HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA327Final Report Forecasting Peak Electrical Demand for Alaska's Railbelt Prepared by Gary R.Smith Craig V..J.Kirkwood for Acres American,Inc. Liberty Bank Building,Main at Court Buffalo,New York.14202 December 1980 Woodward-Clyde Consultants Three ErnbarcaderoCenter,Suite 700,San Francisco,CA 94111 ~ I I~ I .."""" '"'"" Final Report -rt( \'1 :15 S3.. A~s y\o,"'b ~I 605678 Forecasting Peak Electrical Demand for Alaska's Railbelt .Prepared by Gary R.Smith Craig W.Kirkwood for Acres American,Inc. Liberty Bank Building,Main at Court Buffalo,New York 14202 December 1980 ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Information Services Anchorage.Alaska Woodward·Clyde Consultants Three Embarcadero Center,Suite 700,San Francisco,CA 94111 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Electric Utilities in the Railbelt 2.2 Data Sources 2.3 Limitations of Data 3.0 PROJECTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1-1 2-1 2-1 2-3 2-3 3-1 .... 3.1 Possible Methods for Forecasting Load Patterns 3.2 Discussion of Selected Approach 3-1 3-5 - 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 Identifying Standard Load Duration Patterns Adjusting Customer Categories &Allocating Total Sales Projecting Peak Loads EstUnation of Average Weekend,Weekday &Load Duration Curves 3...5 3-7 3-15 3-28 4.0 STRENGTHS &LIMITATIONS OF FORECAST PROCEDURE 4.1 Comparison with Historical Results 4.2 Comparison with Other Estimates 4.3 Possible Future Work REFERENCES APPENDIX A HOURLY ELECTRICAL LOAD DATA APPENDIX B AVERAGE WEEKLY PER UNIT LOAD DATA APPENDIXC MONTHLY AND DAILY LOAD CURVE TABULATIONS ii 4-1 4-1 4-5 4-5 - LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 SUMMARY OF RAILBELT UTILITIES 2-2 2.2 POWER SYSTEM FILINGS 1970-1979 2-4 3.2.1 ADJUSTMENTS TO POWER SYSTEM STATEMENT 3-8 3.2.2 AVERAGE RATIO OF MONTHLY TO TOTAL ANNUAL GENERATION 3-9 3.2.3 AVERAGE CUSTOMER CATEGORIES (BY TOTAL YEARLY SALES)3-10 3.2.4 COMPUTATION OF LOAD PATTERN Al CUSTOMER CLASSIFI- CATIONS 3.2.5 PROJECTED ELECTRIC UTILITY SALES AND MILITARY PLUS 3-16 SELF-SUPPLIED INDUSTRIAL NET GENERATION 3.2.6 BREAKDOWN OF FORECASTED SALES,ANCHORAGE AREA 3~17 3.2.7 BREAKDOWN OF FORECASTED SALES,FAIRBANKS AREA 3-18 3.2.8 BREAKDOWN OF FORECASTED SALES,GLENALLEN-VALDEZ AREA 3-19 3.2.9 AVERAGE PERCENr "ENERGY UNACCOUNTED FOR"3-20 3.2.10 YEARLY ESTIMATED PEAK LOADS:ISER LOW FORECAST 3.2.11 YEARLY MONTH TO ANNUAL PEAK LOAD RATIOS: ISER LOW FORECAST 3-22 3-23 3.2.12 YEARLY ESTIMATED PEAK LOADS:ISER MEDIUM FORECAST 3-24 ""'" 3.2.13 YEARLY MONTH TO ANNUAL PEAK LOAD RATIOS: ISER MEDIUM FORECAST 3.2.14 YEARLY ESTIMATED PEAK LOADS:ISERHIGH FORECAST 3.2.15 YEARLY MONTH TO ANNUAL PEAK LOAD RATIOS: ISER HIGH FORECAST 4.1.1 LOAD FACTORS FOR RAIL BELT UTILITIES 4.1.2 LOAD FACTOR SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS 4.2.1 SUMMARY OF PEAK LOAD FORECASTS iii 3-25 3-26 3-27 4-2 4-4 4-6 - r 1.0 INTRODUCTION This document constitutes the final report describing the work carried out by Woodward-Clyde Consultants (WCC)under Subtask 1.02 of agreement number PS700.10.41 between wee and Acres American Incorpor- ated (Acres)for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project.This report des- cribes the basic approach taken by WCC,the assumptions made,the ex- tent and accuracy of the data used,the results obtained and the strengths and limitations of the forecasting procedures used. The pr1mary objective of wee's activities on Subtask 1.02 of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project,as specified in the abovementioned agreement and clarified in a letter from Acres on September 16,1980, is to provide projections of future aggregate electric demand patterns for the Alaska Railbelt Region.These projections were to be based on the recent projections of total electric energy demand made by the Institute of Social and Economic Research of the University of Alaska (ISER).The information provided here includes projections of peak megawatt demand level and month-to-annual load ratios for each year from 1980 through 2010 as well as monthly per-unit load ratios and hourly load ratios at lO-year intervals over this period.This 1n- formation is provided in tabular form so that it can be used by Acres with little or no manipulation. 1-1 - ,.,.., ! 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 ELECTRIC UTILITIES IN THE RAILBELT Eight electric utility compam.es supply most of the electricity for the communities in the Railbelt: •Chugach Electric Assn.,Inc. •Anchorage Municipal Light &Power Dept. •Homer Electric Assn.,Inc. •Matanuska Electric Assn.,Inc. •Seward Electric System •Golden Valley Electric Assn.,Inc. •Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System •Cooper Valley Electric Assn.,Inc. The first five utilities serve the greater Anchorage area,with Chugach and Anchorage Municipal serving the city itself,Homer serving most of the Kenai Penninsula,Matanuska serving the Palmer-Talkeetna area and Seward serving the town of Seward on the Kenai penninsula. Homer,Matanuska and Seward purchase most of their power from Chugach, the largest utility in the area. The Fairbanks area is served by Golden Valley and Fairbanks Muni- cipal while Copper Valley serves both the Glenallen and Valdez areas. Table 2.1 summarizes some characteristics of these utilities. 2-1 ----j ---1 !D j ~1 }D 1 1 I j i -1 TABLE 2.1.SUMMARY OF RAILBELT UTILITIES 1978 Number of Customers 1978 1978 Sales 3 Peak Load (MWhxlO )(MW) Installed Capacity (MW) Purchased Electricity 1978 (MWhxl0 3 ) Type of System Anchorage Area Anchorage Municipal 16,740 498 109 184 107*Municipal Chugach 47,904 1,257 284 420 42*Rural Electric Coop. Homer 9,332 225 51 2.6 239**Rural Electric Coop. Matanuska 12,311 212 57 0.9 244+Rural Electric Coop. Seward 1,272 18 7 5.5 20**Municipal N I Fairbanks AreaN Golden Valley 15,213 309 72 211 3 Rural Electric Coop. Fairbanks Municipal 5,780 116 28 67 -3++Municipal Glenallen-Valdez Copper Valley 2,173 42 na 18 0 Rural Electric Coop. *Purchased from Alaska Power Administration (APA) **Purchased from Chugach +Purchased from Chugach and APA ++Sales to Golden Valley SOURCE:Electrical World Directory of Utilities,1979-1980 Edition,McGraw-Hill,1979 F I I. T' !I 2.2 DATA SOURCES The main source of historical data used for this study was the information supplied by the individual utilities to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).Each year the utilitis are required to complete a "Power System Statement"(FERC Form 12).This statement in- cludes information on monthly sales and peak loads,types and numbers of customers and transfers between utilities.In addition the larger utilities are required to provide hourly load data for three specific weeks during the year.Four utilities in the Railbelt provide this data (Anchorage Municipal,Chugach,Fairbanks Municipal and Golden Valley)• This data was used as the pr~mary data source for this study because it is provided by all the utilitites in a consistent and comparable format and because it is the most extensive source of information available in the public record. Information from the Power System Statements was compiled for the years 1970 through 1979,where available,providing a 10 year data base.Table 2.2 shows the data filed with FERC by each utility during each year. The predictions of future total electric energy demands used in this study were those developed by the University of Alaska's Insti- .1* tute of Social and Economic Research (rSER)in their 1980 study • 2.3 LIMITATIONS OF DATA While the data contained in the FERC Power System Statements is the most complete and usable published information source available for the Railbelt,it has several limitations.The most severe *References are listed following Section 4. 2-3 -TABLE 2.2 POWER SYSTEM FILINGS 1970 -1979 FERC Form 12A* FERC Form 12 Hourly Load Data Anchorage Municipal 1970 -1979 X X Chugach 1970 -1979 X X Homer ~1970 -1979 X Matanuska 1970 -1979 X Seward 1970 -1979 X Golden Valley 1970 -1978 X X 1979 No forms filed as of 9/10/80 Fairbanks Municipal 1970 -1974 X 1975 -1979 X X Copper Valley 1970 -1977 X 1978 X 1979 No forms filed as of 9/10/80 *Short form for smaller utilities 2-4 ..... limitation ~s that hourly data is given for only three weeks out of the year.(The first weeks of April,August and December).This is a very limited data base from which to prepare estimates of load curves for an entire year.In particular,the week shown on the Power System Statements is not likely to contain both the minimum and maximum load from a given month.This means that a monthly load duration curve computed from just one week's data is likely to show less variation than one computed from an entire month's data.The result will be a higher predicted load factor than actual and thus a lower predicted peak than actual.The data for the rai1be1t resulted in differences between our computed and the actual historical peaks of approximately 5 to 10 percentage points.There does not appear to be any simple defensible solution to this problem,since there ~s no data based way to estimate the shape of the load for the portion of the ~month not shown.Thus there ~s no way based on the available data to adjust the monthly load duration curve to force the calculated peak load to match the actual peak.This topic is discussed further in Section 4.0. .- T T In addition to this data limitation there appear to be a certain number of clerical problems with the data.For example,some utili- ties reported hourly daily loads with more or less than 24 data points.The data was adjusted to eliminate these problems by making simple assumptions about the most reasonable way to arrive at a complete unambiguous data base. The limitations of ISERs total demand projections were discussed ~n detail in our review of that work2 •For the purposes of this study,the projections were treated as given,and no adjustments were made. 2-5 -- 3.0 PROJECTIONS 3.1 POSSIBLE METHODS FOR FORECASTING LOAD PATTERNS This section provides a brief overview of methods for peak elec- tric load forecasting.It is not intended to be a complete look at the field.Summaries have been compiled by Charles River Associ- 3 4 ates and EPRI ,among others.Due to the limited data base available and the requirement of matching the ISER forecasts,a simple approach was used here.The details of the selected approach are discussed in Section 3.2. Forecasting load patterns (other than peak loads)is a question that has only recently been given detailed attention in the utility industry.Prior to the 1973-1974 "energy crisis",very little sophis- ticated work had been done even on predicting peak loads.Predictions of peak load were usually based on simple extrapolations of existing trends. Recently there has been increased interest in methods for fore- casting peak loads.A primary reason for this is that simple extra- polation no longer gives accurate results in the current energy en- vironment.Other reasons for this interest include increased fuel prices,increased lead times for new facilities,pressure from regu- latory agencies to better demonstrate the need for power and increased interest in conservation.Interest in load shapes has also grown due to interest in the possibilities of load management.Many suggested 3-1 ~- load management strategies involve shifting electrical use from one time of day to another.The effectiveness of such proposals thus de- pends on the changes in the rate of electrical use during each day. 3 A survey by Charles River Associates of peak load forecasting identified no models which integrate the effect of load management into the basic model structure. The most common approach to estimating peak load based on total generation forecasts is by the use of historical load factors.The load factor is the ratio of total generation to the product of peak load and the number of hours in the year (8760).All recent estimates of peak load in the Railbelt have used an assumed load factor to ar- rive at peak load from total generation (see Table 4.2.1).There are several drawbacks to this approach.Most obviously,this approach yields no information on the shape of the load,only the peak.In ad- dition,if results from more than one utility.are to be combined, there is no data based way to estimate the combined load factor.This 1S because it 1S likely the peaks for the utilities would occur at different times thus making the overall peak lower than the sum of the individual peaks. There are many possible variations on the use of historical load factors.One of the most common is to adjust historical data for weather fluctuations.In this approach the influence on historical peaks of methods. before a yearly weather patterns is estimated using statistical Each year's peak is adjusted to normalized we~ther patterns yearly load factor is computed. Another possibility is to compute load factors for various clas- ses of customers.However,doing this requ1res disaggregation of total load duration curves into curves for each category.This type 3-2 of data is only available on a yearly basis in the Railbelt area.No hourly information has been published for different customer classes. The approach selected for this study was to estimate the peak load indirectly by looking at available information on hourly load patterns.By normalizing these patterns to account for changing electricity use and averaging over several years,fluctuations due to weather patterns can hopefully be eliminated.The hourly data are comparable between utilities and thus can be added together to allow identification of regional peaks. This approach has the disadvantage of not accounting for any trends over time in the load patterns.In addition,due to the incom- pleteness of the data base for the Railbelt,as discussed in Section 2.3,the total range of variation in hourly peaks is not captured. This will result in load factors that are higher than the historical average and thus 1n peaks that are underestimated.Our selected ap- proach is described in more detail in Section 3.2. The various approaches described above estimate peak loads in- directly by using projections of total sales.Since the ISER fore- casts were to be used as the basis of this study,this type of ap- proach was necessary.If no estimate of total sales is available there are methods to estimate peak loads directly.The simplest ap- proach is extrapolation from historical data,either using some type of trend line or the more sophisticated methods of time series analy- sis.Again weather effects and disaggregation can be included in this type of approach. The most sophisticated method for peak load estimation is econo- metric end-use analysis.With this method the total load is broken down into many component parts.For example,Public Service Electric 3-3 - T &Gas (PSE&G)5 has developed a model which includes characteristic load patterns for weather sensitive and non-weather sensitive portions for residential,commercial,and industrial customers.The curves for each of these sectors are further disaggregated in the PSE&G model. For example,the residential sector includes five separate types of water heater load pattern (i.e.,estimated hourly electrical use for a single water heater):conventional,one element time-clock control- led,full storage,heat pump and solar.The other sections of the model are similarly disaggregated.An econometric model is needed to drive the load projection model which can forecast the number of users in each category (e.g.,the number of each of the five types of water heater in use,etc.).Once this information is available,the total load pattern (i.e.,the total amount of electricity used each hour) can be generated by summing the individual load patterns.The peak load is then the highest hourly electrical use and the total sales are the area under the curve (i.e.,the total MWh of electricity used). This type of model is the only one that can directly assess the impact of various load management and time-of-day pricing strategies.The development of this type of model is still in its infancy.Its major drawback is the enormous data requirement (a complete yearly load pat- tern for each end use)and the difficulty 1n calibrating the load curves.No utilities in the Railbelt and few in the lower 48 states are currently collecting this type of data.It may be possible to use standardized data for some end uses (e.g.,develop standard water heater hourly load patterns),but these curves may need to be adjusted to suit local conditions.The other drawback is the need for a very sophisticated econometric model to forecast the number of users in each end use category.ISERrs MAP model,when completed andcalibra- t~d,could potentially provide the basis for a viable end use model for the Railbelt.However,this would require more research,data collection and calibration. 