HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA337{K 1'+2.5 '$ '6 42-3 r----------------------------------!ljllll, 337 Prepared by: [iJ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 6 -DESIGN DEVELOPMENT ARLIS Alaska Resources Library & Information Services And b • '!,..iska SUBTASK 6 .04 CLOSEOUT REPORT EVALUATION OF ARCH DAM AT DEVIL CANYON SITE MARCH1982 ALASKA RESOURCES UBRARY U the hterlor ....____ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY __ ___, ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 6 -DESIGN DEVELOPMENT SUBTASK 6.04 -CLOSEOUT REPORT EVALUATION OF ARCH DAiVJ AT DEVIL CANYON SITE TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF PLATES 1 -INTRODUCTION Page 1-1 2 -SUMMARY . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -1 2.1 -General •....•...•...........•................•.............. 2-1 2. 2 -Review of Arch Dam Precedents ............................. 2-1 2.3-Geotechnical Considerations ..................••••......... 2-1 2.4 -Seismic Considerations .................................... 2-1 2.5-Evaluation of Previous Designs ...........•................ 2-2 2.6 ...; Draft Design-Concrete Gravity LJam .........••.....••..... 2-2 2.7 -Stress Analysis .......•.........................•.......•. 2-3 2 . 8 -Con c 1 us ions . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 2-3 3 -SCOPE ......•.........•...........•.•.........•.................. 3-1 3.1 -Objective .....•......................................••... 3-1 3. 2 -Approach •...............•........................•........ 3-1 4 -REVIEW OF ARCH DAM PRECEDENTS ................................... 4-1 4.1 -Genera 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4 . 2 -In gu r i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4.3 -Vaiont ......•.............•..... · ..•.........•.........•... 4-1 4.4 -Chirkei ................•..............•................... 4-1 4.5 -Hoover ...•.•...•..•.••..••.......................•.....•.. 4-1 4. 6 -Vi draru-Arges ............................................. 4-2 4. 7 -Pacoima ..•......................................•......... 4-2 4.8 -El Cajon ...............•.......•.....•...•............•... 4-3 4. 9 -Auburn ..•••.............•........•........................ 4-3 4.10-Comparison with Devil Canyon .............................. 4-4 5 -GEOTECHNICf.l.l CONSIDERATIONS ..................................... 5-l 5 .1 -Genera 1 . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 5.2 -Site Geology .•..............•............................. 5-1 5.3-Geotechnical Considerations ...•.....•.........•..........• 5-l 6 -SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS •...•...............•.•....•.............. 6-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 7 -EVALUATION OF PREVIOUS DESIGNS .................................. 7-1 7.1-Thin Arch Dam ............................................. 7-1 7.2 -Concrete Gravity Design ................................... 7-2 8 -DRAFT DESIGN ................................................... 8-1 8.1 -General .................................................. 8-1 8. 2 -Thin Arch Dam ............................................ 8-1 8.3 -Gravity Arch Dam ......................................... 8-1 9 -STRESS ANALYSIS ................................................ 9-1 9 . 1 -Genera 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 -1 9.L:-Design Criteria .......................................... 9-1 9.3 -Stresses ................................................. 9-2 9.4 -Conclusions .............................................. 9-2 10 -CONCLUS I01~S 8 IBLIOGRAPHY TABLES FIGURES PLATES APPENDIX A -STRESSES IN THIN ARCH DAM APPENDIX B -STRESSES IN GRAVITY ARCH DAM 10-1 LIST OF TABLES No. 4.1 -Large Concrete Dams 9.1 -Maximum Stresses in Proposed Concrete Dam Types at Devil Canyon LIST OF FIGURES No. 4.1 -Arch Dam Height vs Crest Length 7.1 -Devil Canyon Dam and Power Plant 7.2 -Dev i 1 Canyon Darn and Power P 1 ant 7.3 -General Damsite Layout 7.4-Dam Elevations and Sections 7.5-Devil Canyon Dam Detail Plan 7.6-Elevation and Sections LIST OF PLATES No. 8.1 -Devil Canyon Thin Arch Dam Geometry 8.2 -Devil Canyon Arch Gravity Dam Scheme-Plan and Sections 8.3 -Devil Canyon Arch Gravity Dam Scheme -Sections 1 -INTRODUCTION Subtask 6.04 of Task 6 Design Development studies for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project is entitled 11 Evaluation of Arch Dam at Devil Canyon Site.u The purpose of this subtask is to carry out a preliminary review of the technical feasibil- ity of constructing a concrete arch dam atthe site as a basis for continuation of design studies as part of the Susitna Project feasibility assessment. 1.1 -Background Devil Canyon is located on the Susitna River approximately 100 miles upstream of Cook Inlet (see Figure 1.1). It was first identified as a potential hydro- electric development site by the U.S. Department of the Interior~ Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) in the early 1950s. The site is situated within and close to the entrance of the canyon where the walls of the V-shaped gorge rise 500 feet above the river at which point they are approximately 900 feet apart. The USBR proposed a 635 feet high single curvature thin arch dam atthe site in 1961. As work proceeded on the project the Alaska Power Administration in their Devi 1 Canyon Project status report of 1974 proposed a double curvature thin arch design and the Corps of Engineers proceeded with this design in their 1975 Interim Feasibility Study. In a review of the 1975 Interim Feasibility Study the U.S. Government Office of Management and Budget questioned the technical feasibility of an arch dam at the site and the economic feasibility of the project which had been based on the assumption that such a dam could be designed and constructed to meet acceptable criteria. In response, the Corps developed designs and estimates for a more conservative and costly gravity dam. The scope of work under this subtask is essentially to review the designs previously undertaken not only for the Devil Canyon site but for comparable sites elsewhere in the world, and to consider the application of current state of the art design techniques for a dam at this site. 1.2 -Report Contents Section 2 of this report is a summary of the studies performed and the conclu- sions reached. The scope of work is outlined in more detail in Section 3 and the results of a review of worldwide arch dam designs are presented in Section 4. Geotechnical and seismic design considerations are reviewed in Sections 5 and 6, respectively, and an evaluation of earlier Devil Canyon Oam designs is presented in Section 7. Preliminary design concepts and results are presented in Sections 8 and 9, and the conclusions arrived at from the study are given in Section 10. 2 -SUMMARY 2.1-General Under Subtask 6.04 a preliminary assessment was made of the feasibility of an arch dam at Oevi l Canyon and whether further study of this type of dam should be continued. The findings are summarized in the following subsections. 2.2 -Review of Arch Dam Precedents A review of arch dams throughout the world, either constructed or in the process of construction, indicated that the proposed dam at Devi 1 Canyon was within precedent in the aspects of physical size, anticipated foundation conditions and the seismicity of the region. Several dams are higher than Devil Canyon and the crest length/height ratio is not exceptional. Arch dams such as Pacoima in California and Vidraru-Arges in Rumania have undergone severe seismic shaking with minimal damage and an extreme example of the inherent stability of an arch dam is the Vaiont dam in northern Italy which suffered only minor damage to the crest v1hen it was overtopped by a 400 foot high wave. 2.3 -Geotechnical Considerations The determination of site suitability is based on existing surface mapping and subsurface investigations. The USBR initiated these investigations at Devil Canyon in 1957with diamond core drilling and test pits. Further sampling has been done under the current program. Previous studies suggested the existence of a shear zone in the left abutment. The 1980 drilling program has not proven the existence or non-existence of this feature. Although further investigation will be necessary to determine if a potential problem area exists, there are presently no data that make an arch dam infeasible at Devil Canyon. 