HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA343-...,j = Prepared by: [i] ·-· ...... .f"l..'..... . .I.~ Alaska Resources Library & Inf()rmatton Services Ancl . ..... a..JSka SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT . TASK 8-TRANSMISSION SUBTASK 8.02 CLOSEOUT REPORT ELECTRIC SYSTEM STUDIES MARCH 1982 L..----ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY--~ Tr< !Lf'1 ... 5 . s~ A-1-3 ~------------------------------------------------~~~0. 3~3 Prepared by: [i] SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 8-TRANSMISSION SUBTASK 8.02 CLOSEOUT REPORT ELECTRIC SYSTEM STUDIES MARCH 1982 U.S, ~ant of the Interior ARLIS Alaska Resources Library & Information Services And w , ·A..J.ska L..-----ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY __ __. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES -----------------------------------ii LIST OF FIGURES ------------------------------------iii 1 -INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------- 2 -PLANNING CRITERIA ----------------------------- 3 -ELECTRIC SYSTEM ANALYSES ---------------------- 3.1 -System Configuration ----~--------------- 3.2 -Transmission Line Energizing ------------- 3.3 -Load Flows ------------------------------ 3.4 -Transient Stability Studies ------------- 4 -CONCLUSIONS ----------------------------------- 5 -SUPPLEHENTA.RY STUDIES ENERGY l'1ANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EMS) ---------~----------- 6 -ATTACHt1ENT 1 7 -ATT ACHt1ENT 2 1 - 1 2 - 1 3 - 1 3 - 1 3 - 2 3 - 4 3 - 6 4 - 1 5 - 1 LIST OF TABLES Number 1 2 3 4 Title Transmission Line Energizing System Load Flows Transient Stability Runs VAR Generation During Transient Swings i i LIST OF FIGURES Number Title 1 Railbelt 345 kV Transmission System Single Line Diagram 2 Impedance Diagram 3 Load Flow Diagram 4 Load Flow Diagram 5 Load Flow Diagram 6 Load Flow Diagram 7 Load Flow Diagram 8 Load Flow Diagram 9 Load Flow Diagram 10 Load Flow Diagram 11 Load Flow Diagram 12 Transient Stability Swing Curves 13 Transient Stability Swing Curves 14 Transient Stability Swing Curves 15 Transient Stability Swing Curves 16 Transient Stability Swing Curves 17 Transient Stability Swing Curves 18 Transient Stability Swing Curves 19 Transient Stability Swing Curves iii 1-I1HkODUCTION Electric system studies were started in June 19~0 to examine the transmission requirements associated with Susitna generation. The object of this work was to arrive at a system configuration that would ensure the reliable and economic transmission of Susitna generation to the Anchorage and Fairbanks load centers. The scope of work was defined in Subtask 8.D2 and in mid-1981 a draft Planning Memorandum was prepared, entitled ~Preliminary Transmission System A n a l y s i s 11 • T h i s m em o r an d u m e s t a b l i s h e d s y s t e m c o n f i g u r at i o n , transmission voltage and conductor sizes, on the basis of the transmission distances, and site capability as they were known at that time. In the intervening period, subsequent to the Planning Memorandum, site capability and generator unit sizes have become finally established and the energizing studies, load flows and stability runs have been repeated using these latest system parameters. The results of these system studies are presented in this report as confirmation of the basic system design and to illustrate the system performance under extreme conditions. Details of the technical and economic analyses are given in the Planning Memorandum which is attached to this report as ATTACHr1Ei:T 2. 1-l 2 -PLANNING CRITERIA The planning criteria were detailed in Appendix A of the Planning Memorandum. At that time the criteria included references to the possible use of single-pole reclosing in the event that this might be found necessary. However, since the system has been found to be stable for the design (3-phase) fault with 3-pole switching, the planning criteria have been reissued, deleting all references to single-pole switching. This has been done to eliminate possible confusion regarding the protective relaying requirements for the system. These updated transmission planning criteria are given below. In general, transmission facilities are planned so that the single contingency outage of any line or transformer element will not result in restrictions in the rated power transfer, although voltages may be temporarily outside of normal limits. The proposed guidelines concerning power transfer capability, stability, system performance limits, and thermal overloads are detailed below. (a) Transmission. System Transfer Capability The transmission system will be designed to be capaole of transmitting the maximum generating capability of the Susitna Hydroelectric Proj~ct with the single contingency outage of any line or transformer element. The sharing of load between the Anchorage and Fairbanks areas is approximately 80 and 20 percent respectively. To account for the uncertainty in future development, the transmission system shall allow for this load sharing to vary from a maximum of 85 percent at Anchorage to a maximum of 25 percent at Fairbanks. 2-1 (b) Stability The transmission system will be checked for transient stability at critical stages of development. The system is to be designed to have at least two parallel circuits in every section to allow for peak power transfer capability under single-contingency outage conditions. Faults will be cleared with multiphase switching and delayed reclosing. The design fault for transient stability analysis will be a 3-phase fault cleared in 80 ms (4.~ cycles) by the local breaker and lOU ms (6.0 cycles) by the remote breaker, with no reclosing. (c) System Energizing Line energizing initially and as part of routing switching operations will generate some dynamic overvoltages. System design should be arranged to keep these overvoltages within the following limits. Line open-end voltages at the receiving end should not exceed 1.10 per unit on line energizing. Following line energizing, switching of transformers and VAR control devices at the receiving end should bring the voltage down to 1.5 per unit or lower. Initial voltages at the energizing end should not be reduced below 0.90 per unit. Final voltages at the energizing end should not exceed 1.05 per unit. 2-2 -The step change in voltage at the energizin9 end of the line should not exceed the following values (i) 15 percent with only one generating unit operating at Watana (to represent a temporary condition during the early stage of commissioning of the Susitna project) (ii) 10 percent with two units operating at Watana (to represent a slightly longer-term condition early in the development of Susitna) (iii) 5 percent with 1,020 MW of generating capacity operating at Susitna. {d) Load Flow System load flows will be checked at critical stages of development to ensure that the system configuration and component ratings are adequate for normal and emergency operating conditions. The load levels to be checked will include peak load and minimum load (assumed 50 percent of peak) to ensure that system flows and voltages are within the 1 imits specifiea oelow. -Normal system flows must be within all normal thermal limits for transformers and lines, and should give bus voltages on the EHV system within +5 percent, -10 percent, and at subtransmission buses within +5 percent, -5 percent. -Emergency system flows with the loss of one system element must be within emergency thermal limits for lines and transformers (20 percent 0/L). Bus voltages on the EHV system should be within +5 percent, 2-3 -10 percent, and at subtransmission buses within +5 +5 percent, -10 percent. (e) Corrective Measures Where limiting performance criteria are exceeded, system design modifications will be applied that are considered to be most cost effective. Where conditions of low voltage are encountered, for example, power factor improvement would be tried. Where voltage variations exceed the range of normal corrective transformer tap change, supplementary VAR generation and control would be applied. Where circuit and transformer thermal limits are about to be exceeaed, additional elements would be scheduled. (f) Power Delivery Points For study purposes, it will be assumed that when Susitna generation is fully developed (i.e., to 1,620 MW), the total output will be delivered to terminal stations as follows. -Fairbanks -one station at ~ster with transformation from EHV to 138 kV. -Anchorage -one or two stations with transformation from EHV to 230 kV or 138 kV for CEA and 115-kV supplies to MEA and MAL&P. The provision of intermediate switching stations along the route may prove to be economic and essential for stability and operating flexibility. Utilization of these switching stations for tne supply of local load will be examined, but security of supply to Anchorage and Fairbanks will be given priority consideration. 2-4 3 -ELECTRIC SYSTEM ANALYSES 3.1 -System Configuration The selected system configuration consists entirely of 345-kV ac transmission circuits as detailed below Line Section Watana to Devil Canyon 26 Devil Canyon to Fairbanks 195 Devil Canyon to Willow Willow to Knik Arm K n i k Ar rn Crossing* Knik Arm to University Substation *Submarine Cable 84 40 4 18 Number of Circuits 2 2 3 3 3 3-1 Voltage t k v ) 345 345 345 345 345 345 Number and Size of Conductors 2 X 954 2 X 9 54 2 X 954 2 X 954 1 X 20Q(J 2 X 1351 The system single-line diagram, giving the line configuration and switching station arrangements is shown in Figure 1. This drawing also gives the staging of transmission circuits and terminal equipment from the initial to the ultimate installation. The system impedance diagram is given in Figure 2, with all impedances and line charging expressed in per unit on 100 MVA base. The ratings of generators, transformers, reactors and dynamic VAR sources are given in MW, and MVA. All ratings given are for the ultimate Susitna development. Generation that is assumed to be running in the Anchorage area includes sufficient spinning reserve to cover the loss of the largest unit at Susitna. Ratings of all VAR equipment were determined in the studies of line energizing, load flow, and transient stability. The results of these studies are discussed in the following subsections. 3.2 -Transmission Line Energizing Line energizing studies were carried out to ensure that voltage rises and VAR flows were within acceptable limits at each stage of development. The results of these studies are summarized in Table 1 and they give rise to the following conclusions. -Devil Canxon -Fairbanks This line section is 195 mi in length and a 75 MVAR reactor is required on the Fairbanks end o each circuit or line energ1z1ng. In the early years, even with the reactor in place, the system voltage should be reduced to 90 percent beore energizing the line. Althoug~ this is a line reactor normally switched with the line, it is proposed to provide reactor switching as well so it may be removed if necessary 3-2 be removed if necessary during emergency heavy line loading conditions. This is regarded as an economic alternative to the provision of an additional 75 MVAR of VAR generation at airbanks. -Devil Canyon -Willow This line section is 84 mi in length and it can be switchea with no line reactor. As in the case of the Fairbanks 1 ine, the voltage at Devil Canyon shoula be reauced before energizing the line. -Willow -Anchorage This is a short secton, comprising 40 m of overhead line plus 4 mi of submarine cable at the receiving end of the section. The shunt capacitance associated with the submarine cable has an adverse efect on lne energizing voltages and a line reactor is needed on the Anchorage end of each cable section. A reactor size of 30 MVAR is sufficent to control energizing voltages. In addition, in the early years it is necessary to reduce the system voltage at Willow down to 9c percent o normal before line energizng. Line energizing must be done with reasonable care n the early years while short circut levels are low. System voltages need to be reduced as low as possible before swtching is done in order to minimize the overvoltage resulting from line pick-up. Even when tnis is done, the overvoltage resulting at the sending end is seen by all parts of the system that are connected at that time. The situation improves as installed generation and short circuit levels increase, but in the initial years, since 3-3 line switching will result in noticeable voltage fluctuations, it is expected that line switching operations would be carried out as infrequently as possible. 3.3 -Load Flows A number of load flows were simulated to ensure that equipment ratings were adequate to cover the range of operating ~onditions that could be anticipated. The load flow diagrams are given in Figures 3 to 11 and Table 2 gives an index to these flows along with significant data regarding bus voltages and required VAR support at each load bus. In summary, the conditions examined were -initial light load conditions with two circuits to Anchorage and two circuits to airbanks -intermediate peak load conditions, with 1,020 MW of generation at Susitna, before commissioning the thira circuit to Anchorage -ultimate maximum output from Susitna at 1,~17 MW with a range of load distributions, namely (a) 85 percent of Susitna output transm1ttea to Anchorage (i) system normal (ii) emergency outage of one line section between Devil Canyon and Willow (b) 25 percent of Susitna output transmitted to Fairbanks (i) system normal (ii) emergency outage of one circuit between Devil Canyon and Fairbanks 3-4 (c) Susitna output transmitted 80/20 percent to Anchorage/ Fairbanks load centers, with system normal -the expected maximum output from Susitna at 1,668 MW with extreme ranges of load distributions, i.e. (a) 85 percent of output to Anchorage, 15 percent to Fairbanks (iJ system normal (ii) emergency outage of one circuit between Uevil Canyon and Willow (b) 75 percent of output to Anchorage, 25 percent to Fairbanks (iJ system normal (ii) emergency outage of one circuit between Uevil Canyon and Fairbanks. In general, the load flows demonstrate that the transmission system is capable of handling the full range of steady state conditions that are considered possible at this stage of planning. Added to the uncertainty of the load split between Anchorage and airbanks (ranging from 85/15 percent to 75/25 percent) is the possibility that an additional 15 percent will be availaole at Susitna because o favorable hydraulic conditions. All of these extreme cases have been simulated and all are within the system capability with single contingency outages. In three of the extreme cases, the required VAR support at the load centers results in transformer loadings in excess of the nominal rating of the tertiary windings. This is not considered serious as tnese are extreme situations which could be anticipated in time to arrange for the addition to VAK support as needed in the subtransmission system. 3-5 In order to get a check on the static VAR controller (SVC) ratings needed to meet system voltage requirements, two additional emergency cases were run with Suitna generating to its normal (Nameplate) maximum. These cases have been shown on Table~. and the required continuous VAR output at all three locations is within the nominal rating of the transformer tertiary windings. 3.4 -Transient Stability Studies A series of transient stability studies were carried out to confirm system recovery following the design fault and fault clearing.* These studies examined the system operating at the full nameplate rating of 1,668 MW and also at 15 percent additional output (1,917 MW) which may be possible under favorable hydraulic conditions. The studies considered the expected 80/20 percent load distribution between Anchorage and Fairbanks and also the extreme cases of 85/15 percent and 75/25 percent. Since, at this stage of planning, generation inertia constants are not known, the studies included a range of 11 H11 constants (3.0, 3.5, 4.0) that would be appropriate for the generator sizes and speeds being considered. An additional factor which is significant to stability is unknown at this time. This is the character of the load that will be experienced at botn load centers wnen the system approaches the design loading in the early 2000 1 s. It is assumed that at the peak period heating and lighting (constant impedance or static loads) would account for most *The design fault is a 3-phase fault, cleared in 80 MS by the local breaker and in 100 MW by the remote circuit breaker. 3-6 of the system load, followed by rotational load lconstant MVA, or dynamic) and synchronous load in decreasing order of importance. The· transient stability runs which are presented in this report are summarized in Table 3. The table shows the range of system parameters that were examined in the runs and it also lists the extreme values of static VAR controller outputs that were encountered throughout the transient swing. The latter are used as an indication of the transient VAR capability that is needed to ensure stable operation. Swing curves are shown in Figures 12 to 19 inclusive, and the conclusions from these curves and from other runs as well are discussed below. The system is considered to be transiently stable if it survives the first swing. It is assumed that damping provided by properly adjusted control elements would control subsequent oscillations except in the case of synchronous motor loads which are not a significant portion of the total load. At the ultimate maximum Susitna output of 1,917 MW, swing curves, Figures 12, 13, 14 and 15 illustrate conditions that are judged as being stable. Generally speaking, as the character of the loads is changed from 80 percent static and 20 percent dynamic to 60 percent static and 40 percent dynamic, a higher inertia constant is needed to ensure stable operations. When the inertia (H) constants are reduced to 3.0 the system is unstable even for 100 percent static load representation. At the nameplate maximum Susitna output of 1,668 MW, tne system performance is illustrated in 4 swing curves, Figures 16, 17, 18 and 19. As the swing curves show the system is stable for all extremes of load distribution and 3-7 for inertia constants down to 3.0 and dynamic load components as high as 40 percent. In two of the swing curves {18 and 19), where part of the dynamic load has been represented as synchronous load, the synchronous motors have been shown on the curves. The behavior of these synchronous machines, with their lower 11 H11 constant is classic, and they would very likely lose synchronism eventually, following the severe disturbances represented. This is to be expected, and it is not counted as a system failure. In the summary of system stability runs in Table 3, peak values of transient output from the static VA~ controllers havB been listed. These are used in the following section to establish transient VAR ratings that should be specified for this equipment. 3-8 4 -CONCLUSIONS On the basis of the electric system studies that have been carried out, it is concluded that the basic system configuration as arrived at in the preliminary system analysis will provide satisfactory system operation for the expected maximum Susitna output. System transient performance is enhanced by a higher generation 11 H11 constant and values in the range 3.5 to 4.0 are preferred. These should be done to the "natural" value for machines of this size and speed. VAR control equipment which 1s required at Anchorage and Fairbanks load centers is given continuous and short-time ratings as determined by the energizing, load flow, and transient stability studies. These ratings are summarized below, along with a reference to the table in which each limiting rating was established. location Fairbanks Line Reactor svc Anchorage line Reactor s vc s vc Equipment ~ating (MVAR) Rating Voltage No Continuous (lvlax/tvlin) 345 kV 2x 75 138 kV 1x +200/-100 345 kV 3x 30 230 kV 2x +150/-75 115 kV 1x +200/-75 4-1 Short Time (l'~ax/il1in) +300/-100 +200/-75 +300/-75 ~eference Table 1 2.4 1 2.4 2.4 The recommended configuration and system component ratings are considered adequate to handle the magnitude and type of loads that are envisaged at this time. At later stages of project design and implementation, system requirements will be better defined, and component ratings should be confirmed by further study. 4-2 5 -SUPPLEMENTARY STUDIES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EMS) The introduction of Susitna hydroelectric power in the R.ailbelt area will require several hundred miles of transmission lines from the Susitna River basin to An~horage and Fairbanks. In fact, the ultimate development will require approximately 850 mi of transmission, 5 switchyards and 2 hydro generating stations at Watana and Devil Canyon. To operate such an enlarged Railbelt system, a control system or energy management system (eMS) will be required. Studies were conducted by Energy & Control Consultants to determine the system requirements for the EMS control center. The report was prepared jointly with Acres and is appended in i t s e n t i r e t y a s ATTACH~,1ENT 1 -to t h i s do c u me n t . 5-l TABLE 1 : TRANSMISSION LINE ENERGIZING Sending End Line Sect lon Short Receiving Being Length L1ne Wa tan a Ci rcu.lt Init.ial Final Voltage Line End Energ1zed O.H.Line Cable Reactors Generation Level Voltage Volta!i]e Rise Flow Voltage ( ml) (mi) (MVAR) (MW) (MVA) (/un lt) (/unit) (/un lt) (MVAR) (/unit) Devil Canyon 195 0 170 496 0.900 1. 250 0.350 267 I. 356 -Fairbanks 75 170 496 0.900 1. 0 54 0. I 54 99 1 • 06 I 75 340 931 0.950 1.040 0.090 97 I. 04 7 75 680 I, 6 59 0.950 0.999 0.049 89 I. 00 5 75 1 '020 2,246 0.950 0.985 0,035 87 0.992 Dev ll Canyon 84 0 170 496 0.900 1. 0 17 0. I I 7 73 1.033 -will ow 0 340 931 0.950 1 • 0 2 0 0.070 73 I. 03 5 0 680 I, 6 59 0.950 0.988 0.038 69 I. 003 0 I, 020 2,246 1.000 'I. 0 3 2 0.032 75 1. 048 Wlllow 40 4 u 170 410 0.920 1 . I 6 3 0. 24 3 I 37 I. 186 30 170 410 o. 920 I. 07 6 0. 156 82 1. 090 30 340 668 0.950 I. 0 50 0. I 00 78 I. 06 3 30 680 976 0.950 I. 0 16 0.066 73 I. 02 9 30 I, 0 2 0 I. 1 53 0.950 I. 00 5 0.055 7 I I. 0 I 8 TABLE 2: SYSTEM LOAD FLOWS Load Susitna Assumed Load Load Bus VAR Flow Load Generated Distribut1on System Generat1on Figure Year Outeut Anchorage Fairbanks Cond1t1on Anchorage Fa1rbanks Comments (MW) PO (~0 ( 2 30 kV) ( I I 5 kV) 3 1993 85 80 20 Normal -150 -6) -90 Initial Condit ions W.lth m.1n.1rnum generation 4 19 97 1 t 0 20 80 20 Normal 140 48 40 Intermed.1ate cond.1tion -maximum 1 oad with 2 c 1rcuit s to Anchorage 5 I, 917 85 1 5 Normal 177 195* 4) Ultimate maximum generation -full system -85 pel'Cent to Anchorage 6 1 '917 85 1) Emergency 293 220* 87 Ultimate maximum generation - emergency outage Dev 11 Canyon -W.1llow *Ind.lcated VAR generat.1on exceeds the nominal rating of the transformer tert.1ary w.1nd1ng. Table 2 System Load flows -2 load Susitna Assumed Load load Bus VAR flow Load Generated Distribut~on System Generat~on f ~gure Year Outeut Anchorage fairbanks Cond lt ion Anchorage f a~rbanks Comments (MW) (~0 UO) ( 2 30 kV) ( 1 1 5 k v) 7 1,917 75 25 Normal 146 1 29 79 Ult~mate maximum generation -full system -25 percent to fa~rbanks 8 1. 917 75 25 Emergency 158 134 310* Ultimate maximum generation - emergency out age Devil Canyon - fa~rbanks 9 I, 917 80 20 Normal "177 137 66 UltImate maximum generat~on -full system -80/20 percent load sp 1 ~t 10 1,668 85 15 Normal 146 100 25 Nominal maximum generat~on -full system -85/15 percent load split Table 2 System Load Flows -3 Load Sus J.t na Assumed Load Load Bus YAH flow Load Generated Distribul1.on System GeneratJ.on Figure Year Outeut Anchorage fair banks Condition Anchor age Fairbanks Comments (MW) on (%) (230 kV) ( I I 5 k v) I, 668 05 1 5 Emergency 199 130 39 Nominal maximum generation - emergency outage Dev 11 Canyon Willow 11 I, 668 75 25 Normal I I 6 54 70 Nominal maximum generation -full system -75/25 percent load split I, 668 75 25 Emergency I 16 61 200 Nominal maximum generation - emergency outage Dev ll Canyon - Falfbanks TABL£ 3: TRANSIENT STABILITY RUNS Fault at Oevd* Canyon 34 5 kV Load Base Load Characterist1cs Hydro Bus -Circuit Sustina D1str ibut wn Load Constant Constant "H" Swing Cleared From Outeut Anchorage Fairbanks Flow lm~edance MW and MVAR S~nchronous Constant Curves Devil Can~on to - (MW) (~0 (~.;) (Figure) (%) (%) (%) (Figure) I, 917 85 15 5 80 20 3.5 12 Willow 1 '917 80 20 9 70 30 3.5 13 Willow 1' 917 80 20 9 60 40 4.0 14 W1llow I, 917 80 20 9 60 40 4.0 15 Faubanks I ,668 85 15 10 60 40 3.0 16 Willow I ,668 85 15 10 60 40 3.5 17 W1llow I ,668 as 15 10 60 30 10 3.5 18 W1llow I ,668 75 25 II 60 30 10 .3. 5 19 F aubanks *The design fault 1s a 3-phase fault, cleared by the local breaker 1n 80 ms and by the remote breaker 1n 100 ms. TABLE 4 -VAR GENERATION Dli.RING TRANSIENT SWINGS Swing* Transient VAR limits Curve Anchorage F ~sure 230 kV 11 ~ kV F a~rbanks (Max) Ohn) (Max) (M~n) (Max) (Min) 1 2 +372 -26 +281 -31 +20~ -43 1 3 +348 -26 +271 -3 2 +2 1 1 -4 3 14 +331 -21 +2~9 -26 +302 -37 1 ~ +224 -38 +174 -38 +213 +7 4 16 +2~7 -8 +197 - 1 ~ +132 -28 17 +222 -2 +171 -9 +1 14 -2 2 18 +328 -63 +266 -~~ +187 -63 1 9 +264 -46 +200 -4~ +300 +48 *Deta~ls of transient stabil~ty runs are given ~n Table 3. .--1 I I i I 4CMI . .....-----------, <If-'~ jl ' ' L SUBMARlNE CABLE II ! UNDER KNIK ARM· A I •If-'~ L_ --- 75 MVA T 345-IISKV IS MI. KNIK ARM --, I I I i I WILLOW UNIVERSITY (ANCHORAGE) l5C '-"~'A ~ ........J...... 2.50 MVA ~j~;,,BKV rm.!; l nJ TT I STATIC VAR f COMPENSATOR '-------'-~-----' .------:!:.~ CHVSACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION T~}t~~ ~;;;, .. v .l. .l. '-r' •t I I 'T' I ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL LIGHTS POWER ~----~-----~ --it-{}-- 26 Ml, I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 6 • 170 MW UNITS WATANA RAILBELT 345 KV TRANSMISSION SYSTEM SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM ESTER '•AIR BANKS) .DEVIL CANYON STAGING LEGEND 199~ ---2002 FIGURE I ~-----· ~-,--~-----------··~-··-------·------------~~--'--' ·--•b;..,;--;-.o.......:......__.!"-_.,~--- 345 KV WILLOW 40 MI. 84 MI. R=O.OOI9 X=0.020! 8=0.33275 R =D.00398 X= 0.04222 B=O. 69877 ::;: co . R•O.OO!S X=0.0201 8=0.33275 R= 0.0019 X=0.0201 B= 0.33275 -""'' "'., ... 0 "'"' 0 o., 0 q-: ~ ~~ 0: X <Il R =.0.00398 X =0 04222 B = 0.69877 8=0.69877 345 KV I 15 KV ------~--~------------~------~---{301 345 KV CEA 1000 MVA "' 0 0 d :l< UNIVERSITY + 300/-150 CONTINUOUS + 400/-150 SHORT TIME -r---+--._,-{201 230 KV 250 MW ... CD 0 :1:., -,60 i ~~ I() 6 en , " -<Il "' ~ 0 " "' .... ... "' 500 <D "' 0 6 " X MVA SVC + 200/-75 CONTiNUOUS + 300/-75 SHORT TIME -..j...-...(702 115 KV AMLP BRADLEY LAKE 1303 MVA ... i\i "' "' CD "' 0 ::;:0 ~~ it "' 0 0 0 0:: 345 KV IMPEDANCE D~GRAM 162 MW ~ 138 KV ESTER LEGEND '345 KV e svc NOTES + 200/-100 CONTINUOUS + 300/-100 SHORT TIME GEt<ERATOR TRANSFORMER (2 WINC:NG) TRANSFORMER ( 3 WiND I >.!G ) REACTOR 9US iDENTIFICATION NUMBER STATIC VAR. COMPIONSATOR ALL IMPEDANCES AND LINE CHARG lNG ARE IN :PER UNIT ON 100 MVA BASE. SVC RATINGS ARE IN MVAR . fi(;URE 2 L-------------------~---------------------~~------~--~~------------- 345 KV WILLOW 387 0. 95 L::£.!. :1 ~g f I- KNlK ARM I Z.O 20.0 --- 12.0 20.0 ...,_- 348 345 KV 0.97l=.2:.!_ 748 115 KV 1.00~ ----r-'-----;,....-..L.---,.---{301 345 KV UNIVERSLTY svc ot ~:; CEA ~ ye AMLP _,.---1.:.;;---..(201 230 KV --l--.....(702 115 KV ~t ii ~~ t~ 1.00~ it +~ N. ·~ ~• t-~ gj ~ . t~ 1::: "'' Nl ,: ~t t~ DEVIL ~t h CANYON I~ ;t t~ WATANA ~t f~ -.J..:...--.,...---&.:..--o(391 34 5 KV 1.04~ LOAD FLOW DIAGRAM "' 138 KV 1.01 L::U .STER LEGEND 345 KV GENERATOR t.04l£d_ 0'YY"Y"'\ TRANSFORMER (2. WINDING I ~ 7RANSF'ORMER {3 WINDING) NOTES SUSITNA GENERANON = 85 MW 400 --- 1.01~ svc LOAD DISTRIBUTION = ANCHORAGE 80% FAIRBANKS 2.0% LIGHT LOAD -NORMAL ( 1993 ) REACTOR POWER FLOW ( MW ) VAR ·FLOW BUS VOLTAGE ( PE.R UNIT ) AND ANGLE (DEGREES) BUS IDENTIFICATION N!JMBER STATIC VAR COMPENSATOR FIGURE 3m 387'J--""'"l• 1.01~ ~+ l;\ ~~ I~ ·- ~+ ttJ ~· t~ ~f KNIK ~I +! ARM ' ' ~~ ttJ UNIVERSITY -------345--f<v-~--~--------~­ w I LLOW ~ ro1 LH. 3S4 400 ~--....---- 345 KV ~· +·S! .I 'f 115 KV i.OOL..L!__ ~t +N DEVIL .~ CANYO"J 301 345 KV 2t t~ LOI~ • lo ~~ ,- ~J ~: lw .~ ~t t::: WAT ANA ~t t: ~ CEA it f~ AMLP ....,..----T-----{201 '230 KV 702 115 KV ~t h ~~ t! 097~ 2t t:. "'0~~ ---~-·-----·-~--'- • t: <:.il 391 345 KV ~; 'Wei' -~ _,_ ~I ~f ,. 1.00~ ~STER LEGEND 345 KV 1.03t....!.!:Q_ NOTES SUSITNA GENERAT'!.ON = 1020 MW LOAD DISTRIBUTIOI\I = -ANCHORAGE FAIR!lAN~S e 406 ~ 10 ~ 1.01~ svc 80% 20% PEAK LOAD FL.OW NORMAL ( 1997 ) LOAD FLOW DIAGRAM -· ------l GENERATOR TRANSfORMER {2 WlN-DlNG) TRANSFORMER { 3 WINDiNG ) REACTOR POWER FLOW ( MW ) VAR ·FLOW BUS VOLTAGE (PER UN•T ) AND ANGLE (DEGREES) BUS IDENTIFICATION NUM8ER · STATIC VAR COMPEl'< SA TOR r-1 FIGURE 4 1 A~~~ I ;:'I "t CEA ~· ~t +o t:£ e Nt 345 KV WILLOW ,~ oo1~ ~~ J~ KNiK ~[ -Lt-.~ wT T ARM ~, t~ gl f of '~ "t :g. ~~ 1 .. f• UNIVERSITY :t l!? AMLP 201 230 KV t~ • ~0 : l .:-I.ODLQ&_ ~t !.05U,L r.osli..i._ BRADLEY LAKE 469" ~21 ------ 469 --- lo 521 ---- 301 r 0.95~ 702 .J-:. ,-0.98~ 345 KV 115 KV 345 KV 115 KV ~t :;, N. ~~ .,t :llr ' .... ~~ ' ' J +~ :m ~· .j.m Tm :<I :ll lm ~I ,~ ~~ Nt t~ DEVIL CANYON ::, t WATANA :::t .L I ~I I~ 391 345 KV 1.03~ LOAD FLOW DIAGRAM r.oo~ E:STER 345 K\ l.04l!!:.!_ NDTES LEGEND e 406 - 1.01~ svc SUSITNA GENERATION= 1917 r,IW LOAD DISTRIBUTION : ANCHORAGE 8 5 % FMRBANKS 15 % PEAK LOAD FLOW -NORMAL GENERATOR TRANSFORMER (2 WIN!JI"G) TRANSFORMER (3 WI'IDING) REACTOR POWER FLOW ( MW ) VAR FLOW BUS VOLTAGE (PER UNIT ) AND ANGLE (DEGREES ) BUS IDENTIFICATION 'lUMBER STATIC VAR COMPENSATOR -----------·--· ------------------------~------------------------~-"-'-345 KV WILLOW ~ o.9zUll .~ ...i!!-2- ---++--+- II 17 ••• - ~ 345 KV , .. ~ -~ 57 >07 __.. --~ 37 ~f ~ zo _, I ;)• r· KNiK ARM *t }:; UNIVERSITY 1.04~ •• -4-- I.OSL__!L BRADLEY LAKE 0.99l!__Q:.!_ LOAD FLOW D !A GRAM LOOL...!.!!. ESTER LEGEND NOTES SUSrfNA GENERATtbN: 1917 MW e 406 ~ 1.01 L..!.:..! svc LOAD DISTRIBUTION : .ANCHORAGE 85% l'AIRBANKS I 5% PEAK LOAD FLOW -EMERGENCY GENERATOR TRANSFORMER (2 WINDING) TRANSFORMER (3 WINDING) REACTOR POWER FLOW ( MW ) VIIR FLOW BUS VOLTAGE (PER UNIT ) AND ANGLE (DEGREES ) BUS IDENTIFICATION NUMBER STATIC VAR COMPENSATOR CIRCUIT OUTAGE (CIRCUIT OUTAGE-DEVIl CANYON TO WILLOW ) r=:l FiGURE 6 1Aum 1 ol '~ ~' ~~ +~ ' ' ~t t~ ~J t~ rYY> KNiK ARM UNIVERSITY J.D4Ll.?_ ., - er lc ~, ,~ ~~ :; j.o tm 3L5 K\/ WILLOW til o•• LI_U> n ~+ 407 -4- --+-6 407 ...,._ 407 ------ 453 - ... - 348 345 KV 115 KV 301 345 KV lm .,.. 0.98~ BRADLEY LAKE _.1 .. , ~l t~ ~t .1 t: .. t :li[ 4~ :1 • A' A .. t~ i! l~~ E! DEVIL ' 1~ CANYON ~I 1 .. ;t i~ "" WATANA ,~ 391 345 KV ;j 1..03l_E& LOAD FLOW DIAGRAM LEGEND .345 K\ 8 (YYYY'I rvy-y-, ryyy'"\ ..flTL 406 _______. 10 --++- svc NOTES SUSITNA GENERAT!~ .o 1917 MW :.'', LOAD DISTRIBUTION.~. ANCHORAGE 75 % FAIRBANKS 25 % :~.;-; PEAK LOAD FLOW ";;NOR MAL GENERATOR TRANSFORMER ( 2 W!ND!NG ) TRANSFORMER (3 WINDING) REACTOR POWER FLOW ( MW) VAR FLOW BUS VOLTAGE (PER UNIT ) AND ANGLE (DEGREES ) BUS IDENT!F\CAT!ON NUMBER STATIC VAR COMPENSATOR :g!,! .. KN!K ~~l .. ~t. t" ARM ~r t" 34-5 KV --1• 20 401 -.. , -- 345 KV 115 KV -----...t..