HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA396SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Prepared for: [iJ ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT TASK 7: ENVIRONMENTAL FURBEARERS -1980 MAY 1981 Prepared by : Teffe1trial Environmental Speciali1tl., Inc. :T "I~. L----ALASKA POWER AUTHO~~~~.~ TTn"!·,,_,~__, Librarv & lnfonnation Services Anchorage, A.laska ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES ANNUAL REPORT 1980 SUBTASK 7. 11 WILDLIFE ECOLOGY FURBEARERS MAY 1981 by ALASKA COOPERATIVE WILDLIFE RESEARCH UNIT Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 and TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS, Inc. Phoenix, New York 13135 for ACRES AMERICAN, INCORPORATED Liberty Bank Building, Main at~~][~ Buffalo, New York 14202 k R Alas a esources Tl" 11-f 15 ·~~ p~tt y10,3'~ Library & Information Services Anchorage, Alaska <.0 "¢ <.0 "¢ "¢ "¢ 0 0 0 U') U') I" (")i (") SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FORBEARER STUDIES ANNUAL REPORT (January -December 1980) To: TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS, INC. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR PHILIP S. GIPSON GRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWS STEVEN W. BUSKIRK T. WINSTON HOBGOOD FIELD ASSISTANTS DONALD VERNAM JOSEPH KRUGER NANCY PAWLAK MATIHEW HARE ALASKA COOPERATIVE WILDLIFE RESEARCH UNIT SUMMARY Progress was made upon all aspects of furbearer and habitat inventories and impact assessments during the first year of investigation. Emphasis was placed upon population surveys and seasonal furbearer/habitat rela- tionships. Furbearers that may inhabit the impact areas include red fox, coyote, lynx, mink, pine marten, river otter, short-tailed weasel, least weasel, muskrat and beaver. General estimates of furbearer abundance and habitat use during periods of snow cover were based upon aerial transects and aerial checks of lakes and ponds. Surveys of aquatic furbearers were conducted from a riverboat during August from Devil Canyon to the Kashwitna River. Movements of individual foxes, marten and mink, and their preference for particular habitats were monitored by radio telemetry. Diets of carnivorous furbearers were investigated by identifying food remains in their droppings and food remains in the digestive tracts of furbearers taken by trappers in the area. Populations of all furbearers identified for investigation exist within the impoundment areas and along the Susitna River from Devil Canyon to Cook Inlet, however, numbers of coyotes and lynx are low. Beavers and muskrats are present along much of the river and its main tributaries. Beaver numbers increase progressively from Devil Canyon downstream to the confluence of the Kashwitna River. A total of five red foxes were outfitted with collars containing radio transmitters. Red foxes in the study area used dens later in the autumn than has previously been reported for foxes. Some red foxes appear to utilize shores of the Susitna River and deltas of tributaries during summer and autumn, then shift to alpine zones in winter as snow depth increases along the river. Other foxes appear to remain above timberline throughout the year. Four pine marten and two mink were radio-collared during 1980. It appears that adult male marten have mutually exclusive home ranges during summer with creeks in some cases forming boundaries of the home ranges. The activity data gathered during autumn suggest that marten at that time are generally nocturnal with a minor activity peak around noon. Loss of habitat and reductions in furbearer numbers may be expected in areas inundated~ where roads are constructed, and at borrow pits. We expect that pine marten will be most severely impacted, followed in decreasing order by mink, fox, otter and weasel. High levels of human activity and noise pollution during furbearer breeding and denning seasons could severely alter reproductive success of all species. Projected changes in flow rates of the Susitna River downstream from the Devil Canyon impoundment could result in marked changes in the habitats available to aquatic furbearers. Beaver and muskrat could benefit from delayed freeze-up in autumn and possibly benefit from more stable rates of flow. The anticipated seasonal drawdown of the Watana impoundment is likely to have a marked negative impact upon beaver, muskrat, mink, and river otter that inhabit the Watana impoundment area. Changes in impoundment design to lower and/or stabilize the pool levels wi 11 benefit fu rbea rers by reducing 1 ass of foraging and denni ng habitats. Loss of habitat from construction of dams, borrow pits, access roads and diversion tunnels can be minimized by utilizing borrow and fill sites as close as possible to actual construction. Regarding the access route to impoundment sites, we believe the best access route would be Corridor 2, south of the river to Devil Canyon, then across the river and follow Corridor 1 from Devil Canyon to the Watana site. If only the Watana dam is to be constructed, Corridor 3 from the Watana site to the Denali Highway would be preferred. Creek drainages and adjacent areas are extremely important to furbearers. We recommend that access roads and construction activities be outside creek valleys when practical. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 -INTRODUCTION-------------------------------------------------1 1.1 Objectives for Phase 1---------------------------------1 1.2 Tasks for the period January-December 1980------------2 2 -METHODOLOGY-----.---------------------------------------------3 2.1 Literature Review--------------------------------------3 2.2 Muskrat and Beaver Surveys-----------------------------3 2.3 Fox Den Surveys----------------------------------------3 2.4 Live Trapping and Radio-collaring----------------------. 4 2.5 Fo11owin~ Fox Trails-----------------------------------4 2. 6 Food Habits Studies------------------------------------7 2. 7 Aerial Transects---------------------------------------7 2.8 Downstream Furbearer Surveys---------------------------9 2.9 Otter and Mink Surveys---------------------------------10 3 -RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF BASELINE STUDY---------------------11 3.1 Literature Review--------------------------------------11 3.2 Muskrat and Beaver Surveys-----------------------------11 3.3 Fox Den Surveys----------------------------------------17 3.4 Live Trapping and Radio-collaring----------------~-----19 3. 5 Fo 11 owing Fox Tra i 1 s -----------------------------------29 3.6 Food Habits Studies------------------------------------29 3.7 Aerial Transects---------------------------------------29 3.8 Downstream Furbearer Surveys---------------------------29 3.9 Otter and Mink Surveys---------------------------------31 3.10 Other Furbearers ---------------------------------------31 4 -IMPACT ASSESSMENT---------------------------------------------34 4.1 Construction Impacts-----------------------------------34 4.2 Operation Impacts--------------------------------------36 Page 5 -MITIGATION --------------------------------------------------40 6 -REFERENCES -""-------------------------------------------------42 7 -AUTHORITIES CONTACTED---------------------------------------44 LIST OF TABLES No. Title 1) 2) 3) Sample fox trail data sheet. -------------------------------------- Results of surveys for muskrat pushups, spring, 1980.------------- Background infonnation for captured foxes.------------------------ 4) Summary of necropsies of 9 red fox carcasses obtained from Don Newman and Mary Kay McDonald. All of the foxes were trapped within 20 miles of Adventures Unlimited Lodge, mile Page 6 12 20 100 Denali Highway.------------------------------------------------24 5) Background infonnation for radio-collared mustelids, Tsusena Creek Study area.--------------------------------------------------26 6) Occurrence of beaver signs along 3 sections of the lower Susitna River: Section I = Devil Canyon to confluence with Talkeetna and Chulitna Rivers, Section II= confluence with Talkeetna and Chulitna Rivers to confluence with Montana Creek, Section III = confluence with Montana Creek to Cook Inlet.----------------30 7) Results of otter and mink surveys, Susitna River, 10 November- 12 November 1980.--------------------------------------------------32 LIST OF FIGURES No. Title Page 1) Susitna Basin. Study area for assessing probable ·impacts of the Susitna Hydroelectric project upon furbearers indicated by hatching.