2.4-Seismic Considerations Current studies are undenvay by Woodward-Clyde Consultants as part of Task 4 to assess the seismic design parameters for the Oevi l Canyon site. One lineament which will require further study has been identified approximately 10,000 feet upstream of the site. To date, ground motions and acceleration have not been determined for the Devil Canyon site. For preliminary design an earthquake acceleration of 0.5g has been assumed as corresponding to the maximum credible earthquake. 2-1 2.5 -Evaluation of Previous Designs The first dam considered for the Devi 1 Canyon site was a single curvature arch dam proposed by the USSR which was later modified to a double curvature thin arch dam. Subsequently, a concrete gravity dam was proposed to ascertain economic feasibility based on a conservative cost estimate for the Devil Canyon development. This does not imply that the arch dam was not technically feasible but rather that the arch dam 1 s feasibility was not adequately proven. A double curvature thin arch dam appears suitable for the valley section at the Devil Canyon site. The primary advantage of a thin arch is the efficiency of this type of design which requires a relatively small volume of concrete resulting in a consequent cost saving. Problems which may exist in a thin arch dam design include the following: The valley section at this site is not SJTTlmetrical which may lead to torsional stresses in the dam. -Thin arch dams can transmit high stresses to the abutments; however, this can be moderated by abutment pads. -Temperature extremes may reach as low as -50°F at the site, leading to high temperature stresses. -Locating an adequate spillway for a thin arch dam may be difficult. These factors may result in increased costs but are not foreseen as insurmountable. The concrete gravity darn has certain advantages, as follows: -An overflow spillway can be incorporated into the center section of the dam. -Lower stress levels occur in the structure and at the abutments under non-seismic loading conditions. Problems associated with the concrete gravity dam are as follows: -The large mass of concrete will be considerably more expensive than for an arch dam, but this may be partly offset by savings in spillway costs. -The shape of the gorge will result in a straight gravity dam behaving not as a gravity dam but rather as a three-dimensional structure supported at the abutments and base. -The response due to earthquake motion in an upstream direction parallel to the river is generally much worse than for an arch dam. 2.6 -Draft Designs Draft designs were laid out for two dams, a thin double curvature arch as proposed by the USSR and a thick or gravity arch developed for comparison. 2-2 2.7 -Stress Analysis In order to make a preliminary assessment of dam stresses, a finite element analysis was carried out on the two darn types for selfweight, hydrostatic, temperature, and seismic load combinations. The mesh involved in establishing the stress modes is too coarse and does not give representative stresses at the abutments. Although a more detailed finite element analysis would be appropri- ate for final design, such an approach would not be cost-effective during design development and feasibility assessment. More appropriate models based on the trial load method of analysis should be used for these types of analyses. 2.8 -Conclusions In general, a thin arch dam will be subject to greater internal stresses than a gravity arch indicating a degree of redundancy within the latter structure should the thin arch prove to be an acceptable design. Within the limitations of the scope of this report both types of concrete arch dam appear feasible and should be studied further under Subtask 6.07. This conclusion is based on the following: The proposed arch dam is well within the bounds of previous experience relating to height, crest, length, and height to length ratio. -Large seismic loadings have been experienced by arch dams with minimal damage. -To date no information has been obtained from the subsurface investigations that would indicate that an arch dam is technically or economically infeasible at Devil Canyon .. 2-3 3 -SCOPE OF WORK 3.1 -Objective The objective of Subtask 6.04 is to make a preliminary assessment of the techni- cal feasibility of an arch dam at the Devil Canyon site and to determine whether further study of this type of dam is warranted at this time. 3.2 -Approach The technical and economic feasibility of constructing an arch dam at Devil Canyon wi ll ultimate 1 y depend on a number of factors, many of which are not addressed under Subtask 6.04. Further studies under Subtask 6.08, Preliminary Devil Canyon Dam Alternatives, and Subtask 6.12, Preliminary Design Devil Canyon Dam, will address these factors in more detail and the alternatives to an arch dam, such as a rockfi ll dam. To meet the objective of Subtask 6 .04, the work was organized to include: - A review of arch dams throughout the world, either constructed or under construction, that are comparable in size and/or in site conditions to the proposed dam at Devil Canyon. -An examination of all available geology and geotechnical data relating to the site including that available from previous investigations and from the present study. A review of known seismic conditions at the site. -An evaluation of previous designs as proposed in the USBR and COE reports of 1961, 1974, 1975 and 1979. -The development of preliminary designs for a gravity arch and a thin arch dam at the site. -An initial determination of stress conditions for a preliminary dam design under gravity, hydrostatic and extreme temperature conditions and of dynamic stresses due to seismic shaking under initial conservative assumptions for the possible maximum credible earthquake event. From the above reviews and studies an evaluation of the potential for construction of an arch dam was made. 3-1 4 -REVIEW OF ARCH DAM PRECEDENTS 4.1 -General This review serves to place in context an arch dam design for Devil Canyon relative to other concrete dams around the world. Table 4.1 gives a list of several high arch dams with some of their key parameters readily available from a 1 iterature search. A graph showing the height of these dams p 1 otted versus crest length is given in Figure 4.1. The following sections give general descriptions and highlights of special conditions at several of the world 1 s highest arch dams. 4.2 -Inguri The Inguri Dam located on the Inguri River in the USSR will have a height of 890 feet when completed in 1985. This wi 11 be the world 1 s fourth highest dam and the highest arch dam. This double curvature arch dam will have a base thickness of 282 feet, a crest thickness of 33 feet and a crest length of over 2500 feet. A total of approximately 5,000,000 cubic yards of concrete will be used in the construction. 4.3 -Vaiont The Vaiont Dam located in Italy has a height of 858 feet and a crest length of 624 feet. This is a doub 1 e curvature arch and is one of the few dams that, due to the valley shape, has a crest 1 ength/hei ght ratio of 1 ess than unity. In 1963, two years after completion of the dam, the face of a mountain (350 million cubic yards) slid into the reservoir resulting in a 400 foot-high wave overtopping the dam. The only structural damage w·as chipped concrete along the top three feet of the crest due to boulders carried by the wave over the dam~ 4.4 -Chirkei This Russi an dam was camp 1 eted in 1975 with a height of 764 feet and a crest length of 1109 feet. The thickness varies from 98 feet at the base to 21 feet at the crest. This is the fifth highest arch dam in the world. 4.5 -Hoover Hoover Dam is a concrete gravity arch dam completed in 1936 and is sti 11 the highest concrete dam in the United States. It has a. structural height of 726 feet, a length of 1244 feet, a base thickness of 660 feet and a crest thickness of 45 feet. The dam contains close to 4;5 million cubic yards of concrete. It is located between two faults 900 feet apart. In the design development for Hoover Dam on the Arizona/Nevada border, the USBR did considerable research to clarify the structural behavior of the thin arch. In spite of this research the USBR chose a gravity dam. What would now be considered a conservative approach was justifiable at that time as the height of the dam was over twice as high as any previously constructed and therefore there was no experience of arch dams of a comparable size. Experience has been gained on arch dams constructed subsequent 1 y with greater heights and crest 1 engths than those of the Hoover Dam. 4-1 4.6 -Vidraru-Argues Vidraru-Arges is a double curvature arch dam located in Rumania. The dam height is 548 feet, length is 958 feet, base thickness is 82 feet and crest thickness is 20 feet. In 1977 the Vrancea earthquake occurred in Rumania with a resulting earthquake intensity of 7-8 MSK (approximately 7.2 Richter) at the site. Design had been based on an earthquake with an intensity equal to 8 MSK. There was no damage suffered by the structure due to the earthquake. A dynamic analysis was performed on the dam. The following periods corresponding to the first mode of vibration were determined: Full Reservoir -Along Valley Axis -0.51 sec. -Normal to Valley Axis-0.31 sec. Reservoir 1/2 full -0.38 sec. Tensile stresses were computed to be up to 1000 psi in the dam during the earthquake. 