----r---(301 345 KV UNIVERSITY AMLP i + 201 230 KV -;-,+ 1 - 2 --(702 I I 5 KV .!j t~ 1.00 tJLQ__ ,0' ., r• Q.99~ 1_05~ •• - ... ... N 1.05~ BRADLEY LAKE LOAD FLOW DIAGRAM .345 KV e ("YYYY\ 406 --10 --HO-" J.OI~ NOTts· SUSITNA GENERATION: lSI? MW LOAD DISTRIBUTION :· ANCHORAG.E ~ ,; ' . FAIRBANKS PEAK LOAD F.LOW -EMERGENCY svc .$ 75 °/o 25% GENERAiOR TRANSFORMER ( 2 WINDING ) TRA~SFORMER (3 WINDING I REACTOR POWER FLOW ( MW ) VAR ·FLOW BUS VOLTAGE (PER UNIT ) AND ANGLE (DEGREES ) BUS IDENTIFICATION NlNBER STATIC VAR COMPENSATOR CiRCUIT OUTAGE (CIRCUIT OUTAGE li'c.DEV.IL CANYON TO ESTER ) j4~ ':<.V \Vl [_LOV\1 i'i' o.g.g.~_r__u~ 438 4Se --r----------------~ "*+- 0 21 4~8 488 ~ ~----------------, o.99GL 345 I<V 115 KV ! 4 :tit~ i. I ~~ + .. ' ----.,...--IL-.-------..1..---..,..---: 301 345 KV UNIVERSITY s.l +s: '"'t , .. 0.9BU2__ ~· 4 ~I -'-" ~· ~- 0.99L=..!:_~ BRADLEY LAKE ~+:1N _i. ' i. ~i ..;..~ §J :i 'l.n I DEVIL ~t t~ CANYON ' ) "' . ~-' ... WATANA ::I "-~ ;- 391 .f. 1.o4 L2e.1 891 ~t 4 1.04l~"" , .. TOi '"" LOAD FLOW DIAGRAM "u 345 KV ESTER 345 KV 8 GENERATOR (Yf""YY\ TRtcNSFDRMER 12 W 1N::>:"'G) ~ TRANSFCR.II.ER { 3 w;~DtNG) 10 --c--. !.DJ L:....! svc NOTES SUSiTNA GENERATIQ:N = 19 17 MW LOAD OISTRIBUTIOfi~'~ ANCHORAGE 80 % !{'·,.fAIRBANKS 20 % PEAK LOAD FLOW!JC NORMAL REACTOR PCWE" ~"LOW ( "'W ) VAR FLOW BUS VO~TAGE (PER UNiT AND ANGLE (DEGREES) BUS lDENTJFiCATtON NUMbER STATIC VAR COMPENSATOR 138 KV 097~ ;T.Lr.L~ -I'¢ T + T !.DOLL!>_ 345 KV 115 KV BRADLEY LAKE LOAD FLOW DIAGRAM ~--- 345 KV NOTES 1-00~~ ESTER LEGENU 8 40. -10 --;-- 1.01~ svc SUSITNA LOAD GENERAt;i(JN ' I 6S8 DISTRIBUTIC)N MW ' ANCHORAGE 8 5 % FAlR8ANKS ! 5 o/o PEAK LOAD FLowC NORMAL TRAI\SF'2.HW.£R TRANSFORMER R~ ACTOR POWER FLOW VAR FLOW (2. Wl"lDING} ( 3 WIN~ING) MW) SUS VOLTAGE ' A~D ANGLE ( ~ PE~ UJ\l1T ) o~GRc.ES) ' .... NUMBER BUS IDENTIFICATI,~N ' STATIC VAR COMPENSATOR FIGURE I.OOL§...2._ I I' ~.I.~ ;;' P' ;!,[ lm ,, ,~ KNiK ARM 345 r<V WIL_LOW ~~ i.OILLQ.,] 396 -,------1--------·-· ...-r-• •·+-.. !..!!_.,.. ~·. !38KV ~ ~I !h LOIL.£.5 ·~ I 3<8 0.93~ 748 l.OOL~ 'f - 345 KV ~~ ~· 115 KV ~· ~I •• • ;l 1 • d ~~~~~ ~l l.m t-i-N] ~~ DEVIL ~· ~~ CANYON ~I ' ----...... ...!.--------J...---.,...--{301 34 5 KV ~I +~ wT ,-UNIVERSITY ~ ~ i~ o ••Ui _., 1 • l ~ WATANA -':! , .. ;;I ,.. , •. ....1!.:..---,....----1..:~--<('39! 345 KV .i 1.04~ CEA *~ l:i: AMLP ·-• A ! 201 230 KV 702 115 KV ~I 1~ ~~ -1-e ~t t:.;r.oo~ ~t lN 1.00~ I~ 'N t= 1.04~ BRADLEY LAKE LOAD FLOW DIAGRAM ;:; 138 KV STER LESENC' 345 KV e GENERATOR rYYYY'> TRA"--SFORMER I 2 W!ND'NG l r-rYY\ rn'V'\ TRANSFORMER (o Wli<D!NG) --"'T\-REACTOR •o• POWER FLOW ( MW) _... 10 VAR FLOW -1.01~ BUS VOLTAGE (PER UNIT ) AND ANGLE (DEGREES} ® BUS IDENTIFICATION NUMBER svc STATIC VAR COMP~NSATOR NOTES SUSITNA GENERA-ICN' I 558 MW LOAD OiSTR~BUTION :. ANCHORAGE 75 °/0 FAIRBANKS 25 % PEAK LOAD FLOW NORMAL SUSITNA GENERATION: 1,917 MW, H = 3.5 sec LOAD DISTRIBUTION: ANCHORAGE 85% LOAD CHARACTERISTIC: STATIC 80% BASE LOAD fLOW: FIGURE 5 FAIRBANKS 15% DYNAMIC 20% FAULT LOCA~ION: DEVIL CANYON, 345 kV CIRCUIT CLEARED: O~VIL CANYON TO WILLOW 0 ;-,,... " • '.)-..J V• 0 0o ~n N u _._j <Co ~ l:t f-ci 0;::: LIJ z 1---f .:,.) D 0 f-N 0;:: 3 0 () ll.J 0 _._j..,. (.!> 2: <( () 0;::0 oc; 1-· "' <( i 0;:: Wo Zo ~ (~ UJ I 0. 8: .... r• LEGEND• iO iJ C.2:) r }0 C."-0 c. so <j. f' 1''1 •.J •.... u ·J. j(J ~.110 c. so <:;TUDY T ANCHORAGE GENERATION BRADLFY LAKE GEN WATANA GENERATION DEVIL CANYON GEN i M[ SYNCI:IRONOUS 0% c.r-..o 0.70 0. FlO Q.7G (SECSl o.to 0.80 TRANSIENT STABILITY SWING CURVES G.YD I .oo 0 () () N 0 0 C) 0 L:l 0 ('J I 0 0 0 ..,. I 0 0 C) "' ' 0 () 0 -tO ' Q,q8 I or· . v FIGURE 12 SUSITNA GENERATION: I , 91 7 MW, H ~ 3. 5 sec LOAD DISTRI.BUTION: ANCHORAGE 80% FAIRBANKS 20% LOAD CHARACTERISTIC: STATIC 70% DYNAMIC 30% BASE LOAD FLOW: FIGURE 9 FAULT LOCATION: DEVIL CANYON 345 kV CIRCUIT CLEARED: DEVIL CANYON TO WILLOW O.G~ 8. I 0 ,.... 'j"\ '.I.'-•J C-30 ::L 40 o.~o ·o .;_) L) c)o r• 0 _j ~(.) t'--"-10 ~ c; w z ...-D 0 •C) 1-~.i 0::: 30 () ~' W c) _j'7 (.')' z <( () o:::o ~~ 0 c) >--({) <(o 0::: Wo :zo LLJ • L')~ I Q.OG !J, I 0 0.2;'J G.JO G. 4Q (,.SO L[GEND: STUDY TIME ANCHORAGE GENERATION BRADLEY LAKE G[N WATANA GENERATION DEVIL CANYON GfN SYNCHRONOUS 0% C.f>C o. 10 o.&o o.so c. 70 0.1)1) (SECSl TRANSIENT STABILITY SWING CURVES 0.90 i .oo () {) 0 "' <> 0 C) () () 0 "' I 0 0 C) '7 I 0 () () ({) () () () (Q I ·c. -~8 i .co FIGURE I~ SUSITNA GENERATION: I, 917 MW, H = 4.0 sec LOAD DISTRIBUTION: ANCHORAGE 80% FAIRBANKS 20% LOAD CHARACTERISTIC: STATIC 60% DYNAMIC 40% BASE LOAD FLOW: FIGURE 9 FAULT LOCATION: DEVIl CANYON 345 kV CIRCUIT CLEARED: DEVIL CANYON TO WILLOW o.oc Q. tO G.JJ c. 30 ,, 40 c. so . () C) L, on r-,J u __l <.o ~o ~ c~ w z -() L) '" C) 1-('J • 0:: :30 0 w c) _,J" 0 z < 0 n::::o 0 c.i I-IV <t:• 0:: Wo Zo l.:.J \.'} ii I o. OC; .G. i .; U~GEND: ['] Q) 'i!. + a.~J (,.30 r 4Q G.SO STUDY TIME ANCHORAG[ GENERATION Eif~ADLFY LAKE GEN WATANA GENERATION DEVIL CANYON GFN SYtlCHRONOUS 0% r, F,C Q,1'Q 0.€0 'J • O.F,C G. 7 0 Q.BO <SECSl TRANSIENT STABILITY SWING CURVES c.·.):) LOG () t) Cl ~, 0 0 () () 0 CJ ('J I C) L)' 0 " I () (J 0 <£! ' {) (> .:_, .(() ' C.:)8 I ,Q(j FIGURE 14 SUSITNA GENERATION: I, 91 7 MW, H = 4.0 sec LOAD .DISTRIBUTION: ANCHORAGE 80% FAIRBANKS 20% LOAD CHARACTERISTIC: STATIC 60% DYNAMIC 40% BASE LOAD FLOW: FIGURE 9 FAULT LOCATION: CIRCUIT CLEARED: L') o.o::; c. i 0 0 .o u <? () __JN 4: 1- 0::: wo :z~ ~c' 1-o • 'J 0::: • C:) 3~J UJ __J .J cni:") ;z. 4: Cj .,. 0::: 0 .-o <': 0::: Cl LU'f ~ (LOG '-') L[GENO: DEVIL CANYON 345 kV DEVIL CANYON TO FAIRBANKS C.-:!0 G.JO 8.40 c. ~Jo Q. 40 G.~o STUDY TIM[ ANCH8RAGE GENERATION BRADLFY LAKE (;[N WATANA GENERATION DEVIL CANYON GFN SYNCHRONOUS 0% 0. F)C 0.70 O.f)C D. 7 0 <SECSJ TRANSIENT STABILITY SWING CURVES o.tc c. ·~a i .oo () ·~ Q a "' 0 () () 0 () 0 <'J I 0 Cl 0 ..,. I 0 () 0 U) I 0.60 G.:.jC: l. 00 FIGURE 15 SUSITNA GENERATION: 1 '668 MW, H ; 3.0 sec LOAD DISTRIBUTION: ANCHORAGE 85% FAIRBANKS 15% LOAD CHARACTERISTIC: STATIC 60% DYNAMIC 40% BASE LOAD FLOW: FAULT LOCATION: CIRCUIT CLEARED: ~:C. QG 0. I 0 C) 0 ·"' 0 u () <) _J • <(O f- 0:: Wo zo ~o -I f- O::o .() 3 (.; I") UJ I _J 0 Zo <Co a:::; 01 f- <( u:g w. za w';- <..:> o.oo 0. I 0 LEGEND: FIGURE 10 DEVIL CANYON 34 5 kV DEVIL CANYON TO WILLOW t> V> v ...... u o.so 0 • .110 o. ~ .. o c.~o C.3G C.40 {). ':0 STUDY TIME ANCHORAGE GENERATION 9RAOU~ Y LAKE GEN WATANA GENERATION DEVIL CANYON GEN SYNCHRONOUS 0% 0.60 c. 70 o.r:.o -,------, 0.50 0.70 Q.F;O <St:CSl TRANSIENT STABILITY SWING CURVES 0.90 I .00 0 0 0 ,., () () 0 - () 0 0 -I () 0 0 ,.., I 0 () 0 11"1 I 0 0 0 ...... I 0.9G I. OG FIGURE 16 SUSITNA GENERATION: 1,668 MW, H • 3.5 sec LOAD DISTRIBUTION: ANCHORAGE 85% FAIRBANKS IS% LOAD CHARACTERISTIC: STATIC 60%. DYNAMIC 40% SYNCHRONOUS 0% BASE LOAD FLOW: FIGURE 10 FAULT LOCATION: DEVIL CANYON 345 kV CIRCUIT CLEARED: DEVIL CANYON TO WILLO~ L) • q) r.~ 0~~· ..IV v• I iJ O.J:J '-' .30 c. •o ·n (..) ~~ ___J < ~g we: z 0 0 f- 0 G ~.c 0 ,:.iC w ?G l-.e:J.'t" 0. f,[J "'1'' a:::"' ~ I 3 w ') ___J~ Go :z-t ..;:I a:::/.) oo f-o .0::10 a::: 'o "" ~ 10 w ......... z w '-' LEGEND: Q.2J c.3c c. ilQ c.sc STUDY T ~ ANCHORAGE GENERATION ~ BRADLEY LAKE GEN & WATANA GENERATION + DEVIL CANYON GEN 1 ME 0. ~>C G 'G <SE CSl TRANSIENT STABiLiTY SWING CURVES 0 F ,, -·· r ~'J v. I nr " ....... .J I 0 Cl rJ 0 u Cl () 0 c "' l) l] "' ..,. 0 u 0 I '7' r 0~ v ,~ I .QC FIGURE 17 SUSITNA GENERATION: 1,668 MW, H : 3.5 sec LOAD DIS TR I BUT I ON: ANCHORAGE 85% FAIRBANKS 15% LOAD CHARACTERISTIC: STATIC 60% DYNAMIC 30% BASE LOAD FLOW: FAULT LOCATION: CIRCUIT CLEARED: 0 o.oo G. I 0 0 .o u~ 0 ..J C"J <( 1-o 0::0 w. z~ ~I 1-o •o a::• .o :.d' w _JCJ {!)~ :z:o <(~ I a:: Oo 1-0 <a Q::v w-z' o. l 0 w o.oo 0 LEGEND: FIGURE 10 DEVIL CANYON 345 kV DEVIL CANYON TO WILLOW o.;?O 0.30 0.40 0. r)o o.;w 0.30 0.40 0~50 STUDY TIME ~ ANCHORAGE GENERATION C9 BRADLEY LAKE GEN & WATANA GENERATION + DEVIL CANYON GEN X AML&P SYNCH LOAD SYNCHRONOUS 10% o.r.o 0.70 O.fiO o. 70 (SECSl TRANSIENT STABILITY SWING CURVES 0.1;0 c. ·~c I .OG 0 0 0 C"J 0 0 0 "' I 0 0 0 OJ) ' 0 CJ c) 0 -I 0 () 0 ..,. -' G.!iO c.g:J 1. oc FIGURE 18 SUSITNA GENERATION: I, 668 MW, H : 3.5 sec lOAD DISTRIBUTION: ANCHORAGE 75% FAIRBANKS 25% lOAD CHARACTERISTIC: STATIC 60% DYNAMIC 30% BASE lOAD FLOW: fAUlT LOCATION: CIRCUIT CLEARED: C) o.oo o. 10 0 .o 0 c? 0 _JN ..:: 1-o 0::0 w. :;;::~ 1-o •a a::: • • o 3'? w ...JO (!)C) :zo <(0 I 0:: oo I-C) <(' .Q o:: .. w- ~ 10.oo o. 10 (.!) LEGEND: FIGURE II DEVIl CANYON 345 kV DEVIl CANYON TO FAIRBANKS [I] C) ~ + X o.~a Q,JQ c. 40 0. rJo 0.20 0.30 o. 40 0.':.0 STUDY TIME ANCHORAGE GENERATION BRADLEY LAKE GEN WATANA GENERATION DEVIL CANYON GEN ESTER SYNCH LOAD SYNCHRONOUS 10% 0.">0 0. 70 O.bC O.fiO 0.70 0.80 (SECSl TRANSIENT STABILITY SWING CURVES 0.9:1 1 .oc 0 C) 0 ('J 0 0 0 N I () 0 0 <D I 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 .. -I 0.9:) 1. co FIGURE 19 Prepared by.: Energy and Control Consultants 960 Saratoga Avenue Suite 116 San Jose, California 95129 Telephone (408) 243-5495 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ATIACH~1ENT 1 ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EMS) SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS REPORT TASK 8 -TRANSMISSION December 1981 For: Acres American Incorporated 100 Liberty Bank Building N a i n at Co u r t Buffalo, New York 14202 Telephone (716) 853-7252 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ---------------------------------------------- 1 -INTRODUCTION --------------------------------------------- 1.1 -Scope---------------------------------------------- 1.2-Study Objectives----------------------------------- 1. 3 -Present Ra i 1 be 1 t Po\<1er Systems --------------------·- 1.4-1984 Power System Operation------------------------ 1.5 -1993 Power System Operation -------------·----------- ii.i. 1-1 1 -1 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-2 2 -FUNCTIONAL REQUIRH4ENTS ----------------------------------2-1 2. 1 -SCADA Subsystem ------------------------------------2-2 2.2 -Generation Control Subsystem -----------------------2-4 2.3 -Power Scheduling and Load Forecasting Subsystem-----2-5 2. 4 -Energy Accounting Subsystem ---------------·---------2-6 2.5 -System Security Subsystem --------------------------2-6 2. 6 -System Support Subsystem ------------------·---------2-7 2.7-External Data Transfer and Coordination Requirements 2-8 3-RAILBELT ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES -----------3:..1 3.1 -Alternative I -EMS System Configuration -----------3-1 3.2 -Alternative II -EMS Configuration -----------------3-6 4 -SYSTEN COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS -------------·-----------4-1 4.1 -Microwave System ---------------------------·--·------4-1 5 -SYSTEM SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ----------------·-------------5-l 6 -WILLOH CONTROL CENTER FACILITY REQUIRH1ENTS --------------6-1 6.1 -Site-----------------------------------------------6-1 6.2 -Control Center Layout ------------------------------6-1 6.3-Control Center Requirements ------------------------6-1 7 -STAFFING REQUIRU1ENTS ------------------------------------7-1 7.1 -Transmission and Generation System Operations Staff-7-1 7.2 -Computer Applications ------------------------------7-1 7.3 -Power Coordination ---------------------------------7-1 7. 4 -E~1S System Maintenance Group -----------------------7-1 8 -SYSTEM INSTALLATION, f.1AINTENANCE, AND TRAINING -----------8-1 9-PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION-----------------------------------9-1 9.1 -EMS Project Staffing -------------------------------9-1 9.2 -EMS Project Schedule -------------------------------9-1 9.3 -EMS Control Center ---------------------------------9-2 10-BUDGETARY COST ESTIMATES ---------------------------------10-1 10.1 -Project Cost--------------------------------------10-1 10.2 -Alternative I -------------------------------------10-1 10.3 -Alternative II ------------------------------------10-6 10.4 -EMS Control Center Cost ---------------------------10-8 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont.) Page ll -RECOMMENDATION --------------------------------------------ll-1 ii LIST OF FIGURES Number 1.1 J. 1 3. 2 3.3 3.4 4. 1 6. 1 9. 1 .Tit 1 e Energy Management System, Alternative I Configuration Block Diagram Energy Management System, Alternative I System Configuration In-Plant Monitoring and Control System Alternative I Susitna River Plants Control Center Energy Management System, Alternative II System Configuration In-Plant Monitoring and Control System Alternative II Susitna River Plants Control Center Proposed Microwave Communication Facilities Willow System Control Center, Functional Layout EMS Project Implementation Schedule iii 1 -INTRODUCTION 1.1 -Scope To produce a conceptual design and cost estimate for a computerized control and dispatch center that will provide reliable and secure operation of the Susitna development and the A~chorage-Fairbanks transmission link. Appropriate communications for the center will be recommended. 1.2 -Study Objectives The present Railbelt electrical generating capacity is c o n c e n t r at e d i n t wo a r e as , n am e 1 y Fa i r b an k s a n d An c h o r a g e . The generating capacity is predominantly thermal electric. With the introduction of the Susitna development it is proposed to interconnect the Fairbanks area with the Anchorage area. This will create a larger power system than the two existing systems. To make effective use of all t h e g en e r at i n g and t r an sm i s s i o n fa c i 1 i t i e s a v a i l a b 1 e i n t h e enlarged pool~ an Energy Management System (EMS) will be required. The objective will be to examine a range of alternatives to achieve the goal of providing effective control of the power pool. The cost of the chosen alternatives will be estimated and compared. Conceptual design of the selected system will be described and a cost estimate will be prepared. 1.3 -Present Railbelt Power Systems (a) Northern Area (Fairbanks) The area of operation of this system is concentrated a r o u n d F a i r b an k s a n d c o n s i s t s o f t wo m a i n u t i 1 i t i e s . Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. which has a generating capacity of 206 MW and Fairbanks Municipal Utility System with a capacity of 65 MW. The utilities are interconnected throDgh a 69-kV line. Golden Valley is also interconnected with the University of Alaska and m i 1 it ar y f ac i 1 it i es. Each utility has operators to control and dispatch system operations. Neither utility has a control center specifically designed for supervisory control and ·data acquisition system. Golden Valley Electric Association is responsible for maintaining frequency in the northern area. 1-1 (b) Southern Area (Anchorage) The main utilities of this area are Chugach Electric Association, Anchorage Municipal Light and Power, and tVlatanuska Electric Association. The utilities with genera t i n g c a p a ci t y are C h u g a c h ( 4 9 3 M W) , Anchor age Municipal (230 MW) and Alaska Power Administration (30 MW). All these utilities are interconnected at the 115-kV and 138-kV level. Each utility have their own system operations. Matanuska Electric does not generate any electric power and depends on importation from CEA or Alaska Power Administration. Chugach Electric has a control center for their system i n An c h or age • A 11 the C E A g en e r at i n g u n i t s are controlled from this center, including supervisory control of power system devices located at various substations. CEA uses microwave for communications. CEA intends to relocate their dispatch center to the International Generating Station from the present location. Frequency c~ntrol is presently being maintained by Chugach Electric in the southern area. 1.4-1984 Power System Operation (a) Fairbanks -Anchorage Intertie APA proposes to construct an intertie between Fairbanks and An c h o r age w h i c h w i 1 1 be o per at i on a 1 by 1 9 8 4 . T h i s line will be built to 345 kV standards and operated at 138 kV. The intertie will have a transfer capability of 70 MW. Th i s i n t e r t i e w i 1 1 r e q u i r e c o o r d i n at i o n b e t we en at 1 e a s t two utilities in the north and south. This will give both areas an opportunity to communicate and develop supervisory functions to maintain an orderly transfer of power when required by load or electrical generation and provide frequency control coordination for the combined area. 1.5-1993 Power System Operation (a) Railbelt Power System Facilities The present schedule calls for the first Susitna hydroelectric station at Watana to be operational by 1993. At that time the first stage of the enlarged Railbelt power system will be completed. This system 1-2 will be operated at 345 kV and will ultimately consist of approximately 850 mi of transmission lines and 5 s w i t chi n g stat i on s . The two m aj or 1 o ad centers at Anchorage and Fairbanks will be interconnected with the Susitna complex to form a large integrated power system. The first stage will consist of the Watana generating station transmitting electrical power to Devil Canyon which in turn will have two 345-kV lines going to Fa i r b an k s . I n bet ween De v i 1 Can yon and An c h o r a g e , t h e r e w i 11 be t wo i n t e r m e d i at e s w i t c h i n g s t at i o n s at W i 1 1 o w and Knfk Arm. The switching stations will have capabi- 1 ities to transform the voltage to subtransmission level for d i s t r i but i on to 1 o c a 1 1 o ad's . (b) Energy Management System (EMS) To provide an effective and reliable transmission and generating system, it is essential that one control center be established. This center will manage the generation and transmission between the generating plants and load centers. In the year 1993 there will be three generating centers at Anchorage, Fairbanks and the Susitna River Complex. The Anchorage and Fairbanks generation will be predomi- nantly thermal. It is proposed that the control center which is located at Willow will have direct frequency control of the Susitna generating plants. The center will also have the responsibility to establish genera- tion requirements for the Anchorage and Fairbanks areas and will transmit these requirements on a periodic basis. The control centers at Anchorage and Fairbanks, which have direct control of their generating units in their area, will -assume the task of complying with the system requirements. Frequency control will be the res p o n s i b i 1 i t y of t h e W i 1 1 ow En e r g y Man a g em e n t C e n t e r . Railbelt Central Control System A b 1 o ck d i a g r am of t h e p r e fer r e d c o n t r o 1 s y s t em i s shown on Figure 1.1. As described above the Willow Control Center exercises direct control of the Susitna complex but indirect control of the northern and southern are as . The center w i 1 1 a 1 so rem o t e 1 y con t r o 1 the substations at Ester (Fairbanks), Willow, Knik Arm and University (Anchorage). The communications 1 ink will be via microwave. 1-3 --... -" TO GENERATORS - NORTHERN AREA CONTROL SYSTEM-1----------, FAIRBANKS ESTER SUBSTATION WILLOW SUBSTATION KNIK ARM SUBSTATION UNIVERSITY SUBSTATION SOUTHERN AREA ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WILLOW CONTROL CENTER WATANA SWITCHING STATION TO GENERATORS '~ J~ a Jl' ~~ ~~ SUS! TNA HYDROELECTRIC CONTROL CENTER 11t 1r ,. ,. TO GENERATORS DEVIL CANYON SWITCHING STATION ..,.-t----1 CONTROL SYSTEM-1------------...l --ANCHORAGE TO GENERATORS ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, ALTERNATIVE I, l•.·'···u·I@I CONFIGURATION BLOCK DIAGRAM FIGURE J.t JtU 0 2 -FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The Railbelt Energy Management System (EMS) will provide a centralized interconnected, efficient, and secure dispatching operation of the high voltage transmission network and will allow remote control of the Susitna hydro generating units. The purpose of this section is to describe general functional requirements that will define the current state-of-the-art and develop a framework for understanding the interrelation of various power system functions that will subsequently be proposed for the future EMS. The power system functions that were studied and analyzed cover six major areas of the Railbelt EMS, and are as follows. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Subsystem Includes real-time system data acquisition; remote control of the power system devices; data base and data base management; data processing; operation data logging and report generation; and man/machine interface requirements. Generation Control Subsystem Includes automatic control of hydro and thermal units in the Railbelt control area to maintain interconnected system frequency and interchange scheduling; economic unit opera- tion; generation reserve evaluation; and monitoring of system generation performance. Power Scheduling and Load Forecasting Subsystem Includes the forecasting of system load, and the scheduling of the power system generation to meet the load require- ments in the most economical and reliable way. Energy Accounting Subsystem Includes collection, recording, and processing of data power transaction among various utilities in the inter- connected system; also the cost information and the savings/losses resulting from the purchase/sale of power. System Security Subsystem Includes the ability to evaluate system performance based on present and predicted system conditions, and the ability to evaluate the impact of probable contingencies (loss of generation, loss of a transmission line, etc). 2-1 System Support Subsystem Includes on-line/off-line functions that could be performed by the EMS to support engineering, accounting, and system operation organizations. 2.1 -SCADA Subsystem (a) Data Acquisition Function The data acquisition function will be responsible for gathering data from the substations, generating plants, system interchange points, and the neighboring power con t r o 1 c en t e r f a c i 1 i t i e s . Th i s f u n c t i an w i 11 per f o r m all communication channel control and message encoding, decoding, channel security verification, data filtering, and formatting of data. (b) Supervisory Control Function The su.pervisory control function will allow power system devices to be remotely controlled from a central location. Several types of supervisory control actions will be provided -control of binary power system devices (i.e., breakers) -incremental control of power system devices (i.e., transformers) -set point control {i.e., valves) -on/off controls (i.e., unit starting/shutdown sequences). (c) Data Processing Function Th e d at a p r o c e s s i n g f u n c t i o n w i l l p e r f o r m t h e s t and a r d SCAOA data processing operations, such as conversion of data to engineering units, limit checking, and alarm generation. In addition, the following capabilities will also be provided. -Integration of certain data over a designated period. -Performance of various arithmetic calculations, algebraic, and trigonometric functions. -Recording of the minimum or maximum value of specific data and averaging over a designated period. -Initiation of an alarm or calling function upon detection of limits violations. 2-2 -Calculation of the net MW, MVAR, and the unit auxiliary power. -Per f o rm i n g 1 o g i c a 1 o per at i o n s ( Bo o 1 e an a 1 g e b r a ) . Post-disturbance data processing. (d) Data Base and Data Base Management Th e d at a b as e and d at a base man a g em en t fun c t i on w i 1 1 provide a centralized location for the EMS data and will allow efficient management and access to all data by various power system functions. The system data base, as a minimum, will contain the following data. -Real-time data obtained from the power system on periodic basis. -Program calculated data. -Manually entered data. -System parametric data. -Historical data. A set of quality codes will be provided with each data point to enable the user to determine the worth of the information presented at each point. The system data base management will allow any power system configura- tion changes to be made without rearranging or refor- matting the system data base. The system data base will be expandable to accommodate the future system changes, growth, and expansion. {e) Man/Machine Interface Function The man/machine interface function will provide requested data in the tabular or schematic formats on the CRT screens. This function will also allow the system operator to perform super v i so r y con t r o 1 , m an u a 1 1 y enter or change data, invalidate data, and request report or logs to be generated by the system. A 1 arm report i n g w i 1 1 be one of t h e m o s t c r i t i c a 1 of the man/machine interface services by properly, without ambiguity, alerting the system operator of impending mal functions. 2-3 2.2 -Generation Control Subsystem (a) Automatic Generation Control (AGC) Function The aut om at i c genera t i on con t r o 1 fun c t i on w i 11 pro v i de generation control of all generating facilities in the R a i 1 be 1 t genera t i on con t r o 1 are a. Th i s con t r o 1 are a will encompass the existing northern and southern generating facilities (Fairbanks and Anchorage) and the Susitna River hydro plants (Devil Canyon and Watana). The AGC function will provide load frequency control of generating units by computing the individual unit as s i g nm e n t ( M W ) , w h i c h h as t w o c om p o n e n t s : b a s e l o ad and regulation participation. In addition, the AGC function will be allowed to recognize certain operating limitations of the hydro units related to excessive vibration and/or cavitation. ·{b) Economic Dispatch Function The economic dispatch function, in conjunction with the AGC ftJnction, will compute base load assignments for units in the automatic control mode in a manner that will minimize the total system input (in terms of total fuel cost or 11 water cost 11 ) for the real-time system load supplied by controllable generation. (c) Generation Reserve Function The generation reserve function will determine the actual reserve availability for each reserve category (spinning reserve, responsive reserve, ready reserve, replacement reserve, etc), depending on unit status, actual load, capacity, allowable rate of change, currently active interchange contracts, and other factors. (d) Inadvertent Interchange Function The inadvertent interchange function will continuously monitor and integrate inadvertent energy interchanges. All inadvertent interchange calculation will include -heavy load hours/light load hours -total inadvertent interchange -inadvertent energy due to frequency bias contribution -inadvertent energy due to control performance. 2-4 (e) Hydro Calculation Function The hydro calculation function will be capable of calcu- lating certain variables associated with the hydro system -spillage -turbine flow -others, as required. (f) Unit Commitment Function The unit commitment function will provide an optimum minimum cost solution to the problem of which unit to commit while meeting the constraints stated by genera- tion control functions. This function will be flexible to allow easy specification of type of fuel or hydro, mandatory schedules, unit maintenance constraints, spinning reserve requirements, etc, and providing daily fuel/water usage and the costs by unit plant, and system. The hydro-thermal coordination will consider stored hydro, run-of-river hydro, and pumped hydro operational problems. 2.3 -Power Scheduling and Load Forecasting Subsystem (a) Power Scheduling Function The power scheduling wi 11 perform all power system interchange scheduling. Various types of interchange transactions will be required, such as -long-term firm -short-term firm -erne rg ency -economy -others. (b) Int~rchange Transaction Evaluation Function The interchange transaction evaluation function will allow the system operator to evaluate various potential power transactions with the interconnected utilities. Two basic interchange types will be considered. 2-5 -Economy A, which is usually an on-the-spot decision. -Economy B, which is normally a firm transaction and requires bringing up additional generating units. A unit commitment function is usually required to determine which unit to put into operation. (c) Load Forecasting Function The load forecasting function will provide the ability to forecast system load on a short-term basis. This system load forecast function will consider the histori- cal load trends, typical seasonal daily load cycle, wind, temperature, hour of day, cloud cover, etc, to obtain a best estimate of a forecast for a daily loading profile. In addition, the bus load forecast and area load fore- cast should also be considered for implementation. 2.4 -Energy Accounting Subsystem The energy accounting subsystem will maintain a historical energy transaction data base to serve as the source of all data required for the logging and report generation and the energy accounting. This subsystem w.ill include the following major tasks -wheeling scheduling -payback scheduling -loss schedules -economy and dynamic participation schedules -excess wheeling -special railbelt accounting adjustments. 2.5 -System Security Subsystem The end use of the system security subsystem are -to alert the system operator in real-time about contingent system problems before they occur -to serve as an analytical tool that can be used to help to identify possible remedial action. The system security subsystem is comprised of four supporting functions. 2-6 (a) Network Modeling Function This function will determine the real-time system configuration by monitor i n g s y stern power devices . The external power network (northern and southern areas) will be modeled by simplified equivalences determined through the use of key status and power measurement information (breakers, power flow, and voltage). (b) State Estimation Function This function will use the network model and will satistically analyze the real-time system data; it will also generate an estimated data set for use for the dispatcher•s (operator•s) real-time load flow function. (c) Dispatcher's Load Flow Function This function will generate a base solution utilizing the network modeling and state estimation inputs. The load flow function will be used to evaluate system contingencies and analyze the consequences of preselected system contingencies. (d) Contingency Analysis Function As a result of the contingency analysis, possible identifiable remedial actions including generation rescheduling, interchange rescheduling, line switching, and 1 o ad shedding wi 11 be recommended. 2.6 -System Support Subsystem The following functions have been considered for the future implementation to support EMS operations. -Dispatcher training simulator. -Engineering load flow. -Au t om at i c r em e d i a 1 act i o n . -Optimal load flow. -Automatic VAR control. -Bus load forecasting. -Optimal hydro-thermal coordination. 2-7 Currently, we do not recommend some of these functions because -they are not presently in widespread use -there is current uncertainty about the effectiveness and economic benefits of some of these functions. 