-------------------------------------------------------4 2) Aerial transects for furbearers (A) and checkpoints for signs of otter and mink (OM). ----------------------... --------------8 3) Locations of fox dens discovered during 1980 and minimum home ranges of 3 radio-collared foxes. ----------------------------18 4) Tracking locations for 4 radio-collared marten.--------------------27 5) Daily activity pattern data for 3 adult male marten.--------------28 1 -INTRODUCTION This report summarizes the progress made during the first year of Phase I studies by the team investigating impacts upon furbearers. One additional year of Phase I investigations will be completed before Phase II studies are initiated. Objectives and specific tasks of Phase I studies are reviewed below. Phase I studies of furbearers are designed to detennine probable impacts of the proposed Susitna·Hydroelectric Project upon the following species: Red fox, Vulpes fulva; coyote, Canis latrans; lynx, Lynx canadensis; mink, Mustela vison; pine marten, ~1artes americana; river otter, Lutra canadensis; short-tailed weasel, Mustela enninea; least weasel, Mustela nivalis; muskrat, Ondatra zibethica and beaver, Castor canadensis. 1.1 -Objectives for Phase I (a). Determine general abundance of each species in the study area. (b). Assess habitat preferences of each species. (c). Analyze seasonal use of habitats and degree and type of utilization of habitats for each species. (d). Project the probable impacts of the proposed development on each species. (i). Assess likely changes in habitats from the proposed action. (ii). Project changes in abundance of furbearers in response to habitat changes. (iii). Predict other, non-habitat related impacts upon furbearers. 1. 2 -Tasks for the period Januarv-December 1980 (a). Review of literature. (b). Familiarize the study team with the study area. (c). Design a viable sampling scheme for the impoundment zones~ areas adjacent to the impoundments, and downstream areas. (d). Conduct baseline surveys of furbearer populations and furbearer and habitat relations. (i). Generate infonnation on activity patterns and home range size and shape of elusive furbearers. (ii). Provide infonnation on furbearer distribution and movements, especially during snow-free periods of the year. (iii). Detennine preferred seasonal habitats. (e). Consult with residents, trappers, scientists, government officials and others who are knowledgeable of the Susitna area or similar areas or knowledgeable in a discipline pertinent to our research. (f). Develop close working relations with other professional study teams conducting studies related to probable impacts of the hydroelectric project upon resources. (g). Provide infonnation as needed to aid in developing recommendations for mitigation and development proposals including alternative access routes, borrow sites and transmission line corridors. (h). Participate in public meetings and provide information to the media as appropriate and as approved to inform the public about progress of the study. 2 2 -MEiHODOLOGY The study area for this project was defined as the Corps of Engineers proposed impoundment zones, land and water areas within 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) of the impoundment zones and the downstream flood plain to Delta Islands (Figure 1). 2.1 -Literature Review Literature searches have been carried on through the first year of Phase I studies. Computer bibliographic searches as well as manual searches of literature, indices and private reprint libraries have been employed. 2.2 -Muskrat and Beaver Surveys In spring 1980, just prior to break-up, a survey of lakes and ponds in the study area was conducted to determine the presence and relative numbers of muskrats and beavers present during winter~ for muskrat push-ups and beaver sign were conducted on spring 1980. An initial survey was made on 10 March. Aerial searches three dates in Forty-five lakes and ponds were surveyed on this date, requiring 6.0 hours of fiying time in a Bell 206 helicopter. The snow cover on many lakes was still too deep to permit positive identification of muskrat push-ups. A second attempt was made on 24 April, however, deep snow was still present on some lakes. A third attempt was made on 9 May. On this date the weather was clear and the melt of snow and ice had progressed to a point that permitted optimum sightings of push-ups. Ninety-seven lakes were surveyed in 6.9 hours. Lakes surveyed were below 850 meters (2800 feet) in elevation and they were within the proposed impoundment zones or 4.8 km (3 miles) thereof. Lakes within 4.8 km (3 miles) of the Susitna River were surveyed as far downstream as Gold Creek. 2.3 -Fox den surveys Aerial searches for active red fox dens were made in areas that appeared to offer suitable denning sites: well-drained, south-facing slopes with .3 ___ _s ~ I ---- MIL.ES 0 10 20 30 40 50 KtL.OMETERS 0 25 50 Figure 1. Susitna Basin. Study area for assessing probable impacts of the Susitna Hydroelectric project upon furbearers indicated by hatching. During 1980 study efforts extended downstream as far as the Kashwitna River. fine soil. Valuable reports of active fox dens were obtained from other TES and Acres researchers. Locations of active and inactive fox dens were plotted on 1:639360 scale maps. 2.4 -Live trapping and radio-collaring Red foxes were captured with leg hold traps and outfitted with radio- collars. Foxes were radio-located from the ground and from aircraft using yagi antennas and radio receivers. Locations were plotted on 1:63,360 scale maps. Marten were trapped on an opportunistic basis using Tomahawk 811 X8 11 X29 11 live traps and a variety of baits and lures. A total of 24 traps were taken to the study area, but generally 2 to 12 were set on any particular night depending upon manpower available and specific trapping objectives for the night. At times only 2-4 traps were set to recapture radio- collared marten to replace radios with weak batteries. Marten and mink were radio-collared on an intensive study site at the mouth of Tsusena Creek. Mink and marten were radio-located from the ground and from aircraft using yagi antennas and radio receivers. Locations of mustelids were plotted on 1:24,000 scale maps. Activity patterns of mink and marten were monitored from 24 September to 20 October. Fluctuations in signal strength were used to differentiate between activity and inactivity. Four 24-hour activity watches were conducted. 2.5 -Following fox trails Fox trails were followed when fresh snow was present. When followed on foot or snow shoes, each fox trail was sampled every 150 paces for snow depth, snow hardness, vegetation, ,elevation, physiography, activity of the animal .• and proximity to lakes, ponds, streams, or rivers. Other noteworthy activities of the animal were recorded. for example, kill sites or scent posts (Table l is a sample trail data sheet). 5 Table 1. Sample Fox Trail Data Sheet. Name of Observer: L4eather: Collared Fox? Sample Snow Point Depth 2.5 11 2 65p. 2.5" 3 150 2.5 4 w/in 2.5" 12p. 5 150 2.5" 6 150 2.5" 7 w/in 2.5" 38p. 8 150 2.5 11 W. Hobgood Partly cloudy Yes No X Vegetation lake shore/bog II II II II II II II II II " " II Date: P: Band Mat cush exposed boulders/rocks II II II Mat cush exposed field of boulders 9 150 Deep snow II II II 10 150 Deep snow Tussocks, some rocks 12 150 Deep snow Mat cush and shrubs 1 0/ll/80 20°F Channel Physiography lake shore rock morph II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Altitude: 3200 ~1Sl Location: Swimming Bear lake Within 50 Yds Prey Species? Lake or Stream? No Edge of Lake No II II II No lake within 100 yds No Lake within 100 yds No Within 50 yds No Within 50 yds No Within 50 yds Yes Within 75 yds Yes Within 100 yds Yes 125 yds away Yes 125 yds away Sample Interval: Date of last snow: 150 paces 10/11/80 Activity Comments Wandering by edge of lake Scent post Walking In areas of deep snow he avoided it by bounding from tussock to tussock Investigating ground sq den Walking Coming down hill Backtracking along edges snow drift Coming down hill Urine post along edges Coming down knob Investigated squirrel hole at 144p. Hopping along in deep snow Investigating Tracks of gross clump ptarmigan tracks within 20 yds Running Determined this fox observation Oct. 10 from helicopter Aproximately 16 km {10 miles) of fox trails were followed in November 1980 at 2 locations, Swirraning Bear Lake vicinity and on the Tsusena- Deadman bench, directly behind Watana Camp. 2.6 -Food habits studies Studies of the food habits of furbearers were based upon field sign at feeding sites, identification of food remains in scats, and identification of food remains in stomachs and guts of carcasses obtained from trappers. Scats of red foxes were collected at den sites and along fox trails. Scats of mustel ids were collected from trails, successful 1 ive traps and resting burrows which were located by telemetry. Carcasses of foxes, marten, mink, and short-tailed weasels taken by trappers near the study area were necropsied for additional dietary data. A total of 43 marten, mink and short-tailed weasels were necropsied for stomach and intestinal contents. Teeth of these animals were saved for later age studies. Similarly, 10 red foxes were necropsied. Scats and gastrointestinal tract contents. of furbearers have been dried and will be analyzed in sunnner 1981. 