4. 7 -Pacoima The Pacoima Dam is a double curvature arch dam located in the San Fernando Valley of(sQuthern California with a height of 372 feet and a crest length of 589 feet. 4) The dam was built around 1930 without consideration of earthquake loads. In 1967-68 an investigation was carried out to determine the condition of the dam. Findings included the following: -Compressive strength of the concrete was 4900 psi. -No significant deterioration of the dam had occurred. Extensive jointing was found in the left abutment as well as shear zones along which instability could occur. -Analysis showed the dam to be stable for an earthquake of 0.15 g. The San Fernando earthquake with a magnitude of 6.6 on the Richter scale occurred in 1971. The epicenter was located approximately four miles from the dam and the focal depth was eight miles. The surface fault trace was five miles from the dam. At the time of the earthquake, the Pacoima Dam was drawn down 145 feet to allow storage during the winter rainfall season. An accelerograph at the site measured horizontal accelerations of 1.25 g and vertical accelerations of 0.7 g. It was considered that the location of the accelerograph contributed to ·the abnormally high acceleration measurements and a more realistic figure ~-Jou1d be 0.6 to 0.8 g for the base ground acceleration. Due to regional movements during the earthquake, the following permanent relative movements of the abutments were measured: -The distance between abutments was shortened by 0.9 inches; -The north end of the dam dropped 0.68 inches relative to the south end; and -The dam axis was rotated 30 seconds relative to the base line. 4-2 Despite this severe earthquake~ the only visible damage to the dam itself was the opening of the vertical radial contraction joint between the arch and the left abutment thrust block. The opening was between 0.25 and 0.38 inches wide and extended along the contraction joint and into the thrust block down to the abutment. Intersection with the abutment rock was approximately 50 feet below the crest. Other damage consisted mainly of rock slides and minor rock falls on the abutments. One large area (approximately two acres) on the left abutment slumped approximately 13 inches. In several areas the gunite covering of the abutment rock was cracked. Remedial work was performed to allow safe ope~ation of the dam during the impending storm seasons. This consisted mainly of removal of or stabilization of rock crevasses loosened during the earthq~ake~ repair to a portion of the grout curtain around the spillway~ and temporari 1 y patching the upstream opening of the crack in the dam itself. Permanent repairs were initiated after detailed investigation and analysis of the dam was complete~ almost three years after the earthquake. They consisted of grouting the joint in the dam~ further stabiliz- ing the rock mass that had slumped~ and foundation and abutment grouting which had been considered before the earthquake. It should be noted that two hydraulic fill dams located in the San Fernando Valley suffered major slides~ one on the upstream and one on the downstream slopes. 4. 8 -E 1 Cajon TheEl Cajon dam presently being constructed in Honduras will be a double-curved thin concrete arch structure. Its height wi 11 be 741 feet and it will have a crest length of 1246 feet. The dam is founded in limestone and 3 known faults pass beneath the foundation area. The damsite is located in a seismically active area and the maximum credi b 1 e earthquake is set at 7. 5 on the Richter scale. The design-baseground accelerati~n for the dam is 0.32g. 4.9 -Auburn The Auburn Dam was designed in the 1 ate 1960s and ear 1 y 1970s by the USBR as a double curvature arch dam. It was to be the world 1 s largest with a crest length of 4150 feet. The height was to be 685 feet with a base thickness of 200 feet and a crown thickness of 40 feet. Extensive foundation investigations were carried out during the design phase. These investigations included several adits and shafts with large scale in-situ rock strength and deformation tests. The foundation is characterized by rock-type anomalies~ numerous joints~ shears and faults. A major fault system strikes approximately cross river with a dip of 50°. Construction began on Auburn Dam in the early 197o·s~ but was halted after approximately $100 million had been spent on the foundations. This was primarily due to concern raised by the Association of Engineering Geologists 4-3 over possible fault displacement. In the ensuing controversy over the seismic design criteria, opinions on possible fault displacement ranged from one inch as originally proposed by the USBR to over nine inches recommended by California's consultants. The thin arch design was subsequently dropped from further consideration. In 1979 an extremely severe design criteria allowing five inches of fault displacement was adopted. Currently, a curved gravity section is being considered which utilizes a portion of the existing foundations. 4.10 -Comparison with Devil Canyon The approximate principal dimensions of a Devil Canyon arch dam, with a 635 foot height, 1,400 feet crest length and crest/height ratio of 2.2, (see Section 7), place the dam well within the field of experience established by other projects in relation to the physical size of the dam. Large arch dams have been built in areas with apparently poorer foundations and in areas of high seismicity. When compared with dams mentioned in this section and those itemized in Table 4.1, there appears no area in which a concrete arch dam at Devil Canyon would be establishing a precedent. 4-4 TABLE 4.1: LARGE CONCRETE DAMS CREST BASE MINIMUM SEISMIC CENT. DAM LOCATION HEIGHT LENGTH THICK. · THICK. VOLUME PARAMETERS fOUNDATION ABUTMENTS REMARKS ANGLE ft(m) ft(m) ft(m) ft(m) yd (m ) Inguri Georgia, 892 2513 282 33 4,967,000 ENR Dec. 14, 1978 ( 1985) USSR ( 272) (766) (85) ( 10 m) (3,800,000) + Dave Shandalov Info Thin Arch Vaiont Veneto, 858 624 460,000 (1961) Italy (262) (190) (352,000) Overtopped by 400 ft high wave on Oct. 9, 1963. Minor chipping of the top 3 ft due to boulders was the only damage. Sayan-Krasnoyarsk, 794 3504 11,916,000 Shusen USSR (242) ( 1 068) ( 9 ' 117 ' 000) ( 1980) Mauvoisin Valais, 777 1706 2, 655 (1957) Switzer land (237) (520) (2,030) Chirkei North 764 1109 98 21 1,602,000 ( 197 5) Caucus as, (233) (338) (30 m) (6.5 m) (1,226,000) USSR El Cajon Yoro/Cortes, 741 1246 157 1, 924,000 ( 1984) Honduras (226) (382) (48) (1,472,000) Hoover Nevada, 726 1244 660 45 4,400,000 Spaced between Gravity Arch ( 1936) Arizona, (221) (379) (3,364,000) two faults U.S.A. about 900 ft apart Contra Ticino, 722 1246 861,000 ( 1965) Switzer land (220) ( 380) (658,000) Mratinje Montenegro, 722 879 971,000 (1976) Yugoslavia (220) (268) (742,000) TABLE 4.1 (Cont'd) CREST BASE MINIMUM SEISMIC CENT. DAM LOCATION HEIGHT LENGTH THICK. THICK. VOLUME PARAMETERS FOUNDATION ABUTMENTS REMARKS ANGLE ft(m) ft(m) ft(m) ft(m) yd (m ) Glen Canyon Arizona, 710 1560 4,901,000 ( 1964) USA (216) (475) (3, 747,000) Luzzone Ticino, 682 1738 1 '739,000 ( 1963) Switzerland (208) ( 530) (1,330,000) Mohamed Khouzestan, 666 696 647,000 Reza Iran (203) ( 212) (497,000) Shah Pahlav i ( 1963) Almendra Salmanca, 662 1860 2,188,000 (1970) Spain (202) (567) ( 1 '6 73 ' 000) Idikka India 555 1220 80 25 613,000 Vidraru-Rumania 548 588 82 20 Earthquake in Measurements after Arges ( 167) (292) (25.0) (6.0) 1977 with an the earthquake intensity of showed no 7-8 on the MSk odifications to scale at the normal behavior site. 7 = 2. 5~6 g 8 = 5~~ g. 9 = 10% g. Gocekaya Turkey 521 1620 74 20 933,000 Designed by EBASCO 107.4 ( 159) (494) (27.5) (6) (714,000) Morrow Colorado 465 720 51.65' 12.0 360,000 In design it is Point wood up a point Pacoima California 372 589 99 10.4 220,000 Seven signi-Gneissic Quartz Joint -Built around 1930 ( 113) (180) (30. 2) (3. 