2.7 -External Data Transfer and Coordination Requirements The Railbelt Energy Management System is envisioned as an energy coordination system providing system operation coorination, generation control, and system security evaluation services. Therefore, provisions should be made for external data transfer between Railbelt 1 S EMS computers and the computers of -neighboring utilities (north and south) -Alaska Power Pool -various APA departments. 2-8 3 -RAILBELT ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES Our evaluation of alternative system configurations showed that two different approaches to generation control are possible. -Alternative I provides indirect control of generating units. -Alternative II provides direct control of generating units. To f o r m u 1 at e an d e v a 1 u at e a 1 t e r n at i v e EM S c o n f i g u r at i o n s , we used the following criteria. -Configurations must fulfill the SCADA, Generation Control, Power Scheduling and Load Forecasting, Energy Accounting, and System Security Subsystem functional requirements, as defined in Section 2. -Configurations must be technically-economically and operationally -maintainable throughout the 1 ife of the systems (10 to 15 years). -Configurations must be technically feasible, as well as proven. 3.1-Alternative I- EMS System Configuration The Alternative I system configuration is typical of the current offerings of several EMS equipment manufacturers {see Figure 3.1, EMS Alternative I, System Configuration). The configuration is based on the assumptions that -an in-plant, computer-based control system, located at Susitna Hydroelectric Control Center will be provided -the Susitna in-plant control system will directly control all hydro generating units and the power switching stations (Watana and Devil Canyon). The EMS, Alternative I System, will determine generation participation requirements on the unit level, but the units will be pulsed by the in-plant system. The supervisory control actions for the Watana and Devil Canyon stations will be initiated at the EMS level (Willow Control Center), but the controls will be implemented by the in-plant control system. 3-1 -the northern and southern areas computer-based systems will receive gineration participation requirements frnm the EMS, but participation allocation and direct unit pulsing will be done by these systems. -Alternative I will directly monitor and control the following high-val tage substations -Ester -Willow -Kn i k Arm -University -others, as required. (a) EMS Hardware Configuration (i) Computer Subsystem -Two (2) medium size computers, 32 bits, 2-M b yt e s o f m a i n m emory -Two (2) dedicated CRT terminals -Two ( 2 ) 1 i n e p r i n t e r s -Two (2) moving head disk systems, 600-M bytes, each .. Two (2) magnetic tape systems -0 n e ( 1 ) CPU -CPU d at a c h anne 1 -Interface controllers, cabinets, cablings, power supplies, etc (ii) Man/Machine Subsystem -Four (4) single position consoles, each equipped with two (2) CRTs one (1) cursor control, one (1) A/N keyboard, and one (1) function a 1 control panel . These cons o 1 e s w i l 1 be designated to perform the following functions -transmission control -ge~eration control -system security -programming/training. -Two (2) data 1 oggers -One (1) time and frequency standard equipment 3-2 (iii) Communication Subsystem -Four {4) microprocessor-based communication controllers, with associated communication modems, 1,200 baud, synchronous, to support four (4) remote terminal units -Two (2) redundant, microprocessor-based communication controllers with associated communication modems, 4,800 baud, synchronous, to support data transfer to/from the northern area computer-based system -Two (2) redundant, microprocessor-based communication controllers with associated communication modems, 4,800 baud, synchronous, to support data transfer to/from the southern area computer-based system -Two (2) redundant, microprocessor-based communication controllers with associate~ communication modems, 4,800 baud, synchronous, to support data transfer to/from the Susitna Hydroelectric Control System { iv) Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) Six (6) RTUs, (two (2) switching stations, and four {4) power substations) microprocessor-based, capable of supporting Sequence of Events function, 300 data points. (b) Susitna Hydroelectric In-Plant Monitoring and Control System, Alternative I Hardware Configuration (i) Computer Subsystem -Two (2) small size computers, 32 bits, 1-1"1 byte o f m a i n m em o r y -Two (2) dedicated CRT terminals -One (1) line printer -Two (2) moving head disk systems, 100-M bytes, each -One (1) magnetic tape system -One {1) CPU-CPU data channel 3-3 -Interface controllers, cabinets, cablings, power supplies, etc See Figure 3.2, In-Plant Monitoring and Control S y s t ems , A 1 t e r n at i v e I , S u s it n a R i v e r P 1 ant s Control Center. (i i) Man/Machine Subsystem -Two (2) single position consoles, two (2) CRTs, two (2) cursor control, t~<~o (2) A/N keyboards, and two ( 2 ) fun c t i on a 1 con t r o 1 pane 1 s -Two ( 2 ) d at a 1 o g g e r s {iii) Communication Subsystem -Seven (7) micorprocessor-based communication controllers with associated communication modems~ 1,200 baud, synchronous, to monitor and control seven RTUs located at two switching stations and ten generating units -Two {2) redundant, microprocessor-based communication controllers with associated communication modems, 4~800 baud, synchronous, to support data transfer to/from the Railbelt EMS (iv) Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) Five (5) RTUs, computer/microprocessor-based, capable of high speed monitoring of hydroelectric units. (c) Alternative I System Data Flow (i) From EMS -Supervisory control actions -Unit participation requirements -Data transfer requests -Operator's messages To EMS -Unit performance data -Plant performance data -Switching station performance data -\~eather data 3-4 -System water data -Selected log data -Selected display data -Operator's messages (ii) EMS Power Substation RTUs From EMS -Supervisory control commands -Data requests To EMS -Substation measurement and status data -RTUs test data (iii) Susitna River In-Plant System and R TU s From Susitna River System to Generation RTUs -Data requests -Unit pulsing -Unit controls To Susitna River System From Generation RTUs -Unit performance data -Unit power data (MW, MVAR, etc) From Susitna River System to Switching Station R T Us -S u p e r v i s or y c o n t r o 1 c o mm and s -Data requests To Susitna River System From Switching Station RTUs -Station measurement and status data -RTUs test data (iv) EMS Northern/Southern Area Control Systems From EMS -Data requests -Unit/plant participating -Operator's messages 3-5 To EMS -Unit/plant performance data -System device status -System Measurements -Operator 1 s messages 3.2 -Alternative II - EMS Configuration The Alternative II system configuration is also typical of the current offerings of several EMS equipment manufacturers (see Figure 3.3, EMS, Alternative II, System Configuration). The configuration is based on the assumptions that -an in-plant, computer-based control system, located at Susitna Hydroelectric Control Center will be provided to monitor generation units performance and control the units -all Watana and Devil Canyon generation units will be controlled (raise and lower) directly by the EMS from the W i 1 1 ow Control Center -all northern and southern area generating units will be directly controlled (raise and lower) by the EMS from the Willow Control Center -the switching stations (Watana and Devil Canyon) and four power substations will be directly monitored and controlled by the EMS from the Willow Control Center. (a) EMS Hardware Configuration (i) Computer Subsystem S a m e a s A 1 t e r n a t i v e I [ s e e Se c t i o n 3 . 1 ( a ) ( i ) ] . (ii) Man/Machine Subsystem Same as Alternative I [see Section 3.1(a)(ii)]. {iii) Communication Subsystem -Eight {8) microprocessor-based communication controllers with associated communication modems, 1,200 baud, synchronous, to support four power substations, two switching substations, and five generation RTUs -Two (2) microprocessor-based communication controllers, as a minimum, with associated communication modems, 1,200 baud, synchronous, 3-6 to support two generating plants located in northern and southern areas. (Note: the exact number of generating plants and units is not known.) -Two (2) redundant, microprocessor-based communication controllers with associated communication modems, 4,800 baud, synchronous, to support data transier to/from the Susitna Hydroelectric Control System -Four (4) redundant microprocessor-based communication controllers with associated communication modems, 4,800 baud, synchronous, to support data transfer to/from the EMS, and the northern and southern control centers. (iv) Remote Terminal Units -Eight (8) RTUs, microprocessor-based, capable of supporting Sequence of Events function (6 RTUs) and generation control {2 RTUs). (b) Susitna Hydroelectric In-Plant Monitoring and Control System, Alternative II, Hardware Configuration (i) Computer Subsystem Same as Alternative I [see Section 3.l(b)(i)]. See Figure 3.4, In-Plant Monitoring and Control System, Alternative II, Susitna River Plant Control Center. (ii) Man/Machine Subsystem Same as Alternative II [see Section 3.l(b)(ii)]. (iii) Communication Subsystem -Five (5) microprocessor-based communication controllers with associated communication modems, 1,200 baud, synchronous, to monitor and control five RTUs located at two generating plants (10 units) -Two (2) redundant, microprocessor-based communication controllers with associated communication modems, 4,800 baud, synchronous, to support data transfer to/from the Railbelt EMS. 3-7 (iv) Remote Terminal Units {RTUs) -Five (5) RTUs, computer/microprocessor-based, capable of high-speed monitoring of hydroelectric units. (c) Alternative II System Data Flow (i) EMS Susitna River In-Plant Monitoring and Control System From Ei'1S -Data transfer requests -Operator's messages To EMS -same as A 1 tern at i v e I [ see Sect i on 3 . 1 ( c ) ( i ) ] (i i) EMS Power Substation RTUs Same as Alternative I [see Section 3.l(c)(ii)]. (iii) Susitna River In-Plant System and RTUs From Susitna River System to Generation RTUs -Data request -Unit pulsing (local control mode) -Unit controls To Susitna River System From Generation, RTUs - U n i t p e r f o rm an c e d at a -Unit power data (iv) EMS Generation RTUs From EMS -Data request -Unit pulsing (remote control mode) To EMS -Unit/power data (MW, MVAR, etc) -Unit status 3-8 (v) EMS Switching Stations and Power Substations From EMS -Supervisory control commands -Data requests To EMS -Station/substation measurement data and status data -RTUs test data (vi) EMS Northern/Southern Area Control Systems From EMS -Data requests -Operator's message -System performance data To EMS -Unit/plant performance data -System device status -S y s t em m e as u r em en t s -Operator's messages (vii) EMS Generation RTUs (Northern/Southern Area) From EMS -Data request -Unit pulsing (remote control mode) To EMS -Unit/power plant data -Unit status. 3-9 NORTHERN AREA CONTROL SYSTEM COMPUTER PERIPHERALS MAN/MACHINE INTERFACE COMPUTER COMMUNICATION SUBSYSTEM SOUTHERN AREA CONTROL SYSTEM SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC CONTROL CENTER RTU ----- SUBSTATION RTU5 ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, ALTERNATIVE I, SYSTEM CONFIGURATION FIGURE 3.1 [i] WATANA SWITCHING STATION COMPUTER (PRIMARY} MAN/MACHINE SUBSYSTEM PERIPHERALS COMMUNICATION SUBSYSTEM WATANA GENERATING STATION COMPUTER (STANDBY) DEVIL CANYON GENERATING STATION IN-PLANT MONiTORING AND CONTROL SYSTEM, ALTERNATIVE I SUSITNA RIVER PLANTS CONTROL CENTER EMS CENTER (WILLOW) DEVIL CANYON SWITCHING STATION FIGURE 3.2 • NORTHERN AREA CONTROL SYSTEM COMPUTER PERIPH~RALS MAN/MACHINE INTERFACE COMPUTER COMMUNICATION SUBSYSTEM SOUTHERN AREA CONTROL SYSTEM SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC CONTROL CENTER WATANA/DEVIL CANYON SUBSTATION. RTU SUBSTATIONS ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMl ALTERNATIVE lll SYSTEM CONFIGURATION FIGURE 3.3. EMS CENTER (WILLOW) WATANA SWITCHING STATION COMPUTER (PRIMARY) DEVIL CANYON SWITCHING STATION MAN/MACHINE SUBSYSTEM PERIPHERALS COMPUTER (STANDBY) COMMUNICATION SUBSYSTEM WATANA GENERATING STATION EMS CENTER (WILLOW) DEVIL CANYON GENERATING STATION IN-PLANT MONITORING AND CONTROL SYSTEM, ALTERNATIVE TI SUStTNA RIVER PLANTS CONTROL CENTER FIGURE 3.4. 4 -SYSTEM COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS We evaluated various communication systems to determine the most reliable and the most cost-effective communication media. (a) Power line Carrier System The power line carrier system is not a viable communication option for the Energy Management System. This system is dependent on the state of a power line and, therefore, will be unavailable when the line is down. In addition, it requires a high capital cost expenditure and is very expensive to maintain. (b) Telephone Communication System The telephone companies provide data transmission services. In general, this service is very erratic and unreliable for the E~1S applications. ( c) Microwave System The privately owned microwave system provides the most reliable and cost-effective communication solution for the EMS communication problem. It is highly desirable to build a looped microwave system for power system operations . 4.1 -Microwave System Microwave systems are line-of-sight propagation and have an average standard of approximately 35 to 40 mi path for a flat terrain. WCC recommended criteria is 40 db fade margins for any microwave paths used for protective relaying. A full diversity repeater station will be installed at each tower. No tower spotting has been attempted at the present time. The number of towers was esiimated wtthout having the benefit of a detail communication analysis. Figure 4.1 shows the proposed microwave communication facilities. 4-1 FAIRBANKS STATION 17, ESTER STATION 15 STATION 14 STATION 13. STATION 12 STATION II STATION 10 15 MILES STATION 9 20 MILES DEVIL CANYON 26 MIL£s --.---.:.:::..:::._ ____ wATANA 15 MILES STATION 5 STATION 4 STATION 3, WILLOW STATION 2, KWIK ARM STATION I, UNIVERSITY PROPOSED MICROWAVE COMMUNICATION FACILITIES FIGURE 4.1 [iJ 5 -SYSTEM SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS The EMS should be provided with all software required to satisfy all the functional requirements described in Section 2 and all software functions in this section. The system software should be the general purpose operating system, developed and tested by a major computer supplier and verified through many installations in real-time applications. It should provide a reliable, high- performance environment for the concurrent execution of multiuser, time-sharing, batch, and time-critical a p p 1 i c at i an s . Th i s software w i 1 1 cans i s t a f the fa 1 1 a w i n g major components -executive services -system failover and system restart -diagnostic programs -programming services -special data base~ CRT display, and log/generation compilers -engineering support -special I/0 handlers. FORTRAN compatibility of the software is essential, as most of the power application programs (as defined in Section 2) will be written in a high-level language. 5-l 6 -WILLOW CONTROL CENTER FACILITY REQUIREMENTS This section covers the requirements necessary to support the EMS operational equipment and personnel for the Willow Control Center facility. The facility will be the nerve center of the APA power system operations of the interconnected high-voltage network and power generation. All decisions concerning the operation and maintenance of the power system will be implemented through this complex. The importance of this facility dictates that its location be selected with a great deal of care. 6.1-Site The control center must be located on a site that provides high security against disruption of power system operation by human intervention or by acts of God. Acts of human intervention that must be considered are civil disturbances and terrorist activities. Natural disturbances that could occur are floods, fires, earthquakes and landslides. Several additional factors that have a bearing on the suitability of a site are - 1 and a v a i lab i l it y -housing availability -transportation accessibility -education facility availability -climatic conditions -power availability -centralized location. It is recommended that a rn1n1mum of 10 acres of flat land provided for the Willow Control Center. 6.2-Control Center Layout F i g u r e 6 . 1 p r o v i d e s a co n c e p t u a 1 1 a yo u t of t h e W i 1 l ow Co n t r o 1 Center. This layout is based on a one-level building having a total space of 14 537 ft2. 6 • 3 -C o n t r o l C en t e r R e q u i r em e n t s This section covers the general requirements for the facilities that are necessary to support the system o p e r at i o n a l e q u i pm en t a n d p e r so n n e l . 6-1 (a) Construction Guidelines Construction guidelines include -extra wide doors and corridors -the use of subfloor cabling makes it essential that provision be made to prevent water f~oding - a network of temperature sensors, ultraviolet detectors, and smoke detectors should be installed for fire protection. A total gaseous flooding system using Halon 1301 is recommended -all doors to these facilities should be established as limited access entries -raised floors should be installed in the equipment rooms accoustical treatment of floors~ ceiling, and walls is highly desirable -special lighting tailored to each area should be considered. The dispatch arena should have sectionalized, individually controlled lighting area -color coordination should be developed to reduce the psychological effects of various colors. (b) Environmental Support T em p e r at u r e c o n t r o 1 t o m a i n t a i n am b i e n t t em p e r at u r e at 72 deg/78 deg and a relative humidity of 35 to 55 percent is recommended for the EMS equipment room. Other rooms may be air conditioned for comfort. In addition to the building 1 s air conditioning system, air conditioning built specifically for computer environmental conditioning should be procured for the e q u i pm e n t room as s t a n d - a 1 o n e u n i t s . (c) Interference Reduction In order to minimize electromagnetic int~rference between variant equipment groups, a single-point ground c ·a n c e p t i s r e c om m en d e d f o r t h e EM S c o n t r o 1 c e n t e r building. (d) Uointerruptible Power Supply An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) should be installed in the control center to handle voltage 6-2 regulation, transients, and short-term power outages. It is estimated that a 50-kVA redundant power supply will be required. (e) Diesel Generator A diesel engine is required to provide a continuous source of power in the event of power line failure. 6-3 MECHANICAL AND FACILITY SUPPORT 1200 so~ FT. CONFER. TRAIN I PROG. ROOM ROOM 400 SQ. FT. 400 SQ. FT. OFFICE AREA 1500 SQ. FT. 0 20 40 FEET 170 COMMUNICATION STORAGE 13ATTERY ROOM 350 SQ. FT. ROOM 300 UPS ROOM 600 SQ. FT. SQ. FT. 350 SQ.FT. EMS EQUIP. EMS EQUIPMENT MAINT. ROOM ROOM 900 SQ. FT. 1500 SQ. FT. HALL 7.5 FT. WIDE ENG. KITCHEN a MEN LAV. SUPPORT LOUNGE 450 600 SQ. FT. 900 SQ. FT. SQ. FT. TOTAL: 14,537.5 SQ. FT. WILLOW SYSTEM CONTROL CENTER, FUNCTIONAL LAYOUT ,- LAV. a KITCHEN 350 SQ. FT. DISPATCHING DISPATCH ARENA AREA 1500 SQ. FT. -00 650 SQ. FT. ,.._: 00 LOBBY 450 SQ. FT. WOMEN LAV. MANAGEMENT 450 AREA SQ. FT. 637 SQ. FT. ......._ - ENTRANCE FIGURE 6.1 7 -STAFFING REQUIREMENTS The functional organization of the EMS control center must efficiently and comprehensively support all aspects of the operation and control of the Rai lbelt•s power system. This includes not only the day-to-day operations, but also the coordination of power transmission and generation and the ongoing training of personnel to improve efficiency and effectiveness. 7.1 -Transmission and Generation System Operations Staff We recommend that T&G operating staffing consist of the following personnel -one chief T&G operator -five senior operators -nine load operators -one engineering technician -one clerk. This organization will support a 24 hour operation, 365-1/4 days a year. 7.2 -Computer Applications The computer applications section should be managed by a supervisor of software applications. Reporting to this supervisor should be at least three additional software engineers charged with the duties of maintaini~g the SCAOA, generation control~ and system security software programs. 7.3 -Power Coordination The power coordination group will be responsible for evalu- ating unit commitment runs~ preparing interchange schedules, and performing after-the-fact power accounting~ etc. This group will include one supervisor, one power production specialist, one budget specialist, two power system engineer/ analysts, two statisticians, and one power scheduler. 7.4 -EMS System Maintenance Group The EMS system maintenance group will be responsible for maintalning the EMS system (hardware and software). As a minimum, this group should include -one system hardware engineer -two system software engineers -two hardware technicians -two RTU maintenance technicians -one communication maintenance technician. 7-1 8 -SYSTEM INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND TRAINING We recommend that all EMS equipment be installed by the power system personnel (engineers, technicians, and software engineers) under the supervision of the EMS system suppliers. We also recommend that the power system personnel start main- taining the EMS equipment one year after system acceptance (after one-year warranty). We further recommend that a vigorous training program be undertaken to train APA 1 S personnel in hardware and software maintenance. It is estimated that a minimum of eight engineers/technicians should be trained in hardware maintenance (com~uters, peripherals, man/machine, communication, and RTU equipment) and in software maintenance (operating system and power application programs). 8-1 9 -PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION 9.1 -EMS Project Staffing We recommend a full-scale project staffing commitment by APA to define, develop, procure, install, test, and accept the En€rgy Management System. The following key personnel should be assigned full time to the EMS project team for the duration of this project (see Section 9.2 for the project scheduling). -EMS Project engineer -software engineer -hardware engineer -system programmer -application programmer. This project team should be supported on a part-time basis by various APA personnel (such as purchasing agents, contract people, and others). 9.2 -EMS Project Schedule The procurement of the EMS system will encompass the following major phases. (a) Phase 1 -System Requirement Study This phase will last approximately 6 to 9 months and will culminate in development of the EMS system functional requirement, system hardware configurations, bu~getary cost estimates, economic evaluation, and other pertinent tasks. (b) Phase 2 -Specification Development This phase wi 11 also last approximately 6 to 9 months. EMS system specification will be developed and issued for general bidding. (c) Phase 3 -Proposal Preparation This phase will last 3 months, during which a number (4 to 6) of viable proposals will be received from the EMS system suppliers. (d) Phase 4 -Proposal Evaluation This phase will last 3 to 4 months, when the most cost-effective proposal will be selected and a letter of Intent will be written to start Work Statement (contract) negotiations. 9-1 (e) Phase 5 -Work Statement Negotiations This phase will last 3 to 5 months, at the end of which a total EMS contract (Work Statement) will be negotiated and a contract will be signed. (f) Phase 6 -EMS System Development This phase will last 30 to 36 months, during which the system will be developed, designed, tested, integrated, delivered. and accepted. The total EMS project will last between 51 and 69 months. Figure 9.1 shows an overall EMS project implementation .schedule. 9.3 -EMS Control Center Based on our past experience in the lower 48 states, the following EMS control center schedule is provided as a reference -control center concept development - 6 months -preliminary architectural drawings - 6 months -building design approval - 3 months -building specification preparation-6 months -bidding - 3 months building construction 12 months (could be doubled in Alaska). The total time required is between 39 and 51 months. 9-2 YEAR 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 PHASE QUARTER I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I . PHASE I-SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS STUDY 2. PHASE 2-SPECIFICATION DEVELOPMENT ·-•• ·- 3. PHASE 3-PROPOSAL PREPARATION -~--· ·--· ~-~ 4. PHASE 4-PROPOSAL EVALUTION •• -· ·--· ·-~· .. , - - 5. PHASE 5-WORK STATEMENT NEGOTIATION -· "'--· ·--· ·-•• --- 6. PHASE 6-EMS SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT ·--· ·--· ·-i-• -•• -•• 7. EMS CONTROL CENTER CC CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT ... ·--· ·- PRELIMINARY ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS -•• -· ·--· ·- BUILDING DESIGN APPROVAL -· ·--· ·--· ·--· -- ButLDlNG SPECIFICATION PREPARATION -·· -•• -· •• -· ·--· ·- BIDDING -· ·----•• -· ·--· ·--· ·-- SUI LDING CONSTRUCTION -·--· •• -· ·--· ·--· ·--· - EMS PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE FIGURE 9.1 [i] 10 -BUDGETARY COST ESTIMATES This section provides budgetary cost estimates for the development, procurement, system test, and installation of EMS Alternatives I and II. Costs for the EMS control center and the microwave system are also provided. These costs are representative of what ECC, Inc. estimates the middle price bid would be. The cost estimates for these configurations, microwave system, and EMS control center are given in January 1982 dollars for a fixed-price contract that includes milestone payments. 10.1 -Project Cost The total project cost is comprised of the following major parts. (a) System Cost Total amount that is paid to system supplier. (b) APA Internal Cost -Project management -Facility preparation (substations, switching stations, RTU installations, power plant preparation to receive RTUs) 10.2 -Alternative I (a) EMS Project Cost System Cost A. Hardware Cost 1. Computer Subsystem Total Computer Sybsystem [see Section 3.1(a)(i)] 2. Man/Machine Subsystem M/M Subsystem including 4 consoles [see Section 3.1(a)(ii)] 3. Communication Subsystem (see Section 3.1(a)(ii i)] 1~1 $1,800,000 220,000 $ 122,000 B . c . 4. Remote Terminal Units Six RTUs [see Sectlon 3.1(a)(iv)] 5. Interface controllers, cabinets cablings, power supplies, etc. Hardware Subtotal 6. Spare parts (20 percent of total hardware cost) TOTAL HARDWARE COST Software Cost 1. Operating System and Enhancement to OS 2 . SCAD A Subsystem (see Section 2. 1 ) 3 . Generation Control Subsystem (see Section 2 . 2 ) 4. Power Scheduling and Load Forecasting (see Section 2. 3) 5. Energy Accounting Subsystem (see Section 2 . 4 ) 6. System Security Subsystem (see Section 2. 5) 7. System Support Subsystem (see Section 2. 