HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA308---------·-- :.. ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT TASK 7: ENVIRONMENTAL FISH ECOLOGY -19 ao· MAY i981 . r . I , I . i I I I I I : I l I I . I I . ?repar:!d for: Frepaeod b y .; I I TK 1425 .S8 I ES8 l no.308 ~ALA~VA P0'""1ER r~ ~· r \. 1"'"'\ V v 1 T~U~ICti~i I l ·' & nv4tonm~n~ol · . .' 1· i · .ii}eG!GUJ't.r ,; me .. i\UT~-iORfTr~· ·-~:·---·j l r------..--------'------------,f ,, ' SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT TASK 7: ENVIRONMENTAL ,..-- ,..--Prepared for: ~. ARLIS g Alaska Resources LD Library & tnfonnatJOn Servtces ~ Anchorage. Alaska M FISH ECOLOGY -1980 MAY 1981 Prepared by : Terte1hial E nvironmeRlal Speciali1tt, Inc. M --ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY __ ___. ARLIS Alaska Resources Library & Informat1on Servtces Anchorage, Alaska ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES ANNUAL REPORT 1980 SUBTASK 7.10 FISH ECOLOGY JUNE 1981 by TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS, Inc. Phoenix, New York 13135 for ACRES AMERICAN, INCORPORATED Liberty Bank Building, Main at Court Buffalo, New York 14202 TJ< J1;;s r SB £)6 na/&9 SUMMARY The following are the specific objectives of Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc. (TES) with respect to fish ecology (Subtask 7 .10) in the first year of the program: (1) identify areas of potential impact, (2) identify the information necessary to assess these impacts, (3) locate available information applicable to the Susitna River and the Susitna Hydroelectric Project, (4) identify information deficiencies, and (5) aid in the selection of a project development scheme. In addition, assistance has been given (under Subtask 7 .04) in the development of hydrology and water quality sampling programs that will be beneficial in ascertaining pass i b 1 e impacts upon the fishery resource and aid in mitigating these impacts. Alaska Department. of Fish and Game (ADF&G} baseline fisheries studies commenced in late 1980. Data from the field studies is being included in ADF&G 1 s first 1981 Quarterly Report, and thus were not available for this 1980 Annual Report. TES is collecting pertinent literature on impact assessment and mitigation measures applicable to the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. The compilation of fundamental 1 ife hi story and ecology information on selected anadromous and resident fishes has also been assumed by TES to supplement the fishery field program resu1ts. This information is being obtained by contacting individuals with expertise in specific facets of fish ecology, searching personal libraries and files, gathering information from university and federal agency libraries, reviewing indexes of appropriate foreign publications, examining 11 in-housen programs for research and progress reports of appropriate federal and state agencies, as well as universities, and reviewing reports from the management agents of the AOF&G for the Susitna-Cook Inlet area and adjacent waters. As a guide to compliance with the FERC cr·iteria for license application, potential impact issues and the kinds of engineering, hydrological and biological information required have been compiled. This information is to be supplied toTES from Acres, R&M Consultants and ADF&G. Acres has been provided with, by request and for use in their design considerations, information and reconmendations concerning downstream flow, total dissolved gas pressure, and temperature of the discharge water. Reregulation of downstream f1ow from daily peaking operations has been reconmended as ·an essential part of any development plan. Potential program modifications and the concerns of federal, state, and local agencies in regard to the fish ecology studies have been addressed byTES. Recommendations have been submitted to Acres American. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES 1 -INTRODUCTION -----------------------------------------------1 2 -METHODS --------------------------------------------,--------2 2.1 -General ----------------------,------------------------2 2.2 -Definition of the Study Area -------------------------4 3 -RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF BASELINE DATA --------------------7 4 -IMPACT ASSESSMENT --------------...,---------------------------13 5 -MITIGATION PLANNING ----------------------------------------29 6 -REFERENCES --------------------·----------------------------32 7 -AUTHORITIES CONTACTED ----------------------:----------------34 7.1 -Federal Agencies -------------------------------------34 7.2-State Agencies---------------------------------------35 7.3-Other Organizations and Individuals------------------36 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1 -Comparison of incubation times (to hatching) that have been reported by U.S. and Soviet sources for the five species of salmon ----------------------------11 TABLE 2 -Status of information required for assessment of potential impact issues concerning fish ecology -------14 TABLE 3 -Checklist for study of the possib1e impacts upon the fishery resource in the study area as a result of construction and operation of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project -----------------------------------------------23 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 -Comparison of particle size distribution of sediment samples from the egg strata of spawning redds of chum and chinook salmon ---------------------12 1 -INTRODUCTION This Annual Report describes the information acquired by Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc. (TES) and its consultants during Phase I (preceding license application) of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project with respect to Fish Ecology (Subtask 7.10). It also includes Subtask 7.04, coordination with the water quality program performed under Task 3. The primary objectives of the fish ecology studies for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project are to (1) describe the fisheries resources of the Susitna River, (2) assess the impacts of development and operation of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project on this fishery, and (3) propose mitigation measures to minimize adverse impacts. Meeting the first objective is the responsibility of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G). The second and third objectives are the responsibility of Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc. (TES). To accomplish these two objectives, TES and its consultants, Robert W. Williams, Clinton E. Atkinson, and Milo C. Bell, will rely heavily upon information gathered by Acres American, ADF&G, R&M, and the U.S. Geological Survey for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project, as well as upon available material from other sources. The specific objectives of TES in the first year of the project were the following: (1) identify the areas of potential impact, (2) identify the information necessary to assess those potential impacts, (3) locate available data applicable to the Susitna River and the Sus i tn a Hydroe 1 ectri c Project, ( 4) identify information deficiencies, (5) aid in the selection of a project development scheme, and (6) assist in the development of hydrology and water qua1ity sampling programs that -will be beneficial in ascertaining possible impacts upon the fishery resource and aid in mitigating these impacts. 