3-4 - 3.2 DISCUSSION OF SELECTED APPROACH The approach selected here for forecasting electrical use pat- terns for the Railbelt is based on analysis of historical use pat- terns.The emphasis was on identifying average patterns over the ten years from 1970-1979 and not in identifying trends or changes in the patterns during that period.This was reasonable since our analysis did not reveal any clear cut trends in any of the parameters examined, except,of course,that total electrical use is growing.Use of average values should reduce the impact of yearly variations in such parameters as weather,which are not explicitly addressed in the ap- proach. The historical data available from annual "Power System State- ments"(see Section 2.2)was used to arrive at four normalized sets of electrical use patterns corresponding to the four major utilities ~n the Railbelt.The total electrical use from ISER's forecasts was then distributed among these standard patterns.in a way that was consistent with the distribution of use among categories of customers projected by ISER.Finally,the estimated use patterns were combined to obtain an overall pattern and peak load estimate for the entire Railbelt. The remainder of this section describes the details of how these steps were accomplished. \ 3.2.1 Identifying Standard Load Duration Patterns Four of the utilities in the Railbelt area supply hourly data on the FERC Power System Statement.The hourly data were used to develop four different load patterns for the Railbelt.The patterns developed were labeled as follows: Pattern Al =Chugach data Pattern A2 =Anchorage Municipal data Pattern Fl =Golden Valley data Pattern F2 =Fairbanks Municipal data. 3-5 - "f" I I Since Chugach also supplies most of the power used by Homer,Matanuska and Seward,the electricity sold to these utilities by Chugach is in- cluded in the hourly data supplied by Chugach.Thus it is reasonable to consider pattern Al as a composite of Chugach,Homer,Matanuska and Seward.the additional power generated by Homer,Matanuska and Seward was assumed to follow the same pattern AI. The only remaining utility is Copper Valley,which serves the Glenallen-Valdez area.It was assumed that its generation pattern could be approximated by a combination of patterns Al and A2 adjusted to represent the mix of customer categories shown in the ISER fore- casts. ISER also reported figures for power generated by the military and self supplied industries.Pattern A2 was used for the self sup- plied industrial generation because most of the industries are located in the greater Anchorage area and because Anchorage Municipal has the largest percentage of commercial and industrial customers of any of the utilities studied.Both Anchorage Municipal and Golden Valley sell some power to military bases in the Railbelt.Thus,it was assumed that the military load followed the patterns A2 and F2 in pro- portion to the percentage of military generation in the Anchorage and Fairbanks areas. Each of the four standard patterns consisted of the following information,based on the historical data in the Power System State- ments: •average weekly per unit load patterns for the first weeks of April,August and December.These consist of seven 24-hour patterns for each week •average monthly to yearly total generation ratios 3-6 •average percentage of total generation for each customer category. The three weekly per unit load generation patterns were computed by entering the hourly data for each of the three weeks shown in the Power System Statement into a computerized data base for each avail- able year between 1970 and 1979.'This data base is reproduced in Appendix A.Certain adjustments to the hours shown 1n the Power System Statements were necessary.These are listed in Table 3.2.1. Each week in this data base was then normalized by dividing each entry by the sum of all the entries in the week.Once this was done the corresponding weeks from different years could be averaged to obtain the three "standard weeks"for the four load patterns which were used in our analysis.These standard weeks are shown in Appendix B. Monthly total generation is reported by each utility on its Power System Statement.This information was used to compute month to annual generation ratios.These ratios were then averaged over the available years to obtain standard monthly to yearly generation ratios for each utility.These ratios are shown in Table 3.2.2. 3.2.2.Adjusting Customer Categories and Allocating Total Sales Table 3.2.3 shows the average percentage of customers for each utility in each of the categories used by ISER.This information is also reported to FERC on the Power System Statements.*Since Chugach sells a portion of its power to other utilities,the percentage in *Residentia1 was assumed to be the sum of "Farm,excluding irrigation and drainage pumping"and Hnon-farm residential". Commercial/Industrial/Governmental was assumed to be the sum of "Commercial","Industrial",and "Other"if specified as Governmental. All other classifications were included as Other. 3-7 TABLE 3.2.1 ADJUSTMENTS TO POWER SYSTEM STATEMENT* l.Anchorage Municipal 1978-1979 ~ 2.Golden Valley Dec.1973-3.Golden Valley Apr.1978 .~ ......4.Fairbanks Municipal Dec.1976 26 periods were reported for each day. Periods 1 and 13 were assumed to represent midnight and noon values and were elimina- ted from our analysis. Assumed 20,640 reported for Thursday 7-8 am was meant to be 40,640. 21 periods reported for each day. Assumed these were periods 12-1 am to 8-9 pm and that 9-10,10-11,and 11-12 pm all had exactly the same shape as 8-9 pm • 23 periods reported for each day. Assumed last period (11-12 pm)was not included and that it had the same value as 10-11 pm. *The adjustments shown in this table were arrived at by informal examina- tion of the data.Based on this examination and a comparison with data for other years,the adjustments appear to compensate for the errors in the data.Since these errors affect such a small portion of the data used in the analyses,they should have little influence on the results of the analysis. 3-8 J J ~1 ~.~)i .....1 J l .»1 .··1 j TABLE 3.2.2 AVERAGE RATIO OF MONTHLY TO TOTAL ANNUAL GENERATION (1970-1979)* Month Load Pattern Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Pattern Al (Chugach).103 .089 .089 .076 .071 .064 .065 .067 .072 .088 .101 .116 Pattern A2 (Anchorage Municipal).099 .086 .089 .078 .074 .067 .068 .074 .076 .087 .096 .105 Pattern FI (Golden Valley).115 .099 .095 .077 .063 .053 .057 .061 .067 .088 .107 .119 w Pattern F2I(Fairbanks Municipal).110 .097 .092 .083 .078 .074 .076 .078 .080 .091 .101 .115\C *Source:FERC Power System Statements TABLE 3.2.3 AVERAGE CUSTOMER CATEGORIES (BY TOTAL YEARLY SALES)*(1970-l979) Load Pattern Pattern Al (Chugach)+ Pattern A2 (Anchorage Municipal) Pattern Fl (Golden Valley) Pattern F2 (Fairbanks Municipal) Residential 57.1 25. 51.2 28.6 Commercial! Industrial Governmental 39.7 72. 47.6 66.5 Other 2.7 3. 1.2 4.6 ""'" ! 1"'1"I I ""f'" ~..i I , - *Average percentage;1970-1979.Percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding error. +Composite of Chugach,Homer,Matanuska,Seward.See Table 3.2.4. 3-10 each category was adjusted by using a weighted average of the utilities involved.This computation is shown in Table 3.2.4. To estimate load patterns associated with total sales forecast by ISER for the three regions of the Railbelt (greater Anchorage,greater Fairbanks and Glenallen-Valdez)it was necessary to examine the mix of customer classifications predicted by ISER.In order to do this,the following assumptions were made: •There is a single underlying pattern for residential electrical consumption for the Anchorage area;that is,the pattern of consumption of electric energy is the same for Anchorage Municipal residential customers as for Chugach residential customers. •Similarly,there is a single underlying pattern for commercial electrical consumption for the Anchorage area. •There is a single underlying pattern for residential electrical consumption for the Fairbanks area;that is,the pattern of consumption of electric energy is the same for Fairbanks Municipal residential customers and Golden Valley residential customers. •Similarly,there is a single underlying pattern for commercial electrical consumption for the Fairbanks area. •Finally,these four patterns will not change over the forecast period considered in this study;that is,the pattern of consumption of a kilowatt-hour of electric energy in each of the four categories will remain stable. 3-11 1 ---'j 1 J ]--}1 J J i j I -1 ] TABLE 3.2.4 COMPUTATION OF LOAD PATTERN Al CUSTOMER CLASSIFICATIONS* %Energy Utility Unaccounted For %Customer Classifications Residential Commercial**Other Total Sales (Mwh x 10 3 ) Non-Chugach Generati~n (Mwh x 10 ) Net(a) Non-Chugach Sales 3(Mwh x 10 ) Chugach 13.9 61.2 35.6 3.2 781 Matanuska ll.5 64.3 31.7 1.2 223 27 24 Homer 8.9 35.6 62.5 1.9 196 2 2 Seward 13.8 34.0 62.5 4.0 20 1 1 Total l,.)Chugach %ofI weighted %in Customer Classifications*(b)I-'Sales 3 ChugachN Utility (Mwh x 10 )Total Residential C01Illl\ercial Other Chugach 781 65.5 40.1 23.3 2.1 Matanuska 199 16.7 10.7 5.3 0.2 Homer 194 16.2 5.8 10.1 0.3 Seward 19 1.6 0.5 1.0 0.1 Total ll93 100.0 57.1 39.7 2.7 ~a~(Non-ChugaChgeneration)/O+%energy unaccounted for) b (%in classification)x (%of Chugach total) *Based on 1978 Form 12s **Includes Industrial and Governmental It follows from these assumptions that the load patterns for Chugach (load pattern AI)and Anchorage Municipal (load pattern A2) can be written as linear combinations of the underlying load patterns assumed to exist for Anchorage residential and commercial customers. Similarly,the load patterns for Golden Valley (load pattern Fl)and Fairbanks Municipal (load pattern F2)can be written as linear combi- nations of the underlying load patterns assumed to exist for Fairbanks residential and commercial customers.Additionally,the load pattern associated with a different percentage of residential and commercial customers than currently exists can be found by taking the appropriate linear combination of the underlying load patterns for residential and commercial customers.Equivalently,linear combinations of patterns Al and A2 (for Anchorage)or FI and F2 (for Fairbanks)can be used. We have taken this latter approach since it is computationally sim- pler. Total sales were allocated between patterns Al and A2,for Anchorage and Glenallen-Valdez,and FI and F2 for Fairbanks,in a man- ner that resulted in total load patterns that correspond to the mix of residential and commercial customers predicted by ISER.This was done by altering the percentage of total megawatt hours allocated to each pattern.For example,from Table 3.2.3,pattern Al represents 57.1% residential customers and pattern A2 represents 25%residential cus- tomers.Thus the overall percentage of residential customers in the Anchorage area is: 0.571 x (percent of total sales having load pattern AI)+ 0.25 x (percent of total sales having load pattern A2)= percent of total sales made to residential customers Using this relationship and the fact that the percent of sales having load patterns Al and A2 must sum to 100 (for the Anchorage area),the formula can be rearranged as: 3-13 percent of total sales having pattern Al =3.115 x (percent of total sales to residential customers)-77.88 percent of total sales having pattern A2 total sales having pattern AI). 100 -(percent of - - ..... ..... Thus,given an ISER forecast of percent residential customers for a given future year,a corresponding allocation to the Al and A2 standard load patterns can be made using the equations ~n the last paragraph.Note that this is not a forecast of future sales by Chugach (for pattern AI)or Anchorage Municipal(for pattern A2),but only a forecast of changes in the overall load shape for that Anchor- age Region.Using similar techniques,an analogous formula was devel- oped for the Fairbanks area: Percent of total sales having load pattern FI = 4.425 x (percent of total sales to residential customers)-126.55. Percent having load pattern F2 =100 -(percent of total sales having load pattern Fl). Since the load at Glenallen-Valdez was assumed in our analysis to also be made up of a combination of patterns Al and A2,the same allocation formula as for the Anchorage area was used.Of course,in this case the ISER forecasts of Glenallen-Valdez percentages of resi- dential use were used.These formulas will result in accurate alloca- tion of percentages of residential sales,however the ISER prediction ·of sales to the "other"category was about one percent,while histor- ical sales to this category averaged about three percent.Thus,the percent of sales to "other"will tend to be overstated by about two percent in our projections compared to those of ISER with a correspon- ding reduction in the prediction for the commercial/industrial/govern- mental category. 3-14 Table 3.2.5 is a reproduction of the basic results of the ISER report.Tables 3.2.6,3.2.7 and 3.2.8 show the allocation of the forecasted sales to the standard load patterns used in our study for each area as determined by the formula described above.Note that in some cases negative numbers appear.This is because the residential percentage goes outside the range of percentages spanned by the pat- terns being combined.However,the results of the allocation formulas are still valid in these cases. In addition to the regional sales forecast by ISER,military and self-supplied industrial generation were included in the totals allo- cated to the standard load patterns.ISER reported current net mili- 3 tary generation of 156 x 10 MWh for greater Anchorage and 178 x 3 10 MWh for greater Fairbanks.These hours were allocated to pat- terns A2 and Fl respectively,since both of the utilities whose data were used to generate these patterns have sold power to the military in the past.ISER also estimated self supplied industry generation of 3 3 3 3 .414 x 10 ,571 x 10 and 847 x 10 to 981 x 10 MWh for the low,medl.- um,and high cases respectively.This generation was allocated to pattern A2 since Anchorage Municipal,whose data were used to calcu- late pattern A2,has the highest percentage of commercial/industrial customers of the utilities studied. 3.2.3 Projecting Peak Loads To project peak loads for the Railbelt area the total sales allo- cated to each standard load pattern (as shown in Tables 3.2.6,3.2.7 and 3.2.8)were first adjusted to reflect losses and energy unaccount- ed for.Table 3.2.9 shows the average "energy unaccounted for"for the Railbelt utilities.The adjustment was made by increasing the total hours allocated to each utility by a factor equal to the average energy unaccounted for.These adjustments resulted in the estimates 3-15 rUJrl TABLE 3.2.5 PROJECTED ELECTRIC UTILITY SALES AND MILITARY PLUS SELF-SUPPLIED INDUSTRIAL NET GENERATION (103 MWh) Utility Sales Total Military Self-Supplied Anchorage+G1enallen-Utility Net Industry Net Year Anchorage Fairbanks Fairbanks Valdez Sales Generation Generation 1978 1,747 427 2,174 38 2,212 334 414 1980 1,907 446 2,353 37 2,390 334 414 1985 L 2,249 619 2,868 53 2,921 414 M 2,438 669 3,107 64 3,171 334 571 H 2,676 769 3,445 116 3,561 847 M-E 2,438 669 3,107 64 3,171 571 1990 L 2,510 666 3,176 60 3,236 414 M 2,782 742 3,524 75 3,599 334 571 H 3,249 914 4,163 119 4,282 981 M-E 2,782 742 3,524 75 3,599 571 1995 L 3,097 813 3,910 66 3,976 414 M 3,564 949 4,513 8a 4,601 334 571 H 4,438 1,227 5,665 124 5,789 981 M-E 3,564 949 4,513 104 4,617 571 2000 L 3,981 1,040 5,021 80 5,101 414 M 4,451 1,177 5,628 102 5,730 334 571 H 5,519 1,537 7,056 136 7,192 981 M-E 4,973 1,416 6,389 136 6,525 571 2005 L 4,375 1,154 5,529 88 5,617 414 M 5,226 1,397 6,623 119 6,742 334 571 H 7,013 1,988 9,001 176 9,177 981 M-E 6,220 1,834 8,054 165 8,219 571 2010 L 4,807 1,277 6,084 95 6,179 414 M 6,141 1,671 7,812 140 7,952 334 571 H 8,927 2,586 11,513 223 11,736 981 M-E 7,624 2,318 9,942 200 10,142 571 L =Minimum economic growth M-E eo Likely economic growth with shift to M Likely economic growth electric space heat and appliances in H Maximum economic growth residential sector, Source:Electrical Consumption for the Railbelt (1). """ 3-16 TABLE 3.2.6 BREAKDOWN OF FORECASTED SALES ANCHORAGE AREA 3-17 -- *Total sales having pattern Fl = 4.425 x (%total sales to residential)-126.55100 x total sales. 3-18 TABLE 3.2.8 BREAKDOWN OF FORECASTED SALES GLENALLEN-VALDEZ AREA* %Sales to Total Sa 3es Sales Sales Residential (Mwh x 10 )Having Having Year (ISER Forecast)(ISER Forecast)Pattern Al Pattern A2~ 1978 26.3 38 2 36 .- ISER LOW CASE 1980 24.3 37 -1 38 1985 24.5 53 -1 54 1990 25.0 60 0 60 1995 27.3 66 5 61 2000 27.5 80 6 74 2005 29.5 88 12 76 2010 29.5 95 13 82 ISER MEDIUM CASE 1980 24.3 37 -1 38 1985 21.9 64 -6 70 1990 24.0 75 -2 77 1995 26.1 88 3 85-2000 27.5 102 8 94 2005 27.7 119 10 109 2010 28.6 140 16 124 ISER HIGH CASE 1980 24.3 37 -1 38 1985 15.5 116 -34 150 1990 19.3 119 -21 140 1995 22.6 124 -9 133 2000 24.3 136 -3 139 2005 24.4 176 -3 1 179 2010 23.8 223 -8'231 *G1enal1en-Valdez load patterns assumed to correspond to patterns Al and A2 using the equation in Table 3.2.6. 3-19 ...... TABLE 3.2.9 AVERAGE PERCENT "ENERGY UNACCOUNTED FOR"*0970-1979) Average % Utility Energy Unaccounted For** - Chugach Homer Matanuska Seward Average;Chugach supplied+ Anchorage Municipal Golden Valley Fairbanks Municipal Copper Valley 13 .1 8.9 1l.5 13 .8 12.2 8.1 10.0 12.4 13.8 ..... - - - *Source:FERC Power System Statements +Weighted average of Chugach,Homer,Matanuska and Seward • See Table 3.2.4 **Expressed as a percentage of net energy delivered. 3-20 of gross electrical generation in the Railbelt for each forecast year shown in Tables 3.2.10,3.2.12 and 3.2.14. The next step was to allocate the gross generation for each forecast year by month.This was done using the monthly percentages shown in Table 3.2.2 for each standard load pattern. For the months April,August,and December,for which hourly curves were available for a one-week period,the monthly total genera- tion was further allocated for each standard load pattern.It was assumed that each hourly observation on the weekly curve was repeated during each week in the month.For example in April,which has 30 days or 4.29 weeks,it was assumed that each observation represented 4.29 hours at a given generation level.The load at each observation was calculated as follows: Hourly Load monthly total generation -------------x weeks in month (standard hourly % of total week's generation) - The standard hourly percent of the total week's generation is given by the "standard weekI!discussed earlier and shown in Appendix B. Adding the total hourly load for the four standard load patterns gives the total load for the Railbelt for 24 hours for 7 days of the month.The largest load is the estimated peak load for the month. Next the load factor for the month is calculated as follows: Gross Monthly Generation Monthly Load Factor = (Monthly Peak)x(Hours in Month) 3-21 TABLE 3.2.10.YEARLY ESTIMATED PEAK LOADS (Total Rai1be1t Region) ISER LOW FORECAST -TOTAL GENERATION PEAK LOAD LOAD FACTOR YEAR (MWhx1000)(MW)(%) 1978*3258 602 61.8 ~1980*3467 641 61.7 1981 3587 664 61.7 1982 3706 686 61.7 1983 3826 709 61.6 1984 3945 731 61.6 1985*4065 754 61.5 1986 4135 767 61.5 1987 4206 781 61.5 1988 4276 794 61.5 1989 4347 808 61.4-1990*4417 61.4821 1991 4575 851 61.4 1992 4733 882 61.3 1993 4890 912 61.2 1994 5048 943 61.1 1995*5206 973 61.1 ~1996 5461 1019 61.2 1997 5717 1066 61.2 1998 5972 1112 61.3 1999 6228 1159 61.3 ~ 2000*6483 1205 61.4 2001 6598 1227 61.4 2002 6714 1248 61.4 2003 6829 1270 61.4 2004 6945 1291 61.4 2005*7060 1313 61.4 2006 7185 1336 61.4 2007 7310 1360 61.4 2008 7434 1383 61.4 ~2009 7559 1407 61.3 2010*7684 1430 61.3 *Computed value.All others interpolated. '""" - 3-22 .... - TABLE 3.2.11 •YEARLY MONTH TO ANNUAL PEAK LOAD RATIOS (Total Rai1be1t Region) ISER LOW FORECAST YEAR Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Ju1 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1978*.918 .867 .788 .695 .630 .598 .595 .638 .690 .794 .927 1.0 1980*.917 .867 .788 .695 .630 .598 .596 .638 .690 .794 .927 1.0 1981 .917 .867 .787 .695 .630 .600 .596 .636 .690 .794 .926 1.0 ~1982 .916 .867 .787 .695 .631 .602 .597 .636 .690 .793 .925 1.0 1983 .915 .866 .786 .695 .631 .603 .597 .637 .689 .793 .924 1.0 1984 .915 .866 .786 .695 .632 .605 .598 .638 .689 .792 .923 1.0 1985*.915 .866 .785 .695 .632 .607 .597 .637 .689 .792 .922 1.0 1986 .915 .866 .785 .695 .632 .606 .597 .636 .688 .792 .923 1.0 1987 .915 .866 .785 .695 .631 .605 .596 .635 .687 .791 .923 1.0 1988 .915 .866 .785 .695 .631 .605 .596 .634 .687 .791 .922 1.0 1989 .915 .866 .785 .695 .630 .604 .596 .633 .686 .790 .922 1.0 1990*.915 .866 .785 .695 .630 .603 .595 .632 .685 .790 .922 1.0 1991 .915 .866 .785 .695 .631 .604 .595 .633 .686 .790 .922 1.0 1992 .915 .866 .785 .695 .631 .605 .596 .634 .687 .790 .922 1.0 1993 .914 .865 .785 .695 .632 .607 .597 .635 .687 .791 .922 1.0 1994 .914 .865 .785 .695 .632 .608 .598 .636 .688 .791 .922 1.0 1995*.914 .865 .785 .695 .633 .609 .599 .637 .689 .792 .922 1.0 1996 .914 .865 .785 .695 .634 .611 .600 .638 .690 .792 .922 1.0 1997 .914 .865 .785 .695 .634 .612 .601 .639 .691 .793 .922 1.0 1998 .914 .865 .784 .696 .635 .614 .602 .641 .692 .793 .922 1.0 1999 .914 .865 .784 .696 .636 .615 .603 .642 .693 .794 .922 1.0 2000*.914 .865 .784 .696 .636 .617 .605 .644 .694 .794 .922 1.0 2001 .914 .865 .784 .696 .636 .617 .604 .643 .694 .794 .922 1.0 2002 .914 .865 .784 .696 .636 .618 .604 .643 .694 .794 .922 1.0 2003 .914 .864 .783 .696 .637 .618 .605 .643 .694 .793 .921 1.0 2004 .913 .864 .783 .696 .637 .619 .605 .643 .694 .793 .921 1.0 2005*.913 .864 .783 .696 .637 .619 .605 .643 .694 .793 .921 1.0 2006 .913 .864 .783 .696 .637 .619 .605 .643 .694 .793 .921 1.0......2007 .913 .864 .783 .696 .637 .619 .605 .643 .694 .793 .921 1.0 2008 .913 .864 .783 .696 .637 .620 .606 .644 .695 .794 .921 1.0 2009 .913 .864 .783 .696 .637 .620 .606 .644 .695 .794 .921 .1.0 2010*.913 .864 .783 .696 .637 .620 .606 .644 .695 .794 .921 1.0 *Computed value.All others interpolated. 