HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA419SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT n, _ ____, TK 1425 .SB B54 . no.419 PHASE II PROGRESS REPORT BIG GAME STUDIES Volume VIII DALL SHEEP Nancy 'G. Tankersley ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Submitted to the Alaska Power Authority April 1983 . ..r 0 M 1.0 CXl c.o M 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 ,..... M M SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1982 ANNUAL REPORT BIG GAME STUDIES VOLUME VIII. DALL SHEEP by Nancy Tankersley ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Submitted to the Alaska Power Authority April, 1983 ARLIS Alaska Resources Library & Information Servtces Anchorage, Alaska T'.K. )4 25 ' ~i% e5t~ rN. Yl~ PREFACE In early 1980, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game contracted with the Alaska Power Authority to collect information useful in. assessing the impacts ·of the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project on moose, caribou, wolf, wolverine, black bear, brown bear and Dall sheep. The studies were broken into phases which conformed to the anticipated licensing schedule. Phase I studies, January 1, 1980 to June 30, 1982, were intended to provide information needed to support a FERC license application. This included general studies of wildlife populations to determine how each species used the area and identify potential impact mechanisms. Phase II studies continued to provide additional information during the anticipated 2 to 3 year period between application and final FERC approval of the license. Belukha whales were added to the species being studied. During Phase I I, we are narrowing the focus of our studies to evaluate specific impact mechanisms, quantify impacts ~nd evaluate mitigation measures. This is the first annual report of ongoing Phase II studies. In some cases, objectives of Phase I were continued to provide a more complete data base. Therefore, this report is not intended as a complete assessment of the impacts of the Susi tna Hydro- electric Project· on the selected wildlife species. The information and conclusions contained in these reports are incomplete and preliminary in nature and subject to change with further study. Therefore, information contained in these reports is not to be quoted or used in any publication without the written permission of the authors. The reports are organized into the following 9 volumes: Volume I. Volume I I. Volume I II. Volume IV. Volume V. Volume VI. Volume VII. Volume VI I I. Volume IX. Big Game Summary Report Moose -Downstream Moose -Upstream Caribou Wolf Black Bear and Brown Bear Wolverine Dall Sheep· Beli.lkha Whale ii SUMMARY During Phase 1 studies, a mineral lick used by Dall sheep was discovered in a location adjacent to the proposed Watana impound- ment. The lick use area occurs on a steep bluff on the west bank of Jay·creek, from creek bottom (2000 ft/610 m in elevation) to the rim (2450 ft/747 m). The Watana impoundment normal maximum operating level is designated as 2185 ft/666 m with an average annual drawdown of 120 ft/36.6 m, which will cause inundation and erosion of some of the lick use area. Also, the lick's close proximity to the impoundment will make the sheep seasonally vul- nerable to disturbance from construction, transportation and recreational activities. During 1982, aerial and ground obser- vations were made of this site and other licks to observe sheep use. However 1 due to a lack of personnel, observations were infrequent and not sufficient to adequately determine the extent of lick use. Aerial sex and age composition surveys of the Watana Hills sheep population were conducted on 23 March and 3 August 1982. During the August survey 1 another possible lick was seen approximately 4 mi/6. 5 km northwest of the Jay Creek lick. The effects of other increased human access and climatic changes due to the Watana impoundment on all Susitna basin sheep are discussed. Preliminasy recommendations to reduce the project impacts on sheep are presented. Future study objectives are out- lined. 3 TABLE. OF. CONTENTS SUMMARY .................................................... 3 LIST OF TABLES ............................................. 5 LIST OF FIGURES ......................... · ................... 