-order plants. The program takes into account the maintenance scheduling of the generating plants.An outage of one unit for one month is assumed for Watana in the month of July. The integration routes used for the solution of the differential equations is the Rune Kutta Fourth Order method.A time step size of 0.002 of a day (approximately a 3 minute step)is used for the calculation with a printout time interval of one hour. 3 -RESULTS OF THE SIMULATIONS Printouts of the results of the plant simulations are included in this appendix for the six x 170 MW units and the four x 250 MW unit cases,respectively.For each run~printouts are presented for the following outputs in a typical day in each month of the year 200Q (January tq December): B8-2 ".,... I I rt \ Watana plant kW output; -Watana turbine kW output,with flow and efficiency for each unit; -Watana turbine utilization,showing number of units loaded; -Watana reservoir level; -kW output of thermal,small hydro and peaking plants; -Total system load kW demand; -Total system reserve capacity,including maintenance outage; -Watana reserve capacity; -Annual energy output of Watana,thermal plant,small hydro,and gas turbine plants;and -System annual energy. A typical December 2000 simulation output is shown in Figure 15.5 (Volume 1). The printout intervals are for each hour of a typical December day.The legend for the printout variables is given in this figure. In the December daily load demand curve,the system peak load of 1084 MW occurs in the evening at 1700 hours.The Watana plant output of 804 MW,the thermal plant output of 200 MW,and small hydro plant output of 80 MW supplies the total system load of 1084.The total system reserve capacity is 447 MW. The Watana six x 170 MW plant has,at this peak hour,a reserve capacity of 270 MW,with one unit on spinning reserve and the remaining five units operating at a part-gate loading of 160 MW each.The reserve capacity available at Watana plant is therefore adequate to meet a single contingency outage of one unit.A subsequent double contingency outage can be met by the reserves available in the system. The simulation results for the alternative four 250 MW plant shows that sufficient reserve capacity is not available for double contingency unit outages for the December 2000 peak load demand. 4 -CONCLUSIONS The following is a summary of the conclusions of the simulation studies: -The simulations indicate that the six unit Watana plant (six x 170 MW)has superior overall performance in terms of load following,improved overall efficiency and minimum loading constraints of the units over the four unit (four x 250 MW)plant. The overall reliability of the six unit Watana plant is better than that of the four unit plant.During maintenance the six unit plant has a planned outage of 170 MW versus 250 MW for the four unit plant. -The minimum loading constraints mentioned above are due to the turbine rough zone operation arising from draft tube hydraulic surging.A fairly conservative constraint of 50 percent of gate opening has been assumed in these studies which does not allow the unit to be loaded below 50 percent of its load output at a particular head.The simulations show that constraints on the 250 MW units are much greater than the 170 MW units requiring consequently greater operation of lower merit-order plants. 88-3 The simulations indicate that sufficient spinning reserve of a mlnlmum of one Watana unit is available for all peak day loadings for the selected six unit Wat an a plant. -During peak December loading for a double contingency outage of two units, there is adequate system reserve for the year 2000 for the six x 170 MW plant but not for the four x 250 MW plant. 88-4 SUSITNA SIMULATION STUDY INPUT DATA -' - ::;rOUTH=l ,0,TRLOSS cO,OM'KLO,\D=1-084000, cOrn~fIT OUTTH=50000.0.INST IiL =15:1 000, SOi!STM!T OUTSH,20000.,OUTD!}='J. CONST M!T n!l ::1157 ~y In2=979 t:J IN3=S98 f 1 IN4=1113 b j IN5=1 l:3?8.~.~, lUll =105~t ~IN12=140~:t :::Jr1STMiT 111\1=2135.,HI12=2119.,11113=2105.,HI14=2095,,liH5=2115."., 1111.5=21.50,,HI17=2170.,HHS=2180.,Hl1?=2190.,HI110=2185.,••• HHl1 =21:-'2.~HM12=215J, Cm~STM!T Le1 =~914 ~LC>~8~,~,,ll..C3~~7S31LC4·=t6?6fLC5:=t 63lh +t f :~~3~f ?~)J ("9ft915)1(1.1 ~39.i~(1~1~t8~)~(1.15 ..~855) FUNCTIDtl 'JCUR'JE=I111 •.1';'00.i,\135.,2000.),\::'35.,2050,),••• (450 t '!:2:25)~(580 f ,2~75 i ) (.::,,,92)J (j,525,f9jj,..': (.703,1 ~O)J (t75~y9~)i'{.875~t9~),{1.!..7:) (.875~,,72)f{-.9167.'t 91),(1.J t7~) TITLE SUSITNA PROJECT SII1UliHIOt! TIMER DELT=0.002,FINTIii=12.0,." OllTDEL =0.041567 ,PRDEL =0.041667,DELMIN=1.OE -1 0 L,',PEL SUSITNil PROJECT SIMULI~TIOH LABEL SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATIOn 2000(MED,LOAD);w'8TAHA 4-250 -.f.'RTPLDT KULOAD (THEEML,SMHY ,PEM,n! Ll;BEL SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION::OOOOiED.LOti!I):WAT M!A.:1-:?50 f'RTf'LOT RESEF:V (INSTA1A:lJLOATHJATRES) [nD Timer Vari;;t,l€,~ DELT =1.?341E-03 DELMIN=1.0000E-10 fINTIM=1.1953£+01 rRDEL =4.1~67E-O: OUTDEL=4;1667E-0:- - J!IIlI!i'I - r"" I I - - :U::lm~l PHUECT SIMlHTIDN TIME iHWHWL WATANA rWHWT KWHTH r:WHSt-I WATAI!A O,OOOOE+OO 5.1010EHlO 8,0389E+05 1,1703E {-Ol nJLOAD :L8821H05 5,1250E+00 1.0339E H:loS 111703E+01 RESEF:V 4.t711EH)5 1.1703£+01 1.1-128£+06 I:'t 125!J[lOO rrs Int~tr3tion - -j ,.., , i t r r r-" I, ( ",.... \ i { -I • I,~ SUSITNA SIMULATION WITH SIX 170 MW UNITS AT WATANA su:;rrNA Pf.:OjECT SlMULAnmi;2000(MED.LOADi:WATANA 6-170 Pase !'lnJ,mUv,1 1.0821E+05 ----------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ i' I '"""! - r- I r TIME o,(iOOOE tOO 4.1667[--02 B.:n34E'-u2 L2500E-·Ol 1.6667H)1 2.0833[-01 2.5000E-Ol 2.9167E-Ol 3.3334E-Ol 3.7500[-01 4.1667E -01 4.5834E-·01 5.OOOOE--O 1 5.4167[-01 5.8334E·,0 1 6.2501E-'01 6.6667E'·01 7.0834[-01 7.5001£01 7.~'167E -01 8.3334[-01 8.7501[-01 ?1667E 01 9.5B34£-01 1.0000ElOO 1.0417£+00 1.0B33E+OG 1.1250E tOO 1.1667EtOO 1.2083E+00 1.2500E+00 1.2917£+00 1.3333E+00 1.3750EtOO 1.4167£tOO 1.45B3E +00 1.5000E+00 1.5417E+00 1.5833£+00 1.6250E+00 1.6667E+00 1.7083E+00 1~7500E+00 1.7917E 100 1.8333E+00 1.8750E+00 1.9167£+00 1.9583E1-00 2.0000E+00 2.0417£+00 2.0833£+00 iIlATANIi 4.2345E+05 4.0033E+05 3.7721£+05 3.5410£+05 3.7391E+05 3.'1373E+05 4.1355£+05 4.8620E+05 5.5886£+05 6.3151Et05 6.3151E105 6.3151E+05 6.3151E+05 6.3482E+05 6.3812[+05 6.4143E+05 6.7624[,f05 7.1070n05 7.003tH05 6.7775Et05 6.5463E105 6.3150E f'05 5.6545E+05 4.9940El-05 4.3496Et05 4.1311E+05 3.9126£-105 3.6941E+05 3.8814Et05 4.Ob3SE +1;)5 4.2562£+05 4.9430H05 5.6299£+05 6.3165E+05 6.3165E+05 6.3165£+05 6.3165[+05 6.3477E+05 6.3789[+05 6.4103E+05 6.7394Et05 7.0650Et05 6.9720E+05 6.7535£+05 6.5350E+05 6.3163£+05 5.6919£+05 5.0675:::+05 3.7262£+05 3.5232£+05 J.3301E+05 WATANA verses TIME ----------------------+ --------------------+ -------------------+ ------------------+ -------------------t --------------------+ ---------------------+ ---------------------------+ --_.._---------------------------+ --------~----------------------------+ -------------------------------------t -------------------------------------+ --------------------.------,-----------+ -~-----_._----------------------------+ -------~------------------------------+ -----_.....-_.._--------_.._---_.._---------+ ._-----------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------t ----------------------------------------t" ",--,----··--·--------,--··-g,-·-----------------f ----·-----,----,--------------------t ----------------------------+ -----------------------t ---------------------+ --------------------+ ------------------+ --------------------f ---------------------+ ----------------------+ 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1.5788E+05 9.1709E-01 4.0000E+00 1.5870Et05 9.1686£-01 4.0000EtOO 1.5953E+05 9.1664E-Ol 4.0000E+00 1.6036E+05 9.1642E-01 4.0000E+00 1.6906E+05 9.1029£-01 4.0000E+00 1.7767E+05 8."1860E-Ol 4.0000E+00 1,7522E+05 9.0195E-01 4.0000E+00 1.6944E+05 9.0981E-01 4.0000E+00 1.6366£+05 9.1554E-01 4.0000E+00 1.5788£+05 9.1711£-01 4.0000E+00 1.4136E+05 9.1521E-Ol 3.0000ftOO 1.6647E+05 9.1389E-Ol 3.0000£+00 1.4499Et05 9.1816E -01 3.0000EtOO 1.3770E+05 9.1222£-01 3.0000t:+OO 1.3042E+05 9.0628E-01 3.0000£+00 1.2314Et05 8.9723E-01 3.0000EtOO 1.2938E+05 9.0542E-Ol 3.0000£+00 1.3563E+05 9.1051E-01 3.0000E+00 1.4187£+05 9.1560£-01 3.(lOOO£+00 1.6477Et05 9.1525E-Ol 4.0000£+00 1.4075£+05 9.1467E-01 4.0000EtOO 1.5791£+05 9.1712E-01 4.0000EtOO 1.5791E+05 9.1712bJ! 4.0000£+00 1.5791Et05 9.1712E-01 4.0000E+00 1.5791E+05 9.1712E-Ol 4.0000EtOO 1.5869E+05 9.1691E-01 4.0000E+OO 1.5947005 9.1670E-01 4.0000E+00 1.6026E+05 9.1649£-01 4.0000E+00 1.6848E+05 9.1132E-01 4.0000£+00 1.7662£+05 9.0028Hil 4.0000E+OO 1.7430Et05 9.0345E-Ol 4.0000EtOO 1.6884E+05 9.1088E-Ol 4.0000£+00 1.6337E+05 9.1566E-01 4.0000E+00 1.5791£+05 9.1715E-Ol 4.0000E+00 1.4230£+05 9.1585£-01 3.0000E+00 1.6892E+05 9.1082E-01 3.0000E+00 1.2421E +05 8.9852£-01 2.0000£+00 1.7641£+05 9.0067E-01 2.0000£+00 1.6651£+05 9.1411£-01 SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION:2000(MED.LOAD):WATANA 6-170 1.0821E+05 Minimum - - - GENKW EFF 1.5661E+05 9.1751E-01 1.6510E+05 9.1521E-Ol 1.7359E+05 9.0452E-Ol 1.2139E+05 8.9467E-Ol 1.4214E+05 9.1568E-01 1.6288E+05 9.1581E-01 1.3772E+05 9.1208E-Ol 1.3772E+05 9.1207E-Ol 1.3772E+05 9.1207E-01 1.3772E+05 9.1206£-01 1.3843E+05 9.1263£-01 1.3913E+05 9.1320E-01 1.3984£+05 9.1378£-01 1.4730E+05 9.1984£-01 1.5468E+05 9.1806£-01 1.5257£+05 9.1863E-Ol 1.4762E+05 9.1997E-Ol 1.4267E+05 9.1605E-Ol 1.3771E+05 9.1201£-01 1.6475E+05 9.1533E-01 1.4589£+05 9.1865E-Ol 1.3783£+05 9.1210E-Ol 1.2903E+05 9.0489E-Ol 1.2023E+05 8.9296E-Ol 1.1143£+05 8.8104E-Ol 1.1898E+05 8.9126E-Ol 1.2652E+05 9.0148E-Ol 1.3408E+05 9.0903£-01 1.6174Et05 9.1616£-01 1.2627E+05 9.0113E-Ol 1.4470E+05 9.1766E-Ol 1.4470E+05 9.1766E-Ol 1.4470Et05 9.1766E-Ol 1.4470E+05 9.1765E-Ol 1.4554E+05 9.1833E-Ol 1.4638E+05 9.1901E-Ol 1.4722E+05 9.1969E-Ol 1.5606E+05 9.1771E-Ol 1.6480E+05 9.1534E-Ol 1.0230Et05 9.1602E-01 1.5643E+05 9.1761E-Ol 1.5057£+05 9.1921E-Ol 1.4469£+05 9.1760E-Ol 1.2792E+05 9.0329E-Ol 1.6674E+05 9.1414£-01 1.1205E+05 8.8178E-01 9.9368£+04 8.6153E-Ol 1.7338£+05 9.0513£-01 1.4804Et05 9.1989E-01 1.4804E+05 9.1989£-01 1.4804E+05 9.1989E-01 3.0000E+00 3.0000E+00 3.0000E+00 3.0000E+00 3.0000£+00 3.0000E+00 3.0000E+00 3.0000EtOO 3.0000E+00 3.0000£+00 2.0000E+00 2.0000EtOO 2.OO':)OE +00 1.0000E+00 1.0000£+00 1.0000£+00 1.0000EtOO 3tOOOOE+Oft N 2.0000EtOO 2.0000EtOO 2.0000E+00 4.0000EtOO 4.0000E+00 4.0000E+00 4.0000EtOO 4.0000E+00 4.0000E+00 4.0000E+00 4.0000E+00 4.0000E+00 4.0000£+00 4.0000EtOO 3.0000£+00 3.0000EtOO 2.0000Et00 2.0000£+00 2.0000EtOO 2.0000E+00 2.0000E+00 2.0000E+00 2.0000£+00 2.0000E+00 3.0000E+00 3.0000E+00 3.0000E+OO 3.0000E+00 3.0000E+00 3.000,:)EtOO 3.0000E+00 4.0000E+00 4.0000E+00 Ma>:imuITi 8.0389Et05 WATANA verses TIME _.....__._-_._--._._+ ~._------------------------------+ ----+ -----------------------+ ----------t ~-+ --+ --+ ----~"-----~~-~-,---·---·------·-------t -------------------------------+ --------------------------------+ ---------j -----------------------+ -----------------------t ----------t -----------+ ---------------+ ---------------------------------+ ._---------------------+ ---------------------------+ -----------------------+ -----------------------+ -----------------------+ -----------------------+ -----------------------+ -------------------------+ ---------------------------t ---------------------------+ -------------------------t ------------------------+ -----------------------+ -------------------+ ----------------t --------+ ------t --------+ --------------------------------------f ----_._---------------------------+ ---------+ -------------------+ ---------------------------+ --------------+ ----------------------------------+ ------------------------------------t -------------------------------+ ---------------+ --------------------------------+ -----------------t ------------------t ----------------------t -------------------------------t 4.6930£+05 4,5170£+05 4.3407E+05 3.8377E+05 3.3347E+05 2.2409Et05 L 9374E+05 1.7338E+05 1.4804Et05 1.4804E+05 1.4804E+05 4..3662£+05 4.3914£+05 4.4167E+05 4.6818E+05 4.9440[+05 4.8691E+05 2.7566E+05 5.9047E+05 5t 7066£{~Ci5 5.50D4Et05 4.?42~[J05 5.5087E+05 5+8920E+05 6~1870[+05 6.1027E+05 2.4045E+05 2.2287E+05 3t641?E+05 2.3796E+05 2.5304E+05 2.6816E+05 3.2349E+05 3.7881E+05 4.3411E+05 4.3411E+05 4.3411E+05 4.3411E+05 5.5653[+05 5.5937E+05 WATAN;j 3t1322E+05 3.3020E+05 5.5087Et05 575087E+05 5.5370E+05 3.4717[+05 4.264iEi-05 4.8865E+05 5.5087E+05 3.7500£+00 3.7917E+00 2.75COE}OO 3.8334E+00 3.8750E+00 3.9167E+00 3.9584£+00 4.0000E+00 4.0417EtOO 4.0B34E+00 4.1250E+00 4.1667E+00 4.2084E+00 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1.0821E+05 8.7641£-01 6.2501EtOO 1.0831£+05 +1.0000E+00 1.0831£+05 8.7659E-01 r-0 6.2917£+00 1.9089E+05 -----+2.0000EtOO 9.5447E+04 8.5563£.,.01 6.3334E+00 2.7307H05 -----------+2.0000£+00 1.3654£+05 9.1132£,~Of i SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION ,2000(MEB.LOflDl:WATANA 6-170 F'a::le 4 ~• Mirlimufil WATANA verses TIME Ma:-:imulrl 1.0821E+05 8.0389E+05 -TIME WATANA N GENKid EFF 6.3751E+00 3.1224£+05 --------------+2.0000E+00 1.5612E+05 9.1757£-01 6,4167E+00 3.5140E+05 -----------------+2.0000E+00 1.7570£+05 9.0121E-Ol 6.4584£tOO :L6479E+05 ------------------+3.0000EtOO 1.2160E+05 8.9527E-Ol 6.5001E+00 3.7798£+05 -------------------+3,0000E+00 1.2599E+05 9.0125E-Ol 6.5417E+00:)3.7140£+05 ------------------+3.0000£+00 1.2330E+05 B.982SHJ1 0.5834E+00 3.6482Et05 ------------------+3.'JOOOE +00 1.2161£+05 8.9531E-Ol 6.6251E+00 3.5B25E+05 -----------------+2.0000E+00 1.7913E+05 8.9648E-Ol 6.6667E+00 :L6264E+05 ------------------+3.0000E+00 1.2088E+05 B.9434H)1 6.7084E+00 3.6703E+05 ------------------+3.0000E+00 1.2234E+05 8.9634E-Ol """"6.7501E+00 3.7139£+05 ------------------+3.0000E+00 1.23BOE+05 8+9833E-iJl 6.7917E+00 3.56'J3E +05 -----------------f 2.0000E+00 1.7802E+05 3.9793E-01 6.8334E+00 3.4068£+05 -------~--------+2.0000E+00 1.7034E+05 9.0835E-01 6.8751E+00 3.2534E+05 ---------------+2.0000EtOO 1.6267E+05 9.1575E-Ol 6.9167£+00 3.1874£+05 ---------------+2.0000E+00 1.5937E+05 9.1665E-Ol 6.9584E+00 2.6937Et05 -----------+2.0000EtOO 1.3469005 9.0992E-Ol 7.0001E+00 2.1015£+05 -------+2.0000E+00 1.0507E+05 8.7152E-Ol 7.0417£+00 1.8447£+05 _____.1 2.0000E+00 9.2237E+04 8.5057E-Ol1 7.0834£+00 1.5880E+05 ---+1.0000EtOO 1.5880E+05 9.1679E-Ol 7.1251£+00 1.3316E+05 -+1.0000EtOO 1.3316E+05 9.0870E-Ol ... .<7.1667E+00 1.3316E+05 -+1.0000EtOO 1.3316£+05 9.0871E-Ol 7.2084E+00 1.3316E+05 _J.1.0000E+00 1.3316£+05 9.0872£-011 7.2501E+00 1.3328£+05 -+1.0000EtOO 1.3328E+05 9.0883E-Ol .