HomeMy WebLinkAbout6 - Attachment C - Prelim Permit124 FERC ¶62,169 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Copper Valley Electric Association Project No.13124-000 ORDER ISSUING PRELIMINARY PERMIT (Issued September 04,2008) On March 3,2008,Copper Valley Electric Association (Copper Valley or permittee),filed an application for a three-year preliminary permit1 under Section 4(f)of the Federal Power Act (FPA)to study the proposed 4-megawatt (MW)Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project No.13124.The proposed Allison Lake Project would be located on Allison Lake and Allison Creek near Valdez,Alaska. Copper Valley proposes three alternatives:Alternative No.1 has a new intake/penstock to increase generation at the existing licensed Project No.2742 by an annual generation of 20.5 gigawatt-hours (GWh);Alternative No.2 has a new intake,tunnel and powerhouse with a capacity of 4 MW and an annual generation of 24.7 GWh;and Alternative No.3 has a new siphon,penstock,and powerhouse with a capacity of 4 MW and an annual generation of 20.9 GWh.All three alternatives would use the existing Allison Lake and Alternative No.1 would also use the Solomon Lake Dam and reservoir. Public notice of the application was issued.The National Marine Fisheries Service and The Four Dam Pool Power Agency filed motions to intervene to become parties to the proceedings. Comments were filed by Alyeska Pipeline Service Company (Alyeska)concerning, among other things,the proximity of the proposed project to the Valdez Marine Terminal and the terminus of the Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS).Alyeska comments that the proposed project must be compatible with TAPS operations,security,safety and integrity and would require careful planning and coordination to ensure that both facilities would not be compromised. 1 16 U.S.C.§797(f).Three years is the maximum term for a preliminary permit.See FPA Section 5,16 U.S.C.§798. 20080904-3031 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 09/04/2008 Project No.13124-000 2 Alyeska recommends that any Commission permit for this project should include the condition that property,water use,safety and other TAPS interests are protected and any related risks or issues are addressed in a manner satisfactory to Alyeska. The purpose of a preliminary permit is to maintain priority of application for a license during the term of the permit while the permittee conducts investigations and secures data necessary,after consultation with the appropriate resource agencies,to determine the feasibility of the proposed project and prepares an acceptable development application.The permit confers no authority on the permittee to undertake construction of the proposed project or any part thereof,2 or to occupy or use lands or other property of the United States or of any other entity or individual. If,during the course of the permittee’s investigation into the feasibility of the proposal,the permittee decides to prepare a development application,it must first prepare a Notice of Intent (NOI)and Pre-Application Document (PAD)pursuant to Sections 5.5 and 5.6 of the Commission’s Regulations.Pursuant to Part 5 of the Commission’s regulations,18 C.F.R.Part 5,the permittee must use the Integrated Licensing Process unless the Commission grants a request to use an alternative process (Alternative or Traditional Licensing Process).Pursuant to Section 5.3,such a request must accompany the NOI and PAD and set forth specific information justifying the request.3 Should the permittee file a development application,notice of the application will be published,and interested persons and agencies will have an opportunity to intervene and to present their views concerning the project and the effects of its construction and operation. A preliminary permit is not transferable.The named permittee is the only party entitled to the priority of application for license afforded by this preliminary permit.In order to invoke permit-based priority in any subsequent licensing competition,the named permittee must file an application for license as the sole applicant,thereby evidencing its intent to be the sole licensee and to hold all proprietary rights necessary to construct, operate,and maintain the proposed project.Should any other parties intend to hold during the term of any license issued any of these proprietary rights necessary for project purposes,they must be included as joint applicants in any application for license filed.In such an instance,where parties other than the permittee are added as joint applicants for license,the joint application will not be eligible for any permit-based priority.See City of Fayetteville,16 FERC 61,209 (1981). 2 Issuance of this preliminary permit is thus not a major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. 3 See Commission Order 2002,issued July 23,2003. 20080904-3031 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 09/04/2008 Project No.13124-000 3 The Director orders: (A)A preliminary permit is issued for the Allison Lake Hydroelectric Project No. 13124 to Copper Valley Electric Association,for a period effective the first day of the month in which this permit is issued,and ending either 36 months from the effective date or on the date that a development application submitted by the permittee has been accepted for filing,whichever occurs first. (B)This preliminary permit is subject to the terms and conditions of Part I of the Federal Power Act and related regulations.The permit is also subject to Articles 1 through 4,set forth in the attached standard form P-1. (C)This order is issued under authority delegated to the Director and constitutes final agency action.Requests for rehearing by the Commission may be filed within 30 days from the date of issuance of this order,pursuant to 18 C.F.R.§385.713. William Guey-Lee Chief,Engineering and Jurisdiction Branch Division of Hydropower Administration and Compliance 20080904-3031 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 09/04/2008 Form P-1 (Revised March 2000) FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PRELIMINARY PERMIT Article 1.The purpose of the permit is to maintain priority of application for a license during the term of the permit while the permittee conducts investigations and secures data necessary to determine the feasibility of the proposed project and,if said project is found to be feasible,prepares an acceptable application for license.In the course of whatever field studies the Permittee undertakes,the Permittee shall at all times exercise appropriate measures to prevent irreparable damage to the environment of the proposed project.All test sites shall be restored as closely as possible to their original condition and to the satisfaction of the Commission's authorized representative or,where federal lands are affected,to the satisfaction of the agency administering such lands. Article 2.The permit is not transferable and may,after notice and opportunity for hearing,be canceled by order of the Commission upon failure of the Permittee to prosecute diligently the activities for which a permit is issued,or for any other good cause shown. Article 3.The priority granted under the permit shall be lost if the permit is canceled pursuant to Article 2 of this permit,or if the Permittee fails,on or before the expiration date of the permit,to file with the Commission an application for license for the proposed project in conformity with the Commission's rules and regulations then in effect. Article 4.At the close of each six-month period from the effective date of this permit,the permittee shall file four copies of a progress report with the Secretary,Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,888 First Street,N.E.,Washington,D.C.20426;and shall serve a copy on the interveners in this proceeding.The report shall describe,for that report period,the nature and timing of what the permittee has done under the pre-filing requirements of 18 CFR Sections 4.38 and 5 and other applicable regulations;and,where studies require access to and use of land not owned by the permittee,the status of the permittee's efforts to obtain permission therefore. 20080904-3031 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 09/04/2008 Document Content(s) 19588028.DOC..........................................................1-4 20080904-3031 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 09/04/2008