2 -METHODS 2.1 -General The methodology section presents only those methods used during 1980. The procedures outlined in the TES Procedures Manual for Subtask 7.10 cover the literature review, impact assessment, mitigation planning, and data and program review. During 1980, much was done in 1 iterature review. A systematic search of all sources of pertinent published and unpublished information was initiated. The following procedure was used in the collection of needed material: (a} search personal libraries and files; (b) contact individuals that have worked in the specific field, and who may possess or have knowledge of bibliograph.ies in those fields; (c) examine published bibliographic lists and indexes for federal, state and other publications; (d) search the file catalogues of the libraries of the University of Washington, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (Juneau), and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) (Seattle, Auke Bay); (e) obtain bibliographic computer print-outs for key words (i.e., subjects} through the inter-library and other literature search an<! retrieval services, and arrange for copies of the most pertinent articles; (f) review the indexes of appropriate foreign publications, especially the literature and reports of work being done in Canada, Japan, the USSR, and the northern European countries; 2 (g) examine 11 in-house 11 programs for research, progress reports, and budget requests for the National Marine Fisheries Service, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and the Universities of Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska for information on on-going and unpublished studies; and {h) review reports from the management agents of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game for the Susitna-Cook Inlet area and adjacent waters. Pertinent reports and other materials are being examined. The findings relating to potential impacts and their mitigation are being catalogued. In general, this information relates the biological, physical, and chemical factors of the environment to the movement, reproduction, growth, and survival of anadromous and resident fishes found in the Susitna drainage. A bibliography is being prepared in a form suitable for ready reference of team members involved in the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. The primary effort in the areas of impact assessment and mitigation planning was in providing Acres American with expert advice, upon request, in evaluating and planning alternative plans for project development. This input was concentrated in the last three months of 1980 and was directed towards reviewing four alternatives that included a dam at Watana and power tunnels extending downstream, and various staging alternatives to two dam schemes (Olson, High Devil Canyon and Vee vs. Devil Canyon and Watana). The task of data and program review in which TES wi 11 review the scopes of work for water quality and fish ecology investigations being performed by other groups was delayed by the late start of some of the programs. TES was able to review the water quality program being done by R&M Consultants, as well as offer recommendations on installation of a continuous monitoring station for water quality measurements to be located at the Watana site. 3 Review of the ADF&G fish ecology programs was not possib1e because ADF&G did not produce their detailed procedures manual in 1980. TES does, however, agree with the objectives in the RSA agreement between the Alaska Power Authority and ADF&G. 2.2 -Definition of the Study Area The study area encompassed by Subtask 7 .10, Fish Ecology, includes the entire Susitna River from the Tyone River downstream to Cook Inlet. This includes areas that are likely to be affected by post-project flows (i.e., subreaches of the Susitna River mainstem, sloughs and side channels, tributary confluences, and lakes and ponds. resident fish populations will be studied by ADF&G in habitat requirements. Studies of fish populations in Anadromous and relation to their the proposed impoundment area will be included. There are no rare or endangered fish species listed for Alaska by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (Richard Wilmot, pers. comm.). Additionally, data concerning migrational usage of the Susitna River by salmon species as well as mainstem spawning observations and rearing information will be collected. For the purpose of Phase I work, the Susitna River has been divided into three segments: Cook Inlet to Talkeetna, Talkeetna to Devil Canyon, and Devil Canyon to the Tyone River. Within these defined reaches, the following objectives and related tasks will be addressed, according to the proposed ADF&G work plan for 1981 (ADF&G, pers. conm. February-March 1981). (a) Determine the seasonal timing, distribution and relative abundance of adult anadromous fish populations within those portions of the basin directly affected by the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project. 4 (i) Identify spawning locations which are likely to be affected by post-project flows {i.e.~ subreaches of the mainstem, sloughs and side channels, tributary confluences, lakes and ponds, etc.) and estimate their comparative importance. {ii) Determine the timing and nature of migration, milling and spawning activities. (iii) Enumerate and characterize the runs of the adult anadromous fish. (iv) Collect field data to define the range (or limits) of streamflow dependent physical and chemical characteristics which appear to be influencing the suitability of the various habitat types for spawning. {b) Determine the seasonal timing, distribution and relative abundance of selected resident fish and juvenile anadromous fish populations within those portions of the basin directly affected by the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project. (i) Identify spawning and rearing locations for resident species as well as chinook, coho~ and other anadromous juveniles, which are likely to be affected by the impoundment and post-project flows (i.e., subreaches of the mainstem, sloughs and side channels, tributary confluences, lakes and ponds, etc.) and estimate their comparative importance. (ii) Obtain descriptive information on captured fish (species, site, a.ge class) and discuss seasonal migration patterns of selected adult resident species. 