3-23 TABLE 3.2.12.YEARLY ESTIMATED PEAK LOADS (Total Rai1be1t Region) ISER MEDIUM FORECAST TOTAL GENERATION PEAK LOAD LOAD FACTOR YEAR (MWhx1000)(MW)(%) 1978*3258 604 61.6 1980*3467 641 61.7 1981 3676 680 61.7 1982 3884 719 61.7 1983 4093 758 61.6 1984 4301 797 61.6 1985*4510 836 61.6 1986 4605 854 61.6 1987 4701 872 61.5_.1988 4796 889 61.6 1989 4892 907 61.6 1990*4987 925 61.5 """1991 5209 966 61.6 1992 5431 1007 61.6 1993 5653 1049 61.5 1994 5875 1090 61.5 1995*6097 1131 61.5 1996 6348 1178 61.5 1997 6599 1225 61.5 ~1998 6851 1272 61.5 1999 7102 1319 61.5 2000*7353 1366 61.4 2001 7577 1408 61.4 2002 7802 1450 61.4 2003 8026 1491 61.4 2004 8251 1533 61.4 2005*8475 1575 61.4 2006 8743 1625 61.4 "...2007 9011 1675 61.4 2008 9278 1724 61.4 2009 9546 1774 61.4 .~2010*9814 1824 61.4 *Computed value.All others interpolated. ~ 3-24 ~ TAllLE 3.2.13.YEARLY MONTH TO ANNUAL PEAK LOAD RATIOS (Total Rai1belt Region) ISER MEDIUM FORECAST YEAR Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Ju1 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1978*.918 .867 .788 .695 .630 .598 .595 .638 .690 .794 .927 1.0 1980*.917 .867 .788 .695 .630 .597 .594 .637 .689 .794 .926 1.0 1981 .917 .867 .787 .695 .631 .600 .596 .639 .691 .795 .926 1.0 1982 .917 .867 .787 .695 .632 .604 .598 .641 .692 .795 .926 1.0 1983 .916 .866 .786 .696 .634 .607 .601 .643 .694 .796 .925 1.0 1984 .916 .866 .786 .696 .635 .611 .603 .645 .695 .796 .925 1.0 1985*.916 .866 .785 .696 .636 .614 .605 .647 .697 .797 .925 1.0 1986 .916 .866 .785 .696 .636 .613 .604 .646 .696 .796 .925 1.0 1987 .916 .866 .785 .696 .635 .613 .604 .645 .695 .796 .925 1.0 1988 .915 .865 .785 .696 .635 .612 .603 .644 .695 .795 .924 1.0 I"""1989 .915 .865 .785 .696 .634 .612 .603 .643 .694 .795 .924 1.0 1990 .915 .865 .785 .696 .634 .611 .602 .642 .693 .794 .924 1.0 1991 .915 .865 .785 .696 .634 .611 .603 .643 .694 .794 .924 1.0 1992 .915 .865 .785 .696 .634 .611 .604 .644 .695 .795 .924 1.0 ~1993 .915 .865 .784 .696 .634 .611 .604 .645 .695 .795 .924 1.0 1994 .915 .865 .784 .696 .634 .611 .605 .646 .696 .796 .924 1.0 1995*.915 .865 .784 .696 .634 .611 .606 .647 .697 .796 .924 1.0 1996 .915 .865 .784 .696 .635 .613 .606 .647 .697 .796 .924 1.0--1997 .915 .865 .784 .696 .636 .615 .607 .647 .697 .796 .923 1.0 I 1998 .914 .864 .783 .696 .637 .617 .607 .648 .698 .796 .923 1.0 1999 .914 .864 .783 .696 .638 .629 .608 .648 .698 .796 .922 1.0 2000*.914 .864 .783 .696 .639 .621 .608 .648 .698 .796 .922 1.0 2001 .914 .864 .783 .696 .639 .622 .609 .649 .698 .796 .922 1.0 2002 .914 .864 .783 .696 .639 .623 .609 .649 .699 .795 .922 1.0 2003 .914 .864 .782 .696 .639 .623 .610 .650 .699 .795 .922 1.0 2004 .914 .864 .782 .696 .640 .624 .610 .650 .700 .796 .922 1.0 2005*.914 .864 .783 .696 .640 .625 .611 .651 .700 .797 .922 1.0 2006 .914 .864 .782 .696 .640 .626 .612 .652 .701 .796 .922 1.0 2007 .914 .864 .782 .696 .640 .627 .612 .653 .701 .796 .922 1.0 2008 .914 .864 .782 .697 .641 .628 .613 .653 .702 .797 .923 1.0 2009 .914 .864 .782 .697 .641 .629 .613 .654 .702 .797 .923 1.0 2010 .914 .864 .782 .697 .641 .630 .614 .655 .703 .798 .923 1.0 *Comput~j value.All others interpolated. - 3-25 TABLE 3.2.14.YEARLY ESTIMATED PEAK LOADS (Total Rai1be1t Region) ISER HIGH FORECAST TOTAL GENERATION PEAK LOAD LOAD FACTOR YEAR (MWhx1000)(MW)(%) 1978*3258 602 61.8 1980*3467 641 61.7 1981 3821 706 61.8 1982 4175 771 61.8 1983 4528 836 61.8 1984 4882 901 61.9 1985*5236 966 61.9 1986 5425 1001 61.9 1987 5615 1037 61.8 1988 5804 1072 61.8 1989 5994 1108 61.8 1990*6183 1143 61.8....1991 6516 1205 61.7 1992 6849 1267 61.7 1993 7183 1328 61.7 1994 7516 1390 61.7 1995*7849 1452 61.7 1996 8162 1511 61.7 1997 8474 1569 61.7~.19~8 8787 1628 61.6 1999 9099 1686 61.6 2000*9412 1745 61.6 2001 9851 1826 61.6 2002 10290 1907 61.6 2003 10729 1989 61.6 2004 11168 2070 61.6 2005*11607 2151 61.6 2006 12172 2256 61.6 ~.2007 12738 2361 61.6 2008 13303 2465 61.6 2009 13869 2570 61.6 ~2010*14434 2675 61.6 *Computed value.All others interpolated. 3-26 - TABLE 3.2.15.YEARLY MONTH TO ANNUAL PEAK LOAD RATIOS (Total Railbelt Region) ISER HIGH FORECAST YEAR Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1978*.918 .867 .788 .695 .630 .598 .595 .638 .690 .794 .927 1.0 1980*.918 .867 .788 .695 .630 .597 .594 .637 .689 .794 .926 1.0 1981 .918 .867 .788 .696 .633 .603 .598 .642 .693 .796 .927 1.0 1982 .918 .867 .788 .697 .636 .609 .603 .647 .697 .798 .927 1.0 1983 .918 .867 .787 .698 .638 .614 .607 .653 .702 .801 .928 1.0 1984 .918 .867 .787 .699 .641 .620 .612 .658 .706 .803 .928 1.0-1985*.918 .867 .787 .700 .644 .626 .616 .663 .710 .805 .929 1.0 1986 .918 .867 .787 .699 .643 .626 .616 .662 .710 .805 .929 1.0 1987 .917 .866 .787 .699 .643 .625 .615 .662 .709 .805 .928 l.0 1988 .917 .866 .786 .698 .642 •.625 .615 .661 .709 .804 .928 1.0 1989 .916 .865 .786 .698 .642 .624 .614 .661 .708 .804 .927 1.0-1990*.916 .865 .786 .697 .641 .624 .614 .660 .708 .803 .927 1.0 1991 .916 .865 .786 .698 .642 .625 .615 .661 .709 .803 .927 1.0 1992 .916 .865 .786 .698 .643 .627 .616 .662 .709 .803 .927 1.0 1"1'"1993 .916 .866 .786 .699 .643 .628 .616 .662 .710 .803 .927 1.0 I 1994 .916 .866 .786 .699 .645 .630 .617 .663 .710 .804 .927 1.0 1995*.916 .866 .786 .700 .645 .631 .618 .664 .711 .804 .927 1.0 1996 .916 .866 .785 .700 .645 .631 .618 .663 .711 .804 .927 l.0 1997 .916 .865 .785 .699 .645 .631 .618 .663 .710 .803 .926 1.0 1998 .915 .865 .784 .699 .644 .632 .617 .662 .710 .803 .926 LO 1999 .915 .864 .784 .698 .644 .632 .617 .662 .709 .802 .925 LO 2000*.915 .864 .783 .698 .644 .632 .617 .661 .709 .802 .925 1.0 2001 .915 .864 .783 .699 .645 .633 .618 .662 .710 .802 .925 1.0 2002 .915 .865 .784 .699 .646 .635 .619 .663 .711 .803 .925 1.0 2003 .916 .865 .784 .700 .646 .636 .620 .664 .711 .803 .925 1.0 2004 .916 .866 .785 .700 .647 .638 .621 .665 .712 .804 .925 1.0 2005*.916 .866 .785 .701 .648 .639 .622 .666 .713 .804 .925 l.0 2006 .916 .866 .785 .702 .649 .641 .623 .667 .714 .804 .925 1.0 2007 .916 .867 .785 .703 .650 .642 .624 .668 .715 .805 .925 1.0 2008 .917 .867 .786 .703 .651 .644 .625 .670 .716 .805 .925 LO 2009 .917 .868 .786 .704 .652 .695 .626 .671 .717 .806 .926 1.0 2010*~917 .868 .787 .705 .653 .647 .627 .672 .718 .806 .926 1.0 *Computed values.All others interpolated.- 3-27 - Load factors for the other months were then calculated by doing a linear interpolation from the three available months.For example, January Load Factor =3/4 (December load factor)+ 1/4 (April load factor) Monthly peak loads were then estimated using the calculated monthly load factors and the monthly gross generation as follows: Gross Monthly Generation Monthly Peak = (Monthly Load Factor)x(Hours in Month) The largest of the monthly peaks is the yearly peak and allows calculation of the monthly to annual peak load ratios.Tables 3.2.10, 3.2.12.and 3.2.14 show the estimated total generation,peak loads and load factor for the three main ISER cases.Tables 3.2.11.,3.2.13 and 3.2.15 show the corresponding monthly to annual peak load ratios.The results for intermediate years where no ISER forecasts were given were computed using linear interpolation. 3.2.4 Estimation of Average Weekend,Weekday and Monthly Load Dura- tion Curves Average weekend and weekday load duration curves and the 0%,20%, 40%and 100%points on the monthly load duration curves were computed for every 10 years for ISER's three main forecasts.The starting point for these calculations was the three weeks of hourly load data computed for the total Railbelt for each forecast year.For each week the five week days and two weekend days were averaged and then sorted and normalized by dividing by the largest weekday value to give aver- age weekday and weekend day load duration curves for April,August and 3-28 .... December.Similarly,the total week's observations were sorted and normalized.Since each week has 7x24=168 observations,observations 1,34,67 and 168 represent the 0%,20%,40%and 100%points on the monthly load duration curve. Intermediate months were generated using the linear interpolation formula described above.The results are shown in Appendix c. 3-29 ,~ 4.0 STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS OF FORECAST PROCEDURE This section compares the results of our study with historical data and with other recent peak load forecasts.Recommendations for future work are also given. 4.1 COMPARISON WITH HISTORICAL RESULTS As noted earlier the load factors estimated in this study are generally higher than those reported by the utilities in their Power System Statements.The reported load factors are shown in Table 4.1.1.The comparable estimated load factors computed from the standard load curves calculated during our study are: - Al (Chugach) A2 (Anchorage Municipal) F1 (Golden Valley) F2 (Fairbanks Municipal) - Average Load Factor (1970-1979) Estimated 53.9 59.5 60.5 63.6 48.4 61.6 52.6 59.1 - r The large difference between the estimated and actual load factor for Golden Valley (pattern FI)appears to be due to large variations in total electrical use which occurs in the month of December,the 4-1 .... ~, - TABLE 4.1.1.LOAD FACTORS FOR RAIL BELT UTILITIES Anchorage Golden Fairbanks Chugach Municipal Valley Municipal 1970 51.3 62.2 46.3 48.7 1971 54.8 57.9 48.1 41.6 1972 55.5 59.5 52.9 54.2 1973 56.4 62.1 48.3 54.7 1974 54.3 60.3 44.1 52.4 1975 49.2 55.7 45.8 49.2 1976 57.2 60.9 50.7 56.3 1977 51.5 60.2 44.8 53.1 1978 54.3 63.4 54.4 59.1 1979 54.3 62.9 56.3 Average 53":"9 60.5 48.4 52.6 Source:FERC Form 12s. - month when Golden Valley's peak generally occurs.The full range of variation generally does not occur during the first week of the month, the week which is reported in the Power System Statements.This is true to a lesser extent for the other Railbelt utilities. An overall load factor for the Railbelt can be estimated by an average of the individual utilities'load factors weighted by total generation.In 1978,generation for the four major utilities was Chugach -1,351,606 MWh;Anchorage Municipal -550,157 Mwh,Golden Valley -341,504 Mwh,and Fairbanks Municipal -124,742 Mwh.The overall Railbelt load factor computed using these totals as weights is 54.6 percent.Applying the same approach to the load factors computed in our study results in an overall load factor of 60.7 percent. The overall load factor computed by the method described in Sec- tion 3.2 was 62.6 percent.This computation assumes that the Railbelt utilities are completely intertied,so that hourly loads for each util- ity can be added directly.The resulting increase over the value shown above for the non-intertied case is 62.6 -60.7 =1.9 percent. The percentage increase is 1.9/60.7 =3.1 percent.This indicates that the actual load factor for an interied Railbelt would be 54.6 x 1.031 =56.3 percent if a correction is made for the somewhat high load factors projected in our study.Table 4.1.2 shows the results of using this load factor with the total generation estimates (including energy unaccounted for)prepared using ISER's forecasts.This table shows an increase in peak load using the modified load factor of about 11 percent over the estimate used in our study.The highest peak shown goes from 2683 to 2987 Mw for the high forecast for 2010. 4-3 TABLE 4.1.2.LOAD FACTOR SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS Year Total Generatio~ (MWh x 10 ) (ISER Forecast) Nominal Peak* (62.6%Load Factor) (MW) Sensitivity Case** (56.3%Load Factor) (MW) 1978 3323 606 674 ISER LOW FORECAST llll'IlIN 1980 3522 643 714 1990 4503 824 913-2000 6599 1210 1338 2010 7822 1435 1586 ISER MEDIUM FORECAST.- 1980 3522 643 714 1990 4922 898 998 2000 7327 1341 1486 2010 9838 1800 1995 ISER HIGH FORECAST..- 1980 4135 753 838 1990 6336 1146 1285 2000 9598 1750 1946 2010 14730 2683 2987 ~*As projected l.n our study **As modified to account for possible overestimate of load factor in our study. - 4-4 - 4.2.COMPARISON WITH OTHER ESTIMATES In its report ISER reviewed many of the forecasts of electrical demand that have been prepared in recent years.Two general comments can be made.First the estimates tend to be much higher than those prepared by ISER/WCC.However,estimates made more recently tend to be closer to the ISER/WCC projections.Table 4.2.1 summarizes some of the recent estimates of peak load for the Railbelt and compares them with the ISER/WCC forecasts.Most previous estimates are higher than even the sensitivity analysis cases in this study.This is largely due to the lower estimates of total sales provided by ISER.Another contributing factor is that many previous studies assumed load factors of around 50 percent,while our study indicates a range of from 54 to 62 percent. 4.3 POSSIBLE FUTURE WORK The work presented in this report represents the first attempt that we are aware of to develop load duration curves for the Railbelt region as a whole.There are many possibilities that could be inves- tigated to improve the quality and reliability of the forecasts. The most significant limitation of the current work is the data base used.The use of the Power System Statement data,which was at most one week per month of hourly data,may have created errors in forecasting monthly load factors and load duration curves.To correct these problems,continuous hourly data for entire months will be need- ed.Note t~at it is much more important to get monthly data for cer- tain months than to get weekly data for more months of the year.The most useful single month would be December,since this is when yearly peak loads occur. 4-5 Table 4.2.1.SUMMARY OF PEAK LOAD FORECASTS+(MW) Forecast**1980 *643LL S.L*714 I.M 643 S.M 714 A.L*667 loR 753 E.L 774 D.L S.H 838 C.L 790 B.L 900 E.M 836 A.R 1617-C.M 870 F.L 744 B.M 1070 F.M 749 E.H 897 F.H 754 C.R 990 B.M 1320 1985 844 1990 824 913 898 998 1146 1192 1285 1390 1530 1616 1670 1642 2000 1896 2431 2150 4950 5780 1995 1847 2000 2010 1210 1435 1338 1586 1341 1800 1486 1995 1617 1750 2683 1807 1946 2987 2050 2320 2908 3087 3170 3203 3950 4054 4781 4905 7250 8580 2025 2198 Forecast Identification: + -Sorted by Peak for the year 2000 **Each reference is followed by L,M,or H for Low,Medium,or High case. * -ISER/WCC Nominal Forecast A -Supplemental Feasibility Report:Hydroelectric Power and Related Purposes. U.S.Army Corps of Engineers.Anchorage,1979 B - 1974 Alaska Power Survey.Alaska Power Administration.U.S.Dept.of Interior,1974 C -Southcentral Railbelt Area,Alaska: electric Power and Related Purposes. Anchorage,1975 Interim Feasibility Report:Hydro- U.S.Army Corps of Engineers. D -"Alaska Electric Power Requirements.11 Research.University of Alaska,1976 Alaska Review of Business and Economic E -Upper Susitna Power Maricet Analysis U.S.Dept of Energy.Alaska Power Admin- istration,1979 F -Anchorage Fairbanks Transmission Intertie -Economic Feasibility Study Report. Alaska Power Authority,1979 I -ISER/WCC Nominal Forecast S -ISER/WCC Sensitivity Analysis Case (see Table 4.1.2) 4-6 - .... If possible,an ongoing data collection program should be worked out with each of the four major utilities in the Railbelt to obtain hourly data for one or more months during the year.Efforts should be made to ensure that the data are comparable between utilities. Another improvement that could be made to the load curve fore- casts would be to incorporate the influence of weather.Temperature records for the Anchorage and Fairbanks areas are available.If weather data is compiled for those periods when hourly load data ~s available,regression or similar techniques could be used to identify the fraction of the load that is sensitive to weather.Historical loads curves could then be adjusted to represent the patterns that would be seen under average weather conditions.In addition,probabil- istic analysis could be used to identify the range of variation in the nominal curves that could be expected due to weather effects. Another adjustment that could be made would be to account for the effects of differing growth rates from year to year.The percentage of yearly sales used in a given month will depend on the growth that ~s occurring.In periods of high growth more power will be used in the later months of the year than in the first months simply because growth has occurred.This is not a problem if the growth rate does not change over the years.However,some inaccuracies result in com- bining curves from different years if the growth rate does change. The simplest way to account for this would be to reduce each month's total use by a factor corresponding to growth which would have occurred since the beginning of the year.This adjusted information can be considered a "no-growth"yearly pattern.In generating a fore- cast pattern,the yearly growth rate can be used to superimpose a monthly growth rate over the nominal no-growth pattern • 4-7 The approaches described above all represent methods for load curve estimation based on use of a pre-existing forecast of total electric energy demand and historical records of load patterns.The state-of-the-art approach to this problem uses completely different techniques based on econometric end use analysis.This approach was mentioned in Section 3.1 and is described in more detail in Gorzel- nik.5 Implementing this approach would require a substantial commit- ment of resources on the part of the agencies,utilities,and consul- tants involved and would require a large data gathering effort. Special meters may be required to identify load shapes for various categories of users and appliances in Alaska.Once this information is available,it may be possible to use the detailed forecasts from ISER's MAP model in conjunction with a set of standard load curves to simultaneously forecast peak and total energy demand shapes as well as load duration curves.Such an approach would take substantial time to implement and would require several years of data before it could be completely calibrated.However,such a model is the only existing way to analyze the effects of various non-generation strategies in a man- ner that is fully integrated with the rest of the modeling effort. 