7 INTRODUCTION ......... · ...................................... 9 METHODS ................................................... 15 Lick Observation ..................................... 15 Aerial Surveys ....................................... 15 RESULTS ................................................... 16 Lick Use ............................................. 16 Aerial Surveys ....................................... 19 Hunter Harvest ........................................ 28 DISCUSSION ................................................ 28 Impacts of Watana. Impoundment ........................ 28 Climatic Impacts ..................................... 30 Increased Human Access ............................... 30 Population Distribution ........ · ...................... 32 Mitigation Recommendations ........................... 33 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY ......................... 34 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................•...... 3 7 LITERATURE CITED .......................................... 38 4 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Observations at the Jay Creek lick during 1982 ............................... 17 Table 2. Dates, numbers, and classification of sheep from miscellaneous aerial observations made by ADF&G personnel in the Watana Hills during 1982 ................ 18 Table 3. Number of Dall sheep observed in the Watana Hills sheep count area by John Westlund (ADF&G) on 23 March 19 82 . . .................................. 0 21 Table 4o Number of Dall sheep observed in the Watana Hills sheep count area by John Westlund (ADF&G) on 3 August 1982. . ........... o •••• o •••• o •••••••••••• 23 Table 5. Highest aerial summer counts com- pleted in Watana Hills sheep trend count area, 1950-1982. . .... o. o •• o ••••• o ••• o •••• 24 5 LIST OF TABLES (cont'd) Table 6. Miscellaneous aerial observations of sheep in the Portage-Tsusena Creeks area during 1982 ........... , ................... 25 Table 7. Miscellaneous aerial observations of sheep made by Jack Whitman (ADF&G) in the Mt. Watana -Grebe Mountain area during 1982. . .................................. 25 6 Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. LIST OF FIGURES Dall sheep study area showing the Watana Hills, Portage-Tsusena area, and the Mt. Watana -Grebe Mountain area. . ................................ 10 Lick sites and locations by observation number (see Table 2) of sheep recorded during -incidental flights over the Watana Hills during 1982 ....................... 14 Locations by observation number (see Table 3} of Dall sheep observed during an aerial survey of the Watana Hills on 23 March 19 82 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Locations by observation number (see Table 4} of Dall sheep observed during an aerial survey of the Watana Hills on 3 August 1982 ............................................ 22 7 Fig. 5. Fig. 6. LIST OF FIGURES ( cont' d) Locations by observation number (see Table 6) of Dall sheep observed in the Portage-Tsusena area during incidental flights in 1982. . ..................... .-................ 26 Locations by observation number (see Table 7) of Dall sheep observed in the Mt. Watana- Grebe Mountain area during incidental flights in 1982. . ................... 27 8 INTRODUCTION Dall sheep occur in 3 areas in the vicinity of the Susitna Hydro- electric Project--ne~r Mount Watana, the Watana Hills, and the Portage-Tsusena Creeks area (Fig. 1). Besides disturbance from _construction activities, aircraft traffic, and possibly ground traffic in these areas, probably the major direct impact of the project on sheep will be disturbance of the Jay Creek mineral lick in the Watana Hills. This lick is adjacent to the proposed Watana impoundment and is used by sheep and possibly moose (Ballard et a/. 1982) in early summer. Many North American ungulates seek out mineral elements from places known as mineral licks ( Stockstad et at. 1953, Hebert and Cowan 1971, Weeks and Kirkpatrick 1976, Fraser and Reardon 1980). Mineral licks are heavily used by Dall sheep in Alaska and Canada (Dixon 1939, Palmer 1941, Gross 1963, Pitzman 1970, Heimer 1973, Gill 1978). Some sheep have been documented to travel 12 mi/19.4 km out of their way to visit a lick before· moving to summer range (Heimer 1973). Heimer (1973) has found that fidelity to the Dry Creek lick year after year is high, approximating 100% for ewes, and 80% for rams. Because of the apparent importance of mineral licks to Dall sheep in Alaska, Heimer ( 1973) recommended that licks be designated critical habitat areas. 