5 (iii) Collect field data to define the range (or limits) of streamflow dependent physical and chemical characteristics which appear to be influencing the suitability of occupied and non-occupied habitat types. (c) Characterize the seasonal habitat requirements of selected anadromous and resident species within those portions of the basin expected to be directly influenced by the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project. (i) Through direct field observations and measurements, define the range of streamflow dependent physical and chemical characteri sties which appear to be influencing the suitability of various habitat types for species and life history stages of interest. (ii) Prepare a narrative description of the various habitat types found in the study area that are presently being utilized by anadromous and resident species. (iii) Analyze the field measurements and provide a series of drawings which display the frequency at which the species/life history phases were observed in association with the streamflow dependent physical and chemical characteristics. 6 3 -RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF BASELINE DATA During the first year of the project, 1980, much time and effort has been spent in the development of the biological (fisheries) and the engineering/hydrological programs necessary to properly evaluate the effect of the proposed hydroelectric project on the fisheries of the Susitna River. To do this, it was first necessary to acquire a familiarity with the lower Susitna River and sites of the proposed dams and impoundments by overflights and by examination of the aerial photographs of the river channel area. Review and assistance has been given in the location and sampling schedules for the collection and analyses of water samples and the location of gaging stations, and in providing general engineering and fisheries information, although preliminary in scope, that would assist in the development of alternative locations, construction, and operation of the hydroelectric facility. Water quality reports containing data collected during this study were only recently available; therefore, assessment of the progress of this facet was not possible. Of particular concern has been the delay in the initiation of the fishery program that wi 11 be conducted by the A 1 ask a Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G). As stated during a meeting in Washington, D.C., the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) will insist upon at least two years, or the equivalent of two years, of comprehensive field studies on the fisheries of the Susitna River before considering any application for license. However, ADF&G fisheries baseline study began on November 17, 1980 and will continue through the license application review period. Data from the winter 1980-1981 studies should be presented in the first quarterly report for 1981. This will allow evaluation, prior to license application, of two winters of data on juvenile anadromous fish and winter resident fish distribution. The remaining seasonal data wi 11 be augmented by previous studies conducted by ADF&G and supplemented with data collected during 1982 and the fallowing call ect i ng peri ads. 7 Attention has been given by TES to a comprehensive search of the available 1 iterature for information that would complement the results expected from the proposed fishery field program. This has required a great deal of effort. For more than 100 years, the Pacific salmon, because of their importance to the people living along the Pacific coasts of the United States, Canada, Japan, and th~ U.S.S.R., have been the subject of studies by scientists and agencies within these four countries. One would judge that more studies have been made and reports written on the Pacific salmon per~ than any other fishery in the world. Yet there are sti 11 gaps in our knowledge as to the effect of certain environmental factors on the survival and growth of fish in the streams of northern regions. While there is an abundance of information on the Pacific salmon, there is a paucity of information on the resident species found in the Susitna drainage and other similar streams. Much of the information that is available is found in the Canadian or Russian literature. The first step in the study, accordingly, has been to develop a bibliography of northern salmon and resident fish studies. Approximately 1,000 references have been compiled at the present time (about half of which are from the Russian literature). Most of the references have been obtained from the private library of Mr. Atkinson and from the publications and other materials available in the libraries at the Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center (NMFS, Seattle) and at the University of Washington. Although not used extensively to date, the references and other material available at the Auke Bay Laboratory (NMFS Auke Bay/Juneau, Alaska) have been examined. Perhaps most valuable in this collection is the series of reports prepared by the various Management Agents for the regulatory districts before Alaska statehood. Fortunately, the information contained in these reports has been summarized and is available for our reference and use in the following unpublished report: 8 United States Fish and Wild1 ife Service and the University of Washington Fisheries Research Institute. 