4-8 - (1)Electrical Consumption for the Rai1be1t: REFERENCES A Projection of Economic Research. (2)Review of The University of Alaska Institute of Social and Economic Research Report "E1ectrica1Consumption for the Rai1be1t:A Projection of Requirements:'Woodward-Clyde Consultants,San Francisco.1980. (3)Procedure for Independent Analysis of Electric Energy and Peak Loads by State Agencies.Charles River Associates,Inc. Boston 1978 (Volume II). (4)How Electric Utilities Forecast:EPRISymopsium Electric Power Research Institute,Palo Alto. 1035-SR). Proceedings. 1979.(EPRI EA- (5)Gorze1nik,E.F."Load Shape Development Aids Planning". Electrical World.Dec.15,1979. APPENDIX A.HOURLY ELECTRICAL LOAD DATA The following pages represent the raw information supplied by the major Railbelt utilties on their FERC Power System Statements. The first line of each block of figures identifies the year,the month (4,8 or 12)and the utility company,where: 1 =Chugach 2 =Anchorage Municipal 3 =Golden Valley 4 Fairbanks Municipal The last number identifies the size of the numbers to follow for the computer program and is not relevant to understanding the data. Thus the first line,"1978 04 1 I"indicates that the numbers to """ follow represent the first week in April 1978 for Chugach. - .... The next 24 lines represent the hourly peak loads for the seven days of the week,midnight-1 to ll-midnight down and Sunday to Saturday across.The figures are in MW or KW depending on the year. FERC changed the requirements from KW to MW in 1974 although not all utilities complied • 113.1 164.6 111.3 123.3 120.3 117.3 155.1 l1f.•::~ 115,,3 116213 122,6 169 ..5 11:J.3 1:'3-;·9 :lE.-; 171.4 171.6 117.7 ltS2.4 1~7.1 J.7 121.9 13 3.a B 125.1 161.1 1G4 ..2 167.3 166.4 122a2 1 1'22.3 123.6 134.3 12:J&2 16n.7 1 ....;j --.1.C ::.oJ!"-; lS3.0 172~7 1~4.5 177.8 171.4 158.3 176.1 168.8 140.5 1775 ;]4 1 1 ~12 7 t:.132~3aI•• 1L 1 )2.3 131.9 129.1 ~127.3 127.5 ~-1 2 7 •0 1.2 6 •~~ g13lJ.l :29.3 c 156 ..3 1<:.')"-....~L .•V 149 ..3 1')2.0 163.~ 15~.5 1~9.C lS1 ..2 162.1 1 ~6 •.G 155.0 1 '~'-~4........i •. 155.9 1 4 ,.:- 151.4 154.1 156 ..:.>151.7 15'1.4 lSI.? 15S.D 144 ..1 143 ..1 148.8 171.1 189.1 179.4 174.2 130 ..S 175.3 IS7.4 131.3 1:0.6 lS7.5 IF/~O 106.3 ~7S.2 163.4 178.2 13~.1 17d.4 lES.1 170.7 166.2 131.7 153.6 146.3 134.0 134.6 130.6 177.1 164.8 144 ..f 1::'7 ..2 l;S •.6 157.1 144 ..7 130.3 153.1 129.C 1378 08 1 1 83.;;b6",3 ;;"31.5 S?lIb .31 ..0 32a4 25 ..~,'3'::-.2 105.5-104.0 25817 ,~~6.€: c:,/.~~~4.e 8.7.3 S4.S EQ •Q 105.3 81 ..0 Q r'<1"'_.c:•J. f~8.G ~1~9 11~.1 11;?S 120~'6 12~.1 122~6 122.2 105.4 1~4.5 131.1 12~..7 127 ..7 128.2 1Z2.0 115.)131.2 130 ..7 132.3 136.3 135 ..6 137.6 122.1 140.4 132.?137 ..2 137.4 138.8 145.8 -127.3 135.5 133.5 135.7 13~.1 135.9 147.9 127.4 133.0 133.5 133.2 134 ..4 133.1 143.3 1~2.2 131.6 127.1 131.7 129.;123.7 138.7 117.q 125 ..9 130.1 13Q.5 177.g 127.5 134.2 116.0 129.0 133.4 12S.1 127.8 120.3 131.0 116.4 134.0 140.6 132 ..6 1~4.7 132.0 133.5 116.4 137.4 144.9 141.2 137.8 135.7 135.6 115.7 137.5 142.9 141 ..0 134.7 133.7 133.9 116.4 133 ..9 139.9 135.7 130.2 131 ..3 132.3 119.1 131.7 136.3 134.3 129.S 130.4 131.2 130.3 136.7 135.~136.8 137.1 133.4 131.8 1~?4 121.7 124.2 12~.3 124.7 124.5 122.5 1,04.8 103.8 104.2 lO~.2 124.5 105.4 IG8.1 1978 '12 1 1 1~O.7 162 ..0 151.4 144.0 156.5 14&.0 138.9 1~4.4 144.4 136.3 155.5 143.6 137.:5 15-6.9 146.7 143.3 175.7 164.6 152.0 143.4 14f..l :38.5 14.E,..2 138.6 162.1 157.8 140.0 135.3 133 ..4 130.G 134.7 147.6 1:9.7 14·0.:3 ------'-------------------------------- I-":..--I lSl.5 219·.2 1 7 7.9 21E.2 ~lS0.'3 21,3 ..6 (1,20 G..8 21 7.1 ~2 03 •C-;2-1 4 •? ,"~''''''''4 ~?'1 r-,,",oLJ.1 ,__.c.. ""'"u.204.0 208.8 2C3.8215.-1 22S.,>1,229.3 232.7 231.J 2::'9 ..6 23fH7 207.5 2]7.7 207.'] ?C5.b 20']..7 2 OS.7 ?27 ..') 2:)1.8 235.;; 203.8 205.;/ 200.3 201.6 205 ..8 227.3 2?7 ..3 ...,,-.r--..... .i....J ,:...":' 20'3.7 212-.3 IS7.1 lSE:1Jl 193.2 1'32.8 1~;S ..4 212.7 217 ..5 217.7 167.0 H 4.'j 197 ..0 201 ..2 192.2 202.5 283.4 223 ..5 220.5 215.0 1'::6.6 1 S 7.1 206.1 176.'3 1b3.4 12:=:.f :.76 ~1 214.3 20j.l 21B.4 170.~ 152.1 217.E 174-.D 15G ..4 233.8 22F...l 163.5 180.3127.·3· 227.6 234.0 ?2::',.')2?4.3 :"-06.-4 170.?162.0 1977 Q4 1 1 112.4 107.9 110.0 lln.S 113.1 10b.5 10S.~ I1G.~107.;106.3 107.5 IG3.j lC4nb 104.6 IJ4.~l03.?103.9 106.4 105.7 103.7 l03.~ 10~.1 l-05.? 100.3 105.0 104.3 105.'~~ 113.0 134.'+ 108.2 10S.l 114.0 132.3 122.S lS5.S lOS_l 102.6 10;.3 102.1 101.2 114.2 110.4 99.8 135.7 123.8 110.0 1,+8.6 147.G 14~~..Q 144.2 143.8 1-4-1.:, 147.3 149.5 142.4 11+:=)~D 144.:13~.4 125.1 146.8 146.1 141.0 144.1 148.5 150.7 14?5 14703 153.7 1 4 9.1 143.6 138.1 142.1 139.0 149.0 140.6 135.4 137.5 134.2 145.0 139_5 152.0 14';:..6 143.7 143.6 147.9 137.6 136~1 140.7 139.7 149.4 153.5 154.1 131.7 156.2 155.3 159.6 151.3 147.7 153.6 143.0 140.6 144.4 127.6 12S ..9 133.1 15'3.0 16·,.3..1 160.? 155.8 1.34.7 138.6 163.2 159.5 147.13 147.1 1:30.5 127 ..5 144.7 14S.4 133 ..3 135.1 135.9 l~l.S 145.5 13R.4 133.1 135.6 130.0 14&.5 1!f4 ..3 150.7 143.5 1'55.2 156.8 164.3 166.1 1:)'3.8 168 ..3 154.9 161 ..7 14:).3 149.5 130.2 130.9 117.5 116.6 1977 0 q 1 1 119 ..2 117.1 113.2 1'8.4 125.3 1'6.3 79.7 76.4 80.0 8Q.? 83.0 82.6 S7~7 81.2 108.4 B3.6 121.4 1C7.9 79.0 78.6 125~4 125.5 128.5 1~4.9 1~8.4 126.4 71.n 7~c:..8 7-:'.2 76.1 &3.9 7'3.2 96.8 109.6 ..,,.."..'...,.l.c::.u.t 103.4 113",2 122.5 75.8 75.2 75.3 73.4 75.2 80.3 84.0 79 ..0 76.4 75.5 129.8 128.& 108.3 103.5 119.1 115.6 125.2 1::>3 ..4 11&.-·3 110.6 7::.1 74.2 71.2 79 It 3 86.6 81.8 73.7 76.7 78.6 74.9 77.875.3 c .- -". 113.6 120.lt 117.4 122.0 1?7 ?..-,..- 124.4 1.23~S 113,,0 124.7 126.4 120.4 119.3 122.1 118.4 118.1 123.2 113.7 112.5 1G8.6 112.1 1 1 5.9 114.3 113.7 21 C ..8 127.'1 123.3 j 1'7 ::... ..:...4 J •.~ 113 ..7 ';S.4 11~"j 121.? 122.3 11~.~ 124.4 122./ 128.-7122.5 123 ..'1 125.5 127.9 111.6 127.'::J~120.8 ~1.19.G ::;,1:-',~.L......~...0 LI..11-3.3 !-J 134.7 196.5 1977 121 1 1'94.9 201.9 .... 135 ..;=, 1 0.-.::....-J ..-... 1'37.5 ~8C;.O 214.5 214.1 2.3S ..1 /'43.0 207.7 213.3 2H.2 244.3 244.5 207.6 202 ..f 204 ..2 ~14.5 24~.O 206.6 205.0 202.7 20£..8 2~,2.0 246.6 251.::: 254.3 245 ..J 240.7 2~3 ..~, ?::O.O 270 ..2 270 ..8 25-:-.[255.7 252.4 250..D 222.8 220.7 248.5 237.5 237.1 '"""7......~~f:"'•..)c.•t:'" /03.3 27Q.5 270.4 218.2 25 -3"4 2S r3.5 252.0 255.5 '229.7 2";Q ..7 24S.4 2.1~.Q 243.6 -?3.3.0 255.::· ?5S.3 ?t::~:;'--,,,,/'J'"_" 251 ..1 240.7 234.1 247.4 247.7 244 ..5 2-3:.7 2!.tJ.Q 23·S.5 2'J ":.OJ ;J!.7.t; 236.7 25G.O 252.0 273.9 2SS.a ?5~.3 272.5 257.5 214.4 214.9 1976 04 1 1 102.3 97.3 gS.2 95.1 92 ..3 93.9 96.0 93.3 101.7 100 ..2 10C.Q 100.2 104.7 IOl ..? 10&.0 101.1 '3S.7 3&.2 '::'5 ..2 34.8 97.~.100.2 93.2 95.2 93.4 95.7 90.9 106.0 10G.S 103.8 107,,5 96.,~ 102.9 92.8 92.2 101.7 91.3 34.S 123.2 103.7 12'3.5 108.5 130 ..1 llS'.lt 13G.7 135.9 133.6. 124.8 133 ..6 117.8 100.7 124.8 113.4 128.5 1?4.2 1·32.8 11 7.1 131.4 130.6 1?8.4 133.3 124 ..9 129.3 132.7 131,,2 126.3 129.0 125.9 129.5 123.0 125 ..7 122.0 141.8 P8.2 120.9 123.q -' 121.0 117.2 116.0 122.2 121.0 1 <:~t:.. .Jo,•..,"J:......' 1~O.8 137.0 130.7 124 ..4 122.3 121 ..4 120.7 127.2 134.2 148.4 136.9 119.4 117.1 117 ..3 1113.9 129 •.'3 137.7 1!:t6.7 142.7 134.8 "!.24.9 12':..2 12 ':J .9 14::..5 1:::,;).0 125.3 125.2 127.G 130.8 137.3 i .32 .•~ 12 Q ..n 122 ..9 124 ..9 131 ..6 1 -::;~r.:,,j".'v -..J.v ,-Z:Q -:z, .i........,./~..J l~b.l 130 ..3 1?8.3 127.1 127.8 131.1 134.6 136.2 1 ~,...' 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I"':'" ( !\. 5630n.5Q300. '190']0.69000. b6800~76400. 75208.80000 .. 79200.81000. 31300.82500 .. 78'300.82000. 77200 ..79900. 74900.79000. 73700.80300. 73800.81100. 75100.84500 .. 61000. 59 b GO .. 73700. 78100. 78600. 76800. 76400. 74200. 72800 .. 73800. 7'tseo. 77800. S7700. 749DO .. 77aoo. 7840G. 7770G. 7540C. 73400. 72000. 71700. 72400. 77000. 5:;200. ,1""'1 r n n:C.C..,;L. 75600. d0100 .. 80500. 78200. 7&700. 7560C. 75900. 76700. 79900. 85300. 57700. 77200. 81900. 82800. 81900. 31eOG. 79700. 78700. 75400. 80900. 84300. 54100. 56700. 65100. 72900. 78600. 79900. 79800. 77700. 76500. 75400. 75400. 79300. 75100.7890C. 70100.71600. 76700 ..88300. 35000.93000. 86800.93900. 855QQ.89700 .. S040C.82700 .. 7080e.73400. 81100. 86600. S'15GO .. 88400. 82400. 72400. 20100. 90500. 3680D. BllDG. 692.00. 37500 .. gena o. '3290C. 8°3.00. 86500. 88200. 88500. 83700. 82400. 84300. 85300. 80700. 77700. 70500. 62300.65300. 1973 08 1 2 65200 ..64500.64600. 4 95 Q a.It 8 1 0 a .. 45300.45100. 49800.48600. 46000. 49800.52700. 4'3500.47000. 51lDO. 47000. 44QQC.44100. 42800.43300. 45700. 45200 .. 45200. 44400. 44500.45500. 44300 ..44600. 46000. 45500. IH900 ..43400.43400 ..43700.42300.43100.44300. 63::;00 ..71500 .. 46 2 0 n i.J.n C 0 ltE:;""\~Q 45 0 Q 0 4 7 'C 0u•'DC •v u ..•~tl • :,4 ,(1 0 t:'.::,4 C :.r,,~G Q 5 ""0 a 46 3 0 0"•-',~..:-:.'::..".~c-•• S9 4 n 0 3,(6.0 C 72 J 0 58 ,..Q C 51 9 0 nu•....,·c •v •:,s 0 0 b:5 1 il n ::.i:2 n 0 6S c)0 G &0 '"Q 0-Ii U "'...~..-..'-'• 7 "0 f'0 7 c',.,C 7?30 0 s'n 0 Q S'33 1',Dv"·l),;•0,0 u • 71 '+n [;7~7 r,r 7"G0 C 71 6 0 0 71 3 0 0•c::.v lJ "•:",,1 ·•• 71 g "n 7 1 "r.0 7'1.2 Q 0 71 2 0 0 7260 0Ju•C \.;..'-'..•• 70 i.J."C 7 1 r,C r 71 4 0 0 b°<=;DO 724 0 nv0"-u ••.,OJ • 58 6 GG -;r be Q 7e c'0 0 7 0 '3 0 0 695 0 0·I \,•"• •• S6 8 "G EB6C 0 6q~0 0 6 8 0 0 0 69600u•••i..J •• 67 c.C 0 ...[·30 n 6f.Q 0 0 624 C 0 702 0 0•v ..••• 68S r,0 6SC 0 "S7 40 a 7 u 2 0 Q 71 7 0 0...•lJ •• •• 69 4 c:0 7 04 0 n.7 0 4 n 0 7 0 1 [I 0 732 0 0•J ..'-'•• • C,7 ''/Q 7 n 0 (]C 7 1 -.0 C F-'.:1 '7 0 [i 71 S 0 [)-..v •I ..,C ..• 67S n 0 £;n [)a ",.,0 0 ,.,(;72-0 0 708 n 0•0 ,.•bel '-••u • 67 <:+0 [)•~,770 0 ~663 0 0 ..662 CC •7 GSC 0 • 70 B r'a 7 ,.,4 C 0 70 .;0 a 677 0 a 692 ,.,0u•!,;•..•v • 63 0 n 0 64 2 0 0 (:....":2:8 n n 63 3 C 0 6270 0"'••,-,v U u • • • 54 Q ,.,5 e-o "0 7 0 C 5 ,1 00 576 C a':'L!•J ,_ ,;•..,u ·b •• 722QQII< 74700. 75200. 60100. 7S700. 78300. 74700. 74700. 7S200 .. 74400. 66JGO .. 72200 .. 70300. f9S0C. 1;860Q. 6?70J. 6~7DO.71200. 59800.71208. 68400. S81CO. 3'17DO.45500. 68700. 6,3600.67300. 54000.55400. ::46400. ~53::;00. ~::;01 Q 0 • :;:73121,3 -3>;100. 84000. 32400. BllCO. 30100. 95')00. 874GO~ 87400. S96CQ" 9~100~ 87300. 8,7SGC. 2750"0. 32200. 79008. 77900. 7'7800. ·~D3CO. 806DO. 78600. 77200. 78200. 7 Q ';OO. 87400. 84300. 8lt200. 133700 .. 85100. 83500. 77700. 75700. 75200. 75400. (-3120C. 83,;aO. 37700. ~':)300. 100300. 110100. EltbO'J. 1137JO. 1!37QD. 111700. l10EOG. 347DO., 107f,00. 1!.2QGC.- ...07iCe. :04900. ..34-500. '?77QO .. lQlt6GC. ~G2bGG. 101600. b i'400. 100400. l05700. lG270C. 101000. 27500. 99800. 110600. 107400. 3.07600. 1J7300. 105700. 76600. 79400. 85900. 98600. 102100. 103'300. 1[13400. 102700.lOB4QQ.103100.3S7'JC.'3£:400.102800.10140Q. lC3ltJO.107S00 .. 104300.IGf4CG. 1,0 3 ,2 0 O.9 7'4 0 Q lIII 1062GO.leOSOO. SiGGD. 103700. 101700.9'3600. 107700.101500. 1164JO ..1?32QO. 12100D.128500. 115210.'11200. 121500. 115500. 112400. 113&00. 114600.110100. 118100.113100. 1211GO.130800. 12010Q.12'3000. 118200.125200. 115100.121780. 123000.112,300. 12Q70Ci.11S300. 117700.111300. 1134·00.lQ7200. 122300. 121000. 116900. llt+100. 119300. 113500. 115700. 108800. 110200.103800. 105800.97900. 111600.114200. 104800.107800. 88500.83100. 101000.92400. 95500.87500. 108700. 100800. 93300.290ce.25100. 108300.104300. 57900.94700. 1 2 54300 0 5500 0 •55600 ..~,6 4 0 0 •57100 ..57500 .. 52800.53500.S370G •55300 •54500 ..55600. 5250C •52600 •'''''-'In ..:;440 ~•543['0 •54400.__.v -.'._\..' 52500.52 ..00 •5370 C ..54800 •5tt2CO.54100. 530DO.52 00 "S2~QO.5 il 5CO 54600.52300.".... 570 00.554'JG •5SE8C •59000 •59400.5330 0 • 65600 •&420 C •~f:-2DG •6(;,800 ..668['0 •55300. 71000.S97CC.;8200 •7050 0 ..7!J50G •62000. 73300 •704':0 ·71 000 ·72100 •721 00 •68000. 76300.70b'JO •70100 •7150 o.721 00 •7120 o. 76:=:00.6960C.C-Q"'!0r ..70700 •70400 ..73300......."....l......"..- 75900 •S8 500 ..66900 ·Sf~8CO.68200.72700. 7570G..;7300 to ;540 0 •66500 ..67100 •69700 • ~::200 .. 57200. 66S00. 53300. 53600. 52600. 52300. 533GO .. 58200. 55200 .. 65600. 65600. 55300. 3:;700.97500. 1'372 04 l 671CO. &5200. 643CO •.;:;3QO. 6seoo. E:53[:0. r,:.11 n ":,..~'~-'Li • (-::6400. 71300.S95CG.59400.67100. 742GQ.73200.7IAQO.70900. 72~JC. 750eo. sSlC~. 60SCO.73500 .. ~6010u.74-60C. ~5QOOG.7g~CC. ~6 1 SOD.8 C ::.Co. - I-J 74'50D~814GO .. 70700.75500. 799[0. 75200 .. 7S600.7S300.76200.75200. S3~GC.325C8.7QCDO.78200. 3G1GS~20600.7boao.76300. 7£400.75?00.72900.72200. 64100.6540C. 57200.57800. 65 4 00. 532>00. 67500.67~OO.67800.66900. SJ~OD.51700.62700.61800. 36500. 371C0. 40400. 45400. 53300. 37600. 371C0. 60800. 544CC. 3770D. 35t":CO. 3BSOC. 51S00. 63800. SEeD. 57500. 52000. ~3300. 57200. 45000.44500.4?700.4370Q. ?-S 4 r;[:• 3c~CC~OIl) S0801. S4?DO .. 41300.404Ga~3~50C.37400. 5e:CCG. 460C'0. 42100 .. 482DC. 40000. 41200 .. 3)-900. 5j70G. 58S~QG .. ,37SQO. ;Sleoo. 54200. 397JC\'lr 4 S:'Q 8 II: S6700. 57S801> ,)2COO. 41400.39700 .. 1972 08 1 2 43900.43200. 53'SGO.3E~7QD~ 37':'00. 35908. 52400. '+020C. 46300. 36100. - 57300.54700 .. 58400" 53900. 55Boafl S7100. SEOGO. E,3300 .. 63700 ... 62200. SlIGO" 60100. bl:)OO. £:0700. 62900. ~·110C. .')'-~nbu:Jc ...,. 64000. 62200. blOOD. 61200. 64900. 63700. 63300. 62200 • 63300. 63300. 62900. 63100. 60SCO. 61780. ~2700.GOdeO. f~03 00.S C 2 00 • S2.7GU. r '""r\r-,n~'L:.~..;.j • S120G. ':,910G .. S 21 C c.• 61/00. 631ClO .. 55200. 55100. j7400.64?CC •. 5670e.S??CC" ( 57300 ..SDlO()" 57400.50700"603CO .. '2,220Q. 5770Q. S'iSOG ..5EIGO .. 5'7100.58500 .. 62800. 61700. ·SlS00'.63680. 55600.61000. SHOO .. 5:.3000. 62000. 56400. S3SCCa S050a. 59400 ..56200. 60600. 56100. :\4~OOG.51&00. 197?12 1 3 52000.",0600.48700 ..48400.49200. HO::OJ.73900. 76700. 75100. 74-600. 74800. 75000. 77200. 81700. 70900. 69100 .. 70100. 78100" 8'7500. 93300. 7:5700. 72600. 72000. 71700. 73101}. 7250a. 93200 .. 968QI}. 71100. 60600. 6721]0. bE-100. 68300. 73300. 85000. 91000. 66800. 63500. 0:,400. 6:::700. 53900. 6'3600. 84100. 90200. S8~OC. 65000. b<tlOO. 64600. 66000. 72500. 83100. 89200. 67400. 63100. 63800. 61500. 61100. 621G~. 64500. 73800. 88400. g;;>700. 92600. 92500. 94000 .. 94800 .. 31000. 89400. 89200. 8520D. 88900. 84700. 82100. 87700. :6100. 96400. S9900. "37100. 91E.OQ .. 91100 .. }3400 .. :'0800 .. 91000. c~8&OD. B570C .. BG600. 82.400. S2.1Da. 3£.100. 86700. 83bOO .. 88180. 87300. 8630D. 90500. 91400. 91000 .. 8B900. 991.00. 105800. 95700. 1J6SGO. 94580. 103:300. .39800. 956DO. 8SHO. 100800. 89400. 99200. 90600 • 98800. 1100CO. 1Q9800. 107100. 1J3600. 110200. 112500. 111300. 107600 .. 10 Q lOO. 11.0500 .. ICC-SODa lG5DOG~ 104900. 1Q42CQ. 1C04DO. l052CC. 1(6100. l05I0G. 100800. 103300. 105300. 101300. 9b5QO. 102000. 102400. 98100. 93100. 101800.104100.le050D.95700.97400.93800.87800. 82500. 7S000. 71::00. 45500. 43400. 43500. '+3200. 43300. 42EDQ ..42il.OO .. <;-1'+00.42100. 41400.42f.00. 40900.42200. 4-1700. 414DO. 4210[:. 411CO. 41&UO. 42700. 42200. 100100.S~7008 ~lOCO.Sl~OO.89000. 7760C.75700.7~2CO.73900.75100. 8770G.E630G.817C:.2240G.81500. 45700. 42200 .. 41602. 41400. 39000. ,377'30 e 433CO. 4290C. \'1786CJ~ ~lS71 n4 ~47200. ~4~;OO 0--•"-41+GOJ. /_. .-42'::00. 46100. 53000. :',:)300. 37700 • 41100 .. 44&00 .. 52200 ... 45300. 54EDO. 5'3000. 62780. 4,+2GO. 54200. SISCO. l.!.42SG.l~4900. 534CO";:,2700. SEOGO.5:;800 .. 5:-:~fQO.590-00. 44500. '+9000. 55500. 60400. 63~OO.57700.64200.S28JO. 59700.57100.5S?OO~~7YCO~ SlS00. 59600. 57900. 625CO. 61900.60200. S:J30C. 56POC. "';?4CO., :~nc o. :b4CC .. 63bCC.55100.625GJ .. 64200.57600.627GQ.SG:~C[& 60800.527QO.60200.5?2C:. 52100. 61200. 56300. S68JG. 5SSCO. 56708. 61S00. 57DGC. SiSCO. bU4DD. 55f.ao.56400.57600. ~69CG.56700.57900. bOlGe.5kgOO.59500. 55400.5lt200. 63:';00. 68000. 62.000. ~400G. 60S0a. b2SCO ... 6530·0. 67100. 6S5CO. 621CO .. 55400. 71iOO. 63580. E:38.GO. 55S'DO. 62800. 713CC. f7500. 63400. ::l5L+OO. 61400*S20C~.5e60C. 65700.65300.6'+80D. 70000.S84CQ.6'+300. S7EJD.67400.65700. S230Co sOGen.62100. 55000 ..56600.57100. 49~OC.49.300. 1971 08 1 2 lJ.7700.47700 ...50300.51500. 3330 G ..35700 .. 34100 ..33:100. ::7000. 3'+48C. 47908. ~230C. 355CO~3750C.38100. 337CO.34000.35100. 31'300.3,2400. 328008 31800. 3·32CO. 32708. 53CO~. :5410J. 3270C.33300.33700. 323CO~32S00.33500. 3C~OO. 3C50Q • 30800. 31200. .35400. 40600. 46000 .. 31GOC. 3560C. 4160D. 45400. 505CO. :C10GC. :C~CQ.33200.32700. 32800.34SQO.32400. 39500.4G800.35100. 46200.46600.38900. 40300. 45000. 513GO. 55700. 50500. 52200. 47'?GC. ::·2300. 4S00G.49500.45300. 54300.54500.50500. 43400. 52300. 58900. 59100. 54300. 541::0.54100. 5h5CO~5770Q ..55500. 58700.58400.55900. 53100.58200. 527lJO.57400. 52800. 5200D.51200. 51400 ..57000.54200. Se8GO.56700.53100. 51700.j5600. 51600.55600. 51SCO. 51300. 50S00. 51000. 56400.56100.51000. 5690D.55800.53100. ':11900.55100. 5200G.55600. 53C:OQ.53200. 5~200 ..51300. :J2400.j09CO. 53500.53600. 4G9GO~~laOO!t 4C':;OC.424-00. 52100. 53100. S1500. 49900. 51S0o. ':l0100. 42700. 551.00 .. 532GG. S07CO. 4S60fJ .. 42800. S8EDD.56200.52700. 6COoO.57000.54300. S81QC~54600.54100. 5E300$53000.53800. j~30C.51800.52200. 55400.52300.51800. 503CO~4K~OO.49100. 42100.4320Q.43900. 1?71 12 1 2 65700.69400.64700.37900.56100.54800.67600. ',-- 60708.60UCO.62000.j540D.53200.52800.64700. 59700 ..63100.61'+00.54900.52600.51800.63200. 5SS0Q.S2SS0.S1700.55200.51700.52600.63000. I ,.I !""'"..-J 5?~009 SISCO.~:51CC.51C'·CO~53000.63900. 82S0Q. 82600. 70S00. 76700. 8:::600. 82300. -970C. 75300. 742DO~ 7GOeo. 7::/f00. 773C~~.7340D. 754CO."73S-0D. 724GC.6.950-0. 767C·~.743CC. 7730·S.74000., 8210Q .. bOSOD. SleD:. SO~CO. 6f:.70D. 6SS,OC. 30900. 83::00. :;2 ~!J}[1 ".:;:5 ,~,_G0 .