~7.2917£+00 2.2116E+05 --------+2.0000E+00 1.1058E+05 8.8050E-Ol 7.3334E+00 3.0861£+05 --------------+2.0000E+00 1.5431£+05 9.1800E-01 7.3751£+00 3.5030E+05 -----------------+2.OOI;)OE +00 1.7515£+05 9.0160E-Ol 7.4167E+00 3.9198£+05 --------------------+3.0000E+00 1.3066E+05 9.0671E-Ol """t 7.4584£+00 4.0622E+05 ---------------------+3.0000£+00 1.3541£+05 9.1059E-Ol 7.5001£+00 4.2025E+05 ----------------------+3.0000E+00 1.4008£+05 9.1442E-Ol 7.5417E+00 4.1325E+05 ---------------------+3.0000EtOO 1.3775E+05 Y.1252E-01 """!i! 7.5B34E+00 4.0625E+05 ---------------------+3.0000E+00 1.3542E+05 9.1062E-Ol 7.6251£+00 3.9926£+05 --------------------+3.0000EtOO 1.3309E+05 7'.0872E -01 7.6667£+00 4.0393E+05 ---------------------+3.0000EtOO 1.3464Et05 9.1000E-Ol ~7.7084E+00 4:0860E+05 ---------------------t 3.OOOOE +'JO 1.3620E+05 9•1127E -01 7.7501E+00 4.1324E+05 ---------------------+3.0000£+00 1.3775E+05 9.1254E -01 7.7917HOO 3.9690£+05 --------------------+3.0000EtOO 1.3230E+05 9.0810E-Ol 7,8334E+00 3.8056£+05 -------------------+3.0000E+00 1.2685E+05 9.0276E-01 -7.8751E+00 3.6423£+05 ------------------+3.0000EtOO 1.2141£+05 8.9535E-Ol 7.9167EtOO 3.5720Et05 -----------------t 2.0000EtOO 1.7860E+05 8.9674E-Ol 7.9584E+00 3.0466£+05 --------------+2.0000E+00 1.5233E+05 9.1850E-Ol -8.0001E+00 3.0564£+05 --------------+2.0000£+00 1.5282E+05 9.1837E-Ol 8.0417E+OO 2.8804E+05 ------------+2.0000E+00 1.4402£+05 9.1770E-01 8.0834E+OO 2.7043Et05 -----------t 2.0000EtOO 1.3522E+05 9.1051E-Ol ~8.1251E+00 2.5288£+05 ----------+2.0000E+00 1.2644Et05 9.0224£-01 8.1667E+00 2.6797Et05 -----------+2.0000E+00 1.3399E+05 9.0951E-01 8.2084E+00 2.8306Et05 ------------+2.0000EtOO 1.4153E+05 9.1568£-01 8.2501E+00 2.9821Et05 -------------+2.0000E+00 1.4911E+05 9.1937E-Ol """'i! .8.2917E+OO 3.5354E+05 -----------------+2.0000[+00 1.7b77E+05 8.9918E-Ol 8.3334E+00 4.0887E+05 ---------------------+3.0000E+OQ 1.3629E+05 9.1141[-01 8.3751£+00 4.6411£+05 -------------------------+3.0000E+00 1.5470£+05 9.1785£-01 8.4167E+00 4.6411E+05 -------------------------+3.0000EtOO 1.5470Et05 9.1785E-Ol 8.4584E+00 4.6411E+05 -------~-----------------+3.0000E+00 1.5470Et05 9.1785E-01 IOtIII! SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION:2000(MED.LDADl:WATANA 6-170 Minimum 1.0821Et05 ~ I I - -i I I -i I !""" I ( TIME 8.5001E+00 8.5417£+00 3,5834£+00 8,6251£+00 8.6667£+00 8.70\14£+00 8.7501£+00 8.7917HOO 8.8334E+00 8.8751E+00 8.9167E+OO 8.9584[+00 9.000mOo 9.0417£+00 9.0834E+00 9.1251E+OO 9.1667E+00 9.2084E+00 9.2501E+00 9.2917E+00 9.3334£+00 9.3751E+00 9.4167E+00 9.4584£+00 9.5001EtOO 9.5417E+OO 9.5834E+00 9.6251E+00 9.6667E+00 9.7084E+00 9.7501E+00 9.7917E+00 9.8334£+00 9.8751E+00 9.9167EtOO 9.9584E+00 1.OOOOEI-Ol 1.0042£+01 1.0083[+01 1.C125Et01 1.0167E+Ol 1.0208E+Ol 1.0250E+Ol L0292E+01 1.0333E+Ol 1.0375E+01 1.0417£+01 1.0458£+01 1.0500Et01 1.0542£+01 1.0583Et01 WATflNA 4.6411EHl5 4.6663E+05 4.6S'14E+05 4.7170£+05 4.9821£+05 5.2439£+05 5.1689E+05 4.9929E+05 4.8168E+05 4.6402[+05 4.1372H05 3.6342E+OS 3.8183E+05 3.6172E+05 3.4161£+05 3t2157E+05 3.3881E+05 3.5604Et05 3.7336£+05 4.3656E+05 4.9975Et05 5.6284Et05 5.6284E+05 5.6284£+05 5.6284£+05 5+6572£+05 5.6859E+05 5.7151E+05 6.0180E+05 6.3170£+05 6.2312E+05 6.0302E+05 5.8291£+05 5.6273E+05 5.0527E+05 4.4782[+05 4.2'i56E +05 4.0624E+05 3.8292Et05 3.5969E+05 3.7968E+05 3.9966E+05 4.1976E+05 4.9305E+05 5.6635E+05 6.3949E+05 6.3949£+05 6.3949E+05 6.3950£+05 6.4283Et05 6.4616£+05 WATANA verses TIME -------------------------+ -------------------------+ -------------------------+ --------------------------t ----------------------------+ -----------------------------+ -----------------------------+ ----------------------------+ --------------------------+ -------_._----------------+ _._--------------------+ ------------------t -------------------+ ------------------t ----------------+ ---------------+ ----------------+ -----------------+ -------------------+ -----------------------+ ----------------------------+ --------------------------------+ --------------------------------+ --------------------------------+ --------------------------------+ --------------------------------+ ---------------------------------+ ---------------------------------+ -----------------------------------+ -------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------+ ----------------------------------+ --_...._--------------------------+ ---------------_.._-----------+ ------------------------+ -----------------------+ ---------------------+ -------------------+ ------------------t -------------------+ --------------------t ----------------------+ ---------------------------+ --------------------------------+ -----------------------.-----------------+ --------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------+ Ma;.:imuiTl 8.0389£+OS N GENKW EFF 3.0000E+00 lt5470Et05 9.1785£-01 3.0000£+00 1.5554E+05 9.1762£-01 3.0000£tOO 1.5638E+05 9.1739£-01 3.0000EtOO 1.5723E+05 9.1716E-01 3.0000£tOO 1.6607E+05 9.1374E-01 3.0000£+00 1.7480E+05 9.0185E-01 3.0000£+00 1.7230E+05 9.0525E-01 3.0000E+00 1.6643E+05 9.132SE-01 3.0000E+00 1.6056E+05 9.1625E-01 3.0000E+00 1,5467£+05 9,178SE-01 3.0000E+00 1.3791E+05 9.1274E-01 3.0000E+00 1.2114E+05 8.9506E-01 3.0000E+00 1.2728E+05 9.0341E-01 3.0000EtOO 1.2057E+05 8.9428£-01 2.0000£+00 1.7081E+05 9.0728E-01 2.0000£+00 1.6078E+05 9.1619£-01 2.0000£+00 1.6940E+05 9.0920E-01 2.0000£+00 1.7802E+05 8.9746E-01 3.0000£tOO 1.2445E+05 8.9956E-01 3.0000E+00 1.4552E+05 9.1895£-01 3.0000E+OO 1.6658£t05 9.1305E-01 4.0000E+00 1.4071£+05 9.1502£-01 4.0000E+00 1.4071£+05 9.1501£-01 4.0000E+00 1.4071£+05 9.1501£-01 4.0000£fOO 1.4071E+05 9.1501£-01 4.0000E+00 1.4143E+05 9.1559E-01 4.000CrEtOO 1.4215£+OS 9.1617E-01 4.0000EtOO 1.4288Et05 9.1677E-01 4.0000E+00 1.5045£+05 9.1902£-01 4.0000E+00 1.5792E+05 9.1698£-01 4.0000£+00 1.5578£+05 9.1757E-01 4.0000E+00 1.5075£+05 9.1894£-01 4.0000EtOO 1.4573Et05 9.1908£-01 4.0000E+00 1.4068£+05 9.1495E-01 3.0000£+00 1.6942E+05 9.1064E-Ol 3.0000E+00 1.4927E+05 9.1934£-01 3.0000£+00 1.4319E+05 9.1699E-01 3.0000£+00 1.3541E+05 9.1064E-01 3.0000£+00 1.2764E+05 9.0380E-Ol 3.0000£+00 1.1990E+05 8.9325£-01 3.0000E+00 1.2656E+05 9.0232E-01 3.0000E+00 1.3322E+05 9.0883E-Ol 3.0000E+00 1.3992E+05 9.1430E-01 3.0000E+00 1.6435E+05 9.1525£-01 4.0000E+00 1.4159£+05 9.1566E-01 4.0000£tOO 1.5987E+05 9.1647E-01 4.0000E+00 1.5987E+05 9.1647E-01 4.0000£+00 1.5987£+05 9.1647E-Ol 4.0000E+00 1.5987E+05 9.1648E-01 4.0000E+OO 1.6071E+05 9.1625E-01 4.0000E+00 1.6154E+05 9.1603E-01 !JUSITNA FROJECT SIMULATION:2000(MEIt.LOAIi)i WATANA 6--170 WATANA verses TIME Pase {;, Ma;.;imuOi 8.'J389E +05 -TIME lJfJTANA N GENKW EFF 1.C625E·/01 t,+4956E +05 --------------------------------------+4,OOOOE+00 1.6239E+05 9.1580E-Ol 1.0iEH01 6.8468E+05 ------------------------------------------t 4.0000E+00 1.7117E+05 9.0705E-Ol 1*OIOGE 1-01 7.1935Et05 -------------------------------------------+5.0000E+00 1.4387E+05 9.1747E-01 j,.:};'SOE+Ol 7.0940H05 -..,-_._-'---------------------------------------+4,()(lOOE +00 1.7735E+05 8.9866E-Ol 1~0792EtOl bt8608E+C5 I 4.0000E+00 1.7152E+05 9.0661E-Ol-----------------------------------------T 1.0B33E+Cl 6.6276E+05 ---------------------------------------+4,0000E+OO 1.6569E+05 9.1455E-Ol 1.0875E-tOl 6~3935Et05 --------------------------------------+4.0000E+00 1.59B4E+05 9.1651E-01 l,<J91i'EiOl ~+7272EtC5 ---------------------------------+4.0000E+00 1.4318Et05 9.1688E-Ol 1+f}958£+Ol 5.060'1[+05 ---------------------------+3.0000EtOO 1.6870E+05 9.1049E -01 1~100C[{~Ol 4.89~WEtOS ---------------------------+3.0000£+00 1.6320E +05 ..9.1560E-Ol 1.1042[101 4.6429H:J5 -------------------------t 3.0000E+00 1.5476E+05 9.1789E-Ol 1.1083£+01 4.390CH05 -----------------------+3.0000E+00 1.4633Et05 9.1944E-Ol 1.1125[+01 4.B81E+OS ---------------------+3.0000E+00 1.3794E+05 9.1258£-01 1.1167E+01 4.354?E+05 -----------------------+3.0000E+00 1.4516EH)5 9.1847E-Ol 1.1208[+01 4.5717E+05 -------------------------+3.0000E+00 1.5239E+05 9.1854£-01 1.1250E+01 4.7897E+05 --------------------------+3.0000EtOO 1.5966Et05 9.1657E-01 L 1292Et01 5.5847E+05 --------------------------------+4.0000E+00 1.3962£+05 9.1393E-Ol L 1333001 6.3796E+05 --------------------------------------+4.0000E+00 1.5949E+05 9.1662E-Ol i.B75E+Ol 7.1728E+05 -------------------------------------------+5.0000E+OO 1.4346E+05 9.1706E-Ol 1.1417E+Ol 7.1728E+05 -------------------------------------------+5.0000EtOO 1.4346E+05 9.1705E-01 1.1458001 7.1728E+05 -------------------------------------------+5.0000E+00 1.4346Et05 9.1704E-Ol 1.1500E+Ol 7.1729£+05 -------------------------------------------+5.0000E t00 1.4346E+05 9.1704E-01 1.1542E+Ol 7.2090E+05 --------------------------------------------+5.0000E+00 1.4418E+05 9.1762E -01 1.1583E +01 7.2451 [i'05 --------------------------------------------+5.0000E+00 1.4490E+05 9.Hl20E-01 1.1625E+Ol 7.2821Et05 --------------------------------------------+5.0000E+00 1.4564E+05 9.1880E-01 1.1667£HH 7.6630E+05 ---------------------------------------7-------+5.0000E+00 1.5326E+05 9.1833E -01 1.1708£+01 8.0389E+05 -------------------------------------------------+5.0000E+OO 1.b078Et05 9.1629E-Ol 1.1750UOl 7.9310005 -------------------------------------------------+5.0000E+00 1.5862E+05 9.168SE -01 1.1792EtOl 7.6781E+05 -------------------------------------~---------t 5.0000E+00 1.5356E+05 9.1826E-Ol 1.1833E+Ol 7.4252E+05 ._--------------------------------------------+5.0000E+00 1.4850E+05 9.1963E -01 1.1875E+01 7.1711£+05 -------------------------------------------+5.0000E+00 1.4342E+05 9.1695E-01 1.1917E +01 6.4485Et05 --------------------------------------+4.0000E+00 1.6121E+05 9.1619E-Ol 1.1958£+01 5.7258Et05 -_._------_._-----------------------+4.0000E+00 1.4315£+05 9.1671E-Ol - - SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION :2000 (MElI.LOAD):WATANA 6-170 Page -1 """"i..I Minimum KWLOAD verses TIME Mil}~imI.Jlll 3.8821 Et l:J5 1.0839Et06 """'J TIME KWLOArl THERML SMHY F'EAKPL 2.1250EtOO 5.4322E+05 -----------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 2.1667EtOO 5.6020Et05 ------------t 1.5000E+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOO£tOo 0IIlil 2.2084EtOO 5.:m.7Et05 -------------t 1.5000£t05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOE+OO i 2.2500EtOO 5.9417Et05 --------------t 1.5000£+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 2.2917E+00 6.5641£+05 -------------------+1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 2.3334£+00 7.1865Et05 -----------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO -2.3750EtOO 7.8087Et05 ----------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOOHOO 2.4167EtOO·7.8087Et05 ----------------------------t 1.5000£+05 8.0000Et04 0.0000£+00 2.4584EtOO 7.8087Et05 ----------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO I"I!>t 2.5000£+00 7.8087£+05 ----------------------------+1.5000Et05 8.0000E+04 0.0000£+00 2.5417EtOO 7.8370Et05 ----------------------------t 1.5000Ef05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOE+OO 2.5834E+00 7.8653Et05 ----------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO ~2.6250EtOO 7.8937Et05 ----------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOO£tOo 2.6667EtOO 8.1920Et05 ~-----------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 2.7084EtOO 8.4870E+05 ---------------------------------t 1,5000Et05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 2.7500E+OO 8.4027Et05 --------------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO ~ 2.7917EtOO 8~2047E+05 -------------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 2.8334EtOO 8.0066Et05 -----------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 2.8750EtOO 7.8084Et05 ----------------------------t 1.5000E+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO •2.'t167E tOo 7.2425£+05 o ------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 2.9584EtOO 6.6767Et05 --------------------t 1,5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOo£too 3.0000EtOO 5.35bbEt05 ----------t 2.0000Et05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 3.0417EtOO 5.1805£+05 ---------t 2.0000Et05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO ~ 3.0834E+00 5.0045E+05 --------t 2.0000Et05 6.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO -} 3.1250E+00 4.8287Et05 ------t 2.0000Et05 6.0000Et04 0.0000£+00 3.1667EtOO 4.9796Et05 -------t 2.0000Et05 6.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO -3.2084EtOO 5.1304Et05 --------t 2.0000Et05 6.OOOOE t()4 0.0000£+00 3.2500EtOO 5.2816Et05 ----------+2.0000Et05 6.0000EfiJ4 O.OOOOE+OO 3.2917EtOO 5.8349£+05 --------------f 2.0000Et05 6.0000Et04 0.0000£+00 3.3334EtOO 6.3881£+05 ------------------t 2.0000Et05 6.0000Et04 o.oooonoo 3.3750EtOO 6.9411Et05 ---------------------t 2.0000Et05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 3.4167EtOO 6.9411Et05 ---------------------~2.0000Ef05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOOI 3.4584E+00 6.9411 Et05 ---------------------t 2.0000Et05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO ""'" 3.5000EtOO 6.9411Et05 ---------------------t 2.0000Et05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 3.5417EtOO 6.9662Et05 ----------------------t 2.0000Et05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 3.5834EtOO 6.9914Et05 ----------------------t 2.0000Et05 6.0000E+04 o.oooonoo 3.6250EtOO 7.0167Et05 ----------------------t 2.0000Et05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 3.6667EtOO 7.2818Et05 ---------------------~--t 2.0000Et05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOE+OO 3.7084E+00 7.5440Et05 --------------------------t 2.0000Et05 6.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 3.7500E+00 7.4691Et05 -------------------------t 2.0000Et05 6.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO 3.7917£+00 7.2930Et05 ------------------------+2.0000Et05 6.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 3.8334EtOO 7•1170E t05 -----------------------t 2.0000E+05 6.0000E+04 O.OOOO£tOO 3.8750E+00 6.9407Et05 ---------------------t 2.0000Et05 6.0000£+04 O.OOOOHOO ~ 3.9167EtOO 6.4377E+05 ------------------t 2.0000Et05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 'J 3.9584EtOO 5.9347£+05 --------------t 2.0000E+05 6.00QOEt04 O.OOOOHOO 4.0000E+00 4.8409E+05 ------t 2.0000Et05 6.0000E+04 0.0000£+00 4.0417EtOO 4.5874EtOS -----t 2.0000Et05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOHOO 4.0834EtOO 4.3338Et05 ---t 2.0000Et05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 4.1250EtOO 4.0804Et05 -t 2.0000E+05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 4.1667EtOO 4.0804Et05 -+O.OOOOEtOO -2.0000Et05 6.0000Et04 4.2084EtOO 4.0804Et05 -t 2.0000Et05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO ~. ,'-'SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION :2000(MED.LOAD):WATANA 6-170 Pase 3 MininluRI KWLOAD verses TIME Maximum I""'"3.8821£+OS 1.0839E+06:TIME KWLOAD THERML SMHY PEAKPL 4.2S00EtOO 4.0811Ef05 -f 2.0000EfOS 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEfOO ,...4.2917EfOO 4.9491Et05 -------f 2.0000EfOS 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 4.3334EfOO 5.8130EfOS -------------f 2.0000EtOS 6.0000E+04 O.OOOOEfOO 4.37S0EfOO 6.2247£+05 ----------------f 2.0000Et05 6.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEtOO 4.4167EfOO 6.6363Ef05 -------------------t 2.0000Ef05 6.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEfOO r""4.4584EfOO 6.7772Ef05 --------------------+2.0000Et05 6.0000£+04 O.OOOOEfOO I 6.91S9£+05 ---------------------f 2.0000Ef05 6.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEfOO4.S000£+00 4.5417£+00 6.8467Ef05 ---------------------f 2.0000E+05 6.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEtOO r-4.5834£+00 6.7775£+05 --------------------+2.0000E+05 6.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEtOO 4.6250EfOO 6.7085E+OS --------------------t 2.0000Ef05 6.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEfOO 4.6667EfOO 6.7546£+05 --------------------t 2.0000£+05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 4.70B4E+00 6.B007EfOS --------------------f 2.0000Ef05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEfOO,.... 4.7500£fOO 6.8466Et05 ---------------------t 2.0000Ef05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOO£HlOi~ c 4.7917E+00 6.6852Ef05 --------------------t 2.0000Ef05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOO£fOO, 4.8334EtOO 6.S239E+OS ------------------f 2.0000E+05 6.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEtOO r"""4.8750EfOO 6.3626Ef05 -----------------t 2.0000£f05 6.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEtOO 4.9167EtOO 6.2934Ef05 -----------------f 2.0000Et05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtoO 4.9S84EfOO 5.7745Et05 ---·----------t 2.0000Et05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 1""lt 5.0000EtOO 4.7119Ef05 -----f 2.0000EfOS 8.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEfOO I 5.0417EtOO 4.46S1£+05 ----+2.0000E+05 8.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEtOOiI,5.0B34EfOO 4.2182EfOS --t 2.0000£t05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEfOO 5.1250EtOO 3.9717EfOS f 2.0000Ef05 8.0000E+04 0.0000£+00 ~5.1667EfOO 3.9717Et05 f 2.0000Et05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO 5.2084EfOO 3.9717Et05 f 2.0000EH)5 8.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEfOO 5.2500EfOO 3.9725Et05 t 2.0000Ef05 8.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEfOO i"""5.2917EtOO 4.8174E+05 ------f 2.0000E+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 5.3334EtOO 5.6532Ef05 ------------+2.0000Ef05 8.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEfOO 5.3750£+00 6.0589EfOS ---------------f 2.0000E+OS 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 5.4167E+00 6.4596Ef05 ------------------t 2.0000Ef05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEfOOI"""5.4584£fOO 6.5966Et05 -------------------t 2.0000E+05 B.OOOOEt04 O.OOOOEtOO 5.S000EfOO 6.7316Ef05 --------------------f 2.0000Ef05 8.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEfOO 5.S417E+00 6.6643Ef05 -------------------t 2.0000EfOS B.OOOOEf04 O.OOOOEfOO "...,5.S834EtOO 6.S969Et05 -------------------f 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 5.6250E+00 6.5297E+OS -------------------f 2.0000Ef05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 5.6667E+OO 6.5746Et05 -------------------+2.0000Ef05 8.