HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA318Sub last 7.10 Phase 1 Final Draft Report Re .sident Fisb lnvesligafioo on the Lower Susilna River ADF&G I Su Hydro 1981 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Sublask 7.10 Phase 1 Final Drafl Report Re~ident Fisb lnvesligalioa on tbe Lower Susitna River ADF&G I Su Hydro 1981 by Alaska Department of Fish and Game Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies 2207 Spenard Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 for Acres American Incorporated Liberty Bank Building, Main at Court Buffalo, New York 14202 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title 1. SU~IMARY ..........................................•............ E-1-1 2. INTRODUCTION................................................ E-2-1 3. SPECIES REPORTS -RESIDENT FISH............................. E-3-1 3.1 RAINBOW TROUT.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-3-1 3.1.1 Abstract........................................ E-3-1 3.1.2 Introduction.................................... E-3-2 3 .1. 3 Methods......................................... E-3-3 3.1.4 Results and Discussion.......................... E-3-4 Distribution and Relative Abundance...................... E-3-4 Age, Length, and Sex Composition............................. E-3-8 Tagging and Recapture.................... E-3-11 3.2 ARCTIC GRAYLING........................................ E-3-16 3.2.1 Abstract ....................................... . 3.2.2 Introduction ................................... . 3.2.3 Methods ......................................... . 3.2.4 Results and Discussion ......................... . Distribution and RelatiVe Abundance ........... ~ ....... i •• Age, Length, and Sex Composition ............................ . Spawning ................................ . Tagging and Recapture ................... . E-3-16 E-3-16 E-3-18 E-3-18 E-3-18 E-3-19 E-3-24 E-3-27 3. 3 BURBOT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-3-29 3.3.1 Abstract ....................................... . 3.3.2 Introduction ................................... . 3.3-.3 Methods .......... ·-· ........ -.................... . 3.3.4 Results and Discussion ......................... . Distribution and Relative Abundance ..................... . Age, Length, and Sex Composition ............................ . Spawning ................................ . Tagging and Recapture ................... . E-3-29 E-3-29 E-3-31 E-3-31 E-3-31 E-3-38 E-3-42 E-3-45 Page 3.4 ROUND WHITEFISH........................................ E-3-47 3 . 4 . 1 Abstract . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . oil .. • •• Ill •• 6 Cl • • Ito Q • • e • • ~ • ,., ID e •• 3. 4 . 2 In trod u c t; 0 n e ,., •• e • Cl •••• 0 " ••• Cl • Cl •• " Cl • 0 ••••• oO • II ••• 3 • 4 • 3 Methods • e Q •••• " " • 0 ~ 0 II •••• e •••••• Ill • 1!1 a •• Cl ... ,., .. G •• e Cl 3.4.4 Results and Discussion ..••.•.....•.....•........ Distribution and E-3-47 E-3-47 E-3-48 E-3-49 Relative Abundance...................... E-3-49 Age, Length, and Sex Composition............................. E-3-51 Spawning ••••••••••.. <II. e .. e ........... e •••••• Tagging and Recapture.................... E-3-55 3.5 HUMPBACK WHITEFISH..................................... E-3-59 3. 5 . 1 Abstract e o • o ... ., ••• ~~~ •• ~~~~ llo • o • o .., ••• Cl .. e. .a a .... o •• .., o ••••• 3 0 5 e 2 I n trod u c t i 0 n 0 •••••• Ill • e e • II • e •• e 1!1 ••••• () ..... (l • G • 0 •• 3. 5. 3 Methods Ci ".e .......... e ••••• "' •• ., ... " •• "'. Cl •••• eo Cl Q •• 3.5.4 Results and Discussion .......•..•.•............. Distribution and Relative Abundance ••..•...••............ Age, Length, and Sex Composition. Q •• o • llil Cl "' ....... C'l ••• e • oil o • IIJ o •• El "' o 3 C1 5 e 4 II 3 spawn; n g 11 .;. • e e e e I! G e oe 0 4> e e CO e e ~ Q e e e e e e Ito e 0 to e e e Tagging and Recapture ............•....... E-3-59 E-3-59 E-3-62 E-3-63 E-3-64 E-3-71 E-3-71 E-3-71 3.6 BERING CISCO........................................... E-3-75 3. 6 ., 1 Abstract 1151 Cl ............... o •• -o Cl • e ....... " ••• "' • €1 ..... . 3.6.2 Introduction ....... "" ... " ...... €1. o .............. .. 3. 6. 3 Methods ... " " ............ e •• " ., ••• ., ., ••••• ~~~~ • Q •••• (l • o 3.6.4 Results and Discussion .....•...............•••.. Distribution and Relative Abundance ...•.................. Age, Length, and Sex Composition .....•........... o ... .., o ••• Cl ••• Spawning ........................ o.es•••••CI Tagging and Recapture ....••.....•........ 3.7 LONGNOSE SUCKER .......•........•.•...•................. 3.7.1 Abstract .......•......... ~ .•..•.•....•........•. 3 • 7 . 2 I n trod u c t i on . . . 8 • .. • • • • • " • • • • • • "' • o .. • • • e • o • • • • o • ., • 3 . 7 • 3 Methods . . . .. . & •• ,. o • • • • • • • • o .. • • • • • Cl • ,. • .. • e .., • .. • • • e • o. 3.7.4 Results and Discussion .....•.....•.............. E-3-75 E-3-76 E-3-77 E-3-77 E-3-77 E-3-79 E-3-84 E-3-91 E-3-95 E-3-95 E-3-95 E-3-97 E-3-97 Distribution and Relative Abundance...................... E-3-97 Age, Length, and Sex Composition............................. E-3-98 Tagging and Recapture.................... E-3-103 3.8 DOLLY VARDEN ........•........ ~......................... E-3-107 3 .. 8.1 Abstract ....................................... . 3.8.2 Introduction ................................... . 3.8.3 Methods ............................•............ 3.8.4 Results and Discussion ......................... . Distribution and E-3-107 E-3-107 E-3-108 E-3-108 Relative Abundance...................... E-3-108 Length Frequency......................... E-3-112 Tagging.................................. E-3-112 3.9 THREESPINE STICKLEBACK................................. E-3-116 3.9.1 Abstract ........................................ . 3.9.2 Introducti·on ................................... . 3.9.3 Methods ......................................... . 3.9.4 Results and Discussion ......................... . Distribution and E-3-116 E-3-116 E-3-118 E-3-118 Relative Abundance...................... E-3-118 Age, Length, and Sex Composition............................. E-3-121 3.10 COTTIDS................... .......... .. .. ....... .. ..... E-3-123 3.10.1 Abstract ...................................... . 3.10.2 Introduction .................................. . 3.10.3 Methods ....................................... . 3.10.4 Results and Discussion ........................ . Distribution and E-3-123 E-3-123 E-3-124 E-3-124 Relative Abundance...................... E-3-124 Age, Length, and Sex Composition............................. E-3-127 3.11 ARCTIC LAMPREY ...................................... ;. E-3-129 3 . 11 . 1 Abstract ...................................... . 3.11.2 Introduction .................................. . 3.11.3 Methods ....................................... . 3.11.4 Results and Discussion ........................ . E-3-129 E-3-129 E-3-131 E-3-131 Distribution and Relative Abundance...................... E-3-131 Age, Length, and Sex Composition............................. E-3-134 3.12 NORTHERN PIKE......................................... E-3-136 3 . 12 . 1 Ab s tract 'il • • • Ill " .. a " "' .. • Q • 4il • "' o • • • • • ., e "' e • • Q a • & • e .. I> o "" 3 " 12 "" 2 In trod u c t ion .. e e •• cr. .... o ••• a •••• ~ .. e •• l!l e ~~~ ... " • "' ... .. 3 . 12 . 3 Methods ................. Ill • " e e • e •••••••• ~~ • o • oil .... . 3.12.4 Results and Discussion ...............•......... E-3-136 E-3-136 E-3-137 E-3-137 Age, Length and Sex Composition............................. E-3-138 4. LITERATURE CITED............................................. E-4-1 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E -5-1 Figure E. 2 .1 Figure E.2.2 Figure E.2.3 Figure E.2.4 Figure E.2.5 Figure E.3.1.1 Figure E.3.1.2 F i g u re E • 3 • 1. 3 Figure E.3.1.4 Figure E.3.2.1 Figure E.3.2.2 LIST OF FIGURES Map of the lower ~usitna River study area from Cook Inlet to the proposed Devil Canyon dam site. Resident and juvenile anadromous study, catch and effort form, fixed gear, 1980-81. Resident and juvenile anadromous study, catch and effort form, mobile gear, 1980-81 Resident and juvenile anadromous study, biological data form, 1980-81. Resident and juvenile anadromous study, tag and recapture form, 1980-81 Percent incidence for rainbow trout captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Talkietna, June to September, 1981. Percent incidence for rainbow trout captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon, June to September, 1981. Age and length relationship of rainbow trout captured at habitat location sites on the Sus itna River between Cook In 1 et and De vi 1 Canyon, June to October, 1981. The mean length for each age class is indicated by a horizontal bar and the range is indicated by arrows. Length frequency composition of rainbow trout captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Percent incidence for Arctic grayling captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Talkeetna, June to September, 1981. Percent incidence for Arctic grayling captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon, June to September, 1981. Page E-2-2 E-2-10 E-2-11 E-2-12 E-2-13 E-3-6 E-3-7 E-3-10 E-3-12 E-3-20 E-3-21 Figure E.3.2.3 Figure E.3.2.4 Figure E.3.3.1 Figure E.3.3.2 Figure E.3.3.3 Figure E.3.3.4 Figure E.3.4.1 Figure E.3.4.2 Figure E.3.4.3 Age and length relationship of Arctic grayling captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. The mean length for each age class is indicated by a horizontal bar and the range is indicated by arrows. Length frequency composition of Arctic grayling captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Percent incidence for burbot captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Talkeetna, June to September, 1981. Percent incidence for burbot captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon, June to September, 1981. Age and length relationship of burbot captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. The mean length for each age class is indicated by a horizontal bar and the range is indicated by arrows. Length frequency composition of burbot cap- tured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Percent incidence for round whitefish captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Talkeetna, June to September, 1981. Percent incidence for round whitefish cap- tured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon, June to September, 1981. Age and length relationship of round whitefish captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. The mean length for each age class is indicated by a horizontal bar and the range is indicated by arrows. Page E-3-23 E-3-25 E-3-35 E-3-37 E-3-40 E-3-41 E-3-50 E-3-52 E-3-54 Figure E.3.4.4 Figure E.3.5.1 Figure E.3.5.2 Figure E.3.5.3 Figure E.3.5.4 Figure E.3.6.1 Figure E.3.6.2 Figure E.3.6.3 F i g u re E. 3 . 6 . 4 Figure E.3.6.5 Length frequency composition of round white- fish captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Percent incidence for humpback whitefish captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Tal- keetna, June to September, 1981. Percent incidence for humpback whitefish captured at habitat locations sites on the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon, June to September, 1981. Age and length relationship of humpback white- fish captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. The mean length for each age class is indicated by a horizontal bar and the range is indicated by arrows. Length frequency composition of humpback white- fish captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Age and length relationship of Bering cisco captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. The mean length for each age class is indicated by a horizontal bar and the range is indicated by arrows. Length frequency composition of Bering cisco captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Bering cisco spawning area on the Susitna River at Sunshine, RM 78.0 to Rm 79.0, October 13, 1981. Bering cisco spawning area on the Susitna River at Montana Creek, RM 76.0 to RM 77.5, October 13, 1981. Bering cisco spawning area on the Susitna River at Mainstem West Bank, RM 75.0, October 13, 1981. Page E-3-56 E-3-66 E-3-67 E-3-68 E-3-69 E-3-83 E-3-85 E-3-88 E-3-90 E-3-92 Figure E.3.7.1 Figure E.3.7.2 Figure E. 3. 7. 3 Figure E.3.7.4 Figure E.3.8.1 Figure E.3.8.2 F i g u re E. 3 . 8 . 3 Figure E. 3. 9. 1 Figure E.3.9.2 Figure E.3.9.3 Percent incidence for longnose suckers captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Tal- keetna, June to September, 1981. Percent incidence for longnose suckers captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon, June to September, 1981. Age and length relationship of longnose suckers captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. The mean length for each age class is indicated by a horizontal bar and the range is indi- cated by arrows. Length frequency composition of longnose suckers captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Percent incidence for Dolly Varden captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Talkeetna, June to September, 1981. Percent incidence for Dolly Varden captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon, June to September, 1981. Length frequency composition of Dolly Varden captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Percent incidence for threespine stickleback captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Talkeetna, June to September, 1981. Percent incidence for threespine stickleback captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Ta"lkeetna and Devil Canyon, June to September, 1981. Length frequency composition of threesp·i ne stickleback captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Page E-3-99 E-3-100 E-3-102 E-3-104 E-3-110 E-3-111 E-3-114 E-3-119 E-3-120 E-3-122 Figure E.3.10.1 Percent incidence for cottids captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Talkeetna, June to September, 1981. Figure E.3.10.2 Percent incidence-for cottirls captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon, June to September, 1981. Figure E.3.10.3 Length frequency composition of cottids captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Figure E.3.11.1 Percent incidence of Arctic lamprey captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Talkeetna, June to September, 1981. Figure E.3.11.2 Length frequency composition of Arctic lamprey captured at habitat 1ocation sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devi1 Canyon, June to September, 1981. Page E-3-125 E-3-126 E-3-128 E-3-133 E-3-135 Table E.2.1 Table E.2.2 Table E.2.3 Table E.2.4 Table E.3.1.1 Table E.3.1.2 Table E.3.1.3 Table E.3.2.1 Table E.3.2.2 Table E.3.2.3 Table E.3.3.1 Table E.3.3.2 LIST OF TABLES Estuary to Little Willow Creek Rustic Wilderness to Montana Creek Mainstem near Parks Highway bridge to Mainstem below Curry Mainstem Susitna (opposite Curry) to Portage Creek Rainbow trout, age-length frequency composition at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Page E-2-5 E-2-6 E-2-7 E-2-8. E-3-9 Rainbow trout, summary of sex determination E-3-13 data at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Rainbow trout, summary of tagging data on E-3-14 the.Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Arctic grayling, age-length frequency E-3-22 composition at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Arctic grayling, summary of sex determination E-3-26 data at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Arctic grayling, summary of tagging data on E-3-28 the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Burbot catch per trot line day, selected E-3-33 fish habitat sites, Cook Inlet to Talkeetna, November, 1980 to May, 1981. Burbot catch per trot line day at selected E-3-34 fish habitat sites, Talkeetna to Devil Canyon, November, 1980 to May, 1981. Table E.3.3.3 Table E.3.3.4 Table E.3.3.5 Table E.3.4.1 Table E.3.4.2 Table E.3.4.3 Table E.3.5.1 Table E.3.5.2 Table E.3.5.3 Table E.3.5.4 Table E.3.6.1 Table E.3.6.2 Burbot, age-length frequency composition at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Page E-3-39 Burbot summary of sex determination data E-3-43 at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Burbot summary of tagging data on the E-3-46 Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, May to October, 1981. Round whitefish, age-length frequency E-3-53 composition at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Round whitefish, summary of sex determination E-3-57 data at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Round whitefish, summary of tagging data E-3-58 on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Humpback whitefish fishwheel catch on the E-3-65 Susitna River at Sunshine Station (RM 79.0), August to September, 1981. Humpback whitefish, age-length frequency E-3-70 composition at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Humpback whitefish, summary of sex deter-E-3-72 mination data at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Humpback whitefish, summary of tagging data E-3:74 on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Bering Cisco fishwheel catch on the Susitna E-3-78 River at Sunshine Station (RM-79.0), August to September, 1981. Bering cisco gill net catch on the Susitna E-3-80 River at Kroto Slough (RM 30.1) and Mainstem Slough (RM 31.0), September, 1981. . Table E.3.6.3 Table E.3.6.4 Table E.3.6.5 Table E.3.6.6 Table E.3.6.7 Table E.3.7.1 Table E.3.7.2 Table E.3.7.3 Table E.3.8.1 Table E.3.8.2 Table E.3.11.1 Page Bering cisco electrofishing catch on the E-3-81 Susitna River between RM 67.5 and RM 97.9, September 25 to October 15, 1981. Bering cisco, age-length frequency campo-E-3-82 sition at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Bering cisco, summary of sex determination E-3-86 data at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Bering cisco spawning site evaluation on E-3-89 the Susitna River, October, 1981. Bering cisco, summary of tagging data on E-3-93 the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Longnose sucker, age-length frequency E-3-101 composition at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Longnose sucker, summary of sex determination E-3-105 data at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Longnose sucker, summary of tagging data on E-3-106 the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Dolly Varden catch and catch per unit effort E-3-113 (CPUE) by habitat location sites, upper Indian River and upper Portage Creek, helio surveys, June to October, 1981. Dolly Varden, summary of tagging data on E-3-115 the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Arctic lamprey, catch per unit effort at E-3-132 habitat location sites on the Susitna River, January to September, 1981. EA EB-1 EB-2 EB-3 EB-4 EB-5 EB-6 EB-7 EB-8 EB-9 EB-10 EB-11 LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. Rainbow trout, catch per unit effort at habitat location sites on the lower, Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, November, 1980 to October, 1981. Arctic grayling, catch per unit effort at habitat location sites on the lower Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, November, 1980 to October, 1981. Burbot, catch per unit effort at habitat location sites on the lower Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, November, 1980 to October, 1981. Round whitefish, catch per unit effort at habitat location sites on the lower Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, November, 1980 to October, 1981. Humpback whitefish, catch per unit effort at habitat location sites on the lower Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, November, 1980 to October, 1981. Bering cisco, catch per unit effort at habitat location sites on the lower Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, November, 1980 to October, 1981. Longnose sucker, catch per unit effort at habitat location sites on the lower Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, November, 1980 to October, 1981. Dolly Varden, catch per unit effort at h~bitat location sites on the lower Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, November, 1980 to October, 1981. Threespine stickleback, catch per unit effort at habitat location sites on the lower Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, November, 1980 to October, 1981. Cottids, catch per unit effort at habitat location sites on the lower Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, November, 1980 to October, 1981. Arctic lamprey, catch per unit effort at habitat location sites on the lower Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, November, 1980 to October, 1981. 1. SUMMARY (1) This study was designed to gather information describing the presence, abundance, geographical and seasonal distribution, age distribution, length distribution, sex ratio, and movement of resident fish species in the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon as part of a feasibility study regarding the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric project. (2) Field collection of data on resident fish species took place from November, 1980 to October, 1981. Sampling gear used included variable mesh gillnets, minnow traps, trotlines, hook and line, beach seines, electrofishing units, and dip nets. (3) Twelve resident species were captured during the course of this study. (4) Rainbow trout were captured throughout the study area, with the mouths of tributary streams producing higher catches per unit effort than mainstem river locations. The mean fork length of the 395 rainbow trout captured was 285 mm. Fork lengths of rainbow trout in the Cook Inlet to Talkeetna reach was consistently 20 to 40 mm longer in each age class than those recorded in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach. The most prevalent age classes captured were Age III, Age IV and Age V. (5) Peak catches of Arctic grayling occurred in May and September. Cache Creek slough, Montana Creek and Portage Creek had the largest catches per E-1-1 unit effort. The mean fork 1 ength of fish captured was-202 mm and the most prevalent age classes were Age V and Age VI. (6) Burbot were captured at 43 of the 44 habitat locations between Alexander Creek and Portage Creek with peak catch rates recorded in late August and early September. The mean length of 457 burbot measured was 428 mm. The most prevalent age classes were Age III, Age V, and Age VIII. (7) Round whitefish occurred throughout the study area but the more pro- ductive sites tended to be upstream of Talkeetna. Age IV fish were the most common and had a mean length of 261 mm. (8) Humpback whitefish were captured at approximately half the habitat locations throughout the study area but were generally more abundant at sites downstream of Talkeetna. The mean fork length of 344 fish measured was 284 mm. Age IV and Age VI were the most prevalent age classes. (9) Eight hundred, thirty four Bering cisco were captured at sites ranging from Kroto Slough to a site just upstream of Ta-lkeetna in the late summer and early fall. This species was not know to occur in the Susitna River drainage prior to this study. The mean fork length of measured fish was 332 mm and Age IV was the most prevalent age class. Spawning was observed at three sites between river mile 74 and mile 79. Peak spawning occurred during the second week of October. E-1-2 {10) Longnose suckers occurred throughout the study area. The mean fork 1 ength of 532 suckers measured was 259 mm and the most preva 1 ent age class was Age VI. (11) Dolly Varden were captured at sites ranging from Alexander Creek to Portage Creek with the highest catches per unit effort recorded at the mouths of tributary streams. The mean fork length was 196 rnm. Dolly Varden captured in minnow traps on upper Indian River and upper Portage Creek had a mean fork length of 94 mm. (12) Threespine stickleback were widespread and abundant in the Susitna River below Devil Canyon during the early summer~ The catch in minnow traps at habitat locations generally declined after late June. Threespine stickle- backs were caught at a site two miles be 1 ow the confluence of Portage Creek, approximately 50 miles further upriver than previously reported. The mean total length of fish measured was 79 mm. Three age classes (0+, I+, II+) were present during the summer. (13) The slimy sculpin was present at almost all habitat locations between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon. The mean total length of 476 fish measured was 70 mm. (14) Forty Arctic lamprey were captured at sites in the lower 100 miles of the Susitna River. E-1-3 (15) One Age IX female northern pike measuring 715 mm fork length was captured in Kroto Slough on September 11, 1981. Northern pike are expanding their range from the Bulchitna Lake area; this is the first record of one captured in the mainstem Susitna River. (16) Information obtained to date has described the geographic and seasonal distribution, relative abundance, length distribution and age distri- bution of adult residents during the period June through September. The data on male/female ratios are less complete. (17) Relatively small numbers of juvenile resident fish were collected in 1980-1981. Sampling scheme bias imposed by gear types and by location of effort can account for the limited numbers of juvenile residents encoun- tered. Further seasonal distribution, relative abundance, and biological information on juvenile residents is needed to evaluate their life histories. (18) Spawning sites were located for the round whitefish and Bering cisco. ~1ore information is needed on location of mainstem and slough spawning sites and on spawning habits and timing for all species. More information is also needed on the incubation of embryos. (19) Further information is needed on the winter distribution and habits of all species. E-1-4 (20) Although many fish were tagged during this study, there have been few recaptures to date. As more recaptures are made, the migrations and movement of the various species can be better described. E-1-5 2. INTRODUCTION The lower Susitna River extends 152 River Miles (RM) from Cook Inlet upstream to the proposed Devil Canyon dam site (Figure E.2.1). The study area for the 1980-81 field work was limited to the mainstem Susitna River, its sloughs and side channels, and those reaches of tributary streams directly influenced by Susitna River stage fluctuations. Over its course from Devil Canyon to Cook Inlet, the Susitna River loses nearly 950 feet of vertical elevation and undergoes numerous morphological changes. From Cook Inlet to Talkeetna, the first 98 river miles, the Susitna rises 350 feet in elevation and combines with three major tributaries; the Yentna (RM 30), Talkeetna (R~1 98) and Chulitna (RM 98.5), all glacial rivers. The Cook Inlet to Talkeetna reach includes the Susitna River Delta, the relatively stable Susitna Station (RM 29) area, the Delta Islands (RM 40-61), and an extensively braided area from the Kashwitna-River (RM 61) upstream to Tal- keetna (RM 97). Major salmon and resident fish producing tributary streams such as Alexander Creek, Willow Creek, Deshka River and Montana Creek flow into the Susitna River in the Cook Inlet to Talkeetna reach. These streams provide a sub- stantial contribution to Susitna River fish production and account for over one hundred thousand man days of sport fishing effort annually in their multi- species fisheries (Mills, 1980). E-2-1 fT1 I N I N YENTNA < z !::: en ::> en DEVIL CANYON • SUNSHINE STAT ION STATION -.. -· 11 miles SCALE 0 Figure E.2.1. Map of the lower Susitna River study area from Cook Inlet to the proposed Devil Canyon dam site. 17 Above Talkeetna, the Susitna river begins to gain elevation more rapidly as it enters the foothills of the Talkeetna mountains. The river channel is rela- tively stable restricted by the surrounding hills. However, numerous islands, sloughs and braided areas still exist. Streams tributary to the Susitna River in the Talkeetna.to Devil Canyon reach include Whiskers Creek, Lane Creek, Fourth of July Creek, Gold Creek, Indian River and Portage Creek in addition to numerous smaller streams draining the surrounding hillsides. These streams together with the mainstem Susitna River, its side channels and sloughs combine to sustain substantial resident and anadromous fish populations. Access to the fisheries resources.of the lower Susitna River may be gained by various means including road, railroad, riverboat, and aircraft. Prior to the initiation of 1980-81 Susitna Hydroelectric Aquatic Studies, resident and juvenile anadromous fisheries data describing species compo- sition, seasonal distribution, relative abundance, migrational movement patterns and aspects of species life history within the lower Susitna River study area, consisted of various studies conducted within individual tributary streams and preliminary Susitna Hydro environmental assessments. Engel and Watsjold (1978) and Delaney, Hepler and Roth (1981) researched juvenile salmon populations in Willow Creek and the Deshka River. Barrett (1975a,b~c) and Riis and Friese (1978), in documents prepared for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, reported preliminary environmental assessments of hydro- electric development on the Susitna River. E-2-3 For the purposes of this study, the lower Susitna River was divided into two reporting reaches: Cook Inlet (R~1 0) to Talkeetna (RM 98) and Talkeetna to Devil Canyon (RM 152.0). Studies were conducted from November, 1980 to October, 1981. The data collected beginn·ing November, 1980 and extending through May, 1981 will be reported as winter studies. This time period included exploratory sampling as well as project development. In June, 1981, 39 specific areas hereafter referred to as habitat locations were selected for study along the Susitna River from Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon to represent the available aquatic habitat. Habitat locations consisted of one to three sampling sites and included many of the areas examined during the winter studies. Additional areas identified in earlier studies and areas selected to provide additional representation of unique aquatic habitats were also included. These areas are referred to as selected fish habitat sites. Tables E.2.1 to E.2.4 list the 39 habitat locations, 44 sampling sites included within these, and the corresponding river miles and geographic codes for each. A sampling scheme was devised whereby each habitat location site would be examined twice each month using standard fisheries sampling gear such as wire mesh minnow traps, trotlines, variable mesh gillnets, hook and line, beach seine, electrofishing units, drift gill nets, dip nets and fish traps. Appendix Table EA presents a summary of sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River for the 1980-1981 season. Minnow traps, trotlines and set variable mesh gill nets were considered 11 fixed gear 11 and fished for two consecutive 18 to 24 hour periods. The remaining gear types including electrofishing, beach seine, hook and line and drift E-2-4 Table E.2.1. Estuary to Little Willow Creek Habitat Location Site R.M. Geographic Location Alexander Creek A 10.1 15N 07W 06 DCA Alexander Creek B 10.1+2.0 16N 07W 32 CCB Alexander Creek c 10.1+4.0 16N 07W 30 ACO Anderson Creek 23.8 17N 07W 29 ODD Kroto Slough Mouth 30.1 17N 07W 01 DBC Mainstem Susitna Slough 31.0+2. 5 17N 06W OS CAB Mid Kroto Slough 36.3 18N 06W 16 BBC Deshka River A 40.6 19N 06\~ 35 BOA Deshka River B 40. 6+1. 0 19N 06W 26 BCB Deshka River c 40.6+3.5 19N 06W 14 BCA Delta Islands 44.0 19N OSW 19 ACB Little Willow Creek 50.5 20N 05W 27 AAD Total -12 E-2-5 Table E.2.2. Rustic Wilderness to Montana Creek Habitat Location Site R.M. Geographic Location Rustic Wilderness 58.1 21N OSW 25 CBD Kashwitna River 61.0 21N 05W 13 AAA Caswell Creek 63.0 21N 04W 06 BOD Slough West Bank 65.6 22N 05W 27 ADC Sheep Creek Slough 66.1 22N 04W 30 BAS Goose Creek 1 72.0 23N 04W 31 BBC Goose Creek 2 73.1 23N 04W 30 BBB Mainstem Susitna West Bank 74.4 23N a svJ 13 ceo Montana Creek n .a 23N 04W 07 ABA Total ~ 9 E-2-6 Table E.2.3. Mainstem near Parks Highway bridge to mainstem below Curry Habitat Location Site R.M. Geogra~hic Location Mainstem 1 84.0 24N 05~1 10 DCC Sunshine Creek 85.7 24N OSW 14 AAB Birch Creek Slough 88.4 25N OSW 25 DCC Birch Creek 89.2 25N 05W 25 ABO Cache Creek Slough 95.5 26N OSW 35 ADC Cache Creek 96.0 26N OSW 26 DCB Whiskers Creek Slough 101.2 26N 05W 03 ADB Whiskers Creek 101.4 26N OSW 03 AAC Slough 6A 112.3 28N OSW 13 CAC Lane Creek 113.6 28N OSW 12 ADD Mainstem 2 114.4 28N 04W 06 CAB Total -11 E-2-7 Table E.2.4. Mainstem Susitna (opposite Curry) to Portage Creek Habitat location Mainstem Susitna -Curry Susitna Side Channel Mainstem Susitna -Gravel Bar Slough 8A Fourth of July Creek Slough 10 Slough 11 Mainstem Susitna Gold Creek Indian River Slough 20 Mainstem Susitna -Is1and Portage Creek Site E-2-8 R.~t 120.7 121.6 123.8 125.3 131.1 133.8 135.3 136.9 138.6 140.1 146.9 148.8 Geographic Location 29N 04W 10 BCD 29N 04W 11 BBB 30N 04~~ 26 DOD 30N 03W 30 BCD 30N 03W 03 DAC 31N 03W 36 AAC 31N 02W 19 DOD 31N 02W 17 CDA 31N 02W 09 CDA 31N 02W 11 BBC 32N OlW 27 DBC 32N OlW 25 COB Total -12 gillnet were considered mobile gear and were utilized as river condition or gear availability permitted. Fish traps were experimental in nature and were only fished occasionally. Catch by species and effort by gear type was recorded on field catch data collection forms illustrated in Figures E.2.2 and E.2.3. Biological data including date and location of catch, fork length, sex, and a scale or otolith sample for age analysis were collected from a subsample of all fish captured. The biological data collection form is illustrated in F i gu re E. 2 • 4 • All resident fish species over 200 mm in length and in good condition after capture were tagged using Flay anchor tags inserted well above the lateral line just posterior of the dorsal fin. Data collected at the time of tagging included: tag number, date, species, fork length, method of capture and location. Information recorded at the time of recapture included: tag number, date, method of capture, location and the fate of the fish. The tag and recapture form is illustrated in Figure E.2.5. Winter field studi.es were carried out by three crews of three biologists each operating from lodging facilities at Alexander Creek, Deshka River, Montana Creek, Talkeetna and Gold Creek. Transportation was provided by pickup truck, snow machine, helicopter, and fixed-wing ski plane. The winter studies were considered to be an exploratory phase of the Resident and Juvenile Anadromous project. A large number of sites were visited in an E-2-9 ITl I N I 1--' 0 Q I File No. 03-81-7.10-2.71 Page 1 ol __ _ SUSITNA HYDRO RESIDENT & JUVENILE ANADROMOUS STUDY FIXED GEAR CATCH DATA AJ 81-01 Habitat Sampling River Location ----------Site Mile ----- __ __} __ _/ _ _/ __ _/_ DATE: Gear Set------Gear Pulled------Colleolor(a) --------------------- TIME CATCH -8PECIE6 CODE NO, REMARKS q "" ···-••• pulled total 1 GEAR TYPE CODE ' glllnet 1 ~-minnow '"P 6 trol line tO burbol ut tO• ~ .. f 5 BPECIE6 CODE burbol 680 '(' ... '0"- r 10 1---1--- !-------1--- figure E.2.2. --1----- --1- -- Resident and juvenile anadromous study, catch and effort form, fixed ~ear, 1980-1981. chinook Ot -4 tO c;hlnook 1 t • t 1 <;hum lllmon coho Ot i:UilQ 1t coho 2 t 410 .(30 .(31 .(32 eullld 1110 doll)l VIrden 1130 IIUV!IIIg 010 humpbooek whll•ll•ll 602 lake lroul 660 iongnou euoker 820 pink u1n1o11 · HO velnbow lrou! 11-4 t round whlt&llell ouo emellleulllchon 011 aock•V• o" .o120 •ock•lf• H 421 Ulok!eb .. ok 060 !!All COOlE sr!lflolal 1 IIIIa 2 1111111• 3 olher 4 (ap•ollv In remarka) [Tl I N I ....... ....... File No. 03-8 t-7.10-2.74 SUSITNA t·IYDRO RESIDENT & JUVENILE ANADROMOUS STUDY MOBILE GEAR CATCH DATA RJ 81-04 Page 1 of_ Habitat Location ---------- Sampling Rlvur Site -------Milo ___ _ __ _j __ _J _ _j __ _J_ DATE: Gaar But _______ _ Goer Pullud ------Colluctor(a) ---------------------- • .,;\ ~ff ~ ,..'II ~ .~-· ro+ .., ~ .,"\ ./ .. T I M E CATCH -SPECIES OODE NO. lu i I ~· .l ... pull ad toteiM R E M A A K 8 -1-------1---------<----1--- -------------------------------• 1---------' ~ --1-1-------------f....,......c --i'--------1- c_ ------------< < -------------------· -- -- ------ ---------------- 1-------1------------- -<-< -----:-.