9 1-' 0 } J LEGEND DALL SHEEP STUDY AREA 0 0 10 20 MILES ~o==lc0=!~2i;0=~30 KILOMETERS Fig. 1. Dall sheep study area showing the Watana Hills, Portage-Tsusena area, and the Mt. Watana -Grebe Mountain area, Various elements have been suggested as the one sought by ungu- lates at mineral licks. Hanson and Jones ( 1976) hypothesized that sulfur may be a major lick attractant. However, as Weeks . (1978) pointed out, sulfur is abundant in plant tissues and is not universally found in high levels in natural licks. Hebert and Cowan (1971), Weeks and Kirkpatrick (1976), Fraser and Reardon (1980) and others have presented convincing evidence that sodium is the desired element for mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus), white-tailed deer { Odocoi/eus virginianus) and moose. At the Dall sheep lick at Dry Creek, Heimer (1973) found 7. 3 times as much sodium, 3. 0 times as much potassium, 3. 6 times as much calcium and 14.9 times as much magnesium in the lick soil compared to soil from nearby areas not eaten by sheep: Because of the high phosphorus content of sheep forage in spring, Heimer ( 1973) suggested that calcium and magnesium may be the desired el·ements. However, Geist (1971a) and Heimer (pers. commun.) have shown that bighorn and Dall sheep exhibit an appetite for sodium by using table salt (NaCl) to bait sheep. Denton and Sabine ·( 1961) have shown that a sodium def:lciency in domestic sheep leads to an increased appetite for that element. Mineral lick use is highly seasonal, occurring mostly in spring and early summer (mid-May through mid-July in Alaska). The Dry Creek lick in the Alaska Range has received heaviest use during June with peak use occurring from 0400 to 1200 hours, and moder- ate use continuing until 2000 hours (Heimer 1973). The timing 11 and intensity of use varies somewhat from year to year depending on weather patterns, which influence sheep movement to licks (Heimer 1973). The Jay Creek lick will be subjected to flooding and erosion, and sheep attracted to the lick will be seasonally vulnerable to human disturbance. The lick area is a steep bluff on west bank of Jay Creek exposing some dry mineralized substrate interspersed with rock outcrops, steep slide areas, and trails to the creek and upper plateau. Sheep ingest the ·mineralized substrate, travel, and rest in various areas of the bluff from the creek bottom (2000 ft/610 m in elevation) up to the top (2450 ft/747 m) (Ballard et a/. 1982). Portions of the lick area will be flooded, and the annual cycle of filling and draining in the impoundment will probably cause additional erosion of the bluff. The Watana impoundment normal maximum 0perating level is desig- nated at 2185 · ft/666 m in elevation, with possible flooding levels up to 2201 ft/670. 8 m ( FERC exhibit B). During the heaviest lick use season (May and ·June), the target minimum reservoir levels are 2092 ft/637. 6 m (May) and 2125 ft/647. 7 m (June). The highest annual target minimum reservoir level is 2190 ft/667. 5 m for September ( FERC, Exhibit B). Even at the normal minimum operating level of 2065 ft/629. 4 m (Wayne Dyok, Acres, pers. cornrnun.), the lower portion of the bluff will be flooded. The lick's close proximity to the impoundment makes the sheep_ seasonally vulnerable to disturbance from construction, transportation and recreational activities in this area. These 12 impacts could reduce lick use or force abandonment of the area, with possible detrimental effects on this small sheep population. Additional sheep licks occur in the Watana Hills. Along Jay Creek, secondary lick areas occur intermittently upstream from the main lick area for roughly 2 miles, and occur on a low ridge across the creek from the main lick. Another lick on the East Fork of Watana Creek {approximately 12 km northwest of the Jay Creek lick) is used by Dall sheep. Tobey (1981) reports a lick in northeastern Watana Hills (Fig. 2); however, this