1954. Cook Inlet Lake and Stream Records, 1927-1952, with accompanying descriptive material. Seattle, Washington. We have a 1 so received a series of unpub 1 i shed ADF&G reports re 1 at i ng to the fisheries of the Susitna River and Cook Inlet. Several of these reports will augment the existing field program {Barrett 1974; Friese 1975; Riis 1975 and 1977; ADF&G 1978). There are three existing compilations of literature on biological criteria for salmon: "Pacific Salmon Compendium" {Maxfield 1964), ' 1 F i sheries Handbook of Engineering Requirements and B i o 1 ogi ca 1 Criteria11 {Bell 1973), and "Design of Fishways and Other Fish Faci1ities 11 (Clay 1961). The Pacific salmon work by Maxfield, however, i.s confined to the United States and Canadian 1 iterature on salmon th.rough the early 1960 1 5. The information given in the two handbooks is generally based on the salmon, environmental studies, and experiences in the rivers and streams of British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and northern California. These reports exclude the results of many studies on the Pacific salmon made in Japan and the U.S.S.R., which are especially important in our studies because of the similarities {due to climate) between the Susitna and streams of the Soviet Far East. Based on available literature, summary reports are being prepared by TES on the life history and ecology of anadromous and selected resident fish found in the Susitna River system. It is anticipated that separate reports will be prepared for each of the following species: Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, Pink Salmon, Chum Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Eulachon, Arctic Grayling, Dolly Varden, Burbot, Rainbow Trout, and Lake Trout. Several of these summary·reports are nearing completion and the remaining summaries should be available in at least draft form later in 1981. It is intended that these summaries will be available to the various participants in the Susitna Hydroelectric Project at the time of the preparation of the final reports and application for the FERC license. 9 Examples of the kind of information that will be available when these summaries are completed are shown in Table 1 and Figure 1. Tab1e 1 is a comparison of the number of degree-days required to incubate (to time of hatching) eggs from five species of salmon from the United States and Soviet rivers. In Figure 1, a graphic comparison is made of the sediment size of the sand or gravel taken (by almost identical methods) from the area of the redds where the eggs are actually deposited. There is similar information avail able for compos it ion of bottom sediment for the entire nest and the spawning area as a whole. Finally, two tables have been prepared concerning the status and kinds of information required in the assessment of potential impact issues ~l'l.d mHig.;tion llf th~ ~fffltts. of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. These tables are presented in the impact section of this report. 10 TABLE 1 Comparison of incubation times(a) (to hatching) that have been reported by U.S. and Soviet sources for the five species of Pacific salmon Species of Salmon United States(b) Soviet(C) Average Degree-Average Degree- Temp. (°C) Days . Temp. ( oC) Days Pink salmon 10 583 8.4-10.7 645-708 Chum salmon 8.5-10 517 3.2 408-420 9.9 521-530 Sockeye salmon 3.3 523 3.2 450-463 Coho salmon 3.3-7.7 455 2.2 300-346 2.9 397 4.1 371 8.8-9.0 445-486 Chinook salmon lO 482 12.9 537-563 14.0 476 a. Incubation time is expressed in degree-days. Water temperature affects incubation time. Additional residence time is required for fry to develop to swim-up stage. This table shows the need for measuring normal river temperatures. b. Bell (1978). c. Smirnov (1975). "+-0 a.1 > a.1 .,.... Vl O'!CU !: N •r-.,.... U1 Vl U1 tti"' Q..Q) -1-) +-'ttl t:s::: CUO'l c:..- ..... U'l "'CU cue Vl +-' t: (I) u s.. (I) Q.. 100 80 60 40 20 Chum reddJal_j / I I I / ,. / I I I I I ~Chinook redds (b) 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 Sieve (mi11imeters) a. Chum data from Levanidov (1968). b. Chinook data from Platts, Shirazi and Lewis (1979). Figure 1. Comparison of partic1e size distribution of sediment samp1e from the egg strata of spawning redds of chum and chinook salmon. 4 -IMPACT ASSESSMENT The 1980 impact assessment has been limited to using historical information concerning hydroelectric projects elsewhere and providing Acres American with the information that will aid them in designing the hydroelectric project and in avoiding impacts that have occurred elsewhere as a result of design or operational procedures. Areas that have been discussed include downstream flow, timing and temperature of water releases, reservoir drawdown, and excessive dissolved gases as a result of spillway design. Any hydroelectric facility that releases water for peaking (whether it is daily, weekly, or any other power demand schedule) will deviate more severely from the impounded stream 1 s natural flow regime than would a baseload operation. Therefore, operational procedures may impact the downstream habitat. Fluctuations in downstream flow that change the depth of the stream sufficiently to flood the dry areas of the stream bed on a daily basis would adversely affect fish at all life stages, through stranding. However, it is possible, with reregulation of downstream flow, to eliminate the problem of stranding. It may be possible to improve upon the natural conditions in some reaches of the stream by maintaining downstream flows that would increase the amount of usable habitat available to the fish. Table 2 is a list of the various potential impact issues that has been prepared for the TES Fish Ecology Procedures Manual (Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc. 1980a), and an evaluation has been made of the present availability of information required to address those impact issues. It must be noted, however, that in almost all items, reference is made to the necessity of having results from the present and/or pending studies available before the status of information required can be established with any certainty. Comments that biological criteria are adequate or probably adequate mean that there is some available information upon which to base the FERC license application. Of course, data from current field studies would be preferable, in areas where such data are being collected. 13 TABLE 2 Status of information required for assessment of potential impact issues{a) concerning fish ecology. Potential Impact Issue 1. Change in water quality. 2. Alteration of the temperature structure of the stream. Engineering lnformation(b) Dependent upon results from data collection and from available analyses. Dependent upon results from present data collection and analyses. Biological Information(c) Environmental criteria from available literature and ADF&G studies will be required for fishes specifically utilizing the mainstem Susitna. See number 1. a. From Table 2, Environmental Studies Procedures Manual, Subtask 7.10, Fish Ecology Impact Assessment and Mitigation Planning. Terrestrial Environmental Speiialists, Inc., August 1980. b. No definitive study and/or evaluation of the various potential impact issues can be made until the results of the present engineering and hydrologica-l surveys are available and the location{s) and general design of the dam(s) are established. c. In addition to the need for information noted in footnote b above, detailed information from the biological studies to be conducted by ADF&G will be required before any meaningful assessment of the potential impact issues can be made. TABLE 2 (Cont.) Potential Impact Issue 3. Excessive dissolved gas concentrations caused by plunging flows. 