2.7 -Aerial transects A system of snow transects was developed early in spring 1980 and altered during autumn to sample a wider area and provide a broad overview of furbearer distribution and habitat preference. The revised transects are 9.6 km {6 miles) long and perpendicular to the river (Figure 2). The transects extend 4.8 km (3 miles) south and 4.8 km (3 miles) north of the Susitna River. Fourteen transects occur at intervals of 9.6 km (6 miles) from Portage Creek to the Tyone R.iver (Figure 2). To run the transects, a helicopter carrying 2 observers and a person to record observations is flown along the transect at 24-32 kmph (15-20 mph) at treetop level or the lowest possible a1titude, generally 10-20 m (30-60 feet). Tracks of furbearers are observed and counted as crossed along the flight path. The following are recorded each time the trail 7 ' <:( ' :'! 0 0 ,o!l val (\J , '<f SUSITNA ' \ ""' ~."" lrqo Fairbonks "1.: "1. 0 -.~,<!: ~ ""·"" ~8 \u cree~ AnchoroQe \. .. ~ , ·. 1'-- RIVER 148°0o'w Cree~ 0 I 5 I 0 1 <t: 10 I 15 I 20 km I t Figure 2. Aerial transects for furbearers {A) and checkpoints for signs of otter and mink (OM). of a furbearer is crossed: the species of the furbearer, the vegetation type and the 100 foot elevation contour in which the trail was found. To determine accuracy of track identification, ground truth checks were conducted on 3 transects. Team members walked along transects shortly after the transects were run by helicopter. Data recorded were the same as those recorded from aircraft. 2.8 -Downstream furbearer surveys Furbearer sign and habitat use preferences were inventoried along the Susitna River during August 1980 from 3 km (1.9 miles) above the confluence with the Indian River to 4 km (2.5 miles) below the confluence with the Kashwitna River (Figure 1). This survey included portions of the three major river habitat types below Devil Canyon, including: (a). Section I. .. Devil Canyon to confluence with Talkeetna and Chulitna Rivers. Characterized by rapid flow, usually single channel, narrow flood plain with occasional stands of mature forests. (b). Section II. -Confluence with Talkeetn~ and Chulitna Rivers to confluence with Montana Creek. Characterized by meandering channels, broad flood plain with forested shores and islands. (c). Section III. .. Confluence with Montana Creek to Cook Inlet. Characterized by broad meandering and braided channels, numerous sloughs and oxbow lakes, broad flood plain with heavily forested shores, islands and tributary deltas. Observations of furbearers and their signs along the Susitna River were made from a 24-foot riverboat. Numerous stops were made to verify signs observed. Two observers called out animals and sign sighted on opposite sides of the boat. A third team member recorded observations and noted locations on maps. Data were then tabulated according to river mile. 9 2.9 -Otter ~nd mink surveys An unusually high incidence of otter sign was noted along the Susitna ' River for a short period in November. To document this occurrence of sign, check points were established at intervals of 4 km (2.5 miles) along the Susitna River from Portage Creek to the Oshetna River (Figure 2). 10 3 -RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF BASELINE STUDY 3.1 -Literature Review Over 350 references relating to furbearers and hydroelectric development have been co11ected and reviewed. Only a small portion of this literature treats impact assessment in northern regions. A symposium in Ottawa, Ontario on 7 and 8 January 1974, reviewed major hydroelectric projects in Canada and the impact assessments made for these projects. Proceedings of this symposium were published in the Journal of Fishery Research Board of Canada, Volume 32, number 1. Baxter and Glaude (1980) also reviewed environmental effects of dams and impoundments in Canada. Probably the most extensive study of impacts of a proposed hydroelectric project in Alaska was directed at the Rampart Canyon Dam on the Yukon River (Spurr 1966, Leopold 1966). Recently the Arctic Environmental Infonnation and Data Center (1980) reported their assessment of probable environmental effects of constructing and operating the Terror Lake hydroelectric facility on Kodiak Island. A team working with Konkel (1980) modified a \videly used terrestrial habitat evaluation system for Alaska and developed a handbook to be used in assessing the importance of habitats for some Alaskan wildlife species. Published accounts treating the life requisites of furbearers in Alaska and probable effects of environmental alterations upon furbearers are reviewed in the discussion sections of this report treating particular furbearers. 3.2 -Muskrat and Beaver Surveys Findings of the spring surveys for muskrats in impoundment zones are summarized in Table 2. The beaver and muskrat surveys in May, plus observations by team members on shuttle flights and sightings reported by helicopter pilots and other project personnel, indicated that populations of these species occur along much of the Susitna River and its main tributaries. Sign of these animals was most visible in early spring 11 Table 2. Results of Surveys for Muskrat Pushups, Spring, 1980. Locations of Lakes Lake E1 evati on No. Quarter number MSL eushues section Section Range Towns hie 001 875 2 sw 31 lW 32N SE 31 lW 32N 002 1550 4 SE 30 1W 32N sw 29 1W 32N 003 1725 14 NE 30 lW 32N NW 29 1W 32N 004 2100 0 NE 20 lW 32N NW 21 1W 32N SE 20 1W 32N 005 1640 26 SE 15 1W 32N sw 14 1W 32N SE 14 1W 32N NW 23 lW 32N 006 1625 0 NW 23 1W 32N NE 23 1W 32N 007 1575 0 NW 24 lW 32N sw 24 lW 32N SE 23 1W 32N NE 23 1W 32N 008 1520 0 sw 6 1E 31N 009 1520 0 SE 6 1E 31N 010 1450 0 sw 32 lE 32N 011 1550 0 SE 32 1E 32N 012 1375 0 SE 32 1E 32N 013 1780 0 sw 4 1E 32N SE 4 1E 32N 014 2375 0 NW 28 1E 32N 015 2375 0 NE 21 1E 32N NW 22 lE 32N sw 22 lE 32N NW 27 1E 32N SE 21 1E 32N 016 2335 D sw 16 1E 32N SE 16 1E 32N sw 15 lE 32N NW 22 1E 32N NE 21 1E 32N 017 2475 0 NE 22 1E 32N NW 23 1E 32N 018 1875 0 NW 35 1E 32N 019 1650 0 sw 35 lE 32N NW 2 lE 31N 020 1775 0 SE 35 1E 32N NE 2 1E 31N Locations of Lakes Lake Elevation No. Quarter number MSL pushups section Section Range Township 021 2375 0 NW 36 lE 32N 022 2375 0 NW 36 1E 32N 023 2250 0 sw 24 lE 32N SE 24 lE 32N sw 19 2E 32N NW 30 2E 32N NE 25 1E 32N NW 25 lE 32N 024 2375 0 NE 19 2E 32N NW 20 2E 32N 025 2370 0 NW 20 2E 32N NE 20 2E 32N SE 20 2E 32N sw 20 2E 32N 026 2325 0 sw 21 2E 32N 027 1750 0 NW 27 2E 32N NE 27 2E 32N SE 27 2E 32N sw 27 2E 32N 028 2475 0 NE 7 4E 31N 029 2350 0 sw 8 4E 31N 030 1975 0 NW 17 4E 31N 031 1975 0 NE 17 4E 31N 032 2275 1 NW 5 5E 31N sw .5 SE 31N 033 2275 0 sw 5 5E 31 N 034 2350 0 sw 4 SE 31N SE 5 SE 31N 035 2230 0 sw 9 SE 31N SE 9 SE 31N NE 16 SE 31N NW 16 5E 31N NE 17 5E 31N NW 17 5E 31N NE 18 5£ 31N SE 7 SE 31N sw 8 5E 31N SE 8 SE 31N 036 2225 8 sw 10 SE 31N SE 9 SE 31N 037 2275 0 SE 3 SE 31N sw 3 5£ 31N SE TO 5E 31N sw 10 SE 31N NE 9 5E 31N 038 2110 0 SE 11 SE 31N sw 11 5E 31N Locations of Lakes Lake Elevation No~ Quarter number MSL pushups section Section Range Township NW 14 SE 31N NE 15 SE 31N sw 15 SE 31N NW 15 5E 31N sw 10 5E 31N 039 2325 0 NW 3 5E 31N 040 2240 0 sw 21 5E 32N 041 2225 1 NW 21 5E 32N 042 2240 0 NE 21 5E 32N 043 2260 1 NE 21 5E 32N NW 22 5E 32N SE 21 5E 32N NE 21 5E 32N 044 2275 0 sw 15 5E 32N NW 22 5E 32N 045 2240 0 SE 16 NE 21 5E 32N 046 2275 0 SE 15 SE 32N sw 45 5E 32N 047 2240 7 NW 15 SE 32N NE 16 SE 32N 048 2425 6 NW 10 5E 32N 049 2350 0 NW 14 5E 32N sw 14 SE 32N 050 2350 0 NW 14 SE 32N 051 2350 0 NW 14 SE 32N 052 2350 0 NW 14 5E 32N NE 14 SE 32N 053 2350 0 NE 14 SE 32N 054 2350 0 SE 14 SE 32N 055 2350 0 NE 14 SE 32N SE 14 5E 32N 056 2350 0 NE 14 5E 32N NW 13 5E 32N 057 2275 0 