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEtOO f""'"5.70B4EfOO 6.6195Ef05 -------------------f 2.0000E+05 B.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEtOO 5.7500EtOO 6.6641EfOS -------------------+2.0000Ef05 8.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEtOO S.7917EtOO b.S071Ef05 ------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 5.8334EtOO b.3500EfOS -----------------f 2.0000EfOS 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEfOO 5.8750EtOO 6.1930Et05 ----------------f 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.DOOOEtOO 5.9167£+00 6.1256Ef05 ----------------+2.0000EfOS 8.0000Ef04 O.OOOOHOO 5.9584EtOO 5.6205Et05 ------------f 2.0000£+05 B.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEtOO,....6.0000E+00 4.6056Ef05 -----t 2.0000EtOS B.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEfOO 6.0417EtOO 4.3644£+05 ---t 2.0000Et05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEfOO 6.0S34EtOO 4.1231EtOS -t 2.0000Ef05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO l"""6.1250EfOO 3.B821Ef05 f 2.0000Ef05 8.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEtOO 6.1667EtOO 3.8B21Et05 t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 6.20B4EfOO 3.8821Et05 f 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEfOO 6.2S01EtOO 3.8831Ef05 f 2.0000Ef05 B.0000Et04 O.OOOOEfOOr6.2917EtOO 4.70B9Ef05 -----f 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO I,6.3334£+00 S.S307Ef05 -----------f 2.0000EtOS 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOE+OOl~ r- SUSITNA PRDJECT SIMULATIDN :2000(MED,LDAD):WATANA 6-170 Pase 4 .t!II!!\ MiniRllJRI KWLOAD verses TIME M,n:lIlrURI 3.8821Et05 1.0839Et06 ~ TIi~E KWLOA[l THERML SMHY PEAKPL 6.3751EfOO 5,9224E+05 --------------+2.0000E+05 8.0000Et04 0.0000£+00 6.4167EtOO 6.3140Et05 -----------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 6.4584EtOO 6.4479Et05 ------------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 6.5001E+00 6.5798E+05 -------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 6.5417E+00 6.5140Ef05 ------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 6.5834EtOO 6.4482Et05 ------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO !"'It 6.6251[+1;0 6.3825Et05 -----------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 6.6667E+00 6.4264Ef05 ------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.oo00Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 6.7084EtOO 0.4703Et05 ------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO ~ 6.7501EtOO 6.5139E+05 ------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000E+V4 '0.OOOOE tOo 6.7917EtOO 6.3603E105 -----------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 6.8334EtOO 6.2068E+05 ----------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO ~,6.S751EtOO 6,0534Et05 ---------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000£+<)4 O.OOOOEtOO , 6.9167E+00 5.9874Et05 ---------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 6.9584EfOO 5.4937Et05 I 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO-----------'T 7.0001EtOO 4.9015£+05 -------+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO """l!! 7.0417EtOO 4.6447£t05 -----+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.0834E+00 4.3880Et05 ---t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 7,1251EtOO 4.1316Et05 -+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.1667HOO 4.1316E+05 _J.2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOOI 7.2084EtOO 4.1316Et05 -+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.2501E+00 4.1328Et05 -t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO "!7.2917£+00 5.0116Et05 --------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO I 7.3334EtOO 5.8861Et05 --------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.3751EtOO 6.3030Et05 -----------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.4167EtOO 6.7198Et05 --------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO ~ 7.4584EtOO 6.8622Et05 ---------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOO£tOO 7.5001£tOO 7.0025E+05 ----------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.5417HOO 6.9325Et05 ---------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO ""'"7.5834EtOO 6.8625Et05 ---------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.6251E+00 6.7926Et05 --------------------t 2.0000£t05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO ~ 7.6667[tOO 6.8393Et05 ---------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.7084EtOO 6.8860E+05 --------------------··t 2.0000Et05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.7501EtOO 6.9324Et05 ---------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.7917EtOO 6.7690Et05 --------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.8334EtOO 6.6056Et05 -------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.8751EtOO 6.4423E+05 ------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.9167EtOO 6.3720E+05 -----------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.9584EtOO 5.8466Et05 --------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 8.0001E+00 5.3564£+05 ----------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 8,0417£+00 5.1804Et05 ---------t l,5000Et05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOOEtOO 8.0834EtOO 5.0043Et05 --------t 1.5000£t05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOOEtOO ~8.1251EtOO 4.8288£+05 ------t 1.5000E105 8.0000Et04 0.0000£+00 8.1667£tOO 4.9797£t05 -------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 8.2084EtOO 5.1306Et05 --------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOo£tOO 8.2501£+00 5.2821Et05 ----------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 8.2917EtOO 5.8354Et05 --------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 8.3334EtOO 6.3887Et05 ------------------t 1.5000Et05 8,OOOOE+04 O.OOOOEtoO 8.3751EtOO 6.9411Et05 ---------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO """!8.4167EtOO 6.9411Et05 ---------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 8.4584EtOO 6.9411£+05 ---------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO ...... i r'" I 1 ,... SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION :2000(MED.LOAD):WATANA 6-170 Pase 5 MininilJnl KWLOAD verses TIME Ma>:in,um 3.8821E+05 1.0839E+06 TIME KWLOAII THERML SJiHY F'EAKPL 8.5001EtOO 6.9411Et05 ---------------------t 1.5000E+05 B.0000Et04 O.OOOOE+OO,..,8.5417E+00 6.%63E+05 ----------------------t 1.5000E+05 B.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO I 8.5834E+OO 6.9914E+05 ----------------------+1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 8.6251£fOO 7.0170£+05 ----------------------+1.5000E+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 8.6667E+00 7,2821E+05 ------------------------+1.5000E+05 8.0000E+04 0.0000£+00r8.7084E+00 7.5439Et05 --------------------------+1.5000E+05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO S.7501£+00 7.4689£+05 ----------------~--------+1.5000E+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOE+OO 8.7917E+00 7.2929E+05 ------------------------+1.5000Ef05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 8.8334[+00 7•116BE +05 -----------------------+1.5000E+05 3.0000Ef04 O.OOOOE+OO 8.8751E+00 6.9402E+05 ---------------------t 1.5000E t05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 8.9167E+00 6.4372Et05 ------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtoo 8.9584E+OO 5.9342Et05 ---·-----------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 9.000m·oo 6.1183E+05 ----------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 9.0417E+00 5.9172Ef05 ------_._------+1.5000£+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 9.0834E+00 5.7161Et05 -------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOOr-9.1251E+00 5.5157Et05 -----------t 1.5000£+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 9.1667£+00 5.6881Et05 ------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO 9.2084E+00 5.8604Et05 --------------t 1.5000Et05 B.0000£+04 O.OOOOHOO 9.2501EtOO 6.0336£+05 ---------------t 1.5000£+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 9.2917£+00 6.6656Et05 --------------------t 1.5000£+05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOo 9.3334£+00 7.2975Et05 ------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO 9.3751EtOO 7.9284Et05 -----------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000£+04 0.0000£+00r""'9.4167E+OO 7.9284E+05 -----------------------------t 1,5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOOr 9.4584EtOO 7.9284Et05 -----------------------------t 1.5000£+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOE+OO 9.5001£+00 7.9284Et05 -----------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO I*""9.5417EtOO 7.9572Et05 -----------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOO£tOOI t 9.5834E+00 7.9859Et05 -----------------------------t 1.5000£+05 B.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 9.6251£+00 8.0151Et05 -~---------------------------t 1.5000Et05 B.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO ,...,.9.6667£+00 8.3180£+05 -------------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 0.0000£+00 9.7084£+00 8.6170Et05 ----------------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 9.7501E+OO 8.5312£+05 ---------------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 9.7917EtOO 8.3302Et05 -------------------------------t 1.5000£+05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOOEtOO,...,.9.8334E+00 8.1291E+05 ------------------------------+1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 0.0000£+00, 9.8751E+00 7.9273Et05 -----------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 9.9167EtOO 7.3527Et05 ------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 1""'"9.9584E+00 6.7782Et05 --------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOHOO 1.0000Et01 7.0956Et05 -----------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOO£tOO 1.0042Et01 6.8624Et05 ---------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 0.0000£+00 ~1.0083Et01 6.6292Et05 -------------------t 2.0000E+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO I 1.0125H01 6.3969tt05 ------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000H04 0.0000£+00 I 1.0167Et01 6.5968Et05 -------------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.0208Et01 6.7966Et05 --------------------t 2.0000H05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOHOO,.,..1.0250Et01 6.9976Et05 ----------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOO£tOO1 \1.0292H01 7.7305Et05 ---------------------------t 2.0000H05 8.0000Et04 0.0000£+00I 1.0333E+01 8.4635Et05 --------------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO-1.0375Et01 9.1949Et05 --------------------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOOEtOO I'1.0417Et01 9.1949E+05 --------------------------------------t 2.0000H05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOOt1.0458Et01 9.1949Et05 --------------------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOHOO 1.0500Et01 9.1950Et05 --------------------------------------t 2.0000H05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOHOO I"'""1.0542Et01 9.2283Et05 --------------------------------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOOIII1.0583Et01 9.2616Et05 --------------------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOOZL r-'. ! SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION •2000(MEIi.LOAD)t WATANA 6-170 Pase 6• Minimum KWLOAD verses TIME Ma;dllilJR, 3.8821£+05 1,0839Et06 TIME KWLOAD THEHML SMHY PEAKPL 1.0625Et01 9.2956Et05 --------------------------------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 o.OOO{)E+OO 1.0667E+01 9.6468Et05 -----------------------------------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO '""'\\ 1.0708Et01 9.9935Et05 --------------·-----------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 9.S'i40E t05 -------------------------------------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO \,;j1.0750E+01 1.0792EtOl 9.6608Et05 -----------------------------------------t 2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO ~1.0833E+01 9.4276Et05 ---------------------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.0875EtOl 9.1935Et05 ----------------------_·----------------t 2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.0917Et01 8.5272E+05 ---------------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.0958EtOl 7.8609Et05 ----------------------------t ,2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.1000E tOl 7.6959E+05 ---------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.1042Et01 7.4429Et05 -------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8,OOOOEt04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.1083EtOl 7.1900Et05 -----------------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.1125EtOl 6.9381E+05 ---------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.1167E tOl 7.1549Et05 -----------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.1208Et01 7.3717Et05 -------------------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.1250Et01 7.5897Et05 --------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.1292E+01 8.3847E+05 --------------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.1333Et01 9.1796Et05 --------------------------------------t 2.0000E+05 8.0oo0E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.1375E tOl 9.9728Et05 -------------------------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO ~, 1.1417E+01 9.9728Et05 -------------------------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.1458EtOl 9.9728Et05 .-..----------.---.----------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO L1500Et01 9.9729E+05 -------------------------------------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.1542Et01 1.0009Et06 --------------------------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOE+OO 1.1583Et01 1.0045E+06 --------------------------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.1625EtOl 1.0082Et06 --------------------------------------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOHOO 1.1667E+Ol 1.0463E+06 -----------------------------------------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO ~ 1.1708EtOl 1.0839£+06 -------------·------------------------------------t 2.0000E+05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.1750EtOl 1.0731Et06 --------------------------------------------------t 2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOE+OO 1.1792EtOl L0478Et06 -----------------------------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOHOO ~ 1.1833E+01 1.0225Et06 ---------------------------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.1B75Et01 9.9711E+05 -------------------------------------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.1917Et01 9.2485£+05 --------------------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO '""!'1.1958Et01 8.5258E+05 ------------··----·------------------t 2.0000£+05 8.0000H04 O.OOOOEtOO -.:1. ",., \ r-SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION t 2000(MED.LOAD):WATANA 6-170 F'ase Minimuil,RES£RV verses TIM£Ma>;in,um 4.4711Et05 1.1428Et06 TIME RESERV INSTAL KWLOAD WATR£S 0.0000£+00 8.2755E+05 --------------_.------------+1.5310£+06 7.0345Et05 6.5152Et05 ~4.1667E-02 B.5067H05 -----------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.8033£+05 6.7460E+05 8.3334E-02 8.7379E+05 ------------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.5721E+05 6.9769E+05 1.2500E-01 8.9690E+05 ---------_.._---------------------+1.5310E+06 6.341OE+05 7.2077£+05 ""'"1.6667£..