4. Changes in the chemical and physical conditions in the spawning areas of anadromous fish 5. Impact of temperature structure on reservoir management and downstream conditions. Engineering Information Experience and remedial measures from dams on the Snake, Columbia and Kootenay rivers documented and available. Impoundment water quality, including temperaturet changes in downstream flows by storages and releasest and changes in impoundment levels Balance of the input flows to reservoir volumest thermocline and volumes of water at various temperatures. Biological Information Available biological infor- mation is adequate. Environmental criteria generally established for Pacific salmon and being confirmed and expanded by literature search; additional information on smelt and the euryhaline species (i.e., whitefish, char, etc.) and the effect of physical/ chemical change on food organisms in northern waters win be obtai ned from the literature or Phase II studies. Some literature available; additional study may be required in Phase I I. TABLE 2 (Cont.) Potential Impact Issue 6. Reduction of turbidity during the summer resulting in in- creased predation. 7. Winter turbidity changes in the reservoir and downstream. 8. Increase in nutrients in the reservoir and downstream from leaching. 9. Changing water quality conditions under the ice as a result of operation. 10. Development of new ice-free areas with increased predation and density of small fishes in these areas. Engineering Information Particle size, settling rates and stratification in the reservoir. Same as number 6. Change in water quality brought about by flooded lands, entrapment in the reservoir, and upwelling. Water temperature at various times and various levels in the impoundment related to multi-level water releases; volume of release. New temperature regimes below the dam in the winter; new water levels in relation to sloughs and natural backwater areas. B1ological Information Cant i nui ng 1 iterature search, but apparently little information available; additional study may be required in Phase II. Same as number 6. Some baseline information available; Phase II studies may be required. Environmental criteria required from the 1 i terature and AOF&G studies specifically for fishes utilizing the mainstem Susitna and expected in the reservoirs. Continuing literature search and some information available: additional study, if required, will be in Phase 11. TABLE 2 (Cont.) Potentia 1 Impact Issue 11. Development of frazil ice downstream 12. Changed ice thickness down- stream affecting temperature and downstream movement of fish. 13. Summer and winter flow changes and the impact on fish repro- duction, growth and predation. 14. Effect on present type of fish collection devices used in the Susitna River and Upper Cook Inlet estuary fishery. Engineering Information Relationship to open surface areas and new temperature regimes. Same as number 11. Expected flow releases for power generation including peaking and minimum base loads; water clarity and quality, in- cluding temperature. Changes in river flow and water Biological Information Probably adequate. Very little information avail- able on the winter movements of fish in northern streams; ADF&G winter studies especially important. Relation of summer environmental conditions to reproduction and growth of anadromous fish generally adequate, but only limited information for resident species and predation in northern waters; Phase I and II studies required. The oceanography of upper Cook quality; how these changes will Inlet has been studied by effect the oceanographic conditions University of Alaska (IMS) and in the upper estuary region. data are available on mvement TABLE 2 (Cont. ) Potential Impact Issue 15. Extension of upstream anadromous fishery. 16. Bank scour due to piping effect of increased flows under the ice or flows over the ice. 17. Bed scour as affected by changing flows and ice. Engtneering Information Accessibility of new areas to fish; expected water supplies to such area throughout the year. Winter operational flows in relation to the area below the the ice or over the existing ice layer; projected thickness of ice cover. Same as number 16. Biological Information of juvenile and adult salmon through estuaries, but no recognizable pattern between areas. Additional study, if required, will be in Phase II. If engineering studies show access of anadromous fish above Devil Canyon feasible, then comprehensive survey re- quired of accessible potential spawning/nursery areas; environmental criteria adequate. Continuing literature search and some information avai 1 able; additional studies, if required, can be done in Phase II. Same as number 16. TABLE 2 (Cont.} Potential Impact Issue 18. Potential for increased pro- duction by the addition of new spawning areas and new rearing ·areas. 19. Potential loss of many present productive areas. 20. Formation (and management} of new lakes (impoundments). Engineering Information Physical details of the new area, including bed shapes, water depths, flows, velocities and total area accessibility. Cross sections of the river as related to flow, levels of side channels, water cover over known spawning areas, and changed flow regimes. Details on the expected limnological conditions of the impoundments, methods and type of water discharge, and expected fluctuations in water levels. Biological Information Dependent upon the completion of present engineering and hydrological surveys and designs and operation plans for hydro- electric development; environ- mental criteria adequate. Dependent upon completion of present studies noted in 18 above; environmental criteria probably adequate. These must be considered as impoundments and their environ- mental regime quite different than a natural lake; apparently very little information available on conditions in northern impoundments but continuing literature search; may require additional Phase II study. TABLE 2 (Cont.) Potential Impact Issue 21. Changes in tributary access for fish. 22. Changes in the personal use fishery. 23. Potential stranding and exposure of redds due to diel variation. 