has not been confirmed. Another possible lick was seen during an aerial survey in August for this study (Fig. 2). The extent and overlap of use among these licks by the same sheep, as well as the simi- larity of lick elements, are unknown at this time. If only certain sheep traditionally use specific licks, different seg- ments of the sheep population may not be aware of the existence of alternative areas (Gei-st 1971). The goal of this study is to document the use and importance of the Jay Creek lick to the Watana Hills sheep population. This includes observing and quantifying use of the lick area, clas- sifying the sexes and ages of lick users, determining the sea- sonal and daily timing of use, and various other pertinent para- meters. An additional goal is to document seasonal use of sheep habitat in the Watana Hills, Portage-Tsusena Creeks area-and Mt. Watana area that may be affected by project activities. 13 .LEGEND Ll -Jay L2 -East L3 -Lick L4 -Lick Fig. 2. Creek Lick Area Fork Lick (unconfirmed) (unconfirmed) Lick sites and locations by observation number (see Table 2) of sheep recorded during incidental flights over the Watana Hills during 1982. 14 METHODS Lick Observation Ground observations were made in the Jay Creek lick area during 27-30 May 1982, but these were discontinued due to a lack of per- sonnel. The auxiliary lick area on the east ridge across the creek from the main lick was sampled, photographed, measured, and an altitude reading was recorded by a hand-held Thommen 2000 altimeter. Aerial observations of sheep· at the Jay Creek and East Fork licks and other areas were recorded on 1:63,360 scale U.S.G.S. topographic maps incidentally during flights for other Susi tna Hydroelec~ric Project big game studies during 1982. Aerial Surveys A late winter aerial survey of the Watana Hills sheep population was done with a Piper PA-18 Super Cub on 23 March 1982. The survey was completed in 2 hours and 25 minutes under fair to good observation condition~ by a moderately experienced observer and a seasoned pilot. The temperature was 40°F/4.4°C with sunshine and patchy clouds. The wind was 10-15 mph/16-24 kph from the south- east. A summer survey with the same aircraft, ·pilot, and obser- ver was flown on 3 August 1982. This survey was completed in 1 hour and 45 minutes under excellent observation conditions. The weather was sunny and clear with no wind. All sheep observed on these surveys were classified as legal or sublegal rams, ewes 15 and yearlings (during· March survey), unclassified individuals.--~ (usually young rams or ewes, during August survey) or lambs, counted by group, and their locations plotted on a 1:63,360 scale U.S. G. S. topographic maps. RESULTS Lick Use No sheep were seen using the Jay Creek lick during 27-30 May from ground-based observations 0.5 mi/0.81 km from the lick (Table 1). Incidental aerial observations of sheep using the Jay Creek lick were recorded between 8 June and 8 July 1982 (Table .1). Inci- dental aerial observations in other parts of the Watana Hills recorded sheep at or near the East Fork lick on 10 June, 28 July and 15 October 1982 (Fig. 2, Table 2) . The auxiliary lick on the east ridge across Jay Creek from the main lick was inspected on 28 May. It was estimated at 2270 ± SO . . ft/692 ± 15.2 m in elevation. This lick is a "cave, 11 eatep. into the ground approximately 16 ft/4. 9 m in length and a few feet deep. The cave is large enough for a ram to enter and hide from aerial observers. No sheep were observed using this lick in 1982. Samples taken of the clay from this area have not been analyzed. 16 Table 1. Observations at the Jay Creek lick during 1982. Tot a Date Time Sheep Rams Unclassified Observer 23 March 0 J. Westlund (aerial obs.) 27 May 1600-2000 0 J. Westlund (ground obs. ) 28 May 0600-1000 0 J. Westlund (ground obs. ) 29 May 0900-1100 0 J. Westlund 1600-2000 (ground obs.) 30 May 0700-1300 0 J. Westlund (ground obs. ) 8 June 1530 12 12 J. Whitman (aerial obs.) 10 June 1400 15 15 (3 at lick, 12 0.6 km south) J. Whitman (aerial obs. l 17 June 1030 15 9 6 R. Fleming (aerial obs. l ,, 24 June 1539 1 1 St. Miller (aerial obs) 29 June 1400 0 St. Miller (aerial obs. l 8 July 1533 2 . 