sw 35 SE 32N 058 2324 0 NE 53 5E 32N 059 2275 32 NE 13 5E 31N NW 18 5E 31N sw 18 5E 31N SE 13 5E 31N sw 13 5E 3lN SE 14 5E 31N NE 14 5E 31N NE 13 5E 31N 060 2270 0 sw 5 6E 31N SE 5 6E 31N NE 8 6E 31N SW 8 6E 31N Locations of Lakes Lake Elevation No. Quarter number MSL pushups section Section Range Township SE 7 6E 31N sw 7 6E 31N NE 7 6E 31N NW B 6E 31N 061 2225 3 SW 4 6E 31N SE 5 6E 31N 062 2225 0 NW 2 6E 31N 063 2325 0 SE 19 6E 32N 064 2375 0 NW 19 6E 32N NE 24 5E 32N 065 2450 3 sw 18 6E 32N 066 2350 0 NE 1B 6E 32N NW 18 6E 32N 067 2350 24 sw 7 6E 32N SE 7 6E 32N sw B 6E 32N SE 8 6E 32N filE 17 6E 32N NW 17 6E 32N NE 1B 6E 32N 068 2270 15 SE 17 6E 32N sw 16 6E 32N NW 21 6E 32N NE 20 6E 32N 069 2275 14 SE 11 6E 32N 070 2325 B NW 12 6E 32N 071 1750 5 SE 24 6E 32N 072 1650 2 NW 31 7E 32N 073 2000 0 sw 29 7E 32N 074 2050 2 NW 29 7E 32N NE 29 7E 32N SE 29 7E 32N 075 2050 0 SE 29 7E 32N NE 32 7E 32N 076 2050 2 sw 28 7E 32N 077 2050 0 SE 29 7E 32N 078 2050 0 SE 29 7E 32N 079 3150 0 SE 23 7E 31N 080 2750 0 SE 6 8E 31N 081 2700 0 SE 6 BE 31N sw 5 BE 31N 082 1850 2 sw 8 BE 31N 083 2525 0 sw 33 BE 32N NE 33 BE 32N 084 2525 0 NW 3 8E 31N 085 2650 0 sw 2 8E 31N SE 2 8E 31N Locations of Lakes Lake Elevation No. Quarter number MSL pushups section Section Range Township 086 2650 0 SE 2 BE 31N 087 2650 0 SE 2 BE 31N OBB 2431 1 SE 7 9E 31N 089 2840 25 SE 25 llE 30N sw 30 llE 30N NW 31 11E 30N NE 36 llE 30N 090 2855 2 SE 30 llE 30N NW 31 llE 30N 091 2B50 0 NW 31 11E 30N 092 2550 1 sw 5 llE 29N NW 8 llE 29N 093 2550 0 NW 8 llE 29N NE B 11E 29N SE 8 llE 29N sw 8 11E 29N 094 2560 0 SE 5 11E 29N NE 8 llE 29N 095 2550 0 sw 4 llE 29N 096 2550 0 NW 9 11E 29N 097 2550 0 NW 9 llE 29N 098 2550 0 NW 9 11 E 29N sw 9 llE 29N 099 2550 0 SE 8 llE 29N sw . 9 llE 29N 100 2BOO 1 NE 26 10E 30N 101 2800 0 NE 26 1 OE 30N NW 25 1 OE 3QN 102 2BOO 0 sw 24 lOE 30N 103 2BOO 0 sw 23 3E 30N NW 26 3£ 30N when snowmelt was in advanced stages but lake and river ice still remained. Up river from Gold Creek the bulk of sign of these aquatic species was found in lakes on plateaus above the river vailey between 2000 feet and 2400 feet MSL Two s ighti ngs of beavers were reported by surveyors working along the Susitna River between Fog and Devil Creeks, however, these beavers may have been dispersing 2-year-olds since to our knowledge no active lodges or bank dens have been sighted on the river, or on the lower reaches of the feeder streams. 3. 3 -Fox Den Surveys Ten den sites were located between Devil Creek and ~latana Creek in 1980 (Figure 3). Two of these sites, number 8, Swimming Bear Lake, and number 9, High Lake, were used for rearing young in 1980. One site, number 10, Watana Creek, which was discovered in November 1980, showed signs of use during the preceding summer. No sign of activity was observed at the remaining 7 sites during the year. Den sites discovered in the Susitna area are characterized by south- facing slopes, sandy soil, offering a good view of the surrounding area, and by being nea.r water, in most cases adjacent to a lake. Further, dens found were either above or near treeline between 730 meters (2200 feet MSL) and 1066 meters (3200 feet-MSL). Murie (1944) reported that "Red fox dens in McKinley Park were in the open and in the woods, on sunny knolls far up the slopes, and on the flats. Most of them \~ere dug in sandy 1 cam ... 11 • His findings are similar to ours except that ground and air searches have thus far failed to produce fox dens in the woods. Allison (1971) working in Mt. McKinley National Park recorded dens in habitats similar to the dens we observed. Allison made no mention of woody plants near dens over 4 feet in height, except alder. Steve Buskirk {pers. comm.), a Park Ranger for several years in ~4cKinley National Park, stated that some fox dens did occur in the woods in the Park. 17 . . ~I IT): <:q -J, <:t.• I c} 0 TSUSENA 6 BUTTE (' . 6 b~ ,o Q KEY • Den Locolions ~ Ronges 5 10 MILES 0'--1 _.__, --'----''-'---LT_~__,tp KILOMET.ERS Figure 3. Locations of fox dens discovered during 1980 and minimum home ranges of 3 radio-collared foxes. Allison (1971) noted that 11 ••• red foxes use homesites only during the small part of each year when the young are being rai sed 11 • This is not the case in our study a~ea where fox tracks were often seen during the winter at or near den sites. In most cases, at least 1 entrance was kept clear of snow and showed evidence of being enter-ed by a fox throughout the winter. Fox pups remained at den sites into September on our study site. Allison (1971) reported that fox families vacated dens by mid-August in Mt. McKinley National Park. Storm (1972) reported fox families utilized den sites until late July in the midwest. Storm (1972) found that foxes in Iowa and Illinois remained together as a family unit into October. Sheldon (1950) observed that some fox families stayed together until September and that the latest date of an occupied den was recorded on July 10, 1947. Sheldon's study area was in central New York. Our findings in the Susitna area suggest that a period of roughly 1 month may pass between abandonment of the den site and dispersal of young. A period of about 3 months passed between abandonment of the den site and dispersal in Storms study area in Iowa and Illinois. Present information indicates that foxes in the study area utilize den sites much later than in other areas of Alaska. The latest date reported for foxes at dens in Alaska is August 11 (Magoun, pers. COTTITl.). 3.4 -Live Trapping and Radio-collaring 3.4.1 -Red Fox Five foxes were fitted with radio collars (Table 3): 3 pups from the Swimming Bear Lake site, 1 pup from the High Lake site, and 1 adult-sized fox from the Wa tana site (Figure 3) . 19 Table 3. Background for captured foxes. Capture locations are shown on Figure 3. Fox #1 Fox #2 Fox #3 Fox #4 Fox #5 Fox #6 Date 8/10/80 8/l 0/80 8/10/80 9/2/80 9/4/80 ll/l 0/80 Time 5:40 a.m. 5:40 a.m. 5:40 a.m. 9:30 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. location Swimming Swimming Swimming High Lake High Lake Watana Bear lake Bear lake Bear lake Weight 3.1 kg 3.3 kg 3.5 kg 6.4 kg 4.3 kg 5 kg Total length 88.0 em 89.0 em 42.0 em 105 em 101 em Tail length 32.0 em 34.0 em 35.0 em 39.0 em 39.4 em Muzzle length 7. 5 em 6.6 em 7.0 em 7.0 em 7.3 em Nose pad width 1. 9 em 1. 8 em 2.0 em "U 2.3 em 2.2 em ~ Shoulder 33.5 em 33.2 em 36.0 em a. 40.0 em 40.0 em n:J u Right ear 6.8 em 8.2 em 8.1 em V) 9.0 em 8.3 em Q.l ...,..., Hind foot 15.2 em 15.5 em 17.0 em 18.0 em 16.5 em Color phase red red cross red cross red Co 11 ar no. 526 528 530 527 529 Co 11 ar freq. 164.567 164.615 164.667 164.590 164.641 Ear tag no. 104 105 106 109 110 111 Age class juvenile juvenile juvenile Believed adult juvenile juvenile? Sex F M M M F Two pups dispersed from the Swimming Bear Lake site during the period September 20, 21, 22, 1980. One pup (fox No. SBL2) established a territory in the vicinity of its den (Figure 3) . Another (fox No. SBL1) establ.ished a territory in an adjacent drainage 2.4 krn (1.5 miles) north of its den site {Figure 3). A cross color phase pup (fox No. SBL3) dispersed out of the area (Figure 3). He was last seen at 1:40 p.m., 22 September 1980, about 2.4 km (1.5 miles)· southeast of the den site. In 1980, the Swimming Bear Lake area.was occupied by a red female adult and 3 pups, 2 of which were the red color phase and 1 a cross-color phase. When the den was initially discovered in late July, an adult cross fox was observed on 2 occasions at the den site. This fox was believed to be the adult male. An active den site 2.4 km (1.5 miles) north of High Lake was discovered in early September 1980 (Figure 3). Upon our arrival, 2 September 1980, at 1 east 3 separate foxes were seen at the den: 1 red, 1 1 i ght red, and 1 cross. At 9:30 p.m., 2 September 1980, a red female was captured {fox No. HL4). She weighed 6. 4 kg ( 14 1 bs.) and escaped while being measured. This appeared to be an adult female. Pups and adults were difficult to distinguish due to the large size of the pups. It also seems likely that there were at least 2 foxes at this site which had almost identical coloration. Based on observations at that time, it appeared that 1 red female and 3 pups (1 red, 1 light red, and 1 cross) were occupying the den. On 4 September 1980 a cross pup weighing 4.3 kg (9.5 lbs.) was captured about 1.6 km (1 mi1e} east of the den. This animal had lost its milk canines and the carnassials were erupting (Table 3). No new tracks or activity at the den were observed on 3 September or 4 September 1980 and when no fox signs were observed after. subsequent visits to the site, it was assumed that the den had been vacated. Sheldon (1950) suggested that dens are abandoned about the time the pups lose their lacteal dentition. 