- 7'3 0 c;C• &p":::7!"'no"J..........~,. U.8~,80O-. ~S.3?C0. o 71.3-C D • ~7670-0. , \,.. 33400. ;~2 GO 0". 32200. 8440D. 84500. 85S'GO. 860eo. 87S00. 8 02 C Q,. 796CO. 73400. &OSOO. 75108. 7.?800. 73500. 7S0GO. 727DQ. 72700 .. 75S00. 74'300. 72'7CO. 74800. 75900. 81400. 79600. 80800. 82000. .-....'316CO. '3S200., 33100 .. 96000 .. 92500 • 966CO. 9~IQOOi< 934DO~ 880-00. ','S 1 CO .. ;J250C. 8380Q.82600. ,S72GO. E:1C-800~, 87SGG .. 87000. Y2 4 00. 90000. 94300. ss::oo. 9410C. 98900.90800.b?20G~E~7CG.24~OO.9Z300.89200. 3330Q ..84400. 7 8 5 G{).7 7 S'0 J tit 2,lCCD. 74DGO. 772S'J. 6S7JC. 31200.~G40G.36100. 7E500.2640G.32700. £2S00.79500.777CO. 1970 04 1 2 SG~CC.72200.72400. 40700.38480.37400.37180.37~OO.3S600.40600. 32180.37100.36300.~b20u.35800.34300.37800. 36900.37000.36000.=~5QJ.35100.34400.37100. 36800.37QOO.35700.35100.,358CO.36900. 35700.36700 .. .35400.39700 .. 34bno. 3.9200. '7:::"'2.nr. '_-',,''-.I '..I ~.. ~77C~•=':~SCGO ..3710C. 35300. 35400. (" \",.. 36900,.48400~ 40FOJ.51500. 43 4 0C.58500. 51700.5470J. 458.CO~ 43600. 31300. 51£.00. {i-430C. 5S~OD. S2100. 4';4CC.4::'100. 43400.50lJQO. SG400.53200. 5'.'SOO.5270C. :::DECC.3:=000. 39800. 456CO. 51000. 54100. 54600. 54;:'00. ~750J.42600.43000.52?OO. 46000.48200.q7900.52400. 50400.48600.482CD.5170e. 52~,ca. 51300. 515CO. 53000. 4S000.::lF80.47£00. 'f98JQ.~1500. 43;:;00.51000. 49700.51100. - 50:::00.54600 .. 53300.57300. 57GOO.60100. 59300.61900~ 58 '3 0 [).5 0 :::0 C • 54300.54300. j4EOO.51600.52300.53900. 55800.54~OO.54800.57500. 58500.57500. 57300.59800. 6190U.SiEOD.60800.60300. 58400.S7S00.59100.57900. 53~Oa.53400.53200.54400. 54600. 57300. 58600. 59300. 56700. 53000. 4730C.46200. 42800.41400. 45800.4h80r.46100.49400. 40100.40300.40000.43800. 49300. 43800. 1370 08 1 2 33700.3080:).31600.29700.30700. 34100.35200. - 29900.29100" 287QQ ..284QO. 2f..~OO.31S00. ?570G.35300. 2900C.~02QO.288CO.31500. 28100.2548D.28300.31000. 232CO.27~GQ.284QO~23800. 273~Q.27400.276CO.28600. 30500.30200.23500.3C100. 35808.36000.35300.36200. 28600. 29500. 28400. 28600. 29600. 31700. 30600.42000 .. 35000.45~~OO. 38200.3~20G.38S0G.40600. 42400.431CO.43300.45200. 37100. 40800. 4010 !}.47300 eo 44400.49100. 45~OO.4730Q.uSICC.48300. 483CO.49000.4P2CO.505DO. 46200. 48500. 46900.49400.49400.~1200.48500.~14QO.48500. - 47300.4720'0.47100. ~40100.4S2JO~'tSJOC~ CS:QC.~SbOG.4S600.48300. 42:00.47980.A[lDO.q&5GO. 4710J.~01GO.47700.45900. ~46[;00.4620G.45..:.00. o..n,1'1 Z '+64u'H LISE-DC.477\:0. ~,a ~I:.fl n 4 '.:~0 Q..4850 C •o ~~.-,...~1"- \k 463 j O.4 6~'0 Q.427 co. 47100.49100.472CO.45900. 47PCO.49700.47500.47100. 4E 4 es.515CO.A7SeC.47300. 47100.~06QO.46COO.46100. 449DO.44500.46600. 45300.44300.46000. 43400.50200.44600.46000. 44080.48600.44600.46400. 45700.46300.480CO. 433CO.44000.43SJO. 46000.4f9DO.45200.45700. 43300.42500.43000.42400. 3750:.35°00.343CO. 1970 I?1 2 6~la,u.59300.58400.~7(OO.~4500.53/00.53000. 62~Ja.533GG.5600G.5S2CO.524D8.523DC.50200. 596-00.57400. 6j30G.57100. 549C.C. 54POC.5460U. SI8CO. :·160C. 51500. S1800. 48200. 47700. S81~O.53800. SC700.65300. 62~DQ ..73leO. 65200.74700. 54~·QCJc. 6C'::CG. 70S00. 72200. 61ECO. 74700. 74480. 512(;']. ~;C:,SOO. :;9'300. 52::'00 .. 57700. 67700. 71500. 47700. :57C?OD. 51f.:OO. 56600. 71700 ..74200. 75500.7~.GQO. 73::00.75 e,OO. 78'300.75200. 79100;73300. 7&30G.72300. 72300. 7Q?GO. 703DC19 68800. 67400. 736DC. 73700. 7::300. 74;-'00. 72700. 70100. 6':300 .. 62,000. EffCO. 66100. 71000. 71fQO. 73100. 71700. 71700 .. 68300. 62700. 6B20G. 70100. 71500. 70900. 7020C. 308eo.7E:30a .. 36300.81SDO. 6:1GCC .. 77E-OC. 737SC. 7?F.GO. 67800. 76%0 .. 70200. 76500. 72300. 76~;GO. 3?700.34800.79SDO.302CO. 79900. 80300. 77200. 74200. 3Dt)00. 81500. 79100. 74eOO. 21180 .. E 1 7e 0 .. 73000. ~:<~1 n ., '.-'"""'-,.~.... 's3IGO. ;:~5000. 3550Do 872GO, 87j;JO.SS700. 372':18.85000. 61900. 56600. 70600. 66800. 52.0 54200. 58600. 72100. 6£700. 53.0 76200. 72700. 5S400. 5(:100."':8400. 81800.83200.784JG.787J[. 76700.76980.74300. 1378 04 2 1 31.5 51.0 52 ..0 52.5 51.0 71000.71S00.67500. S4~OO.63?CO.61hOO. 50.0 49 ..0 49.0 49.0 ':;O ..S 49.0 /.C ::;"'1..1 e---s 48.5 49 ..0 51.0 49.0 50.0 49 ..0 46.5 50.0 49.0 48.Q 4<~..0 48.Q 49.0 49.0 45.0 56.) 48.0 4H.O 48.0 55.a 4S.5 49.0 42.0 48 ..0 42.] 48.0 47.0 45.5 47.0 ~". 46.5 50.0 54.0 56.0_.~ :J b •:). 55.0 56.0 55.0 54-.0 54.0 5,).Q 57 ..0 62.0 77 ..':" 78.5 77.0 76.:3 75.0 74 ..0 73.~. 7l ..S 71.0 60.5 7~t:::•·1"_, 75.0 72.0 72.0 72.0 70 ..5 ~8_5 68.5 65.C 7s.n 76 ..0 75.0 73.5 68,0 62 ..0 71.C 61.0 74.0 77 •.0 73..~ 75.0 74.5 7 4 .0 73 e-0 71.::· 70.<:. 63.0 73.0 7(:.,.5 76.0 75.5 73.0 71.5 50.5 56.0 5':1.0 63 ..0 63.0 61.5 6('.5 c;-"n·..JC.U jS.O 59.a .,....'. 1-,! 1 ~ ~53.0 ~S 3.5 ~1978 r'~~.L.0 54.0 DB 2 1 70.0 ~6.G :,3 ..0 4S.0 42.0 46.0 4:;..,:-, (;::'..c 47.u 44.:: 48 ..0 44.0 (.... 42-.0 41 ..0 33.0 35.0 35.5 37.5 40.0 £;,4.0 4.7 ..Q 4?5 51.0 50.5 41.0 3'3.0 45.0 55 ..0 68.0 72.0 72.,5 72 ..5 40 ..S 40.0 44.0 54.0 7 S.~­ 7 ~f f)0 72~Q 72 ..C 41.0 40 •.5 6 Q-~0 72 ~~i 73 ..:' 42 ..0 <to ..5 39 ..5 41 ..0 47 ..0 7 ,~:'•::, 77 ..r: 7'5.5 7::.5 43 ..0 41.0 44.( 55.0 7C...~ 73 ..Q 77 ::;.......... 72.:- 72.:" 40.:) 38.:;. 39 ..0 42.0 '::J7.0 60.C 60.5 50.0 72.0 69.5 72.0 71.5 73.0 72.0 74.0 73.0 72.5 5;.0 54 ..0 53.0 50 ..:::,50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 4'3.5 ~3.0 50.0 49.0 65.0 58.G 55.5 55.~ 51.0 6.3.0 S4.0 c:1 ..Q :''3 ..0 59,0 5?:.O :-:1 "".J J.......J 7 r '1.".....)-.... 6S.5 61 ..0 58.0 56.-:J 5?..0 70.8 65 ..5 62.0 5.~.C 70.0 6=-.C 58.5 5::.•5 :=,5.0 1:17 8 12 2 1 £~2 ..5 60.C 53.5 55.0 53.0 56.5 54.0 5~.Q 53.0 53 ..~ S2.0 56 ..::'; 53.5 5:::.5 56.0 65.0 58.G 63 ..C 56.0 ~!=.'.c:;: J ""P'•....J ~Q.O 57.5 t:;.....n...·0 tit '-' 58.C 65.0 51.0 51.0 56.0 50 ..0 52.0 - 53 ..0 55.0 50.0 ;4.0 65.0 65.5 87 ..0 87.0 86.0 85.0 86.5 7S.() ql.5 86 ..0 85.5 85 ..5 36.0 85.0 85.5 760.0 84.5 85.5 86,,0 86.C 86.0 8S ..a 76.0 83.C 85.5 85.5 85.0 84.5 84 ..5 7f.O 85.0 85.5 86.0 86.D 85.0 85.0 63.0 57.0 70 ..5 72 ..() 71.5 71.5 72.0 70.5 76.D 75.0 75.0 87.0 83.0 SO.5 S5.0 87 ..0 87.C 8.3.0 87.0 90.0 Bf:..D 84.0 83.0 '?o.a SB.Q 83.0 74.0 78.0 79.0 77.0 74.0 72.5 82.0 31.5 78.0 77.0 82.0 7'3 ..0 75.0 75 ..0 ...,.,....'"', Ic:..\j 71.Q 7/.0 65.0 66.0 70.0 58.0 S3.0 76.'::.7S ..0 74 ..(1 69.:: 64.C 75.0 55.5 57.5 73 ..0 FJB.Q 64.5 61.0 ....1977 04 2 1 50 .. '1-7.5 49 .. 47.5 46.5 :=, ~.).. 48. 51.5 48.5 lJ.7.S 51.:: 47. 47.5 46. t::.C i=;...1 ...- •...; 4 ~.~.. 57. 43.5 58.5 5P. 61. 52.:;i 52. 60 ..5 53.5 63 ..S 65. £I4 ..S 44.S '+i?• :5 E·• 4S.5 67 ..5 66.5 62. ~''''J...j .J • 64 .. 67.5 6"3 .. c:n.~v • 7 Q."i 7e. '+t:;.. 4F '".-"...... 70. ~-~.5 54.5 67. 7G.5 68.5 ro':-::;~J • S7 ..5 71.,5 116.~ 43",:, :;,4 .~, 70.5 47. 71.") 72. 72",'" 71.5 67. 70 .. 63.5 71.5 71.5 72. 72. 70 ..5 S7.: 71. c..;::,..._~-..J • 6'3.:; 73 .. 73. 72.5 47. 64.5 60. 55. 72 .. 71.5 70. 69.5 60. ~,o • ':;Sf. 57. 55 ..5 55.5 so.s S~.5 53. 57. 5S. 46 •. '"'+4. ~'+:).. g 4 j .. ::;;il ~:3 ·7. ll.5.2. 54.5 56. ~.. P77 DE 2 1 '+3.45.5 47. \. 41. 40. 39. 3B.5 37 .. 36. 3E-.5 3':\.5 A3" 46.5 45 ..5 4'3.5 4J.5 ':l:Qv..... 37. ll...,-11.•J S 1.,.:: 61. 65. 63 ~5 70. 41.5 4GlJ 3-7.5 t..~,c • 6,1., 6.S.5 43.5 41.5 41.5 54. 62.5 4,2 ..5 41. 41. 3 '3. 33.5 /~ ::-C'• be·.5 70 .. 43.5 42 ..5 Al.5 39.5 6r;.5 78. ,-q '"0 ......".,........ 43. 40 ..5 33.5 40. 38.5 ':l:0...In. 42. 47. 51.5 57 .. 57. 50.5 5C.5 50.3 4'1 .. 7 fJ • 63 .. 60. S8.'5 62.5,..... ::>0. 66.5 63. SO .. 68. 6B. 6~. 67. 6S'.5 70. 6d .5 67 ..5 63.5 69. 66.5 64-.5 t,l .. 58 ..5 54.5 54. 53.5 52.5 51. 48. 50.5 49.5 45.5 1977 57.5 55.5 49.5 12 2 1 :J7,,5 56. ss. =~4. 56.5 55. 55.5 54.5 50 .. ':>7. 55.5 55.5 55.5 52.0 56. 53.5 52 " 49.5 49.5 51.5 52. 49. S6. 61 .~ 01.5 67. 65. 64. 67 ..5 70. Sf.,. 65. s:.;. 67. 72. 69. 66 .~, 65. 6E 4ti:j 69. 71. S5.5 65. 70.5 68. 67. 66. 65 _ 69 ...5 71.5 66 _=1 65. b5. 65. 6::;. 6g. 71. 7':J.::> 90.5 97 ..5 95. 74 .. 87.5 95. 77.76.':1 90.5 77.::; 89 ..5 96. 68.5 75.5 79.5 59.5 59.5 .\.. ~'". 73. 73. ~73. ~74. g 7~_5 :;::<-~'....;:':'. ~85. 85.5 33.5 31. 78.5 70. 1'176 43.5 {~4-.- 4.3.5 41. 41. 42.5 +5.5 4H. 4J.5 50.5 ~0 • 49. 4-'}.. '50. 51.5 52.5 :)5. 4R.5 1976 42.5 40.5 31.5 32.5 35. 37.5 40. b.<: !'J. 45.5 45.5 as. 94. 94.:: 94. a 7....., .,t'......__; ..,I • 91.:; n..-co. 81. 75. 04 2 1 47. 45.5 44.5 44.S 4 4 • 44.:~ 55.5 63. 67 ..5 SP,. &7 .. 66.5 65.5 64.5 6 ~'.C) ;0 .. 60. 64. 61.5 56.5 52. 08 ?1 41.5 39. 52.5 62.5 62.5 60. 57."i 54.5 ':)1 ~ ':.-;10&3 S4.5 :17.5 ::4.5 '32. 88.5 24-.5 ::"1.5 77. 47. 4';. 46. 5QII 5S. 67. C:7 .. 65. e4. 63.5 so. 61.5 60.5 57 11 5 54. it 0 • 35. 35. 40.5 49.5 SSe ';3. 63.5 61.5 52.5 55. 9")-.5 '~,3:•',:; 92. 1 co,. 97.5 S5 "* 9Q. 86.:5 75.5 L",C.'" 44 -. 49. 67.'::' 67.5 6·3 •.5 63. oO·f> c::/"t=:_'0 fI.J 52 •.5 !-I2 •S 40. 38.5 38. 4-1. 50. 62 .. 6J. 5'9. !::;Q t::." .8-.J ~c ~" -..J ,/•"_' 1J1.::: F·2 ., 75.::- i~C'• 4b... 44 <.:;,.....- 'i,S .. 50. 5Q. 67 ..5 67.~. S7.5 67. ...,'.ne .. 53.5 63.5 5B.5 53.5 41. 40.5 36.5 36.5 ::'(;,. 45.5 60. 62. 65. 65. r-.;::.;:::"-'............. G.b.5 64.5 57. C7 c. /'-'..0 lQO. '34. 91.5 87. EC. 4 4 ..5 42.5 43. 4.c.>• 68. ES. 63. 62. S 7.":,. c.r ..,(j • 64.5 60. 60. 61. 58. 5~·.5 52 .;~, 42. 41. 38. 35. 43. 52. 5£.:~ 62. E-4 ..5 54.5 6 4 • :;4. 63. 57. 2·2. 81 • .,<:-l~'J •::J Sf.. 3f,.b 83.5 80.5 78. 74.~ 71. I,4 '",.,....... 44 • '+0.:::. 41.5 56.5 ~c c::; ~..".J 52. 57. 55.5 55.5 54.5 54. 55. 55.5 51.5 42. 41. 37. 36. 38. 42 45. I.t."~.• 52. 53.5 ::.3. 52.5 51.5 50.5 49. 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SO.'J t:;<:oJ...,.;. 40. 38 .. 37. 37. 37. 33. -42.::1 51.5 Sl.S 61.5 61. 60. 59. 53_ 57 ..5 56. 54.5 48.5 ,+.!f.• 37. 37 ..5 33. 42.5 49 ..5 57. 60 .. 60",5 60.5 59.5 59. 57.5 53.5 54 .. 54 .. 41. 77 ,",.'I • 37. .:7. ·30.5 42. ·42.5 60. &0.':> 60.5 r naU. 59.5 S F ~-.'-" 53. 55.5 J1.::; 51. 47.5 43. 40 ..:J .5S. 37. 37. 37. 38. 42. 49. 55.5 58.5 59. 59. 58.5 57.5 4'3.5 48. 48.5 4S. 46. 43. 4G. 36. 35.5 35.5 32. 43. 47.5 50.5 53. 52 51.5 45. 45. 42.5 1975 0>3 2 1 ~-::......-,J •.3':.5 34 .. -=0.J .,• 36. 41. 3.2 •~i .:1.5 31 ..~5 33.5 45. 43.5 34.6 47. 46. 48. J::"l"l ;;::. ....r V ..~' 45-.::; ::1.5 30 ..":' 34 ..5 54.5 5t:!..5 54.5 45. 44. 47. ~5. 57.5 56.5 41. 57.; 57. 5 E.• ~,~.5 4 "~. 52.5 4.5.5 44 • its. 44. ,3.4 ..5 42.5 54.5 55.5 50. 42.'5 ~o. 32 ,.::. 56. 44.5 36 ..5 55 .. ,-"/":J::... 55.5 40. 46.5 45 .. 't 6 • 55.5 44 .. 56. 34~ 43. 51.5 '54. 56. 54 ..,:", c::::::...'J. 35. 56.5 53.5 51.5 33 ..5 12 2 1 "'Z :..' ...,;"-.-'.. 7" ...;~]'. 37.5 37.5 ~av'~.'. 7"7Jf .. 39.0 40. 1S75 32. ~?-:3.5 $2 d. g 2 j. ::;;-,q . 6",>·:J u,,32.5 35.'5 38. ..... I...··!'r---l Sc. S 2.5 61.5 ::'1. ·s 1. S2. r t ',J ~... as'. ;? 70.:J 71. 67. 63. 62. :;2. S2. 72. 79. 86 ..5 35.5 84 ..5 84. 68.5 ,h0__'a 5;3.~ -..., d (Jt 30_5 84.5 33. 70. 6b.5 63.5 55.::J 73.5 20+. 85. Qh:,..,:.;.. 6::.5 -7G....._ 61.5 S 1 • -.7c..'-• d2.5 61 .~, 60. t=o -~./. 61.5 S7. 75. E1 ..S 81. 80.5 80.5 80.5 00. 57.5 52.5 59.5 73. 75.5 75. 1""".71.5 75. 34.5 3.3. 85. :37.S S4.5 83.5 81. 84.5 75. 77.5 90.-S 30 ..5 28.5 83 ..5 85.5 80.5 ..."I G. 74. 77. 75. 86. 85.5 86.5 85.5 85 .. 83.5 83 ..5 °10...... 78.5 79 .. 78. 70. 75. 375CO. 37500. 38000. 40000. 39500. 37000. 35000. 35000 .. 360GO. 35000 .. 60.5 63 .. 38000. llg<=:,O G.. 55000. 46000. 32000. 56000 .. 38000. 40000. 38000. 38000. 76. 72 .. 68.5 65.5 44000. 57500 .. 36000. 36000. 37000. 40000. 54500. 57000. 37000 .. 3~OGO .. 72. S8. 7R.5 75.5 43:500. ~::8000. 53~,OO. 3E.coa. 46000. 36500. 36000. 3ECGO. 78 ..5 74.5 57GOC. 42500. 42500. 36000. 35000. 35000 .. 39000 .. 36000. 35500 .. 73.5 83.5 HO. 46500. 53000. 3LtCOO. 3'35-00. 54000 .. 36000 .. 40500. 35~OO. 34000 .. 34000 .. 76. 73. 83.5 80. 04 2 2 39000. 35000 .. 1974 7'?5 33000. 36;JOC. 4JSOO. 35~OJ. 35000 .. 34500. 37CJQO .. 36':CO. &8.5 -- - .... 38500. 32S0D. ~3950-Q. ~'::9~OQ. ~39500.C £~7 -,r'I ("o .~.f......""",. ~lL-"+0 50 D. 41300. 41JCU. 41500. 41S00. 42')OC. l;-200C. 5cCOO. 52SC:J. 52000 .. 51500. 54')(lO~ 57500. 57:;00. 56S00. 56QOO. 57000. 43088. 45(100. ,:;?C.G Q. 525CO. 58 Q 00. ::;7::00 .. 57000 ... "-)S80a~ 56500. ~5500. 4900C .. 5"3-50 D • 5800C. 57::0C. 5750D. 5£500. SEDGe. 550"0'0. 55500. '150GD. 52~,:;Q • 58500 .. 58~OGlt, 57::GOtt 55=:;CC. 5SCOO. 54000. 53500. 54000 .. 54000. 55::0C. ::5000. ~:SGon. 55COO. 55000. 54000. SID 00 .. 50000. 50500. 2,0500. 42000. 43000 .. 3'3000. 40000. 40000 .. 355GO. 39500 ... 3S500. 39500. 39500. 3S500. 39500. 39!:OO. 39500. 40GOO. 40000. 38500 .. \'" 1974 03 2 2 32500.32000.32500.335GC.~~500.34DOO.33000. 30500.30GOJ.3C8DO.31500.~1500.31500.31000. 29~OO.2~~OQ.348GO.~·OOQO.3CCOC~3csoa.31000. ?9000.23008.38500.290GO.29COC.2S5CO.28500. 2SCCO.2SS0D.32GOO.2~OCO.29COO.2~QOO*265DO. 24500.2SGOO.26000.285CO.2tSOC.29S00.25000. 2~JOC.2950~.31500.3250C.3~CDC.32CQO.28000. 25GOO ..38~OO.39000.41500.39500 ..41500.30000. 30~OO.46S0Q.47000.4500C.475CO.43DQO ..33500 .. 33000.4j500.51GOO.51000.50500.51eoo.38000 .. 350DO.51000.48000.5350C.5:500~5jjQO.42000. 37000.53500.53500.54000.545CO.54000.440CO. 38500.53000.53jOD.53500.53000.53000.~4000. 3S00D ..53000.53S00.53000 ..53500.53500.42500 .. 'BOCO.53000.54~OC.~4(OQ.555CQ~53500_43500. 37500.5c~80.545GJ.~4QOC.54SC~.~2500.43500. 36COO.525CO.~4UOO.S3~OD.5?500.~2aOQ.44800. 34500.~a~OD.52000.~lDQC.51500.50000.43500. 34000.(fSOQO. 34JOQ.46000 .. 33':·00.43501. 34000.41500. 35000.40:500. 3500C ..39000. 1974 12 2 2 43000 ..43500. 42000.42000. 41500.41500. 40:JOO.If.l5QO. 40000.~1500. 40000.lt25DO. 40500.48000. 42500.57000 .. 47000.S4'JOQ. t+3:::-0G.6'3500. 52000.65500. 56500.73500. 55:;00.74000 .. 57000.75JOO. 61JOO.770GO. '::3500.23000. 63000 ..81JOO. 495CO. 47GQO. 43000. 42000 .. 39000. 37000 .. 48('1)0. 460ac .. 44000. 43000. 4-3000. 4':lQOO .. 51000. 5"1COC. 63COO. 67500 .. r""'-l""l~:::f:Jl...v. 71500. 7lS'JO .. 71,::,00. 75 (}CO .. 82500 .. 81000 .. lfSOOG. 47500. 45000. 44500. 42000. 3300). 4900Q .. 47000 .. 4'5500. 400UO. 45000 .. 46500 .. 52000 .. 61:-00. 70500. 71000. 713::,DO .. 70:JOC .. 75000. 7::(;00. 75000. E2000. o3350C. 79588. SOOOG. 42-500 .. 44~OC. 4~50C .. 42500. 39000. 475CO. 46000. 45000. 45000 .. 44500. 4';)500. 51000 .. 60000. 6'0'000. 6&500 .. 68000. 71500 .. 71000. 71000. 70500. S8;:;OG .. 78000" 48500 .. 46000. 41000. 46500 .. 46000. 36500. 47000 .. 46000. 44000 .. q.300C. ~3'50o. 45000 .. 51000. 5950Q. 6°GOO .. 70000 .. 69000. 6'::'000 .. 72500 .. 71~OO .. 71500 .. 78500. 81000 .. 76500 .. 42000. 40500. 3BDOO .. 39000. 38:-.00. 3600Q. 48500. 45500. 43500 .. If.2500. 43500. If.550 Q ~ 47500 .. 50000 .. 56500. &0000. 61000. 63500 .. 63000. 62000 .. 65000 .. 64000. 69000. 69000 .. I Ij~, !----' S 3-8 0 r,7S 00 a 7 ~~C'C 77~J 74::0 D 73500 S600 o."..,.~..\J .."• S4S0 0 74 ~::,CO 74 C r,C I L.J UC 73~O 0 70 "00 6150 o.~·~..•~;;.. 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'))ooc. 63~JOC. cisao. 600~O. 5SJOO. 57:JOO. 5SQQO. 70ClOD. 6850G. 71:::00. 73000. 7:500 .. 64JGO. 60~·JC .. 58000. 58500. 6BO~O. S?C~'OQ. 74JOO. 7?SOC. 71CCD. S~OGO_ 67CQC. 59000. t:..c..n tl r·'-'....-'u .....lit 655QQ. S5'50Q. ~S5GC .. 72'.)00. 7/5(;0, 71000. ;:5CC. [;0000 9 5,ESCC. 65500. 66COO. 66JOC .. c.35GO. 7lfOCO .. 7 4 000. 740CO. 7400C .. 73500. ':>6COO. tS7500. 6'3500. 69000. ssooo. 71500. 74:'00 .. 73:':08 .. 72000. 70000 .. 68']00. 6·35,00. S9500. 57500 .. 63000. 63000. 63000. 64-000. 67000. 59000. 68500. 66500. 53500. 50500. 58000 .. 555,00. 1372 04 ::2 31:100. 300QO. 23JOO. 31800. 30000. 29000. 3-0000. 3GOOO.31000. 2'3000. 33000.34000. ,30500 ..310CO. 29500.30500. 330CO. 31500. 30GCO. 29JJO. 29800. 29000 .. ?Qi:;,nn._~........v .. 29=·ec. 23500 .. 2':3000. 2':1000. 23000.3ccoa. 2':000.2']500. 29=.00. 29500. 265fJO. 27000. 37000. 3&500. 36000. 36500. 2S0QO. 32500. 35000. 35000. 36000. 35000. 2':.'000.28000. 40500.40rOO. 44-000.44-000. 43000.43GOO. 445eo.45500. 44000.45500. 46000.45000. 45500.45500. 3tS'JOO.350CO. 31000.30500 • 'f450Q ..44QGO. 45000.45500. ~5000. .-~1 ~r;r •...:..i........l \J;,.J • 46000. 4::,5CO. 4')00J .. 455UO. 45000. 4';000. 45000. 4?QOO. 35500 .. 29500. 310CO. 45500. 45UOD. 27000. 30CCO .. 47000. 37000. 43::-·CO. 27:-00. 27500. 2i<:=:OC. 32000.46~OQ.44500. 32000.46500.44500. 3300C.47COO ..4-5000. 33000 ..47000.45000. 33QQC.47000.44500. 3/500.4500C.44500. 32 GO G. 33000. ,.... .... 39000.44000.43500. 21000. 23000. 40000. 41500. 24~CO. 24000. 27500. 24000. 22500. 33000. 39000. 38500. 265DO. 25500. 37000. 37000. 25500",20:;00. 25000.24500. 4-4-500.43500. 46000.45QOO. 21~G().225GO. 20500.21500. 24000 ..24000. 23500 ..23500 .. 22500.24000. /7~'CG.31GOO. 43000.42::;.00. 43000. 41000. 3~GOC.35000. 43500 ..43500. 40500.39000. 35000.34000. 28000. 25000. 22000. 21000. 2200(. 245CO. 24~DOC. 47800. 475eO. 34500. 35000. 45000 .. 430DO. '+3SGO. 44-000. 25800. 24GOO .. 2350a. 27000. 2150C. 20500. 3450Q. 39500. 20800 .. 25:00.25030. ?4'JOO.?35,00. 20500.20500 .. 24000 ..22500. ?2S00.22QOO. 23JOO.j5~OO.33~OO. IS0ac.~2~Oa,225QQ. 15500.?8COO.2PDOO. 32508.33080. 1972 08 ?? 33000.46500.45000. 34000.45500.43GOO. 38500.46500 ..45500. 39000.47500.46000. 37000.4D50:). . 1.'../....·.1~-:...J ?500C.335~Q.7:CC.38000.37eJD.33000.32CDC. 27COO.40000.9CGC.4GCCO.400000 410CO.33500. ( c ~29QOO. ~29fjCC,. 23000. 29000. 29000. 30000. 29500. 31000. 3:-:00. 28.JOG. 41001]. 4C5~O. 41DGC. 40~·JO_ 40000. 38500. 36500. 35000. 34COO .. 34000. 32::00. 3G500 ... SGeo. 3S5:0-. 7.0 n:1 '"'- 'oJ ,,;J"J Lt • :58500. 370;]0. 37500. 36500. 31500. 30500. 3?QOG. 30UGO. 410CG. '+0000. 40:juC. 40500. "+C:JOG. 33000. 38000. ·36000. 34500 .. .34500. ~:3SCO. 2.-80 CJ 0 • 40'500. 40000. ~3S5DG. 42000" 40000. 38500 .. 37000. 35500. 3 5-~5 00. 35500. 35000. 32500. 50COO. 42000 .. 41000. 40500. 405CO. 40500. 40800. 38500. 36(100. 34000. 32000. 30:'00. 29000. 34500. 34500. 34000. 33500. 33000. 32500. 33000. 32500. 32000. 32000. 32500. 30000. 27500. ( 1972 12 2 2 43000.4GQOO. 40500.:)::;COO .. 39:::00.37000. 323(1J.370:]0. 33500.37S:0C .. 3900C.43000. 41+,:,OQ.53:)00. 4550C.53000. 46300.57000. 47500.57000. 49GOO.57QDQ .. 30000.58COO. 50800.57'}()C. 50508 •.SoUCO. 43500.02000 .. 59QOC.68500. 41500. 39000. 37~OQ. ::8000. 7 ~,~n n...;.j ~'V ...... 390[0. 42000. 5350G. 53;:·00. 58500. 61000. 60000. 53000. ~8DQO. 53080. 680008 ,3'300J. ~7':'.DC'. 37:]CO. .")t;5 0 D • 38508. 42S00. ~25no .. 52508. 57000. 565CO. 56500. STeGD. S7CQO. Sleoe. 67~QJ. 3E500.38500.38500. 36COQ.3FCOO ..3~5CO. 3450G.3~OOC.35000. 34000 ..35000.33500. 34000.35000.33500 • 35000 ..36500.33500. 40500.41000.35000. 51500.51500.42000. 51500.51500.46000. S60eo ..57000 ..47000. ~7GOO.57000.485JO. 5cSOG.57000.50000. 56000.57000.51DOO. 5~OQC.57000.51000. 5S0~C.57000.soono. 60500.5950C.52500. S7GOO.64508.58500. 5?~OG.67000.57000.ssaao.65000.54500.57000. 5900G.6~Doa.65CQ~.62000.63000.62500.56500. 57~OQ.63000.S3QOO.snOOD.55500.58000. 55500. 56000.SSCOC.59000.59000.56S00.54000.50500. 53000.55~OO.56000.54500.5300C.53000.48500. 