2) (168,000) ficant faults sets divide rock into -Constant angle arch within 3.8 angular blocks of -Earthquake loads miles (6 kM) approximately 4'6" not considered in radias of design the site. Table 4.1 (Cont'd) DAM Crystal Dam LOCATION Nestren Colorado Green lake Sitka, Dam Alaska H£IGHT ft(m) 340 210 CREST BASE LENGTH THICK. ft(m) ft(m) 620 460 16 ft. MINIMUM THICK. ft(m) VOLUME yd (m ) 145,000 26,000 SEISMIC PARAMETERS 1952 -Earth- quake of 5.0 Rickter ® 15 mi. 1971 -San Fernando earthquake 6.6 Rickter @ 4 mi. (Horizontal Ace. 1-25 g, measured on abutment), Vertical Ace. 0.70 g FOUNDATION base acceleration estimated at 0.6 to 0.8 g Miximum Cred-Competent ible earthquake massive Magnitude = 8 graywacke Richter @ 16 mi. Acceleration = 0.40 g. Duration = 45 sec. Design Earth- quake Magnitude = 8 Richter @ 33 mi. Acceleration = 0.23 g. Duration = 40 sec. ABUTMENTS REMARKS CENT. ANGLE TABLE 4.1 (Cont'd) CREST DAM LOCATION HEIGHT LENGTH ft(m) ft(m) Auburn California 685 4150 (Abaondoned Design BASE MINIMUM THICK. THICK. ft(m) ft(m) 200 40 VOLUME yd (m ) 6,300,000 SEISMIC PARAMETERS FOUNDATION ABUTMENTS REMARKS CENT. ANGLE 3 circular acres left 4000 ft rod 580' arc center 1400 ft rod 1810' arc right 4000 ft rod 1275' arc 1400 1200 1000 t-= lL. 0 800 1- :X: (!) iii :X: ::E cr 600 0 :X: () 0::: <( 400 200 0 0 400 800 1200 +-----+----·-------· -t-----+-----j---------- KEY 0 -THIN ARCH DAM ~ -ARCH DAMS [!] -SEISMIC AREAS L/H -CREST LENGTH/DAM HEIGHT 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 CREST LENGTH ( FT.) ARCH DAM HEIGHT vs. CREST LENGTH FIGURE 4.1 5 -GEOTECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS AlASKA RESOURCES UBRARY U.S. Depa.rtm.ent of the . Interior 5.1 -General Evaluation of the feasibility of an arch dam is contingent upon the following considerations: -Stability of the dam against sliding. -Adequate abutment and foundation load bearing capacity with acceptable deformation. Stability of foundation and abutments under seismic loads. -Potential leakage problems and extent of treatment required for foundation and abutments. The implications of these factors on the feasibility of an arch dam at Devil Canyon are discussed in the following paragraphs. 5.2 -Site Geology The Devil Canyon site is located in a broad U-shaped glacial valley, with an incised V-shaped gorge approximately 500 feet deep. The width-to-height ratio of the nyu section is approximately 2:1, presenting a favorable configuration for an arch dam central section, which would be flanked by a saddle dam on the left abutment. Thebedrock is graywacke and argillite, with bedding striking E-W (oriented subparallel to the river}~ The dip of the beds is 50 to 70Q to the south (left abutment), with three distinct joint sets. One set of joints is well developed and widely spaced. This set strikes approximately N25QW and dips 80 to 90QE. The other two sets are tight and less well developed. Drilling indicates that rock quality improves with depth. Shear zones have been mapped both parallel and perpendicular to the river, and a major 1 i neament has been mapped on the 1 eft abutment. This 1 i neament could be a buried stream channel or a joint or shear zone. The 1981 program wi 11 be planned to confirm or negate the existence of this geologic feature. 5.3 -Geotechnical Considerations ( a) S l i d i n g Stab i 1 i t y For an arch dam, a major portion of the thrust wi 11 be carried by the abutments~ The stability of the abutments is controlled by the geologic features such as bedding planes and joints, their orientation and density, the shear resistance of the rock along these features, and the slope of the valley. Certain geological features (potential shear zones parallel to the valley and the major joint set in the right abutment) require special considerations. The information available to date is not sufficient to perform these analyses. Therefore, using available data, a sensitivity analysis will be performed to identify potential problem areas and possible means of stabilization as required~ The rock quality, in general however, looks adequate for an arch dam; Additional investigations are necessary to define these features. 5-1 (b) Foundation and Abutment Rock Strength and Deformations For the intact rock in the foundation and the abutments, the overall bearing capacity and the associated deformation modulus (E) depends to a large degree on the nature and density of the geologic discontinuities such as shear zone and joints. The modulus of elasticity used in preliminary analyses (E = 1.8 x 106 psi) was based on tests performed by the USBR. The state of the knowledge is such that a sensitivity analysis will be undertaken to evaluate the impact of changes in E. However, it is not anticipated that stresses in the dam will be greatly affected by changes in the modulus of elasticity. The foundation excavations will be excavated to find the concrete structure in competent, unweathered rock. (c) Potential for Leakage and Treatment The cost of treatment of the foundation will be increased by extensive joints and cracks in the rock. Information available so far indicates that substantial treatment will be required in all areas and extensive treatment may be required in local areas. The treatment is expected to include excavation of weathered rock, consolidation and curtain grouting, and possibly a drainage curtain. The investigations conducted to date have not revealed any features that would make the Devil Canyon site infeasible for an arch dam. The only exception to this statement would occur if further investigation indicated the potential for fault displacement under the dam or severe abutment stability problems that could not be economically treated. 5-2 6 -SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS The Devil Canyon site as well as the entire Susitna River is in a seismically active region. The Bureau of Reclamation considered a maximum earthquake with a magnitude of 8.5 Richter at 40 miles or one with a magnitude of 7.0 Richter at a distance of 10 miles. The 8.5 magnitude earthquake at 40 miles was determined to be the maximum credible earthquake. Current 1 y, seismic studies are being conducted by Woodward-Clyde Consu 1t ants as partof Task 4. From these studies, one lineament which will require further investigation has been identified approximately 1,000 feet upstream from the Devi 1 Canyon site. This lineament crosses the Susitna River roughly at right angles at the horseshoe shaped bend upstream from the site. Continuing investigations will determine whether this will have an impact on design. In general, a concrete dam can be designed against ground motions and accelerations up to reasonable limits (0.5 g). However, if surface rupture (or differential movements between two parts of the dam foundation) of significant magnitudes {greater than approximately two to three inches) is determined to be likely, a concrete dam would probably be ruled out. This is, in fact, the reason a thin arch dam was ruled out at Auburn (geologists indicated at Auburn that relative movements of up to nine inches could be expected). No indication of potential for such differential movement is in evidence. 6-1 7 -EVALUATION OF PREVIOUS STUDIES 7.1 -Thin Arch Dam The first report on the Devil Canyon Project, issued by the U.S. Department of the Interior in 1961, proposed a single curvature arch dam as shown in Figures 7.1 and 7.2. As studies progressed, this was modified to a double curvature thin arch dam as described in the Devil Canyon Status Report by the Alaska Power Admi ni strati on in 1974 ( Fi gt.Jres 7.3 and 7.4). This was further modified by the Corps of Engineers before issuing their Interim Feasibility Report in 1975 (see Figures 7.5 and 7.6). The design consisted of a double curvature thin arch dam in the steep-vJalled canyon with an impervious core rockfill saddle dam over the buried valley on the left abutment. The rockfi 11/earthfi 11 section had a maximum height of approxi- mately 200 feet. The concrete section had a maximum height of approximately 635 feet above the base or 550 feet above normal river level, and a crest length of approximately 1,400 feet. A concrete thrust block was located on the left abutment between the concrete and the earthfill section. The double curvature thin arch design had a base thickness of 85.6 feet and a crest thickness of 20 feet at the crown section. The slenderness ratio was 0.135. The Corps of Engineers performed a stress analysis on the dam using a maximum credible earthquake of 8.5 Richter at a distance of 40 miles. In order to compensate for high tensile stresses in the upper third of the central portion of the dam, high strength steel strands ~vere to be incorporated into the upstream face. Although rock conditions are not ide a 1 at De vi 1 Canyon, they appear adequate for the dam foundations. If rock quality proves to be poorer than anticipated, there are methods in which the abutments of an arch dam can be adapted to weakness of the rock. The bearing pressures at the concrete/rock interface may be reduced by increasing the abutment thickness of the arch or by using abutment pads. These abutment pads would be analogous to the use of spread footings for a wall foundation. They also provide an efficient means of bridging small zones of poor rock. Abutment pads have been used in Inguri (the world 1 s largest arch dam) and were also proposed at Auburn. At the dam location the river valley is not symmetrical and this may lead to excessive torsional stresses in the dam. The symmetry could be improved by the use of abutment pads, or a two-centered configuration could be adopted with two separate pairs of lines of centers, one for each side of the dam, defining the horizontal arches. On the right side of the dam the arches would have larger radii corresponding to the longer arch circumferences and the flatter slope of the abutment. This would direct the thrust from the dam more directly into the rock rather than along the face as would be the case with geometry based on sm a 11 er r ad i i . 