21 The cross pup (fox No. HL4) fitted with a radio-collar at High Lake den was located only on 2 occasions after release, despite intense efforts to relocate it (Figure 3). On 21 September 1980 this fox 1 S signal was picked up and followed. He was located approximately 1.6 km (1 mile) south of Swimming Bear Lake near a small lake.· Two pups from the Swimming Bear Lake den were also located in· that same area on 21 September. On 18 October 1980 the radio signal from this fox was again received and followed. He was located on a ridge~ 4200 1 MSL, between Devil Creek and Portage Creek and about 11.2 km (7 miles) north of the High Lake den (Figure 3). In early November 1980 an abundance of fox sign was noted along Watana Creek. On 6 November 1980 five steel traps were set in favorable locations along the creek. Wann weather and the fonnation of anchor ice in the creek increased the water level. This flooded all traps within 3 days. Fox tracks around a lake on the plateau above Watana Creek were spotted and investigated. A red fox was observed sitting on a den mound. Two traps were set on the frozen 1 ake and on 10 November a red fox (fox No. WCS) weighing 5 kg ( 11 pounds) was captured and fitted with a radio collar. This fox was accompanied by another red fox of about the same size, possibly a litter mate. Since the date of capture, this fox has remained in the area of the Watana den (Figure 3). Radio-telemetry, snov-1 transects, and observation flights suggest that some foxes may remain at higher elevations throughout the year. Searches of the area by project investigators in late winter and early spring 1980 produced no evidence of foxes along the Susitna River or the lower elevations along tributaries. Tracks and other signs of foxes were noted along the banks of the Susitna River in late fall and early winter 1980. \<linter snow transect surveys in 1980 produced evidence of utilization of the shores of the Susitna River in late fall and early winter. This seasonal movement pattern will be studied closely in the upcoming year. 22 Ptarmigan and arctic ground squirrels may be principal prey species (Table 4) of foxes. Ptarmigan and/or their tracks were observed each time investigators approached areas where foxes had foraged near or above timberline during winter. During surrmer, ground squirrels were sighted whenever investigators were nea·r fox den sites. Ground squirrel remains were found at den sites in the summer. Murie (1944) states that ground squirrels in McKinley Park were abundant and much used by foxes. He has little to say relating to use of ptarmigan because populations of these birds were low in the park at the time of his studies. Scat analyses and additional carcass necropsies will provide more concrete information. The snow transect scheme was designed to provide data which wi 11 · allow us to correlate the tracks of a specific species with vegetation cover, snow depth, and elevation during late fall and early spring. The transects provide an index to areas intensely utilized by foxes. Data were also collected from following fox trails on the ground to gain a finer scale of resolution, especially in the snow depth and vegetation categories. Snow hardness is measured along fox trails to assess the effects of snow hardness as well as snow depth on fox movements. The void in our fox data base for the snow-free months will be filled by monitoring transmitter-equipped foxes, scat collection, observation at den sites, and stream sandbar surveys. All of these surveys were initiated in 1980 and will be continued in 1981. Additional data regarding utilization and/or exclusion of/from stream bank habitat, juvenile dispersal, and food habits will be forthcoming in 1981. 3.4.2 -Marten and Mink A total of 4 marten and 2 mink were radio-collared during 1980. Home range sizes and shapes were obtained for 3 adult male marten. 23 Table 4. SunJnary of necropsies of 9 red fox carcasses obtained from Don Newman and ~1ary Kay McDonald. All of the foxes were trapped within 20 miles of Adventures Unlimited Lodge, mile 100 Denali Highway. SPEC. NO. SEX FEMORAL MARROW FAT 475 F pink -red 476 M pink, no yellow 477 pink, no yellow 478 M yellowish pink 479 F pink, not yellow 480 ? pink, not yellow 481 F pinkish yellow 482 F red, gelatinous 483 F pink, some yellow BODY FAT not observable minimal thin moderate minimal none none none Ot1ENTAL FAT moderate GASTROINTESTINAL CONTENTS black bird feathers, unknown fur empty salmon bones and flesh, mouse parts, ungulate fur caribou fur, flesh and bones caribou fur, hare fur, bird (ptarmigan?) feathers, bi- colored mouse tail ptarmigan remains several feather shafts CQr.1MENTS probably a quick kill probably not a quick kill probably a quick kill tapeworms present in gut skull not collected reproductive track collected, probably not ·a quick kill probably not a quick k i 11 , 6 placental scars counted (4+2) No meaningful home range data were obtained for mink. Background information for the 6 collared mustelids is presented in Table 5. Home range and movement data for 4 marten are given in Figure 4. Daily activity pattern data for 3 adult male marten a.re presented in Figure 5. Home range data acquired to date pertain solely to male marten. It appears that adult male marten have mutually exclusive home ranges during surrmer, with creeks in some cases forming home range boundaries. Radio 1 ocati ons depicted are primarily those of daytime resting sites. The minimum areas of 3 of these marten home ranges (518, 519 and 520) were 4. 74 km 2 (1.83 mi 2 ), 5.44 km 2 (2.10 mi 2) and 4.87 km 2 (1.88 mi 2) respectively. These home range minimum size estimates are made with the following assumptions·: 1. Creeks and the Susitna River form home range boundaries during surrmer. 2. Marten home ranges do not extend above treeline during summer. Movements of marten beyond the home ranges depicted by these resting locations may be significant and could indicate considerably larger home range sizes. Many estimates of North American marten home ranges reported in the literature (Hawley and Newby 1957, Linsink 1954) are based upon capture-mark-recapture methods. Archibald (1980) has shown that home range sizes determined by telemetry are greater than home range sizes for the same animals determined from trapping grid methods. Archibald found that telemetry-based horne ranges for 5 marten over 1 year in age (2 males, 3 females) averaged 4.1 km 2 . Mech and Rogers (1977) found 4 marten (3 males, 1 female) in Minnesota to have an average home range size of 12.8 km 2 . The activity data gathered to date (Figure 5) suggest that during autumn marten are nocturnal, with limited activity occurring 25 Table 5. Background information for radio-call a red mustel ids, Tsusena Creek study area. Collar Age Wei~ht Capture Number Species Sex Class (g Date Remarks 519 marten male adult 1440 22 Aug 80 Testes scrotal 23 Aug 80 Released from trap· 25 Sep 80 Released from trap 520 marten male adult 1370 27 Aug 80 Testes scrotal 518 marten male adult 1380 9 Sep 80 Testes receding 1120 25 Nov 80 Transmitter dead, last heard 12 Nov.; transmitter replaced. 515 mink male 1 yr. + 780 2 Oct 80 Canine teeth broken. Collar slipped between 19 Oct. and 30 Oct. 516 marten male ? 1260 2 Nov 80 This animal caught by a trapper on 28 Nov. 510 mink male juvenile 580 28 Nov 80 Weasel collar attached. Transmitter failed in 1-2 days. ~ \ o::tl<:t lc_:Cl \f';lc:t FCiirbanks <t ~ C! 0 -.1\o::t "t~I,J \ I KEY _5--i • No. 516 o No. 518 • No. 519 ~ No.520 .....;__ (T) Trap Location 0 2 ~LEVATIONS IN FEET Figure 4. Tracking locations for 4 radio-collared marten. :3 km 100 90 80 -~ 0 -70 a IJ.J > 60 a: lJ.J (f) CD 50 0 >-r-40 -> r-u 30 c:::r 20 28 12 10 17 37 .---.--,.... -35 30 24 r12 rr-r- ~ ~ !9 22 1-r-37 r- 17 1- - 18 3E r-r- ~ 19 20 1--r- II - .f~ 18 }S_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N ~ W W 0 N ~ W 00 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 N N TIME OF DAY Figure 5. Daily activity patterns of 3 adult male marten, 24 September - 20 October 1980. Columns reflect the percent of total radio ·eadings that indicated activity. Numbers at the top of lumns indicate total numbers of readings. around 1200 hours. In most cases observed marten become active near sunset and continued to be active throughout the night with few or no periods of inactivity. Activity usually ceased near sunrise. 