-----1,~ -------- • lolal lime lor beaoh ••Ina haul, aleolroahook and ho,o~ l Una ' ... GEAR TYPE CODE BPEOIE8 CODE BAIT TYPE CODE drill glllnat 1a burbot auo humpba~k •llllelleh 002 artificial 1 alaouoahock 2 ohinook Ot 410 lake tro4i 660 lllh 2 beach ulna 3 chinook t ._ -40 lononoaa aucker 920 •oo• $ hook l line Q churn aalmon 400 plnl< ulmon ... 0 other • olher (lpecUr) 0 ooho Of 430 rainbow trout 041 ooho 1• 431 round whllellah 1108 ooho a• 43ll ameiiJiulachon 011 coUld 910 aockara 0 • uo dollv varden 1130 •ockava H 4:11 o•a~llng 810 lllchlabeck OliO Figure E.2.3 Resident and juvenile anadromous study, catch and effort form, mobile gear, 1980-1981. File Na. _...-o.-;3,....-a.-1 .... -... 7.;..;. ,_o_-.-2.;.;..7.;;..2 _ Paof:_ot_ SUSITNA HYDRO RESIDENT & JUVENILE ANADROMOUS STUDY BIOLOGICAL DATA RJ 81-02 Habitat L.ocat•on --'----- Sam~lin~ River Site -----MUe ---__ _/..:_ _ _/ _ _/ __ _/~ Date{s) Col'ectac -------CoDec:torb) ____________ _ , I I I I I I I I I 2fl I I 2i I ? 27 -~' 3j l I ,.-·· I I 2~ r~ .. I "' i I I ~~ I I I I I sl I I ~q I I I I . sl I I I I I F3~ I I I I 71 l I ~~ J I j I sj I I l ~ I I l s! ! I I I I P-4 : I I I I ~ol I I I I I I I ~5 I I I t't 1j i I l I I p~ I I I ~2j I I I I I 37j I I I I ~31 I I I I 3~ I ~41 i I I 3~ I ~5/ l I I I "cl I I I ~61 I I "1 I I I I I rt71 I I 4~ I I I ~81 ~~ I I I I ~91 I I I l ~ I I !::zoj I I I I ~~ I I i21j I I I f4e' I 1 221 f47 I ·I I ~:31 I l I ~~ I I f24j I I I ~s I Fz~ I I I ~q I I I I GE.I.A TYPE CODE SPECIES CODE beach ... -.... 3 burt>at 590 humpbael< ... nif81"111h 582 burbal set 10&., chinook o+ 410 lak• trout 550 dril'i~ 1a ehinoot 1+ 4n longnoae •o.cl<« g21) eloietYCoshoc:k 2 em... •• -.. ... 450 pinlt aalmon 440 gilnet 1 coho 0+ .£3Q ra nbo• trout 5.41 hook .l-11 coho 1-+ 431 round whi'leiish 586 mitvlow trq 5 coho 2+ 432 amelf./eu•cholil· S11 trol inc 10 COit11d 1no •oc:itey& 0+ 420 dolly •••d-53CI occlt•y• 1+ 421 Qraying 1!1,0 wnc:klebed; 66t! Figure £.2.4. Resident and juvenile anadromous study, biological data form, 1980-1981. E-2-12 1"1'1 I N I ...... w File No. 03-81-7.10-2.73 SUSITNA HYDRO RESIDENT & JUVENILE ANADROMOUS STUDY TAG AND RECAPTURE OAT A RJ 81-03 T A a a IN 0 D A T A R E c A p T U R E DATA ~"o~ go or co do dale IPIIOI .. l~nglh oodo mm) Habitat 1-ooellon dale ",'!t•:gur •ro\h o odo mm •tabltlt location - -- ---1---• I -- -.-- 1-------- 1-~ ·' --1- -- 1- 1--.-r---------- 1- ,, 8PECIE8 CODE OEAR TYPE CODE RECAPTURE COIJE burbol 1100 boaoh oolno 3 811 H~dro alall t doll)' verden 1130 hurbol eol lOa AOFlQ (other) I ore~llnu 1110 drill glllnel .. 8porl Flehormon· 3 humpback whllolloh 082 oloctro•hook II rainbow trout IIH gllhlol 1 round wbllelleh 066 hook & Uno II loko lfoul 1100 minnow hap a lrot llno 10 , ...... d Figure E.2,5. Resident Qnd juvenile anadromous study, ta~ and recapture form, 1980-1981. attempt to achieve wide coverage and identify representative aquatic habitat. This period from November, 1980 to May, 1981 was also used to obtain project equipment and hire and train project personnel. A total of eleven biologists, seven from the Resident and Juvenile Anadromous ' project and four from the Aquatic Habitat project operated as four distinct crews to accomplish the objectives of the summer {June -September) field program. The crews were based in semi -permanent tent camps located at the Yentna, Sunshine and Talkeetna fishwheel stations and at Gold Creek. Each crew utilized a pickup truck, outboard jet powered riverboat and helicopter for transportation and provided their own logistical support {i.e. gas, food). The number of habitat location sites assigned to each crew consisted of: Yentna-12, Sunshine~9, Talkeetna-11, and Gold Creek-12. E-2-14 3. SPECIES REPORTS -RESIDENT FISH 3.1 RAINBOW TROUT 3 .1.1 Abstract During November, 1980, through October, 1981, 395 rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, were collected from 40 habitat locations along the Susitna River from Alexander Creek (R.M. 10.1) to Portage Creek (R.M. 148.8). Peak rainbow trout catche-s occurred from late June to early July and in September. The largest catch per unit efforts for rainbow trout were made at Lane Creek (R.M. 113.6), Mainstem 2 (R.M. 114.4), and Anderson Creek (R.M. 23.8). Habitat locations at the mouths of tributary streams produced higher catches per unit effort than did rna i nstem river 1 ocati ons. Fork 1 engths ranged from 48 mm to 541 mm with a mean length of 285 rnm. Lengths of rainbow trout in the Cook Inlet to Talkeetna reach were consistently 20-40 mm 1 arger in each age class than those recorded in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach. The mQst prevalent age classes captured were Age III, Age IV, and Age V. The sex of 71 rain bow trout were determined of which, 30.9 percent were rna 1 e and 69.1 percent were female. Two hundred and eleven rainbow trout were tagged with Flay anchor tags and released in the area of their capture. Data call ected from seven recaptures indicate that movements of the rainbow trout observed to date appear to be random. E-3-1 3.1.2 Introduction The original native range of the rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri Richardson extended along the west coast of North America from near Curdad, Mexico to the Kuskokwim River drainage in western Alaska. Native rainbow trout inhabit the coastal rivers of Southeast Alaska, the Copper River, Bristol Bay drainages,.and the lower Kuskokwim River as well as streams of the Kenai Peninsula and the Susitna River. In addition to their native range, rainbow trout have been introduced into numerous lakes, ponds and gravel pits in the Fairbanks region. Portage Creek, a clearwater tributary of the Susitna River at RM 148.8, supports the northernmost population of rainbow trout in the Susitna drainage and also represents one of the northernmost boundaries of the native range in North America. Native stream dwelling rainbow trout under clear water conditions appear blue green on the back, silver grading to white on the sides and underbelly, and have a red lateral band. They tend to be heavily spotted on the body, dorsal fin and tail. The general life history of rainbow trout has been extensively discussed by Morrow (1980) and Scott and Crossman (1973). Basically, there are three life history variations of rainbow trout: resident stream, resident lake, and anadromous steelhead. Rainbows are basically spring spawners, with the majority of spawning occurring from mid April to late June. Spawning takes E-3-2 place only in streams, and typically in a riffle with a bed of fine gravel located upstream of a pool. Preferred spawning temperatures are between 10°-13°C, but in Alaska spawning may occur at temperatures as low as 5.5°C after spring breakup. Sexual maturity is attained as early as age II for males or as late as age VI in females. In general, maturity occurs at age III to V, with males usually maturing a year earlier than females. Rainbow trout feed on a variety of invertebrates, preferring the larvae and adult forms of dipteran insects, and crustaceans such as Gammarus sp. Adult fishes are opportunistic and will feed on salmon eggs, snails, and other fish species. Rainbow trout are one of the most prized and sought after sport fishes in North America. Susitna River sport harvest and effort levels have increased steadily over the past five years. Mills (1980) estimates that over 12,000 rainbow trout were harvested from the Susitna River and its primary tribu- taries in 1980, accounting for 17 percent of the state's harvest of native rainbow trout. 3.1.3 Methods Rainbow trout were collected in the summer and fall of 1981 with variable mesh gill nets (four 7.5 ft. panels with 1 to 2-1/2 inch stretch mesh (1/2 to 1-1/4 11 bar mesh), fishwheels, boat mounted electrofishing units, hook and line, trot lines and minnow traps. E-3-3 All fish captured were measured to fork length in millimeters (mm). Sex was determined by necropsy or by discharge of sex products during handling. Age determinations were made by scale analysis. Upon recovery from the effects of capture, fish in good condition were tagged with Flay anchor tags and released. 3.1.4 Results and Discussion Distribution and Relative Abundance Rainbow trout were collected at seven tributary and four mainstem habitat location sites along the Susitna River from Alexander Creek (RM 10.1) to Slough 10 (RM 133.8) during November, 1980 to May, 1981. Appendix Table EB-1 lists rainbow trout catch rate by various sampling gear types and locations. This species did not appear consistently in catches from any of the locations sampled, however low densities of rainbow trout appear to be present through- out the winter months. Rainbow trout were captured at a total of 91 percent of the habitat locations in the Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon reach, from Alexander Creek (RM 10.1) to Portage Creek (RM 148.8) during June to September 1981. The percent incidence of catches in the Cook Inlet to Ta"l keetna and the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reaches was 81 percent and 100 percent, respectively. E-3-4 In the Cook Inlet to Talkeetna reach, the percent incidence of catches at habitat location sites ranged from a high of 50 percent during the first two weeks of September, to a low of 7 percent during the first two weeks of August (Figure E.3.1.1). The incidence of rainbow trout in habitat locations sampled remained in the 20 to 30 percent range from the first of June through July 30 and again from August 15 to August 30. The low percentage of incidence which occurred from August 1 to August 14 was probably due to coinciding high water levels and the resultant ineffectiveness of the sampling gear. Habitat 1 ocati ons associ a ted with tributary streams produced higher catches per unit effort than did the mainstem locations. Consistent catches of rainbow trout were recorded at Anderson Creek, Alexander Creek, and Deshka River habitat location sites. Catch per gillnet at Anderson Creek rose to 9.0 in late September, while highs of 1.0 and 0.8 fish per trot line were reached at Alexander Creek and the Deshka River, respectively, during the last two weeks of August. In the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach, the percent incidence of rainbow trout catches at habitat locations ranged.from 77 percent during late June and again in early September to a low of 18 percent during early August (Figure E. 3. 1. 2). The June peak is probab 1 y due to the presence and movements of spawning fish, while the high in September reflects movement downstream into winter habitat. The low percent incidence in early August, the same as in the Cook Inlet to Talkeetna reach, was probably caused by high, flood stage waters and associated factors. E-3-5 tTl I w I en , ________________________ _ 60 RAINBOW TROUT - p E - R c E L!O N - T I - N c I 20 0 - E N c - E 0 I I I I I r I I I JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER ~ figure E.3.1 ,1. Percent incidence of rainbow trout captured· at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Talkeetna, June to September, 1981. tTl I w I '-1 80 RAINBOW TROUT - p - E A 60 c E -r-----I N - T I 40 - N c -I 0 E 20 - N c E - 0 I -~ I I . l I I -I I JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER ---------------------_______ ___. Figure.£.3.1.2. Percent incidence of rainbow trout captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Talkeetna· and Devil Canyon, June to September, 1981. The most consistent catches of rainbow trout occurred at tributary mouth and slough habitat locations. Catches per gillnet ranged from 0.0 to 6.0 per day at tr'ibutary and slough locations, with the high of 6.0 rainbows per day recorded at Whiskers Creek Slough during late June. Hook and line catches produced highs of 2.0 and 7.0 rainbows per hour at Portage Creek and Whiskers Slough, respectively. High catches per unit effort at Whiskers Creek and Whiskers Slough in June are believed to be the result of rainbows passing through this area on their way to spawning in Whiskers Creek. Age, Length, and Sex Composition One hundred eighty four Susitna River rainbow trout collected by fishwheel, trot line, electrofishing and hook and line from Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon were aged using scale analysis. Age class distribution data should be reviewed with the understanding that the sampling design and gear was not equally efficient for all age classes. This holds true for all species discussed in this report. Table E.3.1.1 illustrates that age classes III, IV and V made up a majority of the fish. at 30.8 percent, 32.0 percent and 19.0 percent of the total sample respectively. The age class composition was similar for each reporting reach of the lower Susitna River. Rainbow trout in the age sample ranged from age I to age VII. Figure E.3.1.3 illustrates the mean length and the range of lengths found for each age class of lower Susitna River rainbow trout. E-3-8 . ., I w I lD Table E.3.1.1. Rainbow trout, age -length frequency composition at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October. 1981 Cook Inlet to Talkeetna Talkeetna to Devil Canlon Cook Inlet to Devil Canlon Total No. Mean Range of Total No. Mean Range of Total No. Mean Range of Age of fish Length Length of fish Length Length of fish Length Length (Years) Sampled (nun) (mm) Sampled ( mrri) (mm) Sampled (nun) (mm) 0 I 3 150 128-172 3 150 128-172 II 9 226 160-228 5 184 163-195 14 211 160-228 III 27 264 203-335 30 248 198-350 57 256 198-350 IV 28 323 255-400 31 302 . 225-415 59 312 225-415 v 17 388 209-480 18 361 297-440 35 374 297-480 VI 6 481 341-545 7 382 286-449 13 428 286-545 VII 2 507 505-510 1 378 378 3 464 378-510 VII I IX X TOTALS 92 317 128-545 92 296 163-449 184 307 128-545 600-RAINBOW TROUT F t 0 -t A t K L 1.!00-t E t N G - T I'T'J H I w .f. I I-' 200-0 I t ' N M - M 0 ,---1 I I I I I 0 ·1 2 3 1.! 5 6 7 8 AGE IN YEARS ... .. F i gu re E. 3 . 1 . 3 . Age and length relationship for rainbow trout captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, .1981. The mean len~th for each age class is indicated by a horizontal bar and the ranae is indicated by arrows. · · Fork 1 ength measurements to the nearest mi 11 imeter (mm) were taken from a total of 273 rainbow trout collected during June to September, 1981. Lengths ranged from 48mm to 541mm with a mean of 285mm. Seventy five percent of the recorded lengths were in the 220-375mm range (Figure E.3.1.4), which includes, age III, IV and V rainbow. Lengths of rainbow trout in the Cook Inlet to Talkeetna reach were consis- tently 20-40mm larger in each age class than the lengths recorded in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach. Sex was determined on a total of 71 rainbow trout, indicating 22 males (30.9 percent) and 49 females (69.1 percent). Males comprised 21~2 percent of the Age III fishes for which sexual determinations were made and 33.3 percent of the Age IV fish (Table E.3.1.2). Tagging and Recapture Two hundred eleven rainbow trout were tagged with Floy anchor tags and released in the area of their capture (Table E.3.1.3). Seven tagged rainbows were subsequently recaptured from 2 to 52 days after tagging. The range of travel by these fish was from 0 to 34.5 miles. Four of the tagged rainbow trout were recaptured at or within one quarter (0.25) mile of their· tagging site. Of the three remaining recaptures, one, tagged at Slough 10 (RM 133.8) on July 6, was recaptured August 3rd, 2.8 miles down the Susitna River at the mouth of Sherman Creek (RM 131.0). Another E-3-11 25 20 >-u z w 15 => 0 w (Y 10 LL fT1 I ~ w I I-' 5 N 0 I 0 I 55 I 1 1 0 I 165 I 220 275 LENG-fH I 330 Cmm) I 385 I 440 n I 495 I 550 Figure E.3.1.4. Length frequency composition of rainbow trout captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981 . Age (Years} 0 I II III fTl IV I . w I ...... w v VI VII VI II IX X TOTALS Table £.3.1.2. Summary of sex determination data for rainbow trout on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Cook Inlet to Talkeetna Talkeetna to Devil Cani:on Total Male Female Total Male female Total Male female No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (%) (%} Sexed (%} (%} Sexed (%} {%) 2 1 3 1 1 2 3 2 (66. 7) (33.3} (50.0) (50.0) (60.0) (40.0) 2 12 . 14 4 4 8 6 16 (14.3) (85. 7) (50.0) (50.0) (27.2) {72.8) 5 3 8 3 13 16 8 16 (62.5) (37.5) (18 .8) (81.2) (33.3) ( 66.7) 1 4 5 2 9 11 3 13 (20.0) (80.0) (18. 2) (81.8) (18.8) (81.2) 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 (50.0) (50.0) (100.0) (66.7) (33.3) 1 1 1 (100. 0) (100.0) 11 21 32 11 28 39 22 49 (34.4) (65.6) (28.2) (71.8) (30.9) (69.1) Total No. Sexed 5 22 24 16 3 1 71 Table E.3.1.3. Summary of the rainbow trout tagging data on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, May to October, 1981. NUMBER OF FISH TAGGED . Tagging Habitat Se 1 ected fish Susitna River Reach Periods Fishwheel Locations Habitats Sunshine Cook Inlet to Talkeetna 5/l-5/15 10 2 6/1-'6/15 1 7/l-7/15 3 1 7/16-7/31 4 8/1-8/15 1 1 8/16-8/31 3 6 9/1-9/15 16 3 9/16-9/30 13 18 3 10/l-10/15 6 28 IT1 Subtotal 32 52 35 I w I I-' ..p. Talkeetna Talkeetna to Devil Canyon 6/l-6/15 12 6/16-6/30 12 7/l-7/15 9 1 7/16-7/31 3 8/l-8/15 3 8/16-8/31 23 9/l-9/15 2 10 9/16-9/30 15 10/1-10/15 2 Subtotal 2 87 3 TOTALS 34 139 38 Total 12 1 4 4 2 9 19 34 34 119 12 12 10 3 3 23 12 15 2 92 211 rainbow trout, tagged May 10 at the mouth of Caswell Creek (RM 63.0), was recaptured May 20 near the mouth of Goose Creek at River Mile 72.0. The final fish, tagged at Cache Creek Slough (RM 95.5) on May 6, was recaptured May 17 at the mouth of Kashwitna River (RM 61.0), a movement of 34.5 river miles downstream. E-3-15 3.2 ARCTIC GRAYLING 3. 2.1 Abstract From February to October, 1981, 498 Arctic grayling, Thymallus arcticus Pallus, were captured on the lower Susitna River. Arctic grayling were collected at 29 habitat locations between Alexander Creek (R.M. 10.1) and Portage Creek (R.M. 148.8). Peak grayling catches occurred during May and September. The largest catch per unit efforts for grayling were made at Cache Creek Slough (R.M. 95.5), Montana Creek (R.M. 77.0}, and Portage Creek (R.M. 148.8). The mean fork length for all fish sampled was 202 mm. The most prevalent age classes captured were Age V and Age VI. The sex of 57 Arctic grayling was determined and of these, 37 percent were male and 63 percent were female. Three hundred one Arctic grayling were tagged with Flay anchor tags. Of the three recaptures made to date, two Arctic grayling tagged in early May at the mouth of the Deshka River (R .. M. 40.6) migrated upstream and were recaptured in late May and mid-September respectively at the mouths of tributary streams 9.9 miles and 32.5 miles from the initial point of capture. 3.2.2 Introduction The distribution of the Arctic grayling Thymallus arcticus Pallas is hol arctic, encompassing much of northwestern North America and northeastern Siberia (Scott and Crossman 1973). In Alaska, native populations of Arctic grayling are found in freshwater drainages throughout interior and Arctic E-3-16 Alaska and on the Alaska Peninsula south to approximately Port Heiden (ADF&G et al. 1978). Large numbers of grayling inhabit the Susitna River and its clearwater tributary systems i.e. Alexander Creek, Deshka River, Willow Creek, Montana Creek and Portage Creek. Adult Arctic grayling have a strikingly large dorsal fin, small mouth, and fine teeth in both jaws. Juveniles can be distinguished by the presence of narrow, vertically elongated parr marks. Grayling are freshwater residents which are largely found in clear, cold streams, and lakes (Scott and Crossman 1973). Silt laden glacial systems, such as the Susitna River, are believed to support fewer graylings year round; however, such systems are believed to provide essential migratory channels and over wintering habitat (ADF&G et al. 1978). The Arctic grayling is charac- terized by Reed (1964), as a migratory species. During spring breakup, from April to June, adults migrate from ice-covered lakes and large rivers into clear gravel-bottomed tributaries to spawn U~orrow 1980). Arctic grayling reach sexual maturity in Alaska, at Age II to VII years and are capable of spawning several times during their 1 ife time. After spawning, the adults move away from the spawning areas to spend the rest of the summer feeding on aquatic and terrestrial insects taken from the aquatic drift (Vascotto 1970). A downstream migration back to over\'Jintering areas in large rivers and deep lakes occurs in late August to mid-September (Pease 1974}. The Arctic grayling is one of the most important sport fishes of Alaska and northern Canada. Twenty percent of the estimated 69,462 grayling harvested in E-3-17 southcentral Alaska in 1980 were taken in Alexander Creek, the Deshka River, and the other Sus itna River drainages a 1 ong the Parks Highway between ~~Ji 11 ow and the Parks Highway bridge (Mills 1980). Grayling are also utilized by sub- sistence fishermen in some areas for dog food and personal consumption. 3.2.3 Methods Arctic grayling were captured in the Susitna River from the mouth of Alexander Creek (R.M. 10.1) to the mouth of Portage Creek (R.M. 148.8) just below Devil Canyon, from February to October of 1981. Set and drift gi 11 nets, hook and line, trot lines, boat mounted electrofishing units, beach seines, and minnow traps were used to collect samples of Arctic grayling. Each fish captured was measured for fork 1 ength in mi 11 imeters. Age was determined by scale analysis. Uninjured fish were tagged with numbered Floy anchor tags and released. All dead and seriously injured fish were dissected to determine sex and sexual maturity. 3.2.4 Results and Discussion Distribution and Relative Abundance Arctic grayling were first captured and observed at R.M. 93.5, one mile southwest of the head of Birch Creek Slough, on February 19, 1981. Grayling were gi 11 netted under the ice infrequently throughout the winter months. Gill net catches of adult grayling increased sharply from May 1 to 15 at the mouths of the Deshka River (R.~1. 40.6) and Cache Creek Slough (R.M. 95.5). E-3-18 After May 15 catches declined at all habitat locations on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, however the incidence of grayling, principally juvenile and immature Arctic grayling ranged from 10 to 20 percent of the 44 habitat location sites sampled during each two week period throughout the summer months (Figure E.3.2.1 and E.3.2.2). In Septer1'1ber, catches of adult grayling at tributary mouthes increased. Utilizing set gill net~, hook and line, and a boat mounted electroshocking unit, relatively large numbers of Arctic grayling were located on the Susitna Riv~r in September at Kashwitna River (R.M. 61.0), Montana Creek (R.M. 77 .0), Birch Creek Slough (R.M. 88.4), Lane Creek (R.M. 113.6), Indian River (R.M. 138.6) and Portage Creek (R.M. 148.8) (Appendix Tables EB-2). Age, Length, and Sex Composition Age determinations were made on 274 Arctic grayling caught on the Susitna River between Alexander Creek (R.M. 10.1) and Portage Creek (R.M. 148.8). These fish ranged in age from Age 0+ to Age X. The most prevalent age classes captured were Age V (17.9%) and Age VI (23.4%) (Table E.3.2.1). Figure E.3.2.3 illustrates the mean length and range of lengths for each age class of lower Susitna River Arctic grayling. The Age V Arctic grayling had an average fork length of 318 mm (range 270 -370 mm) and the Age VI averaged 342 mm (range 311-369 mm). The largest grayling captured and analyzed for age composition was 450 mm in fork length at Age VII. E-3-19 fT1 I w I N 0 ------------·------··----·-----··---·---·--·------·----.. --·---··---·-·------------------- p E R c 60 ARCTIC GRAYLING E l!O N T I N c r 0 20 E N c E .------ o ........-~-~---.-----...--~--·...-----1---.------+-----.=i ·-·-r --~--r-_,____,___t -J.-----.--.-1 ----~---·l JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER figure E.3.2. l. Percent incidence of Arctic grayling captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Talkeetna, June to September, 1981. t~ w I N 1--' --. ----------. --·---·-~--------------·----· 50 -ARCTIC GRAYLING - p - E - A 4:0 c - - E - N - T - -1 I 30 - N - c - I - 0 - E 20 - N -c - E - - 10 I I r l I I I I JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER ----------------------------~-----ll Figure E.3.2.2. Percent incidence of Arctic grayling captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon, June to September. 1981. Age (Years) 0 I II III IV I'Tl v I w I 1'.) 1'.) VI VII VI II IX X TOTALS Table E.3.2.1. Arctic grayling, age-length frequency composition on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Cook Inlet to Talkeetna Talkeetna to Devil Canton Coof Inlet to Devil Total No. Mean Ra-nge of Total No. "Mean Range of Total No. Mean of fish length length of fish length length of fish length Sampled (rum) (uun) Sampled {mm) (mm) Sampled (mm). 5 90 84-95 5 90 1 105 105 9 134 119-180 10 131 5 176 158-192 13 189 172-214 18 186 19 227 206-255 10 244 214-176 29 233 23 283 246-330 16 297 254-337 39 289 35 320 290-370 14 312 270-355 49 318 62 341 311-365 2 367 364-369 64 342 38 369 335-450 1 382 382 39 369 17 392 346-420 17 392 3 406 405-406 3 406 1 426 426 1 426 209 320 84-426 65 252 119-382 274 304 Can~on Range of length (mm) 84-95 105-180 158-214 206-276 246-337 270-370 311-369 335-450 346-420 405-406 426 84-426 rr1 I w I I'U w 600 ARCTIC GRAYLING ·F 0 R K t L L!OO i t E t t ! ' -N t ! G ~ T t ' H -' 200 1 I t l N - M l M 0 I I ,---r-I I I I 0 1 2 3 1-! 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 AGE IN YEARS Figure E.3.2.3. Age and length relationship for Arctic prdy 1 111~ captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and u~vil Canyon, Junu ... October8 1981. The mean length for each age class is indicated by a horizontal bar and the range is indicated by arrows. Figure E.3.2.4 illustrates the size frequency distribution of all Arctic gray- 1 ing collected. The fork lengths of the 498 fish that were captured ranged from 41mm to 450mm with a mean length of 202.2mm. The sex of 57 Arctic grayling was determined and of these, 37 percent were males and 63 percent were females. Among the two most abundant age classes in this sample, age VI and age VII, females comprised 73.3 percent and 21.1 percent of the f1sh (Table E.3.2.2). Spawning Arctic grayling begin their spawning migration in the Susitna River in late April. A substantial increase in grayling catches by gill net was noted at the mouths of the Deshka River and Cache Creek between May 1 to May 15th. Necropsies showed most of the fish were sexually mature, however, manipulation of the fishes abdominal cavities produced no milt or eggs so the fish were not fully ripe. No evidence of Arctic grayling spawning was collected at any sampling locations between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon during the 1981 season. Consequently, we can only speculate that the adult Arctic grayling from the Susitna River migrate into non-glacial tributaries to spawn some time in late April or May. E-3-24 >-u z w :::) 0 w fr:: LL IT! I VJ ~ I N U'l 25 20 15 10 5 0 I 0 I 45 I 90 I 135 n I 1 80 225 LENGTH I 270 Cmm) I 315 I 360 I 405 I 450 figure E.3.2.4. length frequency composition of Arctic graylin~ captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Tag~ing and Recapture A tag and recapture study was initiated to try to monitor seasonal movements and migrations of Arctic grayling: Three hundred one Arctic grayling were tagged with numbered Flay anchor tags between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon. Table E.3.2.3 summarizes the lower river tagging data by reach. To date, only three tagged grayling have been recaptured. Two of these tagged in early May migrated upstream from the Deshka River mouth, 9.9 miles and 32.5 m·iles respectively. The first was recaptured approximately two weeks after tagging at Little Willow Creek near the Parks Highway. The second fish was recaptured in September in the vicinity of Goose Creek. The third fish was tagged and recaptured on the same day in early October with an electroshocking unit. It traveled downstream a distance of 1.5 miles from Sunshine Camp to Montana Creek. With this last fish, it is difficult to determine whether it was migration downstream or if it was disoriented after being shocked. E-3-27 TaL.t jE.3.~.!L Mn .. 'tic ~·AyHll!;h sw.~uaty (JJ .!aggltl~ data u11 tin:; Just ..... Q Ri\.c, between Cook Inlet and De vi 1 Canyon, June to October, 1981. NUMBER OF FISH TAGGED Tagging Habitat Selected Fish Susitna River Reach Periods Fishwheel locations Habitats Sunshine 133a Cook Inlet to Talkeetna 5/1-.5/15 2 9/1-9/15 8 9/16-9/30 7 15 16 10/1-10/15 12 59b Subtotal 15 160 77 Talkeetna ;J;flkeetna to Devils Canyon 6/16-6/30 2 I w I 7/1-7/15 1 . N (X) 8/16-8/31 2 5 9/1-9/15 1 25 9/16-9/30 6 10/1-10/15 7 Subtotal 1 36 12 TOTAL 16 196 89 : Two tags recaptured -See discussion in text. One tag recaptured -See discussion in text. Total 135 8 38 71 252 2 1 7 26 6 7 49 301 3.3 BURBOT 3.3.1 Abstract During November, 1980 through October, 1981, 562 burbot, Lata lata, L. were collected in the lower Susitna River. Burbot were captured at 43 habitat locations and 17 selected fish habitat sites between Alexander Creek (R.M. 10.1) and Portage Creek (R.M. 148.8). Ninety-five percent of all burbot captured at these sites were collected on baited trotlines. Peak burbot catch rates occurred in late August and early September. The mainstem site location opposite Curry at R.M. 120.7 and the mainstem site located 0.25 miles upstream of Parks Highway bridge (R.M. 84.0) produced the highest catch per unit effort. The mean length of 457 burbot measured was 428 mm. Otoliths call ected from 120 burbot were used for age determination. The most prevalent age classes were Age III, Age V, and Age VII I. One hundred and eight burbot were ex ami ned for sex, 48 percent were males and 52 percent were females. Two hundred and forty burbot were tagged with Flay anchor tags and 63 were tagged using Disc dangler tags to monitor burbot movements in the lower Susitna River. 3.3.2 Introduction Burbot, Lata lata Linnaeus, known also as lawyer, ling cod, lush, and mud shark, are the only members of the cod family (Gadidae) which live in fresh water. Their distribution is circumpolar in the northern hemisphere being found in all suitable fresh water habitats in continental Eurasia and North E-3-29 America southward to approx·imately 40° N (Scott and Crossman, 1973). In Alaska, burbot are found in the Copper and Susitna rivers, Bristol Bay drain- ages and throughout the Interior, and Arctic (Mclean and Delaney, 1978). Burbot are elongate, robust and nearly rounded anteriorly while tapering posteriorally with caudal fin flared out and rounded. The mouth is terminal with the upper jaw reaching to just below the eye. A single barbel hangs from the chin. Coloration on the dorsal side ranges from a blotchy yellow to dark olive green while the ventral parts are pale yellow or white (Chen, 1969, Morrow, 1980). In Alaska, burbot mature between Age III and VI and may live a total of 15 to 20 years. Spawning occurs as early as mid December and may extend through April, taking place at night under the ice in moderately shallow water over a substrate of sand or gravel. Female burbot can deposit up to 1 million eggs. Depending on the temperature, incubation time ranges from 30 to 70 days (Morrow, 1980). Little is known concerning the movements or migration of burbot, although burbot have been observed migrating during spawning and feeding periods (MacCrimmon, 1959). Burbot are a nocturnal bottom feeding fish. Young burbot (Age I-II) prefer insect larvae {Hanson & Qudri, 1979), while adults will feed on whatever is available but prefer small fish {Hewson, 1955). Burbot support a limited sport fishery in the lower Susitna River although most are harvested incidentally to salmon and rainbow trout. The Sport Fish E-3-30 Statewide Harvest Survey (Mills, 1980) estimated that about 550 burbot were harvested out of the Susitna River in 1980. 3.3.3 Methods Burbot were collected from November, 1980 to September, 1981 with baited trotlines, minnow traps, variable mesh gillnets (four 7.5 foot panels of 1 to 2~1/2 inch stretch mesh) and boat mounted electrofishing units. Since over 95 percent of all burbot were captured on baited trotlines only the results of this method of capture will be used to reflect abundance. All burbot captured were measured for total length .. All burbot uninjured by the sampling gear were initially tagged with Flay anchor tags and with disk dangler tags late in the season. Otoliths were dissected from a representa- tive sample of captured burbot for age determination. Sex was determined by necropsy. 3.3.4 Results and Discussion Distribution and Relative Abundance From November, 1980 through May, 1981, burbot were captured by various sampling gear placed in the Susitna River from a total of 43 habitat locations and 17 selected fish habitat sites from the mouth of Alexander Creek (RM 10.1) and to the mouth of Portage Creek (R.M. 148.8). E-3-31 Habitat locations and selected fish habitat sites downstream of Talkeetna, particularly the mouth of the Deshka River (RM 40.6), the mouth of Alexander Creek (RM 10.1), and four mainstem sites located at river mile 10.0, 43.4, 61.0 and 84.0, yielded the highest catch rates (Table E.3.3.1 and Appendix Table EB-3). Burbot were occasionally encountered in habitat locations or selected sites located upstream of Talkeetna during the winter and those catches were made exclusively at mainstem sites (Table E.3.3.2 and Appendix Table EB-3). The mainstem site opposite Curry at RM 120.7 recorded a catch rate of 0.5 per trot line day, the highest of all sites above Talkeetna. The distribution of burbot in the Cook Inlet to Talkeetna reach as indicated by the percentage of habitat location sites recording catches of burbot by any gear type~ appears to increase as the summer progresses (Figure E.3.3.1). As Appendix Table EB-3 illustrates, burbot catch rates remained low and varied through June and July at most habitat locations with the notable exception of a mainstem location at RM 84.0. This location; comprised of a large, stable, eddy, 1 ocated just upstream of the Parks Highway bridge recorded the most consistent catches of burbot throughout the year. During August and September, catch rates generally increased and the percentage of habitat locations recording catches of burbot rose to a maximum of 88 percent for the first two weeks of September. In addition to the mainstem location at RM 84.0 burbot were most abundant at the mouth of the Deshka River ( RM 40.6), the mouth of Alexander Creek (RM 10.1) and the mouth of Birch Creek Slough (RM 88.4). E-3-32 Table E.3.3.1. Burbot catch per trotline day at selected fish habitat sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Talkeetna, November 1980 to May 1981. River Burbot per trot 1 ine day Mile Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. ~ May 10.0 0.0 1.7 43.4 0.6 60.0 0.0 61.0 0.1 0.5 93.5 0.1 0.0 E-3-33 Table E.3.3.2. Burbot catch per trotline day at selected fish habitat sites on the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon, November 1980 to May 1981. River Burbot per trot line day Mile Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. ~ May - 100.2 0.0 0.1 121.0 0.0 127.1 0.0 0.0 127.8 0.0 131.0 0.0 0.0 131.4 0.0 133.6 0.0 0.0 134.5 0.0 0.0 135.3 _0.0 136.1 0.0 136.7 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 142.7 0.7 0.7 E-3-34 rr1 I w I w <.11 100 BURBOT - -p E 80 R - c E - N 60 T - I - N c l!O - I 0 - E N 20 -c E - 0 I I I t I I I I I JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER I figure E.3.3. 