2 St. Miller (aerial obs.) 3 August 0 J. Westlund (aerial obs.) 14 October 1200, 1700 0 ( no tracks seen either) J. Whitman (aerial obs. l 17 Table 2. Dates, numbers, and classification of sheep from miscellaneous aerial observations made by ADF&G personnel in the Watana Hills during 1982. Observation # Total for Fig. 2 Date Sheep Rams Ewes Yearlings Lambs Notes 1 1 June 25-30 2 10 June 3 3 10 June 17 4 10 June 2 2 5 10 June 3 6 10 June 5 5 0.6 km E. East Fork lick 7 12 June 2 8 28 July 8 5 3 At East Fork lick 9 14 October 6 10 14 October 2 1 1 11 15 October 3 (~ curl) ,, 0.6 k.m E. East Fork lick 18 Aerial Surveys Eleven groups of sheep totalling 77 individuals, were recorded during the aerial survey of the Watana Hills on 23 March 1982 (F~g. 3). Many sheep were seen on south-facing slopes, which is typically preferred winter range due to low or no snow accumu- lation there. No legal rams were observed (Table 3). On the 3 August survey, 25 groups of sheep, totalling 200 indivi- duals were recorded (Fig. 4). Again, no legal rams were observed (Table 4) . The number of sheep seen on this summer survey is comparable to the summer survey counts of past years (Table 5). During this survey, another possible lick was located approxi- mately 4 mi/6. 5 km northwest of the Jay Creek lick (Fig. 2, L4). No comprehensive aerial surveys were made in the Portage-Tsusena Creeks area or the Mt. Watana-Grebe Mountain area. A few inci- dental observations of sheep were recorded in the Portage-Tsusena Creeks area (Table 6), although most were in high country (Fig. 5) 7 mi/11. 3 km or more from the proposed impoundments, Denali access route, the northern route of the transmission corridor, and Borrow Sites C and F on Tsusena Creek. Likewise, a few observations of sheep in the Mt. Watana-Grebe Mountain area were recorded (Tabl-e 7). Again, these few sightings (Fig. 6) were distant from the proposed impoundments, access route and transmission corridor. 19 Fig •. 3. Locations by observation number (see Table 3} of Dall sheep observed during an aerial survey of the Watana Hills on 23 March 1982. 20 Table 3. Number of Dall sheep observed in the Watana Hills sheep count area by John Westlund (ADF&G) on 23 March 1982. Observation # Legal Sub-legal Ewes and for Fig. 3 Rams ]:./ Rams Yearlings 1 5 (3 ewes, 2 yrlgs.} 2 4 (ewes) 3 (2 sets of tracks only) 4 6 5 6 6 3 7 1 4 lewes) 8 7 9 14 10 2 17 11 1 4 12 (2-3 sets of tracks only) 13 3 (2 ewes, 1 yrlg.) Total 0 7 70 _y A legal ram is one with 7/8 curl or greater horn. 21 Fig. 4. Locations by observation number (see Table 4) of Dall sheep observed during an aerial survey of the Watana Hills on 3 August 1982. 22 Table 4. Number of Dall sheep observed in the Watana Hills sheep count area by John Westlund (ADF&Gl on 3 August 1982. Observation # Legal Sub-legal for Fig. 4 Rams 1/ ·Rams Unclassified Lambs 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 4 10 3 5 6 1 6 5 3 7 15 8 3 1 9 2 10 6 1 11 1 12 6 13 (at East Fork lick) 10 3 14 19 8 15 1 16 5 17 16 18 2 2 19 3 1 20 2 2 21 1 19 7 22 3 1 23 6 3 24 1 4 1 25 1 26 9 Total ----u---rg: 143 ~ 1/ A legal ram is one with 7/8 curl or greater horn. 23 Table 5. Highest summer counts completed in Watana Hills sheep trend count area. Legal Sub-legal % Legal % Sub-legal % Rams 1/ Rams 2/ Lambs Total Rams Rams Lambs Surveyor Date 1950 0 Scott summer 1967 220 Nichols 8 Sept. 1968 183 26.6 Nichols Aug. 1973 10 40 176 5.6 22.7 Mcilroy 3 Aug. 1976 4 30 130 3.1 23.0 Eide 24 Aug. 1977 4 33 152 2.6 21.7 Spraker 11 July 1978 5 34 189 2.6 18.0 Eide 23 July 1980 9 19 42 174 5.1 10.9 24.1 Tobey 22 July 1981 2 37 43 209 1.0 17.7 20.6 Westlund 28 July 1982 0 19 38 200 0 9.5 19.0 Westlund 3 Aug. 1/ A legal ram was defined as having a 3/4 curl or greater horn on th~ 1980 and earlier surveys. Beginning in 1981, a legal ram is defined as having a 7/8 curl or greater horn. 2/ New category begun in 1980. Table 6. Miscellaneous aerial observations of sheep in the Portage-Tsusena Creeks area during 1982. Observation # Total for Fig. 5 Date Sheep Rams ~ Yearlings Lambs 1 14 Jan 7 4 3 2 2 March 7 4 3 3 2 March 1 1 4 2 July 58 (ewes and lambs) 5 9 July 9 (ewes and lambs) 6 9 July 4 4 Table 7. Miscellaneous aerial observations of sheep made by Jack Whitman (ADF&G) in the Mt. Watana-Grebe Mountain area during 1982. Observation # for Fig. 6 1 2 3 Date 1 June 10 June 28 July 25 Total Sheep 21 8 9 (ewes and lambs) Observer J. Westlund J. Westlund J. Westlund J. Whitman J. Whitman J. Whitman Fig. 5. SCALE 1:250000 Locations by observation number (see Table 6) of Dall sheep observed in the Portage-Tsusena area during incidental flights ~n 1982. 