·01 8.7709E+05 ------------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.5391Et05 1.00nE+05 2.0833£--01 8.5727E+05 -----------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.7373£+05 6.810SE+05 2.5'JOOE --0 1 B.3745E+05 ----------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.9355E+05 6.6123E+05 2.9167E-01 7.6480E+05 ----------------------+1.5310EHl6 7.6620£+05 5.8B54EHi5 r'"3.3334£-01 6.9214Et05 -----------------+1.5310E+06 8.3886E+05 5.1583£+05 3.7500E-01 0.1949£+05 ------------+1.5310E+06 9.1151E+05 4.4313Et05 4.1667E-01 6.1949E+05 ------------+1.5310E+06 9.1151E+05 4.4308E+05 4.5834E-01 6.1949E1-05 ------------+1.5310E+06 9.1151£+05 4.4302E+05 5.0000E-01 6.1949E+05 ____________J. 1.5310Et06 9.1151E+05 .4.4297E +05I 5.4167E";01 6.1618E+05 ------------+1.5310E+06 9.1482E+05 4.3961E+05 !,Olool 5.B334E-01 6.1288E+05 -----------+1.5310£+06 9.1812E+05 4.3625E+05 6.25"01£-01 6.0957£+05 -----------+1.531OE+06 9.2143E+05 4.3289E+05 6.6667E-01 5.7476£+05 ---------+1.5310£+06 9.5624E+05 3.9802E+05 7.0834E-01 5.4030EHl5 ------+1.5310Et06 9.9070Et05 3.6350Et05 r-7.5001E-01 5.5014E+05 -------+1.5310Et06 9.8086£+05 3.7327E+05 7.9167E-01 5.7325E+05 ---------+1.5310E+06 9.577SE+05 3.9633E+05 8.3334E-01 5.9637E+05 ----------t 1.5310E+06 9.3463E+05 4.1939E+05 8.7501E-01 6.1950E+05 ------------+1.5310E+06 9.1150E+05 4.4246Et05 9.1667E-01 6.8555E+05 -----------------+1.5310E+06 B.4545Et05 5.0846E+05 9.5834E-01 7.5160E+05 ---------------------+1.5310E+06 7.7940Et05 5.7447E+05 1.0000E+00 B.1604E+05 --------------------------+1.5310£+06 6.6496E+05 6.3886£+05,.,...1.0417£+00 B.3789E+05 ----------------------------t 1.5310£+06 6.4311£+05 6.606BE+05 1.0833E+00 8.5974E+05 -----------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.2126Et05 6.8250E+05 1.12S0E+00 8.8159E+05 -------------------------------+1.5310£+06 5.9941E+05 7.0431£+05 1.1667E+00 8.6286E+05 -----------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.1814£+05 6.8555E+05 1.2083E+00 8.4412£+05 ----------------------------+1.5310E t06 6.3688E+05 6.6678E+05 1.2500E+00 8.2538E+05 ----_.._--------------------+1.5310E+06 6.5562Et05 6.4800E+05 ~1.2917EtOO 7.5670E+05 ----------------------+1.5310Et06 7.2430Et05 5.7928E+05 1.3333E+00 6.B001Et05 -----------------+1.5310E+06 7.9299E+05 5.1055Et05 1.3750£+00 6.1935Et05 ------------+1.5310Et06 8.6165E+05 4.4184Et05 1.4167£+00 6.1935E +05 ------------+1.5310Et06 S.6165Et05 4.4178H05-1.4583E+00 6.1935E+05 ------------+1.5310Et06 8.616SEt05 4.4173Et05 1.5000E+00 6.1935E+05 ------------+1.5310E+06 8.6165Et05 4.4167E+05 1,S417E+00 6.1623E+05 ____________J. 1.5310E+06 8.6477E+05 4.3849Et05I-.1 •5833E tOO 6.1311E+05 -----------+1.5310E+06 8.6789E+05 4.3532Et05 1.6250EtOO 6.0997EtOS -----------+1.5310Et06 8.7103£+05 4.3213E+05 1.6607E+00 5.7706Et05 ---------+1.5310E+06 9.0394E+05 3.9916Et05 1.7083E+00 5.4450£+05 ------+1.5310E+06 9.3650E+05 3.6654EtOS 1.7500E+00 5.5380E+05 -------+1.5310E+00 9.2720Et05 3.7577Et05 1.7917E+00 S.7565Et05 ---------+1.5310Et06 9.0535Et05 3.9756£+05 1.8333EtOO 5.9750Et05 ----------+1.5310E+06 8.8350Et05 4.1936E+05 If"-.1.8750HOO 6.1937E+05 ------------+1.5310Et06 8.6163Et05 4.4117£+05 [1.9167E+00 6.8181H05 ----------------+1.5310E+06 7.9919Et05 5.0355E+05~; 1.9583E+00 7.4425Et05 ---------------------+1.5310£+06 7.3675E+05 5.6595E+05 r 2.0000E+00 8.7838£+05 ------------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.0262£t05 7.0004E+05 2.0417£+00 8.9818Et05 --------------------------------+1.5310E+06 5.8282EtOS 7.1981E+05l2.0833E+00 9.1799Et05 ---------------------------------+1.5310E+06 5.6301Et05 7.3959E+05 ~ SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION:2000(MED.LOAD);WATANA 6-170 Page 2 - -------------------------+ --------------------------+ ------------------------------+ ---------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ Minil!llJrn 4.4711£+05 TIME 2.1250E+00 2.1667E+00 2.2084E+00 2.2500E+00 2.2917E+OO 2.3334£+00 2.3750HOO 2.4167E+00 2.4584E+00 2.5000000 2.5417E+00 2.5834EtOO 2.6250EtOO 2.6667HOO 2.7084E+00 2.7500E+00 2.7917E+00 2.8334E+00 2.8750E+00 2.9167EtOO 2.9584E+00 3.0000E+00 3.0417E+00 3.0834E+00 3.1250EtOO 3.1667E+00 3.2084E+00 3.2500£+00 3.2917E+00 3.3334£+00 3.3750E+OO 3.4167E+00 3.4584EtOO 3.5000E+00 3.5417E+00 3.5834E+00 3.6250£+00 3.6667EtOO 3.7084E+00 3.7500E+00 3.7917EtOO 3.8334EtOO 3.8750E+00 3.9167E+00 3.9584EtOO 4.0000E+00 4.0417EtOO 4.0834E+00 4.1250EtOO 4.1667E+00 4.2084EtOO RE5ERV 9.3778Et05 9.2080E+05 9.0383£+05 8.8683E+05 8.2459£+05 7.6235Et05 7.0013E+05 7.0013E+05 7.0013E+05 7.0013005 6.9730E+05 6.9447E+05 6.9163E+05 6.6180E+05 6.3230E+05 6.4073£+05 6.6053E+05 6.8034E+05 7.0016E+05 7.5675Et05 8.1333E+05 9.7534£+05 9.9295E+05 1.0105E+06 1.0281E+06 1.0130E+06 9.9796Et05 9.8284E+05 9.2751Et05 8.7219£+05 8.1689E+05 8.1689E+05 8.1689£+05 8.1689£+05 8.1438E+05 8.1186E+05 8.0933E+05 7.8282E+05 7.5660E+05 7.6409£+05 7.8170E+05 7.9930E+05 8.1693£+05 8.6723Et05 9.1753£+05 1.0269E+06 1.0523£+06 1.0776E+06 1.1030E+06 1.1030E+06 1.1030Et06 RESERV verses TIME -----------------------------------+ ----------------------------------+ --------------------------------+ -------------------------------+ ---------------------------+ ----------------------+ ------------------+ ------------------+ ------------------+ ------------------t -----------------+ -----------------+ -----------------+ ---------------+ -------------+ -------------+ ---------------+ ----------------+ ------------------+ ----------------------+ --------------------------+ -------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------+ ------------------------------+ --------------------------+ --------------------------+ --------------------------+ --------------------------+ --------------------------+ --------------------------+ --------------------------+ ------------------------+ ----------------------+ ----------------------+ ------------------------+ Ma:dllllJnl 1.1428E+06 INSTAL 1.5310E +06 1.5310E+06 1.5310Et06 1.5310Et06 1.5310E+06 1.5310E+06 1.5310Et06 1.5310E+06 1.5310E+06 1.5310E+06 1.5310£+06 1.5310Et06 1.5310E+06 1.5310E+06 1.5310E+06 1.5310E+06 1.5310E+06 1.5310Et06 1.5310E+06 1.5310£+06 1.5310E +06 1.5310E+06 1.5310E+06 1.5310E+06 1.5310E+06 1.5310Et06 1.5310£+06 1.5310Et06 1.5310Et06 1.5310Et06 1.5310Et06 1.5310Et06 1.5310Et06 1.5310Et06 1.5310Et06 1.5310Et06 1.5310E+06 1.5310E+06 1.5310E+06 1.5310Et06 1.5310Et06 1.5310E+06 1.5310E+06 1.5310Et06 1.5310Et06 1.5310Et06 1.5310Et06 1.5310£+06 1.5310Et06 1.5310Et06 1.5310£+06 KWLOAD WATRES 5.4322E+05 7.5935E+05 5.6020£+05 7.4235E+05 5.7717E+05 7.2535E+05 5.9417E+05 7.0832E+05 6.5641E+05 6.4605E+05 7.1865E+05 5.8376E+05 7.8087E+05 5.2150E+05 7.8087E+05 5.2145E+05 7.8087E+05 5.2141E+05 7.8087E+05 c5.2136E+05 7.8370E+05 5.1848E+05 7.8653E+05 5.1560E+05 7.8937E+05 5.1271E+05 8.1920E+05 4.8283E+05 8.4870E+05 4.5328E+05 8.4027£+05 4.6165E+05 8.2047E+05 4.8140E+05 8.0066E+05 5.0116E+05 7.8084E+05 5.2093£+05 7.2425E+05 5.7747E+05 6.6767E+05 6.3402£+05 5.3566E+05 7.9600E+05 5.1805E+05 8.1359£+05 5.0045E+05 8.3117E+05 4.8287E+05 8.4874E+05 4.9796E+05 8.3363E+05 5.1304E+05 8.1853E+05 5.2816E+05 8.0339£+05 5.8349E+05 7.4804E+05 6.3881E+05 6.9268E+05 6.9411E+05 6.3736£+05 6.9411E+05 6.3732E+05 6.9411E+05 6.3729E+05 6.9411E+05 6.3725E+05 6.9662£+05 6.3470£+05 6.9914E+05 6.3215E+05 7.0167£+05 6.2958E+05 7.2818E+05 6.0303E+05 7.5440£+05 5.7677E+05 7.4691E+05 5.8422E+05 7.2930E+05 6.0179E+05 7.1170E+05 6.1935Et05 6.9407E+05 6.3695E+05 6.4377E+05 6.8721Et05 5.9347Et05 7.3748E+05 4.8409E+05 8.4688E+05 4.5874E+05 8.7227E+05 4.3338£+05 8.9766E+05 4.0804E+05 9.2304E+05 4.0804E+05 9.2307E+05 4.0804E+05 9,2311E+05 - ~ ! ~ I SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION •2000(MED.LOAD):WATANA 6-170 Pas~3• MiniBlum RESERV v~rses TIME Ma:-:illlum ~4.4711£+05 1.1428£+06 TIME RESER V INSTAL KWLOAD WATRES 4.25OOE+00 1.1029Et06 -----------------------------------------------+1.5310£+06 4.0811Et05 9.2308Et05 "...4.2917E+00 1.0161Et06 ----------------------------------------t 1.5310Et06 4.9491Et05 8,3631Et05 4.3334EtOO 9.2970£+05 ----------------------------------t 1.5310Et06 5.8130E+05 7.4995Et05 4.3750EtOO 8.8853£t05 -------------------------------t 1.5310Et06 6.2247Et05 7.0880Et05 4.4167£+00 8.4737£+05 ----------------------------t 1.5310Et06 6.6363Et05 6.6765Et05 1"'"4.4584E+00 8.3328£+05 ---------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.7772Et05 6.5358Et05 4.5000EtOO 8.1941Et05 --------------------------t 1.5310Et06 6.9159Et05 6.3972Et05 4.5417EtOO 8.2633Et05 ---------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.8467E+05 6.4665Et05 r-.4.5834EtOO 8.3325Et05 ---------------------------t 1.5310Et06 6.7775Et05 6.5357Et05 4.6250EtOO 8.4015Et05 ----------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.70a5Et05 6.6049Et05 v.4.6667E+00 8.3554Et05 ---------------------------t 1.5310Et06 6.7546Et05 6.5589Et05 4.7084EtOO 8.3093Et05 ---------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.8007£+05 6.5129Et05 4.7500EtOO 8.2634Et05 ---------------------------t 1.5310Et06 6.8466Et05 6.4671E+05 4.7917EtOO 8.4248E+05 ----------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.6852E+05 6,62B6Et05 4.8334E+00 8.5B61Et05 -----------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.5239Et05 6.7901Et05.-4.8750EtOO 8.7474Et05 ------------------------------t 1.5310Et06 6.3626Et05 6.9516Et05 4.9167E+00 8.8166£+05 -------------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.2934Et05 7.0209E+05 4.9584EtOO 9.3355E+05 ----------------------------------+1.5310Et06 5.7745£+05 7.5400E+05 r-5.0000E+00 8.8122E+05 -------------------------------t 1.5310Et06 4.7119Et05 7.0176Et05 5.0417E+00 9.0589Et05 ------··-------··-----------------t 1.5310Et06 4.4651E+05 7.2652E+05 5.0834E+00 9.3055E+05 ----------------------------------t 1.5310Et06 4.21B2Et05 7.5129£+05 5.1250EtOO 9.5519Et05 ------------------------------------t 1.5310Et06 3.9717Et05 7.7603Et05 fI 5.1667EtOO 9.5518£+05 ------------------------------------t 1.5310Et06 3.9717Et05 7.7611E+05 5.2084EtOO 9.5516Et05 ------------------------------------t 1.5310Et06 3,9717Et05 7,7620Et05 5.2500EtOO 9.5506E+05 ------------------------------------t 1.5310Et06 3.9725Et05 7.7620Et05-5.2917EtOO 8.7056Et05 ------------------------------t 1.5310E+06 4.B174£+05 6.9180Et05 5.3334EtOO 7.8646£+05 ------------------------t 1.5310Et06 5.65B2Et05 6.0779Et05 5.3750EtOO 7.4037£+05 ---------------------t 1.5310E+06 6.0589Et05 5.6779Et05 ,.....5.4167£+00 7.0629Et05 ------------------+1.5310Et06 6.4596Et05 5.2779Et05 5.4584EtOO 6.9258E+05 -----------------t 1.5310Et06 6.5966Et05 5.1415E+05 5.5000£+00 6.7907E+05 ----------------+1.5310Et06 6.7316Et05 5.0072Et05 5.5417£+00 6.8579Et05 -----------------t 1.5310Et06 6.6643Et05 5.0752Et05....5.5834EtOO 6.9251Et05 -----------------t 1.5310Et06 6.5969£+05 5.1431E+05, 5.6250EtOO 6.9921£t05 ------------------+1.5310E+06 6.5297Et05 5.2110Et05 5.6667£+00 6.9471Et05 I 1.5310E+06 6.5746Et05 5.1667Et05-----------------T ,-..5.7084EtOO 6.9021Et05 -----------------t 1.5310Et06 6.6195Et05 5.1225Et05 5.7500EtOO 6.8573Et05 -----------------+1.5310Et06 6.6641E+05 5.0785E+05 5.7917EtOO 7.0143Et05 ------------------t 1.5310Et06 6.5071Et05 5.2362E+05 5.8334E+00 7.1712Et05 -------------------t 1.5310Et06 6.3500Et05 5.3939Et05 5.B750HOO 7.3280Et05 ------------------~-t 1.5310Et06 6.1930E+05 5.5516Et05 5.9167EtOO 7.3953Et05 ---------------------t 1.5310Et06 6.1256Et05 5.6197£+05 5.9584EtOO 7.9003Et05 ------------------------t 1.5310E+06 5.6205E+05 6.1255£+05 6.0000EtOO 1.0704Et06 --------------------------------------------t 1.5310Et06 4.6056Et05 8.9305E+05 6.0417EtOO 1.0946Et06 ----------------------------------------------t 1.5310Et06 4.3644Et05 9.1726Et05 6.0834E+00 1.1187Et06 ------------------------------------------------+1.5310Et06 4.1231£+05-9.4148Et05 6.1250EtOO L 1428Et06 -------------------------------------------------t 1.5310Et06 3.8821EtO'5 9.6567E+05 6.1667EtOO 1.1428Et06 -------------------------------------------------t 1.5310Et06 3.8821E+05 9.6576Et05 6.2084E+OO 1.1428Et06 -------------------------------------------------t 1.5310Et06 3.B821Et05 9.6585Et05 6.2501E+00 1.1427£+06 ··------------------------------------------------t 1.5310Et06 3.8831Et05 9.6584Et05 6.2917£+00 1.0601£+06 --------------------------------------------t 1.5310Et06 4.7089Et05 8.B335Et05 6.3334£tOO 9.7793Et05 --------------------------------------t 1.5310E+06 5.5307E+05 8.0126E+05 JIII!IIIII'. SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION •2000(MEIi.LOA[I):WATANA 6-170 Page 4• Minimum RESERV verses TIME Ma;·;inlufil 4.4711Et05 1.1428E+06 ~ TIME RESERV INSTAL KWLOAD WATRES 6.3751E+00 9.3876E+05 -----------------------------------+1.5310E+06 5.9224E+05 7.6217E+05 6.4167[+00 8.9960E+05 --------------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.3140Et05 7.2307Et05 '"! 6.4584E+00 8.8621E+05 -------------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.4479E+05 7.0975E+05 6.5001E+00 8.7302Et05 ------------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.5798E+05 6.9663E+05 1.-. 6.5417EtOO 8.7960Et05 -------------------------------+1.5310Ef06 6.5140E+05 7.0328E+05 .1I!!It6.5834EtOO 8.8618E+05 -------------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.4482E+05 7.0'193E+05 6.6251£+00 8.9275Et05 --------------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.3825E+05 7.1656E+05 6.6667EtOO 8.8836E+05 -------------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.4264E+05 7.1224Et05 6.7084EtOO 8.8397Et05 -------------------------------+1.531OEf06 6.4703£+05 7.0792E+05 6.7501E+00 8.7901E+05 -------------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.5139E+05 7.0363Et05 v 6.7917EtOO 8.9497E+05 --------------------------------+1.5310E +06 6.3603E+05 7.1905E+05 6.8334E+00 9.1032Et05 --------~------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.2068E+05 7.3448E+05 !!lOll 6.8751EtOO 9.2566E+05 ----------------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.0534E+05 7.4989E+05 6.9167E+00 9.3226E+05 ----------------------------------+1.5310Et06 5.9874E+05 7.5656E+05 6.9584E+00 9.8163Et05 --------------------------------------+1.5310E+06 5.4937E+05 8.0600E+05 ...7.0001E+OO 1.0409£t06 ------------------------------------------f 1.5310Et06 4.9015Et05 8.6531Et05 7.0417E+00 1.0665£+06 --------------------------------------------+1.5310E+06 4.6447E+05 8.9106Ef05 7.0834EtOO 1.0922Et06 ----------------------------------------------+1.5310Et06 4,3880E+05 9.1681Et05 7.1251EtOO 1.1178Et06 ------------------------------------------------+1.5310Et06 4.1316E+05 9.4253E+05 I'" 7.1667E+00 1.1178Et06 ------------------------------------------------+1.5310Et06 4.1316Et05 9.4261Et05 7.2084E+00 1.1178Et06 ---------------------------------------7---------+1.5310Et06 4.1316Et05 9.4269E+05 7.2501E+00 1.1177E+06 ------------------------------------------------+1.5310Et06 4.1328£+05 9.4264Et05 7.2917EtOO 1.0298E+06 -----------------------------_._---------~+1.5310E+Oo 5.0116E+05 8.5483£+05 7.3334E+00 9.4239Ef05 -----------------------------------f 1.5310£+06 5.8861Et05 7.6745E+05 7.3751E+00 9.0070Et05 --------------------------------+1.5310£+06 6.3030E+05 7.2582Et05 7.4167EtOO 8.5902E+05 -----------------------------+1.5310EtOo 6.7198£+05 6.8420Et05 'IIIIl\ 7.4584E+00 8.4478E+05 ----------------------------+1.5310E+Oo 6.B622E+05 6.7001Et05 7.5001£+00 8.3075Et05 ---------------------------+1.5310£+06 7.0025Et05 0.5603Et05 7.5417E+00 8.3775Et05 ----------------------------f 1.5310£f06 6.9325£+05 6.6308Ef05 """'l 7.5834E+00 8.4475Et05 ----------------------------+1.5310£f06 6.8625Et05 6.7014E+05 7.6251EfOO 8.5174£+05 -----------------------------+1.5310£+06 6.7926E+05 6.7718E+05 7.6667EtOO 8.4707Ef05 ----------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.8393Et05 6.7256Ef05 !II!1Ii!7.7084E+00 8.4240Et05 ----------------------------f 1.5310E+06 6.8860E+05 6.6795Ef05 7.7501EtOO 8.3776E+05 _._--------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.9324£+05 6.6336E+05 7.7917E+00 8.5410E+05 -----------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.7690£+05 6.7976E+05 7.8334EtOO 8.7044£f05 ------------------------------+1.5310Ef06 6.6056Et05 6.9615Et05 7.8751EtOO 8.8677E+05 -------------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.4423E+05 7.1253£+05 7.9167EtOO 8.9380E+05 --------------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.3720Et05 7.1962£+05 7.9584£+00 9.4634E+05 -----------------------------------+1.5310Et06 5.8466£+05 7.7222E+05 ~i 8.0001£+00 9.4536E+05 -----------------------------------+1.5310Ef06 5.3564E+05 7.7126E+05 8.0417EtOO 9.6296E+05·------,-------------------------------+1.5310E+06 5.1804Et05 7.8889E+05 8.0834EtOO 9.8057Et05 -----------~--------------------------+1.5310Et06 5.0043Et05 8.0652£+05 .. 