1. Percent incidence of burbot captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Talkeetna, June to September, 1981. The incidence of burbot catches in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach decreased steadily from early June until mid July when only mainstem sites at river miles 120.7, 123.8, and 146.9 were producing catches. After July 16th, the percentage of habitat location-sites recording catches sharply increased and sloughs, creek mouths, and mainstem sites were all recording catches of burbot (Figure E.3.3.2). The catch per unit effort from June to September varied from 0 to 3.0 burbot per trot line day. Throughout the reach upstream of Talkeetna, the mainstem site 2 miles below Portage Creek (RM 146.9) and a mainstem site at (RM 114.4) were the most productive while Slough 11 (RM 135.3) and the mouth of Whiskers Creek (RM 101.4) recorded the lowest catches (Appendix Table EB-3). At no time during this period of sampling did a stream mouth site show any consistent catch per unit effort except for Lane Creek (RM 113.5) in late August and September. Lane Creek is a clear cold tributary that flowed straight into the Susitna River, until the last two weeks of August, when the creek mouth changed course and began flowing into a slough channel of the Sus itna River. After this the catch per unit effort increased and stayed fairly consistent until the end of September (Appendix Table EB-3). Small but consistent catches of juvenile burbot were recorded at the mouth of the Deshka River and the mouth of Alexander Creek during late August and September (Appendix Table EB-3). Juvenile burbot were occasionally found at six other locations from Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon during this study. E-3-36 IT1 I w I w ""'-~ 80 BUABOT - p - E A 60 c . - E N - T I L!O - N c -I 0 E 20 -N c E - 0 I I I -r I I I I I JUNE JULI AUGUST SEPTEMBER figure E.3,3.2. Percent incidence of burbot captured at habitat location sites ·an the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon, June to September, 1981. Electrofishing surveys designed to locate adult salmon and whitefish and conducted during August, September and October of 1981, succeeded in locating burbot in mainstem and slough channels of the Susitna River from RM 43.5 to RM 100.0 (Appendix Table EB-3). Catch rates varied from 0.0 to 12.8 burbot per hour but as these surveys were not designed to reflect relative abundance of burbot and the results can only be used to further document the distribution. Age, Length, and Sex Composition Otoliths were removed and analyzed from 120 burbot captured in the Susitna River from Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon for age determination. Age classes IV, V and VIII made up the majority of burbot, comprising 14 percent, 22 percent and 12.5 percent respectively (Table E.3.3.3). Of the burbot used for age determination Age IV averaged 407 mm (range 303-520 mm), Age V averaged 439 mm (range 365-620 mm), and Age VI II averaged 559 mm (range 465-647 mm). The range of lengths for the age classes of burbot sampled on the lower Susitna River are similar to those found in studies conducted by Chen {1969) and Hewson (1955). Figure E.3.3.3 illustrates the mean length and range of lengths for each age class of burbot caught on the lower Susitna River. Length determination was made for a total of 457 burbot collected from Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon during the summer of 1981. Burbot 400-450 mm occurred most frequently in the catches. The mean length of burbot encountered was 428 mm and the range was from 55 mm to 900 mm (Figure E.3.3.4). E-3-38 Age (Years) 0 I II III JTl IV I w I w v ~ VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XI II XIV TOTAL Table E.3.3.3. Burbot, age-length frequency composition on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Cook Inlet to Talkeetna Talkeetna to Devil Can*on Cook Inlet to Devil Total No. Mean Range of Total No. Mean cange of Total No. Mean of fish length length of fish Length length of fish Length Sampled (mm) (mm) Sampled (mm) (mm) Sampled (mm) 5 99 85-115 5 99 5 189 168-205 1 110 6 175 1 180 1 180 6 333 248-400 6 333 16 412 303-520 1 330 17 407 22 432 365-550 4 478 390-620 26 439 10 487 381-600 4 479 386-575 14 485 11 529 407-635 3 566 510-600 14 537 12 570 465-647 3 516 468-600 15 559 3 635 556-680 3 635 3 554 456-650 3 554 2 615 609-611 2 615 5 685 512-815 5 685 2 745 590;..900 2 745 1 804 1 804 104 16 120 Can~ on Range of length (nun) 85-115 168-205 238-400 303-520 365-620 381-575 407-614 465-647 556-668 456=650 609-620 512-815 590-900 rr1 I w I +:> 0 1000 BURBOT t t 750 L t .t. t t E t t ' N t - G 500 t ~ ~ T ' H t ' I N 250 ' M M 0 J I . I I I T-1-lr I I I I I 0 1 2 3 l! 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 ll! 15 AGE IN YEARS figure E.3.3.3. Age and length relationship for burbot captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October. 1981. The mean len~th for each age class is indicated by a horizontal bar and' the ranoe is indicated by arrows. 25 20 >-u z w 15 ::=) 0 w ~ 10 . lL IT1 I w ~ I +=-5 ....... 0 ~~ n~ n~nn I I I I I I I I I 0 90 180 270 360 450 540 630 720 810 LENGTH Cmm) Figure E.3.3.4. Length frequency composition of burbot captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. n I 900 Not all burbot examined for age and sex composition contained mature sex organs. Of the 108 burbot examined~ 48 percent were males and 52 percent were females. Males comprised 47 percent of the Age IV fish for which sex determi- nation could be made, and 69 percent and 20 percent for the Age V and Age VIII fish, respectively (Table E.3.3.4). Spawning Burbot are known to spawn from mid December to early April. Female burbot collected in the Susitna River were observed with well developed eggs beginning in early September. Chen (1969) noticed in his study of burbot in the Interior of Alaska that gonads began to enlarge in August. On the lower Susitna River, both sexually ripe and unripe mature burbot were observed from June through September, indicating non-consecutive spawning for Susitna River burbot. No observations of spawning burbot were made during the 1980-1981 season. However non spawners and spent burbot captured from November to May suggest that the lower Susitna River burbot may spawn in December and January. Cahn {1936) and Lindsey {1976) observed burbot migrating into shallow water and spawning under the ice. Alexander Creek and the Deshka River were the only study sites at which juvenile burbot were captured consistently. E-3-42 Age Years) 0 I II III ITl I w IV I .J:::. w v VI VII VIII IX X Table £.3.3.4. Burbot, summary of sex determination data on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Cook Inlet to ia1keetna ia1keetna to Devil Can~on Male Female iotal Male Female Total Male No. No. No. No. No. · No. No. Immature Illllla tu re 5 0 Immature · Immature Immature 5 Immature Immature 1 Immature Inunature Immature 1 0 Immature 4 2 6 0 4 8 8 16 0 1 1 8 15 7 22 3 1 4 18 5 5 10 2 2 4 7 3 8 11 2 1 3 5 2 10 12 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 0 1 1 2 3 0 1 Total Female iotal No. No. Illlllature 5 Immature 6 Illlllature 1 2 6 9 17 8 26 7 14 9 14 12 15 2 3 2 3 Age {Years) XI XII XIII [Tl I w 1 XIV ~ Table E.3.3.4. (Continued) Burbot, summary of sex determination data on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to Octobers 1981. Cook Inlet to Talkeetna Talkeetna to Devil Can~ on Total Male female Total Male Female Total Male female No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 3 5 0 2 3 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 Total No. 2 5 2 l Tagging and Recapture Two hundred forty burbot were tagged with Flay anchor tags and sixty-three burbot were tagged with Disc Dangler tags. All burbot tagged were released in the area of their capture (Table E.3.3.5). No tagged burbot were recaptured this field season. E-3-45 ICLIIt: Lo.loJ•'-'• DUJ'LJU!-1 !IUIIYIIDI.Y Ui ii.Q~'!;19!8'!:J Ulli..ll! Uli LIIC Ji..I:IIL!Hi I'IDVCI between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Tagging Habitat locations Selected Fish Habitats Susitna River Reach Periods floy Tags Dangler Tag Floy Tag Dangler Tag Totals Cook Inlet to Talkeetna 6/1-15/81 4 4 6/16-30/81 4 4 7/1-15/81 6 6 7/16-31/81 4 4 8/1-15/81 20 20 8/16-31/81 37 37 9/1-15/81 27 27 9/16-30/81 30 27 1 58 10/1-15/81 18 18 10 10 56 Subtotal 150 45 11 10 216 ITl "(lslkeetna to Devil Canyon 6/1-15/81 5 5 I 6/16-30/81 1 1 ~ 0'1 7/1-15/81 6 6 7/16-31/81 8 8 8/1-15/81 16 16 8/16-31/81 17 17 9/1-15/81 8 8 9/16-30/81 15 6 21 10/1-15/81 0 3 2 5 Subtotal 76 6 3 2 87 TOTALS 226 51 14 12 303 3.4 ROUND WHITEFISH 3.4.1 Abstract Round whitefish, Prospium cyl i ndraceum Pall us were observed throughout the study area from Anderson Creek (R.M. 23.8) to Portage Creek (R.M. 148.8). The gillnet catch per unit effort was generally highest in June and Sept~mber and the most productive sites were Anderson Creek mouth (R.M. 23.8), Slough 10 (R.M. 133.8), Slough 11 (R.M. 135.3), and Portage Creek mouth (R.M. 148.8). The most prevalent age classes captured were Age III, Age IV, and Age V, with Age IV the most common. Age IV fish ranged from 214 to 325 mm in fork 1 erigth with a mean of 261 mm. Approximately 80 percent of the 318 fish captured during the study fell in the range of 135 to 365 mm. Males constituted 56 percent and females 44 percent of the 45 round whitefish which were examined to determine their sex. A tot aT of 137 fish were tagged to determine movement. One fish tagged on September 9, 1981 had moved 20.5 miles upstream in 23 days before recapture. 3.4.2 Introduction Round whitefish, Prosopium cylindraceum Pallus, are distributed across all of ,.. Arctic and Interior Alaska. In Southcentral Alaska, their range includes the Copper, the Kenai, and the Susitna rivers. This species also occurs in the large rivers draining into Southeast Alaska from British Columbia (Mclean and Delaney, 1978). Round whitefish are abundant in clearwater streams with E-3-47 gravel-cobble substrate but are also found in large glacial rivers and lakes. Round whitefish prefer freshwater and are not found in an estuarine environment. Round whitefish are identified by their round cigar-shaped body and small mouth. Adults may reach a length of 500mm and weight to 8.9 kg {McPhail and Lindsey, 1970). There are no obvious external differences between the sexes. Spawning occurs in late September through October over gravel substrate in the shallows of rivers and the inshore areas of lakes (Furniss, 1974) . This whitefish matures and spawns at age IV to VII. For Alaskan round whitefish, consecutive spawning appears to be the rule even in Arctic populations (McCart et al., 1972). Upstream migrations associated with spawning were observed by McCart and are probably characteristic. Alaskan subsistence fishermen harvest round whitefish with gill nets for human consumption and as dog food. Round whitefish also support limited hook and line and spear sport fisheries. 3.4.3 Methods Round whitefish were collected during the winter and summer field seasons of 1980-81 with variable mesh gillnets (four 7.5 ft. panels of 1 to 2-1/2 inch stretch mesh), fishwheels and boat mounted electrofishing units. Round whitefish were taken in the Susitna River from Anderson Creek (R.M. 23.8) upstream to R.M. 148.8 at Portage Creek. All fish captured were measured for fork length in millimeters {mm). Where survival from collection and handling was anticipated, the fish were tagged E-3-48 with Flay anchor tags and released. Age determinations were made using scale analysis. Sex was determined by necropsy and by abdominal manipulation to obtain the discharge of eggs or milt. 3.4.4 Results and Discussion Distribution and Relative Abundance A total of 318 round whitefish were caught during the course of this study. Round whitefish were captured at only four habitat locations during w'inter studies from November, 1980 to May, 1981, all of which were located downstream of Talkeetna. Small numbers of round whitefish were taken in gillnets set at the mouth of Sunshine Creek in March and again in gillnets set at the mouths of the Deshka and Kashwitna rivers and Cache Creek slough during May. The fish were all captured while moving upstream as indicated by the direction from which they hit the nets. The presence of round whitefish near the mouths of tributary streams in March and May after no catches in these same locations during November through February, indicates a general pattern of movement into these areas and on into the various tributaries. Round whitefish were collected at 30.0 percent of the habitat location sites sampled from Cook Inlet to Talkeetna during the first two weeks of June (Fig. E.3.4.1). The mouth of Sunshine Creek (R.M. 85.7) recorded the highest catch rate of al1 gear types; 5.5 fish per gill net night (Appendix Table EB-4). After June 15 the incidence of round whitefish in habitat location catches downstream of Talkeetna dropped to between 0.0 and 11.1 percent of location E-3-49 ,..., I w I U'l 0 _.___;'------···---· ·--60 ROUND WHITEFISH - p E - A c E l!O N - T I - N c I 20 0 - E N c - E 0 I I I I I I i I JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER figure E.3.4,1. Percent incidence of roun~ whitefish captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Talkeetna, June to September. 1981. I sites sampled until the last two weeks of September when catch incidence rose to 45 percent of all sites sampled. During the last two weeks of September round whitefish were collected at three mainstem sites and six tributary mouth sites downstream of Talkeetna. Round whitefish were more consistent in sampling gear catches above Talkeetna during June through September. The incidence of round whitefish catches ranged from 17.6 percent to 44.4 percent during June and July then dropped to 0.0 percent in the first two weeks of August (Fig. E.3.4.2). The incidence of round whitefish in catches remained below 10.0 percent of sites sampled until the .1 ast two weeks of September when 35.3 percent of sites sampled recorded catches of round whitefish. The highest and most consistent catch rates were recorded at sloughs 6A (RM 112.3), 8A (RM 125.3), and 10 (RM 133.8), and the mouths of both Indian River (RM 138.6) and Portage Creek (RM 148.8) (Appendix Table EB-4}. Age, Length and Sex Composition Forty five Susitna River round whitefish from fishwheel, gill net and electro- fishing catches made from ·cook Inlet to Devil Canyon were aged using scale analysis. Table E.3.4.1 illustrates that round whitefish analyzed for age composition ranged from age 0+ to age VIII with age IV being encountered most often. Figure E.3.4.3 illustrates the average length and range of lengths for each age class of Susitna River round whitefish. The fork lengths of age 0+ round whitefish averaged 89 rrnn (range 73-100 mm), age I averaged 139 mm (range E-3-51 rn I w I U1 N 60 ROUND WHITEFISH - p E - A c E L!O N - T I - N c I 20 0 - E N c - E 0 J I I JUNE JULY I I I AUGUST I I I SEPTEMBER Figure E.3.4.2, Percent incidence of round whitefish captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon, June to September~ 1981. Tab 1 e E. 3. 4. 1. Round whitefish age -length frequency composition at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. CooK Inlet to TalKeetna Ta 1 keetna to Devil Can~ on Cook Inlet to Devil Cani:on Total No. Mean Range of Total No. Mean imge of Total No. Mean Range of Age of fish Length Length of fish Length Length of fish Length Length (Years) Sampled (mm) (mm) Sampled (mm) (mm) Sampled (mm) (mm) 0 4 87 73-100 4 87 73-100 I 2 139 130-148 2 139 130-148 II 3 194 185-205 4 170 126-220 7 181 126-220 Ill 9 229 193-250 10 210 180-245 19 219 180-250 IV 7 281 250-325 27 256 214-320 34 261 214-325 ITl v 8 352 334-360 7 270 251-283 15 314 251-360 I w I 01 1 w VI 342 342 12 330 317-365 13 331 317-365 VII 6 354 334-367 6 354 334-367 VIII - 1 318 318 1 318 318 IX X TOTALS 32 254 73-360 69 265 126-367 101 261 73-367 1'11 I w I l11 .p. 500 ROUND WHITEFISH F 0 l!OO R K t t t L t T E 300 N --G t T t ' H 200 l I t N 100 M M 0 -~ I I I I 0 1 2 3 ij 5 6 7 8 9 AGE IN YEARS figure E.3. 4. 3. Age and length relationship for round whitefish captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River bebJeen Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon. June to October, 1981. The mean length for each age class is indicated by a horizontal bar and the ran!Je is indicated by arrows. 130-148), Age I I averaged 219 mm (range 180-250 mm), age IV averaged 261 mm (range 214-325 mm), age V averaged 314 mm (range 251-360 mm), age VI averaged 331 mm (range 317-365 mm), age VII averaged 354 mm (range 334-367 mm) and one fish of age VIII was 318 mm. In addition to those rish used for age composition analysis, all round white- fish collected were measured for fork length in millimeters. Figure E.3.4.4 illustrates the length frequency distribution for all round whitefish call ected from June to October. Round whitefish between 242 and 250 mm fork length occurred most often followed by those from 270 to 278 mm. The mean fork length of all round whitefish captured from Cook Inlet to Ta 1 keetna during June through September 1981, was 243 mm with the avera 11 range from 47 to 459. Of the 45 round whitefish examined for sex composition 25 (55.6 percent) were male and 20 (44.4 percent) were female (Table E.3.4.2), for a male to female ratio of 1.25:1. Tagging and Recapture One hundred thirty seven round whitefish, captured from Anderson Creek ( R.M. 23.8) to Portage Creek (R.M. 148.8) were tagged with Flay anchor tags during May through October 1981 and subsequently released in the area of their- capture (Table E.3.4.3). Only one tagged fish was recaptured in 1981. This fish was tagged and released on September 9 at the Sunshine Station fishwheel (R.M. 79) and recaptured on October 2 at R.M. 99.5, one mile north of the Chulitna River confluence. E-3-55 rTJ . I w I Ul 0'1 >-u z 25 20 w 15 =:::) 0 w ~ 10 lL 5 0 )lr-fl-, r-1 I I I I I I i I I 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 405 LENGTH Cmm) Figure E.3.4.4. Length frequency composition of roung whitefish captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October~ 1981. I 450 Table E.3.4.2. Round whitefish, sununary of sex determination data at habitat 'location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Cook Inlet to Talkeetna Talkeetna to Devil Can~on Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Age No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (Years) (%) (%) Sexed (%) (%) Sexed {%) (%) Sexed 0 I II 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 (100. 0) (0.0) (50.0) (50.0) (66.7) (33.3) III 3 1 4 2 2 4 5 3 8 (75 .0) (25.0) (50.0) (50.0) (62.5) (37.5) rr1 IV 0 1 1 10 6 16 10 7 17 I (0.0) (100.0) (62.5) (37.5) (58.8) (41.2) w I tTl ...... v 1 3 4 4 0 4 5 3 8 (25.0) (75.0) (100.0) (0.0) (62.5) (37.5) VI 1 0 1 1 3 4 2 3 5 (100. 0) (0.0) (25.0) (75.0) (40.0) (60 .o) VII 1 3 4 1 3 4 (25.0) (75.0) (25.0) (75.0) TOTAL 6 5 11 19 15 34 25 20 45 (54.5) (45.5) (55.9) (44.1) (55.6) (44.4) Table E.3.4.3. Round whitefish, su~nary of tagging data on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, May to October, 1981. NUMBER OF FISH TAGGED Tagging Habitat Selected fish Susitna River Reach Periods Fishwheel Locations Habitats Sunshine Cook Inlet to Talkeetna 5/1-5/15 6 6/1-6/15 4 6/16-6/30 1 7/l-7/15 3 3 8/16-8/31 5 1 9/1-9/15 1 9/16-9/30 5 12 10/1-10/15 6 42 Subtotal 9 I'T1 26 . 54 I I U1 Talkeetna 00 Talkeetna to Devil Canyon 6/1-6/15 1 6/16-6/30 3 7/16-7/31 1 9/l-9/15 10 1 9/16-9/30 15 10/1-10/15 11 Subtotal 10 27 11 TOTAL 19 53 65 Total 6 4 1 6 6 1 17 48 89 7 3 1 11 15 11 48 137 3.5 HUMPBACK WHITEFISHES 3.5.1 Abstract Three hundred and forty-four humpback whitefish, Coregonus species, were collected on the lower Susitna River from February through September, 1981. Humpback shitefish were collected at 24 habitat locations between Alexander Creek (R.M. 10.1) and Portage Creek (R.M. 148.8). Peak catches of humpback whitefish were made in early June and late September. The largest catch per unit efforts for humpback whitefish were recorded at the mouth of Anderson Creek (R.M. 23.8), the mouth of Portage Creek (R.M. 148.8) and the mainstem slough 2.5 miles upriver from the Yentna River (R.M. 31.0). Generally humpback whitefish were more abunda.nt in the Cook Inlet to Talkeetna reach. The mean fork length for all fish samples was 284 mm. Age IV and Age VI humpbacks were the most abundant age classes encountered. Fifty-eight percent of the 67 humpback whitefish that were examined for sex determination were rna 1 es and forty-two percent were fema 1 es. Numbered Fl oy anchor tags were implanted into 181 humpback whitefish to monitor humpback whitefish movements in the lower Susitna River. 3.5.2 Introduction In Alaska there are three closely related species of whitefish in the genus Coregonus of which two are often confused with (or often misidentified as) the humpback whitefish Coregonus pidschian. The three species, humpback whitefish Coregonus pidschian, Alaska whitefish Coregonus nelsoni, and the lake white- E-3-59 fish Coregonus cl upeaformis have been distinguished by A lt (1979) using modal gill raker counts. These whitefish are similar in appearance, have no con- sistent morphological differ~nces, and have distributions which overlap. Therefore, for the purposes of this report, we have combined the data which we collected on these species and grouped it under the general heading of hump- back whitefish. Adult humpback whitefishes can be distinguished by a pronounced hump behind the head and gill rakers that are longer than 20 percent of the interorbital width. Information on ranges of the three Alaskan species within the Coregonus species complex are somewhat confusing because of problems with species identification. Lake whitefish are reported to be widely distributed in fresh waters throughout the northern ha 1 f and the northwestern regions of North America (Scott and Crossman 1973). Alaska whitefish have been documented in the Yukon River and its tributary drainages above the village of Nulato, Lake Minchumina, and the Unalakleet and Wulik Rivers. The presently known range of the humpback whitefish in Alaska is restricted to rivers which empty into the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas (Morrow 1980). Possible occurrence of Alaska whitefish and lake whitefish have been reported in the· Susitna River drainage (McPhail and Lindsey 1970; Williams 1968). Life history information gathered on the Alaska whitefish, f. nelsoni, from studies on the Chatanika and Tanana Rivers indicate that they are largely stream inhabitants and they undertake lengthy upstream and downstream migra- tions. The fish begin to move upstream in the spring and this movement E-3-60 intensifies throughout the summer months as increasing numbers of fish become sexually mature. From September through October, Alaska whitefish congregate to spawn in clear, moderately swift streams with moderately clean, gravel bottoms (Kepler 1973}. After spawning, the majority of the fish move down- stream and apparently disperse widely throughout the system over the winter months. Townsend and Kepler (1974) found that Alaska whitefish generally appear to be nonconsecutive spawners. Alaska whitefish reach sexual maturity at three to five years of age (Alt 1971). Lake whitefish, f. clupeaformis, are found primarily in lakes. Stream dwelling populations are somewhat less common. However, life history information does indicate that they do spawn in rivers and creeks (Morrow 1980). Spawning sites documented by Morrow had gravel substrates in water which is 1 to 3 meters deep. Adult lake whitefish breed annually in the southern part of their range, however those in arctic and subarctic regions may only spawn every second or third year (Kennedy 1953). Spawning generally occurs between October and December when water temperatures are less than or equal to 6°C. Migration studies conducted on lake populations of lake whitefish showed that they undertake limited seasonal movements between deep and shallow water (Budd 1957}. The humpback whitefish, f. pidschian, is apparently the only truly anadromous form of the humpback whitefishes. Wintering fish have been caught several miles offshore from the mouths of several western Alaska rivers as well as in Kotzebue and Norton Sound (Alt 1979). The migratory habits of humpback whitefish populations in different systems seems to vary substantially. Some populations have extensive upstream spawning migrations, as evidenced by E-3-61 humpback whitefish movements of over 1,280 km in the Kuskokwim River, and yet others do not appear to enter salt water or travel very far upstream at all (Berg 1948). Spawning migrations generally begin in June~ however spawning does not actually occur until October or early November. Humpback whitefish reach sexual maturity at four to six years of age. The primary utilization of the humpback whitefishes in Alaska are for subsis- tence. A small spearfishing sport fishery for humpback whitefishes has also developed on the Chatanika and the Slana River. Some attempts have been made to harvest whitefish commercially in some Copper River drainage lakes however with limited success. 3.5.3 Methods Humpback whitefish were taken in the Susitna River system from Fish Creek (R.M. 7.0)., a drainage of Flathorn Lake, upstream to Portage Creek (R.M. 148.8), below Devil Canyon. The months of collection for this species were May to September 1981. A variety of gear types proved effective for capturing humpback whitefish. Set and drift gill nets (variable mesh -1.0 to 2.5 inch stretch mesh), fishwheels, hook and line, and boat-mounted electrofishing units successfully captured the adult fish. A few juveniles were also obtained for sampling utilizing beach seines and minnow traps. E-3-62 Fork 1 engths of a 11 fish captured were recorded, and sea 1 es were taken for subsequent age determination. Uninjured and vigorous fish were tagged with Flay anchor tags and released. Mortalities were necropsied to determine sex; live fish were manipulated to release eggs or milt to aid in sex assessment. 3.5.4 Results and Discussion Distribution and Relative Abundance Humpback whitefish were first observed in an under-ice gillnet at R.M. 74.4, 2.6 miles below the mouth of Montana Creek, on February 12th. They were also caught at the mouth of Rolly Creek in March. In May, a few humpback whit~fish were captured in gill nets at the mouth of the Deshka River .(R.M. 40.6). The largest individual catch of humpback whitefishes was made on June 4 and 5 at the mouth of Anderson Creek (R.M. 23.8) utilizing a variable mesh set gill net. During June, relatively large numbers of humpback whitefish were also gill netted at Sunshine Creek (R.M. 85.7), Slough 6A (R.M. 112.3), and Portage Creek (R.M. 148.8). See Appendix Table EB-5. Humpback whitefish were caught at less than 10 percent of the 44 habitat locations on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon between mid-July and 1 ate August. Juveni 1 e humpback whitefish were captured with minnow traps at Alexander Ceek (R.M. 10.1), Kroto Slough (R.M. 30.1), Deshka River (R.M. 40.6) and Whiskers Creek (R.M. 101.4) in late August arid early September. Humpback whitefish were gill netted at 19 percent of the habitat locations below Devil Canyon between September 1 to 15 and 24 percent E -3-63 thereafter. However, they were more abundant below Ta"lkeetna at Mainstem Slough (R.M. 33.5), Deshka River (R.M. 40.6) and Sheep Creek (R.M. 66.1). One hundred and fifty four humpback whitefish were also caught at the Sunshine Station fishwheel in September (Table E.3.5.1). The percentage incidence of humpback whitefish at habitat locations on the lower and middle reaches of the Susitna River is presented for each bi-monthly sampling period in Figures E.3.5.1 and E.3.5.2. Age, Length and Sex Composition The ages of 67 Susitna River humpback whitefish were confirmed via scale analysis. The fish ranged in age from age II to age VII. Age IV fish made up 31.3 percent of the aged catch and this was the predominant age class en- countered. Age III, age V, and age VI fish each composed 19.4 percent of the aged fish respectively. Figures E.3.5.3 illustrate the average length and range of lengths for each age class of humpback whitefish found on the Susitna River. Fork lengths were measured to the nearest millimeter on all humpback whitefish that were captured. Among the 344 fish that were sampled, the lengths ranged from 38 mm to 489 mm with a mean length of 284 mm (Figure E.3.5.4). The fork lengths of age III humpback whitefish averaged 237 mm (range 178-285 mm), age IV averaged 295 mm (range 225-350 mm), age V averaged 326 mm (range 258-370 mm), and age VI averaged 346 mm (range 308-400 mm) (Table E.3.5.2). E-3-64 Table E.3.5.1. Humpback whitefish fishwheel catches on the Susitna River Sunshine Station (RM 79.0), August to September, 1981. Humpback Whitefish Capture Oates Catch Per Day 8/26 3 8/27 13 9/5 9 9/6 6 9/7 3 9/8 4 9/9 4 ·9/10 12 9/11 22 9/12 1 9/13 14 9/14 13 9/15 19 9/16 21 9/18 5 9/20 11 9/21 5 9/22 2 9/44 3 Total 170 E-3-65 rn I w I 0"1 0"1 30 p E A c E 20 N T I N c I 10 0 E N c E 0 \.. I I I JUNE JULY AUGUST I l I SEPTEMBER Figure E.3. 5. 1. Percent incidence of humpback whitefish captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Talkeetna. June to September, 1981. I'T'I I w I Cl'l . "'-J 30 HUMPBACK WHITEFISH - - p - E A - c - E 20 N - T - - I N - c - I 10 0 - E - N -c E - - 0 I I I I JUNE JULY I I AUGUST I I I SEPTEMBER Figure E.3.5.2. Percent incidence of humpback whitefish captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon, June to September, 1981. ,., I w I 0"1 co ~-----------------------------------------------·----------·--------~ 600 HUMPBACK WHITEFISH .f 0 A K t L l!OO t E t t N i G t T H I 200 t N M M 0 -~---, IT--1 I r . I 0 1 2 3 l! 5 6 7 8 9 AGE IN YEARS Figure E.3. 5. 3. A9e and len~th relationship for humpback whitefish captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October& 198.1. The mean length for each a~e class is indicated by a horizontal bar and the range is indicated by arrows, fT1 I w I 01 1.0 25 20 >-u z w 15 ~ o. w ~ 10 LL 5 0 .----Il n rt n I I I I I I I I I 0 4~ 90 135 t80 225 270 315 360 405 LENGTH Cmm) figure E.3.5,4.-Length frequency composition of humpback whitefish captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon. June to October, 1981. I 450 Age (Years) 0 I II III m IV I w I v "-.! 0 VI VII VII I TOTAL Table E.3.5.2. Humpback whitefish, age -length frequency composition at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon June to October, 1981. Coo~ Inlet to Tal~eetna Tal~eetna-to Devil Canxon Coo~ Inlet to Devil Total No. Mean Range of Total No. Mean Range of Total No. Mean of fish length length of fish length Length of fish length Sampled (mm) (mm) Sampled (mm) (mm) Sampled (nun) 1 127 127 1 127 4 201 179-220 4 201 20 241 202-285 4 218 178-242 24 237 22 301 253-350 8 280 259-314 30 295 26 328 267-370 9 319 258-357 35 326 34 347 308-400 2 327 320-335 36 346 18 384 322-441 18 384 1 489 489 1 489 126 318 127-489 23 289 178-335 149 314 Canton Range of length (mm) 127 179-220 178-285 225-350 258-370 308-400 322-441 489 127-489 Of the 67 humpback whitefish that were examined to determine sex, 39 (58%) were males and 28 (42%) were females and the male/female sex ratio was 1.4:1. Among the most abundant age classes, males comprised 54 percent of age III, 67 percent of age IV, 62 percent of age VI (Table E.3.5.3). Age VII and VIII fish had the highest percentage of females. Spawning Large gill net catches were made on the Susitna at Anderson Creek (R.M. 23.8), Sunshine Creek (R.M. 85.7), Slough 6A (R.M. 112.3), and Portage Creek (R.M. 148.8) between June 1 and June 30th. Examinations of necropsied fish indi- cated they were sexually mature but not ready to spawn. Between August 26th and September 14th, 170 humpback whitefish were caught at the Sunshine fish- wheel (R.M. 79). Inspections of dissected fish' caught from mid September to early October showed well developed gonads, but again the fish were not yet ripe. No humpback whitefish were caught or observed after October 7th. No evidence of humpback whitefish spawning was collected at any sampling location between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon during the 1981 season. Con- sequently, we can only speculate that humpback whitefish in the Susitna River spawn some time after October 7th. Tagging and Recapture Tagging of humpback whitefish was conducted to observe seasonal movements and distribution in the Susitna River system. One hundred eighty nine humpback whitefish from Cook Inlet to De vi 1 Canyon were tagged with numbered Fl oy E-3-71 Age (Years) 0 I II III rn IV I w I ......... N v VI VII VI II TOTALS Table E.3.5.3. Humpback whitefish, summary of sex determination data at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. CooR Inlet to Talkeetna Talkeetna to Devil Can~on Total ~1a le Female Total Male Female Total ~ale Female No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (%) (%) Sexed (%) (%) Sexed (%) (%) 2 0 2 2 0 (100.0) (0.0) (100 0 0) (0.0) 6 6 12 1 0 1 7 6 (50.0) (50.0) ( 100.0) (0.0) (53.8) ( 46 0 2) 12 1 13 2 6 8 14 7 (92.3) (7.7) (25.0) (75. 0) (66. 7) (33. 3) 5 3 8 3 2 5 8 5 (62.5) (37.5) ( 60.0). (40.0) (61.5) (38 0 5) 7 5 12 1 0 1 8 5 (58.3) ( 41. 7) ( 100 0 0) (0.0) (61.5) {38.5) 0 4 4 0 4 (0.0) (100.0) (0.0) (100 0 0) 0 l 1 0 1 (0.0) (100 0 0) (0.0) ( 100.0) 32 20 52 7 8 15 39 28 (61.5) 38.5) ( 46. 7) (53.3) (58.2) (41.8) Total No. Sexed 2 13 21 13 13 4 1 67 anchor tags. The tagged fish were caught primarily by fishwheel and electro- shocking, with the majority of specimens taken in the reaches of the river below Talkeetna (Table E.3.5.4}. The majority of humpback whitefish tagging was done in September and October with the aid of a boat-mounted electrofishing unit. Only one tagged fish was recaptured. This fish was tagged at the Sunsh·ine fishwheel (R.M. 78.6} in late September, and was recaptured with an electroshocker three weeks later on the opposite side of the river from the point of initial capture. E-3-73 Table E.3.5.4. Humpback whitefish, summary of tagging data on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981" NUMBER OF FISH TAGGED Tagging Ha6Hat Selected Fish Susitna River Reach Periods Fishwheel locations Habitats Sunshine Cook Inlet to Talkeetna 5/1-5/15 9 2 6/1-6/15 4 6/16-6/30 1 7/l-7/15 7 8/16-8/31 13 1 fTI 9/l-9/15 81 2 I w I 9 2 ....... 9/16-9/30 41a +=> 10/1-10/15 2 Subtotal 135 26 13 Tal eetna Talkeetna to Devil Canyon 6/1-6/15 2 9/l-9/15 10 9/16-9/30 3 Subtotal 10 5 0 TOTAl 145 31 13 a One recapture. See discussion in text. Total 11 4 1 7 14 83 52 2 174 2 10 3 15 189 3.6 BERING CISCO 3.6.1 Abstract Bering cisco, Coregonus laurettae Bean, were collected in the lower Susitna River from the mouth of Kroto Slough (R.M. 30.1) to a selected fish habitat just upstream of Talkeetna (R.M. 100.8) from August to October, 1981. Prior to this study, this anadromous whitefish was not known to inhabit the Susitna River drainage. Ninety-five percent of the Bering cisco collected were captured by a fishwheel at Sunshine Station (R.M. 79.0) and a boat mounted electrofishing unit utilized between (R.M. 70.0) and (R.M. 100.8). The largest catches per unit effort were made at Sunshine Station (R.M. 78.0-79.0), Montana Creek (R.M. 76.0-77.5) and mainstem west bank (R.M. 74.3-74.8). The mean fork length for all fish sampled was 332 mm. The most prevalent age class of Bering cisco encountered was Age IV. Of 51 Bering cisco examined for sex, 51 percent were male and 49 percent were female. Seven hundred and thirteen Bering cisco were tagged with Flay anchor tags to determine their movement in the lower Susitna River. Bering cisco spawning s.ites were observed at Sunshine Station (R.M. 78.0-79.0), opposite the mouth of Montana Creek (R.M. 76.0-77.5) and along the west bank of the mainstem Susitna (R.M. 74.3-74.8). Habitat parameters were measured at the spawning sites from October 10 through 13. Velocities varied from 0.5-5.8 ft./sec., depths ranged from 0.5-2.5 ft., and temperatures were recorded at 3.0-3.8°C. The spawning substrates were predominantly composed of 1 to 3 inch gravel. Peak spawning occurred during the second week of October. E-3-75 3.6.2 Introduction The Bering cisco, Coregonus laurettae Bean, was not known to inhabit the Susitna River drainage prior to this study, although individuals of the species have been collected from Upper Cook Inlet by Blackburn (1978) and from the Knik Arm (McPhail, 1966). The known distribution of the species is restricted to northwestern North America and northeastern Siberia (McPhail and Lindsey, 1970). It is present in Alaska from Cook Inlet west and north to the Colville River. Bering cisco are believed to be a coastal species but Alt (1973) identified them 966 miles up the Yukon River and in the Porcupine River 840 miles upstream from the mouth of the Yukon. Little is known about the life history of the Bering cisco. Interior and western Alaskan populations of Bering cisco studied by Alt (1973) appear to be comprised of both anadromous and freshwater resident forms. Anadromous Bering cisco apparently rear in salt or brackish water near river mouths, although Alt suggests that freshwater resident populations overwinter in the middle reaches of the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers. Spawning is known to take place in the fall, but spawning locations and aquatic habitat requirements had not previously been defined. Spawning migrations begin in the spring and summer and appear to be quite rapid in nature. Bering cisco do not appear to feed during the spawning migration; a condition common to many species of Alaskan whitefish. Western and Interior Alaska spawners examined by Alt ranged from Age III to Age VIII and no evidence of repeat spawning was found. E-3-76 3.6.3 Methods Bering cisco were collected in the fall of 1981 with variable mesh gillnets (four 7.5 ft. panels with 1 to 2-1/2 inch stretch mesh), fishwheels and boat mounted electrofishing units. Bering cisco were taken in the Susitna River at River Mile (RM) 30.1 near the mouth of Kroto Slough and upstream to RM 100.8 just north of Ta.lkeetna. All fish captured were measured for fork length and, where survival from collection and handling was likely, the fish were tagged with Flay anchor tags and released. Age determinations were made using scale analysis. Sex was determined by autopsy and by abdominal manipulation to obtain the discharge of· eggs or milt. 3.6.4 Results and Discussion Distribution and Relative Abundance A total of 834 Bering cisco were captured during the course of this study. Bering cisco were first captured and observed at RM 79.0 by the lower east bank fishwheel at Sunshine Station on August 25. The fishwheel catch rate on cisco gradually increased until it peaked between September 17 and 21 (Table E.3.6.1). Fishwheel catches declined rapidly after September 28 and the fishwheel was removed from the water for winter storage on September 30. At Mainstem Slough (RM 31.0) and Kroto Slough Mouth (RM 30.1) Bering cisco were E-3-77 Table E.3.6.1. Bering cisco fishwhee1 catch on the Susitna River at Sunshine Station (RM 79.0), August to September~ 198L Date 8-25 8-27 9-5 9-6 9-7 9-8 9-9 9-10 9-11 9-13 9-14 9-15 9~16 9-17, 9~18 9~19, 9-20 9-21 9-22 9-23 9-24 9-25 9-26 9-27 9-28 9=30 E-3-78 Catch per day 3 4 2 5 2 3 1 8 11 9 3 2 11 39 50 58 6 21 16 12 13 4 15 5 taken by gillnet on September 10 (Table E.3.6.2) and again at Mainstem Slough on September 14 and 28. El ectrofi shing conducted September 25 through October 15 demonstrated that Bering cisco were dispersed in the Susitna River from RM 70.0 to RM 100.8. Relatively large numbers were located near Sunshine Station (RM 78.0 to 79.0), Montana Creek (RM 76.0 to 77 .5), and Mainstem West Bank (RM 74.3 to 74.8) while smaller numbers and individuals were distributed throughout the range of sites listed in Table E.3.6.3. Susitna River Bering cisco appear to be the anadromous form. The fish cap- tured and identified were evidently undertaking their spawning migration, as no substantiated occurrence of the species was noted prior to August 25, 1981. Age, Length, and Sex Composition One hundred ninety Susitna River Bering cisco from fishwheel, gill net and electrofishing catches were aged. Table E.3.6.4 illustrates that the majority of fish were Age IV (88%) with the remaining Age III (9%) and Age V {3%). Of the Bering cisco used for age determination, Age III Bering cisco averaged 305 mm in fork length (range 277-342 mm) while Age IV averaged 337 mm (range 280-390 mm) and Age V averaged 365 mm (range 336-385 rnm). Figure E. 3. 