6) TOTAL SOFTWARE COST Auxiliary Cost 1. Project Management, System Engineering, etc .2 . System Test and Installation 3 . System Warranty l0-2 190,000 120,000 $2,452,000 490,000 $2,942,000 $ 180,000 650,000 473,000 240,000 800,000 710,000 903,000 $3,956,000 $ 350,000 450,000 280,000 4. Performance Bond 5. Shipment TOTAL AUXILIARY COST TOTAL SYSTEM COST Note: The total EMS system cost does not include federal, state, and local taxes. Internal Cost A. EMS Project Management -EMS project engineer (5 m/y) -software engineer (5 m/y) -hardware engineer (5 m/y) -system programmer (4 m/y) -application programmer (4 m/y) Subtotal B. System Maintenance Training (Salaries) -engineers and technicians C. Training Expenses D. Switching Station S i t e P r e p ar at i o n (instrumentation, RTU housing, etc) E. Power Substation Site Preparation F. Communication Installation Support TOTAL INTERNAL COST Total EMS Project Cost -system cost -internal cost TOTAL COST 10-3 $ 70,000 60,000 $1,210,000 $8,108,000 $ 500,000 450,000 450,000 320,000 320,000 $2,040,000 $ 240,000 $ 96,000 $ 320,000 $ 480,000 $ 240,000 $3,416,000 $ 8,108,000 3,416,000 $11,524,000 (b) Susitna Hydroelectric In-Plant Monitoring and Control System Project Cost System Cost A. Hardware Cost 1. Computer Subsystem [see Section 3.1(b)(i)] 2. Man/Machine Subsystem [see Section 3.1(b)(i i)] 3. Communication Subsystem [see Section 3.1(b)(iii)] 4. Remote Terminal Units [see Section 3.1(b)(iv)] 5. Interface controllers, cabinets, cablings, power supplies, etc Hardware subtotal 6. Spare parts (20 percent of total hardware cost) TOTAL HARDWARE CDST B. Software Cost C. Auxiliary Cost TOTAL SYSTEM COST Internal Cost A. Project Management B. System Maintenance Training (Salaries) C. Training Expenses D. Hydro-units Site Preparation E. Communication Installation Support TOTAL INTERNAL COST 10-4 $ 380,000 175,000 86,000 250,000 65,000 $ 876,000 175,000 $1,131,000 $1,200,000 $ 750,000 $3,081,000 $ 800,000 160,000 50,000 700,000 60,000 $1,770,000 Total Susitna Hydroelectric In-Plant Monitoring and Control System Project Cost A. System Cost B. Internal Cost TOTAL COST (c) Communication Project Cost Microwave System Cost (see Section 4) A. Communication Equipment B. Towers and Installation C. Foundations D. Buildings, power supplies, etc E. Contingencies TOTAL SYSTEM COST Internal Cost A. Project Management B. System Engineering C . In s t a 1 la t i on Support TOTAL INTERNAL COST Total Communication Project Cost A. System Cost B. Internal Cost TOTAL COST (d) Alternative I, Total Project Cost A. Total EMS Project Cost B. Total Susitna River Hydroelectric In-Plant Monitoring and Control System Project Cost C. Total Communication Project Cost TOTAL ALTERNATIVE I PROJECT COST 10-5 $3,081,000 1,770,000 $4,851,000 $1,020,000 1,190,000 400,000 850,000 680,000 $4,140,000 $ 180,000 90,000 510,000 $ 780,000 $4,140,000 780,000 $4,920,000 $11,524,000 4,851,000 4,920,000 $21,295,000 10.3 -Alternative II (a) EMS Project Cost System Cost A. Hardware Cost 1. Computer Subsystem [see Section 3.2(a)(i)] 2. Man/Machine Subsystem [see Section 3.2(a)(ii)] 3. Communication Subsystem [see Section 3.2(a)(iii)] 4. Remote Terminal Units [see Section 3.2(a)(iv)] 5. Interface controllers cablings, power supplies, etc Hardware subtotal 6. Spare Parts (20 percent of total hardware cost) TOTAL HARDWARE COST B. Software Cost C. Auxiliary Cost TOTAL SYSTEM COST Note: The total EMS system cost does n o t i n c 1 u de f e d e r a 1 , s t at e -:--arid local taxes. Internal Cost A. Project Management B. System Maintenance Training (Sa1aries) C. Training Expenses 0. Switching Station Site Preparation E. Power Station Site Preparation F. Communication Installation Support TOTAL INTERNAL COST 10-6 $1,800,000 220,000 170,000 220,000 150,000 $2,560,000 512,000 $3,072,000 $4,200,000 $1,350,000 $8,622,000 $2,200,000 240,000 96,000 320,000 480,000 270,000 $3,606,000 Total EMS Project Cost -system cost -internal cost TOTAL COST (b) Susitna Hydroelectric In-Plant Monitoring and Control System Project Cost System Cost A. Hardware Cost 1. Computer Subsystem [see Section 3.2(b)(i)] 2. Man/Machine Subsystem [see Section 3.2(b)(i i)] 3. Communication Subsystem [see Section 3.2(b){iii)] 4. Remote Terminal Units [see Section 3.2(b)(iv)] 5. Interface controllers, cabinets, cablings, power supplies, etc Hardware subtotal 6. Spare Parts (20 percent of total hardware cost) TOTAL HARDWARE COST B. Software Cost C. Auxiliary Cost TOTAL SYSTEM COST Internal Cost A. Project Management B. System Maintenance Training C. Training Expenses D. Hydro-units Site Preparation E . Co mm u n i c at i o n I n s t a l ·1 at i o n S u p p o r t TOTAL INTERNAL COST 10-7 $ 8~622,000 3,606,000 $12,228,000 $ 380~000 175,000 70,000 240,000 60,000 $ 925,000 169,000 $1,094,000 $1,200,000 $ 700,000 $2,994,000 $ 800,000 160,000 50,000 780,000 85,000 $1,875~000 Total Susitna River Hydroelectric In-Plant Monitorinq and Control System Project Co~f A. System Cost B. Internal Cost TOTAL COST (c) Communication Project Cost (d) Alternative II, Total Project Cost A. Total EMS Project Cost B. Total Susitna River Hydroelectric In-Plant Monitor and Control Cost. System Project Cost C . To t a 1 C o mm u n i c a t i o n C o s t TOTAL ALTERNATIVE II PROJECT COST 10.4 -EMS Control Center Cost (a) Control Center Building Cost 1. Building Architect 1 s Cost 2. Building Construction Cost 14,537 ft2, $220/ft2 TOTAL COST (b) Additional Costs ... parking -landscaping -access roads -A/C power line (2 mi) Subtotal (c) UPS and Diesel Generator -UPS (50 kVA), including batteries -diesel generator Subtotal (d) Special, Stand-Alone Air-conditioning - 3 units (e) Total Cost, EMS Control Center 10-8 $2,994,000 1,875,000 $4,869,000 $5,100,000 $12,228,000 4,869,000 5,100,000 $22,197,000 $ 160,000 3,198,140 $3,358,140 $ 70,000 50,000 50,000 70,000 $ 240,000 $ 120,000 90,000 $ 210,000 $ 4 5, 000 $3,853,140 11 -RECOMMENDATION W e r e c o mm en d t h e i m p 1 em e n t at i o n o f A 1 t e r n at i v e · I , R a i 1 b e 1 t Energy Management System for the monitoring and control of the power transmission network and generation facilities as the most cost-effective system approach. We do not recommend Alternative II system approach, because this option wi 11 create unnecessary problems with the interconnected utilities in the area of automatic generation control (direct control of generating units by the EMS system 1 o c ate d at the W i 1 1 ow Con t r o 1 Center) . We further recommend the procurement and installation of a microwave system for the interconnected power transmission network and generating facilities located in the Rail belt are a. 11-1 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLANNING MEMORANDUM SUBTASl< 8.02 PRELIMINARY TRANSMISSION SYSTEM ANALYSIS ATTACHMENT 2 PREFACE This Planning Memorandum is an interim report to describe the preliminary analyses carried out under Subtask 8.02, "Electric System Studies". In view of the uncertainty of a number of system parameters, some sweeping assumptions had to be made to be able to carry out this preliminary analysis. One important item which is still undecided at the time of this writing is the interconnection configuration of the Susitna transmission with the utilities in the Anchorage area. The technical analyses, including transmission line energizing, load flow and transient stability studies, were performed assuming two major switching and transformer stations in Anchorage, without knowledge of their locations, as shown in the system diagrams in Figures 3.1 and 3.2. Due to later information, it was proposed to base the economic comparison of the various transmission alternatives on a single switching station at the western terminal of a 230-kV cable crossing of K.nik Arm. The costs of the cable crossing, being common to all alternatives, were excluded from the comparison. The final common configuration will have to be determined, as will a number of other parameters, before the technical and economic analyses can be completed. The capital and operating costs of all components of the Susitna transmission system will then have to be included in the economic comparison of alternatives. It is expected that the conclusions drawn from this study will not be significantly affected by the resulting changes in system parameters. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................................ ... LIST OF FIGURES ------------------------------------------------ -INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------- 2 -SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------- 3 -DESCRIPTION AND RESULTS OF STUDIES ........................................................................ ... 3.1 -Planning Criteria------------------------------------ 3.2 -Existing System Data -------------------------------- 3.3 -System Load Forecast --------------------------------- 3.3.1 -Load Levels ---------------------------------------- 3.3.2 -Load Distribution----------------------------------- 3.3.3 -Load Power Factors -------------------------------- 3.4 -System Configuration -Ac Alternatives --------------- 3.4.1 -Susitna Configuration------... ----------------------- 3.4.2 -switching at Willow ............................................................................................. ... 3. 4.3 -Switching at Healy --------------------------------- 3.4.4 -Anchorage Configuration---------------------------- 3.4.5 -Fairbanks Configuration ---------------------------... 3.5 -Alternating Current Alternatives Analyzed ------------ 3.5.1 -Susitna to Anchorage Transrnission Alternatives ----- 3.5.2 -Susitna to Fairbanks Transmission Alternatives ................ 3.5.3 -Total System Alternatives -------------------------- 3.6 -Electric system Studies ....................................................................................... ... 3.6.1 -Power Transfer------------------------------------- 3.6.2 -Conductor Sizes ------------------------------... ---- 3.6.3 -Line Energizing --,---.------------------------------- 3.6.4 -Load Flow studies --------------------------------- 3.6.5 -Transient Stability -------------------------------- 3.7 -Economic Studies ------------------... ----------------- 3.7.1 -Cost Estimates ------------------------------------- 3.7.2 -Life-Cycle Costs ---------------------------------- 3.8 -HVDC Transtnission ------------------------·----------- 3.8.1 -General-------------------------------------------- 3.8.2 -Comparative Transmission systems ...................................................... ... 3.8.3 -Comparative Costs ---------------------------------- 4 -CONCLUSIONS ---------------------------------------------- 5 -RECOMMENDATIONS ................................. ..,. ............................................................................................. ... APPENDIX A -TRANSMISSION PLANNING CRITERIA APPENDIX B -EXISTING TRANSMISSION SYSTEM DATA APPENOIX C -ECONCMIC CONDUCTOR SIZES APPENDIX D ... COST ESTIMATES APPENDIX E .... HVDC TRANSM.ISSION i 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 Page i ii - - -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -3 -3 -4 -4 -5 -5 -5 -7 -7 -8 -9 -9 -10 -10 -11 -12 -12 -14 -15 -16 -17 -17 -17 -18 -19 -1 - LIST OF TABLES Number 3.2 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 Title Railbelt Region Peak and Energy Demand Forecasts Used for Generation Planning Studies Staging of the Susitna Development Maximum Power to be Transmitted to Anchorage and Fairbanks for Each Stage of the Susitna Development Line Losses Under Maximum Power Transmission Transmission Line Energizing -Transmission Alternative 1 Transmission Line Energizing -Transmission Alternative 2 Transmission Line Energizing -Transmission Alternative 5 .Ratings of Reactive Compensation Required Transmission and Substation Unit Costs Life Cycle Costs -Transmission Alternative 1 Li.fe Cycle Costs -Transmission Alternative 2 Life Cycle Costs -Transmission Alternative 3 Life Cycle Costs -Transmission Alternative 4 Life Cycle Costs -Transmission Alternative 5 Summary of Life Cycle Costs Summary of Comparative Costs -ac Versus de Transmission ii LIST OF FIGURES Number, 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 Title Transmission System Configuration -Alternative l Transmission System Configuration -Alterna~ive 2 Peak Demand Flow -Alternative l -85 Percent Load at Anchorage Peak Demand Flow -Alternative l -25 Percent Load at Fairbanks Peak Demand Flow -Alternative 2 -85 Percent Load at Anchorage Peak Demand Flow -Alternative 2 -25 Percent Load at Fairbanks Transient Stability Swing Curves -Alternative l -85 Percent Load at Anchorage Transient Stability Swing Curves -Alternative 1 -25 Percent Load at Fairbanks Transient Stability Swing Curves -Alternative 2 -85 Percent Load at Anchorage Transient Stability Swing Curves -Alternative 2 -25 Percent Load at Fairbanks iii 1 -INTRODUCTION The Plan of Study (POS) for the Susitna hydroelectric project, which is currently being undertaken for the Alaska Power Authority (APA) by Acres American Incorporated includes studies. of the required transmission system under Task 8. Subtask 8.02 of Task 8 is entitled Electric System Studies. The objective of this subtask, as defined in the February 1980 POS is as follows. "To ensure that the electrical aspects of the project design are integrated with the existing Railbelt area power systems and to design an electrical power system which is reliable and economic." The transmission system for the Susitna project, as currently envisaged, will ultimately involve lines from the Watana and Devil canyon sites to both Fairbanks and Anchorage. The system is to be designed in such a way that the proposed intertie between Anchorage and Fairbanks, which is presently under study for APA by Commonwealth Associates, will eventually become part of the Susitna transmission system. Work on Subtask 8.02 commenced in June 1980 and is scheduled to be complete by March 1982. The purpose of this Planning Memorandum is to present the results of the ~eliminary analysis completed under Subtask 8.02 through June 15, 1981. 1 - 1 2 -SUMMARY The studies are best summarized by outlining the scope of the work to be performed. The scope of work includes -develop transmission system planning criteria -assemble all data describing existing Railbel t power systems -study the present and projected load distribution to Anchorage and Fairbanks -determine delivery points for Susitna power into local utility systems -determine line loadings for the Susitna transmission system -propose alternative preliminary system configurations -prepare preliminary cost estimates for alternative system configurations -perform preliminary screening of various alternatives -recommend transmission system configuration, voltage and conductor sizes. Based on the results obtained from the above activities a transmission alternative is recommended which best satisfies the technical planning criteria at an economical cost. The recommended option, called A1 ternative 2 in this study, has the following major characteristics. 2 - 1 Transmission Line Number of Conductor Section Len9:th Circuts Volta9:e Size (mi) (kV) ( kcmil) Watana -Devil Canyon 27 2 345 2 X 954 Devil Canyon -Willow 90 3 345 2 X 954 Willow -Anchorage 50 3 345 2 X 954 Devil canyon -Fairbanks 189 2 345 2 X 795 2 - 2 3 -DESCRIPTION AND RESULTS OF STUDIES 3.1 -Planning Criteria The planning criteria were developed to ensure the design of a reliable and economic electrical power system, with components which are rated to allow a smooth transition through early project stages to the ultimately fully developed potential. System planning criteria were submitted to APA in August 1980 and subsequently accepted without comment. As a result of the better understanding of the Susitna transmission system, gained from the preliminary analyses carried out to date, revised criteria were proposed as outlined in Appendix A. In the revision, some of the criteria were modified to allow for larger variations in performance parameters during early stages of project development. Strict application of optimum, long-term criteria would require the installation of equipment with ratings larger than necessary and at excessive cost. In the interest of economy and long-term system performance, these criteria were temporarily relaxed during early development stages of the project. While allowing for satisfactory operation during early system development, final system parameters must be based on the ultimate Susitna potential. The criteria are based on the desirability to maintain rated power flow to Anchorage and Fairbanks during the outage of any single line or transformer element. The essential features of the criteria are -total power output of Susitna to be delivered to one or two stations at Anchorage and one at Fairbanks -"breaker-and-a-half'' switching station arrangements 3 -1 dynamic overvoltages during line energizing not to exceed specified limits -system voltages to be within established limits during normal operation -power delivered to the loads to be maintained and system voltages to be kept within established limits for system operation under emergency conditions -transient stability during a 3-phase line fault cleared by breaker action with no reclosing -where performance limits are exceeded, the most cost effective corrective measures are to be taken. 3.2 -Existing System Data The data on the existing power systems in the Railbelt area were assembled by R. w. Retherford Associates. These data have been compiled in a draft report by Commonwealth Associates Inc., dated November 1980 and entitled "lmchorage-Fairbanks Transmission Intertie -Transmission System Data". This report is included, with minor revisions, as Appendix B. other system data were obtained in the form of single-line diagrams from the various utilities. 3.3 -System Load Forecast 3.3.1 -Load.Levels Energy and peak demand forecasts were prepared for the Alaska Railbelt region by the Institute for Social and Economic Resea,rch, University of Alaska (ISER). These were modified to account for 3 -2 self-supplied industrial and military generation as well as expected results of load management and conservation efforts. The resulting low, medium and high forecasts of peak and energy demand, as shown in Table 3.1, were used in the generation planning analyses of Subtask 6.36. 3.3.2 -Load Distribution At present, the total Railbelt system load is shared approximately 80 percent by Anchorage and 20 percent by Fairbanks. While the projections of various load forecasts vary somewhat around these figures, the predicted changes are small. To account for the uncertainty in future development, the transmission system was designed to allow for this load sharing to vary from a maximum of 85 percent of Susitna generating capacity at'Anchorage to a maximum of 25 percent at Fairbanks. 3.3.3 -Load Power Factors Loads were represented in the electric system studies at the highest subtransmission level at each load center transformer station, generally 138 kV. Subtransmission at 138 kV from the point of delivery of Susitna power was considered to be the responsibility of individual utilities. As such it was not included in the system simulation. Load power factors were assumed to be corrected to 0. 95. Conditions of low voltages were corrected with the help of additional static var generation at the EHV/138-kV . transformer station. During detail design stages, it may prove advantag.eous to carry out most of this power factor correction at lower voltages in the distribution network. This method is expected to be more cost effective in equipment costs and result in operational advantages as well. 3 ... 3 3.4 -System Configuration - AC Alternatives Alternative configurations for the proposed transmission system were developed after reviewing the existing system configurations at both Anchorage and Fairbanks as well as the possibilities and development plans in the Susitna, Anchorage, Fairbanks, Willow and Healy areas. 3.4.1 -Susitna Configuration Preliminary development plans indicate that the first project to be constructed would be Watana with an initial installed capacity of 400 MW to be increased to approximately 800 MW in the second development stage. The next project, and the last to be considered in this study, is Devil Canyon with an installed capacity of 400 MW to 600 MW. Devil Canyon and Gold Creek were considered as the sites for a major switching station to collect all of the Susitna generation for transmission to Anchorage and Fairbanks. Switching at Gold Creek would involve the construction and operating cost of one additional station. It would require a larger number of circuit breakers but would reduce the number of transmission circuits in the canyon. Uncertainty about detail line routing and access requirements make a switching station at Gold Creek less desirable. A cost comparison between the two alternative configurations proved that a switching station at Devil Canyon is more economical than at Gold Creek. In the light of all these factors, it is considered advantageous to base present studies on a switching station located at Devil Canyon with transmission directly from there to Anchorage and Fairbanks. 3 -4 3.4.2 -Switching at Willow Transmission from Susi tna to Anchorage is facilitated by the introduction of an intermediate switching station. This has the effect of reducing line energizing overvoltages and reducing the impact of line outages on system stability. Willow is a suitable location for this intermediate switching station and in addition it would make it possible to supply local load when this is justified by development in the area. This local load is expected to be less than 10 percent of the total Railbelt area system load, but the availability of an EHV line tap would definitely facilitate future power supply. 3.4.3 -Switching at Healy A switching station at Healy was considered early in the analysis, but was found not to be necessary to satisfy the planning criteria. The predicted load at Healy is small enough to be supplied by the local. generation and the existing 138-kV transmission from Fairbanks. 3.4.4 -Anchorage Configuration In its 1975 report on the Upper Susitna River Hydroelectric Studies, the United States Department of the Interior Corps of Engineers favored a transmission route terminating at Point MacKenzie. The 1979 Economic Feasibility Study Report for the Anchorage- Fairbanks Intertie by International Engineering Company Inc. (IECo) recommends one circuit from Susitna terminating at Point MacKenzie and another passing through Palmer and Eklutna substations to Anchorage along the eastern side of Knik Arm. 3 - 5 At the beginning of the studies, it was assumed that Susitna power would be delivered to Anchorage through two major transformer stations. Initially, it was thought that one of these might be near Palmer and the other "elsewhere" without detailed knowledge of its location. Analysis of system configuration, distribution of loads and development in the Anchorage area reveals that a transformer station near Palmer would be of little benefit. Most of the major loads are concentrated in and around the urban Anchorage area at the mouth of Knik Arm. In order to reduce the length of subtransmission feeders, the transformer stations should be located as close to Anchorage as possible. The routing of transmission into Anchorage may be chosen from three possible alternatives. (a) Submarine cable crossing from Point MacKenzie to Point Woronzof. This would require transmission through a very heavily developed area. It would also expose the cables to damage by ship's anchors, as has been experienced with existing cables, thus resulting in questionable transmission reliability. (b) Overland route north of Knik Arm via Palmer. This is likely most economical in terms of capital cost in spite of the long distance involved. However, approval for this route is unlikely since overhead transmission through this developed area is considered environmentally unacceptable. A longer over land route around the developed area is considered unacceptable because of the mountainous terrain. (c) Submarine cable crossing of Knik Arm, in the area of Lake Lorraine and Six Mile Creek, approximately parallel to the new 230-kV cable under construction for Chugach Electric 3 - 6 Association (CEA). This option, including some 3 to 4 miles of submarine cable, requires a high capital cost. Being upstream from the shipping lanes to the port of Anchorage it would result in a reliable transmission link, and one that would not have to cross environmentally sensitive conservation areas. The load flow and stability studies were carried out assuming two major switching and transformer stations, without knowledge of their locations, as shown in the system diagrams in Figures 3.1 and 3.2. Later information from the field indicated that Susitna power would likely be delivered to a single 345/230-kV station at the western terminal of the cable crossing outlined in option (c) above. The cost of the cable crossing (at 230 kV) would be common to all transmission alternatives under this option. This cost was thus excluded from the economic analysis comparing the five alternatives in this planning memorandum. The final analysis will benefit from more definitive knowledge regarding the most likely transmission routing and locations of Anchorage transformer stations. The costs of cable crossings and terminal stations for the EHV system will then be included in the final economic comparisons between the various transmission alternatives. 3. 4.5 -Fairbanks Configuration Susitna power for the Fairbanks area is recommended to be delivered to a single EHV/138-kV transformer station located at Ester. 3.5 -Alternating Current Alternatives Analyzed Because of the geographic location of the various centers, transmission from Susitna to Anchorage and Fairbanks will result in a radial system configuration. This fact allows significant freedom in the choice of 3 - 7 transmission voltages, conductors, and other parameters for the two line sections with only limited dependence between them. In the end, the advantages of standardization for the entire system will have to be compared to the benefits of optimizing each section on its own merits. Transmission alternatives were developed for each of the two 'System areas including voltage levels, number of circuits required, and other parameters, to satisfy the necessary transmission requirements of each area. Having established the peak power to be delivered and the distances over which it is to be transmitted, transmission voltages and number of circuits required were determined. To maintain a consistency with standard ANSI voltages used in other parts of the USA, the following voltages were considered for Susitna transmission. -Watana to Devil canyon or Gold 500 kV or 345 kV - Creek and on to Anchorage Devil Canyon or Gold Creek to 345 kV or 230 kV Fairbanks 3.5.1 -Susitna to Anchorage Transmission Alternatives Transmission at either of two different voltage levels could reasonably provide the necessary power transfer capability over the distance of approximately 140 miles between Devil Canyon and Anchorage. These are 345 kV and 500 kV. The required transfer capability is 85 percent of the ultimate generating capacity of 1,400 MW (1,190 MW). At 500 kV, two circuits would provide more than adequate capability. At 345 kV either three circuits uncompensated, or two circuits with series compensation are required to provide the necessary reliability for the single contingency outage criterion. At lower voltages, an excessive 3 - 8 number of parallel circuits would be required while above 500 kV two circuits are still needed to provide service in the event of a line outage. 3.5.2 -Susitna to Fairbanks Transmission Alternatives Using the same reasoning as for the choic~ of transmission alternatives to Anchorage, two circuits of either 230 kV or 345 kV were chosen for the section from Devil Canyon to Fairbanks. The 230-kV alternative requires series compensation to satisfy the planning criteria in case of a line outage. 3. 5 .• 3 -Total System Alternatives The above-mentioned transmission section alternatives were combined into five realistic total system alternatives. Three of the five alternatives have different voltages for the two sections. The principal parameters of the five transmission system alternatives to be analyzed in detail are as follows. Alternative 1 2 3 4 5 Susitna to Anchorage Number of Circuits 2 3 2 3 2 *Denotes series compensation. Voltage (kV) 345* 345 345* 345 500 3 - 9 Susitna to Fairbanks Number of Circuits 2 2 2 2 2 Voltage (kV) 345 345 230* 230* 230* Single-line diagrams explaining the details of the two most promising system configurations, Alternatives 1 and 2, are shown in Figures 3.1 and 3.2. 3.6 -Electric System Studies Early in the system studies, it was realized that 345 kV was the one voltage which showed greatest promise for transmission from Susitna to both Anchorage and Fairbanks. A 500-kV system has higher transmission capabilities but at significantly higher costs. Transmission at 230 kV is insufficient for the section from Susitna to Anchorage, and all dual voltage systems have increased complications and decreased reliability at little or no economic advantage. For these reasons, 500-kV and 230-kV system alternatives were only analyzed sufficiently to determine their equipment ratings so that cost estimates could be prepared. 3.6.1 -Power Transfer After studying various reports and obtaining preliminary information on the staging of Susitna from Subtask 6.36, Generation Planning, the electric system studies were able to proceed in December 1980. Table 3.2 shows the preliminary staging schedule for the Susitna developnent. The maximum power to be transmitted to Anchorage and Fairbanks for each stage of development, based on the 85 percent and 25 percent limits is given in Table 3.3. The load power factor is assumed to be 0.95 and the power factor rating of the Susitna generators is assumed to be 0. 90. Following determination of the system power transfer requirements for each stage of Susitna development, alternative system configurations were developed taking into account the following 3 -10 -initial Susitna development at the Watana site - a major switching station at Devil Canyon or near Gold Creek -possible intermediate switching at Willow and Healy. Preliminary line lengths for the system configurations under study were obtained from Subtask 8. 03, Transmission Line Route Selection. 3.6.2 -Conductor Sizes Based on the transmission and power transfer requirements at the various stages of Susitna development, economic conductor sizes are determined. The methodology used to obtain the economic conductor size and the results obtained are outlined in Appendix C, Economic Conductor Sizes. Also included in Appendix C are the capitalized costs of transmission line losses. The costs of these losses are taken into account in com~ring the overall costs of alternative transmission schemes. When determining appropriate conductor size, the economic conductor is checked for radio interference (RI) and corona performance. If RI and corona performance are within acceptable limits, then the economic conductor size is used. However, where the RI and corona performance are found to be limiting, the conductor selection is based on these requirements. Total line losses for the proposed conductor size for each of the different line voltages being considered are given in Table 3. 4. These losses are for the alternatives where a major switching station is located at Devil Canyon. The losses given are the total line losses for transmission from Devil Canyon to Anchorage and from Devil Canyon to Fairbanks. The line from Devil Canyon to Anchorage is 155 miles long. The losses were calculated for the 3 -11 maximum expected power transfer to Anchorage and to Fairbanks for each of the stages of the Susitna development as given in Table 3.3. 3.6.3 -Line Energizing Transmission line energizing studies were carried out to determine the need for and ratings of reactive shunt compensation at the receiving ends of transmission line sections at the various voltages. This compensation is required to limit overvoltages during line energizing to acceptable levels. Shunt reactors are required at Willow and Anchorage for the 500-kV transmission alternative and at Fairbanks for 345-kV transmission. These reactors are switched with EHV breakers directly to the respective transmission lines in order to be connected prior to energizing of the line sections. The breakers are required to disconnect the reactors at times of heavy line flows, and especially during line outage conditions. This arrangement reduces the need for capacitive var generation to compensate for the reactors. The results of the line energizing analysis are shown in Tables 3.5 to 3.7. Included in the tables are values which fall outside the proposed planning critera and must be corrected with shunt reactors as indicated. 3.6.4 -Load Flow Studies Load flow studies confirmed satisfactory system performance under both normal and emergency conditions for all transmission alternatives. Emergency conditions tested include outages of any single 345-kV transmission circuit for the 345-kV alternatives as well as the critical outages of a 500-kV circuit between Devil Canyon and Willow and a 230-kV circuit between Devil Canyon and Fairbanks for the 500-kV and 230-kV alternatives. 3 -12 Voltages on the 138-kV and 230-kV load buses range from 0.99 to 1.02 per unit for normal operation and from 0.93 to 1.02 per unit under emergency outage conditions. Voltage ranges on the EHV systems were 0.95 to 1.04 and 0.90 to 1.04 for normal and emergency conditions, respectively. Load conditions were assumed to be at peak demand with Susitna generation fully utilized and only minimal other generation available on the system. This situation is expected to result in the most critical operating conditions. Total load is 1,600 MW at a power factor of 0.95. System load distribution was simulated at a maximum of 85 percent of the total load for Anchorage and a maximum of 25 percent for Fairbanks. Generation assumed for the above load conditions includes SUsitna capability fully utilized (Watana 800 MW, Devil Canyon 600 MW) plus 300 MW of coal-fired generation at Beluga and 100 MW of gas turbines at each of Anchorage and Fairbanks. All of the thermal units are assumed to be running'at approximately half load in order to provide 250 MW of spinning reserve. Load flow diagrams showing normal system operation at peak demand for 85/15 percent and 75/25 percent load sharing for transmission Alternatives 1 and 2 are included as Figures 3.3 to 3.6. The load flow diagrams show a system configuration containing two terminal stations in Anchorage with a subtransmission voltage of 138 kV. Transmission from Beluga is represented as a 345-kV infeed. In the final analysis the transmission between Willow and Anchorage will include approximately four miles of submarine cable for the Knik Arm crossing, but this is not represented in the initial studies. Switching of the 345-kV shunt reactors at Fairbanks is not shown in the diagrams, but these will be disconnected for peak demand and line outage conditions as required. While these changes have significant effects on transmission system equipment costs, they do I not significantly affect system operation. For this reason, they were included in the latest cost estimates but not in the electric 3 -13 system studies to avoid repeated updating of system parameters. System performance was found to be critical for line outages between Devil canyon and Willow and between Devil canyon and Fairbanks. Consequently, it was these line outages which determined the ratings of static var sources and series compensation. The required ratings of compensation equipment for the five transmission alternatives are listed in Table 3.8. 