8.1251E+00 9.9812E+05 ---------------------------------------+1.5310Et06 4.8288E+05 8.2410Et05 8.1667E+00 9.8303E+05 --------------------------------------f 1.5310E+06 4.9797Et05 8.0904E+05 8.2084E+00 9.6794E+05 -------------------------------------+1.5310E+06 5.1306E+05 7.9398E+05 B.2501E+OO 9.5279E+05 ------------------------------------+1.5310£+06 5.2821Et05 7.7885E+05 ~ 8.2917E+00 S.9746Et05 --------------------------------+1.5310£+06 5.8354Et05 7.2355£+05 8.3334E+00 8.4213£+05 ----------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.3887E+05 6.6823E+05 8.3751E+00 7.8689E+05 ------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.9411£f05 6.1301£+05 ~ 8.4167EtOO 7.8689E+05 ------------------------+1.5310Ef06 6.9411Et05 6.1302£+05 8.4584EfOO 7.8689E+05 -------~----------------+1.5310E+06 6.9411£+05 6.1303Et05 ~ F SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION :2000(MED.LOAD):WATANA 6-170 Pase I:" .J Minimum RESERV verses TIME Ha:dIllIJITi ~4.4711£+05 1.1423E+06 TIME RESERV INSTAL KWLOAD WATRES 8.5001E+00 7.8689£+05 -------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.9411E+05 6.1303E+05 8.5417£+00 7.8437Et05 ------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.9663£+05 6.1053E+05I""'"8.5834E+00 7.8186E+05 ------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.9914E+05 6.0802E+05! 8.6251E+00 7.7930E+05 -----------------------+1.5310Et06 7.0170E+05 6.0547E+05 3.6667£+00 7.5279E+05 ---------------------+1.5310E+06 7.2821Et05 5.7897£+05 ~,8.7084EtOO 7.2661Et05 --------------------+1.5310E+06 7.5439E+05 5.5279Et05f 8.7501E+00 7.3411E+05 --------------------+1.5310E+06 7.4689E+05 5.6029E+05 8.7917E+00 7.5171Et05 ---------------------+1.5310E+06 7.2929E+05 5.7790E+05 ,-.8.8334E+00 7.6932E+05 -----------------------t 1.5310E+06 7.1168£+05 5;9551E+05 8.8751£+00 7.8698E+05 ------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.9402E+05 6.1318E+05 8.9167E+00 8.3728E+05 ----------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.4372E+05 6.6349E+05 8.9584E+00 8.8758E+05 -------------------------------~1.5310E+06 5.9342Et05 7.1380Et05j,-9.0001E+00 8.6917£+05 ------------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.1183E+05 6.9539Et05 9.0417EtOO 8.8928E+05 -------------------------------+1.5310Et06 5.9172E+05 7.1548E+05 9.0834E+00 9.0939Et05 ---------------------------------+1.5310Et06 5.7161E+05 7.3558£+05 I""'"9.1251E+00 9.2943E+05 -----------------------------------+1.5310E+06 5.5157E+05 7.5561E+05 9.1667£+00 9.1219£+05 ---------------------------------+1.5310Et06 5.6881E+05 7.3837Et05 9.2084E+00 8.9496£+05 --------------------------------+1.5310E+06 5.8604£+05 7.2112£+05 9.2501E+00 8.7764E+05 ------------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.0336Et05 7.0379Et05 9.2917E+00 8.1444E+05 --_._----------------------+1.5310E+06 6.6656E+05 6.4057Et05 9.3334£+00 7.5125E+05 ---------------------+1.5310E+06 7.2975E+05 5.7735E+05 9.3751£+00 6.8816Et05 -----------------+1.531OE+06 7.9284E+05 5.1424Et05 r-.9.4167£+00 6.8816Et05 -----------------+1.5310Et06 7.9284Et05 5.1421E+05 I 9.4584E+00 6.8816E+05 -----------------+1.5310£+06 7.9284E+05 5.1418E+05 9.5001EtOO 6.8816E+05 -----------------+1.5310E+06 7.9284E+05 5.1414Et05 I""'"9.5417E+00 6.8528E+05 -----------------+1.5310E+06 7.9572E+05 5.1124E+05 I 9.5834EtOO 6.8241E+05 ----------------+1.531CH06 7.9859E+05 5.0834Et05 9.6251£+00 6.7949Et05 ----------------+1.5310E+06 8.0151Et05 5.0538Et05 9.6667EtOO 6.4920E+05 --------------+1.5310E+06 8.3180Et05 4.7506E+05 ~9.7084EtOO 6.1930E+05 ------------+1.5310Et06 8.6170Et05 4.4513E+05 9.7501E+00 6.p88E+05 ------------+1.5310E+06 8.5312Et05 4.5366Et05 9.7917EtOO 6.4798E+05 --------------+1.5310E+06 8.3302E+05 4.7373E+05 r"'"9.8334E+00 6.6809E+05 ---------------t 1.5310Et06 8.1291E+05 4.9381Et05 9.8751E+00 6.8827E+05 -----------------+1.5310E+06 7.9273E+05 5.1396E+05 9.9167E+00 7.4573E+05 ---------------------t 1.5310E+06 7.3527Et05 5.7138Et05 I""'"9.9584E+00 8.0318Et05 -------------------------t 1.5310E+06 6.7782Et05 6.2881Et05 1.0000E+Ol 8.2144E+05 --------------------------+1.5310E+06 7.0956E+05 6.4705E+05 1.0042E+01 8.4476Et05 ----------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.8624E+05 6.7034Et05 1.0083E+01 8.6808E+05 ------------------------------+1.5310E +06 6.6292E+05 6.9363E+05 I....1.0125EtOl 8.9131E+05 -------------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.3969E+05 7.1684Et05 1.0167E+Ol 8.7132£+05 ------------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.5968£+05 6.9683Et05 1.0208EtOl 8.5134Et05 -----------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.7966E+05 6.7681E+05 1.0250EtOl 8.3124E+05 ---------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.9976Et05 6.5669£+05 1.0292E+01 7.5795£+05 ----------------------+1.5310Et06 7.7305Et05 5.8336E+05 1.0333E+Ol 6.8465£.+05 -----------------+1.5310Et06 8.4635E+05 5.1003£+05 1.0375£+01 6.1151E+05 -----------t 1.5310Et06 9.1949£+05 4.3684E+05 f'1.0417Et01 0.1151E+05 -----------+1.5310E+06 9.1949£+05 4.3678E+05 1.0458Et01 6.1151E+05 -----------+1.5310B06 9.1949E+05 4.3673E+05 1.0500E+01 6.1150Et05 -----------+1.5310Et06 9.1950E+05 4.3668E+05 I""'"1.0542E+Ol 6.0817E+05 -----------+1.5310£+06 9.2283E+05 4.3329Et05 1.0583E+Ol 6.0484Et05 -----------+1.5310Et06 9.2616£+05 4.2991E+05 r'"" SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION :2000(MED.LOAD}:WATANA 6-170 Pase 6 ~ Minimum RESERV verses TIME Ma:dllJual 4.4711E+05 1.1428E+06 TIME RESERV INSTAL KlrJlOAD WATRES 1.0625EtOl 6.0144£+05 -----------+1.5310E+06 9.2956H05 4.2646Et05 1.0667E+Ol 5.6632E+05 --------+1.5310E+06 9.6468E+05 3.9129Et05 ~ 1.0708E+01 5.3165E+05 ------+1.5310E+06 9.9935E+05 3.5656E+05 1.0750HOl 5.4160Et05 ------+1.5310E+06 9.8940E+05 3.6645£+05 -1 1.0792E+01 5.6492E+05 --------+1.5310Et06 9.6608E+05 3.8971E+05 1.0833E+Ol 5.8824£+05 ----------+1.5310Et06 9.4276£+05 4.1298E+05 -1.0875E+Ol 6.1165E+05 -----------+1.5310E+06 9.1935E+05 4,3634Et05 1.0917E+Ol 6.7828E+05 ----------------+1.5310£+06 8.5272£+05 5.0292E+05 1.0958Et01 7.4491£+05 ---------------------+1.5310Et06 7.8609E+05 5.6951£+05 ~ 1.1000E+01 7.6141E+05 ----------------------+1.5310Et06 7.6959£+05 5t 8598Et05 1.1042£+01 7.8671E+05 ------------------------+1.5310E+06 7,4429E+05 6.1123£+05 1.1083E+01 8.1200E+05 --------------------------+1.5310Et06 7.1900E+05 6.3649Et05 1.1125Et01 8.3719E+05 ------------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.9381E+05 6.6165Et05 1.1167E+01 8.1551Et05 --------------------------+1.5310Et06 7.1549E+05 6.3994E+05 1.1208£+01 7.9383£+05 ------------------------+1.5310E+06 7.3717Et05 6.1822E+05 1.1250£+01 7.7203E+05 -----------------------+1.3310Et06 7.5897E+05 5.9638E+05 ,!Il!I!!. 1.1292Et01 6.9253£+05 -----------------+1.5310Et06 8.3847E+05 5.1684Et05 1.1333E+01 6.1304£+05 -----------+1.5310£+06 1'.1796Et05 4.3730Et05 1.1375E+01 5.3372£+05 ------+1.5310E+06 9.9728£+05 3.5792E+05 .~ 1.1417Et01 5.3372£+05 ------+1.5310Et06 9.9728E+05 3.5786E+05 1.1458EtOl 5,3372E+05 ------+1.5310£+06 9.9728£+05 3.5780E+05 1.1500E+01 5.3371E+05 ------+1.5310E+06 9.9729E+05 3.5773E+05 1.1542EtOl 5.3010Et05 -----+1.5310E+06 1.0009Et06 3.5405£+05 1.1583E+01 5.2649E+O:)5 -----+1.5310£+06 1.0045E+06 3.5038E+05 1.1625E+01 5.2279Et05 -----+1.5310Et06 1.0082£+06 3.4662E+05 1.1667E+Ol 4.8470E+05 --+1.5310Et06 1.0463£+(;6 3.0847Et05 1.1708£+01 4.4711E+05 +1.5310E+06 1.0839E+06 2.7081E+05 1.1750E+Ol 4.5790Et05 +1.5310Et06 1.0731E+06 2.8153E+05 1.1792E +01 4.8319Et05 --+1.5310Et06 1.0478E+06 3.0675Et05 ~1.1833E+Ol 5.0848Et05 ----+1.5310£+06 1.0225£+06 3.3198Et05 1.1 B75E f!.J1 5.33B9£+05 ------+1.5310£+06 9.9711E+05 3.5732E+05 1.1917E+Ol 6.0615Et05 -----------t 1.5310Et06 9.24B5E+05 4.2953£+05 1.1958E+Ol 6.7842E+05 ----------------+1.5310E+06 8.5258£+05 5.0174£+05 ~ --. SUSITNA SIMULATION WITH FOUR 250 MW UNITS AT WATANA ....." :USIT/IA PRDJECT SIMULATION::OOO(MEIt.LOAD>:WATANA 4-250 Minimull; O,OOOOE+OO WATANA versp.~TIME N;xiIllIJ8! 8.0389Et05 WATANA ~.2345E+05 --------------------------~4.0033£+05 J 3.7721EI-05 ..----------------.L J;541 OE +05 ..H + r "... i "... I 1""'1 I I - - - TIME I).OOOOHOO ~.16P£-02 3.3JJ~E-02 1•2500E -01 ~,D,s67[-01 :.0833E--01 :.5000[-01 .:,?l67E -01 :;.3334E-01 :;.7500E --01 1.1667£--01 i.5834E-01 ::;•0000£--01 5.4167£--01 5.8334£-01 .).2501£--01 6.6667£-01 :-'.0834£-01 ;'.5001£-01 ;',9167E-01 S,3334£--01 9.7501[-01 ?1667£--01 ';\5834E-Ol 1,0000[+00 1.0417£+00 1.0833£+00 1,1250EtOO L 1667£+00 1.2083EtOO 1.2500HOO 1,291m-00 1.3333£+00 1,3750E+00 1.4167E+00 1.4583E+00 1,5000nOO 1.5417EtOO 1.5833£+00 1.6250EtOO 1.6667£+00 1,7083EtOO 1,7500EfOO 1.7917E+00 1.8333E+00 1,8750E+00 1.9167EtOO 1.9583EtOO 2.0000EtOO 2.0417EtOO 2.0833EtOO J.7391 H05 3.9373E+05 4.1355EJ05 4.3620£+05 5.5836E+05 S.3151Ci05 5.3151H05 6t3151£+05 6.3151£+05 6.3432Et05 ~.j312Et05 5.~143E+05 6.7624H05 7.1070E}05 7.00B6E+05 6.7775EW5 ["5463£-1 05 6.3150H05 5.,s545E+05 4.S'940E+05 4.3496E+05 4.1311Et05 3.9126E+05 3.5941£+05 3.3814Et05 4.Ol8SE ,),05 4.2562Et05 4,9430Et05 5.6299Et05 6.3165£+05 6.3165£+05 [,.-3165E j·05 6,3165£+05 6.3477Et05 6.3789Et05 6.4103£+05 6.7394Et05 7.0650£+05 6.9720£+05 6.7535E+05 6.5350£+05 6.3163E+05 5.6919Et05 5.0675E+05 3.7262Et05 3.5282£+05 3.3301£+05 _______________________L .-,,-----------.._-------_.._-----+ .....~._---------------------+ _____________________________..__J. ...,_~...__._J. ....._._"....i ,,.i .•......1 ..J. ... ..i w..~....l. _...i _....i ______•__•.•J ..•....,,J_ __________.._...i _________________________.L ------------------------+ ----------------------+ -------------------------+ _.._...i ______________________________.i _____________________________________.1 _.•.•_.J. _____________________________'-.i --________________________________________.i ....1 ---------------------------------------~_______________________________________.1 _______________________________________.i _________________________________________.i ___________________________________________.i ___________________________________________.L __________________________________________.i ________________________________________.i _______________________________________.i --_.--------------------------------+ _..1. ..----------------------+ .._-------------------+____________________.1 II Of::iWW Err~-f :,C'}OOE !·OO :',11 73Et('5 ",1741E--Ol :•,?OOOE 1·00 :',OO17C05 ?,11 (JO£'-In :.OOOVHOO 1,83l,lE '~O5 ~,0431E--Ol : •OOOOE ~-OO 1.7705£HiS ~~+93t3£-01 :.OOOOE-!!)O 118~,?LE'~'OS ?•0:;'3£-1)J :T OOOOE ~·O()1,?~~,8tr:~'O5 ?,f!?15E-!)1 :,0000[100 ~r OlS77E '~'O5 ?,-1q~,5E-01 :,OOOO[iOO 2,·mO[i05 ?,150;,[-01 J T 0000£~~CO 1.8~.:?E t()~S"0214£--01 ::;.OOljO£]-00 :;.10501:Hi:?.1::,;'O£-(11 -:T OOOC,E {·OO :.1 050[1-05 ?,E70E-Ol :-;,,;000£100 :',1050£~O5 ';',EY'E-~H :;,0000r:-~00 2T 1050r:·05 ~.V,68E-!)1 :.0000[}OO ::'.lU1E+05 ?,.17:?[--':I1 ::;.0000E-1 00 2,1:71E ,:,05 ';',1737E-01 3.0000HOO :rlJD1[{·05 !l.1350E-Ol 3,OOOOE100 ~,~541E}05 ?,1836[01 3.0000E;OO 2 t36~OE ~'()5 ?,16241:-'01 3.0000E:OO :,:362E·}05 9.1.~85£--{Il ::',0000£100 ~t ~5?:'E f'05 ?,1!mE--{)l ::;,0000£:00 ;:'I 1821 [HiS'':"1 ,,70r:-01 :.0000[100 2.1050E+05 ~.1.':,63£-01 ::.OOOOE-!OO 1T B84BE ~'C'5 ",0404£"'J1 :.OOOOHOO :','1?70£-1 05 t;',O?45[-01 ~?OVljOf ~·oo :.17~B£+05 ?,1?84r:-01 2,0000[+00 ].0656£+05 {),1442E-Ol .~.OOOOE +00 1T 95{}~E +05 9.0837E-01 ':,0000E+O{)1.8471£:0::?005:£--o1 :,OOOOEIOO 1,';'407£J05 ?,0750£--01 .:•OOOOE/00 :'.03441::05 ?,e~,8E--01 .:•OOOOE -}00 ::~12D1.EvJ 05 9.1797£-01 ':,OOOOHOO .:•4715£1 05 5'.1186[-11 :-;,OOOO[!-UO 1+876lE{05 ?O~22E--01 3.OOOOE +·00 :.1055E-)05 5',1660£--01 :.OOOOE+OO :'.1055£+05 9.1660E-01 },OOOOE+OO ~+1055£+O5 9,16517[-01 '3.OOOOE ,'00 2.1055£+05 9.H58E-01 3,OOOOE~OO 2.1159£-105 9.1715E-01 3,OOOOEtOO :'.1263E+05 9.1772£-01 3.0000£+00 2.1368E+05 9.1830[-01 3.0000E+OO :'.2465EHi5 9,1855£-01 3,0000E+00 2.]550£+05 9.1655£-01 3.0000E+OO :.3240E+05 9,1712E -01 ;.{)OOOEtoO 2.2512F.+05 9.1847£-01 3.0000£+00 2,1783£+05 9.19131[--01 ~.OOOOE+OO :'.1 05,~n05 ?,1652£--01 3.0000EtOO 1.0973£+05 ?,0500l::-0 1 ~,OOOOE+OO 2.5237E+05 9.0631E-01 ~,OOOOE+OO 1.8631E+05 9,0183E-Ol 2.oo001:tOO -1.7641£105 B.9::69£-01 :,OOOOEHiO 1.6651£+05 8.8356E·01 ;USITNA PROJ£CT SIMULA nON:2000 (M£D.LOAD):WATANA 4--250 Mini",UID I),OOOO£fOO TIM£ :.1250£+00 2•1,~67£fOO 2.2084£+00 2,2500£+00 2.2917EfOO 2.3334E+00 2.3750000 2.4167E+00 2.4584[+00 2.5000E+00 2.5417E+00 2.5834EtOO 2,6250£+00 2,6667£+00 2,7034£fOO 2.7500HOO 2.7'117£+00 2.8334£+00 2,8750E+00 2.9167E+OO 2.9584£+00 3,0000E+00 3.0417EtOO 3,0834EtOO 3.1150EfOO 3.1667EtOO ::;.2084EfOO 3.2500EtOO 3.2917E+00 3.3334EtOO 3.3750£tOO 3.4167£fOO 3.4584£fOO 3.5000£+00 3.5417E+00 3.5334EfOO 3.6250£fOO 3.6667EtOO 3.7084£+00 3,7500£fOO 3.7917EtOO 3.8334£+00 3.8750£fOO 3.9167E+00 3.95B4£+00 4,0000E+00 4.0417E+00 4.0834£+00 4.1250E+00 ~,1667£fOO 4.2084EtOO WATANA 3,1322£+05 3,3020Et05 3.4717Et05 3,&417E+05 4,2641£f05 4.3865£+05 5,5"037£-1-05 5~SOB7E {·os 5.5037Et05 5j5087E+05 5,5370E+05 5r5653E+05 5,5937[+05 5.80:0[+05 t.,1370Et05 6.1027Et05 5,9047£+05 5.7066Et05 5,5034£+05 4.9425H05 4.3767Et05 2.7566Et05 2.5S05Et05 2.4045E+05 2.2287Et05 2.3796E+05 2,5304Et05 2.6316E+05 3.2349E+05 3,7881£+05 4.3411 Et05 4.3411Et05 4.3411E+05 4.3411E+05 4.3662Et05 4.3914E t05 4.4167£+05 4.6818Et05 4.9440Et05 4.8691Et05 4.6930E+05 4.5170Et05 4,3407Et05 3.8377Et05 3.3347£+05 2.2409Et05 1.9874Ef05 1.7338£t05 1.4804Et05 1.4804£+05 1.4804E+05 WATANA verses TIH£ -------------------~ --------------------~ ---------------_._----~ -------------_._-------+ ----_...._----_._------------_..~ -------------------------------~ -_--_.-_._----_._-------------------~ -_..__._---_.._--------_._-------------~ ----------------------------------~ ----------------------------------+ ----------------------------------~ -----------------------------_._------+ ._---------------------------------+ --------.-----------------------------~ --------------------------------------+_____________________________________L -----------------------------------_..+ ---------------------------------~._+ 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--------------------t 2.0000E+00 1.6267E+05 8.8040E-01 6.9167EtOO 3.1874£f05 -------------------f 2.0000E+00 1.5937E+05 8.7683E-01 6.9584E+00 2.6937E+05 ----------------+2.0000£+00 1.3469EtOS 8.5000£-01 7.0001EtOO 2,1015Et05 -------------+1.0000[+00 2.1015£+05 9.1660£-01 7,0417E+00 1.8447E+05 -----------+LOOOOEtOO L8447HOS 9,0060[-01 7.0834E+00 1.5880Et05 ---------+1.0000£fOO 1.S880E+05 8.7624E-01 7.1251E+00 1.3316Et05 --------+1,0000EtOO 1.3316£+05 8,5000E-01 """7,1667EtOO 1.3316Et05 --------+1.0000EtOO L3316Et05 8.5000E-01 7.2084EtOO 1.3316E+05 --------+1,0000E+00 1.3316£+05 8.5{tOOE--O 1 7.2501EtOO 1.3328Et05 --------+1.oooonoo 1.3328£+05 8,5000[-01 7.2917E+00 2.2116Et05 -------------+1.0000£+00 2.2116E+05 9,1908E-01 7.3334£+00 3,0861Et05 -------------------+2,0000E+00 1.5431£+05 8,7133E-01 7.3751EfOO 3.5030E+05 -----------~---------+2.0000E+00 L 7515£+05 8.9.207E-01 7.4167EtOO 3.9198Et05 ------------------------+2.0000EtOO 1.9599E+05 9.0882£-01 """l, 7.4584E+00 4.0622Et05 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Pase """', SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION:2000(MED.LOAD):WATANA 4-250 1'finimulli 0.0000£+00 - - I"""" ! l - -! TIME 8.5001E+00 S.5417E+OO 8.5834£+00 8.6251£+00 fL 6667£+00 8.7084EtOO 8.7501E+00 8.7917E+00 8.8334£+00 8.8751£+00 8.9167EtOO 8.9584E+00 9.0001EtOO 9.0417£+00 9.0834E+00 9.1251£+00 9.1667£+00 9.2084£+00 9.2501£+00 9,2917£+00 9.3334EtOO 9.3751E+00 9.4167£+00 9.4584£+00 9.5001£+00 9.5417EtOO 9.5834EtOO 9.6251E+00 9.6667EtOO 9.7084E+00 9.7501E+00 9.7917£+00 9.8334E+00 9.8751£+00 9.9167EtOO 9.9584E+00 1.0000£+01 1.0042£+01 1.0083EtOl 1.0125EtOl 1.0167£+01 1.0208EtOl 1.0250£+01 1.0292£+01 1.0333£+01 1.0375EtOl 1.0417EtOl 1.0458£+01 1.0500EtOl 1.0542£+01 1.0583EtOl WIlTANIl 4.b411£+05 4.6663£+05 4.6914£+05 4.7170Et05 4.9821Et05 5.2439£+05 5.1689Et05 4.9929£+05 4.8168Et05 4.6402£+05 4.1372E+05 3.6342Et05 3.8183£+05 3.6172£+"5 3.4161£+05 3.2157£+05 3.3881Et05 3.5604Et05 3.7336E+05 4.3656E+05 4.9975Et05 5.6284£+05 5.b284£+OS 5.6284£+05 5.6284£+05 5.6572Et05 5.6859Et05 5.7151£+05 6.0180£+05 6.3170Et05 6.2312Et05 6.0302E+05 5.8291£+05 5.6273E+05 5.0527£+05 4.4782£+05 4.2956£+05 4.0624£+05 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2.1539£+05 EFF ~.1702£-01 9.1678E-Ol 9.1655£-01 9,1631E-Ol 9,0928E-01 8.9715[-01 9.0063E-Ol 9.0878£-01 9,1539£-01 9.1702HH 9.1496E-Ol 8.9831£-01 9,0610E-Ol 8.9752E-01 8.8820£-01 8.7870E-01 8.8690£-01 8.9488£-01 S"0290£-01 9.1957£-01 9.0858E"-01 9.0375E-Ol 9.0375£-01 9 •0374£-(H. 9.0374£-01 9.0462£-01 9.0530£-01 9.0584£-01 9.1144£-01 9.1698E-01 9.1539£-01 9,1166£-01 9.0793£-01 9.0365£-01 9.0612E-Ol 9.1854E-Ol 9.1930E -01 9.1282E-Ol 9.063'~E-Ol 8.96471:-01 9.0543E-Ol 9.1098£-01 9.165~j[-01 9.1183£-01 9.0472E-Ol 9.1837£-01 9.1836£-01 9 •1835F.