6. 1 i 11 ustrates the average 1 ength and range of 1 engths for each age class of Bering cisco caught in the Susitna River. E-3-79 Table E.3.6.2. Bering cisco gillnet catch on the Susitna River at Kroto Slough mouth (RM 30.1) and Mainstem Slough (RM 31.0), September 1981. Net Number Fish/ Date(s) Location Nights Caught net night 9-10, 9-11 Mainstem Slough 2 23 11.5 RM 31.0 9-11 Kroto Slough Mouth 1 1 1.0 RM 30.1 9-14 Mainstem Slough 1 2 2.0 RM 31.0 9a.28 Mainstem Slough 1 2 2.0 RM 3LO E-3-80 Table £.3.6.3. Bering cisco electrofishing catch on the Susitna River between RM 67.5 and RM 97.9, September 25 to October 15, 1981. River Total Date Location Mile Catch/hr. Catch 10/2 Billion Slough Mouth 97.9 0.0 0 10/2 Mainstem Susitna 97.7 0.0 0 10/3 Mainstem Susitna 95.8 8.0 4 10/3 Cache Creek Slough Mouth .gs .5-0.0 0 10/3 Mainstem Susitna 95.3. 4.0 1 10/3 Mainstem Susitna 95.0· 0.0 0 10/3 Birch Creek Slough Head 92.9· 0.0 0 10/3 Mainstem Susitna 91.9 0.0 0 10/4 Birch Creek Slough Mouth 88.4 0.0 0 10/4 Mainstem Susitna 86.0 20.0 10 10/6-7 Mainstem Susitna 84.0 12.0 12 10/6 Mainstem Susitna 83 .2, 0.0 0 10/4 Rabideux.Creek Mouth 83.1 0.0 0 10/6 Mainstem Susitna 80.0 28.0 7 10/5~ 6, 7 Mainstem Susitna Sunshine 78.5 52.0 78 10/5' 6, 7 Mainstem Susitna Montana 77.!0 33.3 83 10/6 Montana Creek Mouth 76 .·9 12.0 3 10/6 Mainstem Susitna 74".6 8.0 2 10/5, 6 Mainstem Susitna West Bank 74.5 39.3 59 10/6 Mainstem Susitna 70.0 17.0 17 10/13 Mainstem Susitna 84.0 0.0 0 10/13, 14 Mainstem Susitna Sunshine 78.5 76.0 38 10/13, 15 Mainstem Susitna Montana 77 13.3 10 10/ Montana Creek Mouth 76.9 0.0 0 10/13 ~tainstem Susitna 74.5 8.0 2 10/13 Mainstem Susitna 74.0 0.0 0 10/15 Goose Creek Mouth 7.3 .1 0.0 0 10/15 Mainstem Susitna 70.0 0.0 0 10/15 Mainstem Susitna 67.5 4.0 1 E-3-81 Table E.3.6.4. Bering cisco, age-length frequency composition on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. A l100 v G F 300 0 R 1\ rn L 200-I E w I N CP w G T H 100-· I tf M t1 0-·· 0 Figure E.3.6 .1. T 1 AGE-LENGTH RELATIONSHIP BERING CISCO t t - ' T I I 2 3 '1 AGE IN YEARS t - ~ r I 5 6 Age and lenpth relationship for Berin~ cisco captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. The·mean length for each af!e class is indicated by a horizontal bar and the ran~e is indicated by arrows. Six-hundred fifty-eight Bering cisco captured by fishwheel, gillnet and electrofishing were measured to the nearest millimeter (mm) in fork length. Fish 300 mm to 360 mm occurred with the greatest percent frequency. Mean length of ciscos measured was 332 mm in fork length with an overall range of 220 to 430 mm (Figure E.3.6.2}. All fish examined for sex composition were mature. Of the 51 Bering cisco examined 26 (51%} were males and 25 (49%) were female. Males comprised 83 percent of the Age III fish for which sex determination was made, and 49 percent and 100 percent of Age IV and Age V fish respectively (Table E.3.6.5). Spawning Bering cisco evidently began their spawning migration up the Susitna River from Cook Inlet in August and arrived at the Sunshine Station fishwheel site RM 79 over a five week period from August 25 to September 30. Fish captured by the fishwheel during this time were all bright silver and appeared to be sexually mature. However, normal handling did not produce a discharge of eggs or milt. From October 4 through 7 relatively large numbers of Bering cisco were located by electrofishing in the Montana Creek-Sunshine Station area {RM 74.5 to RM 80.0) dispersed along gradually sloping gravel bars. These fish were amber in color but had not yet spawned. Random necropsies showed all fish to contain mature sex products. Electrofish·ing was conducted in the Montana-Sunshine area again October 13 through 15. All fish handled on these dates either expelled eggs or milt E-3-84 25 >-20 u z w 15 :=) 0 w lY 10 LL fTl I w ~ I 00 5 CJ1 0 I 0 I 45 I 90 I 135 I 180 22~ LENGTH I 270 Cmm) I 315 I 360 I 405 figure £.3,6.2. length frequency composition of Bering cisco captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. I 450 Age (Years) 0+ I II III ITI I IV w I co 0'\ v TOTALS Table E.3.6.5. Bering cisco~ summary of sex determination data on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Cook Inlet to Talkeetna Talkeetna to Devil Canxon Male female Total Male Female Total Male No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (%) (%) Sexed (%) (%) Sexed (%) 5 1 6 5 (83.3) {16. 7) . ( 83.3) 22 21 43 22 {51.2 {48.8) (51.2} 0 2 2 0 (0.0) ( 100.0) (0.0) 27 24 51 0 0 0 27 (52.9) (47.1) (52.9) Total Female Total No. No. --c~)·· Sexed 1 6 (16 .1) 21 43 (48.8} 2 2 (100.0) 24 51 ( 47 .1) freely or were spent. From these observations, spawning appeared to peak during the second week of October. Sexually mature Bering cisco were captured from habitat locations over a 70 mile reach of the Susitna River. Although spawning sites may generally occur throughout this reach, electrofishing surveys were able to identify three areas of spawning concentrations. These were at RM 78.0 to 79.0 opposite Sunshine Station,· RM 76.0 to 77.5 opposite the mouth of Montana Creek and RM 74.3 to 74.8 along the west bank. The Sunshine Station (RM 78.0 to 79.0) spawning site is a mile-long gradually sloping gravel bar opposite a 100 foot high cut bank. The channel con- figuration and position of the thalweg are stable at this site. Bering cisco were captured at depths ranging from 0.5 feet to 2.5 feet and at velocities 0.5 feet per second to 3.5 feet per second (Figure E.3.6.3). Substrate ranged from silt to cobble with one to three inch gravel predominating (Table E.3.6.6). Water temperature on October 13 was 3.8°C. The Montana Creek (RM 76.0 to 77.5) spawning site is a 1.5 mile long gradually sloping gravel bar opposite Montana Creek mouth, with a relatively stable channel. Bering cisco were captured at depths ranging from 0.6 feet to 2.3 feet and at velocities from 0.8 to 4.1 feet per second (Figure E.3.6.4). The substrate ranged from silt to cobble but one inch to three inch gravel and cobble predominated. Water temperature on October 13 ranged from 3.0° to 3.3°C over the length of the spawning site. E-3-87 1"0 (.11 0 o_ (Q '""! llJ < (1) o- llJ '""! 1.1 2.0 rt n 1 .. 5 1..8 2.8 3.8 0.] o:s O.J 0.7 1 .. 0 o:a 1 .1 o:a 1.2 0.7 .Ll 1.0 1..4 IT 1..0 1.0 1,.5 1..8 1.4 r.7 l.D 0.8 1 .. 7 1.2 1..5 0.8 2.J 1.2 1..4 2..1 r.T 2.3 1.9 2.2 D G 1.7 2.0 1:0 G 2.0 2. 5 1.3 1:4 1 .• 9 2 ..3 1.7 G 1.5 2.0 a 1.9 1 ... o 1.8 2 .o o:r n n ,_...__ so' _ _, __ Cl'. c en --t z > -< "' :u * depth (feet) velocity (feet/sec) Figure £.3.6.3. Bering cisco $pawning area on the Susitna River at Sunshine, RM-78.0 to RM-79.0, October 13, 1981. E-3-88 Table E.3.6.6. Bering cisco spawning site evaluation on the Susitna River~ October, 1981. Location Mile Date T°C .Eli Cond DO Substrate Camp. -- Sunshine 78-79 10-13 3.8 7.0 127 12.3 40%: P-311 gravel 25%:3 11 -6 11 cobble 20%:si1t & sand 10%:1/4 11 -1 11 gravel Montana 77-77.5 10-13 3.0 7.0 131 13.4 30%: l"-3~'gravel 30%:3"-6 11 cobble 20%:silt & sand 10%:1/4"-1"gravel 76-77 10-13 3.3 6.8 128 12.6 30%: 1 11 -3"grave l 30%:3"-6 11·CObble 20%:silt & sand 10%:1/4"-1 11 gravel Mainstem West 75 10-13 3.1 7.0 134 13.0 40%: l"-3"gravel Bank 20%: 3"-6"cobble 20%:sand & silt 10%:1/4 11 -1 11 gravel E-3-89 -f\;;) en 0 (.11 0 0 - 0.6 n ::9..:1_ (D 1. 9 1 .. a 13 l:Q 1.2 1.4 1.7 I 80 0.9 rt ~ 2.6 1 .. 7 2.4 u 2.0 1.8 TI 2.0 4.T 2 .. 0 3.0 ~;· 2.3 UJ. c: en -1.6 n 1 .8 -f I.E" z ~ 2.0 :a .... /~ Q l.i n n ~ I I <C '""' Q) < (l) \ a L ..... u I. 3 1.5 1.2 2 • .0 G 1.5 1.8 2.0 o.9 n n l.fl l.B 2.3 1:3 1.4 G 1 ~0 1 ,.5 2 .. 1 2:T 2.3 2.5 , 80 ,.. ~ I * depth (feet) velocity (feet/sec.) Figure £,3.6,4. Bering cisco spawning area on the Susitna River at Montana Creek, RM-76.0 to RM-77.5, October 15, 1981. E-3-90 The mainstem westbank (RM 74.3 to 74.8) spawning site differed from the Sunshine and Montana sites because it is located on the outside of a riverbend and has higher water velocities. The channel configuration at this site is also relatively stable. Bering cisco were captured at depths ranging from one foot to 2.5 feet and at velocities 3.6 to 5.4 feet per second (Figure E.3.6.5). Substrate ranged from silt to cobble with one inch to three inch gravel predominating. Water temperature on October 13 was 3.1°C. Tagging and Recapture Seven-hundred thirteen Bering ci sea were tagged with Fl oy anchor tags and released in the area of their capture (Table E.3.6.7). Thirteen of these fish were recaptured from one to 16 days after tagging. Distance traveled by these fish ranged from zero to four miles. The majority of tagging for Bering cisco was conducted at or near identified spawning locations. Since subsequent electrofishing recapture efforts took place at these same locations, very little movement was detected. Susitna River Bering cisco appear to spend 15 to 20 days on their spawning grounds. This reflects the time i nterva 1 between the peak catches at the Sunshine Station and the peak of spawning. After spawning, these fish probably undertake a rapid downstream migration to sea, as is common with many other anadromous Alaskan whitefish. Cold weather and river icing conditions prevented capture efforts from taking place in the lower reaches of the E-3-91 N * depth (feet) velocity (feet/sec.) 1 .. s 3.6 .... ttl' 1 • 5 ..Q 4.5 1 .. 5 4.5 1 .. 0 3.5 2 .. 2 5.0 2..0 5.8 2~5 4.5 2~3 5.8 1 •. 9 5.4 ' 2~o0 <::) c 5.4 ,_ Figure E.3.6.5. Bering cisco spawning area on the Susitna River at Mainstream West Bank, RM-75.0, October 13, 1981. E-3-92 Table E.3.6.7. Bering cisco, sununary of tagging data on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, August to October, 1981. NUMBER OF FISH T~GGED Tagging Habitat Selected Fish Susitna River Reach Periods Fishwheel Locations Habitats Cook Inlet to Talkeetna 8/16-8/31 7 9/1-9/15 46 23 9/16-9/30 250 11 53 10/1-10/15 3 307 1"11 Subtotal 303 37 370 I I . 1.0 ')tall keetna to Dev i 1 Canyon 9/16-9/30 1 10/1-10/15 2 Subtotal 0 0 3 TOTAL . 303 37 373 Note -Recapture data presented in discussion section. Total 7 69 314 310 710 1 2 3 713 Susitna River in mid October. As Alt (1973) suggests that repeat spawning does not occur in Bering cisco, it is highly unlikely that any of the tagged fish will be recaptured in subsequent years. E-3-94 3.7 LONGNOSE SUCKER 3.7.1 Abstract Longnose suckers, Catostomus catostomus, were found throughout the study area from Alexander Creek (R.M. 10.1) to Portage Creek (R.M. 148.8). The catch per unit effort for gillnets at most habitat locations was highest in June and September with lower catches per unit effort recorded during July and August. Anderson Creek (R.M. 23.8), Deshka River (R.M. 40.6), Sunshine Creek (R.M. 85.7), and the mainstem Susitna at river mile 114.4 were the most productive locations. The most prevalent age classes of the 197 fish aged were· Age IV, Age V, and Age VI, with Age VI the most common. Age VI fish averaged 324 mm in fork 1 ength and ranged from 171 to 374 mm. The 532 1 ongnose suckers captured ranged in fork 1 ength from 32 to 455 mm with a mean of 259 mm. . A total of 350 longnose suckers were tagged with Flay anchor tags to determine movement. Two of these were recaptured in the same area in which they had been released and a third one had moved 1.5 miles downstream. 3.7.2 Introduction The longnose sucker, Catostomus catostomus Forster, is widely distributed from Alaska to Labrador. It extends south into Pennsylvania on the east coast, the Mississippi-Missouri river system of the midwest and the Columbia River system on the west coast (McPhail and Lindsey, 1970). The longnose sucker is the only North American sucker which·also occurs in Asia, where it is·found in several of the Arctic Ocean drainag~s of Siberia (Scott and Crossman, 1973). E-3-95 This sucker is ubiquitous in most of the drainages of mainland Alaska but is not found on the islands along the Pacific, Bering and Arctic coasts (Morrow, 1980). The longnose sucker is the only representative species of the sucker family found in Alaska. It can be easily distinguished from other Alaskan fishes by its ventral sucking mouth and large papillose lips. There are no obvious external differences between the sexes except during spawning periods when breeding males have well developed tubercles on the head and on the anal and caudal fins. Breeding males are also more vividly colored than females with the prominent feature being a bright ~ed stripe along each side. Investigations into the life history of the longnose sucker by Morrow (1980) indicate the age of sexual maturity varies with latitude. The northernmost fish spawn for the first time between the ages of five and six years. Spawning usually takes place in spring shortly after ice out. Fish in the lower latitudes generally spawn between late April and May; farther north, spawning may not occur until July. Spawning runs begin when the water temperature exceeds 5°C (41°F) and at this time fish begin moving from lakes into inlet streams or from deep pools into shallower gravel-bottomed portions of streams. After spawning, fish usually return to their previous lake or stream position. Post spawning mortality is estimated to be 10 to 30 percent. Many fish spawn in consecutive years for two or three years while others spawn only once in two or three years (Green et al., 1966). The eggs hatch in about two weeks depending on temperature and the fry remain in the gravel an additional one to two weeks after hatching. Most fry then begin a nocturnal movement downstream to the lake while others remain in the streams all summer. E-3-96 The longnose sucker is almost exclusively a bottom feeder with benthic inver- tebrates constituting the major portion of its diet. There is no record of them feeding on vertebrates. There have been reports of this species ingesting fish eggs, including those of trout, but in most cases these eggs were floating and dead when eaten (Scott and Crossman, 1973). 3.7.3 Methods Longnose sucker were collected in the summer and fall of 1981 with variable mesh gill nets (four 7.5 ft. panels with 1 to 2-1/2 inch stretch mesh), fish- wheels, fry traps and boat mounted electrofishing units. All fish captured were measured for fork length in millimeters. Age determinations were made using scale analysis. Sexes were identified by examining reproductive organs of autopsied fish or by abdominal manipulation to obtain discharges of eggs and milt. Where survival from collection and handling was anticipated, suckers were tagged with Flay tags and released. 3.7.4 Results and Discussion Distribution and Relative Abundance Longnose suckers were first captured and observed at the mouths of the Deshka River (RM 40.6) and Cache Creek Slough (RM 95.5) on May 9th. In early June, longnose suckers were captured at several locations on the .Susitna River between Kroto Slough (RM 30.1) and Portage Creek (RM 148.8). The percentage of habitat locations where longnose suckers were captured by gillnet was E-3-97 relatively high during the early part of the summer, then decreased during mid-summer (Figure E.3.7.1 and E.3.7.2). The percentage increased again in September in the lower river, but not above Talkeetna. The highest fall gillnet catches were reported at the Deshka River {RM 40.6) and Sheep Creek Slough (RM 66.1) (Appendix Table EB-7). An increased presence of longnose suckers was also detected in the mainstem Susitna below Talkeetna in September with the aid of boat mounted electrofishing units. A total of 532 longnose suckers were captured during the course of this study. A continual presence of juvenile longnose suckers was found using minnow traps, primarily in the Susitna River below Curry (RM 120.7). Their presence shifted further downriver as the season progressed. Age, Length, and Sex Composition One hundred ninety-seven longnose suckers taken from the Susitna River by fishwheel, gill net and electrofishing gear were aged by scale analysis. The majority of these fish were Age VI and VII, comprising 33 and 22 percent of the catch respectively (Table E.3.7.1). The oldest fish caught were Age IX (3%) while the youngest were Age 0+ (1%). Longnose sucker of Age VI averaged 324mm in fork length (range 171-374) while those of Age VII averaged 368mm (range 312-400). Figure E.3.7.3 illustrates the average length and range of lengths for each age class of longnose sucker caught in the lower Susitna River. E-3-98 m I w I 1.0 1.0 50 -lON GNOSE SUCKER - -p E - A 4:0 c -- E - N - T - - I 30 - N - c - I - 0 - E 20 - N -c ....: E - - 10 I I I I I I I I I JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER Figure E.3. 7.1. Percent incidence of lon9nose suckers captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Talkeetna, June to September, 1981. IT1 I w I I-' 0 0 100 LONGNOSE SUCKER - -p E 80 A - c E - N 60 T - I - N c L!O - I 0 - E N 20 -c E - 0 I I I T T I I I I JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER figure E.3.7.2. Percent incidence of longnose suckers captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon, June to September5 1981. Table E.3.7.1. longnose sucker, age -length frequency composition at habitat location sites on the Sus itna River between Cook Inlet and De vi 1 Canyon, June to October, 1981. Cook Inlet to Talkeetna Talkeetna to Devil Can~on Coo~ Inlet to Devil Can~ on Total No. Mean Range of Total No. Mean Range of Total No. Mean Range of Age of fish length length of fish length length of fish length length (Years) Sampled. (nun) (mm) Sampled (mm) (nun) Sampled (nun) . (nun) 0 2 73 62-84 2 73 62-84 I II 1 120 120 1 120 120 III 13 211 162-267 1 168 168 14 208 162-267 IV 9 239 225-268 8 237 199-283 17 238 199-283 rn v 15 286 244-348 10 263 241-305 25. 276 241-348 I w I ...... VI 37 341 315-367 28 301 171-374 65 324 171-374 0 ...... VII 33 375 350-437 11 346 312-400 44 368 312-437 VIII 17 410 334-440 7 383 369-405 24 402 334-440 IX 5 452 432-475 5 452 432-475 X TOTALS 130 335 120-475 67 295 62-405 197 321 62-475 600 LONGNOSE SUCKER F 0 A t K t t L!OO -L -E t t N ..... t G t T t ' fT1 H I w I ' 1-' 200 0 N I ' N M t M 0 0 1 2 3 l! 5 6 7 8 9 10 AGE IN I EARS ... figure E.3.7.3. Age and length relationship for lon~nose suckers captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and ·Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. The mean length for each age class is indicated by a horizontal bar and the range is indicated by arrows. The fork lengths of 358 longnose suckers were measured to the nearest millimeter (mm). Fish 250 to 260 mm in length occurred with the greatest percent frequency (8%). The mean fork length of fish measured was 256 mm with an overall range of 32 to 455 mm (Figure E.3.7.4). Of the 15 longnose suckers which were examined to determine age and sex, 10 (66.7%) were males and 5 (33.3%) were females (Table E.3.7.2). Tagging and Recapture Three hundred and fifty 1 ongnose sucker were tagged with Fl oy anchor tags during the field season (6/1-9/30) and released in the area of their capture (Table E.3.7 .3). Three of these fish were recaptured from one to 29 days later. Two of the recaptured fish showed no movement. A third sucker tagged on October 5th moved 1.5 miles downstream in the Susitna River over a 24-hour period. Due to the low number of recaptures made, little can be inferred about migrations and movements at this time. E-3-103 fTl I w I ...... a ..j:» >-u z 25 20 w 15 =::) 0 w ex:: 1 0 LL 5 0 A r-1 I I I I ' I I I I 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 LENGTH Cmm) Ftgure E.3.7.4. length frequency composition of longnose sucker captured at habitat location sites on the Sustina River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October. 1981. I 500 Table E.3.7.2. Longnose sucker, su1nmary of sex determination data at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. Cook Inlet to Talieetna Talkeetna to Devil Can~ on Total Male Female Total Male Fema1e Total Male Female No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Age (Years) (%) (%) Sexed (%) (%) Sexed (%) (%) 0 - I II III IV 1 0 1 1 0 rn (100.0) (0.0) ( 100.0) (0.0) I w v 1 0 1 3 0 3 4 0 I ...... (100.0) (0.0) (100.0) (0.0) (100.0) (0.0) 0 U1 VI 0 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 (0.0) (100.0) (66.7) (33.3) (50.0) (50.0) VII 1 0 1 2 0 2 3 0 (100.0) (0.0) (100. 0) (0.0) (100.0) (0.0) VI II 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 3 (0.0) (100.0) (0.0) ( 100.0) (0.0) (100. 0) TOTALS 2 3 5 8 2 10 10 5 (40.0) (60.0) (80.0) (20.0) (66. 7) (33.3) Total No. Sexed 1 4 4 3 3 15 IQUit:: L.J.I • .J, LUII!::JI!U;:)t:: !)Ul..!'I.Cr-5 !IUIIIIIICli·J-UI -t.Cl!:j!::Jili!::J UULQ Ull Lilt: .JU!)ILIIO 1\IVt::l between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, May to October, 1981. NUMBER OF FISH TAGGED Tagging Habitat Se 1 ected fish Susitna River Reach Periods Fishwheel Locations Habitats Total Sunshine Cook Inlet to Talkeetna 5/1-5/15 121 19 140 6/1-6/15 42 42 6/16-6/30 25a 25 7/l/7/15 13 13 8/1-8/15 5 4 9 8/16-8/31 1 3 3 9/1-9/15 7 7 9/16-9/30 22 -22 10/1-10/15 8a 8 Subtotal 1 238 31 270 I w Talkeetna I I--' ~al keetna to Devil Canyon 6/1-6/15 12 12 6/16-6/30 1 37a 37 7/l-7/15 7 7 7/16-7/31 18 18 8/16-8/31 1 1 9/16-9/30 5 5 Subtotal 0 80 0 80 TOTAL l 318 31 350 a One tagged recapture from each of these note. Total recaptures for longnose suckers equaled 3. ' 3.8 DOLLY VARDEN 3.8.1 Abstract One hundred fourteen Dolly Varden, Salvelinus malma, were collected on the lower Susitna River from March through late September, 1981. Dolly Varden were collected at 23 habitat locations between Alexander Creek (R.M. 10.1) and Portage Creek (R.M. 148.8). Peak catches of Dolly Varden were made in June and late September. The largest catch per unit effort for Dolly Varden were recorded at the mouths of tributary streams such as Portage Creek (R.M. 148.8), Kashwitna River (R.M. 61.0), and Sheep Creek (R.M. 66.1). The mean fork length for Dolly Varden. ca.ptured in the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon was 196 mm. Dolly Varden sampled by minnow traps in upper Indian River and Portage Creek had a mean length of 94 mm. Fifty-nine Dolly Varden were tagged with numbered Flay anchor tags to monitor their movements in the Susitna River. 3.8.2 Introduction Dolly Varden, Salvelinus malma Walbaum are distributed throughout Alaska where the species occupies aquatic habitats ranging from coasta 1 streams to 1 akes and streams 1 ocated far inland. Dolly Varden occur as both anadromous and freshwater resident forms. In the upper reaches of many streams and in numerous mountain lakes there exists isolated populations of stunted, dwarf Dolly Varden. These fish, locally referred to as golden fins, rarely exceed 270 millimeters fork length but there have been specimens reported to reach up to 12 years of age (Morrow, 1980). The Dolly Varden exhibits as much color E-3-107 variation as the degree to which it's habitat varies. In salt water, it is silvery; in cold headwater mountain streams, it tends to have bright orange or red spots. Body conformity varies from slim in mountainous streams to full bodied in the anadromous populations. Dolly Varden reach sexual maturity at Age IV to Age VII and normally spawn in swift clearwater streams during the fall of the year. The diet of Dolly Varden varies considerably, however Morrow ( 1980) indicates that stream populations feed primarily on insects, spiders, annelids, snails, clams, fish eggs, and various small fishes. Dolly Varden are known to eat salmon eggs and salmon fry; however, the extent to which this occurs on the Susitna River is not currently known. 3.8.3 Methods Dolly Varden were captured using minnow traps, trotlines, gillnets, fish traps and hook and line. All specimens captured were measured for fork length in mi 11 imeters. Active adults were tagged with Flay anchor tags. Scales were collected from approximately 50 fish for age analysis but the majority were unreadable. 3.8.4 Results and Discussion Distribution and Relative Abundance November through May sampling within the Susitna River, from Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon, produced a catch of two Dolly Varden. One was taken by gillnet from Little Willow Creek; one was taken by trot line at River Mile 84.0. E-3-108 Dolly Varden were collected at a total of 52 percent of the habitat locations in the Cook Inlet to Talkeetna reach during June to September 1981. The occurrence of Dolly Varden in habitat location catches by a two week period varied from a low of eight percent in the last two weeks of August to a high of 20 percent in the last two weeks of September (Figure E.3.8.1). Tributary stream mouth habitat locations produced the most consistent catches of Dolly Varden with the highest catches occurring at the mouth of Portage Creek (R.M. 148.8) (Appendix Table EB-8) in early June. Dolly Varden were collected at a total of 59 percent of the habitat locations in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach. During June to September the occur- rence of Dolly Varden in habitat location catches varied from a high of 21 percent in June to a 1 ow of no catches in July. Catches of Dolly Varden occurred again in August and September (Figure E.3.8.2). A total of 17 Dolly Varden were captured in habitat locations at the mouths of Indian River and Portage Creek~ and a selected fish habitat site at the mouth of Billion Slough produced 7 of the 17 fish captured. Other sites produced maximum catches of only one Dolly Varden. The higher incidence of Dolly Varden catches during July coincided with the peak migration periods of pink~ chum, and sockeye salmon. The higher incidence of catches during September can be attributed to two factors: Dolly Varden moving into their spawning areas within the clearwater tributaries~ and the beginning of outmigration into their wintering habitat. E-3-109 fT1 I w I 1--' 1--' 0 -~---·-------20 DOLLY VARDEN p E R 15 c E N T I 10 N c I 0 E 5 N c E o+n-I I I I I I l JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER Figure E.3.8.1. Percent incidence of Dolly Varden captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Talkeetna, June to September, 1981. rn I ~ I ~ ~ ~ 30 DOLLY VARDEN. p E R c E 20 N T I N c I 10 0 E N c E 0 JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER figure E.3.8.2. Percent incidence of Dolly Varden captured at habitat· location sites on the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon, June to.September, 1981. Small Dolly Varden (mean length of 94 mm) were captured in upper Portage Creek and upper Indian River. Slightly larger individuals were observed around the miniow traps, but, due to their larger size, were unable to enter the traps. Catch and catch per unit effort by site and date are shown in Table E.3.8.1. Sexually mature fish were found in September and October. Dolly Varden displaying spawning behavior were observed October 2nd in upper Indian River. Length Frequency Fork lengths were recorded from 89 Dolly Varden in the Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon habitat 1 ocati ons. Lengths ranged from 49mm to 407mm with a mean of 196mm. The majority of the lengths were found in the 90-180mm range (Figure E.3.8.3). The lengths of 127 Dolly Varden collected at upper Indian River and Portage Creek sites ranged from 62mm to 135mm with a mean of 94mm. Tagging A total of 59 Dolly Varden were tagged with Flay anchor tags in the Cook In1et to Devil Canyon reach; 47 from Cook Inlet to Talkeetna and 12 from Talkeetna to Devil Canyon (Table E.3.8.2). No recaptures have been recorded. E-3-112 Round 1 2 I'T1 I w I 1-' 1-' w 3 TOTAL Table £.3.8.1. Dolly Varden catch and catch per unit effort (CPUE} by habitat location sites, upper Indian River and upper Portage Creek helio surveys, June to October, 1981. Indian River Portage Creek Site RM Catch CPUE/Trap Site RM Catch 1 2.7 0 0.00 1 4.5 1 2 7.2 0 0.00 2 9.2 3 3 12.0 0 0.00 3 1~.6 3 1 2.7 4 0.50 1 4.5 28 2 7.2 16 l. 78 2 9.2 41 . 3 12.0 22 2.20 3 15.6 35 1 2.7 0 0.00 1 4.5 3 2 7.2 1 0.14 2 9.2 7 3 12.0 7 1.00 3 15.6 6 1 2.7 4 0.17 1 4.5 32 2 7.2 17 0.64 2 9.2 51 3 12.0 29 1.07 3 15.6 44 50 127 CPUE 0.02 0.15 0.15 2.80 4.10 3.50 0.30 0.70 0.60 1.04 1.65 1.42 IT1 I w I ....... ....... .j:::. 25 >-20 u z w =:) 0 w Ci lL ~ 15 10 5 0 I 0 n I 45 I 90 I 135 I I 80 225 LENGTri I 270 Cmm) I 315 I 360 I 405 I 450 figure E.3.8,3, Length frequency composition of Dolly Varden captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna,River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon~ June to October~ 1981. Table E.3.8.2. Dolly Varden, summary of tagging data on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, May to October, 1981. NUMBER OF FISH TAGGED Tagging Habitat Selected Fish Susitna River Reach Periods Fishwheel locations Habitats Total Cook Inlet to Talkeetna 5/1-5/15 0 2 0 2 5/16-5/31 0 0 0 0 6/1-6/15 0 0 0 0 6/16-6/30 0 11 0 11 7/1-7/15 0 12 0 12 7/16-7/31 0 5 0 5 8/1-8/15 0 11 0 11 8/16-8/31 0 0 0 0. 9/1-9/1.5 1 0 0 1 9/16-9/31 0 2 3 5 rn Subtotal 1 43 . 3 47 I I ........ ~lkeetna to Devil Canyon 5/1-5/15 0 0 0 0 5/16-6/31 0 0 0 0 6/1-6/15 0 0 0 0 6/16-6/30 0 0 0 0 7/1-7/15 0 0 0 0 7/16-7/31 0 0 0 0 8/1-8/15 0 0 0 0 8/16-8/31 2 0 0 2 9/1-9/15 3 1 0 4 9/16-9/30 0 2 4 6 Subtotal 5 3 4 12 TOTALS 6 46 7 59 3.9 THREESPINE STICKLEBACK 3.9.1 Abstract Threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus L., were widespread and abundant at habitat locations in the Susitna River below Devil Canyon during the early summer. The catch in minnow traps at habitat locations generally declined after late June. The 28,953 sticklebacks captured during the course of this study were collected at 37 of the 44 habitat locations. The highest catches per unit effort were recorded at Slough 6A {R.M. 112.3), Alexander Creek (R.M. 10.1), Kroto Slough (R.M. 30.1) and Sunshine Creek (R.M. 85.7). Threespine sticklebacks were caught at a site two miles below the confluence of Portage Creek (R.M. 146.9), which is fifty miles further upriver than previously reported. Total lengths of fish captured ranged from 18 to 96 mm with a mean of 79 mm. Length frequency analysis showed the presence of 0+, I+, and II+ age classes. 3.9.2 Introduction The threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus L., is widely distributed in the northern hemisphere with the exception of the arctic coasts of Siberia and North America (Scott and Crossman, 1973). It occurs in both fresh and salt water and usually is not found more than a few hundred kilometers from the coast. In Alaska, the threespine stickleback occurs in all coastal areas from Dixon Entrance to Bristol Bay, on the Seward Pen1nsula, on St. Lawrence Island, and in Simpson Lagoon on the arctic coast (Morrow, 1980). E-3-116 Three forms are generally recognized within the Gasterosteus acul eatus complex (McPhail and Lindsey, 1970). There is a partially plated freshwater form (called leiurus), a heavily plated marine form (trachurus), and an inter- mediate form (semiarmatus). Threespine stickleback generally inhabit shallow areas in bays, estuaries, and rivers, often in association with aquatic vegetation. Wintering areas tend to be in deeper waters. Stickleback feed mainly on small crustaceans and insects and are fed upon themselves by birds and other fish. · There has been concern regarding the threespine stickleback as a potential competitor with sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) fry but recent studies (Cannon, 1981; Wooton, 19~6) have indicated that competition to the detriment of sockeye fry does not often occur. There is evidence, in artificial situations such as the reclamation and re-stocking of lakes with stocks of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) not accustomed to sharing habitat with stickleback, that the presence of stickleback may be detrimenta 1 to the trout population ( Enge 1, 1971). Three age classes are present in most populations of threespine stickleback in the summer. Sexual maturity is generally reached at age II but may be reached at age I or even age 0. Breeding occurs in the spring and summer and is characterized by an elaborate courtship ritual in which the strongly terri- torial male constructs a nest on the bottom, induces a female to deposit eggs within the nest, and then tends the fertilized eggs. The eggs hatch in one to two weeks. Fecundity ranges from 50 to 200 eggs per spawning. Both sexes may spawn more than once during a season. There is often a high mortality after spawning (Cannon 1981; Wooton, 1976). E-3-117 3.9.3 Methods Threespine stickle.back were collected with minnow traps of either 3.2mm (one-eight inch) or 6.4 mm (one-quarter inch) mesh size baited with salmon eggs and placed at each habitat location. Sticklebacks were also taken by beach seine and dip net. Stickleback captured were measured for total length in millimeters (mm) and then released. 3.9.4 Results and Discussion Distribution and Relative Abundance The 28,953 threespine sticklebacks collected during this study were captured at 37 (84 percent) of the 44 habitat locations in the Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River, from Alexander Creek (RM 10.1) to the Mainstem Su Island Site (RM 146.9). The fish captured at R.M. 146.9 repre- sents a range extension from that reported by Scott and Crossman (1973) and Morrow (1980), who indicate a range extending up the Susitna River only to a point below the confluence of the Talkeetna River. The number of habitat locations producing threespine stickleback was highest in June, 84 percent, and declined steadily to 16 percent in September. This is an indication of movement during spring months for spawning. All habitat locations in the Cook Inlet to Talkeetna reach, except Goose Creek 2, produced stickleback. Twelve of the 17 habitat locations in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach produced catches (Figures E.3.9.1 and E.3.9.2). E-3-118 rn I w I ...... ...... I.D 100 -THREESPINE STICKLEBACK - -p E - A 75 c ..... - E - N - T - - I 50 - N .