24. Changes in the habitats of resident fish populations. Engineering Information Details on the lower part of the streams to be inundated by the impoundment and effect on tributaries downstream of the impoundment. Flow levels, velocities and water clarity. Same as number 19. Same as numbers 20 and 21. Biological Information Probably adequate. Major factor will be effect of change in turbidity (i.e., nets vs. hook-and-line); dependent upon present studies noted in 18 above; may require additional rhase II studies. Pink, chum and coho salmon and to some extent other anadromous and resident fish will seek shallower channels to spawn; Phase I studies required for less known species. Dependent upon present studies noted in 18 above; additional studies required in Phase I and II. TABLE 2 (Cont.) Potential Impact Issue 25. Changes in the stream channel in terms of creation, alteration, or elimination of habitat. 26. Loss of existing fishery in impoundment area. Engineering Information Same as Numbers 18 and 19. Determination of stream areas lost by inundation. Biological Information Generally engineering in scope, but will require definition and evaluation of productive fish habitat in northern waters: Phase I studies will be required. Engineering information noted in 20 above and Phase I bio- logical studies by ADF&G; additional Phase II studies on environmental criteria for resident fish may be required. In Table 3~ a matrix has been developed by which the type of biological (fisheries) information for the various stages of freshwater life is paired with conditions that will most likely arise during construction and operation of the hydroelectric project. As the design and operational plans for the project develop and the results of the associated biological studies become available~ the availability and/or need for additional information wi 11 become more and more apparent by simple inspection of the chart. Examination of any particular item indicates the need for the inteQration of the best available engineering information with biological information. In most cases, the biological information will be obtained by the field studies to be undertaken in 1981 and later years. Impacts associated with the building of access roads and transmission lines can be expected. The greatest amount of impact would most likely occur during the actual construction period. Bank erosion~ bottom disturbance~ and siltation in the vicinity of the stream crossing sites could be harmful to spawning and nursery areas of both resident and anadromous fish. Newly constructed roads would also make previously inaccessible regions subject to increased fishing pressure by the public. This could affect the fishery resource considerably. 22 TJl&.E 3 Checklfst(a} for study of the JX)Ssible inpacts l4JOil the fishery resource in the study area as a result of construction an:l operatim of the Susitna H.}droelectric Project. Dan & reservoir Ch<n;Jes Baseline Cofferdan construction -Normal fr011 study installation including fillirg First )ear maxinun baseline period & raroval tine of operation operations conditions Recanrerldat i oos FU.l.J CHP.rG:S First filling tine Normal dri»\dCM Maxinun dra\\dowl Annual operational filling tines Discharge fran \'Alee l S, spillWi\YS & sluices Low, normal & high flow _)ears & their occurrence Maxirrun discharge & tirre Minimum discharge & tine Oiel discharge Rarge Maxinun Nonnal MiniiTllll a. This dleckHst wi11 &! used to irrticate that sufficient information is (flailable to a:ldress ()"' ans\'Er an i!lllact qteStion at a particular project developrent tirre. TJlJ3LE 3 (Cont.) Dan & reservoir Charges Baseline Cofferdcm construction -Nonnal fran study installation including filling First }ear maxiRUil baseline period & reroval tiRE of operation ~ations conditions Rec<JJJTBldations FLCW Qil\fffS (Cont.} Changes on spawn- ing g-ounds Depth Width Stranding AbarrlJITil:?nt of nests by e.xpos- ure of a:lu lts & fry to a:lverse conditions General stress Change in J):!rsona l use areas Terperature Upstrecm rrovBTEnt of adults Effect an fishing nets Ptb l ic safety TJlBLE 3 (Cont.) Dan & reservoir Ch~es Baseline Cofferdan constroction -Nonnal fran study installation including filling First ,>ear maxinun baseline period & reroval time of operation operations conditions RecO'Ill'Sldations RIVER BED CHANGES Jlljgr ocl i ng Degrading Bank scour Bed load Silt load Changes in spaWling areas Changes in food- prodocing areas Changes in tribu· tary strean entrance slopes Loss of wintering areas Gain of wintering areas TABLE 3 (Cont.) Oan & reservoir Charges Baseline Cofferdan construction -Normal fran study installation including filling First }ear maxitlU11. baseline period & remval time of operation operations conditions Recanrendat ions WI\TER QJOJ..ITY OW«S RIVER ~ RESERVOIRS 0\anical Silt Color Gas balaoce (release points) Tarperature of reservoir storage (release point) T arperature of river RESERVOIR CHANGES Destruction of river envirorm211t Creation of lake environment Creation of silt & sediment basins Changing light penetration Chang=s in food organisms TJIBLE 3 (Cont. ) Dan & reservoir Charges Baseline Cofferdan construction -rtmnal fran study installation including filling first }ear maxiffUll baseline period & raroval tirre of operation operations conditions Recmmendations RESERVOIR CI-WG:S (Cont. ) Changes in species composition & their relationships Level of thenm- cline (changes} Effect of mixing at face of po.o.er dcm Access areas to fishenren Species .contribution by tributary streans Initial r:roductivity versus long-tenn productivity Reestablishment of beach line Land slides Ice cover Effect of Lpt.elling on ice cover Gas balance TABLE 3 (Cont.) Dan & reservoir Charges Baseline Cofferdan construction -rt>rmal fran study installation includirg filling First )ear maxitlUll baseline period & remval tin~:! of operation operations conditions RecOllTBldations SPJlWNING ffiOJND OUTERIA, HID PRm.JCTIOO CRITERIA, TEWERAllRE Effect oo tine for hatching, 811::!rgence & swim-up Migration related to food bloons Change of winter growth rates 5 -MITIGATION PLANNING Early involvement of environmental personnel in the planning and design of the facility has occurred and wi 11 resu 1 t in a project designed with fewer initial impacts. Such input is planned to continue throughout the project. In addition, we have provided Acres with requested information to aid them in the selection of a power development scheme for the Susitna River. Although protection of the fishery resource is but one aspect of the development of a hydroelectric project, we have continued to stress the importance of