3.6.5 -Trans;ient Stability Detailed transient stability studies were carried out only for the 345-kV transmission Alternatives 1 and 2. Before the studies had advanced to the stage of stability analysis, alternatives containing 500-kV or 230-kV transmission had been recognized to be noncompetitive with the remaining 345-kV alternatives, on either economic or technical grounds. A 500-kV transmission to Anchorage would have sufficient surplus capability to ensure stable operation. On the other hand, should 230-kV transmission to Fairbanks ever have to be reconsidered, transient stability would still need to be confirmed. As outlined in the planning criteria, the design fault for transient stability analysis is a 3-phase fault. In the preliminary studies, the fault was cleared in 4.8 cycles at both ends of the faulted line section, rather than in 4.8 and 6 cycles at the near and remote ends, respectively, as stipulated in the planning criteria. A test run for the most critical system condition confirmed that the additional delay does not significantly affect system performance. Transient stability was analyzed for a 3-phase fault on the 345-kV line from Devil Canyon to Willow (with 85 percent of the system 3 -14 load at Anchorage) and similarly on the line from Devil canyon to Fairbanks (with 25 percent of system load at Fairbanks). To simulate worst conditions, the fault was assumed to be near Devil canyon in both cases. The fault was cleared in 4.8 cycles without reclosure. System transient behavior was observed .for a period of 1 second after the fault. Exciter and governor response in the transient interval was ignored. The dynamic voltage regulating capabilities of the static var sources at Anchorage and Fairbanks were ignored as well. For the final analysis a revised computer model (with representation of dynamically variable static var sources) will be available. The attached swing curves, Figures 3.7 to 3.10, show the rotor angles of all generators relative to the rotor angles at Watana. All generators recover from the first and second swings for both transmission alternatives. The actions of exciters and governors should ensure that these swings are damped out and return the system to a new equilibrium after each disturbance. System transient behavior seems to be quite sensitive to the generation on-line at both Anchorage and Fairbanks at the time of a fault. Detailed analysis at the design stages will have to determine the minimum spinning reserve required at both Anchorage and Fairbanks to ensure system stability in the event of a major fault. The transient studies are considered adequate to confirm the stability of the system configuration and the primary equipment parameters needed to ensure satisfactory operation. 3.7-Economic Studies Economic studies were carried out to determine the capital and operating costs and to compare the total life cycle costs of the various transmission alternatives. The economic studies exclude the costs of the Knik Arm crossing and terminal stations in Anchorage. These were considered common to all alternatives (for a 230-kV crossing). They will have to be included in the final analysis. 3 -15 3.7.1 -Cost Estimates The transmission cost estimates include all costs for transmission lines and substations. All estimates include the costs of land acquisition and clearing. Included in the substation cost estimates are site preparation and all equipment costs for circuit breakers, transformers, shunt reactors, static var sources and transmission line series capacitors. Cost estimates of major equipment include the costs of all ancillaries such as disconnect switches, potential transformers, current transformers, controls, instrumentation, etc. At the generating stations all EHV circuit breakers are included, but generator transformers and low-voltage breakers are excluded. These are included in the powerhouse estimates. Similarly at the load centers all EHV breakers are included as well as the necessary circuit entries at the subtransmission voltage (230 kV or 138 kV) for each transformer bank. The remainder of the lower voltage station is common to all alternatives and therefore excluded from the comparison. At Anchorage, transformation to 230 kV is assumed on the west side of Knik Arm implying cable crossings at 230 kV. The cable crossings and other 230-kV equipment are considered common to all ac transmission alternatives for Susitna and their costs have been excluded from this comparison. They must be included for comparison of schemes with different Knik Arm crossing configurations such as HVDC transmission from Susitna. The unit costs and assumptions in the cost estimates are shown in Table 3.9. All details on which the cost estimates are based are given in detail in Appendix D. 3 -16 3.7.2-Life-Cycle Costs Life-cycle costs for each transmission alternative were calculated by discounting all cost components over a SO-year lifetime from 1993 to 2043 to a common present worth datum of 1981. The calculations and results of total present-worth costs are shown in Tables 3.10 to 3.14. Included in the life-cycle costs are capital (including engineering, contingencies, land acquisition and clearing and bond commission). Also included are the capitalized annual costs of operation and maintenance, insurance, interim replacement, contribution in lieu of taxes, and transmission losses. A summary of present-worth life-cycle system costs for all five transmission alternatives is shown in Table 3.15. 3.8 -HVDC Transmission In order to determine the relative economics of HVDC as compared to the preferred ac transmission alternative an economic screening was carried out. The details of this analysis are given in Appendix E, and the results and significant features are summarized here. 3.8.1 -General A HVDC transmission system linking Susitna generation with the Anchorage and Fairbanks load areas would need to be either one 3-terminal system or two 2-terminal systems. Another alternative would be a combined scheme using ac transmission from Susitna to one load center and de transmission to the other. In order to ensure that no possible economic combination is overlooked, transmission to Anchorage and Fairbanks are considered separately. 3 -17 3.8.2 -Comparative Transmission Systems The ac and HVDC transmission systems whose costs are compared are essentially comparable in terms of security of supply. Each alternative is planned to maintain rated transfer capability with the single contingency outage of any element in the transmission system. {a) Ac Transmission The ac transmission system which is considered as the base case utilizes 345 kV with 3 circuits ultimately to Anchorage and 2 circuits to Fairbanks. Transmission to the load centers originates at a switching station at Devil Canyon with Watana generation brought in at 345 kV. Transmission to Fairbanks is direct to a 345-kV/138-kV terminal station at the load center. Transmission to Anchorage involves an intermediate switching station at Willow and proceeds to a 345-kV/230-kV station on the west side on Knik Arm. At this point transmission continues via a 230-kV submarine cable* to the east side of Knik Arm and into a terminal station from which local distribution circuits would radiate. *Transformation to 230 kV and use of 230-kV submarine cable is not necessarily the optimum arrangement, but it is considered adequate for the ac versus HVDC economic screening. 3 -18 (b) HVDC Transmission The HVDC converter terminals are assumed to be located at Devil Canyon with local ac transmission at 230 kV between Watana and Devil Canyon. Transmission to Fairbanks is via a single bipolar HVDC line operating at ;t250 kV, with an inverter terminal and 138-kV circuit entries at the load end.* Transmission to Anchorage is also at .:!:,250 kV but would require 2 bipolar HVDC circuits to meet the security constraints. These circuits would proceed directly to Anchorage, utilizing HVDC submarine cables across Knik Arm and into an inverter station on the east side of Knik Arm. The inverter output is via 230-kV circuit entries which would supply local distribution identical to the ac alternative. The cost of a separate 230-kv ac supply from Point McKenzie to Willow is allowed for, so that both ac and de alternatives would be functionally equivalent. 3.8.3 -Comparative Costs The details of equipment ratings and llll.it costs are given in Appendix E; the results are summarized in Table 3.16. Individual costs are given for line and terminal facilities in order to illustrate the basic relationships between ac and HVDC transmission costs. All capital costs are for the ultimate installation with no discounting of staged components. The *During the single contingency outage of one pole of the line or terminal facilities, earth return would be utilized to maintain rated power flow to Fairbanks. 3 -19 capitalization of annual charges such as operating costs and the cost of losses is at 3 percent discount rate over the 50-yr life of facilities. As the comparative costs show there is no obvious cost advantage favoring HVDC over ac transmission either to Anchorage or to Fairbanks. This is particularly true in the case of Anchorage where HVDC is over 20 percent more costly than ac transmission. The margin favoring ac is only 8 percent in the case of transmission to Fairbanks, and although this might be reduced by further study, it is unlikely the savings would be sufficient to justify the operating complexity of combined ac and HVDC systems. On the basis of this economic screening it is concluded that ac is an appropriate choice for transmission from Susitna to the load centers at Anchorage and Fairbanks. 3 -20 TABLE 3.1: RAILBELT RgGION PEAK AND ENERGY DEMAND FORECASTS USED FOR GENERATION PLANNING STUDIES L 0 AD C A S E Low Plus Load Management and Conservation 1 (LES-GL Adjusted) Low 2 (LES-GL) Medium 3 (MES-GM) High 4 (HES-GH) Load Load Load Year MW GWh Factor MW GWh Factor MW GWh Factor MW GWh 1980 510 2790 62.5 510 2790 62.4 510 2790 62.4 510 2790 1985 560 3090 62.8 580 3160 62.4 650 3570 62.6 695 3860 1990 620 3430 63.2 640 3505 62.4 735 4030 62.6 920 5090 1995 685 3810 63.5 795 4350 62.3 945 5170 62.5 1295 7120 2000 755 4240 63.8 950 5210 62.3 1175 6430 62.4 1670 9170 2005 835 4690 64.1 1045 5700 62.2 1380 7530 62.3 2285 12540 2010 920 5200 64.4 1140 6220 62.2 1635 8940 62.4 2900 15930 Notes: l LES-GL: Low economic growth/low government expenditure with load management and conservation. 2 LES-GL: Low economic growth/low government expenditure. 3 MES-GM: Medium economic growth/moderate government expenditure. 4 HES-GH: High economic growth/high government expenditure. Load Factor 62.4 63.4 63.1 62.8 62.6 62.6 62.7 Year 1993 1996 2000 2000 {optional) TABLE 3.2: STAGING OF THE SUSITNA DEVELOPMENT Susitna Capacity -MW Watana Increments 400 400 Total 400 800 Devil Canyon Increments 400 200 Total 400 600 Susitna Total 400 800 1,200 1,400 TABLE 3. 3: MAXIMUM POWER TO BE TRANSMITTED TO ANCHORAGE Total Susitna Capacity {MW) 400 800 1,200 1,400 AND FAIRBANKS FOR EACH STAGE OF SUSITNA DEVELOPMENT Maximum Power Transmission: To Anchorage To Fairbanks (~) ,., 340 680 1,020 1,190 100 200 300 350 Note: For system planning purposes a maximum of 85 percent of Susitna generation is assumed to be transmitted to Anchorage and a maximum of 25 percent to Fairbanks. TABLE 3.4: LINE LOSSES UNDER MAXIMUM POWER TRANSMISSION Devil Can:t:on to Anchorage (155 mi) Susitna Power 500 kV 345 kV 345 kV CaEacity Transmitted 2 Circuits 2 Circuits 3 Circuits (MW) (MW) (.MW) (MW) (MW} 400 340 1.5 3.2 2.9 800 680 6.2 12.8 11.2 1,200 1,020 13.8 28.8 25.5 1,400 1,190 18.8 39.2 35.3 Devil Canyon to Fairbanks (189 mi) Susitna Power 345 kV 230 kV CaEacit:t: Transmitted 2 Circuits 2 Circuits (MW) (MW) (MW) (MW) 400 100 0.5 1.5 800 200 2.0 6.1 1,200 300 4.6 13.7 1,400 350 6.3 18.6 Transmission Alternative 1 Line Secti,on Length (mil Devil Canyon -189 Fairbanks Devil Canyon -189 Fairbanks Devil Canyon -189 Fairbanks Devil Canyon -189 FairPanks Devil Canyon -90 Willow3 Devil Canyon -90 Willow3 Devil canyon -90 Willowl Willow -65 1 Anchor agel Willow -651 Anchor agel Willow -651 Anchorage) Line Reactors (receiving end) (MVAR) 0 '75 75 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 No. of Circuits at 345 kV 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 TABLE 3,5; TRANSMISSION LINE ENERGIZING No. and Size of Conductors (kcrnil) 2 X 795 2 X 795 2 X 795 2 X 795 2 X 1272 1 Watana Generation (MW) 200 200 400 800 200 400 BOO 200 400 BOO Sendint,J End Short Circuit Level (MVA) 541 541 1006 1768 541 1006 1768 436 696 992 Initial Voltage (per unit) 0.900 0.900 0.950 1.000 0.900 0.950 1.000 0.950 0.950 0.950 Final Voltage (per unit) 1.025 1.025 1.048 1.017 1.021 1.046 1.073 1.024 1.000 Voltage Rise (per unit) 0.125 0.075 0.048 0.117 0.071 0.046 o.Ul 0.074 0.050 Line Flow (MVAR) 229 85 85 89 80 80 84 64 58 55 Notes1 1The distance from Willow to Anchorage and conductor size from Susitna to Anchorage will be revised for the final analysis. 2shunt reactors are required at Fairbanks to satisfy voltage rise criteria. 3 Results for the line sections Devil Canyon -Willow -Anchorage are also valid for Transmission Alternative l. Receiving End Voltage (per unit) 1.028 1.028 1.051 1.035 1.038 1.063 1.083 1.033 1.009 TABLE 3.6: TRANSMISSION LINE ENERGIZING Transmission Alternative 2 tine Sendin2 End Reactors No. of No. and Short Receiving (receiving Circuits Si2:e of Watana Circuit Initial Final Voltage Line End Line Section Len2th end) at 345 kV Conductors Generation Level Volta2e Vo1ta2e Rise Flow Voltage (mi) (MVAR) (kcmil) (MW) (MVA) (per unit) (per unit) (per unit) (MVAR) (per unit) Devil Canyon -1B9 0 2 2 X 795 200 541 0.900 1.1B92 0.2892 229 1. 2B3 2 Fairbanks Devil Canyon -1B9 75 2 2 X 795 200 541 0.900 1.025 0.125 B5 1.02B Fairbanks Devil Canyon -1B9 75 2 2 X 795 400 1006 0.950 1.025 0.075 B5 1.028 Fairbanks Devil Canyon -189 75 2 2 X 795 BOO 176B 1.000 1.048 0.04B 89 1.051 Fairbanks Devil Canyon -90 0 3 2 X 954 200 541 0.900 1.013 0.113 76 1.030 Willow3 Devil Canyon -90 0 3 2 X 954 400 1006 0.950 l.OlB 0.06B 77 1.035 Will owl Devil Canyon -90 0 3 2 X 954 BOO 1768 1.000 1.044 0.044 Bl 1.062 Willow3 Willow -65 1 0 3 2 X 954 200 433 0.950 1.069 0.119 61 1.07B Anchorage3 Willow -651 0 3 2 X 954 400 6BB 0.950 1.022 0.072 56 1.031 Anchorage3 Willow -651 .0 3 2 X 954 BOO 976 0,950 0.999 0.049 53 l.OOB Anchor agel Notes: 1The distance from Willow to Anchorage will be revised for the final analysis. 2 Fairbanks to satisfy Shunt reactors are required at voltage rise criteria. 3Results for the line sections Devil Canyon -Willow -Anchorage are also valid for Transmission Alternative 4. TABLE 3. 7; TRANSMISSION LINE ENERGIZING Transmission Alternative 5 Line Sending End Reactors No. of No. and Short Receiving (receiving Circuits Sh:e of Watana Circuit Initial Final Voltage Line End Line Section Length end) at sao kv Conductors Generation Level Volta2e Volta2e Rise Flow Volta2e (mi) {MVAR) (kcmil) (MW) (MVA) (per unit) (per unit) (per unit) (MiiAa) (per ~nit) Devil Canyon -90 0 2 3 X 795 200 564 0.900 1.184 2 0.284 2 234 1.2052 Willow Devil canyon -90 75 2 3 X 795 200 564 0.900 1.035 0.135 97 1.037 Willow Devil Canyon -90 75 2 3 X 795 400 1091 0.950 1.027 0.077 96 1.029 Willow Devil Canyon 90 75 2 3 X 795 800 2044 1.000 1.046 0.046 99 1.048 Willow Willow -50 1 0 2 3 X 795 200 506 0.950 1.1372 0.187 2 ll9 1.143 2 Anchorage Willow -so 1 50 2 3 X 795 200 506 0.950 1.027 0.077 44 1.026 Anchorage Willow -so 1 50 2 3 X 795 400 892 1.000 1,049 0.049 46 1.049 Anchorage Willow -so 1 50 2 3 X 795 800 1443 1.000 1.030 0.030 44 1,029 Anchorage Notest 1'I'he distance from Willow to Anchorage will be revised for the final analysis. 2 Shunt reactors are required at Willow and Anchorage to satisfy voltage rise criteria. 3shunt compensation is not required for 230-kV lines Devil Canyon to Fairbanks, Alternatives 3, 4 and 5. D FAIRBANKS ------E150/100 MW 100 MVAR LEGEI\1 D 6> GENERATION ~ LOAD Q STATIC VAR SOURCE @ BUS NUMBER ... ... REAL POWER FLOW ( MW) REACTIVE POWER FLOW (MVAR) CANNOT SCAN LARGE MAP 'ENSATION SR ~RY SHUNT REACTOR • 1.03 BUS VOLTAGE MAGNITUDE (PER UNIT) ~ BUS VOLTAGE PHASE ANGLE (DEGREES) TRANSMISSION LINES ---• 345 KV 13'8 KV OR LOWER NOTE: EQUIP.MENT RATINGS INDICATED ARE FOR ULTIMATE INSTALLATION (YEAR 2000) FIGURE-3.1 ) FAIRBANKS -e50/100MW 100 MVAR LEGEND ... ... -II + 1.03 GENERATION LOAD STATIC VAR SOURCE BUS NUMBER REAL POWER FLOW ( MW) REACTIVE POWER FLOW (MVAR) CANNOT SCAN LARGE MAP BUS VOLTAGE MAGNITUDE (PER UNIT) BUS VOLTAGE PHASE ANGLE (DEGREES) TRANSMISSION LINES 345 KV 138 KV OR LOWER NOTE' EQUIPMENT RATINGS INDICATED ARE FOR ULTIMATE INSTALLATION (YEAR 2000) l.;;l FIGURE 3.2. 51 FAIRBANKS 50/IOOMW 17 .. 100 MVAR I. 0 2 l.!..!:2_ LEGEND 8 . GENERATION •----i LOAD 8) STATIC VAR SOURCE ~ BUS NUMBER .,. REAL POWER FLOW ( MW ) ., RI'"M'TIVI'" PnWER FLOW (MVAR) ( 1.03 CANNOT SCAI\J LARGE MAP EN SAT ION R RY SHUNT REACTOR BUS VOLTAGE MAGNITUDE (PER UNIT) BUS VOLTAGE PHASE ANGLE (DEGREES) TRANSMISSION LINES ----345 KV 13"8 KV OR LOWER FIGURE 3.3 • ;v FAIRBANKS lbL ~ ~50/IOOMW 57~'40-t- 100 MVAR LEGEND 8 GENERATION •-----i LOAD 8) STATIC VAR SOURCE ~ BUS NUMBER .. -.. 1.03 REAL POWER FLOW ( MW ) REACTIVE POWER FLOW (MVAR) CAf\INOT SCAN LARGE MAP NSATION SHUNT REACTOR BUS VOLTAGE MAGNITUDE (PER UNIT) BUS VOLTAGE PHASE ANGLE (DEGREES) TRANSMISSION LINES 345 KV 13'8 KV OR LOWER FIGURE 3.4 [i] ) FAIRBAI\JKS 4.8 ·~50/IOOMW 100 MVAR LEGEND i .... ~ ... - GENERATION LOAD STATIC VAR SOURCE t!US NUMBER REAL POWER FLOW ( MW ) REACTIVE POWER FLOW (MVAR) CAI\INOT SCAN LARGE MAP ~SAT ION SHUNT REACTOR 1.03 · BUS VOLTAGE MAGNITUDE (PER UNIT) ~ BUS VOLTAGE PHASE ANGLE (DEGREES) TRANSMISSION LINES 345 KV 13B KV OR LOWER FIGURE 3.5 ~~till ) FAIRBANKS ·~50/IOOMlLES ~400 . ~ ----.130 68~ IOOMVAR LEGEND 8 GENERATION E3) STATIC VAR SOURCE @ BUS NUMBER ... ~ ' 1.03 REAL POWER FLOW ( MW ) REACTIVE POWER FLOW (MVAR) CANNOT SCAN LARGE MAP ISATION ::JR BUS VOLTAGE MAGNITUDE (PER UNIT) BUS VOLTAGE PHASE ANGLE (DEGREES) TRANSMISSION LINES 345 KV 13B KV OR LOWER FIGURE 3.6. TABLE 3.8: RATINGS OF REACTIVE COMPENSATION REQUIRED Fairbanks Anchorase Willow Transmission Static VAR Shunt Series Static VAR Shunt Series Static VAR Shunt Series Alternative Source Reactor Ca;eacitor Source Reactor ca;eacitor Source Reactor ca;eacitor (MVAR) (MVAR) (MVAR) (MVAR) (MVAR) (MVAR) (MVAR) (MVAR) (MVAR) 1 100 2 X 75 400 430 773 2 100 2 X 75 400 3 200 430 400 430 773 4 200 430 400 5 200 430 200 2 X 50 2 X 75 TABLE 3.9: TRANSMISSION AND SUBSTATION UNIT COSTS Transmission Line Costs Base Cost . l 1 F1.na Cost Voltage Conductor $/Circuit Mile $/Circuit Mile (kV) (kcmil) 230 1 X 954 120,000 162,000 2.30 1 X 1272 136,000 184,000 230 1 X 1351 140,000 189,000 345 2 X 795 190,000 256,000 345 2 X 954 207,000 279,ooo· 345 2 X 1351 251,000 339,000 500 3 X 795 326,000 440,000 Land Acquisition and Clearing Voltage No. of Circuits $/Mile (kV) 230 2 70,000 345 2 75,000 345 3 96,000 500 2 80,000 Table 3.9 Transmission and Substation Unit Costs - 2 Substations Voltage Station Base Cost2 Circuit Breaker Position (kV) ($ Million) ($ Million) 138 1.000 0.400 230 1.500 0.700 345 2.000 1.000 500 2.500 1.600 Autotransformers (including 15 kV tertiary} Voltage (kV) 230/138 345/138 500/138 345/230 500/230 Generator Transformers Voltage (kV) 345 500 75 MVA ($ Million) 0.500 0.700 $/kVA 4.20 5.00 150 MVP." 250 MVA ($ Million) ($ Million) 0.800 1.100 0.900 1.300 l. 200 1.600 0.900 l. 300 1.200 1.600 Table 3.9 Transmission and Substation Unit Costs -3 Shunt Reactors Volta~e (kV) 345 500 50 MVARS ($/kVAR) 24.60 Series Compensation (all voltages) $14.00/kVAR Static VAR Sources (tertiary voltage) $30.00/kVAR Notes: 75 MVARS ($/kVAR) 1.11 17.20 1 Final transmission line costs (Sheet 1) include 20 percent contingency plus 5 percent engineering, 5 percent construction management, and 2.5 percent owner's cost. 2substation base cost {Sheet 2) includes land acquisitions, site preparation, foundations, etc. TABLE 3.10: LIFE CYCLE COSTS Transmission Alternative l Susitna to Anchorage - 2 x 345 kV, 2 x 1351 kcmil, 50 percent series compensation. Susitna to Fairbanks - 2 x 345 kV, 2 x 795 kcmil, no series compensation. 1993 Costs 2000 Costs Current $ x 106 1981 P.W. Current $ x 106 1981 P.W. Line Capital Line Capital Cost 1.5 percent Bond Commission Total Line Cost Land Acquisition Capitalized Annual Charges Capitalized Line Losses Station Capital Station Capital Cost 1.5 percent Bond Commission Total Station Cost Capitalized Annual Charges 1981 Present Worths Total Life Cycle Cost 220.12 3.30 223.42 26.70 181.56 75.66 123.88 l. 86 125.74 135.46 156.70 18.73 127.34 53.07 44.74 0.67 88.19 45.41 25.90 95.01 45.60 26.01 539.04 51.91 Total 1981 P.W. 156.70 18.73 127.34 53.07 114.09 121.02 590.95 TABLE 3.11: LIFE CYCLE COSTS Transmission Alternative 2 Susitna to Anchorage Susitna to Fairbanks 3 x 345 kV 1 2 x 954 kcmil 1 no series compensation. 2 x 345 kV 1 2 x 795 kcmil 1 no series compensation. 1993 Costs 2000 Costs Current $ x 106 1981 P.W. Current $ x 106 1981 P.W. Line Capital Line Capital Costs 1.5 percent Bond Commission Total Line Cost Land Acquisition Capitalized Annual Charges Capitalized Line Losses Station Capital Station Capital Cost 1.5 percent Bond Commission Total Station Cost Capitalized Annual Charges 1981 Present Worths Total Life Cycle Cost 192.25 2.88 195.13 29.64 160.76 77.70 123.88 1.86 125.74 135.46 39.12 0.59 136.86 39.71 22.65 20.79 112.75 30.49 17.39 54.50 31.47 0.47 88.19 31.94 18.21 95.01 32.07 18.29 508.10 76.54 Total 1981 P.W. 159.51 20.79 130.14 54.50 106.40 113.30 584.64 TABLE 3.12: LIFE CYCLE COSTS Transmission Alternative 3 Susitna to Anchorage Susitna to Fairbanks 2 x 345 kV, 2 x 1351 kcmil, 50 percent series compensation. 2 x 230 kV, 1 x 1272 kcmil, 50 percent series compensation. 1993 Costs 2000 Costs Current $ x 106 1981 P.W. Current $ x 106 1981 P.W. Line Capital Line Capital Cost l. 5 percent Bond Commission Total Line Cost Land Acquisition Capitalized Annual Charges Capitalized Line Losses Station Capital Station Capital cost 1.5 percent Bond Commission Total Station Cost Capitalized Annual Charges 1981 Present Worths Total Life Cycle Cost 188.18 2.82 191.00 25.76 153,17 91.97 135.95 2. 04 137.99 148.66 133.96 18.0'7 107.43 64.51 54.48 0.82 96.78 55.30 31.54 104.27 55.53 31.67 ---- 525.02 63.21 Total 1981 P.W. 133.96 18.07 107.43 64.51 128.32 135.94 588.23 TABLE 3. 13: LIFE CYCLE COSTS Transmission Alternative 4 Susitna to Anchorage -3 x 345 kV, 2 x 954 kcmil, no series compensation. Susitna to Fairbanks -2 x 230 kV, 1 x 1272 kcmil, 50 percent series compensation. 1993 Costs 2000 Costs Current $ x 106 1981 P.W. Current $ x 106 1981 P.W. Line Capital Line Capital Cost 1.5 percent Bond Commission Total Line Cost Land Acquisition Capitalized Annual Charges Capitalized Line Losses Station Capital Station Capital Cost 1.5 percent Bond Commission Total Station Cost Capitalized Annual Charges 1981 Present Worths Total Life Cycle Cost 166,16 2.49 168.65 28.70 136.08 93.85 135.95 2.04 137.99 148.66 39.12 0.59 118.29 39.71 22.65 20.13 95.44 30.49 17.39 65.82 41.21 0.62 96.78 41.83 23.86 104.27 42.00 23.95 500.73 87.85 Total 1981 P.W. 140.94 20.13 112.83 65.82 120.64 128.22 588.58 TABLE 3.14: LIFE CYCLE COSTS Transmission Alternative 5 Susitna to Anchorage 2 x 500 kV, 3 x 795 kcmil, no series compensation. Susitna to Fairbanks - 2 x 230 kV, 1 x 1272 kcmil, 50 percent series compensation. 1993 Costs 2000 Costs current $ x 106 1981 P.W. Current $ x 106 1981 P.W. Line Capital Line Capital Cost 1.5 percent Bond Commission Total Line Cost Land Acquisition Capitalized Annual Charges Capitalized Line Losses Station Capital Station capital Cost 1.5 percent Bond commission Total Station Cost Capitalized Annual Charges 1981 Present Worths Total Life Cycle Cost 223.72 3.36 227.08 26.59 180, 95 61.05 185.06 2' 7 8 187.84 202.36 159.27 18.65 126.91 42.82 131.75 141.93 621.33 39.73 0.60 40.33 2 3. 00 40.49 2 3. 09 46.09 Total 1981 P.W. 159.27 18.65 126.91 42.82 154.75 165.02 667.42 Transmission Alternative Transmission Lines Capital Land Acquisition Capitalized Annual Charges Capitalized Line Losses Total Transmission Line Cost Switching Stations Capital Capitalized Annual Charges Total Switching Station Cost Susitna Life Cycle Cost TABLE 3.15: SUMMARY OF LIFE CYCLE COSTS 1981 $ X 106 1 2 156.70 18.73 127.34 53.07 355.84 ll4.09 121.02 235 .ll 590.95 159.51 20.79 130.14 54.50 364.94 106.40 ll3. 30 219.70 584.64 3 133.96 18.07 107.43 64.51 323.97 128. 32 135.94 264.26 588.23 4 140.94 20.13 ll2.83 65.82 339.72 120.64 128.22 248.86 588.58 5 159.27 18.65 126.91 42.82 347.65 154.75 165.02 319. 77 667.42 TABLE 3.16: SUMMARY OF COMPARATIVE COSTS AC VERSUS DC TRANSMISSION Cost Components Line Cost 1 line capital line capitalized land acquisition O&Ml 3 (R.O.W.) Station Costs 1 station capital 2 station capitalized O&M 4 Capitalized Cost of Losses Total Costs ComEarative Costs - $ Million Transmission to Anchorage AC DC 198.18 125.40 165.72 104.86 13.44 8.40 99.38 239.59 108.67 262.00 83.87 74.94 669.26 815.19 1 Line and station capital costs are developed in Appendix E. Transmission AC 96.77 80.92 14.18 35.32 38.62 13.72 279.53 to Fairbanks DC 37.80 31.61 7.56 100.10 109.46 16.63 303.16 2 capitalized O&M charges include O&M, insurance, interim replacement and contributions in lieu of taxes. These annual charges total 3.25 percent of transmission capital and 4.2~ percent of station capital, and they are capitalized over 50 years at 3 percent. 3Land acquisition (R.O.W.) costs are estimated at $96,000/mile and $75,000/mile for 345 kV, 3 cct and 2 cct transmission respectively, and $60,000/mile and $40,000/mile for ±250 kV de 2-circuit and single circuit, respectively. 4 Losses are valued at 3.5¢/kW·h, and they are capitalized over the 50-year line life at 3 percent. (f) IJ.J IJ.J a::: (.!) w a (f) IJ.J .J C) z ~ a:: f2 0 a:: a::: ~ a::: IJ.J z w (.!) 10~--------~----------~----------~----~--~~--------~ WATANA 0 I ~··· ··~ i .. .. •• --. --""'!""'(:~t'f'(O» I ··t-··-·· oE'IJ\\.. . I -10 . / -20 -30 -40 \ \ -50 \ \ -60 -70~--------_.----------~----------._ ________ ~----------~ 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 TIME {SECONDS) NOTE -DISTURBANCE !S 3· PHASE FO.ULT AT DEVIL CANYON CLEARED IN 0.08 SECONDS BY 3-PHASE TRIPPING OF DEVIL CANYON-WILLOW LJNE WITHOUT RECLOSURE -ROTOR ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT PLOTTED IS THAT OF ALL GENERATORS RELATIVE TO WATANA TRANS1ENT STABILITY SWING CURVES-ALTERNATIVE I 85 °/o LOAD AT ANCHOR AGE FIGURE 3.7 1.0 U1 lU w a: <.::> w a U'l w _j <:> z <( a: ~ 0 a: a: ~ <( a: w z w <:> 10~---------r--~~----r---------~----------~--------~ I 0 ~--------~----------~IW_.AT•A•N•A._ __ ~~~------~--------~ I . .-.··~ ·---..__... •• _ I . , oE.'J\\.. c.e.. -,.._.._. __ I --~ ..... ._ .. -10 I -20 -30 -40 . I -so . -60 \ I I I . -70--------~~--~--~--------~--------~~·~_/~----~ 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 TIME (SECONDS) NOTE -DISTURBANCE IS 3· PHASE FAULT AT DEVIL CANYON CLEARED IN 0.08 SECONDS BY 3-PHASE TRIPPING OF DEVIL CANYON-FAIRBANKS LINE WJTHOUT RECLOSURE -ROTOR ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT PLOTTED IS THAT OF ALL GENERATORS RELATIVE TO WATANA TRANSIENT STABJUTY SWING CURVES-ALTERNATIVE I 25°/o LOAD AT FA1R8ANKS FIGURE 3.8 (/) w w a:: (!) l.LI a (/) w ....l (!) z <( a:: ~ 0 a:: a:: ~ <( a:: w z w (!) IOr---------~-----------r----------~----------~--------~ 0 -10 -2.0 -30 -40 -so -60 -70 WATANA I ~"' •• """' I ....... ·~---..... .. ........, --~~~f(O~ I .l ........._,__ .. oE.\J\\.. .. __.,., \ I 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 TIME (SECONDS) NOTE -OISTUR6ANCE IS 3-PHASE FAULTATOEVILCAN'I'ON CLEARED IN G.08 SECONDS BY 3-PHASE TRIPPlNG OF DEVIL CANYON-WILLOW LINE WITHOUT RECLOSURE -ROTOR ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT PLOTTED IS THAT OF ALL GENERATORS RELATIVE TOWATANA TRANSlENT STABILITY SWING CURVES-A LTERNATlVE 2 85 o/o LOAD AT ANCHORAGE FIGURE 3.9 1.0 -U1 UJ UJ a:: (!) w 0 (/) UJ ...J (!) ;:: <t a:: Q 0 a:: a:: ~ <t a:: LLJ z LLJ (!) 10~--------~----------~----------~----------~--------~ WATANA 0~--------~----------~----------+-------~~~--------~ L I •• --··-;---................ =··----··~c""\'fON . ·· .. .. • oE.\1\\... ,...\, -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 \ -60 I '--\ . -70 0 0.2 0.6 0.8 TlME (SECONDS) NOTE -DISTURBANCE JS 3-PHASE FAULT AT DEVIL CANYON CLEARED IN 0.08 SECONDS BY 3-PHASE TRIPPING OF DEVIL CANYON-FAIRBANKS LINE WITHOUT RECLOSURE -ROTOR ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT PLOTTED lS THAT OF ALL GENERATORS RELATIVE TO WATANA TRANSIENT STABILITY SWING CURVES-ALTERNATIVE 2 25o/o LOAD AT FAIRBANKS FlGURE 3.10 1.0 4 -CONCLUSIONS All five transmission alternatives which were developed and tested would be capable of transmitting Susitna power to Anchorage and Fairbanks with acceptable levels of reliability. All, except Alternative 5, have very similar present worth life cycle costs. There are, however, other differences between these alternatives which have not been quantified in the above analyses. These differences, as outlined below, result in making some of the alternatives more desirable than others. -500-kV transmission to Anchorage has a higher ultimate capability than any other alternative, but at a significantly higher cost. Furthermore, this added capability is not required with presently foreseen installation at Susitna. This alternative also implies a dual voltage system with less possibility of standardization and reduced reliability because of the additional transformation required at Devil Canyon. -230-kV transmission to Fairbanks would need to be combined with a higher voltage transmission to Anchorage with the resultant disadvantages of a dual voltage system. Furthermore, it includes series compensation with additional complexity in protection and operation. Its reduced transfer capability offers no economic advantage. -Of the 345-kV alternatives, the three-circuit configuration to Anchorage has the greatest reliability and simplicity by not requiring series compensationA It also has a higher ultimate transfer capability and a higher capability with single contingency outage, thus allowing for greater flexibility of capacity planning for Susitna. It also has partial transfer capability in the case of the double contingency outage of parallel circuit elements. 