26 Fig. 6. Locations by observation number (see Table 7) of Dall sheep observed in the Mt. Watana -Grebe Mountain area during incidental flights in 1982. 27 Hunter Harvest Preliminary reports indicate that 4 legal rams, 2 with horn ·lengths of 32 in, 1 with 37 in and 1 unknown, were shot during August 10-September 20 in the Watana Hills. However, the exact kill locations of 2 rams are not verified and could have occurred outside the study area. At least 3 of the 4 successful hunters (non-residents) were on guided hunts. No sheep harvest has been reported elsewhere in the Susi tna study area. DISCUSSION Impacts of Watana Impoundment ,, The Watana Hills sheep population appears to be vulnerable to severe impact from the proposed Watana impoundment because of disturbance to the Jay Creek lick area. This lick, ad] acent to the proposed Watana impoundment, is used by sheep in early sum- mer. A group of 15 sheep ( 7. 5% of the surveyed summer popu- lation) was the largest seen using the lick during 1982. Up to 23 sheep (13% of the observed 1980 population) have been seen at the lick at one time (Tobey 1981), indicating that a significant portion of the population uses this lick. It is likely that sheep travel some distance to use this lick as both winter and summer surveys have located most of the population 7 or more air mijll. 3 km from the Jay Creek lick. The Jay Creek lick area and much of the terrain traveled from observed summer and winter 28 range (Figs. 2, 3 and 4) is atypical sheep habitat, being rela- tively flat with shrubland and trees and little rocky cliff escape habitat. This indicates the importance of the Jay Creek lick, especially when the East Fork lick is so much closer to the majority of sheep sightings and in more typical sheep habitat. The cycle of filling and draining in the Watana impoundment will subject the lick area to flooding and erosion and possibly will leave ice shelves on portions of the lick area during the peak lick use season. Together, the mineralized lick substrate, rock outcrops providing escape cover, other resting areas·, and trails are used by the sheep. Flooding, erosion and ice shelves on portions of these components may lessen or destroy the value of the -lick to the Watana Hills' sheep. In addition, sheep attrac- ted to the lick area may be seasonally vulnerable to disturbance and habitat degradation from timber harvest in the impoundment and other human acti viti e s. The Watana Hills is a small isolated sheep population, used by local guides and sheep hunters (see also Ballard et a/. 1982). The nearest additional sheep habitat occurs southwest across the Susi tna River around Mt. Watana, and also farther northeast in the Clearwater Mountains across a larger valley. Aerial surveys, other sightings and the distances involved suggest that the Watana Hills sheep may have more interchange with the Talkeetna Mountains population to the southwest. This interchange may pro- vide the opportunity to maintain a viable sheep population in 29 the Watana Hills, by emigr~tion from the larger Talkeetna Moun- tains population. The Watana impoundment, with seasonal hazards of a large width of open water, ice shelving and unstable ice conditions and mud shelving may depress or eliminate sheep immi- gration from the southwest. This would make any detrimental impacts of the project on the Watana Hills sheep population even more serious, as population recovery from a project impact could be greatly slowed o.r made impossible by loss of immigration opportunities. Climatic Impacts A delay in spring plant growth in areas near the Watana impound- ment (Exhibit E, FERC License application) may degrade some of the Watana Hills and Mt. Watana sheep habitat. If the Watana impoundment causes additional snow accumulation in nearby areas, important south-facing slopes in the Watana Hills may become poorer winter habitat. Increased Human Access The project development will undoubtedly increase fixed-wing and ·helicopter traffic. Low-flying aircraft, especially