7-1 Temperature extremes may reach as low as approximately -50aF at the site with prolonged temperatures of -30°F to -40°F for several weeks at a time. These temperatures will induce stresses within the dam and cause surface cracking of the concrete. Often dams in Russia have been insulated to overcome these problems. A thicker dam would be less likely to develop temperature problems as the cracks would penetrate for a relatively shorter distance. In the 1974 design the double curvature arch dam incorporated a spillway con- sisting of six gated orifices below the dam crest which discharged water with a free fall of 450 feet into a 150 foot (maximum) deep plunge pool just downstream of the dam. In the 1975 Corps' version of the thin arch design~ the spillway was changed to a chute-type flip bucket on the left abutment. This was primarily due to the plunge pool's proximity to the dam and the very great depths to which this type of pool could erode. The gated control structure was located between the earth section and the arch dam. The concrete-lined chute was founded on sound rock downstream of the left abutment with a flip bucket discharging flows in a jet into the river. This could lead to erosion of the river valley, but it would not be close to the dam foundation or other major structures. The stability of the left bank for a spillway has been questioned, however, as the rock is more highly fractured and generally of poorer quality. 7.2 -Concrete Gravity Design A concrete gravity dam was proposed by the Corps of Engineers in 1979 for the purposes of determining economic feasibility of the project based on a conserva- tive estimate of cost. This was in response to the Office of Management and Budget's statement that the feasibility of the thin arch dam was not adequately proven. Problems can exist with a concrete gravity section. The Devil Canyon gorge is V-shaped with a ratio of length at the dam crest level to the dam height of about 1.9 to 2.0. A straight masssive concrete dam would not behave as a gravity structure in such a gorge. Because of the narrowness of the gorge it would perform as a three-dimensional structure under hydrostatic and seismic loadings, supported at the abutments as well as at the base. This form of beam action between the abutments does not accord with an efficient design of an arch configuration. The location of a gravity cross section in narrow gorges is generally difficult to justify technically or economically. An arch dam gives a more efficient resistance to upstream loadings than a straight gravity dam because the arch transfers the thrust deep into the abutments rather than along the face. Under seismic loadings the increased mass~ and hence inertia, of a gravity dam will produce a greater overall stress in the foundation and abutments. Straight gravity dams have two advantages over arch dams. The first advantage is the improved response to earthquake loading parallel to the crest~ particularly when the reservoir is drawn down. A straight dam across a canyon is much stiffer in the transverse direction than an arched dam. The second advantage of a gravity dam is its suitability for the use of an overflow type spillway. An overflow spillway terminating in a stilling basin will provide a minimum of scouring of the riverbed and drifting of spray over the surrounding area. 7-2 / / / / / / , / /' / / '·( r-...../ PLAN --- --- I -I. --- ""'o . (i1Jll1 OF A.LA51'-IIo ,____.___~--'-~----::---:--·I'"-~"""""" .!!!'• ••.,._ra ~..-....__..~ ~~--.n L.OC-'TiDN H-'P ,-L~ -. =r-~ Jl: : -u,-,-, f--. ' --l ,__.:.---! - i : } . .;.-. :3." v /;Y ~ ~r.ry.-.. .,..!, ...... JI~''-"' . /v / : .. l • ~+-+~ ' ! --.. ---- I I i~-~t-~-, i --<--r;tb= ; --"--'---'---i .. I ... ' ID -It -llf NOH l'.,..,.,. • .-4. .,_...,. r,.,. ()..of .• 5l·P·S . ... -. .............__ __ _. ~Jil~ OF .'Lt1 iM"Ir•• •rAt"•• _,...,.'t ., ,..., llltwlf~ .......... ., .. .,. ......... ,,.. OI'YIJ. t:ur.,~ MOJl,f-AL.U&A DBIL CAIIYOr.l llfVi AHD PO>'/E/1 P!Al<T fCA~&L.IIf 13-rll•tA'Jf ~.t.twm' FIGURE 7.1 (REFERENCE IG) ,_.,WIJ''-1.0.~ ........... ,J .... , .: ~,__l ... c ..... ,.,_.,_ ___ . l!ll~._ ____ -· j· ,~ ..... ~. ~w~~ dS~~-------,~~~----~~~;-~ EL•Jo-~.·~~F£~------~--~------~_Jl-~~~~~~~~---------- St:C TION TltRU 31'1LLIII~V SCCTIO!i THRU THKIJST" IJLfXJ( FIGURE 7.2 1(REFERENCE 16) Ol)'IL C-IIIII Alii:>-~~ i1UIIf /'fA~Jklrt I'TIMIIIJC'.....,.,. ----~---···--.................... .0. ........................................ .. _ ·-JZ·II-1 /\ 1100 Rnarvoir level DEVIL CANYON DAM AND POWEAPLANT GENERAL DAMSITE LAYOUT 0 100 200 400 600fl. FIGURE 7.3 (REFERENCE 17) APA :t-74 Top of dead capocily-ei.I087 ~~ MoK. lailwal•r el. 9Z5 I ~-·--~~ zo'-5' Oia. peoslack Section through spillway Section through outlet works Assumed line of ucavation Upstream elevation Developed along oxis of lhe dom b"'F'c~nslack inlake slruclures Section through earth dam Section through penstock and powerplant U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ALASKA POWER ADMINISTRATION DEVIL CANYON DAM AND POWERPLANT DAM ELEVATIONS AND SECTIONS SCALE = 0 . 100 20Q 300 400 500ft. FIGURE 7.4 (REFERENCE 17) NOTES: • TOPOGRAPHY 'IVAS COMPI..E.D ,-ROM AtRIAL fflOTOGRAPHY 'IVITH GR~D CONTROL. VERTICAL QA.TUM IS NU.H SU. LEVEL, (M.t.U. z. EXISTING "'PfiOVIMI:NTS WEllE CONliTRIJCTEO TO OIT.u.t H"ONI&A.TOI AH:J QA.T.l FCJ'i EAII..£JI STlJ0£9. ~ 1--- wo ~ f--··-II- /; '; -~- •2. ~ ~ :~ II"ILLWAY IIATMII4 I&..OW"' CU IQC¥l00 ao0~ liQOPI)O '"''=I'"'"!/. lr f=k= ~ '--'-.f-, =~ ~. M.O ----~ f.."-;.""!. .... '-- '"' /i/ 1/ -'-- .. ... DEVIL CANYON Z6' 0 DIVIERSIOH TUNNEL ' FIGURE 7.5 {REFERENCE 18) SOUTHCENTII4L IWLB£LT AftU, ALASKA IHT£R111 R£POIIT 110.1 UPPER SUSITNA RIVER BASIN DEVIL CANYON DAM DETAIL PLAN ALASKA DISTRICT, COftPI Df [IIGINUIII 2-SOU-82-04-01 API'fHOIX I!LATl B-12 iJ -•II•"N .., ,, ....... ,.,.,., .. , r .. , "" ...... , ..... :) --- .. ___ _ __ .,. __ . JCGtiON ..•. , ... ,. ..... _t, .... ,..,..-,fJ.IIIIII '""' ........... ~ .. f 1~1£111 ,., ... ,...., ._._..., ll'~riiCAAI ~ .. CVAriQN llhh ..... ,. •&"~~of" .. ,..,, _, ..... ' . . -... -DN£RSION _tUNNtL. 1'-ROFI.t ~, ' ~ , ___ ," ' -. - ........__..~'""""'' ... --.. ''7L''"" ·-·····-y ,,,,,,JO~ '• .. $PIU .. W ... Y 5£i;1JOH A~A f. ........ t f ., sm. .. , ... ICQTIQN TI!I"U IMr_,,_, .DAM ...... ,, •• &Jij' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,' /'' ' / , ' , ' ' ' J.. ,1., ..:, ,Ju /:~/~ ~ SI'IU..WAY SECTION' ---- _, ... FIGURE 7.6 (REFERENCE 18) SOUTIICENTIIAI. IIAII.IEI.T JJIU, ~AIICA INTERIII REPORT NO. I UPPER SUSITNA RIVER BASIN DEVIL CANYON DAM ELEVATION AND SECTIONS AI.ASKA lliSTRICT, COIIP$ Of fHGINUII$ ~.\li,A~oiA llfUM(I[R j o»r.l 8 -DRAFT DESIGN 8.1 -General An initial assessment of feasibility of a concrete arch dam has been based on two dam designs, a thin arch dam and a gravity arch type. It was anticipated that the substantially thicker section of the latter would result in lower stresses in the arch direction with a greater portion of the loads being taken in the cantilevers. · 8.2 -Thin Arch Dam The thin arch dam geometry assumed for initial preliminary design is similar to the double curvature single center design established by the USSR as shown in Figures 7.3 and 7.4 and defined in Plate 8.1. The principal dimensions are as stated in Section 7. 8.3 -Gravity Arch Dam The general layout and geometry for a gravity arch dam is as shown in Plates 8.2 and 8. 