52000.51500.51500.49000.48000.47500.47000. 43000.44500.43080.42500.41000.40000.40000. 1971 C4?2 30000.28500.28500.30000.30000. 30000.30000. 27000.?7000.27500.29000.29000.30000.29000. 27000.26500.27500.27500.28000.29000.28000. ?7000.26000.27500 ..27000.28000.28000.28000. 26000.26000.27000.27000. 27500.27500.26000. 25000.25000.23000.27000.27000. 26500.24000. 23000.32000.33JOO.310[0.34000.2~aDO.25000. 2;000.41QOO.4D000.410CO.4?GOO.35500.31000. 3GuOO.47QOQ.45SCO~47500.47580.43000.37000. 34000.48000.49000.4750Q.45000.43500.41000. 37GOO.42000.4?Oao.47500.49000.49500.44500. 38000.48000.49000.47500.45000.47S00.46000. 3S000.43000.49000.47500.43000.46000.45000. 3850Q.48000.49nOG.47~OO.47500.44000.42000. 33000.47500.49000.47300.46000.44000.41500. 33000.47000.49000.47500.45QOO ..44000.41000. 38000.4f500.4?CCC.~70GO.4SCOO.44000.39000. { 37000.45')00. 38000.46000. ~~Q008.4)jSOO. ~41000.43JOO .. g 4050\1.4':'·~OQ. 1971 08 "2 24000.24000. SOGOQ. '30800. 50-DOG. 43500. 43GOO. 33~;(:J0. 26000. 47000 .. 47000. 4E.CQC~ 4500:::. 400GO .. 335Cr:. 24000. 45500~ IJ.......~"...,n- o ,,~...;U U lit 46500. 47500. 41COO. 3~DOG. 23000 .. 4250G. 42::;00. 43:';00 .. 45000. 45QOO. 40000. 32':00. 25000. 38500. 41::JOO. 42500. 41500. 40000. 39000. 38800. 24000. 2·3000.22:;COa 2EOO.21500. 21CDO.21000. 20QOQ.20500. ( 1'3000. 12500. 20000. 2200:J. 2jQQiJ. 27500. 29500. 29500. ;2.3000. 28000. 27000. 26500 .. ;:J600G. 28COO .. 2733J. 21000. 23000. 23500. 38::·0-0. 40008. 41cao. 4150G. 4D50a .. 39500. 3~:'OOO. 38500. 37500. 35000. 32500. 235CO. 22500. 22000. 2050C. 28503. 225JO. 27000. 33000. 33--"'00. 38500. 335CO. 3BOGG. 33':100 .. 37~:QO. 36000. 33SUC. 31500. 3QOOC. 2q~uQ. 295 [}0 • 23500. 22::00. 22000. 22000. 20000. 195DO. 22000. 23008. 3';00G. 38COC. 3800'0. 33500. 380CC. 37000. 35·00 C • :"4000. 32:500. ~15!JD. 30500. 310eo. ~18DO. 2?000 .. 21500. 205uD. 20000. 2DCOO. 2200u. 2o~ao. 3.:5:·00. 3(000. 385GG .. 4flOCO. 39500. ~:"}ooo~ 33000. ::I85eD. 37QOO. 35000. 33500. 3?500. 31500. ·,JOOOO .- 285GO. :23500. 22500. 22::00. 2/500. 22000. 23500. 27500. 32000. 3bSOC .. 3SCOD. 40cao. 40000. 4CCOO. 35500. 38500. 3700G. 350DO. 33500. 32500. 31500. 30500 .. 29500. 23000. 21000. 21500. 22000. 21500. 22000. 24500. 27000. 30000. 32QCO. 33800. 33000. 3::,000. 32500. 31500. 31800. 30:,00. 29500. 29000. 28500. 28000. 27500. ( 1.....".. 26500.2S500. 1'371 12 2 2 3S20'J.37GOO. 3350 y lt 35~Oc;. ~2S00.34000. 32000.33000. 31500.34500. 32000.36000. 33500.40COO. 35500.47500. 37000.53000. 38QOQ.52000. 39QOC.52000. 41000.52000. 42500.52QOO. 43500.52QOO. 4':'jUOO.53::00. 47')00.575QO. 490ao.59000. 49000.07500. 43500.55GCG. 45500.52000. 't:JQOO.49000. 42000.46000. 3':000.42QQO. 36500.38500. 1970 O~2 2 27500. 38000. 34500. 33500. 33000 .. 32000. 33000. 37000. 44500. 50S0G. 50500. 49500. 49000. 48500. 49000. ::50580. 54000. :;6000. 55000. 52500. 50000. 48QQO. 45000. 41seo. ::.700Q. 26QQO. 33000. 3/000. 31500. 31000. 31500. 32500. 3S50S. 43000. 48500. 48500. 485~Q. 48500. 48000. 4S000. '-)0500. 54000. 5100']. 55500. ":3008. 50000. 4&OCO .. 44500 .. 41000. 38080. 27C10G. 31000. 30000. 30000. 30000. 31500. 35500. 44000. :SOOOG. 49500. 49500. 4'3500. 48500 .. 49000. socoo. 53~OG. 565OC. 56000. 55000. 52500. ~1QOO. 48000. 44000. 40000. 27500. 37500. 355DO. 34500. 34500. 35500. 37000. 40500. 46500. 5150C. 52000. 52000. 52000. 52500. 53000. :'3500. 57000. 5SCOO. 52000. '1'5800. 51500. 48~QO. 46000. 43000. 33500 .. 26000. 3::l500. 33500. 3250a. 32000. 32000. 32500. 34500. 37000. 40000. 44500. 44500. 46000. 46000. 46000. 47000. 500DO. 54000. 53500. 52000. 50000. 46500. 44500. 42500. 40500. IF~ 2350 J ..2-l.500.22 Ci a0 ..2150 0 ..23000 •22Q 00 •22500. 2100 "2.0500 ...21 000.20500 21:-GO~21500.22000.0... <'l 2 GS!J n~~n h ,~,f1 205CO.2000a.21 00 .,20500 21 Q a O.,J'.c..V ...J..,U ..w.•"1'3500 2 GSOO 2D500 2GGQa 20500 20500 20500<ll ..............a 1851]19500-.20::0 0 19000 20000 20DOO 20000.z 0 •..•..•:;:13CO-o 20000 20 000 1900:1 19::;C ,..,19500.18500ll:•• ••v ..•a ~u.1750 o.22500 ;)1 :50 O.2200-0.2200 [1 22000.19000.-•• 20000.28COO.27500.27000.2750 0 ..27000 •22000.{',2200 Q.33000 32 n 00 33000 :::2000 32000 25000.'.•u •..·• '"'"2250 0 •34500 ..,~,4 COO ..37500 •34500 •35000 •2800 o. 2400 0 35000 7;~-OOC 40000 35500 35500 29500.••..07J ..•••(2500 0 •3 =-500 •35 Q 00 •37500 ..34000 •3 SaGO •29500 • 2",50 0 .-34::,QO •345 00 •34500 ·34~:JO •34500 •29000. ~2400 o.34000 ..34300 •:,\ltc;nr ·35000 '"35500 ..29000.,~.~~v u C ?400 o.34500 •3 4 SOO •340Gf:•34500 •35500 •2':000. 24000 •340DO ..35800 ..~400!J .-34500 •35800 •28500. :::450 "3350'0 33C~DO 33500 33000 ·34500 2850~.~....•..•.... 2450 ,,,31500 31 500 ::;15 0 C •31~jDO 32500 28500w-....•..•• 2 (::,J a r;<:,GOO 30 0 DC 31DGO 30::00 31000 2750 C"..0.1.•·•..•.. ~B50 C •3?'lGO ..31 0 00.325QO ..::,2000 •32C 00 ..28500. )850 :J •3,30QO ..32500 •,~30aO •3;;500 •32500 •29800. 2650 0 ..31500 •30500 •3100Q.30500 ..31 COO •280 co. )350 G •27500.27500.28500.27500 •2'3500 •26000.or"", ~250~\...,0 •24500.2.4-:;01).2:0000 •24500 •2:.>000 •23500. 1970 D3 2 2 1350 0 •1'3000 ..20 ODD.20000.20000 •20500.19000. 1300 a lSDOO 19 n:"\t"\19COO.l~OO "19000.18500.•......;...v.;.;.. 1750 C •18000 •18S 00 ..18000 •lEt:·OO ..18000 •180QO • 17JO o.17000.18000 ..120eo.1800 0 •1800C .-18000. 16 JO 0 .-17000 •17000 ..17501)•15500 ..17500 •170 00. ~1.580 !)..160 J G.16000.16500 ..1650 Q ..17000 •16000 • 14530 •19000.1750 0 •-1-7 D Q 0 ..13000 ..17500 ·16500. c C 1550 "21520.n-.""j o.!:3500.22500 21500.19000.\)..c.::..L 'J ..I .. 1700 0 •270ao ..2:;·300-4 2-8 Qa0 ..280C 0 ..27::00 ..22000.~1300 "31500 30500u.•30300 ..•31000 ..31 DOD •24000.c:2100 o.32500 ..31500 •31500.32000 •325 DO •26000. 22 aD "33000 32000 33500 32500 33500 270 00.u.•......•-23DOO.32500 •32000 ..3250r.32500 ·32500 •26500. C 2350"0.3 ?500 •32500 •31500 •3?500 e 33000 •26000. 2300 0 •32300 •32.000 •32000 ..32000 •33000 •2550 o. 2,)JD 0 •32,DOD.32000 ..32000 ..32500 •32000 •25000. 2300 0 •31500 •31500.31500 •31 000 •31000 •24500 • 2250 o.29000.29500 •2950Q.28500 •28500.2400 O. 2150 o.27000.2aooo.27500 .~280CO.26500 ..23000. 2150 o.26000 ..27000.;)5000.27000./'5000.22500. 2150 a •25500.26000.24000 •26000 ..2'+500 •22000. 2230 n 25000.25 000.23500.25('00.24000.22500.'"• 2250 0 ..24500 •2500:;•24000 •24500 ·23500 •22500. 2150 o.23000 ..23000.22000 ..2300 0 ..22000 •21500. 1970 12 2 2 32000 •30000 •31 000.30000 •?9000.2900D.29500. 30500 •29::·00 ..29800 •28500.2800 0 •28'::00 •28000. 2'350 £)•29000.?85GO.?5e GO ..27000.27000.26500. 2'3 a0 n 28500 28000.285GC 2700 n 2700Q.26000.'.)..••u ·2950 r'2tSSCO )8000 25000 2700 0 )8000.26000.u.••.... 2"9500 •29:=fOO.29000.2':100C.27500 •29000.27000. 3000a ..33000.325 CO •325%•31000 •3?500 •28500. 31000 ..3 qo D0 •38000 ..38000 •37500 ...3 8000 •2950 0 •~ 34000.44000~42500.43500~44C8G~43COC.35500. 1'170 04 :,2 c ~-35JO~. g36QOO. 42000. 42':;)0. 42000 .. 40500. 3350G. 33500. 3~I:Joa .. 34-00C. 3250C. 4~·OOO. 45000. 44500. 44000. 44000. 47500. 49500. ll.75DO .. ll.b500. 44500 .. 43500. 4100C .. 37')00. 34DCC. 425GO .. 42000. 42CCC. 43 Q 0 C• 4~:JUO. 485 Q G. 46500. 45000. 43000. 41500. 39000-• 3S5UO .. 435CG. 43~~OtJ .. 4350J. L:·4GOC. 44500. q.':"C:OQ. 48500. 465GO. 45000. 43GCC. 41000. 3250". 42'_500. 4-3000. 425QC. 4ltcao. 4fCOO. 48000. 46500. 44500. 43000. 41000. 390CC, 360GO. 32500. 42500. 42000. 42000. 42000. £;,3000. 45000. 48500 .. 46500. ll.3500. 40500. :)9000. 37"':00. 34500. 32000. 37000. 38000. 37::,00 .. 37000. 37500. 40000. 41500. 41000. 40000. 38000. 36000. 34~OO. 32500. 31000. 15431.15126.15127.15S3 7 •14217.147S7.165S9. 135J~.14~75.148~9.1417~.13547.la374.1420? Ij723.14030.1572D~1~372~ISaOC.13783.14690. -t... (.- ..... 13620.13920. 1432:;.15087. lS9LJ8.13811. 13781.15;81. 14525.lk248. 1.=.340.174:;8. 16581.18558. 1816·3.16800. 16~51&17701. 15310.16S36. 13';92.lb4-:·3~ 12?04.13460. 18236.15365. 16:557.19436. 2 Cl51 ,3.2050 [)• 20378.19106. 20366.20266. 1739:;1.18548. 16066.16751. 14672.167'30. 1970 08 3 2 93G6.10440. 11 799.'336:2. 10543.8365. 9032.8735. 9738.8532. 9068.8415. '3735.10?70. 97'+7,.14116. 9017.12504. 1D':'83.2.4733. P870.14214 II 12666.1629~. 12743.15608. 12B6.14633. 12784.15396. 11728.15392. 14323. 14235, 14317. 16':,17. 15(;40. 1842<3. 20160 .. 17851. 17910. 162:;2. 1.6424. 18943. 194 t38. 201+13. 1822S'. 19369. 16004. 15'::36. 9928. 10369. 10314. 9105. 8620. 9440. 911 O. 14641 .. 13471. 10940. 14480. 13-525. 14213. 13552 • 13159. 15793. 13984. 13163 .. 15BS~'. 17100. l70n. 17(01. 16345. 16677. 13357. 153'32. 173d':!,. 15330. H l a4 0 .. 205U7. 20240. 20007. 1&907. 16120. 1544D. IG9h.7. 937C. 1024(1. 10046. 8511. 11077. 9799. 11219. 14257. 15::45. 16072. 17360. 152.45. ..,:-:""11-0-.i.::'~.lO. 15300. l680D. 11187. 12566. 10266 .. 17701. 18401;0 17648. 113354. 1554B. 16624. 160S3. 13743,. 15938. 1[,073. 1852f. 16428. 18530. 18910. 18947. 150F:b. 12300. 10500. 9400 .. 9475. 9675. 10500. lODCO. 13700. 11::00. 1:.400. 16024. 15357. 1:.'5::,4. 14448. 14666 .. 14572. 14805. 13896. 14681. 15834. 15978. 1838-9. 18554 • 19f24. 19::;21. 13000. 1&150. 19050 .. 1 7'175. 17850. 19442. 17201. 19358. 18976. 18058. 16885. 16066 • 12584. 8832. 9276. 9019. 8958. 3135. 9799. 12C90. 15263. 15690. 15184. 14281. 14781. 13960. 14419. 15295. 14196. 14199. 138D5. 14705. 16472 18045. 17579. 15960. 16146. 17369. 14078. 16143. 16&36. 16695. 17231. 17266,. 17801. 18830. 16239. 15895. 107~,2. 11132. 10367. 9488. 8329. 9238. 11008. 9839. 11537. 12531. 14160. 1412~h 13037. 13402 12322. 11204. lSl~4111 .1S75C. 137'?3.15338.131f5. 13238 • ~1/616.15~37.15312.1~35C.14~75.14~93.12533. ~11-~71.13A13.15?F3.152CO.14807.14270.12472. ~13013.1 4 595.14649.15325.lU4Pl.1 4 396.12490. ~13125.13380~13408.154~Q.134~4.134SS.121f3. ~13?66.14059.13525.13fOU.12675.12981.1232~1' 11593.11 4 32.11655.12900.1219£.12399.12548. 1:no 12 3 :2 23750.26450.272~O.272~O.26250.249s0.22550. 27150.25750.27450.26150.?S25C.23350.22550. 280~O.25750.27~~O.261SC.25150.22850.225~0. 23S50. 2 gS5 o. 2zS550. 2b?50. 273S0a 27150. 273;:;0. 25PSCi. 25150. ~o3SG. 23S30 .. 26C::;0. 2b05C. 22150. 24650. 24550 .. 21450. 2215[1. 24150. 2865C. ~875 D. 31·:;,50. 3145G. 302::0. 32330. 2SCl:)G. ~-1250. 2 79S G ~ 3C650. 2 7 65C. ?7f.~,0. 25lf50. 23250. .31tJ:::GtI 31'f50. 34150 .. 34350. 30~S50. ">,"7-".....c~J::JU~ 31550. ~,215D_ 30 EO .. 30950. 30350. 310~J. 294GG • ::4460. 2 <:;7~0 .. 31150~ 30150. 2 ,',,<=.nt':_............ 22050. 26.3QD. 27D~'O. 28250. 26350. 29350. 29150. 28450. 33050 .. 35D58. :52 as 0 • 32550. 31550. 31650. 23:':·00 .. 35h50. 30600. 31300. 31700. 3~?GO. 318~C. 3277':";,.. 27550. 28'950. 301:':·0. 3C300 .. 236:')0. 29l;-SO. 28400. 2?2S0. 25550. 27550. 25450. 30050. 25950. 29~50. 30050 • 3095C. 3055D. 309:=:0. 2S850. 27450 • 27050. 30850. 30650. 27S50.27550. ~·C65G. J..SSG-O .f< 30325. 31250. 31250. 321?5. 32050. 30750. 31450. 31150. 33750. 32650. 33~,50 ~ .32750. 32:.J00. 3?350. 329.30 ..3Q"'50. 33S70. 32810 • 35970. 36650. .... \_. 2753G.27750. 2355J.28150. 2935D. 25':'50. 29350._ 24250. ;:::5350.2S550. 26050.26450. 26350. 25950. 19 7 1 04 3 2 1'3872.17727. 1'3937.17S73. 20129.17227. 19050. 1825~. 18850~ 18050. 13150. 19950.21150. 1'?C50.21850. 19250.20'350. 21850. 21350. 21050. 19938.17378. 13027.17,'363. 17950. 12250. 17850. 18150. 19 050. 18850. 20050. 21050. 20150. 21150. 13847.12?63. 18938.22050. 1832:;.20350. 20575.22850. lcS50. 21650. 21150. 24250. 16150. 1,'3950. 21750. 23 A 50. 188~O. 2D850. 2~S5 0 .. 23,550. 20900. 21925. 21lf50. 20500. 19950. ?ooso. 20850. 22750. 21781.22850. 2182ft.?2450. 23350. 24150. 23250. 23550. 20750. 22450. 24110. 23550. 23650. 22650. ~1663.22350. 20390.21750. 20875.29;50. 20036.?Q950. 20853.20S-jO. 20787.20;:50. 23050. 23350. 21':'::0. 21 Q 30. 220;50. 227::0. 24250. 2255Q. 213~O. 22E'5G~ 22450. 246::10. 21450 .. 21850. 21.850. 2.1150. 22 C5 G. 23250. 22750. 2255 O. 21850. 21750. 21750. 24250. 22550. 21750. 22950. 20850. 21750. 22950. 21872.21750 .. 22775.22750. 22787.237'50. ?3181.24450. 23528.22850. ;~0327.20050 .. 2007&.17350. 221":0. 243':'0. 2S2~Q~ ?'J4.~n.....::-........'-'-. 21750. 208::.0. 20050. ~36~C. 25450. 24750. 25750. 219:::'0. 258.50. 27450 .. 23550. 2255 C • 217'50. 21050. 22750. 23550. 2{t~50. 22450. 21850. 21950. 2285Q. 24450. 25350. 25500. 25250. 22650. 22250. 1S71 08 3 ~~ ~lQ:O·C. ~lGf:::'O.o z lC350. 10~OOa 108009 l1100" ~C::CJ. 113CO. 1070C~ 12100 .. l07CC., 11900. 9500. 10500. 12300. 12200. 10500. 10GOD. 10600. 127DO. 12500" -'33CO. 12000. 152:tO. 10200. !.2700. 133[Q. 1020G .. lISCO .. 14700 .. 105eo. 102DO. 1.1700. 14000. 8900. 10500. 11200. 122DC. ,-10430. 13251. 143QO. 17200. 14800. 16200. 16600. 18100. 16100 .. 18200 .. 17500. 15100. 14100. 13500. 148509 187CO. 13500. 18000. 18COO. 17808. 16::00. 11500. 18300 ... lS80D.166GO. 15200. 14-330. 144SCo 1.j7fJO. 17'3GO.17500.19700 .. 17~;OO. 1:;:<00. 15100. 15600. 16'-)58. lS85C. 17jOO~ 17400. 1.3-2·00. 15'+00. 167GC'A 15700. ::"51CO. 172C0 .. 1720G_ 167Q8. 171%. 18400. 16400 .. 15700. l3100~ 152r:,O'n .,-.......r,n~f b ...\".• 11)400 .. 166'·JO. 16400. 15300" 15 ::0.0 • 175~O. 17200. 13800. 1420C. 16400. 16300. 16200. 12S50.141GO~17GGC.16500.13~OG.16jQO.14800. i5~50.15600.163[0.1420G.ISSaO.15~OO.13300. -(1455iJ.16:::.00.15bOO.1450C.lS5CO.1490D.14000. 12730.13500.14000.14200.14700.14900.14200. 32300.32"500 ..2S600.25500.2S000.32400 ..34700 .. c 236DC~ 312CQ. 311CG. 311CJC" 30300 .. 33400. 30500,• 3~:JCO .. 287;)0 .. 2'g7QO~ 24200. ~)4~.OC. 23f:OO. 2t~~CC. 27eoo .. 26400. 27100. 2040Q .. 31100. 32500 .. 31100. 3430S. 32100. 30800. 315[0. 31700. ~J~OCl. 3~jO:(t 26'~CD~ 3u'1-00. 24,;00. ;::9,::0 c.328-0C. 3?lOC. 36EOCo 32500. 32700. ,,,,", .34;00. 36700~ 3cl00~32508.30400.337QO. 29700 •. 38200. 36100 .. 34400. 371QO. 37300. 37100 .. 40300. 42600. 41000. 39400. 40000. 40100. 39800. 38900. 38100 .. 35200. 38400. 36':00. 37700. 37900. 37200. 35100. 36200. 39':00. 39100. 37700. 36700. 35700. 36000. 37600. 34200. 376 ['0 .. 40400 .. 37200. 35300. 40100. 37500 .. 39100. 38800. 38000. 34500. 35300. 3~6GO. 35700 .. 35000. 31fO[;. 31200. 33000. 31800. 32700. 34300. 31800. 32900. 32QOCl • 31800. 31lCQ. :G1CC. .318GD. 206DO. 29000. 2jDDO~ 33400. 32800. 33400 .. 32200. 30400. 30aOC., 31900. 3C9nO. 33300. 31400. 35300. 36900. 37400. 31500_ 37000. 37500. 35200. 38F.OQ .. 36700. 33700. 36900. 38100. 3S200. 38100-. 38900. 24750.22700.20350.221jO.24300~24000.232GO. ?510G.24375~20252.21~GQ.23300.2415Q.23600. 38400. 372,8C. 37~OC. 35fQQ. 36600. 40600. 33300.305CO~.27 c C04 28600.~5300.~5100.35500. 1372 ou 3 /' 40200. 40000. 41/'00. 38900 .. 39500. 23700.24200.2]400.20530.227S0~23450 ..2215Q. -)6475.24220.20500.21500 ..25450.23450.23300. 24175.24250,214~O.~O~50.24~25~23700.22650. 2350;).26200. 21300. 269001f. 23550.22100. 23400. - 2475 Q. ~25700~ 281GJ~ 2;:'4CJ.r:,0;:;Z ~!< r ...J ....'.....v • ......-,....,-,- <::.::.::r;• 2 7 4~0 OJ ?7400 • 2:;S30 .. ;2:::330. 25375. 26330. 3?::7CC. ~2~GOQ. ~24~-)Q0. Lr..2 .)"r;G ~~ ?4B50. 251SQ. 244DC.247[>J. 2bODD~ ~'4::·-00. 25:.;jO .. C:~·OLD. 2~;1 ~0 • 25780. 2"3430. 2::560. 23(-;00. 24900. 24725. 246~O. 23800. 23875. 24100 • 2390D. 25700. 25100. 29500.27::50. 2855C. 24300. 24500. 2S2QO. ?E~~GO~ ??Sro .. 2S300~ 25800. ;=74~O.25~·5G. 244iJQ.24000. :22~.GO. .22.:;00. 25·1 GO../54 C:D • 25'iC8.·27,U.iC. 276:=:.Q ..?,0::0[1. 24450 .. 25773. 26050. 2177'5. 24u.,}Q. ?GG5Q. 21 75 0 • 2)600. 273j~e 28QCJ~2S23-Q~~S~CO.2°?GC~26000.27300. 2 :5 7 G fJ.?4-=3 0 Q 4 i 7 ;;',.0 C 41;2.7 3 C GQ :"1 F ::C Q ftc ?7 D ;J Q.2 3 2 5 0 '" 262oJ4 24EOO~2F?:~C4 ?81JC.26100.27950.26650. 23~OO.?OGDQ.~~L-}L.25000.~h150.?3b5C.24400. 17?OQ~123Qa.18300. 14500.14300.122?5. 11S00.10500.11500. l3xGO.14~QQ.10300. 2C75D~13350.19550. I?FOj~15950.18450. 116GQ.lQ50C.10525. lUHOG.11400.10625. 13SCO~17400.12300. 17~OO.17700.14300. 17250.18300.15500. lS?5Q.1~25C.17800. 11~OC~12500.12350. :2~QQ.10~DO.116~0. :8?:1[.. 211::::J. 12~DG. 117[']. 11 se G. 14.30 []" 114%.. J.43GO.1!t 15,6'0,]. lSI.;.S01!l 1·350[,. 10500. 101;.[:0" lLf30D. 11775. lSG50. 11 (,co. 12SQQ~ ~85Q]t,125S0~ 1125G.11.:00 .. 16.00J.::JCJOC. 12400".10'!+GO~ 1=J72 'J3 3 .2 12-:3:-'0.142C:]. 10:;00 ..123CO~ 11550.10450. 10758.17153. 1772S.20375.18775.19150.12800 ..18230.18500. less:].11'3::0.- 10550.11450. 1575J.1,3923. 15750.19000. 1&700.17800" 15::)7:i.17300. 18000.18100. 171GS.17100. 15650.138DfJ. 197212':32 13950 .. 1820G. 2.8100 .. 18300. 191CO. 133GO. 14800. 19300. 20100. 18200. 16100. 10380. 17u.OO. 17700. 15900. 19200. 1795C. 17200. 16700. J..G8GG. 16600. 16900. 157CO. 16600 .. 17275. UHO o. 17200. 17125. 17350. 15500. 15275. 1.7675. 15800. 17375. 17050. 18375. 19075. 18075. 18750. 18550. 16950. 13300. !,..;;... 27500.24100. 26000.25400 .. 25500.24100. 24700.2:,600. 25400.~24CC. 25400.2470C. 24000. 2530J. 2710 o. 24000. 25400. 25.400. 24000.23800.23000. 21400.21000.21800. 22900.20900.20900. 22200.22100.21000. ?23CG.2i;9GC~?QOCO. 22900.21800.22000. 2370Q. 23000. 20900. 21900. 21000. 20900. 24600 ..271 lJO. 25100.29400. 28500.31800. 2'3600.30500. 274[:0,.. 32540. 21.5300. 25S00.27400.2~GQO. 27800.27300.2b5CC. 3D700.30300.30100. 3GOOO.~9300~29400. 21900. 21900. 24400. 27800. 3130Q.313ao~ 3~300.30000. 32(jOO. 31000. 28700.22700.23000. 2?90a.28900.29900. 2280Q. 30500. ·33000.50000. 33000.3G200. 31220. 32120. 28900.28GOO_293004 279QQ.29600.29600. 28900. 28900. 34100.31200.32800.29500.29300.29500.28900. 3~500~3~2QD.323JO.29620.310GO.31100.28800.·34700.3520:.3272C.32bOG.3C:OO~31000.~1400. I I \ c ~3430 C;.35200. ~,")3 r·jCO ..3 LL 20G'I<. ~32SGO.334CG. £':14;F 34[000$o '-U • u.3 D l·G 1.1 e-3 1 ~1 00 c 29400.::,0700. ?SlOG.27700. · .~~,C".~.0 .. .~2C:SO • :)1":'00. 50's~}a. 27S0C& 29DClG. 33·000. -:270J. 3148G • 2.6(00. 2650C. 31200~31300. .")1700 ..3[;::00 • 30400.30000. 3ClOO"27ECO. 2 "9'~GD.?72 DO. 2730C ..27S0C. 23500.2430Q. 30100. 30300 • 28500. 27700. 2660D. 27600. 23800. 17800. 175::0. 19800. 23·550. 17700. 16S00. 18650. 17750. 22625. 23525. 20950. l:;'7Cf;.2'0:175. ~'?6~D",2130G. 25275~2.7400. 24~:)C.24:'80. 197QO.18850. 25050~23b2~., 20700.20100. 206GOw 19725. ;>1050.19500.l'}9GO. ?56DO. 244001L 191QO .. 2010C. :'31GC. 2422'2. 24EOG. 180 CO .. 19300" 232GC. 20100.lSheS .. 13308.?3S0G. · ( f """". 21350. 24000. 20800. 251:'0. 24300. 22000. 23900. 24750. 23600. 23800. 21200. 26200. 24300. 227ClG. 21200. 229GC ..23800. 24550 ..23600. 27450 ..26:'50. 24300.23,~.50.· 23223.23800. 21100. 24S00.22625. 23700 ..2~90Q. 26100.25450. 24750.2S600. 25800. 241::;0 • 2670['. 24500. 24200. 235CQ. 23300. 275':;.0 .. 22900 • 23?CG. 27?QO. 2'!:.1'::·G .. 25D5:J. 23'9QO .. 2~G.::lO. /72">0 .. ';,',.:"'"(';n.::'tUvu. 24700 .. 292G"O. 284-'10. 233C;). 25 a1JU. )4200.24100. 1·~2QO*, 27600. ·"24350.24,:,00 .. 2275 0..25'J 0 0 ..· .32100 ..( ".". \. - ~1973 08 3 2 (l4275.14150.15050.14450.lS4CO.16400.17500. 14300.12300 ..140?5.14050.13225.11000. 13400. 11300.11400.Ij300.13200.12150.12200.13250. 11450.10300.13450.12200. 