helicopters, are known to disturb Dall she_ep (Linderman 1972, Nichols 1972, Lenarz 1974). Groups of ewes and lambs (possibly including young rams) react most strongly to helicopters (Lenarz 1974). The dangers of aircraft disturbance include injuries sustained by 30 sheep while· fleeing (Linderman 1972), wasted metabolic energy expense (which could become critical if the disturbance is repeated during stressful winter or lambing periods) (Geist 1971b), and abandonment of habitat (Linderman 1972), which could lower the population size. However, some sheep show habituation to aircraft that maintain regular flight patterns and do not approach sheep closely (Lenarz 1974, Summerfield 1974, Reynolds 1974). MacArthur et al. ( 1982} found no cardiac or behavioral responses by unhunted adult bighorn sheep to helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft flying 400 m or more away. Roads and reservoirs developed by the project will allow increased access by vehicles and hikers who can also disturb sheep (Tracy 1976, MacArthur 1982). One area where the Denali National Park road was built directly through sheep habitat receives less use by sheep now than in the early 1940's, but the exact cause· of this apparent abandonment is not clear (Tracy 1976). Tracy (1976} also reported that a few Dall sheep (mostly ewe and lamb groups) in Denali National Park were disturbed while crossing a small valley with a road when vehicles were present. Tour buses stopping, people exiting and making loud noises increased (respectively) the disturbance to the sheep (observed by their behavior). Reactions of sheep to moving vehicles more than 200 m away· were minimal (Tracy 1976). These sheep were habituated to traffic and not hunted. Among unhunted sheep popu- lations, sheep may habituate more readily to human presence (Geist 1971b). 31 MacArthur et a/ . (1982) documented relatively few cardiac responses (8.8% of trials) and fewer behavioral responses (0.9% of trials) of bighorn sheep to vehicle passes.. Most of these responses ( 73. 7%) occurred when the vehicle passed within 25 m. Humans approaching on foot, especially accompanied by a dog, elicited stronger responses (MacArthur et a/. 1982). These sheep were living in an unhunted sanctuary and had been regularly exposed to humans and vehicles along a nearby road. No ewes with lambs were moni tared, which are more sensitive to disturbance (Murie 1944, Smith 1954, Jones eta/. 1963). · MacArthur et a/. (1982) recommended restricting human activities to roads and established trails, and discouraging dogs in areas of sheep habitat. Population Distribution - The difference in sheep numbers between the winter and summer surveys in the Watana Hills may be due to the poorer observation conditions during the winter survey or because fewer sheep inhabit the Watana Hills during winter. Future surveys and scrutiny of sheep movements may help clarify this discrepancy. The few observations of sheep in the Mt. Watana-Grebe Mountain range do not indicate that these sheep will be directly affected by the impoundments or other ground construction activities. 32 However, sheep_have been observed in the past on Mt. Watana near the proposed impoundment {Tobey 1981} and may continue to do so. More surveys and observati.ons of sheep in thi:;:; area are needed to delineate seasonally important range. The few observations of the Portage-Tsusena Creeks sheep also indicate that they do not occupy areas close to the impoundments, Denali access route or the northern route of the transmission lines.. However, more complete seasonal surveys are needed to confirm this. Mitigation Recommendations Lowering Watana' s maximum reservoir level to 2000 ft/609. 6 in elevation would eliminate much of the physical disturbance to the Jay Creek lick. Also, certain methods and scheduling of con- struction activities and access would reduce the impacts of the Susi tna Hydroelectric project on sheep. Timber harvest within 2 air mi/3. 2 km of the Jay Creek lick should be restricted to the months of September through April. The area within a 0. 5 mijO. 8 km of the lick should remain untouched by clearing activities, including roads, logging equip- ment and debris, except for those portions below the minimum operating level (2065 ft/629. 