3. The dam has a single center configuration with arch centers located on the same vertical axis. The cantilever sections have a vertical upstream face and a straight downstream face inclined 1(V) to 0.4(H). The upstream face is undercut at the bottom in order to reduce the tension stresses in the cantilever. The height of the dam is 635 feet and the thickness at the base is 225 feet, giving a slenderness ratio of 0.35. The thickness of the crest is 30 feet. The reference plane of the arch gravity dam has been reoriented from the location of the reference plane· of the daub 1 e curved arch dam in order to increase the S)1Tlmetry. The arches are symmetrical at mid-height, but the symmetry decreases toward both the top and the bottom by up to 6°. The central angles of the arches vary from 112° at the crest to 28° at the base. Relatively small central angles of the arches are chosen in order to increase the resistance of the structure to cross-canyon seismic motions and to ensure the sliding stability of the abutments. A massive concrete thrust block 75 feet high rises above the rock on the left abutment. The arches have a uniform thickness (parallel faces). The depth of excavation of the downstream edge of abutments below the natural rock surface varies from 25 feet to 50 feet. Half-radial arch abutments are used instead of full-radial types to reduce the amount of excavation. 8-1 / l_---, I l',....~tJ;?JO I I ...... ,4-<ol I / \ -' PLAN OF ARCH 12oo ] ,~f ;: .. ; 1200 0 ~ "' _, UJ 1100 '"" [ 900 .,,f 700 95.36' ELB20' _.sz_ 200 1500 1400 1300 1-' !:: 1200 z 0 ;:: g w 1100 ..J w 900 BOO RE Rl 1500 700' 6BO' 7o• 30" 200 100 0 70° 1400 1300 1200 1\00 900 BOO !3 = B5.6 /635 = 0.135 960' 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 BOO 1000 ARCH CROWN SECTION ANGLES OF HORIZONTAL ARCH TO REFERENCE AXIS RADIUS OF ARCH (FT.) 0 10 20 40 so so 10 eo 90 100 (FT.l 2 3 LEFT ABUTMENT CROWN _____ ..--- 4 RIGHT ABUTMENT 6 7L-----~------~--~--~~~~ o 10 20 30 40 so 60 10 eo 90 100 THICKNESS ( FT) HORIZONTAL ARCH RADII ARCH THICKNESS , PLATE 8.1 J NOTE: GEOMETRY OERIVED FROM U.S. DEPT. OF INERIOR LAYOUT I··~O~~--A_L_A_S_KA--~P~O~W~E~R~A~U~T_H~O~R_I~T~Y---; Ill u SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DEVIL CANYON THIN ARCH DAM GEOMETRY 1\ N 10,000 \ \ I ( \ \ / "- \ \ \ J "-01VE.R510N ~ TUNNE'.L5 • 46-0 '- FL-OW ____!<11,000 I I I \ \ \ / 00 "' / \ \ \ I I / / / \ I I I I I / / / I \ \ I I / r \~ I ,,c9 / / / / 0 t- ul ul lL ~ z 0 i= 4 > uJ J l!l '200'-0 RIGHT BANK.. TI-IJ<UST P.;.LOCK 1-"00- 1'2.0G---- 1100- 1000-- 900- &oo- 100- <DOD- FOUNDATION GROUTING AND DRAINAGE TUNNE.LS 1500 I I I ~-~~IEF ORA.IN BOTTOM L..lNE. DOWN5TRE.AM ELEVATION OF DAM . E.XCAVAiiON/ Lli-JE:. AT OOWNST~eA.M FA.CE. OF I A..;UTME.NT -. . OlVE.QS!ON TUNNE.L·4d-O OIA. f';,-x><::,+'!~----____ ::;Rio •<Oi>_-,o~'---------1 CE<NTRI>.L ANGLE. (oE<G.) RWL EL.14S0 ~~~-~c~R~E~~~T~S~~=·di~4~~~S~======F===~.---------r---t-------------~r-r~9 E~.14~0 1400 -~--~ ____ t,.-.~~-.11:>~---~~-----:?'"C:::.--\-:-...':'R"'-r-'-"•-'o;"-z'".,;"'-'-. "'~::.!..' __ _, ~ iZOO ----------~~~~~---------------------~R~I~·-S~G==O~'--------t ~ -=--:..:._\~OOWNSTREI>.M "- "" COFFE.R.Dto.M z 1100--RJ4·sozo' Q ~ ';> ~ 1000---------~~~~~~~--------~~~~~~--~~~---+ l1l , ,~oo ARCI-l·GRAVITY DAM GEOMETRY PLATE 8.2. J SCALE. 0 100 ZCO FE.ET ~~- DEVIL CANYON ARCH GRAVITY DAM SCHEME.. PLAN AND 5E.CTION5 DATE R-EVISIONS --------+-------~ CH. APP. APf. ACRES AU£RICAN IUCORPORATEO '"OJf.CT 1100 m 1000 ~ z 0 ;: '900 ------g w ill CONCR~TE LINING $00 ---------- SERVICE. SPILLWAY D!VE..RSION OUTLETS 10 1 x10' ARCH-GRAVI\Y DAM LAYOUI / ./~ ~ ~ORIGINAL GROUND ... ~ SURFACE. , WE.IR. 5EC\ION AT SPILLWAY SECTION AT WE.IR. 1-w w ll. ~ z <:! i= ~ Ul .J uJ 1500- 1400- ~ 1500- i'ZOO- 1100- A ., ... A PROFILE.. OF E.ME.R.GECY SPILLWAY I -\100 -1000 900 10' z 0 ~ > uJ _J uJ 1- uJ w ll. ~ z 0 1&00- 14oo-- _r~~RMAL.. ";!AX.. W.[. E.LI4l:>O EL.I465' V200 ---·· COUPLING -~-~ / ' GROUND SURFACE. / ~--<ORIGINAL.. -~, / /' ~ IIOO---- 1500- 1400- ·~=- Gl ul 1'200 --- 1100 - 1000 - 900 - 800- -IEOO -1400 -1300 -IWO -1100 -1000 -'100 -1300 '900- STEEL.. 800- POWER FACILITIES PROFILE. fNORMAL.. MAX. W.L... EL-.1450' ,.._.:---------... ""'· M•x <W~ a •''l ( EL • .,~ I 0<1..~/ '~ ONE UNIT OPERATING LINING- oo' APPRO><- STOPLOG GUIOES sTOPLOG GUIDES T>!RUST P.>LOCK. 1-1500 ---.. -··-· ~ ~ z 0 1450- ~ \E>SO-~ Ill SECT! ON Tl-lRU DIVERSION TUNNEL EMSRGE.>.ICY 5F'ILLWA"{ i>.etJTMENT /' , SECTION A·A SE.CTION B-B PLATE 8.3 DEVIL CANYON ARCI-l GRAVITY DAM SCI-IE.ME 5E.CTIONS 9 -STRESS ANALYSIS 9.1 -General Preliminary analyses were carried out on the thin arch and gravity arch designs. The analyses were based on a finite element analysis as incorporated into the Arch Dam Analysis Program (ADAP) developed at Berkeley from the widely used SAP finite element analysis program. The program divides the dam into five shells, the two external faces and three internal shells, and stresses are calculated at points on a grid system running parallel to the shells. For the purpose of this initial phase of the study a coarse grid was used in order to reduce the cost of computer time. The degree of accuracy of the output suffices for a preliminary determination of stresses, but for a more detailed analysis, particularly of stresses close to the dam foundations and abutments where use of a coarse grid induces large distortions in the results, a much finer mesh will be necessary. Stresses caused by the following combinations of loads were examined: (1) Hydrostatic loads+ self weight of the dam (2) Hydrostatic + self weight + temperature (3) Hydrostatic+ self weight+ earthquake parallel to dam axis (4) Relative displacement of the dam abutments caused by earthquake Temperatures within the concrete mass were based on a consideration of the dam as a semi-infinite solid subject to harmonically varying temperatures at the surface. 9.2 -Design Criteria Dam crest elevation Water surface elevation Deformation modulus of rock Elasticity modulus of concrete Poisson's ratio for rock Concrete density Concrete compressive strength at 365 days Allowable concrete compressive stress Allowable concrete tensile stress Allowable concrete tensile stress (extreme loadings) Minimum ambient temperature during grouting Mean annual ambient temperature Mean January ambient temperature Mean January reservoir temperature -1455 ft MSL -1450 ft MSL 1 .s x 1 o6 psi -3.6 x 106 psi -0.25 -155 lbs/ft2 -4,500 psi -1,500 psi -150 psi -500 psi -+370F -+28 .. 9°F -+44°F -+32oF over upper 50 ft, +390F below 70 ft Earthquake induced stress based on response spectrum for the 1952 Hast earthquake in California. Maximum ground motion acceleration -O.Sg Relative movement of abutments in lateral direction base assumed hinged (x -displacement) 1-1/2 in. 9-1 Relative movement of abutments in longitudinal direction (z -displacement) 9.3 -Stresses -1-l/2 in. Stresses and displacements for the thin arch dam under loading conditions (1) and (2) are given on Plates A.l and A.2 in Appendix A. Stress distributions across the face of the dam and within four typical cantilever and arch sections are illustrated. Figure A.l to Figure A.4 in Appendix A illustrates stresses along the faces of the upstream crown cantilever and crown arch sections under 1oading condition (3). Stresses and displacements for 1oading conditions similar to the thin arch are given for the gravity arch dam in Appendix B on Plates B. 1 and B~2 together with crown stresses for differential movement of the abutments. Crown cantilever stresses under lbading condition 4 for a relative 1-1/2 inch lateral displacement of the abutments and for a relative 1-l/2 inch longitudinal displacement are given for an arch gravity dam in Appendix B. Figures B.l to B.6. Maximum stresses for the various loading conditions are given in Table 9. 1. 