- c - I - 0 - E 25 - N -c - E -- 0 l T I . I I T T I I JUNE JULI AUGUST SEPTEMBER Figure £.3.9.1. Percent incidence of threespine stickleback captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Talkeetna, June to September~ 1981. fT'I I w I I--' N a 80 THAEESPINE STICKLEBACK - p - E A 60 c - E 'N -T I 40 - N c -I 0 E 20 - N c E - 0 I I I I I I I I I JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER Figure E,3.9.2. Percent incidence of threespine stickleback captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon, June to September, 1981. Catch per unit effort rates in the Cook Inlet to Talkeetna reach were higher overall, than those in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach, with as high as 88.4 stickleback per trap at Anderson Creek and 77.3 stickleback per trap at Slough 6A during June (Appendix Tab1e EB-9). Age, Sex, and Length Composition Total lengths were recorded from 2,273 threespine stickleback. Lengths ranged from 18 to 96mm with a mean of 79.2mm. The length frequency (Figure E.3.9.3) shows the presence of three age classes (0+, I+, and II+) with the length ranges of the respective age classes being 0-40mm, 40-70mm, 70-100mm. Sexually mature stickleback were all in the 70-100mm length range (Age II+). No sex information was collected. E-3-121 >-u z 50 40 w 30 =:J 0 w ~ 20 LL 0 Age 0+ .......__....., Age II t I 0 I 10 I 20 I 30 I 40 50 LENGTH I I I 60 70 Cmm) I 80 I 90 figure E.3.9.3. len~th frequency composition of threespine stickleback captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon~ June to October~ 1981. I 100 3.10 COTTI DS 3.10.1 Abstract The slimy sculpin, Cottus congnatus Richardson, was captured at 41 of the 44 habitat locations in the Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon reach on the Susitna River. Mouths of clearwater tributaries provided the largest catch per unit effort. Total lengths were measured on 476 slimy sculpins and the mean length was calculated to be 69.7 mm. 3.10.2 Introduction All sculpin species captured in the Susitna River have been consolidated under the general heading of cottids. The slimy sculpin, Cottus congnatus Richardson, is the major sculpin species found within the Susitna River drainage. There is a possibility that the coastal range sculpin, Cottus aleuticus Gilbert, the sharpnose sculpin, Clinocottus acuticeps Gilbert, and the Pacific staghorn scuTpin, Leptocottus armatus Girard, may also be present in the lower Susitna River. The slimy sculpin range covers all of Alaska, most of Canada, and as far south as Virginia. It also extends to the extreme northeastern reaches of Siberia (Scott and Crossman 1973). Investigations into the life history of slimy sculpins by Morrow (1980) indicate that these small bottom-dwelling fish are tadpole shaped with a rounded caudal fin and vary in color from solid brown to a mottled gray-green. E-3-123 Two distinguishing marks are double chinpores and a short lateral line ending midway under the second dorsal fin. Slimy sculpin mature between Age II and IV and can live to Age VII (Craig and Wells, 1976). Spawning occurs in spring at breakup. The male picks the nest site which is usually in shallow water with a sandy substrate. The fema 1 e 1 ays an average of 150 to 600 eggs. More than one female may spawn in a nest~ but only one male will fertilize the eggs. The incubation time for the eggs is about 30 days. Slimy sculpin feed mainly on insect larvae, nymphs, and fish larvae. 3.10.3 Methods Cottids were collected with baited minnow traps, beach seines and electro- shockers. All but two percent of the cottids captured were caught in minnow traps. All cottid lengths were measured as total length in millimeters (mm). 3.10.4 Results and Discussion Distribution and Relative Abundance Cottids were captured at 40 (91%) of the 44 habitat locations in the Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River between November, 1980 and October, 1981. The percentage of habitat locations producing catches in the Cook Inlet to·Talkeetna reach ranged from a high of 70 percent in late August to a low of 42 percent in late July (Figure E.3.10.1). For the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach there was a high of 76 percent in early July and a low of 35 percent in late September (Figure E.3.10.2). E-3-124 [TJ I w I I--' N 0"1 80 COTTID --·········. ··-··------------------. p E A 70 c E N T I 60 N c I 0 E 50 N c E 40 I I I I I I I I JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER ~-------~~····------··---------···-··-·----~---------·------------~ Figure E.3.10.1. Percent incidence of cottids captured at habitat locat·ions on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Talkeetna, ·June to September, 1981. ITl I w I ....... N 0'1 80 COTTID - p E - R c E 60 N - T I - N c I l!O 0 - E N c - E 20 I I JUNE I ' I I . JULY AUGUST 1 1 I SEPTEMBER Figure E.3,10.2. Percent incidence of cottids captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon, June to September~ 1981. Cottid catches per unit effort are shown in Appendix Table EB-10. Habitat 1 ocati ons associ a ted with clearwater tributaries consistently produced the highest catches per unit effort, with a high at Birch Creek (RM 89.2) in early July of 2.0 cottid per trap. Age, Length, and Sex Composition Total lengths were recorded from 476 cottids. Lengths ranged from 22-118mm, with a mean of 69.7mm. Approximately one half of the specimens examined were in the 65-85mm range with 13 percent in the 70-75mm range (Figure E.3.10.3}. No age or sex data was obtained. E.-3-127 >-u z w =:) 0 w ~ LL I'T'1 I w ~ I 1--' N 00 25 20 15 10 5 0 I 0 I 12 I 24 I 36 I 48 60 LENGTH I I 72 84 Cmm) t 96 I 108 I 120 figure E.3.10.3, Length frequency composition of cottids captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to October, 1981. 3~11 ARCTIC LAMPREY 3.11.1 Abstract Forty Arctic 1 amprey, Lal'npetra j aponi ca Martens, were captured at 14 habitat location sites between Alexander Creek (R.M. 10.1) and Whiskers Creek (R.M. 101.4) during the period June through September. The widest distribution was recorded in early September when 1 ampreys were present at 5 of the 18 habitat locations below Talkeetna. Lengths ranged from 115 to 315 mm. Thirty one percent of the 41 Arctic lampreys captured were greater than 183 mm in length and are presumed to be the anadromous form as the strictly freshwater form does not attain this size. 3.11.2 Introduction The Arctic lamprey, Lampetra japonica Martens, one of four lamprey species found in Alaska, was observed in studies conducted on the Susitna River in 1981. Pacific lamprey, Entosphenics tridentatus Gairdner, is a strictly anadromous species and has been reported to range into the lower Susitna River (Morrow, 1980). No specimens of this species were observed during this study. The Arctic lamprey is distributed in Alaska from the Kenai Peninsula north and in the arctic waters of. Canada, Norway, Siberia, the Kamchatka Peninsula, Japan, and Korea (Scott and Grossmann, 1973). The Arctic lamprey is identifiable by a long, cylindrical, eel-like body with . . seven pairs of gill openings, an oral sucker, and a single median nostril on E-3-129 the dorsal side of the head. The posterior portion of the body has two dorsal fins and a small anal fin (Morrow, 1980). Spawning occurs in spring in str.eam areas of low to moderate flow with both sexes participating in nest building. Females lay up to 100,000 eggs in small gravel substrate. The sex of Arctic lampreys can be determined by visual observation. The male is distinguished by higher dorsal fins, no obvious anal fin, and the presence of genital papilla. After several weeks in the gravel, the eggs develop into a larvae stage (ammocoete) which spends one to four years burrowed into the soft substrate feeding on microscopic plants and animals (Buchwald, 1968). The ammocoetes undergo metamorphosis in the fall and migrate as young adults to the sea, or to lakes and larger rivers. After an indefinite period, the adults migrate upstream to spawn. Some popu.lations of Arctic lampreys are composed of both anadromous and completely freshwater fonns. The anadromous form is parasitic and attaches itself to the host by an oral sucker, penetrating the scales and skin with its rasping teeth to draw body fluids and b 1 ood from the host. Hosts for this species include adult salmon, trout, whitefish, ciscoes, longnose suckers, burbot, and threespine stickleback. (Heard, 1966). The freshwater form has been reported as parasitic (Heard, 1966) and non-parasitic (McPhail and Lindsey, 1970). E-3-130 The freshwater form of Arctic lamprey rarely exceeds 180 mm in length. The anadromous form in the United States reaches up to 410 mm in length while individuals 625 mm long have been reported in the USSR (Scott and Crossmann, 1973). 3 .11.3 Methods All arctic lamprey were captured in minnow traps baited with preserved salmon roe. Catch per unit effort values are expressed as catch per trap day. 3.11.4 Results and Discussion Distribution and Relative Abundance Forty-one Arctic lamprey were captured at 14 habitat location sites, between RM 10.1 and RM 101.4, sampled from November, 1980, through September, 1981. Tab 1 e E. 3 .11.1 presents the catch per unit effort for Arctic 1 amprey by habitat location site and date for· those sites which captured this species. Rustic Wilderness (RM 58.1) was the only habitat location site to produce Arctic lamprey during the winter surveys. One lamprey was captured at this site. A 11 other 1 amprey were co 11 ected during the summer surveys. The highest catch was recorded at ~Jhiskers Creek (RM 101.4) in early July where 0.5 lampreys per trap were captured. It is presumed that these lampreys were all ammocoetes as they had an estimated length of 70 mm, and all were captured in a single trap which had become buried in the silt. Figure E.3.11.1 presents the percent of habitat location sites sampled between Cook E-3-131 Table E.3.11.1. Arctic lamprey, catch per unit effort at habitat location sites on the Susitna River, January to September, 1981. River Catch per Habitat Location Site Mile Stud:t: Period N trap day Rustic Wilderness 58.1 January 1 0.1 Alexander Creek A 10.1 June 1-15 2 0.2* Montana Creek 77.0 June 16-30 1 0.1 Anderson Creek 23.8 July 1-15 I O.I Mid Kroto Slough 36.3 July 1-15 1 0.1 Goose Creek 1 72.0 July 1-15 1 0.1 Whiskers Creek 101.4 July 1-15 10 0,5 Oeshka River C 40.6 July 16-31 2 0.1 Montana Creek 77.0 July 16-31 1 0.1 Mainstem Slough 31.0 August 1-15 2 0 .I* Little Willow Creek 50.5 August 16-31 1 0.1 Goose Creek 1 72.0 August 16-31 1 0.1 Montana Creek 77.0 August 16-31 3 0.2 Whiskers Creek 101.4 August 16-31 1 0.1 Alexander Creek B 10.1 September 1-15 2 0.2* Alexander Creek C 10.1 September 1-15 1 0.1 * Deshka River A 40.1 September 1-15 1 0.1* Deshka River B 40.6 September 1-15 1 0.1 Little Willow Creek 50.5 September 1-15 7 0.4 Goose Creek 1 72.0 September 16-31 1 0.1 * Arctic lamprey measured greater than 180 mm. E-3-132 30 ARCTIC LRMPREI - - p - E A - c - E 20 N - T - - I I'T1 N - I c w I - ....... I 10 w w 0 - E - N -c E - - 0 I I I I I I I I -1 JUNE JULI AUGUST SEPTEMBER figure E.3.ll,l. Percent incidence of Arctic lamprey captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna Rivr ~en Cook Inlet and Talkeetna, June to September, 1981. Inlet and Talkeetna which produced lamprey from June through September, 1981. The highest frequency was recorded during the September 1 to 15 sampling period when 27.8 percent of all sites surveyed produced lamprey. All pro- ductive habitat location sites surveys during this period occurred at tribu- tary sites downstream of river mile 50.5. The lowest incidence of capture for this species, 3.7 percent, was observed in the July 16-31 sampling period. Age, Length, and Sex Composition The percent length frequency distribution for measured Arctic lamprey is presented in Figure E.3.11.2. Thirty-one percent of all Arctic lampreys measured ranged from 183 to 320 mm. This range is above the maximum recorded length for the strictly freshwater stock of Arctic lamprey reported by Scott and Crossmann (1973) and McPhail and Lindsey (1970). It is presumed that these large 1 ampreys were the anadromous form. No necropsies were performed to determine sexual maturity. All lampreys greater than 180 mm in length were captured downstream of river mile 40.6. E-3-134 rr1 I w I 1-1 w c..n >-u z 25 20 w 15 :::::) 0 w £Y 10 LL 5 0 I I I nn I I I I I I I 0 35 70 105 140 175 210 245 280 315 350 LENGTH Cmm) Figure E.3.11.2. Length frequency composition of Arctic lamprey captured at habitat location sites on the Susitna River between Cook Inlet and Devil Canyon, June to September, 1891. 3.12 NORTHERN PIKE 3.12.1 Abstract One nine year old female northern pike, Esox lucius L., measuring 715 mm fork length was captured in Kroto Slough (R.M. 36.3) on September 11, 1981. Northern pike are expanding their range from the Bulchitna Lake area and this is the first one recorded in the mainstem Susitna River. 3.12.2 Introduction Northern pike, Esox lucius Linnaeus, is a freshwater fish having a circumpolar distribution in the northern hemisphere and a southern range to Nebraska in the United States and into northern Italy in Europe (Scott and Crossman, 1973). Pike are an important commercial species in Canada and are prized as a sport fish in many other areas. Northern pike are distinguished by a long, flat, duck-bill snout with a large mouth and sharp teeth, and an extreme posterior positioning of the dorsal and anal fins. Pike characteristically inhabit clear, warm areas of rivers and lakes having low velocities and heavy emergent vegetation. Spawning occurs immediately following breakup in the spring in heavily vege- tated shallow waters of marshes, rivers and lakes. Up to 600,000 demersal, adhesive eggs are randomly scattered and settle on aquatic plants and the substrate. Young pike merge in one to two weeks and feed on zooplankton and sma 11 aquatic insects fa 11 owing the absorption of the yo 1 k sac. Sma 11 fish E-3-136 soon enter the diet of juvenile northern pike and become the predominant food source as the pike reach 50 mm in length. Northern pike reach a length of 150 mm by the end of the first summer and this rapid growth continues through the first three years of life. A. slower length increase and faster weight increase is observed following sexual maturity. In northern waters, growth rates are less than those recorded in southern areas but an increased longevity is observed (Morrow, 1980). Morrow reports that northern pike have been reported to 1 ive up to 26 years and attain weights up to 60 pounds. However he a 1 so states that unconfirmed reports of fish weighing up to 170 pounds have been ·recorded. Northern pike were illegally transplanted into the Susitna River drainage during the 1950's by private individuals and have been reported in Bulchitna Lake, Hewitt Lake, and Whiskey Lake, in the Yentna River drainage (Kubik, personal communication). 3.12.3 Methods One northern pike was captured September 11, 1981 in a gillnet set overnight, 500 feet upstream of the mouth in Kroto Slough (RM 30.1). 3.12.4 Results and Discussion E-3-137 Age, Length, and Sex Composition The northern pike captured was a female measuring 715 mm fork length. Scale analysis indicated the fish to be nine years old. This is the first northern pike recorded in the mainstem Susitna River. They have been expanding their range from the Bulchitna Lake area in recent years. E-3-138 4. LITERATURE CITED Alt, K.T. 1971. Distribution, movements, age and growth, and taxonomic status of whitefish (Coregonus sp.) in the Tanana-Yukon drainage and North Slope. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration Study. Annual Progress Report. Project F-9-3, Job R-II-F. 12:19-31. Alt, K.T. 1973. Contributions to the biology of the Bering cisco (Coregonus laurettae) in Alaska. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 30 (12-1): 1885-1888. Alt, K.T. 1979. Contributions to the life history of the humpback whitefish in Alaska. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 108(2): 156-160. Andrews, R.E. 1970. The Arctic grayling in Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Wildlife Notebook Series, Fishes: No. 2. Armstrong, R.H. 1971. Life history of Dolly Varden. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Fed. Aid. Fish. Restor., Ann. Progress Rept., Project F-9-3, Rept. R-IV-A. 12:1-11. Armstrong, R.H., and J.E. Morrow, 1980. The Dolly Varden charr. Pages 99-140 ..1.!!. E.K. Balon (ed}. Charrs: salmon fishes of the genus Salvelinus. W. Junk, The Hague, Netherlands. E-4-1 Bailey, M.E. 1969. Age, growth, reproduction, and food of the burbot, Lata lata Linnaeus, in southwestern Lake Superior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser. Ashland, Wis. p. 667-674. Barrett. B.M., 1975a. December investigations on the upper Susitna River watershed between Devil Canyon and Chulitna River. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Commercial Fisheries (unpublished). 8 p. Barrett, B.M., 1975b. January investigations in the upper Susitna River watershed between Devil Canyon and Chulitna River. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Commercial Fisheries (unpublished). 10 p. Barrett, B.M., 1975c. February investigations in the upper Susitna River watershed between Devil Canyon and Chulitna River. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Commercial Fisheries (unpublished). 10 p. Berg, L.D. 1948. Freshwater fishes of the U.S.S.R. and adjacent countries. Guide to the fauna of the U.S.S.R. No. 27. Vol. 1, 4th ed. Akad. Nauk. SSSR Zool. Inst., Moscow. 1962 Translation. Office of Technical Services, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 504 pp. Blackburn, J.E. 1978. Pelagic and demersal fish assessment in the lower Cook Inlet estuary system. Annual Report. ·Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 293 pp. E-4-2 Blackett, R.F. 1969. Spawning behavior and early life history of anadromous Dolly Varden, Salvelinus malma (Walbaum), in southeastern Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Res. Rept. 6:1-85. Budd, J. 1957. Movements of tagged whitefish in northern Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 86:128-134. Cannon, R. 1981. Summer feeding and di stributi anal behavior of threes pine stickleback, Gasterosteus acul eatus, in Lower Jean Lake, Alaska, 1974. M.S. Thesis, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Chen, L.C. 1969. The biology and taxonomy of the burbot, Lata lata leptura, in interior Alaska, Dept. of Wildlife Manag. Univ. of Alaska, Nu. 11:1-51. Craig, P.C., and J. Wells. 1976. Life history notes for a population of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) in a.n Alaskan arctic stream. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada. 33(7):1639-1642. Delaney, K.J., K. Hepler, and K. Roth. 1981. Deshka River chinook and coho salmon study. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration, Project AFS-49, Vol. 22. Engel, L.J. 1971. Evaluation of sport fish stocking on the Kenai Peninsula- Cook Inlet areas. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Federal A;.d in Fish Restoration, Annual Report of Progress, 1970-1971. Project F-9-3, Job No. G-II-F. Vol. 12:1-34. E-4-3 Engel, L.J. and D.A. Watsjold. 1978. Fisheries studies prepared for the Alaska Capital Site Planning Commission. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish. 122 pp. Furniss, R.A. 1974. Inventory and cataloging of Arctic area waters. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Fed. Aid Fish Restor., Ann. Performance Rept. Project F-9-6, Job G-I-1, 15:1-45. Green, G.H., T.H. Northcote, G.F. Hartman, and C.C. Lindsey. 1966. Life histories of two species of catostomid fishes in Sixteenmile Lake, British Columbia, with particular reference to inlet stream spawning. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 23(11):1761-1788. Hanson, M., and S.U. Qadri. 1979. Morphology and diet of young-of-the~year burbot, Lata lata, in the Ottawa River. Dept. of Biol, Univ. of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario. Vol. 94:311-314. Heard, W.R. 1966. Observations on lampreys in the Naknek River system of southwest Alaska. Copeia 1966 (2):332-339. Hewson, L.C. 1955. Age, maturity, spawning, and food of burbot, Lata lota, in Lake Winnipeg. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada. 12(6):930-940. E-4-4 Kennedy, W.A. 1953. Growth, maturity, fecundity and mortality in the rela- tively unexpl oited whitefish, Coregonus cl upeaformi s, of Great Slave Lake. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada. 10(7):413-441. Kepler, P.P. 1973. Population studies of northern pike and whitefish in the Minto Flats complex with emphasis on the Chatanika River. Alaska Depart- ment of Fish and Game. Federa 1 Aid in Fish Restoration Study. Annua 1 Progress Report. Project F-9-5, Job G-II-J. 14:59-81. Kogl, D.R. 1971. Monitoring and evaluation of Arctic waters with emphasis on the North Slope drainages: Colville River study. Alaska Deptartment of Fish and Game. Fed. Aid Fish Restor., Ann. Progress Rept., Project F-9-3, Job G-III-A. 12:23-61. Kubik, S., and R.D. Wadman. 1978. Inventory and cataloging of sport-fish waters of the lower Susitna River and central Cook Inlet drainages. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Fed. Aid in Fish Restor., Annual Report of Progress, 1978-1979, Project F-9-11, 20{G-I-H). 21 pp. Lindsey, C.C. 1956. Distribution and taxonomy of fishes in the Mackenzie drainage of British Columbia. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada. 13(6):759-789. McCart, P., P. Craig, and H. Bain 1972. Report on fisheries investigations in the Sagavanirktok River and neighboring drainages. Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. 165 pp. E-4-5 McCrimmon, H.R. 1959. Observations on spawning of burbot in Lake Simcoe, Ontario. J. Wildl. Mgt. 23(4):447-449. ~kLean, R.F., and K.J. Delaney. i978. Alaska's fisheries atlas. Vol. 2. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 43 pp + 153 maps. McPhail, J.D. 1966. The Coregonus autummalis complex in Alaska and north- western Canada. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada. 23(1):141-148. McPhail, J.D., and C. C. Lindsey. 1970. Freshwater fishes of northwestern Canada and Alaska. Bull. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 173. 381 pp. Mills, M.J. 1980. Alaska statewide harvest study -1980 data. Alaska Depart- ment of Fish and Game. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration and Anadromous Fish Studies, Annual Performance Report. Study No. SW-1, Job No. SW-I-A, Vol. 22:1-31. Morrow, J.E. 1980. The freshwater fishes of Alaska. Alaska Northwest Pub- lishing Company, Anchorage. 248 pp. Pearse, G.A. 1974. A study of typical spring fed streams of interior Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Annual Performance Report. Project F-9-6, Job G-III-G. 15:1-29. Reed, R.J. 1964. Life history and migration patterns of Arctic grayling, Thymallus arcticus (Pallas), in the Tanana River drainage of Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Res. Report 2:1-20. E-4-6 Reed, R.J. 1976. Age and growth of Prince of Wales, Alaska, Dolly Varden, Salvelinus malma (Walbaum), and rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri (Richard- son). Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 96(2):223-224. Riis, J.C. and N.V. Friese. 1978. Fisheries and habitat investigations of the Susitna River-A preliminary study of potential impacts of the Devil Canyon and Watana hydroelectric projects. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport and Commercial Fisheries. 116 pp. Roguski, E.A., and E. Komarek, Jr. 1971. Monitoring and evaluation of Arctic waters with emphasis on North Slope drainages: Arctic wildlife range study. Alaska Dept. Fish Game Fed. Aid Fish Restor., Ann. Progress Report., Project F-9-3, Job G-111-A, 12:1-22. Scott, W.B., and E.J. Crossman. 1973. Freshwater fishes of Canada. Bull. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 184. Ottawa. 966 pp. T.E.S. (Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc.). 1981. Life history and ecology of selected fishes that occur in the Susitna River. Phoenix, New York. 59 pp. Townsend, A.J., and P.P. Kepler. 1974. Population studies of northern pike and whitefish in the Minto Flats complex with emphasis on the Chatanika River. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Federal Aid in Fish Restor- ation. Annual Performance Report. Project F-9-6, Job G-11-J. 15:59-79. E-4-7 Vascotts, G.L. 1970. Summer ecology and behavior of the grayling of McManus Creek, Alaska. M.S. Thesis, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. 132 pp. Volodin, V.M., and M.N. Ivanova. 1969. Way of life, growth and feeding of the young burbot in Rybinsk Reservoir. Fishery Res. Bd. of Sport Fishery and Wi1dl. Wash. D.C. p. 1-14. Watsjold, .D.A. 1977. Inventory, cataloging and population sampling of the sport fish and sport fish waters in the upper Cook Inlet. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Fed. Aid Fish Restor. Annual Report of Progress, 1976-1977. Project F-9-9, Vol. 18, No. G-1-D. 48 pp. Williams, F.J. 1968. Inventory and cataloging of sport fish and sport fish waters of the Copper River and Prince William Sound drainages, and the upper Susitna River. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration Study. Annual Progress Report 1967-1968, Project F-5-R-9, Job 14-A. 9:241-256. Wootton, R.J. 1976. The biology of the sticklebacks. Academic Press, London. 387 pp. Yoshihara, H.T. 1973. Monitoring and evaluation of Arctic waters with empha- sis on North Slope drainages. A. Some life history of Arctic char. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Fed. Aid Fish Restor., Ann. Progress Rept., Project F-9-5, study G-III-A, 14:1-63. E-4-8 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was funded by the State of Alaska, Alaska Power Authority. It was conducted by the following Alaska Department of Fish and Game staff biologists: Kevin Delaney, Project Leader Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Fisheries Project Drew Crawford Larry Dugan Stephen Hale Karl Kuntz Bob Marshall James Mauney James Quinn Kent Roth Paul Suchanek Richard Sundet Mike Stratton E-5-1 Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. SAMPLE Alexander JAN MAR E JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG E SEP Alexander JAN MAR E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG E SEP MINNOW TRP (CTCH/TRP) TROT LINE (CTCH/LNE) GILL NET (CTCH/24H) HOOK&LINE (CTCH/HR) BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) Creek Site A, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. o.o. S/15N/07W/06/DCA X X 0 0 0 ·x X X 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 Creek Site B, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 2.0, S/16N/07W/32/CCB 0 X 0 0 0 X X X X 0 X X 0 X 0 X X 0 X 0 X X 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Values - x indicate that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period o indicate that this gear type was not utilized during the sampling period DIP NET (CTCH) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) GILL NET (CTCH/24H) HOOK&LINE (CTCH/HR) BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) Alexander Creek Site C, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 4.0, S/16N/07W/30/ACD L JUN X X 0 0 0 E JUL X X 0 0 X L JUL X X 0 0 0 E AUG X X 0 0 0 L AUG X X 0 0 0 E SEP X X X 0 X Anderson Creek, R.M. 23.8, S/17N/07W/29/DDD E JUN X X X 0 0 L JUN X X X 0 0 E JUL X X X 0 0 L JUL X X 0 0 0 E AUG X X 0 0 0 L AUG X X X 0 0 E SEP X X X 0 0 L SEP X X X 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Values - x indicate that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o indicate that this gear type was not utilized during the sampling period DIP NET (CTCH) 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. SAMPLE Kroto E JUN L JUN E JUt L JUL E AUG L AUG E SEP L SEP MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) Slough Mouth, R.M. 30.1, X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X GILL NET (CTCH/24H) T.R.M. 2.0, X 0 X X 0 0 X 0 HOOK&LINE (CTCH/HR.) BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) S/17N/07W/01/DBC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mainstem Slough, R.M. 31.0, S/17N/06W/05/CAB E JUN X 0 0 0 0 L JUN X X X 0 0 E JUL X X X 0 0 L JUL X X 0 0 0 E AUG X X 0 0 0 E SEP X X 0 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Values - x indicate that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 o indicate that this gear type was not utilized during the sampling period DIP NET (CTCH) 0 0 0 0 .o 0 0 ·o 0 0 0 0 0 0 Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period. and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981~ SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) GILL NET (CTCH/24H) HOOK&LINE (CTCH/HR) BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) Mid-Kroto Slough, R.M. 36.3, S/18N/06W/16/BBC E JUL X X X 0 X L JUL X X 0 0 0 E AUG X X 0 0 0 L AUG X X X 0 X E SEP X X 0 0 X L SEP X X X 0 0 Deshka River Site A, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 0.0~ S/19N/06W/35/BDA MAR X X X 0 0 MAY 0 0 X 0 0 L JUN X X 0 0 0 E JUL X X 0 0 0 L JUL X X 0 0 0 E AUG X X 0 0 0 L AUG X X 0 0 0 E SEP X X 0 0 0 L SEP X X X 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Values - x indicate that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o indicate that this gear type was not utilized during the sampling period DIP NET (CTCH) 0 0 0 0 ·o 0 0 0 0 0 .o 0 '·0 0 : 0 Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. SAMPLE Deshka MAR MAY L JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG E SEP L SEP Deshka MAR MAY E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG E SEP L SEP MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCU/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) River Site B, R.M. 40.6, X X X 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X River Site C, R.M. 40.6, X X 0 0 X x· X X X X X X X X X X GILL NET (CTCU/24H) T.R.M. 1.0, X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 X T.R.M. 3.5, 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 X HOOK&LINE (CTCH/UR) BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) S/19H/06W/26/BCB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 S/19H/06W/14/BCA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 Values - x indicate that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period o indicate that this gear type was not utilized during the sampling period DIP·NET (CTCH) 0 0 p p ·.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. SAMPLE Lower L JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG Little MAR L JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG E SEP · L SEP MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) Delta Island, R.M. 44.0, X X X X X X X X Willow Creek, R.M. 50.5, X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X GILL NET (CTCH/24H) HOOK&LINE (CTCH/HR) S/19N/05W/19/ACB X 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 S/20N/05W/27/AAD X 0 0 X 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 X X 0 0 Values - x indicate that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period · o indicate that this gear type was not utilized during the sampling period DIP·NET (CTCH) 9 .o 0 0 0 .P 0 0 ·o <? 0 0 Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type ori the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. SAMPLE Rustic NOV JAN MAR. MAY L JUN L JUL E AUG L AUG MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) GILL NET (CTCH/24H) HOOK&LINE (CTCH/HR) Wilderness • R.M. 58.1, S/21N/05W/25/CBD X 0 0 0 X X 0 0 X X X 0 X X X 0 X X 0 0 X X X 0 X X X 0 X X X 0 Kashwitna River, R.M. 61.0, S/21N/05W/13/AAA NOV X 0 0 0 DEC X X 0 0 MAY 0 0 0 0 L JUN X X 0 0 E JUL X X 0 0 L JUL X X X 0 E AUG X X 0 0 L AUG X X 0 0 L SEP X X X 0 E OCT 0 0 0 0 BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X Values - x indicate that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 o indicate that this gear type was not utilized during the sampling period DIP. NET (CT<;H) 0 0 ~ ·0 0 ·o 0. 0 0 0 0 Q 0 .o 0· 0 0 0 Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. SAMPLE Caswell NOV MAY L JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG L SEP E OCT Slough E AUG L AUG L SEP MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) GILL NET (CTCH/24H) Creek, R.M. 63.0. S/21N/04W/06/BDD X 0 0 X 0 X X X 0 X X 0 X X X X X 0 X X 0 X X X 0 0 0 West Bank, R.M. 65.6, S/22N/05W/27/ADC X X X X X 0 X X X HOOK&LINE (CTCH/HR) 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Values - x indicate that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period o indicate that this gear type was not utilized during the sampling period DIP·~ET (CTCU) 0 0 0 o. ·o 0 0 0 0 0 ·O 0 Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) GILL NET (CTCH/24H) HOOK&LINE (CTCH/BR) BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) Sheep Creek Slough, R.M. 66.1, S/22N/04W/30/BAB DEC X X 0 0 0 0 JAN X X 0 0 0 0 L JUN X X 0 0 0 0 E JUL X X X 0 0 0 L JUL X X 0 0 0 0 E AUG X X 0 o' 0 0 L AUG X X 0 0 0 0 L SEP X X X 0 0 X E OCT 0 0 0 0 0 X Goose Creek 1, R.M. 72.0, S/23N/04W/31/BBC L JUN X X 0 0 0 0 E JUL X X X 0 X 0 L JUL X X 0 0 0 0 E AUG X X 0 0 0 0 L AUG x. X 0 0 0 0 L SEP X X X 0 0 X Values - x in4icate that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period o'indicate that this gear type was not utilized during the sampling period 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 X DIP NET (CTCH) (j 0 0. a· G ·o ·o ·o. :o .0. 6 0 0 0 0 Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) GILL NET (CTCH/24H) HOOK&LINE (CTCH/HR) Goose Creek 2, R.M. 73.1, S/23N/04W/30/BBB L JUL X X 0 0 E AUG X X 0 0 L AUG X X 0 0 L SEP X X X 0 E OCT 0 0 0 0 Mainstem West Bank, R.M. 74.4, S/23N/05W/13/CCD FEB X X X 0 L JUN X X 0 0 E JUL X X X 0 L JUL X X X 0 E AUG X X X 0 L AUG X X 0 0 L SEP X X X 0 BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 X GILL DRFT . (CTCH/DRF) 0 0 0 0 0 •o 0 0 0 0 0 0 Values - x indicate that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period · o indicate that this gear type was not utilized during the sampling period DIP· NET (C~H) 0 ~ 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 ·o o· 0 Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. SAMPLE Montana NOV FEB MAR MAY L JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG E SEP L SEP E OCT ~ainstem NOV JAN FEB MAR APR E JUN L JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG . L AUG E SEP L SEP MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) GILL NET (CTCH/24H) Creek, R.M. 77.0, S/~3N/04W/07/ABA X 0 0 X X X X X 0 X X 0 X X 0 X X 0 X X 0 X X 0 X X 0 X X 0 X X 0 0 0 0 1, R.M. 84.0, S/24N/05W/10/DCC X 0 0 0 X 0 X X 0 X X 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 X X 0 X X 0 X X 0 X X X HOOK&LINE (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X GILL DRFT· (CTCH/DRF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Values - x indicate that this gea~ type was utilized during the sampling period o indicate th~t this ear t e was not utilized durin the sam lin eriod DIP .. NET (CTCH) '0 . ·o. 0 X 0. '0 0 Q .o 0 0 0 0 0 ·o ·a 0 0 0 0 0 ·o .o .o 0 Appendix Table E~ Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. SAMPLE Sunshine NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY EJUN L JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG E SEP L SEP MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) GILL NET (CTCH/24H) Creek, R.M. 85.7, S/24N/05W/14/AAB X 0 0 X 0 0 X X 0 X 0 0 X 0 X X 0 0 X 0 X X X X X X 0 X X 0 X X 0 X X 0 X X 0 X X 0 X X X HOOK&LINE (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Values -x indicate that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period o indicate that this gear type was not utilized during the sampling period DIP .. NET (GTCll) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 p. 0 0 0 ·o Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. SAMPLE Birch JAN E JUN L JUN E JUL L JUL .E AUG L AUG E SEP L SEP E OCT Birch JAN FEB MAR EJUN L JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG E SEP MINNOW TRP TROT LINE ( CTCH/TRP ) ( CTCH/LNE) Creek Slough, R.M. 88.4, X 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 0 GILL NET (CTCH/24H) HOOK&LlNE (CTCH/HR) S/25N/05W/25/DCC 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Creek, R.M. 89.2, S/25N/05W/25/ABD X X X 0 X X X 0 X 0 X 0 X X 0 0 X X X 0 X X X 0 X X X 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 0 BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Values - x indicate that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period o indicate that this gear type was not utiliz~d during the sampling period DI~· NET (C'ICH) . . ' ., 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 .. 