3.5 -Following Fox Trails Data from fox snow tracking surveys were recorded on standard data sheets (Table 1). These data will be analyzed during.l981. 3.5 -Food Habits Studies Scats and gastrointestinal tracts of mustelids were dried and stored. None were analyzed during. 1980. Fox scats and remains of food items -from den sites were collected and stored. Analyses wi 11 be conducted during 1981. Gastrointestinal contents from 9 red fox carcasses were identified (Table 4). 3.7 -Transects Analyses of aerial transect data were not completed in 1980. 3.8 -Downstream Furbearer Surveys Use of the Susitna River by aquatic furbearers, especially beavers, increases progressively downstream from Devil Canyon as the river leaves the foothills of the Alaska Range and flows south to the confluence of the Kashwitna River. Increasing abundance of aquatic forbearers is best illustrated by sign of beavers (Table 6). In Section I, above the confluence with the Talkeetna and Chulitna Rivers, beaver sign is limited to occasional foraging sites and lodges along protected banks of the river, sloughs and tributaries. In Section II foraging sign is common along sloughs, deltas of tributaries and along stable banks of the Susitna River. Additional lodges and possibly bank dens not observed by the survey team probably exist away from the main channel of the river. Sign of beavers is in sight almost continuously along Section III. The 29 Table 6. Occurrence of Beaver signs along 3 sections of the lower Susitna River: Section I = Devil Canyon to confluence with Talkeetna and Chulitna Rivers, Section II = confluence with Talkeetna and Chulitna Rivers to confluence with Montana River Section Section Section Section· Creek, Section III = confluence with Montana Creek to Cook Inlet. Numbers in parentheses are adjustments to realistically reflect signs present in the Mature and Old River surveys. Signs were multiplied by a correction factor of 2 in the Mature River Section and a factor of 3 in the Old River Section. The increasing width and braiding of the river penni tted the team to see approximately half the signs in Section II . and only a fourth to a third. in Section III. Miles Number Beaver Sign Cuttings Number Houses Surveyed Cuttings per Mile Houses per Mile I 39 12 .31 2 .05 II 19 7 .37 (. 74) 2 . 11 ( .22) III 16 16 1. 00 ( 3. 00) 4 .25 ( . 75) Entire Survey 74 35 .47 8 .11 numerous islands and sloughs provide ideal habitats for foraging, caching food and building lodges, and only a portion of the sign was visible from the riverboat. An attempt to correct for increasing width and braiding of the river and limited visibility was made in Table 6. Results of this survey agree with findings of Boyce (1974) and Hakala (1952) who reported beavers in Alaska favor lakes or slow flowing streams bordered by subclimax stages of shrub and mixed coniferous and deciduous forests. This description fits Section III of the Susitna River. Large rivers with narrow valleys and high velocity flows such as Section I of the Susitna River, are generally sparsely populated by beavers (Retzer 1955). Other mammals observed in the downstream surveys included a moose calf in the Section I and 2 black bears in the Section II. Tracks of bears were common in· a 11 sections of the river and 2 sets of wo 1 f tracks were observed in Section III. 3.9 -Otter and Mink Surveys Results of the otter and mink surveys made during November 1980 are presented in Table 7. An unusually high incidence of otter sign was noted along the Susitna River during November. These surveys will be repeated during November 1981 to determine if otters again concentrate along the river at this time of year. 3.10-Other Furbearers Limited data were obtained for coyotes, lynx, short~tailed weasels and least weasels. Coyotes occur in the study area, however, they are uncorrnnon and restricted to local family groups. Mr. Harold Larson, an agent for the Alaska Railroad at Gold Creek reported trapping a male coyote near Gold Creek during the 1979-1980 trapping season. Mr. Larson noted tracks he believed to have been made by coyotes along the Susitna 31 Table 7. Results of otter and mink surveys, Susitna River, 10 November - 12 November 1980. Number of tracks of each species observed at north and south sides of 37 river check points (Figure 2). Checkpoint North South Numbers Otters Mink Otters Mink 01 3 0 0 0 02 0 2 0 0 03 0 0 0 0 04 0 0 3 1 OS 0 0 2 0 06 0 0 0 0 07 0 1 0 1 08 0 0 0 2 09 0 0 1 0 10 0 0 0 2 11 - 4 1 0 1 12 3 1 0 0 13 0 0 0 1 14 2 0 3 1 15 0 0 4 0 16 3 1 0 2 17 0 3 0 4 18 0 0 0 2 19 0 0 1 2 20 2 0 1 0 21 1 1 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 23 2 1 0 2 24 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 4 0 28 0 0 4 0 29 0 0 0 2 30 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 3 33 0 2 0 3 34 0 1 0 2 35 0 1 2 3 36 0 0 2 2 37 0 1 0 2 River near Gold Creek throughout the winter of 1979-1980. Mr. Ed Powell of Stephan Lake Lodge indicated that on 12 September 1980 he heard a coyote howling a short distance southwest of the lodge. On 6 October 1980 helicopter pilot Richard Harkness informed Buskirk that on three occasions during the preceding 4 weeks he observed a coyote in the vicinity of 62°47'30 11 N .. , 149°10'00 11 \tJ. On 13 October 1980 Buskirk flew to this location with Harkness, but did not observe the animal which Harkness described. No other reports or observations of coyotes in the study area were obtained. No direct evidence of lynx in the study area has been obtained. No lynx have been reported taken in the impoundment zones by trappers during the past two trapping seasons, and no observations of lynx by other project personnel have come to our attention. On 19 November 1980 Hobgood and Buskirk observed from the air a set of tracks which may have been made by a lynx. These were observed on the Susitna River beach on the north side of the river on aerial transect A-13. The observers were unable to land near the tracks to confirm the identification. In a December 1979 telephone conversation Harley McMahan, a Glenallen trapper, told Buskirk that he and his father had taken lynx in the canyon country of the Susitna River in the past. McMahan stated that lynx were fairly numerous in the winter of 1976-77, and were found primarily in forests along the river. Short-tailed weasels. Short-tailed weasels are common and locally abundant in the study area. Their tracks have been observed in a variety of habitat types from the elevation of the Susitna River up to approximately 2600 feet above sea level. Short-tailed weasels or their tracks have been observed from near the mouth of Portage Creek to the Tyone River. Trappers on upper Tsusena Creek, in the Fog Lakes area and at Stephan Lake take them deliberately or incidentally while trapping other species. Least weasel. Least weasels occur in the study area, however, their distribution, relative numbers and habitat preferences are poorly understood at this time. Several sets of tracks were observed on lower Watana Creek in March 1980 which we felt were definitely made by least weasels. 33 4 -IMPACT ASSESSMENT 4.1 -Construction Impacts We consider construction impacts to be those attributable to: (a) Excavation of borrow sites. (b} Clearcutting and burning of woody vegetation in impoundment zones. (c) Dam construction. (d) Physical disturbance associated with road construction. (e) Physical di.sturbance associated with transmission system construction. (f) Other human activities such as transportation of personnel and equipme·nt associated with the construction phase. It is difficult to predict construction impacts of the project in l_ight of the uncertainty of: 1) the number, location, and size of dams to be constructed, 2) the routes of access corridors, 3) a possible railroad, 4) diversion tunnel lengths and configurations, 5) borrow pits to be used and the extent of that use, and 6) the timing and duration of th~ actual construction. Each combination of these variables presents us with a unique set of conditions to assess and impact will vary in degree for each combination. In addition, published accounts of impact prediction and the demonstrated accuracy of such predictions are limited for furbearers in northern areas. Generally, where habitat. is lost or degraded, furbearer numbers will decline. In our preliminary assessments of project impacts we have relied upon our present understanding of the distribution, habitat requirements and life strategies