4 - 1 -On the other hand, the three-circuit configuration results in a slightly greater visual impa.ct than the two-circuit alternative. Considering the overall balance of economy, reliability, transfer capability and operational complexity, the three-circuit configuration of Alternative 2 is seen to offer the best combination of advantages. It is recognized that; in view of the 1.mcertainties regarding some of the system parameters, several sweeping assumptions had to be made to be able to carry out this preliminary analysis. The most obvious of these uncertainties involves the interconnection configuration between the Susitna transmission and the high-voltage transmission system in the Anchorage area. Installed capacities and generating unit sizes, as well as other technical characteristics of the Susitna project, are likely to be revised as well. However, it is expected that the conclusions drawn from both the technical and economic analyses will not be significantly affected by the resulting changes·in system parameters. 4 - 2 5 -RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations result from the preceding analysis. (a) Recommended transmission alternative -Watana to Devil canyon - 2 circuits at 345 kV with 2x954 kcmil conductors -Devil Canyon to Anchorage - 3 circuits at 345 kV with 2x954 kcmil conductors -Devil Canyon to Fairbanks - 2 circuits at 345 kV with 2x795 kcmil conductors All without series compensation. (b) Before proceeding with the final feasibility analysis, it is recommended to await revisions and more definitive decisions and values for the following parameters. ( i) Ultimate in.stalled capacity at Susi tna. (ii) Generating unit sizes at Susitna. {iii) Number and location of points of delivery for Susitna power to the Anchorage area. ( iv) Details of generation planning, resulting in thermal development at Beluga or elsewhere. 5 - 1 (c) At a .future date, it is recommended to analyze the possible advantage of standardization by constructing all of the Susitna transmission to Fairbanks with 2x954 kcmil conductors. The first circuit is expected to be built with this conductor between Willow and Healy as part of the Anchorage-Fairbanks transmission intertie. 5 - 2 APPENDIX A TRANSMISSION PLANNING CRITERIA APPENDIX A TRANSMISSION PLANNING CRITERIA In general, transmission facilities are planned so that the single cont~ngency outage of any line or transformer element will not result in restrictions in the rated power transfer, although voltages may be temporarily outside of normal limits. The proposed guidelines concerning power transfer capability, stability, system performance limits, and thermal overloads are detailed below. (a) Transmission System Transfer Capability The transmission system will be designed to be capable of transmitting the maximum generating capability of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project with the single contingency outage of any line or transformer element. The sharing of load between the Anchorage and Fairbanks areas is approximately 80 and 20 percent respectively. To account for the uncertainty in future development, the transmission system shall allow for this load sharing to vary from a maximum of 85 percent at Anchorage to a maximum of 25 percent at Fairbanks. (b) Stability The transmission system will be checked for transient stability at critical stages of development. The system is to be designed for high speed reclosing following single-phase faults that are cleared by single-pole switching. In the case of multiphase faults, delayed reclosing is assumed. A - 1 The design fault for transient stability analysis will be a 3-phase fault cleared in 80 ms (4.8 cycles) by the local breaker and 100 ms (6.0 cycles) by the remote breaker, with no reclosing. (Note: At later stages of design it may be useful to check dynamic stability for unsuccessful reclosure of an SLG fault cleared eventually by 3-phase trip and lock-out following initial single-pole trip. For the present, a 3-phase design fault is considered to be equivalent in terms of severity.) (c) System Energizing Line energizing initially and as part of routine switching operations will generate some dynamic overvoltages. System design should be arranged to keep these overvoltages within the following limits. -Line open-end voltages at the remote end should not exceed 1.10 per unit on line energizing. Following line energizing, switching of transformers and var control devices at the receiving end should bring the voltage down to 1.05 per unit or lower. Initial voltages at the energizing end should not be reduced below 0.90 per unit. Final voltages at the energizing end should not exceed 1. 05 per unit. The step change in voltage at the energizing end of the line should not exceed the following values A - 2 (i) 15 percent with only one generating unit operating at Watana (to represent a temporary condition during the early stage of commissioning of the Susitna project) (ii) 10 percent with two units operating at Watana (to represent a slightly longer-term condition early in the development of Susitna) (iii) 5 percent with 800 MW of generating capacity operating at Susitna. (d) Load Flow System load flows will be checked at critical stages of development to ensure that the system configuration and component ratings are adequate for normal and emergency operating conditions. The load levels to be checked will include peak load and minimum load (assumed 50 percent of peak) to ensure that system flows and voltages are within the limits specified below. -Normal system flows must be within all normal thermal limits for transformers and lines, and should give bus voltages on the EHV system within +5 percent, -10 percent, and at subtransmission buses within +5 percent, -5 percent. -Emergency system flows with the loss of one system element must be within emergency thermal limits for lines and transformers (20 percent 0/L). Bus voltages on the EHV system should be within +5 percent, -10 percent, and at subtransmission buses within +5 percent, -10 percent. A-3 (e) Corrective Measures Where limiting performance criteria are exceeded, system design modifications will be applied that are considered to be most cost effective. Where conditions of low voltage are encountered, for example, power factor improvement would be tried. Where voltage variations exceed the range of normal corrective transformer tap change, supplementary var generation and control would be applied. Where circuit and transformer thermal limits are about to be exceeded, additional elements would be scheduled. (f) Power Delivery Points For study purposes, it will be assumed that when Susitna generation is fully developed (i.e. to approximately 1,500 MW, the total output will be delivered to terminal stations as follows. -Fairbanks -one station at Gold Hill with transformation from EHV to 138 kV. -Anchorage -one or two stations with transformation from EHV to 230 kV or 138 kV. The provision of intermediate switching stations along the route may prove to be economic and essential for stability and operating flexibility. Utilization of these switching stations for the supply of local load will be examined, but security of supply to Anchorage and Fairbanks will be given priority consideration. A - 4 APPENDIX B EXISTING TRANSMISSION SYSTEM DATA TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES -------------------------------------------------B -i LIST OF FIGURES ----·--------------------------------------------B -iv B1 -ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER -----------------------B - 1 B2 -CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. ------------------------B - 7 B3 -FAIRBANKS MUNICIPAL UTILITY SYSTn1 ------------------------B -14 B4 -GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. ------------------B -19 BS -UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA, FAIRBANKS ---------------------------B -28 B6 -rULITARY INSTALLATIONS, FAIRBANKS AREA --------------------B -30 B7 -MATANUSKA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION AND ALASKA P&ER AI:MINISTRATION -------------------------------------------B -32 LIST OF TABLES Number B 1. 1 B1.2 B 1. 3 B 1.4 B 1.5 B 1.6 B2.1 B2.2 B2.3 B2.4 B2.5 B3.1 B3.2 B3.3 Title Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Existing Generating Capacity Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Generator Data Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Transmission Line Data Existing and Planned Facilities Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Transformer Data Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Distribution Substation Data Existing and Planned Facilities Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Historical System Peak Demands Chugach· Electric Association, Inc. Existing and Planned Generating Capacity Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Generator Data Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Transmission Line Data Existing and Planned Facilities Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Transformer Data Existing and Planned Facilities Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Distribution Substation Data Existing System Fairbanks Municipa~ Utility System Existing Generating Capacity Fairbanks Municipal Utility System Generator Data Fairbanks Municipa1 Utility System Transmission Line Data Existing and Planned Facilities B -i List of Tables - 2 Number B3.4 B3.5 B4.1 B4.2 B4.3 B4.4 B4.5 B4.6 B4.7 B4.8 B5.1 B6. 1 Title Fairbanks Municipal Utility System Transformer Data Existing and Planned Facilities Fairbanks Municipal Utility System Historical Load Data Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. Existing Generating Capacity Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. Generator Data Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. Transmission Line Data Existing System Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. Transmission Line Data Planned Facilities Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. Transformer Data Existing System Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. Transformer Data Planned Facilities Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. Distribution Substation Data Existing System Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. Distribution Substation Data Planned Facilities University of Alaska, Fairbanks Generating Capacity and Data University of Alaska, Fairbanks Transformer Data Military Installations, Fairbanks Area Generating Capacity and Data B -ii List of Tables - 3 Number B6.2 B7. 1 B7.2 B7.3 B7.4 Title Military Installations, Fairbanks Area Transformer Data Matanuska Electric Association and Alaska Power Administration Existing Generating Capacity Matanuska Electric Association and Alaska Power Administration Generator and Transformer Data Matanuska Electric Association and Alaska Power Administration Transmission Line Data Existing System Matanuska Electric Association and Alaska Power Administration Distribution Substation Data Existing System B -iii LIST OF FIGURES Number B.l B.2 B.3 Title Anchorage-Fairbanks Railbelt Area Map Anchorage Area, One-Line Diagram -1984 System Fairbanks Area, One-Line Diagram -1984 System B -iv Unit Station -Unit 1 Station -Unit 2 Station -Unit 3 Station -Unit 4 Station 1 -D1 Station l -OS Station 2 -Unit 5 Station 2 -Unit 6 Stat ion 2 -Unit 7 Total available capacity *Peak rat i ng at 0 °F. TABLE B 1. 1: Af\CHJRAGE MUNICIPAL L I G-\T AND FOWER EXISTING GENERATING CAPACITY Yea.r of Installation ~ Ca~acit:t* (MW) GT 16.25 GT 16.25 GT 19.50 GT 37. so Diesel 1.10 Diesel 1. 10 GT } ST 138. 90 GT 230.60 Abbreviations: GT -Gas Turbine ST -Steam Turbine B - 1 Remarks Natural gas Natural gas Natural gas Natural gas Black start units Black start units Natural gas, combined cycle, base load TABLE 81.2: ANCHORAGE MUN l C I PAL Ll GHT AND POWER GENERATOR DATA Power Unit Voltage Rating Factor ( kV l (MVAJ Station -Unit 1 13. a 15.5 .as Station -Unit 2 13.a 15.6 .as Station -Unit 3 13. a 19.2 .as Station -Unit 4 13.a 31.755 .as Station - D 1 1. l 1. 0 Station -05 1. 1 1.0 Station 2 -Unit 5 13.6 39.2 Station 2 -Unit 6 13.a 38.8 Station 2 -Unit 7 13.2 110.5 * Impedance in per unit on 100 MVA base. **Inertia constant in per unit on 100 MVA base. Generator lm£edance* xd X'd X"d 11.54 2.44 1. 50 11.54 2.44 1.60 14.43 2.43 1.50 5.6a .72 .41 104.55 29.09 20.00 104.55 29.09 20.00 5.22 • 70 .41 4. 12 • 57 .2a 2.25 .34 .24 B - 2 x2 1.50 1.60 1.61 .41 21.a2 21.a2 Inertia Xo Constant** 1.64 1.54 1. 94 • 14 2.89 3.a8 1.63 8.40 TABLE Bl.3: ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER TRANSMISSION Ll NE DATA EXISTING AND PLANNED FACILITIES Transmission Circuit-Voltage From Bus -To Bus Station 1-Station 2 115 kV Length (mi) (via Ft. Richardson-Eimendo.rf AFBJt Conductor Pas Seq Impedance* R X Susceptance** BC Station 1 -Station 2 5.5 :f.J7 ACSR (26/7) .01134 .0.3087 .00456 Station 2-APA Tap 115 kV Station 2 -APA Tap .6 397 ACSR (26/7) .00124 .00338 .00050 Station 1 -Anctorage <APA) 115 kV (Approximate in-service date 1982) tt Stat ion 1 -Stat ion 6 1. 7 Station 6-Station 11 Tap 1 .8 Station 11 Tap-Station 16 .8 Station 16 -Station 15 3.1 Station 15 -Anchorage (APA) • l Total 7.5 Station 11-Station 11 Tap 3.0 Station 1 -Station 2 (APAJ 115 kV (Approximate i n-sarv ice date 1982)tt Station 1 -Station 14 1.6 Station 14 -Stat ion 17 Tap .9 Station 17 Tap -Station 2 3.0 Total Station 1 -Station 2 5.5 Station 17 Tap-Station 17ttt 1 .o Stat ion 17 -Anctorage (APA) .8 Total 1 .8 397 ACSR ( 26/7) .00356 397 ACSR (26/7) .00377 39 7 ACSR ( 26/7) .00156 397 ACSR (26/7) .00634 397 ACSR (26/7) .00025 :f.J7 ACSR (26/7) .00613 397 ACSR (26/7) .00336 397 ACSR (26/7) .00187 397 ACSR ( 26/7 ) .00630 397ACSR (26/7) .00210 397 ACSR (26/7) .00165 * Positive sequence impedance in per unit on 100 MVA base. **Total line charging susceptance in per unit on 100 MVA base. ***Zero sequence impedance in per unit on 100 MVA base. t Normally no power exchange to mi I itary system. tt Rebuild and conversion of existing 34.5-kV circuit to 115 kV. .00973 .00144 .01030 .00152 .00427 .00063 .01733 .00256 .00068 .00010 .01680 .00248 .00918 .00135 .00512 .00076 .01712 .00253 .00574 .00085 .00450 .00066 tttstation 17 is scheduled for installation in 1985. Station 17-Station 17 Tap w i II be operated normal I y open. B - 3 Zero Seq Impedance*** Ro Xo Substation -Transformer Two Winding Transformers Station - 1 Station 1 - 2 Station -GSU Station -GSU 2 Station 1 -GSU 3 Station 1 -GSU 4 Station 1 -GSU Diesel Station 2 -GSU 5 Station 2 -GSU 6 Station 2 -GSU 7 TABLE 81.4: At<:HORAGE MUNICIPAL LlGH AND POWER TRANSFORMER DATA Voltage ( kV) 115/34.5 115/34.5 13.8/34.5 13.8/34.5 13.8/34.5 13.8/34.5 2.4/33 13.8/115 13.8/115 13.2/115 Rating (MVAl 28/37/46 28/37/46 12 12 12 21/25/28 3. 75 30/40/50 30/40/50 44/59/74 Tap Setting Tap Range *Transformer reactance in per unit on 100 MVA base. B-4 Reactance* .2893 .2893 • 5833 • 5833 .5000 .2810 2. 0373 .2233 .2267 .1528 Substation Central business district* 12 kV substations** Total TABLE B1.5: ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATION DATA EXISTING AND PLANNED FACILITIES Voltage {kV) 34.5/4.2 115/12.5 Load*** {percent) 31 69 100 * The central business district is suppl led fran generating Station 34.5-kV bus via a number of 34.5/4.2-kV substations. **Stations 6, 11, 14, 15, 16 and 17 are 115/12.5-kV substations. Substation 17 is scheduled for Installation in 1985. The 12-kV load is equally divided among the 12-kV substations. ***The percentage of load supplied at 34.5 and 12.5 kV is expected to rerna in constant. B -; 5 / Winter 1974/1975 1975/1976 1976/1977 1977/1978 1978/1979 1979/1980 TABLE 61.6: AIICHORAGE MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER Peak Demand (MW) 82.B 89.5 93.4 101.5 109.0 1 11. 5 HISTORICAL SYSTEM PEAK DEMANDS B-6 TABLE B2.1: CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, ll'C. EXISTING AND PLANNED GENERATING CAPACITY Year of ..!!.!!.!..! Installation ~ Capacity Beluga -Unit 1 Be I uga -Un i t 2 Beluga -Unit 3 Be I uga -Un it 4 Beluga -Unit 5 Beluga -Unit 6 . Beluga -Unit 7 Beluga -Unit 8 1982 Bernice Lake -Unit 1 Bernice Lake -Unit 2 Bernice Lake-Unit 3 Cooper Lake -Unit 1 Cooper Lake-Unit 2 I nternationa I -Unit International -Unit 2 International -Unit 3 Knik Arm-TGS Kn i k Arm -TG6 Knik Arm-TG7 Knik Arm-TG8 Total ava i I able capacity Abbreviations: GT -Gas Turbine ST -Steam Turbine CMW) GT 16.5 GT 16. 5 GT 54.6 GT 9.3 GT 65.5 GT 67.8 } GT 68.0 ST 62.0 GT 8.85 GT 18.95 GT 29.60 Hydro 7. 5 Hydro 7. 5 GT 14.0 GT 14.0 GT 18.58 ST 3. 0 ST 3. 0 ST 3.0 ST 5.0 493.18 B - 7 Remarks Base load Base load Base load Jet engine Base load Combined cycle- base load Base load Base load TABLE B2. 2: CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, I !'C. GENERATOR DATA Power Generator lmeedance* Unit Voltage RatIng Factor ( kV) (MVAJ Beluga -Unit 1 13.8 18.824 .90 Beluga-Unit2 13.8 18.824 .90 Beluga-Unlt3 13.8 57.0 .95 Be I uga -Un It 4 13.8 10.0 • 90 Beluga -Unit 5 13.8 68.889 .95 Beluga-Unit 6 13.8 85.0 .so Beluga-Unit 7 13.8 85.0 • 80 Beluga-Unit 8 13.8 68.889 .90 Bernice Lake-Unit 24.9 9.375 .95 Bernice Lake -Unit 2 13.8 20.65 .90 Bernice Lake -Unit 3 13.8 29.60 1.00 Cooper Lake -Unit 1 39.8 8. 33 .90 Cooper Lake -Unit 2 39.8 8.33 .90 I nternat ion a I -Unit 13.8 17.647 .80 International -Unit 2 13.8 17.647 .so I nternat i ona I -Unit 3 13.8 19.200 • 95 Kni k Arm -TG5 4.2 3.75 .so Knik Arm -TG6 4. 2 3. 75 .so Knik Arm -TG7 4.2 3.75 .so Kn i k Arm -TG8 4.2 6.25 .so * Impedance in per unit on 100 MVA base. **Inertia constant in per unit on 100 MVA base. xd X'd X"d 1.59 .58 1. 59 .58 2.87 .28 • 18 2.87 .28 • 19 2. 54 .33 • 21 2.54 .33 .21 2.44 .23 • 16 16.00 3. 73 2.13 8. 96 .82 • 53 6.31 .65 .43 3. 11 2. 16 3. 11 2. 16 10.65 1.02 • 71 1 o. 65 1.02 • 71 9. 74 I. 74 1.24 6.00 6.00 6.00 3.40 B-8 Inertia x2 Xo Constant** .34 l. 86 2. 19 TABLE B2.3: CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. TRANSMISSION LINE DATA EXISTING AND PLANNED FACILITIES Transmission Circuit-Voltage From Bus -To Bus Beluga -Pt MacKenzie 230 kV Beluga-Pt MacKenzie Ckt 1t Beluga -Pt MacKenzie Ckt 2t Beluga -Pt MacKenzie Ckt 3tt Length (mi) Pt MacKenzie -University 230 kvttt Pt MacKenzie-West Terminal Submarine cable East Tenninaf -University Totals International -University 13B kV I nternat iona I -University I nternat lonat -Pt Woronzof 138 kV International ~ Pt Woronzof Ckt I International -Pt Woronzof Ckt 2 Pt Mad<enz i e -Tee I and 138 kV Pt MacKenzie -Teeland Pt Mad<enz ie -Pt Woronzof 138 kV Cables 1 to 4 Cable 5 Cable 6 Cables 7 to 10 Bernice Lake~ Soldotna <HEA> 115 kV Bernice Lake -Soldofna Conductor 795 ACSR 795 ACSR 795 ACSR Pos Seq I mpedanoe* R X Susceptance** sc .0094 .0627 .1216 .0094 .0627 .1216 .0094 .0627 .1216 954 and 795 ACSR .0016 .0108 .0220 l ,000 Kcmi I Cu .0010 .0056 .0004 954 and 795 ACSR .0037 .0266 .0536 795 ACSR B - 9 .0063 .0430 .0760 .0048 .0189 .0054 .0038 .0151 .0038 .0151 .0538 .0538 .0176 .1066 .0264 .0030 .0041 .0562 .0035 .0045 .1 034 .0035 .0045 • 1034 .0086 .0034 .2800 .0310 .1390 .0156 Zero Seq Impedance*** Ra Xo Table 82.3: Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Transmission Circuit-Voltage from Bus -To Bus Soldotna -Quartz Creek 115 kV Transmission Line Data ExisTing and Planned Facilities-2 Length ( mi) Conductor Pos Seq Impedance* R X Susceptance** BC Soldotna -Quartz Creek .0684 0.3070 .0371 Quartz Creek -University 115 kV Quartz Creek -Daves Creek Daves Creek -Hope Hope -Portage Portage -Girdwood Girdwood -Indian Indian-University Bernice Lake -Soldotna (HE/I) 69 kV Bernice Lake-Kenai Kenai -Soldotna CHEA) Cooper Lake -Quartz Creek 69 kV Cooper lake -Quartz Creek Homer CHEAl -Soldotna (HEAl 69 kV Homer (HEAl -Kasi I of CHEAl Kasi I of (HEAl -Soldotna CHEA) Soldotna (HEA) -Quartz Creek 69 kV Soldotna (HEA) -Quartz Creek .0184 .0215 .0250 .0140 .0136 .0210 .2300 .0733 .0218 .6350 * Positive sequence impedance in per unit on 100 MVA base. **Total line charging susceptance in per unit on 100 MVA base. ***Zero sequence impedance in per unit on 100 MVA base. .0827 • 0108 .0964 .0125 • 1124 .0146 .0627 .0082 .0610 .0079 .0941 .0122 .3250 • 0051 .1040 • 0016 .0863 .0015 .8980 .0129 t Existing 138-kV circuits are being reinsulated to permit operation at 230 kV, approximate in~service date-1981. tt A third 230-kV circuit being added, approximate in-service date-1981. tttApproximate in-service date-198Z. Abbreviation: HEA-Homer Electric Association B -10 Zero Seq Impedance*** Ro Xo TABLE 82.4: CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. TRANSFORMER DATA EXISTING AND PLANNED FACI UTI ES Substation -Transformer Voltage RatIng (kV) (MVA) Beluga-!** 230/138 180/240/300 Beluga-2** 230/138 180/240/300 pt MacKenzie-!** 230/138 180/240/300 pt MacKenzl e-2** 230/138 180/240/300 University** 230/138 180/240/300 Teel aoo 138/115 45/60/75 University-! 138/115/34. 5 45/60/75 University-2 138/115/34. 5 45/60/75 i nternat i ona I -1 138/34.5 125 lnternational-2 138/34.5 125 Bernice Lake 115/69 33.6/44.8/56 Soldotna CHEA) 115/69 32.6 Quartz Creek 115/69 12/15 Bel uga-GSU t 13. 8/138 16 Bel uga-GSU 2 13.8/138 16 Betuga-GSU 3 13.8/138 48.8/65/81.3 Bel uga-GSU 4 13.8/138 12/16 Be I uga-GSU 5 13.8/138 45/60/75 Bel uga-GSU 6 13.8/138 48.8/65/81.3 Be I uga-GSU 7 13.8/138 45/64/80 Bel uga-GSU 8 13.8/138 Bernice Lal<e-GSU 24.9/69 5 Bern ice Lake-GSU 2 13.8/69 23 Bernice Lake-GSU 3 13.8/69 20.4/27.2/34 Cooper La ke-GSU 39.8/69 20 I nternat i ona 1-GSU 1 13.8/34.5 12/16 lnternationai-GSU 2 13.8/34.5 11.25/15 International-GSU 3 13.8/34.5 12/16/20 Knik Arm-! 4.2/34.5 5 Kni k Arm-2 4. 2/34.5 5 Knik Arm-GSU 8 4.2/34.5 6.25 * Transformer impedance in per unit on 100 MVA base. **Approximate in-service date 1981 to 1982. Abbrev lations: HEA -Homer Electric Association B -11 Tae Setting Tap Range Impedance* R X .0020 .0020 0 0020 .0020 0 0020 0 0222 .0222 .0222 .0222 .0222 .1805 (ZH=-j.0245, ZL=j.2045, ZT=j.1712) .0073 .0073 .0880 .0880 .2972 .1333 .3420 .0450 .6780 0 0440 .6640 .0110 0 1600 .0450 .6780 • 0140 • 2040 .0140 • 1650 .009 1.3600 .043 .5170 .0310 .3889 .4600 .5000 .5510 .5000 1. 2200 1. 2200 .9600 TABLE 82.5: CHUGACH ELECIR!C ASSOCIATION, INC. Substation Anchorage Area Suppl led via International Substat.ion at 34.5 kV Arctic Blueberry Campbe.ll Jewel Lake Klatt Sand lake Spenard Tudor Turriagai n Wood l and Park International Subtotal Suppl i ed vi a University Substation at 34.5 kV Boniface DeBarr Fairview Huffman Mt View 0 1 Malley Un i varsity Subtotal Supplied via Beluga Substation Tyonek Tyonek Timber Be I uga Subtota I DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATION DATA EXISTING SYSTEM Transformer Voltage ( kV) 34.5/12.5 34.5/12.5 34.5/12.5 34.5/12.5 34. 5/12.5 34.5/12.5 34.5/12.5 34.5/12.5 34.5/12.5 34.5/12.5 34.5/12.5 34.5/12.5 34.5/12.5 34.5/12.5 34.5/12.5 34.5/12.5 24. 9/12. 5 24.9/12.5 Rating (MVA) 14.0 14.0 14.0 1 1.2 14.0 14.0 10.0 14.0 5. 0 2 1.0* 131.2 14.0 25.2* 3. 8 1 7.8* 12. 0* 86.8 12.2 B -12 Percent of Total 46 30 4 Substation K ena i Pen i ns u I a Daves Creek Girdwood Homer Hope Indian Kas i I of Kenai Portage Soldotna Kenai Peninsula Subtotal TOTALS Table 62.5: Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Distribution Substation Data Existing System -2 Transformer Voltage ( kV} 115/24. 9 115/24.9 69/24. 9/12.5 115/24.9 115/24.9 69/24.9 69/33 115/12.5 69/24.9 Rating (MVA) 14. 0 11.2 3.8 3.8 2.3 3.8 7. 5 2.8 ___l_:2_ 56.7 286.9 Percent of Tota I 20 100 *Tota I MVA capacity of two transformers. B -13 Unit Chena 1 Chena 2 Chena 3 Diesel 01 Diesel D2 Diesel D3 Gas Turbine 4 Chena 5 Chena 6 Total Avai I able TABLE 83.1: FAIRBANKS MUNICIPAL UTILITY SYSTEM EXISTING GENERATING CAPACITY Year of Nameplate Installation ~ caeac i :tt: (M/1) 1954 ST 5.00 1952 ST 2.00 1952 ST 1. 50 1967 Oi esel 2. 75 1968 Diesel 2. 75 1968 Diesel 2. 75 1963 GT 5.25 1970 ST 20.00 1976 GT 23.10 Capacity 65. 10 J3 -14 Remarks Coal Coal Coal Oi I Coal -Base load and district heating Oil TABLE 63.2: FAIRBANKS MUNICIPAL UTILITY SYSTEM GENERATOR DATA Power Generator I meedance* Unit Voltage Rating Factor xd X'd xud ( kV) <MVA) Chena 1 4.2 6. 25 .85 23.36 2.50 1. 4 7 Chena 2 4.2 2.40 .85 55.00 7.88 4. 13 Chena 3 4.2 1.SO .ss 75.00 12.33 6.39 Diesel 1 12. 5 3.44 .so 6.63 4. 54 Diesel 2 12.5 3.44 .so 6.63 4.54 Diesel 3 12.5 3.44 .so 6. 63 4. 54 Gas turb 1 ne 4 12.5 6.25 .so 6.24 3.68 Chena 5 12.5 25. 10 .ss 1. 08 .66 Chena 6 12.5 29.00 .85 • 73 * Impedance in per unit on 100 MVA base. **Inertia constant in per unit on 100 MVA base. B -15 Inertia x2 Xo Constant** TABLE B3.3: FAIRBANKS MUNICIPAL UTILITY SYSTEM TRANSMISSION LINE DATA Transmission Circuit -Yo I tage EXISTING AND PLANNED FACILITIES Pos Seq Impedance* From Bus -To Bus Length Conductor R X Chena -Zehnder (G VEAl 69 kV I nterconnectiont ( mi) Zero Seq Susceptance** Impedance*** BC R0 X0 Chena -Zehnder .a 336 ACSR (25/7) .0047 .0120 .0002 .oo95 • 04n Chena -South Fairbanks 69 kV (ApproximaTe in-service date 198ztt Chena-South Fairbanks 3. 0 336 ACSR (26/7) .0175 .0451 * Posi-tive sequence impedance in per unit on 100 MYA base. **Total fine charging susceptance in per unit on 100 MVA base. ***Zero sequence impedance in per unit on 100 MYA base. t Metered at Zehnder. tt Estimated date. B -16 .0006 .0355 • 1770 TABLE 83.4: FAIRBANKS MUNICIPAL UTILITY SYSTEM TRANSFORMER DATA EXISTING AND PLANNED FACILITIES Substation -Transformer Two Winding Transformer Chena - 1 Chena-2 (1982)*** South Fairbanks ( 1 982 )*** Voltage ( kV) 69/12.47 69/12.47 69/12.47 Rating* (MVA) 12/16/20 12/16/20 12/16/20 * Continuous full load rating at 65"C rise. ** Transformer reactance fn per unit on 100 MVA base. ***Approximate in-service date. Abbreviation: LTC -Load Tap Changing Tap Setting LTC LTC LTC B -17 Tap Range Reactance** .6250 .6250 .6250 TABLE 83.5: FAIRBANKS MUNICIPAL UTILITY SYSTEM HISTORICAL LOAD DATA Historical Peak Demands {MW)* Substation Voltage (kV) 1975 1976 1977 1978 Chana 12.47 and 4.16 27.2 * Historical load power factor -• 95 **1980 maximum danand through June 1980. 25.0 27.6 24. 1 B -18 1979 25.3 1980** 25.2 TABLE 84. 1: GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, It-e. EXISTING GENERATING CAPAC!TY Year of Unit Installation Healy-51 1967 Healy -Dl North Pole-GTl 1976 North Po I e -GT2 1977 Zehnder -GTl 1971 Zehnder -GT2 1972 Zehn:ler -GT3 1975 Zehnder -GT 4 1975 Zehnder - D Zehnder - D Zehnder - 4 units Total Ava i I ab I e Capacity * Capacity at estimated power factor -.ao. **Combined capacity of 4 units. Abbreviations: ST-Steam Turbine Gr -Gas Turbine ~ Caeacit:t: (MWJ ST 25.00 Diesel 2. 75 Gr 60.50 GT 60.50 Gr 18.40 18.40 GT 2.80* GT 2.80* Diesel 2.28* Diesel 2.28* Diesel 10.64** 206.35 B -19 Remarks Co a I base I oa:l unit Peaking unit Peaking units TABLE B4. 2: GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, GENERATOR DATA Power Generator lm~edance* Unit Voltage Rating Factor ( kV) (MVA) Healy -S 1 13.8 29.4 .as Healy-Dl 2.4 3.5 .ao North Po! e -GT 1 13.8 71.9 .90 North Pole-GT2 13.8 71.9 .90 Zehnder -GT 1 13.8 20.7 .as Zehnder -GT2 13.8 20.7 .as Zehnder -GT3 4.2 3. 5 .ao Zehbder -GT4 4.2 3.5 .80 Zehnder - D 4. 2 2. 9 .80 Zehnder - D 4.2 2.9 .80 Zehnder - 4 Units 4.2 3. 3 .ao *Impedance in per unit on 100 MVA base. **Inertia constant in per unit on 100 MVA base. xd X'd xnd 6.086 • 731 s. 10 23.190 B. 700 5.220 2.866 .285 .185 2. 932 .284 .185 a. 959 .823 .533 8.959 .823 .533 32.86 4.29 2.86 32.86 4.29 2.86 63.86 16.84 11.23 63.86 16.84 11.23 24.02 9. 00 5.40 B -20 INC. Inertia x2 Xo Constant** • 510 • 170 .88 5.507 1.449 • 177 • 107 5.62 .172 .104 5.62 .484 .315 1.86 .484 .3!5 1.86 3. 71 1. 14 3. 71 1. 14 8.42 4.21 8.42 4.21 5. 70 1. 50 TABLE 84.3: GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Transmission Circuit-Voltage From Bus -To Bus H ea J y -Go I d H i 1 I 138 kV Gold Hi II -Nenana Nenana -Healy Total Length ( mi> 47.0 ..2&:1.. 103.2 North Pole -Fort Wainwright 138 kV Fort Wainwright-North Pole 12.3 North Po I e -Highway Park 69 kV Highway Park -North Pole 2.3 Zehnder -Fort Wa i nwr i ght 69 kV Fort Wainwright-Hamilton Acres 2.9 Zehnder -Fox 69 kV Fox -Steese Steese -Zehnder Total Zehnder -Go I d Hi II Double CIrcuit 69 kV (Z mutual = .0060 + j.0431 per mile> Gold Hi II -Musk Ox Tap Musk Ox Tap -U of Ak a. 1 .8 3.5 University of AK-University Ave .3 University Ave -Zehnder ~ Total Musk Ox -Musk Ox Tap Gold Hi II • Chena Pui'Jl) Tap Che.na Pump Tap.-Airport Tap Airport Tap -Zehnder Total 7. 2 2. l 1. 5 ..2.:£. 7.2 TRANSMISSION LINE DATA EXISTING SYSTEM Conductor 556 ACSR (26/7) 556 ACSR (26/7) Pas Seq Impedance* R X Susceptance** BC .0415 • 1963 .0475 .0496 .2349 .0569 795 ACSR (26/7) .0075 .0489 .0130 795 ACSR (2/17) • 0057 • 0321 .0007 4/0 ACSR (6/1 ) 336 ACSR (26/7) 336 ACSR (26 /7) 336 ACSR (26/7) 336 ACSR (26/7) 336 ACSR (26/7) 336 ACSR (26/7) 336 ACSR (26/7) 336 ACSR (26/7) 336 ACSR (2 6/7) 336 ACSR (26/7) B -21 .0269 .0478 .0008 • 0330 • 082 6 • 00 1 6 .0141 .0352 .0007 .0046 .0203 .0018 .0153 .0114 .0510 .0044 .0384 .0309 .0798 .0121 .0303 • 0091 .0227 .0208 .0522 .0002 .0010 .0001 .0008 .0015 .0006 .0004 .0010 Zero Seq Impedance*** Ro Xa • 1120 .6311 .1341 .7552 .0259 .1650 .0195 .1331 .0442 • 1743 .0669 .3381 • 0285 • 1442 .0092 .0412 .0036 • 0310 • 0466 .2080 .0179 • 1566 .0628 .3126 .0245 .1237 .0184 .0926 .0422 .2128 Table B4.3: Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. Transmission Circuit-Voltage From Bus -To Bus Length (mi) Chena Pump -Chena Pump Tap .4 International Airport-Airport 1.5 tap fort Wainwright-HighwayPark 69 kV fort Wainwright-Fort W Gen fort W Gen -Badger Tap Badger Tap -Brockman Tap Badger Tap -Highway Park Total Badger Road -Badger Tap Brockman -Brockman Tap .5 6. 7 2.3 3.0 12.5 1. 0 6.3 fort Wainwright-Peger Road 69 kV Fort Wainwright-S Fairbanks S fairbanks -Peger Road Total Highway Park -Jarvis Creek 69 kV Highway Park -Newby Road ( futureJ 1. 2 3.2 4. 4 4.0 Newby Road (future} -Eielson AFB 9.4 Ei el son AFB -Johnson Road 9. 5 Johnson Road -Carney (future) 6. 5 Garney (future)-Jarvis ~tt 52.6 Total 82.0 Transmission Line Data Existing System-2 Conductor Pos Seq Impedance* R X Susceptance** BC 336 ACSR (26/7) .0023 .0061 .0001 336 ACSR (26/7} .0088 .0226 .0004 4/0 ACSR (6/1 l 4/0 ACSR <6/1 l 4/0 ACSR (6/1 ) 4/0 ACSR (6/1) • 0047 • 0083 • 0001 .0622 .1103 .0018 • 0213 • 0378 • 0006 • 0280 • 0497 • 0008 4/0 ACSR (6/1} .0093 .0164 .0003 336 ACSR (26/7} .0368 .0948 .0012 336 ACSR (26/7) .0070 .0181 .0003 336 ACSR (26/7) .0185 .0476 .0009 4/0 ACSR (6/1 l 4/0 ACSR (6/1 ) 4/0 ACSR (6/1) 336 ACSR (26/7) 556 ACSR (26/7 l .0374 .0663 .0011 .0874 .0888 .0380 .1856 • 1551 • 1575 .0978 .8624 .0025 • 0026 .0018 .0136 * Positive sequence impedance in per unit on 100 MVA base. **Total line charging susceptance in per unit on 100 MVA base. ***Zero sequence impedance in per unit on 100 MVA base. t Estimated data. ttcarney (future)-Jarvis Creek is constructed to 138-kV standards. tttearney (future)-Jarvis Creek is converted to 138-kV operation. B -22 Zero Seq Impedance*** Ro Xo .0047 .0178 .0077 .1021 • 0350 .0461 .0152 .0746 .0142 .0374 • 0614 • 1436 .1459 .0770 .5016 .0234 .0885 .0303 .4024 .1380 • 1815 .0599 .3716 .0708 .1864 .2420 • 5658 .5749 .3834 2.8579 TABLE B4.4: GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. TRANSMISSION LINE DATA PLANNED FACILITlESt Pos Seq Transmission Circuit-Voltage l mpedance* Zero Seq Susceptance** Impedance*** From Bus -To Bus Length Conductor R X BC R0 X0 {mil Peger Road-International Airport 69 kV (Approximate in-service date-1981 l International Airport -Peger Road 3 North Pole -Gold Hi II 138 kV (Approximate in-service date-1984) Go I d Hi I I -North Po I e-OH -uG Total 21 22 North Pole-Jarvis Creek 138 kV {Approximate in-service date -1984) North Pole-Carney Carney -Jarvis cKttt Total 20 52.6 72.6 Bent! y -Fort Wainwright 138 k V (Approximate in-service date-1992) Bently-Fort Wainwright 16.2 Bently-Gold Hi! J 138 kV (Approximate in-service date-1992) Bently -Gold Hi II 9.5 336 ACSR (26/7 l 556 ACSR (26/7) • 0192 • 0902 • 0326 556 ACSR (26/7) .0175 .0820 .0206 556 ACSR (26/7) .0464 .2156 .0542 795 ACSR (2 6/7) 795 ACSR (26/7 l * Positive sequence impedance in per unit on 100~VA base. ** Total I i ne charging sysceptance in per unit on 1 OO~VA base. ***Zero sequence impedance in per unit on 100-MVA base. t Estimated data. tt Carney (futurel-Jarvis Creek is constructed to 138-kV standards. tttcarney {future)-Jarvis Creek is converted to 138-kV operation. B-23 • 1254 • 7145 TABLE 84.5: GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, li'C. TRANSFO~~ER DATA EXISTING SYSTEM Substation -Transformer Voltage Rating* rae Settins (kll) CMVA) Autotransformers Fort Wainwrigllt-FWS1380TI 138/69 60/80/100 138 000 Go I d Hi I 1-GHS 1380T1 138/69 18/24/30 134 550 Gold Hi II-GHS0690T2 69/34.5 1. 