9.4 -Conclusions Under hydrostatic and gravity loadings stresses are generally within acceptable limits for both dams, the only exception being a 156 psi tensile arch stress in the thin arch dam. Under temperature 1oadings combined with hydrostatic and gravity loadings, compressive stress is acceptable but high tensile stress (up to 615 psi in the case of the thin arch) exists on the downstream face. Both tensile and compressive stresses are higher for the thin arch dam. In both the above loading cases, distributions of the arch stresses between the left and right sides of the dams are uneven. Tension predominates over the downstream face of the lower arches and, in the case of the thin arch, is evident in the downstream face of the crown cantilever. Displacements of the gravity arch and thin arch dams are up to 3 inches and 4 inches respectively under temperature loadings. Seismic loadings cause tensi1e stresses of up to 1,230 psi in the downstream face of the gravity arch crown cantilever. In the case of the thin arch dam the arch tension rises to 850 psi on the downstream face. 9-2 TABLE 9.1: MAXIMUM STRESSES IN PROPOSED CONCRETE DAM TYPES AT DEVIL CANYON Gravity Arch loading Conditions Cantilever Face Arch face Cantilever a) Hydrostatic + gravity +590 psi intrados +504 psi extrados +500 psi -8 psi extrados -102 psi intrados -60 psi b) Hydrostatic + gravity + temp. +372 psi intrados +625 psi extrados +607 psi -180 psi intrados -436 psi intrados -465 psi *c 1 ) Hydrostatic+ gravity + +1100 psi intrados +622 psi intrados +1020 psi earthquake (earthquake acting d/s) -1150 psi extrados -740 psi extrados -820 psi *c 2 ) Hydrostatic + gravity + +1620 psi extrados +1780 psi extrados +1210 psi earthquake (earthquake acting u/s) -1230 psi intrados -148 psi intrados -820 psi d1) 1.5 inch relative lateral +750 psi intrados +60 psi extrados movement of abutments -400 psi extrados -45 psi intrados d2) 1.5 inch relative downstream +3600 psi intrados of abutments Note: Stresses shown are at predetermined nodes on grid which does not extend to dam crest or abutments. finer mesh would be required to obtain stress values in these areas. * Crown section only. Thw face extrados extrados extrados intrados intrados extrados extrados intrados Arch Arch face +969 psi extrados -156 psi intrados +1188 psi extrados -615 psi intrados +1472 psi intrados -740 psi extrados +2428 psi extrados -850 psi intrados -denotes tension + denotes compression 10 -CONCLUSIONS 10.1 -Considerations From a review of existing dams throughout the world and the analyses carried out on the preliminary geometry developed for the thin arch and arch gravity dams a number of significant factors emerge which influence the decision of whether to continue with analysis of an arch dam at Devi 1 Canyon. -The physical dimensions of an arch dam at Devil Canyon are well within world experience in terms of height, width and height/width ratio. -Stresses within the dam caused by a full reservoir and the dam self weight are acceptable for both dams. -Under low temperature conditions tensile stresses exist on the downstream side of the dam. These stresses can be reduced in the lower arches by increasing the rise or overall angle of the arches, and in the cantilever by inclining the cantilever further downstream. The uneven distribution of stresses between the left and right sides of the dam can be improved by adopting a two center configuration resulting in different arch radii on each side of the dam axis. -The major causes of concern are stresses under earthquake loading, particular- ly for ground motion do\rmstream, with resultant stresses acting in an upstream direction. Under this latter condition the dams are subjected to loading in . the opposite direction from that of the normal load condition of full reser- voir for which they are primarily designed. Whereas loads in a downstream direction can be accommodated by adjusting the dam geometry, it is more difficult to design for upstream loadings where an overall tensile effect is produced within the dam. It is to be noted, however, that the vertical construction joints within the dam will open under tension, causing a relaxa- tion of the arches and redistribution of stress to the cantilevers. Adjust- ments in the geometry can be made to reduce these cantilever stresses. The analysis which has been undertaken does not cater for this cracking and redis- tribution of load, and a different approach will have to be taken in future calculations. High seismic loadings have been experienced by the Pacoima and Vidraru -Arges dams with minimal damage to the structures. Although the Pacoima dam is 372 feet high, as opposed to 635 feet for Devi 1 Canyon, it is ·interesting to note that the dam was not severely damaged after earthquake loading resulting from a ground acceleration of probably 0.6 -O.Sg at the site. It is significant that stresses under seismic loads are greater in the gravity arch than in the thin arch dam. This enhanced effect of the ground acce 1 erat ion is caused by the greater inertia of the more massive dam. -From the information available to date from field investigations, the rock at the site is adequate for the foundation of a concrete arch dam. No discontin- uties are apparent at the site that would preclude such a dam on the basis of either stability or water-tightness within the foundation and abutments. AlASKA RESOURCES. LIBRARY U.S. ~ of the htterlor 10-1 10.2 -Conclusion It is anticipated that additional study of the arch dam under seismic loading will dispel any reservations relating to its behavior as discussed above. Sub- ject to much more intensive investigation of the local geology and the confirma- tion of sound abutment and foundation conditions, it is apparent that an accept- able design for either a thin arch or arch gravity dam can be derivea capable of withstanding hydrostatic, self weight and temperature-induced stresses. Im- provements can be made in the dam geometries such as aligning it more perpen- dicular to the canyon, increasing the rise of the lower arches, inclining the cantilever sections more steeply downstream, and adopting a two center configur- ation. With these adjustments and the correspondingly improved behavior of the structure it is concluded that either a thin arch or an arch gravity dam will be feasible at Devil Canyon. These two dam types will be studied under Subtask 6.07-Preliminary Watana Dam Alternatives. 10-2 BIBLIOGRAPHY· (1) Mermel, T.W., 11 Major Dams of the World", International Journal of Water Power and Dam Construction, November 1979, pp. 95-105. (2) Schnitter, N.J., 11 The Evaluation of the Arch Dam 11 , International Journal of Water Power and Dam Construction, September and October, 1976. {3) Priscu, R., 11 The Behavior of Romanian Dams During the Vrancea Earthquake of March 4, 1977 11 , Intern at i anal Congress on Large Dams, New Delhi, 1979. (4) Swanson, A.A., and Sharma,.R.P., 11 Effects of the 1971 San Fernando Earthquake on the Pacoima Arch Dam 11 , International Congress on Large Dams, New Delhi, 1979. {5) Lewis, L. T., 11 Auburn Dam -World's Longest Arch Dam 11 , Journal of the Power Division -ASCE, October 1972, pp. 293-313. (6) 11 Thin Arch Ruled Out for Auburn Dam?11 , World Water, January 1979. 11 Auburn Parameters Approved as Quake Rocks Californian, ~Jorld Water August 1979. (7) 11 Auburn Choice Narrowed to Two 11 , World Water, June 1980. (8) Portland Cement Association, 11 Auburn Dam-1979 11 , material from presentation to Commission of the Water and Power Resource Service, November 1979. (9) Graham, J.R., Legas, J., and Lindhold, E.A., 11 Half Century of USSR Arch Dam Construction .. , Journal of the Construction Division -ASCE, June, 1975, pp. 281-299. (10) 11 First Power Starts at Soviet 1 s Record Arch; End in Site 11 , Engineering News Record, December 14, 1979, pp. 24-25. (11) Housnen, G.W., and Scott, R.F., 11 Earthquake Considerations in Dam Design 11 , International Journal of Water Power and Dam Construction, July 1979, pp. 31-37. {12) Varshney, R.S., "Pre-Design Estimates for Arch Dams 11 , International Journal of Water Power and Dam Construction, February 1979, pp. 51-53. (13) Gallico, A., 11 A Contribution to the Design of Foundation Systems for Arch Dams 11 , Intern at ion a l Journa 1 of Water Power and Dam Construction, October 1974, pp. 323-329. (14) Nulff, J.G., VanOrden, R.C., 11 Evaluati on of the Earthquake Stability of Lower Crystal Springs Dam, California, USA", International Congress on Large Dams, New Delhi, 1979. (15) Herzog, M.A~M., 11 Failure Mechanisms in Dams Subject to Earthquakes 11 , International Journal of Water Power and Dam Construction, August 1980. BIBLIOGRAPHY (Cont 1 d) (16) U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (Alaska District), Devil Canyon Project, Alaska: Report of the Commissioner of Reclamation and Supporting Reports. Juneau, Alaska, March 1961, (Reprint March 1974). (17) Alaska Power Administration, Devil Canyon Status Report, Juneau, Alaska, May 1974. (18) U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers (Alaska District), Hydroelectric Power and Related Purposes: Southcentral Railbelt Area, Alaska Upper Susitna River Basin-Interim Feasibility Report, Anchorage, Alaska, 1975. (19) U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers (Alaska District), Hydroelectric Power and Related Purposes: Southcentral Railbelt Area, Alaska Upper Susitna River Basin -Supplemental Feasibility Report, Anchorage, Alaska, 1979. APPENDIX A STRESSES IN THIN ARCH DAM ADAP RESULTS~ SUSITNA THIN ARCH DAM CROWN CANTILEVER STRESSES INTRAOOS * 1 0 i -1 00. 