0. C? 0 0 Q 0,. 0 0 o. 0 0 Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. SAMPLE Cache DEC JAN APR MAY E JUN L JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG E SEP L SEP E OCT Cache MAY E JUN L JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG E SEP L SEP MINNOW TRP (CTCH/TRP) Creek Slough, X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 TROT LINE (CTCH/LNE) R.M.· 95.5, X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 GILL NET (CTCH/24H) HOOK&LINE (CTCH/HR) S/26N/05W/35/ADC 0 0 0 0 X 0 X X X 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 o· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Creek 8 R.M. 96.0, S/26N/05W/26/DCB X 0 X 0 X X X 0 X X X 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 0 BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Values -x indicate that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period o indicate that this gear type was not utilized during the sampling period • DIP.NET (CTCH) 0 0 9 0 0 0 0· 0 .Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 ·o 0 Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. SAMPLE Whiskers JAN MAR E JUN L JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG E SEP L SEP Whiskers FEB MAR E JUN L JUN E JUL L JUL E·AUG L AUG E SEP L SEP MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) GILL NET (CTCH/24H) HOOK&LINE (CTCH/HR) Creek Slough, R.M. 101.2, S/26N/05W/03/ADB X X 0 0 0 X X 0 X X X 0 X X X 0 X X X 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 X X X X 0 Creek, R.M. 101.4, S/26N/05W/03/AAC X X X 0 X 0 0 0 X X X X X X X X X X 0 X X X 0 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 X BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) . 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Values - x indicate that this gear typ~ was utilized during the sampling period o indicate that this gear type was not utilized during the sampling period DIP NET (cT·cu)· .o ·o .o: . 0. . 0 .. ·9 0 .·:o .·.o ·o :o ,0' o. ·o ·o .P 0 0 ·o 0 Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. SAMPLE Slough MAR E JUN L JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG E SEP L SEP MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) GILL NET (CTCH/24H) 6A, R.M. 112.3' S/28N/05W/13/CAC X X 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 X X X X X 0 X X X Lane Creek, R.M. 113.6 t S/28N/05W/12/ADD MAR X X 0 E JUN X X X L JUN X X X E JUL X X X L JUL X X 0 E AUG X X 0 L AUG X X 0 E SEP X X 0 L SEP X X 0 HOOK&LINE (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 Values - x indicate that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o indicate that this gear type was not u~ilized during the sampling period DIP NET (CTGH) 0 0 .() 0 0. () .0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 o· q .. Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. SAMPLE Mainstem EJUN L JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG E SEP L SEP Mainstem MAR APR L JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG L SEP MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) GILL NET (CTCH/24H) HOOK&LINE (CTCH/HR) 2, R.M. 114. 4, S/28N/04W/06/CAB X X X 0 X X X 0 X X X 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 0 X X X 0 Susitna -Curry, R.M. 120.7, S/29N/04W/10/BCD 0 X 0 0 X X 0 0 X X X 0 X X X 0 X X X 0 X X X 0 X X 0 0 X X X 0 BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Values - x indicate that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period o indicate that this gear type was not utilized during the sampling period DIP.·NET (CTCB) 0 f) 0 ·o 0 0 0 0 C) .. 0 ·o a· 0 0 0 .Q· I Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type SAMPLE Susitna MAR APR L JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG L SEP Mainstem L JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG L SEP on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE {CTCH/TRP) {CTCH/LNE) Side Channel, R.M. 121.6, X 0 X 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X GILL NET (CTCH/24H) HOOK&LINE (CTCH/HR) S/29N/04W/ll/BBB 0 0 0 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 0 0 X 0 BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Susitna -Gravel Bar, R.M. 123 .8, S/30N/04W/26/DDD X X X 0 0 X X X 0 0 X X X 0 0 X X X 0 0 X X 0 0 0 X X X 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Values - x indicate that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period o indicate that this gear type was not utilized during the sampling period DIP. NET (CTCJ;i) D. ·.o· .. ·o "9 0 ·o 0 ·0 .0 0. ·.o .o ·0. .'o Appendix Table EA SAMPLE MINNOW TRP (CTCH/TRP) Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. TROT LINE (CTCH/LNE) GILL NET (C':fCH/24ll) HOOK&LINE (CTCH/HR) BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) Slough SA, R.M. 125.3, S/30N/03W/30/BCD JAN X 0 0 0 0 0 0 FEB X X 0 0 0 0 0 MAR X 0 0 0 0 0 0 APR X 0 0 0 0 0 0 L JUN X X X 0 0 0 0 E JUL X X X X 0 0 0 L JUL X X X 0 0 0 0 E AUG X X 0 0 0 0 0 L AUG X X 0 X 0 0 0 L SEP X X X X 0 0 0. Fourth of July Creek, R.M. 131.1, S/30N/03W/03/DAC L JUN X X X 0 X 0 0 E JUL X X X X X 0 0 L JUL X X X X 0 0 0 E AUG X X 0 X 0 0 0 L AUG X X 0 X 0 0 0 E SEP X X 0 X 0 0 0 L SEP X X 0 0 0 0 0 • Values -X indicate that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period 0 indicate that this gear type was not utilized during the sampling period DIP NET· <c±cll) c?, ·o. ·Q '·o ·0 . 'd ·a 0 . o· 0 ·0 0: 0 0 0 0 0 Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. SAMPLE Slough JAN FEB MAR APR L JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG E SEP L SEP Slough JAN FEB MAR APR L JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG E SEP L SEP MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) GILL NET (CTCH/24H) 10, R.M. 133.8, S/31N/03W/36/AAC X X 0 X X 0 X 0 0 X 0 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 X X 0 X X X llD R.M. 135.3, S/31N/02W/19/DDD X 0 0 X 0 0 X 0 0 X 0 0 X X 0 X X 0 X X X X X 0 X X 0 X X 0 X X 0 HOOK&LINE (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Values - x indicate that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF:) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o indicate that this gear type was not utilized during the sampling period ~ • DIP :NE;T (CTCH). o. 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0, 9 b· 0 ·o 0 !). .. X 0 0 0 ·o: o. p 0 Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. SAMPLE Mainstem JAN L JUN E JUL L JUL E AUG L AUG E SEP L SEP MlNNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) Susitna -Inside Bend, 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X GILL NET (CTCH/24H) R.M. 136.9, 0 X X X 0 0 X 0 Indian River, R.M. 138.6, S/llN/02W/09/CDA JAN X X 0 FEB X X 0 MAR X X 0 APR X X 0 E JUN X X X E JUL X X X L JUL X X X E AUG X X 0 L AUG X X 0 E SEP X X X L SEP X X X Values - x indicate that this gear type was o indicate that this gear type was HOOK&LINE (CTCH/HR) BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) S/llN/02W/17/CDA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 X 0 0 0 X 0 X 0 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X utilized during the sampling period GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 not utilized during the sampling period . . . . DIP ·NE;"T (C']:~H) '() (i)'· 0 0. 0 Q ·o 0 .0 0 0 ·o 0. 0 o· Q 0 0 0.' ·.· Appendix Table EA Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. • SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) GILL NET (CTCH/24U) HOOK&LINE (CTCU/HR) Slough 20, R.M. 140.1 t S/31N/02W/ll/BBC FEB X 0 0 0 MAR X 0 0 0 APR X 0 0 0 EJUN X X X 0 E JUL X X 0 0 L JUL X X X 0 E AUG X X 0 0 L AUG lt X 0 0 E SEP X X 0 0 L SEP X X 0 0 Mainstem Susitna -Is land, R.M. 146. 9 8 S/32N/01W/27/DBC E JUN X X X 0 E JUL X X X 0 L JUL X X X 0 E AUG X X 0 ·o L AUG X X 0 0 E SEP X X X 0 L SEP X X X 0 BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ELECTRO (CTCU/UR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X Values -x indicate that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF). 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 o indicate that this gear type was not utilized during the sampling period .· .. DIP ~ET ~_9TCH) . .. 0. 0. .o 0 0 0 .0 o· 9 0'. 9· 0 0 0. 0 Q 0 Appendix Table EA MINNOW TRP SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) Portage Creek, R.H. FEB X MAR X EJUN X E JUL X L JUL X E AUG X L AUG X E SEP X L SEP X Values - X indicate o indicate Sampling effort by habitat location, sampling period, and gear type on the lower Susitna River, 1980-1981. TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) 148.8, S/32N/01W/25/CDB X 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 0 X X X X 0 0 X X X 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 X 0 0 0 X X X 0 0 X X X 0 0 X 0 that this gear type was utilized during the sampling period that this gear type was not utilized during the sampling period DIP:.NET <c'fciO. • 0 Q :··~ O· ·.o o· 'O. (j .o 0 - Appendix Table EB.01 Catch per unit effort lower Sueitna River habitat locations. 1980-1981~ for rainbow trout. MINNOW' TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Alexander Creek Site A, R.M. 10 01' T.R.M. 0.0, S/15N/07W/06/DCA L AUG .30 o.oo 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo E SEP .so o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo Alexander Creek Site B, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 2.0, S/16N/07W/32/CCB MAR o.oo .40 0.00 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 E JUL 0.00 o.oo -.00 .20 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 L JUL 0.00 .30 -.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 E SEP 0.00 .30 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 Alexander Creek Site c, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 4.0, S/16N/07W/30/ACD L JUN o.oo .50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 1 AUG 0.00 1.00 -.00 -.00 o.oo -.00 -.oo o.oo E SEP o.oo .so 0.00 -.oo o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.Ol Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for rainbow trout. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/,R) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Anderson Creek, R.M. 23.8, S/17N/07W/29/DDD E JUN o.oo 0.00 3.00 -.00 -,00 -.00 -.oo -.oo E JUL 0.00 .so 1.00 -,00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 L AUG .10' .50 2.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E SEP o.oo 2.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -,00 L SEP o.oo 1.00 9.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo Mainstem Slough, R.M. 31.0, S/17N/06W/05/CAB E SEP 0.00 .30 o.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo o.oo -.oo Mid-Kroto Slough, R.M. 36.3, S/18N/06W/16/BBC E SEP o.oo o.oo o.oo -.00 .10 -.oo o.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.Ol Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for rainbow trout. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCB/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/BR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCB) Deshka River Site A, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 0.0, S/19N/06W/35/BDA E SEP 0.00 .30 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo L SEP 0.00 .30 2.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo I S/19N/O~W/26/BCB Deshka River Site B, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M • 1.0, MAY 0.00 o.oo • 01 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo L JUL 0.00 .50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo E AUG o.oo .30 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo o.oo -.00 L AUG 0.00 • 80 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 E SEP o.oo .30 -.oo 2.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 L SEP o.oo .30 2.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo Desbka River Site C, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 3.5, S/19N/06W/14/BCA MAY 0.00 0.00 .70 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo L AUG .10 .50 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 o.oo -.oo E SEP o.oo .so -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 L SEP 0.00 • 80 1.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.Ol Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for rainbow trout. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET BOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCB/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/,R) (CTCH/TME) (CTCB/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Little Willow Creek, R.M. 50.5, S/20N/05W/27/AAD E JUL o.oo o.oo 0.00 2.30 -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo E AUG o.oo .30 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 0.00 -.00 Kashwitna River, R.M. 61.0, S/21N/05W/13/AAA MAY 0.00 o.oo o.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 .40 -.00 L JUN o.oo .50 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 L JUL .05 .30 0.00 -.oo o.oo -.00 0.00 -.00 L SEP o.oo .so 0.00 -.oo -.00 1.60 -.oo -.00 Caswell Creek, R.M. 63.0, S/21N/04W/06/BDD MAY 0.()0 -.00 2.00 0.00 -.00 o.oo -.00 -.oo L JUL o.oo o.oo 1.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.01 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for rainbow trout. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCR/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/RR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Sheep Creek Slough. R.M. 66.1. S/22N/04W/30/BAB L SEP 0.00 o.oo 2.00 -.oo -.00 0.00 -.00 -.oo Goose Creek 1, R.M~ 72.0 1 S/23N/04W/31/BBC L JUN o.oo .50 -.;00 -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.00 E JUL o.oo o.oo .75 -.oo o.oo -.oo o.oo -.00 Goose Creek 2, R.M. 73.1, S/23N/04W/30/BBB L JUL o.oo .30 0.00 -.00 -.00 0.00 0.00 -.00 L SEP o.oo .so o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 E OCT -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 2.70 -.00 -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.Ol Catch per unit effort lower Sueitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for rainbow trout. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP~ (CTCH/LNE) Mainstem West Bank, R.M. 74.4, FEB 0.00 .10 GILL NET HOOK&LINE (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) I S/23N/05W/13/CCD 0.00 -.00 Montana Creek, R.M. 77 .o, S/23N/04W/07/ABA L JUN .10 0.00 o.oo o.oo E JUL .10 o.oo -.00 -.oo L JUL o.oo .30 -.oo -.oo E OCT o.oo 0.00 -.oo -.oo Main stem 1, R.M. 84.0, S/24N/05W/10/DCC FEB 0.00 .01 -.00 -.00 E JUN o.oo o.oo .so -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) -.oo o.oo -.00 -.00 6.00 -.00 -.oo GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo DIP NET (CTCH) -.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 Appendix Table EB.Ol Catch per unit effort lower Suaitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for rainbow trout. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Sunshine Creek, R.M. 85.7, S/24N/05W/14/AAB JAN 0.00 .20 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 MAR 0.00 -.00 .30 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUN o.oo o.oo 1.00 0.00 . -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Birch Creek Slough, R.M. 88.4, S/25N/05W/25/DCC E JUL 0.00 .50 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP o.oo o.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo 7.10 -.oo -.oo Birch Creek, R.M. 89.2, S/25N/05W/25/ABD E JUL 0.00 .50 o.oo -.00 -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.Ol Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for rainbow trout. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP~ (CTCH/LNE) Cache Creek Slough, R.M. 95.5, MAY 0.00 -o.oo GILL NET HOOK&LINE (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/,R) S/26N/05W/35/ADC .70 o.oo Cache Creek, R.M. 96.0, S/26N/05W/26/DCB E JUL 0.00 .50 0.00 -.oo Whiskers Creek Slough, R.M • 101.2, S/26N/05W/03/ADB JAN 0.00 • 30 -.oo -.oo MAR -.00 o.oo .30 -.oo E JUN 0.00 1.00 3.00 -.oo L JUN o.oo 1.00 6.00 -.oo E JUL 0.00 .30 1.00 -.oo L JUL o.oo .so -.00 -.00 L AUG 0.00 .so -.00 -.oo E SEP 0.00 1.80 -.00 .30 L SEP .20 2.50 .70 -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken BEACH SN ELECTRO (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) -.oo -.00 -.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo · -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo 0.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo DIP NET (CTCH) -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 Appendix Table EB.Ol Catch per unit effort lower Susitna liver habitat locations, 1980-1981, for ~ainbow trout. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCR/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/RR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Whiskers Creek. R.M. 101.4, S/26N/05W/03/AAC E JUN o.oo .30 1.50 4.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUN o.oo o.oo 1.00 7.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL o.oo .so -.oo o.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 L AUG o.oo 2.00 -.oo -.~0 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E SEP o.oo .30 -.oo -. 0 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo Slough 6A, l.M. 112.3, S/28N/05W/13/CAC L JUN o.oo .30 o.oo 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL o.oo o.oo 3.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo L JUL 0.00 .30 1.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo L AUG 0.00 .30 1.00 -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP .10 1.50 o.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.00 -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.Ol Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for rainbow trout. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP~ (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CtCH/,R) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Lane Creek, R.M. 113.6, S/28N/05W/12/ADD L JUN 0.00 .50 0.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 E JUL o.oo .30 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo L AUG o.oo .30 -.00 -.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E SEP .10 .30 -.oo -.oo -.oo 12.50 -.oo -.oo Mainstem 2, R.M. 114.4, S/28N/04W/06/CAB L JUN o.oo 0.00 1.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E SEP 0.00 o.oo o.oo -.oo o.oo 12.50 -.oo -.oo Mainstem Susitna -Curry·, R..M. 120.7, S/29N/04W/10/BCD APR. o.oo .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUN o.oo o.oo .50 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.01 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for rainbow trout. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Susitna Side Channel, R.M. 121.6 • S/29N/04W/ll/BBB L SEP o.oo .so o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo Mainstem Susitna -Gravel Bar, R.M. 123 .a .• S/30N/04W/16/DDD . L JUN 0~00 0.00 1.50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo E JUL 0.00 .so 1.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo Slough SA, R.M. 125.3, S/30N/03W/30/BCD L JUN 0.00 .30 1.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 E JUL 0.00 .30 2.00 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 -_.oo E AUG 0.00 .30 o.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 L AUG 0.00 .30 -.00 o.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo L SEP 0.00 .80 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.Ol Catch per unit effort lower Suaitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for rainbow trout. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/JR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Fourth of July Creek, R.M. 131.1, S/30N/03W/03/DAC L JlJN o.oo .50 .50 -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL .20 .50 3.00 1. 70 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 L JUL o.oo .50 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo L AUG o.oo 1.50 -.oo 1.30 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 E SEP .10 .30 -.oo .30 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP 0.00 .30 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo Slough 10, R.M. 133.8, S/31N/03W/36/AAC MAR .10 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo APR .10 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 L JUL 0.00 .50 3.00 o.oo 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG o.oo 0.00 .30 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E SEP o.oo .eo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.Ol Catch per unit effort lower Suaitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for rainbow trout. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24R) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Slough u. R.M. 135.3, S/31N/02W/19/DDD L JUN o.oo .50 -.oo -.00 o.oo -.00 -.oo 0.00 E JUL o.oo .30 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 L JUL o.oo o.oo 1.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo E SEP o.oo .30 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -aOO Mainstem Susitna -Inside Bend, R.M • 136.9, S/31N/02W/17/CDA E JUL 0.00 • 50 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 Indian River, R.M. 138.6, S/31N/02W/09/CDA E JUN 0.00 0.00 1.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo E JUL o.oo .30 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo L JUL 0.00 o.oo 2.00 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 E AUG o.oo .30 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 E SEP o.oo o.oo o.oo .30 -.oo -.00 .50 -.00 L SEP o.oo .30 o.oo· -.oo -.00 3.30 -.00 -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.Ol Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for rainbow trout. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCB/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCB/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) ' Slough 20, R.M. 140.1, S/31N/02W/ll/BBC E SEP o.oo .so o.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Portage Creek, R.M. 148.8, S/32N/01W/25/CDB E JUL o.oo o.oo .so o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo L AUG 0.00 .30 o.oo o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo E SEP 0.00 0.00 o.oo 2.00 -.00 -.oo o.oo -.oo L SEP ·0.00 .30 0.00 -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.02 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for Arctic grayling. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP·N~T SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (Crcu) Alexander Creek Site C, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 4.0, S/16N/07W/30/ACD E JUL 0.00 o.oo 0.00 0.00 1.00 -.00 -.00 ..:..oo L AUG 0.00 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 i.oo E SEP 0.00 o.oo o.oo -.00 .30 -.00 -.00 -.00 .• Mid-Kroto Slough, R.M. 36.3, S/1SN/06W/16/BBC E SEP o.oo 0.00 0.00 -.00 .10 -.00 0.00 ..:.oo L SEP 0.00 o.oo 2.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo .:..oo Deshka River Site A, R.M. 40.6, T .R.M. 0.0, S/19N/06W/35/BDA MAY 0.00 o.oo 1.60 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo L SEP 0.00 o.oo 5.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.02 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for Arctic grayling. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT Dif NEt SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Deshka River Site B, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 1.0, S/19N/06W/26/BCB MAY 0.00 0.00 1.80 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 "';'.00 E SEP 0.00 0.00 -.00 3.00 -.00 -.00 . 0.00 -.00 L SEP 0.00 .30 2.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 .-.00 Deshka River Site C, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 3.5, S/19N/06W/14/BCA L AUG .10 0.00 0.00 ...,..oo -.00 -.00 0.00 -~00 E SEP .30 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo· L SEP 0.00 0.00 1.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.. oo Rustic Wilderness, R.M. 58.1, S/21N/05W/25/CBD MAY 0.00 0.00 .50 0.00 -.00 -.oo 0.00 .-.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.02 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for. Arctic grayling. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) Kashwitna River, R.M. 61.0. S/21N/05W/13/AAA MAY 0.00 0.00 -.oo -.00 L JUL 0.00 o.oo 0.00 -.00 L SEP o.oo 0.00 1.00 -.00 Goose Creek 1, R.M. 72.0 1 S/23N/04W/31/BBC E JUL .10 0.00 o.oo o.oo L AUG .10 0.00 -.00 -.00 L SEP 0.00 0.00 1.00 -.00 Goose Creek 2 1 R.M. 73.1, S/23N/04W/30/BBB L SEP o.oo o.oo 2.00 -.00 E OCT -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP·NET (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CtCH) -.00 -.00 .60 ·.-.00 3.00 -.00 o.oo ·.-.00 -.00 6.20 -.00 <oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00· ·.;,;.00 -.00 o.oo 0.00 . ...; .• 00 -.00 -.oo -.00 .'"7.00 -.00 4.00 -.oo ·:-. 00 Appendix Table EB.02 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, t~r. Arctic grayling • . MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP.N.E'r SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Mainstem West Bank, R.M. 74.4, S/23N/05W/13/CCD L SEP 0.00 0.00 3.00 -.00 -.00 0.00 -.00 ':"" 00· Montana Creek, R.M. 77.0, S/23N/04W/07/ABA L JUN .10 o.oo 0.00 o.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo 0.()0 E OCT o.oo o.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 18.00 -.00 ·.-.:oo. Mainstem 1, R.M. 84.0, S/24N/05W/10/DCC EJUN o.oo 0.00 1.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.06 .... oo Birch Creek Slough, R.M. 88.4, S/25N/05W/25/DCC L SEP o.oo o.oo o.oo 0.00 -.oo 7.10 -.00 .-.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.02 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for Arctic grayling. SAMPLE Birch L JUN MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) Creek, R.M. 89.2, -S/25N/05W/25/ABD .10 0.00 0.00 -.00 Cache Creek Slough, R.M. 95.5, S/26N/05W/35/ADC APR .10 0.00 1.00 -.00 MAY 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 E SEP .10 0.00 0.00 -.00 Cache Creek, R.M. 96.0, S/26N/05W/26/DCB MAY 0.00 0.00 2.50 -.00 L SEP '2.00 0.00 o.oo -.oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) -.oo -.00 -.00· -.00 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 DIP,.NET (C~CH) -... oo -.00 ~.oo ;,;:.oo ·::_,QO -.·oo ---.--..---;- Appendix Table EB.02 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for Arctic grayling. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT. DIP·. 'NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH). Whiskers Creek Slough, R.M. 101.2, S/26N/05W/03/ADB E JUN 0.00 o.oo 1.50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo . -~.00 L JUL .10 o.oo o.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo 0.00 .:~ 0.0' E AUG .10 o.oo -,;00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -. o·o . .. . . L SEP o.oo 0.00 .30 0.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo ·-•. 00 Whiskers Creek, R.M. 101.4, S/26N/05W/03/AAC MAR .01 0.00 0.00 ... oo -.00 -.00 -.oo . ~.oo Lane Creek, R.M. 113.6, S/28N/05W/12/ADD L JUL .30 0.00 o.oo o.oo 0.00 0.00 -.00 ·:.00 E SEP 0.00 0.00' -.00 -.00 o.oo 12.50 -.00 :-::.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.02 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations 9 1980-19~1, fpr Arctic grayling. MINNOW TR.P TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP'NE1 SAMPLE {CTCH/TRP) {CTCH/LNE) {CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) {CTCH/HR) {CTCH/DRF) {CTCH) · Mainstem 2 1 R.M. 114.4, S/28N/04W/06/CAB L JUN 0.00 0.00 .50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo · E AUG .10 o.oo 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo .~.o.o · L AUG 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 1.00 -.oo -.oo :-.• 00 Mainste~ Susitna -Curry, R.M. 120.7, S/29N/04W/10/BCD L JUN 0.00 0.00 1.00 -.00 -.00 0.00 -.00 -.."00 E JUL o.oo o.oo :...oo ·' . 1.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -·,oo E AUG 0.00 0.00 2.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 . \-:-=~oo L SEP 0.00 o.oo 1.00 -.00 -.oo 0.00 -.oo ~.00 Susitna Side Channel, a:M. 121.6 t S/29N/04W/ll/BBB L SEP 0.00 0.00 1.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 . :: .uq Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.02 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for Arctic grayling. .. . MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO . GILL DRFT DIP _,NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Mainstem Susitna -Gravel Bar, R.M. 123.8, S/30N/04W/26/DDD L SEP 0.00 0.00 9.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo ·,~.oo Fourth of July·Creek, R.M. 131.1, S/30N/03W/03/DAC E AUG 0.00 .50 o.oo 2.00 o.oo -.00 -.00 ·-:-·.oo L AUG 0.00 o.oo -.00 .30 -.00 -.00 -.00 ·"":.00· Slough 10, R.M.· 133.8, S/31N/03W/36/AAC E JUL o.oo .50 0.00 o.oo o.oo -.00 -.00 ..:..·.oo L AUG .10 o.oo o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 .7.o.o L SEP o.oo 0.00 1.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 0.00 -.·oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.02 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for Arctic grayling. SAMPLE MINNOW.TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) BEACH SN ELECTRO (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) Mainstem Susitna -Inside Bend, R.M. 136. 9, S/31N/02W/17/CDA L JUN .10 0.00 0.00 -.00 0.00 -.00 L AUG 0.00 .30 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 E SEP 0.00 o.oo 1.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo Indian River, R.M. 138.6, S/31N/02W/09/CDA E AUG 0.00 .30 0.00 0.00' -.oo -.00 E SEP 0.00 o.oo o.oo .30 -.00 -.00 L SEP 0.00 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 .9. 90 Slough 20, R.M. 140 .1 J S/31N/02W/11/BBC L SEP o.oo .80 0.00 -.00 o.oo -.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo. 1.20 -.00 ... 00 DIP: NET (c'rc.u): .o,oo ·-:.00 .'·_j 00 ~~00. .-· 00 .:.~oo .~:.oo Appendix Table EB.02 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-19~1 J fQr. Arctic grayling. .. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP".NET-· SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) ( CTCH/DRF) . (CT(fll) . .... Mainstem Susitna -Island, R.M. 146.9, S/32N/01W/27/DBC E JUL o.oo o.oo 2.00 ,-.00 -.oo -.00 . -.oo ·~:-."00. E SEP o.oo o.oo 1.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 .30. .. :...·~p.o· Portage Creek, R.M • 148.8, S/32N/01W/25/CDB E JUN • 10 o.oo .10' -.00 -.00 0.00 -.00 ..:.oo E JUL 0.00 o.oo o.oo .50 0.00 -.00 -.00 -~oo L JUL o.oo .50 0.00 0.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo :-~00 E AUG o.oo .30 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ..: .. oo L AUG 0.00 .80 -.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 .... E SEP o.oo .30 o.oo 17 .oo -.00 -.00 2.50 ..; •. oo L SEP 0.00 .30 0.00 -.00 -.00 6.60 -.00 .:..oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.OJ Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, f.qr · burbot. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP .. NET (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CtCil) · .·. Alexander Creek Site A, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 0.0, S/15N/07W/06/DCA MAR 0.00 1.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo-. 7-~ 00 L JUL .10 0.00 -.oo· -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 ·:-~·oo E AUG o.oo 1.50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ":~~.00 L AUG .10 .50 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 .-.00 E SEP .10 2.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 .;:-:.00 Alexander Creek Site B, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 2.0, S/16N/07W/32/CCB E AUG 0.00 1.00 0.00 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo . :-.oo· L AUG .30 .so -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 .~.00 . E SEP .20 2.50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo .:~~00. Alexander Creek Site c. R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 4.0, S/16N/07W/30/ACD E JUL .10 0.00 -.00 -.00 o.oo -.00 -.oo ... •. oo E AUG .10 1.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 . o.Q·o L AUG .50 0.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 :o·.oo E SEP .10 1.30 0.00 -.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 ...... • QO· Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.03 Catch per. unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for burbot. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP.·NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH). Anderson Creek, R.M. 23.8, S/17N/07W/29/DDD E JUN 0.00 .80 o.oo -.00 -.oo .-.00 -.00 -.00 L JUN o.oo o.oo 2.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 .;;. .. oo. L JUL o.oo .30 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ,:...;'.00. L AUG 0.00 .50 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 .. ·:..~·09 E SEP .20 2.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ·~.oo L SEP o.oo 0.00 1.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 .:.:.oo Kroto Slough Mouth, R.M. 30.1, T.R.M. 2.0, S/17N/07W/01/DBC E JUN 0.00 .30 1.00 -.oo -.00 -.00. -.oo ··.:..;oo E AUG o.oo 1.00 0.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.• oo E SEP o.oo 0.00 1.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 . ;...'~00· L SEP o.oo 1.50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 .~:oo Values= -.~0 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.03 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981., for· burbot. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP.NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Mainstem Slough 1 R.M. 31.0, S/17N/06W/05/CAB E JUL 0.00 1.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -:.00 . ... ·.oo E SEP 0.00 1.30 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 o.oo ..:.;oo Mid-Kroto Slough, R.M. 36.3, S/18N/06W/16/BBC E SEP .10, o.oo o.oo -.00 o.oo -.00 0.00 ·':-:. 00 L SEP .10 4.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo •.00 Deshka River Site A, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 0.0, S/19N/06W/35/BDA MAR 0.00 .60 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 ·· .::.~·oo E AUG 0.00 .50 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ....... QO L AUG .10 3.80 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ,·.:.::.00· E SEP 0.00 .50 -.00· -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -·~oo· L SEP .10 o.oo o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo :..::.oo .· Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.03 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980:...19.81. fol:' burbot. ~ . . MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT· DIP NET. SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) .· (CTCU)." Deshka River Site B, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M • 1.0, S/19N/06W/26/BCB MAR o.oo • 10 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 . -:-~00 MAY .10 -.00 .01 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ':"rOO· E JUL· o.oo .30 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 ::-:.oo L JUL .10 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 <oo E AUG .10 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 o.oo .'-i·~·.·oo· L AUG o.oo 1.80 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 . :..'.0'9 E SEP .10 o.oo -.00 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 <oo L SEP .20 2.00 o.oo -.00 . -.00 -.00 -.00 -0"0 ... ·. Deshka River Site C, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 3.5, S/19N/06W/14/BCA .. E JUL .10 o.oo 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ·_-:_.QQ L JUL .10 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 . -~.oo·. E AUG .20 0.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 o.oo _:...~oo L AUG .20 .80 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ..... ~oo · E SEP .20 1.30 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 .-.00 L SEP o.oo 1.50 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ,: -· 00 : . . . Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.03 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-~981, .fQr. burbot. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP· 'NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (~T.CH) ' . Lower Delta Island, R.M. 44.0, S/19N/05W/19/ACB E JUL .10 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo ·~.oo · E AUG 0~00 .50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo o.oo -.oo· Little Willow Creek,. R.M. 50.5, S/20N/05W/27/AAD MAR 0.00 0.00 .40 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 ... ~oo L AUG 0.00 .80 -.oo 0.00 -.oo -.00 o.oo ~·!00 Rustic Wilderness, R.M. 58.1, S/21N/05W/25/CBD JAN ~10 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 ~-:. 