4 m). Any ciearing within 2 air 33 mi/3.2 km of the lick should be delayed as long as possible until just befor-e the reservoir begins filling. This will condense the physical effects of the Watana development into a shorter time · period. Access for project personnel and recreational users should be restricted to minimize disturbance in areas of sheep habitat. Limiting off-road access to certain trails (away from lambing areas and mineral licks) should be considered. Air traffic should be prohibited below 1000 ft/304.8 m above ground level in areas of sheep habitat. Helicopter landings within 1.0 mi/1.6 km of mineral licks should be prohibited during 1 May -15 July or later, depending on the results of seasonal lick use studies. Boat and ground access within 1.0 mi/1.6 krn of the Jay Creek lick and other mineral licks should be prohibited from 1 May -15 July, or later, if lick use continues through the summer. If the project substantially reduces availability of mineralized substrate at the Jay Creek lick, options of mining or blasting the lick area to expose additional substrate, or supplying appro- priate mineral elements near the Jay Creek lick or other areas could be considered. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY The goal of this study is to document sheep habitat use and how it may be affected by the hydroel~ctric development. Emphasis is 34 on the use and importance of the Jay. Creek lick to the Watana Hills sheep population. This includes observing and quantifying use of the lick area, classifying the sexes and ages of lick users, determining the seasonal and daily timing of use, and various other pertinent parameters. Other areas of sheep habitat that may be disturbed by project-related construction activities, and aircraft and vehicle traffic will be monitored for sheep use. Primary Objectives: 1. Map, record elevations and quantify use of licking areas, trails, rocky outcrops used as escape terrain, and other resting areas used by sheep at the Jay Creek lick bluff. 2. Document the sexes, ages, and estimate the number of sheep (and moose) using the Jay Creek lick and ridge across the creek. 3. Determine seasonal and daily timing of lick use in the Jay Creek area and compare to daily weather conditions (tempera- ture, precipitation, and wind speed). 4. Quantify the amount of lick use by individuals in the Jay Creek lick area. 5. Analyze water and acid soluble mineral element content of samples from the Jay Creek lick and compare analyses with samples taken away from the lick. 35 6. Assess the physical effects of the impoundment filling and draw down on the lick site. 7. Suggest mitigation options for all project impacts on sheep. Secondary Objectives 7. Monitor seasonal habitat use of potential sheep range in the Watana Hills, Mt. Watana and Portage-Tsusena Creek areas that may be disturbed by project-related construction activ- ities, and aircraft or vehicle traffic. 8. Document general summer and winter range of sheep using the Jay Creek lick. 9. Determine the preference for various mineral elem~nts of sheep coming to the Jay Creek lick. 10. pocument sexes, ages, numbers, and seasonal and daily timing of lick use by sheep at other licks in the Watana Hills. 11. Analyze and compare mineral element content of samples taken from the East Fork lick, secondary Jay Creek licks and other mineral licks used by sheep in the Watana Hills to samples taken nearby outside the licks and to the Jay Creek lick samples. 36 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report would not have been possible except for the field efforts of John Westlund, Jack Whitman, Sterling Miller (all ADF&G), Alfred Lee (pilot), Richard Fleming (Alaska Power Author- ity), and the guidance and encouragement from Karl Schneider (ADF&G). 37 LITERATURE CITED Ballard, W. B., J. H. Westlund, C. L. Gardner, R. Tobey. 1982. Susi tna Hydroelectric Project, Phase 1 Final Report, Big Game Studies, Vol. III Dall Sheep. Alaska Dept. Fish and Game. 2lpp. Denton, D. A., for Na + and J. · R. shown by 157:97-116. Sabine. 1961. The selective appetite deficient sheep. J. Physiol. Dixon, J. S. 1939. Some biochemical aspects of deer licks. J. Mammal. 20:109. Fraser, D., and E. Reardon. 1980. 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