12050.12350.133nO. 11300.11400.11625.123~O.12000.12225. 13300. 10200.11300.13200.11~2S.12100.13100.14150. 1Q075.111~O.150aO.14200.13000.13100. 13250. 136?5.18600.19000. 17100.15750.17500.1140B. 1~400.15950.18175.18925.18900.18250.15750. 15200.2075Q.20000.20350.16775.21150.20900. c,... 15750.19025.13800.21100.216GO.21725.21850. 17200.19950.19700.21775.23300.22825.21400. 15500.1~90Q~21000.1897J4 22:00.22COO.20400. 17900.lEsOC.19275.18925.lQ850.22875.21525. 17900.183~G.20D7b.19,100.17775.21800.21775. 17000.20100.17)00.'7200.20500.20750.20725. 1752J.1?775.2D625.lE3~D.23COO.23000.23450. IB~5C.20fOO.2017~.1S05Q.18000.22025.21600. 1 0 250.19600.18100.20400.21775.2195Q.20675. 19~~G.19700.20500. 204QO.20625.21600. 20050.20300.20225. 19500. 19275. 1872'5. 19100. 18~7:;. l~lQO. 17'575. 13100. 17375. ". 1..... 1740C.IS00C.205CO.19400.l?lOG.20000.20300. I;".,..! '--'16350.16JOO.16350.175J8.1675G~17600.17750. 1'173 123 ? ( ~3225v. ~3G-l:JJ. g324iJO. 33 /+00. 32?75. 33:i50. ~"'?~.,:),.0_:;. 33375. 38b2~.. 39350. 3~SOO. 31 (+QC ., 34700 .. 34308. 35 4 0::;. 33500. 39925~ .:rlS25. 42300 .. 3'~L:.7 5. 36400. 36350. 34.350. "7;'::-""".n..)o.,Juu. 35700. 40200. 41:350 • 407':)0. 41300. 34300 .. 33800. 33775. 3650J. 39400 .. 40175. 39600. 3S4QO. '+0400. :S73CG. 3.3S4GiIl 32410 .. 30780. 32690. 36400. 40640. 43180 • 40180. 35650. 3E,2QO. 313·80. 32820. 2S620. 2'7080. 23880 • 32120. 34EGO. 36700. 37500. 36600. 3~GOO. 3']500. 3510DtI 32100. 321GO. 30820. 29620. 28140. 3032Q. 30400. 33150. 35750. 36200. S7100. 37200. 36700. ..... 39425~39975.372JO~~89G0e 3S6CO~34F50.3680C. 4~40J.42225.ZJOCO.Z2)00.3S600.3S3DO.37500 • 42J7=.42000.a0300.41100.351CO.35800.38300. 44450.45000.4225C.4CDED.3B700~40700.39200. 4 2 7 G ~J..4't 1 0 c:• 41GOQ.420"00. 4-1280-.41050. 42J~:'.40400. 390::00.·3P400. 40800.36600. (1974 [4 ~,? 41100. 412GO. 40300. 40600. 38775. .3585C. l'.,7""n"1'l.V v ....:. ,)E37'5. 37000. 334 S"Q • 3660B. 3310G. 33580.-:;9500. 33875.37575. 23375.38600. 36750.34300. 3540'J.35500. 36125"3610C. ~_-,0500~32000 • 37~,50. 38475. 37700. 36400. 35375. 34175. 31700. 22275.21350.22125. 17325.2Q60D.)1400. 13450.19575.19~25. 2J070.lS500.?0425. 21295. 20600. 21520. 211EO. 2270D ..2389'). ?-1320.?~'C;90. 22:20.21240. 2L540~?~~195. 21750. 22775. 20900. 19520. 2271:.0 ..24040. /361:.24020. I ~, 19600.13250.?1180. 19~OC.21=75.21375. 2~020.24200~225jG .. 28~OQ.22330.25400. 23G~D.24900.27700. 24500.246759 24650. 24300.30D50.26975. 2~07D.26200.28400. 25650.23900.24375. 24000.27250.24600. 2275Q.22800.24200. 23400.259QO.23850. 237DO.24400.24700. 22703.2670Q.28840. 24075.25300.26400. 25275.~7100.27300. 2E90G.28000.28;70. 25S00.27000.27900. 26650.25108.~772G. 23300.2332Q./3585. 1974 03 3 2 13475.1~7QO.14750. 15200.13600.14190. 1225Q.11150.l?QOO. ~OQSO. 13420. 2!f.420 .. 26105. 28190. 26420. 27240. 25800. 25320. 2542C. 2294Q. 2389D. 243l>O. 25860. 26700. 25980. 30260. 273.80. ~748C. 25980. 167'30. 1295G. 1315C .. 27350 .. 29320. ')9775 .. 249GO. 24570. 27260. 2681C. 24665. 24640. 25840. 27240. 27040. 27960. 29700" 22720. 0'0 ...·4 f't_.•7.LJ. 24800. 15200 .. 13400. 1~150. 2 11 290. 29765. 28385. 28363. 28Z05. 26185. 24820. 24858. 24300. 23880. 24980. 25600. 2::;440. 25980. 2'5160. 25980. 25:'<80. 24700. 15975. 13850. 13175. 22075. 19900. 20950. 22725. 26355. 28180. 2688C. 26390. 26080. 25800. 24830. 22250. 25650. 27500. 26300. 25420. 25740. 25420. 24760. 19170. 15375. 14470. 127SU. 1102Q.11:::00. 11400.13320.14000 .. 122Q2. 12::00. 12075. 13150. 12300. 12150. 13200. 1~150. 13125. 13900. 13200. 12325. 11975. 20400. 1970Q. 2165C. 20600. 17780. 13175. 16GjO. 1'3400. 19150. 204GO. 172::0 .. 18:350. 24175. 21970. 21000. 20500. 20975. 21545. 21?75. 20275. 1~775. 21770. 20&40. 210S'U. 2007;:;. 210b5. 21&70. 1&050. 2 S 45 Q • 16900. 2172'::. 2.1548. 23?2C. 20940. 20700. 28200. 21040. 1 7-1·80 • 10900. 2212C. 19210. 20'520. 205'15. 22320. 19140. 17SS,Q" 1772':1. 23070 •. 2 G 37 O. ""~.~.....!"".1 3'-..)U ....;... 20200. 2,002G. 21090. 2G71::. 20070 .. 124SS. 13100. 18280. 13-30 Q • C 17250. (Ml.'"t753. ~~16650. ~1 g 15 O. l?1:JD. 19300. 13200 .. 194][:. 20170. 20?70 .. 20120 .. 21220. 21110. 139GO., 202~S. ?14?G. lSkOD. 20740 .. ?0570. 20920., 21070. 20975. 19420. 20500 .. :::>1125. 19200. 19200. 18600. 19450. 18750. 18455. 19875 .. 2G4S0.20200.lC)820. 21150 •.21£+QC1P 1730G. 2030D. :S74 12 3 2 57~60c 4C420.411SD~41880.41115.39850.43490. ~....36~35 ..3?~:.20 ..f-tG475.43120 ..4212D ..36810 ..41050. 3SQ90.388~O.39500.43700.40460.33360.39340'. 34650.3S400.38S,30.43620.41560.3'7040.41975. 36270 _3~?608. 35120.42lt6:). '+0500. 4D36D.45520. 42770.39590. 4<::630.41380. 39980. 41420. ( 3::090.LL4340 .. 38070.42710 .. '+S4S0. 47600. 4S80~~. 51775. 4468[..47480. 46920 ..4:'080. 42810. 45630. 40953.45240 .. 42220.47000. 43000. 47070 .. '11000. 510bO. 4SSBC.45420. 46640 ..47240. 44810. 50530. 436SQ.*475.30. 44S1'J.4::',360. 47220 ..'+3770 .. l!.72Sa ..4579Q. 48400. 50240. 4-4360.'tE100'll: 4-&16Q.40075. 46100. 46570. 49']30. ~;0 6 '+:.• 4~ltgO.46010. ,+4S8D.43520. 49010. 49240. 46570.ItE390. 4£,330.43930. 47540. 47455. 51820.45480.47820. f+4955.48360. 48880. 50105. 467'3 'J."+9 2 5 (;3 50540.5042Q. 48450 .. -J0365. ~14~:O. 52<:105. 48780.47 lL SO. 47845.4S68G. 51150. 53330. 37400. 3740Q. 29675. 30000. 30725. 29900. 34110. 36350. 32100. 46720. 43640. 53000. 49500. 322CO. 32680. 4825Q. 46800. 39550. 29080 .. 29030. 38350. 36200 ..34800. jS200. 3775Q. 37250.36900. 36800.35000. 29715. 33300. 37600. 3;;'8CO. 3::>400 .. 34550. 34800. 374:;0. 30700. 32150. 3 1"15 G"" 47240.47670 .. 44600.46320. 38850. 43760",45850. 43040.42770. 46300.49310. 47740. 47580. ~3740. 378:[J. 49900. 46470. 38800. 40300 .. 38300 .. 3920Q. 54355. 31100. 31500. 34410. 352DO. 53100. 3::,750. 54130. 38?~50 • :iS900. 33900. 45340. 37200. 34000. 3S350. 45900. 39700. 35700. 3725G. 48850. 3150Q.30600.31040.31000. 29700.30000.28800.28600. 30400.30200.28900.23550. 54675~ 5143D. 31£:00. :3110C. 31140.3332Q. 33750.3:'730. 37350 ..40200. 40020.391+'50. 27700.32'500. 27000.31400. 33300 ..37PCO", 36850 ..36500 .. 27080.31500. 27500.30500. 23.300.32400. 3J25J.36780. 4'1260.47960. 43265.45015. 46410.:J1020. 4522:1.46560. 197:J 04 3 2 30700.31650. 47330.50900. 49270.48360. 3;';';00.34150.34'~jQO.'!·.l;C;:; ,_J ....,........'.~•2-1~OO ..33£:00$ 30&50.38450.39200.40000.37800.3S Q OC.38100. 35300.3£650.3tS5G.34250.3620C.36780.37200. 34750. 35550. 31900 • 34750. 364DO. 37075. 3S500 ..3C200 • 375~,00 39280. -r~OGO •.::7600. 3t;10C.36600.36S:}~. "9600 .. 37450. "Z/7S0. 40SCO. 31300.34000.3~OOO.33200.33360.34275.33550. 1'375 08 3 2 19800.20200.204GO.22100.20400.20300.23200. 19700.18500.1830Q.19600.20400.19400.20800. .)S 2 :J J,.3 4-4 0 Q • ~39q.~O.37BOO~ ...3';750.39300 .. '"37450.352::'0. ~379S0.3E-050~ ~39850 •.37000. r'O-. c c- 17100.17100.lSnOC ..18600 ..lS6GO.1~4G04 19400. 1670J.17200.IS_Du.17 4 0".IS7CO.lSjCO.19600. c 17100. lSlOG. 1,3.30J. 20400. 24020 .. 17700. 2010D.- 240604 28600. 2S2BO. 17~Oj. 2l10G .. 2S:)OO~ )lJ.'"'I nL....-I ..-'L .•• )7'~G. lS4'=~~. 22000. 24500-. 1B4CO.20400. 2:1000 ..22100. 232DG ..24ICO. 25800.26180. 2;:'74-0.2&92Q. 19500. 20300. 23100. 25100. 27100. r'--<"-.,. 26100 .. 277QQ. 27500. 23000. 28000. 27500. 281 D !J. 285QQ. 28700. 2'3130. 2'3S80 .. 233·00. 26:300. 26300. 259DO. 2b5DO~ 27300. 27720. 27320 .. 27040. 26500. 228Co.. 27200. 25;;>:0. 23900~ 2d3EQ. 22780. 2S180. 29127]. 287130. 26440. 27~4C. 27::d;Q. 2FS5G. 2716Q.28320. 28620.2E8Da. 28£+40.28380 .. 26800.?4-600. 27280 ..23940. 27200.254-00. 27300.26 l ·,OO. 2hcQO"/3600 .. 2S'4CC"2S500. 226GG~25700.0 30000. 29500. 287DO. 28200. 26200. 26600. 25700. 2£l.3DO. 27300. 28300. 27100.25~8a.2974".27460.2770~.26400.26300. 25-90-0.26Z00.)55~O.262S~.2f2CJ.25700.27100. 25800.26320.24400.2322C.272DD~24300.25700. 22720.21720.24500.2~490.23700.23400.21900. 1915 12.3 2 61300.70100.71000.71200.&~90Go 63500.63500. 68DQO.70000 ..69700.69500.68100.62800.61000. 65900.68300.65400.69200.65100.62500.61000. 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")7. 39. 42. lJ.? 41. 42. 37. 33. 20. 1')• 1 7. , .1 <:,• 13. 24 .. 23. 2 q.. 30. 30 • 31. 30. 31. 29. 31. 30 .. 3·1. :lQ. :31 .. 31~ 30. 31 .. 31. 3 Q » 33 .. 37 .. 41. 40. 40 .. 3 ~.. 3d4ji 36 ott, 37 .. 40. 4?.. 42. 3'}• 37 .. 34. 17. 17~,e. 1 "~O • 17 ... 21. 24. 28 .. 28~ 31" 31. 30 .. 33. 28 .. 25. 27. 33. 28. 27. 29. 28. 26. 5~. 54. 5'2" 53. -z.,r;....1 L •• '2.1:J.l._ 30. ":t."-.J \..:. 32. 40. 3 i .. -..,~I • 37 .• 40. 40. 42. 3 to • 74-.J ,• If-:.• 1 '--,. 20. '"c'J... 20. 29. 29. 2'9. 30. 2'g. 2g. 2'?• 2 { • 29. 27. 23. 2r:,• ':'b • 57. sc. <:"....;c:... 3C• ....,":{ c::........ 29 .. 31. 39. 41. 40. If-0-.. ,:)7. 34 .. 38. 38. 37. 34. 31. ?o. 16. 1 c..~--. 16. 17 • 18. 20 .. 22. 2~.. ?8. 22,. 23. 30. 30. 30. 29. 30. 30. 29. ~nLO. 25. 24. "57 .. 54 .. 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F" 2 3'.C 7'<_,-" ~.''-'~t_.J:..:...._7 2S-.,7 30 ..1 29,,6 30.8 31 ..'::' 30.1 3D.l 23.1~2.2 2:3*2 3-.:-;.2 :51 ..4 :::'~.5....,.,.r..:,,"';...:;- 32.1 33 Ii' 31.-4 3it.4 34-. 32",1 ~.,''t ~,.,."...,l.•...;:;.c:.•.1 30.3 30.3 3 3 •5 ._.---,3 1 • 7 34,,:5 :Si.? 2=3.6 29.2 I".....~0C."J ~.2.4 61."- 64.5 ":..)t • ,.-r:.rGee, 31 ..5 27.5 26.::,26.1 71 ~~.7 '-.-,........j •r . ....::f."} 62.t1 f:-3.,l~ 7 C ~.::.~'-,~--"-)'~1 ill!:;' S7~3 23.5 23.5 26.8 ;;5.9 S 7 ..S, 60~ 27.2 25.7 ,S 4.9 S3 ..7 1977 12 :)1 67.4 62.;5'7.6 S -5 ..8 :,T.3 75.1 "/0. 7?5 7S .~t: 7R..4 7'::.7 78.2 S~.l 70.3 71.2 75.2 77.1 73.b 74.5 72.4 7?Q 72.:; 72 ..7 7;~; 77 •L~ 7?7 7~. 7~.il. 77.1 76 ..1 77.5 :').8 75.6 73.2 72.2 72.5 72.5 77. 77.7 75.6 7"'-;:;I -........J .- rj .4 7==;.1 7s.1 7'5.5 74,,3 71.9 ~..,......I -;•.D 67.4 1978 74 .. 77.~ 7~"IV ...·..; (3.7 7.5.6 69 *1::,: 66. 63.1 G4 3 1 7 5 ~\~ 73.7 7S.1 71.3 7 3 ~,~ 73.4 ?C ..5 7 ~~.•E 73. 73.7 70 1•' •.L 78.j 74 ..6 71.8 72.1 "7::: .'.". 7~·• 76.8..,.... 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0.00489 0.00482 0.00481 0.00496 a.OO488 0.00468 O.OOit72 0.00472 0.00467 0.00463 0.00471 n.OO474 0.00452 0.00466 0.00466 0.00458 0.00457 0.004-62 0.00475 0.00463 0.00464 0.00465 0.00458 0.00460 0.00459 0.00453 0.00467 0.00463 0.00471 0.00461 0.00459 0.00453 0.00461 0.00502 0.00507 0.00510 0.00496 0.00493 0.00455 0.00481 0.00588 0.00584 0.00596 0.00593 0.00582 0.00488 0.00530 Q.00633 0.00640 0.00638 0.00638 0.00630 0.00555 0.00587 0.00655 0.00653 0.00661 0.00655 0.00657 0.00623 0.00621 0.00568 0.00657 0.00666 0.00655 0.00657 0.00564 0.00533 0.00675 0.00649 0.00658 0.00647 0.00657 0.00673 0.00634 0.00654 0.00634 0.00640 0.00632 0.00643 0.00665 0.00523 0.00533 0.00522 0.00625 o.Q 0 619 0.00627 0.00646 0.00503 0.00531 0.00614 0.00614 0.00611 0.00617 0.00627 0.00594 D.OG!S29 0.00512 0.00511 0.00606 0.00517 0.00517 0.00595 0.00635 0.00624 0.00623 0.00617 0.00626 0.00521 0.00515 0.00565 0.00655 0.00651 0.00642 0.00648 0.00638 0.00636 0.00695 0.00681 0.00676 0.00667 0.00671 0.00661 0.00680 0.00725 0.00718 0.00710 0.00701 0.00693 0.00680 0.00698 0.00737 0.00741 0.00728 0.00727 0.00702 0.00693 0.00693 0.00715 0.00721 0.00712 0.00710 0.00684 0.00674 0.00552 0.00669 0.00669 0.OO66it 0.00651 0.00641 0.00640 0.00583 0.00590 0.00587 0.00585 0.00582 0.00590 0.00583 0.0 0522 0.00524 0.00522 0.00521 0.00520 0.00532 0.00536 (1 8 0 ..0 0485 0.00460 0.00473 0.00482 0.00468 0.00480 0.00493 0.00448 0.00423 0.00438 0.00462 0.00436 0.00444 0.00451 0.00429 0.00417 0.00424 0.00447 0.00425 0.00431 0.00435 0.00420 Q.OG4-14 0.00422 0.00445 0.00420 0.00422 0.00428 G.00397 0.00401 0.00408 0.00433 0.00407 0.00413 0.00418 0.00392 0.00441 0.00448 0.00460 0.00438 0.00441 0.00418 0.00407 0.00522 a.OG529 Q.OO~36 0.00522 0.00527 0.00451 0 ..00451 0.00595 0.00587 0.00573 a.OO587 0.00597 0.00508 0.00523 0.0004~0.00546 0.00637 0.00641 0.00652 0.00598 0.00584 0.00593 0.00679 0.00678 0.00684 0.00695 0.00671 0.00627 0.00723 0.00702 0.00702 0.00703 0.00721 0.00706 0.00551 0.00725 0.00700 0.00703 0.00706 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0.00523 a.00518 0.00523 0.00518 0.00515 0.00478 ~0.00487 0.00603 0.00609 0.00611 0.00603 0.00596 0.00496 ._..~.--,-~._-~,_._,-<~._.~'.- 0.00522 0.00634 0.00639 0.00639 0.00636 0.00636 0.00543 0.00562 0.00633 0.00627 0.00635 0.00628 0.00628 0.00588 0.00602 0.00540 0.00527 0.00631 0.00622 0.00625 0.00618 0.00621 0.00540 0.00520 0.00625 0.00619 0.00625 0.00632 0.00628 0.00533 0.00613 0.00618 0.00610 0.00619 0.00632 0.00633 0.00625 0.00606 0.00610 0.00600 0.00609 0.00624 0.00628 0.00624 0.00606 0.00614 0.00599 0.00606 0.00617 0.00643 0.00645 0.00626 0.00627 0.00619 0.00625 0.00631 0.00690 0.00693 0.00681 0.00681 0.00675 0.00674 0.00570 0.00710 0.00723 0.00709 0.00711 0.00704 0.00696 0.00694 0.00709 0.00732 0.00722 0.00722 0.00718 0.00704 0.00696 0.00697 0.00726 0.00715 0.00713 0.00711 0.00694 0.00676 0.00675 0.00703 0.00693 0.00689 0.00690 0.00665 0.00645 0.00657 0.00&81 0.00673 0.00671 0.00668 0.00639 0.00&17 0.00627 0.00640 0.00638 0.00633 0.00635 0.00614 0.00587 0.00581 0.00587 0.00583 0.00581 0.00578 0.OG577 0.00555 0.00532 O.G0529 0.00525 0.00523 0.00523 0.00529 0.00517 2 '+ 0.00504 0.00483 0.00499 0.00507 0.00511 0.00512 0.00497 0.00474 0.00461 0.00479 0.00468 0.00478 0.00483 0.00477 0.00463 0.00453 0.00465 0.00462 0.00454 0.00471 0.00464 0.00454 0.00451 0.00462 0.00458 0.00461 0.00464 0.00457 (a.CG450 0.00451 0.00460 0.00454 0.00459 0.00457 0.00449 "'I'"'..--0.00434 0.00453 0.00464 0.00457 0.00459 0.00455 0.00428 \'0.00419 0.oa508 0.00501 0.00501 0.00504 0.00496 0.00434 I 0.00439 0.00603 0.00600 0.00591 0.00616 0.00607 0.00478 ~0.00478 0.00697 0.00699 0.00&93 0.00699 0.00683 0.00536 0.00515 0.00731 0.00731 0.00716 0.00729 0.00725 0.00579 0.00533 0.00742 0.00737 0.00745 0.00737 0.00735 0.00608 0.00542 0.00738 0.00733 0.00737 0.00732 0.00730 0.00617 0.00543 0.00727 0.00725 0.00727 0.00725 0.00718 0.00608 0.00543 0.00713 0.00721 0.00723 0.00717 0.00714-0.00596 0.00538 0.00712 0.00720 0.00719 0.00711 0.00709 0.00590 0.00534 0.00703 0.00717 0.00715 0.00705 0.00699 0.00582 0.00540 0.00705 0.00704 0.00706 0.00693 0.00689 0.00576 0.00544 0.00683 0.00691 0.00687 0.00680 0.00664 0.00577 0.00560 0.00682 0.00682 0.00681 0.00672 0.00643 0.00576 0.00589 0.00697 0.00695 0.00699 0.00684 0~OO656 0.00591 0.00602 0.00702 0.00701 0.00700 0.00689 0.00660 0.00594 0.00591 0.00670 0.00672 0.00670 0.00665 0.00636 0.00578_.-0.00573 0.00606 0.00621 0.00619 0.00616 0.00583 0.00558 :\.....0.00516 0.00539 0.00555 0.00566 0.00554 0.00530 0.00524 2 8 0.00487 0.00477 0.00496 0.00506 0.00495 0.00505 0.00506 0.00460 0.00450 0.00466 0.00469 0.00469 0.00473 0.00479 0.00443 0.00437 0.00454 0.00451 0.00450 0.00455 0.00460 0.00429 0.00427 0.00455 0.00446 0.00439 0.00444 0.00449 0.00405 0.0-0413 0.00423 0.00424 0.00423 0.00433 0.004-37 0.00381 0.00408 0.00411 0.004-14 0.00417 0.00439 0.00420 0.00378 0.00457 0.00456 0.00457 0.00475 0.00474 0.00426 0.00397 0.00563 0.00556 0.00571 0.00584 0.00577 0.00464 0.00'+36 0.00678 0.00674 0.00683 0.00679 0.00683 0.00521 0.00484 0.00742 0.00740 0.00733 0.00736 0.00746 0.00583 0.00522 0.00771 0.00763 0.00764 0.00772 0.00775 0.00629 0.00551 0.00789 0.00776 0.00775 0.00785 0.00784 0.00651 0.00564-0.0078&0.00772 0.00766 0.00777 0.00779 0.00649 ,'I..••~~.0.00565 0.00785 0.00769 0.00765 0.00772 0.00779 0.00638 0.00563 0.00778 0.00769 0.00765 0.00778 0.00775 0.00631!'!"" 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0.00683 0.00686 0.00542 0.00510 0.Q0690 0.00687 0.00692 0.00693 0.00696 0.00574 0.00527 0.00693 0.00686 0.00691 0.00692 0.00695 0.00589 0.00538 0.00591 1).00682 0.00687 0.00691 0.00691 0.00605 " .,-0.00550 0.00592 0.00679 0.00687 0.00685 0.00692 0.00607 ~.0.00556 0.00587 0.00680 0.00687 0.00683 0.00691 0.00602 0.00567 0.00635 0.00687 0.00695 0.00691 0.00695 0.00605 0.00595 0.00728 0.00717 0.00728 0.00717 0.00721 0.00628 0.00640 0.00755 0.00748 0.00744 0.00753 0.00744 0.00555 0.00642 0.00734 0.00731 0.00731 0.00736 0.00718 0.00657 0.00631 0.00711 0.00709 0.00708 0.00714 0.00699 0.00647 0.00613 0.00691 0.00684 C.00683 0.00694 0.00667 0.00619 0.00598 0.00562 0.00660 0.00662 0.00670 0.00637 0.00587 0.00570 O.OOS27 0.00621 0.00630 0.00637 0.00608 0.00563 0.00543 0.00583 0.00582 0.00583 0.00590 0.00572 0.00537 0.00509 0.00537 0.00534 0.00536 0.00540 0.00538 0.00505 3 4 0.00544 0.00529 0.00532 0.00528 0.00537 0.005'+5 0.00535 0.00510 0.00521 0.00516 0.00509 0.00517 0.0053'+0.00521 ~F'0.00504 0.00517 0.00506 0.00511 0.00525 0.00520 0.00506II0.00512 0.00515 0.00512 0.00515 0.00524 0.00518 0.00501I 0.00519 0.00520 0.00519 0.00514 0.00519 0.00533 0.00506,...0.00518 0.00531t 0.00544 0.00534 0.00548 0.00556 0.00519 I ."0.OQ525 0.00594 0.00600 0.00606 0.00581 0.00590 0.00532I I 0.00560 0.00622 0.00640 0.00635 0.00661 0.00640 0.00563 0.00594 0.00641 0.00667 0.00656 0.00666 0.00647 0.00595 0.00616 0.00644 0.00650 0.00639 0.00646 0.00663 0.00628 0.00625 0.00657 0.00640 0.00637 0.00633 0.00653 0.00620 0.00618 0.00523 0.00632 0.00625 0.00613 0.00629 0.00615 0.00603 0.00605 0.00503 0.00602 0.006C9 0.00589 0.00598 0.00593 0.0062S 0.00612 0.00583 0.00611 0.00588 0.00602 0.0 0506 0.00570 0.00597 0.00577 0.00591 0.00597 0.00556 a.0059S 0.00591 0.00600 0.00597 0.00583 0.00601 0.00567'i 0.00597 0.00517 0.00625 0.00626 0.00619 0.00615 0.00601i !0.00620 0.00635 0.00054 0.00635 0.00651 0.00633 0.00619, 0.00645 0.00559 0.00676 0.00563 0.00646 0.006280.00679....0.00663 0.00669 0.00686 0.00675 0.00660 0.00645 0.0061+1 I 0.00668 0.00679 0.00662 0.00687 0.00684 0.00634 0.00631 0.00645 0.00634 0.00656 0.00645 0.00657 0.00522 0.00625 ~0.00629 0.00595 0.00614 0.00615 0.00525 0.00602 0.00584 0.00546 0.00550 0.00550 0.00569 0.00571 0.00567 0.00549 3 g 0.00487 0.00497 0.00495 0.00503 0.00520 a.OO51S 0.00517 0.