-(l1 9.1835£-01 9,1896£-01 9.1957£-01 SUSITNA PROJECT SIHULATION:2000CHED.LOAD):WATANA 4-250 lfinilllfJlfl O.OOOOBOO WATANA verses TIME Page 6 Ha;dmUffi 3.0389E+05 -TIME WATANA 11 GEUKW EFF L0625EtOl 6.4956Et05 ----------------------------------------+3.I)OOOEtOO 2,1652Et05 9.1994E-Ol 1.0667EtOl 6.8468Et05 ------------------------------------------t 3.0000EtOO 2,2823Et05 9.1777E-01 1,0708EtOl 7.1935Et05 --------------------------------------------t 3.0(}OOEtOO 2,3978Et05 9,1563E-Ol 1,0750HOl 7.0940Et05 --------------------------------------------+3.0000£+00 2.3647£+05 9.1625E-Ol 1.0792EtOl 6.8608E+05 ------------------------------------------+3.0000E"tOo 2.2869Et05 9.1769E-Ol 1.0833EtOl 6.6276Et05 ---••-------______________________________.l.3.0000EtOO 2.2092Et05 9.1913E-Ol 1,0875EtOl 6.3935£t05 ---------------------------------------~3.0000EtOO 2,1312E"t05 S"l B27E"-01 1.0917EtOl 5,7272Et05 -----------------------------------f 3.0000EtOO 1.9091£t05 9.0594E-Ol 1.0958EtOl 5,0609Et05 -------------------------------t 2.0000EtOO 2.S305Et05 9.•0597E-Ol 1.1 OOOEtO 1 4.8959Et05 ------------------------------f 2,0000£+00 2,4479Et05 9,1361E-Ol 1.1042E+Ol 4.6429Et05 ----------------------------t 2.0000£+00 2.3215Et05 <;'.1706£-(ll 1.10B3EtOl 4,3900Et05 ---------------------------t 2.OOOOE"tOO 2.1950£+05 ~,1940F.-Ol L1125EtOl 4.1381Et05 -------------------------+2,OOOOEtOO 2.0690£t05 9.1480E-Ol 1.1167E+01 4.3549Et05 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---------------------------------------------+3,0000EtOO 2.4150Et05 9.1536£-01 1.1625E+Ol 7.2821Et05 ---------------------------------------------f 3.0000EtOO 2.4274Et05 9.1513£-01 1,1667EtOl 7.6630£t05 -----------------------------------------------+3.0000EtOO 2.5543£105 S"0395E-Ol 1.1708EtOl 8.0389£+05 -------------------------------------------------+4.0000EtOO 2.0097E+05 9.1143E-Ol 1.1750E+01 7,9310Et05 -------------------------------------------------+4.0000£+00 1.9828£+05 9,0992E-Ol L1792EtOl 7.6781H05 -----------------------------------------------+3.0000E+00 2.5594E+05 9.0353E-Ol 1.1333EtOl 7.4252E+05 ----------------------------------------------+3.0000E+00 2.4751E1-05 1/•1133E -01 1.1875HOl 7,1711Et05 --------------------------------------------+3.0000£tOO 2.3904Et05 9.1583£-01 1.1917EtOl 6.4485Et05 ----------------------------------------+3.0000EtOO 2.1495Et05 '1,1914E-Ol 1.1958EtOl 5.7258Et05 -----------------------------------t 3.0000£+00 l,90861:t05 9.0573E-01 - - - """" SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION .2000(MED.LOAD):WATANA 4-250 F'ase. HinirBUITJ KWLOA[t verses UHf Ma;dllluR, 3.81321£+05 LOS39Ef06 TIME KWLOAD THrRML SMHY PEAKPL 0.0000£+00 7.0345£+05 ----------------------+~.OOOOEt05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO ~4.1667£-02 6.8033£+05 --------------------+2,0000£t05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOO£tOO I 8.3334£-02 6.5721£t05 -------------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOO£tOO 1.2500£-01 6.3410£t05 -----------------t 2.0000Ef05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.6667£-01 6.5391Et05 -------------------t 2.0000£t05 8.0000Et04 0.0000£+00r2.0833£-01 6.7373£t05 --------------------t 2.0oo0£t05 B.OOOOEt04 O.OOOOF.+OO :.5000£-01 6.9355Et05 ---------------------t 2.0000£t05 8.OOOOF.{'04 O.OOOOEtOO 2.9167£-01 7.6620Et05 ---------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO r 3.3334E-01 8.3886£t05 --------------------------------t 2.0000£t05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOOEtOO I 3.7500£-01 9.1151£+05 -------------------------------------t 2,0000£+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOO£too 4.1667£-01 9,1151£+05 -------------------------------------+2.0000E+05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOO£tOO 4.5834E-01 9.1151£+05 -------------------------------------+2.0000E+05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO 5.0000£-01 9.1151£t05 -------------------------------------t 2.0000E+05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOO£tOO ::;.4167f-!.)l 9.1482£+05 -------------------------------------t 2.0000£t05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOE+OO },8334£-01 9.1812£+05 --------------------------------------+2.0000£t05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOO£tOO ~6.2501£-01 9,2143E+05 --------------------------------------+2.0000£t05 3.0000£t04 O.OOOOEtOOI !6.6667E-01 9.5624£+05 ----------------------------------------t 2.0000£t05 8,0000E+04 O.OOOO£tOO 7.0834£-01 9.9070E+05 -------------------------------------------t 2.0000£t05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO-7.5001E-01 9.8086£+05 ------------------------------------------+2.0000£t05 8.0000£t04 0.0000£+00 7.9167E-01 9,5775E+05 ----------------------------------------+2.0000£+05 8.0000Et04 0.0000f+00 8.3334E-01 9.3463Et05 ---------------------------------------+2.0000f.+05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOOEtOO 8.7501£-01 9.1150£t05 -------------------------------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOO£tOO ~9.1667E-01 8.4545£+05 --------------------------------+2.0000£t05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOOEtOOi 9.5834£-01 7.7940£+05 ----------------------------+2.0000£t05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOE+OO 1.0000EtOO 6.6496£+05 -------------------+1.5000Et05 3.0000F.+04 0.0000£+00 I"'"1.0417£+00 6.4311£+05 ------------------+1.5000Et05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOO£tOO !1.0833£tOO 6.2126£+05 ----------------t 1,5000Et05 8.0000£t04 0,0000[+00 1.1250EtOO 5,9941£+05 ---------------t 1.5000EtO::i 8.0000£t04 0.0000£+00 1.1667£tOO 6.1814Et05 ----------------t 1.5000£t05 8.0000£t04 ·O.OOOOEtOO 1.2083£tOO 6.3688Et05 -----------------~1,5000£+05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOO£tOOI 1.2500£tOO 6.5562£t05 -------------------t 1.5000£+05 8.0000F.t04 O.OOOO£tOO 1.2917£+00 7.2430£t05 ------------------------t 1.5000£+05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOO£tOO ""'"1.3333£+00 7.9299Et05 -----------------------------t 1.5000£+05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOO£tOO 1.3750£tOO 8.6165£+05 ----------------------------------t 1.5000£t05 8.0000Et04 0.0000£+00 1.4167£+00 8.6165£+05 ----------------------------------t 1.5000E+05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOOEtOO r 1.4583£tOO 8.6165E+05 ----------------------------------+1.5000Et05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOO£tOO 1.5000E+00 8.6165£+05 ----------------------------------t 1.5000£+05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOO£tOO 1.5417EtOO 8.6477£t05 ----------------------------------+1,5000£+05 8.0000Et04 0.0000£+00 r 1.5833E+00 8.6789£+05 ----------------------------------+1.5000£+05 8.0000£t04 0.0000£+00 1.6250EtOO 8.7103£+05 ----------------------------------+1.5000£+05 8.0000Et04 0.0000£+00 1.6667£+00 9.0394£+05 -------------------------------------+1.5000£t05 8.0000£t04 ·O.OOOOEtOO 1.7083£tOO 9.3650£t05 ---------------------------------------+1.5000Et05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOO£tOO 1.7500£tOO 9.2720£+05 --------------------------------------t 1.5000£t05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOF.tOO 1.7917£+00 9.0535£+05 -------------------------------------t 1.5000E+05 8.0000£t04 0.0000£+00 1.8333£+00 8.8350E+05 -----------------------------------+1.5000£+05 8.0000Et04 0.0000£+00-1.8750£+00 8.6163£+05 ----------------------------------t 1.5000£+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOO£tOO 1.9167£+00 7.9919E+05 -----------------------------+1.5000£+05 8.0000£+04 0.0000£+00 1.9583EtOO 7.3675£+05 _4_______________________+ 1.5000£+05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOf+OO 2.0000£tOO 6.0262£t05 ---------------t 1.5000£+05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOE+OO I""'"1.5000£+05 8.0000E+04 0.0000£+002.0417£+00 5.8282£+05 -------------+ 2,0833EtOO 5.6301£t05 ------------t 1.5000£+05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOOEtOO r- SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION :""'"2000(MED.LOAD):WATANA 4-250 Pase ".::,: lfinimfJm KWLOAD verses TIME Ma}:imulIl 3.8821£+05 1.0339[+06 TIME KWLOAD THERtlL SMHY F'EAKPL 2.1250E+00 5.4322£+05 -----------+1,5000E+05 lLOOOOE+04 O.OOOOf+OO 2.1667E+00 5.6020£+05 ------------+1.5000£+05 8,0000£j·04 O.OOOOE+OO "!Ill! 2.2084EtOO 5.7717£+05 -------------+1.5000f+05 8,0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO 2.2500£+00 5.9417E+05 --------------+1,5000£+05 3,OOOOE+04 0,0000£+00 2.2917£+00 6.5641Et05 -------------------+1,5000£+05 8.0000E+04 O,OOOOF.+OO """'!!2.3334£+00 7.1865£+05 -----------------------+1.5000H05 8.0000£+04 0.0000£+00 2.3750£+00 7.8087£+05 ----------------------------+1,5000E+0:,)8.0000£+04 0.0000£+00 2.4167EtOO 7.8087£+05 ----------------------------+1.5000£+05 8,0000£+04 0.0000£+00 2.4584E+00 7.8087E+05 ----------------------------+1;5000f +05 FJ.OOOOF.+04 0.0000£+00 I'll'!! 2,5000E+00 7.8087£+05 ----------------------------+1.5000£+05 8.0000Et04 O,OOOOE+OO 2,5417E+00 7.8370Et05 ----------------------------t 1.5000E+05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO 2.5834E+00 7.8653E+05 ----------------------------+1.5000E+05 8.0(lOOEt04 O,OOOOE+OO 2.6250E+00 7.8937E+05 ----------------------------+1,5000£+05 8,0000£+04 O,OOOOEtOO 2.6667EtOO 8.1920Et05 ------------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000E+04 0.0000£+00 2.7084E+00 8.4870E+05 ---------------------------------+1.5000E+05 8,0000E+04 O.OOOOf+OO 2.7500£+00 8.4027E+05 --------------------------------+1.5(lOOEt05 8,0000E+04 O,OOOOEtOO 2,7917£+00 8.2047Et05 -------------------------------+1.5000Et05 8,OOOOE+04 0.0000£+00 2.8334E+00 8.0066£+05 -----------------------------+1.5000E+05 B.0000E+04 O.OO(lOttOO 2.3750E+00 7,8084Et05 ----------------------------t 1,:,)000£+05 8,0000£+04 O.OOOOF.+OO !!PI 2.9167EtOO 7.2425Et05 ------------------------t 1.5000£+05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOE+OO 2.9584EtOO 6.6767E+05 --------------------+1,5000£+05 8.0000E+04 O,OOOOE+OO 3.0000E+00 5.3566E+05 ----------+2,OOOOEt05 6.0000£+04 O.OOOOftOO -'l3.0417EtOO 5.1805E+05 ---------+:.0000E+05 6.0000£+04 0.0000£+00 I 3.0834E+00 5.0045£+05 --------+2.0000£+05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 3.1250EtOO 4.8287E+05 ------t 2,0000£+05 6.0000£+04 0.0000£+00 3,1667EtOO 4.9796£+05 -------+2,OOOO£f05 6.0000F.+04 O.OOOOE"+OO """l 3,2084E+00 5.1304£+05 --------+2,OOOOE+05 6.0000£+04 0.0000£+00 I 3,2500E+00 5.2816£+05 ----------+2,0000E+05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 3.2917EtOO 5.8349Et05 --------------+2.0000E+05 6.0000Et04 0,0000£+00 3.3334£+00 6.3881£+05 ------------------+2.0000f+05 6.0000£+04 0.0000£+00 3.3750E+00 6.9411Et05 ---------------------+2.0000E+05 6.0000E+04 0.0000£+00 3.4167EtOO 6.9411£+05 ---------------------+2.0000£+05 6.0000£+04 0,0000£+00 3.4584EtOO 6.9411£+05 ---------------------+2.0000£+05 6.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO lIIod'I J 3.5000E+00 6.9411E+05 ---------------------+2.0000E+05 6.0000E+04 O.OOOOE+OO 3.5417£+00 6.9662E+05 ----------------------+2.0000£+05 6,0000£+04 O.OOOOftOO 3.5834E+00 6.9914£+05 ----------------------+2.0000£+05 6.0000£+04 O.OOOOE+OO ..., 3.6250E+00 7,0167£+05 ----------------------+2.0000Et05 6,0000£+04 0,0000£+00 3.6667EtOO 7.2818Et05 ------------------------+2,0000£+05 6.0000E+04 O,OOOOE+OO 3.7084EtOO 7.5440£+05 --------------------------+2,0000£+05 6,0000Et04 0,0000£+00 "3,7500£+00 7.4691£+05 -------------------------+2.0000E+05 6.0000E+04 O.OOOOE+OO 3.7917£+00 7.2930E+05 ------------------------+2.0000£+05 6.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 3.8334E+00 7.1170Et05 -----------------------+2.0000Et05 6.0000E+04 0.0000£+00 3.8750£+00 6.9407Et05 ---------------------+2,0000£+05 6,OOOOEt04 0.0000£+00 3.9167£+00 6.4377Et05 ------------------+2.0000E+05 6.0000£+04 0.0000£+00 3.9584E+00 5.9347£+05 --------------+2.0000f+05 6.0000£+04 O.OOOOE+OO 4.0000E+00 4.8409Et05 ------+2.0000£+05 6.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO I'll'!! 4.0417E+00 4.5874£+05 -----+2.0000Et05 6.0000£t04 O.OOOOEtOO 4.0834E+00 4.3338£+05 ---+2.0000Et05 6,OOOOEt04 0.0000£+00 4.1250£+00 4.0804£+05 -+2.0000Et05 6,0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 4.1667EtOO 4.0804£+05 -+""'"'~.0000E+05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOE+OO 4.2084EtOO 4.0804Et05 -+2.0000£+05 6.0000E+04 0.0000£+00 - SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION •2000(MED.LOAD):\.IIITANA 4-250 Pase 3• HiniKJuRI KWLOAD verses TIME Ma;dmum 3.3821EtOS 1.0839E+06 TIME KWLOAD TIIERMl Stiff(PEAKPL .~.2500E +00 4.0811E+05 _·t 2.0oo0Et05 l,.OOOOH04 O.OOOOF.tOO I 4.2917E+00 4.9491E+05 -------+2,0000Et05 {.,•0000004 O.OOOOE+OO i 4.3334E+00 5.3130E+05 -------------+2.0000Et05 6.0000E+04 O,MOOf+OO 4.3750EtOO 6.2247E+05 ----------------+2,OOOOEWi 6.0000E+04 O,OOOOE+OO-4.4167EtOO 6.6363H05 -------------------+2.0000Et05 6.0000E+04 O.O(lOOF.+OO 4.45B4E+00 6.7772E+05 --------------------+2.0000E+05 6.0000Ef04 O.OOOOE+OO 4.5000EtOO 6.9159Et05 ---------------------+2.(lOOOEt05 6.0000£+04 O.OOOOE+OO 4.5417E+00 6.8467Et05 ---------------------+2.0000Et05 {"OOOOE +04 O.OOOOF.+OO-i 4.5B34E+00 6,7775Et05 --------------------f ::•OOOOE Hi5 b.OOOOEt04 O.OOOOEtOO ( 4.6250E+00 6.70B5Et05 --------------------+2.0000E+05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOE+OO 4.6667E+OO 6.7546E+05 --------------------+2.0000EfOS 6,0000£+04 O.OOOOE+OO-4.70B4£+00 6.8007E+05 --------------------+2,0000£+05 ,S.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO 4.7500£+00 6.S46.5£t05 ---------------------+2.0000E+0:=;6.0000E+04 O.OOOOftOO 4.7917E+OO 6.6B52E+05 --------------------+2.0000£+05 l,.OOOOE +04 O.OOOOf+OO !"""4.3334£+00 6.5239E+05 -~----------------+:.oooon05 6.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO 4.8750E+00 6,3626E+05 -----------------+2.0000E+05 6,0000n04 O.OOOOF.+OO 4.9167E+00 6.2934Et05 -----------------+2.0000E+05 6.0000Et04 O.OOOOE+OO 4.9584E+00 5.7745Et1J5 -------------+2.0ilOOEtO:=;6.0000004 O.OOOOE+OO ~5.0000E+00 4.7119E+05 -----+2,OOOOE+05 8,0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO, 5.0417E+00 4.4651E+05 ----+:.0000E+05 8.00(t(l£+04 0.0000£+00 5.0B34EtOO 4.2182E+05 --+2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEfOO 5.1250EtOO 3.9717E+05 +2,0000£+05 8.0000E+04 1.1717Et05 5.1667E+00 3.9717E+05 +2.0000F.+05 :1.00ooE+04 1.1717ft05 5.2084E+00 3.9717Et05 +:.0000E+05 B.0000E+04 1.1717Et05 I"'"5.2500EtOO 3.9725E+05 +2.0000EW:;·::1,0000[104 1.1725E+05 I I 5,2917E+00 4.8174Et05 ------+2.0000E+05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOftOO 5.3334E+00 5.6582E+05 ------------f 2.0000EtOS 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOE+OO 5.3750E+00 6.05B9E+05 ---------------+2.0000E+OS 8.0000E+04 O,OOOOE+OO 5.4167E+00 6.4596Et05 ------------------+2.0000E+05 8.0000ft04 0.0000£+00 5.4584E+00 6.5966E+05 -------------------+2.0000£+05 S,()OOOE+04 O,OOOOE+OO 5.5000EtOO 6.7316E+05 --------------------+2.0000E+05 8,OOOOF.+04 O.OOOOE'tOO 5.5417E+00 6.6643E+05 -------------------+2.0000E+05 ILOOOOE+04 O.OOOOEtOO 5.5B34EtOO 6.5969E+05 -------------------+2,OOOOE+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOE+OO 5.6250E+00 6.5297E+05 -------------------+2.0000E+05 8.0000E't04 O.OOOOE+OO 5.6667E+00 6.5746Et05 -------------------+2.0000E+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOE+OO-1 5.7084E+00 6.6195Et05 -------------------+2.0000E+05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOE+OO 5.7500HOO 6.6641E+05 -------------------+2.0000E+OS 8.0000E+04 O,OOOOEtOO 5.7917EtOO 6.5071Et05 ------------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO I'"'"5.B334EtOO 6.3500Et05 -----------------+2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOE+OO 5.8750E+00 6.1930E+05 ----------------+2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOF.+OO 5.n67EtOO 6.1256E+05 ----------------+2,0000Et05 8.0000F.