725 69 000 Two Wind i ng Transformers Heal y-HLP1380T1 138/13.2 18/24/30 134 550 Healy HLS1380T1 138/24.94 10/12.5 138 000 Healy 24. 9/2.4 5 24 900 North Po I e-NPS 1380T 1 138/13.2 45/60/75 138 000 North Pol e-NPS 1380T3 138/13.2 45/60/75 138 000 North Po I e-NPS0690T2 69/13.2 36/48/60 69 000 Zehnder-T4 CGSU-GT1) 69/13.8 12/16/20 69 000 Zehnder-T3 (GSU-GT2> 69/1.3.8 12/16/20 69 000 Zehnder-T6 69/4.16 7.5/9.4 69 000 Zehnder-T5 69/4. 16 7.5/9.4 69 000 * Continuous full load rating at 65"C rise. ** Transformer reactance in per unit on 100-MVA base. ***Tap range: 144 900, 141 450, 138 000, 134 550, 131 100. t Tap range: 72 450, 70 725, 69 000, 67 275, 65 550. tt Adjusted to base of 13.8 kV fran nameplate base of 13.2 k v. B -24 Tae Range *** *** t *** *** *** *** t Reactance** .0800 .2194 3. 1933 .38o2tt .8180 1. 0940 • l484tt • 1484tt • 2094tt .5760 .6780 .9470 .9810 TABLE B4. 6: GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, It-C. TRANSFORMER DATA PLANNED FACILITIES* Substa-tion-Transformer Voltase Rati ns** Ta2 Setting (kVl (MVA J Autotransformers Carney-1984t 138/69 30/40/50 138 000 Senti ey-1992t 138/69 138 000 * Estimated da-ta. ** Cant i nuous fu I I load rating at 65 •c rise. ***Trans former t Approxima-te tt Tap range: reac-tance in per uni-t on 100-MVA base. in-service date. 144 900, 14 [ 450, 138 000, 134 550, 131 100. B -25 Tae Range tt tt Reactance*** • 1500 TABLE B4. 7: GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOC: IATI ON, lt\C. DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATICN DATA EXISTING SYSTEM Transformer* No nco incident Substation Peak Demand Read l nss Substation Voltage Ra'ti ng** 1975 1976 ( kV) CMVA) Badger 69/12.4 7 13.44 2. 98 5.65 Brockman 69/24.94 7. 00 NIS NIS Chena Pump 69/12.47 22.40 NIS NIS Energy Company 13.8 *** NIS NIS Fox 69/34. s 8.40 2.57 3. 11 Gold Hi I 1++ 34.5 t .57 • 81 Ham i I ton Acres 69/12.47 22.40 NIS NIS Healy 24.94 tt na 1. 15 Highway Park 69/12.47 14.00 6.45 7.33 Jnternat i anal 69/12.47 11.20 12.65 13.02 Airport Jarvis Creek+++ 69x138/24. 94 22.40 NIS NIS Johnson Road 69/24.94 8.40 4.64 6.43 Musk Ox 69/12.47 14.00 NIS NIS Nenana 138/24.94 3.12 2.27 z.oo Peger 69/12.47 13.44 6. 67 6. 91 South Fairbanks 69/12.47 11.20 1 1. 0 1 6.53 Steese 69/12.47 8.40 7.43 7. 67 University Ave 69/12.47 7. 8zttt 8. 76 9. 16 Zehnder 69/12.47 11.20 11 .35 11 .36 77.45 81. 13 * Load tap changing transformer un I ess otherwise noted. **Maximum nameplate continuous full toad rating at 65°C rise. ***Supplied frcm North Pole 13.8-kV bus. t Supplied frcm Gold Hill 34.5-kV bus. tt Suppl Jed.from Healy 24.94-kV bus. tttMaximum rating of two transformers in para! let. x 1980 maximum demand through July 1980 xx 3 months data. xxx5 months daTa. + 4 months data. 1977 1978 1979 5. 52 3.84 4.80 NIS 1.3QXX 1. 62 NIS 3. 12xxx 4. 92 2.3s+ 2. 05 2. 23 2.66 2. 61 2. 72 .84 0 91 .82 NIS 4.80 4.26 1. 56 na 4. 20 9.22 6. 71 5.40 10.68 9. 19 5. 69 NlS NIS 6.48 8.64 7.02 2.48 4.39 4.90 3.31 2.05 1.34 1.80 5.28 4.80 5.28 7.30 6.16 6. 91 7. 49 6. 19 4.90 7.39 5. 69 4.25 ~ ~ 7.63 88.55 83. 16 79.70 ++Includes a demand of approximately 300 kW at Murphy COme supplied by Eielson AFB. +++Includes a demand of approximately 2,600 kW at Fort Greely supplied fran Fort Wainwright. Abbreviations: na -r.b data ava i I ab I e. NIS -Not in service. B -26 (M\'1) 198QX 4.74 1. 76 3. 72 2. 10 3.85 .82 3.36 3. 06 5.66 5. 42 6.24 2.57 2. 84 1.94 5. 16 6.61 4. 72 4.25 ~ 75.80 Substation Newby Road * Estimated data. TABLE 84.8: GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Transformer** Voltage ( kV) 69/12.47 DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATION DATA PLANNED FACILITIES* Rating*** (MVA) 12 (ApproxImate in-service date -1984) ** load tap. changing transformer un I ess otherwise noted. ***Maximum nameplate continuous full load rating at 65"C rise. B -27 TABLE 85.1: UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA, FAIRBANKS GENERATING CAPACITY AND DATA Ge.nerat i ng Unit Year of Instal I at ion ~ caeacitz: University of Alaska-51 University of AI as ka-S 2 University of AI aska-5.3 Un 1 versi ty of AI aska-D 1 University of Alaska-D2 Total Available Capacity Unit University of AI aska-5 1 University of Alaska-52 University of AI aska-53 University of Alaska-Dl University of Al aska-D2 Voltage ( kV) 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4. 2 1980 Power Rating Factor CMVA) 1.875 .so 1.S75 .so 12.50 .so 3.438 .so .3.438 .so * Impedance in per unit on 100-MVA base. **Inertia constant in per unit on 100-MVA base • .Abbreviation: 5T -Steam Turbine {MW) ST 1.50 ST 1.50 ST 1 o.oo Diesel 2. 75 Diesel ~ 18.50 Generator lmEedance* xd X I d xnd 61.33 s.oo 5. 3.3 61 • .33 s.oo 5.33 13.SO 1. 77 1.02 23.27 s. 73 5.24 23.27 s. 73 5.24 B -28 xz 6. 93 6. 93 1.02 5e53 5. 53 Remarks Coa I Coal Coal Inertia xo Constant** 2. 13 2. 13 0.34 1. 45 1.45 TABLE B5. 2: UNIVERSITY CF ALASKA, FAIRBANKS Substation -Transformer Two Winding Transformer University of Alaska-1 Voltage (kV > 69/4. 16 TRANSFORMER DATA Rating* (MVA) 7. 5 Tap Setting LTC *Continuous full load rating at 55°C rise. **Transformer reactance in per unit on lOO~VA base. Abbreviation: LTC -Load tap changing B -29 Tap Range Reactance** .8933 TABLE 86.1: MILITARY INSTALLATIONS, FAIRBANKS AREA GENERATING CAPACITY AND DATA Unit Total Generating Unit ~ Capacity Caeacity Ei el son AFB-S 1, 52 ST E r el son AFB-53, 54 ST Fort Greely -a 1, D2, D3 Diesel Fort Greel y-D4, 05 Diesel Fort Wainwright-S I, 52, S3, 54 ST Total Available Capacity Power Unit Voltage Rating Factor ( kV) <MVA) E i e I son AFB-5 1 , 52 7. 2 3.124 .8 Ei el son AFB-53, 54 7.2 6.250 1.0 Fort Greel y-o 1, 02, D3 4.2 1.250 .8 Fort Gree I y -D4, 05 4.2 1.563 .8 Fort Wainwright-12.4 6. 25 .8 51, 52, 53, 54 * Impedance in per unit on 100-MVA base. **Inertia constant in per unit on 100 MVA base. Abbreviation: ST -Steam Turbine (MW) (MW) 2.50 5.0 6. 25 12.5 1.00 3.0 1. 25 2. 5 5.0 ~ 43.0 Generator lmeedance* ~ X'd xnd 39.36 5.44 2.88 18.40 2.40 1.60 64.00 24.00 14.40 51. 18 19.20 11.52 18.40 2. 40 1.60 B -30 x2 2.88 2.08 15.20 12. 16 2.08 Inertia xo Constant** a. 96 0.64 4.00 3.20 o. 64 TABLE B6.2: MILITARY INSTALLATIONS, FAIRBANKS AREA TRANSFORMER DATA Substation -Transformer Two W i nd i ng T ra ns formers Eiel son AFB Fort Greely Fort Wainwright Voltage CkV) 69/7.2 24.9/2.4 69/12.4 Rating* (MVA) 5.6 2.5 8.4 *Continuous fuJI load rating at 65"C rise. **Transformer reactance is per unit on 100-MVA base. Abbreviation: LTC -Load tap chang i ng Tap Setting LTC LTC B -31 Tap Range Reactance** 1.518 2.372 0.983 TABLE 97.1: MATANUSKA ELEC1RJC ASSOCIATION AND Unit Ekf ui"na -(APA) Ekl utl'la -2 CAPA) Year of Installation Total Ava i I able CapaciTy ALASKA PCWER ACMI N I STRATI ON EXISTING GENERATING CAPACITY ~ Cai:!acit:z: (MW) Hydro 15 Hydro 15 30 B -32 Remarks Unit Eklutna -1 <APA) Ekl utna - 2 (APA) Transformer Ekl utna -1 (APA) Ekl utna -2 (APA) TABLE 87.2: MATANUSKA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION AND ALASKA POWER ADMINISTRATION GENERATOR AND TRANSFORt;ER DATA Fbwer Generator lm~edance* Voltage Rating Factor xd X'd X"d ( kV) (MVA) 6.9 16.667 .9 6. 12 1.65 1. 16 6.9 16.667 .9 6. 12 1.65 1. 16 Tap Voltage Rati n9 Setti n9 (kV) (MVA) 115/6.9 115/6.9 * Impedance in per unit on 100-MVA base. **Inert-ia constarrt in per unit on 100-MVA base. B -33 Inertia x2 xo Constant** 1. 41 • 78 1.41 .78 Tap Ranse Reactance* TABLE B7.3: MATANUSKA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION AND ALASKA POWER ADMINISTRATION TRANSMISSION LINE DATA EXISTING SYSTEM Transmission Circuit-Voltage Frcrn Bus -To BJs Pos Seq Impedance* Zero Seq Susceptance** Impedance*** Length Conductor R X BC R0 X0 (mi) Anchorage (APA)-Eklutna (APAl 115 kVt Ancho.rage U.PAl -Briggs T<:~p (MEAl 8.8 Briggs Tap (MEAl -Plppel (MEAl 5.0 Pi ppel (MEAl -Parks (MEAl 6.4 Parks <MEAl -Reed <MEAl 6. 0 Reed (MEA) -Ekl utna (APAl .E_ Total Briggs (MEAl -Briggs Tap CMEA) Eklutna CAPAJ -Shaw (M::Al 115 kYt Ekl utna (APAJ -Dow Tap (MEA) Dow Tap (MEAl -Lucas (MEA} Lucas <MEAl -LaZel le Tap (MEAl LaZel Je Tap (MEAl -Shaw (MEAl Total Dow ( MEAl -Dow Ta p (MEA) LaZe! I e -LaZelle Tap Shaw CM::Al -Teeland (CEAl 115 kV Shaw (MEAl-Herning (MEAl Herni ng (MEAl -Teelan::t (CEA) Total 33.4 6.3 8.6 5. l 4.3 ~ 22.3 1. 2 3.9 12.6 Douglas OEM -Teeland <CEAl 115 kV Douglas <MEAl -Anderson Tap (MEA) 19.0 Anderson Tap (MEAl -Tee Ia n::t CCEAJ ~ Total 25.5 397 ACSR (26/7 l • 0156 397 ACSR (26/7) .0089 397 ACSR (26/7) .0113 397 ACSR (26/7l .0107 397ACSR C26/7l .0158 .0528 .0300 .0384 .0360 .0433 • 0061 .0035 .0045 .0042 .0050 397 ACSR (26/7) .0112 .0375 .0045 397 ACSR (26/7l .0106 397 ACSR (26/7) .0090 397 ACSR & MC .0076 397 ACSR (26/7l .0076 .0502 .0311 .0255 .0229 .0060 .0036 .0030 .0033 4/0 ACSR • 0032 • 0066 • 0008 397 ACSR C26/7l .0066 .0215 .0030 397 ACSR (26/7) • 0085 • 0259 • 0037 397 ACSR (26/7) .0139 .0422 .0060 556 ACSR (26/7) .0241 .1111 .0139 4/0 ACSR (6/0) .0219 .0423 .0048 B -34 .0347 .2023 • 019 7 • 1150 • 0253 • 1471 .0237 • 1360 • 0284 • 1656 • 0246 • 1440 • 0339 • 1977 .0203 • 1177 .0168 • 0977 .0167 .1026 • 0054 • 0242 .0161 .0933 .0190 .1161 .0309 .1891 • 0653 • 4339 .0365 .1574 Transmission Circuit-Voltage from Bus -To Bus Tab I e 87.3: M:!tanuska Electric Association and AI aska Power Administration Transmission Line Data Existing System - 2 Length Conductor {mil Pos Seq Impedance* R X Anderson (MEA)-Anderson Tap (MEA) 3.5 4/0 ACSR {6/0) .0118 • 0228 * Positive sequence impedance in per unit on 100-MVA base. **Total I ine charging susceptance in per unit on 100-MVA base. ***Zero sequence impedance in per uniT on 100-MVA base. t Ekl utna-Anchorage and Ekl utna-Lucas 115-kV circuits owned by APA. Abbreviations: APA -AI as ka Power Adm i n i sTrati on MEA -t-'atanuska Electric AssociaTion CEA ~ Chugach ElecTrIc Association, Inc. B -35 Zero Seq Susceptance** Impedance*** BC R0 X0 .0026 .0194 .0870 TABLE 87.4: MATANUSKA ELECTRIC ASSOC lA T I ON AND ALASKA PCWER ADMINISTRATION DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATION DATA EXIST l NG SYSTE r.f< Transformer* Noncoi nci dent Substation Peak Demand Read l ngs (MW) Substation Voltage Rating** 1975 1976 (kV) (MVAl Anderson 115/12. 47 12/16/20 2. 74 3.98 Campttt 1.37 1. 12 Couglas 115/24 12/16/20 NIS NIS Dow 115/12.47 5 1.98 1. 94 HerninJ 115/12.47 22/26/30*** 4.99 6.34 LaZe II e 115/12.97 12/16/20 NIS NIS Lucas 115/12.47 1st 7. 82 9.31 Parks 115/12.47 10 5. 81 3. 79 Pippel 115/12.47 2ott 8. 06 10.44 Reed 115/12.47 5 na 1. 97 Settlers Bay 34.5/12.47 2. 5 NIS NIS Shaw 115/12.47 12/16/20 NIS NIS Site Bay 34. 5/12.47 1. 5 .....hlZ.. ~ 36.94 43. 11 * Load "tap changing transformer un I ess otherwise noted. ** r~aximum nameplate continuous full load rating at 55°C rise. ***Two transformers in para I I el , one 10 MVA and one 12/16/20 MVA. t Two transformers in parallel, one 5 MVA and one 10 MVA. tt Two transformers in parallel, each 10 MVA. tttsupplled at Eld ui"na. x AI I distribution facilities are MEA. Abbreviations: na -1\b data available. NIS -Not in ser..ice. B -36 1977 1978 1979 1980 6. 19 3. 94 4. 56 na 2.07 • 98 • 63 na NIS 2.69 3.07 na 2.45 3.24 2.99 na 11.04 12.96 13.32 na NIS NIS 3.26 na 12.72 14.98 11.38 na 4.42 4.32 4.22 na 9. 22 10.51 9. 50 na 2.59 2.98 2.98 na .65 • 76 .50 na NIS 4. 13 3.84 na ....1..:£ ~ ~ na 56.00 64.97 62.03 na I _______ ... .._~.,....._.__.,ao..,.. .... ••,. _______________ ..,. ____________________ ~~~....,~---------"----------------.....,.-...-.~--------------, IDHlllll $11.11 lUCU I 1----· ·----~----~------'-, ---------------------------------, ANCHORAGE UUN I c I pAl I l.l4l.U LIGHT & POWER i UATANUSKA ELECTRIC I MI~S ASSOCIATION nan lUUIII __ j SlA. IJ I I "' r~-n·_;_II_--~---~-::::!.~----~J~~-:[~--~~~-+---~~---~~----~~~----~------r~---~~-----J I llUV 2Jt»:V 1151tV CIIUGACil EUCTRIC ASSOCIATION • -USIUlf CfQ'fl un II)'( ~ J ------------------------------------~------------------------~------- IIIli AII ANCHORAGE AREA ONE-LINE DIAGRAM -1984 SYSTEM I FIGUREB.2. I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD IIU &•v DIIJIAI'UII' 1Jti'411Sin f6 .IUSII.A AIII'Ull '"' IIIII SIU5l -+~1--f-ZUIOOfK ll.\llllll* fl 1/.IH~ICitl I I I • lnuu GOLDEN VAllfY '---n:-lG£1-R-oo------s.-JiliiAI«s ElECTRIC ASSOCIATION ---------·-------------------------------------, INlW Jt----1 (lfiSQI AU I t I I [ _________________________________________ ::_ ____ _] FAIRBANKS AREA ONE-LINE DIAGRAM-1984 SYSTEM FIGURE B.31Ul APPENDIX C ECONOMIC CONDUCTOR SIZES TABLE OF CONTENTS C1 -INTRODUCTION -----------------------------------------------C -1 C2 -LINE CAPITAL COST ------------------------------------------C - C3 -CAPITALIZED COST OF LOSS -----------------------------------C - 2 LIST OF TABLES Number C3.1 C3.2 C3.3 Title Transmission Line to Anchorage Developnent of capitalized Cost of IDss Transmission Line to Fairbanks Development of capitalized Cost of Loss Summary of Economic Factors and Proposed Conductor Sizes LIST OF FIGURES Number C3.1 Title Transmission -Total Cost per Mile as a Function of Conductor Area APPENDIX C ECONOMIC CONDUCTOR SIZES C1 -INTRODUCTION In EHV transmission, line conductors and conductor bundles must be sized to minimize corona, RI and audible noise effects. An additional factor that needs to be quantified is the economic incentive to increase the conductor section still further to achieve savings in the future cost of line loss. This appendix deals with the economic aspects of conductor sizing, and since both line costs and line losses are proportional to line length, the analysis is carried out on the basis of costs per circuit-mile. C2 -LINE CAPITAL COST Tr ansm.ission costs are generally a function of the transmission voltage and conductor size, modified by local considerations such as meteorological factors, access, transport costs and local labor costs. At a particular voltage, the variation in line cost as a function of conductor area is normally of the form. Line cost per mile = K1 + K2 (kcmil)a c -1 On the basis of line cost estimates for Alaska, values of "K 1 11 1 "K2" and "a 11 have been determined. These are approximate, but they describe the relationship between line cost and conductor size sufficiently well to be used as a guide in determining the economic size of line conductor. The equations are shown below. 230 kV: $/mile~ 110 000 + 16 {kcmil)1.18 345 kV: $/mile~ 160 000 + 16 (kcmil)1.18 500 kV: $/mile C! 285 000 + 16 (kcmil) 1.18 C3 -CAPITALIZED COST OF LOSS Line loss varies directly as the square of the line loading and inversely as the conductor cross-sectional area. Since the line loading varies in a daily pattern and also throughout the life of the facility, these variations must be taken into account. Transmission line loading over the life of the facility can only be estimated at this time. According to generation planning studies, each time a block of 400 MW of generation is commissioned (in years 1993, 1996 and 2000) 1 this capability is fully absorbed by the system. It is further assumed that all of the average energy capability at Susitna would be utilized at each development stage, resulting in load factors {LF) and loss load factors (LLF) as indicated in the table below. In this table no generation additions are included after year 2000 as the contribution to loss energy from any additional peaking capacity is assumed to be negligible. c-2 Line .Loadin9:s (MW) Susitna To To Period ca32acitz Ener9:2: LF LLF* Anchora9:e Fairbanks (MW) ( GW • h) 1993 to 1996 400 2 990 0.85 0.786 320 80 1996 to 2000 800 3 252 0.46 0.336 640 160 2000 to 2043 1 200 6 227 0.59 0.469 960 240 Expressing line loading and line resistance in per unit on surge impedance loading (SIL) and surge impedance (Zc) base leads to the following expressions. Line resistance 100 = ohms per mile kcmil 100 1 = x --per unit per mile kcmil Zc If line loading = S per unit on SIL base Then line loss per mile 2 100 1 = _S x kcmil x Zc per unit and since SIL kV2 = -zc (MW) Line loss per mile 2 100 1 kV2 = S X X -X -(MW/mile) kcmil Zc Zc Annua~ loss energy/mile 2 100 kV2 = S X kcmil X~ X 8.76 X LLF Zc (GW•h/mile) And if the cost of loss energy = c $/kW•h = c $ million/GW•h Then ann~ cost of loss 2 100 kV2 = s X X 2· X 8.-76 X LLF. X c kcmil Zc ($ million/mi~e) *Loss load factor (LLF) is estimated as LLF = LF2 + LF 2 c -3 A typical value of C for Susitna is $0.035/kW•h. This energy cost is an average figure derived in the OGP-5 planning studies based on zero inflation and 3 percent net cost of money. .·.Annual cost of loss= 30.66 s 2 kv2 ...;;..;.__,;;...;._=o.,~..;..._ LLF ($ million/mile) kClllil zc2 In Tables C3.1 and C3.2 the capitalized cost of loss per mile is derived for transmission to Anchorage and Fairbanks, respectively, as a function of conductor size and for the line voltages that are being considered. The capitalized cost of loss is derived in three components, representing the three stages of developnent of the project. In all cases two circuits are assumed from the outset for security reasons. In the case where three circuits are used for the ultimate line loading, it is assumed that the third circuit is added at the final (1,200 MW) stage of developnent. In Table C3.3 the line capital cost and capitalized cost of loss (as developed in Tables C3.1 and C3.2) are shown as a function of conductor area for each voltage and transmission alternative. The indicated optimum conductor areas are also given in the table and these were derived as follows. If line capital cost = K1 + K2 (kcmil)a $ million/mile and capitalized cost of loss K3 = kcmi1 $ mil1ion/mdle Total. cost per mile K3 = K 1 + K ( kcmi.l) a + $ million/mile 2 kcmil c -4 Differentiating with respect to kcmil and equating to zero for minimum total cost per mile. d cost d koail (kcmil)2 1 K3 a • K 2 ( kcmil ) a-= _._.;;;.__ (kcmil)2 K3 a•K 2 (kCID.il)a+1 = and = 0 In two cases, namely 500-kV transmission to Anchorage and 345 kV to Fairbanks, line losses are relatively low and lead to indicated economic conductor areas that are below the acceptable limit from an RI and Corona point of view. The proposed conductor sizes which are shown at the bottom of Table 3 have been adjusted, where necessary, to frOVide acceptable Corona and RI performance. The relationship between line capital cost and total cost (including capitalized cost of loss) is shown graphically as a function of conductor area in Figure C3. 1. The cases illustrated are for 345 kV to Anchorage and 230 kV to Fairbanks, the two cases where cost of loss was a factor in the proposed conductor arrangement. c -5 'l'A,BLE C3.1: TIUINSHISS10!4 LINE 'l'Q ANCHORAGE DEVELOl>HEN'l' Oli' Cl\PITl\LIZED COST OF LOSS Loading per Anllua1 2 Circuit Total No, of on SIL Cost of Period Load Circuits Basel IE. Loss "iiWl (MW) 1S=PiiT cM·kc~il) cct•fllde 1993 -1996 320 2 160 0,386 0,786 5,195 1996 -2000 640 2 320 0.711 0,336 8,861 2000 -2043 960 2 480 1.157 0,469 27,654 1993 -1996 320 2 160 o. 386 0,786 5,195 1996 -2000 640 2 320 :> ~ 0, 771 0,336 6.661 "' ... 2000 -2043 960 l 320 PI o. 771 0.469 12,368 1993 -1996 320 2 160 0,178 o. 786 2.474 1996 -2000 640 2 320 :,;; 0,356 0,336 4,230 a 0 2000 -2043 960 2 480 "' 0,533 0,469 13.236 1siL base valuea are 415 HW (345 kV) and 900 HW (500 kV) , 2Annua1 cost of loss ~ 30,66 s 2 ·kV2 • LLF/zc2 based on losses valued at $0,035/kW.h, 3n ~ duration of load period 4m ~offset from· present worth datum, 5 Present worth factor ~ f f;---1 --:-J x -1--, annual discount rate U) = 3 percent, [ (l+i) :J (lt-i)nl 3 4 n Ill (yr) TYrT 3 0 4 3 43 7 Total at 345 kV (2 0 4 43 7 Total at 345 kV (3 3 0 4 3 43 Total at 500 kV (2 Present 5 Capitalized Worth Cost of ~ Loss (SM·kcmil) cct·mile 2.8286 14.695 3,4017 30.142 19.4995 ~ circuits) 587,976 2.8286 14,695 3,4017 30,142 19,4995 ~ circuits) 286,016 2,8286 6,998 3,4017 14,389 19.4995 ~ circuits) 279.482 TABLE C3.2; TRANSMISSION LINE i~ FAIRBAN~ DEVELOPMENT OF CAPITALIZED COST OF LOSS Loading per Annual2 Circuit Total No, of on SIL Cost of ~ Load Circuits Basel ~ Loss TMii) (MW) (S-pu) { $M·kcmil) cct•m>.le 1993 -!996 60 2 40 0.292 0,766 0, 7290 1996 -2000 160 2 80 ~ 0,584 0.336 1. 2466 0 "' 3. 9151 2000 -2043 240 2 120 "' 0,676 0,469 1993 -1996 80 2 40 0,100 0,786 0,3240 1996 ~ 2000 160 2 80 ~ 0,200 0.336 0,5539 II> 2000 -2043 240 2 120 .. .., 0,300 0,469 1,7397 1 siL base values are 137 HW (230 I<V) and 400 MW (345 I<V), 2 Annual cast of loss • 30,66 s 2 ·kV 2 • LLF/zc2 based on losses valued at $0,035/I<W•h, 3n ~ duration of load period, 4m -offset from present worth datum, 5 Present worth factor = f fl -!..___. =1 x -1--, annual discount rate (i) • 3 percent. ~ (l+i)0_j (1+i)m Present 5 3 4 Worth n m ~ (yi") Vr> 3 0 2.8286 4 3 3,4017 43 7 19.4995 Total at 230 I<V (2 circuits) 3 0 2,8286 4 3 3,401'7 43 7 19.4995 Total at 345 I<V (2 circuits) Capitalized coat of Loss cM·kc~il) cct~m1le 2.0620 4.2406 ~ 82.6451 0,9165 1,8842 ~ 36,7240 TABLE C3.3: SUMMARY OF ECONOMIC FACTORS AND PROPOSED CONDUCTOR SIZES Transmission to Anchorage 500 kV ~3..:.45::-,..:k~V'-:--------~=---:-:-.- 2 Circuits 3 Circuits 2 Circuits Capital cost of line ($M/ndle) caeitalized cost of loss* ($M/mile) 0Etimum conductor area** (MCM) Pro12osed conductors 0.285 + ~ kcmil 1 •18 106 279,482 kcmil 1; 946 3x795*** 0.16 + 16 kcmill.lB 106 286,106 kcmil 1,967 2x954 *Capitali~ed cost of loss expressions are derived in tables 1 and 2, 1 **Optimum conductor area= {capitali~ed cost of loss)2,19 kcmil per phase. \i6xl,19 0.16 + 166 kcmill.lB 10 587,976 kcmil 2,737 2xl,351 Transmission to Fairbanks 0,16 + ~ kcmi11.18 106 36,7240 kcmil 767 2x795*** 0,11 + ~ kcmill.l8 106 82,6451 kcmil 1,113 lxl,272 ***The economic conducto.r areas for 500 kV to Anchorage and 345 kV to Fairbanks are smaller than the minimum needed for RI and Corona performance, Hence, RI considerations will dictate conductor si~e, -U) :z 0 :J _.J :t -tit w _.J ::E 1- ::l 0 0:: u a:: w a.. 1- (() 0 0 0.4 SUSITNA TO FAIRBANKS AT 230 KV I TOTAL COST INCLUDING CAPITALIZED 0.3 -COST OF LOSS (TWO CIRCUITS) I 0.2 - LINE CAPITAL COST 0.1 --~--- OL---------~--------~--------~ 500 1000 1500 TOTAL CONDUCTOR AREA (kcmil) PER PHASE 2000 0.7 .....-------r---------..-----.--------------. SUSITNA TO ANCHORAGE AT 345 KV 0.6 TOTAL COST INCLUDING CAPITALIZED ~ COST OF LOSS (TWO CIRCUITS) (/) z Q _.J ...J ~ ~ 0.5 w ...J ~ !:: ::> 0 a:: u a:: w a.. 1- (() 8 TOTAL COST INCLUDING CAPITALIZED COST OF LOSS (THREE CIRCUITS) 0.4 0.3 LINE CAPITAL COST 0.2L--------~----~-------L------~ 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 TOTAL CONDUCTOR AREA (kcmil) PER PHASE TRANSMISSION -TOTAL COSTS PER MILE AS A FUNCTION OF CONDUCTOR AREA FIGURE C3.1 APPENDIX D COST ESTIMATES LIST OF TABLES Number 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 o.s 0.6 Title Transmission and Substation Unit Costs Transmission Line Capital Costs Substation Capital Costs Transmission and Substation Annual Charges Transmission Line Land Ac.quisition Costs Capitalized Transmission Line Losses API'ENDIX D COST ESTIMATES The economic analysis for the Susitna transmission system was carried out using cost estimates based on 1981 unit costs, without escalation, for all equipment and services. The unit costs for all transmission and substation equipment are given in Table o. 1. The principal para- meters of the five transmission alternatives analyzed in detail are as follows. Susitna to Anchorage Susitna to Fairbanks ( 140 Miles) {189 Miles) Number of Number of Alternative C-ircuits Voltag:e Conductors Circuits Voltag:e Conductors (kV) (kcmil) (kV) {kcmil) 2 345* 2 X 351 2 345 2 X 795 2 3 345 2 X 954 2 345 2 X 795 3 2 345* 2 X 351 2 230* X 272 4 3 345 2 X 954 2 230* X 1 272 5 2 500 3 X 795 2 230* 1 X 272 The b:ansmission line capital cost estimates for the five transmissiort alternatives are shown in Table o. 2. The 1993 line costs include an adjustment for the use of a larger conductor than required by the intertie, 9 years before the construction of the Susitna transmission system. This adjustment accounts for intertie construction with con- ductors ultimately required for Susitna transmission. The adjustment consists of the difference in line costs multiplied by the length of the line section in question and the factor to account for the *Denotes series compensation. D - 1 accummulated interest for the incremental conductor cost. It is calculated as follows. Adjustment= length•[(1.00+i)n-1.00]•(Cs-Ci} = length•[{1.Q3)9-1.00]•(Cs-Ci} = length•0.3048•(Cs-Ci} where i = discount rate {3.0 percent) n = time period (9 years) Cs = cost of Susitna conductor in $M/mile Ci = cost of conductor required for intertie in $M/mile. The substation capital cost estimates are shown in Table 0.3 and include a base cost plus costs for major components at each station. The base cost includes land acquisition, site preparation, foundations, etc. Cost estimates of major equipment, such as circuit breakers, transformers, etc, include ~~e costs of all ancillaries such as disconnect switches, potential and current transformers, controls, instrumentation, etc. At the generating stations all EHV circuit breakers are included, but generator transformers and low-voltage breakers are excluded. These are included in the powerhouse estimates. Similarly at the load centers all EHV breakers are included as well as tne necessary circuit entries at the subtransmission voltage (230 kVor 138 kV) for each transformer bank. The remainder of the lower voltage station is common to all alternatives and therefore excluded from the economic comparison. At Anchorage, transformation to 230 kV is assumed on the west side of Knik. Arm implying cable crossings at 230 kV. The cable crossings and other 230-kV equipment are considered comtoon to all ac transmission alternatives for Susitna and their costs have been excluded fran this estimate. They must be included for comparison of schemes with different Knik Arm crossing configurations such as HVDC transmission from Susitna. D - 2 The calculations of annual charges for transmission lines and substations are shown in Table D. 4. Annual charges include the following components. Item Operating and maintenance Insurance Interim replacement Contribution in lieu of taxes TOTALS Percent of Transmission Capital Per Year 1.00 0.10 0.15 2.00 3.25 Percent of Substation Capital Per Year 2.00 0.10 0.15 2.00 4.25 At a discount rate of 3. 0 percent and for a 50-yr period of analysis from 1993 to 2043 the capitalized annual charges are calculated as follows. For equipment commissioned in 1993 Transmission lines: 3. 25 percent 0.03 I( 1. 03) so -1 • 0 01 [ ( 1. 03 )SO J Substations: == 83.62 percent of 1993 transmission line capital cost 4.25 vercen.t 0.03 n1.03)50_ 1.ool [ (1.03}5o · :J = 109.35 percent of 1993 substation capital cost D - 3 For equipment conunissioned in 2000 Transmission lines: 3.25 percent 0.03 [11.03)43-1.ool [ (1.03)43 J = 77.94 percent of 2000 transmission line capital cost Substations: 4.25 percent o. 03 11_1.03)43 -1.0Q1 [ (1.03)43 J = 101.92 percent of 2000 substation capital cost Costs of land acquisition and clearing for transmission lines are calculated in Table 0.5. It is assumed that all right-of-way requirements will be acquired in 1993. This includes the land acquisition costs for all additional circuits to be constructed in the year 2000. Costs of capitalized transmission line losses are calculated in Table o. 6. Unit costs per mile for capitalized transmission losses have been derived from the costs of loss developed in Appendix C, "Economic Conductor Sizes". In the case of the line section from Watana to Devil canyon the unit costs have been adjusted to take into account the loading that will apply during the various stages of project development. D - 4 Transmission Line Costs Voltage (kV l 230 230 230 345 345 345 500 Land Acquisition Voltage ( kV) 230 345 345 500 Substations Voltage CkVl 138 230 345 500 TABLE 0.1: TRANSMISSION AND SUBSTATION UNIT COSTS Conductor Base Cost (kern i I l ($/circuit mi lel 1 X 954 120,000 1 X 1 272 136,000 1 X 351 140,000 2 X 795 190,000 2 X 954 207,000 2 X 1 351 251,000 3 X 795 326,000 and Clearing Number of Circuits 2 2 3 2 Station Base Cost** ($ M iII ion) 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 Final Cost* ($/circuit mile) 162,000 184,000 189,000 256,000 279,00.0 339,000 440,000 $/Mile 70,0()0 75,000 96,000 80,000 Circuit Breaker Position ($Million> 0.400 0.700 1.000 1.600 Table D. 1 Transmission and Substation Unit Costs-2 Auto trans formers (inc I ud i ng 1 5-kV tert fary) Voltage ( kV l 230/138 345/138 500/138 345/230 500/230 75 WA ($ Mi II ion) o.soo o. 700 Generator Transformers Voltage ( kV) 345 500 Shunt Reactors Voltage ( kV) 345 500 4. 20 s.oo 50 WARS ($/kVAR) 24.60 Series Compensation (all voltages) $14.00/kVAR Static VAR Sources <Tertiary volte~gel $30.00/kVAR 150 WA ( $ M i I I ion) o. 800 0.900 1.200 0.900 1. 200 75 WARS ($/kVAR) 1. 11 17.20 250 M'IA ($Mill ion) 1. 100 1. 300 1. 600 1.300 1.600 * Fl naJ transmission I ine costs (page 1 of table) include 20 percent contingency, pi us 5 percent eng i neer i ng, 5 percent construction management and 2. 5 percent owner 1 s cost. **Substation base cost (page 1 of table) includes land acquisition, site preparation, foundations, etc. TABLE 0.2: TRANSMISSION LINE CAPITAL COSTS Transml ss ion Alternative I 2 3 4 5 Year 1993 Transmission Circuit Circuit Circuit Circuit Circuit Line Costs Unit Cost Milas ~ Mi ies ~ Miles ~ Miles $M Miles .!!:!_ ($M/mi) Watana to Dev i I Canyon (27mi) Voltage Conductor 345 l<V 2 X 954 l<cmi I 0.207 54 11. 18 54 11. 18 345 kV 2 x 1,351 kcmi 1 0.251 54 13.55 54 13.55 500 kV 3 X 795 kcmll 0.326 54 17.60 Oev I I Canyon to Anchorage ( 140 ml) 345 kV 2 X 954 kcmi I 0.207 280 57.96 280 57.96 345 kV 2 X 1,351 kcmil 0.251 280 70.28 280 70.28 500 kV 3 X 795 kcmll 0.326 280 91.28 Dev i I Canyon tofairbanks C189mi) 230 kV 1 X 1,272 kcmi I 0.136 293 39.95 378 51.41 378 51 .41 230 kV l X 1,351 kcmil 0.140 85 11.90 345 kV 2 )( 795 kcmi I o. 190 293 55.67 293 55.67 345 kV 2 X 954 kcmil 0.207 85 17.60 345 kV 2 X 1,351 kcmil 0.251 85 21.34 Subtotal 1993 I i ne costs 160.84 142.41 135.68 120.55 160.29 Contingency (20 percent) 32.17 28.48 27. 