of furbearers in the study area. 34 (a) Excavation of borrow sites Borrow site excavation will affect furbearers primarily due to loss of denning and foraging habitats, although some habitat restoration may be possible over several decades. Species most likely to be affected by borrow pit excavation (based upon proposed borrow sites) appear to be marten and fox. The proposed borrow site on upper Tsusena Creek could have negative local effects on foxes, mink, marten, otters and short- tailed weasels due to the relatively large area of land involved. (b) Clearcutting of woody vegetation in impoundment zone In general, habitat will be lost and furbearers eliminated in the impoundment zones, ·and at dam sites. The species most severely impacted by clearing forests will probably be those which rely heavily upon forest, riparian and riverine habitats -marten, lynx, mink and otter. (c) Dam construction The physical structures of the dams will usurp several square miles of land and this habitat will be lost. (d) Physical disturbance of road construction The physical disturbance and habitat loss from road (or railroad bed) construction would be relatively minor due to the small amount of 1 and involved. The most serious impacts from road construction will arise from improved human access and collisions of wildlife with vehicles. These impacts are discussed under section 4.2. (e) Physical disturbance of transmission system construction. We assume that transmission system construction will involve placement of transmission towers between the dam sites and the Parks Highway. We also assume that helicopter construction techniques will be employed and 35 that roads will not be built. If roads are built during construction of transmission systems, our comments under 4.1(d) and 4.2(d) apply. Impacts to furbearers from helicopter-assisted construction would consist chiefly of behavioral disturbance and would be relatively minor. Furbearer habitat along the selected transmission route to the intertie as we 11 as the se 1 ected routes from Wi 11 ow to Anchorage and Hea 1 y to Fairbanks as necessary, will be assessed during 1981. (f) Other human activities associated with the construction phase. Other human activities resulting from the construction phase include hunting and trapping by construction personnel, disposal of construction camp garbage and feeding of furbearers, primarily foxes and marten, by construction personnel. These impacts may be relatively light or severe, depending upon education programs and regulatory measures taken. This type of impact is subject to mitigation and it is discussed in section 5. 4.2 -Operation Impacts (a) Downstream alterations in flow regime and water quality. Projected changes in the flow rates of the Susitna River downstream from the Devil Canyon impoundment could result in marked changes in the quantity and quality of aquatic furbearer habitat. This was the case in the downstream portion of the Peace River following construction of the W.A.C. Bennett Dam where an extensive marsh on the Peace~Athabaska Delta became dry and furbearers numbers were reduced (Baxter and Glaude 1980): Reduced circannual water level fluctuations could conceivably create a water flow regime more favorable to muskrats and beavers. On the other hand, elimination of peak flows at breakup or at other times may have the effect of drying up wetlands and reducing the amount of subclimax, riparian vegetation along the river's edge. 36 Aquatic and semiaquatic furbearers (beaver, muskrat, otter and mink) are not knovm to select habitats on the basis of water turbidity. It seems unlikely that these species would be affected favorably by a reduction in water turbidity. -Altered fish populations may have major (positive or negative) downstream effects upon otters and mink. Predictions of such effects must await projections of changes in downstream fish populations. (b) Watana Dam and Reservoir. The flooding of the Watana Reservoir will eliminate terrestrial furbearer habitat and create some habitat for aquatic forbearers. The quantity and quality of habitats created and lost will depend upon the maximum pool elevation, stability of pool level, ice characteristics, draw-down zone vegetation, reservoir fish and invertebrate populations. Assuming that annual f1uctuations in water level will be 30-50 m (90-150 ft.) vertically, and that water level will rise during summer, peak in autumn, and decline during winter, there will be a large, unvegetated draw-down zone. This draw-down zone and the aquatic habitat created will be of limited value to otters, mink, muskrats, and beavers. The flooding of the Watana Reservoir will cause loss of terrestrial furbearer habitat. The species most severely impacted from this habitat loss will be marten due to their high dependence upon forested habitats along the Susitna River and lower elevations along tributaries. Foxes are known to utilize riparian zones along the Susitna River and its tributaries during summer and autumn, but their degree of dependency upon these habitats has not yet been determined. (c) Devil Canyon Dam and Reservoir. The flooding of the Devil Canyon Reservoir will eliminate terrestrial furbearer habitat and create,some aquatic furbearer habitat. The degree of this habitat change will depend upon the pool elevation and stability of the pool. 37 The aquatic habitat created by this reservoir may be of cons·iderable value to otters, mink, and possibly to beavers and muskrats. Assuming that water level fluctuations are less than 2m (6 ft.) vertically, that these fluctuations have a daily cyclic nature, that vegetation is permitted to grow within 19m (30ft.) of the reservoir 1 s shore and that suitable populations of prey fish are found in the reservoir we predict that otters and mink will be favorably affected by the habitat created. Beavers and muskrats utilize the area within the Devil Canyon impoundment zone very little at this time and may be favorably affected by the aquatic habitat created. However, Murray (1961) indicated that the rise and fall from the nonnal water level should be no more than .6 meters (2 feet) for beavers to utilize an area. We are unable to predict how beavers and muskrats will be impacted until additional data are available about water level fluctuations, shoreline soils and shoreline vegetation. (d) Access roads or railroads. After the construction phase is completed, public use of access roads may have marked impacts upon furbearers. The public use impacts of roads would consist primarily of increased harvest and human harassment of furbe-arers in the study area. Roads would provide convenient access to areas which are now and have historically been remote. The severity of this_ impact would depend upon regulatory measures imposed. Since this impact is subject to mitigation through management measures, it is discussed in section 5. Vehicle-wildlife collisions would be another source of impacts to furbearers. The severity of this impact is difficult to predict because of the paucity of relevant published information. ~~e believe that losses of furbearers resulting from vehicle collisions will be relatively low. Once constructed, railroads would have minimal impacts upon furbearers. Railroads do not provide the ease of access which roads provide and we predict that a railroad could be operated without significantly impacting furbearers along its route. There may be little need for regulatory mitigative measures. 38 (e) Borrow sites. The primary negative effect of borrow site development is removal~ which affects utilization of borrow sites by furbearers and their prey. Left unvegetated, borrow sites would have little value to furbearers. Vegetation restoration measures would determine the suitability of restored habitats for various furbearers. The creation of grasslands and shrub vegetation may be attractive to small mammals and birds and thus provide foraging habitat for foxes, especially if vegetative heterogeneity is maintained. We believe it extremely unlikely that destroyed marten habitat could be regenerated in less than 75 years. (f) Transmission facilities. We assume that the operation of transmission facilities consists chiefly of occasional maintenance activities at transmission towers between the dam sites and the Parks Highway. We also assume that access for such maintenance work would be by means of helicopter. If road access is provided, our comments under 4.2(d) apply. Impacts upon furbearers from these occassional maintenance activities would probably be negligible. Operational impacts of transmission facilities from Willow to Anchorage and Healy to Fairbanks have not yet been assessed. 