00 Kashwitna River, R.M. 61.0, S/21N/05W/13/AAA L SEP 0.00 .30 o.oo -.00 o.oo o.oo o.oo . ""':'• 00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.03 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, fo1 burbot. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT. (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) Caswell Creek, R.M. 63.0, S/21N/04W/06/BDD E JUL 0.00 .10 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 E AUG 0.00 .30 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 Slough West Bank, R.M. 65.6, S/22N/05W/27/ADC L AUG 0.00 1.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 o.oo -.oo. L SEP 0.00 .50 0.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 Sheep Creek Slough, R.M. 66.1, S/22N/04W/30/BAB E JUL 0.00 .10 0.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo E AUG 0.00 .• 30 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo L SEP 0.00 .50 0.00 -.00 -.oo 0.00 -.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken DIP.NET (CTCH) -o·o. .. • . ..:.'~00 ::--.00 · ,;.:·.-oo .-~00 ... -.oo ..;,::00 Appendix Table EB.03 Catch per unit effort lower Sueitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, fi)r· burbot. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP.NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24B) (CTCH/HR) (CTCB/TME) (CTCB/BR) (CTCH/DRF.) (CTCB) Goose Creek 2, R.M. 73.1, S/23N/04W/30/BBB E AUG 0.00 1.30 o.oo -.00 0~00 o.oo o.oo ::".().0 L AUG 0.00 .30 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.0~ '"":.00 Mainstem West Bank, R.M. 74.4, S/23N/05W/13/CCD FEB 0.00 .40 0.00 -.00 -.00 0.00 -.oo ..;..00' E JUL o.oo ~50 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -:-:~00 L JUL .10 .50 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 ~ ... oo Montana Creek, R.M. 77 .o, S/23N/04W/07/ABA FEB o.oo .20 0.00 -.00 -.00 o.oo -.00 · ·:..;.oo. " Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.OJ Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations • 1980-1~81, (or. burbot. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) Mainstem 1, R.M. 84.0, S/24N/05W/10/DCC FEB 0.00 .30 -.00 -.00 MAR o.oo .50 -.oo -.00 E JUN o.oo 2.00 0.00 -.00 L JUN 0.00 .80 0.00 -.00 E JUL 0.00 leOO 0.00 -.oo L JUL 0.00 .50 -.00 -.oo E AUG 0.00 1.00 -.00 -.00 L AUG 0.00 2.00 -.00 -.oo E SEP o.oo 3.00 -.00 -.00 L SEP 0.00 2.50 o.oo -.00 Sunshine Creek, R.M. 85.7, S/24N/05W/14/AAB E JUN o.oo .80 0.00 0.00 L AUG 0.00 .50 -.00 -.00 E SEP 0.00 1.50 -.00 -.00 L SEP 0.00 2.00 0.00 -.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT. DIY NET (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF)· (CTCH) . . :. -.00 -.00 -.00 ':"".00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ~·.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 ~.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -. ..:;~oo -.00 -.00 -.oo ·-7.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 .-:~oo -.00 -.00 -.00 :~·oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -~.09 -.00 -.00 -.oo · ·-.00 -.oo 0.00 -.00 ~·.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.~00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ·-~oo· -.00 -.00 -.00 .-.oo· Appendix Table EB.03 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, -~OJ: burbot. •;. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET BOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT" DIP .. NET· SAMPLE (CTCB/TRP) (CTCB/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (C~Cll) .· Birch Creek Slough, R.M. 88.4, S/25N/05W/25/DCC L AUG 0.00 2.00 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.• OP E SEP 0.00 2.30 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ":.:00· L SEP 0.00 2.00 . -.00 -.00 -.00 0.00 -.00 ;;._.-oo Birch Creek, R.M. 89.2, S/25N/05W/25/ABD L AUG o.oo 2.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 0.00 -.00 . -7.00 . E SEP o.oo .50 -.00 -.00 -.00 0.00 -.00 -"'·00 Cache Creek Slough, R.M. 95.5, S/26N/05W/35/ADC DEC o.oo 1.40 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -000 ·-:~00. L JUN o.oo .30 0.00 0.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 ~.oo· L JUL 0.00 .30 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ... ~oo E AUG o.oo .30 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ~-~00 E SEP 0.00 .50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ~.oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.03 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, fox: burbot. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) Cache Creek, R.M. 96.0, S/26N/05W/26/DCB L JUN o.oo .30 0.00 -.00 L JUL o.oo .50 -.00 -.00 E AUG 0.00 .30 -.00 -.oo L AUG 0.00 .80 -.00 -.oo Whiskers Creek Slough, R.M. 101.2, S/26N/OSW/03/ADB E JUN 0.00 .so 0.00 -.00 L JUL 0.00 .80 o.oo -.oo E AUG 0.00 1.30 -.oo -.oo L AUG o.oo .30 -.00 -.oo E SEP o.oo .80 -.oo 0.00 Whiskers Creek, R.M. 101.4, S/26N/05W/03/AAC L AUG o.oo .so o.oo o.oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (C~¢H) -.00 -.00 -.oo ~~00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ':"'::oo· -.00 -.oo -.oo ~;_.~00· -.00 -.00 -.oo ,.: ~ 00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -~00 -.00 -.00 0.00 ··.;· ·oo ..• -.oo -.oo -.oo ~.~·00· -.00 -.00 -.oo "~;.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo ..-: ... oo -.oo -.oo -.00 ... ~qo Appendix Table EB.03 Catch per unit \ effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981. for burbot. '• . . . .. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT iHP .NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) ... Slough 6A, R.M. 112 .3, S/28N/05W/13/CAC E JUN 0.00 .50 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ":--.00 . L JUL 0.00 1.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo .;;·~oo. E AUG 0.00 1.50 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ~~QO . L AUG .10 .30 0.00 -.00 0.00 -.00 -.oo ... oo E SEP 0.00 1.50 -.00 -.00 -.oo o.oo -.00 T"·~.oo. Lane Creek, R.M. 113 .6, S/28N/05W/12/ADD L JUL 0.00 .50 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ·-:.00 .. ·. L AUG 0.00 1.00 -.00 -.oo o.oo -.00 -.00 ·-:"··00 E SEP 0.00 .80 -.00 -.00 -.00 0.00 -.00 ~-~00 L SEP o.oo 1.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 :...~·.oo Mainstem 2, R.M. 114.4, S/28N/04W/06/CAB . . L JUL 0.00 .50 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -•. oo E AUG 0.00 .50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 · ..... 00 L AUG o.oo .30 -.00 -.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 .:...9o E SEP 0.00 2.50 -.00 -.00 -.00 o.oo -.00 ~.oo L SEP 0.00 3.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 ~~oo·. Values; -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.03 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-19'81, :t:ar . burbot. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT·· · . DIP NET (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DR~).. (~TCI{) Mainstem Susitna -Curry, R.M. 120.7, S/29N/04W/10/BCD MAR -.00 .50 -.00 -eOO -.00 -.00 -.oo ,_: 00 .... L JUN o.oo 0.00 .50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo '·..:..:00 E JUL o.oo .30 0.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.OQ. ' .. ;; 00 . -~ L JUL o.oo .30 o.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 ."'9 00 .... E AUG 0.00 1.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 •• oo ' .. -: .09· L AUG 0.00 1.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo :·..,.~QO L SEP o.oo 1.30 o.oo -.oo -.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo Susitna Side Channel, R.M. 121.6 J S/2 9N/04W/11/BBB L JUN o.oo .30 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 . -.oo ':"".00 L AUG 0.00 .30 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo ·:..:· 00 ... L SEP 0.00 .30 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo '•':'"·.00 Values~ -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.03 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations 8 1980-1981, for burbot. ';·· .. . . • ... MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT · DIP. NET. SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) · (C.TC_I:l) .. Mainstem Susitna -Gravel Bar, R.M. 123.8, S/30N/04W/26/DDD E JUL 0.00 .50 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 ··: .• oo Slough SA, R.M. 125.3, S/30N/03W/30/BCD L JUL .10 .80 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo . ~·'00 E AUG o.oo .50 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 . ···<oo Fourth of July Creek, R.M. 131.1, S/30N/03W/03/DAC E AUG 0.00 .so 0.00 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo. ,.-.00 Slough 10, R.M. 133.8, S/31N/03W/36/AAC L JUN 0.00 .80 0.00 o.oo o.oo -.00 -.oo ·.:::..oo E AUG 0.00 .so o.oo o.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo .::..oo· L AUG o.oo .80 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.. 00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.03 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-J~l~1, fo-r· burbot. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) GILL NET HOOK&LINE (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) Slough 11 1 R.M. 135.3, S/~1N/02W/19/DDD L JUL 0.00 .30 o.oo -.oo BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) o.oo Mainstem Susitna -Inside Bend, R.M. 136.9, S/31N/02W/17/CDA L AUG L SEP o.oo o.oo .30 .30 o.oo o.oo Indian River, R.M. 138.6 1 S/31N/02W/09/CDA L AUG o.oo 1.00 o.oo Slough 20, R.M. 140.1, S/31N/02W/11/BBC L JUL L AUG L SEP o.oo 0.00 0.00 .50 .30 .30 Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 o.oo 0.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo GILL DRFT ( CTCH/DRF) · -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo . -.oo· -.oo .~.: ... DIP· NET (CT~H) .... o·.o() <oo .: -.;.:..~oo . .-.r._OO ~-·· ~)() ·-.oo ... :~.oo Appendix Table EB.03 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, f~r burbot. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) Mainstem Susitna -Island, R.M. 146. 9, S/32N/01W/27/DBC E JUN o.oo 1.50 0.00 -.00 E JUL o.oo 1.80 0.00 -.00 L JUL 0.00 1.50 0.00 -.00 E AUG o.oo 1.80 -.00 -.00 L AUG 0.00 2.00 -.00 -.00 E SEP o.oo 1.00 1.00 -.00 L SEP 0.00 .30 o.oo -.00 Portage Creek, R.M. 148.8, S/32N/01W/25/CDB L JUL 0.00 .30 o.oo o.oo E SEP o.oo .50 0.00 o.oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) -.00 -.00 -eOO -.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 . -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo 0.00 -.oo o.oo -.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 o.oo DIP: NE'l' (Ci'CH) · -; •. uO . ..:..~oo -::::·oo . .-.oo ·"":.o·o· :..;;.00 :.:..oo -&00 ··...:.:,00 Appendix Table EB.04 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981. for round whitefish. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LlNE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Anderson Creek, R.M. 23.8, S/17N/07W/29/DDD EJUN 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 o.oo -.00 -.00 p •. oo L JUN o.oo o.oo 10.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00. -.00 L SEP ' o.oo 0.00 5.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -~oo Mainstem Slough, R.M. 31.0, S/17N/06W/05/CAB E SEP .10 o.oo o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 o.oo -;OO Mid-Kroto Slough, R.M. 36.3, S/18N/06W/16/BBC L AUG o.oo o.oo 0.00 -.00 .20 -.00 o.oo -.00 E SEP .10 . 0.00 -.00 -.00 .30 -.00 -.oo -.oo L SEP o.oo o.oo .10 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.04 I Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habit at locations, 1980-1981, for. round whitefish. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Deshka River Site A, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 0.0, S/19N/06W/35/BDA MAY 0.00 0.00 .50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -~oo L SEP 0.00 o.oo 1.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 Deshka River Site B, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 1.0, S/19N/06W/26/BCB L SEP .10 0.00 _1.00 o.oo -.00 -.00 o.oo -· .. 00 Little Willow Creek, R.M. 50.5, S/20N/OSW/27/AAD L AUG 0.00 o.oo 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 .30 .... 00· Kashwitna River, R.M. 61.0, S/21N/05W/13/AAA MAY o.oo o.oo 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 .so -.oo L JUL o.oo 0.00 1.00 -.00 5.00 . -.00 o.oo -~.oo L SEP 0.00 o.oo o.oo -.00 -.00 3.10 -.00 -.-00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.04 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for round whitefish. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NE~ SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCB/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCB/DRJ!') (CTCH) Sheep Creek Slough, R.H. 66.1, S/22N/04W/30/BAB L SEP o.oo 0.00 2.00 . o.oo -.oo 0.00 -.oo -;00 Goose Creek 2, R.H. 73.1, S/23N/04W/30/BBB E OCT o.oo o.oo o.oo -.00 o.oo 5.30 o.oo ....oo Mainstem West Bank, R.H. 74.4, S/23N/05W/13/CCD L SEP o.oo o.oo 1.00 -.00 -.00 o.oo -.oo. -.oo Montana Creek, R.H. 77.0, S/23N/04W/07/ABA E OCT 0.00 o.oo 0.00 o.oo -.00 4.00 -.oo o .• oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.04 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for round whitefish. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT Dlf NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCQ./HR) (CTCH/TME). (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTC.H) Mainstem 1, R.K. 84.0, S/24N/05W/10/DCC E JUN 0.00 0.00 1.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo· L JUL .10 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -·.00 L SEP o.oo 0.00 1.50 -.00 -.00 o.oo -.oo -·.00 Sunshine Creek, R.K. 85.7, S/24N/05W/14/AAB MAR 0.00 0.00 .50 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.QO E JUN o.oo o.oo 5.50 o.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo ... ~oo Birch Creek Slough, R.K. 88. 4, S/25N/05W/25/DCC E OCT 0.00 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 12.00 -.oo ..... oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.04 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1.981, for round whitefish. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP.NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRP) (CTGH) Cache Creek Slough, R.M. 95.5, S/26N/05W/35/ADC MAY 0.00 o.oo .30 0.00 -.oo 0.00 -.oo ~.oo Cache Creek, R.M. 96.0, S/26N/05W/26/DCB L SEP .20 o.oo 0.00 -.00 -.oo o.oo -.oo -.. oo Whiskers Creek Slough, R.M. 101.2, S/26N/05W/03/ADB E JUN 0.00 0.00 5.50 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -•. 00 L JUN o.oo 0.00 5.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 o.oo -.00 L SEP 0.00 o.oo .30 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 Slough 6A, R.M. 112.3, S/28N/05W/13/CAC L JUN 0.00 0.00 5.50 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo .... 00 E JUL 0.00 0.00 1.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 L JUL 0.00 o.oo 2.50 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 L AUG 0.00 o.oo 1.00 -.oo 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.. oo L SEP o.oo o.oo 1.00 -.00 -.00 0.00 -.oo -.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.04 Catch per unit effort lower Su~itna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for: round whitefish. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Mainstem 2, R.M. 114.4. S/28N/04W/06/CAB · E JUN 0.00 o.oo 5.00 -.00 0.00 0.00 -.oo -.. 01) Mainstem Susitna -Curry, R.M. 120.7, S/29N/04W/10/BCD L JUN 0.00 o.oo 5.00 -.00 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP 0.00 0.00 1.00 -.00 -.oo 20.00 -.oo ..... oo Susitna Side Channel, R.M. 121.6 t S/29N/04W/ll/BBB L SEP 0.00 0.00 1.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.o·o Slough SA, R.M. 125.3, S/30N/03W/30/BCD L JUN 0.00 0.00 5.50 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 ~.oo E JUL o.oo 0.00 1.00 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.o·o .. Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.04 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for round whitefish. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCU): Slough 10, R.M. 133.8, S/31N/03W/36/AAC L JUN o.oo 0.00 .50 o.oo o.oo -.00 -.oo -.-oo L JUL o.oo o.oo 9.00 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -~oo Slough 11, R.M. 135.3, S/31N/02W/19/DDD L JUL o.oo o.oo 12.00 -.00 o.oo -.00 o.oo (J.OO Indian River, R.M. 138.6, S/31N/02W/09/CDA E JUN o.oo o.oo 3.50 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -... oo E JUL o.oo 0.00 .50 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.0() L SEP o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo -.00 6.60 o.oo -.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.04 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for round whitefish. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET BOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCll) Mainstem Susitna -Island, R.M. 146.9, S/32N/01W/27/DBC E SEP o.oo 0.00 1.00 -.00 0.00 -.00 .30 .-.o.o L SEP 0.00 .03 0.00 -.00 -.00 2.30 -.00 -•. 00 Portage Creek, R.M. 148.8, S/32N/01W/25/CDB E JUN o.oo o.oo 12.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo .... oo L JUL o.oo o.oo 1.00 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.oo .... oo L SEP o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo -.00 23.30 o.oo ... oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.05 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for humpback whitefish. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LlNE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24B) (CTCB/HR) (CTCB/TME) (CTCH/BR) (CTCH/DRF) (C!CH) Alexander Creek Site A, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 0.0, S/15N/07W/06/DCA E AUG o.oo .30 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo ·;....00 Alexander Creek Site B, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 2.0. S/16N/07W/32/CCB E JUL o.oo o.oo 0.00 1.50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 E SEP .10 0.00 -.00 o.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -·.00 Alexander Creek Site C, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 4.0, S/16N/07W/30/ACD E SEP 0.00 0.00 1.00 -.00 .70 -.00 -.oo 0.00 Anderson Creek, R.M. 23.8, S/17N/07W/29/DDD EJUN o.oo o.oo 35.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.. oo. L JUN 0.00 o.oo 2.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 E JUL 0.00 o.oo 4.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -,00 L AUG 0.00 0.00 '3.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.. oo L SEP 0.00 o.oo 1.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo --00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.05 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, fo~ humpback whitefish. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Kroto Slough Mouth, R.M. 30.1, T.R.M. 2.0, S/17N/07W/01/DBC E JUN o.oo o.oo .50 -.oo· -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 L AUG .10 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 E SEP 0.00 0.00 1.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo Mainstem Slough, R.M. 31.0, S/17N/06W/05/CAB E JUL 0.00 o.oo 1.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo Mid-Kroto Slough, R.M. 36.3, S/18N/06W/16/BBC E JUL 0.00 o.oo 1.00 -.oo .20 -.00 0.00 -.oo L AUG o.oo 0.00 2.00 -.00 o.oo -.oo o.oo -.00 L SEP o.oo o.oo 11.00 -.00 0.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.05 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981. for humpback whitefish. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24B) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCB/HR) (CTCH/DRF·) (CTCH) Deshka River Site A, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 0.0, S/l9N/06W/35/BDA E SEP .10 0.00 o.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.·QO L SEP o.oo o.oo 4.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 ... ·.o.o Deshka River Site B, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 1.0 t S/19N/06W/26/BCB MAY 0.00 o.oo .60 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 .~.oo Deshka River Site c, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 3.5, S/19N/06W/14/BCA MAY o.oo o.oo .70 0.00 -.oo -.00 o.oo -.oo Sheep Creek Slough, R.M. 66.1, S/22N/04W/30/BAB L SEP o.oo 0.00 3.00 o.oo 0.00 o.oo o.oo ..... oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.05 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, fQJ' humpback whitefish. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DI~.· NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP} (CTCH/LNE} (CTCH/24H} (CTCH/HR} (CTCH/TME} (CTCH/HR} (CTCH/DRF} (CTCH} Mainstem West Bank, R.M. 74.4, S/23N/05W/13/CCD FEB 0.00 0.00 • 70 -.oo· o.oo o.oo 0.00 ~ .. oo Main stem 1, R.M. 84.0, S/24N/05W/10/DCC L JUN 0.00 o.oo .50 0.00 -.00 o.oo -.00· .oo Sunshine Creek, R.M. 85.7, S/24N/05W/14/AAB E JUN o .. oo 0.00 6.50 0.00 -.oo 0.00 -.00 .oo · Birch Creek Slough, R.M. 88.4, S/25N/05W/25/DCC L SEP 0.00 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.00 7.10 -.00 ..... oo Values; -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.05 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations 1 1980-1981, ·for humpback whitefish. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET· HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP-NET. SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCB/LNE) (CTCB/24H) (CTCB/BR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/BR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Whiskers Creek Slough, R.M. 101.2, S/26N/05W/03/ADB L JUN o.oo 0.00 1.00 o.oo -.oo o.oo o.oo ':".00 Whiskers Creek, R.M. 101.4, S/26N/05W/03/AAC E SEP .10 o.oo 0.00 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.·00 Slough 6A, R.M. 112.3' S/28N/05W/13/CAC L JUN o.oo 0.00 4.00 0.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo ..... oo E JUL 0.00 o.oo 4.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 ~.09 L AUG 0.00 o.oo 1.00 -.oo 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 L SEP o.oo o.oo 2.00 -.oo -.00 o.oo -.00 -..;00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.05 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for humpback whitefish. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Mainstem 2, R.M. 114.4, S/28N/04W/06/CAB L JUN o.oo o.oo 1.00 -.00 0~00 o.oo -.00 ..... 00 I Slough 8A, R.M. 125 •. 3, S/30N/03W/30/BCD E JUL o.oo o.oo 2.00 o.oo 0.00 o.oo -.00 -.00 L SEP 0.00 0.00 2.00 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo Slough 10, R.M. 133 .8, S/31N/03W/36/AAC L JUL 0.00 o.oo 7.00 0.00 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo Slough 11, R.M. 135.3, S/31N/02W/19/DDD L JUL o.oo o.oo 2.00 -.oo 0.00 -.00 o.oo o·.oo Values~ -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.05 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations 1 1980-1981 1 f.or humpback whitefish. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP RET SAMPLE {CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) {CTCH/24H) {CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) {CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) {CTCH) Indian River, R.M. 138.6 1 S/31N/02W/09/CDA EJUN o.oo o.oo .50 ~.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.0.0 Mainstem Susitna -Island, R.M. 146.9 1 S/32N/01W/27/DBC E SEP o.oo o.oo 1.00 o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo -,oo L SEP o.oo .30 o.oo -.00 -.oo o.oo -.00 -.oo Portage Creek. R.M. 148.8, S/32N/01W/25/CDB EJUN 0.00 o.oo 12.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 L SEP o.oo o.oo 0.00 o.oo o.oo 3.30 o.oo -.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.06 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, fe~; Bering cisco. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT OIP N~T SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH.) Kroto Slough Mouth, R.M. 30.1, T.R.M. 2.0, S/17N/07W/01/DBC E SEP 0.00 o.oo 1.00 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 o.oo Mid-Kroto Slough, R.M. 36.3, S/18N/06W/16/BBC L SEP o.oo o.oo 2.00 -.00 0.00 -.oo o.oo ~.oo Montana Creek, R.M. 77.0, S/23N/04W/07/ABA E OCT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 o.oo o.oo Values~ -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.07 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for longnose suckers. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP N!T SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCB/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCB/DRF) (CTCH) Alexander Creek Site A, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 0.0, S/15N/07W/06/DCA E JUL .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 --.oo Alexander Creek Site B, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 2.0, S/16N/07W/32/CCB E SEP .10 0.00 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.,oo Alexander Creek Site C, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 4.0, S/16N/07W/30/ACD E JUL .10 o.oo -.oo -.00 o.oo -.00 -.oo .... 00 L JUL .10 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo L AUG .30 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo o.oo E SEP o.oo o.oo 5.00 -.oo o.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.07 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for longnose suckers. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (C~CH) Anderson Creek, R.M. 23.8, S/17N/07W/29/DDD L JUN o.oo o.oo 31.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 E JUL 0.00 0.00 6.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 .... oo E SEP o.oo 0.00 1.00 -.00 -.00 -.. 00 -.00 -.00 L SEP 0.00 0.00 1.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo Kroto Slough Mouth, R.M. 30.1, T.R.M. 2.0, S/17N/07W/Ol/DBC EJUN .10 0 o.oo 6.50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 E JUL 0.00 o.oo 1.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo L AUG .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo Mainstem Slough, R.M. 31.0, S/17N/06W/05/CAB L JUN 0.00 0.00 s.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -,00 E JUL 0.00 0.00 7.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 ...;~00 E SEP .10 o.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 0.00 ..... oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken .Appendix Table EB.07 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, fo:c longnose suckers. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Mid-Kroto Slough, R.M. 36.3, S/18N/06W/16/BBC E JUL 0.00 0.00 1.00 -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E SEP 0.00 0.00 0.00 -.oo 1.60 -.00 o.oo ~-.00 L SEP 0.00 0.00 2.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo .-. ·oo· Deshka River Site A, R.M. 40.6, T .R.M. 0.0, S/19N/06W/35/BDA MAY o.oo o.oo .80 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -·.00 L SEP o.oo o.oo 6.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 Deshka River Site B, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 1.0, S/19N/06W/26/BCB MAY 0.00 0.00 3.90 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 E SEP .10 0.00 -.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.07 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations • 1980-l9.81 1 for longnose suckers. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRFl (CTCH.) Deshka River Site C, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 3.5, S/19N/06W/14/BCA MAY o.oo o.oo 10.70 -.00 -eOO -.oo -.oo -.. oo E JUL .10 o.oo -.00 -eOO -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 Lower Delta Island, R.M. 44.0, S/19N/05W/19/ACB L JUN o.oo o.oo 3.00 -.00 -.oo· -.00 o.oo -00 Little Willow Creek, R.M. 50.5, S/20N/05W/27/AAD E AUG o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo -.00 -.00 .60 ~.oo L AUG o.oo 0.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 .50 -·.oo E SEP .20 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 .... oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.07 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, fQr longnose suckers. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TaP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Kashwitna River, R.M. 61.0, S/21N/05W/13/AAA L JUL 0.00 0.00 1.00 -.00 0.00 -.00 o.oo -.oo Slough West Bank, R.M. 65.6 1 S/22N/05W/27/ADC L SEP 0.00 ·0.00 5.00 o.oo -.00 o.oo -.00 -.06 Sheep Creek Slough, R.M. 66.1, S/22N/04W/30/BAB L SEP 0.00 0.00 9.00 . -.00 -.00 o.oo -.oo -.00 Goose Creek 1, R.M. 72.0 1 S/23N/04W/31/BBC L SEP 0.00 0.00 1.00 -.00 o.oo o.oo o.oo ;..._.00 Values~ -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.07 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-l981, for longnose suckers. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Goose Creek 2, R.M. 73.1, S/23N/04W/30/BBB L AUG .10 .30 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00' -.00 Mainstem West Bank, R.M. 74.4, S/23N/05W/13/CCD L SEP o.oo 0.00 2.00 -.00 -.oo o.oo -.00 -.oo Mainstem 1! R.M. 84.0, S/24N/05W/10/DCC E JUN o.oo 0.00 1.50 0.00 -.00 o.oo -.00 o.oo L JUN o.oo o.oo 1.50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.. 00 E JUL .10 o.oo .50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 Sunshine Creek, R.M. 85.7, S/24N/05W/14/AAB E JUN 0.00 o.oo 11.00 o.oo -.00 0.00 -.00 -00 L JUL 0.00 .10 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 Values~ -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.07 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for longnose suckers. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Birch Creek Slough, R.M. 88.4, S/25N/05W/25/DCC L SEP· o.oo o.oo o.oo -.00 -.00 14.10 -.00 -.00 Birch Creek, R.M. 89.2, S/25N/05W/25/ABD E JUN .10 o.oo 0.00 -.00 -.00 o.oo -.oo -.00 E AUG .10 0.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo Cache Creek Slough, R.M. 95.5, S/26N/05W/35/ADC MAY o.oo 0.00 1.00 o.oo -.00 o.oo -.00 ·-.00 E SEP .10 o.oo 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 Cache Creek, R.M. 96.0, S/26N/05W/26/DCB E JUN o.oo o.oo 1.00 -.00 -.00 0.00 -.00 -.oo E AUG .10 o.oo 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.07 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for longnose suckers. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE ( CTCH/TRP) ( CTCH/LNE) ( CTCH/24H) ( CTCH/HR) ( CTCH/TME) ( CTCH/HR) ( CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Whiskers Creek Slough, R.M. 101. 2, S/26N/05W/03/ADB EJUN 0.00 0.00 3.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.ot -.00 L JUN o.oo o.oo 5.50 -.00 -.00 -.00 o.oo -.00 E JUL 0.00 0.00 1.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL .10 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 E AUG .10 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.PO Slough 6A, R.M. 112.3. S/28N/05W/13/CAC L JUN o.oo 0.00 6.50 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 --00 E JUL .10 o.oo 3.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo ~.oo L JUL .10 o.oo 4.50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo E AUG .10 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo L AUG o.oo o.oo 1.00 -.00 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 L SEP o.oo o.oo 1.00 -.oo -.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.07 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for longnose suckers. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET BOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCB/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCB/BR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Lane Creek, R.M. 113.6, S/28N/05W/12/ADD L JUN o.oo 0.00 1.50' -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 .... oo Mainstem 2, R.M. 114.4, S/28N/04W/06/CAB E JUN o.oo 0.00 3.00 -.oo 0.00 o.oo -.oo -.00 L JUN .)0 o.oo 10.50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo L JUL .10 o.oo 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo Mainstem Susitna -Curry, R.M. 120.7, S/29N/04W/10/BCD L JUN o.oo o.oo 1.00 -.00 o.oo o.oo -.00 -.o-o L SEP . o.oo o.oo 2.00 -.00 -.00 40.00 -.00 -.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.07 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981. for. longnose suckers. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIB NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCU) Susitna Side Channel, R.M. 121.6' S/29N/04W/ll/BBB L JU~ o.oo 0.00 1.50 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo Mainstem Susitna -Gravel Bar, R.M. 123.8, S/30N/04W/26/DDD L JUN o.oo o.oo 2.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 ~.oo E JUL 0.00 o.oo 1.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -•. oo L JUL 0.00 .30 0.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 E AUG 0.00 o.oo 3.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.QO -.oo L SEP 0.00 o.oo 1.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 Slough SA, R.M. 125.3, S/30N/03W/30/BCD L JUN o.oo o.oo 9.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo .... oo E JUL o.oo o.oo 1.00 o.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.07 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980~1981, for. longnose suckers. MINNOW TRP · TROT LINE GILL NET BOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRF'I DIP NE'.J: SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCB/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCB/BR) (CTCB/DRF) (CTCH) Slough 10, R.M. 133.8, S/31N/03W/36/ AAC L JUN 0.00 o.oo 1.00 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.oo -.. oo L JUL o.oo 0.00' 6.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 L AUG .20 o.oo 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo Mainstem Susitna -Inside Bend, R.M. 136.9, S/31N/02W/17/CDA L JUN 0.00 .30 o.oo -.00 0.00 -.00 o.oo o •. oo Slough 20, R.M. 140.1, S/31N/02W/ll/BBC L JUL .10 0.00 0.00 o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo Mainstem Susitna -Island, R.M. 146.9, S/32N/01W/27/DBC E JUL 0.00 0.00 .50 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 E SEP o.oo o.oo 1.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 0.00 -.oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.07 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980..:l981, for longnose suckers. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LIRE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) Portage Creek, R.M. 148.8, S/32N/01W/25/CDB E JUN o.oo 0.00 2.50 -.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT' DlF NEl (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo Appendix Table EB.08 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-l981, for Dolly Varden. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) BEACH SN ELECTRO (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) Alexander Creek Site A, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 0.0, S/15N/07W/06/DCA E SEP .10 o.oo 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 Alexander Creek Site C, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 4.0, S/16N/07W/30/ACD L JUN .20 o.oo 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 E JUL .10 o.oo -.00 -.oo 0.00 -.oo E AUG .20 0.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 L AUG .20 o.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 Little Willow Creek, R.M. 50.5, S/20N/05W/27/AAD MAR o.oo o.oo .20 0.00 o.oo -.00 L JUL .10 o.oo -.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 E AUG .10 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 0.00 -.00 0.00 DIP N'ET. (CTCH) -.00 -.00 .0·.00 0.00 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 Appendix Table EB.08 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for Dolly Varden. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRF1. DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCB/HR) (CTCH/~ME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF:} (CTCH) Rustic Wilderness, R.M. 58.1, S/21N/05W/25/CBD E AUG .10 o.oo o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo Kashwitna Rive.r, R.M. 61.0 1 S/21N/05W/13/AAA MAY 0.00 o.oo o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 .40 -.o-o L JUN .60 2.30 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo E JUL o.oo .20 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo L JUL .40 1.50 o.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo o.oo -.00 E AUG .20 .30 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 L AUG .10 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 L SEP o.oo .30 1.00 -.oo -.oo 1.60 -.00 -.00 Slough West Bank, R.M. 65.6 1 S/22N/05W/27/ADC L SEP o.oo o.oo 1.00 o.oo -.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken ·Appendix Table EB.08 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations. 1980-1981, for Dolly Varden. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT: DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Sheep Creek Slough, R.M. 66.1, S/22N/04W/30/BAB L SEP o.oo o.oo 2.00 -.00 -.00 o.oo -.oo -.00 Goose Creek 1, R.M. 72.0, S/23N/04W/31/BBC L JUN o.oo .50 -.oo -.00 -.oo o.oo -.00 -.oo E JUL o·.oo .80 o.oo -.oo o.oo -.00 o.oo -.00 Goose Creek 2, g.M. 73 .1, S/23N/04W/30/BBB L JUL .10 o.oo o.oo -.00 -.00 o.oo o.oo -.oo L SEP o.oo o.oo 1.00 -.00 -~00 -.oo -.oo -..oo Montana Creek, R.M. 77.0, S/23N/04W/07/ABA E AUG .10 o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo o.oo -.00 o .• oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.08 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for Dolly Varden. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCB/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (C'fGlO Mainstem 1, R.M. 84.0 • S/24N/05W/10/DCC MAR 0.00 .10 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 Birch Creek Slough, R.M. 88.4, S/25N/05W/25/DCC E SEP o.oo .30 o.oo o.oo ,.;..00 o.oo -.oo -·.00 Birch Creek, R.M. 89.2, S/25N/05W/25/ABD L JUL .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.00 Cache Creek Slough, R.M • 95.5, S/26N/05W/35/ADC E JUL • 10 o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo 0.00 -.00 -.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.08 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, fQr Dolly Varden. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DI~ NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Lane Creek, R.M. 113.6, S/28N/05W/12/ADD L JUN 0.00' .30~ o.oo 0.00 o.oo .0.00 0.00 -.00 Mainstem 2, R.M. 114. 4, S/28N/04W/06/CAB E JUN 0.00 .so o.oo -.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo -.00 Mainstem Susitna -Curry, R.M. 120.7, S/29N/04W/10/BCD L JUN 0.00 0.00 .50 -.oo o.oo o.oo -.00 -.oo Susitna Side Channel, R.M. 121.6 I S/29N/04W/11/BBB L SEP o.oo .30 o.oo -.00 -.00 0.00 -.oo -.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.08 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for Dolly Varden. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (O.TCH) Slough SA, R.M. 125.3, S/30N/03W/30/BCD L JUN o.oo 0.00 .50 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 --.00 Fourth of July Creek, R.M. 131.1, S/30N/03W/03/DAC L AUG 0.00 0.00 0.00 .30 0.00 -.00 -.00 --.oo Slough 10, R.M. 133.8, S/31N/03W/36/AAC )!: AUG .10 o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 Indian River, R.M. 138.6, S/31N/02W/09/CDA E JUN 0.00 o.oo .50 -.00 0.00 -.oo 0.00 0~00 E SEP o.oo 0.00 o.oo 0.00 -.00 -.00 .20 -.oo L SEP o.oo .30 0.00 -.00 -.00 0.00 -.00 -.·00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.08 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1'981, fd.r Dolly Varden. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DR~) Portage Creek, R.M. 148.8, S/32N/01W/25/CDB EJUN o.oo o.oo 2.50 -.00 o.oo o.oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken D:J:JJ.NET (Cl(JH). ;:..oo Appendix Table EB.09 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981 1 for threespine stickleback. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCB/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Alexander Creek Site A 1 R.M. 10.1. T.R.M. 0.0. S/15N/07W/06/DCA E JUN 68.00 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 E JUL 36.50 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo L JUL 1.40 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG .10 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo Alexander Creek Site B1 R.M. 10.1. T.R.M. 2.0. S/16N/07W/32/CCB E JUL 34.70 o.oo o.oo o.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo L JUL 7.60 o.oo -.00 o.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo E AUG .20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo LAUG .30 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Alexander Creek Site c. R.M. 10.1. T.R.M. 4.0 1 S/16N/07W/30/ACD L JUN 55.90 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo t JUL 28.90 o.oo -.oo · -.oo .30 -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL 1.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo 19.30 Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.09 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for threespine stickleback. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCB/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) G~LL DRFT DIP NET (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Anderson Creek, R.M. 23.8, S/17N/07W/29/DDD E JUN 88.40 0.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 L JUN 37.00 o.oo 1.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL 49.90 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Kroto Slough Mouth, R.M. 30.1, T.R.M. 2.0, S/17N/07W/Ol/DBC E JUN 59.20 o.oo o.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 L JUN 1.60 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo E JUL 45.20 o.oo o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG .20 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Mainstem Slough, R.M. 31.0, S/l7N/06W/05/CAB L JUN .50 o.oo 0.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 E JUL 6.60 0.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 Mid-Kroto Slough, R.M. 36.3, S/18N/06W/16/BBC I E JUL 4.00 o.oo o.oo -.oo .60 -.00 o.oo -.oo Values~ -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix ~able EB.09 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for threespine stickleback. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Deshk~ River Site A, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 0.0, S/19N/06W/35/B~ L JUN 19.00 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -,00 E JUL 29.00 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo E AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Deshka River Site B, R.M. 40.6 I T.R.M. 1.01 S/19N/06W/26/BCB MAY 1.40 0.00 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUN 39.90 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL 21.50 o.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 L JUL 1.20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo E AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.00 L SEP .10 o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Deshka River Site C, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 3.5, S/19N/06W/14/BCl E JUL 14.70 0.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL .10 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG .40 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo L AUG .20 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.09 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for threespine stickleback. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) {CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) {CTCH/BR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) {CTCH/DRF) {CTCH) Lower Delta Island, R.M. 44.0. S/19N/05W/19/ACB L JON 1.30 o.oo .so -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JOL .30 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Little Willow Creek, R.M. 50.5 8 S/20N/05W/27/AAD L JON 7.50 o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo E JOL 9.10 o.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL .30 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG .20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo Rustic Wilderness, R.M. 58.1, S/21N/05W/25/CBD L JON 2.90 0.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 o.oo -.oo L JUL .20 0.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Kashwitna River, R.M. 61.0, S/21N/05W/13/AAA L JUN 4.30 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo E JOL • 20 o.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table ~B.09 Catch per unit effort lower Sueitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for threespine stickleback. MJNNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET BOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GiiLL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCB/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/BR) (CTCB/TME) (CTCH/HR) · (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Caswell Creek, R.M. 63.0, S/21N/04W/06/BDD tiAY .10 -.00 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUN 37.80 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo E JUL 3.90 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo L JUL 8.10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo E AUG 1.70 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG .70 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP • 90 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 Sheep Creek Slough, a.M. 66.1, S/22N/04W/30/BAB L JUN 35.10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL 4.30 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL 1.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo E AUG .40 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix 'hl>h EB.09 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981. for threespine stickleback. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCB/24B) (CTCH/BR) (CTCB/TME) (CTCB/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Goose Creek 1. R.M. 72.0, S/23N/04W/31/BBC L JUN 3.40 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL 2.50 o.oo o.oo -.00 o.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo L JUL • 20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG .10 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG • 90 0.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo 1.00 o.oo -.oo Mainstem West Bank, R.M. 74.4. S/23N/05W/13/CCD E JUL .10 0.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo Montana Creek, R.M. 77.0, S/23N/04W/07/ABA MAY .10 0.00 0.00 o.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo o.oo L JUN 8.30 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 E JUL 0 90 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL • 20 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG .40 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Ta~le EB.09 Catch per unit effort lower Suaitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for threespine stickleback. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/RR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Mainstem 1, R.M. 84.0 I S/24N/05W/10/DCC E JUN 2.30 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUN 5.80 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 E JUL 9.00 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL .60 o.oo -.oo -.oo -,00 -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Sunshine Creek, R.M. 85.7, S/24N/05W/14/AAB E JUN 44.00 o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo L JUN 39.40 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL 50.50 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 L JUL 18.10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG 1.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG 12.10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 E SEP .30 o.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP .30 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.09, Cat~h per unit effort ~ower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for threespine stickleback. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Birch Creek Slough, R.M. 88.4, S/25N/05W/25/DCC E JUN 36.70 o.oo o.oo -.oo. -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUN 18.10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL 15.70 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL 1.50 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo L AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E SEP .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP .40 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo Birch Creek, R.M. 89.2, S/25N/05W/25/ABD JAN .30 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo MAR .40 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUN 24.70 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUN 28.80 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL 14.00 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL 7.80 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG 4.90 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E SEP .40 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.09 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat loc:ations 1 , 1980-1981, for threespine stickleback. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET BOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCB/LNE) (CTCB/24H) (CTCB/RR) (CTCB/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Cache Creek Slough, R.M. 95.5, S/26N/05W/35/ADC MAY .10 0.00 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUN .40 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL .40 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Cache Creek, R~M. 96.0, S/26N/05W/26/DCB E JUN 30.90 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo L JON 10.90 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL 7.10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -,00 -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL 0 20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Whiskers Creek Slough, R.M. 101.2. S/26N/05W/03/ADB E JON 23.40 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUN 8.30 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo E JUL 4.60 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL 1.20 o.oo -.oo -.oo · -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG 1.50 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo ' Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table ~B~09 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for threespine stickleback. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/BR) Whiskers Creek, R.M. 101.4, S/26N/05W/03/AAC MAR .01 o.oo o.oo -.oo E JUN 26.40 o.oo o.oo o.oo L JUN 15.80 o.oo o.oo o.oo E JUL 4.80 o.oo -.oo o.oo L JUL 9.50 o.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG 1.30 o.oo -.00 -.oo L AUG 1.30 o.oo -.00 -.00 E SEP .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo Slough 6A • R.K. 112.31 S/28N/05W/13/CAC E JUN 77.30 o.oo o.oo o.oo L JUN ' 64.40 o.oo o.oo -.oo E JUL 17 .so o.oo o.oo -.oo L JUL • 90 o.oo o.oo -.oo E AUG .40 o.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -,00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo :-.00 -.oo -,00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -,00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo 18.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo Appendix Table 88.09 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for threespine stickleback. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) Lane Creek, R.M. 113.6. S/28N/05W/12/ADD E JUN 7.70 o.oo o.oo -.oo L JUN 1.60 o.oo o.oo -.oo E JUL .80 o.oo o.oo -.oo L JUL • 20 o.oo -.00 -.oo Mainstem 2, R.M. 114.4. S/28N/04W/06/CAB E JUN 9.30 o.oo o.oo -.oo L JUN 5.20 o.oo o.oo .. -.oo E JUL 2.10 o.oo o.oo -.oo L JUL .20 o.oo -.oo -.oo Mainstem Susitna -Curry, R.M. 120.7, S/29N/04W/10/BCD L JUN 1.00 o.oo o.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET (CTCB/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) -.oo -.oo .. -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo 1 'I" Appendix Table ,JB.09 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for threespine stickleback. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO G~LL DRFT DIP NET (CTCB/TRP) (CTCB/LNE) (CTCB/24B) (CTCB/HR) (CTCB/TME) (CTCH/BR) (CTCB/DRF) (CTCB) SAMPLE Slough 8A, R.M. 125.3. S/30N/03W/30/BCD L JUN 6.50 o.oo o.oo -sOO -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL 1. 70 o.oo o.oo o.oo -sOO -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL • 20 o.oo 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG .10 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP .01 o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Fourth of July Creek, R.M. 131.1, S/30N/03W/03/~C E JUL .30 o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Slough 10, R.M. 133.8, S/31N/03W/36/AAC L JUN 4.00 o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo .... oo -.oo -.oo E JUL 3.00 o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo L JUL 1.20 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG .40 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E SEP • 20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo L SEP .30 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo ValuesK ~.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.09 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for threespine stickleback. , MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE ' BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24B) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCB) Slough 11, a.M. 135.3, S/31N/02W/19/DDD L JUN .70 o.oo -.oo -.oo . o •. oo -.oo -.oo o.oo E JUL .40 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL ,10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Slough 20, R.M. 140,1, S/31N/02W/11/BBC E JUN 2.50 o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo 0,00 o.oo -.oo E JUL .20 o.oo -.oo -.oo 0,00 -.oo -.oo -.oo Mainstem Susitna -Island, R.M. 146.9, S/32N/01W/27/DBC E JUN .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.lO Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for co ttids. ' MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET .SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Alexander Creek Site A, R.M. 10.1. T.R.M. 0.0. S/15N/07W/06/D~ JAN .10 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG .1o: o.oo 0.00 -JOO -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo Alexander Creek Site B, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 2.0. S/16N/07W/32/CCB E JUL .10 o.oo 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 E AUG .10 0.00 -.00 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG .40 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo E SEP .10 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo Alexander Creek Site C8 R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 4.0 1 S/16N/07W/30/ACD L AUG .20 o.oo -.00 -.oo o.oo -.00 -.00 o.oo E SEP .10 o.oo 0.00 -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 Anderson Creek, R.M. 23.8, S/17N/07W/29/DDD E JUL .10 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 L AUG .10 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken I Appendix Table EB.lO Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for cottids. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCB/DRF) (CTCH) Mid-Kroto Slough, R.M. 36.3, S/18N/06W/16/BBC L AUG o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo .6o· -.oo o.oo -.oo E SEP 0.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo 1.30 -.oo -.oo -,00 Deshka River Site A, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. o.o. S/19N/06W/35/B~ L JUN .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo L AUG .10 0.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo E SEP .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo . Deshka River Site B, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 1.0. S/19N/06W/26/BCB E JUL .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL • 20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo L AUG .30 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo E SEP .20 o.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP • 20 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indieate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.10 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for cottids. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE · BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCB/TRP) (CTCB/LNE) (CTCB/24B) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Deshka River Site C, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 3.5, S/19N/06W/14/BCA E JUL .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo L AUG .20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo ' Little Willow Creek, R.M. 50.5, S/20N/05W/27/AAD L JUN • 20 o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.00 E JUL .70 o.oo -.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 L JUL .30 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo E AUG .30 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo L AUG .20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo L SEP .30 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 Rustic Wilderness, R.M. 58.1, S/21N/05W/25/CBD L JUN .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -eOO -.00 L JUL .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo E AUG .10 0.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.lO ··~'"I·"''. 'f •·''.' Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for cottids. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINB BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET _SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCR) Kashwitna River, R.M • 61.0, S/21N/05W/13/AAA L JUN • 10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo E JUL .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL • 20 o.oo o.oo -.oo 1.00 -.oo o.oo -.oo L AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP .30 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo Caswell Creek, R.M. 63.0, S/21N/04W/06/BDD MAY .40 -.00 o.oo o.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo L JUN .20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo. -.oo -.oo L JUL .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -eOO -.oo -.oo E AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG .10 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP .20 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Slough West Bank, R.M. 65.6, S/22N/05W/27/ADC L SEP .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.10 Catch pe~ unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations 8 1980-1981, for cottids. · MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET ~MPLE (CTCB/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24B) (CTCB/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCB/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Sheep Creek Slough, R.M. 66.1, S/22N/04W/30/BAB E JUL .20 0.00 o.oo · -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo L JUL .20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo E AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG • 20 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo Goose Creek 1, R.M. 72.0, S/23N/04W/31/BBC L JUN .80 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL 1.00 o.oo o.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo L JUL .20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo E AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo L AUG • 20 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP o.oo o.oo o.oo -.00 -.oo 1.00 o.oo -.oo Goose Creek 2 1 R.M. 73.1, S/23N/04W/30/BBB L JUL .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo L AUG • 20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -~00 -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.lO Catch per unit effort lower Suaitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for c:o ttida. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET ROOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCR/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Mainstem West Bank, R.M. 74.4, S/23N/05W/13/CCD L AUG .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP o.oo o.oo o.oo -.00 -.oo 12.00 -.oo -.oo Montana Creek, R.M. 77.0, S/23N/04W/07/ABA NOV •. 10 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo MAY .10 o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo L JUN .30 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 E JUL .20 o.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL • 20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG • 90 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo L AUG .30 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E SEP .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP .40 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table ~B.10 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for co ttids. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCR/TME) (CTCR/HR) (CTCR/DRF) (CTCH) Sunshine Creek, R.M. 85.7, S/24N/05W/14/AAB MAR .10 0.00 o.oo -.oo -.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo MAY .60 -.oo 0.00 o.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo E JUN .10 . 0.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUN .10 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL .10 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo L JUL • 20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo L AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo E SEP .10 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Birch Creek Slough 8 R.M. 88.4, S/25N/05W/25/DCC E JUN .10 o.oo 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUN .10 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -,00 E JUL .10 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table ~8.10 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for cottids. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Birch Creek, R.M. 89. 2, S/25N/05W/25/ABD FEB .10 o.oo o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo MAR .20 -.00 .so -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUN .10 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUN .30 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -,00 -.oo E JUL 2.00 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG 2.00 1 o.oo 0.00 -.100 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E SEP • 50 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo 25.00 -.oo -.oo Cache Creek Slough, R.M. 9 5. 5, S/26N/0 SW/3 5/ADC MAY .10 o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo L JUN .10 0.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 -.oo E AUG .10 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.~O Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for co ttida. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE {CTCH/TRP) {CTCH/LNE) {CTCH/24H) {CTCR/HR) {CTCB/TME) {CTCH/HR) {CTCH/DRF) {CTCH) Cache Creek, R.M. 96.0, S/26N/05W/26/DCB E JUN .10 0.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 L JUN .20 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL .30 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -;00 -.oo -.oo L JUL .10 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG • 20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 L AUG .40 0.00 -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E SEP .20 o.oo -.oo ;_.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Whiskers Creek Slough, R.M. 101.2. S/26N/05W/03/ADB E JUL • 20 0.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.00 L JUL .30 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo E AUG 1.30 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo L AUG .30 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E SEP • 80 0.00 -.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.00 Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table ~B.~O Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for cottids, MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCB/LNE) (CTCB/24H) (CTCB/BR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Whiskers Creek, R.M. 101.4, S/26N/05W/03/AAC MAR .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -,00 -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL .40 o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG .20 o.oo -.oo -.oo · -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG .20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Slough 6A, R.M, 112.3, S/28N/05W/13/CAC E JUN .10 o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUN .10 o.oo o.oo /-.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo 6.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo Lane Creek, R.M. 113.6, S/28N/05W/12/ADD L JUN ,20 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.00 E JUL .10 o.oo 0,00 -.oo -,00 -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG .20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo 1.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo E SEP .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo Values• -,00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table J;B, 10 Catch per unit effort lower Suaitna River habitat locations • 1980-1981, for co ttids. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCB/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Mainstem 2, R.M. 114.4. S/28N/04W/06/CAB L JUN .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo .... oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo ~.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -~00 -.oo L AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo 1.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo Mainstem Susitna -Curry, R.M. 120.7, S/29N/04W/10/BCD L AUG o.oo .10 o.oo -.00 -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo Susitna Side Channel, R.M. 121.6. S/29N/04W/11/BBB L AUG .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Table EB.lO Catch per unit effort lower Susitna liver habitat locations, 1980-1981, for cottids. MINNOW TIP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCR/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/BI) (CTCB/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Mainstem Susitna -Gravel Bar, R.M. 123.8, S/30N/04W/26/DDD E JUL .30 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG .10 o.oo 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Slough 8A 1 R.M. 125.3 • S/30N/03W/30/BCD FEB .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo APR .30 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JON .20 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Fourth of July Creek, R.M. 131.1 1 S/30N/03W/03/~C L JON .10 o.oo 0.00 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL .10 o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL .20 o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG .10 0.00 -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG .20 o.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo .-.oo -.oo -.oo E SEP .10 o.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Tabl~ EB.lO Catch per unit effort lower Suaitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for cottids. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Slough 10. R.M. 133.8, S/31N/03W/36/AAC FEB .10 0.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo MA.R • 50 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo APR .30 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo I -.oo -.oo L JUN .20 o.oo o.oo -.oo 1.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL • 20 0.00 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG .10 o.oo o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 E SEP .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo Slough 11, R.M. 135.3. S/31N/02W/19/DDD APR .10 o.oo o.oo -.00 o.oo -.00 -.oo o.oo L JUN .40 o.oo -.00 -.00 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL • 50 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E SEP 0 20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Ta])l~ .)!:~-~ lO . . I Catch per unit effort lower Susitna liver habitat locations, 1980-1981, for cottids. ' 1 MINNOW TIP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN .ELECTRO GILL DRFT DIP NET SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP} (CTCH/LNE} (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/Hl) (CTCH/TME) (CTCB/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) Mainstem Susitna -Inside Bend, l.M • 136.9, S/31N/02W/17/Cnl L JUN • 10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E AUG .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L AUG .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP .10 o.oo o.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 lnd ian River • a.M. 138.6, S/31N/02W/09/CDA E JUL .40 o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 E AUG • 20 o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 E SEP .10 o.oo o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo L SEP .10 o.oo 0.00 -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo Slough 20, R.M. 140.1, S/31N/02W/11/BBC MAR .10 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo APR • 20 ;..,oo -.00 -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo -.oo E JUN .30 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E JUL .10 o.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L JUL .10 o.oo o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.00 -.oo L AUG .30 .30 -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo E SEP .40 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo L SEP • 20 o.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken Appendix Tfble EB.10 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, for cottids. I MINNOW TRP TROT LINE SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) Mainstem Susitna -Island 8 R.M. E JUN .10 o.oo E JUL .10 o.oo L JUL .10 o.oo GILL NET HOOK&LlNE (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) 146.9~ S/32N/01W/27/DBC o.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo Portage Creek, R.M • 148.8, S/32N/01W/25/CDB E JUN • 10 o.oo 0.00 -.oo E JUL .10 0.00 o.oo o.oo L SEP .10 0.00 o.oo o.oo Values• -.00 indicate no sample taken BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) -.00 -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) -.oo -.oo -.00 o.oo -.oo o.oo GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) -.oo -.oo -.oo o.oo -.oo o.oo DIP NET (CTCH) -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo -.oo Appendix Table EB.11 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1961, f6.i Arctic lamprey. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) GILL NET HOOK&LINE (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) BEACH SN (CTCH/TME) Alexander Creek Site A, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 0.0, S/15N/07W/06/DCA EJUN .20 0.00 o.oo -.00 -.00 Alexander Creek Site B, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 2.0, S/16N/07W/32/CCB E SEP .20 o.oo o.oo 0.00 -.00 Alexander ·Creek Site C, R.M. 10.1, T.R.M. 4.0, S/16N/07W/30/ACD E SEP .10 0.00 0.00 -.00 0.00 Ander~on Creek, R.M. 23.8, S/17N/07W/29/DDD E JUL .10 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken . ELECTRO (CTCH/HR) -.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) -.00 -.00 -.oo -.oo Dit NET . (CTCH) ··'-:-;on. ...~()0 . () .Qp. ..:.:,~QO ~ " Appendix Table EB.11 Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, ~ frir Arctic lamprey. MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE BEACH SN ELECTRO SAMPLE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) Mainstem Slough, R.M. 31.0, S/17N/06W/05/CAB E JUL .10 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 Mid-Kroto Slough, R.M. 36.3, S/18N/06W/16/BBC E AUG .10 0.00 0.00 -.00 0.00 -.oo Deshka River Site A, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 0.0, S/19N/06W/35/BDA E SEP .10 0.00 0.00 -.00 0.00 -.00 Deshka River Site B, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 1.0. S/19N/06W/26/BCB I E SEP .10 0.00 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken GILL DRFT (CTCH/DRF) -.oo 0.00 -.00 0.00 our NET . (CTCH) ·..;:·.oo :...oo .~.-'.00. ~.oo Appendix Table EB.ll Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations, 1980-1981, ~or Arctic lamprey. SAMPLE MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET BOOK&LINE {CTCH/TRP) (CTCB/LNE) {CTCH/24H) {CTCB/HR) BEACH SN ELECTRO {CTCH/TME) {CTCH/HR) Deshka River Site C, R.M. 40.6, T.R.M. 3.5, S/19N/06W/14/BCA L JUL .10 0.00 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 Little Willow Creek, R.M. so.s·, S/20N/05W/27/AAD L AUG .10 o.oo o.oo o.oo -.00 -.00 E SEP .40 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 Rustic Wilderness, R.M. 58.1 f S/21N/05W/25/CBD JAN .10 o.oo -.00 -.00 -.00 -.00 Goose Creek 1, R.M. 72.0 1 S/23N/04W/31/BBC E JUL .10 o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo 0.00 L AUG .10 o.oo -.00 -.oo -.00 -.00 L SEP .10 0.00 0.00 -.00 -.oo o.oo Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken GILL DRFT DIP'HET {CTCH/DRF) (CTCH) -.00 ·'-,oo. o.oo ·:-·;oo -.oo ~ .• ao -.oo ~·.00 o.oo .:. •. oo -.oo .~~00 o.oo ·:-.o·o_. -·-.-· Appendix Table EB.ll Catch per unit effort lower Susitna River habitat locations. 1980-1981,. fO-r Arctic lamprey. SAMPLE Montana L JUN L JUL L AUG Whiskers E JUL L AiJG MINNOW TRP TROT LINE GILL NET HOOK&LINE (CTCH/TRP) (CTCH/LNE) (CTCH/24H) (CTCH/HR) Creek. R.M. 11.0. S/23N/04W/07/ABA .10 o.oo o.oo 0.00 .10 0.00 -.00 -.oo .20 0.00 -.00 -.oo Creek, R.M. 101.4, S/26N/05W/03/AAC .50 0.00 0.00 o.oo .10 0.00 -.00 -.00 Values= -.00 indicate no sample taken BEACH SN ELECTRO GILL DRFT DlP:)iET (CTCH/TME) (CTCH/HR) (CTCH/DRF) (C'fCH) -.oo 0.00 -.oo o .• oo -.00 -.00 -.00 .;. •. 90 -.00 -.00 -.oo ":"".·~ 0(} -.00 0.00 o.oo ;.:. ... PO -.00 -.oo -.00 --:;00.