·00476 0.00'137 0.00463 0.00467 0.00452 0.00447 0.00477 0.00429 0.00410 0.00426 0.00440 0.00437 0.00422 0.00447 0.00409 0.00403 0.00418 0.00424 0.00432 0.00424 0.00430 0.00389 0.00390 0.00409 0.00414 0.00405 0.00413 0.00405 0.00391 0.00410 0.00428 0.00422 0.00435 0.00'129 0.00432 0.00402 0.00467 0.00486 0.00495 0.00494 0.00484 0.00447 0.00425 0.00554 0.00586 0.00565 0.00560 0.00577 0.00490 0.00474 0.00537 0.00622 0.00635 0.00607 0.00661 0.00579 0.00561 0.00685 0.00650 0.00687 0.00672 0.00672 0.00627 0.00624 0.00701 0.00700 0.00731 0.00710 0.00723 0.00695 0.00647 0.00730 0.00704 0.00729 0.00747 0.00723 0.00698 0.00622 0.0072.5 0.00704 0.00715 0.OC722 0.00705 0.00686 0.00642 0.00599 0.00698 0.00705 0.00703 0.00695 0.00694- 1'9"'..0.00628 0.00537 0.00690 0.00720 Q.006S0 0.00689 0.00681 I, i 0.00617 0.00691 0.00683 0.00686 0.00698 0.00682 0.00644 0.00632 0.00675 0.00667 11.00689 0.00673 0.00695 0.00653 0.00635 0.00697 0.00662 0.00708 0.00698 0.00675 0.00677 0.00538 0.00685 0.00705 0.00715 0.00696 0.00689 0.00683 0.00625 0.00663 0.00701 0.00674 0.00689 0.00680 0.00661 0.00619 0.Q0555 0.00685 0.00667 0.00662 0.00661 0.00645 0.00641 0.00554 0.00669 0.00668 0.00661 0.00649 0.00645 0.00619 a.00S50 0.00657 0.00660 0.00654 0.00541 0.00518 0.00574 0.00576 0.00572 0.00596 0.00602 0.00592 0.00572 ~3 12 i 0.00543 0.00543 0.00532 0.00535 0.00539 0.00526 0.005291 j 0.00531 0.00524 0.00523 0 ..00520 0.OD526 0.00507 0.00513 0.00520 0.00525 0.00523 0.00521 0.00509 0.00503 0.00491 0.00516 0.00525 0.00513 0.00514 0.00523 0.00498 0.004-96 0.00527 a.a0529 0.00525 0.00519 0.00522 0.00499 0.00488 0.00525 0.00550 0.00530 0.00536 0.00548 0.00520 0.00504 0.00528 0.00602 0.00589 0.00585 0.00590 0.00581 0.00513 0.00540 0.00531 0.00625 0.00629 0.00631 0.00589 0.00531 0.00578 0.00643 0.00634 0.00637 0.00646 0.00622 0.00556 0.00607 0.00642 0.00625 0.00635 0.00634 0.00612 0.00594 I"""0<.00641 0.00653 0.00631 0.00629 0.00620 0.00612 0.00&14 0.00649 0.00541 0.00621 0.00642 0.00611 0.00597 0.00620 0.00650 0.00637 0.00613 0.00621 0.00605 0.00579 0.00613 0.00657 0.00633 0.00615 0.00618 0.00594 0.00604 0.00607 0.00655 0.00624 0.00624 0.00634 0.00612 0.00616 0.00621 0.00672 0.00668 0.00643 O.0 065~0.00633 0.00636 0.00622 0.00681 0 ..00080 0.00652 0.00655 0.00647 0.00646 0.00637 0.00689 0.00574 0.00664 0.00657 0.00648 0.00646 0.00640 0.00674 0.00575 0.00662 0.00669 0.00628 0.00636 0.00640 0.00654 0.00663 0.00655 0.00643 0.00620 0.00&27 0.00618 0.00639 0 ..00664 0.00636 0.00642 0.00621 0.00605 0.00597 0.00637 0.00&06 0.00627 0.00629 0.00611 0.00592 0.00568 0.00599 0.00570 0.00590 0.00604 0.00573 0.00586 0.00563 0.00579 0.00559 0.00555 0.00567 0.00552 0.00549 0.00530 4 4 0.00495 0.00495 0.00501 0.00501 0.00496 0.00502 0.00510 0.00470 0.00'180 0.00486 0.00486 0.00486 0.00483 0.00489 0.00461 0.00475 0.00478 0 ..00476 0.00471 0.00476 0.00478 0.00456 0.00472 0.00474 0.00470 0.00463 0.00463 0.00466 0.00444 0.00472 0.00462 0.00458 0.00450 0.00451 0.00450 0.00438 0.00473 0.00466 0.00463 0.00457 0.00457 0.00440 --./ 0.00429 0.0050S 0.00521 0.00512 0.00515 0.00491 0.00456 0.00454 0.00578 0.00598 0.00599 O.D0592 0.00590 0.00496 0.00493 0.00557 0.00674 0.00&68 0.00674 0.00662 0.00562 0.00529 0.00700 0.00719 0.00711 0.00714 0.00709 0.00626 0.00564 0.00724 0.00731 0.00740 0.00727 0.00716 0.00654 0.00571 0.00725 0.00730 0.00744 0.00724 0.00714 0.00659 ~0.00582 0.00717 0.00718 0.00733 0.00707 0.00712 0.00655 0.00584 0.00713 0.00722 0.00734 0.00707 0.00706 0.00638 0.00579 0.00712 0.00721 0.00733 0.00703 0.00704 0.00629 0.00577 0.00704 0.00716 0.00730 0.00702 0.00701 0.00621 0.00575 0.00694 0.00707 0.00714 0.00693 0.00689 0.00610 0.00574 0.00672 0.00687 0.00699 0.00679 0.00668 0.00610 0.00577 0.00657 0.00672 0.00690 0.00662 0.00645 0.00597 ""'"0.00587 0.006070.00S75 0.00683 0.00694 0.00663 0.00646 0.00586 0.00557 0.00669 0.00074 0.00665 0.00646 0.00605 0.00572 0.00S17 0.00623 0.00642 0.00633 0.00612 0.00581 0.00548 0.00574 0.00570 0.00511 0.00571 0.00575 0.00549 0.00513 J.OO522 0.00520 0.00573 D.OO528 0.00535 0.00517 4 8 ""1'":0.00525 0.OO~93 0.00503 0.00515 0.00516 0.00519 0.00517 0.004-82 0.00470 0.00'+66 0.00485 0.COlt76 0.00478 0.00486 0.00452 0.00447 0.00449 0.00'!-69 0.00453 0.00453 0.00468 0.00442 0.00431 0.00435 0.00450 0.00435 0.00443 0.00450 0.00410 0.0041g 0.00416 0.00432 0.00417 0.00420 0.00433 0.00409 0.00419 0.00420 0.00440 0.001.f27 0.00429 0.00427 0.00423 0.00473 0.00457 0.00470 0.00482 0.00470 0.00441 "'I'"0.00442 0.00553 0.00534 0.00549 0.00569 0.00539 0.00479 0.00473 0.00651 0.00624 0.00659 0.00648 0.00643 0.00537 0.00525 0.00713 0.00697 0.00712 0.00720 0.00710 0.00605 0.00573 0.00744 0.00740 0.00746 0.00745 0.00741 0.00655 0.00598 8.00765 0.00756 0.00761 0.00748 0.00754 0.00&64 0.00510 0.00762 0.00758 0.00768 0.00756 0.00753 0.00668 .""0.00610 0.00760 0.00756 0.00762 0.00753 0.00757 0.00665 0.00604 0.00757 0.00754 0.00759 0.00750 0.00757 ().00658 0.00599 0.00750 0.00749 0.00750 0.00752 0.00742 0.00648 0.00590 0.00735 0.00738 0.00736 0.O07~2 0.00730 0.00643 0.00583 0.00705 0.00708 0.00700 0.00704 0.00597 0.00627 0.00581 0.00677 0.00674 0.00671 0.00670 0.00660 0.00608 0.00568 0.00651 0.00645 0.00640 0.00645 0.00633 0.00589 0.00561 0.00532 0.00626 0.00609 0.00617 0.00611 0.00583 ~.0.00553 0.0060S 0.00607 0.00595 0.00606 0.00605 0.00584 !0.0.00553 0.00597 0.00589 0.00591 0.00602 0.00593 0.00563 0.00529 0.00552 0.00559 0.00551 0.00572 0.00553 0.0 0530 r 4 12""'",-0.00507 0.00502 0.00499 0.00508 0.00516 0.00486 0.00508 0.00482 0.00480 0.00481 0.00489 0.00501 0.00470 0.00486 0.00476 0.00472 0.00477 0.00478 0.00487 0.00466 0.00477 0.00468 0.00470 0.00473 0.00469 0.00483 0.00464 0.00470 0.00465 0.00477 0.00479 0.00479 0.00487 0.00469 0.00471 0.00463 0.00497 0.00498 0.00495 0.00502 0.00483 0.00479 "I""0.00483 0.00551 0.00533 0.00531 0.00532 0.00527 0.00489 I 0.00496 0.00513 0.00595 0.00592 0.00599 0.00586 0.00529I I 0.00519 0.00567 0.0066lt 0.00669 0.00651 0.00664 0.00579I 0.00546 0.00593 0.00679 0.00703 0.00671 0.00686 0.00507 "I""0.00568 0.00703 0.00694 0.00711 0.00676 0.00702 0.00526 0.00587 0.00702 0.00693 0.00715 0.00681 0.00699 0.00633 0.00597 0.00702 0.00691 0.00711 0.00672 0.00696 0.00635 .-0.00610 O.OOTOS 0.00701 0.00719 0.00679 0.00708 0.00638 .... c c -( (- (. c fl"'" C" .' .... 0.00627 0.Q0723 0.00714 0.00735 0.00690 0.00718 0.00551 0.00641 0.00732 0.00720 0.00742 0.00699 0.00724 0.00558 0.00643 0.00733 0.00720 0.00735 0.00688 0.00710 0.00651 0.00633 O.00701f 0.00699 0.00709 0.00664 0.00690 0.00639 0.00616 0.00679 0.00677 0.00680 0.00643 0.00666 0.00619 0.00599 0.00654 0.00657 0.00658 0.00621 0.00637 0.00593 0.00580 0.00623 0.00624 0.00632 0.00597 0.00606 0.00568 0.00567 0.00597 0.00594 0.00601 0.00567 0.00578 0.00547 0.00543 0.00557 0.00565 0.00568 0.00535 0.00550 0.00523 0.00521 0.00527 0.00534 0.00543 0.00504 0.00533 0.00515 - ..- APPENDIX C.MONTHLY AND DAILY LOAD CURVE TABULATIONS The following pages give values from the monthly load duration curves and monthly average hourly weekday and weekend load duration curves projected by our study for the total railbelt.These figures are given for 1978 as well as ISER's forecasts for 1980, 1990,2000 and 2010 for the high,medium,and low cases.For each forecast,the following information is given: 1.Monthly Load Curve Points These twelve lines represent the 0%,20%,40%and 100% points on the monthly hourly load duration curve,qor- malized so the 0%point =1.0.The first line represents January,the next February,etc. ..- I 2.Monthly Average Days This data appears in two blocks.The first block repre- sents average weekdays,the second represents average weekend days. Each block contains an hourly load duration curve for the average day (either weekday or weekend)in a month,going from January to December across the page and from the 0% hour (1.0)to the 100%hour down the page.Weekend days are normalized using the weekday minimum. - ISER LOW CASE 1980 "...MO NTHL Y LOAD CURVE POINTS 1.0000 0.9157 0.8892 0.6322 1.0000 O.92~6 0.8977 0.6333 ~1.0000 0.9335 0.9063 0.6345 l.00CO 0.9424 0.9149 0.6356 1.0000 0.,9429 0.9025 0.6059 1.0000 0.9433 0.8901 0.5762 1.0000 0.9437 0.8777 0.5465 1.0000 0.9442 0.8653 0.5168 1.0000 O.934B 0.8691 0.5454 1.0000 0.9255 0.8729 0.5739 1.0000 0.9161 Q.8 7 sa 0.6025 1.0000 0.9068 0.8806 0.6310 I -1 ])J J J i 1 I 1 1 MO NT HL Y AV G.DAY S 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0 ..99504 0.99341 0.99178 0.99014 0.99011 0.99008 0.99005 0.99002 0.99168 0.99335 0.99501 0.99667 0 ..97999 0.98124 0.98249 0.98375 0.98484 0.98593 0.98703 0.98812 0.98578 0.98343 0.98108 0.97874 0.97161 0.97471 0.97781 0.98091 0.97990 0.97890 0.97790 0.97690 0.97480 0.97270 0.97061 0.96851 0.95529 0.96305 0.97081 0.97857 0.97641 0.97425 0.97210 0.96994 0.96434 0.95874 0.95314 0.94753 0.92997 0.94219 0.95441 0.96662 0.96620 0.96577 0.96535 0.96493 0.95313 0.94134 0.92955 0.91775 0.92707 0.93901 0.95095 0.96290 0.96180 0.96071 0.95961 0.95852 0.94767 0.93682 0.92597 0.91513 0.92473 0.93543 0.94614 0.95684 0.95532 0.95379 0.95227 0.95075 0.94157 0.93238 0.92320 0.91402 0 ..92276 0.93287 0.94297 0.95308 0.95176 0.95044 0.94911 0.94779 0.93901 0.93022 0.92144 0.91266 0.91898 0.92844 0.93790 0.94736 0.94131 0.93526 0.92921 0.92316 0.91975 0.91634 0.91292 0.90951 0.91382 0.92232 0.93082 0.93933 0.92705 0.91478 0.90251 0.89023 0.89401 0.89778 0.90155 0.90532 0.90677 0.91675 0.92674 0.93672 0.92310 0.90948 0.89587 0.88225 0 ..88588 0.88952 0.89::.15 0.89678 0.90646 0.91634 0.92622 0.93610 0.92020 0.90430 0.88841 0.87251 o.87R53 0.88455 0.89057 0.89658 0.89243 0.90553 0.91863 0.93173 0.91581 0.89988 0.88396 0.86804 0.87086 0.87368 0.87651 0.87933 0.87697 0.88075 0.88452 0.88829 0.87479 0.86129 0.84780 0.83430 0.84403 0.85375 0.86348 0.87320· 0.82233 0.83256 0.84278 0.85301 0.83368 0.81435 0.79502 0.77569 0.78479 0.79390 O.B0300 0.81211 0.80038 0.79691 0.79344 0.78997 0.77930 0.76863 0.75796 0.74729 0.76143 0.77557 0.78971 0.80385 0.75283 0.75821 0.76359 0.76897 0.74310 0.71723 0.69136 0.665q9 0.68598 0.70647 0.72696 0.74745 0.71003 0.71058 0.71113 0.71167 0.69801 0.68434 0.67067 0.65701 0.67013 0.68325 0.69637 0.70949 0.70089 0.70003 0.69928 0.69847 0.67677 0.65507 0.63336 0.61166 0.63417 0.65668 0.67919 0.70170 0.67720 0.67912 0.68103 0.68294 0.65964 0.63634 0.61304 0.58974 0.61113 0.63252 0.65390 ·0.67529 0 ..668'39 0.66992 0.67085 0.67178.0.64912 0.62645 0.60379 0.58112 0.60286 0.62459 0.64632 0.66806 0.66558 0.66704 0.66850 0.66996 0.64764 0 ..62531 0.60299 0.58067 0.60153 0.62239 0.64326 0.66412 0.66326 0.66543 0.66760 0.66977 0.64243 0."61509 0.58775 0.56041 0.58558 0.61075 0.63592 0.66109 j J 1 1 ]1 1 1 J j i 0.93913 0.93323 0.92734 0.92145 0.90881 0.896Hi 0.88352 0.87087 0.88941 0.90794 0.92648 0.94502 0.93718 0.93057 0.92396 0.91735 0.90482 0.89229 0.87977 0.86724 0.88638 0.90552 0.92466 0.94380 0.91919 0.91167 0.90414 0.B9b62 0.88679 0.e7697 0.86714 0.85732 0.87467 0.89202 0.90937 0.92672 0.90345 0.89643 0.88942 0.88240 0.81310 0.86380 0.85450 0.84521 0.86152 0.87784 0.89416 0.91047 0.89029 0.88745 0.88461 0.88177 0.87240 0.86303 0.85367 0.84430 0.85651 0.86872 0.88093 0.89314 0.87114 0.87411 0.87707 0.88004 0.87043 0.86083 0.85122 0.84162 0.84826 0.85490 0.86154 0.86818 0.8636·3 0.86575 0.86786 0.8699B 0.86161 0.85325 0.84488 0.83652 0.84277 0.84902 0.85527 0.86152 0.85881 0.86169 0.86457 0.86744 0.85930 0.85116 0.84303 0.834B9 0.84015 0.84541 0.85067 0.85593 0.85496 0.85615 0.85733 0.85851 0.85171 0.84490 0.83810 0.83129 0.83692 0.84254 0.84816 0.85378 0.85258 0.85209 0.85161 0.85112 0.84570 0.84028 0.83486 0.82944 0.83535 0.84126 0.84716 C.85307 0.84477 0.84680 0.84883 0.85086 0.84297 0.83509 0.82720 0.81932 0.82517 0.83103 0.83688 0.84274 0.82866 0.83183 0.83500 0.83817 0.83253 0.82689 0.82125 0.81561 0.81808 0.82055 0.82302 0.82549 0.82224 0.82710 0.83197 0.83684 0.82679 0.81675 0.80670 0.79666 0.80184 0.80701 0.81219 0.81737 o.rn11 0.80431 0.B1550 0.82670 0.81651 0.80631 0 ..79612 0.78593 0.78492 0.78392 0.78292 0.78191 0.78195 0.18949 0.79703 0.80456 0.78444 0.76431 0.74418 0.72405 0.73664 0.74923 0.76182 0.77442 0.73686 0.74222 0.74758 0.75293 0.74035 0.72776 0.71518 0.70259 0.70982 0.71705 0.72428 0.73150 0.12529 0.72661 0.72793 0.72926 0.71374 0.69822 0.68270 0.66718 0.68138 0.69557 0.70977 0.72396 0.70B44 0.71382 0.71919 0.72457 0.69915 0.67373 0.64832 0.62290 0.64294 0.66298 0.68303 0.70307 0.68215 0.68462 0.68710 0.68958 0.67101 0.65244 0.63387 0~61530 0.63140 0.64749 0.66358 0.67967 0.67253 0.67277 0.67301 0.67324 0.65369 0.63413 0.61457 0.59502 0.61434 0.63365 0.65297 0.67229 0.66258 0.66441 0.66624 0.66807 0.64597 0.62387 0.60178 0.57968 0.59995 0.62022 O.64~49 0 ..66075 0.65772 0.66081 0.66391 0.66700 0.64115 0.61530 0.58945 0.56360 0.58635 0.60911 0.63187 0.65463 0.65129 0.65458 0.65787 0.66116 0.63462 O.60R08 0.58153 0.55499 0.57824 0.60149 0.62475 0.64800 0.64852 0.64912 0.64972 0.65033 0.62405 0.59777 0.57149 0.54521 0.57089 0.59656 0.62224 0.64791 .... ISER LOW CASE 1990 MO NTHL Y La ;\0 CURVE POINTS 1.0000 0.9148 0.8859 0.5318 1.0000 0.9224-0.B939 0.6321,-1.0000 0.9300 0.9020 0.6324 1.0000 0.9375 0.9101 0.6328 1.0000 0.9395 0.8998 0.6049-1.0000 0.9414 0.8895 0.5769 1 ..0000 0 ..9434 0.8792 0.5490 1 ..0000 0.9454 0.8690 0.5211 1 ..0000 0.9358 0.8712 0.5487 1.0000 0 ..9263 0.8734 0.5763 1.0000 0.9168 0.8756 0.6039 1.0000 0.9073 0.8778 0.6314 1 1 1 1 ~-1 )i i J J 1 1 1 ) MO N THL Y A VG.DAY S 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.99524 0.99269 0.99013 0.98757 0.98840 0.98923 0.99005 0.99088 0.99261 0.99434 0.99607 0.99780 0.98021 0.98041 0.98061 0.98082 0.98270 0.98459 0.98648 0.98836 0.98627 0.98418 0.98209 0.98000 0.97153 0.97351 0.97550 0.97748 0.97729 0.97709 0.97690 0.97671 0.97491 0.97312 0.97133 0.96954 0.95441 0.96047 0.96653 0.97260 0.97176 0.97093 0.97010 0.96927 0.96404 0.95881 0.95357 0.94834 0.92875 0.93957 0.95038 0.96119 0.96208 0.96296 0.96384 0.96473 0.95303 0.94134 0.92964 0.91795 0.92671 0.93794 0.94918 0.96042 0.96048 0.96054 0.9b061 0.96067 0.94937 0.93807 0.92671 0.91547 0.92202 0.93160 0.94118 0.95077 0.95107 0.95137 0.95167 0.95198 0.94209 0.93221 0.92232 0.91244 0.92105 0.93061 0.94016 0.94971 0.95027 0.95083 0.95139 0.95195 0.94184 0.93173 0.92162 0.91150 0.91581 0.92433 0.93285 0.94138 0.93790 0.93443 0.93096 0.92749 0.92244 0.91739 0.91234 0.90728 0.91143 0.91863 0.92584 0.93304 0.92347 0.91390 0.90433 0.89476 0.89712 0.89949 0.90185 0.90422 0.90499 0.91403 0.92306 0.93209 0.92001 0.90794 0.89587 0.88379 0.88684 0.88988 0.89292 0.89596 0.90426 0.91329 0.92231 0.93134 0.91834 0.90533 0.89232 0.87932 0.88330 0.88728 0.89126 0.89524 0.89125 0.90295 0.91466 0.92637 0.91318 0.89999 0.88681 0.87362 0.87510 0.87658 0.87806 0.87954 0.87612 0.87932 0.88252 0.88572 0.87385 0.86199 0.85013 0.83827 0.84694 0.85560 0.86426 0.87292 0.82002 0.82892 0.83783 0.84613 0.82990 0.81307 0.79624 0.17941 0.78733 0.79526 0.80319 0.81111· 0.80359 0.79938 0.79516 0.79095 0.78022 0.76949 0.75816 0.74803 0.76298 0.77792 0.79286 0.80781 0.75026 0.75460 0.75893 0.76327 0.74070 0.71813 0.69556 0.67299 0.69122 0.70946 0.72769 0.74593 0.71060 0.70922 0.70783 0.70645 0.69458 0.68272 0.67085 0.65H99 0.67224 0.68549 0.69874 0.71198 0.69984 0.69878 0.69771 0.6 cJ665 0.67597 0.65529 0.63460 0.61392 0.63566 0.65741 0.1;7915 0.70090 0.67583 0.67695 0.61807 0.67919 0.65744 0.63568 0.61392 0.59216 0.61280 0.63343 0.65407 0.67471 0.66860 0.66847 0.66835 0.66823 0.64763 0.62703 0.60643 0.58583 0.60655 0.62728 0.64800 0.66872 0.66449 0.66507 0.66565 0.66622 0.64546 0.62471 0.60395 0.58319 0.60337 0.62355 0.64373 0.66391 0.66237 0.66360 0.66484 0.66608 0.64024 0.61441 0.58858 0.56274 0.58734 0.61194 0.63653 0.66113 ]1 j 1 1 J 1 1 ])))J i 0.94263 0.93667 0.93071 0.92474 0.91366 0.90257 0.89148 0.88039 0.89744 0.91449 0.93154 0.94860 0.94100 0.93364 0.92628 0.91892 0.90839 0.89787 0.88734 0.87682 0.89471 0.91259 0.93048 0.94837 0.92218 0.91511 0.90804 0.90097 0.89213 0.88329 0.87445 0.86561 0.88152 0.89743 0.91334 0.92924 0.90935 0.90132 0.89329 0.88526 0.87781 0.87035 0.86289 0.85544 0.87092 0.88641 0.90189 0.91738 Q.89257 0.88974 0.88691 0.88409 0.87607 0.86806 0.86004 0.85203 0.86287 0.87371 0.88456 o .89540 0.87586 0.87786 0.87986 0.88187 0.87393 0.86599 0.85805 0.85012 0.85605 0.86199 0.86792 0.87385 0.86614 0.86868 0.87121 0.87375 0.86668 0.85960 0.85253 0.84545 0.84999 0.85453 0.85906 0.86360 0.86319 0.86582 0.86846 0.87109 0.86417 0.8572.5 0.85032 0.84340 0.84769 0.85198 0.85627 0.86055 0.85956 0.86044 0.86131 0.86219 0.85673 0.85128 0.84583 0.84038 0.84495 0.84953 0.85411 0.85869 0.85686 0.85609 0.85532 0.85455 0.85049 0.84643 0.84237 0.83831 0.84314 0.84797 0.85280 0.85763 0.84944 0.85072 0.85200 0.85328 0.84699 0.84071 0.83442 0.82214 0.83314 0.83815 0.84315 0.84816 0.83065 0.83399 0.83733 0.84067 0.83681 0.83294 0.82907 0.82521 0.82573 0.82626 0.82678 0.82731 0.82715 0.8.3137 0.83559 0.83981 0.83048 0.82.115 0.81182 0.80249 0.80760 0.81271 0.81782 0.82293 0.79275 0.80283 0.81290 0.82297 0.81635 0.80973 0.80311 0.79649 0.79304 0.78958 0.78613 0.78268 0.78633 0.79337 0.80041 0.80745 0.78732 0 ..76719 0.74707 0.72694 0.74003 0.75312 0.76621 0.77929 0.73658 0.74100 0.74543 0.74986 0.74043 0.73101 0.72158 0.71215 0.71715 0.72215 0.72715 0.73215. 0.72815 0.72890 0.72964 0.73039 0.71559 0.70080 0.68601 0.67122 0.68526 0.69931 0.71336 0.72741 0.70772 0.71219 0.71665 0.72112 0.69712 0.67312 0.64912 0.62512 0.64465 0.66419 0.68372 0.70325 0.68271 0.68393 0.68515 0.68637 0.67048 0.65459 0.63870 0.62281 0.63748 0.65215 0.66682 0.68149 0.67147 0.67104 0.67061 0.67019 0.65201 0.63383 0.61565 0.59747 0.6160B 0.63468 0.65329 0.67190 0.66310 0.66416 0.66523 0.66629 0.64535 0.62440 0.60345 0.58250 0.60238 0.62227 0.64215 0.66203 0.65766 0.66016 0.66265 0.66515 0.64125 0.61136 0.59346 0.56956 0.59096 0.61236 0.63376 0.65516 0.65076 0.65293 0.65510 0.65726 0.63233 0.60740 0.58247 0.55754 0.58030 0.60307 0.62583 0.64859 0.64820 0.64792 0.64763 0.64734 0.62273 0.59812 0.57351 0.54B90 0.57380 0.59869 0.62359 0.64849 - ISER LOW CASE 2000,- ~10 NTHL Y LOAD CURVE POINTS 1.0000 0.9165 0.8908 0.6266 1.0000 0.9268 0.9aoo 0.6270 1 ..0000 0.9371 0.9091 0.6274 1.0000 0.9474 0.9182 0.6278 1.0000 0.9473 0.9043 0.6007 1.0000 0.9412 0.8904 0.5737 1.0000 0.9471 0.8765 0.5466 1.0000 0.9470 0.8626 0.5195 1.0000 0.9368 0.8674 0.5462 1.0000 0.9256 0.8722 0.5729 1.0000 0.9164 0.8769 0.5995 1.0000 0.9062 0.8817 0.6262 1 1 i J 1 1 1 ~1 )1 1 j )1 1 B MONTHLY AVG.DAYS 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.99318 0.99134 0.98950 0.98766 0.98833 0.98901 0.98968 0.99036 0.99152 0.99269 0.99386 0.99502 0.97850 0.98154 0.98457 0.98761 0.98811 0.98860 0.98910 0.98960 0.98606 0.98253 0.97900 0.97546 0.97312 0.97566 0.97820 0.98075 0.98036 0.97996 0.97957 0.97918 0.97703 0.97488 0.97273 0.97057 0.95256 0.96193 0.97129 0.98065 0.97858 0.97651 0.97444 0.97237 0.96507 0.95778 0.95049 0.94320 0.93215 0.94552 0.95890 0.97228 0.97107 0.96985 0.96864 0.96743 0.95527 0.94310 0.93094 0.91877 0.92628 0.93925 0.95223 0.96520 0.96436 0.96353 0.96269 0.96186 0.94972 0.93758 0.92544 0.91331 0.92443 0.93564 0.94686 0.95808 0.95653 0.95497 0.95342 0.95186 0.94220 0.93254 0.92287 0.91321 0.92221 0.93291 0.94362 0.95432 0.95292 0.95153 0.95014 0.94874 0.93943 0.93013 0.92082.0.91151 0.91g51 0.93042 0.94233 0.95425 0.94594 0.93763 0.92932 0.92101 0.91740 0.91380 0.91020 0.90660 0.91580 0.92579 0.93579 0.94579 0.931200.fH661 0.90202 0.88743 0.89202 0.89662 0.90121 0.90580 0.91076 0.92197 0.93318 0.94439 0.92887 0.91334 0.89782 0.882.29 0.88661 0.89092 0.89524 0.89955 0.90886 0.91927 0.92968 0.94009 0.92235 0.90461 0.88687 0.86912 0.87£46 0.88379 0.89112 0.89845 0.88736 0.90209 0.91682 0.93156 0.91494 0.89833 0.88172 0.86510 0.86698 0.86886 0.87074 0.87262 0.87018 0.87425 0.87833 0.88240 0.86926 0.85612 0.84298 0.82983 0.83890 0.84797 0.85704 0.86611 0.81515 0.82568 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