+04 O.OOOOEtOO r'"5.9584E+00 5.6205E+05 ------------+2.liOOOE +05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOftOO 6.0000E+00 4.6056Et05 -----+2,0000£+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 6,0417EtOO 4.3644EtOS ---+2.0000£+OS 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOE+OO 6.0834E+00 4.1231E+05 -+2.0000E+05 P,.0000E~04 O.OOOOEtOOr-6.1250EtOO 3.8821Et05 +2.0000Et05 8.0000E+04 1.0821Et05!6.1667E+00 3.8821Et05 +2,0000Et05 B.OOOOEt04 1.0B21E+05 6.2084E+00 3.8821E+05 J.2.0000E+05 8.0000£{·04 LOS21Ef05,,....6.2501E+00 3.8831Et05 +2.0000E+OS 8.0000E+04 L0831E+05 6.2917E+00 4.70B9E+05 -----+2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOE+OO 6.3334E+00 5.5307E+05 -----------+2.0000Et05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOE+OO ... i """I SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION •200(HMED.LOAD):WATANA 4-250 PBS!?4• MinillWII!KWLDAD verses TIME i'lBdl!llJlT! :;'3821E1005 1.083S'EH16 lI!I!IIII TIME KWLOAD T!!E~;ML Sl1HY PEAKPL .s.3751EfOO 5.9224Et05 ---------'-----+2,0000E+05 8,0000£+04 O,OOOOE+OO 6.4167EtOO 6.3140Et05 -----------------+2,0000E+05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOE+OO 6.45B4EtOO 6.4479E+05 ------------------+2,0000E+05 B,OOOOEI-04 O.OOOOE+OO 6.5001E+00 6.5798E+05 -------------------~2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOE+OOI 6.5417EtOO 6.5140E+05 ------------------+2.0000Et05 8.oo00E+04 O.OOOOftOO -, t.•5834E+00 6.4482E+05 ------------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000E+04 0,00001:+0(1 .s.6251E+OO 6.3825Et05 -----------------t 2.0000E+05 3.0000Et04 O,OOOOE+OO 6.6667E+00 6.4264Et05 ------------------t 2.0000Et05 3.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 6.7084EtOO 6.4703Et05 ------------------+2,OOOOEt05 8,0000H04 O,OOOOEtOO """"6.7501EtOO 6.5139£+05 ------------------t ;:\OOOOEt05 fJ.00OOEt04 (l.OOOOEtOO 6.7917EtOO 6,3603Et05 -----------------t ::.OOOOEt05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 6.8334EtOO 6.2068E+05 ----------------+:.0000E+05 8.0000£-1-04 O.OOOOE+OO -, 6,8751E+00 6.0534Et05 ---------------+2.0000Et05 8,OOOOE+04 O.OOOO£tOO 6,9167EtOO 5.9874Et05 ---------------+:.0000Et05 8,0000E+04 O.OOOOE+OO 6.9584EtOO 5.4937Et05 -----------+:.0000E+05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO -7,OOOlE+00 4.9015Et05 -------+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOHOO 7.0417EtOO 4,6447E+OS -----t ::.OOOOft05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOftOO 7.0834E+00 4.3880Et05 ---f 2,O(rOOE t05 8.0000F.t04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.1251E+00 4.1316Et05 -t 2,000OEt05 8.0000Et04 0.0000£+00 lI!I!IIII i.1607HOG 4.1316E+05 -t 2.0000E+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOE+OO 7.20S4E+00 4.1316Et05 -t 2,OOOOEt05 8.0000Et04 O,OOOOEtOO 7.2501EtOO 4.1328E+05 ..+::.0000E+05 ~LOOOOEt04 O.OOOOE+OO """I 7.2917E+00 5.0116Et05 --------+2.0000E+05 8,0000E+04 (l.0000F.+00 7,3334EtOO 5.8861Et05 --------------+2.0000E+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.3751EtOO 6.3030Et05 -----------------t 2.0000E't05 !LOOOOE to·'O.OOOOEtOO 7,4167EtOO 6.7198Et05 2,0000Et05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO Ii"'!'I--------------------t 7.4584EtOO 6.8622E+05 ---------------------+2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.5001EtOO 7.0025Et05 ----------------------t 2.0000Et05 8,0000£+04 0.0000£+00 7.5417EtOO 6.9325Et05 ._--------------------+2,OOOOEf05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOOHOO '"'"!7.5834EtOO 6.8625E+05 ---------------------+2,0000F.t05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.6251EtOO 6,7926Et05 --------------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.6667£+00 6.8393E+05 ---------------------t 2,0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O,OOOOEtoO -, 7.7084EtOO 6.SS60Et05 ---------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOE+OO 7.7501E+00 6.9324Et05 ---------------------t 2.0000£t05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.7917EtOO 6.7690Et05 ----------------~---t 2.00001:+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.8334£+00 6.6056Et05 -------------------+2.0000Et05 8,0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO """II 7.8751E+OC 6.4423Et05 ------------------+2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 (l.OOOOE+OO 7.9167£+00 6.3720Et05 -----------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000E't04 O.OOOOEtOO 7.9584EtOO 5.8466Et05 --------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO '"'"3.0001£tOO 5,3564Et05 ----------+1.50001:+05 B,0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 8,0417EtOO 5.1804Et05 ---------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOOFtOO 8.0834EtOO 5.0043Et05 --------t 1.5000E't05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOO£tOO S.1251EtOO 4,8288Et05 ------+1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 (l.OOOOEtOO -i 8.1667EtOO 4,9797Et05 -------t 1.5000EtOS 8.QOOOEt04 O.OOOOEtoO 8.2084E+00 5.1306Et05 --------t 1,5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 8.2501EtOO 5.2821E+05 ----------t 1.5000Et05 8,00OOEt04 O,OOOOEtOO -8.2917EtOO 5.8354Et05 --------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O,OOOOEtOO 8.3334EtOO 6.3887Et05 -------------------1-1.5000Et05 8.00oo£t04 O.OOOOEtOO 8,3751EtOO 6.9411Et05 ---------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO ..., 8,4167EtOO 6.9411Et05 ---------------------+1.5000E+05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO 8.4584E+00 6.9411Et05 ---------------------+1.5000Et05 8.0000E+04 O,OOOOEtOO SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION .2000\MED •LOAD):WATANA 4-250 Pase ",..! Minimum KWLOAD verses TIME MadmlJlt """3.8S21Et05 1,0339£t06! TIME KWLOAD TfIERML SMHY PEAKPL 3.5001EtOO 6.9411Et05 ---------------------t 1.5000Ft05 8.0000£f04 O.OOOOEtOO 1'"""\8.5417£+00 6.9663Et05 ----------------------+1.5000EHiS 8.0000£t04 O.OOOOEtOO 8.5834EtOO 6.9914Et05 ----------------------+1.5000Et05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO 8.6251£+00 7.0170n05 ----------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO B,.5667EtOO 7,2321E+05 ------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 8.7084EtOO 7.5439Et05 --------------------------~1.5000Et05 8.0000ft04 O.OOOOEtOO, 8.7501EtOO 7.46B9Et05 -------------------------t 1,5000Ei05 8.oo00Et04 O.OOOO£tOO 8,7917EtOO 7,2929Et05 ------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.000(}Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 8.8334Etoo 7.1168Et05 -----------------------t 1.5000Et05 lLOOOOEt04 O.OOOOHOO B.8751EtOO 6.9402Et05 ---------------------f 1.5000Et05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOOEtOO 8.9167EtOO 6.4372£+05 ------------------t 1.5000E+05 8,0000Et04 O.OOOOE+OO 8.9584EtOO 5.9342E+05 --------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOOEtOO S',OO01EtOO 6.1183E+05 ----------------+1.5000Et05 8.0000Ef04 O.OOOOEtOO 9.0417EtOO 5,9172Et05 --------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 v.OOOOHOO 9.0834E+00 5.7161Et05 -------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOOEtOO ['I 9.1251EtOO 5,5157Et05 -----------t l,SOOOEt05 8.0000Et04 O,OooOEtOO 9,1667EtOO 5.6881Et05 ------------+1.5000Et05 8.0000£+04 O.OOOOEtOO 9.2084EtOO 5,8604Et05 --------------t 1,5000£t05 8,OOOOEt04 O.OOOOEtOO-9.2501EtOO 6.0336Et05 ---------------t 1.5000Et05 8,0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO,I 9.2911£tOO 6.6656Et05 --------------------+1.5000Et05 8.0000£t04 O.OOMEtOO 9.3334E+00 7.2975Et05 ------------------------+1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O,OOOOEtOO-9.3751EtOO 7,9284Et05 -----------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8,0000Et04 O.OOOOEfOO I 9.4167EtOO 7.9284Et05 -----------------------------t 1.5000Ef05 S.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 9,4584EtOO 7,9284Et05 -----------------------------+1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOE+OO 9,5001E+OO 7.9284Et05 -----------------------------f 1.5000E+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 9,5417EtOO 7.9572Et05 -----------------------------t 1.5000H05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOE+OO 9.5834EtOO 7.9859Et05 -----------------------------t 1,5000Et05 8.0000£t04 O.OOOO£tOo 9.6251EtOO 8.(H51E+05 -----------------------------t 1,5000Et05 8.0000£+04 O,OOOOEtOO !"""9.6667EtOO 8.3180Et05 -------------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000£+04 O,OOOOEtOO 9.7084EtOO 8.6170Et05 ----------------------------------+1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOF.+OO 9,7501EtOO 8,5312Et05 ---------------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 9.7917EtOO 8.3302Et05 -------------------------------t L5000Et05 8.0000F.t04 O.OOoo£tOO-9.8334EtOO 8.1291Et05 ---------~--------------------+1.5000Et05 8.0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO 9.8751EtOO 7,9273Et05 -----------------------------+1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O,OOOo£toO 9.9167EtOO 7.3527Et05 ------------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO-9.9584E+00 6.7782Et05 --------------------t 1.5000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOOI1.0000E+Ol 7.0956Et05 -----------------------+2.0000Ef05 S.OOOOEt04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.0042Et01 6.8624Et05 ---------------------t 2,OOOOEt05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO LOO83EtOl 6.6292Et05 -------------------t 2.0000£+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO l,0125EtOl 6.3969Et05 ------------------+2,0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.0167EtOl 6.5968Et05 -------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.0208Et01 6.7966Et05 --------------------t 2.0000E+05 S.OOOOEt04 O.OOOOE+OO....1.0250Et01 6.9976Et05 ----------------------t 2.0000Et05 S.0000Et04 O,OOOOEtOOI1.0292Et01 7,7305Et05 ---------------------------t 2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOE'tOO 1.0333E+Ol 8.4635Et05 --------------------------------+2.0000EtOS 8,0000E+04 O.OOOOEtOO-1.0375Et01 9.1949Et05 --------------------------------------t 2,0000Et05 B,0000EH14 O.OOOOEtOO!1.0417Et01 9,1949Et05 --------------------------------------t 2.0000E+05 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO 1.0458E tOl 9.1949Et05 --------------------------------------t 2,OOOOf+05 8,0000E+04 O.ooOOEtOO 1.0500Et01 Sl,1950Et05 --------------------------------------+2.0000Et05 8.0000Et04 O,OOOOEtOO 1.0542Et01 9.2283Et05 --------------------------------------t 2.()(l00Et05 8.0000£t04 O.oooO£tOO 1.0583Et01 9.2616Et05 --------------------------------------t 2.0000EtOS 8.0000Et04 O.OOOOEtOO ~ SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION:2000(MED.LDADJ:WATANA 4-250 Pase 6 --------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------f -------------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ - PEAKPL 0.0000£+00 O.OOOOE+OO o.OaOOEtOO 0,0000£+00 0.0000£+00 0.0000£+00 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOEtOO O,OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO 0.0000£+00 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOEtOO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOHOO O,OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOEtoo O.OOOOE+OO O,OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOEtOO O.OOOOEtOO 0.0000£+00 O.OOOOEtOO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOEtOO THEF:ML SMHY 2.0000£+05 8.0000E+04 2.0000Et05 8.0000F.+04 2.0000£+05 8.0000E+04 2.0000Et05 8.0000E+04 2.0000£t05 8.0000E+04 2.0000Ef05 8.0000Et04 2.0000E+05 3.0000£+04 2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 2TOOOO£t05 8,0000Et04 2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 :.0000E+05 8,0000E+04 2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 2,0000£+05 8.0000E+04 2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 2.0000Et05 8.0000£+04 2.0000E+05 8,0000E+04 2.0000£t05 B.0000E+04 2.0000E+05 8.0000£+04 2,0000£+05 8.0000£+04 2,0000£+05 8,0000E+04 2,0000£+05 8.0000E+04 2.0000Et05 8.0000E+04 2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 2.0000£+05 8.0000E+04 2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 2.~000E+05 8.0000E+04 2.0000E+05 8.0000£+04 2.0000E+05 8.0000£t04 2.0000E+05 8.0000E+04 Ib;dmum 1.0839E+06 KWLOAD verses TIME -----------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------f --------------------------------------f -------------------------------------------t --------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------f --------------------------------------t -----------------------------------------t -------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------~---------+ ---------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------f ---------------------------------+ ---------------------------------+ ----------------------------+ ---------------------------f -------------------------t -----------------------+ ---------------------+ -----------------------+ -------------------------+ --------------------------f --------------------------------+ --------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------f MinimulIl 3.8821Ef05 KlrILOAD 9.2956Et05 9.6468£+05 9.9935E+05 9.8940E+05 9.6608E+05 9.427hH05 9.1935E+05 8.5272Et05 7.8609E+05 7.6959E+05 7.4429E+05 7.1900E+05 6.9381E+05 7.1549E+05 7.3717E+05 7.5897E+05 8.3847E+05 9.1796£+05 9.9728E+05 9.972BE+05 9.9728E+05 9.9729E+05 1.0009£+06 1.0045E+06 1.0082Ef06 1.0463H06 1.0839Et06 1.0731 Ef06 1.0478Et06 1.0225E+06 9.9711Ef05 9.2485E+05 8.5258E+05 TIME 1.0625Ef01 1.0667Ef01 1.070BEt01 1.0750E+01 1.0792Ef01 1.0833£+01 1.0875Ef01 1.0917E+01 1.0958E+01 1.1000£+01 1.1042Ef01 1.1083E+Ol 1.1125E +01 1,1167E+Ol 1.1208Ef01 1,1250E+01 1.1292E+Ol 1.1333E+01 1.1375E+01 1.1417E+01 1.1458E+01 1.1500E+Ol 1.1542£+01 1.1583E+01 1.1625E+01 1.1667£+01 1.1708Ef01 1.1750£+01 1.1792EtOl 1.1833£+01 1.1875E+01 1.1917E+Ol 1.1958E+01 - I""'"SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION •2000 (M£n.LOAD):WATANA 4-250 Pasef• 1 Minimuw,RESERV verses TIME M<1ximum,..4.4711Et05 L 1428£t06 TIME RESERV INSTAL t(WLOAD WATR£S O.OOOOEtOO 8.2755Et05 ---------------------------t 1.5310Etot,7.0345Et05 6.3079Et05 4.1667E-02 3.5067Et05 -----------------------------+1.5310Et06 r..8033Et05 n.5387F.t05 8.3334E-02 8.7379Ef05 ------------------------------t L5310£+0b 6.5721£+05 6.7696£+05 1.2500E -.01 8.9690Et05 --------------------------------f 1.5310£+06 6.3410Et05 7.0005Et05 1.6667E-01 8.7709£t05 ------------------------------+1,5310Et06 6,5391Et05 6.8020£+05 !""'>2.0833E-01 8.5727£t05 -----------------------------t 1.5310Et06 6f7373E+05 6,6036£t05 I 2.5000E-01 3.3745Et05 ----------------------------t 1.5310£+06 6.9355Et05 6.4051E+05 2.9167E-{}1 7,6480Et05 ----------------------+1.5310£H16 7,6;.'.20f+05 5+6781E+05 3.3334E-01 6.9214Ef05 -----------------f 1.5310E+06 8.3886Et05 4.9511£+05 ],7500E-01 6.1949Et05 ------------+1.5JI0£f06 9,1151E+05 4.22-11Et05 4.1667E-01 6.1949Et05 ---------.;.--t 1,5::'10Et06 9,1151E+05 4.2235E+05 4.5834E-01 6.1949E+05 ------------f 1,5310E+06 9,1151E+05 4,2230E+05 I'"'"5.0000E-01 6.1949£+05 ------------+1,5310£+06 9,1151ft05 ~.2225E+05i 5.4167E-01 6.1618Et05 ------------+1.5310E+06 9.1482Ef05 4,1889E+05 5,8334E-01 6.1288E+05 -----------+1.5310£+06 9.1812Ef05 4.1554E+05-6.2501E-01 6.0957E+05 -----------t 1.5310Et06 9.2143E+05 4.1217E+05 6.6667£-01 5.7476Et05 ---------t 1.5310Et06 9.5624Et05 3.7730Et05 7.0834E-01 5,4030Et05 ------+L 531 0F.:t06 9.9070£+05 3.4279Et05-7.5001E-01 5.5014E+05 -------+1.5310Et06 9.8086Et05 3.5256Et05 (7.9167E-01 5.7325E+05 ---------+L5310E+06 9.5775Ef05 3,7562E+05 8.3334E-01 5.9637Et05 ----------t 1.5310E+06 9,3463£+05 3.9868E+05 8.7501E-01 6.1950E +05 ------------+1,5310E+06 9.1150Et05 4.2175E+05 I""'"9.1667E-Ol 6.8555E+05 -----------------+1,5310E+06 8.4545F.:t05 4.8775E+05 9.5834E-01 7.5160E+05 ---------------------+1SHOE+06 7.7940£t05 5.5376E+05 1.0000E+00 8.1604Et05 --------------------------f 1.5310E+06 6.M96F.