00 -60. 00 -20.00 20.00 60.00 0 0 0 N ..... 0 0 0 N r-'l 0 0 Zo oo -a 1--('11 <- ::;:.- w _jo LL.Jo 0 N 0 0 0 0 N 0'1 100.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N~--~--~--~~--~--~---r--~--~--+N co 00 -1 00.00 -50' DO -20. DO 20.00 50.00 1 00. 00 CANTILEVER STRESS (PSil •10 1 LEGEND: HYORO.+GRAVITY HYO.+GRV.+EQC+0.25GJ HYO.+GRV.+EQ(-0.25GJ HYO.+GRV.+EOC+O.SOGl HYO. +GRV. +EO r-o. 50G) FIGURE AI ADAP RESULTS~ SUSITNA THIN ARCH DAM CROWN CANTILEVER STRESSES EXTRADOS -so.oo -4o.oo o.oo •1 0 1 J.Q.OO 80.00 120-00 0 0 0 C\1 """ 0 0 0 (\J I") 0 0 . .-.. 0 ,_ (\J LJ..N .._, - Zo 00 -a f-N <->- LW .....Jo LWo 0 N 0 0 0 0 N Cl'l 0 0 . 0 0 0 (\J """ 0 0 0 (\J I") 0 0 0 (\J N 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 (\J C"> 0 0 0 0 C\1~--,---~--r-~--~--~--~--~--~---rN CO I CO -so.oo -4o.oo o.oo 40.oo so.oo 12o.oo CANTILEVER STRESS (PSil •10 1 LEGEND~ HYDRO.+GRAVITY HYO.+GRV.+E0£+0.25Gl HYO.+GRV.+E0f-0.25Gl HYO.+GRV.+EQ£+0.SOGJ HYD. +GRV. +EO £-0. SOG) FIGURE A2 ADAP RESULTS: SUSITNA THIN ARCH DAM 0 0 0-100.00 -60.00 N -q- X 0 0 0 rJ I") - 0 0 0 N _.... N f--- LJ... 0 0 z· ao N --f--- <( > wg .....J w~ 0 - 0 0 0 N m 0 0 0 (\1 co -100.00 -60.00 LEGEND: CROWN ARCH STRESSES INTRAOOS •1 0 I -20.00 20.00 60.00 iOO.OO .t. m -20.00 20.00 60.00 100.00 ARCH STRESS (PSI) •1 0 1 HYDRO.+GRAVITY HYD. +GRV. +EO C+O. 25G) HYO.+GRV.+EOC-0.25G) HYD. +GRV. +EO C+O. SOG) HYO.+GRV.+EOC-0.50G) 0 0 140.00 0 N -q- + 0 0 0 N n 0 0 0 N N - 0 0 0 N - 0 0 0 N 0 - 0 0 0 ('J m 0 0 0 N 1<10.00 co FIGURE A3 AOAP RESULTS: SUSITNA THIN ARCH DAM 0 0 0-90.00 -30.00 N .,. + 0 0 0 N l""l - 0 0 0 N .-..N ~--- lJ... 0 ·o z. ao N --1-- < >o Wo ....J U.JO N 0 - 0 0 0 ("'J "' 0 0 0 N 00 -90.00 -30.00 CROWN ARCH STRESSES EXTRADOS • 1 0 1 30.00 90.00 !50.00 & 30.00 90.00 150.00 210.00 210.00 ARCH STRESS CPS I) •1 0 1 LEGEND: HYDRO.+GRAVITY HYO.+GRV.+EOC+0.25Gl HYO.+GRV.+EOC-0.25G) HYO.+GRV.+EOC+O.SOG) HYO.+GRV.+EOC-O.SOGl 0 0 21o.go N .,. 0 0 0 N l""l - 0 0 0 N N - 0 0 0 N - 0 0 0 N 0 - 0 0 0 N Cil 0 0 0 N 00 2!0.00 FIGURE A4 DOWNSTREAM +552 ~ +910 +18+483 +29 ;..:::...------>:::i69 +825 -30 '><.. -130 +~aj fs .. I +140 +844 +993 +840 +497 -60 --+298 .. I PRINCIPAL STRESSES +839 ARCH STRESSES UPSTREAM .. 2 .. 3 +l2 *+663 + 93* +380 +283 ;<108 .. 4 EL.I455' +242 .x-+58 EL. 1115' EL. 960' EL. 820' EL. 1275' EL.III5' EL. 960' EL. 820' STRESS UNITS ' P. S. I. LOADING CONDITION SECTION 1-1 -DEAD LOAD OF CONCRETE (UNJOINTED DAM ) -WATER PRESSURE WITH RESERVOIR LEVEL AT EL. 1450 FT. +188 SECTION 3-3 SECTION 2-2 CANTILEVER STRESSES .017 .018 DISPLACEMENTS ( FT.) EL. 1455' EL. 1365' EL. 1195' SECTION 4-4 EL. 1037' EL. 890' EL. 820' PLATE A-J DEVIL CANYON THIN ARCH DAM STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS DOWNSTREAM -162 +417 X -142. !)382 -114 ..-"'\ -¥158 +682 -397 X, ~20 -107 +..25 -332 X -339 &+I PRINCIPAL STRESSES +950 ARCH STRESSES UPSTREAM &+2 &+3 +y374 &+4 EL.I455' +1~+162 EL. 1275' 1+4 +277 EL. Ill 5' EL. 960' EL. 820' _----=::EL::.:·...:_I4_:_:5:.:5:_' ____ -.002 EL.III5' EL. 960' EL. 820' STRESS UNITS' P. S. I. LOADING CONDITION -DEAD LOAD OF CONCRETE (UNJOINTED DAM) -WATER PRESSURE WITH RESERVOIR LEVEL AT EL. 1450 FT. -TEMPERATURES-JANUARY MEAN 4.4°F YEARLY MEAN 28.9°F GROUT TEMP. 37° F PROPERTIES CONCRETE ROCK UNIT WEIGHT 150 lb /ft. 3 MODULUS OF 5. 22 x 10 8 psf 2.61 x 108 psf ELASTICITY POISSON S 0.15 0.25 RATIO SECTION 1-1 SECTION 4-4 EL.I037' SECTION 3-3 SECTION 2-2 CANT I LEVER STRESSES DISPLACEMENTS (FT.) EL. 890' EL. 820 PLATE A-2 I KIR 11--~-u-~A-, r-:-~-A-H-~~-"-~-.-~-~ c-~-"U-, c_T_~-~-oR-:.-TcY_r--11 DEVIL CANYON THIN ARCH DAM STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS O ... T£ DEC. ,1980 1\ APPEI~DIX B STRESSES IN GRAVITY ARCH DAM ADAP RESULTS= SUSITNA ARCH-GRAVITY DAM CROWN CANTILEVER STRESSES IN T RADOS •1 0 1 -I 40. CO -1 00. 00 -60. 00 -20. 00 20. 00 ~o.co 0 0 0 ('\J '<Z" 0 0 0 N r'"l 0 0 . ,.......0 ,__ ('\J LJ....N .__ - Zo oo -a I-('\J <(- >- w _;o Wo 0 ('\! 0 0 0 0 ('J en 100.00 0 0 0 (\j '<Z" 0 0 0 ('\J r'"l 0 0 0 N ("\J 0 0 0 ('\! 0 0 0 ('J 0 0 0 0 ('>J C'l 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~,_--.---~--r-~r-~--~--~---r--~--~--~--~--~('J ~ co -140.00-100.00 -60.00 -20.00 20.00 LEGEND: C ANT I L E V E R S T R E S S ( P S 1) HYORO.+GRAVITY HYD.+GRV.+E0f+Q.25Gl HYO.+GRV.+EOr-Q.25Gl HYO.+GRV.+EOC+O.SOGJ HYO.+GRV.+EOf-O.SOGJ 100.00 FIGURE Bt AOAP RESULTS: SUSITNA ARCH-GRAVITY DAM -120.00 -so.oo 0 0 . 0 <"\1 '<t" - 0 0 . 0 <"\1 I"') 0 0 ....... 0 1-N u_N .._,- Zo oo -a i-N <(- >- lJ..j ......Jo Wo 0 N 0 - 0 0 0 ('\! en 0 0 0 N c;o -120.00 -ao.oo LEGEND: CROWN CANTILEVER STRESSES EXTRADOS •10 1 -40.00 -o.oo 40.00 so.oo -40.00 -o.oo 40.00 80.00 CANTILEVER STRESS (PSI l HYDRO.+GRAVITY HYD.+GRV.+£Q(+0.25Gl HYD.+GRV.+EOC-0.25Gl HYD.+GRV.+EQ(+Q.SOGJ HYD.+GRV.+EOC-O.SOGl •10 1 120.00 160.00 0 0 0 N ..,.. 0 0 0 N !"') 0 0 0 N N 0 0 0 N - 0 0 0 ('J . 0 - 0 0 0 ('J en 0 0 0 N c;o i20.QO i60.QO FIGURE 82 AOAP RESULTS: SUSITNA ARCH-GRAVITY DAM 0 0 CROWN ARCH STRESSES INTRADOS •1 0 1 0 0 20. 00 4.0. 00 60.00 0 0-20.00 o.oo N~--~--~--~~~~--~--~--~--~ ~ 0 0 0 N I"') 0 0 0 N -.. N 1-- ~ 0 0 z· 0~ --1-.::.. -< >a l.J.Jo ~ . l.J.J~ 0 + ('J ~ 0 0 0 N I"') 0 0 0 N N - 0 0 0 N - 0 0 . 0 N 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N 00 00 -20.00 o.oo 20.00 40.00 50.00 .ARCH STRESS (PS 1) •1 0 1 LEGEND: CJ C) ~ + X HYDRO.+GRAVITY HYD.+GRV.+EQf+0.25Gl HYO.+GRV.+EQ(-0.25G) HYD.+GRV.+EQr+Q.SOG) HYD. +GRV. +EO r-o. SOC) FIGURE 83 AOAP RESULTS: SUSITNA ARCH-GRAVITY DAM 0 0 0-80.00 -40.00 N 'I" + 0 0 0 N l"'l 0 0 0 N --. N 1-- l.J.._ ~ z~ I ::~j 1-- <( > LUg ....J LJ.JO N 0 - 0 0 0 N 01 0 0 0 N co -so.oo -40.00 LEGEND: CROWN ARCH STRESSES EXTRADOS • 1 0 1 o.oo 40.00 80.00 120.00 A o.oo 40.00 80.00 120.00 .ARCH STRESS CPS I l *1 0 I HYDRO.+GRAVITY HYO.+GRV.+E0f+0.25Gl HYQ.+GRV.+E0£-0.25Gl HYO.+GRV.+EOf+Q.SOGl HYD. +GRV. +EO r-0. SOG) 0 0 160.00 0 N 'I" 0 0 0 N l"'l 0 0 0 N N - 0 0 0 N - 0 0 0 N 0 - I ~; I 0 0 0 N I co 150.00 FIGURE 84 ADAP RESULTS~ SUSITNA ARCH-GRAVITY DAM a.oo 0 0 0 (\) ~ - 0 0 0 (\J I") 0 0 ,....., . . o ~-~ u...- zo a~ -o 1-('\J <= > w ~0 wo 0 (\J 0 0 0 . 0 N 0'1 50.00 MAX. STRESSES INTRADOS CROWN SECTION 120.00 i80.00 240.00 300.00 360.00 0 0 0 C\1 ~ 0 0 0 (\j ,., 0 0 0 ("'J N 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 N 0 0 r~ I 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~~--~--~--~--~--~--~--r-~~--~--~~~~----r~ 0.00 60.00 iBO.OO 240.00 LEGEND: [!] C) STRESS (PSI) X-DISPLACEMENT Z-DISPLACEMENT FIGURE 85 ADAP RESULTS= SUSITNA ARCH-GRAVITY DAM o.oo 0 0 0 N <:' 0 0 0 ("'J n - 0 0 . o f-~ u..- zo oC: -o f-N <= > LJ...J _JO w': 0 N 0 - 0 0 0 N O'l 0 0 0 N co o.oo MAX. STRESSES EXTRADOS CROWN SECTION 40.00 80.00 i20.00 i60.00 \ 40.00 80.00 i2C.CO i60.00 STRESS r PSI) LEGEND: X-DISPLACEMENT Z-OISPLACEMENT 0 0 0 N "<t" - 0 0 0 N n 0 0 . 0 N N 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 N 0 - 0 0 0 ('J O'l 0 0 0 N co FIGURE 86 DOWNSTREAM UPSTREAM !i+l &+2 &+3 11+4 ~----~--~------~---------,------~-~~ EL. 1455' +34 +385 ~ -36 +314 -51 -74 -+30 ~7 +158 +154 420 ~0 +128 -tz-95 -a '+25 I+ I PRINCIPAL STRESSES EL. 890' ARCH STRESSES +176+380 ~ +94 +113 X +179 ft+45 1+4 EL. 1365' EL. 1275' EL. 1195' EL. 1115' SECTION 4-4 EL.I037' SECTION 3-3 EL. 960' EL.890' EL. 820' SECTION 2-2 EL. 820' SECTION 1-1 CANTILEVER STRESSES EL. 1275' EL. 960' EL. 820' DISPLACEMENTS ( F") STRESS UNITS' P. S. I. LOADING CONDITION -DEAD LOAD OF CONCRETE (UNJOINTED DAM ) -WATER PRESSURE WITH RESERVOIR LEVEL AT EL. 1450 FT. PROPERTIES CONCRETE ROCK UNIT WEIGHT 1501b /ft. 3 MODULUS OF 5. 22 x 10 8 psf 2.61 x 10 8 psf ELASTICITY POISSONS 0.15 0.25 RATIO PLATE B-1 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DEVIL CANYON ARCH GRAVITY DAM STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS 1\ DOWNSTREAM UPSTREAM a+ I +63+624 -50 -12 +95 +619 +128 ~380 -30 .. +89 .. I PRINCIPAL STRESSES EL. 890' ARCH STRESSES -98 +96 +167 EL.III5' +134 EL. 960' EL. 820' STRESS UNITS, P.S. L LOADING CONDITION +21 SECTION 1-1 -DEAD LOAD OF CONCRETE (UNJOINTED DAM) -WATER PRESSURE WITH RESERVOIR LEVEL AT EL. 1450 FT -TEMPERATURES-JANUARY MEAN 4.4°F YEARLY MEAN 28.9°F GROUT TEMP. 3r F PROPERTiES CONCRETE ROCK UNIT WEIGHT 150 lb /ft. 3 MODULUS OF . 5.22 x 10 8 psf 2.61 x 108 psf ELASTICITY POISSON'S 0.15 0.25 RATIO +61 SECTION 3-3 SECTION 2-2 CANTILEVER STRESSES DISPLACEMENTS (FT) EL.I455' EL.II95' SECTION 4-4 EL.I037' EL. 890' EL. 820' PLATE B-2 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYD~OELECTRIC PROJECT DEVIL CANYON ARCH GRAVITY DAM STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS DATE DEC. ,1980