39 5 -~-1ITIGATION (a) Dam construction and excavation of borrow. sites. Habitat loss and disturbance due to construction activities can be mitigated by minimizing the size of construction zones and selecting and utilizing borrow sites as close as possible to the dams. Road construction may be minimized in the same manner. If dams are engineered to provide access for spawning salmon into the system upstream from Devil Canyon, negative impacts to aquatic and terrestrial furbearers would be curtailed. Pending further assessment of this aspect of potential impacts, we are optimistic that the introduction of spawning salmon into the upper river would positively impact all furbearer species present, including beaver and muskrat due to increased nutrients supplied to the system. (b) Other human activities associated with the construction phase. ·Trapping carried on by project personnel could resu1t in severe local depletion of furbearers. Impacts upon furbearers from trapping and hunting by construction personnel may be mitigated by regulatory measures. Habituation of furbearers, particularly red foxes and marten, to human food sources and garbage may be mitigated. Garbage generated during the construction phase can be disposed of in such a way that it is never avai 1 able to foxes and marten. · This may be accompli shed through fencing, land filling, incineration, transporting garbage out of the area, or a combination of these methods. Feeding of foxes by construction personnel may be minimized through education and regulations with strict enforcement. 40 (c) Physical disturbance of transmission system construction. Physical disturbance of transmission systems construction may be mitigated by the use of helicopter construction techniques rather than techniques which require surface access. (d) Downstream alterations in flow regime and water quality. Major tributaries of the Susitna River (Chulitna, Talkeetna and Yentna) may dampen the effects of the Devil Canyon and Watana impoundments significantly below the town of Talkeetna. Between Devil Canyon and Talkeetna a critical factor for beavers and muskrats may be maintenance of stable water flow during spring and winter so that lodges, food caches, and bank dens can be maintained. (e) Watana Reservoir pool elevation fluctuations. Adverse impacts upon otters, mink, beavers and muskrats due to water level fluctuations could be mitigated by minimizing those fluctuations. (f) Access road operation. Adverse impacts predicted from the operation of access roads could be mitigated through regulatory measures to restrict public access to the roads and/or manage hunting and trapping activities in the vicinity of the road. 41 6 -REFERENCES Allison, L. ~1. 1971. Activity and behavior of red foxes i·n Central Alaska. M.S. Thesis. Univ. of Toronto. 76 p. Archibald, W. R. 1980. Marten progress report no. 2. Yukon Wildlife Branch, unpublished report. 15 p. Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center. 1980. An assessment of environmental effects of construction and operation of the proposed Terror Lake Hydroelectric Facility, Kodiak, Alaska. University of Alaska, Anchorage. 3 volumes. Baxter, R. M. and P. Glaude. 1980. Environmental effects of dams and impoundments in Canada: Experience and prospects. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Ottawa. Bulletin 205. 33 p. Boyce, M. S. 1974. Beaver population ecology in interior Alaska. M.S. thesis. Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks. 161 p. Hakala, J. B. 1952. The life history and general ecology of the beaver (Castor canadensis Kuhl) in interior Alaska. M.S. thesis. Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks. 181 p. Hawley, V. D. and F. E. Newby. 1957. Marten home ranges and population fluctuations. J. Mamm. 38{2):174-184. Konkel, G. (Editor). 1980. Terrestrial Habitat Evaluation Criteria Handbook-Alaska. U.S. Fish and ~lildlife Service. Anchorage, AK. 596 p. Lensink, C. J. 1954. The home range of marten (Martes americana actuosa Osgood) and its significance in management. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, unpublished report. 42 Leopold, A. S. and J. W. Leonard. 1966. Effects of the proposed Rampart Dam on wi1d1ife and fisheries. North American vJildlife Conference. 31:454-459. Mech~ L. D. and L. L. Rogers. 1977. Status, distribution and movements of martens in northeastern Minnesota. U.S.D.A. Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station~ Research Paper NC-143. 12 p. Murie, A. 1944. The wolves of Mount McKinley National Park Fauna Series No. 5. U.S. Govt. Printing Office No. 5. Washington. 238 p. Murray, D. F. 1961. Some factors affecting the production and harvest of beaver in the Upper Tanana River, Alaska. M.S. thesis. Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks. 103 p. Retzer, J. L. 1955. Physical environmental effects on beavers in the Colorado Rockies. Proc. 35th Ann. Conf. W. Assn. State Game and Fish Corrm. 277-287. Sheldon, W. G. 1950. Denning habits and home range of red foxes in New York state. J. Wildl. Mgmt. 14(1):33-42. Spurr, S. H. (Project Director). 1966. Rampart dam and the economic development of Alaska. Volume 1, summary report. School of Natural Resources, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 52 p. Storm, G. L. 1972. Population dynamics of red foxes in North Central United States. Ph.D. Dissertation. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 185 p. 43 7 -AUTHORITIES CONTACTED Ralph Archibald, Biologist, Yukon Wildlife Branch, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory -Presently conducting marten studies in the Yukon. Provided information about marten habitat preferences. Joan Foote, Biologist, Institute of Northern Forestry, Fairbanks. Contacted regarding habitat sampling procedures. David Johnson, Biologist, Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Delta Junction, Alaska. -Provided information about furbearer harvests in interior Alaska. Gregory Konkel, Habitat Evaluation Coordinator, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. -Discussed possibility of using HEP in assessment studies. Ron Long, Trapper, Fairbanks, Alaska. A local fox trapper with extensive knowledge of furbearers. Discussed historical furbearer population changes. Harold Larson, Trapper and agent for the Alaska Railroad at Gold Creek. - Provided information about coyotes and other furbearers near Gold Creek. Robert Larson, Biologist, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Delta Junction~ Alaska. -Provided information about furbearer harvest in interior Alaska. Herbert Melchior, Furbearer Biologist, Alaska Department of Fish & Game. -Discussed furbearer harvests and management plans. John Morrison, Supervisor of Biological Services Program, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. -Discussed possibility of using USFWS data bases to aid in assessing impacts of development upon wildlife in Alaska. Don Newman and Mary Kay McDonald, Trappers, Denali Highway, Alaska. Provided furbearer carcasses and local trapping information. Leroy Shank, Trapper, Fairbanks, Alaska. -Local marten trapper, provided historical information about furbearers. Roger Smith, Trapper, Tsusena Creek, Alaska. -Local trapper, discussed trapping in the area and arranged for collection of carcasses. 44 Dr. Vic VanBallenberghe, Wildlife Biologist, Institute of Northern Forestry, Fairbanks, Alaska. -Fonner furbearer biologist \'t'ith the Alaska Department of Fish andGame. Provided infonnation on furbearers in 'the Susitna Basin and sampling and field techniques. Glen Wingkte, Trapper, Kenai, Alaska. -Traps between Gold Creek and the Devi1 1 s Canyon dam site, provided information ab~ut furbearers trapped. Bill Zielinski and Wayne Spencer, Biologists, Sagehen Creek Field Station, Truckee, California. -Conferred with these biologists about marten research they are conducting in California. Mr. Lester E. Eberhardt, Terrestrial Ecology Section, Battel1e Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Battelle Boulevard, Richland, WA 99352 - Provided techniques for radio collaring mink and weasels . . Mr. Al Sargeant, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, P.O. Box 1747, Jamestown, NO 58401 -Conferred radio collaring mink and weasels. Carol Resnick, Tsusena Creek, Alaska. -Provided information on furbearer occurrence in the study area, furbearer carcasses. 45