+05 6.1816Et05 ~1.0417£+00 8.3789Et05 ----------------------------+1,5310E+06 6.4311E+05 6.3997E+05 1.0833EtOO 8.5974£+05 -----------------------------+1.5310E+06 6,2126£+05 6.6180E+05 1.1250EtOO 8.8159£+05 -------------------------------+1.5310£+06 5.9941Et05 6,8361E+05 1.1667EtOO 8.6286Et05 -----------------------------f 1.5310E+06 6.1814£+05 6.6485Et05 "....1.2083EtOO 8.4412Et05 ----------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.36B8ft05 6.4608Et05 1.2500EtOO 8.2538E+05 ---------------------------+1.5310Et06 ,5.5562E +05 6.2730£+05 1.2917EtOO 7.5670Et05 ----------------------+1.5310E+06 7.2430F.:+05 5.5858E+05 1.3333E+00 6,8801Et05 -----------------+1.5310Et06 7.9299£t05 4.8985E+05 1.3750EtOO 6.1935Et05 ------------t 1.5310£+(16 8.6165E+05 4.2114Et05 1.4167EtOO 6.1935Et05 ------------f 1.5310E+06 8,6165£+05 4.2108Ef05 ,.,..1.4583E+00 6.1935E+05 ------------t 1.5310Et06 8.6165Et05 4.2103Et05 1.5000£+00 6,1935E+05 ------------+1.5310£+06 8.6165E+05 4.2098Et05 1.5417EtOO 6.1623Et05 ------------+1.5310Et06 8.6477E+05 4.1780E+05 1.5833EtOO 6.1311£+05 -----------+1.5310£+06 8.6789Et05 4.1462£+05-1.6250EtOO 6.0997Et05 -----------+1.5310E+06 8.7103Et05 4,1144Et05 1.6667EtOO 5.7706£+05 ---------+1.5310Et06 9.0394E+05 3,7847Et05 1.7083EtOO 5.4450Ef05 ------+1,5310Et06 9.3650E+05 3.4585Et05 ~1.7500E+00 5,5380Et05 -------t 1.5310Et06 9.2720Et05 3.5508£t05 I 1.7917EtOO 5.7565Et05 ---------+1,5310ft06 9,0535E+05 3,7688£t05 1.8333EtOO 5.9750£t05 ----------+1.5310E+06 8,8350Et05 :L9867Et05 !"""1.8750EtOO 6.1937Et05 ------------+1.5310Et06 8.6163£+05 4.2049rf05 I 1.9167EtOO 6.8181E+05 ----------------t 1,5310Et06 7,9919Et05 4.8287Et05 \1.9583EfOO 7.4425£+05 ---------------------+1.5310Et06 7.3675E+05 5.4527E+05 2.0000E+00 8.7838Et05 ------------------------------+1.5310E+06 6,0262£+05 6.7936E+05 r""2.0417£+00 8.9818£+05 --------------------------------+1,5310E+06 5.8282Et05 6.9913E+05 2,0833E+00 9.1799Et05 ---------------------------------+1.5310ft06 5.6301f+05 7.1891E+05 r- -------------------------------t ------------------+ --------------------------+ ----------------------f - - - - - WATF:ES 7.3867E+05 7.2167£+05 7.(l467F.+05 6.8764ft05 6.2537Et05 5.630BEt05 5.0082£+05 5.0077Et05 5,0073£+05 5.0068E+05 4.9780H05 4.9492£+05 4.9203E+05 4,6215Et05 4.3260ft05 4.4097E+05 '1,60nE +05 4.8048£t05 5.0026£+05 5.5680E+05 6.1334Et05 7.7533E+05 7.9291£+05 8.1050£+05 8.2807E+05 8.1296£+05 7.9785E+05 7.B272E+05 7.2737£+05 6.7201.E+05 6.1669Et05 6.1665£+05 6.1662£+05 6,1658£+05 6.1403E+05 6.1148Et05 6.0891£+05 5.8236E+05 5,5611E+05 5.6356E+05 5.8112E+05 5.9869E+05 6.1628E+05 6.6655£+05 7.1682E+05 8.2622£+05 8.5161£+05 8.7700Et05 9.0237£+05 9.0241£+05 9.0244Et05 INSTAL KWLOAD 1.5310E+06 5.4322E+05 1.5310£+06 5.6020E+05 1.5310E+06 5.7717F.+05 1,5310£+06 5,9417E+05 1.5310E+06 6.5641£t05 1,5310E+06 7.1865E+05 1.5310E+06 7.S087£+05 1,5310£+06 7.8087E+05 1.5310E+06 7.8087£+05 1.5310F.+06 7.8087E+05 1.5310E+06 7.8370£+05 1,5310E+06 7.8653E+05 1,5310E+06 7.8937E+05 1.5~10E+06 B.1920F.+05 1,5310Et06 8.4870E+05 1,5310E+06 8.4027£+05 1.5Z10E+06 8,2047E+05 1.5310E+06 8.0066E+05 1.5310E+06 7.8084E+05 1,5310£+06 7,2425E+05 1.5310£t06 6.6767E+05 1.5310E+06 5,3566E+05 1.5310E+06 5.1805E+05 1.5310E+06 5.0045£+05 1,5310E+06 4.8287E+05 1,5310£+06 4.9796E+05 1.5310£+06 5,1304E+05 1.5310£+06 5.2816£t05 1.5310E+06 5.8349E+05 1,5310E+06 6.3881£+05 1.5310E+06 6.9411£+05 1.5310E+06 6.9411£t05 1.5310E+06 6.9411£+05 1.5310E+06 6.9411E+05 1.5310E+06 6.9662E+05 1.5310E+06 6.9914E+05 1,5310£+06 7.0167E+05 1.5310E+06 7.2818E+05 1,5310E+06 7.5440£+05 1.5310£+06 7.4691£+05 1.5310E+06 7.2930£+05 1.5310E+06 7.1170£+05 1.5310E+06 6.9407£+05 1.5310E+06 6.4377E+05 1.5310£+06 5.9347£+05 1,5310£+06 4.8409E+05 1.5310£+06 4.5874[+05 1.5310E+06 4.3338E+05 1.5310£+06 4.0804£+05 1.5310E+06 4.0804E+05 1.5310£+06 4.0804E+05 Ma};imum 1.1 t~8fto6 PasE'2 RES£RV VE'rsE'S TIME --------------------------+ --------------------------+ --------------------------+ --------------------------t --------------------------+ --------------------------+ ------------------------+ ----------------------+ ----------------------+ ------------------------+ -------------------------+ --------------------------+ ------------------------------+ ---------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------------+ -----~----------------------------------------+ --------------------------+ --------_._--~------------------------+ ---------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------f --------------------------------------f ----------------------------------+ ------------------------------+ -----------------t ---------------------------+ ----------------------+ -----------------+ ---------------+ -------------+ -------------+ ---------------+ ----------------t ------------------+ -----------------------------------+ ----------------------------------+ --------------------------------+ ------------------t ------------------+ ------------------t -----------------+ Minimum 4.4711Et05 RESERV 9.3778£+05 9.2080E+05 9.0383£+05 8.8683E+05 8.2459E+05 7.6235Et05 7.0013E+05 7.0013E+05 7.0013E+05 7.0013Et05 6.9730E+05 6.9447E+05 6.9163Et05 6.6180Et05 6.3230Et05 6.4073E+05 6.6053E+05 6,8034E+05 7.0016E+05 7.5675£+05 8.1333Et05 9.7534Et05 9.9295£+05 1.0105E+06 1,0281£+06 1.0130Et06 9,9796£+05 9.8284E+05 9.2751E+05 8.7219£+05 8.1689Et05 8.1689£+05 8.1689£+05 8.1689E+05 8.1438E+05 15.1186E+05 8.0933£+05 7.8282E+05 7.5660E+05 7.6409Et05 7.8170Et05 7.9930Et05 8.1693Et05 8.6723£+05 9.1753Et05 1.0269E+06 1.0523E+06 1.0776Et06 1.1030Et06 1.1030£+06 1.1030£+06 WfE 2.1250E+00 2.1667E+00 2,2084E+00 2.2500E+OO 2.2917E+00 2,3334£+00 2.3750£+00 2.4107EtOO 2.4584£+00 2,5000£+00 2.5417£+00 2.5834£+00 2.6250£+00 2.6067£+00 2,7084£+00 2.7500£+00 2.7917E+00 2,8334£+00 2.8750E+00 2.9167£+00 2.9584£+00 3,0000£+00 3,0417E+00 3,0834E+00 3.1250E+00 3.1667EtOO 3.2084E+00 3.2500£+00 3.2917EtOO 3,3334E+00 3.3750EtOO 3.4167E+00 3.4584E+00 3,5000£+00 3.5417£+00 3,5834E+00 3.6250E+00 3.6667£+00 3.70B4£+00 3.7500E+00 3.7917E+00 3.8334E+00 3.8750£+00 3.9167£+00 3.9584£+00 4.0000£+00 4.0417EtOO 4.0834£+00 4.1250£+00 4.1667EtOO 4.2084£+00 SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION:2000(MED.LOAD):WATANA 4-250 i""SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION .2000(MED,LDAD}:WATANA 4-250 Pase "1•.' MinimlJF.1 RESERV verses TIME Ma).;il/llJF.1 4.4711E+05 1.1428Et06 TIME R£SERV INSTAL KklLOAD I4ATRES 4.2500E+00 1,1029£+06 -----------------------------------------------+1.5310E +06 4.0811E+05 9.0241£+05 4.2917£+00 1.0161E+06 ----------------------------------------+1.5310E+06 4.9491Et05 8.1564E+05-4.3334E+00 9.2970Et05 --_._------------------------------+1.5310E+06 5.8130E+05 7.2927E+05 4.3750E+00 8.8853Et05 -------------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.2247Et05 ".S812E +05 4.4167E+00 &,,4737E+05 ----------------------------+1.5310Et06 6.6363Et05 6,4697E+05-4.4584E+00 8.3328Et05 ---------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.7772£+05 6.3290E+05 4,5000E+00 8.1941E+05 --------------------------+L5310Et06 6,9159ft05 6,1904E+05 4.5417E+00 8,2633E+05 ._--------------------------+1.5310E+06 6,8467E+05 6.2597E+05 f"""4.5834E+00 8,3325E+05 ---------------------------+1.5310H06 6.7775E+05 6.3290f.+05,4.6250E+00 8+4015E+05 ----------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.7085E+05 6,3982Et05i,4,6667E+00 8.3554Et05 ---------------------------+1.5310£+06 6.7546E+05 6,3522E+05 4.70B4E+00 8.3093E+05 ---------------------------+1.5310E+06 6.8007E+05 6,3062£+05 r"'.4.7500E+00 8,2634£+05 ---------------------------+L 5310Et06 6,8466E+05 6.2604E+05 4,7917E+00 8,424BE+05 ----------------------------+L5310E+06 \~,6852£+05 6.4219E+05 4,8334E+00 B.5861E+05 -----------------------------+1.5310E+06 6,5239£+05 6.5B34F.+05-4.8750E+00 8,7474E+05 ------------------------------+L5310E+06 6.3626E+05 6,7448E+05 4.9167EtOO 8.8166Et05 -------------------------------+1,5310£+06 6.2934E+05 6.8141Et05 4,9584EtOO 9.3355E+05 ----------------------------------+1,5310Et06 5.7745£+05 7,3332E+05-5.0000E+00 7,9709E+05 ---~---------------------+1.5;51OEt06 4,7119E+05 5.9695£+05 i 5,0417£+00 8.2175E+05 --------------------------+1.5310E+06 4,4651E+05 6.2171Et05 5,0834E+00 8.4641Et05 ----------------------------+1,5310F.+06 4,2182Et05 6,4646£+05 5,1250£+00 8,7104E+05 ------------------------------f 1.5310E+06 3.9717E+05 7,8837f.+05 ~5.1667E+00 8,7102E+05 ------------------------------+1.5310E+06 3.9717Et05 7.afl45E+05!5.2084E+00 8.7099E+05 ------------------------------+1.5310E+06 3,9717E+05 7.8854E+05 5.2500E+00 8.7087E+05 ------------------------------+1.5310E+06 3.9725Et05 7.8862E+05 """"5,2917E+00 7,8637E+05 ------------------------+1.5310E+06 4.8174Et05 :5,8696E+OS 5.3334E+00 7.0226E+05 ------------------+L5310H06 5.6582Et05 5.0294Et05 5.3750E+00 6,6217E+05 ---------------+1.5310E+06 6.0S89Et05 4,6293E+05 5.4167£+00 6.2208E+OS ------------+1.5310H06 l:.••4596E+05 4.2292£+05 l"""5.4584E+00 6.0836Et05 -----------+1.5310E+06 6,5966E+05 4,0928E+05t 5,5000E+00 5,9485Et05 ----------+1.5310E+06 6,7316E+05 3.9584E+05 5.5417E+00 6.0156E+05 -----------+1,5310Et06 6,6643EtOS 4.0263Et05 ~5,5834£+00 6.0827E+05 -----------+1.5310E+06 6.S969E+OS 4,0941Et05 I 5.6250E+00 6,1497E+05 ------------+1.S310Et06 6,5297E+05 4.1619Et05 l 5.6667E+00 6.1046E+05 -----------+1.5310E+06 6.5746E+05 4,1176E+05 ,....5.7084E+00 6.0596E+05 -----------+1,5310Et06 6,6195f.+05 4,0733Et05 5,7500E+00 6.0147E+05 -----------+1.5310Et06 6.6641E+05 4,0292£+05 5,7917E+00 6,1716E+05 ------------+1.5310E+06 6.5071E+05 4,1869F.+05 5.8334E+00 6,3285E+05 -------------+1.5310E+06 6.3500E+05 4,3445Et05 5,8750£+00 6.4853£+05 --------------+1.5310£+06 6.1930E+OS 4,5021Et05 5,9167E+00 6,5525E+OS --------------+1.5310E+06 6,1256Et05 4,5701£+05 5.9584E+00 7,0574E+05 ------------------+1.5:UOf.+06 5.6205£+05 5,0758E+05 r 6,0000EtOO 1.0704E+06 --------------------------------------------+1.5310E+06 4,6056E+05 11.7237F.+05 6,0417EtOO 1,0946Et06 ----------------------------------------------+1,5310Et06 4.3644E+05 8,9658Et05 6,0834E+00 1.1187£+06 ------------------------------------------------+1,5310£+06 4.1231E+OS 9,2079Et05-6,1250E+00 1.1428E+06 -------------------------------------------------+1.531 OEt06 3.8fl21E+05 1.0532£+06 c·6.1667EtOO 1.1428Et06 -------------------------------------------------+1,5310Et06 3,8821E+05 1.0533Et06 6,2084E+00 1.1428Et06 -------------------------------------------------+L 5310Et06 3.8B21E+05 1.0534E+06 6.2501EtOO 1.1427£+06 -------------------------------------------------+1,5310Et06 3,8831Et05 1,0535Et06,...6.2917E+00 1.0601Et06 --------------------------------------------+1,5310E+06 4,7089£+05 fl,6271F.+05! (6,3334£+00 9,7793E+05 --------------------------------------+1.5310Et06 5,5307E+O~i 7,B061EtOS - SUSITNA PROJECT SIMULATION:2000{MED.LOAD~:WATANA 4-250 Pa9P.4 ------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------t ------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------+ J - - - IJATRES 7,4151E+05 7,0242£+05 6,8909E+05 6.7597f.f05 6,8762£+OS 6,8927£+05 6.9590£+05 6.9158ft05 6.8726£+05 6,8297Et05 6.9839E+05 7,1381E+05 7.2922E+05 7.3589E+05 UJ53~EtOS 8.4463E+OS 8,70381:+0S 8,961.3£+05 9.2184E+05 9.21921:+05 9,2200Et05 9.219;:;E+05 8,3414E+05 7,4675£f05 ?,OSm:+05 b,6350Et05 6,4931t+05 6,3:,)33E+05 6.4239£+OS 6.4944E+05 6.5648E+05 6.5186f+05 6,4725£+05 6.42MH0S t,•5905ft05 6.7545E+05 6.5'183£+05 6.9891E+05 7.5151E+05 7.5055Ef05 7.681SEt05 7.S5m FtOS 8.0339£f05 7,8832Et05 7.73261:+05 7.5813Et05 7,0282F+05 6.4751£+05 5,7228Ef05 5,9229E+05 5.9230E+05 KWLOAIi 5.9224£+05 6.3140E+05 6,4479£+OS 6,5798E+05 6.5140E+(i5 6.44821:+05 t,.3825£+05 6.4264£+05 6.4703£+05 6.5139f+05 6.3603E+05 6.2068E+05 6.0S34E+05 5,9874E+05 S.4937E+05 4,9015£+05 4,6447E+05 4.38801:+05 4.1316£+05 ,~,1.316Ef05 4.1316E+05 4,1328Ef05 5,M16EtOS 5.8861E+05 6.3030E+05 6,71.98£+05 6,8622E+05 7.0025E+05 6.9325E+05 6,8625E+05 6,7926E+OS 6,8393£+05 6.8860[+OS 6.9324Ef05 6.7690F.+05 6.l,056E +05 6,4423H05 6,37201:+05 5,8461.,E +05 5.3564E+05 5.1804E+05 S.0043F.:+OS 4.8288E HiS 4.9797£+05 5,1306E+05 S,2821£+05 5.8354E+05 6.3887E+05 6.9411F.+05 6.9411E+05 6,9411E+05 INSTAL 1.5310Ef06 1.5310E+06 1.5~10Et06 1.:mOF+06 1,5310E+06 1.5~10E+06 1,5310£+06 1.5310£+06 1.5310£+06 1.5310£+06 lS;10£+06 1.5310E+06 1.5:110£+06 L 5310Ef06 1.5310£+06 1.5310Ft06 1.5310£+06 1.5310E+06 1.5310F+06 1.5310E+06 1.5310F.:+06 1.5~10Et06 1.5310£+06 1.5310Et06 1.5310E+06 1.5310Et06 1.5310£+06 1,5310E+06 1.5310Et06 1,5310£+06 1.5:HOEt06 1.5310E+06 1.S~10Ef06 1.5310F.:+06 1.5310£+06 1.S310F+06 1.5310Et06 L 5310£+06 l.S310£+06 1,5310£+06 L5310Ft06 l.S310£+06 1,5310Et06 1,5310E+{16 1.5310£+06 1,5310Et06 1.S310Et06 1,531OE+06 1.5310Et06 1.5310E+06 1.5310Ef06 MadlllfJJl\ 1.1428E+06 RESERV verses TIME -----------------------------------f --------------------------------f -------------------------------f ------------------------------+ -------------------------------+ -------------------------------f --------------------------------+ --------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------+ --------------------------------+ ----------------------------+ ------------------------+ ------------------------+ ------------------------+ -----------------------------------------+ -----------------------------------+ --------------------------------+ -----------------------------+ ----------------------------+ ---------------------------+ ----------------------------+ ----------------------------+ -----------------------------+ ----------------------------f ----------------------------+ ----------------------------+ -----------------------------+ ----------~-------------------+ -------------------------------+ --------------------------------f -----------------------------------+ -----------------------------------+ -------------------------------f -------------------------------+ -------------------------------f ------~-------------------------f ---------------------------------+ ----------------------------------+ ----------------------------------+ --------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------f --------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------t Minimum 4,4711E +05 R£SERV 9.3876Et05 8.9960£+05 8.8621Et05 8.7302E+05 8.7960£f05 8.8618£f05 8.9275Ef05 8.8836£+05 8.8397E+05 8.7961£f05 8.9497E+05 9.1032E+05 9.2566E+05 9.3226Et05 9.8163E+05 1.0409E+06 1,0665E+06 1.0922Et06 1.1178E+06 1.1178Et06 1.1178E+06 1.1177£+06- 1.0298E+06 9.4239£f05 9.0070Ef05 8.5902£+05 8.4478E+05 8.3075E+05 8.3775E+05 8.4475Ef05 8.5174Et05 8.4707£f05 8.4240Et05 Il.3776E f05 8.5410Et05 8.7044E+05 8.8677E+05 8.9380Et05 9.4634Ef05 9.4536Et05 9.6296E+05 9.8057E+05 9.9812Et05 9.8303Et05 9,6794Et05 9,5279Et05 8.9746Et05 8.4213Et05 7.8689£+05 7.8689E+05 7,8689E+05 TIME 6.3751E+00 6.4167EtOO 6.4584EtOO 6.5001E+00 6.5417E+00 6.5834E+00 6.6251E+00 6.6667EtOO 6.7084E+00 6.7501EfOO 6.7917£+00 6.8334E+00 6.8751E+00 6.9167E+00 6.9584EfOO 7.0001£+00 7.0417E+00 7.0834E+00 7.1251EfOO 7.1667£+00 7,2084E+00 7.2501E+00 7.2917EtOO 7.3334EfOO 7.3751EtOO 7.4167E+00 7.4584E+00 7'5001EfOO 7.5417EtOO 7.5834E+00 7.6251EtOO 7.6667EtOO 7.7084EfOO 7.7501E+00 7.7917E+00 7.8334E+00 7.8751EfOO 7.9167E+00 7.9584EtOO 8.0001E+00 8.0417EtOO 8.0834EfOO 8.1251EtOO 8.1667EtOO 8.2084EtOO 8.2501E+00 8.2917EtOO 8.3334EtOO 8.3751E+00 8.4167E+00 8.4584EtOO SU5ITNA PROJECT SIMULATION:2000(MED,LOADi:WATANA 4-250 C'J w·..lnl!lllJlli 4.4711£+05 i ! ~ i il r J - ~ I I I- r - ...... I I TIM£ 8.5001£+00 8.5417£+00 8.5834E+00 8,6251£+00 8.6667E+00 8.7084EtOO 8,7501£+00 8.7917EtOO 8.8334EtOO 8.8751£+00 8.9167E+00 8.9584£+00 9.0001£+00 9.0417£+00 7'.0834E tOO 9.1251£+00 9.1667£+00 9.2084£+00 9,2501£+00 9.2917EtOO 9.3334EtOO 9.3751E+00 9.4167E+00 9.4584E+00 9.5001E+00 9.5417EtOO 9.5834E+00 9.6251£+00 9.6667EtOO 9.7084£+00 9.7501E+00 9.7917E+00 9.8334E+00 9.8751EtOO 9.9167£+00 9.9584£+00 1.0000E+01 1.0042£+01 1.0083£+01 1.0125£+01 1.0167E+01 1,0208E+01 1,0250Et01 1.0292£+01 1.0333E+Ol 1.0375£+01 1.0417£+01 1.0458E+01 1.0500£+01 1.0542E+01 1.0583£+01 ~:£SERV 7.8689Et05 7.8437£+05 7.818tH05 7.7930£+05 7.5279£+05 1.2661£+05 7.3411£+05 7,5171E+05 7.6932£+05 7,8698£+05 8.3728£t05 8.8758E+05 8.6917Et05 8.8928£+05 9.0939Et05 9,2943Et05 9.1219£+05 8.'.'496E+05 8.7764E+05 8.1444£+05 7,5125E+05 6,8816£+05 6,8816E+05 6.8816£+05 6,8816E+05 l).8528£+05 6.8241£+05 6.7949£+05 6.4920E+05 6.1930E+05 6,2788E+05 6.4798E+05 L5809E+05 0.8827£+05 7,4573£+05 8,0318Et05 8.2144E+05 8.4476E+05 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I.I !0 i·«w::c I-wz 640 -I t 740 7-20 700 620 600 580 115%GENERA OR RATED POWER ~/ .!!~.!!'!.?'R EL.218~7 /-1/ /I / / ~WEIGHTED A ~ERAGE HEAD / I //~INIMUM DECEMB l;:R HEAD / V14---170 MW I // BEST EFFI(IENCV-!FULL GATE / I I RESERVOIR EL.2045 ~--1 -- 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 UNIT OUTPUT -MW /"'"" II WATANA-UNIT OUTPUT •FIGURE 88.L· ,... [ r L r r t 94 90 86 >- U Zw Q 82u.u.w (J) I- Z :::) 78 74 f'U",!I I J. ~ulV::~'T~~s I \v ~ I I i !I--" I --I ! ! II -100 300 500 700 PLANT CAPACITY (MW) 900 1100 WATANA -UN IT EFF ICIENCY (AT RATED HEAD) FIGURE llB.2 •