14 24.11 32.06 Subtotal 193.01 170.89 162.82 144.66 192.35 Eng I nearIng and Management 24.13 21.36 20.35 18.08 24.04 ( 12.5 percent)* TOTAL 1993 Transmission Line Costs 217.13 192.25 183. 17 162.74 216.39 Adjustment for Advanced lntertie Construction With Larger Conductor** $M/mi $M $M/mi $M $M/mi $M $M/mi $M $Mimi $M WHiow to Gold Creek (80 mi) (0.251-0.207) 1.07 (0.207-0.207) 0 (0.251-0.120) 3. 19 ( o. 207-0.120) 2.12 ( 0.3 26-0. 120) 5.02 Go I d Creek to Hea I y ( 85 mi ) (0.251-0.207) 1.14 (0.207-0.207) 0 (0.14<r0.120) 0.52 (0. 136-0.120) 0.41 (0. 136-0. 120) 0.41 Subtotal I ntert i e adjustment 2.21 0 3.71 2.53 5.43 Contingency, engineering, etc o. 77 0 1.30 0.89 1.90 Total adjustment 2.98 0 5.01 3.42 7.33 TOTAL Adjusted 1993 Transmission Line Costs 220.12 192.25 188.18 166.16 223.72 Table 0.2: Transmission Line Capital Costs-2 Transmission Alternative I ~2--~-------- CI rcu It Gi rcu It 3 Year 2000 Transmission Line Costs Unit Cost Miles $M Miles $M Circuit Miles <$Wmi> Dav II Canyon to Anchorage ( 140 m I> Vo I tage Conductor 345 kV 2 x 954 kcmi I o. 207 Contingency (20 percent) Subtotal Eng I neer I ng and Management ( 12.5 percent)* TOTAL 2000 TransmIssIon Ll ne Capital Costs * EngIneerIng and Management Inc I udes -EngIneering 5. 0 percent -Construction Management 5.0 percent -Owner's Cost 2.5 percent -Total 12.5 percent 140 28.98 5.80 34.78 4.35 39.12 **lntertie adjustment accounts for construction with a larger conductor than required by the intertle 9 years before construction of Susitna transmission system. 4 Circuit Miles 140 28.98 5.80 34.78 4.35 39.12 5 Circuit Miles TABLE D.3: SUBSTATION CAPITAL COSTS Transmission Alternative I 2 3 4 5 Year 1993 Substation Costs Unit Cost Quantitl $M Quantitl $M ($M) Quantltl _!!:!_ Quantlt~ $M Quant it~ $M Anchorage Base cost • 345 kV 2.00 2.00 2.00 2. 00 2.00 -500 kV 2.50 2. 50 Circuit breakers -230 kV 0. 70 6 4.20 6 4.20 6 4.20 6 4.20 6 4.20 -345 kV 1.00 9 9.00 9 9.00 9 9.00 9 9.00 -500 kV 1.60 11 17.60 Transformers-345/230 kV, 250 t-tVA 1.30 4 5.20 4 5.20 4 5.20 4 5.20 -500/230 k v, 250 MVA 1. 60 4 6.40 Shunt reactors-500 kV, 50 MVAR 1. 23 2 2.46 Static VAR sources (MVAR) o. 03 400 12.00 400 12.00 400 12.00 400 12.00 200 6.00 Subtotal 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 39. 16 ContIngency (20 percent> ~ ~ 6.48 ~ ~ Subtotal 38.88 38.88 38.88 38.88 46.99 Engineering and management ( 12.5 percent)* 4.86 4.86 ~ 4.86 5.87 TOTAL 1993 Anchorage Station Cost .Qill. 43.74 43.74 43.74 52.87 WI I low Base cost -345 kV 2.00 2.00 2.00 2. 00 2. 00 -500 kV 2. 50 2. 50 Circuit breakers -138 kV 0.40 3 1.20 3 1. 20 3 I. 20 3 1.20 3 1. 20 -345 kV 1.00 9 9.00 9 9.00 9 9.00 9 9.00 -500 kV 1.60 11 17.60 Tra.nsformers-345/138 kV, 75 MVA 0.50 2 1.00 2 1.00 2 1. 00 2 1. 00 -500/138 kV, 75 MVA o. 70 2 1.40 Shunt reactors -500 kV, 75 MVAR 1.29 2 2.58 Subtotal 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 25.28 Table 0.3: Substation Capital Costs -2 Transmission Alternative I 2 3 4 5 Year 1993 Substation Costs Unit Cost Quant it~ .!!:!. Quant it~ $M Quant it~ .!!:! Quantitl $M Quant it~ $M C$M) Contingency {20 percent) 2.64 ~ 2.64 ~ 5.06 Subtotal 15.84 15.84 15.84 15.84 30.34 Engineering and management {12.5 percent)* ~ 1.98 ~ _h2!!_ 3.79 TOTAL 1993 Willow Station Cost 17.82 17.82 17.82 17.82 34.13 Dev II Canyon Base cost -230 kV 1. 50 I. 50 I. 50 I. 50 -345 k.V 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 -500 kV 2. 50 2. 50 Circuit breakers -230 kV o. 70 8 5.60 8 5.60 8 5.60 -345 kV I. 00 12 12.00 12 12.00 15 15.00 15 15.00 -500 kV 1.60 15 24.00 Transformers -345/230 kV, 150 MVA o. 90 3 2.70 3 2. 70 -500/230 kll, 150 MVA 1. 20 3 3.60 Generator transformer Incremental cost, 220 MVA o. 176** 3 0.53 Subtotal 14.00 14.00 26.80 26.80 37.73 Contingency {20 percent) 2.80 2.80 5.36 5.36 7.55 Subtotal 16.80 16.80 32.16 32.16 45.28 Engineering and management ( 12. 5 percent)* ~ 2.10 4.02 4.02 ~ TOTAL 1993 Oev II Ganyon Station Cost 18.90 18.90 36.18 36.18 50.94 Watana Base cost -.345 kV 2.00 2.00 2. 00 2.00 2.00 -500 kV 2.50 2.50 Circuit breakers -345 kV 1.00 9 9. 00 9 9.00 9 9.00 9 9.00 -500 k\1 1. 60 9 14.40 Generator transformer Incremental cost, 220 MVA o. 176** 4 ~ Subtotal 11.00 11.00 II. 00 II. 00 17.60 Table 0.3: Substation Capital Costs -3 Transmission Alternative 1 2 3 4 5 Year 1993 Substation Costs Unit Cost Quant it~ ..!!1 Quant it~ $M Quant it~ ..!!1 Quantitl $M Quantitl ~ ($M) Conti. ngency ( 20 percent) 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 3.52 Subtotal 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 21.12 Eng lneer I ng and management ( 12.5 percent)* ~ ~ ~ ~ 2.64 TOTAL 1993 Watana Station Cost 14.85 14.85 14.85 14.85 23.76 fairbanks Base cost -230 kV 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 -345 kV 2.00 2.00 2.00 Circuit breakers -138 kV 0.40 4.5 1.80 4.5 1.80 4.5 1.80 4.5 1.80 4.5 1.80 -230 kV 0.70 8 5.60 8 5.60 8 5.60 -345 kV 1.00 10 10.00 10 10.00 Transformers -230/138 kV, 150 MVA 0.80 3 2.40 3 2.40 3 2.40 -345/138 kV, 150 MVA 0.90 3 2.70 3 2.70 Shunt reactors -345 kV, 75 MVAR 0.83 2 1.66 2 1.66 Static V/'R sources <MV /'R) 0.03 100 3.00 100 3.00 200 6.00 200 6.00 200 6.00 Subtotal 21. 16 21. 16 17.30 17.30 17.30 Contingency (20 percent) 4.23 4.23 3.46 3.46 3.46 Subtotal 25.39 25.39 20.76 20.76 20.76 Engineering and management ( 12.5 percent)* ~ __h!l 2.60 2.60 2.60 TOTAL 1993 fa lrbanks Stat ion Cost 28.57 28.57 23.36 23.36 23.36 TOTAL 1993 Substation Capital Cost 123.88 123.88 135.95 135.95 185.06 Table 0.3: Substation Capital Costs-4 Transmission Alternative I 2 3 4 5 Year 2000 Substation Costs Unit Cost Quantit:t 1!1 Quant It~ !!i Quant it~ 1!1 Quantlt:t $M Quantlt~ $M ($M) Anchorage Circuit breakers -230 k V o. 70 3 2. 10 3 2. 10 3 2. 10 3 2. 10 3 2. 10 -345 kV 1.00 3 3.00 5 5.00 3 3.00 5 5.00 -500 kV 1.60 3 4.80 Transformers-345/230 kV, 250 MVA 1.30 2 2.60 2 2.60 2 2.60 2 2.60 -500/230 k v. 250 MVA 1.60 2 3. 20 Series compensation (MVARl 0.014 430 6.02 430 ~ Subtotal 13.72 9. 70 13.72 9. 70 10. 10 Contingency (20 percent) 2.74 ___h2! ....b.1i ~ 2.02 Subtotal 16.46 II. 64 16.46 II. 64 12. 12 Engineering and management (12.5 percent)* 2.06 _!_d§_ 2.06 ____hi§_ ____hg TOTAL 2000 Anchorage Station Cbst 18.52 13.10 18.52 13.10 ...!hl! WII low Circuit breakers -138 kV o. 40 I. 5 0.60 I. 5 0.60 I. 5 0.60 I. 5 0.60 I. 5 0.60 -345 kV 1.00 2 2.00 5 5.00 2 2.00 5 5.00 -500 kV I. 60 2 3.20 Transformers -345/138 kV, 75 MVA 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 -500/138 kV, 75 MVA o. 70 o. 70 Series compensaTion (1-!VAHl 0.014 773 10.82 773 10.82 Subtotaf 13.92 6. 10 13.92 6.10 4.50 Coot i ngency (20 percent) 2.78 _!:n_ 2.78 1.22 0.90 Subtotal 16.70 7. 32 16.70 7.32 5. 40 EngineerIng and management ( 12. 5 percent)* 2.09 0.92 2.09 0.92 0.68 TOTAL 2000 Wii low Station Cost 18.79 8.24 18.79 8.24 6.08 Year 2000 Substation Costs Dev II Canyon Circuit breakers-230 kV -345 kV -500 kV Transformers -345/230 kV, 150 MVA -500/230 kV, 150 MVA Subtotal Contingency (20 percent) Subtotal Table 0.3: Substation Capital Costs - 5 Transmission Alternative I ~2----~~--- Unit Cost Quantity J.!i Quantity $M ( $M) o. 70 1.00 1.60 0.90 1. 20 3 3.00 3.00 0.60 3.60 5 5.00 Englneerjng and management (12.5 percent)* _Q& 5.00 1.00 6.00 0.75 TOTAL 2000 Devil Canyon Station Costs fairbanks Cl rcul t breakers -138 kV -230 kV -345 kV Transformers -230/138 kV, 150 MVA -345/138 kV, 150 MVA Ser-1 es compensatIon ( MVAR) Subtotal ContIngency (20 percent) Subtotal 0.40 o. 70 1. 00 0.80 o. 90 0.014 1. 5 ~ 0.60 1. 00 o. 90 Engineering and management (12.5 percent)* 2.50 0.50 3. 00 0.38 TOTAL 2()00 FaIrbanks Station Costs TOTAL 2000 Substation Capital Costs *Engineering and management includes-engineering 5. 0 percent 5. 0 percent -construction management -owner's cost 2.5 percent Total 12.5 percent 1. 5 0.60 I. 00 o. 90 2. 50 0.50 3. 00 0.38 3.38 3 4 5 Quantity $M Quantity .!!1 Quantity $M 1 3 I. 5 I 430 o. 70 3.00 0.90 4.60 0.92 5. 52 0.69 6.21 0.60 0.70 0.80 1 5 1. 5 1 6.02 430 8. 12 ~ 9. 74 I .22 10.96 0.70 5.00 o. 90 6.60 -l..!R 7. 92 0.99 8.91 0.60 o. 70 0.80 3 1. 5 1 6.02 430 8. 12 ~ 9. 74 1.22 10.96 o. 70 4.80 6. 70 ___hli 8.04 __!_:.Q!_ 0.60 o. 70 o.so 6.02 8. 12 ___!_:.g 9. 74 ~ 10.96 **Cost of generator transformers for 345-kV transmission is Inc I uded in powerhouse cost est lmates. Alternative 5 requires adjustment for incremental cost of 500-kV transformers. TABLE 0.4: TRANSMISSION AND SUBSTATION ANNUAL CHARGES Transmission Alternative ' 2 3 4 5 Percent of Capital I zed Cap I tall zed Capitalized Cap ita II zed Cap i tall zed Capital Capital Annual Capital Annual Capital Annual Capital Annua I Capital Annual Cost* Cost Charges Cost Charges Cost Charges Cost Charges Cost Charges ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) 1993 Capitalized Annual Line 83.62 217.13 181.56 192.25 160.76 \83. 17 153. 17 162.74 136.06 216.39 160.95 Charges 2000 Capitalized Annual Line 77.94 39. 12 30.49 39. 12 30.49 Charges 1993 Capitalized Annual Station 109.35 123.86 135.46 123.88 135.46 135.95 148.66 135.95 146.66 165.06 202.36 Charges 2000 Capital I zed Annual Station 101. 92 44. 74 45.60 31.47 32.07 54.48 55.53 41.21 42.00 39.73 40.49 Charges *Capitalized annual charge percentages are developed In the text on page D-3. TABLE 0.5: TRANSMISSION LINE LAND ACQUISITION COSTS Transmission Alternative 1 2 3 4 5 rransmlsslon Line Unit Cost Length $M Length ..!!:! Length ..!!:! Length $M Length $M <$Mimi) (miles) (miles) (mi I es) (miles) (miles) Number of ioltage Circuits 230 kV 2 0.070 189 13.23 )89 13.23 189 13.23 ~45 kV 2 0.075 356 26.70 216 16.20 167 12.53 27 2.03 345 kV 3 o. 096 140 13.44 -140 13.44 500 kV 2 o.oso 167 13.36 TOTAL 1993 Land Acquisition Costs 26.70 ~ 25.76 26.70 26.59 TABLE 0.6: CAPITALIZED TRANSMISSION LINE LOSSES T ransm iss I on A I ternat iva 1 2 3 4 5 Cae I ta.ll zed L lne Losses Unit Cost ~ $M ~ 1!1 ~ J!i Miles 1!i Miles $M ($M/mi> Watana to Oev II Canyon {27 m I) 2 X 345 J(V 1 2 X 11 351 kcmil 0.2517 27 6.80 27 6. 80 2 X 345 kV 1 2 X 954 kcrni I 0.3565 27 9. 62 -27 9.62 2 X 500 k V 1 3 X 795 kcmll o. 1358 27 3.67 Devil Canyon to Anchorage {140 ml) 2 X 345 kV 1 2 X 1,351 kcmfl 0.4352 140 60.93 140 60.93 3 X 345 kV 1 2 X 954 kcmll 0.4262* 140 59.67 -140 59.67 2x500kV, 3 X 795 kcmll 0.2344 140 32.82 Devil Canyon to fairbanks {189 mi) I X 230 kV I 1 x 1 1 272 kern II 0. 06497 293 19.04 378 24.56 378 24.56 X 230 kV I 1 x 11 351 kcrnil 0.06117 85 5.20 X 345 kV• 2 X 795 kcmll o. 02310 293 6. 77 293 6. 77 - X 345 kV 1 2 X 954 kcrnll o. 01925 85 1.64 - X 345 kVI 2 X 1 I 351 kern II 0.01359 85 _h.!§_ TOTAL 1993 Cap I tali zed Ll ne Losses 75.66 77.70 91.97 ~ ~ *Includes losses on two circuits from 1993 -1999 and three circuits from 2000 -2042 Inclusive. APPENDIX E HVDC TRANSMISSION TABLE OF CONTENTS E1 -GENERAL --------------'---------------------------------------E-1 E2 -ECONOMIC SCREENING -------------------------------------------E-2 E2.1 -Basic Schemes ----------------------------------------E-2 E2.2 -Comparative Costs --------------------------------------E-4 E2.3 -· Results -----------------------------------------------E-7 LIST OF TABLES Number E2.1 E2.2 E2.3 E2.4 E2.5 Title Ac Transmission to Anchorage Development of Capital Costs HVDC Transmission to Anchorage Development of Capital Costs Ac Transmission to Fairbanks Development of Capital Costs HVDC Transmission to Fairbanks Development of Capital Costs Summary of Comparative Costs Ac Versus De Transmission LIST OF FIGURES Number E2.1 E2.2 Title Comparison of HVDC Versus Ac Transmission to Anchorage Comparison of HVDC Versus Ac Transmission to Fairbanks APPENDIX E HVDCTRANSMISSION E1 -GENERAL Traditionally, HVDC has found economic application for long-distance overhead line (point-to-point) transmission or where significant lengths of s.ubmarine cable were involved. In either case, the savings resulting from the HVDC line or cable as compared to the cost of ac lines or cables need to be sufficient to offset the additional cost of de terminal facilities. other characteristics of HVDC transmission that have been significant in its application are its asynchronous nature and hence the elimination of a transient or dynamic stability problem -its "controllability" may be an advantage to limit steady-state circulating power flow in system interconnections, or to introduce damping to limit or control system dynamic oscillations -its ability to limit short-circuit contributions. In the case of Susitna transmission, HVDC is not an obvious contender. No technical difficulties are anticipated in an ac transmission scheme and the transmission distances { 140 miles to Anchorage and 189 miles to Fairbanks) are well within the normal economic limits of ac transmis- sion. Also, the transmission involves three terminals leading to some complication of the de control and adding to the cost of some of the primary circuit elements as well. However, in the Anchorage area some submarine cable circuits may be involved in delivering Susitna power E - 1 to the load center. Hence, it is appropriate to carry out a screening analysis to determine whether or not the de alternative merits further study. E2 -ECONOMIC SCREENING E2. 1 -Basic Schemes Since a number of variations are possible in the HVDC basic arrange- ment, and also in combinations of ac and HVDC transmission, each transmission link (from Susi tna to Anchorage and Susi tna to Fairbanks) will be examined separately. In this base comparison, separate point-to-point de schemes are implied. In order to take into account possible savings associated with HVDC cable circuits in the Anchorage area, the transmission costs to Anchorage include submarine cable circuits as needed to bring the p:>wer to the metropolitan load center. All transmission from Susitna to Anchorage and Fairbanks is assumed to start at a Devil Canyon switching station and terminate at an appro- priate voltage in each load center. Ac transmission circuits and switching facilities between Devil Canyon and Watana are assumed to be common to both ac and de alternatives, and their costs are excluded from the analysis. Dynamic var generating equipment is needed at the load centers for both ac and de alternatives. The necessary var capability for ac transmis- sion was determined in load flow studies of critical line outage condi- tions. In the case of the de alternative some vars will be generated by the ac filters. The balance, as needed to meet the total var demand of the load and the inverters themselves, is estimated and charged to the de alternative. All of the required var generation is assumed to E - 2 be located on transformer tertiary windings. Necessary switching is included in the unit var cost. The alternative HVDC transmission systems are planned to be capable of handling full rated power under conditions of single contingency outages. In the de terminals, this means that one valve group module could be out of service and the remaining valve groups should be able to handle the rated load. Similarly, on the transmission line, one pole may be out of service and the remaining pole(s) should be capable of handling the load without interruption. For the transmission to Anchorage (rated 1,190 MW) a ~250-kV bipolar scheme is envisaged, with four valve groups per terminal. Under normal conditions one bipolar transmission line to Anchorage would be adequate. However, the loss of one line pole would result in a temporary power reduction, and full power could be resumed only after terminal switching, and an earth return current would flow throughout the total duration of the pole outage. For this reason, and to provide a system more comparable to the ac alternative in case of a tower failure, two bipolar transmission lines are provided for transmission to Anchorage. In the case of ac transmission to Anchorage, an intermediate switching station and transformation to 138 kV is provided at Willow. This is an integral part of the ac alternative. For the de alternative, an equi- valent power supply to Willow is provided by adding two 230-kV ac circuits from Point Mackenzie to Willow. The cost of these circuits plus a 230-kV bus and transformation to 138 kV at Willow is included as part of the cost of de transmission to Anchorage, so that both schemes would be functionally equivalent. The transmission to Fairbanks is rated 350 MW and at this load level it is difficult to justify more than a single bipolar transmission line. Loss of one pole would result in an earth return current and, if a power interruption is to be avoided, the terminal equipment on each E - 3 pole must be capable of handling the full 350 MW. This results in 100 percent reserve capacity, but it is still more economic than the building of a second bipolar transmission line. The ac and de comparative systems are shown in single line diagrams in Figure E2. 1 for transmission to Anchorage and in Figure E2. 2 for trans- mission to Fairbanks. E2.2 -Comparative Costs capital costs associated with the various ac and de transmission alternatives are developed in a series of tables as follows. Tables Transmission Alternative E2.1 ac to Anchorage E2.2 de to Anchorage E2.3 ac to Fairbanks E2.4 de to Fairbanks The costs developed in these tables are all for the ultimate installa- tion as the effect of staging is expected to be similar for both ac and de alternatives. In all ac transmission alternatives, the unit costs for station equip- ment and transmission lines are those used in Section 3.7 of this planning memorandum. The costs used for ac cable circuits are based on quoted estimates for 230-kV cables. Where station buses are existing or would be common to both ac and de alternatives, no base cost is charged. All HVDC terminal equipment is estimated at $44/kW per terminal, based on manufacturers• recent estimates. E - 4 The necessary ac switchyard circuit entries are estimated additional to the ba.se HVDC te,rm.inal costs. Var generatipn over and above that provided by the HVDC filter circuits is estimated, based on the var demand of the converters and the load, and the cost is allowed for in the receiving terminals. At the HVDC sending. end, no additional charge is made to ensure that generating equipment can tolerate the var demand and harmonic currents of the convert.ers. Some added costs would be incurred, but these are expected to have only a secondary effect on the cost comparison. HVDC transmission line costs are estimated as follows for +250-kV bipolar transmission lines. Conductor Area per Pole { kcmil) 2 X 1,780 2 X 1,272 Estimated Cost per Mile { $) 250,000 200,000' In the case of the HVDC cable circuits, these are estimated at 20 times the cost of equivalent overhead line, or $5 million per mile. This is consistent with the estimate used for ac cable circuits and it is considered to be sufficiently close for this type of cost comparison. Comparative costs for ac and de transmission alternatives are summarized in Table E2. 5. Here the line and station capital costs developed in Tables E2.1 to E2.4 are combined with cost of right-of-way and capitalized annual operating costs to give capitalized total costs that may then be compared. Included in the annual operating costs are a number of miscellaneous charges which contribute to totals for transmission and stations as follows. E-5 Operating and maintenance Insurance Interim replacement Contribution in lieu of taxes Total annual operating Annual Operating Charges (Percent of Capital Cost) Transmission 1. 00 o. 10 0.15 2.00 3.25 Substation 2.00 0. 10 0.15 2.00 4.25 The annual operating charges shown in Table E2. 5 have been capitalized at a 3 percent interest rate over the 50-yr life of the transmission system. The same annual charge rates have been used for both ac and de transmission on the assumption that differences in operating costs due to differences in complexity will be adequately reflected in the differences in capital investment for ac and de plant. Capitalized costs of losses for ac transmission lines were developed as part of the exercise to determine economic conductor sizes. Loss energy was valued at 3.5 cent/kW•h, based on the results of the generation planning exercise for the period under study. The capita- lized total cost of loss for ac transmission was derived by adding transformer losses at 0.5 percent per terminal to the line losses. In the case of HVDC transmission, total terminal losses were calculated at 1.25 percent and added to line losses to derive the capitalized cost of losses shown for the de alternatives. Land acquisition costs are estimated for the line right-of-way only. Land requirements at terminal locations are assumed to be similar for both ac and de al terna ti V'es • E -6 E2.3 -Results Comparative costs of ac and de transmission alternatives as shown in Table E2.5 confirm that ac is an appropriate choice for transmission from Susitna to load centers at Anchorage and Fairbanks. The conclu- sion is based on separate assessments of transmission costs to each of the two load centers, and this implies the use of two 2-terminal de transmission systems. Some de economies might be 'achieved with an alternate 3-terminal de arrangement, but any savings are unlikely to overcome the indicated 15 percent margin favoring ac transmission. The economic conclusions are consistent with the results of other studies for the load levels and transmission distances involved, and they are considered adequate to support the selection of ac transmission over HVDC for the Susitna project. E - 7 TABLE E2.1: AC TRANSMISSION TO ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT OF CAPITAL COSTS Cost Components Unit Station Cost. Location Details Quantity Cost Component Total Line Costs Total Costs ($M) ($M) ( $M) ( $M) ($M) pevil canyon breakers 345 kV 5 1.00 5.00 5,00 Overhead Transmission 3 cct, 345 kV, 2x954 kcmil conductor -140 mi route 420 0.279 117.18 Willow Terminal base 345 kV 1 2.00 2.00 breakers 345 kV 14 1. 00 14.00 breakers 138 kV 5 0.40 2,00 transformers 75 MVA 3 0,50 1. 50 19.50 West Terminal base 345 kV 1 2.00 2.00 breakers 345 kV 14 1. 00 14.00 breakers 230 kV 15 0.70 10.50 transformers 250 MVA 6 1. 30 7.80 VAR generation 400 MVAR 0.03 12.00 46.30 Cables 4 cct, 230 kV, 3.7 mi 4 20,25 81.00 Anchorage Terminal breakers 230 kV 6 0.70 4,20 4,20 Terminal Subtotal 75.00 Indirect Costs (at 32.5 percent) 24.38 Total Costs 99.38 198,18 297,56 ----·---- TABLE E2.2: HVDC TRANSMISSION TO ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT OF CAPITAL COSTS Cost Components unit Station Costs Location Details Quantit:t Cost Component Total Line Costs Total Costs ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) Devil Canyon breakers 230 kV 6 0.70 4, 20 HVDC 1,586.7 MW 0.044 69.81 74.01 HVDC Transmission Overhead 2 bipolar circuits ±250 kV 2xl,780 kcmil conductor 140 mi route 280 0.250 70,00 Cable 2 bipolar circuits 3.7 mi route 2 18,50 37,00 Anchorage HVDC 1,586.7 MW 0.044 69.81 breakers 230 kV 6 0.7 4.20 VAR generation 670 MVAR 0.03 21,10 94.11 AC Supply to Willow Point Mckenzie breakers 230 kV 3 0.70 2,10 Transmission 230 kV, 2 circuits 1,272 kcmil conductor 50 mi route 100 0.184 18.40 Willow base 230 kV 1 l. 50 l. 50 breakers 230 kV 8 0.70 5. 60 breakers 138 kV 5 0,40 2.00 transformers 75 MVA 3 0.50 l. 50 12.70 Terminal Subtotal 180.82 Indirect Costs (at 32.5 percent) 58.77 Total Costs 239,50 125,40 364,99 TABLE E2.3: AC TRANSMISSION TO FAIRBANKS DEVELOPMENT OF CAPITAL COSTS Cost Components Unit Station Costs .Location Details Quantity cost Component Total Line Costs Total Costs ($M) ($M) ( $M) ( $M) ($M) Devil Canyon breakers 345 kV 3 1. 00 3,00 3,00 Overhead 2 cct, 345 kV, 2x795 kcmil Transmission conductor, 189 mi route 378 0,256 96.77 Fairbanks Terminal base 345 kV 1 2.00 2. 00 breakers 345 kV 11 1,00 11.00 breakers 138 kV 6 0.40 2,40 transformers 250 MVA 4 0,90 3.60 reactors 75 MVAR 2 0,83 1.66 VAR generation 100 MVAR 0.03 3,00 23,66 Terminal Subtotal 26.66 Indirect Costs (at 32.5 percent) 8.66 Total Costs 35,32 96,77 132.09 TABLE E2.4: HVDC TMNSMISSION TO FAIRBANKS DEVELOPMENT OF CAPITAL COSTS Location Devil Canyon HVDC Transmission Fairbanks Terminal Terminal Subtotal Details breakers HVDC 230 kV 700 MW 1 bipolar circuit ±250 kV, 2xl,272 kcmil conductor HVDC 700 MW breakers 138 kV VAR generation 245 MVAR Indirect Costs (at 32.5 percent) Total Costs Cost Components unit Quantity Cost 6 189 6 ($M) 0,700 0,044 0,200 0.044 0.400 0.030 Station Costs Component Total ($M) ($M) 4,20 30,80 30.80 2.40 7.35 35.00 40.55 75.55 24,55 100.10 Line Costs ($M) 37.80 37,80 Total Costs ($M) 137.90 TABLE E2.5: SUMMARY OF COMPARATIVE COSTS AC VERSUS DC TRANSMISSION comparative Costs -$ Million Transmission to Anchorage Transmission to Fairbanks Cost Components AC DC AC DC Line Costs 1 line capital l 198.18 125.40 96.77 37.80 line capitalized O&M 3 165.72 104.86 80.92 31.61 ·land acquisition (R.O.W.) 13.44 8.40 14.18 7,56 Station Costs 1 35.32 100.10 station capital 2 99.38 239.59 station capitalized O&M 108.67 262.00 38.62 109,46 Capitalized Cost of Losses 4 83.87 74.94 13.72 16,63 Total costs 669.26 815.19 279,53 303,16 1 Line and station capital costs are developed in Tables E2.l to E2.4. 2capitalized O&M charges include O&M, insurance, interim replacement and contributions in lieu of taxes, These annual charges total 3.25 percent of transmission capital and 4.25 percent of station capital, and they are capitalized over 50 years at 3 percent. 3Land acquisition (R.O.W.) costs are estimated at $96,000/mile and $75,000/mile for 345 kV, 3 cct and 2 cct trans- mission respectively, and $60,000/mile and $40,000/mile for ±250 kV de 2-circuit and single circuit, 4 respectively. Losses are valued at 3.5¢/kW·h, and they are capitalized over the 50-year line life at 3 percent. 230 KV 230 KV 6 X 250 MVA 345 KV 345 KV H-1-,--,1,., 1 -ul l ANCHORAGE KNIK ARM 345 KV AC ALTERNATIVE 4X397 230 ANCHORAGE ±250 KV HVDC ALTERNATIVE /--{>-- {3¢-2X954 KCMIL ..--D-.-£:1*--D-__. 3 CIRCUITS ) 230 KV POINT MACKENZIE 230 KV (BIPOLAR 2 X 17o80 KCMIL 2-CIRCUI.:S /-!> ~--<1------- -;-!>~ ~ -<}---------------- I-f>----<3----------------- KNIK ARM WILLOW WILLOW COMPARISON OF HVDC VERSUS AC TRANSMISSION TO ANCHORAGE 345 KV DEVIL CANYON 138 I("V• 4X 397 MW DEVIL CANYON 345 KV DEVIL CANYON 345 KV AC ALTERNATIVE 230 KV DEVIL CANYON ± 250 KV HVDC ALTERNATIVE ( 3¢-2 X 795 KCMIL 2-CIRCUITS ) 1---- "MVM ( ( Bl POLAR 2 X 12 72 KCMIL ONE CIRCUIT ) /---- FAIRBANKS -I -1 FAIRBANKS COMPARISON OF HVDC VERSUS AC TRANSMISSION TO FAIRBANKS ANCHORAGE TI 1.00 1~0.7 600, .... '---- 200, ...... ~-t- +-----85 200 MVAR 1.02 l-0.7 ANCH()RAGE I 50/100 MW 1.01 I 0.0 600..,.__ __ 200 .... -c:__-t- 1.02 10.0 1.00 14.7 --... 1~~-..a....":"'!"'"""'--(. 5:3 150 I 5o....--- 130-oC 0.9813.6 1.01 (10. 4 0.98l.iJ_ WIL IN 1025 ..,.__ __ 10 , ...... !----+- 30 !Of + 1.03l..ill:.Q_ t 31 t 1.04122.0 37 1.03 130.7 t 78 796 1 800 1 356 t 600 MW WATANA PEAK DEMAND FLOW-ALTERNATIVE 2 25% LOAD AT FAIRBANKS LEGEND (9 CENERATION I OAlJ STATIC VAR SOURCE ~ 8US NUMBER REAL POWER FLOW ( MW ) -+ REACTIVE POWER FLOW (MVAR) I 03 SERifS COMPENSATION TRANSFORMER WITH TERTIARr SHUNT REACTOR BUS VOLTAGE MAGNITUDE (PER UNIT) BUS VOLTAGE PHASE ANGLE (DEGREES: TRANSMISSION LINES ...... _ __,.., 345 KV 15B KV OR LOWER ~~~----·1 FIGURE 3.6 J~I(IJ I .00 &J.-.-.-~--:--r-"--""""""' t ~ ANCHORAGE II 1.00 1-0.9 225....-+ 3x250 }-....-+----+------< MVA ~145 200 MVAR 1.03 l-0:9 150..,._ __ 134 .... CE---+ 0. 9 8 U:.:..!... ANCHORAGE I 1.01 IO.O 225~ 3x250 ~~~~------~ MVA 200 MVAR 1.03 !QQ. 0.98 14.6 59 150 1.00 l..!bQ_ w 76 1204 1.03l.£f_J_ T 123 1 1 t 30 796 I 1.04l.£.2J_ t 36 T 192 1 190 u 10ol81 Jl 4xl50 MVA I.OiliL!. 600MW WATANA PEAK DEMAND FLOW-ALTERNATIVE 2 85% LOAD AT ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS 1.02 /14.8 50/100 MW --240 17<11 100 MVAR LEGEND E3J STATIC VAR SOURCE @ bUS NUMBE"' ....;--.-+ Rb~CTIVF POWER FLOW (MVAR) SERIES CCJMPENSATION TRANSFORMER WITH TERTIARi SHU~H REACTOR I 03 . !:JUS VOL.TAGE MAGNITUDE (PER UNIT) ~ f3US VOLTAGE f)hASE ANGLE (lJEGREES) TRANSMISSION LINES 345 KV 13B KV OR L.OW ER FIGURE 3.5 r--···· -···-~ JJI~j I.OIU1£. BELUGA ANCHORAGE II 36 150 1.00 j-0.3 150........- 600.-4---- 200 ... 114 ... 200 MVAR' 1.02 !-0.3 WILLOW 1.00!4.2 ANCHORAGE I 1024....,._ __ _ 1.02 I 0.0 72 ...... f----t- 50/100 MW 521~ 46 6004111411--- 1.01 J9.6 25 1041 t t I 84 1.04!15.8 t 797 1 33 2QOI ...... f----l- 0.99!4.0 >-J-:-::~+-----< 3 x250 +Jo.-57 MVA 200MVAR 1.03!0.0 t 42 1.04W!.&_ _ __.......,~_ ...... _"' 800 I 1.03127.3 --•350 1( --1----........ 173 1( 0.99!6.4 DEVIL CANYON 600MW WATANA PEAK DEMAND FLOW-ALTERNATIVE I 25% LOAD AT FAIRBANKS ~FAIRBANKS I LU_ 50/100 MW 100 MVAR LEGEND 8 GENERATION •---i LOAD E0 STATIC VAR SOURCE @) BUS NUMBER REAL POWER FLOW ( MW ) ... REACTIVE POWER FLOW (MVAR) -H-SERIES COMPENSATION 1 TRANSFORMER WITH TERTIARY ( SHUNT REACTOR 1.03 BUS VOLTAGE MAGNITUDE (PER UNIT) BUS VOLTAGE PHASE ANGLE (DEGREES) TRANSMISSION LINES ---345 KV 1313 KV OR LOWER FIGURE 3.4 ~i ANCHORAGE ll 0.99l.PJL ---~..-~-.. ...... ---{ r ~ 61 150 1.00 J-0.1 680.,._._ 150...,._ __ 225-+ 136 ... 200 MVAR 103 i.::Q.J. ANCHORAGE I r l 1.01 10.0 41 45 50/100 MW 225,.. I I.OOUl:.l. 200 MVAR 0.9814.6 BELUGA WILLOW 1183>...,._ __ 190 r{ 103 ....... 1---+- Jool78 4xl50 MVA 1( 1.011!3.5 DEVIL CANYON '! 'T .t 't' 1.03L!!L§_ -a.....::.....-..;...-+t-:---~t---.......................... "'"T--""'1 , T t 800 24 t 10 3 Lfl.1_ _ __.u..;..;~....;...a--'"' 600MW WATANA PEAK DEMAND FLOW-ALTERNATIVE l 85% LOAD AT ANCHORAGE LEGEND 8 GENERATION .... ---i LOAD Q STATIC VAR SOURCE @ BUS NUMBER REAL POWER FLOW ( MW) FAIRBANKS "" REACTIVE POWER FLOW (MVAR) 1.02 Wd.. 50/IOOMW -11-SERIES COMPENSATION -240 -r------.... 80 1 TRANSFORMER WITH TERTIARY 17,.._---t- 100 MVAR ( SHUNT REACTOR 1.02 I..!J.d.. 1.03 BUS VOLTAGE MAGNITUDE (PER UNIT) ~ BUS VOLTAGE PHASE ANGLE (DEGREES) TRANSMISSION LINES .....,...,.......,. 345 KV 1313 KV OR LOWER FIGURE 3.3 • BE:LUGA ANCHORAGE II 50 MILES 200MVAR 15 MILES ANCHORAGE I 90 MILES 50/100 MW 200 MVAR 3 3x75 3 MVA 27 MILES 189 MILES 600MW WATANA 75/ MVARS 75 I MVAR s DEVIL CANYON 4xl50 MVA TRANSMISSION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ALTERNATIVE 2 FAIRBANKS 50/100 MW 100 MVAR LEGEND 8 (;[NERATiON LOAD STATiC VAR SOURCE BUS NUMBER -~ REAL POWER FLOW ( MW) -+ REACTIVE POWER FLOW (MVAR) 103 SERIES COMPENSATiON TRANSFORMER WITH TERTIAR) SHUNT REACTOR BUS VOLTAGE MAGNITUDE (PER UNIT) ~ BUS VOL.TAGE. PHASE ANGL.E (DEGREES) TRANSMISSION LINES ..,..._......, 345 KV I 3'8 KV OR LOWER NOTE' EQUIPMENT RATINGS INDICATED ARE FOR ULTIMATE INSTALLATION (YEAR 2000) FIGURE 3.2 BELUGA ANCHORAGE II 50 MILES 200 MVAR 15 MILES ANCHORAGE I 90 MILES 1- 200 MVAR 3X250MVA . 3 3X75 3 MVA 27 MILES 189 MILES 75{ MVAR 4xl50 ( MVA 75 MVAR 600MW WATANA TRANSMISSION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ALTERNATIVE I FAIRBANKS 100 MVAR LEGEND E1 GENERATION <~ LOAD Q STATIC VAR SOURCE @) BUS NUMBER REAL POWER FLOW ( MW) "" REACTIVE POWER FLOW (MVAR) -ir-SERIES COMPENSATION 1t TRANSFORMER WITH TERTIARY ( SHUNT REACTOR ~ 1.03 BUS VOLTAGE MAGNITUDE (PER UNIT) ~ BUS VOLTAGE PHASE ANGLE (DEGREES) TRANSMISSION LINES ---345 KV 13B KV OR LOWER NOTE: EQUJP.MENT RATINGS INDICATED ARE FOR ULTIMATE INSTALLATION (YEAR 2000) FIGURE 3.1 •