regulated downstream flows, control of total dissolved gas pressure, and regulation of the temperature of the discharge waters. These issues are essential to the fish ecology and, thus, an integral part of any development plan. Many adverse impacts of hydroelectric development can be avoided or minimized through mitigation planning in the determination of the design and operational mode of the hydroelectric facility. Unavoidable impacts may be offset by improving the resource elsewhere, if deemed necessary. Options for such resource enhancement are discussed in the TES Procedures Manual for Subtask 7.10. Mitigation of adverse impact on resident fish must be addressed in two areas: (1) above Devil Canyon and (2) below Devil Canyon. These two areas are separated by the natural barrier to fish passage reported to exist in the Devil Canyon area. The area above Devil Canyon will be materially altered by the creation of the·impoundments. The downstream area may be treated with the salmon impact mitigation approach, to be applied if required to the area of the Susitna River below Devil Canyon. Based upon information from ADF&G concerning existing resident fishes ar.d the sport fishing in the area and upon Acres' projections concerning limnological conditions of the reservoir, an assessment will be made in regard to those species most adaptable to the reservoir conditions and that could provide sport fishing opportunities. This information is not yet available. 29 The stream areas lost by inundation may not be readily replaceab1e; howevers this loss cannot be measured until the ultimate reservoir elevations are equated to the existing contours of the streams. Assuming they cannot be replaced, reservoir stocking may be recommended. Assuming that the reservoir(s) will provide better access to the now almost inaccessible areas for sport fishermen, an improved sport fishery could be provided in those areas to at least partially compensate for the areas lost to impoundment. These assumptions and corresponding mitigation options will be addressed as ·information becomes available to assess potential impacts. If significant losses to anadromous fish populations are predicted in the impact analysis, design and operational plans should be developed for ameliorating them. Likely mitigation methods include multi-level discharge for release of water at a desired temperature and release of predetermined flows, to maintain downstream fi~h habitat. Timing the water release to match the needs of migrating salmon would be another possib1e operating procedure that may be considered. Without the necessary data to evaluate the impact(s), mitigation methods and the need for mitigation of fish losses is nothing more than conjecture. The necessary information to evaluate the impacts on anadromous fish and, thus, plan for the mitigation of their losses has not been gathered as of this report. Mitigation planning during 1980 has been confined to the project development plans. Initially, downstream maximum flow and minimum releases were suggested to allow the planning activity to continue within the guidelines. However, the flow constraints were very preliminary because of the lack of information available for making firm recommendations. The range was sufficiently broad to allow the design work to continue. In late 1980, the environmental aspects of four schemes that involved a dam at Watana and power tunnels extending downstream to locations near Devil Canyon were reviewed (Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc. 1980b). The tunnel scheme that provided for constant flow downstream of Devil Canyon was recommended as the best of the group. Constant flows would reduce or eliminate the possibility of fish being stranded during any life stage. Daily 30 peaking, on the other hand, could raise and lower the river sufficiently to strand fish. Also, in late 1980, staging options for two alternative darn development schemes were reviewed: Watana/Devil Canyon and Vee/High Oevi 1 Canyon/Olson (Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc. 1981). This draft report recommended, as a mitigation procedure in the design, that constant downstream flows be considered essential. However, a dam at Olson was considered unacceptable because of the anadromous fishery at Portage Creek, upstream of the Olson site. None of the preliminary plans evaluated called for constant flow downstream as a part of the Stage 1 development, although, reregulation was identified as a possibility. Some of the plans included constant downstream flows in later development stages, but the time period, 10 or more years, was considered too great and adverse impacts from daily peaking would already have occurred. It is our understanding that plans have since been changed to provide reregulation from coiJIT\encement of operation. 31 6 -REFERENCES Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1978. Preliminary Assessment of Hydroelectric Development on the Susitna River. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. (Unpublished report). Anchorage, Alaska. Barrett, B. M. 1974. Assessment Study of the Anadromous Fish Populations in the Upper Sus itna River Watershed Between De vi 1 Canyon and the Chulitna River. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. (Unpublished report). Anchorage, Alaska. Bell, M. C. 1973. Fisheries Handbook on Engineering Requirements and Biological Criteria. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Portland, Oregon. Bell, M. C. 1978. Fisheries Handbook of Engineering Requirements and Biological Criteria. Second Edition. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Portland, Oregon. Clay, C. H. 1961. Design of Fishways and Other Fish Facilities. Department of Fisheries. Ottawa, Canada. Friese, N. V. 1975. ?reauthorization Assessment of the Anadromous Fish Populations of the Upper Susitna River Watershed in the Vicinity of the Proposed Devil Canyon Hydroelectric Project. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries. (Unpublished report). Anchorage, Alaska. Levanidov, V. Ya. 1968. 0 Gidrologicheskom Rezhimyr Nerestil ishch Kety i Gorbushi (about the hydrological regime of chum and pink salmon spawning grounds). Ti khookeanskovo Nauchno-Isseldovatel•skii Institut Ribnovo Khozyaistva i Okeanografi i (TINRO). Vol 64. Maxfield, G. 1964. Pacific Salmon Compendium. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. (Unpublished report). Seattle, Washington. Platts, W. M., M. A. Shirazi and 0. H. Lewis. 1979. Sediment Particle Sizes Used by Salmon for Spawning with Methods for Evaluation. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA-600/3-79-043 (Apr. 1979). (Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory, Corvallis). Riis, J. C. 1975. Pre-authorization Assessment of the Susitna River Hydroelectric Project: Preliminary Investigations of Water Quality and Aquatic Species Composition. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Sport Fish Division. (Unpublished report). Anchorage, Alaska. Riis, J. C. 1977. Pre-authorization Assessment of the Proposed Susitna River Hydroelectric Projects: Preliminary Investigation of Water Quality and Aquatic Species Composition. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Sport Fish Division. (Unpublished report). Anchorage, Alaska. 32 Smirnov, A. I. 1975. The Biology, Reproduction and Development of the Pacific Salmon (in Russian). University of Moscow. Moscow, U.S.S.R. Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc. 1980a. Susitna Hydroelectric Project Environmental Studies, Procedures Manual Subtask 7.10, Fish Ecology Impact Assessment and Mitigation Planning. Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc., Phoenix, New York. Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc. 1980b. Susitna Hydroelectric Project Environmental Studies, Preliminary Environmental Assessment of Tunnel Alternatives. Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc., Phoenix, New York. Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc. 1981. Susitna Hydroelectric Project Environmental Studies, Environmental Considerations of Alternative Hydroelectric Development Schemes for the Upper Susitna Basin (draft). Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc., Phoenix, New York. United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the University of Washington Fisheries Research Institute. 1954. Cook Inlet Lake and Stream Records, 1927-1952, with accompanying descriptive material. United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the University of Washington. Seattle, Washington. 33 7 -AUTHORITIES CONTACTED 7.1-Federal Agencies Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. Quinton Edson, J. Mark Robinson, Dean Shumway, Paul Carrier, and Donald Clarke -Meeting in Washtngton, D.C.; May 30, 1980; explained the sampling schedule and discussed the adequacy of historical data. J. Mark Robinson and Dean Shumway -Tour of Susitna River study area; July 16, 1980; viewed upper and lower river and had informal discussions about study program. -Informal meeting in Anchorage, Alaska; July 17, 1980; discussion of instream flow needs. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Anchorage, Alaska Dona 1 d McKay -Tour of Susitna study area; July 16, 1980; viewed upper and lower river and had informal discussions about the study program. Richard Wilmot -Discussion with Dana Schmidt; March 16, 1981; request for most recent information on endangered fish species in Alaska. 34 National Marine Fisheries Service Auke Bay Biological Laboratory Auke Bay, Alaska Or. William Smoker, Director -Contacted by C. Atkinson to obtain fisheries literature; old documents, management reports, etc., will be supplied if needed. 7.2-State Agencies Alaska Department of Fish and Game Anchorage, Alaska Thomas Trent, Susitna Coordinator (after Oct. 1980); Regiona1 Supervisor-Habitat Protection Section (prior to Oct. 1980). -Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska; May 23, 1980; discussion of hydro1ogy program and fishery data needs. -Telephone call from R. Williams; May 27, 1980. -C. Atkinson called on June 20, 1980; inquiry as to status and operational aspects of the fisheries study as well as to thank him for his assistance in assembling various reports. -Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska; September 8 and 10, 1980; discussion of hydrology and fishery studies locate; river cross sections. -Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska; September 22, 1980; discussed ADF&G fisheries program, established need for fall field work (1980), and identified winter 1980-81 study area. -Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska; October 13, 1980; discussed coordination and administration concerns. 35 -Telephone call from R. Williams; October 27, 1980; inquiry of status of ADF&G program. -Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska; November 14, 1980; discussed overall program and extended an invitation to a meeting that afternoon with the Cook Inlet Aquaculture Association. -Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska; November 17, 1980; informed T. Trent of results of meeting with Cook Inlet Aquaculture Association Board of Directors. -Meetings in Anchorage, Alaska with D. Schmidt; February - March 1981; continuous discussions of field programs and Procedures Manual. Alaska Department of Fish and Game Division of Commercial Fisheries Juneau, Alaska Dr. Gary Finger, Chief of Research -Informal discussions with C. Atkinson; offered to supply informal information and unpublished reports. Alaska Department of Natural Resources Anchorage, Alaska Mary Lou Harle -Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska; May 23, 1980; discussed hydrology program and fishery data needs. 7.3-Other Organizations and Individuals Cook Inlet Aquaculture Association P.O. Box 50 Soldotna, Alaska 36 Floyd Heimbach, Director; Thomas Mears, Biologist; and Thomas Walker, Economist. -Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska; November 14, 1980; explain the fishery program to CIAA. Board of Directors -Meeting in Soldotna, Alaska; November 15, 1980; E. Yould (APA) and R. Williams presented a description of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project and answered questions. Susitna Hydro Steering Committee A. Carson, Chairman; T. Trent, Vice Chairman. -TES representatives presented the various aspects of the Susitna program, including the TES fish ecology program; July 17-18, 1980. Other agency attendees were: D. Shumway (FERC), D. Foote (FERC), J .M. Robinson (FERC), D. Sturdevant (ADEC), W. We1 er (HCRS), B. Smith (NMFS), J. Rego (BLM), L. Baxter (COE), H. Noonan (DEPD), and M. Harle (ADNR). -Reply to comments on Procedures Manual; December 1980.. Arctic Environmental Information Center Anchorage, Alaska David Hickock, Director -Librarian provided C. Atkinson with all of their references on the Susitna River region. British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Vancouver, British Columbia Dr. Robert Furgeson -C. Atkinson visited Dr. Furgeson and made arrangements for an exchange of environmental literature. A copy of an intensive survey of several deep lakes, tncluding Williston Lake, on the Peace River was obtained. 37