HomeMy WebLinkAbout8 - Attachment E - Cost Breakdown COPPER VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION ALLISON LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT – FERC P-13124 APPLICATION FOR FERC LICENSE AND RELATED STUDIES SCHEDULE AND ESTIMATED COST 1st QUARTER 2008 THROUGH 2ND QUARTER 2011 COPPER VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION ALLISON LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT – FERC P-13124 SCHEDULE AND ESTIMATED BUDGET – 1ST QUARTER 2008 – 2ND QUARTER 2011 OCTOBER 3, 2008 1 DATE ACTIVITIES CURRENT PERIOD ACCUMULATIVE 2008 – 1st Quarter Completed Pre-Feasibility Study Filed Application for Preliminary Permit on 3-2-2008 $45,000 $45,000 2008 – 2nd Quarter Met with FERC staff in Washington, D.C. to discuss the Project and the FERC Licensing Process. Met with State and Federal resource agencies in Anchorage to discuss the Project and the required studies to support the Application for License. Met with engineering and environmental studies team in Anchorage to discuss the Project and the phased approach to studies to support the Application for License. Prepared First Year Study Plans Filed additional information to support Application for Preliminary Permit on 6 -24-2008 55,000 100,000 2008 – 3rd Quarter Received Order Issuing Preliminary Permit on 9-24-2008 Began first year field and office studies Continued to consult with Federal and State resource agencies 550,000 650,000 2008 – 4th Quarter Continue first year field and office studies and prepared reports summarizing study method and results. Prepare Exhibit G Maps and other figures for inclusion in the Application for License. Prepare scope of work for second year field and office studies; submit to Federal and State resource agencies for review and comment. Hold teleconference meeting to discuss results of first year stu dies program and proposed studies for second year field season. Prepare Preliminary Application Document (PAD) and Notice of Intent (NOI) to Prepare an Application for License. Prepare Scoping Document No. 1 (SD1) 350,000 1,000,000 2009 – 1st Quarter Continue office studies. Receive Federal and State resource agency comments on proposed second year studies program; prepare and issue final study plans; and file with FERC. Prepare and file 1st – 6-month report on activities conducted to date under Preliminar y Permit and schedule for following 6-month period. File PAD, SD1, and NOI with FERC and provide to Participants in the proceeding Prepare and issue Public Notices for Scoping Meetings 50,000 1,050,000 2009 – 2nd Quarter Continue office studies. Hold Public Scoping Meetings in Valdez and Anchorage. File record of Public meetings with FERC. Begin work on Draft Application for License 150,000 1,200,000 2009 – 3rd Quarter Conduct second year field and office studies program. Prepare reports to be inserted i nto the Draft Application for License. Provide reports to Federal and State Resource agencies and request comments and 350,000 1,550,000 COPPER VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION ALLISON LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT – FERC P-13124 APPLICATION FOR FERC LICENSE AND RELATED STUDIES SCHEDULE AND ESTIMATED COST 1st QUARTER 2008 THROUGH 2ND QUARTER 2011 COPPER VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION ALLISON LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT – FERC P-13124 SCHEDULE AND ESTIMATED BUDGET – 1ST QUARTER 2008 – 2ND QUARTER 2011 OCTOBER 3, 2008 2 any potential terms and conditions agencies will recommend to FERC. Continue work on Draft Application for License. Prepare and file 2nd – 6-month report on activities conducted to date under Preliminary Permit and schedule for following 6-month period. 2009 – 4th Quarter Submit Draft Application for License to FERC, agencies, and other participants for pre-filing review and comments. Request preliminary recommendations for license terms & conditions. 175,000 1,725,000 2010 – 1st Quarter Prepare and file 3rd – 6-month report on activities conducted to date under Preliminary Permit and schedule for following 6-month period. Begin Final Feasibility Study. Receive comments on Draft Application and preliminary recommendations for license terms & conditions. Hold consultations with Federal and State Resource Agencies and other Participants to discuss their comments on the Draft Application. 342,000 2,067,000 2010 – 2nd Quarter Complete Final Feasibility Study and integrate information to the Final Application for License – Supporting Design Report that is part of Exhibit F of the Application for License. Modify Draft Application for License to address comments received. Prepare and f ile Final Application for License with the FERC and provide to agencies and other participants. 343,000 2,410,000 2010 – 3rd Quarter to 2011 – 2nd Quarter Begin Phase III Preliminary Engineering activities. Respond to FERC requests for Additional Information. Review FERC-prepared NEPA document and provide comments. Receive FERC Order Issuing License. 50,000 2,460,000